LNP: Sept. 3, 2017

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Penn State beatdown of Akron
shows Lions have come a
long way since 2014
TM n Sports, Page C1


Organ donors give the Founder of Hippocampus Widow draws on her
ultimate gift — and Magazine creates a husband’s gratitude
the state should do spot for writers to share for Masonic Home by
more to encourage it. nonfiction stories online. donating to renovation.
n Page E1 n Subscriber exclusive n Page B1


City still

Following the path of powerful drugs from Mexico to Pa.
Trump visits region again
a week after storm strikes

HOUSTON — A week after Texas was

slammed by Hurricane Harvey, the region
was still engulfed in crisis Saturday, with
weary residents of Houston searching for
ways to repair swamped homes and sal-
vage possessions even as others faced new
orders to evacuate.
In cities and small towns to the east,
thousands of others remained stranded
by rising waters and were still without dry
After seven days, frustration and ex-
haustion had set in for many.
Parts of Beaumont, a city of nearly
120,000, and a vast array of towns east of
Houston were cut off from one another
and coping with flooded roads, sub-
merged homes and limited power, with
no relief in sight. For a third day, residents
MICHAEL DEIBERT of Beaumont were going without drinking

[email protected] water after flooding knocked out pumps
for the city’s water system.
hey stare out silently from the photographs as they were in life, but they have “This has been a trying week,” Amelia
Nickerson said, as she and her husband
crossed over to a plain from which there is no return. Megan Anna Hummer, of hauled yet another bag of trash out of
Landisville, smiling and playing with her dog, died of a heroin overdose at age 31. HARVEY, page A8
She was living in a recovery home at the time.

“Iron Mike” Stauffer, tat- ern neighbor and despair on

tooed and homeless on the
streets of Lancaster city, be- From 2012 to
Pennsylvanian streets.
The surge in demand for Damage
stuns local
gan using heroin as a 16-year- 2016, 81 percent heroin has coincided with
old in Ephrata and died at 36 of the drugs shifts in the distribution net-
intercepted at
this summer. work that allow for cheaper,
Elizabeth Loranzo, a Lan- the U.S.-Mexico more powerful forms of the
caster School of Cosmetology border were drug to be delivered more
graduate, had gotten clean, quickly via brokers work- Mennonite Disaster Service
relapsed and died of an over-
stopped at legal ing for cartels to small-town
dose at 25, leaving behind a ports of entry, neighborhoods from coast to
aids with long-term recovery
9-month-old son and a fiance. not by border coast. ERIN McCARTHY
The rolling farmlands of patrol agents In the most noteworthy

Lancaster County might patrolling change in recent decades, The magnitude of the disaster hit Peter
Brown on Thursday.
seem a world away from the more remote Mexican drug cartels sneak- On the Allentown native’s first full day
rugged hills of northern Mex- locations. ing heroin through legal helping with Red Cross efforts in Hous-
ico, but the ravenous appe- points of entry have disrupt- ton, he watched an older man struggle to
tite for drugs here has made ed and overtaken the tradi- maneuver himself onto a cot inside a shel-
ter in Houston’s Third Ward.
southeastern Pennsylvania a tional supply chain, which “I kept thinking to myself, ‘This man
lucrative market for a product THIS WEEK once originated in the poppy probably doesn’t have a place to go back
that’s sale continues to fuel Coming Wednesday
fields of Afghanistan. to,’ ” Brown said Friday morning. “You
on LancasterOnline: a video feel good you’re doing some basic things
violence in America’s south- about Mexico’s drug pipeline. CARTELS, page A6
to help, but you start to worry about what
these people’s lives are going to be like in
three or four months.”
PICTURED ABOVE: A still of Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación from a 2013 promotional video. As the tradi- On Wednesday night, Brown, 55, direc-
tionally dominant drug-trafficking organizations from Mexico have begun to fracture, the highly linear system tor of the Lehigh Valley-Bucks Chapter
of drug distribution in Pennsylvania and elsewhere also has had to adapt. CJNG photo via El Blog del Narco. of the American Red Cross, arrived in the
city for his first disaster deployment.

75 56 H
INDEX LOTTERY................... A2 REAL ESTATE..........RE1 TODAY’S WEATHER 223rd Year, No. 78
CLASSIFIEDS........... CL1 MONEY........................ D1 SPORTS....................... C1 COPYRIGHT © LNP MEDIA GROUP, INC.
LIVING......................... B1 PERSPECTIVE............E1 TV WEEK..................TV1 FORECAST, PAGE C14 � ����� ����� � LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1794

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AUG. 27 AUG. 28 AUG. 29 AUG. 30 AUG. 31 SEPT. 1 SEPT. 2
DAY PICK 2 6-3 1-8 8-4 7-5 2-5 2-0 7-1
DAY PICK 3 6-0-1 2-6-5 0-3-8 5-2-7 2-7-1 0-1-9 3-4-7
DAY PICK 4 3-4-3-5 1-6-2-1 5-0-6-3 1-2-4-8 7-7-1-9 2-5-8-5 0-9-8-9
DAY PICK 5 4-8-8-0-9 8-4-2-7-8 4-1-1-7-6 9-8-8-0-1 6-6-2-7-7 1-5-4-5-4 0-9-8-2-8
DAY WILD BALL 4 1 2 6 7 5 9
TREASURE HUNT 01-11-16-20-30 05-21-23-24-30 01-11-25-26-28 02-04-12-14-27 02-12-15-23-25 10-15-16-18-28 02-04-05-09-14
NIGHT PICK 2 7-3 0-6 7-4 0-3 0-8 0-3 1-3
NIGHT PICK 3 9-6-6 0-6-6 0-6-0 6-2-6 9-8-5 8-6-0 8-6-8
NIGHT PICK 4 9-4-4-3 1-5-5-0 9-7-8-1 8-5-7-1 7-8-5-9 7-4-7-5 0-1-0-1
NIGHT PICK 5 3-0-3-4-0 9-2-3-4-9 5-5-8-9-7 5-6-4-9-8 4-2-2-1-7 5-6-2-8-5 6-8-7-3-2
NIGHT WILD BALL 1 7 8 4 6 1 2
CASH 5 06-19-29-37-38 04-09-30-38-41 12-38-40-41-42 12-16-23-28-29 19-26-27-30-35 09-10-13-21-42 06-08-12-31-40
MATCH 6 01-13-14-26-30-31 16-27-37-39-40-45 06-14-28-32-37-39 03-09-10-26-31-36 15-17-20-25-38-43 06-09-15-22-29-47
CASH4LIFE CASH4LIFE: 02-13-17-35-73 19-28-43-67-69 CASH4LIFE: 04-13-31-50-64 06-21-41-52-62
POWERBALL & 04-09-20-42-46 MEGABALL: 3 POWERBALL: 7 30-34-36-56-59 MEGABALL: 12 POWERBALL: 26

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The Week in Review



n The builders of the controversial
Atlantic Sunrise natural-gas
pipeline received the final three
environmental permits for the
project during the week, and
earthmoving for the pipeline across
37 miles of Lancaster County could
begin in mid- to late October, a
Williams Partners spokesman said.



n New stores opened Friday at
Tanger Outlets, along Lincoln
Highway East, as part of a K. SCOTT KREIDER | LNP CORRESPONDENT
123,000-square-foot expansion. Taiven Schopf practices his Nerf gun aim with his favorite superheroes during a scavenger hunt and benefit organized by the
The project, which cost at least $17 nonprofit Central PA Avengers on Saturday.
million and includes a new entrance
across from Dutch Wonderland,
provides space for 12 new stores and Costumed superheroes come together to make special day for child with brain cancer
10 that relocated from other sites in
the shopping complex. SUSAN BALDRIGE conquer the forces of evil.
[email protected]
TUKTUK RETURNS “We try to put a smile on the face of a child,” said John-
Superheroes are awesome. They show up rain or shine to son, who stars as Captain America in most of the events the
n The Pennsylvania Public Utility complete their mission, whether it be fighting the forces of group organizes, including Saturday’s.
Commission voted Thursday to
exempt Tuktuk Lancaster from its
evil or bringing joy into the life of a child. Central PA Avengers has staged events at York Rescue
jurisdiction. The company planned The Central PA Avengers, a nonprofit group of costumed Mission, YWCA of Greater Harrisburg, Mom’s House of
to immediately resume sightseeing volunteers, descended on a very wet downtown Lancaster Lancaster, Swatara Township Police Department and Sch-
tours of downtown Lancaster that on Saturday, to fight the evil forces of Dr. Doom, along with reiber Pediatric Rehab Center and has visited ailing chil-
were halted in July after the utility their superhero friend, Taiven Schopf. dren in homes and hospitals.
commission rejected an application Taiven, 8, is in treatment for a rare form of brain cancer Taiven might have been a tad overwhelmed as he met
to sell tickets for the tours. called ependymoma. the real-life Captain America, portrayed by Johnson; Iron
3 SHOT DEAD Jason Johnson, the president of the Central PA Aveng- Man, by Tom DeShong; War Machine, by Robert Cruz; and
n Police are investigating the ers, knew the child was a fan of the crime-fighting Marvel Black Widow, by Nicole Brennan, on the third floor of Al-
gun-related deaths of three Comics characters. tana Restaurant on West King Street.
men, including two found dead He organized a whole day for Taiven and his parents, But after a little conversation, he was happy to receive
Wednesday in West Hempfield Dean and Tammy Schopf, of Dover, that allowed the third- his initial instructions for the day, along with a handy laser
Township. Investigators said Scott grader to rescue superheroes, solve puzzles and ultimately AVENGERS, page A4
M. Halstead, 57, shot his son, Justin
S. Halstead, 20, several days before
their bodies were found in their
home at 670 Hempfield Hill Road.
In the second incident, police said
Darren Hatcher, 37, shot himself Debating necessity of fire station sirens; follow-up on milkweed
Wednesday after a confrontation
with his wife and her boyfriend in his This week, Lancaster reader said. still an integral part of the
wife’s Mountville home. Watchdog explores the It turns out that while alerting system.
SCHOOLS REOPEN purpose of loud, firehouse some departments have Hershey said the siren,
sirens and offers a follow- dropped these “house which only goes off during
n Nine districts with nearly 40,000 up to last week’s concern sirens,” they are still preva- the day, is needed because
students resumed classes Monday
in probably the county’s biggest about the mowing of a lent in Lancaster County. volunteers may not always
return of students this fall. School roadside habitat for mon- A recent Lancaster have a cellphone or a
started Monday wtihout a hitch in arch butterflies. County Emergency Man- pager with them, some-
the Cocalico, Donegal, Elizabethown agement Agency survey thing more prevalent with
Area, Eastern Lancaster County, Loud sirens of local fire departments Amish volunteers. Plus,
Epharata Area, Manheim Township, in East Lampeter LANCASTER found that three-quarters Hershey said the siren lets
Octorara Area, Lancaster
(kindergarten through ninth grade) still use a house siren. people in the neighbor-
and Solanco school districts. A reader contacted Lan- Of the 58 departments hood know emergency
Lancaster students in grades 10 caster Watchdog about the the neighborhood seem un- that responded to the vehicles will soon be re-
through 12 and Lancaster Catholic sirens the Lafayette Fire necessary. survey, 27 said they use a sponding.
students returned Tuesday, leaving Company uses to summon “I am profoundly grate- house siren that goes off “While we do our best
only Manheim Central, which will volunteers when there is ful for the dedication of 24 hours a day, 17 have one to be good neighbors and
reopen this Tuesday, and Warwick,
which starts Wednesday. a call. our firefighters and first that only goes off during good citizens, people also
The reader wondered responders, but if there the day, and 14 no longer need to realize that they
how many departments would be a way to elimi- use their house siren. have chosen to live near an
still use the sirens, say- nate these sirens without Lafayette Fire Depart- active fire station. Fire sta-
ing that with pagers and compromising response ment Chief Scott Hershey tions are not always quiet,”
HOW THEY VOTED group texts, sirens that time, that would be a win said that while the siren Hershey said.
Congress returns Sept. 5. can be heard throughout for the community,” the is no longer essential, it is WATCHDOG, page A4

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Avengers: Schopf saves the day during his special event

Continued from A3
“I like Captain America
the best,” Taiven said of
the Marvel Comics char-
acters. “He has a shield
and armor that protects
him, in case anyone tries
to hurt him.”
The analogy was not
lost on Taiven’s parents,
who were thrilled with
the outing for their son.
“It’s a dream come
true for this kiddo,”
Tammy said of her only
child, who was diag-
nosed two years ago.
Childhood ependymo-
ma is a disease in which
cancer cells form in the
tissues of the brain and
spinal cord.

son underwent brain At left, Taiven Schopf leads his superhero friends during a scavenger hunt and benefit Saturday for Schopf organized by the nonprofit Central PA
Avengers. At right, Schopf smiles after heroically rescuing Dr. Strange (Nicolas Duncan).
surgery in early 2015 and
is still “battling” the dis-
ease. his first clue at the Spice The growing group of Dr. Doom, played by played by Jay Phillip, ing their enemies.
Taiven got more in- and Tea Exchange on superheroes ushered Aaron Lunger, was wait- and Hawkeye, played by But the focus was all on
volved in the fun when West Orange Street. him into Central Mar- ing for the entourage, Matthew Bovino, before Taiven, who was beam-
he untied Dr. Strange Then it was off to Lan- ket stops; the Lancaster but they got a help- he returned to Escape ing at the experience.
and Elektra, respective- caster Cupcake next City Visitors Center, ing hand from Spider- on Queen to round down “He might not even yet
ly portrayed by Nico- door, where he met an- where they were joined Man, or Patrick Michael the day. realize how once-in-a-
las Duncan and Kris- other character, Squirrel by Mockingbird, played Brown, to defeat him. It was clear the charac- lifetime this is,” Tammy
ten Miller, and sifted Girl, portrayed by Marie by Karen Okumura; and Taiven also got to meet ters were having as much said. “But it’s wonder-
through potions to get Mortimer. Aurora Films. the characters Deadpool, fun as Taiven vanquish- ful.”

Watchdog: Sirens, mowing

Continued from A3
But some departments SEE A PROBLEM IN YOUR
have stopped using these COMMUNITY?
general alarms.
In July, Garden Spot Is your street in disrepair? Are you the victim of a
scam? Is the stop sign at the corner of your street
Fire Rescue in New Hol- missing? Are those bothersome campaign signs still
land silenced its house posted throughout your neighborhood months after
siren, a move Chief the election?
Darryl Keiser said was Tell the Lancaster Watchdog team about your issue,
made in consideration of and you will get answers.
neighbors. The goal is to make Lancaster County a safer,
Keiser said the siren healthier and more beautiful place.
had outlived its origi-
Email the Lancaster Watchdog at watchdog@
nal purpose and that lnpnews.com or go to lancasteronline.com/
“it changes absolutely watchdog and tell us about it.
nothing” to not use it. You can also send mail to Lancaster Watchdog at
“It has nothing to do P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328.
with alerting our vol-
Those who offer ideas should provide a name, CHAD UMBLE | STAFF WRITER
unteers,” Keiser said, address and telephone number so the Watchdog Lafayette Fire Company is among the local stations that still use a “house siren,” which
adding that its contin- can get in touch about further questions. can be seen to the left of the fire station in this picture taken Friday.
ued use had more to
We will not publish tipsters’ names. We will use the
do with maintaining a name of the town and problem to identify tipsters mowing was done by pri- milkweed. to preserving monarch
tradition than alerting — such as “Without a hydrant in New Holland” or vate contractors at set Sellmer also pointed butterflies.
volunteers. “Tired of the litter in Lititz.” times and that it would to research showing In response to a
He added. though, that be difficult and costly to that milkweed could be follow-up question
the siren was a helpful, ask them to mow around available for monarch about roadside mowing,
regular reminder to the milkweed. butterflies if the mow- PennDOT spokesman
community of the fire Follow-up remains available for Responding to a ing was done on a very Rich Kirkpatrick said
department’s activities. on milkweed monarch butterflies, question about road- specific schedule. safety is always the first
Although the Garden mowing which rely on the plant. side milkweed, James Monarch butterflies priority although there
Spot Fire Rescue siren Last week, a reader in Sellmer, a Penn State can thrive if summer is some flexibility to
isn’t regularly used After last week’s Columbia fretted about University horticulture mowing is done June accommodate monarch
anymore, it is staying column was finalized, milkweed that was professor, said some 20 and July 10, then butterflies.
in place in case it is Watchdog got some mowed at the intersec- recent research done postponed until after But he added: “In our
needed in the future, interesting input about tion of routes 30 and 441. to help assist PennDOT Oct. 1, according to the experience, milkweed
or to honor a fallen whether there are ways A Pennsylvania De- showed promise for a Monarch Joint Venture, has always grown in our
firefighter, the depart- to manage roadside partment of Transporta- herbicide killed inva- a University of Minne- right of way even with
ment said. milkweed so that it tion spokesman said the sive plants, but spared sota venture dedicated the mowing we do.”


