Moreover, under Section 79 of PD No. 1445, otherwise WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Public
known as the Government Auditing Code, the government is Estates Authority and Amari Coastal Bay Development
required to sell valuable government property through public Corporation are PERMANENTLY ENJOINED from
bidding. Section 79 of PD No. 1445 mandates that:... "In the implementing the Amended Joint Venture Agreement which
event that the public auction fails, the property may be sold at a is hereby declared NULL and VOID ab initio.
private sale at such price as may be fixed by the same committee
or body concerned and approved by the Commission."
Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (178 SCRA 708)
However, the original JVA dated April 25, 1995 covered not IBARRA BISNAR and AMELIA BISNAR, respondents. G.R.
only the Freedom Islands and the additional 250 hectares still to No. 83609; October 26, 1989
be reclaimed, it also granted an option to AMARI to reclaim
another 350 hectares. The original JVA, a negotiated contract, Facts:
enlarged the reclamation area to 750 hectares. The failure of On July 20,1976, Ibarra and Amelia Bisnar filed their joint
public bidding on December 10, 1991, involving only 407.84 application for the registration of two parcels of land,
located in the province of Capiz, in the CFI of Capiz.
hectares, is not a valid justification for a negotiated sale of 750
They claimed that they inherited those parcels of land. The
hectares, almost double the area publicly auctioned. Director of Lands and Director of the Bureau of Forest
Development opposed the application on the ground that said
Jurisprudence holding that upon the grant of the patent or parcels of land were part of a timberland, a public dominion, so it
issuance of the certificate of title the alienable land of the public cannot be the subject of the registration proceedings. After the
domain automatically becomes private land cannot apply to hearing, the CFI ordered the registration of the title of the lots in
government units and entities like PEA. the names of the applicants, herein private respondents
after finding that the applicants and their predecessors- in-interest
have been in open, public, continuous, peaceful and adverse
The grant of legislative authority to sell public lands in possession of the subject parcels of land under bona
accordance with Section 60 of CA No. 141 does not fide claims of ownership for more than 80
automatically convert alienable lands of the public domain into years. The CA affirmed the CFI’s decision,
private or patrimonial lands. The alienable lands of the public holding that the classification of the lotsas timberland by the
domain must be transferred to qualified private parties, or to Director of Forestry cannot prevail in the absence of proof that
government entities not tasked to dispose of public lands, before the said lots are indeed more valuable as forest land than as
agricultural land, citing as authority the case of Ankron vs.
these lands can become private or patrimonial lands. Otherwise,
Government of the Philippine Islands (40 Phil. 10).
the constitutional ban will become illusory if Congress can
declare lands of the public domain as private or patrimonial lands Issue/s:
in the hands of a government agency tasked to dispose of public Whether or not the possession of forestlands or timberlands for
lands. 80 years can ripen to private ownership.
Whether or not the land in question can be acquired by Montano The section quoted is section 54, paragraph 6, Act No. 926, in
which the phrase used is "agricultural public lands."
Throughout the opinion the phrase "public lands" is repeatedly
Accordingly, "government land" and "public domain" are not and exclusively used. The entire discussion was directed to the
synonymous items. The first includes not only the second, but question as to whether the property there in question being
also other lands of the Government already reserved or devoted "public land," it could be considered as agricultural public land
to public use or subject to private right. In other words, the and the conclusion reached is stated at page 182, as follows:
Government owns real estate which is part of the "public lands"
and other real estate which is not part thereof. Government In other words, that the phrase "agricultural land," as used in Act
property was of two kinds — first, that of public use or service, No. 926, means those public lands acquired from Spain which
said to be of public ownership, and second, that of having a are not timber or mineral lands.
private character or use. (Civil Code, arts. 339 and 340.) Lands
In that case the land in question was a long distance from the sea.
of the first class, while they retain their public character are
In fact, the entire town of Molo was between it and the water. It
inalienable. Those of the second are not. Therefore, there is much
could in no sense be called tidal land. Therefore, the opinion was
real property belonging to the Government which is not affected
devoted to a consideration of not what were "public lands" but
by statutes for the settlement, prescription or sale of public lands.
whether this particular tract was or was not agricultural public
Examples in point are properties occupied by public buildings or
land. The question what the phrase "public lands" meant neither
devoted to municipal or other governmental uses.
considered nor decided in that opinion, for its resolution was not
It is settled that the general legislation of Congress in respect to necessary. In the concurring opinion, however, that question was
public lands does not extend to tide lands. It provided that the discussed and it was stated that the phrase "public lands" used in
scrip might be located on the unoccupied and unappropriated Act No. 926 must be interpreted according to the American
public lands. As said inNewhall vs. Sanger(92 U.S. 761, 763.) A understanding of the words employed and the meaning of the
marshland which is inundated by the rise of tides belong to the terms as definitely fixed by the decrees of the United States
State and is not susceptible to appropriation by occupation, has Supreme Court.
no application in the present case inasmuch as in said case the
land subject matter of the litigation was not yet titled. IGNACIO V. DIRECTOR OF LANDS AND VALERIANO
FACTS failed to establish that they and their predecessors-in-interest had
been in open, continuous, and adverse possession of the Subject
Faustino Ignacio filed an application to register a parcel of land Lots in the concept of owners since 12 June 1945 or earlier.
