Solid State Physics Lecture Notes
Solid State Physics Lecture Notes
Solid State Physics Lecture Notes
Carlo E. Bottani
1 Solid bodies 5
1.1 Order and symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1.1 Simple Crystals: lattices and translational order . . . . 7
1.1.2 Complex crystals: lattice and basis . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Crystal binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Tensorial observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 Scattering theory 16
2.1 Elementary theory of elastic scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Quantum particle scattering amplitude: Born approximation 19
2.3 Elastic scattering - Bragg law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 X-Ray Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3 Electronic States 29
3.1 Bloch’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 Reduction to the first Brillouin zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3 Born-von Karman boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.4 Free electron gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.1 Plane waves - Fermi energy - Density of states . . . . . 39
3.4.2 Chemical potential and electronic specific heat . . . . . 41
3.4.3 Quasi-particles and Fermi liquid theory (a qualitative
introduction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.5 Band structure: nearly free electron approximation . . . . . . 44
3.5.1 Free electron diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.5.2 Fermi surface and density of states . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.6 Band structure of tightly bound electrons . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.6.1 LCAO Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.7 Electron dynamics in external fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.7.1 Equivalent Hamiltonian. Effective mass theorem . . . . 52
3.7.2 Impurity levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.7.3 Semiclassical dynamics in a crystal . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.7.4 Limitations in the effective mass description . . . . . . 58
3.7.5 Electric current - Electrons and holes . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.7.6 Excitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5 Lattice dynamics 67
5.1 Lattice specific heat: Einstein model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.2 Lattice dynamics: Born - Von Karman model . . . . . . . . . 69
5.3 Linear chain with two atoms per cell: acoustic modes and
optical modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.4 Simple 1D crystal: acoustic phonons and elastic waves . . . . 78
5.5 Phonons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.6 Specific heat: Debye model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.7 Polaritons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.8 Inelastic scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6 Optical properties 98
6.1 Kramers e Kronig relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.2 Probability per unit time of optical transitions . . . . . . . . . 103
6.3 Interband optical transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.3.1 Direct transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.3.2 Indirect transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6.4 Intraband transitions and plasmons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
To make a proper use of these notes, students should carefully
read this foreword. The present text is the English translation
of an original Italian version used till the second semester of a.y.
2011/12. The translation was quickly accomplished to be ready
for the 2013/14 course of Solid State Physics and was far from
being completely satisfactory. A better edition is now available
for the 2017/18 course. Concerning the content, although I have
taken the occasion to introduce some minor changes, the nature
of the notes remains the same: a short and synthetic outline
of the theoretical part of the lectures on Solid State Physics I
gave at Politecnico di Milano in the last eight years. The con-
tents of more practical lectures (very specific examples, exercises
and description of experiments), which also belong to the course
program and are possible objects of the final exam, are almost
not included. Anyhow this notes, initially born as a personal
notebook of the teacher and not intended for student studying,
should be read only as an additional didactic aid and should
never be used in place of a good textbook of Solid State Physics,
which remains an indispensable tool for any student. For my lec-
tures I have taken inspiration from many famous textbooks like:
J.M. Ziman, Theory of solids (2nd edition), Cambridge University
Press (1995); C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (8-
th edition), John Wiley &Sons (2004); N.W. Ashcroft and N.D.
Mermin, Solid State Physics, HRW International Editions (1981);
W.A. Harrison, Solid State Theory, Dover Publications (1979); F.
Bassani e U.M. Grassano, Fisica dello Stato Solido, Bollati Bor-
inghieri (2000). Students should choose one of them and study
it carefully. A further reason not to use these notes as a unique
reference text is their intrinsic degree of difficulty: many com-
ments, clarifications and examples I always make during lectures
are not reported here. Without them understanding very syn-
thetic written considerations may be rather hard. Yet I hope
these notes will be of some help for those students who mainly
like the very few fundamental principles upon which every phys-
ical theory is based: a dry skeleton of fundamental concepts. A
last comment: understanding these notes requires a good knowl-
edge of basic quantum mechanics even though the appendices
introduce some more advanced topics, e.g. approximate methods
like perturbation theory.
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 5
Figure 1: Crystals
1 Solid bodies
From a phenomenological and macroscopic point of view a solid body is
characterized by both a proper shape and a proper volume (while a liquid
owns only a proper volume and both gases and vapours neither). All solids
mechanically resist actions tending to varying their shape and/or their vol-
ume. The mechanical response, described by a stress-strain law1 , is reversible
(often linear) as long as the applied stresses do not exceed critical values:
the so called elastic regime. In this last condition shape and volume are
thermodynamic state variables like temperature. Beyond such critical stress
values solid bodies undergo irreversible processes, e.g. plastic deformation
and fracture. Crystalline solids become liquid at a characteristic tempera-
ture (melting point) with a first order phase transition. Disordered solids
instead exhibit different irreversible processes leading anyhow to a fluid state
beyond specific temperature values. Some solid bodies (for instance tung-
sten oxide 3 ) directly vaporize without passing through the liquid state:
this phase transition is called sublimation. From a microscopic (atomistic)
point of view solid bodies can be roughly classified as crystalline (monolithic
ordered atomic structures, see below), polycrystalline (bodies assembled by
many individual crystalline portions called grains, joined together through
disordered transition regions or grain boundaries) or amorphous (disordered
atomic structures). In the last twenty years, with the advent of nanotech-
More precisely one should speak of stress tensor and strain tensor. See Appendix on
elasticity and elastic waves
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 6
nology in the realm of materials science, also the terms nanocrystalline and
cluster assembled have been introduced, making the classification less sharp
and more complex. In principle the main goal of solid state physics should
be the forecast of the atomic structure of solid bodies (and thus of all their
properties) solely on the base of quantum mechanics and statistical thermo-
dynamics. This objective is impossible to be reached. The reason is that the
underlying quantum many body problem is far too difficult to be solved. In
the case of crystals the atomic structure is usually assumed as given (most
often based on experimental results like X-Ray diffraction) and then quan-
tum mechanics is used to compute the properties of that particular structure.
E.g. we are not able to understand from first principles why solid copper is
a face centered cubic crystal with a cubic cell of 3.61 Å edge but, assuming
this structure as true, we understand why copper is a noble metal, we can
compute its specific heat, electrical and thermal conductivities, optical re-
flectivity, thermal expansion and many other properties in good agreement
with experimental data. This is possible because, given the reference struc-
ture, many properties can be reconducted to elementary quantum excitations
that, to a first approximation, beahave as ensambles of independent parti-
cles which are born, move and die within the body. There exist two types of
elementary excitations: quasi-particles (quasi-electrons, holes, polarons) and
collective excitations (phonons, plasmons, polaritons, magnons). All these
excitations are deeply connected with the real particles like electrons and
nuclei which, in the normal energy range of interest for solid state physics,
are stable particles whose number is conserved. In the following we will deal
mainly with quasi-electrons (which will be simply called electrons), holes and
describing the properties of ideal crystals, free of both lattice defects and
thermal motions. First let us consider the so called simple crystals in which
atomic positions coincide with the points of a Bravais lattice.
n = 1 a1 + 2 a2 + 3 a3
1 2 3 being a triplet of integer numbers and a1 a2 a3 being the primi-
tive vectors (not all in the same plane) of the primitive cell. The primitive
cell, which contains only one lattice point, is the volume of space that, when
translated through all the vectors in a Bravais lattice, just fills all of space
without either overlapping itself or leaving voids. The vectors a are said
to generate or span the lattice. Given a Bravais lattice, the primitive vec-
tors are univocally identified (primitive unit cell ) provided the volume of
the cell is minimal and the three vectors connect the origin of the cell to
nearest neighbors (that is, to lattice points of minimal distance). Alterna-
tively the Wigner and Seitz method can be used. The lattice point taken
as origin is connected to all equivalent nearest neighbors generating a set of
segments. Then every segment is bisected by a normal plane. The set of
all such intersecting planes defines a polyhedron: the Wigner-Seitz cell, con-
taining only one Bravais lattice point, whose volume is identical to that of
the primitive unit cell. The advantage of using the Wigner-Seitz cell as the
primitive one is that all the symmetry properties of the Bravais lattice (also
the non-translational ones, see below) can be directly seen by inspection of it.
The figures also illustrate different kinds of cells: one instance of elementary
cell (minimal volume, but the connected points are not all nearest neigh-
bors) and one instance of conventional cell (non minimal volume; moreover
the one to one correspondence between lattice point n and cell is broken).
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 8
A physical observable of the crystal, e.g. the electric charge density, turns
out to be invariant with respect to any Tn :
(r ) = (r + Tn ) = (r)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 9
is then a multiply periodic function of position. In one dimension = +
and (+) = (). Thus () is expressible as a Fourier series
() = (1)
and, for cubic crystals (s.c., b.c.c., f.c.c.), with a conventional cubic cell
of edge , by
= √ (15)
+ 2 + 2
3. The volume of the primitive cell of the reciprocal lattice can be com-
puted as
8 3 8 3
( ) = = (16)
( ) |a1 · a2 × a3 |
4. The direct lattice is the reciprocal of its reciprocal lattice. For the
primitive cell of the reciprocal lattice the most common definition is
the Wigner-Seitz one: the corresponding cell is called first Brillouin
zone. The zone center is called Γ point.
Figure 2:
axes passing through the fixed point, the inversion (r → −r) and the roto-
inversions (equivalent to reflections across crystal planes passing through
the fixed point) consisting of a rotation followed by the inversion (in
the group algebra the corrisponding operation is the product of the two
distinct operations). All Bravais lattices own the inversion symmetry with
respect to any lattice point. The space group of the lattice contains both the
symmetry translations and the symmetry operations belonging to the point
group. Groups theory shows that (in three dimensions) do exist only four-
teen (14) different Bravais lattices (result obtained by the French physicist
Auguste Bravais in the year 1845) each charatterized by a specific primitive
cell (a specific triplet of vectors a1 a2 a3 ). The 14 Bravais lattices distribute
themselves among the seven (7) crystal systems (syngonies), illustrated in
the figure, for there are only 7 point groups compatible with translational
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 12
Figure 3:
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 13
Figure 4:
infinite distance apart (without loosing any original particle). Now think-
ing to the reverse process (at zero temperature), starting from the disas-
sembled state, the formation of the stable final bound state of the crystal,
occupying a finite volume, must correspond to an energy gain (lowering of
the total energy) equal to (defining) the cohesion energy. The main acting
forces are of electrostatic origin (repulsive between charges of same sign:
electron-electron, nucleus-nucleus; attractive between charges of opposite
sign: electron-nucleus). Magnetic forces, associated with elementary mag-
netic moments, connected with electronic and nuclear spins, are not equally
important, with some exceptions. Gravitational forces are negligible (except
for oriented crystal growth). Yet, only in the case of ionic solids (see below)
the role of electrostatic interactions is fully understandable in terms of clas-
sical physics. To understand both crystal binding and properties in general a
quantum approach is needed. Within this quantum description key items are
the overlapping of atomic orbitals (to create extended states), the exchange
interactions (related to exchange symmetry of the electrons wave function
and thus, in a single particle mean field approximation, to Pauli exclusion
principle) and, in some cases, the zero point energy (a consequence of Heisen-
berg uncertainty principle). An essential role is played by the charge spatial
distribution depending on individual presence probability densities of valence
electrons and of lattice ions. In this respect metal crystals and ionic crystals
constitute two different extreme cases. In the former case the wave functions
of valence electrons fill all crystal volume with a weak periodic inhomogene-
ity of the probability density (quasi-plane wave states) within simple lattices
with the highest packing index, mainly face centered cubic (f.c.c.), e.g. ,
, , and hexagonal closed packed (h.c.p.), e.g. , , , but also
body centered cubic (b.c.c.), e.g. , , . Here lattice ions are treated,
to a first approximation, as hard spheres embodied in an almost uniform va-
lence electrons cloud. In the latter case (perfect ionic binding) the crystal is
a lattice of positive and negative ions (e.g. the salt + · − ) and extended
(Bloch) states for valence electrons do not exist, being all electrons in local-
ized atomic states. In the case of single element insulating crystals, e.g.
diamond or semiconducting, e.g. Si and , binding is covalent. Extended
states of valence electrons exhibit a strong interionic localization (bonds)
from which strong bonding anisotropy follows in rather open structures with
atomic tetrahedral coordination based on 3 atomic orbitals hybridization.
