Ansay vs. BOD of National Development Co.

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G.R. No.

L-13667 April 29, 1960 Since appellants admit that appellees are not under legal obligation to give such
claimed bonus; that the grant arises only from a moral obligation or the natural
PRIMITIVO ANSAY, ETC., ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, obligation that they discussed in their brief, this Court feels it urgent to reproduce at
vs. this point, the definition and meaning of natural obligation.
defendants-appellees. Article 1423 of the New Civil Code classifies obligations into civil or natural. "Civil
obligations are a right of action to compel their performance. Natural obligations, not
PARAS, C. J.: being based on positive law but on equity and natural law, do not grant a right of
action to enforce their performance, but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor,
On July 25, 1956, appellants filed against appellees in the Court of First Instance of they authorize the retention of what has been delivered or rendered by reason
Manila a complaint praying for a 20% Christmas bonus for the years 1954 and 1955. thereof".
The court a quo on appellees' motion to dismiss, issued the following order:
It is thus readily seen that an element of natural obligation before it can be cognizable
Considering the motion to dismiss filed on 15 August, 1956, set for this by the court is voluntary fulfillment by the obligor. Certainly retention can be ordered
morning; considering that at the hearing thereof, only respondents appeared but only after there has been voluntary performance. But here there has been no
thru counsel and there was no appearance for the plaintiffs although the voluntary performance. In fact, the court cannot order the performance.
court waited for sometime for them; considering, however, that petitioners
have submitted an opposition which the court will consider together with the At this point, we would like to reiterate what we said in the case of Philippine
arguments presented by respondents and the Exhibits marked and Education Co. vs. CIR and the Union of Philippine Education Co., Employees (NUL) (92
presented, namely, Exhibits 1 to 5, at the hearing of the motion to dismiss; Phil., 381; 48 Off. Gaz., 5278) —
considering that the action in brief is one to compel respondents to declare
a Christmas bonus for petitioners workers in the National Development xxx xxx xxx
Company; considering that the Court does not see how petitioners may have
a cause of action to secure such bonus because: From the legal point of view a bonus is not a demandable and enforceable
obligation. It is so when it is made a part of the wage or salary compensation.
(a) A bonus is an act of liberality and the court takes it that it is not within its
judicial powers to command respondents to be liberal; And while it is true that the subsequent case of H. E. Heacock vs. National Labor Union,
et al., 95 Phil., 553; 50 Off. Gaz., 4253, we stated that:
(b) Petitioners admit that respondents are not under legal duty to give such
bonus but that they had only ask that such bonus be given to them because Even if a bonus is not demandable for not forming part of the wage, salary or
it is a moral obligation of respondents to give that but as this Court compensation of an employee, the same may nevertheless, be granted on
understands, it has no power to compel a party to comply with a moral equitable consideration as when it was given in the past, though withheld in
obligation (Art. 142, New Civil Code.). succeeding two years from low salaried employees due to salary increases.

IN VIEW WHEREOF, dismissed. No pronouncement as to costs. still the facts in said Heacock case are not the same as in the instant one, and hence
the ruling applied in said case cannot be considered in the present action.
A motion for reconsideration of the afore-quoted order was denied. Hence this
appeal. Premises considered, the order appealed from is hereby affirmed, without
pronouncement as to costs.
Appellants contend that there exists a cause of action in their complaint because their
claim rests on moral grounds or what in brief is defined by law as a natural obligation. Bengzon, Padilla, Montemayor, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Concepcion, Endencia
Barrera and Gutierrez David, JJ., concur.

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