Manual Standardization Smart Masonry - Jan-2-2013

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Structural Design
Manual for Smart
BellaVita Housing Units
This manual describes the design criteria, standards, and methodology for the
structural design of the BellaVita Land Corp. Housing Structures using the Smart
Masonry Building System.

CG-Engineering Structural Department

MDC BuildPlus Inc.
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I. Introduction

To standardize and consolidate the structural engineering practice of MDC Buildplus, a

subsidiary of Makati Development Corporation, it has become one of the company’s goal and a
great effort has been exerted to come up with a standard calculation manual. The outcome of
which will definitely escalate the quality and competitiveness of the design practice of the
structural department. To utilize the full potential set forth, this calculation manual primarily
serves as a technical reference in designing the structural members and integral parts thereof
of housing units of the identified Small Business Unit (SBU). Incorporated hereto is detailed
information that is pertinent in the calculations associated and unique to a specific small
business unit. By bringing together the aforementioned information in one document, the
design process is fast tracked and an easier approach is rendered. Through the help of this
calculation manual, a certain level of homogeneity is maintained and quality of the design is
assured throughout the project in accordance with the standards and requirements of each

Included in this manual is the type of building system and the material properties being used in
the current projects of BellaVita Land Corporation. As indicated earlier, these properties play a
vital role throughout the course of structural design. Likewise, applicable load criteria are also
incorporated in this document. The design of the structural members per se are well defined
within the context of this manual, which includes but not limited to mathematical models and
design software input/output. Lastly, conclusion and recommendations are included within this
manual to give the client ideas and options that will allow them to suit their preferences. In as
much as this manual is concern, it will discuss specifically the Smart Masonry Block building
system that is utilized by BellaVita Land Corporation. Pictures below illustrate the standard
Quadruplex and Multipod model of BellaVita Housing Units.
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Quadruplex Perspective

Quadruplex Floor Plan

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Multipod Perspective

Multipod Floor Plan

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Smart Masonry System

Smart Masonry Construction System is an Australian building system that is utilized in lieu of
conventional concrete hollow blocks system. The smart masonry construction system is unique
in the sense that no mortar is required to secure blocks together prior to grout and core-filling.
Smart Masonry System is a smarter, more cost-effective method of dry stack construction

Smart Masonry System uses Smart Blocks. These Smart Blocks when formed together produces
a load bearing wall and enables the structure to stand even without columns by providing
corner blocks. In contrast with the conventional concrete hollow block, smart masonry blocks
are designed with tongues and grooves that interlock vertically when laid. The blocks are
secured horizontally by patented smart masonry shear key and reinforcing provides lateral
strength ( The smart masonry blocks are available in
different sizes and varying dimensions.

Stacking of Smart Blocks

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The standard smart block utilized by BellaVita has the dimension of 0.20m x 0.40m x 0.11/
0.14m. The use of Smart Masonry System offers several advantages. First and foremost, the
smart blocks are already skim coated and the use of plaster is not required. Next, the quality of
the structure using smart blocks is assured for the reason that uniformity is maintained
throughout the construction. Unprecedented errors and flaws induced by construction workers
are minimized by using this system. The smart blocks are fabricated with precise dimensions
which eliminate uneven horizontal alignment that is otherwise induced from layers of laid
mortar as present when using concrete hollow blocks. As for manpower requirement, highly
skilled workers and big number of laborers are not of great necessity. The simplicity of the
design allows the Smart blocks to be easily assembled and simple instruction to the workers on
how to install it will suffice. In effect, assembling Smart Blocks has made the process less
susceptible to poor construction practices. Although, the price of a single smart block is more
expensive than the common commercially available concrete hollow block, the savings from the
time of construction and savings from mortar is worthy of consideration. With the Smart
Masonry Building System technology, property developers can rapidly build strong, affordable
high quality structures up to 3 times faster than the conventional system. For residential units,
2 storey units can be constructed without any use of columns and beams, increasing speed of
construction and faster turnover of units to customers.
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II. Material Properties

