A Case Study Examination of Two Blast Rounds at Gold Mine

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A Case Study Examination of Two Blast Rounds at a Nevada Gold Mine

Ed Mchugh and Joel Warneke, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health


Cristian Caceres, University of British Columbia


NIOSH researchers collected basic data from two blast rounds at the SSX-Steer Mine as a component of
a larger study on controlled blasting, the goal of which is to reduce injuries from falling rocks in
underground mines. Drilling and blasting procedures at the mine were observed. Rock mass property
data were collected, a program of seismic monitoring and analysis was conducted, and 3-D laser survey
scans of the workings before and after each blast were performed. The geologic data showed that the
rock mass quality was characterized as poor to very poor. It was essentially uniform within the panels
examined. The recorded seismic data indicated that fill material acted as an effective damper to seismic
energy. The pre- and post-blast laser scans showed both over-break and under-break conditions,
highlighting the problems associated with blasting a weak rock mass. By comparing the achieved
results to the intended design, potential improvements in the drilling and blasting practices can be
identified. Comparison of these data with similar data from other mines will help define how various
combinations of rock and fill behave during blasting. Through studies such as these, data collection
procedures and analysis techniques can be refined. An ultimate goal is to develop blast procedures tied
to rock mass characteristics that can minimize damage to rock in the perimeter of the opening, limiting
the amount of loose rock and improving the safety of miners.

Falls of ground are a significant hazard for underground miners and a leading cause of fatalities. A
majority of metal and non-metal mines use drill and blast techniques for drifting and primary
development. After blasting, the broken rock is mucked out. This is followed by scaling or “barring
down” to remove any loose rock from roof, walls and face. The stability of the workplace is then
secured using rock bolts, mesh, shotcrete or other appropriate support systems. The entire process is then
repeated. All of these activities are potentially hazardous to the miners that perform them. This hazard
level is increased if care is not exercised in protecting the opening perimeter through the use of careful
blasting practices. In particular, unwanted blast damage to the perimeter rock increases the hazard to
those involved in the scaling and reinforcement tasks. It has been found that a majority of ground fall
injuries involve blocks formed within the half-meter of rock immediately surrounding an excavation
(Bauer et al., 1999; Mark and Iannachione, 2001). Whyatt et al (2003) summarized methods of
assessing blast-induced damage in underground mines and discussed the feasibility of improving ground
control results through the use of controlled blasting. Iverson et al (2007) outlined an approach for
assessing perimeter blast damage based on rock mass quality, seismic response, and laser scanning.

To assist industry in adapting good perimeter control blasting practices, the Spokane Research
Laboratory (SRL), of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), has
implemented a program focused on developing practical, yet technically sound, perimeter blasting
design procedures. The objective is to provide techniques so that the as-built openings closely resemble
those designed. When applied, these will assist mine operators to create stable underground openings
with a minimum amount of loose or damaged surrounding rock, thereby enhancing the safety of miners.
The overall research and development program involves theoretical, laboratory, field and modeling
studies. The results are being integrated into a user-friendly blast design software package.

Field studies are an important component of the program. The purpose of the field studies conducted by
NIOSH is to fully document the results of a number of blast rounds carried out under a wide range of
rock conditions. The documentation includes: the blasting patterns, the actual versus the as-designed
drillhole locations and orientations, the final excavation profile, the seismic records from the blast, the
rock mass quality, the ground support, and a number of other parameters. The results of this study will
provide valuable baseline information on fragmentation practices and add to data compiled on mining
conditions in different geologic settings. This paper presents some preliminary results of studies carried
out at the SSX-Steer Mine.


The SSX-Steer Mine is located about 60 km (40 mi) north of Elko, Nevada in the Jerritt Canyon mining
district. Queenstake Resources Ltd., the sole owner of the mine during November 2006 when the
NIOSH study was conducted, merged with YGC Resources, Ltd. in May 2007 to form the Yukon-
Nevada Gold Corp. (Yukon-Nevada Gold, 2007), the current owner and operator.