III-V semiconductors, e.g. , or II-VI, e.g. , show a situation inter-
mediate between covalent and ionic binding (there are extended states with
strong bonding directionality and partial charge accumulation- of opposite
sign- on pairs of nearest lattice ions). At very low temperature noble gases
crystallize in a lattice of spherical neutral atoms bonded together because of
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 15
= ◦ (17)
2 Scattering theory
To ascertain the static (average) structure of solids elastic scattering of probe
particles is utilized. Using undulatory terms one can say that the structural
These conditions can be written in compact form as χ = aχa−1 = χ, introducing
the matrix a−1 , the inverse of matrix a.
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 17
1−exp(− )
1−exp(− )
(a partial sum of the geometric series exp (− ) =
1−exp(− )
). In the crystal there are 3 primitive cells. We can trans-
sin( 2)
form this last result, without changing its squared modulus, as sin( 2)
2 ( 2) sin2 ( 2) sin2 ( 2)
this way (Q) ∝ sin
sin2 ( 2) sin2 ( 2) sin2 ( 2)
. The study of the function
sin2 ( 2)
sin2 ( 2)
shows that,
I(x) 100
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
= = 10
for big enough N, it is almost zero everywhere except where = (2) ,
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 19
being any integer (positive or negative, including zero). There the function
(an extremely sharp maximum) is equal to 2 Remembering the expression
for the reciprocal lattice vectors of a cubic lattice, we conclude that the con-
dition to have maxima in the scattering intensity (constructive interference)
is Q = g for any triplet also corresponding to a family of crystal planes
of Miller indeces . In the next subsection this selection rule is further ex-
amined in a more rigorous way for particle scattering and shown to be fully
~2 2
− ∇ (r)+ (r)(r) =(r) (20)
|k |2 = |k|2 = = 2 (21)
the equation can be written as:
¡ 2 2¢ 2(r)
∇ + (r) = (r) (22)
The initial state of incoming particles is described by the plane wave
p = ~k = ~k (24)
is the linear momentum of the particles and k the incident wave vector. In
general an incident probability current density vector is collectively associated
to states like this
~ ~k
j = (∗ (r)∇ (r) − (r)∇∗ (r)) = (25)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 20
The explicit form of the Green function turns out to be (see e.g. Davydov,
Quantum Mechanics, Pergamon Press):
(r r ) = − 0 (30)
4 |r − r |
The initial Schroedinger equation transforms then into the integral equation:
Z 0
0 0 0
(r) = (r)− 0 (r ) (r )r (31)
2~2 |r − r |
¯ 0¯
If ¯r ¯ 1 (far field approximation) the spherical wave emitted from
point r within the scattering volume can be approximated by the product of
a spherical wave emitted from the origin (always taken within the scattering
volume) and of a plane wave emitted in the direction of wave vector k =
−k ·r0
0 ≈ (32)
|r − r |
being k = r the scattered wave vector 6 . The angle between k and k
is called scattering angle. The direction of k can be given by the angles
¯ ¯ r ³ 0 ´2 q ³ ´
¯ 0¯ 0 0 0 0
¯r − r ¯ = 1 − 2 r·r
' 1 − 2 r·r
' 1 −
' − k · r
where we have used 1 − ' 1 − 2 valid if ¿ 1
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 21
and of spherical coordinates and the infinitesimal solid angle about this
direction is Ω = sin . The radial probability current density vector
µ ¶
~ ∗ (r) ∗ (r)
j (r) = (r) − (r) (33)
If the scattering volume is much bigger than |Q|−3 and also, as it is generally
true in most scattering experiments, than , and if the far field approxi-
mation is still valid, in practice the integration can be extended over all space
( → ∞), so obtaining
4 2 X
= − (Q − g ) (42)
From this last result it is seen that the scattering amplitude is different from
zero (in the real case, it is maximum) if and only if Q = g . Formula (42)
has a simple physical meaning thanks to the properties of reciprocal and
direct lattices. A particular family of direct lattice planes owns as normal
vectors the reciprocal lattice vectors labelled by the triplet of least integers
() (identical to crystallographic Miller indices of that family of planes) and
by all tripletys {} that are obtained from () multiplying every index
by the same integer . E.g. in a simple cubic lattice: (110),(220),(330),.....
Vectors g220 ,g330 ,..... share the same direction with vector g110 and for the
moduli we have: |g220 | = 2 |g110 |, |g330 | = 3 |g110 |,.....√ The first neighbour
planes distance of this family is 110 = 2 |g110 | = 2 and represents the
space period of the Bravais lattice along direction 110 perpendicular
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 23
Q = k − k = g (43)
and write it as
|k − g |2 = |k |2 (44)
that is
|k |2 − 2k · g + |g |2 = |k |2 (45)
For elastic scattering and introducing the Bragg angle as the complement
to 900 of the angle between k and g , one gets
This law tells us that maximum scattering is obtained when the projection
of particle wave vector onto the vector g equals half modulus of g (see
Umklapp below). For = 2 |g | and = 2 |k | is the de Broglie
wavelength of incident particles, one eventually obtains
the well known Bragg law (which gives the angular positions of Bragg peaks,
being the Bragg angle one half of scattering angle: consider the vector dia-
gram of equation k − k = g ). To arrive at (42) we used the result:
Z 0 0
(g −Q)·r r = (2)3 (g − Q) (48)
easily obtainable in 1D as
Z +∞
= 2() (49)
= lim = () (50)
planes {} satisfies Bragg law g − Q = 0, the peak intensity (area) is
proportional to the squared modulus of and dipends on the matter dis-
tribution (distribution of scattering centers) within a single primitive cell,
that is on the basis containing atoms. In the case of neutron scattering,
due to the extremely small interaction range,Pin (40) one can write (being
the integral limited to only one cell) (r) = =1 (r − r ). The r are
the positions of the basis nuclei of primitive cell and all coordinates refer
to the local origin of the cell itself. This form of interaction energy between
probe particles and crystal atoms is called Fermi pseudo-potential. The
are the scattering amplitudes of nuclei. Then it turns out:
= (r − r )−g ·r r =
1 X
= −g ·r (51)
The quantity X
= −g ·r (52)
is called the geometric structure factor. The intensity of a single Bragg peak
() is then proportional to the squared modulus of . Sometimes, due
to a particular basis structure generating distructive interference, may
be null and the corresponding Bragg peak disappears (see below). In the
case of both X-Rays and electrons is given by the same formula but
with electronic quantities (Q = g ) substituting the nuclear constants .
The (Q) is an individual atomic property mainly related to core electrons.
Quantities (Q) are called atomic form factors (see below).
Taking into account that (above plasma frequency, see eq. 428), for X-Rays
we can write
2 = 1 − (54)
2 0
one gets the equation
µ 2
2 (r)
∇ + 2 E(r) = E(r) (55)
2 0
with 2 2 = 2 . This equation is quite similar to the scalar equation 22. In
our analogy the role of is then played by :
= (r)−g ·r r (56)
if X
(r) = (r − r ) (57)
(in the assumption, not applicable to covalent solids, that the electron
charge density is the sum of the electron densities of each atom ):
∝ (r − r )−g ·r r =
= (r − r )−g ·(r−r ) −g ·r r =
1 −g ·r
= (r)−g ·r r =
1 X
= −g ·r (g ) (58)
The propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a mean with refractive index is de-
2 2
scribed by equation ∇2 E = 2 E
2 , where E is the electric field. When E = E(r) exp(−ω),
(Q) = (r)−Q·r r (59)
We can calculate = =1 −g ·r in case of a bcc lattice consid-
ered as a simple cubic lattice with a basis:
= 1 2
r1 = 0
r2 = (2)(x + y + z)
in reciprocal space this converts the simple cubic lattice with side 2
(the reciprocal of a simple cube with side ) in a fcc lattice with a conventional
cell with side 4, i.e. exactly the reciprocal of a bcc with side , for which
is 1 (see picture 6.11 Ashcroft-Mermin).
Then we calculate = =1 −g ·r in case of a fcc considered as
a simple cubic lattice with a basis:
= 1 2
r1 = 0
r2 = (2)(x + y)
r3 = (2)(y + z)
r4 = (2)(x + z)
in reciprocal space this converts the simple cubic lattice with side 2
(the reciprocal of a simple cube with side ) in a bcc with a conventional cell
with side 4, i.e. exactly the reciprocal of a fcc with side , for which
is 1 (see picture 6.11 Ashcroft-Mermin).
Finally we calculate = =1 −g ·r in case of diamond lattice
considered as a fcc with a basis:
= 1 2
r1 = 0
r2 = (4)(x + y + z)
Bragg formulation.
As has already been discussed in the particle scattering, Q = g is equal
2 sin = (62)
where is the spacing between to planes in the family of crystal planes
with indices (), is the angle between k (and k ) and the plane, is the
wave length of radiation X, in an integer number.
Q = g is equal Q = k − k = 2 2
sin = 2
= g .
Q = k − k = g
k = k − g
by squaring both sides of this (and since = |k − g |) we obtain:
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 28
g 1
k · = |g | (63)
|g | 2
Powder diffraction:
2 sin (64)
where is the angle of the diffraction (angle between k and k ).
The intensity of diffraction is proportional to the Fourier trans-
form of the static autocorrelation function:
(Q) is the scattering amplitude, (Q) is the intensity experimentally
measured with scattering wave vector Q = k −k defined by experimental
(Q) ∼ (r)−Q·r r
2 ∗ 0 −Q·r0 0
(Q) ∼ |(Q)| ∼ (Q) (Q) ∼ (r ) r ∗ (r)Q·r r =
∗ −Q·R
= (r + R) (r) rR = (R)−Q·R R (65)
(R) = (r + R) ∗ (r)r
x-rays: (R) = (r + R)∗ (r)r
neutrons: (R) = (r + R − r ) (r − r )r =
= 2 (R − (r − r )) (66)
(Q) ∼ (R − (r − r ))−Q·R R =
à !
= 2 −Q·(r −r ) = 2 1+ −Q·(r −r ) =
2 2
= + (R)−Q·R R =
µ Z ¶
2 −Q·R
= 1 + (R) R (67)
where (R) is the pair-correlation function, i.e. (R)R gives the mean
numbers of atoms in a volume R around distance R from one atom in the
liquid ( (R) = (R): static non local homogeneity hypothesis).
In the hypothesis of statistical isotropy ((R) = ()):
µ Z ¶
(Q) ∼ 1 + () R =
µ Z ¶
2 − cos 2
= 1 + () 2 sin =
µ Z ¶
2 2 sin
= 1 + 4 () (68)
where () is the radial distribution function, i.e. 42 () is the mean
number of atoms located in a spherical shell with thickness centered on
an atom in the liquid.
() exhibits characteristic oscillations with maxima in values of corre-
sponding to a short range order (dynamic statistical order: first neighbours,
second neighbours, etc.).
A monoatomic gas doesn’t exhibit characteristic oscillations in ().
3 Electronic States
Physical and chemical properties in solids strictly depend on electronic mo-
tion, both stationary and not. Considering valence electrons motion as in-
dependent from motion of ions in the lattice (or from motion of nuclei, since
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 30
H b0 = b + (r) + (r)
b=H (70)
X |pb |2 ~2 X 2
b = =− ∇r (71)
2 2
is the total kinetic energy operator for valence electrons,
1X 2
(r) = (72)
2 6= 40 |r − r |
represents the set of dynamic coordinates (position and spin) of all valence
We neglect relativistic effects (including spin-orbit interactions and direct
magnetic spin-spin interactions). With a procedure similar to the Hartree or
Hartree-Fock self-consistent mean-field approximation used for many-electron
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 31
b |pb |2
H = + h (r )i + (r ) (75)
hi representing the average value of electron-electron interactions. Here
we do a further approximation: we assume that the mean periodic potential
h (r )i + (r ) = (r ) is the same for every electron (a good approx-
imation for macroscopic crystals): for this reason by now on we drop the
subscript .
From a physical point of view the sum of h (r)i and of the bare periodic
potential (r) is equivalent to the electrostatic screening of the latter.
In other words: the generic valence electron moves in an attractive pe-
riodic potential (r) resulting from the interaction with lattice ions, whose
positive charge is partially screened from the mean negative charge dis-
tribution of all other valence electrons. This mean field approach is static
in nature and neglects the dynamic correlation effects present within the
screening electrons cloud surrounding ions (and the screening holes cloud
surrounding every generic electron, see below the introduction to the quasi-
particle concept).