These are properties of a solid or quasi-solid that is often quantitative and measured by
standardized test methods. It is important in the selection of materials to be used in a specific
project. The material properties are use in designing the structural parts of the house.
Documentation of the following properties is of great importance so as to give designers a
common reference from where they can draw parameters relevant to calculation for structural
design. Three of the primary material property that is vital in a structure are steel, reinforced
concrete, and soil property. As mentioned earlier, housing units for BellaVita are composed of
smart blocks. That is to say, concrete hollow block wall part of the framing system is replaced
with smart blocks. Columns are replaced with smart masonry corner blocks. Beams are
primarily made from steel sections. The rafters of the roof frame are composed of structural
channel. On the other hand, steel sections for purlins are selected from different sizes of hat
type sections depending on the loads to be carried. The roofing system for BellaVita housing
projects has monoslope roofing. As for the flooring, BellaVita uses reinforced concrete slab.
Form works are not necessary during construction of wall since the precast smart masonry
blocks serve as the support for the fillings inside. Soil investigation is carried out to determine
required parameters in designing the structure above the soil to be constructed. Such soil
investigations are performed using borehole and test pit samples. The soil quality must be
ensured and should be well compacted to prevent unwanted and excessive settlement. It is
important to conduct visual inspection so as to make sure that the soil is not clayish, expansive,
or saturated. If found out otherwise, soil excavation shall be performed and replaced with good
quality soil. Foundation for smart masonry system for common residential units uses slab
thickening. Since the housing units are single story, the use of smart masonry system is very
fitting because it can accommodate up to two storey building units without the use of columns.

The applicable material properties used for the Smart Masonry System that are encoded in the
mathematical models are the following:
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1. Density (Р) is the mass per unit volume of the material having unit of kg/m^3. It is use
mostly for estimation purposes for the reason that the unit is commonly associated to
commercial unit prices. The values of density for this system are as follows:

P of Concrete : 2400 kg/m^3

P of Steel : 7880 kg/m^3
P of Soil : 1745 kg/m^3

2. Specific Weight (γ) is the weight per unit volume of the material having unit of kN/m^3.
This property is important in the computation of different kinds of loads. The values for
this system are as follows:

γ of Concrete = 23.54 kN/m^3

γ of Steel = 77.30 kN/m^3

3. Modulus of Elasticity (E) defines the ability of the material to go back to its original state
after undergoing deformation induced by external forces.

For steel the value of modulus of elasticity seldom varies and if does, has only minimal
difference. In the case of Smart Masonry system, the value of modulus of elasticity for
steel is
Es = 200,000 MPa.
On the other hand, the modulus of elasticity for concrete, unlike steel is a function of its
compressive strength (f’c). It is derived from the expression:
Ec = 4700 √ f’c
Where f’c is defined as we go along throughout the context of this manual.

4. Poisson’s Ratio ( ) is lateral deformation per unit length over longitudinal deformation
per unit length. It can be described as lateral strain over axial strain, that is to say,
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The value of Poisson’s Ratio for concrete is = 0.2 and for steel is = 0.3.

5. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (α) defines the tendency of material to change in

volume in response to a change in temperature (Source: Wikipedia). The constant
values for this property used in the project are:
αc = 9.9 x 10-6 for concrete
αs = 1.17 x 10-5 for steel

6. Compressive Strength (f’c) is the property of concrete that defines its capability to
withstand forces along its length or otherwise called axial loads. This is normally
measured at the 28th day curing of the concrete cylinder. (Wikipedia). Applicable values
of f’c for BellaVita housing units are as follows:
Slab on Grade/ Footing 17.30 MPa
Smart Blocks 7.00 MPa
Smart Block Concrete Fill 17.30 MPa