Disseminated gold deposits were discovered at Jerritt Canyon in 1972. Open pit mining operations
involving several small open pits began in 1981 (Queenstake, 2006). Underground mining began in
1992 as the surface operations began to reach their economic limits (Ash, 2006). The SSX deposit
(figure 1) was discovered in the early 1990s by following structural trends from adjacent properties.
Accessed from a portal, it lies at depths ranging from 140 to 300 m (450 to 1000 ft) below surface.
Mining commenced in 1997.

In 2004, the Steer mine portal was collared from

the old Steer pit. A drift connecting the Steer
mine to the SSX deposit was completed in the
latter half of 2005. Since that time, the two mines
have been operated as a single unit referred to as
the SSX-Steer Complex. Gold mineralization at
the Steer deposit has been identified in an area
stretching eastward from the old Steer pit to
halfway along the connection drift to the SSX
deposit, a length of approximately 910 m (3000
ft). The connection drift facilitated mining in the
Steer deposit by providing ventilation, secondary
access, and shared infrastructure. The present
study was conducted in the Steer portion of the
complex known as Zone 7. Specifically,
information was collected from one blast round
each in crosscuts XC11 (November 7, 2006) and
Figure 1. The SSX-Steer Complex showing
XC7 (November 9, 2006) on the 7170 level generalized underground workings.
(figure 2). The XC11 and XC7 drifts were driven
to remove ore remaining between
primary extraction drifts. After
mining, these primary drifts were
filled using cemented fill. Access for
this study was by way of the Steer

Geology and Rock Mass

The host rock for the gold
mineralization is the Hanson Creek
Formation (hc3, Silurian and
Ordovician), which consists of
black, fine-grained, carbonaceous
limestone (Muntean and Henry,
2006). The limestone has thin, wavy
laminations and commonly contains
pods and lenses of black chert.
Brecciation and stringers of white
calcite, realgar, and orpiment are

The strength of the rock mass is a

critical factor in determining the
stability of the openings. Two
empirical methods, the Q system and
the rock mass rating (RMR) system,
were used to classify the integrity of
the rock mass. Both systems use
geologic, geometric and engineering
parameters for classification. The
RMR system involves five
Figure 2. Plan map of Zone 7-7170 level, SSX-Steer Mine parameters. These include intact
showing the locations of XC11 and XC7, the seismic monitoring rock strength, drill core quality
stations and the rock classification sections. (RQD), spacing of discontinuities,
condition of discontinuities, and
ground water conditions. There is an
adjustment for discontinuity orientation. The RMR value based upon these factors is expressed as a
score that ranges from less than 25 for the worst rock conditions to 100 for the best possible rock
(Bieniawski, 1976). The Q system involves six parameters to represent rock block size, interblock shear
strength, and the active stress. The Q system ratings are logarithmic-scaled values that range from 0.001
for exceptionally poor ground to 1000 for exceptionally good, practically un-jointed ground (Barton et
al, 1974). For this study, the rock mass was classified using both methods and was applied to the two
ribs and the back at intervals of approximately 3.7 m (12 ft) along the drift.
Seismic Monitoring
The seismic signals generated by each blast were recorded using two Instantel MiniMate Plus seismic
monitors. Each monitor was connected to one or two triaxial geophones with channels to collect vertical,
longitudinal, and transverse vibrations. Thus, each monitor collected and stored up to six channels of
information. The monitors, which were set to a sampling rate of 8192/s, would begin recording when
triggered by a motion exceeding 10 mm/s (0.39
in/s). The geophones were mounted on
aluminum brackets and anchored to the ribs of
the entries (figure 3) with steel masonry bolts.
Each geophone was then connected to a monitor
with shielded copper cables. The monitors
themselves were hung from the steel mesh along
the ribs to avoid damage from blast effects and
from mining machinery during the mucking and
bolting cycles. Where blast effects were difficult
to avoid, a steel-plate box that could protect one
monitor and one geophone (figure 4) was used.

