Tips For Quickly and Efficiently Learning Arabic Vocabulary

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5/27/2018 Tips For Quickly And Efficiently Learning Arabic Vocabulary


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Tips For Quickly Learning Arabic Vocabulary

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Learning Arabic is something many want to do; it is, after all, one of the most spoken languages in the world.
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Boasting more than 300 million speakers across the globe, Arabic is considered to be a universal language
and is currently enjoying amazing growth. Moreover, the Arabic language also has (geo)political,
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economical and cultural influence in international relations. All of this renders this language
increasingly important. And the more important a language is, the more interesting it is to learn! But, can
Arabic be learned quickly? That’s exactly what I’ll be speaking about in this article.

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Is Learning Arabic Difficult?

Some people think this language sounds like gibberish simply due to the fact that it doesn’t sound like any Indo-
European language. They thus are skeptical that quickly learning Arabic can be done. This has been shown to be
just a wrong impression some have of this language. Research conducted by linguists shows that learning Arabic is
a process that is not any different from learning any other language.

Memorizing Arabic vocabulary is an important step for learning this language. Many are those who encounter
difficulties when trying to memorize the necessary lexicon for speaking this beautiful language. However, there are
highly efficient learning methods elaborated according to scientific parameters, which are based on concepts of
cognitive science and psychology, freely available to anyone who has the desire to study this language. Such Learning
methods are great for quickly learning Arabic!
languages with

After taking a quick look at the current status of this magnificent language, I’ll describe some methods to apply to
efficiently memorize Arabic vocabulary in record time.

Taking a Look at Arabic
On our blog we
The Arabic language is a Semitic, universal language and is thousands of years old. More than 300 million people share the best
speak it across the globe, and over 20 countries speak it as their official language. language hacks
Arabic experienced a massive growth when Islam spread to the four corners of the world. Moreover, it is currently and resources to
expanding due to all the migrations and the strong presence of communities of Arabic origin in the Occident. help you learn a
language on your
This language can be divided into two variations: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), also called Literary or
own. The best way to get started is visiting this
Standard Arabic, and Popular Arabic (or “Popular Arabic Dialects” because of their many variations).
page where you can find a selection of our 1/6
5/27/2018 Tips For Quickly And Efficiently Learning Arabic Vocabulary
Literal Arabic is the national and best posts :
official language of the Arabic
speaking world. It’s the one that is Blog: Where to start
used in literary, in the media,
administrative correspondence,
etc. Popular Arabic, in turn, is the
one used in daily conversations. It
is composed of words which come
from various languages, but most Chat with
of its words come from MSA—one correspondents!
could say it’s a patchwork of
And improve your oral expression on Italki. 2nd
words. And these two variations,
lesson with an iTalki tutor OFFERED for all
MSA and Popular Arabic, coexist in
MosaLingua users.
Arabic-speaking countries all Arabic speaking countries.

Quickly Learning Arabic With Frequency Lists

All languages spoken around the world have “basic words”, which are the most
used words in daily conversation. To boost your level in Arabic and to
successfully learn this language, I highly encourage you to memorize them.

For the Arabic language, you can easily find a list with, for example, 500 words. Profitez de l'offre
In other words, these are the 500 most used words in the Arabic language. This
list is thus the ideal tool for quickly learning Arabic. This method of
memorizing frequency lists is simply applying the Pareto Principle which states
that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. Learn languages on
mobile or tablet!
Once you get hold of a frequency list of 500 words, you can memorize it within a month. All it takes is memorizing
15 words a day.

How to Memorize Arabic Vocabulary

In order to memorize 10-15 Arabic words a day, it’s indispensable to implement the Spaced Repetition System.
This system allows learners to memorize words, concepts and information for the long-term by increasing the time in
between each reviews. To do this, you need to plan what you will learn according to the forgetting curve, which will
allow you to review words in your frequency list you will have previously memorized just before you forget them. This
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way, you won’t waste time reviewing words you’re not about to forget anyway, and you won’t review words after
you’ve completely forgotten them.

Please note: there are more than one frequency list, some are organized by themes. Here are a few examples of MosaLingua Apps
such lists. What you can do is memorize the vocabulary used in basic phrases, then for meeting new people, after
this, the one for asking directions, and so on. Once you’ve chosen which vocabulary list you want to memorize,
quickly learning Arabic will be possible thanks to the Spaced Repetition System.

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Learning Arabic Words by Classifying Them in Categories MosaLingua MosaLingua

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One thing that you want to do when learning Arabic is to implement a technique for memorizing words
with flashcards. The efficiency of this technique lies in the fact that using it means you will easily be able to recall the
words you’ve memorized.