7. Yield strength (fy) is the stress acted upon the material at which the material begins to
deform plastically (Wikipedia). Applicable values of fy for BellaVita housing units are as

HT Type Purlin 551 MPa

Rafter/LC Purlin 248 MPa
6mmø Welded Wire Mesh 228 MPa
10mmø and 12mmø Rebar 276 MPa
16mmø Rebar and larger 414 MPa
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8. Ultimate Strength This is the maximum stress that the material can withstand while
being stretched or pulled before necking (Wikipedia). The value of fu can be derived
from the following expression:
Fu ≈ 1.6 fy

9. Dry Unit Weight (γd) can be defined as the ratio between the weights of dry soil over
the volume of dry soil. It can also be taken as Density multiplied by acceleration due to
gravity. The Applicable values of γd for BellaVita housing units are as follows:
γd = 17.12 kN/m3

10. Wet Unit Weight (γd) can be defined as the ratio between the weights of wet soil over
the volume of wet soil. It can also be taken as Density multiplied by acceleration due to
gravity. The Applicable values of γs for BellaVita housing units are as follows:
γs = 19.00 kN/m3

11. Soil Bearing Capacity (SBC) is the capacity of the soil to support the loads applied to the
ground (Wikipedia). To control the quality of the foundation, a minimum soil bearing
capacity is considered. The minimum value of SBC depends on the type of soil and
should be reflected in soil investigation/reports. However, if actual soil bearing capacity
is provided, the given value shall govern in the design. It is taken as:
SBC = 75 kPa or 96 kPa
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III. Design and Load Criteria

The integrity of a structure is said to be sufficient if it can serve its intended use and purpose.
The most crucial task of a structural engineer is to correctly identify the loads that the structure
has to withstand throughout its intended life and use.

These loads and the worst possible combination thereof are the main factors that dictate the
sizes and overall configuration of the structural members comprising the building. Having said
that, it is therefore of utmost important to avoid mistakes when it comes in identifying loads so
as not to compromise the safety (when under designed) or cost efficiency (when over designed)
of the structure. To simplify, when excessive loads are considered on a certain member, the
tendency is to produce a member having size bigger than it should be, thus, becoming over
designed. One should stress out the importance of economy in favor of the stakeholders in as
much as the safety of the structure. In a similar fashion, loads that are overlooked on a certain
member often lead to smaller sizes and thereby pose problems of being under designed.

Basically, these loads are classified into two: vertical loads and lateral loads. Vertical loads are
further categorized as dead load and live load. These loads are mostly gravity induced. On the
other hand, lateral loads are often transient loads. That is to say, it occurs on the structure on a
time to time basis and mostly induced by wind and earthquake. The magnitude of which varies
and for design purposes, several factors are to be considered.

The significance of the aforementioned loads can be realized in the mathematical models and
software utilization throughout the design course calculation.

Dead Loads are mainly attributed from the self-weight of the structure. Computation of its
value is quite easy for the reason that self-weight are computer/program generated. However,
for design purposes, self-weight calculated by programs includes only the main frame of the
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structure, which includes columns, beams, and slab. The weight of other permanent
attachments and superimposed loads are also considered dead loads. Among which are as
follows, but not limited to floor topping, roofing and accessories, and all other fixed loads
attached to the main structure. The magnitude of dead loads does not change over time. The
following values of dead loads applicable in the Smart Masonry system are as follows (based
from the National Structural Code of the Philippines, NSCP Vol. 1 6th Edition):

A. Floor Finish
Weight of CR Ceramic Tiles 0.77 kPa
B. Ceiling and Accessories
Weight of GI Sheet (up to 0.6mm thk) 0.05 kPa
Weight of Accessories 0.30 kPa

Live Loads are loads imposed on structure other than dead load. Included in the live load
category are the inhabitants of the structure, movable furniture, and other non-permanent
objects within the structure. Often, these loads vary depending on the number of person living
within the structure. Live load values utilized by BellaVita basically conforms to the minimum
values set forth by the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP Vol. 1 6th Edition).

