Name Date Instruction: Answer The Following Statement. Use The Back Sheet of Your Paper If Necessary. Exercise 1

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Instruction : answer the following statement. Use the back sheet of your paper if necessary.
Exercise 1
1. I discussed the matter with my professor.
2. We were studying Robert Frost’s poem “The death of the hired man”.
3. All grade 12 students take history and english.
4. Usually college classes begin the day after labour day.
5. You know, dad, I haven’t had the car all week.
6. He shouted, “what’s happening?”
7. The doctor sent her to the hospital last wednesday.
8. After graduating from high school, he went to Vancouver island university.
9. My aunt is president of her club this fall.
10. My cousin plays hockey for simon fraser university.
Exercise 2
1. The sugar maple and the hemlock are both native to canada.
2. She graduated from vancouver island university and now is attending ubc
3. My mother likes plane travel, but dad would rather drive.
4. Last spring we took a trip through the rocky mountains.
5. His mother bakes the best cookies, but aunt angela makes the best pies.
6. We’re studying about world war II in history now.
7. I’ve always liked literature and have decided to make it my major.
8. Next semester I’m going to take psychology 112, history 112, and English 200; then the following
semester I’ll take math and physics.
9. The team from pearson college was on our campus last weekend.
10. “I’d rather be a big duck in a little pond,” she said, “than a little duck in a big pond.

Exercise 3 : Commas Insert commas where they belong:

1. Although I liked what you wrote about caring for your pet rat I have a suggestion you might want to
2. Ever since you asked my opinion about the soccer field battle I’ve been mulling the situation over
trying to determine a logical consequence.
3. I don’t usually give unsolicited advice but this seems to me to be a special case.
4. I wouldn’t ordinarily presume to tell you how to behave but I’m concerned.
5. Check for accuracy spelling and punctuation before sending your e-mail.
6. It was Coach Tom who came up with the idea of recruiting players from other schools.
7. When returning items that don’t fit please remember to return them within 20 days of your purchase.
8. My teacher who was talking to all of us said, “If everyone passes this test we’ll all get a free period.”
9. “I didn’t see the falling star ” Jane said “but I sure wish I had.”
10. Melissa bought a new graduation dress and she wore it to the graduation ceremony.

Exercise 4 : Insert the quotation marks where needed. Correct any punctuation that may need to be altered.
1. He read an article called Finding Answers on the Internet to the group, and then he turned to the class and said do you
believe that.
2. You must listen to her the lawyer shouted. She wrote an article called Legal Practice in B.C. about courts. She knows
her stuff.
3. Did you really believe that another day of waiting would make it easier to give that speech, asked her friend. It is still
called the hazards of not preparing for public speaking and it is still the most popular speech in the text called speeches for

Exercise 5 : Put in the appropriate semicolons:

1. Eating healthy helps you lose weight staying fit keeps you healthy.
2. I’ll need to do the following today: take out the trash pay my hydro bill water my plants and
shop for groceries.
3. My dog hates dog food he loves eating my dinner.
4. I hate doing math homework I love doing art homework.
5. This summer I’m: going hiking taking a cruise and relaxing!
6. I don’t like orange soda I much prefer a cola.
7. I got an A on my English assignment I really studied hard.
8. I don’t like going to the gym in fact, I cancelled my membership.
9. I had to use my brother’s golf clubs I forgot my clubs at home.
10. Neither of us can speak French we had to get a translator.
11. I live in the city I’m not a rural person.
12. The weather forecaster was right it rained all day.

Exercise 6 : Colons
Circle the correct answer:
1. Which one of these is correct?
a) The potion contained: fruit, biscuits and glue.
b) The potion contained fruit, biscuits and glue.
c) The potion: contained fruit, biscuits and glue.
2. Which one of these is correct?
a) You have only one choice: leave now while you can.
b) You have only one choice leave now while you can.
c) You have only one choice. Leave now while you can.
3. Which one of these is correct?
a) I can see only one thing: the old lighthouse.
b) I can see only one thing the old lighthouse.
c) I can see: only one thing the old lighthouse.
4. Which of these is correct?
a) In the bag were: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
b) In the bag were the following: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
c) In the bag there were: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
5. Which of these is correct?
a) Mankind has only one choice left stop burning fossil fuel.
b) Mankind has only one choice left, stop burning fossil fuel.
c) Mankind has only one choice left: stop burning fossil fuel.
6. Which of these is correct?
a) My favorite breakfast cereals are: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
b) These are my favorite breakfast cereals: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
c) My favorite breakfast cereals: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
7. Circle the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) I have only one thing to say to you: 'Get off my land.'
b) The pot contained: sausages, mushrooms and beans.
c) My favorite books are: 'On the Road' and 'The Naked Lunch'.
d) My teacher used to say this: 'Always work hard but not too hard.'
8. Circle the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) These are a few of my favorite things: sausages, beans and more sausages.
b) For breakfast I would like: sausages, beans and more sausages.
c) This would be my favorite breakfast: sausages, beans and more sausages.
d) Could you bring me: sausages, beans and more sausages.

9. Circle the correctly punctuated sentences.

a) We have to stop: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using our cars.
b) We have to stop doing these harmful things: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using
our cars.
c) These things cause environmental damage: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using
our cars.
d) Our quality of life is damaged by: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using our cars
so much.
10. Circle the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) The new house was: modern, spacious and luxurious.
b) Our new house looked: modern, spacious and luxurious.
c) I like a new house to be all of the following: modern, spacious and luxurious.
d) All the houses on the new estate were: modern, spacious and luxurious.
11. Circle the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) Give me: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
b) I love: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
c) I love a huge breakfast: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
d) Bring me a huge breakfast: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.

Exercise 7
In each sentence, decide whether a colon or a semi-colon would be most appropriate.
1. Java a popular programming language for the World Wide Web.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon (;)
2. I took my umbrella it looked like it was going to rain.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon (;)
3 The USA has a very large land area Canada is even larger.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon (;)
4 I bring everything I need to class every day my pens, my books and my dictionary.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon (;)
5 Three countries are involved in the discussions however, only Mexico and Canada will sign the
treaty immediately.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon (;)
6 I had lamb for lunch Fred had steak.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon(;)
7 There are two things about him that drive me crazy his music and his cooking.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon(;)
8 If you get lost in the snow, this is what you should do stay where you are, make yourself
warm and comfortable and wait for help.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon(;)
9 Young-Hee failed her English test nevertheless, she was able to get a good job.
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon(;)
10 This is what I told him "Buy yourself a bicycle, so that you don't have to borrow mine!"
a) colon (:)
b) semi-colon(;)

Exercise 8
Practice: Add an apostrophe where needed. Write the meaning of the sentence.
1. Weve been working on Davids car for days.
2. Todays leftovers will go to Iris dogs.
3. Most dogs breath is smelly.
4. Theyre ready to clean Phyllis moms bedrooms.
5. Heres a long list of students complaints about Mondays meeting.

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