João M. Lemos, Rui Neves-Silva, José M. Igreja Auth. Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems

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Advances in Industrial Control

João M. Lemos
Rui Neves-Silva
José M. Igreja

Adaptive Control
of Solar Energy
Collector Systems
Advances in Industrial Control

Series editors
Michael J. Grimble, Glasgow, UK
Michael A. Johnson, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, UK

For further volumes:
João M. Lemos Rui Neves-Silva

José M. Igreja

Adaptive Control of Solar

Energy Collector Systems

João M. Lemos José M. Igreja
INESC-ID IST Institute of Engineering of Lisbon
University of Lisbon Lisboa
Lisboa Portugal

Rui Neves-Silva
New University of Lisbon

ISSN 1430-9491 ISSN 2193-1577 (electronic)

ISBN 978-3-319-06852-7 ISBN 978-3-319-06853-4 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014940059

 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

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This book is dedicated by the authors to
Edoardo Mosca, for the scientific influence
he had on them,
Eduardo Camacho, for introducing them to
solar energy control,
Virgílio Cardoso Igreja, a pioneer of control
in Portugal
Series Editors’ Foreword

The series Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage technology
transfer in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has
an impact on all areas of the control discipline. New theory, new controllers,
actuators, sensors, new industrial processes, computer methods, new applications,
new philosophies…, new challenges. Much of this development work resides in
industrial reports, feasibility study papers and the reports of advanced collabora-
tive projects. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an
extended exposition of such new work in all aspects of industrial control for wider
and rapid dissemination.
Solar energy collectors are rapidly becoming a common sight in the fabric of
urban infrastructure. Many domestic homes are now graced with either water-
based heat-transfer panels or photovoltaic solar panels on their rooftops. In parallel
with these myriad small-scale developments, there are proposals and installations
already active for the industrial-scale harvesting of solar energy. Indeed, to ensure
a significant contribution to the renewable energy mix and to enable the generation
of useful amounts of electrical power, industrial-scale plants are essential.
There are two main process architectures for large-scale thermal solar-energy-
capture systems; either locally focused radiant solar energy is transferred to a heat-
transfer fluid as in the ‘‘parabolic trough’’ process or the solar radiant energy is
globally focused onto a central heat transfer mechanism as in a central (tower)
receiver system. It is the parabolic trough process used in a distributed-collector
solar field (DCSF) plant that is of interest in this monograph Control of Solar
Energy Collector Systems by authors João M. Lemos, Rui Neves-Silva and José
M. Igreja.
Professor Lemos and his colleagues open their monograph with an introductory
chapter that briefly reviews thermal solar plants before focusing on DCSF plants
and their control. This opening chapter also includes a brief review of the control
literature for these plants and a discussion of the organisation of the monograph,
both of which are very helpful to the reader.
A key feature of this type of plant is that it is a distributed-parameter system
with spatially dependent variables, subject to model uncertainty and various types
of external disturbances. The monograph includes a useful discussion of a number
of processes from industry and elsewhere that belong to this class of systems.
These include moisture control, traffic-highway control, glass-tube manufacture,

viii Series Editors’ Foreword

heating fans, steam-super-heater control and arc welding. Thus, the authors’
methods and approaches to the control of distributed dynamical systems should be
of interest to a wider readership than one simply interested in solar energy
collector control.
This monograph is a valuable contribution to the literature on solar-energy-
collector-plant control. The theory and experimental results presented also dem-
onstrate the value of the MUltiStep Multivariable Adaptive Regulator (MUSMAR)
algorithm that was developed by Prof. Lemos. The outcomes of control approaches
that assume either a black-box model or alternatively use physically based process
models are also illustrated. Finally, the important links with other industrial pro-
cesses and fields make this a significant entry to the Advances in Industrial Control
For the reader interested in the wider solar energy field, the Advances in
Industrial Control series is very fortunate to have the more encyclopaedic text,
Control of Solar Energy Systems by Eduardo F. Camacho, Manuel Berenguel,
Francisco R. Rubio and Diego Martínez (ISBN 978-0-85729-915-4, 2012) within
its imprint. The control of renewable-energy processes is a growing field and the
Series Editors are always pleased to receive new proposals for monograph con-
tributions to this ever-growing field.

Glasgow, Scotland, UK M. J. Grimble

M. A. Johnson

The use of renewable energy, such as solar energy, experienced a great impulse
during the second half of the 1970s just after the first big oil crisis. At that time,
economic issues were the most important factor and so interest in these types of
processes decreased when oil prices fell. There is renewed interest in the use of
renewable energies nowadays, driven by the need for reducing the high environ-
mental impact produced by the use of fossil energy systems.
One of the greatest scientific and technological opportunities facing us today is
to develop efficient ways to collect, convert, store solar energy fundamentals and
utilise solar energy at affordable costs. However, there are two main drawbacks of
solar energy systems: (i) the resulting energy costs are not competitive yet and
(ii) solar energy is not always available when needed. Considerable research
efforts are being devoted to techniques which may help to overcome these
drawbacks; control is one of these techniques.
A thermal solar power plant basically consists of a system where the solar energy
is collected, then concentrated and finally transferred to a fluid. The thermal energy
of the hot fluid is then used for different purposes such as generating electricity, sea
water desalination, etc. While in other power generating processes, the main source
of energy (the fuel) can be manipulated as it is used as the main control variable, in
solar energy systems, the main source of power (solar radiation) cannot be
manipulated. Furthermore, it changes in a seasonal and on a daily basis, acting as a
disturbance when considering it from a control point of view.
These types of plants have all the characteristics needed for using advanced
control strategies able to cope with changing dynamics, (nonlinearities and
uncertainties). In order to provide viable power production, parabolic troughs have
to achieve their task despite fluctuations in energy input, i.e. solar radiation. An
effective control scheme is needed to provide operating requirements of a solar
power plant.
During the last 30 years considerable effort has been devoted by many
researchers to improve the efficiency of solar thermal power plants with distributed
collectors from the control and optimization viewpoints. The group of Prof. João
M. Lemos has made a very significant amount of this effort.
The main idea behind adaptive control is to modify the controller when process
dynamics changes. It can be said that adaptive control is a special kind of
nonlinear control where the state variables can be separated into two groups

x Foreword

moving in two different timescales. The state variables which change more rapidly,
correspond to the process variables (internal loop), while the state components
which change more slowly, correspond to the estimated process (or controller)
Since Åström and Wittenmark first introduced self-tuning control, many works
have appeared in the literature describing new methodological developments and
applications. Although some of these applications come from industry and there
are some commercial adaptive controllers on the market, the technique has not
made it to industry as expected, and even many controllers with adaptive capa-
bilities are working as fixed controllers. The main reason for this slow progression
of adaptive control in industry is that adaptive control, as other advanced control
techniques, requires more knowledge from process operators as it has more tuning
parameters and more concepts to be understood. Another fundamental problem is
that when applied to a real process the two timescales are not as far apart as they
should be and this may be a problem for parameter identification and for assessing
stability. It was shown at the beginning of the 1980s that adaptive control systems
could be unstabilized by small external perturbations or small modelling errors.
Robustness studies of adaptive control systems are, therefore, of paramount
This book presents techniques to model and control solar collector systems.
The reader will find a good introduction to different types of industrial solar
thermal plants. The modelling of those plants is tackled rigorously and, in par-
ticular, the distributed solar collector plants modeling. This book shows developed
and probed adaptive model predictive controllers (GPC, MUSMAR), not only
through simulation but also through real experiments. Both fixed and variable
operation points are considered with several adaptive controllers designed with a
bank of linear models.
First, the adaptive control is tackled by linear models and afterwards by non-
linear models that are calculated directly or using feedback linearization. The book
ends with a chapter dedicated to tracking variables references. Experimental
results on distributed collector solar fields as well as on plants with similar
dynamics are described, providing practical examples that serve as a guideline to
configure the controllers.
The systematic approach presented in the book will provide a helpful frame-
work for the reader and constitutes an invaluable material for researchers and/or
users of solar systems. The book is mainly aimed at practitioners, both from the
solar energy community and the control engineering community, although it can
be followed by a wide range of readers.

Sevilla, February 2014 Francisco Rubio


This book addresses methods for adaptive control of distributed collector solar
fields (DCSFs). These systems are plants that collect solar energy and deliver it in
thermal form. Essentially, they are made of a pipe located at the focus of multiple
rows of parabolic concentrating mirrors. The shape of this structure led to the
name ‘‘parabolic trough’’ to designate the technology. Inside the pipe circulates a
fluid (high temperature resistant oil or molten salt) that is heated by solar radiation,
thereby accumulating energy. The thermal energy stored in the fluid may then be
used for several purposes, such as water desalination or electric power generation
in a boiler/turbine plant.
Since solar thermal plants are a ‘‘clean’’ source of renewable energy, the
interest on DCSFs is growing steadily for obvious reasons. Indeed, in recent years,
a significant number of commercial solar thermal plants of the so-called ‘‘para-
bolic trough’’ has been built throughout the world.
In addition to this practical interest, there is a scientific motivation stemming
from the following issues:
1. They are distributed parameter systems, i.e. their dynamics depends on space as
well as on time;
2. Their dynamics is nonlinear, with a bilinear structure;
3. They are uncertain systems, albeit with a structure which can be explored to
design adaptive controllers that yield an improved performance with respect to
‘‘black box’’ approaches to control.
This book aims to present methods for controller design that meet the diffi-
culties associated with these features, being strongly motivated by the specific
dynamical structure of DCSFs. Considering the degree of uncertainty in plant
dynamics knowledge, we focus on adaptive methods. Furthermore, different
design methods are described that assume various degrees of knowledge about the
plant structure. As such, some chapters are devoted to design methods that assume
only a very limited knowledge about the plant. In order to improve performance,
other chapters address methods that rely on the knowledge of a model, simple
enough to be useful for controller design, but that captures the dominant plant
dynamical features.
Although the book is about control of DCSFs, it does not fully address its
automation in detail, or the optimization of its efficiency from a constructive point

xii Preface

of view. Instead, the book concentrates on the problem that consists of, given a
DCSF, how it can be operated so as to perform the correct manoeuvres, ensuring
safe operating conditions and maximizing efficiency. The point of view assumed is
the one of the new emerging area of cyber-physical systems, in which mathe-
matical algorithms interact with physical systems in order to achieve a goal, in this
case energy production.
The book provides a number of examples of plants that bear resemblances with
DCSFs from a structural point of view when their mathematical models are
considered. These examples help to explain how the algorithms described can be
used in other contexts and also to illustrate their limitations and tuning. Indeed, an
interesting feature consists of the fact that the approaches considered can be
applied to other plants described by hyperbolic partial differential equations, in
particular process plants in which transport phenomena occur, such as dryers,
steam super-heaters or even, among other examples, traffic in highways.
Obviously, an important group of readers for this book are control designers
interested in DCSFs. Furthermore, by the reasons explained above, this book can
also be a source of inspiration for engineers dealing with such processes.
From an ‘‘academic’’ point of view, a nice feature of distributed solar fields is
that their dynamics is rich enough to put challenges to the control designer, but at
the same time simple enough to allow analytic work to be done in order to study
the dynamics and use the conclusions reached to design nonlinear controllers.
As such, the book is expected to be of considerable interest to researchers in
control and to postgraduate and even advanced undergraduate students of Control.
Some parts of the book, especially the chapter devoted to dynamics and the
design methods that directly rely on system nonlinear models may be of interest to
applied mathematicians since they provide a case study and a source problem to
illustrate other methods.
An important example, repeatedly used throughout the text concerns an
experimental distributed collector solar field of Plataforma Solar de Almeria,
located in the South of Spain. Indeed, a significant feature of the book consists of
the fact that the control algorithms described are illustrated with actual experi-
mental results performed in this plant.
The material covered is supported by several research projects, developed over
many years, whose results have been published in peer reviewed journals and
conference proceedings and in Ph. D. theses. As such, a number of people in
addition to the authors contributed to the experimental results and the corre-
sponding underlying ideas. The main contributions in this respect were made by
F. V. Coito, who was involved in the initial experiments with MUSMAR,
L. M. Rato, who contributed to dynamic weights in MUSMAR and the application
of Switched Multiple Model Adaptive Control, L. Marreiros who cooperated in a
case study with an air heating fan and M. Barão who contributed to feedback
linearization and the use of control Lyapunov functions. The data concerning solar
furnaces were obtained in cooperation with B. A. Costa.
INESC-ID provided the first author (J. M. L.) with the conditions, and the
means, to work on this book. The book was partly written within the scope of the
Preface xiii

projects SFERA II (project number 312643) and STAGE-STE (project number

609837) supported by the European Commission under the FP7 programme. Part
of the work was supported by contract PEst-OE/EEI/LA0021/2013.
Finally, the authors must acknowledge and thank the momentum received to
complete this work provided by W. A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven, F. Chopin,
F. Liszt, N. Paganini, F. Schubert, R. Schumann, F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy and
P. I. Tchaikovsky. Without their multidimensional stimulation and encouragement
this book could have never been finished.

Lisbon, Portugal, 2014 João M. Lemos

Rui Neves-Silva
José M. Igreja

1 Solar Energy Collector Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Solar Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Distributed Collector Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Direct Steam Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.3 Solar Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.4 Solar Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Control of Distributed Collector Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Literature Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.5 Book Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.6 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2 Models and Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.1 Reduced Complexity Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2 Understanding the Dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2.1 Exact Solution of the Distributed Model . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.2 Qualitative Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.3 Characteristic Curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 Discrete Time Integral Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.4 Finite Dimension State-Space Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4.1 Finite Difference Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4.2 Reachable States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.3 Jacobian Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.4 Orthogonal Collocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.5 Plants with Similar Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.5.1 Moisture Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5.2 Traffic in Highways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.5.3 Glass Tube Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.4 Air Heating Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.5.5 Steam Superheater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.5.6 Arc Welding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

xvi Contents

2.6 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

2.7 Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.1 Receding Horizon Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2 Linear Predictive Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2.1 ARX Plant Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2.2 Positional Predictive Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2.3 Incremental Predictive Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2.4 MUSMAR Predictive Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.2.5 The Case of Colored Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.3 Predictive Model Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.3.1 Recursive Least Squares Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.2 Predictor Extrapolation and Redundant Estimation . . . . . 68
3.4 The GPC Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.5 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.5.1 Operational Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.5.2 Stability Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.6 The MUSMAR Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.6.1 The Basic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.6.2 MUSMAR as a Cost Optimizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.6.3 Constraints in MUSMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.6.4 Dynamic Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.7 Using MUSMAR in Practical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.7.1 Example 1: Air Heating Fan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.7.2 Example 2: Superheated Steam in a Boiler . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.7.3 Example 3: Arc Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.8 Solar Field Predictive Adaptive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.8.1 The Basic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.8.2 Temperature Control with a Dynamic Cost . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.8.3 Cascade Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.9 Dual Control and Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.9.1 The Bi-criteria Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.9.2 The Dual MUSMAR Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.9.3 Dual MUSMAR Control of a DCSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.10 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.11 Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

4.1 Controller Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.1.1 Gain-Scheduling Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.1.2 Supervised Multiple Model Adaptive Control . . . . . . . . . 113
Contents xvii

4.2 Local Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

4.3 Example: Air Heating Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.4 DCSF Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.4.1 DCSF Control with MMAC: Experiment 1 . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.4.2 DCSF Control with MMAC: Experiment 2 . . . . . . . . . . 124
4.4.3 DCSF Control with MMAC: Experiment 3 . . . . . . . . . . 125
4.5 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
4.6 Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

5.1 Warped Time Output Prediction Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.2 Output-Based Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.2.1 Experimental Results with WARTIC-i/o . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.3 State-Based Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.3.1 Linear State-Space Model Based
on Nonuniform Sampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.3.2 Control Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5.3.3 Observer Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.3.4 Experimental Results with WARTIC-State . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.4 Moisture Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.5 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.6 Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

6.1 Feedback Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.1.1 Input–Output Linearization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.1.2 Internal Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.1.3 Internal Dynamics with Approximate Control Laws . . . . 156
6.2 Control with a Reduced Complexity Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.2.1 Feedback Linearization of the Reduced
Complexity Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 158
6.2.2 Control Lyapunov Function-Based Adaptation . . . . .... 160
6.2.3 Experimental Results with Reduced
Complexity Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 162
6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control. . . . . .... 163
6.3.1 Nonlinear Adaptive Control with Higher
Order Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.3.2 Stabilizing Receding Horizon Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.3.3 State Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.3.4 Control Lyapunov Function-Based Adaptation . . . . . . . . 166
6.3.5 Computational Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6.3.6 Control of a DCSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
xviii Contents

6.4 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

6.5 Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

7 Adaptive Motion Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
7.1.1 Orbital Flatness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
7.1.2 Trajectory Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.1.3 Exponential Type Gevrey Functions of Class a . . . . . . . 184
7.1.4 Computing the Output Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.1.5 Computation of the Derivatives of a Gevrey Function . . . 185
7.1.6 Example: Motion Planning of a DCSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
7.2 Servo Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
7.3 Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
7.4 Motion Planning of a Moisture Control System. . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
7.4.1 Change of Time Variable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
7.4.2 The Homogeneous Equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
7.4.3 Solution of the Nonhomogeneous Equation . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.4.4 Flat Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.4.5 Planning Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.5 Main Points of the Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7.6 Bibliographic Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
8.1 Road Map of DCSF Adaptive Control Algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . 207
8.1.1 DCSF Characteristics and Control Design . . . . . . . . . . . 208
8.1.2 Controllers Based on Data-Driven Models . . . . . . . . . . . 209
8.1.3 Exploiting DCSF Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
8.1.4 Tackling the Adaptation Transient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
8.1.5 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
8.2 The Context of Renewable Energy Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
8.2.1 Efficiency and Operational Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
8.2.2 Market with Changing Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
8.2.3 Cyber-Physical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
8.3 What Was Left Out? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Appendix A: Solution of the DCSF PDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Appendix B: Recursive Least Squares Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Appendix C: MUSMAR Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Contents xix

Appendix D: MUSMAR as a Newton Minimization Algorithm . . . . . . 231

Appendix E: Derivation of the MUSMAR Dual Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 235

Appendix F: Warped Time Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Appendix G: Characterization of the Eigenvalues of

the Linearized Tracking Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Appendix H: Stability of a Time Varying System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Acronyms and Nomenclature

ARMAX Auto-regressive, moving average with exogenous input (model)
ARX Auto-regressive with exogenous input (model)
CEP Certainty equivalence principle
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
DCSF Distributed collector solar field
DSG Direct steam generation
GPC Generalized predictive controller
LMI Linear matrix inequality
LPV Linear parameter varying
LQ Linear quadratic (controller)
LQG Linear quadratic gaussian (controller)
MMAC Multiple model adaptive controller
MPC Model predictive controller
MUSMAR Multistep, multivariable, adaptive regulator
MV Manipulated variable
NMPC Nonlinear model predictive controller
OCM Orthogonal collocation method
ODE Ordinary differential equation
PDE Partial differential equation
PI Proportional-derivative (controller)
PID Proportional-integral-derivative (controller)
PSA Plataforma Solar de Almeria
RHC Receding horizon control
RLS Recursive Least Squares
SIORHC Stable input/output receding horizon controller

xxii Acronyms and Nomenclature


Model Variables
t Time, [s]
z Space dimension measured along the pipe, [m]
T Fluid temperature inside the pipe, [oC]
Dz; d Small increment in z, [m]
Dt; D Small increment in t, [s]
qf Fluid volumic mass, [kg/m3]
Af Pipe cross section area, [m2]
cf Fluid specific heat, [oC/kg]
R Solar radiation power, [W/m2]

u Fluid flow, [m3/s]
u Fluid velocity, [m/s]

a Coefficient of radiation absorption efficiency
a Normalized coefficient of radiation absorption efficiency
Ta Ambient temperature, [oC]
L Pipe length, [m]
Chapter 1
Solar Energy Collector Systems

This chapter provides a broad overview of solar thermal energy systems. The aim is
to describe the context of distributed collector solar fields used in plants that apply
parabolic trough technology. Furthermore, the temperature control problem associ-
ated to distributed collector solar fields is explained and the use of adaptive control
to solve it is motivated. In contrast to subsequent chapters that use mathematics to
explain control algorithms and the models upon which they rely, the approach in this
chapter resorts to qualitative explanations together with some plant data to introduce
the main ideas.

1.1 Solar Energy

Solar energy is an important form of renewable energy resource, that is, sources of
energy that do not depend on exhaustable stocks. As such, it is receiving an increasing
research and development interest. In broad terms, solar energy harvesting plants may
be divided into two classes, each associated with different technologies (Boyle 2004;
Miller et al. 2010):
• Photovoltaic;
• Thermal.
Photovoltaic technology produces electrical power from solar radiation by exploit-
ing the so-called photovoltaic effect present in some semiconductors. Although
widely disseminated and raising interesting issues from the control and optimization
points of view, this is not the focus of this book and is not considered further here.
The interested reader may consult (Krauter 2010; Green 2006; Rekioua and Matagne
2012) for further information.
The solar thermal systems of concern in this book transform solar radiation into
heat that is accumulated in a fluid. Using a heat exchanger, this thermal energy may
then be used for different purposes such as water desalination, steam production

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 1

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_1,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
2 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

Fig. 1.1 World installed World Installed Concentrating Solar Thermal

concentrating solar thermal Power Capacity, 1980−2010 (2015 extrapolated)
power capacity (Source Data
highlights on solar energy, 1200

March 12, 2010, Earth Policy

Institute) 1000





1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

for turbine propelling or even applications such as milk pasteurization and air
Needless to say, the interest in solar energy harvesting systems increases during
periods of economic crisis and is boosted by factors such as high prices of oil as well
as other hydrocarbon fuels or growing environment concerns. In 2005, solar thermal
energy accounted for 6.83 % of total world renewable energy and photovoltaic for
0.42 % and these figures are increasing.
Driven by these forces, many national or local administrations are currently pro-
moting the use of solar energy at different levels, from home to the industrial scale.
Correspondingly, a number of companies are advertising products for harnessing
solar energy, in particular to produce thermal energy. Even large companies that tra-
ditionally sell automation and control equipment for "classic" thermoelectric power
plants are now offering in their range of products lines devoted to solar thermal
energy or to thermal power plants with solar energy contributions.
Figure 1.1 shows the world installed concentrating solar thermal power capac-
ity. Although progress stagnated from 1990 till 2005, many new projects have been
started since then. At the industrial level, a number of major projects have been devel-
oped and are currently in progress. In March 2009, the 100 MW Andasol plant located
in Sierra Nevada in southern Spain started operation, with an installed capacity of
100 MWe. This was the first solar plant in Europe to use parabolic trough technology
(explained below), and the second in the world, after the 64 MWe Nevada Solar One
in the United States. A thermal storage system uses a molten salt mixture to store
solar energy captured during the day and allows the operating time to double.
Another example of a large solar energy generating facility using parabolic trough
technology is the Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS), consisting of a network
of nine units with a total capacity of 354 MWe, located in the Mojave desert, in the
United States.
1.1 Solar Energy 3

Many other examples of plants starting operation in 2009/2010 or under con-

struction could be indicated, with Spain and the United States leading the list of
installed capacity. Most of them use parabolic trough technology (to which this book
is devoted) or, to a less extent, solar power towers.

1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants

Solar collectors may be classified according to temperature in low, medium, or high

temperature. Low and medium temperature collectors are made of flat plates, with
a black background and covered with glass to create greenhouse effect. The fluid to
be heated passes through a pipe that is serpentine inside the plate. Their applications
concern mainly home uses such as swimming-pool heating, for low temperature, or
building heating or air conditioning, for medium temperature.
High temperature collectors concern instead industrial uses, such as energy pro-
duction or material treatment. They include (Miller et al. 2010):
• Distributed collector solar fields;
• Direct Steam generation
• Solar power towers
• Solar furnaces
To this list, one could also add parabolic concentration dishes coupled to Stirling
or steam engines. These are omitted since the description of their operation is outside
the scope of the methods considered in this book.
Distributed collector solar fields are the focus of this book. From a practical point
of view, they are of paramount importance since, as mentioned above, many plants
already in operation, or under construction use the parabolic trough technology.
Some of the control methods described in this book may also be applied to the
other systems. Hence, hereafter we present a concise description of the principles of
operation of the different types of thermal systems, with an emphasis on distributed
collector solar fields.

1.2.1 Distributed Collector Fields

Distributed collector fields form the core of plants using parabolic trough technology.
They are made of parabolic mirrors that concentrate direct incident sun light onto a
pipe where a fluid flows. Figure 1.3 shows an example of a dismounted concentration
mirror. Another alternative is to use Fresnel reflectors that allows reduced construc-
tion costs by the possibility it offers to share a common pipe for several reflectors.
Figure 1.2 shows a schematic view of two reflectors (labeled R1 and R2 ) that share
the same focal line.
4 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

Fig. 1.2 A schematic view

of two Fresnel concentrating
mirrors sharing the same focal



Fig. 1.3 A dismounted

parabolic mirror concentrating
the incident light at its focus

The fluid used to accumulate energy in thermal form may be either an oil that
can withstand temperatures up to 300 ◦ C or 400 ◦ C, or a molten salt mixture of 60 %
sodium nitrate and 40 % potassium nitrate that is able to reach higher temperatures.
Besides cost reduction, the use of molten salt has a number of technical benefits and
is being used in a number of recent projects. Many plants, however, use oil.
Figure 1.4 shows a distributed collector solar field. The parabolic mirrors are
organized in rows oriented along the East–West direction. The elevation of each row
of mirrors is adjusted by a sun tracking controller. The sun elevation sensors used
for this controller can be seen in Fig. 1.5.
The distributed collector solar field of Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA) used
to conduct the experiments described in this book,located in the Tabernas desert in
the south of Spain is a pilot plant that is used in the examples described in this book.
It consists of 480 parabolic mirrors arranged in 20 rows. Each pair of rows forms
a loop. The active part of the pipe corresponds to the segment that is heated by the
concentrators. The part of the pipe that connects the loops with the storage tank does
not contribute to the heating of the plant but is important from a control point of view
because, depending on the process variable being controlled, it may include a delay
in plant dynamics. This field was build for experimental purposes and so its nominal
1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants 5

Fig. 1.4 A distributed collector solar field

Fig. 1.5 Sun elevation

sensors in distributed collector
solar fields

maximum power is small, just 0.5 MW. As mentioned before, other fields already in
operation in other locations reach 50 MWe or even more when grouped.
As seen in the sketch of Fig. 1.6, the fluid to be heated is extracted at low tem-
perature from the bottom of the storage tank (seen in the background of Fig. 1.4). It
passes through the field where it is heated by solar radiation and returns to the tank,
where it is injected at the top. In the case of the DCSF of PSA in which the experi-
ments described in this book were conducted, the fluid is an oil that can withstand
up to 300 ◦ C. Since the oil has a low heat conductivity, this fluid forms layers of
different temperatures (according to the temperature profile of the incoming oil) that
6 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

MV To steam
PID Storage generator
tank or dessalination


Collectors - loop 1


Collectors - loop 10

Fig. 1.6 Schematic view of a distributed collector solar field showing the heating fluid circuit

do not mix inside the storage tank. This makes energy storage possible in a single
tank where high and low temperature regions coexist.
The flow is ensured by a pump. At PSA, the pump delivers a maximum of 9 l/s.
For safety reasons, the minimum flow is imposed to be 2 l/s. In order to manipulate
the flow of the thermal working fluid, the outlet pipe from the storage tank is provided
with a flow controller, also shown in Fig. 1.6. The flow measure is transmitted to a
PID controller that computes the degree of opening of the valve that manipulates
From the top of the storage tank (the hotter zone inside the tank), the oil may
then be extracted for use in a desalination plant or to generate steam to feed an
electric turbo-generator. Once the energy is extracted, the cool fluid is re-injected at
the bottom of the storage tank.
The design of Fig. 1.6 has the advantage of decoupling the collection of solar
energy from its use for electricity production. Since energy is stored in thermal
form inside the storage tank, the design mentioned allows, for instance, the produc-
tion of electric power during the night of when solar flux is temporarily interrupted
1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants 7

Hot oil Steam turbine



To cold
Pre-heater source

Distributed Condenser
solar field

Oil expansion tank

Fig. 1.7 Simplified schematic view of a distributed collector solar field coupled to a turbo-generator

for persistent clouds. A steam generator may however be directly connected to a

distributed collector solar field, as in the diagram of Fig. 1.7. In this design, there
are two circuits: the fluid circuit and the water/steam circuit. The fluid is heated
in the distributed collector solar field and delivers its energy to a steam generator
comprising a pre-heater, an evaporator (where the water changes phase to steam)
and a super-heater. The steam is then used in a steam turbine coupled to an electric
generator. Typical characteristics of the steam delivered to the turbine are a pressure
of 104 bar and a temperature of 370 ◦ C. The modeling of the solar field is dealt in this
book from a control design point of view (see also the section on literature review,
below in this chapter). Modeling of the steam generation part relies on techniques
known for thermoelectric power plants, see for example (Ordys et al. 1994; Soares
et al. 1997).

1.2.2 Direct Steam Generation

An interesting variant of parabolic trough technology is Direct Steam Generation

(DSG). In DSG, water is circulated in the pipe at the collector focus and is directly
transformed into steam at the collectors. This results in a simpler overall plant design,
requiring lower investment and operation and maintenance costs, and has the advan-
tage of not needing oil, thereby sparing the cost of this element and reducing envi-
ronmental risks. Furthermore, a higher steam temperature is achieved, together with
a higher process efficiency.
8 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

Several experimental projects have been developed since the end of 1980s to
recently. The literature on the control problems associated to direct steam generation
is scarce. An example is Valenzuela et al. (2004) that considers arrangements of
classical controllers for three different configurations:
• Once-through;
• Injection;
• Recirculation.
In the once-through configuration, the water entering the receiver tube is directly
converted into superheated steam whereas in the injection mode there are several
points along the tube where water is injected. In the recirculation structure, a water-
steam separator is placed in the middle of the tube and the resulting water is recir-
culated. The once-through mode is the most difficult to control (Valenzuela et al.
2004, 2005) requiring a combination of proportional-integral (PI), feedforward and
cascade control. The recirculation operation structure is simpler to control. The main
objective of obtaining steam at a specified constant temperature and pressure at the
receiver tube outlet can be achieved by sacrificing the amount of steam produced
(Valenzuela et al. 2006).
A number of difficulties require further progress. These include poor control
performance in the presence of strong and fast solar radiation transients due to clouds,
instabilities of the two-phase flow inside the receiver tubes and the occurrence of
major temperature gradients at the receiver pipes.

1.2.3 Solar Towers

Solar tower fields comprise a single tower on top of which a receiver is located. The
field surrounding the tower is filled with flat mirrors, called heliostats, that reflect the
sun and focus it on the receiver. This is in contrast to distributed collector solar fields,
where the mirrors concentrate the sun radiation along a lengthy focus. As a result, the
temperature achieved with solar towers is higher with respect to distributed collectors
and an increase in the efficiency of the conversion between thermal and electric energy
results. A disadvantage consists in the need of adjusting the heliostat positions along
two axis, whereas distributed collector fields require only one axis, corresponding to
sun elevation. This complicates the design and implies higher construction as well
as maintenance costs.
The receiver contains molten salt that is heated to temperatures above 500 ◦ C.
Figure 1.8 shows a simplified schematic view of a solar tower plant. There are two
main circuits, corresponding to molten salt and water/steam. The molten salt is
pumped from the cold molten salt reservoir up to the receiver, where it is heated
and then goes to the hot molten salt reservoir. The hot molten salt reservoir acts as
an energy storage system. From it, hot molten salt is pumped to provide heat to the
steam generator, and then back to the cold reservoir.
1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants 9


Hot salt

Cold salt Hot salt

storage tank storage tank

salt Steam Hot salt Electrical
Heliostat field generator generator

Feedwater Turbine G

Heat rejection

Fig. 1.8 Schematic view a solar tower plant

The water/steam circuit is similar to other plants. The steam produced by the
steam generator, which by itself is a subsystem with several parts, is used by the
turbine, that can have several bodies that operate at different pressures, with a re-
heater in-between, to convert thermal energy to mechanical energy that drives the
Although not so common as parabolic trough installations, there are several sig-
nificant examples of plants of solar power type, as well as companies devoted to their
design and construction.

1.2.4 Solar Furnaces

Solar furnaces are highly concentrating plants that yield a high temperature over a
limited area, close to their focus. They are mainly used for material testing and they
may range from relatively small structures to a very large size, such as the Odeillo
furnace of French CNRS plant, located in the Pyrenees.
As shown in the schematic view of Fig. 1.9, a solar furnace is made of the following
• Heliostats
• Shutter
10 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems




Fig. 1.9 Schematic view of a solar furnace

• Parabolic concentrator
• Sample support
The heliostats are computer-driven flat mirrors that track the sun throughout the
day, such that the parabolic concentrator receives the sun beam always along the
same direction. The movement of the heliostats may be defined in either one of two
• Open loop control, where the heliostat angles are preprogrammed depending on
solar time and the geographic coordinates of the place;
• Closed loop control, in which the angles are selected by a feedback controller that
seeks to keep the mirrors oriented in such a way as to maximize the incoming solar
radiation flux to the parabolic concentrator.
The solar radiation flux reflected by the heliostats crosses the shutter and reaches
the concentrator that focuses it at the area where the sample to be treated is located.
The shutter is the actuator. It is made of blades that rotate along their longitudinal
axis, driven by a motor that receives commands from a computer. In some cases,
the shutter is located such that it interrupts the radiation flux after the concentrator
(but at a point where the temperature is still relatively low). Figure 1.10 shows an
example of this kind of shutter. In any case, the shutter is a nonlinear actuator since,
1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants 11

Fig. 1.10 The shutter (the white flaps at the center of the image) and the focus of a 6 kW solar
furnace where a sample is located handled by a support. The radiation enters from below and the
concentrator is located above the shutter

when the shutter aperture command varies from 0 % (fully closed) to 100 % (fully
opened) the amount of radiation that passes per unit time is a nonlinear function of
the aperture setting. This nonlinearity is exactly known from the shutter geometry
and can however be compensated.
The concentrator can be built either of a single parabolic mirror or of multiple
mirrors, each one a section of a parabola.
In general terms, the control of the furnace consists of manipulating the shutter
such that the temperature at the focus is at the desired value, either kept constant or
closely following a specified reference profile.
The dominant dynamics of the furnace results from an energy balance made at
the material sample placed at the focus for heating and may be represented by the
ordinary differential equation (Berenguel et al. 1999):

Ṫs = −α1 (Ts4 − Te4 ) − α2 (Ts − Te ) + α3 R (1.1)

Here, Ts denotes the temperature of the sample, Te the temperature of the environment
(all expressed in K ), R is the incoming solar radiation (expressed in Wm−2 ) and α1 ,
α2 and α3 are parameters.
12 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

The derivative of the sample temperature depends on three terms. The first term,
−α1 (Ts4 − Te4 ), models losses by radiation and corresponds to what is known in
physics as Boltzman’s Law. Due to the dependence on the fourth power of the tem-
perature, this term embeds a strong nonlinearity in the dynamics, a fact that shapes
the type of control used in this type of plant.
The second term, that depends linearly on the temperature, accounts for losses due
to conduction and convection. Finally, the third term represents the incoming energy
from solar radiation. This is modulated by the shutter position. Since the shutter is a
moving mass acted by an electric motor, it also contributes to the dynamic behavior of
the system. However, there is a time scale separation between the electromechanical
part (the shutter and its electromechanical driver, which is faster) and the thermal
part (which is slower) that can be taken advantage of for controller design.
When comparing the dynamics of solar furnaces and distributed collector solar
fields, some differences are apparent:
• While the dynamics of solar furnaces are concentrated (that is, described by ordi-
nary differential equations) and low order (mainly a first order system plus the
shutter dynamics), the dynamics of distributed collector solar fields depend on
spacial variables, as well as on time and are described by partial differential equa-
• Solar furnaces work at much higher temperatures than distributed collector solar
fields and are built such that the losses by radiation must be accounted for. As
mentioned above, this implies a dependence on the fourth power of temperature
which is a strong nonlinearity. As will be explained below, distributed collector
solar fields present a different type of nonlinearity, where the state multiplies the
manipulated variable.
Although solar furnaces are usually modeled by lumped parameter models, it
should be recognized that this is an approximation. The spacial distribution of the
incident radiation over the sample being processed is not uniform and one has to
specify what is the temperature that is actually being controlled. For instance, even
in small samples, a pyrometer measuring the temperature of the upper surface of the
sample and a thermocouple measuring the temperature in the lower surface yield
different values and with different time profiles. Figure 1.11 shows an example.
Despite its importance and scientific interest, the literature on control of solar
furnaces is scarce (Berenguel et al. 1999; Costa and Lemos 2009; Costa et al. 2011;
Lacasa et al. 2006; Paradkar et al. 2002). Although it is possible to use simple PID
controllers with acceptable results, as shown in the example of Fig. 1.12, there is
considerable room for improvement using advanced control techniques.
As in other types of solar plants feedforward from solar radiation greatly improves
tracking performance (Berenguel et al. 1999), a fact that is specially important in solar
furnaces used for material testing where imposing a specified profile of temperature is
quite important. This is no surprise since, as is well known and explored in different
types of processes such as chemical (Stephanopoulos 1984) or electromechanical
processes, feedforward anticipates the existence of tracking errors due to accessible
disturbances and acts to prevent, or at least reduce their appearance. The design of
1.2 Types of Solar Thermal Plants 13






500 Pyrometer


1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Discrete Time

Fig. 1.11 Measurement of the upper side of the sample temperature with a pyrometer and of the
lower side of the sample temperature with a thermocouple in 6 kW solar furnace

Temperature [°C]




20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Time [minute]


u [%]



20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Time [minute]

Fig. 1.12 Temperature control of a 6 kW solar furnace

a feedforward controller implies, off course, that a reliable model of the plant is
available, including the effect of both the manipulated variable (shutter command)
and accessible disturbance (incoming solar radiation) on the output to be controlled
(sample temperature).
14 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

Another useful idea is the use of gain-scheduling (Berenguel et al. 1999). A

significant part of the difficulty of designing controllers for solar furnaces comes
from the fact that they are strongly nonlinear. When performing tests on the stress
induced by large temperature changes, it is not possible to consider a linearized
model valid along the whole temperature range considered.
A natural but powerful idea (Murray-Smith and Johansen 1997) is to use a pen-
cil of local linear models that represent the plant dynamics for limited ranges of
temperature. To each local model, a local controller is then associated and a suit-
able switching or interpolation supervisory mechanism is then included to decide
at every moment which controller(s) is(are) to be active depending on the value of
the current value of temperature. It should be remarked that this supervisor should
be programmed in such a way to ensure the stability of the controlled system. This
is nontrivial because one may create an unstable system by switching among stable
ones. This issue will be addressed later on in relation to switched multiple model
adaptive control of distributed collector solar fields.
In the case of solar furnaces, it is easy to conclude from (1.1) that local mod-
els are simply first order linear models whose gain and time constant vary with
the equilibrium temperature. Hence, selecting PID’s as local controllers allows the
corresponding closed loop poles to be placed appropriately.
Another possibility is the use of adaptive control. The Costa and Lemos (2009)
describes an adaptive controller that combines feedback linearization with an adapta-
tion mechanism obtained with a Control Lyapunov Function (CLF). Similar methods
will be consider later in this book.

1.3 Control of Distributed Collector Fields

The main control loop in a distributed collector solar field like the one of Fig. 1.4
aims at driving the temperature of the fluid leaving the collector loops to a desired
value, by manipulating its flow. As explained in Sect. 1.2.1 the manipulated variable
is the command of the pump/valve system that drives fluid flow. The process output
can be either the average of the temperature of the fluid at the output of the collector
loops or its maximum. Since in practical terms there is little difference in controlling
these two variables, the average fluid temperature is used.
The main disturbances to the system are:
• Changes in incoming solar radiation due to passing clouds and moisture scattered
in the atmosphere;
• Changes in the temperature of the fluid at the input of the pipe;
• Changes in ambient temperature;
• Disturbances due to various factors such as dust deposition on the mirrors and
wind affecting the shape of the mirrors.
The first three types of disturbances in the above list can be measured and used as
feedforward signals. In particular, feedforward from solar radiation is quite important
1.3 Control of Distributed Collector Fields 15

Radiation Solar radiation

Temperature temperature
Inlet oil
Temperature temperature
sensor Temperature
Temp. Oil Solar loop 1

reference flow field temperature
Temperature u

Controller PID

Sensor Loop 10
Flow controller

Fig. 1.13 Basic temperature control system for a distributed collector field

to improve the performance. The other two disturbances are less important. It should
be remarked that the measure of incoming solar radiation may present difficulties
due to the large size of the field that may lead to situations in which the collectors
are not uniformly illuminated.
Figure 1.14 shows two examples of daily records of solar radiation. Due to the
Sun’s apparent movement, the intensity of radiation arriving at a given point on Earth
has a sinusoidal evolution with the hour of the day. As is well known, its peak value
depends on the period of the year, for details see for example, Tiwari (2002) or any
other reference on solar energy. Superimposed on this deterministic variation, there
are two main stochastic fading effects. One is associated with moisture scattered
in the atmosphere. By absorbing radiation in a random way, it causes fast small
amplitude changes of the intensity of the radiation arriving to the collector field. The
fluctuations on the record on the left of Fig. 1.14 are predominantly due to moisture.
The other factor that reduces radiation intensity are passing clouds. The record on
the right of Fig. 1.14 shows three groups of clouds passing that drastically reduce the
arriving solar radiation intensity, sometime to values close to just 100 Wm−2 .
It should be remarked that, specially at the beginning and at the end of the day,
the radiation intensity varies such as to resemble a ramp function. Hence, basic
system theory arguments allow us to conclude that if the controller contains just one
integrator a steady state error will result. This will be made apparent later in some
experimental results.
Given the above definition of manipulated, process and disturbance variables,
the block diagram of a distributed collector solar field controller is as in Fig. 1.13.
In many cases, feedforward terms from ambient temperature and from inlet fluid
temperature are not used. It is remarked that the inlet fluid temperature is affected by
the load on the system, that is, by the amount of energy per unit time extracted from
the fluid by the secondary circuit connected to the equipment that consumes power.
16 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

960 900

940 800

920 700

Radiation (Wm−2)
Radiation [Wm−2]

900 600

880 500

860 400

840 300

820 200

800 100

780 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15
Time [hour] Time [hour]

Fig. 1.14 Examples of two daily records of solar radiation

Feedforward disturbances

Oil flow Temperature

command measure
loop 1 Inlet tank oil
Temp. Solar temperature
reference field
u2 u1 T

C2 C1
Loop 10

Fig. 1.15 Cascade temperature control system for a distributed collector field

An alternative structure uses two feedback loops connected in cascade as shown in

Fig. 1.15 (for the sake of simplicity the block diagram in this figure omits the sensors
and the fluid flow control system). The inner loop (associated with controller C1 in
Fig. 1.15) controls the average temperature T̄ of the fluid leaving the collector loops
and includes the feedforward actions as explained above. Its manipulated variable
is the fluid flow command. The outer loop (associated with controller C2 ) uses as
manipulated variable, the temperature set-point of the inner-loop (denoted u 2 in
Fig. 1.15) and as the process variable to be controlled, the fluid temperature at the
inlet to the storage tank. In-between the end of the collector loops and the storage
tank there is a pipe that collects heated fluid from the collector loops and transports
it to the storage tank.
The motivation for using cascade control is common to what is found in other
processes (Stephanopoulos 1984). In addition to decoupling the design of controllers
for different parts of the plant, it reduces the effect of disturbances affecting the
inner loop, thereby decreasing their effect in the outer-loop and improving tracking
The dynamics of the relation between the average temperature at the output of the
collector loops and the temperature at the storage tank inlet is mainly a delay that
varies with the average value of fluid flow. This means that, if this outer loop is to
1.3 Control of Distributed Collector Fields 17

Fig. 1.16 Simulation of a distributed collector field controlled by a PID, demonstrating non-linear
behaviour. Bottom plot The manipulated variable. Top plot Outlet fluid temperature and the corre-
sponding reference

be closed with a controller that is robust with respect to changes in plant delay. A
suitable controller is provided by some Model Predictive Control algorithms. More
details on adaptive cascade control solutions will be provided in Chap. 3.
In general, unless explicitly stated otherwise, when we consider the control of the
field, we refer to the situation of Fig. 1.13 and not to cascade control. Furthermore,
we refer to the average of the temperatures of the fluid leaving the collector loops
simply as “the temperature”.
A detailed discussion of the dominant dynamics of distributed collector solar
fields is made in Chap. 2. Here, based on experimental data as well as simulations,
we just point out a number of characteristic features of distributed collector solar
fields that motivate the use of adaptive control techniques and identify some major
difficulties facing controller design.
The first point to note is that the system is nonlinear. The nonlinearity is shown
by the simulation results of Fig. 1.16. These records concern the situation in which
the temperature is controlled with a fixed gain PID that is well tuned for a working
point close to 200 ◦ C. With this controller, the reference is varied between 180 and
280 ◦ C in five steps of 20 ◦ C each. As can be seen, at lower temperatures the response
is sluggish, but, as the working point increases, there is more and more oscillation.
Around 280 ◦ C there is a constant amplitude oscillation. The linear constant parame-
ter controller was not able to adequately control the system over the whole operating
range due to the inherent system nonlinearity.
In qualitative terms, this can be easily understood. At working points correspond-
ing to higher temperatures, the average fluid flow is smaller because the fluid requires
18 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

more time to absorb the energy required to reach a higher temperature. Therefore,
the system transport delay increases and the stability margin of the controlled linear
approximation decreases causing the closed-loop response damping to decrease.
It should be noted that the situation is complex because the operating point depends
on the fluid flow which is the manipulated variable. Actually, as will be shown in
Chap. 2 there is a product of the manipulated variable by the state and hence this type
of system is called “bilinear” (Elliot 2009).
This discussion leads us to the following conclusions concerning distributed col-
lector solar fields:
• For a controller to be effective over a wide range of reference values it must take
into account plant nonlinearity and compensate it;
• Adaptive controllers relying on linear control laws can compensate nonlinear
effects only up to some extent. These controllers are able to adapt to the working
point and yield a good response for small changes of the reference around it, but the
performance degrades when the aim is to track large and fast reference changes.
Chapters 5 and 6 consider nonlinear controllers able to cope with this problem.
In particular, Chap. 5 will present experimental results on the response to a 50 ◦ C
sudden variation of the reference with virtually no overshoot.
Another important issue is uncertainty. In distributed collector solar fields uncer-
tainty comes from several sources. These include parametric uncertainty and unmod-
eled terms.
Issues affecting parametric uncertainty are manifold: When identifying a model,
parameter estimates become known only up to a certain precision. This is common
to all modeling processes. More specific to distributed collector solar fields are the
processes that lead to parameters change. One is aging: With the passage of time the
working fluid used to capture solar energy may change its thermal characteristics.
Another is dust deposition/removal, by factors such as wind or rain, over the surface
of concentrating mirrors that changes its reflectivity coefficient.
Apparently equal systems may actually present different behavior when subjected
to the same stimulus. An example is provided by Fig. 1.17 that shows the temperature
records at the outlet of two different collector loops, made at the same time, with
the same fluid flow and under the same solar radiation incidence. Nevertheless, the
records are not only different, but the maximum is attained in each of them at different
time instants.
Unmodeled terms have also other sources. A major example concerns the fact
that the plant is infinite dimensional but that controller design usually rely on finite
dimensional models. Furthermore, several subsystems, such as energy accumulation
in the glass covering the pipe conveying the heating medium, or the dynamics of the
flow controller, are usually neglected and contribute to uncertainty in plant model
knowledge. Another example is provided by the difference between the fluid flow
command and the actual fluid flow (Fig. 1.18). The temperature controller manip-
ulates the fluid flow command but the fluid flow control loop adds a delay of 15 s
which is significant (in the computer control experiments described in this book the
sampling time is 15 s).
1.3 Control of Distributed Collector Fields 19

Fig. 1.17 Temperature records at the outlet of two different collector loops in distributed collector


Flow and Flow command [l/min.]







1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5
Time [second] x 10

Fig. 1.18 The fluid flow and the command fluid flow signals in an experiment with a distributed
collector field
20 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

The presence of uncertainty factors motivate the use of adaptive control. Based
on current plant data, the adaptation mechanism corrects the controller gains so as
to optimize their match to plant dynamics. A word of caution should however be
said: Adaptation corresponds to a highly nonlinear feedback that may destabilize the
plant if proper care is not taken to produce an adequate design (Ioannou and Fidan
2006). This said, adaptive control algorithms are powerful tools that enhance the
performance of distributed collector solar fields.

