System Center Service Manager Administrator's Guide: Authors
System Center Service Manager Administrator's Guide: Authors
Administrator’s Guide
Microsoft Corporation
Published: April 16, 2010
Anat Kerry, Bill Anderson, John Downing, and Liza Poggemeyer
Applies To
System Center Service Manager 2010
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Revision History
Release Date Changes
In This Section
Using Management Packs in Service Manager
Provides information about how to create, import, and export management packs in
Service Manager.
Configuring Desired Configuration Management to Generate Incidents in
Service Manager
Describes how to configure Service Manager to create incidents based on desired
configuration management reports from System Center Configuration Manager 2007.
To Configure Service Manager CEIP Settings
Describes how to configure CEIP settings in Service Manager.
In This Section
How to Create a Management Pack File
Describes how to create a management pack file.
How to Export a Management Pack
Describes how to export a management pack.
1. In the Service Manager console, click Administration.
2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and then click Management
3. In the Management Packs pane, select the management pack that you want to
4. In the Tasks pane, under the name of the management pack that you want to export,
click Export.
5. In the Browse For Folder dialog box, select a location for the file, and then click OK.
You cannot change the default name of the management pack file.
In the Service Manager console, select the Management Packs view, and ensure that
the intended management packs appear in the Management Packs list.
In This Section
Effects of Deleting a Connector on Configuration Items
Describes the effects of deleting a connector.
Effects of Deleting a Connector on Configuration Items
In This Section
About Importing Data from Active Directory Domain Services
Provides an overview of how to use a connector to import data from AD DS.
About Importing Data from Active Directory Domain Services
The System Center Service Manager 2010 database contains information about your enterprise
and is used by all the components of your service management structure. You can use an Active
Directory connector to add users, groups, printers, and computers (and only these object types)
as configuration items into the Service Manager database.
If the same user name exists in two different organizational units within the Active
Directory domain, Service Manager cannot import both user accounts, and an event is
logged in the System Center Operations Manager application log.
The users you import from Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) can later be assigned to a
user role, so that specific permissions are granted to specific users. However, users who do not
exist in your organization’s Active Directory may need to be assigned to an activity. In this case,
you must manually create a configuration item that contains all the necessary information about
these users.
If you must later perform maintenance operations on the Service Manager database, you can
temporarily disable the connector and suspend the importation of data. Later, you can resume the
importation of data by re-enabling the connector.
When you import a large number of users from Active Directory Domain Services or from System
Center Configuration Manager, CPU utilization might increase to 100 percent. You will notice this
on one core of the CPU. For example, if you import 20,000 users, CPU utilization might remain
high for 1.5 to 2 hours. You can mitigate this issue by creating connectors and importing the users
into Service Manager before you deploy the product in your enterprise and by scheduling
connector synchronization during off hours. Installing Service Manager on a computer that has a
multi-core CPU also minimizes the impact of importing a large number of users.
See Also
How to Create an Active Directory Connector
How to Enable and Disable an Active Directory Connector
How to Synchronize an Active Directory Connector
How to Import Data from Other Domains
4. Follow these steps in the Active Directory Connector Wizard:
a. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
b. On the General page, in the Name box, type a name for the new connector. Make
sure that the Enable this connector check box is selected, and then click Next.
c. On the Domain or organizational unit page, select Use the domain: <domain
name>. Or, select Let me choose the domain or OU, and then click Browse to
choose a domain or an organizational unit (OU) in your environment.
d. In the Credentials area, click New.
e. In the Run As Account dialog box, in the Display name box, enter a name for the
Run As account. In the Account list, select Windows Account. Enter the
credentials for an account that has rights to read from AD DS, and then click OK.
On the Domain or organizational unit page, click Next.
Special characters (such as the ampersand [&]) in the User Name box are
not supported.
f. On the Select objects page, select All computers, printers, users, and user
groups to import all items. Or, select Select individual computers, printers,
users or user groups to import only the selected items. Then, click Next.
g. On the Summary page, make sure that the settings are correct, and then click
h. On the Completion page, make sure that you receive the following confirmation
Active Directory connector successfully configured.
Then, click Close.
Depending on the amount of data that is imported, you might have to wait
for the import to be completed.
To confirm the status of an Active Directory connector
View the columns in the Connector pane; the columns contain information about the
start time, the finish time, the status, and the percentage of imported configuration
Depending on the amount of data that is imported, you might have to wait for
the import to be completed.
2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and then click Connectors.
3. In the Connectors pane, select the Active Directory connector that you want to
4. In the Tasks pane, under the connector name, click Disable.
5. In the Disable Connector dialog box, click OK.
3. In the Run As Account dialog box, in the User name, Password, and Domain boxes,
type the credentials for the service account from the domain.
If the two domains are in different forests, you must type the domain name in
the User name box. For example, type\<user name>.
In This Section
How to Import Management Packs for Operations Manager 2007
Configuration Item Connectors
Describes how to import the management packs necessary for the Operations
Manager 2007 configuration item connectors.
3. Review the output and note the current execution policy setting.
4. Type the following commands, and then press ENTER after each.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
This command starts the Windows PowerShell script that installs the management
packs. Wait for the management packs to be imported.
6. Change the execution policy back to the value that you noted in step 3. For example,
type the following command to set the execution policy to Restricted, and then press
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
7. To exit Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press ENTER.
For the System Center Operations Manager 2007 configuration item (CI) connector to
function correctly, you have to import a set of management packs into System Center
Service Manager 2010. For more information, see How to Import Management Packs for
Operations Manager 2007 Configuration Item Connectors .
Alerts that are generated by Operations Manager 2007 and that are sent to Service Manager do
not contain user information. Therefore, when you open the incident in Service Manager, the
Affected User box will be empty. You will not be able to save the incident form until you select an
affected user. We recommend that you create a special user in Service Manager specifically for
this purpose. For more information about how to create a special user, see How to Manually
Create Configuration Items. This user is the user that you will assign to the Affected User field
for all incidents created by Operations Manager.
You have the option of defining Service Manager templates that run when alerts of certain types
are received. If you decide to add an alert routing rule, you can configure Service Manager to use
a particular template based on alert criteria such as priority or severity as described in the
following procedure.
There are two phases for creating the Alert connector. The first part involves creating the Alert
connector on the Service Manager management server. The second part requires that you start
the Operations Manager console and set up a subscription for the newly created connector. The
subscription you create must be unique for the Alert connector; no connector created to point to
Operations Manager should have a subscription that overlaps with another Operations Manager
internal connector. Both phases are described in the following procedure.
3. In the Tasks pane, under Connectors, click Create Connector, and then click
Operations Manager Alert Connector.
4. Follow these steps to complete the Operations Manager Alert Connector Wizard:
a. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
b. On the General page, in the Name box, type a name for the new connector. Make
sure that the Enable check box is selected, and then click Next. Make note of this
name; you will need this name in step 7 of this procedure.
c. On the Server Details page, in the Server name box, type the name of the server
that is hosting the Operations Manager root management server. Under
Credentials, click New.
d. In the Run As Account dialog box, in the Display name box, type a name for this
Run As account. In the Account list, select Windows Account.
e. In the User Name, Password, and Domain fields, type the credentials for the Run
As account, and then click OK. For more information about the permissions that
are required for this Run As account, see Accounts Required During Setup
( in the System Center Service
Manager Planning Guide.
f. On the Server Details page, click Test Connection. If you receive the following
confirmation message, click OK, and then click Next:
The connection to the server was successful.
g. On the Alert Routing Rules page, click Add.
h. In the Add Alert Routing Rule dialog box, create a name for the rule, select the
template that you want to use to process incidents created by an alert, and then
select the alert criteria you want to use. Click OK, and then click Next.
i. On the Schedule page, select Close alerts in Operations Manager when
incidents are resolved or closed or Resolve incidents automatically when the
alerts in Operations Manager are closed, click Next, and then click Create.
5. Start the Operations Manager console, and connect to the Operations Manager root
management server.
6. Use the appropriate method based on the version of Operations Manager 2007 you
are using:
In Operations Manager 2007 SP1, in the Administration pane, click Product
In Operations Manager 2007 R2, in the Administration pane, click Product
Connectors, and then click Internal Connectors.
7. In the Connectors pane, click the name of the alert connector you specified in step 4b.
8. In the Actions pane, click Properties.
9. In the Alert Sync: <name of connector> dialog box, click Add.
10. In the Product Connector Subscription Wizard dialog box, on the General page, in
the Subscription Name box, type the name for this subscription. For example, type
All Alerts, and then click Next.
11. On the Approve groups page, click Next.
12. On the Approve targets page, click Next.
13. On the Criteria page, click Create.
14. In the Alert Sync:<name of connector> dialog box, click OK.
To confirm the status of an Operations Manager 2007 connector
View the columns in the Connector pane; the columns contain information about the
start time, the finish time, the status, and the percentage of import completion.
