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PDHonline Course E469 (4 PDH)

Substation Design
Volume II
Physical Layout

Instructor: Lee Layton, P.E


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An Approved Continuing Education Provider PDHonline Course E469

Substation Design
Volume II
Physical Layout

Table of Contents

Section Page

Preface ………………………………..….. 3

Chapter 1, Layout Considerations ……..….. 4

Chapter 2, Typical Bus Configurations ….. 16

Chapter 3, Insulation Protection …………. 33

Chapter 4, Substation Insulators ……….… 39

Chapter 5, Electrical Clearances ………..... 46

Summary ……………………………….... 50

This series of courses are based on the “Design Guide for Rural Substations”,
published by the Rural Utilities Service of the United States Department of
Agriculture, RUS Bulletin 1724E-300, June 2001.

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This course is one of a series of thirteen courses on the design of electrical substations. The
courses do not necessarily have to be taken in order and, for the most part, are stand-alone
courses. The following is a brief description of each course.

Volume I, Design Parameters. Covers the general design considerations, documents and
drawings related to designing a substation.

Volume II, Physical Layout. Covers the layout considerations, bus configurations, and
electrical clearances.

Volume III, Conductors and Bus Design. Covers bare conductors, rigid and strain bus design.

Volume IV, Power Transformers. Covers the application and relevant specifications related to
power transformers and mobile transformers.

Volume V, Circuit Interrupting Devices. Covers the specifications and application of power
circuit breakers, metal-clad switchgear and electronic reclosers.

Volume VI, Voltage Regulators and Capacitors. Covers the general operation and
specification of voltage regulators and capacitors.

Volume VII, Other Major Equipment. Covers switch, arrestor, and instrument transformer
specification and application.

Volume VIII, Site and Foundation Design. Covers general issues related to site design,
foundation design and control house design.

Volume IX, Substation Structures. Covers the design of bus support structures and connectors.

Volume X, Grounding. Covers the design of the ground grid for safety and proper operation.

Volume XI, Protective Relaying. Covers relay types, schemes, and instrumentation.

Volume XII, Auxiliary Systems. Covers AC & DC systems, automation, and communications.

Volume XIII, Insulated Cable and Raceways. Covers the specifications and application of
electrical cable.

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Chapter 1
Layout Considerations

This chapter presents general information concerning the design of the substation physical
arrangement. It describes various types of substations, illustrates typical layouts, and presents
guidelines to be used during detailed design. Information concerning insulation and electrical
clearances are reviewed in the following chapters.

A careful analysis of basic parameters establishing the purposes and design criteria for the
substation has to precede the detailed design. In addition, circuit quantities, configurations, and
ratings; system and equipment protective relay schemes; the necessity for specialized equipment
details of surge protection equipment; and requirements for direct stroke protection should be

The power system as a whole has to be considered when deciding the substation switching
scheme. Future system growth based on long-range forecasts may indicate the necessity for an
economical, basic arrangement initially with possible future conversion to a more sophisticated
scheme as the number of circuits increases. Important circuits may require additional protection
or redundant supply. Equipment maintenance requirements may necessitate bypassing facilities
to enable circuit operation during maintenance periods. Since the equipment that can be out of
service for maintenance or during faults without sacrificing system operation depends on
alternative supplies and duplication of circuits, the flexibility of the switching scheme is often
one of the most important selection criteria. Large substations with many circuits handling great
amounts of power need to have high degrees of both flexibility and reliability to continue service
without interruption during the most undesirable conditions. Since flexibility and reliability are
directly proportional to cost, the ultimate configuration has to be the result of a compromise.

Frequently, after initial substation construction, requirements change, and plans for the ultimate
capabilities of the substation are altered. As a result, expansion of the substation facilities may
deviate from the anticipated initial plan. To accommodate unforeseen future system
modifications, consider the flexibility of the arrangement. Since a typical substation can be
expected to continue in service indefinitely, maintaining maximum flexibility throughout each
stage of expansion will ensure the least costly and most efficient use of the facilities during the
service period.

To facilitate future expansion, the initial design should be arranged to accommodate long range
needs. The site should be as large as practical to allow for future development. Large areas
readily allow for changes in the basic substation configuration and switching scheme should
future conditions so dictate. Leave at least one and preferably both ends of all major buses open
or future expansion. When a basic initial arrangement is planned, placement of equipment should

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take into account future expansion of the substation into a more complex, reliable, and flexible
configuration. Frequently, additional switches, switch stands, and bus supports are installed
initially to facilitate future expansion.

The profile of substation structures and equipment has become an increasingly important aspect
to consider in substation layout. In the past, large lattice and box-type structures supporting
overhead strain buses were commonly used. Most substations currently being designed and
constructed use low-profile structures and rigid buswork, particularly for low-voltage
distribution substations or in areas with natural environmental screening.

Low-profile construction generally uses lower structures with a minimum number of members
for support. Larger pieces of equipment, such as power transformers and power circuit breakers,
have become smaller over the years. Consequently, substations are considered less obtrusive
overall. The height limitations causing the use of low-profile construction sometimes result in
arrangements of increased area, particularly for the lower voltage levels. Generally, the
advantages of easier equipment operation and maintenance as a result of reduced equipment
sizes and effective locations make up for the expense of purchasing somewhat larger sites.

An effective method to improve substation appearance is to install circuits underground as they

leave the substation. Low-profile construction using lower structures with fewer support
members lends itself to the use of underground circuits. Installing underground circuits can
similarly improve the appearance of substations with larger structures by reducing the size of
some of the large supporting structures or eliminating them altogether.

Substation arrangements have to include adequate space for the installation and possible removal
of large pieces of equipment such as power transformers and power circuit breakers. Buses,
particularly in low-profile arrangements, even when at acceptable operating elevations, can block
the removal of equipment. Consequently, it is important to consider equipment removal routes
during the structure layout. Often the most desirable arrangement has the main buses at higher
elevations than the buses and equipment in the substation bays. In this way, the main buses will
not block the removal of equipment located in the substation interior. Removable bus sections
can also be provided to permit movement of large equipment. This, however, requires bus de-
energization during the procedure.

Bay spacing has to be carefully evaluated during layout to allow for removal of equipment. In
multi-bay configurations, it is common to limit the number of bays to two before increasing the
bay center-to-center spacing. This allows equipment to be removed from a bay to the side and
provides additional space for moving the equipment between a bay and an adjacent bay.