1.4 Literature Overview

Control of distributed collector solar fields has been the subject of intense research,
well documented in many publications. Some overviews are also available such as
Lemos (2006) for adaptive control applications to DCSFs and Camacho et al. (1997,
2012, 2007a, b) in a more general framework. The methods described in the literature
that have been applied to DCSFs include:
• Optimal Control
• Predictive Control
• Gain scheduling
• Adaptive Control including self-tuning, dual control and Control Lyapunov
• Switched Multiple Model Adaptive control
• Frequency based control
• Hybrid Control
• Fuzzy Logic Control
• Internal model control
• Nonlinear predictive control
The major role played by changes of solar radiation and plant uncertainty lead to
the approach of Camacho et al. (1992) where a pole placement self-tuning controller
with a series feed-forward compensator is used. An improvement of the adaptation
mechanism and of the underlying control law was possible by resorting to predic-
tive adaptive control techniques. Different forms of adaptive GPC (Camacho et al.
1994; Camacho and Berenguel 1997) and MUSMAR (Coito et al. 1997) were then
demonstrated with success. Variants include cascade control (Rato et al. 1997; Silva
et al. 1997) and dual control to eliminate start-up transients due to initial adaptation
in the absence of good a priori knowledge of the plant dynamics (Silva et al. 2005).
Another example of adaptive predictive control is described in Pickhardt (2000).
By performing a frequency response analysis under conditions which correspond
to linear behavior, it is possible to recognize the occurrence of anti-resonances
(Meaburn and Hughes 1993). This is confirmed by a simplified analysis based on the
PDE (partial differential equation) describing collector loop dynamics (Berenguel
and Camacho 1995) and lead to the design of controllers based on frequency meth-
ods (Berenguel and Camacho 1995, 1996; Meaburn and Hughes 1994). In Meaburn
1.4 Literature Overview 21

and Hughes (1994) a pre-scheduled adaptive controller for resonance cancelation

has been presented and in Berenguel and Camacho (1995, 1996) an adaptive control
algorithm using an Internal Model Control structure together with a frequency design
approach has been introduced. Another internal model based controller is described
in Farkas and Vajk (2002), while Normey-Rico et al. (1998) uses adaptive dead-time
While adaptive control already provides some form of accommodation of nonlin-
ear behavior by adjusting the controller gains according to the operating point, explicit
recognition of plant nonlinearities and their exploitation is much likely to improve
the ability of the plant to meet control objectives in a wider set of operating condi-
tions. First steps in this direction were made by employing gain scheduled constant
parameter GPC (Camacho et al. 1994) as well as other gain scheduled approaches
(Johansen et al. 2000) and switched multiple model supervisory controllers (Lemos
et al. 2000; Pickardt 2000; Pasamontes et al. 2011).
In Barão et al. (2002), a nonlinear controller is developed which explicitly takes
into account the distributed parameter model of the solar plant. A nonlinear adap-
tive controller was designed using a joint control Lyapunov function for parameter
estimation and control. Nonlinear control with feedback linearization is also consid-
ered in Igreja et al. (2005) and Cirre et al. (2007). The inclusion of constraints in
feedback linearization in relation to distributed collector solar fields is considered in
Roca et al. (2009).
Also departing from the partial differential equation model of the plant, Johansen
and Storaa (2002) proposes a design based on Lyapunov methods, using internal
energy as Lyapunov function. Lyapunov methods, but using a quadratic function, are
also the realm of Carotenuto et al. (1985, 1986).
Optimal and suboptimal control laws are considered in Orbach et al. (1981) and
Rorres et al. (1980), where an extension of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to
DCSFs is used.
Other approaches include fuzzy logic based control (Rubio et al. 1995; Cardoso
et al. 1999; Flores et al. 2005; Pereira and Dourado 2002) and control based on neural
network models (Arahal et al. 1998).
A major advance is provided by Silva et al. (2003a, b), in which a time varying
sampling interval is used. This approach, to be discussed in detail in this book,
implements a change in time scale that linearizes the plant, thereby allowing very
high sudden changes in reference with a fast response and no overshoot.

1.5 Book Organization

The book is organized as follows:

This chapter introduces distributed collector solar fields in the context of plants
that exploit solar thermal energy. The control problem associated to the plant is
formulated and a literature review is made. This chapter also explains in broad terms
why adaptive control is important for the application at hand.
22 1 Solar Energy Collector Systems

2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Fig. 1.19 Chapter interdependency

Chapter 2 introduces a reduced complexity model and addresses methods for

studying the resulting dynamics. The main result is a discrete time approximation to
the evolution over space of the process variable.
The control problem is then considered from a “black box” point of view and
insight from the PDE model describing plant dynamics is not used. Instead, controller
design is based on linear models which are adapted in order to tackle nonlinear
behavior. This is the subject of Chap. 3, concerned with Predictive Adaptive Control,
and Chap. 4, where Multiple Model Switching Control is applied.
Although the above approach has advantages in what concerns the speed of devel-
oping a controller prototype for application to a new process, it does not take advan-
tage of knowledge about the dominant plant structure. The remaining chapters, there-
fore, address the problem of how to explore and use this knowledge.
Chapter 5 capitalizes on the results of Chap. 2 to show how to develop a variable
sampling interval control algorithm that overcomes the limitations of the black box
approach by allowing very fast temperature changes.
Chapter 6 explores an alternative method that uses the field model structure. While
the class of algorithms of Chap. 5 relies on a change of the time variable to attain the
control objectives, exact feedback linearization and adaptation based on Lyapunov’s
Second Method are explored here.
Chapter 7 approaches the problem of following a pre-specified reference tem-
perature profile combining flat system concepts for system inversion and adaptive
Finally, Chap. 8 draws conclusions and provides a discussion on the interrelation
of the adaptive control algorithms presented and their application in the wider context
of renewable energy production.
Figure 1.19 shows chapter interdependency. After reading Chap. 1, the reader may
take an option. Readers interested in model based design should read Chap. 2, on
models and dynamics, and then go to either 5, 6, or 7 that address different forms of
model-based adaptive controller design. If, however, the reader’s focus of interest is
on "black box" methods, the reader may jump directly to either Chap. 3 or 4.
1.6 Main Points of the Chapter 23

1.6 Main Points of the Chapter

Being a key part of parabolic trough technology for thermal solar plants, distrib-
uted collector solar fields (DCSF) are currently receiving much interest for energy
production, with many significant projects either in operation or under construction.
They are made of parabolic mirrors that concentrate sun light at their focus where
a pipe is located. Inside the pipe flows an fluid that is heated, thereby accumulat-
ing energy. The main control loop in DCSF regulates the outlet fluid temperature.
The manipulated variable is fluid flow and the main disturbances are incoming solar
radiation, ambient temperature and inlet fluid temperature. The main control objec-
tive consists of adjusting the fluid flow to keep the outlet fluid temperature close to
the desired reference. Due to the levels of uncertainty involved, performance may be
improved using adaptive control. However, since DCSF are nonlinear plants (actually
of bilinear type) the controller design should rely on nonlinear models.


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Chapter 2
Models and Dynamics

This chapter describes models of distributed collector solar fields (DCSF) and uses
them to discuss the typical dynamics found in these plants. The aim is not to describe
a detailed model of a specific DCSF to be used for simulation purposes, as found
in Camacho et al. (1988), since this would diverge from the objectives of the book.
Instead, the attention is concentrated on the general dominant dynamics of DCSF
plants in order to understand its structure and develop models that are adequate for
adaptive control, both for algorithm design and to understand the difficulties that are
to be faced by controller design.
Hence, we start by introducing a reduced complexity model that uses an energy
balance to capture the spatial dependency of the system dynamics (with “space”
meaning the position along the pipe) as well as on time. This model amounts to a
hyperbolic partial differential equation whose solution is studied using mathematical
methods and a heuristic discussion that relies on geometric arguments.
In order to prepare the ground for control algorithm development in subsequent
chapters, the above infinite dimensional model is approximated to eliminate the
dependency on the spatial dimension. These approximate models are an integral dis-
crete time model obtained from the exact mathematical solution of the partial differ-
ential equation model, and continuous time state-space models obtained by projecting
the spatial dependency on finite dimensional sets, either using finite differences or
the orthogonal collocation method. Figure 2.1 summarizes these interdependencies
between models.
The chapter concludes by making a parallel with various plants with similar
dynamics, such as moisture control or glass tube manufacturing. The objective is
to point out that the ideas and methods addressed throughout the book may also be
applied in other types of plants.

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 27

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_2,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
28 2 Models and Dynamics

Fig. 2.1 DCSF model

interdependency and the
Hyperbolic conservation
corresponding use for control
design in subsequent chapters PDE model

Finite differences
in space

Integral Nonlinear
model in state-space
discrete time model in
continuous time

Chapter 5
6, 7

2.1 Reduced Complexity Model

As explained in Chap. 1, the core of a DCSF is a metallic pipe inside which a

working fluid, used to store energy, flows. Although the metallic pipe is inside a
co-axial glass pipe used to enhance thermal efficiency by creating a greenhouse
effect, this other element will not be considered in a first approach. In addition, it is
assumed that there is no dependency of the fluid temperature on the radial dimen-
sion. Hence, the temperature of the fluid is described by a scalar function T (z, t)
where z ◦ R is a space dimension measured along the pipe, with z = 0 correspond-
ing to the beginning of the pipe and z = L to its maximum length, and t ◦ R is
continuous time. Furthermore, it is assumed that T is the increment with respect
to the environment temperature, so that T = 0 corresponds to the environment
In order to obtain an equation for the fluid temperature, consider the small section
of the pipe between z and z + αz, shown in Fig. 2.2. The net enthalpy accumulated
in this pipe element between the time instants t and t + αt is given by

E 1 = ρ f c f A f αz [T (z, t + αt) − T (z, t)] ,

where it is assumed that both αt and αz are small, ρ f is the fluid density, c f is the
fluid specific heat, and A f is the area of the pipe cross-section.
On the other hand, this net enthalpy is also given by the sum of two terms. One
is the difference between the enthalpy entering and leaving the pipe element due to
2.1 Reduced Complexity Model 29

Fig. 2.2 An element of the R

T(z,t) T(z+ Δ z,t)
pipe in a distributed collector
solar field, and the variables
used to deduce a PDE model


z z+ Δ z

fluid flow, between t and t + αt, which is given by

E 2 = ρ f c f ū(t)αt [T (z, t) − T (z + αz, t)] ,

where ū is fluid flow. The other is the enthalpy increase due to solar energy, given by

E 3 = ᾱR(t)αzαt,

where R is the solar radiation power and ᾱ is a parameter related to the efficiency of
energy absorption by the fluid, which depends on mirror optical efficiency and also
on fluid thermal characteristics. Hence,

E1 = E2 + E3


ρ f c f A f αz [T (z, t + αt) − T (z, t)] = ρ f c f ū(t)αt [T (z, t) − T (z + αz, t)]

+ ᾱR(t)αzαt. (2.1)

Dividing now (2.1) by αzαt, observe that the fluid velocity u is given by

u= , (2.2)

∗ ᾱ
α= , (2.3)
ρfcf Af

and let αt → 0 and αz → 0 to obtain the model expressed by the following partial
differential equation

∂ ∂
T (z, t) = −u T (z, t) + αR(t). (2.4)
∂t ∂z
30 2 Models and Dynamics

Fig. 2.3 A DCSF as a system T(0,t) T a (t ) R(t)

u y(t)=T(L,t)

If heat losses to the environment are taken into account, an extra term appears and
the model is given by the equation

∂ ∂
T (z, t) = −u T (z, t) + αR(t) − γT (z, t), (2.5)
∂t ∂z

γ is a loss coefficient. Due to the greenhouse effect created by the enveloping glass
tube, the term corresponding to losses is in general less significant than the other
terms. Equation (2.4) or, alternatively, (2.5), together with appropriate initial and
boundary conditions, describes the dominant dynamics of a DCSF.
It is remarked that a detailed model of a DCSF build for simulation purposes
must include other effects. These additions include the fact that the greenhouse effect
causes an extra delay on the action of the solar radiation on the pipe. Furthermore, the
specific heat c f has a nonlinear dependence on the fluid temperature T that causes
parameter α to depend on the operating point. Instead of modeling these effects,
the control algorithms to follow use an approach based on parameter estimation.
Furthermore, model (2.4) provides information on plant structure that is used in
some of the algorithms.

2.2 Understanding the Dynamics

Figure 2.3 provides a view of a DCSF as a system. The manipulated variable input u
is the fluid velocity (or, alternatively, the fuel flow), and the output y = T (L , t) is the
fluid temperature at the pipe outlet. There are three main disturbances, namely the
fluid temperature at the pipe inlet, T (0, t), the ambient temperature Ta , and the solar
radiation R(t). Of these disturbances, the solar radiation is the most significant due
to the fast stresses it may cause, as well as for its strong and fast influence on fluid
temperature. These variables are related by Eq. (2.5) or, with a further simplification,
by (2.4).
2.2 Understanding the Dynamics 31

The structure of the solutions of (2.4) and (2.5) is now examined. First, an exact
solution is presented. Then, a qualitative discussion is made to gain insight into the
type of response.

2.2.1 Exact Solution of the Distributed Model

The solution of Eq. (2.5) is defined in the plane [z, t], in the set defined by 0 ≤ z ≤ L
and t ≥ to , where L is the length of the pipe and t0 is the time instant in which plant
operation starts. For solving (2.5), appropriate initial and boundary conditions must
be defined. These conditions are the initial temperature distribution along the pipe,
T (z, t0 ), obtained by fixing the time at the initial instant t0 , and the temperature of
the fluid that enters the pipe as time passes, T (0, t).
It is shown in Appendix B that the solution of Eq. (2.5) with the above initial and
boundary conditions is given by
⎛ ⎞
⎧t ⎧t
T (z, t) = T ⎝z − u(σ) dσ, t0 ⎠ e −γ(t−t0 )
+α R(σ)e−γ(σ−t) dσ. (2.6)
t0 t0

At this point, the reader may digress to Appendix A in order to deduce (2.6).
Alternatively, the reader may proceed to follow a discussion about the properties of
the solution (2.6) in Sects. 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, and then read Appendix A at a later time.

2.2.2 Qualitative Discussion

Figure 2.4 shows the plane [z, t], the initial temperature distribution T (z, t0 ), the time
evolution of the inlet fluid temperature T (0, t) that is a boundary condition, and the
temperature distribution along the pipe at an arbitrary time instant t = t1 , given by
the function T (z, t1 ). By making the mute variable t = t1 , the solution formula (2.6)
allows the computation of T (z, t1 ) as a function of T (z, t0 ) and T (0, t).
Physical intuition tells that T (z, t1 ) is computed by making a shift to the right
along the z-axis of the initial distribution T (z, t0 ) in a way that depends on the fluid
flow. The left part of the pipe is filled with fluid entering through the inlet and this
defines a temperature profile in this pipe section that depends on T (0, t). In addition
to this effect, there is a rise in temperature due to incident solar radiation, that acts in
the same way in all the pipe, and that depends on the difference between t1 and t0 .
For t0 constant, the larger the t1 the more the radiation absorbed and the larger the
impact on temperature increase.
Finally, there are losses to the environment. In the absence of solar radiation,
T (z, t1 ) would be given not only by a shift of T (z, t0 ), but also by an attenuation due to
32 2 Models and Dynamics

Fig. 2.4 Solution space of a t

DCSF with initial conditions T(0,t)
T(z,t 1)
t=t 1

T(z,t 0 )

t=t 0
z=0 L z

losses. Furthermore, when computing the cumulative effect of radiation there is also a
discount factor due to losses that affects more the radiation received a longer time ago.
This physical intuition is actually confirmed by the solution (2.6). This equation
computes the pipe distribution temperature T (z, t) at an arbitrary instant t as the sum
of two terms. The first term is
⎛ ⎞
S1 = T ⎝z − u(σ) dσ, t0 ⎠e−γ(t−t0 ) . (2.7)

The meaning of S1 is the following: To compute the temperature at position z and

time t, pick-up the  tinitial distribution T (z, t0 ) (that is assumed to be known), shift
it to the right by t0 u(σ) dσ along the z-axis, and then attenuate it by e−γ(t−t0 ) , a
factor that is less than 1 fot t > t0 .
The second term is
S2 = α R(σ)e−γ(σ−t) dσ (2.8)

and its effect is to raise the fluid temperature proportionally to the integral of the
radiation discounted by a factor that depends on losses. The proportionality constant
α depends, among other things, on mirror efficiency.

2.2.3 Characteristic Curves

Insight into DCSF dynamics may also be obtained by examining the special case
when there are neither losses nor solar radiation, in which case (2.5) reduces to

∂ ∂
T (z, t) = −u T (z, t). (2.9)
∂t ∂z
2.2 Understanding the Dynamics 33

t T(z,t 2 )

t=t 2
T(z,t 1 )
t=t 1

T(z,t 0 )
t=t 0
z=0 L z

Fig. 2.5 Shift along characteristic curves of the solution of (2.9)

It is assumed in addition that the temperature of the fluid entering the pipe is
T (0, t) = 0 at all times.
In the plane [z, t] consider the curves whose coordinate z is given as a function
of t by the solution of the differential equation

=u (2.10)

for various initial conditions on z. Along these curves, the solution T (z, t) is constant.
Indeed, along the solutions of (2.10), the total derivative of T with respect to time
is, upon use of (2.10) and (2.9),

dT ∂T dz ∂T ∂T ∂T
= · + =u + =0 (2.11)
dt ∂z dt ∂t ∂z ∂t

and hence it vanishes. For this reason, the solutions of (2.10) are called character-
istic lines or curves and, as shown in Appendix B, they play a major role in the
solution of (2.9) and also (2.5). Figure 2.5 shows an example of the solution of (2.9)
obtained by propagating the initial temperature distribution along the characteristic
If the flow u is constant, the solution of (2.10) is

z(t) = z(t0 ) + u(t − t0 ) (2.12)

and the characteristic lines are straight lines. Figure 2.6 shows two situations in that
the flow is constant but with different values in each case. The higher the flow the
faster the temperature distribution along the pipe that affects the pipe outlet.
34 2 Models and Dynamics

(a) t (b) t y(t)=T(L,t)

T(z,t) T(z,t)


t=t0 t=t0
z=0 L z z=0 L z

Fig. 2.6 a Bigger flow. b Smaller flow. Response of (2.9) with two different values of constant flow

Fig. 2.7 Computing T(z,t+ Δ t)

T (z, t + αt) from T (z, t)
using (2.13) t+ Δ t

z-u(t) Δ

2.3 Discrete Time Integral Model

In order to obtain a discrete time integral1 model, consider two time instants, t and
t + αt and use the solution (2.6) to relate the respective temperature distributions.
By approximating each integral in (2.6) by a rectangle, this gives

T (z, t + αt) = T (z − u(t)αt, t)e−γαt + αR(t)αt (2.13)

Equation (2.13) provides an approximate way to compute the temperature distri-

bution at time t + αt from a previously known temperature distribution at time t.
As shown in Fig. 2.7, to compute the temperature at position z, at time t + αt, one
should take the value of temperature at position z − u(t)αt, at time t, multiply it by
the attenuation due to losses, and then add the effect of radiation. This computation
reflects the fact that the fluid is moving to the right with a velocity that, in the time
interval [t, t + αt], is approximately u(t) and, therefore, the fluid particle that was
at position z − u(t)αt at time t moves forward to the right by a distance of u(t)αt.
Iterating (2.13) may be used to generate predictive models that are useful for control
design, an approach that is explored in Chap. 5.

1 The model is named “integral” in the sense that it is based in the integral of the PDE (2.10).
2.3 Discrete Time Integral Model 35

Fig. 2.8 Space grid to obtain

a finite dimension state-space x1 (t)x 2(t) ... xi(t)=T(iΔz,t) ... xn(t)
model of a DCSF

0 Δz 2Δz ... i Δz ... nΔz

In a practical computation, the temperature is represented by its values in a space

grid. In general, for computing T (z, t + αt), while z is in a grid point, z − u(t)αt is
not, and hence T (z − u(t)αt) is not in the computer memory from the last iteration.
One possibility to obtain T (z − u(t)αt) is then to approximate this quantity by
interpolating the values of T at time t in neighboring points. Another possibility
consists of using a varying time step αt such that u(t)αt is constant and equal to
the spatial grid increment αz. As shown in Chap. 5, this option leads to predictive
control algorithms with a variable time step that have the advantage of allowing fast
setpoint changes without overshoot.

2.4 Finite Dimension State-Space Models

Instead of considering the fluid temperature in all the points of the pipe that lead to
an infinite dimensional model, in this section we seek models in a finite dimensional
state variable that is propagated in time, and from which an approximation of the
temperature distribution can be recovered using algebraic operations.

2.4.1 Finite Difference Approach

One possibility is to take as state the temperature of equidistant points along the
pipe. As shown in Fig. 2.8, let the points be located at z = 0, z = αz, . . . , z = nαz,
where n is the total number of points in the grid. For i = 1, . . . , n, the state variable
xi (t) is defined as the fluid temperature at position iαz, according to

xi (t) = T (iαz, t). (2.14)

Using this definition, and approximating the partial derivative with respect to z
using backward finite differences, by

∂ T (z, t) − T (z − αz, t)
T (z, t) ≈ .
∂z αz
36 2 Models and Dynamics

Equation (2.5) is approximated by the set of ordinary differential equations, for

i = 2, . . . , n

dxi 1
= −u(t) ((1 + γ)xi (t) − xi−1 (t)) + αR(t). (2.15)
dt αz

In the situations considered, the temperature measured for feedback purposes is the
one of the pipe outlet. Hence, the output equation is

y(t) = xn (t) (2.16)

y(t) = C x(t), (2.17)

C = [1 0 . . . 0]

and y denotes the output variable in a system framework.

For i = 1, Eq. (2.15) reads as
dx1 1
= −u(t) ((1 + γ)x1 (t) − T (0, t)) + αR(t). (2.18)
dt αz

The inlet fluid temperature T (0, t) enters Eq. (2.18) as an external signal that corre-
sponds to a disturbance.
Defining the state vector x as the temperature along the grid points,

x = [x1 . . . xn ],

and the parameter matrices

ρ = [1 . . . 1]T ,

e 1 = [1 0 . . . 0]T ,


⎡ ⎤
1+γ 0 ... 0
⎢ . .. ⎥
1 ⎢ −1
⎢ 1 + γ .. . ⎥⎥
B=− ⎢ .. ⎥
αz ⎣ . .. ..
. . 0 ⎦
0 . . . −1 1 + γ
2.4 Finite Dimension State-Space Models 37

the set of Eqs. (2.15), (2.18) may be written in compact form as

ẋ = Bxu + αρR + −
→ u
e1 T (0, t). (2.19)

It is remarked that matrix B is invertible and has n eigenvalues equal to −(1 + γ).

2.4.2 Reachable States

In a dynamical system such as a DCSF, the reachable states are the plant model
states that can be attained, starting from the origin by manipulating the plant input
within its admissible values. Characterizing the set of reachable states is of interest
because it provides the ground for the control design methods based on feedback
linearization that are considered in Chap. 6. In addition, this characterization shows
the states that can be attained, which is important information. Indeed, the discussion
made hereafter shows that, in a DCSF, when starting from a state corresponding to
all fluid elements and the inlet fluid at the ambient temperature, the only possible
temperature distributions along the pipe are monotonically increasing functions of
space. Furthermore, for bounded fluid flow cases (as is always the case in a DCSF),
the fluid temperature along the pype is also bounded.
Using methods from nonlinear dynamical systems (Nijmeijer and van der Schaft
1990; Barão et al. 2002), it is possible to show that the only directions along which
the state x of the nonlinear lumped parameter model (2.19) may change are linear
combinations of the three following vectors:
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
1 1
⎢1⎥ ⎢0⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥ , ⎢ .. ⎥ , Bx.
⎣.⎦ ⎣.⎦
1 0

The first vector concerns heating by solar radiation. Under constant radiation the
fluid is heated uniformly along the pipe, an event that corresponds to a state trajectory
aligned with the direction 1 1 . . . 1 .
The second vector corresponds to the possibility of manipulating the temperature
derivative with respect to space at the pipe inlet.
Finally, the third vector represents fluid transport along the pipe.

2.4.3 Jacobian Linearization

To understand the dynamics of the linearized system around an equilibrium point,

assume that the radiation R is constant and that the temperature of the inlet fluid is
zero, T (0, t) = 0. Let u eq be a constant velocity of the fluid and let xeq denote the
corresponding value of the state at equilibrium. Both these variables satisfy
38 2 Models and Dynamics

Bxeq u eq + αρR = 0. (2.20)

Since B is invertible and u eq is a scalar, the distribution of temperature at equilibrium

can be computed explicitly by

αR −1
xeq = B ρ. (2.21)
u eq

Let a perturbation αu(t) be applied to the equilibrium value. The state will respond
with a variation αx(t) around its equilibrium xeq , as well as the output y. The input
and state perturbations are related by the linear matrix ODE
∂φ  ∂φ 
αx =  · αx +  · αu, (2.22)
dt ∂x  x = xeq ∂u  x = xeq
u = u u = u
eq eq

φ(x, u) = B X u + αρR. (2.23)

Thus, the linearized model is

αx = Bu eq αx + Bxeq αu (2.24)
Since the output variable y is related to the state by (2.17), the corresponding
increments are also related by
αy = Cαx. (2.25)

The static gain of the incremental model is obtained from (2.24) by equating the
derivative to zero, yielding −C xeq /u eq . The fact that the static gain is negative is
readily interpreted in physical terms. When the flow increases, the residence time of
the fluid particles inside the pipe decreases, as well as their temperature when they
reach the outlet, because the particles receive less radiation.
The transfer function relating αu with αy is obtained by taking the Laplace trans-
form with zero initial conditions of both sides of (2.24) and using (2.25). Observing

det(s I − Bu eq ) = (s + (1 + γ)u eq )n , (2.26)

the transfer function of the linearized system is

C adj(s I − Bu eq )B
H (s) = , (2.27)
(s + (1 + γ)u eq )n
2.4 Finite Dimension State-Space Models 39


u=u eq +Δu y=y eq +Δy

u eq Δu y eq

t t

Fig. 2.9 Disturbance of an equilibrium in a DCSF

where adj denotes the adjoint of a matrix. Thus, H (s) has n real and negative poles
that are located at −(1 + γ)u eq . Since the poles are proportional to the equilibrium
flow, it is concluded that the incremental response becomes faster when the flow
increases. Figure 2.9 summarizes the discussion about the linearized system.

2.4.4 Orthogonal Collocation

Instead of relying on the approximation of derivatives by finite differences, the

orthogonal collocation method (OCM) yields a finite dimensional approximation
to the solar collector field model (2.5) by projecting the function corresponding to
the exact solution T (z, t) in a finite set of functions and obtaining a set of ordinary
differential equations for the coefficients that express T (z, t) in the basis functions
(Villadsen and Michelsen 1978). This is a method commonly used in tubular and
other type of chemical reactors (Dochain et al. 1992; Rice and Do 1995) that may
also be used for DCSFs, with the advantage of yielding lower dimensional models
than finite differences.
In order to apply the OCM to approximate (2.5) (for simplicity losses are assumed
to be neglected) by a set of ordinary differential equations, it is assumed that the
temperature along the pipe T (z, t) is represented by the weighted sum

N +1
T (z, t) = ϕi (z) Ti (t), (2.28)

where Ti (t) are time weights that define the state to be propagated and the functions
ϕi (z) are Lagrange interpolation polynomials, orthogonal at the so-called interior
collocation points z i for i = 1, . . . , N and at the boundary collocation points z 0 and
z N +1 . The polynomials ϕi (z) verify thus at the collocation points
40 2 Models and Dynamics

1 i= j
ϕi (z j ) = . (2.29)
0 i ∀= j

Inserting (2.28) into Eq. (2.5) results in the ordinary differential equation verified by
the time weights Ti (t)

 +1 N +1
u  dϕi (z)
dTi (t)
ϕi (z) =− Ti (t) + α R(t). (2.30)
dt L dz
i=0 i=0

Compute now (2.30) at each of the collocation points z = z j . Since (2.29) holds, and
individuating the term i = 0 corresponding to the boundary conditions, it follows
 N +1 
dT j (t) u  dϕi (z j ) dϕ0 (z j )
=− Ti (t) + T0 (t) + αR(t). (2.31)
dt L dt dt

By making j = 1, . . . , N + 1, that is to say, by considering all the collocation points

apart from the first, the PDE (2.5) is therefore approximated by n = N + 1 ordinary
differential equations (ODE). The state of this nonlinear ODE system is formed of
Ti (t), which are the temperatures at the collocation points.
In matrix form, this lumped parameter model is written

ẋ = Bxu + ϒ x0 u + ραR(t), (2.32)

x = T1 T2 · · · TN +1 , (2.33)

is the state, with Ti (t) = T (z i , t), and z i are the collocation points, the matrices B,
ϒ and ρ are given by:

⎡ ∞ ∞ ∞

ϕ1 (z 1 ) ϕ2 (z 1 ) ··· ϕ N +1 (z 1 )
⎢ ∞ ∞ ∞ ⎥
1 ⎢ ϕ1 (z 2 ) ϕ2 (z 2 ) ··· ϕ N +1 (z 2 ) ⎥
B=− ⎢ .. .. .. ⎥, (2.34)
⎢ .. ⎥
L ⎣ . . . . ⎦
∞ ∞ ∞
ϕ1 (z N +1 ) ϕ2 (z N +1 ) · · · ϕ N +1 (z N +1 )
⎡ ∞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ϕ0 (z 1 ) 1
1⎢ ⎥ ⎢1 ⎥

⎢ 0 ϕ (z 2 ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
ϒ =− ⎢ .. ⎥, ρ = ⎢ . ⎥, (2.35)
L⎣ . ⎦ ⎣ .. ⎦

ϕ0 (z N +1 ) 1
2.4 Finite Dimension State-Space Models 41

∞ ∗ dϕ j (z)
ϕ j (z i ) = |z=zi (2.36)

and T0 (t) is the boundary condition.

Equation (2.32) has the same structure as the equation that describes the finite
dimensional model obtained by finite differences and given by Eq. (2.19). The main
difference consists in the fact that, for the same level of the approximation error,
orthogonal collocation requires a state of much smaller order than the finite difference

2.5 Plants with Similar Dynamics

Most of the ideas on control design discussed in this book can be applied to plants
with a dynamics that is similar to that of DCSFs. In broad terms, these plants are
characterized by processes with both a temporal and spatial dependence in which
a fluid flows along a scalar dimension (for instance inside a pipe) and with energy
exchanges along the spatial dimension. The manipulated variable is either the fluid
speed or flow, or the power received along the space dimension. Furthermore, it is
assumed that diffusion is negligible.
It is remarked that, although in DCSFs the manipulated variable is usually taken to
be the fluid flow, it is possible to make a change in variables such as to define a virtual
manipulated variable that amounts to be a correction of incident solar radiation, as
shown in Chap. 5.
In mathematical problems, the plants considered are described by a Cauchy prob-
lem (Pazy 1983) associated to a hyperbolic PDE like (2.41), where a variable T (z, t)
that is not necessarily the temperature, evolves in time from an initial condition
T z, 0), with t denoting time and 0 ≤ z ≤ L denoting the scalar coordinate of the
space dimension.
The examples described hereafter that illustrate this class of plants are:
• Moisture drying
• Traffic in highways
• Glass tube manufacturing
• Air heating fan
• Steam superheaters
These examples illustrate (but by no means exhaust) the variety of plants that can
be controlled with the methods described in Chaps. 2–8. Furthermore, some of them
will be used to illustrate briefly the use of these methods in a context outside the
DCSF area.
In addition to the above examples, control of trailing centerline in arc welding is
also described. Although this process is no longer described by an hyperbolic model
because, in addition to movement, there are significant diffusion effects, controller
design for it can be done using the algorithms of Chaps. 3 and 4. Furthermore, the
42 2 Models and Dynamics

Fig. 2.10 Schematic view of a drying plant

key idea of Chap. 5 of using a sampling interval that depends on movement velocity
may also be used with advantage.

2.5.1 Moisture Control

Drying is an operation frequently performed in several types of industrial processes

such as those found in the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry (such as “Ital-
ian pasta manufacturing”), cereal processing, or coal preparation for use in ther-
moelectric power plant units. The objective is to reduce the moisture content of a
given product, usually provided in the form of powder, small grains, or porous paste
(Nybrant 1988; Moreira and Bakker-Arkema 1990).
Figure 2.10 shows a schematic view of a moisture drying line that consists of a
conveyor belt that moves with a velocity v, and over which the material to dry is
transported. At the beginning of the conveyor belt a feeder drops the product to dry in
order to form a layer over the moving belt with an approximately constant thickness.
In order to remove the moisture, a number of fans impel hot air through the belt with
a flow q(t).
Let w(z, t) denote the moisture quantity per unit volume of the material spread
along the belt, where z is the abscissa of a coordinate system aligned with the belt
that has the origin at the feeding point and t is time. It is assumed that the rate of
moisture removal is proportional to q(t)w(z, t).
In order to obtain a mathematical model of this process consider a small section
of the belt between the points with abscissa z and z + αz, with αz small. The
difference between the moisture quantity inside the volume element at times t and
t + αt, where α is a small increment of time, is given by

M1 = Ab αz [w(z, t + αt) − w(z, t)] ,

where Ab denotes the area of the cross section of the material over the belt.
2.5 Plants with Similar Dynamics 43

On the other hand, the accumulation of moisture in the volume element due to
the belt movement is given by

M2 = Ab vαt [w(z, t) − w(z + αz, t)] ,

while there is a quantity of moisture leaving the element of volume that is given by

M3 = β Ab w(z, t)αzαt,

where β is a parameter. A mass balance applied to the moisture results in

M1 = M2 + M3.

Dividing by αzαt and making the increments αz → 0, αt → 0 results in the model

∂ ∂
w(z, t) = −v w(z, t) − βq(t)w(z, t), (2.37)
∂t ∂z

an equation similar to (2.6).

2.5.2 Traffic in Highways

Traffic-flow modeling and control is an area that attracts increasing attention and
provides an example in which the process variable of interest is not temperature.
A simple model of a unidirectional highway section with neither sinks nor sources is
obtained as follows: Let ρ(z, t) denote the concentration (number of vehicles per unit
length) at position z of the highway and time t, and q(z, t) denote the flow (number of
vehicles that pass at point z per unit time. Consider an element of the highway between
positions z and z + αz and during a time interval αt, with both αz and αt small.
By the definition of ρ, the accumulation of vehicles inside the element during the
time interval between t and t + αt is given by

N1 = αz(ρ(z, t + αt) − ρ(z, t)).

On the other hand, this same quantity is also given by the number of vehicles that
enter the highway element at the point with coordinate z, minus the vehicles that
leave the highway element at z + αz, that is to say

N2 = αt(q(z, t) − q(z + αz, t)).

Equating N1 and N2 , dividing by αzαt and making the increments αz → 0, αt → 0

yields the conservation equation
44 2 Models and Dynamics


Rotating Chamber
blowing channel
bulb bands

homogenizationforming zone cooling zone

Fig. 2.11 Schematic view of the glass tube drawing bench. According to Wertz et al. (1987)

∂ ∂
ρ(z, t) = − ρ(z, t). (2.38)
∂t ∂z

Equation (2.38) can be expressed in terms of vehicle density ρ and vehicle speed u
by using the relationship (Lieu 2011)

q(z, t) = ρ(z, t)u(z, t) (2.39)

Using (2.39), and assuming that there are sinks/sources of vehicles, the traffic flow
model reads as
∂ ∂
ρ(z, t) = − (ρ(z, t)u(z, t)) + g(z, t), (2.40)
∂t ∂z

where g is the generation dissipation of vehicles per unit length, per unit time.

2.5.3 Glass Tube Manufacturing

The glass tube drawing bench depicted in Fig. 2.11 works as follows: Molten glass
drops from a feeder bowl over a tilted rotating cylinder. The air blown through an
axial hole located inside the cylinder forms the tube from the glass bulb at the cylinder
Both the diameter of the tube and the thickness of its glass walls are associated to a
dynamics that depends both on time and space, with the space dimension defined by
2.5 Plants with Similar Dynamics 45

Fig. 2.12 Characteristic lines t

associated with glass tube
movement in two different Δt 2 v2 < v1
situations, corresponding to
two tube constant velocities,
v1 and v2 < v1 v1

Δt 1

Δz z

the length along the tube. In the identification study performed in Wertz et al. (1987)
the movement of the glass tube is taken into consideration by using a sampling
interval that is inversely proportional to the tube velocity. This procedure can be
understood by considering the simplified model of the glass movement given by

∂ ∂
y(z, t) = −v y(z, t), (2.41)
∂t ∂z

where y(z, t) is the tube diameter at position z (measured along the tube) and at time
t, and v is the tube velocity. Equation (2.41) is similar to Eq. (2.41) and does nothing
more than to represent a shift to the right of the function y(z, 0) that describes the
initial tube diameter along the bench. As explained in Sect. 2.2.3, this shift is such
that the function y(z, t) is constant along the characteristic lines in the [z, t] plane,
given by the solutions of the differential equation

= v. (2.42)
For constant v the general solution of (2.42) is

z(t) = z(0) + vt, (2.43)

meaning that the characteristic lines are straight lines of slope v. Thus, as shown
in Fig. 2.12, a point at the origin of the glass tube, moving with velocity v1 , needs
a time αt1 to reach a point of abcissa αz, but needs a greater time αt2 to reach
the same point if the velocity is smaller. This means that, if the sampling interval is
smaller, and if it is chosen so as to be adequate for a given velocity, it might be too
big if the velocity is bigger (since the details of the dynamic response are lost), or
oversampling might occur if the velocity is smaller.
46 2 Models and Dynamics

Electric resistance

Cold air Hot air

admission outlet

Flow Flow
reference measure


Fig. 2.13 Schematic view of the air heating fan system

Furthermore, although the transport delay of the continuous time model varies
with the velocity, it becomes constant in a discrete model if the sampling time is
inversely proportional to the velocity.
These observations suggest to consider the transformed timescale τ defined by

τ = vt, (2.44)

in which (2.41) reads

∂ ∂
y(z, τ ) = − y(z, τ ), (2.45)
∂τ ∂z

The characteristic lines associated to the normalized Eq. (2.45) have a slope of 45◦ .
This normalization is explored in Wertz et al. (1987) to obtain the same model for
different tube sizes. The idea of making a normalization with respect to velocity is
common to other areas such as control applications to aerospace engineering (Serra
et al. 2010). This idea is also useful to design controllers for DCSFs (Silva et al.
2003a, b), as explained in Chap. 5.

2.5.4 Air Heating Fan

The air heating fan system shown in Fig. 2.13 has also a dynamical behavior that
is similar to those of DCSF. This system consists of a tube inside which cold air is
blown by a fan. The air flow can be adjusted with a register that is manipulated by a
flow controller. Along the tube, an electric resistor liberates heat with a power that
depends on the command signal (u in Fig. 2.13) of an electronic power converter.
The temperature of the heated air is measured at the tube outlet.
2.5 Plants with Similar Dynamics 47

Steam from Steam to the
the boiler turbine

Spay water
water Heating flue gas

Fig. 2.14 Schematic view of the superheated steam temperature manipulation system

Neglecting diffusion, this pilot plant can be modeled by the PDE

∂ ∂
T (z, t) = − f (t) T (z, t) + αR(t), (2.46)
∂t ∂z

where T (z, t) is the air temperature at position z measured along the tube and at time
t, R(t) is the heating power and α is a parameter.
This plant is used in Chap. 4 to illustrate a control design procedure based on
multiple models that is subsequently applied to a DCSF.

2.5.5 Steam Superheater

Boiler units for thermoelectric power production, either solar or with fossil fuel,
include steam superheaters that have a twofold function: Eliminate the water droplets
in the steam that could damage the turbine blades and increase energy use efficiency.
Associated to some superheaters there are spray water injection systems that
provide a way to regulate the steam temperature at a required value (the higher as
possible to maximize efficiency, but low enough to avoid damaging equipment).
Figure 2.14 shows a simplified schematic view of the so-called attemperator sys-
tem, where the spray water valve is operated so as to keep the temperature of the steam
leaving the superheater, at point B, close to the desired setpoint. The superheater con-
sists of a long pipe, or parallel of pipes, inside which a fluid (steam) circulates to be
heated by an external source. Up to a first approximation, the dynamics of the super-
heated is therefore similar to 2.46, with the velocity of response of the temperature at
point B in response to a change in temperature at point A depending on steam flow.
Like the other examples in this chapter, superheated steam temperature can be
controlled with the techniques described in subsequent chapters.
48 2 Models and Dynamics

2.5.6 Arc Welding

In the type of arc welding considered here, the objective is to spread a seam over a
workpiece (Santos et al. 2000). For that purpose, electric tension is created between
a consumable electric and the workpiece that creates an electric arc. In this process,
particles of the consumable electrode are liberated and form the seam over the work-
piece. The consumable electrode passes through a torch that liberates a protective
gas. Figure 2.15 shows a schematic view of the welding machine arrangement and
Fig. 2.16 shows a photograph of the actual apparatus.
The temperature at the head point of the seam, where the arc forms, is not con-
trollable because it corresponds to the melting temperature of the metal. Hence, the
approach followed consists in measuring the temperature to be controlled 2.5 cm
behind the point where the arc is formed. This means that what is controlled is the
rate of cooling of the seam temperature, in what is referred in technical terms to be
the trailing centerline temperature (Santos et al. 2000). This temperature is measured
with a pyrometer. A screen protects the pyrometer from receiving direct radiation
from the melting point. The whole set (torch, screen and pyrometer) is connected to
a car that moves with a velocity that is optimized, depending on the type of materials
involved and the electric tension, in order to obtain a stable arc. In the experiments
reported in this book, the relation tension/car speed is optimized for the protection
gas Ar –C O2 20–80 % and the electrode made of carbon-steel φ 1.2 mm.
The process involves complex thermal-electro-chemical phenomena. The tem-
perature in the workpiece can be modeled by the Fokker–Planck equation. A major
difference with respect to DCSFs consists in the fact that, in arc welding, heat dif-
fusion is much significant, resulting in a model of parabolic type. A snapshot of
the space dependency of temperature at one instant of time is shown in Fig. 2.17.
The shape of the isothermal curves is affected by several factors, including the car
velocity and, most important, the geometric shape of the workpiece.
Hence, due to the complexity of the process it is no surprise that a high level of
uncertainty affects modeling. When approximating the relationship between electric
tension and temperature by a lumped parameter linear model, such as an ARX model,
identified from process data, there is high variability in the model parameters when
the data set changes. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.18 which shows frequency response
curves corresponding to linear models identified for rectangular workpieces of the
same steel, and all with the same rectangular shape, with widths of 6 and 12 mm.
As it is apparent, even at low frequency there is strong variability. When consid-
ering different workpieces of different shapes and of different steels, variability is
even greater and prevents the possibility of designing a single controller of constant
gains to stabilize all possible plant outcomes with an acceptable performance. Thus,
this example provides a good example where adaptive control may be applied with
2.5 Plants with Similar Dynamics 49



Screen Sense of
Temperature motion
point 2.5cm


Fig. 2.15 A schematic view of the welding machine apparatus

Fig. 2.16 A photograph of the welding machine setup. a Optical pyrometer, protected from direct
radiation by a screen; b Plate to weld; c The torch, inside which passes an electrode; d The cart that
makes the torch move
50 2 Models and Dynamics

Fig. 2.17 A time snapshot of the spatial distribution of temperature in the arc welding example.
The arrow indicates the direction of movement of the torch


Amplitude [dB]



-40 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency ([ad/s]

Phase [”]



-2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [rad/s]

Fig. 2.18 Frequency response of transfer functions identified using different data sets between the
electric tension and the temperature

2.6 Main Points of the Chapter

The dynamics of DCSF depends on space as well as on time and, as such, is repre-
sented by a PDE with appropriate initial and boundary conditions that reflect physical
conditions, namely the initial distribution of fluid temperature along the pipe and fluid
temperature at the inlet. The solution of this model reflects the fact that the fluid is
2.6 Main Points of the Chapter 51

moving to the right, that it receives energy from solar radiation which increases its
temperature, and that it is subject to thermal losses to the environment, which tends to
decrease its temperature. It is possible to obtain a closed-form solution of the model
and to make a numerical approximation of it resulting in a recursive model that can
be used to make predictions of temperature values. In addition to this model, nonlin-
ear state-space models with a bilinear structure are obtained in this chapter. All the
models are explored in subsequent chapters in order to develop different controllers.
Attention is called to the fact that the dynamics found in DCSF are common to other,
seemingly different, plants that include transport phenomena and that, therefore, the
ideas explored here are also useful in other system control problems, with some
examples being provided.

2.7 Bibliographic Notes

A detailed model of the PSA DCSF used, which is based on physical principles and
parameter estimation from plant data, is described in Camacho et al. (1988, 1997).
In addition to the energy balance inside the fluid that accumulates solar radiation, the
model includes an equation obtained by making an energy balance in the metal of
the pipe and a nonlinear function that represents the dependence of some coefficients
on temperature. A detailed review of different models is presented in Camacho
et al. (2007). Bilinear state-space models are presented in Barão et al. (2002) and
input/output predictive models with variable sampling in Silva et al. (2003a, b).
The solution of PDE that model processes involving mass and/or energy transport
phenomena are studied in many books, some examples of which are Jeffrey (2003),
Parker (2003), Grindrod (1996). The Fokker–Plank equation, which is an important
model for processes that involve diffusion as well as transport and which appears
in wide different areas ranging from thermal processes to telecommunications, is
studied in Grindrod (1996) by using an approach that combines intuition and sound
mathematical basis.
The highway traffic-flow model described is an aggregated model in the spirit
of Chapter 2 of Lieu (2011). An agent-based alternative is described in Kerner and
Klenov (2003), Marques and Neves-Silva (2011).


Barão M, Lemos JM, Silva RN (2002) Reduced complexity adaptive nonlinear control of a distrib-
uted collector solar field. J Process Control 12:131–141
Camacho EF, Rubio FR, Gutierrez JA (1988) Modelling and simulation of a solar power plant with a
distributed collectors system. In: Proceedings of IFAC symposium on power systems, modelling
and control applications, Brussels, pp 11.3.1–11.3.5
Camacho EF, Berenguel M, Rubio F (1997) Advanced control of solar plants. Springer, New York
52 2 Models and Dynamics

Camacho EF, Rubio FR, Berenguel M, Valenzuela L (2007) A survey on control schemes for
distributed solar collector fields. Part I. Modeling and basic control approaches. Sol Energy
Dochain D, Babary JP, Tali-Maamar N (1992) Modelling and adaptive control of a nonlinear dis-
tributed parameter bioreactors via orthogonal collocation. Automatica 28(5):873–883
Grindrod P (1996) The theory and applications of reaction-diffusion equations, 2nd edn. Clarendon
Press, Oxford
Jeffrey A (2003) Applied partial differential equations. Academic Press, New York
Kerner BS, Klenov SL (2003) A microscopic theory of spatial-temporal congested traffic patterns
at highway bottlenecks. Phys Rev E 68(3):036130
Lieu H (2011) Traffic-flow theory. Public Roads 62(4) (US Department of Transportation)
Marques M, Neves-Silva R (2011) Development of a microscopic driver-vehicle model using a
control theory approach. Int J Model Simul 31(3):210–217
Moreira RG, Bakker-Arkema FW (1990) A feedforward/feedback adaptive controller for commer-
cial cross-flow grain driers. J Agric Eng Res 45:107–116
Nijmeijer H, van der Schaft AJ (1990) Nonlinear dynamical control systems. Springer, New York
Nybrant TG (1988) Modelling and adaptive control of continuous grain driers. J Agric Eng Res
Parker DF (2003) Fields, flows and waves. Springer, New York
Pazy A (1983) Semigroups of linear operators and applications in partial differential equations.
Springer, New York
Rice GR, Do DD (1995) Applied mathematics and modeling for chemical engineers. Willey,
Santos TO, Caetano RB, Lemos JM, Coito FJ (2000) Multipredictive adaptive control of arc welding
trailing centerline temperature. IEEE Trans Control Syst Technol 8(1):159–169
Serra P, le Bras F, Hamel T, Silvestre C, Cunha R (2010) Nonlinear IBVS controller for the flare
maneuver of fixed-wing aircraft using optical flow. In: Proceedings of 49th IEEE conference on
decision and control (CDC 2010), Atlanta
Silva RN, Lemos JM, Rato LM (2003a) Variable sampling adaptive control of a distributed collector
solar field. IEEE Trans Control Syst Technol 11(5):765–772
Silva RN, Rato LM, Lemos JM (2003b) Time scaling internal predictive control of a solar plant.
Control Eng Pract 11(12):1459–1467
Villadsen J, Michelsen ML (1978) Solution of differential equation models by polynomial approx-
imations. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs
Wertz V, Bastin G, Haest M (1987) Identification of a glass tube drawing bench. In: Proceedings of
10th world congress on automatic control, vol 10. IFAC, Munich, pp 334–339
Chapter 3
Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

Model Predictive control (MPC) is one of the most significant tools for controller
design, not only in the process industry but in other emergent areas as well. Its
importance stems from a number of features:
• A minimization of a cost function is involved and hence the controller can be
designed such as to have a direct relationship with a performance index with
economic significance;
• Since it depends on the prediction of the plant output over an enlarged time hori-
zon, several desirable properties hold such as robustness with respect to plant
input/output transport delay or the ability to stabilize plants that are simultane-
ously open-loop unstable and nonminimum phase;
• The possibility of incorporating constraints.
No attempt is made here to present a general overview of predictive control methods,
and of the associated problems, a subject on which several books are available (Mosca
1995; Maciejowski 2002; Sánchez and Rodellar 1996). Instead, we concentrate on
the aspects that have a more direct impact on adaptive control of distributed collector
solar fields. In this chapter, we address controllers that rely on linear plant models
and in Chap. 5 a class of nonlinear MPC directly related to DCSFs is described.
In a computer control framework, the basic idea of MPC consists in, at the begin-
ning of each sampling interval, computing the value of the manipulated variable to
apply to the plant by minimizing a cost defined along an horizon (called the predic-
tion horizon) of future discrete time instants. In order to perform this minimization,
the plant dynamics is described by predictive models that relate the samples of the
manipulated variable with the samples of predicted values of the plant output along
with the prediction horizon. A sequence of values of the manipulated variable results
from this optimization, of which only the first is actually applied to the plant, the
whole procedure being repeated at the begining of the next sampling interval. This
procedure is known as “receding horizon” optimization (Kwon and Han 2005).
The origin of MPC can be traced back to the 1970s, or even early, and was strongly
motivated by applications, specially processes in the fluid industry (Richalet et al.
1978; Cutler and Ramaker 1980).