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Locals rappel to benefit nonprofit

Those who raise $1,000 or more for SouthEast can descend 11-story tower
HEATHER STAUFFER ity to reflect our health- record of successful
[email protected]
focused mission,” said ABOUT events and notes that
Consider it fundrais- Brenda Riehl, South- SOUTHEAST it follows all Occupa-
ing on adrenaline. East’s director of devel- SouthEast is a tional Safety and Health
An unknown number opment. “It’s important nonprofit in Lancaster Administration regula-
of local adventurers will for us to have an event city that accepts tions and state laws, and
rappel down 11-story that raises funds to help patients regardless of the more stringent best
FILE PHOTO Ruoff Tower on North people who don’t have their ability to pay. It practices of the Society
The Veterans Memorial Bridge, linking Columbia and Prince Street in Lan- health insurance, while serves about 22,000 of Professional Rope
people a year and is
Wrightsville, is seen here from the York County side of caster city on Oct. 6, for also bringing the Lan- scheduled to open
Access Technicians.
the Susquehanna River. the thrill, the view, the caster community to- Participants must be
its sixth location in
bragging rights and the gether.” October at a cost of 18 or older and raise
VETERANS MEMORIAL BRIDGE benefit of SouthEast On its Facebook page, about $800,000. $1,000 for SouthEast.
Lancaster Health Ser- SouthEast urges people Those who raise at least
Chunk of concrete falls vices. to “start a FUNdraiser $1,500 will get to docu-

off span onto street

You could be one of now.” The event site lists all been very welcoming ment their experience
them, if you raise $1,000 a goal of $85,000, and and supportive,” Specht with a GoPro, or get a
or more for SouthEast. as of Saturday evening, said. “Many of them will framed picture of them-
STAFF The event marks the people had secured just be volunteers during selves rappelling.
A chunk of the concrete exterior of the 87-year- first Lancaster appear- over $9,600 in pledges. the event.” People interested
old Veterans Memorial Bridge between Columbia ance of Over the Edge, One person who has Rappelling is often as- in participating, con-
and Wrightsville fell onto Front Street on Thursday a company that says it started a fundraiser sociated with military, tributing or sponsor-
morning in Wrightsville, briefly closing the street. has raised $46 million and wants to rappel is emergency rescue and ing the Oct. 6 event can
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation crews for nonprofits through a 71-year-old who lives rock climbing, but no find details at selhs.
removed a large, vertical, decorative column that more than 500 similar in the Ruoff Tower experience is required to networkforgood.com/
dangled above the street, and they chiseled away events with more than apartment complex, ac- participate in this event. projects/32569-over-
loose concrete from the outside of the bridge, which 38,000 participants. cording to SouthEast The company says that the-edge.
links Columbia and Wrightsville on Route 462. “We wanted to host a spokeswoman Nicole while the perceived risk Over the Edge is also
A small amount of debris fell onto the street, WGAL fundraising event that Specht. of rappelling is high, the holding events in Read-
reported. was unique, new to “She is very excited, actual risk at its events ing and Harrisburg this
The bridge was not closed. Officials said the part Lancaster and also en- along with other resi- is low. fall, according to its
that fell off was not part of the bridge’s structure. couraged physical activ- dents of Ruoff, who have It points to its long website.
The mile-long $2.5 million bridge is believed to be
the longest multiple-arched, concrete bridge in the
A state-funded $2.1 million project in 2014 replicat-
ed 65 Art Deco lights that had been part of the bridge
when it opened in 1930.

Municipal brief
n What happened: At
certified as a mountain bike
officer. Sanger has been Bring the Heat,
Lose the Critters!
with the department for
their meeting Aug. 21, the 15 years and is a graduate
supervisors recognized two of Lebanon Christian
East Lampeter Township Academy and Pensacola
police officers: one for Christian College. He
earning a promotion and received the DUI Top Gun
another for leading the award from the DUI Council
department in impaired of Lancaster County for
driving arrests. making 65 arrests for
impaired driving in 2016.
n Why it’s important:
Officer Greg Dolk was n Other happenings:
recognized for earning a David Petrisek was
promotion from officer to recognized with a plaque

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Cartels: Illegal drugs coming to county from Mexico

“Our heroin used to
come from Afghanistan,
and it was expensive to
get it here,” Lancaster
Tijuana Tucson U N I T E D S T A T E S MISS.
County District Attor-
El Paso

ney Craig Stedman said. FLA.

“Now it comes from Ciudad Juarez TEXAS

Mexico, and it’s a lot


cheaper. The heroin we SONORA New Orleans


have is predominantly

coming from Mexican
Mexico’s Golden Tri- COAHUILA
angle, an imposing,
mountainous region Nuevo Laredo

where the states of NUEVO

Sinaloa, Durango and SIN

A LO Culiacan
Chihuahua meet, pro-


duces both high-grade DURANGO


poppies, from which


heroin is derived, and TAMAULIPAS
marijuana. SAN
The influence of the NAYARIT POTOSI
organizations that ben- AGUASCALIENTES
efit from the trade — and QUERÉTARO YUCATÁN
two cartels in particular
— can be felt even here, JALISCO Guadalajara HIDALGO TLAXCALA
nearly 2,000 miles from
TERRITORIES of Mexico City


Meet the CÁRTEL DEL GOLFO of cartel activity
suppliers LOS ZETAS
ering most of the heroin CÁRTEL DE JUÁREZ GUATEMALA
into Pennsylvania are LA FAMILIA MICHOACANA
tels: the Sinaloa Cartel SALVADOR
and the Cártel de Jalisco
Nueva Generación, or
“It’s safe to say the ma-
jority of drugs coming
Big names in the world of drug cartels
in today are chiefly from
the Sinaloa Cartel and MICHAEL DEIBERT
[email protected]
bada is the only one of Cártel de Tijuana oldest criminal organi- Zetas have been riven
the CJNG,” said Gary the founders currently zation, having gotten its by internal disputes and
Tuggle, the special agent Here is a look at the believed alive and at The Tijuana Cartel start during Prohibition badly diminished by the
in charge at the Drug various cartels that have liberty. was formed by the Arel- in the 1930s. Once the arrest or killing of many
Enforcement Agency’s dominated the drug lano Félix brothers, al- country’s most powerful of their leaders.
Philadelphia field divi- trade in Mexico and Cártel de Juárez most all of whom have criminal group under
sion, under whose juris- export heroin, mari- been killed or captured. the leadership of Osiel Cártel de
diction Lancaster Coun- juana and methamphet- The Juárez Cartel The Tijuana Cartel em- Cárdenas Guillén, who Jalisco Nueva
ty falls. amines to the United was brought to promi- ployed gang members is incarcerated at the Generación
The Sinaloa Cartel was States. nence in the 1990s from San Diego as guns- Supermax federal pris-
founded by the now- by Amado Carrillo for-hire in its early days on in Florence, Colo- Jalisco New Genera-
imprisoned Joaquín “El Cártel de Sinaloa Fuentes, who moved and is believed to be led rado, the Gulf Cartel has tion Cartel, or CJNG,
Chapo” Guzmán Loera so much cocaine into by Alberto “El Piloto” violently splintered in was largely formed
and Héctor Luis “El The Sinaloa Car- Mexico from Colom- Arellano, the son of one recent years and is badly by the foot soldiers of
Güero” Palma Salazar tel was founded by bia in the hollowed-out of the original brothers, factionalized. Sinaloa Cartel boss Ig-
after the collapse of the Joaquín “El Chapo” bodies of jets that he and Enedina Arellano nacio “Nacho” Coro-
Guadalajara Cartel in Guzmán Loera and was called El Señor de Félix, the brothers’ sis- Los Zetas nel Villarreal after he
the late 1980s. Héctor Luis “El Güero” Los Cielos, or Lord of ter. was killed in a July
The cartel operated Palma Salazar after the the Skies. The Juárez Initially made up of 2010 drug battle with
a cocaine distribution collapse of the Guada- Cartel has battled the Cártel del Golfo a group of 30 deserters the Mexican army. The
hub in Lancaster County lajara Cartel in the late Sinaloa Cartel fiercely from the Mexican ar- CJNG is Mexico’s fast-
until the arrest of its 1980s. The cartel even- for years for control of The Gulf Cartel hails my’s special forces, Los est-expanding drug-
county-based drug run- tually came to encom- drug-trafficking routes from Matamoros in the Zetas began as the Gulf trafficking organiza-
ners in 2007. pass such drug lords as through the state of state of Tamaulipas, just Cartel’s shock troops in tion, holding sway over
The runners flew drugs Ismael “El Mayo” Zam- Chihuahua and the city across the Rio Grande 1997 before going to war a multistate empire
into the Smoketown Air- bada García and Juan of Ciudad Juárez, just from Brownsville, Tex- with their former bosses that runs nearly un-
port, lived in homes in José “El Azul” Espar- across the border from as, and abutting the Gulf in 2010. Known for their broken from the Pacific
Manheim Township and ragoza Moreno. Zam- El Paso, Texas. of Mexico. It is Mexico’s extreme violence, Los Coast to the Gulf Coast.
operated a local carpet-
cleaning business as a
front as they ran drugs
up and down the Penn- emerged as a force all its lieved to have its eyes on drug-trafficking orga- “We strongly believe ers, police say.
sylvania Turnpike. own. an expansion. nizations had exercised that pattern is going to “Back in the day, the
When the runners In its September 2011 A report earlier this over everything from the increase.” stereotypical heroin
were arrested, authori- coming out, the CJNG month in the Mexican production of marijuana Law enforcement of- addict was older,” said
ties found $1.8 million dumped 35 corpses, be- newspaper Periódico and poppies to the pro- ficials say cartel brokers Lancaster city police
in cash and $160,000 in lieved to be members of Noroeste quoted anony- cessing, manufacturing, will now enter a zone Chief Keith Sadler, who
drugs in their Manheim the rival Los Zetas Car- mous sources from an in- transportation and dis- and offer their services worked with law en-
Township homes, as well tel, into rush-hour traffic vestigative body affiliated tribution of the product to indigenous drug-traf- forcement in Philadel-
as $2 million worth of in a suburb of the Gulf with Mexico’s Ministry down to the retail level ficking groups. phia for 27 years before
drugs in a car that was Coast city of Veracruz. of Interior who claimed has shifted. Those groups them- taking the reins to head
stopped on the turnpike In 2015, the CJNG the CJNG would launch Drug trafficking today selves, in turn, have be- Lancaster’s police force
just north of Lancaster ambushed and killed 15 an offensive in coming is no longer the central- come so atomized and in 2008.
County. police officers. Last year, months to take over vast ized process it once was, businesslike that some “But it’s no longer just
The CJNG is Mexico’s it shot down a military swaths of the Sinaloa and now involves bro- will “rent” territory to an old junkie drug. And
fastest-growing drug- helicopter with rocket- Cartel’s territory. kers who go into partic- other organizations in that heroin was, like, 5
trafficking organization, propelled grenades, kill- ular areas and identify which they can sell their to 10 percent (pure) back
holding sway over a mul- ing five soldiers. Cheaper and the retail distribution product while the local then. Now it’s almost
tistate empire that runs Though many of the faster delivery networks, which are in- criminal organizations pure. And half of these
nearly unbroken from group’s chieftains have terested in the highest collect a cut of the prof- dealers now are addicts
the Pacific Coast to the been captured in recent The traditionally dom- purity level at the lowest its. themselves. Further up
Gulf Coast. years, the CJNG’s co- inant drug trafficking or- cost. This has proven to be the food chain. Now you
The CJNG was largely founder, a former police ganizations from Mexico “We believe the Sinaloa the case in North Phila- see a lot of these guys are
formed by the foot sol- officer named Nemesio have begun to fracture Cartel is still involved in delphia, for example, in using their own prod-
diers of Sinaloa Cartel “El Mencho” Oseguera as drug lords are slain or providing cocaine, meth- areas where tradition- uct.”
boss Ignacio “Nacho” Cervantes, remains at captured by the govern- amphetamine, heroin, ally Latino gangs have And despite the take-
Coronel Villarreal after large. ment or one another, and fentanyl and other drugs subleased territory to down of many major car-
he was killed in a July The CJNG is the domi- the highly linear system to this area, but it’s being African-American drug tel figures in Mexico, the
2010 drug battle with the nant criminal faction in of drug distribution in shipped directly rather organizations. purity of the drug gets
Mexican army. Jalisco, Colima, Micho- Pennsylvania and else- than going to a distribu- These shifting dynam- better as the prices go
The cartel began as acán, Nayarit, Guanajua- where has had to adapt. tion hub like Chicago,” ics have produced a down.
something of a spinoff to, Guerrero, Morelos The characteristic said Tuggle, of the Drug marked change in both “You don’t have the
of Sinaloa and has since and Veracruz and is be- control that Mexican Enforcement Agency. the users and the deal- CARTELS, page A7

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Cartels: Despite crackdowns, drugs flow YOU SHOULD KNOW:

Continued from A6 stemming from the importa- Here are telltale signs of drug
distribution or use in your
corner trafficking and as tion of heroin to Pennsylva-
many shootouts over the
AT A GLANCE: THE HEROIN CRISIS nia, New Jersey, Illinois and
corner,” Stedman said. “But n Heroin and pain medication overdoses in Lancaster elsewhere. n Houses with blacked-out windows.
County in 2016 — 127 — were exceeded only by those of
what we’re seeing now are Philadelphia, Allegheny and three suburban Philadelphia
One often overlooked as- n Unusual security measures in place
drug rip-offs and people us- pect of the drug trade is the around a property.
counties, according to the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost
ing violence because they Containment Council. role that legitimate financial n Houses or buildings where no
feel people owe them money n Fatal overdoses in Pennsylvania rose 37 percent during institutions in the United owner or primary renter is apparent,
for drugs, home invasions States and elsewhere have and no home activities — yard work,
the same time period, according to the Drug Enforcement painting, maintenance — seem to
and things like that.” Administration. played in facilitating it. go on.
n As of mid-July, 80 people had died from opioid drug Entities such as Bank of
Losing the war? overdoses in Lancaster County, twice as many as this time America, Wachovia (now n Steady streams of visitors
stopping by for short visits at all
two years ago. part of Wells Fargo) and hours of the day and night.
The decapitations and cap- n From the beginning of January until the end of March, HSBC were found by U.S. in-
ture of so many cartel lead- vestigators to have been used n Loitering around a home.
Pennsylvania State Police seized nearly 30 pounds
ers has had little impact on of heroin, 8.5 pounds of fentanyl and 22 pounds of to launder billions of dollars n Home occupants tend to keep to
the flow of drugs into the methamphetamines, all with a combined street value of of drug profits. The latter was themselves and will not be visible on
$11 million. a daily basis.
United States. And they have ordered to pay a record $1.92
failed to tamp down the vio- billion for laundering Mexi- n Repeated, observable exchanges
lence associated with the can drug money in 2012. of items, especially where money is
drug trade in Mexico itself. place. And for every kilo of her-
In June, 2,234 people were And the drugs keep flow- When a kingpin oin seized, many more are n Noxious odors coming from home.
slain in Mexico in what was ing. making it through the legal
the deadliest month in 20 In March, authorities
is removed, he’s points of entry between the
n Presence of discarded hypodermic
needles and pipes.
years. dismantled an Allentown- replaced by two countries and into com- n Presence of discarded suboxone
“The kingpin strategy does
not work in anti-narcotics
Reading drug trafficking ring
that was smuggling large
someone else, munities across Pennsylva-
wrappers. This prescription synthetic
opiate is given to those addicted to
operations if the aim is to quantities of heroin, cocaine violence increases, Building a wall along the painkillers or heroin.
stop drug trafficking and re-
lated activities,” said Gua-
and meth into the area from
and there has not Mexico border, such as the
one proposed by President WHAT TO DO,
dalupe Correa-Cabrera, Police seized $2.2 million been really any Donald Trump, likely would WHO TO CALL
an associate professor at worth of heroin and meth visible impact in have little impact on the n Keep a notebook of your
the Schar School of Policy when they stopped and trade in Lancaster County or
and Government at George searched a tractor-trailer the drug trade. anywhere else in the United
observations and comings and
goings and any suspicious
—Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera,
Mason University. Correa- with California plates in associate professor at the Schar
States, officials said. license plates.
Cabrera has studied cartel Reading, leading to the ar- School of Policy and Government at Despite the U.S. Customs n Talk to your neighbors about
activity in Mexico for more rest of six people, five of George Mason University and Border Protection re- what they have observed and pool
than a decade. whom are U.S. residents. questing $1.6 billion ear- your information.
“When a kingpin is re- In May, five members of lier this year for 32 miles of n If you suspect someone is dealing
moved, he’s replaced by the so-called Aryan Strike- a new wall system and 28 heroin or other illegal drugs, you
someone else, violence in- force, a white-supremacist ern District of Pennsylvania miles of levee walls, accord- can submit a tip anonymously to
creases, and there has not organization based in Penn- handed down a 108-count ing the CBP’s own figures, the Drug Enforcement Agency
been really any visible im- sylvania, were indicted by indictment charging 37 peo- from fiscal year 2012 to fiscal online at dea.gov/ops/submit.php
or to your local police department.
pact in the drug trade,” Cor- a Harrisburg grand jury ple allegedly associated with year 2016, 81 percent of the The Pennsylvania State Police also
rea-Cabrera said. for conspiring to transport the Cartel de los Laredo, a drugs intercepted at the U.S.- operates the 24-hour Drug Trafficking
Once powerful regional methamphetamines, fire- kind of mini-cartel based in Mexico border were stopped Tip Line at 877-PA-NODRUGS
cartels such as Los Zetas arms and machine gun parts. the city of Cuernavaca in the at legal ports of entry, not by (186-6784).
and the Gulf Cartel fracture, In June 2015, the U.S. At- state of Morelos, with money border patrol agents patrol- SOURCES: DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY,

but others rise to take their torney’s Office in the East- laundering and drug charges ling more remote locations.

