Cikocrete Micro: Technical Data

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Technical Data

CIKOcrete Micro
Free flowing micro concrete for structural concrete repair

Description Physical Properties

CIKOcrete Micro is a single component, free- Form Powder
flowing micro concrete used extensively in areas Density ≈2250±50 kg/m [fresh]

where reinforcement is heavily congested or

W/P ratio 0.14-0.16
access to trowel application is limited. It is ideally 2
1 day ≥14 N/mm
suited for bridge repairs. Being highly fluid in Compressive strength 3 days ≥35 N/mm

nature, it can be pumped into the formwork 2

ASTM C109 (W/P=0.14) 7 days ≥50 N/mm
whereby the need for compaction and vibration 28 days ≥65 N/mm
can be eliminated. Flexural Strength
28 days >11MPa
BS 4551(W/P=0.14)
Anchorage Bonding BS
5080-1 @ 28 days
 Single component system and only (20 mm diameter anchor >15 KN
addition of water required at site. bolt embedded in
 Product can be pumped or poured in to CIKOcrete Micro)
the formwork E-Modulus (Young’s
>11 GPA
Modulus) @ 7 days
 Self-compacting; no need for
Water Penetration
compaction and vibration <10mm
DIN 1048
 High strength and low permeability Flow properties
makes the product suitable for ASTM C1473-15 250mm (150%)
application in areas where chloride (W/P=0.15)
resistance is required Application Thickness* From 10mm up to 200mm
 Chloride-free product *Note: higher thickness may be achieved by adding 10mm aggregate with a ratio
up to 40% by weight to the bag. Ex: 25kg CIKOcrete Micro will require 10kg
 Contains low alkali minimizing the risk of aggregate.
alkali-silica reactions
Coverage / Yield
25 kg bag of CIKOcrete Micro mixed with 3.5 litres of
Application area water, yields approximately 12.5 litres of material.
 Columns, walls and beams
Application instructions
 Bridge structures Surface preparation
 Dams Clean the concrete surface to remove loose and
 Retaining walls unsound materials by means of water blasting or
 Large volume concrete repairs suitable means to attain a sound concrete surface. Any
traces of oil, grease, dirt, paint etc shall be completely
removed from the surface. The concrete surface should
Applicable standards be scrubbed and roughened to achieve a good bonding.
 Complies with Qatar Construction All residues should be completely removed by
Specifications QCS. vacuuming or by pressure water jet. Edges should be
saw-cut to a depth of at least 10mm to avoid
featheredging and to provide a square edge. .

Exposed Reinforcement treatment Placing
The exposed reinforcement must be cleaned Mixed material has to be placed within 30 minutes of
and treated to remove rust by sandblasting and mixing in order to gain full benefits of fluidity and
priming using zinc rich based epoxy primer or expansion properties.
alternative suitable primer. Curing
In case a good surface preparation is hard to The repaired area must be cured as per the standard
achieve, it is recommended to treat the rusty or curing practices. Apply membrane curing agent
poorly prepared steel with the suitable type of CIKOcure AC, to prevent surface cracking.
rust chelating product or rust converter.
Formwork CIKOcrete Micro is available in 25kg moisture resistant
In accordance to the orientation of the surface bags.
that to be repaired and method of placing
CIKOcrete Micro, prepare a rigid and water tight
Shelf Life
formwork. The surface absorption of formwork
CIKOcrete Micro has a shelf life of 12 months if stored in
should be properly sealed to ensure that there is
accordance with CIKO instructions.
no water absorption from the repair material.
CIKOcrete Micro made to stiff mortar
consistency can be used to seal the gaps Storage
between formwork and concrete to make it CIKOcrete Micro should be stored under cool enclosed
0 0
watertight. The unrestrained surface of repair shaded area between 5 C and 35 C
should be kept to a minimum and care should be
taken to ensure at least 20mm build up is there Precautions

over reinforcement. Access to pour or pump the Application temperature must be between 5 C
mixed material should be made in the formwork. and 35 C.
 The temperature of both CIKOcrete Micro and
Priming elements coming into contact with the grout
The prepared concrete substrates must be should be in the range of 10°C to 35°C.
dampened and soaked with clean water several  Do not overwork and avoid using mechanical
hours prior to application of CIKOcrete Micro to vibration.
assist the free flow of material. Prior application,  Under no circumstances should CIKOcrete
ensure that the concrete is uniformly damp and Micro be re-tempered by the later addition of
free from any standing water. In case of water.
presence of deleterious salts in the concrete,
CIKObond EPL may be used to bond the parent Health & safety
concrete with CIKOcrete Micro. If CIKObond Use standard mask to avoid inhalation of dust. Powder
EPL is being used, pre-soaking should be when wet or moist can cause burns to skin and eyes
avoided and the surface should be dry. Care which should be protected during use. If comes in
should be taken to ensure that CIKOcrete Micro contact with skin/eyes, flush with plenty of fresh water
is applied over the parent concrete within the and seek medical advice.
tack-free time of CIKObond EPL. Alternatively
CIKObond AC can be used to prime the damp Refer Material Safety Data Sheet for further detail

CIKOcrete Micro is a ready to use material and
only 3.5 - 4 litres of potable grade water is be
added to each 25kg pack. Mix for 2 to 3 minutes
until a smooth and lump-free consistency is
attained. Powder must always be added to water
and not vice-versa.
Note: Chilled water must be used to attain best

Technical Support
For any technical support, do not hesitate to
contact CIKO team at any time as CIKO offers
on and off site services to end users, specifier
and contractors.

More from CIKO Middle East

A wide range of construction chemical products
are manufactured by CIKO Middle East which
 Concrete admixtures and additives
 Waterproofing and damp proof coatings
 Surface treatments
 Flooring and toppings
 Grouts and anchors
 Tile adhesives and grout
 Adhesives and bonding agent
 Concrete repair materials
 Protective coating
 Joint Sealants
 Moulding compounds

TDS/CRP20 Rev.:3 Issue:C

Note: The information presented herein based on the best of our knowledge and expertise for which every effort is made to ensure its
reliability. Although all the products are subjected to rigid quality tests and are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture,
no specific guarantee can be extended because results depend not only on quality but also on other factors beyond our control

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