Seismic data were analyzed using Instantel

Blastware software (version 4.37). The software
generates waveforms, selects peak values, and
Figure 3. Installing a triaxial transducer and calculates statistical parameters. One key value
bracket on the rib in XC 11. is the peak particle velocity (PPV). Particle
velocity was recorded for each of the three axes
at each point in time sampled. The PPV is taken
to be the largest of the three values for each
vibration event. The vector sum is calculated by
combining the velocities for each of the three
axes for each data sample. The peak vector sum
(PVS) is the maximum resultant particle
velocity. The PVS may or may not coincide
with any of the peak particle velocities for the
individual channels.

Laser Scanning
Three-dimensional survey scans for the two
blast rounds in the XC7 and XC11 ore panels
were conducted using a Leica Geosystems HDS
3000 laser system. A laser beam reflected from
any surface in the beam path (rock, fill,
equipment, etc.) is used to calculate the distance
and direction to that surface. The result is a
Figure 4. Seismic monitor C installed in an
three-dimensional point cloud representing the
armored steel box in XC7
size and shape of the excavation. It has an
accuracy of 6 mm over a range of 50 m (0.23 in
at 164 ft). The scan density was set to a
sample grid of 7.5 mm vertical x 5 mm
horizontal (0.3 in x 0.2 in) at a range of 6 m
(20 ft). Each scan was completed within
approximately 45 minutes.

Two scans were required to assess blast

round results. The first scan provided the
pre-blast configuration of the drilled face
including the back, ribs, and blast-hole
collar locations. The second scan provided a
survey of the excavation after the round was
Figure 5. Plan view of XC 11, showing the original face shot and mucked (figure 5). Successive laser
and the area extracted by the shot on 11/7/06. scans were merged into a single three-
dimensional survey using the associated
software. Point cloud accuracy was improved by placing survey targets within the scanning area.
Several 15-cm (6-inch) diameter spherical plastic targets designed by NIOSH were mounted along the
ribs. The targets were screwed into reusable holes that had been drilled and tapped in rock bolt plates.
The targets were removed during blasting to prevent damage and remounted for subsequent scans.

Short lengths of PVC pipe were inserted into the blast holes as scan aids so that the laser scanner could
accurately capture collar locations as well as hole orientations. Software would later be used to estimate
the 3D location of each drill hole in space to its full depth.


The XC11 entry was the end ore panel on the 7170 level. Panel number 10 containing cemented fill was
located along the left side while the right side was formed by rock that will not be mined (see figure 2).
The design for the November 7 blast is shown in figure 6. The blast holes were 2.2 cm (1-7/8 in) in
diameter and the relief holes were 7.6 cm (3 in) in diameter. All holes were drilled to a depth of 3.7 m
(12 ft). Perimeter holes were drilled along the back and upper left rib on nominal 0.3 m (1 ft) centers in
an attempt to limit the extent of breakage. These were not charged with explosives. Except for the lifters,
all blast holes were charged with ANFO. The lifter holes were charged with sticks of Unigel.

The rock mass quality was evaluated for six sectors in the XC11 ore panel. Due to the presence of
bedding-planes and crosscutting fractures, the exposed bedrock appeared highly fractured. The fractures
were predominately north-trending with shallow inclinations. In addition, west-trending fractures with
shallow dips to the south, and steeper (75-81° NE) fractures with northwest strikes were exposed. The
south wall and back had a uniform RMR rating of 35 for all six sectors evaluated in XC11. Q ratings
were a consistent 0.55 in the back and in sectors 1 through 4 in the south wall. The rock in sectors 5 and
6 was even more highly fractured than the rest of the crosscut and Q values in the south wall were rated
at 0.34. Fill in the north wall was not rated. Based upon the Q values and RMR ratings, the rock in the
XC11 ore panel was classified as very poor.
A seismic monitor serving two geophones was installed on each wall of the entry for the November 7
round in the XC11 ore panel (see figure 2). Both geophones (A1 and A2) located along the right hand
wall were attached to solid rock. On the left wall, one geophone (B1) was attached to the fill wall of
panel 10 and the second geophone (B2) was attached to rock (panel 9 between fill panels 8 and 10).

