Digitalization - A Step Towards Cashless Economy

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 2

Digitalization - A Step towards Cashless Economy

Mr. Harish Tigari, PGDMM., D.Ed, Faculty Member,
Department of Studies and Research in Commerce,
Davangere University, Davangere, Karnataka

The recent policy decision by the government of India aspects like combat with corruption, black money,
to tackle the quicker economic progress is the counterfeiting currency and funding for terrorism
promotion of money less economy or cash less activities in the economy. Now in the present era
economy or digital economy, which creates a platform drastically changed information and communication
to maintain accountability for every transaction which technology leads to make a positive impact on the
helps to control corruption. The Recent policy economy. Digital economy refers to an economy that
initiative by the government of India is termination of is based on digital integrated technologies. The digital
five hundred and thousand denominations from economy can also be called as Internet Economy or
circulation in the country. This enables the Web Economy. The Internet economy has impacted
transparency in the governance system by all the sectors in the economy of a country. The
encouraging the non cash payments or digital creation of digital infrastructure is to promote digital
payments. The fundamental base for cash less activities in the economy. The promotion of cashless
economy is the demonetization. Digital India is the economy enables to maintain transparency and
flagship programme of the government to integrate all accountability. The digitization has impacted on
activities in a digital manner. The present paper employment generation, improving the standard of
intends to analyze the impact of digitalizing Indian living and it encourages the government to operate
economy and understand challenges and opportunities with greater transparency and accountability. The
of digitalization. The methodology of the study government has implemented a major change in the
includes reviewing the existing literature, reports economic environment by demonetizing the high
published by the government of India. The present value currency notes – of five hundred and thousand
study is based on secondary data which available in denomination. The reason is to undermine or
the different books, articles, journals, research papers eliminate the “black economy” (Dr.Kavita Rao & et
and internet source also. al 2016).The digitization impacts on reducing
unemployment, improving quality of life, and
Keywords: Digitalization, Digital Economy, Digital boosting citizens, access to public services.
Payments, Digital India, Digital population Digitization allows governments to operate with
greater transparency and efficiency, and it has a
INTRODUCTION dramatic effect on economic growth, but not all at
once (Saima Khan & et al 2015).The digital
The government of India has enforced a major change economy is the result of the transformational effects
in the in the economy by terminating the five hundred of new General-Purpose Technologies (GPT) in the
and thousand denominations on November 8, fields of information and communication. It has
2016.The demonetization is one of the significant impacted all the sectors of the economy and social
measures to tackle the quicker economic progress of activities, for instance: retail, transports, financial
our country. The demonetization has four different services, manufacturing, education, healthcare, media

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
and so on (European Commission 2014). Digital METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY
India provides the intensified impetus for further
momentum and progress for this initiative and this Methodology means the way of study which consists
would promote inclusive growth that covers electronic different sources means both primary and secondary
services, products, services, manufacturing and job sources. The present study includes only the
opportunities (Aditya Sharma & et al 2015). secondary data collected through books, journals,
articles, papers, reports and internet source also. The
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY present study mainly focuses on the digital economy
and its challenges and opportunities. This study
 To analyze the impact of digitalization on Indian intends to analyze the impact of digitalization on
economy. Indian economy.
 To analyze the current status of the digital
population in India.


Table – 1: Digital Population in India as of January 2017(in millions)
Retail e-commerce Preferred payment mode Digital buyers Active Digital Population
sales(in millions) (%) (in millions)
year sales Methods 2015 2020 year In Type of users No’s
2016 16073 Cash 57 45 2014 54 Internet users 462.1

2017 20059 Debit card 15 17 2015 93.4 Mobile internet users 442.7

2018 25076 Credit card 11 13 2016 130.1 Social media users 191

2019 31123 Online bank 9 10 2017 180.1 Mobile social media users 167

2020 37979 M-wallet 8 15 2018 224.1 - -

2021 45206 - - - 2019 273.6 - -

2022 52301 - - - 2020 326.1 - -

Graph 1.1 Digital Population

Digital population in India in 2017:

The digital population in India in 2017, the table states the different
digital users like active internet users, active mobile internet users,
active social media users, active mobile social media users. The
active internet users are more compared to other user’s i.e. 462.1
million. It is clear that the active internet users are more rather than
another type of users.

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2018 Page: 914
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Graph-1.2 Retail E-commerce sales

Retail E-commerce sales in India:

The table one reveals that retail e- commerce sales in India from
2016 and 2017 are 16073 million and 20059 million respectively.
The estimated sales in e-commerce sector from 2018 to 2022 will
goes on increasing in manner, in 2022 it is expected to
increase52301 millions.

Graph 3.1 Digital buyers in India

Digital buyers in India:
The digital buyers in India from 2014 to 2017 are 54, 93.4, 130.1,
and 180. respectively. The estimated digital buyers 2018, 2019 and
2020 are 224.1, 273.6 and 326.1 million respectively. It indicates
that the longer term consumerism can largely rely on digital

Graph 4.1Prefered payment mode

Preferred payment mode:
As per the statistics available in website the preferred
payment mode in India while making the transactions in 2015
are cash 57 percent, debit card 15 percent, credit card 11 percent
online banking 9 percent and mobile wallet 8 percent.

