(Energy Systems - From Design To Management) Bianco, Vincenzo-Analysis of Energy Systems - Management, Planning, and policy-CRC Press (2017) PDF

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Analysis of Energy

Systems: Management,
Planning, and Policy
Series on

Vincenzo Bianco
Università di Genova, Italy

Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning and Policy
Vincenzo Bianco
Analysis of Energy
Systems: Management,
Planning, and Policy

Edited by
Vincenzo Bianco
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Bianco, Vincenzo, editor.

Title: Analysis of energy systems : management, planning and policy /
[edited by] Vincenzo Bianco.
Description: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2017. | Series: Energy systems from
design to management | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016050541| ISBN 9781498777391 (hardback : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781498777469 (ebook : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Power resources. | Power resources--Management | Energy
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Classification: LCC HD9502.A2 A55 2017 | DDC 333.79068--dc23
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Preface..................................................................................................................... vii

1. Systemic Interventions to Achieve a Long-Term Energy

Transition toward Sustainability..................................................................1
Georgeta Vidican Auktor

2. Energy and Climate Planning: The Role of Analytical Tools and

Soft Measures.................................................................................................13
Carmelina Cosmi, Monica Salvia, Filomena Pietrapertosa, and Senatro Di Leo

3. Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies........49

Andrey Kovalev and Liliana Proskuryakova

4. Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and

Cooling: System Design and Policy Overview........................................73
Konstantinos C. Kavvadias

5. Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? Economic,
Environmental, and Regulatory Opportunities for Smart Grid
Development in Northwestern Europe...................................................105
Michele Moretti, Nele Witters, Steven Van Passel, and
Sylvestre Njakou Djomo

6. Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets............................149

Patrícia Pereira da Silva and Nuno Carvalho Figueiredo

7. Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition.......171

Gabriella Ferruzzi and Giorgio Graditi

8. Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies..............................................197

Jacopo Torriti

9. Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in

MENA Countries.........................................................................................219
Tareq Emtairah and Nurzat Myrsalieva

vi Contents

10. Analysis of the European Energy Context: A Snapshot of the

Natural Gas Sector.......................................................................................233
Vincenzo Bianco

11. The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the

European Union: A Spotlight on Renewables.......................................265
Oana M. Driha, Julián López-Milla, and Martín Sevilla-Jiménez


The analysis of energy systems is of paramount importance in modern soci-

eties, since it is fundamental to guarantee a sustainable economic develop-
ment. It combines technical and economic research with a specific focus on
quantitative modeling, in order to optimize the modalities of energy demand
and supply globally.
Management, planning, and policy are three key aspects in the study of
complex energy systems, which have to be considered at the same time,
because of the “multidimensional” nature of energy-related interactions.
Through effective energy management, it is possible to reduce consump-
tion, thus enhancing energy efficiency, and to optimize supply and demand
in the medium/short term.
Energy planning, instead, is a fundamental step in pursuing winning long-term
strategies in terms of energy supply and demand optimization. Sophisticated
instruments and methodologies, ranging from energy demand forecast up to
the computation of the optimal supply–demand balance or minimization of
pollutant emissions, are available to support complex energy planning.
Similarly, energy policy has a relevant role, because it helps reshape the
energy sector and improve its effectiveness by designing and implementing
appropriate supporting schemes for the diffusion of the best technologies.
The aim of the present book is to bring together a number of selected con-
tributions regarding the analysis of energy systems from several experts of
different countries. The latest research results, innovations, and methodolo-
gies are reported in the book in order to support discussion, to circulate ideas
and knowledge about the analysis of energy systems.
The most recent trends, such as smart grids and transition from fossil fuels
to renewables-based energy systems and distributed generation, are dis-
cussed in depth, as briefed here:

• Chapter 1 discusses the nexus between energy transition and sus-

tainability by analyzing possible benefits for the society, the econ-
omy, and policy framework necessary to sustain this evolution.
• Chapter 2 proposes an analysis on the role of analytical tools in the
context of energy and climate planning. A significant range of tools
and methodologies are presented, compared, and discussed in detail.
• Chapter 3 analyzes the role of Energy Service Companies (ESCO)
in the energy system and the related policies necessary to stimulate
this business. An analysis of the Russian context is proposed, includ-
ing two case studies on Eurasia Drilling Company and TGT Oilfield

viii Preface

• Chapter 4 discusses the competitiveness of distributed trigenera-

tion, namely, the contemporary generation of heat, power, and cool.
An overview of the topic is presented by introducing the main tech-
nologies and sectors of application. Furthermore, a methodology to
evaluate the competitiveness of the different solutions is presented.
• Chapter 5 focuses on the role of smart grids. In particular, the
Northwestern European context is analyzed in terms of economic,
environmental, and regulatory issues
• Chapter 6 investigates the problem of renewables optimization on
“energy only” power markets. The scope is to analyze the “missing
money” problem provoked by the tremendous development of RES
in EU, with a focus on the Iberian market.
• Chapter 7 proposes an analysis on the optimal scheduling of a
microgrid under uncertainty conditions. An introduction and clas-
sification of microgrids is presented and then a methodology to per-
form the optimization, namely, minimizing the generation cost, is
presented and discussed.
• Chapter 8 presents a methodology to perform cost–benefit analysis
(CBA) for energy policies. In particular, the chapter focuses on the
methodological aspects of the CBA, by illustrating its framework
and possible application in the field of energy policy.
• Chapter 9 examines the effect of the implementation of energy effi-
ciency policies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by
introducing a benchmarking methodology. The methodology allows
comparing the different countries and analyzing their successful
policy measures.
• Chapter 10 analyzes the European natural gas market by highlight-
ing the most recent trends, which led to complete reshaping of the
sector. The regulatory framework, supply and demand balance, mar-
ket context, and infrastructure development are discussed in depth.
• Chapter 11 offers a deep insight into the Spanish energy policy with
particular emphasis on renewables. A snapshot at the EU level is also
given, and the differences between the Spanish and EU context are
also highlighted.

The present book aims to be a reference for the academic community,

students, and professionals with a wider interdisciplinary background.
It provides readers with up-to-date knowledge and innovative ideas for the
analysis of energy systems.

Vincenzo Bianco Nuno Carvalho Figueiredo

Department of Mechanical, Energy, Energy for Sustainability
Management and Transportation Faculty of Economics
Engineering University of Coimbra
University of Genoa Sustainable Energy Systems
Genoa, Italy MIT-Portugal
Carmelina Cosmi Coimbra, Portugal
Institute of Methodologies for
Environmental Analysis Giorgio Graditi
National Research Council of Italy Energy Technologies Department
Potenza, Italy Italian National Agency for
New Technologies, Energy
Senatro Di Leo and Sustainable Economic
Institute of Methodologies for Development
Environmental Analysis Portici Research Center
National Research Council of Italy Naples, Italy
Potenza, Italy
Konstantinos C. Kavvadias
European Commission, Joint
Oana M. Driha Research Centre (JRC)
Department of Applied Economic Directorate for Energy, Transport
Analysis and Climate
University of Alicante Petten, the Netherlands
Alicante, Spain
Andrey Kovalev
Tareq Emtairah Institute for Statistical Studies and
International Institute for Industrial Economics of Knowledge
Environmental Economics National Research University
Lund University Higher School of Economics
Lund, Sweden Russian Federation

Gabriella Ferruzzi Julián López-Milla

Department of Industrial Department of Applied Economic
Engineering Analysis
University of Naples Federico II University of Alicante
Naples, Italy Alicante, Spain

x Contributors

Michele Moretti Patrícia Pereira da Silva

Faculty of Business Economics INESCC and CeBER
Center for Environmental Sciences Energy for Sustainability and
Hasselt University MIT- Portugal
Diepenbeek, Belgium Faculty of Economics, University of
and Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
University of Liege
Jacopo Torriti
Gembloux, Belgium
School of the Built Environment
University of Reading
Nurzat Myrsalieva
Reading, United Kingdom
Energy Consultant
United Nations Development
Steven Van Passel
Faculty of Business Economics
Center for Environmental Sciences
Hasselt University
Sylvestre Njakou Djomo
Diepenbeek, Belgium
Department of Agroecology
Aarhus University and
Tjele, Denmark Department of Engineering
Filomena Pietrapertosa University of Antwerp
Institute of Methodologies for Antwerp, Belgium
Environmental Analysis
National Research Council of Italy Nele Witters
Potenza, Italy Faculty of Business Economics
Center for Environmental Sciences
Liliana Proskuryakova Hasselt University
Institute for Statistical Studies and Diepenbeek, Belgium
Economics of Knowledge
National Research University Georgeta Vidican Auktor
Higher School of Economics Institute of Economics
Russian Federation Friedrich Alexander University
Monica Salvia Erlangen, Germany
Institute of Methodologies for and
Environmental Analysis
German Development Institute
National Research Council of Italy
Bonn, Germany
Potenza, Italy

Martín Sevilla-Jiménez
Department of Applied Economics
University of Alicante
Alicante, Spain
Systemic Interventions to Achieve
a Long-Term Energy Transition
toward Sustainability

Georgeta Vidican Auktor

1.1 Multi-Dimensions of Energy System Transition........................................1
1.2 Complex Link between Energy and Development....................................3
1.3 Co-Benefits from the Energy Transition......................................................6
1.4 Integrated Policy Interventions....................................................................8
References................................................................................................................ 11

1.1 Multi-Dimensions of Energy System Transition

The main message of this edited volume is that energy systems are mul-
tidimensional and require simultaneous interventions at management,
planning, and policy level. Given the complex nature of energy-related
interactions, a one-dimensional approach to the analysis of energy systems
is likely to miss opportunities for achieving long-term sustainable devel-
opment objectives. With a focus on the link between energy and economic
development and on the importance of transforming energy systems toward
sustainability, this chapter discusses the need for integrating the analysis
of energy systems (simplified here as the system for generation, transmis-
sion, and consumption of energy) with other economic and social policies
and strategies for enabling a long-term energy transition. The imperative for
integration emerges from four main reasons.
First, energy and development are intrinsically related. Economic growth
is powered by energy production for fueling industrial development and for
sustaining technological innovation; access to energy is essential for improv-
ing livelihoods and welfare and for enabling access to markets and entrepre-
neurship. Thus, an integration of energy policy with industrial and social
policy is essential to enabling energy system transformation.

2 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Second, in light of concerns with global climate change, clean energy tech-
nologies (in particular renewable energy technologies) need to become more
prominent in energy production and consumption. Economic growth based
on conventional fuels has historically been associated with increasing lev-
els of environmental degradation. While early industrializing countries
have managed to gradually reduce their environmental footprint, develop-
ing and emerging economies face massive challenges to decouple economic
growth from environmental degradation, especially as related to the scale
of investments and know-how. However, opportunities also exist; develop-
ing countries could leapfrog industrial development based on fossil fuels by
expanding their capabilities in renewables, thus paving the way to a sustain-
able growth pathway. Such a development process would require, however, a
change in the way we produce and consume energy, in the industrial process
itself, and the infrastructure for energy generation and distribution.
Third, as conventional energy systems are locked-in into existing infrastruc-
ture and power structures (Unruh 2000), institutional path dependencies
(e.g., subsidization of fossil fuels) need to be disrupted. The role of the state
in this process, in correcting market and coordination failures (Lütkenhorst
et al. 2014), is critical. By creating incentives for renewable energy deploy-
ment and energy efficiency adoption, a market for low-carbon energy can
be enabled, opening up opportunities for local value creation (through job
creation, knowledge, and research capabilities). A shift to low-carbon technol-
ogies can be, of course, costly in the face of other development requirements
(especially for developing and emerging economies), but the co-benefits that
can be captured in this process could compensate these costs in the medium
and long term.
Fourth, the main question, of course, is how to capture such benefits,
how to lock-out the energy system (and the development trajectory) from a
fossil fuel-based system and achieve a lock-in into a system based on low-
carbon energy technologies. The answer, I argue, lies within an integrated
policy approach and long-term planning, based on systemic learning and
experimentation. Policy integration across sectors leads to cooperation
between stakeholders with different interests and fosters consensus with
regard to the direction and sequencing of reforms. Integration can also
contribute to opening up new markets for renewable energy technologies
with applications in different sectors (e.g., water generation, agriculture, or
housing). Long-term planning needs to be based on a national vision for
sustainable development, which gives direction and purpose for various ini-
tiatives. The narrative framing such a vision should be elaborated by an alli-
ance of diverse stakeholders, representing the civil society, business sector,
and policy makers. Systematic learning and experimentation is an essential
part of this transition process. Such a systemic and deliberate transforma-
tion has almost no precedent in economic development history. Moreover,
policy solutions implemented in one context might not be suitable to another.
The example of the feed-in tariff (FIT) is a case in point; while this policy
Systemic Interventions to Achieve a Long-Term Energy Transition 3

instrument has been successfully used in Germany, many developing coun-

tries (for instance, India) have found that competitive bidding is more appro-
priate to their market and institutional context (Altenburg and Engelmaier
2013). Thus, experimentation, reflection, and reassessment of initial objective
of strategies are essential for effectively implementing such a transition pro-
cess, when uncertainties prevail.
This chapter aims to shed light of these issues. As some of these aspects
will be discussed in more detail in the subsequent chapters, with refer-
ence to different parts of the energy sector, in this chapter I emphasize the
systemic nature of the transition process, instead of offering an exhaustive
discussion on the subject. The chapter is structured as follows. Section 1.2
discusses the complex link between energy and economic development.
The role of the state in developing and guiding the national vision toward
sustainability is also discussed. Section 1.3 highlights the co-benefits that
can be captured by diversifying the energy system to integrate a larger
share of low-carbon energy technologies. Last, Section 1.4 has in focus the
need for integrated policy interventions given the complex nature of the
process of transformation toward sustainability, emphasizing the impor-
tance of learning and systematic implementation of policies. In effect,
multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches are critical for captur-
ing value creation in terms of job creation, competitiveness, and poverty

1.2 Complex Link between Energy and Development

Historically, energy sources have been critical for the development of civili-
zation (Cottrell 1955) and for long-term economic growth and development
(Smil 2003). The first industrial revolution is the prime example of how the
availability and transformation of energy sources have put into motion the
engine of economic growth in our contemporary society (Fouquet 2008, Ayres
2009). Inventions such as the internal combustion engine, creating new ways
of moving goods and people and accelerating transportation in our modern
world, as well as the steam locomotive (powered by coal or wood) became
symbols of modernity and progress by the end of the nineteenth century
(Moe 2010, Carbonnier and Grinevald 2011). Later, the railway and air travel
accelerated the growth process.
Yet, as Moe (2010) emphasizes, it is the symbiosis between energy and
industry contributing to structural change and thus to economic prog-
ress. Specifically, without new sources of energy growth in new industries
would not have been possible, and, at the same time, without technologi-
cal change and industrial progress incentives for exploiting and develop-
ing new sources would have been minimal. Correlations between human
4 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

development indicators and electricity consumption per capita show the

positive effect that the availability and consumption of energy have on socio-
economic development (GEA 2012).
Energy plays a critical role for poverty reduction. Access to reliable and
clean energy has been increasingly recognized to be critical for economic
development. Universal access to electricity and modern forms of energy
for cooking, as well as switching from traditional solid fuels to cleaner
liquid fuels and combustion technologies, is important for developing
countries to be able to overcome poverty and support economic growth
(GEA 2012).
Access to energy is essential for the delivery of key services, such as edu-
cation, health, and other social services, for consumption of goods, increas-
ing productivity, and for expanding employment opportunities through
industrial development. Currently, there are almost one and a half billion
people worldwide without access to electricity (IEA 2010). When consider-
ing those who have access only to intermittent sources of energy, this num-
ber is much larger.
The relationship between energy and poverty can be characterized by a
vicious cycle: poor people lacking access to (cleaner and) affordable energy
are often trapped in a cycle of deprivation and limited incomes; at the same
time, a large share of their income is used for expensive and unhealthy forms
of energy (GEA 2012: 164).
For the preceding reasons, improving access to energy is essential for
development. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and mod-
ern energy for all has also been designated by the United Nations as one of
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve the 2030 Agenda. In
spite of the difficulty of operationalizing this goal in clear and measurable
targets (Loewe 2015), it has a high degree of importance as it emphasizes the
need to not only improve access to energy but to also rely increasingly on
renewable energy and energy efficiency. As such, it places strong empha-
sis on transitioning to sustainable energy systems for both developed and
developing countries.
However, as it has been widely emphasized, this symbiosis between
energy and development owes much to politics, which can either constrain
or enable the ability of new energy technologies to transform economies and
lay the foundation for long-term economic growth (Moe 2010). The role of
politics becomes even more evident in the case of transitions toward a clear
energy system.
Specifically, disrupting old pathways (i.e., energy systems based on con-
ventional energy sources) requires overcoming various market failures by
creating “policy rents” to unlock the potential for renewable energy and
energy efficiency. Market failures, especially emerging from coordination
failures, externalities, and the public good nature of environmental quality
(see Table 1.1), distort the incentives for investing in clean energy technolo-
gies, leading to lock-in in conventional energy systems. Breaking out of this
Systemic Interventions to Achieve a Long-Term Energy Transition 5

Typology of Market Failures
Imperfect Asymmetric Coordination
Competition Information Failures Public Goods Externalities
Market power Superior Obtainable Goods that are Deviation
resulting from information benefits are not nonexcludable between
nonatomistic of some being reaped and non-rival private and
structures and market actors due to lack of in consumption social costs and
collusive (mostly on coordinated benefits
behavior the supply action
side) Crucial for Most severe in Pervasive in
creating new case of climate environmental
and disrupting change pollution,
old techno- mitigation waste
economic suffering from management,
pathways “free riding” and natural
resource use
Source: Lütkenhorst, W. et al., Green industrial policy: Managing transformation under
­uncertainty, DIE Discussion Paper 28/2014, German Development Institute, Bonn,
Germany, 2014.

lock-in, however, can result in political conflicts as vested interests might act
to prevent such transition (Lütkenhorst et al. 2014).
To facilitate the transition toward sustainable energy systems and to
overcome various market failures, governments have a particularly impor-
tant and challenging role to play (Altenburg and Pegels 2012). As opposed
to other sectors where the market would select the promising technologies
given a certain market size, in the case of clean energy technologies, the
government has to set the right incentives (by subsidizing future technolo-
gies and investing actively in R&D) to enable deployment and to attract
investment in this new sector. The government is also expected to identify
new and innovative policies/institutional frameworks that would sup-
port such “shift” in the energy system and to reduce coordination fail-
ures. For example, incentives need to target the systemic nature of the
energy sector, such that investments are made not only in roof-top solar
photovoltaic installations, but also in smart grids, new mobility concepts,
etc. Governments also need to be concerned with harmonizing national
and international policy frameworks (Altenburg and Pegels 2012) so that
national policy actions can benefit from the international governance
regimes that are constantly evolving in this area. As Mazzucato (2013)
argues, the government has always played a critical role in sharing major
transitions and directing investments in future technologies and systems.
The challenge in the case of energy system is that this process is much
more purposive, has a timeline, and is faced with a higher level of com-
plexity and synergies.
6 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

1.3 Co-Benefits from the Energy Transition

In order to keep global temperatures rise well below 2°C (UNFCCC 2016),
urgent and drastic action needs to be taken at different levels of intervention.
According to the IEA (2015) on the global level, the energy intensity of gross
domestic product (GDP) and the carbon intensity of primary energy need to
be reduced by around 60% by 2050 compared to today, and investments in
low-carbon technologies need to be accelerated. While progress in this direc-
tion is encouraging, it remains insufficient (ibid).
In their 2007 report, Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC)
highlighted that investments in low-carbon energy can deliver various co-
benefits (IPCC 2007), among which are improved environmental quality and
thus positive effects of health, improved system reliability and energy secu-
rity, reduced fuel poverty and increased access to energy services, positive
impacts on employment and creating new business opportunities through
multiplier effects, and substantial savings in energy-related investments.
The energy sector accounted for around two-thirds of the global CO2
emissions in 2012 (IEA 2015). Thus, an increase in the share of renewables in
the energy mix could contribute significantly to pollution reduction. Low-
carbon technologies and energy efficiency technologies can deliver large
emission reductions across sectors, especially in power generation, but also
in transport, industry, and construction. In power generation, renewables
can deliver the most emission reductions, almost 200 Gigatons of CO2 (ibid).
Energy efficiency technologies play a much more important role in the indus-
trial sector (i.e., manufacturing, transport sector, and construction). Toward
this end, advancements in technology (through investments in research and
development) can contribute to achieving further cost reductions that would
incentivize large-scale deployment.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency investments can also deliver a set
of socioeconomic benefits that can be grouped into macroeconomic effects,
distributional effects, energy system–related and additional effects with
respect to risk reduction, for example (see Figure 1.1).
Job creation is one such effect that is essential for both developed and
developing countries. Employment is necessary not only to sustain social
and economic development; it also plays a role in building acceptance for
investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency infrastructure. The
initial investments costs in clear energy technologies are high and some of
these costs might be transferred to consumers through higher energy prices.
Thus, if individuals/consumers do not see the direct benefits from such
investments, in the form of jobs and welfare effects, support for such a tran-
sition in the short term would be lower.
With regard to jobs, in 2014 an estimated 7.7 million jobs (excluding
hydro) were registered in the renewable energy sector (IRENA 2015).
Systemic Interventions to Achieve a Long-Term Energy Transition 7

Socioeconomic effects of
large-scale renewable energy

Macroeconomic Distributional Energy system–

Additional effects
effects effects related effects

Gross Net Benefits Costs Benefits Costs

Positive Negative
impacts impacts

Types of socioeconomic effects from large-scale deployment of renewable energy. (Adapted
from IRENA, The socio-economic benefits of solar and wind energy, EconValue, International
Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2014.)

Not surprisingly, the countries with the largest number of renewable energy
jobs were China, Brazil, the United States, India, Germany, Indonesia,
Japan, France, Bangladesh, and Colombia. Most jobs were generated by
investments in the solar photovoltaics technology (2.5 million), biofu-
els (1.8  million), wind energy (1 million), and biomass and biogas (ibid).
IRENA (2016) finds that doubling the share of renewables would increase
direct and indirect employment in the sector to 24.4 million by 2013. Most
of these jobs will be generated from fuel supply, installations, and equip-
ment manufacturing.
Overall, doubling the share of renewables in the global energy mix by
2030 would increase global GDP by up to 1.1% or $1.3 trillion. Welfare effects
would also increase by 3.7% with regard to economic effects from consump-
tion and investment, social impacts based on expenditure on health and
education, environmental effects measured as greenhouse gases (GHG)
emissions, and materials consumption.
Private and public investments in clean energy technologies (renew-
ables and energy efficiency) are also likely to create new sources of
dynamic competitiveness. As most jobs are likely to be created in installa-
tion and manufacturing of parts and components, developing and emerg-
ing economies could find opportunities for creating new industries and
entering global value chains for renewable energy technologies. Examples
such as China, India, and Brazil, but also lower middle-income countries
currently deploying renewables at large scale, such as Morocco, illustrate
these opportunities.
8 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

1.4 Integrated Policy Interventions

To capture benefits from the transition to a sustainable energy system,
an integrated policy approach and long-term planning based on sys-
tematic learning and experimentation is needed. Integrating the policy
process across sectors is necessary to foster synergies and to poten-
tially expand the market for clean energy technologies beyond electric-
ity generation. Specifically, linking energy policy aimed at diversifying
the energy mix and improving energy security with industrial policy
seeking to achieve economic transition (structural transformation) can
contribute to achieving higher levels of decarbonization. Promoting
large-scale deployment of renewables and linking these technologies to
applications in various sectors, such as housing, agriculture, and trans-
portation, can open up the range of applications and thus enlarge the
market. This integrated policy has been referred to as “green industrial
policy” defined as “any policy measure aimed at aligning the struc-
ture of a country’s economy with the needs of sustainable development
within established planetary boundaries—both in terms of absorp-
tion capacity of ecosystems and the availability of natural resources”
(Lütkenhorst et al. 2014: 6). Most policy instruments for promoting energy
transitions can be found in the conventional industrial policy toolbox for
guiding investments and consumption behavior (see Figure 1.2). These
policy tools can be used to promote new pathways, enable innovation in
future technologies, support the development of capabilities in the pri-
vate sector, subsidize clean energy technologies, remove subsidies for
fossil fuels, etc. As mentioned earlier, the specifics of green industrial
policy tools lie in its cross-sectoral reach, seeking to not only create new
markets but to also achieve decarbonization goals within traditional
sectors and existing activities.
In addition, to achieve the objective of transitioning to sustainable energy
systems and avoid lock-in into high-carbon development pathways, policy
interventions need to be based on long-term planning horizons (Lütkenhorst
et al. 2014, Hogarth et al. 2015). Long-term planning needs to be supported by
a national vision, a broad-based social contract (Lütkenhorst et al. 2014) that
gives policy directionality (Mazzucato 2013).
To achieve this broad-based consensus, transformative alliances between
stakeholders with different interests are seen to be necessary to overcome
potential barriers linked to the political economy of energy transition
(Schmitz 2015). In the narrative that frames such alliances (Raven et al. 2016),
a strong emphasis on the co-benefits that can be captured by such a tran-
sition is necessary to increase the appeal for an alignment of interest. For
instance, in Germany, the energy transition has been driven by a coalition
of very diverse stakeholders: civil society advocacy groups with a genuine
Systemic Interventions to Achieve a Long-Term Energy Transition 9

Information instruments Economic instruments Regulatory instruments

(influence behavior through (influence behavior through (influence behavior through
awareness) price) legality)

Degree of governmental intervention

Low High

Research and development Access to resources Standards (for processes and

Information centers Taxes products)
Statistical services Levies Property rights/land rights
Awareness campaigns Tradeable permits Legally binding targets
Training/education Direct spending/payments Quotas
Transparency initiatives Lending and guarantees Licenses
Voluntary performance Insurance (including for bank Planning laws
targets deposits) Accounting systems
Certification/labeling Government ownership (mandatory)
(voluntary) (public–private partnerships) Copyright and patent
Accounting systems Public procurement protection (intellectual
(voluntary) User fees/charges property rights)
Price support or control Import/export restrictions

Types of policy tools available to promote low-carbon transitions. (Adapted from
Whitley, S., At cross purpose: Subsidies and climate compatible investment, Overseas
Development Institute, London, U.K., 2013.)

green agenda; business circles anticipating the growth of green markets;

employers and trade unions alike in sectors benefiting from new jobs (such
as wind and solar energy), or in electronic and chemical industries export-
ing specialized components to green industries worldwide; and regional
government and municipalities seeking to strengthen decentralized power
structures (Lütkenhorst et al. 2014).
Another relevant dimension is that of systematic learning and experi-
mentation. The complex nature of the transition toward sustainable
energy systems (involving high level of uncertainty and risk, synergies
and trade-offs between goals and outcomes, and different but intercon-
nected actors) requires a policy process able to respond to these chal-
lenges. More than 40 years ago, Schön (1973) claimed that in response to
higher uncertainty modifying institutions is not enough; rather “we must
invest and develop new institutions which are ‘learning systems,’ capa-
ble of bringing about their own continuing transformation.” Systematic
­policy learning must have two dimensions: learning from others as well as
learning over time, where goals and achievements are regularly reviewed
10 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

(Lütkenhorst et al. 2014). As Hallsworth (2012) argues, the implications

that such an approach has on policy actors is not trivial, as it requires a
shift from policy making based on linear thinking to one based on com-
plex adaptive systems. Jones (2011) further explains how when dealing
with complex problems, conventional policy tools and approaches are
highly unsuitable. One of the most compelling approaches for integrating
learning in the policy process is the “learning spiral” developed by the
World Bank (Blinderbacher 2010). At its core is an iterative process based
on feedback loops that allow the integration of new knowledge in the
decision-making process and adds flexibility to revise earlier goals and
objectives. Along such learning spirals several policy-making tools need
to be used to enhance learning such as horizon scanning, scenario plan-
ning, technology forecasting exercises, value-chain analyses, systems
mapping, and growth diagnostics.
Last, policy experimentation is critical for enabling and sustaining such
long-term transformation of energy systems. Exploring the case of solar
energy deployment in India, Altenburg and Engelmaier (2013) find high lev-
els of policy experimentation and learning. In particular, recognizing that
the widely used FIT system used to promote renewable energy deployment
might not work in India, the Indian government developed a process called
competitive reverse bidding in order to identify the “right” level of tariff
for solar photovoltaic installations. This system enabled the government to
avoid potential risks of faulty allocation and political capture of incentives
(or rents) for solar energy technologies. India’s National Solar Mission also
followed a phased approach that allowed the government to modify guide-
lines and policies based on experience gained and lessons learned in earlier
phases. Thus, this case shows a high level of policy learning and experi-
mentation to tackle the complexity of dealing with a transition toward more
sustainable energy system.
Bringing all these elements together, this chapter aimed to emphasize
the need to rethink policy approaches when dealing the transformation
of energy systems toward sustainability. In particular, the synergistic
dynamic between energy, economy and society more broadly requires a
strong emphasis on enhancing co-benefits from investments in energy sys-
tems, especially the goal is to transition towards more sustainable ways of
producing and consuming energy. Last, given the large-scale investments
needed for energy systems (based on either conventional or sustainable
energy sources) and the impact they have in terms of locking into certain
development pathways, policy experimentation, learning, and reflection
play a crucial role. Ultimately, to deal with this high level of complexity, and
with the political nature of transforming energy systems, the policy process
needs to be driven by alliances between stakeholders with a diverse set of
Systemic Interventions to Achieve a Long-Term Energy Transition 11

Altenburg, T. and T. Engelmaier (2013). Boosting solar investment with limited
subsidies: Rent management and policy learning in India. Energy Policy, 59:
Altenburg, T. and A. Pegels (2012). Sustainability-oriented innovation systems—
Managing the green transformation. Innovation and Development, 2(1): 5–22.
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Spiral—A Concept to Organize Learning in Government. The World Bank,
Washington, DC.
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Development Policy, Vol. 2, Graduate Institute of International and Development
Studies, Geneva, Switzerland.
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Economic Development. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Fouquet, R. (2008). Heat, Power and Light: Revolutions in Energy Services. Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham, U.K.
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University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Hallsworth, M. (2012). How complexity economics can improve government:
Rethinking policy actors, institutions and structures. In: Kay, J. et al. (eds.)
Complex New World: Translating New Economic Thinking into Public Policy. Institute
for Public Policy Research, London, U.K.
Hogarth, J.R., Haywood, C., and S. Whitley (2015). Low-carbon development in sub-
Saharan Africa: 20 cross-sector transitions. Overseas Development Institute,
London, U.K.
IEA (2010). World Energy Outlook 2010. International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris,
France. Available at: http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/media/weo2010.
IEA (2015). World Energy Outlook 2015. International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris,
France. Available at: http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/weo2015/.
IIASA (2014). Energy poverty and development. In: Global Energy Assessment.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Chapter 2.
Available at: http://www.iiasa.ac.at/web/home/research/Flagship-Projects/
IPCC (2007). Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change (AR4). Intergovernmental
Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). Available at: http://www.ipcc.ch/­
IRENA (2014). The socio-economic benefits of solar and wind energy. EconValue.
International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
IRENA (2015). Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review 2015. International
Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
IRENA (2016). Renewable energy benefits: Measuring the economics. International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
12 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Jones, H. (2011). Taking responsibility for complexity: How implementation can

achieve results in the face of complex problems. Working Paper 330. Overseas
Development Institute, London, U.K.
Loewe, M. (2015). Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and mod-
ern energy for all. In: Loewe, M. and Rippin, N. (eds.) Translating an ambitious
vision into global transformation: The 2030 agenda for sustainable develop-
ment. DIE Discussion Paper 7/2015, pp. 47–51. German Development Institute,
Bonn, Germany.
Lütkenhorst, W., Altenburg, T., Pegels, A., and G. Vidican (2014). Green industrial
policy: Managing transformation under uncertainty. DIE Discussion Paper
28/2014. German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany.
Mazzucato, M. (2013). The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector
Myths. Anthem Press, London, U.K.
Moe, E. (2010). Energy, industry and politics: Energy, versted interests, and long-term
economic growth and development. Energy, 35: 1730–1740.
Raven, R., Kern, F., Verhees, B., and A. Smith (2014). Niche construction and empow-
erment through socio-political work. A meta-analysis of six low-carbon tech-
nology cases. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 18: 164–180.
Schmitz, H. (2015). Green transformation: Is there a fast track? In: Scoones, I. et al.
(eds.) The Politics of Green Transformations. Routledge.
Schön, D. (1973). Beyond the Stable State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human
Condition have Failed. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
Smil, V. (2003). Energy and the Crossroads. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
UNFCCC (2016). Historic Paris Agreement on climate change 195 nations set path
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Overseas Development Institute, London, U.K.
Energy and Climate Planning: The Role
of Analytical Tools and Soft Measures

Carmelina Cosmi, Monica Salvia,

Filomena Pietrapertosa, and Senatro Di Leo

2.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Energy and Climate Planning: The Policy Framework........................... 14
2.3 Energy Awareness and Behavioral Aspects............................................. 16
2.4 Energy Planning Methods and Tools........................................................ 17
2.4.1 Concepts of Energy Planning......................................................... 19
2.4.2 Energy Models.................................................................................. 23
2.4.3 Tools for Local Administrators....................................................... 29
2.5 Citizens Engagement and Local Action Plans:
From Theory to Practice............................................................................... 33
2.5.1 Citizens Engagement........................................................................ 33
2.5.2 The Development of a Local Action Plan...................................... 37
2.6 Conclusive Remarks.....................................................................................42

2.1 Introduction
The transition toward a sustainable energy future, fostered by the recent
European directives, requires a huge deployment of renewable and energy
efficiency to reduce fossil fuels consumption in both energy production and
end use in order to respond to the urgent energy and climate challenges.
Moreover, energy and climate planning deal with interconnected systems
(energy supply, transport, households, etc.) requiring operational planning
tools capable to take into account multiple needs and constraints. In this
framework, local and regional authorities have a key role in the achievement
of the EU 2020 and 2030 Climate and Energy policy objectives, as they are
responsible for the definition and implementation of energy policies as well
as of infrastructures and services management. However, despite the large
number of decision support tools made available by the scientific community,

14 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

decision-makers are still reluctant to utilize analytical methodologies to sup-

port the policy-making process and their little knowledge of local energy
systems represents still a main barrier. Besides that, energy awareness of
consumers represents a pivotal issue to be taken into account as behavioral
changes can strongly contribute to increase energy efficiency. It is therefore
necessary to promote the use of consolidated and widespread methodologies
for strategic planning as well as to foster voluntary initiatives and the imple-
mentation of soft measures through an active engagement of stakeholders.
This chapter summarizes the main concepts of energy and climate plan-
ning and aims at providing an overview on analytical tools and soft measures
to support energy planners and local authorities in the decision-making pro-
cesses in order to achieve a substantial improvement of local energy systems
performances in compliance with increasingly binding energy and climate

2.2 Energy and Climate Planning: The Policy Framework

The European Parliament adopted in December 2008 the Climate and Energy
Package, defining the so-called “20-20-20” policy for 2020. This package
and the related targets set for 2020 represent an important first step toward
building a low-carbon economy in Europe. In addition to that, the 10-year
strategy Europe 2020, launched in 2010, aims at creating the conditions for a
smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth and covers employment, research
and development, climate and energy, education, social inclusion, and pov-
erty reduction (European Commission, 2016).
The EU 2020 objectives have been translated into national objectives by
the national governments recognizing the important contribution of local
and regional authorities, as pointed out by the Committee of the Regions
(European Union, 2011).
However, Europe looks beyond 2020 defining tighter environmental policy
targets and objectives by 2030 and 2050. The EU countries (COM 15 final,
2014) have agreed on a new 2030 Framework for climate and energy, which
includes EU-wide targets and policy objectives for the period between 2020
and 2030. Specifically, a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared
to 1990 levels, at least a 27% share of renewable energy consumption and
27% energy savings compared with the business-as-usual scenario should
be achieved. This aims to be an intermediate step toward the more ambi-
tious targets set by the Energy Roadmap 2050 (COM 0885 final, 2011), which
aims to reduce the EU greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to 80%–95% below
1990 levels by 2050, increasing innovation and investing in clean technolo-
gies and low- or zero-carbon energy. In fact, the transition toward a low-
carbon society requires multifaceted interventions aimed to promote energy
Energy and Climate Planning 15

savings, renewable energy sources, and an efficient use of fossil fuels. These
interventions affect different sectors and local/regional competences, from
energy supply (e.g., heat and power generation) to the energy demand sec-
tors (e.g., residential and commercial buildings). This framework underlines
once more the crucial role played by local and regional authorities to achieve
the increasingly tight European targets as they act as “energy consumers and
service providers, planners, developers and regulators, advisors, motivators
and role models, energy producers and suppliers, buyers” (Energy Cities,
2013). To this issue several initiatives have been promoted to engage local
authorities, supporting information sharing and knowledge transfer through
networking, such as Climate Alliance (2016), the Covenant of Mayors (2016),
Energy Cities (2016), and the ManagEnergy Programme (2016), which involve
a large number of EU cities and communities.
In this framework, one of the most significant initiatives is the Covenant of
Mayors (2016), launched by the European Commission after the adoption, in
2008, of the 2020 EU Climate and Energy Package “to endorse and support
the efforts deployed by local authorities in the implementation of sustainable
energy policies” (Covenant of Mayors, 2016). In particular, signatories of the
Covenant of Mayors commit themselves to achieve at least a 20% reduction
of the overall CO2 emission (“absolute reduction” or “per capita reduction”)
in 2020 compared to a baseline year set by the local authority. The great suc-
cess achieved by this initiative has boosted, all around Europe, the devel-
opment of numerous Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) inclusive of
energy balances and CO2 inventories covering key target sectors (buildings
and transport, usage of renewable energies, and combined heat and power
[CHP]). In particular, as of mid-May 2016, 5985 local authorities signed the
Covenant of Mayors and 5253 signatories had already submitted their SEAP
(Covenant of Mayors, 2016), bypassing the national level and setting climate
goals at the local level where the action plan is implemented (Kjær, 2012).
As an important follow-up, on March 19, 2014, the Covenant of Mayors
Initiative on Climate Change Adaptation, Mayors Adapt, was set up by the
European Commission in order to engage cities in taking action to adapt to
climate change (Mayors Adapt, 2016). In particular, the Mayor Adapt initia-
tive aims at increasing support for local activities through the provision of
a platform for engagement and networking. Cities signing up to the initia-
tive commit to contributing to the overall aim of the EU Adaptation Strategy
by developing a comprehensive local adaptation strategy or by integrating
adaptation measures to climate change into existing plans.
This framework led to a new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate &
Energy, launched by the European Commission on October 15, 2015, based
on three pillars: mitigation, adaptation and secure, and sustainable and
affordable energy (Covenant of Mayors, 2016). Endorsing a shared vision
for 2050, signatories commit themselves to reduce CO2 emissions by at least
40% by 2030 and to adopt an integrated approach to tackling mitigation and
adaptation to climate change. The political commitment of signatories is
16 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

then translated into practical measures and projects through a Sustainable

Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), which should be submitted by
Covenant signatories within 2 years following the date of the local council
decision. Beside the Baseline Emission Inventory, the SECAP will include
also a Climate Risks and Vulnerability Assessment whereas the “adaptation
strategy can either be part of the SECAP or developed and mainstreamed in
a separate planning document” (Covenant of Mayors, 2016).

2.3 Energy Awareness and Behavioral Aspects

Energy consumption is mainly determined by habits, social norms, cultural,
and economic factors. In fact, mind-set and culture represent a key aspect
to reduce further greenhouse gas emissions and to foster a cultural change
toward sustainability. The Low Carbon Economy Roadmap (COM 112 final,
2011) acknowledges that behavioral changes are needed to reach the emis-
sions targets outlining that if behavioral change would occur the targets may
be reached at lower costs. Policies and national strategies should therefore be
complemented by a set of measures (the so-called “soft measures”) aimed at
promoting substantial changes in consumer behaviors as pointed out also
by the Energy Efficiency Directive (Article 10 “Billing information,” Article
12 “Consumer information and empowering programme,” and Article 17
“Information and training”) (Directive 2012/27/EU, 2012).
An emerging body of literature shows that changes in consumption pat-
terns of households and consumers can achieve considerable reductions in
emissions at relatively low costs. Different studies in this field have shown
that there is potential for energy savings due to measures targeting behav-
ior (Burchell et al., 2014). The evaluation of the effects of soft measures has
shown that feedback on energy consumption can encourage households to
save energy, by an average of 5%–15% depending on the measure (Barbu
et al., 2013). This is also stated by Heiskanen et al. (2010) who outline the
importance to engage energy users in the role of citizens, analyzing “differ-
ent types of emerging low-carbon communities as a context for individual
behavioural change.”
A multidisciplinary research aimed at identifying the socio-technical fac-
tors that influence residential energy consumption in Belgium (Bartiaux
et al., 2006) shows that Belgian households can save, on average, 32% of their
energy use for heating and hot sanitary water production and 18.7% of their
electricity consumption.
Martiskainen (2007) provides a review of the literature on household
energy consuming behaviors and how those behaviors can best be influenced
with the goal of reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions
(CO2). It points out that “majority of energy consuming behaviors are based
Energy and Climate Planning 17

on habits and routine,” “habits need to be broken down and changed by intro-
ducing new behaviours,” and that to this end “measures such as feedback
displays, better billing and micro-generation can help make people more
aware of their energy consumption.” However, as observed by Hertwich and
Katzmayr (2004) changing energy-consuming practices into energy-saving
behavior is a very slow process because these practices are inserted in every-
day routines. In recent years, there has been growing interest in a range of so-
called “soft policy” initiatives such as information campaigns and advisory
services that can make more attractive alternative choices that may deeply
influence people’s aspirations, motivations, and lifestyles.
A fundamental mean to promote energy awareness and improve energy
habits is thus to foster citizens engagement, making them aware of their con-
sumption and involving them in energy management practices. Educational
centers and public buildings are privileged places to engage people in energy-
saving actions in which they can evaluate energy consumption and energy
savings deriving from more “conscious” behaviors. This allows promoting
co-responsibility and disseminating a sustainability culture that may have a
greater and durable impact on the community.
The importance of consumers’ behaviors in promoting a sustainability
culture and achieving energy and climate targets is widely acknowledged
by the EU that in the framework of the former Intelligent Energy—Europe
(IEE) Programme supported several projects aimed at turning the concept of
“intelligent energy” in practice (IEE Programme, 2016).
The importance of a proactive role of private consumers as a fundamental
mean to unlock the consumption patterns and to speed up the transition
toward a low-carbon economy is also addressed by several calls on energy
efficiency in the current Horizon 2020 EU Programme. This background
underlines the importance of utilizing a scientific approach both to support
a significant change of collective behaviors toward a smart citizenship and to
estimate their impact on energy consumption, environment, and economy.

2.4 Energy Planning Methods and Tools

The transition toward a low-carbon society requires substantial interven-
tions to promote energy savings, renewable energy sources, and an efficient
use of fossil fuels. Such a transition needs to address multifaceted issues
with huge investments on infrastructures in both energy supply (e.g., H&P
generation) and end-use sectors (e.g., residential and commercial buildings
refurbishment), requiring multilevel competences for the design, implemen-
tation, and coordination of energy and climate plans.
Strategic energy and climate planning is carried out mainly at the regional
level, while the implementation of the multilevel goals and policies takes
18 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

place on a local level through planning, local cooperation, and partnerships

(Kjær, 2012). Therefore, local and regional authorities play an ever more cru-
cial role as they are operatively involved in the decision-making processes
and are responsible for a large part of the economic structures in their cities
and regions.
Energy and climate planning should consider the complexity of energy
systems and their interrelated subsystems that encompass all the process
chain from primary resources extraction to end-use energy demand through
the technology network (Figure 2.1), including also technical, environmen-
tal, and socioeconomic constraints (Pfenninger et al., 2014).
Accurate and reliable data on energy production and consumption as well
as comprehensive tools are thus necessary for an effective design, imple-
mentation, and assessment of energy policies (EC-JRC, 2015). In this frame-
work, data availability still represents a frequent and common concern at
local scale (municipal and regional) due to the lack of adequate statistics
or databases and the scarce knowledge of existing energy systems. In fact,
municipal energy plans and their related energy balances are compulsory
only for larger cities (e.g., with more than 50,000 inhabitants, according to
Italian Law n. 10/91) and in most of the cases policy-makers cannot rely on

Supply Transformation Conversion Distribution

Oil Transport


Natural gas Electricity/heat

generation Residential
Electricity/heat agriculture




Example of a reference energy system. (CNR-IMAA elaboration)
Energy and Climate Planning 19

a detailed picture of the energy supply and demand within their territories.
This lack of data affects the estimation of energy consumption by fuel (elec-
tricity, natural gas, diesel, etc.), by demand sector (residential, tertiary, trans-
port, agriculture, and industry), and by end-use (heating, cooling, etc.) with
a main concern for the consumption of publicly owned buildings (govern-
mental offices, schools, hospitals, etc.). As pointed out also by ICLEI—Local
Governments for Sustainability et al. (2009) “it is fairly easy to gather supply
information (how much oil, electricity, gas, etc. the city uses), but it is more
difficult to gather information on who uses what energy sources, how they
use these and why.”
To partially fill this gap, the Covenant of Mayors signatories are required to
submit as a first planning document for validation “a typical energy balance
in which the energy production and consumption in the considered munici-
pality are estimated in terms of Megawatt per hour (MWh)” (Lombardi et al.,
2014) together with a baseline emission inventory (BEI) that “quantifies the
amount of CO2 emitted due to energy consumption in the territory of the
local authority (i.e., Covenant Signatory) in the baseline year” (European
Union, 2010). The BEI can include also CH4 and N2O emissions if specific
measures to reduce these greenhouse gases are planned in the SEAP. This
prospect of final energy consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions is of
fundamental importance in order to describe the baseline situation, identify
the key interventions and opportunities to achieve the CO2 reduction target
by 2020 set by the local authorities, and monitor the progress toward this
objective. Based on the BEI, the SEAP describes how the Covenant signatory
will reach its commitment and defines concrete reduction measures, identi-
fying time frames and assigned responsibilities.
The next sections, mainly based on Salvia et al. (2016), will provide some
basic knowledge on energy planning to then focus on the main models and
tools that can support the overall planning process.

2.4.1 Concepts of Energy Planning

Energy planning is a cross-sectoral task that involves many activities
and a variety of different professional capabilities. There is not a com-
mon definition of energy planning although the main meaning is that it
aims at “developing long-range policies to help guide the future of a local,
national, regional or even the global energy system” (Bathia, 2014) or, in
other words, at “ensuring that decisions on energy demand and supply
infrastructures involve all stakeholders, consider all possible energy sup-
ply and demand options, and are consistent with overall goals for national
sustainable development” (IAEA, 2009). Energy planning “is led by the
demand for energy services” and is aimed at “optimal energy-efficiency,
low- or no-carbon energy supply and accessible, equitable and good energy
service provision to users” (ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability
et al., 2009).
20 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Developing an energy and climate plan is an effective and important first

step to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through improved energy efficiency
and increased use of renewable energy (Enova, 2008). The ABCD planning
process-Awareness; Baseline Analysis; Compelling Vision; Down to Action-
(Park et al., 2009) outlines the importance of setting up a planning process
in which today’s plans and decisions are driven by a vision of successful
outcome in the future (backcasting approach) and in which communicating
and debating are very important in order to “empower and motivate city
employees, citizens, business, and industry” (ICLEI—Local Governments
for Sustainability et al., 2009). According to this approach, the planning pro-
cess consists of four steps that are repeated as the community or organiza-
tion moves toward sustainability: (A) building awareness and capacity, (B)
assessing your baseline, (C) creating your compelling vision, (D) down to
action, that is, prioritizing actions to bridge the gap.
There is a general need of guidelines and common practices to support
the planning process at municipal scale. According to the Advanced Local
Energy Planning (ALEP) methodology (Jank et al., 2005), local energy and
climate planning generally starts with a preparatory phase in which the
main objectives and boundaries of the planning process are set up as well
as the organizational aspects and the key roles (Figure 2.2). In the next step,

1. Preparation and analysis 2. Characterization of 3. Setting up of the

Identification of the main the case study modeling
objectives, problems, and Analysis of the legislative environment
actors for a participative and socioeconomic Individuation of the
process framework reference energy and
Bottom-up materials system (REMS)
technical/economic/ Definition of modeling
environmental assumptions
characterization of the Preparation of the model’s
energy system data input
Model’s calibration

4. Scenario analysis
Definition and quantitative
specification of a list of
scenarios of interest
5. Implementation and Analysis of the reference
monitoring of the scenarios
energy plan Analysis of policy scenarios
Comparison of scenarios
Derivation of policy

Overview of the main planning phases, according to the ALEP methodology. (Adapted from
Salvia, M. et al., The role of analytical tools in supporting sustainable local and regional
energy and climate policies, in: Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Smart Energy Regions’,
Cardiff, U.K., February 11 and 12, 2016, pp. 242–253, http://smart-er.eu/content/proceedings-
international-conference-smart-energy-regions-11th-and-12th-february-2016, Accessed May
20, 2016.)
Energy and Climate Planning 21

the reference energy system (from energy supply to end-use demands) is in-
depth characterized in terms of infrastructures, availability of present and
future technologies, energy needs by end-use, and environmental impacts.
Then the modeling environment is set up and calibrated on the local case
study. A scenario analysis is carried out to analyze alternative pathways of
development of the energy system in comparison with a reference scenario
(BaU, Business as Usual) in order to devise robust policy strategies. The lat-
est steps of a planning process deal with the implementation of the devised
strategies, identifying policy measures and incentives that allow translating
the model results into concrete actions, and monitoring the achievement of
the planning objectives with possible feedback on the planning strategies,
following an iterative approach.
Similarly, the EASY (Energy Actions and Systems for Mediterranean Local
Communities) methodology proposes a reference model to define Local
Sustainable Energy Strategies with a special focus on Mediterranean cities
(Easy IEE Project, 2009). They propose four macro stages, tightly interwoven
and complementary, all developed via a cross participation process. First, an
assessment stage focused on analyzing the entire energy system in the area
and all the related issues, concerns, and weaknesses (Figure 2.3). Second,
the planning stage in which the Local Action Plan for Sustainable Energy is
developed pointing out strategies, objectives, and priority actions for the local
energy system. Third, an implementation stage dealing with two main steps:
(1) the development of single projects that put in action the contents of the
local action plan and (2) the construction of a beginning scenario (minimal
measures, small investments, short timings, small number of local partici-
pants) to then arrive, through a series of scenarios, at a final one that is more
complex, integrates various projects, has long development times, needs more
financing, and requires many local participants. Finally, an evaluation and
reporting stage based on the use of a sustainability indicator system in order
to monitor the progressive application of the local action plan and evaluate
the results obtained so that local administrators can decide whether to adopt
corrective actions, review objectives, or restart a new energy planning cycle.
In energy planning, it is important to understand and optimize regional
and local energy systems, capturing the dynamics of their interrelated
components and assessing the decentralized and variable contributions of

Evaluation and
Assessment Planning Implementation
Analysis of the Local action plan Projects
energy system for sustainable Scenarios through indicators

Conceptual framework for the assessment phase, according to the EASY approach.
22 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

renewable energies. The main factors to investigate to analyze the baseline

situation are (OECD/IEA, 2013): Technologies, in terms of “current status of
costs and performance, technology readiness, market penetration and limi-
tations”; Markets, dealing with “suppliers, distributors and customers, energy
characteristics (production, delivery, storage and consumption) and environ-
mental impacts (air, water and land impacts)”; Public policies, as concerns the
“current status and requirements of relevant, existing laws and regulations.”
Therefore, data analysis represents a key aspect in energy modeling, as rep-
resented in Figure 2.4.
One of the main challenges is thus to encourage public authorities to adopt,
as part of the policy-making process, analytical tools for strategic planning
in order to improve steadily the performances of current energy systems and
design comprehensive plans with a long-term vision in compliance with the
energy and climate targets at European and national scale.

Calibration: Demand
Energy balance projection:
Emission Assumptions
Demand trend

Business as
usual Import
Policy Export


Main fields of data analysis in energy system modeling. (Adapted from Remme, U., Capacity
building through energy modelling and systems analysis, IEA Experts’ Group on R&D Priority-
Setting and Evaluation. Developments in Energy Education: Reducing Boundaries, Copenhagen,
Denmark, May 9–10, 2012.)
Energy and Climate Planning 23

2.4.2 Energy Models
In the latest decades, energy system analysis has become increasingly
important in policy-making (DeCarolis et al., 2012). International bodies
and research institutions have developed a wide range of energy models
properly designed to help decision-makers in deriving short-term energy
and climate strategies within long-term sustainable pathways. In particular,
model-based scenario analysis can be very effective in setting up an energy
system baseline and to explore “possible future technology deployment
pathways” (OECD/IEA, 2013).
Energy system models are typically designed to achieve a balance between
accuracy and manageability, their complexity varying from simulation-
based spreadsheet models to more elaborate cost optimization models
(DeCarolis et al., 2012). Although computer-based models to perform energy
system analysis “are being produced at an accelerated pace” (DeCarolis et al.,
2012), most of the available models are still unknown to municipalities and
local governments that rarely use them to support and assess their policy on
energy and climate.
In order to foster the adoption analytical decision support tools for energy
and climate planning by public administration, a classification of the wide-
spread available models that highlight their main features can be useful to
facilitate the selection of the best suited to the purpose (Van Beeck, 1999).
In the following, a non-exhaustive list of models is presented. Taking into
account the many examples of model classification that can be found in the
literature (e.g., Allegrini et al., 2015; Connolly et al., 2010; Keirstead et al., 2012;
Van Beeck, 1999), the scheme here proposed is based on the following eight
key features:

Sectoral coverage: A first division can be made between comprehen-
sive models (that analyze the whole energy system from resources
supply to end uses, including all energy transformation processes
and taking into account the inter-sectoral relationships) and sectoral
models (analyzing a single energy sector, e.g., renewable energy
generation, district heating/cooling, transport, building energy sys-
tems) for a detailed look at the issue.
Geographical coverage: Depending on the territorial scale of the anal-
ysis, the models can be defined as global (for world scale analysis)
regional (for sovra-national level of territorial government analysis,
e.g., Europe and North America); national (for country analysis), and
local (for local level analysis, e.g., country regions and more in gen-
eral provincial and territorial governments) (Van Beeck, 1999).
Time horizon: That is, the time scale of the analysis: short term up to
5 years, medium term (3–15 years), and long term (50–100 years) (Van
Beeck, 1999).
24 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Traditional vs. open source code models.
Data availability: Availability of a standard set of data input or a
model template.
Routine: The mathematical background of the modeling approach
(e.g., simulation vs. optimization).
Target users: The level of expertise required to set up and run the
Environmental issues: Modeling of environmental and/or climate
issues (e.g., by environmental indicators, emission caps, CO2 taxes,
and external costs).

Comprehensive models are in general long-run energy planning tools, covering

a time horizon longer than technologies’ lifetime that spans from medium to
long term, in order to allow evaluating the effects of technology substitution
and the role of emerging technologies.
Sectoral models focus generally on a short/medium time horizon and, in
some cases, on a single year (e.g., DIETER, GTMax, and URBS).
Table 2.1 reports a non-exhaustive list of renowned comprehensive mod-
els designed for policy assessment at sovra-national and national level that
require a high level of expertise in either energy system modeling or scenario
analysis. In particular, the MARKAL/TIMES models generator was widely
utilized for representing and analyzing energy systems at local scale, dem-
onstrating its effectiveness and scalability (Di Leo et al., 2015; IEA-ETSAP,
2016; Jank et al., 2005; Salvia et al., 2004).
A non-exhaustive list of sectoral models is reported in Table 2.2.
In the latest years, a great attention has been given to open source tools (e.g.,
open models and open data) freely available without a commercial license or
a research agreement allowing a greater independence to model developers
and users, enhancing quality, transparency, and credibility of models as well
as encouraging their utilization for policy advice also among public authori-
ties (local, regional, and national). Moreover, the diffusion of open data cloud
computing foster tools and data sharing, reducing the costs, stimulating the
research, and creating value-added products build upon their related data
streams (MELODIES, 2016).
To this issue, modelers from various universities and research institutes
across Europe launched the Open Energy Modelling Initiative (2016a) aimed
at boosting the utilization of open source models. In fact, its primary mis-
sion is “to enable Open Source energy modelling by providing a platform for
collaboration as well as tools along the full value chain of energy econom-
ics and energy system models.” A Wiki Workspace was also set to collect
and update information on the available open data and models (OPENMOD,
Several open models are currently available both among comprehensive
tools (e.g., Calliope, Global Calculator, OSeMOSYS, and TEMOA) and sectoral
Overview of the Main Comprehensive Models
Geographical Time Open GHG and Air
Model Name Coverage Horizon Source Input Database Routine Target Users Emissions
Calliope (Pfenninger and National and Medium to Yes No Optimization Experienced energy Yes
Keirstead, 2015) local long term system modelers
Free download from
EnergyPLAN Regional, Medium to No Yes. It provides a Simulation Researchers, Yes
Energy and Climate Planning

Free download from www. national, and long term set of input data consultancies, and
energyplan.eu local (Startdata) policy-makers
Global Calculator Global Long term Yes Yes Simulation Researchers, NGO, Yes
Online tool available here: policy-makers,
http://uncached-site. and students
LEAP Global, Medium to No Yes. It provides a Simulation Government Yes
Free for developing world regional, long term “starter” data agencies,
and students worldwide national, and set at national academics,
Commercial for OECD local level nongovernmental
countries: http://www. organizations,
sei-us.org/leap consulting
companies, and
energy utilities
Markal/ TIMES Global, Medium to No Yes. It provides a Optimization Experienced energy Yes
Commercial: http://www. regional, long term test energy system modelers
iea-etsap.org national, and system (Utopia/

TABLE 2.1  (Continued)

Overview of the Main Comprehensive Models
Geographical Time Open GHG and Air
Model Name Coverage Horizon Source Input Database Routine Target Users Emissions
MESSAGE Global and Medium to No No Optimization Experienced energy Yes
Commercial: http://www. regional long term system modelers
OSeMOSYS Regional, Medium to Yes Yes. It provides a Optimization Energy system Yes
Free download from www. national, and long term test energy modelers
osemosys.org/getting- local system
started.html (UTOPIA)
PRIMES Regional and Medium to No No Simulation Experienced energy Yes
It is not sold to third national long term system modelers
parties, but it is used
within consultancy
projects undertaken by
NTUA (Athens)
TEMOA National Medium to Yes Yes. It provides a Optimization Energy system Yes
http://temoaproject.org/ long term test energy modelers
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
Overview of the Main Models for Subsystems Analysis
GHG and
Analyzed Geographical Time Open Air
Model Name Sectors Coverage Horizon Source Database Routine Target Users Emissions
Balmorel Power and CHP National Short to long Yes Yes Optimization Experienced Yes
Free download from (combined heat term energy system
http://balmorel. and power) modelers
com/ sectors
Energy and Climate Planning

DESSTINEE Entire energy Regional Medium to Yes Yes Simulation Experienced Yes
Free download from system with a (Europe) long term energy system
http://tinyurl. focus on the modelers
com/desstinee electricity
DIETER Power system National Annual, with Yes Yes Optimization Experienced No
Free download from a long-term energy system
www.diw.de/de/ perspective modelers
EMPS Power systems Regional Short to long No Yes Simulation Experienced Yes
Commercial: with a focus on (e.g., Nordic term Optimization energy system
https://www. hydro power countries) modelers

TABLE 2.2  (Continued)

Overview of the Main Models for Subsystems Analysis
GHG and
Analyzed Geographical Time Open Air
Model Name Sectors Coverage Horizon Source Database Routine Target Users Emissions
GTMax Electric market National and Annual No No Optimization Electric No
Commercial: http:// analysis, local utilities,
www.adica.com/ generation and transmission
software.html (for transmission companies,
American market) investment, regulatory
regional bodies,
interconnection research
and power institutes, and
exchange consulting
URBS Multicommodity Regional, Annual Yes Yes Optimization Research Yes
Free download from energy systems national, and institutes,
https://urbs. with a focus on local universities
readthedocs.org/ optimal storage
en/latest/ sizing and use
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
Energy and Climate Planning 29

models (e.g., Balmorel, DESTINEE, DIETER). In particular, OSeMOSYS and

TEMOA adopt the MARKAL/TIMES and MESSAGE paradigm however
requiring “a significantly less learning curve and time commitment to build
and operate” (Howells et al., 2011).
A common problem in energy modeling is the availability of up-to-date
information and the level of data disaggregation to model the reference sys-
tem as well as the baseline scenario.
To this issue, many energy models contain a kind of “starter data set” that
help modelers to build their reference energy model. As an example, LEAP
provides the historical energy balance data from IEA-International Energy
Agency, emission factors from IPCC, population projections from United
Nations, development indicators from the World Bank, and energy resource
data from the World Energy Council for over 100 countries (as of November 23,
2011), whereas EnergyPLAN automatically defines a set of input data, called
“Startdata” at the beginning of the modeling exercise. Other models such as
MARKAL/TIMES, OSEMOSYS, and TEMOA provide an initial simplified
reference energy system to be used to build up the model and test the results
(e.g., Utopia and TIMES DEMO) (Howells et al., 2011; Hunter et al., 2013).