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Harvey a temporary shelter,

helped volunteers load
boxes of supplies and said
mained in shelters.
Local authorities said
at least 47 deaths in Tex-
And even as some resi-
dents were returning to
their homes, Mayor Syl-
he was “very happy” with as were related or sus- vester Turner ordered
Continued from A1 a recovery that, in many pected to be related to a mandatory evacua-
their Houston home places, had barely begun. the storm. tion for a west Houston
where the waters had ris- As officials were only neighborhood that offi-
en after the storm made beginning to assess the A long, cials said was likely to re-
landfall late Aug. 25. widespread damage dreadful blur main inundated because
Remains of their bed- across the region and of releases of water from
room walls were being as rescue flights and Residents of the region two nearby reservoirs.
carried out, one soggy boat missions contin- said the days since the Turner said the evacu-
wheelbarrow load at a ued through parts of the storm’s first landfall had ation would affect about
time. state, Trump was ex- been a long, dreadful blur. 300 people who had
“This was so much pected to ask Congress Some described spend- THE NEW YORK TIMES
stayed in their homes
worse than what we ex- to approve $7.8 billion ing hours moving their President Donald Trump plays with a child Saturday, while and would not apply to
pected,” she said. for disaster relief in the families to safe places, meeting with people impacted by Hurricane Harvey inside dry homes. In a news
the NRG Center in Houston.
coming days, and $6.7 only to be moved along to conference Saturday
Trump pleased billion more by the end another town a few days evening, he said power to
with recovery of the month, White later when the waters restaurants were open School District said that affected homes would be
House officials said. rose again where they and buses were running water had gotten into at turned off this morning.
President Donald Texas officials said were. Others said they — and school officials least 202 of the district’s Beaumont, about 80
Trump visited Texas and 440,000 residents had had gone a week without were assessing the dam- 284 schools and that of- miles east of Houston,
Louisiana on Saturday, applied for aid from the clean clothes, showers or age before a delayed first ficials were deep-clean- was still in crisis mode.
his second trip to the af- Federal Emergency Man- cooked meals. day of school Sept. 11. ing 115 schools. Officials After the city’s water
fected region last week. agement Agency, and tens Houston was sputter- A spokesman for the have not yet checked on service shut down early
In Houston, he toured of thousands of people re- ing back to life — some Houston Independent 39 schools. HARVEY, page A9

Volunteers: Aiding where needed in devastated Texas

Continued from A1 Jersey chapter had 34 di- take years, he said. overwhelmed, Brown
The father of three vol- saster workers deployed, There is no left nor right. King, a native of Lititz, said.
unteered Sunday after he with that count expected also assessed long-term His assigned roommate,
and his wife, Laura Goldy, to rise to 45 by Monday. There’s no red nor blue anymore. recovery needs after Hur- a Red Cross photogra-
watched cable news foot- Both states’ emergency It’s neighbor helping neighbor. ricane Sandy in October pher, showed Brown aer-
age of Hurricane Harvey. management agencies —Kevin King, executive director of Mennonite Disaster Service 2012 and Hurricane Ka- ial images of the city.
The Category 4 hurri- had deployed their “Task trina in August 2005. The “The flooding is just
cane dumped as much as Force-1” response units devastation in Texas, he devastating,” Brown said.
50 inches of rain in some earlier in the week, and the damage. Their focus, had registered with the said, is among the worst “On our way to the com-
parts of Southeast Texas volunteers from reli- he said, is on the poor- Federal Emergency Man- he has witnessed. mand center, we drove
and has left at least 47 gious organizations and er rural communities, agement Agency. They “This hearkens back through a residential
people dead. other aid groups were which get less attention told King they had talked memories of Katrina,” neighborhood. There
“I talked to her and helping as well. than big cities. with FEMA, he said, but he said, noting, however, were piles of debris down
said, ‘I really feel like I Among them was Kevin In one ravaged hadn’t heard back. King that cellphone service every side street. … You
need to go,’” said Brown. King, executive director 600-resident town in said he told them, “We’re was not as widespread in just see street after street,
He has joined throngs of the Lancaster-based coastal Victoria County, coming back for you.” the aftermath of Katrina. house after house.”
of volunteers who have Mennonite Disaster Ser- which bore the initial Mennonite Disaster Brown, the Red Cross But amid all the devas-
come from across the vice, which helps with brunt of the storm, King Service plans to send worker who had never tation, there are bright
country in the week since longer-term recovery said he came across a teams of volunteers to before been deployed to moments, too.
Harvey made landfall. efforts after search-and- husband, a wife, and the area over the week- a disaster and expects to “Disasters have a way of
Those volunteers in- rescue is complete. their four grandchildren. end. King said those folks remain in the Houston tearing down fences, and
cluded many from the “All the sights and the “They’re sleeping out- will work on “stage two” area for about two weeks, you discover your neigh-
Philadelphia area. As sounds playing through side on a wet sofa under recovery, which includes said the experience has bor all over again,” King
of Friday, the Eastern my mind over the last 48 a makeshift tarp. They’re mucking out and clean- been even more chaotic said. “There is no left nor
Pennsylvania Red Cross hours,” King said Friday, sitting there, forlorn,” ing houses. In King’s ex- than he expected. right. There’s no red nor
had 29 volunteers re- “it’s overwhelming.” King said, pausing as his perience, this part alone Brown has experi- blue anymore. It’s neigh-
sponding or en route Over the last few days, voice caught. “Sorry, I try could take nearly three ence in public relations, bor helping neighbor.”
to Southeast Texas and King and three other to stay cool …” months. Then, he said, but when he arrived at Brown said, “The gen-
other affected areas; 17 members of the orga- As King composed him- crews will be deployed the Red Cross’ Houston eral mood down here is
of them were from Phila- nization’s assessment self, he recalled that he for “stage three,” the part headquarters, there was a people are really look-
delphia and its suburbs. team have driven to af- had asked members of that involves rebuilding need for help with getting ing out for each other
The Red Cross’ New fected areas to survey that family whether they homes. That part could supplies to shelters. Vol- and helping each other,”
unteers’ roles are always And those whose homes
changing, Brown said, and have been damaged or
AV volunteers have been flex- destroyed, “they’re wor-
SAVE $75 ible in jumping on what-
ever assignment needs to
ried, but they’re opti-
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on any
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en be done at a given time. community is going to
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Here are ways you can help relief efforts of Hurricane Harvey.

n American Red line to GlobalGiving at 1110

Continued from A8 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 550,
Cross: redcross.org or
Thursday, some homes 800-REDCROSS. Text Washington, D.C. 20005.
have had sporadic trick- “HARVEY” to 90999 to n Houston Food Bank:
les of water coming out make a $10 donation. Send a check to 535
of their faucets. n Catholic Charities USA: Portwall St., Houston, TX
Officials warned catholiccharitiesusa.org. 77029; call 713-547-8623;
residents to boil water n Center for Disaster houstonfoodbank.org.
and were distributing Philanthropy: n Hurricane Harvey Relief
bottled water, and on disasterphilanthropy. Fund: The Greater Houston
Saturday evening, the networkforgood.com. Community Foundation
city said it believed that accepts tax-deductible,
n Central Pennsylvania flood-relief donations at
it had found a way to Blood Bank: 800-771-0059
ghcf.org. Checks and money
bring back partial ser- or 717giveblood.org. People
orders with the memo line
vice. with Type O blood are
especially in demand. “Hurricane Harvey Relief
Rescuers, volunteers Fund” can be sent to 5120
and others bringing n Christ in Action Ministries: Woodway Drive, Suite 6000,
help to the area were ASSOCIATED PRESS
christinaction.com. Houston, TX 77056. Text
weary by Saturday, as n Coalition for the HARVEY2017 to 91999.
Paul England Jr., right, helps Michael Brown move bedroom furniture floating in his
well. Unlike in some flooded home, in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, in Port Arthur, Texas. Homeless in Houston/Harris n Mennonite Disaster
storms where waters County: homelesshouston. Service: mds.mennonite.net.
recede quickly, this dozens of utility poles Texas Army National out, it was the same n Salvation Army:
one seemed to move in toppled around Port Guard and spent much thing,” he said. “Ev- n Coastal Bend Disaster helpsalvationarmy.org or
Recovery Group: 800-725-2769.
slow motion, spread- Aransas. of the week on search- ery time we flew over a coastalbendcan.org.
ing around the area and “It’s been a 100-hour and-rescue missions, flooded area, I’d say the n Samaritan’s Purse:
continuing to affect week,” said Gonzales, said he could recall same exact thing to my n Galveston County Food samaritanspurse.org.
Bank: galvestoncounty
new communities. who looked bleary from only a vague outline of crew: ‘Oh my God, this foodbank.org. n Save the Children:
“I don’t even know the heat and was bat- recent days: the mis- is crazy.’ ” savethechildren.org.
what day it is right tling a cold. sions, the rescues, the He added, “Every step n GlobalGiving: n SPCA of Texas: spca.org.
globalgiving.org/harvey or
now,” said Tony Gon- Chief Warrant Officer weather. is just, ‘Oh my God, text “HARVEY” to 80100 n United Way of Greater
zales, a worker who Pedro Vargas-Lebron, Each mission, he said, I can’t believe these to give $10. Send a check Houston: unitedwayhouston.
had come from Laredo who pilots Black Hawk proved startling. many people are out with “Hurricane Harvey org.
to assist efforts to raise helicopters for the “Every time we went here.’ ” Relief Fund” in the memo —TOM KNAPP, [email protected]

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Deaths from the HERTZLER, Gladys (Barto),

96, Menlo Park, Calif., Aug. 11.
MARTIN, Melvin H., 79,
Kinzers, Aug. 27.
76, Ephrata, Aug. 26. Denver, Aug. 27.

previous week
REASONER, Sandra L., 76, TAYLOR, Kenneth L. Sr., 78,
HIGGS, Jane N., 92, MARTZALL, Helen M., 90, New Holland, Aug. 24. Lancaster, Aug. 28.
Lancaster, Aug. 18. Ephrata, Aug. 29. RICE, Wayne F., 83, Oxford, TOBELMANN, Jeffrey C. Jr.,
HOOBER, Mervin S., 85, MATHIAS, Riley M., 20, Aug. 28. 30, West Caln, Aug. 29.
The following deaths Earl, Aug. 9.
New Holland, Aug. 30. Lancaster, Aug. 27. RIVERA, Karrina M., 22,
were reported in the past CLEMENS, Robert C., 85, TURNER, Charles E., 76,
week. Complete obituaries HORN, Helen I., 76, McLAIN, Elaine M., 88, Lancaster, Aug. 25. Ephrata, Aug. 29.
Lititz, Aug. 31. Lancaster, Aug. 21.
can be found in the Lancaster, Aug. 26. ROBINSON, Dorothy L., TYSON, John E., 85,
LancasterOnline.com news CROOK, George W., 94, McMICHAEL, Eugene C., 100, Willow Street, Aug. 25.
HORST, Alice E., 90, East Palmyra, Aug. 16.
archives. Fayetteville, Aug. 23. 80, Columbia, Aug. 31.
Earl, Aug. 26. ROINESTAD, Gerald C., 94, WAGNER, Michael C., 47,
ADAMS, E. Lucille, 83, New DOMBROSKI, Brison C., 15, MEADOWS, Dalton J., 17, Lancaster, Aug. 26. Manheim, Aug. 29.
Lititz, Aug. 26. HOUGH, Allen D., 82,
Providence, Aug. 25. Lancaster, Aug. 26. New Holland, Aug. 23. ROMAN, Margarita, 73, WEAVER, Dorothy L., 97,
BARRON, Dianne M., 53, EBY, Mary L. (Feirick), 91, MERKEY, Shirley A., 85, Lancaster, Aug. 30. Manheim, Aug. 27.
Lebanon, Aug. 24. IRWIN, Brian D., 55,
Lancaster, Aug. 26. Manheim, Aug. 25. Manheim, Aug. 26. ROSANDER, Dorothy M., WEAVER, Irene M., 90,
BERGER, David D., 75, ERB, John E., 86, Mount JUSTIS, Doris J. (Rice), 90, MILLER, Glen R., 68, 87, Lancaster, Aug. 30. Ephrata, Aug. 29.
Lititz, Aug. 26. Joy, June 6. Lancaster, Aug. 29. Lancaster, Aug. 24. SADLER, Mabel R., 81, WEBER, John F., 58, Lititz,
BIRD, William H., 79, Gap, EVERHART, Margaret M., KEMP, Thomas H., 61, MONTGOMERY, Darlene J., Myerstown, Aug. 27. Aug. 23.
Aug. 30. 79, Quarryville, Aug. 25. Mount Joy, Aug. 24. 77, Leola, Aug. 27. SHUMAN, Betty F., 96, WEEKS, Elizabeth G.
BONAWITZ, Bonnie M. FICHTHORN, Frederick B., KISSINGER, Margaret A., MOORE, Lorraine L., 87, Elizabethtown, Aug. 27. (Varney), 90, Lancaster,
(Miller), 74, Lancaster, Aug. 83, Denver, Aug. 30. 86, Manheim, Aug. 26. Lancaster, Aug. 26. SIMON, Margaret K., 97, Aug. 27.
22. FISHER, Richard L., 75, KUBALA, JoAnne NEUENSCHWANDER, Columbia, Aug. 29. WHITE, Marianne (Day), 77,
BOWSER, Jacqueline M., 81, Bart, Aug. 31. (Schreder), 81, Lancaster, Helen L., 82, Lititz, Aug. 31. SMITH, Doris, 100, Exton, Aug. 26.
Lititz, Aug. 28. GROSSI, Angeline C., 90, Aug. 24. OVENSEN, Reynold A., 87, Lancaster, Aug. 29. WITWER, Charles L., 89,
BRENEMAN, Myrtle N. Lancaster, Aug. 22. LAWRENCE, Kenneth F., New Holland, Aug. 23. SPODEN, Barbara A. Narvon, Aug. 28.
(Stekervetz), 93, Lancaster, HAMILTON, Anna L., 95, 82, Columbia, Aug. 24. PANCO, Robert P., 68, East (Bestoso), 72, Lancaster, YANCY, Ronald B., 73,
Aug. 28. West Chester and Newtown LIVENGOOD, Paul H., 90, Petersburg, Aug. 16. Aug. 25. Lancaster, Aug. 27.
BRYCHTA, Helena, 92, Square, Aug. 30. Manheim, Aug. 27. PEEL, Barry, W., 72, STAUFFER, Jay R., 92, YOUNG, Henry L., 94,
Lititz, Aug. 22. HARTRANFT, Grace M., 92, LONG, Paul D. Jr., 83, Lancaster, Aug. 28. Lancaster, Aug. 5. Peach Bottom, Aug. 31.
CAMPBELL, Amy (Flahart), Stevens, Aug. 26. Mount Joy, Aug. 22. PETSCAVAGE, Karen J., 69, STEINMAN, Charles, 85, ZIEMER, Katelyn, stillborn
95, Lancaster, Aug. 22. HARVEY, D. Jean, 83, MARKLEY, Thomas O., 82, Palmyra, Aug. 29. Lancaster, Aug. 23. daughter of Eric and Jessica
CAMPS, Santiago, 86, Lancaster, Aug. 22. Mount Joy, Aug. 27. PIERCE, Stephen M., 61, STOLTZFOOS, Rachel B., (Stoltzfus), Narvon, Aug. 29.
Lancaster, Aug. 24. HERBERT, David P., 63, MARTIN, Lynn R., 85, New Providence, Aug. 27. 58, Lancaster, Aug. 28. ZUG, Dorothy S., 98, Peach
CLAY, Susan A., 68, East Lititz, Aug. 31. Akron, Aug. 30. POMEROY, Richard A. Sr., SWEIGART, Donna F., 72, Bottom, Aug. 28.