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Distribution Substations

Distribution substations are usually characterized by voltages up to 230 kV on the primary side
and on the low side the voltages are typically,

 12.5Y/7.2 kV
 13.2Y/7.6 kV
 13.8Y/8.0 kV
 24.9Y/14.4 kV
 34.5Y/19.9 kV

In recent years, the trend has been toward increasing system voltages. It is becoming more
common to eliminate the intermediate transmission substations and directly reduce the
transmission voltages to primary distribution levels. The distribution substations discussed are
generally limited to the traditional type characterized by simple bus arrangements and minimal
equipment. However, the arrangements can be expanded for use in larger distribution substations
with higher voltages.

Basic Distribution Substation

Figure 1 is a one-line diagram for a simple distribution substation. Depending on the load being
served, it is possible that initial construction may be limited to one distribution circuit. The sub-
transmission circuit enters the substation through a primary disconnect switch used principally to
isolate the substation from the sub-transmission system for maintenance or when replacement of
substation equipment is required. It is usually of the three-pole, single-throw, group-operated

Figure 1

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The power transformers commonly used in this application are two-winding type and may be
single- or three-phase units. In new substations and when replacing transformers or increasing
transformer capacity, the trend has been toward using three-phase transformers. In configurations
using single-phase transformers, a fourth transformer may be added as a spare. Use of three-
phase transformers results in a neater and less cluttered arrangement. However, since failure of a
three-phase transformer means loss of the substation, the overall design layout should provide
facilities for the rapid installation of a mobile transformer or a mobile substation.

The two primary distribution feeders of the substation illustrated in Figure 1 are protected by
either power circuit breakers or automatic circuit reclosers. Disconnect switches on both the
source and load sides permit isolation during maintenance or other periods when complete de-
energization is required. The switches can be either single-pole, single-throw, hook stick-
operated or three-pole, single-throw, group-operated, depending on the arrangement.

Transformer Primary Protective Devices

To prevent equipment damage from transformer or low-voltage bus faults, protective devices are
generally provided on the primary side of the transformer. These devices may also serve as
primary disconnects to enable isolation from the transmission system.

Several types of devices are available, including power fuses, circuit breakers, circuit switchers,
and vacuum interrupters. Selection of the type of device is based on the voltage; short-circuit
conditions, and transformer capacity.

Voltage Regulation
To maintain voltage at a uniform level, voltage regulation equipment is usually required in rural
distribution substations. The voltage can be regulated by using either feeder or bus regulation.
Feeder regulation may be used in multi-circuit distribution substations, where the circuits are
very diverse in load characteristics. With feeder regulation, the voltage of each distribution
circuit can be individually maintained to conform to the load characteristics. Bus regulation may
be used in rural distribution substations where the distribution feeders have similar load
characteristics. Bus voltage may be controlled by using power transformers with load tap
changing mechanisms, single- or three-phase voltage regulators, or switched capacitor banks. To
permit voltage regulator maintenance without feeder or bus de-energization, bypass facilities are
provided as illustrated in Figure 2.

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Figure 2
The switches normally used for regulator bypassing automatically combine all switching
operations and perform them in the correct operating sequence. Each combined switch can
usually be installed in the same space as one single-pole disconnect switch.

Circuit Breaker/Recloser Bypass Facilities

Bypass facilities permit circuit breaker or recloser maintenance or repair without circuit de-
energization. The bypass switches usually consist of three independently operated hook stick
switches, but a three-pole group-operated switch can also be used. In some applications, it may
be desirable to combine some of the switches to facilitate installation. Figure 3 illustrates one
possible configuration. This is in contrast to a circuit without a bypass arrangement as shown in
Figure 4.

In this configuration, a tandem switch is used to combine the bypass switch and the load side
disconnect switch onto a single switch base. The combined switch can be installed in nearly the
same space as one single-pole disconnect switch. To provide circuit protection during
bypassing, the bypass switch can be replaced by a fuse.

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Figure 3

Figure 4
Surge Arresters
Transformers, regulators, and other substation equipment are particularly sensitive to transient
overvoltages. For the highest degree of equipment protection, surge arresters should be installed
as close as practical to the equipment being protected. In most instances, power transformers can
be furnished with surge arrester mounting brackets to facilitate installation. Separate arrester
stands can also be used, or the arresters can be installed on adjacent switching structures. For
voltage regulator applications, the surge arresters are normally installed directly on the regulator

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When power transformers are protected by fuses, it is recommended that transformer surge
arresters be connected on the line side of the fuses, as close as practical to the power
transformers. This will minimize the stress on the fuse and help avoid partial melting of the fuse
link when the surge arrester responds to a transient overvoltage.

Enclosed Equipment
In certain applications, particularly when space is at a premium, consider use of switchgear, unit
substations, or partially enclosed equipment. Switchgear is a name commonly used in referring
to groupings of switching equipment contained in metal enclosures. All circuit breakers,
metering and control equipment, and interconnecting buswork are contained inside the

A unit substation consists of switchgear electrically and mechanically connected to at least one
power transformer. Various arrangements of power transformers and switchgear equipment are
available to suit individual requirements.

Use of switchgear, unit substations, and other types of enclosed equipment eliminates the need
for extensive field construction since most of the equipment is preassembled by the manufacturer
or supplier. Depending on the configuration, the equipment may be shipped completely
assembled or in sections to be connected together at the job site. Feeders are normally installed
underground from the switchgear compartments.

Partial enclosure of some of the low-voltage distribution equipment can be implemented to

improve the appearance of the substation. The equipment can be furnished in modular form to
facilitate installation. Interconnections between modules are usually underground, although
overhead bus duct is occasionally used.

Transmission Substations

Transmission substations are usually characterized by primary and secondary voltages of 69 kV

or higher. Since one transmission substation may supply several distribution substations and
large loads, reliability of service and flexibility of operation are extremely important. Facilities
normally allow equipment maintenance without circuit interruption. Multiple bus arrangements
and extensive use of circuit breakers for switching provide added system flexibility.

Basic Transmission Substation

Figure 5 is a one-line diagram for a basic transmission substation. Depending on system
requirements, initial substation construction may be limited to one power transformer and one
sub-transmission circuit.

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Figure 5

Power circuit breakers are included in the two transmission circuits to help prevent complete
substation shutdown for line faults. The circuit breakers have disconnect switches on both source
and load sides to permit isolation during maintenance or other periods requiring complete de-
energization. These switches are normally of the three-pole, single-throw, group-operated type,
mounted on separate stands.

The power transformers commonly used are three-phase autotransformers, usually with tertiary
windings. Three-phase two-winding transformers are used when phase relationships have to be
sustained between the primary and the secondary systems. The disconnect switches on the low-
voltage sides of the power transformers allow de-energization of one transformer while
maintaining service to both low-voltage circuits from the other transformer.

