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The text discusses the evolution and impact of density functional theory (DFT) in quantum chemistry. It provides an overview of conceptual versus fundamental and computational aspects of DFT.

The text discusses the Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, Kohn-Sham equations, electronic chemical potential, electronegativity, and how DFT can be used to calculate atomic and molecular properties computationally.

The text describes concepts calculated using DFT such as electronegativity, hardness, softness, Fukui function, local hardness, molecular shape functions, nuclear Fukui function, and their spin-polarized generalizations. It also discusses principles like electronegativity equalization, hard/soft acids and bases, and maximum hardness.

Chem. Rev.

2003, 103, 1793−1873 1793

Conceptual Density Functional Theory

P. Geerlings,*,† F. De Proft,† and W. Langenaeker‡
Eenheid Algemene Chemie, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, and Department of
Molecular Design and Chemoinformatics, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium

Received April 2, 2002

Contents 3. Comparison of Intermolecular Reactivity 1849

I. Introduction: Conceptual vs Fundamental and 1793 4. Excited States 1857
Computational Aspects of DFT
D. Clusters and Catalysis 1858
II. Fundamental and Computational Aspects of DFT 1795
V. Conclusions 1860
A. The Basics of DFT: The Hohenberg−Kohn 1795
Theorems VI. Glossary of Most Important Symbols and 1860
B. DFT as a Tool for Calculating Atomic and 1796
Molecular Properties: The Kohn−Sham VII. Acknowledgments 1861
Equations VIII. Note Added in Proof 1862
C. Electronic Chemical Potential and 1797 IX. References 1865
Electronegativity: Bridging Computational and
Conceptual DFT
III. DFT-Based Concepts and Principles 1798 I. Introduction: Conceptual vs Fundamental and
A. General Scheme: Nalewajski’s Charge 1798 Computational Aspects of DFT
Sensitivity Analysis
B. Concepts and Their Calculation 1800 It is an understatement to say that the density
1. Electronegativity and the Electronic 1800 functional theory (DFT) has strongly influenced the
Chemical Potential evolution of quantum chemistry during the past 15
2. Global Hardness and Softness 1802 years; the term “revolutionalized” is perhaps more
3. The Electronic Fukui Function, Local 1807 appropriate. Based on the famous Hohenberg and
Softness, and Softness Kernel Kohn theorems,1 DFT provided a sound basis for the
4. Local Hardness and Hardness Kernel 1813 development of computational strategies for obtain-
5. The Molecular Shape FunctionsSimilarity 1814 ing information about the energetics, structure, and
6. The Nuclear Fukui Function and Its 1816 properties of (atoms and) molecules at much lower
Derivatives costs than traditional ab initio wave function tech-
7. Spin-Polarized Generalizations 1819 niques. Evidence “par excellence” is the publication
8. Solvent Effects 1820 of Koch and Holthausen’s book, Chemist’s Guide to
Density Functional Theory,2 in 2000, offering an
9. Time Evolution of Reactivity Indices 1821
overview of the performance of DFT in the computa-
C. Principles 1822 tion of a variety of molecular properties as a guide
1. Sanderson’s Electronegativity Equalization 1822 for the practicing, not necessarily quantum, chemist.
In this sense, DFT played a decisive role in the
2. Pearson’s Hard and Soft Acids and 1825 evolution of quantum chemistry from a highly spe-
Bases Principle
cialized domain, concentrating, “faute de mieux”, on
3. The Maximum Hardness Principle 1829 small systems, to part of a toolbox to which also
IV. Applications 1833 different types of spectroscopy belong today, for use
A. Atoms and Functional Groups 1833 by the practicing organic chemist, inorganic chemist,
B. Molecular Properties 1838 materials chemist, and biochemist, thus serving a
1. Dipole Moment, Hardness, Softness, and 1838 much broader scientific community.
Related Properties The award of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1998
2. Conformation 1840 to one, if not the protagonist of (ab initio) wave
3. Aromaticity 1840 function quantum chemistry, Professor J. A. Pople,3
C. Reactivity 1842 and the founding father of DFT, Professor Walter
1. Introduction 1842 Kohn,4 is the highest recognition of both the impact
2. Comparison of Intramolecular Reactivity 1844 of quantum chemistry in present-day chemical re-
Sequences search and the role played by DFT in this evolution.
When looking at the “story of DFT”, the basic idea
* Corresponding author (telephone +32.2.629.33.14; fax +32.2.629. that the electron density, F(r), at each point r
33.17; E-mail [email protected]).
† Vrije Universiteit Brussel. determines the ground-state properties of an atomic,
‡ Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. molecular, ... system goes back to the early work of
10.1021/cr990029p CCC: $44.00 © 2003 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 04/17/2003
1794 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

P. Geerlings (b. 1949) is full Professor at the Free University of Brussels W. Langenaeker (b. 1967) obtained his Ph.D. at the Free University of
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel), where he obtained his Ph.D. and Habilitation, Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) under the guidance of P. Geerlings.
heading a research group involved in conceptual and computational DFT He became a Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Fund for Scientific
with applications in organic, inorganic, and biochemistry. He is the author Research−Flanders in this group and was Postdoctoral Research Associate
or coauthor of nearly 200 publications in international journals or book with Professor R. G. Parr at the University of North Carolina in Chapel
chapters. In recent years, he has organized several meetings around DFT, Hill in 1997. He has authored or coauthored more than 40 research papers
and in 2003, he will be the chair of the Xth International Congress on the in international journals and book chapters on conceptual DFT and
Applications of DFT in Chemistry and Physics, to be held in Brussels computational quantum chemistry. In 1999, he joined Johnson & Johnson
(September 7−12, 2003). Besides research, P. Geerlings has always Pharmaceutical Research and Development (at that time the Janssen
strongly been involved in teaching, among others the Freshman General Research Foundation), where at present he has the rank of senior scientist,
Chemistry course in the Faculty of Science. During the period 1996− being involved in research in theoretical medicinal chemistry, molecular
2000, he has been the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs of his University. design, and chemoinformatics.

the most popular and “broadest” wave function pack-

age in use at that time and also now, undoubtedly
further promoted DFT as a computationally attrac-
tive alternative to wave function techniques such as
Hartree-Fock,15 Møller-Plesset,16 configuration in-
teraction,17 coupled cluster theory,18 and many others
(for a comprehensive account, see refs 19-22).
DFT as a theory and tool for calculating molecular
energetics and properties has been termed by Parr
and Yang “computational DFT”.23 Together with
what could be called “fundamental DFT” (say, N and
ν representability problems, time-dependent DFT,
etc.), both aspects are now abundantly documented
in the literature: plentiful books, review papers, and
F. De Proft (b. 1969) has been an Assistant Professor at the Free special issues of international journals are available,
University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) since 1999, affiliated a selection of which can be found in refs 24-55.
with P. Geerlings’ research group. He obtained his Ph.D. at this institution On the other hand, grossly in parallel, and to a
in 1995. During the period 1995−1999, he was a postdoctoral fellow at
the Fund for Scientific Research−Flanders (Belgium) and a postdoc in large extent independent of this evolution, a second
the group of Professor R. G. Parr at the University of North Carolina in (or third) branch of DFT has developed since the late
Chapel Hill. He is the author or coauthor of more than 80 research 1970s and early 1980s, called “conceptual DFT” by
publications, mainly on conceptual DFT. His present work involves the its protagonist, R. G. Parr.23 Based on the idea that
development and/or interpretative use of DFT-based reactivity descriptors. the electron density is the fundamental quantity for
describing atomic and molecular ground states, Parr
Thomas,5 Fermi,6 Dirac,7 and Von Weiszäcker8 in the and co-workers, and later on a large community of
late 1920s and 1930s on the free electron gas. chemically orientated theoreticians, were able to give
An important step toward the use of DFT in the sharp definitions for chemical concepts which were
study of molecules and the solid state was taken by already known and had been in use for many years
Slater in the 1950s in his XR method,9-11 where use in various branches of chemistry (electronegativity
was made of a simple, one-parameter approximate being the most prominent example), thus affording
exchange correlation functional, written in the form their calculation and quantitative use.
of an exchange-only functional. DFT became a full- This step initiated the formulation of a theory of
fledged theory only after the formulation of the chemical reactivity which has gained increasing
Hohenberg and Kohn theorems in 1964. attention in the literature in the past decade. A
Introducing orbitals into the picture, as was done breakthrough in the dissemination of this approach
in the Kohn-Sham formalism,12,13 then paved the was the publication in 1989 of Parr and Yang’s
way to a computational breakthrough. The introduc- Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules,27
tion, around 1995, of DFT via the Kohn-Sham which not only promoted “conceptual DFT” but,
formalism in Pople’s GAUSSIAN software package,14 certainly due to its inspiring style, attracted the
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1795

attention of many chemists to DFT as a whole. Here, summations over i and j run over electrons,
Numerous, in fact most, applications have been and summations over A and B run over nuclei; rij,
published since the book’s appearance. Although riA, and RAB denote electron-electron, electron-
some smaller review papers in the field of conceptual nuclei, and internuclear distances. Since Hop deter-
DFT were published in the second half of the 1990s mines the energy of the system via Schrödinger’s
and in the beginning of this century23,49,50,52,56-62 (refs equation,
60-62 appeared when this review was under revi-
sion), a large review of this field, concentrating on HopΨ ) EΨ (3)
both concepts and applications, was, in our opinion,
timely. To avoid any confusion, it should be noted Ψ being the electronic wave function, F(r) ultimately
that the term “conceptual DFT” does not imply that determines the system’s energy and all other ground-
the other branches of DFT mentioned above did not state electronic properties. Scheme 1 clearly shows
contribute to the development of concepts within
DFT. “Conceptual DFT” concentrates on the extrac- Scheme 1. Interdependence of Basic Variables in
tion of chemically relevant concepts and principles the Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem1,4
from DFT.
This review tries to combine a clear description of
concepts and principles and a critical evaluation of
their applications. Moreover, a near completeness of
the bibliography of the field was the goal. Obviously that, consequently, E is a functional of F:
(cf. the list of references), this prevents an in-depth
discussion of all papers, so, certainly for applications,
E ) Eν[F] (4)
only a selection of some key papers is discussed in
The index “ν” has been written to make explicit the
Although the two branches (conceptual and com-
dependence on ν.
putational) of DFT introduced so far have, until now,
been presented separately, a clear link exists between The ingenious proof (for an intuitive approach, see
them: the electronic chemical potential. We therefore Wilson cited in a paper by Lowdin65) of this famous
start with a short section on the fundamental and theorem is, quoting Parr and Yang, “disarmingly
computational aspects, in which the electronic chemi- simple”,66 and its influence (cf. section I) has been
cal potential is introduced (section II). Section III immense. A pictoral representation might be useful
concentrates on the introduction of the concepts in the remaining part of this review (Scheme 2).
(III.A), their calculation (III.B), and the principles
(III.C) in which they are often used. In section IV, Scheme 2. Visualization of the First
Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem
an overview of applications is presented, with regard
to atoms and functional groups (IV.A), molecular
properties (IV.B), and chemical reactivity (IV.C),
ending with applications on clusters and catalysis

II. Fundamental and Computational Aspects of

A. The Basics of DFT: The Hohenberg−Kohn
The first Hohenberg-Kohn (HK) theorem1 states Suppose one gives to an observer a visualization of
that the electron density, F(r), determines the exter- the function F(r), telling him/her that this function
nal (i.e., due to the nuclei) potential, ν(r). F(r) corresponds to the ground-state electron density of
determines N, the total number of electrons, via its an atom or a molecule. The first HK theorem then
normalization, states that this function corresponds to a unique
number of electrons N (via eq 1) and constellation of
∫F(r) dr ) N (1) nuclei (number, charge, position).
The second HK theorem provides a variational
and N and ν(r) determine the molecular Hamiltonian, ansatz for obtaining F: search for the F(r) minimizing
Hop, written in the Born-Oppenheimer approxima- E.
tion, neglecting relativistic effects, as (atomic units For the optimal F(r), the energy E does not change
are used throughout) upon variation of F(r), provided that F(r) integrates
at all times to N (eq 1):
N n NZ N N n n Z Z
1 1
Hop ) - ∑ 3i2 - ∑∑ + ∑∑ + ∑ ∑
δ(E - µF(r)) ) 0 (5)
i 2 A i riA i<j j rij B<A A RAB
(2) where µ is the corresponding Lagrangian multiplier.
1796 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

One finally obtains such a way that the kinetic energy could be computed
simply with good accuracy. They started from an
δFHK N-electron non-interacting reference system with the
ν(r) + )µ (6) following Hamiltonian [note that in the remaining
part of this review, atomic units will be used, unless
where FHK is the Hohenberg-Kohn functional con- stated otherwise]:
taining the electronic kinetic energy functional, T[F], N N
Href ) - ∑ 3i2 + ∑νi(r) ) ∑href, i
and the electron-electron interaction functional,
Vee[F]: (9)
i 2 i i

Eν[F] ) ∫F(r)ν(r) dr + FHK[F] (7) with

with 1
href,i ) - 3i2 + νi(r) (10)
FHK[F] ) T[F] + Vee[F] (8)
excluding electron-electron interactions, showing the
The Euler-Lagrange equation (6) is the DFT same electron density as the exact electron density,
analogue of Schrödinger’s time-independent equation F(r), of the real interacting system. Introducing the
(3). As the Lagrangian multiplier µ in eq 6 does not orbitals Ψi, eigenfunctions of the one-electron opera-
depend on r, the F(r) that is sought for should make tor (eq 10), all physically acceptable densities of the
the left-hand side of eq 6 r-independent. The func- non-interacting system can be written as
tionals T[F] and Vee[F], which are not known either
completely or partly, remain problems.
Coming back to Scheme 1, as F(r) determines ν and Fs ) ∑ |Ψi|2 (11)
N, and so Hop, it determines in fact all properties of
the system considered, including excited-state prop- where the summation runs over the N lowest eigen-
erties. states of href. Harriman has shown, by explicit
The application of the HK theorem to a subdomain construction, that any non-negative, normalized den-
of a system has been studied in detail in an important sity (i.e., all physically acceptable densities) can be
paper by Riess and Münch,67 who showed that the written as a sum of the squares of an arbitrary
ground-state particle density, FΩ(r), of a finite but number of orthonormal orbitals.73 The Hohenberg-
otherwise arbitrary subdomain Ω uniquely deter- Kohn functional, FHK,8 can be written as
mines all ground-state properties in Ω, in any other
subdomain Ω′, and in the total domain of the bounded FHK[F] ) Ts[F] + J[F] + Exc[F] (12)
In an in-depth investigation of the question of Here, Ts represents the kinetic energy functional of
transferability of the distribution of charge over an the reference system given by
atom in a molecule within the context of Bader’s
atoms-in-molecules approach,68 Becker and Bader69
〈| |〉
showed that it is a corollary of Riess and Münch’s Ts[F] ) ∑ Ψi - 32 Ψi (13)
proof that, if the density over a given atom or any i 2
portion with a nonvanishing measure thereof is
identical in two molecules 1 and 2 [F1Ω(r) ) F2Ω(r)], J[F] representing the classical Coulombic interaction
then the electron density functions F1(r) and F2(r) are energy,
identical in total space.
Very recently, Mezey generalized these results,
dropping the boundedness conditions, and proved
J[F] )
∫∫ |r - r′|
dr dr′ (14)
that any finite domain of the ground-state electron
density fully determines the ground state of the and the remaining energy components being as-
entire, boundary-less molecular system (the “holo- sembled in the Exc[F] functional: the exchange cor-
graphic electron density theorem”).70,71 The impor- relation energy, containing the difference between
tance of (local) similarity of electron densities is thus the exact kinetic energy and Ts, the nonclassical part
clearly accentuated and will be treated in section of Vee[F], and the self-interaction correction to eq 14.
III.B.5. Combining eqs 6, 12, 13, and 14, the Euler equation
(6) can be written as follows: [Note that all deriva-
tives with respect to F(r) are to be computed for a
B. DFT as a Tool for Calculating Atomic and fixed total number of electrons N of the system. To
Molecular Properties: The Kohn−Sham Equations simplify the notation, this constraint is not explicitly
The practical treatment of eq 6 was provided by written for these types of derivatives in the remain-
Kohn and Sham,12 who ingeniously turned it into a ing part of the review.]
form showing high analogy with the Hartree equa-
tions.72 This aspect later facilitated its implementa- δTs
tion in existing wave-function-based software pack- µ ) νeff(r) + (15)
ages such as Gaussian14 (cf. section I). This was
achieved by introducing orbitals into the picture in where an effective potential has been introduced,
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1797

δJ δExc Scheme 3. Conceptual DFT at Work

νeff(r) ) ν(r) + +
δF δF
) ν(r) + ∫ dr′ + νxc(r) (16)
|r - r′|
containing the exchange correlation potential, νxc(r),
defined as
νxc ) (17)
concepts via techniques that had not been tested
Equation 15, coupled to the normalization condition themselves sufficiently.
(eq 1), is exactly the equation one obtains by consid- This situation changed dramatically in recent
ering a non-interacting N-electron system, with years, as is demonstrated by the extensive tests
electrons being subjected to an external potential, available now for probably the most popular νxc, the
νeff(r). So, for a given νeff(r), one obtains F(r), making B3LYP functional.76,77 Its performance in combina-
the right-hand side of eq 15 independent of r, as tion with various basis sets has been extensively
N tested, among others by the present authors, for
F(r) ) ∫∑|Ψi(x)|2 dσ (18) molecular geometries,78 vibrational frequencies,79
i ionization energies and electron affinities,80-82 dipole
and quadrupole moments,83,84 atomic charges,83 in-
x denotes the four vector-containing space and spin frared intensities,83 and magnetic properties (e.g.,
variables, and the integration is performed over the chemical shifts85).
spin variable σ.
The molecular orbitals Ψi should moreover satisfy C. Electronic Chemical Potential and
the one-electron equations, Electronegativity: Bridging Computational and
Conceptual DFT
(- 213 2
+ νeff(r) Ψi ) iΨi (19)
The cornerstone of conceptual DFT was laid in a
landmark paper by Parr and co-workers86 concen-
This result is regained within a variational context trating on the interpretation of the Lagrangian
when looking for those orbitals minimizing the multiplier µ in the Euler equation (6).
energy functional (eq 7), subject to orthonormality It was recognized that µ could be written as the
conditions, partial derivative of the system’s energy with respect
to the number of electrons at fixed external potential
∫Ψ*i (x)Ψj(x) dx ) δij (20) ν(r):
The Kohn-Sham equations (eq 19) are one-electron
equations, just as the Hartree or Hartree-Fock
equations, to be solved iteratively. The price to be
µ) (∂N ) ν(r)
paid for the incorporation of electron correlation is
the appearance of the exchange correlation potential, To get some feeling for its physical significance,
νxc, the form of which is unknown and for which no thus establishing a firm basis for section III, we
systematic strategy for improvement is available. The consider the energy change, dE, of an atomic or
spectacular results from recent years in this search molecular system when passing from one ground
for the “holy grail” by Becke, Perdew, Lee, Parr, state to another. As the energy is a functional of the
Handy, Scuseria, and many others will not be de- number of electrons and the external potential ν(r)
tailed in this review (for a review and an inspiring (cf. Scheme 1) [the discussion of N-differentiability
perspective, see refs 74 and 75). Nevertheless, it is postponed to III.B.1; note that N and ν(r) deter-
should be stressed that today density functional mine perturbations as occurring in a chemical reac-
theory, cast in the Kohn-Sham formalism, provides tion], we can write the following expression:
a computational tool with an astonishing quality/cost
ratio, as abundantly illustrated in the aforemen-
tioned book by Koch and Holthausen.2
This aspect should be stressed in this review as
dE ) ( )
∂N ν(r)
dN + ∫ ( ) ∂E
∂ν(r) N
δν(r) dr (22)

many, if not most, of the applications discussed in

On the other hand, E is a functional of F(r), leading
section IV were conducted on the basis of DFT
computational methods (summarized in Scheme 3).

( )
The present authors were in the initial phase of their
dE ) ∫
investigations of DFT concepts using essentially wave δE
δF(r) dr (23)
function techniques. Indeed, in the early 1990s, the δF(r) ν(r)
assessment of DFT methods had not yet been per-
formed up to the level of their wave function coun- where the functional derivative (δE/δF(r))ν(r) is intro-
terparts, creating uncertainty related to testing duced.
1798 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

In view of the Euler equation (15), it is seen that cal potential originates with Gyftopoulos and Hat-
the Lagrangian multiplier µ can be written as sopoulos.92

( )
Combining eqs 30, 31, and 21, generalizing the
δE fixed nuclear charge constraint to fixed external
µ) (24)
δF(r) ν potential constraint, the Lagrangian multiplier µ of
the Euler equation is now identified with a long-
Combining eqs 22 and 24, one obtains standing chemical concept, introduced in 1932 by
Pauling.93 This concept, used in combination with
dEν ) ∫µδF(r) dr ) µ∫δF(r) dr ) µ dN (25) Pauling’s scale (later on refined94-96), was to be of
immense importance in nearly all branches of chem-
where it has been explicity indicated that the varia- istry (for reviews, see refs 97-102).
tion in F(r) is for a given ν. Comparison of the first A remarkable feature emerges: the linking of the
term in eq 22, the only term surviving at fixed ν, and chemical potential concept to the fundamental equa-
eq 25 yields eq 21. tion of density functional theory, bridging conceptual
On the other hand, it follows from simple wave and computational DFT. The “sharp” definition of χ
function perturbation theory (see, e.g., ref 21) that and, moreover, its form affords its calculation via
the first-order correction dE(1) to the ground-state electronic structure methods. Note the analogy with
energy due to a change in external potential, written the thermodynamic chemical potential of a compo-
as a one-electron perturbation nent i in a macroscopic system at temperature T and
pressure P:
V ) ∑δν(ri) (26)

at fixed number of electrons gives

µi ) ( )
∂ni P, T, nj(j*i)

where nj denotes the number of moles of the jth

N ) ∫ Ψ *δVΨ
dE(1) dxN ) ∫F(r)δν(r) dr (27)
(O) (O)
In an extensive review and influential paper in
Ψ(O) denoting the unperturbed wave function.
1996, three protagonists of DFT, Kohn, Parr, and
Comparing eq 27 with the second term of eq 22
Becke,74 stressed this analogy, stating that the µ )
(∂E/∂N)ν result “contains considerable chemistry. µ

( ) δE characterizes the escaping tendency of electrons from

F(r) ) (28) the equilibrium system. Systems (e.g. atoms or
δν(r) N
molecules) coming together must attain at equilib-
upon which the identification of the two first deriva- rium a common chemical potential. This chemical
tives of E with respect to N and ν is accomplished.87 potential is none other than the negative of the
In the early 1960s, Iczkowski and Margrave88 electronegativity concept of classical structural chem-
showed, on the basis of experimental atomic ioniza- istry.”
tion energies and electron affinities, that the energy Nevertheless, eq 21 was criticized, among others
E of an atom could reasonably well be represented by Bader et al.,104 on the assumption that N in a
by a polynomial in n (number of electrons (N) minus closed quantum mechanical system is a continuously
the nuclear charge (Z)) around n ) 0: variable property of the system. In section III.B.1,
this problem will be readdressed. Anyway, its use is,
E ) E(N) ) an4 + bn3 + cn2 + dn; n ) N - Z in the writers’ opinion, quite natural when focusing
on atoms in molecules instead of isolated atoms (or
(29) molecules). These “parts” can indeed be considered
Assuming continuity and differentiability of E,89,90 as open systems, permitting electron transfer; more-
the slope at n ) 0, -(∂E/∂n)n)0, is easily seen to be a over, their electron number does not necessarily
measure of the electronegativity, χ, of the atom. change by integer values.89
Iczkowski and Margrave proposed to define the The link between conceptual and computational
electronegativity as this derivative, so that DFT being established, we concentrate in the next
section on the congeners of electronegativity forming
∂E a complete family of “DFT-based reactivity descrip-
χ)- (∂N ) (30) tors”.

for fixed nuclear charge. III. DFT-Based Concepts and Principles

Because the cubic and quartic terms in eq 29 were
negligible, Mulliken’s definition,91 A. General Scheme: Nalewajski’s Charge
Sensitivity Analysis
χ ) (I + A) (31) The introduction of electronegativity as a DFT
reactivity descriptor can be traced back to the con-
where I and A are the first ionization energy and sideration of the response of a system (atom, mol-
electron affinity, respectively, was regained as a ecule, etc.) when it is perturbed by a change in its
particular case of eq 30, strengthening its proposal. number of electrons at a fixed external potential. It
Note that the idea that electronegativity is a chemi- immediately demands attention for its counterpart
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1799

Scheme 4. Energy Derivatives and Response Functions in the Canonical Ensemble, δnE/DmNδm′ν(r) (n e 3)a

a Also included are definitions and/or identification and indication of the section where each equation is discussed in detail.

(cf. eq 24), (δE/δν(r))N, which, through eq 28, was Within the context of the finite temperature en-
easily seen to be the electron density function F(r) semble description in DFT, the functional Ω (the
itself, indicating again the primary role of the elec- grand potential), defined as
tron density function.
Assuming further (functional) differentiability of Ω ) E - Nµ or ) E - µ(N - N0) (33)
E with respect to N and ν(r) (vide infra), a series of
response functions emerge, as shown in Scheme 4, (where N0 is the reference number of electrons), plays
which will be discussed in the remaining paragraphs a fundamental role, with natural variables µ, ν(r),
of this section. and T.
Note that we consider working first in the 0 K limit At a given temperature T, the following hierarchy
(for generalizations to finite temperature ensembles, of response functions, (δnΩ/∂mµδm′ν(r)), limited to
see ref 105) and second within the Canonical en- second order, was summarized by Chermette50
semble (E ) E[N,ν(r),T]). It will be seen that other (Scheme 5). It will be seen in section III.B that the
choices are possible and that changing the variables response functions with n ) 2 correspond or are
is easily performed by using the Legendre transfor- related to the inverse of the response functions with
mation technique.106,107 n ) 2 in Scheme 4. The grand potential Ω will be of
great use in discussing the HSAB principle in section
Scheme 4 shows all derivatives (δnE/∂mNδm′ν(r)) up
III.C, where open subsystems exchanging electrons
to third order (n ) 3), together with the identification
should be considered.
or definition of the corresponding response function
The consideration of other ensembles, F[N,F] and
(n g 2) and the section in which they will be treated.
R[µ,F], with associated Legendre transformations,108,109
Where of interest, Maxwell relationships will be used
to yield alternative definitions.
In a natural way, two types of quantities emerge F[N,F] ) E - ∫F(r)ν(r) dr
in the first-order derivatives: a global quantity, χ, (isomorphic ensemble) (34)
being a characteristic of the system as a whole, and
a local quantity, F(r), the value of which changes from R[µ,F] ) E - µN - ∫F(r)ν(r) dr
point to point. In the second derivatives, a kernel (grand isomorphic ensemble) (35)
χ(r,r′) appears for the first time, representing the
response of a local quantity at a given point r to a will be postponed until the introduction of the shape
perturbation at a point r′. This trend of increasing function, σ(r), in section III.B.5, yielding an altered
“locality” to the right-hand side of the scheme is isomorphic ensemble:110
continued in the third-order derivatives, in which at
the right-most position variations of F(r) in response
to simultaneous external perturbations, ν(r′) and F[N,σ] ) E - N∫σ(r)ν(r) dr (36)
ν(r′′), are shown. “Complete” global quantities obvi-
ously only emerge at the left-most position, with Finally, note that instead of Taylor expansions in,
higher order derivatives of the electronegativity or for instance, the canonical ensemble E ) E[N,ν(r)],
hardness with respect to the number of electrons. functional expansions have been introduced by Parr.
1800 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Scheme 5. Grand Potential Derivatives and Response Functions in the Grand Canonical Ensemble,
δnΩ/Dmµδm′ν(r) (with n e 2)a

a Also included are definitions and/or identification and indication of the section where each equation is discussed in detail.

B. Concepts and Their Calculation number and derivative discontinuity issues when
extending the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem by an en-
1. Electronegativity and the Electronic Chemical Potential semble approach. Fractional electron numbers may
The identification of the Lagrangian multiplier µ arise as a time average in an open system, e.g., for
in eq 6 with the negative of the electronegativity χ,86 an atom X free to exchange electrons with atom Y.
These authors proved that, within this context, the
∂E energy vs N curve is a series of straight line segments
µ ) -χ ) - (∂N ) ν
(37) and that “the curve E versus N itself is continuous
but its derivative µ ) ∂E/∂N has possible disconti-
offers a way to calculate electronegativity values for nuities at integral values of N. When applied to a
atoms, functional groups, clusters, and molecules. In single atom of integral nuclear charge Z, µ equals -I
this sense, it was an important step forward, as there for Z - 1 < N < Z and -A for Z < N < Z + 1.”89
was no systematic way of evaluating electronegativi- The chemical potential jumps by a constant as N
ties for all species of the above-mentioned type with increases by an integer value. For a finite system
the existing scales by Pauling93,95,96 and the panoply with a nonzero energy gap, µ(N) is therefore a step
of scales presented after his 1932 landmark paper function with constant values between the disconti-
by Gordy,111 Allred and Rochow,112 Sanderson,113 and nuities (jumps) at integral N values. (This problem
others (for a review, see ref 114). has been treated in-depth in textbooks by Dreizler
A spin-polarized extension of eq 37 has been put and Gross30 and by Parr and Yang27 and in Cher-
forward by Ghosh and Ghanty:115 mette’s50 review.) An early in-depth discussion can
be found in the article by Lieb.116
χR ) - ( )
∂NR ν,Nβ
χβ ) - ( )
∂Nβ ν,NR
(∂E/∂N)ν may thus have different values when
evaluated to the left or to the right of a given integer
N value. The resulting quantities (electronegativity
where NR and Nβ stand for the number of R and β via eq 37) correspond to the response of the energy
spin electrons, respectively. of the system to electrophilic (dN < 0) or nucleophilic
Fundamental problems, however, still arise when (dN > 0) perturbations, respectively.
implementing these sharp definitions, particularly It has been correctly pointed out by Chermette50
the question of whether E is differentiable with that these aspects are more often included in second-
respect to N (necessarily an integer for isolated derivative-type reactivity descriptors (hardness) and
atoms, molecules, etc.). in local descriptors such as the Fukui function and
This problem obviously is not only pesent in the local softness (superscript + and -) than in the case
evaluation of the electronegativity but is omnipresent of the first derivative, the electronegativity.
in all higher and mixed N-derivatives of the energy Note that the definition of hardness by Parr and
as hardness, Fukui function, etc. (sections III.B.2, Pearson, as will be seen in subsequent discussion
III.B.3, etc.). The issues to be discussed in this section (section II.B.2, eq 57), does not include any hint to
are of equal importance when considering these left or right derivative, taking the curvature of an
quantities. Note that the fundamental problem of the E ) E(N) curve at the neutral atom. In the present
integer N values (see the remark in section II.C, discussion on electronegativity, the distinction will
together with the open or closed character of the be made whenever appropriate.
system) is not present when concentrating on an An alternative to the use of an ensemble is to use
atom in an atoms-in-molecules context,68 where it is a continuous N variable, as Janak did117 (vide infra).
natural to think in terms of partially charged atoms The consistency between both approaches has been
that are capable of varying their electron number in pointed out by Casida.118
a continuous way. The larger part of the work in the literature on
In a seminal contribution (for a perspective, see ref electronegativity has been carried out within the
90), Perdew et al.89 discussed the fractional particle finite difference approach, in which the electronega-
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1801

tivity is calculated as the average of the left- and where ni is the occupation number of the ith orbital,
right-hand-side derivatives: providing a meaning for the eigenvalues i of the
Kohn-Sham equation (19). This approach is present
χ- ) E(N ) N0 - 1) - E(N ) N0) ) I (39) in some of the following studies.
For the calculation of atomic (including ionic)
χ+ ) E(N ) N0) - E(N ) N0 + 1) ) A (40) electronegativities, indeed a variety of techniques has
been presented and already reviewed extensively.
1 1
χ ) (χ+ + χ-) ) (I + A) (41) In the late 1980s, Bartolotti used both transition-
2 2 state and non-transition-state methods in combina-
tion with non-spin-polarized and spin-polarized Kohn-
where I and A are the ionization energy and electron Sham theory.129 Alonso and Balbas used simple DFT,
affinity of the N0-electron system (neutral or charged) varying from Thomas-Fermi via Thomas-Fermi-
studied. Dirac to von Weizsäcker type models,130 and Gazquez,
This technique is equivalent to the use of the Vela, and Galvan reviewed the Kohn-Sham formal-
Mulliken formula (eq 31) and has been applied to ism.131 Sen, Böhm, and Schmidt reviewed calcula-
study the electronegativity of atoms, functional groups, tions using the Slater transition state and the
molecules, etc. Equation 41 also allows comparison transition operator concepts.132 Studies on molecular
with experiment on the basis of vertical (cf. the electronegativities were, for a long time, carried out
demand of fixed ν in eq 37) ionization energies and mainly in the context of Sanderson’s electronegativity
electron affinities, and tables of χ (and η; see section equalization method (see section III.B.2), where this
III.B.2) values for atoms, monatomic ions, and mol- quantity is obtained as a “byproduct” of the atomic
ecules have been compiled, among others by Pear- charges and, as such, is mostly studied in less detail
son.119-122 (vide infra).
Extensive comparison of “experimental” and high- Studies using the (I + A)/2 expression are appear-
level theoretical finite difference electronegativities ing in the literature from the early 1990s, however
(and hardness, see section III.B.2) have been pub- hampered by the calculation of the E[N ) N0 + 1]
lished by the present authors for a series of 22 atoms value.
and monatomic ions yielding almost perfect correla- In analogy with the techniques for the calculation
tions with experiment both for χ and η at the B3LYP/ of gradients, analytical methods have been developed
6-311++G(3df,2p) level80 (with standard deviations to calculate energy derivatives with respect to N,
of the order of 0.20 eV for χ and 0.08 eV for η). leading to coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock equa-
As an approximation to eq 41, the ionization energy tions,133 by Komorowski and co-workers.134
and electron affinity can be replaced by the HOMO In a coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock approach,
and LUMO energy, respectively, using Koopmans’ Komorowski derived explicit expressions for the
theorem,123 within a Hartree-Fock scheme, yielding hardness (vide infra). Starting from the diagonal
matrix n containing the MO occupations, its deriva-
1 tive with respect to N is the diagonal matrix of the
χ ) (HOMO + LUMO) (42)
2 MO Fukui function indices:
This approximation might be of some use when large ∂n
systems are considered: the evaluation of eq 41 f) (∂N ) (45)
necessitates three calculations. Also, in the case of
systems leading to metastable N0 + 1 electron Combined with the matrix e, defined as
systems (typically anions), the problem of negative
electron affinities is sometimes avoided via eq 42 (for
reviews about the electronic structure of metastable
e) (∂E
anions and the use of DFT to calculate temporary
anion states, see refs 124-126). (An interesting study it yields χ via the equation
by Datta indicates that, for isolated atoms, a doubly χ ) -tr f e (47)
negatively charged ion will always be unstable.127a
For a recent review on multiply charged anions in With the requirement of an integer population of
the gas phase, see ref 127b.) Pearson stated that if molecular orbitals, eq 47 leads to
only ionization leads to a stable system, a good
working equation for µ is obtained by χ+ ) -LUMO (48)
µ ) -I (43) and
putting EA ) 0. 122
χ- ) -HOMO (49)
An alternative is the use of Janak’s theorem117 (see
also Slater’s contribution128): in his continuous N for the right- and left-hand-side derivatives.
extension of Kohn-Sham theory, it can be proven Coming back to the basic formula eq 37, funda-
that mental criticism has been raised by Allen on the
assumption that χ ) -µ [with µ ) (∂E/∂N)ν].135-139
) i (44) He proposed an average valence electron ionization
∂ni energy as an electronegativity measure:
1802 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

χspec ) -∑niei/∑ni (50) j ) 〈η(q)〉

η (55)
i i
where the summations run over all valence orbitals
with occupation number ni. Liu and Parr140 showed 1
η ) (I - A) (56)
that this expression is a special case of a more 2
general equation,
As is obvious from the preceding part, a lot of
χ ) ∑χi fi
“electronegativity” data are present in the literature.
Extreme care should be taken when comparing
values obtained with different methodologies [finite
where χi stands for an orbital electronegativity, a difference Koopmans-type approximation (eq 42);
concept introduced in the early 1960s by Hinze and analytical derivatives (eq 47)], sometimes combined
Jaffé:141 with the injection of experimental data (essentially
ionization energies and electron affinities), yielding
χi ) - ( )
∂ni ν,nj (j * i)
in some cases values which are quoted as “experi-
As was already the case in the pre-DFT, purely
“experimental” or “empirical” area, involving the
the fi values being defined as
Pauling, Mulliken, Gordy, et al. scales, the adage

( )
∂ni “when making comparisons between electronegativity
fi ) (53) values of two species never use values belonging to
∂N ν different scales” is still valid.
Even if a consensus is reached about the definition
representing an orbital resolution of the Fukui func- of eq 37 (which is not completely the case yet, as
tion (see section III.B.3). illustrated in this section), it may take some time to
In the case that a given change in the total number see a convergence of the computational techniques,
of electrons, dN, is equally partitioned among all possibly mixed with high-precision experimental data
valence electrons, eq 50 in recovered. (e.g., electron affinities). Numerical data on χ will
In this sense, χspec should be viewed as an average essentially be reserved for the application section
electronegativity measure. The existence of funda- (section IV.A). A comparison of various techniques
mental differences between Pauling-type scales and will be given in the next section in the more involved
the absolute scale has been made clear in a comment case of the hardness, the second derivative of the
by R. G. Pearson,142 stressing the point that the energy, based on a careful study by Komorowski and
absolute electronegativity scale in fact does not Balawender.150,151
conform to the Pauling definition of electronegativity
as a property of an atom in a molecule, but that its 2. Global Hardness and Softness
essential idea reflects the tendency of attracting and
holding electrons: there is no reason to restrict this The concepts of chemical hardness and softness
to combined atoms. were introduced in the early 1960s by Pearson, in
As stated above, the concept of orbital electroneg- connection with the study of generalized Lewis acid-
ativity goes back to work done in the early 1960s by base reactions,
Hinze and Jaffé,141,143-146 specifying the possibility of A + :B a A-B
different electronegativity values for an atom, de-
pending on its valence state, as recognized by Mul- where A is a Lewis acid or electron pair acceptor and
liken91 in his original definition of an absolute B is a Lewis base or electron pair donor.152 It was
electronegativity scale. In this sense, the electroneg- known that there was no simple order of acid and
ativity concept is complicated by the introduction of base strengths that would be valid to order the
the orbital characteristics; on the other hand, it interaction strengths between A and B as measured
reflects in a more realistic way the electronegativity by the reaction enthalpy. On the basis of a variety of
dependence on the surroundings. Obviously, within experimental data, Pearson152-156 (for reviews and
an EEM approach (see section III.C.1) and allowing early history, see refs 122, 155-157) presented a
nonintegral occupation numbers, the same feature classification of Lewis acids in two groups (a and b,
is accounted for. below), starting from the classification of the donor
Komorowski,147-149 on the other hand, also pre- atoms of the Lewis bases in terms of increasing
sented a “chemical approximation” in which the electronegativity:
chemical electronegativity, χj, of an atom can be
considered as an average of the function χ(q) over a As < P < Se < S ∼ I ∼ C < Br < Cl < N < O < F
suitable range of charge:
The criterion used was that Lewis acids of class a
χj ) 〈χ(q)〉 (54) would form stabler complexes with donor atoms to
the right of the series, whereas those of class b would
An analogous definition is presented for the hard- preferably interact with the donor atoms to the left.
ness. When eq 54 is evaluated between q ) -e and The acids classified on this basis in class a mostly
q ) +e, χj yields the Mulliken electronegativity, χ ) had the acceptor atoms positively charged, leading
(I + A)/2, for an atom just as to a small volume (H+, Li+, Na+, Mg2+, etc.), whereas
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1803

class b acids carried acceptor atoms with low positive AB + A′B′ h AB′ + A′B
charge and greater volume (Cs+, Cu+). This clas-
sification turns out to be essentially polarizability- obtained from published heats of formation.
based, leading to the classification of the bases as Although some of the points raised by these au-
“hard” (low polarizability; NH3, H2O, F-, etc.) or “soft” thors are worth consideration, just as in the case of
(high polarizability; H-, R-, R2S, etc.). the electronegativity identification by Allen in section
On this basis, Pearson formulated his hard and soft III.B.1, the overwhelming series of results presented
acids and bases (HSAB) principle, which will be up to now in the literature (see the application in
discussed in detail in section III.C.2: hard acids section IV) gives additional support to the adequacy
preferably interact with hard bases, and soft acids and elegancy in the identification of (∂E/∂N)ν and
with soft bases. The Journal of Chemical Education (∂2E/∂N2)ν.
paper by Pearson further clarified the concepts158 Before turning to the calculation of the hardness,
(this paper was in 1986 already a Citation Classic, its relationship to other atomic or molecular proper-
cited almost 500 times159) which gradually entered ties should be clarified. First, global softness, S, was
and now have a firm place in modern textbooks of introduced as the reciprocal of the hardness by
inorganic chemistry160-163 (for an interesting perspec-
tive, see also ref 164). Its recognition, also based on 1 ∂N
the theoretical approaches described in section
III.C.2, is witnessed by a recent Tetrahedron report

) ( )
∂µ ν(r)

by an experimental organic chemist, S. Woodward, Within the spirit of the hardness-polarizability

on its elusive role in selective catalysis and synthe- link introduced in Pearson’s original and defining
sis.165 approach to the introduction of the HSAB principles,
Nevertheless, the classification of a new acid or it is not surprising at all that softness should be a
base is not always so obvious, and the insertion of a measure of polarizability. Various studies relating
compound on a hardness or softness scale may lead atomic polarizability and softness, to be discussed in
to vivid discussions. The lack of a sharp definition, section IV.A, confirm this view.
just as was the case with Pauling’s electronegativity, A deeper insight into the physical or chemical
is again causing this difficulty. significance of the hardness and its relation to the
Therefore, the paper by Parr and Pearson,163 electronegativity for an atom or group embedded in
identifying the hardness as the second derivative of a molecule can be gained when writing a series
the energy with respect to the number of electrons expansion of E around N0 (typically the neutral
at fixed external potential, is crucial. Similar to the system) at fixed external potential (for an excellent
identification of χ as -(∂E/∂N)ν, it offers a sharp paper on this topic, see Politzer and co-wokers168):
definition enabling the calculation of this quantity
and its confrontation with experiment:
E(N) ) E(N0) + R(N - N0) + β(N - N0)2 +

η) ( )
1 ∂2E
2 ∂N2 ν
(57) γ(N - N0)3 + ... (60)

where the coefficients R, β, and γ can be written as

[Note that in some texts the arbitrary factor 1/2 is
omitted.] This indicates that hardness can also be ∂E
written as R) (∂N ) ) -χ

1 ∂µ
( )
2 ∂N ν
(58) β) ( )
1 ∂2E
2 ∂N2 ν
)η (62)

( ) ( )
showing that hardness is the resistance of the chemi-
1 ∂3E 1 ∂η
cal potential to changes in the number of electrons. γ) ) ν (63)
Using the finite difference approximation, we ob- 6 ∂N3 ν 3 ∂N
tain eq 56, indicating that it is one-half of the reaction
energy for the disproportionation reaction Differentiating eq 60 with respect to N, one obtains

M + M h M + + M- -χ(N) ) -χ(N0) + 2β(N - N0) + ... (64)

Equation 56 directly offers the construction of
tables of “experimental” hardnesses via the (vertical) or
ionization and electron affinity values119-121 and
comparison with theoretical values. χ(N) ) χ(N0) - 2η(N - N0) + ... (65)
The identification of the “absolute” hardness of
DFT, (∂2E/∂N2)ν/2, with the chemical hardness arising indicating that the hardness modulates the elec-
in Pearson’s HSAB principle has been criticized by tronegativity of an atom, group, etc., according to the
Reed.166,167 charge of the system: increasing the number of
This author presents an operational chemical electrons in a system decreases its electronegativity,
hardness based on reaction enthalpies of metathesis its tendency to attract electrons from a partner, and
reactions, vice versa, as intuitively expected.
1804 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

This simple result accounts for Sanderson’s prin-

ciple of electronegativity equalization, as announced
in section III.B.1 and discussed in detail in section
Politzer highlighted the role of the coefficient β
(related to η) in eqs 64 and 65: it is a measure of the
responsiveness of, e.g., an atom’s electronegativity to
a gain or loss of electronic charge. In fact, Huheey
suggested that the coefficient of the charge (N - N0)
in eqs 64 and 65 (which at that time had not yet been
identified as the hardness) is related inversely to the
atom’s ability to “retain” electronic charge once the
charge has been acquired.169-171 This charge capacity,
designated by κ,

( )
∂N2 N0
Figure 1. χ and η in a molecular orbital context.

is thus the inverse of η, η[g] ) ∫∫g(r)η(r,r′)g(r′) dr dr′ (69)

1 as will be discussed in more detail in section III.B.3.