(mangrove) which he alleged he acquired by right of accretion
since it adjoins a parcel of land owned by the Ignacio. His Issue:
application is opposed by the Director of Lands, Laureano 1.) Does the MTC have the jurisdiction?
Valeriano, contending that said land forms part of the public 2.) Did the respondents had open, continuous, and
domain. The Trial Court dismissed the application holding that adverse possession of the Subject Lots in the
said land formed part of the public domain. Thus the case at bar. concept of owners since 12 June 1945 or earlier.
1.) On Jurisdiction – the procedural defect or the
ISSUE: misjoinder, wherein two or more distinct or
contradicting rights or demands are joined, does not
Whether or not the land forms part of the public domain remove the court’s jurisdiction. HOWEVER, in the case
at hand there was indeed a lack of jurisdiction not
HELD: YES because of the misjoinder but because of: a.) THE
that the publication be made in the official gazette and
1. The law on accretion cited by Ignacio in inapplicable in the in a newspaper of general circulation before the initial
present case because it refers to accretion or deposits on the hearing. As we can notice the publication on the
banks of rivers while this refers to action in the Manila Bay, Freeman and the Banat News was only done 3 months
which is held to be part of the sea after the hearing which renders inutile the intention of
the mandatory publication.
2.) Respondents failed to comply with the required
2. Although it is provided for by the Law of Waters that lands
period of possession of the Subject Lots for the
added to shores by accretions caused by actions of the sea form
judicial confirmation or legalization of imperfect or
part of the pubic domain when they are no longer necessary for
incomplete title.
purposes of public utility, only the executive and the legislative
The said lots are public lands classified as alienable and
departments have the authority and the power to make the
disposable only on June 25, 1963
declaration that any said land is no longer necessary for public
and the respondents were seeking for a confirmation of
use. Until such declaration is made by said departments, the lot
imperfect or incomplete title through judicial
in question forms part of the public domain, not available for
legalization. Under Sec.48 of the Public Land Act,
private appropriation or ownership.
which is the ruling law in this case, Respondents were
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, vs. not able to prove their continuous ownership of the land
JEREMIAS AND DAVID HERBIETO,Respondents. [G.R. since June 12, 1945 or earlier, because said lands were
No. 156117. May 26, 2005] only classified as alienable and disposable only on June
25, 1963.
This is a petition for review assailing the decision of the
CA, affirming the decision of the MTC granting the application Application for land registration was dismissed.
for land registration of the respondents.
Respondents filed a single application for two parcel of BALBOA V. FERRALES
lands located at Cabangahan, Consolacion, Cebu. They claim to
be the owner of said lots by virtue of its purchase from Facts
respondents’ parents. They also submitted pertinent documents to
prove their claim and with emphasis on the Certifications by the (1)in the year 1913, the plaintiff Buenaventura Balboa filled with
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office the Bureau of Lands an application for homestead, No. 10619,
(CENRO) of the DENR on its finding that the Subject Lots are under the provisions of Act No. 926, covering a tract of land
alienable and disposable, by virtue of Forestry Administrative situated in the barrio of Culis, municipality of Hermosa, Province
Order No. 4-1063, dated 25 June 1963. of Bataan, containing 14 hectares, 49 ares and 77 centares.(2)
An initial hearing was set on Sept. 3, 1999 and Five years thereafter, or in 1918, Balboa submitted proof,
notifications were posted in conspicuous places on the subject showing his residence upon, and cultivation of said land, as well
lots and on the municipal hall. The notice was also published in as his compliance with all of the other requirements of section 3
the official gazette on Aug. 2 1999 and on the Freeman and of said Act No. 926, which final proof was approved by the
Banat news on Dec. 19, 1999. Director of Lands on February 15, 1918. On July 1, 1919, said
MTC rendered a decision granting title to the Act No. 926 was repealed by Act No. 2874.(3) On September 10,
respondents. Petitioner assailed said decision on the grounds of: 1920, or over a year after Act No. 2874 had gone into effect, the
1.) Jurisdiction, since there was a procedural defect in the filing homestead patent for said land, otherwise known as certificate of
of a single application for two parcels of land; 2.) Respondents title No. 91 was issued nfavor of Buenventura Balboa by the
Governor-General of the Philippine Islands.(4) On August 11, The issue in the case at bar pertains to ownership of 15 parcels of
1924, said Buenaventura Balboa, for and in consideration of the land in Tiwi, Albay which form part of the "Tiwi Hot Spring
sum of P950, sold said land to the defendantCecilio L. Farrales; National Park." On June 13, 1913, Executive Order No. 40 was
and on October 16, 1924, the latter secured in his name transfer
issued which reserved for provincial park purposes.
