Quiz Punc

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Copy the correctly punctuated sentences. c) The potion: contained fruit, biscuits and glue.

1. A) What is your teacher’s name?. 15. a) You have only one choice: leave now while you can.
B) What is your teacher’s name? b) You have only one choice leave now while you can.
C) What is your teacher’s name! c) You have only one choice. Leave now while you can.
2. A) Hey, watch out for that car? 16. a) I can see only one thing: the old lighthouse.
B) Hey, watch out for that car!. b) I can see only one thing the old lighthouse.
C) Hey, watch out for that car! c) I can see: only one thing the old lighthouse.
3. A) My grandmother lives across the street. 17. a) In the bag were: scissors, a hairbrush and her
From the school. address book.
B) My grandmother lives across the street from b) In the bag were the following: scissors, a
the school. hairbrush and her address book.
C) My grandmother lives. Across the street from c) In the bag there were: scissors, a hairbrush and
the school. her address book.
4. A) She asked if our parakeet is named Polly. 18. a) Mankind has only one choice left stop burning
B) She asked if our parakeet is named Polly? fossil fuel.
5. A) Butchie asked, “Will you take me to the mall.” b) Mankind has only one choice left, stop burning
B) Butchie asked, “Will you take me to the mall”? fossil fuel.
C) Butchie asked, “Will you take me to the mall?” c) Mankind has only one choice left: stop burning
6. A. The weather this winter has been: windy, wet, fossil fuel.
and unpredictable. 19. a) My favorite breakfast cereals are: corn flakes,
B. The weather this winter has been windy, wet, frosties and golden nuggets.
and unpredictable. b) These are my favorite breakfast cereals: corn
7. A. Waiting for the storm to stop I was anxiously flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
looking out the window. c) My favorite breakfast cereals: corn flakes,
B. Waiting for the storm to stop, I was anxiously frosties and golden nuggets.
looking out the window. 20. A. Thanksgiving is an American holiday: it is
8. A. Harvey is a good driver, moreover, he is a very normally celebrated by eating turkey.
friendly one. B. Thanksgiving is an American holiday, it is
B. Harvey is a good driver. Moreover he is a very normally celebrated by eating turkey.
friendly one. C. Thanksgiving is an American holiday it is
C. Harvey is a good driver; moreover, he is a very normally celebrated by eating turkey.
friendly one. D. Thanksgiving is an American holiday; it is
9. A. I am asking if you would like to rollerblade normally celebrated by eating turkey.
together tomorrow. 21. A. She went to school in the morning; however,
B) I am asking “if you would like to rollerblade she did not go to work in the afternoon.
together tomorrow”? B. She went to school in the morning; however she
C) I am asking if you would like to rollerblade did not go to work in the afternoon.
together tomorrow. C. She went to school in the morning, however,
D) I am asking “if you would like to rollerblade she did not go to work in the afternoon.
together tomorrow.” D. She went to school in the morning, however
9. A) Yes, Jean, you were right about that answer. she did not go to work in the afternoon.
B) Yes Jean, you were right about that answer. 22. A. Clean your feet before you enter, said his sister.
C) Yes Jean you were right about that answer. B. "Clean your feet before you enter" said his
D) Yes, Jean, you were right, about that answer. sister.
10. A. “Help me” he screamed at the top of his lungs. C. "Clean your feet before you enter," said his
B. “Help me”! he screamed at the top of his lungs. sister.
C. “Help me!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. D. "Clean your feet before you enter," said, his
D. “Help me,” he screamed at the top of his sister.
lungs! 23. A. He always loved sweets, chocolates, biscuits
11. A. Take my advice: finish your degree, no matter and peppermints.
how hard it gets. B. He always loved, sweets, chocolates, biscuits
B. Take my advice; finish your degree, no matter and peppermints.
how hard it gets. C. He always loved sweets, chocolates, biscuits
C. Take my advice finish your degree, no matter and, peppermints.
how hard it gets. D. He always loved sweets, chocolates biscuits
D. Take my advice: Finish your degree, no matter and peppermints.
how hard it gets. 24. A. Dear Madam;
12. A) Wherever we go, People recognize us. B. Dear Madam:
B) Wherever we go. People recognize us. C. Dear Madam,
C) Wherever we go; people recognize us. D. Dear Madam.
D) Wherever we go, people recognize us. 25. A. Usha said, Please take me with you.
13. A) Whenever Cheryl is in town. She visits her B. Usha said "Please take me with you."
sister. C. Usha said, "Please take me with you."
B) Whenever Cheryl, is in town, she visits her sister. D. Usha said. "Please take me with you."
C) Whenever, Cheryl is in town, she visits her sister.
D) Whenever Cheryl is in town, she visits her sister. II. Explain the importance of punctuations
14. a) The potion contained: fruit, biscuits and glue.
b) The potion contained fruit, biscuits and glue.

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