2.4.3 Tools for Local Administrators

A current operational challenge is to make available user-friendly, open
source tools that can be easily transferred to energy planners, policy-makers,
and local administrators, after a short “hands-on” training, to support policy
design, implementation, and assessment.
Among the many models available to date, Table 2.3 reports a selection
of user-friendly decision-making support tools particularly suited for local
administrations whose details are described in the following.
The 2050 Calculator (Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2013) is
a user-friendly model developed by the Department of Energy & Climate
Change (DECC) of the UK with the aim to explore pathways to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions meeting at the same time energy needs and visu-
alizes the effects of behavioral changes on climate change. Its features allow
citizens, students, and local administrators to create their own emissions
reduction paths. Three versions are currently available to address a broader
range of audiences. The 2050 Calculator was designed for the UK energy
system, but its approach has also been replicated in other parts of the world
with the support of the UK DECC.
The E2 Tool (E2 tool, 2015) is a spreadsheet-based tool that can be used
to develop energy consumption and GHG emission forecasts for milestone
years (2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030). It is used by local governments in
British Columbia (Canada) also to assess the impact of reduction measures at
the community scale. The focused sectors are agriculture, industrial build-
ings, transport (personal vehicle and commercial transportation), residential
and commercial buildings, and solid waste. The data input is open source

Overview of the Main Decision Support Tools for Energy and Climate Planning
GHG and
Analyzed Geographical Time Open Air
Model Name Sectors Coverage Horizon Source Database Routine Target Users Emissions
2050 Calculator Entire energy Global, and Medium to No Yes Simulation Researchers, Yes
1. Web-tool version system national long term policy-makers,
2. Simplified My2050 citizens, and
simulation students
3. Full Excel version
Free download from
E2 tool Residential and Local Medium to No Yes Simulation Policy-makers Yes
Can be required to commercial long term
Ramona Mattix— buildings,
[email protected] personal vehicle
or Ron and commercial
Macdonald—ron. transportation,
macdonald@ solid waste and
stantec.com agriculture
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
TABLE 2.3  (Continued)
Overview of the Main Decision Support Tools for Energy and Climate Planning
GHG and
Analyzed Geographical Time Open Air
Model Name Sectors Coverage Horizon Source Database Routine Target Users Emissions
ICLEI tool Municipal Local Annual No Yes (average Simulation Consultancies Yes
Download after the buildings, (municipal) national data and
approval of the vehicle fleet, and emission policy-makers
ICLEI from www. public lighting, factors)
iclei-europe.org/ residential,
Energy and Climate Planning

ccp/ commercial,
basic-climate-toolkit industry,
waste, and
Swiss-Energyscope Entire energy National Medium to No Yes Simulation Policy-makers, Yes
Free download from system long term citizens and
www.energyscope. (Switzerland) students
TRACE Interventions of Local Short No Yes— Simulation Policy-makers No
Free download from energy (municipal) “Playbook”
www.esmap.org/ efficiency in of tried and
node/add/ transport, tested EE
tool-download buildings, water measures
and wastewater,
public lighting,
power and heat,
and solid waste
32 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

to avoid the use of specialized data sets. Key data requirements for building
the base scenario include statistics on population and dwellings, energy bal-
ances, emissions inventories, and population growth forecasts.
The ICLEI Europe Basic Climate toolkit (ICLEI, 2016) allows collecting and
systematizing the main energy data and provides GHG emission inventories
as final output. These inventories can help local governments to understand
the emission paths and to individuate the key priority areas and the achieve-
ments of different reduction actions. This tool is utilized by many of the sig-
natories of the Covenant of Mayors to support the elaboration of Sustainable
Energy Action Plans. It is made up by Excel spreadsheets that are filled in
with two categories of data: local government operations and community
inventory. The first category takes into account energy consumption of
municipal buildings, vehicle fleet, public lighting, water and sewage, and
waste and local energy production, while the other category considers the
energy consumption in residential, commercial, industry, transport, com-
munity waste, and agriculture sectors. An ICLEI add-in tool was also devel-
oped in the frameworks of the South East Europe Project REE RE-SEEties
(SEE Programme) (2016) to support local administrations in the calculation
of the missing input parameters utilizing proxy variables and information
made available by regional or national statistics (Salvia et al., 2014, 2015).
The Swiss-Energyscope (Moret et al., 2014) is an online platform developed
by the Energy Center of EPFL (Ecole Politecnique Federale de Lausanne)
with the aim to support Swiss decision-makers by improving their under-
standing of the energy system (Gironès et al., 2015). The online platform
mainly consists of an energy calculator, enabling users to evaluate the effect
of a list of possible choices on the energy future of the country. In particular,
it shows the effect of the policy and investment decisions on final energy
consumption, total cost, and environmental impact. The modeling approach
is currently implemented within an online energy calculator for the case of
Switzerland; nevertheless, it can be easily adapted to any large-scale energy
system. An online wiki and a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) allow
interested users to acquire a basic knowledge on the energy system and to
be guided through the learning process and the use of the calculator itself.
The Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy—TRACE (TRACE, 2016) is a
decision-support system implemented to assist local administrators in iden-
tifying opportunities to increase energy efficiency. TRACE was developed by
the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), a global tech-
nical assistance program administered by the World Bank, and was designed
to involve city decision-makers in the deployment of energy efficiency (EE)
measures. TRACE focuses on the municipal sectors with the highest energy
use: passenger transport, municipal buildings, water and wastewater, public
lighting, power and heat, and solid waste. It targets under-performing sec-
tors, evaluates improvement and cost-saving potential, and helps prioritiz-
ing actions for EE interventions. It has been used by 27 cities in Africa, Asia,
Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America.
Energy and Climate Planning 33

Besides that, plenty of easy-to-use models have been developed to assist

developing countries in their planning practices as well as to address dif-
ferent purposes. In particular, the Climate-Smart Planning Platform (2016),
developed under the aegis of the World Bank, collects and makes available a
set of tools addressed to strengthen decision-making processes on climate-
smart planning. It also provides a forum where it is possible to find the tools
within an extensive list updated over time and share analyses and modeling

2.5 Citizens Engagement and Local Action Plans:

From Theory to Practice
2.5.1 Citizens Engagement
Energy efficiency is considered a “hidden fuel” that can be highly boosted by
citizens’ engagement. As a matter of fact, a high level of community engage-
ment encourages behavioral changes that have a positive effect on energy
systems performances.
The importance of behavioral changes to reduce end-use energy consump-
tion is also acknowledged by Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive
of the European Commission—EED (SWD 451 final, 2013) that consider soft
measures eligible for funding like energy and CO2 taxes.
Soft measures include a broad range of actions among which energy advice,
energy audits, energy management, education, training, information cam-
paigns, smart metering, labeling, certification schemes, and capacity build-
ing with territorial networks all addressed at increasing citizens’ awareness
and participation. In fact, they represent a powerful instrument in the com-
munities where all the members identify themselves as an active part of a
collaborative environment and joint efforts are made to achieve shared goals.
As their effectiveness is highly dependent on consumers’ response and
the capacity of triggering long-lasting behavioral changes, it is important
to implement a successful participatory process with a clear identification
of the objectives, the interested parties (stakeholders), the factors that may
hinder the process, the methodology, and the instruments to involve them
actively as well as to measure the impact of behavioral measures (Easy IEE
Project, 2009).
Stakeholders can deeply influence directly or indirectly the success of pol-
icy measures depending on their role and attitude. Therefore, it is necessary
to promote a proactive dialogue among the different categories creating a
multidisciplinary environment in which everybody can provide their own
contribution of creative ideas and solutions through an intensive and con-
crete engagement.
34 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

To this issue it is important to identify a list of possible stakeholders

and involve them at the very outset as well as in the crucial phases of any
decision-making process.
Among the different techniques, brainstorming and mapping are very
useful to focus on stakeholders’ macro-categories considering their political,
economic, social interests, knowledge and operating experience, benefits and
disadvantages, as well as their possible role as supporters and opponents.
The stakeholder selection can be completed with a map or a table that can
provide a visual overview of the different groups and their role (Dvarioniene
et al., 2015).
Stakeholders’ function may differ (e.g., preparation of knowledge bases,
development and evaluation of ideas). Therefore, the strategies to engage
them should be defined taking into account their role, interests, and poten-
tial multiplier effect.
An example of stakeholder analysis by macro-categories is reported in
Table 2.4.
Among the several available instruments that can foster an active engage-
ment of stakeholders, with particular reference to private citizens, it is worth
mentioning two innovative tools to promote citizens’ awareness through dis-
cussion and experiential learning: the “World Cafés” (Brown and the World
Café Community, 2002) and the “Energy Labs” (Dvarioniene et al., 2015).
The World Café promotes an innovative learning and exchange of knowl-
edge through informal discussions focused on key issues with a strategic
view and has proven particularly useful to promote an active engagement
in different contexts (e.g., institutional business, health, education, as well
as local communities). The discussions are basically self-managed by the
participants within a common framework and under the guidance of some
reference questions. The leading idea is to create a work environment that
inspires participants and invites them to a free discussion promoting dia-
logue and cross-pollination paving the way to unconventional changes of
people’s mind-set (Brown and the World Café Community, 2002).
The Energy Labs contextualize the Living Lab approach in the energy
framework by promoting citizens’ information and engagement to boost the
deployment of innovative solutions. The leading idea is to involve operatively
stakeholders in a set of activities to develop and elaborate climate protection
and energy efficiency concepts by leveraging on ideas, understanding, and
In order to make sure that the Energy Lab contributes to the fulfillment of
its overall aim, it is important to get a common understanding of the under-
lying process. Different types of events can be organized (e.g., expert meet-
ings, workshops, and educational activities). The methodology, the type of
event, and the specific purpose should be carefully planned according to
the envisaged results. Both top-down and bottom-up methodologies can be
used, although a bottom-up approach is recommended to elicit feedback.
The participants are usually divided in working groups to support their
Stakeholder Overview by Category
Stakeholder Category Interests Involvement Instruments Envisaged Outcomes
Local, regional, and Policy-making Decisional processes Local action plans
national authorities Energy policy implementation Energy management Capacity building
public administration Energy security Energy audits Optimal resource
Reducing energy bills Smart meter campaigns management
Certification schemes
Information campaigns
Thematic workshops
Thematic interviews
Energy and Climate Planning

Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.)

Dissemination events (e.g., conferences, fairs, energy labs)
Web-based tools for information/dissemination/participation
Local, regional institutions Data and statistics Energy management Capacity building
(e.g., energy agencies, Methodology Energy audits Optimal resource
professional, and experts) Networking Energy consulting services smart meter campaigns management
Certification schemes
Thematic workshops
Thematic interviews
Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.)
Dissemination events (e.g., conferences, fairs, energy labs)
Web-based tools for information/dissemination/participation
Academics, research, and Scientific advancements Support to decisional processes Capacity building
learning institutions Energy-environmental Smart meter campaigns Decisional support
awareness Certification schemes methodologies and
Networking Information campaigns tools
Thematic workshops Learning-by-doing
Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.) capacity building
Dissemination events (e.g., conferences, fairs, energy labs)
Web-based tools for information/dissemination/participation

TABLE 2.4  (Continued)
Stakeholder Overview by Category
Stakeholder Category Interests Involvement Instruments Envisaged Outcomes
Financial Institutions Economic development Support to overcome the market barriers New business models
Business, industries, trade Networking Thematic interviews Capacity building
organizations (category Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.)
associations, consortia, Web-based tools for information/participation
chamber of commerce,
Utility suppliers (i.e., Ensure reliable, affordable, Support to overcome the market barriers Collective purchasing
electricity, heat, other and clean energy supply Smart meter campaigns Optimal resource
energy services) Networking Certification schemes management
Energy labeling Capacity building
Thematic workshops
Thematic interviews
Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.)
Dissemination events (e.g., conferences, fairs, energy labs)
Web-based tools for information/participation
NGOs/environmental/ Civic engagement Smart meter campaigns Learning-by-doing
consumer associations Energy-environmental Information campaigns Smart community
awareness Thematic workshops Capacity building
Networking Thematic interviews
Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.)
Dissemination events (e.g., conferences, fairs, energy labs)
Web-based tools for information/dissemination/participation
Private citizens Cost-effective energy services Smart meter campaigns Learning-by-doing
Improving quality of life Information campaigns Increased awareness
Health and environmental Dissemination events (e.g., conferences, fairs, energy labs) Prosumers vs.
concern Living labs consumers
Consultation events (surveys, World Café, etc.) Smart citizenship
Web-based tools for interactive participation
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
Energy and Climate Planning 37

active involvement and to provide their findings. It is of utmost importance

to get a reporting documentation that will help analyze the outcomes and
maximize the contribution of the event.

2.5.2 The Development of a Local Action Plan

A sustainable energy path for a community should address both energy and
environmental issues, with concrete policies and measures aimed at ensur-
ing all citizens a secure, widespread, and affordable access to energy ser-
vices as well as environmental sustainability (ICLEI—Local Governments
for Sustainability et al., 2009).
In this framework, local action plans represent strategic documents through
which local authorities confirm their commitment to sustainable develop-
ment contributing effectively to promote energy mix diversification, local
and decentralized power supply, renewable use, energy efficiency, and green-
house gas emissions reduction. To this issue, these plans should be conceived
as an evolutionary process with a strategic view in which organizational
aspects, decision-making competences, financial instruments, and common
sense contribute to achieve measurable targets in a given time frame.
Many examples of model templates for the definition of local action plans
can be found in the literature, most of which have been developed in the frame-
work of interregional cooperation projects (e.g., Enova, 2008; ICLEI—Local
Governments for Sustainability et al., 2009; RENERGY Project (INTERREG
IVC Programme), 2016; RE-SEEties Project (SEE Programme), 2016).
In particular, the Enova’s program for Norwegian municipalities, sup-
ported by the Intelligent Energy Europe program, provided a guidebook for
municipalities that aim to establish their own local energy and climate plan
with the aim “to put in place a long-term strategy including an action plan
with a clear focus on practical implementation of measures and activities at
the local level” (Enova, 2008). This guidebook points out the importance to
have plans that include quantitative targets for energy efficiency, heat, and
power generation and are based on local renewable energy sources valoriza-
tion and greenhouse gas emissions reduction taking into account the orga-
nizational capabilities of municipalities that represent the most critical factor
in moving from planning to implementation.
The available examples of local action plans highlight different planning
phases interlinked by several intermediate steps. However, according to
Enova (2008) the operational planning steps can be generally ranked into two
main phases: (1) strategic planning and (2) implementation and monitoring.
The strategic planning defines the backbone of the planning process,
namely, the knowledge basis, the local community position, the overall aim,
the strategic objectives, and the key interventions. The first step concerns the
background analysis for an in-depth characterization of the regional frame-
work and the community aspirations (e.g., policy framework, geographical
features, problematic and advanced areas, endogenous resources, energy
38 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

consumption, EE and RES deployment, greenhouse gas emissions, market

uptake, community needs, and involvement). A structured self-assessment
should be performed following a standardized approach that allows a rep-
etition and update of the process, the definition of a baseline scenario, and
benchmarking. This preliminary analysis is fundamental to identify what is
to be achieved, design the overall strategy, and outline the key issues to be
addressed. In this phase energy, targets and priorities at different time hori-
zon are also defined as well as energy efficiency and renewable measures
that resonate with local/regional community analysis, in order to find out
the key interventions that contribute to an advancement in the main dimen-
sions of sustainable development.
The implementation and monitoring phase carries out, revises, updates, and
disseminates the planning strategy. The main activities concern the defini-
tion of the action lines (i.e., the sectors and the measures) and the activities
for the achievement of the strategic and operating targets. This phase also
includes the communication plan, to underpin the implementation plan and
to engage stakeholders at key stages, and the monitoring strategy to verify
the effectiveness of the actions and revise the plan accordingly.
Starting from this broad division, a local implementation plan should con-
textualize the selection of the measures to be implemented in a study area
according to its strengths and weaknesses, the local policies in force, the local
“enablers,” and the impact they may have in the region. The plan should also
be a “living thing” with defined responsibilities and programmed review.
Taking inspiration from the Model Implementation Plan developed in the
RENERGY Project (RENERGY Project (INTERREG IVC Programme), 2016), a
reference structure is presented in Figure 2.5.
A “step-by-step guidance” is then provided in Tables 2.5 and 2.6 in which,
according to the planning phase, the steps to be taken are listed and briefly
described. These tables provide also several examples to focus on the
expected outcomes related to each step and to better understand how they
can be translated into concrete actions or documents.

Design Implementation and assessment

Action lines

1. Vision and objectives

Financial analysis
2. Self-assessment Policy recommendations
3. Strategic overview
4. Key interventions Monitoring

Reference structure of the planning process, according to the RENERGY methodology.
Main Steps of Strategic Planning
Planning Steps Objectives Expected Outcomes Examples
Vision and Define overarching objectives and Identification of Promote the adhesion of the community to the covenant of
objectives future vision both at community • Aspirations and role of the mayors.
level and in a wider context. community in EE and RES Be renowned as a thriving, low-carbon community by 2020
deployment. Boost EE and RES in order to contribute to climate
• Achievable overall mitigation.
objectives at different time Provide a healthy and vibrant environment for citizens
scales. and businesses.
Energy and Climate Planning

Self-assessment Characterize the study area. Self-assessment reports SWOT Commit the community to go beyond the 2020 objectives
analysis and PEST analysis. of the COM set by the EU.
Identify strategic objectives and Definition of feasible targets Reduce carbon emissions by 40% within 2015 and by 40%
targets for EE and RES increase. according to the initial within 2020.
Strategic Set clear aims and objectives in List and prioritization of aims Aim 1: Demonstrate the relevance of a holistic, integrative,
overview order to address the challenges and corresponding objectives. bottom-up process to take local community needs,
faced in achieving the vision. demands, cultural, and infrastructural characteristics into
Objective 1: Engage key organizations with measurable
carbon saving potential and active community networks
to create local community exemplars.
Aim 2: Emphasize the crucial role of the energy business
sector in RES uptake and EE management.
Objective 2: Assist local business to reduce energy costs,
reduce carbon emissions, and safeguard employment.
Key Address: List and prioritization of Support public and private investment in low-carbon
interventions • The strategic and territorial interventions. growth
challenges. Enhance stakeholder participation and cooperation
• The vision, aims, and Promote networking in order to promote energy and
objectives of the community. carbon saving and encourage investment in RES.
Main Steps of Implementation and Monitoring
Planning Steps Objectives Expected Outcomes Examples
Action lines Translate strategy, aims, and List and prioritization of strategic lines and SL1 Policy and governance
objectives into results. corresponding actions. A1.1: Undertake a study to identify
energy demands and the best-
suited renewable technologies for
energy generation in the local area.
A1.2: Create a repository of
comparative data.
SL2 Market uptake
A2.1 Support businesses/households
to reduce their energy requirements
A2.3 Develop public/community/
private partnerships to enable a
wider uptake of RES and EE.
SL3 Community engagement
A3.1 Engage communities to act as
exemplars of bottom-up
engagement using existing active
A3.2 Engage schools to play a central
role in community-led RES schemes.
Financial analysis Assess the feasibility and cost Identification of the financial constraints. • Grants to climate protection and
effectiveness of the proposed Identification of the potential funding energy projects in strategic areas.
interventions. streams and links with ERDF programs. • Economic regeneration
Identification of interventions, which programs.
address able to pay, private sector potential,
as well as energy poverty challenges.
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
TABLE 2.6  (Continued)
Main Steps of Implementation and Monitoring
Planning Steps Objectives Expected Outcomes Examples
Policy recommendations Provide a policy framework to Critical analysis of existing policies to • Thematic action plans
Energy and Climate Planning

accommodate the vision, strategy, review and/or extend them • Implementation of National
aims, and objectives and to Reference best practice guide on policy. Renewable Energy Action Plan
support specific actions. (NREAP) on the local level.
Communication Inform and engage actively the • Identification of the methodology and • Networks for SME.
community. the key elements for community • Information campaigns for
Publicize the benefits. engagement. householders.
• Local action plans owned and • Energy labs.
implemented by communities.
Monitoring Verify the effectiveness of actions • Improved understanding of the Development and approval of a
through benchmarking, political planning strategy impacts climate change strategy.
scrutiny, and community reporting. • Review and remedial actions
Provide feedbacks for a redefinition
of aims and objectives and an
improvement of actions.
42 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

2.6 Conclusive Remarks
Local and regional authorities are undoubtedly assuming a more and more
strategic role in the achievement of national and international energy and
climate commitments that call for strategic decision-making. In this frame-
work, it should be underlined that improving the performances of energy
systems is a key issue to ensure a future energy and environmental sustain-
ability. In particular, the “development and demonstration of holistic system
optimization at local/urban level (Smart Cities and Communities)” repre-
sents one of the key themes of the European Commission’s strategic energy
plan (C 6317 final, 2015).
Decision-makers are thus asked to define policies and roadmaps to face
both the energy and environmental challenges and to deploy huge infra-
structure investments in a scenario of large future uncertainty (DeCarolis
et al., 2012).
This requires a systematic use of analytical tools and procedures in pol-
icy design and implementation to provide a benchmarking scenario on
which the effectiveness of policies and measures can be assessed and the
investments can be carefully planned, according to a backcasting planning
Nevertheless, a multilayer and often not integrated decision-making pro-
cess, the lack of common protocols, the general complexity of energy models,
the lack of data about sectoral consumption, and energy flows across the sup-
ply and end-use demand sectors prevent the use of validated methodologies
and tools in municipal and regional energy planning. In addition to that, it
is important to underline that the key role of stakeholders in responding to
the sustainable development challenges cannot be fulfilled by adopting only
a top-down policy, unable to seize their needs and aspirations.
A structured community engagement is thus required since the begin-
ning of any process and across all its crucial phases to identify and address
social issues and concerns as well as to generate shared innovative solutions.
The key issue is, therefore, to foster a transition toward local and regional
sustainable energy systems in which “soft measures are an essential lever
for the implementation of hard measures” (Energy Cities, 2012) in perfect
agreement with the smart cities and communities paradigm. A strategic
vision of energy-environmental planning should therefore counterbalance
a top-down policy approach with a bottom-up methodology for stakeholder
engagement supporting networking and knowledge exchange between all
the actors involved in the planning processes. This results in a stronger col-
laboration between the research community and local authorities that boost
the opportunities to participate in inter-regional and transnational coopera-
tion initiatives triggering collective behavioral changes through the sharing
of experiences and good practices.
Energy and Climate Planning 43

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Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering
Energy Service Companies

Andrey Kovalev and Liliana Proskuryakova

3.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 49
3.2 Research on Energy Service........................................................................ 50
3.3 Role of Oilfield Service Companies in Russia.......................................... 52
3.4 Discussion......................................................................................................65
3.5 Conclusion..................................................................................................... 67
Acknowledgment................................................................................................... 68
References................................................................................................................ 68

3.1 Introduction
There is a double interplay of the innovation potential of a company, its busi-
ness model, and the structure of the market that is rarely caught in research-
ers’ focus. This interrelation is of importance to companies working in
various segments of the energy sector. In this chapter, we review multiple
activities launched by the Russian authorities to foster innovation in tech-
nological sectors of the Russian economy. The activities centered on merg-
ers and acquisitions are a major part of this framework in both public and
private organizations.
This chapter shows that mergers and acquisitions per se have little influ-
ence on the organization’s innovation potential. At the same time, a proper
strategy based on the clear-cut competitive advantage and the related spe-
cialization is a more productive path to foster innovation in an energy com-
pany. Such a specialization may be later followed by a series of mergers and
acquisitions. However, if the initial step was ignored or neglected, the subse-
quent mergers cannot trigger corporate innovation. This thesis is illustrated
with three cases (Eurasia Drilling Company or EDC, TGT, and Rosgeologiya)
described in the following text.

50 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

3.2 Research on Energy Service

Energy service companies (ESCos), including those operating in the energy
sector, are known for increasing competitiveness (Hirst and Brown, 1990),
productivity (Worrell et al., 2003), and innovation activity of their clients.
They are also known for offering green, environment-friendly solutions
(Dangelico and Pontrandolfo, 2013). However, smooth advancement of prod-
ucts and service provided by ESCos to the market is hampered by a number
of barriers (Hirst and Brown, 1990; Jaffe and Stavins, 1994), including market
imperfections and asymmetries, excessive transaction costs and institutional
factors, as well as underdeveloped markets (Bertoldi et al., 2006; Painuly et al.,
2003; Vine, 2005). Certain barriers are more common to developing countries
and include institutional barriers, poor energy pricing policies, high transac-
tion costs (Painuly et al., 2003), limited access to capital, and poor manage-
ment of ESCos (Akman et al., 2013).
Analysis of ESCos and their business models is in the focus of several
recently published studies (e.g., Mahapatra et al., 2013; Pätäri and Sinkkonen,
2014), in particular devoted to increasing energy efficiency of residence build-
ings (Hannon et al., 2013; Lombardi et al., 2016), residential heating (Suhonen
and Okkonen, 2013), and the benefits of ESCos for deployment of renewable-
based power and heat generation (Borge-Diez et al., 2015; Bustos et al., 2016).
Some studies even go as far as analyzing the role of ESCos in advancing
the capacity of local energy systems to address social needs (Hannon and
Bolton, 2015). Kindström and Ottosson (2016) identified the requirements
and barriers for the successful development of local and regional energy ser-
vice companies. Based on a survey of a few companies, researchers identi-
fied essential business model elements. Among the success factors are early
support from top managers or incremental approach to the service portfolio,
clear targeting of existing customer base, and internally balancing two busi-
ness models.
Oilfield service companies are not precisely ESCos in the traditional sense
of this term. But there is a certain parallel between them, energy service com-
panies provide energy technology and energy-efficient services to general
profile companies whose activities related with energy technology, while
oilfield service providers are outsourced a number of necessary exploration
and production activities being an inherent part of the petroleum sector
value added chain. Petroleum companies widely use oilfield services such as
geological exploration, enhanced oil recovery, well intervention, and repair.
It is interesting to analyze the activity of oilfield service providers as ESCos
offering services to the oilfield operator as the owner of the rights. This view
helps examine the role of the market structure in shaping the incentives for
the petroleum industry to develop cost-efficient and environment-friendly
technology and business processes.
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 51

Market structure is rarely considered to be one of the key factors determin-

ing the effectiveness of each segment of the energy sector and the scale of
externalities created by those segments. Some research in this field is avail-
able (Azomahou et al., 2008; Lutzenhiser et al., 2001), but it does not concern
the Russian petroleum industry that has a number of important distinguish-
ing features such as the “high level of monopolization in domestic energy
markets, lack of competition and prohibitively high entry barriers for any
link in the value chain” (Proskuryakova and Filippov, 2015: 2800). Therefore,
the Russian energy sector can be an illustrative example of the interlink
between the structure of a market and its effectiveness.
Formulating precise quantitative criteria for measuring this interlink is a
difficult task because of its complexity and due to lack of transparency in the
Russian energy sector. For example, Eurasia Drilling Company Limited, one
of the largest Russian service companies, was delisted from the London Stock
Exchange (Eurasia Drilling Company Ltd., 2015a), and this limits the publicly
available information about the company. At the level of smaller energy ser-
vice companies, lack of transparency is an even more noticeable problem.
Yet the structure of the Russian market points to the differences of the
country-specific trends and those in many developed countries. In countries
that adhere to sustainable practices, it has become a rule of thumb that areas
where competition without negative externalities is possible should be sepa-
rated from those areas where the operation of a monopoly is natural and
reasonable from the economic point of view. In the Russian energy sector,
it has become a standard practice to merge organizations or business entities
under various types of state control to achieve economy of scope or economy
of scale effect.
The ability to shape the structure that maximizes the wealth and matches
restrictions on externalities is probably the key element of a consistent eco-
nomic policy (Li and Yu, 2016). In energy sector and energy markets, under-
standing and modifying the market structure have an impact on firms’
productivity, which is bound to a specific technology (Dai and Cheng, 2016).
In some cases, the general principles of economic theories may not coincide
with the technological architecture of the engineering systems. Third Party
Access (TPA) to district heating water networks (Soderholm and Warell,
2011) is an example of a dilemma where general economic considerations
may contradict a specific technology under consideration, and this compli-
cates the theoretical analysis of this problem. Such dilemmas are aggravated
by the fact that cross-case comparisons are not always possible. In the given
example different heating utility systems work in different conditions, and
isolating only one factor of efficiency is a tricky way to compare TPA and
non-TPA systems.
It is presumed that small energy service companies face fundamentally
different incentives depending on the structure of the markets and the struc-
ture of the adjacent markets (petroleum exploration for the case of oilfield
52 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

services and production, industrial goods, and residential sector for the
performance contractors). The energy sector covers only a part of activities
related to energy transportation, conversion, and consumption. Negative
environmental externalities resulting from these processes depend on orga-
nizations having no competence in energy technology and often attributing
low priority to energy efficiency and conservation (Fais et al., 2016). Energy
service companies are expected to bring professionalism, efficiency, and
rigor to the field where energy efficiency would have been paid much less
attention otherwise.

3.3 Role of Oilfield Service Companies in Russia

Since 2015, Russian oil and gas industry has been facing several major chal-
lenges. Drop of fossil fuel prices, oversupply and increasing competition at
the market, gradual depletion of traditional major Russian oilfields, and eco-
nomic and financial sanctions.
In 2015, the key problems pointed out by the oil and gas companies CEOs
and specialists were limited access to capital, lack of qualified specialists, cor-
ruption and legislative inconsistencies, and rising costs of field development.
According to the survey conducted by Deloitte (2016), among the response
measures that companies introduce, the most prominent are effective man-
agement of asset portfolios (100% of respondents), attracting partners (38%),
increasing management efficiency (38%), and introduction of technological
and other innovations (38%). This survey covered energy companies work-
ing in extraction and refinery (54%), services (31%), and pure extraction (15%).
On average, 10.9% of Russian manufacturing and service companies in
2013 and 2014 performed innovation activities and companies involved in
fossil fuel extraction have slightly lower values—8.6% and 8.5%, correspond-
ingly (Gokhberg et al., 2016). Of all innovations introduced by fossil fuels
extraction companies, the majority were of technological nature.
The response of the Russian petroleum companies was to lower research
and development and other investments and to increase production. Indeed,
in 2015 Russian petroleum companies produced about 10.7 mln barrels per
day in average, a historic record since the times of the Soviet Union.
This growth is troubled by several persistent issues. For instance, monopo-
lies are not suited for flexible development of small oilfields benefit from
the outdated licensing in Russian petroleum industry while lagging behind
leading international petroleum companies in efficiency benchmarks. Low
oil recovery factor has been particularly noticeable in the last years, limited
to 20%–27% only in 2015, which is unacceptably low.
There are three main categories of oil service companies operating at
the Russian market: international service giants, Russian in-house service
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 53

providers, and independent Russian service companies. All three differ from
energy performance contractors in several important aspects. Oilfield ser-
vice companies work generally in the same area as their clients, and the divi-
sion of labor between petroleum companies and oilfield service companies
depends on the competition between the independent service contractors
and in-house service centers.
Oil and gas industry is the most significant sector of the Russian economy.
It accounts for the largest share of the Russian budget and the income of
the Russian economy in general. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate the
mechanisms, problems, barriers, and opportunity windows within this field.
Twenty-five years ago, the Russian oil and gas industry inherited a giant but
outdated and inefficient Soviet petroleum industry that required restructur-
ing and modernization, which proved to be a long and painful process. The
Russian oilfield services inherited many features from the petroleum indus-
try and its history. Just as the petroleum industry in general, the oilfield
service market in Russia is highly monopolized. For instance, in Russia’s
onshore drilling three service companies dominate the market: EDC (22.3%),
SurgutNG (21%), and RN-Burenie (17%).
The landscape of Russian oilfield services depends on the state of the
Russian oil and gas business in general. As major oil and gas producing
provinces have long entered into their maturity stage, the production has
decline. Infill drilling aimed to sustain the production on the depleted fields
results in similarly declining production per meter drilled in Russia. The
currently popular technology of hydraulic fracturing cannot change this
One could expect a gradual shift of field service activities toward green-
field regions, but the glut in the international oil market and the price gulp
of 2014 and 2015 slowed down this trend. Until 2014, oilfield service market
analysts expected that after a decade of growth, when the Russian onshore
market had risen from 10 to more than 20 million m drilled, the growth
would slow down but continue. However, the situation in 2016 is much more
uncertain. The oil market glut persists, the price did not return to the level
of 2013 (as the Russian service companies were expecting), and the major
Russian oil and gas companies have cut down their investment programs.
Finally, given the federal budget constraints, there is a persistent risk that tax
load on the petroleum industry will increase. These factors affect the expec-
tations of the oilfield service companies.
The characteristics of drilling operations in Russia show that onshore
well construction and workover was at the level of 15.5 bln in 2015 and was
expected to grow to 27.6 bln by 2020. Drilling volumes in Russia are also
expected to grow from 22.6 mln m in 2015 to 30.6 mln m in 2020. The aver-
age depth of wells in Russia has increased from 2410 to 3185 m over a decade
(2005–2014) (Eurasia Drilling Company Ltd., 2015b). These figures testify
to the increasing complexity of oilfield services and the advanced compe-
tences required from service companies. The aging Russian fleet of drilling
54 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

rigs will have to be modernized. Therefore, drilling companies will have to

attract considerable investments in the short run.
At the same time, the operational efficiency of the leading Russian oilfield
service companies lags behind the world leaders. Even though it is growing
and companies adopt the best international practices, there is still significant
potential for improvement. It is difficult to compare trends across compa-
nies and regions as available information is fragmented and somewhat anec-
dotal. At the same time, gradual growth of indicators such as meters drilled
per day illustrates the increasing productivity of oilfield operations.
At present, the Russian petroleum industry seems to be approaching
another bifurcation point. Multiple forecasts indicate that oil production in
Russia will decline in forthcoming decades. Given the oil price decrease and
constant fluctuations, Russian oil and gas companies with inflated costs and
mediocre managerial efficiency will have to reconsider the basic principles
of their activity.
Another challenge that Russian oilfield service companies face is com-
petition with international companies. International providers of oilfield
services have access to or directly develop the most advanced exploration
and production technologies that are extensively tested and fine-tuned in
international projects all over the world. These companies are larger than
their Russian peers and can suggest the full range of oilfield services so that
the operator may deal with a single contractor. Their leadership leaves lit-
tle chance for Russian services in the high-cost market niches. As a result,
international oilfield service giants control two-thirds of the Russian mar-
ket, mostly large-scale high-value projects, so that their Russian competitors
have to content themselves with the rest. It comes as no surprise because
the choice of service contractors has a considerable influence on the entire
project through a number of factors such as the quality of drilling-time log
or mud log. Extensive experience may be an exclusive advantage, and if large
investments are at stake, the operator prefers to work with a well-known
contractor having a long reference list.
Many Russian service companies choose to consolidate in order to lower
management costs and gain access to a larger and more stable share of the
market. To achieve this goal, consolidation should be followed by a major fun-
damental restructuring, a long, painful trial-and-error process. Companies
have to learn to be efficient. Moreover, even companies with established cli-
ent base, technological, and management background do not necessarily
benefit from a merger. The story of the Halliburton and Baker Hughes deal
interrupted in the spring of 2016 is an illustration of this thesis.
From time to time, lobbyists of the Russian service operators call on the
authorities to restrict the international service dominance. Such attempts are
counterproductive for several reasons. First of all, the unfavorable economic
situation has already made client companies switch to low-cost contrac-
tors. Second, some Russian oilfield service providers have a “success story.”
These stories (see, e.g., Zirax Nefteservice, 2016) demonstrate that viable
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 55

technological start-ups can survive and develop in a hostile business envi-

ronment with the limited independent up-to-date research and development
(R&D) potential. Just as in many other industries, protectionist regulatory
policy will conserve inefficiency and undermine the stimuli to develop new
technologies instead of seeking the government’s protection. Moreover,
Russian policy-makers put forward the policy of import substitution, par-
ticularly in the energy sector. Even though it is usually declared that import
substitution should only be aimed at a small number of critical technolo-
gies, various sectoral and industrial lobbyists exploit this leverage to gain
access to subsidies, tax reductions, and other state support. In reality, it is
impossible to develop (in some cases from scratch) oilfield services similar to
international on a tight schedule. The most realistic option to foster Russian
oilfield service businesses is to help them achieve the level at which they
could cooperate with international companies. International oilfield service
leaders may readily outsource and localize some operations if Russian com-
panies prove themselves able to guarantee quality and cost of their services
and products. International cooperation also allows Russian oilfield services
to get access to the international market.
So far, however, the share of Russian oilfield services had steadily declined.
Now that the low oil price period seems to remain at least in the midterm,
some small independent Russian oilfield services started to hover on the
brink of bankruptcy. There might be several reasons why the glut hit them
so hard. First, it is natural that petroleum companies decreased their invest-
ments in exploration and production, and the service market has shrunk.
Then, there is a specifically Russian problem of monopolization: in-house
service centers, subsidiaries, or departments of large energy companies are
directly managed or supported by their parent companies of the three men-
tioned categories (international service giants, Russian in-house service pro-
viders, and independent Russian service companies). The small independent
ones have the least bargaining power and they are the first to lose the market.
It is hard to predict the dynamics of Russian oilfield service market because
of the fluctuating international oil market and unclear Russian economic sit-
uation. However, there are some indicative discrepancies. In the absence of
comparable replacements of the depleted old deposits, the only way to sus-
tain the overall production level is to intensify the production on the existing
sites preferably using cheap and well-established technologies such as infill
drilling in combination with different kinds of flooding (such as CO2 flood-
ing). According to the Russian Energy Minister, sustaining the total produc-
tion requires increasing infill drilling by 5%–7% annually, given declining
production per meter of a well drilled (Tretiyakov, 2014). Moreover, given the
quality and average age of the Russian drilling rigs fleet, even maintaining
the level of production requires significant investments.
The available data indicate that the market is shrinking. Before the glut,
the volume of the Russian oilfield service market had risen to $20–$25 bln.
Russian oilfield service market accounted for RUB 700 bln in 2013–2014
56 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

($22 bln). The subsequent devaluation of the Russian currency did not change
its ruble volume but sharply cut the volume in U.S. dollars. It became a prob-
lem for the clients of international oilfield service providers, while petro-
leum companies could benefit from the ruble devaluation and only enjoyed
11% in ruble revenues (Deloitte, 2015). In 2015 it shrank by 10%, and in 2016
one can expect a further decline.
In the long run, the international oilfield service market is expected to
grow because hydrocarbon motor fuels will be consumed in comparable
quantities, but simply structured deposits will be largely depleted. Thus, oil-
field services will generally become more and more in demand. In Russia, on
the contrary, a reversal of the described market trends seems highly unlikely
in the short run and, therefore, oilfield services may become a bottleneck
hindering the development of the Russian petroleum industry. On the other
hand, it is highly likely that the crisis will cause restructuring of the Russian
oilfield service market. Generally, one can expect weakening the positions
of small independent oilfield service providers, whose market share will
be taken by the in-house service providers. The Russian petroleum giants
will try to acquire international oilfield service assets, the takeover of which
started approximately a year ago with Rosneft acquiring Weatherford sub-
sidiaries. The number of such takeovers will be rather limited because of
exhausted financial resources of the Russian petroleum companies.
The problem of externalities is another substantial difference between
energy performance contractors and oilfield service companies. The former
generally increase energy efficiency and promote energy saving, while the
latter only intensify extraction of hydrocarbons that are later processed and
used with certain degree of efficiency. In some cases, extraction may become
more energy efficient. For example, a steam for SAGD (steam-assisted gravity
drainage) (Banerjee, 2012) may be produced using a heat recovery steam gen-
erator of a local combined heat and power source. But generally speaking,
extraction of hydrocarbons affects the environment. Thus, while energy ser-
vice is aimed at developing energy conversion and transport processes that
generally benefits the environment, oilfield operations may be performed
more effectively, but it does not necessarily make them less harmful. This
interference has been acknowledged in research (Reis, 1996).

Case 3.1  Eurasia Drilling Company

Being the largest Russian drilling company (in terms of the meters drilled
as a measure of the market share), Eurasia Drilling Company Limited
(EDC) can serve as an illustration of the entire Russian oilfield service
market. The history of the company goes back to 1995 when the company
Lukoil-Burenie (Lukoil-Drilling) was founded as the drilling subsidiary
of Lukoil, one of the Russian petroleum majors.
As a business entity, EDC was established in 2002 by several Russian
and foreign investors, and 2 years later, this company acquired the
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 57

drilling subsidiary of Lukoil that had become a steadily operating oil-

field service subsidiary with established management structure. The
company name was changed to Burovaya Companya Eurasia (the
Russian Eurasia Drilling Company). The sale of drilling subsidiaries was
logical for Lukoil (in 2004 it represented the entire Lukoil’s drilling fleet).
The company de-invested from a noncore asset, which could make the
market more competitive and cut the costs borne by Lukoil. Then, by
concentrating on its core business Lukoil increased the efficiency of its
operation. This move fits the modern business concept in which oilfield
service and petroleum E&P projects are different areas and require dif-
ferent specializations and strategies. Management of daily engineering
activity implies that an E&P project operator has to collect and integrate
available information about the project, which is a highly innovative
technological area including decision support models based on genetic
programing, fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy models, multi-scenario intel-
ligent optimization, and evolutionary algorithms (Pacheco and Vellasco,
2009). These processes represent a higher level of abstraction from con-
crete engineering processes in business models and data aggregation
as compared with core E&P processes including specific engineering
operations and specific models in reservoir simulation, processing data
for seismic imaging systems, etc.
The traditional way of dealing with increasingly more complex technol-
ogy is through a greater specialization* and deeper competence assisted
by distribution of risks at every stage of a decision-making process by
means of outsourcing operations to a specialized contractor.
Based on the prior development of Burovaya Companya Eurasia, the
new management continued the expansion strategy: in the year following
the acquisition, the company’s share of the Russian drilling market grew
to 17%. Two years after the acquisition, the company had roughly 20%
of the drilling market and entered the offshore drilling niche. It should
be mentioned that the company’s offshore interests lie in the region of
the Caspian Sea, a more or less traditional area for Russian petroleum
companies. Thus, the offshore development did not include deepwater
projects, which would have been overly challenging to the Russian petro-
leum industry.
In the following years, the company continued its merger and acquisi-
tion strategy and integrated other Lukoil’s service subsidiaries (LUKOIL
Shelf Ltd., LUKOIL Overseas Orient Ltd., two West Siberia subsidiaries
of Lukoil holding 163 workover rigs, and other Lukoil services). In 2009,
the company had more than one quarter of the Russian drilling market,

*  The growth of service companies may be explained not by increasing specialization, but by
the rise of national oil companies. National oil companies possess petroleum reserves but
lack access to modern E&P Technologies and, therefore, have demand for oilfield service free
from property rights. Oilfield service companies met this demand.
58 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

and the merger and acquisition activity continued. After the 2-year-long
slump of 2008 and 2009 caused by the economic crisis, the growth contin-
ued: the company’s share of the market neared one-third, while the total
annual length drilled exceeded 6,000,000 m.
Given its close business relations with Lukoil, it was a challenge for
the company to diversify its clients in order to avoid a large bargaining
power of Lukoil as the major consumer of oilfield services provided by
the company. In 2008, EDC started to work with Rosneft in Vankor field,
which was followed by a deal with TNK-BP (in 2010) and GazpromNeft
(in 2014). Despite its long-term efforts aimed at the diversification of
the client pool, Lukoil still remains EDC’s major client. In 2015, Lukoil
accounted for 56% of the total length drilled by EDC, and a year earlier its
share was close to two-thirds of the total length drilled. In fact, it is only
recently that the diversification strategy has yielded noticeable results,
as GazpromNeft’s share has risen to one-third, and it has become EDC’s
second largest client. At the same time, Rosneft’s share even decreased
slightly, so the general trend is still mixed. As a result, a drop in drilling
activity of Lukoil in 2015, as compared with 2014, still influenced the total
length drilled of EDC, which also dropped by 13% (first half of 2015 to
first half of 2014). Therefore, the diversification was a forced move and is
far from being achieved.
There are several conclusions concerning the growth strategy of EDC.
First, the oilfield service market in Russia has been stagnating recently,
and given the present oil price trends it will likely stagnate in the near
future or longer. There are also high chances that the oilfield market in
Russia will shrink, and this decline will hit small oilfield companies in
the first place. EDC’s growth strategy will also likely be affected by the
harsh market conditions.
At present, the potential for any further extension has been largely
exhausted. Unlike many smaller companies, EDC has the capacity to
increase its efficiency, including efficiency of engineering operations and
management efficiency. One of the problems the company is facing is the
age of the rig fleet: EDC accumulated a considerable amount of old rigs as
a result of its acquisition strategy. The dip in the distribution at the range
of middle-age rigs shows that only a few dozen rigs were added to the
fleet during the “Lukoil period” of the company’s history, which may be
explained by the unfavorable market situation (Figure 3.1).
According to the corporate strategy, EDC has lately been paying con-
siderable attention to the development of its offshore division specializ-
ing in shallow water drilling. Shallow water reserves account for about
15% of the world oil production. Their average CAPEX per barrel is equal
to the CAPEX of expensive traditional onshore reserves, which presently
makes these deposits more attractive than deepwater and especially tight
oilfields. The cost of tight oil and deepwater projects is a strong incentive
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 59

Less than 5
43% 5–10 years
10–15 years
15–20 years
More than 20 years

7% 7%

Age of EDC’s rig fleet. (From Eurasia Drilling Company Ltd., EDC land drilling fleet, 2014,
available at: http://www.eurasiadrilling.com/operations/rig-fleet/edc-land-drilling-fleet/, last
accessed June 7, 2016.)

to intensify the development of technology that could potentially drive

the cost down, but Russian companies have not been involved in deep-
water projects, and extraction of nonconventional reserves in Russia has
been of marginal importance so far. Thus, not only the corresponding
technologies are an engineering challenge to Russian developers, but
also the demand for such technologies in Russia is marginal. The deci-
sion of EDC to focus on shallow water drilling appears logical. On the
other hand, maintaining production in old fields gradually becomes
more expensive and Russian petroleum companies could benefit from a
lower cost-per-barrel ratio that requires cost-efficient drilling technology,
such as sidetrack drilling.
This goal may also be a challenge. The situation in Russian drilling
is somewhat similar to the middle-income trap known in economics
(Agénor and Canuto, 2015). In 2014, the three leading petroleum produc-
ers demonstrated the total global drilling volumes shown in Figure 3.2.
While the volumes are almost identical, the trends differ. Both the num-
ber of wells drilled and length drilled point to the same fact: the Saudi
Arabia producers have access to easy-to-extract resources, for which the
necessary amount of oilfield service per extracted barrel is low. The U.S.
60 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Summary by category
Category Saudi Arabia Russia USA
Production, MMbpd 11.4 10.9 11.7
Wells drilled, ×1000 0.399 8.688 35.699
Total length drilled, mln m 0.914 25.30 90.52

Saudi Arabia Russia USA



Production, MMbpd Wells drilled, ×1000 Total length drilled, mln m

Drilling volumes that provided the market share of hydrocarbons in 2014 (the number of
wells includes sidetracks). (From Kibsgaard, P., Scotia Howard Weil 2015 Energy Conference,
New Orleans, LA, Schlumberger, March 23, 2015, available at: http://www.slb.com/news/
present at ion s/2015/~/med ia/Fi les/news/present at ion s/2015/K ibsgaa rd _ S cot ia _
Weil_03232015.ashx, last accessed June 7, 2016).

producers benefit from access to cost-efficient oilfield service operations

that assure the same production volumes by means of a larger oilfield
service use. The Russian petroleum industry has both disadvantages:
it does not have reserves like in Saudi Arabia, and it has no access to
equally cost-efficient local oilfield service industry.

Case 3.2  TGT Oilfield Services

Getting into the international oilfield service market is an important
measure of success for any oilfield service company. The key is the abil-
ity to compete with experienced and cost-efficient international oilfield
service companies and local contractors that have a better understand-
ing of their own home market including experience in local supply
chain and procurement management to the knowledge of typical
local geological formations. A company needs a clear-cut competitive
advantage based on managerial experience or technological efficiency
giving a competitive edge over the local analogs to come into steady
operation abroad.
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 61

This logic may not work for Russian technological start-ups. In the
generally hostile Russian business environment, where start-ups have to
break through multiple financial, administrative, and market barriers,
establishing a totally new technological company working for foreign
clients may be as difficult as establishing business relationships with
residents. At the same time, a company can benefit from the devaluated
national currency and lower HR costs.
TGT is an example of such a company. It offers services based on the
proprietary logging solutions. The company was founded in 1998, and
thus, unlike many other Russian oilfield services and petroleum com-
panies, it did not inherit shabby assets of the Soviet petroleum industry.
The company did not have to invest in the renovation or modernization
of old equipment and instead can build its organizational structure and
technological processes based on best available solutions. Afterward,
having established business abroad, such start-ups may shift their focus
back to the Russian market and leverage their operational practices based
on the acquired understanding of both modern technology and Russian
The strategy of TGT (predetermined by its specialization) was success-
ful for several reasons: its area did not involve considerable investments in
industrial production and depended more on R&D-intensive analysis and
computer modeling. This specialization could leverage the high qualifica-
tion of R&D engineers in Kazan (the hometown) and avoid the problems
related to industrial production and operation of heavy E&P machinery,
such as drilling rigs. The logging-based business model of the company
somewhat resembles a highly mobile IT business: it is not attached to capital-
intensive infrastructure (pipelines and refineries) or equipment (rigs), and a
significant part of its capitalization is associated with the accumulated engi-
neering background and know-how of the staff. The fact that the company
could relocate to United Arab Emirates (UAE) demonstrates this trait.
Having established the core logging service, the company contin-
ued R&D activity and presented advanced logging tools, such as high-
precision temperature logging, and a number of adjacent services (leak
detection, corrosion assessment, etc.); the company started to develop
reservoir simulation tools relying on the validation methods based on
the well data acquisition tools offered by the company earlier. It is the
classical expansion strategy of a company leveraging its core compe-
tences to diversify its business.
Having once invested in research, IT infrastructure, and software
design, the company does not have to bear those costs fully in the future
(except for some maintenance and modernization expenditures): with
fully functional software and trained personnel, the marginal cost of
working out an additional hydrodynamic model is close to zero. This
does not entirely protect the company from unpredictable fluctuations
of the oilfield service market inflicted by the unstable trends in the oil
62 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

business, but it creates a much safer business environment than the one
faced by many drilling contractors of similar size in present Russia.
Despite seeming straightforwardness, mathematical modeling underly-
ing numerical simulations of petroleum reservoirs is a complicated process
that requires both hard and soft skills. The R&D team ought to have suf-
ficient mathematical and computer qualifications necessary to work with
mathematical models, but the set of equations itself is by no means special.
It is the specific relevant properties of a reservoir (physical properties, ini-
tial and boundary conditions, etc.) that make a model unique. The quality
of a computer model, automatic control system, or database resulting from
the mathematical model depend a lot on the skills and competences in
retaining required phenomena (formation damage, fissuring, wetting for
the chemicals used, etc.) while still complying with limited computational
complexity and reasonable validations procedure. Such R&D skills, once
acquired, create an entry barrier protecting the developer from potential
competition. Although the quality of Russian education in natural sciences
has declined over the past decades, the history of TGT shows that there are
still educated and experienced professionals that are able to support the
development of a newly established engineering start-up.

Case 3.3  Rosgeologiya

The third case analyses a company at the geological survey market. This
area was a priority in the Soviet times. The dissolution of the Soviet
Union and the subsequent decline of the Soviet economy had a negative
impact on geological activity. This impact has not been fully bridged so
far. There already are petroleum companies that conduct multiple explo-
ration projects, but most experts agree that geological exploration should
be intensified in Russia. Insufficiency in this respect may entail consider-
able risks to the Russian gross petroleum production. Basin geological
modeling (Wangen, 2010), as exemplified with the activity of the corpora-
tion Rosgeologiya, is an indication of this insufficiency.
Rosgeologiya is a diversified Russian holding that provides geologi-
cal services. According to the declared priorities and mission statement,
Rosgeologiya is similar to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Both
organizations were founded in the late nineteenth century: the history
of USGS started in 1879, and the history of Rosgeologiya may be traced
back through multiple reorganizations to the Geological Committee
established in 1882 in the Russian Empire. However, there is a difference
between these agencies: USGS is a scientific organization. Geological
research is impossible without extensive acquisition of basic geological
field data, and USGS activity implies outsourcing to external contrac-
tors activities such as observation of well drilling or cooperation with
an extensive network of national and international organizations of 564
partners in 2016.
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 63

Rosgeologiya, on the contrary, itself conducts 75% of stratigraphic

drilling (called parametric drilling in Russia), which is covered by the
JSC Nedra being a part of Rosgeologiya. Forty years ago, it was Nedra
that drilled the 12,345 m long Kola Superdeep borehole. Kola Superdeep
became the deepest well, surpassing Bertha Rogers* drilled in Washita
(Oklahoma) by Lone Star Producing Co. while exploring oil and gas
(Oklahoma Corporation Commission, 2014). Another representative
project of Nedra is Jen-Yakhinskaya superdeep, a sedimentary wellbore
(8250 m). At present, this wellbore is rivaled by Rosneft “Sakhalin-1” proj-
ect with its 13,500 m deep well with horizontal part 12,033 m at Chaivo
oilfield (Rosneft, 2015). Such projects demonstrate that present-day oil-
field operators can work under demanding geological conditions and
cope decently well with this level of complexity. In other words, the most
complicated exploration or stratigraphic wells should not be managed as
a new Manhattan project. State support may be helpful, but establishing
another inflated and sluggish state corporation is not necessary.
USGS acts as a scientific organization that acquires and collects infor-
mation by exchanging and purchasing data as well as operational activi-
ties via an extensive cooperation network. Its Russian analog works in a
different way. Russian authorities chose to merge and centralize geologi-
cal exploration organizations and keep them under state control. In 2011,
the state-owned corporation Rosgeologiya gained control over 38 spe-
cialized public enterprises. The resulting holding provides a wide range
of geological services including mapping and geodetic surveying, geo-
physical investigations, marine geology, parametric drilling, and more.
Unlike parametric drilling, basin geological modeling is an area that
may require an active participation of a systemic moderator.
Basin modeling, as a mathematical description of the geological evolu-
tion of a sedimentary basin over a geological period, can be traced back
to the late 1970s. Since then the research in this field has been driven by
the petroleum industry that considered basin modeling to be a promis-
ing tool for exploration. As a result, basin modeling has developed into a
sophisticated method. It absorbed geology, geomechanics (and geophys-
ics in general), and chemistry. No wonder modern basin modeling relies
on computer simulation, which adds numerical mathematics to the pool
of necessary disciplines but allows to reduce investment risks in petro-
leum E&P projects. Thus, the use of such software can measure the lead-
ership (or the lag) of national geological services.
There are a number of software products designed and continu-
ously developed, such as Beicip Franlab TEMIS (Beicip Franlab, 2016)
and PetroMod Petroleum Systems Modeling by Schlumberger (2016).
Despite a declared priority of import substitution and self-sufficiency,

*  Bertha Rogers went through sedimentary formations, while Kola Superdeep cut through the
Baltic shield.
64 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Russian developers have not demonstrated similar level products,

although up-to-date basin modeling is an important element of replen-
ishing Russian petroleum reserves. There are only a few groups working
in this field (Ismail-Zadeh et al., 2016; Malysheva, 2015).
The tools available in Rosgeologiya seem outdated. For example,
the corporation announced in April 2016 that one of its subsidiaries (a
research institute) will perform basin 1D and 2D modeling for the region
of Udmurtiya (Rosgeologiya, 2016). The use of 1D and 2D models is indic-
ative of the development rate. Hantschel and Kauerauf asserted that even
though “most models under study were first performed in 2D <…> they
were rarely used in practical exploration studies as horizontal petroleum
migration in the third dimension cannot be neglected” (Hantschel and
Kauerauf, 2009: 16). As a result, a new generation of programs released
in the late 1990s included 3D modeling functionality, which has been
widely used since then. Simpler models still can be used for describing
structurally simple basins. The current world trend is the opposite: the
emphasis is shifted toward modeling increasingly more complex struc-
tures in 3D and 4D as well as the integration of the corresponding soft-
ware with other petroleum.
Petroleum exploration in Russia is haunted by a number of techno-
logical problems that need to be resolved, but petroleum exploration
activities in Russia are under crossfire. On the one hand, most Russian
petroleum companies cut costs that do not generate short-term cash
flows. On the other hand, the government cannot afford a larger finan-
cial support either.
For Russian authors, it is traditional to oppose company-based explora-
tion activities with exploration activities organized and funded by state
agencies. But the activity of the U.S. Geological Survey demonstrates that
the government agency can outsource survey projects to private com-
panies. There appears to be a more productive approach though. Just as
projects in petroleum exploration, design and development of new mate-
rials is both complex and systemic activity of strategic importance which
requires government intervention. The intervention may intend to inten-
sify R&D and the commercialization of its result. The Materials Genome
Program is an emblematic example of an inter-organizational collabora-
tive strategic initiative intended to foster the development of new mate-
rials (U.S. National Science and Technology Council, 2011). In this case,
the open innovation approach is promoted as the basic framework for
achieving a synergetic result.
Merging former Soviet scientific institutions and geological explora-
tion organizations under the state control does not produce a similar
change. Inability to implement this or the alternative model productively
combining the strengths of corporate and state-controlled exploration
activities is an indicative symptom of the inefficient organization of R&D.
Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 65

3.4 Discussion
The three cases described in this chapter (EDC, TGT, and Rosgeologiya)
demonstrate three possible strategies of Russian energy companies:

1. Merger and acquisitions (Rosgeologiya).

2. Specialization followed by expansion (TGT).
3. A combination of (1) and (2): EDC as LUKOIL spin-off was an exam-
ple of specialization followed by a series of acquisitions.

Of the three mentioned cases, the TGT case seems the most successful from
the point of view of innovation potential. The company developed a number
of high-tech products and services that are currently offered to Russian and
other customers abroad. These products and services are based on the pro-
prietary technology that is undoubtedly innovative.
Merger and acquisition is a popular strategy in Russia, and the energy sec-
tor is not an exception. It has been already shown that it may not be successful
in some cases (Kovalev and Proskuryakova, 2014). The case of Rosgeologiya
testifies to the same thesis. Merging organizations lagging behind in techno-
logical development may streamline business processes and eliminate some
inefficiencies in management or procurement, but merger is not equivalent
to coming up to the modern of technological development. The evidence
from the history of EDC shows that mergers and acquisitions work better if
it starts with a company that has already been optimized and follows mod-
ern standards of efficiency.
The history of TGT points to the importance of specialization, as in the
case of EDC. It is difficult to build a modern industry from scratch and enter
a market that had already been divided by internationally recognized ser-
vice providers. This barrier becomes less demanding in the case of a specific
market niche where a start-up may have a definitive competitive (or com-
parative) advantage. The need of a specific competitive advantage leads to
further specialization within a market niche where capitalizing on a unique
technological advantage opens access to foreign markets and, therefore, an
extended client base.
The filter of competitive market, once passed, guarantees that the com-
pany’s core competence can become a basis for an expansion (if the company
chooses the expansion strategy). Energy performance contracting in Russia
is another example of a competitive market where companies constantly
have to go through reality check.
The history of energy performance contracts in Russia is rather short. The
regulatory environment for these services was established with the adoption
of the Federal Law No. 261 dated November 23, 2009, “On Energy Saving
and Development of Energy Efficiency and Amendments to the Russian
66 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Federation Federal Laws” that triggered the development of performance

contracts. This process was rather slow and came over several barriers
including monopolization (Russian monopolies are often reluctant to deal
with independent contractors especially small newly founded technologi-
cal service providers) and devaluation of the Russian currency (the cost of
new imported equipment, such as high-power energy efficient fluid pumps,
has risen). The economic decline that the Russian Federation has been going
through since 2014 should have made investments in energy efficiency
more attractive, but EPC services themselves require investments, and more
importantly companies may go bankrupt and default on their EPC during
an economic decline. Turbulent economic conditions may cause unpredict-
able changes in tariffs and regulations that also contribute to the EPC risks
(Garbuzova-Schlifter and Madlener, 2015).
Yet, there is a significant energy efficiency growth potential that is
explained by the low base effect: researchers and government agencies con-
firm that Russian industry, commercial, and real estate sectors have consid-
erable potential for energy efficiency enhancements (IFC, the World Bank,
2014; Zhang, 2011). It is equally often found that much of this potential has
not been realized so far (Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2013).
Many Russian energy systems, especially built during the Soviet era, were
not meant to be energy efficient. The Soviet command economy provided no
incentives for state R&D institutes to adhere to energy efficiency to the extent
that some large-scale hydroelectric power plants may have been built with-
out a proper engineering economic feasibility study (Kirillin, 1990).
Not all engineering or economic inefficiencies of Soviet industrial or
energy systems can be eliminated within the frameworks of energy perfor-
mance contracts that are supposed to make incremental modifications of an
energy system, nor radical change of the system. For example, the economic
feasibility study of district heating systems included the concept of a district
heating radius* as a spatial extension at which the centralization of district
heating still demonstrates a positive economy of scale when compared with
distributed heat sources.
Despite such problems, EPC business slowly develops in Russia. The rea-
son for that lies in its nature: EPC projects are analogous to financial arbitrage
at the fundamental level in the sense that such projects capitalize on ineffi-
ciency. Then, the EPC market in Russia is open. Any organization special-
izing in repair, civil engineering, maintenance, or similar fields can become
an EPC market agent. And there are many organizations whose machinery,
technological processes, and buildings still have room for energy efficiency
improvements. Thus, there is a potentially large demand. The entry bar-
rier for EPC contractors is low. The average scale of a typical EPC project is
rather small, such as installing LED lighting instead of old filament lamps.
This combination can potentially make this market very competitive in the

*  These can be described as a geographic measure of monopoly extension.

Energy Innovation Policy: Fostering Energy Service Companies 67

future, but at present the EPC market in Russia is still underdeveloped and
competition is limited. The participation of foreign companies in the EPC
market (so important in oilfield services, as shown in the following text) is
moderate. There are Russian branches of international service companies,
such as EDF Fenice, but their presence does not create intense competition.
As a result, energy performance contracting is slowly taking off in Russia.*

3.5 Conclusion
It was shown that mergers and acquisitions work differently depending
on the maturity and efficiency of companies. A merger or acquisition can
potentially provide significant benefits for a cost-efficient business, but it
may also result in a significant decrease of efficiency if the basic level was
In the Russian oilfield service sector and petroleum exploration, the situa-
tion is far from serene, but companies demonstrate contrasting trends. Those
having chosen to specialize within the sphere of their competitive advantage
naturally become innovative. Companies or organizations that have been
merged instead of optimization get stuck with accumulated inefficiency. In
some cases, uniting patchy assets in a larger company could potentially lead
to an advantageous position (at least in the local market), but it does not spur
innovation. More often the resulting corporations try to create an entry bar-
rier for other companies or call for state support (quotas, tax cuts, etc.).
The reality check of competitive advantage implies that the company faces
competition. The TGT case shows that companies surviving in the com-
petition tend to prioritize innovation. This testifies to the pressing need to
restructure the Russian oil and gas industry. Ideally, the reform should bring
more competition into the industry and incentivize companies to develop
new efficient technologies. This restructuring should ideally have been con-
ducted during a more favorable period when soaring petroleum prices could
attract investors. That opportunity was lost. It is also obvious that various
types of subsidies to the industry do not work toward this cause because
without restructuring they compensate for management inefficiency of
Russian energy companies.
Basic energy research in the interest of the entire sector is necessary
and some of it has been planned by several Russian Technology Platforms
(Proskuryakova et al., 2016), but as in the case with subsidies the effect may be
moderate. Restructuring is a painful process, especially when it is conducted

* Official estimates and forecasts are not always accurate: in 2011 the official forecasts of
the EPC market were RUB 500 bln (Voskresensky, 2011), but the actual volume in 2015 was
around 1% of this amount (RBC, 2015).
68 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

in harsh market conditions that do not seem to change soon, but it appears
more and more necessary for the Russian energy sector.