2η ) (67) Here, η(r,r′) is the hardness kernel and g(r) is
constrained to integrate to 1.172
This equation, of course, identifies the charge capac- Minimizing η[g] yields g(r) ) f(r), the electronic
ity with the softness (eq 59): κ ) S. It seems Fukui function, with η[f] ) η. Work along these lines
intuitively reasonable that this charge capacity e.g., has been performed by De Proft, Liu, Parr, and
of an atom or group is intimitately related to the Geerlings.174,175 In the latter study on atoms, it was
polarizability of the atom or group. shown that a simple approximation for the hardness
An early review on the role of the concept of charge kernel,
capacity in chemistry can be found in the 1992 paper
by Politzer et al.168 Its relation to its role in acidity 1
η(r,r′) ) +C (70)
and basicity will be discussed in detail in section |r - r′|
As for electronegativity, many calculations have yields good results when compared with experimental
been carried out in the finite difference method56 or hardness for both main- and transition-group ele-
an approximation to it, ments (Figure 2) (also cf. section III.B.3). Extreme
care should be taken when comparing hardness
1 values of different species using different scales or
η ) (LUMO - HOMO) (68) methodologies.
An important step has been taken by Komorowski
indicating that hardness is related to the energy and Balawender150 considering the above-mentioned
“gap” between occupied and unoccupied orbitals coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock approach to the
(Figure 1). [Discontinuity problems similar to those hardness evaluation, obtaining as a final result
described for the electronegativity in section III.B.1
are then encountered. In this context, Komorowski’s 1
η( ) JFMO +
approach should be mentioned147,148 to take as the 4
hardness the average of the neutral and negatively vir occ
charged atom or the neutral and positively charged
atom respectively for acidic and basic hardness.
∑ ∑U(ij [2(i, j/FMO, FMO) - (i, FMO/j, FMO)]
i j
Alternatively, Chattaraj, Cedillo, and Parr proposed (71)
that, in analogy with eqs 39 and 40, three different
types of hardness kernels172 should exist correspond- where the two electron integrals (ij/kl) are defined
ing to three types of hardness for electrophilic, as usual. FMO denotes a frontier molecular orbital
nucleophilic, and radical attack.] Equations 42 and leading, according to its choice as HOMO or LUMO,
68 clearly offer a nice interpretation of χ and η in to η- or η+ values, respectively. The elements of the
terms of a frozen orbitals approach (for a detailed U matrix connect the N derivatives of the LCAO
analysis, see p 38 of ref 157). coefficients, Cλi, and the unperturbed coefficients,
Most studies reported in the literature are based
on the finite difference approximation. For atoms, ∂C
Kohn-Sham calculations have been presented by (∂N ) ν(r)
) CU (72)
Gazquez et al.,173 among others.
An important aspect, differing from the electroneg- In Table 1, we give Komorowski and Balawender’s
ativity calculation, is the recognition that hardness values of η+, η-, and their averages and compare
is obtained when minimizing the functional them with the results of the more frequently used
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1805

Table 1. Molecular Hardnesses (eV) As Calculated by

Different Methodsa
molecule (I - A)/2 (L - H)/2 (η+ + η-)/2 η+ η-
BCl3 6.537 7.294 1.566 1.561 1.570
BF3 10.242 11.677 2.202 2.162 2.243
BH3 7.192 7.973 2.285 2.041 2.530
C2H2 7.610 8.509 2.088 1.983 2.192
C2H4 6.549 7.569 1.864 1.820 1.909
C2H6 9.501 9.943 1.649 1.428 1.871
CF3- 4.944 5.735 2.143 1.878 2.408
CF3+ 9.576 11.388 2.466 2.516 2.416
CH3- 5.700 6.501 1.916 1.706 2.126
CH3+ 8.021 9.071 2.574 2.256 2.892
CN- 8.149 9.198 2.272 2.102 2.442
CNO- 8.386 9.336 1.974 1.984 1.964
H2O 7.443 9.098 2.122 2.066 2.177
H2S 6.856 7.573 2.028 1.828 2.227
NCO- 8.386 9.336 2.068 2.049 2.087
NH2- 5.958 7.098 2.060 1.918 2.202
NH3 7.237 8.308 2.143 1.797 2.489
NH4+ 12.021 12.851 2.150 1.735 2.566
PH2- 5.352 5.906 1.793 1.659 1.928
PH3 5.746 6.331 1.900 1.733 2.068
PH4+ 10.025 10.464 1.920 1.673 2.167
OH- 6.761 8.176 2.441 2.345 2.537
HS- 6.347 7.159 1.967 1.851 2.083
SO2 6.224 7.012 2.012 1.977 2.046
SO3 7.004 8.192 1.955 1.938 1.973
CO 8.579 9.715 2.684 2.373 2.994
H2CO 6.299 7.908 2.066 2.073 2.060
SCN- 6.780 7.619 1.638 1.503 1.772
See text. Data from ref 150.
Figure 2. (a) Experimental and theoretical atomic hard-
nesses for main group elements. Plotted are the experi-
mental data and data obtained using eq 70 with C ) 0 The exchange integrals K in an MO basis, on the
(simplest) and C ) 0.499 eV (modified). (b) Experimental other hand, are written as
and theoretical atomic hardnesses for transition elements.
Plotted are the experimental data and data obtained using
eq 70 with C ) 0 (simplest) and C ) 1.759 eV (modified).
K ) ∫∫ dr1 dr2 (74)
Reprinted with permission from ref 174. Copyright 1997 |r1 - r2|
American Chemical Society.
The use of a simplified methodology involving only
working equations (56). This table illustrates the FMO Coulomb and exchange integrals has been
problematics in the definition/evaluation of energy advocated by de Giambiagi et al.177,178 and Julg.179
vs N derivatives, already addressed in the case of An evaluation of the molecular hardness based
electronegativity (cf. section III.B.1). upon the computation of an MO-resolved hardness
It was found that both the η+ and η- values were tensor has been presented by Russo and co-work-
substantially smaller than both the finite difference ers.180
and orbital gap values. Within this much smaller In this approach, the elements ηij of the matrix η,
range, trends of decreasing hardness are recovered
when passing in analogous compounds from first to ηij ) (75)
second row and when passing from cationic via ∂ninj
neutral to anionic species. The smaller values were
attributed to the presence of the second term in eq are written using Janak’s theorem (eq 44)117 for
71, which is an orbital relaxation term and is always fractional occupations as
negative. The first term is identical to one proposed
earlier by Komorowski and co-workers134,151 and ∂i
ηij ) (76)
yields, upon the introduction of the Pariser ap- ∂nj
proximation176 for Coulomb integrals
Next, a finite difference approach is used to com-
φ*1(r1)φ*2(r2)φ1(r2)φ2(r2) pute them as
J ) ∫∫ dr1 dr2 ≈ I - A
|r1 - r2| ηij ) [i(nj - ∆nj) - i(nj)]/∆nj (77)
with ∆nj ) nj - n0j the change in number of elec-
originally proposed for atoms, a proportionality be- trons, which can be either positive or negative.
tween η and I-A which is recovered in the finite Inverting the η matrix yields the softness matrix,
difference approximation (eq 56). S, whose elements Sij are used in an additive scheme
1806 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

to yield the total softness S and, from it, the total of maximal flow of electrons (note the difference with
hardness: the electron affinity measuring the capability of an
electron acceptor to accept precisely one electron).
1 1 Using a model of an electrophilic ligand immersed
η) ) (78) in an idealized zero-temperature free electron sea of
∑ ∑Sij zero chemical potential, the saturation point of the
ligand for electron inflow was characterized by put-
i j
The results for a series of small molecules (HCN, ∆E/∆N ) 0 (80)
HSiN, N2H2, HCP, and O3H+) indicate, at first sight,
strong deviations between the HOMO-LUMO band For ∆E, the energy change to second order at fixed
gap value and the η value obtained via the procedure external potential was taken,
described above; introducing a factor of 2 (cf. eq 57)
brings the values relatively close to each other. 1
∆E ) µ∆N + η∆N2 (81)
The evaluation of hardness in an atoms-in-mol- 2
ecules context (AIM) was reviewed by Nalewajski;181
as further detailed in section III.B.3, the method is where µ and η are the chemical potential and hard-
based on the construction of a hardness tensor in an ness of the ligand, respectively.
atomic resolution, where the matrix elements ηij are If the electron sea provides enough electrons, the
evaluated as will be explained here. ligand is saturated when (combining eqs 80 and 81)
As in the MO ansatz described above, the global
hardness is then obtained via the softness matrix, ∆Nmax ) - (82)
obtained after inverting η, summing its diagonal η
elements, and inverting the total softness calculated
which yields a stabilization energy,
in that way:
1 ∆E ) - (83)
ηij f η f σ ) η -1
f ∑σii ) S f η ) (79) 2η
i S
which is always negative as η > 0. The quantity µ2/
An alternative and direct evaluation of the atomic 2η, abbreviated as ω, was considered to be a measure
softness matrix, which can be considered as a gen- of the electrophilicity of the ligand:
eralization of the atom-atom polarizability matrix
in Hückel theory,182 has been proposed by Cioslowski µ2
ω) (84)
and Martinov.183 2η
It should be noted that hardness can also be
Using the parabolic model for the Eν ) Eν(N) curve
obtained in the framework of the electronegativtity
(eq 29), one easily obtains
equalization as described in detail by Baekelandt,
Mortier, and Schoonheydt.184 1I+A
The concept of hardness of an atom in a molecule ∆Nmax ) Nmax - N0 ) (85)
was also addressed by these and the present authors
by investigating the effect of deformation of the and
electron cloud on the chemical hardness of atoms
(mimicked by placing fractions of positive and nega- (I + A)2
tive charges upon ionization onto neighboring atoms ω) (86)
and evaluating an AIM ionization energy or electron 8(I - A)
affinity). The results generally point in the direction
The A dependence of ω is intuitively expected;
of increasing hardness of atoms with respect to the
however, I makes the difference between ω and EA
isolated atoms.185
(ω ∼ A if I ) 0), as there should be one as A reflects
We end this section with a discussion of a reactivity the capability of accepting only one electron from the
index combining electronegativity and hardness: the environment, whereas ω is related to a maximal
electrophilicity index, recently introduced by Parr, electron flow.
Von Szentpaly, and Liu.186,187 These authors com- Parr, Von Szentpaly, and Liu186 calculated ω values
mence by referring to a study by Maynard and co- from experimental I and A data for 55 neutral atoms
workers on ligand-binding phenomena in biochemical and 45 small polyatomic molecules, the resulting ω
systems (cf. section IV.C.2-f) involving partial charge vs A plot illustrating the correlation (Figure 3).
transfer,188 where χ2A/ηA was first suggested as the ω values for some selected functional groups (CH3,
capacity of an electrophile to stabilize a covalent (soft) NH2, CF3, CCl3, CBr3, CHO, COOH, CN) mostly
interaction. They then addressed the question of to parallel group electronegativity values with, e.g.,
what extent partial electron transfer between an ω(CF3) > ω(CCl3) > ω(CBr3), the ratio of the square
electron donor and an electron acceptor contributes of µ and η apparently not being able to reverse some
to the lowering of the total binding energy in the case electronegativity trends.
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1807

Figure 3. Correlation between electrophilicity ω and electron affinity A for 54 atoms and 55 simple molecules. Reprinted
with permission from ref 186. Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.

Note, however, that ω(F) (8.44) > ω(Br) (7.28) . for an electrophilic attack provoking an electron
ω(I) (6.92) > ω(Cl) (6.66 eV), where the interplay decrease in the system.
between µ and η changes the electronegativity order, The properties of the Fukui function have been
F > Cl > Br > I, however putting Cl with lowest reviewed by Ayers and Levy:190 besides normalization
electrophilicity. and asymptotic decay, the cusp condition for the
density195 implies that the Fukui function should also
3. The Electronic Fukui Function, Local Softness, and satisfy it.196
Softness Kernel The essential role of the Fukui function in DFT has
The electronic Fukui function f(r), already pre- recently been re-emphasized by Ayers and Parr,197
sented in Scheme 4, was introduced by Parr and stressing the point that the FF minimizes the hard-
Yang189,190 as a generalization of Fukui’s frontier MO ness functional η[FN0,∆F+1], where ∆F+1 stands for the
concept191-193 and plays a key role in linking frontier density distribution of the added electron subject to
MO theory and the HSAB principle.194 the constraint that ∆F+1 integrates to 1.
It can be interpreted (cf. the use of Maxwell’s The importance of Fukui’s FMO concept in modern
relation in this scheme) either as the change of the chemistry can hardly be overestimated and is nicely
electron density F(r) at each point r when the total summarized in Kato’s perspective,193 where it is said
number of electrons is changed or as the sensitivity that Fukui’s 1952 papers may be regarded as a bridge
of a system’s chemical potential to an external connecting the two stages of chemical reactivity
perturbation at a particular point r, description in the 20th century. The first stage is the
electronic theory of organic chemistry, generalized by
f(r) ) ( ) ( )
∂N ν
δν(r) N
Coulson and Longuet-Higgins, based on quantum
mechanics. The second stage is the establishment of
symmetry rules for the MOs in predicting the course
of a reaction (i.e., FMO theory and Woodward-
The latter point of view, by far the most prominent
Hoffmann rules). “Fukui’s paper proposed a reactivity
in the literature, faces the N-discontinuity problem
index for interpreting the orientation effect in a
of atoms and molecules,89,90 leading to the introduc-
chemical reaction, the main subject of the electronic
tion189 of both right- and left-hand-side derivatives,
theory of organic chemistry, and was the starting
both to be considered at a given number of electrons,
point of the second stage after the concept of frontier
N ) N0:
orbitals was first introduced and it became the key

( ) + ingredient in the further development of the the-

f +(r) ) (88) ory.” 193
∂N ν(r) The electronic Fukui function now generalizes this
important concept.
for a nucleophilic attack provoking an electron in- Although, in principle, the neutral or N0-electron
crease in the system, and system’s electron density contains all information

( ) -
needed for the evaluation of the Fukui function, most
∂F(r) studies in the literature have been carried out in the
f -(r) ) (89)
∂N ν(r) so-called finite difference method, approximating
1808 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Figure 4. Parr’s early local softness plots for H2CO in the plane perpendicular to the molecular plane: nucleophilic vs
electrophilic reaction sites on H2CO, as indicated by s+(r) and s-(r), respectively. Reprinted with permission from ref 199.
Copyright 1988 Elsevier Science.

f +(r) as f +(r) ≈ FN0+1(r) - FN0(r) (90) The earliest numerical calculations on Fukui func-
tions were reported by Lee, Yang, and Parr199 (Figure
and 4), concentrating on the plots of the local softness
derived from it (vide infra) for H2CO, SCN-, and CO,
f -(r) as f -(r) ≈ FN0(r) - FN0-1(r) (91) followed by studies by Mendez et al.200,201 and Geer-
lings et al.202-205 Particular attention to the (3D)
which is, in many cases, seriously hampered by the visualization of the Fukui function has been given
possibility of metastable anions.124-126 by Flurchick and Bartolotti.206 When taken in com-
A third function describing radical attack, f 0(r), is parative perspective, it was shown by the latter
then obtained as the arithmetic average of f +(r) and authors that appreciable differences exist between
f -(r). the HOMO (or LUMO) density and the Fukui func-
Note that, when a frozen approach is used when tion. Moreover, the suggestion by Gambiagi et al.207,208
studying the N0 ( 1 situations (e.g., describing them that f(r) is closely related to the Laplacian of the
with the orbitals of the N0 system), f +(r) reduces to charge density,209,210 of fundamental importance in
FLUMO(r) and f -(r) to FHOMO(r), indicating that Fukui’s Bader’s atoms-in-molecules theory,68 turned out to be
frontier orbital densities can be considered as ap- not true. The influence of correlation on the Fukui
proximations to the function named in his honor.192 function was investigated by Langenaeker et al. in
Note also that Yang, Parr, and Pucci showed that f + the case of the f -(r) function of ambident nucleo-
and f - are directly related to the appropriate FMOs198 philes (NO2-, CH2CHO-, and SCN-), which showed
and that f +(r) for an M-electron system may be less important effects than expected. These studies
written as at a moderate level (CISD; 6-31++G**)211 were later
∂ completed by B3LYP-DFT and QCISD calculations212
f +(r) ) |ΨLUMO(r)|2 + ∑ |Ψi(r)|2 (92) using Dunning’s augmented correlation-consistent
i)1 ∂N basis sets,213,214 revealing for SCN- a slightly en-
hanced selectivity for the S-terminus in the case of
and f -(r) as the DFT calculations, the QCISD and CISD results
M-1 being highly similar.

f -(r) ) |ΨHOMO(r)|2 + ∑ ∂N|Ψi(r)|2 (93) In recent years, intensive research has been con-
i)1 ducted on the development of methods avoiding the
in the context of Janak’s extension of Kohn-Sham rather cumbersome finite difference method, which
theory.117 moreover bears sources of errors.
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1809

A gradient approximation has been developed by

Chattaraj et al.196 and Pacios et al.,215,216 proposing
an expansion,
f(r) ) [1 + RΦ(r,F(r),3F,32F,...)] (94)
which was written as
f(r) )
F(r) R -2/3
{[( ) ] ()
2 F0 3F0‚3F
F 2/3
+ F0 - 1 32F -
N N F0 3 F F
where F0 is the density at the nucleus, R being a
parameter which can be determined, e.g., from F0.
This technique, which was exclusively used for atoms
hitherto, yields a single Fukui function, not distin-
guishing between f +(r) and f -(r).
The results of the radial distribution of the Fukui
function, 4πr2f(r), for Li, N, and F are similar to those
obtained by Gazquez, Vela, and Galvan217 using a
finite difference approach within a spin-polarized
formalism; they show a slow decay for electropositive
atoms and a faster one for electronegative atoms.
De Proft et al.175 implemented the variational
principle for chemical hardness formulated by Chat-
taraj, Cedillo, and Parr,172 stating that the global
hardness and the Fukui function can be obtained Figure 5. f + contour diagram for H2CO in a plane
simultaneously by minimizing the functional (69), perpendicular to the molecular plane containing the CO
where η(r,r′) is the hardness kernel (see section bond. Drawn are the differential f +(r), the finite diffence
III.B.4) and where g(r) is constrained to integrate to f +(r) corresponding to ∆N ) 1 and ∆N ) 0.01, and the
1. Whereas the gradient extension method does not LUMO density. Reprinted with permission from ref 218.
Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.
distinguish between f +(r) and f -(r), these functions
may be obtained in the variational approach by using frontier orbital term (see also eqs 92 and 93) the
the one-sided hardness kernel, η+(r,r′) or η-(r,r′). density relaxation contribution, which is determined
The extremal functional of eq 69 can be shown to by differentiation of the Kohn-Sham equations with
be the Fukui function, the functional η[g)f] leading respect to N:
to the global hardness. As stated by Ayers and
Levy,190 the variational method may be the method f(r) ) f F(r) + f R(r) (98)
of choice in the future, but the accurate determina- F
Here, f is the frontier term corresponding to the
tion of the hardness kernel remains a problem. This “frozen” shape of orbitals, and f R corresponds to
conclusion also emerges in a natural way from the orbital relaxation.
recent in-depth and generalizing study by Ayers and Neglecting the exchange correlation term in the N
Parr on variational principles for describing chemical derivative, contour maps of the Fukui function f + for
reactions: the Fukui function appears as the function H2CO obtained in this analytical way (differential
minimizing the hardness functional.197 Fukui Function) are compared in Figure 5 with the
Introducing the approximation finite difference results obtained with two different
1 ∆N values, the usual |∆N| ) 1 case and a smaller
η(r,r′) ≈ (96) value (0.01), and with the LUMO density correspond-
|r - r′|
ing to the first term in eq 95. It is seen that, as
leads to the hardness expression compared to the LUMO density (antibonding π*
orbital), the orbital relaxation mixes the frontier
f(r) f(r′) orbital with the other occupied MOs including σ
η ) ∫∫ dr dr′ (97) orbitals, a feature present in both the finite difference
|r - r′|
and differential methods. In Figure 6, a more detailed
Using a linear combination of atomic Fukui functions, comparison between these two methods is given,
the condensed form of this methodology was shown along a line parallel to the CO bond in the planes of
to yield results in line with the sensitivity analysis Figure 5. It is clearly seen that the differential
approach formulated by Nalewajski and was also method approaches the finite difference results upon
used by Mortier. decreasing ∆N. This trend is confirmed in other
Nalewajski et al. showed that the Fukui function cases.217
can be obtained from a single Kohn-Sham calcula- Russo et al.219 also presented an atoms-in-mol-
tion.218 It is determined by adding to the rigid, ecules variant of his MO approach, based on Mayer’s
1810 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

see ref 133) in a MO basis to obtain first-order

correction terms to the orbital frozen Fukui function.
The matrix of the derivative MO coefficients
(∂C/∂N)ν(r) is written in terms of the unperturbed MOs
as eq 72, where U is determined via a coupled
perturbed Hartree-Fock scheme.
Retaining integer occupation numbers for the MOs

f+ ) ( )
)0 i * LUMO
)1 i ) LUMO

f- ) ( )
)0 i * HOMO
)1 i ) HOMO
Figure 6. Comparison between the finite difference and
differential f + results for H2CO along a line parallel to the
CO bond in the plane of the figure. Curve 1 is the
The correlation between atomic Fukui function in-
differential result; curves 2, 3, and 4 represent the finite dices obtained in this way and the finite difference
difference results with ∆N ) 0.01, 0.5, and 1.0, respectively. approximation turns out to be remarkably good in a
Reprinted with permission from ref 218. Copyright 1999 series of diatomics.
American Chemical Society. Russo and co-workers presented52,219 a method
based on the diagonalization of the hardness matrix
bond order indices and atomic valences.220,221 A in a valence MO basis, nij ) ∂i/∂nj, yielding orbital
similar approach was followed by Grigorov et al., Fukui functions, the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues i
using the thermal extension of DFT,222,223 and by being evaluated on the basis of Janak’s theorem.117
Liu.224 Landmark papers on the atoms-in-molecules Senet234,235 proposed a different methodology based
approach were written by Nalewajski et al., who on the knowledge of the linear response function
introduced these concepts in the late 1980s and early χ(r,r′), offering also a generalization to higher order
1990s225,226 (for reviews, see refs 227-229). It is one Fukui functions,
of the most elaborated and documented techniques
to obtain information about Fukui functions and local
softness at the atomic level. It is, in fact, part of a
general analysis on intermolecular interactions in the
( ) (
∂n f(r)
∂N n ν(r)
∂N n+1
) ν(r)

hardness/softness context. Depending on the resolu-

tion involved, specified by a given partitioning of the for which, however, no numerical results have been
system in the physical space, one defines the electron reported yet.
density distribution F(r) (local resolution), the popu- Preceding Nalewajski’s AIM approach, a condensed
lation of atoms in molecules (NA, NB, etc.; AIM form of the Fukui function was introduced in 1986
resolution), the populations attributed to larger mo- by Yang and Mortier,236 based on the idea of inte-
lecular fragments (e.g., groups; NX, NY, NZ, etc.; group grating the Fukui function over atomic regions,
resolution), or the total number of electrons (N ) similar to the procedure followed in population
∫F(r) dr ) ∑ANA ) ∑XNX; global resolution). An analysis techniques.237 Combined with the finite
interesting intermediate resolution is situated at the difference approximation, this yields working equa-
MO level.230,231 tions of the type
In the AIM resolution, a semiempirical ansatz is
used to construct the elements of the atom-atom f+
A ) qA(N + 1) - qA(N) t qA,N0+1 - qA,N0 (104)
hardness matrix, ηAB, using the finite difference
formula, ηA ) (IA - AA)/2 (eq 56), for the diagonal f-
A ) qA(N) - qA(N - 1) t qA,N0+1 - qA,N0-1 (105)
elements and the Ohno formula,232,233
where qA(N) denotes the electronic population of atom
ηAB ) 1/x
A of the reference system, more carefully denoted as
R2AB + R2AB (99)
qA,N0. The simplification of eq 103 in the frozen orbital
approach has been considered by Contreras et al.238
for the off-diagonal elements, RAB being the inter- Obviously, the qA values will be sensitive both to
atomic distance, RAB being defined as the level of the calculation of the electron density
function F(r) which is differentiated and to the
2 partitioning scheme. As such, the inclusion of cor-
(ηA + ηB) relation effects in the Hartree-Fock-based wave
function-type calculations is crucial, as is the choice
Note that Balawender and Komorowski150 pre- of the exchange correlation functional in DFT meth-
sented a coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock scheme ods (cf. the change in the number of electron pairs
(for a comprehensive account of the CPHF methods, when passing from N0 to N0 + 1 or N0 - 1).
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1811

The partitioning scheme encompasses the panoply nothing can be predicted about the sign of the
of techniques in population analysis, varying from condensed Fukui function indices.257
Mulliken,239 over CHELPG240 and natural population These authors promoted Hirshfeld’s stockholder
analysis,241 to Cioslowski’s atomic polar tensor (APT)- partitioning technique,258,259 later discussed by Maslen
based formalism242-244 and Bader’s atoms-in-mol- and Spackman260 as a partitioning technique superior
ecules picture.68 Comprehensive studies, including to others (although it was remarked that there are
also the effect of the atomic orbital basis set, have sites having negative values).
been performed by Martin, De Proft, and Geer- This technique has also been recently used by the
lings,56,212,245 Chermette and co-workers,246 Aru- authors261 in view of the recent information theory-
mozhiraja and Kolandaivel,247 and Cioslowski et al.243 based proof by Parr and Nalewajski, which showed
Taking QCISD248,249 results as a reference, Geerlings that when maximal conservation of the information
showed that B3LYP and especially B3PW91 perform content of isolated atoms is imposed upon molecule
very well, better than Hartree-Fock and MP2 in formation, the stockholder partitioning of the electron
combination with NPA or Bader’s analysis, APT density is recovered.262 It was seen that Hirshfeld
being computationally demanding for larger systems, charges can be condensed as a valuable tool to
since dipole moment derivatives are involved.242 It calculate Fukui function indices.
is the authors’ experience that problems of basis set Moreover, Ayers263 showed that Hirshfeld charges
dependence of atomic populations are often trans- also yield maximally transferable AIMs, pointing out
ferred to condensed Fukui functions. Basis set and that the strict partitioning of a molecule into atomic
population analysis sensitivity are still prominent in regions is generally inconsistent with the require-
the condensed FF values, as also noticed by Aru- ment of maximum transferability.
Nalewajski and Korchowiec229,264-266 extended the
mozhiraja and Kolandaivel.247 Chermette, on the
Fukui function concept to a two-reactant description
other hand, used a numerical integration scheme
of the chemical reaction. A finite difference approach
derived by Becke,250 dividing the three-dimensional
to both diagonal and off-diagonal Fukui functions in
space into weighted atomic subregions. In an exten-
local and AIM resolutions was presented, considering
sive study on maleimide, a gratifying stability of the
these functions as components of the charge-transfer
fA values was found for various combinations of Fukui function, f CT(r):
exchange correlation functionals, basis sets, and also
for the numerical parameters defining the grid.
Most studies hitherto concentrated on condensed
Fukui functions for closed-shell molecules; studies
f CT(r) ) ( )

exclusively devoted to open-shell molecules are scarce. where

Misra and Sannigrahi,251 in a study of small radicals,
found this effect of spin contamination on the finite dNCT ) dNA ) -dNB (107)
difference Fukui function to be small. In a recent
study,252 the DFT-B3LYP approach was preferred to and
the use of UHF wave functions, as the latter are
appreciably spin-contaminated in many cases. Chan- f CT(r) ) {fAA(r) - fBA(r)} + {fAB(r) - fBB(r)}
dra and Nguyen were the first to use Fukui functions (108)
to study reactions involving the attack of radicals on
nonradical systems (in the case of olefins)253 (see with

( ) ( )
section IV.C.2-d). Kar and Sannigrahi, on the other
∂FA(r) ∂FA(r)
hand,252 used f 0 and s0 values in the study of radical fAA(r) ) fAB(r) ) (109)
reactions, concentrating on the stereoselectivity of ∂NA ∂NB
radical-radical interactions, invoking a HSAB-type
(section III.C.3) argument that sites of maximal f 0 In a case study on the reaction of a methyl radical
should interact. with ethylene, it was concluded that the reorganiza-
tion of electron density due to charge transfer is
When working at the local level, eqs 104 and 105 proportional to the sum of forward (AB) and back-
sometimes lead to negative Fukui functions which, ward (BA) f CT(r), involving both diagonal and off-
at first sight, may seem contra-intuitive. However, diagonal Fukui functions.
although this problem has been investigated in detail The Fukui function clearly contains relative infor-
by Roy et al.,254,255 no definitive answer has been mation about different regions in a given molecule.
given yet to the question of whether negative values When comparing different regions in different mol-
are physically acceptable or are artifacts. In the case ecules, the local softness turns out to be more
of the condensed Fukui function, Fuentealba et al.256 interesting (for a review, see ref 49).
presented a series of arguments for a positive definite This quantity s(r) was introduced in 1985 by Yang
condensed Fukui function based on an analysis of the and Parr as267
finite difference expressions, eqs 104 and 105. Pos-
sible origins of negative Fukui functions have been
attributed by Roy et al. to relaxation effects and
improper charge partitioning techniques. A thorough
s(r) ) ( )
∂µ ν(r)

study on the nature of the Mulliken-based condensed as a local analogue of the total softness S, which can
Fukui function indices indicates that, analytically, be written as
1812 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

∂N obtaining AIM softnesses218 from Mayer’s atomic

S) ( ) ∂µ ν(r)
(111) valences.219,220
In recent years, to cope with the problem of
By applying the chain rule, s(r) can be written as negative Fukui functions, Roy et al. introduced a
the product of the total softness and the Fukui relative nucleophilicity and a relative electrophilicity
function, index defined as follows in atomic resolution.269,270 For

( ) ( )( )
an atom k, one writes
∂F(r) ∂F(r) ∂N
s(r) ) ) ) Sf(r) (112)
∂µ ν ∂N ν ∂µ ν s- +
k /sk (relative nucleophilicity) and
indicating that f(r) redistributes the global softness s+ -
k /sk (relative electrophilicity)
among the different parts of the molecule and that
s(r) integrates to S: It was argued that the individual values of s+ -
k and sk
might be influenced by basis set limitations and thus
∫s(r) dr ) ∫Sf(r) dr ) S∫f(r) dr ) S (113) insufficiently take into account electron correlation
The predictive power for intermolecular reactivity Derivatives of the Fukui function or local softness
sequences of the local softness clearly emerges from were scarcely considered in the literature. Parr,
consideration of eq 110, showing that f(r) and s(r) Contreras, and co-workers271,272 introduced (∂f/∂N)ν,
contain the same information on the relative site (∂f/∂µ)ν, and (∂s/∂N)ν.
reactivity within a single molecule, but that s(r), in One can expect, as argued by Fuentealba and
view of the information about the total molecular Cedillo,273 that, e.g., a quantity of the type ∂f(r)/∂N
softness, is more suited for intermolecular reactivity should be small. (It is exactly zero in the approxima-
sequences. tion f(r) ) 1/NF(r) used as the first order in the
It is interesting to note that the concepts of gradient expansion.)
hardness and Fukui function (and thus also the local Of larger direct importance may be the variation
softness) can be extended to the theory of metals.267 of the FF under an external perturbation, for which
It was shown by Yang and Parr that, at T ) 0, some model calculations in the case of the H atom
perturbed by a proton or an electric field have been
1 reported by the same authors.273
) g(F) (114)
η It should finally be noticed that Mermin105 formu-
lated a finite temperature version of DFT in which
and density and temperature define everything, even for
nonhomogeneous systems. In the grand canonical
g(F,r) ensemble, global and local softness are related to
f(r) ) (115)
g(F) density and number fluctuations,267

where g(F) and g(F,r) are the density of states and S ) β[〈N2〉 - 〈N〉〈N〉] (120)
the local density of states at the Fermi level, respec-
tively. g() and g(,r) are defined respectively as267,268 s(r) ) β[〈NF(r)〉 - 〈N〉〈F(r)〉] (121)
with β ) 1/kT and where “〈 〉” indicate averages over
g() ) ∑δ(i - ) (116) the grand canonical ensemble.
Using the finite temperature version of DFT,
g(,r) ) ∑|Ψi(r)|2δ(i - ) (117) Galvan et al.274 were able to establish an interesting
and promising relationship between the local soft-
ness, s(r), and the conductance in the context of
Methodological issues for the calculation of s(r) can scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images,275,276
be brought back to those of f(r) and S in view of eq stressing the possibility of obtaining experimental
112, and we refer to section III.B.3. local softnesses for surfaces.
In fact, relatively few softness plots have been We finally consider the softness kernel, s(r,r′),
shown in the literature, their discussion being almost introduced by Berkowitz and Parr277 and defined as
always devoted to the intramolecular reactivity se-
quences, for which f(r) can serve as well. Direct δF(r′) δF(r)
s(r,r′) ) - )- (122)
applications are mostly reported in a condensed form δu(r) δu(r′)
completely equivalent to the condensed Fukui func-
tion equations, e.g., in the finite difference approach: Here, u(r) is the modified potential,

A ) sA(N + 1) - sA(N) t sA,N0+1 - sA,N0 (118)
u(r) ) ν(r) - µ ) - (123)
A ) sA(N) - sA(N - 1) t sA,N0 - sA,N0-1 (119)
Upon integration of s(r,r′), we obtain a quantity,
A variety of techniques described for the Fukui t(r),
function have been used to calculate them. Recently,
a new approach was presented by Russo et al., t(r) ) ∫s(r,r′) dr′ (124)
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1813

which can be identified189,277 as will be used throughout, turns out to be much more
complicated than the search for the global-local
t(r) ) Sf(r) ) s(r) (125) softness relationship discussed in section III.B.3,
and which couples the conventional linear response which resulted in an expression (eq 113) indicating
function (δF(r)/δν(r′))N ) χ1(r,r′) in Scheme 4 to the that the Fukui function distributes the global soft-
softness kernel: ness among the various parts of the system.
The search for a local counterpart of the hardness

( )
) -s(r,r′) +
begins by considering

( )
δν(r′) N S δµ
η(r) ) (131)
In the same spirit as eq 121, it has been shown δF(r) ν
that the following fluctuation formula holds for the
softness kernel: Note that this quantity also appears in a natural way
when the chain rule is applied to the global hardness:

( ) ( ) ( )( )
s(r,r′) ) [〈F(r)F(r′)〉 - 〈F(r)〉〈F(r′)〉] (127)
1 ∂2E δF(r)
) ∫
kT 1 ∂µ 1 δµ
η) ) dr
2 ∂N2 ν 2 ∂Ν ν 2 δF(r) ν δN ν
The corresponding hardness kernel, η(r,r′), defined
) ∫ η(r) f(r) dr
as (vide infra) 1
δ F[F]
η(r,r′) ) (128) An explicit expression for η(r) can be obtained by
δF(r)δF(r′) starting from the Euler equation (6) and multiplying
yields a reciprocity relation between η(r,r′) and it by a composite function λ(F(r)),284 integrating to N:
s(r,r′), in the sense that
∫λ(F(r)) dr ) N (133)
∫s(r,r′)η(r′,r′′) dr′ ) δ(r - r′′) (129)
Senet showed that Fukui functions can be
Nµ ) ∫ν(r)λ(F(r)) dr + ∫
related to the linear response function χ1(r,r′) through
λ(F(r)) dr
the following equation: δF(r)
∫χ1(r,r′)η(r′,r′′) dr′ ) f(r) - δ(r - r′′) Taking the functional derivative with respect to F(r)
at fixed ν yields, after some algebra,

( ) (( ) )
Approximate expressions for the calculation of
the linear response function have been derived by δµ 1 ∂λ(F(r))
) -1 µ+
Fuentealba,278 yielding, however, constant local hard- δF ν N ∂F(r)
ness η(r) (see section III.B.4)
Higher order response functions have been pro-
posed in the literature by Senet234,235 and by Fuen-

N δF(r)δF(r′)
λ(F(r′)) dr′ (135)
tealba and Parr271,273,279 with complete computational
schemes up to nth order. Numerical results, already If one forces the local hardness into an expression
present for the first-order derivative of η with respect of type
to N (third-order energy derivative),271 are still scarce.
) ∫
δµ 1
It will be interesting to see whether, in the near
future, practical calculation schemes will be devel- ( )
δF ν N δF(r)δF(r′)
λ(F(r′)) dr′ (136)
oped and what the order of magnitude of these
quantities will be determining their role in chemical which is desirable if a simple relationship with the
reactivity. The demand for visualization of these second functional derivative of the Hohenberg-Kohn
quantities will also present a challenge. Recent functional is the goal, then an additional constraint
results by Toro-Labbé and co-workers for the hard- for the composite function λ(F(r)) appears:285

( )
ness derivatives of HCXYH (X, Y ) O, S) and their
hydrogen-bonded dimers indicated low γ values.280 ∂λ(F(r))
)1 (137)
On the other hand, in a functional expansion281 study ∂F ν
of the total energy, Parr and Liu282 gave arguments
for a second-order truncation, stating that it is quite As the hardness kernel is defined as shown in eq
natural to assume that third-order quantities of the 128,189,283 the expression for local hardness then
type δ3F/δF(r)δF(r′)δF(r′′) would be small and that the becomes
quantities entering second-order formulas for chemi-
cal charges are “tried and true” ingredients of simple ηλ(r) )
∫η(r,r′)λ(F(r′)) dr′ (138)
The ambiguity in the definition of the local hard-
4. Local Hardness and Hardness Kernel ness was discussed by Ghosh,286 Harbola, Chattaraj,
The search for a local counterpart of η, the local and Parr,284,287 Geerlings et al.,285 and Gazquez.173
hardness283 for which in this review the symbol η(r) Restricting λ to functions of the first degree in F, the
1814 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

following possibilities emerge: Local hardness in the form ηD(r) appears in a

natural way in the hardness functional,
λ(F(r)) ) F(r) yielding
ηD(r) )
∫η(r,r′)F(r′) dr′ (139) H[F] ) ∫F(r)
dr - F[F] (147)

λ(F(r)) ) Νf(r) yielding introduced by Parr and Gazquez,290 for which at all
ηD(r) ) ∫η(r,r′)f(r′) dr′ (140) orders

The latter case yields, however,284,285 δH[F]

) NηD(r) (148)
ηF(r) ) η (141)
Let us finally come back to the hardness kernel
i.e., a local hardness equal to the global hardness at η(r,r′). It can be seen that the softness kernel s(r,r′)
every point in space. At first sight, this form is less and η(r,r′) are reciprocals in the sense that
appropriate as (quoting Pearson121), “unlike the
chemical potential there is nothing in the concept of
hardness which prevents it from having different ∫s(r,r′)η(r′,r′′) dr′ ) δ(r - r′′) (149)
values in the different parts of the molecule”. The
Using eqs 124 and 125 and the local hardness
choice leading to η(r) ) η leads to the question of
expression ηD, one finds
whether we could not do without the local hardness
in DFT or if another quantity should be considered
to play this role. On the other hand, the result leads ∫s(r)ηD(r) dr
to an increased emphasis on local softness and
) ∫s(r,r′) dr′ ∫η(r,r′′)F(r′′) dr′′ dr
attributes a smaller role to local hardness. N
Parr and Yang23 stated that the (δ2F/δF(r)δF(r′))
) ∫F(r′′) dr′′ dr′ ∫s(r,r′)η(r,r′′) dr
functional derivative, the hardness kernel η(r,r′), is 1
of utmost importance, as can be expected from the N
second functional derivative of the universal Hohen-
berg-Kohn functional with respect to F(r), the basic )
∫F(r′′) dr′′ dr′δ(r - r′′)
DFT quantity. It appears in a natural way when the
chain rule is applied to the global hardness:
∫F(r) dr ) 1 (150)

( )
1 ∂2E δ FHK
) ∫∫
η) f(r)f(r′) dr dr′ indicating that s(r) and ηD(r) are reciprocals, in the
2 ∂N ν 2
2 δF(r)δF(r′)
(142) sense that

It was shown288 that, starting from the Thomas-

Fermi-Dirac approach and taking into account the
∫s(r)ηD(r) dr ) 1 (151)
exponential fall-off of the density in the outer regions The explicit form of the hardness kernel, in view
(see also ref 285), ηD(r) can be approximated as of its importance, has gained widespread interest in
the literature: Liu, De Proft, and Parr for example,174
ηD(r) ≈ - V (r) (143) proposed for the expression
2N el
Vel(r) being the electronic part of the molecular η(r,r′) ) +R(r,r′) (152)
|r - r′|
electrostatic potential289 [for applications of these
working equations, see section IV.C.3]. various approximation for R(r,r′), the 1/|r - r′|
It should be clear that, as opposed to the local arising from the classical Coulombic part in the
softness s(r), η(r) as seen in eq 132 does not integrate Hohenberg-Kohn universal density functional. Vari-
to its global counterpart. Only upon multiplication ous approaches to R(r,r′) were presented to take into
by the electronic Fukui function is η recovered upon account the kinetic energy, exchange, and correlation
integration. This prompted an introduction of a parts.
hardness density,285 An extensive search for the modelization of the
hardness kernel at the AIM level (cf. section III.B.3)
h(r) ) ηλ(r)f(r) (144) has been carried out by Nalewajski, Mortier, and
yielding, in the TFD approximation mentioned above,
the following working equations 5. The Molecular Shape FunctionsSimilarity
1 The molecular shape function, or shape factor σ(r),
hD(r) ≈ - V (r)f(r) (145) introduced by Parr and Bartolotti,296 is defined as
4N el

hF(r) ≈ (
1 ∂Vel(r)
4N ∂N ) F(r)
(146) σ(r) )
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1815

It characterizes the shape of the electron distribution expression by a different one, Ψj. Working within a
and carries relative information about this electron Hartree-Fock scheme and using a Koopmans type
distribution. Just as the electronic Fukui function of approximation, one gets
redistributes the (total) softness over the various

( )
parts of the molecule (eq 112), σ(r) redistributes the ∆E j - i
total number of electrons. ≈ N (161)
∆σ(r) N |Ψj(r)|2 - |Ψi(r)|2
F(r) ) Nσ(r) (154)
F ) ∑ni|φi|2 (162)
Just as f(r), σ(r) is normalized to 1: i

∫σ(r) dr ) 1 (155)
Identifying Ψi and Ψj with ΨHOMO and ΨLUMO, and
using the approximation of eq 68 for the hardness,
N and σ(r) are independent variables, forming the we obtain

( )
basis of the so-called isomorphic ensemble.297 (Re- ∆E η
cently, however Ayers argued that, for a finite ≈N (163)
Coulombic system, σ(r) determines both ν(r) (as F(r) ∆σ(r) N |ΨLUMO(r)| - |ΨHOMO(r)|2

does) and N.298)

Baekelandt, Cedillo, and Parr299,300 showed that the indicating that polarizable systems (η large, R small;
hardness in the canonical ensemble, ην (the η expres- cf. section IV.A) show a higher tendency to change
sion, eq 57, used in this review hitherto), and its their shape factor. A similar conclusion was reached
counterpart in the isomorphic ensemble, ησ, are by Fuentealba.303
related via the following equation: We finally mention that Chan and Handy304 intro-
duced the shape factor for subsystems, with density

( )( ) ∂σ(r) Fi(r) satisfying the relation

η ν ) ησ + ∫
dr (156)
δσ(r) N ∂N ν m
F(r) ) ∑Fi(r) (164)
where it is easily seen that i

( )
∂N N
(f(r) - σ(r)) (157)

Fi(r) ) niσi(r) (165)

a fluctuation term involving the deviation of the
Fukui function from the average electron density per ni being the subsystem’s occupation numbers, the
electron. total number of subsystems being m. The concept of
The (δµ/δσ(r))N index was identified as a nuclear/ electronic chemical potential was extended to the
geometrical reactivity index related to local hardness shape chemical potential of the subsystem i,

( )
(cf. section III.B.4):
µi ) (166)
ην ) ∫h(r)f(r) dr ησ ) ∫h(r)σ(r) dr (158) ∂ni nj,σi

with the indices indicating that the occupation numbers

of all subsystems different from i and the shape
h(r) ) ( )
1 δµ
N δσ(r) N
(159) functions of all subsystems are held fixed. It was
proven that, as opposed to µ (eq 37), the µi values in
eq 166 do not equalize between subsystems, the
De Proft, Liu, and Parr provided an alternative advantage being that this property characterizes the
definition for the local hardness in this ensemble.301 electron-attracting/-donating power of any given den-
De Proft and Geerlings302 concentrated on the sity fragment rather than that of the system as a
electronegativity analogue of eq 156, whole.
The importance of the shape factor is also stressed
χ ν ) χσ + ∫ ( )( )
δσ(r) N
dN ν
dr (160)
in a recent contribution by Gal,305 considering dif-
ferentiation of density functionals A[F] conserving the
normalization of the density. In this work, functional
pointing out that the electronegativity conventionally derivatives of A[F] with respect to F are written as a
used, χν, can be seen as a term representing the sum of functional derivatives with respect to F at
energy versus N variation at fixed shape and a fixed shape factor σ, “δσF”, and fixed N, “δNF”,
contribution due to the variation of the energy with respectively:
the shape factor at a fixed number of electrons
modulated by a fluctuation term. The quantity δA[F] δA[F] δA[F]
) + (167)
(δE/δσ(r))N can be put on equal footing with the first- δF(r) δσF(r) δNF(r)
order response functions in Scheme 4 (δE/δν(r))N
() F(r)) and (∂E/∂N)ν () -χ). The shape factor σ(r) plays a decisive role when
A possible way to model changes in the shape factor comparing charge distributions and reactivity be-
is to substitute a particular orbital, Ψi, in the density tween molecules. In this context, the concept of
1816 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

“similarity” of charge distributions has received 2SASB∫fA(r)fB(r) dr

considerable attention in the past two decades, under HSAB ) (174)
the impetus of R. Carbo and co-workers (for reviews S2A∫ f2A(r) dr + S2B∫ f2B(r) dr
see, for example, refs 306-309).
Several similarity indices have been proposed for The quality of these various quantum similarity
the quantum molecular similarity (QMS) between descriptors has been studied systematically for a
two molecules, A and B, of which the simplest form series of peptide isosteres.312,313 Isosteric replacement
is written as310 of a peptide bond, sCOsNHs, has indeed been an
attractive strategy for circumventing the well-known
∫FA(r)FB(r) dr susceptibility of peptide bonds to hydrolysis.314,315 In
ZFAB ) (168) the model system CH3sCOsNHsCH3, the sCOs
[∫F2A(r) dr ∫F2B(r) dr]1/2 NHs moiety has been replaced by sCHdHs, sCFd
CHs (Z and E isomers), sCH2sCH2s, sCH2sSs,
Introducing the shape factor σ(r) via eq 154, this sCOsCH2s, sCH2sNHs, sCCldCHs, etc., and
expression simplifies to the merits of the various analogues have been
∫σA(r)σB(r) dr In the first series of results obtained via numerical
integration of ∫FA(r)FB(r) dr and ∫sA(r)sB(r) dr, the
ZFAB ) (169)
[∫σ2A(r) dr ∫σ2B(r) dr]1/2 problem of the dependence of these integrals on the
relative orientation and position (besides conforma-
indicating that the similarity index depends only on tional aspects) was avoided by aligning the central
the shape of the density distribution and not on its bonds of the isosteres and bringing the centers of the
extent. The latter feature emerges in the so-called central bond to coincidence. For the softness similar-
Hodgkin-Richards311 index, ity, the (Z)-fluorinated alkene structure shows the
higher resemblance with the amide bond, due to the
2∫FA(r)FB(r) dr
similarity in polarity with the carbonyl group, in
agreement with the experimental results316,317 on the
HFAB ) (170)
∫F2A(r) dr + ∫F2B(r) dr potential use of CdCsF as a peptidomimetic.
In a later study,313 the problems of relative orienta-
tion and position were circumvented by introducing
which, upon introduction of the shape factor, reduces
the autocorrelation function,318,319 first introduced in
molecular modeling and quantitative structure-
activity relationship studies by Moreau and Bro-
2NANB∫σA(r)σB(r) dr to,320,321 and a principal component analysis,322,323
HFAB ) (171) moreover bringing butanone to the forefront, rather
N2A∫σ2A(r) dr + N2B∫σ2B(r) dr than the (Z)-fluoroalkene structure.

which cannot be simplified for the number of elec- 6. The Nuclear Fukui Function and Its Derivatives
trons of the molecules A and B (NA, NB). Both the As seen in section III.B.3, the electronic Fukui
shape and the extent (via N) of the charge distribu- function comprises the response of a system’s electron
tion are accounted for in the final expression. density function F(r) to a perturbation of its total
To yield a more reactivity-related similarity index, number of electrons N at a fixed external potential.
Boon et al.312 proposed to replace the electron density As such, it is part of the tree of response functions
in eq 168 by the local softness, s(r), yielding a Carbo- in the canonical ensemble with the energy functional
type index: E ) E[N,ν(r)].
The question of what would be the response of the
∫sA(r)sB(r) dr nuclei (i.e., their position) to a perturbation in the
ZsAB ) (172) total number of electrons is both intriguing and
[∫s2A(r) dr ∫s2B(r) dr]1/2 highly important from a chemical point of view:
chemical reactions indeed involve changes in nuclear
Exploiting the analogy between σ(r) and f(r) (re- configurations, and the relationship between changes
distribution of the total number of electrons or the in electron density and changes in nuclear configu-
total softness among various parts of space), eq 172 ration was looked at extensively by Nakatsuji in the
yields mid-1970s,324-326 referring to the early work by
∫fA(r)fB(r) dr A treatment in complete analogy with the previous
ZsAB ) (173) paragraphs, however, leads to serious difficulties, as
[∫f2A(r) dr ∫f2B(r) dr]1/2 a response kernel is needed to convert electron
density changes in external potential changes.299,328
This expression, in analogy with eq 169, depends Cohen et al.329,330 circumvented this problem by
only on the Fukui function of the molecules A and introducing the nuclear Fukui function ΦR,

( )
B, but not on their total softnesses, SA and SB. The
Hodgkin-Richards analogue of ZSAB still combines ∂FR
ΦR ) (175)
this information: ∂N ν
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1817

where FR is the force acting on the nucleus R, ΦR Table 2. Analytical Values of the Left Nuclear Fukui
measuring its change when the number of electrons Function (NFF “l”), Gradient of the Cation, and the
HOMO Energy for a Series of Diatomic Moleculesa
is varied. This function does not measure the actual
response of the external potential to changes in N, molecule NFF “l” HOMO gradient cation
but rather the magnitude of the onset of the pertur- AlCl 0.03625 0.04251 0.04277
bation (force inducing the displacement), and as such AlF 0.04315 0.04469 0.04487
is rewarding and reflects the electron-cloud preceding AlH 0.01437 0.01559 0.01129
BCl 0.05628 0.06623 0.07571
idea present in “chemical thinking” on reactions.331
BeO -0.09816 -0.08233 -0.11307
Using a Maxwell-type relation, as in Schemes 4 BF 0.04559 0.07005 0.07182
and 5, Baekelandt332 showed that ΦR also represents BH 0.01171 0.01550 0.01689
the change of the electronic chemical potential upon Cl2 0.05106 0.05548 0.05865
nuclear displacement RR: ClF 0.05145 0.07275 0.05410
CO 0.04578 0.06747 0.04114

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
CS -0.12344 -0.10465
∂FR ∂2E ∂ ∂E ∂µ F2 0.09626 0.11894 0.12771
ΦR ) ) ) )
∂N ν ∂RR∂N ν ∂RR ∂N ν ∂RR N H2 -0.16247 -0.16336 -0.14694
HCl -0.01470 -0.01194 -0.02144
(176) HF -0.05530 -0.05540 -0.08623
Li2 -0.00816 -0.00998 -0.00831
In this way, a scheme in analogy with Scheme 4 can LiCl -0.03680 -0.03219 -0.03683
be constructed starting from an E ) E[N,RR] rela- LiF -0.05649 -0.05545 -0.06650
tionship, the corresponding first-order response func- LiH -0.02747 -0.02904 -0.02947
N2 -0.04472 -0.05363 -0.04167
tions being PN -0.13527 -0.11459 -0.06227

( )
SiO 0.00110 0.01599 -0.06770
∂E SiS -0.07833 -0.08475
) -FR (177)
∂RR N a
Data from ref 60. All values are in au. Blank entries
correspond to cases where the highest occupied molecular
and orbitals change their ordering upon increasing bond length.

(∂N ) RR
)µ (178) The solution of the UN matrix elements is obtained
via the coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock equations
for a single-configuration, closed-shell system.133
the charge of the nuclei being fixed. It turns out that the correlation coefficient between
Only a relatively small number of studies have analytical and finite difference NFF is remarkably
been devoted to the NFF until now; the first numer- high, both for the finite difference approach to
ical results were reported only in 1998,110 obtained

( )
using a finite difference approach (vide infra) for a ∂FR
series of diatomic molecules. In recent work by : Φ+
R ) FR(N + 1) - FR(N) ) -3RE(N + 1)
Balawender and Geerlings, an analytical approach ∂N ν
was developed333 in analogy with Komorowski and
Balawender’s coupled Hartree-Fock approach to the
electronic Fukui function,150 previously applied in the and for

( )
study of aromaticity (vide infra).334
The results were compared with those of the finite : Φ+
R ) 3Rµ ) -3ReLUMO (182)
field approach for both (∂FR/∂N)ν and (∂µ/∂RR)ν. A ∂RR N
reasoning along the lines described in section III.B.2
for the analytical evaluation of η yields, after some In the former expression, µ has been approximated
tedious matrix algebra, the expression by the FMO energy. The corresponding equations for
the left-side derivative are
ΦR ) -tr FR(f + UNn - nUN) +
tr SR(GNn + F(f + UNn - nUN)) (179) Φ-
R ) -3RE(N - 1) and Φ-
R ) -3ReHOMO
where the matrix f represents the derivative of the
MO occupation numbers when the total number of As an example, we give in Table 2 the values of
electrons is unchanged. UN is defined as in eq 72. FR the analytical NFF, ∇RE(N - 1), and ∇ReHOMO and
and SR are core and skeleton derivatives.133 In the show in Figure 7a the correlation between the two
case of SR, e.g., this becomes numerical approaches and in Figure 7b the correla-

( )
tion between the analytical approach and ∇ReHOMO.
SR ) C+ C (180) Molecules in the upper right quadrant show, in both
∂RR approaches, bond contraction upon ionization, whereas
those in the lower left quadrant show bond elonga-
where C is defined as in eq 72, and SAO denotes the tion.
matrix of the overlap integrals in the atomic basis. The analytical results can be interpreted in terms
The GN matrix arises from the differentiation of the of the Hellman-Feynman theorem335,336 for the force
two-electron part of the energy. FR acting on nucleus R:
1818 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

where fν(r) is Berlin’s function.327 Clearly, a pile-up

of electron density in regions where fν(r) > 0 increases
FΒ; i.e., it tends to “shrink” the molecule (forces acting
into the molecule). Deriving the binding function at
fixed external potential yields an expression in which
electronic the Fukui function appears:

( )
∂N ν
) ∫f(r) fν(r) dr (187)

The change in binding function upon variation of

N at fixed ν can be written in terms of the electronic
Fukui function (local resolution) or the nuclear Fukui
function (atomic resolution):

dFB ) ∫ f(r) fν(r) dr dN ) -∑RR‚ΦR dN (188)


It then follows that, to have dFB > 0 upon changing

N, either the nuclear Fukui function (vector) multi-
plied by dN should represent a force acting into the
molecule or the electronic Fukui function should be
positive in the binding region for dN > 0 or in the
antibinding region for dN < 0. The discussion il-
lustrates how, in local resolution, the electronic Fukui
function, combined with Berlin’s function, governs
the onset of this nuclear displacement, translated,
when passing to atomic resolution, in the scalar
product of the nuclear Fukui function and the nuclear
position vector.
An application of this methodology was recently
presented in a study on the direction of the Jahn-
Figure 7. (a) Correlation between ∇E(N - 1) and ∇eHOMO Teller distortions in C6H6-, BH3+, CH4+, SiH4+, and
for a series of selected diatomic molecules. All values are C3H6+.338
in au. (b) Correlation between the analytical left nuclear In analogy with the basic local electronic reactivity
Fukui function and -∇eHOMO. All values are in au. Negative descriptors, the Fukui function f(r) and the local
values of the quantities considered are associated with softness s(r), written as N and µ derivatives of F(r),
bond elongation upon ionization, as shown in the lower left Cohen et al.329,330 completed the nuclear reactivity
picture by introducing, as a counterpart to ΦR,
F(r) ZβZRRRβ (∂FR/∂N)ν, the nuclear softness σR, a vectorial quantity
FR ) -∫ rR dr + ∑ (184) defined as
r3R β*R R 3

( )

σR ) (189)
with rR ) r - RR and RRβ ) Rβ - RR, indicating that ∂µ ν
F(r) completely determines the electronic contribution
of this force and that here the functional relationship This quantity can easily be converted to the product
between FR and F is known. of the total softness and the nuclear Fukui function:
Introducing Wang and Peng’s binding function
FB,337 which is in fact the virial of the forces acting
on the nuclei to keep them fixed in the molecule, σR ) ( ) ( )( )
∂µ ν
∂N ν
∂µ ν
) ΦRS (190)

FB ) -∑RR‚FR (185) As the nuclear Fukui function is equal to the

R Hellman-Feynman force due to the electronic Fukui
one obtains, by combining eqs 184 and 185,

( )
f(r)(r - RR)
RRrR ZRZβ FR ) -ZR ∫ dr (191)
FB ) ∫ f(r) ∑- ZR dr - ∑ ∑ |r - RR|3
R r3R β*R R RRβ
the relationship between total and local softness (eq
ZRZβ 112) immediately shows that nuclear softness is the
) ∫F(r) f(r) dr - ∑∑ (186) electrostatic force due to the electronic local softness
R*β RRβ s(r):
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1819

s(r)(r - RR) where R+, R-, Rgs, and Res are the lengths of some
σR ) -ZR∫ dr (192) bond for the cation, anion, singlet ground state, and
|r - RR|3 first triplet excited state of a molecule, respectively,
should also be mentioned.345
Only a single numerical study on σR was performed
hitherto,110 its evaluation being straightforward via 7. Spin-Polarized Generalizations
eq 190 and the computational techniques mentioned Within the context of spin-polarized DFT,346-348 the
in section III.B.2 and the present pargraph. No in- role of F(r) as the basic variable is shared by either
depth discussion on trends of this quantity in di- FR(r) and Fβ(r) (the electron densities of R and β spin
atomic and polyatomic molecules is available yet. electrons) or F(r) itself and Fs(r), with
The kernel corresponding to σR, denoted here as
σR(r), was introduced as F(r) ) FR(r) + Fβ(r) (197)
s(r,r′)(r′ - RR) Fs(r) ) FR(r) - Fβ(r)
σR(r) ) -ZR∫ dr′ (193) (198)
|r′ - RR|3
F(r) being the total charge density and Fs(r) the spin
obeying density.
Note, however, that Capelle and Vignale have
σR ) ∫σR(r) dr
shown that, in spin density functional theory, the
effective and external potentials are not uniquely
defined by the spin densities only.349
in analogy with the electronic softness kernel s(r,r′)
Normalization conditions to be fulfilled are
(eqs 124 and 125), yielding s(r) upon integration
over r′.
Recently, the question of higher order derivatives NR ) ∫FR(r) dr (or ∫F(r) dr ) N) (199)
of FR with respect to N has been considered. The
second-order derivative, termed nuclear stiffness, Nβ ) ∫Fβ(r) dr (200)

( ) ( )
∂N2 ν
∂N ν
) GR (195) ∫Fs(r) dr ) NR - Nβ ) Ns
where NR and Nβ denote the total number of R and β

has been studied by Ordon and Komorowski,339 which spin electrons and Ns is the spin number.
is easily seen (cf. eqs 58 and 176) to be equal to The extension of DFT to the spin-polarized case is
(∂η/∂RR)N, i.e., the variation of molecular hardness necessary to describe many-electron systems in the
with changing geometry. The numerical results for presence of a magnetic field. Moreover, in the limit
a series of diatomics show that, when converted to of B f 0, the formalism leads to a suitable DFT
internal coordinates, G is mostly (though not exclu- description of the electronic structure of atoms,
sively) negative, indicating a decrease in hardness molecules with a spin-polarized ground state without
upon elongation of the bond, in agreement with AIM an external magnetic field (say, atoms and molecules
models developed by Nalewajski and Korchowiec340 having an odd number of electrons).
(cf. the dependence of the hardness matrix elements So, it was not unexpected that the extension of the
(section III.B.4) ηij on the internuclear distance DFT-based reactivity descriptors discussed in the
Rij: ηij ∼ 1/Rij). Further work, directly related to the previous paragraphs was treated quite soon after
maximum hardness principle, is needed to settle this their introduction in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
problem. Galvan, Gazquez, and Vela introduced the spin
Very recently, compact expressions for all higher density analogue of the Fukui function in ref 350 and
order derivatives of the nuclear Fukui function with completed the picture of DFT reactivity descriptors
respect to N within the four Legendre transformed in the spin-polarized approach in a detailed analysis
ensembles of DFT (cf. section III.A) have been derived in ref 351. Considering the general case of a system
by Chamorro, Contreras, and Fuentealba.341 in the presence of an external potential ν(r) and an
We end this section with reference to recent work external magnetic field B in the z direction, the total
by Ayers and Parr.342,343 Whereas, conventionally, energy can be written as (cf. eq 7)
variational principles helping to explain chemical
reactivity were formulated in terms of the electron E[F,Fs,ν,B] ) E[F,Fs] + ∫F(r)ν(r) dr -
density (see ref 197 for a detailed discussion, also
referring to the fundamental role of the Hohenberg- µB∫B(r)Fs(r) dr (202)
Kohn theorem1), they used similar methods to explore
the effect of changing the external potential, yielding where µB is the Bohr magneton.
among others stability (Ξ) and lability (Λ). As F and Fs are independent functions, independent
Within the same spirit, their recent work, on the minimization procedures have to be carried out,
Grochala-Albrecht-Hoffmann bond length rule,344 taking into account the variation of the energy with
which states that respect to both of them. Imposing the normalization
conditions and introducing two Lagrange multipliers
R+ + R_ - Rgs - Res ≈ 0 (196) µΝ and µS, one obtains (cf. eq 6)
1820 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

µN ) ( )
δF(r) Fs,ν,B
) ν(r) +
various sites of a molecule. Within a Kohn-Sham
formalism, a FMO approach was presented to obtain
working equations for all the quantities defined above
and (which are the extensions/analogues of eqs 68, 90,
and 91 and the comments in section III.B.3).
µs )
( )
δFs(r) F,ν,B
) -µBB(r) +
Numerical values for the spin potential for atoms
from Z ) 3 to Z ) 54 were obtained by Galvan and
Vargas353 within the framework of the spin-polarized
A procedure in analogy with the one described in Kohn-Sham theory. The quantity shows periodic
section II.C yields the following identification of µN behavior, such as electronegativity or ionization
and µS: potential. The structure of the curve µ+ S vs Z, for
example, shows peaks corresponding to atoms with
µN ) (∂N ) Ns,ν,B
half-filled shells (alkali atoms, nitrogen family, chro-
mium, etc.). In general, µS measures the tendency of

( )
a system to change its multiplicity. The same authors
µS )
(206) later used the Fukui function f- NS(r) to rationalize
∂NS N,ν,B the stability of half-filled shells.352a In analogy with
the treatment of local softness for Fukui functions
The first of these relations is the equivalent of the in refs 350 and 351, Garza and Robles354 investigated
electronic chemical potential in the spin-restricted the extension of the local hardness concept to the
case, except for the fact that the derivative is taken spin-polarized case.
at a fixed NS value. The second Lagrangian multi- Finally, and in advance of the section on the elec-
plier, µS, can be identified as the “spin potential”, as tronegativity equalization method (section III.C.1),
it measures the tendency of a system to change its we mention that Cioslowski and Martinov355 ana-
spin polarization. (Note that, in analogy to eq 37, the lyzed the individual spin contributions to electron
discontinuity in the (∂E/∂NS) function has received flow in molecules in a spin-resolved version of the
attention by Galvan and Vargas352a and by Vargas, electronegativity equalization method.
Galvan, and Vela in a study on the relation between Also, Ghanty and Ghosh115 used a spin-polarized
singlet-triplet gaps in halocarbenes and spin generalization of the concept of electronegativity
potentials.352b) equalization in the study of bond formation, using
In an analogous way, the corresponding expres- however FR and Fβ as basic variables, which seems,
sions for hardness and Fukui functions may be in our view, less appropriate from the chemist’s point
written: of view than F and Fs.

ηNN ) ( )
∂N Ns,ν,B
(207) 8. Solvent Effects
Until quite recently, all studies on electronegativ-

( ) ( )
ity, hardness, Fukui functions, local softness, etc.
∂µN ∂µS
ηNS ) ) ) ηSN (208) were performed in the gas phase. However, it is
∂NS N,ν,B ∂N Ns,ν,B generally known that the properties of molecules may
differ considerably between the gas phase and solu-

( )
∂µS tion.356,357 Two main techniques were developed in
ηSS ) (209) recent decades to include solvent effects on a variety
∂NS N,ν,B of properties: continuum models and discrete solvent

( )
models. In continuum models,358 the solvent is treated
∂F(r) as a continuum, with a uniform dielectric constant
fNN(r) ) (210)
∂N Ns,ν,B , surrounding a solute molecule which is placed in
a cavity. The variety of approaches differ in the way

fSN(r) ) ( )
∂N Ns,ν,B
the cavity and the reaction field are defined, the
simplest being the Onsager reaction field model.359
The second type of reaction field methods is the

( ) ( )
polarized continuum model (PCM), proposed by To-
∂F(r) ∂Fs(r) masi and co-workers,358,360,361 later refined in the self-
fNS(r) ) fSS(r) ) (212)
∂Ns N,ν,B ∂Ns N,ν,B
consistent isodensity polarized continuum model
(SCI-PCM).362,363 In this method, the electron density
Whereas ηΝΝ is the equivalent of the hardness in minimizing the energy, including the effect of solva-
the spin-restricted case (except for the condition of tion, is determined. This result, however, is depend-
fixed Ns), ηSN and ηNS contain new information: the ent on the cavity, which is in turn determined by the
variation of the chemical potential with respect to electron density. The effect of the solvent is thus
changes in spin number or the variation in spin taken into account self-consistently, offering a com-
potential with respect to changes in the total number plete coupling of the cavity and the electron density.
of electrons. ηSS, the spin hardness, is the second Lipinski and Komorowski364 were the first to
derivative of the energy with respect to the spin evaluate solvent effects on the electronegativity and
number. Analogous interpretations can be given to hardness of bonded atoms in a homogeneous polar
the four types of Fukui functions, fNN, fSN, fNS, and medium using a virtual charge model. It was ob-
fSS, which can be used to probe the reactivity of served that the hardness of ions decreases with
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1821

increasing solvent polarizability, whereas the elec- “active region” of the system (solute and any solvent
tronegativity index decreases for cations and in- molecules that directly participate in a bond-making
creases for anions. Molecular χ and η indices, how- or -breaking process); the perturbation term V is
ever, showed minor dependencies on the solvent composed of three one-electron terms representing
polarity. Qualitatively, the conclusions agree with the the potential due to the solvent (fragment) molecules,
work of Pearson,365 who studied changes in ionization corresponding to electrostatic, polarization, and ex-
energy and electron affinities due to hydration. The change repulsion/charge-transfer interactions be-
electronegativity of neutral molecules does not change tween the solvent molecules and the electrons and
in water, while their hardness decreases. Anions nuclei in the active region. In a case study on NH3,
become poorer electron donors (hence more electro- it has been shown375 that the HOMO-LUMO gap
negative), whereas cations become poorer electron and electrophilic hardness increase with addition of
acceptors (hence less electronegative). water molecules: the saturation point for solvation
Safi et al.366 were the first to use the continuum of ammonia was located around a cluster with 16
approach to study the influence of solvent on group molecules of water.
electronegativity and hardness values of CH2F, CH2Cl, In a study on diatomic and small polyatomic
CH3, CH3-CH2, and C(CH3)3, previously computed molecules, use was made of the binding function (cf.
by De Proft et al. (vide infra, section IV.A), and section III.B.6) for monitoring the solvation of the
concluded that the groups become less electronega- molecule using a 30-solvent-molecules surround-
tive and less hard with increasing dielectric constant. ing.376
The values were used in a study by the same group
on the acidity of alkyl-substituted alcohols,366 the 9. Time Evolution of Reactivity Indices
basicity of amines,367 and the solvent effect on the
thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the X- + The time dependency of the electron density is
CH3Y f Y- + CH3X SN2 reaction.368 governed by the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equa-
A comparable approach, but concentrating on the tions, being at the basis of time-dependent density
Fukui function, was followed by Sivanesan et al.369 functional theory (TDDFT), a promising approach for
in studying the influence of solvation in H2O on the computation of excitation energies (the current
formaldehyde, methanol, acetone, and formamide, status of affairs in this vigorously evolving field of
leading to the conclusion that a simultaneous en- DFT is reviewed in ref 2).
hancement of reactivity for both the electrophilic and Studies involving the time evolution of the DFT-
the nucleophilic nature of the constituent atoms is based concepts, reactivity indices, and principles have
not found, though the potential for electrophilic and been relatively scarce. The majority of contributions
nucleophilic attack increases when passing from the (essentially concentrating on atoms) has been pro-
gas phase to an aqueous medium. vided by Chattaraj and co-workers, within the frame-
Similar approaches have been followed by Perez, work of quantum fluid DFT, involving the solution
Contreras, and co-workers,370,371 using a continuum of a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation.379-384
approach to study the solvation energy from the Applications included the dynamical response of He
linear response function.371 In detailed studies, they in an intense laser field,379 N in an external field and
treated the solvent influence on the isomerization colliding with a proton,380,381 Be in both its ground
reaction of MCN (M ) H, Li, Na),372 and they and excited states colliding with a proton and with
discussed the difference between gas- and solution- an R particle,382,383 and He in its ground and excited
phase reactivity of the acetaldehyde enolate (vide states interacting with monochromatic and bichro-
infra, section IV.C.2-b).373 Very recently, these same matic laser pulses of different intensities.384 Both the
authors studied the continuum solvent effect on the dynamics of concepts such as electronegativity, co-
electrophilicity index recently proposed by Parr, Von valent radius, hardness, polarizability, electrophilic-
Szentpaly, and Liu186 (eq 84). They found a clear ity, and its inverse, nucleophilicity, and the prin-
relationship between the change in electrophilicity ciples, such as the electronegativity equalization
index and the solvation energy within the context of principle and the maximum hardness and miminum
reaction field theory. In an interesting study on a polarizability principle, have been studied. The time
series of 18 common electrophiles, representing a evolution of both the electronegativity and the cova-
wide diversity in structure and bonding properties, lent radius provided a method to divide the interac-
solvation was seen to enhance the electrophilic power tion of two colliding particles into three steps, i.e.,
of neutral electrophilic ligands but to attenuate this approach, encounter, and departure. When the time
power in charged and ionic electrophiles.374 dependence of the global hardness was investigated,
Recently, the first steps toward the exploration of it appeared to be a manifestation of a dynamical
noncontinuum models have been taken by Bala- version of the maximum hardness principle: the
wender, Safi, and Geerlings,375,376 adopting Gordon’s global hardness gets maximized in the encounter
effective fragment potential model, including the regime.383 This was also confirmed for excited states.
effect of discrete solvent molecules.377,378 Each solvent Moreover, the local hardness was found to be the
is considered explicitly by adding one-electron terms highest in regions of accumulated electron density,
directly to the ab initio Hamiltonian, implying indeed the applicability of this concept for
charge-controlled reactions. In addition, the principle
HTOT ) HAR + V (213) of minimum polarizability was also confirmed within
this framework, as was the maximum entropy prin-
where HAR is the ab initio Hamiltonian describing the ciple. This maximization of the entropy happens
1822 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

during the encounter process, indicating that the In the diatomic AB case, one obtains
charge transfer occurring due to the collision is a
favorable process. aB - aA
A recent and very promising study involving time δA ) (216)
b A + bB
dependence of DFT-based reactivity descriptors was
conducted by Vuilleumier and Sprik.385 They inves-
tigated the electronic structure of both a hard and a which was used by Huheey to study the inductive
soft ion (Na+ and Ag+, respectively) in aqueous effect of alkyl groups.171 (See section IV.C.3-c for a
solution using Car-Parinello molecular dynamics.386 recent approach along these lines.)
The response properties calculated were the global Using the symbols χ and η and eq 65, one obtains
hardness together with the electronic and nuclear an actualized version,
Fukui functions. For the hard cation, the HOMO was
found to remain buried in the valence bands of the χ0A - χ0B
solvent, whereas for the soft cation, this orbital mixed ∆NA ) NA - N0A ) (217)
with the lone pair orbitals of the four coordinating 2(η0A + η0B)
water molecules; this observation could serve as a
means of distinguishing between hard and soft spe- illustrating that the direction of charge transfer is
cies and was put forward as a conjecture, meriting dictated by the difference in electronegativities of the
further investigation. isolated atoms χ0A and χ0B ()χA(NA0) and χB(NA0),
modulated however by their hardnesses.
C. Principles Although the introduction of the concept of a
1. Sanderson’s Electronegativity Equalization Principle molecular electronegativity was intuitively appealing
and computationally attractive, it raised questions
The electronegativity equalization principle origi- about the compatibility of this scale with Pauling’s
nally formulated by Sanderson113,387-391 has formed definition.392 Nevertheless, the method received rela-
the basis for a number of attractive computational tively little attention in the literature until the late
schemes. Sanderson postulated that, upon molecule 1970s, when a solid proof of the electronegativity
formation, the electronegativities of the constit- equalization principle was initially given by Donnelly
uent atoms {χ0A} become equal, yielding a molecular and Parr393 and later on by Politzer and Weinstein.394
(Sanderson) electronegativity χM which is postulated Parr, in fact, demonstrated the constancy of the
to be the geometric mean of the original electroneg- chemical potential (minus the electronegativity) over
ativity of the atoms (the symbol S instead of χ being the system considered and proved also that the
used in Sanderson’s work), electronegativities or chemical potentials of the natu-
ral orbitals of a molecule in the ground state are
χM ) (χ0A χ0B χ0C ...)1/(m+n+p+‚‚‚) (214) equal.393
Politzer and Weinstein proved, independent of any
where m, n, and p are the numbers of atoms of a particular theoretical framework, that the electro-
given element (A, B, C, etc.). negativities of all arbitrary portions of the total
In this way, partial atomic charges qi can be number of electrons, not necessarily grouped into
obtained starting from isolated atom electronegativi- orbitals or atoms, are the same for molecules in the
ties; comparing the χM for NaF (2.01) as obtained ground state.394 Parr and Bartolotti, on the other
from the isolated atom values (0.70 for Na and 5.75 hand, offered theoretical and numerical support for
for F), the χ difference for F is 3.74. Assuming 90% the geometric mean postulate, on the basis of an
ionicity of the NaF bond and a linear relationship exponentially decaying energy and thus also expo-
between χ and q, the difference in χ when passing nentially decaying electronic chemical potential:395
from F to F- is 3.74 × 0.9 ) 4.16, and that on going
from Na to Na+ is 1.46. Later, these ∆χ values were EA ) AA exp[-γA(N - Z)] + BA (218)
put in a general equation of the type ∆χi ) 1.56 χ1/2
i ,
affording charge calculation for atoms of different or
A serious drawback of the method was that all µA ) µ0A exp[-γA(N - Z)] (219)
atoms of the same element adopt the same atomic
charge within a molecule.
Huheey169-171 was one of the first, aside from where AA, BA, and γA are constants for a given atom
Sanderson, to use the idea of electronegativity equal- type.
ization to obtain molecular charge distributions, For a more detailed analysis, including electrostatic
using the idea of a charge-dependent electronegativ- (external potential) effects, we refer to Nalewajski’s
ity: work,396 indicating that increasing deviation is ex-
pected from eq 217 when both interaction partners
χ ) a + bδ (215) become harder. Note that, in this approach, the
relationship between µ, I, and A changes:
where χ was written as a linear function of the partial
charge δ on an atom,169 b being termed a charge
µ) ln
I-A A () (220)
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1823

For an alternative approach, see Ohwada.397 This heey, Ponec, Reed, and Sanderson.) This ansatz can
author derived the following equation for the chemi- be summarized as follows.294,405-409
cal potential of a polyatomic molecule: Starting from isolated atom electronegativities
{χ0A} and hardnesses {η0A}, the following expression
∑µ0X/〈ηX〉 is written for the AIM electronegativity:
µmol ) (221) qB
∑1/〈ηX〉 χA ) (χ0A + ∆χA) + 2(η0A + ∆ηA)qA + k ∑
i.e., the chemical potential is the statistical mean of
the chemical potential of the constituent atoms where ∆χA and ∆ηA are terms to correct the isolated
weighted by the inverse of what Ohwada introduced atoms’ values (vide infra). A sound theoretical basis
as their apparent chemical hardnesses 〈ηX〉. Based on has been given in refs 407 and 408 for the initial
two different approximations for the latter, he ob- empirical approach.405 The final term (in which k
tained chemical potentials for a large series of tri-, comprises the constant 1/4π0 and an energy conver-
tetra-, and polyatomic molecules. sion factor) accounts for the external potential. This
An alternative to the geometric mean has been equation was derived by writing the molecular elec-
discussed by Wilson and Ichikawa.398 Based on the tron density as a sum of spherical atom contributions,
observation that the ratio of η and χ, γ is relatively
Fmol(r) ) ∑Fmol
constant over the majority of the elements,399 the
equalization of electronegativity (vide infra) yields a A (r) (225)
χM which in the case of a diatomic molecule is written
as splitting the energy into intra- and inter-atomic

( )
contributions and expanding the intra-atomic term
χ01 χ02 in a Taylor series around the spatially confined
χM ) (222)
χ01 + χ02 neutral atom energies analogous to the isolated
neutral atom in eq 60. The first- and second-order
described by Nalewajski as the harmonic mean.399 coefficients in this expansion, µ/A and η/A, can then be
The generalized harmonic mean for polyatomic written as
molecules can then be written as
µ/A ) µ0A + ∆µA

( )
1 (226)
M ) n ∑ (223) η/A ) η0A + ∆ηA
i)1 χ0i
where ∆µA and ∆ηA are correction terms for the
Analysis of molecular charge distributions obtained changes in size and shape of the atom in the
with Sanderson’s χ scale and the geometric mean on molecule, as compared to the isolated atom values
one hand, and scales correlating linearly with Sand- (µ0A and η0A).
erson’s scale and using the harmonic mean on the Writing
other hand, suggests that the proportionality between
χ and η is implicit in Sanderson electronegativities. χA ) χB ) χC ) ... χj (227)
The above-described concepts incited a lot of re-
search to exploit the principle for obtaining molecular where χj is the average molecular electronegativity,
charge distributions with relatively little computa- yields n simultaneous equations for an n-atomic
tional effort. (For reviews, see ref 101.) molecule. Along with the constraint on the charge,
Gasteiger and Marsili were among the first to
conduct studies on the partial equalization of orbital n
electronegativity (PEOE),400 yielding a rapid calcula-
tion of atomic charges in σ-bonded and nonconjugated
∑ qi ) Q (228)
π systems, coping with the problem of identical
charges for atoms of the same element by performing where Q is the total charge of the molecule, this
an iterative scheme on each bond to evaluate the system of n + 1 linear equations yields all atomic
charge shift. [For its extension to conjugated π charges (n) and the average molecular electronega-
systems, see ref 401.] Nalewajski et al.396,402 showed tivity χj.