School briefs two-story building would

accommodate about 1,200
classrooms, a science lab
and breakout space. The
cost at its next meeting
Thursday, Sept. 14.
elementary schools, Landis
Run Intermediate School
seventh- and eighth-grade other side of the courtyard and a summer day camp.
students. The project will would feature a music room
MANHEIM Aug. 17 on the design
and cost of a proposed cost an estimated $65 and black box theater to
n Donation: Virginia
Young, vice president of n Taking care of
TOWNSHIP new middle school at the million. Built on a courtyard seat 600. the Envisions board of business: The board voted
n What happened: Manheim Township school concept, it would feature directors, presented the unanimously in favor of
Anthony Colestock, of board meeting. two academic wings, n What’s next: The board board with a donation 14 items on a consent
Crabtree Rohrbaugh and one on each floor. Each is scheduled to vote on a of $35,000 for science, agenda — including loans
Associates Architects, gave n Details: The grade level would have resolution on the maximum technology, engineering to fund the new middle
a Power Point presentation 235,000-square-foot, four teams, each with four building construction and mathematics activities. school, agreements with
Envisions offers before- the Lancaster-Lebanon
and after-school child care Intermediate Unit 13, a
for students at all district SCHOOL BRIEFS, page A13


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Police log School briefs project and the Gramby

Street Elementary School
assistant athletic director.
The board also asked

project, which is currently staff to follow up on a n Professional recruiting:

Continued from A10 Continued from A12 be on the board, then you underway. The high school, discussion held earlier this
should care enough to have The board approved the
wallet with the employees contract with River at 400 Adele Avenue in year with Penn Township use of the PA Educator
a discussion. ... If we don’t Manheim Borough, was about the possibility of
until she returned with the Rock Academy, and hear anything but ‘no,’ we online tool to help find
payment, but she never random drug testing constructed in 1959. It reducing the $130,892 qualified professionals for
don’t learn anything.” He has undergone several building permit fee for Doe
came back, police said. by Lancaster General added, “If you vote ‘no,’ I’ll district staff positions, at a
Hospital. The board renovations over the years. Run Elementary. cost of $2,700 during the
n RAPHO TWP.: Brandon ask why.”
authorized the sale of Howett said work was done —Rochelle A. Shenk, 2017-18 school year.
D. Bish, 26, of Morning —Joan Kern, to the school in 1966, an
bonds to finance the LNP Correspondent
Glory Lane, Manheim, was LNP Correspondent addition and renovation
middle school project n Lincoln Highway East
charged after taking cash was done in 1995, and the
in an amount not to project: The school board
from a register July 3 at exceed $49.7 million. weight room was added
his place of employment in approved a resolution
the 900 block of East Main
Board members Michael
Lynch and Nathan
MANHEIM in 2006. Although some
of the rooms do have CONESTOGA to provide 65 percent of
new tax revenue from
Street, police said. Geesey voted against CENTRAL air conditioning, it is the VALLEY property improvements
the law firm of Barley n What happened: district’s last building to fund Lincoln Highway
n What happened: During
VANDALISM Snyder as township
solicitor for 2017-18.
An agreement with EI without central air.
a meeting Aug. 21, the East revitalization. The East
n LANCASTER: Two boys, Associates for a feasibility board voted to approve Lampeter Industrial and
ages 10 and 14, are accused study of the high school n What’s next: The testing instruments for Commercial Authority has
of spray-painting the
n Speaking from the was approved Monday. feasibility study is expected the 2017-18 school year, been created to oversee
heart: Board member to be completed by the end including state-mandated the project. East Lampeter
community building Aug. Steven Grosh made an of the year. Improvement PSSA tests for grades 3-8 officials hope to involve
29 at Rodney Park, 555 impassioned plea to his n Why it’s important: The options and cost estimates and Keystone exams for county commissioners
Crystal St. Police said they fellow board members study will provide options
will be presented to the grades 8-11, as well as Scott and attract state grants to
will file charges with juvenile to discuss their opinions for improvements to the board. Foresman reading baseline help fund the project. The
authorities when a damage before voting. “I’d high school. It will be done school board had voted to
amount has been finalized. at no cost to the district, and end-of-year tests for
like to see the board n Other business: Charles grades K-6, which will pursue the resolution at
n LANCASTER: Three change in some way,” according to Bryan Howett, an Aug. 14 meeting after
business manager. Fisher was hired as head monitor students’ reading
drivers reported that Grosh said. “One of my senior high boys basketball receiving a request from
progress. Students in
windows were shot out of frustrations is that too coach at a salary of $4,954. East Lampeter.
grade 7 will take a Career
their vehicles with pellets many people will vote n Background: EI He replaces Christopher Planning Profile test for —Justin Stoltzfus,
while they were stopped just ‘no,’ but I don’t hear Associates is the architect Sherwood, who is now the vocational interest and LNP Correspondent
before 1 a.m. Aug. 26 at a from them in the work and engineer for both the
traffic light at North Broad session. It’s frustrating. recently completed Doe
and East Orange streets. If you care enough to Run Elementary School

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Dow industrials Nasdaq S&P 500 S&P mid-cap Russell 2000
Expedia stock slumped after the
travel booking site’s longtime CEO
left to become the new CEO of
Uber. Dara Khosrowshahi had led
Expedia since 2005 and helped
U 0.80% (wkly)
t 4-wk. -0.48%
s YTD 11.26%
U 2.71% (wkly)
s 4-wk. 1.32%
s YTD 19.55%
U 1.37% (wkly)
t 4-wk. -0.01%
s YTD 10.62%
U 1.69% (wkly)
t 4-wk. -0.78%
s YTD 4.65%
U 2.62% (wkly)
s 4-wk. 0.09%
s YTD 4.16%

make it one of the world’s largest

travel-booking sites. Shares of the StocksRecap
company dropped 4.5 percent
Monday, the day Expedia -5.27 56.97 27.06 55.67 39.46 17.37 18.87 66.42 60.35 6.67
confirmed Khosrowshahi had been
offered the CEO post at Uber. He 22,500 6,600
was a surprise choice to replace
Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick 22,000 6,400
after a two-month search. After he
accepted, the company named 21,500 6,200 $1,000 Emerging market stocks remained the top Derby
investment, and technology and health care stocks

one of Khosrowshahi’s top had a strong week. Gold and copper surged, while
lieutenants, Mark Okerstrom, as its 21,000 6,000 oil is still the Derby’s weakest performer.
new CEO. Okerstrom worked
closely with Khosrowshahi for 20,500 5,800 Stocks Bonds Commodities 1-week
years and had been Expedia’s ... today is percent
chief financial officer. 20,000
Dow Jones industrials 5,600
Nasdaq composite $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... worth change
Close: 21,987.56 Close: 6,435.33
Emerging-market stocks $1,286 0.6 %
1-week change: 173.89 (0.8%) 1-week change: 169.68 (2.7%)
19,500 5,400 Technology stocks 1,266 2.2
Copper 1,237 2.1
W E E K L Y P E R F O R M A N C E Asian stocks 1,224 0.8
European stocks 1,194 0.6

22179.11 17883.56 Dow Jones industrials 22038.97 21673.58 21987.56 +173.89 +0.8 t s +11.3 |999974 +18.9
Utilities stocks 1,150 0.0

9763.66 7712.13 Dow Jones transportation 9396.39 9086.38 9356.02 +222.27 +2.4 s s +3.5 |99992 +17.7 Gold 1,148 2.3
12019.85 10281.48 NYSE Comp. 11934.97 11728.98 11918.08 +106.05 +0.9 t s +7.8 |99654 +9.8 S&P 500 1,119 1.4
6460.84 5034.41 Nasdaq Comp. 6449.65 6228.73 6435.33 +169.69 +2.7 s s +19.6 |999995432 +22.6 High-yield bonds 1,061 0.4
2490.87 2084.59 S&P 500 2480.38 2428.20 2476.55 +33.50 +1.4 t s +10.6 |99953 +13.6 Small-cap stocks 1,044 2.3
1795.14 1475.38 S&P MidCap 1740.11 1695.87 1737.79 +28.82 +1.7 t t +4.7 |99741 +10.1 REITs 1,037 0.7
25848.33 21583.94 Wilshire 5000 25748.21 25162.32 25717.29 +382.46 +1.5 s s +9.8 |99941 +13.4 Investment-grade bonds 1,036 0.4
1452.09 1156.08 Russell 2000 1413.86 1371.80 1413.57 +36.12 +2.6 s s +4.2 |9987643 +12.9 Oil 879 -0.4
DELIVERY $0 $600 $1,200

Defense stocks hold steady

Performance benchmarks: industries - sectors of the Standard & Poor’s 500 index; international
Department stocks - MSCI indexes; bond returns - Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes.
store chain Source: FactSet Data through Aug. 31 AP
Macy’s and
electronics retailer Best Buy are
both expanding their same-day Shares of defense contractors rose this week as President Donald Trump in November. Trump is
delivery options as they aim to markets were shaken by North Korea’s launch of a seeking a $54 billion increase in defense spending 20 Best Stocks One Year
better compete with Amazon. Best missile that crossed over Japan. for the 2018 budget year, which begins Oct. 1.
Buy says customers in 27 The missile launch is the latest in a series of Meanwhile, the U.S. is preparing to boost COMPANY TICKERCLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLD
metropolitan markets will be able tension-heightening resources in Afghanistan.
to get same-day delivery starting actions by the isolated RBC Capital Markets Verso Corp VRS 5.38 +11.6 +12.1 +1730.4 ... ...
next week, and that number should nation. North Korea analyst Matthew McConnell PolarityTE Inc COOL 29.40 +8.6 +51.2 +658.1 ... ...
reach nearly 40 cities by the winter previously threatened to reaffirmed a positive view on Straight Path Comm STRP 179.09 -0.5 ... +653.2 ... ...
holidays. It also cut its delivery fee. send a missile into the the industry, citing the
Kemet Corp KEM 24.36 +16.8 +38.8 +601.2 55 ...
That’s only an option in 13 areas waters near the U.S. potential defense budget
currently. Macy’s will offer territory of Guam. boost and international EnviroStar Inc EVI 33.75 +13.4 +21.6 +572.4 cc ...
same-day delivery in 15 more General Dynamics demand. Altisource Asset Mgt AAMC 93.00 +16.3 +6.9 +549.0 11 ...
markets, bringing its total to 33. Corp., Northrop Grumman “We believe there is Health Ins Innov HIIQ 31.00 -10.8 -2.2 +488.3 30 ...
Amazon has long offered Corp., Raytheon Co. and significant room to go in the Calithera Bioscience CALA 16.30 +8.7 +9.8 +429.0 dd ...
same-day delivery and faster others have all been faring beat-and-raise cycle,” he
shipping options to members of its Achaogen Inc AKAO 18.60 -2.6 +5.0 +397.1 dd ...
well since the election of wrote in a note to investors.
$99-a-year Prime program. Opiant Pharma OPNT 39.00 ... ... +393.7 ... ...
Esperion Therap ESPR 52.77 +9.3 +13.3 +358.9 dd ...

Defense contractors year-to-date performance Immunmedc IMMU 12.59 +21.3 +54.3 +356.3 dd ...
Raytheon (RTN)
Great Elm Cap Corp GECC 11.06 +1.0 +3.3 +354.9 ... 9.0
25 Weight Watchers WTW 45.65 -1.9 +10.3 +345.4 42 ...
Lockheed Martin (LMT)
Assembly Biosciences ASMB 27.18 +1.8 +19.0 +343.7 dd ...
General Dynamics (GD) Scientific Games Cp SGMS 35.80 +2.4 -1.1 +326.7 dd ...
15 Northrop Grumman (NOC) Taseko Mines Ltd TGB 2.02 +11.6 +29.5 +322.0 ... ...
Pulse Biosciences PLSE 20.00 -1.0 -17.8 +307.1 dd ...
CAI Intl CAI 30.97 +7.6 +10.2 +288.8 29 ...
5 CryoPort Inc CYRX 7.89 +19.4 +12.1 +280.2 dd ...