In a Fourier representation of periodic potential this Hartree-Fock approx-
imation can be described by a dielectric function depending on wave vector
(see Bloch’s theorem). This dielectric function substitutes 0 in a formula in
which the Fourier transform of (r) appears.
b n () = (n)()
T (82)
b n is an additive operator, which means:
T b n2 () = (+1 + 2 ) =
b n1 T (83)
b n1 +n2 ()
= (+(1 + 2 )) = T
Using now the eigenvalue equation we obtain:
(n1 )(n2 )() = (n1 + n2 )() (84)
(n1 )(n2 ) = (n1 + n2 ) (85)
This equation is satisfied by
Z Z ¯ ¯2
2 ¯b ¯
1 = |()| = ¯Tn ()¯ = (87)
2 2
= |(n)| |()|
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 33
in which
(+Tn ) = (+) = () (92)
is a periodic function in . From a physical (intuitive) point of view it is
important to consider that Bloch functions are plane waves modulated by a
periodic factor.
To any eigenfunction of b ( () is a stationary state of an electron in
a periodic potential)
b () = ()
a wave vector is associated such that equation (90) holds, and therefore
also equations (91) and (92) are true.
Stationary energy levels associated to the electron depend on wave
vector too. In 3D we generalize the above result using the vector notation:
~2 ¡ 2 ¢
− ∇ k + 2k · ∇k − 2 k + (r)k = k k (99)
id est:
" #
p + ~k)2
+ (r) k = k k (100)
b = −~∇ is the momentum operator.
where p
For any fixed k, the eigenvalue problem (100) defines a spectrum of dis-
crete eigenvalues k = k . Every energy level k is labelled with a branch
index which stands for the set of quantum numbers needed to label the
eigenvalue spectrum at fixed k. Usually these k are degenerate energy lev-
els: all states belonging to the same branch can be written as different
Bloch functions
k () = k ()
, where now represents the subset of
quantum numbers required to span all states. depend on the non-
translational part of the space group of the crystal. By fixing and letting
k vary we obtain a hypersurface (a line in 1D, a surface in 2D): a specific
electronic branch of the band structure of the crystal. Letting both and k
vary we obtain the entire band structure. In this context a specific band is
the whole energy sub-interval spanned by all k values. Sometimes the word
band is used to indicate a branch, generating some confusion. In particular,
adopting our nomenclature, we can say that, in some crystal structures, dif-
ferent energy bands can be (partially) superimposed. As far as the physical
meaning of the single electron energy levels k is concerned, if the peri-
odic potential is the self consistent one obtained by the Hartee-Fock method
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 35
periodicity = 2, also will be a periodic function of with the same
The representation of the states as functions of , with −∞ +∞
(repeated-zone scheme), is so highly redundant, since the same branch seg-
ment is shown in all infinitely many equivalent wave vector periods. Fixing
univocally the corresponding to a specific energy level/state is now neces-
This is achieved using the reduced-zone scheme where we consider only the
wave vectors belonging to the first Brillouin zone, in such a way to associate
to any state of branch a single wave vector .
In one dimension this corresponds to limiting the vector within the
− ≤ (103)
A third representation is the extended-zone scheme in which in any Bril-
louin zone there is just one electronic branch. Starting in the first zone and
increasing, in any direction, the modulus of the wave vector, we will as-
sign to any zone only one specific branch , in such a way to progessively
increase the index (the first branch in the first zone, the second branch in
the second zone and so on).
The picture shows the result of this fictitious periodicity of an empty lattice.
In order to obtain the reduced-zone scheme we must back translate (umklapp)
of reciprocal lattice vectors, the different pieces of the parabola from any
higher order Brillouin zone into the first Brillouin zone.
A real periodic potential would introduce a distortion of the parabola and,
generally, the opening of a prohibited energy gap between two consecutive
Writing the Bloch functions in their characteristic expressions can def-
initely persuade us that the states described with wave vector k and with
wave vector k0 = k − g are exactly the same state.
(r) =
k0 (r)
k ·r
k0 (r)
−g·r k·r
k (r)
k (r)
− ≤ (106)
2 2
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 38
Taking into account spin degeneracy and Pauli principle, it follows that a
single branch k of the band structure (in the first Brillouin zone) can guest
up to 2 electronic states (Bloch waves). As a result, knowing the band
structure of a crystal, including the existence and width of forbidden energy
gaps, it is possible to foresee whether the material is a conductor (metal) or a
semiconductor/insulator. As an example we consider a monovalent element
which crystallizes as a simple crystal, such as (a body centered cubic
structure). In this case, in the ground state, the set of valence electrons
occupies just the first half of k1 , leaving the second half empty. If acceler-
ated by an external electrical field (see below "Single electron Dynamics")
there will be a net current generated by the highest energy electrons making
transitions to close empty energy states belonging to the same band: such
a crystal is a conductor. Following similar lines of reasoning, to get a more
general rule of thumb, for the sake of simplicity we assume that contigu-
ous allowed bands, spanned by the different branches k , are separated by
forbidden energy intervals called band gaps, i.e. ranges of energy that an
electron in the solid may not have (see e.g. "Nearly-free electron bands").
Let be the atoms valence and let be the number of atoms in the basis;
if is odd, the crystal should be a conductor, otherwise if is even, the
crystal should be an insulator (or a semiconductor, if the width of the first
prohibited band is less than or equal to ). However some real situations
are more complicated and there are a lot of important counterexamples of
our rough rule. For example all of the elements in the second column of the
periodic table ( = 2) form metallic crystals, even though they are simple
crystals (one atom per primitive cell). In these cases we should consider the
complex topology of the real band structure in three dimensional space.
Different branches with energy k can exhibit a partial superposition of
the relative energy bands, along different directions in space. This is true
for the above case (e.g for ): as a consequence the first band is not full
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 39
and the second is also partly occupied giving rise to a metallic behavior. We
will see that the empty states of the first band seem to behave as positive
charge carriers (holes). In one dimension superposition of bands is not al-
lowed because it would imply branch crossing: in a 1D world would be
an insulator (or a semiconductor) according to our rule of thumb.
~2 2
− ∇ k (r) = k k (r) (110)
We already know that eigenvalues (degenerate energy levels) in this case are
given by the following expression
The free electron gas ground state (at absolute zero) is determined by
ordering the states of the system (112) by increasing energy, and by con-
secutively filling up the unoccupied quantum states with the lowest energy,
according to the Pauli exclusion principle. When all the electrons have been
put in, the Fermi energy is the energy of the highest occupied state. The
corresponding spherical surface has a radius of = ( ). The Fermi wave
vector is obtained from (113) by equalizing ( ) to the number of electrons
contained in the volume
µ ¶ 13
= 3
¡ ¢ 23
~2 3 2
= (115)
Both Fermi wave vector and Fermi energy depend on valence electron
density (that is the number of valence electrons per unit volume). The prob-
ability that, at a temperature , a state with energy will be occupied is
given by the Fermi-Dirac distribution (| )
(| ) = (116)
exp( −
) +1
where is the chemical potential of an electron. Since depends weakly
on the temperature (see "Electronic specific heat"), in most of the cases the
approximation ( ) ≈ (0) = can be used. Wecan now introduce now
the density of occupied states
µ ¶ 32 √
D(| ) = () (| ) = 2 (117)
2 ~2 exp( −
When the Fermi wavelength = 2 has a value comparable with the
interatomic distances (in 1 when = 2) we expect a Bragg reflection
(electron diffraction, see "Scattering theory") to occur off a family of lattice
planes for electrons on the Fermi surface. In this case the free electron model
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 41
f 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
For a proof see, e.g., Ziman, Principles of the theory of solids 2-nd ed.,
Cambridge University Press. There, to derive the previous formula, the
following identity (obtained by integration by parts) is used:
Z ∞ Z ∞ µ ¶
(| )
() (| ) = () − (121)
0 0
R 0 0
where () = 0 ( ) . Then (120) can be written in another form
(useful in applications) as:
Z ∞ µ ¶ µ ¶
(| ) 2 2
() − ≈ () + 2
( )2 (122)
0 6 =
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 42
Since Z Z Z
() = () + () (124)
0 0
It is possible to obtain
Z µ ¶
() ≈ ( )2 ≈ ( ) ( − ) (125)
Resolving the previous formula with respect to the chemical potential we get
µ ¶
≈ − ln () ( )2 (126)
are thermally excited. Each of them contributes to the part of internal energy
depending on the temperature = with an individual contribution
£ ¤
≈ = ( ) ( )2 = 22 ( ) (129)
The exact calculation would give us the constant 2 3 instead of the prefactor
2 of the previous formula. In conductors this contribution to specific heat is
important at low temperature and gives us a way to measure ( ).
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 43
two quasi-electrons repel each other less than two electrons separated by the
same distance in vacuum. This can be represented by introducing a dielectic
constant different from the vacuum one. All the same, mutatis mutandis,
is valid for interactions between two holes and for electron-hole interactions.
The number of quasi-particles is not constant (as is the number of electrons)
but depends on temperature.The complex dynamic system described in this
paragraph is called Fermi liquid. The theoretical framework needed to take
into account many body effects in condensed matter is a particular aspect of
Quantum Field Theory. We will not enter this complex field. The interested
reader is referred to R.D. Mattuck, A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the
Many-Body Problem, 2-nd ed. Dover 1992.
Here we have adopted the Dirac notation. The unperturbed states | are
the plane waves in the vacuum lattice (see above). We have to examine the
matrix elements
0 1 1 0
k| (r)|k ≡ √ −k·r (r) √ k ·r r = (131)
1 0
= −(k−k )·r (r)r
where the are the reciprocal lattice vectors and where the Fourier coeffi-
cients g can be written as:
g = (r)−g·r r (133)
0 1 0
k| (r)|k = g g·r −(k−k )·r r = (134)
1 X 0
= g (g−k+k )·r r =g k0 k−g
~2 |k|2 X |g |2
(k) ≈ + ¡ 2 ¢ (135)
2 g6=0
|k| − |k − g|2
This representation makes sense for any with the exception for the ones
that satisfy the degeneracy condition (525)
and consequently to
g |g|
k· = (139)
|g| 2
For a better understanding of this equation in terms of Bragg reflection read
the subsection Elastic Scattering - Bragg law. This condition in one dimen-
sion is satisfied by = ± = ± (). In this case the perturbation theory
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 46
± ~2 ³ ´2 ¯¯ ¯
= ± ¯ 2 ¯ (141)
¯ ¯2
If we examine the probability densities ¯± ¯ we can find that
µ ¶
¯ + ¯2 2
¯ ¯ = sin2 ( ) (143)
µ ¶
¯ − ¯2 2
¯ ¯ = cos2 ( ) (144)
¯ − ¯2
¯ ¯ has its maximum values where = (we can find the minima of
¯ + ¯periodic potential in correspondence with the ions: lattice points), while
¯ ¯2 has its maximum values at interstitial positions between ions, i.e. at
¡ ¢
+ 12 (maxima of the periodic potential). This explains the difference of
energy between the two different perturbed states. Since the degeneration has
been removed it is now possible to use the general formula for non-degenerate
energy levels for all wave vectors in the first Brillouin zone, including the ones
at the zone boundaries, to further improve the accuracy of the method.
() 2
() = = k = (145)
= 3 ⊥ = 3
(2) 4 |∇k |
where is the infinitesimal element of the first surface while ⊥ represents
the local distance between the two surfaces. We used the following formula:
= |∇k | ⊥ . Thus the total density of states is:
() = () = 3 (146)
4 |∇k |
If we plot the density of states as a function of energy, where the mean velocity
of a Bloch state k = (∇k ~) is zero (this is a critical point in the first
Brillouin zone) we find discontinuities in () called Van Hove singu-
larities (the virtual discontinuities in () are smoothed out by integration).
Since (−k) =(k), as stated by the Kramers theorem (symmetry − ),
Γ [(k = 0)] is always a critical point. In lattices such as f.c.c., because of
symmetry reasons, also [k =(2)(100)] and [k =(2)(12 12 12)]
are critical points. Segment Γ is called Λ while segment Γ is called ∆.