()( )( )
that it was convenient to discuss the electronegativity In matrix form, one has
equalization during bond formation in terms of the
AIM model, taking into account both the electron- 2η/A k/RAB ‚‚‚ k/RAn 1 -χ/A
transfer and external potential effects. qA
An important step was taken by Mortier and co- qB k/RBA 2η/B ‚‚‚ k/RBn 1 -χ/B
workers, who in 1985-1986 established an electro- l ) l l l l l l (229)
negativity equalization method (EEM). (For reviews, qn k/RnA k/RnB ‚‚‚ 2η/n 1 -χ/n
see refs 184, 403, and 404, which also contain a -χj
comprehensive account of the pre-1985 work of Hu- 1 1 ‚‚‚ 1 0 Q
1824 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Evaluation of the ∆χA, ∆ηA values is done by calibra- of the electrostatic potential of an isolated atom A at
tion of ab initio (Hartree-Fock STO-3G) and EEM a distance RBA. Zeff is obtained as
charges for H, C, N, O, Al, Si, and P.
B ) [ZB - ∫0
Note that the charges thus obtained are dependent Zeff 0
D(r) dr]e-λout(RAB - rmin,out) (232)
on both connectivity and geometry, which is not the
case in the simple Huheey approach (eq 216), ne-
glecting the external potential term. where Z0B is the nuclear charge of B, rmin,out the
The method of full equalization of orbital electro- outermost minimum in the radial distribution func-
negativity (FEOE) has been extented to the solid tion of B, and λout the falloff parameter of the electron
state, where charges and external potential are density of B in the valence region (r > rmin,out). The
generated in a self-consistent way using Ewald’s resulting charge distributions and molecular elec-
method for determining the Madelung potential.408 tronegativities for diatomics and small polyatomics
An advantage of this formalism is that other showed a fair correlation with a variety of other,
fundamental DFT properties, such as hardness, parametrized, techniques mentioned in this section.
softness, Fukui function, and local softness, can be The exact inclusion of the external potential con-
obtained similarly in a straightforward and trans- tribution in an EEM context was discussed by Nale-
parent calculation;404 it is, for example, easily seen wajski396 (also described in Parr and Yang’s book27)
that the Fukui function in atomic resolution and the and by Berkowitz,431 leading to the following ∆N
hardness can be obtained by a similar matrix equa- equation (extending eq 217):

()( )()
∆N )
fA 2η/A k/RAB ‚‚‚ k/RAn 1 -1 (µ0B - µ0A) + ∫fB(r)∆νB(r) dr - ∫fA(r)∆νA(r) dr
fB k/RBA 2η/B ‚‚‚ k/RBn 1 0 2(ηA + ηB)
l ) l l l l l l (230) (233)
fn k/RnA k/RnB ‚‚‚ 2η/n 1 0
-η 1 The second and third terms in the numerator are
1 1 ‚‚‚ 1 0 potential-dependent terms, moderating the chemical
difference in driving the charge transfer.
from which local and global softness can be obtained An extension of the EEM concept to functional
immediately via eqs 59 and 112. groups and to amino acid residues,432 based on
In the 1990s, several other EEM-type formalisms parameter-free calculations of group433 and residue434
were presented. A charge-constrained electronic struc- electronegativities and hardnesses, was presented by
ture calculation allows a rigorous analysis of electron the present authors.430,434
flow and electronegativity equalization in the process We present the method developed by York and
of bond formation, including a spin-resolved analysis Yang in some more detail, as some other methods
(cf. section III.B.7) by Cioslowski et al.,355,410,411 in the can be seen as particular cases derived from it, its
form of a charge equilibration method (Qeq) by Rappé essential advantages being the expansion of the
and Goddard,412 as the atom-bond electronega- energy around the molecular ground state instead of
tivity equalization method (ABEEM) by Yang and the neutral atom ground state and the use of both
Wang,413-418 and the chemical potential equalization functions when studying the density response to
method by York and Yang419,420 and by Itskowitz and perturbations of applied fields or other molecules.
Berkowitz421 among others, further refining the Considering the effect of a perturbation δν(r) on
evaluation of the χ/A and η/A values (dependency on the ground state, a second-order expansion of
neighboring atoms). E[F0 + δF,ν0 + δν] leads to the following Euler equa-
Further variants were presented by No and Sher- tion for the perturbed system,

[ ]
aga422-424 (extension of PEOE) for polypeptides and
proteines), and some beautiful models (mostly con- ∆µ ) µ - µ0 ) ∫ δF(r′) dr′ + δν(r)
centrating on small molecules) were presented by δF(r)δF(r′)
Ghosh, Ghanty, and Parr115,425-428 and Von Szent- (234)
paly,429 for which, however, not many applications
have appeared in recent years. Our group formulated involving the second-order density derivative of the
a nonempirical electronegativity equalization scheme, Hohenberg-Kohn functional, which is the equation
starting from a first-order expression of the elec- on which the method is based. Introducing a finite
tronegativity of an atom in a molecule, based on the basis for δF(r),
change, upon molecule formation, of the number of
electrons, and the external potential:430 δF(r) ) ∑cλφλ(r) (235)

( )

A (RBA) a matrix equation for ∆µ is obtained.
χA ) χ0A + 2η0AqA +∑ ZBeffi (231) The results provide a linear response framework
i ∂N NA*NA 0
for describing the redistribution of electrons upon
perturbation by an applied field and the foundation
Here, ZBeffi is the effective nuclear charge of atom Bi for a model including polarization and charge trans-
as experienced by A, and Vel,0 A is the electronic part fer in molecular interactions.
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1825

The FEOE methods by Mortier, Rappé, and God- n

dard are, in fact, particular cases of this more general ηM ) (∏η0i )1/n (240)
formalism, putting density basis functions as δ func- i
tions about the atomic positions (Mortier), or if atom-
centered ns Slater-type orbitals are used, as basis Note that the proportionality between η and χ,
functions. On the other hand, in Cioslowski’s ap- noticed by Yang, Lee, and Ghosh438 and by Nalewaj-
proach, much more effort is put into properly defining ski,399 brought Yang et al. in 1985 to the conclusion
the atomic character of the basis functions. that there should be a simple relationship between
The ABEEM method by Z. Z. Yang and co-workers, molecular softness and the softness of the constituent
which has received considerable interest in recent atoms:438
years, was designed for the study of large organic
molecules. Extending Mortier’s density decomposition n
as a sum over atoms contributions, it also includes S)
n i)1
∑Si (241)
bond contributions,

FM(r) ) ∑FA(r) + ∑ ∑FGH(r) (236) These findings should be considered in the context
of the ongoing discussion on an unambiguous defini-
tion of local hardness (cf. section III.B.4), where in
where FGH denotes the electron density allocated to several of the most detailed papers284,285 one of the
the G-H bond region. The summation over A extends possibilities put forward is simply to write (cf. eq 141)
over all atoms of the molecule, and the one over G
and H extends over all bonds. On the basis of this η(r) ) η (242)
equation, an EEM principle is formulated both for
atoms and bonds: i.e., to equalize local and global hardness, eliminating
local hardness from the DFT scene. Pearson’s com-
χA ) χB ) ... ) χG-H ) χH-J ) ... ) χjmolecule (237) ment,113 cited in section III.B.4, expresses a feeling
that certainly reflects the chemical intuition of many
researchers in the field. The story goes on.
Originally, the theory was formulated for σ bonds;
it was later extended to π bonds418 and to the 2. Pearson’s Hard and Soft Acids and Bases Principle
incorporation of lone pairs.415 A correlation between
a. The Global Level. As described in section
ab initio STO-3G and ABEEM charges for the polypep-
III.B.2, Pearson formulated his HSAB principle on
tide C32N9O6H99 yielded a regression equation with
the basis of experimental data guided by chemical
an R value of 0.9950, passing almost perfectly
intention without a sharp definition of hardness and
through the origin.418
softness. The introduction, by Parr and Pearson, of
A means for obtaining linear response functions the definition of hardness as the second derivative
(atom/atom, atom/bond, bond/bond) and the Fukui of the energy of an atomic or molecular system with
function was generalized recently416 and offers a respect to the number of electrons paved the way to
promising technique for non-ab initio DFT reactivity a proof of the principle.
descriptors for very large molecules, the elements In fact, in 1991, two proofs were given by Chat-
however still restricted to H, C, N, and O. taraj, Lee, and Parr.439 In the first proof, the interac-
It should be mentioned that some authors have tion process between an acid A and a base B is
been focusing on equalization of other properties. dissected into two steps: a charge-transfer process,
We mentioned before that Nalewajski399 and Wil- resulting in a common chemical potential at a fixed
son and Ichikawa398 wrote a harmonic mean for the external potential, and a reshuffling process at a fixed
averaged electronegativity based on substantial evi- chemical potential.
dence that χ0 and η0 are proportional, where the Opposing tendencies for SA vs SB for a given µB -
proportionality factor could be universal: µA in the two steps were reconciled by a compromise:

η0 ) γχ0 (238) S A ) SB (243)

Parr and Bartolotti obtained a γ value of 2.15 ( i.e., the HSAB principle. Note SA and SB are soft-
0.59 for 32 atoms;395 Datta obtained 1.58 ( 0.37 for nesses either before or after electron transfer; the N
a series of radicals.435 dependence of η (or S) is known to be weak.271 It is
By inserting eq 237 into eq 222, an expression for easily seen, on the basis of eqs 217, 60, and 61, that
an equilibrated hardness is obtained. the energy change in the charge-transfer step yields

( )
the following expression:
1 -1
ηM ) n ∑ (239)
(µ0B - µ0A)2
i η0i ∆E ) - (244)
4(η0A + η0B)
In fact, in 1986, Datta formulated the idea of an
equalization of atomic hardness, more precisely to illustrating once more the interplay between elec-
their geometric mean:436,437 tronegativity and hardness.
1826 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

In the second proof, the minimum softness/maxi- ηA ) ηB (249)

mum hardness principle, proven in the same J. Am.
Chem. Soc. issue by Parr and Chattaraj440 (see section The same result is obtained when ∆ΩB is mini-
III.C.3), is invoked in a qualitative treatment. mized with respect to ηB, for a given ηA. The calcula-
Nalewajski396 introduced the first-order perturba- tion shows that one again recovers the HSAB prin-
tion contribution of the external potential due to the ciple. Equation 249 moreover implies that, under
partner of a given atom in a molecule. Starting from these conditions,
a full second-order expansion of the energy of an atom
A in a molecule, as a function of NA and ZA, he ∆ΩA ) ∆ΩB (250)
obtained the following generalization of the expres-
sion for the electron flow between the two atoms A indicating that ΩA and ΩB separately like to be as
and B: negative as possible. For a recent extension of this
proof to cases including external potential charges,
µ0B - µ0A see ref 441.
∆N ) - f Gazquez173,442 elaborated on this work, deriving an
2(η0A + η0B) alternative proof that provides additional support for
a better understanding of the HSAB principle. The
∆N ) [µ0B - µ0A + 2(RB∆ZB - RA∆ZA)] basic equation involves the separation of the core and
2(η0A 0
+ ηB ) “effective” valence electron density,290
F(r) ) FC(r) + Ne f(r) (251)
Here, the core charge of an atom in a molecule, ∆Zx,
is essential to account for the fact that, in the A-B where Ne is the effective number of valence electrons,
complex, outer electrons of an atom are in the f(r) the Fukui function, supposed to be determined
presence of both atomic cores (contraction of atomic only by the valence electrons, and FC(r) the core
density contribution). RA is equal to (∂µA/∂ZA)NA/2. electron density. The total number of core electrons
Using this expression, the first-order stabilization NC is equal to N - Ne.
energy becomes Up to second order, Gazquez found
∆E ) (µ0A - µ0B)∆N + ν0A∆ZA + ν0B∆ZB E[F] ) µNe - ηN2e + Ecore[F] (252)
(µ0B - µ0A) where Ecore represents the core contribution to the
)- +
2(η0A + η0B) total electronic energy. Equation 252 was then used
for A, B, and AB to write the interaction energy
(µ0A - µ0B)(RB∆ZB - RA∆ZA) between A and B as
η0A + η0B ∆EAB ) EAB - EA - EB + ENN (253)

(ν0A∆ZA + ν0B∆ZB) (246) where ENN

AB is the nuclear-nuclear repulsion energy.
Invoking the EEM principle (see section III.C.1),
From now on, the superscript “0” will be dropped to
µAB was written as
simplify the notation if expressions obviously involve
isolated atom properties. It is argued that the second µASA + µBSB
term will, in general, be small due to cancellation µAB ) (254)
effects; the first (Huheey-Parr-Pearson) term is S A + SB
then identified as the one explaining the soft-soft
complex, whereas the hard-hard interactions yield Furthermore, invoking softness additivity,226,438 as
an important last term. In the case of soft-hard was also done by Parr in his first proof,
interactions, both terms are small. SAB ) k(SA + SB) (255)
In the second proof, one casts eq 244 into the form
∆E ) ∆ΩA + ∆ΩB (247) k being a proportionality constant, a rather complex
expression for ∆EAB was obtained.
introducing the grand potentials (cf. eq 33) ΩA and Setting
ΩB of the interacting systems as the natural “ther- ∂∆EAB
modynamic” quantity for an atom, functional group, )0 (256)
or any other subunit of the molecule due to their ∂SB
“open” nature. ∆ΩA is given as
for a given SA and all other variables fixed, the
(µA - µB)2 ηA expression
∆ΩA ) - (248)
4 (ηA + ηB)2 1 + xy
SB ) SA (257)
with an analogous expression for ∆ΩB.
For a given µA - µB and ηB, minimization of ∆ΩA was obtained, where y is an expression involving k,
with respect to ηA yields µA, µB, SA, Ne,A, Ne,B, and Ne,AB. Inspection shows that
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1827

y should be close to 4, indicating 2

1 (µA - µB) 2
∆ΩBl ≈ - S S f (264)
SB ≈ SA (258) 2 (S + S )2 A B Bl

regaining the HSAB principle. if the interaction occurs via atom l of the base B.
The three proofs follow a different methodology and Minimizing ∆ΩAk with respect to SA for a given
sometimes differ in details, e.g., in the contribution µA - µB, SB, and fAk leads to
from changes in the external potential (for a detailed
discussion, see the last paragraph in Gazquez’s 1997 fAk ) fBl (265)
paper442). Combined, however, they give abundant
qualitative and quantitative arguments in favor of However, since it was found at another stage of the
the HSAB principle, indicating however that, when analysis that SA ) SB guarantees the minimization
going to numerical applications, the approximations of ∆ΩAk with respect to SA at fixed µB - µA and SB
involved should always be kept in mind. (and analogously for ∆ΩBl), it was concluded that the
In practice, much use is made of the working interaction sites may be characterized by the condi-
equation put forward by Gazquez and co-work- tion
ers,443,444 writing ∆EAB as sAk ) sBl (266)
∆EAB ) ∆EAB,ν + ∆EAB,µ (259)
It should be mentioned that the equation is, in fact,
a particular case of the general expression in which
SA may or may not be equal to SB and fAk may or may

( )
2 2 not be equal to fBl, but
1(µA - µB) 1 (µA - µB)
∆EAB,ν ≈ - S S )- SA fAk ) SB fBl (267)
2 SA + SB A B 2 η A + ηB
(260) and therefore
1 λ sAk ) sBl
∆EAB,µ ≈ - (261) (268)
2 SA + SB
Geerlings et al.446 obtained eq 268 directly by
where Parr’s dissection in two steps is kept: the first assuming from the start a direct interaction between
term ∆EAB,ν expressing the gain in energy upon atom k of A and atom l of B. Calculating ∆ΩAk and
equalizing chemical potentials at fixed external po- ∆ΩBl yields the expressions
tential, and the second term ∆EAB,µ being identified
as the rearrangement term at fixed chemical poten- 1 µB - µA
tial. λ is a constant involving the effective number of ∆ΩAk ≈ - s s2 (269)
2 (s + s )2 Ak Bl
valence electrons in the interaction and the pro- Ak Bl
portionality constant k between SAB and SA + SB 2
(eq 255). 1 (µB - µA)
∆ΩBl ≈ - s s2 (270)
In the preceding discussion, we considered the 2 (s + s )2 Bl Ak
Ak Bl
HSAB principle at the global level, i.e., neglecting the
local characteristics of the interacting partners. In Minimizing ∆ΩAk with respect to sAk at fixed µB - µA
the next section, it will be seen that extensions to and sBl directly yields the demand (eq 268).
various levels of locality were presented and used. The minimization of ∆ΩBl with respect to sBl at
(For a review, see ref 445.) fixed µB - µA and sAk yields exactly the same require-
b. The Local Level. Mendez and Gazquez pro- ment. The total stabilization energy ∆E is obtained
posed a semilocal version of the working equation as
(259), for the cases in which a system A interacts with
B via its kth atom, thus transforming eqs 259-261 1 sAk sBl
into ∆E ) - (µA - µB)2 (271)
2 sAk + sBl
1 (µA - µB) 1 λ which generalizes eq 260.
∆EAB,k ≈ - S S f -
2 SA fAk + SB A B Ak 2 SA fAk + SB The softness-matching criterion in the case of
(262) multiple sites of interaction has been cast in the form
of the minimization of a quadratic form by Geerlings
where the authors introduced the condensed Fukui et al.,446 here denoted as Σ (and later applied by these
function fAk for atom k in the acid A. Within the authors, Nguyen and Chandra, and others, vide
context of the grand potential approach, they trans- infra):
formed eq 248 into
Σ ) (sAk - sBl)2 + (sAk′ - sBl′)2 (272)
1 (µA - µB) 2
∆ΩAk ≈ - S S f (263) where k and k′ are sites of reactivity on A, and l and
2 (S + S )2 B A Ak l′ are sites of reactivity on B.
This expression is extremely suitable for studing
and similarly, cycloaddition reactions (softness matching at a local-
1828 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

tions,452 the local softness function s(r) of Charyb-

dotoxin was studied. This 37-residue polypeptide has
been extensively used in site-directed mutagenesis
experiments as a template to deduce models for the
external pore appearance of K+ channels. In the
local approach445). In the case of a single interaction analysis of s+(r) and s-(r) (and its complement, the
site at one of the partners, say A MEP), regions of the size of amino acids were
considered in a HSAB discussion, at the local level,
this order of magnitude being appropriate to correlate
with site-directed mutagenesis experiments.
Another beautiful application of the HSAB at the
local level is the study by Galvan, Dal Pino, and
(e.g., free radical addition to olefins and [2 + 1] Joannopolous on the Si system. By using probe atoms
cycloadditions between isocyanide and (heteronucle- of different softness (Ga and Si), softer regions in the
ar) dipolarophiles253,447,448), it was proposed to look cluster were seen to interact preferably with the
at the difference between softer atom (Ga).453 These authors also analyzed the
process of impurity segregation at grain boundaries
|sAk - sBl| and |sAk - sBl′| as a chemical reaction between the impurity and the
interface. The HSAB principle at the local level was
Cases studied in the literature involve the cycload- used to predict the most probable site for impurity
dition of HNC to simple dipolarophiles, where it has accumulation. A soft impurity atom will preferably
been assumed in all cases that local softness values attack the softer surface, having a larger s+(r) value.
are positive, as they usually are. For an in-depth A detailed investigation was performed on a germa-
discussion on the positiveness of the Fukui function, nium grain boundary454 and yielded results in ac-
being equal to the local softness divided by the total cordance with the HSAB principle. Matching of the
softness (eq 112), the latter value being always softness values of arsenic and gallium leads to the
positive, see also section III.B.3. conclusion that arsenic atoms must segregate at the
Ponti449 generalized this approach by explicitly grain boundary considered, as opposed to gallium.
calculating the difference between grand potential
changes, neglecting the charge reshuffling term. In It should be noted that Nalewajski et al.,455 in the
the case of one interacting site k at one of the context of semiempirical charge sensitivity analysis
partners A, the most favorable interaction site turns at atomic resolution, presented a regional softness-
out to be governed by the smallest local softness, matching criterion in terms of a maximum comple-
sBl < sBl′, irrespective of the softness of the atom k mentarity rule, looking for the largest difference
on A. The cases considered in refs 253 and 447 were between the softness of the basic and acceptor atoms
shown to give the same regioselectivity as that of each newly formed bond. Further work is necessary
obtained with the Ponti criterion, sBl + sBl′ < 2sAk. In to reconcile with the results cited above this alterna-
the case of two interacting sites on each reaction tive view, formulated in a two-reactant approach.
partner, our choice has again been justified. Indeed, Coming back to the interaction energy evaluation
other criteria of the local softness-matching type, proposed by Gazquez and Mendez,173,443 an important
issue to be discussed remains the λ quantity in the
∆sk ) (|sAk - sBl|n + |sAk - sBl′|n)1/n reshuffling term at constant chemical potential. In
their initial study on the regioselectivity of enolate
n ) (1, (2, ... (273)
alkylation,444 a λ value of 0.5 was used without
may be presented, the cases’ arithmetic mean (n ) further justification. This value was also considered
1) and harmonic mean (n ) -1) being not less or by Geerlings et al.456 in a more quantitative study
more reasonable than the root-mean-square mean on this topic, with explicit softness evaluation of the
(n ) 2) used in ref 446. However, it was shown by alkylating agent and the solvent effect, thus working
Ponti that the choice n ) 2 shows complete equiva- in a global-local approach445 for the interaction
lence with the criterion of separate minimization of energy. In the study by Mendez, Tamariz, and
grand potential invoked as the “figure of merit” in Geerlings457 on 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition reactions,
Ponti’s study. Further discussion of the results as the dependence of the total interaction energy, evalu-
such will be given in section IV.C.2. ated at a local (dipole)-global (dipolarophile) level,
On the basis of an energy perturbation method, Li on λ indicates that regioselectivity in the reactions
and Evans194,450 presented a slightly different formu- between benzonitrile oxide and vinyl p-nitrobenzoate
lation, indicating that, for a hard reaction, the site and 1-acetylvinyl p-nitrobenzoate is predicted cor-
of minimal Fukui function is preferred, whereas for rectly as long as λ > 0.2.
a soft reaction, the site of maximal Fukui function is The problem of adequately quantifying λ, involved
preferred. Nevertheless, when this argument is ana- in a term in the interaction energy which may become
lyzed in detail, the proximity of low or high softness dominant in the case of weak interactions, was
values for hard or soft interactions, as advocated by studied recently by Pal and co-workers.458,459 Pal and
Gazquez and Mendez, also emerges from this paper. Chandrakumar458 stated that λ, being the product of
One of the most extensive softness calculations an effective number of valence electrons and the
reported to date was done by Galvan and co-work- proportionality constant k in eq 246, could be related
ers.451 Using total energy pseudopotential calcula- to the change in electron densities of the system
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1829

before and after the interaction process. This quan- where FABij is the interaction force between atoms i
tity can then, for system A, be written as and j of A and B, respectively, qAi and qBi being their
M M net charges and rij their inter-atomic distance. As
λA ) ∑NA,i
- ∑NA,i
(274) such, minimum Fukui function conditions may
i i
complement the maximum net charge conditions.
In the next sections, the maximum hardness prin-
where the summation over i runs over all M atoms ciple will be discussed, one of its immediate applica-
of A participating in the interaction, and the super- tions and/or support being the directionality of reac-
scripts “eq” and “0” refer to the molecule AB and the tions. However, this aspect can obviously also be
isolated atom A, respectively. N denotes the number treated in a HSAB context, the applications being
of electrons. relatively scarce in recent literature. Pearson’s book157
Analogously, one has advocated a better understanding of the HSAB
principle in terms of the exchange reaction
λB ) ∑NB,j
- ∑NB,j
(275) AB + CD f AC + BD
j)1 j)1
rather than the binary complex formation,
As obviously λA ) -λB, the λ value for the interac-
tion has been recovered in this way. In the case of A + B f AB
interactions of small molecules (N2, CO2, CO) with
Li, Na, and K zeolites, studied using Mulliken’s Recent numerical data by Chattaraj and co-work-
population analysis [3-21G(d, p) vs 6-31G(d,p)], λ ers463 on the interaction of soft (Ag+) and hard (HF)
values of the order of 0.1 or 0.05 were obtained, acids with NH3 and PH3 support this view. The
depending on the basis set. In a study on the exchange reaction
interaction of DNA base pairs, values of the order of
0.01 were obtained.459 Note that, in ref 459, multiple [Ag(NH3)]+ + FH- - -PH3 f
site effects were included by summing equations such
as eq 262 over all possible interacting subsystems. FH- - -NH3 + [Ag(PH3)]+
As the quantity obtained via eqs 274 and 275 is
highly method dependent, further work needs to be which has been shown to be exothermic, reflects the
done to settle this point. higher tendency of the harder base (NH3) to bind to
A very recent and important critical study by the harder acid (HF) and of the softer base (PH3) to
Chattaraj460 should be mentioned at the end of this bind to the softer acid (Ag+).
HSAB section, pointing out, as intuitively expected,
3. The Maximum Hardness Principle
that the Fukui function is not the proper descriptor
for hard-hard interactions because, in the Klopman Pearson formulated his principle of maximum
terminology,461 they are not frontier controlled. In hardness (MHP) in 1987, under the form that “there
early studies reported by our group, e.g., on the seems to be a rule of nature that molecules arrange
electrophilic substitution on benzene, it was stressed themselves to be as hard as possible”.158 (For an
that, for hard reactants, the local softness or, equiva- extensive review on various aspects of chemical
lently, the Fukui function is not an adequate descrip- hardness by Pearson himself, see refs 157, 464, and
tor and local hardness should be preferred, albeit that 465.)
an unambiguous definition is lacking. Chattaraj A series of studies by Parr, Zhou, and co-work-
concludes that the Fukui function is predominant in ers466-470 on the relationship between absolute and,
predictive power only in soft-soft interactions, where later, relative hardness and aromaticity of hydrocar-
the covalent term in the interaction energy, written bons supported this idea (see also section IV.B.3 on
by Parr and Yang27 as aromaticity), and in 1991, a formal proof of the
principle of maximum hardness was given by Parr
∆Ecov ) and Chattaraj.440 The proof is based on a combination
(µ0B - µ0A + ∫fB(r)∆νB(r) dr - ∫fA(r)∆νA(r) dr)2
of the fluctuation dissipation theorem from statistical
- mechanics and density functional theory. It will not
4(η0A + η0B) be treated here in detail, as different texts already
extensively comment on it.157,465,466 A point of utmost
(276) interest to be mentioned here, however, is that the
dominates; hard-soft interactions are generally proof relies on the constancy of both the external and
small.462 For hard-hard interactions, one faces the chemical potentials, ν and µ, a severe restriction
challenge of the local hardness definition, albeit that which will put heavy constraints on the applicability
the approximation of eq 143 was successful (see of the principle, or serious question marks on results
section IV.C.3). A local version of the Coulombic-type obtained when one or two of these constraints are
interactions, as suggested by Chattaraj, may always relaxed (vide infra). The validity of the proof has been
be invoked: questioned by Sebastian,471a who however later re-
ported errors in his numerical counterexamples.471b
qAi qBj In 2000, Ayers and Parr197 presented conclusive
ij ≈ (277) evidence for the validity of the original Parr-Chat-
rij taraj proof.440
1830 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Another approach was followed by Liu and Parr.282 Datta et al.475,478 used empirical and semiempirical
Using functional expansion methods, they obtained, η values, together with experimental ∆H° values, to
up to second order, the following expression for study exchange reactions,
AB + CD f AC + BD
E[N,ν] ) Nµ - N2η + ∫ν(r)[F(r) - Nf(r)] dr -
2 In general, it turns out that exchange reactions
evolve in a direction so as to generate the hardest
∫∫F(r)F(r′)ω(r,r′) dr dr′ possible species, an example being the Pauling-
Pearson paradox160 for
connecting the total energy, the chemical potential LiI + CsF f LiF + CsI
µ, the hardness η, the Fukui function f(r), and the
(exothermic reaction with failure of Pauling’s bond
response function ω(r,r′) in the canonical ensemble.
energy equation95). A study by Ghanty and Ghosh479
Neglecting the contribution from the last two local
on exchange reactions of the above-mentioned type
terms, one finds, at fixed N, µ, and ν, that the larger
based on ∆H and ∆R1/3 [the cube root of the change
the hardness, the lower the energy (note the minus
of dipole polarizability between the products and the
sign in front of the second term, not present in a
reagents, taken as a measure of softness (see, e.g.,
typical Taylor expansion). In view of the restrictions,
section IV.A)] is to be mentioned: in the 13 cases
and as one does not know the relationship between
studied, a negative ∆H was always accompanied by
the unconstrained variables during a variational
a lowering of the average value of R1/3, indicating that
process for the global hardness, the authors do not
products were always harder than reactants. These
consider the equation as “the final statement” but
results are in line with earlier work by Datta et
rather as offering a favorable viewpoint.
al.,475,478 who found that, in exchange reactions, the
Early numerical tests by Pearson and Palke472 on
average hardness of the products is higher than that
NH3 and ethane (comparison of η values at equilib-
of the reactants and that the direction of the reaction
rium geometry and upon distortions along symmetry
is so as to produce the hardest possible species.
coordinates) indicated that the molecular point groups
This problem has more recently (1997) been recon-
are, indeed, determined by maximal hardness, equi-
sidered by Gazquez,480 who applied the methodology
librium bond angles and distances being determined
described in section III.C.2-a to a bond formation
by the electrostatic Hellmann-Feynman theorems:
process. In this contribution, he succeeded in writing
non-totally symmetric distortions yield maximal η at
the ∆Eµ term in eq 259 in terms of the hardness of
the equilibrium geometry, whereas for totally sym-
the reactants:
metric distortions, no maximum is found. Similar
studies were performed early by Chattaraj and co- 0 0
workers473 on PH3, for which the results found were 1 ηAηB
∆EAB,µ ) - N2e 0 (279)
similar to those found for NH3 in ref 472, and on the 2 η + η0
internal rotation in H3X-YH3 (X, Y ) C, Si), B2H6,
and C2H4, which were seen to obey the maximum Ne being the effective number of valence electrons
hardness principle474 with minimum hardness values involved. He came to the conclusion that, in general,
at the high-energy conformer. the reaction energy is negative when the sum of the
These authors also compared in ref 473 the isomers hardness of the products is larger than that of the
HCN and HNC and found a higher hardness for the reactants.
stabler isomer (HCN), the µ values, however, not Very recently, Hohm481 studied atomization reac-
being identical. Investigation of seven isomers of tions,
Si2H2 led to analogous conclusions, indicating that
the constraints of fixed chemical and external poten- AmBn f mA + nB (280)
tials associated with the original proof may be
relaxed. In the period from 1992 to 1993, the direc- and considered the change in dipole polarizability,
tionality of inorganic reactions475 and the stability of
metallic clusters (Lin, n ) 2-67)476 were also found ∆R ) ∑νiRi (281)
to obey the MHP, the former study joining previous, i
more intuitive work by Pearson.
In fact, in his textbook, Huheey already came to νi being the stoichiometric coefficients, taken to be
the conclusion that “we are therefore led to believe negative for the reactants. The cube-root version of
that, at least in these examples, the presumably eq 281 was also considered:
electrostatic energy of the hard-hard interaction is
the major driving force” (ref 160, p 320). We note that, ∆RCR ) ∑νiRi1/3 (282)
in the cluster study, again the external potential is i
not a constant and the chemical potential is only “on
the average” a constant. Chandra477 pointed out that and confronted with the atomization energies Dat
there is a linear relationship between hardness and taken from the literature.
bond order, and in a study on ethane, it was seen A linear relationship was found:
that the hardness is maximum when the molecule
was in the staggered conformation. Dat ) A + B∆R (283)
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1831

overview of this vast literature is presented below

without going into detail: some selected, representa-
tive examples are discussed in section IV.C, where
studies by Toro Labbé and co-workers are the focus.
• internal rotations (nitrous acid and hydro-
gen persulfide;484-486 HO-NS, HS-NO, HS-NS,
FO-NO, HO-OH, and HO-OF;485-487 HS-OH;487
• cis-trans isomerization (HNdNH),489a including
Figure 8. Plot of the atomization energy Dat (103 kJ/mol) the effect of solvent489b
vs ∆R (b), right scale, and ∆RCR (O), left scale, for the • intramolecular rearangements (HNC f HCN;
atomization reaction (280) for a series of nonconjugated
compounds. The data points 0 are ∆RCR for a series of alkali
metal diatomic molecules and refer to the scale on the H2SiO f HSiOH; F2S2 f FSSF; H3PO f H2POH;
right-hand side. The units for the ∆R and ∆RCR values are H3AsO f H2AsOH; CH2SH2 f CH3SH)490
C2 m2 J-1 and (C2 m2 J-1)-1/3, respectively. Reprinted with • vibrations in NH3 and H2S491
permission from ref 481. Copyright 2000 American Chemi- • double-proton-transfer reactions in HCXXH- - -
cal Society. HXXCH (X ) O, S)491
Correlation coefficients r of 0.9963 (∆R) and 0.9968 • keto-enol tautomerism in acetyl derivatives
(∆RCR) were found for a series of (90 molecules, the CH3COX [X ) H, OH, CH3, OCH3, NH2, N(CH3)2,
correlation being worse when conjugated systems OCHO, F, Cl, Br]492
were included. ∆RCR values are invariably positive, Kar and Scheiner studied 1,2-hydrogen shift reac-
whereas for ∆R some exceptions (homonuclear di- tions in molecules of the type HAB (AB ) CN, SiN,
atomics) are found. B is positive, indicating that BO, AlO, BS, AlS, BeF) and HAB+ (AB ) CO, SiO,
higher atomization energies are found when ∆R is CS, N2)493 and extended their study to open-shell
larger, i.e., for larger differences between the mol- HAB f HBA isomerizations (HNO, HSO).494
ecules’ hardness and that of their constituent atoms. Russo and collaborators studied the isomerizations
Figure 8 shows the correlation between Dat and ∆R of HCN, HSiN, N2H2, HCP, and O3H+ using their
and ∆RCR for a series of more than 80 nonconjugated technique of the MO-resolved hardness tensor de-
compounds. scribed in section III.B.2,180 the protonation of CH2-
Datta was the first to point out an interesting SO,495 and the isomerization of HNO and ClNO.496
corollary of the MHP, namely that the transition Kolandaivel studied isomers of XC(O)OX′ (X, X′ )
state (TS) of a reaction should have a minimum F, Cl), C2H3NO (nitrosoetylene), C2H2, and HCNC
hardness value as compared to other points along the and hydrogen-bonding complexes HF- - -HCN, HF- - -
reaction path.482 He reported the first hardness HCl, and CH3OH- - -H2O;497 later they extended their
profiles: the inversion of ammonia and the intramo- study to a series of 18 molecules showing “positional
lecular proton transfer in malonaldehyde, calculated and geometrical” isomerism.498
at the semiempirical MNDO level. Ghanty and Ghosh studied the influence of bond
Evidence for his thesis results from these plots: η distortion or external changes on the hardness of HF,
reaches a minimum at the TS (it was checked that H2O, and NH3499 and the internal rotation in forma-
the change in µ along the reaction path is small in mide and thioformamide,500 and in the isomerization
the second case, µ however reaching a maximum in reaction HAB f HBA (AB ) BO, AlO, GaO, BS, AlS,
the first case). CN, CO-, CS-, SiO-, SiS-).479
Gazquez, Martinez, and Mendez483 studied hard- Studies by our group concentrated on cycloaddi-
ness variations upon elongation of homonuclear di- tions of HNC448 and CO and CS to acetylenes.501,502
atomics, writing the energy evolution at a fixed Studies by M. T. Nguyen treated the 1,3-cycloaddi-
chemical potential of an N-electron system as (cf. the tions of RsNdS503 and the 1,3 dipolar cycloadditions
demand for fixed µ) to phosphorus-containing dipolarophiles.504 Studies
by Chandra focused on internal rotation in ethane505
1 and substituted methyl radicals (XCH•2; X ) BH2,
∆Eµ ≈ - N2∆η (284) CH3, NH2, OH)506 and the 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition
of fulminic acid to acetylene.507
indicating that when a system evolves toward a state It should be noted that, in some of the above-
of greater hardness under conditions of fixed chemi- mentioned papers, the maximum hardness principle
cal potential, its stability increases (∆E < 0). Nu- was studied under the form of a minimal softness-
merical calculations of the R dependence of µ and η minimal polarizability principle: indeed, for many
showed that the changes in η are considerably larger systems, hardness calculations often yield problems
than those in µ and that ∆E is, indeed, roughly in the finite difference approximation (eq 56), whereas
proportional to ∆η, implying that increasing hardness polarizability calculations can now routinely be per-
is accompanied by greater stability. formed e.g., in the finite field approach.508 As polar-
In recent years, many studies have appeared in izability (often the cube root is used) for atomic and
which an application/validation of the maximum molecular systems shows a proportionality with
hardness principle, besides the directionality of a softness (see section IV.A), the use of a minimum
reaction, was sought, concentrating mainly on MHP softness-minimum polarizability criterion is a useful
in internal rotation and isomerization processes. An alternative to the MHP.
1832 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