The low-voltage or secondary section of the substation illustrated in Figure 5 consists of two
sub-transmission feeders protected by power circuit breakers. Disconnect switches on both the
source and load sides permit isolation during maintenance or other periods when complete de-
energization is required. The switches are normally of the three-pole, single-throw, group-
operated type, but can be of the single-pole, single-throw, and hook stick-operated type,
depending on the voltage and arrangement. Hook stick-operated switches usually are not
considered above 69 kV.

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Circuit Breaker Bypass Facilities

Bypass facilities can be provided for the power circuit breakers to permit maintenance without
circuit de-energization. Figure 6 illustrates a typical arrangement.

Figure 6

The bypass facilities normally consist of three independent three-pole, single-throw, group-
operated switches. The circuit breaker disconnect switches may be of the single-pole, single-
throw, hook stick-operated type, depending on system voltage and bus configuration.

In most cases bypassing circuit breakers removes normal relay protection since the circuit
breaker current transformers are also removed from service. The overall protection scheme, have
to be designed to provide for this situation. Fused bypass switches may be used for temporary
feeder protection.

Surge Arresters
Because of the desire for high reliability and the high cost of equipment replacement, surge
arresters are installed in various positions in transmission substations. Since power transformers
are particularly sensitive to overvoltages, they normally have arresters on each phase of both the
primary and secondary. Also install arresters on each ungrounded phase of the tertiary winding
when it is brought out to provide service.

The highest degree of equipment protection occurs with the surge arresters located as close as
possible to the equipment to be protected. Power transformers can usually be furnished with
arrester mounting brackets adjacent to the transformer bushings.

Occasionally, surge arresters or other surge protective equipment are located at the line entrances
and exits. In these instances, it is best to locate the arresters or other protective equipment on the
line side of the substation equipment to be protected to limit the lightning and switching surges

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to acceptable levels as they enter the substation. Locating the arresters on the line side of the
circuit breakers will also protect the gap in the breakers when in the open position.

Carrier Equipment
Line traps, coupling capacitor voltage transformers, and associated accessories are used when
relaying or communications systems dictate use of carrier equipment for signal transmission to
remote terminals. Normally, the line traps and coupling capacitor voltage transformers are
installed on separate stands located near the circuit entrance positions in the substations. In some
instances, the two pieces of equipment may be mounted on a common structure or stand,
depending on the arrangement. The particular relaying and communications schemes being used
on the circuit will dictate the number of phases containing line traps and coupling capacitor
voltage transformers.

Voltage Transformers
Voltage transformers are used in conjunction with the circuit and equipment protection,
synchronization, and metering schemes. They are normally mounted on individual or three-
position stands. Depending on the bus configuration and the relaying schemes, the voltage
transformers may be positioned near the circuit entrance positions or adjacent to the buses.

It is usually desirable to provide a method for disconnecting the voltage transformers. One
possible method is to install the primary connections to the appropriate buses by using dis-
connectable clamps. In arrangements using voltage transformers at the circuit positions, they can
be positioned to allow de-energization by opening the power circuit breaker and the line
disconnect switches.

Current Transformers
Current transformers used in both relaying and metering schemes can usually be located inside
major equipment such as power circuit breakers and power transformers. These current
transformers are normally multi-ratio bushing type and therefore do not require special mounting
provisions. In some cases, separately mounted current transformers may be required, such as for
revenue metering purposes. They are usually installed on individual stands and located as

Grounding Switches
Manually operated grounding switches are frequently used to ground incoming circuits during
maintenance or other out-of-service periods. These switches can be separately mounted or, as is
usually the case, can be furnished as part of the circuit disconnect switches. The switches can
then be interlocked in such a way as to prevent both from being closed simultaneously.

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High-speed grounding switches are sometimes used in power transformer protection schemes to
initiate tripping of remote circuit breakers during transformer faults. As with manually operated
grounding switches, high-speed grounding switches can be separately mounted or can be
furnished as part of group-operated disconnect switches. High-speed grounding switches are
normally installed on one phase only. The use of high-speed grounding switches, while still in
practice, is generally not preferred since its use subjects the system to more of a shock and
potentially affects more customers on the system.

Switching Stations

Switching stations do not change system voltage from one level to another and therefore do not
contain power transformers. Switching stations usually operate at sub-transmission or
transmission voltage levels. Depending on system voltage, the equipment types and
characteristics used in switching stations are identical to those used in transmission stations.

Basic Switching Substation

Figure 7 is a one-line diagram for a basic switching substation with three terminals.

Figure 7

Power circuit breakers in the three circuits help prevent complete substation shutdown for line
faults. The circuit breakers have disconnect switches on both source and load sides to permit
isolation during maintenance or other periods requiring complete de-energization. Depending on
station voltage and bus configuration, the switches may be of the three-pole, single-throw, group-
operated type or of the single-pole, single-throw, hook stick-operated type. Hook stick-operated
switches usually are not considered above 69 kV. Bypass facilities can be provided to allow
circuit breaker maintenance without de-energizing the circuit.

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Surge Arresters
Surge arresters or other surge protection equipment may be installed either on the line positions
or on the substation buses to protect against excessive lightning or switching surges.

A comparison of the costs of the surge protection equipment to the frequency and extent of
possible equipment damage can be evaluated to determine the desirability of the protective
equipment. Possible circuit or substation outages and equipment damage as a result of the
unprotected surges should be considered. In general, if there is any question, surge arresters
should be installed for equipment and circuit protection.

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Chapter 2
Typical Bus Configurations

The typical bus configurations may be used for distribution, transmission, or switching
substations at voltages up to 345 kV. Details will vary depending on the type and voltage of the
substations. The physical size, type, and arrangement of major equipment, such as power
transformers, power circuit breakers, and switches, may cause variance in the layouts to suit
individual requirements. Portions of different layouts may be combined, as required, to achieve
desired configurations.

It is important that the engineer’s plans remain as flexible as possible during substation layout to
allow for unforeseen difficulties as designs progress. Coordinate activities with the equipment
manufacturers to ensure that each design detail reflects the actual equipment to be used.

Single Bus

A single bus configuration consists of one main bus that is energized at all times and to which all
circuits are connected. This arrangement is the simplest, but provides the least amount of system
reliability. Bus faults or failure of circuit breakers to operate under fault conditions results in
complete loss of the substation. The single bus configuration can be constructed by using either
low- or high-profile structures. Figure 8 illustrates the single bus arrangement with low-profile
structures and presents a neat, orderly plan. The high-profile design, shown in Figure 9,
accomplishes the same purpose and may not require as large a site for a given system voltage.

