4.1 Device Structure and Physical Operation: Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 Covers Field Effect Transistors

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3/24/2008 section 4_1 Device Structure and Physical Operation 1/2

4.1 Device Structure

and Physical Operation
Reading Assignment: pp. 235-248

Chapter 4 covers Field Effect Transistors ( )

Specifically, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect

Transistors ( ).

We will study 2 types of MOSFETs:



Each of these types can likewise be an n-channel

MOSFET ( ), or a p-channel MOSFET ( ).

A. NMOS Enhancement Structure


A: HO: The Structure of an NMOS Enhancement


Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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B. The Induced Channel

HO: Creating a Channel for Current Flow

C. The Modes of a MOSFET Transistor

Like a junction diode, we find that the behavior of a

MOSFET is best described in terms of three operating


HO: Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device

D. The p-Channel Enhancement MOSFET

Another type of MOSFET is the p-channel (PMOS)



Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 The Structure of an NMOS Enhancement FET 1/2

The Structure of an
NMOS Enhancement FET

An NMOS Enhancement FET is a FOUR terminal device!

Moreover, each terminal has a specific name:

1. Source (S)
2. Drain (D)
3. Gate (G)
4. Body (B)

Each terminal is associated with a metal electrode that is

attached to the semiconductor device.

* The Body electrode is connected directly to the p-type


Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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* Two heavily doped n-type “wells” are implanted into the p-

type substrate. The Source and Drain electrodes are each
connected to one of these n+ wells.

* The region between these n+ wells is called the channel.

The channel has two important geometries—channel width W,
and channel length L.

* Typical values for channel length L are 0.1 to 3 μm (1 μm is

0.001 millimeter!), while channel width W is typically 0.2 to
100 μm.

* The Gate electrode rests on top of the channel, but is not

connected directly to it. Instead, the channel and gate
electrode are separated by a thin (e.g., 2-5 nm) layer of
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2).

* Silicon Dioxide is essentially glass! Glass is a very good

insulator—thus, no current can flow from the gate into the
MOSFET device!

* Thus, the Silicon Dioxide layer is sandwiched between the

metal Gate electrode and the p-type channel. It is these
three materials that give the MOSFET its name—Metal (Gate
electrode) Oxide (SiO2) Semiconductor (p-type channel) FET.

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Creating a Channel for Current Flow 1/5

Creating a Channel for

Current Flow
When we first look at an NMOS device, it appears that no
current can flow from the Drain electrode to the Source
electrode (or vice versa) as we must contend with two p-n

* Current seemingly cannot flow into channel from the Drain,

as this would require current flowing from an n-type (cathode)
region into a p-type (anode) region.

* Likewise, current cannot flow into channel from the Source,

as this would require current flowing from an n-type (cathode)
region into a p-type (anode) region.

* Recall that we have previously determined that current

cannot flow into (or out of) the channel from (into) the gate,
as the SiO2 layer is a very good insulator!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Creating a Channel for Current Flow 2/5

Q: Pardon me, but this NMOS

device does not appear to be
particularly useful. I mean,
what good is a device if no
current can flow into it?

A: An NMOS device would indeed be useless if no current

could flow from drain to source. However, we can modify the
channel so that this current can indeed flow!

We must induce a channel—that is, create a thin layer of n-

type Si connecting the source and drain!

To do this, we place a positive voltage at the gate electrode.

This creates an electric field within the p-type substrate,
which pushes the positively charged holes in the p-type
substrate away from the gate electrode—a depletion region is
formed in the Silicon under the gate!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Creating a Channel for Current Flow 3/5

The electric field under the gate electrode will repel

positively charged holes, but will attract negatively charged
free electrons!

Q: I see! The minority carriers

in the p-type substrate (i.e.,
free electrons) are attracted
to the gate electrode!

A: True! But we also find that many of the free electrons

attracted to the gate come from the heavily doped n+ wells
under the source and drain electrodes.

* Of course, there is a Silicon Dioxide insulator separating

the gate electrode and the Silicon substrate, so the free-
electrons attracted by the gate electrode simply “pile up” at
the top of the Silicon substrate, just under the SiO2 layer.

* The result is an “inversion layer”—A thin layer in the p-

type silicon where the majority carriers are actually free

* This inversion layer forms a n-type conducting channel

connecting the n+ Silicon well under the drain to the n+
Silicon well under the source. By applying a positive voltage to
the gate, we have induced a conducting channel!

In other words, current flowing from drain to source no

longer encounters any p-n junctions!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Creating a Channel for Current Flow 4/5

Q: So, will any positive gate

voltage suffice for inducing a
channel, or must this gate voltage
be somehow sufficiently large?