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 53

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_3,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
54 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

In parallel to these developments, a different approach emerged that considers

the plant to be represented by a discrete-time transfer function and subject to sto-
chastic disturbances modeled by filtering a white noise sequence (that is to say, a
sequence of independent identically random variables) by a linear transfer func-
tion with the same poles of the plant model. This is the so-called ARMAX model
(Åstrom 1997).
For simplicity, consider the regulation problem that consists in keeping the plant
output (considered as an increment with respect to a desired value) close to zero
despite the effect of disturbances. The regulation control problem is formulated as
the minimization of the plant output variance at the earliest sample affected by the
current manipulated variable move (Åstrom 1973), that is to say, at discrete time k,
the manipulated variable u(k) is computed by minimizing the minimum variance
cost JMV given by
⎛ ⎝
JMV (u(k)) = E y 2 (k + d)|I k , (3.1)

where d is the plant pure delay and E[·|I k ] stands for the mean conditioned on (the
α -algebra induced by) the information available up to time k, denoted I k . Adaptation
is embedded by estimating the parameters of a d-steps ahead plant predictive model
using recursive least squares (RLS) and using the estimates instead of the true plant
parameters to compute the manipulated variable.
Since the minimum variance control law yields a closed loop that cancels the zeros
of the open-loop plant (Åstrom 1997), if the plant is nonminimum phase there will
be unstable internal modes. Even when the closed-loop system is stable, minimum
variance control is too reactive and often results in excessive control action.
In order to overcome the limitations of the minimum variance control law, a
new version was proposed (Clarke and Gawthrop 1975, 1979) in which the cost
(3.1) is modified by the inclusion of a term that penalizes the manipulated variable,
resulting in
⎛ ⎝
Jdetuned (u(k)) = E y 2 (k + d) + ρu 2 (k)|I k (3.2)

with ρ a positive parameter (weight on the manipulated variable penalty).

Controller design based on the minimization of Jdetuned (3.2) is an important
modification because the extra term regularizes the control variable, providing the
designer with a knob (the value of ρ) that changes the type of closed-loop response
The resulting control law can be used to stabilize open-loop stable nonminimum
phase systems but is not able to stabilize a plant that is both open-loop unstable
and nonminimum phase. In addition, one has to be known precisely the value of
the plant pure delay d. MPC, that has a tight link with optimal control, solves these
problems by considering a multistep cost function that is optimized in a receding
horizon way using predictive models. Furthermore, MPC provides a natural setting
for the inclusion of constraints in control design. These ideas are now explained with
emphasis on the relation to distributed collector solar field application.
3.1 Receding Horizon Control 55

3.1 Receding Horizon Control

Since the aim is to work in a computer control framework, a discrete time formulation
of models and control is considered. For that sake, let t ◦ R denote continuous time
and let tk be a sequence of continuous time instants corresponding to the sampling
times, with k an integer that denotes the discrete time. The use of a sampling interval
that varies along time will be explored in Chaps. 5 and 7. In this chapter, it is assumed
that the sampling interval ϒ is constant and hence

tk = tk−1 + ϒ (3.3)

Hereafter, except when stated otherwise, we only consider the variables at the sam-
pling instants and, hence, only the discrete time index k is used.
In MPC, a multistep cost function such as
⎧ ⎡
Tu ⎢
JT = E ỹ 2 (k + j) + ρ û 2 (k + j − 1)|I k (3.4)
⎠ ⎣
j=T1 j=1

is minimized at the beginning of each sampling interval k. The parameter T is called

“prediction horizon” and Tu is called “control horizon.” Parameter T1 is included
in order to avoid the unnecessary prediction of plant outputs in processes with pure
delay bigger than 1. In many cases, we select T1 = 1 to avoid making assumptions
on the minimum value of the process delay.
Figure 3.1 shows the main variables used in MPC. These are the virtual manipu-
lated variable û, the plant output y and the reference to track r .
A virtual reference r ∗ is used to connect the present value of the measured plant
output y(k) with the desired reference value at the end of the prediction horizon,
r (k + T ). A possible choice consists in obtaining r ∗ (k + j) for j = 1, . . . , T by
r ∗ (k) = y(k) (3.5)

and then computing recursively for j = 1, . . . T the following difference equation

r ∗ (k + j) = γr r ∗ (k + j − 1) + (1 − γr )r (k + T ) (3.6)

where 0 → γr < 1 is a parameter. This procedure is a command governor that

smooths out the response to abrupt reference changes, preventing saturation and
strong control moves. Smaller values of γr make the reference transitions faster,
while values of γr close to 1 make the controller less aggressive. The tracking error
is then defined for any k as
ỹ(k) = y(k) − r ∗ (k) (3.7)

It is assumed that one is at time k (“present time”) and wants to compute the
manipulated variable u(k) to apply to the plant during that sampling interval. For
56 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

k-n k-n+1 ... k-1 k k+1 k+2 ... k+T-1 k+T

Present time, u(k)=?

Data observed at time k Predictions made at time k

Observations of y, known up to time k

Predictions of y from k+1 up tp k+T

Reference to track

Virtual reference

Past moves of the manipulated variable u

Virtual moves of the manipulated variable

Fig. 3.1 The variables in receding horizon control

that sake, one minimizes JT given by (3.4) with respect to the sequence of virtual
future values of the manipulated variable, û(k), . . . , û(k + T − 1), obtaining an
optimal virtual control sequence, û ∗ (k), . . . , û ∗ (k + T − 1), that minimizes (3.4).
According to the receding horizon strategy (Kwon and Han 2005), the value of the
manipulated variable at time k to actually apply to the plant is chosen to be the first
value of this optimal sequence:

u(k) = û ∗ (k). (3.8)

The whole procedure is then repeated at the beginning of the next sampling interval.
Depending on the values of T , Tu and T1 , and on the existence and type of
constraints, several control laws with quite different properties can be obtained. For
instance, in the limit case where T1 = T = d and Tu = 1, the control law reduces to
the one-step detuned minimum variance control yielded by (3.2). More interesting
control laws (in the sense that they are able to stabilize a wider class of plants, being
also more robust with respect to available plant knowledge) are obtained by extending
both the prediction and control horizons.
Consider the case in which Tu = T and there are no constraints. Furthermore,
let the plant be represented by a reachable and detectable state-space model. In this
3.1 Receding Horizon Control 57

situation, minimizing JT is equivalent to a state feedback control law in which the

gains are computed by iterating backwards T steps of an associated Riccati difference
equation (Mosca 1995). Hence, if the horizon T is large enough, u(k) will be given
by a stabilizing state-feedback law whose gains are a tight approximation to the
steady-state (infinite horizon) Linear Quadratic (LQ) gains (Mosca 1995). For the
above choice of horizons, this fact provides a heuristic justification for the use of
receding horizon control as a way to approximate steady-state LQ optimal control.
Furthermore, this example also explains the limitations of minimum variance and
detuned minimum variance control. Indeed, since minimizing (3.2) corresponds to
just iterating one step of the Riccati equation, the resulting control may be quite
different to the steady-state (infinite horizon) solution, a situation that happens, for
instance, for plants that have zeros outside the unit circle.
When considering the above reasoning, an issue immediately arises: How large
should be the horizon in order to ensure a stable closed-loop? From a practical point
of view, one can adjust T by trial and error, for instance by making simulations.
This procedure is however unsatisfactory from a theoretical point of view. Several
answers have been given in the second half of the 1980s for linear systems, some
of which inspired also solutions for stabilizing nonlinear systems. The solutions
based on stability constraints, that lead to a higher computational load, are explained
concisely in Sect. 3.5.2.

3.2 Linear Predictive Models

In order to minimize (3.4) the relation between the future plant manipulated input
samples (that is to say, from time k up to time k + Tu ) and the output samples (that
is to say, from time k + 1 up to time k + T ), is expressed by predictive models.

3.2.1 ARX Plant Model

In order to obtain predictive models, assume that the plant is represented by the
difference equation

y(k + n) + a1 y(k + n − 1) + · · · + an y(k) = b0 u(k + m) + b1 u(k + m − 1)

+ bm u(k) + e(k + n). (3.9)

Here, u denotes the plant manipulated input, y denotes the plant output and e is
a sequence of uncorrelated Gaussian variables of zero mean and variance αe2 that
models stochastic disturbances that affect the plant. In addition, n and m are integer
numbers and ai , i = 1, . . . , n and bi , i = 1, . . . , m are plant dependent parameters.
It is assumed that n > m ir order to ensure that the process model is causal and has
a pure delay of at least 1.
58 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

Model (3.8) is named in the literature as ARX (acronym of “Auto-Regressive with

eXogenous input”) (Åstrom 1997). It assumes that a sample of the plant input at a
given time instant can be expressed as a linear combination of the previous n samples
and n manipulated input samples delayed by n − m samples. A closely related model
is the ARMAX model, in which the disturbance is given by a linear combination of
past samples of e, and not just by e(k + n).
Defining the forward shift operator q as a mathematical operator that transforms
a discrete time signal by advancing it by one sample, the ARX model can be written
in compact form as
A(q)y(t) = B(q)u(t) + q n a e(t), (3.10)

where A(q) and B(q) are polynomials in the forward shift operator given by

A(q) = q +n
ai q n−i (3.11)


B(q) = bi q m−i . (3.12)

Let now the backward shift operator q −1 be a mathematical operator that trans-
forms a discrete time signal by delaying it by one sample and define the reciprocal
polynomial of a polynomial X (q) of degree n by

X ∗ (q −1 ) = q −n X (q) (3.13)

With this definition, the ARX model (3.9) can also be written as:

A∗ (q −1 )y(k) = B ∗ (q −1 )u(k − δio ) + e(k), (3.14)

where δio is the plant pure input/output delay given by

δio = n − m (3.15)


A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 + ai q −i , (3.16)

B ∗ (q −1 ) = bi q −i . (3.17)
3.2 Linear Predictive Models 59

It is assumed that δio = 1. This does not imply any loss of generality since plants with
longer delay can be considered by assuming some of the leading terms of B ∗ (q −1 )
to be zero.
In addition, it is assumed that A and B are coprime polynomials, meaning that that
they have no common roots. This assumption is required to ensure that the control
design problem that is to be considered in association with the plant is well posed.

3.2.2 Positional Predictive Models

The theory of Diophantine equations (Åstrom 1997) guarantees that there exist
unique polynomials

F j∗ (q −1 ) = 1 + f 1 q −1 + · · · + f j−1 q − j+1 (3.18)

G ∗j (q −1 ) = g0 + g1 q −1 + · · · + gn−1 q −n+1
j j j

that satisfy the identity

1 = F j∗ (q −1 )A∗ (q −1 ) + (q − j )G ∗j (q −1 ). (3.20)

From a more elementary point of view, F j∗ (q −1 ) is the quotient of order j − 1 of

the long division of 1 by A∗ (q −1 ) and G ∗j (q −1 ) is the corresponding remainder
multiplied by q j .
In order to obtain the j-steps ahead predictor for the plant output y, apply (that is to
say, multiply in a formal sense, using the definition of q −1 ) the operator polynomial
F j∗ (q −1 ) to the plant model (3.14) and use (3.18) to get

y(k + j) = G ∗j (q −1 )y(t) + F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 )u(k + j) + F j∗ (q −1 )e(t + j) (3.21)

The optimal least squares predictor of y(k + j) given observations up to time k

is a quantity ŷ(k + j|k) that minimizes the quadratic cost J P ( ŷ(k + j|k)) given by
⎤ ⎥
J P ( ŷ(k + j|k)) = E [y(k + j) − ŷ(k + j|k)]2 |I k (3.22)

Inserting (3.21) in (3.22), expanding the square and using the properties of the
statistical average yields
60 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

⎦ 2
J P ( ŷ(k + j|k)) = G ∗j (q −1 )y(k) + F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 )u(k + j) − ŷ(k + j|k)
⎛ ⎝2 
+ E F j∗ (q −1 )e(k + j)
⎤⎛ ⎝
+ 2E G ∗j (q −1 )y(k) + F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 )u(k + j)

F j∗ (q −1 )e(k + j)|I k (3.23)

Because F j∗ (q −1 ) is a polynomial of order j −1, the term F j∗ (q −1 )e(k + j) is a linear

combination of samples of e between times k + 1 and k + j and, hence, the cross
term in (3.23) is the average of the product of two statistically independent terms
or, equivalently, the product of their means. Since the mean of F j∗ (q −1 ) is zero, it is
concluded that the cross term is zero.
Furthermore, since e is a sequence of zero mean, independent, identically distrib-
uted variables, it follows that
⎛ ⎝2  ⎦ 2
E F j∗ (q −1 )e(k + j) = 1 + f 12 + · · · + f j−1
αe2 (3.24)

Combining the above reasonings, it is concluded that

⎦ 2
J P ( ŷ(k + j|k)) = G ∗j (q −1 )y(k) + F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 )u(k + j) − ŷ(k + j|k)
⎦ 2
+ 1 + f 12 + · · · + f j−12
αe2 (3.25)

The minimum of J P ( ŷ(k + j|k)) is therefore obtained by selecting the predictor as

ŷ(k + j|k)) = G ∗j (q −1 )y(k) + F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 )u(k + j) (3.26)

The corresponding least-squares prediction error variance is

⎦ 2
α P2 = 1 + f 12 + · · · + f j−1
αe2 (3.27)

We now give the predictor (3.26) a form that can be more readily interpreted in
terms of the response of a linear system and, at the same time is more prone to use in
MPC. For that sake, define polynomials ∗j (q −1 ) and H j∗ (q −1 ) such as to decompose
the product F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 ) as

F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 ) = H j∗ (q −1 ) + q − j ∗j (q −1 ) (3.28)

H j∗ (q −1 ) = h 1 q −1 + · · · + h j q − j (3.29)
3.2 Linear Predictive Models 61

 j (q −1 ) = ξ0 + ξ1 q −1 + · · · + ξm−1 q −m+1 .
j j j

Using (3.18) it is readily concluded that the coefficients of H j∗ (q −1 ) are samples of

the impulse response (also called Markov parameters) of the plant discrete transfer
function A/B. With the above definitions, the predictor (3.26) is written

ŷ(k + j|k) = H j∗ (q −1 )u(k + j) + G ∗j (q −1 )y(k) +  j (q −1 )u(k − 1) (3.31)

Define the vector of coefficients of the j-steps ahead predictive model

⎛ ⎝T
π j = g0j · · · gn−1
j j j
ξ0 · · · ξm−1 (3.32)

and the pseudostate

≤  T
s(k) = y(k) · · · y(k − n + 1) u(k − 1) · · · u(k − m) . (3.33)

In the case of ARX plants, the pseudostate is actually a state, although not of minimum
length. A state space realization associated to it is controllable but not observable.
The case of ARMAX plants is discussed in Sect. 3.2.5.
With the above definitions, the j-steps ahead least squares predictor is written in
vector notation
ŷ(k + j|k) = h i u(k + j − i) + π Tj s(k). (3.34)

Expression (3.34) has a straightforward interpretation. The predictor ŷ(k + j|k)

is the sum of two terms:
• The free response at time k + j due to the decay of the initial condition of the state
at time k, given by π Tj s(k) and
• The convolution of the future control moves, u(k), . . . , u(k + j − 1), with the
process impulse response samples, h 1 , . . . , h j , given by i=1 h i u(k + j − i).
Since it is assumed that one is at time k, the first free (that is to say, whose value is not
yet decided) sample of control is u(k). Furthermore, it is assumed that the nominal
delay of the process is 1, which explains why the summation stops at u(k + j − 1)
since h 0 = 0. This does not imply a loss of generality since, for plants with delays
larger than 1 it simply happens that some of the leading terms of h i vanish.
The actual value of y(k + j) and its least squares predictor given observations up
to time k are related by

y(k + j) = ŷ(k + j|k) + ε j (k), (3.35)

62 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

where ε j (k) is uncorrelated with ŷ(t + j|t), meaning that it verifies the so called
orthogonality condition
E ŷ(k + j|k)ε j (k) = 0. (3.36)

Since MPC relies on sets of predictive models over a time horizon, it is useful
to define a convenient notation to represent pencils of predictive models. Write the
predictor (3.34) for j = 1 up to j = T :

ŷ(k + 1|t) = h 1 u(k) + π1T s(k) (3.37)

ŷ(k + 2|t) = h 1 u(k + 1) + h 2 u(k) + π2T s(k) (3.38)
··· (3.39)
ŷ(k + T |t) = h 1 u(k + T − 1) + · · · + h T u(k) + πTT s(k) (3.40)

and define the vectors

≤  T
Y = y(k + 1) · · · y(k + T ) , (3.41)

≤  T
Ŷ = ŷ(k + 1|k) · · · ŷ(k + T |k) , (3.42)

≤  T
U = u(k) · · · u(k + T − 1) , (3.43)

≤  T
E = ε1 (k) · · · εT (k) (3.44)

and the matrices

 
h1 0 ··· 0 0
≤ 
 h2 h1 ··· 0 0  
H = (3.45)
··· ··· ··· ··· ···
h T h T −1 · · · h2 h1

≤  T
= π1 | · · · |πT (k) . (3.46)

The set of predictive models is written in compact form as

Ŷ = HU + T s(k) (3.47)

Y = Ŷ + E. (3.48)
3.2 Linear Predictive Models 63

Due to (3.36),
⎛ ⎝
E E T Ŷ = 0. (3.49)


Y0 = T s(k), (3.50)

the set of predictive models (3.47) may also be written as

Ŷ = HU + Y0 . (3.51)

3.2.3 Incremental Predictive Models

An alternative to the ARX model (3.14) consists in assuming that the plant is repre-
sented by
A∗ (q −1 )y(k) = B ∗ (q −1 )u(k − 1) + doff + η(k), (3.52)

where A∗ (q −1 ) and B ∗ (q −1 ) are co-prime polynomials in the unit delay operator

q −1 , parameterized as in (3.16, 3.17), doff is an unknown constant offset and the
stochastic disturbance η satisfies

ϒ(q −1 )η(k) = e(k), (3.53)

with the increment operator

ϒ(q −1 ) = 1 − q −1 (3.54)

and e is a white noise sequence as in model (3.14).

The assumption (3.53) made on the stochastic disturbance amounts to state that
η is a random walk, and therefore that its power grows without bound when time
increases, and may seem somewhat artificial. It is justified because the corresponding
incremental version of the model involves only a white sequence. Actually, model
(3.52) is the basis of the widespread GPC adaptive control algorithm (Clarke et al.
Let F j∗ (q −1 ) and G ∗j (q −1 ) satisfy the following diophantine equation

1 − q − j = ϒ(q −1 )F j∗ (q −1 )A∗j (q −1 ) + ϒ(q −1 ) − q − j G ∗j (q −1 ). (3.55)

It is remarked that a solution always exists because (Åstrom 1997) the maximum
common divisor of ϒ(q −1 )A∗j (q −1 ) and ϒ(q −1 ) − q − j (that is equal to ϒ(q −1 ))
divides 1 − q − j .
Apply now ϒ(q −1 )F j∗ (q −1 ) to both sides of (3.52) and use (3.55) to write the
j-steps ahead
64 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

ŷ(k + j|k)) = y(k) + G ∗j (q −1 )ϒ(q −1 )y(k)

+ F j∗ (q −1 )B ∗ (q −1 )ϒ(q −1 )u(k + j). (3.56)

Defining the incremental pseudostate by

≤  T
sϒ (k) = y(k) ϒy(k) · · · ϒy(k − n + 1) ϒu(k − 1) · · · ϒu(k − m) .

the incremental predictor is written

ŷ(k + j|k) = h i ϒu(k + j − i) + π Tj sϒ (k). (3.58)

The pencil of predictors for j = 1 up to j = T is written

Ŷ = HUϒ + Yϒ,0 (3.59)

≤  T
Uϒ = ϒu(k) · · · ϒu(k + T − 1) , (3.60)


Yϒ,0 = T sϒ (k). (3.61)

3.2.4 MUSMAR Predictive Models

It is possible to consider predictive models that are alternative to the ones described in
Sects. 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 and that are suitable for adaptive MPC algorithms that approx-
imate the steady-state (infinite horizon) solution of the linear-quadratic gaussian
(LQG) optimal control problem. This class of models, introduced in (Greco et al.
1984), is obtained by assuming that, along the control horizon, from k + 1 up to
k + T − 1, the manipulated variable is constrained to be a constant feedback of
the pseudostate. Using an innovations state-space model for the evolution of the
pseudostate it is possible to eliminate the dependency of y(k + j) on the samples of
u(k + i) for i = 1 and i = j − 1. In order to use these predictors in MPC, it is also
needed to predict future values of the control samples. The details are explained in
Appendix C.
The above mentioned procedure yields the positional j-step ahead predictors for
the output
ŷ(k + j|k) = θ j u(k) + ψ Tj s(k) (3.62)
3.2 Linear Predictive Models 65

and, for the future samples of the manipulated input

û(k + j|k) = μ j u(k) + φ Tj s(k). (3.63)

For ease of reference (3.62, 3.63), will hereafter be referred as “MUSMAR predic-
tors” because they are associated with the predictive adaptive MUSMAR (acronym
of Multistep, Multivariable, Adaptive Regulator) control algorithm, to be explained
latter in Sect. 3.6. Here θ j ◦ R, μ j ◦ R, ψ j ◦ Rn s and φ j ◦ Rn s are parameters and
n s is the dimension of the pseudo-state s.
In the “ideal” case in which the plant is represented by the ARX model (3.14),
these parameters can be computed from the coefficients of the polynomials A and B
of the ARX model, and from the feedback gain assumed to act between from k + 1
up to k + T − 1. In practice, however, the parameters of (3.62, 3.63) are estimated
directly from plant data, using least squares and implying that
y(k + j) = ŷ(k + j|k) + ε j (k) (3.64)

u(k + j) = û(k + j|k) + εuj (k) (3.65)

where ε j (k) is uncorrelated with ŷ(t + j|t)), and εuj (k) is uncorrelated with û(t + j|t))
meaning that they verifies the orthogonality conditions
⎤ ⎥
E ŷ(k + j|k)ε j (k) = 0 (3.66)

⎤ ⎥
E û(k + j|k)εuj (k) = 0. (3.67)

Using a common nomenclature, we say that variables such as ŷ(k + j|k) and
y(k + j) that differ between themselves by a term that is uncorrelated to the regressor
in ŷ(k + j|k) are “equal in least-squares sense” and use the notation

y(k + j) ≥ ŷ(k + j|k). (3.68)

In addition to simplify the algorithm, the above procedure has the major advantage
that the variables that enter the pseudo-state s can be chosen in a flexible way, without
requiring the computation of predictive models with unknown dynamics. Thereby
the designer is allowed the possibility of imposing the structure of the controller, by
selecting n and m, by including feedforward terms from accessible disturbances, or
state variables that are measured. It should be clear, however, that some choices may
lead to controllers that are not able to stabilize the plant whatever the value of their
66 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

The drawback of the predictive model (3.62, 3.63) is that, apart from j = 1, their
parameters depend not only on the plant, but on the feedback applied as well. As
a consequence if, for instance, the manipulated variable saturates for long periods,
(3.62, 3.63), with their parameters update by a recursive estimator, will loose their
capability to correctly predict y and u.
Incremental models in the case of MUSMAR predictors may also be obtained,
being of the form
û(k + j|k) = μ j ϒu(k) + φ Tj sϒ (k) (3.69)

for the output predictors, with sϒ given by (3.57), and

ϒu(k + j|k) = μ j ϒu(k) + φ Tj sϒ (k) (3.70)

for the increments of the manipulated variable.

3.2.5 The Case of Colored Noise

For ARMAX plants s is no longer a state and the least squares predictors of y may no
longer be expressed as a linear combination of a finite number of past samples of y
and u. However, it is possible to show (Mosca and Zappa 1989) that, in closed-loop
and under a constant feedback gain, the plant still admits a parametrization such that
the prediction errors still verify (3.66, 3.67) for MUSMAR predictors. Hence, even in
the case of the ARMAX plants, the parameters of the MUSMAR predictive models
can be estimated without bias with the standard least squares estimation methods.
Thus, there is no need to use estimation methods that require approximations, such
as extended least squares or maximum likelihood.

3.3 Predictive Model Identification

The predictive models in the preceding sections can be written in the form of the
linear regression model
z(i) = ϑ T ϕ(i) + v(i) (3.71)

where z(i) ◦ R and ϕ(i) ◦ Rn p are variables that can be measured for each index
i, ϑ is a vector of parameters to estimate, n p is the number of parameters and v(i)
is a residue that accounts for mismatches between the linear model (3.71) and the
actually observed data.
The problem to consider consists in estimating the vector of parameters ϑ from a
set of data z(i), ϕ(i) for i = 1, . . . , k with k the total number of observations.
For instance, to estimate the j-steps ahead predictor in (3.64), we select z(k) =
y(k + j), ϕ(k) = [u(k) s T (k)]T and ϑ = [θ φ T ]T . Similar choices are made to the
other predictive models.
3.3 Predictive Model Identification 67

3.3.1 Recursive Least Squares Estimation

The least squares estimate of the parameter vector ϑ in the linear regression model
(3.71), given k observation points, is such that it minimizes the cost functional J :
Rn p ≈ R defined by

1  k−i
JLS (ϑ) = λ [z(i) − ϕ T (i)ϑ]2 . (3.72)

Here, λ is number selected between 0 and 1 called the “forgetting factor”. If λ = 1

all the observation points are weighted equally in JLS . If λ < 1, the more recent
(meaning that its time index is closer to k) is the observation point, the greater is the
weight associated to it. This means that observations made in the past have a smaller
influence on JLS than more recent ones. Since the weight varies exponential in time,
the resulting algorithm is called “least squares with exponential forgetting”.
It is shown in Appendix B that the least squares estimate ϑ̂(k) of ϑ given obser-
vations up to time k is computed recursively from the estimate given observations
up to time k − 1 by

ϑ̂(k) = ϑ̂(k − 1) + K (k)[y(k) − ϕ T (k)ϑ̂(k − 1)], (3.73)

in which K (k) is called the Kalman gain, being given by

K (k) = P(k)ϕ(k) (3.74)

where the covariance matrix P satisfies the Riccati equation

P(k − 1)ϕ(k)ϕ T (k)P(k − 1) 1
P(k) = P(k − 1) − . (3.75)
λ + ϕ T (k)P(k − 1)ϕ(k) λ

Equations (3.73, 3.74, 3.75) define the RLS estimation algorithm with exponential
forgetting. If no a priori information is available about the true value of ϑ, its estimate
is initialized by selecting an arbitrary vector and P(0) selected such as to reflect this
lack of knowledge, for instance P(0) = 1000I , where I is the identity matrix. Since
this choice may induce strong initial transients, this issue is discussed in much more
detail in Sect. 3.9.
The above exponential forgetting algorithm defined by (3.73, 3.74, 3.75) implies
that old data is discarded no matter the relation it has with the parameters to estimate.
If some parameters have a degree of identifiability which is higher than others,
forgetting data uniformly may led to some entries of the covariance matrix to grow
unbound, leading to strong variation of the estimates. The application of Bayesian
methods solved this problem by introducing algorithms with “directional forgetting”
(Kulhavý 1987), in which data is discarded only along the directions of space that
are aligned with the directions of incoming data. One possible algorithm for RLS
68 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

with directional forgetting reads as follows

P(k − 1)ϕ(k)
K (k) = , (3.76)
1 + ϕ ∀ (k)P(k − 1)ϕ(k)[1 − βdf (k)]

P(k) = [I − K (k)ϕ ∀ (k)(1 − βdf (k))]P(k) (3.77)

ϑ̂(k) = ϑ̂(k − 1) + K (k)[y(k) − ϑ̂(k)∀ ϕ(k)]. (3.78)

The variable βdf (k) denotes the quantity of information discarded in each iteration,
being given according to a directional forgetting (Kulhavý 1987) scheme by

βdf (k) = 1 − λ + , (3.79)
ϕ ∀ (k)P(k − 1)ϕ(k)

where λ is a constant to be chosen between 0 (complete forgetting) and 1 (no forget-

ting) that determines the rate of forgetting in the direction of incoming information.
The equations that propagate the covariance matrix P in RLS either with expo-
nential forgetting (3.75) or with directional forgetting (3.77) are ill-conditioned from
a numerical point of view since they imply the subtraction of two quantities whose
difference is much smaller than their absolute value. This, in practice, a factorized
version is used (Bierman 1977) in which the matrix P is factorized as P = U DU T
where U is an upper triangular matrix with the diagonal elements equal to 1 and D
is a diagonal matrix. Instead of P, matrices U and D are propagated in time. The
major advantage is that the resulting equivalent P is always positive definite and
symmetric, no matter the numerical errors induced by roundoff.

3.3.2 Predictor Extrapolation and Redundant Estimation

In order to obtain the coefficients of the predictors (3.31) one possibility (Clarke et
al. 1987a) is to estimate the parameters of the one-step ahead predictor by RLS and
then to compute the parameters of the other predictors by extrapolation using (3.20).
This can be done with the following algorithm: Predictor Extrapolation

1. Using RLS, estimate the parameters in the one-step ahead predictor

ŷ(k + 1|k) = h 1 u(k) + π1T s(k).

3.3 Predictive Model Identification 69

2. Let
ai = −π1 (i) for i = 0, . . . , n

b0 = h 1 and bi = π1 (i + n) for i = 0, . . . , m

3. Let f 0 = 1, and gi0 = −ai+1 , for i = 0, . . . , n − 1.

4. For j = 1 up to T execute recursively

f j = g0

j j−1
gi = gi+1 − ai+1 f j for i = 0, . . . , n − 1

gn−1 = −an f j

F j∗ (q −1 ) = 1 + f j q −i

B ∗ (q −1 ) = bi q −i

Using the nomenclature in (3.28–3.30), set

π j+1 (i) = gi−1 for i = 0, . . . , n and

π j+1 (n + i) = ξi for i = 0, . . . , m. 

Above, π j (i) denotes the entry i of vector π j . A formally equal procedure can be
used to compute the parameters for incremental predictors. If the exact values of the
parameters of the one-step ahead predictor are known, the above algorithm provides
the correct value of the parameters of predictors over longer horizons. This is not the
case if the model order is not correct or if there are plant nonlinearities. Furthermore,
the plant pure delay must be known exactly in order to use the algorithm.
If, as it happens in adaptive control, the parameters of the one-step ahead predictor
are estimated with RLS there will be an estimation error that propagates and is
amplified when computing predictors over larger horizons. Furthermore, RLS is
only unbiased estimator for ARX plants. For ARMAX plants RLS will yield biased
estimates causing a significant deviation of the estimates from their correct values that
is not compensated when combining the estimator with a MPC control law (opposite
to what happens when considering the classical RLS plus minimum variance self
tuner briefly discussed in the introduction of this chapter).
Another possibility that circumvents these problems is to separately estimate
the parameters for all parameters. For the MUSMAR parameters (3.62) does not
70 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

entail a big increase of the computational load since the regressor is the same for all
the predictive models, and is given by ϕ(k) = [u(k) s T (k)]T . Therefore, only one
covariance matrix must be propagated in time.
In the ideal situation in which the plant is linear with a known order, separate
estimation of the predictors is redundant and the parameters of the predictive models
are not identifiable. Unidentifiability of the parameters is a drawback that can be
solved by using RLS with directional forgetting. The advantage is that, in practical
situations, improves predictive performance since extrapolating the one-stepa ahead
predictor yields a bigger error than direct estimation. Furthermore, as discuss below
in Sect. 3.6.2, separate predictor identification with RLS leads to an adaptive control
algorithm that, at least locally, adjusts the controller gains such as to minimize the
underlying cost and progressing a Newton direction (Mosca et al. 1989).

3.4 The GPC Algorithm

Assuming that there are not inequality constraints and that the plant is described by
a linear model, the control law that minimizes the quadratic cost functional (3.4)
can be computed explicitly using knowledge of the predictive model parameters.
Depending on the different type of predictive models used, different control laws
will be issued.
If the plant is described by the pencil of incremental predictive models (3.51), the
Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) law will be issued (Clarke et al. 1987a, b).
To deduce this control law, write (3.4) in the form
⎤ T   ⎥
JT = E Y − Y∗ Y − Y ∗ + ρUϒT Uϒ |I k , (3.80)

where Y is a vector of future plant output samples, as in (3.41), Y ∗ is a vector of

corresponding future virtual references and Uϒ is a vector as in (3.60), but with the
control increment samples replaced by virtual control increment samples. Inserting
the vector predictive model (3.59) in (3.80) and using the fact that the residue vector
E is uncorrelated with the predictor, yields
 T  T  
JT = UϒT MUϒ + 2 Yϒ,0 − Y ∗ HUϒ + Yϒ,0 − Y ∗ Yϒ,0 − Y ∗
⎤ ⎥
+ E ET E , (3.81)


M = H T H + ρ I, (3.82)

with H the matrix of plant Markov parameters given by (3.45).

3.4 The GPC Algorithm 71

In order to find the value of Uϒ that minimizes JT consider a generic quadratic

function of Uϒ with minimum at Uϒ ∗ , written as

∗ T

Jgen = Uϒ − Uϒ M Uϒ − Uϒ (3.83)

and expand it to get

∗T ∗T ∗
Jgen = UϒT MUϒ − 2Uϒ MUϒ + Uϒ Uϒ . (3.84)

Comparing the second term of (3.84) with the second term of (3.81), yields the
optimal sequence of virtual control

Uϒ = −M −1 H T Yϒ,0 − Y ∗ . (3.85)

According to the receding horizon strategy explained in Sect. 3.1, only the first ele-
ment of this vector of virtual manipulated variables is actually applied to the plant.
This is ϒu(k), the GPC control law is written as
u(k) = u(k − 1) − ē1T M −1 H T Yϒ,0 − Y ∗ , (3.86)
where ē1T = 1 0 · · · 0 .
By recalling (3.61), the GPC control law can also be written as a feedback from
the pseudostate plus a feedforward term

u(k) = u(k − 1) − F T sϒ (k) + u f f (k), (3.87)

where the vector of feedback gains, F, is given by

F = H M −1 ē1 (3.88)

and the feedforward term is

u ff (k) = ē1T M −1 H T Y ∗ . (3.89)

Figure 3.2 summarizes the structure of the GPC control algorithm applied to an
ARX plant. At the beginning of each sampling interval the estimates of the parame-
ters of the one step-ahead plant output predictor are updated using the RLS algorithm,
either with exponential forgetting (Eqs. (3.73–3.75)) or with directional forgetting
(Eqs. (3.76–3.79). From these estimates, the parameters of multiple steps ahead pre-
dictors are obtained by extrapolation using the algorithm os Sect. 3.3.2. From the
estimates of the predictor parameters and the virtual reference compute the manip-
ulated variable using (3.86) or, equivalently (3.87). If the plant delay is not 1, make
T1 equal to the plant delay, estimate by RLS the parameters of the T1 -steps ahead
predictor and obtain the remaining predictors by extrapolation.
72 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

Plant i/o data

One-step ahead predictor
parameters estimation with RLS

First predictive
model parameters

Predictor extrapolation

... All predictive

Controller gain redesign
Controller gains
Manipulated Output
Controller Plant

Fig. 3.2 Structure of the GPC adaptive control algorithm

3.5 Constraints

There are two types of constraints:

• Operational constraints;
• Stability constraints.

3.5.1 Operational Constraints

Operational constraints are constraints added to the problem of minimizing the cost
in order to comply with operational specifications. For instance in a DCSF, the fluid
flow must be kept between a minimum and a maximum value, and the temperature
may not exceed a certain safety value. Thus, in general, the problem of computing
the manipulated variable is formulated as

min JT (Uϒ ) (3.90)

subject to
Au Uϒ − bu → 0 (3.91)

ay Y − by → 0 (3.92)
3.5 Constraints 73

where Au , bu , A y and b y are matrices and the inequalities are taken for each entry
of the vectors. In order to solve this problem, one must resort to numerical methods.
The references (Adetola et al. 2009; Kim and Sugie 2008; Kim et al. 2008; Maniar et
al. 1997; Nikolakopoulos et al. 2006; Tanaskovic et al. 2013; Veres and Norton 1993)
provide several adaptive predictive controllers that incorporate hard constraints such
as these ones.

3.5.2 Stability Constraints

A major concern is to ensure the stability of the closed-loop resulting from the control
algorithm being used. Without any constraints, the control yielded by the minimiza-
tion of a cost defined over a finite horizon does not necessarily ensure stability.
When the control horizon Tu is equal to the prediction horizon T , GPC applied to
the regulation problem (meaning that the reference to track is zero) yields feedback
gains that are equal to the ones obtained by iterating backwards T steps of the Riccati
equation associated to an equivalent LQ control optimization problem (Clarke et al.
1987a; Mosca 1995). The gains that result from the solution of the LQ problem for
an infinite horizon stabilize the closed-loop but, for short values of the prediction
horizon, the resulting gains may be quite different from the steady-state ones. In
practice, it is expected that, by enlarging the horizon T , a better approximation of
the steady-state LQ gains is obtained and GPC yields stabilizing gains.
The desire to provide conditions on the value of T to obtain stabilizing gains lead
to a number of modifications of the basic MPC algorithms (Mosca 1995; Bitmead et
al. 1990). The constraint that the plant state vanishes in the end of the optimization
horizon solves this problem and gives rise to algorithms like SIORHC (for “Stable
Input–output Receding Horizon Controller”) (Mosca 1995). It is remarked that in the
linear case imposing this constraint does not cause any numerical difficulties since
the solution may still be obtained in closed-form.

3.6 The MUSMAR Algorithm

The Multistep, Multivariable Adaptive Regulator (MUSMAR) was designed (Greco

et al. 1984) so as to approximate the Kleinman’s iterations to solve numerically the
steady-state Riccati equation associated to the minimization of JT when T ≈ ∞.

3.6.1 The Basic Algorithm

The MUSMAR algorithm relies on the predictive models (3.62) described in

Sect. 3.2.4, that are used to minimize the cost (3.4) in a receding horizon sense,
and reads as follows for positional models:
74 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models MUSMAR Positional Algorithm

At the beginning of each sampling interval k (discrete time), recursively perform the
following steps:
1. Sample plant output, y(k) and use 3.7 to compute the tracking error ỹ, with respect
to the virtual set-point r ∗ .
2. Using RLS with directional forgetting, update the estimates of the parameters θ j ,
ψ j , μ j−1 and φ j−1 in the following set of predictive models

ỹ(k + j) ≥ θ j u(k) + ψ ∀j s(k) (3.93)

u(k + j − 1) ≥ μ j−1 u(k) + φ ∀j−1 s(k) (3.94)

j = 1, . . . , T.

Here, ≥ denotes equality in least squares sense and s(k) is given by

s(k) = [ ỹ(k) · · · ỹ(k − n + 1) u(k − 1) · · · u(k − m)

d(k) · · · d(k − n w1 )]T (3.95)

where the d are samples of the feedforward signal incoming from accessible distur-
bances. Since, at time k, ỹ(k + j) and u(k + j) are not available for j ≥ 1, for the
purpose of estimating the parameters, the variables in (3.93) are delayed in block of
T samples. The RLS estimation equations are thus,

P(k − 1)ϕ(k − T )
K (k) = (3.96)
1 + ϕ ∀ (k − T )P(k − 1)ϕ(k − T )[1 − β(k)]

P(k) = [I − K (k)ϕ ∀ (k − T )(1 − β(k))]P(k − 1) (3.97)

where, for j = 1, . . . , T ,

ˆ j (k) = 
 ˆ j (k − 1) + K (k)[y(k − T + j) − 
ˆ j (k − T )∀ ϕ(k − T )] (3.98)

and for j = 1, . . . , T − 1

ˆ j (k) = 
 ˆ j (k − 1) + K (k)[u(k − T + j) − 
ˆ j (k − T )∀ ϕ(k − T )]. (3.99)
3.6 The MUSMAR Algorithm 75

In these equations, ˆ j represents the estimate of the parameter vector of the output
predictors, given at each discrete time k and for each predictor j by

ˆ j = [θ j ψ ∀j ]∀

and ϕ(k − T ) represents the regressor, common to all predictors, given by

ϕ(t − T ) = [u(t − T ) s ∀ (t − T )]∀ . (3.101)

ˆ j represents the estimate of the parameter vector of the input predictors,

given at each discrete time and for each predictor j by

ˆ j = [μ j φ ∀j ]∀

Since the regressor ϕ(k − T ) is common to all the predictive models, the Kalman
gain update (3.96) and the covariance matrix update (3.97) are also common to all the
predictors and need to be performed only once per time iteration. This computational
organization greatly reduces the computational load.
3. Apply to the plant the control given by

u(t) = F ∀ s(t) + η(t) (3.103)

where η is a white dither noise of small amplitude and F is the vector of controller
gains, computed from the estimates of the predictive models by
 
1  
F =− θjψj + ρ μjφj , (3.104)
j=1 j=1

with the normalization factor α > 0 given by

 

T −1
α= θ 2j + ρ 1 + μ2j  . (3.105)
j=1 j=1

Figure 3.3 shows the structure of the MUSMAR controller. The core of the algo-
rithm is a linear controller that computes the manipulated variable through a feedback
of the pseudo-state. The gains of this controller are adapted by an adaptation mecha-
nism that consists of two major blocks. One of the blocks estimates the parameters of
a set of predictive models. Using these estimates, according to a certainty equivalence
strategy, the other block updates the gains of the linear controller.
An incremental version of MUSMAR can be obtained as well, in a similar way
as for GPC, by using the MUSMAR incremental predictors (3.69, 3.70).
76 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

RLS Covariance and
identifiers Kalman Gain update

Plant i/o data

Kalman gain
Predictor 1
... Predictor T

Predictive model
Controller gain redesign

Controller gains

Reference Manipulated
Controller Plant


Fig. 3.3 Structure of the MUSMAR controller

3.6.2 MUSMAR as a Cost Optimizer

The convergence properties of the adaptive algorithm applied to each of the local
controllers are summarized in the following propositions whose proofs are shown in
the Appendix F.

Proposition 1 Mosca et al. (1989) Let Fk−1 be the controller gains computed by the
MUSMAR algorithm. These gains are supposed to be applied to the controller for a
number of past iterations long enough such that the estimator has converged and let
the vector of update gains Fk be computed from (3.104) in such a way that the predic-
tor parameters are replaced by their least-squares estimates at equilibrium. Then,

Fk = Fk−1 − R −1 (Fk−1 )∇T JT (Fk−1 ), (3.106)
2α(Fk−1 ) s

" −1
α(Fk−1 ) = θi2 (Fk−1 ) + ρ 1+ μi2 (Fk−1 ) , (3.107)
i=1 i=1


Rs (Fk−1 ) = lim E[s(t)s ∀ (t)] (3.108)
3.6 The MUSMAR Algorithm 77

and ∇T (Fk−1 ) is the gradient of the receding horizon cost (3.4), computed for
F = Fk−1 . 

This proposition states that, if the prediction horizon T is large enough, each of
the local adaptive controllers adjust the gains in a “Newton direction” in the process
of minimizing the underlying steady-state (infinite horizon) quadratic cost
⎤ ⎥
J∞ = lim E y 2 (k) + ρu 2 (k − 1) (3.109)

In general, nothing can be proved about the convergence properties of the MUS-
MAR algorithm. However, if T is large enough, ∇T Ji (F) is a tight approximation
to the gradient of the steady state cost (3.109), ∇ J∞ (F), and the controller gains are
then updated by
Fk = Fk−1 − R −1 (Fk−1 )∇ J∞ (Fk−1 ) (3.110)
2α(Fk−1 ) s

In this limit case, the following proposition holds:

Proposition 2 Mosca et al. (1989) Consider the regulation problem (zero reference).
For the controller with the controller gains updated by (3.104, 3.105), the only
possible convergence gains are local minima of the steady-state underlying cost J∞ ,
constrained to the local controller structure imposed by the choice of the pseudo-
state s. 

3.6.3 Constraints in MUSMAR

Constraints in the instantaneous value of either the input or the output cannot be
incorporated in MUSMAR because, in such case, the assumption of a constant gain
underlying MUSMAR predictors would not be valid. However, it is possible to
impose constraints in the average vale of the manipulated variable.
Consider the problem of minimizing the steady state value of the plant output
⎛ ⎝
min lim E y 2 (k) (3.111)

subject to the constraint on the input power

⎛ ⎝
E u 2 (k) → c2 , (3.112)

where c is a constant.
The above problem can be solved in an approximate way using the MUSMAR
algorithm and updating the control weight ρ along discrete time k using
78 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

Fig. 3.4 Simulation example 0.6

of MUSMAR with con- UNSTABLE
straints. Convergence point 0.4

of the controller gains super- UNSTABLE

imposed on the level contour
Eu2<1.88 CM
curves of the steady state cost 0

−0.4 convergence



0 0.5 1 1.5 2

ρ(k) = ρ(k − 1) + εc ρ(k − 1) u 2 (k − 1) − c2 , (3.113)

where εc is a small parameter.

As a simulation example of the use of the MUSMAR algorithm with constraints,
consider the ARMAX plant defined by the difference equation

y(k) = −y(k − 1) − 0.4y(k − 2) + u(k − 1) + e(k) − 0.7e(k − 1). (3.114)

Although this plant is of second order, the selected controller structure matchs a
first order plant, and is defined by

u(k) = f 1 y(k) + f 2 u(k − 1). (3.115)

The controller gains f 1 and f 2 are to be adaptively designed such as to minimize

the steady state variance of the output (3.111), subject to the constraint (3.112) with
c2 = 1.88. Figure 3.4 shows the contour lines of the cost (3.111). This function has
a minimum at the point indicated by the sign + in Fig. 3.4. The shadowed region
indicates the range of values of f 1 and f 2 that satisfy the constraint. The constrained
minimum (CM) is indicated by the sign ‘o’.
Figure 3.5 depicts the time evolution of the controller gains computed by MUS-
MAR with the weight ρ updated by (3.113). The thin straight lines indicate the
optimum constrained values of f 1 = 1.666 and f 2 − 0.247 (that are unknown to the
algorithm and have been included for the sake of comparison). The average of the
values of the gains yielded by MUSMAR after convergence is shown by the sign ∗ in
Fig. 3.4. As can be seen, MUSMAR tightly approximates the constrained minimum.
3.6 The MUSMAR Algorithm 79


1 f1

Controller gains






0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x 10
Time [sample]

Fig. 3.5 Simulation example of MUSMAR with constraints. Evolution of the controller gains. The
horizon straight lines indicate the optimal gains for comparison

3.6.4 Dynamic Cost

The design of controllers based on a quadratic cost such as (3.109) or its receding
horizon approximation (3.4) can be improved by the inclusion of dynamic weights.
This modification allows both to shape the response obtained for the closed loop
system and to enhance the controller robustness with respect to unmodeled plant
dynamics. In order to understand how this can be done, let the plant be described by
the input–output model

A(q)y(k) = B(q)u(k) + d(k), (3.116)

in which A and B are polynomials in the ward shift operator q, k denotes discrete
time, u is the manipulated variable, y is the process output and d is a disturbance.
Let H (q) be a polynomial such that H (1) = 1 and define the filtered variables

H (q)
y H (k) = y(k) (3.117)
q∂ H

H (q)
u H (k) = u(k), (3.118)
q∂ H
80 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

H (q)
where ∂ H denotes the degree of H . Multiplying the plant model (3.116) by q∂ H
, it
is recognized that the filtered variables are related by the model

H (q)
A(q)y H (k) = B(q)u H (k) + d(k). (3.119)
q∂ H
Consider now the causal linear controller

r (q)u H (k) = −S(q)y H (k) + T (q)r (k), (3.120)

in which r is the reference to track and R, S and T are polynomials in q that minimize
⎤ ⎥
J H = lim E (H (q)y(k) − r (k))2 + ρ(H (q)u(k)2 . (3.121)
For generic values of R, S and T , the closed-loop model is obtained by eliminating
u H in (3.119) and (3.120), and is given by
BT R 1
y(k) = r (k) + ∂
d(k). (3.122)
(A R + B S)H AR + BS q H

Let d(k) = C(q)e(k) with e a white noise sequence (ARMAX model). In this
case, if R, S and T minimize J H , then they satisfy (Mosca 1995)

T (q) = C(q)H (q) (3.123)

and the linear diophantine equation

A(q)R(q) + B(q)S(q) = Q(q)C(q)H (q), (3.124)

where Q(q) is a monic, hurwitz polynomial obtained by solving the spectral factor-
ization problem

γ Q(z)Q(z −1 ) = ρ A(z)A(z −1 ) + B(z)B(z −1 ), (3.125)

where γ is a normalizing constant. Therefore, for the the optimal controller, using
(3.123) and (3.124) in (3.122), the closed-loop model becomes

B 1 R q∂ H
y(k) = · r (k) + · d(k). (3.126)
Q H QC H (q)

From (3.126) it is concluded that the control law that results from the optimization of
(3.121) causes the plant output to track the reference filtered by 1/H (q). Furthermore,
the effect of the disturbance is also filtered by 1/H (q). Since H is a polynomial,
1/H (q) is a low pass filter and the high frequency components of the disturbance
are therefore washed out.
In order to use a MUSMAR type approximation of the steady-state quadratic
cost with dynamic weights (3.121), one should use the basic MUSMAR algorithm
3.6 The MUSMAR Algorithm 81

described in Sect. 3.6.1 with y and u replaced by its filtered versions. From the
resulting u H compute then the control to apply to the plant by

q∂ H
u(k) = u H (k). (3.127)
H (q)

As shown below, the inclusion of dynamic weights yields a significant improvement

when controlling a DCSF because of the high frequency dynamics that is inevitably
neglected with a finite dimensional model.