The whole of these studies can be summarized as A detailed analysis of the operational hardness
follows: in many but not all cases, the hardness profile for an unsymmetrical reaction coordinate
profile shows a minimum, situated sometimes (but (isomerization of HCN to HNC) shows that the point
mostly not) at the TS, giving support to the MHP, of lowest hardness does not necessarily correspond
although the demand for fixed µ and ν was fulfilled to the TS. Considering the CH3 radical case in detail
in practically no case studied. Neverthless, some (where a minimum hardness value along the reaction
cases give serious deviations, which are mostly coordinate of inversion is found when the energy
ascribed by the authors to deviations from the fixed reaches its minimum value), the authors finally
µ and ν. question whether the observations made in the
As a whole, the situation for the MHP is still less literature for symmetric reaction profiles can be
clear-cut than for the EEM (cf. section III.C.1), which considered as tests of the MHP. They consider this a
is now widely accepted. It is also less convincing than natural conclusion, since the MHP requirements
the HSAB principle, for which nevertheless the (fixed µ and ν) cannot be satisfied all along the
proof(s) was (were) shown to contain a number of reaction coordinate of a chemical process. Further
approximations/pitfalls (cf. III.B.1). research is certainly needed in the case of reactions
Inspection of all published material shows that the in which orbital control is predominant. It would be
demand for fixed ν and µ is (obviously) never fulfilled. interesting to link the orbital picture with the orbital-
The crucial question then becomes, Which deviations free hardness concept, introducing the phase factor512
from the ideal situation are allowed in order to have in the analysis. A first example in this direction was
the MHP working? Only if some insight is gained in recently given by Chattaraj and co-workers513 on the
this issue may a predictive power be attributed to electrocyclic transformation between butadiene and
the MHP; otherwise, the phase of “testing” may be cyclobutene. On the basis of polarizability calcula-
extended further and will become too long for practi- tions of the conrotatory and disrotatory TS, a higher
cal purposes. Note that, very recently, M. Solà and hardness value was found for the symmetry-allowed
co-workers showed that, in the favorable case of non- conrotatory mode, in agreement with the Woodward-
totally symmetric vibrations (the B2 normal mode of Hoffmann rules.514
pyridine at 1304.4 cm-1), where µ and ν(r) stay An interesting concept within the MHP context is
approximately constant, neither the MHP nor the the activation hardness ∆ηq, introduced by Zhou and
MPP is obeyed.509 Parr515 as the difference between the hardness of
Also very recently, Chandra and Uchimaru510 ad- reactants and TS:
dressed this question using the finite difference
approach to the hardness, written as ∆ηq ) ηR - ηTS (287)
η ) (EN-1 + EN+1 - 2EN) (285) Studying the (kinetically controlled) orientation of
2 electrophilic aromatic substitution,516 the faster reac-
tion, or the preferred orientation, was found to be
They considered ∂η/∂q, q being the reaction coordi- accompanied by the smaller activation hardness, as
nate, as an “operational hardness profile”. It is easily obtained via simple Huckel MO theory.
seen that ∂η/∂q goes to an extremum at the TS, when A complementary study by Amic and Trinajstic on

( ) ( )
nucleophilic aromatic substitution (flavylium salts)
∂EN-1 ∂EN+1 confirmed the ∆ηq capability.517
)- (286)
∂q TS ∂q TS Ray and Rastogi applied a similar methodology to
study the cycloaddition of even linear polyenes and
or when both energy derivatives are zero, which is obtained perfect matching for both the thermal and
the case when the (N - 1)- and (N + 1)-electron photochemical reactions with the Woodward-Hoff-
systems have extrema at the TS. For a symmetrical man rules.518 Similar successes were obtained in the
reaction profile, this is obviously the case, leading to case of sigmatropic shifts.519
the conclusion that operational hardness profiles An indirect way to use the activation hardness was
along the reaction coordinate have an extremum at followed by the present authors and M. T. Nguyen
the symmetric point (e.g., the D3h TS for the inversion in studies on regioselectivity in which the identity of
of NH3). (See also ref 511 for a discussion on the effect the reactants for two regioisomeric TS implies that
of symmetry on the hardness profile.) From the only the hardness values of the two TS have to be
numerical data in the literature (e.g., refs 479, 482, considered. This technique was successful in discuss-
491, and 500), it is seen that the extremum should ing cycloadditions,448,501-504 yielding results that were
be a minimum, which was shown to depend on the complementary to those of, e.g., (local) softness
difference in curvature of the N - 1 and N + 1 matching (cf. section III.C.2).
systems at the TS. We finally note that Toro Labbé and co-workers
A similar approach for the chemical potential extensively used the activation hardness concept in
indicates that the operational chemical potential, the study of rotational isomerization processes,484,487
(EN+1 - EN-1)/2, also goes through an extremum at the cis-trans isomerization of diimide,489 and the
the TS, indicating that the MHP can hold even when double-proton-transfer reaction in (HCX-XH)2.491
neither µ nor ν remains constant if the energy profiles To end this section, the remarkable and beautiful
for the (N - 1)- and (N + 1)-electron systems satisfy analogy between chemical and physical hardness and
certain conditions. the corresponding maximum hardness principles520,521
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1833

(for reviews, see refs 465, 522, and 523) should be at fixed nuclear configurations; this approach has,
mentioned. Only a very brief account of this work will until now, by far been the most adopted. In the third
be given, the subject of this review being chemically strategy, the so-called chemical approximation, one
orientated. evaluates the property using empirical correlations
The chemical hardness definition eqs 57 and 58 (that can, however, be based for some part on first-
should be compared with the classical thermody- principles derivations) with other more traditional
namic equation, chemical concepts. In the case of electronegativity,
however, one would end up again in the period before

( )
∂N V,T
the late 1970s. As stated in the Introduction, Pauling
defined the electronegativity as “the power of an atom
in a molecule to attract electrons to itself”,93-95 and
in which µ0 is the ordinary chemical potential and N many definitions have been developed since then,
the number of moles. The compressibility κ can each one providing a set of values for the elements,
clearly be placed on equal footing with the chemical and all showing some degree of relation and correla-
softness and can be considered as a measure of the tion. A review of the most important atomic and
physical or mechanical softness. Parr has shown524 group electronegativity scales can be found in the
that, for various crystalline solids, κ-1V0 (V0 being the contribution of Mullay.114 Recently, Murphy, Meek,
molar volume) is proportional to the crystal hardness Allred, and Allen formulated nine rules, which an
as measured by Moh’s scale525 and other comparable appropriate electronegativity scale should obey.528
scales.523 Recent details on the use of electronic Some of these guidelines are that it should be a free
structure calculations in predicting physical hardness atom definition, expressed as an energy per electron,
can, for instance, be found in contributions by Louie and it must have a “quantum mechanically viable
and Cohen.526,527 It therefore seems reasonable to call definition”, i.e., it should be compatible with quantum
κ-1V0, having the dimensions of energy, the “physical chemical concepts such as quantum numbers, energy
hardness”. Whereas chemical hardness is a measure levels, and shell structure. These and other rules
of resistance to changes in the electron distribution were applied to the Pauling electronegativity scale
of a system, physical hardness measures the resis- in this contribution; the scale was found to violate
tance to change of the nuclear positions of the system. more than half of the criteria put forward by these
Along the lines followed in the maximum (chemical) authors.
hardness proof by Parr and Chattaraj,440 one expects Bartolotti, Gadre, and Parr made use of Slater’s
the resistance to be the largest at the equilibrium transition-state concept within XR theory and ob-
state of a condensed system, recovering a principle tained an expression for the electronegativity in
of maximum physical hardness,520,521 often written terms of the XR Lagrange multipliers.529 As such, they
in terms of a maximum value for BV0, B being the obtained electronegativities for 54 main group ele-
bulk modulus. ments of the Periodic Table, which were in good
agreement with other electronegativity scales. Simi-
In the fundamental concepts and principles sec- lar calculations were reported by Sen et al. for rare
tions treated previously in this paper, some applica- earth atoms, made using relativistic XR theory.530 The
tions were highlighted when we considered them as work of Bartolotti, Gadre, and Parr was extended by
being directly relevant as an illustration, irrespective Robles and Bartolotti to the use of spin-polarized
of the nature of the substrate(s). density functional theory,531 in combination with the
In the Applications section (section IV), however, XR and Gunnarson-Lundqvist exchange correlation
a detailed discussion will be given of applications functional532 and a transition-state process involving
classified according to the structures involved and the change from N - δ to N + δ electrons. The
their interactions: atoms, functional groups, mol- number of atoms studied was extended to 86, and
ecules, different types of reactions, etc. ionization energies, electron affinities, and hard-
nesses were also evaluated. Gazquez and Ortiz
IV. Applications proposed a Taylor series expansion of the energy of
an atomic system in the charge around the value of
A. Atoms and Functional Groups the neutral atom (cf. eq 60):533

In this section, the computation and application of

the above-mentioned DFT-based chemical concepts
for atoms and functional groups will be reviewed. As
E(Z,q) ) E(Z,0) + q ( )
∂q Z,q)0
+ ( )
q2 ∂2E
2! ∂q2 Z,q)0
+ ...

discussed in section II.C, the contribution by Parr and (289)

co-workers opened the gate to nonempirical evalua- Truncating after second order and identifying the
tions of these quantities, for which basically three first- and second-order derivatives as the electroneg-
approaches can be adopted. In the first approach, one ativity and hardness,
derives analytically the energy functional E[F] with
respect to the number of electrons using some kind E(Z,q) ) E(Z,0) + qχ + q2η (290)
of approximate exchange correlation functional. In
the second approach, the finite difference approxima- they correlated the relaxed first-order derivative and
tion described in general in section III.B, one calcu- the unrelaxed second-order derivative from XR and
lates the energy of the system (atom, functional hyper Hartree-Fock theory with the frontier orbital
group, or molecule) for different numbers of electrons energies and the self-repulsion integral of the atomic
1834 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

highest occupied orbital. Remark, however, that this in different states of ionization using spin-restricted
is a non-N-representable theory.534 Relaxational ef- XR theory.140
fects were included in the second-order derivative by The atomic radius has been an important concept
the application of a simple screening model, leading in many definitions of atomic electronegativities. This
to the following expression for the isolated atom can be witnessed from the early works of Gordy111
hardness: and Allred and Rochow,112 defining the atomic elec-
tronegativity as the electrostatic potential and force
1 respectively felt by the valence electron at a distance
η ) 〈r-1〉i (291)
4 r away from the nucleus, r here being the atomic
radius. The Sanderson electronegativity S also con-
of which the evaluation requires only one calculation tains the atomic radius, i.e., S ∼ Z/r3.113 Within the
and where i is the index of the frontier orbital. This context of Thomas-Fermi-Dirac theory, Politzer,
expression was used, together with the XR expression Parr, and Murphy investigated the points in space
of the electronegativity, χ ) -i, and a simple where the chemical potential equals the total elec-
expression for the electronegativity of an atom in a trostatic potential of the atom.540 These points cor-
molecule,219 to calculate molecular electronegativities respond to regions in space where
for some diatomic and polyatomic molecules, which
were shown to be in good agreement with other δTs
estimates. These estimates were taken from ref 535 + νxc ) 0 (292)
and calculated using Sanderson’s geometric mean
principle113 with Mulliken electronegativities, based Within the TFD model, eq 292 yields an equation
on the experimental first ionization energy and in which the only unknown is F, and this was found
electron affinity. to be satisfied for F(r) ) 0.00872. This approach, later
Teller’s theorem states that chemical binding be- called the uniform density criterion,541 thus justifies
tween atoms does not exist in systems described by the approach adopted by Gordy.111 The atomic radii
Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-Dirac the- obtained in this way, moreover, were found to show
ory.536,537 Upon observation that the chemical poten- a good correlation with the single-bond covalent
tial within Thomas-Fermi theory is zero and that it radius. This approach was generalized later by Har-
is a constant within Thomas-Fermi-Dirac theory, bola, Lee, and Parr for the hardness.542 They showed
Alonso and Balbas calculated electronegativities for that the atomic hardness can be expressed as the
atoms and ions, starting from the energy density electrostatic potential due to the Fukui function at
functional containing a Weiszacker type of kinetic the covalent radius, which in turn can be obtained
energy functional and the local Dirac and Wigner by the electrostatic potential of the positive and
formula for exchange and correlation, respectively.130 negative ions. On the basis of the DFT definition of
They concluded that electronegativities obtained in the electronegativity and a simple bond charge model
this way show more or less the same trends as those proposed by Pasternak,543 Ray, Samuels, and Parr535
calculated by more accurate models; the range of showed a proportionality between (I - A)-1 for atoms
values spanned, however, was found to be more and the internuclear distance in homonuclear di-
reduced. In this sense, they found that the key atomic molecules before I - A was identified as an
problem here is the treatment of the kinetic energy approximation to the chemical hardness. Arulmozhira-
functional: a local treatment of T[F] is not satisfac- ja and Kolandaivel found a proportionality between
tory, and the inhomogeneity of the electron density the hardness and both the force constants and
has to be included to get qualitatively useful and binding energies for diatomic molecules; they more-
correct results. Sen calculated transition-state method over stated that the hardness is a better indicator of
electronegativities using spin-unrestricted XR theory chemical stability of molecules than the chemical
for several atomic Rydberg states.538 (A more detailed potential.247 As already stated, Gazquez and Ortiz
account of the use of DFT-based reactivity descriptors derived a relationship between the chemical hardness
for excited states is given in section IV.C.1.) For the and 〈r-1〉. Komorowski stated that the van der Waals
atoms Li, Be, and B, it appears that a large decrease radii and not the covalent radii yield more realistic
in the electronegativity is encountered when going values for the hardness; the covalent radii were
from the ground state to the first excited state. In a declared to be “inappropriate”.148,544 Moreover, the
study of the geometric mean principle for electro- best correlation with the Parr and Pearson absolute
negativity equalization, Parr and Bartolotti found hardness values was found for ionic radii derived
that the necessary condition for this principle to hold from refractivity data. In Komorowski’s work (cf.
was the use of valence-state atomic energies that section IV.C.3-c), also the concepts of acidic and basic
decay exponentially with increasing number of elec- hardness were introduced, corresponding to the cases
trons (cf. section III.B.1).395 On the basis of the where electrons are added and subtracted from the
experimental ionization energy and electron affinity system, respectively. Calculations were reported for
for 34 neutral atoms, the experimental decay factor atoms and free ions. Komorowski also derived an
was found to be 2.15 ( 0.59. Finite difference elec- expression for the hardness in the so-called “electro-
tronegativies and hardness derived from experimen- dynamical model”, providing a simple relationship
tal ionization energies and electron affinities for a between hardness and size.148 This relationship is not
large series of atoms, radicals, and molecules were unexpected, since in Pearson’s original classification,
published by Pearson.119,120,539 Liu and Parr obtained hard species have, in general, been associated with
electronegativities and hardnesses of atomic orbitals small-size entities.
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1835

Much work has also been performed in the so-called R ) S∫r2 cos2 θ f(r) dr (300)
“chemical approximation” to the hardness. When an
atom is considered to be a metallic conducting sphere
of radius r, the second-order derivative of its energy indicating, indeed, that the polarizability is propor-
with respect to its charge, the hardness, is given by tional to the global softness of the system.
A plot of the experimental polarizability of a series
η ) (4π0r)-1 (293) of neutral atoms vs the finite difference approxima-
tion to the softness, 1/(I - A), revealed a linear
in the case where the radius is considered to be a relationship. Vela and Gazquez also analyzed the
constant and not a function of the charge on the case where the static perturbation corresponds to a
sphere. The electric capacity of the sphere σ can then point charge Q located as some position R far away.
immediately be identified with the softness.148 The After some algebraic manipulation, the exact asymp-
concept of hardness has, indeed, long been related totic expression for the induction energy or charge-
to the inverse of charge capacity, the ability of the induced dipole interaction was recovered, strength-
atom in a molecule to absorb electronic charge, as ening the conclusions of their work.
described in section III.B.2.169-171 Politzer, Murray, Equation 300 can be rewritten as
and Grice noticed that, as the neutral atom elec-
tronegativity increased, the charge capacity de- R ) ∫r2 cos2 θ s(r) dr (301)
As the relationship between the polarizability and suggesting a relationship between the local softness
global softness is often used, some more attention will and local polarizability. It was pleasing to note that
now be devoted to the rationalization of this propor- the local polarizability plots of Stott and Zaremba548
tionality. and the atomic Fukui functions are similar.
Politzer was the first to put forward a relationship
In the framework of molecules absorbed in cages,
between the polarizability and the softness.546 Vela
Langenaeker, De Proft, Tielens, and Geerlings de-
and Gazquez used a local approximation to the
rived similar expressions,549 also relating softness
softness kernel to derive an expression for the linear
and polarizability. The proposed approximation to the
response function in terms of local and global com-
softness kernel and similar equations were used by
ponents that are proportional to the Fukui function
Perez, Contreras, and Aizman to obtain solvatation
and global softness.547 Indeed, the softness kernel in
energies from the linear response function.371 They
their work was approximated as
showed an inverse linear relationship between the
s(r,r′) ≈ Sf(r)δ(r - r′) (294) solvatation energies of the monatomic ions Li+, Na+,
K+, Rb+, F-, Cl-, Br-, and I- and their softnesses.
so that, using the Berkowitz-Parr relation277 (eq Correlations between the polarizability and S3 were
126), the linear response function becomes also presented on a less rigorous basis by various

[ ]
authors. For atomic systems, Nagle demonstrated a
δF(r) proportionality between the softness and (R/n)1/3,
) Sf(r)(f(r′) - δ(r - r′)) (295)
δν(r′) N where n represents the number of valence elec-
trons.550 Ghanty and Ghosh found, on an empirical
The energy change up to second order in dν can basis, that the softness linearly correlates with R1/3
thus be written as for a number of atoms and sodium clusters.551 In a
study of the relationship between the atomic softness
dE ) ∫F(r)δν(r) dr + and the electric dipole polarizability, Fuentealba and
Reyes concluded that, in the case of both atoms and
S[(∫f(r)δν(r) dr)2 - ∫f(r)(δν(r))2 dr] (296)
ions with one or two valence electrons, a good
2 relationship exists between the latter property and
When the static dipole polarizabilities are consid- the third power of the softness.552 Note, however, that
ered, the change in external potential is given by they claim that a general correlation between the
polarizability and the softness cannot be expected
δν(r) ) r ‚ξ (297) because of the number of valence electrons, which
varies along the Periodic Table. On the basis of the
where ξ represents a uniform field of unit amplitude. classical equations for the energy needed to charge
The second-order correction to the energy in this case a conducting sphere and its polarizability, Hati and
is given by Datta derived the following relationship between the
hardness and the polarizability:553
E(2) ) - ξ‚R‚ξ (298)
2 1 C 1/3
Here, R denotes the polarizability tensor.
η) ()
One finally ends up with
where the value of C yields the closest reproduction
R ) -S(∫rf(r) dr) - ∫rrf(r) dr
(299) of the experimental hardnesses. Further and more
recent evidence for this cubic relationship was pro-
For an atomic system, this equation can be further vided by Simón-Manso and Fuentealba within a local
simplified to density approximation for the local softness. Their
1836 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

finding was supported by calculations on s-, p-, and leads to a local temperature T(r) as two-thirds of the
d-block atoms, diatomics, and hydrocarbon mol- Kohn-Sham kinetic energy per electron at each point
ecules.554 in space:561
Starting from the general expression of the fre-
quency-dependent polarizability R(ω), and after in-
Ekin ) ∫t(r) dr ) ∫F(r)kT(r) dr
troducing some simplifications, Ghanty and Ghosh (308)
obtained the following simplified expression for the
atomic polarizability:555 where k is Boltzmann’s constant.
A problem in its definition, however, arises due to
R ) kR∫FHOMO(r)r3 dr ) kR〈r3〉HOMO (303) the ambiguity in the definition of t(r): any amount
of 32F(r) (or any amount of 32 of any function with
where kR is an empirical constant. Moreover, they vanishing gradient as r f ∞ by virtue of Green’s
derived an expression for the hardness as the ratio theorem) can be added without altering the value of
of two expectation values, i.e., Ekin. Nagy, Parr, and Liu562 argued that the definition

〈r3〉HOMO 3 1 3Fi‚3Fi
η ) kη 2
〈r 〉HOMO
F(r)kT(r) )
∑ Fi

which, naively, can be identified with 〈r〉. Since there where Fi is the density of Kohn-Sham orbital i, is
has also been a proposal for an inverse relationship the most appropriate one. Moreover, they showed
between the electronegativity and the cube root of that T(r) for atoms exhibits behavior similar to that
the polarizability, Ghanty and Ghosh555 also proposed of Politzer’s average local ionization energy. Gal and
that Nagy computed T(r) for molecules and confirmed this
similarity in behavior.563
χ ) kχ(〈r3〉HOMO)1/3 (305) Senet showed that hardnesses of atoms and mol-
ecules can be derived from the screened interaction
The empirical constants kR, kη, and kχ were subse- energy of the electrons in the frontier molecular
quently determined by minimizing the standard orbitals.564 Along the same lines, Liu, De Proft, and
deviation between the experimental and calculated Parr used eq 70 in the calculation of atomic hard-
values of the different atomic quantities considered. nesses for 54 neutral atoms, including both main
Several other approaches along these lines were group and transition elements.174 It was, as men-
proposed by these authors for the calculation of the tioned in section III.B.2 as an example of the practical
atomic and ionic hardnesses, polarizabilities, and calculation of atomic hardnesses, concluded that a
covalent radii.110,556-558 very simple model for the hardness kernel (eq 70),
A different starting point was taken by Fricke, who where only the Coulombic part was included and C
observed that there is a linear relationship between is a constant, yielded good results for the hardness
the atomic polarizability and the ionization energy.559 when compared with the experimental finite differ-
Politzer et al. confirmed this finding for the so-called ence results.
“average local ionization energy” evaluated on the Atomic hardnesses have also been computed by Liu
atomic radius, defined as the sphere encompassing and Parr from the functional expansion approach
98% of the total electron density, suggesting that the truncated at second order, for which some arguments
latter could be used as a measure for the local were provided (vide supra, section III.B.3); this
polarizability R(r).545 This average local ionization approach immediately recovers the principle of maxi-
energy is defined as mum hardness.282
Until now, attention was focused only on the first-
Fi(r)|i| and second-order derivatives of the atomic and mo-
hI(r) ) ∑ (306) lecular energy with respect to the number of elec-
i F(r) trons. Fuentealba and Parr were the first to obtain
where Fi(r) and i are the electron density and the (section III.B.3) numerical values for the change in
orbital energy of the ith molecular orbital. This index the chemical hardness with respect to the number
has been interpreted as the average energy needed of electrons for a large number of atoms and ions271
to remove an electron from a point r in space and (eq 63).
was shown, when plotted on the molecular surface, However, as was also stated in the paper introduc-
to be a good indicator of reactivity toward electro- ing this derivative, “it is highly desirable that any
philes. Moreover, this index was also shown to exhibit extension of the theory to include third order should
the atomic shell structure (vide infra).545,560 imply only slight modifications of the formula for µ
The local temperature T(r) was introduced in a and η, or rather only small changes in their numer-
natural way by Ghosh, Berkowitz, and Parr.561 Writ- ical values”, implying that γ should be small. On the
ing the kinetic energy in terms of a local function t(r), basis of the following formula for the variation of the
the local counterpart of the energy expression, energy E with respect to the number of electrons N,

3 aN + bN2
E ) nkT (307) E(N) ) (310)
2 1 + cN
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1837

it was found that the new values of µ and η differed electronegative atoms. Moreover, this function was
only slightly from the usual finite difference ones; used in combination with eq 69 (with g(r) ) f(r)) and
moreover, in comparison to these values, γ was found a Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Weizsäcker functional, in-
to be small and to vary regurarly thoughout the cluding a local Wigner functional for correlation, to
Periodic Table. calculate atomic hardnesses for the first- and second-
So far, the emphasis has been on global atomic row atoms. Reasonable agreement with the experi-
DFT-based reactivity descriptors; local atomic de- mental finite difference values was observed, except
scriptors, however, have also been the subject of for the elements possessing half-filled shells. More-
numerous studies, especially the derivative in eq 28, over, since the hardness has been derived as the
the central quantity from DFT, the electron density electrostatic potential due to the Fukui function at
F(r). In this overview, of course, we will not cover all the covalent radius, the analytical expression of the
electron density and shell structure studies in the Fukui function was also used to determine this
chemical literature. The atomic electron density has radius. These estimates compared well with other
been studied exhaustively in the literature; in most estimates from the literature. Finally, the atomic
cases, these studies are devoted to the shell structure. cusp condition for the Fukui function was derived as
This shell structure is revealed by many functions
of the electron density.565-577 The spherically aver- r ‚3f
aged electron density is a piecewise, exponentially lim ) -2Z (312)
rf0 f
decreasing function of the distance r from the nucleus
for atoms in their ground states and shows one where Z is the nuclear charge.
unique maximum located at the nucleus.578 The rate
of this exponential decrease changes at certain In two subsequent papers, Pacios et al. studied this
intervals or points, which were shown to coincide gradient expansion of the Fukui function using
with the minima in the radial density distribution atomic HF wave functions as mentioned in section
function D(r), defined as III.B.3.215,216 Furthermore, the influence of the varia-
tion of R on the atomic hardnesses, obtained by the
same methodology used by Parr et al., was studied
D(r) ) 4πr2F(r) (311) in more detail, where it was found that small varia-
tions in this parameter lead to large variations in η.
In the case of a first-row atom (Li, Be, etc.), the Moreover, an analysis was presented of the shell
single minimum can be used in the construction of a structure as obtained from the gradient correction.
boundary surface between the atomic core and va- Vargas and Galvan used the spin-polarized Fukui
lence regions. For atoms having a principal quantum function, in combination with the charge redistribu-
number larger than 2, two or more minima are found, tion between states of different multiplicities, in the
and it was arugued by Parr and Politzer that, in rationalization of the stability of half-filled shells.352
those cases, the outermost minimum should be used
to separate core and valence regions.579 When the Chattaraj and Sengupta581 have studied the rela-
radial density distribution function is integrated tionship between the possible chaotic dynamics of
between two successive minima, the number of Rydberg atoms in an external field and the dynamical
electrons contained in that shell is obtained. The shell properties of hardness and polarizability.
structure of atoms has been obtained by a large Electronegativities and hardnesses have also been
number of people, and the effect of electron correla- calculated for functional groups. In the past, however,
tion on it has been established. Politzer also observed a lot of attention has been devoted to obtaining
that the shell structure is also present in the so-called substituent electronegativities, and many scales have
average local electrostatic potential function V(r)/F(r), been proposed. Among the most important ones, we
defined as the ratio of the electrostatic potential and mention Well’s scale,582 based on bond vibrational
the electron density; V(r)/F(r) has a maximum at each data, the inductive parameter ι proposed by Inamoto
point where D(r) has a minimum.575,576 This function and Masuda,583-586 and the scales proposed by Hu-
was studied in more detail by Sen et al., who, among heey,160,587 Mullay,588 Sanderson,391 and Bratsch,589
other studies, established the core-valence separation all based on electronegativity equalization schemes.
of the atoms Li through Ac and related it to the Mariott, Reynolds, Taft, and Topsom590 obtained the
average local hardness density.577 Moreover, the electronegativity of a group G as the Mulliken
effect of electron correlation on the shell structure, population of the hydrogen atom in the H-G mol-
as exhibited by this function, was also studied.580 ecule. Boyd and Edgecombe evaluated group elec-
Atomic Fukui functions were studied by Chattaraj, tronegativities from the topological properties of the
Cedillo, and Parr and were expressed by an LDA electron densities in these compounds.591,592 Very
approximation and a gradient correction, including recently, Suresh and Koga obtained group electrone-
only one single parameter (eq 95), determined from gativities by considering H3C-EXYZ compounds, where
atomic Fukui function moments.196 It was claimed the position and value of the MEP bond critical point
that the main basic features of f(r) should be largely at the CE bond is brought into relation with the
independent of the set of R values used. The radial electronegativity of the EXYZ group.593 Sen, Böhm,
distribution function plots of the Fukui function and Schmidt calculated molecular-orbital-based elec-
4πr2f(r) for the atoms Li, N, and F were found to be tronegativities within semiempirical CNDO theory,
similar to those published by Gazquez et al.: the using the transition operator method.132 Reed and
decay is slow for electropositive atoms and faster for Allen reported substituent electronegativities based
1838 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

on the so-called bond polarity index, a quantum-

mechanical measure of the one-electron energy dif-
ference between two adjacent atoms in a molecule.594
Bergman and Hinze obtained orbital electronegativi-
ties depending on both the hybridization and partial
charge on the atom, using atomic and ionic spectro-
scopic data. These data were used, in combination
with an electronegativity equalization scheme involv-
ing two bond-forming orbitals, to obtain atomic
partial charges in molecules. Moreover, this concept
was extended to group electronegativities, which Figure 9. Correlation between the observed gas-phase
were then used in the rationalization of bond lengths, basicities (kJ/mol) and those calculated using a two-
NMR chemical shifts, and proton affinities.146 Mo- parameter linear model, including fN- (the Fukui function
lecular fragment electronegativities were also ob- on the basic center) and χjmol (the average effective molec-
tained by Korchowiec and Nalewajski on the basis ular electronegativity, as determined by the EEM method),
of a MNDO calculation scheme, with the inclusion or qN (the atomic charge on the basic center) and χjat, (the
average molecular Sanderson electronegativity). Reprinted
of a contribution from the environment. In combina- with permission from ref 236. Copyright 1986 American
tion with the calculated Fukui function indices, these Chemical Society.
electronegativities were shown to be very useful in
the reproduction of known substituent effects.595 De B. Molecular Properties
Proft, Langenaeker, and Geerlings were the first to
obtain intrinsic group electronegativities, hardnesses, 1. Dipole Moment, Hardness, Softness, and Related
and softnesses for 30 groups frequently encountered Properties
in organic molecules, using the finite difference
formulas (cf. sections III.B.1 and III.B.2).433 In the In this section, we will focus on global molecular
finite difference approach, the functional groups were properties. Properties considered either are intro-
duced within the framework of DFT, such as the
considered as the corresponding radicals, with the
global hardness, global softness, and electrophilicity,
geometry the group usually adopts in molecules. The
or are traditionally known molecular properties such
obtained electronegativities were found to correlate
as the molecular polarizability, electronegativity, and
well with most other scales and with the 13C ipso-
dipole moment, calculated however in a conceptual
ortho coupling constants in monosubstituted ben- DFT context using some form of the electronegativity
zenes. The trends for the group hardnesses were equalization method (section III.C.1).
rationalized using the hardness of the central atom
of the group. Moreover, a good correlation was found The major advantage of the latter category is the
with the experimental finite difference hardnesses fact that the properties are rapidly calculated, thus
of the corresponding radicals; the correlation with the making the world of very large molecules and/or large
hardnesses obtained by Bergman and Hinze was less numbers of molecules accessible to computational
satisfactory. Recently, the series was extended to chemistry describing electronical effects or charac-
teristics. The bigger part of the published applica-
functional groups containing Sn, their values proving
tions is situated in the field of large molecules, e.g.,
to be excellent for use in the correlation with 119Sn
those of pharmaceutical interest, since practically all
chemical shifts.596 Komorowski, Lipinski, and Pyka
commercial modeling software includes some form of
obtained inherent functional group electronegativi-
the Gasteiger-Marsili algorithm400,401 for atomic
ties and hardnesses, derived from both the explicit charge calculation, and catalysis, which will be
calculation of bonded fragment electronegativities discussed in a separate section (section IV.D). Despite
and Mulliken charges.134 Moreover, it was stated that the existence of a number of software packages
the obtained group electronegativities cannot be (academic599 as well as commercial600), only a limited
correlated directly with Hammett substituent con- number of studies involving small molecules have
stants, without taking the hardness into account. been published. An extremely interesting property,
Chemical potentials and hardnesses for open-shell in this context, is the molecular dipole moment. Apart
radicals were also obtained by Pal and Roy using the from some fundamental studies,420,601,602 no applica-
radical optimized geometries and a finite difference tions as such have been reported yet.
approximation at the Hartree-Fock level.597 These A nice example of the study of a more traditionally
values were then used to obtain the hardness se- known molecular property can be found in the early
quence of the corresponding anions, as proposed by work of Yang and Mortier.236 They demonstrated that
Pearson. Kneisler and Zhou showed the existence of the variation of the gas-phase basicity of amines (see
a Hammett-like equation for the chemical hardness also below) can be analyzed using both a global and
of the HOMO-LUMO gap.598 a local descriptor. A nice correlation of calculated gas-
From the whole of the studies considered in this phase basicities with experimental values was ob-
section, it can be concluded that DFT has, indeed, tained using a model containing the equalized effec-
provided a mathematical framework for the introduc- tive electronegativity (Figure 9).
tion of previously empirically defined chemical con- A second example of the application of a DFT-based
cepts, offering their nonempirical evaluation for algorithm (EEM), in this case in combination with a
atoms and functional groups. property (hardness) that was also introduced within
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1839

the DFT framework, can be found in recent work by

Zhang and Yang.417 They used the ABEEM method413
in a study regarding the reactivity of maleic anhy-
dride and β-propiolactone with respect to different
nucleophiles. They examined the reactivity of differ-
ent sites within one molecule (both compounds are
ambident electrophiles), an aspect of reactivity stud-
ies that will be discussed in more detail below, not
only by using local descriptors for the compounds’
behavior toward nucleophilic attack, but also, more
importantly for this section, by considering the global
molecular properties of the reaction partner. Experi-
mentally, it was found that hard nucleophiles react
with hard electrophiles and soft nucleophiles with
soft sites in the two compounds considered. On the
basis of the global hardness values of a series of
nucleophiles calculated using the ABEEM, in com-
bination with a local reactivity descriptor, the ex-
perimental results could be reproduced completely.
Further examples of the use of DFT-based molec-
ular properties (in this case, however, not calculated
using an EEM-like procedure) can be found in
numerous papers describing (simple) organic and Figure 10. Plot of an absolute hardness-absolute elec-
inorganic reactions and a series of quantitative tronegativity activity diagram for quinoline antibacterials.
structure-activity relationship studies.119,120,603-609 Reprinted with permission from ref 610. Copyright 1998
We will discuss two studies regarding compounds Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
showing bioactivity, thus demonstrating not only the
usefulness of these properties to reproduce or even section IV.C.1). In the case of the antibacterials, the
predict experimentally determined (re)activity data, hardness could not discriminate between active and
nonactive compounds, whereas the electronegativity
but also the ability to give us a better insight into
could (see Figure 10). In contrast to the case of the
the actual processes involved in the interactions or
hardness-controlled activity, electrostatic interactions
reactions considered.
are clearly not predominant here. This implies that
First, we will consider the study of a structure- the process of charge transfer between the two
activity relationship (SAR) for a series of compounds interacting compounds plays an important role. As
showing some specific bioactivity.610 This study fo- the amount of charge transfer is partially determined
cuses on the understanding of the interaction be- by the electronegativity (see also below), the impor-
tween a drug and an enzyme in the actual drug- tance of this quantity in this case study can thus be
enzyme complex. This interaction can be associated rationalized. The electronegativity is not, however,
with the characteristics of a compound related to its the only quantity that plays a role in this context, as
“intrinsic” reactivity, expressed in terms of absolute will be demonstrated in the next and final example
hardness and absolute electronegativity. Using these of the use of molecular properties originating within
properties, thus focusing on the actual mechanism the DFT framework.
(see below) responsible for the bioactivity of the This example involves a recent study by Maynard
compounds, a relationship between bioactivity and et al.188 using a new molecular property, electrophi-
different complementary reactivity descriptors was licity186 (eq 84), in this case, expressed in terms of
determined. Semiempirical calculations were used in two known descriptors, as introduced in section
combination with eqs 43 and 66 to determine the III.B.2. Again, this is an example of a well-known
hardness and electronegativity values for a series of chemical concept, finding a clear definition in DFT
quinolines, 1,8-naphtheridines, and polychlorinated in such a way that it can be quantified. This electro-
dibenzo-p-dioxines and biphenyls. The quinolines and philicity index is expressed in terms of η and χ (see
1,8-naphtheridines show antibacterial activity through eq 84), quantifying the capacity of an electrophile to
the inhibition of DNA gyrase by means of reversible promote a covalent (soft) reaction. The case study is
(covalent) binding in the R-subunit of the enzyme.611 part of an investigation involving the search for a
The dioxins and biphenyls, on the other hand, show new strategy in the development of anti-human
activity as xenobiotics by means of noncovalent immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV) drugs, which is
binding to the arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR).612,613 extremely important because of the emergence of
When establishing the SAR, or in this case the protease and reverse transcriptase drug-resistant
property-activity relationship (PAR), the η-χ activ- HIV strains. The antiviral activity of a specific series
ity diagrams, with η and χ as coordinates of biological of drugs was found to be related to the covalent
activity, as shown in Figure 10, were used. modification of zinc finger Cys thiolates of the
In this way, the compounds showing high xenobi- nucleocapsid protein p7 (NCp7). In this covalent
otic activity are found to be hard, a result perfectly interaction, the thiolates act as nucleophiles, with the
in line with the fact that a noncovalent, electrostatic specific characteristic that they are substantially
interaction is involved in the mode of action (cf. softer nucleophiles than other metal chelators in
1840 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Figure 11. Correlation between the observed NCp7 reaction rates and the ligand capacity to promote a covalent (soft)
reaction, χ2/η (in au). Reprinted with permission from ref 188. Copyright 1998 National Academy of Science.

