Designing Constructing and Monitoring of Slopes in

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Designing, constructing and monitoring of slopes in rock mass in Croatia

Conference Paper · April 2008

DOI: 10.1201/9780203883204.ch88

1 386

3 authors:

Mirko Grošić Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević

Geotech Ltd University of Rijeka


Dalibor Udovic
Monterra d.o.o., Rijeka , Croatia


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Designing, Constructing and Monitoring of Slopes in Rock Mass in
Mirko Grošić
Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, Rijeka, Croatia
Sanja Dugonjić
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Dalibor Udovič
Werkos, Osijek, Croatia

ABSTRACT: This paper gives the review of investigation works, designing and monitoring during the con-
struction, as well as the types of slope protection on the cuts in limestone rock mass in Croatia. For demands
of the higher cuts design, detailed geotechnical investigation works are maintained, and they consist of re-
search drilling, geophysical investigations by the method of shallow refraction, engineering geological map-
ping, laboratory testing etc. At cut design, stability analysis for the failure through the rock mass, plane and
wedge failure and stress–strain analysis for the particular cuts as the first design stage are implemented. At the
second design stage during construction, by observational method, detailed monitoring of rock mass behavior
is maintained, including geotechnical supervision and monitoring of installed inclinometers and deformeters.
Based on given data out of measurement devices and engineering geological mapping of the cuts, it is possible
to change factor of safety adopt adequate support systems. During the construction of geotechnical structures
in rock mass, design process starts with investigation works, and is carried out over the analyses and imple-
mentation of the main design, monitoring during the construction and changes of the support systems that are
included in the final design.