3.7 Using MUSMAR in Practical Examples

Before considering the application of MUSMAR to DCSFs, three other examples

are considered that the following plants described in Chap. 2:
• Air heating fan (Sect. 2.5.4);
• Superheated steam in a boiler (Sect. 2.5.5);
• Trailing centreline temperature in arc welding (Sect. 2.5.6).
These examples have been chosen because they concern processes that involve trans-
port phenomena. Specially in the first two cases, there is a similitude with the dynam-
ics of DCSFs. In each case it is explained how to choose the parameters that configure
MUSMAR and the type of results that are obtained. The first example uses a labo-
ratory plant, while examples 2 and 3 concern industrial plants.
When applying MUSMAR to a specific plant, the first step is to select the para-
meters that configure the controller in order to yield the best performance. This step
is usually an iterative process in which one starts by an initial guess of what might
be adequate parameters, makes simulations or plant experiments to improve each
parameter and repeats this procedure until a satisfying configuration is obtained.
In order to configure MUSMAR the value of the following parameters must be
• Minimum prediction horizon T1 , in the cost (3.4). Set this to the value of the plant
delay if this is known. Otherwise, set it to 1. In all the examples hereafter we
choose T1 = 1;
• Prediction horizon T , in the cost (3.4). Usually, there is a U-shaped dependency of
the experimental cost on T . This can be understood in qualitative terms as follows:
For small values of T the steady-state of the cost is not yet attained. For instance,
if the process is nonminimum-phase, low values of T may not even stabilize
the closed-loop. When T increases the steady-state controller gains are better
approximated and this usually results in a performance improvement. However,
when the horizon increases predictors become be less accurate and this causes a
degradation of performance.
• Forgetting factor λ. Decreasing the forgetting factor makes the controller for agile
to track changes in plant dynamics but increases the variance of the parameter
82 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

estimation error which in turn limits the best achievable performance. Due to the
fact that MUSMAR uses a redundant description of the plant it is advantageous to
use directional forgetting.
• Number of samples in the pseudo-state (3.33) of the output, n, and of the manip-
ulated variable, m. In general, performance improves when the controller com-
plexity n + m increases. However, for constant n + m a better performance is
yielded when n increases. It is remarked that other variables can be included with
advantage in the pseudo-state, for instance accessible disturbances or physical
variables related to plant state. If this is the case, the number of delayed samples of
these variables that is included in the pseudo-state also affects performance. For
instance, if the variable is an almost constant disturbance that only presents low
frequency changes in time, the best is to include just one sample. If, instead, the
variable changes in a time scale similar to plant dynamics, more samples may be
included and this has to be studied.
• Penalty on the effort of the manipulated variable ρ, in the cost (3.4). In general,
decreasing ρ reduces the tracking error variance but increases the variance of
the manipulated variable of of its variations, depending whether a positional or
incremental algorithm is used. As shown in example 2, it is possible to increase
ρ such that, with only a small degradation of tracking performance, there is a
significant decrease in the variance of the manipulated variable, thus reducing
the wearing of the actuator. It is remarked that, for large values of T so as to
approximate the infinite LQ gains, the influence of r ho on the poles of the closed-
loop system can be studied by using the root-square locus (Lewis and Syrmos
1995). Another aspect to consider is the fact that, in the absence of integral effect,
the tracking error will exhibit a steady-state offset that is bigger the bigger is the
value of ρ.
• Sampling period Ts . The sampling period must be selected in accordance to the
process dominant time constant. Too small sampling periods cause zeros of the
discrete time model to migrate to the outside of the unit circle, thereby posing dif-
ficulties to the controller (for instance requiring that the horizon is increased). Too
long sampling intervals may lead to an inadequate consideration of fast process
modes and to inter-sample variance. Furthermore, one should bear in mind that
during the sampling time the process is operating in open-loop. Thus, if a dis-
turbance appears in-between two sampling instants, the controller will start to
take actions to reject it only at the next sampling instant. Furthermore, the equiv-
alent prediction horizon for the continuous-time dynamics is the product of the
discrete-time horizon T and the sampling interval.
• Parameters of dynamic weight filters. These filters have influence in three aspects:
Shaping the process output response to reference changes, high frequency noise
filtering and robustness with respect to unmodeled dynamics.
These issues are now illustrated through the following examples as well as through
the application to the control of temperature in a DCSF.
3.7 Using MUSMAR in Practical Examples 83

Fig. 3.6 Control of an air 10

heating fan using MUSMAR.
Influence of the choice of
the prediction horizon on the 8
steady-state loss


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Prediction horizon, T

3.7.1 Example 1: Air Heating Fan

This example concerns the control of the temperature in a air hearting fan of the type
described in Sect. 2.5.4, with the difference that the heating element is concentrated
in a limited region of space, at the beginning of the pipe that drives the air. Hence, the
plant dynamics includes a pure transport delay between the actuation and the plant
Figure 3.6 shows the dependence of the experimental loss obtained in steady-state
for different values of the prediction horizon T . For low values of the prediction
horizon (T = 1 and T = 2) the controller is not able to stabilize the closed-loop
system, a fact due to the existence of a pure transport delay that demands a minimum
value of T . For higher values of T there is a U-shaped dependency.
MUSMAR has been used with a prediction horizon T = 5, a penalty in the
manipulated variable ρ = 0.001 and a dither noise variance αη2 = 0.01. The structure
of the pseudostate is defined by including n a = 3 samples of the tracking error,
n b = 1 sample of the manipulated variable and n g = 1 sample of the reference to
track. The predictor parameters are estimated using RLS with directional forgetting,
with an initial value of the covariance matrix of P(0) = 1000, and a directional
forgetting factor of λ = 0.005. The sampling interval is 0.05 s.
Figure 3.7 shows a plot of the results obtained. The reference and temperature are
plotted on the graphic of the top, the manipulated manipulated variable is plotted in
the middle and 4 of the 5 controller gains are plotted below. All the plant input/output
variable units are (V) (the units of the transducer), the range being between 0 and 5 V.
The evolution of the experiment protocol is as follows: after turning on the system,
including the activation of MUSMAR, there is a sequence of steps of the reference that
drive the air output temperature from a value corresponding to ambient temperature
(0 V) to a value corresponding to 3.5 V. During this period, that lasts for about 1200
84 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

y, r [V] ↑
3 A

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time [samples]

u [V]

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time [samples]


Controller Gains




0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time [samples]

Fig. 3.7 Control of an air heating fan using MUSMAR. Reference and temperature (above), manip-
ulated variable (middle) and controller gains (below)
3.7 Using MUSMAR in Practical Examples 85

samples, the gains converge after an initial adaptation transient. During the first five
samples the gains are forced to be equal to a value that corresponds to an acceptable
performance, but far from the optimum one.
The changes of the reference value help in the convergence of the controller gains.
After this initial period, the reference is kept constant for a long period, up to sample
8000. During this period, although the tracking error power is kept approximately
constant by the controller, there is a reduction of the average value of the manipulated
variable, due to a slow adjustment of the controller gains. This happens because the
pipe is slowly accumulating heat and, in this process, less and less heat is required to
be released by the manipulator in order to keep the outlet air temperature at a constant
value. In other words, this example illustrates the adaptation of the controller gains
to a change in linearized process dynamics.
At sample 8000 there is a change in the reference value and, at sample 8500 (the
time instant marked by the arrow labeled A), there is a sudden change in the position
of the air admission register. This change is caused by an external factor and is
included in order to exhibit the algorithm response to a rupture in dynamics, such as
the one caused by a fault in a plant component. The manipulated variable is adjusted
by feedback but, in addition, there is a readjustment in controller gains to meet the
new plant dynamics. It is remarked that, in addition to a parameter change there is
also a change of plant input/output transport delay because the flow of air is affected.
MUSMAR is able to tackle this change in delay because of its structure based on
a multistep cost function. The convergence speed of the gain re-settlement can be
improved by manipulating the RLS covariance matrix (Costa and Lemos 1991).

3.7.2 Example 2: Superheated Steam in a Boiler

Example 2 concerns the temperature control of super-heated steam in the boiler unit
described in Sect. 2.5.5. As explained in this section, the objective is to regulate the
steam temperature at the outlet of a superheater by manipulating the command of
the spray water injection valve position.
The prediction horizon was set at T = 15 discrete time instants and the sampling
interval was Ts = 5 s. This means that, in continuous time, the prediction horizon
is T × Ts = 75 s. This value should be selected bearing in mind that the time scale
of the plant, including the pure delay, varies with the value of steam flow. Indeed,
since the water spray is injected at the input of the superheater (a set of parallel
pipes through steam is made to pass in order to recover heat from the flue gas of
the furnace) its influence at the output depends on the travel time which, in turn,
is inversely proportional to steam flow. Hence, the higher the value of the flow, the
faster becomes the response, with a smaller pure delay. For instance, if T = 10
and Ts = 2 s the controller yields acceptable results at the maximum steam flow of
150 t/h, but is unable to even stabilize the plant at the minimum flow of 100 t/h.
Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that there are some trade-offs in selecting.
As already mentioned in the general remarks made in the begining of Sect. 3.7, the
value sampling value must neither be decreased beyond a certain value, because
86 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models


Standard deviation [ C]





−2 −1 0
10 10 10

Fig. 3.8 Control of superheated steam temperature in a boiler unit with MUSMAR. Effect of the
penalty parameter ρ on the standard deviations of the tracking error [o C] and of the valve position [%]

the resulting sampled dynamics may become nonminimum phase, nor be increased
too much, because the plant is working in open loop between sampling intervals.
Therefore, to encompass the possible outcomes of plant dynamic time scale due to
changes of steam flow one must increase T . However, this increase has also a limit
because, due to the loss of precision of predictors over large horizons, the overall
performance also starts to degrade for high values of T .
In conclusion, one has to evaluate the possible ranges of T and Ts , by using a
priori information about the plant and preliminary plant experiments, and optimize
their values within them.
Another controller tuning knob is the value of the manipulated variable penalty, ρ
that also forms an important way to configure the type of response of the controlled
system. Figure 3.8 shows the effect of ρ on the standard deviations of the valve move
αu (expressed in [%]) and of the tracking error α y (expressed in [o C]). When ρ
increases, αu decreases and α y increases. This means that there is a trade-of in the
selection of ρ. Above a certain threshold of ρ the controller is in this case no longer
able to stabilize the closed-loop.
In the example, the pseudostate contains n a = 3 samples of the tracking error,
n b = 2 samples of the manipulated variable, 1 sample of the steam temperature at
the input of the superheater and immediately after the water injection, 2 samples of
the steam flow, 2 samples of the flow of air entering the furnace and 1 sample of a
constant whose value is the average of the manipulated variable.
3.7 Using MUSMAR in Practical Examples 87




Steam Temperature [ oC]






531 Adaptation ρ decreases Adaptation

starts ends
19.8 20 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21 21.2 21.4

Time [hour]

Fig. 3.9 Control of superheated steam temperature in a boiler unit with MUSMAR

The estimation of the predictor parameters is done with directional forgetting

using a factorized algorithm and with a forgetting factor of λ = 0.998. The initial
value of the covariance matrix is P(0) = 1000I . The standard deviation of the dither
noise η was set to a value corresponding to 1 % of the maximum valve opening.
Figure 3.9 shows the record of an experiment performed using the above con-
figuration of MUSMAR. Initially, the plant is operated by a controller made by a
cascade of two PID controllers. The inner loop controls the steam temperature at
the injection point and the outer loop controls the superheated steam temperature by
manipulating the reference of the inner loop. In adition, there are feedforward effects
from the steam flow and the flow of the air entering the furnace.
Although this controller has been optimized by the plant technical staff, when the
adaptive controller is connected (at the instant marked by the arrow with the label
“Adaptation stars”), the standard deviation of the tracking error is reduced by a factor
of more than 3. This happens no matter the persistent disturbance caused by constant
stochastic variations of stem flow between 145 t/h and 150 t/h, due to consumption
by two industrial chemical plants, in addition to power production with a turbine.
Initially, a value of ρ = 0.05 is used. When this parameter is further reduced to
ρ = 0.01 (at the instant marked by the arrow labeled “ρ reduced”), the off-set between
the average steam temperature and the reference is reduced since integral effect is
turned off as well as the fluctuations around the mean value. This improvement in
reference tracking has the reverse payback of implying an increase in the standard
deviation of the valve command from 1,6 to 4 %, in accordance to Fig. 3.8.
88 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

When adaptation is turned off (at the instant marked by the arrow with the label
“Adaptation stars”), the standard plant controller enters again in operation and the
tracking performance degrades. Further details on the application of MUSMAR to
this plant, including a relation of control performance with plant economic perfor-
mance, can be seen in Silva et al. (2000).

3.7.3 Example 3: Arc Welding

In this example the process described in Sect. 2.5.6 is controlled with MUSMAR.
Further results can be found in Santos et al. (2000).
MUSMAR predictors are identified using directional forgetting RLS with λ =
0.98. The weight on the penalty of the manipulated variable is chosen to be ρ = 500.
Figure 3.10 shows the cost dependency on the sampling frequency. In the results
shown here the value of 3 Hz has been chosen for the sampling frequency. The
choice n = m = 3 leads to a control structure whose performance is of the order of
the minimum achievable with the least possible value of n + m. For this value of n
and m, Fig. 3.11 represents the cost dependence on the horizon T .
Finally, Fig. 3.12 shows a record of a temperature control experiment when using
the above configuration applied to a workpiece consisting of a steel bar of 12 mm
thickness in series with another bar of 6 mm thickness. This change of dimensions
imply that the controller has to adapt its gains when passing from one part of the
piece to the other, a fact that is apparent from the controller gains record in Fig. 3.12.
In order to eliminate a steady-state tracking offset an integrator fed with the tracking
error has been included in parallel with MUSMAR (Santos et al. 2000).

3.8 Solar Field Predictive Adaptive Control

Hereafter with describe some experimental results obtained with the predictive adap-
tive controller MUSMAR when applied to the DCSF described in Sect. 1.2.1 of
Chap. 1. We start by considering the basic MUSMAR algorithm as presented in
Sect. 3.6.1. Then, in order to eliminate undesirable high frequency oscillations that
may be present in the manipulated variable, the algorithm modified by the inclusion
of dynamic weights is used. Finally, taking advantage of the robustness of MUSMAR
with respect to variations in plant input/output transport delay, cascade control such
as depicted in the block diagram of Fig. 1.15 of Chap. 1 is exemplified.

3.8.1 The Basic Algorithm

We start by considering that the basic MUSMAR algorithm is interconnected to the

DCSF such as shown in Fig. 1.13 of Chap. 1. The controller structure is defined by
including in the pseudo-state (3.33) 3 samples of the tracking error and 2 samples of
the manipulated variable. Furthermore, in order to incorporate feedforward effects,
3.8 Solar Field Predictive Adaptive Control 89


Cost (normalized)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sampling Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 3.10 Control of arc welding trailing centerline temperature with MUSMAR. Dependence of
the cost on the sampling frequency


Normalized cost

0 5 10 15 20
Horizon T

Fig. 3.11 Control of arc welding trailing centerline temperature with MUSMAR. Cost dependence
on the horizon T for n = m = 3
90 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

Temp. [C]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time [s]
Tension [V]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time [s]


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time [s]

Fig. 3.12 Control of arc welding trailing centerline temperature with MUSMAR. Temperature and
reference (above), electric tension (middle) and controller gains (below)

the pseudo-state includes also 1 sample of the reference to track, 1 sample of the
solar radiation and 1 sample of the inlet fluid temperature. The sampling interval is
15s and the prediction horizon is T = 15 samples.
Figure 3.13 shows the record of experimental results of the outlet fluid tempera-
ture and reference (top) and fluid flow (below). Figure 3.14 shows the record of the
solar radiation during the period of the experiment. The plot shows the results since
MUSMAR is activated. In order to reduce the adaptation transient, during the initial
20 steps a set of constant gains is used. At the time instant marked by the arrows
labeled A one of the collector loops is disconnected, causing a disturbance in the tem-
perature as well as a change in the stating gain of the plant, which is reduced by 10 %
(since there are 10 collector loops in parallel), causing MUSMAR to adapt its gains.

3.8.2 Temperature Control with a Dynamic Cost

When using the basic version of MUSMAR, there is a high frequency oscillation
in the manipulated variable that is due to the high frequency DCSF dynamics that
includes multiple anti-resonance peaks. In some cases, such as the example shown in
Fig. 3.15 this high frequency oscillation can take the form of bursts that cause actuator
wearing. As shown in Fig. 3.16, this high frequency oscillation is eliminated by the
inclusion of dynamic weights in MUSMAR, according to the algorithm described in
Sect. 3.6.4.
3.8 Solar Field Predictive Adaptive Control 91


Outlet temp. [ C]
o 280



1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Time [hour]
Flow command [l/s]

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Time [hour]

Fig. 3.13 Temperature control in a DCF with the basic MUSMAR algorithm. Outlet fluid temper-
ature and reference (top) and fluid flow (below). Experimental results

3.8.3 Cascade Control

As explained in Chap. 1 the outlet of the collector loops is passed to a passive pipe and
brought back to the storage tank, where it enters at the top. The passive pipe introduces
a long delay that varies with the value of fluid flow. In a cascade control framework,
the average of the temperatures at the outlet of the collector loops is taken as the inter-
mediate variable. In this way, the dynamics is decomposed in two parts: The dynamics
of the collector loops, that relates the fluid flow to the average of the temperatures
at the collectors outlets, T , and the dynamics of the pipe connecting the outlet of the
loops with the inlet of the storage tank, that relates the temperatures in both points.
The former corresponds to the faster time constant, with a value of about 3 min.
The latter corresponds to the slower part of the dynamics, made of a pure delay of
about 9 min that varies with the fluid flow, in series with a time constant of about 2 min.
When using cascade control as in the block diagram of Fig. 1.15, the problems of
rejecting disturbances in both subsystems are split apart.
Figure 3.17 shows experimental results obtained with cascade multi-rate MUS-
MAR control. In this experiment both T1 and T2 (the prediction horizons on both
MUSMAR controllers in the cascade structure of Fig. 1.15) are made equal to 15
samples. The sampling intervals of both controllers are different, with the sam-
pling interval of the inner controller h 1 = 15 s and the one of the outer controller
h 2 = 60 s. When h 2 increases, the pure delay in P2 measured in number of samples
92 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models




Radiation [Wm




1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Time [hour]

Fig. 3.14 The solar radiation in the experiment of Fig. 3.13

[ C]


1 1.5 2 2.5
Time [h]

Flow [l/s]

1 1.5 2 2.5
Time [h]

Fig. 3.15 Temperature control in a DCF with the basic MUSMAR algorithm in a situation where
there are bursts of high frequency oscillation in the manipulated variable. Outlet fluid temperature
and reference (top) and fluid flow (below). Experimental results
3.8 Solar Field Predictive Adaptive Control 93

[ C]


2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time [h]

Flow [l/s]

2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time [h]

Fig. 3.16 Temperature control in a DCF with the MUSMAR algorithm modified to include dynamic
weights. Outlet fluid temperature and reference (top) and fluid flow (below). Experimental results.
Compare with the results in Fig. 3.15. The high frequency oscillation in the manipulated variable is
eliminated by the inclusion of dynamic weights

The orders are set equal in both controllers and given by n i = 3, m i = 2. The
control weight ρi is set equal to 0.001 in both controllers and the variance of the
dither noise is 0.01.
The pure delay is apparent in Fig. 3.17, where the heat loss in the pipe connecting
the outlet of the collector loops to the storage tank is also seen. The outer loop
controller adjusts the set-point of the inner loop, such that y1 is high enough to
compensate for the thermal losses in the pipe and let the temperature at the inlet of
the tank be equal to the set-point.

3.9 Dual Control and Start-Up

A major practical issue when controlling a plant whose dynamics is a priori unknown
with an adaptive algorithm is the reduction of the start-up adaptation transient time.
Many algorithms relies on the Certainty Equivalence Principle (CEP) (Åstrom 1987),
meaning that the plant parameters are estimated on-line from plant data and the
estimates are used to redesign the control law.
In this case, if the initial controller gains do not stabilize the plant, a strong burst
at both the input and output signals may result, known as the adaptation transient.
94 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models


265 4

Temperature [ C]




3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2
Time [h]

Fig. 3.17 Cascade control in a DCF with the MUSMAR algorithm. Experimental results

This instability effect can however help the controller in providing the adaptation
mechanism with enough information to correctly identify the plant model. This
compromise between the competing objectives of the control action (that tries to
keep the plant state still) and plant model identification (that requires the plant state
to be disturbed) is known as the “dual effect”.
It can however happen that the start-up adaptation transient may be so strong as
to prevent the practical use of the algorithm due to constraint violation. It may also
drive the adaptation mechanism to a state where return to the optimum is very slow
or even impossible due to the existence of local minima.
Therefore it is necessary to balance the dual actions of probing (system excitation
in order to improve model estimation) and caution (reduction of excitation in order to
improve control performance). Finding the adequate balance of the system excitation
level so as to achieve a good control performance with adequate parameter excitation
is the dual control problem.
The exact solution of the optimal dual control problem cannot be obtained exactly
in general, neither analytically nor numerically. This is because of the growing dimen-
sion of the underlying space when time grows, in which alternate minimization and
mean value evaluations have to be performed. Therefore, one must resort to approx-
imate solutions of the solution for the dual problem.
Hereafter, the dual MUSMAR algorithm is obtained by modifying the basic MUS-
MAR predictive adaptive controller according to the bi-criteria approach (Filatov et
al. 1997; Filatov and Unbehauen 2004).
3.9 Dual Control and Start-Up 95

3.9.1 The Bi-criteria Approach

The bi-criteria approach for the approximation of dual controllers relies on the con-
sideration of two cost functionals at each sampling interval k
• the control cost, Jkc and
• the uncertainty cost, Jka .
These two cost functionals correspond to the two objectives of dual control: control-
ling the process and generate an excitation such as to accelerate the convergence of
parameter estimation. A dual adaptive controller based on the bi-criteria approach is
obtained by the sequential minimization of both criteria according to the following
steps (Filatov et al. 1997; Filatov and Unbehauen 2004) (see also Fig. 3.18 for an
1. Obtain the cautious control component u c (k) by minimizing the control cost Jkc :

u c (k) = argminu(k) Jkc . (3.128)

2. Minimize the functional associated with uncertainty, Jka , in the interval k

given by
k = [u c (k) − ϑ(k); u c (k) + ϑ(k)] , ϑ(k) ≥ 0. (3.129)

This interval is centered in the cautious control component u c (k) and its length is
proportional to the trace of the covariance matrix P(k) of the least squares plant
model identifier, meaning that

ϑ(k) = η tr{P(k)}, η ≥ 0, (3.130)

where η is a parameter that adjusts the excitation level.

According to the bi-criteria procedure, the dual control law approximation, u(k),
actually applied to the plant at sampling interval k is given by

u(k) = argminu(k)◦k Jka . (3.131)

3.9.2 The Dual MUSMAR Algorithm

Consider a SISO ARMAX plant

A(q)y(k) = B(q)u(k) + C(q)e(k), (3.132)

where u(k) is the input; y(k) is the output, {e(k)} is a stationary zero-mean white
sequence with variance αe2 and A, B, C are polynomials in the unit forward shift
96 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

Fig. 3.18 Minimization for

bi-criteria approximation of
dual adaptive control


Dual control


uc u


operator, q. Associated with (3.132) consider a quadratic cost functional

$ %
1  2
Jkc =E y (k + i) + ρu (k + i − 1)|O ,
2 k

where ρ ≥ 0 is a design parameter that defines the penalty on the manipulated

variable, E ·|O k stands for the expectation value conditioned on the α − algebra
O k generated by the information available up to time k and T is an integer design
parameter corresponding to the prediction horizon. Consider also, a set of 2T least
squares predictive models

ŷ(k + i) = θ̂i u(k) + ψ̂iT s(k)

û(k + i − 1) = μ̂i−1 u(k) + φ̂i−1T s(k) (3.134)
i = 1, . . . , T

The vector s(k) is a sufficient statistic for computing in closed-loop the predictions
ŷ(k + i) and û(k + i) called the “pseudo-state” as in the basic version of MUSMAR,
and the scalars and vectors θ̂i , ψ̂i , μ̂i−1 , φ̂i−1 are recursive least squares (RLS)
estimates of the real unknown parameters at time k.
Let the parameters in equation (3.134) be considered as random variables θi , ψi ,
μi , φi (i = 1, . . . , T ) with conditional mean θ̂i , ψ̂i , μ̂i , φ̂i and variances
3.9 Dual Control and Start-Up 97
⎤ ⎥
αθi2 = E (θi − θ̂i )2 |O k
⎤ ⎥
= E (μi − μ̂i )2 |O k
⎤ ⎥
αθψi = E (θi − θ̂i )(ψi − ψ̂i )|O k
⎤ ⎥
αμφi = E (μi − μ̂i )(φi − φ̂i )|O k . (3.135)

As shown in Appendix E, solving this control problem results in the following

cautious control law
u c (k) = F T s(k), (3.136)

with the vector of controller gains F given by

i=1 θ̂i ψ̂i + ρ i=1 μ̂i−1 φ̂i−1 + βpus
F =− T T , (3.137)
i=1 θ̂i + ρ i=1 μ̂i−1 + βpuu
2 2

where the covariance matrix is

& T
puu pus
P= (3.138)
pus pss
and β = i=1 α yi
2 + ρα 2 , α 2 and α 2 being the variance of the prediction errors of
ui yi ui
yi and u i as defined by Eq. (3.134). If β is made equal to zero, Eq. (3.137) reduces
to the basic MUSMAR algorithm described in Sect. 3.6.1.
The first modification in the MUSMAR algorithm incorporates a cautious mech-
anism on the gain computation. During the startup of the algorithm the value of puu
is large implying that the control action will be very small.
The second modification introduced in the basic algorithm concerns the plant
excitation. The basic MUSMAR controller adds to the controller action a low power
dither noise η with variance αη2 to maintain the persistent excitation of the estimator.
Instead of using constant power white dither noise added to the control input, the dual
version uses a second criterion for acceleration of the parameter estimation process
by maximizing the predictive errors value. This criterion consists in minimizing the
second cost functional given by
$ %
2  2 k
Jka = −E y(k + i) − ŷ(k + i) + α u(k + i − 1) − û(k + i − 1) |O ,

with α > 0. As explained above the aim is to find the minimum of Eq. (3.139) in an
interval k around the cautious control action defined by Eq. (3.137). As such, the
control action is given by Eq. (3.131), with k according to Eq. (3.129), where the
98 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

width of the interval is proportional to the trace of the covariance matrix defined in
Eq. (3.130) and defines the amplitude of the excitation as shown in Appendix E. The
control law obtained by the minimization of (3.139) is given by (see the Appendix E)
⎤ ⎥
u(k) = u c (k) + ϑ(k) sign puu u c (k) + pus
s(k) . (3.140)

To sum up, the algorithm is implemented as follows: Dual MUSMAR Control Algorithm

At the beginning of each sampling interval performed, the following steps are given
in a recursive way:
Step 1 Using RLS, update the covariance matrix, P(k), and the estimates of the
parameters in the following set of predictive models

ŷ(k − T + i) = θ̂i u(k − T ) + ψ̂iT s(k − T ), (3.141)

û(k − T + i − 1) = μ̂i−1 u(k − T ) + φ̂i−1
s(k − T ),
i = 1, ..., T.

s(k) = [y(k)...y(k − n a + 1) u(k − 1)...u(k − n b ) r (k)]T . (3.142)

Step 2 Using the past prediction errors for each model, compute the value of β and
use it to update the cautious control action as in equation (3.137).
Step 3 Apply the control given by equation (3.140) to the process manipulated input.

3.9.3 Dual MUSMAR Control of a DCSF

In the experimental results reported in Sect. 3.8, the startup procedure was performed
with some “reasonable” initial gains obtained by simulations in a plant model or from
past experiments. If no such a priori information is available, there can be violent
adaptation transients that result in poor performance. Figure 3.19 (top) shows experi-
mental results in such a situation, in which standard MUSMAR is used in a DCSF field
with poor a priori information (resulting from a very crude simulation plant model).
On the other way, Fig. 3.19 (bottom) presents the output temperature and the
reference to track when dual MUSMAR is used. The structure used for the pseudo-
state is: 3 output terms (n a = 3), 2 input terms (n b = 2), the actual reference
signal (1 term), the actual radiation measure (1 term) and the actual inlet temperature
measure (1 term). This choice totalizes 8 terms, meaning that 8 (feedback and feed-
forward) gains are tuned. The prediction horizon in this experiment is T = 15, with
the sampling period being Ts = 15 s. The initial adaptation transient is avoided and
the performance is clearly better with respect to the results of basic MUSMAR,
shown in Fig. 3.19 (top).
3.10 Main Points of the Chapter 99


[ C]

100 Dual MUSMAR



9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12
Time [h]

[ C]


150 Standard MUSMAR

10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5
Time [h]

Fig. 3.19 Adaptation transient in the DCSF used with standard MUSMAR (below) and with Dual
MUSMAR (above) with no a priori information about the process dynamics is used

3.10 Main Points of the Chapter

Temperature control of DCSFs raises problems that can be tackled by MPC. The
difficulties to overcome include varying input–output transport delay and significant
un-modeled dynamics that includes high frequency peaks, and is inherent to a finite
dimension approximation of the exact infinite dimension model of DCSFs. When
using MPC based on linear models, adaptation allows to adjust the controller gains to
the working point as well as to other sources of uncertainty. Several MPC algorithms
based on linear models have been successfully used to control DCSFs, two main
examples being GPC and MUSMAR. Both of these controllers minimize a multistep
quadratic cost defined over a time horizon that slides with the current time.
The basic adaptive MPC that rely on linear models can be subject with advantage to
several modifications. The inclusion of dynamic weights allow to shape the controlled
system frequency response and therefore, if properly used, to enhance the stability
robustness properties of the algorithm. Another significant modification consists
of on-line modification of the weights that penalize the manipulated variable to
asymptotically satisfy constraints on its average value. Finally, start-up adaptation
transients can be reduced either by a proper initialization of the adaptation algorithm
(including not only the value of the initial plant model parameter estimates but also
its error covariance matrix) or by using dual version of the algorithms.
100 3 Predictive Adaptive Control with Linear Models

3.11 Bibliographic Notes

The first attempt to design a self-tuner was described in Kalman (1958). The algorithm
proposed combined the least squares estimation of the parameters of a deterministic
linear difference equation with a control law to be selected in accordance with the
application considered in each case. Lack of adequate computer technology limited
the impact of these ideas, although a dedicated analog computer was build at the
time to test the controller.
The successive step consisted in the the inclusion of stochastic disturbances in
the model and the formulation of the control problem as the minimization of the
plant output variance at the earliest sample affected by the current manipulated
variable move, resulting in the self-tuning regulator (Åstrom 1973). In the self-
tuning regulator adaptation is embedded by estimating model parameters with RLS
(Ljung 1983). In the cases in which the disturbance is not a white noise stochastic
process (a situation referred as colored disturbance), a remarkable fact, known as
the self-tuning property, is that, under some conditions, the gains will converge to
the ones that minimize the minimum variance cost. This fact is established (Åstrom
et al. 1977) using the so called ODE method (Ljung 1977) according to which a
deterministic ordinary differential equation is associated to the difference stochastic
equation to be studied. In rough terms, the solution of the ODE corresponds to the
average behavior of the solutions of the difference equation, the equilibrium points
being the same. Applying the ODE method to the “standard” self-tuner (RLS model
estimation plus minimum variance cost) leads to the conclusion that, provided the
closed loop is stable and under a positive real condition, the controller gains converge
globally to the gains that minimize (Ljung 1977).
Since the minimum variance control law yields a closed-loop that cancels the
zeros of the open-loop system, for nonminimum-phase plants there will be unstable
modes. Even when the closed-loop is stable, minimum variance control is too reac-
tive, yielding an excessive control action. In order to overcome the limitations of the
minimum variance control law, a new version of the basic self-tuning was proposed
in which the cost is modified by the inclusion of a term that penalizes the manipulated
variable (Clarke and Gawthrop 1975, 1979), the so called detuned minimum variance
control. Detuned minimum variance control was an important step forward because
the extra penalty regularizes the control variable, providing the designer with a knob
to change the type of closed-loop response obtained.
The resulting control law can be used to stabilize open-loop stable nonminimum
phase systems but, as already recognized in the original work (Clarke and Gawthrop
1975, 1979), is not able to stabilize a plant that is simultaneously open-loop unstable
and nonminimum phase. For these type of plants, one should resort to a control law
based on a cost function defined over an extended horizon. Hence, the idea arose
of designing the control by minimizing an extended horizon cost that approximates
the steady-state quadratic cost. Together with the concept of receding horizon min-
imization, this approach leads to several MPC algorithms based on linear models
(Richalet et al. 1978; Keiser and Vauwenberghe 1981; Rouhani and Mehra 1982;
Peterka 1984; Greco et al. 1984; Sánchez and Shah 1984; Clarke et al. 1987a, b).
3.11 Bibliographic Notes 101

An issue that raised a strong controversy in the end of the 1980s was the problem
of finding a value of the horizon T that ensures stability. This lead to a number
of modifications with various techniques (Mosca et al. 1990; Clarke and Scattolini
1991; Mosca and Lemos 1992; Bitmead et al. 1990).
Several modifications and extensions were also considered, including the multi-
variable case (Sánchez and Shah 1984; Shah 1989; Scattolini and Schiavoni 1992;
Mohtadi 1992), state-space modeling (Li 1989; Elshafei 1995) and soft ( i.e., depend-
ing on the mean value of the variables) constraints (Mosca 1992).
When hard constraints are included, the controller may no longer be expressed as
a linear feedback of a (possibly nonminimal) state and one has to resort to nonlinear
programming numerical algorithms to find the optimal value of the manipulated
variables (Maciejowski 2002). Recent formulations (Kansha and Chiu 2009) allow
to handle constraints in an approximate, although systematic, way. Other algorithms
that incorporate hard constraints in adaptive MPC using various approaches are found
in Adetola et al. (2009), Kim and Sugie (2008), Kim et al. (2008), Maniar et al. (1997),
Nikolakopoulos et al. (2006), Tanaskovic et al. (2013), Veres and Norton (1993).
Filtering and the inclusion of dynamic weights in one and two-degrees of freedom
controllers to enhance robustness is treated for GPC in Yoon and Clarke (1995) and
for MUSMAR in Coito et al. (1997).
A comprehensive exposition of adaptive dual control is made in Filatov and Unbe-
hauen (2004). As discussed in Filatov and Unbehauen (2000), the difficulties in
obtaining exact dual algorithms led to a number of simplified approaches, of which
(Chan and Zarrop 1985; Filatov et al. 1997; Lindoff et al. 1999; Milito et al. 1982) are
examples. An adaptive predictive controller with dual features is reported in Lindoff
et al. (1999). It results from the modification of an optimal multi-step stochastic
quadratic cost by replacing the unconditioned mean with a mean conditioned on
the α -algebra generated by the observations available up to current time. Another
approach solves a bi-criteria optimization problem (Filatov et al. 1997) and yields
an acceptable computational load. A number of industrial type applications of dual
adaptive control are reported in the literature. In Ismail et al. (2003), the applica-
tion of an adaptive dual control strategy to a bent blade paper coating machine is
reported. Similar process characteristics motivate also embodying dual features in
controller as described in Allison (1995), where probing is mentioned to be a useful
way of starting up the controller. The bi-criteria approach has been applied in Filatov
(1998) to the speed control of a thyristor driven DC-motor. The derivation of the dual
MUSMAR algorithm and its application to a DCSF is presented in Silva et al. (2005).


Adetola V, DeHan D, Guay M (2009) Adaptive model predictive control for constrained nonlinear
systems. Systems and Control Letters 59:320–326
Allison B, Ciarniello J, Tessier P, Dumont G (1995) Dual adaptive control of chip refiner motor
load. Automatica 31(8):1169–1184
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Chapter 4
Multiple Model Adaptive Control

When considering methods that can be applied to a wide class of operating regimes,
an alternative to the adaptive controllers described in Chap. 3 consists in the use of
algorithms that rely on multiple models. In general terms, to use this type of methods
the plant dynamics is assumed to be unknown, and possibly slowly time varying, but
amenable to be represented by one of the models in a a priori defined set of models
(the model bank). An important case is when the plant is linear and its dynamics
depends on a parameter, being denoted as the Linear Parameter value (LPV) class
of models Balas (2002), Mohammadpour and Scherer (2010).
In classical gain-scheduling, to each one of the possible outcomes of the plant
model a controller is designed in such a way that, if the controller is coupled with
the corresponding model (or with the models in a subset of the overall model set
that are similar in an adequate sense), then the resulting closed-loop satisfies the
specifications. The adaptation mechanism consists thus of an algorithm that, given
the observations of the input, output, and/or possibly other plant signals, decides
at each sampling interval what model that best fits the observed plant dynamical
behavior. In the more powerful class of LPV-based design methods controller design
is formulated as a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequality (LMI).
The simplest way to select the controller that should be activated is by means of a
scheduling variable, according to a procedure called gain scheduling. If the dynamics
of the plant depends on a variable, or set of variables, that define its operating point,
the controller is selected as the entry of a table whose indexes are a function of the
value read for those variables. As an example, consider a DCSF whose temperature is
controlled by a PID as in Fig. 1.16. If the PID gains are tuned to yield a good response
in an intermediate range of temperature values, as shown in Fig. 1.16, the response
will be sluggish at low temperatures and too oscillatory, or even unstable, at high
temperatures. According to the classical gain scheduling approach, one can consider
three sets of gains for the PID, that are optimized in three different temperature ranges
corresponding to low, intermediate, and high values of temperature. Therefore, each
set of gains will be used depending on the temperature measure at each sampling

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 105

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
106 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

Although gain scheduling proved to be very useful in many industrial applications

it has the obvious limitation of being unable to adapt the controller when the plant
dynamics changes due to causes that were not foreseen in anticipation and do not
depend on the value of the indicator variables. This way of operation lead gain
scheduling to be sometimes referred as “open-loop adaptation”. This limitation is
overcome by supervised multiple model adaptive control (SMMAC).
In SMMAC all the models in the model bank are excited by the same manipulated
variable applied to the plant input. Their outputs are compared with the actual plant
output and the one that yields the least error is considered to be the best plant rep-
resentation. The corresponding controller is then used to generate the manipulated
variable value that is actually applied to the plant input.
When considering these adaptive control structures, several issues have to be
• Since these methods rely on switching among different candidate controllers, one
has to ensure bumpless transfer when switching between the different sources of
the manipulated variable;
• Conditions for stability have also to be ensured. Indeed, it is not enough to guar-
antee stability of the overall system to ensure that each controller stabilizes the
model that elects it since it is possible to switch between stable systems in a way
that results in an unstable time varying system;
• The local controllers have to be designed such as to be robust with respect to
unmodeled plant dynamics;
• Noise and disturbances have to be taken into account when designing both the
local controllers and the supervisor that perform switching.
In the present chapter, we address control based on multiple model algorithms.
We start by introducing classical gain-scheduling and then we progress to SMMAC.
Experimental results with two different types of plants are presented to illustrate the
methods. First, we consider the air-heating fan described in Sect. 2.5.4 for which
detailed experimental results that illustrate several important design issues are pre-
sented. Then, the application to a DCSF is considered.

4.1 Controller Structure

In supervisory based multiple model control, a supervisor decides which controller,

among a number of a priori designed controllers C1 , . . . , C N is to be connected
with the plant to control. Hereafter, we designate the Ci as local controllers and their
ensemble as the model bank. Figure 4.1 represents a block diagram of this type of
adaptive control. When the plant input increment αu is connected in permanence to
one of the outputs of the candidate controllers, a closed loop system is obtained. It
is assumed that the plant can be adequately controlled by one of the controllers, Ci ◦ ,
the problem being to find the value of the index i ◦ .
4.1 Controller Structure 107


Active Auxiliary
controller signals
C1 index

Δu u y
C2 Integr. Plant


Fig. 4.1 Supervised control

In this chapter, we assume that the plant is linear and may change its dynamics
only through jumps of a vector of parameters that define its poles, zeros, and static
gain. Furthermore, it is assumed that these jumps occur only after intervals of time in
which the plant is time-invariant, that are long compared to the plant dominant time
constant. In addition, it is assumed that, for each of the possible outcomes of plant
dynamics, there is at least one controller that stabilizes the closed-loop and yields
the performance that is specified.
In practice, this assumption implies that each controller is able to meet the speci-
fications for a certain range of possible plant dynamics, and that the controller bank
covers all the possibilities. One may also consider the problem of enlarging the model
bank with new controllers when the supervisor concludes that none of the existing
controllers is adequate (Lourenço and Lemos 2008, 2006), a situation that is not
discussed here.
In the diagram of Fig. 4.1, switching among controllers happens mainly in three
situations. In the first place, when the system is started-up, and unless there is some
a priori knowledge about the plant dynamics, the controller employed for the first
time is likely to yield a poor performance. This adaptation transient is perceived by
the supervisor, that will start to look for the best controller, using the algorithms that
are explained below in this chapter. When the “best” controller is connected, if the
plant varies, the supervisor will switch to a new controller if it is expected to yield
a superior performance. Finally, even if a controller is the “best” one, there can be
switchings induced by noise and disturbances.
Switching corresponds thus to adapting the controller to the plant dynamics with
the ultimate goal of improving performance, but it also causes some undesirable
108 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

effects. The first one corresponds to the fact that switching from one controller to
another may cause an abrupt change in the manipulated variable u, that degrades
performance and may be harmful to the plant. Avoiding this type of effects is the
realm of bumpless transfer, for which several methods are available (Hanus et al.
1987; Turner and Walker 2000; Zaccarian and Teel 2002, 2005). In the methods
considered in this book, the bumpless transfer problem is solved by inserting an
integrator that is common to all controllers, before the plant manipulated input, as
shown in Fig. 4.1. Therefore, the local controllers generate only increments αu of
the manipulated variable. Even if αu changes abruptly, the integrator output, that is
directly connected to the plant manipulated input, is always continuous.
The other undesirable effect of switching is the possibility of inducing instability.
Indeed, if the local controller applied to the plant is always such that it stabilizes
the closed loop for a given plant model, it is possible to find situations in which the
overall system is unstable due to switching among stable closed-loop systems. The
supervisor algorithm must thus be such that it prevents these undesirable situations.
Two types of supervisory algorithms are described hereafter. In the first (gain-
scheduling control) it is assumed that there is available a variable whose value indi-
cates the adequate controller to use. In the second (SMMAC) such a variable is not
available and the decision on which controller to use relies on the comparison of
the observed input/output plant behavior with the one of candidate plant models in
a priori defined model bank.