certificate of title No. 650 of said land.On March 6, 1926, the
plaintiff commenced the present action for the purpose of having Subsequently, the then Court of First Instance of Albay, 15th
said sale declared null and void on the ground of lack of consent Judicial District, USA, ordered the registration of 15 parcels of
on his part and fraud on the part of the defendant, and on the land covered by Executive Order No. 40 in the name of Diego
further ground that said sale was contrary to, and in violation of Palomo. Diego Palomo donated these parcels of to his heirs,
the provisions of section 116 of Act No. 2874.The lower court herein petitioners, Ignacio and Carmen Palomo
Judge rendered a decision on the basis that the said sale was null
and void since, The sale was done before the lapse of five years On July 10, 1954 President Ramon Magsaysay issued
upon the issuance of the certificate, which in accordance with act Proclamation No. 47 converting the area embraced by Executive
no. 2874.
Order No. 40 into the "Tiwi Hot Spring National Park," under the
control, management, protection and administration of the
ISSUE Whether or not Act 2874 and not act 926 shall be
defunct Commission of Parks and Wildlife, now a division of the
applicable to Balboa.
Bureau of Forest Development. The area was never released as
Ruling: No, Since the acquisition of the land and final alienable and disposable portion of the public domain and,
completion of the requirements was done by Balboa prior to the therefore, is neither susceptible to disposition under the
repeal of Act 926 by act no. 2874, also upon the submission of provisions of the Public Land Law (CA 141) nor registrable
the final requirement by Balboa, he acquire vested right over the under the Land Registration Act (Act No. 496).
patent granted unto him. The fact the homestead patent or
The Palomos, however, continued in possession of the property,
certificate of title No. 91 was issued on September 10, 1920, after
paid real estate taxes thereon and introduced improvements by
the repeal of Act No. 926, and under the provisions of section
planting rice, bananas, pandan and coconuts. On April 8, 1971,
116 of the repealing Act No. 2874, cannot prejudice the vested
petitioner Carmen vda.de Buenaventura and spouses Ignacio
right acquired by Balboa under the provisions of the former Act.
Palomo and Trinidad Pascual mortgaged the parcels of land
The issuance of the certificate of title was a mere ministerial act.
The only prohibition contained in Act No. 926 against alienation The Republic of the Philippines filed for annulment and
of homestead acquired under said law, appears in section 4 cancellation of Certificates of Title involving the 15 parcels of
thereof, which reads as follows: "No lands acquired under the land registered in the name of the petitioners.
provisions of this chapter shall in any event become liable to the
satisfaction of any debt contracted prior to the issuance of a ISSUE:
patent therefor." It follows, therefore that the sale of the land in
question by the plaintiff Balboa to the defendantFarrales does not RULING:
infringe said prohibition and consequently said sale is valid and
The Philippines passed to the Spanish Crown by discovery and
binding, and should be given full force and effect of law. Section
conquest in the 16th century. Before the Treaty of Paris in April
116 of Act No. 2874, which prohibits the sale of homestead land
11, 1899, our lands, whether agricultural, mineral or forest were
during the period of five years subsequent to the issuance of the
under the exclusive patrimony and dominion of the Spanish
patent or certificate of title upon which rests the decision of the
Crown. Hence, private ownership of land could only be acquired
court a quo, cannot be invoked to annul the sale in question. Said
through royal concessions which were documented in various
prohibition, if applied in the present case, would impair and
forms, such as (1) Titulo Real or Royal Grant," (2) Concession
diminish the vested rights, hence the court reversed the decision
Especial or Special Grant, (3) Titulo de Compra or Title by
of the lower court.
Purchase and (4) InformacionPosesoria or Possessory
SPOUSES IGNACIO PALOMO and TRINIDAD PASCUAL, Information title obtained under the Spanish Mortgage Law or
and CARMEN PALOMO VDA. DE BUENAVENTURA, under the Royal Decree of January 26, 1889.
THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, FAUSTINO J. Unfortunately, no proof was presented that the petitioners'
PERFECTO, RAFFY SANTILLAN, BOY ARIADO, predecessors in interest derived title from an old Spanish grant.
LORENZO BROCALES, SALVADOR DOE, and other Petitioners placed much reliance upon decisions of the Court of
DOES, respondents.; 266 SCRA 392; [G.R. No. 95608. First Instance which were not signed by the judge but were
January 21, 1997]; ROMERO, J.
merely certified copies of notification to Diego Palomo bearing
the signature of the clerk of court.