This chapter was prepared within the framework of the Basic Research
Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics
(HSE) and supported within the framework of a subsidy by the Russian
Academic Excellence Project “5-100.”

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Competitiveness of Distributed
Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling:
System Design and Policy Overview

Konstantinos C. Kavvadias

4.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 74
4.1.1 Concept and Definition.................................................................... 74
4.1.2 Centralized versus Distributed Generation of Heat,
Power, and Cooling.......................................................................... 75
4.1.3 Benefits of Distributed Generation................................................. 76 Technical.............................................................................. 76 Economic.............................................................................77 Environmental....................................................................77
4.2 Distributed Generation Technologies........................................................77
4.2.1 Distributed Combined Generation (Autoproducers)...................77 System Design.................................................................... 78 Selection and Design Considerations of a
Distributed Cogeneration Plant....................................... 81 Operation Strategies.......................................................... 82 Competitiveness of Distributed Generation.................. 82 Theoretical Formulation of Competitiveness.................84 Analysis of Spark Spread Sensitivity on Various
Characteristics.................................................................... 87
4.2.2 Renewable Distributed Generation................................................ 93 Competitiveness in Photovoltaics.................................... 94
4.3 Overview of Policies, Concerns, and Recommendations....................... 97
4.3.1 Status and Barriers........................................................................... 97
4.3.2 Policy Issues and Recommendations for the Expansion of
Distributed Generation.................................................................... 99
Nomenclature....................................................................................................... 101
References.............................................................................................................. 101

74 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Concept and Definition
Distributed generation (DG) of energy is not a new concept, but it has been
showing an ever-increasing promise as a cost-effective and energy-efficient
method of energy supply. While there are some attempts for a concrete defi-
nition of DG, there is no universally accepted one. Many definitions focus on
distinguishing them from large centralized generation units. The key concept
lies in its local nature: small-scale energy generation units located at or close
to the place where the energy products are consumed, thus bypassing the
transfer and distribution network. It is part of the distributed energy resources
paradigm, which also contains demand response and distributed storage.
Many definitions that identify distributed energy generation technologies
are based on size (Ackermann et al. 2001). According to these, there is a spe-
cific threshold, usually from 0.5 to 2 MW, under which a technology can be
characterized as DG. Others assume that DG units are placed at or near cus-
tomer sites to meet specific customer needs or to support economic operation
of the grid, or both (Pepermans et al. 2005). However, the size is not the only
criterion that defines the concept. DG also has the following characteristics:

• Technology: It can be implemented with different technologies that

are efficient in small scale, easy to deploy usually as integrated
energy solutions, having a reasonable footprint. It can also be either
renewable or nonrenewable.
• Ownership: Such installations can be owned either by the end user, a
utility, or an energy service company.
• Environment: The increased efficiency and advanced technology usu-
ally result in lower emissions. There are some concerns that decen-
tralizing the emissions will not always have a positive effect as it
can disproportionally burden the atmospheric conditions of urban
• Purpose: The consumer can either exclusively use the energy pro-
duced or sell it partially or wholly to the grid/heat network accord-
ing to the regulatory framework. The equipment can be completely
stand-alone or connected to a grid. In any case, DG affects grid oper-
ation either by lowering its demand (since the energy is produced
on-site) or by infusing new energy.
• Energy products: Lately, DG has been viewed from a more systemic
perspective, as it deals with multiple energy vectors (distributed
multigeneration), referring not only to multiple energy carriers (e.g.,
electricity, hydrogen) but also to multiple energy uses like heating
and cooling (Lund et al. 2012; Mancarella 2014).
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 75

• Dispatch strategy: The dispatch strategy depends on the flexibility of

the technology. In that respect, there are three types of power produc-
tion: intermittent, constant, and flexible power generators. The first one
depends on the availability of the resource (e.g., wind, sun) and can
be dispatched only when it is available. Fossil fuel–based technologies
can either operate continuously or respond to price evolution, thus
serving as a hedge to abrupt price fluctuations (e.g., during peak time).

From these characteristics, it is clear that DG refers to different aspects and

technologies, which will be covered in the following sections.

4.1.2 Centralized versus Distributed Generation of Heat,

Power, and Cooling
Traditionally, electricity was produced centrally in big plants and heat was
produced at the place of the demand. Technical reasons were driving this
pattern: electricity generation was mainly based on thermodynamic cycles
(e.g., Rankine, Brayton), which performed better on large scales; scaling
down these plants is a technological challenge, which costs a lot. Electricity
is a convenient energy carrier, which can be transferred and distributed
easily, so there were large investments in transmission and distribution
Technology improvements have allowed power generation systems to
be built on-site where the energy is going to be used without sacrificing
efficiency, cost, or environmental impact. In order to maximize the over-
all energy efficiency, the generation units were modified so that the waste
heat could be captured, covering more end uses such as heating and cool-
ing. Cogeneration of heat and power was deployed at a fast pace; later,
trigeneration (Kavvadias et al. 2010)—which is another way to describe
the combined generation of heat, power, and cooling—and currently mul-
tigeneration of different energy carriers by different primary fuels have
been rising in popularity among researchers (Chicco and Mancarella 2009;
Mancarella 2014). These generation units, coupled with smart grids, which
allow connection of active consumers and prosumers and also monitor and
repair themselves, can shape the future of electricity generation and trans-
mission network.
On the other hand, heat (and cooling) has been traditionally produced
on-site and as a result its production was already decentralized. Heat as a
commodity is more difficult to handle than electricity because it has to be
transferred physically with a medium (usually water) compared to electric-
ity, which only has electron movement. The concept of harnessing waste
heat dissipated by the thermodynamic cycle had made its appearance in the
centralized plants, but in this case, pipe networks had to be built to trans-
fer the heat to nearby consumers. The original networks were steam based
but nowadays they are water based, with a trend to lower their operating
76 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

temperature, which allows a more flexible operation, in the same way as

smart grids are revolutionizing electricity networks (Lund et al. 2014).
Thus, there was an expansion in the scope of both centralized and decen-
tralized generation of energy to multigeneration:

1. Centralized power plants extended their primary activity of electric-

ity production to heat production and distributed it via other net-
work to the end consumers (main producers).
2. DG plants were built by various consumers generating electricity
and heat wholly or partly for their own needs, an activity that sup-
ported their primary activity (autoproducers).

Both concepts emerged from the need for increased energy efficiency. At first
glance, the fact that electricity production is decentralized and heat produc-
tion is getting centralized may seem like a paradox. However, both events
are driven by the need for increased overall energy efficiency. When prop-
erly planned, both can lead to an overall energy efficiency increase of the
energy systems and to a more flexible and diversified energy system with an
increased energy supply.

4.1.3 Benefits of Distributed Generation

Such installations bring significant benefits to consumers and to the electricity
grid. The main categories are summarized here (Colmenar-Santos et al. 2016). Technical
• Power loss reduction: Generation closer to demand, which prevents
loss of energy in transmission networks.
• Improvement of energy efficiency: The use of combined heating and
power (CHP) units allows the simultaneous generation of heat and
electricity and hence improvement in energy efficiency average of
the system.
• Improvement of security supply: The increasing penetration of DG and
future intelligent networks (smartgrid) can contribute to increasing
security supply, as it will diversify the primary energy supplies and
potentially reduce the dependency for foreign sources.
• Improvement of voltage profiles: Connection of DG to a network enables
normal raise in voltage, which can contribute to an improved volt-
age profile, especially in radial distribution networks in medium
and low voltage.
• Increase of quality power: In areas where voltage levels are low, instal-
lation of DG can improve the quality of supply.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 77 Economic
• Reduction of operative cost: Cost reduction in transmission and distri-
bution of energy, hence reduction in losses; and reduction in mainte-
nance costs (failures and lines congestion).
• Reduction of capital costs: DG can delay the need for investments
in new transmission and distribution infrastructures and reduce
depreciation costs of fixed assets in networks.
• Reduction of environmental costs: Reduction of emissions into the
atmosphere helps to reduce associated costs with environmental
• Electricity tariff reduction: The increased penetration of DG can open
energy markets to new agents and low prices.
• Liberalization of energy markets: By allowing market agents to install
their own energy generation equipment they can respond to
changing market conditions, increasing the flexibility of the sys-
tem and promoting competitiveness, which can lower the overall
prices. Environmental
• Reduction of fossil fuel consumption: The use of distributed renew-
able sources and the increased efficiency of multigeneration plants
reduce fossil fuel consumption in conventional power plants.
• Reduction in greenhouse gas emission: The reduction of fossil fuel con-
sumption implies the reduction of SOx and NOx emissions into the

4.2 Distributed Generation Technologies

4.2.1 Distributed Combined Generation (Autoproducers)
For the reasons described earlier, one of the most popular DG technolo-
gies is CHP. It is recognized by the European Union (EU) as one of the
most efficient ways to produce end-use energy from fossil fuels (EU 2004,
2012). CHP systems cover all five dimensions (energy efficiency, secure
supplies, energy market, emission reduction, research, and innovation) of
the EU’s Energy Union and its heating and cooling strategy. The following
sections describe the design consideration and competitiveness of such
78 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy System Design
System design aims at determining the sizing and operational variables involved
by optimizing a suitable criterion. The proposed design solution must be subject
to the restrictions fixed by the legislation, while it is very sensitive to the coun-
try’s energy policy and to wider geopolitical facts (i.e., abrupt oil price change).
Optimization based on economic criteria from the investor’s point of view has
been studied thoroughly for both cogeneration and trigeneration plants.
The main principle of a multigeneration plant is that it converts fuel energy
directly to mechanical shaft power, which can drive a generator to produce
electricity. Waste heat can be recovered to cover the thermal demand or cool-
ing demand via an absorption chiller. A conceptual energy flow diagram of
a trigeneration plant is presented in Figure 4.1.
Two prime mover types that are most popular for DG applications are
described in the following subsections. Internal Combustion Engine

An internal combustion engine (ICE) is the most mature prime mover tech-
nology used in distributed co/trigeneration systems and is mainly driven by
natural gas in spark-ignition engines. Compression-ignition engines can also
run on diesel fuel or heavy oil. Reciprocating engines are a proven technol-
ogy with a range of sizes and the lowest capital costs of all combined cooling,
heating, and power (CCHP) systems. In addition to fast start-up capability and
good operating reliability, high efficiency at partial load operation give users a
flexible power source, allowing for a range of different energy applications—
especially emergency or standby power supplies. Moreover, they have rela-
tively high electrical efficiency (35%). Reciprocating engines are by far the



Fuel Cool
Stor- chiller

Boiler age


Conceptual energy flow diagram of a trigeneration plant.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 79

most commonly used power generation equipment between 100 and 5000 kW,
because they have an almost flat efficiency curve above 30% of the nominal
electrical power (Badami et al. 2008). This implies that they can work success-
fully on part loads and several operation strategies can be applied successfully. Micro-Turbines
Micro-turbines (μΤ) are actually an extension of turbine technology on a
smaller scale. They are primarily fueled with natural gas, but they can also
operate with diesel, gasoline, or other similar high-energy fuels. Research on
biogas is ongoing. μΤs have only one moving part; they use air bearings and
they do not need lubricating oil, although they have extremely high rotational
speed, up to 120,000 rpm. Small-scale individual units offer great flexibil-
ity and can be easily combined into large systems of multiple units. During
their operation they have low noise and relatively low NOx emissions. On the
other hand, they usually have low electricity efficiency and high cost.
Other prime movers are also used in CHP such as fuel cells or Stirling
engines, but they are still under development and their economics are not
very favorable for commercial applications.
Following is the description of an ICE-driven trigeneration plant: An inter-
nal combustion engine is fed by air and natural gas as fuel. Through the com-
bustion process, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into mechanical
shaft power, which drives a generator to produce electricity. ICEs operate
either according to the Otto or diesel cycle and waste heat is generated at two
temperature levels: by a low-temperature flow of coolant (90°C–125°C) and by
a medium-temperature flow of exhaust gas (200°C–400°C). The ICE exhaust
gases can be used either directly in thermal processes or indirectly through a
heat recovery steam generator, which produces superheated steam. Most auto-
producers do not need very high-grade heat, so it is assumed that there is no
need to use the exhaust gases directly. When the thermal output of the prime
mover is not sufficient to cover the demand, a boiler is required to operate.
In a trigeneration plant, cooling energy can be generated in two ways:
either by utilizing waste heat via an absorption chiller or by utilizing electric-
ity via an electric heat pump. Electric chillers use a mechanical compressor
in order to take the refrigerant vapor from the lower evaporation pressure to
the higher condensation pressure. In absorption chillers, this process is real-
ized by means of a solution circuit, which serves as a thermal compressor.
Absorption chiller cycles are based on certain thermodynamic properties
of two fluids: one is the refrigerant and the other is the absorbent. The most
common pairs found in the literature are as follows:

• Ammonia as the refrigerant and water as the absorbent. Such a com-

bination is chosen when low evaporation temperatures are needed
(below 0°C).
• Water as the refrigerant and a solution of lithium bromide as the
80 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Vapor generated in the evaporator is absorbed into the liquid absorbent in

the absorber. The absorber that has taken up the refrigerant is pumped into
the generator. The refrigerant is released again as vapor by waste heat from
steam (or hot water) is to be condensed in the condenser. The regenerated
absorbent is led back to the absorber to pick up the refrigerant vapor (Wu
and Wang 2006).
In general, absorption chillers are fueled by the exhaust thermal energy
from the prime mover. This reduces peak electric demand and electricity
charges by reducing the operating time of electric chillers and increasing
the electric to thermal load coincidence in the summer months. It must be
mentioned, though, that when waste heat is not available it is not always eco-
nomically viable to generate heat by burning fuel due to the small coefficient
of performance (COP) of the absorption chiller (0.7–1.2) compared to that of
the electrical one (2.5–5). Hence, the absorption chiller should be preferred
over the electrical chiller only when waste heat is available, or when cooling
demand is significantly bigger than heating demand. The main differences
between these two technologies are summarized in Table 4.1.
Finally, a buffer vessel is utilized in order to balance the hourly fluctuations
of thermal demand, which will accumulate the heat produced that is not
needed at a specific moment, consequently “smoothing” the peaks. Energy is
stored at times when the available means of generation exceed demand and
is returned when demand exceeds supply. Thermal energy is, in practice,
the only form of energy that can be stored by consumers. Electricity can be
stored locally, but at a much higher cost than storage at the supply side, and
is in most cases not efficient. For this reason, a storage system for electricity
(i.e., battery) is not examined.

Comparison of Absorption Chillers with Conventional Vapor Compression
Vapor Compression Absorption Chiller
Energy source Electricity Heat
Part load behavior Medium Very good
Mechanical moving parts Many Few
Maintenance costs High Low
Investment costs Low Low
Coefficient of performance (COP) High Low
Water consumption in cooling tower Medium High
Unit weight Medium Big
Noise vibration Medium Low
Greenhouse gases in coolant liquid Yes No
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 81 Selection and Design Considerations of a

Distributed Cogeneration Plant
Selecting and sizing a CHP plant depends on the heat and electricity energy
demand and on the coincidence of these loads. Heat-to-power ratio is one
of the most important technical parameters influencing the selection of the
type of cogeneration system. The heat-to-power ratio of a facility has to match
with the characteristics of the cogeneration system to be installed.
The design and sizing of a plant based on the load duration curve of the
heat demand is a commonly used rule of thumb subject to several limitations
such as lack of load coincidence information, assumption of ideal operation,
etc. (Piacentino and Cardona 2008). Some sector-specific considerations for
the design of CHP are presented here.
Industry: Industry loads are usually easy to predict and simulate because
they depend heavily on the production needs and planning. Energy is used
mainly in production processes and less in heating, ventilating, and air-
conditioning (HVAC) or lightning systems. For this reason, ambient temper-
ature has a smaller effect. Industries can be divided into two big categories in
regard to their type of operation: continuous or batch. Those that have con-
tinuous operation have more constant loads, and the fraction between the
energy kinds does not fluctuate a lot during the day. The latter depend only
on the kind of industry. It is clear that industries can be classified according
to their energy priorities, for example, an aluminum industry is very power-
intensive whereas an ice-cream industry needs large quantities of cooling
energy. A very common problem that occurs in batch operation industries
is the successive alternation of energy demand; for example, a heat-intensive
process is needed immediately after a power-intensive process is completed,
thus making these industries unsuitable for CHP systems.
Commercial buildings have demanding thermal and cooling loads due to
HVAC systems. For this reason, CHP technology and application matching
in the commercial sector is more difficult than industrial complexes as (1) it
has more fuzzy profiles, (2) on average it operates fewer hours per year so the
payback period of the investment rises, and (3) it is generally smaller than
industrial sites, which means it is less efficient and has smaller economy
scales. In contrast to industrial consumers, ambient temperature heavily
affects commercial buildings. Of course, the most important factor is occu-
pation and activity frequency. Both seasonal and daily variations of energy
need to be considered for a more precise design result. Electricity is usu-
ally distributed to office applications and cooling devices. Thermal energy is
used for space heating and other processes that need general heating, such
as equipment sterilization, laundry, and kitchen.
Residential buildings have the most unpredictable loads since they are
based on human acts and needs. The cyclic variance of energy demand due
to the operating nature of residential equipment (fridge, boiler, etc.) is impor-
tant to consider even on a half-hour basis. The most important factors that
82 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

affect occupation pattern and thus the energy demand are (Yao and Steemers
2005) (1) the number of residents, (2) the time during which the first resident
stands and goes to sleep, and (3) the time that a house is unoccupied during
the day. Operation Strategies
Operation strategies that are used in DG plants are part of the process con-
trol system, which is dependent on the following factors: demand for each
kind of energy, prime mover nominal power, coefficients of performance,
and conversion factors for all energy conversion devices involved. In the lit-
erature, the most common kinds of cogeneration systems are designed by
either covering a constant part of energy or by following the evolution of the
electrical (or heat) load.
The following operation strategies can be identified for multigeneration
units (Kavvadias et al. 2010):

Continuous operation: The system operates on maximum power. This
strategy can be used in order to cover the base load. An auxiliary
boiler produces thermal energy when needed to cover the heat load.
If a bigger prime mover is utilized, the excess electricity can be sold
to the grid.
Peak saving: The system operates for a limited amount of time to
cover a predefined part of the load during electricity peak condi-
tions. As a result, the peak power bought from the grid is reduced
or the utilization factor is improved resulting in cheaper marginal
electricity prices.
Electricity equivalent demand following: The system operates in order
to cover the electricity load and the electricity needed for the electric
chiller minus the electricity that is conserved by the operation of
the absorber in order to cover the cooling load. Thermal energy is
produced (via an auxiliary boiler) or wasted in order to integrate the
rest of the energy demand or offer, respectively.
Heat equivalent demand following: The system operates in order to
cover the heat load and the heat needed for the absorption chiller
to cover the cooling load. Electricity is bought from or sold to the
grid in order to integrate the rest of the energy demand or offer,
respectively. Competitiveness of Distributed Generation

In order to better understand what affects the competitiveness, it is nec-
essary to examine the investment initiative of autoproducers as defined
in Section  4.1.2. The investment dilemma of autoproducers consists of the
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 83

decision as to whether cogeneration is more economical than conventional

outsourced separate generation production means. The driving force of CHP
investments is the energy savings, and the profits related to these savings
are linked mainly to the prices of the competing fuels, which are usually gas
and electricity. It is evident that the more efficient the substituted equipment,
the less attractive the energy efficiency investment is going to be. Another
driver for DG is the displacement of high-priced grid power with lower-cost
electricity generated on-site. Project economics are based on many project-
specific factors: size of the system, total installed cost of the project, and local
construction and labor rates. Production of energy is not the core business of
the autoproducers, so a stable and risk-free environment is needed. In other
words, these consumers (especially from the commercial and residential sec-
tors) show preference to systems that are simpler and not as price-inelastic
as cogeneration systems (Lončar et al. 2009). Hence, the competitiveness of
such installations is dependent on the substitution of the current equip-
ment, market conditions, and the stability that is provided by the regulatory
Accordingly, it makes sense to study the theoretical relation between the
viability of combined generation technologies and the market conditions and
conventional equipment efficiency. “Spark spread,” which refers to either the
difference or the ratio of the competitive fuels, that is, natural gas and elec-
tricity, is the most common indicator. In an “energy market” context, it is
usually the difference between electricity prices and gas prices multiplied
by the heat rate, which reflects the gross operation margin of a power plant
(Sezgen et al. 2007; Wright et al. 2014). Based on this difference, many finan-
cial products or options have been used to hedge (Palzer et al. 2013) and to
estimate the value of such investments (Mancarella 2014; Sezgen et al. 2007).
Dispatch decisions between competing technologies (e.g., cogenera-
tion vs. heat pumps) have also been based on this difference (Capuder and
Mancarella 2014). For CHP to be profitable, the U.S. Department of Energy
Midwest CHP Application Center (2007) proposes at least a difference of
$0.04/kWh between natural gas and electricity. This rule of thumb refers
only to CHP prime movers and does not consider the characteristics of sub-
stituted conventional equipment. However, other reports use the price ratio
to identify the feasibility of CHP. A latest report on European cogeneration
(Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe 2015) states that the
ratio between electricity and fuel prices should be around 3 without any fur-
ther justification and link to specific equipment. Cardona et al. (2006a,b) used
this price ratio to develop an operation strategy which, on an hourly basis,
can decide whether a CHP prime mover should operate or not. Graves et al.
(2008) developed a method that correlates the prime mover efficiency, the
heat recovery ratio, and the equipment cost as an indication of CHP viability.
Smith et al. (2011a,b) developed a similar indicator that is based on the opera-
tional characteristics of CHP but did not generalize it for the case of cooling
84 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

The literature review does not conclude with a generic feasibility indica-
tor that correlates the energy prices with specific cogeneration technologies
independent of the energy loads. Such indicators are being used exten-
sively, but as discussed in the previous paragraph, the choice of values is
governed by empiricism having limited applicability. The development
of a theoretical relation between energy prices and the characteristics of
cogeneration and conventional generation equipment is made in the next
subsection. Theoretical Formulation of Competitiveness

In this subsection, there will be an attempt to map the operational viability
of co- and trigeneration equipment and to give a clear view of the sensitivity
of energy prices on energy efficiency investments.
Figure 4.2 shows the reference energy system that will be used for this
study. An energy consumer demands three energy products (electricity,
heating, and cooling) at any given time. These loads can be covered in the
following ways: either via combined generation (left side of Figure 4.2) or
via conventional generation (right side of Figure 4.2) technologies. The com-
bined generation system consists of a prime mover (internal combustion
engine, gas turbine, etc.) with a heat recovery system and a thermal-driven
heat pump, such as an absorption chiller, which utilizes low-grade heat. The
conventional generation part consists of grid electricity, a fossil-fueled boiler,
and an electric-driven heat pump.

Combined generation Conventional generation

ElCHP Eld Eld

ThCHP Thd End use Thd F΄b


Absorption Cod Cod Electric El΄1

chiller chiller

Reference energy system for the coverage of specific energy demand by cogeneration and con-
ventional generation. (Adapted from Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632–1639, 2016.)
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 85

In the context of this comparison, the energy that is covered by other

sources is ignored (e.g., grid, boiler, and electric chiller) and the energy that
can be produced by a CHP system (with predefined technical characteristics)
is compared for a given time frame.
This system can be mathematically formulated as follows: let Eld (kW), Thd
(kW), and Cod (kW) be the energy demand for electricity, heating, and cool-
ing of an individual consumer, respectively.
For the CHP part:

ThCHP = Thd + Th1 (4.1)

Cod = COPab ⋅ Th1 (4.2)

where COPab is the coefficient of performance of the absorption chiller.

From these equations and the definition of the overall CHP efficiency, the
following is derived:

ηCHP = + (4.3)

Similarly for conventional generation:

Cod = COPEl ⋅ El1′ (4.4)

Thd = ηb ⋅ Fb′ (4.5)

The hourly operational cost of trigeneration is defined by means of

CCHP = C f ⋅ FCHP (4.6)

whereas for conventional (separate) generation it is calculated by means of

CSHP = C f ⋅ Fb′ + Ce ⋅ ( Eld + El1′ ) (4.7)

Cf (EUR/kWh) is the fuel price
Ce (EUR/kWh) is the electricity price

A necessary assumption to be made is that the electricity and fuel costs for
both conventional and CHP generation of energy are the same. This may
not be the case if special policies and subsidies are applied, but it is useful
to compare the inherent advantages and the true competitiveness of the two
As mentioned earlier, the basic investment motivation can be summarized
as follows: when heating and electricity can be locally produced at a smaller
86 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

cost than the grid electricity and separate heat generation, then and only
then a DG CHP investment can operate with a profit.
For an economically viable operation of a trigeneration installation, the
operating cost of the CHP unit has to be less than or equal to the cost of the
conventional generation part for given energy loads:

CSHP − CCHP ≥ 0 (4.8)

where C (EUR) is the operating costs of combined generation (CHP) and con-
ventional generation (SHP), respectively, as defined in Equations 4.6 and 4.7.
Using the expressions (4.6) and (4.7) and replacing FCHP from (4.3), Fb′ from
(4.5), El'1 from (4.4), and Cod from (4.2), Equation 4.8 becomes

ThCHP − Th1  Th ⋅ COPab  ElCHP + ThCHP

Cf ⋅ + Ce ⋅  ElCHP + 1  −Cf ⋅ ≥0 (4.9)
ηb  COP el  ηCHP

We define the ratio of electricity to natural gas price as PriceRatio = (Ce/Cf), the

heat-to-power ratio of the prime mover as HPR = (ThCHP/ElCHP), and the frac-
tion of recovered heat that is used for cooling as a = (Th1/ThCHP). Replacing
the variables in Equation 4.9 and dividing by ThCHP, thus simplifying and
solving the PriceRatio, the following equation is derived:

COPel ηb + HPR ( ηb − ηCHP + a ηCHP ) 

PriceRatio ≥ (4.10)
ηb ηCHP ( COPel + COPab HPR a )

For α = 1, that is, when all heat is used for the production of cooling in the
absorption chiller, the equation is simplified as follows:

COPel ( 1 + HPR )
PriceRatio ≥ (4.11)
ηCHP ( COPel + COPab HPR )

whereas for α = 0, that is, for simple cogeneration mode without an absorp-
tion chiller, the equation is simplified as follows:

PriceRatio ≥ − (4.12)
ηCHP ηb

This relation covers only the operation feasibility ignoring the investment
costs. Equation 4.8 can be modified so that it calculates operational costs on
an annual basis including an annualized capital costs term:

( CSHP − CCHP ) ⋅ CapF ⋅ 8760 − crf ( l, i ) ⋅ ( Ceq CHP ⋅ Eld + Ceq ab ⋅ Cod ) ≥ 0 (4.13)
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 87

Ceq CHP is the capital costs of a CHP unit (EUR/kWe)
Ceq ab (EUR/kWc) is the capital costs of an absorption chiller
crf (—) is the capital recovery factor used to convert a present value into a
stream of equal annual payments over a specified time (l), at a specified
discount rate (i) by means of crf = (i(1 + i)n/(1 + i)n − 1)
CapF (%) is the annual capacity factor of the cogeneration unit which is
multiplied by 8760 (hours/year) to express the annual operating hours
of the combined generation installation

This conversion is necessary for the dimensional consistence of the formula

in order to express and compare all costs on an annual basis.
Equation 4.13 is solved in a similar way, but it cannot be simplified to a
single price ratio due to an intercept term derived by the capital cost term. It
will be shown in the results of the next section that the minimum gas price
for a viable combined generation investment varies linearly as a function of
electricity prices (Cf < a · Ce + b). Analysis of Spark Spread Sensitivity on Various Characteristics

Through the developed indicator the viability of different cogeneration tech-
nologies and configurations can be explored. The inequality (4.10) is not a
function of the energy loads, but only a function of the technical specifi-
cations of the combined generation and conventional equipment. As it was
mathematically proven, the operational viability is a function of the ratio and
not the difference of the prices, as it is mentioned sometimes in the literature.
Converting this inequality expression to equality, the operational breakeven
point is estimated, that is, the price ratio for which CHP has the same oper-
ating costs as conventional generation. The most important innovation of
the described generalized formulation is that the minimum price spread can
now be mathematically justified based on given technical specifications and
not on empiricism. The description of the inherent relationship of combined
generation viability allows the system operators to regulate their CHP sys-
tem and the decision-makers to quantify a minimum fuel subsidy in order to
annihilate the operating risk of cogeneration units. Operational Viability
In the following paragraphs, the effect of the equipment’s technical specifica-
tions on the minimum PriceRatio, for which a combined generation system
can operate profitably, is shown. Table 4.2 presents typical parameters of an
internal combustion engine–based cogeneration unit. This type of unit is
usually the ideal technology for middle-scale cogeneration systems used in
buildings of the tertiary sector. Typical values of the conventional heating
and cooling generation systems are also considered.
88 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Typical Values for Parameters of Equation 4.10
Parameters of Equation Variable Central Value
Coefficient of performance of electric chiller COPel 3.5
Coefficient of performance of absorption chiller COPab 0.8
Boiler efficiency ηb 85%
CHP overall efficiency ηCHP 90%
Heat-to-power ratio of prime mover HPR 1.2

Source: Adapted from Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 2016.

The variable α can be used to simulate the seasonality effect of a combined

generation device. During the summer months when a big percentage of
heat is going to the absorption chiller, a tends toward 1. On the other hand,
during the winter, α is usually 0 as all the recovered heat is directed for other
end uses (space heating, hot water, etc.).
Figure 4.3 shows that the bigger the amount of heat that is used for cooling,
the larger the PriceRatio has to be, that is, the natural gas price has to be much
smaller than the electricity price. This correlation is explained due to the
nonefficient conversion of heat in the one-stage absorption chiller (COP < 1).
This means that during summer months when the needs for cooling are big-
ger, the need for cheaper natural gas is bigger. If this is not the case, then
α has to be reduced by covering the cooling demand via other production
means. This observation comes in line with what is applied in practice; the
operation and installation of an absorption chiller are not viable beyond a
specific natural gas price threshold.
The technical characteristics of the combined generation equipment posi-
tively affect the minimum price ratio, whereas the characteristics of the sub-
stituted equipment affect it negatively. The more efficient the new equipment


Price ratio



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fraction of cooling from heat (α)

Effect of cooling fraction from recovered heat on the minimum PriceRatio. (Adapted from
Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632, 2016.)
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 89

4 4

3 3
Price ratio

2 2 α = 0.5
α = 0.5
1 1 α=0
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4
CHP efficiency (ηCHP) Heat-to-power ratio (HPR)

Effect of CHP prime mover characteristics on the minimum PriceRatio. (Adapted from
Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632, 2016.)

2.5 2.5
α=1 α=1
2 2
α = 0.5 α = 0.5
Price ratio

1.5 1.5

1 α=0 1 α=0

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 2 4 6
COP—absorption chiller (COPab ) COP—electric chiller (COPel)

Effect of COP on the minimum PriceRatio. (Adapted from Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632,

and the less efficient the substituted equipment, the smaller is the require-
ment for a high electricity to gas price ratio (Figure 4.4). Prime movers that
produce more heat than electricity (for a given overall efficiency) are more
sensitive to the variations of energy prices. For heating and electricity gen-
eration mode (no cooling), the heat-to-power ratio has a very small effect.
Regarding cooling equipment, as expected, Figure 4.5 illustrates that the
conventional and cogeneration equipment have an inverse relationship; the
bigger the COP of the electric chiller and the lower the COP of the absorption
chiller, the higher the minimum PriceRatio has to be.
The efficiency of the conventional boiler is apparently the most important
variable (Figure 4.6), especially for operating conditions with small α (no
cooling). If the equipment substitutes old nonefficient equipment, then the
profit margin is very large. PriceRatio can even fall below 1, that is, CHP will
be viable even if electricity prices are smaller than natural gas prices. In old
and inefficient boilers, the CHP unit will be able to operate at any gas price,
depending on the cooling fraction from heat as defined by α.
90 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy


2 α=1

Price ratio

α = 0.5 α=0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Boiler efficiency (ηb)

Effect of substituted boiler efficiency on the minimum PriceRatio. (Adapted from Kavvadias,
K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632, 2016.) Investment Viability
The previous analysis was done for existing cogeneration devices. For new
investments, the capital cost and the operating time of the equipment have
to be calculated by means of Equation 4.13. In order to clarify the interactions
between the critical variables and economic feasibility of new investments
described in the previous sections, a simple sensitivity analysis is conducted.
The plotted line in Figure 4.7 corresponds to the locus of the points where
total annual costs (including depreciation of investment) of separate produc-
tion are the same as in the cogeneration case (investment break-even line).
In order to better illustrate the difference between the heating (a = 0) and
cooling (a = 1) mode, two break-even charts were plotted. For the combina-
tion of prices that fall within the area above each line, separate production is
more economical. In the area below the line, cogeneration is more economi-
cal. Three different prime movers are compared: internal combustion engine
(ICE), gas turbine (GT), and micro-turbine (μT). The technology parameters
assumed are presented in Table 4.3. Parameters from conventional equip-
ment are adopted from Table 4.2. It has to be noted that a higher capacity
factor applies to the heating and cooling modes (trigeneration) due to the fact
that the coproduced thermal load will be able to be utilized throughout the
year, thus increasing the operation period.
According to Figure 4.7, for a typical ICE system and assuming that now-
adays gas prices fall within the region of 0.05–0.08 EUR/kWh, combined
generation investments will be feasible if electricity prices are over 0.11–0.14
EUR/kWh assuming full heating mode, or over 0.13–0.18 EUR/kWh with
cooling mode. For low electricity prices (<0.06 EUR/kWh), cooling mode can
be profitable even when heating mode is not, due to the fact that a higher
capacity factor, that is, a higher coverage of the loads by the cogeneration
equipment, is assumed. In other words, the added value of CHP is not based
on the inherent increased efficiency—after all, conventional low-temperature
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 91

Heat mode (CapF = 35%) Cooling mode (CapF = 60%)


0.10 GT

Gas price (EUR/kWh)





0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Electricity price (EUR/kWh) Electricity price (EUR/kWh)

Investment break-even point for different prime movers and operation modes. (Adapted from
Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632, 2016.)

Cost Assumptions for Technology Comparison
Parameters of Equation Variable ICE GT μΤ
Capital cost of prime mover Ceq CHP (EUR/kWe) 1600 1100 2200
Capital cost of absorption chiller Ceq ab (EUR/kWc) 400 400 400
Overall efficiency ηCHP 90% 82% 85%
Heat-to-power ratio HPR 1.2 2 0.7
Depends on load
(assumed 35%
Capacity factor CapF (%) for heat only and
60% for heat and
Discount rate i (%) 10
Investment lifetime n (years) 20

Source: Adapted from Kavvadias, K.C., Energy, 115(3), 1632, 2016.

heat-driven absorption chillers have very low efficiency—but on the value

that the dispatch flexibility adds to the system.
As an example, the evolution of electricity and gas prices (where appli-
cable) from countries reporting to Eurostat is presented in Figure 4.8 and the
derived price ratios in Figure 4.9 As a reference, the operational feasibility
92 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Price (Euro/kWh)

Year (2007–2015)/country

Time series of natural gas prices (top dark line) and electricity prices (bottom light line).
(The prices shown belong to the high consumption band of the nonindustrial pricelist, which
refers to autoproducers of the tertiary sector: heat > 200 GJ and electricity > 15,000 kWh.)

Electricity to gas price ratio

Year (2007–2015)/country

Historical data of PriceRatio. The bottom and top vertical dotted lines show the operational
viability limit of a typical ICE-based CHP unit based on results of Equation 4.10 for full heating
or cooling mode, respectively.


Correlation index






Correlation of historical data (2007–2015) for EU-28 electricity and gas prices.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 93

heating ICE
0.12 mode
SE cooling

0.10 PT
Gas price (EUR/kWh)


0.08 FR
0.06 CZ
0.04 HU

0.02 i = 5%
i = 10%
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Electricity price (EUR/kWh)

Gas and electricity prices for 2015. The black lines represent the investment break-even points
based on Equation 4.13 with or without production of cooling for two discount rates (5%
and 10%).

limits are shown for full heat mode or full cooling mode as presented in
Figure 4.3. Currently, it seems that there are a few countries that are close to
the operational feasibility point. Indeed, countries such as Bulgaria, France,
and Sweden have low market share of CHP autoproducers due to low price
ratios. In most cases, the fluctuation of electricity and gas prices has a posi-
tive correlation (Figure 4.10). In some cases, there is a weaker correlation due
to either an inaccurate pricing mechanism of natural gas or a smaller depen-
dence of electricity production from fossil fuels.
Similarly, the investment driving force for CHP autoproduction is shown
in Figure 4.11 for all countries. For the sake of clarity, only one prime mover
technology is shown for two discount rates and two operation modes. The
further the point from the line, the less attractive an investment is. Countries
like Denmark and Germany have the strongest driving force for investments
in autoproducer CHP technologies. A group of countries that is close to the
break-even line may not have a strong driving force that can justify the risk
of future investments without effective policies.

4.2.2 Renewable Distributed Generation

Renewable energy sources (RES) can act as DG. The most popular RES are
rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems due to their ease of installation, small and
discrete size, and modular type. Wind energy installations and mini hydro
plants are not so widespread for commercial and residential consumers as
94 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

they have a bigger visual impact and a more complicated installation. For
this reason, only the competitiveness of distributed PV is examined in the
following section. Competitiveness in Photovoltaics
As in most of the renewable energy technologies and contrary to conven-
tional fossil fuel technologies, fuel costs are nonexistent. As a result, the effi-
ciency* does not directly affect the competitiveness of the energy generation.
For an installation of given capacity, an efficiency of 1% will be as economic
as an efficiency of 100% as the fuel has zero cost. Although economics are
not directly affected, other aspects should be taken into account; for exam-
ple, for a photovoltaic panel with double efficiency, you will need half the
footprint, which may consequently reduce the capital costs. The most critical
variables for competitiveness, as in all renewable energy sources, are usu-
ally the capital costs ($/kWp) and an operational performance metric, which
shows the availability of the resource throughout the year. This is captured
by the capacity factor. As a general rule of thumb, the higher the latitude (the
further away we move from the equator), the less is the irradiation and con-
sequently the smaller the capacity factor. Irradiation maps are available for a
more accurate estimation of production (Huld et al. 2012).
In order to assess the comparative competitiveness of solar energy com-
pared to the electricity provided by the grid, the concept of grid parity is
introduced (Yang 2010). According to this, the grid parity price is defined as
the point where the total cost to consumers of one technology is equal to the
retail grid electricity price (Breyer and Gerlach 2012; Yang 2010). It is believed
that consumers will start transitioning to cleaner energy technologies if they
can get cheaper electricity.
Photovoltaic installations have seen a very big decrease in costs during the
last decades. This technology has the highest learning rate of all energy tech-
nologies. For the last 35 years, each time the panel price has dropped by 21%,
the worldwide panel production has doubled (Pillai 2015). One must also
take into account the big growth rate of the PV industry, which has caused
a price drop of more than 45% in the last 15 years. The performance is also
getting better in terms of improvements in lifetime, better high-temperature
or low-light performance, etc.
In Figures 4.12 through 4.14, the dots show the prices for different coun-
tries as reported by Eurostat for the second semester of 2015 for residen-
tial, commercial, and industrial consumers, respectively, versus the average
capacity factor for each country. The curves represent the levelized cost of

*  Efficiency here is defined as the ratio of produced energy to primary energy input, for exam-
ple, in the case of photovoltaics, electricity produced divided by the solar irradiation.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 95

Residential prices (2015)

Cost of electricity ($/kWh)

0.25 IE IT
0.20 NL AT CY
LU SW EL $3000/kWp
0.15 PL
LT CZ SK RO HR MT $2000/kWp
0.10 BG


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Capacity factor (%)

Electricity prices of residential sector for various countries in 2014 related to the photovoltaic
generation effectiveness. The black lines represent the investment break-even points for dif-
ferent capital costs.

Commercial prices (2015)

0.35 ES

0.30 DE
Cost of electricity ($/kWh)

0.25 IE
0.20 PL AT
SI FR $3000/kWp
0.15 HU RO
FI $2000/kWp

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Capacity factor (%)

Electricity prices of commercial sector for various countries in 2014 related to the photovoltaic
generation effectiveness. The black lines represent the investment break-even points for dif-
ferent capital costs.
96 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Industrial prices (2015)


Cost of electricity ($/kWh)


0.20 UK
0.15 SK
NL HU HR $2000/kWp
0.10 EE PL SI RO


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Capacity factor (%)

Electricity prices of industrial sector for various countries in 2014 related to the photovoltaic
generation effectiveness. The black lines represent the investment break-even points for dif-
ferent capital costs.

electricity produced by PV for different capital costs.* If a country is above a

line, PV can provide electricity at a better price than the grid.
Nowadays, the cost of turnkey solutions varies between 1000 and 2000 EUR/
kWp, so many countries have already passed the grid parity point. As with
all capital-intensive investments, PV benefits from low discount rates since it
lowers its levelized costs. If the equipment costs continue to fall and grid elec-
tricity price continues to inflate, even industrial consumers, who usually ben-
efit from attractive rates, will be able to self-consume at a lower cost than the
grid. In that case, if self-consumption is increased, for example, by shifting the
demand of using electrical appliances like washing machines during the peak
sun hours, the economics of the investment will be much more attractive.
Since the middle of the previous decade, feed-in tariffs have been the
main policy instrument that has driven the explosive development of PV.
Consumers would benefit from selling electricity to the grid at a much
increased price, which could even be ten times more than the marginal price
of the electricity system. Nowadays, there is a tendency to cut feed-in tar-
iffs in favor of a new market structure where photovoltaic is used for self-
consumption. According to this, consumers are urged to use their own energy
as long as it is more attractive than the grid electricity (Masson et al. 2016).

Levelized costs were estimated using the BNEF small-scale PV and PV with storage
(SSPVS) economic model with the following parameters: WACC 10%, lifetime 25 years, self-
consumption 45%, PV OPEX 0.01 EUR/kW/annum.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 97

4.3 Overview of Policies, Concerns, and Recommendations

4.3.1 Status and Barriers
DG is more prevalent in the industrial and tertiary sector and to a smaller
extent in the residential sector.
Figure 4.15 shows the share of electricity generation from CHP technolo-
gies for 2012 sorted by the CHP autoproduction share. The evolution of the
installed capacity of CHP technologies, along with the CHP share of differ-
ent commercial consumers for 2014, is shown in Figure 4.16. The dominance

Electricity generation share (%)

90 Other (non-CHP)
80 CHP—main activity producers
70 CHP—autoproducers

Es ce
th nd


pu l

Lu in tria
m om
er rg

G taly

o a
Sp ia
Ir ain
Fi nds

ec or en
te A ark

L ia

Fr nia
un c

Bu onia
Sw ece

m ia
en m

Po ny

ov a
Cr ary
re ga

Sl ati
H bli

Sl atvi
Be lan


Ro vak
G ou
D giu

Cz P ed
Li nla


h tu


xe gd

d us





Share of electricity generation of CHP autoproducers and main producers. (Data from Eurostat,
Combined heat and power data, 2014, http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.
php/Electricity_and_heat_statistics. Accessed on August 2015; Adapted from Kavvadias, K.C.,
Energy, 2016, 115(3), 1632.)

Cumulative installed capacity (MW)

3000 Combined cycle


2000 Internal Misc

combustion engine
Steam turbine Hospitals retail
500 Gas turbine Agriculture
0 houses

Installed capacity in 2012 of CHP autoproducers per technology for tertiary sector. (Data from
Platts, UDI World electric power plants database, 2015; Adapted from Kavvadias, K.C., Energy,
2016, 115(3), 1632.)
98 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

of gas-driven technologies in this sector is prevalent. More specifically, the

subsectors that are good candidates for such technologies are the so-called
MUSH markets (municipalities, universities, schools, and hospitals), as they
usually have high demand, high occupancy rate, and suitable heat-to-power
ratio. From the sigmoid curve, it may be noticed that the market has passed
the phase of exponential growth and has reached its maturity.
The residential sector is not very advanced due to expensive turnkey
solutions, longer payback times, and unavailability of sufficient financing
mechanisms. Individual houses do not have any good products. It would
be economical for small households to have systems of 1–2 kWe but due to
economies of scale it is still very expensive; the most affordable devices start
from 5 to 6 kW. However, research is very active in this sector and things are
expected to change during this decade.
PV is a fast-growing market. The energy produced during 2014 is pre-
sented in Figure 4.17 (Eurelectric 2014; EurObserver 2016). The share of the
energy produced is much smaller than the share of capacity installed due to
the small capacity factor.
There is still potential to be realized if certain barriers are lifted. In gen-
eral, the barriers of DG technologies fall into one of the following categories
(Al-sulaiman et al. 2011; International Energy Agency 2011):

• High initial costs

• Market risks for new technologies
• Imperfect information
• Uncertainty (technical, regulatory, policy, etc.)

According to Baer et al. (2015), the economic challenges of CHP investments

are the greatest barriers to viability. Although CHP promises long-term

Electricity generation share

Non-PV production
Photovoltaic production
Es and

Ir and
et us l
d r g

r ia

La d
G ree y

un tia
lg c

M in

ng ce
Po dom

th s
C nia

Po en
m ta
ov ia

en ia

xe yp k

Fi nia
rm ce

p ia

b s
D ven a
Sp m
h lg y

Sw ary

N A uga

Li land
m ru
Be ubli
G tal

te F our
Sl aki
ec Bu an

Lu C ar

he tr
Sl an
Re ar

Ro al

Ki an

H roa


Cz e


Share of electricity generation of PV autoproducers for 2014.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 99

energy-bill savings, companies often consider it a greater financial risk

because CHP installations have high upfront costs and long payback periods
compared to traditional equipment. The recent economic crisis and the diffi-
culties in securing financing have caused companies to become increasingly
conservative, with even greater aversion to investments with longer payback
EU Member States have recently reported the barriers of realization of
the national potential of high-efficiency cogeneration. The most important
barrier—with 17 Member States reporting it—was fuel prices and their vola-
tility (Moya 2013). Other barriers in order of significance are heating demand,
law complexity, no support schemes, limited financial resources, regulatory
framework uncertainties, etc. A more recent study by Colmenar-Santos
et  al. (2015) highlights this fact: price volatility and the regulatory frame-
work are the most important barriers and without proper risk mitigation,
these projects cannot be easily materialized. Investment opportunities of
DG and specifically cogeneration schemes are difficult to evaluate due to the
high complexity and multiple sources of risk (Wright et al. 2014). Gas-driven
cogeneration operators in the EU have a particular uncertainty because low
wholesale electricity prices have coincided with relatively high gas prices,
which is causing many plants to operate partially or not at all (Cogeneration
Observatory and Dissemination Europe 2015; International Energy Agency
Despite the benefits mentioned in the previous section, DG may com-
plicate the operation of the distribution system. Large power flows trans-
ferred from one place to another may cause congestion in transmission
lines. The regulator has to ensure that the design of the system ensures
maximum self-consumption, thus minimizing unnecessary infusions to
the grid.

4.3.2 Policy Issues and Recommendations for the

Expansion of Distributed Generation
According to current data, DG technologies have already been deployed,
but further policy support is needed to overcome the current barriers. From
a policy perspective, there are a number of actions that can address these
While economics is certainly a fundamental factor, policy also affects the
role of DG. On the regulatory side, there is much to be done (Al-sulaiman
et al. 2011; Kreith and Goswami 2007).
In order for DG to become an integral part of the energy mix, policy-
makers must establish clear goals in overall energy policy. There is a need
for flexible regulation so that it can facilitate the connection of new DG to the
electricity grid. Transparent market conditions are probably the most impor-
tant policy, which will allow agents to take informed decisions about their
100 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

investments. This can be complemented with a subsidy reduction in central-

ized power plants along with incentives for DG but with a clear phase-out
plan. Economic efficiency can be ensured with proper market access and
pricing schemes. The main support mechanisms that can be used are the
following (Colmenar-Santos et al. 2016):

• Enhanced feed-in tariffs: An explicit monetary reward provided for

producing electricity from renewables at a rate per kWh some-
what higher than the retail electricity rates being paid by the
• Direct capital subsidies: Direct financial subsidies aimed at tackling
the up-front cost barrier, either for specific equipment or for total
installed system cost.
• Green electricity schemes: Allow customers to purchase green electric-
ity based on renewable energy from the electricity utility, usually at
a premium price.
• Net metering: The system owner receives retail value for any excess
electricity fed into the grid, as recorded by a bidirectional electricity
meter and netted over the billing period.
• Net billing: The electricity taken from the grid and the electricity fed
into the grid are tracked separately, and the electricity fed into the
grid is valued at a given price.
• Sustainable building requirements: Include requirements on new build-
ing developments (residential and commercial) and also in some
cases on properties for sale.

The public should be educated on the benefits of DG and special train-

ing and jobs around these technologies have to be promoted among all
involved stakeholders. A strategy for research innovation and develop-
ment of full DG solution should be aligned with national energy goals.
This cannot be performed without uniform standards and methodology
with common metrics to measure energy savings and environmental
When trying to integrate DG into big urban areas, special provisions need
to be taken into account. Proper measures should also be taken to secure the
smooth operation of the grid. This can be in line with the ancillary service
market, where consumers can contribute to the maintenance of power qual-
ity by providing, for instance, reactive power. In that case, a new way to
monetize these services has to be developed. These policies can be in line
with general environmental protection and energy efficiency policies in
order to achieve the desired long-term goals.
Competitiveness of Distributed Generation of Heat, Power, and Cooling 101

C operating costs (EUR)
CC capital costs (EUR)
CHP combined heating and power
Co cooling energy (kW)
COP coefficient of performance (—)
El electricity (kW)
F fuel (kW)
GT gas turbine
HPR heat-to-power ratio (—)
ICE internal combustion engine
PESR primary energy savings ratio (%)
Th thermal energy (kW)
α fraction of cooling from heat (—)
η efficiency (%)
μΤ micro-turbine

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Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future
Grid Mix? Economic, Environmental, and
Regulatory Opportunities for Smart Grid
Development in Northwestern Europe

Michele Moretti, Nele Witters, Steven Van Passel, and

Sylvestre Njakou Djomo

5.1 State of the Art and Driving Forces for a Smarter Energy System
in Europe......................................................................................................106
5.2 Economic and Environmental Benefits of
Adopting SG Technologies........................................................................106
5.2.1 Literature Review of Existing Impact Assessments...................106
5.2.2 Critical Evaluation of the Outcomes of the Economic and
Environmental Impact Assessment of SGs.................................108
5.2.3 Conclusions......................................................................................121
5.3 Energy Efficiency and CO2 Intensity of a Smarter Energy System:
Case Study of Belgium...............................................................................122
5.3.1 Life Cycle Inventory Construction...............................................124
5.3.2 Life Cycle Impact Assessment......................................................124
5.3.3 Conventional Grid and SGs..........................................................125
5.4 Regulatory Framework and Barriers Regarding SG Applications
for Household and SMEs...........................................................................128
5.4.1 Deployment of SG Technologies...................................................129
5.4.2 Electricity Retail Prices...................................................................130 Flanders.............................................................................133 United Kingdom..............................................................136 Ireland................................................................................136 The Netherlands...............................................................137
5.4.3 Demand–Response Services..........................................................137 Energy-Market Products.................................................139 Ancillary Service and CRM Market Products..............139
5.4.4 Regulatory Practices and Barriers................................................140 Market Entry.....................................................................140 Market Roles.....................................................................140

106 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy Energy Prices....................................................................141 Network Tariffs and DSO Remuneration.....................141
5.5 Conclusions..................................................................................................142

5.1 State of the Art and Driving Forces for a

Smarter Energy System in Europe
In light of the European Union’s objectives on sustainable energy production
and supply, several member states have been advocating for the integration of
renewable generation, distributed generation, and smart grid (SG) technologies.
SGs are recognized by scientists, nongovernmental organizations, and policy
makers as a pivotal tool for driving Europe toward an energy-efficient and low-
carbon economy. To accelerate the development of SG benefits in Northwest
Europe (NWE) and to encourage communities and small-medium enterprises
(SMEs), there is a need for a deeper understanding of (1) the level of SG develop-
ment, (2) the economic and environmental benefits society can receive from SG
implementation, and (3) the policies put in place to support SG integration. Three
main critical points were recognized in the European SG integration proposi-
tion: (1) the lack of overall applicable economic and environmental data, (2) the
large amount of components required to fully integrate SG into the existing grids
infrastructure, and (3) the existence of several regulatory barriers that limit SG
development in NWE. This chapter provides a summary of the potential benefits
arising from the development of SG technologies in NWE. More specifically, it
consists of three parts: a review of existing economic and environmental impact
assessments of SGs, a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the deployment of smarter
grid technologies in Belgium, and an analysis of the regulatory status quo and the
existing barriers for the deployment of SGs in Northwestern European countries.

5.2 Economic and Environmental Benefits

of Adopting SG Technologies*
5.2.1 Literature Review of Existing Impact Assessments
SGs play a central role in the process of transforming the functionality of
the current electricity supply systems. The main advantages of SG can be

*  This section was partially derived from Moretti et al. (2016).

Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 107

summarized as follows: improved reliability and security, shift in peak

load, enhanced efficiency, and decreased greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity
of electricity production and supply systems. However, implementing SG
requires the deployment of many new, costly, energy-consuming technolo-
gies and devices. The increasing number of studies and reports on SG pres-
ent widely varying estimates of costs, benefits, and environmental impacts,
which leave policy makers struggling with conflicting advice about SG
deployment. The chapter is based on recent study by Moretti et al. (2016)
and seek to summarize published works on the economic and environmen-
tal impacts of SG.
Hence, trying to elucidate this issue, this paragraph analyzes published
research (from 2000 to 2014) on the economic and environmental impacts of
SG by looking at the different methodologies used. This way, we are able to
(1) identify the gaps in SG impact assessment research and (2) understand the
origin of variation in the estimates of costs and GHG savings across studies.
With these goals, this chapter provides a general overview of SG contribution
to the improvement of energy efficiency and environmental impact reduc-
tions. When assessing the economic and environmental impacts of SG, tools
such as LCA or cost–benefit analysis (CBA) are most used. Consequently,
there is a need to have a clear definition of a smart grid as a starting point for
conducting these quantitative analyses.
The European Technology Platform Smart Grid (smartgrid.eu, 2015)
defines an SG as “an electricity network that can intelligently integrate the
actions of all users connected to it—generators, consumers and those that
do both—in order to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure
electricity supplies.” This technologically advanced network facilitates
the massive integration of electricity generation (e.g., PV and wind), and
application (advanced metering infrastructure, electric vehicles, and heat
pumps) technologies, to the current electricity grid (Wang et al., 2011). The
current European electricity grid is a traditional radial energy flow, charac-
terized by four main links: generation, transmission, distribution, and off-
take (Personal et al., 2014). The aim of these infrastructures is to produce
electricity reliably and at a reasonable cost (Blumsack and Fernandez, 2012),
but these infrastructures are inadequate to meet the needs established by
the European energy policy, namely, (1) achieving highest levels of reliabil-
ity, (2) increasing energy efficiency, (3) increasing the share of renewable
energy, (4) empowering consumers, and (5) building a European inte-
grated energy market (Basso et al., 2013; Blumsack and Fernandez, 2012;
Cunjiang et al., 2012; European Commission, 2010; Fouquet and Johansson,
2008). To face the infrastructure inadequacy problem, the “Smart Grid Task
Force” was created in 2009 and the new energy vision for a more resilient
Energy Union (European Commission, 2015a) was established in 2015 by
the European Commission with the aim of implementing SG and related
regulations all over Europe. In compliance with these efforts, several dis-
positions are also taken to favor decentralized generation systems and
108 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

advanced metering infrastructures (i.e., smart meters). These technological

innovations are considered key issues for increasing the share of renewable
energy, improving energy efficiency of the grids, and thus reducing the
environmental impacts and economic costs of power generation and sup-
ply (Faruqui et al., 2011; Hidayatullah, 2011; Simoes et al., 2012). Despite
the earlier mentioned benefits, initiatives and investments for the transac-
tion to a smarter energy system across the EU have only started in the last
decades (Faruqui et al., 2010; Simoes et al., 2012). As reviewed by Sun et al.
(2011), several countries and companies provided guidance for a compre-
hensive assessment of SG impacts. Moreover, understanding the balance
between costs and benefits (economic, environmental, and social) as well
as addressing the regulatory challenges is imperative for decision-making
at regional and national levels. To clarify and understand the magnitude
and variability of economic and environmental impacts and to underline
the parameters that drive the results of SG impact assessment, this para-
graph provides (1) an examination of the methodologies used to assess the
cost and benefits and the environmental impacts of SG, (2) an analysis of
the gaps in SG impact assessment research, and (3) recommendations for
future research.
Of the 177 potential articles and reports that were initially identified,
only those that (i) were written in English, (ii) contained quantitative
estimates of economic costs or environmental impacts, (iii) presented the
methodology to derive the economic costs or environmental impacts were
retained. Twelve papers meeting these criteria were then subjected to fur-
ther analysis and data extraction. Data relating to the methodologies used,
the segments of the electricity network (generation, transmission, distribu-
tion), and the technological devices, as well as the definition of SG, were
extracted and entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Moreover, the reported
data on energy savings, GHG emissions, economic cost, and benefits were
elicited in order to obtain comparable results among the different studies
(see Table 5.1).

5.2.2 Critical Evaluation of the Outcomes of the Economic

and Environmental Impact Assessment of SGs
The economic and/or environmental outcomes of selected studies have been
extracted and classified, according to their availability, in different catego-
ries: economic costs and benefits (M€/year), energy saved (MJ/kWh), GHG
emissions (gCO2/kWh), and other air emissions (e.g., PM, NOx, SOx, and
Several studies define SG by reporting its principal characteristics: (1)
optimizing power supply and delivery, (2) automatically minimizing
losses through transmission and distribution, (3) providing instantaneous
damage control, and (4) accommodating new off-grid alternative energy
List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Economic and CBA/OP Grid to RET Three DR programs Canada Zakariazadeh
environmental consumers (demand bidding, et al. (2014)
for demand- ancillary services, and
response DRSP) combined with
participation wind generation.
41-bus radial system with
1 substation feeding a
rural area (peak load
16.8 MW).
The system includes 1 sub-
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix?

station (peak load 16.8

MW), 7 wind power plants
(power rated 1.1 MW),
and 2 diesel generators
(power factor 1–0.9).
TABLE 5.1 (Continued)

List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)

Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Economic and CBA “Smart Grid” refers to How SG FFT, RET, Different combinations United Tekiner-
environmental a modernization of technologies ICT according to the level of States Mogulkoc
the electricity in the penetration of SG et al. (2012)
delivery system so distribution devices into the current
that it monitors, affect the grid and according to
protects, and generation different possible
automatically expansion nondominated functions
optimizes the of smart technologies
operation of its used (Pareto set).
elements—from the
central and
distributed generator
through the
transmission network
and the distribution
system, to industrial
users and building
automation systems,
to energy storage
installations, and to
end-use consumers
and their thermostats,
electric vehicles,
appliances, and other
household devices.
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
TABLE 5.1 (Continued)
List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Economic CBA Whole Power RET Shift-load for pick to Czech Adamec et al.
Industry off-pick for Czech (2011)
Economic CBA Whole Power ICT (AMI) (a) AMI costs: mean EU Faruqui et al.
Industry value €120–450 from (2010)
household and
(b) Demand reduction
due to dynamic
pricing form 8%–10%
to 60%–90%.
(c) Avoided cost of
capacity 87 euro/kW
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix?

Economic and CBA Yokohama- RET, ICT (a) 6% of energy-use Japan Farzaneh
environmental wide energy reduction. et al. (2014)
system (b) All consumers will
change their
(c) Energy-use reduction
of 6%.
(d) Electricity price
(e) Energy savings of
$100 per barrel.

TABLE 5.1 (Continued)

List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Environmental Estimation TSO and DSO RET, EV (a) Energy savings from Hungary Görbe et al.
based on 9 to 150 kWh and CO2 (EU) (2012)
energy emissions based on
savings country statistical
forecasting data.
(b) 5% of the power loss
during transmission
and distribution (total
9.72%) will be saved
using distributed
(c) Energy savings and
GHG emissions are
estimated considering
an average
consumption of 3000
kWh/household year.

Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
TABLE 5.1 (Continued)
List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Environmental LCA and Home ICT Three HEMS systems Netherlands Van Dam
and economic eco-cost electricity (energy monitoring, (EU) et al. (2013)
estimation management multifunctional HEMS,
systems energy management
(HEMS) device).
production, (a) Router, PC, and smart
use, and meter were not
disposal included in the
considering system boundaries.
and average (b) The economic profit
Dutch is calculated as a 10%
household energy savings.
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix?

consumption (c) Yearly energy

patterns consumption: 3,500
kWh and 52,800 m3
natural gas.
(d) Increase in energy
consumption: 1.5%
per year.

TABLE 5.1 (Continued)

List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Economic CBA Generation, ICT, EV (a) One million United Faruqui et al.
transmission consumers involved. States (2011)
system (b) AMI is phased in
operator gradually over a
(TSO), 5-year time horizon.
distribution (c) Costs include direct
system smart meter
operator operational benefits
(DSO) and and consumer-driven
consumption benefits according to
the mix of
technologies they use.
Economic Transaction EV (a) 16 kWh vehicle United Peterson
cost battery pack. States et al. (2010)
(b) Perfect market
information: The
value includes the
degradation costs of
the battery pack
($4.2/kWh). Battery
replacement $5000.
(c) Electricity price for

Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
TABLE 5.1 (Continued)
List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Economic CBA “Smart Grid” refers to Fully ICT, RET The costs include the United Gellings
a modernization of operational infrastructure to States (2011)
the electricity SG integrate distributed
delivery system so energy resources (DER)
that it monitors, and to achieve full
protects, and customer connectivity
automatically but exclude the cost of
optimizes the generation, the cost of
operation of its transmission expansion
interconnected to add renewables and
elements—from the to meet load growth,
central and and a category of
distributed generator customer costs for
through the smart-grid-ready
high-voltage appliances and devices.
transmission network (a) The deployment of
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix?

and the distribution new technologies is

system, to industrial considered a steady
users and building process at 2010.
automation systems, (b) The decreasing prices
to energy storage of new technologies
installations, and to have been estimated.
end-use consumers (c) Maintenance costs
and their thermostats, have been included.
electric vehicles, (d) NPV for benefits
appliances, and other estimated based on
household devices. 2010 price level.

