Downtime Cost of Equipment Used in A Construction Industry

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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248

Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277

Downtime Cost of Equipment Used In a Construction Industry
Miss. Kalpana Gangane1, 2nd Mr. Dipak Patil2
PG Scholar Kalpana Gangane, Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Wagholi, Pune, INDIA
2,Asst. Prof.
Dipak Patil, Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Wagholi, Pune, INDIA.

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a sample of how Construction companies deal with equipment downtime cost, and further how
they analyze its reduction. The study was performed by conducting a web-based survey within construction firms that have at least 200
employees. The main results obtained from the investigation show that the estimated downtime cost constitutes about 23.9 % from the total
manufacturing cost ratio, and 13.3 % from planned production time. Additionally, the hourly cost of downtime, whether planned or unplanned,
is relatively high.
Finally, the lack of fully integrated models for assessing the downtime costs and frameworks for distinguishing the difference between planned
and unplanned stoppages are the main reasons behind the continuation of cost in ascending form. Due to that, the improvements will emphasize
on areas with less cost saving opportunities. As a result, this will affect the production efficiency and effectiveness which in return has its
influence on costs and thereby profits margin.

1. Introduction For instance, one explicit trade-off is between

costing methods and maintenance applications. Productive
The opening chapter mainly displays the motivation maintenance strives for minimizing downtime events and
factors behind the thesis topic and the intention of hence cost. On the other hand, proper costing method can be
approaching such a subject. Further, the introduction context of much beneficial to maintenance managers through
enclosed by different constituent elements namely assessing the efficiency of the adopted maintenance policy.
background, problem discussion, objective, research Moreover, it allows the use of series mathematical modeling
questions, delimitations, limitations, and finally a chapter and simulation as an input to optimizing maintenance
summary. The report structure consists of eight chapters, strategy, in particular, the preventive maintenance strategy.
and at the end of the first three chapters brief summary will There upon, a real case study is very urgent in
be provided. The purpose is to facilitate the process of idea approaching this topic in a logical manner. According to
flow and content coherence; especially the first three that, Swedish manufacturing industry was chosen for this
chapters address the theoretical background of this study. issue as it has perceived vast technological progress within
Consequently, the overall goal of this chapter is to furnish production facilities. Moreover, the infrastructure of such
the reader with a general understanding about the proposed development was based on the installation of robotic
topic. systems. Nevertheless, these sophisticated and complex
In today’s competitive manufacturing market, systems exposed to frequent stoppages wherein are some of
production efficiency and effectiveness are among top these stoppages has a significant impact on production
business priorities. Thus, production equipment becoming outage and so lost profit
the central focus of interest as it is the backbone of the
manufacturing process and key performance indicator of 2. Problem statement
productivity. The requirements of outstanding performance
According to Traditional cost accounting method the
force companies to substantially consider reducing their
downtime cost of equipment’s was so high as they were
machines downtime frequency and its consequential costs.
using the Traditional costing method.
Equipment downtime occurs due to planned or
In Traditional cost accounting method the action were
unplanned stops. However, the unplanned stops caused by
taken after the breakdown of equipment’s.
failures and disturbances occurrence are the most common
unexpected factors that have the non-trivial influence on the 3. Case study
overall productivity. Also, this interrelation between
downtime events and productivity lies in gist of economic 3.1. Study of Previous Research Paper
