DLP Mitosis

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Prepared by:
Sheanne Mae B. Sazon
Science-Teacher Applicant
Lesson Plan in Grade 8 Biology

At the end of the period, students are expected to:
A. identify the different phases in mitotic cell division,
B. describe the processes involved in different phases in mitotic cell division, and
C. explain the importance of mitosis in the growth, development, and repair of somatic cells.


UNIT: IV- Living things and their environment
Module-5 Cellular Reproduction and Genetics
TOPIC: Stages of Mitosis

A. Science Concepts:
A cell follows the same general pattern of birth, growth, and aging as an entire
organism. The body maintains healthy tissue by constantly replacing dying cells with
new ones. There are two types of cell division in eukaryotic cells namely: mitosis and
meiosis. Mitosis is a type of cell division that produces two identical cells with the same
number of chromosomes. Mitosis is divided into four phases or stages: prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

B. Processes/Skills:
 Identifying, describing, and explaining.
C. Value focus:
 Respect of one’s life and uniqueness.
D. References: Grade VIII Science Learner’s Module page 321-323
E. Materials:
 Powerpoint Presentation, Science Videos, Laptop, Egg, manila paper, cut-out pictures
glue, pentel pen.


Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Pre-Activity
a. Prayer 1. The teacher will ask somebody to  Students will stand and pray.
lead the prayer

b. Review of the 1.How do we obtain nutrients from the  We can obtain energy from
previous lesson food that we eat? the food that we eat through
2.What do we mean by digestion?  Digestion is the process of
breaking down food by
mechanical and enzymatic
action in the alimentary canal
into substances that can be
c. Motivation used by the body
 Relating an egg as an example of a
cell and a developing organism.
 This morning you will be able to
learn the different stages involved
d. Presentation in mitosis.

B. Activity proper:  The teacher will group the  Students will count down and
students into 4 groups. go to their respective groups.
1. Grouping of the students
for an activity.  The teacher will prepare  Group leaders will get one
envelopes containing phases of envelop for their activity.
2. Distribution of activity
 The teacher will supervise the  Students will present their
students. outputs.
3. Perform the group Group 1
activity Direction: Read and follow the
1. Take out the materials inside the
2. Puzzle the cut-out pictures and  Prophase- During this stage,
paste it on the cartolina provided. the cell prepares to divide by
3. Paste the name of each phase dissolving the membrane
under the picture. around the nucleus and the
4. Below the name, describe what chromatin condenses into
happens during that phase of chromosomes.
5. Publish your work in 7 minutes. Group 2
6. Select your reporter to discuss
the result of your activity.

 The teacher will let the students  Metaphase - The second

to present their output. stage is metaphase. During
4. Presentation of the group this stage spindle fibers form
activity chromosomes move and
align at the center of the cell
and the spindle fibers
connect each chromosomes
on its centromere to the
centrioles at opposite poles.

Group 3

 Anaphase - During this stage,

the spindle fibers pull the
sister chromatids apart and
towards the side of the cell.
Group 4

 Telophase -During this stage,

the chromosomes reach the
sides of the cell and the cell
begins to divide.

C. Post discussion Come let us watch attentively:  The video is about mitotic
cell division.
Guide questions:  In unicellular organisms, cell
1. What is the video all about? division is the means of
2. What is cell division?  In multicellular organisms, it
is the means of tissue growth
and maintenance.

 Cell cycle is a sequence of

phases in the life cycle of the
3. What is cell cycle?
 Mitosis is the process in
which the nucleus divides to
4. What is mitosis? form two new nuclei.

 The first stage in mitotic cell

division is prophase. During
this stage, the cell prepares
5. What is the first stage in mitotic to divide by dissolving the
cell division? What happen to the membrane around the
cell? nucleus and the chromatin
condenses into

 The second stage is

metaphase. During this stage
spindle fibers form
6. What is the second stage in chromosomes move and
mitotic cell division? What happen align at the center of the cell
to the cell? and the spindle fibers
connect each chromosomes
on its centromere to the
centrioles at opposite poles.

 The third stage is anaphase.

During this stage, the spindle
fibers pull the sister
7. What is the third stage in mitotic chromatids apart and
cell division? What happen to the towards the side of the cell.
 The fourth stage is telophase.
During this stage, the
chromosomes reach the sides
8. What is the fourth stage in mitotic of the cell and the cell begins
cell division? What happen to the to divide.
 The membrane of the
nucleus forms around each
set of chromosomes, creating
a new nucleus for each
daughter cell.
There are three (3) most important things
you must remember about mitosis:
1. It is the division of a nucleus
2. It produces 2 nuclei that are
identical to each other and the
original nucleus.  Students will answer based
3. It happens in somatic cells. on what they have
understood from the
Basing on the topic that we have PowerPoint presented to
discussed, what general idea have you them.
D. Generalization: actually learned?

 Mitosis is the process in

Guide questions: which the nucleus divides to
form two new nuclei.
1. What is mitosis?
 The different stages of
mitosis are prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and
2. What are the different stages telophase.
involved in mitotic cell division?
 Mitosis is important for cell
growth and development.
 It replaces worn out or
Why is mitotic cell division important? damaged cells.
 It is essential for
E. Valuing: maintenance of existing cells.

A. Identify and describe each four phases of mitosis.

B. Journal Writing
Reflection writing about the concept of Cell Division
Guide Questions:
 What will happen if one of the cells in our body malfunctioned?
 What is the importance of cell division in maintaining a healthy body?

V. ASSIGNMENT: (Science Notebook)

A. Draw the four phases of mitosis and label the parts of the cell that are involved during cell
B. Draw the phases of meiosis which occurs in gametes.

ML:__________ ID:_________

Science Teacher Applicant

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