Attitude of Secondary School Teachers Towards The Use of ICT in Teaching Learning Process

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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248

Volume: 3 Issue: 11 594 – 597


Attitude of Secondary School Teachers towards the Use of ICT in Teaching

Learning Process

Mr. Kuldeep Birwal

Assistant Professor
Yash College of Education
Rurkee, Rohtak

I. INTRODUCTION Technical Words

Teaching is becoming one of the most challenging ICT comes from information, communication and
professions in our society. Where knowledge is expending technology.
rapidly and modern technologies are demanding teachers to II. INFORMATION:
learn how to use these technologies in their teaching. We all know that information is not education, nor is
Education system around the world are under increasing information necessarily knowledge, although knowledge is
pressure to use the new information and communication based on information. Information is stored and
technologies to teach students, the knowledge and skills they communicated. Information is power. Information of all
need in the 21st century. With the emerging new types and in huge amount is called in various ways and then
technologies the teaching profession is erolying from an communicated through satellite or through optical fibers,
emphasis on teacher centered, teacher based instruction to laid across the oceans & continents. The fast developing and
student centered interaction learning environment. The processing information is transmitted through modern
learning environment at present has become multimedia computers, fax, e-mail, internet etc.
/multichannel/ multimodal and multi- dimensioned which is COMMUNICATION:
very powerful –teaching by collection use of a series of The term communication originated from the Latin ward
information from different sources media such as Text , communis which means, communication is an
sound graphic, animation, & video with the help of act by which a person shares the knowledge, feelings, ideas,
computer and connected multimedia software with enhance information, etc. it is most basic form, the process of
the quality of teaching. When a teacher uses multimedia in education must consist of a transaction between teacher and
her / his classroom, the students like to get more impression student education is a shared experience undertaken
on the topics, Because of its special features. It can stimulate voluntarily. One could hardly argue with the assertion that
the students mind and encourage learning through all senses. education depends upon acts of communication because
ICT got developed as a new subject in the field of education education is a cooperative rather than an operative art.
from the last few years. Computer plays a key role in III. TECHNOLOGY:
education .learning through computer is an interesting affair Teaching is the use of hardware and software for
students are getting novel experiences from this technology. efficient management through modern era. Technology in
ICT will help in enabling better and increased access education refers to application of engineering principles in
information. the development of electro-mechanical equipments used for
Computer is certainly one of the versatile Developments of instructional purpose. This type of technology is known as
the modern technological age. It plays a vital role in using media.
multimedia based learning package. Teaching the content Technology includes computers, videos, television, and
material with the help of the computer is called “computer connection with other computers globally to gather. So
assisted instruction. It has unanimously has been accepted technology is very useful to get information and to make
that teachers of today and tomorrow most essentially be communicate with others. Without technology we can not
technically competent enough to take advantages of latest transfer our information one place to another place and can’t
ICT tools for improving the quality and raising the standards communicate. Technology is changing every aspect of
of education. To become IT savvy teachers must be techno human life including communication, trade, manufacturing
pedagogues, the SMART teachers, so that they can integrate services, culture research and global security.
information technology with the teaching methodology. IV. MEANING OF ICT-
They must possess competence to use ICT for their own The end of the 20th century and beginning of 21st century
professional development. has witnessed very exciting changes. One of them being in
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 594 – 597
the field of information and communication technology. Thus, teacher educators must train the teachers for ICT
Education is the most powerful tool for change and hence it skills development, use of ICT for teaching, and inputs
must train the minds of those being educated to cope with for web based learning.
the change. ICT refer the various technologies that enhance
the creation, storage, processing communication & VII. IMPACT OF ICT ON TEACHING
dissemination of information .ICT also refer to the different ATTITUDE:
infrastruction used in these processes. The application and Information and technologies have brought new possibilities
the numerous services these infrastructure support. into the classroom. Exemplified most easily by the internet
ATTITUDE- An Attitude can be defined as a positive or and interactive multimedia they are obviously of great