The Start Time and Finish Time values are not updated when an alert connector is
synchronized. These values are only updated when alert data is transferred between
Operations Manager 2007 and Service Manager.
For more information about how to delete a product connector from Operations Manager 2007,
see Removing an Old Product Connector ( on
Kevin Holman’s Operations Manager blog.
6. In the Management Packs pane, click Refresh.
7. In the Credentials dialog box, enter the credentials to connect to Operations Manager,
and then click OK.
8. In the Management Packs list, select the management packs that define the
configuration items that you want to import, and then click OK.
In This Section
About Importing Data from Configuration Manager 2007
Provides an overview of how to import data from Configuration Manager by using a
About Importing Data from Configuration Manager 2007
You can import data from the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 site database
into the System Center Service Manager 2010 database. This automatically creates and
populates configuration items for the hardware and software that you want to manage in Service
Manager. After you import data from Configuration Manager, you can attach the respective
configuration items to relevant incidents, and the information in the configuration items will be
available to analysts working on the incident.
Service Manager can only import data from Microsoft System Center Configuration
Manager 2007 with Service Pack 1 or Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager
2007 R2.
Configuration Manager 2007 provides a distributed infrastructure for discovery and collection of
hardware and software inventory information, software deployment, software updates, and
configuration management. The information that Configuration Manager collects can be imported
and then stored in the Service Manager database by using a Configuration Manager Connector.
Importing data by using a Configuration Manager Connector can add details about a configuration
item that has already been imported by using an Active Directory Connector, or add new
configuration items that do not exist in Active Directory domains. You can configure multiple
Configuration Manager Connectors to import data from different Configuration Manager site
By using a Configuration Manager Connector, you can import configuration baselines from
Configuration Manager and then use them to automatically generate incidents for non-compliant
configuration items. For more information about this option, see How to Configure Desired
Configuration Management to Generate Incidents.
You can configure the Configuration Manager Connector to update the Service Manager
database on a recurring schedule. You can also temporarily suspend importing data from
Configuration Manager by disabling the connector. For example, you can disable the connector
when maintenance is performed on the Configuration Manager site database because you know
that the maintenance process temporarily creates inaccurate data. When appropriate, you can re-
enable the connector and resume importing data.
For information about Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) implementation of change and
configuration, see Position of the Change and Configuration SMF Within the MOF IT Service
Lifecycle (
In System Center Configuration Manager 2007, the hardware inventory can be extended by
collecting an inventory of additional Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes,
additional WMI class attributes, registry keys, and other customizations to accommodate your
organization's requirements. For more information about extending the hardware inventory in
Configuration Manager 2007, see How to Extend Hardware Inventory
If you have extended the hardware inventory in Configuration Manager 2007, you must create a
new Configuration Manager 2007 Connector management pack in Service Manager to collect the
extended hardware inventory. This new management pack can contain only the information
required to collect the extended hardware inventory from Configuration Manager 2007, or it can
consist of everything from the original Configuration Manager 2007 Connector management pack
plus the new extended hardware inventory. For information about creating a new connector
management pack, see How to Configure a Configuration Manager Connector for an Extended
SMS_def.mof File.
See Also
How to Configure a Configuration Manager Connector for an Extended SMS_def.mof File
How to Create a Configuration Manager Connector
How to Disable and Enable a Configuration Manager Connector
Before you can create the Configuration Manager connector, you have to verify that
Configuration Manager is installed in your environment, and you have to turn on Windows
User Account Control (UAC). For more information about UAC, see User Account Control
hosting the Configuration Manager site database and the database named
instance, if applicable. For example, at the hypothetical Woodgrove Bank, you
might type woodgrove\instance1 if the Configuration Manager database is on a
named instance of Microsoft SQL Server, or type woodgrove if the database is on
a default instance of SQL Server.
b. In the Database Name box, type the name of the Configuration Manager site
database. For example, type SMS_CM1.
c. In the Credentials area, select a Run As account, or create a new Run As
account. The user account that you specify as the Run As account must be a
member of the smsdbrole_extract and the db_datareader groups for the
Configuration Manager site database.
d. In the Credentials area, click Test Connection.
e. In the Credentials dialog box, in the Password box, type the password for the
account, and then click OK.
f. In the Test Connection dialog box, if you receive the following confirmation
message, click OK:
The connection to the server was successful.
g. Click Next.
8. On the Collections page, select the appropriate collection, and then click Next.
9. On the Schedule page, in the Synchronize list, set the frequency and time of
synchronization, and then click Next.
10. On the Summary page, confirm the connector settings you made, and then click
11. On the Confirmation page, make sure that you receive the following confirmation
You have successfully completed the System Center Configuration Manager
Then, click Close.
The System Center Configuration Manager Connector Wizard may take
several hours to import data from Configuration Manager.
3. In the middle pane, double-click a newly imported computer. Verify that the appropriate
computer details appear in the computer form.
If you disable a connector while it is synchronizing data, the synchronization
process may not stop. However, a disabled connector will not import any new
data from a Configuration Manager database from that point forward.
How to Synchronize a Configuration Manager Connector
To ensure that the System Center Service Manager 2010 database is up to date, the System
Center Configuration Manager 2007 connector synchronizes with Configuration Manager every
day after the initial synchronization. However, you can use the following procedure to manually
synchronize the connector.
Depending on the amount of data that is imported, you might have to wait for
the import to be completed.
Importing Extended Hardware Inventory Data from Configuration Manager
To import extended hardware inventory data from Configuration Manager 2007, you must author
a custom Configuration Manager 2007 connector management pack. There are two approaches
to implementing a custom Configuration Manager connector:
Create a custom Configuration Manager connector management pack that defines the
extended data that you want to import and then create two connectors. Configure one
connector to use the default System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration
management pack, to import the data that is defined by default. Configure the second
connector to use the custom management pack to import the additional extended data.
Customize the default System Center Configuration Manager Connector Configuration
management pack to include also the additional extended data. Create a single connector
that is configured to use the custom management pack to import all the information that you
must have.
This topic provides the information that you must have to implement the first approach that is
described earlier. It provides the details that you must have so that you can develop a custom
Configuration Manager connector management pack that imports the extended hardware
inventory from Configuration Manager 2007.
The high-level steps to importing extended hardware inventory data are:
1. Create a custom Configuration Manager Connector Configuration management pack with the
definitions for the extended data.
2. Import the custom management pack into Service Manager. After importing the management
pack, Service Manager processes the directives in the management pack to create staging
tables and to run any install SQL scripts as defined in the management pack.
3. Create a Configuration Manager connector and configure it to use the custom management
4. The Configuration Manager connector imports the data.
Working with a Custom Configurations Manager Connector Management Pack
Consider the following tips when working with a custom Configurations Manager Connector
management pack:
Semantic errors in the connector configuration templates in the management pack do not
prevent the management pack from being imported and are logged to the event log. In this
case, you must delete the management pack, correct the errors, and re-import the
management pack.
After creating a Configuration Manager connector, you cannot modify its management pack
selection. Instead, you must delete that connector, and then create a new one with the
desired management pack selection.
To ensure a successful deletion of a management pack, you must delete any connectors that
are configured to use the management pack that you want to delete, and then delete the
management pack.
When you delete a custom Configurations Manager Connector management pack, Service
Manager tries to delete all related staging tables that were created during the management
pack import. Then, Service Manager runs any scripts defined in the Uninstall section of the
management pack.
Unlike other management packs, the custom Configuration Manager 2007 Connector
management pack cannot be versioned. Importing a later version of the management pack
will succeed; however, the connector configuration in the management pack will be either
ignored, or it might cause validation errors that are logged to the event log.
In this code, DataTable, Field, and DataCollection are defined as follows:
DataTable - The smallest data unit that is defined for data transfer. It is a declaration of what
data to retrieve from the external data source. It also defines dependencies between different
data tables and when data batching, watermarking, and grooming have finished.
Field - A single column in a data table.
DataCollection - A set of data tables to be transferred in one data transfer job or session. It
defines which data tables are included in this data collection.
usually used in the
template to configure
views that display
data from the staging
Everything that is
enclosed between
the <Script></Script>
tags is expected to
be valid SQL script.
Therefore, for
comments, you must
use the ‘/*’ and the
‘*/’ multi-line
comment delimiters
instead of the
standard XML
comment tags.
UnInstallSQLScripts SQL scripts that Not validated. Use custom table names to
section must run after you ensure that this does not cause overwriting or
delete the changing any tables except the ones that are
Configuration declared in the management pack.
Manager Connector
management pack in
the Service Manager
Everything that is
enclosed between
the <Script></Script>
tags is expected to
be valid SQL script.