For a given branch , close to a critical point it is possible to write = (k)
as a quadratic form; using the directions of the local principal axes we get:
Using the effective mass ∗ approximation (see below) in this case we would
get = ~2 2∗ . Similar considerations may be applied to the study of
phonon dispersion relations (see below) in order to obtain their density of
states in terms of frequency.
plane waves, close to the positions where lattice ions are located Bloch waves
resemble localized atomic orbitals. In other words we assume that in the
vicinity of each lattice point in position n the periodic potential can be
approximated by the atomic potential of a single ion located in the same
position n (r − n). In order to describe electronic bands in crystals with
strongly bounded electrons we try to develop a Bloch state as an appropriate
sum, over all positions in the crystal, of atomic orbitals (r − n) centered
on ions themselves ( is the set of quantum numbers defining one of the
possible stationary state for an electron in the mean field of central forces of
a single atom). Thus satisfies the stationary Schroedinger equation (we
put = 0):
∙ ¸
~2 2
− ∇ +0 (r) (r)= (r) (149)
Then a trial Bloch function of the whole crystal can be written as:
1 X k·n
k (r) = √ (r − n) (150)
Computing k (r + l), being l too a lattice translation like n, and multiplying
the right side of the equation by k·l −k·l we get :
1 X k·(n−l)
k (r + l) = k·l √ (r − (n − l)) =
1 X k·h
= k·l √ (r − h) = k·l k (r)
Since both l and n − l = h are lattice translations, we have just verified that
(150) satisfies Bloch’s theorem. Neglecting superposition integrals, function
(150) satisfies the normalization condition, i.e.:
1 X X k·(n0 −n) 0
k (r) k (r)r = 1+ ∗ (r − n) (r − n )r ≈1
n 0
n 6=n
The expectation value of energy in state k will be then:
Z ∙ ¸
∗ ~2 2
(k) = k (r) − ∇ +(r) k (r)r (152)
where (r) is the exact periodic potential. Introducing ∆(r) = (r)−0 (r),
a function with maximum at r = 0 (we set lattice point n as origin of coor-
dinates), and again neglecting some superposition integrals, we get the final
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 49
(k) = Eh k·h (153)
E0 ≈ (154)
Eh6=0 ≈ ∗ (r + h)∆ (r) (r)r
~2 2
()≈ ∗ (156)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 50
∗ = (157)
22 |E± |
So, electrons in bands of strongly localized states have a big effective mass.
Remembering the discrete allowed wavevectors of the first Brillouin zone,
in a crystal (a polystable system with ions - i.e. potential wells) the
original atomic level splits in a band of levels () as a result of
the above hopping events (transitions) between different wells. Jumps are
promoted by ∆ , acting as a perturbation operator in (154) which resemble
a matrix element of a transition in perturbation theory (see Appendices).
In interstitial regions atomic states (r − n) and Bloch states are very dif-
ferent one another; this happens because of energy barriers between pairs
of ions which appear in the periodic potential and which alter the potential
wells produced by isolated ions. Besides bound atomic states are an incom-
plete set for the description of a Bloch state with energy greater than periodic
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 51
potential maxima (non tunneling states), where the energy spectrum is basi-
cally continuous (see unbound states with positive energy in isolated atoms).
In the figure below the function ∆ is shown together with two different
energy levels greater and smaller than periodic potential maxima. Thus it
was necessary to look for better approximate methods based on basis func-
tions closer to exact Bloch functions, but the description of such methods is
beyond the scope of these lecture notes.
k → − ∇ (161)
We prove the theorem dropping subscript and considering only one band in
a one dimensional situation where the lattice positions are given by = .
We apply operator b = (−∇), built starting from (k) expressed as
the Fourier series (153), to Bloch wave function k () and perform just a
few steps:
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 52
(− )k () = E k () = (162)
X 1 2
= E (1 + + ()2 2 + )k () =
= E k (+) = E k () = ()k ()
has already been solved. We look for a solution of (163) as a wave packet of
Bloch states with time dependent coefficients:
(r ) = k ()k (r) (166)
where the sum is over an appropriately limited (with respect to zone bound-
ary) interval of values around a specific mean k. Since the set of allowed k
is almost continuous in a macroscopic crystal, it is even possible to write:
(r ) = k ()k (r)k (167)
Using the eigenvalue equation of b0 and the Wannier theorem, it is possible
to write:
~ = k ()(−∇)k (r)k + (r) = (169)
= (−∇) k ()k (r)k + (r) =
= (−∇) + (r)
~ = [(−∇) + (r)] (170)
We can now define the equivalent Hamiltonian operator as:
b = (−∇) + (r)
If we, e.g., carefully observe the trend of LCAO bands around the top
of the valence band and around the bottom of the conduction band in the
first Brillouin zone and if, in particular, we apply the previous procedure to
the top of the valence band, we will notice that in this case electrons have a
negative effective mass, whose absolute value is generally different from that
of electrons at the bottom of conduction band.
-2.5 -1.25 0 1.25 2.5
of hydrogen atom, the effective mass theorem can be used in this situation
(the radius is greater than the lattice constant).
= + (r) + (r) (181)
using the Jordan quantization rules (first quantization)
r→ r (182)
p→ − ~∇ (183)
= (k) (185)
r→ r (188)
−∇ → (189)
and so obtaining ³p´
= + (r) (190)
Now, using Hamilton’s equations
= (191)
= −
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 57
we get
¡ ¢
r p~
= (192)
p (r)
= −
r 1 (k)
= (193)
~ k
k (r)
~ = − (194)
Differentiating the first equation with respect to time and substituting in it
from the second equation we obtain the Newton’s law:
µ ¶
2 r 1 2 (k) (r)
= 2 − (195)
2 ~ kk r
This defines the tensor:
µ ¶
1 1 2 (k)
= (196)
(k) ~2
∗ () = 2 ()
and it is a function of
v,m 2
-2.5 -1.25 0 1.25 2.5
∆ = (∆)2 = (201)
Using the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
~∆∆ ≥ (202)
∆∆ ≥ (203)
we get
∆ ≥ (204)
∆ ≥ √ ∗ (205)
and the total electric current is proportional to (which we are going to call
current for the sake of simplicity):
X X 1 k
= (−) h i = (−) =0 (208)
~ k
While, in the valence band,
= −5 = 3 0 (211)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 63
3.7.6 Excitons
In an intrinsic semiconductor each electron-hole pairs could also be generated
by the absorption of a photon with energy greater than (see Optical
properties). The couple is in a bound metastable state whose energy levels
can be calculated using the same method presented in section Impurity levels
introducing the reduced mass of the system, a sort of hydrogen atom where
the nucleus is the hole (Wannier exciton). In optical absorption experiments
peaks related to transitions between exciton levels can be measured in the
vicinity of the absorption edge.
motion of ions about the official atomic points (at a given temperature) and
the motion of valence electrons in the crystal volume; the instantaneous po-
sition of a generic ion with charge is the sum of a vector of the Bravais
lattice l and a displacement ul () (for the sake of simplicity, for the moment
we consider a simple crystal, a crystal with a basis will be considered later).
The dynamic variables of this quantum many-body problem are the displace-
ments ul and the instantaneous positions r of all valence electrons. Thus
the crystal Hamiltonian is:
~2 X 2
b = − ∇ul (215)
2 l
is the total kinetic energy operator of ions;
1X 2
(r) = (216)
2 6= 40 |r − r |
1X 2 2
(u) = (218)
2 lh6=l 40 |l + ul − h − uh |
is the repulsive Coulomb potential energy of ions. First step. Since the
electron mass is much smaller than the mass of an ion (if we consider a
single proton, we have: = 1836 ) as a first approximation we can
assume that the electrons wavefunction (r|u) has only a parametric de-
pendence on displacements u. In particular, considering stationary states
(r|u) exp(− }), the (r|u) can be thought as the eigenfunctions
of the reduced Hamiltonian (in which the term b has been neglected) :
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 66
H b0 + b + (u) (221)
HΨ(r u) = Ψ(r u) (222)
where we use the superposition principles of states as:
Ψ(r u) = () (u) (r|u) (223)
Multiplying the eigenvalue equation (222) by ∗ (r|u) and integrating over
the electronic coordinates r ( (r|u) form a set of orthonormal functions),
we get: h i
b + () (u) + (u) () () ()
(u) = (u) (224)
where we have neglected several non-adiabatic terms which are listed below.
In this approximation for each electronic stationary state (r|u) we find
a spectrum of vibrational states () (u) corresponding to vibrational energy
() ()
levels . In equation (224) the approximate total electronic energy (u)
has the role of that part of potential energy which depends on ions motion.
In order to obtain (224) we neglected the following terms:
~2 X ³ ´ µZ ¶
() ∗
− 2∇u (u) · (r|u)∇u (r|u)r + (225)
µZ ¶
~2 X () ∗ 2
− (u) (r|u)∇u (r|u)r
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 67
−~2 2 −~2 2
∗ (r − u) ∇u (r − u)r = ∗ (r − u)
∇ (r − u)r
2 2 r
Generally, instead, all non-diagonal elements are different from zero thus
possibly leading to transitions between electronic states while ions are moving
(electron-phonon interaction).
5 Lattice dynamics
5.1 Lattice specific heat: Einstein model
In solid insulators and at high temperatures the Dulong and Petit’s law is
valid. This law states that the molar specific heat is constant and equal
to 3 where = ' 831 −1 −1 is the ideal gas constant,
is the Avogadro constant and the Boltzmann constant. In contrast with
what classical statistical mechanics states (equipartition theorem), experi-
mentally tends to decrease towards zero at low temperatures. Einstein
gave a first explanation of this behaviour developing a quantum oversimpli-
fied model of vibrational motion of nuclei in crystals. In this model Einstein
assumes that every nucleus performs harmonic oscillations about its equi-
librium position; all atoms oscillate with the same frequency . In light
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 68
Now it is possible to conclude that the internal energy of the crystal (we are
considering one mole) is:
= 3 (233)
Thus is equal to:
µ ¶ ~
3 (~ )2
= = µ ~ ¶2 (234)
lim ( ) = 0 (235)
lim ( ) = 3 (236)
thermal motions, each nucleus is located exactly in its official position and
the potential energy attains its minimum value. We introduce now the
displacements of atomic nuclei:
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
u =r −r (238)
n n n
r indicates the instantaneous position of that nucleus ( n ), which fluctuates
due to vibrational motions. If thermal motions slightly perturb the periodic
structure of the crystal (in thermodynamic equilibrium this means that crys-
tal temperature is much less than melting temperature) a series expansion
of potential energy is feasible and can be arrested to the second order (the
minimum value is put equal to zero):
1 13 µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
0 0
= Φ 0 0 0 0 (239)
2 0 0 0 n n n n
defined as: µ 0 ¶
Φ 0 0 = µ ¶ µ 0 ¶ (241)
n n
0 0
n n
The double sum nn is to be extended to all crystal cells for both n and
0 ()
n . Physically is the energy (u) + (u) = (u) which appears in
eq. (224), including here the general situation of crystal with a basis, and
it is related to the electronic state (u) (for example the ground state)
being a perturbation of it. This approximation is called harmonic approxi-
mation. Higher order terms in the series expansion of potential energy, the
anharmonic terms, should be introduced in order to explain melting, thermal
expansion and thermal conductivity. Harmonic approximation explains es-
sential aspects of lattice vibrations-photon scattering (Brillouin and Raman
scattering), the dependence of specific heat on temperature, infrared optical
properties of ionic crystals, insulators and semiconductors and electrical re-
sistivity in conductors (electron-lattice vibrations scattering). Remembering
that a quantum treatment will be finally necessary, we start developing first
a classical dynamics description. The vibrational kinetic energy of the
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 71
it is the total elastic force, due to displacements of all the other nuclei, applied
to nucleus situated in cell n. Consequently it is clear the operational
physical meaning of
µ 0 ¶ µ 0 ¶
̃ 0 0 ≡ −Φ 0 0
n n n n
Where the sum over h involves all the lattice translations which join
cell n with the other ones (including h = 0). Applying periodic boundary
conditions, as in the case of electrons, and thus imposing that
µ ¶ µ ¶
u =u (249)
n + ( − 1)a n
To every lattice wave at least one wave vector q is associated such that the
previous equation is satisfied. As in the case of electrons (k vectors), the set
of q vectors is that composed by the vectors contained in the first Brillouin
zone. Bloch theorem helps us to reduce the set of 3 dynamic equations to
a set of 3 equations which describes the vibrations of the nuclei contained
in cell 0. Dropping subscript 0 and considering explicitly the dependence on
q, the new reduced set of equations becomes
à !
