Automatic Waste Segregation Using Image Processing and Machine Learning

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887

Volume 6 Issue V, May 2018- Available at

Automatic Waste Segregation using Image

Processing and Machine Learning
Boudhayan Dev1, Aditya Agarwal2, Chinmay Hebbal3, Aishwarya H S4, Kiran Agarwal Gupta5,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Department of Electronics and Communication, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India.

Abstract: The exponential growth of waste materials due to rapid urbanization has put immense pressure on our environment.
Improper handling and disposal of waste materials has polluted our ground water and land resources. Therefore, it is imperative
that we examine the process of waste collection, segregation and automation for better management of the waste materials. This
paper provides a solution that can detect, identify and segregate waste items into biodegradable and non-biodegradable
categories without any human assistance. The waste segregator is a centrally partitioned movable bin that travels in the area of
interest and picks up any waste item in its path. This work is an integration of machine learning concept, Image processing and
embedded application using Raspberry Pi. The robotic arm places the object on a rotating flap attached over the two
compartments. Machine Learning is used to identify the category of the waste item. The proposed system does not use any
sensors and is totally based on training hardware using artificial intelligence. The waste item is then dropped into its respective
compartment by the rotating flap. The system continues to travel in its path until the end of the area is reached. The designed
segregation of bio-degradable and non-biodegradable items is carried out with 92% accuracy in short time.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Image processing, Robotic arm, Automation, Waste segregation.

In today’s world, garbage disposal has become a cause of major concern. An astounding amount of 0.1 million tons of waste is
generated each day in our country. Unfortunately, only 5% of this colossal amount of waste is recycled [1]. The huge amount of
waste that is generated gets disposed by means which have an adverse effect on the environment due to improper waste
management. Several advancements in technology has made it possible to convert waste items into useful sources of energy. But, to
enable the waste items to be used as sources of energy, they need to be carefully processed and any non-biodegradable waste item
needs to be removed.
The numbers of ways have been proposed to solve this challenge; in [2] a new concept uses inductive proximity sensor and
capacitive sensing module that can sort wastes at the initial stage of segregation. Segregating module-DC geared motors sorts these
wastes into three different categories, namely metal, dry and the wet waste. The waste segregation is carried out largely with the
help of manual workers. The efficiency of manual segregation is low. The chances of a waste material being incorrectly classified
are high due to human error. Along with that, the workers are subjected to the risk of infection and diseases which are very common
in such working conditions [3].
In [4], waste segregation using deep learning is proposed for faster and cleaner working. It involves acquiring images from camera
with detection, object recognition, prediction and classification into categories as biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
The waste segregation using sensors has been proposed in [5] and [6]. The bin is fitted with metal sensor and an IR sensor to
determine the type of waste. The response from the metal sensor indicates non-biodegradable waste and the response from IR sensor
indicates biodegradable waste. The lid tilts accordingly and drops the waste item into either compartment. This problem is addressed
in [6] by using metallic sensor placed in a container. The waste is further processed by capacitive sensing module which
distinguishes between wet and dry waste. The waste is then subjected to LDR+LASER to determine plastic components. The waste
is identified with the help of the above sensors and then segregated by pushing them into separate containers belonging to each
category. Also, [8] gives the concept of the waste is to be fed to the conveyor belt through an automatic feed system which will
comprise of a hopper and other mechanism. After this, metal Sensors which are clamped below the conveyor belt, will sense the
metal particles and in turn stop the conveyor belt.
This paper provides a solution to achieve automatic segregation of waste at the primary levels i.e. where the wastes are produced. If
the waste items are segregated properly at their primary level, a major portion of the waste management cycle is covered. The usage
of automation in segregation of waste items can greatly improve its efficiency and at the same time reduce the health hazards
associated with manual segregation.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2617

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
Volume 6 Issue V, May 2018- Available at

The proposed system aims to replace the need of human beings in waste segregation process by using image processing [9] for
waste detection and sorting based on machine learning [10] with the bin able to navigate in a one-time path set by user. This is
unique, simple and consumes less power and resources as it requires no complex hardware.

[1] M.K Pushpa, Ayushi Gupta, Suchitra V, Shariq Mohammed Shaikh, Stuti Jha, “Microcontroller based automatic waste segregator”, International Journal of
Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2015.
[2] Amrutha Chandramohan, Joyal Mendonca, Nikhil Ravi Shankar,“Automated Waste Segregator”,India Educators' Conference (TIIEC), 2014 Texas Instruments
, IEEE, 10.1109/TIIEC.2014.009 .
[3] Keerthana B, Sonali M Raghavendran, “Internet of Bins Trash Management in India”, 2017 Second International Conference on Computing and
Communications Technologies (ICCCT’17), IEEE 10.1109/ICCCT2.2017.7972277.
[4] S.Sudha, M. Vidhyalakshmi, K.Pavithra, K.Sangeetha, V.Swaathi,“An Automatic classification method for environment friendly waste segregation using Deep
Learning” ,IEEE International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT For Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR2016), IEEE,
[5] Ruveena Singh and Dr. Balwinder Singh, “Design and development of smart waste sorting system”,IJRECE, vol. 3, issue- 4 Oct.-Dec,2015.
[6] Ashwini D. Awale, Akshada A. Margaje, Akshay B. Jagdale, “Automated waste segregator”, Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Electronics
and Communication Engineering, Nov16-17 Oct,2017, vol – 04, issue – 02.
[7] A. Sharanya ,U. Harika ,N. Sriya , “Automatic Waste Segregator”, Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2017 International
Conference , 10.1109/ICACCI.2017.8126023.
[8] S.M .Dudhal, B. S. Jonwal, Prof. H. P. Chaudhari, “Waste segregation using programmable logic controller”, International Journal for Technological Research
in Engineering, vol 1, issue 8, April-2014.
[9] ZhenxiongXu ,Danhong Zhang ,Lin Du ,”Moving Object Detection Based on Improved Three Frame Difference and Background Subtraction”, Industrial
Informatics - Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2017 International Conference on
,10.1109/ICIICII.2017.79 .
[10] Nitin R. Gavai ,Yashashree A. Jakhade ,Seema A. Tribhuvan ,” MobileNets for flower classification using TensorFlow”,Big Data, IoT and Data Science, 2017
International Conference.

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