TABLE 5.1 (Continued)

List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Environmental Estimations A unified The whole RET, ICT ITC device penetration United EPRI (2008)
based on communications and energy sector level: States
ICT market control system on the (a) 25%–75% of devices
penetration existing power for direct
delivery communication with
infrastructure to consumers.
provide the right (b) 25%–50% of devices
information to the for reducing line
right entity (e.g., losses.
end-use devices, (c) 5%–25% of devices
T&D system controls, for continuous
customers, etc.) at the maintenance of
right time to take the commercial building
right action. It is a equipment.
system that optimizes (d) Potential peak
power supply and demand reduction
delivery, minimizes from 5% to 20%.
losses, is self-healing,
and enables
energy efficiency and
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
TABLE 5.1 (Continued)
List and Main Characteristics of the Examined Publications (N = 12)
Type of System Technology Country/
Analysis Methodology SG Definition Boundary Included Assumptions Region Reference
Environmental Estimation on The whole RET Electricity savings: China Yuan and Hu
historical power sector (a) In lighting: 55%. (2011)
data and (virtual (b) In motor system
future power efficiency: 30%.
scenario planta) (c) In electric appliances:
(d) In line losses:
(e) Load management:
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix?

FFT, fossil fuel technology (coal, natural gas, oil); NP, nuclear power; RET, renewable energy technology (solar, wind, biomass, hydropower); ICT, infor-
mation and communication technology (router, sensor, smart meter) Application technology (e.g. electric vehicle); NA, network assets.
a Defined as a set of devices or equipment that allow users to.
118 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

sources (Amin and Stringer, 2008; Hledik, 2009; Tekiner-Mogulkoc et al.,

2012). Only EPRI (2008) and Gellings (2011) provide a comprehensive defi-
nition, describing SG as “a unified communications and control system on
the existing power delivery infrastructure to provide the right informa-
tion to the right entity (e.g. end-use devices, transmission and distribution
system controls, customers, etc.) at the right time to take the right action”
(EPRI, 2008). All these definitions are fully complementary, but for sci-
entific communication purposes, a more detailed definition of SG could
accomplish the methodological needs for assessing the economic and envi-
ronmental impacts of SG, especially in defining the boundaries of the sys-
tem. The majority of studies focus on economic impacts (50%), followed
by studies on environmental impacts (33%), while the remaining studies
(17%) addressed both the economic and environmental impacts. The focus
on economic and environmental impacts reflects the greatest concern of
private/public stakeholders and regulators about the cost-effectiveness of
SG investments (Livieratos et al., 2013; Sullivan and Schellenberg, 2011).
Both in the United States and Europe, investments are needed to roll out
a fully operating SG. Langheim et al. (2014) reported an estimated invest-
ment of $300–$500 billion for the modernization of the U.S. grid, while
Faruqui et al. (2010) estimated a gap of around 10–15 billion euros between
costs and benefits for achieving the full smart meter penetration in Europe
by 2020. Studies adopting the CBA (n = 5), except Farzaneh et al. (2014),
assumed a time frame of 20 years, while those using other methods (e.g.,
transaction cost) chose a time frame according to data availability. The
type of technologies included (electric vehicles, renewable energy sources,
ICT devices, etc.) and the segments of the grid considered (generation,
transmission, distribution, and end use) are other sources of variability
in the estimates of costs or environmental impacts between the analyzed
The most considered system boundaries are the whole country electricity
generation and supply mix, but few studies refer to smaller spatial levels
such as single household consumptions or grid-to-consumer distribution
systems. Five out of twelve studies focus on GHG emission reduction, while
three cover other air pollutants in addition to the GHG emissions.
Figure 5.1 compares the GHG emissions of the baseline and the forecasted
scenario. The SG development will produce an expected reduction ranging
from 10 to 180 gCO2/kWh with a median value of 89 gCO2/kWh (Figure 5.1).
GHG emissions estimates across the studies, differ according to assumption
about yearly household consumption, proportion of power generated by
the different sources (coal, gas, wind, solar panels, etc.) (EPRI, 2008; Görbe
et al., 2012; Hledik, 2009; Tekiner-Mogulkoc et al., 2012; Van Dam et al., 2013),
types of ICT devices used, penetration in the current grid (Görbe et al., 2012;
Hledik, 2009; Tekiner-Mogulkoc et al., 2012), and uncertainty related to con-
sumer participation in demand-response (DR) and electricity generation
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 119







Baseline GHG emissions GHG emissions
after SG development

Distribution of GHG emission outcomes for the studied and baseline scenarios (n = 5).

According to Farzaneh et al. (2014), the more relevant reductions occur

for NOx and SO2 with a decrease, respectively, of around 4 and 10 kt/year.
Tekiner-Mogulkoc et al. (2012) found less significant benefits in terms of NOx
and SO2 emission reductions by shifting energy demand, respectively, with
5% and 10% from peak load to off-peak load. Both studies estimated a reduc-
tion in NOx ranging on average from 0.6 to 0.9 kt NOx/year, while the SO2
emission reductions equal on average 2 kt SOx/year for both demand shift
scenarios. Energy savings have been addressed by Van Dam et al. (2013) who
performed an LCA of different ICTs for consumers’ participation in a DR sys-
tem. They reported that an average of 0.26 MJ/kWh electricity can be saved
by integrating ICT devices to home energy systems.
Considering the same level of energy consumption reduction during peak load
for the whole power system (generation, transmission, and distribution) for the
city of Yokohama (Japan) and the State of New Jersey (United States), Farzaneh
et al. (2014) and Tekiner-Mogulkoc et al. (2012) estimated roughly the same out-
comes in terms of GHG emissions, respectively, 200 and 196 gCO2/kWh.
Implementing SGs can play an important role in reducing CO2 emissions,
non-CO2 greenhouse gases (e.g. CH4 emissions), and other air pollutants
such as SOx and NOx. In this regard, Pratt et al. (2010) predicted a reduction
in electric utility electricity and CO2 emissions by 2030 in the United States,
attributable to direct energy consumption and CO2 emissions reduction (12%)
and indirect impacts reduction (6%) due to SG. Jiahai and Zhaoguang (2011)
studied the low carbon electricity development based on SG construction in
China. They found that electricity consumption would decrease from 1,279
120 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

to 1,054 KWh per 10,000 yuan GDP, whereas the CO2 intensity of electric-
ity production in China would reduce from 0.70 to 0.52 tons per MWh dur-
ing the 2010–2030 periods, as a result of efficiency enhancement and energy
structure improvement. According to the International Energy Agency, con-
sidering direct and indirect emission reductions, SGs provide the possibility
to gain net annual emission reductions of 0.7–2.1 Gt per year of CO2 by 2050
(International Energy Agency, 2013).
The economic assessment of SG usually refers to the whole power sys-
tem at the country or smaller spatial level. The economic costs and bene-
fits of SG development in the EU and the United States were addressed by
Gellings (2011) and Faruqui et al. (2009). Adamec et al. (2011) and Tekiner-
Mogulkoc et al. (2012) targeted their studies to smaller power generation
systems by addressing the economic profitability of SG development in the
Czech Republic and New Jersey. Farzaneh et al. (2014), by accounting for the
forecasted penetration level of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and
system performances monitoring devices, used CBA to assess the economic
and environmental impacts (energy savings, GHG, and other air emissions) of
the Yokohama city grid. Zakariazadeh et al. (2014) and Van Dam et al. (2013)
focused on the effects of consumer participation to DR systems. The former
used a multiobjective optimization function to evaluate the costs of consumer
participation to an open electricity market by means of an energy manage-
ment system that behaves as an aggregator of distributed energy resources.
Peterson et al. (2010) used transaction cost analysis to assess consumer par-
ticipation to energy storage capability considering the capability of electric
vehicle owners to offset their own electricity consumption during high-price
periods. Although authors assumed perfect market information (including
degradation costs of battery pack and battery replacement costs), they stated
that “it appears unlikely that these profits alone will provide sufficient incen-
tive to the vehicle owner to use the battery pack for electricity storage and
later off-vehicle use” (Peterson et al., 2010). The comparison of economic
costs and benefits derived from the analyzed studies reveals SG as a nonef-
fective solution for an investment. Estimated costs show a maximum varia-
tion of ~2 order of magnitude across studies (range 0.01–2.55 million euros/
year, median 1.5 million euros/year), whereas estimates of the benefits show
a variation of 1 order of magnitude (range 0.01–0.7 million euro/year, median
0.2 million euros/year). Thus, on average, the gap between cost and benefit
results equals to 0.6 million euros/year (Figure 5.2). Ten times higher eco-
nomic costs (average value of 25 million euros) than the estimated average,
have been estimated by Zakariazadeh et al. (2014). Nevertheless, the assump-
tions related to the time scale (varying from 5 to 20 years), the typologies of
included costs (Faruqui et al., 2010; Tekiner-Mogulkoc et al., 2012), the share
of consumers involved and their responses to DR programs (Adamec et al.,
2011; Faruqui et al., 2011), the assumed level of energy saved (Van Dam et al.,
2013), the energy-market costs (Farzaneh et al., 2014; Gellings, 2011), the costs,
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 121


million euro/year






Benefit Cost

Distribution of cost and benefit outcomes from the analyzed references (n = 8).

typologies, and replacement costs of ICT devices (Faruqui et al., 2010, 2011)
strongly affect the outcomes of the reviewed studies.

5.2.3 Conclusions
SG will provide, among many benefits, significant reductions in CO2 and
other air pollutants. Research and development will be needed to provide
suitable modeling techniques/frameworks that are able to provide a mea-
surable environmental benefits of the SG vision. Overall, SGs provide many
benefits to customers (Lewis, 2013):

• Savings from lower electricity distribution and retail prices, derived

from the efficiencies gained from an SG by distribution and retail
• Decreased frequency and duration of power outages
• Capability to become more energy self-sufficient in terms of energy
• Advantages derived from a range of other convenience and comfort-
related services like home automation and electric vehicles

All the papers and reports reviewed differ, to some extent, in their approach
and the components of the SGs they encompass. Although several studies
claim that SGs are not a profitable investment, because the economic costs
122 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

exceed the benefits (e.g., Adamec et al., 2011; Gellings, 2011), other studies
claim that SGs can provide productive users, financial benefits, and employ-
ment generation (Faruqui et al., 2010, 2011; Yadoo and Cruickshank, 2012).
Considering the key role of SGs in improving efficiency, reliability, and
security of energy supply, and due to the major investments needed for SG
implementations, the high level of uncertainty about the technological devel-
opment of ICT devices, and the reliability of distributed generation and cus-
tomer responses to changes in energy-market price dynamics, there is a need
for developing a systematic cost–benefit approach to evaluate the potential
benefits of an SG project and justify its application.
To be effective and realistic, the CBA should precisely take into consider-
ation actual data from the available SG pilot projects that have been developed
or are currently under development. Some efforts have already been made
in this direction (Eurelectric, 2012; European Commission, 2012; Livieratos
et al., 2013), but the standardization of the SG impact assessment framework
is far from complete. The huge variability in ICTs, the level of penetration of
renewable resources (PV, wind, etc.), the regulatory barriers, and the uncer-
tainty in consumer participation to demand-response programs make this
process extremely complicated.

5.3 Energy Efficiency and CO2 Intensity of a Smarter

Energy System: Case Study of Belgium
The electricity infrastructure in Belgium and in many EU member states is
about 30–40 years old (Battaglini et al., 2009). Moreover, the world demand
for energy is expected to increase by 2030, following the population growth,
generating a strong increase in energy resources depletion. Additionally, the
power sector is one of the major CO2 emitters, responsible for climate change.
Energy efficiency and reliability are therefore critical issues to reduce pres-
sure on the fossil fuel and to decrease the carbon footprint of the power sector.
The current Belgian conventional and smart electricity supply systems
were evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA) framework. LCA is a
well-established framework for environmental analysis that aims to quan-
titatively assess the relationship between a product, process, or activity and
the environment. Identifying the product, process, or activity is the starting
point of the analysis, which allows defining the input/output flows of mate-
rials and energy inside the product system along its whole life cycle, from
cradle to grave, from raw material extraction to the product’s end of life. This
comprehensive “cradle to grave” analysis allows for assessing the contribu-
tion of each single production phase to the overall environmental impacts
generated by the studied system. The goal of this case study is to quantify
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 123

C-Grid losses PM
CO 2,

Oil, gas Nuclear Wind DT
UT Biomass PV
Production Transmission (HV) Distribution (MV, LV) End user

CO2, NOX, PM Sensor Sensor

S-Grid Reduced losses
Reduced losses AMI

ICT Industries
Reduced losses AMI
Oil, gas Business
Biomass Wind

Production Transmission (HV) Distribution (MV, LV) End user

Schematic representation of the (a) conventional grid (C-Grid) and (b) smart grid (S-Grid).

the physical environmental impacts of an SG system and to compare them

with those of the current conventional grid chosen as a reference system. The
system boundaries of the two systems are shown in Figure 5.3. The chosen
functional unit is 1 kWhe at the distribution gate. This means that we did not
include the impact of electricity use and therefore could not model the effect
of consumer behavior on the SG. In fact, there is a high level of uncertainty
associated with the home management of ICT devices, the development of
distributed energy generation systems, and the consumer participation in
the energy system. Environmental impacts were limited to global warming
and to the consumption of primary nonrenewable energy. For both the smart
and the conventional grid systems, we included all the technologies used
for the production, transmission, and distribution of power. The extraction
and transport of raw materials for energy production (coal, gas, biomass,
uranium, etc.) were not included into the analysis. For the SG system, we
included additional ICT devices (sensors, switches, local area networks, and
a smart meter) and new infrastructures (e.g., poles and new substations)
required for the proper operation of the SG system. Primary data were col-
lected from power producers and from transmission and distribution com-
panies in Belgium (ELIA, ENECO). Secondary data were gathered from the
Ecoinvent v2.2 (Frischknecht et al., 2007) and from Hischier et al. (2010). The
modeling of environmental impacts was done using Simapro 7.3.3.
124 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

5.3.1 Life Cycle Inventory Construction

All the input data related to production, energy transmission, and distribu-
tion were collected. Data on ICT devices for the well functioning of the SG
system were also gathered. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan
of Belgium* (NREAP) expects 13% of penetration of renewable energy by
2020. The level of penetration of ICTs has been defined according to the
target forecasted by the NREAP. The collected data include technical data
on power generation technologies (including renewable energy), informa-
tion technology equipment, advanced metering equipment, and transmis-
sion cables.

5.3.2 Life Cycle Impact Assessment

The assessed environmental impacts were limited to global warming and
use of nonrenewable energy resources. These impacts were evaluated using
the IMPACT 2002+ method. Nonrenewable energy consumption is the most
commonly used indicator to measure fossil energy used in electricity genera-
tion plants, electricity networks, buildings, etc. It is calculated in terms of
MJ/kWhe expressing the amount of nonrenewable energy used to produce
a kilowatt-hour of electricity. Typically, global warming potential is reported
in the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq.) emitted from the pro-
duction of 1 kWh of electricity. It includes CO2 and non-CO2 emissions (e.g.,
CH4 and N2O) related to the production, transmission, and distribution of
electric energy. The global warming potential (GWP) is usually calculated
over a specific time interval, commonly 20, 100, and 500 years. For this analy-
sis, a GWP over 100 years has been assumed to analyze the climate impact
of both conventional and SG systems. Table 5.2 summarizes the data and
main assumptions used to model SG development starting from the current
Belgian energy grid.
Data on the number of substations in the current Belgian electricity grid
were collected from ELIA (Belgian electricity transmission operator). Using
data on the number of substations and assuming that six feeders are needed
for each substation, the number of new substations needed to handle the
growth load was estimated to be 15% of the existing ones. The ones to handle
the renewable energy generation growth are inferred to be 1% of the existing
ones. Moreover, other assumptions directly linked to the transmission grid
have been made as follows: (1) one dynamic thermal rating circuit requires
12 km cable/DTCR, (2) 50% of existing substations will have sensors, and
(3) 100% of new substations handling conventional and renewable load
growth will have sensors (Table 5.2).

*  National renewable energy action plan (pursuant to Directive 2009/28/EC). Prepared by the
Federal-Regional Energy Consultation Group CONCERE-ENOVER. November 2010. www.
buildupeu/pubblications/22818, assessed on the 27th of November 2015.
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 125

Main Assumption in the SG Model
Substation Feeders
Number of Substations and Feeders Units Units Assumption
Base case (2012) 847 5202 6
New substations to handle load growth (2020) 130.05 15%
New substation to handle renewable energy (2020) 8.67 1%
Base case (2012) 780.3
New feeders to handle load growth (2020) 52.02

Number of Dynamic Thermal Circuit Rating (DTCR)

AC Cables (100–230)
Units Assumption
Base case (2012) 2441 12
Number of DTCR 203.42

Number of Sensors
Units Assumption
Base case (2012) 433.5 50%
Transmission line sensor for handling renewable 130.05 100%
energy (2020)
Transmission line sensor for handling load 8.67 100%
growth (2020)

5.3.3 Conventional Grid and SGs

The current Belgian power generation system (hereinafter referred to as con-
ventional grid) is responsible for the emission of almost 281 gCO2 eq./kWh of
produced energy in the atmosphere. The major contributors to this impact are
natural gas and coal generation, which account for 65% and 32% of all GHG
emissions, respectively. The penetration of renewable energy technologies will
decrease the total amount of CO2 eq. of the Belgian generation grid from 281 to
252 gCO2 eq./kWh by 10%. This result will be achieved mainly allowing more
RES to be connected to the grid and thus reducing the GHG emission intensity
of the current grid. In particular, the GHG emitted by both generation systems
will decrease with almost 20 and 10 gCO2 eq./kWh, respectively (Figure 5.4).
The total nonrenewable energy of the conventional grid was 11.5 MJ/kWh,
illustrating an overall energy efficiency of grid of about 31%. The low overall
efficiency of the Belgian grid can be attributed to nuclear power, which rep-
resents about 65% of the generation mix and has an energy efficiency of 46%
on a life cycle basis.
126 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

GHG emissions (gCO2 eq./kWh)





Conventional grid Smart grid

Coal Oil Natural gas Nuclear Wood Wind Solar

GHG emissions of the electricity generation system.

The differences between conventional grid and SG are less definite

in terms of nonrenewable energy consumption. The conventional grid
is responsible for the consumption of almost 11.50 MJ of nonrenewable
energy per kWh of electric energy produced. Responsible for this con-
sumption pattern are nuclear and natural gas generation systems, which
account for almost 60% and 31%, respectively. The coal generation system
shows a marginal role in this impact category (only the 9%) compared to
GHG emissions (Figure 5.5).
With the development of SG technologies, the nonrenewable energy con-
sumption of the Belgian power generation system will be reduced to almost
10 MJ/kWh. This reduction will be mainly achieved by increasing the energy
efficiency of the nuclear and natural gas generation (Figure 5.5).
The current Belgian transmission network is responsible for the release of
almost 5 gCO2 eq./kWh of transmitted electricity (Figure 5.6). The higher
share of GHG emissions occurs in the medium-voltage transmission grid,
which accounts for 60% of the whole CO2 eq. emitted by the conventional
transmission network.
According to the SG model used for this study, the GHG emissions of
the “smarter” transmission network are higher than the conventional one,
accounting for almost 8 gCO2 eq./kWh (Figure 5.6). The medium-voltage
network shows a level of GHG emissions lower than in the conventional grid
(1 gCO2 eq./kWh), while the impact of ICT devices is very high (≈7 gCO2
eq./kWh), generating the higher impact of the whole “smarter” transmission
network. Finally, the overall estimated savings provided by SG penetration
into the conventional grid is about 9% for both GHG emissions and nonre-
newable energy consumption (base year 2012).
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 127


Nonrenewable energy (MJ/kWh)


Conventional grid Smart grid

Coal Oil Natural gas Nuclear Wood Wind Solar

Nonrenewable energy consumptions of the electricity generation system.

GHG emissions (gCO2/kWh)

Conventional grid Smart grid

Transmission high voltage

Transmission medium voltage
Transmission low voltage
ICT devices

GHG emissions of the Belgian electricity transmission and distribution system.
128 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

5.4 Regulatory Framework and Barriers Regarding

SG Applications for Household and SMEs
In light of the European Union’s objectives concerning energy efficiency and
sustainability, several member states are advocating for and often subsidizing
the integration of distributed renewable generation and SG technologies. SG
technologies face a number of regulatory barriers that impede their deploy-
ment in communities of residential consumers and small and medium enter-
prises. Therefore, starting from the results of the environmental analysis, the
regulatory barriers for further deployment are analyzed. A regional compari-
son of the regulatory framework of Flanders, the Netherlands, Ireland, and
the United Kingdom is conducted, which results in a number of policy rec-
ommendations that would facilitate the integration of sustainable technolo-
gies in the electricity sector.
First, a regional analysis of the regulatory framework is made by means
of the results of a survey, complemented by means of desktop research.
This allowed to define the primary regional differences and best practices.
Second, policy recommendations and guidelines are formulated based on
the results of the environmental analysis and the regulatory framework
in place. These general recommendations are applicable in the United
Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Flanders, as well as in the rest of
Europe. The emphasis of the assessment lies on three aspects of regulation
that are seen as key for investments and the operation of sustainable tech-
nologies by residential consumers and SMEs: (1) the decision to roll out
smart metering systems, and its practical implementation, which facilitates
the deployment of SG applications within residential communities and
SMEs; (2) the structure of the electricity retail price, which provides grid
users with direct price signals for the integration of sustainable technologies
and the smart control thereof; and (3) the availability of demand–response
services, which determines the possibility and compensation for grid users
to participate in remunerated services.
The regulatory assessment has uncovered the regional differences across
Northwestern Europe and identified major barriers toward further integra-
tion of distributed renewable generation and SG technologies. First, most
regions have decided upon a smart meter roll-out, but uncertainties follow-
ing the roll-out strategy impede the further integration of SG technologies.
Second, the electricity prices, which are subject to local regulatory provi-
sions, more specifically regarding the network tariff, typically do not ade-
quately incentivize investments in SG technologies. Third, the market entry,
where network services in some regions are opening up for new technologies
providing flexibility, such as demand-response (DR), does not yet facilitate
participation of residential consumers.
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 129

5.4.1 Deployment of SG Technologies
In general, no support mechanisms are present concerning the SG hardware
that could enable the control of the distributed energy resources, such as
heat pump and photovoltaic installation. However, the roll-out of SG infra-
structure is closely linked with the roll-out of smart metering equipment,
which is closely linked to the regulatory framework and energy-market poli-
cies. The EU aims to replace at least 80% of electricity meters with smart
meters by 2020 wherever it is cost effective. Therefore, all EU member states
were asked to carry out a CBA regarding the roll-out of smart meters by 2012
(Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EC). Table 5.3 provides an overview of
the main aspects of the SG roll-out status in each of the regions. Flanders is
the only region that did not yet decide upon a roll-out of smart metering sys-
tems. The results of the CBAs that were conducted were seen as inconclusive,

Smart Meter Roll-Out Status
Region Flanders Ireland Netherlands United Kingdom
Smart meter No roll-out Ireland aims Full roll-out of The UK government
roll-out status plan as the at a full smart aims to roll out
CBA was not smart meter metering approximately 53
conclusively deployment infrastructure million smart
positive. by 2019. plan over the electricity and gas
Debate to roll next 6 years, meters to domestic
out or not is until 2020 properties and
ongoing. nondomestic sites
in Great Britain by
2020. This will
approximately 30
million premises.
Deployment — Mandatory. Mandatory Mandatory.
strategy (opt-out)
Metering activity Regulated. Regulated. Regulated Competitive.
Responsible DSO. DSO. DSO Supplier.
party for
and ownership
Responsible for DSO. DSO. DSO Central hub.
access to
metering data
CBA outcome Inconclusive. Positive. Positive Positive.
Financing of the — Network Network Funded by
roll-out tariffs. tariffs suppliers.

Source: European Commission (2014).

130 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

and policy makers still debate on the roll-out plan for Flanders. In contrast,
all other regions reviewed in this study decided upon a full roll-out toward
2020, after positive CBAs. The Netherlands and Ireland will follow a regu-
lated model, where distribution system operators (DSOs) are responsible for
the roll-out, and their operation, and where the costs will be allocated to
the consumers by means of the distribution tariff. In contrast, the United
Kingdom implements a nonregulated model, putting the roll-out responsi-
bility with the suppliers. Both models have advantages and disadvantages,
elaborately discussed in the literature (Reuster et al., 2014).

5.4.2 Electricity Retail Prices

Despite efforts to integrate EU energy markets, household electricity prices
vary significantly among the member states. Figure 5.7 illustrates these dif-
ferences at the end of 2014. Prices range from about 6 Eurocents/kWh in
Serbia to more than 30 Eurocents/kWh in Denmark. The average retail price
was 21 Eurocents/kWh across the member states. It can be seen that the four
regions dealt with in this chapter are on the high end of the scale. Prices are
especially high in Ireland (over 25 Eurocents/kWh) and relatively moderate
in the Netherlands (approximately 17 Eurocents/kWh).
There are a number of reasons why retail prices vary across EU countries.
On the one hand, this is the result of the limited integration of wholesale elec-
tricity markets and limited interconnection capacity. This is coupled with the
fact that Europe is characterized by strong geographic differences between
countries and differences in access to energy sources, which leads to widely
varying generation portfolios. Aside from the commodity prices, there are
also strong differences in network tariffs. These are largely regulated by
national regulatory authorities who, despite some guidelines and laws on
the EU level to protect consumers, have quite a lot of freedom in deciding on
the tariff methodology. Finally, member states have widely different taxation
policies for the consumption and generation of electricity.
At the same time, retail prices in Europe do share a number of charac-
teristics. As a consequence of liberalization and unbundling during the last
few decades, there exists a strict divide between commercial and network
activities, which are both legal and operational. This division can also be
observed in the retail electricity bill, which is typically composed of three
major components:

1. Energy commodity component (related to generation and supply of

2. Network component (related to transmission and distribution)
3. Tax component (including VAT and levies)

Figure 5.8 illustrates the national differences in the shares of commodity and
network components. It can be seen that the relative share of network costs


















Czech Republic

United Kingdom
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix?

FYR of Macedonia

Euro Area (EA-18)

Bosnia and Heizegovina

Taxes and levies other than VAT

Basic price (without taxes and levies)

Electricity retail prices and their structure in Europe. Note: Annual consumption: 2500 kWh <consumption < 5000 kWh. aTaxes and levies other than VAT
are slightly negative and therefore the overall price is marginally lower than that shown by the bar. (From EUROSTAT, 2015.)
132 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy












Energy and supply Network cost

Relative share of energy and network components in EU retail prices. (From EUROSTAT, 2015.)

in the final price is relatively low in Ireland and the United Kingdom and
quite high in Belgium (including Flanders).
In Europe, electricity commodity prices are typically not regulated. Ever
since the generation and supply part of the sector has been liberalized and
unbundled from network activities, policy makers have relied largely on
competitive pressure to keep prices down. However, in many regions, there
are some built-in safety mechanisms in the regulatory framework, allowing
governments to intervene (e.g., by imposing maximum prices).
The vast majority of electricity suppliers in Europe offer products based on
time-of-use (ToU) pricing. These products are usually quite simple and lim-
ited to day and night or seasonal rates. More complex ToU schemes are not
typically applied to small and residential users. Dynamic pricing (i.e., when
the commodity price is subject to changes or indexation during the billing
horizon) is also frequently applied. However, the dynamic contracts can be
restrained by regulation in terms of updating frequency, in order to protect
the consumer against frequent and large price spikes.
With respect to distribution grid tariffs, the allocation of network costs to
small and household consumers generally happens based on the following
tariff drivers/components:

• Active energy withdrawal (euro/kWh)

• Capacity component (euro/kW) (this includes capacity of the con-
nection and peak usage)
• Fixed component, aimed at recovering fixed costs related to meter-
ing and billing
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 133

Distribution tariff components in EU countries by

consumer group: household
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 2

16 19
25 24

Fixed charge (€) Capacity charge Energy Energy reactive Other
(€/kW) charge(€/kWh) (€/kvarh)

Yes No Could apply in some tariffs Data no available

Household distribution grid tariff components in EU member states. (From European
Commission, Study on tariff design for distribution systems, 2015b.)

Several countries have ToU distribution grid tariffs in place, but these are
typically not applicable to residential users and are limited to day and night
or seasonal rates. Tariffs based on electricity usage during system peak
times are not being applied to households in any member state (European
Commission, 2015b). Figure 5.9 illustrates the distribution tariff compo-
nents and the frequency of their usage in household consumer groups in
EU member states.
In terms of weight given to the different tariff drivers, there are also large
differences across the member states. This ranges from almost purely energy
based to almost purely capacity-based tariffs. Note that the Netherlands is
the only country in Europe that does not apply any form of energy-based
tariff to residential grid tariffs (European Commission, 2015b).
In what follows, the regulatory aspects of commodity prices and (use-
of-system) network tariffs for households are discussed in more depth for
a number of regions: Flanders, the Netherlands, Ireland, and the United
Kingdom. Table 5.4 provides a summary of the main characteristics. Flanders
In Flanders, electricity commodity prices are not regulated, at least not in the
classical sense of the word. Suppliers are, by principle, free to set their prices.
However, with consumer protection in mind, policy makers have incorpo-
rated a set of rules in the electricity market laws (the Electricity Act of April 29,
1999) that limit the ability of suppliers to choose or change price levels. In
particular, prices in variable contract types (i.e., when the electricity price is
134 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Regulatory Aspects of Electricity Commodity Prices and Distribution Grid Tariffs
in Flanders, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands
Energy Distribution (Use of System)
Flanders • Prices are not regulated, but • Regulated by Vlaamse
limitations on dynamic pricing. Reguleringsinstantie voor de
• Net metering allowed for small Elektriciteits-en Gasmarkt
users. (VREG)
• Energy-based + fixed
• Injection tariffs (>10 kW)
• Net metering (<10 kW)
• Prosumer tariff (based on
generation capacity, <10 kW)
United • Not directly regulated. • Regulated by Ofgem
Kingdom • Indirect regulations through • Energy-based + fixed
supply license conditions component
(obligation to inform
consumers of their cheapest
rate and potential savings).
Ireland • Not regulated, suppliers can set • Regulated by Commission for
own tariff regimes. Energy Regulation (CER)
• Suppliers will be obliged to • Energy-based + fixed
implement a ToU tariff scheme component
after smart meter roll-out. • ToU tariffs possible (day/night
• Separate urban and rural tariffs
The • Suppliers are allowed to offer
• Regulated by ACM
Netherlands dynamic pricing schemes.
• Capacity-based (based on
• The ACM monitors the energy
connection capacity) + fixed
suppliers and energy prices.
The energy market is free but
• No ToU tariffs
the ACM is allowed to set
• Uniform for residential
maximum prices if energy
pricing is set to high, following
• No energy/power injection
the monopolistic character of
the market.

allowed to change during the course of the contract horizon) are limited, in
the sense that price changes (indexations) are allowed maximum four times
per year, at the start of each trimester (Art 20).
Regulations, as described in the example earlier, put significant limita-
tions on the ability of commercial players (suppliers, aggregators) to develop
active demand products based on dynamic pricing. In principle, it is allowed
to charge different prices for different times of the day. One of the sim-
plest forms of this (day and night pricing) is already being applied regu-
larly in Belgium. However, the updating of these prices to real-time market
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 135

conditions is limited to a maximum of four indexations per year. Similarly,

both in fixed and variable contract types, because of maximum prices, com-
mercial players can be limited in their ability to charge cost-reflective prices
when market conditions deteriorate.
In Flanders, the regional regulator VREG and the DSOs have shared respon-
sibilities in network tariff setting. The regulator sets the tariff methodology
and approves the tariffs calculated and proposed by the DSO. Because of
incentive regulation, the tariffs collected by the DSO are limited by a revenue
cap, which is reviewed every 4 years. Distribution grid tariffs for households
are largely calculated on the basis of active electricity off-take (euro/kWh),
with an added fixed charge to cover metering and billing costs. For prosum-
ers, the following rules apply:

• Prosumers with renewable generation capacity below 10 kW are

allowed to compensate electricity off-take and injection (net meter-
ing). In this case, the electricity meter rolls backward whenever
electricity is injected into the grid. For these users, grid tariffs are
calculated on the basis of annual net off-take.
• For larger generation facilities, exceeding the 10 kW limit, the pro-
sumer is obliged to install separate meters for injection and off-take.
An injection tariff is applicable. At the moment, this tariff is low rela-
tive to off-take tariffs (on average 0.5 Eurocent/kWh for injection vs.
0.13 Eurocent/kWh for off-take).
• In order to still receive compensation for electricity injected into the
grid, the user has to enter a contract with a supplier who wishes to
purchase this electricity. There is, however, no obligation on the part
of suppliers to do this.
• From January 2015 onward, an additional grid tariff is applicable
for prosumers subject to net metering. A “prosumer tariff,” based
on the capacity of the PV system inverter, has been introduced in
order to increase the contribution of prosumers to carrying network
costs. This measure has been quite controversial, as it follows a long
period of subsidies and beneficial tariff caution practices toward
renewables. In addition, the tariff is often deemed discriminatory
toward renewable generators who actively manage their consump-
tion and generation and as such do not contribute as much to net-
work costs.

In general, distribution grid tariffs in Flanders do not encourage the active

management of local generation and demand. Instead, they incentivize
low-grid off-take (which is not necessarily equivalent to low consumption)
and a fit-and-forget approach for local generation. If the investment cost
and subsidy mechanisms are attractive enough, local generation capacity
is best installed up until the point where annual generation equals annual
136 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

consumption, such that the meter reading, and by extension the bill, drops to
zero. The new prosumer tariff, based on the capacity of the inverter, discour-
ages investment in distributed generation, even where it is beneficial for the
grid due to active management of demand. United Kingdom
The methodology for the calculation of distribution grid tariffs is regulated
by Ofgem. The regulator determines the allowed revenue and the tariff
methodology. A so-called RIIO-ED1 price control is in place, setting the out-
puts that the 21 DSOs must deliver and the associated revenues they are
allowed to collect over an 8-year period. This system replaces the previous
RPI-X approach, and the first period started on April 1, 2015, and lasts until
March 31, 2023. The objective of this price control model is to ensure suffi-
cient investment in the grid at a reasonable price for the consumer.
In the United Kingdom, distribution grid tariffs for residential consumers
are based on active energy off-take and include an additional fixed charge.
Connection charges are predominantly shallow (European Commission,
2015b). Electricity commodity prices are not directly regulated. Suppliers are
regulated indirectly through their license conditions. In August 2013, Ofgem
(the regulator) implemented modifications to the license conditions with the
aim of simplifying supplier switching and comparison by residential con-
sumers. Since April 2014, suppliers are obliged to inform consumers of their
cheapest rates. This means that there are no (known) regulatory objections to
implement alternative pricing schemes. Ireland
The distribution sector in Ireland is characterized by a single, state-owned
DSO (ESB Networks Ltd). An incentive-based model is used, based on a
5-year revenue cap. The regulator (CER) is the sole responsible in establish-
ing a tariff methodology and calculating the rates. Network costs are allo-
cated across different system levels and divided by the number of customers
in each level. For example, a distinction is made between rural and urban
consumers. An urban connection is defined as fed from a three-phase over-
head or underground LV network, while a rural connection is characterized
by a connection to a single-phase overhead network.
The network tariff structure is predominantly based on energy charges
and fixed annual charges (European Commission, 2015b). Capacity-based
charges only apply to larger consumers (larger businesses, car manufactur-
ers, etc.). ToU tariffs do exist but are limited to day and night schemes.
No information is found on regulatory provisions that could limit the pos-
sibility to implement new pricing schemes such as dynamic pricing, or ToU
pricing, concerning the energy commodity component.
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 137

In Ireland, the electricity and gas markets are deregulated. Suppliers can
set their own tariff regimes, but in the absence of smart meters, these are flat
rate tariffs. After the roll-out of smart meters, all suppliers will be obliged
by the regulator to have at least one ToU tariff to offer customers post smart
meter install and must, on a regular basis, alert customers to the fact that
there are ToU tariffs available. There will also be an option for suppliers to
introduce dynamically priced tariffs for customers. The Netherlands
The distribution sector in the Netherlands is characterized by eight DSOs,
who are subject to incentive-based regulation, that is, price cap. The regula-
tor is responsible for deciding on the final allowed revenues and the tariff
structure. The DSO calculates and proposes tariff levels to the regulator for
The tariff structure is based on capacity charges and fixed charges
(European Commission, 2015b). The capacity charge, for residential consum-
ers, depends on the maximum contracted connection capacity. These charges
include the transport cost of energy, as well as the measuring costs and the
connection cost. A unique feature of the Dutch system is that there are no
active or reactive energy-based network charges. These capacity-based tariffs
are uniform for all residential consumers (meaning that the price in euro/
kW is the same). Consequently, no ToU-based distribution tariffs exist in the
Netherlands. It is however the case that households carry the largest portion
of network costs. This is disproportionate when considering their electricity
consumption compared to larger consumer types (source). Finally, there is no
network tariff based on injection of electric energy or power.
In the Netherlands, suppliers are allowed to offer dynamic pricing schemes.
However, the “Autoriteit Consument en Markt” monitors the energy suppli-
ers and energy prices that are allowed to set maximum prices if energy pric-
ing is set too high, following the monopolistic character of the market. No
information is found on regulatory provisions that could limit the possibility
to implement new pricing schemes such as dynamic pricing, or ToU pricing,
concerning the energy component.

5.4.3 Demand–Response Services
Incentive-based programs trigger demand modification in the occasion of
critical events based on contractual arrangements in return for an incentive
payment (Dupont, 2015). Although participation is voluntary, falling short
on a specific DR usually results in a penalty. In contrast, price-based pro-
grams allow the end user to enroll in a dynamic pricing scheme. Voluntary
load modifications are based on the user’s own economic and rational prefer-
ences. In such programs, no penalties are incurred, although the user can be
138 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Incentive-Based Demand-Response Products Accessible for Communities
and SMEs
The United
Type Flanders Ireland Netherlands Kingdom
Energy-market services Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ancillary services R3-DP DSU, STAR, NV STOR and FR
Capacity market services SDR — — DSR CMU

imposed to high electricity prices. Incentive-based demand programs can be

divided into different categories (Table 5.5):

Direct load control: Third party is in control of some appliances at the

end user’s premises (e.g., air conditioners, water boiler, and heat
pumps). In the event of system stress, the third party can control
those appliances directly in compensation for a previously known
participation fee.
Curtailable load: End users are in control of their own appliances. By
enrolling into the program, the end user makes the commitment to
modify load when a request is received. The gain for the participants
can take different forms as bill credits and participation fees. A pen-
alty is given in case the user does not respond to the load signal.
Demand bidding: In demand bidding programs, end users make the
commitment to modify load by bidding in the wholesale electricity
market. If the bid is cleared, the end user is obliged to reduce his load
by the according amount.

These programs can be used by market parties to react to prices in the dif-
ferent electricity markets, that is, (1) energy market in which they can react
upon price volatility in day-ahead, intraday, and real-time market; (2) ancil-
lary service markets, such as operating reserves contracted by the system
operator, where demand modification can cover unexpected system short-
ages or excesses; or (3) capacity markets, where demand is used to provide
firm capacity in order to cover the expected peak demand. Although there
are probably less regulatory provisions for incentive-based DR, the regula-
tory framework remains relevant for what concerns the availability of DR
products, ancillary service and capacity market product requirements which
can allow or exclude alternative technologies, are embedded in a regulatory
framework. Furthermore, the procurement of these services would benefit
from a regulatory framework where actors, roles, and interactions are clearly
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 139 Energy-Market Products
In general, the regulatory framework of the liberalized market allows con-
sumers to engage in incentive-based programs with respect to the energy
market. Although this is rarely observed on a residential level, mainly
explained by economic barriers of installing the required metering equip-
ment and ICT infrastructure, this might be different for SMEs with signifi-
cant electricity consumption. SMEs with flexible demand due to cooling, or
other flexible processes, may sell this flexibility to a third party (supplier,
producer, and aggregator), which is active on the electricity market. Ancillary Service and CRM Market Products

It is generally accepted that DR can play an important role in the provision
of operating reserves of capacity remuneration mechanisms (CRMs). The siz-
ing and allocation of this reserve capacity to specific products are conducted
by transmission network operators and approved by regulators. Similarly,
CRMs are bound by regulatory provisions. However, results of the survey
show that products that allow the participation of aggregated resources are
generally available for operating reserve capacity and adequacy services.
In Flanders, specific products are designed by the transmission system
operator (TSO) to allow flexibility providers such as aggregated DR to par-
ticipate in operating reserve (R3-DP) and CRM (strategic reserve) since 2015
strategic demand reserve (SDR). In the Netherlands, no specific products
are created for the participation of new flexibility providers, but available
operating reserve capacity services such as “emergency power reserves
(Noodvermogen, NV)” do facilitate the participation of aggregated DR to
provide quick reserve capacity (TenneT, 2013).
In Great Britain, the system operator allows the participation of aggregated
DR by means of aggregation in reserve services short term operating reserve
(STOR) and frequency response (FR). A specific product STOR Runway is
developed to facilitate DR integration (National Grid, 2015). Furthermore,
DR is allowed to participate in the future capacity market by means of a
demand side response – capacity market unit (DSR CMU) reducing the elec-
tricity demand below a predetermined baseline. These units must have a
minimum capacity of 2 MW (Ofgem, 2015).
In Ireland, DSM has been and is expected to remain a key operational ser-
vice to maintain system security for the island. EirGrid currently operates
a number of peak demand reduction programs to reduce demand, partic-
ularly during the peak periods and tight capacity margins (EirGrid, 2015).
A demand-side unit (DSU) consists of one or more individual demand sites
that can be dispatched by the TSO as if it was a generator. In addition, the
Powersave scheme is implemented to encourage large- and medium-sized
customers to reduce their electricity demand on days when total system
140 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

demand is close to available supply. In return, participating customers are

made payments on the basis of kWh reductions achieved during a Powersave
Event. Finally, short-term active response (STAR) is a scheme operated by the
TSO whereby electricity consumers are contracted to make their load avail-
able for short-term interruptions.

5.4.4 Regulatory Practices and Barriers

The deployment of SGs opens up a large spectrum of new services related
to flexibility and efficiency. However, in most European countries, small
and residential consumers are limited in their ability to offer these services
on designated markets, due to regulatory obstructions. These barriers are
usually in place with the aim of protecting consumers against unfavorable
market conditions or malpractices by competitive players. In the following
paragraphs, an overview is given of the main regulatory barriers to active
market participation by residential communities and SMEs. Note that this is
not an exhaustive list. Some other aspects (e.g., standardization and privacy
issues) are also important to consider, but they do not fall within the scope
of this chapter. Market Entry
In Europe, one of the most prominent regulatory barriers stems from a lack
of market products facilitating participation of demand-side resources,
especially in the LV distribution grid. In wholesale electricity markets, fixed
charges (e.g., participation fees) and high minimum requirements (e.g., mini-
mum trading volume) make it tough for small players to participate. These
requirements are usually embedded in the regulatory framework. The only
way to circumvent them is through aggregation in a portfolio, by a third
party (e.g., a supplier, retailer, or aggregator).
In the ancillary service market, and in CRMs, this barrier is often even
stronger. Operating reserve products, contracted by system operators to
maintain the system security, are usually regulated, with very specific tech-
nical requirements. These products were initially designed for conventional
power plants, and often explicitly exclude DR, or are characterized by tech-
nical requirements that exclude DR indirectly. Today, a trend is observed in
adapting the product requirements, or creating separate products, to allow
the participation of DR, and new flexibility providers. Market Roles
Although most government institutions in Europe take a clear and positive
stance on the development of SGs and active demand, there is still a lack
of a framework regarding the roles and responsibilities necessary for these
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 141

changes to happen. Especially when looking at demand participation on the

distribution level, there is a lot of uncertainty on what is, and what isn’t,
allowed to existing and new players.
One example of a challenge to set up such a framework is how to deal with
conflicts of interest between parties affected by DR, such as suppliers, bal-
ancing responsible parties, aggregators, and network operators. The power
system is already strongly intertwined, but DR actions on the distribution
level increase this complexity significantly. Examples of questions that
need answering include how (and if) suppliers or balance responsible par-
ties (BRPs) should be compensated for potential loss of sales or unexpected
imbalances created by demand modifications by a third party. Energy Prices
In most European countries, prices of electricity are not directly regulated
or determined by the government or regulator. In a liberalized market, com-
petitive pressure is supposed to keep prices at acceptable levels. ToU pricing,
although not frequently applied in practice, is usually allowed as long as it
can be accurately and objectively measured.
However, at the same time, most countries have rules in place that pro-
tect consumers, by law, against frequent price changes and especially price
increases. In several countries, maximum prices for electricity are in place, or
the government has the authority to set maximum prices whenever there is a
supposed need to. In addition, in the case of variable contract types (meaning
that prices are to some extent dynamic and, e.g., subject to indexation based
on wholesale market prices), some regions prevent suppliers from frequently
changing their prices. In addition, there are transparency requirements (e.g.,
publishing of the methodology to calculate prices and notification of the
regulator). These rules, while established with good intent, sometimes lead
to overprotection of consumers and the inability for them to freely decide
to purchase DR products based on dynamic pricing, simply because these
products are not allowed to exist. Network Tariffs and DSO Remuneration

The existing regulation of electricity distribution tariffs in most member
states is still consistent with the traditional features of the distribution busi-
ness. As a result, most tariff methodologies in the EU are based on active
energy off-take and fixed charges. Although this way of charging for net-
work costs is easy for all parties involved, it can be argued that it is not very
efficient. Network costs are more related to the capacity of installed cables
and transformers than to energy transported. Therefore, the tariffs do not
give an incentive to users to behave in a way that is most cost efficient for
the grid as a whole. In most countries, there are discussions and plans to
142 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

reform the grid tariffs and to give more weight to capacity-based tariff driv-
ers. This is consistent with the idea of development of demand-side flexibil-
ity toward commercial market participants, which is also strongly motivated
by the cost-efficiency argument. So far, the Netherlands is the only country
in Europe to completely abolish energy-based tariffs.
However, in their quest for efficient grid tariffs, many regulators are imple-
menting charges that are based on capacity, but are not truly efficient. For
example, the grid tariffs in the Netherlands are based on the contracted
capacity of the user (i.e., the capacity of their connection). Although related
to the initial cost of connecting the user, this tariff driver does not account
for the actual usage of the grid. Users who have the same connection capac-
ity but widely different consumption profiles (e.g., peak consumption vs.
off-peak consumption) still pay the same rate. A second example is the new
prosumer tariff in Flanders. This tariff is based on the capacity of the PV sys-
tem inverter, and therefore it discourages investment in PV altogether, even
when it is actually beneficial to the grid. It does not provide incentives for
active management of demand and assumes that all systems with the same
size have the same impact on network costs. These examples illustrate how
old and new forms of tariff design still limit the incentive for users to actively
manage their consumption and generation. In some cases, the grid tariffs
even incentivize quite the opposite. As a result, investment in SG solutions
and active demand may slow down.

5.5 Conclusions
The results of this study show that the emission reductions by the deploy-
ment of SG technologies (e.g., ICT hardware) are relatively large. Moreover, a
larger penetration of renewable energy, such as PV and heat pumps, can lead
to additional CO2 emissions. However, the choice of hardware components
should be done thoughtfully, so that the additional benefits at least offset the
added CO2 emissions. However, it should be noted that the emission savings
from smart control are relatively smaller than renewable energy production
and come at the expense of increases in electricity consumption and grid
In all countries considered in this study, retail electricity prices are found
to be primarily flat (i.e., fixed over time per unit consumed). Although most
countries have some forms of ToU products in place, these are usually lim-
ited to day and night schemes or seasonal rates, which are communicated
to the user far in advance. In some countries, dynamic pricing is found to
be severely limited, even in cases where consumers voluntarily wish to
participate. In Belgium, for instance, prices in variable contracts can only
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 143

be indexed up to four times per year, at the start of each trimester. In other
countries, such as the Netherlands or the United Kingdom, the regulatory
framework gives more leeway. However, implementation remains limited
due to techno-economic barriers, such as affordable metering and control.
While flat prices do incentivize low consumption (and by extension fewer
emissions), they do not incentivize the shifting of consumption toward times
when generation costs and/or emissions are lowest. As a result, these pricing
schemes do not incentivize the use of SG technologies. It would therefore be
advisable for policy makers to develop a regulatory framework that, at the
very minimum, allows the development of DR products based on dynamic
pricing, providing sufficient transparency and protection mechanisms
against excessive price changes.
With respect to distribution grid tariffs, it is found that these are usually
flat (although day and night schemes do exist) and based on energy off-take,
with an added fixed component related to metering and administrative costs.
The Netherlands is an exception in this regard, being the only country in the
NWE to charge a tariff completely based on the contracted capacity of the
user. In general, flat and energy-based tariffs are not reflective of the under-
lying costs of grid operators, which are more related to capacity. In addition,
they often incentivize a fit-and-forget approach, making investment in SG
infrastructure less attractive.
Despite the fact that some countries have made reform efforts toward
introducing capacity-based tariffs, the proposed solutions do not remove
these shortcomings. Tariffs based on the capacity of the connection (e.g., in
the Netherlands) are not reflective of costs due to actual grid usage. Tariffs
based on the capacity of the PV system (e.g., in Belgium) are not reflective
of the actual costs caused by local generation and discourage PV investment
even when it is beneficial to the grid. In neither of the countries considered
are tariffs based on actual peak usage, or usage during system peaks. Yet,
these types of tariffs may encourage more efficient usage of the grid, which
would be in favor of SG technologies. The roll-out of smart meters plays an
important role in this regard, as it removes a long-standing technical barrier
to improvement of the grid tariffs.
In general, the market design does not yet include an adequate framework
on the procurement of DR services from users connected to the distribution
grid. However, it can be observed that all regions allow participation of DR
in network services, or in CRMs. Some countries developed specific products
that favor DR (e.g., R3-DP as an operating reserve product in Belgium). Other
countries adapted the product requirements in a way that participation of
demand is allowed (e.g., Noodvermogen in the Netherlands). Aggregators
play a key role in encouraging the participation of distributed demand-side
flexibility providers, pooling small pieces of flexibility into marketable prod-
ucts. Note that only SMEs with fairly high electricity consumption are now
participating in these products and that much work is yet to be done in order
to bring this trend to the residential level.
144 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

At the same time, it can be observed that existing actors in the electricity
market are often not strictly prohibited from developing DR products (e.g.,
when they are based on incentive payments). However, the playing field is
characterized by uncertainty, due to a lack of clear rules and responsibilities.
DR services can have an impact on several market participants, and many
questions on the interactions between the system operators, aggregators, and
suppliers remain unanswered. The introduction of flexibility on the level of
communities and SMEs requires a clear and complete definition of the roles
of existing and new market actors in the development and implementation of
new DR products. More specifically, the current set of tasks attributed to the
TSO, the DSOs, the supplier, the generators, the BRPs, and the balancing ser-
vice providers (BSPs) should be reviewed. Clear and fair contractual and com-
munication requirements need to be developed, both for existing and new
parties. This is especially needed in the relationship between the BRP (often
a generator and supplier) and the aggregator or BSP. In addition to bilateral
flexibility services, centralized trading platforms can be developed for the
provision and procurement of flexibility in the form of standardized products.
Because SG technologies and their control algorithms heavily depend on
data (e.g., data related to day-to-day consumption), smart meters, or at least
the data provided by them, play a key role in facilitating their deployment.
The advantages of smart meters include frequent and accurate data col-
lection of bidirectional electricity flows, as well as remote communication
with other appliances. In order to fully exploit their potential, well-defined
measurement and verification protocols are needed, as well as standards for
All countries considered in this survey have either decided to roll out smart
meters or are still in the process of developing a roll-out strategy. In Flanders,
for instance, the minister of energy confirmed her intentions to proceed with
a roll-out from 2019 onward, but a definite political decision will be made by
the end of 2015. The other regions have already made specific plans for roll-
out within the next 5 years. There is, however, a difference in the approach:
whereas most regions choose a regulated market model, with the DSO as the
owner and operator of the meter and its data, the United Kingdom has cho-
sen for a commercial model, in which the supplier is responsible for roll-out,
and data collection happens through a central hub.
Notwithstanding the benefits smart meters can provide, it should be
noted that the ownership model of these meters, and especially of their data,
may strongly affect the extent to which new demand-side services can be
designed. One downside resulting from having a regulated metering model,
in which ownership lies with the DSO and metering functionalities are uni-
form and based on predefined standards, is that this is a one-size-fits-all solu-
tion. For many consumers, if not most, the data provided by smart meters
may be partly unnecessary. For others, the data may be insufficient. Having a
competitive metering model allows for tailored solutions. However, because
meters and their data have high strategic value, a competitive ownership
Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? 145

model can negatively impact competition in the market. Which model to

adopt, however, remains a political choice. In the end, the consumer should
play a central role in the debate. Some barriers to the development of SG
solutions are less obvious but may nonetheless have an effect that should
not be underestimated. An example of this is the current way in which
most EU countries regulate the aggregate costs and revenues of the DSOs.
Traditionally, regulators used a cost-plus approach, meaning that all costs
were subject to regulatory approval, after which a reasonable return on
investment was granted. Now, most member states have switched toward
incentive-based approaches. This usually comes down to implementation of
price or revenue caps, which are based on past revenues, inflation, evolu-
tion of input price indices, and an efficiency term. Operators are allowed to
keep the difference between the revenue cap and their actual costs, and as
such, they receive an incentive toward efficient operation and investment. At
least that is the main objective of this regulatory mechanism. The downside
is that operators simultaneously receive an incentive to cut down on expenses
that lead to long-term benefits (e.g., R&D costs). Instead, they may prefer to
substitute these expenses with solutions that are less costly in the short term
but may also be less beneficial in the long term. In other words, this type of
regulation, without additional measures, may slow down SG development.
Another aspect that is often overlooked, but is nonetheless important from
the side of the consumer, is privacy. The implementation of SGs, and espe-
cially smart electricity meters, implies a large increase in the amount of data
gathered and its exchange between different, sometimes commercial, players.
Metering data can give very detailed insight in the consumption patterns of
consumers, making it, for example, possible to determine whether or not they
are at home. It goes without saying that data security is crucial and that there
is sufficient transparency toward consumers, such that they are aware of who
has access to their personal data. The European legal framework on privacy is
quite clear in pointing out that data processing of personal data is not allowed
without personal consent, except for a limited number of occasions. Given
the fact that processing of consumption data on the level of an individual user
(instead of, for instance, street level) has never been a requirement for secure
network operation, it can be argued that the data provided by a smart meter
has primarily commercial merits. Therefore, without a clear legal framework
on privacy and data protection specifically in the context of SGs, consumers
may feel reluctant to participate in new products and services.

This study has been implemented within the GREAT (Growing Renewable
Energy Applications and Technologies) project funded by the European
146 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

INTERREG IVB North-Western Europe Programme. Nele Witters was

financed by FWO (Research Foundation Flanders).

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Renewables Optimization in
Energy-Only Markets

Patrícia Pereira da Silva and Nuno Carvalho Figueiredo

6.1 Introduction................................................................................................. 149
6.2 Growth of RES-E......................................................................................... 150
6.3 “Merit-Order Effect” and the “Missing Money Problem”.................... 154
6.4 Market Integration of High Level RES-E................................................. 159
6.5 RES-E Optimization through Market Integration................................. 163
6.6 Final Remarks.............................................................................................. 165
Acknowledgments............................................................................................... 166
References.............................................................................................................. 166

6.1 Introduction
The promotion of renewable energy source for electricity (henceforth referred
to as RES-E) by the European Union (EU) aims to reduce dependency on
imported fossil fuels and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, resulting in
the successful deployment of RES-E generation in Europe (European Union
2009a). This has been achieved through a set of energy policies, compris-
ing, among others, strong financial instruments, like feed-in tariffs, feed-in
­premia, fiscal incentives, and tax exemptions (Meyer 2003; Jager et al. 2011).
The changes in the European electricity systems are profound and ongo-
ing. New challenges arise from the high-level penetration of RES-E, both in
the technical sense and in the market design, due to the known RES-E inter-
mittency and nondispatchability (Benatia et al. 2013).
Simultaneously, electricity markets in Europe are being restructured in
face of a number of European policies intending to guarantee the supply of
electricity, reduce costs, foster competition, ensure security of supply, and
protect the environment (European Union 2009b). Alongside, unbundling
and privatization of the electricity supply industry has been achieved in most
of the EU Member States, together with the creation of independent national
regulatory agencies, introducing competition at the different market levels

150 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

(da Silva 2007). Energy-only markets remunerate electrical energy based on

the traded volume and price. Therefore, increasing RES-E creates a depres-
sion in spot electricity prices due to the merit-order effect of zero marginal
cost bidding and diminishes the available load for the remaining nonzero
bidding technologies (Traber and Kemfert 2011). The size of this residual
load (Henriot and Glachant 2013) sets the electricity spot market price and
provides the main income to electricity suppliers. Thus, one of the funda-
mental issues affecting electricity markets is the integration of RES-E and
the associated impact on price signals for investment in the electricity sys-
tem. In parallel, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS),
based on the “cap-and-trade” principle, emerged to be the cornerstone of
the European Union’s policy to combat climate change and its key tool for
reducing industrial GHG cost effectively (Freitas and da Silva 2015). Among
the several industries covered by the scheme, the electricity sector is the
largest one. Launched in 2005, the implementation of the EU ETS was set
to run in three phases: the first (pilot phase) ranging from 2005 to 2007, the
second from 2008 to 2012, and now in its third phase running from 2013 to
2020. Nevertheless, the collapse of the CO2 price weakens the link between
the carbon market and the electricity market, consequently putting at risk
the policy goals associated with carbon pricing (da Silva et al. 2015, 2016;
Moreno and da Silva 2016) and, thus, leaving increased relevance for the role
of RES-E.
In this chapter, an analysis of the main concerns in integrating RES-E into
the spot electricity markets is provided. The influence of high-level RES-E
in “energy-only” electricity markets is discussed, highlighting its optimiza-
tion through market integration. In Section 6.2, an overview of the experi-
enced growth in RES-E generation is delivered, followed in Section 6.3 by
the description of two main concerns of high RES-E penetration currently in
the minds of many stakeholders in the electricity sector. In Section 6.4, the
analysis of the issues, challenges, and strategies that the European electricity
sector faces with the integration of high levels of RES-E is presented and dis-
cussed. The RES-E optimization through regional market integration is then
highlighted in Section 6.5, as it is considered one of the most important items
in RES-E market integration and consequent optimization. Final remarks are
presented in Section 6.6.

6.2 Growth of RES-E
The world demand for energy calls for increasing sustainable energy sys-
tems. “Sustainable” means, in this context and according to Brundtland’s
report (Brundtland 1987), energy that does not jeopardize future genera-
tions, a reality that can be accomplished through renewable energy sources.
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 151

In line with this, the development of renewable energy technologies aims

to improve energy security, decrease the dependency on fossil fuels, and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Europe’s ambitious target of 20% renewable energy sources in 2020 (or 33%
renewable energy sources for electricity) prompted several member states
to propose highly attractive support mechanisms. Denmark, Germany,
Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, and Belgium, for example, have seen their
share of renewable energy sources, mainly in wind and solar, increase dras-
tically in a few years.
Among all renewable energy sources, wind and solar were the ones sub-
ject to the strongest research and development, based on clusters established
in some regions of Europe. All these efforts required financial instruments
like feed-in tariffs, feed-in premia, fiscal incentives, tax exemptions, and
others (Meyer 2003; Klessmann et al. 2008; Jager et al. 2011; Amorim et al.
2013). These financial instruments provided an initial incentive to invest
in nonmature RES-E technologies. However, with time, wind and solar
power became mature and investment costs decreased to levels where these
instruments are obsolete. In fact, the financial burden of RES-E incentive
policies is significant and are being reviewed in Europe. Germany and
Spain, for instance, took actions reducing RES-E financial support (Moreno
and Martínez-Val 2011; Diekmann et al. 2012).
One of the most successful examples of RES-E incentive policies can be
found in Denmark, where a partnership between public and private institu-
tions was established (Danish Energy Authority 2007). By 1972, Denmark
did not have significant wind power, which after a strong energy policy shift
managed to reach 20% RES-E share in 2008 (Lund 2010; Lund et al. 2013).
Since then, the RES-E share in Denmark continued to rise, reaching, in 2015,
41.4% of wind power and 13.8% of essentially biomass (Figure 6.1). This level
of RES-E is possible due to the cross-border interconnections that allow elec-
tricity trading in the Nord Pool and smooths production profiles with the
use of neighboring pumped storage hydro plants. The Danish 50% target for
wind power production can only be achieved with strong interconnected
electricity markets (Benatia et al. 2013).
Other European countries also pursued the same route of RES-E deploy-
ment. Both Iberian countries had an outstanding increase in wind power,
while only in Spain there was significant development in solar power.
Furthermore, the hydropower generation share historically high in Iberia
as seen in Figures 6.2 and 6.3. Energiewende in Germany is the policy shift
that prescribed the nuclear phase-out and the replacement of fossil genera-
tion with RES-E. Figure 6.4 will illustrate that this policy has been quite suc-
cessful in deploying wind, solar, and biomass; Germany has currently the
largest wind and solar power in Europe with 40.5 and 38.2 GW of installed
capacity, respectively (BP 2015). Similar RES-E developments are scheduled
throughout Europe, depending on country-specific energy policies and
financial incentives available. For example, as shown in Figure 6.5, in the
152 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Hydropower RES-E (without hydro) Wind power Solar power Geothermal and biomass
Electricity generation share of demand





1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010

Hydropower, RES-E, wind, solar, and geothermal/biomass electricity generation shares evolu-
tion in Denmark. (From BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, 2015, http://www.bp.com/
en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html.  Accessed
March 31, 2016.)

Hydropower RES-E (without hydro) Wind power Solar power Geothermal and biomass
Electricity generation share of demand





1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010

Hydropower, RES-E, wind, solar, and geothermal/biomass electricity generation shares evolu-
tion in Portugal. (From BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, 2015, http://www.bp.com/
en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html.  Accessed
March 31, 2016.)
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 153

Hydropower RES-E (without hydro) Wind power Solar power Geothermal and biomass

Electricity generation share of demand





1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010

Hydropower, RES-E, wind, solar, and geothermal/biomass electricity generation shares evolu-
tion in Spain. (From BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, 2015, http://www.bp.com/en/
global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html. Accessed March
31, 2016.)

