Elements in e - Portfolio

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Elements in e – portfolio

I have learnt about cover letter, entries, dates on all entries, drafts of aural/oral and written
products from the elements in e – portfolio.

In the entries, the learners are able to decide the best piece of work and justify the
reasons on choosing it. Doing reflections in e –portfolio could be the learning process as the
learners are able to express themselves by using e-portfolio. Knowledge could be learn in
different stages and different pace without comparing with other people’s work. This can
relate to student’s performance, to their feelings regarding their progress and/or themselves
as learners.

When I learn to create e –portfolio, I study that learning artifacts are documents or
media files that are electronic evidence of the students learning and their progress from time
to time. Students can reflect who they are personally, academically and professionally
through e-portfolio.

For each learning artifact selected, all of the details and items mentioned in the e-
portfolio should be related with experiences. Experiences stimulate long-learning process.
From the experiences, information could be interpreted in a way which make sense with
other people.

Last but not least, e-portfolio is a platform to assess students’ learning outcomes and
keep the record of learner’s progress.

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