4.1.1 Gain-Scheduling Control

When using gain-scheduling, the active controller is selected at each time instant
depending on the value of a (possibly vector) variable known as scheduling variable.
Scheduling variables define the plant operating regime and can be chosen as the plant
input, output, or state, or some auxiliary signals measured in the plant. Figure 4.2
shows an example of a nonlinear plant in which two indicator variables θ1 and θ2
define five operating regimes, labeled by the integers 1–5, that correspond to regions,
possibly with some overlap, in the space defined by the scheduling variables.
For instance, in a DCSF such as the one used in the simulations depicted in
Fig. 1.16 it is reasonable to use either the fluid flow (that is the manipulated variable)
or the outlet fluid temperature (that is the process output) as scheduling variable.
As discussed in Chap. 2, and in particular in Sect. 2.4.3, both the time scale and the
static gain of a linearized DCSF model are directly influenced by the fluid flow at
equilibrium. As concluded from Eqs. (2.24) and (2.25), the higher the fluid flow is,
the faster the linearized system will be [because the linearized dynamic matrix is
proportional to the equilibrium fluid flow, see (2.24)], and the smallest will be the
static gain [because the static gain is inversely proportional to the equilibrium fluid
flow, as concluded from (2.24) and (2.25)].
One way to design the local controllers for a DCSF is thus to split the range of
the possible variations of fluid flow in disjoint intervals between its minimum u min
4.1 Controller Structure 109

Fig. 4.2 An example of two

scheduling variables θ1 and θ2
θ2 that define five operating
regimes, labeled 1–5
1 2

4 5


Fig. 4.3 Splitting the range of

variation of the fluid flow in a
DCSF to use it as a scheduling
umin u1 u2 umax u

and the maximum u max values. For instance, Fig. 4.3 considers three intervals for
the flow value that correspond to low (between u min and u 1 ), medium (between u 1
and u 2 ), and high (between u 2 and u max ) values of fluid flow and that are labeled,
respectively, as LOW, MED, and HIGH. Each of these ranges of the scheduling
variable (fluid flow) is associated to a local control, labeled respectively as CLOW ,
CMED and CHIGH . When the scheduling variable assumes a value inside one of these
ranges, the corresponding controller is used. For instance, if the value of the fluid
flow u is between u min and u 1 , then CLOW is the controller used.
In a DCSF the outlet fluid temperature can be used as well as an indicator vari-
able since, as explained in Sect. 2.4.3, one is inversely proportional to the other at
Clearly, each local controller has to be designed such as to stabilize the closed
loop, yielding the specified performance, when u is assumed to be constant and
within the corresponding range of values.
If the scheduling variable changes from one range of values, that define an operat-
ing regime, to another, a switching of controllers occurs. In order to prevent a situation
in which switching leads to an unstable system, some conditions must be imposed. As
shown in Hunt and Johansen (1997), in addition top an adequate design of the local
controllers, one must ensure that the plant nonlinearity is sufficiently well approxi-
mated by the operating regimes, that the scheduling variable varies sufficiently slow,
leading to operating points that change slowly, and that the external noise and dis-
turbances are small. Other type of stability conditions, based on Lyapunov function
110 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

theory, are obtained in the realm of LPV control theory (Mohammadpour and Scherer
In order to prevent fast switching, that may cause glitch phenomena in the manip-
ulated variable and, ultimately, instability, one possibility is to include a form of
hysteresis in the mechanism that selects the controller from the scheduling vari-
able. This may be done by ensuring that, between two neighbor operating regimes,
a transition of a controller A to a controller B happens when the scheduling vari-
able overpasses a value H but, if B is active and the scheduling variable is reduced,
there is a switch back from B to A only if the scheduling variable is smaller than a
threshold L that is smaller than H .
An alternative is to use a dwell time condition that means that, once a controller
is selected, it remains connected to the plant for at least a minimum time interval,
known as the dwell time. This is the mechanism used in SMMAC to ensure stability,
as explained below.
In gain scheduling, it is also possible to smooth transitions between local con-
trollers by applying to the plant manipulated variable a weighted sum of the local
controller outputs, in which the weights w depend on the scheduling variable θ. Thus

u(t) = wi (θ(t))u i (t), (4.1)

where u i is the output of local controller Ci , θ is the scheduling variable, wi is the

weight associated to the operating regime i, and t is time. As discussed in Hunt and
Johansen (1997), the weights wi ought to be selected such as to satisfy the following
1. All the weights are between 0 and 1, 0 ∗ wi (θ) ∗ 1, for all values of θ. If θ
is away from the border of the region that define the operating regime i, then
wi (θ) → 1. N
2. For any value of the scheduling variable θ, all the weights add to 1, i=1
wi (θ) = 1.
3. For any pair of operating regimes indexed by i and j that do not have an overlap-
ping region, then either wi = 0 or w j = 0.
Under these conditions the plant manipulated variable becomes either the output of
one of the local controllers, if the scheduling variable is inside and away from the
border of one of the operating regimes, or an interpolation of the outputs of the local
controllers, if the scheduling variable is close to the border of the corresponding
operating regimes that intersect. An Example of Gain-Scheduling

This example illustrates the main features of gain-scheduling in a simple situation that
resembles the difficulties found in DCSF control over a wide range of temperature
4.1 Controller Structure 111

PI controller Wiener model plant

Nonlinearity Linear part
r + + u y
1 N(u)
Kp G(s)
Ti s +

Fig. 4.4 A Wiener-type nonlinear plant controlled with a single PI

Fig. 4.5 Time response of a 6

Wiener-type nonlinear plant
controlled with a single PI.
There is a degradation in
performance when the operat-
ing point changes 4 C
r, y, weights


1 A

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

that have been illustrated in Fig. 1.16. Consider a plant with a Wiener model structure
that consists of a static nonlinearity in series with a linear dynamic time invariant
system. The input u is passed through a nonlinear function N (.) whose output feeds
the input of the linear part, that is described by a transfer function G(s) where s is
the Laplace variable. Figure 4.4 shows a feedback controller of this plant that uses a
constant gain PI controller.
The nonlinear function N (.) is such that it has an incremental gain that increases
with its argument. As such, the constant gain controller of Fig. 4.4 experiences dif-
ficulties when the operating point changes over a wide range. These difficulties are
illustrated in Fig. 4.5 where the reference executes maneuvers in three different oper-
ating regions that correspond to values of the output close to 0.2, 1, and 5. Initially,
the reference is close to 0.2 and, at the instant indicated by the arrow labeled A,
there is a small amplitude step in the reference. If the PI is tuned to a linearized plant
dynamics that corresponds to this operating point, then the response of the plant
output is adequate.
The reference is then changed, driving the output to a higher value, close to 1.
Due to the nonlinearity, the incremental gain is higher and, in response to a small
step in the reference (arrow labeled B) there is now some overshoot. If the reference
112 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control


r wMED u y
CMED x Σ Integr. Plant


Fig. 4.6 A Wiener-type nonlinear plant controlled with gain-scheduling

Fig. 4.7 Time response 6

of a Wiener-type nonlin-
ear plant controlled with
gain-scheduling. The shape
of the step response is now
independent of the operating 4
r, y, weights



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

is further increased to a value close to 5, the mismatch between the controller tuning
and the linearized dynamics is even bigger and the closed-loop becomes unstable
(arrow labeled C).
If, instead of relying on a constant gain PI, the gain-scheduling controller of
Fig. 4.6 is used, a uniform step response is observed in all the operating regions, as
shown in Fig. 4.7.
4.1 Controller Structure 113

π1 2
- δy^1 r
(.) M1 δy -
LPF + y
Switching +



πN 2
- δy^N Δu
(.) MN

Fig. 4.8 Supervisor for SMMAC

4.1.2 Supervised Multiple Model Adaptive Control

In SMMAC the supervisor makes no assumption about the existence of a scheduling

variable that decides which local controller to use but, instead, seeks to take a decision
using the structure of Fig. 4.8 that consists of a bank of N models, called local
models, {M1 , . . . , M N }, whose dynamic behavior is compared with the observed
plant input/output signals.
In a discrete time framework, each local model Mi is described by the incremental
linear model
Ai (q)δ y(k) = Bi (q)αu(k) + d(k), (4.2)

where k is discrete time, αu(k) = u(k)−u(k −1), d is a high frequency disturbance,

δ y = y − r is the deviation of the plant output y with respect to the reference to
track r and Ai (q) and Bi (q) are polynomials in the forward shift operator q, with
Ai monic (a polynomial is called “monic” if the coefficient of its monomial with
biggest degree is 1) and such that the degree of Ai is strictly bigger than the degree
of Bi so that the model is causal.
Let ρ(q) be a Hurwitz polynomial (a polynomial is called “Hurwitz” if all its
roots have negative real part) with degree equal to the degree of Ai . The plant model
(4.2) may then be written

ρ − Ai Bi 1
δ yi (k) = δ y(k) + αu(k) + d(k). (4.3)
ρ ρ ρ
Equation (4.3) the use of predictive models of δ y that are of the form

ρ − Ai Bi
δ ŷi (k) = δ y(k) + αu(k), (4.4)
ρ ρ

where δ ŷi denotes the prediction of the plant output (actually, this quantity is the
deviation of the plant output with respect to the reference; hereafter we will use this
abuse of expression for the sake of simplicity) assuming that the plant dynamics is
adequately represented by model Mi .
114 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

Subtracting (4.4) from (4.3) it is concluded that the prediction error, assuming Mi
correct, is
δ yi (k) − δ ŷi = d(k). (4.5)
Hence, polynomial ρ should be selected so that 1/ρ is a low pass filter that washes
out the high frequency disturbance d. We call ρ the supervisor observer polyno-
mial. The adequate design of this polynomial has a crucial impact on SMMAC
performance. In practical situations there is always a mismatch between all the local
models and the actual plant that is seen by the models as a disturbance or noise signal.
For instance in a DCSF there are high frequency anti-resonance peaks that cannot
all be modeled with a finite dimensional model. The supervisor observer polyno-
mial eliminates these high frequency signal components and allows the supervisor
to make comparisons between the plant and the local models in the frequency range
that is meaningful.
As seen in Fig. 4.8, the supervisor consists of a bank of N parallel predictive
models M1 , . . . , M N that compute estimates δ ŷi of the plant output δ y according
to (4.4), when assuming that model Mi is true. These estimates are then compared
with the actual plant output δ y. For this sake, compute first the prediction errors ei
given by
ei (k) = δ ŷi (k) − δ y(k) (4.6)

and then the performance indexes πi that correspond to an estimate of the power of
ei and are updated by the difference equation

πi (k) = λPI πi (k − 1) + (1 − λPI )ei2 (k), (4.7)

where λPI is a design parameter to be selected between 0 and 1.

For each Mi , i = 1, . . . , N , a controller Ci is designed. As in gain-scheduling,
these controllers are the local controllers shown in Fig. 4.1. In SMMAC, a local
controller is selected by the supervisor to be connected to the plant by the switching
logic block shown in Fig. 4.8. This block searches for the model Mi ◦ with the lowest
value of the performance index. If the controller that is currently applied to the plant
has been in this state (i. e., connected) for at least τ D samples, then the controller Ci ◦
(that corresponds to the best performance index) is connected to the plant. Otherwise,
no switching of controllers occurs.
In other words, according to this algorithm, if a controller is applied to the plant,
it remains so for at least τ D sampling intervals. The parameter τ D is referred as dwell
time. In Morse (1996, 1997) it is shown that, if τ D is greater than or equal to the order
of the plant and at least one element of the model bank is a good approximation to
the true plant model, then the closed-loop system is stable.
4.1 Controller Structure 115

300 350




|| x ||




−300 0
−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
x1 Time

Fig. 4.9 Switching between two stable systems with a dwell time of 10. Left A trajectory in the
state-space. Right The norm of the state as a function of time Example: Switched Systems with a Dwell Time Condition

This example aims at explaining how a time-varying system that results from the
switching between two local stable linear systems may be unstable. Furthermore,
it also clarifies why it becomes stable if we ensure that each local system, once
becoming active, remains so for at least a minimum dwell time.
Consider then the second order time-varying system described by the state-space
x(k + 1) = Ai(k) x(k), (4.8)

where x ≤ R2 is the state and k ≤ N denotes the discrete time. The index i of the
dynamics matrix assumes the values either i = 1 or i = 2, depending on time k,
1.17 −0.22 0.73 −0.22
A1 = and A2 = .
0.44 0.73 0.44 1.17

The index i(k) of the active dynamics matrix Ai is given by

1 if 2 jτ D ∗ k < (2 j + 1)τ D
i(k) = . (4.9)
2 if (2 j + 1)τ D ∗ k < (2 j + 2)τ D

In other words, the sequence of dynamics matrices are A1 during τ D time steps, then
A2 during τ D time steps, with this sequence repeating.
The time-invariant systems corresponding to the situations in which either i = 1
or i = 2 for all k are both asymptotically stable as can be verified by checking that
the eigenvalues of A1 and A2 are all strictly inside the unit circle.
There are, however, values of the dwell time τ D for which the time-varying system
becomes unstable. For instance, for τ D = 10 this system is unstable. As seen in
Fig. 4.9, when the time increases there is a lower bound of the state norm that grows
without bound. This happens because, for this value of τ D , the switching between
116 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

1.5 1.6


0.5 1

|| x ||





−1 0
−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
x1 Time

Fig. 4.10 Switching between two stable systems with a dwell time of 40. Left A trajectory in the
state-space. Right The norm of the state as a function of time

local systems always happens in such a way that the state moves away from the origin
due to the elongation of the state-space trajectories of the local systems.
Instead, for a large enough value of the dwell time τ D , switching always happens
such that there is an upper-bound of the norm of the cost that decreases to zero.
Such a τ D can always be found because, since both local systems are asymptotically
stable, the state vector under each of them will always contract in the long run. For
instance, as seen in Fig. 4.10, for τ D = 40 the time-varying system is stable and the
state converges to zero.
Using mathematical arguments it is possible to find a number τ D◦ , that depends
on A1 and A2 , such that, if τ ≥ τ D◦ , then the time-varying system is asymptotically

4.2 Local Controller Design

Local controller design is based on incremental linear models of the form

δ y(k) = δu(k), (4.10)

where δu and δ y are increments of plant input u and output y with respect to the
working point and A(q) and B(q) are polynomials in the forward shift operator q,
with A monic and ∂ A > ∂ B so that the local system is causal. As mentioned before,
each local system has a different model and is indexed by an integer number between
1 and N . For the sake of simplicity, this index is omitted here both in the system
model and in the corresponding controller.
Each local controller is described by

R(q)δu(k) = −S(q)δ y(k) + T (q)δr (k), (4.11)

4.2 Local Controller Design 117

where R(q), S(q) and T (q) are polynomials in the forward-shift operator q such
that ∂ R > ∂ S and ∂ R > ∂T so that the controller is causal and δr is the incremental
reference to track. Designing the local controller amounts to compute the coefficients
of the polynomials R, S and T such that the specifications are met and the controller
has minimal order. For this sake, several methods may be used. One possibility is
to use LQG methods. Another is to use MUSMAR (described in Chap. 3) with a
plant model and to take for the value of the coefficients of R, S and T the gains at
convergence. Still another method is pole placement.
When coupling the plant model (4.10) with the linear controller (4.11) the con-
trolled system is seen to be represented by

B(q)T (q)
δ y(k) = δr (k), (4.12)
A(q)R(q) + B(q)S(q)

when using the pole-placement design procedure, the controller design problem
consists of finding polynomials R, S and T such that the controlled system (4.12)
has the specified transfer function given by

Bm (q)
δ y(k) = δr (k), (4.13)
Am (q)

where Am and Bm are polynomials in the forward shift operator such that ∂ Am >
∂ Bm , meaning that the specified system is causal, and ∂ A − ∂ B ≥ ∂ Am − ∂ Bm ,
meaning that the open loop plant pure delay may not be reduced (a necessary condi-
tion to yield a causal controller). The controller polynomials may be computed from
the equations

T = B ≈ m Ao , (4.14)

A(z − 1)R + B S = Am Ao , (4.15)

where Ao is the observer polynomial, B − is a factor of B such that B = B + B −

with B + stable and monic, and B ≈ m is a factor of the polynomial Bm of the desired
closed-loop transfer function, such that Bm = B − B ≈ m .

4.3 Example: Air Heating Fan

The temperature control of the air heating fan described in Sect. 2.5.4 provides an
example to explain the design of a SMMAC system. This example illustrates a gen-
eral procedure to characterize the way in which the linearized dynamics varies with
the working point, the identification of linear models and the design of the local
controllers. Important aspects concern the choice of the controller observer polyno-
mial, the design of the local controllers and the design of the supervisor observer
118 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

Fig. 4.11 Experiment to 5.5

estimate the static characteris- 5
tic of the temperature loop for u
one value of the air flow


u, T [V]



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time [h]

polynomial. The reader may adapt the steps described to design a gain-scheduling
or SMMAC controller to a plant of interest to him.
As explained in Sect. 2.5.4, in the plant considered there are two main variables
that influence incremental linearized dynamics. These are the average values of air
flow and temperature. In the example shown these variables are expressed in electric
tension, in which they are transduced, in the range between 0 and 5 V.
In order to assess the nonlinear dependence on the average temperature that defines
the working point, the plant has been submitted to an experiment in which the manip-
ulated variable is made to vary according to successive steps, each one taking as initial
point the final value of its predecessor. As such, the steps sweep the dynamic and
static responses when the manipulated variable ranges from 0 V up to its maximum
at 5 V. Each of these experiments has been performed with the flow assuming a
constant value. Three sets of experiments have been made, with the flow in what is
considered a “low” range, in a “medium” range, and in a “high” range of values.
Furthermore, to take into account hysteresis effects, two successive sets of variations
have been performed, first with the manipulated variable increasing, and then with
the manipulated variable decreasing from step to step.
Figure 4.11 shows the results for one value of the air flow. The approximately
triangular signal is the manipulated variable signal used to characterize the dynamics,
and the “distorted” signal is the output air temperature. The manipulated variable
signal is made to vary as a sequence of step functions, each one starting from the end
point of the previous one, and with a duration long enough so that the temperature
stabilizes in its new equilibrium point, before the next incremental step is applied.
In this way, around the average value of the incremental amplitude of each input
step, one may compute the incremental static gains, shown in Fig. 4.12, and the
dominant time constants of the dominant incremental responses, shown in Fig. 4.13.
As it is apparent from the above-mentioned plots, the dynamics of the incremental
models vary significantly with the average value of the manipulated variable and of
4.3 Example: Air Heating Fan 119

Fig. 4.12 Static gain of 1.2

incremental temperature
models, as a function of
the operating point of the

Incremental static gain

manipulated variable, for
Low flow
three different values of the 0.8
air flow

Med. flow

0.2 High flow

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Manipulated variable [V]

Fig. 4.13 Time constants 300

of incremental models of
temperature as a function
of the operating point, as 250
Low flow
defined by the manipulated
Time constant [s]

variable, for three values of

the air flow 200 Med. flow

High flow


0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Manipulated variable [ V ]

the air flow. For both low and high values of the manipulated variable the incremental
gain is small, whereas for intermediate values it is higher.
The air flow also has a strong influence on the linearized dynamics. As con-
cluded from Fig. 4.13, around the same equilibrium temperature, the system response
becomes faster when the air flow increases.
The above results suggest to represent the plant with six local models that corre-
spond to the operating points located in the temperature/air flow space as shown in
Fig. 4.14 and that are representative of the main types of dynamical behavior observed
in the plant. These local models are identified from plant data obtained from experi-
ments performed around the corresponding operating conditions, and are used as a
basis for local controller design.
Each local model has the ARMAX structure
120 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

Fig. 4.14 The six local mod-

els obtained in the temper- 2.5
ature/flow space. Each dot Not considered
represents the operating point
for which models have been

Temperature [ V ]


Not considered
0 1 2 3 4 5
Air flow [ V ]

A(q)δ y(t) = B(q)δu(t) + C(q)e(t), (4.16)

where t ≤ N denotes discrete time, δ y(t) and δu(t) are the increments of the process
output and manipulated variable around the equilibrium point considered, A, B and C
are polynomials in the forward shift operator q, whose coefficients are estimated from
plant data, and e is a white noise sequence that models the stochastic disturbances
that act on the system. The coefficients of the local models and of the corresponding
local controllers are listed in the tables of Appendix F.3.
When designing the local controllers according to the pole-placement procedure
described in Sect. 4.2, an important issue is the selection of the observer polynomial
Ao . In this case, all the roots of Ao are chosen to be real, positive, and equal, and
in the range between 0 (the fastest observer) and close to 1 slowest observer). As
seen on Figs. 4.15 and 4.17, there is a significant effect of the choice of the roots of
the observer polynomial on the manipulated variable. When designing the observer
faster the noise influence on the output increases. Furthermore, a trade-off has to
be considered in the choice of the observer characteristic polynomial root. Indeed,
comparing Figs. 4.15 and 4.16, it is concluded that increasing the observer poles
(decreasing the observer bandwidth, as the poles approach 1) reduces the effect of
the noise on the manipulated variable (the standard deviation of the manipulated
variable decreases, as seen in Fig. 4.15), but also causes a drop on the closed-loop
bandwidth (as seen on Fig. 4.16).
An alternative is to choose Ao = C, that is optimum in the LQG framework.
Figure 4.18 compares two experiments that use an observer polynomial obtained,
one by trial and error, and the other by making Ao = C.
Finally, Fig. 4.19 shows experimental results when controlling the fan outlet air
temperature with SMMAC. This experiment illustrates the capability of the SMMAC
controller to yield similar closed-loop responses around two different operating
4.4 DCSF Application 121

Fig. 4.15 Manipulated 1.6

variable standard deviation
as a function of the modulus 1.4

of the controller observer

MV standard deviation
polynomial roots





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Roof of the observer polynomial Ao(z)

Fig. 4.16 Closed-loop x 10


bandwidth as a function of
the modulus of the controller
observer polynomial roots
Bandwidth [rad/s]


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Roof of the observer polynomial Ao(z)

4.4 DCSF Application

In order to apply SMMAC to the prototype DCSF considered in this book, the first step
consists of characterizing the local models. From the discussion held in Sect. 2.4.3
about Jacobian linearization, it is concluded that the poles of the linearized system
depend mainly on the fluid flow (the manipulated variable), while the solar radiation
intensity affects only the static gain. This remark leads to consider the local controllers
that correspond to the operating conditions described in Table 4.1, where Csg is a
constant that adjusts the static gain to reflect different solar radiation characteristics.
To each of the local models, a linear controller, designated “local controller”, has
been associated by running off-line the MUSMAR algorithm, described in Sect. 3.6,
122 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

Fig. 4.17 The effect of Zeros at 0,2 Zeros at 0,9

changing the modulus of 2 2
the observer eigenvalues:
fast observer dynamics (left) 1.5 1.5


and slow observer dynamics
(right). A slower observer 1 1
leads to a “cleaner” manipu-
lated variable, at the expense 0.5 0.5
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
of a slight decrease in raise
Time [h] Time [h]
4 4

3 3
MV [ V ]

MV [ V ]
2 2

1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time [h] Time [h]

Fig. 4.18 Comparison of Zeros at 0,4 Zeros at roots of C

manual tuning of the observer 2 2
eigenvalues (left) with the
optimal observer eigenvalues 1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time [h] Time [h]
4 4

3 3
MV [ V ]

MV [ V ]

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time [h] Time [h]

applied to the local model, and taking as local controllers the ones obtained after
convergence is achieved. In the experiments described hereafter, the sampling interval
is 30 s and the dwell time is TD = 10 s. The prediction horizon used for MUSMAR
is T = 10 samples. The value of the penalty ρ on the manipulated variable depends
on the local controller and is shown in Table 4.1.
4.4 DCSF Application 123



5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [h]
Man. var. [ V ]

5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [h]

Fig. 4.19 Experimental results when controlling the outlet air temperature with SMMAC in the air
heating fan plant

Table 4.1 Local controllers

Controller n. Flow (L/s) Csg ρ
of the DCSF considered in
different operating points 0 5 1.00 100
1 5 1.50 100
2 5 0.66 50
3 5 0.33 10
4 7 1.00 70
5 7 1.50 150
6 7 1.50 150
7 7 1.0 100
8 3.5 1.0 1000

4.4.1 DCSF Control with MMAC: Experiment 1

In experiment 1, Figs. 4.20 and 4.21 show experimental results obtained with MMAC
in the DCSF considered. Figure 4.20 depicts the time evolution of the main variables
of the control loop, namely the manipulated variable (fluid flow in (l/s), multiplied
by 10 for graphical convenience), the reference, with a decreasing step followed by a
sequence of three increasing steps, and the outlet fluid flow, that closely follows the
reference. Figure 4.21 shows the index of the active local controller as a function of
time. This index changes not only after reference changes, but also due to radiation
changes that may happen during periods in which the reference is kept constant.
124 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control



Fluid temperature and reference




Oil flow x 10


12.6 12.8 13 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14 14.2 14.4 14.6
Time [h]

Fig. 4.20 Controlling a DCSF with SMMAC: experiment 1. Reference, output temperature and
manipulated variable (∀ C) [fluid flow in (l/s) multiplied by 10]. Time in (h)

From the analysis of Fig. 4.20 it is concluded that there is a small overshoot and a
settling time of about 6 min, that is considered to be very good in this plant.

4.4.2 DCSF Control with MMAC: Experiment 2

Experiment 2 illustrates the adaptation capability of the SMMAC algorithm in

responses to changes in either the value of incident solar radiation or the temperature
reference. Figures 4.22 and 4.23 refer to experiment 2 on the use of SMMAC on
the DCSF. Figure 4.22 shows the reference and the outlet fluid temperature (above)
and the fluid flow (manipulated variable) and the index of the active controller as a
function of time (below). Figure 4.23 represents the temporal evolution of the solar
radiation during the experiment.
In experiment 2, when the temperature suddenly drops due to a passing cloud,
the active controller changes from 7 to 5. The reference increase causes a decrease
in the fluid flow and forces a further change of the active controller, that becomes
4.4 DCSF Application 125

12.6 12.8 13 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14 14.2 14.4 14.6
Time [h]

Fig. 4.21 Controlling a DCSF with SMMAC: experiment 1. Index of the active controller (super-
visor output). Time in (h)

controller number 2. After the radiation recovers its initial value and the temperature
settles down, the active controller index returns to 7.

4.4.3 DCSF Control with MMAC: Experiment 3

In experiments 1 and 2, the index of the active local controller is often 7. Experiment
3 answers the question about what happens when the number of local controllers is
drastically reduced, by keeping only controller number 7, designed for a fluid flow of
7 l/s, that is close to the maximum flow supported by the plant, and controller number
8, that is designed to match the much smaller flow of 3, 5 l/s. From the results in
Fig. 4.24, a significant performance degradation is apparent, with both the output
temperature and the fluid flow presenting undesirable oscillations. This example
illustrates, therefore, the importance of selecting the grid of local controllers so as to
cover adequately the possible plant dynamics outcomes.
126 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control



Fluid temperature





14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15
Time [h]


Fluid flow

Controller index

14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15
Time [h]

Fig. 4.22 Controlling a DCSF with SMMAC: experiment 2. Reference and output temperature
(∀ C) (above), and index of active controller (dashed line) and fluid flow in (l/s) (below). Time in
4.4 DCSF Application 127







Radiation drop



14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15
Time [h]

Fig. 4.23 Controlling a DCSF with SMMAC: experiment 2. Solar radiation (W/s2 ). Time in (h)


Outlet fluid temperature and reference



Active controller index

Fluid flow x 10

13 13.5 14 14.5 15
Time [h]

Fig. 4.24 Controlling a DCSF with SMMAC: experiment 3. Reference and output temperature
(∀ C), fluid flow (l/s) multiplied by 10 and the index of the active local controller multiplied by 10.
Time in (h)
128 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

4.5 Main Points of the Chapter

Since a DCSF is a nonlinear system, its linearized dynamics varies with the operating
point. This makes it difficult to design a controller that yields an adequate perfor-
mance for large variations of the operating point. To tackle this problem this chapter
proposes an approach in which a finite number of linear controllers, that form a
model bank, is patched so as to obtain a suitable nonlinear controller.
In a first approach, this can be done with classical gain-scheduling in which the
controller that generates the manipulated variable is selected based on the value
assumed by a so-called scheduling variable that provides a good indication about the
plant dynamics around the equilibrium point being considered. In a DCSF, either the
fluid flow or the outlet fluid temperature can be used as scheduling variables since
they impose the dominant time-scale and static gain.
When an adequate scheduling variable is not available SMMAC proposes an
approache in which the selection of the controller that becomes active is made by
comparing the observed plant input/output behavior with the simulated input/output
behavior of a set of models in a priori defined model bank. To each model in this
bank a controller is associated such that, if the model is controlled with the model,
the closed-loop is stable and the desired specifications are met. The model that yields
the closest match is then used to select the corresponding controller whose output is
a candidate to generate the manipulated variable to apply to the plant.
To guarantee stability, a dwell time condition is enforced. This means that, if a
controller is applied to the plant, it remains connected for at least a minimum time
interval, known as the dwell time. Furthermore, in order to ensure bumpless transfer
when switching, controllers generate increments of the manipulated variable and
feed a common integrator that generates the manipulated variable actually fed to the
Important issues are the design of the local controllers, the choice of the observer
polynomials, and the number of local models that must “cover” the possibilities of
plant dynamics outcomes.

4.6 Bibliographic Notes

Gain-scheduling started to be first developed in relation to practical engineering

applications, with very little theory supporting it (Rugh 1991). The first work to
address the so-called classical approach to gain-scheduling using a systematic the-
oretical basis was Shamma (1988). See also Shamma and Athans (1990). With
the introduction of LPV systems (Shamma and Athans 1991), controller design
was formulated as a convex optimization problem with LMI constraints thereby
avoiding the interpolation drawbacks of the classical approach (Apkarian et al. 1995;
Balas 2002; Mohammadpour and Scherer 2010).
4.6 Bibliographic Notes 129

There is a rich literature on applications of gain-scheduling and LPV design

methods to a wide variety of engineering systems, including several works that use
the classical approach to DCSF and solar furnace control. In Camacho et al. (1994a,b),
Pickardt (2000) adaptation in Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) is achieved by
controller interpolation using a gain-scheduling approach, whereas Johansen et al.
(2000) uses pole placement to design the local controllers. Classical gain-scheduling
has also successfully been applied to solar furnaces (Berenguel et al. 1999).
An early version of SMMAC was proposed in Lainiotis (1976). Progress in the
understanding of robustness and other issues related to computer control lead to a
renewed interest after the works (Morse 1996, 1997; Narendra and Balakrishnan
1997) that result in many works of which (Zhivoglyadov et al. 2001; Anderson et al.
2000, 2001; Angeli and Mosca 2002) are significant samples.
The experimental application to a DCSF of approach to SMMAC that uses MUS-
MAR at convergence to design local controllers is described in Rato et al. (1997).


Anderson B, Brinsmead T, De Bruyne F, Hespanha J, Liberzon D, Morse AS (2000) Multiple model

adaptive control. Part 1: finite controller coverings. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control 10:909–929
Anderson B, Brinsmead T, De Bruyne F, Hespanha J, Liberzon D, Morse AS (2001) Multiple model
adaptive control. Part 2: switching. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control 11:479–496
Angeli D, Mosca E (2002) Lyapunov-based switching supervising control of nonlinear uncertain
systems. IEEE Trans Autom Control 47:500–505
Apkarian P, Gahinet P, Becker G (1995) Self-scheduled H∞ control of linear parameter varying
systems: a design example. Automatica 31(9):1251–1261
Balas GJ (2002) Linear, parameter-varying control and its application to a turbofan engine. Int J
Robust Nonlinear Control 12:763–796
Berenguel M, Camacho EF, García-Martín FJ, Rubio FR (1999) Temperature control of a solar
furnace. IEEE Control Syst 19(1):8–24
Camacho EF, Berenguel M, Bordóns C (1994a) Adaptive generalized predictive control of a dis-
tributed collector field. IEEE Trans Control Syst Tech 2(4):462–467
Camacho EF, Berenguel M, Rubio F (1994b) Application of a gain scheduling generalized predictive
controller to a solar power plant. Control Eng Pract 2(2):227–238
Hanus R, Kinnaert M, Henrotte JL (1987) Conditioning technique, a general anti-windup and
bumpless transfer method. Automatica 23(6):729–739
Hunt KJ, Johansen TA (1997) Design and analysis of gain-scheduled control using local controller
networks. Int J Control 66(5):619–651
Johansen TA, Hunt K, Petersen I (2000) Gain-scheduled control of a solar power plant. Control
Eng Pract 8(9):1011–1022
Lainiotis GG (1976) Partitioning: a unifying framework for adaptive systems, II: control. IEEE Proc
Lourenço JM, Lemos JM (2008) Predictive adaptive control of plants with online structural changes
based on multiple models. Int J Adapt Control Signal Process 22(8):774–794
Lourenço JM, Lemos JM (2006) Learning in switching multiple model adaptive control. IEEE
Instrum Meas Mag 9(3):24–29
Mohammadpour J, Scherer CW (eds) (2010) Control of linear parameter varying systems with
applications. Springer, Heidelberg
130 4 Multiple Model Adaptive Control

Morse S (1996) Supervisory control of families of linear set-point controllers—part 1: exact match-
ing. IEEE Trans Autom Control 41(10):1413–1431
Morse S (1997) Supervisory control of families of linear set-point controllers—part 2: robustness.
IEEE Trans Autom Control 42:1500–1515
Narendra K, Balakrishnan J (1997) Adaptive control using multiple models. IEEE Trans Autom
Control 42(2):171–187
Pickardt R (2000) Adaptive control of a solar power plant using a multi-model control. IEE Proc
Theory Appl 147(5):493–500
Rato LM, Borrelli D, Mosca E, Lemos JM, Balsa P (1997) MUSMAR based switching control of
a solar collector field. In: Proceedings of the European control conference, ECC97, Brussells,
Rugh WJ (1991) Analytical framework of gain scheduling. IEEE Control Syst Mag 11(1):79–84
Shamma JS (1988) Analysis and design of gain-scheduled control systems. PhD Thesis, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusets Institute of Technology
Shamma JS, Athans M (1990) Analysis of gain scheduled control for nonlinear plants. IEEE Trans
Autom Control 35:898–907
Shamma JS, Athans M (1991) Guaranteed properties of gain scheduled control for linear parameter
varying plants. Automatica 27:559–564
Turner MC, Walker DJ (2000) Linear quadratic bumpless transfer. Automatica 36:1089–1101
Zaccarian L, Teel AR (2002) A common framework for anti-windup, bumpless transfer and reliable
designs. Automatica 38:1734–1744
Zaccarian L, Teel AR (2005) The L2 (l2 ) bumpless transfer problem for linear plants: its definition
and solution. Automatica 41:1273–1280
Zhivoglyadov PV, Middleton RH, Fu M (2001) Further results on localization-based switching
adaptive control. Automatica 37:257–263
Chapter 5
Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

The embedding of nonlinear models in predictive control yields the capacity of

operating the plant inside a large domain while achieving a constant performance.
Indeed, if linear models are used to design the controller, when the reference moves
away from the nominal working point, predictions become poor and the controller
performance degrades. Adaptive algorithms such as the ones described in Chap. 3 can
counteract this degradation only up to a certain point, since they are able to adjust
controller gains tuning them for the new operating point, but they are not able to
cope with the fast transient associated to large references excursions. This motivated
techniques such as nonlinear MPC (Grüne and Pannek 2011).
As already stated, a general presentation of the methods of nonlinear MPC is
outside the scope of this book. Instead, we focus on the class of methods that have
a direct relation with adaptive control of DCSFs. Hence, in this chapter a nonlinear
MPC algorithm for DCSFs is obtained by taking advantage of the model distributed
parameter model given by the PDE (2.5) studied in Chap. 2 and repeated here for
the sake of clarity

∂ ∂
T (z, t) = −u T (z, t) + αR(t) − γT (z, t), (5.1)
∂t ∂z

As discussed in Chap. 2 this system has a bilinear structure since the manipulated vari-
able u multiplies the state. By making a change in the manipulated variable, together
with a change in the time variable, implemented through a time varying sampling
interval, it is possible to obtain exactly linear plant models, either input/output or
state-space models. Figure 5.1 shows a simplified block diagram of the controller
structure that results from this approach. Using discrete models that are obtained
from a time varying sampler the controller computes a virtual manipulated variable
by minimizing a quadratic cost in a receding horizon sense. From this virtual control,
and from the solar radiation power, the actual flow to use in the DCSF as well as the
sampling interval to be used by the clock are computed.
The details of the above procedure are explained hereafter.

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 131

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_5,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
132 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control


Outlet oil
Virtual Oil
Reference control Change flow temperature
Controller of variable DCSF


Fig. 5.1 Structure of nonlinear MPC with time varying sampling

5.1 Warped Time Output Prediction Models

As shown in Sect. 2.3, the solution of (5.1) can be approximated by ( 2.13) that, in
terms of the fluid flow F and assuming γ = 0, is written for a generic α as
⎛ ⎝
T (z, t + α) = T z− F(t)α, t + αR(t)α. (5.2)

In order to motivate the use of a variable sampling time period, recall Sect. 2.2.3.
In the (idealized) situation in which there is neither heating by the sun (α = 0) nor
losses (γ = 0) the temperature distribution in the pipe evolves in time such that it is
constant along the characteristic lines given by the locus in the plane [z, t] defined by

z = zo + F(σ)dσ, (5.3)

where z 0 is any value in the interval [0, L]. If the fluid flow is constant, the char-
acteristic curves are straight lines. Consider the “warped” timescale τ related with
“physical” time t by
τ= F(σ)dσ, (5.4)

where F0 is a constant with dimensions of flow or, equivalently, by

dτ F(t)
= . (5.5)
dt F0
5.1 Warped Time Output Prediction Models 133

Fig. 5.2 Example of a t

characteristic line showing
that constant sampling in tk
the space variable z implies tk-1
varying sampling in the time
variable t tk-2

z=0 z=L z
Tin x1 x2 xn-2 xn-1 y=xn

Let the active part of the pipe, that is to say, the part between z = 0 and z = L be
divided in n segments of length δ. As shown in Fig. 5.2 the fluid element in the first
segment will exactly exit the pipe after n time sampling periods only if a varying
sampling interval in time is used. Since in the timescale τ the characteristic curves
become straight lines and samples equally spaced in space correspond to samples
equally spaced in time, it is natural to consider time scaling in this warped scale.
Therefore, considering (5.3), the time sampling interval αk (that may vary with the
discrete-time epoch k) given by

αk = tk+1 − tk (5.6)

is computed from

αk = , (5.7)
F(tk )

where it is assumed that the fluid flow is kept constant in the interval [tk , tk+1 ].
Equation (5.7) means that the sampling interval is chosen such that, during it, the
fluid in each pipe volume of length δ is transferred to the following volume ele-
ment. Actually, (5.7) and (5.7) are a way of implementing an approximation to the
transformed timescale defined by (5.4). With the sampling defined by (5.7) the fluid
contained in the first volume element at time tk−n will exit the pipe exactly after n
samples, at the continuous time instant given by
134 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

tk = tk−n + αk−i . (5.8)

Iterated application of (5.2), with αk defined by (5.6, 5.7) yields for the outlet
fluid temperature
⎠  ⎠ 

1 ⎞
T L , tk−n + αk−i =T L− F(tk−i )αk−i , tk−n (5.9)
i=1 i=1

+α R(tk−i )αk−i .

Since the sampling is made such that (5.7) holds, it follows that

F(tk−i )αk−i = L A f (5.10)

and, considering (5.8), (5.9) becomes

T (L , tk ) = T (0, tk−n ) + α R(tk−i )αk−i . (5.11)


Tin (k − n) = T (0, tk−n )

Tout (k) = T (L , tk )

denote the fluid temperature, respectively, at the input and at the output of the active
part of the pipe and take as manipulated variable u the inverse of the flow multiplied
by A f δ
◦ Afδ
u(k) = . (5.12)
F(tk )

From the above choices and the fact that the sampling interval verifies (5.7), it is
concluded that model (5.11) can be written as

Tout (k) = α R(k − i)u(k − i) + βTin (k − n). (5.13)

Since only discrete times are considered, for simplicity of notation R(k − i) denotes
R(tk−i ). The parameter β has been inserted to take into account losses.
5.1 Warped Time Output Prediction Models 135

1 0
0.2 n=10 10

−0.2 n=10
−0.4 −2
−1 −3
10 −1
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0
10 10
Real Normalized frequency

Fig. 5.3 Pole/zero map and frequency response of the warped time DCSF model, with the active
part of the pipe divided into n = 10 segments, showing anti-resonant peaks

Equation (5.13) provides a predictive model and will be used as a basis for nonlin-
ear predictive control design. It is remarked that, assuming no losses (β = 1) and a
constant radiation R, Eq. (5.13) defines a finite-impulse response (FIR) linear model.
For illustrative purposes, Fig. 5.3 shows the pole-zero map of the resulting transfer
function and the corresponding frequency response, when the number of elements
in which the pipe is divided is n = 10. As seen, there are anti-resonant peaks due
to the zeros over the unit circle. Although for a different situation (because here the
linear model stems in an exact way from a “warped” timescale and not from Jacobian
linearization) this is in relation with the results of Berenguel and Camacho (1996),
Meaburn and Hughes (1994). A relation may also be established with Chap. 6 in
which the internal dynamics resulting from feedback linearization is shown to be

5.2 Output-Based Predictive Control

The control law to consider in this chapter is designed so as to minimize in a receding
horizon sense the quadratic cost deterministic functional given by

⎡ ⎢2

Jk = Tout (k + j) − Tout (k + j) , (5.14)

where T (integer) is the prediction horizon and Tout ∗ is the reference to track.
From (5.13) it is seen that the outlet fluid temperature along the prediction horizon
verifies the following predictive model:
136 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

Tout (k + i) = α R(k + j − 1)u(k + j − 1)

+α R(k + j − 1)u(k + i − j) + βTin (k + i − n), i = 1, . . . , T.

The prediction of the outlet fluid temperature depends on the future values of the
solar radiation R and of the manipulated variable u. If the horizon is such that T → n
there is no dependency on the future values of the inlet fluid temperature Tin because,
with the time sampling used, an element of fluid that enters the active part needs n
discrete time periods to reach the output.
It is shown in Appendix F.1 that, by inserting (5.15) in the cost (5.14) and minimiz-
ing Jk with respect to u(k), assuming that u and the solar radiation R are constants
along the prediction horizon, results in
⎤ T
1 ⎞ ⎥ ⎦

u(k) = ⎣T i Tout (k + i) − βTin (k − n + i) (5.16)
αR(k) i=1 i

T ⎞
−α i× R(k + i − j)u(k + i − j)
i=1 j=i+1

The minimization of (5.14) is performed using a receding horizon strategy according

to which, of the whole sequence of samples of u defined along the prediction horizon
that minimize Jk , only the first, given by (5.16) is actually applied to the plant input
at time k, the whole optimization procedure being repeated in the next sampling
The following WARTIC-i/o (WARped TIme Controller-based on i/o model) algo-
rithm (Silva et al. 2003a) summarizes the control strategy just described:

WARTIC-i/o algorithm.
At the beginning of each sampling interval, recursively execute the following
1. On the basis of plant measurements, estimate by RLS the parameters α and β in
the model (5.13).
2. Compute the virtual manipulated variable u(k) by (5.16).
3. Compute the fluid flow to apply to the plant by (5.12).
4. Compute the duration of the sampling interval during which the flow obtained in
the previous step is applied to the plant by

αk = u(k). (5.17)

5.2 Output-Based Predictive Control 137


Tout [C] 280



13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5

Fluid flow [l/s]

13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5
Time [h]

Fig. 5.4 Experimental results with WARTIC-i/o. Fluid outlet temperature and reference (above)
and fluid flow (below)

This algorithm is mainly a feedforward algorithm that compensates by anticipa-

tion the effect of the two main accessible disturbances that affect the DCSF: Solar
radiation and inlet fluid temperature. As such, WARTIC-i/o has the advantages of
feedforward (fast response), but the drawback of having feedback only through the
estimation of parameters α and β. The algorithm WARTIC-state, to be explained in
the next section, overcomes this inconvenient.

5.2.1 Experimental Results with WARTIC-i/o

Figures 5.4 through 5.6 show an example of applying WARTIC-i/o to the DCSF
used as a prototype for experiment . The controller is configured using T = 9
and n = 10. Figure 5.4 shows the fluid outlet temperature superimposed on the
reference (above) and the fluid flow (below). It is remarked that fluid flow is an
image of the sampling period that varies in time according to (5.7). Figure 5.5 shows
the accessible disturbances, respectively, the solar radiation power (above) and the
inlet fluid temperature (below). The inlet fluid temperature is approximately constant,
while solar radiation power changes according to daytime, with fast fluctuations due
to scattered atmospheric moisture, but without fast and strong changes due to passing
clouds. Finally, Fig. 5.6 shows the evolution of the estimates of the coefficients α and
138 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control


Rad [W/m2]


13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5


T [C]




13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5
Time [h]

Fig. 5.5 Experimental results with WARTIC-i/o. Solar radiation (above) and fluid inlet temperature




13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5





13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5
Time [h]

Fig. 5.6 Experimental results with WARTIC-i/o. Parameter estimates

5.2 Output-Based Predictive Control 139

β of the time warped-discrete model (5.13). While α is approximately constant, with

changes less than 10 % of its nominal value, β presents larger variations that are close
to the sampling interval (compare the graphic for β with the graphic for the flow that is
proportional to the sampling time), a fact that can be anticipated by relating β with γ.
The most significant issue illustrated by this experiment is that it is possible
to apply jumps of high value to the reference and obtain a fast response without
overshoot. In Fig. 5.4 a jump of 40 ≤ C with no overshoot and a settling time of about
12 min is observed. This type of performance is typical of control design methods
that explicitly take into consideration the nonlinear distributed dynamics of DCSFs.
For instance in Johansen and Storaa (2002) experimental results including a jump of
30 ≤ C are reported.

5.3 State-Based Predictive Control

An adaptive nonlinear MPC control algorithm based on state-space models is now

explained. Again nonuniform sampling depending on the fluid flow allows to obtain
an exactly linear state-space model in discrete time.

5.3.1 Linear State-Space Model Based on Nonuniform Sampling

In order to obtain a nonlinear MPC algorithm based on state feedback, the state
that consists of the temperature at the end of each of the n elements of the pipe is
considered. More specifically the state variables are defined by

xi (t) = T (iδ, t) (5.18)

for i = 1, . . . , n. This is the state defined in Sect. 2.4 and corresponds to the nodes of
the grid shown in Fig. 2.8. The difference in the state-space model considered here
to the one in Sect. 2.4 is that, here, we take advantage of the time varying sampling
defined by (5.7) in order to obtain a linear discrete time state-space model. It is
stressed that linearity is achieved not by any form of Jacobian approximation but by
a nonlinear transform applied to the model.
By using similar arguments as employed to deduce (5.13) and considering the
sampling defined by (5.7) it is possible to show that the different state variables are
related by
x j (k + 1) = βx j−1 (k) + αRav (k)αk , (5.19)

where Rav (k) is the average solar radiation power received during the sampling
interval between tk and tk+1 , given by
140 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

Rav (k) = R(σ)dσ. (5.20)

Using (5.7), Eq. (5.19) can be written as

x j (k + 1) = βx j−1 (k) + α A f δ , j = 1, . . . , n. (5.21)

Furthermore, define the output

y(k) = xn (k) = T (L , tk ), (5.22)

the accessible disturbance input given by the inlet fluid temperature

d(k) = x0 (k) = T (0, tk ) (5.23)

and the virtual manipulated variable

Rav (k)
u(k) = α A f δ . (5.24)
⎡ ⎢T
The state vector x = x1 (k) . . . xn (k) satisfies thus the linear model with
dynamical equation

x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + Dd(k) (5.25)

and output equation

y(k) = C x(k), (5.26)

   
  1 1
0 ... 0 1 0
 ..  ,    
A= β In−1 . B =  . , D =  . ,
 ..   .. 
1 0
⎡ ⎢
C = 0 ... 0 1 . (5.27)

The characteristic polynomial of A is det(z I − A) = z n , where z is a complex

variable that should not be confused with the space coordinate. This specific charac-
teristic polynomial has all the eigenvalues placed at the origin of the complex plane.
The zeros of the discrete plant transfer function associated to (5.25, 5.26) are given
by the roots of the polynomial
5.3 State-Based Predictive Control 141

N (z) = z n−1 + βz n−2 + . . . + β n−2 z + β n−1 . (5.28)

These zeros are distributed along a circle of radius β, according to

z i = βe2πi/n , i = 1, . . . , n − 1. (5.29)

It is remarked that the antiresonance pattern associated with the above pole/zero
distribution is not due to the discretization procedure but is inherent to the plant
structure. The same type of frequency response is also found in the continuous model
(Berenguel and Camacho 1996; Meaburn and Hughes 1994).
The controllability (for u and d inputs) and observability matrices are given by
 
1 0 ... 0
 .. 
1 β 0 . 
C(A, B) = 
 .. .. . .
 (5.30)
. . . 0 
1 β . . . β n−1
 
β 0 ... 0
 .. 
0 β2 0 . 
C(A, D) = 
 ..
 (5.31)
. ..
0 . 0 
0 . . . 0 βn
 
0 ... 0 1
 .. 
 . 0 β 0
O(C, A) = 

..  , (5.32)
 0 . .. 0 .
β n−1 0 ... 0

and hence the system is fully controllable and fully observable.

5.3.2 Control Law

The control law is obtained by minimizing in a receding horizon sense the determin-
istic multistep quadratic cost

Jk = (r (k + i) − y(k + i))2 + ρu 2 (k + i − 1) , (5.33)

where r is the reference to track that is assumed to be known in advance, and ρ ≥ 0

is a parameter that weights the penalty on the manipulated variable cost. In order to
142 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

solve this problem, predictors of y are required. These predictors can be computed
using the output Eq. (5.26) to express the prediction of the output in terms of the
prediction of the state as
y(k + i) = C x(k + i) (5.34)

and then iterating the state Eq. (5.25) to express x(k + i) in x(k) by

x(k + i) = Ai x(k) + C Bi [u(k + i − 1) . . . u(k)]T

+ C Di [d(k + i − 1) . . . d(k)]T , (5.35)

where, for i → n − 1,
 
0 ... 0 0
 0
 
Ai =  ..  , (5.36)
 βi In−1 .
 
1 0 ... 0
 . .. 
 1 β .. . 
 
 . 
C Bi =  1 β .. 0  (5.37)
 
. . . 
 .. .. . . β i−1 
1 β . . . β i−1

 
β 0 ... 0
 0 β2 0 0 
 
 
C Di =  ... 0 . . . 0  . (5.38)
 
 0 . . . 0 βi 
0 ... ... 0

Then, the prediction of future values of the output y comes in a straightforward

way by combining the predictions for the state given by (5.35) with the observations
model (5.34), to yield

y(k + i) = C x(k + i) = C A j x(k) + C Ai− j−1 Bu(k + j). (5.39)

The minimization of (5.33) is made under the assumption that both the control
action u and the inlet fluid temperature d are constant along the control horizon,
meaning that
5.3 State-Based Predictive Control 143

u(k) = . . . = u(k + i − 1) (5.40)

d(k) = . . . = d(k + i − 1). (5.41)

In the appendix G.2 it is proved that the control law is then given by
⎣  ⎣T
i=1 ηi r (k) − i=1 ηi β n−i (k)
u(k) = ⎣T , (5.42)
i=1 ηi +ρ

ηi = 1 + β + . . . + β i−1

The following WARTIC-State (WARped TIme controller based on state space

model) (Silva et al. 2003a) summarizes the control strategy just described:

WARTIC-State algorithm
At the beginning of each sampling interval, recursively execute the following steps:
1. On the basis of plant measurements made up to the current discrete time k, update
the RLS estimates of the parameters α and β in the model (5.13).
2. Compute the virtual manipulated variable u(k) by (5.42).
3. Compute the fluid flow F(k) to apply to the plant from (5.24), by

Rav (k)
F(k) = α A f δ .

4. Compute the duration of the sampling interval during which the flow obtained in
the previous step is applied to the plant by

αk = u(k). 

For ρ = 0 (no penalty on the control variable) and T = 1, the control law (5.42)
reduces to
u(k) = r − xn−1 (k). (5.43)

Inserting (5.43) in the state Eq. (5.21) for j = n it is concluded that, with this
control law,
xn (k + 1) = r.
144 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

Fig. 5.7 Pole/zero map of the

DCSF model controlled with
the WARTIC-State algorithm, 0.8
with the active part of the pipe
divided into n = 4 segments, 0.6 T=1, o
showing the migration of
the closed-loop poles to the 0.4 T=2, x
interior of the unit circle, and 0.2 T=3, +
away from its boundary, when

the prediction horizon T is 0





−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1

i.e. the flow necessary to ensure that the fluid inside the pipe lement volume (element
n − 1) will reach the output in the next sampling period, with a temperature that is
equal to the reference specified.
The choice ρ = 0, T = 1 is however a bad choice since it yields closed-loop poles
that cancel the plant zeros, causing the occurrence of oscillations in the manipulated
variable. By increasing the prediction horizon T these undesirable hidden oscillatory
modes disappear. Figure 5.7 provides an example by showing the closed-loop system
eigenvalues for n = 4 and different values of T . While for T = 1 the eigenvalues
lie over the stability boundary (the unit circle), and in the same position as the plant
zeros, by increasing the predictive horizon T they migrate to the interior of the unit
circle, thereby improving relative stability. Since, for T > 1, the process zeros are
no longer canceled, there are no longer hidden modes.

5.3.3 Observer Design

If the state, given by the fluid temperature along the pipe at points separated by
a distance δ, is not directly measured, it can be estimated with an asymptotic
For this sake, an estimate x̂(k) of the state x(k) (that verifies (5.25)), given obser-
vations of the output y up to time k, can be recursively updated in time by
5.3 State-Based Predictive Control 145

Fig. 5.8 Observer

eigenvalues for n = 10










−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1

x̂(k) = A x̂(k − 1) + Bu(k − 1) + Dd(k − 1) (5.44)

⎡ ⎢
+ L y(k) − C(A x̂(k − 1) + Bu(k − 1) + Dd(k − 1)) ,

where L is a vector of observer gains.