The Minimate monitors were triggered by the blast at 17:27 and began sampling. The seismic
waveforms from monitor A showed peaks for each delay in the blast pattern over a duration of about 7
seconds (figure 7). As
expected, the peak
velocities recorded at
geophone A1 located
9.8 m (32 ft) from the
blast face, were
significantly higher than
those recorded at
geophone A2, which
was 16.2 m (53 ft) from
the face. The seismic
waveforms recorded by
monitor B revealed
velocities that were
clearly attenuated by the
presence of the fill. For
geophone B1, located
14.0 m (46 ft) from the
blast face, the peaks for
several blast delay
intervals were much-
reduced or essentially
missing when compared
to the signals from
geophone B2 (19.5 m or
64 ft from the face)
attached to rock.

The PPVs for each

channel of geophone A1
were near or exceeded
100 mm/s (3.9 in/s) as
can be seen in table 1.
The peak velocities for
the three channels
occurred at three
different blast delay
intervals, suggesting a
Figure 6. XC11 blast pattern diagram, November 7, 2006.
Figure 7. Seismic waveforms from XC 11. a- particle velocity vs time for the duration of the blast

(detonator delays 0-15), Monitor A1, Transverse channel; b- particle velocity vs time (detonator

delays 0-9) showing higher particle velocities in the A1 Transverse channel compared to A2

Transverse channel; c- particle velocity sum (three channels) vs time (detonator delays 0-9) showing

relatively higher velocities in rock (B2) compared to fill (B1).

relatively uniform response to the blast

Table 1 Seismic data summary for the blast in the XC11 ore pattern. Farther from the blast face at A2,
panel (November 7, 2006), showing PPV for each channel, the velocities were under 100 mm/s (3.9
their PVS at each geophone, and the timing delay of peak in/s) and concentrated at one time
velocities. interval. On the left wall, all but one PPV
was associated with the first hole to be
shot in the burn. The exception was the
Geophone Channel PPV/PVS Time
(Distance from (mm/s) (s) transverse sensor, where the PPV was
face, ft) associated with the fifth timed hole (delay
#4). The PVS value for the first hole shot
A1 (32) Transverse 102 0.015
was 74% higher in the rock panel
Vertical 99.1 3.201
geophone than in the fill panel geophone,
Longitudinal 171 2.051
although the fill panel was nearer to the
Vector Sum (PVS) 190 2.052
blast face.The pre-blast laser scan
A2 (53) Transverse 41.9 0.332
(November 7) showed that the overall
Vertical 39.4 0.321
Longitudinal 88.9 0.321
panel width was 1.8 m (6 ft) or more
Vector Sum (PVS) 192 2.052
wider than the planned drift blast. The
B1 (46) Transverse 24.1 0.031 remaining ore between the left drift wall
Vertical 17.8 0.004 and the fill had been removed during
Longitudinal 39.4 0.005 previous blast/muck cycles (figure 8). The
Vector Sum (PVS) 39.6 0.005 designed face would be about 18.2 m2
B2 (64) Transverse 57.1 1.440 (196 ft2), but the pre-blast face was about
Vertical 35.6 0.069 27.9 m2 (300 ft2).
Longitudinal 61.0 0.044
Vector Sum (PVS) 69.0 0.044
The plan-view projections of the blast
holes are shown in figure 9 based on
the combined pre-blast and post-blast
scans. The drill pattern had been
positioned to minimize over-break on
the left rib with uncharged perimeter
holes intended to limit over-break
along the fill as had occurred in
previous rounds. The line of
uncharged holes placed along the left
rib were still present after the blast.
The post-blast configuration indicates
that rock broke well beyond the ends
of the blast holes on the center-left
Figure 8. Laser scan collected November 7, 2006 (face view) in Figure 10a is a vertical, longitudinal
the XC11 ore panel showing old rock bolts hanging from the
section taken through the post-blast
fill as well as new mesh (upper left side), the painted blast
hole pattern, and the scan-aid spheres (right side). scan. There is considerable breakage
above the roof holes near the blasted
face. The cross-section areas as
determined using slices taken parallel
to the face on one foot intervals are
indicated in table 2. At the 1.5-m (5-ft)
distance, the area is about what was
desired. Figure 10c is vertical section
at taken at mid-round. The projected
positions of the holes are shown with
distances from the charged holes to the
final profile. Along the back, the
distances from the uncharged holes to
the final perimeter have also been
determined. The line of uncharged roof
holes was apparently not effective in
controlling the profile. For both walls,
the final position seemed to correspond
quite closely to the positions of the
charged holes.