1 INSTRODUCTION mated geological strength index is between 20 and

40 and increase with depth. Crossing from weath-
In the last few years more than 400 km of highways ered zone to bedrock RQD indexes are increasing
were constructed in Croatia, within cuts in limestone (up to 100%), the closure of discontinuities of is re-
rock masses. Motorways are mostly situated at high- duced or totally closed, the fill of discontinuities is
handed region and are fitting to existing terrain by hard (calcareous) or is not present. GSI is also grater
tunnels, viaducts, bridges and cuts. Mainly, high- with depth, the values vary from 30 to 60) and the
handed region of Croatia, through motorways are discontinuities persistence is greater and increasing.
passing, part of carbonate massif with uniform litho- Cuts in slopes at motorways are excavated up to
graphic composition. This rock massif is usually 50 m of high. Cuts are excavated in stages of 8 to 10
made of limestone rock mass and limestone breccias m high, with slopes of 2:1 to 3:1 and the upper floor
from Upper Cretaceous and Jurassic. is excavated in slope of 1:1 because of presence of
Limestone rock mass in Croatia belong to group the weathered zone near the surface. The excavation
of stronghold sediment rock masses. Uniaxial com- is executed in stages after which are reinforced and
pressive strength of this intact rock mass, which is protected if it is necessary. After reinforcing the cuts
target of this paper, are from 75 MPa to 150 MPa. the excavation is likewise resumed.
The typical geotechnical rock mass profile of the ter-
rain is divided into two main zones: weathered zone
and bedrock. Contact between these two zones is 2 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WORKS
very irregular and hard to perceive, particularly at AND STABILITY ANALYSES OF CUTS
stage of geotechnical investigation works. Depth of
weathered zone is sometimes negligible but some- Detail geotechnical investigation works are part of
times is greater than ten meters. The weathered zone geotechnical design of cuts. The purpose of these in-
is usually more weathered and fractured than bed- vestigation works is to gather as much as possible
rock. The RQD factor, as indicator of fractured rock, characteristics of rock mass: input data for design
is very low and its value is from 0% to 15%. The stability of cuts in rock mass, material categoriza-
discontinuities at this zone has grater closure, often tion, recommended slopes of cuts, estimating
they filled with clay or washed out by water. Esti- amount of protection measures of cuts. Investigation
works are adapting to the terrain, types of rocks, the Exploration drilling with core sampling was used
high of the cut etc. As most part of the motorway according to METRIC standard. Ending drilling pro-
routes are passing through the high-handed terrain file in rock mass was φ86 mm. The core was depos-
and slope of the route is maximum 6%, it is neces- ited in wooden cases with length of 1.0 m, than it
sary to build objects and to excavate high cuts to was photographed with corresponding markers of
adopt the motorway routes to the surrounded terrain. investigation bore and level of core samples – Figure
Investigation works of these cuts are customized to 2.
limestone rock mass.
Investigation works are consisting of exploration
drilling, geophysics testing (refraction and reflec-
tion), laboratory testing (uniaxial compression and
triaxial compression tests, point load tests) and engi-
neering geological mapping of the terrain.
Engineering-geological mapping of the terrain is
focusing on determines input data for stability analy-
sis: elements for Rock Mass Rating (RMR) classifi-
cation, Geological Strength Index classification, dis-
tance of discontinuities, persistence of
discontinuities, closure of discontinuities, roughness
of discontinuities according to Joint Roughness In-
dex (JRC10), weathering of discontinuities surfaces,
strength of discontinuities according to Joint Com-
pression Strength (JCS), direction and dip of discon-
tinuities. During analyzing the input engineering-
geological data blocks with same or similar charac- Figure 2. Rock mass core from exploration drilling
teristics are sorted and selected (engineering-
geological blocks). Geophysical investigation methods are chosen
based on the geological structure of the site and in-
vestigations were determining the structural constitu-
tion and valuating the quality of the rock mass. For
that purpose seismic refraction method was applied
in investigations at small depths. It is possible to de-
termine and evaluate the depth and the configuration
of the bedrock, lateral contacts in the bedrock, verti-
cal cuts of the materials and rocks along the given
profiles, the positions of the fault tracings and fault
zones, the degree of fissures and the rock mass qual-
ity, from results of geophysical investigations, and
based on spatial arrangement of the velocity of com-
pressive seismic waves, spacing of electrical resistiv-
ity and the reflection of electromagnet waves.
The special attention was given to detecting and
seeking the poor, more fractional and ruinous zones,
cracks systems and faults in bed rock.
Figure 1. Bedding of rock mass dipped to the excavation face The investigation program was performed on the
specimens of the intact rock material from chosen
At some cuts bedding of the rock mass is dipped core breach. Laboratory tests on the carbonate rock
to the excavation face at angle from 35o to 55o de- mass were mostly directed on testing of rock mass,
grees – Figure 1. At this case it is possible to occur and they consisted of uniaxial and triaxial rock mass
plane failure so the engineering-geological mapping strength, ultrasound and PLT (Point Load Test) test-
is focused on getting input data for analyzing the ing.
strength of discontinuities: distance of discontinui- Seismologic and seism tectonic investigations
ties, persistence of discontinuities, closure of discon- were also carried out, directed to determine the re-
tinuities, roughness of (JRC10), weathering of dis- cent structural relations and seism tectonic activity,
continuities surfaces, strength of discontinuities and particularly of the seismic parameters for bigger
(JCS), direction and dip of discontinuities. Based on objects and cuts. Because of the expressed seism tec-
these information gathered by engineering- tonic activity, seismologic and seism tectonic data
geological mapping the strength laws of discontinui- from the regional and local area were considered,
ties are determined and stability analysis for wedge and the values of the ground oscillations acceleration
failure and plane failure are carried out.
due to earthquake on the level of the bed rock and
the base level of the macro seismic intensity were

gained. 180

Profile km 1+850,00
Designing of cuts in rock mass concerns finding 175

the optimum geometry of the cut, and if necessary 170

determining the measures of support. For greater cut 165

Level (m)
heights, cuts are performed in levels of 0.8 to 10.0 m 160
Rock bolt L=9 .0m, N=15 0 k N, on raster 2 m
Rock bolt L=9 .0m, N=15 0 k N, on raster 2 m So il: 1

height, in inclination from 2:1 to 3:1. On the top of

So il Mo del: Shear No rmalFn
Rock bolt L=6 .0 m, N=10 0 kN, on raster 2 m Unit W eight: 25
155 Shear/Nor mal F n. #: 2

the level berm of 4.0 m wide is performed, and the

Rock bolt L=9 .0m, N=12 0 k N, on raster 2 m
Rock bolt L=6 .0 m, N=10 0 k N, on raster 2m
Rock bolt L=3.0 m, N=1 00 k N, on raster 2 m

slope at the top is performed in inclination 1:1. 145

Global stability control is carried out for the failure 140

trough the quasi homogeneous rock mass and planar 135

failure. The failure type presents the macroscopic

-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Distance (m)