The estimation error x̃ defined by

x̃(k) := x(k) − x̂(k), (5.45)

satisfies the difference equation

x̃(k) = (A − LC)x̃(k − 1). (5.46)

By selecting the vector of observer gains to be

⎡1 ⎢
n T
L= n
n ... n , (5.47)

the characteristic polynomial of the observer error Eq. (5.46) becomes

n n−1 n − 1 n−2 1
P(z) = det(z I − A + LC) = z n + z + z + ... + . (5.48)
n n n
Figure 5.8 shows the distribution of the observer eigenvalues in the complex plane
for n = 10, as given by the roots of (5.48).
146 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control


T [oC] 260


14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7

Fluid flow [l/s]

14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7
Time [h]

Fig. 5.9 WARTIC-State algorithm. Experiment 1. Response to a temperature step for T = 8.

Experimental results for the outlet fluid temperature and reference (above) and fluid flow (below)

5.3.4 Experimental Results with WARTIC-State

Figures 5.9 until 5.11 show experimental results obtained with the WARTIC-state
algorithm in a DCSF.
An important practical issue is how to select the number n of pipe segments.
Together with the range of allowed flows, this parameter establishes the sampling
period range. In the DCSF used the total volume V of the active part of the pipe
is approximately 1,800 l. The minimum value of the flow is Fmin = 2 l/s and the
maximum is Fmax = 10 l/s. A value of n = 20 was chosen in order to get a sampling
period between

1 V 1 V
αmin = = 9 s and αmax = = 45 s
Fmax n Fmin n

In other works performed with the same plant, the values of the sampling period
range between 15 and 35 s.
Figure 5.9 documents experiment 1 with WARTIC-State and shows results
obtained with T = 8. From the plot it is observed that there are strong oscilla-
tions in the value of flow that are not reflected in the output, corresponding to an
unobservable mode. This undesirable effect is due to the cancelation of antireso-
nance zeros by the controller poles and, as shown by the subsequent example, can
be avoided by increasing the prediction horizon T .
5.3 State-Based Predictive Control 147

[oC] 255


14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9

Fluid flow [l/s]

14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9
Time [h]

Fig. 5.10 WARTIC-State algorithm. Experiment 2. Outlet fluid temperature and reference (above)
and fluid flow for T = 16. Experimental results

Experiment 2 with WARTIC-State is documented in Figs. 5.10 and 5.11. In this

experiment, the prediction horizon has been increased to T = 16. Figure 5.10
represents the time evolution of the outlet fluid temperature superimposed on the
reference to track and the fluid flow. With this configuration of the controller the fluid
temperature is able to change 15 ≤ C in just 6 min. Furthermore, the outflow presents
almost no oscillations. The controller is able to perform the required maneuver by
taking advantage of the knowledge of the dominant plant dynamics that is embedded
in the change in timescale. Furthermore, the use of an extended horizon allows an
adequate compensation of the antiresonant peaks in the frequency response, while
avoiding the cancelation of the process zeros.
Figure 5.11 shows the estimates of the fluid temperature, in points along the pipe,
computed by the state observer.

5.4 Moisture Control

In order to illustrate the nonlinear predictive control design approach in a different
plant, consider the moisture drying plant described in Sect. 2.5.1. Figure 5.12 shows
simulation results with T = 3 and T = 9. In both cases the number of segments
in the space discretization of the conveyor belt is n = 10. The moisture content
at the feeding point, W (0, k), is initially equal to 0.5 and it is then made to vary,
thereby inducing a disturbance. The desired value for the outlet moisture content is
W (L , k) = 0.1, where L is the length of the conveyor belt.
148 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control





T , x (i=1:10), T






160 in
14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9
Time [h]

Fig. 5.11 WARTIC-State algorithm. Experiment 2. Estimated temperatures along the pipe for
T = 16

n=10; T=3 n=10; T=9

0.8 0.8
y(0,k), y(L,k)

y(0,k), y(L,k)

0.6 y(0,k) 0.6 y(0,k)

0.4 0.4
0.2 y(L,k) 0.2 y(L,k)
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15


0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
k [samples] k [samples]

Fig. 5.12 Moisture control with the WARTIC-State algorithm. Simulation results for T = 3 (left)
and T = 9 (right). In both cases the upper graphics show the moisture at the feeding point (upper
curve) and the moisture at the belt end (lower curve), and the graphic placed below shows the
manipulated variable

Comparing the results for T = 3 and T = 9 it is concluded that the increase in

T eliminates the oscillation in the manipulated variable, a situation much similar to
the one observed in the control of the DCSF with WARTIC-State presented in the
previous section.
5.5 Main Points of the Chapter 149

5.5 Main Points of the Chapter

The definition of a “warped” timescale in the DCSF model, together with the redefi-
nition of the manipulated variable, yields a transformed model that is exactly linear.
Using this linear model, the machinery of linear predictive control can then be used
to yield controllers in closed form that minimize a quadratic cost. Two types of con-
trollers are considered, depending on the type of model employed. For input/output
models a FIR linear model is obtained. In this case, the resulting controller has the
drawback of being a pure feedforward controller. Instead, the state-space formula-
tion yields a feedback/feedforward controller. In both cases it is possible to make
sudden jumps of the reference without overshoot. Internal modes, associated to the
fluid temperature along the pipe may be highly oscillatory, but the increase of the
control horizon prevents this undesirable effect.
In addition to the control of a DCSF, for which experimental data is shown, the
same technique is used to control a moisture drying plant.

5.6 Bibliographic Notes

The idea of making a time normalization in order to linearize exactly the model of the
DCSF and the use of a variable sampling interval to implement it in practice has been
originally introduced in Silva et al. (2003a, b). The construction of the state-space
model and the associated state observer is addressed in Silva et al. (2003b). After the
change of variable in the timescale, the model becomes linear and the design of the
observer is a straightforward modification of the standard procedure (Åstrom and
Wittenmark 1997) to include the extra input associated to accessible disturbance.
In Pin et al. (2008) an adaptive controller that combines a warped time model with
the unscented Kalman filter is applied to a DCSF that employs molten salt as fluid.
Although the field reaches higher temperatures than DCSF that use oil as fluid, being
therefore close to the thermal limits of the receiver pipes, the algorithm is able to
keep the operating point within the region defined by prescribed constraints.


Åstrom KJ, Wittenmark B (1997) Computer controlled systems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
Berenguel E, Camacho EF (1996) Frequency-based adaptive control of systems with antiresonance
modes. Control Eng Pract 4(5):677–684
Grüne L, Pannek J (2011) Nonlinear model predictive control. Springer, New York
Johansen TA, Storaa C (2002) Energy-based control of a solar collector field. Automatica
Meaburn A, Hughes FM (1994) Prescheduled adaptive control scheme for ressonance cancellation
of a distributed solar collector field. Sol Energy 52(2):155–166
150 5 Nonlinear Adaptive Predictive Control

Pin G, Falchetta M, Fenu G (2008) Adaptive time-warped control of molten salt distributed collector
solar fields. Control Eng Pract 16:813–823
Silva RN, Lemos JM, Rato LM (2003a) Variable sampling adaptive control of a distributed cdollector
solar field. IEEE Trans Control Syst Techn 11(5):765–772
Silva RN, Rato LM, Lemos JM (2003b) Time scaling internal predictive control of a solar plant.
Control Eng Practice 11(12):1459–1467
Chapter 6
Nonlinear Adaptive Control

A possible approach to the control of nonlinear systems consists of making a change

of variables such that they become linear. In Chap. 5 this has been achieved by making
a change in the time variable, that is implemented in practice by the use of a time
varying sampling interval. In this chapter, instead, the same objective is attained with
a change of the manipulated variable, according to a technique known as feedback
linearization. For that purpose, a virtual manipulated variable is defined, such that,
between them and the output dynamics becomes linear.
A linear model may then be used to select the value of the virtual manipulated
variable and ensure that the outlet fluid temperature tracks the reference. Inverting
the change of variables allows to compute the fluid flow, that forms the physical
manipulated variable that is actually applied to the DCSF.
The change of variable that relates the virtual manipulated variable and the fluid
flow depends on an unknown parameter that may vary with time. In order to obtain
an adaptive controller that tackles this source of uncertainty, a possibility would be to
estimate this parameter online from plant data using the RLS estimation algorithm.
However, a different approach is followed hereafter that has the advantage to ensure
stability of the overall system when the controller is based on parameter estimates
(at least assuming the plant nonlinear model to be true). For that sake, a candidate
Lyapunov function is defined in the space of the plant states augmented with the
states of the estimation algorithm. The estimation algorithm is then designed such
that, along the orbits of the augmented system, the total derivative with respect to
time of the candidate Lyapunov function is negative semidefinite. This fact ensures
stability in the sense of Lyapunov for the overall system (that is to say, to the con-
trolled system, including the estimator). Furthermore, using the invariant set theorem
(Slotine 1991), it is possible to conclude that the outlet fluid temperature will tend to
the reference when time grows unbound. These conclusions are valid if the nonlinear
model assumed for the plant is valid.
Thus, in this chapter, an approach is followed that relies on a combination of
feedback linearization and control Lyapunov functions. In the first part of the chapter,
a very simple (first order) nonlinear model is considered. Upon linearization using the
technique mentioned, a single integrator results that can be controlled with a constant

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 151

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_6,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
152 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

Inlet oil Solar

temperature radiation
Outlet oil
Virtual Oil temperature
Linear MV Static change flow
controller of variables DCSF


Fig. 6.1 Structure of the nonlinear adaptive control with a reduced complexity model

Inlet oil Solar

temperature radiation
Outlet oil
Virtual Oil temperature
MV Static change flow
+ of variables

State estimate State


Fig. 6.2 Structure of the nonlinear adaptive MPC control with a higher order model

gain. The simplicity of the model has the advantage of greatly simplifying the design
to better illustrate the technique. Despite this simplification, the conclusions are valid
on an actual DCSF, and experimental results are presented to illustrate this fact. The
block diagram is shown in Fig. 6.1.
In the second part of the chapter, a more general situation is considered, corre-
sponding to the block diagram of Fig. 6.2. The dynamics of the DCSF is no longer
represented by a first-order model but, instead, by a n-th order lumped parameter
model whose state is made of the fluid temperature at points along the pipe. Further-
more, using a bounding technique described in Primbs (2000), Sontag (1998), it is
possible to define a receding horizon controller (RHC) that ensures stability of the
nonlinear lumped parameter DCSF model.

6.1 Feedback Linearization

Feedback linearization is a technique that consists of making a change of variables

such that, in the new coordinates, the system becomes exactly stable (Slotine
1991; Isidori 1995). Depending on the variables involved, there are two types of
6.1 Feedback Linearization 153

feedback linearization procedures, namely input to state linearization and input–

output linearization. It is possible to show that the lumped parameter DCSF model
(2.19) is input to state linearizable only for n = 1 and n = 2. Hence, input to state
linearization is not further pursued here. Instead, input–output exact linearization is
considered hereafter.

6.1.1 Input–Output Linearization

Input–output exact linearization consists of finding a state transformation (that is a

diffeomorphism, i.e., an invertible function that maps onde differentiable manifold
to another one, and the function and its inverse are invertible)

z = α(x) (6.1)

and an input transformation

v − b(x)
u= , (6.2)

where v is the transformed input and a(.), b(.) are convenient state functions (to be
made precise below), such that the transformed system has the form

ż 1 = z 2 (6.3)
ż 2 = z 3
ż nr −1 = z nr
ż nr = v
ż nr +1 = qnr +1 (z)
ż n = qn (z)
y = z1,

where y = h(x) is the system output and nr is the so called relative degree. The
relative degree (Slotine 1991; Isidori 1995) is given by the number of times the output
y has to be differentiated at a given time t0 so that u(t0 ) explicitly appears.
In this transformed form, the relation between the new input v and the output is
an integrator of order nr . The last n − nr equations correspond to unobservable states
and they must be shown to be stable.
Consider now the DCSF model defined by: (2.19) where, for the sake of simplic-
ity and without loss of generality, it is assumed that the inlet fluid temperature is
154 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

T (0, t) = 0. Define the output y by:

y = h(x) = xn . (6.4)

Differentiating the output given by (6.4) one obtains

xn − xn−1
ẏ = ẋn = αR − u (6.5)
and it is concluded from the definition that the relative degree of this system is nr = 1.
The transformation z = α(x) that brings the system to the form (6.3) is thus of the
⎛ ⎞
⎝ φ2 (x) ⎠
⎝ ⎠
z = α(x) = ⎝ . ⎠ , (6.6)
⎧ .. 
φn (x)

with convenient functions φ2 , . . . , φn .

Consider the control law given by:

−L f h(x) + v αR − v
u= = h, (6.7)
L g h(x) xn − xn−1

where v is a virtual manipulated variable. In (6.7), the symbol L g h(x) is the Lie
derivative of h defined by

◦ ∂h
L g h(x) = g(x). (6.8)
Equation (6.7) provides a transformation such that, from the transformed input
v (the virtual manipulated variable) to the output y, the dynamics reduces to a pure
integrator. Once the value of v is computed with an appropriate control law, the actual
physical manipulated variable u to apply to the plant is computed from v by (6.7).
It is remarked that the computation of u requires, in addition of v, the values of the
states xn and xn−1 that must be available for measurement. The measure of xn−1 is
not available in the plant considered for values of n > 1. In general, one possibility is
to estimate this variable. Another line of work, exploited hereafter, consists in using
approximate models.

6.1.2 Internal Dynamics

With the above input–output feedback linearization control strategy, it remains to

show that the internal dynamics (i.e., the states that are not observable from the
6.1 Feedback Linearization 155

Fluid Temperature




0 3
50 2.5
40 2
20 1.5 Time

Fig. 6.3 Example of internal dynamics of a DCSF model with input–output feedback linearization
control. Normalized variables are used

output) is stable. For a DCSF, a convenient way for studying internal dynamics is by
considering tracking dynamics (Isidori 1995). Let the initial condition x 0 = x(0) be
compatible with the reference signal yr (t). This means that

yr (0) = h(x 0 )
yr(1) (0) = L f h(x 0 )
yr(r −1) (0) = L rf−1 h(x 0 ).

Define the tracking manifold by:

⎡ ⎢
Mt = x ∗ M : h(x) = yr (t), . . . , L rf−1 h(x) = yr(r −1) (t) ,

where M denotes the state-space.

The tracking dynamics is the dynamics of the system constrained to Mt . It corre-
sponds to the internal dynamics when the output is perfectly tracking the reference
y → (t). In general, finding the internal dynamics involves computing α that may
require a cumbersome numerical computation.
Figure 6.3 shows the internal dynamics when the initial state is a straight line added
to a sinusoid with a period equal to the length of the pipe. Normalized variables are
used. As seen in this picture, although the input and output temperatures are constant,
intermediate values of the state present a noticeable oscillation. By choosing another
initial condition, a different internal dynamics is yielded. Figure 6.4 shows another
example in that the oscillations have a spatial period equal to L/3.
156 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control










0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 6.4 Another example of internal dynamics of a DCSF model with input–output feedback
linearization control. Each curve corresponds to the spatial temperature distribution at a different
time. Normalized variables are used

The following result that characterizes the internal dynamics of the DCSF lumped
parameter model is proved in the Appendix G.
Proposition 6.1 Let the length L of the active part of the DCSF be normalized such
that L = 1 and assume there are no losses (γ = 1 in (2.15)). The eigenvalues of the
linearized tracking dynamics of the field when the state is constrained by:

ẋn = 0, xn = r = 1, (6.9)

where y → = 1 is the reference to track and n is the number of segments in the space
grid, are placed equally spaced over a circumference of radius n and centered at −n.
When n grows, these eigenvalues approach the imaginary axis. 

6.1.3 Internal Dynamics with Approximate Control Laws

In a DCSF, the change of input variable defined by (6.7), according to which the
physical manipulated variable (fluid flow) u is replaced by the virtual manipulated
variable v, leads to a relation between the transformed input v and the output y
exactly given by an integrator. It happens, however, that in a DCSF, while y = xn is
available for measurement, xn−1 is in general not. Indeed, only the inlet and outlet
fluid temperatures are available for measurement.
In this realm, one issue with practical incidence to consider is plant internal
dynamics when (6.7) is replaced by:
6.1 Feedback Linearization 157





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 6.5 Internal dynamics with d = L/n, corresponding to exact feedback linearization. Normal-
ized variables are used

αR − v
u= , (6.10)
T (L , t) − T (L − d, t)

where d is the distance between both temperature sensors that are assumed to exist.
Figures 6.5 and 6.6 correspond to the situations in which d = L/n (corresponding
to exact input–output linearization) and d = L (corresponding to an approximation
of the feedback linearization law). Each of these figures shows the time evolution of
the state components, starting from a given initial condition.
Start by considering Fig. 6.5. The output temperature, corresponding to the com-
ponent initialized at 1 (i. e., the upper curve) is constant. This is what is expected,
since v = 0 and the relation between v and y is exactly an integrator. The other states,
according to the previous discussion on internal dynamics, present oscillations.
Consider now Fig. 6.6. The output is no longer constant and there is an initial
transient which is explainable by the fact that the control transformation used is now
only an approximation to the linearizing one.

6.2 Control with a Reduced Complexity Model

Motivated by the discussion on the previous section, control is now designed on the
basis of the reduced complexity model

ẏ = −u(y − y0 ) + αR, (6.11)
158 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Fig. 6.6 Internal dynamics with d = L, corresponding to an approximation of the feedback lin-
earization law. Normalized variables are used

where y is the outlet fluid temperature, y0 is the inlet fluid temperature and u is the
fluid flow velocity. This model corresponds to the lumped parameter approximation
2.19 with n = 1.

6.2.1 Feedback Linearization of the Reduced Complexity Model

In (6.11), the optical efficiency parameter α is not exactly known in advance and,
furthermore, it includes modeling errors, being expected to change slowly by factors,
discussed in broad terms in Sect. 1.3, such as dust accumulation or mirror deforma-
tions due to wind. It is thus to be estimated. Let α denote the true optical efficiency,
α̂ an estimate of α and α̃ the error between the two

α̃ = α − α̂. (6.12)

Then (6.11) yields

ẏ = −u(y − y0 ) + (α̂ + α̃)R. (6.13)
From (6.7) with d = L, the virtual control signal v is given by

v = −u(y − y0 ) + α̂R. (6.14)
6.2 Control with a Reduced Complexity Model 159


Temperature [oC] 260



12 12.5 13 13.5

virtual control v

12 12.5 13 13.5
Time [hour]

Fig. 6.7 Experimental results on input–output linearizing control of a DCSF using a reduced
complexity model. Outlet fluid temperature (above) and virtual control signal (below)

This expression may now be used to control the outlet fluid temperature by using a
linear controller. The actual control signal applied to the plant is given by:

α̂R − v
u= L. (6.15)
y − y0

Inserting (6.15) in (6.13) yields

ẏ = v + α̃R. (6.16)

Equation (6.15) defines the static transformation ρ such that between the variables
v and y the model dynamics is equivalent to a linear system (integrator), disturbed
by an input offset with an unknown gain.
Figures 6.7 and 6.8 show experimental results in which a DCSF has been coupled
with the approximate feedback linearizing law (6.15) based on the reduced com-
plexity model (6.11). The objective is to illustrate that, in a DCSF, from the virtual
control signal v to y, the system behaves approximately as an integrator, even in the
presence of strong disturbances in solar radiation. In this experiment, only the lin-
earizing loop is closed. The system (DCSF plant plus the feedback linearizing loop)
is driven by a virtual manipulated variable signal formed by a sequence of steps
with varying amplitudes and duration depicted in Fig. 6.7. As expected, a saw-tooth
like temperature signal results by integrating the piecewise constant virtual input.
160 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

Radiation [W/m2]
12 12.5 13 13.5

Fluid flow [l/s]

12 12.5 13 13.5
Time [hour]

Fig. 6.8 Experimental results on input–output linearizing control of a DCSF using a reduced
complexity model. Solar radiation (above) and the fluid flow (below)

This behavior is actually observed, as seen in Fig. 6.7 (above) that shows the outlet
fluid temperature varying approximately as a triangular signal with different slopes
depending on the amplitude of the virtual control (Fig. 6.7, below).
Some discrepancies are explainable by the error in the value of the estimate used
for α, in accordance with Eq. (6.16). By using a better estimate, as would happen if
an adaptive scheme is used, an even better approximation to the integrator would be
It can also be seen that the sudden reduction in solar radiation, represented in
Fig. 6.8 (above)) is almost not sensed in the output since the actual control signal,
shown in Fig. 6.8 (below), compensates its wild changes.

6.2.2 Control Lyapunov Function-Based Adaptation

In order to obtain an adaptation law for updating α̂ and incorporating this estimate in
an adaptive controller that ensures stability of the nominal model, an argument based
on the Second Lyapunov’s Method (Slotine 1991) is used. For that sake, consider
the candidate Lyapunov function defined by:
⎣ ⎤
1 2 1 2
V (e, α̃) = e + α̃ , (6.17)
2 γ
6.2 Control with a Reduced Complexity Model 161

where γ > 0 is a constant parameter and e is the tracking error defined by:

e(t) = y → − y(t), (6.18)

with y → being a constant set-point. Since the linearized system is an integrator, there
is no need to include integral action in the controller. Thus, let the virtual control in
continuous time be given by the Proportional Derivative (PD) law

v = k p e − kd ẏ, (6.19)

with k p and kd constant gains. Replacing this control law in the transformed plant
Eq. (6.16), yields the following closed-loop model

kp R
ẏ = e+ α̃. (6.20)
1 + kd 1 + kd

For V to be a Lyapunov function, its time derivative must be semidefinite negative.

Assuming a constant set-point and a constant α, use the parameter estimation error
definition (6.12), and get
1 ˙
V̇ = −e ẏ − α̃α̂. (6.21)

Upon using (6.20), this becomes

⎥ ⎦
kp 2 R 1˙
V̇ = − e − e + α̂ α̃ (6.22)
1 + kd 1 + kd γ

The adaptation law for α̂ is chosen such that the term multiplying α̃ in the above
expression vanishes, yielding
α̂˙ = − Re. (6.23)
1 + kd

With this choice, V̇ is negative semidefinite if k p > 0 and kd > −1. Furthermore,
by LaSalle’s invariance theorem (Slotine 1991), all the trajectories converge to the
maximum invariant set contained in the set of states where V̇ = 0, implying that

lim y(t) = y → , (6.24)


that is to say, with the feedback linearization rule (6.15), where α̂ is updated with
the adaptation law (6.23), and the feedback control that computes the manipulated
variable v according to (6.19), the outlet fluid temperature will tend to the reference
(assumed to be constant).
It is remarked that this conclusion applies only to the simplified model (6.11)
that is only an approximation to the actual DCSF dynamics. However, experimental
162 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

results show that the resulting performance is acceptable, and in accordance with
the assumptions made. Indeed, experimental results on the input–output lineariz-
ing control using a constant estimate of the mirror efficiency α have already been
shown in the previous section. Results with the full adaptive controller are presented
Observe also that nothing is said about the convergence of the estimate α̂ to its true
value α. By extending the argument on LaSalle’s invariance theorem it is possible to
show that, if the reduced complexity model is used to represent the DCSF dynamics,
α̂ will converge to α provided that the temperature reference does not vanish.

6.2.3 Experimental Results with Reduced Complexity Control

The nonlinear adaptive control law described in Sect. 6.2.2 is illustrated hereafter in
an experiment in which a feedback linearizing loop based on the reduced complexity
model (6.11) is used and then an outer-loop is closed so as to track a constant
temperature reference while the mirror efficiency parameter α is estimated using
the approach just explained based on a joint Lyapunov function for control and
The virtual control signal v is generated by the following discrete time finite
difference approximation of the PD controller (6.19)

v(k) = k p e(k) + kd (y(k) − y(k − 1)). (6.25)

The manipulated variable signal that is actually applied to the plant (fluid flow)
is computed from v by:
α̂(k)R(k) − v(k)
u(k) = h, (6.26)
y(k) − y0 (k)

with the estimate α̂ updated by the following approximation to (6.23)

α̂(k + 1) = α̂(k) − ka Re(k). (6.27)

A sampling time of 15 s and the following gains are used:

k p = 9, ka = 0.0001/820, kd = 15.

During the experiment the radiation was roughly constant, its mean value of
820 Wm−2 being lumped in the constant ka .
Figure 6.9 (above) shows the reference temperature and average outlet temperature
taken over all the ten field loops. The overshoot in positive steps can be reduced by
using lower gains on the PD controller. Figure 6.9 (below) shows the actual control
(fluid flow) applied to the plant.
6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control 163


Temperature [oC] 280



10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5

Fluid flow [l/s]

10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5
Time [h]

Fig. 6.9 Experimental results on input-output linearizing control of a DCSF using a reduced com-
plexity model. Reference temperature and average outlet temperature (above) and the fluid flow
applied to the plant (below)

6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control

We now generalize the methods of Sect. 6.2 to higher order models. Again, the
adaptive control algorithm comprises three main blocks: A receding horizon con-
troller, a control Lyapunov function-based adaptation rule, and a state observer.
Furthermore, in order to obtain a receding horizon controller that is guaranteed
stable, an extra condition is included as in Primbs (2000). Each of these are detailed

6.3.1 Nonlinear Adaptive Control with Higher Order Models

Define again the feedforward control law given by:

α R→ L
u→ = , (6.28)
y → − x0

where y → is the set-point of the outlet fluid temperature xn→ and R → is the solar radiation
for which the equilibrium is computed. It is assumed that the set-point y → is always
164 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

selected such that y → > x0 , and implying that u → > 0. Let x → be the corresponding
equilibrium state and consider the dynamics of the error

e = x − x →. (6.29)

The dynamics if e is obtained by subtracting Eq. (2.19) and

u→  → 
ẋ → = − Ax + Bx0 + C α R → . (6.30)
The error dynamics is given by:

−A → −A e − A x → − B x0
ė = u e+ ũ + C α R̃, (6.31)

where ũ = u − u → and R̃ = R − R → are deviations with respect to the equilibrium

values. As shown in Appendix H, for ũ = 0 and R̃ = 0 the error dynamics is
asymptotically stable whenever the matrix Ā = − LA is asymptotically stable or.
Since −A is asymptotically stable, there are matrices P = P T ≈ 0, M0 =
M0 ≈ 0 that satisfy the Lyapunov equation

(−A)T P + P(−A) = −M0 . (6.32)

Assume the external signal R to be such that R̃ = 0. In order to obtain a stabilizing

control law for (6.31), consider the following scalar function with P verifying (6.32)

V0 = e T Pe. (6.33)

Its derivative is given by:

αR(t) T T
V˙0 = − e (A P + P A)e + ũ T G T (e, x0 )Pe + e T P G(e, x0 )ũ, (6.34)
r→ − x 0

A e + A x→ + B x0
G(e, x0 ) := − .
Let the control be given by:

u(t) = u → (t) + ũ(t), (6.35)

ũ = − φ G T (e, x0 )Pe, (6.36)
6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control 165

where φ > 0 is a parameter knob. Under this control law, (6.34) becomes
V˙0 = −e T M + φP G(e, x0 )G T (e, x0 )P e < 0 ∀e ∞= 0, (6.37)

M(t) = M0 . (6.38)
y→ − x0

Therefore, V0 is a Lyapunov function for the error dynamics (6.31) when the loop is
closed with (6.35) with ũ given by (6.36), thereby establishing asymptotic stability
when the control law (6.36) is used.

6.3.2 Stabilizing Receding Horizon Control

The above stabilizing controller is now used to build a constraint that ensures stability
in a receding horizon controller (RHC). For that sake, define the RHC for the error
dynamics by solving the minimization problem

min J = e T (τ )Pe(τ ) + γ ũ 2 (τ ) dτ (6.39)

subject to

−A → −A e − A x → − B x0
ė = u e+ ũ (6.40)

V0 (t + T ) ≥ Vr hc (t + T ), (6.41)

in which y → is given by (6.28),

V0 (T ) = e T (T ) |ũ=0 Pe(T ) |ũ=0 (6.42)

 −A  t+T → T  −A  t+T 
= e(0)T e L t u (τ )dτ P e L t u → (τ )dτ e(0),


Vr hc (T ) = e T (T )Pe(T ), (6.43)

where P is computed from (6.32).

166 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

The constraint (6.41) is equivalent to impose to the RHC that, at each iteration,
the norm of the error at the end of the optimal sequence is bounded by the same
norm resulting from the error when u is given by the stabilizing control law (6.35).
The existence of a control law stabilizing the closed loop allows to interpret V0 as
a Control Lyapunov Function (Sontag 1998) and is a sufficient condition to ensure
Global Asymptotic Stability of the loop closed by the RHC (Primbs 2000).

6.3.3 State Observer

When the state is not available for direct measurement, it must be estimated. For that
purpose, associate to (2.19) the following state estimator with output error reinjection,
where x̂ is the estimate of x that satisfies
x̂˙ = − A x̂ + Bx0 + C α̂R(t) + K (t)(y − D x̂), (6.44)
with the measurement model
y = D x̂ = 0 0 · · · 1 x. (6.45)

The observer error dynamics e1 := x − x̂ verifies

e˙1 = − A e1 + C (α − α̂) R(t) − K (t)D e1 , (6.46)
with the observer gain K (t) suitably defined as discussed below.

6.3.4 Control Lyapunov Function-Based Adaptation

Consider the candidate Lyapunov function

1 2
V1 = e1T Qe1 + α̃ , (6.47)

where γ > 0 is a parameter, Q is a positive definite matrix and the parameter

estimation error α̃ is defined as:

α̃(t) := α − α̂(t), (6.48)

where α̂ is the estimate of α.

Ae := − A − K (t)D, (6.49)
6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control 167

Equation (6.46) reads

e˙1 (t) = Ae e1 + C α̃R(t). (6.50)

The derivative of the candidate Lyapunov function V1 is then given by:

2 ˙
V̇1 = e1T (AeT Q + Q Ae )e1 + 2α̃(C R(t))T Qe1 + α̃ α̃. (6.51)

Stability holds if
−M(t) = AeT Q + Q Ae < 0


α̃˙ = −ρ (C R(t))T Qe1

from which the following adaptation law follows

α̂˙ = ρ (C R(t))T Qe1 . (6.52)

It is remarked that, if the pair (A, D) is observable, the condition M(t) ≈ 0 is

ensured by the following choice of the observer gain
K (t) = K0, (6.53)
where K 0 is selected such that −A − K 0 D is asymptotically stable. Indeed, since
the fluid velocity u is bounded above and below by strictly positive values

u max ≥ u ≥ u min > 0, (6.54)

this choice of K (t) yields

|u| ⎡ ⎢
AeT Q + Q Ae = (−A − K 0 D)T Q + Q(−A − K 0 D)
= − M0 = −M(t) (6.55)
with the matrix M0 selected as the positive definite solution of the Lyapunov equation

(−A − K 0 D)T Q + Q(−A − K 0 D) = −M0 . (6.56)

This ensures stability because, from (6.55) and the adaptation law (6.52):
|u| T u max T
V̇1 = −e1T M(t)e1 = − e Me1 ∇ − e1 Me1 ∇ 0. (6.57)
L 1 L
168 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

From La Salle’s Invariance Principle (Slotine 1991), it is concluded that all state
variables will converge to the greatest invariant set contained in the set in which
V̇1 = 0. This set is not empty and, furthermore, from (6.57), it is concluded that
all the points in it are characterized by the fact that e1 = 0. Hence it follows that
limt≤0 e1 (t) = 0.

6.3.5 Computational Algorithm

A computational efficient version of the the adaptive RHC is given by:

min J= e T (τ )Pe(τ ) + γ ũ 2 (τ ) dτ (6.58)
u 1 ,...,u Nu

subject to
ẋ = − (Ax + Bx0 ) + C α̂ R(t)
x(t) = x̂(t)
u seq (t¯) = seq{u 1 , . . . , u Nu }
u max ≥ u ≥ u min > 0
V0 (x(t + T )) ≥ Vrhc (xt + T ))

with V0 computed by (6.42) with x and α replaced by their estimates.

The estimate of u → is given by:

α̂ R(t) L
û → = . (6.59)
r (t) − x0 (t)

Here, x̂ and α̂ are obtained using the state estimator (6.44), the adaptation law
(6.52), u seq (t¯) is a sequence of step functions with amplitude u i (i = 1, . . . , Nu )
and duration NTu . The variable t¯ represents time during the minimization horizon
t¯ ∗ [0, T ].
Once the minimization result u(t¯) is obtained, according to a receding horizon
scheme u 1 is applied to the plant at t +δ and the whole process is restarted, δ being an
interval of time which is at least the time needed to compute the solution (Findeisen
and Allgöwer 2002).
If the minimization is not feasible, than one can still apply to the plant the control
given by:

u(t) = u → , (6.60)

that preserves the closed-loop stability.

6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control 169

Fig. 6.10 Example 6.1.

Reference (y → = 250 ◦ C) 250
and state temperatures

Output Temperature [º C]




0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

6.3.6 Control of a DCSF

In order to illustrate the above receding horizon controller, simulation results of the
RHC described in Sect. 6.3.5 are shown hereafter in a detailed nonlinear model of
the solar field using experimental sequences for R(t) and T0 (t).
The reduced model uses orthogonal collocation with the 3 interior collocation
points z = [0.113 0.500 0.887]. Matrix A is given by
⎛ ⎞
3.87298 2.06559 −1.29099 0.67621
⎝ −3.22749 0.00000 3.22749 −1.50000 ⎠
⎧ 1.29099 −2.06559 −3.87298 5.32379 

−1.87836 2.66667 −14.78831 13.00000

and is easy to check that the eigenvalues of −A/L have all negative real part.
In order to configure the controller, the following parameter choices have been

γ = 1 × 105
K 0 = [15 15 15 15]T
ρ = 1.5 × 10−10

Example 6.1 The first example illustrates the fact that the control law (6.35) actually
yields a stable closed loop. Figures 6.10 through 6.11 depict the corresponding
closed-loop behavior when r → = 250 ◦ C. Figure 6.10 shows the reference, constant
and equal to 250◦ and the temperature at the collocation points that form the state
of the finite-dimensional approximation used. As expected, the outlet temperature
approaches the reference, while the other temperature converge to constant values
170 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

Fig. 6.11 Example 6.1. 4

x 10
Square of the tracking 5
error (e2 (t))


Square error




0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 6.12 Example 6.1. 9

Radiation (×10−2 Wm−2
Flow [m3/s], Radiation/100 [W/m2]

—upper curve) and flow 8

(×104 l/s—lower curve)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

that are lower for lower coordinates of the collocation point (in other words, in
equilibrium, at given time instant, the temperature decreases along space, from the
beginning to the end of the DCSF pipe).
Figure 6.11 shows the square of the tracking error that, as expected, converges
to zero. Finally, Fig. 6.12 shows the solar radiation and the physical manipulated
variable, given by the fluid flow. The solar radiation is the main disturbance acting
on the system, and is measured to compute the physical manipulated variable in the
linearizing feedback compensator. With no surprise, the fluid flow is much influenced
by the solar radiation.

Example 6.2 In example 6.2, two sets of simulations concerning the adaptive RHC
are reported, with different values of the horizon T and Nu selected accordingly. In
6.3 Higher Order Models and Receding Horizon Control 171

Fig. 6.13 Example 6.2(a).

Closed loop with RHC 250
having T = 60 s. Outlet fluid
temperature and reference and

Output Temperature [°C ]

temperature estimates at the 200
collocation points



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 6.14 Example 6.2(a). 9

Closed loop with RHC
Flow [m3/s], Radiation/100 [W/m ]

having T = 60 s. Radiation

(×1×10−2 ) [W/m2 ] and fluid Radiation
flow (manipulated variable
— below) (×1 × 104 ) l/s

Flow q

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

the first T = 60 s Nu = 2, while in the second T = 180 s Nu = 6. Here, Nu denotes

the number of time “strips” in which the prediction horizon is decomposed when
approximating the integral (6.39) by Rieman sums, for the numerical computation
of the control sequence.
Figures 6.13 through 6.15 show the results for the controller configuration with
T = 60 s, while Figs. 6.16 through 6.18 show the results for the configuration with
T = 180 s. Apart from the value of Nu , the major difference between these two con-
troller configurations is the prediction horizon T which is larger in the second case.
As expected, a larger horizon yields smoother input and output signals. Comparing
Fig. 6.13 (for T = 60) with Fig. 6.16 (for T = 180) it is seen that, by increasing
the horizon, the output response becomes less oscillatory. This fact is also true for
the manipulated variable (compare Fig. 6.14, obtained for T = 60, with Fig. 6.17,
obtained for T = 180).
172 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

Fig. 6.15 Example 6.2(a). x 10


Closed loop with RHC having

T = 60 s. Mirror efficiency
estimate, α̂ 11

Estimated Efficiency [ °Cm2/J]


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

The test planned includes a strong and fast disturbance at time 4.5 h, as seen in
the radiation plots of both Figs. 6.14 and 6.17. This disturbance is well rejected.
Comparing the estimates of mirror efficiency α, Fig. 6.15 (T = 60) and Fig. 6.18
it is seen that with the larger horizon the convergence is slightly slower, but the
reference transitions disturb it less, a consequence of the improvement in control

6.4 Main Points of the Chapter

In this chapter, the control has been design by combining three elements:
• A change of variables that exactly linearizes the system dynamics;
• A parameter estimator;
• A control law for the exactly linearized system.
While these elements are also present in Chap. 5, the technique used to implement
them is much different here, in what concerns the first two. Indeed, while in Chap. 5
the variable used to linearize the system is time, in the present chapter it is the manipu-
lated input. Furthermore, while Chap. 5 relies on an a priori defined parameter estima-
tor (recursive least squares are used), without any assurance on stability, in the present
chapter the estimation rule results from a condition that ensures stability of the overall
system. For that sake a joint Lyapunov function for control and estimation is used.
The control law used for the exactly linearized system that results from the combi-
nation of the first two procedures can be either a state feedback controller or a model
predictive controller that minimizes a receding horizon cost. The use of MPC is
computationally much more demanding, a limitation that is not critical given the low
6.4 Main Points of the Chapter 173

Fig. 6.16 Example 6.2(b).

Closed loop with RHC having 250
T = 180 s. Outlet fluid

Output Temperature [°C ]

temperature and reference and
temperature estimates at the 200
collocation points



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 6.17 Example 6.2(b). 9

Flow [m3/s], Radiation/100 [ W/m ]

Closed loop with RHC


having T = 180 s. Radia- 8

tion (disturbance—above) Radiation
(×1×10−2 ) [W/m2 ] and fluid 7
flow (manipulated variable
— below) (×1 × 104 ) l/s 6

Flow q

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

sampling rates used in DCSF control, but has the significant advantage of allowing
to incorporate constraints in manipulated variable computation.
When using MPC, the constraints can be of two types: Operational and stability.
Operational constraints refer to the allowable range of variables (for instante, min-
imum and maximum values of the fluid flow, or of the fluid temperature). Stability
constraints refer to constraints that are imposed in order to ensure stability of the
closed-loop system with the resulting controller. In this chapter, a stability constraint
is imposed on the cost value that results from a controller that ensures stability by
minimizing a Lyapunov function. This other controller forms a kind of “safety net”
that ensures a stable solution to the control problem from which other solutions with
increased performance can be searched.
174 6 Nonlinear Adaptive Control

Fig. 6.18 Example 6.2(b). −4

x 10
Closed loop with RHC having
T = 180 s. Mirror efficiency
estimate, α̂ 11

Estimated Efficiency [°Cm /J]


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

6.5 Bibliographic Notes

Feedback linearization is a general technique to tackle some classes of nonlinear

control systems, for which a wide bibliography is available (Slotine 1991; Isidori
1995). The use of a static feedforward series compensator for the nonlinearity of the
DCSF was first proposed in Camacho et al. (1992). Exploitations and extensions of
these structure have been presented in Cirre (2007). The idea of combining feed-
back linearization with a control Lyapunov function to obtain an adaptation law that
ensures stability of the whole system was presented in Sastry and Isidori (1989) for
general systems. For DCSF control, this idea was first presented in Barão (2002) for
the first-order example, and extended to higher order models in Igreja et al. (2003).
For the use of a Lyapunov-based function controller to impose a stability bound,
see Sontag (1998), Primbs (2000).


Barão M, Lemos JM, Silva RN (2002) Reduced complexity adaptive nonlinear control of a distrib-
uted collector solar field. J Proc Control 12:131–141
Camacho EF, Rubio FR, Hughes FM (1992) Self-tuning control of a solar power plant with a
distributed collector field. IEEE Control Syst Mag 12(2:)72–78
Cirre CC, Berenguel M, Valenzuela L, Camacho EF (2007) Feedback linearization control for a
distributed solar collector field. Control Eng Pract 15:1533–1544
Findeisen R, Allgöwer F (2002) An introduction to nonlinear model predictive control. In : Pro-
ceedings of 21st Benelux meeting on systems and control, Veldhoven
References 175

Igreja, JM, Lemos JM, Barão M, Silva RN (2003). Adaptive nonlinear control of a distributed
collector solar field. In: Provceedings of European control conference 2003, ECC03, Cambridge
Isidori, A (1995) Nonlinear control systems. Springer, New York
Primbs JA (2000) A receding horizon generalization of pointwise min-norm controllers. IEEE Trans
Autom Control 45:898–909
Sastry S, Isidori A (1989) Adaptive control of linearizable systems. IEEE Trans Autom Control
Slotine, J (1991) Applied nonlinear control. Prentice Hall, NJ
Sontag, E (1989) Mathematical control theory, 2nd edn. Springer, New York
Chapter 7
Adaptive Motion Planning

There are many control problems in which the objective consists of tracking
a time-varying reference that is known in advance. The problem can be formulated,
e.g., as a predictive or an optimal control problem (Lewis and Syrmos 1995; Mosca
1995), either in the time or frequency domains, but it always involves, in a way or
another, a model of the signal to track and leads to a solution in the form of a two
degrees of freedom controller structure (Mosca 1995). While in some situations the
profile of the manipulated variable is a priori unknown, there are many situations in
which an input nominal profile to be followed by the process output and/or the state
is specified in advance. In this last case, advantage may be taken of this knowledge
in order to design a servo controller, i.e., a controller that tracks a variable reference,
such as to improve its performance.
The problem is then twofold: First, to compute nominal input and output profiles,
possibly using an approximated plant model, and then to design a regulator that
stabilizes the actual plant trajectory around them. For finite dimensional linear con-
trollable systems the solution to these problems is well known (Henson and Seborg
In other, more complicated situations, such as the ones involving nonlinear and/or
distributed parameter systems, the concept of flatness (Fliess et al. 1995) is instru-
mental in designing the motion planner that yields the nominal trajectory and in
coupling it with the deviations regulator (Mounier and Rudolph 1998). Flatness gen-
eralizes to nonlinear systems the notion of controllability. Indeed, for flat systems, it
is possible to define a virtual output, known as a flat output such that all the process
inputs and states can be expressed as an explicit function of this flat output and its
derivatives. In turn, this function can be used to invert the system dynamics and
compute the manipulated variable evolution in time that steers the process output
and the state from one value to another, along a prescribed path. For DCSF models,
one must resort to the concept of orbital flatness, that involves a change of the time
scale as done on Chap. 5 and that will be considered again extensively hereafter.

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 177

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_7,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
178 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

This chapter is concerned with the design of an adaptive servo controller for
solving the motion problem, i.e., for tracking variable references in a DCSF that are
planned in advance. The structure proposed is made up of three main blocks:
• A motion planner;
• An incremental controller;
• An adaptation mechanism.
The motion planner selects the time profile of the manipulated variable (fluid flow)
such that the plant state (fluid temperature distribution along the solar field) is driven
between successive equilibrium states as specified. This is done on the basis of a
simplified, yet distributed parameter, model and uses the methods of flat systems
and the concept of orbital flatness. In order to stabilize the actual fluid temperature
around this nominal path, a linear controller is used. This control law is then modified
according to a Lyapunov function strategy for incorporating adaptation through the
adjustment of a parameter that conveys the most significative plant uncertainty.
For the sake of easy reference, the dominant dynamics of the field discussed in
Chap. 2 is rewritten again hereafter by

∂T (z, t) ∂T (z, t)
+ u(t) = αR(t), (7.1)
∂t ∂z

where T (z, t) denotes the fluid temperature at position z and at time t, u is the
fluid velocity (proportional to flow), taken as the manipulated variable, R is solar
radiation, assumed to be accessible for measure, and α is a parameter that is assumed
to be constant or, at least slowly varying in the time scale of the DCSF state. In the
initial stage of the design, the parameter α is assumed to be known. In reality, this
parameter is unknown since it depends on the fluid-specific heat, that in turn varies
with the temperature, and on the mirror reflectivity that, as discussed in Chap. 1, may
be affected by unpredictable factors (e.g., mirror deformation due to the wind or dust
deposition). To cope with this lack of knowledge, the true value of α is replaced,
foir the purposes of controller design, by its estimated α̂, issued by an adaptation
algorithm. The length of the pipe is denoted by L. The state of this distributed
parameter system is described at each time t by the function {T (z, t), 0 ◦ z ◦ L}.
The chapter is organized as follows: First, motion planning using the concept of
orbital flatness is discussed for the DCSF infinite-dimensional model given by (7.1).
Then, the same procedure is followed for the moisture control system presented in
Sect. 2.5.1.

7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning

In simple terms, a system is said to be flat (Fliess et al. 1995) if it is possible to find
a set of outputs, called the flat outputs, that are equal in number to the number of
inputs, and such that all the states and inputs can be determined from these outputs
without integration.
7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning 179

radiation, R

Parameter estimate

Inlet fluid
uref (t) temperature
Motion e(t)= y(t)
Planner yref (t) + u(t)
u(t) y(t)
Controller DCSF
+ - +

xref (t)
x(t)=xref (t)+ x(t)

Fig. 7.1 Motion planning-based servo control structure

If the system variables are to follow a given time profile, this objective of tracking
a reference can be specified in terms of the flat outputs, and the above functions
are then used to compute the corresponding inputs. This formulation is, in rough
terms, the motion planning problem (Lynch and Rudolph 2002). For SISO systems,
the planning performed in the above way is equivalent to have an “artificial” output
through which it is possible to perform exact feedback linearization.
Figure 7.1 shows the block diagram of a general motion planning-based servo
control structure (Mounier and Rudolph 1998). The motion planner block computes
the nominal manipulated value u ref that, in the ideal case where there are no dis-
turbances and the model perfectly matches the plant, leads the process output y to
be equal to the desired reference yref . The feedback controller compensates only for
deviations in relation to the planned trajectory (xref (t), u ref (t)) due to disturbances
and uncertainties. Finally, the adaptation block provides an estimate of the uncertain
parameter to the other blocks in order to tackle parameter uncertainty.

7.1.1 Orbital Flatness

Although for the DCSF model (7.1) a flat output is not known, it is possible to
introduce a time scaling such that the system becomes flat (Fliess et al. 1995; Guay
1999; Respondek 1998). Such a system is then said to be orbitally flat. Thus, the
solution to the problem at hand is obtained by introducing a change of the time
variable τ (t) such that, in the new coordinate space (z, τ ) a flat output ȳ is given by:

ŷ(τ ) = h(y(z, τ ), u, u̇, . . .), (7.2)

where h is a function to be found.