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Figure 8

The single bus arrangement is not recommended without circuit breaker bypass facilities that
permit circuit breaker maintenance while maintaining circuit operation. The high-profile
configuration can easily be modified to provide this feature by installing group-operated
switches and the associated buswork and connections in the positions shown in Figure 9. This
arrangement, however, results in loss of overcurrent protection for the circuit except by remote
circuit breakers during the bypassing operations. A fault occurring on the line with the breaker
bypassed would result in complete substation shutdown. The low-profile arrangement does not
allow for future addition of this type of bypassing equipment. Consequently, in both low-profile
and some high-profile substations, the bypass facilities can be installed outside the substation.

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Switches can be provided that, when closed, parallel two lines to enable one circuit breaker to be
removed from service. The other breaker then protects both circuits. If this bypassing method is
used, the equipment associated with both circuits, have to be capable of carrying the total load of
both circuits. If the load is greater than the equipment capability, the load should be reduced.
This method of circuit breaker bypassing may be more desirable in high-profile arrangements
than that shown in Figure 8 for lines where frequent or lengthy equipment maintenance is

The high-profile configuration shown in Figure 9 is generally limited to distribution and sub-
transmission voltage levels. At transmission voltage levels, independent structures and strain bus
interconnections are usually used.

 Lowest cost
 Small land area required
 Easily expandable
 Simple in concept and operation
 Relatively simple for the application of protective relaying

 High-profile arrangement equipped with circuit breaker bypass facilities does not provide
for circuit protection when bypass facilities are being used inside the substation.
 A single bus arrangement has the lowest reliability.
 Failure of a circuit breaker or a bus fault causes loss of the entire substation.
 Maintenance switching can complicate and disable some of the protective relay scheme
and overall relay coordination.
 Maintenance at the upper elevations of high-profile arrangements necessitates de-
energization or protection of the lower equipment.

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Figure 9

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Sectionalized Bus

An extension of the single bus configuration is the sectionalized bus arrangement shown in
Figure 10. This arrangement is basically two or more single bus schemes, each tied together with
bus sectionalizing breakers. The sectionalizing breakers may be operated normally open or
closed, depending on system requirements. In this arrangement, a bus fault or breaker failure
causes only the affected bus section to be removed from service and thus eliminates total
substation shutdown. Usually, the fault can be isolated and non-faulted portions of the system
restored to service easier and faster because of the increased flexibility of this arrangement.

Figure 10

Physically, the equipment can be organized similar to that shown in Figures 8 and 9 for the
single bus arrangement. The sectionalizing breakers and their associated isolation switches are
located in line with the main bus. In the high-profile configuration, it is usually desirable to
provide a separate bay for the sectionalizing breakers and switches to facilitate maintenance and

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The arrangement of lines and transformers in a sectionalized bus arrangement depends on system
operating criteria. They should be arranged so as to prevent outage of lines or other circuits
dependent on each other. This can be accomplished by positioning the interrelated circuits on
different bus sections to eliminate concurrent shutdown. Perform a thorough analysis of all
possible operational contingencies identifying any undesirable conditions preceding the final
determination of circuit grouping.

Bypassing arrangements for the sectionalized bus configuration can be provided as explained for
the single bus scheme.

 Flexible operation
 Higher reliability than single bus scheme
 Isolation of bus sections for maintenance
 Loss of only part of the substation for a breaker failure or a bus fault

 A sectionalized bus arrangement has a higher cost than a single bus scheme.
 Additional circuit breakers are required for sectionalizing.
 Sectionalizing may cause interruption of non-faulted circuits.

Main and Transfer Bus

A main and transfer bus configuration consists of two independent buses, one of which, the
main bus, is normally energized. Under normal operating conditions, all incoming and outgoing
circuits are fed from the main bus through their associated circuit breakers and switches. If it
becomes necessary to remove a circuit breaker from service for maintenance or repairs, the
integrity of circuit operation can be bus tie equipment. The bypass switch for the circuit breaker
to be isolated is closed, the bus tie breaker and its isolation switches are closed, and the bypassed
breaker and its isolation switches are opened to remove the breaker from service. The circuit is
then protected by the bus tie breaker.

Figure 11 illustrates a main and transfer bus configuration in a low-profile arrangement. For
comparison, Figure 12 shows the same switching scheme with high-profile box-type structures.
With the box-type structure arrangement, two circuit positions can be accommodated per
equipment bay. However, with the low-profile arrangement, each circuit requires its own bay
and, as a result, somewhat more land area may be required. When the low-profile configuration
is used, equipment bays should be limited in width to a maximum of two bays before the bay-to-
bay centerline spacing is increased to accommodate circuit breaker maintenance and removal.
Without the additional space these tasks can become very difficult.

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The high-profile, box-type structure arrangement shown in Figure 12 can accommodate multiple
circuits in a relatively small area. The configuration is particularly suitable in environmentally
shielded or otherwise isolated locations, where only a limited substation site is available. This
arrangement is generally limited to distribution and sub-transmission voltage levels. At
transmission voltage levels, independent structures and strain bus interconnections can be used.

 Accommodation of circuit breaker maintenance while maintaining service and line
 Reasonable in cost
 Fairly small land area
 Easily expandable

 An additional circuit breaker is required for bus tie.
 Since the bus tie breaker, have to be able to be substituted for any line breaker, its
associated relaying may be somewhat complicated.
 Failure of a circuit breaker or a bus fault causes loss of the entire substation.
 Somewhat complicated switching is required to remove a circuit breaker from service for

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Figure 11

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Figure 12

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Ring Bus

A ring bus configuration is an extension of the sectionalized bus arrangement and is

accomplished by interconnecting the two open ends of the buses through another sectionalizing
breaker. This results in a closed loop or ring with each bus section separated by a circuit breaker.
For maximum reliability and operational flexibility, each section should supply only one circuit.

In this arrangement, as with the sectionalized bus configuration, only limited bus sections and
circuits are removed from service because of line or bus faults or circuit breaker failure. For a
line or bus fault, the two circuit breakers on the sides of the affected bus section open to isolate
the fault. The remaining circuits operate without interruption. For a breaker failure, the two
breakers on the sides of the affected breaker open, along with a transfer trip to a remote breaker,
to isolate the failed breaker and remove two bus sections from service.

The ring bus arrangement provides for circuit breaker maintenance since any breaker can
normally be removed from service without interruption of service to any circuits. As a result,
separate circuit breaker bypass facilities are not required.