X X µ 0 ¶ ³ 0 ´
ü ( q) = − Φ q·h : u q (251)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 73
from which it is clear that, for any q, the squares of the natural frequencies are
the eigenvalues of the dynamic matrix while the polarization unit vectors are
its eigenvectors.The eigenvalues are computed solving the equation (solution
condition of the above system):
½ µ 0 ¶ ¾
det 0 − (q) 0 0 = 0
For any value of vector q (there are independent q vectors in the first
Brillouin zone, as just remembered) the equation has 3 countable solutions
2 (q) = 2 (q) characterized by a branch index . The dynamic matrix is
self-adjoint: thus we have real eigenvalues 2 (q) and a full set of orthonormal
1 13
X X ³ 0
∗ ( q ) q = 0 (256)
X ³ 0 ´
∗ ( q ) 0 q = 0 0 (257)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 74
µ ¶ X X13
u =p (q)e ( q ) q·n − (q) (258)
n q∈BZ
XX µ ¶
= µ ¶ u̇ −
n u̇
and, finally, using the properties of polarization unit vectors and the fact
that ions displacements (although they have been written so far as complex
quantities) components are real quantities, we get the most important issue
in the harmonic approximation:
1 X X© ª
= | (q )|2 + 2 (q) |(q )|2 (259)
2 q∈BZ
(q ) = (260)
̇(q )
are the kinetic momenta conjugated to normal coordinates (q ). We have
thus proved that the vibrational behaviour of the crystal is equivalent to
that of a set of 3 independent harmonic oscillators with frequencies 2 ();
there is a one to one correspondence between oscillators and lattice waves
(normal modes) (q ). Collective motions (q ) are harmonic motions,
while the motion of a single nucleus is not. For this reason the (q ) are
called collective coordinates and their energy quanta } () behave as Bose
particles, or quasi-particles (see below); as a matter of fact they are not
associated to individual particles (which would be individually localized in
the limit of uncertainty principle). The introduction of normal coordinates
decouples the system of harmonic dynamic equation describing the motion
of nuclei and produces 3 independent elementary equations:
and take only into account the interactions between them and with their first
neighbours. It is not necessary for the second ion to be located in the middle
of the cell. However we made this choice in order to use a unique interatomic
force constant . Considering the interaction between ions inside the cell
= 0 and with ions in the adjacent cells = ±1, we find nonzero force
constants which determine the dynamics of ions in the cell = 0 (we drop
subscripts 11 of Φ)
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
11 12 21
Φ = 2; Φ = −; Φ = −;
0 0 0
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
22 21 12
Φ = 2; Φ = −; Φ = −
0 1 −1
The eigenvalues of this matrix are the solutions of the following equation
(solubility conditions of system(255)):
µ ¶µ ¶ ³ ´
2 2 2 2 42
− − − cos2 =0
1 2 1 2 2
r ³´ ³ ´
212 () = ∓ 1−4 sin2
1 2
= and = 1 + 2
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 77
are, respectively, the reduced mass and the total mass (mass of the center of
mass) of the basis. When → 0, we asymptotically have
1 ≈ ||
r µ ¶
2 2 2
2 ≈ 1− (264)
while near the edges of the first Brillouin zone (where = ±) we get
1 =
r 1
2 = (265)
The first branch of eigenvalues has an acoustic nature (see next section)
while the second one an optical (see Optical properties below) nature. More-
over between 1 () and 2 ()
pthere is a gap of prohibited frequencies.
Frequencies greater than 2 (0) = 2 are not possible.
-2.5 -1.25 0 1.25 2.5
Dispersion relations in the linear biatomic chain (y=
Since we cope with a periodic lattice (1D crystal), Bloch theorem (in its
discrete form) can be used:
= 0 (267)
in this way we get a single equation which describes the motion of the nucleus
located in the first cell ( = 0):
µ ¶ ³´ ³´ µ ¶
2 − 2
̈0 = − 0 + 0 + 0 = − (1 − cos())0
We now look for a harmonic solution such as
0 () = √ (269)
and we get the solubility condition:
³´ ³ ´
2 2
=4 sin (270)
i.e. r ¯ ³ ´¯
¯ ¯
=2 ¯sin ¯ (271)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 79
y 0.75
-2.5 -1.25 0 1.25 2.5
p x
Dispersion relation y= 2
which, for long wavelengths, can be well approximated by the wave equation
2 2
= (275)
2 2
where we have introduced = 3 (mass density), = (Young’s mod-
ulus) and ( ) (continuous field of elastic displacements). The solutions of
this last equation are elastic propagating waves
In the discrete (atomic) case, comparing the limits of the dispersion relations
when → 0, we notice that r
= (279)
In other words in a crystal it is possible to identify the acoustic modes with
long wavelength with the elastic waves in the same crystal considered as a
continuous medium (see below Debye model).
5.5 Phonons
Referring to the situation of the previous case, we now introduce the most
general solutions of dynamic equations as a linear combination of all lattice
1 X
() = √ () −() (280)
The N discrete allowed wavevectors are those imposed by the periodic
boundary conditions
−1 = 0 (281)
for we can write:
− +1
2X 2
√ − 2( )
() = (282)
We define:
= − (283)
as the normal coordinates and
r ¯ µ ¶¯
¯¯ ¯¯
= 2 sin (284)
¯ ¯
= = ̇ (287)
are the conjugated momenta. Substituting (282) in the Lagrangian and in
the Hamiltonian, after some lenghty computation we omit here (imposing
() to be real), we can finally get:
2X ½¯¯ ¯¯2
= ¯̇ ¯ − | | (288)
− +1
1 2 X © 2
= | | + 2 | |2 (289)
= (290)
are the canonical conjugated momenta. As in the general 3D case, the pe-
riodic monoatomic linear chain can be considered as a set of N independent
harmonic oscillators, each oscillator being represented by a normal coordi-
nate. Introducing now the Hamiltonian operator
2X ½¯¯ ¯¯2
2 ¯ ¯2 ¾
2¯ ¯
̂ = ¯̂ ¯ + ¯̂ ¯ (291)
̂ = −~ (292)
it is immediately possible to switch to a quantum description of lattice vi-
brations: the crystal is, from a vibrational point of view, equivalent to a
system of quantum independent harmonic oscillators. In the 3D general case
each oscillator with normal coordinate (q ) owns a frequency (q ) and
a polarization unit vector e(q ) and can assume the discrete energy levels
µ ¶
(q ) = (q ) + ~(q ) (293)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 82
h(q )i = ~ (q)
is the Bose-Einstein distribution function. Thus, within the harmonic ap-
proximation, the vibrational properties of the crystal is described by an ideal
Bose-Einstein gas of phonons. Sometimes the term phonon is used to indi-
cate the collective coordinates (and the normal modes) (q ) and not only
their quantum vibrational energy ~(q ). Also in interactions with elec-
trons and photons (emission, absorption and scattering events), the quantized
lattice vibrations behave in the same way as particles associated to collective
coordinates characterized by a crystal momentum ~q (in the reduced zone
scheme or in the repeated zone scheme) and by an energy ~(q ) (which
is a periodic function of q in the repeated zone scheme); lattice waves can
be distinguished in acoustic and optical phonons. When, in an interaction
process, only phonons with wave vectors situated in the first Brillouin zone
are involved, the process is called N process (normal), otherwise, if some
wavevectors exceed the the first Brillouin zone, we have a U process (umk-
83 8 3 8 3
= = (297)
|a1 · a2 × a3 |
thus we have: ⎛ ⎞
() 2 1
() = ¡ 2 ¢ = arcsin ⎝ q ⎠ (303)
2 1
= (312)
3(1 − 2)
= (313)
2(1 + )
= − (315)
If we consider, for example, the longitudinal acoustic branch, the dispersion
relation is: q
= |q| = 2 + 2 + 2 (316)
and, fixing , the (316) represents in space q the equation of a spherical
surface with radius . Then it is:
µ ¶3
() = (317)
³ ´3
() = ¡ 83 ¢ = (318)
6 2 3
µ ¶
3 2
() = = (319)
6 2 3 22 3
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 86
i.e. we have a parabolic density of modes. Repeating all this for the two
transverse branches (degenerate in the continuous and isotropic elastic mean)
we get the total density of modes:
() = 2 3 (320)
1 1 2
= 3+ 3 (321)
The Debye frequency is then obtained from condition:
() = 3 (322)
as: ¶ µ
= 18 2 3
With the previous formula it is possible to write:
() = (324)
Now we can generalize the specific heat expression in the Einstein model (see
above). We consider the Einstein formula still valid for the single mode with
frequency but now we sum up over all the modes using () as a weighting
µ ¶ Z 2
= = µ ~ ¶2 () (325)
0 2
This expression for the specific heat fits rather well most experimental data.
Every solid is characterized by its Debye temperature:
Θ = (326)
= (327)
we can rewrite the expression of the specific heat as (assuming = ):
µ ¶3 Z Θ
= 3 3 (328)
Θ 0 ( − 1)2
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 87
and the specific heat obeys the classical Dulong and Petit law:
≈ 3 = 3 (330)
The figure below shows the universal trend of Debye specific heat (328)
as a function of the reduced temperature = Θ :
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 88
Cv/3R 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
The success of the Debye model finds a simple physical justification in the
behaviour of Bose-Einstein factor as a function of frequency at low tempera-
~ (q)
tures. As a matter of fact when → 0 we have that (q) ≈ :
normal modes with a lower frequency has a higher occupational factor. These
modes are just the acoustic modes about the center of the Brillouin zone. For
the contribution of these very modes the Debye model provides a very good
approximation. Simple crystals have only acoustic modes, while more com-
plicated complex crystals need a better theoretical description including the
optical modes.
5.7 Polaritons
The denomination optical modes originates from the fact that these modes
determine the linear optical properties of polar (ionic) crystals in the infrared.
These crystals are non monoelemental crystals in which the chemical bond
is, at least partially, of ionic character. The extreme case is constituted by
alkali metals halides (for example + − ) in which the interatomic forces
have a purely electrostatic nature and the electron states are localized on
individual ions. However also the cases of III-V compounds, such as
and II-VI compounds, such as (zincblende), should be considered. In
these crystals, where the bonds are mixed covalent/ionic, the electrons eigen-
states are Bloch waves and the usual band structure picture holds. All these
structures share the absence of a center of symmetry and, as a consequence,
in every primitive cell they exhibit an electric dipole moment (we have a total
electric dipole of ions forming the crystal basis). A characteristic crystallo-
grafic structure is zincblende: its Bravais lattice is f.c.c. (as in the case of
− or Si); the basis is formed by two atoms located in (0,0,0) and
in (1/4,1/4,1/4), all along the principal diagonal of the conventional cubic
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 89
= = 0 − (339)
2 − 2
and the polarizability of the single cell (of the basis) = (0 ) may be
written as:
1 2
= (340)
0 2 − 2
Neglecting local-field effects, if there are cells per unit volume, the dielectric
susceptibility of the crystal can be written as:
1 2
= = (341)
0 2 − 2
2 (0)
= (344)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 91
epsilon rel.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
n 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
ck 5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
velocity can never exceed . The asymptotic phononic and photonic
trends are evident. The mixed photon-optical phonons excitations introduced
in this section are quantized (their energies are ~()) and they are called
polaritons. In a more realistic 3 model, in which transverse optical phonons
are distinguished from longitudinal optical phonons (and transverse e.m.
wave are distinguished from longitudinal ones) we have = (0) and =
(0). Moreover the e.m. transverse waves couple exclusively with transverse
optical phonons and they can propagate outside the interval ∆. When =
mixed longitudinal optical phonon/longitudinal e.m. wave, stationary
modes exist. In the previous picture the relative dispersion relation would
be represented as a vertical line. Generally and lie in the infrared (in
= 51 × 1013 s−1 and = 55 × 1013 s−1 ). In a ionic crystal a
moving electron carries with itself a cloud of optical phonons which changes
its mass (the mass increases): this quasi-particle is called polaron. Also
in non-polar crystals, such as silicon, optical modes interact with photons,
but this interaction causes nonlinear optical properties (Raman scattering)
and the effect is evident also in the visible and in the ultraviolet. From a
quantum point of view the description of scattering processes needs a second
order correction in dynamic perturbation theory (see Appendix: Quantum
approximate methods).
