Ultrasound &, ECG & Echo. It Not Only Print Attractive Reports But Also Keep Track of Accounts - It Has Also Has Built-In Test Library
Ultrasound &, ECG & Echo. It Not Only Print Attractive Reports But Also Keep Track of Accounts - It Has Also Has Built-In Test Library
Ultrasound &, ECG & Echo. It Not Only Print Attractive Reports But Also Keep Track of Accounts - It Has Also Has Built-In Test Library
Patient Management
Every patient treated in hospital will be given unique Patient ID which is useful in tracking visits
of patients. All patient's data is useful for MRD purposes.
OPD Management
OPD Registration When a patient comes to the reception desk, A new registration number is
automatically Allotted to him. His personal details like Name, Age, Sex, Address etc. and the
services desired are feeded into the software.
OPD Billing / Collection Billing of all OPD patients with complete details of Patient
Information, Services provided like Consultation, Laboratory, X-ray, Ultrasound, Medicines,
Procedures etc. along with Payment details.
IPD Management
IPD registration When a patient comes to the reception desk for admission, A Separate new
registration number is automatically allotted to him. His personal details along with the details of
Admission, Room, Consultant, Surgeon, Diet, etc. and the Advance Payment made are fed into
the software. The Software will record all this information and print the related documents.
IPD Billing On-line billing of all IPD patients with details of Patient Information, Services
provided on daily basis like Room rent, Operation, Delivery, Oxygen & Other Gases,
Consultation, Nursing Charges, Laboratory tests, X-ray, Ultrasound, Medicines, Procedures etc.
IPD Collection Collection of part payment along / Full Payment details/ Refunds/Credit Notes.
This information will provide the data for all MIS reports.
Discharge Summary
After the discharge of patient discharge summary can be automatically generated with just few
press of keys. Laboratory data can automatically be imported. Specialty wise standard format can
be set.
Consultant Management
Tracking of consultant share for OPD /Indoor procedures. Option for defining consultant shared
based on procedures/department.
Store Management
Maintain Purchase order with due dates of delivery
Maintain MRN and Issue slips
Maintaining Stock , Reorder levels and show appropriate warning.
Bills can be adjusted against the payments made at other department.
Laboratory Management
As the test is booked at reception request is automatically send to laboratory. Lab can feed the
result later and prints attractive reports.
Security Management
Role base security will be provide to user. Client-server architecture will be followed.
Pharmacy Management
Complete pharmacy shop can be managed through this module. Additionally it can be linked to
main billing. As patient collects medicines from pharmacy shop their charges will automatically
transfer to patient billing.
Radiology Management
As the tests related to radiology is booked at reception request is automatically send to radiology
department .
Medical Data
This module will take care of all medical data of patient . Patient's intake , outtake , Medication ,
reading etc.
TPA (Penals)
Pre-admission forms for different TPA can be set. After admission limit of Panel's approval will
be taken care of.
Reception Management
Status of any patient/doctor can be queried from this module e.g. timing of consultant, residential
address/patient room search.
MRD Management
Keeps history of all patient. Data analysis can be further done on any field Keeps truck of the
ICD numbers/Bed days per consultant and other MRD Records.
MIS Reports
It will provide vital and key reports to management. All the Further we are planning to
incorporate graphical analysis of reports.
Accounts Management
Financial accounts
All purchase , expenses ,payments can be feeded in this module. Receipts can be directly
imported from OPD and IPD department.
Balance sheet
Medical Billing Software | SCREEN SHOTS | Download Demo
Medi Plus ,a new generation medical billing software which brings you latest technology advancement to manage
the working of hospital. Being modular in nature it easily integrates various aspects of hospital like OPD,IPD,
Patient History,Consultants,OT. Its ready to use feature makes it very suitable for fastest implementation.
The idea is to keep you informed of all vital details of hospital working and free the owner from daily fire fighting
problems, which mainly arise due to non-availability of desired information at the right time.
Require less Staff to cater more patients in same time or even less.
Enhance patient care in a cost-effective manner.
Fast, Smart and Accurate bills.
The senior Doctors would spend his precious time more in clinical activities than to put in clerical activities
otherwise. This software interface would also save them a lot of time for special jobs only.
Hospital administrators would be able to significantly improve the operational control and thus streamline
Services Management
This module of Medical billing software will take care of services provided by the hospital. Rate of services is
charged by rules of hospital . It will consider panel , Night Charges , Emergency charges , Age of patient and other
parameters while calculating the rate of services for a particular patient.
Patient Management
Every patient treated in hospital will be given unique Patient ID which is useful in tracking visits of patients. All
patient's data is useful for MRD purposes.
OPD Management
OPD Registration When a patient comes to the reception desk, A new registration number is automatically Allotted
to him. His personal details like Name, Age, Sex, Address etc. and the services desired are feeded into the software.
OPD Billing / Collection Billing of all OPD patients with complete details of Patient Information, Services provided
like Consultation, Laboratory, X-ray, Ultrasound, Medicines, Procedures etc. along with Payment details.
IPD Management
IPD registration When a patient comes to the reception desk for admission, A Separate new registration number is
automatically allotted to him. His personal details along with the details of Admission, Room, Consultant, Surgeon,
Diet, etc. and the Advance Payment made are fed into the software. The Software will record all this information
and print the related documents.
IPD Billing On-line billing of all IPD patients with details of Patient Information, Services provided on daily basis
like Room rent, Operation, Delivery, Oxygen & Other Gases, Consultation, Nursing Charges, Laboratory tests, X-
ray, Ultrasound, Medicines, Procedures etc.
IPD Collection Collection of part payment along / Full Payment details/ Refunds/Credit Notes. This information will
provide the data for all MIS reports.
Discharge Summary
After the discharge of patient discharge summary can be automatically generated with just few press of keys.
Laboratory data can automatically be imported. Specialty wise standard format can be set.
Consultant Management
Tracking of consultant share for OPD /Indoor procedures. Option for defining consultant shared based on
procedures/department. Classifying visit of patient as new / old for that consultant
TPA (Penals)
Pre-admission forms for different TPA can be set. After admission limit of Panel's approval will be taken care of.
Security Management
Security is backbone of any Hospital management software. Role base security will be provide to user. Client-server
architecture will be followed.
MIS Reports