A number of equipment arrangements may be used to provide a ring bus configuration,

depending on anticipated substation expansion and possible system modifications. Figure 13
illustrates a typical ring bus configuration. The arrangement shows four circuit positions, which
is a practical maximum for a ring bus configuration. Rather than expanding the ring bus to
accommodate additional circuits, other more flexible and reliable configurations, such as the
breaker-and-a-half scheme, can be adopted. The ring bus arrangement shown in Figure 13 is
readily adaptable in the future to a breaker-and-a-half configuration as shown in Figure 14.
However, the relay and control panels have to be carefully planned to be modified later for
breaker-and-a-half operation.

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Figure 13

Bay centerline spacing should be carefully planned to permit equipment maintenance and

 Flexible operation
 High reliability
 Isolation of bus sections and circuit breakers for maintenance without disrupting circuit
 Double feed to each circuit
 No main buses
 Expandable to breaker-and-a-half configuration
 Economic design

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 Ring may be split by faults on two circuits or a fault during breaker maintenance to leave
possibly undesirable circuit combinations (supply/load) on the remaining bus sections.
Some consider this, however, to be a second contingency factor.
 Each circuit has to have its own potential source for relaying.
 This configuration is usually limited to four circuit positions, although larger rings are in
service, including 10-position ring buses. A 6-position ring bus is usually considered as a
maximum limit for the number of terminals in a ring bus.
 This is a more involved relay scheme since each breaker has to respond to faults on two
 Automatic reclose schemes may be complex.


The breaker-and-a-half configuration consists of two main buses, each normally energized.
Electrically connected between the buses are three circuit breakers and, between each two
breakers, a circuit as diagrammed in Figure 14. In this arrangement, three circuit breakers are
used for two independent circuits; hence, each circuit shares the common center circuit breaker,
so there are one-and-a-half circuit breakers per circuit.

The breaker-and-a-half configuration provides for circuit breaker maintenance, since any breaker
can be removed from service without interrupting any circuits. Additionally, faults on either of
the main buses cause no circuit interruptions. Failure of a circuit breaker results in the loss of two
circuits if a common breaker fails and only one circuit if an outside breaker fails. A typical bus
configuration for a breaker-and-a-half arrangement is shown in Figure 14. This is the same basic
equipment assemblage as described for the ring bus scheme.

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Figure 14

Frequently, substations are initially constructed with a ring bus arrangement and ultimately
expanded into a breaker-and-a-half configuration to obtain the additional flexibility and
reliability required with the additional circuits.

Bay centerline spacing should be carefully planned to permit equipment maintenance and

 Flexible operation

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 High reliability
 Can isolate either main bus for maintenance without disrupting service
 Can isolate any circuit breaker for maintenance without disrupting service
 Double feed to each circuit
 Bus fault does not interrupt service to any circuits
 All switching done with circuit breakers

 One-and-a-half breakers are required per circuit.
 Relaying is involved, since the center breaker has to respond to faults of either of its
associated circuits.
 Each circuit should have its own potential source for relaying.

Double Breaker–Double Bus

The double breaker–double bus configuration consists of two main buses, each normally
energized. Electrically connected between the buses are two circuit breakers and, between the
breakers, one circuit, as diagrammed in Figure 15. Two circuit breakers are required for each

In the double breaker–double bus configuration, any circuit breaker can be removed from service
without interruption of any circuits. Faults on either of the main buses cause no circuit
interruptions. Circuit breaker failure results in the loss of only one circuit. A typical bus
configuration for a double breaker–double bus arrangement is shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 15

Use of the double breaker–double bus configuration is usually limited to large generating
stations because of the high cost. The additional reliability afforded by this arrangement over the
breaker-and-a-half scheme usually cannot be justified for conventional transmission or
distribution substations.

Occasionally, at a generating station, one bay of a breaker-and-a-half arrangement is used as a

double breaker–double bus arrangement for a generator terminal to provide equal access to either
main bus.

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 Flexible operation
 Very high reliability
 Isolation of either main bus for maintenance without disrupting service
 Isolation of any circuit breaker for maintenance without disrupting service
 Double feed to each circuit
 No interruption of service to any circuits from bus fault
 Loss of only one circuit for breaker failure
 All switching with circuit breakers

 This configuration carries a high cost.
 Two circuit breakers are required for each circuit.

Relative Switching Scheme Costs

The selection of a station switching scheme is the result of the evaluation of many factors,
including such intangibles as personal preference and judgment. Whatever arrangement is finally
selected should meet all known or anticipated requirements, such as operating and maintenance
criteria, future expansion, and reliability. To assist in the evaluation, Table 1 provides a
reasonable measure for the basis of economic comparison.

Table 1
Switching Scheme Cost Comparison
Relative Cost
Switching Scheme
Single Bus 100%
Sectionalized Bus 122%
Main & Transfer Bus 143%
Ring Bus 114%
Breaker-and-a-Half 158%
Double Breaker-Double Bus 214%

The comparison is based on four-circuit low-profile arrangements with power circuit breakers in
all circuits. Power transformer costs are not included. In schemes utilizing other protective

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devices or different circuit quantities, the relative costs may vary from those listed. Prepare
detailed construction estimates for all schemes under consideration.

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Chapter 3
Insulation Protection

Substation electrical equipment is subject to abnormal conditions as a result of direct lightning

strokes, lightning surges, switching surges, and faults on the system. These abnormal conditions
can cause overvoltages that may result in equipment flashover or insulation failure. To prevent
equipment damage and/or system shutdown from overvoltages, protective devices are used to
limit the overvoltages to reasonable levels. Application of these devices is usually a compromise
between the costs of the devices and the degree of protection desired.

The protection provided for substations and substation equipment can be broken into two main

1. Surge protection, employed to protect the equipment from damaging overvoltages caused
by lightning surges, switching surges, and system faults

2. Direct stroke protection, employed to protect the equipment from direct lightning strokes

Surge Protection

Surge arresters are used to protect equipment against overvoltages caused by incoming surges.
The arresters function by discharging surge current to the ground system and then interrupt the
current to prevent flow of normal power frequency follow current to ground.

Since the effects of a direct lightning stroke to an unshielded substation can be devastating, it is
recommended that some form of direct stroke protection be provided. Direct stroke protection
normally consists of shielding the substation equipment by using lightning masts, overhead
shield wires, or a combination of these devices. The types and arrangements of protective
schemes used are based on the size and configuration of the substation equipment.