Therefore, for
comments, you must
use the ‘/*’ and the
‘*/’ multi-line
comment delimiters
instead of the
standard XML
comment tags.
DisableParallelProcessi True
DataTable Properties
DataName The table, from
which to import data.
It is used in the user
interface, and not
used in queries.
StageTableName Name of the staging Attempt to import a management pack, in
table. It must be which the table name is already being used,
unique. causes an error logged to the event log.
WatermarkField Name of the
rowversion column
WatermarkType Possible values are: Other types of watermarking are not
0- indicates supported.
DateTime type
1- Indicates the
Timestamp type
(-1)- indicates no
watermarking in
which case
BatchIdField Name of column that
has good selectivity,
used to separate
incremental data into
batches when
importing to staging
BatchIdType Possible values are: Integer column
0 - Int
(-1) – No
batching, in
which case
BatchIdSize Size of the batch if Integer column
batching is used. A
high number
indicates that much
data is being read or
written at the same
Recommended value
is 500.
UseCache True
GroomType Possible values are:
1 - The data in
staging tables
can be groomed
after it is
transferred to the
Service Manager
2 - The data in
staging tables is
groomed only
after it is marked
as deleted in the
database and
has also been
deleted in the
Service Manager
because of the
Service Manager
QueryString The actual query that Not validated. All queries have an Lfx_Status
Configuration column with value “U” or “D” indicating if the
Manager 2007 uses row represents an Update or a Delete
to retrieve the operation.
requested data. The
query must be of the
The WHERE clause
can contain the
” token. During
synchronization, this
token is replaced by
the collections that
are specified in the
System Center
Manager Connector
The data exposed by
Manager 2007
SCCM_Ext.* views is
supported for import.
This data can be
extended by using
extensions or by
using noidmifs. Other
tables are not
Notably subqueries
are not supported,
but joins to other
tables are.
CollectionName A name for a group Attempt to import a management pack, in
of data tables – must which the collection name is already being
be unique. Tables in used, causes an error logged to the event log.
the same collection
cannot depend on
each other.
PrimaryKeyName A section that Attempt to import a management pack, in
declares the unique which key name is already being used, causes
primary key name for an error logged to the event log.
the staging table.
DependOnDataTable Name(s) of Not validated
DataTable that must
be synchronized first
before this one.
Typically this is used
to synchronize the
staging table before
the system reads it in
the Consumer view.
If using multiple
dependency should
be expressed only
between tables in
different collections.
DataField Properties
Name, Type, AllowNull These are required Not validated
fields for any column
type. Supported
types are int,
nvarchar, datetime
and xml.
PrimaryKeyACs, If part of primary key,
PrimaryKeyPosition indicates position
from left in the
primary key. Lfx adds
two internal use
columns (Lfx_Status,
Lfx_SourceId) to the
PK at the end.
Collation DATABASE_DEFAU Not validated
DataCollectionName Must be identical to Attempt to import a management pack, in
what is referenced which the collection name is already being
by a DataTable used, causes an error logged to the event log.
StagingName In DataProvider Not validated
template –
In DataConsumer
template – Not
DataTables CSV list of tables
referencing this
Settings In DataProvider Escaped XML with following syntax:
template - Not <TypeName>Microsoft.Windows.Computer</TypeName>
In DataConsumer
<MPVersion>version of MP</MPVersion>
template - Indicates
type mapping <MPToken>token for MP</MPToken>
<ManagementPack xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xsl="" ContentReadable="true"
SchemaVersion="1.1" OriginalSchemaVersion="1.1">
<Reference Alias="System">
<Reference Alias="Windows">
<Target ID="BIOSClass" Type="HostedCustomClass" />
<Reference Alias="System">
<Reference Alias="LFX">
ID="DataProvider.Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Connector.Sms" TypeID="LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
Version="7.0.5000.0", Culture=neutral,
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
SELECT S.ResourceID,
S.ChangeAction as Lfx_Status,
FROM SCCM_Ext.vex_R_System S
ON S.ResourceID = CM.ResourceID
ON C.CollectionID = CM.CollectionID
OR S.ChangeAction = 'D')
ORDER BY S.rowversion
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
CS.ChangeAction as Lfx_Status,
ON CS.ResourceID = CM.ResourceID
ON C.CollectionID = CM.CollectionID
ORDER BY CS.rowversion
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
ON S.ResourceID = CM.ResourceID
ON C.CollectionID = CM.CollectionID
ORDER BY S.rowversion
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.TableEmbedsFields' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
ID="DataConsumer.Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Connector.Sms" TypeID="LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
if not object_id('[LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer]') is
exec ('
CS.Name0 AS ''DisplayName'',
COALESCE(CS.Name0, S.Netbios_Name0)
+ ''.'' + COALESCE(CS.Domain0,
S.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0) AS ''PrincipalName''
FROM LFXSTG.Sample_SMS_vex_R_System S
exec ('
P.Lfx_Timestamp AS Lfx_Timestamp,
P.Lfx_Status as Lfx_Status,
P.SerialNumber0 AS ''SerialNumber'',
INNER JOIN [LFXSTG]. Sample_SMS_vex_R_System S
ON S.ResourceID=CS.ResourceID
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
if not object_id('[LFXSTG].[v_Sample_SMS_BIOSComputer]') is
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsTables' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Object Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='LFX!
System.LinkingFramework.ConnectorEmbedsCollections' SeedRole='Source' TypeConstraint='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
<Property Path="$Context/Property[Type='LFX!
In This Section
About Importing Data from Comma-Separated Files into Service Manager
Describes the data and format files necessary for importing data from comma-
separated files by using the Import from CSV feature.
How to Import Configuration Items from a CSV File
Describes how to import data items contained in a comma-separated value (CSV)
In this release, importing many complex items, for example 5,000 computer projections,
could take an hour or more. During this time, Service Manager continues to function.
Two files are required to import a set of instances by using the Import from CSV File feature:
1. A data file that consists of a series of comma-delimited object instances. The data file must
end with the .csv file name extension.
2. A format file that specifies the class type or projection type of the instances present in the
data file. Every instance in the data file is assumed to be of this kind. The format file also
specifies (1) the subset of properties, and for projections, specifies components. They are
being imported for the indicated type and (2) the order in which those properties appear as
columns in the associated data file. The format file must have the same file name as the csv
file that it describes, and it must end with the .xml file name extension.
The first step is to convert the data in the table into a .csv file format. In the .csv file, you make the
assumption that the first row is data, and not a header. Therefore, you remove the header line
from the spreadsheet and save the results as newcomputers.csv as in the following example.
<Class Type=”Microsoft.Windows.Computer”>
After scanning the list of available properties of the Microsoft.Windows.Computer class, select the
following properties for each column in the .csv file:
Column 1 Principal Name
Column 2 IPAddress
Column 3 DomainDnsName
By using these properties, you construct the following format file. The properties are listed in the
order in which they appear in the .csv file. You must save this file that has the same file name for
the .csv file, but with an .xml file name extension.
<Class Type="Microsoft.Windows.Computer">
<Property ID="PrincipalName"/>
<Property ID="IPAddress"/>
<Property ID="DomainDnsName"/>
See Also
How to Import Configuration Items from a CSV File
are equal the number of rows in the data file, and then click Close.
When you open a view to display a large number of items, typically more than five
thousand, the view can take a few minutes to display complete results.
In This Section
About Creating Configuration Items
Describes how to manually create configuration items, how to create a server, and
how to create a view for imported configuration items.
Deleting Configuration Items
Describes the 2-step process required to delete configuration items.
In This Section
About Creating Configuration Items
Provides an overview of how to create configuration items.
3. In the Tasks pane, under Users, click Create User.
4. On the General tab in the form, follow these steps:
a. In the First Name box, type a first name. For example, for the user account that
will be used to populate the Affected User box for all incidents created by
Operations Manager, type OMAlert.
b. In the Last Name box, type a last name. For example, for the user account that
will be used to populate the Affected User box for all incidents created by
Operations Manager, type User.
c. Click OK.
5. On the Notification tab, click Add and perform the following for each notification
address that you want to add:
a. In the User Notification dialog box, in the Notification address name box, type a
name you want to use for this notification.
b. In the Notification address description box, type a description you want to use
for this notification.
c. In the Delivery address for this notification channel box, type the address you
would use to deliver a notification. Typically, this would be an e-mail address.
d. Click OK.
keeping the number of components lower that a few hundred still provides reasonable response
times, as you navigate throughout service map tree view. While the service map tree view
expansion is still in progress, even for larger tree structures, the Service Manager console
remains responsive. Service maps are not currently designed to handle a large number of
components; as a result, Microsoft recommends that you keep your service map tree structures
To view and edit a distributed application that was imported from Operations Manager
1. In the Service Manager console, click Configuration Items.
2. In the Configuration Items pane, expand Configuration Items, expand Business
Services, and then click All Business Services.