180 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

Once the flat output is found, it is possible to describe all trajectories y(z, τ ), u(τ )
that satisfy the transformed PDE as a function of the flat output and its derivatives,
namely, there are functions ϕ and χ such that

y(z, τ ) = ϕ( ŷ, ȳ, ¨ . . .),

˙ ŷ, (7.3)

˙ ŷ,
u(τ ) = χ( ŷ, ŷ, ¨ . . .). (7.4)

Equations (7.3), (7.4) provide the solution to the motion planning problem. Indeed, if
a given shape for the flat output ȳ is imposed, (7.4) yields the input profile that drives
the state y(z, τ ) as required. The use of this technique to perform motion planning
for the DCSF, assumed to be described by (7.1), is explained hereafter.
According to the approach of orbital flatness, consider the change of time scale
already introduced in Chap. 5, where τ is a new time scale that is related to the “real”
time t by
τ (t) = u(σ)dσ (7.5)

or, equivalently,

= u(t), (7.6)
where u is the manipulated variable in the DCSF model (7.1), given by the fluid
velocity. As discussed in Chap. 5 , this change of variable introduces a “natural” time
scale associated to fluid flow that linearizes the plant model, forcing the characteristic
lines of (7.1) to become straight lines.
It is assumed that the mapping between t and τ is bijective, that τ is a monoton-
ically function of t, and that τ goes to infinity if and only if t goes to infinity. The
validity of these assumptions is ensured by natural physical constraints in the prac-
tical problem at hand. Indeed, u(t) is constrained to be positive and belongs to the
interval [u min , u max ]. Under these hypothesis, the “real” time t can be recovered
from the transformed time τ from
t (τ ) = dσ. (7.7)

Since, using the chain rule for derivatives

∂T ∂T ∂τ ∂T
= = u, (7.8)
∂t ∂τ ∂t ∂τ
in the time scale τ , equation (7.1) becomes
7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning 181

Fig. 7.2 Solving the motion On-line

planning problem for a DCSF observed data
using orbital flatness
Orbital flatness
Physical transform Transformed
model model
1 (nonlinear) 3 (linear)

? Difficult Solution path Simpler

Physical Virtual
manipulated manipulated
2 variable Inverse 4 variable

∂T (z, τ ) ∂T (z, τ )
+ = f (τ ), (7.9)
∂τ ∂z

∗ αR(t (τ ))
f (τ ) = (7.10)
u(t (τ ))

is the new manipulated variable in the transformed coordinates. This manipulated

variable is also called “virtual” because it has only mathematical existence, although
its computation is an important step to compute the physical manipulated variable u
that is actually applied to the DCSF.
The use of the model (7.9) with the transformed variables to solve the motion
planning problem associated to a DCSF represented by (7.1) is explained on the
diagram of Fig. 7.2. The direct solution of this problem to get a physical manipulated
variable (i.e., a “real” time profile for the fluid flow) that drives the plant state along
the desired path of temperatures is difficult because the DCSF model (7.1) includes
an algebraic product between the manipulated variable u and the partial derivative of
the fluid temperature with respect to space. In the diagram of Fig. 7.2, this solution
corresponds of moving from block 1 to block 2.
In order to circumvent the above difficulty, the orbital flatness change of vari-
able (7.5) is performed, transforming the original DCSF model to (7.9). In terms of
Fig. 7.2, this transformation corresponds to moving from block 1 to block 3.
Since with this transform the model becomes linear, it is now much simpler to solve
the motion planning problem so as to get the desired virtual manipulated variable f
or, in terms of Fig. 7.2, to move from block 3 to block 4.
In order to obtain the physical manipulated variable, the expression (7.10) ought
to be inverted and combined with the inverse change of the time variable to obtain
u(t) as a function of f (τ ). In terms of Fig. 7.2, this step is the final one, that leads
from block 4 to the desired answer provided by block 2.
In order to implement the above procedure, we start by considering the general
solution of the transform model (7.9). For this sake, observe that, with a boundary
182 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

condition given for z = L, where L is the length of the pipe and z is the length
measured along the pipe, from the inlet to the outlet, the general solution of (7.9) is
given by:
T (z, τ ) = φ(τ − z + C) + F(z), (7.11)

where φ(ξ), with

ξ =τ −z+C (7.12)

and C a constant, is a function that is obtained from the initial conditions that satisfies
the homogeneous equations, obtained from (7.9) by making f (τ ) = 0, and F(τ ) is
a primitive (indefinite integral) of the new manipulated variable f (τ ).
Before proceeding, it is remarked that the general solution (7.11) is obtained by
imposing a boundary condition for z = L and corresponds to a wave that propagates
in time from the pipe outlet to the pipe inlet. Instead, the general solution (2.6) is
obtained with a boundary condition imposed for z = 0 and corresponds to a wave
that propagates in the opposite direction.
Let ȳ(τ ) be a known given function of τ and consider the boundary condition,
relative to the outlet fluid temperature gradient with respect to z, computed for z = L
and given by: ⎝
∂T (z, τ ) ⎝⎝
= ȳ(τ ). (7.13)
∂z ⎝z=L

Imposing the boundary condition (7.13) and considering the definition of ξ given by
(7.12) implies that
⎝ ⎝ ⎝
∂T (z, τ ) ⎝⎝ dφ(ξ) ⎝⎝ ∂ξ dφ(ξ) ⎝⎝
ȳ(τ ) = = = − . (7.14)
∂z ⎝z=L d x ⎝z=L ∂z dξ ⎝z=L

Furthermore, by making z = L = C, the total derivative of φ with respect to ξ is

equal to the derivative with respect to τ (because with z constant, ξ depends only on
τ ), and (7.14) implies that
dφ(τ )
= − ȳ(τ ) (7.15)

φ(τ ) = −Ȳ (τ ), (7.16)

where Ȳ (τ ) is a primitive function of ȳ(τ ). Replacing this expression of φ on the

general solution (7.11) yields

T (z, τ ) = F(τ ) − Ȳ (τ + L − z). (7.17)

The manipulated function f (τ ) is obtained from the boundary condition for z = 0,

T (0, τ ) = F(τ ) − Ȳ (τ + L). (7.18)
7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning 183

Assuming the inlet fluid temperature to be constant, differentiation of (7.18) with

respect to τ implies that
f (τ ) = ȳ(τ + L), (7.19)

T (z, τ ) = T0 + Ȳ (τ + L) − Ȳ (τ + L − z), (7.20)

where T0 is the inlet fluid temperature, that is assumed to be constant.

Expanding ȳ(τ + L), Ȳ (τ + L), and Ȳ (τ + L − z) in a Taylor series around τ we

⎧ L k (k)
f (τ ) = ȳ (τ ) (7.21)


⎧ →

Lk (k−1) (L − z)k (k−1)
T (z, τ ) = T0 + ȳ (τ ) − ȳ (τ ). (7.22)
k! k!
k=1 k=1

The above expressions provide the algebraic expressions needed for dynamic motion
planning. The trajectories are expressed as algebraic functions of the inlet fluid
temperature T0 (assumed to be constant) and of the successive derivatives with respect
to time of the flat output ȳ. Planning is possible as long as the series converge.

7.1.2 Trajectory Generation

Motion planning connects stationary states, for which the fluid temperature along the
pipe is given by a function Tss (z) that is independent from time. Hence, the partial
derivative with respect to time in (7.9) vanishes for the steady-state distribution and
it follows that
dTss (z)
= f ss , (7.23)

where f ss is the equilibrium value of the manipulated variable in the modified co-
ordinates, that is equal to the gradient of the temperature with respect to space, and
Tss (z) = f ss z + T0 . (7.24)

Planning is made such that the temperature distribution along the pipe moves from
the stationary state
T (z, 0) = C1 z + C01 , (7.25)

T0 = C01 (7.26)
184 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

T (L , 0) = C1 L + C01 , (7.27)

to the new stationary state, to be attained at transformed time τ ≤

T (L , τ ≤ ) = C2 L + C01 . (7.28)

An immediate consequence is that the constants C1 and C2 are computed from the
boundary conditions by:
T (L , 0) − T0
C1 = (7.29)
T (L , τ ≤ ) − T0
C2 = . (7.30)
The trajectory generator block produces a reference signal and the corresponding
derivatives with respect to time up to a generic order n. Each trajectory is made of
pieces that correspond to functions that pass by two consecutive way points. This
means that, once the K + 1 way points P0 , P1 , . . . , PK defined, the trajectory is
generated between P0 and P1 , P1 and P2 , . . . , up to PK −1 and PK . The transi-
tion time between two consecutive way points is such that the trajectory passes by
P0 (0), P0 (t1 ), . . . , PK (t K ), that is to say, passes by the way points and at definite
transit times.
The trajectory connecting two stationary states at times τ = 0 and τ = τ ≤ is such
that its derivatives at the beginning and at the end of the interval in which they are
defined are zero. This imposition prevents the use of analytic functions because these
would vanish in the entire interval. Hence, a particular type of functions, known as
exponential type Gevrey function of class α (Rudolph et al. 2003) is used.
Therefore, the profile for changing the flat output is given by:
⎞τ ⎠
y(τ ) = C1 + (C2 − C1 )α yσ , (7.31)
where C1 and C2 are given, respectively, by (7.29) and (7.30), and α yσ is an expo-
nential type Gevrey function of class α, further discussed below, that verifies

α yσ (0) = 0 τ ◦ 0, (7.32)
α yσ (1) = 1 τ ≥ τ ≤ . (7.33)

7.1.3 Exponential Type Gevrey Functions of Class α

A Gevrey function of class α (Rudolph et al. 2003) is a function ασ : [0, τ ≤ ] ≈ R,

the derivatives of which are bounded on the interval [0, τ ≤ ] by
7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning 185

sup |ασ(k) (τ )| ◦ m . (7.34)
t∀[0, τ ≤ ] γk

Hereafter, we use exponential type Gevrey functions of class α that are defined by:
⎣ t
⎡ 0t ≤ φσ (τ )dτ
ασ (t) = ⎣1 0 ◦ t ◦ t≤ , (7.35)
φσ (τ )dτ
⎢ 0
1 t > t≤

where ⎤ 1
− (τ (1−τ ))σ
φσ (t) = e 0 ◦ t ◦ 1, τ= t
t≤ . (7.36)
0 τ >1

The function defined by (7.35) varies monotonously between Ci and Ci+1 . The
parameter σ imposes the rate of change of the transition. The higher the value of
σ, the faster is the transition. The derivatives of any order, computed at t = 0 and
t = 1 are zero. It is also remarked that ασ : R+ ≈ R is a nonanalytical function
that belongs to C → and that y(t) is also an exponential Gevrey function of class α.

7.1.4 Computing the Output Derivatives

Numerical differentiation of the flat output does not provide acceptable results. In-
stead, the derivative of order n of y(t) can be computed from the derivative of order
n − 1 of φσ (τ ) using the recursive formulas

dn y(t) dn ασ (t)
= (C i+1 − C i ) (7.37)
dt n dt n
dn ασ (t) 1 dn ( 0 φσ (ζ)dζ)
= ⎣1 (7.38)
dt n φσ (ζ)dζ dt n

dn ασ (t) 1 1 dn−1 φσ (τ )
= ⎣1 (7.39)
n n
dτ n−1
0 φσ (ζ)dζ

7.1.5 Computation of the Derivatives of a Gevrey Function

Recalling (7.35), inside the transition interval where the Gevrey function is defined,
it happens that
− (t (1−t)) σ
φσ (t) = eu(t) = e . (7.40)
186 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

Defining f (t) = eu(t) , the following recursive formula can be obtained by successive
(n) ⎧ n ⎥ ⎦
n − 1 (k) (n−k)
f= u f , n ≥ 1. (7.41)

In order to get the derivative of order n of u(t) it is enough to observe that

σ(2t − 1)
u̇ = u (7.42)
t (1 − t)

u̇u 1 = u̇ 2 u,
u 1 = t (1 − t),
u̇ 2 = σ(2t − 1).

Upon successive differentiation of this equality, the following generic recursive for-
mula is obtained
(n+1) (n) (n−1)
u1 u + [n u̇ 1 − u̇ 2 ] u + [n(n − 1)ü 1 − n ü 2 ] u = 0 , n≥2 (7.43)

σ(2t − 1)
u̇ = u (7.44)
t (1 − t)

σ(2t − 1) (1 − 2t)2 2
ü = u̇ + + σu. (7.45)
t (1 − t) t (1 − t)2 t (1 − t)

The use of the above recursive formulas allows to obtain in an efficient way the
derivatives of y(t) up to order n, without requiring numerical differentiation where
the error would be very difficult to control.

7.1.6 Example: Motion Planning of a DCSF

Figures 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 illustrate the trajectories generated for the simulated situa-
tion with L = 180, αR(t) = 1 and T0 = 0, and in which three successive transitions
take place between equilibrium states. As previously explained, the planning is ini-
tially performed in transformed time τ . Figure 7.3 shows the temperature gradient,
y(τ ), and the corresponding input, f (τ ), in transformed time. Once the planning is
complete in transformed time, real time is recovered using Eq. (7.7). The relation
between transformed time and real is shown in Fig. 7.4. The planning is then referred
7.1 Flatness-Based Motion Planning 187



0.45 f( )
y( ), f( ) [ºC/m]


y( )





0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Transformed time [m]

Fig. 7.3 Temperature gradient, y(τ ), and the corresponding input, f (τ ), in transformed time

to real time by using the relation expressed in Fig. 7.4 to transform the time scale
and get Fig. 7.5.
Of course, after obtaining t (t) from f (τ ) and the change of variable (7.7) (de-
picted graphically in Fig. 7.4) it is possible to compute the fluid velocity u(t), that
corresponds to the actual physical manipulated variable to be applied to the DCSF.
As can be seen in Fig. 7.5, at each time instant the fluid temperature distribution
along the pipe is an increasing function of the pipe length, with its minimum at the
value of the inlet fluid temperature (for z = 0) and increasing along the pipe, to
reach its maximum at the outlet. The fact that the temperature cannot decrease along
the pipe is a fundamental constraint imposed by the fact that there is not a cooling
mechanism. However, by changing the fluid velocity (or, equivalently, its flow, since
the cross section of the pipe is constant and the fluid is incompressible), it is possible
to change the heating rate of the fluid (since, as discussed in Chap. 2, the highest the
fluid velocity, the smallest the energy accumulated in each fluid element during its
transit time) and hence the temperature at the pipe outlet. In this way, it is possible
to manipulate the outlet fluid temperature by increasing and decreasing its value, as
shown in Fig. 7.5.
It is also remarked that, since the units of u are m/s (because u is a velocity), from
(7.6) it is concluded that the units of the transformed time τ are units of distance.
This fact is not surprising since, as discussed in Chap. 5, the change of time variable
(7.6) renders the characteristic lines of (7.9) straight in the space [z, τ ]. Therefore,
in the transformed time τ , the solution of (7.9) is such that it is constant along lines
188 7 Adaptive Motion Planning


Transformed Time [m]





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time [h]

Fig. 7.4 Recovering real-time t (τ ) from transformed time τ

Temperature [°C ]





150 15000
100 10000
50 5000
Distance [m] 0 0 Time [m]

Fig. 7.5 Temperature evolution in real time T (z, t)

in [z, τ ] such that time is proportional to space. In physical terms (and repeating
an argument already discussed in Chap. 5), this means that, when a fluid segment of
length ρz progresses along the pipe of a length ρz, in transformed time it always
takes the same time interval to do this progression.
7.2 Servo Control 189

7.2 Servo Control

Consider now the design of the block named “controller” in Fig. 7.1. The problem
of tracking a reference trajectory for flat SISO finite-dimensional systems can be
formulated as follows: (Henson and Seborg 1997): Given a nonlinear system of
finite dimension n and state x described by:

ẋ = F(x, u), (7.46)

with flat output

ŷ = h(x), (7.47)

find a controller such that, if xr is the state to track than it generates the corresponding
manipulated variable u r that, if applied to the plant, yields xr .
If the dynamics admits a flat output, it is possible, by a change of variable, to
transform the system to the normal form

ȳ = ν, (7.48)

where ν is a transformed (also called “virtual”) manipulated variable. By computing

ν according to the control law

ν= ŷ r − K ρ ỹ, (7.49)

ȳr (t) = h(xr (t)),
ỹ(t) = ȳ(t) ȳ(t)
˙ . . . ȳ (t)

K = k1 k2 . . . kn ,

ρy = y − yr ,

is the tracking error, the closed-loop error satisfies

ρ ŷ = −K ρ ỹ. (7.50)

It is possible to select the vector of gains K such that the closed-loop dynamics
(7.50) becomes asymptotically stable. Tracking is therefore reduced to the closed-
loop control of a series of n integrators whose error dynamics is linear and given
190 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

by (7.50). Figure 7.1 shows a general block diagram for this servo controller. By
selecting the gains of the vector K in a suitable way, it is possible to impose a stable
dynamics for the closed-loop tracking error.
In the special case of DCSFs, the main difficulty consists of the fact that it is only
possible to write the system equations in normal form in the domain of the trans-
formed time τ . Other difficulties arise when the system is of distributed parameter
type (meaning that it is of infinite dimension and described by ordinary differential
equations), when the output to control is not coincident with the (orbital) flat output,
and due to the technological limitation that temperature is only measured at the outlet
and not inside the pipe.
Under these circumstances, one possibility to solve the regulation problem (i.e.,
computing incremental corrections to the manipulated variable such that the process
output remains close to the reference issued by the motion planner) might be to use
the time scale (7.7), together with the state feedback control law (7.49).
As shown above, it is possible to obtain trajectories for fluid flow (or velocity) and
for the outlet fluid temperature, denoted, respectively, u r (t) and Tor (t). Having access
to these signals, another option is thus to close the loop through a PID controller that
produces a compensation of the deviations with respect to the reference trajectory
(Tor (t), u r (t)). The compensation feedback controller can be designed using, e.g.,
the methods of Chap. 3 in order to obtain variations of either the GPC or of the
MUSMAR algorithms that minimize, in a receding horizon sense, the quadratic cost

Jρ (k) = E (Tout (k + i) − Tor (k + i))2

+ ρ (u(k + i − 1) − u r (k + i − 1))2 |Ok , (7.51)

where Tout is the outlet fluid temperature and k is the current discrete time.
Another possibility, obtained ad hoc but that proved to yield adequate results, is
to tune the parameters K C , TI and TD of a PID controller that yields the incremental
correction ρu of the manipulated variable according to
 
1 de(t) 
ρu(t) = −K C e(t) + e(ζ)dζ + τ D , (7.52)
τI dt

where the tracking error is

e(t) = ρT (t) = Tor (t) − Tout (t). (7.53)

The manipulated variable actually applied to the DCSF is then computed by

u(t) = u r (t) + ρu(t). (7.54)

7.2 Servo Control 191


Temperatures [°C ]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 7.6 Planning for the solar field: Temperatures along the pipe and their references [∞ C]

Of course, the basic PID algorithm defined by (7.52) should be modified to include
the “fixes” required by practical situations, including antireset of the integrator and
the replacement of the pure derivative action by a high-pass filter.
The above scheme assumes that a nominal trajectory for the sun radiation is
known in advance and that the inlet fluid temperature is constant in time. Although
in practical situations there are significant variations with respect to these nominal
conditions, the controller is expected to tackle this difficulty.
Figures 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 show the results obtained with the servo controller
described. This simulation is performed with a detailed model of the DCSF that
incorporates dynamics and nonlinearities not present in Eq. (7.1). Furthermore, dis-
turbances are injected in order to test the servo controller in nonideal conditions.
Figure 7.6 shows the temperatures along the pipe, and their respective references
generated by the motion planner. The references are constant and increase with the
distance from the pipe inlet. After an initial transient in which the plant temperatures
converge to their references, the tracking errors become small.
Figure 7.7 shows the nominal radiation used for planning and the radiation actually
measured. Their differences are a source of disturbances that are compensated by
the feedback controller. Furthermore, at about t = 2.5 h a disturbance of 20 ∞ C was
injected during 150 s in the inlet fluid temperature, thereby creating another source of
disturbance. Figures 7.8 and 7.9 show, respectively, the plant outlet fluid temperature
and reference to track and the corresponding planned fluid flow and fluid flow yielded
by the closed loop.
192 7 Adaptive Motion Planning


900 Forecasted

Radiation [W/m2]






0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 7.7 Nominal radiation used for planning (upper, smoother curve) and radiation actually mea-
sured (lower, noisy curve)

The planned fluid, shown in Fig. 7.9 is the thick line. The fluid flow that is actually
applied to the DCSF normally tracks closely the planned flow, with deviations ac-
counting to compensate the disturbances. For instance, the correction introduced by
the feedback controller is apparent after time 2, 5 h to compensate for the disturbances
injected in the inlet fluid temperature.

7.3 Adaptation

The parameter α in Eq. 7.1 reflects not only the mirror efficiency but is also influenced
by the nonlinear dependence of fluid-specific heat on temperature. Changing the
operating point (as in the servo problem) causes thus changes of this parameter.
With this motivation, the servo control law was modified in order to incorporate the
estimate of α. Accordingly, the control law is now given by

α̂(t)R(t) KC
u(t) = − e(t), (7.55)
f˜(t) f˜(t)

where f˜ is the planned input, assuming that αRnom (t) = 1. Furthermore, the estimate
α̂ of α is updated according to
7.3 Adaptation 193


Output Temperature [°C ]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 7.8 Closed loop: Plant outlet fluid temperature and the reference to track

α̂(t) = −γ R(ζ)e(ζ)dζ + α̂(0). (7.56)

In this way a PI control law is obtained, incorporating at the same time an estimate
of α.
For justifying the above-adaptive control law, an argument based on the approx-
imation of (7.1) by a lumped parameter model is presented. For that sake, con-
sider N points along the pipe, equally distant in space at positions j h, h = L/N
j = 1, . . . , N and let T j be the temperature at the corresponding point. Then, as
discussed in Sect. 2.4.1 , Eq. (7.1) can be approximated by a set of ODE’s of which
the last one is
ṪN = − (TN − TN −1 ) + (α̂ − α̃)R, (7.57)
α̃ = α̂ − α. (7.58)

Inserting the value of u given by (7.55) on (7.57) yields the closed-loop model
α̂(t)R(t) KC TN − TN −1
ṪN = − − e(t) + (α̂ − α̃)R. (7.59)
f (t) ˜
f (t) h
194 7 Adaptive Motion Planning


Pump Folw [l/s]

2 Actual

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]
Fig. 7.9 Planned fluid flow (the thick line) and fluid flow yielded by the closed loop [m3 /s]

Since the planned input is such that

TN − TN −1
≈ f˜, (7.60)
it finally comes that the outlet fluid temperature verifies the ODE

ṪN = K C e(t) + α̃R. (7.61)

From this equation, by repeating the arguments in Chap. 6 based on a joint Lyapunov
function for estimation and control, it is then possible to obtain the adaptation rule,
while proving that the overall system is stable and that the tracking error will tend to
Figure 7.10 shows the detailed block diagram of the adaptive motion planner just
described, and Figs. 7.11, 7.12 and 7.13 illustrate its application to a DCSF.
Figure 7.11 shows the results obtained for the manipulated variable, while Fig. 7.12
shows the outlet fluid temperature and the reference to track. After an initial adapta-
tion transient, the outlet fluid temperature tightly tracks the reference.
Since the computation of the fluid flow u from the virtual manipulated variable
f includes a dependency on the solar radiation (as seen from (7.10)), a feedforward
effect that compensates radiation changes is included. The existence of feedfor-
ward means that, when there is a drop in incident radiation, the fluid is immediately
7.3 Adaptation 195

(.)dt X

Adaptation mechanism
f ^αR
Motion f Tin
yref + Δu
+ +

Fig. 7.10 Detailed structure of the adaptive motion planner




Pump Folw [l/s]


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 7.11 Adaptive servo. Planned fluid flow and the fluid flow yielded by the closed loop with
adaptation [m3 /s]

reduced, even before there is a drop in the outlet fluid temperature. This effect is
noticeable in Fig. 7.11 at about time 4, 5 h, where the fluid is reduced to compensate
a sudden drop on solar radiation caused by a passing cloud.
Of course, this feedforward effect depends on a reliable measurement of the solar
radiation that attains the DCSF. It may happen that the radiation sensor is located
away from the field (e.g., if it serves as an instrument that provides support to different
plants in a complex), or that the DCSF is so large that different parts of it might be
illuminated differently. In this situation, the feedback controller is expected to tackle
196 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

Output Temperature [°C ]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 7.12 Adaptive servo: Plant outlet fluid temperature and the reference to track

the situation, compensating the errors of the feedforward action in order to still keep
the outlet fluid temperature close to the reference.
Figure 7.13 (above) shows the convergence of the parameter α estimate. The initial
estimate is away from its correct value, a fact that originates an adaptation transient,
during which the estimate gradually approaches its correct value. Although this
adaptation process causes a transient on the manipulated variable, as seen in Fig. 7.11,
no unacceptable transients are observed in the outlet fluid temperature, as seen in
Fig. 7.12. Of course, initializing the estimate of α close to its final value avoids the
adaptation transient.
After the estimate of α approaches its correct value, it is noticeable in Fig. 7.13
(above) that its value is affected by changes in the reference. Nevertheless, these
variations have a negligible influence on the output of the controlled system.
Figure 7.13 (below) plots the quotient

TN − TN −1
h f˜

After the initial adaptation transient, it becomes close to 1, thereby verifying the
assumption underlying (7.60).
7.4 Motion Planning of a Moisture Control System 197

x 10

Mirror Efficiency [º Cm2/J]






0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Adaptation Quotient


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [h]

Fig. 7.13 Adaptive servo. Above: Parameter α (mirror efficiency) estimate convergence (α̂(0) = 0).
Below: Checking the condition for stability analysis

7.4 Motion Planning of a Moisture Control System

Consider now the motion planning problem for the moisture control system described
in Sect. 2.5.1. Remember that this process is described by the PDE model

∂w(z, t) ∂w(z, t)
+ v(t) = −β q(t) w(z, t) (7.62)
∂t ∂z

where z ∀ [0, L] is the length measured along the conveyor that carries the product
to be dried, t ∀ [ 0, +→ [ is the continuous time, w(z, t) is the moisture content of
the product per unit volume, v(t) is the velocity of the conveyor belt that carries the
product, q(t) is the flow of hot air and β is a parameter.
The motion planning problem corresponds to find the manipulated variable v(t)
that drives the space function that describes the moisture content along the conveyor
between two given values corresponding to stationary states (i.e., a distribution of
moisture along the belt that keeps constant in time for constant values of the velocity
and hot air flow). The solution to this problem is obtained as in the motion planning
problem for a DCSF, by making a change of time variable using the concept of orbital
flatness, and finding, in the new coordinate space [z, τ ], a flat output.
198 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

7.4.1 Change of Time Variable

By making the change of time variable associated to the conveyor belt velocity

τ (t) = v(σ)dσ, (7.63)

the PDE (7.62) that corresponds to the moisture model is written in the form

∂w(z, τ ) ∂ y(w, τ )
+ = −β u(τ ) w(z, τ ), (7.64)
∂τ ∂z

∗ q(τ )
u(τ ) = (7.65)
v(τ )

is a virtual manipulated variable. Once u is computed by the controller, the physical

manipulated variables q and v are selected such as to satisfy (7.65). If the conveyor
velocity v is imposed by considerations related to process throughput, then the hot
air flow q is given by:
q(τ ) = v(τ )u(τ ). (7.66)

7.4.2 The Homogeneous Equation

The homogeneous equation in transformed coordinates is obtained by making u(τ ) =

0 in (7.64), and is given by:

∂ y(z, τ ) ∂ y(z, τ )
+ = 0. (7.67)
∂τ ∂z

As in the case of the DCSF model, let φ(ξ) be an arbitrary function, C a constant,
ξ = τ − z + C. (7.68)

Since the direct replacement in the homogeneous Eq. (7.67) results in a true equality,
it is concluded that its general solution is given by:

φ(τ − z + C). (7.69)

7.4 Motion Planning of a Moisture Control System 199

7.4.3 Solution of the Nonhomogeneous Equation

From the solution of the homogeneous equation, it is readily proved that the solution
of the nonhomogeneous equation in transformed coordinates is given by:

ψ(x, τ ) = φ(x)e−βU (τ ) , (7.70)

where U (τ ) is a primitive function of u(τ ). Indeed, observing that

∂ψ(x, τ ) dφ −βU (τ )
= e + φ(x)(−βu(τ )) e−βU (τ ) (7.71)
∂τ dx
∂ψ(x, τ ) dφ −βU (τ )
=− e , (7.72)
∂z dx

and inserting these derivatives in (7.64), a true equality is obtained. Hence, from
(7.68) and (7.70), it is concluded that the general solution of the nonhomogeneous
Eq. (7.64) is written as:

w(z, τ ) = φ(τ − z + C) e−βU (τ ) , (7.73)

where C is a constant that depends on the boundary conditions.

7.4.4 Flat Output

For the moisture control process, define the flat output ȳ by the following boundary
condition, imposed for z = L in the transformed time coordinate:

∗ ∂ ln ψ(x, τ ) ⎝⎝
ȳ(τ ) = ⎝ . (7.74)
∂z z=L

There is not an algorithm to obtain a flat output. Instead, one has to be lead by
intuition, in a trial-and-error procedure, and verify a posteriori wether a given function
is actually a flat output. In this case, we get inspiration from a comparison with the
flat output obtained for the DCSF that, as shown before, is the spacial gradient of the
temperature at the pipe outlet (i.e., for z = L. Therefore, we seek as a flat output a
gradient of a function of the moisture for z = L and, given the exponential decay in
the expression of the general solution (7.73), we take this function as a logarithm.
This reasoning explains how the choice (7.74) pops out. In the sequel, we prove
that ȳ(τ ) defined by (7.74) is actually a flat output. This proof is done by showing
that the manipulated input that drives the moisture content w(z, L) along a specified
200 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

trajectory can be computed as a linear combination of the assumed flat output and
its derivatives.
To proceed, start by observing that, using (7.70) and the definition of the flat
output (7.74), it follows that

∂ ln ψ(x, τ ) ∂x ⎝⎝
ȳ(τ ) = , (7.75)
∂x ∂z ⎝z=L

or ⎝ ⎝
∂ ∂x ⎝ d ln φ(x) ⎝
ȳ(τ ) = (ln φ(x) − βU (τ )) ⎝⎝ = (−1)⎝⎝ , (7.76)
∂x ∂z z=L dx z=L

and it is finally concluded that

1 dφ(x) ⎝⎝ 1 dφ(τ )
− ȳ(τ ) = = , (7.77)
φ(x) dx ⎝z=L φ(τ ) dτ

where z = C = L.
The solution of the differential equation (7.77) yields the particular function φ(τ )
that corresponds to the flat output defined in (7.74) as:

φ(τ ) = e−W̄ (τ ) , (7.78)

where W̄ (τ ) is a primitive of w̄(τ ). The solution (7.73) of the nonhomogeneous

equation (7.64) with a φ that corresponds to the flat output (7.74) is thus

w̄(z, τ ) = e−W̄ (τ −z+L) e−βU (τ ) . (7.79)

We write the bar in w̄ to emphasize the fact that (7.79) is a solution of the general
Eq. (7.64) that verifies (7.74). We call w̄ a flat solution.

7.4.5 Planning Formulas

Consider now the boundary condition for z = 0. By Making z = 0 in (7.79) and

taking the logarithm, we get

ln w̄(0, τ ) = −W̄ (τ + L) − βU (τ ). (7.80)

Combining (7.80) and (7.79) yields

⎥ ⎦
w̄(z, τ )
ln = W̄ (τ + L) − W̄ (τ − z + L). (7.81)
w̄(0, τ )
7.4 Motion Planning of a Moisture Control System 201

Furthermore, for w(0, τ ) = w0 constant, differentiation of (7.80) with respect to τ

u(τ ) = − w̄(τ + L). (7.82)

Finally, the development of ȳ(τ + L), W̄ (τ + L) and W̄ (τ − z + L) in a Taylor series

⎥ ⎦ ⎧→ →
w̄(z, τ ) L k (k−1) ⎧ (L − z)k−1 (k−1)
ln = ȳ(τ ) − ȳ(τ ) (7.83)
w0 k! k!
k=1 k=1


1 ⎧ L k (k−1)
u(τ ) = − ȳ(τ ) (7.84)
β k!

where w̄ (τ ) is the derivative of order i of the flat output. The formulas (7.83) and
(7.84) express the process output and input as a function of the flat output derivative
and of its derivatives, provided that the series converge.
Motion planning is made by making moves between successive stationary states
defined by
∂wss (z, t) ∂wss (z, τ )
= = 0, (7.85)
∂t ∂τ
and a constant value u ss for the manipulated input. This condition implies that

= −β u ss w(z), (7.86)
wss (z) = wss (0) e−βu ss z , (7.87)

where wss (0) is the boundary condition at z = 0, and u ss = qvssss , are constant values
(vss is the constant velocity of the conveyor belt and qss is the constant flow of hot
air that define the equilibrium). By making

wss (0) = w0 , (7.88)

a constant, we get for two consecutive stationary states

w1 (L) = w1 = w0 e−βu 1 L (7.89)

w2 (L) = w2 = w0 e−βu 2 L (7.90)

202 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

Moisture [%]



0.2 0

0 5
100 80 60 40 Distance [m]
20 0 10
Time [s]

Fig. 7.14 Planning the moisture dryer output with multiple transitions

⎥ ⎦
1 y1 1
u1 = − ln = − C1 (7.91)
βL y0 β
⎥ ⎦
1 y2 1
u2 = − ln = − C2 . (7.92)
βL y0 β

These formulas allow to establish a plan for moving between the stationary states
using the flat output. In order to allow a smooth transition, an exponential Gevrey
function of class α, denoted α yσ , is used, as in the DCSF case study, being then
⎞τ ⎠
ȳ(τ ) = C1 + (C2 − C1 )α yσ (7.93)

α yσ (0) = 0 τ ◦ 0 (7.94)
α yσ (1) = 1 τ ≥ τ ≤ (7.95)

An example of using this expression to move the state of the moisture control
system among different stationary states is given in Fig. 7.14. In these cases, the
series (7.84) was approximated by its first 20 terms.
7.5 Main Points of the Chapter 203

7.5 Main Points of the Chapter

This chapter shows how to develop an adaptive servo controller for a DCSF, using a
motion planner based on orbital flatness. The structure of the controller considered
in this chapter is shown in Fig. 7.1 and comprises three main blocks:
• A motion planner;
• A feedback controller;
• An adaptation law.
The motion planner acts like a feedforward controller and computes in open loop
a function that defines the manipulated variable such as to drive the DCSF output
(given by the outlet fluid temperature) between a specified sequence of stationary
states (that can be considered as way points if a parallel with Robotics is made). The
transitions between two consecutive stationary states follow a trajectory defined by
a particular class of functions, known as exponential Gevrey functions of class α.
These functions allow to perform smooth transients between stationary states of a
DCSF, while avoiding some difficulties inherent to the use of analytical functions,
and at the same time preserving the convergence of some series that are required for
the solution of the motion planning problem.
The feedback controller modifies the value of the manipulated variable yielded
by the motion planner in order to compensate the disturbances that act on the plant,
including the effects of unmodeled dynamics, and keeping the process output close
to its reference, also generated by the motion planner. This controller amounts to be
either a linear state feedback with a variable sampling time, or a PID.
Finally, the adaptation law adjusts the estimate of a parameter that depends both
on collector mirror efficiency and on the thermodynamic properties of the fluid,
and thereby changes with the operating point and due to unpredictable factors (as
discussed in Sect. 1.3. As in Chap. 6, the estimate of this parameter is obtained with
a control Lyapunov function.
The central issue in the present chapter is the use of a flat output to perform motion
planning. A flat output is a variable such that all the variables that characterize the
system (states and manipulated variables) can be computed as an algebraic function
of the flat output and its derivatives. Although for a DCSF there is no flat output
available, it is possible to perform a change in the time scale, and to redefine the
manipulated variable, such that the transformed system has a flat output that, for the
DCSF is the gradient of the outlet fluid temperature. This is the concept of orbital
The change of time scale considered is associated to the fluid flow, and renders the
DCSF model linear with respect to a transformed manipulated variable. This change
of time scale plays a major role in the present chapter, as well as in Chap. 5.
In addition to the solution of the adaptive servo problem for an infinite-dimensional
model of a DCSF, similar techniques have been applied to solve the motion planning
problem of a moisture control system.
204 7 Adaptive Motion Planning

7.6 Bibliographic Notes

The concept of flat systems has been introduced (Fliess et al. 1995) to generalize the
concept of controllable linear systems to a subset of nonlinear systems. Concepts
associated with flatness allow to solve the problem of inverting the plant model in
order to find a control function that steers the state from one point to another such
as to perform a desired task (Martin et al. 1997; Fliess et al. 1995, 1999). Flatness is
thus associated to the solution of nonlinear control problems in areas that range from
robotics and vehicle motion planning to chemical reactors (Respondek et al. 2004;
Rothfuss et al. 2014; Rudolph and Mounier 2000).
The trajectory specified that links the initial value of the output with the final
value is to be smooth. If all the trajectory derivatives are zero at the beginning and
at the end of the interval during which the transition takes place, the function to be
chosen cannot be analytic because, otherwise, the function itself would be zero. On
the other way, the function used must be such that the series that define the control
converge. Gevrey functions of class α, with α > 1 are used for this propose (Lynch
and Rudolph 2002). In Rudolph et al. (2003) several computational aspects of Gevrey
functions are addressed from a practical point of view.
Although originally designed for finite-dimensional nonlinear systems, the ap-
proach has been extended to infinite-dimensional systems as well (Lynch and
Rudolph 2002; Mounier and Rudolph 1998; Rudolph 2003; Rudolph et al. 2003;
Rouchon 2001). Examples include delay systems (Mounier and Rudolph 1998) and
systems described by parabolic partial differential equations (Lynch and Rudolph
2002). The monographs (Rudolph 2003; Rudolph et al. 2003) provide a comprehen-
sive account of flatness-based control of distributed systems, with many examples
from various fields with technological interest.
Some infinite-dimensional systems, in particular of hyperbolic type, become flat
with a change of time variable, such as considered in this book in Chaps. 5 and 7. This
is the concept of orbital flatness (Guay 1999; Respondek 1998). An application of the
concept of orbital flatness to the control of batch cooling crystallization processes
is described in Vollmer and Raisch (2003). The solution of the adaptive motion
planning for the DCSF plant using orbital flatness was originally presented in Igreja
et al. (2004).
The concept of orbital flatness is related to the concept of substantial derivative,
known in Physics. The substantial derivative, also called material derivative (Bird
et al. 2007) is the rate of change of a physical quantity as measured by an observer
that is moving along the flow of a fluid element.
References 205


Bird RB, Stewart WE, Lightfoot EN (2007) em Transport phenomena, 2nd edn. Wiley, Weinheim
Fliess M, Lévine J, Martin P, Rouchon P (1995) Flatness and defect of nonlinear systems: introduc-
tory theory and examples. Int J Control 61(6):1327–1361
Fliess M, Lévine J, Martin P (1999) A Lie-Bäcklund approach to equivalence and flatness of
nonlinear systems. IEEE Trans Autom Control 44:922–937
Fliess M, Lévine J, Martin P, Rouchon P (1995) Design of trajectory stabilizing feedback for driftless
flat systems. In: Proceedings of the 3rd ECC, Rome, Italy, pp 1882–1887
Guay M (1999) An algorithm for orbital feedback linearization of single-input control affine systems.
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Chapter 8

What are the essential conclusions to be drawn from this book? Hereafter, we start
by drawing a “road map” for the DCSF adaptive control algorithms described in the
previous chapters. This road map explains what to expect from the algorithms in
what concerns their achievable performance as well as their capacity to be used with
more or less modifications in different plants that share with DCSF’s the fact that
they rely essentially on transport phenomena along one space dimension. Examples
are provided by steam super-heaters in thermoelectric power plants, moisture control
systems, tubular chemical reactors, water delivery canals, and motorway traffic. The
models of DCSFs discussed in Chap. 2 are instrumental in this respect, specially
in what concerns the control algorithms of Chaps. 5 and 7 (that perform a model
linearization resorting to a change of the time scale), and 6 (that rely on feedback
linearization and control Lyapunov functions).
After understanding this picture, the utility of the algorithms is discussed in the
framework of energy production incorporating renewable sources. Exploring this
field of work implies being able to tackle difficulties like optimization in the presence
of high levels of uncertainty, time-varying dynamics and planning over extended
periods of time, for which the control algorithms described in Chaps. 3–7 provide
valuable contributions.
The final section establishes the “boundary conditions” of the book by recalling
a list of topics that are outside the scope of the matters being treated, but which they
are important either when pursuing applications with a broader view, in particular in
the field of renewable energy production, or when extending the algorithms and the
study of their properties.

8.1 Road Map of DCSF Adaptive Control Algorithms

As discussed in Chap. 1, solar energy systems are quite wide in scope and they are
currently the subject of a renewed interest associated to the search for renewable
sources of energy that may form an alternative, or a complement, to other types

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 207

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4_8,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
208 8 Conclusions

of energy sources, such as fossil fuels or nuclear, or even other renewable energy
Motivated by this interest, this book addresses the control of distributed collector
solar fields (DCSFs). This technology allows to implement solar thermal plants that
produce a significant amount of electric power, of the order of tens or even hundreds
of megawatts, and is specially attractive for places such as deserts, where the cost
of space is very low and the number of solar hours per year is very high. As such a
number of commercial plants have already been build in the Middle East, southern
Spain, or close to Las Vegas, in the USA.

8.1.1 DCSF Characteristics and Control Design

Due to their large dimensions and specificity of operation, where a fluid circulates
through a pipe located at the focus of solar energy collector mirrors, the dynamics
of DCSFs depends on space as well as on time. Together with uncertainty sources in
plant model, this dependency raises interesting challenges for controlling the tem-
perature on DCSFs and motivates the consideration of the adaptive control methods
addressed in this book.
The first step in designing a control system is to identify what are the plant outputs
that relates to the control objectives, the manipulated variable (the variable that can be
directly changed and that allows to exert an influence on the output variable), and to
characterize the disturbances. Identifying the models that represent the dynamic and
static relationship among these variables is also essential to improve performance. It
is also advantageous to discriminate between unmeasurable disturbances (unknown
input signals that cause a deviation of the process output from the desired reference)
and accessible disturbances, that are disturbances that can be measured and used as
an input to improve controller performance. Chapter 1, and in particular Sect. 1.3,
addresses the above issues and provides a qualitative insight on the control system
structure associated to a DCSF. In broad terms, DCSF controllers combine feedback
from the fluid temperature to settle it at the desired reference value with a feedforward
action from the solar radiation that constitutes the main accessible disturbance.
Chapter 2 proceeds then to deduce the mathematical models that relate the above
variables in a DCSF. These models are of different type. If the model is to allow
the computation of the temperature at all the points along the pipe, the model takes
the form of a DCSF. If, instead, one considers only some points along the pipe, a
set of nonlinear ODEs results. Furthermore, Chap. 2 addresses the type of dynamic
response to expect from the temperature when the manipulated variable is changed.
Both these models and the insight they provide on the DCSF dynamic response are
used in subsequent chapters that are devoted to adaptive controllers.
In this book, instead of estimating the model parameters from data collected a
priori from the plant, and then designing the controller from the resulting models,
model identification and controller design are performed online, in an interlaced
way. Therefore, when a data sample is read at a given sampling instant, it is used
8.1 Road Map of DCSF Adaptive Control Algorithms 209

both to update the model parameters and to compute the manipulated variable using
controllers which gains are redesigned according to the new parameter estimates.
This so-called “Adaptive Control” approach has a number of advantages, but also
In general, two main advantages of Adaptive Control are
• The fast prototyping and commissioning of the controller;
• The capacity of the controller to track plant model parameter changes, that may
happen due to a variety of reasons such as equipment wearing due to aging or
change of operational conditions. This capacity yields an increase along time of
control performance.
Although these advantages are common to a wide class of plants, it is discussed in
Sect. 1.3 that, in the special case of DCSFs, its dynamics may vary in unpredictable
ways due to a number of factors that are inherent to this type of plants, such as dust
deposition on mirrors or mirror deformation due to wind. The use of adaptive control
is thus quite natural because it allows to redesign the controller online, so as keep it
matched to the DCSF dynamics.
Three main drawbacks of adaptive control are
• Lack of a complete theory that ensures stability on realistic grounds;
• Possibility of adaptation transients that are unacceptable from an operational point
of view;
• Possibility of the adaptation mechanism to drive the controller gains to unsafe
operating regions, or even to a situation in which the controlled system might
become unstable.

8.1.2 Controllers Based on Data-Driven Models

The type of adaptive controller used may vary a lot. In this book, a major trade-off is
concerned with the amount of plant knowledge embedded on the algorithm. At one
extreme there are algorithms, addressed in Chap. 3, which assume that the plant is
linear. Their main drawback consists in not taking into account plant nonlinearities
when performing maneuvres that consist of large and relatively fast excursions of
the output, or when rejecting fast disturbances, which is more common on DCSF
operation. In DCSFs, these algorithms are mainly useful for temperature regulation
around piecewise constant operating points. They can also be useful parts of the
multiple model-based algorithms described in Chap. 4.
The most powerful algorithms in this class are obtained by combining a linear
model predictive controller (MPC) with an adaptation mechanism using the so-called
certainty equivalence principle. Depending on the assumptions made, different algo-
rithms are yielded. Since they compute the manipulated variable on the basis of an
optimization of a quadratic cost defined over an extended horizon, they inherit the
advantages (and drawbacks as well) of linear quadratic control. In particular, if the
time horizon over which the cost is defined is large enough, a stabilizing controller
210 8 Conclusions

for the nominal model is yielded. A well-known algorithm of this class is the adaptive
generalized predictive controller, or GPC in short, described in Sect. 3.4. When mak-
ing the assumption that the plant is being controlled under a fixed gain controller,
a simplified linear model results, yielding the MUSMAR controller, discussed in
Sect. 3.6. Compared with GPC, MUSMAR has the advantages of minimizing locally
the control cost progressing along a Newton direction and of requiring a shorter
horizon. However, MUSMAR has the drawback of using predictors that implicitly
assume that a state feedback with a constant gain is applied to the plant. This last
assumption is violated, e.g., when the manipulated variable saturates frequently, caus-
ing MUSMAR to diverge if proper actions (that amount to blocking the adaptation
mechanism) are not taken under these situations.
As explained in Chap. 3, adaptive MPC algorithms based on linear predictive
models, with adaptation relying on the certainty equivalence principle are useful
for fast controller prototyping and optimization since they require very little prior
knowledge from the plant. As discussed, they can be useful with other types of
plants as well. Among other case studies, Sect. 3.7.2 presents an example in which
MUSMAR is able to minimize superheated steam temperature fluctuations in a way
that is directly connected to economic process performance.
Another class of algorithms that addresses the adaptive control problem for a
wide class of plants is supervised multiple model adaptive control (MMAC), the
essentials of which, when applied to DCSS, are presented in Chap. 4. The controller
structure consists of a bank of candidate local controllers that are designed to match
a corresponding bank of local linear models that “cover” the possible outcomes of
plant dynamics. In MMAC, the output of the candidate local models is compared
online with observed plant output data in order to decide which local model best
matches the plant dynamics at a given time. The local controller that is actually
applied to the plant is the one that corresponds to the best match, but ensuring a
so-called “dwell time” condition. Indeed, since it is possible to obtain an unstable
time-varying dynamic system by switching among stable dynamic systems, when a
controller is applied to the DCSF, it remains so for at least a minimum dwell time, a
condition that ensures stability of the controlled system.
The choice of the local models is an important issue in MMAC. In DCSF control,
one may be guided by the physical intuition about the dependence of plant dynamics
on variables such as the range of output temperature, heating fluid flow, and solar
radiation intensity to decide which models are needed and what are the operational
conditions needed to identify them. Although general methods to identify hybrid
systems are available (Paoletti 2007), one should bear in mind that the ultimate
goal is not to replicate the plant output with a model, but to design a controller that
stabilizes the overall system and optimizes performance.
Too few local models will lead to a degradation of performance since the cor-
responding local controllers must be conservative in order to stabilize the plant
over enlarged operating regions. There are examples in which removing a pair
model/controller that is applied only for short periods of time leads to a notice-
able performance degradation. On the other side, a big increase on the number of
local controllers may lead to excessive switching that induces fast variations on the
8.1 Road Map of DCSF Adaptive Control Algorithms 211

manipulated variable. As mentioned in Chap. 4, metrics that compare dynamic mod-

els bearing a relationship with stability, such as discussed in Anderson et al. (2000)
provide an adequate formal means to select local controllers.

8.1.3 Exploiting DCSF Structure

In MMAC, at least implicitly, local linear controllers are patched together to form an
approximation to a global nonlinear controller. It is thus possible to take advantage
of this fact to compensate some plant nonlinearities. This compensation is only
approximate because it relies on a finite number of local controllers being patched.
Furthermore, it may not be clear how to design the local controllers in a systematic
way to achieve this objective. The examples provided for both a pilot air heating
turbofan in Sect. 4.3 and for a DCSF in Sect. 4.4 that rely on the variables that define
the operational regimes of these plants, and qualitative physical insight, provide clues
for designing this type of controllers.
A much better compensation of the nonlinearities requires the DCSF models dis-
cussed in Chap. 2. One possible approach along this line consists of making a change
of time variable that depends on the fluid flow. In practice, this transformation can be
implemented in a computer control framework with a sampling interval that varies
with the flow. Together with the change in the time variable, a virtual manipulated
variable is computed such that the plant model becomes linear. The controller that
computes this virtual manipulated variable is thus simplified. In turn, the physical
manipulated variable (fluid flow) can be easily computed from this virtual control.
This approach is followed in Chap. 5 to obtain nonlinear MPC controllers, named
WARTIC-i/o and WARTIC-state, that allow to make fast jumps of the outlet fluid
temperature almost with no overshoot. Adaptation is embedded according to a cer-
tainty equivalence assumption, with the control laws being computed with models
that depend on parameter estimates obtained online. In the closely related Chap. 7,
a similar technique is used to solve the motion planning problem and design an
adaptive servo-controller that is able to track time-varying references.
Alternatively, in Chap. 6, feedback input–output linearization is used together
with a lumped model approximation of the DCSF infinite dimensional model, and
adaptation is embedded using a control Lyapunov function technique.
Figure 8.1 shows the “location” of the different types of adaptive controllers con-
sidered in a “space” defined by performance and the degree of plant structure embed-
ded in the plant model. As expected, experience shows that, by increasing the degree
of physical structure embedded in the models that serve as a basis for controller
design, performance increases, but the algorithm becomes more plant specific and
may not be used, without significant changes, on plants other than the DCSF for
which it is designed. For example, adaptive MPC algorithms like GPC or MUSMAR
rely on data-driven linear models and may be used almost unchanged (requiring only
a proper selection of the assumed model order and cost function weights) in plants
other than DCSFs like a steam super-heater (Sect. 3.7.2) or arc welding (Sect. 3.7.3).
212 8 Conclusions

Fig. 8.1 Dependence on the

General Performance
degree of plant structure Adaptive MPC
embedded in the model (GPC,
of performance and of the MUSMAR)

different plants
Applicability to
applicability of the adaptive
control algorithms considered
to different plants MMAC


Data driven Physics based

models models
Plant structure

At the other extreme, the WARTIC algorithms in Chap. 5 provide a better performance
(they yield a step response with much less overshoot for the same raise time) than
the adaptive MPC algorithms of Chap. 3, but may not be used directly on other plants
(although the key idea of making a change of the time scale depending on the flow
can be used with advantage).
Although not explicitly shown in Fig. 8.1, other algorithms that are important for
applications are discussed in detail in the book, in relation to DCSFs. One of these
topics is the use of flatness-based methods for planning variations of the outlet fluid
temperature, addressed in Chap. 7. These type of methods are usually associated to
robotic problems, but they provide valuable tools for solving servo problems for
thermodynamic processes (i.e., tracking problems in which the reference is time
varying) as well. For distributed parameter plants, their application involves a gauge
type change of the time variable, which makes these methods intimately related to
the WARTIC algorithms in Chap. 5.