Table-2 Electronic payment transactions from November 2016 to October 2017

Periods NEFT RTGS UPI Debit & credit Mobile banking others total
Nov 16 8808 78479 1 352 1245 5119 94004
Dec 16 11538 84097 7 522 1366 6526 104055
Jan 17 11355 77486 17 481 1207 6466 97011
Feb 17 10878 74219 19 392 1080 6007 92595
March 17 16295 123376 24 416 1500 7979 149589
April 17 12156 88512 22 431 1444 7037 109602
May 17 12411 90171 28 451 1941 6109 111109
June 17 12694 92813 31 468 1585 6155 113745
July 17 12012 87149 34 439 1019 6725 107378
Aug 17 12500 89163 41 457 1033 6623 109818
Sept 17 14182 102348 31 478 850 6271 124706
Oct 17 13851 92056 70 530 1168 6340 114532

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Source: Reserve Bank of India

Graph 2.1 Electronic Payments

Electronic Payment Transactions: The table 2 reveals that
the electronic payment transactions in post demonetization
period in with modes with different ways of payments like
RTGS – Real time gross settlement NEFT – National
electronic funds transfer, CTS – Cheque truncation system,
IMPS – Immediate payment service, NACH – National
Automated Clearing House, UPI - Unified Payments
Interface, USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Service
Data, POS – Point of sale, PPI – Prepaid Payment
Instrument. The preferred modes of payment in India after
demonetization from November 2016 to October 2017
October is constantly increased with slight fluctuations. In
March 2017 the total electronic payments were 149589.The
table two states that the constant increasing trend in digital payments after declaring the demonetization. As per
the RBI’s preliminary assessment about pre and post demonetization, the growth of selecting an electronic
mode of payment from oct-2016 to feb-2017 with a different category of payments the immediate payment
service in Oct – 2016 volume is 116.7 but it increases up to indicates that during the period of
demonetization the immediate payment services were increased.

Digital India: The digital India programme is a economy. The Technopedia defines the digital
flagship programme of the government of India with a economy is a term for all of those economic
vision to transform India into digitally empowered processes, transactions, interactions, and activities that
society and knowledge economy. The faceless, are based on digital technologies.
paperless, and cashless are the professed roles of
digital India [7], in order to promote the digital Impact of Digitalizing on Indian Economy:
payments or non cash transactions, various modes or Digital India is the dream project of Government of
methods of payments are available such methods like India to make Indian economy as a knowledge
banking cards, USSD, Mobile Wallets, Banks Pre- economy. The transformation takes place by replacing
paid Cards, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking etc. the conventional methods with new techniques. The
Digitalization of Indian economy leads to increase
Digitalization and Digital economy: Digital
employment opportunities, improvement in the
economy refers to an economic system of a country
standard of living, reduction in risk and uncertainty
which is based on digital computing technologies. It
and also it helps to increase the literacy in using new
can also be called as Internet Economy or Web
technological operates.

Now in the present world, the digital economy acts as opportunities etc. The adoption of technological
key force or determinant which will impact on advancement in different sectors like Education,
creating digital markets, creating employment Infrastructure, Financial Services, Healthcare,

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2018 Page: 916
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Agriculture, and Energy is very essential to enjoy the REFERENCES
cost effective goods and services by both consumers
and producers. The economy related to the process of 1. Khan Saima & et al, Digitization and Its Impact
digitization is mainly realized through the ways that On Economy, IJODLS,2015
involve in creation, preservation, dissemination, and 2. Memdani Laila An Overview of Digitalization of
use of digital information. It saves much of the Rural India and its Impact on the Rural
production costs and reasonable in comparison to the Economy
conventional form of distributing system of
information. The cost that saves in the digitizing 3. Sharma Aditya & et al, Digital India - A New
technology is another way round and it reduces the Change in Indian Economy, EPRA IJEBR,2016
marginal cost of production of documents (Saima 4. RBI, Macroeconomic Impact of Demonetization
Khan & et al,2015). A Preliminary Assessment,2017
5. Dr.Kavita rao & et al, Demonetisation: Impact
FINDINGS on the Economy, NIPFP Working paper series
The present study reviews the existing literature 6. European Commission, Directorate General
relating digitalization of economy, By reviewing the Taxation and Customs Union Expert Group on
literature it is clear that the integration of technology Taxation of The Digital Economy,2014
into our day to day life by digitizing everything will
make ensure about greater transparency and 7.
accountability. The digitalization helps to increase the d.html
employment opportunities .improving the standard of 8.
living and especially it helps increase the e – literacy.
The present study investigates the impact of
digitalization on Indian economy. The study suggests
that the greater transparency, accountability and the
security measures are the key determinants which are
going to influence on the success of dream project of
the government i.e. Digital India. So the government
has the greater responsibility to make ensure about
these key determinants in order encourage the
successful promotion and implementation of digital

The present study intends to investigate the impact of
digitization on Indian economy. The digital
programme initiated by the government of India with
a desire to promote the cash less, the faceless
economy can also be called as internet economy or
digital economy. The advancement of information and
communication technology plays a significant role in
the faster growth of the economy. The recent measure
to withdraw the five hundred and thousand
denomination i.e. demonetization is the fundamental
motivation to approach the digital mode especially in
the business field we can see the online marketing,
online financial services, and online trading activities.
So finally we have some merits and some limitation in
digital transactions.

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2018 Page: 917

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