3. In the All Business Services pane, click Active Directory Topology Root.
4. In the Tasks pane, under Active Directory Topology Root, click Edit.
5. In the Service Maps – Active Directory Topology Root dialog box, click the Service
Components tab to view the items defined in the Operations Manager distributed
application. Then, expand the Service Components tree three levels.
6. Select any configuration item, and then click Open to view or edit its properties.
then click OK.
13. Under Service Components, select ComputersGroup, and then click Add Item.
14. In the Select Objects dialog box, under Filter by class, select Computer. Next, select
individual computers to add to the group, and then click OK. For example, add and
You can select only one object at a time. Do not attempt to add multiple
15. In the tree, click Service Components, and then click Add Category. In the Choose
Class dialog box, select Other Components Group, and then click OK.
16. In the tree, select OtherCompoentsGroup, and then click Add Item. In the Select
Objects dialog box under Filter by Class List, select Services, and then select
Active Directory Topology Root. Next, click OK.
17. Click the Service Dependents tab to define the items that use the service or that are
external to the service. For example, define other configuration items or services that
use the new service.
18. Click OK to save the new configuration item.
does not delete configuration items directly. Instead, this process changes the property values of
a configuration item such that the item will only be displayed in a Deleted Items view. The state
of the configuration item is changed from Active to Pending Delete. A Service Manager
administrator can later log on and permanently delete the configuration item from the Service
Manager database.
In This Section
How to Initiate the Deletion of a Configuration Item
Describes how to delete a configuration item.
At this point, the configuration item has been moved to a Deleted Item view
that is only available to members of the Administrator user role. An
administrator must permanently delete the configuration item.
See Also
How to Complete the Deletion of a Configuration Item
For this release, if you are logged in as an administrator, you will see three
options in the Tasks pane under the name of the computer: Delete, Remove
Items, and Restore Items. In the Deleted Items view, select only Remove
Items or Restore Items.
6. In the System Center Service Manager dialog box, make sure you selected the
correct items, and then click Yes.
For this release, if you are logged in as an Administrator, you will see three
options in the Tasks pane under the name of the computer: Delete, Remove
Items, and Restore Items. In the Deleted Items view, select only Remove
Items or Restore Items.
6. In the Delete Item dialog box, make sure that you selected the correct items, and then
click Yes.
See Also
How to Initiate the Deletion of a Configuration Item
In This Section
How to Add, View, or Remove Related Configuration Item Information
Describes how to add, browse, or delete related configuration item information.
the computer to which you want to add information.
4. In the computer form, click the Related Items tab.
To attach files
a. In the Attached files area, click Add.
b. In the Open dialog box, select the file that you want to add, and then click
c. In this release, do not attempt to open an attached file before you submit
the form.
In This Section
About Configuring Incident Management in Service Manager
Provides an overview of how to configure incident management.
You can create an incident template to populate certain fields for a specified incident type, such
as e-mail-related problems. Help desk personnel use templates when creating incidents. The
template pre-populates some of the fields in the incident, such as the name of the support analyst
who handles e-mail-related problems.
You can configure incident management to automatically generate incidents based on desired
configuration management for configuration items that are not in compliance. This works only if
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 with desired configuration
management baselines is installed in your environment.
The procedures in this section describe how to configure incidents. You can define incident
priority based on impact and urgency, specify resolution times based on incident priority, create
an incident template, and create a new incident based on desired configuration management.
The maximum number of attached files and maximum file size settings that you configure
also apply to the attached files in the Related Items tab for configuration items.
Incident priority calculation is rated on a scale from 1 to 9. A priority of 1 is the highest priority. It is
based on a combination of impact and urgency. Impact and urgency settings are defined as High,
Medium, or Low, and they are configured when the incident is created. The following table shows
how to define the incident priority for each possible combination of impact and urgency.
The resolution time defines how much time it should take to resolve an incident. Resolution time
is based on priority. Typically, you should set resolution times for higher-priority incidents. The
procedures in this section describe how to set the values for file attachments, incident priority,
and resolution time.
You can create a connector to import alerts and configuration items from Operations Manager. By
using the Operations Manager alert connector, Service Manager can create incidents based on
alerts. When you view these incidents in Service Manager, you can click a link to obtain more
information about the alert or about the health state of the configuration item. Service Manager
uses the Operations Manager Web console server to provide this information. Service Manager
uses the URL that you specify in the Operations Manager Web setting to connect to Operations
(which is included with Windows Server 2008) on either the computer that is hosting the Service
Manager management server or on a separate remote server.
Delegate one of the existing servers that is running Exchange Server or SMTP Server in your
enterprise to route all e-mail messages addressed tothe help desk, and then configure the IIS
SMTP service for use with Service Manager. Providing precise instructions for various versions of
Exchange Server or SMTP Service is beyond the scope of this guide. For more information about
how to set up SMTP domains for incoming and relay e-mail, see Article 260973 in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base (
incident priority value from 1–9, and then click OK.
In this release, you must close and then open the Service Manager console
before resolutions times are applied to an incident.
6. In the Web Console URL box, type the URL of the Operations Manager 2007 Web
console server, and then click OK. For example, type http://<servername>:51908
where <servername> is the name of the computer hosting the Web console server.
g. In the Support Group box, select a tier. For example, if you want all e-mail-related
issues to be assigned to the tier 2 support group, select Tier 2.
h. Click OK.
Internal Relay. In this example, you might specify the domain as
6. In the Hub Transport pane, click Send Connectors.
7. In the Actions pane, click New Send Connector.
8. In the New SMTP Send Connector wizard, create a new send connector by using the
following information:
a. Address space = *
b. Add Smart Host by using the IP address of the computer that will host the SMTP
Server service defined in the following procedure.
c. Set smart host authentication settings to None.
2. In the Administration pane, expand Administration, and then click Settings.
3. In the Settings pane, double-click Incident Settings.
4. In the Incident Settings dialog box, click Incoming E-mail.
5. In the SMTP Service drop folder location field, type the path, share, and folder to the
Drop folder. In this example, type \\<computer_name>\mailroot\Drop where
<computer_name> is the name of the computer that is hosting the SMTP Server
service, Mailroot is the share name, and Drop is the subfolder.
6. In the SMTP Service bad folder location field, type the path, share, and folder to the
Badmail folder. In this example, type \\<computer_name>\Mailroot\Badmail where
<computer_name> is the name of the computer that is hosting the SMTP Server
service, Mailroot is the share name, and Badmail is the subfolder.
7. In the Maximum number of e-mails to process at a time field, enter a number for the
e-mails that you want Service Manager to process during an e-mail processing cycle.
8. Select the Turn on incoming e-mails processing check box, and then click OK.
In This Section
How to Configure Incident Workflows
Describes how to create an incident event workflow rule that changes the support tier
level from 1 to 2 because of a change in incident priority.
check box, select the user to notify, and then click Next.
g. On the Summary page, review your settings, and then click Create.
h. On the Completion page, click Close.
6. In the Configure Incident Event Workflows dialog box, click OK.
Configuring Change and Activity Management in
Service Manager
As part of your initial Service Manager configuration, you have to configure settings and
workflows for change and activity management. Create a change request template that you can
use later when new change requests are submitted.
Configure workflows to automatically close completed change requests and send notifications to
users when activities require approval. Workflows automate processes that you can use to
automatically apply templates and send notifications.
A change request template is useful when you create a change request for a recurring type of
issue because you can set an issue category and define a standard priority, effect, and risk level
for it in the template. You can also create additional templates for other types of recurring change
requests. Another benefit of creating a change request template is that users spend less time
when they submit new change requests.
In this scenario, for example, you want all change requests that modify the IT messaging
infrastructure to be categorized by functional area.
In This Section
How to Create Change Request Templates
Describes how to construct a change request template to create change requests.
template and send notifications.
When you create a change request template, do not create links to configuration items or
work items, and do not enter any user information. If you create a template with these
objects, you cannot remove them, and you will have to re-create the template.
11. In the Priority box, select a value. For example, select High.
12. In the Impact box, select a value. For example, select Standard.
13. In the Risk box, select a value. For example, select Medium.
14. Click the Activities tab, and then click Add.
15. In the Templates list, select Default Review Activity, and then click OK to open the
review activity form.
16. In the Title box, type a name for the review activity. For example, type Messaging
Infrastructure Request Approval. Then, click Add to add the user or group that will
normally approve the change request.
17. In each open form or dialog box, click OK.
template, you need to create a workflow that applies the template. For more information about
how to create a workflow, see How to Configure Incident Workflows.
In the following procedure, you will create a manual activity template named "Set <named user>
as the Activity Implementer". This manual activity template is used in the How to Configure
Activity Management Workflows procedure.