negative evaluation at people, objects, Event, activities, significance for teachers. The use of ICT can make
ideas or just about anything in your environment. Attitude is substantial changes both of teaching and training in two
defined as the totality of those states that lead to or point important ways mainly i.e., the rich representation of
toward some particular activity of the organism. The attitude information changes, learner’s perception and understanding
therefore, the dynamic elements in human behavior the of the context. Adequate use of ICT can also provide
motion for activity. powerful support for educational innovation. ICT is not only
ICT - Information and communication technology required an essential tool for teachers in their day to day work, but it
for information processing. In particular, the use of also offers them the opportunities for their professional
electronic computers, communication devices and software development. When the process time is increased, the time
application to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and of student’s activities, discussion, correlation with other
retrieve information from anywhere and anytime. subject, brain storming, learning etc. will increase i.e.:
teachers are those who teach from sixth to tenth standard BETTER TEACHERS:
students And those who have done Bachelor in education. Shifting the emphasis from teaching to learning can create a
These teachers receive pre-service education before more interactive and engaging learning environment for
appointing to the job. teachers and learners. This new environment also involves a
V. MAKING THE TEACHER EDUCATORS ICT change in the roles of teachers and student. Integration of
COMPETENT: ICT in teacher education will provide powerful tools to
Open and distance learning based on latest ICT .particularly support the shift to student – centered learning and the new
those supported by internet and World Wide Web has great roles of teachers and students and will have the following
potential in the education system. It contributes in the wider merits:
dissemination of information, updating of knowledge, o “Access to information” is considered to be one of
effective individualized learning and providing efficient the most important benefits of the use of ICT in
education services in a very expedition manner .during last teacher education programs.
few years, the system is gradually developing as a parallel to o ICT enabled teaching facilitates sharing of ideas,
formal education system in Indian continent also. This has experience as well as collaborating on project,
changed the expectations from the teachers. Rapid growth exchanged materials, through discussion groups.
and development of ICT has impacted almost all walks of o ICT enables to provide individual instruction with
life including education. Studies show that the proper use of individual space, like giving attention to gifted or
technology can spectacularly improve educational slow learners.
outcomes. o ICT enable to give feedback and testing
VI. COMPETENCIES TO BE INCULCATED IN objectively and quickly without biases.
TEACHER EDUCATORS: o Diagnosis of individual is also possible through
Professional development of the teachers requires ICT using specific software.
understanding in following new areas of professional ability:
1) To become familiar with the capabilities of newly IX. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY:
emerging technological devices and systems. The information and communication technology is very
2) To be able to explore how these new devices and much useful to make teaching learning process effective
processes can be integrated into classroom practice .ICT enabled education and training would not only be
and subject specific teaching. cost effective but also make education effective and
3) To be skilled in handling, sequencing and efficient while offering mass customization of learning,
designing of information for various technologies. and continuous support. The use of ICT in education lends
itself to more student –centered learning settings. ICT is
changing the way we work, communicate organize,
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 594 – 597
conduct business gather and process information, even “A sample is a small proportion of a Population selected for
how we play and entertain. It is not a revolution in observation and analysis”. The universe is infinite and the
technology, machinery, techniques software speed or sample is finite part of the total. It is a part of the whole;
convergence. sample operates on the entire whole.
1) Study the mean Attitude scores of the Male In the present study investigator used 5 points Lickert’s
teachers of private school towards the use of based Opinionnaire. The information from that attempt to
Information and Communication Technology in measure attitude or belief of an individual is known as an
teaching learning process. Opinionnaire or attitude scale. Construction of an
2) To study the mean Attitude scores of the Female Opinionnaire requires an adequate understanding of and an
teachers of private school towards the use of insight into investigator’s problem of research.
Information and Communication Technology in SELECTION OF THE SCALE:
teaching learning process. The attitude scales are designed to provide a quantitative
3) To study the mean Attitude scores of the Male measure of the individual’s relative position along a one –