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. PERCENT CHANGE %RTN
A former Roman Catholic monk is
suing L’Oreal, accusing the Source: FactSet *Data through Aug. 31 Damian Troise; Alex Nieves • AP 1. Technology 2.5 2.4 2.4 (&$!|9998732 27.6
cosmetics giant of stealing 2. Health Care 3.2 2.3 5.4 (&$!|987432 13.2
patented technology in an 3. Basic Material 1.9 1.6 4.0 (&$!|995 15.1
anti-aging wrinkle cream that his 4. Utilities -0.6 1.3 1.1 (&$!|9765431 10.9
charity sold to raise money for the LocalFunds DJ Total Market index 1.5 0.0 1.5 (&$!|98754 13.5
5. Industrials 1.9 0.0 1.5 (&$!|9965321 16.2
poor. The federal lawsuit was $CHG ---------- PERCENT RETURN ---------- 6. Consumer Goods 0.9 -0.2 -1.9 (&$!|84321 4.1
brought by Dennis Wyrzykowski, FAMILY FUND TICKER NAV 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR RANK 5YRS* RANK RATING 7. Consumer Services 1.5 -1.5 -3.6 (&$!|976532 10.7
his company, Carmel Laboratories -1.6
American Funds AmrcnBalA m ABALX 26.82 +0.24 +0.9 +0.4 +11.3 2 +10.6 1 HHHHH 8. Financials 0.1 4.5 (&$!|9976421 17.7
LLC, and the University of 9. Telecommunications -1.2 -2.5 -2.0 ^$#!95421| -8.1
CptWldGrIncA m CWGIX 50.27 +0.41 +0.8 -0.7 +16.2 3 +10.9 3 HHHHI
Massachusetts Medical School. 10. Oil & Gas 1.0 -3.7 -2.8 9741| -9.4
CptlIncBldrA m CAIBX 62.36 +0.33 +0.5 +0.1 +8.8 3 +7.5 1 HHHHI
Wyrzykowski said he sold the
cream online to support his FdmtlInvsA m ANCFX 60.73 +0.83 +1.4 +0.1 +18.5 1 +14.6 1 HHHHI
religious charity’s work with GrfAmrcA m AGTHX 48.89 +0.96 +2.0 ... +19.6 3 +15.5 2 HHHHI Utilities sectors (best performers)
prisoners, drug addicts and school IncAmrcA m AMECX 22.93 +0.15 +0.7 ... +9.2 4 +9.1 3 HHHHI
Electricity -0.7 1.4 1.0 (*%$#@|865431 10.5
children, but L’Oreal’s products InvCAmrcA m AIVSX 39.40 +0.49 +1.3 -0.6 +13.5 4 +13.5 3 HHHII
Enersis Chile SA ENIC +5.9 +8.6 +5.7 (*%$#@|8762 +12.6
decimated his sales. The lawsuit WAMtInvsA m AWSHX 43.53 +0.40 +0.9 +0.1 +15.7 2 +13.3 1 HHHHI
Avangrid Inc AGR +0.1 +5.7 +6.1 (*%$#@|9821 +21.5
says L’Oreal knew the university Dodge & Cox Inc DODIX 13.89 +0.01 +0.1 +0.2 +2.6 1 +3.3 1 HHHHI
held the relevant patents, but the TerraForm Power TERP +1.3 +5.4 +15.3 (*%$#@|8543 +8.7
IntlStk DODFX 45.31 -0.01 ... -0.7 +22.5 1 +10.2 1 HHHHI
company says the patents don’t Allete Inc ALE +0.9 +4.8 +4.6 (*%$#@|99763 +34.0
Stk DODGX 194.85 +2.32 +1.2 -0.8 +20.8 1 +15.5 1 HHHHI
cover its use of the chemical Portland Gen Elec POR +0.4 +4.1 -1.4 (*%$#@|95432 +15.9
DoubleLine TtlRetBdI DBLTX 10.77 -0.01 +0.3 +0.9 +2.4 +3.4 HHHHH
compound adenosine. Multiutilities -0.4 1.2 1.1 (*%$#@|87321 11.1
Fidelity 500IndexPrm FUSVX 86.91 +1.23 +1.4 +0.3 +16.4 2 +14.3 1 HHHHI
Just Energy Grp JE +2.3 +12.6 +9.2 (*%$#@|875 +11.6
Contrafund FCNTX 120.20 +2.29 +1.9 +1.2 +22.6 1 +15.1 2 HHHHI
Vectren Corp VVC -1.6 +8.8 +5.3 (*%$#@|99863 +37.6
Franklin Templeton IncA m FKINX 2.35 +0.01 +0.9 -0.4 +10.0 +6.9 HHHII
Ameren Corp AEE -0.9 +4.0 +4.6 (*%$#@|987 +24.9
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI MWTIX 10.73 +0.01 +0.1 +0.6 +0.7 4 +3.1 1 HHHHI
CenterPoint Energy CNP -0.3 +3.8 +2.6 (*%$#@|99851 +36.5
PIMCO TtlRetIns PTTRX 10.35 ... ... +0.8 +2.8 1 +2.6 2 HHHHH
WEC Energy Group WEC 0.0 +1.6 +2.5 (*%$#@|875431 +12.3
Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl VFIAX 229.51 +3.24 +1.4 +0.3 +16.4 2 +14.3 1 HHHHI
InTrTEAdmrl VWIUX 14.28 +0.02 +0.2 +0.7 +1.0 1 +2.9 2 HHHHI Gas Distribution -0.1 1.2 1.3 (*%$#@|9531 15.4
InsIdxIns VINIX 226.48 +3.20 +1.4 +0.3 +16.4 2 +14.4 1 HHHHI CVR Refining LP CVRR +15.0 +14.3 -8.3 (*%$#@|98532 +22.6
InsIdxInsPlus VIIIX 226.50 +3.20 +1.4 +0.3 +16.5 2 +14.4 1 HHHHI Imperial Oil Ltd IMO +3.2 +3.5 +7.6 (*#541| -1.4
PrmCpAdmrl VPMAX 126.89 +2.67 +2.1 +0.6 +21.5 2 +18.1 1 HHHHH Par Petroleum Corp PARR +1.7 +3.1 +5.1 (*%$#@| 0.0
TtBMIdxAdmrl VBTLX 10.84 ... ... +0.4 +0.1 5 +2.1 4 HHHII Antero Resources AR +1.0 +2.2 +1.0 985432| -23.0
TtInSIdxAdmrl VTIAX 29.08 +0.18 +0.6 +0.4 +18.6 2 +7.9 3 HHHII Alon USA Ptrs ALDW +16.7 +0.2 +10.8 (*%$#@|8643 +9.6
TtInSIdxInsPlus VTPSX 116.33 +0.73 +0.6 +0.4 +18.6 2 +8.0 3 HHHII Water -1.4 -0.4 1.9 (*%$#@|851 8.1
TtInSIdxInv VGTSX 17.39 +0.11 +0.6 +0.4 +18.5 2 +7.8 3 HHHII Amer Water Works AWK -1.4 +0.2 +2.3 (*%$#@|874321 +11.5
TtlSMIdxAdmrl VTSAX 61.96 +0.96 +1.6 +0.2 +16.2 2 +14.3 1 HHHHI Aqua America Inc WTR -1.4 -0.5 +1.0 (*%$#@|8754321 +12.4
TtlSMIdxIns VITSX 61.97 +0.96 +1.6 +0.2 +16.3 2 +14.3 1 HHHHI SJW Corp SJW +0.5 -1.1 +8.0 (*%$#@|997 +32.0
AP TtlSMIdxInv VTSMX 61.93 +0.96 +1.6 +0.2 +16.1 2 +14.1 2 HHHHI Pure Cycle Corp PCYO +3.6 -2.4 -10.6 (*%$#@|9998 +49.8
* - annualized WlngtnAdmrl VWENX 71.71 +0.45 +0.6 -0.1 +11.0 2 +10.2 1 HHHHH Amer States Water AWR -0.1 -3.5 +4.0 (*%$#@|9942 +29.0

Local Stocks
AT&T Inc T 35.81 3 43.03 37.48 -0.51 -1.3 t t -11.9 -3.7 4 5.0 14 5.2 Merck & Co MRK 58.29 7 66.80 63.83 0.89 1.4 s t 8.4 4.5 3 11.1 17 2.9
Air Products APD 129.00 6 157.84 145.65 -0.36 -0.2 t t 1.3 1.8 4 15.7 22 2.6 Nwst Bancshares Inc NWBI 14.95 2 19.10 15.66 -0.01 -0.1 t s -13.1 5.3 3 10.2 18 4.1
Applied Indl Tch AIT 43.50 6 69.00 57.75 1.75 3.1 s t -2.8 23.3 2 9.1 18 2.0 PNC Financial PNC 87.04 9 133.26 126.64 -1.24 -1.0 t s 8.3 43.4 1 17.1 16 2.4
Arconic Inc ARNC 16.75 7 30.69 25.51 0.26 1.0 s t 37.6 ... 5 ... ... 0.9 PPL Corp PPL 32.08 9 40.20 39.11 -0.48 -1.2 s t 14.9 18.1 2 11.1 17 4.0
Armstrong World Inds AWI 36.38 9 49.55 47.90 2.60 5.7 s s 14.6 10.1 3 4.3 19 ... Patterson Cos PDCO 35.93 2 49.26 37.88 0.13 0.3 t t -7.7 -15.5 4 4.3 19 2.7
BB&T Corp BBT 36.80 8 49.88 46.29 0.14 0.3 t s -1.6 24.0 2 10.4 16 2.9 Penn Natl Gaming PENN 11.93 0 22.32 22.41 1.45 6.9 s s 62.5 58.5 1 11.5 42 ...
Bco Santander SA SAN 4.19 9 6.99 6.51 -0.02 -0.3 t t 25.7 49.3 1 5.3 ... 3.5 Penney JC Co Inc JCP 3.45 1 10.74 3.99 0.14 3.6 t t -52.0 -57.7 5 -31.3 10 ...
Bon Ton Store BONT 0.31 3 1.98 .68 -0.01 -1.4 s s -53.7 -59.8 5 -33.4 ... 29.4 Pfizer Inc PFE 29.83 9 34.99 33.96 0.57 1.7 s s 4.6 1.6 4 10.6 14 3.8
CNH Indl NV CNHI 6.93 9 12.13 11.32 0.24 2.2 t s 30.3 55.9 1 10.5a ... 1.1 Rite Aid Corp RAD 2.21 1 8.77 2.42 0.15 6.6 s t -70.6 -67.9 5 15.3 40 ...
Campbell Soup CPB 46.20 1 64.23 45.40 -6.00 -11.7 t t -24.9 -17.8 4 8.0 15 3.1 Sears Holdings Corp SHLD 5.50 3 14.65 7.85 -0.67 -7.9 t s -15.5 -41.8 5 -14.2 ... ...
Carpenter Tech CRS 30.37 8 45.34 40.88 0.80 2.0 s s 13.0 15.1 2 -1.2 32 1.8 Skyline Cp SKY 5.07 5 17.35 10.92 0.87 8.7 s s -29.2 -8.9 4 18.2 ... ...
Costco Wholesale COST 142.11 4 183.18 158.24 5.79 3.8 s t -1.2 7.0 3 13.6 27 1.3 TE Connectivity Ltd TEL 60.38 8 85.20 79.74 1.25 1.6 t s 15.1 28.7 2 19.6 17 2.0
Donegal A DGICA 14.49 2 18.55 15.29 -0.05 -0.3 s t -12.5 -1.5 4 4.6 31 3.7 Tanger Factory SKT 23.06 1 41.16 23.70 -0.58 -2.4 t t -33.8 -37.8 5 -2.7 10 5.8
Exelon Corp EXC 29.82 9 38.78 37.54 -0.76 -2.0 t s 5.8 14.9 2 3.9 15 3.5 Tegna Inc TGNA 11.48 3 17.07 12.81 0.13 1.0 t t -6.5 6.4 3 14.6 7 2.2
Fulton Financial FULT 14.04 7 19.90 17.65 0.05 0.3 t t -6.1 26.2 2 14.9 18 2.5 Tyson Foods TSN 55.72 5 77.05 64.53 1.51 2.4 s s 4.6 -13.3 4 33.7 13 1.4
GlaxoSmithKline PLC GSK 37.20 5 44.54 40.20 0.73 1.8 t t 4.4 -1.8 4 2.9 ... 7.2 UGI Corp UGI 41.79 8 52.00 49.21 -0.18 -0.4 s t 6.8 10.3 3 21.4 11 2.0
Harley Davidson HOG 46.00 1 63.40 47.37 -0.35 -0.7 t t -18.8 -7.7 4 4.8 14 3.1 Univrsl Corp UVV 52.40 2 83.35 57.05 0.00 0.0 t t -10.5 -0.7 4 7.3 43 3.8
Henry Schein Inc HSIC 146.23 7 186.99 173.53 1.96 1.1 t t 14.4 6.5 3 17.7 25 ... Urban Outfitters URBN 16.19 2 40.80 21.10 -0.52 -2.4 s s -25.9 -41.0 5 -10.9 14 ...
Hershey Company HSY 94.03 6 116.49 105.61 0.45 0.4 s t 2.1 8.6 3 10.1 24 2.5 Verizon Comm VZ 42.80 5 54.83 47.92 -0.76 -1.6 t s -10.2 -4.4 4 6.5 10 4.8
Intl Paper IP 43.55 8 58.95 54.91 0.32 0.6 s s 3.5 16.5 2 13.1 18 3.4 WalMart Strs WMT 65.28 8 81.99 78.37 -0.26 -0.3 t t 13.4 10.4 3 3.9 17 2.6
Johnson & Johnson JNJ 109.32 8 137.08 131.03 -0.65 -0.5 t s 13.7 12.8 3 16.6 20 2.6 Weis Mkts WMK 43.72 1 68.88 44.17 -0.88 -2.0 t t -33.9 -11.3 4 3.6 21 2.7
Kellogg Co K 65.16 1 82.78 65.45 -1.72 -2.6 t t -11.2 -17.3 4 8.2 16 3.3 Wells Fargo & Co WFC 43.55 5 59.99 50.97 -0.80 -1.5 t t -7.5 4.1 3 11.2 13 3.0
Kroger Co KR 20.46 2 36.44 22.42 0.68 3.1 t t -35.0 -28.3 5 16.9 11 2.2 Windstream Hldgs WIN 1.87 1 10.46 2.16 0.12 5.9 t t -70.5 -68.0 5 -1.0 ... 27.8
M&T Bank MTB 112.25 6 173.72 149.00 -4.05 -2.6 t t -4.7 29.5 2 13.4 17 2.0 YRC Worldwide Inc YRCW 7.36 7 16.97 13.63 1.77 14.9 s s 2.6 17.7 2 19.5 ... ...
Notes on data: Total returns, shown for periods 1-year or greater, include dividend income and change in market price. *Three-year and five-year returns annualized. 3-year returns shown for stocks trading less than five years (indicated by “a”). Ellipses indicate data not available. Price-earn-
ings ratio unavailable for closed-end funds and companies with net losses over prior four quarters. Rank classifies a stock’s performance relative to all U.S.-listed shares, from top 20 percent (1) to bottom 20 percent (5).


In brief

NKorea says it loads

H-bomb on ICBM
North Korea’s state media claims
that its leader has inspected the load-
ing of a hydrogen bomb into a new in-
tercontinental ballistic missile.
There will be some skepticism from
experts about Pyongyang’s assertion
that it has mastered hydrogen technol-
ogy. But today’s statement by the state
run Korean Central News Agency will
raise already high worries on the Ko-
rean Peninsula and in Washington that
the North is closer to its goal of an ar-
senal of viable nuclear ICBMs that can
reach the U.S. mainland.

Russia vacates
shuttered US posts
The United States says Russia has
complied with its order to shutter its ASSOCIATED PRESS

A crew with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection battles the La Tuna brushfire Saturday on a hill-
San Francisco consulate and trade of- side in Burbank, Calif.
fices in Washington and New York.
But the U.S. is disputing Russia’s
claim that U.S. officials threatened to WEATHER

End of summer? Not out west

break down the doors as part of a plan
to search the premises.
A senior State Department official
says that personnel from the Russian
Embassy joined State Department of- SONOMA, Calif. (AP) — Vine- its cloudy chill. Hollywood Burbank airport.
ficials for walkthroughs of the three yards moved their wine harvest to The region was so hot that offi- Los Angeles resident Tracy Gold-
properties so the U.S. could verify the the cool of night and transit trains cials with the Bay Area Rapid Tran- man had her car packed in case offi-
Russians had vacated ahead of the slowed for fear that some of the sit system ordered trains to slow cials ordered her street to evacuate.
deadline. The official says it’s untrue hottest weather in San Francisco down on rails that were exposed to “It’s very unsettling,” she said by
that the FBI is “clearing the premises.” Bay Area history would warp rails sun, expecting the heat would ex- telephone as she watched flames
Saturday, as stifling temperatures pand and possibly shift the metal that she said had reached within
WASHINGTON and the smoky pall of wildfires track slightly, spokeswoman Alicia 200 feet of her house.
No info on Trump marked an unofficial end to sum-
mer across the U.S. West.
Trost said.
The weekend also broke heat re-
Fires up and down California’s
Sierra Nevada and further to the
Tower ‘wiretaps’ In Los Angeles, a wildfire just
north of downtown had grown to
cords in wine counties north of San
Francisco, where Labor Day for
northwest cast an eerie yellow and
gray haze. In the Sierra foothills,
The Justice Department says in become the largest in city history, some vineyards marks the start of authorities opened a center where
a legal filing that it has no informa- Mayor Eric Garcetti said. Three the busy grape harvest. evacuated residents could find out
tion about wiretaps President Donald structures had burned, at least two “We had been hoping for a mel- if their home was one of 20 de-
Trump once claimed had been made of of them homes, but fire officials low season,” Kat Doescher, se- stroyed in a blaze about 70 miles
Trump Tower in New York. said they were confident they could nior winemaker at Madrone Es- north of Sacramento.
The department’s National Security tame the blaze unless winds picked tate Winery outside Sonoma, said The National Interagency Fire
Division and the FBI “confirm that up. shortly after sunrise. She inspected Center said more than 25,000
they have no records related to wire- Fires also have driven people the chardonnay grapes that work- firefighters and personnel were
taps as described by” Trump’s March from their homes in Washington ers had harvested overnight under spread out across the West fight-
tweets. state, Oregon, Montana and other lights. “But I look at the forecasts, ing 56 large uncontained wildfires,
In those tweets, Trump alleged Pres- areas struggling with a weeklong and I see a heat wave that’s not get- including 21 in Montana and 17 in
ident Barack Obama “had my ‘wires heat wave that’s gripped the region. ting any cooler.” Oregon.
tapped’ in Trump Tower” prior to Elec- Other vineyard managers fretted Fire weather warnings were in
tion Day. Frisco heat over how best to soothe and when effect for parts of Wyoming, South
to pick their own heat-stressed Dakota and Montana, where blazes
ITALY San Francisco, meanwhile, set grapes. spanned more than 850 square
Victim said to ID a heat record for the day before
noon, hitting 94 degrees. By mid- Wildfires
In the Pacific Northwest, high
brothers in attack afternoon, it was 101 in the coastal
city — hotter than desert-bound In Los Angeles, hundreds of fire-
temperatures and a lack of rain
this summer have dried out vegeta-
Two Moroccan teenagers suspected Phoenix. With an all-time high of fighters battled flames that chewed tion that fed on winter snow and
of being among four males who gang 106 on Friday, it became just the through nearly 8 square miles of springtime rain. Officials warned of
raped a Polish tourist and beat her third time since the 1870s that San brush-covered mountains as au- wildfire danger as hot, dry, smoky
companion unconscious on an Italian Francisco had back-to-back triple- thorities issued mandatory or vol- days were forecast across Oregon
resort beach were identified at a police digit days. untary evacuation orders for more and Washington over the holiday
station Saturday by a Peruvian woman Forecasters expected tempera- than 700 homes in Los Angeles, weekend.
who reported being raped by the same tures to climb as high as 115 in sub- Burbank and Glendale. A fire about 80 miles southeast of
gang shortly after the first attack, ac- urbs east of the city. It was a rare Tourists snapped shots of their Seattle has burned more than 23
cording to Italian media. heat wave at a time of year that planes landing against a backdrop square miles and led to new evacu-
Italian media reporting from Rimini residents usually call “Fogust” for of orange flames in the hills near ation notices Saturday.
said the brothers, went to their police
station after recognizing themselves
in footage of surveillance cameras that COMMUNITY
police released in hopes of finding the
attackers. The Peruvian woman, who Makeup model dropped over race remarks
was attacked on a road not far from
the beach, came to the police station JACEY FORTIN L’Oréal campaign, Berg-
where she recognized them, the media dorf praised the cosmet-
reports said. The suspects’ ages were A transgender activist L’Oréal Paris UK said that it ics company for “allow-
described as ranging from 15 to 17. and model was dropped “supports diversity and tolerance ing more women to see
from a L’Oréal ad cam- themselves represented.”
MEXICO CITY paign because of com- towards all people irrespective of In January, a L’Oréal
President speaks on ments she made on social their race, background, gender and Paris campaign featured
media about race, the religion.” Hari Nef, a transgender
crime, violence company said Friday.
The model, Munroe
woman and activist. Last
year, L’Oréal Paris UK
Mexican President Enrique Pena Ni- Bergdorf, a DJ and activ- In a statement Friday, fact that western society announced that a man
eto said Saturday that security is his ist from London, was to L’Oréal Paris UK said as a whole, is a SYSTEM would be featured in a
government’s top priority, amid grow- star in L’Oréal Paris UK’s that it “supports diversity rooted in white suprem- makeup advertising cam-
ing violence and that is marring his campaign to advertise a and tolerance towards acy — designed to ben- paign for the first time.
fifth year in office and despite figures line of foundation. all people irrespective of efit, prioritise and protect On Friday, Bergdorf
showing significant drops in crime- “Honestly I don’t have their race, background, white people before any- urged her social me-
fighting results. energy to talk about the gender and religion.” It one of any other race,” dia followers to boycott
In his annual state-of-the-union ad- racial violence of white added: “We believe that she added. “Unknow- L’Oréal products.
dress, Pena Nieto said there has been people any more,” she the recent comments by ingly, white people are “If you truly want
progress in education reform and wrote in August in a Face- Munroe Bergdorf are at SOCIALISED to be racist equality and diversity,
infrastructure projects but acknowl- book post that appears to odds with those values, from birth onwards. It is you need to actively work
edged the bloodshed that’s on pace to have been deleted. “Yes and as such we have tak- not something genetic. to dismantle the source
be the country’s worst in many years. ALL white people.” en the decision to end the No one is born racist.” of what created this dis-
“Recovering public safety is the high- “Most of ya’ll don’t partnership with her.” L’Oréal and other cos- crimination and division
est demand of the public and the high- even realise or refuse to Bergdorf criticized that metics companies are in the first place,’’ she said
est priority for the government,” he acknowledge that your decision. She wrote that promoting wider ranges on Facebook. “You can-
said, adding that “all three levels of existence, privilege and her comments had been of makeup shades that not just simply cash in
government must strengthen their ef- success as a race is built taken out of context and cater to minorities who because you’ve realised
forts. We still have a lot to do.” on the backs, blood and were made in response have long been under- there’s a hole in the mar-
Pena Nieto has spent much of the last death of people of colour,” to white supremacist vio- served by major brands. ket and that there is mon-
year responding to U.S. President Don- she is quoted as saying. lence last month in Char- In an article for Vogue ey to be made from peo-
ald Trump’s tough line on Mexico. “Your entire existence is lottesville, Virginia. on Tuesday, before she ple of colour who have
SOURCE: WIRE REPORTS drenched in racism.” “I was addressing that was dropped from the darker skin tones.”