Overhead shield wires are often used to provide direct stroke protection. The shield wires can be
supported by the circuit pull-off structures, if conveniently located, to extend over the substation.
Since these shield wires are located above substation buses and equipment, breakage could result
in outage of and/or damage to equipment. To minimize possible breakage, the overhead shield
wire systems are constructed from high-quality, high-strength materials. Shield wires should be
limited to a maximum design tension of 2,000 pounds per conductor under the appropriate
loading conditions as defined in the National Electrical Safety Code. This tension is based only
on wire strength and has to be coordinated with support structure design. Lower tensions may be
required for certain applications, depending on the capabilities of the support structures. Sag has
to be considered to ensure adequate clearance from energized equipment.

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A complete overhead shield wire system should include protection for overhead circuits entering
or leaving the substation. In areas not employing transmission line shielding, substation shield
wire systems should be extended at least one-half mile away from the substation to limit the
exposure of the phase conductors to direct strokes near the substation. Strokes occurring on the
circuits beyond the shielding will usually be attenuated enough by the time they reach the
substation to be discharged successfully by the surge arresters without causing equipment
damage. For adequate protection, the circuit wire systems should be directly connected to the
substation shield wire system.

Shielding masts can be used for nearly all types of substations to provide protection against
direct lightning strokes. They are particularly useful in large substations and those of low-profile
design. Shielding masts can be guyed or self-supporting steel poles or lattice-type towers and are
usually made of steel. Other materials, such as precast concrete or aluminum, can also be used.
In some instances, shielding masts can also be used to provide support for substation lighting

There are two widely used methods for designing substation lightning protection:

1. Fixed angle

2. Rolling sphere

The zone of protection of a shielding system is the volume of space inside which equipment is
considered adequately protected by the system. A shielding system allowing no more that 0.1
percent of the total predicted number of lightning strokes to terminate on the protected
equipment is considered adequate for most situations.

The fixed angle design method uses vertical angles to determine the number, position, and height
of shielding masts and wires. The shaded areas in Figure 16 illustrate the zones of protection
afforded by single- and double-mast or shield wire systems. For a single mast, the zone of
protection consists of a cone. For a single shield wire, the zone of protection is a wedge. When
two or more masts or shield wires are used, the zones of protection of each overlap to provide
complete coverage. Figure 16 also lists the ranges of angles that have been used for various
shielding systems.

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Figure 16

The rolling sphere method involves rolling an imaginary sphere of a prescribed radius over the
substation. The sphere rolls up and over lightning masts, shield wires, and other grounded metal
objects intended for lightning shielding. A piece of equipment is protected from a direct stroke if
it remains below the curved surface of the sphere by virtue of the sphere’s being elevated by
shield wires or other devices. Equipment that touches the sphere or penetrates its surface is not
protected. The basic concept is shown in Figure 17.

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Figure 17

The radius of the sphere is determined by calculating the strike distance. The strike distance is
the length of the final jump of the stepped leader as its potential exceeds the breakdown
resistance of the last gap of air to ground. A stepped leader is the static discharge that propagates
from a cloud into the air.

The allowable stroke current that may be received by a substation bus without exceeding the
withstand value, or BIL, of the substation is defined by,

Is = Allowable stroke current in kiloamperes
BIL = Basic lightning impulse level in kilovolts

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Zs = Surge impedance of the conductor through which the surge is passing in ohms

The striking distance, indicated in Figure 17 by “R,” may be calculated using,

Rf = Strike distance in feet
Is = Return strike in kiloamperes
K = A coefficient to account for different striking distances to a mast, shield wire, or the ground
plane. K = 1 for strokes to wires or the ground plane, and K = 1.2 for strokes to a lightning mast.

These equations provide a very basic evaluation of the lightning protection provided by the
rolling sphere method.

The engineer designing the shielding system needs to also take into account the isokeraunic level
of the area where the substation will be built. The isokeraunic level is the average annual number
of thunderstorm days for a given locality. The U.S. Weather Bureau publishes a chart that shows
the isokeraunic levels across the United States. See Figure 18 on the following page.

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Figure 18

A shielding system cannot effectively protect substation equipment unless adequately grounded.
Multiple low impedance connections from the shielding system to the substation ground grid are
essential. It is beneficial to use at least two separate connections to ensure continuity and
reliability. Whenever non-conducting masts or supports are used, install separate ground cables
to establish a direct connection from the shield system to the substation ground system.

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Chapter 4
Substation Insulators

This chapter covers both outdoor apparatus insulators (e.g., pin and post type insulators) and
suspension insulators.

Outdoor Apparatus Insulators

Outdoor apparatus insulators are used

primarily to support rigid buswork and other
electrical equipment operated above ground
potential. Apparatus insulators are normally
manufactured from electrical-grade wet-
process porcelain and are available in two
major types: cap and pin-type and post-type.
Other types are also available from some
insulator manufacturers.

For apparatus insulators, impulse withstand voltages are commonly referred to as BILs.
Apparatus insulators are available with BIL ratings as shown in Table 2. Use of the BILs for the
nominal system voltages listed will normally ensure adequate coordination with protective
devices and insulation systems of other equipment for most operating conditions. In areas of
extremely high contamination, it may be desirable to increase the insulator BIL to levels higher
than listed.

Table 2
BIL Ratings for
14.4 110
23 150
34.5 200
46 250
69 350
115 550

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230 1050

Equipment that depends on air for its insulating medium will have a lower dielectric strength
when operated at higher altitudes than when operating at lower altitudes. For altitudes above
3300 feet, the correction factors shown in Table 3 should be applied to reduce the insulator BILs.

Cap and pin-type apparatus insulators are the original insulator type used in substation
construction. While cap and pin insulators are still in use, post-type insulators are more
commonly used today in substation design and are recommended for any new construction or
rebuilding of existing facilities.

Post-type apparatus insulators are the type most often used today for new substation
construction. The uniform profile and smaller diameter enhance insulator appearance. Post
insulator types in general use are made of porcelain and polymer. The polymer type is less rigid
than porcelain or composite and is not recommended for switch supports.

Table 3
BIL Altitude Correction
Altitude Correction
(Feet) Factor
3,300 1.00
4,000 0.98
5,000 0.95
6,000 0.92
7,000 0.89
8,000 0.86
9,000 0.83
10,000 0.80
12,000 0.75
14,000 0.70
16,000 0.65
18,000 0.61
20,000 0.56

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Porcelain insulators are generally manufactured from one piece of electrical-grade wet-process
porcelain formed with a number of vertical skirts to achieve the required electrical
characteristics. End caps for mounting the insulators are cemented to the porcelain. The
insulators are manufactured with a minimum number of joints, which inherently reduces

The short skirts of post insulators make them less susceptible to

damage from flashovers. Even if some of the skirts are damaged,
insulation integrity is usually maintained since the dry arcing
distances are not greatly affected.