Hydropower RES-E (without hydro) Wind power Solar power Geothermal and biomass

Electricity generation share of demand





1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010

Hydropower, RES-E, wind, solar, and geothermal/biomass electricity generation shares evolu-
tion in Germany. (From BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, 2015, http://www.bp.com/
en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html.  Accessed
March 31, 2016.)
154 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

United Kingdom
Hydropower RES-E (without hydro) Wind power Solar power Geothermal and biomass

Electricity generation share of demand





1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010 1990 2000 2010

Hydropower, RES-E, wind, solar, and geothermal/biomass electricity generation shares
evolution in the United Kingdom. (From BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, 2015,
energy.html. Accessed March 31, 2016.)

UK wind power generation share grew to 9.4%, however without significant

solar power development.
The EU 2030 targets a RES-E share increase to 45%, revealing that RES-E
still needs to grow, displacing technologies with higher greenhouse gas
emissions and thus contributing to its desired reduction. Impacts of this
high level of RES-E penetration on electricity markets are discussed in the
following sections, starting with the effects on the existing energy-only mar-
kets and related influence on utility business, followed by some strategies to
facilitate the transition to a more sustainable electricity system.

6.3 “Merit-Order Effect” and the “Missing Money Problem”

Electricity trading in Europe is currently based on several types of markets:
exchanges or spot markets, bilateral and over-the-counter markets, ancil-
lary services markets, and retail markets. Presently, electricity exchanges
in Europe trade volumes of electricity at a clearing price, matching sup-
ply and demand. All market agents bidding lower than the clearing price
trade their bidding volumes at that price. These exchanges have day-ahead
sessions for each of the day period (usually for each of the 24 hours) and
intraday sessions to provide a first level for the electrical system balance.
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 155

The electricity market price clearance is done for a specific geographical

area, which depends not only on national borders, but also in some cases
on internal transmission capacity, reflecting electricity flow constraints and
allowing for distinct price signals in each area (e.g., Sweden with four bid-
ding areas). In Europe, spot electricity market bidding areas are then joined
through a market coupling/splitting mechanism where bidding areas with
lower prices export electricity to markets with higher prices through the
interconnections. If the interconnection capacity is large enough to accom-
modate the exported electricity flows (without congestion), then the price
is the same in both markets, otherwise market splitting occurs and two
regional market prices are cleared (EPEX et al. 2010).
On the supply side, the so-called merit-order of generators depends on the
marginal costs of each market agent bidding in the spot electricity market.
These marginal costs of market agents depend mainly on the generation
technology in their electricity production portfolio and related operational
costs (Eydeland and Wolyniec 2003). Each generating plant operational
cost presents several components like fuel, variable consumables, variable
maintenance, emissions, and transmission costs. Generally, in the bottom of
the supply curve one can find market agents bidding electricity produced
with low marginal cost technologies, like nuclear or hydro. This is the also
the case of renewable generation technologies with high capital costs and
small operational costs, which will produce as much electrical energy as the
applicable renewable resource available (Klessmann et al. 2008). Therefore,
electricity spot prices are significantly dependent on the available renewable
electrical energy in the market, given that renewable power comes first in
the merit-order, lowering spot electricity prices and potentially causing zero,
or even negative, price periods in the case when demand is fully covered
(Felder 2011; Schaber et al. 2012).
Confirmation of this is obtained through the analysis of data extracted
from the Iberian electricity spot market (OMIE), from July 1, 2008, to March
15, 2014, where the volume of bids at zero price is found to be positively
correlated with the available RES-E power generation, as seen in Figure 6.6.
Clearly, the spot electricity price is also correlated with the volume of bids
at zero price, however, negatively, with significant amount of market peri-
ods with zero spot electricity price (Figure 6.7), confirming the statements of
Schaber et al. (2012), Felder (2011), and Edenhofer et al. (2013).
Renewable power bids shift the aggregated supply curve to the right and
displace high marginal cost generation out of the merit order. This, as men-
tioned earlier, is the so-called merit-order effect, causing a reduction in the
spot electricity price and reducing the load available for conventional power,
or the so-called residual load (Sensfuß et al. 2008; Felder 2011; Henriot and
Glachant 2013). The residual load is positively correlated with the spot electric-
ity price, as observed for the OMIE in Figure 6.8. In Figure 6.9, we can detect
that the hour with the highest RES-E generated in Iberia in the data sample
extracted from the OMIE was on January 28, 2014, hour 20. Considering the
156 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

2008-07-01 to 2014-03-15
Electrical energy bids at zero (MWh)






0 10,000 20,000 30,000

RES-E load (MWh)

OMIE electrical energy bids at zero vs. renewable power generation.

2008-07-01 to 2014-03-15
Electrical energy bids at zero (MWh)






0 40 80 120
Spot electricity price (€/MWh)

OMIE electrical energy bids at zero vs. spot electricity price.

aggregated supply curves with, and without, the RES-E bids, it is possible to
compute the merit-order effect, which for this hour alone amounted to 2.1
million Euros.
Felder (2011) actually stated that by providing incentives to “out-of-market”
technologies, such as most renewables, spot electricity prices would fall to
zero. Lower spot electricity prices* are often used to justify the incentives

* For example, each GWh of RES-E predicted in German-Austria Würzburg et al. (2013)
reported €1/MWh decrease in spot electricity price.
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 157

2014-01-28 hour 20

Price (€/MWh)



0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000
Electrical energy (MWh)

OMIE residual electrical energy vs. spot electricity price.

2008-07-01 to 2014-03-15

Residual load (MWh)




0 40 80 120
Spot electricity price (€/MWh)

OMIE aggregated demand and supply curves (with RES-E bids—solid and without RES-E

provided to RES-E; however, they create a number of challenges related with

the investment signals and capital cost recovery. Additionally, wealth fails to
shift from producers to consumers (Sensfuß et al. 2008; Gelabert et al. 2011;
Würzburg et al. 2013), as in most cases savings are not obtained by consum-
ers due to the inclusion of renewable incentive costs in their electricity bills.
Additional concerns and challenges of high generation shares of RES-E
are reported both in the technical sense and in the market design. On the
158 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

technical sense, it is possible to list the following: generation variability

and uncertainty, adequate transmission capacity, flexibility and standby of
dispatchable generation, electrical system regulation and frequency con-
trol, demand-side response, RES-E curtailment, energy storage, adequate
transmission grid, and cross-border interconnections (Mauritzen 2010;
Nicolosi 2010; Edenhofer et al. 2012; Lynch et al. 2012). Concerning the mar-
ket design, one can enumerate electricity market integration, the cost allo-
cation of transmission grid and cross-border interconnections, intraday
and reserve power markets, RES-E financial support schemes, and capacity
support mechanisms (Nicolosi 2010; MIT Energy Initiative 2011; Batlle et al.
2012; Benatia et al. 2013).
Vis-à-vis market design, the reduced residual load and the depressed spot
electricity prices, along with the technical challenges and costs of peaking
conventional thermal power plants, are currently stressing utilities income.
A revenue reduction of 60% for conventional power plants in regions with
high RES-E penetration is reported, making capital cost recovery problem-
atic (Schaber et al. 2012; Würzburg et al. 2013). Moreover, in the presence of
barriers to exit,* conventional power producers remain available as market
agents, further contributing for system electricity surplus, thinning costs
to a level where plant reliability may pose an issue (Nelson et al. 2015).
Higher volatility can be expected with low plant reliability, which under
an “energy-only” electricity market could provide adequate price signals
to stakeholders. Nevertheless, high volatility and price caps conflict with
these signals, rendering investment in new plant unattractive in the long
run. The “missing money problem” of an energy-only electricity market
arises when the market fails to provide incentives to sustain adequate gen-
eration capacity. Balancing markets and ancillary services, usually run
by system operators, if suitably remunerated, might mitigate this issue by
providing additional income to generators that are able to deliver these
types of services to the grid† (Cramton and Stoft 2006; Edenhofer et al. 2013;
Newbery 2015).
The “missing money problem” not only impacts conventional generation
but also affects RES-E market integration. If RES-E is exposed to market
risks without the known financial support, given the depressed short-term
marginal pricing from an “energy-only” electricity market, capital cost
recovery would be problematic. Thus, investment in RES-E can also be at
risk depending on the future developments of financial incentives and elec-
tricity market integration of RES-E. Large amounts of RES-E might only be
financially sustainable if incentives are kept and market integration and
design is carefully considered. Given the EU targets of RES-E expansion to

* Exit barriers, originating from policy or economic reasons, means retiring plants from the
electricity market not mothballing (Nelson et al. 2015).
† Balancing services can consist of primary reserve, secondary reserve, automatic generation

control, voltage and frequency control, and black start.

Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 159

45% generation share, further spot electricity price reductions will be seen,
aggravating the missing money problem. Edenhofer et al. (2013) summa-
rize three possible causes for the “missing money problem”: capped spot
prices during scarcity events, low spot electricity prices to sustain existing
capacity, and investors discouraged by high price volatility and risks. A gen-
eration adequacy problem arises, given the absence of new capacity deploy-
ment (Cramton and Stoft 2006).
The challenges faced by the integration of high levels of RES-E require the
introduction of additional strategies in the European electricity sector. These
are discussed in the following section.

6.4 Market Integration of High Level RES-E

The market integration of RES-E is currently a hot topic and it is being
addressed by an increasing number of researchers. The large penetration of
RES-E in some of the European electricity markets created a set of challenges,
both in a technical and a market perspective. As already unveiled in the pre-
vious section, the high-level RES-E deployment caused market failures and
distrust in the energy-only electricity markets implemented throughout the
EU (Edenhofer et al. 2013). The generation mix is not market driven, cre-
ating a nonsustainable financial situation for both utilities and consumers,
the former with impaired revenues not being able to recover investments
and the latter having to support high value subsidy schemes for RES-E. The
associated costs of the financial support mechanisms to RES-E raise some
concerns. With RES-E technologies becoming mature, a gradual reduction of
subsidies would be expected, due to the reduction investment costs, increas-
ing competitiveness, and the subsidy expiration of older units. Germany and
its “Energiewende” is in the forefront, aiming to replace nuclear and coal
power generation in one go, nevertheless with a demanding cost contain-
ment exercise (Würzburg et al. 2013; Hirschhausen 2014).
Two key expressions were introduced by Henriot and Glachant (2013)
considering the integration of RES-E in the electricity markets and associ-
ated risks: melting-pot and salad-bowl. The former exposes RES-E to the same
rules as any other conventional generator capable of controlling dispatch
(performing as any market agent bidding volumes of electricity at a price
for each market period and subject to imbalancing charges by noncompli-
ance to deliver scheduled volumes of electrical energy), while the latter
could accommodate two different sets of rules, one for dispatchable units
and another for nondispatchable units. It is argued that RES-E particulari-
ties are inadequate for spot market bidding, since there is no control on the
available renewable resource (therefore, no control on the electricity vol-
umes fed into the system), the prediction of future volumes of electricity
160 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

generation is limited (high risk of exposure to imbalancing charges), and,

with low marginal cost pricing, investment costs might not be recovered
(additionally, there are no incentives to invest in new RES-E and conven-
tional power plant capacity). Moreover, Batlle et al. (2012) endorse that the
market power of incumbents would increase when owning RES-E and con-
ventional power simultaneously, by adopting a strategic behavior. However,
without price signals, RES-E might not have incentives to optimize opera-
tional costs and the existing price signals, dependent on the residual load,
are not adequate to sustain conventional power (Klessmann et al. 2008).
Flexibility of the electricity system is paramount in obtaining an efficient
electricity market incorporating a high level of RES-E. A number of propos-
als are laid down in the literature to disentangle the RES-E market inte-
gration issues, discussed earlier, and introduce the required flexibility, as
listed here:

• A premium system allows RES-E compensation above the spot elec-

tricity market, limiting market risk and allowing investment cost
recovery. RES-E would be subject to the same market rules and
risks of the other agents with conventional dispatchable power,
including imbalancing charges applicable to deviations from pro-
grammed electrical energy. Thus, forecasting RES-E generation is of
the upmost importance, improving system predictability and mini-
mizing imbalance costs (Klessmann et al. 2008). A similar system,
spot market plus a premium with a cap and a floor, is already imple-
mented in Spain as an option to agents with more than 1 MW, sub-
ject to all market rules, with the exception of mandatory secondary
reserve market participation and the reactive regime remaining the
same (Rivier Abbad 2010). Furthermore, Nicolosi (2010) states that
this premium system for RES-E would limit negative pricing as is
the case in Germany.
• Improve demand-side response, including households and indus-
try load management, and in a foreseeable future electrical vehicle
smart charging. This would make the electrical system more flexible
to cope with RES-E intermittency (Benatia et al. 2013).
• Development of storage technology in addition to hydro-pumped-
storage, and growing storage installed capacity to allow the use
of electricity surplus when there is abundant renewable resource,
increasing RES-E utilization (Benatia et al. 2013). The use of com-
pressed air energy storage (CAES), as a new storage technology, is
mentioned by Nicolosi (2010), given that most of the sites in Europe
where hydro-pumped-storage is possible are already explored.
• Integration of electricity markets, including balancing and ancillary
service markets, allowing generation optimization and increasing
RES-E utilization.
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 161

• Rising grid flexibility through the reinforcement of transmission

and distribution lines and cross-border interconnections, increasing
security of supply and regional imbalances. Additionally, by extend-
ing the transmission grid into zones of high availability of renew-
able resource, the RES-E potential can then be unleashed and used
in other high demand zones (Schaber et al. 2012).
• Flexible and efficient generation mix sustained by high price spikes,
recognizing scarcity, and allowing investment cost recovery of con-
ventional power. This is fundamental to guarantee the security of sup-
ply in the absence of renewable resource and low RES-E generation.
• Capacity mechanisms might be required to support backup dis-
patchable generation, allowing for investment cost recovery and
providing an incentive for new dispatchable, efficient, and low emis-
sion power plants (e.g., combined cycle gas turbines) (Henriot and
Glachant 2013).

Moreover, intermittency is a well-known characteristic of RES-E due to its

nondispatchability and the variable nature of renewable resources. Moreno
and Martínez-Val (2011), for example, identify events in Spain when wind
power decreases 10 GW within 24 hours coincident with increasing demand
of 16 GW within 8 hours. Furthermore, the increasing deployment of photo-
voltaic power is changing the daily load profile and increases production pre-
diction errors. The limited storability of electrical energy creates a difficulty
in balancing these events. An electrical system with high shares of RES-E, as
described earlier, needs to be flexible to guarantee a determined reliability
level* of supply with or without renewable resources available. Therefore,
a short notice electricity supply source is required when RES-E suddenly
fails. These supply sources consist of the so-called backup power and have to
be adequately compensated, guaranteeing not only their marginal costs but
also fixed and investment costs, through adequate scarcity price signals or
capacity mechanisms (Henriot and Glachant 2013). This backup power can at
first be provided by standby power plants such as

• Power storage—hydro-pump-storage, CAES

• Dispatchable renewables—hydro-dams, biomass
• Thermal power—combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), coal, and

Given the GHG emission reduction targets and the flexibility required,
it is fundamental to prioritize the development of power storage and

* The reliability of a transmission system can be measured by a number of indicators: loss of

load expectation, loss of load events, loss of expected energy, expected energy unserved, and
value of lost load (Newbery 2015).
162 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

dispatchable renewables. Hydro-pump-storage is beyond doubt the

main storage technology available, which is capable of storing the large
amounts of energy required nowadays. Nevertheless, given the limited
sites available to further develop this type of power facilities, incentives
should be provided for the research and development of new storage tech-
nologies, such as batteries or CAES (Benatia et al. 2013). In the thermal
power category, CCGTs are by far the most flexible and efficient (Moreno
and Martínez-Val 2011). However, due to the low amount of residual load,
hence diminished load factors, their financial sustainability needs to be
considered, either through adequate scarcity price signals or capacity
With the implementation of capacity mechanisms, power plants capable of
dispatch control are remunerated for providing a power capacity guarantee.
This capacity guarantee might be subject to regular testing if the plant is
not operated for some time. Capacity mechanisms can be applied in various
forms, of which capacity payments, strategic reserves, and capacity markets
are the most common (Meulman and Méray 2012). The idea of capacity mech-
anisms is not undisputed, as it is seen to introduce an additional subsidy
and is subject to over-procurement (Hildmann et al. 2015; Newbery 2015).
In fact, some authors defend that energy-only markets are able to provide
adequate price signals if combined with other measures, such as adequate
remuneration of security services, reinforcing transmission grids and cross-
border interconnections, and demand response implementation, among oth-
ers (Henriot and Glachant 2013; Newbery 2015).
Backup power can also be provided by a strong and flexible transmission
grid and interconnections. This is a more suitable alternative, compared
to a massive supply infrastructure built merely for backup and hard to be
financially justified. Besides, reinforcing transmission grids also allows the
optimization of other existing production infrastructure, including baseload
plants, such as nuclear and coal power plants (Schaber et al. 2012). With a
strong transmission grid, surplus amounts of RES-E can be transported to
other load centers without grid congestions and the need to proceed with
curtailments, thus optimizing RES-E production. This occurs when there is
high availability of renewable resource and the RES-E installed capacity is
able to produce more electrical energy than the amount demanded. In the
absence of adequate transmission grid capacity, the surplus of electrical
energy does not have a path to flow and the lines become constrained, lead-
ing to selective curtailment of RES-E and inefficiencies. Cross-border inter-
connections can thenceforth facilitate the trade of these surplus amounts and
at the same time provide geographical dispersion and diversification of the
generation mix available, improving security of supply and replacing the
need for standby generation.
Flexibility of the electricity system can similarly be attained by ade-
quate reactions on the demand side. Demand response or demand-side
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 163

management is the concept involving consumers responding to short-term

price signals and adjusting demand accordingly. Consumers would be able
to decrease demand, if adequate incentives are provided, by transferring
some loads to lower price periods of the day, including in the future the
well-known electric vehicle charging (Benatia et al. 2013). These price signals
would be part of smart grid information, to which each consumer would
have access through the installed smart-meter. Rising demand elasticity
would mitigate the missing money problem and help in balancing supply
and demand (Newbery 2015).
No unique answer can be found to the challenge of RES-E market inte-
gration, rather a mix of well-adjusted actions should be taken from backup
power with storage and thermal, to reinforce transmission grid and demand
response—all can play a part in the future electricity system, desired to be
reliable and sustainable.

6.5 RES-E Optimization through Market Integration

Market integration in wholesale electricity trading has been intensively pur-
sued by the European policy pursuing the vision of a single energy market
since the 1990s. Policy makers have been encouraged by the pursuit of eco-
nomic efficiency and greater competition, to reinforce interconnectors and
harmonize trading rules, given the emergence of substantial amounts of
intermittent renewable generation.
A high level of RES-E generation can create transmission grid congestion,
thus reinforcing the transmission grid and cross-border interconnections is
paramount in RES-E market integration and in regional electricity market
integration. As stated in the previous section, this is one of the fundamental
actions to be taken to achieve an efficient electricity market.
Cross-border interconnections present numerous advantages, such as
production optimization, increasing opportunities for operation with
renewable energies, the promotion of competition, and the improvement
of supply security by providing backup supply. Yet, the existing limited
capacity has to be managed efficiently, allowing for cross-border trading.
The cross-border interconnection management made through implicit
auctions, the market splitting/coupling mechanisms, allows the coordina-
tion of different price areas, increasing overall welfare in the electricity
markets (Jacottet 2012). Weber et al. (2010) clarify the difference between
market splitting and market coupling: in market splitting a single power
exchange operates several electricity bidding areas, whilst under market
coupling multiple power exchanges cooperate to manage different elec-
tricity bidding areas.
164 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy




t split





er P
Hy 0.4 0.2

er P
T( 0.2 Wi

Predicted probability response to wind and hydro power generation shares in Portugal.

Extensive research on modeling electricity market integration can be

found in the literature, expressed both in terms of price convergence and
the dynamics of shock transmissions. Price convergence has been modeled
by estimating the probability of market splitting between electricity bidding
areas. In Figueiredo et al. (2015a,b), nonparametric models were used to esti-
mate market splitting probabilities unveiling its behavior and determinants
associated with RES-E. It was shown that different dimensions of electrical
systems play a role in the behavior of the electricity market splitting. For
example, as shown in Figure 6.10, in Portugal, when we are in the presence
of simultaneous high generation of wind and hydropower, market-splitting
probability in Iberia increases. Low marginal cost generation is demon-
strated to affect market splitting, and therefore cross-border congestion.
This is true even considering the high level of cross-border interconnections
between Iberian countries.*
Coordination between the development of RES-E and reinforcements of
transmission grid, including cross-border interconnections, should exist in

* The current cross-border interconnection capacity is 3000 MW representing 32% of the small-
est bidding area peak demand.
Renewables Optimization in Energy-Only Markets 165

the European energy policy. This would allow price convergence between
bidding areas to be within reasonable levels, fostering market integration.

6.6 Final Remarks
As we mentioned in the previous sections, the extensive deployment of
RES-E in some European electricity markets creates demanding challenges
to the electricity sector. RES-E development aims to improve energy secu-
rity, decrease the dependency on fossil fuels, and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. With the targets set for 2030 by the EU, establishing a RES-E
share increase to 45%, RES-E is required to further grow in the electricity
system. Given the “merit-order effect,” where the low marginal cost RES-E
displaces the aggregated supply bid curve to the right, the available residual
load decreases dramatically for technologies with higher marginal costs.
Additionally, spot electricity prices also decrease and the market fails to pro-
vide correct signals to sustain adequate generation capacity, the “missing
money problem.”
Moreover, RES-E integration into the electricity market requires market
adjustments in order to overcome the identified failures. The melting-pot
and salad-bowl express the two alternative routes for policy makers; how-
ever, one thing we can ascertain is that flexibility of the electricity system is
fundamental to obtain an efficient electricity market. This flexibility can be
obtained through a number of strategies, of which regional market integra-
tion and demand response seem to be unanimous throughout the literature.
Policy makers pursue regional market integration because it is believed
that it will lead to economic efficiency and greater competition, benefiting
from cross-border interconnections and trade. It provides the desired elec-
tricity system flexibility for RES-E market integration and improves secu-
rity of supply. Nevertheless, congestion of cross-border interconnections,
thus electricity price divergence between bidding areas, is demonstrated
to occur with high low marginal cost generation, and consequently rein-
forcing the transmission grid and cross-border interconnections is vital.
Transmission grid and cross-border interconnection expansions should be
coordinated with RES-E deployment in order to contribute to electricity
price convergence.
Albeit recognizing some factors that influence the deployment of renew-
ables, there is no defined formula to facilitate the integration of high lev-
els of RES-E into the electricity system. Policy makers and stakeholders, in
general, have to consider all available strategies and tailor the best possible
path, bearing in mind that interactions between regions exist and that the
objective is common: to obtain a competitive, reliable, and sustainable elec-
tricity system.
166 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
under project grant UID/MULTI/00308/2013.

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Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid
under Uncertainty Condition

Gabriella Ferruzzi and Giorgio Graditi

7.1 Introduction.................................................................................................171
7.2 Microgrids....................................................................................................172
7.2.1 Definitions........................................................................................172
7.2.2 Structures of Control......................................................................174
7.2.3 Microgrid Ownership and Business Model................................175 The DSO Monopoly Model.............................................175 The Prosumer Consortium Model.................................175 The Free Market Model...................................................175
7.3 Deliberalized Energy Market Structure...................................................176
7.3.1 Agents in the Deregulated Electricity Market............................176
7.3.2 The Pool............................................................................................177
7.4 Uncertainties Evaluation...........................................................................178
7.4.1 Uncertainty Factors.........................................................................178 Load...................................................................................178 Electricity Prices...............................................................179 Renewable Power Production........................................179
7.4.2 Forecasting Techniques..................................................................179 Conventional Approach..................................................180 Computational Intelligence............................................183 Other Approach: The Weather Predictions..................184
7.5 Case Study...................................................................................................186
7.6 Conclusion...................................................................................................194

7.1 Introduction
Due to the increase of the energy demand, to the obsolescence of the HV grid,
to the improving of the sensitivity to environmental issue, micro-grids (MGs)
and smart-grids (SGs) can become a real opportunity of success.

172 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

These are conceived as electric grids in low voltage (LV) and medium volt-
age (MV), respectively, able to deliver electricity in a controlled smart way
from points of generation to consumers. Through the two-way flow of infor-
mation between suppliers and consumers, the new grids encourage users’
participation in energy saving and their cooperation through the demand–
response mechanism.
Several investigators have analyzed the role played by MGs/SGs in terms
of energy price reduction or reliability system improvement, as well as their
impact on the operating costs reduction or on environmental aspects.
In this chapter, a risk management model for the day-ahead energy market
is proposed to determine optimal economic choices for the management of
an MG that works under uncertainty conditions.
The chapter is divided into four sections. In the first, the MG concept is
described; in the second, the market structure is analyzed; in the third, sev-
eral methodologies to evaluate the uncertainties are discussed; and in the last
section, a case study is presented.

7.2 Microgrids
7.2.1 Definitions
The power grid consists of various electrical components and at multiple
levels: transmission in high voltage (HV), distribution in medium voltage
(MV), and distribution in low voltage (LV).
In this framework, the microgrids (MGs) are classified as a distribution grid
with distributed energy resources (microturbines, fuel cells, photovoltaics—
PV, etc.) and storage devices (flywheels, energy capacitors, and batteries),
usually in LV, able to provide services in both autonomous (island) and grid-
connected modes (Figure 7.1).
Different components, designs, and rules are defined by the manager of an
MG, who aggregates the capacity of different components and buys or sells,
for each hour, power from/to the grid with higher-level voltage (Lassater,
2001; Schwaegerl et al., 2009b; Del Carpio et al., 2010; El-hawary, 2014; Graditi
et al., 2016a).
From the grid’s point of view, an MG is as a controlled entity within the
power system that can operate as a single aggregated load; from a customer’s
point of view, MGs not only provide their thermal and electricity needs, but
in addition, enhance local reliability, reduce emissions, improve power qual-
ity, and can contribute to the accommodation of electric vehicles and stor-
ages (Figure 7.2). In this framework, the concept of control and management
assumes a key role (Favuzza et al., 2006; Schwaegerl et al., 2009a,b, 2010).
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 173

20 kW

400 V
Residential load

PV 3
Commercial load

PV 2
PV 1

PV 4

Microgrid scheme.

Local market Integration of

Optimization of
implementation due to renewable energy
energy production
reduced energy price sources (RES)

Micro grid

Accomodation of
Environmental Smart devices
friendly implementation
vehicles and storages

Microgrid advantages.
174 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

7.2.2 Structures of Control
There is no general structure of MG control architecture, since the configura-
tion depends on the type of MG or the existing infrastructure, but, indepen-
dent of the architecture, the hierarchic scheme comprises the three following
levels (Schwaegerl et al., 2009b; Mahmoud et al., 2014):

• Local microsource controllers (MCs) and load controllers (LCs)

• Microgrid central controller (MGCC)
• Central autonomous management controller (CAMC)

With regard to the function of the responsibilities assumed by the different

control levels, two different structures of control are recognized: centralized
and decentralized.
In centralized control, the main responsibility for the maximization of the
MG value is the microgrid central controller (MGCC), which provides the
main interface between the MG and other actors and can assume different
roles, ranging from the main responsibility for the maximization of the MG
value to the simple coordination of the local MCs. Finally, MGCC sends dis-
patch signals to both the MCs and LCs (Tsikalakis and Hatziargyriou, 2008;
Schwaegerl et al., 2009b; Kaur et al., 2016).
In a fully decentralized approach, the main responsibility is given to the
MCs that compete to optimize their production, taking into account current
market prices.
This is based on the multiagent* system (MAS) theory. The core idea is that
an autonomous control process is assumed by each controllable element. The
MAS theory describes the relationship between the agents and the organi-
zation of the whole system, although the agent does not know the status
of the whole system. This approach is suitable in cases of different owner-
ship of distributed energy resources (DERs), where several decisions need
to be taken locally, making centralized control very difficult (Dimeas and
Hatziargyriou, 2004; Schwaegerl et al., 2009b; Cai and Mitra, 2010; Luu, 2014;
Kantamneni et al., 2015).

*  There is no formal definition of an agent, but in the literature (Alfredo et al., 2012; Alessandrini
et al., 2014) the following basic characteristics are provided:
• An agent can be a physical entity that acts in the environment or a virtual one, that is, with
no physical existence.
• An agent is capable of acting in the environment, that is, the agent changes its environment
by its actions.
• Agents communicate with each other, and this could be regarded as part of their capability
for acting in the environment.
• Agents have a certain level of autonomy, which means that they can take decisions without a
central controller or commander. To achieve this, they are driven by a set of tendencies.
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 175

7.2.3 Microgrid Ownership and Business Model

There is a very strong relation between the MG owner and the business
model used.
In order to identify the impact of asset ownership on financial interactions
among various MG stakeholders, three main business models are introduced:
the first one is the distribution system operator (DSO) monopoly model, the
second one is the prosumer consortium, and the last is the free market model.
The main difference lies in the ownership of DERs.
In the DSO monopoly model, in particular, the distribution system oper-
ator has ownership of the DERs as well as the electric grid; in the second
approach, a manager of the grid, that is, “prosumer,” manages and coordi-
nates the different agents that belong to the MG to maximize the revenues of
the system; whereas, in the last approach, each agent acts to maximize own
benefit (Schwaegerl et al., 2009a,b). The DSO Monopoly Model

A DSO monopoly type of MG has very probably evolved from a nonliberal-
ized power industry because the DSO not only owns the distribution grid
but also assumes the retailer function of selling electricity to end consumers.
In general, a DSO monopoly microgrid is likely to be built upon a techni-
cally challenged distribution grid with aging, maintenance, and/or supply
quality problems.
In a DSO monopoly MG, DERs tend to be larger, and storage units tend to
be located at substations (Schwaegerl et al., 2009b). The Prosumer Consortium Model

In this case, the consortium works to minimize the total costs of the sys-
tem reducing the internal energy consumption, or maximize the revenues
derived by the electricity export.
This type of MG may find considerable barriers set by the DSO, as by
nature the consortium tends to minimize the use of distribution grid and
may neglect all network constraints during the design of the microgrid. In a
prosumer consortium microgrid, DERs tend to be smaller, and storage tends
to be small and dispersed (Schwaegerl et al., 2009b). The Free Market Model

In this case, the MGCC will behave as an energy retailer that is simultane-
ously responsible for local balance, import and export control, technical per-
formance maintenance, and emission level monitoring. In a free market MG,
DER and storage can vary in forms, sizes, and locations (Schwaegerl et al.,
176 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

7.3 Deliberalized Energy Market Structure

The MGs can take part in the energy market acting as individual market
players that provide/buy energy to/from the system.
Two different trading markets* are usually available to facilitate energy
commerce between producers and consumers: futures and pool markets.
In the first, long-term contracts are exchanged between producers and con-
sumers to limit the energy price volatility. In the second one, power/energy
quantities are exchanged between producers and consumers in order to min-
imize the energy price (Rossi, 2007; Cai and Mitra, 2010).

7.3.1 Agents in the Deregulated Electricity Market

The market includes different agents as consumers, retailers, producers,
the market operator (MO), the independent system operator (ISO), and the
The first three agents participate in the energy market as “profit agents,”
that is, they want to maximize their profit or minimize their cost, whereas the
last three agents supervise, manage, and control so that the system works in
the right way.
Consumers are the end users of the electricity and may purchase energy in
the pool or be supplied by retailers. A consumer aims to minimize their pro-
curement cost or to maximize the utility they obtain from electricity usage.
Retailers provide electricity to the end consumers and aim to maximize the
profit they obtain from selling to their customers. Producers are in charge
of the electricity generation and sell electric energy either to the electric-
ity markets (pool and futures market) or directly to the consumers and the
A market operator (MO) is a no-profit entity responsible for the economic
management of the marketplace as a whole. In addition, the MO administers
the market rules and determines the prices and quantities of energy traded
in the market (Rossi, 2007).
An independent system operator (ISO) is a no-profit entity in charge of the
technical management of the electric energy system pertaining to the electric-
ity market. The ISO provides equal access to the grid to all consumers, retail-
ers, and producers. A market regulator (MR) is a government-independent
entity whose function is to oversee the market and to ensure its competitive
and adequate functioning.
Additionally, the MR promotes and enforces orders and regulations
(Schwaegerl et al., 2010).

There also exists the possibility of bilateral contracts between suppliers and consumers
defined outside an organized market place.
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 177

7.3.2 The Pool
The pool is a marketplace where the energy is traded and typically includes
(Figure 7.3)

1. A day-ahead market
2. Several adjustment markets
3. Balancing markets

In the pool, producers submit production offers while consumers and retail-
ers submit consumption bids to the day-ahead, adjustment, and balancing
markets, and in turn, the MO clears these markets and determines prices and
traded quantities.
The energy traded in the pool is mostly negotiated in the day-ahead mar-
ket, while adjustment markets are used to make adjustments to the output of
the day-ahead market.
In the day-ahead and adjustment markets, producers submit energy blocks
and their corresponding minimum selling prices for every hour of the market
horizon and every production unit. At the same time, retailers and consum-
ers submit energy blocks and their corresponding maximum buying prices
for every hour of the market horizon (Rossi, 2007).
The MO collects purchase bids and sale offers and clears the market (both
day-ahead and adjustment) using a market-clearing procedure.
A market-clearing procedure results in market-clearing prices, as well as
production and consumption schedules. If the transmission grid is not con-
sidered in the market-clearing procedure, the resulting market-clearing price
is identical for all market agents.


market First section

The pool
market Last section


The pool structure.
178 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

On the other hand, if the transmission network is taken into account for
clearing the market, instead of a single market-clearing price, a locational
marginal price (LMP) is associated with each node of the power system.
The balancing market, cleared on an hourly basis (or several times within
each hour) through an auction, provides energy to cover both generation
excess and deficit and constitutes the last market prior to power delivery to
balance production and consumption.
Producers/consumers submit balancing offers that are accepted by the
MO on an increasing price basis until balance is guaranteed in the case of
deficit of generation.
Alternatively, for the case of excess of generation, offers to reduce produc-
tion are accepted on a decreasing price basis until balance is ensured.
Producers participate providing balancing (up and down) energy, while
nondispatchable producers and consumers use this market to self-balance
their energy productions and consumptions, respectively, to those values
agreed upon in previous pool markets. Retailers that behave as consumers
are not represented in this figure for the sake of simplicity. The balancing
market ensures a balanced system operation (Rossi, 2007).

7.4 Uncertainties Evaluation
Forecasting is an important tool and a crucial factor, especially in the deregu-
lated energy market where a decision maker has the need of accurate forecasts
of future demands, energy prices, and also fossil fuel to maximize revenues.
Depending on the time horizon and the operating decisions that need to
be made, different forecasts are needed: short-term, medium-term, and long-
term forecasting.
In general, long-term forecasting is needed for system planning and eco-
nomic analyses; medium-term forecasting is needed for maintenance of the
system; finally, short-term forecasting is needed for the day-to-day operation
of the system (Conejo et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2011).
In this work, short-term forecasting (for electricity price, load, and intermit-
tence power production) is treated in depth because the accuracy of these
allows significant saving operating costs and an enhanced system reliability.

7.4.1 Uncertainty Factors Load
Electricity demand forecasts are extremely important for energy suppliers
and other participants in electric energy generation, transmission, distribu-
tion, and markets. Various techniques and models have been developed for
the forecasting of electrical load with varying degrees of success.
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 179

Load series exhibits several levels of seasonality; the prediction does not
depend only on the previous hour load, but also on the load of the same
hour on previous day, and same denominations in the previous week (Bunn,
2000; Hesham et al., 2002; Feinberg and Genethliou, 2005; Khan et al., 2006;
Kyriakides and Polycarpou, 2007).
According to the forecasting horizon, load forecasting can be broadly
divided into three categories: short-term forecasts, which are usually from
1 hour to 1 week; medium forecasts, which are usually from a week to a year;
and long-term forecasts, which are longer than a year. Electricity Prices
Electricity price forecasting is characterized by time-of-the-day effect, mul-
tiple seasonality, high volatility, and nonstationarity mean and variance.
Various techniques and models have been developed for the forecast-
ing of electrical price with varying degrees of success. According to the
forecasting horizon, price forecasting can be broadly divided into three
categories: short-term forecast that covers time intervals ranging from less
than 1 hour to a few hours; medium forecast that covers several hours to
a few days ahead; and long-term forecast that covers seasonal to annual
horizons (Bunn, 2000; Khan et al., 2006; Hu et al., 2009; Jain et al., 2013;
Weron, 2014). Renewable Power Production

In the relevant literature, various forecasting methods have been proposed
to estimate the expected power generated from a renewable energy source,
which essentially differ in the type of the information characterizing the pre-
dicted output and in the time horizon of their application. The methodolo-
gies applied combine multidisciplinary fields and areas such as meteorology,
statistics, physical modeling, and computational intelligence. According to
the forecasting horizon, forecasting can be broadly divided into three cat-
egories: short-term forecast that covers time intervals ranging from less than
1 hour to few hours; medium forecast that covers several hours to few days
ahead; long-term forecast that covers seasonal to annual horizons (Mureddu
et al., 2015).

7.4.2 Forecasting Techniques
A large number of methods and techniques have been developed and vari-
ous approaches have been introduced. They can be grouped, usually, into
two main classes: classical/conventional methods and computational intel-
ligence-based techniques. The first category includes methods such as time
series models, regression models, and Kalman filtering-based techniques.
Computational intelligence-based techniques include expert systems,
180 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Forecasting techniques

Conventional Computational
approaches intelligence
(i.e., meterological)

Statistical methods Fuzzy and genetic

Regression Kalman
Time series
model filtering

Forecasting techniques classification.

artificial neural networks, fuzzy inference and fuzzy–neural models, and

evolutionary programming.
In this work, another class of techniques will also be considered to pre-
dict the amount of renewable energy production using weather forecasts as
a general input to the various forecasting functions.
This section offers an overview of the various approaches (Bunn, 2000;
Hesham et al., 2002; Feinberg and Genethliou, 2005; Khan et al., 2006;
Kyriakides and Polycarpou, 2007; Hu et al., 2009; Jain et al., 2013; Weron,
2014; Graditi et al., 2016b), as shown in Figure 7.4. Conventional Approach Time Series Models
Time series analysis is a method of forecasting that focuses on the past behav-
ior of the dependent variable. Using the time series approach, a model is first
developed based on the previous data, and then future variable is predicted
based on the model. The basic assumption of stationarity on the error terms
includes zero mean and constant variance.
These techniques assume that the data follow a certain stationary pattern
that depends on autocorrelation; trends in the data; and daily, weekly, and
seasonal variations.
Time series models appear in the literature in different forms such as
Box–Jenkins, time series, stochastic models, autoregressive moving aver-
age (ARMA), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), auto
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 181

regressive moving average with exogenous variables (ARMAX), autoregres-

sive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (ARIMAX), and
state-space models.
The basic idea in time series prediction is to model the variable of interest
as the sum of two terms, z(t) = yp(t) + y(t), where yp(t) is the contribution to
the system that depends on the time of day, while y(t) is a residual term that
models the deviation of the weather pattern.
The residual term may be modeled by:
n nu mk H

y (t ) = ∑
i =1
ai y ( t − i ) + ∑∑
k =1 jk = 0
b jk uk ( t − jk ) + ∑c w (t − h )
h =1
h (7.1)

uk(t),  k = 1, 2,  …  , nu represent the inputs
w(t) is a zero-mean white random process that represents uncertain effects
on load demand and random load behavior

The goal is to identify the parameters ai , bjk , and  ch and the integers n, nu, mk,
and  H by fitting the model using historical data.
In general, time series methods give satisfactory results if there is no change
in the variables that affect load demand (i.e., environmental variables). Moving Average (MA) Models

The moving average (MA) model is a common approach for modeling uni-
variate time series. With the moving average modeling technique, the cur-
rent value of time series Y(t) is expressed in terms of a linear combination of
current and previous values of white noise series.
Mathematically it is expressed as:

Y ( t ) = µ + εt + ϕ1εt −1 +  + ϕqεt − q (7.2)

μ is the mean of the series
φ1,  …  , φq are the parameters of the model
εt−1,  …  , εt−q are white noise error terms

The value of q is called the order of the MA model.

The backshift operator on white noise modified is:

Y ( t ) = ϕ ( B ) a ( t ) (7.3)


ϕ ( B ) = 1 − ϕ1B − ϕ2B2 −  − ϕqBq (7.4)

182 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

This can be equivalently written in terms of the backshift operator B as:

Y ( t ) = µ + 1 + ϕ1B +  + ϕqBq εt )
(7.5) Autoregressive (ARMA)
The autoregressive moving average model takes into account the random
nature and time correlations of the phenomenon under study.
In this model, the current values of time series Y(t) express linearly in terms
of the previous period (y(t − 1) , y(t − 2) , …) and current and previous values
of white noise (a(t) , a(t − 1) , a(t − 2) , …).
The mathematical model is as follows:

Y ( t ) = Φ1 y ( t − 1) +  + Φ p y ( p − t ) +  + a ( t − 1) +  + Φ q a ( t − q ) (7.6)

In the ARMA(p, q) model, the current value of the price yt is expressed lin-
early in terms of its p past values (autoregressive part) and in terms of q pre-
vious values of the noise (moving average part): φ(B)Xt = θ(B)εt.
Here, B is the backward shift operator, θ(B) is a shorthand notation for
θ(B) = 1 + θ1B +  …  + θqBq, where φ1 ,  …  , φp and θ1 ,  …  , θq are the coefficients of
autoregressive and moving average polynomials, respectively.
Finally, εt is the noise (or white noise) with zero mean and finite vari-
ance, which is often denoted by White Noise (0, σ2). For q = 0, we obtain the
well-known AutoRegressive AR(p) model, and for p = 0, we get the Moving
Average MA(q) model. ARIMA Model
If a process is nonstationary, it should be transformed into a stationary
If a process is nonstationary, it should be transformed into a stationary
process by introducing ∇ operator.
The autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) or Box–Jenkins
model has three types of parameters: the autoregressive parameters
(φ1 ,  …  , φp), the number of differencing passes at lag-1 (d), and the moving
average parameters (θ1 ,  …  , θq).
A series that needs to be differenced d times at lag-1 and afterward has
orders p and q of the AR and MA components, respectively, is denoted by
ARIMA(p, d, q) and can be written conveniently as φ(B)∇dXt = θ(B)εt, where
∇Xt ≡ (1 − B)xt is the lag-1 differencing operator, which is a special case of the
more general lag-h differencing operator

∇hXt ≡ ( 1 − Bh ) xt ≡ xt − xt − h.

Note that ARIMA(p, 0, q) is simply an ARMA(p, q) process.

Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 183 Regression Models
The regression-type forecasting model is based on the relationship between
several dependent variables and a number of independent variables that are
known or estimated.
Although regression-based methods are widely used by electric utilities,
they suffer from a number of drawbacks. Due to the nonlinear and complex
relationship between the load demand and the influencing factors, it is not
simple to develop an accurate model.
One of the main reasons for this drawback is that the model is linearized
in order to estimate its coefficients. However, the load patterns are nonlinear
and it is not possible to represent the load demand during distinct time peri-
ods using a linearized model.
Finally, as with time series methods, regression-based methods may suffer
from numerical instability.
The proposed procedure requires few parameters that can be easily calcu-
lated from historical data by applying the cross-validation technique.
Multiple regression is based on least squares: the model is fitted such that
the sum-of-squares of the differences between observed and predicted val-
ues is minimized. In its classical form, multiple regression assumes that the
relationship between variables is linear:

Pt = BXt + εt = b1Xt( ) +  + bk Xt( ) + εt

1 k

B is a vector of constant coefficients
Xt is the vector of regressors
εt is an error term

This model helps in developing a relationship between load, weather condi-

tion, day type, consumer class, and so on; it is used for the analysis of mea-
sured load as well as price. Kalman Filtering Based Techniques

Kalman filtering is based on a particular method of characterizing dynamic
systems called state-space representation or state-space model. The Kalman
filter is an algorithm for adaptively estimating the state of the model.
The problem formulation of the Kalman filtering approach includes the pres-
ence of additive stochastic terms influencing the state and output variables. Computational Intelligence Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
The artificial neural networks (ANNs) are highly interconnected, simple pro-
cessing units designed to model how the human brain performs a particular
184 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

task. The main idea behind the use of neural networks for forecasting is the
assumption that there exists a nonlinear function that relates past values and
some external variables to future values of the time series.
During the training process, neurons in the input layer pass the raw
information onto the rest of the neurons in the other layers, without any
processing. The weights between neurons keep updating according to
supervised learning. Based on the measures of minimal error between the
output produced and the desired output, the process is repeated until an
acceptable error is reached. This training process is called back propaga-
tion. After the model acquires the knowledge, new data can be tested for
There are three steps that need to be considered in using neural network
models for time series prediction: designing the neural network model, train-
ing the network, and testing the trained network on a data set that has not
been used during the training.
Due to their nonlinear approximation capabilities and the availability of
convenient methods for training, artificial neural networks are among the
most commonly used methods for electricity load forecasting, especially
during the last 10 years. Other Approach: The Weather Predictions

Research in renewable energy forecasting is a multidisciplinary field, since
it combines areas such as statistics (Daoud et al., 2012; Bracale et al., 2013;
Mureddu et al., 2015), physical modeling, meteorology (Delle Monache et al.,
2013; Alessandrini et al., 2014, 2015), and computational intelligence.
The analog method (AM) is shown in the following: it assumes that similar
meteorological situations lead to similar local effects. Since the development
of numerical weather prediction (NWP) modeling, AM has been used as a
statistical adaption of model outputs. For a given target situation forecasting
by the NWP model, the general principle of the AM consists in searching for
the most similar meteorological situations observed in a historical archive
using similar criteria (Alessandrini et al., 2014, 2015). Analogs Ensemble (AnEn)

The AnEn is able to estimate the pdf (probability density function) of fore-
casts solutions by sampling the uncertainty in the analysis and running a
number of forecasts from perturbed analyses. The uncertainty of PV energy
production is estimated, being the main limiting factor for the participation
of an MG in the day-ahead market.
The AnEn methodology is considered to estimate this uncertainty. It uses a
single deterministic meteorological forecast and a historical series of past fore-
casts and associated energy production to generate PV power probabilistic
predictions. AnEn selects the historical forecasts most similar to the current pre-
diction and generates probabilistic forecasts of power produced by aggregating
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 185

the observed historical energy production associated with the selected historical
forecasts (Kumar and Kumar, 2011; Alessandrini et al., 2014, 2015). For each fore-
cast lead time and location, the ensemble prediction of solar power is constituted
by a set of past production data. These measurements are those concurrent to
past deterministic numerical weather prediction forecasts for the same lead time
and location, chosen based on their similarity to the current forecast, and in the
current application, are represented by the 1 hour average produced solar power. Fuzzy Inference and Fuzzy–Neural Models

A relatively new research venture is the combination of fuzzy logic tech-
niques and artificial neural networks to develop forecasting algorithms that
merge some of the properties specific to each methodology.
The fuzzy–neural forecasters are typically combined in four different ways:

1. The neural network performs the forecasting and the fuzzy logic sys-
tem is used to determine the final output.
2. The data are preprocessed using fuzzy logic to remove uncertain-
ties and subsequently a neural network is used to calculate the load
3. Integrated fuzzy–neural systems where the hidden nodes of the neu-
ral network correspond to individual fuzzy rules that are adaptively
modified during the training process.
4. Separate neural and fuzzy systems that perform a forecast of differ-
ent components of the load; these components are then combined at
the output to calculate the total load demand.

The combination of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks creates a hybrid
system that is able to combine the advantages of each technique and dimin-
ish their disadvantages. The main advantages of the hybrid system are the
ability to respond accurately to unexpected changes in the input variables,
the ability to learn from experience, and the ability to synthesize new rela-
tionships between the load demand and the input variables. Evolutionary Programming and Genetic Algorithms

These methods do not get stuck in local minima and can perform well even
with noisy data. However, these benefits come at the cost of slow convergence;
thus, significant computation periods are needed. One of the applications of
evolutionary programming in short-term load forecasting is in connection
with time series models.
Then, the evolutionary algorithm is implemented to force the elements of
the population of possible solutions to compete with each other and create
offspring that approach the optimal solution. The competition for survival is
stochastic; the members of the population (parents and offspring) compete
186 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

with randomly selected individuals based on a “win” criterion. The members

of the population are then ranked according to their score and the first half of
the population become the parents of the next generation. The process stops
once the fitness values of the new generation are not improved significantly.

7.5 Case Study
In this case study, the risk-bidding strategy for the day-ahead energy market
is proposed to determine optimal economic choices for the management of a
grid-connected residential MG (Kumar and Kumar, 2011; Taheri et al., 2012).
It is assumed that the MG consists of different power generation units and
traditional power plants, combined heat and power (CHP) generators, PV
system, and independent boiler, and that it is controlled and managed by a
prosumer. The prosumer participates in the electricity market and needs to
determine the optimal bidding (Timmerman and Huitema, 2009; Vogt et al.,
2010; Shandurkova et al., 2012; Ferruzzi et al., 2015, 2016; Ottensen et al., 2016).
PV power forecast and the uncertainty associated with its electricity genera-
tion have been evaluated through the AnEn approach: the choice of the AnEn
approach has been made considering the suitable features of this probabi-
listic method, such as statistical consistency, reliability, resolution, and skill.
Let ΩCe be the set of CHP plants, ΩB be the set of heat production plants,
and ΩG be the set of power plants that only produce electricity. PCet, j indicates
the power of the jth unit of CHP generation production at the tth hour; PGt , j
is the power of the jth unit of only electricity production at the tth hour; PBt , j
is the thermal power of the jth heat production at the tth hour; and Pgridt is the
power interchange with the MV distribution network at the tth hour. The latter
is assumed positive if it is bought from the utility grid and negative if it is sold
to the utility grid. Finally, CCj indicates the power production cost of the jth
unit of CHP; Cgj is the power production cost of the jth thermoelectric unit, and
Cgj is the thermal production cost of the jth heat production. ρt is the energy

price at the tth hour, which is assumed equal for both buying and selling.
Then, the optimization problem consists of minimizing the following func-
tion under a set of technical and operational constraints, as in Ferruzzi et al.
(2015, 2016):

  

∑ ∑ ( ) ∑ ( ) ∑ ( )

  j∈ΩC
Cc j PCet , j + CBj PBt , j + CGj PGt , j + ρte Pgridt 

t =1 j∈ΩB j∈ΩC 
n 
+ ∑∑ (
j∈ΩRES p =1
ξρte xt − xtp 

Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 187

where ε is a weight (Mongin, 1997) that takes into account the case in which
( x − x ) is positive (overproduction) or negative (underproduction), which
is only caused by PV power generation.
The term ( x − x ) represents the difference between the expected value
t t
of the power produced by the PV plant and the probabilistic value of the
The introduced weight assumes different values in underproduction and
overproduction cases. It is important to factor it into the model because sev-
eral countries have in place legislation requiring power producers to pay
penalties proportional to the errors of the day-ahead energy forecast, which
makes the accuracy of such prediction a determining factor for producers to
reduce their economic losses.
In Equation 7.9, the hourly production costs can be expressed by the fol-
lowing functional relations:

( )
Cc j Pcet , j = α c j Pc2et , j + βc j Pcet , j + γ c j

( )
CGj PGt , j = αGj PG2t , j + βGj PGt , j + γ Gj (7.9)

CB j (P ) = β
Bt , j P
B j Bt , j + γ Bj

with αcj , βcj , γcj , αGj , βGj , γGj , βBj , γBj economic coefficients related to the particu-

lar technologies used.
In the following simulation, we assume different power generation units:
two traditional power plants, four cogenerators (CHP), and an independent
boiler for the generation of thermal energy. Their technical and economic
characteristics are given in Table 7.1.
According to Equation (7.2), Figure 7.5 shows the power productions for
each technology mentioned related to various energy prices. There is also a
400 kW photovoltaic plant.
The electrical load demand is the aggregate of the loads of six different
entities, namely a hotel, a sport center, a hospital, a manufacturing plant, a
supermarket, and several offices.
Prosumer, using market prices of electricity, determines the amount of
power that the MG should import from the upstream distribution system,
optimizing local production or consumption capabilities.
We assume that there are three different prices for each hour (peak, mean,
and low price).
Spot prices are obtained using historical data for 12 consecutive months of
the Italian electricity market (GME, 2012). We assume that there are two dif-
ferent prices for each hour (peak and low price) (Table 7.2). The energy price
is one of the inputs for the simulation, along with the probabilistic forecasts
for PV generation.
188 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Technical and Economic Characteristics of the Power Plants
Power Plants Pjm (kW) PjM (kW) γPj (c€) βPj (c€) αPj (c€) βBj (c€)
Cogeneration (CHP)
XA: 60 kW 10 60 800 45.81 0.2222
XB: 60 kW 10 60 461 51.60 0.1000
YA: 180 kW 36 180 892 34.40 0.0021
YB: 180 kW 36 180 892 180 0.0420

ZA: 400 kW 80 400 1054 25.78 0.0005
ZB: 400 kW 80 400 1054 21.63 0.0025
Boiler 0 4500 63.0




0 100 200 300 400


XA = 60 YA = 180 ZA = 400
XB = 60 YB = 180 ZB = 400

Power production related to various energy prices.

The forecast trends of power generation from the PV system are reported
in Figure 7.6, where each panel shows the boxplots of the forecast for the
power generated by the PV plant and computed by the AnEn algorithm.
The three curves resulting from the genetic algorithm optimization,
shown in each panel, quantify the amount of PV electricity included in the
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 189

Minimum and Maximum Spot Prices and Electrical Loads
Averaged over 12 Months for a 24-Hours Period
Hours Min Price (€/MWh) Max Price (€/MWh) Load (kW)
1 30.7 102.6 440
2 25.7 96.6 440
3 21.4 92.0 440
4 17.3 87.0 440
5 14.9 85.7 440
6 16.6 86.8 740
7 16.1 85.5 1200
8 16.6 145.1 1905
9 26.4 188.8 2345
10 32.7 207.0 2405
11 32.2 207.1 2420
12 29.5 206.5 2440
13 27.2 143.9 2470
14 15.2 121.9 2465
15 12.1 144.5 2450
16 12.8 163.7 2395
17 20.2 186.6 2360
18 36.5 196.6 2335
19 56.9 222.3 1695
20 69.9 211.9 1425
21 64.1 324.2 1295
22 60.0 156.3 955
23 52.0 144.4 530
24 39.1 101.7 425

price-quantity bidding. These curves differ depending on the adversity to

risk: solid (high risk), dotted (medium risk), and dashed (low risk). The three
different risk-taking strategies are affected by the energy price.
In Figure 7.7, the electric power exchanged with the grid (green curve) and
the electric power produced by traditional power plants and CHPs (blue sky
curve) and PV system (violet curve), compared with the electric load profile,
(red curve) are reported for different prices and risks. In fact, the manager of
the grid can change the amount of energy that he or she needs and the power
that he or she can produce, with the PV system too. The last is the function of
the risk that he or she wants to sustain.
Figure 7.8 shows the optimal bidding curve at the 8th hour of the day for
different risk-taking strategies of the prosumer.
The vertical and horizontal axes show the electricity prices and the electric
power produced, respectively. The most difference between the three risk-
taking strategies can be seen for low power values. The curve of the total
190 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

400 Type
PV high risk
PV low risk
PV medium risk
Power (kW)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(a) Hours (t)

400 Type
PV high risk
PV low risk
PV medium risk
Power (kW)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

(b) Hours (t)

PV power production as a function of risk (adverse, neutral, incline) and price: (a) low price;
(b) medium price. The boxplots show the AnEn PV power forecasts, and the different curves
indicate the quantity of PV electricity included in the bidding depending on the prosumer
adversity to risk.  (Continued)
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 191

PV high risk
PV low risk
PV medium risk
Power (kW)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(c) Hours (t)

FIGURE 7.6 (Continued)

PV power production as a function of risk (adverse, neutral, incline) and price: (c) high price.
The boxplots show the AnEn PV power forecasts, and the different curves indicate the quantity
of PV electricity included in the bidding depending on the prosumer adversity to risk.

optimal production versus the spot price coincides with the curve of the
equivalent marginal cost of production. This curve is obtained by summing
for the same price the marginal costs of the various power generation units.
For each point of the bidding curve, the value of power offered is equal to
the difference between the total electric load requested and the total electric
power produced within the MG.
The hourly power offered in the day-ahead energy market coincides with
the power exchanged with the MV distribution network, in correspondence
to a specific energy market price. The power corresponding to the vertical
segment of the bidding curve is the difference between the load and the max-
imum production of the generating units compatible with the constraints,
including the energy produced by the PV system for the specific hour.
Results show that PV energy production can be integrated with optimal
outcomes in an MG if the prosumer strategy takes into account the uncer-
tainty linked to the energy output. Outcomes show different optimal bids
depending on the risk adversity with respect to the uncertainty of PV power
production. The proposed methodology exhibits most improvement during
the hours in which the price of electricity is high and where the prosumer is
inclined to take risks.
192 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy


2000 Load
Power generated
1500 PV
Power (kW)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(a) Hours (t)


2000 Load
Power generated
1500 PV
Power (kW)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(b) Hours (t)

Power production in function of risk in case of low price: (a) risk adverse, (b) risk neutral. Red
line (top) is the electricity load, green line (medium) is the electricity power exchanged (buy/
sell) with the MV grid, blue sky line (bottom) is the power generated. The last line is the total
amount of energy produced by PV.  (Continued)
Optimal Scheduling of a Microgrid under Uncertainty Condition 193


2000 Load
Power generated
1500 PV
Power (kW)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(c) Hours (t)

FIGURE 7.7 (Continued)

Power production in function of risk in case of low price: (c) risk incline. Red line (top) is the
electricity load, green line (medium) is the electricity power exchanged (buy/sell) with the MV
grid, blue sky line (bottom) is the power generated. The last line is the total amount of energy
produced by PV.

140 Type
Risk high
120 Risk low
Risk medium

Price (c...)





400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Power (kW)

Bidding curve for the hour assuming a prosumer taking high risk (solid), medium risk (dotted),
and low risk (dashed).
194 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

7.6 Conclusion
A risk-bidding strategy for the day-ahead energy market was proposed to
determine optimal economic choices for the management of a grid-connected
microgrid comprising different generation units. It is assumed that the MG
was controlled and managed by a prosumer that participates in the electric-
ity market and needs to determine the optimal bidding.
Results show that PV energy production can be integrated with optimal
outcomes in an MG if the prosumer strategy takes into account the uncer-
tainty linked to the energy output.
PV power forecast and the uncertainty associated with its electricity gen-
eration have been evaluated through the AnEn approach.
Furthermore, outcomes show different optimal bids depending on the risk
adversity with respect to the uncertainty of PV power production.
Further research will focus on the evaluation of the uncertainty of the
energy price and also the electrical load, in order to provide to the manager
of the MG a complete decisions support tool.

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Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies

Jacopo Torriti

8.1 Introducing Cost–Benefit Analysis...........................................................198
8.2 Historical Development of CBA...............................................................199
8.3 Assessing Costs and Benefits....................................................................200
8.4 Basic Principles Underpinning CBA........................................................202
8.5 Beyond CBA: Other Appraisal Tools to Assess Energy Policies,
Programs, and Projects...............................................................................204
8.6 CBAs on Energy: Institutional Differences.............................................205
8.6.1 CBAs on Energy Policies by Government Departments...........205
8.6.2 CBAs on Energy Regulation..........................................................208
8.6.3 CBAs by the European Commission............................................209
8.7 Quality of the Data and CBAs on Energy...............................................210
8.8 Conclusion...................................................................................................212

Over the past three decades, cost–benefit analysis (CBA) has been applied to
various areas of public policies and projects, including energy. Research on
CBA varies significantly and can be classified into two wide areas of work:
(1) studies identifying the technical and economic reasons underpinning CBA
and (2) studies consisting of empirical evaluations over the performance of
samples of CBA.
CBA is not the only example of economic tools applied to energy policy-
making. Since the 1960s, the impact of energy policy measures has been
assessed within the framework of various appraisal and evaluation tools.
Decision analysis, environmental impact assessment, and strategic envi-
ronmental assessment are all notable examples of appraisal tools predating
and alternatives to CBA in the assessment of energy policies, programs, and
­projects. This chapter provides an overview not only of CBA but also of other

198 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

appraisal and evaluation tools that have been historically applied to assess
the impacts of energy policies, programs, and projects. It focuses on the types
of data and models that typically inform CBAs for energy policies, the orga-
nizations involved, and issues of data exchange between energy companies
and policy-makers. It is concluded that the technical and economic analy-
ses underpinning CBAs on energy policy and regulation vary significantly
depending on the type of policy, institutional aspects of decision-making,
and availability of data.

Keywords: Cost–benefit analysis, energy economics, energy policy

8.1 Introducing Cost–Benefit Analysis

Over the past three decades, cost–benefit analysis (CBA) has been applied to
various areas of public policies and projects, including energy. Research on
CBA varies significantly and can be classified into two wide areas of work:

1. Studies that have attempted to define the technical–economic rea-

sons underpinning CBA
2. Studies that carried out empirical evaluations over the performance
of samples of CBA

From a theoretical point of view, CBA has been seen as a tool to increase
the quality of regulation and public policy through welfare economics
principles and Pareto efficiency. CBA in theory allows for the improve-
ment of social and environmental conditions based on empirical evidence
(Koopmans et al., 1964; Sunstein, 2002) while improving market competi-
tiveness (Viscusi et al., 1987).
Empirical studies on CBA have focused on the choice of discount rate
(Dasgupta, 2008; Gollier, 2002; Lind, 1995; Viscusi, 2007), the integration of
distributional principles (Adler and Posner, 1999), the choice of data sets
(Hahn and Litan, 2005; Morral, 1986), the performance of different meth-
odologies for monetizing benefits, and costs in cases where a market value
does not exist (Sunstein, 2004; Viscusi, 1988). The latter point is of particular
interest given the distance between theory and practice and deserves further
The impact of energy policy measures has been assessed with various
appraisal and evaluation tools since the 1960s. Decision analysis, environmen-
tal impact assessment (EIA), and strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
are all notable examples of progenitors of CBA in the assessment of energy
policies, programs, and projects. This chapter provides an overview not only
of CBA but also of other policy tools that have been historically applied to
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 199

assess the impacts of energy policies, programs, and projects. It focuses on

the types of data and models that typically inform CBAs for energy poli-
cies, the organizations involved, and issues of data exchange between energy
companies and policy-makers. Examples are derived from the European
Commission, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, and France.
Following the introduction, this chapter describes the historical devel-
opment of CBA (Section 8.2) and classifies typologies of costs and benefits
(Section 8.3). CBA is the most comprehensive of a family of economic evalu-
ation techniques that seek to monetize the costs and/or benefits of propos-
als. Following standard classifications, benefits and costs can be broadly
defined as anything that increases human well-being (benefits) or anything
that decreases human well-being (costs). Section 8.4 defines efficiency under
CBA. The chapter will then move the focus to the specific application of CBA
for energy policies. It will do so by describing available policy tools to assess
energy policies, programs, and projects (Section 8.5), identifying the insti-
tutions carrying out CBA on energy (Section 8.6), examining issues of data
quality in energy policies (Section 8.7), before concluding (Section 8.8).