Where n −Q·rn is the structure factor of the whole crystal, and the atomic
shape factor is: Z
(Q) = −Q·R (R)r
When atoms occupy equilibrium positions (there are no lattice vibrations)
rn = n =1 a1 + 2 a2 + 3 a3
it is X
−Q·n = (Q − g)
where g is a vector of the reciprocal lattice, and Bragg law for elastic diffrac-
tion is recovered. In fact for any vector m in the lattice:
−Q·n = −Q·(n+m) = −Q·m −Q·n (350)
n n n
i.e. is either n −Q·n = 0 or, if Q = g (a vector of the reciprocal lattice),
P it−Q·n
n = .
Otherwise, if atoms vibrate about their equilibrium positions, we can
write their displacements as a superposition of all normal modes summing
over index q. For the sake of simplicity we drop branch index ; moreover
there is not any index since we are considering just one atom per cell:
rn = n+ (un (q) + u∗n (q)) (351)
we get:
à !
(Q) ∼ −Q·n
1− Q · (un (q) + u∗n (q)) =
n q
= −Q·n − −Q·n Q · (u0 (q)q·n +u∗0 (q)−q·n ) =
n n q
= (Q − g) − (Q · e(q)) (q)−(q) −Q·(n−q) +
q n
(q) −Q·(n+q)
− (Q · e(q)) (q)
q n
where normal coordinates have real amplitudes. We consider now the Bravais
lattice inversion symmetry, in this case the lattice sum over q is equal to the
one over −q, and we have:
(Q) ∼ (Q − g) − (Q · e(q)) (q)−(q) (Q − q − g)+
− (Q · e(q)) (q)(q) (Q − q − g) (354)
We now apply the Fermi’s golden rule (where is the transition proba-
bility per unit time), id est (Q) ∼ = 2 ~
|h1|0 |2i|2 (2 − 1 ± ~),
in the form valid for interaction with a time harmonic potential 0 ± (in
this case we have a term ±~ in a Dirac delta function which represents the
conservation of energy). We consider as initial state |1i ∼ k ·r , and as final
state h2| ∼ k ·r (initially free particles with a defined wavevector interacting
with a crystal). InR this case the matrix element h1|0 |2i is equal to the scat-
tering amplitude 0 (r)−Q·r r , where Q = k − k . Thus the first term
in equation (354) gives us the elastic contribution in the expression of the
intensity and is proportional to (Q − g)(2 − 1 ) | (Q)|2 . In this way we
find the Bragg law, with the condition that scattered particles and incident
particles share the same energy. The second and the third term give us an
inelastic contribution in the expression of intensity, corresponding to a first
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 96
order inelastic scattering, and proportional to | (Q)|2 q |Q · e(q)|2 2 (q)
(Q − q − g)(2 − 1 ± ~(q)). This means that there is an active energy
exchange mechanism between the particle (a neutron, for example) or be-
tween a photon of the electromagnetic field (light or X rays, for example)
and the quanta of vibrational energy. A vibrational quantum with energy
~(q) can be created or destructed. Factor (Q − q − g) imposes the rela-
Q = k − k = q + g (355)
If the equality is satisfied when g = 0, id est Q is in the first Brillouin zone
of the reciprocal lattice, we have a Normal or N process, otherwise, if Q is
outside the first Brillouin zone, id est equation (355) is satisfied when g 6= 0,
we have a Umklapp or U process. In the first situation equation (355) can be
seen as a principle of conservation of quasi-momentum (exchange between the
crystalline momentum ~q of a phonon and the momentum of the particle):
~Q = ~k − ~k = ~q
(and the one of inelastic peaks) is thus decreased due to a disorder which
introduces a "noise" in the crystal translational symmetry. In a D quantum E
2 (q)
description of lattice vibration, the mean value (thermal mean) of
¡ ¢ ~
is equal to (q) + 12 , where (q) is the occupation number for bosons
in the quantum harmonic oscillator corresponding to the mode q:
(q) =
exp( ~(q)
) −1
The Debye-Waller factor depends on the temperature, and in particular
is proportional to at high temperatures (above the Debye temperature),
while it assumes a constant value, still different from zero (due to the vibra-
tional zero-point energy), at low temperatures. If we decide to consider also
the nonlinear terms, which contain products of more than one term such as
Q · (un (q) + u∗n (q)), in the expression of intensity we would have also terms
corresponding to second order scattering (with a smaller intensity with re-
spect to the first order), id est corresponding to an exchange of energy and
momentum with two or more phonons (multiple phonons processes).
Space-time autocorrelation function:
In a "static" crystal we have that:
(Q) ∼ (Q) ∼ (R)−Q·R R
which is the static structure factor, is equal to the spatial Fourier transform
of the static autocorrelation function:
(R)= (r + R) ∗ (r)r
which is the dynamic structure factor of the crystal, it is equal to the space-
time Fourier transform of the dynamic autocorrelation function (where the
time integration is done on time intervals larger than characteristic times in
vibrational motions, the integral corresponds to a thermal average operation):
Z Z ¿Z À
∗ ∗
(R) ∼ (r + R + ) (r )r ∼ (r + R) (r 0)r
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 98
6 Optical properties
Generally the linear optical properties in solids (dispersion, absorption, re-
flection, refraction) depend on macroscopic interaction processes between
photons, electrons and phonons. In the figure below the qualitative trend
of the absorption coefficient (358) in a doped polar semiconductor is shown
where it is possible to see all possible microscopic mechanisms.
Absorption coefficient
In this section we will analyze explicitly just the principal band and the
continuous background (in the previous section we introduced the polari-
tonic absorption), however the principles already treated would give us the
possibility of understanding from a quantum point of view all the peaks in
the figure. To start we build a general connection between the macroscopic
optical parameters (refractive index and extinction coefficient) and the tran-
sition probabilities between different quantum states in a solid excited by an
electromagnetic radiation. The electric field of a monochromatic plane wave,
with polarization unit vector e, which propagates in a solid along the axis
is described, in the typical complex form, by expression:
E = 0 e(−) (356)
n o
Thus the effective electric field will be e Re 0 . Macroscopically
the dispersion and absorption (extinction) processes can be described intro-
ducing a complex wave vector e = + and we can write:
we have ³ ´
Σ=2 ” (361)
0 ”
¡ introduce now the complex relative dielectric constant e = +√ =
1 + + ” ( is the complex dielectric susceptibility). Since
e ≈ e , it
0 0
³ 0 ´2 ³ 00 ´2
= 1 + = − (362)
³ 0
´ ³ 00
= ” = 2
1 ³ 0 ´2
= 0 |E |2 (363)
and the Poynting vector (averaged overe a period too):
1 0
= 0 |E |2 (364)
The conservation equation for the electromagnetic energy density in the sta-
tionary state is:
=− (365)
where is the power density absorbed by the solid; the same power is lost
by the wave. So it is:
= 0 (366)
Since the intensity of the wave is proportional to , decreases in
space as stated by the law (358) thus it is:
³ ´ ” 1 ³ 0 ´2
= − 0 Σ = − 0 2 0 |E |2 (367)
Using, again, the second equation in (362), we finally get:
= 0 ” () |E |2 (368)
Now, introducing the probability per unit volume and time of a single
microscopic event which leads to the extinction of a photon to happen, we
1 X
0 ” () |E |2 = ~ (369)
The quantity can be estimated using the Fermi’s golden rule (see
Appendix: Quantum approximate methods). Solving with respect to ” ()
we get: µ ¶
” 2~ X
() = (370)
0 |E |2
a general equation which comes both from the linear relation between the
polarization vector P() and the electric field () and from the principle
of causality (linear response theory). In presence of delay effects (due to
dissipation and dispersion), the most general linear relation between P()
and () can be written as:
Z ∞
P() = 0 ( )( − ) (371)
If (− ) = (− ) it is P() = 0 (); which gives () its own meaning.
In particular () is equal to zero when 0 (principle of causality: effects
cannot precede causes): so we integrate between 0 and ∞. Equation (371) im-
plies also the time invariance (the hereditary integral is a convolution: id est
( ) = ( − )). If the polarizing field is harmonic: () = exp(−)
we have µZ ∞ ¶
P() = 0
( ) − (372)
P = 0 (373)
being Z ∞
e() =
( ) (374)
from which it results immediately that:
e∗ ()
e(−) = (375)
More generally e() is a tensor e () which depends on the symmetry of
the crystal. In cubic crystals it reduces to a scalar quantity. Considering the
principle of causality, in equation (374) we could integrate between −∞ and
+∞ thus concluding that e() is the Fourier transform of (). We can make
now an analytic continuation of e() in the upper semiplane, introducing
0 0 ”
the complex frequency = + ” . Since lim” −→∞ − = 0, e() is
analytic in the upper semiplane. As a consequence (using Cauchy theorems):
= 0 (376)
for any circuit in the upper semiplane which does not contain . Let us
assume ≥ 0 on the real axis. We chose as a circuit = 1 ∪ 2 ∪ 3 ∪ 4
where 1 (− ≤ ≤ −; ” = 0), 2 ( = + = − 0), 3 (+ ≤
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 102
≤ ; ” = 0) and 4 ( = = 0 − ). Solving the four line integrals
in the limit −→ 0 and −→ ∞, we get from (376):
+∞ 0
e( ) 0
− e
() = 0 (377)
0 −
hR R +∞ i
where we should consider the integral as : Cauchy principal value: lim→0 −∞
+ +
We can rewrite the previous equation as:
+∞ 0
1 e( ) 0
e() =
0 −
Introducing again the real and the imaginary part of the susceptibility, we
obtain the Kramers e Kronig relations:
+∞ 0
0 1 ” ( ) 0
() = (379)
0 −
+∞ 0 0
” 1 ( ) 0
() = − (380)
0 −
() is the Hilbert transform of ” () and vice versa. Since from (375) we
get that () is an even function, while ” () is an odd function, multiplying
the numerator and denominator by + , we can rewrite equations (379)
+∞ 0 0
0 2 ” ( ) 0
() = (381)
0 2 − 2
+∞ 0 0
2 ( ) 0
” () = − 02 2
From the first equation of (381) we obtain the static relative dielectric con-
stant as:
Z ” 0
0 0 2 ( ) 0
(0) = 1 + (0) = 1 + (383)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 103
c|i = 0
h | h|k·r e·b
p|i (388)
where pb = −~∇ is the momentum operator and is the electron mass in
vacuum. In order to explain the (388) we should remember that, using the
vacuum gauge, the electromagnetic field can be derived using just the vector
potential A (with divergence equal to zero: ∇ · A = 0) as:
E = − (389)
B = ∇×A
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 104
In this situation the Hamilton function of a particle with charge and iner-
tial momentum p =v, moving in an external electromagnetic field, can be
written as:
|p − A|2
= (390)
If the charge is also under the effect of an additional electrostatic field (due
to other fixed charges) with potential (r), and thus it has a potential energy
of (r) = (r), the total Hamilton function becomes:
|p − A|2
= + (r) (391)
Developing the square of the absolute value, and substituting to p the mo-
mentum operator, we obtain the quantum Hamiltonian operator as:
b =
b0 +
b (392)
b p|2
0 = + (r) (393)
b |A|2
= − A·b p+ ≈ − A·b p (394)
In the last approximation we neglected the quadratic term, according to first
order perturbation theory. This is consistent with the linear response theory
we are developing, see (371). In this way we cannot take into account nonlin-
ear optical phenomena. This treatment of e.m. radiation-matter interaction
in which particles obey the Schroedinger nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
and e.m. fields obey Maxwell equations is called semiclassical. This semi-
classical treatment does not explain spontaneous emission and high energy
relativistic processes. If the wave electric field has an expression such as (386)
then, using (389), the expression of the vector potential becomes:
0 (k·r−)
A= e + (395)
So, if the charged particle is an electron with = −, it is:
b = 0 k·r e·b
p− + = c− + (396)
We neglect the c.c., accounting for stimulated emission in which the initial
state is an excited state whose energy is higher than that of the final state,
and get the (387) and the (388) in the form:
2 2 |0 |2 ¯¯ ¯2 ³ ´
= k·r
h| e·b ¯ () ()
p|i (1 − ) − − ~ (397)
~ 4 2 2
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 105
where we introduced the probability that the initial state is occupied and
the probability 1 − that the final state is unoccupied. Using the first of
0 0
the Kramers and Kronig equations we get () = 1 + (). Id est the unity
plus a sum of other terms such as the one in the right side of equation (385):
one term for each possible transition between the initial and the final state
of each electron in the solid (assuming unitary volume).