Post-type insulators are available in two types: stacking and non-

stacking. Single non-stacking insulators are normally used through
nominal voltages of 69 kV (350 kV BIL). At nominal voltages of 115
kV (550 kV BIL) and above, stacking insulators are used.

Post-type apparatus insulators are manufactured and tested in accordance with the following

 ANSI C29.1 “Test Methods for Electrical Power Insulators”

 ANSI C29.9 “American National Standard for Wet-Process Porcelain Insulators

(Apparatus, Post Type)”

Post-type apparatus insulators depend on the insulating material contours to achieve the required
leakage distances. Skirt breakage on a post type usually will not cause insulator flashover since a
much smaller percentage of the total leakage distance is destroyed compared to the cap and pin
type. Post-type apparatus insulators generally have longer leakage distances than their
counterparts, particularly at the lower BILs. In areas of high contamination it is usually desirable
to utilize insulators with either longer than standard leakage distances or higher BILs to prevent
electrical breakdown from surface contamination.

Application of insulators in unusual situations such as high contamination can sometimes best be
accomplished by referring the problem to the insulator manufacturers for recommendations.

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Most apparatus insulators are available in several mechanical strength ratings, based primarily on
the cantilever strength of the insulators. The various ratings available can be found in ANSI and
NEMA standards and in manufacturers’ literature.

For most applications, cantilever strength is the most important mechanical characteristic.
However, depending on the actual insulator application, some of the other characteristics can
become important and should be considered. These insulator characteristics include tensile
strength, compressive strength, and torsional strength. The design and manufacture of post-type
apparatus insulators allow equal cantilever strength ratings in both upright and under-hung
mounting positions.

Typical characteristics of cap and pin-type and post-type apparatus insulators can be found in
Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Post insulators are recommended.

Table 4
Cap & Pin Insulator Characteristics
Cantilever Strength Leakage
BIL Tech Bolt Circle Height
Upright Underhung Distance
(kV) Ref (in) (in)
(lbs) (lbs) (in)

95 TR-1 2,000 1,000 3 7.5 7.5

110 TR-4 2,000 1,000 3 10 12
150 TR-7 2,000 1,000 3 12 20
200 TR-10 2,000 1,000 3 15 28
250 TR-13 2,000 1,000 3 18 36
350 TR-16 1,500 1,000 3 29 52
550 TR-19 1,700 1,470 5 43.5 99
1050 TR-128 750 700 5 87 198

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Table 5
Post-Type Insulator Characteristics
Bolt Circle
Cantilever Strength Leakage
BIL Tech (in) Height
(kV) Ref Upright Underhung (in)
Top Bottom (in)
(lbs) (lbs)
95 TR-202 2,000 2,000 3 3 7.5 10.5

110 TR-205 2,000 2,000 3 3 10 15.5

150 TR-208 2,000 2,000 3 3 14 24

200 TR-210 2,000 2,000 3 3 18 37
250 TR-214 2,000 2,000 3 3 22 43
350 TR-216 1,500 1,500 3 3 30 72
550 TR-286 1,700 1,700 5 5 45 99
1050 TR-312 800 800 5 5 92 198

Most apparatus insulators are furnished with end caps with four mounting holes arranged in
either 3-inch, 5-inch, or 7-inch bolt circles, or 12-inch or 14-inch bolt circles, depending on the
insulator strength and voltage rating. The mounting holes are usually tapped for bolts of 1/2"
with 13 threads per inch, 5/8" with 11 threads per inch, or 3/4" with 10 threads per inch,
respectively. Adapters are available to go from one bolt circle size to another.

Upright or under-hung mounting usually does not present major problems, provided the
insulators are utilized within their mechanical and electrical capabilities. When the insulators are
installed horizontally, the weight of the insulators, fittings, buses, and any other supported
equipment has to be considered to determine the permissible loads. Some manufacturers
recommend reducing the allowable loads from the tabulated values
for horizontally mounted insulators. Unusual applications can be
referred to the manufacturers for recommendations.

Suspension Insulators

Suspension insulators are used as insulation and support for strain

buses in substations. Suspension insulators are available in several
forms to suit individual requirements.

Distribution deadend-type suspension insulators can be used at

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distribution voltages for substation strain buses. Distribution deadend suspension insulators
normally have clevis-type connections. Conventional suspension insulators are normally used for
strain bus insulation at higher voltages and can be furnished with either clevis or ball and socket
connections. The conventional suspension insulators most commonly used are 10 inches in
diameter and 5 ¾ inches in length. Suspension insulators are manufactured out of porcelain,
polymer, and glass.

To achieve the necessary electrical characteristics, a number of suspension insulators are strung
together in series. It is important to coordinate the insulation characteristics of suspension
insulator strings with the insulation systems of other substation equipment and the characteristics
of various insulation protective devices. The quantity of suspension insulators chosen for a
particular application should be large enough to prevent unnecessary flashovers. Over-insulation,
however, can result in flashovers occurring from phase to phase rather than from phase to
ground. Consequently, the quantity of insulators should be small enough that all flashovers occur
to ground.

Table 6 lists the recommended minimum quantities of standard 5 ¾ x 10 in. suspension

insulators for particular nominal system voltages and BILs.

Table 6
Minimum Quantity of
Suspension Insulators
NominalVoltage BIL
(Phase-to-Phase) (kV)
7.5 95 1
14.4 110 2
23 150 2
34.5 200 3
46 250 4
69 350 5
115 550 8
230 1050 12

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Additional insulators should be considered under the following conditions:

1. Above 3,300 feet, the correction factors listed in Table 3 should be applied to the BILs
and the insulator quantities correspondingly increased.
2. In areas of high contamination, it may be necessary to increase the insulator quantities or
consider the use of specially designed equipment.
3. When dead-ending on steel structures, an additional insulator is typically added.
4. When installed at an angle other than vertical, one or two insulators should be added
when the angle from vertical approaches 45 degrees and 90 degrees, respectively.

These strength ratings are not the actual loads the insulators are designed to operate under, but
represent ultimate strengths. The insulators also have proof test ratings specified in ANSI Std.
C29.2 as one half the mechanical–electrical ratings. These ratings are the actual loads that the
insulators have withstood during testing. The maximum suspension insulator loading should not
exceed 40 percent of the mechanical– electrical strength ratings.