This technique makes use of active recall of which results are interesting, to say the least. With it, you can work on
the pronunciation of Arabic words you want to learn. It leans very much on being able to answer questions asked
and on entertainment. This technique is a bit similar to that of putting sticky notes on objects around the house with MosaLingua MosaLingua
their names in the language of choice. Active recall is among the most efficient methods for memorizing Arabic English Business English

words. 2/6
5/27/2018 Tips For Quickly And Efficiently Learning Arabic Vocabulary

Learning Arabic Words by Memorizing Phrases

Memorizing a frequency list with Arabic vocabulary is a very important and necessary step to reach fluency, but it’s
not enough. In fact, learning isolated words is not sufficient for learning Arabic, or any language for that
matter. To reach fluency, you need to put these words into phrases in order to grasp how they are to be used thus MosaLingua MosaLingua
enabling you to use them adequately in a real conversation. Vocabulary Vocabulary

For this, you have to memorize ready-built phrases with words you already know. Just as there are frequency lists,
there are sentence patterns: the most used phrases used in everyday conversations which can be memorized for
learning Arabic in record time. Memorizing ready-built phrases will allow you to quickly use these phrases and to
adapt them to build more complicated ones.
This method for quickly learning Arabic by memorizing phrases can help you with a major problem many learners Russian
of the language encounter: not mastering grammar and conjugation rules. But between you and me, you don’t
need to master all these rules to properly express yourself; not during the first months, at least. Memorizing ready-
built phrases will be perfect for your level, initial goals and needs thus by-passing the grammar rules beginners

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struggle so much with.

Going One Step Further

Once you’ve assimilated the language and memorized words and phrases, you can go further in your study of the
language by concentrating on the alphabet and pronunciation.

Two Ways to Learn The

The Arabic alphabet is composed of 28
letters. To efficiently learn this alphabet, it
is of utmost importance to carefully listen
to the vocalization of each letter.
Looking for the equivalent of the Arabic
letters in English can seem something
Discover a new way of learning a language in
efficient to do, but it isn’t! And this it due
a simple, fast and efficient manner . Try
to the fact that there are some letters in
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the Arabic alphabet of which sounds
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simply don’t exist in our language, as is
the case for the letter ‫ع‬.
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The most efficient method to allow you—with some work—to pronounce the Arabic alphabet is to concentrate on
two things:

1. Listen to the sounds: carefully listen to the pronunciation of the Arabic letters in order to properly distinguish
each letter and to not confuse them (such as with the pronunciation of ‫ ذ‬and ‫)ز‬.
2. Work on correctly pronouncing all the letters of the Arabic alphabet. To do this, study the position of the tongue
and mouth when each letter is pronounced.

Another method consists of dividing the Arabic alphabet in function of where they fall in the following

Letters that are

pronounced lightly (such
as ‫[ ت‬ta], ‫[ س‬si], ‫[ ك‬ka] , ‫ذ‬
[dha]) and those with a
pronunciation (such
as Sa, with its “s”
pronounced like the
English word “sun”, ‫[ ت‬ta]
and ‫[ ق‬qa], which is
pronounced by pressing
the throat, as opposed to
the letter “ka”, of which
sound originates from the
The Arabic Alphabet
The letters that can be
attached to the right and the left, and those that can only be attached to the right. They are the following: ‫[ أ‬alif], ‫د‬
[da], ‫[ ذ‬dha], ‫[ ر‬raa] (rolled r), ‫[ ز‬zayn] and ‫[ و‬waw]. 3/6
5/27/2018 Tips For Quickly And Efficiently Learning Arabic Vocabulary
Changing letters, and fixed letters. In Arabic, some letters change depending on whether they are at the end of
a word or not, and some don’t change no matter where they are found in a word.

I couldn’t advise you to do pronunciation exercises enough. They will be of great help to reproduce the correct
sounds of the Arabic language which are nonexistent in the English language.

Learning The Arabic Alphabet in Its Traditional Order

I highly recommend you not to learn the Arabic alphabet in its traditional order. This can especially help you
avoid amalgamates and other possible confusions between the letters with similar shapes and transcriptions but with
different sounds. It’s only once you’ve learned all the letters of the Arabic alphabet that you could learn them in their
traditional order.

One more things: its important for each letter to be written properly so they can be readable, and written correctly and
at a normal pace.

A Few More Tips

Here are some tips and tricks for optimally learning this beautiful language:

Don’t just learn its rules: learning should be

contextualized. Learn things that can easily be used in a
practical context such as when at work or shopping.

Once again, make sure you do vocalization exercises of

words, phrases or entire texts. This will help you properly
and quickly express yourself.

Learning Arabic must be dynamic! It’s very important to

include enjoyable activities, such as games, to better
assimilate the language.

About The Author

This article was written by Salim Kecir, a coach/tutor of the Arabic language for more than 15 years. He is also an
author of books for learning Arabic, which you can find here (in French only). He also woks on,
teaching Arabic to students of all ages and levels.

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