where the integral is over the whole crystal volume. Introducing the relative
electronic coordinates r0 = r − n (where n is a generic node of the Bravais
lattice) and integrating over the volume of a single primitive cell, we can
X Z 0 ³ ´ 0
0 0 0
k·r −(k −k−k )·n k ·r0
h | ∇|i = ∗
k (r )−k ·r k·r
k (r ) r
n 0
P (402)
−(k −k−k )·n
Using (350), we notice that the lattice sum n is zero, unless:
k − k = k + g (403)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 106
” 2 | |2 X
() ≈ [ (k) − ~] (411)
0 2 2 k
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 107
where (k) = (k) − (k) is the vertical difference in energy between
the conduction and the valence band. The latter equation can be rewritten
” 2 | |2 ~2
() ≈ (~) (412)
0 2 (~)2
where: X
(~) = [ (k) − ~] (413)
is by definition the joined density of states. Considering that the density of
states in the BZ is 2 (2)3 and considering a unitary volume, the joined
density of states can also be written as:
(~) ≈ [ (k) − ~] k (414)
and, using (146): Z
1 k
(~) ≈ 3 (415)
4 |∇k (k)|
where k is the constant energy surface of equation (k) = ~. Equa-
tion (414) is equal to (415) due to the following property of the Dirac delta
function: Z P
( )
[()] () = 0 (416)
| ( )|
where are the roots of equation () = 0. The assumption we made that
both the band and are doubly degenerate because of the spin, is always
valid for centrosymmetric crystals but it is not applicable to, e.g., zincblende
structures. We have a critical point whenever ∇k (k) vanishes; the joined
density of states exhibist then a Van Hove singularity (147). Assuming par-
abolic (and isotropic) bands around Γ we can write:
~2 |k|2
(k) = (k) − (k) ≈ + (417)
∗ (0)∗ (0)
∗ = (418)
∗ (0)+∗ (0)
is the reduced mass of the electrons and holes effective masses and =
(0) − (0). Now, applying the methods learned in subsection Density
of states, we get, in the vicinity of the fundamental absorption edge, the
approximate form:
(∗ )32 p
(~) = ~− (419)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 108
Band structure in Germanium ” of Germanium
The term − (q) is responsible for the absorption (destruction) of a phonon,
while the c.c. is responsible for the stimulated emission (creation) of a
phonon. A deeper analysis of the matrix elements of operator (421) between
initial and final states such as |() (u) (r|0) (see adiabatic theorem in
order to understand the meaning of symbols) shows that the allowed tran-
sitions conserve the total wave vector (see also equation (355) and inelastic
scattering theory):
k − k = ±q + g (422)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 110
Since the previous formula contains (q), the amplitude of the phonon
normal coordinate, the probability of indirect transitions depends on tem-
perature. (q) is a fluctuating random variable whose quadratic mean
value can be calculated by means of the Bose-Einstein distribution. We can
actually use the fact that the mean total energy of the oscillator is twice its
mean potential energy:
® ~ (q)
2 (q) 2 (q) ∝ ~ (q)
In (423) the factor multiplying the delta function weakly depends on the wave
vector. Moreover, since the second denominator is always greater than the
first one, the second type of transition can be neglected. In this way, repeat-
ing considerations similar to those in the previous subsection, the imaginary
part of for an indirect transition reduces to:
2 ®2
∝ (q ) [ (k ) − (k ) − ~ ± ~(q)] k k (425)
Assuming parabolic bands around stationary points we get, near the indirect
band gap = () − (Γ),
ck 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
7 Transport phenomena
7.1 Phenomenology
In a crystal containing mobile charges (conductor or semiconductor) the pres-
ence of an electric field E of external origin causes an irreversible charge
transport phenomenon (electric current) removing the body from thermody-
namic equilibrium. On the other hand, in all crystals a temperature gradient
∇ causes an irreversible heat flux called conduction. From a macroscopic
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 113
j = E (430)
q = −k ∇ (431)
where j is the charge current density vector. Its flux through a surface
represents the amount of charge per unit time, current , flowing through the
surface: Z
= j · n (432)
The principle of electric charge conservation can be written as the continuity
equation for the charge density (charge per unit volume).
+ ∇ · j =0 (433)
In the Fourier’s law q is the heat current density vector. Its flux through a
surface represents the amount of heat flowing through the surface per unit
time: Z
= q · n (434)
q is strictly connected to the entropy current density vector q whose
divergence appears in the balance equation for entropy density (entropy per
unit volume)
³q ´
+ ∇· = [] (435)
[] is the entropy production (inherently positive). The latter equation
shows, in a local form, the second principle of thermodynamics. For electrical
conductivity we use the symbol while we use the symbol k for thermal
conductivity. More precisely in crystals both conductivities are second order
tensors and the two phenomenological laws should be generalized as:
= (436)
= − (437)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 114
These new laws show that generally the current density vectors have not
the same direction of the electric field and of the temperature gradient. As a
matter of fact even more general kinetic coefficients exist: a temperature gra-
dient can generate an electric current and an electric field can create a heat
flux. The kinetic microscopic theory (see below) explains these correlated
effects called thermoelectric effects (Seebeck and Peltier effects). Further-
more, the Onsager theorem, based on microscopic reversibility of dynamic
laws, states that the two conductivities are symmetric tensors: = ,
= . Since every symmetric tensor, with an appropriate rotation of the
coordinate system, can be reduced to the diagonal form:
⎛ ⎞
1 0 0
σ = ⎝ 0 2 0 ⎠ (438)
0 0 3
it turns out that the number of independent components of both σ and k
can be, at most, three. Due to crystal symmetry this number can be further
decreased. Actually, let R be a symmetry operation and R the unitary matrix
which transforms the atom coordinates (position vectors) according to the
symmetry operation, then it should be:
σ = RσR −1 = σ (439)
Electric conductivity vs T
Metals Insulators
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 116
where Z
= exp(−0 (r p) )rp (443)
Computing the total derivative in equation 441 and using the Hamilton
equations we get the Boltzmann equation:
1 (k)
v(k) = (446)
~ k
In the fermion quantum situation
0 (k) ≈ h i (447)
exp (r)
where we have considered the spin degeneracy and assumed a local temper-
ature field (r) with a weak gradient. We can thus apply a linear response
approximation. To do that we rewrite equation (445) as:
where the integral is over the Fermi surface (k) = ; we now define the
density of states on the Fermi surface as:
2 1
(k) = 3
(2) |∇k (k)|
Notice that only electrons on the Fermi energy can contribute to the charge
transport process. In metals the dependence of conductivity on temperature
is lumped in (k) = (k), on the Fermi surface, which is mainly due to
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 120
In this case we cannot simply approximate −0 with ( − ), since
now we would obtain a null result. Instead we must use the better Sommer-
feld approximation (eq. 122). Using, as usual, the result
k = (468)
|∇k (k)|
and again defining the density of states on the Fermi surface as
2 1
= , (469)
(2)3 |∇k (k)|
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 122
But we have already demonstrated that the above integral coincides with the
electrical conductivity divided by the square of the electron charge (eq. 456).
2 2
= (471)
3 2
The above equation is called Wiedemann-Franz law. If we make use of this
result, knowing the trend of electrical conductivity, we can get the trend
of thermal conductivity with respect to temperature. Figures are shown
in subsection Phenomenology. We have assumed that all relaxation times
(scattering processes) involved in heat transport in metals coincide with those
involved in charge transport. This is not exact and can induce a deviation
from Wiedemann-Franz law, mainly at intermediate temperatures.
The phonons chemical potential is zero, since the number of phonons is not
conserved. The heat density flux vector can be written as:
1 X
q = (r q)~ (q)v (q)q (474)
Thus in equation (450) we can write, in the present case:
~ (q)
1 ~2 2 (q)
(q) = µ ¶2 (477)
2 ~ (q)
The heat density flux can thus we written as (see (450) with q instead of k):
1 X
q = − 3 (q)v (q)v (q) (q) q (478)
(2) r
And then, using Fourier law, the lattice thermal conductivity tensor can be
expressed as:
1 X
k = (q)v (q)v (q) (q)q. (479)
Sometimes the phonon mean free path is introduced as Λ (q) = v (q) (q).
Using a simplest treatment, strictly inspired by the kinetic theory of gases,
we could immediately write
k = Λ (480)
where is the total specific heat per unit volume and and Λ are oppor-
tune average values of v (q) and Λ (q). The above equation can be derived
by the following elementary considerations. Phonons propagating a distance
∆ = = Λ corresponding to a temperature drop ∆ , carry a quantity
of heat per particle = ∆ , being the contribution of a single particle
(phonon) to specific heat. Then the heat flux is p = ∆ where is
the number of particles per unit volume and = h2 i. If the temperature
gradient is we can write
p = − ( ) = − Λ ( )
and = 3, being = h2 i. In a Debye model, neglecting the con-
tribution of optical phonons (which have nearly zero group velocities), the
velocity of acoustic phonons is constant and is equal to the mean speed of
sound. For phonon-phonon interactions (anharmonic effects) we can con-
sider that Λ( ) ∝ ( )−1 . At high temperatures ∝ and the
specific heat is constant. At low temperatures the specific heat follows 3 ,
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 124
while the mean free path is limited by the crystal size Λmax = . From a de-
tailed microscopic point of wiew, it can be shown that only phonon-phonon
Umklapp scattering guarantees local thermodynamic equilibrium and is
responsible for a finite thermal conductivity.Without the contribution given
by scattering events, the thermal conductivity would diverge, as proved
by Peierls. Anyhow, without the size limitation to mean free path, at low
temperatures k would diverge as ( )−1 ≈ exp(~ min ), where
min is the minimum frequency of phonons which may encounter a scat-
tering process. Two phonons can participate to a scattering process when
the sum of their wavevectors goes beyond the first Brillouin zone. An im-
portant role is also played by elastic scattering off lattice defects. Whenever
the wavelength of a phonon is greater than the size of a defect a Rayleigh
scattering occurs, for which Λ ∝ |q|−4 .
(0) = (488)
and we assumed that all the diagonal elements are zero, as it is true in many
important cases (see below). At first we integrate each equation of the system
with respect to time obtaining (for 6= ):
1 X b 0 0 0 0
() = h| ( )|i ( ) (490)
~ 0 6=
Then we proceed with an iterative solution method assuming that all the
zero-th order solutions coincides with the initial conditions:
() = (0) = (491)
Then the first order solutions are obtained substituting the zero-th order
solutions in the right side of equations(490) :
(1) 1 X b 0 0
(0) 0 0
() = h| ( )|i ( ) (492)
~ 0 6=
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 126
thus obtaining
1 0
h|b ( )|i =
0 0
() = (493)
~ 0 6=
1 0
h|b ( )|i
0 0
~ 0
~ 6= 0 0
y 1
-20 -10 0 10 20
Function y= sin(2)
2 ; =
can be approximated with an isosceles triangle with base 4 and height
2 : the area under the principal maximum is thus approximately equal to
2 . In this limit
³ the function´ can be approximated by a Dirac delta function
() ()
( ) = ~ − . Summarizing, in the limit À 1 ( → ∞)
we can write the transition probability as:
(1) 2 ¯¯ c ¯2 ¡
¯ ¢
→ ( ) ≈ ¯h| 0 |i¯ () −
From an experimental point of view, it turns out that if the initial state |i is
an excited one it is not a truly stationary state and it tends to spontaneously
decay also in the absence of a any perturbation (spontaneous decay) following
an exponential law (in the simplest cases):
where the mean lifetime of state |i depends on the experimental energy
() ()
uncertainty ∆ , around the mean value , with which the energy of
the state is known through the empirical inequality:
∆ ≥ ~ (502)
From a physical point of view, then, the 500 can be used when −1
¿ ¿
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 128
b () = c− −
c+ + (503)
³ ´†
where = − c +
, and in the limit → ∞ ( −1 ¿ ¿ ), with a
procedure similar to that just used, we get the transition probability per unit
time e→ in the form:
2 ¯¯ c± ¯2 ¡
¯ ¢
≈ ¯h| |i¯ () −
± ~ (504)
In this case the delta function tells us that transitions can happen only if the
total energy of the two coupled systems is conserved:
() −
± ~ = 0 (505)
in agreement with the Bohr postulate of old quantum theory when ~ is the
energy of a light quantum perturbing an electron system. Using equations
(496), instead, we would obtain the second order result (useful to describe
e.g. non linear optics):
2 ¯¯ c± ¯2 ¡
¯ ¢
( ) ≈ ¯h| |i¯ () − ()
± ~ + (506)
~ ¯ ¯2
2 ¯¯ X h|
c± |ih| c± |i ¯¯ ¡
() ()
¯ ¯ − ± ~ ± ~
~ ¯6= () − ()
± ~ ¯
Note that the number of energy quanta ~ of the second system involved in
the process is equal to the order of the perturbation. Previous equations
describe the absorption or the stimulated emission of one or two energy
quanta ~, respectively. At the second order the transition can be seen as
the sequence of two transitions through intermediate states |i. Intermediate
transitions do not conserve energy. If the final state is a quasi-stationary state
the singularity of the Dirac delta function can be removed. Introducing the
density of final states () and integrating the (504) we get:
e (1) 2 ¯¯ c± ¯2 ¡
¯ ¢
→ ≈ ¯h| |i¯ () − ()
± ~ (() )() =(507)
2 ¯¯ c± ¯2
¯ ()
¯h| |i¯ ( ∓ ~)
usually written as:
e (1) 2 ¯¯ c± ¯¯2
→ ≈ ¯h| |i¯ ( ) (508)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 129
the above equation is called Fermi’s golden rule, where = ∓~. Study-
ing the matrix elements h|c± |i we get the so called selection rules, strictly
connected to the symmetry of the system.