Revising the change request prefix does not affect existing change requests.
Request ID prefix box.
b. If you want to change the maximum number of files that you can attach to a
change request, change the default value in the Maximum number of attached
files box. For example, type 2.
c. If you want to change the maximum size of files that you attach to a change
request, change the default value in the Maximum size (KB) box. For example,
type 300.
6. Click OK to close the Change Management Settings dialog box.
Revising the activity request prefix does not affect existing activity records.
To validate changes to any prefix code, create a new change request and verify on the
Activities tab that activities have the new prefix that you specified.
then click Next.
15. On the Select People to Notify page, select the Send notifications for this
workflow rule check box.
16. Under User, select Created By User, and under Template, select New Standard
Change Request Received Template, and then click Add.
17. Click Next.
18. On the Summary page, click Create.
19. On the Completion page, click Close.
20. In the Configure Workflows dialog box, click OK.
4. In the Tasks pane, in the Activity Event Workflow Configuration area, click
Configure Workflow Rules.
5. In the Select a Class dialog box, in the Name list, select Manual Activity, and then
click OK.
6. In the Configure Workflows dialog box, click Add.
7. On the Before You Begin page of the Configure Workflows for Objects of Class
Manual Activity wizard, click Next.
8. On the Workflow Information page, in the Name box, type a name for the workflow.
For example, type Assign Unassigned Activities to <named user>.
9. Optionally, in the Description box, you can type a description of the new workflow. For
example, you can type This workflow automatically assigns unassigned manual
activities to the <named user>.
10. In the Check for events list, select When a new object of class Manual Activity is
11. Make sure that the Enabled check box is selected, and then click Next.
12. On the Specify Criteria page, on the Changed To tab, in the Related classes list,
select Manual Activity.
13. In the Available properties list, select the Stage check box, and then click Add.
14. In the Criteria area, next to the [Activity] stage box, select equals, select Approve
for the value, and then click Next.
15. On the Apply Template page, make sure that Apply the selected template check
box is selected.
16. In the Templates list, select Set <named users> as the Activity Implementer, and
then click Next.
17. On the Select People to Notify page, select the Send notifications for this
workflow rule check box.
18. In the Templates list, select New Activity Assigned Received Template, click Add,
and then click Next.
19. On the Summary page, click Create.
20. On the Completion page, click Close.
21. In the Configure Workflows dialog box, click OK to close it.
Configuring Desired Configuration Management
to Generate Incidents in Service Manager
You can use the following procedure, for example, to inventory all the computers that might
require an upgrade to Microsoft Exchange Server with SP1. To do this, first define the appropriate
configuration baseline in System Center Configuration Manager 2007. For more information
about baselines in Configuration Manager 2007, see How to Configure Configuration Baselines
for Desired Configuration Management (
In Service Manager, you must create a Configuration Manager connector to import the baseline,
and configure incident management to automatically generate incidents based on desired
configuration management. For information about how to create a Configuration Manager
connector, see the About Importing Data from Configuration Manager 2007.
Desired configuration management in Configuration Manager 2007 lets you monitor software to
ensure that it is compliant with defined values. For example, you can monitor software versions,
security settings, and software updates. The configurations that you want to monitor are added as
Configuration Manager 2007 configuration items to configuration baselines so that they can be
evaluated for compliance as a group.
In Service Manager, you can import configuration baselines from Configuration Manager 2007 by
using a Configuration Manager Connector. You can then configure Service Manager to create
incidents for each Service Manager configuration item that reports as noncompliant against the
defined values.
Use the following procedure to configure incident management to automatically generate
incidents based on desired configuration management.
In This Section
How to Configure Desired Configuration Management to Generate Incidents
Describes how to configure incident management to automatically generate incidents
based on desired configuration management.
The Next button will be unavailable if a Configuration Manager connector
has not been created.
b. On the Workflow Information page, type a name and a description for the rule.
Make sure that the Enabled check box is selected, and then click Next.
c. On the Select System Center Configuration Manager Configuration Items
page, expand all the configuration baselines that are listed, select the
Configuration Manager 2007 configuration items that you want to include in the
rule, and then click Next.
d. On the Select Incident Template page, click Apply the following template,
select a template for the new incidents that will be created by this rule, and then
click Next.
e. On the Select People to Notify page, select the Enable notification check box.
Select the users who should be notified when an incident is created by this rule.
For each user, specify the notification method and a template, and then click Add.
Then, click Next.
f. On the Summary page, make sure that the settings contain the information you
expect, and then click Create.
g. On the Completion page, make sure that you receive the following confirmation
message, and then click Close:
Desired Configuration Management Workflow Created Successfully
6. Verify that the correct configuration baseline and Configuration Manager 2007
configuration items are listed.
You must add the Service Manager workflow account to the Service Manager
Administrators user role in order for notifications to function properly. See the topic “How
to Add a Member to a User Role” in the System Center Service Manager Administrator’s
Guide at
In This Section
How to Configure Notification Channels
Describes how to set up a notification channel.
How to Configure Notification Channels
You can use the following procedure to configure notification channels in System Center Service
Manager 2010. Notification channels are the method by which notification messages are sent to
users. You use the Configure E-Mail Notification Channel dialog box to configure and enable e-
mail notifications that are sent by Service Manager to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
In this release of Service Manager, only e-mail notification is supported.
How to Create Notification Templates
You can use the following procedures in System Center Service Manager 2010 to create
notification templates for incidents, change requests, and newly assigned activities. After you
create the notification templates, you can use a notification subscription to send e-mail messages
based on the templates. The notification template determines the type and format of the message
to send.
Two of the following procedures are perquisites for other topics:
The New Activity Assigned Received Template described in the procedure To create a
notification template for a newly assigned activity is the template you will need for the
procedure How to Configure Activity Management Workflows.
The New Standard Change Request Received Template described in the procedure To
create a notification template for change requests is the template you will need for the
procedure How to Configure Change Management Workflows.
In this release of Service Manager, notifications are sent only by e-mail.
1. In the Service Manager console, click Administration.
2. In the Administration pane, expand Notifications, and then click Templates.
3. In the Tasks pane, under Templates, click Create E-mail Template.
4. On the General page of the Create E-mail Notification Template wizard, in the
Notification template name box, type a name. For example, type New Standard
Change Request Received Template. Optionally, in the Description box, you can
type a description for the template that you are creating.
5. Next to the Targeted class box, click Browse.
6. In the Choose Class dialog box, click Change Request, and then click OK.
7. Make sure that the Service Manager Change Management Configuration Library
management pack is selected, and then click Next.
8. On the Template Design page, in the Message subject box, type a subject for the e-
mail template. For example, type New Standard Change Request with ID#. Then,
click Insert.
9. In the Select Property dialog box, select ID, and then click Add.
10. In the Message body box, type a description to indicate that a new standard change
request was opened.
11. Use the other default values on this page, and then click Next.
12. On the Summary page, review the settings that you have selected for the template.
Then, click Create.
13. On the Completion page, click Close.
11. Use the other default values on this page, and then click Next.
12. On the Summary page, review the settings that you have selected for the template.
Then, click Create.
13. On the Completion page, click Close.
Some notification criteria values might not change. If you want to receive a notification
when a change occurs, make sure that you choose a value for an object that is likely to
change. For example, the Incident ID and the settings do not change.
11. On the Additional Criteria page, click the Criteria tab. In the Criteria area, next to
[Incident] Classification Category, select equals. In the list, select E-mail
Problems, and then click Next.
12. On the Template page, next to the E-mail template box, click Select.
13. In the Select Objects dialog box, in the Templates list, select a notification template.
For example, select New E-mail Incident Template, click OK, and then click Next.
14. On the Recipient page, click Add.
15. In the Select Objects dialog box, search for the appropriate user, and then select the
user. Click Add, click OK, and then click Next. For example, select the user account
for a messaging analyst or messaging administrator.
The notification address must be configured for the user account of the
messaging analyst or messaging administrator.
16. On the Summary page, review the settings that you selected for the notification
subscription, and then click Create.
17. On the Completion page, click Close.
See Also
How to Configure Notification Channels
How to Create Notification Templates
5. In the Classification Category list, select E-mail Problems, and then click OK.
6. Verify that an e-mail notification that contains the information you entered in the
template is received. The e-mail title should contain the incident ID number.
In This Section
About Groups, Queues, and Lists
Provides an overview of groups, queues, and lists in Service Manager.