The following values of live loads are as follows :

A. Residential
Standard Occupancy 1.90 kPa

B. Roof Live Load

Roof Live Load (m<33%)
Tributary Area = 20 to 40 m2 0.75 kPa
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Other loads are those caused by wind, rain, earthquake, soil, and temperature. For the purpose
of this manual and, the only applicable live loads are that of wind and earthquake. When it
comes to wind load, the magnitude of which depends mainly on the project’s location. Prior to
necessary calculations, parameters are identified before values are drawn from the code. Having
said that, the code subdivided the country into three zones (Zone I, II and III), each of which
experiences different magnitude of wind velocity (refer to NSCP 2010 for detailed wind zoning).
Wind load is also a function of the structure’s height and slope of the roof. Since BellaVita’s
housing units follows certain standards, values for these parameters can be readily obtained
from the code as well. As for the earthquake load considerations, ground motion below the
structure is the primary contributor. The magnitude of which basically depends on the
maximum height of the structure and its geometrical configuration, and the soil type from
where the structure is standing. Similar with wind load, the code sets various parameters for
computing seismic loads. As per code requirement, two calculation methods are presented and
should be applied depending on the type of structure. The code stipulates that irregular
structures having a height of more than 20m as well as regular structures having a height of
more than 75m will be designed using dynamic or modal analysis, otherwise a static analysis
will suffice. Using this qualification, housing structures will be designed using static analysis.

A. Wind Load Parameters

a. Wind Zone/Speed (ZII) - Depends on the location of the project and is derived
from the zone map of the Philippines. For BellaVita Alaminos, Laguna, the project
location is at Zone II with the wind speed value of :
V = 200 kph

b. Wind Exposure Category - based on the relative closeness of the location from
wind source and the shielding of the structure. For this type of structure, it
belongs to :
Category B
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c. Importance Factor (I) - Housing units fall under the category of Standard
Occupancy having a value of :
I = 1.00

d. Wind Directionality Factor (kd) – In consideration of wind direction and

structural frame type. Since the housing unit under consideration is a Main Wind
Force Resisting Stucture, the value of wind directionality factor is :
kd = 0.85

e. Velocity Pressure Coefficient (kz) – this coefficient is dependent on the Exposure

Category and Total Height of the structure. It can be computed empirically using
the expression 2.01 x (z/zg)2/α
for Single story kz = 0.57

f. Topographic Factor (kzt) – a factor that considers the terrain of the soil where
the housing units are located.
kzt = 1.00

g. Gust Factor (G) – a factor that considers the gustiness of the wind source
G = 0.80

h. Wind Pressure Coefficient (Cp) – a factor that considers the direction and the
angle of the wind source.
Windward Cp = 0.80
Leeward and Side Cp = 0.50
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B. Seismic Load Parameter

a. Seismic Zone (Z) – Primarily depends on the location of the project and is
based from the seismic zone map depicted from NSCP 2010. For BellaVita
Alaminos, Laguna, the location falls under Zone IV.
Z = 0.40

b. Distance to a known Seismic Source – the values calculated from of seismic

load calculations considers the relative distance of the site of the project and the
nearest known seismic source. For BellaVita Alaminos, Laguna, the nearest fault
is Valley Fault System.
10 km

c. Seismic Source Type - The Valley Fault system is known to be an active fault
and is capable of producing Magnitude 7 earthquake.
Seismic Source Type = A

C. Load Combination

The applicable load combination set forth within this manual conforms to the
specification and code requirement of the latest revision of the National Structural Code
of the Philippines (NSCP 2010). The following are some of the basic load combinations :

1.4 ( Dead Load + Live Load )

1.2 (Dead Load ) + 1.6 ( Live Load )
1.2 (Dead Load) + 1.3 (Wind Load) + f1 (Live Load)
1.2 (Dead Load) + 1.0 (Earthquake Load) + f1 (Live Load)
0.9 (Dead Load) ± (1.0 Earthquake Load or 1.3 Wind Load)
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where f1 = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 4.8
kPa, and for garage live load
= 0.5 for other live loads

Into which, the load combination with the highest value attained shall govern and shall
be the applied in determining the design of the structural members.