In case of an hydrogen atom the orbital part of the 22 wavefunctions be-
longing to the same energy level
() ≈ − eV; ( = 1 2 ) (513)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 130
X h|
= + () ()
6= −
Using these perturbed eigenfunctions we can now compute the perturbed en-
ergy levels as: ³ ´
≈ h(1)
| b + c |(1)
i (519)
Up to second order in and considering the necessary condition for series
convergence ¯ ¯
¯ () ¯
¯ − () ¯ À ¯¯h| (520)
after long calculations we get:
¯ ¯2
¯ c ¯
X ¯h| |i¯
= c|i + 2
+ h| (521)
() ()
6= −
In many applications keeping in the final formulae for the coefficients (0)
the initial expression:
() ()
− +
it is possible to account for spontaneous deacay and for other dissipative
phenomena provided the value of is adjusted in order to have a better
match with experimental data. Finally, with an infinitesimal it is possible
to prove that (PP = Cauchy principal part, see also Kramers and Kronig
1 1 ¡ () ¢
() ()
≈ PP () ()
− − () . (523)
− + −
This last equation and the following one, a new representation of Dirac delta
function coming from the Green functions formalism, are very commonly
used. µ ¶
1 1 1
() ≈ − Im = (524)
+ + 2
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 132
and using the orthonormality condition for functions 1 and 2 we get the
homogeneous linear algebraic system:
à !µ ¶ µ ¶
c|1i − ∆
h1| c|2i
h1| 0
c|1i c|2i − ∆ = (528)
h2| h2| 0
c|1i = h1|
Considering that h2| c|2i∗ , the solubility condition is:
³ ´³ ´ ¯ ¯2
c|1i − ∆ h2|
h1| c|2i − ∆ − 2 ¯¯h1| c|2i¯¯ = 0 (529)
The unperturbed degenerate level () so splits into the two perturbed non-
degenerate levels: ¯ ¯
± () ¯ c ¯
= ± ¯h1| |2i¯ (532)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 133
¯ ¯
¯ c ¯
Between them there is an energy gap = 2 ¯h1| |2i¯. Using the first of
the (528)
c|2i± = 0
−∆ ± ± + h1| (533)
and the normalization condition
() = 1 (538)
where () is any normal function. Strictly speaking no function with these
properties can exist and () should be better called a distribution, a new
mathematical object clarified by the French mathematician Schwartz in the
1950’s. In physical applications the above properties can be exhibited up to
a good approximation by series of functions depending on a parameter. For
example the Gaussian functions
− 22
∆(|) = √ (539)
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 134
satisfy exactly the second condition for any and very well the first in the
limit → 0. In fact
+∞ Z
with (r − a) = ( − )( − )( − ). Even though this last nota-
tion is not correct (as the product of distributions is not defined), it has an
operational meaning thinking of each unidimensional delta function as the
limiting value of a series of functions such as ∆(|). Thus we can write
3 k·r r =(k) (544)
Another useful representation is
() = lim (545)
→0 2 + 2
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 135
and thus: ³ ´X X
b − 0
(r |) (r) =
∗ (r ) (r) (550)
. By multiplying both sides of equation by ∗ (r) and integrating over the
whole space we get:
0 0
(r |) ( − ) = ∗ (r ) (551)
and then
X ∗ (r0 ) (r)
(r r |) = (552)
The local density of states (r|E) is defined as:
(r|E) = | (r)|2 ( − ) (553)
P 0 0 0
Condition ∗ (r ) (r) =(r − r ) can be written expanding the (r − r ) as a
series of eigenfunctions
R and determining the coefficients using the orthonormality and the
0 0
definition of : (r)(r − r )r = (r ).
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 136
The Hartree equations (see below) may be derived assuming that:
(r1 s1 r2 s2 r s ) = Π (r s ) (562)
from the following variational condition:
à !
b (r s ) −
Π (r s )||Π (r s )| (r s ) = 0
where the Lagrange multipliers are needed to define the necessary condition
for minimum of the functional || b conditioned by the normaliza-
tion conditions (r s )| (r s ) = ∗ (r s ) (r s )r = 1.
We look for the specific functional form of each (r s ) which minimizes
the energy of the electron system. It is, however, necessary to notice that
the form (562) of the many body wave function does not have the necessary
exchange symmetry. Fock solved this problem using a Slater determinant
¯ ¯
¯ (r1 s1 ) (r2 s2 ) (r s ) ¯
¯ 1 1 1 ¯
1 ¯¯ 2 (r1 s1 ) 2 (r2 s2 ) 2 (r s ) ¯¯
(r1 s1 r2 s2 r s ) = √ ¯ ¯
! ¯ ¯
¯ (r1 s1 ) (r2 s2 ) (r s ) ¯
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 138
for the sake of simplicity we have not considered the spin. This mean density
distribution creates a mean electrostatic potential (r) obeying the Poisson
∇2 (r) = − (566)
The solution of this equation can be written as the Coulomb integral:
¯ ¯2
Z ¡ 0¢
X Z ¯¯ (r0 )¯¯
1 r 0 0
(r) = 0 r = − 0 r (567)
4◦ |r − r | 4◦ 6= |r − r |
⎢ ~2 ∇
2 2 X ¯ (r )¯ 0⎥
⎣− − + 0 r ⎦ (r) = (r) (570)
2 4◦ |r| 4◦ 6=
|r − r |
classical force acting on the particle. Yet in quantum mechanics position and
momentum obey Heisenberg uncertainty principle:
2® 2® ~2
( − hi) ( − hi) ≥ (576)
In the hypotesis that q( ) is a wave packet with a small (but not zero)
uncertainty of position ( − hi)2 about the mean value hi we can derive
an approximate
in a power series of ( − hi) about hi
up to second order :
¿ À Z Z (µ ¶ µ 3 ¶ )
= ∗ ( ) ( ) ≈ + ( − hi)2 |( )|2
=hi 2 3 =hi
³ 2 ´ (577)
We neglected 2 ( − hi) |( )| because its integral is identically
zero. So the previous equation can be written as:
¿ À µ ¶ µ ¶
1 3 2®
≈ + ( − hi) (578)
=hi 2 3 =hi
Figure 5:
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 142
amond), when the length scale is much bigger than the interatomic distance,
the mechanical behaviour is conveniently modelled by standard continuum
mechanics. Yet there exist special materials with a complex mesostructure
for which this approach may not be appropriate. Aerogels and some types
of cluster assembled carbon films belong to this cathegory. In the follow-
ing we shall concentrate on elasticity, neglecting more complex phenomena
like plasticity and fracture. Engineers usually deal with polycrystalline or
multi-phase solids which can be characterized by macroscopic elastic para-
meters such as the bulk modulus and the shear modulus . Such materials
are elastically isotropic at the macro-scale and two parameters are sufficient
to describe their behaviour. Physicists are traditionally more interested to
anisotropic single crystals, like perfect diamond (cubic) and perfect graphite
(hexagonal). The scalar variables volume and pressure are not adequate to
define the deformed state of solids: tensor quantities are needed. To describe
the kinematics of the deformation process, let a vector field r spans all points
within the material volume in an undeformed equilibrium state. If now a
material deformation is produced by some external and/or internal agents,
the old (undeformed) material positions are mapped into the new ones as
r0 = r + u(r) by the displacement vector field u(r), describing both deforma-
tions (volume and shape variations) and rigid rotations. In the small strain
regime, the symmetric part of the gradient of the displacement field u(r) is
the strain tensor
µ ¶
= (∇u) = + (585)
This tensor describes how infinitesimal cubic volume elements =
change their volume and/or their shape. The diagonal components represent
tensile strains (e.g., = ( − )), while the off-diagonal components
represent shear strains. More precisely, assuming in the following summation
from 1 to 3 over repeated vector and tensor suffixes, the relative volume
variation ( − ) is equal to , the trace of . is either a
pure dilation ( 0) or a pure hydrostatic compression ( 0). Instead,
= − 13 is a pure shear strain (a strain deviator, where is the
unit tensor): in fact = 0, proving is a pure shear. In the undeformed
state the angle, e.g., between x and y is 90 . After a shear deformation
the angle is reduced of = = 2 = 2 . Any deformation is the
sum of a pure shear and a dilation (compression) as it is evident from the
identity = + 13 .
Provided the produced strains are small and reversible, a generalized
Hooke’s law describes the linear elastic material response:
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 144
or 11 22 33 23 or 32 13 or 31 12 or 21
or 1 2 3 4 5 6
= (587)
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
1 + 43 − 23 − 23 0 0 0 1
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ − 23 + 43 − 23 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎜ 3 ⎟ ⎜ − 23 − 23 + 43 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ 3 ⎟
⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎜ 4 ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 0 2 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ 4 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ 5 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 0 0 2 0 ⎠ ⎝ 5 ⎠
6 0 0 0 0 0 2 6
Uniaxial stress. In engineering two different elastic constants, namely the
Young modulus and the Poisson’s ratio are usually introduced. If a
uniaxial stress = 1 = is applied (with all other = 0) only strains
= 1 = , = 2 and = 3 = 2 are non-zero. Then is defined as
and as −2 = −3 . Since there are only two independent elastic
°2017-2018 Carlo E. Bottani Solid State Physics Lecture Notes 145
Since too is always positive (see eq. 592), can vary between −1 (when
= 0) and 12 (when = 0). In practice there are no materials known for
which 0.
Shear: In the case of simple shear, e.g. 4 = and all other = 0, then
4 = 2 and all other = 0 If one introduces the angular shear strain
measure 4 = 24 = , the last equation reads = , which illustrates the
physical meaning of .
Cubic lattices have three independent elastic parameters 11 , 12 and 44 :
in this case (as for lower symmetry crystals) and are direction dependent
and can exceed the limits of isotropic materials. As the cubic case reduces
to the isotropic case when 11 − 12 = 244 , a possible measure of the degree
of anisotropy is (11 − 12 − 244 ) (11 − 44 ). Hexagonal lattices have five
independent elastic parameters 11 , 12 13 , 33 and 44 .
= 2 ∇2 u + (2 − 2 )∇(∇ · u) (595)
q¡ ¢ p
where = + 43 is the longitudinal sound velocity and =
is the transverse sound velocity. Remembering that the most general defor-
mation process is the superposition of a simple dilation and of a simple shear,
one is tempted to try a solution of the type u = u + u with ∇ × u = 0
and ∇ · u = 0. The second condition is identical to that holding for electro-
magnetic waves in vacuum. This trick perfectly works (instead anisotropic
materials require a more complex treatment) leading to two decoupled wave
equations for u and u :
2 u 2 2 2 u
= ∇ u and 2
= 2 ∇2 u (596)
The fundamental bulk solution of eq. 595 is then the superposition of three
independent monochromatic plane waves, one longitudinal () and two
(mutually perpendicular) transverse ( 1 2 ), of the type:
© ª
u = < q eq [q·r− (q))] (597)