Using Groups to Manage Configuration Items
In System Center Service Manager 2010, groups contain objects. Typically, these objects are
configuration items. Groups can include collections of objects of the same class or of different
classes. For example, you decide to create the Exchange Servers group. You have several
methods to do this. You can create a static group, a dynamic group, or a combination of static and
dynamic. A static group is defined by specific objects such as “Exchange1” and “Exchange2”. A
dynamic class is defined by inclusion rules. Inclusion rules are based on comparing a formula to
the actual property value of a configuration item. The following table shows inclusion rule
For example, you want to restrict access to Exchange servers to only specific users. To do this,
you create a new group that is named Exchange Servers and add all Exchange servers in this
environment. Later, you can configure user roles to limit access to the Exchange Servers group
to only the specific users to whom you want to grant access. You can use the Exchange Servers
group as criteria when configuring views or notification subscriptions. You can also use the
Exchange Servers group as criteria for a report parameter.
When you delete a queue, the work items contained in the queue are preserved. You can
only delete a queue that is in an unsealed management pack.
See Also
How to Create a Group in Service Manager
How to Create a Queue
How to Edit a Queue
How to Add a List Item
We recommend that you create a Configuration Manager 2007 connector before you run
this example. For more information, see Importing Data from Configuration Manager
2007 (
configuration items that you want to exclude from this group. Click OK, and then click
15. On the Summary page, confirm the group settings that you made, and then click
16. On the Completion page, make sure that you receive the following confirmation
message, and then click Close.
The new group was created successfully
To create a queue
1. In the Service Manager console, click Library.
2. In the Library pane, expand Library, and then click Queues.
3. In the Tasks pane, click Create Queue.
4. Follow these steps to complete the Create Queue wizard:
a. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
b. On the General page, type a name in the Queue name box. For example, type
Exchange Send Problems Queue.
c. Next to the Work item type box, click the ellipsis button (…). In the Select a Class
dialog box, select a class such as Incident, and then click OK.
d. In the Management pack list, select the unsealed management pack in which you
want to store the new queue definition. For example, select Service Manager
Incident Management Configuration Library. Then, click Next.
e. On the Criteria page, build the criteria that you want to use to filter work items for
the queue, and then click Next. Only work items that meet the specified criteria will
be added to that queue.
For example, select the Classification Category property in the Available
Properties area, and then click Add. In the list, select E-Mail Problems, and then
click Next.
f. On the Summary page, click Create to create the queue.
g. On the Completion page, click Close.
To edit a queue
1. In the Service Manager console, click Library.
2. In the Library pane, expand Library, and then click Queues.
3. In the Queues pane, select the queue that you want to edit, such as Exchange Send
Problems Queue. Then, in the Tasks pane, click Properties.
4. In the Queue Properties dialog box, on the General and Criteria tabs, make the
changes you want. For example, change the description of the queue.
5. Click OK to save the changes.
When you click Add Item or Add Child, a Select management pack dialog
box might appear. If this dialog box appears, select the default management
pack, select another unsealed management pack, or create a new
management pack.
5. Click the new List Value list item. In the Name box, type a name for the new list item.
For example, type Laser Printer. If you want, you can optionally type a description in
the Description box.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 and create a new list item with the name Check-Writing Printer,
and then click OK.
In This Section
About User Roles
Provides an overview of user roles.
Appendix A - List of User Role Profiles in Service Manager
About User Roles
At your company, some employees are responsible for supporting hardware such as portable
computers and servers. Some of the employees are allowed to create and update Configuration
Items (CI) but not delete them, whereas others are allowed to create, update, and delete CIs.
In Service Manager, the security rights that allow users to access or update information are
defined in a user role profile. A user role profile is a named collection of access rights and usually
corresponds to employees’ business responsibilities. Each user role profile controls access to
such artifacts as knowledge articles, work items (incidents, change requests), authoring,
administration, and other credentials. Think of user role profiles as defining what you are allowed
to do.
In the future, managers at your company may decide to separate the group of employees who
maintain CIs in two groups: those who handle CIs for desktop computers and those who handle
CIs for portable computers. They want to retain these two user role profiles, one that can create
and edit, but not delete CIs, and another that can create, edit, and delete CIs. You would define
these user role profiles with different scopes, one for desktops and one for portable computers. If
user role profiles define what you are allowed to do, think of scopes as defining what items that
you are allowed to modify. The combination of a user role profile and a scope is called a user role.
Service Manager Workflows Workflows Global
Service Manager Incident Incident Resolvers Global
System Center Change Change Managers Global
Service Manager Report Users* Report Users Global
The Service Manager Report Users user role is only available after you register with the
Service Manager data warehouse and after the Data Warehouse navigation button is
available. To view the Service Manager Report Users user role, click Data Warehouse,
expand Security, and then click User Roles.
For example, you want to define one security access that allows users to create and edit, but not
delete CIs, and another security access that allows users to create, edit, and delete CIs.
Appendix A, at the end of this guide, lists the user role profiles and their associated artifacts. The
following table shows user role profiles as they relate to configuration items.
Report User No No No
End Users No No No
Read-Only Operators No No No
Activity Implementers No No No
Change Initiators No No No
Incident Resolvers No No No
Problem Analysts No No No
Change Manager No No No
Advanced Operators Yes Yes No
Authors Yes Yes Yes
Workflows Yes Yes No
Administrators Yes Yes Yes
Using the table above, you can see that the Advanced Operators user role profile can create and
update, but not delete CIs. The Authors user role profile can create, update, and delete CIs.
These are the two user role profiles you use to set up asset management at your company. The
members of the asset management team who are allowed to create and update, but not delete
CIs, are made members of the predefined Service Manager Advanced Operators profile. The
members of the asset management team who are allowed to create, edit, and delete CIs are
made members of the predefined Authors profile.
As a best practice, assume members of the asset management team might change. You create
two groups in Active Directory and make those groups a member of the Advanced Operators and
Authors profiles. Then as members change, users are added and removed from the group in
Active Directory and no changes have to be made in Service Manager.
In the future, if you break the asset management team into two groups, one for desktops and the
other for laptops, create your own user role by using the same user role profiles, but with different
The Administrator user role is global in scope; therefore, there is no reason for creating another
user role of this type.
End Users
By default, the End Users user role contains a list of all authenticated users, and similar to the
Administrator user role, there is no reason for creating additional user roles like this.
Report User
The Report User user role has one purpose in Service Manager: To find the computer hosting
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) for the user at a Service Manager console.
When a user at a Service Manager console tries to run a report, a query is made to the Service
Manager management server seeking the computer that is hosting the data warehouse
management server. The Service Manager console then queries the data warehouse
management server seeking the name of the computer hosting the SSRS. With that information,
the Service Manager console connects to SSRS. The singular purpose of the Report User user
role is to make these queries. After the Service Manager console connects to the SSRS, the
credentials of the user running the console grant access as defined on the SSRS. Because of the
narrow purpose of this user role, there is no reason for creating another.
Workflows might have to read and write to the Service Manager database. During setup, you are
asked to provide credentials for the Workflows user role, and it is this user role that will perform
the required actions on the Service Manager database. Like the Report User user role, the
narrow purpose of this user role means there is no reason for creating other user roles.
See Also
How to Add a Member to a User Role
How to Create a User Role
b. On the General page, enter a name and description for this user role, and then
click Next.
c. On the Management Packs page, start to filter the scope of the data that you want
to assign access to. Select the management packs that contain the data that you
want to assigned access to, such as Incident Management Library. In addition,
select the Service Manager Authoring Management Pack management pack,
and click Next.
d. On the Classes page, select the classes that this user role will have access to,
and click Next.
e. On the following pages, all the queues, groups, tasks, views, and form templates
from the specified management packs are displayed. You can select specific items
on these pages to further limit the set of data that access is assigned to.
The groups and the queues lists are not filtered—all groups and queues
from all management packs are listed. If you select Select all queues on
the Queues page, then on the Groups page, Select all Groups is
automatically selected. In addition, by default, no groups have been
created. You have to create a group if you want to limit scope by group.
f. On the Users page, click Add, and use the Select Users or Groups dialog box to
select users and user groups from Active Directory Domain Services for this user
role, and click Next.
g. On the Summary page, make sure that the settings are correct, and click Create.
h. On the Completion page, make sure that The user role was created
successfully appears, and click Close.
In This Section
How to Create a Knowledge Article
Describes how to create a knowledge article.
To view external content in knowledge articles, the computer on which the Service
Manager console is installed must be connected to the Internet, either directly or through
a proxy server.
information source of the article is known. For example, type
7. Expand Internal Content. In the box, type or paste information about how the user can
apply information from the External Content box to fix a problem that is specific to
your organization. For example, type Visit the URL to read about how to download
the latest service pack for Windows Vista.
8. Click OK to save the new knowledge article.
Partial matches are not returned by a search, so when you search for a knowledge article
based on a keyword, you must type the exact word. However, you can use the asterisk
(*) as a wildcard character when you perform a search.
The Knowledge Search form displays the knowledge articles that match the search term.
To search for a knowledge article when an incident or change request form is open
1. With an incident or change request form open, in the Tasks pane, click Search for
Knowledge Articles.