IV. Mathematical Model

The advent of the computer and innovations in technology has exponentially made structural
designing easier. In contrast with the old-fashioned way of analyzing and designing, the
computer aided design has somewhat produce a more accurate result with relatively small
amount of time consumed. In that matter, MDC BuildPlus has opted to use appropriate software
that suits the requirement of a specific SBU. However, discussions on how to these programs
are not included within this manual. For Smart Masonry System, the software/computer aided
design tools use are as follows :

 Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems (ETABS)

As discussed earlier, combination of different kind of loads is the main factors that affect the
design outputs. These loads induce different type of stresses in every member on the
structure. To arrive with the exact value of the stresses developed within a certain member,
the loads and members should be analyzed using proven theorem and applying principles in
mechanics. However, as the loads and the configuration of framing system becomes
complex, so does the analysis. Analyzing such structures requires tremendous amount of
time, and at the same time, the increased volume of computation renders the design prone
to error. This is where the role of programs can be appreciated. With a use of a design
program such as ETABS, a complex framing system with corresponding applied loads can be
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analyzed easily with a simple click of a button. Needless to say, a relatively large amount of
time is saved plus a more accurate result is obtained when design programs are used. ETABS
is also capable of designing members. Given the correct design parameters and loads, it has
the capability to solve for the required member sizes and dimension. The accurate results
rendered by the program plus the good judgement and the experience of the engineer gives
a quality design. The pictures below show some of the user interface of the ETABS software.
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Picture below shows the three dimensional ETABS model of Alaminos Poli in/out of
BellaVita. The picture shows how effectively you can model a bearing wall system
including its opening as well as the roof system composed of rafter and purlins. From
this model, support reactions, member forces and shell stresses can be generated for
use in the Design Work Aids.
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 EXCEL Spreadsheets
MDC BuildPlus Inc. takes pride of its self developed in house softwares that are primarily
utilized for designing housing units. Basically, these spreadsheets are developed from
Microsoft Excel. Design programs from MS Excel are highly flexible and user friendly and
thus proves to be a very powerful tool in designing. MS Excel has high versatility because it
is present in almost all computers and the solving/calculating capability of spreadsheets is
another great advantage it can offer. The developed spreadsheets are chiefly used in
designing structural members including purlins, rafters, beams, slabs, walls, and foundation.
Example of spreadsheet used in the design of BellaVita Alaminos Laguna is shown below.
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 AutoCAD
AutoCAD is a program that renders engineering drawings that profoundly expedites the
drafting process. Moreover, computer aided programs such as AutoCAD escalates the
quality of engineering drawings as compared to the old practice of manual drafting. After
designing the structure, AutoCAD is utilized to draw softcopy and produce hardcopy of
structural plan and engineering drawings that are then turned over to the client. An example
of output drawing using AutoCAD for BellaVita Alaminos Laguna is shown below.

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 Conventional ( For Checking Purposes )

Given all the benefits granted by several programs it is still necessary to adhere to the
conventional way of designing. To ensure the quality and correctness of the design, it has
been a good practice to countercheck the output of the design programs used throughout
the calculation process. Conventional method or the manual computation is performed by
highly technical and qualified designers mainly to verify the outputs and at the same time
make the results error proof.

V. Design of Structural Members

The most important and foremost step in designing structural members is encoding the loads
that are discussed and defined earlier. Each parameters defined are unique to different project
and is important to identify them at the early stage of the project. As a practice, the structural
members are designed starting from the top most member, the reactions of which are then
transferred to the adjacent members, down to the bottom part of the structure.