description of conditions in that the failure appears

(Hoek and Pentz, 1968). At the same time the planar Figure 3. Analysis of planar failure stability
failure, wedged failure, rotation failure, and toppling
failure are distinguished. In the slope stability calculation for planar failure
and the wedged failure, shear strength of rock mass
is dominant, and it presents the function of disconti-
3 ROCK MASS INSTABILITIES TYPES nuity strength and the paths in intact rock mass that
separate the discontinuities (Arbanas, 2002.). Barton
According to former experience in calcareous rock and Chouby (Barton and Chouby, 1977), Barton and
masses, appearance of instabilities can be divided on Bandis (Barton and Bandis, 1990) and Bandis
the failure through the quasi homogeneous rock (Bandis, 1992) developed the empirical criterion for
mass, planar failure and the wedged failure. In re- shear strength of discontinuities which includes the
solving slope stability problems the base problem is discontinuity area roughness and the compressive
assessment of the rock mass strength principle. De- strength of the discontinuity wall. Barton’s nonlinear
pending on the failure type the corresponding rock criterion for shear strength is:
mass strength principle is used for the stability con-   JCS  
trol: for failure through quasi homogeneous rock τ = σ n tan  JRC log10   + φb  (2)
mass Hoek - Brown criteria of failure is used, and   σn  
for failure planar failure and the wedged failure Bar-
ton criteria of discontinuity strength is used. where JRC = Joint Roughness Coefficient; φb = basic
In stability analysis for failure through the quasi friction angle of the surface, σn = normal stress on
homogeneous rock mass Hoek – Brown criterion for surface and JCS = Joint Wall Compressive Strength.
rock mass failure is usually applied, close to the The example of planar failure analysis and slope re-
strength parameters assessment based on the rock inforcement is shown at Figure 3 and 4.
mass classification. The first Hoek – Brown failure
criterion was suggested in 1980, and was based on
data gained from the triaxial testing of rock mass.
Up today original failure criterion experienced more
changes and adjustments, and Hoek, Carranza-
Torres and Corkum introduced the new failure crite-
rion in 2002 – Equation 1.
 σ' 
σ '1 = σ '3 +σ c  mb 3 + s  (1)
 σc 
where m, s = constants depending on rock mass
characteristics; σc = uniaxial compressive strength of
the intact rock; σ1 = major main stress at failure; and
σ3 = minor main stress at failure.
For values of parameters mb, s and a Hoek, Kaiser
and Bawden (Hoek et al., 1995) suggest expressions Figure 4. Slope protection against planar failure
in dependence on the value of Geological Strength
Index (GSI). The area of Hoek – Brown criterion ap-
plication is restricted. The criterion can be used
when more than two discontinuity systems on the
observed problem exist.
4 SLOPE PROTECTION TYPES rilic and similar). Most commonly used in areas
where works are conducted near the water or in case
For slope cut protection more types of support sys- of extremely adverse climatic conditions that could
tems are using depending on the type of possible in- influence negatively on the steel structure.
stability and failure. Designing the cuts in rock mass
is reduced to choosing the stable geometry of slope
and slope inclination in combination with applica-
tion of appropriate support measures. Also it is nec-
essary to consider the possibility of modifications
that would result in stability improvement and opti-
mization of the designed solution. (Windsor and
Thompson, 1992).
Depending on the field condition and the failure
mechanisms in the rock mass, slope protection types
could be divided in:
− protection with double twisted galvanized wire
− protection with galvanized wire meshes rein-
forced with rockbolts and steel ropes,
− protection with high load-bearing meshes rein-
forced with rockbolts and
Figure 5. Slope protection with double twisted galvanized wire
− systematic slope supporting with rockbolts and meshes