8.2 Historical Development of CBA

In order to understand the current scope and use of CBA in public policy-
making (including in the energy sector), it is important to understand how
this tool has developed over time. CBA was originally designed as an interface
between engineering and economics in areas of civil engineering that relate
to energy policies and projects. More precisely, Dupuit, a French engineer,
and Marshall, a British economist, defined some of the formal concepts that
are at the foundation of CBA. The Federal Navigation Act of 1936 required
that the U.S. Corps of Engineers should carry out projects for the improve-
ment of the waterway system when the total benefits of a project exceeded
the costs. This was initiated by Congress, which ordered agencies to appraise
costs and benefits when assessing projects designed for flood control as part
of the New Deal.
In the 1950s, economists tried to provide a rigorous, consistent set of
methods for measuring benefits and costs and deciding whether a project
is worthwhile. This mainly consisted in applying compensation tests and
distributional weights. However, such measures were considered by several
economists as a failure (Adler and Posner, 1999). Notwithstanding opposi-
tion, in the United States, CBA was increasingly applied in an expanding
domain of policy areas, often following the rationale that alternative policy
appraisal tools were less efficient (Pearce and Nash, 1981).
Following some experiences in Scandinavian countries and Canada, the
U.S. Executive Order 12291 of 1981 institutionalized CBA as a consistent
200 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

method for the appraisal of government policies and regulations, hence

marking the beginning of the CBA era (Posner, 2000). To date, there are
soft-low requirements to conduct CBA on major policies and regulations in
most OECD countries and examples from practice abound, as highlighted
in the following.

8.3 Assessing Costs and Benefits

The theoretical and practical implications of assessing costs and benefits in
CBA practice are similar for energy and nonenergy domains.
With regard to costs, each type of legislative change imposes various
typologies of costs. Private companies, citizens, and public administration
can be subject to an increase in costs. The first significant classification is with
regard to private and societal costs. The former consist of what a citizen or
household has to pay in relation to a legislative change. CBA is often used
by public administrations as an instrument to measure only certain compo-
nents of private costs. This is particularly the case when legislative change is
expected to have impacts on individual categories of companies.
Social costs represent what society as a whole has to pay because of legisla-
tive change. They typically include negative externalities and exclude trans-
fer costs among groups of citizens (or companies).
Figure 8.1 outlines the typologies of costs associated with legislative
change. Costs for public administration mean management costs as well as
enforcement costs, that is, costs associated with monitoring and inspections
to ensure compliance. On the right of Figure 8.1, private costs are divided
between costs for private citizens and private companies. The latter are
broken down in terms of direct financial costs, administrative costs, capital
costs, and efficiency costs.
With regard to benefits, the taxonomy presented in Figure 8.2 outlines
some broad categories of benefits ordered from the highest level of moneti-
zation and quantification to the lowest.

Capital costs
Costs for business
New legislative Administrative
costs costs

Opportunity costs

Typologies of costs in a public sector CBA.
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 201

benefits valued
in the market

benefits that are
not valued in the
market that can
be quantified and

benefits that
can be
No quantified but
not monetized
benefits that
cannot be
quantified or

Classification of benefits in a public sector CBA.

Economic benefits for which a value is provided in the market are not dif-
ficult to monetize.
An example could come from a policy designed to add electricity gen-
eration from wind turbines. The market benefits are known because both
the physical amount of energy that the extra turbines would provide (i.e.,
kWh) and the monetary value of the physical quantity (i.e., €/kWh) are
A contentious category of benefits consists of non-economic benefits that
are not valued in the market, but can be quantified and monetized. There is
no market value for this and neither for saving lives, but the monetary value
of the benefit can be seen as a reduction in the risk of dying or catching a
disease. Economists have developed four main methods for monetizing non-
market values associated with reductions in risk:

1. Willingness to pay values ask citizens how much they would pay
to reduce the likelihood of a specific risk. In practice, this is imple-
mented through (a) stated preference surveys, where individuals
are asked questions on changes in benefits; (b) close-ended surveys,
where respondents are asked whether or not they would be willing
to pay a particular amount for reducing risk; and (c) stochastic pay-
ment cards, which offer to respondents a list of prices and associates
likelihood matrix describing how likely the respondent would agree
to pay the various offered prices.
202 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

2. The human capital approach calculates the value of a human life

saved, assessing the present value of the worker’s earnings over
the lifetime. The value is the benefit associated with reducing loss
3. The cost of illness (or medical cost assessment) method consists of
an estimate of the costs to the medical system for treatment due to
4. Willingness to accept values are based on the wage premiums work-
ers accept for risks. When the wage premium is divided by fatality
risk, the result is the value of a statistical life saved.

Noneconomic benefits that can be quantified but not monetized include,

for instance, the number of fish species saved from extinction. CBA is cen-
tered on human lives and impacts on other animal species are rarely taken
into account in monetary terms as part of a policy appraisal, unless this
refers specifically to ecological conservation and animal species protec-
tion. This is particularly the case for energy policies, which start from the
assumption that energy is generated for and consumed by humans only.
Nonetheless, handbooks on CBA including the British HM Treasury’s
(2012) Green Book may contain details about parameters to be used for
plant species as part of the policy appraisal. The most recent version of the
Green Book will contain a detailed discussion on the use of natural capital
as part of CBA practice.
Benefits that cannot be quantified and, for the same reasons, cannot be
monetized include predominantly several areas of social benefits. An exam-
ple is the benefit of improving social justice, thanks to a new policy or reg-
ulatory change. There might be social indicators that address some of this
change, but this is hardly reconciled to a monetary value. In the last U.S.
Executive Order 13563 on CBA, it is stated that agencies should take account
of “human dignity” and “fairness” values, although these are “difficult or
impossible to quantify.”

8.4 Basic Principles Underpinning CBA

Understanding how CBA works and its fundamental principles is vital in
order to comprehend its application to energy policy. The core efficiency
principles of CBA lie in welfare economics (i.e., the branch of economic
theory that has investigated the nature of the policy recommendations that
the economist is entitled to make) within the domain of allocative efficiency
(Baumol et al., 1977; Perman, 2003). Allocative efficiency (i.e., allocation of
scarce resources that gives maximum social well-being) is defined via the
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 203

concept of a “Pareto improvement.” A Pareto improvement is a reallocation

of resources (e.g., a decision to develop) that makes at least one individual
better-off without making anyone worse-off. Pareto efficiency/optimality is
achieved when it is impossible to make one individual better-off without
worsening the condition of at least one other individual.
If economists restricted their domain of advice to Pareto improvements,
they would not be able to advise on much as most decisions involve a trade-
off between making someone better-off at the expense of making someone
else worse-off. What could be required is that the individual who gains must
compensate the individual who loses, for all of the latter’s loss. If the individ-
ual who gains still gains after having paid out the compensation in whatever
way (e.g., cash), the move would still be a Pareto improvement. This is not
much less restrictive, because actual compensation is rarely paid. As an alter-
native, economists developed the idea of potential Pareto improvements. The
Kaldor compensation test (after Nicholas Kaldor) sanctions a move from one
allocation of resources to another, if the winner could compensate the loser
and still be better-off. In this case, the compensation does not actually have
to be paid. Hicks identified a problem with Kaldor’s compensation test—
namely, that it could sanction a move from one allocation to another, but it
could equally sanction a move in the opposite direction, depending on where
the problem starts. Instead, Hicks suggested that the loser could compensate
the winner for forgoing the move, without being worse-off than if the change
took place.
A later paper by Scitovsky (1951) unraveled the problem. Both rules need
to be satisfied, such that a reallocation is desirable if, on the one hand, the
winners could compensate the losers and still be better-off and, on the other
hand, the losers could not compensate the winners for the reallocation not
occurring and still be as well-off as they would have been if it did occur.
Because CBA is based on the Kaldor–Hicks efficiency criterion, it means
that the benefits should be enough that those that benefit could in theory
compensate those that lose out. It is justifiable for society as a whole to make
some worse-off if this means a greater gain for others. Under Pareto effi-
ciency, an outcome is more efficient if at least one person is made better-off
and no one is made worse-off. This is a stringent way to determine whether
or not an outcome improves economic efficiency. However, some believe
that in practice, it is almost impossible to take any social action, such as a
change in economic policy, without making at least one person worse-off
(Buchanan, 1959). Using Kaldor–Hicks efficiency, an outcome is more effi-
cient if those that are made better-off could in theory compensate those that
are made worse-off, so that a Pareto-improving outcome results. An allo-
cation is defined as “Pareto efficient” or “Pareto optimal” when no further
Pareto improvements can be made.
In the case where the public sector supplies goods, CBA becomes a tool
for judging efficiency (Stiglitz, 2000). The concept of efficiency, though, is
normally thought on the premise of the market economy. This is particularly
204 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

controversial when the decision being contemplated involves some cost or

benefit, for which there is no market value or which, because of an external-
ity, is not fully reflected in the market value.

8.5 Beyond CBA: Other Appraisal Tools to Assess

Energy Policies, Programs, and Projects
CBA is a widespread tool in the domain of energy policy appraisal tech-
niques, as discussed earlier. However, there are other ways to feed evidence
into the formulation of energy policies, programs, and projects. This section
provides a historical overview of alternative economic appraisal tools for
energy policies, programs, and projects.
In the 1960s, decision analysis was first applied to investigate problems
in oil and gas exploration. Its application was consequently extended from
private to the public sector (Huang et al., 1995). An early 1990s review enu-
merates 86 decision analysis studies that appeared in peer-reviewed journals
from 1970 to 1989 (Corner and Kirkwood, 1991). Subsequent surveys found
that decision analysis was frequently used to address strategic or policy deci-
sions related to energy, such as investment options facing the utility industry,
choice between different energy technologies, synthetic fuel policy, commer-
cialization of solar photovoltaic systems, management of nuclear waste, and
acid rain control (Zhou et al., 2006). Decision analysis focuses on resolving
conflicts between objectives, dealing with uncertainty about the outcomes,
and appraisal of multiple options. Given the fact that energy and environ-
mental issues are generally complex and inevitably involve multiple objec-
tives, the techniques involved in decision analysis varied depending on the
level of uncertainty associated with the specific policy or project, with multi-
criteria analysis cited more frequently.
Environmental issues became increasingly central to the development of
energy policies and to the activities of the energy industry in the 1970s. This
led to the upsurge of EIA and (later) SEA. The former was first a commonly
accepted practice when developing energy infrastructure and then became
a regulatory requirement in several legal dominions around the world
(Petts, 1999). The latter became an established practice in the late 1990s and
over time improved its legal status in some jurisdictions (Dalal-Clayton and
Sadler, 2005).
Environmental impacts of individual project proposals are the main focus
of EIAs. Examples consist of new power plants or new hydroelectric dams
(Mirumachi and Torriti, 2012). Legislation was first introduced in the United
States in 1969. In Europe, EIAs were introduced, thanks to the EC Directive
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 205

in 1985 (85/337), which was amended in 1997 (97/11). Currently, EIAs are
carried out by institutions like the World Bank, the OECD member states,
transition countries, and several developing countries.
Because the environmental performance of the energy sector has been
subject to higher degrees of scrutiny, questions were raised about whether
EIA was the right tool to address the challenges associated with energy
­supply (Wood, 2003). SEA is designed to address environmental issues at
a higher level of planning, which may take place at a regional, national,
and supernational scale. This is consistent with the idea that environmental
protection needs to be embedded into energy frameworks at early phases
of conception. The main origins of SEA in the EU relate to the Strategic
Environmental Assessment Directive (2001/42). SEA is supposed to comple-
ment EIA for strategic actions. Strategic action is a more nebulous process
than the formal submission of a development proposal, as in EIAs. Thus,
SEAs address concepts rather than particular activities and must deal with
incremental and nonlinear policy processes (Wood and Dejeddour, 1992).
Because it is focused on strategic actions, SEA is designed to include a stron-
ger consideration of alternative options than EIA. The environment is often
singled out in SEA, more so than in EIA or CBA, in large part because of the
need to bolster its importance relative to the economic and social dimen-
sions (Thérivel and Partidário, 1996). Finnveden et al. (2003) note that it is
not clear which, if any, applications within the energy sectors require an
SEA, and Jay (2010) notes that SEA has not been extensively adopted in the
area of energy production.
This may be explained in relation to the fragmented nature of the industry,
since generation, transmission, distribution, and supply operate as separate
markets—at least where liberalization took place. This makes the use of stra-
tegic planning tools more difficult. Today, SEA has potential in the fields of
landscape, carbon reduction, and air quality.

8.6 CBAs on Energy: Institutional Differences

8.6.1 CBAs on Energy Policies by Government Departments
Because of the importance of energy for fuelling economic growth, energy
policy sits firmly in any governmental agenda. The institutionalization of
energy policy often translates into the presence of energy ministries or energy
departments within government (Newbery, 1989). These, like any other gov-
ernment department, are charged with the task of formulating their policy
with the support of CBAs. In addition, energy-related policies can be devel-
oped within departments for environment, industry, and transport. To date,
206 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

no research has collected and let alone examined the body of CBAs produced
by government departments. This section seeks to capture four salient fea-
tures of CBAs by government departments. Four issues characterize the CBA
in energy policies by government departments:

1. Unlike CBAs by regulatory authorities, which feature a high level

of techno-economic analysis (see following section), governmental
CBAs on energy policy tend to follow a more generalist approach.
CBAs conducted by government departments are often less quan-
titative in terms of the analysis and geared to a less specialist audi-
ence. An example of this is the CBA on the Green Deal and Energy
Company Obligation in the United Kingdom (DECC, 2011). The
Green Deal aims to overcome access to capital and mismatched
incentive problems. The Energy Company Obligation aims to pro-
vide additional support to deliver socially cost-effective measures
that are not likely to be taken up under current policies and provides
measures to relieve fuel poverty. In essence, these are complemen-
tary policy measures intended to address barriers to the slow uptake
of cost-effective energy efficiency measures. The government’s CBA
estimates that the Green Deal will lead to 125,000–250,000 house-
holds being lifted out of fuel poverty by 2023, but there have been
criticisms with the way this figure was derived. More specifically,
it has been argued that the CBA is too simplistic. For example, it
neglects distributional issues: the Green Deal might increase fuel
poverty since the policy might only benefit better-off end users and
not be supportive of the fuel poor (Arie, 2012). The CBA was also
criticized for applying very high discount rates (7%, which is sig-
nificantly higher than other policies). Indeed, the CBA shows that
investments do not generate positive net present values for discount
rates of 5%. However, other similar case studies show that the types
of technological solutions contained in the Green Deal would create
negative net present values even with discount rates as low as 1.5%
(Energy Saving Trust, 2010).
2. There is a tendency to outsource research and analysis for those
CBAs that require highly specialized electrical engineering and
energy economics knowledge. For instance, in Ireland, Spain, and
the United Kingdom, consultants such as Frontier Economics,
London Economics, Mott MacDonald, NERA, and RedPoint have
been contracted to carry out CBAs and to come out with policy
options for CBAs on key policy areas such as smart metering, energy
efficiency, renewable heat incentives, feed in tariffs, and so on. The
smart meter CBA by Mott MacDonald highlighted that the most
advanced smart metering options would have negative net present
values. It was noted that this initial negative assessment was partly
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 207

due to assumptions that limit the value of demand side manage-

ment. Hence, the final CBA on smart meters presents a preferred
rollout option with a positive net present value (DECC, 2009).
3. The tendency to delegate pieces of analysis also results in inter-
est groups gathering in specialist groups to produce the quantita-
tive sections of a CBA. For instance, as part of the UK Government
Electricity Market Reform, DECC asked a technical experts group,
comprising the UK transmission system operator (National Grid),
distribution network operators, and energy aggregators, to pro-
duce analysis regarding the details of transitional arrangements to
include demand side response and energy storage within newly
formed capacity mechanisms. Similarly, in the case of the UK policy
for “zero carbon homes,” which is part of a more general approach
to low-energy buildings, leadership on CBA was given by the UK
Government to the Sustainable Building Task Group in 2003 (BIS,
2008). The group was cochaired by the Chairman of the Environment
Agency and the Deputy Chairman of English Partnerships and con-
sisted of representatives from industry and environmental groups.
According to Hauf (2012), a similar combination of government,
industry, and environmental groups united in the same policy for-
mulation body also occurred in France. The specific proposals for the
amendment of building regulations were developed by the Building
Regulations Advisory Committee, which produced the results of the
accompanying CBA.
4. The high political implications of energy policies mean that there
are occasions where policies are pushed forward regardless of the
“better regulation” principles dictated by the same government. For
instance, in 2011, the initiative by DECC of rolling out smart meters
was the only example of policy escaping the one-in, one-out rule
applied by the UK coalition government. According to the one-in,
one-out rule, regulation whose direct incremental economic cost to
business and civil society organizations exceeds its direct incremen-
tal economic benefit to business and civil society organizations can
only come to place along with deregulatory measures whose direct
incremental economic benefit to business and civil society organiza-
tions exceeds its direct incremental economic cost to business and
civil society organizations (HM Treasury, 2011). In other words, the
rule requires that no new national regulation is brought in without
other regulation being cut by a greater amount. This also implies
that the introduction of new regulations and removal of existing reg-
ulations are both government interventions and require their own
separate CBA. The smart meters’ initiative was classified as an “in”
under the one-in, one-out methodology, because the CBA showed
some £57 million equivalent annual net cost to business. However,
208 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

it was introduced as new legislation without any significant “outs.”

DECC stated that there was plan to simplify the nuclear decommis-
sioning financing and fees framework—hence reducing paperwork
burdens on operators (DECC, 2012).

8.6.2 CBAs on Energy Regulation

Since the 1990s in several developed and developing countries, the liberal-
ization of energy markets has been coupled with the emergence of energy
regulatory agencies. CBA, along with stakeholder consultation, has become
a common tool in liberalizing or liberalized markets. In some countries, the
energy regulators stand out as a positive exception for having implemented
CBA more rigorously than other government departments and other agen-
cies (Renda, 2004). A review of CBA implementation across Italy confirms
that the gas and electricity regulatory authority follows appropriate criteria
(La Spina and Cavatorto, 2008).
Regulatory authorities have been driven by the dual aim of (1) reducing
prices to end users and (2) improving the quality of energy supply. In order
to obtain lower prices for end users, one of the main tasks of energy regula-
tors is to regulate the prices of distribution companies, because these are con-
sidered regional monopolies and need incentives to ensure that they improve
efficiency and raise the quality of supply. Energy regulators use price control
reviews to regulate the prices that distribution companies can charge sup-
pliers for transporting electricity through their networks (Cowell, 2004). The
reviews normally take place every 4–5 years and involve a complex method-
ology that delivers data supporting the CBA.
The approach for the CBA commences with companies submitting a busi-
ness plan setting out their operating costs, proposals for improving quality of
supply, and capital expenditure estimates for the next 5 years. The regulators
typically enter these data into a series of cost benchmarking exercises, with
companies’ estimated expenditure benchmarked against each other. Given
the importance of price control reviews in determining the development of
distribution electricity systems, the accompanying CBA is arguably the most
significant piece of regulatory analysis in any liberalized energy market. For
this reason, two issues are particularly worth noting:

1. In spite of its highly technical features, the final CBA seldom con-
tains much detail about the actual cost curves of distribution net-
work operators. Issues of competition mean that regulators may
not make explicit allowances for particular infrastructural projects.
Thus, some companies may enter dialogue with the regulators dur-
ing the review process but find relatively limited justifications for the
review decisions in the final CBA (Guy and Marvin, 1996).
2. Price review CBAs typically neglect non-techno-economic
impacts, including social and environmental impacts. For instance,
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 209

Ofgem’s (2001) Environmental Action Plan affirms that “the choices

made in the design of price control regulation can have wide ranging
environmental impacts” but specifies what has long been the regula-
tor’s position on environmental and social matters: that it is not an
environmental policy-maker and does not produce social policy.

Regulatory authorities cyclically conduct another example of major

CBA on Quality of Supply regulation, which has similar rules in various
European countries (e.g., United Kingdom, France, and Italy). In Italy, this
is subject to 4-yearly revisions as part of which the regulatory authority
sets the penalties and incentives for distribution network operators. The
CBA process has been studied as an example of effective integration of
various factors, including economic analysis based on end users’ willing-
ness to pay for better energy provision (Ajodhia et al., 2006) and consul-
tation (Fumagalli and Lo Schiavo, 2009). Torriti et al. (2009) describe the
CBA process for two reviews of the Quality of Supply regulation in terms
of preliminary analyses, research studies, alternative regulatory options,
consultation, and CBA. They highlight some of the analytical and pro-
cedural issues typically associated with CBA: the creation of alternative
options, the development of cost–benefit analysis, the disparity between
analytical effort and available resources, and the need to communicate in
an informed manner with interested stakeholders. The experience from
this example also shows that when attention is paid to these details, CBA
can generate unexpected results.

8.6.3 CBAs by the European Commission

A significant share of the European Commission’s policies is in the area of
energy, several of which require an impact assessment and, consequently,
a CBA. Figure 8.3 illustrates the number of CBAs conducted by differ-
ent European Commission Directorate Generals (DGs) on energy policies
between 2003 and 2013. The CBAs on energy in Figure 8.3 were sourced from
the official website of the European Commission (www.europa.org).
Before the creation of DG Energy in 2010, its predecessor—DG for Transport
and Energy (TREN)—conducted most of the CBAs on energy. However,
over the years, CBAs on energy policies have been carried out also by DG
Environment, Climate, Informatics (DIGIT) and Economic and Financial
Affairs (ECFIN). After the year 2009, the intensification of policy-making
activity around climate change targets, with renewable energy, energy effi-
ciency, and lighting policies, justifies the higher number of CBAs.
The level of analysis varied over time. What Hanley and Spash (1993)
stated at the beginning of the 1990s, that in the area of energy and envi-
ronment benefits have not always been well integrated into the European
Community policy assessments, cannot apply to present times. Individual
CBAs received some attention by researchers with regard to their economic
210 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
DIGIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Environment 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Climate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
ECFIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Energy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 9 8
TREN 2 0 2 2 5 6 10 0 0 0 0

Cost–benefit analyses on energy policies carried out by the different Directorates General of the
European Commission (2003–2013).

assessments. For instance, the CBA on the EU’s Objectives on Climate Change
and Renewable Energy for 2020 (European Commission, 2008) considers the
actual EU partitioning between Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and non-
ETS sectors to be cost-effective, whereas, according to Böhringer et al. (2009),
the CBA did not take into account the excess costs associated with differen-
tial emission pricing (Torriti, 2010).

8.7 Quality of the Data and CBAs on Energy

One of the main issues around CBAs on energy regards the extent to which
data from energy companies are used as part of the appraisals. Most of the
energy regulators monitor the markets in order to foresee critical issues, pre-
vent disturbances, and enact timely regulatory actions. To ensure this task,
they need significant amounts of data from market actors. Ideally, CBAs on
energy could contain all the available information on market performance,
compare operations over time and across markets, publicly release all data
submitted to and produced by the market and system operators, and even
anticipate instances where small market flaws may develop into market fail-
ures. However, there are at least three obstacles to the transparent exchange
of information between energy companies and energy regulators.
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 211

First, there are data that companies have a right to maintain confidential.
Second, there are data that are public in principle but costly to gather and
assemble. Third, there is no general consensus on the desirability of data
exchange. Ofgem’s guidance on CBA admits the challenges of capturing
competition effects of regulatory change.
In the case of markets being opened up to competition, for example, it is
inherently difficult to predict with any accuracy the potential efficiency bene-
fits that introducing a competitive process might bring, or to quantify mean-
ingfully the dynamic benefits of competition such as the scope for increased
innovation and the introduction of new products, services and technologies.
(Ofgem, 2013, p. 23)
In principle, the exchange of information from energy companies to
policy-makers is desirable because lack of exchange of data leads to incom-
plete information and inefficient screening of the market (Brown, 2001).
According to this view, under publicly available CBAs, the information
these disclose should be available not only for those who have the legal
and financial capability to access data but also to all market and nonmar-
ket actors. However, in practice, incumbents argue that there are instances
where transparency may violate property rights or harm business when the
disclosure of crucial information can alter the competitive process (Campbell
and Lindberg, 1990). An example of this relates to the treatment of electricity
consumption data from smart meters. In principle, if regulators had access
to such data, they could make informed decisions about tariffs, based on
actual end users’ consumption. In reality, the consultation and CBAs con-
ducted in the Netherlands show that both energy companies and consumers
were opposed to the disclosure of consumption data (Cavoukian et al., 2010).
Moreover, even new entrants to the market may find data exchange problem-
atic. Perfect visibility of the strategies of competitors may be beneficial to the
defense of market power by the dominant company. Some delay in making
market bids transparent may help the strategies of new competitors. In the
recent Electricity Market Reform in the United Kingdom, DECC proposed to
publish historical data on the bidding prices for the Short Term Operating
Reserve, a service for the provision of additional active power from genera-
tion and/or demand reduction, and energy aggregators, which have only
entered energy markets in the past 5 years, opposed such change.
Compared with the European Commission’s DG Energy, the U.S. Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission features a higher legislative power for access
to data and a greater financial capacity to purchase data. Since data are kept
confidential by the regulator, business concerns of being negatively affected
by data disclosure for competition purposes are limited. This arrangement
implies that in the United States the transparency of CBAs is sacrificed in sup-
port of effective market monitoring and higher quality of data and analysis.
In the EU, institutional market monitoring activities are lagging. In some
European countries, the regulator is recipient of a wealth of data (Gilbert
et al., 2002), and the main issue is whether to publish them in a CBA or not.
212 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

In other countries, data gathering does not represent a problem, but organi-
zational deficiencies make the treatment of data rather difficult.

8.8 Conclusion
This chapter described the context, theories, and main features of and alter-
natives to CBA applied to energy policies. The discussion on the historical
development of CBA shows that this appraisal tool represents a mix of engi-
neering and economics methodologies that are very suitable to most energy
policy problems. CBA is most directly applicable to civil engineering projects
and programs that rely on quantifiable units of cost. The chapter provides
a breakdown of typologies of costs and benefits, hence noting some of the
difficulties associated with the practice associated with benefits appraisal
in energy problems. Most economic appraisal techniques tend to treat net
benefits (or undiscounted cash flows) as given. However, gathering data
on future flows of benefits is an intrinsically uncertain exercise. CBAs on
energy policies have traditionally relied on different modes of data collection
and statistical inference, based among other things on the type of institution
conducting the economic appraisal (e.g., central government departments,
European Commission, or regulatory authorities).
This is one of the reasons why the chapter addresses what economic effi-
ciency means for CBAs on energy policies. This chapter reviewed economic
efficiency as the core principle underpinning CBA, as it is a method by
which this concept of efficiency can be applied to publicly supplied goods.
Assuming that energy policies and projects bring utility to people, these peo-
ple are associated with a willingness to pay, which represents the benefit of
supplying such goods. Willingness to pay corresponds to a willingness to
accept (i.e., the cost for supplying the goods). In energy policy appraisals,
difficulty exists, however, in transferring the efficiency concept for market
goods to publicly supplied goods. Two relevant points involve the efficiency
concept in CBA: (1) energy policies may be concerned with a much broader
range of consequences than firms and (2) energy suppliers may not always
use market prices in evaluating projects either because the market prices may
not exist or because market prices may not represent true marginal social
benefits/costs. The efficiency criteria on which CBAs for energy policies are
based are relatively different from the traditional willingness to pay vis-à-vis
willingness to accept relation because they are supposed to take into account
distribution and equity issues. When efficiency conflicts with other values,
it is actually impossible to create economic welfare criteria that integrate all
values. An example of this discussion on the impractical use of CBA in the
context of the macroeconomics of energy policy comes from projects aimed
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Energy Policies 213

to address fuel poverty. These create both winners and losers. In most of the
cases, losers already belong to the poorest and more marginalized members
of society. While fuel poverty projects can bring enormous benefits to society,
their costs to the poorest have effects on their health and even their lives
(Kanbur, 2002). The use of CBA by government departments for fuel pov-
erty projects is widespread and often criticized for not considering areas like
basic needs approaches, shadow prices, social discount rates, and macroeco-
nomic shocks to public goods (Brent, 1998; Devarajan et al., 1997; Kirkpatrick
and Weiss, 1996).
The examples given in this chapter offer a picture of the range of CBAs
applied to energy policies. This chapter has observed how the level of
techno-economic analysis varies in CBAs conducted by regulators, govern-
ment departments, and the European Commission. However, no judgment
is placed here on the value of less technical CBAs. Indeed, a lower level of
analysis may yield positive benefits in terms of greater engagement with
stakeholders and the wider public in the development of policies that will
have significant consequences for society as a whole. This benefit is even
greater when taking into account the detachment of the lay public from
energy policies (Cotton and Devine-Wright, 2012). Unlike some of the
more technically focused exercises that have been used to assess energy
regulation, CBA for energy policy is intended to be an inclusive and par-
ticipative process, in which there is an opportunity for deliberation and
consensus building. It has been pointed out elsewhere that the application
of cost–benefit analysis to energy policies emphasizes three typical weak-
nesses: (1) the exclusive concern with economic values, (2) the treatment of
uncertainty, (3) and the neglect of intergenerational effects (Simpson and
Walker, 1987).
Very much like environmental policies, energy policies tend to be designed
to achieve multiple objectives ranging from climate change to utilities’ tar-
iffs. Correspondingly, the impacts generated by energy policies tend to
vary substantially in nature and size. Over the years, policy-makers have
expanded the types of analytical tools used in the appraisal and evaluation
of energy policies from narrowly scoped geophysical and ecological models,
on the one hand, and purely socioeconomic-oriented tools of decision analy-
sis, on the other hand, to highly integrated assessment tools, such as CBA.
Through an expansion of geographic and temporal scopes and depiction
of large complex systems, CBA models were expected to overcome many
of the shortcomings of earlier analyses, that is, absent or inadequate depic-
tion of technological change, micro-behaviors of economic actors (e.g., firms
and consumers), intergenerational trade-offs and fairness, and uncertainty
(Greening and Bernow, 2004). However, given their broad approach, CBAs
are prone to the problem of finding a balance between quantification of cur-
rent economic and physical phenomena and future variations in the sup-
ply and demand of energy systems. In energy policy, the main added value
214 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

of the CBA system has been associated with explicitly providing a range of
policy-relevant criteria including a broad range of stakeholder opinions that
can be used to assess (in traditional cost–benefit terms) and develop alterna-
tive environmental and energy policies.

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Benchmarking Energy Efficiency
Transitions in MENA Countries

Tareq Emtairah and Nurzat Myrsalieva

9.1 Introduction: Background and Context................................................... 219
9.2 Drivers of Energy Efficiency in MENA................................................... 220
9.3 The Arab Future Energy Index.................................................................222
9.4 Areas of Assessment and Parameters......................................................222
9.5 Comparing Results from Two Cycles of Benchmarking.......................225
9.5.1 2013 Cycle.........................................................................................225
9.5.2 2015 Cycle......................................................................................... 228
9.6 Discussion and Concluding Remarks...................................................... 230
References.............................................................................................................. 232

9.1 Introduction: Background and Context

Pursuing energy efficiency as a national policy objective is a cross-cutting
challenge for governments. The outcomes expressed in proxies such as
energy intensity of the economy and/or energy productivity are linked to so
many variables and interventions operating at different levels; from mac-
roeconomic conditions, technology development and path dependency,
energy supply and pricing regimes to influencing the behavior of millions
of energy consumers (see for e.g., Howarth and Andersson 1993; Rosenberg
1994, p. 161; Biggart and Lutzenhister 2007; Gillingham et al. 2009). Therefore,
a wide range of policies and measures have been used by governments to
facilitate the transition toward improved energy efficiency.
Given the possible range of governmental interventions and the special
context of each country, an effective transition regime for energy efficiency
might appear difficult to characterize at first glance. However, in a global
review covering close to 110 countries conducted by the International Energy
Agency (IEA) in 2010, the authors conclude that energy efficiency policy is more
likely to be successful if an effective system of energy efficiency governance is estab-
lished (OECD/IEA 2010, p. 14). This implies that it is not only the policies that

220 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

matter but also the governance arrangements for enabling energy efficiency
transitions. In the same IEA report, a grouping of the possible arrangements
is made in three main headings: enabling frameworks, institutional arrange-
ments, and coordinating mechanisms (OECD/IEA 2010, p. 15).
Informed by this understanding of energy efficiency transition and its
governance arrangements, and while working for the Regional Center for
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE),* the authors par-
ticipated in the development and testing† of a benchmarking index for
a systematic analysis of energy efficiency transitions in RCREEE’s Arab
member states within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
The underlying logic and motivation for RCREEE is that an energy effi-
ciency governance perspective is warranted for the adequate assessment
of countries’ transitional processes. An assessment of this nature would
also allow the Center to gauge the extent to which political rhetoric and
targets are realistic within the national market conditions, institutional
arrangements, and national capacities (Myrsalieva and Samborsky 2013;
Myrsalieva and Barghouth 2015). Furthermore, it should facilitate strategic
conversations with national focal points working with energy efficiency
questions on the strengths and weaknesses of national energy efficiency
This chapter presents the experience and lessons learned from this bench-
marking exercise. It is organized to give a brief overview of the drivers for
energy efficiency in the MENA countries, followed by a description of the
benchmarking framework and its parameters, hereafter referred to as the
Arab Future Energy Index (AFEX). Finally, key findings and insights based
on the process and outcomes are presented and discussed.

9.2 Drivers of Energy Efficiency in MENA

With a few exceptions, the majority of Arab countries in MENA have been
late in paying adequate attention to energy efficiency (Emtairah and Chaaban
2013). In the past, governmental efforts in most countries of the region can be
characterized at best as ad hoc, uncoordinated, and mostly driven by donor-
countries’ projects.

*  RCREEE was founded in 2008 through a cooperation agreement among 10 Arab countries
with the support from the German and Danish governments. A Secretariat was set up in
Cairo in 2010 and given the mandate by its founding members to act as policy advocacy part-
ner to national governments and support the member states with their efforts in developing
markets for renewable energy and energy efficiency investments.
†  The authors also acknowledge the contribution and involvement of many other actors in the

actual production of the benchmarking index from within and outside RCREEE.
Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in MENA Countries 221

Not more than 5 years ago, a noticeable shift in attitude occurred among
national authorities and key stakeholders within the energy sectors in favor
of coordinated efforts toward energy efficiency. This shift is driven by the
convergence of several internal and external factors putting pressure on
national governments to adequately balance the supply and demand in
energy services.
The most important factors often cited in this discussion include

1. High rates of population growth and lifestyle changes leading to

above-average demand growth for energy services particularly in
the electricity sector
2. Steep fluctuations in primary energy prices coupled with a wide
range of universal subsidies leading to pressures on national bud-
gets to adequately finance capacity expansion, while at the same
time sustain artificially low prices for energy services

The effect of these key factors and the resulting dynamics pressuring the
internal energy systems and their policy implications are not necessarily the
same due to the fact that the energy and economy profiles of the MENA
countries differ considerably (ESMAP 2009). Further treatment of these dif-
ferences and the drivers is provided in a later section of this chapter; however,
it needs to be emphasized that from a fundamental cause–effect relationship,
these two factors remain significant driving forces in the discourse on energy
efficiency transitions across all countries in the region. Other factors can be
cited such as aging and inefficient infrastructure and technologies across the
energy system value chain but tend to be more specific to one country or a
smaller group of countries. In comparison to other regions, climate change
and environmental consideration played rather in an significant role* in the
discourse and subsequent strategies shaping the energy efficiency transi-
tions in the region (Reiche 2010; Waterbury 2013).
With this background, noticeable efforts from countries in the region
toward improved energy efficiency are taking shape. The formal adoption
in 2011 by the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity of the recommenda-
tions and supporting guidelines encouraging member countries to establish
national energy efficiency action plans (NEAPS) and provided further impe-
tus toward more coordinated and systematic efforts to organize energy
efficiency strategies and programs at the national level. Still, the landscape
remains unclear as to how far the efforts in the member countries in terms
of policies, strategies, and implementation are adequately guiding the transi-
tion toward the right direction.

*  Despite courteous reference to these considerations in public policy documents.

222 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

9.3 The Arab Future Energy Index

To understand better energy system challenges and guide the energy transi-
tion process in the MENA region, RCREEE in 2013 launched the Arab Future
Energy Index (AFEX) as a policy assessment and benchmarking tool. Adding
to what has been stated earlier on the underlying aim from the benchmark-
ing; in the communication with the member states, AFEX is promoted as a
tool to provide consistent and fact-based analysis of energy transition processes
in the MENA region through benchmarking exercise considering the political and
economic realities of the countries (Myrsalieva and Samborsky 2013).
The assessment is based on the compilation and analysis of detailed,
country-specific data according to the set of predefined indicators and para­
meters. The idea would be to publish AFEX on a regular basis to carefully
monitor the changes and the progress in the region in the field of renewable
energy and energy efficiency. The benchmarking models for energy effi-
ciency and for renewable energy, while following the same structure, differ
in the assessment goal and types of parameters.* In this chapter, when refer-
ences are made to AFEX, they refer to the energy efficiency component.

9.4 Areas of Assessment and Parameters

The energy efficiency component of AFEX provides a comparative overview
of the current state of energy efficiency in the MENA region and presents an
analysis of countries’ performance across four evaluation criteria: (1) energy
pricing, (2) policy framework, (3) institutional capacity, and (4) utility.
The energy pricing evaluation criteria assess the structure of electricity
tariffs, gasoline, and diesel, including the energy subsidy reform efforts. The
policy framework evaluation criteria assess the countries’ level of commit-
ment to overcome market, social, and political barriers to energy efficiency
by formulating and adopting strategies, policies, and target-based action
plans. The institutional capacity evaluation criterion assesses the capacity of
governmental stakeholders to design, implement, and evaluate energy effi-
ciency policies. Under utility criteria, the efficiency of the power supply is
assessed including power generation efficiency and efficiency of transmis-
sion and distribution networks. Table 9.1 shows how the four criteria are bro-
ken into 10 factors, which are further broken into sets of quantitative and
qualitative indicators.
The evaluation criteria, factors, and indicators have been chosen based on
the assessment of the main drivers, barriers, and applicable international

*  The assessment reports are available through www.rcreee.org.

AFEX Energy Efficiency Indicators
Category Factor Indicator Score/Measuring Unit
Energy Electricity price Time-of-use price structure Number of segments
pricing structure Other price-based incentives Number of incentives
Energy subsidies Electricity subsidies in residential sector Subsidy percentage (benchmarked to Palestinian retail
prices for electricity)
Electricity subsidies in commercial sector Subsidy percentage (benchmarked to Palestinian retail
prices for electricity)
Electricity subsidies in industrial sector Subsidy percentage (benchmarked to Palestinian retail
prices for electricity)
Subsidies for gasoline Retail price per liter
Subsidies for diesel Retail price per liter
Policy Energy planning Energy strategy with long-term EE objectives Officially adopted; nonexistent
framework National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Adopted; not adopted; under development
Quantitative, time-bound EE targets for residential, Adopted; not adopted; under development
tertiary, industrial, transport, and utility sectors
Regulatory Framework legislation for EE measures Adopted; draft prepared; nonexistent
framework EE regulations for buildings Mandatory; voluntary or under preparation; nonexistent
Statutory obligation to install solar water heaters Adopted; under preparation; nonexistent
in new buildings
Mandatory minimum energy performance standards Number of appliances
with labeling schemes for household appliances
Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in MENA Countries

Regulatory phase-out of inefficient lighting technology Policy adopted; under preparation; nonexistent
EE regulations for industries Number of regulatory policies
Regulatory phase-out of old or inefficient vehicles Adopted; under development; nonexistent
Policies discouraging car ownership and Number of policies adopted
promoting public transport and car sharing


TABLE 9.1 (Continued)

AFEX Energy Efficiency Indicators
Category Factor Indicator Score/Measuring Unit
Financial EE Fund Established by law; sources of financing are clear;
incentives disbursement procedure is clear; fund is operational
Internal tax benefits Number of tax incentives
Customs duty for CFL and LED bulbs Customs rate percentage
Customs duty for solar water heaters Customs rate percentage
Institutional EE Institutions Designated EE units within ministries Presence of designated EE unit; adequacy of technical
capacity and human resources; capacity to formulate and
monitor EE policies
Designated EE agency Presence of designated EE agency; adequacy of technical
and human resources; capacity to implement EE policies
Implementation Number of EE buildings built Percentage of new building stock built according to EE
capacity regulations
Number of demonstration projects Expert assessment from 0 to 10 based on number of
demonstration projects; market size of construction
Solar water heater diffusion rate m2 of panels per 1000 inhabitants
Corruption Perception Index CPI score
Utility Generation Power generation efficiency National average percentage
Share of renewable energy in generation mix Percentage of total installed capacity and electricity
Transmission and Transmission and distribution losses (including National average percentage
distribution technical and commercial losses)
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in MENA Countries 225

best practices to improving energy efficiency performance in the region. One

of the major barriers identified at the outset of the project included heavily
subsidized energy prices, which were prevalent in both energy-exporting
and energy-importing countries. Other barriers included lack of energy effi-
ciency policies, lack of targets, weak institutions to lead energy efficiency pol-
icies, lack of awareness, and lack of capacities and expertise. The drivers for
energy efficiency differed between energy-importing and energy-exporting
countries. For energy-importing countries, energy security, reducing budget
deficits, and reducing reliance on imported energy products were the main
considerations for pursuing energy efficiency. For energy-exporting coun-
tries, energy efficiency was viewed as a way to preserve diminishing natural
resources, to comply with international commitments under climate change
policy, and to show leadership and goodwill.
The main constraint for selecting the indicators was data availability. Lack
of detailed data availability on energy consumption constitutes one of the
major challenges in most MENA countries. Many countries in the region
lack a centralized office responsible for collecting detailed energy-related
data. Often data are scattered between different institutions, inconsistent, or
simply unavailable. Taking this situation into account, the indicators had to
be practical, operational, relevant to the region, resource-efficient, and easy
to measure.

9.5 Comparing Results from Two Cycles of Benchmarking

9.5.1 2013 Cycle
Under AFEX Energy Efficiency 2013, 13 MENA countries were assessed
and ranked.* The MENA region comprises politically, economically, and
socially diverse countries. Although the 13 countries represent only part of
the whole MENA region, these countries, nevertheless, collectively cover
geographical area of 8,886,000 km 2 with a total population of 301 million
people. The largest country by population is Egypt with about 83 million
people and the smallest country is Bahrain with only 1.3 million people.
The region includes countries with versatile attributes related to ener-
gies and economy status: some are energy-dependent (Morocco, Tunisia,
Jordan), and others are energy-independent (Algeria, Bahrain, Libya, Iraq)
some are categorized as upper high income (Bahrain), and some lower mid-
dle income (Yemen, Sudan).

*  Countries assessed under AFEX Energy Efficiency 2013: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq,
Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen.
226 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Just as the countries within the region are different, their performance in
energy efficiency is also different. The most diverse performance has been
observed under the energy pricing category. Although the MENA region
as a whole is characterized by heavily subsidized energy prices, the differ-
ences between individual countries’ energy prices are significant. Figure 9.1
shows that the highest energy prices are in energy-dependent countries:
Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, and Jordan. Residential electricity tariffs in
Palestine are nearly 20 times higher than residential tariffs in Bahrain, Syria,
and Iraq. Industrial electricity tariffs in Morocco shown in Figure 9.2 are
five times higher than industrial tariffs in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Bahrain.
Subsequently, the countries with less subsidized energy prices ranked the
highest under energy pricing evaluation criteria.
With regard to energy efficiency policies, the countries again showed dif-
ferences. Five out of thirteen countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan,
and Tunisia) have national energy efficiency action plans in place with spe-
cific energy savings targets. Other five countries (Algeria, Jordan, Morocco,
Syria, and Tunisia) have energy efficiency legislation in place. Only one
country (Tunisia) has officially banned the import and sale of incandescent
light bulbs and only Tunisia has the most comprehensive program in place
to promote industrial energy efficiency. Only six countries have put in place
mandatory energy efficiency regulations for buildings. The customs duties
on the import of efficient light bulbs and solar water heaters ranged from 0%
in Jordan to 30% in Algeria.

Implied subsidy
Bahrain 0.8 95%
Syria 0.8 Residential: 95%
483 kWh/month average
Iraq 0.9 94%
Libya 1.6 90%
Egypt 2.6 84%
Yemen 4.1 74%
Lebanon 4.8 69%
Algeria 5.5 66%
Sudan 8.3 48%
Jordan 9.2 42%
Tunisia 11.8 25%
Morocco 12.0 25%
Palestine 15.8 Benchmark
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Price (US cents/kWh)

Residential electricity tariffs and implied subsidies (2011).
Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in MENA Countries 227

Implied subsidy
Libya 3.4 Industrial: 80%
Egypt 4.1 30,579 kWh/month average 75%
Iraq 4.2 75%
Bahrain 4.3 74%
Algeria 4.4 73%
Syria 6.1 63%
Jordan 8.0 51%
Lebanon 8.1
Sudan 8.2 50%
Yemen 10.3 38%
Tunisia 13.9 16%
Palestine 16.6 Benchmark
Morocco 17.1 –3%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Price (US cents/kWh)

Industrial electricity tariffs and implied subsidies (2011).

The overall performance of the region under policy framework evaluation

criteria was found weak. Many countries still had to improve their regulatory
frameworks. Often, countries have incomplete policies (building code cov-
ering only thermal envelope in Bahrain or framework energy efficiency law
without implementing decrees in Morocco), policies covering only certain sec-
tors (energy savings targets for the residential sector only in Egypt), conflict-
ing policies (free distribution of efficient light bulbs while maintaining high
import duty on the same efficient light bulbs in Algeria), no energy efficiency
policies at all (Libya, Yemen), or policies comprising of only voluntary schemes
(Lebanon and Iraq). Only one country, Tunisia, stood out with a comprehen-
sive regulatory framework covering all aspects of the economy and including
a wide range of policy measures (mandatory, voluntary, and incentive-based).
Under institutional capacity category, the countries showed the poorest
performance. Again, only Tunisia stood out with a relatively better imple-
mentation rate of energy efficiency policies. This is mostly due to the pres-
ence of a strong dedicated national energy efficiency agency—ANME.
In most countries, energy efficiency policies greatly suffered from lack of
enforcement. This was mostly due to the fact that countries lacked strong
institutional base to implement energy efficiency policies.
This finding reinforces the message from the OECD/IEA report (2010) that
the success of energy efficiency policies is conditional upon effective energy
efficiency governance structure. The heart of an energy efficiency gover-
nance system lies in a strong dedicated energy efficiency agency with the
capability to design, formulate, implement, and evaluate energy efficiency
228 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Tunisia 81
Morocco 55
Jordan 53
Palestine 48
Algeria 42
Lebanon 42
Egypt 41
Syria 35
Bahrain 33
Sudan 29
Yeman 23
Libya 19
Iraq 14
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Country ranking based on 2013 assessment.

policies and programs. Such an agency also needs to be capable of coordi-

nating activities among various stakeholders to ensure more effective use of
human, capital, and technical resources in achieving energy efficiency objec-
tives. Most countries in MENA region lack this effective energy efficiency
governance system, which in our assessment drives the overall poor perfor-
mance in energy efficiency. Often countries either have understaffed energy
efficiency agency (Egypt), or agency without any policy formulation powers
(Jordan), or uncoordinated efforts of multiple agencies (Bahrain, Sudan), or
no dedicated energy efficiency agency at all (Iraq).
Figure 9.3 shows the final ranking of countries under the AFEX Energy
Efficiency 2013 assessment. In the final ranking, Tunisia emerges as the
leader, followed by Morocco, Jordan, and Palestine.

9.5.2 2015 Cycle
The scope of AFEX Energy Efficiency 2015 was broadened. Four more coun-
tries, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE, have been added to the assess-
ment. Also, the scope of assessment have been broadened to include the
assessment of energy efficiency in the transport sector. Although the overall
ranking of countries did not change much, many developments took place
under individual indicators since the publication of AFEX 2013.
Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in MENA Countries 229

The biggest developments took place under the energy pricing category.
Six countries, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, and Yemen, imple-
mented energy subsidy reform efforts. Egypt introduced a 5-year plan on
gradual increases of electricity prices and significantly increased prices
of gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. Jordan also approved a 5-year plan
for gradual increases of electricity tariffs and completely removed subsi-
dies from oil products. Morocco also eliminated subsidies for gasoline and
industrial fuel. Tunisia introduced increases on electricity tariffs and fuel
prices. Sudan and Yemen both have significantly increased prices for gaso-
line and diesel.
The policy framework category also showed some developments. Three
more countries adopted national energy efficiency action plans with spe-
cific energy savings targets (Iraq, Jordan, and Tunisia adopted its third
plan). The biggest improvement has been made in phasing out inefficient
appliances. Three countries, Jordan, UAE, and Qatar, introduced technical
standards for home appliances with minimum energy efficiency require-
ments. Bahrain, UAE, and Qatar also introduced a ban on the import and
sale of inefficient light bulbs. The two large energy-consuming sectors
were found to be the least regulated across all MENA countries: trans-
port and industrial sectors. These two sectors represent areas with great
untapped energy efficiency potential. The transport sector specifically
appears to be the most challenging to tackle as the energy efficiency
improvements are associated with high investment costs for infrastruc-
ture development projects.
The least progress has been observed under the institutional capacity
category. The countries overall did not make much progress in strengthen-
ing the institutional base and improving the implementation capacity. The
greatest challenge with enforcement lies in the building sector. Although the
countries put in place energy efficiency building regulations, many of these
regulations remain unenforced. To improve the compliance in this sector,
countries need to dedicate more effort to establishing clear and transparent
enforcement procedures, building technical capacities, and designing mea-
sures to promote voluntary compliance.
Figure 9.4 illustrates the performance of countries over two categories:
policy framework and institutional capacity. In this figure, only Tunisia and
UAE appear to perform well under both categories. These countries have
better policy frameworks and relatively stronger institutional capacities,
enabling better implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures.
Jordan scores well under policy framework, but needs to improve its institu-
tional capacity to ensure effective implementation of its policies. Majority of
the countries are still in the lower left quadrant. This means that countries
still need to improve their regulatory frameworks and strengthen their insti-
tutional capacities.
230 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy



0.6 UAE
0.0 0.2 0.4 ALG QAT 0.6 0.8 1.0

IRA 0.2

Policy framework

Countries’ performance over two categories based on 2015 assessment.

9.6 Discussion and Concluding Remarks

Initially, RCREEE developed the benchmarking tool as a means to under-
stand better energy transition processes in the MENA region and as a means
to guide its intervention strategies. The tool successfully served this purpose
and became an avenue for sharing regional experiences and for engaging in
broader discussions and partnerships. One example is the case of Tunisia.
Through AFEX it became evident that Tunisia has achieved great results
in improving energy efficiency in the country and its national energy effi-
ciency agency played a key role in this process. This triggered interests from
several other countries to learn about the Tunisian experience and institu-
tional arrangements. As a result, RCREEE organized several study tours and
exchange missions to Tunisia.
AFEX has also become an important information platform, which served
not only policymakers, but also development organizations and other stake-
holders. RCREEE was able to collect good set of data points and consoli-
date across specific indicators. Even when there were no data points, proxies
served well the purpose. Example is the approximate subsidies solution
as a practical and sufficient proxy to characterize realities on the ground.
Estimating exact amount of subsidies is a challenging task due to a big range
Benchmarking Energy Efficiency Transitions in MENA Countries 231

of subsidies, different modes of implementation, poor data quality, limited

data availability, and lack of transparency. Given the lack of data on subsidy
rate in all Arab countries and difficulties in measuring subsidies according
to one common methodology, a proxy was developed to estimate energy
subsidy levels. The results were cross-checked with individual national
experts and seemed to have correlated with the reality. This gave RCREEE
experts sufficient grounds to have strategic conversations with the relevant
authorities and stakeholders about the difficult subject of subsidies and build
necessary arguments for change.
Like any other benchmarking tool, AFEX created a competitive attitude
among the countries. This was particularly evident with higher-ranking
countries. AFEX also became somewhat a common regional avenue to dis-
play countries’ efforts in promoting sustainable energy developments in
their countries. For instance, a representative from one country argued that
the ranking does not reflect the level of efforts the agency in that country is
putting toward promoting energy efficiency; however, on closer examina-
tion between the assessment parameters and the activities of the country, it
was possible to have a constructive dialogue comparing stand-alone ad hoc
promotional programs to measures affecting market transformation.
The authors of the benchmarking tool expected a considerable challenge
on the selection and type of parameters and indicators, but surprisingly,
very little of that came out from the counterparts in the member countries.
Most of the discussions were mainly about the results of the findings, about
general trends, about progress of individual countries, and very little about
the actual choice of indicators.
Overall, the benchmarking provided a basis to have more structured dis-
cussions about specific challenges and problems. For example, there are two
indicators for assessing energy efficiency in the building sector: (1) whether
the countries have put in place energy efficiency regulations for buildings;
and (2) the percentage of new building stock built according to the energy
efficiency regulations. The results of these two indicators showed that many
countries have put in place energy efficiency building regulations, but the
enforcement was completely lacking. These findings elicited more focused
discussions on the specific challenges with enforcement mechanisms.
A side effect is that having a consistent and comprehensive regional scale
monitoring of the energy efficiency transitions can be of valuable guidance
to donor-driven programs in the recipient countries. The experience from
AFEX suggests that such an index can lower the transaction costs of design-
ing effective donor support programs at national or regional scales.
Given the heterogeneity of national context, the exercise demonstrated
again that countries can take different paths to improving energy efficiency.
If energy prices are heavily subsidized, there is still ample space to advance
energy efficiency investments through, for example, putting in place strin-
gent mandatory energy efficiency regulations and taking a lead in the gov-
ernment sector. Consistent also with empirical observations elsewhere, the
232 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

institutional arrangements for coordination and enforcement are absolutely

instrumental to improving energy efficiency.

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energy-index%E2%84%A2-afex-2015-energy-efficiency. Accessed June 15, 2016.
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ciency. Cairo, Egypt: The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy
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OECD/IEA. 2010. Energy Efficiency Governance. Paris, France: IEA. Available online:
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Waterbury%20v3.pdf. Accessed June 18, 2016.
Analysis of the European Energy Context:
A Snapshot of the Natural Gas Sector

Vincenzo Bianco

10.1 Introduction................................................................................................. 233
10.2 Preliminary Background...........................................................................234
10.3 Organization of Natural Gas Industry.................................................... 237
10.4 European Regulatory Framework............................................................ 238
10.5 Supply and Demand Balance in Europe................................................. 242
10.5.1 Analysis of the Consumption....................................................... 242
10.5.2 Analysis of the Supply................................................................... 245
10.5.3 Development of Infrastructure..................................................... 249
10.6 Natural Gas Pricing.................................................................................... 252
10.6.1 Market Context................................................................................ 252
10.6.2 Oil-Linked Formulas...................................................................... 253
10.6.3 Gas Hubs.......................................................................................... 256
10.6.4 Hub Pricing...................................................................................... 258
10.6.5 Recent Developments..................................................................... 260
10.7 Conclusions.................................................................................................. 262
References.............................................................................................................. 263

10.1 Introduction
Since its discovery in the United States at Fredonia, New York, in 1821, natu-
ral gas has been used as fuel in areas immediately surrounding gas fields.
In the period 1920–1930, some long-distance pipelines were installed in the
United States to transport gas from remote areas to industrial centers (Ikoku,
The natural gas industry of today did not emerge until after World War II,
when the consumption started to increase rapidly. This growth was due to
several factors, including the development of new markets, replacement of
coal as a fuel for providing space and industrial process heat, strong demand
for low-sulfur fuels that emerged in the mid-1960s, and so on (Ikoku, 1984).

234 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

In light of this, natural gas can be considered a relatively new fuel, even
though it plays an important role in the global energy balance, and its impact
in the European energy scenario is significant.
In particular, from the end of the 1990s, a sharp increase of consumption
has been detected due to its massive utilization for power generation in com-
bined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants.
The use of natural gas for power generation has been encouraged by the
implementation of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (i.e., a scheme for the
trading of CO2 emission allowances), which gives advantages to low-carbon-
intensive fuels.
Due to the efficiency and coverage of the distribution network, natural gas
is largely used also in other sectors of activity, for example industrial or resi-
dential, for different purposes, such as process steam generation, heating,
and so on.
Natural gas is considered as the necessary fuel to support the European
energy transition toward renewable energies; therefore, it has a deep strate-
gic relevance in the EU energy policy. However, the indigenous production
is limited and able to satisfy only a partial share of the demand.
To support the consumption of natural gas, different infrastructures were
developed and others are under development, in order to connect the EU
with exporter countries (i.e., Russia, Algeria, and others) by means of pipe-
lines. These infrastructures rigidly connect supply and demand; therefore,
to limit the market power of the suppliers, many regasification plants have
been also built all around Europe to permit the import of liquefied natural
gas (LNG) from other regions (i.e., Nigeria, Venezuela, and others), allowing
more competitive supply sources.
In the last years, due to the economic downturn, a decrease of natural gas
consumption has been detected, causing a destabilization of the market, and
it is not clear if it will be a transient effect or if it will lead to a reshape of the
This chapter will analyze all the main issues connected with natural gas
sector in Europe, by taking into account the current situation and possible
future perspectives.

10.2 Preliminary Background
Natural gas is a combustible mixture of hydrocarbon gases. In general, it is
mainly formed of methane (70%–90%), but it often includes ethane, propane,
butane, and pentane (0%–20%), and a minor share of impurities such as car-
bon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide.
The composition of natural gas can widely vary according to the location
of extraction.
Analysis of the European Energy Context 235

It can be divided in three main categories, namely, dry natural gas, wet
natural gas, and sour natural gas:

1. Dry natural gas is a purified product represented almost entirely by

2. Wet natural gas is natural gas that contains methane and other
3. Sour natural gas is natural gas that contains a large amount of hydro-
gen sulfide. This is an issue because of the corrosive effects and the
formation of SOx during combustion.

Natural gas is a fossil fuel. This means that it is the result of the decomposi-
tion of plants, animals, and microorganisms that lived millions of years ago.
It represents organic material prevented from its complete decay.
Natural gas originates from two different mechanisms, namely, ther­
mogenic and biogenic.

1. Thermogenic methane: it is formed from organic particles covered

by sediment, mud, and debris that form an increasingly thicker layer
on top of the organic matter. This sediment exerts a high pressure
on the organic matter, which compresses it. The joint combination of
pressure and temperature (temperature increases as one gets deeper
in the soil) allows to break the carbon bonds in the organic matter,
which leads to the formation of methane.
2. Biogenic methane: it is formed as a consequence of the action
of methanogens—microorganisms able to produce methane.
Methanogens chemically break down organic material, leading to
the formation of methane. They can be found in areas close to the
earth surface where oxygen is not present; therefore, the methane
produced in this way is found close to the earth surface and, often, it
is lost in the atmosphere. Sometimes, the methane remains confined
in the underground and it can be extracted.

Natural gas can be classified in two macro-categories, namely, conventional

and unconventional. As given in Wang et al. (2014), a natural gas deposit
can be defined as “conventional” if it is contained in rocks (often limestone
or sandstone) with a permeability of more than 1000 microdarcy that have
interconnected spaces that allow the gas to flow freely in the rock and to well
boreholes. On the other hand, natural gas is classified as unconventional gas
if it is situated in rock formation with a permeability of less than 1 milli-
darcy, which makes the gas difficult to flow.
The definition of “unconventional” gas based on a single value of permeabil-
ity is of limited significance. In fact, the commercial completions of conventional
basins may be achieved when the permeability is in the microdarcy range.
236 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Another definition of unconventional can be given from the economic

point of view. According to this, unconventional gas is natural gas that can-
not be produced at economic flow rates or in economic volumes of natural
gas, unless the well is stimulated by a large hydraulic fracture treatment
(Wang et al., 2014).
There are four types of unconventional gas: shale gas, coal-bed methane,
tight gas, and gas hydrates.

1. Shale gas: the gas is in shale deposits typically found in river del-
tas, lake deposits, or flood plains. Shale is both the source and the
reservoir for the natural gas. This can either be “free gas,” which is
trapped in the pores and fissures of the shale rocks, or adsorbed gas,
which is contained in surfaces of the rocks (Wang et al., 2014).
2. Coal-bed methane: in coal deposits, significant amounts of methane-
rich gas are generated and stored within the coal structure when it
has an extremely low permeability.
3. Tight gas: unlike shale gas or coal-bed methane, it is formed outside
the rock formations where it has migrated over millions of years into
extremely impermeable hard rock or sandstone or limestone forma-
tions that are unusually nonporous (Wang et al., 2014).
4. Gas hydrates: natural gas hydrates (also known as clathrates) are
solid gas molecules surrounded by a lattice of water molecules. They
are formed by water and natural gas (methane) at high pressures
and low temperatures (ETSAP, 2010).

As it can be imagined, the extraction of unconventional gas is more complex

than the conventional one, due to the low permeability of the rocks that
trap the gas. A controversial and debated methodology to extract uncon-
ventional gas is “hydraulic fracturing,” which sometimes is called “stimula-
tion” or in short “fracing” or “fracking” (EU Parliament—DG for Internal
Policies, 2011).
A hydraulic fracture is formed by pumping fluid at high pressure into the
wellbore at a rate sufficient to increase pressure down hole to exceed that of
the fracture pressure gradient of the surrounding rock. The fracturing fluids
are commonly made up of water (over 90%) and chemical additives (Wang
et al., 2014).
After creating the fracture, the operators prevent it from closing by intro-
ducing a proppant that keeps the fracture opened when the injection of fluid
is stopped and pressure reduced. When the fracture is completed, the fluid
reflows to the surface including the gas (EPA Ireland, 2012).
There is a large debate regarding hydraulic fracturing, that is supposed to
have a relevant environmental impact due to the consumption of land, water
and contamination from chemical additives. Moreover, in some cases, it is
assumed that fracturing may induce earthquakes (EPA Ireland, 2012).
Analysis of the European Energy Context 237

Despite these concerns, in the United States, the industry of unconven-

tional gas continues to develop, whereas in the EU the situation is much
more stable and the concerns linked to the environmental and security risks
seem to prevail, also considering an ambiguous regulatory framework that
has a number of gaps (EU Parliament—DG for Internal Policies, 2011).