Russia-linked bots hone

online attack plans for 2018
Champion astronaut
nior fellow and direc-
back on Earth again
WASHINGTON — US AGENCY tor of the Alliance for MARCIA DUNN
After violent protests The Federal Securing Democracy
rocked Charlottesville, Communications at the German Mar- CAPE CANAVERAL,
Virginia, last month, Commission on shall Fund. Fla. — Astronaut Peggy
Thursday swam in a
Republican Sen. John sea of nearly 22 million The alliance last Whitson returned to
McCain took to Twitter comments after a month unveiled Ham- Earth late Saturday,
to condemn hatred and deadline passed for the ilton 68, an online wrapping up a record-
bigotry and urge Presi- public to offer opinions dashboard designed breaking flight that cata-
dent Donald Trump to on an issue that could to track Russian in- pulted her to first place
speak out more force- shape the internet for fluence operations on for U.S. space endurance.
years to come.
fully. Twitter with the hope Whitson’s 665 days off
Then pro-Russian bots But millions of them of better highlighting the planet — 288 days on
got activated on social appeared to come sources of informa- this mission alone — ex-
from robotic networks,
media. or bots, and were the tion. ceeds that of any other ASSOCIATED PRESS
Within hours, an on- equivalent of spam mail. The site culls real- American and any other In a Dec. 8, 2016, photo made available by NASA, astro-
line campaign attacking The confusion
time data from 600 woman worldwide. naut Peggy Whitson floats among cables inside the Co-
McCain began circulat- generated by the fake Twitter users, analyz- She checked out of lumbus module aboard the International Space Station.
ing, amplified with the comments left powerful ing trending hashtags, the International Space
help of automated and telecommunications topics and links. The Station just hours ear- tronaut Jack Fischer endurance list, followed
human-coordinated net- and cable companies dashboard’s develop- lier, along with another returned after 136 days by Whitson at No. 8. The
works known as bots and battling with citizen ers say the accounts American and a Russian. aloft. The men flew up in top spot belongs to Rus-
cyborgs linking to blogs advocacy groups over they selected cover Their Soyuz capsule April. sian Gennady Padalka,
the true nature of public
on “Traitor McCain” sentiment ahead of those likely con- landed in Kazakhstan It was an emotional with 879 days in space
and the hashtag #Ex- an open FCC meeting trolled by Russian shortly after sunrise to- farewell to the space sta- over five flights.
plainMcCain. Sept. 28. Both sides said government influ- day — Saturday night tion for Whitson, Yur- Whitson, a biochem-
After the 2016 U.S. public opinion was on ence operations. Oth- back in the U.S. chikhin and Fischer. Be- ist, set a breakneck pace
presidential race was their side. er accounts are pro- Whitson was the last fore retreating into their on all three of her space
subject to Russian cyber AT&T, the Russia users that may one carried from the Soyuz, they embraced station expeditions,
meddling, analysts say communications be loosely connected Soyuz. She immedi- the three colleagues they continually asking for
the ferocity of more re- conglomerate, claimed to the government ately received a pair of were leaving behind at more — and still more —
cent assaults is a preview that “most” of the 21.8 and some are people sunglasses to put on, as the 250-mile-high com- scientific research to do.
million comments sent
of what could be coming to the FCC “appear to influenced by the first she rested in a chair on plex. Yurchikhin patted Scientists on the ground
in the 2018 elections, us to be fraudulent.” two groups and who the barren, wind-swept the inside of the station said it often was hard to
when Republicans will It said that “nearly are active in bolster- Kazak steppes. Medi- before floating into his keep up with her. She
be defending their con- 450,000 comments ing Russian media cal personnel took her Soyuz for the final time. even experimented on
trol of both chambers of were filed using Russian themes. Some are bot pulse, standard prac- The station’s new- food up there, trying to
Congress. addresses.” accounts. tice. She then received a est commander, Randy add some pizazz to the
Short for “robot,” bouquet of flowers with Bresnik, noted the out- standard freeze-dried
still since 2016,” said Ben internet bots come the greeting, “Welcome post was losing 1,474 meals. Tortillas trans-
Nimmo, a senior fellow in a couple of forms. back, Peggy.” days of spaceflight expe- formed into apple pies
in information defense seeking to grasp how There are automated Besides duration, rience with the depar- on her watch.
at the Digital Forensic bots and influence oper- versions in which Whitson set multiple ture of Whitson, Yur- Whitson was supposed
Research Lab at the At- ations are rapidly evolv- software pumps out other records while in chikhin and Fischer. to fly back in June af-
lantic Council in Wash- ing. Blamed for steering posts from social me- orbit: world’s oldest “We are in your debt ter a half-year in space.
ington, which tracked political debate last year, dia accounts, often spacewoman, at age 57, for the supreme dedica- But when an extra seat
the activity. bots used for Russian at rates that a human and most experienced tion that you guys have opened up on this Soyuz,
“People have woken propaganda and other couldn’t conceivably female spacewalker, to the human mission she jumped at the chance
up to the idea that bots causes are only becom- do. with 10. She also be- of exploration,” Bresnik to stay in orbit an extra
equal influence and lots ing more emboldened, Analysts say Rus- came the first woman to told them on the eve of three months.
of people will be want- researchers say. sia’s longer-term goal command the space sta- their departure. He of- Except for the past
ing to be influencing the “They’re prepping the is less focused on tion twice following her fered up special praise week, Whitson said
midterms.” battlefield and sowing Trump than on help- launch last November. for Whitson — “Ameri- her mission hurried by.
Nimmo’s work is seeds of discord” and ing disrupt or under- Returning cosmo- can space ninja” — and She’s hungry for pizza
among a number of ini- “potentially laying the mine U.S. democratic naut Fyodor Yurchikhin wished them all God- and can’t wait to use a
tiatives cropping up at groundwork for what institutions — an ef- logged even more time speed. regular flush toilet again.
think tanks, startups, they’re going to do in fort that has been un- in space: 673 days over Yurchikhin is now No. She’s also eager to re-
and even the Pentagon 2018 or 2020,” said Lau- der way for decades. five missions. NASA as- 7 on the world’s all-time unite with her husband.

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A19, A20 & A21

Edna H. Edna worked at

Lombardo’s Restaurant,
PA. She was preceded
in death by her siblings,
Pipkin Rose Bowl Restaurant, Mary Nagley, Grace
Lancaster Regional Groff, Paul Richwine,
Medical Center, and and Frank Richwine.
finally at Lancaster Funeral Services
Career and Technology will be on Saturday,
Center in Willow Street, September 9, 2017 at
PA. She enjoyed Bingo 11:00 a.m. at the Fred
and getting together F. Groff Funeral Home,
with her family. 234 W. Orange Street,
Always known for her Lancaster, PA. Viewing
great sense of humor, will be one hour prior to
her nickname suited the service.
her! She was a “Pip.” She Burial will be in
ASSOCIATED PRESS loved people, kids and Conestoga Memorial
Shopping mall security guard David Maez keeps watch over pieces of a giant Zozobra animals. She always sur- Park in Lancaster, PA.
puppet in Santa Fe, N.M., on Wednesday. The giant, ghostly marionette is stuffed with rounded herself with as Donations may be
notes about worries and set on fire at an annual festival. many people as possible.
Edna H. Pipkin, made to the Shelter for
90, of Lancaster, PA As the workers on the Abused Women, 630

Purging gloom
entered into rest on 6th floor of Conestoga Rockland St., Lancaster,
Wednesday, August View very soon realized, PA 17602.
30, 2017 at Conestoga she loved attention. Please visit Edna’s
Edna will be lovingly Memorial Page on
View where she resided
remembered by her chil- www.TheGroffs.com
for almost 2 years. She dren, Deborah A. Pipkin
was born in Lancaster,
Giant puppet takes on worries stuffed into ‘gloom box’ PA, the daughter of the
and Robert L. Pipkin,
Jr., both of Lancaster;
MORGAN LEE late Frank Z. and Helen and her sister, Dorothy
stuffed several notes into for its people.” (Weit) Richwine.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Nicklaus of Manheim,
a slotted “gloom box” at a The invention of Will
SANTA FE, N.M. — shopping center. Shuster — a painter from
High anxiety about The first was about Philadelphia who mi- Joyce M. Central Penn Nursing
for 11 years. She was a
preceded in death by
her brother Richard
White House politics, a hospitalized sister grated to the Southwest Maloney former member of St. Withers.
hurricane flooding and and a brother recover- — Zozobra was first built John Neumann Catholic A Mass of Christian
even the threat of nucle- ing from brain surgery. and ignited in 1924, add- Church where she vol- Burial will be held at
ar war with North Korea Then came a note about ing a madcap celebration unteered with the K of C 10AM on Saturday,
is adding an extra spark the U.S. president, and a to a Santa Fe’s weeklong Ladies Auxiliary. Joyce September 9, 2017 at
to the annual burning of hand-scrawled prayer for community “fiestas” enjoyed gardening and St. John Neumann
a giant, ghostly mario- friends and former neigh- that include historic and Catholic Church, 601
reading. She enjoyed
nette that serves as an ef- bors besieged by floods in religious processions. E. Delp Rd., Lancaster,
playing bingo, but most
figy to gloom and doom. League City, Texas — a The festival’s name was PA 17601. Interment
The ritual burning of community sandwiched derived from a Spanish
of all she loved spending
time with her family, es- will follow at Conestoga
Zozobra was attracting between Houston and word for anguish. Memorial Park. Friends
tens of thousands of rev- the Gulf of Mexico. Modern pyrotechnics pecially her grandchil-
dren. She loved attend- will be received from
elers Friday to a Santa Fe “I put down, ‘Get rid of have transformed the 9-10AM at the church.
city park for a mixture of Donald Trump!’ ” said nighttime burning, now ing their sporting events
and other activities. In lieu of flowers, con-
wholesome and ghoulish Garcia, while still count- preceded by hours of live tributions may be
fun. ing her blessings. “I’m music and performances In addition to her
husband, Carl, she is made to Alzheimer’s
Inside the six-story very blessed personally, on an adjacent stage. A Joyce M. Maloney, Association, Greater
puppet are reams of my immediate family.” team of a dozen puppe- 80, of Woodbine, MD, survived by her four
children: Karen A. Banas PA Chapter, 2595
crumpled, handwrit- Yinka Adeniji, a teers heaves on cords to formerly of Lancaster Interstate Dr., Suite 100,
ten notes about recent 40-year-old technol- flex the groaning mari- passed away Wednesday, (Robert) of Woodbine,
MD, Christine R. Weikle Harrisburg, PA 17110. To
troubles and travails that ogy consultant, said he onette’s arms, head and August 9, 2017. She was send an online condo-
people hope to leave be- wanted to join others in jaw. the daughter of the late (Delton) of Sinksgrove,
WV, David M. Maloney lence, please visit
hind. Worries this year washing away all internal The spectacle appeals Charles and Catherine SnyderFuneralHome.com
included a combustible feelings of bad will — and to people’s “better an- (Slegers) Withers. She (Michele) of Las Vegas,
mix of disenchantment also perhaps get rid of an gels” in a year marked by was the loving wife of NV and Dennis J.
with politics and preoc- inept U.S. political system disaster and political up- Carl Maloney. Maloney (Heather) of
cupation over natural and start from scratch. heaval, said Ray Sando- Joyce worked as a Lititz, PA and 8 grand-
and manmade disasters. “I think it’s going to take val, who organizes Zozo- Home Health Aide for children. She was
In preparation for the a lot more than Zozobra,” bra for the local Kiwanis
burning, Holly Garcia, a he said. “We’re a country Club to raise money for
39-year-old homemaker that doesn’t want to care youth charities. In LANCASTER

