12 - TDS - Emaco S42 NT

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A single component, advanced repair mortar based upon applied Nanotechnology especially
designed for repairs to corrosion damaged concrete.

Description • Better physical properties, reduced early age

EMACO S42 NT is a combination of Portland and long term cracking tendency, by the use of
cement, well graded sands, specially selected EE Fibre technology
fibres and additives formulated to reduce the • Excellent workability for easier mixing placing
possibility of shrinkage cracks, and to improve and finishing
physical and application properties.
When mixed with water EMACO S42 NT Packaging
produces a thixotropic repair mortar, suited to EMACO S42 NT is available in 25 kg bags.
hand and *spray application.
*Technical data
Typical applications Comp. strength @ 28 days
> 70 N/mm²
Refurbishment of all structural concrete elements BS 1881 Pt 116 1983
such as: Flexural Strength @ 28 days
> 10 N/mm²
• Oil gas and petrochemical foundations, BS EN 1015 Pt 11
Tensile Strength @ 28 days
supports and retaining walls. > 4 N/mm²
BS 6319 Pt 7 1985
• Jetties piles, harbour walls and other marine
structures. Wet density
• Columns, Piers and cross beams on highway EE Fibres
structures. Diameter 16 micron
• Water production, treatment, intake and outfall E Modulus > 15 GPa
structures and sewerage facilities. Density 1.18
• Tunnels, pipes and other below ground Synergistic shrinkage control < 250 micro
construction. (ASTM C157 :93) strain @ 28 days
• Cooling towers and chimneys and other Coutinho ring (cracking)test
> 90 days to
industrial environments.
E-Modulus BS 1881 Pt 121 1983 37,500 N/mm²
• Beams, columns, walls and slabs in high rise
Water penetration BS EN 12390
buildings. > 5mm
Pt 8 2000
Rapid chloride permeability
Benefits Low
AASHTO T 277 93
• Improved cement hydration reducing micro- Indirect tensile strength BS 1881
> 4.5 N/mm²
defects, drying shrinkage, and enhancing bond Pt 117 : 1983
using applied Nanotechnology. > 5 mm @ 20
Consistency BS EN 413 Pt2 2005
• Dimensional stable repairs, low permeability and mins
enhanced durability through synergistic > 140mm at 30
Flow BS EN 1015 Pt 3
shrinkage control systems and best binder mins

Application guidelines EMACO S42 NT should be mixed by mechanical
Substrate preparation means. Single bags may be mixed using a slow
All repair areas must be clean, sound and free speed drill and spiral paddle or forced action
from all dirt dust, loose material and any oil or mechanical mixer.
grease which would impair adhesion.
Place the mixing water into the mixing bucket and
Defective concrete, honeycombing and cold joints add the Emaco S42 NT powder and mix for
must be removed to obtain a keyed surface. The approximately 3 minutes until a smooth lump free
chosen method of preparation should avoid the consistency is achieved.
formation of micro-cracks and fractured
aggregate. The water additions shall be 3.1 to 3.6 litres per
25kg bag. This may be reduced depending upon
The edges of all repairs should be cut vertically to the consistency required.
a minimum depth of 10mm.
Reinforcing steel preparation Following mixing the EMACO S42 NT can be
Where Protectosil CIT is specified for corrosion installed by hand ensuring the initial application is
protection and to mitigate the ‘incipient anode scraped into the substrate to ensure good
effect’ only removal of loose corrosion products contact. The EMACO S42 NT shall be compacted
from the reinforcing steel by mechanical means is well into the repair area to a minimum thickness of
necessary prior to repair 10mm and a maximum layer thickness of 40mm.
Where Protectosil CIT is not to be applied to the Depending upon the geometry of the repair area
concrete structure and for enhanced durability Emaco S42 NT may be installed in a single layer
where chlorides are present in the parent concrete thickness greater than 40mm.
the reinforcing steel should be primed with
CONCRESIVE ZR For large scale repairs EMACO S42 NT can be
applied by dry or wet spray techniques. Please
Priming of the substrate refer to BASF technical department for guidance.
Generally priming of the substrate is not As soon as the EMACO S42 NT starts to stiffen,
necessary however the concrete should be finishing can be done by wooden, plastic or steel
thoroughly soaked constantly, to a saturated but float depending upon the type of finish required.
surface dry condition for a minimum of 4 hours
prior to installation of the repair. Curing
For overhead repairs where soaking with water is Good curing practice must always be followed.
not practical an alternative method of priming is by Curing of the installed repair should be carried out
the use of CONCRESIVE 1414. by either.
− Masterkure curing agents
Mixing − Damp Hessian and polythene
It is recommended that only full bags of 25 kg are
Yield/Coverage Quality and care
A 25kg bag of EMACO S42 NT will yield All products originating from the BASF facility in Dubai
approximately 12.75 litres of mortar. are manufactured under a management system
independently certified to conform to the
One bag of EMACO S42 NT will cover 1.27 m² at requirements of the quality, environmental and
thickness of 10mm. This coverage is theoretical and occupational health and safety standards ISO 9001,
depends upon the surface profile of the substrate and ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
the wastage.
Storage Similar to all the other recommendations and
EMACO S42 NT should be stored in dry conditions technical information, this technical data sheet serves
out of direct sunlight. Shelf life when stored correctly only as a description of the product characteristics,
is 12 months. mode of use and applications.

Watchpoints The data and information given are based on our

• During the summer months or where elevated technical knowledge obtained in the bibliography,
ambient temperatures are encountered the laboratory tests and in practice. The data on
EMACO S42 NT should be mixed using chilled consumption and dosage contained in this data sheet
water to ensure that the mixed temperature does are based on our own experience and are therefore
not exceed 32°C. subject to variations due to different work conditions.
• *Spray application may change the physical
properties of the cured material BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC reserves the
• Do not add cement sand, or which may affect it’s right to modify the composition of the products
properties. provided these continue to comply with the
• Do not add water or fresh mortar to material which characteristics described in the data sheet. In the
has begun to set. case of defects in the manufacturing quality of our
products we provide a guarantee, any additional
Safety precautions claims being exempt and our liability being only to
Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with return the value of the goods supplied. The possible
skin. In case of contact with eyes immediately flush reservations with respect to patents or third party
for at least 15 minutes with fresh clean water. Call a rights should be noted.
10/2006 BASF_CC-UAE revised 07/2009

In case of contact with skin wash skin thoroughly. * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.

As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 8090800 Fax: +971 4 8851002
Certificate No. Certificate No. Certificate No.
www.basf-cc.ae e-mail: [email protected] 963680 945787 772556

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