Figure 9. Plan view of the XC 11 ore panel blast round

(November 7, 2006), showing pre- and post-blast face
configurations and blast holes as projected from collar
orientations. Uncharged holes are shown outside the
resulting excavation
Figure 10. A. Vertical longitudinal section through XC 11 from before and after laser scans; showing
projected drill pattern and position of the mid-round cross-section. B. Outline of the workings showing
location of sections. C. Vertical slice at mid-round showing drill hole intercepts with distances to the ribs
and back, solid points were loaded holes and open points were unloaded perimeter holes.

Table 2. Area of the round taken at 1-ft slices from the face.
Distance from Face (ft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Area (sq ft) 279 252 229 204 183 166 156 138 137 125 113 88 55 31


As indicated earlier, XC7 was intended to extract the ore pillar remaining between previously mined and
filled panels 6 and 8. The November 9 blast round was not a standard blast round but was intended to
turn a corner between the two pillars of fill. Hence, the blast holes were angled to the right from the
collars shown in the drill plan (figure 11). The hole lengths indicated for each vertical row of holes
decreased from 3.7 m (12 ft) near the left rib to 1.8 m (6 ft) on the right. The initial opening is a
combination fan-and-burn cut. As with the XC11 blast round, the blast and relief hole diameters were
2.2.cm (1-7/8 in) and (3 in), respectively and the same explosive types were used. A third seismic
monitor (C) equipped with one geophone was attached to the rock on the right rib of the entry into the
XC7 ore panel (see figure 2). One monitor (B) remained in the left rib of the XC11 ore panel with one
geophone (B1) in fill (panel 10) and the second geophone (B2) in solid rock (panel 9 between fill panels
8 and 10).
The rock mass was characterized based on observations made at a single sector in the XC7 ore panel.
Since cemented fill composed both ribs at the drill face, rock exposure was limited. Steeply dipping (81°
NE), northwest striking fractures were present. Rock exposed in the back had an RMR of 45 and Q of
2.42. Both the Q and RMR values
for the XC7 ore panel indicated
that the rock mass strength was
notably better than that in the
XC11 ore panel and was classified
as poor to fair.

The blast triggered seismic

sampling at 17:21. The seismic
waveforms from monitor C
showed peaks for each delay in the
blast pattern over a period of about
7 seconds (figure 12). Peak
particle velocities at geophone C1,
6.7 m (22 ft) from the blast face,
were sharply defined and well
dispersed throughout the blast
sequence. Waveforms from
monitor B demonstrated velocities
that were again attenuated in the
fill (B1) but somewhat better
defined in the rock panel (B2). For
the monitor nearest to the blast
face (C), both PPV and PVS
approached or exceeded 100 mm/s
(3.9 in/s) as shown in table 3.
Monitor B (located on the opposite
side of the rock panel) recorded
particle velocities that barely
reached the 10 mm/s (0.39 in/s)
trigger threshold.