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A18 A18 — SUNDAY,

Lester S. Styer a son, Tony Styer, both

Ann O. Jones Moravian Manor, she

of Virginia; a sister, Rose was an active member of OBITUARIES
Coonan of Manheim: the Health Center fam- ON PAGES
two brothers; William ily, the Bell Choir and A19, A20 & A21
Styer, married to Grace, the Better Late Than
of Columbia, and Sam Never drama club.
Mummaw of Lancaster,
and his grandchildren
The sun was Ann’s fa-
vorite thing. If it wasn’t
Dr. Leon the temple’s Men’s Club
and his overall commit-
and great-grandchil- raining, Ann could be Baronfeld ment to Temple Beth El.
dren. He was preceeded found outside basking In 2009 he was named
in death by his step-fa- in the sun. Congregant of the Year.
ther, Arthur Mummaw, Surviving are two He was the temple’s un-
and brother, Arthur daughters, Stephanie official photographer
Mummaw Jr. J. wife of Eric Walls for their many events
Relatives and friends of Westfield, MA and and after moving to
are invited to attend Carol J. wife of Patrick Worcester he continued
Lester S. Lester’s Celebration Ann O. Jones, 89, of Doyle of Richboro, to be the unofficial pho-
Styer, 79, of of Life Service on Lancaster, passed away PA; five granddaugh- tographer in his new
Lancaster, PA, Monday, September on August 24, 2017 at ters, Amanda wife community.
died on Friday, 11, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Moravian Manor in of Kenneth Lynch, Dr. Baronfeld and his
September at The Groff’s Family Lititz, following a brief Brittany wife of Joseph wife, Phyllis, married
1, 2017, at Lancaster Funeral & Cremation illness. Daudelin, Courtney while he was in college
General Hospital. Born Services, Inc., 528 W. She was preceded in wife of Jonathan and celebrated 66 years
in Lancaster, PA, he was Orange Street, (corner death by her loving hus- Yeomans, Jessica Doyle of marriage February 11,
of W. Orange & Pine and Ashley Doyle. Dr. Leon 2017. They traveled ex-
the son of the late Lester band of 61 years, Donald Baronfeld, 88,
S. and Mary K. Wiley Sts.) Lancaster, PA. B. Jones, who died in A Memorial Service tensively, visiting many
The family will greet will be held on Saturday, of Worcester, countries around the
Styer Mummaw. 2011. Born in Baltimore, MA, formerly
Lester served his friends from 1:00 p.m. MD on October 23, 1927, September 30, at 11:00 world.
until the time of ser- A.M. in the Chapel of Lancaster, He was a devoted and
country as a member of she was the daughter of PA, passed away July 24,
the United States Army. vice. Interment will be the late J. Henry and of Steinman Hall, loving husband, dad,
in Conestoga Memorial Moravian Manor, 300 2017. Born in Brooklyn,
He was a carpenter/ Elizabeth S. Parlett zaydie (grandfather)
Park. W. Lemon St., Lititz, PA NY, he was a son of
stagehand working at Oster. and great-grandfather
In lieu of flowers, with the Rev. Richard Sam and Rena (Lisker)
various woodworking Ann was a graduate of and will be sadly missed
contributions can be Thierolf officiating. Baronfeld.
and restoration com- the Maryland Institute by his wife, children
made in Lester’s name The family will greet He graduated from
panies throughout his of Art. Besides being a Donna Kaufman (Paul),
to the American Cancer friends following the Brooklyn Tech H.S., at-
career. He was an avid homemaker, she worked tended Queens College, Framingham, MA,
fisherman and enjoyed Society, 314 Good Drive, multiple retail jobs. She service. In lieu of flow- Esta Yavner (David),
Lancaster, PA 17603. ers, contributions in her NY, and earned his de-
fishing in Northeast was a lifetime member gree from Mass. College Providence, RI, and
Maryland and loved to Please visit Lester’s of St. James Episcopal memory may be made to Daniel Baronfeld
Memorial Page at: Moravian Manor, 300 of Optometry, Boston.
bowl, bowling multiple Church in Lancaster. He completed his post- (Karan), Lewiston,
games of 300. www.TheGroffs.com She enjoyed garden- W. Lemon St., Lititz, PA ME, his grandchil-
17543. To send an online graduate studies at
He is survived by his ing, sewing, being an Columbia U., NYC, and dren Lazer Kaufman
companion of 30 years, active member of the condolence, visit (Debbie), NY, Jonathan
DeBordSnyder.com established a solo op-
Susan Blotzer; a daugh- Lancaster Women’s tometric practice in Kaufman (Hernan), RI,
ter, Beverly Negron and Town Club and traveling Lancaster, retiring 45 Yisroel Yavner (Sori),
throughout the world years later, in 1998. NY, Reuven Yavner
with her husband. Most (Talia), NY, and Emily
Clarence W. Martin of Ephrata,
Esther W. Shirk of recently while living at (717) 394-4097
Dr. Baronfeld was
an avid photographer, Baronfeld, ME and
Shirk, 65, Ephrata, Ruth W. Shirk a ham radio operator, Hannah Baronfeld, ME
Beavertown of Ephrata, Martha
and J. David Martin of
Marian A. bingo and was an avid
Boscov’s shopper.
enjoyed sailing, golf, and great-grandchil-
dren Sarah Sheindel
bowling, tennis and
Clarence W. Shirk, Shippensburg, and one Maiden Also surviving: playing the organ that Kaufman, NY and
65, of 353 Berry Lane, sister-in-law, Elizabeth daughter, Dawn M. he built. He was an ac- Gavriel Yavner, NY. He
Beavertown entered (Burkholder) Shirk of (Steve) Gallagher, tive member of Temple also leaves a brother,
into rest at 05:31 PM Shiloh, OH. Philadelphia; sons, Beth El where he taught Dr. Irving Baronfeld,
on Friday, September In addition to his par- Charles W. Maiden, Sunday School classes and several nieces and
01, 2017 at Geisinger ents, he was preceded in II, Lancaster; & Sean and was a Board mem- nephews.
Medical Center. death by one brother, Michael (Patricia) ber for many years of Funeral services
He was born on Edwin Shirk, one sister, Maiden, Jim Thorpe; TBE and the Jewish were held July 25th at
December 24, 1951 in Susie Shirk, a grand- grandchildren, Comm. Ctr. In 2007 Dr. the Jewish Healthcare
Ephrata, a son of the late daughter, Kristi Rutt, a Samantha, Steven & Baronfeld received the Center, Worcester,
Martin Sauder Shirk grandson, Konner Rutt, Tess; great-grandchil- “Golden Bagel Award” MA with Rabbi Moshe
and Esther (Weaver) and a brother-in-law, dren, Mia & Steven for his dedication to Liberow officiating.
Shirk. On October 03, Miles Martin. William; and 9 siblings.
1974, in New Holland Family and friends C H R I S T I A N
a very outgoing and so-
he married the former are invited to the view- PRAYER SERVICE:
Wednesday, Sept. 6,
Lita Blough cial person who had a
Arlene Sensenig, who ing from 1 to 4 PM on
survives. Marian A. Maiden, 11 AM, Good Funeral beautiful smile.
Tuesday and from 6 to Lita is survived by
Mr. Shirk was a re- 8 PM on Tuesday at the 63, Mohnton, died Home, Reamstown.
tired farmer and well Sept. 1, 2017, in Ephrata VIEWING: We d . her siblings: Dan R.
County Line Mennonite Blough of Temple,
known auctioneer. Church, 1087 Saint Hospital. Born in 10-11 AM. BURIAL:
He attended the Philadelphia, a daughter Bowmansville Union Denny O. married to
Thomas Road, Mount Patty Blough of Peach
County Line Mennonite Pleasant Mills, PA. of William A. & Mary Cemetery. Omit flow-
Church (Weaverland T. (Weldon) Py, she ers; contributions Bottom, David L. Blough
The funeral will be of Johnstown, John P.
Conference), Mount held on Wednesday was married 47 years to American Cancer
Pleasant Mills, PA. to Charles W. Maiden, Society, 314 Good Dr., Blough of Centerville,
at 9 AM at the Shirk Deb A. Lau of Lancaster,
Surviving are two Residence, 353 Berry Sr. A parishoner of Lancaster, PA 17603.
daughters and sons- Church of St. Benedict’s, Sue L. married to Dave
Lane, Beavertown, Haldeman of Manheim,
in-law, Darla S. and with further services at Mohnton, she worked
Matthew Rutt of for SuperValue Dist. and Jean M. Walauskas
County Line Mennonite of Lancaster.
Beavertown, Lori S. Church, 1087 Saint Center, Denver. Marian
and Mark Horning, Jr. cherished her fam- Lita Blough, 54, of Friends will be re-
Thomas Road, Mount ceived on Tuesday,
of Stevens, four sons Pleasant Mills, PA be- ily & friends, enjoyed www.goodfuneral.com Lancaster, passed away
and one daughter-in- on Thursday, August September 5, 2017 from
ginning at 10:00 AM, 1-2PM at the Charles F.
law, Randall Shirk of
Beavertown, Ronald
with Bishop Lester M.
Martin, Minster Jay
Dennis J. Vincent, Tina (John)
Weeiss, Paul and the
31, 2017 at Hospice and
Community Care in Snyder Funeral Home
and Bethany (Hoover) Paul Hoover, Minister Brian late Rocco Cannizzaro. Mount Joy. & Crematory, 414 East
King St., Lancaster,
Shirk of Middleburg, Merlin B. Fox, Minister Grandfather of 19 and Born in Johnstown,
Richard Shirk of she was the daughter of PA with the Funeral
Raymond Zimmerman, a er off 14.
great-grandffath Service to follow at
Ephrata, Dwight Shirk officiating. Brother to Carl (Mattie) the late Leo A. Clark and
of Ephrata, 6 grandchil- the late Elaine L. Durst 2PM. Interment in
Interment will be and Lisa (John) Neil Millersville Mennonite
dren, Austin and Amy in the County Line and Charles Roth. He is Blough.
Rutt, Jessica, Travis, Lita loved to attend Cemetery. To send an
Mennonite Church also survived by nieces, online condolence,
and Shawn Horning, Cemetery. nephews and cousins. the Excentia Program
and Ava Shirk, one School at Keystone please visit
Kindly omit flowers. Relatives and friends SnyderFuneralHome.com
brother and sister-in- Fu n e r a l ar- are invited to his visita- Communities. She also
law, Eli and Anna Shirk rangements are by tion Tuesday evening enjoyed going to amuse-
of Mifflinburg, five sis- Dominick T. Adamo beginning 6pm at the ment parks, musical
ters and two brothers- Funerals · Cremations · Murph y Ruffenach, events, camping and
in-law, Mary and Alvin Monuments, 16 Walnut B r i a n W. D o n n e l l y going out to eat. She was
Leid of Ephrata, Edna Street, Mifflinburg. Funeral Home, 3rd & i d
o Sts. Funeral Home
D en n is J. B ri an ,
A ugus t 31, 20 17. Religious Services , Diane L. Janet Grossglass, and
by her brother Carl E.
Beloved husband to the 8:30pm. Burial private. (Grossglass) Grossglass.
Donations in his mem-
late Vincentina (nee:
Battistelli- Cannizzaro) ory can be made to the James A Celebration of
Diane’s Life will be held
and son of Anna Joseph Kelly Burkhardt at 1:00 pm Thurs. Sept.
Markert and the late Healing Fund, 2421 S. 7, at the Cedar Lane
Louis. Loving father Philip St., Phila. 19148. Unitarian Universalist
of Michael and Eric To express online con- Church, 9601 Cedar
B r i a n a n d st e p f a t h e r dolences: www.mur - Lane, Bethesda, MD
of Anna ( late Larry) ph yruffenachfuneral - 20814. In lieu of flowers,
We’re Here For You. LaBella, Thomas, John, homeinc.com donations in Diane’s
name can be made to
Offering a wide variety of in-home, non-medical Spark the Wave, a non-
personal care services including: How is Mom??? profit organization that
Taking Her Meds? Alone? Bathing? empowers, trains and
• Sensitive, caring • Laundry and light housekeeping Doing Her Daily Tasks? Eating Right? mentors youth to im-
companionship • Shopping and errands Anyone Around To Help Her At Night? pact the world through
• Bathing, dressing and • Escort to appointments • 24-Hour Staffing service in their com-
grooming assistance • Nighttime monitoring • Medication Monitoring
Diane L. (nee munities. Diane served
• Private Baths
• Meal planning and and 24/7 care Grossglass) James, 65, as Spark the Wave’s
• Assistance with Daily Living Needs
preparation • Transportation assistance • Full Housekeeping, Linen and August 26, 2017. Beloved founding treasurer for
• Medication reminders • Updating of family members Laundry Service wife of Ronald James over 13 years. To con-
prescription pick-up • Respite for family caregivers • Organized Social and for nearly 30 years. tribute, send a check to
Recreational Activities
Devoted mother of Carl Spark the Wave, PO Box
You CAN afford this! S. Grossglass and Jessica 40038, Washington, DC
Rates as low as $1600
E. James. Dear sister of 20016 or donate online
Linda Brubaker, Karen at sparkthewave.org.
Bierly, and Robert McCONAGHY F.H.,
“Bob” Grossglass. She Ardmore
Find Assistance: 888-837-4235 103 West Main St., Ephrata • (717) 733-2040 • TheGrovesHome.net was preceded in death www.mcconaghy
by her parents, Paul and funeralhome.com