Assuming that the decrees of the Court of First Instance were Whether or not forest land may be owned by private
really issued, the lands are still not capable of appropriation. The persons.
adverse possession which may be the basis of a grant of title in
confirmation of imperfect title cases applies only to alienable
The adverse possession which may be the basis of a
lands of the public domain. grant of title in confirmation of imperfect title cases applies only
to alienable lands of the public domain. It is in the law governing
There is no question that the lands in the case at bar were not natural resources that forest land cannot be owned by private
alienable lands of the public domain. As testified by the District persons. It is not registerable and possession thereof, no matter
Forester, records in the Bureau of Forestry show that the subject how lengthy, cannot convert it into private property, unless such
lands were never declared as alienable and disposable and lands are reclassified and considered disposable and alienable.
subject to private alienation prior to 1913 up to the present.[16] There is no question that the lots here forming part of the forest
Moreover, as part of the reservation for provincial park purposes, zone were not alienable lands of the public domain. As to the
forfeiture of improvements introduced by petitioners, the fact
they form part of the forest zone.
that the government failed to oppose the registration of the lots in
question is no justification for petitioners to plead good faith in
It is elementary in the law governing natural resources that forest
introducing improvements on the lots.
land cannot be owned by private persons. It is not registrable and
possession thereof, no matter how lengthy, cannot convert it into
private property, unless such lands are reclassified and REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINESvs. THE HON. COURT
considered disposable and alienable. OF APPEALS, and EMILIO BERNABE, SR., EMILIO
Neither do the tax receipts which were presented in evidence and ELISA BERNABE; G.R. No. L-40402. March 16, 1987;
prove ownership of the parcels of land inasmuch as the weight of PARAS, J.:
authority is that tax declarations are not conclusive proof of
ownership in land registration cases. FACTS:
PALOMO v. CA Lot No. 622 of the MarivelesCadastre was declared public land
G.R. No. 95608 January 21, 1997 in a decision rendered before the last war. On July 6, 1965, Lot
622 was segregated from the forest zone and released and
certified by the Bureau of Forestry as an agricultural land for
Diego Palomo is the owner of 15 parcels of land
covered by Executive Order No. 40. On 1916, he ordered the disposition under the Public Land Act.On April 26, 1967,
registration of these lands and donated the same to his heirs, Respondents filed in the Court of First Instance of Bataan a
Ignacio and Carmen Palomo two months before his death in petition to perfect their rights and register their titles to said lots,
April 1937. having allegedly acquired ownership and possession of said
Claiming that the aforesaid original certificates of title parcels of land by purchase from the original owners thereof,
were lost during the Japanese occupation, Ignacio Palomo filed a whose possession of the same including that of the herein
petition for reconstitution with the Court of First Instance of
Respondents, has always been continuous, open, active,
Albay on May 1970. The Register of Deeds of Albay issued
Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 3911, 3912, 3913 and 3914 exclusive, public, adverse, and in the concept of owners thereof
sometime in October 1953. Sometime in July 1954 President for more than 30 years. The Acting Provincial Fiscal of Bataan,
Ramon Magsaysay issued Proclamation No. 47 converting the for and in behalf of the Director of Lands, filed his opposition to
area embraced by Executive Order No. 40 into the "Tiwi Hot the petition alleging that the land is still, in truth and in fact,
Spring National Park," under the control, management, public land and as such cannot be the subject of a land
protection and administration of the defunct Commission of registration proceeding under Act 496.
Parks and Wildlife, now a division of the Bureau of Forest
Development. The area was never released as alienable and
ISSUE: Whether the lots claimed by respondents could legally
disposable portion of the public domain and, therefore, is neither
susceptible to disposition under the provisions of the Public Land be the subject of a judicial confirmation of title under the
Law nor registerable under the Land Registration Act. The aforequoted provisions of the Public Land Act, as amended.
Palomos, however, continued in possession of the property, paid
real estate taxes thereon and introduced improvements by RULING: No.
planting rice, bananas, pandan and coconuts. On April 8, 1971,
petitioner Carmen de Buenaventura and spouses Ignacio Palomo Section 48(b) of C.A. No. 141, as amended, applies exclusively
and Trinidad Pascual mortgaged the parcels of land to guarantee to public agricultural land. Forest lands or areas covered with
a loan of P200,000 from the Bank of the Philippine Islands. forests are excluded. They are incapable of registration and their
inclusion in a title, whether such title be one issued during the
ISSUE: Spanish sovereignty or under the present Torrens system of
registration, nullifies the title. Thus, possession of forest lands,
however long, cannot ripen into private. A parcel of forest land is
within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bureau of Forestry and
beyond the power and jurisdiction of the cadastral court to
register under the Torrens System.