Bba - Guidelines For Project Work - Sgvu
Bba - Guidelines For Project Work - Sgvu
As part of the curriculum during the last Semester, students are required to take up project work in their
specific area for the successful completion of the BBA Program.
This project will be assessed by the university experts. The students should submit 2 sets of hard bound
copy of project report to the university.
Dispatch Address:
The project report must be submitted to our address as mentioned below
The student must send an email on with the dispatch details of hard bound copies
couriered with docket number & courier name sent to the logistic partners address as mentioned above.
The student also must share the Project title and Enrollment number in the same email.
Very Important: Projects submitted in hard bound copies only will be considered for evaluation by the
university. Any project reports submitted in soft copy format will not be considered.
1.2 WHAT CAN BE STUDIED IN A PROJECT? The project taken for study can be related to a organization.
It can be comparison study of many organizations while on a project. A project should preferably be
conducted in the organization where the student is employed.
1.3 Before proceeding on the Project report study, the student should identify the problem he/she
intends to study and know the subject under study. He/she can facilitate this by reading material on the
intended study.
1.4 Students should check the access to the materials, data, and references for the study? A review of
the Literature i.e., the studies done so far, the topics studied, will give a comprehensive view to the
student as to which area of study is found wanting or there is a lacuna.
This enables a student to select the area of study that is most recent and has most application value.
This information can be acquired by reading periodicals and recent publications.
1.5 The student must take the necessary permission from the current employer if he/she intends to
conduct the study in the organization he/she is working.
1.6 As a case study, the student can select his own organization in which he/she is employed or choose
some other organization or could take up an industry vertical.
The data collected could be primary i.e., gathered by your own observation, or it may be secondary i.e.
taken from the records shared by the organization where the research is being conducted.
3.1 This set of guidelines for the project work should also be shared with the guide to ensure that the
student abides by the format or project structure laid down by the institution.
3.2 Students are advised to prepare the project report under the supervision of a guide as it adds value
to the project and has a weightage in evaluation.
3.3 A copy of Certificate from the guide should be included in the Project Report. (See Appendix A) and
the CV of the guide must be shared while submitting the project report.
B) BACKGROUND - A brief background about the company/organization under study, like Name,
Location etc. and relevant details like organization structure, existing systems related to the particular
subject under study and a brief write up of the problem you have identified, and you want to study in
that organization.
C) METHODOLOGY – It forms the crux of the report. It should clearly identify the Problem, the main
objectives of the study, the scope which indicates the usefulness of the project, how applicable it is, and
how it can be used by the organization for improved performance.
1) Review of Literature can be done included, which indicates the research done so far with regard
to the subject.
2) The relevant data gathered should be presented in the form of tables, graphs, flow charts etc.
3) Detailed discussion about the present practices related to the subject. If new
practices/augments have been introduced, a discussion of the same may be done.
4) Analysis of the data collected or the effect of the new practices on the existing one.
D) CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the study done, the recommendations are based
on the conclusions of the study. It is important to indicate that a set of recommendations should follow
from the conclusions inferred. The recommendations should have value to the organization. If possible
quantify the benefits that can be gained from following the recommendations.
Indications as to what other techniques can be applied to improve the systems viz. Cost saving
techniques, precautions.
The following should be included in the Project Report in the same sequence as given below:
1) Acknowledgment - to all those who have helped the student complete the project.
2) Certificate from the guide (if help from a guide has been taken). (See appendix I)
3) Table of contents, chapter wise with the appropriate page numbers.
4) Actual project content following the given format.
5) Bibliography - It is important for students to list the Book
A) TITLE PAGE: The first page should contain the following details.
TOP: The Title of the report in block capitals which is properly centered.
1) Full name of the candidate in capital letters
2) Enrollment No. _________________
3) Program Name _________________
A) Name of the University, Year of Submission (e.g. DECEMBER 2017)
B) MARGIN: Left 25mm (1”), Top 25mm (1”), Right 25mm (1”), Bottom 25mm (1”).
C) FONT: Times New Roman (12 pts) or Arial (12 pts)
D) PAGE NUMBER: At center bottom of the page.
In case of a student's project being not approved, he/she is not eligible to get final certificate. The
student then must rewrite the project based on the remarks of the evaluator.
The project can be disapproved based on it not being an original study i.e. if it is copied or rewritten
from an earlier project, incorrect data, insufficient discussion & analysis, typographical errors, improper
presentation of the project matter, mismatch between the problem studied at hand and the
methodology i.e. design, insufficient subject matter etc.
Part - I
1. Understanding of the subject, conceptualization of the Key areas and Innovative techniques/approach
to problem scheme - 50
Part - II
Report Writing and Presentation - 50
TOTAL – 100
Annexure A