connotation, in which cost and profit variables are inversely
proportional by means of decreasing downtime cost and In this step I got a detailed idea about the previous thesis
thereby increasing production profit. To this end, in order to done, after the detailed study it was noted that there are
decrease the downtime cost, suitable and developed costing some laggings which are still affecting the cost of
methods are needed to calculate and trace every single cost construction project. This encouraged me to get into the
disbursed during the stoppage juncture. All activities and subject and do the detailed thesis, so that downtime cost of
resources that have depleted whilst retrieving the production equipment’s used in a construction industry to be
equipment function should be allocated based on their real minimized.
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277
3.2. Appointment of site recorded were analyzed for the final results and the results
of analysis were submitted to the Project Manager.
To complete the thesis actual work was to be done and
hence I approached the site “AVAANTI RESIDENCES” at 3.7. Study of Analysis
swargate Pune. There I got a permission for thesis and I
started working on the same. After the analysis of the record which is gathered and
SITE DETAILS: recorded after making changes in the system, the detailed
Name of site: Avaanti Residences study of analysis were done and presented in front of the
Site Address: In Front of Jayshreej Garden Restaurant, authority.
Hirabaug Chownk, Shukrawar Peth, Pune.
3.8. Result
Client: ABIL Corporation
Contractor: Capacite Infra projects Ltd. The result of work measurement were found so useful to
Type of Building: Commercial cum Residential Building minimize downtime cost as it reduces 20-25% more
Name of Project Manager: Mr. Babu Shigula Sir, Mr. downtime cost with compare to previous method.
Anand Aswale Sir
Name of Engineer: Mr. Gaurav Deokar Sir, Mr. Pravin 4. Result & discussion
Bhende Sir
Table no.1.Actual Onsite Equipment
Area of building: 2500 sq.m.
No Name of equipment’s
3.3. Observation, Study & Analysis of the existing Bar Bending
process Machine
2 Bar Cutting Machine
In this step I observed the whole ongoing system which
3 Tower Crane
is used in daily construction practice. The record such as
4 Transit Mixer
activity log book, work hindrance register, etc. were studied
in detail. After the study of the ongoing system it was noted 5 Total Station
that there were some lags in system which cases downtime 6 Ply Cutting Machine
of construction equipment’s. 7 Needle
8 Diesel Generator
3.4. Discussion
9 Concrete Pump
A brief discussion meeting was held at site with site team
as well as some of the staff from head office. In this meeting 4.1 Name of Equipment: Tower Crane
results of observation and its study were presented in front Figure.No.4.1 Tower Crane
of them. After seeing the results, they were agreed to do 4.1.1. Activity: Concreting
some changes in the system, and for the same I suggested Concreting by tower crane is one of the most efficient
them to follow the system which were designed by me and task, the efficiency depends upon the structure concreting to
Babu Sir. Some suggestion was agreed by them so as to be done. For a structure like column, the tower crane can lift
reduce downtime cost of equipment’s. about 6 cu.m of concrete per hour.
 Cost of concrete/cu.m = Rupees 4000
3.5. Implementation
 Cost of concrete done per hour= 6*4000 = 24000
Implementation of a new system was started after the If the tower crane is sudden breakdown for an hour, it
approval of management immediately. In this system some will affect the cost of the project as follows:
changes were done which are as follows: Cost of concrete + Labor Cost (1mason, 2helper); i.e. =
1. Social Changes 24000 + 500 + 2*350 = 25,200.
2. Reduction of Communication Gap We can also find the affected cost on project if the tower
3. Changes in Maintenance Strategy crane is breakdown for 1 day: In 1 day if you are planning to
4. Daily Inspection Process do a concrete quantity 24 cu.m of a column & beam and
your tower crane suddenly breakdown after the 2 concrete
3.6. Analysis vehicles reach at site, in this case the total affected cost on
your project is 12*4000 + 500*2 + 350*3 = 50,050.
After the Implementation of new system, the work
measurements were recorded on monthly basis. This data

IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @

International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277
Sometime tower crane is idle as the operator of tower and the machine is idle for that time period. If your machine
crane is on a shore break or lunch break. A short break takes is idle for an hour your project cost affect as follows:
30 min to resume his work where Lunch break takes 1.5 1operator + 2helpers + 2fitter + 2 helper = 600 + 350*2 +
hours to resume the work. If an operator is on a short break 2*500 + 2*350 = 3,000 Rs. (Labour Charges)
tower crane remains idle for half hour which will affect the As the reinforcement work is delayed the shuttering can’t
cost of the project. be done due to which carpenter and there helper also have to
4.1.2. Considering above points I have made some changes sit idle, i.e. 2*500 + 2*350 = 1700Rs.
in our system: As these activity gets delayed all further activity gets
a. Social Changes: delayed and finally your project gets delayed which leads
In this we have arranged the alternate operator for tower you the increase the construction cost.
crane, also the shift wise working system was implemented. 4.2.2. Considering above situation I have done some
In this system before any one operator goes for a break, he changes in our existing working system:
gives charge to the another one so as to not keep tower crane
idle. By implementing this system we achieved our desired a. Preventive Maintenance:
goal with full efficiency and utilization of machine. Due to Here we use preventive maintenance so that sudden
this implementation our cost of idleness reduced by 20 to breakdown of the machine does not occurs and the work
25%. goes on fluently. AMC is given to third party for monthly
b. M basis maintenance as well as daily inspection of machine is
ainte done by our MEP incharge so as to prevent any sudden
nanc breakdown.
e This helps us to reduce downtime of machine till 20-
Strat 30%.
egy: b. Social Changes:
W The operator was given one helper who was trained with
e the job (Bar Bending Operation) he have to do in absence of
made operator. In this case when the operator goes on a short
some break or Lunch break, the helper continues the job so as to
changes in our maintenance strategy, now the maintenance not keep the machine idle at that time. Due to this the
is done forth nightly as well as AMC is given to third party capacity of machine was fully achieved and the production
for monthly maintenance. Also the daily inspection is done was increased to 4.5 tonne per day.
by our MEP team so as to avoid any sudden break down.
4.3 Name of Equipment: Bar & Steel Cutting Machine
Due to this system the sudden breakdown of tower crane
comes to 0%.
4.2 Name of Equipment: Bar Bending Machine