A: The later. The gate voltage must be sufficiently large to

create an inversion layer—it must be sufficiently large to
induce a conducting channel.

In fact, the voltage value must exceed some threshold.

First some definitions:

vG = The gate electrode potential with respect to ground.

vS = The source electrode potential with respect to


vGS = vG -vS = The gate electrode potential with respect to

the source.

We find that for a channel to be induced with in an NMOS

device, the voltage vGS must exceed a threshold voltage:

vGS >Vt to induce an NMOS channel

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Moreover, we find that the amount by which vGS exceeds the

threshold voltage is a very important parameter for
determining NMOS behavior. We call this value the excess
gate voltage—this value is very important!

vGS −Vt  excess gate voltage

Thus, we can say:

vGS −Vt > 0 to induce an NMOS channel

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device 1/10

Applying a Drain Voltage

to an NMOS Device
Say we apply a voltage at the gate of an NMOS device that is
sufficiently large to induce a conducting channel (i.e.,
vGS −Vt > 0 ).

Now, say that we additionally place a voltage at the NMOS

drain electrode, such that:
vDS > 0
vDS = vD − vS  Drain-to-Source Voltage

Now guess what happens—current begins to flow through the

induced channel!

Q: Current! I thought current

could not flow because of the
two p-n junctions in the
NMOS device!

A: Remember, that was before we applied a sufficient gate

voltage. With this voltage applied, an n-type channel is
induced, forming a conducting channel from drain to source!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device 2/10

Recall that because of the SiO2 layer, the gate current is

zero (i.e., iG = 0 ).

Thus, all current entering the drain will exit the source. We
therefore conclude that:
iS = iD

As a result, we refer to the channel current for NMOS

devices as simply the drain current iD.

Q: So, I see that you have now

defined current iD and voltages
vGS and vDS. Just how are these
parameters related?

A: First, we find that an increasing vGS or, more specifically,

an increasing excess gate voltage vGS-Vt will result in a higher
channel conductivity (in other words, a lower channel

Thus, we find that the drain current iD will increase as a

positive excess gate voltage vGS-Vt increases (assuming that
vDS >0).

This process, of increasing the induced channel conductivity

by increasing the excess gate voltage, is otherwise known as
channel enhancement. This is where the enhancement
MOSFET gets its name!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device 3/10

Q: OK, but what about

the relationship between
drain current iD and
voltage vDS?

A: This relationship is a little iD

complicated! Generally speaking,
however, a positive vDS results in a
positive iD, and the larger the vDS,
the larger the drain current iD. vDS

More specifically, we find that when vDS is small (we’ll see how
small later), the drain current will be directly proportional to
the voltage drain to source vDS.

iD ∝ vDS if vDS small

In other words, if vDS is zero, the drain current iD is zero. Or,

if the voltage vDS increases by 10%, the drain current will
likewise increase by 10%. Note this is just like a resistor!

i =v ⎜ ⎟ ∴ i ∝v
⎝R ⎠

Thus, if (and only if!) vDS is small, the induced channel behaves
like a resistor—the current through the channel (iD) is
directly proportional to the voltage across it (vDS).

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device 4/10

In other words, we can (for small values of vDS), define a

channel resistance rDS:

Since iD ∝ vDS ,  rDS (if vDS small)

Note that this resistance value depends on the conductivity

of the induced channel—which in turn is dependent on the
excess gate voltage!

Thus, if we were to plot drain current iD versus vDS for various

excess gate voltages, we would see something like this:

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device 5/10

Q: Yawn! It is apparent that an

NMOS transistor is so simple
that virtually any intergalactic
traveler should be able to
understand it. It’s just a voltage
controlled resistor—right?

A: WRONG! Remember, channel resistance rDS only has

meaning if vDS is small—and most often vDS will not be small!

As vDS increases from our presumably small value, we find that

strange things start to happen in our channel!

Recall that primarily, the free-electrons in our inversion layer

(the induced channel) were attracted to the gate from the
heavily doped n+ Silicon regions under the drain and source.

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 Applying a Drain Voltage to an NMOS Device 6/10

But the gate now has competition in attracting these free


It was “easy” to attract free electrons to the gate when the

gate electrode voltage was much larger than both the drain
and source voltage (i.e., when vGS  vDS ). But as the drain
voltage increases, it begins to attract free electrons of its

Recall that positive current entering the drain will actually

consist mainly of free electrons exiting the drain! As a
result, the concentration of free-electrons in our inversion
layer will begin to decrease in the vicinity of the drain.