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Chapter 5
Electrical Clearances

This chapter covers some of the electric clearances associated with electric substations. Table 7
lists the electrical clearances for outdoor substation construction. The values identified as
minimums should be maintained or exceeded at all times. Phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase
clearances should be coordinated to ensure that possible flashovers occur from phase to ground
rather than from phase to phase.

Table 7
Substation Clearances
Overhead Overhead
Nominal Phase
Max Rigid conductors Conductors
Voltage Rigid Spacing
Voltage BIL Conductors to Ground to
(Phase- Conductors Rigid Bus
P-P (kV) to Ground (personnel Roadway
to- (in) P-P
(kV) (in) safety) inside fence
Phase) (in)
(feet) (feet)
7.5 8.3 95 7 18 6 8 20
14.4 15.5 110 15 24 7 9 21
23 25.8 150 15 30 10 10 22
34.5 38 200 18 36 13 10 22
46 48.3 250 21 48 17 10 22
69 72.5 350 31 60 25 11 23
115 121 550 53 84 42 12 25
230 242 1050 89 132 71 15 27

Table 8 lists the phase spacing of various types of outdoor air switches. The minimum metal-to-
metal clearances should be maintained at all times with the switches in the open position, closed
position, or anywhere between the open and closed positions.

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Table 8
Outdoor Air Switch
Phase Spacing
Nominal Metal-to- Centerline-to-Centerline
Voltage Metal Phase Spacing
Voltage BIL
(Phase- Minimum
P-P (kV)
to- Separation Vertical Side All Horn
Phase) (inches) Break Break Gap

7.5 8.3 95 7 18 30 36
14.4 15.5 110 12 24 30 36
23 25.8 150 15 30 36 48
34.5 38 200 18 36 48 60
46 48.3 250 21 48 60 72
69 72.5 350 31 60 72 84
115 121 550 53 84 108 120
138 145 650 63 96 132 144
161 169 750 72 108 156 168
230 242 900 89 132 192 192
230 242 1050 105 156 216 216
345 362 1050 105 156 216 216
345 362 1300 119 174 - -

When non-rigid conductors are used for outdoor overhead substation buses, the movement of the
conductors caused by temperature changes and wind and ice loads has to be considered. The
usual practice is to increase the centerline-to-centerline bus spacing and the phase-to-ground
clearances to compensate for these conditions. Increase the minimum metal-to-metal, bus
centerline-to-centerline, and minimum ground clearances listed in Table 7 by at least 50 percent
for non-rigid conductors. Check to ensure that the minimum metal-to-metal clearances listed in
Tables 7 and 8 are maintained or exceeded at all times for all expected temperature and loading
conditions. The movement of non-rigid conductors can also be calculated using the NESC
conductor movement envelopes for line conductors.

In some locations, contamination from airborne particles necessitates increasing the minimum
electrical clearances. Satisfactory operation can usually be obtained by using clearances one step

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above those normally used. In extremely contaminated locations, additional clearance may be

Since the dielectric strength of air-insulated equipment decreases with increasing altitude, the
clearances listed in Table 7 have to be modified for use at altitudes above 3,300 feet. To
determine appropriate clearances for use above 3,300 feet, first de-rate the standard BILs by
applying the factors listed in Table 3. Then choose the clearances from Table 7 corresponding to
the de-rated BILs selected. For example, at an altitude of 8,000 feet, a maximum voltage of 121
kV is to be used. From Table 3, the standard BIL of 550 kV has to be de-rated by applying a
multiplying factor of 0.86. Table 9 shows the effects of de-rating for 8,000 feet:

Table 9
Derating Effects
Standard BIL’s Derated BIL’s
(kV) (kV)
550 473
650 559
750 645

A 650 kV BIL should be selected for use at 8000 feet to provide a BIL equivalent to 550 kV at
altitudes of 3,300 feet and below. The clearances to be used are those associated with the 650 kV
standard BIL, as listed in Tables 7 and Table 8.

As an option to the above equipment selection, the engineer may evaluate the de-rated BIL in
terms of the capability of surge arresters applied to the equipment to provide protection to the
equipment. With applicable protective margins, surge arresters available today may be able to
protect voltage-de-rated equipment without increasing the equipment BIL for compensation.

In addition to the electrical clearances previously described, it is necessary to provide adequate

space for equipment maintenance. In arrangements where equipment such as power circuit
breakers, reclosers, disconnect switches, power transformers, or other equipment has to be
maintained while portions of adjacent equipment remain energized, provide sufficient space
around the equipment to prevent accidental contact by maintenance personnel.

In arrangements with buses or equipment crossing over other buses and equipment, maintain
adequate clearance between the adjacent buses and equipment for all operational conditions.
Power transformers and power circuit breakers should be positioned to permit removal of any

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bushing. Locate switches and other equipment with externally moving parts to prevent
infringement on the minimum clearances listed in Tables 7 and 8 during operation or when in
any position. Also consider conductor, equipment, or support structure movement during heavily
loaded or deformed conditions.

The clearances listed in Tables 7 and 8 are adequate for

most situations and exceed the requirements of the
National Electrical Safety Code. The clearances listed in
the NESC have to be maintained or exceeded at all

Another clearance requirement is the location of the

substation perimeter fence with respect to live parts
within the substation. A safety clearance zone is
required to keep someone outside the substation from
sticking an object through the fence and coming in Figure 19
contact with live parts or getting close enough to cause a
flashover to occur. Use Figure 19 and Table 10 to locate exposed live parts outside the safety
clearance zone.

Table 10
Dimensions for Fence Safety Clearance
Nominal Voltage Dimension A Dimension B
(Phase-to-Phase) (Feet) (Feet)
<46,000 15.0 10.0
46,000 – 69,000 16.0 12.0
115.000 16.7 13.0
138,000 17.1 14.0
161,000 17.6 14.0
230,000 19.0 16.0
345,000 21.3 18.0
500,000 24.9 21.0
765,000 29.7 23.0
Notes: Assumes sea level atmospheric conditions.
Increase values 3% for each 1,000 ft above 3,300 ft.

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This course has looked at general information concerning the design of the substation physical
arrangement including the various types of substations and typical layouts. In addition, bus
configurations, insulation protection methods, insulator types, and electrical clearances were

DISCLAIMER: The material contained in this course is not intended as a representation or warranty on the part
of the Provider or Author or any other person/organization named herein. The material is for general
information only. It is not a substitute for competent professional advice. Application of this information to a
specific project should be reviewed by a relevant professional. Anyone making use of the information set forth
herein does so at his own risk and assumes any and all resulting liability arising therefrom.

Copyright © 2015 Lee Layton. All Rights Reserved.


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