general, thus leading to the presumption that elec- the hardness shows a maximum at the same point.
trophiles that promote soft reactions will show higher This could be expected on the basis of the mirror
activity. These electrophiles should have a high image relationship between η and R. It clearly
electrophilicity value. To verify this, a number of demonstrates the validity of both the MHP and the
global DFT-related reactivity descriptors were cal- MPP in the context of molecular vibrations.
culated for a series of electrophiles. An excellent In the case of the totally symmetrical oscillation,
linear correlation of the electrophilicity with the the hardness was found to increase monotonically
logarithm of the observed reaction rate constants was when the nuclei approached each other, a finding
found (Figure 11), whereas the global softness itself that was also reported earlier by Pearson and Palke.472
correlated only qualitatively with the reaction rates. At the same time, the polarizability was found to
On the other hand, a nice correlation with the decrease as expected.
calculated electronegativity was observed, implying
that a large χ value is probably essential to drive the 3. Aromaticity
reaction (see also above). Zhou, Parr, and Garst put forward the absolute and
relative hardness as a measure of aromaticity.467,468
2. Conformation This proposition was based on the fact that both
Molecular properties of the type mentioned in hardness and aromaticity are measures of high
section IV.B.1 can also play a role in the study of the stability and low reactivity. Aromaticity is a key
conformational behavior of a compound. As was concept in chemistry, associated with the cyclic
discussed in section III.C.3, a system will evolve to a delocalization of electrons, resulting in an extra
configuration of maximum hardness according to the stabilization in the case of aromatic compounds and
MHP. The inverse relationship between hardness, η, destabilization in the case of antiaromatic com-
and the polarizability, R, led to the formulation of the pounds.614-617 Many criterea have been put forward
minimum polarizability principle (MPP). As both to measure aromaticity, which can be roughly divided
principles are valid only under certain restriction, i.e., into four categories: energetic, geometric, magnetic,
fixed electronical chemical potential and external and criteria based on reactivity. Very recently, a
potential, Chattaraj et al.486 made a clear distinction detailed account including an impressive number of
between two cases when studying the distortions of references was given in a special issue of Chemical
ammonia (see also section III.C.3). On one hand, they Reviews on aromaticity,618 containing a more thor-
considered the asymmetric distortions, which do ough presentation of conceptual and computational
comply with the restriction, and on the other hand, DFT in the study of aromaticity.59
they considered symmetrical distortions for which the As stated in the Introduction, the HOMO-LUMO
MHP does not hold. All distortions were situated or band gap can be seen as an approximation to the
along the directions specified by vibrational sym- global hardness of the system. In the 1960s and
metry. The profiles for η, R, and the energy E for the 1970s, antiaromatic compounds were characterized
asymmetrical distortion both in bond length, ∆R, and as compounds with a small band gap.619-627 Fowler
in bond angle, ∆θ, are given in Figure 12. argued, however, that the band gap cannot be con-
In both cases, the polarizability is minimal for the sidered to be a general criterion for the aromaticity
equilibrium geometry, i.e., minimal E. Furthermore, or kinetic stability, because it decreases to a limiting
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1841

Figure 12. Asymmetric distortions in ammonia. (a) Profiles of the energy and polarizability and (b) profiles of the hardness
and polarizability for a distortion in the N-H bond distance. (c) Profiles of the energy and polarizability and (d) profiles
of the hardness and polarizability for a distortion in the H-N-H bond angle. All values are in au. The values for the
polarizability are on the left axis and correspond to open circles. Reprinted with permission from ref 486. Copyright 1999
American Chemical Society.

value with increasing size of the molecule, whether refractivity data, as put forward by Komorowski (cf.
it is or is not more or less aromatic or kinetically section IV.A), yielded nice correlations with reso-
stable.628 As such, Aihara introduced the HOMO- nance energies and the so-called Bird index of aro-
LUMO separation multiplied by the number of con- maticity, based on bond orders.149,544
jugated atoms to measure the kinetic stability.629-632 Roy, Choho, De Proft, and Geerlings studied the
MNDO hardnesses were obtained by Zhou and reactivity of acetaldehyde and some aromatic alde-
Navangul for a series of 14 benzenoid hydrocarbons hydes toward nucleophilic attack and, among others,
and were shown to be a good indicator of their evaluated the intermolecular reactivity trends using
aromaticity.633 Moreover, the hardness criterion was DFT-based reactivity descriptors and the concept of
also used by these authors in the prediction of the aromaticity.636 They showed a good correlation be-
aromaticity of kekulene, coronene, and the corannu- tween the intrinsic hardness, computed as the global
lene tetraanion.470 The aromaticity of organometallic hardness of the system multiplied by its volume and
compounds was studied using the hardness by Cham- corresponding to the local hardness of the corre-
izo, Morgado, and Sosa.634 Bird studied the absolute sponding homogeneous system with the same global
hardness as a criterion for the aromaticity of various hardness, and the aromaticity. In a subsequent
heterocyclic rings.635 In this work, it was revealed paper, Balawender, De Proft, Geerlings, and Ko-
that the correlation of the aromaticity, as measured morowski showed that the HOMO-LUMO gap cor-
by hardness, and the Hückel resonance energies per relates with the aromaticity of a series of five-
π electron broke down when heteroaromatic com- membered heterocycles, as measured by the magnetic
pounds were included, as was confirmed by a related susceptibility exaltation. They, however, introduced
study by Bean. Calculation of the hardness, however, the change of the molecular valence when the num-
using a chemical approximation containing molecular ber of electrons in the system is increased as a new
1842 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

index of aromaticity, free from the choice of a refer- where

ence structure.334
As stated in section IV.A, a relationship was shown 1 1|3F|2
to exist between the global softness and the polariz- D) ∑ i 8 F
2 i
|3ψ |2
- (314)
ability. Since softness, in turn, is inversely related
to hardness, which measures aromaticity, a relation-
ship between aromaticity and polarizability can also
be expected. Lazeretti and Tossell proposed to use 3
the average polarizability of the system as an indica- Dh ) (3π2)2/3F5/3 (315)
tor of aromaticity.637 The π contribution to the in-
plane polarizability, divided by the number of en- In previous works, it has been shown that this
docyclic bonds, was put forward by Bulgarevich as a function, developed by Savin, Silvi, and co-workers,
measure of aromaticity.638 The same author also can be interpreted as a local measure of the Pauli
proposed to use the ratio of the longitudinal polar- repulsion between the electrons as a result of the
izability of the formal single and double bonds in the exclusion principle.653,654 This function, moreover,
Lewis structure of the compound.638 Archibong and allows the definition of molecular regions of basins
Thakkar suggest using the excess of in-plane polar- that can be associated with different electron pairs.
izability over out-of-plane polarizability,639,640 whereas Chesnut and Bartolloti discovered that the basin
Millifiori and Alparone put forward the exaltation of populations of the formal single bonds in these
the molecular dipole polarizability over mean polar- compounds correlated very well with the homo-
izability, determined using atomic or group polariz- nuclear homodesmotic stabilization energies. As stated
abilities.641 Katritzky et al. concluded, on the basis in section III.B.4, the local hardness is related to the
of statistical analysis, that the polarizability as a molecular electrostatic potential. Since the global
measure of aromaticity captures a mixture of clas- hardness is claimed to be a measure of aromaticity,
sical and magnetic aromaticity.642 one can suppose that the local hardness through the
Next to the hardness, several other DFT-based electrostatic potential is so, too. Murray, Seminario,
concepts have been involved in the determination of and Politzer have used the ratio of the electrostatic
the aromaticity of compounds. The topological fea- potential minimum along a CC double bond and the
tures of the central quantity of DFT, the electron minimum in ethylene to probe the aromaticity.649
density,68 have been used in many studies to quantify Suresh and Gadre655 have revisited Clar’s aromatic
aromaticity. A detailed account can be found in ref sextet rule656,657 using the electrostatic potential
468. For a series of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, topography for a series of cyclic polybenzenoid hy-
Howard and Krygowski correlated the electron den- drocarbons. The electrostatic potential topography
sity, the Laplacian of the density, and the ellipticity was shown to provide insight into the aromaticity of
of the charge density at the ring critical points with these compounds: the average values of the electro-
the aromaticity,643 as measured by their harmonic static potential at the individual rings and for the
oscillator model of aromaticity (HOMA) index,644-646 whole molecule were shown to correlate with the local
on the basis of geometric arguments. Moreover, the aromaticity values reported by Li and Jiang658 and
topological features of the π electron density were the hardness values reported by Parr and Zhou,468
found to correlate almost equally well with HOMA respectively.
and the nucleus-independent chemical shifts (NICS), It is thus clear that many DFT-based chemical
introduced by Schleyer et al.647 concepts can play an important role in probing the
This feature also emerges from a recent report by aromaticity of compounds. This adds up to the
Van Lier, De Proft, Fowler, and Geerlings, where powerful density functionals developed in the past
local and global aromaticity patterns in cylindrical 15 years, making high-quality predictions of more
fullerenes, obtained by extending C60 along the C5, classical aromaticity criterea, based on magnetic,
C3, and C2 axes, were investigated. For the (5,5), (9,0), energetic, and geometric properties, accessible.
and (8,2) series, structures were examined that
varied in size between C70 and C152.648 C. Reactivity
Next to the electron density itself, some properties 1. Introduction
related to it have also been used to probe the
aromaticity. Murray, Abu-Awwad, and Politzer used Chemists prefer to describe reactions in terms of
the average local ionization energy and the electro- the properties of isolated systems, chosen to yield
static potential on the molecular surface for a series information on the behavior of a given reactant under
of polyaromatic hydrocarbons.649,650 Chesnut and perturbation by another reactant. In the literature,
Bartolotti651 described the aromaticity of a series of these reactivity descriptors or response functions (cf.
substituted five-membered cyclopentatienyl com- Scheme 4) are mostly used to describe the onset of
pounds using the electron localization function (ELF), the reactions (kinetics), although they also often are
which is defined for a single-determinant Hartree- invoked when exploring thermodynamic aspects (sta-
Fock or Kohn-Sham wave function as652-654 bility).
The studies reported in this section are all, to some
1 extent, based on the use of the HSAB principle (cf.
ELF ) (313) section III.C.2). However, it is not evident that both
1 + (D/Dh)2 thermodynamically and kinetically controlled reac-
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1843

tions can be described by using one and the same set

of reactivity descriptors.
If we look, for instance, at the general form of an
acid-base reaction between two reactants A and B,
involved in the formation of a transition state

A + B f (A-B)* f products
the rate constant, k, can be calculated from the
energy of A, B, and (A-B)*, i.e., the activation
energy. The reactivity descriptors, introduced earlier,
describe some characteristics of the isolated reac-
tants. This implies that they are relevant only with
respect to the initial interaction between the acid and Figure 13. Addition-elimination energy profile of an
the base. This type of information can be related to electrophilic aromatic substitution.
the reactivity only if the transition state still shows
a high resemblance to the reactants; in other words, Scheme 6. Reaction Mechanism of Electrophilic
Aromatic Substitution for Which the Reaction
the reactants are responsible for only a relatively Profile Is Shown in Figure 13
small perturbation of one another. Such a reaction
is said to have an early transition state. No informa-
tion whatsoever about the reaction products is used.
This implies that the reactivity indices primarily
describe kinetically controlled reactions.659,660 When
this is not the case, one could argue that not enough
information is encapsulated in the earlier introduced
reactivity descriptors to describe deterministically the
transformation from reactants to products.
On the other hand, it can be argued that there may
be a correlation between the rate constant of a
reaction (kinetic property) and the equilibrium con-
stant (thermodynamic property). This correlation can
be rationalized in the following way. The rate of a
reaction is a function of the energy of the transition
state: the more stable the transition state, the lower
the activation energy and the faster the reaction. As,
for a series of similar reactions, the ratio of the
energy necessary to reach a particular (but common)
point on the respective reaction path curves is
proportional to the ratio of the activation energies, a molecules can be involved in different kinds of
lower activation energy automatically implies stabler interactions, hard-hard interaction as well as soft-
products. This is known as the noncrossing rule.461 soft interaction, depending on the characteristics of
The reactivity descriptors thus can be expected to the reaction partner (vide infra). Klopman et al.661
provide some information about the thermodynamic made this distinction between interactions of a
aspects for a series of similar reactions, again as long substrate with hard and with soft electrophiles. It
as the transition state is reactant-like. was shown that the reaction potential map (RPM) of
Once the applicability of the reactivity descriptors SCN- with a hard electrophile differs only slightly
is established, a second consideration has to be made. from the MEP. If a comparison is made between the
The HSAB principle is based on the distinction RPM of SCN- with a soft electrophile and the Fukui
between hard-hard interaction and soft-soft inter- function f - for SCN-, an overall agreement is ob-
action.460,461 Considering the original classification of served. In other cases, both types of interactions can
the acids and bases on the basis of properties such play a role in one and the same reaction. A nice
as the polarizability and the charge, the hard-hard example of this can be found in the electrophilic
interaction can be expected to be electrostatic in aromatic substitution on monosubstituted benzenes.
nature, whereas the soft-soft interaction is primarily This reaction “has a special significance in being the
covalent in nature. This is completely in line with area where much of organic reaction mechanism
the close relationships between the molecular elec- theory, and in particular the electronic effects of
trostatic potential and the hardness, and between the substituents, was developed”.662 The most common
frontier molecular orbitals characteristics and the reaction scheme for this reaction involves an addition
softness, discussed in sections III.B.2, III.B.3, and followed by an elimination (Scheme 6), for which the
III.B.4. reaction profile is schematized in Figure 13.
It was demonstrated, for example, in the ABEEM In the first step of the reaction, a nonspecific
study by Zhang and Yang417 reported above, and in coordination between the two reactants, known as a
the landmark paper by Lee, Yang, and Parr199 in π complex, occurs. This type of complex, in which the
which the Fukui function was introduced, that some coordination partner of the π system is often a cation,
1844 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Table 3. Condensed Fukui Functions fC-, fC-(π), and fC-(σ) for PhX for Ortho, Meta, and Para Positionsa
fC- fC-(π) fC-(σ)
X ortho meta para ortho meta para ortho meta para
F 0.0472 0.0260 0.0926 0.1088 0.0895 0.2641 -0.0616 -0.0635 -0.1715
NH2 0.0713 -0.0012 0.0715 0.0137 0.0213 0.1827 -0.0654 -0.0225 -0.1112
OH 0.0580 0.0189 0.0797 0.1213 0.0744 0.2185 -0.0634 -0.0555 -0.1389
O- 0.1232 -0.0294 0.1070 0.2147 -0.0185 0.2621 -0.0914 -0.0109 -0.1552
CHCH2 0.0464 0.0145 0.0614 0.1019 0.0532 0.1726 -0.0555 -0.0387 -0.1113
CHO 0.0753 0.1033 -0.0289 0.2069 0.2908 -0.0611 -0.1316 -0.1875 0.0322
CN 0.0403 0.0211 0.1003 0.0875 0.0784 0.2832 -0.0472 -0.0573 -0.1829
NO2 0.1003 0.0910 -0.0146 0.2483 0.2606 -0.0374 -0.1480 -0.1696 0.0228
NH3+ 0.0310 0.0431 0.1494 0.0499 0.1329 0.4036 -0.0189 -0.0899 -0.2542
Data from ref 203. All values are in au.

is very often described in terms of electrostatics,663 the substituted benzenes. The negative values of
which allows us to expect a nice correlation between fC-(σ) indicate that it is very unlikely for an electro-
the reactivity of these aromatic systems and some philic attack to take place in the molecular plane of
hardness-related descriptors (vide infra). In a second the substituted benzenes.
step, a σ complex (Wheland intermediate) that con- Focusing on fC-(π), which is expected to be a better
tains some information about the actual bonds that indicator of the reactivity in this case, as it refers to
will be formed can be distinguished. As this interac- the π system, known to be of primary interest in SE
tion involves the initial part of the formation of at aromatic systems, this descriptor gives rise to
covalent bonds, a correlation with the softness- practically the same results as fC-. Only in the case
related quantities can be expected. This descriptor of nitrobenzene is an actual improvement of the
will thus be very useful in rationalizing and predict- results observed. A fine example of the quality of the
ing site selectivity (vide infra). In combination with “condensed” Fukui function as a reactivity index is
the well-known fact that the vast majority of elec- the ability to predict an increase of the ortho/para
trophilic aromatic substitution reactions proceed ratio when going from phenol to the phenoxide ion.
under kinetic control,664 the HSAB-related descrip-
As an example of the local Fukui function, the
tors can be expected to give a complete description
contour plot of f - for PhCHO is given in a plane
of both the rate- and product-determining step in this
perpendicular to the molecular plane. We will discuss
this result in some detail to demonstrate the way
2. Comparison of Intramolecular Reactivity Sequences these functions should be interpreted. According to
f -, it is very unlikely for an electrophilic attack to
In this section, we present an overview of different take place at the para position, due to the negative
studies of intramolecular reactivity sequences using values in this area. For the ortho and meta positions,
the Fukui function, in its integrated and noninte- the positive values of f - in these areas indicate a
grated forms, and some approximations to the local higher probability for an electrophilic attack. Here
hardness. Note that this approach is completely the meta position is favored, not only because con-
equivalent to the case of the local softness in view of tours of the same value are more extended at the
eq 112, the softness S being a global molecular meta site, but also because contours with higher
quantity. We start from electrophilic reactions on values are present.
substituted aromatic systems (monosubstituted ben- Here we also encounter a nice example of a case
zenes, substituted anilines and phenols) and then where the HOMO density is not a good approxima-
study ambident nucleophiles (enolates) and pass via tion of the Fukui function f -. This is easily seen when
nucleophilic additions at R,β-unsaturated ketones, comparing the contour plots of the Fukui function
nitriles, benzynes, hetarynes, and fullerenes to radial (Figure 14) and the HOMO density (Figure 15),
reactions and finally to concerted reactions of the where the typical picture for a benzene substituted
Diels-Alder and 1,3 dipolar addition types. with a conjugated and electron-withdrawing group
a. Electrophilic Reactions. The study of the is obtained.665 The reactivity at the para position is
directing abilities of substituents in electrophilic clearly overestimated, while the reactivity at the
substitutions on monosubstituted benzenes203 were ortho position is underestimated. In general, it was
mentioned in the introduction to this section. Here, found, as expected, that in all cases where the HOMO
the reactivity descriptors for an electrophilic attack density correctly reproduces the reactivity sequence,
were used. the Fukui function f - also does. Concentrating on
In Table 3, the values of the condensed Fukui those cases where the HOMO density fails, only for
function fC- and its σ and π components (based on nitrobenzene was an improvement of the results
the Mulliken population analysis) for the ortho, meta, obtained when considering the (HOMO - 1) density
and para positions of the above-mentioned systems as well. It seems that the HOMO density is a
are listed. These components still incorporate some relatively poor approximation to f -, as opposed to
spatial information, as they are only semicondensed. earlier formulated arguments (ref 207 and section
The overall positive values of fC-(π) indicate high III.B.3).
reactivity at the given atom for an electrophilic attack Comparing the noncondensed Fukui function f -
in the plane perpendicular to the molecular plane of with the MEP, both reactivity indices are found to
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1845

In the context of the reaction of an electrophile with

an aromatic system, in-depth studies of aniline were
also reported.256,270,666 They are concerned with the
use of DFT-based reactivity descriptors in the study
of basicity, i.e., the site of protonation. In solution, it
has been well established that the protonation occurs
on the nitrogen atom, since this protonated form is
much better stabilized by solvatation than when the
protonation occurs on one of the ring carbons.667 In
the gas phase, however, the favored site of protona-
tion has been a matter of debate. Early experimental
studies suggest that the most energetically feasible
site for protonation is the ring carbon. On the basis
of a correlation of the proton affinities of a series of
Figure 14. Contour plot of the Fukui function f - for Ph- substituted anilines with N 1s electron ionization
CHO in the plane shown at the top of the figure. Contour energies, Pollack et al.,668 however, concluded that
values (au): bold line, 0; negative values, decreasing from
0 with a contour interval of 0.002; positive values, increas- the protonation occurs on N. This result was con-
ing from 0 with a contour interval of 0.002. Reprinted with firmed by mass spectroscopic studies involving col-
permission from ref 203. Copyright 1991 Elsevier Science. lision-activated dissociation of partially deuterated
aniline ions. Karpas, Berant, and Stimac,669 using the
ion mobility/mass spectroscopy technique, showed
that the protonation at atmospheric pressure of
aniline yields two isomers, the N and ring-protonated
compounds. Smith et al.670 showed, however, that the
kinetically favored site for protonation is N. As can
be seen from this short status report concerning
experimental conclusions on the preferred site of
protonation of aniline, the situation is less clear in
the gas phase. This topic thus provides an ideal
Figure 15. Contour plot of the HOMO density for Ph- playground for theoretical studies. Minimal basis set
CHO in the same plane as shown in Figure 14. Contour
values (au): increasing from 0.004 with a contour interval Hartree-Fock and semiempirical calculations have
of 0.004. Reprinted with permission from ref 203. Copyright shown that aniline is a nitrogen base, the energy
1991 Elsevier Science. difference between the N and ring-carbon-protonated
forms being 1-3 kcal/mol. Sjoberg, Murray, Brinck,
give satisfactory results in about six out of nine cases, and Politzer671 used the average local ionization
of which only three are common. This is an indication energy (eq 296) to study this problem. They found
of some complementarity, which could be explained that the para ring carbon is the site that is most
within the framework of the HSAB theory, as was reactive toward electrophiles. Ritchie,672 however,
done in the Introduction: on one side the hard-hard showed that the absolute minimum in the molecular
interaction, which indicates that the reaction is electrostatic potential of the molecule is found near
primarily charge controlled, and on the other side the the N atom. DFT-based reactivity criteria and de-
soft-soft interaction, which indicates that the reac- scriptors were used for the first time in the problem
tion is primarily orbital controlled. The relationship by Roy, De Proft, and Geerlings.270 In this work,
between the MEP and a descriptor of especially the aniline was investigated together with meta- and
hard-hard interactions was investigated in a follow- para-substituted anilines, the substituents being F,
up study,285 concentrating on alternatives to local Cl, OCH3, and CH3. On the basis of the use of the
hardness (section III.B.4). Here, five different expres- quantity s-/s+, termed the relative nucleophilicity (cf.
sions for hardness-related descriptors were explored. section III.B.3), they concluded that the preferred site
All these descriptors contained the electronic part of of protonation is the N. These systems were revisited
the molecular electrostatic potential and were divided in two subsequent papers dealing with the non-
into two groups: two descriptors for the local hard- negativity of the Fukui function indices. Fuentealba,
ness and three describing the hardness density. The Perez, and Contreras256 used an alternative method
local-hardness-type descriptors seem to generate a to calculate the condensed Fukui function and proved
very poor intramolecular reactivity sequence, as the that the electrophilic Fukui function exhibits the
reactivity decreases in all cases with the distance to correct selectivity for the site of protonation in
the substituent. The sequences generated by the aniline. Russo, Toscano, Grand, and Mineva666 per-
other hardness-related quantities are in agreement formed proton affinity calculations on aniline at the
with those obtained for the Fukui function and local B3LYP, BP, MP4, and G2(MP2) levels of theory. They
softness, a result one could expect, as they all concluded that the nitrogen and para ring carbon are,
incorporate a factor describing the influence of the indeed, the thermodynamically most favorable pro-
change of the electron density due to a change in the tonation sites. The DFT methods and MP4 all point
number of electrons. This, however, is not the result to the para carbon as the most preferred protonation
one would expect for a quantity that is the counter- site, whereas, at the G2(MP2) level, protonation on
part of the local softness. N occurs, the energy difference from the protonation
1846 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

at the para carbon being only 0.7 kcal/mol. The Damoun, Van De Woude, Choho, and Geerlings456
orbital Fukui function indices, associated with the have investigated the influence of the alkylating
hardest orbitals, all point to the para carbon as the reagent’s softness on the regioselectivity of enolate
preferred site of protonation, and they do not un- alkylation using a local HSAB study. Moreover, the
equivocally resolve the problem. However, the abso- influence of the solvent was studied using the SCI-
lute hardness values of the protonated forms do not PCM model. The energy difference between the
follow the principle of maximum hardness. reaction energy for C and O alkylation, ∆EC and ∆EO,
A study comparable to the aniline protonation was derived to be
problem was recently published by Nguyen and co-
workers on the protonation of halogenated phenols ∆(∆E) ) ∆EC - ∆EO )
and anisols.673 sA,C - sA,O
These authors also concentrated on the regioselec- [-(µA - µB)2S2B + λ) (317)
tivity in the hydration reactions to carbon suboxide (sA,C + SB)(sA,O + SB)
(OdCdCdCdO) and ketene (CH2dCdO); the pref-
erential reaction mechanism could be rationalized in where sA,C and sA,O are the local softness values of C
terms of Fukui functions for both nucleophilic and and O in the enolate, SB is the softness of the
electrophilic attack.674,675 alkylating agent, and µA and µB are the chemical
Very recently, in a very promising approach by potentials of the two reacting molecules. The value
Clark, Ellis, and Snurr, the nature of the attacking of λ (eq 274) was set to 0.5, as suggested previously
electrophile has been introduced by considering the by Gazquez and Mendez.443 For a given combination
overlap integral of the Fukui functions of both of sA,C and sA,O, and with the knowledge that the
reactants.676 In the case study on the electrophilic carbon atom is always the softest atom in the enolate,
substitution on toluene, aniline, anisole, phenol, the first term always favors C alkylation. The second
chlorobenzene, and nitrobenzene, the integral term, however, favors a reaction at the oxygen atom.
When the magnitude of both of the terms is investi-
IAB ) ∫fA-(r) fB+(r) dr (316) gated, however, it can be seen that the second term
is predominant, essentially due to the smallness of
(where A is an aromatic and B is an electrophile) was the chemical potential difference.456 However, upon
evaluated with B ) methyl. (Note the difference with increasing softness of the alkylating reagent SB, C
the corresponding overlap integral occurring in mo- alkylation becomes less and less disfavored. This
lecular similarity indices, where both Fukui functions study is an example of a reactivity study conducted
are of the same type (+/+ or -/-).) Using isolated at the local-global level of the HSAB principle.
equilibrium geometry FF, the method makes it pos- The influence of solvent effects (in this case, all the
- experiments were performed in HMPT) was studied
sible to look for configurations where high faromatic
+ using the self-consistent isodensity polarized con-
and high felectrophile regions overlap, giving rise to a
strong tendency to transfer electrons from the nu- tinuum model (SCI-PM). This model was also used
cleophile to the electrophile. In a second part of the successfully in the study of solvent effects on group
same study, electrophiles of varying bulkiness (meth- properties (section III.B.8). The results indicated a
yl, ethyl, isopropyl, tert-butyl) were investigated in steady increase in the softness when passing from
their electrophilic attack on toluene. Not only induc- the gas phase to the solution phase, the effect being
tive and mesomeric but also steric effects were more pronounced for larger  values. In the case of
thereby successfully probed. Maximum Fukui overlap HMPT, with an  value of 29.6, which is rather small
configurations, moreover, can be viewed as a first compared to that of water (78.39), the effects were
approximation in the search for transition states. expected and were shown not to be large. Thus, the
b. Ambident Nucleophiles. The enolate ions are overall results for ∆E were found to be qualitatively
very important ambident nucleophiles.677 They can the same for the gas phase and the solution phase.
undergo electrophilic reactions at two different yet Contreras et al.371 used a slightly different ap-
connected sites: at the carbon atom in the R position proach in their study of the reactivity of the acetal-
and at the oxygen atom. The intramolecular reactiv- dehyde enolate. They used a nonlocal (pair site)
ity sequence or site selectivity of this reaction de- reactivity scheme in which a change of variables is
pends on various factors,678 such as the type of introduced using the local softness and the derivative
substituents, the electrophile, and the solvent. When of the local softness with respect to N at fixed
considering these factors, which influence the site external potential. This leads to a variation of the
selectivity, the kinetic control of the reaction should Fukui function at site k which can be expressed in
be taken into account. Indeed, the ratio of the terms of a local contribution that is proportional to
products is determined by the ratio of the reaction a change in the external potential due to the presence
rates. This makes these reactions extremely well of the reaction partner, and a nonlocal term ex-
suited for a study with DFT-based reactivity descrip- pressed in terms of a change in the electronic chemi-
tors (see also section IV.A). Enolate reactivity has, cal potential that accounts for the charge transfer
indeed, been the center of many studies employing involved in the reaction. The first factor they con-
DFT-based reactivity descriptors and principles. In sidered in the alkylation reaction of the enolate was
these studies, the HSAB principle plays an important the nature of the electrophile. Two extreme cases
role. Reutov et al.679 have stressed the importance of were considered: an infinitely hard electrophile,
the softness of the alkylating agent in these reactions. modeled by means of a point charge, and a soft
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1847

electrophile, simulated by means of a ghost atom

carrying a fractional nuclear charge.
Incorporation of solvent effects in this framework,
using a continuum approach to the surrounding
medium, led to some very interesting results. In the
gas phase, the reaction of enolate ions with methyl
chloride is known to yield methyl vinyl ethers, the
result of an O attack, in contrast to the reaction in a
polar solvent, in which the main product corresponds Figure 16. Elimination-addition or benzyne mechanism
with a C attack. Contreras et al.373 used an  value for the aromatic nucleophilic substitution. Reprinted with
of 80 to simulate water polarity. They were able to permission from ref 684. Copyright 1998 American Chemi-
demonstrate qualitatively that the reactivity of the cal Society.
O site decreases due to the presence of a solvent
effect. In the case of a highly polar solvent, these
effects can be rather large, probably large enough to
change the intramolecular reactivity sequence.
c. Nucleophilic Additions. One of the first reac-
tions studied systematically using DFT-based reac-
tivity descriptors involved nucleophilic attack on R,β- Figure 17. Regioselectivity for a nucleophilic attack in the
unsaturated compounds (aldehydes, ketones, ni- 3- and 4-fluorobenzynes and 4,5-didehydropyrimidine.
triles).204 For acrolein, acrylonitrile, methylacrylate, Reprinted with permission from ref 684. Copyright 1998
and methyl methacrylate, the Fukui function f + was American Chemical Society.
used in its condensed and noncondensed forms to
examine the site selectivity for a nucleophilic attack as they form a real challenge for a reactivity study.
on activated double bonds. In all cases, both types of The 4,5-didehydropyrimidine undergoes preferential
the Fukui function predicted a higher reactivity at nucleophilic attack at the 4- rather than the 5-posi-
the β position than at the R position, in perfect tion, as was experimentally found by Promel.683 In
agreement with experimental results680 and ab initio comparison with the substituted benzynes, a higher
transition-state calculations.681 In the case of ac- regioselectivity was found (meta/ortho ratio varying
rolein, the additional possibility of a carbonyl addi- from 16:1 to 100:1 for 3-fluorobenzyne, para/meta
tion was investigated. Experimentally, the conjugate ratio varying from 1:1 to 2:1 for 4-fluorobenzyne, and
addition (β position) leads to a stabler product, the absence of a 5-substituted product for the
whereas the carbonyl addition is much faster. As hetarynes), yielding the general regioselectivity se-
these reactivity descriptors are better suited for quence shown in Figure 17.
kinetically controlled reactions, one can expect the The reactivity of the hetaryne was investigated
Fukui function to predict a higher reactivity at the using the Fukui function f + at the HF/3-21G*
carbonyl carbon. This was exactly the result of the level, which was found to give a correct description
reported study. Furthermore, the conformational of the intramolecular reactivity sequence. This result
dependence of the trend in the site selectivity in the was confirmed at the DFT level by means of a
case of acrolein (s-cis-acrolein compared to s-trans- B3LYP/cc-pVDZ calculation [fC+4(tot) ) 0.01902 and
acrolein) was reproduced. fC+5(tot) ) -0.08736].684 Considering the σ and π
A study by Nguyen and co-workers on the hydra- components of the condensed Fukui function, it
tion of isocyanate (HsNdCdO) and ketene used immediately becomes clear that the nucleophilic
similar techniques, f + pointing out that the nucleo- attack will take place in the σ plane (positive values
philic attack is likely to happen at the central carbon for the σ component) and not perpendicular to this
atom, the N position being clearly favored for elec- plane (negative values for the π component). Fur-
trophilic attack.682 thermore, the σ component was found to predict a
reaction at the correct position in all cases. Moreover,
A second example of the quality of the Fukui the increase in regioselectivity when going from
function as a reactivity descriptor for regioselectivity 4-fluorobenzyne to 3-fluorobenzyne was also de-
in a nucleophilic reaction can be found in the study scribed correctly.
of a less common reaction mechanism involving more The condensed local softness, sk+, or condensed
exotic reactants. We are referring to the benzyne Fukui function, fk+, was also used as a descriptor of
mechanism for the aromatic nucleophilic substitu- the regioselectivity of a series of fullerenes (from C24
tion205 (Figure 16). This is an elimination-addition to C76) toward a nucleophilic attack.685 In general, the
reaction, which is much less common than the results, which are in agreement with experimental
addition-elimination reaction. data, can be interpreted in terms of a pyramidaliza-
Here, the attention was focused on the addition tion angle effect, soft-hard alternations, and softness
reaction in the second step of this mechanism, i.e., delocalization.
the reaction of a nucleophile with the triple bond in Until now (with the exception of ref 686), only those
unsymmetrically substituted benzynes (e.g., o-dide- intramolecular reactivity studies were discussed, in
hydrobenzene or o-benzyne). The systems considered which only the characteristics of one isolated mol-
are 3- and 4-fluorobenzynes and 4,5-didehydropyri- ecule are considered. The next step in this kind of
midine. These reactive intermediates are interesting, studies is the actual application of the HSAB prin-
1848 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

ciple, taking into account some characteristics of both Scheme 7. Regioselectivity in Diels-Alder
reaction partners at various resolutions. Reactions
One example of this was, in fact, described in the
section regarding the molecular properties. In the
study reported by Zhang and Yang,417 some form of
local-global softness matching of isolated molecules
was used in the study of maleic anhydride and
β-propiolactone in interaction with different nucleo-
philes. In this study, an intuitive approach was used
to check softness matching between two isolated
reaction partners.
d. Radicalar Reactions. The softness-matching
approach was also used in a study of free radical
addition to olefins reported by Chandra and Nguy-
sidered. These R and R′ groups were chosen in such
en.253 They considered the addition of the CH3 and
a way that, in most cases, a normal electronic
CF3 radicals to a series of olefins H2CdCHX, where
demand reaction type was ensured, the dienophile
X determines the behavior of an attacking methyl
being the electrophilic partner and the diene the
radical in the reaction: for X ) H, F, NH2, CH3, SiH3,
nucleophilic one. To look for a simultaneous fulfill-
and OH, the methyl radical plays the role of an
ment of the local HSAB principle at both termini, the
electron acceptor, and for X ) NO2, CN, and CHO, it
following local softness similarly indicators were
acts as a weak donor.686 In addition to these substit-
uents, Cl and CF3 were also considered. Generally,
the radical attack will occur at the less substituted
Sortho ) (s- + 2 - + 2
1 - s1′) + (s4 - s2′)
carbon of the olefin. There are, however, a few (318)
exceptions. One is found in the case of F2CdCHF,
Smeta ) (s- + 2 - + 2
1 - s2′) + (s4 - s1′)
where the CF3 radical will follow this rule, whereas
the methyl radical will attack on the difluorinated In almost all of the 48 ()8 × 6) cases studied,
carbon. In all cases, the softness of the less substi- corresponding to all R and R′ combinations, Sortho is
tuted carbon was calculated to be higher, indicating always smaller than Smeta. The presence of the CN
a higher reactivity, in agreement with the experi- substituent in the diene or the dienophile led to some
mental findings. Furthermore, it was found that, in discrepancies, which could be easily explained, as the
all cases, the softness value of the less substituted DFT-related reactivity parameter for the CN group
carbon was closer to the softness of the carbon of the shows a high sensitivity to correlation effects (not
radical. The only failure of this approach was ob- taken into account in this study).
served in the case of a radical reaction between the
methyl radical and F2CdCHF, where, in contrast Furthermore, in almost all cases, the s- +
4 - s2′ term
with experimental observations, the less substituted was the smallest of the four quadratic forms in eq
carbon was also found to be more reactive. This 318. This result suggests that the C4-C2 bond forms
failure was attributed to strong electronic reorgani- faster than the C1-C1′ bond. The asynchronicity in
zation in the supermolecule which is not accounted the mechanism suggested on this basis is confirmed
for in the isolated molecule approach. by Houk’s transition-state calculations,688 wherein all
cases with R, R′ * H asymmetric transition states
The following studies actually use a more quanti- were found with the C4-C2′ distance being invariably
tative approach to investigate the compatibility of the shorter than C1-C1′.
partners. Ponti and Molteni689 recently investigated the
e. Concerted Reactions. In the study of regiose- modest regioselectivity of 1,3 dipolar cycloadditions
lectivity in Diels-Alder reactions, a local-local soft- of nitrilimines to methyl propiolate. They directly
ness-matching approach was used.446 The regioselec- confronted changes in the grand potential ∆Ω, and
tivity in this well-known reaction cannot be explained related differences in ∆Ω, δ∆Ω, for the two regioiso-
solely in terms of the electronic effect of different mers successfully to experimentally determined ac-
substituents; replacement of an electron-donating tivation energy differences (estimated from the re-
substituent by an electron-withdrawing one does not gioisomer ratio). δ∆Ω was found to be proportional
always alter the regioselectivity.687 to the difference in transition-state energies.
So, knowledge of the inductive and mesomeric Nguyen, Chandra, and (partly) the present authors
effects does not provide us with the necessary tools further explored regiochemical aspects of the cycload-
to explain the predominance of the ortho regioisomers dition of 1,3 dipoles and dipolarophiles in the case of
over the meta regioisomers in the cycloaddition of phosphorus-containing dipolarophiles,504,690 and in
1-substituted dienes and asymmetrical dienophiles.687 the case of thionitroso compounds (RsNdS) as di-
In the double local-local softness-matching ap- polarophiles (on fulminic acid and HsCtN+sO- and
proach, the resemblence of the termini combinations azides),503 with nitrous oxide (N2O) as the 1,3 dipole,
1-1′ and 4-2′, yielding the ortho regioisomer, as reacting with alkynes,691 azides, and substituted
compared to the 1-2′ and 4-1′ combinations, yield- ethylenes.692
ing the meta regioisomer, was considered (Scheme A local-global approach to the interaction energy
7). Eight different substituents for the diene and six applied to the problem of regioselectivity of alkylation
different substituents for the dienophile were con- of enolate ambidents, is discussed in detail in the
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1849