8.1.4 Tackling the Adaptation Transient

Another example of a topic of central interest for applications is tackling the adap-
tation transient. Every adaptation algorithm entails an initial phase in which the
estimates of the model parameters upon which the control decision relies are much
deviated from the actual parameter values. This estimation error entails a transient in
the plant that is beneficial to improve the estimates (the varying transient data is more
informative), but that causes a loss in performance, (because the output temperature
deviates significantly from the reference to track).
One possibility to prevent strong initial adaptation start-ups is to address the
so-called dual control problem. The dual control problem, discussed in Sect. 3.9,
consists of how to find an optimal balance between the dual actions of probing
8.1 Road Map of DCSF Adaptive Control Algorithms 213

(system excitation in order to improve model estimation) and caution (reduction of

excitation in order to improve control performance).
The exact solution of the dual control problem requires a computational load that
renders it feasible only in very simple cases. As a consequence, even when controlling
a DCSF with a sampling interval of more than 10 s, one has to resort to approximation
methods in order to get a sub-optimal solution. As discussed in Sect. 3.9, a possibility
to avoid undesirably strong start-up adaptation transients is to initialize the estimates
of the parameters with values obtained from previous experience or, if not available,
from simulations. It is remarked that the estimation error covariance matrix should
also be initialized in a value that reflects the prior knowledge about the true value
of the parameters. Another possibility is to approximate the exact solution of the
dual control problem by solving a bi-criteria optimization problem (Sect. 3.9.1). The
dual modification of MUSMAR, described in Sect. 3.9.2, leads to a smooth star-up
in DCSFs with a small increase in the computational load, as shown by the results
in Sect. 3.9.3.

8.1.5 Constraints

Finally, one should mention the way in which constraints are tackled. Given an
estimate of the plant model parameters, the control algorithms considered in this
book that optimize a cost compute the manipulated variable using an explicit formula.
This is no longer possible if an hard constraint, that is to say a constraint on the
exact value of the manipulated variable is imposed. Nevertheless, as discussed in
Sect. 3.6.3, it is possible for some algorithms to impose a probabilistic constraint on
the manipulated variable by adjusting the weight on the term of the cost associated
to the manipulated variable. Since, close to a local minimum of the underlying cost,
MUSMAR adjusts the controller gains along a Newton minimization direction, it
is possible to prove that, if MUSMAR modified with a gain adjustment based on
gradient rule converges, the only possible convergence points will be constrained
minima. Other, more pedestrian, alternatives consist of adjusting the cost weights by
trial and error or using a command governor that manipulates the reference such as
to avoid fast changes.
Although no applications are reported in the literature for DCSS control, there are
available a number of works that address the problem of incorporating constraints in
adaptive MPC using different methods. See Sect. 3.5.2 for references.

8.2 The Context of Renewable Energy Production

The importance of control of DCSFs, and of adaptive control in particular, may

perhaps be only fully understood by considering the wider context of renewable
energy production. Of course, control is required to maintain energy production plants
in a state that is adequate for their objectives, while ensuring equipment integrity
214 8 Conclusions

Fig. 8.2 Managing the outlet

fluid temperature of a DCSF Increase in
to maximize efficiency


T1* T2*=Topt Temperature


and an extended useful life, i.e., enlarging the period in which the plant is able
to operate in adequate conditions. However, the trend in energy markets raise new
challenges that increasingly motivate the use of advanced control and optimization
algorithms (Giannakis et al. 2013; Chakrabortty and Ilic 2012), and in particular of
the ones that are able to cope with high levels of uncertainty, disturbances modeled
as stochastic processes and time-varying references that, in the case of DCSFs cause
in turn changes of linearized plant dynamics.

8.2.1 Efficiency and Operational Constraints

When considered in isolation, the objective of a DCSF is to convert as much solar

power as possible to thermal energy that can be used, for instance, for energy produc-
tion. As shown in Fig. 8.2, the fluid outlet temperature should be closed to the value
Topt that yields the maximum efficiency. However, due to the stochastic disturbances
discussed in Sect. 1.3, the fluid temperature is not kept at an exact value, but instead
randomly varies around its mean value with some probability density function (pdf).
Let us call A to this pdf and T1∗ to the corresponding mean value (see Fig. 8.2).
For safety reasons, the percentage of samples of the temperature value that are
allowed to be above a certain threshold is limited. This threshold corresponds to
an operational constraint (shown in Fig. 8.2) and its value is selected depending on
aspects such as the maximum temperature that the fluid to be heated tolerates or
the possibility that the pipes and the other fluid containment equipments develop
microcracks due to thermal stress. To comply with this constraint, the temperature
set-point T1∗ is selected at a value that is lower than the optimum. This choice ensures
that the probability of exceeding the operational constraint (given by the area under
the pdf A and to the right of the constraint) is according to the specifications.
If a better control algorithm is used, for instance an adaptive controller that opti-
mizes the performance in an asymptotic way, the fluctuations around the mean will
8.2 The Context of Renewable Energy Production 215

be smaller. Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 8.2, where B denotes the pdf in this new
situation, the mean temperature T2∗ can be increased to become close to, or equal to,
the optimum value, while maintaining the probability of exceeding the operational
constraint. This aspect provides a direct link between the controller performance
(measured by the ability of the controller to reject disturbances and compensate the
DCSF dynamics so as to keep the outlet fluid temperature constant) and economic
performance (measured by the power drawn from the plant).
In addition to efficiency, a better temperature regulation achievable by a controller
with a higher performance has a positive impact on the quality of the energy being pro-
duced, in the sense that its physical qualities are closer to the desired specified values.
The operational constraint limit in Fig. 8.2 depends on the useful life considered
in the plant design. If this upper bound is often exceeded by the temperature, micro-
cracks start to appear in the pipes and in the other plant components that are subject
to thermal stress. Ultimately, continuous grow of these micro-cracks will render the
equipment unoperational. In life extending control (Kallappa 1997) the controller
and the reference are tuned in such a way thjt the temperature fluctuates such as to
maximize the plant useful life. The controllers designed under this objective may
take advantage of material models (Ray and Tangirala 1996).
Although all the control strategies presented in this book have generally a ben-
eficial effect in what concerns all the issues above, the methods of Chap. 3 have a
tighter connection to their solution, due to the probabilistic formulation upon which
they rely.

8.2.2 Market with Changing Prices

While classical energy markets are characterized by a strong regulation, with central-
ized power control being adequate, recent trends point in directions with increased
degrees of freedom. An example is provided by distributed power grids with some
degree of authority among local producers and energy markets with varying prices.
Figure 8.3 illustrates a typical problem posed by new coming scenarios in relation to
renewable energy production plants, including DCSFs.
As depicted in Fig. 8.3, at the present time t p the plant dispatch manager accepts
a contract that commits the plant to produce, between future times ts and t f a certain
target value of power that should be inside a tolerance band. If the power produced
at some instant falls outside the contracted tolerance band, a penalty must be paid.
Fulfilling this contract implies the capacity to operate the DCSF using a controller
that is able to keep the power produced close to the target value despite stochastic
disturbances associated to incoming solar radiation and to incorporate predictive
capacity in the control action, while taking into account the DCSF dynamics. This
objective provides a motivation for using adaptive MPC controllers that are able
to optimize a stochastic cost, such as the ones described in Chap. 3 or obtained by
combining the algorithms in Chap. 3 with one of the exact linearization change of
variables in either Chap. 5 or 6.
216 8 Conclusions

Fig. 8.3 Fulfilling a

production contract in an
uncertain framework Target

Tolerance band

ts Production tf
Accept a
compromise to
produce energy

8.2.3 Cyber-Physical Systems

More involved problems reinforce the view that adaptive controllers such as the ones
addressed in this book are basic “building blocks” of more complicated systems, such
as networked systems connecting renewable energy sources that face uncertainty. The
“green island” paradigm provides an example of such type of problems: Consider
an island for which a number of power production and storage utilities are available.
These utilities include DCSFs but also wind turbine fields and fossil fuel power
generator units. The problem consists of taking advantage of these units such as to
produce the electric power consumed by the island. DCSFs’ production are subject
to random variations due to incoming solar radiation. Wind turbines are also subject
to random disturbances associated to wind speed. The problem is to compensate
these fluctuations with storage and the fossil fuel unit production with the maximum
efficiency. The total amount of power produced should match the island consumption
that is also modeled by a stochastic process.
If the dispatch (i. e., the decision regarding which unit produces what amount of
power and during which periods) is done in a centralized way, it can be structured
as a hierarchical control problem in which a higher level block decides about the
production of each unit and the controllers of the production units try to follow this
reference. In both layers adaptive control can be used.
Another possibility is that there is no centralized dispatch and the units have to
coordinate themselves to achieve the desired power production objective. This is the
realm of distributed control that may also involve adaptive versions. Although other
approaches are possible, the use of distributed MPC is imposed as a main streamline
(Maestre and Negenborn 2014). An example of the use of the algorithms described
in the present book in a distributed framework is the distributed version of SIORHC
referred in Sect. 3.5.2 (Lemos and Igreja 2014).
Together with other modules, for instance for prediction and communication, the
algorithms described in the present book may also be used as software bricks that
can be interconnected in a structured way so as to design complex control systems,
8.2 The Context of Renewable Energy Production 217

very much like using LEGO 1 plastic blocks to build ingenious constructions. This
use of the adaptive control algorithms described in this book is in the spirit of the
emerging area of cyber-physical systems where computational and feedback control
systems and communication networks are embedded with physical systems in a way
that physical processes affect computations and vice versa (Lee and Seshia 2011;
Kim and Kumar 2012). This framework provides a motivation to use and expand the
methods addressed in this book in a wider context.

8.3 What Was Left Out?

A number of topics, although important for the matters treated above, have been left
out. Some brief comments on them are therefore useful in order to establish what
might be called the “boundary conditions” of this book.
The first topic is a more thorough treatment of control design by taking advantage
of the fact that DCSF are bilinear systems, a class of nonlinear systems for which
there is a rich plethora of results, for analysis as well as for controller design (Elliot
2009). Exploring possibilities offered by this family of methods, for which some
work already exists for DCSFs (Carotenuto 1985, 1986), might be of interest to the
more mathematically oriented reader.
Optimal Control (Speyer 2010; Geering 2007) provides also valuable tools that
can be coupled with adaptation mechanisms. While nonlinear systems require the use
of numerical methods (Betts 2010), early works address the control of DCSFs from an
optimal point of view (Orbach 1981) and provide necessary optimality conditions for
the manipulated variable. Since in both cases the control is computed by minimizing
a cost, optimal control is intimately related with MPC. The approach taken in this
book to solve the optimization problem associated to MPC consists of making a
projection of the control function defined along the optimization horizon over a finite
dimensional space, e.g., by making a piecewise constant approximation, and then
solving the resulting finite dimensional optimization problem. An alternative would
be to apply the necessary conditions of optimal control (Pontryagin’s Maximum
Principle in continuous time (Speyer 2010; Geering 2007) or its variant in discrete
time (Goodwin et al. 2005)) and then, as in the previous case, proceed according to a
receding horizon strategy. The approach based on optimal control has the advantage
of imposing a structure on the control function that helps in the presence of local
Stochastic optimization (Kall and Wallace 1994) is a tool used for planning on
energy market problems (Garcia-Gonzalez 2008) but that can be used for real-time
control as well, if applied according to a receding horizon strategy and in relation to
the discussion in Sect. 8.2. Solving these problems involves the prediction of several
types of variables (such as consumer’s demand, solar radiation, wind speed) which
is in itself an area of research.

1 LEGO is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group.

218 8 Conclusions


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Paoletti S, Juloski A Lj, Ferrari-Trecate G, Vidal R (2007) Identification of hybrid systems. Eur J
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Speyer JL, Jacobson DH (2010) Primer on optimal control theory. SIAM, Philadelphia
Appendix A
Solution of the DCSF PDE

This appendix addresses the issue of solving the PDE (2.5).

A.1 Homogeneous Equation

Start by considering the homogeneous equation

α α
T (z, t) + u(t) T (z, t) = 0, (A.1)
αt αz

to which the following ODE relating the independent variables t and x is associated

− u(t) = 0. (A.2)
The first integral of (A.2) is a relation of the form

ρ(x, t) = C

for C an arbitrary constant, satisfied by any solution x = x(t) of (A.2), where the
function ρ is not identically constant for all the values of x and t. In other words, the
function ρ is constant along each solution of (A.2), with the constant C depending on
the solution. Since in the case of equation (a1e1) there are 2 independent variables,
there is only one functionally independent integrals Ibragimov (1999). By integrating
(A.2) with respect to time, its first integral is found to be

ρ(x, t) = x − u(ϒ )dϒ. (A.3)

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220 Appendix A: Solution of the DCSF PDE

A function ρ(x, t) is a first integral of (A.2) if and only if it is a solution of the

homogeneous PDE (A.1). Furthermore, or t ◦ t0 , the general solution of (A.1) is
given by
T (x, t) = F(ρ(x, t)), (A.4)

where F is an arbitrary function Ibragimov (1999). The general solution of (A.1) is

thus given by
T (x, t) = F(x − u(ϒ )dϒ ), (A.5)

where F(x) for x ∗ [0, L] is the temperature distribution along the pipe at t = t0 .

A.2 Non-homogeneous Equation

Consider now the non-homogeneous Eq. (2.5) that, for the sake of simplifying the
notation, is written as

α α
T (z, t) = −u T (z, t) + g(x, t, T ), (A.6)
αt αz

g(x, t, T ) := γ R(t) − δ T (z, t). (A.7)

To solve (A.6), and according to a procedure known as Laplace’s method Ibragimov

(1999), introduce the new set of coordinates (ξ, ξ ) given by

ξ = π1 (x, t) := ρ(x, t) (A.8)

ξ = π2 (x, t) := t (A.9)

where ρ is the first integral (A.3). The chain rule for derivatives yields

αT απ1 α T απ2 α T
= · + · , (A.10)
αx α x αξ α x αξ

αT απ1 α T απ2 α T
= · + · . (A.11)
αt αt αξ αt αξ
Appendix A: Solution of the DCSF PDE 221

Since the transformation of variables is defined by (A.8, A.9), these equations reduce
αT αρ α T
= · , (A.12)
αx α x αξ
αT αρ α˙T αT
= + . (A.13)
αt αt αξ αξ

Therefore, in the new coordinates, and regrouping terms, the non-homogeneous equa-
tion (a1e7) is written
αT αρ αρ αρ
+ +u = g. (A.14)
αξ αt α x αξ

Since ρ satisfies the homogeneous equation (A.1) and ξ = t, this equation reduces
to the ODE
=g (A.15)
where x is to be expressed in terms of t and ξ by solving (A.8) with respect to x.
Since g is given by (A.7), the above ODE reads

T (ξ, t) = −δ T (ξ, t) + γ R(t). (A.16)
Equation (A.16) is a linear, scalar, first order ODE whose solution is

−δ (t−t0 )
T (ξ, t) = T (ξ, t0 )e +γ R(ϒ )eδ (ϒ −t) dϒ. (A.17)

Inverting the change of variable (A.8) and using (A.3) yields (2.6). ≤

Appendix B
Recursive Least Squares Deduction

In order to deduce Eqs. (3.73)–(3.75) start by considering the following lemma:

Matrix inversion lemma

For A, B, C and D matrices of convenient dimensions such that the indicated inver-
sions exist, it holds that
[A + BC D]−1 = A−1 − A−1 D A−1 B + C −1 D A−1 . (B.1)

Proof Right multiply the right hand side of (B.1) by A + BC D to get

A−1 − A−1 D A−1 B + C −1 D A−1 (A + BC D)
= I − A−1 B D A−1 B + C −1 D
+ A−1 BC D − A−1 B D A−1 B + C −1 D A−1 BC D

= I + A−1 B D A−1 B + C −1 D A−1 B + C −1 C D − D − D A−1 BC D

= I.

Now, left multiply the right hand side of (B.1) by A + BC D to get

−1 −1 −1 −1 −1
(A + BC D) A −A DA B +C DA
= I − B D A−1 B + C −1 D A + BC D A−1
− BC D A−1 B D A−1 B + C −1 DA

= I + −B + BC D A−1 B + C −1 − BC D A−1 B

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224 Appendix B: Recursive Least Squares Deduction
· D A−1 B + C −1 D A = I

Let now ⎡ ⎤
≥⎢ .. ⎥
z̄ = ⎣ . ⎦ , (B.2)
⎡ ⎤
π T (1)
≥ ⎢ ⎥
εL S = ⎣ ... ⎦ (B.3)
π T (k)

and ⎡ ⎤
≥ ⎢ ⎥
v̄ = ⎣ ... ⎦ . (B.4)

These quantities are related by the matrix regression model written for all the available
z̄ = ε L S ϑ + v̄. (B.5)

With this notation the least squares functional (3.72) can be written

JL S (ϑ) = (z̄ − ε L S ϑ)T M L S (z̄ − ε L S ϑ) , (B.6)

where M L S ∗ Rk×k is the diagonal matrix of weights

⎡ ⎤
ηk 0 ... 0
⎢ . .. ⎥
≥ ⎢ 0 ηk−1 . . .⎥
ML S = ⎢
⎢ .
⎥ (B.7)
⎣ .. .. ..
. . 0⎦
0 ... 0 η
Appendix B: Recursive Least Squares Deduction 225

Equating the gradient of JL S (ϑ) with respect to ϑ to zero yields the normal equation
satisfied by the least squares estimates ϑ̂ of ϑ

θ(k)ϑ̂(k) = ε LT S M L S z̄, (B.8)

where θ(k) is the information matrix given k observations, given by

θ(k) = ε LT S M L S ε L S . (B.9)

If the experimental conditions are such that the data verify a persistency of excitation
condition, then the inverse of θ(k) exists, and the least squares estimates are given
ϑ̂(k) = θ−1 (k)ε LT S M L S z̄. (B.10)

This expression can be given the form

ϑ̂(k) = θ−1 (k) ηk−i π(i)z(i). (B.11)

Furthermore, the information matrix verifies the recursive equation

θ(k) = ηθ(k − 1) + π(k)π T (k). (B.12)

Isolate the last term of the summation in (B.11) and use (B.11) with k replaced by
k − 1 to get

ϑ̂(k) = θ−1 (k) π(k)y(k) + ηθ(k − 1)ϑ̂(k − 1) (B.13)

and then express θ(k − 1) in terms of θ(k) using (B.12), yielding

ϑ̂(k) = ϑ̂(k − 1) + θ−1 (k)π(k) y(k) − π T (k)ϑ̂(k − 1) . (B.14)

Together with (B.12), Eq. (B.14) provides a way of updating recursively the estimate
of ϑ. The estimate given the data up to time k is obtained by correcting the estimate
given the observations up to time k − 1 by a term given by the product of a gain (the
Kalman gain, θ−1 (k)π(k)) by the a priori prediction error y(k) − π T (k)ϑ̂(k − 1).
These expressions have the drawback of requiring the computation of the inverse of
the information matrix θ at each iteration. This can be avoided by propagating in
time directly the inverse of θ. Let

P(k) = θ−1 (k). (B.15)

226 Appendix B: Recursive Least Squares Deduction

Matrix P is proportional to the parameter error covariance error and, for simplicity,
is referred simply as the “covariance matrix”. From (B.12) it follows that
P(k) = η−1 θ(k − 1) + π(k)η−1 π T (k) . (B.16)

Using the matrix inversion lemma (B.1) with A = θ(k − 1), B = π(k), C = η−1
and D = π T (k) yields (3.75). Equation (3.73) follows from (B.14) and the definition
of P. ≤

Appendix C

In this appendix we explain how the predictive models used by MUSMAR, (3.62)
are obtained from the ARX model (3.9). As explained in Sect. 3.2.4 the MUSMAR
adaptive control algorithm restricts the future control samples (with respect to the
present discrete time denoted k), from time k + 1 up to t + T − 1, to be given by
a constant feedback of the pseudo-state, leaving u(k) free. In order to see how the
predictive model (3.47) is modified by this assumption, start by observing that the
pseudostate s(k) defined in (3.95) satisfies the dynamic state equation

s(k + 1) = εs s(k) + ψs u(k) + ē1T e(k), (C.1)

in which

ē1T = [1 0 . . . 0], (C.2)
⎡ ⎤
≥ ⎢ In−1 0(n−1)×n ⎥
εs = ⎢

⎦ (C.3)
0(m−1)×n Im−1 0(m−1)×1

ψs = [b0 0 . . . 0 1 0 . . . 0]T , (C.4)


ρ1T = [−a1 . . . − an b1 . . . bm ] . (C.5)

The matrix entries ai and b j above are the coefficients of the ARX model (3.9) and
e is the innovations sequence of the same model.
Assume that a constant feedback law written as

u(k + i) = F0T s(k + i) (C.6)

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 227

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
228 Appendix C: MUSMAR Models

will be acting on the plant from time k + 1 up to time t + T − 1, where T is the

optimization horizon (do not confuse the horizon T with similar symbol used to refer
the transpose of a matrix; the context in which they are used should be sufficient to
distinguish both). Under this assumption, from time k + 1 up to time k + T − 1, the
pseudo-state verifies

s(k + i + 1) = ε F s(k + i) + ē1 e(k + i), (C.7)


ε F = εs + ψs F0T . (C.8)

Combining (C.1) and (C.7), it is concluded by making a comparison with Kalman

predictors Goodwin and Sin (1984) that the optimal predictor of s(k + i), given
information up to time k is

ŝ(k + i|k) = ε Fi−1 [εs s(k) + ψu(k)] . (C.9)

The optimal predictor for u(k + i) is

û(k + i|k) = F0T ŝ(k + i|k), (C.10)

which implies that

û(k + i|k) = F0T ε Fi−1 [εs s(k) + ψu(k)] . (C.11)


μi = F0T ε Fi−1 ψs (C.12)


φiT = F0T ε Fi−1 εs , (C.13)

the expression (C.11) reduces to the MUSMAR input predictor (3.63).

Furthermore, since by the construction of the pseudo-state the optimal predictor
for the output y(k + i), given observations up to time k, is

ŷ(k + i|k) = ē1T ŝ(k + i|k), (C.14)

it follows that
ŷ(k + i|k) = ē1T ε Fi−1 [εs s(k) + ψu(k)] . (C.15)


ϑi = ē1T ε Fi−1 ψs (C.16)
Appendix C: MUSMAR Models 229


ρiT = ē1T ε Fi−1 εs , (C.17)

it is also recognized that the expression (C.15) reduces to the MUSMAR output
predictor (3.62). ≤

Appendix D
MUSMAR as a Newton Minimization Algorithm

In Mosca et al. (1989) Propositions 1 and 2 of Chap. 3 that characterize the possible
convergence points of MUSMAR and the direction it yields for the progression of
the controller gains are proved using the ODE method for studying the convergence
of stochastic algorithms. In this appendix we use a different method that has the
advantage of not relying on the ODE method, being thus more comprehensive.

D.1 Proof of Proposition 1

According to the control strategy used

ỹ(t + j) ≈ ϑ j (Fk−1 ) + H j∀ (Fk−1 , Fk )s(t) (D.1)

u(t + j − 1) ≈ μ j−1 (Fk−1 )ϕ(t) + G ∀j−1 (Fk−1 , Fk )s(t), (D.2)

H j (Fk−1 , Fk ) = ρ j (Fk−1 ) + ϑ j (Fk−1 Fk ) (D.3)

G j−1 (Fk−1 , Fk ) = φi−1 (Fk−1 )Fk (D.4)

Let Fk be computed according to (3.104, 3.105). By adding and subtracting

ϑ 2j (Fk−1 Fk−1 ) and μi2 (Fk−1 )Fk−1 λ, this becomes

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 231

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
232 Appendix D: MUSMAR as a Newton Minimization Algorithm
⎛ ⎞
T −1
1 ⎝
Fk = − ϑ j (Fk−1 ) H j (Fk−1 , Fk−1 ) + λ μ j (Fk−1 ) G j (Fk−1 , Fk−1 )⎠
γ (Fk−1 )
j=1 j=1
⎛ ⎞
Fk−1 ⎝ 2 
+ ϑ j (Fk−1 ) + λ μi (Fk−1 )⎠ .
γ (Fk−1 ) j
=1 j=1

If λ Fk−1 /γ(Fk−1 ) is added and subtracted, (D.5) becomes

⎛ ⎞
T −1
1 ⎝
Fk = − ϑ j (Fk−1 )H j (Fk−1 , Fk−1 ) + λ μ j (Fk−1 )G j (Fk−1 , Fk−1 ) + λ Fk−1 ⎠
γ(Fk−1 )
j=1 j=1
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞
Fk−1 ⎝ 2 
+ ϑ j (Fk−1 ) + λ ⎝1 + μi (Fk−1 )⎠⎠ .
γ(Fk−1 ) j
=1 j=1

The gradient ∞T J (F) of the receding horizon cost JT (t) with respect to the controller
gains is given by
⎡ ⎤

α ỹ(t + j) αu(t + j − 1) ⎦
∞T J (F) = E ⎣ ỹ(t + j) + λu(t + j − 1)
αF αF

= (ϑi (Fk−1 )E[y(t + j)s(t)] + λμ j−1 (Fk−1 )E[u(t + j − 1)s(t)])

or, equivalently, by

1 −1 
Rs ∞T J (F) = (ϑi (Fk−1 )Hi (Fk−1 , Fk )

+ λμ j−1 (Fk−1 )G j−1 (Fk−1 , Fk ) . (D.8)

Here, (D.3, D.4) and (3.105) are used together with

E[y(t + j)s(t)] = Rs H j (Fk−1 , Fk ) (D.9)

E[u(t + j)s(t)] = Rs G j (Fk−1 , Fk ). (D.10)

Since μ0 = 1, φ0 = 1 and G 0 (Fk−1 , Fk−1 ), the conclusion follows from (D.8) and

Appendix D: MUSMAR as a Newton Minimization Algorithm 233

D.2 Proof of Proposition 2

Let iterations (3.110) be initialized in a neighborhood of a local minimum F ∗ of J∇ ,

small enough so that J∇ has a single isolated minimum in it. In this region define
the candidate Lyapunov function

V (F) = J∇ (F) − J∇ (F ∗ ). (D.11)

This function is continuous and differentiable with respect to F and vanishes for
F = F ∗ , at which point it has a local minimum. Furthermore, it is strictly decreasing
around the trajectories of (3.110). Indeed

V (Fk ) − V (Fk−1 ) = J∇ (Fk ) − J∇ (Fk−1 )

= (∞ J∇ (Fk−1 ))∀ · (Fk − Fk−1 ) + o(Fk − F ∗ )
=− (∞ J∇ (Fk−1 ))∀ Rs−1 (Fk−1 )∞ J∇ (Fk−1 )
γ(Fk−1 )
+ o(Fk − F ∗ ). (D.12)

Hence, and since it can be proved that Rs > 0 Mosca et al. (1989), in a sufficiently
small neighborhood of F ∗ ,

V (F − k) − V (Fk−1 ) < 0 (D.13)

and by Lyapunov’s Direct Method the sequence Fk converges to F ∗ .

In an analogous way, around a local maximum Fmax one can define the function

W (F) = −J∇ (F) + J∇ (Fmax ). (D.14)

This function is continuous and differentiable and has a local minimum at Fmax but
now, in a neighborhood of the maximum, it may be proved using similar arguments
as above that (3.110) yields

W (Fk ) − W (Fk−1 ) > 0. (D.15)

This inequality allows to conclude that Fmax is unstable in the sense of Lyapunov.
Hence, the recursion (3.110) does not yield a sequence of gains that converge to a

Appendix E
Derivation of the MUSMAR Dual Algorithm

For the sake

 of simplifying the notation, the mean conditioned on the observations
E ·|O k is denoted by E {·}.

E.1 Deduction of Equation (3.137)


E y 2 (k + i) = E ϑi u(k) + ρiT s(k)

= E ϑi2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k)ϑi ρiT s(k) + s T (k)ρi ρiT s(k)

= E ϑi2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k)E ϑi ρiT s(k) + s T (k)E ρi ρiT s(k)

= ϑ̂i2 + ϒϑi2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k) ϑ̂i ρ̂iT + ϒϑρi

+ s T (k)E ρi ρiT s(k) (E.1)

E u 2 (k + i − 1) = E μi−1 u(k) + φi−1 T

= E μi−1
u 2 (k) + 2u(k)μi−1 φi−1 T
s(k) + s T (k)φi−1 φi−1
 2  2

= E μi−1 u (k) + 2u(k)E μi−1 φi−1 T

s(k) + s T (k)E φi−1 φi−1
= μ̂i−1
+ ϒμi 2
u 2 (k) + 2u(k) μ̂i−1 φ̂i−1
+ ϒμφi

+ s T (k)E φi−1 φi−1 T

s(k) (E.2)

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 235

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
236 Appendix E: Derivation of the MUSMAR Dual Algorithm

the minimization of the cost function according to Eq. (3.133) leads to

T α Jkc 1 α 

= E y 2 (k + i) + λ E u 2 (k + i − 1)
2 αu(k) 2 αu(k)

= ϑ̂i2 + ϒϑi2 + λ μ̂i−1
+ λϒμi

+ ϑ̂i ρ̂iT + ϒϑρi
+ λ μ̂i−1 φ̂i−1
+ λϒμφi
s(k) = 0 (E.3)

i=1 ϑ̂i ρ̂i + λ i=1 μ̂i−1 φ̂i−1 + i=1 (ϒϑρi + λϒμφi )
u c (k) = − T T T s(k). (E.4)
i=1 ϑ̂i + λ i=1 μ̂i−1 + i=1 (ϒϑi + λϒμi )
2 2 2 2

Since the data vector, z(k) = u(k) s T (k) , used to estimate the predictive models
parameters is common to all models (actually, the vector used is z(k − T ) so the
T -steps ahead predictor can use the last output available to perform the estimation
and that is y(k)), there is only one RLS covariance matrix, P(k) common to all
models. To obtain the parameters of the true covariance matrix, matrix P(k) should
be multiplied by the variance of the prediction error of each model. Therefore,

ϒϑi2 = puu ϒ yi
2; ϒ
ϑρi = pus ϒ yi ;
, (E.5)
ϒμi = puu ϒui ; ϒμφi = pus ϒui ;
2 2 2

with  T

puu pus
P= , (E.6)
pus pss

where the argument k is omitted for notation simplicity, which yields the control law
i=1 ϑ̂i ρ̂i + λ i=1 μ̂i−1 φ̂i−1 + βpus
u c (k) = − T T s(k). (E.7)
i=1 ϑ̂i + λ i=1 μ̂i−1 + βpuu
2 2

E.2 Deduction of Equation (3.140)

Since Jka is quadratic with negative second derivative, the minimum of this criteria
coincides with one of the borders of the interval, and is given by
Appendix E: Derivation of the MUSMAR Dual Algorithm 237
u(k) = u c (k) + ϑ(k)sgn Jka (u c (k) − ϑ(k)) − Jka (u c (k) + ϑ(k)) (E.8)

The expected prediction error for the output and input can be computed as

E y(k + i) − ŷ(k + i) =E (ϑi − ϑ̂i )u(k) + (ρiT − ρ̂iT )s(k)

= E (ϑi − ϑ̂i )2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k)E (ϑi − ϑ̂i )(ρiT − ρ̂iT ) s(k)

+ s T (k)E (ρi − ρ̂i )(ρiT − ρ̂iT ) s(k)

2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k)ϒ T s(k)
= ϒϑi ϑρi

+ s (k)E (ρi − ρ̂i )(ρiT − ρ̂iT ) s(k),

T (E.9)

T − φ̂ T )s(k) 2
E u(k + i − 1) − û(k + i − 1) = E (μi−1 − μ̂i−1 )u(k) + (φi−1 i−1

= E (μi−1 − μ̂i−1 )2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k)E (μi−1 − μ̂i−1 )(φi−1 T − φ̂ T ) s(k)


+ s (k)E (φi−1 − φ̂i−1 )(φi−1 − φ̂i−1 ) s(k)

= ϒμi2 u 2 (k) + 2u(k)ϒ T s(k) + s T (k)E (φ T T

μφi i−1 − φ̂i−1 )(φi−1 − φ̂i−1 ) s(k).

Replacing (E.9) and (E.10) in

" #
!2 !2
Jka = −E y(k + i) − ŷ(k + i) + γ u(k + i − 1) − û(k + i − 1)

T !2

=− E y(k + i) − ŷ(k + i)

T !2

− E u(k + i − 1) − û(k + i − 1) (E.11)


1  2   
Jka (u) = − ϒϑi + γϒμi
u 2 (k) + 2u(k) ϒϑTρi + γϒμφi

1  T

− s (k) E (ρi − ρ̂i )(ρiT − ρ̂iT ) + γs T (k)E (φi−1 − φ̂i−1 )(φiT − φ̂i−1
) s(k)
$ %& '

238 Appendix E: Derivation of the MUSMAR Dual Algorithm
1  2
=− (ϒ yi + γϒui ) puu u 2 (k) + 2u(k) pus
2 T
s(k) + c̄ (E.12)
$ %& '
δ ◦0


Jka (u c (k) − ϑ(k)) − Jka (u c (k) + ϑ(k))

= − δ puu (u 2c (k) − 2u c (k)ϑ(k) + ϑ(k)2 ) + 2(u c (k) − ϑ(k)) pus
T s(k)
+ δ puu (u 2c (k) + 2u c (k)ϑ(k) + ϑ(k)2 ) + 2(u c (k) + ϑ(k)) pus
T s(k)
= 4δ ϑ(k) puu u c (k) + pus T s(k) . (E.13)

Equation (E.8) reduces then to Eq. (3.140). ≤

E.3 Local Models and Local Controllers for the Air

Heating Fan Example

This appendix contains the numeric data for SMMAC control of the air heating fan
laboratory plant, as described in Sect. 4.3. The local models are described in Table
E.1 and the local controllers, that match each of them, are described in Table E.2.
Appendix E: Derivation of the MUSMAR Dual Algorithm 239

Table E.1 Estimated local models of the air heating fan plant
Low temperature Medium temperature
Low A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.84q −1 + 0.8442q −2 A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.862q −1 + 0.8649q −2
B ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.001866q −3 − 0.0003835q −4 B ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.003823q −2

C ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.389q −1 + 0.5118q −2 C ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.15q −1 + 0.3074q −2

Medium A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.82q −1 + 0.8257q −2 A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.83q −1 + 0.8348q −2

B ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.00143q −2 B ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.003763q −2

C ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.349q −1 + 0.4493q −2 C ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.118q −1 + 0.3484q −2

High A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.783q −1 + 0.7902q −2 A∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.8q −1 + 0.806q −2

B ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.001222q −2 + 0.0002227q −3 B ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.00399q −2

C ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.334q −1 + 0.4904q −2 C ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.193q −1 + 0.4593q −2

Table E.2 Local controllers for the different operating regions of the air heating fan plant
Low temperature Medium temperature
Low R ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.696q −1 + 0.8719q −2 R ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.156q −1 + 0.1556q −2
−0.1910q −3 + 0.01537q −4
S ∗ (q −1 ) = 37.02 − 70.75q −1 + 33.84q −2 S ∗ (q −1 ) = 41.41 − 76.24q −1 + 35.18q −2

T ∗ (q −1 ) = 0.8677q −1 − 1.205q −2 T ∗ (q −1 ) = 2.176 − 2.503q −1 + 0.6690q −2

+0.4440q −3

Med- R ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.471q −1 + 0.4707q −2 R ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.170q −1 + 0.1698q −2

flow S ∗ (q −1 ) = 27.47 − 52.17q −1 + 24.81q −2 S ∗ (q −1 ) = 51.96 − 96.19q −1 + 44.63q −2

T ∗ (q −1 ) = 1.132 − 1.526q −1 + 0.5086q −2 T ∗ (q −1 ) = 1.742 − 1.947q −1 + 0.6069q −2

High R ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.479q −1 + 0.4935q −2 R ∗ (q −1 ) = 1 − 1.291q −1 + 0.2912q −2

−0.01485q −3
S ∗ (q −1 ) = 58.66 − 111.1q −1 + 52.68q −2 S ∗ (q −1 ) = 51.48 − 96.22q −1 + 45.07q −2

T ∗ (q −1 ) = 1.756 − 2.342q −1 + 0.8611q −2 T ∗ (q −1 ) = 1.254 − 1.497q −1 + 0.5760q −2

Appendix F
Warped Time Optimization

In this appendix the underlying control laws (i.e., the control law assuming that the
plant parameters are known) used in the WARTIC-i/o and WARTIC-state control
algorithms, described in Chap. 5, are deduced.

F.1 Proof of the WARTIC-i/o Control Law

Hereafter we prove Eq. (5.16) that yields a closed-form expression for the WARTIC-
i/o control law. For that sake, consider the predictive model (5.15) and assume that
u is constant and equal to u(k) over the prediction horizon, yielding

T0 (k + i) = γu(k) R(k − 1 + j) + γ R(k − p)u(k − p) + βTin (k + i − n).
j=1 p=1
Assume now that the future values of radiation at time k + 1 up to time k + T (that
are unknown at time k) are equal to R(k). Equation (F.1) becomes

T0 (k + i) = γu(k)R(k)i + γ R(k − p)u(k − p) + βTin (k + i − n). (F.2)

Insert (F.2) in the definition of the cost Jk given by (5.14) to get


Jk = Tout (k + i) − γi R(k)u(k) − γ π̄(k, i) , (F.3)

∗ ≥ ∗
Tout (k) = Tout (k) − βTin (k − n) (F.4)

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 241

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
242 Appendix F: Warped Time Optimization

π̄(k, i) = R(k − p)u(k − p). (F.5)

The derivative of the cost with respect to the manipulated variable is

1 α Jk 

= −γ R(k) i Tout (k + i) − γ π̄(k, i) + γ 2 R 2 (k)u(k) i 2 . (F.6)
2 αu(k)
i=1 i=1

Equating to zero the derivative (F.5) and solving with respect to u(k) yields (5.16).

F.2 Proof of the WARTIC-State Control Law

Hereafter we prove Eq. (5.42) that yields a closed-form expression for the WARTIC-
state control law.
From the assumptions (5.40) and (5.41) that both the manipulated variable and the
reference are constant over the control horizon, the predictive model for the output
(5.39) becomes
⎧ ⎫
⎨  i−1 ⎬
y(k + i) = C Ai c(k) + C Ai− j−1 B u(k). (F.7)
⎩ ⎭

The matrices A, B and C are defined in (5.27). The cost function (5.33) can then be
expanded as
. /2
Jk = r (k) − C Ai x(k) − ϕi−1 u(k) + · · ·
. /2
+ r (k) − C A T x(k) − ϕi−1 u(k) + λT u 2 (k), (F.8)


ϕi = CA i− j
B= C A j B = 1 + β + · · · + βi , (F.9)
j=0 j=0

with beta the parameter introduced in (5.13). Observing that

C Ai x(k) = β i xn−i (k), (F.10)

Appendix F: Warped Time Optimization 243


Jk = {ϕ02 + . . . + ϕT2 −1 + λT }u(k)2

+ 2{ϕ0 xn (k) + ϕ1 β 1 xn−1 (k) + . . . + ϕT −1 β T −1 xn−T +1 (k)}u(k)
2r (k){ϕ0 + ϕ1 + . . . + ϕT −1 }u(k) + terms independent of u(k), (F.11)

and the minu(k) Jk is obtained by solving the equation

""T −1 # #
1 α Jk 
= ϕi2 + λT u(k)
2 αu(k)
"T −1 #

+ ϕi β xn− j (k) +
ϕi r (k) = 0. (F.12)
i=0 i=0

Incorporating the constant T in λ yields (5.42). ≤

Appendix G
Characterization of the Eigenvalues
of the Linearized Tracking Dynamics

Proof of Proposition 6.1

The tracking dynamics is described by the following system of differential equations

ẋn = 0
ẋn−1 = γ R(1 − xn−1
xn −xn−1 )
xn−2 −xn−3
ẋn−2 = γ R(1 − xn −xn−1 ) (G.1)
ẋ1 = γ R(1 − xn −x n−1

The first equation is already linear and provides an eigenvalue at the origin. Lineariz-
ing the other n − 1 equations around the equilibrium point defined by
xi = i r =1

yields the (n − 1) × (n − 1) Jacobian matrix:

⎡ ⎤
−2n n 0 ... 0
⎢ −n −n 0 ... 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ n ... 0⎥
J = ⎢ −n 0 −n ⎥. (G.2)
⎢ .. .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎣ . . . . .⎦
−n 0 ... ... 0 n

In order to compute the eigenvalues of this Jacobian matrix, start by observing that
it can be written as
J = n(−I + A) (G.3)

where I is the identity of order n − 1 and A[(n − 1) × (n − 1)] is the matrix

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 245

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
246 Appendix G: Characterization of the Eigenvalues of the Linearized
⎡ ⎤
−1 1 0 ... 0
⎢ −1 0 1 ... 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
A=⎢ . .. .. .. .. ⎥ . (G.4)
⎣ .. . . . .⎦
−1 0 0 . . . 0

The characteristic polynomial of J is obtained from

det(s I − J ) = det(s I + I − A)
= det((s + 1)I − A)
= det(ϒ I − A),

where the change of variable

ϒ := s + 1 (G.5)

has been made.

Since A is a matrix in companion form, the coefficients of its characteristic poly-
nomial (in ϒ ) are the symmetric of the entries of the first column of A. Therefore:

det(ϒ I − A) = ϒ n−1 + ϒ n−2 + · · · + 1

Since (sum of the first n + 1 terms of a geometric series):

1 − a N −1
ai = , ∀a = 1 (G.6)

it is concluded that
ϒn − 1
det(ϒ I − A) = ϒ = 1 (G.7)
ϒ −1

Hence, the eigenvalues of A satisfy

ϒ n − 1 = 0 and ϒ = 1 (G.8)

Recalling the change of variable (G.5), it is concluded that the eigenvalues of n1 J are
located over a circumference of radius 1, centered at −1. Furthermore, since
η(J ) = nη J ,

where η(M) denotes the eigenvalues of a generic matrix M, it follows that the
eigenvalues of J are located over a circumference of radius n centered at −n.
Appendix G: Characterization of the Eigenvalues of the Linearized 247

In order to get the eigenvalues of the tracking dynamics, to the n − 1 eigenvalues

of J one must add another eigenvalue, located at the origin, associated with xn .
In conclusion, there are n eigenvalues of the tracking dynamics, that divide the
circumference in equal parts. 
Appendix H
Stability of a Time Varying System

Consider the linear time varying equation

ė(t) = Āu ∗ (t)e(t), (H.1)

0 < u min ≤ u ∗ (t) ≤ u max ∀t ◦0 (H.2)

and such that Ā = −A/L is a stability matrix with η̄ a negative number greater than
the largest real part of its eigenvalues. Use the Gronwall-Bellman inequality Rugh
(1996) to conclude that

e(t) ≤ e(0)exp{  Āu ∗ (ξ )dξ }. (H.3)

Considering (H.2), this implies

e(t) ≤ e(0)eη̄u min t . (H.4)

Since η̄ < 0, this establishes asymptotic stability of (H.1). ≤


Goodwin GC, Sin KS (1984) Adaptive filtering prediction and control. Prentice-Hall, New York
Ibragimov NH (1999) Elementary Lie group analysis and ordinary differential equations. Wiley,
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Mosca E, Zappa G, Lemos JM (1989) Robustness of multipredictor adaptive regulators: MUSMAR.
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J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 249

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

A control methods, 20
Active part of the pipe, 133 difficulties facing DCSF controller design,
Adaptation transient, 93 17
Adaptive motion planning, 192 disturbances in DCSFs, 14
Air heating fan, 46 dual MUSMAR DCSF control, 98
Arc welding, 48 exact solution of the DCSF PDE model, 31
feedback linearization of a, 154
finite difference state-space model, 35
integral model, 34
Bumpless transfer, 128
lumped parameter model, 40
motion planning, 187
C PDE model, 28
Caution, 94 state vector with finite differences, 36
Cautious MUSMAR control, 97 uncertainty in DCSF models, 18
Certainty equivalence principle, 93 Direct steam generation, 7
Characteristic curves, 33 Directional forgetting, 68
Collocation points, 40 Dual control, 95
Constraints bi-criteria for dual control, 95
in the average vale of the manipulated optimal dual control problem, 94
variable, 77 Dwell time condition, 110
operational constraints, 72 Dynamic weights, 79
cascade, 16, 91
distributed collector solar field control, 14
Control horizon, 55 E
Control Lyapunov function adaptation, 166
Controllability, 177
renewable, 1
Controller bank, 107
solar, 1
Covariance matrix, 67
Equality in least squares sense, 65
D Fokker–Planck equation, 48
DCSF Equilibrium point, 37
adaptive control with a control Lyapunov Equilibrium value, 183
function, 162 Exponential forgetting algorithm, 67

J. M. Lemos et al., Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems, 251

Advances in Industrial Control, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06853-4,
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
252 Index

F incremental predictive model, 63

Feedback linearization MUSMAR positional predictive models, 64
with an approximate DCSF model, 157 warped time predictive model, 135
Feedforward, 14, 194 Wiener model, 111
Field Model predictive control, 53
distributed collector, 3 Moisture
PSA field, 4 flat output, 199
solar tower, 8 flat solution, 200
Flat output, 177, 203 general solution of PDE, 199
Forgetting factor, 67 model in transformed coordinates, 198
motion planning formulas, 201
plant model, 42
G Moisture;steady state, 201
Gain scheduling, 108 Moisture;transition between steady states, 202
example, 110 Motion planning, 180
Generalized predictive control, 70 Motion planning for moisture control, 197
Gevrey function, 184 MPC, 53
computation of derivatives, 185 Multistep cost, 55
Glass tube manufacturing model, 44 MUSMAR
GPC, 70 as a cost optimizer, 76
air heating fan control with, 83
arc welding control with, 88
H boiler superheated steam control with, 85
Heliostats, 10 cascade adaptive control of a DCSF, 91
configuration parameters, 81
DCSF control with a dynamic cost, 90
I DCSF control with basic, 88
Internal dynamics, 154 dual MUSMAR algorithm, 98
MUSMAR positional algorithm, 74

Kalman gain, 67 N
Nonuniform sampling, 139

LaSalle’s invariance theorem, 162 O
Least squares estimate, 67 Observer design in warped time, 144
Linearization OCM, 39
feedback linearization, 152 Orbital flatness, 179, 203
Jacobian linearization, 37 Orthogonal collocation, 39
LMI, 128 Output derivatives, 185
LPV, 128
Lyapunov equation, 164
Lyapunov function, 160 P
Pencil of predictors, 64
Plataforma Solar de Almeria, 4
M Polynomial
Markov parameters, 70 Hurwitz, 113
Material derivative, 204 monic, 113
Model Prediction horizon, 55
ARMAX model, 58 Predictor
ARX model, 58 incremental MUSMAR predictors, 66
controllability of warped time model, 141 optimal least squares predictor, 59
incremental linear model, 116 predictor extrapolation, 68
Index 253

Probing, 94 Substantial derivative, 204

PSA, 4 Supervisor observer polynomial, 114
Pseudostate, 61 Supervisory based multiple model control, 106
Pyrometer, 48 Switching
among controllers, 107

Reachable states, 37 T
Receding horizon control Time scale change, 180
stabilizing, 166 Tracking dynamics, 155
Receding horizon strategy, 56 tracking dynamics eigenvalues in DCSF,
Recursive least squares estimation algorithm, 156
67 Traffic model, 43
Riccati equation, 67 Trajectory generator, 184
RLS, 67

S Unscented Kalman filter, 149
Scheduling variable, 108
Servo control
structure, 179 V
Shutter, 10 Virtual control, 71
SMMAC, 113
air heating fan control with, 118 W
application to DCSF, 121 Warped time, 133
local controller design, 116 WARTIC-State
local controllers, 114 controller, 143
local models, 113 experimental results with a DCSF, 146
Solar furnaces, 9 WARTIC-i/o
Start-up, 93 experimental results, 137
State observer, 166 WARTIC-i/o controller, 136
Steady-state, 183 application to a DCSF, 139
Steam superheater, 47 Way points, 184

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