10.3 Organization of Natural Gas Industry

Due to its complexity and the heterogeneity of the regulatory framework of
the different countries worldwide, natural gas industry has an organization
that differs, also substantially, from country to country, but some elements of
the value chain remain the same, irrespective of the specific contexts.
Natural gas industry, as well as oil industry, can be divided in three main
segments, namely, upstream, midstream, and downstream, each focused
on specific aspects of the production and commercial process, as shown in
Figure 10.1:

1. Upstream: it mainly represents the exploration and production

phases. It involves the active searching for underground and under-
water, conventional or unconventional, reserves of natural gas, as
well as oil. Most of the profits of the oil and gas industry are deter-
mined in this phase. The upstream phase can be divided in six steps:
a. Acquisition of the rights for exploration from the reserve holder
b. Performing the surveys to find the reserves

Natural gas production/commercial process

Upstream Midstream Downstream

Exploration and Transportation Treatment and

production management refining
Higher part of Operation of LNG Management of
the value chain terminals the distribution
Relationship Storage services Relationship with
with political final customers

Fundamental phases of the natural gas production/commercial process.
238 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

c. Execution of preliminary drilling tests to check the source

d. Accomplishment of checks to determine the commercial viabil-
ity of source
e. Large-scale production (extraction) of natural gas (or oil)
f. Payments to the reserve holders in the form of royalties or pro-
duction sharing arrangements (PSAs)
2. Midstream: it represents the second phase of the production. It con-
sists in the transportation of crude or refined oil and gas products
via pipelines, tankers, trains, and so on. The final destinations are
refineries or treatment plants, where the downstream phase begins.
In the case of natural gas, there is also the operation of liquefaction
and regasification terminals, which allow transforming natural gas
into liquid phase and vice versa, in order to allow an easier trans-
portation of relevant quantities. Also, storage services are typically
included in the midstream phase.
3. Downstream: it is the final stage of the process. It is devoted to the
refining, treatment, and purifying of oil and natural gas, as well as it
includes all the efforts made to market and distribute natural gas (or
oil) to final customers.

A company operating in the field of oil and gas is said to be “vertically

integrated” if it covers all the phases of production, from upstream to the
In some countries, in order to support the competitiveness among the com-
panies involved in the business, there are limits to the degree of vertical
integration. This is supposed to prevent the formation of “barriers to entry”
and dominant market positions.

10.4 European Regulatory Framework

During the 1990s, a huge debate was opened regarding the increase of effec-
tiveness of the European gas industry. The main driver of the discussion
was connected with the idea of supporting the free access of third parties to
the gas network and the privatization and liberalization of the sector, which
was, until then, dominated by vertically integrated state-owned companies.
This kind of organization was very common in Europe. It consisted in the
presence of a national “oil company” in charge to supply fossil fuel, usually
oil and gas, to the country.
This company often incorporated all activities of the fuel value chain,
from the upstream up to the distribution to final customers. Of course, such
a model limited the concurrency, because the vertical integrated operator
Analysis of the European Energy Context 239

could benefit from a favored position with regard to the distribution network
and, consequently, the possible customer base (Bianco et al., 2015).
The main aim of this renovation process was to create a more convenient
market for final users by breaking national monopolies and by creating a
free market based on the concurrency of the operators.
The optimal target of this process would have been the creation of a single
European market, with the price set by the interaction of supply and demand,
namely, based on the “clearing price” mechanism.
A first step in this direction was achieved with the release of the 98/30/EC
directive, also known as the “first gas directive,” which aimed at creating a
common framework for the EU gas market.
This directive presented for the first time the principle that consumers
could freely choose their suppliers and established some basic rules for the
settling of a European competitive market.
For the first time, there was the introduction of competition in the natural
gas market, which was characterized by strong national monopoly, and “gas
to gas” competition was also mentioned for the first time. “Gas to gas” com-
petition refers to the concurrency of the gas supplies of the different opera-
tors working in a free market.
These changes were supposed to optimize the efficiency of the natural gas
industry and to guarantee better supply conditions for final users.
The competition was gradually introduced firstly allowing power plants
and large industrial users to freely choose their suppliers and subsequently
opening the market also to the small consumers.
A fundamental issue for all the network industries (e.g., water, electricity,
TLC) is represented by the management of the network, which can be seen
as a “natural monopoly,” because the infrastructure has to be managed as a
whole and it cannot be split in smaller parts. Therefore, only one (or a few at
maximum) subject can be in charge of managing it.
Natural gas grid is usually characterized by transmission and distribution
networks; therefore, there is the necessity of a regulatory framework in order
to guarantee the access to the third parties.
The directive of 1998 forces incumbent operators to guarantee third party
access (TPA) to private operators that want to operate in the natural gas sector.
To stress this aspect, the directive established the principle of the separation
of the activities of the incumbents to ensure a transparent and nondiscrimi-
natory access for third parties to the existing infrastructure.
The 98/30/EC directive represents a milestone, because it was the first
clear step, at least from the “conceptual” point of view, toward the establish-
ment of a free market, but its practical implementation in the different mem-
ber states was very limited.
The inadequate implementation of the directive was due to the lack of
specific prescriptions for the member states on how to implement the new
market mechanisms; therefore, a lot was left to their willingness toward the
implementation of a real liberalization process. In many cases, it was refused.
240 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

On the other hand, for EU authorities, the liberalization and creation of

an integrated European gas market represented an important strategic goal;
therefore, to support this position, the directive 2003/55/EC, also known as
“second gas directive,” was released in 2003 and it replaced the 98/30/EC
This new directive had the objective to enforce the concepts already
expressed in the 98/30/EC directive and to set a clear work plan, with man-
datory milestones, to implement the liberalization process.
An example of the acceleration requested by the EU with the 2003/55/EC
directive is represented by the mandatory establishment of an independent
regulatory authority for TPA, which should monitor the market in order
to avoid the presence of market concentration and the exertion of market
power, especially from the former monopolists or incumbent operators. All
this was only due on “voluntary base” according to the 98/30/EC directive.
The regulatory authority is also in charge of the ex ante approval of the
access tariffs to the distribution and transmission pipelines. Exceptions to
the TPA principle can be made in the case of new projects for important
pipeline infrastructures, in order to stimulate the investments in the sector.
Furthermore, the directive also prescribed the legal separation of the
transmission system operator (TSO) from all the other activities of vertically
integrated operators. This aspect was further emphasized in the “third gas
In 2009, the “third gas directive,” 2009/73/EC, was issued and it represents
the European gas legislation in force at present.
The directive 2009/73/EC is of fundamental relevance especially for the
issue of the “unbundling,” namely, the legal separation of the TSO from all
the other activities of vertically integrated operators. To this aim, it proposes
three possible models, namely, ownership unbundling (OU), independent
system operator (ISO), and independent transmission operator (ITO). More
details on these arrangements are reported in Table 10.1 (Bianco et al., 2014).
The directive furnishes a detailed framework with three specific, differ-
ent options for the member states, which have to choose and implement the
scheme more suitable for them.
In conclusion, as highlighted in Figure 10.2, it can be said that EU gas
directives focus on three main issues (Bianco et al., 2014):

1. Unbundling of transport and other activities

2. Regulated third party access
3. Concept of “eligible customer”

The first issue is aimed at breaking down of vertical integrated companies,

typically former state monopolists. To this objective, the directives estab-
lish the separation of companies dealing with the “raw materials” (pro-
ducers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, etc.) and companies furnishing
Analysis of the European Energy Context 241

TABLE 10.1
Description of Unbundling Models according to the Directive 2009/73/EC
Definition Description
Ownership unbundling (OU) A new company that owns and manages the transport
network is created. This company results to be totally
independent by the vertically integrated companies
operating in the exploration, production, and retail business.
In 2009/73/EC, OU is indicated as the most effective way to
promote investments in infrastructure in a
nondiscriminatory way, fair access to the network for new
entrants, and transparency in the market.
Independent system Vertically integrated company maintains the ownership of
operator (ISO) the transport network, but its management is in charge of an
independent company.
Independent transmission Vertically integrated company maintains the ownership of
operator (ITO) the transport network and the control of the company in
charge of its management, but it must guarantee its
independence. The independence of the transmission
operator is assessed by controls of the national authorities.
Source: Bianco, V. et al., Appl. Energy, 113, 392, 2014.

Regulatory milestones of the EU natural gas sector

1998 2003 2009

First gas Second gas Third gas

directive directive directive
“98/30/CE” “2003/30/CE” “2009/73/CE”
Establishment of a Mandatory institution Detailed framework
free market of a regulatory for the implementation
TPA concept authority of the unbundling
Separation of TSO process
Setting of a
regulatory operations from Concept of eligible
authority vertically integrated customers

Development of the regulatory framework.
242 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

infrastructures and services (transporters, LNG plant operators, storage, etc.)

to the system.
The second point is connected with the definition of a clear regulation to
ensure the access to the transportation network to all the operators, in order
to establish a fair competitive environment.
Finally, the third point focuses on the right of the customers to freely
choose their natural gas supplier. In this way, it is supposed to ensure more
convenient supply conditions for the final customers.
Thanks to these legislative changes, the European gas market was com-
pletely reshaped in the last 15 years and the level of concurrency was notice-
ably enhanced, as highlighted by the relevant number of wholesale and
distribution companies nowadays active on the market (Bianco et al., 2015).
The future regulations currently under discussion aim at establishing liq-
uid natural gas trading hubs, with the ambition to obtain a European refer-
ence price on the basis of the transactions, namely, the interaction between
demand and offer, executed on the hubs (Stern, 2012).

10.5 Supply and Demand Balance in Europe

10.5.1 Analysis of the Consumption
The modern history of natural gas in Europe began in 1959 with the discov-
ery of the Groningen field in the Netherlands, followed a few years later by
the first discoveries in the UK sector of the North Sea. This was followed
by equally substantial discoveries of gas in the Norwegian sector starting
in the 1970s. But while the United Kingdom had a huge domestic market,
Norway did not and created a huge export business with a number of pipe-
lines delivering gas to both continental Europe and the United Kingdom
(Stern, 2012).
Today, natural gas is used for a wide range of activities in everyday life,
ranging from buildings heating to industrial processes. Because of this large
variability within the natural gas consumers, they are usually grouped in
consuming categories, in order to have a more coherent picture regarding
the consumption of natural gas. Three consuming categories are commonly
distinguished: residential/commercial, industrial, and power generators.
According to the economic theory of “demand and offer,” the level of con-
sumption depends on the price of gas, which is also different in the different
areas of consumption. As a consequence of this, a reduction of consump-
tion when the price increases and vice versa is noted. On the other hand,
this implies that customers have a convenient and feasible fuel switching
opportunity in a short time, but this is often not feasible, especially for some
specific classes of consumers.
Analysis of the European Energy Context 243

Residential users may think to switch from natural gas to fuel oil, electric-
ity, or renewables to produce hot sanitary water, but to do this, the immedi-
ate availability of an alternative technology is necessary and this is usually
not possible. Therefore, this option could be seen as a “long run” opportu-
nity rather than a “short run” move. A similar consideration can be done in
the commercial sector, in particular for small shops.
Industrial users or power producers are in a different situation. Most of
them are provided with different kinds of equipment; therefore, they have
more chances to pursue fuel switching strategies.
For example, a large power operator may decide whether to operate a natu-
ral gas or a coal power station belonging to its power plant’s fleet.
In general, it can be said that residential and commercial gas demand is
“less price elastic” than industrial and electric utilities’ demand. In other
words, residential and commercial natural gas demand is less sensitive to
price changes, because these users have limited opportunities to use other
sources of energy. On the other hand, industrial and power generation users
have much more opportunities to diversify their energy sources; therefore,
they are more “reactive” to the changes of price.
Residential and commercial customers are, in general, defined as “captive,”
due to their difficulties in reacting to the price signals; therefore, their con-
sumption pattern is smoother with respect to other consumption categories.
Figure 10.3a reports the trend of energy consumption in EU15* from 1965
up to 2014 by showing the contribution of the different sources.
The figure shows that before 1970, energy consumption was dominated
by oil and coal, whereas after that time the situation became more dynamic.
This was due to the energy crisis of 1973, when there was the so-called OPEC
embargo, which caused a sudden increase in oil prices. Since then, all the

Hydro RES
1600 RES 100%
Energy consumption

Nuclear 80%
1200 Coal Coal
Share (%)

800 Gas Gas
400 Oil 20% Oil
0 0%
19 5
19 0
19 5
19 0
19 5
19 0
20 5
20 0
20 5

19 5
19 0
19 5
19 0
19 5
19 0
20 5
20 0
20 5

(a) (b)



Historical trend of energy consumption in EU15 (a) and shares of different energy sources
(b). (From BP, BP Statistical review of world energy, 2016, http://www.bp.com/en/global/­
corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html. Accessed December 30,

*  EU15 includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
244 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

policy makers understood the necessity to promote sources of energy other

than oil, which is controlled by a restricted number of countries that can
impose their rules.
Natural gas was immediately seen as a good substitute for oil and its
consumption started to increase at impressive rates, whereas oil consump-
tion began to decrease. From 1965 until 1980, gas consumption grew at the
impressive average rate of 17%/year.
During the 1980s, natural gas consolidated its position as one of the fun-
damental sources of primary energy. In those years, also a relevant devel-
opment of nuclear generation was observed, whereas the market shares of
oil and coal decreased (Figure 10.3b). In the period 1980–1990, natural gas
consumption grew at an average pace of 2%/year.
During the 1990s, a relevant increase of natural gas consumption was
detected, with an average growth of 4%/year up to 2000, and this resulted
in the establishment of natural gas as the second source of primary energy
in EU15 after oil. On the other hand, a strong decrease of coal consumption
was observed.
This noticeable increase of natural gas consumption could be ascribed to
its large utilization in thermal power plants in substitution of coal, which has
a much heavier environmental impact (e.g., in terms of CO2 emissions) and
requires the utilization of more expensive and sophisticated power plants in
order to be compliant with EU regulations on environmental issues.
This tendency was also supported by the liberalization process of power
generation in the EU during the 1990s, which opened the power genera-
tion sector to the free market by abolishing the former vertical integrated
national monopolies.
This process allowed many investors and companies to start their power
generation business in many EU countries and, often, the first move to enter
the market was the implementation of a simple and efficient power plant,
namely, a CCGT plant. Therefore, many operators built CCGT plants all over
Europe, and this contributed to a sharp increase of natural gas consumption
in the EU and in particular in the power sector.
As a consequence of this continuous growth, during the 2000s, natural
gas became the second source of primary energy in the EU and it gained a
relevant strategic importance for many countries.
In the period 2000–2008, its consumption continued to increase at an aver-
age pace of 1.5%/year, due to the construction of new gas power plants, also
in light of the high outlook of carbon prices in the EU-ETS market, and its
massive utilization in all sectors of activity.
This trend changed in the period 2008–2014, where an average decrease of
4.1% in consumption was registered. Only in 2010 there was a strong increase
of consumption, up to the level of the years 2007–2008, but this gain cannot
be explained by a recover in industrial or power production, and it is prob-
ably due to space heating in residential and commercial sectors, because of
the cold winter of that year (Honorè, 2011).
Analysis of the European Energy Context 245

This decrease is due to different factors, namely, the effect of economic

crisis that determined a decrease in energy consumption, as shown in
Figure 10.3a, and, in particular, of gas and electricity consumption. Less
electricity consumption means less gas used in thermal power plants, which
often represents the marginal unit in the EU power markets.
Moreover, as shown in Figure 10.3a, in that period there was the deploy-
ment of a large amount of renewable power plants that displaced natural
gas power plants from the merit order and gained market shares. It should
be also mentioned that in 2011–2012 there was a relevant reduction of coal
prices; therefore, the power operators with coal plants in their portfolios
switched the generation on the coal units, which proved to be more conve-
nient (EIA, 2013).
Finally, the effect of energy efficiency policies put in place by the EU in
order to limit primary energy consumption in the buildings and indus-
trial sectors should also be taken into account. All these factors negatively
affected the consumption of natural gas in the EU, which for the first time in
history is declining.
Table 10.2 reports the natural gas consumption in EU15 and it can be
observed that the consumption is not homogeneous. In fact, Germany, Italy,
and the United Kingdom account for a large share of the total consumption.
Specifically, Italy and the United Kingdom use a relevant amount of natural
gas for power generation, whereas in Germany the consumption is concen-
trated in other sectors.
In conclusion, it can be said that recently the gas demand in the EU has
weakened mainly as a consequence of the economic crisis but is expected to
rise again along with the economic recovery, which means that short-term
fluctuations are not likely to have a decisive impact on the long-term devel-
opment of the EU’s gas demand (Makinen, 2010). However, the view on the
future consumption of natural gas in the EU is also influenced by other fac-
tors, such as the future climate policies, support to energy efficiency policies,
promotion of renewables, and so on.
The implementation of these measures may determine a modest growth of
natural gas consumption in the years to follow.

10.5.2 Analysis of the Supply

Natural gas considerably differs from other sources of fossil fuels in terms of
supply. In particular, its transportation and storage are much more difficult
in comparison with other fuels, such as oil and coal. In fact, both oil and coal
can be easily shipped and delivered all over the world with a high degree of
flexibility in terms of quantities to deliver and locations to reach.
On the other hand, natural gas delivery is rather inflexible. Most of natural
gas is delivered by pipelines, which connect the extraction fields with the
consumer; therefore, there is a close interdependence between consumers
and suppliers or sellers and buyers (Makinen, 2010).

TABLE 10.2
Natural Gas Consumption for Each Country of EU15 in Billions of Cubic Meters (bcm)
Billions of Cubic
Meters (bcm) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Austria 7.60 7.77 9.73 9.80 9.25 8.85 8.36 7.61
Belgium 12.66 15.94 17.57 20.27 18.04 17.08 17.17 15.08
Denmark 3.78 5.31 5.25 5.28 4.43 4.14 3.95 3.37
Finland 3.39 4.08 4.29 4.58 4.01 3.57 3.41 3.00
France 35.28 42.66 48.93 50.74 44.18 45.61 46.52 38.50
Germany 80.26 85.70 92.77 90.38 83.00 80.86 87.19 76.47
Greece 0.05 2.03 2.81 3.86 4.74 4.49 3.86 2.96
Ireland 2.78 4.10 4.14 5.60 4.91 4.78 4.61 4.45
Italy 53.13 69.11 84.27 81.18 76.12 73.19 68.45 60.48
Luxemburg 0.66 0.80 1.40 1.43 1.23 1.25 1.06 1.01
Netherlands 41.14 41.74 42.13 46.76 40.79 39.06 39.42 33.91
Portugal — 2.43 4.47 5.35 5.32 4.80 4.48 4.14
Spain 9.21 18.15 35.59 37.13 34.58 33.69 31.20 28.23
Sweden 0.90 0.93 1.00 1.75 1.38 1.20 1.14 0.95
United Kingdom 77.67 104.24 101.94 101.15 83.73 79.09 78.34 71.25
Source: ENI, World oil and gas review 2016, 2016, https://www.eni.com/en_IT/company/fuel-cafe/world-oil-gas-
review-eng.page. Accessed December 30, 2016.
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
Analysis of the European Energy Context 247

This connection is enforced also by the typology of commercial transac-

tions, often based on bilateral long-term agreements, usually in the range of
10–30 years, between buyer and supplier.
As discussed in the following, these contracts are “oil-indexed” and include
the “take or pay” (TOP) clause, according to which customers are required to
pay for a certain volume of gas even though they do not take the delivery of
all of it. The TOP clause has the function to mitigate the “volume risk” for the
supplier (i.e., the extraction of a volume of gas that remains unsold).
Natural gas market largely differs from oil market and it is developed on
a regional basis, also in light of the fact that it cannot be easily transported.
This fact has determined a close relationship between supply and consum-
ing countries of the different regions. Only in the last years, with a larger
diffusion of liquefied natural gas (LNG), the market is becoming more global
and new suppliers are emerging on the market.
In general, most of the natural gas is supplied to Europe by means of pipe-
lines. In 2014, this share reached ~87%, whereas the remaining part is sup-
plied by LNG. The supply via pipelines is dominated by Norway, Russia, the
Netherlands, and, to a lesser extent, Algeria, which, together, covered ~90%
of the pipeline supply in 2014. Other suppliers are the United Kingdom,
Libya, and other European countries.
The two largest EU suppliers are undoubtedly Norway and the Russian
Federation. Between these, Norway is a member of the European Economic
Area and therefore part of relevant EU regulatory frameworks, whereas
Russia is the only external supplier enjoying a significant or even dominant
position in both Western and Eastern European countries (Goldthau, 2013).
Russia gained importance in Western European gas supplies since West
Germany signed its first long-term gas contracts with the USSR in the early
1970s. In the former communist EU member states, Russia retained its role as
a dominant gas supplier after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Here, dependency
rates are up to 100% of some countries’ imports. Europe’s high dependence
on foreign sources of natural gas, notably from Russia, has caused security
concerns among observers (Goldthau, 2013).
As for LNG, Qatar is the main supplier, with a market share of approxi-
mately 52% in 2014, followed by Algeria and Nigeria. Other suppliers are
Trinidad and Tobago, Perù, and Oman.
Figure 10.4 reports the supply of natural gas to EU15 for country of origin
in 2014. Figure 10.4a highlights that a relevant amount of gas comes from
Europe (i.e., indigenous production), but European reserves are supposed
to decline in the next years unless new basins are discovered; therefore, this
share is expected to decrease in the future.
As shown in Figure 10.4a and b, the countries of origin of natural gas are
quite various and a considerable share of the supply comes from countries or
regions that are unstable from the political point of view. This raises many
concerns related to the security of supply, because it exposes European
248 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

United Others
Kingdom (7%)
(6%) NL
88.8 1.8
275 10.1

Europe Russia North Total Qatar MENA Nigeria South Europe Total
(a) Africa (bcm) (b) America (bcm)

Supply of natural gas by country of origin by pipelines (a) and LNG (b) in 2012. (From BP,
BP Statistical review of world energy, 2016, http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-
economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html. Accessed December 30, 2016.)

consumers to the effect of extra-European disputes, as was the case of the

Russian–Ukrainian crisis of the winter 2009.
The 2014 tensions between the Russian Federation and Ukraine reignited
European concerns about the security of its natural gas supply. Civil war in
Ukraine and the sanction policies of the West and Russia have led to fears
that Russian natural gas supplies will be interrupted not just to Ukraine but
also the EU. At first glance, the dispute over natural gas prices and poten-
tial interruptions to supply was comparable to 2006 and 2009, although the
situation is more severe with an actual looming war between Russia and
Ukraine. On the other hand, the EU seems better prepared for any disrup-
tion of Russian supply with respect to the past (Richter and Holz, 2015).
It should also be mentioned that the EU has a pivotal role as the main
customer of the Russian Federation, even though the Asian market is an
attractive alternative for Russia, with good prospects (Paltsev, 2014) in the
short run. On the other hand, actual trade flows are limited due to a lack of
production and transportation infrastructure in East Russia. Thus, different
years and huge investments are required before Asian markets become a real
attractive alternative for Russia.
One of the commonly acknowledged weaknesses related to natural gas
as an energy source is the lack of adequate “shock absorbers” that allow the
supply system to respond to sudden unexpected increases in demand or loss
of supply.
In general, natural gas production is closely related to the demand. If there
is a decrease of the demand, production is reduced correspondingly, whereas
production is increased only if “pulled” by the demand.
Analysis of the European Energy Context 249

The reason for this mechanism is due to the difficulty in storing natural
gas; in fact, storage facilities are rare and quite expensive to build. Moreover,
because most of natural gas is supplied through pipelines, it is difficult to
find alternative markets to reach. The inadequacy of storage capacity is a
great problem for several EU member states and reduces their abilities to
react in the event of an energy crisis (Makinen, 2010).

10.5.3 Development of Infrastructure
Because of the difficulty in transporting natural gas from the extraction to
the consuming locations, infrastructures play a fundamental role in the nat-
ural gas industry.
As observed by Dieckhöner et al. (2013), the European gas market is con-
fronted with significant challenges over the next years. Within the borders
of the EU, natural gas production is declining due to limited reserves. This
especially affects today’s largest gas-producing countries in the EU, the
United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
In order to import the expected increasing natural gas volumes, an expan-
sion of the import capacity for natural gas into the EU will be necessary.
These additional volumes delivered at the EU border by pipelines or as LNG
will also affect the gas flows within the EU, as this natural gas has to be
transported to final consumers.
To receive these new volumes, it will be necessary to expand cross-border
capacities, in terms of pipelines, LNG terminals, and storages. Storages are
important to allow a possible decoupling between demand and supply, espe-
cially if many pipeline connections are planned (Dieckhöner et al., 2013).
Another important issue to take into account in the development of new
infrastructure is the “security of supply.” For example, during the 2009
Russian–Ukrainian gas conflict or the Libya crisis of 2011, some EU consum-
ers experienced short-term supply disruptions.
Western and Central Europe avoided disruptions due to diversified sup-
ply portfolios and transport routes, sufficient natural gas storage, and high
physical market integration. The high level of integration allowed the trans-
portation of gas volumes against the normally prevailing flow directions
and, thus, to supply countries that are dependent on the Ukrainian route
(e.g., Hungary).
The Russian–Ukrainian crisis gave two important lessons to the EU
(Dieckhöner et al., 2013):

1. Security of supply is not the same within the EU.

2. A physical market integration can significantly improve security of
supply and mitigate the danger of supply disruptions.

To these ends, the Third Energy Package of EU legislation on the internal

electricity and gas markets promotes the facilitation of cross-border trade in
250 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

energy, cross-border collaboration and investment, and the enhancement of

increased solidarity among the EU countries.
After more than a decade of announcement and planning of new infra-
structures to connect the producing gas fields in Russia, Central Asia, and
the Middle East, three new pipelines are under construction or preliminary
work on them has begun. These pipelines are designed to supply Turkey,
Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy with gas from Azerbaijan.
These pipelines follow the inauguration of the Nord Stream pipeline in late
2011. Since the beginning of the operations of Nord Stream, Russian exports
of natural gas via the Ukraine have diminished from 65% of total Russian
natural gas exports to Europe in 2010 to about 50% in 2013.
The direct link to a West European importer has stopped the long-term
reduction trend of the Russian share in total EU natural gas imports (Richter
and Holz, 2015).
The South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion will transport gas from
Azerbaijan to the border with Turkey and Georgia. The Trans Anatolian
Natural Gas Pipeline will transport gas from the Turkish–Georgian border
to the Turkish–Greek border. Finally, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline will trans-
port natural gas from Greece to Italy.
In the past years, there were several proposals to build pipelines through
Turkey to supply the Turkish market, which is in expansion, and the EU mar-
kets. These infrastructures had a twofold objective, namely, to diversify the
routes of supply (e.g., for Russian producers reducing transit risk by bypass-
ing Ukraine) and the supply sources (e.g., for EU customers to obtain sup-
ply from Central Asian countries). For various reasons, these projects were
abandoned or are on hold.
The Nabucco pipeline project was planned to supply southeastern Europe
with natural gas and to connect to the EU natural gas network in Austria, but
it was abandoned in 2013.
The South Stream pipeline, aimed at transporting natural gas from Russia
to Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, was close to beginning construction, but
there were delays connected with disagreements with the EU on the market
legislations. Discussions to restart the project stalled after Russia’s involve-
ment in Crimea, and in December 2014 Russian President Putin canceled the
South Stream project (EIA, 2015). At the same time, there was the announce-
ment to propose a new pipeline called Turkish Stream, which would have
transported natural gas from Russia to Turkey, across the Black Sea, and then
onshore to Greece and from there to Austria through the Balkans.
Russia and Turkey were not able to reach an agreement, and the future of
this infrastructure is currently uncertain (EIA, 2015). Figure 10.5 reports a
map with LNG and pipeline import infrastructures from external suppliers
updated to 2014 (Richter and Holz, 2015).
It should also be mentioned that the current market context with low
demand and low prices is not particularly favorable to the planning and con-
struction of new infrastructures.
Analysis of the European Energy Context 251

LNG Terminal “Operational”
LNG Terminal “Under Construction”
LNG Terminal “Planned”
Pipeline capacity
Pipeline capacity-GazpromOwnership

1915 30 Helsinki
Stockholm 55
Klaipeda 56
Wilhelmshaven Swinoujscie 11
Shannon 39
Dragon Isle of Grain Gate Rotterdam 112
Zeebrugge 4
South Hook
Dunkirk 75
Montoir-de-Bretagne 41
Odessa 16
Porto Levante Koper
Mugardos Bilbao Fos-sur-Mer Fos-Cavaou Panigaglia
Offshore LNG Toscana 20
Barcelona Marmara Iriglesi
Sagunto 2
Sines Cartagena Sicily Revithoussa

14 8 36 11

Map reporting the most relevant European infrastructures. (From Richter, P.M. and Holz, F.,
Energy Policy, 80, 177, 2015.)

Other possibilities for gas import in the EU involve the supply from Iran
and Iraq through Turkey.
The lifting of sanctions on Iran would allow European countries to import
gas from Iran. Although Iran already exports natural gas to Turkey, it has long
had plans to export larger volumes of natural gas through Turkey to Europe.
However, other hurdles would remain, including agreeing on a natural gas
price and meeting Iran’s growing domestic demands for natural gas, especially
for enhanced oil recovery, power generation, and winter heating (EIA, 2015).
Another project under discussion is the GALSI pipeline, which should
connect Algeria and Italy.
In parallel with pipeline plans, also projects based on LNG infrastructures
are under development. LNG allows adding more flexibility to the supply of
natural gas, because more suppliers can be involved from all over the world.
This reduces the dependence of the EU on supply from pipelines that depend
on countries such as Russia and Algeria.
The possibility to access the LNG market gives to the EU buyers a very
powerful instrument in the negotiation or renegotiation of long-term supply
agreement for pipeline gas, because they can leverage on the possibility to
sign obtain competitive LNG provisions.
LNG is supposed to increase the competition on the natural gas market
and it can be seen as an element of “globalization” of the gas market, which,
in general, has a regional dimension.
252 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

At present, 23 LNG terminals exist in Europe for a gasification capac-

ity of ~190 bcm (Richter and Holz, 2015), other terminals are under con-
struction/committing for an additional capacity of 35 bcm, and 32 LNG
terminals are under development/planning for a further potential capacity
greater than 160 bcm (Renier, 2013).
In principle, LNG terminals are easier to develop if compared to pipelines,
because they are the result of a “simple industrial project,” and fewer “geo-
political” issues are involved.
The development of LNG terminals permits the importing of large quanti-
ties of natural gas from a large variety of suppliers. In particular, after the
development of unconventional gas, new suppliers, such as the United States
and Canada, are available on the market.
Apart from the commercial point of view, the possibility to have more sup-
pliers, some of them with a reliable political context, is fundamental in order
to ensure the security of supply, which represents the focus of the current
EU energy strategy.

10.6 Natural Gas Pricing

10.6.1 Market Context
If a comparison between oil and gas literature is performed, it can be seen
that studies focused on oil are much more numerous with respect to those
addressing natural gas market, despite the fact that gas is approaching 25%
of the global primary energy consumption.
In the majority of countries outside North America, international gas
prices are not transparent and accurate public domain data are very difficult
to obtain. This may not have been a great problem when the fuel comprised
only a few percentage points of energy balances but as gas has become more
important, so has the way in which it is priced (Stern, 2014).
The vast majority of international gas trade outside North America is still
conducted on the basis of 10–30 years’ contracts with complex price clauses,
based on private negotiations (Stern, 2014). Therefore, the final price is influ-
enced by the political relationships between supplier and buyer, negotiation
power between them, and by other features not necessarily linked to the
fundamentals of gas industry.
On the contrary, in the United States, natural gas transactions are based on
the Henry Hub price, which is public; thus, the market is much more trans-
parent and the price is closely linked to the market fundamentals.
A factor that may affect both the demand and the supply, and thus the
price, of gas is the price of oil. The price of oil is relevant because of substitu-
tion properties of gas and oil.
In principle, substitution is primarily relevant in the electricity genera-
tion and the heavy industry. If the price of oil rises, burning gas becomes
Analysis of the European Energy Context 253

relatively cheaper, increasing the demand for gas, which in turn results in an
upward pressure on the gas price (Hulshof et al., 2016).
However, this is more a theoretical statement, rather than a practical evi-
dence; in fact, Stern (2012, 2014) argues that short-run fuel switching is hardly
relevant anymore in West Europe, because oil has virtually disappeared in
most stationary energy sectors, maintenance of dual-fuel burners is expen-
sive, and because of tight environmental standards as well as the inefficiency
of using oil in new gas-burning technologies. In other words, oil has been
almost completely substituted by natural gas and in large power or indus-
trial plants oil is basically used only in case of emergency, rather than for fuel
switching purposes due to possibly favorable market conditions.
Apart from the lack of short-run substitutability, there are other relevant
reasons why oil and gas should have different price evolutions. The value
chains of oil and gas are substantially different; in fact, transportation,
production, and storage facilities have completely different characteristics,
which determine a totally different cost structure.
Moreover, oil and gas markets developed with diverse features. Oil market
is based on the world context of supply and consumption. Although regional
differences between types of crude oil exist, such as Brent and West Texas
Intermediate, their prices are usually correlated. On the other hand, natural
gas price is much more subjected to regional dynamics of demand and sup-
ply. Regional prices can move in very different directions and on diverse
levels, as can be seen from the recent divergence in European and North
American gas prices (Hulshof et al., 2016).
This is due to the fact that the market is less flexible due to the difficulties in
transporting natural gas. For example, if there is a pipeline connection, demand
and supply are “rigidly” connected, because there is not a wide range of alter-
native markets for both sellers and buyers, and therefore the price has been
usually determined on the basis of long-term bilateral contracts. This market
structure has characterized the European context from the 1960s to the present.

10.6.2 Oil-Linked Formulas
During the 1960s, natural gas begun to be consumed in significant quantities
and to be seen as the ideal substitute for oil. Natural gas market developed
on a regional basis, in opposition to the oil market that developed on a global
scale, due to the difficulty to supply natural gas all over the world. Therefore,
the natural gas market assumed different configurations in different geo-
graphic areas; in particular in the United States and the United Kingdom,
price level was determined on hub markets, while in continental Europe the
long-term oil-indexed gas price was adopted, and in the Soviet area there
was a regulated price model (Stern, 2012).
Accordingly, European consuming countries stipulated long-term sup-
ply agreement with producing countries, namely, Norway, Russia, the
Netherlands, and Algeria.
254 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Large pipelines were built to connect supply with consuming countries

and the companies that constructed and managed such large infrastructures
needed to get an adequate reward. In light of this, long-term contracts, with
a duration of up to 30 years, were signed to secure the takeoff of an adequate
quantity of natural gas in order to guarantee, at least, the payback of the
These agreements were based on economic and market fundamentals.
Economic fundamentals refer to the cost of developing and delivering
domestic or imported gas to end users. Market fundamentals refer to the
price of gas, compared with the price of market substitutes (Stern, 2014).
At that time, there were no liquid markets where gas price could be deter-
mined by the interaction of supply and demand; therefore, the idea of link-
ing the price of gas to its closest substitute, oil, grew.
The logic of this mechanism was based on the fact that natural gas rep-
resented a good substitute for heating oil and, moreover, a well-established
market (i.e., reference) for oil was already developed.
According to this, long-term agreements between producing and consum-
ing countries were signed and their prices were based on bilateral negotia-
tions and indexed to oil.
The logic of the division of risk inherent in these contracts was as follows
(Stern, 2014):

• The exporter assumed the price risk, that is, the risk that the price,
however determined, would be sufficient to remunerate the invest-
ment in production and transportation of gas to the border of the
importing country.
• The importer assumed the volume risk that a large enough market
would be developed in order to honor the volume commitments in
the contract. This risk was formalized by means of a “take or pay”
clause, which imposed to the buyer to withdraw a fixed amount of gas
volume per year and if it was not able, it should pay for it in any case.

The formulas reported in these contracts assumed that gas price is affected
by a number of parameters, namely, prices of competing fuels, GDP growth
rates, inflation and taxation, industrial structure, environmental regulations,
and a range of other country-or region-specific conditions that change over
time. Therefore, the cost of gas supply varies according to the variation of the
parameters included in the formula.
In these contracts, prices are generally adjusted quarterly, based on an aver-
age of (mainly) oil prices in the preceding 6–9 months, with a lag of 3 months.
Thus, the buyer pays a price in the first quarter of a year related to an average
of oil prices in the first two or three quarters of the previous year (Stern, 2014).
The long-term supply contracts often include the possibility to perform a
“price review,” which allows modifying the structure of the formula upon
Analysis of the European Energy Context 255

request of seller/buyer or in the presence of unexpected events (e.g., relevant

changes to the gas market, significant modification of the geopolitical con-
text). Usually, a price review is set every 3 years, but in most cases the pos-
sible changes to the structure of the formula are very limited.
The consolidation of the oil–gas price relationship in Europe has resulted
in the fact that people are used to the circumstance that gas prices rise
because of changes in the oil markets. Many large industrial consumers take
oil-indexed gas pricing for granted as they are convinced by suppliers that
it is safer.
The role of long-term contracts in the development of the natural gas mar-
ket can be considered controversial. As observed by Dilaver et al. (2013), on
one hand, they can be seen as “entry barriers” for potential and more effi-
cient suppliers, but, on the other hand, they are supposed to simplify the
market entry by supporting long-term investments.
As a matter of fact, the management of long-term supply agreements
demonstrated to be easier for both the sellers and buyers, with respect to
a “free gas” market. The structure of these contracts guarantees the supply
for a long period, so that the consumers could take their investment deci-
sions (e.g., power generators), whereas the suppliers could easily manage
the delivery, for example, by securing transport capacity for a long period,
without the necessity to continuously participate in periodic capacity mar-
ket auctions.
A main criticism of the contracts is that they are not connected with the
economic fundamentals of the natural gas value chain, but based on the oil
one, which is completely different. On the other hand, despite all the possible
criticism, these agreements have dominated the European gas market for
more than 40 years.
An example of a long-term oil-indexed formula can be expressed in the
following form (Bianco et al., 2014):

Pm = P0 + γ 1 ( LFO m − LFO 0 ) + γ 2 ( HFO m − HFO 0 ) (10.1)

LFO0 and HFO0 are the starting price of light fuel oil and heavy fuel oil
LFOm and HFOm represent the price for the month m, which generally
takes the average value of the previous 6–9 months
γ1 and γ2 are two coefficients taking into account the natural gas mar-
ket segments competing with HFO and LFO, factors to share risks or
rewards between sellers and buyers and technically converting factors
to have homogeneous units of measures

Finally, Pm is the price paid by the buyers in the month “m,” whereas P0
depends on the starting price of natural gas when the supply agreement is
signed and by the private negotiations between buyer and seller. Thus, the
256 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

formula can be split into two contributions: P0, substantially determined by

market conditions at the time of the agreement plus private negotiations,
and the second contribution linked to the oil spot market. In other words, P0
represents the basis on which the formula is settled (e.g., the base price level),
whereas the second part describes the evolution during the time according
to the trend of the oil market.
As previously mentioned, the formula also includes a “take or pay” (TOP)
clause in order to establish a minimum quantity of gas to withdraw and
a “price review” clause, usually to be exerted every three years, to include
slight modifications in the formula.
Obviously, these formulas are not publicly available and they often repre-
sent an industrial secret for both buyer and seller; therefore, there is a lack
of data, which makes quite difficult any kind of analysis and specific evalu-
ation of the European gas market (Stern, 2012).

10.6.3 Gas Hubs
Trading hubs can be seen as “points” in a natural gas pipeline where gas is
exchanged between sellers and buyers. A hub can be physical or virtual. In
a physical hub, natural gas is injected or withdrawn at a specific point of the
pipeline, whereas a virtual hub covers a network area and the gas injected
or withdrawn from this area is associated with the reference virtual hub.
Table 10.3 reports a list of the main European hubs and their major features.
A physical hub offers the advantage to express a localized price signal, but
it complicates the creation of a liquid market, because natural gas should be
delivered and withdrawn at a specific point in the network. This necessitates
that buyers and/or sellers should purchase the pipe transportation capacity
to reach the physical hub. Therefore, this means that a physical hub needs a
relevant infrastructure to connect it with the rest of the network in a way that
the transactions could be easily performed, namely, that a liquid market can
be created. This implies very high investment costs.
Virtual hubs are introduced in order to avoid these problems and to cre-
ate a more flexible market. They have a number of entry and exit points;
therefore, the market operators only have to be sure that gas is delivered to
one of the inlets of the network or withdrawn from one of the outlets. In this
way, market participants have more options to interact with the hubs, and
this tends to increase the liquidity of the market. This structure simplifies
the trading activities, because the different possibilities in terms of entry/
exit points in the network give the opportunity to use different pipe routes
to interact with the hub.
Since the entry and exit charges do not depend on the location of the vir-
tual hub where natural gas is finally injected or withdrawn, all the gas can
be taken or delivered at the same price within the network representing the
hub. In light of this, the area connected with a virtual hub expresses a single
Analysis of the European Energy Context 257

TABLE 10.3
Principal European Gas Hubs
Name Description
National Balancing Point (NBP), UK Started in the United Kingdom in 1996, it is the most
liquid hub of Europe.
Zeebrugge, BE It is the first trading hub of continental Europe and it
started its trading activity in 2000.
Title Transfer Facility (TTF), NL It was established as a virtual hub in 2003 for trading
on Netherlands’ national transmission grid. In 2005, it
was opened to the international trading. It is the most
liquid hub in continental Europe.
Punto di Scambio Virtuale (PSV), IT It is the virtual hub of the Italian market, developed
with the intention to allow more advantageous price
to Italian consumers.
PEG, FR Similar situation as Italian PSV.
Gaspool, DE Developed in Germany in 2009, these two hubs are
NCG, DE expanding rapidly. Their combined trading is larger
than TTF.
CEGH, AT CEGH started traded activity in 2005. It is an important
hub to monitor, as it will play a role in introducing
“gas to gas” competition and market pricing in Central
and Eastern Europe. Its delivery point is Baumgarten,
where pipelines originating in Russia diverge to
supply gas to Austria as well as to Germany, Italy, and
Hungary through transit pipelines.

price linked to the number of trading operations, that is, liquidity of the
hubs, executed on the hubs.
Natural gas trading hubs have a twofold function: the first one is to balance
demand and supply within a specific area. The interaction between demand
and supply also determines a price (i.e., clearing price) for the delivery or
withdrawal of gas on the hubs for a specific date.
The second function is that a trading hub serves as a source of physical
flexibility to balance supply and demand. In fact, an excess of production can
be sold on the hubs, as well as if some operators are “short” they can buy gas
on the virtual hubs.
The problem with physical transactions on gas hubs (i.e., commercial oper-
ations that end with physical exchange of natural gas) is that simultaneously
with the commercial operation, it is necessary to develop a corresponding
“physical operation” consisting of buying the necessary pipeline capacity to
transport natural gas from the hub to the location of delivery (which is usu-
ally external to the hub and even located in another country) or vice versa.
This difficulty has limited the role of the hubs only to the physical exchange
of residual quantities. Moreover, there is also an issue connected with the
“flexibility” of the supply.
258 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Inflexible supply of gas includes pipeline-contract gas up until TOP

volumes, destination-inflexible LNG cargoes, and indigenous production
that does not seem to respond to hub price signals in practice. While these
tranches may have some flexibility (e.g., to allow for seasonality), they
generally flow irrespective of the absolute level of hub prices and have
therefore no primary impact. The flexible supply of gas consists of pipeline-
contract gas between the TOP and maximum annual contracted volume,
uncontracted pipeline import flexibility, and flexible LNG supply (Hulshof
et al., 2016).

10.6.4 Hub Pricing
As given in the previous section, gas hubs are “physical” or “virtual” in loca-
tion, where natural gas is exchanged among market operators; thus, there is
a close interaction between demand and supply and the respective curves in
a given moment can be obtained, as sketched in Figure 10.6a.
The clearing between supply and demand determines the price level
expressed on the hub. In this way, the price of natural gas is only an expres-
sion of market fundamentals, namely, demand and supply levels, and it is
not correlated to its potential substitutes.
From the side of the supply, a “gas to gas” competition is created, because a
sort of “merit order” of the supply is determined and the level of the demand
will set the market price (Figure 10.6b). This principle is economically justi-
fied as supply and demand of natural gas determine price.
To avoid abuse of market power (pushing prices up), competitiveness is
assured by giving access to many players on demand and supply sides.
With the progress of gas market liberalization in Europe, gas systems
moved from a monopolistic to a more fragmented environment. In the for-
mer, a single vertically integrated company managed most of the injections
and withdrawals in the gas network. In the latter, instead, different agents
cover a smaller share of the aggregate traded gas volumes, increasing the
number of associated exchanges. A gas hub offers a way to clear individual
positions, easing the need to balance physical injections and withdrawals. In
turn, as liquidity develops, price signals become more reliable and a whole-
sale market offers a second source of gas provision in alternative to the tradi-
tional long-term contracts (Miriello and Polo, 2015).
On the other hand, it should be also mentioned that, although a large num-
ber of traders are active on the gas hubs, the supply to the gas market is con-
centrated because of the limited number of producers. The limited number
of producers of gas within the European context raises some concerns on the
degree of competitiveness of the gas market (Hulshof et al., 2016).
However, as a consequence of the numerous transactions, influenced by
structural and random events, hub prices are much more volatile than long-
term contract rates. For example, a more pronounced seasonality trend, due
to climate conditions, can be observed with respect to long-term contracts
Analysis of the European Energy Context 259

curve Supply

Demand and

Market price

(a) Quantity

Cost of
Demand supply

from LNG
“B” by
“A” by

0 Available supply (bcm) n


Natural gas market: sketch of supply and demand equilibrium (a); an example of natural gas
merit order (b).

(Davoust, 2008). In fact, during the summer period, when heating systems
are switched off, a relevant drop of the prices is detected, because the level
of the demand is very low; on the other hand, there is an increase of the
demand during the winter, with a consequent rise of the price. Therefore,
an immediate reaction of the market to the changes of demand level can be
observed and the price changes accordingly.
The hub trading mechanism tends to increase the elasticity of the demand
with respect to the price (i.e., demand is more reactive to price signals), but
in order to fully achieve this object, it is necessary to develop an adequate
260 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

In fact, once the gas is “financially” traded on the hub, then it is neces-
sary to guarantee the corresponding physical delivery by means of pipeline
networks and, to this end, it is necessary to have a transparent and efficient
transportation and distribution capacity market to allow all the operators
the possibility to deliver the gas to final customers. Therefore, there is the
necessity to develop a parallel capacity market in order to sustain the growth
of the gas market; this requires the close cooperation of the EU transmission
system operators (TSOs) to guarantee the security and the correct balance of
the network (Bianco et al., 2015).

10.6.5 Recent Developments
The development of gas hubs in Europe started around 2005, with the excep-
tion of NPB in the United Kingdom that begun its operations in the mid-
1990s. Until 2007–2008, gas hubs of continental Europe did not show price
levels significantly different from oil-indexed contracts and they had a lim-
ited liquidity.
As observed by Bianco et al. (2014), after 2008 this situation was radically
transformed as a consequence of the general economic downturn and due to
some specific events:

• Economic downturn caused a reduction in natural gas demand,

with the consequence of increasing volumes on the market.
• Similar to natural gas, also electricity demand decreased and elec-
tricity generators tried to sell on the gas market part of the “take or
pay” quota of their contracts, in order to reduce financial losses.
• Because of the strong development of unconventional gas extrac-
tion in the United States, a huge quantity of liquefied natural gas
(LNG), originally directed in the United States, is diverted toward
European and Asian markets.

In light of this context, power generators with large supply contracts in their
portfolio to contain their financial losses tried to sell part of their TOP on the
gas hubs. Similarly, gas suppliers, to face the drop in consumption, offered large
quantities of gas on the European hubs, as also the LNG operators, who decided
to adopt the same strategy to sell the volumes originally directed to the United
States, where, in the meanwhile, shale gas sector had an unforeseeable growth.
The sum of these events determined a substantial increase of liquidity on
the hubs, and, according to the general market law of equilibrium, when
the offer increases, a drop in the prices is obtained. Therefore, prices on the
hubs “decoupled” from oil-indexed contracts and set on much lower levels,
as reported in Figure 10.7 (Stern, 2014). On the other hand, the price of the
gas based on oil-indexed contracts continued to increase, because oil prices
had an upward trend; thus, oil-indexed and hub-based gas prices showed
Analysis of the European Energy Context 261







Average of TTF day-ahead prices
NWE GCI typical price for long-
term oil-indexed gas supplies













Monthly averages (August 2010–April 2013) of European long-term contracts and TTF spot
prices. (From Stern, J., Energy Policy, 64, 43, 2014.)

an uncorrelated behavior. This situation was new and unexpected for the
European natural gas market.
As observed by Stern (2012), from 2008 the usual commercial environment
for European gas companies has been subjected to a number of new (and dif-
ficult to predict) forces, which have exacerbated the problems of reliance on
the relatively rigid oil-linked price formulas in long-term contracts.
This situation caused the renegotiation of many oil-indexed contracts,
because the buyers observed very low prices on the gas hubs if compared
with the values of their contracts and therefore they claimed for supply con-
ditions aligned with the market levels. Clearly, not all the negotiations had
a successful ending and many arbitrage processes were also opened. This
condition was typical of large and very large operators with huge supply
contracts in portfolio.
262 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

On the other hand, small power operators and natural gas wholesalers
tried to exploit this situation by buying natural gas volumes on the hubs by
benefiting from the very low prices, therefore offering electricity and natural
gas at very competitive prices.
This situation forced large operators to offer their power plants or gas
quantities at prices based on the hub level, whereas their cost structure
was much higher, based on the oil-indexed contract level. This strategy was
implemented in order to avoid their displacement from the market, but it
caused huge financial losses.
Stern (2012) highlighted that this situation generated a great confusion,
because hub prices have been perceived as “more convenient” with respect
to oil-indexed formulas, but the fallacy of this equation is rather evident,
because there is the mistake of confusing price formation with price level.
Thus, the assertion that when the gas supply/demand balance tightens, gas
prices will “recouple” with oil prices, reflected this confusion.
A tight supply/demand balance will certainly result in higher prices, but
there is not necessarily a relationship between the latter and oil-related price
levels (Stern, 2012).
This is certainly true from the theoretical point of view, but from the prac-
tical point of view, it might be considered a “rule of thumb” that the oil-
indexed gas formulas represent the highest limit for price levels. If gas price
on the hubs should exceed oil-indexed formulas, it does not make any sense
for large consumers to purchase on the hubs due to the complex issues con-
nected with the physical delivery; on the contrary, it is more convenient to
sign a long-term agreement to obtain a stable furniture, even though less

10.7 Conclusions
European natural gas sector is experiencing a period of radical changes,
which were in act before the economic downturn. On the other hand, the
economic crisis has exacerbated and accelerated these processes.
In particular, it is highlighted how the oversupply condition due to the low
demand on both power and gas markets represented a “boost” for the gas
hubs, which, in a short time, moved from low to high liquidity, becoming an
important reference for the EU gas markets.
This situation has weakened the link between oil and gas markets, as
auspicated by the EU directives. A hub-based gas market implies that natu-
ral gas price is connected with the dynamics of gas production and supply
chain, rather than to the oil sector, which is considerably different.
By analyzing current natural gas market, it is possible to observe that
fundamental factors affecting demand or supply in the gas market have
Analysis of the European Energy Context 263

significant effects on the movements in the day-ahead gas price. Although

the price of gas is still related to the price of oil, this linkage is not strong
anymore (Hulshof et al., 2016).
It is also assessed that the high degree of concentration on the supply
side of the gas market does not affect the gas price, suggesting that the
market prices are not distorted by a lack of competition (Hulshof et al.,
All the elements lead to the expectation that the period of transition of the
last years is arriving at its end and a new structure for the natural gas market
is delineating. In particular, the main changes are for the consumption side,
because prices are now prevalently linked to the hub prices by means of sup-
ply contracts whose formulas contain a stronger reference to hub prices and
a weaker link to the oil price.
The next step in the reform of natural gas market is to implement an effi-
cient market of the transportation capacity, so that natural gas can be effi-
ciently traded financially and physically on the hubs, which, at the moment,
mainly represent a financial reference.
The optimal target would be to establish a natural gas market with the
same features of the power market.

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The Spanish Energy Policy Roller
Coaster within the European Union:
A Spotlight on Renewables

Oana M. Driha, Julián López-Milla, and Martín Sevilla-Jiménez

11.1 Introduction................................................................................................. 265
11.2 State of the Art of Renewable Energy Sources....................................... 267
11.2.1 Global View of Renewable Energy Sources................................ 267
11.2.2 Relevance of Renewable Energy Sources in the EU.................. 272
11.3 Spanish Focus on Renewables.................................................................. 275
11.4 Stages of the Renewable Energy Policy................................................... 276
11.4.1 Initiating the Support of Renewables.......................................... 276
11.4.2 Development of Specific Technologies and
Strong Support of Renewables...................................................... 277 Slowing the Support of Renewables.............................. 280
11.4.3 Counterpart of Renewables Support............................................ 283 Tariff Deficit...................................................................... 283 Security Supply................................................................ 285
11.5 Conclusions.................................................................................................. 291
References.............................................................................................................. 291

11.1 Introduction
Energy is one of the main engines of economic development and social
transformation that is present in each and every aspect of economic activity,
both in production and consumption. It is therefore a basic necessity of the
overall economy and a key element of the cost structure of the productive
system which has a strong social and environmental impact. This is why
energy policy plays a vital role in economic development, and therefore, it
should take into consideration all these aspects in order to achieve its goals.
The slow development of the European Union’s (EU) energy policy led to
differences, divergences, and disagreements between the Member States of

266 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

the EU. The absence of an effective common foreign policy and the low con-
fidence in joint actions have resulted in an unsustainable energy policy in
the long run given the challenges that the EU has to face (Marín-Quemada,
Ever since the 1950s, the EU has based its existence on energy resources
and energy pacts. Nevertheless, one of the first aspects considered by the EU
regarding the energy sector was its liberalization with the aim of enhancing
competition within the sector. However, with the awareness of environmen-
tal changes and their consequences, the focus of the EU energy policy moved
toward the environmental impact of energy generation. In other words, the
EU policy started to urge the reduction of fossil fuels at the time of increas-
ing renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. The European objective
regarding renewable energy sources suggested that by 2020 each Member
State should generate 20% of electricity by using renewable energy sources.
Thus, each Member State of the EU triggered different mechanisms to sup-
port the development of renewables in order to reach the agreed manda-
tory targets. For achieving these targets, the governments had to choose the
most adequate out of a wide range of strategies to suit the country’s context.
However, the promotion and implementation of the proper strategy is not
an easy task, as many snags must be faced. One of the most common is the
accumulation of deficit due to the high amount of subventions to renewable
energy sources as well as the conflict between traditional and renewable
energy producers and suppliers. Despite the possible barriers the support to
renewables may present, recent events (e.g., the Arab spring, the accident at
the oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, the Fukushima nuclear accident), in
the words of Burgos-Payán et al. (2013), underline some of the hostile conse-
quences of using fossil fuel as an energy source: (1) supply uncertainty and
price volatility of the oil and its derivatives; (2) environmental degradation
and health risks; (3) huge expenditures (especially public funds) needed for
mitigating the damages caused. Yet, it is worth mentioning that renewable
energy has so far failed in being a protuberant competitor to fossil energy
technologies as a consequence of the multiple barriers* in implementing
renewable technologies (Liao et al., 2011). The high production cost and the
low return on the investment of renewable energy sources compared with
traditional fossil energy has contributed to the limitations of the renewable
energy market (Pimentel et al., 1994). Furthermore, the use of fossil fuels may
have contributed to the security of supply due to low-intensity damages on
a daily basis. Having flexible fossil fuel generation in the system, the ran-
domness of the energy from renewable sources could be alleviated. Thus, a
combination of both types of energy sources is needed with a higher share
of renewable sources in the energy mix.

*  Barriers are divided mainly into four groups: (1) financial and economic, (2) institutional and
political, (3) technical, and (4) awareness/information/capacity (European Environmental
Agency, 2004).
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 267

The initiative of promoting renewable energy sources is not new despite the
fact that the EU had issued a specific directive on this topic in 2009 (Directive
2009/28/EC). The Spanish government started its promotion more dynami-
cally back in the 1990s by introducing an active system to jointly support
renewables and cogeneration (the so-called special regime). Subsequently, a
large expansion of renewables was experienced, especially of wind energy
(Gelabert et al., 2011) as well as solar energy (Sebastián, 2015).
Thus, Spain climbed to a leading position among the EU Member States,
following Germany, in the amount of wind power in the energy mix ranking
in 2014 (ENTSO-E, 2015). This could be explained by the capacity of wind
energy to generate savings that could overcome the subsidies received for
promoting this technology (Azofra et al., 2014; Gil et al., 2012.
Since the end of 1996 and the beginning of 1997 until today, the regulatory
process that has been affecting the energy sector has been very deep. This
is not only due to the high number of directives issued, but also due to the
profound changes triggered by the dynamism of the legal framework.
If during the 2000s energy policy caused many conflicts between renew-
ables and traditional energy generators/suppliers for the enormous support
of renewables, after 2020, the weaker policy framework for future renewables
and energy efficiency development may not likely continue giving investors
certainty regarding their investments in clean energy (Buchan et al., 2014).

11.2 State of the Art of Renewable Energy Sources

11.2.1 Global View of Renewable Energy Sources
At the beginning of the 1970s, fossil fuel was the dominant source of energy
worldwide. Ever since the crisis in the 1970s, governments started to look
actively for fossil-substitute energy, especially renewable energy sources
(e.g., wind, solar, biomass, etc.).
More recently, fossil fuels represented more than 80% of the total primary
energy and around 70% of electricity generation (IEA, 2010, 2014).* Despite
this, policy makers, on one hand, and private decision makers, on the other,
are searching for a sustainable transition toward a fossil-fuel-free system.
This implies at least two main priorities: (1) renewable energy sources devel-
opment and promotion and (2) energy efficiency. Throughout different poli-
cies and mechanisms, governments have continued to shape these aspects.
This is not meant just for protecting the environment, but also for facilitating

*  For more details, see International Energey Agency (IEA), 2014. World Energy Outlook 2014.
Available at http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/WEO2014.pdf.
Accessed on October 20, 2016.

TABLE 11.1
Promoting Programs for Developing Renewable Energy
Items Objects Fiscal Incentive Tools Nonfinancial Incentive Tools
Research, development, and • Government • Subsidies for research and development • Legislation and international treaties
demonstration (RD&D) • Electric producers • Capital grants • Research, development, and
• Grid producers • Third-party finance demonstration
• Guidelines for energy conservation
• Public investment
Investment • Government • Capital grants • Voluntary programs
• Electric producers • Bidding system • Regulatory and administrative rules
• Grid producers • Subsidies for investment
• Third-party finance
• Investment tax credits
• Accelerated depreciation
Production and distribution • Electric producers • Guaranteed price • Obligations
• Grid producers • Production tax credits • Voluntary programs
• Tradable certificates
Consumption • Government • Consumer grants/rebates • Obligations
• Consumers • Excise tax exemptions • Government purchases
• Net metering • Green pricing
• Fossil fuel taxes • Public awareness

Source: Liao, C.-H. et al., Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 15, 787, 2011.
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 269

the access to energy for millions of people who face difficulties in this regard,
as well as for creating new opportunities (REN21, 2015).
Thus, according to each country and its particular situation, different pro-
grams promoting the development of renewable energy were created and
implemented (see Table 11.1).
As a consequence, a vast number of governments started planning and
implementing renewable energy policies in parallel with greenhouse gas
emission reduction and energy efficiency (EIA, 2007). The International
Energy Agency divided renewable energy policies into nine different types
as depicted in Figure 11.1.
A great part of these policies imply fiscal support from governments. These
instruments have been used much earlier in some countries; for example,
Denmark was already using regulatory instruments, incentives/subsidies,
and RD&D for promoting renewables in 1976. This was only the beginning
of the avalanche started in the mid-1990s which is actively continuing till
In this line, due to the undoubted awareness of the relevance of renew-
able energy sources and energy efficiency at the global level, a great uprising
trend of policies facilitating renewable energy sources was experienced.