2. In the Knowledge Search form, type a search term in the Search for box, and then
click Go. For example, type 0x123 error.
In This Section
Getting Started with Service Manager Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell
Describes how to add the Service Manager snap-in to a Windows PowerShell
session and how to get help for the cmdlets.
Getting Started with Service Manager Cmdlets for Windows
Windows PowerShell is a Windows command-line shell that includes an interactive prompt and a
scripting environment. Windows PowerShell uses cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets") to
manipulate the Windows PowerShell objects. Service Manager includes several cmdlets that you
can use to perform various Service Manager-related tasks without using the Service Manager
console. For example, you can use the Import-SCSMManagementPack cmdlet to import a
management pack.
The Service Manager cmdlets set includes cmdlets that operate on the data warehouse
database, and, therefore, you typically run them on the data warehouse management server. The
rest of the Service Manager cmdlets are typically run on the Service Manager management
Data returned from Windows PowerShell command might contain more information than can be
displayed in a default Windows PowerShell command window. We recommend increasing the
width to 120. Right-click the title bar, click Properties, and in the Layout tab, set the Screen
Buffer Size width to 120.
Every time you start a Windows PowerShell session to run a Service Manager cmdlet, you must
first add the Service Manager PowerShell snap-in as described below.
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
To verify that the Service Manager Windows PowerShell snap-in has been added
1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, and
then click Windows PowerShell to open a Windows PowerShell window.
2. Type the following command, and look for Service Manager cmdlets such as Add-
SCDWMgmtGroup and Export-SCSMManagementPack:
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
Tab completion is a simple method that you can use to verify that a
Windows PowerShell cmdlet has been added. For example, you can type Add-
SC, and then press TAB, which automatically completes the command.
Cmdlet Description
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule Disables a data warehouse job schedule,
which causes the job schedule to stop starting
Enable-SCDWJob Enables a data warehouse job so that it can
run according to its schedule.
Enable-SCDWJobSchedule Allows data warehouse administrators to
enable job schedules so that jobs run
according to their specified schedule.
Get-SCDWJob Gets the job information and status of all
recurring jobs, including extract, transform, and
load jobs.
Get-SCDWJobModule Gets detailed information for the specified job.
This information includes job modules that are
executed as part of the job.
Get-SCDWJobSchedule Displays scheduling information for data
warehouse jobs.
Get-SCDWMgmtGroup Displays details about the management groups
that are registered with the data warehouse.
Remove-SCDWMgmtGroup Unregisters a Service Manager management
group and its associated servers as a data
warehouse data source.
Resume-SCDWJob Resumes a suspended job.
Set-SCDWJobSchedule Sets the schedule for a data warehouse job.
Start-SCDWJob Starts a data warehouse job.
Suspend-SCDWJob Suspends operation of the specified job after
all of its running job modules are complete.
Any job modules that are queued to begin as
part of the job will not run until the job is
In This Section
About Managing the Data Warehouse
Provides an overview of key concepts that you have to understand to manage the
data warehouse.
How to Disable a Data Warehouse Job Schedule
Describes how to disable data warehouse job schedules.
management group and takes several hours to
complete on its initial run. For more
information, see ”Register with Service
Manager Data Warehouse” in the System
Center Service Manager Deployment Guide
DWMaintenance This job performs data warehouse
maintenance, such as indexing and updating
statistics. This job will automatically run after
the MPSyncJob has finished.
Entity (or Grooming) Grooming functions typically involve activities
on the data warehouse that remove data based
on a configurable time period.
For this release of Service Manager,
grooming functions are handled as a
workflow. Settings for this job are not
Extract This job retrieves data from the Service
Manager database. This job queries the
Service Manager database for the delta data
from its last run and writes this new data into
the DWStagingAndConfig database in the data
warehouse. There are two extract jobs in
Service Manager: one for the Service Manager
management group and the other for the data
warehouse management group.
Transform This job takes the raw data from the staging
area and does any cleansing, reformatting, and
aggregation that is required to get it into the
final format for reporting. This transformed data
is written into the DWRepository database.
Load This job queries the data from the
DWRepository database and inserts it into the
DWDatamart database. The DWDatamart is
the database used for all end user reporting
For more information about the extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs, see the blog posting
Data Warehouse – Anatomy of Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) (
In order to manage the data warehouse, which is primarily used by reporting, you must perform
maintenance tasks on these jobs. For example, you can view their status, pause and resume, set
a schedule, enable and disable schedules, and troubleshoot data warehouse jobs. All of these
maintenance tasks can be performed by using PowerShell commands. In addition, some of these
tasks can be performed through the Service Manager console. The following procedures provide
instructions for using PowerShell and using the Service Manager console as appropriate.
During deployment, you registered the Service Manager management group as discussed in
“Register Service Manager Management Group” in the System Center Service Manager
Deployment Guide ( As a result of that action,
management pack deployment started and MPSyncJob started. You should not start or resume
any data warehouse jobs until the MPSyncJob has finished, as shown in the Data Warehouse
Jobs pane in the Service Manager console.
In the following procedures, you can manage the data warehouse by using a combination of
Windows PowerShell cmdlets and the Service Manager console to perform tasks with data
warehouse jobs.
Task Reference
Enable and disable data warehouse jobs How to Enable Data Warehouse Job
View data warehouse jobs status How to View the Status of a Data Warehouse
Start and stop data warehouse jobs when you How to Suspend and Resume a Data
have to Warehouse Job
Schedule data warehouse jobs on a recurring How to Schedule a Data Warehouse Job
Determine whether data warehouse jobs are How to Troubleshoot a Data Warehouse Job
running as expected
In this release of Service Manager, grooming functions are handled as a workflow. Settings for
this job are not configurable.
To run the commands in this topic, the execution policy in Windows PowerShell must be
set to RemoteSigned. For more information about how to set the execution policy, see
Getting Started with Service Manager Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell.
To disable a schedule for a data warehouse job by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets
1. On the computer that hosts the data warehouse management server, click Start, point
to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, right-click Windows PowerShell,
and then click Run as administrator.
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
3. Type the following commands, and then press ENTER after each command:
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule –JobName Extract_<data warehouse management group name>
To run the commands in this topic, the execution policy in Windows PowerShell must be
set to RemoteSigned. Type the command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned to set the
execution policy.
To enable a schedule for a data warehouse job by using a Windows PowerShell cmdlet
1. On the computer that hosts the data warehouse management server, click Start, point
to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, right-click Windows PowerShell,
and then click Run as administrator.
2. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then
press ENTER:
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
3. Type the following commands, and then press ENTER after each command:
Enable-SCDWJobSchedule –JobName Extract_<data warehouse management group name>
To run the Windows PowerShell cmdlets, the execution policy in Windows PowerShell
must be set to RemoteSigned. For more information, see Getting Started with the Service
Manager Cmdlets ( in the System Center
Service Manager Administrator’s Guide.
To view the status of a data warehouse job by using the Service Manager console
1. In the Service Manager console, click Data Warehouse.
2. In the Data Warehouse pane, expand Data Warehouse, and then click Data
Warehouse Jobs.
3. In the Data Warehouse Jobs pane, review the list of jobs to view their status.
How to Suspend and Resume a Data Warehouse Job
You can suspend (or pause) and resume data warehouse jobs that are running. For example, you
might have to suspend all of the data warehouse jobs that are running to ensure that a security
update to the data warehouse management server does not interfere with any jobs that might run.
After the server has been updated and restarted, you resume all the data warehouse jobs. You
can suspend (or pause) and then resume jobs by using the Service Manager console or by using
Windows PowerShell cmdlets. In this example, only the extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs
are running.
To run the Windows PowerShell cmdlets, the execution policy in Windows PowerShell
must be set to RemoteSigned. For more information, see Getting Started with the Service
Manager Cmdlets ( in the System Center
Service Manager 2010 Administrator’s Guide.
To pause and resume data warehouse jobs using the Service Manager console
1. In the Service Manager console, click Data Warehouse.
2. Expand Data Warehouse, and then click Data Warehouse Jobs.
3. In the Data Warehouse Jobs pane, select a job that is running, and then click
Suspend in the Tasks list.
4. Repeat the previous step for each data warehouse job.
5. To resume each job, select a job that is suspended in the Data Warehouse Jobs
pane, and then click Resume in the Tasks list.
3. Type the following commands, and then press ENTER after each command.
Suspend-SCDWJob –JobName Extract_<data warehouse management group name>
to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, right-click Windows PowerShell,
and then click Run as administrator.
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
3. Type the following commands, and then press ENTER after each command.
Resume-SCDWJob –JobName Extract_<data warehouse management group name>
To run Windows PowerShell cmdlets, the execution policy must be set to RemoteSigned.