The pre-blast laser scan in the XC7

ore panel included drill hole collar
locations and hole orientations
(figure 13). The post-blast scan
survey showed that the drilling
pattern and loading plan was
effective in excavating the corner
near the right rib fill with minimal
Figure 11. XC7 ore panel blast pattern, November 9, 2006 over-break into the fill. Some
over-break did occur along the left
rib rock/fill contact.
Figure 12. Seismic waveforms from XC 7. a- particle velocity vs time for the duration of the blast
(detonator delays 0-15), Monitor C1, Transverse channel; b- particle velocity vs time (detonator
delays 0-9) showing higher particle velocities in the C1 Transverse channel compared to B2
Transverse channel; c- particle velocity sum (three channels) vs time (detonator delays 0-9) showing
relatively higher velocities in rock (B2) compared to fill (B1).

Table 3. Seismic data summary for the blast in the XC7 ore panel,
November 9, 2006, showing PPV for each channel, their PVS at
each geophone, and the timing delay of peak velocities.

Geophone Channel PPV/PVS Time

(Distance from face, ft) (mm/s) (s)
B1 (46) Transverse 10.2 1.951
Vertical 7.62 1.041
Longitudinal 12.7 0.001
Vector Sum (PVS) 14.0 0.010
B2 (41) Transverse 15.2 0.038
Vertical 8.89 0.033
Longitudinal 12.7 0.033
Vector Sum (PVS) 18.9 0.037
C1 (22) Transverse 90.2 6.394
Vertical 102 3.881
Longitudinal 92.7 2.556
Vector Sum (PVS) 154 3.881


The two blast rounds monitored at the SSX-Steer mine were part of their secondary recovery program.

XC11 was located on the southeast side of the mining section. The panel immediately to the northwest

of this panel had been previously mined and filled. The 4.3-m (14-ft) wide drift was being driven

leaving a 1.8-m (6-ft) wide rib pillar on the left hand side. The function of this rib was to limit damage

to the fill and dilution during the

mucking operation. In previous
rounds, both ore and fill had broken
out so that the final overall room width
was about 6 m (20 ft).

XC7 was being driven to extract the

3.7-m (12-ft) wide pillar remaining
between ore panels 6 and 8. Again, the
idea was to leave an initial skin of rock
near the fill walls to limit the potential
for dilution. Since the round was one
of the first in the overall extraction
process, it was not a standard design.
In both cases, the rock mass was
classified as poor to very poor.

Although the rock quality was

essentially uniform within the panels
examined, the rock newly exposed by
both blast rounds showed signs of
larger block sizes and potentially
greater hazards from rock falls. The Figure 13. Plan view of XC7 ore panel blast round with
fill material was relatively friable but projected drill holes and pre- and post-blast face
stood up well where exposed in
secondary drifts. Seismic data indicated that the fill material acted as an effective damper to seismic
energy. This may have helped to limit blast damage to the remaining rock panels.

A more detailed look at the results of the standard blast round in XC11 can provide some insight
regarding drill-blast performance. The post-blast longitudinal and plan sections show that the excavated
opening tapered down from the drilled face, which was 53% larger than designed, to about the designed
area at the midpoint of the round, and to much less than designed (about 45%) at the drilled depth of 3.7
m (12 ft).

Figure 14 is a cross-section of the round generated by slicing a 0.30-m (1-ft) section of the laser scan.
The drill hole locations projected to mid-round from the hole collars at the drilled face were used to
align the designed blast round with the resulting excavation. Deviations from ideal positions for these
locations reflect both the actual drilled deviations and errors in projecting the drill holes from the scan
aids used to collect hole orientation.
Although the total cross-sectional area at
mid-round was approximately as
designed, the laser section at that point
shows that over-break in the back
accounted for 15.4% of the designed
area. Over-break ranged from about 18
to 78 cm (7 to 31 in) in the back and
averaged 59 cm (23 in) for a total of 2.8
m2 (30.2 ft2). Less significant over-
break along the right rib, based on
perimeter hole locations, amounted to
about 0.9 m2 (9.3 ft2), with a range of 20
to 28 cm (8 to 11 in), and an average of
24 cm (9 in) or 4.7% of the designed
area. At the same time, under-break
occurred along the left rib as shown by
the retained, unloaded perimeter holes.
The under-break amounted to about
2.1m2 (22.4 ft2), with a range of 32 to 55
cm (13 to 22 in), and an average of 46
cm (18 in) or 11.4% of design. The
remaining apparent under-break, about
10%, was in mostly broken material on
the floor of the mucked opening.