Scheme 8. Regioselectivity in the Cycloadditions Table 5. Local-Global Analysis of the Energetics of

of Benzonitrile Oxide the BNO + 1 Reactiona
nucleophilic electrophilic
attack at atom attack at atom
C-1 O-3 C-1 O-3
BNO local/ ∆Eν 0.02 -1.88 -3.20 -3.74
1 global ∆Eµ -451.64 -381.56 -333.03 -313.12
C-1 C-2 C-1 C-2
Table 4. Properties Needed in the Evaluation of the
Energetics of the BNO + 1 Reactiona BNO global/ ∆Eν -0.40 -0.76 0.87 0.44
1 local ∆Eµ -406.69 -443.95 -447.48 -433.66
property type BNO 1 a
Data from ref 457. All values are in kJ mol-1.
global µ (eV) -3.022 -4.563
η (eV) 4.339 4.647
S (eV-1) 0.115 0.107 results, we see that the maximum interaction will
local Fukui function f + C-1, -0.0016 C-1, 0.0344 preferentially occur between C1 from BNO and C1
O-3, 0.1690 C-2, -0.0592
f- C-1, 0.3292 C-1, -0.0672 from 1.
O-3, 0.4093 C-2, -0.0351 f. Medicinal Chemistry: An Outlook. To con-
clude this section, we mention an interesting study
Data from ref 457.
by Rice and co-workers which broadens the scope of
the use of Fukui functions and local softness from
section on intermolecular reactivity (section IV.C.3- organic and biomolecules to medicinal chemistry as
b). In the current section, we focus on a final type of such.694 They studied, via f -(r) and s -(r), the regional
application of the HSAB principle: the “double” reactivity (in contrast to the study of (global) activity
local-global study of the interaction energy. The case discussed in section IV.B.1 and ref 188) of the two
presented here involves the cycloadditions of ben- retroviral zinc fingers of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid p7
zonitrile oxide (BNO) to obtain isoxazolines, as (NCp7) protein, representing antiviral targets.
studied by Jimenez693 (Scheme 8). It is an example By inspection of the Fukui function on the solvent-
of a 1,3 dipolar reaction involving the addition of 1,3 accessible surface of the Zn fingers, it is possible to
dipolar compounds to double bonds (dipolarophiles). discern a reactivity sequence between the two re-
The regioselectivity of this type of reaction has not gions; in fact, the information considered is the sum
been satisfactorily rationalized by FMO theory. It of the thiolate Fukui indices.
turns out that, for the acetyl derivatives of vinyl The regions of both Zn fingers prove that the Cys
p-nitrobenzoate 1 as dipolarophiles, exclusively the thiolates are dominant in the reactivity profile of
NCp7. The reactive sites of finger 2 form a more
contiguous reactive surface in comparison with finger
1, where they appear more isolated. On the basis of
the sum of the thiolate Fukui indices, the reactivity
of finger 2 was predicted to be greater than that of
finger 1. The thiolate of Cys 49 in the carboxyl
terminal finger 2 turns out to be the most susceptible
regioisomer involving C1 of the dipolarophile and C1 to electrophilic attack, providing a rationale for
of the BNO is formed. A HSAB analysis of the experimental evidence for antiviral agents that se-
reaction of 1 with BNO was performed at the HF lectively target retroviral nucleocapsid protein Zn
6-31G** level by Mendez, Tamariz, and Geerlings.457 fingers.
Starting with a local viewpoint, concentrating on
the carbon and oxygen atoms for BNO, and a global 3. Comparison of Intermolecular Reactivity Sequences
viewpoint for 1, the local-global viewpoint was a. General Considerations. In this section, the
+ +
adopted first. Therefore, fC-1 and fO-3 (nucleophilic use of DFT-based descriptors in the study of inter-
attack) were calculated. molecular reactivity sequences will be studied. In
Table 4 shows that the reaction is favored when 1 general, the observed trends will result from two
undertakes a nucleophilic attack at the C1 atom, principles: the hard and soft acids and bases prin-
which is thus the electrophilic center in BNO. The ciple, favoring the combination of a soft species with
nucleophilic center in 1 is not known at this time, as another soft species and of a hard species with
1 is described using only global quantities in this another hard species, and the principle of maximum
approach. hardness.
Taking now the local viewpoint for 1 and the global Toro-Labbé investigated the consistency between
viewpoint for BNO, the focus is on the C1 and C2 the principle of maximum hardness and the Ham-
atoms of 1. Table 5 shows that, again, ∆Eµ dominates mond postulate.695 Both Hammond and anti-Ham-
and that the most important interaction occurs when mond reactions were found to support the MHP. In
BNO undertakes an electrophilic attack at C1 of 1. the former case, the hardest species among the
Even though the Fukui function for C1 is negative, reactants and products are also the stablest ones.490,696
C1 is the more reactive atom in the molecule. Note One type of reaction where DFT-based local and
that the use of eq 262 yields the result sketched global descriptors and principles have been used
above, as long as λ > 0.2, which is largely fulfilled in exhaustively involves Brønsted acidity and basicity,
view of the discussion in ref 456. Combining these which will be discussed in full detail in the next
1850 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

section. In a recent study,460 Chattaraj, on the basis Scheme 9. Formation of Enolate Intermediates
of ideas proposed previously by Klopman,461 stated upon Aldol Reaction on Unsymmetrical Ketones
that soft-soft interactions are controlled by the
frontier molecular orbitals and that they are pre-
dominantly covalent in nature. It then results that
the preferred site of reaction will correspond with the
maximum value of the Fukui function when intramo-
lecular reactivity is concerned and local softness that further attention be given to the construction
when the intermolecular reactivity sequences are of a global reactivity index R(r), having the form
discussed. Hard-hard interactions, on the other
hand, are charge-controlled and thus are, for a large
part, ionic in nature. The preferred site will thus be
R(r) ) A(r)η(r) + B(r)s(r) (320)
the site that bears the maximum net charge. This
may or may not coincide with the site of a minimal where A(r) and B(r) are distance-dependent factors.
Fukui function, since indeed, locally, the local hard- Roy, Krishnamurti, Geerlings and Pal used both
ness is not necessarily the inverse of the local softness the local softness and local hardness to probe both
(see section III.B.4). A lot of evidence has accumu- the intra- and intermolecular reactivity of a nucleo-
lated in recent years to support these conclusive philic attack on carbonyl compounds.269 From the
statements. local softness values and the newly introduced con-
b. Substitutions, Additions, Eliminations, etc. cepts of relative electrophilicity (s+ -
k /sk ) and relative
- +
In a study on the electrophilic aromatic substitution nucleophilicity (sk /sk ) (cf. section III.B.3) calculated
of monosubstituted benzenes, Langenaeker, Demel, for these compounds, it was concluded that the
and Geerlings found that, although the Fukui func- nucleophilic attack occurs preferentially on the car-
tion performs well in the description of the intramo- bonyl carbon. For the intermolecular reactivity, the
lecular reactivity sequences (i.e., the ortho, meta, and local hardness, as defined in eq 143, was found to
para orientation, described in more detail in section perform the best, in accord with the previously
IV.C.2-a), the local softness performs poorly in the mentioned results and statements made by Lange-
description of the intermolecular reactivity.203 In a naeker et al.285 To get discrete values for this quantity
later contribution,285 it was found that good results that can be compared between different molecules,
were obtained for the intermolecular reactivity se- use was made of the Felkin-Anh model for the
quences when the local hardenesses η̃TFD nucleophilic attack on carbonyl compounds,697-700 and
D (r) (also
put forward by Berkowitz, Ghosh, and Parr288) and values for this quantity were obtained along the so-
η′TFD called Bürgi-Dunitz trajectory;701-703 here, the angle
D (r), given by eq 143 and
Nu--Ccarb-O is taken to be 109°, and the distance

[ ]
el Nu--Ccarb was set to 4 au, in accord with previous
1 ∂V (r) work. In a subsequent paper, Roy, Choho, De Proft,
D (r) ) F(r) (319)
2N ∂N ν and Geerlings studied the reactivity of acetaldehyde
and some aromatic aldehydes toward acid-catalyzed
were used, all based on a Thomas-Fermi-Dirac 18O exchange, using the same set of reactivity de-

density functional. The molecular electrostatic po- scriptors.636 Again, the intermolecular trends could
tential was also found to yield good intermolecular be explained only by using the concept of local
reactivity sequences. These quantities were, however, hardness. Moreover, the observed reactivity trends
shown to perform not as well in the study of the were also investigated using the concept of aroma-
intramolecular reactivity of these compounds. An ticity, leading to the introduction of the intrinsic
explanation for these observations was provided global hardness. To circumvent the intermolecular
using the mechanism of the electrophilic aromatic reactivity problem, and to be able to describe both
substitution, as shown in Figure 13. In a first step, intra- and intermolecular reactivity with the local
which is nonspecific, a complex between the π system softness, Roy et al. applied a new methodology in the
of the aromatic ring and the electrophile is formed. study of the aldol reaction on unsymmetrical ketones,
Since this complex is a donor-acceptor type of where two type of enolate intermediates are produced
complex, its formation can be supposed to be charge upon deprotonation, as can be seen in Scheme 9.704
controlled, so the formation should be described by The nature of the final aldol product will depend
the local hardness. In a second step, however, one on which of the two enolate intermediates formed is
forms a σ complex, the Wheland complex, where the the most reactive toward the incoming aldehyde. The
position of substitution is determined. In this com- authors then constructed a model system, simulta-
plex, a bond is formed, so it can be expected that neously containing the two enolate intermediates, so
orbital interactions are predominant, suggesting that that the intermolecular reactivity problem is reduced
importance should be given to the local softness. A to an intramolecular one, permitting again the use
last step is the dissociation of H+ from the Wheland of the local softness. It was shown that this approach
complex, which can be considered to be fast since the was successful.
aromaticity is restored in this proces. As such, the Intramolecular reaction sequences have also been
first stepsthe formation of the π complexscan be studied in the case of reaction on fullerenes.
considered to be slow, since the initial aromaticity The relationship between fullerene reactivity to-
of the system is lost. In this work, it was finally ward a nucleophile and the curvature at the fullerene
suggested, along the lines of the work of Chattaraj, surface, which reflects the hybridization of the carbon
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1851

Scheme 10. Elimination-Substitution Competition in the Reaction of Para-Substituted Phenolates and

p-Nitrophenyl Bromide

atoms, was investigated by Choho, Langenaeker, Van

De Woude, and Geerlings.685 It was shown, on the
basis of calculations on distorted ethylene molecules,
that the electronic part of the molecular electrostatic
potential is a good descriptor for the reactivity of the
double bond toward a nucleophile. For the molecules
C60, C70, and C76, this quantity, which is related to
local hardness, reproduces both the intra- and inter-
molecular reactivity sequences. A fair correlation was
encountered between the finite difference global
hardnesses and the local hardness of these systems.
In a subsequent paper,705 both local softness and local
hardness were used to describe the regioselectivity Figure 18. Reaction profile for a gas-phase SN2 reaction.
for a nucleophilic attack on the fullerenes C24, C26, Reprinted with permission from ref 368. Copyright 2001
American Chemical Society.
C28, C30, C32, C36, C50, C60, C70, and C76. Also in these
cases, the local hardness of the most reactive carbon from the local-local HSAB principle, it can be
was found to be a good indicator of intermolecular invoked that the most favorable interaction will occur
reactivity sequences. Moreover, the stability of a with the β hydrogen (elimination). This is, indeed,
subset of these fullerenes (C50, C60, C70, and C76) was observed: since both of the β hydrogen atoms in the
discussed using the maximum hardness principle. PNPB are softer than the carbon atom, the phenolate
The absolute hardness, as approximated by the with the highest condensed local softness on the
HOMO-LUMO gap, was found to be the largest for oxygen atom will yield the highest E/SN ratio. One
C60 and C70, confirming that these molecules are the can also explain the E/SN ratio by using a local-
stablest fullerenes.
Mendez, de L. Romero, De Proft, and Geerlings global viewpoint. Since, as said, s+ +
H > sC , the softer
investigated the elimination/substitution ratio in the phenolate will give the higher E/SN ratio. This is also
reaction of para-substituted phenolates with p-nitro- observed. The softer phenolates are those that yield
phenyl bromide (PNPB) (Scheme 10).706 Nucleophilic more elimination products.
substitution is one of the most fundamental and Nucleophilic substitution has been central in other
elementary reaction types in the interconversion of studies using the concepts of DFT. Safi, Choho, and
organic molecules.707 When the nucleophile is a base, Geerlings studied SN2 reactions of the type368
this proces usually cannot be completely disconnected
from another fundamental reaction, elimination. X- + CH3Y f Y- + CH3X
Both reactions are often competing. The influence of
the base on the substitution/elimination ratio is both in the gas phase and in solution using a
usually explained in terms of basicity (the affinity of polarizable continuum model. The cases studied were
the base toward the proton) and nucleophilicity (the those for X- ) F-, H-, OH-, NH2-, HCC-, CN-, I-,
affinity toward, in most cases, a carbon atom). Cl-, Br-, and SH-, and Y- ) F-, Cl-, and Br-. It is
Klopman has suggested that basicity should be well known that, in solution, this reaction proceeds
directly related to the hardness of the base,461 as will in one step, but in aprotic solvents and in the gas
indeed be discussed in section IV.C.3-c. March,356 phase, three steps occur:708,709
however, stated that, since an alkyl substrate is much
softer than the proton, it usually prefers soft nucleo- X- + CH3Y f X-‚‚‚CH3Y f
philes. The correlation, as proposed by Klopman, was
Y-‚‚‚CH3X f Y- + CH3X
indeed shown to be true: the pKa values of the para-
substituted phenolates are, indeed, correlated with
their global hardness. Also, the charge on the oxygen giving rise to the reaction profile shown in Figure 18.
atom in the conjugate base increases with increasing Both the ab initio reaction energies and the activa-
basicity. The interaction with the p-nitrophenyl tion barriers were compared with the same quantities
bromide can then be studied from both the local- calculated by using Gazquez’s formula,710 using po-
local and global-local viewpoints (Scheme 10). larizabilities instead of the usual softnesses:
Suppose that P1 and P2 are two phenolates, which
1 1
can attack the β hydrogens Ha and Hb and the carbon ∆Er-p ) - (321)
atom CR. If sO-(P1) > sO-(P2) and s+ +
H > sX , then, ∑Sr ∑Sp
1852 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

step corresponds to a charge-transfer process between

the two species, due to the equalization of their
chemical potentials, occurring at a fixed external
potential ν. ∆Eµ corresponds to the reshuffling of the
electron density, occurring after equalization of the
chemical potential. Gazquez derived that the interac-
tion energy may finally be expressed as

( )
0 0
1 µA - µ B 1 2 η0Aη0B
∆Eint ≈ - - N η -
2 η0 + η0 2 e,AB AB η0 + η0
where Ne is the effective number of valence electrons.
Figure 19. Polarizability (au) profile vs a generalized In a first application, eq 8 was used to calculate bond
reaction coordinate for a model SN2 gas-phase reaction. energies (-∆Eint). The interaction energy for molec-
Reprinted with permission from ref 368. Copyright 2001 ular fragments, where atom i on A forms a bond with
American Chemical Society. atom j on B, becomes

( )
and 0 0 2 0 0
1 (µA - µB) 1 2 ηA,i ηB,j

( )
∆Eint ≈ - - N η -
1 1 1 1 2 η0 + η0 2 e,AB AB η0 + η0
∆Eac ≈ - (ηTS - ηi) ) - - (322) A,i B,j A,i B,j
2 2 STS Si
The agreement was quite good with these quanti- where, in Gazquez’s, work,
ties. The trends in both the reaction energies and the
reaction barriers could be explained by using the ηA,i ) η0A/fA,i (326)
HSAB principle. The leaving group ability was found
to correlate with its softness (polarizability): a softer and
leaving group is a better leaving group. Moreover,
the charge on the leaving group Y in the complexes ηB,j ) η0B/fB,j (327)
is a measure of the exothermicity of the reaction.
Also, the exothermicity of the reaction is in the In the calculation of bond energies, it was found
direction that forms the systems with the smallest that the contribution of the first term could be
polarizabilities, in accord with the principle of maxi- considered to be negligible with respect to the second
mum hardness. The reaction barrier is also smaller term, except, of course, in those cases where the
with increasing hardness of X-. For this reaction, a difference in chemical potentials between the inter-
series of IRC paths were also obtained, and the acting molecules is large. One can thus conclude that
polarizability was plotted along this path; an example the bond energy is proportional to the difference in
is given in Figure 19, for the most exothermic hardness at the equilibrium position and the hard-
reaction in this study, ness of the systems when they are far apart. These
quantities were also applied to the computation of
H- + CH3F f F- + CH4 reaction energies. For the metathesis reaction

As can be seen very clearly, the polarizability A-B + C-D f A-C + B-D
decreases much more sharply from the TS to the ion-
one can derive that the reaction energy ∆Er can be
product complex than to the ion-reactant complex,
approximated as (where, among other approxima-
showing that, indeed, the hardest species is formed.
tions, Ne ≈ 1)
The influence of the solvent on the kinetics of this
reaction was studied using a polarizable continuum 1
model. ∆Er ≈ - (ηAC + ηBD - ηAB - ηCD) (328)
Chandra, Uchimaru, Sugie, and Sekiya derived
that the hardness values of a series of halomethane which is in agreement with the experimental obser-
molecules correlate with the activation energies for vations that these metathesis reactions go in the
the hydrogen abstraction of these molecules by the direction that produces the (on average) hardest
OH radical.609 molecules.
Gazquez derived an expression relating reaction Chattaraj and Schleyer performed a quantitative
energies to differences in hardness of the reagents study of the HSAB principle;711 HF, MP2, and QCISD
and products.480 The derivation starts from the reaction energies were computed for complexes of the
expression for the interaction energy of two species, hard acid HF and soft acid Ag+ with the bases HF,
A and B: HCl, HBr, H2O, H2S, H2Se, NH3, PH3, and AsH3
using a 6-311+G** basis set and pseudopotentials for
∆Eint ) ∆Eν + ∆Eµ + ENN
AB (323) Br, Se, As, and Ag. For HF, the HSAB principle was
found to be valid at all levels of theory. For the soft-
where the energy change associated with the first soft interactions, inclusion of electron correlation was
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1853

found to be absolutely necessary to correctly describe χ0R - χ0OH

the ordering as predicted by the HSAB principle. ∆NRI ) (329)
c. Acidity and Basicity. The acid-base equilib- 2(η0R + η0OH)
rium is one of the most fundamental reaction types
in chemistry.712 It also has been a particularly and
interesting reaction for the study of structure-
reactivity relationships, leading to the development χ0R - χ0O η0O
of substituent constants, derived classically in sol- ∆NRII ) + (330)
2(η0R + η0O) η0R + η0O
vent.713,714 The structure of a molecule can, indeed,
affect its acidity or basicity in a large number of ways.
The charge transfer upon deprotonation of the
Unfortunately, in most molecules, several effects are
alcohol, ∆(∆NR), can thus be calculated as
working simultaneously, and it becomes very complex
and difficult to dissect the observed differences in ∆(∆NR) ) ∆NRII - ∆NRI (331)
acidity or basicity in terms of the various structural
features. Moreover, one must also take into account
the effect of the solvent or medium in which the which reduces, when the approximation is used that
structure-reactivity relationships are determined. It χ0O ≈ χ0OH and η0O ≈ η0OH (i.e., the electronegativity or
was realized quite early that DFT-based reactivity hardness of the group is mainly determined by the
descriptors could provide valuable insight into acid- electronegativity and hardness of the central atom
base sequences and structure-activity data, as can or group), to
be noticed from the contributions in this section.
In the gas phase, a number of well-known solution- η0O
∆NR ≈ (332)
phase (in most cases, the solvent considered is water) η0R + η0O
acidity and basicity trends are reversed. The most
classical examples are the acidities of carboxylic acids containing only the group hardness. This term, which
and alkyl-substituted alcohols and the basicities of can be considered as the ability of the alkyl groups
amines.707 In the case of the alkyl-substituted alco- to stabilize negative charge in the process of depro-
hols, it was shown that, in aqueous solution, the tonation, was shown to correlate well with the gas-
acidity follows the order CH3OH > CH3CH2OH > phase acidities.
(CH3)2CHOH > (CH3)3COH.707 As can be seen, the Safi, Choho, De Proft, and Geerlings also used
acidity decreases with increasing substitution, in substituent constants (electronegativity and hard-
accord with the fact that alkyl groups are, in organic ness) that were determined in solution using a
chemistry, generally considered to be electron releas- polarizable continuum model to study the alcohol
ing. In the gas phase, however, the sequence is acidity scale inversion.366 Charge transfers according
reversed: CH3OH < CH3CH2OH < (CH3)2CHOH < to eqs 329 and 330 were calculated with the use of
(CH3)3COH, so that alkyl groups can be considered these functional group properties. The charge trans-
to be electron-withdrawing715 The first explanation fer in these molecules was shown to increase with
for this apparently anomalous behavior of alkyl increasing dielectric constant of the medium. This
groups in the gas phase was provided by Huheey in charge transfer to the oxygen atom decreased, how-
the early 1970s,171 just after the experimental gas- ever, from methanol to 2-propanol, along with the
phase acidity scale was established.716 The explana- stabilization of the conjugate base. In aqueous solu-
tion was based upon the alkyl group electronegativity tion, however, an inversion in both of these quantities
values that were reported by Huheey in a preceding occurs. Moreover, the continuum method was used
paper,587 together with the simple expression, also to calculate the relative acidities of the four alcohols.
by Huheey, for the electronegativity of an atom in a An inversion in the acidity scale was indeed observed,
molecule (eq 215). It was concluded that, when the the most important parameter being the stabilization
inductive effect of a group was discussed, it was energy of the conjugate base in aqueous solution.
necessary to treat both the inherent electronegativity Perez et al. have published several papers on the
and the charge capacity. irregular alkyl alcohol acidity sequences.272,718,719
De Proft, Langenaeker, and Geerlings calculated They put forward a HSAB rule for the gas-phase
functional group electronegativities and hardnesses acidity: “within a family of related molecules, the
for the alkyl groups listed above using the methodol- greater the global softness value of the conjugate base
ogy outlined in section IV.A.717 The electronegativity RX-, the higher the acidity of the corresponding RXH
of these groups was found to decrease with increasing species”. Indeed, when the alcohol ROH becomes
alkyl group size, in accord with the traditional view more acidic, the proton affinity of its conjugate base
of alkyl groups being electron releasing. The group RO- should decrease. As the proton is a very hard
hardness was found to decrease along with the group species, the harder the conjugate base, the better the
electronegativity, in accord with an increasing group interaction with the proton. It can, indeed, be derived
polarizability (softness). The gas-phase acidity trends that that, since hard likes hard and soft likes soft,
were rationalized by using a Huheey type of elec- soft conjugate bases correspond with more acidic
tronegativity equalization scheme using these func- conjugate acids. Moreover, Perez et al. also showed
tional group quantities. The charge transfer to OH an inverse relationship between the conjugate bases’
and O- in R-OH and R-O-, ∆NRI and ∆NRII, was polarizabilities and their proton affinities. It was also
calculated as proposed to measure the inductive (electronegativity)
1854 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

was a good descriptor for the acidity of these com-

pounds. Corma, Sastre, Viruela, and Zicovich-Wilson
calculated relative hardnesses for a series of zeolite
model clusters.723 The hardness of an acidic zeolite,
as modeled by the energy of the LUMO, was found
to increase with decreasing Si/Al ratio; the softness
Figure 20. Model system for a bridging hydroxyl group of the zeolite increases with increasing Si content.
in zeolites. Moreover, these authors compared the hardness and
the acid strength for a series of clusters, as modeled
effect of the various alkyl substituents from the by the OH bond ionicity |qOqH|. They concluded that
variations in the electronic population on the basic the acid strength determined in this way was de-
site (the oxygen atom in RO-) or from the variations pendent on both the zeolite’s composition and the
of the chemical potential ∆µ-, defined as spatial arrangement of the different atoms surround-
ing the active site. The zeolite hardness, however, is
∆µ- ) µ(RX-) - µ(RX′-) (333) mainly dependent on the chemical composition. In a
subsequent paper, Corma, Llopin, Viruela, and Zi-
reflecting the chemical potential differences between covich-Wilson studied the effect of changing the Si/
the conjugate base RX- and a reference base RX′-. Al ratio, in combination with substituting the Al atom
In this manner, alkyl groups were shown to behave by other trivalent atoms, such as Ga and B, using a
as electron-withdrawing groups, in accord with the series of cluster model systems.724 Again, the hard-
work of Geerlings et al. The use of the electronic ness was approximated by the LUMO energy. The
chemical potential to assess charge transfer associ- hardness was again found to decrease with increasing
ated with a proton-transfer process was rationalized Si/Al ratio. Moreover, a relatively small increase in
on the basis of a simple scheme based on a classic
the hardness was observed by substitution of Al by
ion transport model. Increasing the number of alkyl
Ga. The substitution of Al with B results in an even
substituents thus leads to a decrease in electron
larger increase in the hardness. In an application,
population at the basic site, leading to an increase
these theoretical results were confronted with the
of the stabilization of the conjugate base. These
experimental para/ortho selectivity changes in the
concepts were also applied to the thioalkyl alcohols
alkylation of toluene by methanol in HY types of
CH3SH, CH3CH2SH, (CH3)2CHSH, and (CH3)3CH2-
zeolites with varying Si/Al content and in H-β zeolites
SH272 and to a series of alkyl-substituted silanols
SiH3OH, (CH3)2SiHOH, and (CH3)3SiOH.720 The po- with Al, Al + Ga, Ga, and B as trivalent framework
larization substituent effects were described as the elements. It was found that the para/ortho ratio
variation of the local softness at the basic site. It was increases with increasing Si/Al content of the zeolite
found that the basic site becomes softer, with in- Y. Since the para carbon in toluene possesses the
creasing number of alkyl groups, in accord with the highest softness, this result can be explained by the
increasing polarizability of the substituents. For the HSAB principle, since the zeolite softness also in-
silanols, it was concluded that the polarization sub- creases with increasing Si/Al ratio. Moreover, it was
stituent effect of the alkyl group, as measured from also found that the para/ortho ratio decreases in the
the global polarizability of the conjugate base, has order Si/Al > SiAlGa > SiGa > SiB, which is also in
the opposite effect. agreement with the calculated softness sequence. The
The competition between electronegativity and influence of the so-called isomorphous substitution
hardness in determining the acidity of halogenated has also been studied in detail by Langenaeker,
alcohols and silanols was also studied in detail by Coussement, De Proft, and Geerlings.725 In this study,
Damoun, Langenaeker, Van De Woude, and Geer- using model systems similar to those used in the 1990
lings, in view of the latter being the basic model study, the influence of the substitution of Al (by Ga
systems for the description of zeolite acidity.721 Zeo- and B) and Si (by Ge) was considered in detail, using
lites are crystalline aluminosilicates with very dis- the same range of reactivity descriptors, now also
tinct properties. (See also section IV.D on clusters including the charge on the acidic hydrogen. The
and catalysis.) Their Brønsted acidity is due mainly condensed local softness on the acidic hydrogen was
to the presence of the so-called bridging hydroxyl found to be less suited for the description of the
groups, which can be, to a minimal extent, modeled relative acidity of these model systems. This was
by the system shown in Figure 20, which has been explained by the fact that the experimental zeolite
proven to be a minimal but good model system to acidity is often determined using small amines and
investigate zeolite acidity.722 Langenaeker, De Decker, alcohols as reaction partners, which, upon inspection
Geerlings, and Raeymaekers modeled the variation of Pearson’s hardness data for molecules,119,120 can
of zeolite framework electronegativity by gradually be considered to be systems of intermediate hardness.
substituting the hydrogen atoms by fluorine atoms.202 It was therefore considered that, in view of the HSAB
It was found that, next to a series of more classical principle, it was not unlikely that the local hardness
indicators of reactivity, such as the OH equilibrium in the surroundings of the acidic hydrogen could be
distance, the IR frequency of the OH stretch, the OH a good indicator of the relative acidity of these
bond ionicity, as measured by the quantity |qOqH|, systems. Indeed, the charges on the acidic hydrogen
and the dipole moment derivative (∂µ/∂ROH), a mea- were found to be in perfect agreement with the
sure for the integrated IR intensity of the OH stretch, experimental acidity sequences. The charge, however,
the Fukui function f +, describing the acidic hydrogen, cannot be explained by the electronegativity of the
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1855

groups on the OH group (as approximated by the aqueous solution, this sequence is reversed. De Proft,
electronegativity of the central atom). However, when Amira, Choho, and Geerlings investigated the acidity
the hardnesses of these groups are considered, the of the substituted acetic acids XsCH2sCOOH, with
sequences can be explained; i.e., the acidity decreases X ) H, F, CH3, CH2CH3, CHdCH2, CCH, OH, CN,
with increasing hardness of the groups attached. This OCH3, CHO, CH2F, CHF2, CF3, and NO2, with DFT-
can be explained as follows: an increasing softness based reactivity descriptors.730 No correlation was
in the surroundings of the active site in the conjugate found with the condensed local softness on the acidic
base or these acids leads to a large delocalization of hydrogen; the noncondensed local softness (the local
the negative charge in the basic center, increasing softness in the surrounding of the acidic hydrogen)
the stabilization of this base, implying higher acidity. showed an inverse correlation with the experimental
Moreover, in accord with the results reported by gas-phase acidities. Two parameters, intuitively found
Perez et al., a softer conjugate base has a lower to give a qualitative description of the local hardness,
proton affinity, resulting in a higher acidity of the the charge on the acidic hydrogen, and the molecular
conjugate acid. The OH bond length and the OH bond electrostatic potential, correlated well and positively
ionicity were also found to be good indicators of the with the experimental acidities. The softness of the
acidity, although they describe only one side of the group X was found to play a minor role in the
acid-base equilibrium. The dipole moment derivative description of the aqueous-phase acidities but be-
with respect to the OH bond length, however, failed. comes more important in the description of the gas-
Deka, Vitrivel, and Pal revisited the use of the DFT- phase acidities, where it becomes a decisive param-
based descriptors in the study of the isomorphous eter in the correct description of the relative acidities
substitution influence on the acidity of the simple of the alkyl substituted and halogenated carboxylic
model systems.726 In their work, the failure of the acids. The relative acidity of the latter was also
local softness as an indicator of relative acidity was studied by Perez, Toro-Labbé, and Contreras for the
attributed to its dependence on the basis set, the molecules CH2XCOOH, CHX2COOH, and CX3COOH,
model for the zeolite cluster, and the different with X ) F, Cl, and Br.731 Use was made of the
population analysis schemes used to calculate the electronic chemical potential of transfer, ∆µr )
condensed Fukui function. They found that the µ(CH3COO-) - µ(RCOO-), which describes the
relative electrophilicity, defined as the ratio of s+/s- amount and the direction of the charge transfer
on the acidic hydrogen, provided the correct acidity during the proton-transfer process,
sequence, and they confirmed these results by using
larger model systems. ∆µr ) µ(CH3COO-) - µ(RCOO-) (334)
Damoun, Langenaeker, and Geerlings also consid-
ered the effect of halogenation on the acidity of these necessary to describe the electrostatic effects. For the
model systems, including isomorphous substitu- whole series of acids considered, it was found that
tion.727 ∆µr ) µ(CH3COO-) - µ(RCOO-) > 0, pointing to a
Another example of a group of compounds of which charge transfer consistently going from CH3COO- to
the acidity is dependent on the medium are the alkyl- RCOO-, in the opposite sense of the proton transfer.
substituted carboxylic acids728 and the halosubsti- Moreover, positive variations in energy associated
tuted acetic acids.729 When considering the acids with the proton transfer (as referenced to acetic acid)
CH3COOH, CH3CH2COOH, and CH3CH2CH2COOH, were found to be associated with negative variations
it is found that the acidity in the gas phase increases in the global hardnesses of the system, which is in
from acetic to propionic to butyric acid, whereas in agreement with the maximum hardness principle.
solution, it decreases from acetic to butyric acid. This For the haloacetic acids, the increasing substitution
can be explained by the increasing polarizability of results in an increase in both the global softness and
the groups attached to the carboxyl groups. As a the local softness at the basic center of the conjugate
result, the negative charge in the conjugate base is bases. Krishnamurti and Pal used the concept of
more delocalized, thus stabilizing the base, resulting group softness in the study of nucleophilic additions
in an increased acidity. Moreover, as the base be- to carbonyl compounds and in a study of the relative
comes more polarizable, its softness increases and, acidity of acetic and propionic acid.732 They also
as a result, its proton affinity decreases, resulting in observed, in line with the conclusions of De Proft et
a higher acidity. In solution, however, the less al., that the local softness on the acidic hydrogen does
polarizable system is the one that is hydrated the not yield the correct ordering for those two acids.
best, resulting in a reversal of the acidity sequence. When the local softness of the adjacent oxygen atom
For the halogenated acetic acids, a similar observa- was added to the acidic hydrogen local softness,
tion is encountered. When a hydrogen is substituted mimicking the softness of the group OH, the incorrect
for a halogen in acetic acid, the acidity increases, in trend, however, remained. When the next-neighbor
line with the higher electronegativity of a halogen atom’s softness (i.e., the carbon atom) is finally added
with respect to hydrogen, thus increasing the stabi- to that of the OH group, the correct trend results.
lization of the negative charge in the conjugate base. The present authors have also studied the acidity
When fluoro-, chloro-, and bromoacetic acids are of first- and second-row hydrides CH4, NH3, H2O, HF,
considered, the acidity increases in the order FCH2- SiH4, PH3, H2S, and HCl with DFT-based global and
COOH < ClCH2COOH < BrCH2COOH; again, this local reactivity descriptors, calculated for the neutral
is due to an increase in the polarizability of the acids and their conjugate bases.733 A dual correlation
functional groups attached to the acidic center. In between the experimental gas-phase acidities of HX
1856 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

on one hand and the group electronegativity and De Proft, Langenaeker, and Geerlings, who confirmed
hardness of X on the other hand was set up, which that the sole use of descriptors associated with the
revealed the importance of the group hardness in the left-hand side of the acid-base equilibrium, such as
determination of relative acidities, in line with previ- the charge on the nitrogen atom, the condensed
ous findings. The acidity of a number of carbon acids Fukui function for electrophilic attack on the N, or
CH3X with X ) NO2, COφ, SO2CH3, CHO, COEt, the molecular electrostatic potential minimum in its
COMe, COOMe, and CN was investigated by Rezende, surroundings, is insufficient for the correct descrip-
using local and global DFT-based reactivity indices.734 tion of basicity ordering.739 A dual correlation be-
It was, in line with previous findings, also observed tween the gas-phase basicity on one hand and the
in this work that the local softness on the basic center sum of the functional group electronegativities and
in the conjugate base decreases with increasing softnesses of the substituents attached to N on the
acidity. Carbon acids were also at the center of a other hand revealed a high importance of the latter
study by Choho, Van Lier, Van De Woude, and quantity: the basicity of the amines increases with
Geerlings, where the relative acidity of a series of increasing softness of the groups on N, in line with
hydrofullerenes was investigated.735 This work was the better stabilization of the positive charge in the
inspired by a proposition by Taylor and Walton, conjugate acid by groups with a larger polarizability.
stating that hydrofullerenes could be real acids but In a subsequent contribution, the group of compounds
that the acidity of these compounds decreased with studied was extended, yielding the series XNH2, with
increasing hydrogenation.736 This was, indeed, con- X ) OH, OCH3, F, Cl, CF3, CHO, C(CH3)O, CHdCH2,
firmed by calculations presented in this work. More- NH2, H, and CH3.740 In this case, however, the elec-
over, the importance of charge delocalization in the tronegativity and a resonance parameter were found
conjugate base was stressed. Finally, it was found to determine the basicity sequence. Perez and Con-
that the softness of the conjugate base decreased treras also studied the gas-phase protonation of
upon hydrogenation; as a result, the proton affinity hydroxylamine, its methylated derivatives, and the
increases with increasing hydrogenation, resulting in
aliphatic amino acids glycine, alanine, and valine.741
a lower acidity, in line with the proposition by Taylor
The gas-phase proton affinity of the amino acids was
and Walton. In a subsequent paper, the influence of
investigated along the same lines, where electroneg-
functional groups on the hydrofullerene acidity was
ativities and hardnesses were determined for artifi-
This concludes a first subsection where DFT con- cially constructed amino acid groups, in both the
cepts and principles were applied to relative acidities R-helix and β-sheet conformations.432 The proton
both in the gas phase and in solution. Many basicity affinity sequence of the amino acids was found to be
sequences have been studied as well. The well-known almost uniquely defined by the group hardness.
example, accompanying the acidity of alkyl-substi- Safi, Choho, De Proft, and Geerlings used the SCI-
tuted alcohols, is the basicity of alkyl-substituted PCM methodology to calculate the relative basicity
amines.738 For the series NH3, CH3NH2 (CH3)2NH, of NH3, CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH, (CH3)3N, CH3CH2NH2,
and (CH3)3N, the gas-phase basicity increases with and (CH3)2CHNH2 in the gas phase and in different
increasing methyl substitution, whereas in solution, solvents.367 An important parameter was the stabi-
the dimethylamine is more basic than the trimeth- lization energy of the conjugate acid in solution,
ylamine. For the series NH3, CH3NH2, CH3CH2NH2, which was found to increase with increasing hard-
and (CH3)2CHNH2, the gas-phase basicity increases ness of the functional groups on the basic center. This
with increasing alkyl group size, whereas in solution, is in line with the findings of Perez, Contreras, and
the sequence is Aizman.370 On the basis of an approximation of the
softness kernel put forward by Vela and Gazquez547
NH3 < CH3NH2 ∼ CH3CH2NH2 ∼ (CH3)2CHNH2 (treated in some detail in section IV.A), they derived
a DFT-based expression for the solvatation energy.
The first homologous series has, in fact, been the It reads
most studied. Many theoretical studies have been
devoted to this irregular ordering of the alkylamine
basicity. Yang and Mortier studied these gas-phase ∆Esolv )
∫F(r)ΦR(r) dr -
basicities using both global and local DFT-based
S[(∫f(r)ΦR(r) dr)2 - ∫f(r)|ΦR(r)|2 dr] (335)
molecular properties.236 They set up correlations 1
between the experimental gas-phase basicity and a 2
local and a global parameter, the condensed Fukui
function for electrophilic attack on the nitrogen atom where ΦR(r) is the reaction field potential. This
and the Sanderson molecular electronegativity of the equation indeed bears a great analogy with eq 296.
base (geometric average of the atomic electronega- As can be seen, the solvatation energy correlates
tivities) on one hand, and the charge on the nitrogen inversely with the softness of the solute, as was
atom and the molecular electronegativity as calcu- verified for a series of monatomic ions and alkylam-
latated by the EEM method on the other hand. monium ions. The alkylamine basicities were also
Attention was already focused on the fact that studied using an empirical energy-density relation-
properties of both sides of the acid-base equilibrium ship for the analysis of substituent effects on chemi-
should be incorporated in the analysis to give a cal reactivity.719 In this work, an equation was
correct description of the basicity ordering. The derived bearing close resemblance with the famous
alkylamine basicity ordering was revisited by Baeten, Hammett equation:
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1857

this form will become. However, since the solvatation

K energy is inversely proportional to the softness of the
log ) Fσ (336)
K0 molecule, trends in solution could, and in some
famous cases will, alter.
where K and K0 are the equilibrium constants (i.e.,
ionization energies of acids) for the substituted 4. Excited States
molecule and the reference, σ the substituent con- Originally (cf. section II), density functional theory
stant, and F the slope. Perez, Simón-Manso, Aizman, was introduced and developed for ground states of
Fuentealba, and Contreras then derived approxi- atoms and molecules. Moreover, all functionals cur-
mately that rently available are designed for the ground state,
and to the best of our knowledge, until now, no
functionals have been explicitly designed for excited

ln ) γ∑∆fA (337) states. DFT has been generalized, however, for the
µ0 A lowest energy state of a given symmetry and for an
ensemble of states. A current up-to-date status report
on the treatment of excited states within DFT can
For the alkylamine basicities, they wrote the fol- be found in ref 743.
lowing general energy-density expression:
The study and calculation of DFT reactivity de-

[ ]
PA(B) scriptors for excited states and the probing of the
ln ) F∆fN- (338) reactivity of these states using the concepts central
PA(NH3) in this review have, as a result, been relatively scarce.
Chattaraj and Poddar computed the Fukui function,
where PA(B) denotes the proton affinity of the base the local hardness and softness, and the polarizability
B and PA(NH3) the proton affinity of NH3, and ∆fN- for the ground state (1S) and various excited states
is equal to (1P, 1D, and 1F) for He and a series of cations
isoelectronic with He (i.e., Li+, Be2+, B3+, and C4+).744
∆fN- ) fN-(NH3) - fN-(B) (339) The relationship between the global softness and the
cube root of the polarizability (see section IV.A) was
i.e., the difference between the condensed Fukui found to hold also for the excited states. Moreover,
functions for electrophilic attack on the N in NH3 and as could be intuitively expected, the ground state
in the base B. A linear correlation was obtained, and was, in all cases, harder and less polarizable than
similar findings were observed in the study of the any of the excited states. In a subsequent study, these
acidity of alkyl alcohols and thiols. It is thus indeed authors calculated softnesses and polarizabilities for
possible, as also stated in the work of Kneisler and these systems, described by a two-state ensemble,
Zhou598 (see section IV.A), to set up Hammett-type and found that, when the excited-state contribution
equations relating the variation in, e.g., the proton to the ensemble increased, an increase in softness
affinities of acidities with changes in local descriptors and polarizability of the system occurred.745 Molec-
of reactivity. ular excited states have also been the subject of
From the whole of the studies reviewed in this study. Chattaraj and Poddar performed calculations
section, however, it can be concluded that both DFT- on the diatomics H2, HF, N2, BF, CO, and F2 for the
based reactivity descriptors and principles are valu- ground state and the first excited state, chosen to be
able tools in the correct description and analysis of the lowest energy of a given symmetry, different from
acid-base equilibria, being an example of so-called the ground-state symmetry.746 Again, it could be
“thermodynamic reactivity”. All of these studies also concluded that the hardness decreased upon going
clearly point to the importance of including descrip- from the ground state to the excited state, implying
tors or parameters associated with the charged form an increase in reactivity. This was confirmed by a
of the acid-base equilibrium into the analysis. Next number of plots of the charge density, the laplacian
to the charge polarization of the initial state of the of the electron density, the quantum and the molec-
equilibrium (i.e., the acid or the base), which can be ular electrostatic potential, and the Fukui function,
clearly described using the concept of electronega- where it could be noticed that the molecular reactiv-
tivity, much attention should be devoted to the ity increases upon excitation. Fuentealba, Simón-
stabilization of the conjugate base or acid, which is Manso, and Chattaraj investigated a series of 12
proportional to the polarizability of the groups at- diatomic molecules and also concluded that a mol-
tached to the acidic or basic center via the relation- ecule is less polarizable in its ground state than in
ship742 an electronically excited state of the same spin
q2R Other studies involving excited states are those of
E)- (340)
R4 Mendez and Garcia-Garibay, who studied the sin-
glet-triplet gaps in carbenes and the addition of
where q is the charge, R the polarizability,  the singlet carbenes to alkenes,748 and Sengupta, Chan-
relative dielectric constant of the medium, and R the dra, and Nguyen, who studied the regioselectivity of
distance. Since the global softness is proportional to oxetane formation in the photocycloaddition of the
the polarizability, the softer the groups attached to lowest excited singlet and triplet states of carbonyl
the charge in the conjugate base or acid, the stabler compounds.749 In the latter study, it was concluded
1858 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

that the HSAB principle can be applied in the local

resolution to predict the product formation in pho-
tochemical reactions.