Figure.No.4.3 Bar & Steel Cutting Machine

4.3.1. Activity: Reinforcement
The capacity of bar cutting machine is to cut 8 tonne of
Figure.No.4.2 Bar Bending Machine steel per 8 hours , this mean the capacity of cutting machine
4.2.1. Activity: Reinforcement work per hour is equals to 8/8=1.0 tonne per hour .
The capacity of bar bending machine is to bend 4-5 tonne In this case there is only one operator and two helpers to
of steel per 8 hours , this mean the capacity of bending execute the work, if the operator goes for a break the helper
machine per hour is equals to 5/8=0.625 tonne per hour . and the machine is idle for that time period. If your machine
In this case there is only one operator and two helpers to is idle for an hour your project cost affect as follows:
execute the work, if the operator goes for a break the helper 1operator + 2helpers + 2fitter + 2helper = 600 + 350*2 +
2*500 + 2*350 = 3,000 Rs. (Labour Charges)
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277
As the reinforcement work is delayed the shuttering can’t 1) Every driver will check the Transit Mixer before
be done due to which carpenter and there helper also have to leaving the plant and after completion of work when he
sit idle, i.e. 2*500 + 2*350 = 1700Rs. parks the vehicle to plant.
As these activity gets delayed all further activity gets 2) Monthly maintenance of a vehicle to be done.
delayed and finally your project gets delayed which leads 3) Checking of the mixer to be done on daily basis.
you the increase the construction cost. 4) Checklist to be done on everyday basis.
4.3.2. Considering above situation I have done some By applying above system it was observed that the failure
changes in our existing working system: of transit mixer was very minor than it was before & it
a. Preventive Maintenance: saved a cost about 27,300 Rs. for a project.
Here we use preventive maintenance so that sudden
4.5 Name of Equipment: Diesel Generator
breakdown of the machine does not occur and the work goes
on fluently. AMC is given to third party for monthly basis
maintenance as well as daily inspection of machine is done
by our MEP incharge so as to prevent any sudden
This helps us to reduce downtime of machine till 20-
b. Social Changes:
The operator was given one helper who was trained with
the job (Bar cuttinging Operation) he has to do in absence of
operator. In this case when the operator goes on a short
break or Lunch break, the helper continues the job so as to
not keep the machine idle at that time. Due to this the Figure.No.4.5 Diesel Generator
capacity of machine was fully achieved and the production This is the machine which is used as a backup in case of
was increased to 7 tonne per day from 4-5 tonne per day. cutoff of light supply, but in case if the Diesel Generator is
not working the most labor on site will be idle and the work
4.4 Name of Equipment: Transit Mixer
will be stopped.
This stoppage of work will affect very high on the site
budget which is shown below:
Fitter and there helper are not able to cut and bend the
steel which cost Rs. 9400, as well as Carpenter are not able
to cut the ply which will cost Rs. 10200.
Also the tower crane operator (2 nos) remains idle. i.e=
600*2= 1200.
Total impact of breakdown of Diesel Generator =
9400+10200+1200 = 20800.
This impact is very high for one day breakdown.
4.5.1. Considering above points I have made some
Figure.No.4.4 Transit Mixer
changes in our system:
4.4.1. Activity: Concreting
a. Maintenance Strategy:
Transit mixer plays an important role in the activity of
We made some changes in our maintenance strategy,
concreting; it acts as a mediator between RMC plant &
now the maintenance is done forth nightly as well as AMC
Construction site. Averagely transit mixer carries 6cu.m of
is given to third party for monthly maintenance. Also the
concrete which cost 24,000 Rupees, the workability of
daily inspection is done by our MEP team so as to avoid any
concrete is of 3 hours and the transit mixer takes
sudden break down. Due to this system the sudden
approximate 1.5 hours for transportation from RMC plant to
breakdown of tower crane comes to 0%.
construction site. If a transit mixer fails at the time of
transportation and not able to reach site within 3 hours, the 4.6 Name of Equipment: Ply Cutting Machine
concrete is rejected and it cost as follows:
Concrete Cost +Driver Charges +Fuel Charges
+Breaking of concrete by breaker which is set in transit
mixer due to failure of transit mixer (2 labour for 3 days).
i.e. = 24,000 + 600 + 300 + 800*3 = 27,300 Rupees.
Considering above loss I finalize the maintenance system
and stream lined it, the finalized system was as follow:
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277
If the error occurs at the time of fixing of coordinate
which are given as per drawing the whole building gets
shifted. If such error occurs it is not acceptable as per
drawing and the whole casted structure is to be demolished
which will highly affect the cost of project.
Cost of concrete+ cost of shuttering + cost of
reinforcement + cost of concreting+ cost of demolishing +
cost of housekeeping
i.e. (cost of concrete) + (carpenter*1+helper*2) +
(fitter*1+helper*2) + (mason*1+helper*2) +
Figure.No.4.6 Ply Cutting Machine (2helper*2days) + (2helper)
Ply cutting machine plays an important role in the field i.e. (5000) + (500*1+350*2) + (500*1+350*2) +
of construction, if a ply cutting machine is not working for a (500*1+350*2) + ((350*2)*2) + (350*2)
day, the carpenter gang is not able to do the shuttering work. Therefore;
For example If a carpenter gang is doing shuttering for a Total cost which affect the project is = 10700 rupees.
slab and they need to cut a ply which they want to fix but To reduce this cost the calibration of Total station is done
due to breakdown of ply cutting machine they are not able to by every six month which helps in maintaining accuracy of
do the shuttering work as well as fitter is not able to do the total station and reduces the above mentioned cost.
reinforcement work which affects the cost of project as
follows: 4.8 Name of Equipment: Vibrator Needle
Carpenter- 6nos. + Helper 6nos. + Fitter- 6nos. + Helper
6nos. + Delay of slab casting
500*6 + 350*6 + 500*6 + 350*6 + Overhead cost due to
delay of slab casting
= 10200 + overhead costs
4.6.1. Considering above points I have done some changes
which are as follows:
As the cost of Ply cutting machine is not so expensive,
we purchased one spare Ply cutting machine which is useful
when the other machine is breakdown.
The electric supply of machine is checked on day to day
basis so as to prevent breakdown of machine.
4.7 Name of Equipment: Total station