In other words, increasing vDS will result in decreasing

channel conductivity!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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Thus, increasing the vDS will have two effects on the NMOS

1. Increasing vDS will increase the potential difference

(voltage) across the conducting channel, an effect that
works to increase the drain current iD

2. Increasing vDS will decrease the conductivity of the

induced channel, and effect that works to decrease
the drain current iD.

For small values of vDS, the

second effect is tiny, so that the iD
increase in drain current is iD directly
directly proportional to the to small vDS
increase in voltage vDS (hence, we
can define channel resistance
rDS). For example, a 10%
increase in vDS will result in a vDS
10% increase in drain current.

However, as vDS increases, the second effect will become

more and more pronounced. We find then that the drain
current will no longer be directly proportional to the voltage
vDS. The reduction in channel conductivity will begin to
“counteract” the increase in potential across the channel.

For example, a 10% increase in vDS may result in only a 9%

increase in iD. Likewise, if we increase vDS another 10%, the
drain current may then increase only 8% (and so on).

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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Eventually, we find that the an
increasing vDS
increase in vDS will result in no reduces channel
further increase drain current conductivity

iD !! Effect 2 will completely

“counteract” effect 1, so that iD directly
there is no more increase in
to small vDS
drain current as vDS increases. vDS

When this occurs, we say that we have “pinched-off” the

induced channel—in other words the channel is in pinch off.

Q: So, if we continue to increase

vDS after the channel is “pinched
off”, does the drain current
actually begin to decrease?

A: NO! A interesting thing happens when the channel is in

pinch off. As we further increase vDS, the drain current iD will
remain unchanged (approximately)! That is, the drain current
will be a constant (approximately) with respect to vDS.
iD pinch-off point iD is constant
with vDS

iD directly
to small vDS increasing vDS
reduces channel

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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Note that there are three distinct channel conditions in for

NMOS operation.

* Depending on the value of vGS, we can have an induced

channel, or no conducting channel at all!

* Then if we have an induced channel (i.e.,vGS −Vt > 0 ),

(depending on the value of vDS) the channel can be either
be pinched-off or not!

Each of these three possibilities has a name—they are the

names of our NMOS transistor modes!

1. Cutoff - When vGS −Vt < 0 , no channel is induced (no

inversion layer is created), and so iD=0. We call this mode

2. Triode - When an induced channel is present (i.e.,

vGS −Vt > 0 ), but the value of vDS is not large enough to
pinch-off this channel, the NMOS is said to be in
TRIODE mode.

3. Saturation - When an induced channel is present (i.e.,

vGS −Vt > 0 ), and the value of vDS is large enough to pinch-
off this channel, the NMOS is said to be in

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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We can summarize these modes in a table:






iD pinch-off point



Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 PMOS and CMOS 1/3


In addition to an n-channel MOSFET device (i.e., NMOS), we
can build p-channel MOSFET (i.e., PMOS) device.

The structure of a PMOS device is essentially the same as an

NMOS transistor, except that wherever there was n-type
Silicon there is now p-type Silicon—and wherever there was
p-type Silicon there is now n-type Silicon!

Specifically, the PMOS channel is part of a n-type substrate

lying between two heavily doped p+ wells beneath the source
and drain electrodes.

Generally speaking, a PMOS transistor is only constructed in

consort with an NMOS transistor. This “pair” of NMOS and
PMOS transistors is known as Complementary MOSFETs—
CMOS for short!

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

3/24/2008 PMOS and CMOS 2/3

The operation of a PMOS transistor is in many ways similar to

that of the NMOS device, but in many ways they are also
quite different!

For example, for a PMOS device we find:

* To create an inversion layer in the n-type substrate,

we must attract holes to the gate electrode.

* As a result, a p-type channel will be induced,

connecting the p+ wells at the drain and the source.

* However, to attract holes toward the gate, the voltage

vGS must be sufficiently negative! The threshold voltage
Vt is thus a negative value, so that a channel is induced
only if vGS < Vt (i.e., vGS is more negative than VtI).

* As a result, a channel is induced in a PMOS device only

if the excess gate voltage vGS −Vt is negative (i.e.,
vGS −Vt < 0 ).

* Likewise, we find that we typically get current to flow

through this channel by making the voltage vDS negative.
If we make the voltage vDS sufficiently negative, the p-
type induced channel will pinch off.

* Note that when vDS is negative, the drain current will

flow from the PMOS source, to the PMOS drain (i.e.,
exactly opposite that of the NMOS device with a
positive vDS).

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* Thus, for a PMOS device, we define current flowing

from source to drain as positive current((i.e., exactly
opposite that of the NMOS device).

pinch-off point

Region Triode

The PMOS iD vs. vDS Curve

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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