D. Clusters and Catalysis

The study of reactivity trends, favorable arrange-
ments, and preferred reaction paths involving ex-
tremely large systems such as clusters calls for a
somewhat different approach. When considering
catalytic activity, it is very important to gain some
knowledge of the different electronic processes play-
ing a role. A rather successful attempt in this field
was based on a true two-reactant approach involving
the analysis of the modes of electron redistribution
of reactants within the framework of Nalewajski’s
charge sensitivity analysis (CSA; see also section
III.A).173,184,227-229 This technique is used mostly at
an atomic resolution, using charge distributions from
EEM or a semiempirical approach. Within the CSA,
the local hardness data and corresponding nonlocal Figure 21. P and CT components for the allyl-MoO3
kernels and matrices have been shown to provide a interaction. Reprinted with permission from ref 759.
Copyright 1996 American Chemical Society.
basis for adequate new reactivity indices. These in-
dices include the population normal modes,226,227,750,751 findings, the [MoO3] (010) surface was found to
minimum energy coordinates,751 externally decoupled represent the active cut of the crystal and was thus
modes,751 and mode contributions to the Fukui func- selected for the current study.
tion distribution.228 Important in this context is the The relative importance of the P and CT effect in
establishment of the so-called mapping relations328,751 the considered chemisorption process is very inter-
between the atomic electron populations and the esting from the viewpoint of the “curly arrow” ap-
nuclear position modes. These relations describe the proach to describe reaction mechanisms.760 In Figure
interaction or relation between geometrical and 21, diagrams representing the different P and CT
electronic factors associated with a given molecular effects for a given arrangement of allyl on the
structure. molybdenum oxide surface are given. Similar to the
The reactivity descriptors defined within the frame- findings of an earlier reported study involving the
work of CSA are based on the hardness matrix, η, of toluene-[V2O5] system,757 it can be seen that the
the complete reactive system, say A + B, with two diagonal (intra-reactant) P and CT components are
diagonal blocks reflecting the charge couplings within dominated by the adsorbate, whereas the cluster is
the two reactants (ηAA and ηBB) and two off-diagonal mainly responsible for the off-diagonal (inter-reac-
blocks (ηAB and ηBA) characterizing interreactant tant) components. In general, one can say that the
couplings: total charge rearrangement is well approximated by

( )
the sum of the adsorbate diagonal contribution and
ηAA ηAB the cluster off-diagonal contribution.
η) (341) For different arrangements, involving different
possibilities of bond formation between adsorbate and
Furthermore, a distinction is made between modes cluster, this method provides a tool to determine the
of charge transfer (CT), dealing with net in- or out- type of electronic rearrangement involved in the
flow of electrons, and modes of polarizability (P), chemical process. As a rule, it was found that, in all
dealing with purely internal redistributions of elec- arrangements of the adsorbate with the surface, a
tron density.226,751 These modes are the eigenvectors CT from the allyl to the surface is predicted. Looking
that diagonalize the hardness matrix.228 The corre- in detail at the P and CT for different arrangements,
sponding eigenvalues are called principal hardnesses it was found from P, which can be linked to physi-
and denote the resistance to charge redistribution. sorption, that the allyl polarization is rather sensitive
Nalewajski et al. studied the charge response by to the arrangement, thus leading to different trends
using this approach in a number of chemisorption of bond strengthening and weakening of particular
systems,750-758 including allyl-[MoO3],759 the study bonds. The CT diagrams are, however, relatively
which we will describe in some detail as an example. insensitive to the adsorbate arrangement on the
P and CT were examined separately as well as in surface; moreover, they are dominant over the P
combination (CT + P), to assess the relative impor- effects and thus correspond with the overall (P + CT)
tance of these effects in the chemisorption system effects, which is important in the case of chemisorp-
considered. All the CSA-related quantities were tion.
calculated from a semiempirical hardness matrix, Other fine examples of the CSA can be found in
including the contributions of both the adsorbate and the field of zeolite-catalyzed reactions.294,328,404,761-764
the substrate. The system itself was selected to study As a highly representative example, the study of the
the catalytic reaction of the selective oxidation of the H-exchange reaction of methane is discussed in some
allyl radical to acrolein. On the basis of experimental detail.765 This reaction is characterized by the pres-
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1859

Figure 23. Schematic representation of the softest mode

of the methane-cluster adsorption complex. White circles
correspond to an electron outflow and white circles with a
black cross to an electron inflow. The radii of the circles
are proportional to the amount of the electron density
displacement. Reprinted with permission from ref 765.
Copyright 1996 American Chemical Society.
Figure 22. H-exchange reaction of methane over the
Brønsted acid site of a zeolite cluster: initial situation.
Reprinted with permission from ref 765. Copyright 1996 was studied using a faujasite-type 12-ring cluster.
American Chemical Society. When considering all possible positions of two Al
atoms in this ring structure, i.e., different distances
ence of a “bifunctional” active site involving a Brøn- between two Al atoms for a fixed Si/Al ratio of 5, large
sted acid (the bridging hydroxyl (O3-H17)) and a distances between the Al atoms (Al atoms situated
neighboring Lewis base, the oxygen atom (O2).766 on opposite sides of the 12-ring) were found to have
The zeolite has a direct influence on the activity only a minor influence on the principal hardness,
as well as the selectivity of the reaction, as it is part whereas small distances enhance the hardness sub-
of the reactive complex. The starting point of this stantially, thus making the H-exchange reaction
study was an ab initio optimized structure766 of the much more difficult.
cluster shown in Figure 22. Because CSA at atomic Finally, the cluster size used in this study was
resolution using the EEM is fast, the authors were increased while keeping the geometry of the reaction
able to study the influence of several characteristics center fixed. For relatively small clusters of less than
of the model systems, such as the structure, the size, 150 atoms, a drastic drop in the principal hardness
and the chemical composition (Al/Si ratio),184,409 on value was observed with increasing cluster size. This
the electronic processes involved in the reaction. implies that larger systems are more susceptible to
As a starting point, the different CSA-related charge polarization.
descriptors were calculated for a series of small (cf. Finally, the work of Chatterjee and co-workers
Figure 22) structures, modeling different stages of should be mentioned; they used DFT-based reactivity
the H-exchange reaction following the reaction coor- descriptors, such as the condensed Fukui functions
dinate. Here, the two reactants were considered in a and local softnesses, in a more conventional way to
supermolecule approach, thus allowing for the treat- estimate and rationalize the interaction energy of
ment of all the charge transfers as internal charge several small molecules with a zeolitic framework,
redistribution or polarization. Therefore, only the P of utmost importance when studying adsorption
modes had to be considered. To identify the polariza- properties of zeolites.767-769 Moreover, they attemped
tion modes that are critical for the reaction, their to explain selective permeation of these molecules
contributions, dQ, to the total charge redistribution with this methodology.768 A study was conducted on
(ref 229 and section II.B.1) at several points along the choice of the best template for a particular zeolite
the reaction coordinate were calculated. On the basis synthesis by estimating the reactivity of the tem-
of this value, the energetical contribution of each plating molecules,769 and a reactivity index study was
mode to the exchange process could be calculated.765 performed on 2:1 dioctahedral smectites as a selective
The softest interaction mode (shown in Figure 23) sorbent for dioxins and furans.770 Along the same
was found to grow rapidly along the reaction path, lines, these authors obtained the best dioctahedral
to reach a maximum contribution, at the transition smectite for the interaction with some nitrogen
state, of 80% to the energy. This mode exactly heterocycles.771 A similar approach was adopted
describes the electronic redistribution that one intu- earlier by Krishnamurti, Roy, Vitrivel, Iwata, and
itively associates with the reaction coordinate. For Pal, studying the interaction of CO, NH3, and H2O
example, the proton of the bridging hydroxyl (H17 with a cluster model of faujasite X-type zeolite.772 Pal
in Figure 22) increases its positive charge, inducing and Chandrakumar used the local HSAB principle
a weakening of the O-H bond, while the neighboring in the study of the interaction of N2, CO2, and CO
bridging oxygen (O2 in Figure 22) decreases its with a series of zeolite A model clusters, and they
negative charge, inducing an increase in the electron proposed a procedure for evaluation of the λ param-
population on the methane hydrogen, thus weaken- eter in eq 261, i.e., as the charge transfer at the
ing the C-H bond (C18-H16 in Figure 22). reactive site.458
The effect of the Al distribution and content on the A. Vos et al. used a variety of DFT-based descrip-
principal hardness of the reaction polarization mode tors, such as activation hardness and the local HSAB
1860 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

principle, in a detailed study on the rate and mech- catalytic properties of zeolites or the role of amino
anism of the elementary reaction steps for the meth- acid residues in the catalytic activity of enzymes. Also
ylation of benzene and toluene, as catalyzed by acidic in certain fields of spectroscopy, some of these
zeolites. The activation hardness obtained via eq 287 concepts can be used to rationalize experimental or
by studies on a T4 cluster (i.e., containing four Al or theoretical data.
Si atoms) correlated well with the calculated activa- In summary, conceptual DFT is a beautiful ex-
tion energy, reflecting the reactivity sequence o- ample of the way chemists look at molecules, and
toluene < p-toluene < m-toluene < benzene. their properties, as isolated species interacting with
When looking at the local level, softness matching either a reaction partner or solvent. Not (completely)
(cf. section IV.C.2) did not give the right order for satisfied with (let it be) excellent experimental data
the methylation of benzene and o-, m-, and p-toluene, or (today sometimes amazing) computational ac-
which is not unexpected, in view of the hardness of curacy, the chemist puts interpretation of the results
the electrophile (CH3+) reagent. If the local hardness on equal footing with their obtention. DFT well-
values are simply approached by the charge on the defined atomic, group, or molecular descriptors pro-
C atom of the methyl group and the C atom of the vide parameter-free tools to continue this tradition,
aromatic nucleus undergoing the nucleophilic attack, to which chemistry owes so much of its success, in
then the indices ∆ηCC and ΠηCC, describing differ- years to come.
ences and products of these charges, respectively,
correctly represent the reactivity sequence.773
To conclude this section, and to illustrate the
VI. Glossary of Most Important Symbols and
diversity of problems in this field which were already Acronyms
treated within a conceptual DFT context, a remark- R polarizability tensor
able application of the EEM method in the zeolite R(r) local polarizability
field by Guintini et al. should be mentioned. These A electron affinity
authors performed thermally stimulated depolariza- ABEEM atom-bond electronegativity equal-
tion current (TSDC) measurements to evaluate the ization method
AhR arylhydrocarbon receptor
energy associated with the detrapping of exchange-
AIM atoms-in-molecules
able cations. This energy can be associated with the APT atomic polar tensor
following process in the case of a monovalent ex- B magnetic field
changeable cation: B bulk modulus
B3LYP Becke three-parameter Lee-Yang-
- +
(Siteδ ‚‚‚Mδ ) T Site- + M+ Parr functional
B3PW91 Becke three-parameter Perdew-Wang
where (Siteδ-‚‚‚Mδ+) represents the chemical bond ‘91 functional
formed by the cation trapped in the zeolite site, BNO benzonitrile oxide
BP Becke-Perdew functional
showing a high degree of ionicity. EEM was used to χ, χR, χβ electronegativity and spin-polarized
interpret these data, reflecting cationic hopping extensions
processes in Na+ and Li+ mordenites.774 χj average molecular electronegativity
χM molecular electronegativity
V. Conclusions χ1(r,r′) linear response function
CISD limited configuration interaction with
DFT-based concepts have proven to be of great use all single and double excitations
in the interpretation of a variety of experimental and CI configuration interaction
theoretical results, either as such, or couched within CPHF coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock
three main principles: electronegativity equalization, CSA charge sensitivity analysis
the principle of the maximum hardness, and the hard CT charge transfer
and soft acids and bases principle. Dat atomization energies
The identification of electronegativity and hardness D(r) radial density distribution function
DFT density functional theory
as the first and second derivatives of the energy vs ∆ηq activation hardness
the number of electrons paved the way to the E elimination
introduction of many response functions of the sys- E energy
tem’s energy with respect to perturbations with E(N,ν(r)) energy functional
number of electrons or the external potential. i orbital energies
Although some fundamental problems remain (the Exc[F] exchange correlation energy
discontinuity problem and the validity of a fractional EEM electronegativity equalization method
particle number concept), and computational tech- ELF electron localization function
niques still require some further upgrading and FB binding function
systematization (e.g., their implementation in stan- f(r), f +(r), f -(r) Fukui function
fSN(r), fNN(r), fSS(r) spin-polarized generalizations of the
dard quantum chemical packages), the number of Fukui function
papers treating applications of these descriptors is f0k, fk-, fk+ condensed Fukui function on atom k
already impressive and continues to increase rapidly. f CT(r) charge-transfer Fukui function
The general nature of the definition of the reactiv- ΦR nuclear Fukui function
ity descriptors promotes them to useful tools in a FHK Hohenberg-Kohn functional
wide variety of domains in chemistry: from regiose- FEOE full equalization of orbital electrone-
lectivity in organic reactions, to interpreting the gativity
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1861

FF Fukui function FLUMO(r) density of the lowest unoccupied mo-

FMO frontier molecular orbital lecular orbital
g(F) density of states at the Fermi level s(r) local softness
g(F,r) local density of states at the Fermi σ(r) shape function
level σa nuclear softness
G nuclear stiffness s(r,r′) softness kernel
G2(MP2) MP2 variant of Gaussian-2 theory sk, s-
k s+
k condensed local softness on atom k
GTO Gaussian-type orbital S global softness
η, ηNN, ηSN, ηSS global hardness and its spin-polarized SN nucleophilic substitution reaction
generalizations SAR structure-activity relationship
η0A isolated atom hardness SCI-PCM self-consistent isodensity polarized con-
ηij hardness tensor tinuum model
ηM molecular hardness STO Slater-type orbital
η(r,r′) hardness kernel T temperature
η(r) local hardness T(r) local temperature
h(r) hardness density T[F] electronic kinetic energy functional
r s Hodgkin-Richards index TS[F] electronic kinetic energy functional of
HAB , HAB , etc.
Hop molecular Hamiltonian the Kohn-Sham reference system
HF Hartree -Fock TDDFT time-dependent density functional
HIV human immunodeficiency virus theory
HMPT hexamethylphosphorous triamide TFD Thomas-Fermi-Dirac theory
HOMA harmonic oscillator model of aroma- TS transition state
ticity index TSDC thermally stimulated depolarization
HOMO highest occupied molecular orbital current
HSAB hard and soft acids and bases UHF unrestricted Hartree-Fock
I ionization energy ω electrophilicity
hI(r) average local ionization energy ωk condensed local electrophilicity on
J(F) classical Coulombic interaction energy atom k
κ charge capacity Ω grand potential
Λ lability ν(r) external potential
LCAO linear combination of atomic orbitals νeff(r) effective potential
LUMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital νxc(r) exchange correlation potential
µ, µS, µN electronic chemical potential and spin- V(r) electrostatic potential
polarized generalizations Vee[F] electron-electron interaction func-
µB Bohr magneton tional
MEP molecular electrostatic potential Vel(r) electronic part of the molecular elec-
MHP maximum hardness principle trostatic potential
MNDO modified neglect of diatomic overlap Vo molar volume
MO molecular orbital XR Slater’s XR method
MP2 second-order Møller-Plesset Ξ stability
MP4 fourth-order Møller-Plesset Ψ electronic wave function
MPP minimum polarizability principle Z nuclear charge
F s
n )N-Z ZAB , ZAB , etc. Carbo index
N number of electrons
NR number of R-spin electrons
Nβ number of β-spin electrons VII. Acknowledgments
NS spin number
ni occupation number of the ith orbital Besides his coauthors, P. Geerlings wishes to thank
NFF nuclear Fukui function all his past and present collaborators of the Algemene
NICS nucleus-independent chemical shift Chemie/General Chemistry Group, figuring as au-
NPA natural population analysis thors or coauthors in the publications mentioned in
Qeq charge equilibration method this review. It has been a privilege to have so many
P pressure excellent collaborators, with whom it has been a
P polarization pleasure to work on a great diversity of DFT-related
PA proton affinity
PAR property-activity relationship
problems. This goal would not have been attainable
PCM polarized continuum model without the intellectual support and the fruitful
PEOE partial equalization of orbital electro- exchange of ideas of numerous colleagues, theoreti-
negativity cians as well as experimentalists, from the VUB,
PNPB p-nitrophenyl bromide Belgium, as well as from numerous other coun-
Q total charge of the molecule tries. It has been a privilege to collaborate with R.
qi partial atomic charges Nalewajski (Cracow), L. Komorowski (Wroclaw), K.
QCISD quadratic configuration interaction D. Sen (Hyderabad), W. Mortier and R. Schoon-
with all single and double excita- heydt (Leuven), F. Mendez (Mexico City), P. Fowler
QMS quantum molecular similarity
(Exeter), M. T. Nguyen (Leuven), and P. Schleyer
QSAR quantitative structure-activity rela- (Erlangen). One person deserves our most sincere
tionship thanks: Professor R. G. Parr, who has supported our
F(r) electron density research for more than a decade and hosted two of
FHOMO(r) density of the highest occupied mo- the present authors as postdoctoral fellows. Continu-
lecular orbital ous financial support by the Free University of
1862 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

Brussels and the Fund for Scientific Researchs Quite a number of interesting papers appeared on
Flanders is greatly appreciated. concepts and their calculation (section III.B).
F. De Proft wishes to acknowledge P. Geerlings for Perez, Aizman, and Contreras778 presented a com-
continuous support and encouragement throughout parative study between an experimental, relative
his scientific carreer. He also wishes to acknowledge scale of electrophilicity and a theoretical, absolute
W. Langenaeker for many years of fruitful collabora- scale based on eq 84.
tions and discussions. Moreover, it has been both an An important paper was published by Ayers, Mor-
honor and a pleasure to interact and collaborate with rison, and Roy,779 presenting a systematic and math-
all the leading scientists listed by P. Geerlings. He ematically rigorous approach to condensed reactivity
is also especially grateful to Professor R. G. Parr for indices, derived from the variational principle for the
his kind hospitality during his first visit to Prof. energy, thus complementing refs 197 and 342. The
Parr’s laboratory in the fall of 1996, and for the many important open problem pertaining to the positivity
encouraging and enlightening discussions. of the condensed Fukui function is discussed in detail,
W. Langenaeker would like to thank Prof. P. leading to the conclusion that the Hirshfeld parti-
Geerlings for awakening his interest in theoretical tioning is optimal for obtaining non-negative Fukui
chemistry and for continuing support throughout his functions, in line with the computational results by
career. Prof. Frank De Proft also deserves special Roy, Hirao, and Pal255 and very recent results by
attention for being a great colleague throughout the Thanikaivelan et al.780 It is hypothesized that strong
years and a dear friend. Furthermore, Prof. J. Tol- diagonal dominance of the condensed hardness ma-
lenaere is gratefully acknowledged for giving W.L. trix is sufficient for the non-negativity of the Fukui
the opportunity to work in an exciting industrial function. Errors in the atomic partitioning and
environment under his excellent mentorship. inadequate treatment of correlations are pinpointed
The authors are extremely grateful to Mrs. G. as the most likely causes of negative condensed Fukui
Vandeperre, not only for her meticulous typing and functions. The authors also argue that condensed
styling of the manuscript but also for invaluable Fukui functions are, in some respect, more appropri-
admnistrative assistance in the activities of the ate indicators for site selectivity than the Fukui
research group during the past 15 years. Dr. K. function itself from a detailed consideration of the
Choho also took care of an important part of this condition for maximization of the ∫∫fA+(r)fB-(r′)/|r -
painstaking task. Finally, Mrs. D. Sorgeloos’s help r′| dr dr′ integral (Fukui function interaction integral
with the bibliographic search has been of extreme between a nucleophilic partner B and an electrophilic
use. An anonymous reviewer is thanked for construc- partner A).
tive remarks. Polarization and charge-transfer components of
general displacements of the equilibrium elec-
VIII. Note Added in Proof tron distribution in molecules have been treated by
Nalewajski,781 in line with his earlier work on charge
A relatively large number of papers appeared in sensitivity analysis (see sections III.A and IV.D).
the field since the submission of this review. Below Turning from Fukui functions and softness to the
they are briefly presented, arranged in the context softness kernel (III.B.3), the work by Langenaeker
of this review following the order of the Table of and Liu782 should be mentioned, in which they
Contents, however without going into an in-depth studied the response of the electron density to
discussion. The references start at 775, the final perturbations in external potential for atoms, con-
reference of the original version of the text. centrating on the linear response function χ(r,r′) )
The information theoretical approach followed by (δF(r)/δν(r′)N (cf. Scheme 4).
Parr and Nalewajski262 to analyze electron densities The change in F(r), ∆F(r), upon the introduction of
and to extract from it chemically relevant informa- a small positive charge (0.01 au), mimicking some
tion, discussed in (II.B3), has further been developped change in the external potential, has been investi-
by R. F. Nalewajski (for a comprehensive account, gated.
see ref 775). The local equalization of the subsystem Correlations between characteristics of ∆F(r) and
information distance densities is discussed in ref 776 the polarizability R were investigated. Solà and co-
and illustrated for a series of di- and triatomic workers783 simplified the hardness kernel η(r,r′) to
molecules (H2, N2, HF, LiF, HCN, HNC). Approxi- 1/|r - r′| and δ(r - r′) to calculate the global
mate relationships between information content dia- hardness via expressions such as eq 142. For a series
grams and the familiar density difference ∆F(r) plots of Lewis bases, the simplest model (δ(r - r′)), giving
are explored. The analysis of the surprisal function
η ) ∫f 2(r) dr
I(r) ) ln 0 (342) yields the best ordering of the systems when com-
F (r) pared with “experimental” hardness (finite difference
values, eq 54, combined with experimental I and A
F0(r) representing the reference density, is advocated values). Correct esimates of the global hardness,
as the entropic complement to the density difference however, are obtained only after empirical correc-
diagram. A generalization of the formalism from a tions, as the hardnesses in the simplified procedures
single electron density to many electron densities are systematically underestimated (as opposed to the
F(r1,r2,etc.) has been presented.777 atomic calculations by Liu, De Proft, and Parr301).
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1863

In the context of their work on the nuclear Fukui 1 fi

function, the nuclear softness (cf. section III.B.6), )∑ (345)
Komorowski and Ordon studied the evolution of the µ i µi
molecular electronegativity and hardness upon bond
elongation of diatomics.784 The most important result which is a generalization of eq 223.
is the “vibrational softening”, indicating that diatomic The corresponding hardness equation is obtained
molecules tend to be softer upon elongation, in line by differentiation with respect to N. In the resulting
with earlier work by these authors.339 equations, generalizing eq 239, the Fukui function
Coupling relations between the molecular elec- derivative (∂fi/∂N)ν(r) appears.
tronic and geometrical degrees of freedom have been Numerical results for a large series of biradical-
investigated in the context of the charge sensitivity type fragments consistently show better results for
analysis by Nalewajski.785 Several mapping quanti- the estimation of the aggregate chemical potential
ties and relations of both the electron-preceding and compared to those following Sanderson’s scheme,
highlighting the importance of the weighting of the
electron-following categories (cf. also Geerlings, Bala-
constituent fragments via the Fukui function.
wender, and De Proft333,338) have been identified, and
Bultinck et al.789,790 presented an in-depth study
the algorithms for their calculation have been derived
on an extension of Mortier’s403 electronegativity
within both local and atomic resolution. Electron- equalization method, including the elements H, C,
following mapping transformations allow one to N, O, and F, aiming at fast calculation of the charge
predict qualitatively electron redistribution following distributions of large molecules in large series of
a given displacement in the nuclear coordinates. The systems, which is needed in screening procedures in
inverse electron-preceding transformations can be medicinal chemistry. A careful calibration of the
used to manipulate, e.g., atomic charges (reflected in effective electronegativity and hardness parameters
their oxidation state) to achieve a desired change in (µ/A, η/A, eq 226) was performed using a large set of
the system geometry. molecules, representing a large series of functional
Within the context of spin-polarized generalizations groups in medicinal chemistry.
(section III.B.7), Perez et al. extended the idea of EEM-derived Mulliken and NPA charges were in
electrophilicity186,187 to spin-philicity (ω+
s ) and spin-
good agreement with the ab initio values; however,
- CHELPG, and, somewhat unexpectedly, Hirshfeld
donicity (ωs ) as global reactivity indices for molecu-
lar systems susceptible to undergo a change of their charges showed less agreement. Bultinck and Carbo-
spin state as a result of a chemical reaction.786a They Dorca791 presented a systematic and efficient proce-
defined dure for computing various DFT-based reactivity
descriptors with the EEM scheme, suitable for high-
throughput screening.
ω( ( 0
s ) µs /2ηss (344) Chandrakumar and Pal792 extended the local HSAB
principle, as discussed in section III.C.2-b, to the case
where µs and η0ss are the spin potential and the of multiple-site interactions.
general hardness of eqs 206 and 209. The phenom- In line with the large series of studies mentioned
enon of spin catalysis786bsspin transformation of in section III.C.3 by Toro-Labbé and co-workers, this
chemically reactive species induced by the interaction group793 studied the application of the maximum
with external spin carrierssis discussed on the basis hardness/minimum polarizability principle to the
of an absolute scale for ω+ - imine-enamine tautomerism for a series of eight
s and ωs .
imine derivatives CH3CXNH (X ) H, F, Cl, Br, CH3,
The influence of solvent on the hardness (cf. section OH, NH2, N(CH3)2). The relative stability between
III.B.8) has been studied by Russo and co-workers787 reactants, transition states, and products follows an
in the case of a series of neutral and charged ordering that is consistent with both the MHP and
molecules. Combination of the PCM method358 with the minimum polarizability principle.
different techniques for hardness evaluation shows Turning to the application section (section IV) on
that the internally resolved hardness tensor method atoms and functional groups, the comprehensive
(eq 78)180 and the frontier orbital energy method (eq study by Ghosh and Biswas794 of the absolute radii
68) yield much lower solvent dependences than the of atoms and monatomic ions should be mentioned.
finite difference technique (eq 56). In general, Pear- They computed atomic hardness values, starting from
son’s conclusion365 that compounds seem to be much the expression of the energy of charging a conducting
softer in water than in the gas phase is confirmed, sphere of radius R with charge q:
as also in earlier work by Lipinski and Komorow-
ski.364 E ) q2/2R (346)
Turning to principles (section III.C), Sengupta and
Toro-Labbé788 presented a new additivity scheme for Combining eq 346 with the hardness equation, eq
both electronegativity and hardness, in line with 56, one easily arrives at (in cgs units)
earlier work by Sanderson,113,378-391 Nalewajski,384
Ghosh,438 and Datta.436,437 The chemical potential of η ) e2/2R (347)
a composite system is written as a weighted average
of the constituents’ chemicals potential, the weight The values obtained via eq 347 were compared with
factor being the Fukui function: Pearson’s values119 based on the use of experimental
1864 Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 Geerlings et al.

ionization energies and electron affinities in combi- ∆sk ) S0∆fk + f qk∆S with
nation with eq 56. It was seen in a significant number 0
of cases that the expected sequences of hardness and ∆fk ) f - f
k k and ∆S ) Sq - S0 (350)
radius are inverted. In 26 cases, calculated and
“experimental” (I + A)/2 values show deviations The first term assesses the local activation at the site,
smaller than 1.0 eV. The radius/hardness relation- and the second one takes into account the global
ship deserves further study, as it is one of the easiest activation of the whole system. The Markovnikov
ways to distinguish hardness patterns throughout channel presents a transition state that is lower in
the Periodic Table. energy and softer than the one corresponding to the
Geerlings and co-workers795 used ab initio calcu- anti-Markovnikov additions.
lated functional group properties to interpret atomic Mitnik and Lucero799 used the standard static
dipoles determined within the Hirshfeld partitioning approach discussed in section IV.C.2-a to study the
technique of the electron density (cf. refs 258-261) regioselectivity of electrophilic reactions on isomeric
on the hydrogen and chlorine atoms of compounds thiadiazolines. Korchowiec800 used the radical charge-
of the type H-X and Cl-X. In the case of HX transfer Fukui function (cf. eq 108) in the AIM
compounds, the atomic dipole moment of the X atom discretization to classify atoms of a given molecule
was found to be linearly correlated with the elec- into electrophilic and nucleophilic centers, taking
tronegativity of the group X. In the case of Cl-X
pyridine and 2-aminopyridine as examples.
compounds, group hardness enters the correlation if
the group X carries a heteroatom as the central atom. In line with earlier studies by our group on
The resulting correlation, SCN-,56,212 Tielens et al.801 used condensed Fukui
functions to interpret the results of interaction energy
µ(Cl) ) 0.036χx - 0.020ηx - 0.0204 and IR frequency shift calculations of SCN- with Ag
clusters of various size, modeling a silver electrode.
(µ in a.u.; χ and η in eV) (348) The most adequate representation seems to be a Ag23
cluster. The preferred interaction mode of SCN- is
illustrates the opposite effect of χ and η, with the via the sulfur atom on a hollow side of the silver
hardness effect being a factor of 2 smaller in the electrode. At higher surface charge, adsorption via
atomic dipole moment (largely caused by the non- the nitrogen atom becomes more favorable as com-
bonding electron pairs on Cl). pared to adsorption via sulfur, in agreement with the
Senthilkumar et al.796 presented a detailed DFT HSAB principle.
and ab initio study on the evolution of the chemical
hardness and electronic chemical potential with the In line with Mitnik and Lucero, Pilepic and Ursic802
internuclear distance. used the standard approach of the condensed Fukui
functions (supplemented by the relative nucleo-
As it has been previously shown that CBS-QB3 and
G3B3 methods yield excellent results in the calcula- philicty indices fk+/fk-)269,270 to study the nucleophilic
tion of electron affinities of small diatomic mole- reactivity of the nitroso group in nitrosobenzene and
cules,797a Jalbout and co-workers used the same 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropropane. The O atom of the
methodology to calculate ionization energies, absolute nitroso group was the most reactive nucleophilic
electronegativities, hardnesses, and softnesses of a center for softer reagents, its role being taken over
series of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics, by the harder N atom for harder reactants.
using the finite difference approximations, eqs 41 and Finally, turning to regioselectivity in concerted
56.797b Correlations with experimental data for χ and reactions (section IV.C.2-e), the Diels-Alder reaction
η, when available, are very promising for the CBS- has been investigated independently by Cong et al.,
QB3 and G3B3 methodologies. using the ABEEM σπ model,803a and by Domingo
Several groups applied DFT-based descriptors and using the local electrophilicity concept.804
principles to various types of chemical reactions. In the former study, the softness-matching expres-
Aizman et al.798 studied the Markovnikov regiose- sion (eq 318) was used in combination with Yang and
lectivity rule in electrophilic additions of HCl to a Wang’s ABEEM method413-418 to account successfully
series of asymmetrically substituted alkenes. A “static” for the regioselectivity of Diels-Alder reactions of the
local analysis, based on the electrophilic and nucleo- type described in ref 446. Moreover, it has been
philic condensed Fukui functions, shows that the shown that the MHP is obeyed in the exo/endo
attack of the proton to the Markovnikov center is stereospecificity, the endo hardness being always
preferred. The importance of the paper lies in the larger than the exo hardness, in accordance with
evaluation of the activation of the nucleophilic center experiment.803b Endo isomers indeed constitute the
in the carbocation in terms of the enhancement in main product of Diels-Alder reactions, where dienes
local softness for nucleophilic attacks. and/or dienophiles carry carboxyl or fenyl groups as
Local softness differences between TS and reac- substituents.
tants, characterized by superscripts q and °, respec-
tively, were therefore evaluated as Domingo et al.804 extended the electrophilicity
index ω introduced by Parr, Von Szentpaly, and
Liu186,187 (section III.B.2) to a local, condensed ver-
∆sk ) sqk - s0k (349) sion, ωk. Starting from eq 84, and using the additivity
rule for global softness226,438 (eq 241), the following
where this difference may further be partitioned as expression was obtained (case of electrophilic attack):
Conceptual Density Functional Theory Chemical Reviews, 2003, Vol. 103, No. 5 1865

µ2 µ2 cluster, [(RSn)12O14(OH)6]2+ (R ) CH3). Factors de-
ω) ) S ) ∑ s+ k ) ∑ ωk
with termining the exact nature of the interactions of the
2η 2 2 k k cluster with anions or neutral nucleophiles (F-, Cl-,
µ2 OH-, H2O, acetone, DMSO) were studied with DFT-
ω k ) s+ +
k (or ωk ) ωfk ) (351) based reactivity descriptors.809 The hexacoordinated
2 tin atoms, situated at the poles of the Sn cage, are
harder, while the pentacoordinated ones, situated at
Whereas the polar character of the electrophile/ the equator, are softer. Combining these results with
nucleophile interaction is dictated by the global the local HSAB principle, theory is in line with 119Sn
electrophilicity gap ∆ω (see next section),805 the NMR data, indicating that anions prefer to interact
selectivity at the electrophilic partner is described by with the cage poles and neutral nucleophiles prefer
eq 351. (Note that, within a given molecule, the to interact with the equatorial atoms.
sequence is parallel to the Fukui function sequence.) In the zeolite field, Deka and Hira810 used relative
Turning to intermolecular reactivity sequences, the
electrophilicity values s+ -
k /sk to probe the Lewis acid-
same authors obtained information about the polarity
ity of cation-exchanged faujasites (M-FAU), decreas-
of the transition-state structure for Diels-Alder
ing in the order (Li-FAU) > (Na-FAU) > (K-FAU).
reactions from the difference in electrophilicities of
Both trends are in line with experiment. In an
the diene/dienophile interaction pairs. The electro-
philicity index comprises both the propensity of an analogous way, the relative nucleophilicity s- +
k /sk of
electrophile to acquire an additional charge (driving the framework oxygen atoms was investigated, show-
force µ2) and the resistance of a system to exchange ing an increasing Lewis basicity (Li-FAU) < (Na-
electronic charge with the environment (described by FAU) < (K-FAU). As a sequel to the study on the acid
η). High electrophilicity is therefore expected for a zeolite catalysis of methylation of benzene and tolu-
combination of high µ and low η values. ene,773 Vos et al. performed an in-depth study on the
Small ∆ω values might, therefore, favor nonpolar use of reactivity descriptors for the acid zeolite-
(pericyclic) mechanisms, and big ∆ω values might catalyzed ethylation and isopropylation of benzene.811
favor polar (ionic) mechanisms. This result is con- We finally mention the study by Jacque and Toro-
firmed by relating ∆ω values to ∆N values obtained Labbé on the characterization812 of copper clusters
from transition-state calculations, the latter values Cun (n ) 2, 3, ..., 9): descriptors such as electronic
characterizing the TS polarity: increasing |∆ω| is, in chemical potential µ and hardness η, combined with
general, accompanied by increasing ∆ω. the minimum polarizability and maximum hardness
Perez et al.806a investigated the global electrophi- principle, turn out to be operative for characterizing
licity of benzhydryl cations as a function of the and rationalizing the electronic properties of copper
substituents in para position(s), calculated via eq 84 clusters. It was found that the more stable the
with an experimental scale recently proposed by cluster, the less polarizable and the harder it is, in
Mayr.806b In ongoing research into the relationship agreement with the MPP and MHP, respectively.
between the toxicity of various dioxins, the electron
acceptor or donor character of dioxins upon interac- IX. References
tion with amino acids (histidine, phenylalanine, (1) Hohenberg, P.; Kohn, W. Phys. Rev. B 1964, 136, 864. For a
tryptophan) has been probed by Arulmozhiraja et recent perspective, see: Ernzerhof, M.; Scuseria, G. E. Theor.
al.,807 using Huhey’s formula (eq 217). The calculated Chem. Acc. 2000, 103, 259.
(2) Koch, W.; Holthausen, M. C. A Chemist’s Guide to Density
∆N values show that dioxins act as electron acceptors Functional Theory; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2000.
in the interactions considered. The nucleophilic cen- (3) Pople, J. A. Rev. Mod. Phys. 1999, 71, 1267 (Nobel Lecture).
ters of the amino acids were evaluated by considering (4) Kohn, W. Rev. Mod. Phys. 1999, 71, 1253 (Nobel Lecture).
fk- and sk- values. (5) Thomas, L. H. Proc. Cambridge Philos Soc. 1927, 23, 542.
(6) Fermi, E. Z. Phys. 1928, 48, 73.
Mignon et al.808a performed large-scale calculations (7) Dirac, P. A. M. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 1930, 26, 376.
on a nucleophilic activation dyad in ribonucleases. (8) Von Weiszäcker, C. F. Z. Phys. 1935, 96, 431.
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