teachers of government school towards the use of dimensional attitude continuum. Special procedures have
Information and Communication Technology in been devised in an attempt to achieve comparability of score
teaching learning process. from scale to scale equality of distances between scale unit
4) To study the mean Attitude scores of the Female and unidimensionally or homogeneity of items.
teachers of government school towards the use of FINDINGS: -
Information and Communication Technology in Mean scores obtained by both the male and female teachers,
teaching learning process. shows a favorable attitude towards ICT. Both male &
5) To compare the mean Attitude scores of the Male female teachers strongly favor the imparting the use of ICT
and Female teachers of private school towards the in teaching learning process i.e.:
use of Information and Communication 1) It has been found that Male Senior Secondary
Technology in teaching learning process. School Teachers attitude level towards ICT is
XI. HYPOTHESES: 2) It has been found that Female Senior Secondary
H1- There is no significant difference between the mean
School Teachers attitude level towards ICT is
attitude score of male and female teachers of privet schools
towards the use of Information and Communication in
3) It has been found that Male Senior Secondary
teaching learning process.
School Teachers have positive attitude towards ICT
H2- There is no significant difference between the mean
in private schools.
attitude scores of the Male and Female teachers of
4) It has been found that Female Senior Secondary
government schools towards the use of Information and
School Teachers have positive attitude towards ICT
Communication technology in teaching learning process.
in government schools.
5) It has been found that there is no significant
The present study is delimited into following areas:
difference between private male and female school
 The study is delimited to the Senior secondary teachers towards ICT.
school teachers of Ghazipur, Delhi. It is further XIV. IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY:
delimited to a sample of 120 teachers of private and The result of the study can be of great use in our practical
government Senior secondary school Teachers. life. Study of the ICT attitude of the teachers can reveal the
XIII. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY:METHOD: functioning of their mind.
Descriptive survey Method is used for the study. What do they think?
VARIABLE: In this study two variables are used – In what way they take the things in their day to day life?
 ICT What are their own views about their own selves?
 Attitude How do they view themselves and others?
For the purpose of the study, a sample of 120 teachers (60 Many times a person fails to do a thing as perfectly as he
private + 60 governments) from Ghazipur, Delhi is selected. wishes to, due to lack of resources and time and not due to
SAMPLE TECHNIQUE: lack of knowledge and expertise. Regarding this study
Stratified random sampling is used to select the Sample. frankly confesses the following limitations:
SELECTION OF THE SAMPLE:  The sample of the study is only 120 (60 male + 60
female) Teachers.
IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 11 594 – 597
 The socio economic status of the teachers could [7] Jaiswal Deepak (2011), Role of ICT in teacher
not be studied. education, Edutracks, Volume10, N0. 11, July-2011,PP9-
 Rural and urban factors cannot be studied. 10.
 Attitude is only limited to S. S. School teachers &
a particular city which does not represent the data
of a country.
The following are the area & the aspects, where further
studies can be conducted by the researchers at all levels:
 The study can be conducted for large sample.
 The study can also be conducted to see the
difference in attitude of people towards ICT who
belongs to different socio economic strata.
 Study of rural urban people can also be made to
measure the attitude of ICT.
 The study can also be conducted on people having
different background.

Purpose of the study was to find out the comparison
between private and government senior secondary school
teachers of Ghazipur, Delhi.
In accordance with the analysis done and
interpretations made of the data the following conclusion is
made by keeping in view the purpose stated above that the
private and government senior secondary school teachers is
high, there is necessity to develop the attitude towards ICT,
which in turn helps them to develop the same among their
students. They should be sublimated through constructive
activities. New techniques and methodology helps in work
as well as create a conducive environment which should be
the base of the private and government school teachers.
[1] Anandan K., Gopal B.V (2011), Edutrack , volume 11
No 1, September 2011,PP 9-10.
[2] Agarwal Rashmi (2011), Making the Teacher Educators
ICT Competent, Teacher Education, June 2011, PP 51-
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need to revisit the policy framework, Edusearch ,volume
2.No 1, April 2011,PP.144-149.
[4] Dutta Neeti & Dutta Indrajeet & Ray( shibani 2011),
Capacity building of elementary through ICT- A public-
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[6] Gupta Prof. Madhu & Nagpal Chirag (2011),
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IJFRCSCE | November 2017, Available @

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