Figure.No.4.6 Vibrator Needle

Vibrator needle is used for compaction of concrete at the
time of casting. If the vibrator needle is breakdown at the
time of casting, the concrete is not well compacted and the
honeycomb occurs after deshuttering of structure.
If the honeycomb occurs it is to be rectified with
chemical mortar and in case of major honeycombing in
column the structure is to be breaked.
The above activity will affect your project cost as
4.8.1. In case of minor honeycombing:
Repairing cost+ chemical mortar cost (Fairmate)
(1mason+1helper) + (4000 per bag) i.e (500+350+4000)
Total cost in case of minor repairing = 4850 Rupees.
4.8.2. In case of major honeycombing:
Shuttering cost +Concrete cost + Labor cost +
Figure.No.4.6 Total station
Demolishing Cost + Housekeeping cost + Re shuttering cost
Total station plays the key role in the field of
+ Concrete cost + Labor cost
construction, total station is used on daily basis at site as we
(500+350*2) + (5000) + (500+350*2) + (350*2) +
have to fix column, retaining wall, building line, etc.
(350*2) + (500+350*2) + (5000) + (500+350*2)
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277
Therefore total cost = 16200 Rupees. was a communication gap between the site team and
plant team for ordering the concrete.
4.9 Name of Equipment: Concrete Pump
By eliminating this communication gap the ordering
4.9.1. Activity: Concreting
sequence of concrete is stream lined.
Pumping capacity of concrete pump per hour is 14cu.m
After eliminating this communication gap it was
where as it on an actual it pumps 6-8 cu.m of concrete, this
observed that the pouring capacity of concrete pump was
lag of pumping of concrete affects financially on the project.
increased to 12-13cu.m per hour where as prior it was 8cu.m
Per cu.m rate of pumping of concrete is Rs. 300 means per
per hour.
hour cost is 14*300=4,200. Actual production cost per hour
The lag is now 1cu.m which cost 300 Rs.
is 8*300=2400. The difference between actual and
In this case we have achieved 90% of efficiency of a
theoretical cost is 4200-2400=1800+ labour (Rigger) sits
concrete pump.
idle which cost 300*5=1500.
The 1 cu.m lag occurs due to time which transit mixer
4.9.2. After analyzing why there is difference between
takes for movement to pump which is accepted.
actual & theoretical cost it was observed that there

Table no 2: Losses in production due to Equipment Downtime

Loss Category Loss Category Example Comment
Breakdown Downtime Losses Equipment failure, unplanned Loss due to breakdown of equipment
maintenance, tooling damage
Setup & Downtime Losses Setup/Changeover, Time loss due to adjustment in equipment
Adjustment Operator shortage
Idling & minor Speed looses Component jams Small stop losses occur when equipment stops for a
stoppage short time as a result of temporary problem

Reduced Speed Speed losses Operators inefficiency under Reduced speed refers to the difference between design
design capacity speed & actual operating speed
Startup loss Quality loss Equipment warm up Some equipment requires warm up time & certain
adjustment to obtain optimum output

4.9.3. Considering above points we have done some The electric supply of needle is checked on day to day
changes which are as follows: basis so as to prevent breakdown of vibrator needle.
As the cost of vibrator needle machine is not so Training was given to the labor those who are operating
expensive, we purchased two spare needle machines which the needle at the time of concreting so as to prevent sudden
are useful when the other needle is breakdown. breakdown due to short circuit due to high pressure on it.
4.10 Summary
Table 4: Represents difference in cost before breakdown of equipment and after breakdown of equipment
Sr. No Name of equipment Cost without failure Cost with failure Difference in cost
1 Bar bending machine 3000 4700 1700
2 Bar cutting machine 3000 4700 1700
3 Tower crane 25,200 49,200 24000
4 Transit mixer 2,000 26,500 24,500
5 Diesel generator 1,500 20,800 19,300
6 Total station 5000 10700 5700
7 Ply cutting machine 1800 10200 8400
8 Vibrator needle 25,050 50100 25050
9 Concrete Pump 2400 3300 900
TOTAL 68,950 1,80,200 1,11,250
4.11 Result: 4.12 Suggestion:
By using Activity based costing method we have reduced 1. By using Activity based costing method we have
cost due to downtime of equipment by about 62%. reduced cost due to downtime of equipment by about
Before using ABC method we were using Traditional 62%. This method is useful for all the construction
method in which we used to cost 1,80,200 as downtime cost projects those whose overhead cost is getting more in
whereas after using ABC method the downtime cost were account of company.
reduced to 68,950. 2. Before using ABC method we were using Traditional
As the downtime is decreased the overall delay in work method in which we used to cost 1,80,200 as downtime
due to downtime is decreased which results in the Timely cost whereas after using ABC method the downtime
completion of the project. cost were reduced to 68,950. This help us in reducing
the total amount up to 1,11,250.
IJFRCSCE | December 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 12 271 – 277
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