Incentives/ Public Tradable Education Policy Regulatory Voluntary

RD&D Financial
subsidies investment permits and outreach processes instruments agreement
1976 DK DK DK
1980 DK JP

1985 DE DE DE DE

1995 DK DE
2005 US
Incentives/ Public Tradable Education Policy Regulatory Voluntary
RD&D Financial
subsidies investment permits and outreach processes instruments agreement

Mapping the adoption of various policies in representative countries. Note: BR, Brazil; CN,
China; DE, Germany, DK, Denmark; IN, India; IT, Italy; IL, Israel; ES, Spain; KR, Korea; JP,
Japan; TR, Turkey; TW, Taiwan; UK, United Kingdom; US, United States.) (From Liao, C.-H.
et al., Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 15, 787, 2011.)
270 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

In less than a decade, renewable energy policies and targets were intro-
duced in more than 80% of the countries worldwide, registering an exponen-
tial growth. In this context, renewable energy provided the estimated 19.1%
of the global final energy consumption in 2013 (REN21, 2015). Furthermore,
over 58% of net addition to global power capacity was due to renewables,
with China, the United States, Japan, and Germany as leaders in cost reduc-
tion as well as their significant investment in the field (around €200 billion).
Wind, solar photovoltaic, and hydropower were the dominant renewable
sources in 2014.
Currently, not all countries are situated in the same phase of renewable
energy promotion. It is true that the majority of countries worldwide are
already in the intermediary stage of developing a renewable energy market.
Yet, many differences could be highlighted depending on their development
stage (see Table 11.2).
A dominant instrument for promoting renewable energy sources in the
EU, especially for electricity generation from renewables, is the feed-in tariff
(FIT) scheme. The EU’s long-term strategy is to achieve a harmonized frame-
work for electricity from renewable energy support at EU level based on the
FIT scheme (Muñoz et al., 2007). With the current legislation, EU Member
States are allowed to use the support scheme considered most appropri-
ate for each country’s circumstances and socioeconomic objectives. In the
Spanish case, the broad social and political coalition leading to political
commitment and continuity of support schemes and the specific design ele-
ments of the support scheme itself (i.e., the FIT) are the two main factors that
explain the success of its model. As a way of adapting concerns of different
actors, especially the government—due to the financial impact on electric-
ity consumers—and electricity from renewables generators, the authorities
decided to modify the regulatory framework regarding FIT several times.
However, it must be noted that, generally, the support of electricity from
renewables is finally paid by electricity consumers as part of their electric-
ity bills (Sáenz de Miera et al., 2008) despite the fact that Jensen and Skytte
(2003) underlined that higher electricity from renewables deployment would
incur a reduction of final electricity prices. This is because the promotion
of electricity from renewables encourages its generation because of lower
variable costs than fossil fuel conventional electricity. Wholesale electricity
price is generally established by fossil-fuel-fired plants, which are usually
the marginal generation plants. At the same time, these types of plants are
substitutes for renewable energy sources. Therefore, the wholesale electricity
price would be reduced with a higher deployment of renewables. This reduc-
tion could balance the growth in final electricity prices as a consequence
of renewables support, leading to a net reduction in retail prices. In other
words, renewables promotion could lead to a win–win situation while an
increase in renewables deployment (counting its environmental and socio-
economic benefits as well) could contribute to a reduction in electricity prices
(Sáenz de Miera et al., 2008).
TABLE 11.2
Goals and Energy Instruments Characteristic to Each Renewable Energy Market Stage of Development
First Stage: Undeveloped Third Stage: Developed
Phase Market Second Stage: Developing Market Market
Steps R&D, investment Production Consumption Production, consumption
Goals • To establish renewable • To improve the • To improve the • To replace fossil fuel with
energy market production of renewable consumption of renewable energy
energy renewable energy • To return to the free market
Non-market-based • Regulatory instruments
policies • Policy processes
• Voluntary agreement
• Education and outreach
Market-based policies • RD&D • Financial • Financial • Liberalization
• Incentives/subsidies • Public investment
• Tradable permits
Specific applications • R&D grants and subsidies • Investment deduction • Tax incentives • Removal of fossil energy
• Demonstration • Tax credit • Grants and subsidies subsidies
• Accelerated depreciation • Public investment • Carbon tax
• Guaranteed price • Green pricing
• Obligations and tradable • Removal of renewable
permits energy incentives/subsidies
Mechanisms Quota system Quota system Price system Free market system
Price system
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union

Source: Liao, C.-H. et al., Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 15, 787, 2011.
272 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

11.2.2 Relevance of Renewable Energy Sources in the EU

The EU triggers the implementation of an eclectic range of policies focused
on climate change mitigation and security of energy supply. These policies
are mainly centered on emission-trading schemes, support schemes for elec-
tricity produced with renewable energy sources, and measures to encourage
energy efficiency. While the emission-trading schemes have been function-
ing since 2005, each Member State handles electricity from renewables and
energy efficiency strategies. According to del Río González (2010), overlaps,
conflicts, and synergies in the interaction and combination of these instru-
ments raise serious concerns.
The European electricity market was fully liberalized on July 1, 2007, with
the aim of raising competition and decreasing electricity prices for con-
sumers (including households) even though the liberalization process had
started in the 1990s. Electricity market reforms began by opening markets
in wholesale markets, followed by generation and transmission, and then
going toward retail supply to household consumers (Moreno et al., 2012).
Although the aim of these reforms was the liberalization of generation and
retailing activities and, as a consequence, the decrease in electricity prices, it
seems that the main objective, price decrease, was not achieved as expected.
The liberalization of the European generation market should have led to
changes in the market structure involving a clear reduction of market con-
centration in many Member States of the EU. Yet, entry barriers intensify the
difficulty of generating monopolies. Generally, well-established companies
have the advantage of transport networks from their locations, which has high
strategic value. Additionally, grid connection acts as the most problematic
entrance barrier to developing electricity from renewable energy sources. This
is even more crucial if the integration of plants for electricity generation from
renewable energy sources entails grid reinforcement. An important decrease
in the electricity production market share of the largest generators was expe-
rienced especially in Spain and Italy during the last 15 years (see Figure 11.2).
Since 1996, with the publication of the Green Paper on renewable energy
sources, the EU started to outline more explicitly its position in this context
(Jones, 2010). One year later, after the White Paper of renewable energy sources
(European Commission, 1997), the EU tried to establish a European frame-
work for energy (Sevilla et al., 2013). Consequently, the Directive 2001/77/EC*
set challenging indicatives for national goals to almost double the share of
energy from renewables in the EU electricity mix from 12% in 1997 to 21% in
2010. With the recent global economic crisis, and hence the need of revising the
EU’s growth strategy (i.e., EUROPE 2020), the increase of the share of renew-
able energy sources at EU level was proposed in terms of energy consumption
up to 20% by 2020 (for more detail see European Union (2009)). Only 8 years

*  For more details, see Directive 96/92/EC and Directive 2003/54/EC (European Commission,
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 273

90 2008








De lic


th a


Re m



Po d





ec lgiu











Market share of the largest generators in the electricity market (in %). (From Eurostat, http://

later, a European directive was developed and approved, establishing national

goals as well as the path to follow in order to achieve 20% electricity generation
from renewable sources by 2020 at EU level. Many differences emerged within
the EU (Menanteau et al., 2003) as the plans for supporting renewables and
promoting network connections are designed using National Action Plans.
It must be underlined that the EU is one of the leaders in promoting renew-
able energy sources and in explaining to society how the consequences of
climate change will affect the environment both from an economic and a
social focus. In line with the EU green objectives,* one of the main targets
the EU has to face is to raise the share of renewable energy for electricity
generation. Despite the fact that the politicians who set the EUROPE 2020
growth strategy had a well-defined objective of tackling climate change, the
2020 renewable targets, at EU and national levels, have been much criticized
for producing expensive forms of carbon drop.
In October 2014, the EU leaders established even more ambitious targets by
2030: 40% reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990 levels),

*  According to the green objective of the EU growth strategy (EUROPE 2020), by 2020 the EU
should experience a fall in greenhouse gas emissions by 20% compared with the levels of
1990, should have 20% of energy from renewable sources, and should increase the energy
efficiency by about 20% (not binding).
274 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

27% renewable share of overall energy consumption, and 27% improvement

in energy efficiency compared to business-as-usual energy projection.* These
issues notwithstanding, the new targets set for 2030 do not seem to imply
a great extra effort (Buchan et al., 2014). Continuing the present policies for
another decade, the results would consist of 32% greenhouse gas emissions
reduction and 24% renewable share of energy, while energy efficiency would
barely improve.† More precisely, Bulgaria and Estonia have already achieved
the EU objectives‡ in 2012, while Sweden overpassed it (Figure 11.3).
There is a wide range of strategies applied according to each country’s char-
acteristics and political preferences. And yet, which instrument is the most
appropriate for increasing the dissemination of electricity from renewables







2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Bulgaria Denmark
Germany Estonia
Spain Finland
Sweden EU

Share of renewable energy sources in the gross final consumption. (From Eurostat, http://

*  http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/145397.pdf.
†  http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014SC0016&from=EN.
‡ Even if the EUROPE 2020 objective in the field of renewable energy is to reach 20% share of
renewable energy sources in the final consumption, this does not mean that each Member
State must have 20% of renewables in their final consumption. Each country has a different
objective, which, by 2020, will allow the EU to have, on average, 20% of energy from renew-
ables. For more details, see http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/pdf/targets_en.pdf.
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 275

is still a topic of controversy. The question remains in deciding between feed-

in tariffs and tradable green certificates based on quotas (Haas et al., 2011).
Under the umbrella of environmental and socioeconomic reasons, public
support for electricity from renewables has been justified. Negative externali-
ties have been diminished due to much lower pollution through electricity from
renewables in comparison with traditional electricity from fossil fuels; hence
the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol* in terms of climate change mitigations are
being pursued and the emissions of local pollution have been moderated.
By 2050, an almost carbon-free EU power must be in place (IPCC, 2007).
Renewables have to play a vital role in achieving this goal as energy effi-
ciency is considered crucial in reducing or maintaining power consumption
and greenhouse emissions, even if it is not capable of fulfilling the green
objectives alone (Jacobsson et al., 2009).
After the shock provoked by the world crisis of 2008, energy consump-
tion suffered a high decrease. Nevertheless, due to steps undertaken by gov-
ernments in designing mechanisms for recovering from this crisis, energy
consumption recouped considerably. In 2014, renewables continued their
development despite the drastic decrease in oil prices.
Additionally, while renewables installed capacity and energy production
extended considerably, investments in renewables were higher than invest-
ments in plants of fossil fuels. Electricity was the subsector with the fastest
and highest increase of renewable capacity, with wind, solar photovoltaic,
and hydropower being the dominant technologies.

11.3 Spanish Focus on Renewables

The tremendous dependence on energy imports, as a consequence of the
low domestic energy production, and the environmental issues, pushed the
EU, especially Spain, to develop policies to promote the use of energy from
renewable sources and achieve great energy efficiency without losing control
of energy consumption. Thus, many changes were established not only at EU
level (Ruiz Romero et al., 2012) but also at the national level (del Río González,
2008) regarding the production of electric power using renewable energy. In
this regard, Spain was highlighted as one of the most successful countries
in the public promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources, espe-
cially from wind (del Río González, 2008). The promotion strategy of the
Spanish authorities was even acclaimed by the European Commission due to
its effectiveness and lower costs in comparison with other countries (del Río
González, 2008; European Commission, 2005; Held et al., 2006). The leader of

* United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, Kyoto, December 11,
276 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

the EU in electricity from renewables is Spain,* followed by Germany, which

together made possible the increase of overall electricity from renewables
capacity of the EU.
Spain is known as a pioneer at the European level in promoting renew-
able energy sources as well as a leader in this field. This is because Spain
became the country with the highest support granted to renewables, sur-
passing even Germany not only in the degree of penetration of these energy
sources in the energy mix—about 30%—but also on the average cost of such
support (Sallé-Alonso, 2012). The leading renewables in generating electric-
ity are mainly wind and solar photovoltaic technologies, while biomass and
hydro are deadlocked (del Río González, 2008). While there is good progress
in the renewable electricity target, when it comes to biofuels, Spain is rather
far from the expected target (Solorio, 2011). Therefore, the Spanish recipe for
achieving the European objectives is not entirely satisfactory. Furthermore,
the strategy of promoting renewables in Spain led to several issues such as
huge accumulation of tariff deficit as well as a fall in capacity payment in
many legal issues, and, lately, as a consequence, there is a controversial arbi-
tration process† between investors in renewable energy and the government
due to cuts in the support of renewables.

11.4 Stages of the Renewable Energy Policy

Spain, as well as the whole world, but especially the EU, is experiencing a
clear trend in increasing the share of renewable energy since the 1990s. The
case of Spain can be considered to be, up to a certain point, unique due to
its huge list of energy laws and the large imbalances created by these. Three
different stages can be underlined in the Spanish renewable energy policy as
depicted in the following sections.

11.4.1 Initiating the Support of Renewables

Unlike the EU, Spain was suffering the consequences of a huge dependence
on fossil fuels. This situation continued over time as the dependence of Spain
on energy imports from the 2000s until now is over 70% while the EU aver-
age is around 50%. Therefore, the need to reduce this dependence pushed
the Spanish government to make strategic decisions.

*  Among others, Dinica (2003), Bustos (2004), García and Menéndez (2006), Bechberger (2006),
and Meyer (2007) underline the effectiveness of the Spanish feed-in tariff model.
†  h ttp://www.tribunalconstitucional.es/es/salaPrensa/Documents/NP_2016_001/2013-

The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 277

As a consequence of the geopolitical changes in the Middle East in 1973

and of the second crisis of 1979, oil prices increased exponentially as well
as the insecurity of supply, among others (Folgado-Blanco, 2003). In Spain,
apart from the price climb, a notable expansion of demand was experienced.
All these were pinpointing toward a growing fear of a supply crisis. Because
of its high dependence on energy imports, ever since the beginning of the
1980s, the Spanish government had to develop a strategy for promoting alter-
native energy sources. At first, national carbon, hydropower, and nuclear
power were supposed to make up for the reduction of oil use in Spain.
Nevertheless, this was not enough. Thus, Law 82/1980 for the Conservation
of Energy initiated the promotion and support of other alternative sources of
energy as renewables.
At the beginning, through the Royal Decree 2366/1994, electricity pro-
duced by hydro sources, cogeneration, and renewable energy sources was
regulated. According to Sevilla et al. (2013), this was the beginning of the
establishment of the basic contractual relationship between electricity from
renewables producers and distribution companies. Thus, distributors have
to buy the electricity surplus of plants with an installed capacity of less than
100 MW.

11.4.2 Development of Specific Technologies and

Strong Support of Renewables
One of the main objectives of the EU and its Member States was the liberal-
ization of the energy market in order to ensure higher competitiveness and,
hence, a better and sustainable economic development. Thus, the liberaliza-
tion of the electricity market was postulated through the European Directive
96/92/EC. The same directive had to be extended in the Spanish context by a
new law of the electricity sector (Law 54/97). This was the beginning of the
renewable energy sources support in Spain. A triple objective can be detected
in this law: (1) ensuring power supply, (2) ensuring the quality of the supply,
and (3) ensuring the lowest cost possible. Additionally, new aspects were
established by means of this law as producers of electricity from renewable
sources started to enjoy the following:

1. A different treatment under the “special regime”—further devel-

oped—aimed at fulfilling the EU target of gross energy consump-
tion (12% by 2010 and 20% by 2020).
2. Guaranteed grid access.
3. Price support. For plants less than 10 MW a premium was set and
financed by the government. The support level will be determined
based on the effective contribution of electricity from renewables
to greenhouse gas emissions, primary energy savings, energy effi-
ciency, and investment costs.
278 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

The development and effective implementation of a new regulatory frame-

work that set the beginning of the renewables era in Spain was achieved not
only with the entrance into force of Law 54/1997 of the Electricity Sector but
also with Law 34/1998 on the hydrocarbon sector. According to Folgado-
Blanco (2003), both laws defend the basic elements of the Spanish energy
policy as they

• Promote economic growth, so that the power supply will not be an

obstacle in the real convergence with the hard core of the EU (most
prosperous Member States).
• Ensure security of supply with an appropriate quality and at an
affordable price to the entire population, despite the very high exter-
nal dependence.
• Harmonize the use of energy with effective protection of the
environment, so that sustainable long-term development can be

These new trends established by the legislation of the late 1990s ensured the
prevailing principles of freedom of installation and contracting. At the same
time, the new framework showed more transparency and allowed higher
competitiveness, undoubtedly due to the enhancement of the energy markets.
In this legal context, the Spanish government was looking for an appropriate
balance between sustainable development and energy policy measures. In
other words, the aim was to design an energy model tailored to the needs
and characteristics of the Spanish market to avoid possible “bottlenecks.”
Moreover, the avalanche of changes continued with the Royal Decree on
Special Regime (RD 2818/1998). Two different options were offered to elec-
tricity generators from renewables: fixed-premium on top of the electricity
market price and fixed-feed-in adjusted annually. The fixed-feed-in system
gave investors the opportunity to know their own revenues in advance,
independently of the market price shifts. As a consequence, huge imbalances
were caused as well as an overload of the final price for consumers (del Río
González and Gual, 2007). According to Robinson (2015), the overload of the
final price was due to an improper strategy of promoting renewable energy
sources and, hence, to the tremendous governmental wedge.
Furthermore, a Plan for Promoting Renewable Energy Sources IDAE (1999)
was established in 1999 that set more explicit objectives. The aim of this plan
was to maintain the commitment to meet at least 12% of the total energy use
from renewable sources as well as achieving 29.4% of electricity generated
from renewable sources and 5.75% of transport fuel needs to be met from
biofuels by 2010.
In the field of biomass and wind electricity, the targets were established
through the Electricity and Gas Infrastructure Plan for 2002–2011. Very
ambitious targets were established for each administrative region.
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 279

The framework of the Royal Decree 436/2004 allowed generators of elec-

tricity from renewables to sell it to distributors at a fixed tariff or directly to
the market at the market price plus a bonus or with even better conditions.
In both cases, a support based on the average electricity tariff was included,
which was annually set by the government. This was another incentive for
encouraging the participation of electricity from renewables in the wholesale
electricity market. The aim of this RD was to increase electricity from renew-
ables generators selling their electricity directly to the market, causing a high
increase in governmental expenditures and imbalances.
An even higher target for electricity from renewables was established in
2005 through the Renewable Energy Plan for 2005–2010 IDAE (2010), reach-
ing 30.3% by 2010. Targets for thermal applications and biofuels were also
defined, forecasting an investment of €1.156 million between 2005 and 2010
and a public support in the same period of €2.855 million.
If previous legal frameworks linked electricity from renewables to the
average electricity tariff, the Royal Decree 661/2007 proposed, instead, their
disengagement considering the evolution of the Consumer Prices Index for
updating the support. Consequently, for renewables support, a cap-and-
floor system was implemented (del Río González, 2008) without changing
the previous supporting system of renewables established by RD 436/2004.
Nevertheless, with this new focus, an increase in the economic incentives
for this kind of investment was created, emphasizing the expectations of
renewable technologies (Agosti and Padilla, 2010). Solar photovoltaic became
one of the most attractive renewable technologies and this RD facilitated the
installation of more than five times the target for 2010 only 1 year after its
approval. This was classified as a remarkable promotion of solar thermal
industrial activity, which fixed a 0.27 h/kWh feed-in tariff for the electricity
generated by solar thermal technologies. Combined with the possibility of
constructing mixed plants with gas, this generated a great interest for solar
concentration technologies among investors and the Spanish industrial sec-
tor (Caldés et al., 2009). This strategy was the outcome of the belief that solar
energy is one of the most promising sources of clean energy, especially in
countries like Spain where solar radiation and solar electricity generation
potential is remarkable.
Despite the supposition of Jensen and Skytte (2003) that an increase in
the renewables deployment could lead to a decrease in prices, a continuous
increase of electricity prices was experienced in both domestic and indus-
trial sectors. Currently, the legal aspect of the development stage of renew-
able energy support is considered by the former Industry Minister, Miguel
Sebastián, as the beginning of a set of energy errors, especially in the solar
field (both photovoltaic and thermal) as a consequence of energy excess
(Sebastián, 2015).
Nonetheless, due to a rather ambitious regulation framework that caused
huge imbalances, the government was obliged to make considerable changes
to regain the support of renewable energy sources.
280 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy Slowing the Support of Renewables

The need of mitigating the enormous imbalances created through the legal
framework of renewables without a realistic strategy in the long run to meet
the characteristics and needs of the Spanish market led to a third stage: a
slowing down in the support for renewable energy sources. The government
had to take its foot off the pedal as the incentives for investing in renewables
led to a too large public deficit.
The first step back in supporting renewables was undertaken with the
Royal Decree 1578/2008, which was meant to rationalize the support of
electricity from renewables from PV by moderating it. The appearance of
disincentives for investing in renewable energy sources created clear prob-
lems between investors, producers, and the government. Despite this cut in
the incentives of supporting renewable energy sources, the Spanish system
was a step ahead as it has seen great achievements in participation in the
national electricity mix (42% of the total generation capacity was registered
in 2008 and 22% of total electricity production was coming from renewables).
Unfortunately, it was not efficient enough because of the relatively high costs
of production. The support scheme was not sustainable and a new reform of
the incentives was needed.
Another reduction in the incentives of renewables support was carried out
through the Royal Decree Law 1/2012 by suppressing the preassignment
procedures of incentives for newly installed plants of electricity generation
from cogeneration, renewables, and waste. In this context, Collado (2012)
underlines that the internal rate of return for PV plants installed was 6.75% in
2011 with a coverage ratio of debt service close to the technical default. Not all
types of technologies are liable to these considerations. The solar photovoltaic
technology, with the initial incentives, caused major imbalances and created
a bubble based on too generous a public subsidy. Under a brutal economic
crisis, where the Spanish legal international credibility was questioned, addi-
tional problems were added due to energy planning and the implementation
of commitments set in the European Directive 2009/28/EC on the promo-
tion of the use of energy from renewables. The details were included and
explained in the Renewable Energy Plan 2011–2020. Once more, given the
complexity and the extent of the situation resulting from the incentives to
renewables, further steps were required for getting to a balanced position.
The Royal Decree-Law 2/2013 implemented urgent measures in the elec-
tricity and financial sectors toward special regime installations (renewables
and cogeneration) in order to correct the tariff deficit and reinforce financial
stability (CNMC, 2014). Hence, this new regulation eliminated the reference
premium for all technologies, amending in this regard the RD 661/2007.
Therefore, the options were now the following:

1. A regulated feed-in tariff

2. Selling electricity at market price with no additional premium
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 281

Additionally, the inflation index used until then for updating the remunera-
tion of regulated activities started to eliminate variations in energy and food
products and any impact as a consequence of tax changes.
The reform of the electricity in Spain started with the Royal Decree Law
9/2013 targeting the promotion of efficiency, transparency, and competition
and the reduction of the tariff deficit and the financial stability in the elec-
tricity market (CNMC, 2014).
Law 24/2013 of the Power Sector obliges all renewables installations to sell
the produced electricity in the market, receiving the market price together
with regulated revenue. Thus, the parameters to determine regulated
income, according to this act, have to be reviewed every 6 years.
Likewise, Law 24/2013 establishes three different categories of self-
consumption. Additionally, grid connection and extension costs should be
considered while integrating electricity from renewables generation tech-
nologies into an existing network (Swider et al., 2008). This aspect is also
covered by Law 24/2013 as it obliges those installations connected to the grid
to contribute to the costs and services of the system in the same conditions as
the rest of the customers.
The Royal Decree 900/2015 regulates the administrative, technical, and
economic conditions and generation for self-consumption, keeping in
mind the relevance and need of the grid system in which self-consumption
must be regulated. Thus, small self-consumers are forced to give away the
energy that they do not consume to power companies. Furthermore, self-
consumers connected to the grid are already paying the entire fixed por-
tion (having to pay the same system tolls as any other consumer) and the
portion corresponding to the energy that they may demand from the grid.
This could be interpreted as a barrier to the self-consumption development
in Spain.
The Royal Decree 947/2015 was approved for supporting new installations
of plants for generating electricity from biomass and wind energy.
Although steps were taken to regain support for renewable energy sources,
the price of electricity continued to ascend. This increase was not only the
result of the rising energy and supply price but was caused especially by the
growing costs of taxes and levies as well as of networks (see Figure 11.4). It
is therefore not surprising that more than 50% of the price of electricity is
composed of network costs together with taxes and levies. This seems to be
the result of the policy undertaken in the second stage of renewables support
(end of the 1990s until 2007), among others.
In spite of the increase in network costs and taxes and levies for industrial
consumers (see Figure 11.5), it must be underlined that their proportion in
the electricity price is much lower than that of domestic consumers.
Consequently, and contradictory to the supposition of Jensen and Skytte
(2003), renewables support seems to lead, at least in the Spanish scenario,
to an increase in final electricity price. Is this because Sáenz de Miera et al.
(2008) had not yet accomplished their study? Further research should be
282 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Energy and supply Network costs Taxes and levies





2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Evolution of electricity price components of domestic consumers. Band Dc: 2500 kWh <
consumption < 5000 kWh. Note: Band Dc is chosen as a medium domestic consumer. (From
Eurostat, http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database.)

Energy and supply Network costs Taxes and levies






2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Evolution of electricity price components for industrial consumers. Band IC: 500 MWh <
­consumption < 2000 MWh. Note: Band IC is considered as a medium-size industrial consumer.
(From Eurostat database, http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database.)
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 283

carried out in order to give a clear and tested answer to this question. But
meanwhile, the huge imbalances caused by the inadequate use of the feed-
in systems has led to an increase in electricity prices, which is ultimately
suffered by the consumers, as del Río González and Gual (2007) state. This
situation is even worse when it comes to domestic consumers, as Robinson
(2015) underlines.
Yet, the results of the drawback stage in the excessive support of renewable
energy sources have started contributing to the decrease in electricity prices
since 2013.

11.4.3 Counterpart of Renewables Support

As a consequence of the strong support of renewable energy sources by the
Spanish government since the 1990s, two main issues can be underlined: (1)
tariff deficit and (2) security supply. These two aspects can explain the need
for the fulminant changes experienced in the policies for renewable energy
sources and their support. Tariff Deficit
Promoting and supporting renewable energy sources meant an increase in
tariff deficit for the Spanish government.* Since the early 2000s, especially
since 2005, a growing trend has marked the beginning of a new stage,
which resulted in a tariff deficit (cumulative) of more than €32,000 million
by the end of 2012. Despite the sharp increase in the rate paid by consum-
ers in recent years and the efforts to find the optimal recipe in energy
regulation, the increasing importance of renewable energy sources in the
energy mix has contributed considerably to the increase in tariff deficit
and is expected to follow the same path in the future (Fabra and Fabra,
Sallé-Alonso (2012) pinpoints that the tariff deficit could have been solved
with small adjustments with a frequency (of 2, 3, or 6 months) adapted to the
size of the imbalance detected. In his opinion, the government has four dif-
ferent regulative keys as depicted in Figure 11.6. Accordingly, an improper
management of the four keys is the reason for tariff deficit accumulation in
the Spanish system.
With the increasing tariff deficit, and despite the established principle of
tariff sufficiency in Law 54/1997 to be accomplished by the public adminis-
tration, new legal frameworks have been developed. Nevertheless, with the
shifts experienced by the energy legislation focused on the reduction of the

*  Tariff deficit is the difference between the recognized rights of incomes and the electricity
284 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

Energetic planification
Efficient energy mix versus other
Demand management versus installed

Sources of funding for regulated

activities Tariff planification
Political decisions costs out of Tariffs reflecting costs
the tariff
Own costs of the tariff

Remuneration systems of regulated

Boosting efficiency
Reasonable profitability as for attracting
Systems that avoid bubbles
Learning curve

Regulative keys of public administration. (From Sallé-Alonso, C., Papeles de Economía Española,
134, 101, 2012.)

tariff deficit through numerous legal changes since 2008; the trend changed
completely in 2014 as a surplus was experienced (see Figure 11.7).
Even though the strong support of renewables came to an end with the
RD 1578/2008, a long list of laws, royal decrees, and royal decree laws had
to be designed and approved in order to solve the consequences of the lack
of a realistic energy strategy with a long-term focus on renewable energy
As a consequence of the lack of consistency in the administrative
actions with the RDL 6/2009, the Royal Decree Law 6/2010 defined further
increases in deficit limits that had previously established the Royal Decree
Law 6/2009.
The Royal Decree Law 1/2012 tried to stop future high costs planning that
would result from expensive renewable technologies. Alongside this, several
other royal decrees were approved in the same year with a similar aim: to
reduce tariff deficit (RDL13/2012 or RDL 20/2012).
In addition, Law 24/2013 of Power Sector sets forth the legal background
of this sector keeping in mind the crucial need to avoid the accumulation of
new tariff deficits.
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 285


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






Evolution of the tariff deficit in Spain (2000–2014). (From Comisión Nacional de los Mercados
y la Competencia (CNMC), Spanish Energy Regulator’s National Report to the European
Commission 2014, https://www.cnmc.es/Portals/0/Ficheros/Energia/Publicaciones_
Anuales/140731_NR_CNMC_final.pdf, 2014. Accessed November 20, 2016.) Security Supply
The downturn of electricity demand suffered all over the world was even
stronger in Spain due to the extreme economic crisis it faced. In such a con-
text, with a lower demand today than in 2006, ensuring power supply was
not an easy task. The strong support of renewable energy sources promoted
since the 1980s until late 2000s (RD 661/2007) contributed to the profitability
issues faced by many power plants. This background facilitated a contradic-
tory perspective of traditional and renewable energy agents.
In the energy field, strong investments were made since 2003 mainly in
renewable energy sources, especially wind and solar photovoltaic, as well as
in power plants, this time essentially in combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT).
In spite of this, the limitation of the installed capacity came as a consequence
of the global economic crisis pictured in the 25,348 MW of CCGT at the end of
2015 and 22,845 MW in wind energy (REE, 2015). The need to increase the pen-
etration of renewables and of coal in the electricity mix was combined with a
high reduction in the functioning hours of CCGTs to 10% in 2015. Additionally,
a clear installed-capacity surplus was observed in CCGTs. Hence, several
changes were requested in the legal framework regarding capacity payment.
Guaranteeing energy supply in order to avoid possible blackouts was
effected by encouraging investments in new power plants as well as ensuring
286 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

the availability of the necessary plants for guaranteed electricity supply

(plants with large and stable capacity). For this purpose, the capacity pay-
ment mechanism was created under Law 54/1997. The design of the Spanish
electricity market had to show a clear support for electric energy producers
through a regular additional income (different from the one obtained due to
energy trade) in order to help them recover fixed costs. Both availability and
installation should be considered in the medium and long terms for calculat-
ing capacity payment.
The capacity payment mechanism was maintained by Law 17/2007 and
was established according to the capacity required by the system. Moreover,
the Ministerial Order ITC/2794/2007 developed the concept of capacity pay-
ment taking into consideration that the energy demand is inelastic and that
the grid is not perfect. This mechanism was structured in two parts:

1. The investment incentive is an incentive in the long run designed

for promoting the construction and the effective use of new installa-
tions for generating electricity through payments that will allow the
promoters to recover their investment. It is linked to the first 10 years
of its use or to ecological investments during the first 10 years subject
to a minimal annual availability (over 90% in tariff period 1). Hence,
ordinal regime peninsula power plants (located in the mainland, not
in the islands) with an installed power of at least 50 MW had the
right to an annual payment of €20,000/MW/year for 10 years since
start-up. It also envisaged the possibility of auctions for the alloca-
tion of investment incentive if the coverage ratio (CR) was less than
1.1, but the scheme based on the CR was not implemented.
2. The availability service is a service for the medium run for complet-
ing the services for the system’s adjustment used for guaranteeing
the supply in the short run. It is meant to offer to the system opera-
tor the specific capacity for a period up to 1 year of those gener-
ating power plants, which might be unavailable during periods of
highest demand. This could be because the energy market does not
allow them to recover their fix costs under their regular function-
ing (e.g., fuel thermal power) or because the raw material used can
be stocked at a low cost or because there are technologies in which
the raw material can be stored at low cost. A certain level of uncer-
tainty regarding the specific collection volume distribution and its
timing (adjustable hydraulic installations) exists. This payment was
not fully developed in this regulation, but it was temporary applied
in the period of January–July 2008. The economic endowment was
up to €137 million.

The important drop in the hours of functioning of CCGTs, the decrease in

electricity demand, the significant investments in CCGT and renewable
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 287

energy resources (RES) plants, a high coverage rate, and the installed capacity
surplus are some of the incentives to modify the legal framework regarding
the availability of service payments. In the Royal Decree 134/2010, restric-
tions set for capacity payment were approved. Since then, power plants
employing domestic coal were programmed by REE in order to meet the
annual targets. The decision to promote the use of domestic coal was because
electricity generation with this fuel decreased significantly since 2008 due
to reduced competitiveness and sought to maintain the operation of those
electricity production units that employed local primary energy sources,
adopting measures to prevent alteration of the market price. These plants
acquired guaranteed minimum annual hours of operation, which resulted
in the reduction of electricity production by CCGTs, with a drop in demand
and an increase in RES production. The main consequences of this regula-
tion are the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the lower production
of other technologies installed, which may jeopardize its continuity.
For promoting the availability of plants under the ordinal regime for a
period of 1 year, the Ministerial Order ITC/3127/2011 developed and estab-
lished the availability service of €5150/MW according to the technology
(CCGT having the highest incentive). Additionally, the investment incentive
was raised to €26,000/MW/year for a period of 10 years. Hence, the avail-
ability service is the availability to the system operator of the capacity of the
whole production network or of a part of it. More precisely, it is the availabil-
ity of the capacity of those thermal installations that produce electric energy
under the ordinary regime described in the First Section of the Installation
of Production of Electric Energy Administrative Register, which might not
be available at the moment of maximum demand without this incentive. This
might be because it is a marginal technology of the daily market, that is,
of fuel-oil plants, combined cycle, and coal plants, and also of pure water
systems that have mixed pumping and reservoir (damming). Availability
service as developed in this regulation is a transitory instrument applicable
between December 2011 and December 2012. Additionally, the investment
incentive for the long run for plants whose start-up certificate was issued
after January 1, 1998, was revised with the aim of updating and adapting
this kind of payment to the changes that occur during the operating hours
of these centrals, which makes this payment maladjusted and includes in
this service centrals with significant environmental investments for reduc-
ing emissions of sulfur oxides (SO2), in addition to the desulfurization plants
that were already considered in the 2007 legislation.
The Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 modified the values of investment incen-
tives to €23,400/MW/year for 2012 alone, justifying this modification by the
existence of a low demand of electricity and a low risk of installed capacity
The Royal Decree-Law 9/2013 established an indefinite reduction of invest-
ment incentives with a value of €10,000/MW/year; this applies to all new
288 Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy

production facilities, except those that obtain a certificate of final commis-

sioning before January 1, 2016, in which case they are entitled to €10,000/
MW/year for 20 years. Facilities that existed before this regulation came into
force, and that are entitled to this incentive, received the incentive for double
the term in order to cover the 10-year period for which they were entitled to
receive an incentive according to the regulation of 2007. In 2013, a proposed
RD was designed for capacity mechanism and hibernation* by amending
certain aspects of the electricity market to the regulated changes that took
place in 2013. With regard to capacity payments, the current mechanism is
reviewed, stating that the financing capacity payments correspond to sup-
pliers and direct consumers in the market. Regarding the investment incen-
tive for the long term, it has been reviewed and an auction mechanism has
been established for the new facilities to be implemented in the event that
the system operator detects a shortfall in covering demand in the long run,
depending on the coverage ratio calculation. The procedure and the require-
ments for allocating investment incentives have been detailed. In the case
that the CR for the next 4 years is below the established minimum, a call auc-
tion will commence. Transitional arrangements have been made for facilities
that existed prior to this RD to receive the investment incentive of capacity
In October 2015, the National Energy Authority (Comisión Nacional
de los Mercados y la Competencia) gave negative information regarding
the capacity payment of what pretended to be a subvention for the mod-
ernization of thermal centrals, which was planned as an oxygen bubble
requested by the mining sector guaranteeing the sale of national carbon to
thermo centrals, which in turn would receive subventions for investments
in adapting their installations to the new European legislation for indus-
trial emissions.
In the last modification of the energy regulation, the Ministerial Order
IET/2735/2015 establishes the fees for electric energy access for the year 2016
and approves different types of installations and parameters for incentives
for electricity production installations from renewable sources, cogenera-
tion, and waste. This regulation establishes a unitary price for financing
the capacity payment applicable to electricity consumers launched in 2007
and revised in 2011 under a special regime. Under reasonable parameters
(regarding the number of agents), the level of capacity resulting from

*  During hibernation, a temporal shutdown of the plant is carried out. This makes it possible
to auto-adjust the latent capacity excess due to suppliers’ decisions; all this without dam-
aging either the system or its supply safety. The competitive auction procedure regulates
the assignment of capacity susceptible to hibernation. Normally, the period of temporary
hibernation of CCGT plants is 1 year. Therefore, at least 6 months beforehand, an auction for
each period is organized under the supervision of the CNMC. Regarding the liquidation of
the auctions, Red Eléctrica Española is the authority responsible for this process, while the
administrative procedures run under the State Secretariat of Energy.
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 289

private decisions falls far short of the social optimum (Castro-Rodríguez

et al., 2009). Two regulatory mechanisms—capacity payment and price-
adder—that used to generate supplementary incentives for private agents
to install capacity are considered to be ineffective and/or unduly expen-
sive. The CP method consists in awarding each generating unit a daily
payment—when it is available—which is computed by multiplying the
firm capacity of each generating unit by the per unit capacity payment (€/
MW), which may be uniform or may vary with the season (Batlle et al.,
2007). In this context, two main weaknesses of this mechanism are high-
lighted by Batlle and Pérez-Arriaga (2007): (1) the low capacity of providing
generators with an incentive to make a special effort to be available and
to produce electricity in situations of real need and (2) the lack of a guar-
antee of a reasonable volume of installed capacity to satisfy the demand
every time.
Up until today, there is no consensus in the literature regarding an ade-
quate model for calculating the actual firm capacity of the different power-
generating plants.
Summing up, the regulation focused on capacity payment is depicted in
Figure 11.8.
With the aim of guaranteeing financial stability in the electricity system as
an essential requirement for ensuring its economic sustainability and secu-
rity of supply, the Royal Decree Law 9/2013 set out a series of broad measures
targeting the following aspects:

• To establish a regulatory framework that will guarantee financial

stability in the electricity system
• To remove deficit from the electricity sector, prevent future deficit,
and guarantee supply to consumers at the lowest possible cost and
with increased transparency
• To simplify and clarify electricity bills and encourage competition in
domestic electricity tariffs, while maintaining the discount known
as the “social bonus” for vulnerable customers

Moreover, Law 24/2013 of Power Sector was aiming to guarantee electric-

ity supply at an adequate level of quality and at the lowest price possible.
The economic and financial sustainability of the system and the effective
competition, together with environmental sustainability, continue to be the
spotlight of the legal framework.
Furthermore, the investigation of the Capacity of payment (CP) mecha-
nism in 2015 as an illegal subvention of the energy system by the European
Commission must be underlined. CP is considered to be a mechanism for
financing power generators only for the security of supply, but not as a solu-
tion to their low profitability.
RDL 13/2012

Ministerial order Investment

ITC/3127/2011 incentive reduced
Availability service
established to be of
for 2012 due to
€5,150/MW according to the
low electricity
technology (CCGT having the
demand and low
highest incentive);
risk of installed
temporarily applicable:
Ministerial order capacity deficit.
December 2011–December
incentive—long run: Investment incentive was
power plants ≥ 50 MW raised to €26,000/MW/year
annual CP €20,000/ for the first 10 years
MW/year for the
first 10 years since
the start up Ministerial order
Availability service— IET/2735/2015
medium run: applied RDL 13/2012 Unitary price for
temporarily (January– Investment financing capacity
July 2008); economic incentive reduced payment
endowment up to to applicable to
€137 million €23,400/MW/year electricity
RD 134/2010 for 2012 due to low consumers
Capacity payment electricity demand
restrictions due to and low risk of
high drop of CCGT installed capacity
LAW 17/2007
hours functioning, deficit.
decrease of
electricity demand,
high coverage rate,
LAW 54/1997 installed capacity
Capacity payment surplus

Capacity payment regulation.
Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning, and Policy
The Spanish Energy Policy Roller Coaster within the European Union 291

11.5 Conclusions
The EU has designed different objectives within its growth strategy (EUROPE
2020). Among these priorities, the use of renewable energy is one of the main
topics of discussion in Europe and Spain. Within the energy field, promoting
renewable energy sources is, for Europeans and Spaniards, a must.
However, despite the common objective of increasing energy from renew-
able sources, many differences can be observed between each Member State’s
legal framework, as well as in the mechanism used for supporting renew-
ables. In this sense, Spain is one of the leaders at the European level in pro-
moting renewables, especially when it comes to wind and solar energy and
its contribution to the electricity mix. This was possible due to a very strong
support of these renewable energy sources by the national government.
Three different stages were detected in the Spanish support process of
renewable energy sources: (1) a rather tentative support in the 1980s and the
beginning of the 1990s in the initial stage, (2) the development stage since
the second half of the 1990s until 2007, and (3) the slowdown stage from 2008
until today. It is the second stage that helped strongly promote renewable
energy sources in Spain. Nevertheless, it is this legislation that, as a counter-
part, contributed significantly to the creation of the tariff deficit, which led
to an unsustainable situation that required a break from this development.
Additionally, due to the discontinuity of renewable sources, security of sup-
ply was and still is one of the main concerns of all governments promoting
renewables. In this case, Spain has to deal with disputes with traditional
energy companies, mainly CCGTs. This is a consequence of the ambitious
support for renewables against traditional sources as CCGTs have faced a
huge limitation of their functioning hours. The legislation had to be designed
bearing in mind the need to increase the share of renewable energy sources
and their negative externalities (e.g., tariff deficit) and the security of supply,
at the same time finding a proper balance between all these aspects. This
has not yet been achieved by the different Spanish governments as they have
faced grave issues in terms of tariff deficit, which has partially been over-
come since 2014, when they started achieving surplus. Despite this timely
surplus, tariff deficit is a problem yet to be solved. Unfortunately, the final
consumers seem to be the ones paying for this mismatched strategy.

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Absorption chillers, 80 Capacity payment (CP) mechanism
Adjustment markets, 177 investment incentive, 288
Advanced Local Energy Law 17/2007, 286
Planning (ALEP) Law 54/1997, 286
methodology, 20–21 regulation, 289–290
Analogs ensemble (AnEn) methodology, Royal Decree 134/2010, 287
184–185 structure, 286
Arab Future Energy Index (AFEX) unitary price, 288
benchmarking cycles Capacity remuneration mechanisms
2013 cycle, 225–228 (CRMs), 139–140
2015 cycle, 228–230 CBA, see Cost–benefit analysis
building sector, 231 CCHP systems, see Combined cooling,
data availability, 225 heating, and power systems
energy-exporting and energy- Central autonomous management
importing countries, 225 controller (CAMC), 174
evaluation criteria Clathrates, 236
energy pricing, 222 Coal-bed methane, 236
institutional capacity, 222 Combined cooling, heating, and power
policy framework, 222 (CCHP) systems
quantitative and qualitative design and sizing, 81–82
indicators, 222–224 end-use energy, 77
utility, 222 ICE, 78–79
government sector, 231–232 installed capacity, 97–98
policy assessment and benchmarking investment initiative, 82
tool, 222 energy market, 83
subsidy levels, 231 energy savings, 83
Tunisia, 230 price ratio, 83–84
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), project economics, 83
183–184 spark spread, 83
Autoregressive integrated investment viability
moving average (ARIMA) electricity and gas prices, 91–93
models, 182 investment break-even point, 90–91
Autoregressive moving average parameters, 88, 90–91
(ARMA) models, 182 and main producers, 97
micro-turbines, 79–80
operational viability
characteristics, 88–89
Balancing market, 178 cooling fraction, 88
Balancing service providers (BSPs), 144 parameters, 87–88
Baseline emission inventory (BEI), 19 substituted boiler efficiency, 89–90
Burovaya Companya Eurasia, 57 operation strategies, 82

300 Index

reference energy system Demand side response (DSR)

conventional generation, 85 ancillary service, 139–140
energy consumer, 84 CRM, 139–140
energy demand, 85 electricity markets, 138
hourly operational cost, 85–86 energy-market products, 139
PriceRatio, 86–87 price-based programs, 137–138
trigeneration plant, 78 Demand-side unit (DSU), 139
Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT), Distributed generation (DG)
285–287 autoproducers
Commercial buildings, 81 design and sizing, 81–82
Comprehensive models, 24–26 end-use energy, 77
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) ICE, 78–79
basic principles investment initiative, 82–84
allocative efficiency, 202–203 investment viability, 90–93
Kaldor compensation test, 203 micro-turbines, 79–80
Kaldor–Hicks efficiency operational viability, 87–90
criterion, 203 operation strategies, 82
market economy, 203–204 reference energy system, 84–87
Pareto efficiency, 203 trigeneration plant, 78
Pareto improvement, 203 benefits, 76–77
welfare economics, 202 vs. centralized generation, 75–76
costs and benefits assessment characteristics, 74–75
classification of benefits, 200–201 policymakers, 99–100
economic benefits, 201 RES, 93–96
enforcement costs, 200 status and barriers, 97–99
management costs, 200 Distribution system operator (DSO)
market benefits, 201 distribution grid tariffs, 135–136,
non-economic benefits, 201–202 141–142
private costs, 200 monopoly MG, 175
social benefits, 202 DSR, see Demand side response
social costs, 200
typologies of costs, 200
energy policies
data quality, 210–212 EDC, see Eurasia Drilling Company
energy regulation, 208–209 Limited
European Commission, 209–210 Electric chillers, 79
by government departments, Electricity and Gas Infrastructure Plan, 278
205–208 Energy Actions and Systems for
programs and projects, Mediterranean Local
204–205 Communities (EASY)
historical development, 199–200 methodology, 21
research areas, 198 Energy and climate planning
Covenant of Mayors, 15–16 accuracy and manageability, 23
CP mechanism, see Capacity payment accurate and reliable data, 18–19
mechanism ALEP methodology, 20–21
BEI, 19
citizens engagement
behavioral measures, 33
Day-ahead market, 177 Energy Lab, 34, 37
Index 301

soft measures, 33 energy intensity, 219

stakeholders, 33–36 energy productivity, 219
World Café, 34 governance arrangements, 220
comprehensive models, 24–26 IEA report, 219–220
Covenant of Mayors, 15–16 in MENA
definition, 19 AFEX, 222–232
EASY methodology, 21 donor-countries’ projects, 220
educational centers and public energy and economy profiles, 221
buildings, 17 internal and external factors,
energy consumption, 16 attitude shift, 221
Energy Roadmap 2050, 14–15 NEAPS, 221
EU 2020 objectives, 14 TRACE, 32
European and national scale, 22 transition, 219–220
features, 23–24 Energy market, 83
greenhouse gas emissions, Energy policy, CBA
reduction, 20 data quality, 210–212
local action plans energy regulation, 208–209
Enova’s program for Norwegian European Commission, 209–210
municipalities, 37 by government departments
implementation and environment, industry, and
monitoring, 38, 40–41 transport departments, 205
interregional cooperation institutionalization, 205
projects, 37 salient features of CBAs, 206–208
strategic planning, 37–39 impact assessment, 198–199
sustainable development, 37 programs and projects, 204–205
local administrators Energy Roadmap 2050, 14–15
E2 tool, 29–30, 32 Energy service companies (ESCos),
ICLEI Europe Basic Climate Russia
toolkit, 31–32 budget and income, 53
Swiss-Energyscope, 31–32 Deloitte survey, 52
TRACE, 31–33 drilling operations, 53–54
2050 Calculator, 29–30 EDC
Mayors Adapt, 15 Burovaya Companya Eurasia, 57
multilevel goals and policies, 17–18 decision-making process, 57
open models, 24, 29 drilling volumes, 59–60
regional and local energy systems, efficiency, 58–59
21–22 history of, 56
sectoral models, 24, 27–28 Lukoil, 57–58
socio-technical factors, 16 oilfield service market, 58
soft policy initiatives, 17 shallow water reserves, 58–59
technology network, 18 hydrocarbon motor fuels, 56
Energy efficiency (EE) independent Russian service
Belgium companies, 53
conventional grid, 125–127 inflated costs and mediocre
cradle to grave analysis, 122–123 managerial efficiency, 54
life cycle impact assessment, international service giants, 52
124–125 low base effect, 66
life cycle inventory construction, 124 management costs and gain, 54
raw materials, 123 market structure, 51
302 Index

monopolization, 55 national oil company, 238

operational efficiency, 54 natural monopoly, 239
policy-makers, 55 privatization and liberalization, 238
Rosgeologiya, 62–64 second gas directive (2003/55/EC),
Russian in-house service providers, 240
52–53 third gas directive (2009/73/EC),
TGT oilfield services 240–241
core logging service, 61 unbundling models, 240–241
local supply chain and European Technology Platform Smart
procurement management, 60 Grid, 107–108
mathematical modeling, 62 European Union’s (EU) energy policy
R&D-intensive analysis, 61 liberalization, 266
renovation/modernization, 61 Member States differences,
Energy transition divergences, and
benefits, 6–7 disagreements, 265–266
civilization, 3 renewable energy sources
governments, 5 vs. fossil fuel, 266
industrial progress, 3–4 Spain, 267
integrated policy approach, 8–10 unsustainable energy policy, 266
market failures, 4–5
energy production and
consumption, 2 Feed-in tariff (FIT), 2–3, 270
energy-related interactions, 1 Forecasting, deregulated
energy system transformation, 1 energy market
infrastructure, 2 AnEn methodology, 184–185
policy integration, 2–3 classical/conventional methods
poverty reduction, 4 ARIMA models, 182
SDGs, 4 ARMA models, 182
ESCos, see Energy service companies Kalman filtering approach, 183
E2 tool, 29–30, 32 MA models, 181–182
EU 2020 objectives, 14 regression models, 183
Eurasia Drilling Company Limited time series models, 180–181
(EDC) computational intelligence, 183–184
Burovaya Companya Eurasia, 57 electricity price, 179
decision-making process, 57 evolutionary programming and
drilling volumes, 59–60 genetic algorithms, 185–186
efficiency, 58–59 fuzzy inference and fuzzy–neural
history of, 56 models, 185
Lukoil, 57–58 load, 178–179
oilfield service market, 58 renewable power production, 179
shallow water reserves, 58–59 short-term, medium-term, and
European Directive 2009/28/EC, 280 long-term, 178
European regulatory framework techniques classification, 180
clearing price mechanism, 239 Fossil-fuel-free system, 267
development, 240–241 Free market MG, 175
European reference price, 242 Frequency response (FR), 129–130
first gas directive (98/30/EC), 239 Fuzzy inference forecasting, 185
gas to gas competition, 239 Fuzzy–neural forecasters, 185
Index 303

G Life cycle assessment (LCA)

conventional grid, 125–127
Gas hydrates, 236
cradle to grave analysis, 122–123
Global warming potential (GWP), 124
impact assessment, 124–125
Greenhouse gas (GHG)
inventory construction, 124
conventional grid, 125–127
raw materials, 123
electricity production and supply
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 247
systems, 107
Load controllers (LCs), 174
emissions, economic cost, and
Locational marginal price (LMP), 178
benefits, 108–117
Low Carbon Economy Roadmap, 16
energy and climate planning, 14
Lukoil, 57–58
impact assessment, 107
outcomes, 118–119

H Market-clearing prices, 177–178

Market integration, RES-E
Hydraulic fracturing, 236 backup power, 161–162
capacity mechanisms, 162
I cross-border interconnections, 162
demand elasticity, 163
ICLEI Europe Basic Climate toolkit, demand response, 162
31–32 demand-side management, 162–163
Incentive-based programs electricity system flexibility, 160–161
ancillary service, 139–140 electric vehicle charging, 163
CRMs, 139–140 financial support mechanism
electricity markets, 138 costs, 159
energy-market products, 139 generation mix, 159
price-based programs, 137–138 intermittency, 161
Independent system operator (ISO), 176 melting-pot and salad-bowl, 159
Information and communication optimization, 163–165
technology (ICT), 122–125 photovoltaic power, 161
Integrated policy approach, 8–10 power storage, 161–162
Internal combustion engine (ICE), 78–79 transmission grid, 162
International Energy Agency (IEA), Market operator (MO), 176
219–220 Market regulator (MR), 176
Mayors Adapt, 15
MENA, see Middle East and North
Kaldor compensation test, 203 Merit-order effect, RES-E
Kaldor–Hicks efficiency criterion, 203 marginal costs, 155
Kalman filtering approach, 183 OMIE
aggregated demand and supply
curves, 155, 157
electrical energy bids, 155–156
Law 17/2007, 286 residual electrical energy vs. spot
Law 34/1998, 278 electricity price, 155, 157
Law 54/1997, 277–278, 283, 286 out-of-market technologies, 156
Law 24/2013 of Power Sector, renewable incentive costs, 157
281, 284, 289 vis-à-vis market design, 158
304 Index

Microgrid central controller (MGCC), 174 ownership and business model, 175
Microgrids (MGs) scheme, 172–173
advantages, 172–173 structures of control, 174
case study Microsource controllers (MCs), 174
electrical load demand, 187 Micro-turbines (μT), 79–80
hourly production costs, 187 Middle East and North Africa (MENA),
minimum and maximum spot energy efficiency
prices and electrical loads, AFEX
187, 189 building sector, 231
optimal bidding curve, 189, data availability, 225
191, 193 energy-exporting and energy-
optimization problem, 186 importing countries, 225
power production in function of evaluation criteria, 222–224
risk in case of low price, 189, government sector, 231–232
192–193 policy assessment and
power production vs. energy benchmarking tool, 222
prices, 187–188 subsidy levels, 231
PV power forecast and Tunisia, 230
uncertainty, 186 2013 cycle, 225–228
PV power production as function 2015 cycle, 228–230
of risk and price, 188, 190–191 donor-countries’ projects, 220
risk-bidding strategy, day-ahead energy and economy profiles, 221
energy market, 186 internal and external factors, attitude
spot prices, 187 shift, 221
technical and economic NEAPS, 221
characteristics, power plants, Ministerial Order IET/2735/2015, 288
187–188 Ministerial Order ITC/2794/2007, 286
components, designs, and rules, 172 Ministerial Order ITC/3127/2011, 287
definition, 172 Missing money problem, RES-E, 158–159
deliberalized energy market structure Moving average (MA) models, 181–182
deregulated electricity market Municipalities, universities, schools, and
agents, 176 hospitals (MUSH) markets, 98
pool markets, 177–178
AnEn methodology, 184–185
classical/conventional methods, National Energy Authority, 288
180–183 National energy efficiency action plans
computational intelligence, (NEAPS), 221
183–184 National Renewable Energy Action Plan
electricity price, 179 of Belgium (NREAP), 124
evolutionary programming and Natural gas
genetic algorithms, 185–186 biogenic methane, 235
fuzzy inference and fuzzy–neural conventional gas, 235
models, 185 dry natural gas, 235
load, 178–179 fossil fuel, 235
renewable power production, 179 hydrocarbon gases, combustible
short-term, medium-term, and mixture, 234
long-term, 178 sour natural gas, 235
techniques classification, 180 thermogenic methane, 235
Index 305

unconventional gas South Caucasus Pipeline

coal-bed methane, 236 Expansion, 250
definition, 235–236 South Stream pipeline, 250
environmental and security supply to Turkey, 250–251
risks, 237 Third Energy Package, 249
gas hydrates, 236 transport routes, 249
hydraulic fracturing, 236 infrastructures, 234
shale gas, 236 low-sulfur fuels, 233
tight gas, 236 power generation
wet natural gas, 235 CCGT plants, 234
Natural gas industry, Europe EU Emission Trading
consumption Scheme, 234
in buildings and industrial pricing
sectors, 245 gas hubs, 256–262
CCGT plant, 244 market context, 252–253
for each country, EU15, 245–246 oil-linked formulas, 253–256
economic crisis, 245 production and commercial
environmental impact, 244 process
historical trend, EU15, 243 downstream, 238
industrial users, 242–243 midstream, 238
level of, 242 upstream, 237–238
natural gas vs. oil and coal, 244 supply
power generators, 242 by country of origin by pipelines,
renewable power plants, 245 247–248
residential/commercial users, LNG, 247
242–243 natural gas vs. oil and coal
European regulatory framework delivery, 245
clearing price mechanism, 239 oil-indexed contracts, 247
development, 240–241 Russian–Ukrainian crisis, 248
European reference price, 242 shock absorbers, 248
first gas directive, 239 storage capacity, 249
gas to gas competition, 239 suppliers, 247
national oil company, 238 TOP clause, 247
natural monopoly, 239 Natural gas pricing
privatization and gas hubs
liberalization, 238 gas to gas competition, 258
second gas directive, 240 inflexible supply, 258
third gas directive, 240–241 parallel capacity market, 260
unbundling models, 240–241 physical hub, 256
infrastructure development physical transactions, 257
cross-border trade, 249–250 principal European gas hubs,
diversified supply portfolios, 249 256–257
European infrastructures, 250–251 recent developments, 260–262
GALSI pipeline, 251 supply and demand equilibrium,
LNG market, 251–252 258–259
Nabucco pipeline project, 250 trading mechanism, 259–260
Nord Stream pipeline, 250 twofold function, 257
Russian–Ukrainian crisis, 249 virtual hubs, 256
security of supply, 249 market context, 252–253
306 Index

oil-linked formulas Regression models, 183

bilateral negotiations, 254 RENERGY Project, 38
economic fundamentals, 254 Renewable Energy Plan 2011–2020, 280
free gas market, 255 Renewable energy source for electricity
long-term oil-indexed formula, (RES-E), Europe
255–256 cap-and-trade principle, 150
long-term supply agreement, electrical system balance, 154
253–255 electricity market price clearance, 155
market fundamentals, 254 electricity spot market price, 150
TOP clause, 256 electricity trading markets, 154
Nonrenewable energy resources, 124–125 energy-only markets, 150
Northwestern European (NWE) EU ETS phases, 150
countries, see Small and growth
medium enterprises in Denmark, 151–152
energy security, 151
financial instruments, 151
in Germany, 151, 153
1D and 2D models, 64 in Portugal, 151–152
Open models, 24, 29 in Spain, 151, 153
sustainable energy systems, 150
in United Kingdom, 151, 154
wind and solar energy, 151
Pareto efficiency, 203 high level penetration impacts, 154
Photovoltaic (PV) systems market coupling/splitting
capital costs, 94 mechanism, 155
commercial sector, 94–95 market integration
electricity generation, 98 backup power, 161–162
grid parity price, 94 capacity mechanisms, 162
industrial sector, 94, 96 cross-border interconnections, 162
installation, size and type, 93–94 demand elasticity, 163
residential sector, 94–95 demand response, 162
self-consumption, 96 demand-side management,
Policy integration, 2–3 162–163
Policy rents, 4–5 electricity system flexibility,
PriceRatio, 87–90 160–161
Prosumer consortium microgrid, 175 electric vehicle charging, 163
financial support mechanism
costs, 159
generation mix, 159
Reference energy system intermittency, 161
conventional generation, 85 melting-pot and salad-bowl, 159
energy and climate planning, 18, 21 optimization, 163–165
energy consumer, 84 photovoltaic power, 161
energy demand, 85 power storage, 161–162
hourly operational cost, 85–86 transmission grid, 162
PriceRatio, 86–87 merit-order effect
Regional Center for Renewable marginal costs, 155
Energy and Energy Efficiency OMIE aggregated demand and
(RCREEE), 220, 230–231 supply curves, 155, 157
Index 307

OMIE electrical energy bids, technology development, 277–283

155–156 wind and solar photovoltaic
OMIE residual electrical technologies, 276
energy vs. spot electricity RES-E, see Renewable energy source for
price, 155, 157 electricity
out-of-market Residential buildings, 81–82
technologies, 156 Residential consumers
renewable incentive costs, 157 average retail price, 130–131
vis-à-vis market design, 158 characteristics, 133–134
missing money problem, 158–159 commodity and network
unbundling and privatization, 149 components, 130, 132
Renewable energy sources (RES) demand–response services
capital costs, 94 ancillary service, 139–140
commercial sector, 94–95 CRM, 139–140
development and promotion, 267 electricity markets, 138
development programs, 268–269 energy-market products, 139
electricity generation, 98 price-based programs, 137–138
electricity prices, 270 deployment, 129–130
energy efficiency, 267 DSO, 141–142
in EU energy prices, 141
carbon-free EU power, 275 Flanders, 133–136
climate change, consequences Ireland, 136–137
of, 273 market entry, 140
emission, 272 market roles, 140–141
EUROPE 2020 growth strategy, Netherlands, 137
272–273 network tariffs, 141–142
grid connection, 272 regulatory assessment, 128
gross final consumption, 274 residential consumers, 128
Kyoto Protocol, 275 tariff components, 132–133
liberalization, 272 ToU pricing, 132
market share, 272–273 United Kingdom, 136
FIT scheme, 270 Rosgeologiya, 62–64
vs. fossil fuel, 266–267 Royal Decree 436/2004, 279
goals and energy instruments, Royal Decree 661/2007, 279–280, 285
270–271 Royal Decree 900/2015, 281
grid parity price, 94 Royal Decree 947/2015, 281
industrial sector, 94, 96 Royal Decree 1578/2008, 280, 284
installation, size and type, 93–94 Royal Decree 2818/1998, 278
policies Royal Decree Law 1/2012, 280, 284
and targets, 270 Royal Decree Law 6/2009, 284
types, 269 Royal Decree Law 6/2010, 284
residential sector, 94–95 Royal Decree Law 9/2013, 281, 287, 289
self-consumption, 96 Royal Decree Law 13/2012, 287
promotion strategy, 275–276
renewables support initiation,
276–277 Sectoral models, 24, 27–28
security supply, 285–290 SG, see Smart grid
tariff deficit, 283–285 Shale gas, 236
308 Index

Short term operating reserve (STOR), 139 DSO, 141–142

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) energy prices, 141
average retail price, 130–131 Flanders, 133–136
characteristics, 133–134 Ireland, 136–137
commodity and network market entry, 140
components, 130, 132 market roles, 140–141
demand–response services Netherlands, 137
ancillary service, 139–140 network tariffs, 141–142
CRM, 139–140 regulatory assessment, 128
electricity markets, 138 residential consumers, 128
energy-market products, 139 tariff components, 132–133
price-based programs, 137–138 ToU pricing, 132
deployment, 129–130 United Kingdom, 136
DSO, 141–142 tools, 107
energy prices, 141 SMEs, see Small and medium
Flanders, 133–136 enterprises
Ireland, 136–137 Spanish renewable energy policy
market entry, 140 promotion strategy, 275–276
market roles, 140–141 renewables support initiation,
Netherlands, 137 276–277
network tariffs, 141–142 security supply, 285–290
regulatory assessment, 128 tariff deficit, 283–285
residential consumers, 128 technology development
tariff components, 132–133 biomass and wind electricity, 278
ToU pricing, 132 Electricity and Gas Infrastructure
United Kingdom, 136 Plan, 278
Smart grid (SG) electricity prices, 279
advantages, 106–107 fixed-feed-in system, 278
in Belgium fixed-premium, 278
conventional grid, 125–127 Law 34/1998, 278
cradle to grave analysis, 122–123 Law 54/1997, 277–278
life cycle impact liberalization, 277
assessment, 124–125 Royal Decree 436/2004, 279
life cycle inventory Royal Decree 661/2007, 279
construction, 124 Royal Decree 2818/1998, 278
raw materials, 123 slowing down in support, 280–283
characteristics, 108–117 thermal applications and
European Technology Platform biofuels, 279
Smart Grid, 107–108 wind and solar photovoltaic
outcomes, 108, 118–121 technologies, 276
research and development, 121–122 Spark spread, 83
residential consumers and SMEs investment viability
average retail price, 130–131 electricity and gas prices, 91–93
characteristics, 133–134 investment break-even point,
commodity and network 90–91
components, 130, 132 parameters, 88, 90–91
demand–response services, operational viability
137–140 characteristics, 88–89
deployment, 129–130 cooling fraction, 88
Index 309

parameters, 87–88 mathematical modeling, 62

substituted boiler efficiency, 89–90 R&D-intensive analysis, 61
State-space model, 183 renovation/modernization, 61
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 4 Third party access (TPA), 239–240
Sustainable Energy Action Plans Tight gas, 236
(SEAPs), 15 Time-of-use (ToU) pricing, 132
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Time series models, 180–181
Plan (SECAP), 16 Tool for Rapid Assessment of City
Swiss-Energyscope, 31–32 Energy (TRACE), 32–33
Transmission system operator (TSO),
139–140, 240, 260
2050 Calculator, 29–30
Take or pay (TOP) clause, 247, 256
TGT oilfield services
core logging service, 61
local supply chain and procurement U.S. Geological Survey
management, 60 (USGS), 62–63

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