Purlins – These are members parallel to the ridge of the roofing system that immediately
receives transferred loads from the roof. In designing the dimension and size of purlins, MS
Excel spreadsheets are utilized. The different kinds of loads are derived from the architectural
plan and are key-in in the spreadsheet. The design of purlins is fundamentally influenced by
wind loads. This is where the wind load criteria and parameters discussed earlier are employed.
After which, the designer may assume an initial size, which then is calculated by the
spreadsheet whether the initial assumed size is adequate or not. Basically, Bellavita makes use
of Ht type purlins with varying properties.

Rafter – Rafters are provided in lieu of trusses. These are inclined members of the roofing
system that support the purlins. In designing roof rafters, we simply determine its span and
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identify whether the rafter is simply supported or cantilever. Similar as the purlins,
spreadsheets are used in the same manner for designing rafters.

Wall - As a whole, smart masonry blocks are already pre-designed by the supplier. The
adequacy of the design is manually counterchecked so as to ensure that the requirements set
by the designer are met. Extra calculation is performed by the designer to determine the
amount of additional reinforcing bars placed inside the smart masonry. As a standard, studs are
used as framing for the wall. Vertical and horizontal bars are also provided for additional

Slab - is the part of the structure that serves as the flooring and carries all the vertical live loads
and all other applicable loads above it. The foremost step in designing the reinforced concrete
slab is to determine whether it is a one-way or two-way slab. The ratio of the transverse side
over the longitudinal side will determine the case in which the slab will be categorized.
Spreadsheets are utilized to determine the adequacy of the slab thickness. Also, welded wire
mesh are used for slab to conform with BellaVita's standard. Reinforcing bars (extra bars) are
computed in addition to the welded wire mesh so as to meet the design requirements.

Beams - these are horizontal members of the framing system that carry the loads coming from
the slab. For smart masonry system, girders are not present. Instead, intermediate beams are
used. In designing the steel beams, initial sizes are assumed and check for adequacy to resist
bending moment, shear and axial loads.

Foundations - are reinforced concrete members below ground that bears the loads coming
from the structure above. These forces are transferred by the foundation to the supporting soil
beneath. As said earlier, foundation for smart masonry system uses thickening slab. Initial
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footing dimensions with minimum values are assumed, in which it will be subjected to
calculations for adequacy checking. Likewise, total number of reinforcing bar is computed along
with appropriate bar diameter. The spacing obtained from the calculation results identifies the
number of reinforcing bars that are reflected in the structural plan.

Below are snapshots of the EXCEL Spreadsheets used for the design of housing units for
BellaVita Alaminos Laguna.

Purlin Design
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Rafter Design

Wall Design
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Foundation Design
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VI. Conclusion and Recommendation

With the innovation of the smart masonry system, constructing residential units has drastically
evolved for the better. It had opened wide opportunities to develop building system that would
further improve the present condition when it comes in facilitating design for housing unit.
Smart Block Masonry system is generally recommended for housing projects. This is especially
true because there has been a significant expediency in the construction duration and at the
same time cost-efficiency and the quality of the project is escalated. The construction time is
fast tracked without sacrificing the quality because of the different and simpler approach in
construction, as compared to the common housing units. Smart Blocks offers new high quality
and cost effective options for BellaVita projects. Smart Block System is relatively cheaper as
compared to Wall Form Tiles. However, the latter offers faster construction time than the
former. A single part of a housing unit that is built using Wall Form Tiles in one and a half month
will consume two months using Smart Masonry System.

VII. Author

This manual is developed by the MDC BuildPlus Structural Department composed of Design
Officer Dennis Trias and Structural Engineer Maria Francia Banzon on December 2012 at
Bonifacio Technological Center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. This manual is part of the
Department's initiatives to standardize structural design of housing structures . This manual has
been reviewed and duly approved by the MDC BuildPlus Engineering Division Head Rick Menor.

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