The unloaded perimeter holes across the

back of XC11 failed to prevent over-
break in the blast round examined. The Figure 14. Cross section of the XC11 round at
closely spaced line of holes across the midpoint, showing over-break and under-break in
back appear to have been accurately relation to drill holes.
drilled, but an arched configuration for
these holes might have helped to retain more of the back. Gravity certainly played a role in the failure
as it acted on crosscutting fractures in the very poor quality rock mass where scaling of loose rock is
likely to extend beyond design limits. At the same time, the unloaded holes along the left rib were still
standing after the blast, indicating that they were also ineffective in controlling the final configuration.
The blast round in XC7, with a relatively complex pattern in a tight space, was successful in continuing
the excavation with only small amounts of over-break.

Two blast round surveys were completed at the XC11 and XC7 ore panels in the Zone 7–7170 level.
Rock quality was classified as very poor and poor for the XC11 and XC7 ore panels, respectively. PPV
measurements near the blasts were much lower in the fill than in the rock. The laser surveys showed
both over-break and under-break conditions in the XC11 ore panel. Generally, the laser surveys illustrate
the problems associated with blasting a weak rock mass. Study of additional blast rounds can be used to
document changes in rock mass characteristics or to verify correlations between blasting methods and
wall rock damage. Data from successive blast round surveys would provide a basis for the design and
testing of new blast designs. Expanding on the use of laser data will allow more detailed comparison
between blast designs and final configuration of the resulting excavations.

Seismic data and blasting outcome case studies will be used to calibrate new models for predicting blast
damage to the perimeter of underground openings. Drilling and blasting methods that minimize blast
damage will reduce the hazards of loose, broken rock underground and enhance the safety of miners.

Sam Ash, mine manager, and Jennifer Haas, mine engineer, arranged for access to the mine workings
and assisted with data collection during the drilling and blasting cycles. Russ Kinsman, trainer and EMT
coordinator, provided site-specific safety training that allowed entry to the test sites and the use of a
NIOSH-owned vehicle to transport personnel and equipment. Drillers and powder crews contributed to
documentation of drilling and loading procedures.

The findings and conclusions in this report have not been formally disseminated by the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

Ash, S., 2006, “Mining on the edge of the Murray Mine”, Mining Engineering, December 2006, pp. 26­

Barton, N.R., R. Lien, and J. Lund, 1974, “Engineering Classification of Rock Masses for the Design of
Tunnel Support”, Rock Mechanics, v. 6, No. 4, pp. 189-239.

Bauer, G. and D. Donaldson, 1992, “Perimeter Control in Development and Breasting by use of a
Blasting Program Readily Accepted by Miners”, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on
Explosives and Blasting Technique, Florida, ISEE, Cleveland, Ohio, pp. 133-140.

Bieniawski, Z.T., 1976, “Rock Mass Classification in Rock Engineering”, Proceedings of the Symp.
Exploration for Rock Engineering, v. 1, Bieniawski, Z.T., ed., Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 97-106.

Iverson, S., E. McHugh, J. Dwyer, J. Warneke, and C. Caceres, 2007, “Ground Control Safety
Implications of Blast Damage in Underground Mines”, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference
on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WV, Peng, S.S., C. Mark, G. Finfinger, S. Tadolini, A.W.
Khair, K. Heasley Yi Luo, eds., pp. 328-335.

Mark C, and A.T. Iannacchione, 2001, “Ground control issues for safety professionals”, Mine health and
safety management, Karmis M., ed., Littleton, CO, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration,
Inc., pp. 347–367.

Muntean, J.L. and C.D. Henry, 2006, “Preliminary Geologic Map of the North Half of the Jerritt Canyon
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