For more information, see Getting Started with the Service Manager Cmdlets
( in the System Center Service Manager
Deployment Guide.
In the following procedure, you set a schedule for the Transform job to run every 45 minutes
starting at 2:00 in the morning. However, you can modify the commands to set your own
1. On the computer that hosts the data warehouse management server, click Start, point
to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, right-click Windows PowerShell,
and then click Run as administrator.
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
3. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press
Set-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Transform.Common -ScheduleType Daily –DailyFrequency
00:45:00 –DailyStart 02:00
To view the last five entries in the data warehouse job history
1. On the computer that hosts the data warehouse management server, click Start, point
to Programs, point to Windows PowerShell 1.0, right-click Windows PowerShell,
and then click Run as administrator.
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press
Add-PSSnapIn SMCmdletSnapIn
How to Troubleshoot a Data Warehouse Job
In System Center Service Manager 2010, after the Data Warehouse Registration wizard is
complete and after Reporting becomes available in the Service Manager console, you can start
running reports. If you encounter a problem with reports (for example, the incident management
report you run does not show the current data), you can use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to
troubleshoot the problem. For example, you can use the following procedure to determine
whether a transform job failed, and you can evaluate any error messages that the transform job
4. Review the output, and locate any job with a status of "Failed."
5. Type the following command, and then press ENTER. In the command, specify the
data warehouse job that failed as the value of the JobName parameter.
Get-SCDWJobModule -JobName Transform.Common
6. In the output, locate a status of "Failed," and then review the Error Message column
for more information about why the data warehouse job failed.
7. When you are ready to retry the failed job, type the following command, and then press
Resume-SCDWJob -JobName Transform.Common
Manager so that Service Manager can retrieve software packages. Use the following procedures
to configure the Self-Service Portal so that users can request software.
In This Section
How to Set the Configuration Manager Configuration
Describes how to set the Configuration Manager configuration that is used by Service
Manager to retrieve software packages.
6. In the Site code box, type the three-character site code.
7. Optionally, in the Description box, type a description of the central site server.
8. Click OK to save and close.
See Also
How to Configure a Software Deployment Process
How to Configure a Software Deployment Process
In System Center Service Manager 2010, use the following procedure to define a process that
your organization can use to approve a software deployment request that an end user initiates
from the Self-Service Portal. Software packages are imported from Configuration Manager using
other procedures; the process you create by using the following procedure allows the software
deployment request to be approved.
End users submit change requests in the Self-Service Portal if they want to install software. After
all the approval processes are completed successfully, the requested software is installed by
Configuration Manager on the end user’s computer. You can define multiple software deployment
processes for your organization to manage various software titles and suites and to apply
different approval and implementation processes based on change request templates.
Although you can base a software deployment process on your own custom change
request template, Service Manager does not correctly display the change request
template name in the Software Deployment Process list. However, the software
deployment process still functions correctly.
To publish software packages
1. In the Service Manager console, click Administration.
2. In the Administration pane, expand Portal, and then click Software Packages.
3. In the Software Packages view, select one or more items to publish. Then, in the
Tasks list, click Publish.
4. The items you selected for publishing are listed as True in the Publish column.
5. If you receive an error when you try to publish a package, you might need to configure
the package. To configure the package, follow these steps:
a. Select a software package.
b. In the Tasks list, click Configure.
c. Select the program that should run, ensure that Publish this package to the self-
service portal is selected, and then click OK.
See Also
How to Configure a Software Deployment Process
In this release, to create a task, the logged-on user must have administrative credentials.
The Event Viewer task that you create will display logs from the computer identified as a
configuration item in the incident. The help desk analyst can then select an incident in the Service
Manager console and run this task for computers related to the incident.
In This Section
How to Create a Task
Describes how to create a task.
How to Create a Task
Use the following procedure to create a task; for example, a task that you can use to open Event
Viewer and view logs on a computer. The Event Viewer displays the logs from the remote
computer that is listed as a Configuration Item in the incident.
To create a task
1. In the Service Manager console, click Library.
2. On the Library pane, expand Library, and then select Tasks.
3. On the Tasks pane, select Create Task.
4. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
5. On the General page, perform the following:
a. In the Task name box, type a name for the task. For example, type Event Viewer.
In this release, if you edit and change any of the properties of a task, you
have to close and reopen the console before you can view the task.
b. Next to the Target class area, click the ellipsis button (…).
c. In the Choose Class dialog box, in the Class list, click Incident, and then click
d. In the Management pack list, make sure that Service Manager Incident
Management Configuration Library is selected, and then click Next.
In this release, if you select the option to create a new management pack,
you have to close and reopen the console before you can view this task.
6. On the Display Task by Category page, select the category where the task will be
displayed. For example, select Incident Management Folder Tasks, and then click
7. On the Command Line page, do the following:
a. In the Full path to command box, type the full path of the command you want to
run with this task. For example, type %windir%\system32\eventvwr.exe.
b. In the Parameters area, click Insert Property.
c. In the Select Property dialog box, in the Related classes list, expand Incident,
and then click Is Related to Configuration Item.
d. In the Available Properties box, type Computer Name.
e. Under Windows Computer, click NetBIOS Computer Name, and then click Add.
f. Optionally, select Log in action log when this task is run to add information to
the incident action log when the task runs, and then click Next.
8. On the Summary page, click Create.
9. On the Completion page, observe that The new task was created successfully
appears, and then click Close.
either let Service Manager participate in the program or remove Service Manager from this
Report User No No No No
End Users Yes No No No
Read-Only Yes No No No
Activity Yes No No No
Change Initiators Yes No No No
Incident Resolvers Yes No No No
Problem Analyst Yes No No No
Change Managers Yes No No No
Advanced Yes Yes Yes (CI Group No
Operators Scope)
Authors Yes Yes Yes (CI Group Yes
Workflows Yes Yes Yes No
Administrators Yes Yes Yes Yes
Work Items
Report User No No No No No No No
End Users Yes Yes No No No No No
Read -Only No No No No No No No
Activity No No No No Yes (WI No No
Implementers Queue
Change No Yes No No No No No
Incident No No No No Yes (WI Yes (WI No
Resolvers Queue Queue
Scope) Scope)
Problem No No No No Yes (WI Yes (WI No
Analyst Queue Queue
Scope) Scope)
Change No Yes No Yes (WI Yes (WI No No
Managers Queue Queue
Scope) Scope)
Advanced Yes Yes Yes (WI Yes (WI Yes (WI Yes (WI No
Operators Queue Queue Queue Queue
Scope) Scope) Scope) Scope)
Authors Yes Yes Yes (WI Yes (WI Yes (WI Yes (WI No
Queue Queue Queue Queue
Scope) Scope) Scope) Scope)
Workflows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Administrators Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Configuration Items
User Role Profile Create Configuration Update Configuration Delete Configuration
Items Items Items
Report User No No No
End Users No No No
Read-Only Operators No No No
Activity Implementers No No No
Change Initiators No No No
Incident Resolvers No No No
Problem Analyst No No No
Change Managers No No No
Advanced Operators Yes Yes (CI Group Scope) No
Authors Yes Yes (CI Group Scope) No
Workflows Yes Yes No
Administrators Yes Yes Yes
Implied Permissions
User Role Profile Read and Edit Read and Read but Work Items Read but Not
Reviewer Edit Not Edit CIs Assigned to Edit
(Vote and Incidents Where The User Computers
Comment Where The User Is The Where The
Properties User Is The Affected User Is The
Only) Where Affected User Primary User
The User Is User
The Reviewer
Report User No No No No No
End Users Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Read-Only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Activity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change Initiators Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Incident Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Problem Analyst Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Advanced Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Authors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Workflows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Administrators Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Role Profile Create Personal Create Global Edit Notification Create and Edit
Notification Notification Channels Notification
Subscriptions Subscriptions Templates
User Role Profile Create and Create and Create and Create Create Create,
Edit Views Edit Tasks Edit and Edit and Edit Edit, and
Templates Groups Queues Delete
List Items
Report User No No No No No No
End Users No No No No No No
Read-Only No No No No No No
Activity No No No No No No
Change No No No No No No
Incident No No No No No No
Problem Analyst No No No No No No
Change No No No No No No
Advanced No No No No No No
Authors Yes (Class Yes (Class Yes No No Yes
Scoped) Scoped)
Workflows No No No No No No
Administrators Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Role Profile Create, Edit, Import, Export, Create, Edit, and Configure
and Delete and Delete Delete Workflows
User Roles Management Connectors
Report User No No No No
End Users No No No No
Read-Only No No No No
Activity No No No No
Change Initiators No No No No
Incident Resolvers No No No No
Problem Analyst No No No No
Change Managers No No No No
Advanced No No No No
Authors No No No No
Workflows No No No No
Administrators Yes Yes Yes Yes