First three types of protection are mostly used to 4.2 Galvanized meshes reinforced with rockbolts
ensure local slope stability (erosion stability, detach- and steel wire ropes
ing and falling of small stone blocks, smaller wedge In cases requiring higher tensile strength in meshes
failure etc.) while systematic slope support is used to double twisted meshes reinforced with anchors and
secure the global stability of slopes (failure through steep ropes are used. Double twisted knitted mesh is
rock mass, planar failure or bigger wedge failure). installed on earlier drilled rockbolts and on the an-
chors heads especially steel spike plates are installed
4.1 Double twisted galvanized wire mesh to anchoring the steel ropes – Figure 6. Plates are
tightened to rockbolts heads with nuts and after-
Double twisted galvanized wire meshes are pro- wards the whole area of the slope is interlaced with
duced in hexagonal shape that provides better and steel ropes placed in adequate orientation. Steel rope
proper tension distribution in the mesh wire. The diameter varies from 12.0 to 16.0 mm thickness.
mesh consists of wire (commonly 3.0 mm thick) that
is double twisted and bended to form openings ac-
cording to production methods (80 x 100 mm or 60
x 80 mm). The mesh is straightened laterally on the
connecting point with wire that has higher tensile
strength and profile (commonly 3.9 mm thick). Dou-
ble twisting system localizes any kind of mesh dam-
age and it prevents expansion and distribution of
eventual mesh damage resulted from fracture inside
the mesh.
Double twisted mesh is used for local slope stabi-
lization (smaller rockfall protection, protection from
smaller stone blocks), for building retaining struc-
tures (gabions, sack gabions, prefilled gabions and
others), for building of reinforced structures
(teramesh and green terramesh system) and for rein-
forcing asphalt (steelgrid) – Figure 5.
This type of mesh is produced under highly con- Figure 6. Slope protection with galvanized meshes reinforced
trolled conditions; it has to have an exceptionally with rockbolts and steel wire ropes
high strength, high resistance to negative weather in-
fluences and chemically aggressive substances, tem-
perature changes, corrosion etc. If necessary the
mesh can be protected with PVC covering (polyac-
4.3 High load-bearing meshes reinforced with ers. Most commonly two or three layers of shotcrete
rockbolts are installed and they are additionally reinforced
with reinforcement meshes.
When the rock mass is extremely fractured and high
tensile capacity of the mash is needed because of the
stone blocks sizes and masses a load bearing mesh is
applied to the rock mass reinforced with rockbolts
(geotechnical self-drilling anchor) is used. The wire
of the mesh is consisted of high quality steel with
great tensile strength (minimal 1770 N/m2) therefore
the technology of double twisting is not possible –
Figure 7. Spike plates that are rhombus shaped are
installed on rockbolt instead of the normal plates in
order to obtain better force transfer from rockbolt
over mesh to rock mass.

Figure 8. A block with reinforcing elements oriented to rein-

force different types of release surfaces (Windsor, 1996)

Geotechnical design of cuts in rock mass slopes
could be divided into two phases. First phase is con-
sisting of geotechnical investigations work (research
drilling, geophysical investigations, engineering geo-
logical mapping, laboratory testing etc) and stability
analysis is part of main design. At this stage behav-
ior of the cut during excavation and slope protection
measures are predicted.
Figure 7. High load-bearing mesh.
At the second stage during construction, by ob-
servational method, detailed monitoring of rock
4.4 Systematic slope supporting with anchors and mass behavior is maintained, including geotechnical
shotcrete supervision and monitoring by measuring through
Rock reinforcement has an important role in installed inclinometers and deformeters. Based on
maintain and supporting the stability of cuts. Geo- given data out of measurement devices and engineer-
technical self-drilling rockbolt or normal geotechni- ing geological mapping of the cuts, it is possible to
cal steel rod anchors in combination with shotcrete change factor of safety adopt adequate support sys-
are using for ensuring global slope stability where tems. During the construction of geotechnical struc-
higher reactions on the support are expected. An- tures in rock mass, design process starts with inves-
chors are installed on a grid from 2.0 x 2.0 m up to tigation works and is carried out over the analyses
4.0 x 4.0 m, and types of rockbolts are chosen ac- and implementation of the main design, monitoring
during the construction and changes of the support
cording to requested bearing capacity (rockbolt di-
ameter, type of self-drilling rockbolts etc.). In all in- systems that are included in the final design.
Because of non homogeneity of rock mass and its
stalled rockbolts a pre stressing force in amount of
30% of the calculated force of rockbolt is installed. engineering-geological characteristics, which change
In that way the rockbolt is activated in the moment often and locally at the same slope, it is necessary to
when force is installed into the rockbolt and it start ensure geotechnical supervision. Local instabilities
to act as an active system of slope supporting. in karst terrains are frequently presence, unpredict-
Stone block from the rock mass supported with sys- able and it is impossible to discover through geo-
tem reinforcing elements can be exposed to different technical investigation works. These instabilities ap-
mechanical behaviors shown on Figure 7. pear during the construction stage and are protected
Load transfer from reinforcing system of the rock by authority of geotechnical supervising engineer.
mass on to the supporting structure made of shot-
crete causes changes in tension status that the shot-
crete is not able to take over so it is necessary to re-
inforce the shotcrete with reinforcement. Shotcrete is
installed with wet or dry method in 5.0 cm thick lay-
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