Justin S. Scott M.
ming outdoors. His fa- College, PA and Michael OTHER
vorite sports teams were Bechdel of Lock Haven, OBITUARIES
Halstead the Steelers and Flyers. Halstead PA; four grandchil- ON PAGES
He will be remembered dren; a sister Deborah A20 & A21
for his hugs and big Sherr, wife of Kenneth
smile. of Brownstown; and a
Surviving in ad- brother Mark Halstead Sharon husband John, she is
survived by her son,
of Ephrata.
dition to his mother
are two sisters, Erica He was preceded in Francis Greg Sylvia of Spring
Halstead of Throop, PA death by a son, Justin Costanzo Hill, FL, daughter,
Michele Sylvia of
and Michelle Bechdel Halstead and a brother,
of State College, PA; Jeffrey Halstead. Spring Hill, FL, twin
and two brothers, Liam A Celebration of Life son and daughter, John
Service will be held J. Costanzo of East
Burke of Bainbridge, PA
at the Sheetz Funeral Petersburg and Jennifer
and Michael Bechdel of
Home, Inc., 16 East Costanzo, of Lititz, and
Lock Haven, PA.
Main Street, Mount Joy son, Brian Costanzo of
A Celebration of Life Lititz. Also surviving
Service will be held on Friday, September 8,
Justin S. Scott M. Halstead 2017 at 6 PM. Family and are eight grandchil-
Halstead was at the Sheetz Funeral was a devoted father dren; a brother, Bob
Home, Inc., 16 East friends will be received
a kind, loving who loved his family. He at the funeral home be- Southard of Lititz; two
brother and Main Street, Mount Joy passed away on August sisters, Stephanie (Bob)
on Friday, September 8, fore the service from 5
son who passed 30, 2017 at his home. PM to 6 PM. Interment McGarrah of Mt. Kisco,
away on August 30, 2017. 2017 at 6 PM. Family and Born in Lancaster he NYY, Karen (Pat) Fiore,
will be private. In lieu of
Born in Lancaster, he friends will be received was the son of Irma of Lititz; mother-in-
flowers, memorial con-
was the son of Jennifer at the funeral home be- (Bennett) Halstead law, Carmella Costanzo
tributions may be made Sharon F. Costanzo,
(Siefken) Halstead fore the service from 5 and the late Joseph W. 57, of Lititz passed and bro ther -in-la w,
to the Lone Survivor
and the late Scott M. PM to 6 PM. Interment Halstead. Foundation, 2636 S. away Friday, September Michael Costanzo. She
Halstead. will be private. In lieu of He took great pride Loop West, Ste. 280, 1, 2017 at Hospice & was preceded in death
Ju st i n proudly flowers, memorial con- in his trade as a Union Houston, TX 77054. To C o m m u n it y C a r e i n by her sister, Maureen
served in the United tributions may be made tile setter. He enjoyed send an online condo- Mt. Joy surrounded by Southard.
States Army, A-Co 1, to the Lone Survivor camping, hunting, lence, please visit www. her loving familyy. Born Funeral Services
21st Infantry Regiment Foundation, 2636 S. NASCAR and trips to sheetzfuneralhome.com in White Plains, NY will be held at 11AM on
of the 2nd brigade-25th Loop West, Ste. 280, the mountains. she was the daughter Thursday, September
Infantry Division. He Houston, TX 77054. To Scott is survived by of the late William and 7, 2017 at the Charles
served overseas as a send an online condo- three children, Erica Eliz abe th (Bacc has) F. Snyder Jr. Funeral
Stryker Driver in the lence, please visit www. Halstead of Throop, PA, Southard. She was the Ho me & C rem at oryy,
Iraq War. sheetzfuneralhome.com Michelle Shutt of State loving wife of John 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz,
Justin was a soft spo- Costanzo with whom PA 17543. A viewing will
ken, big hearted man she shared over 31 years be held from 6-8PM on
who loved our family
dearly. He enjoyed hik-
Annamaria best!
Surviving: her
of marriage. Weednesday, September
6, 2017 at the funeral
ing, hunting and swim- Leed husband of 57 years,
She worked for the
Community Services home and again from
Edward W. Leed, Sr.; Group as a caregiver for 10-11AM on Thursday.
daughter, Martha Ann
Diane M. Bitts Diane leaves behind
a daughter, Cathi Bitts Leed, Ephrata; son,
many years.
Sharon enjoyed tak-
Interment will be pri-
vate. Flowers will be
of Columbia; a sister, Michael P. (Sally Zell) ing care of others, es- received. To send an on-
Rosie Axe of Mountville; Leed, Reinholds; 17 pecially the elderly and line condolence, please
special nephews, Doug grandchildren; 15 great- disabled. She also en- visit
and Timmy Kemmerly grandchildren & 2 great- joyed going to the beach SnydeerrFuneralHo
both of Columbia; sev- great-grandchildren. but her greatest joy in
eral other nieces and Sons, Dale A. & Edward, life was spending time
nephews and a large ex- Jr., and siblings, Pauline with her familyy.
Moyer & Fred Uibel, In addition to her
tended family. In addi-
predeceased her.
tion to her parents, she
was preceded in death VICE: Wednesday, Sept.
by three sisters.
A visitation for Diane
6, 7 PM, Mellinger’s Lillian M. Emrey Doman, wife
of James, of East Earl,
Annamaria Leed,
will be held from 6:00 – 80, Stevens, died Aug.
Lutheran Church, 80
Gockley Rd., Stevens, PA
Frankhouser and Jesse Frankhouser,
8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 30, 2017, in Gardens husband of Valerie, of
17578. The family will New Holland; 8 grand-
Diane M. Bitts, 66, September 6, 2017 at the at Stevens. Born in receive friends following
of Columbia passed Clyde W. Kraft Funeral Ephrata, a daughter of children: Eric Emrey,
the service. PRIVATE Daniel Emrey, Matthew
away at her resi- Home, 519 Walnut St., Paul & Ella Mae (Fry) INURNMENT: Lincoln
dence on September 2, Columbia, PA 17512. Uibel, she was a member Emrey, David Emrey,
Cemetery, Ephrata. Jessica Frankhouser,
2017. She was born in In lieu of flowers, of Mellinger’s Lutheran Rather than flow-
Columbia to the late please consider a dona- Church. Annamaria Rebecca Schlegel,
ers, contributions to Benjamin Witmyer, and
James “Buttercup” and tion to the American was a 1954 Ephrata H.S. Hospice & Community
Catherine Haselwander Heart Association, graduate and worked at Michael Krick; 12 great-
Care, Box 4125, grandchildren and 3
Ellwein and was a life- Lancaster PA Chapter, W.W. Moyer, Ephrata, & Lancaster, PA 17604.
long resident of this 610 Community Way, Woolworth Distribution great-great-grandchil-
area. Diane worked for Lancaster, PA 17603 or Center, Denver. She en- dren.
many years with Y & the American Diabetes joyed blue grass shows, She was preceded in
S Candies, eventually Association, 3544 N. macramé, crossword death by her husband,
retiring from the com- puzzles and dining out. her parents, her brother
Progress Ave., Suite 101, Lillian M.
pany. She loved going to Her chicken corn soup Carl Steffy, and her
Harrisburg, PA 17110. www.goodfuneral.com Frankhouser, 88, of
the beach at Wildwood, and pot pie were the grandson Ethan Emrey.
Arrangements by the East Earl, passed away Funeral services will
NJ and visiting the Clyde W. Kraft Funeral
Casino at Delaware on Thursday, August be held on Wednesday,
Home, Inc. Columbia/ 31, 2017 at WellSpan September 6, 2017 at 11
Park. Diane was a loving
mother, aunt, and sister
Landisville. Doris M. sons Keith A. Martin,
husband of Debbie
Ephrata Community AM at St. John Center
who adored her family. Martin of Virginia, Jeffrey S.
Hospital. She was the
loving wife of Lloyd D.
Lutheran Church, 599
Martin of Michigan, Reading Rd., East Earl,
Doris M. Martin, Frankhouser, whom PA 17519 with Vicar
grandchildren Kylene
David E. the AARP, preparing tax
returns for those who
82, of Manheim, died
Thursday, August 31, Wolfe, wife of Eric,
preceded her in death in Mark Fischer officiating.
Ripple, PhD. needed assistance, both 2017 at Wellspan Good Ashlee Daly, wife of
Born in Reamstown,
Interment will follow in
Center Union Cemetery.
David E. Ripple, PhD., in Lake County, OH and Samaritan Hospital. She Derek, Laura Ashley
Martin, wife of Jonathan she was the daughter Viewings will be held on
formerly of Johnstown, Lancaster County, PA. was the wife of the late of the late Howard and
He enjoyed helping oth- Menz, Jordan Martin, Tuesday, September 5,
PA and Kirtland, OH, Coyle E. Martin, who Florence (Keith) Steffy. 2017 from 6-8 PM at the
ers with their tax prepa- died in 2008. Molly Martin and Jane
died of heart failure on She was a mem- Eckenroth Home for
rations, fishing, playing Born in Lancaster Omo, wife of Darrin, five
August 27, 2017. ber of St. John Center Funerals, 209 E. Main
bridge, and spending County on December great grandchildren and
David is survived Lutheran Church, a for- St., Terre Hill, PA 17581
time with his family in- 28, 1934, she was the a sister Gerry Wagner of
by his wife, Maurine Mt. Joy. mer member of Trinity and on Wednesday from
(Strayer), formerly of cluding the 3 dogs and 4 daughter of the late Earl Lutheran Church, and
Funeral services will 10-11 AM at the church.
Erie, PA and Kirtland, cats. and Alverta (Clinton) a homemaker who in
be held on Thursday, To send the family on-
OH; his son, Carl of All are welcome to Pautz. Doris graduated her spare time enjoyed
September 7, 2017 at line condolences visit us
Kirtland, OH: and his attend and celebrate from Elizabethtown cooking, spending time
11AM at North Annville at www.groffeckenroth.
daughter, Gretchen, of David’s life to be held High School and with family, and enter-
Bible Church, 4590 Hill com. Arrangements by
Lititz, PA. at the White Swan, worked as a Secretary Church Road, Annville, taining in her home. Eckenroth Home for
He graduated from Lititz, PA on October for Indiantown Gap. PA 17003. Visitation will Lillian is survived by Funerals, Terre Hill.
Pittsburgh University, 8 between the hours of She was an active volun- be held one hour prior to two children: Cheryl
Phi Beta Kappa, and 2-4PM. To let the family teer and friend in her re- the service. Interment
The Pennsylvania State know you hope to attend tirement community, as will be in Indiantown
University in 1969 earn- please RSVP at https:// well as North Annville
ing his PhD. degree in
Organic Chemistry.
The family is grateful
Bible Church, of which
she was a member.
Gap National Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, dona- CREMATION:
tions may be made in The simple alternative
He and Maurine then for the condolences at Surviving are Doris’ memory to North
moved to Kirtland, OH https://www.snyderfu- daughters Brenda K. If you want a funeral with an expensive
Annville Bible Church,
when he accepted a neralhome.com/obitu- Buffenmeyer, wife of memo Guatemala casket and embalming, go to a funeral home!
position as a Research a r y /d a v i d - e - r i p p l e , Larry of Annville, Cathy Project. www.kreamer- If you are interested in affordable
Chemist at the Lubrizol but declines flowers. R. Martin, of Texas, funeralhome.com CREMATION SERVICES?
Corporation. David Donations, in David’s WE ARE THE NAME TO REMEMBER
spent his entire ca- honor, may be made to
We specialize in cremation only, statewide, no removal fees
reer with Lubrizol, any public library.
retiring as the RD&T More than a No Embalming No Caskets
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áŽn  ‘×nÓþb Qìá ª| @šš áŽn
Please send me FREE brochures and pricing!
Qn@ìáþ áŽ@á ×ᑚš Ón @‘¥×ÁÎ Formerly Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home Name:
M ¥¥n Ó@¥™ 141 East Orange Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Jeremy R. DeBord, Supv.
2024 Marietta Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603
Randy L. Stoltzfus, Supv.
Phone: ( )

(717) 394-4097 | www.DeBordSnyder.com Code: LNP


Virginia L. Graham William (Bill) Bourke

OBITUARIES Church and was ac- tion of Supervisor of
ON PAGE A21 tive with Meals on Tunkhannock Township
Wheels, helping in 2000-2006 and was
with the Community also President of Pocono
Lucy B. Cynthia B. Thanksgiving dinners,
bird watching, garden-
Eco/Industrial Park,
Martell Stouffer ing, swimming, animals Moving to
Cartledge and animal welfare, en-
joying outings with the
Homestead Retirement
Village in 2006 provided
“Travelers” group, col- many opportunities
lecting antiques, being for Bill to volunteer his
a stand holder at White time and talents to help
Horse Antiques and others. Because of Bill’s
spending time with her love of golf, he estab-
family and friends. William (Bill) Bourke lished the “Homestead
Virginia is survived of Homestead Village, Village Golf Group,” and
by three children, Carol Lancaster, PA passed also played golf with
Jameson, wife of Paul away on August 19, 2017 the “Parsormore Golf
of Vienna, VA, Robert at the age of 79. Group” of Lancaster
Graham, husband of Born in Brooklyn, County. Bill was an ac-
Madeleine Carter of NY, he was the younger tive contributor to the
Glen Echo, MD and of two sons of the late “Activities Committee,”
Cynthia B. Stouffer, Patricia Shearer, wife of Michael and Mary and also served as
L u c y age 76, died on August Mark of Mount Joy. Also Christine (Tobin) Vice-President of the
B. Martell 13, 2017 at Willow Valley surviving are six grand- Bourke. He was the be- Homestead Auxiliary
Cartledge, 78, Arbor View. A lifelong, children, Nora, Morgan, loved husband of Donna for 2 years, and be-
of Lancaster, devout Catholic, she was Tate, Rex, Emily and M. (McCampbell) came President of the
formerly of born November 13, 1940 Colby. Bourke for over 43 Auxiliary from 2011-
Gap, passed away at in Manila, Philippines, Virginia Leech She was preceded years. Bill is survived 2012.
Lancaster General daughter of the late Graham, 92, of Mount in death by a brother, by a daughter Colleen Relatives and friends
Hospital, Wednesday, Teodulo and Felicidad Joy, passed away on Howard Leech. (Bourke) Morea and her are invited to attend
August 30, 2017. Born (Tiongco) Bautista and Thursday, August A funeral service hon- husband Joseph and a Celebration of Bill’s
in Lancaster, she was sister of the late Soledad 31, 2017 at Masonic oring Virginia’s life will two sons William and Life which will be held
the daughter of the late and brother Renato Villages, Elizabethtown. be held at Saint Mark’s Kevin Bourke. He was on Saturday, September
Dominick and Jennie Bautista. She is survived Born in Lexington, VA, United Methodist the grandfather of Brian 9, 2017 at 2 pm at the
(Madonna) Martell. by her loving husband she was the daughter of Church, 37 East Main and Christopher Morea. Bachman Center of
Lucy was the loving of 28 years, E. Marvin the late Howard S. and Street, Mount Joy on Bill was preceded in Homestead Village,
wife of the late Donald Stouffer, and brothers Ella (Arehart) Leech. Saturday, September 9, death by his parents and 633 Community Way,
C. Cartledge, to whom Fernando and Ramon Virginia was the wife of 2017 at 4:00PM. Family brother, John Bourke, Lancaster, PA 17603. A
she had been married Bautista. the late Leon William and friends will be re- husband of Dixie. private interment will
53 years, when he died Cynthia earned “Bill” Graham who ceived at the church He proudly served be held in the Memorial
in 2015. a B.S. in Chemical passed away on June 22, before the service from his country from 1956- Garden at The First
Lucy was a 1956 Engineering from the 2009. 3:00-4:00. Interment 1958 as an Airman in the Presbyterian Church
graduate of Lancaster University of Santo Virginia moved to will be private. In lieu of U.S. Navy Reserves sta- downtown Lancaster.
Catholic High School Tomos and an M.S. Washington in 1942 flowers, memorial con- tioned in Saufley Field, In lieu of flowers,
and worked as a secre- of Mathematics from where she became part tributions may be made Pensacola, FL. contributions may
tary for many years. Of Ateneo University, in of the war effort, working to the Humane Society Bill started his busi- be made to Hospice
the Catholic Faith, Lucy Manila. She taught high at American University; of Lancaster County, ness career with the & Community Care,
belonged to Historic St. school physics in Manila subsequently she 2195 Lincoln Highway NJ Transit Authority, 685 Good Drive, PO
Mary’s Catholic Church. before emigrating to the worked for Coppers East, Lancaster, PA and then moved to vari- Box 4125, Lancaster,
She enjoyed solving USA in 1976. Recipient Company and Riggs 17602, as well as to ous positions with NY PA 17606-4125; The
crossword puzzles, was of a NIOSH Fellowship, National Bank. After St. Mark’s United Telephone Co. and NJ Homestead Village
a talented seamstress, she earned an M.S. in marrying Bill Graham Methodist Church, 37 Bell Telephone Co. Endowment Fund,
played the piano, and Industrial Hygiene in 1951, she raised her East Main St., Mount Bill became a member Homestead Village, Inc.,
loved preparing deli- from the University of children while being ac- Joy, PA 17552. To send of (SIGN) Society of 1800 Village Circle, PO
cious meals for her fam- Southern California. tive with rug hooking, an online condolence, Investigators of Greater Box 3227, Lancaster,
ily. She held various safety, volunteer work in the please visit www.sheetz- Newark, NJ and (ASIS) PA 17604-3227, or
Lucy is survived by health and environmen- schools and at Sherwood funeralhome.com American Society of United Disabilities
her daughter, Donna M. tal positions during a Presbyterian Church. Industrial Security Service Foundation
Cartledge, of Lancaster; 26-year DuPont Co. ca- After moving to before he retired as - Service Dogs, 1905
her sister, Anne M. reer in Towanda, PA and Mount Joy, PA, Virginia Director of Security Olde Homestead Lane,
Martell, of Lancaster; Wilmington, DE. attended Saint Mark’s with NJ Bell Telephone Lancaster, PA 17601-
and her brother, Cynthia’s passion was United Methodist Co. in 1991. 5824.
Victor Martell, also of planning in detail and After retirement, To leave an online
visiting a great variety Kay is preceded in
Lancaster. She was pre-
of destinations world- Catherine death by her loving hus-
Bill and Donna moved
to Long Pond, PA, in
condolence for the fam-
ily please visit
ceded in death by her
brother, George Martell wide with husband, “Kay” band, Carl Fenninger; the Poconos. There he DeBordSnyder.com
and sister, Theresa Marvin. To best serve
this interest, she earned Fenninger child, Kathy Lynn; 4
sisters and 3 brothers.
became Chairman of
Stammer. the Monroe County
A Mass of Christian a certified travel agent She will be remem- Municipal Wa s t e
Burial will be cele- designation. Teaching bered with love by Manag ement, was
brated at 10AM, Friday, seniors how to identify those who survive her; elected to the posi- (717) 394-4097
September 8, 2017, and report Medicare daughters, Pat (Art)
at Historic St. Mary’s fraud and abuse as a vol- DiMartile and Janet
Catholic Church, 119 S. unteer for Delaware and
Pennsylvania Senior
(Michael) Romanowski; Thomas Center.
Thomas leaves be-
grandchildren, Jessica
Prince St., Lancaster,
PA 17603, with the Rev. Medicare Patrol, and (Nathan) Barg en, Swan, Jr. hind his daughters,
recruiting knitters to Victoria DiMartile, Sandy, wife of Steve
Leo M. Goodman, as Beaston of Wrightsville,
Celebrant. Family and help bring Christmas Claire (Cameron)
joy to sailors at the Port Hershberger, Max, Sue, wife of Dave Frey,
friends will be received Sr. of Washington Boro;
at the church for a view- of Wilmington Seamen’s Spencer and Molly
Center were two of her Romanowski; and seven grandchildren
ing from 9 to 10AM. and seven great-grand-
Interment will follow at other long-time inter- great-grandchild Bruno
ests. Bargen. children; his brother,
St. Anthony’s Catholic Catherine “Kay ” George, husband of
Cemetery, Lancaster. Relatives and friends Fenninger, of Erlanger, A Funeral Service
are invited to attend will be held on Tuesday, Susan Swan of Lititz.
In lieu of flowers, the KY, formerly of In addition to his par-
family requests that a Memorial Mass at Lancaster, PA, went September 5th, 2017 at
St. Philip the Apostle ents, he was preceded
contributions in Lucy’s home to be with Jesus 2:30PM at the Charles F.
Roman Catholic Church, in death by his wives,
memory be made to: on August 29, 2017. The Snyder Funeral Home &
2111 Millersville Pike, Sally Ann Swan and Mae
“The Legacy Project,” daughter of Italian im- Crematory, 414 E. King
Lancaster, PA 17603, Swan; his son, Thomas
the building improve- migrants, Kay grew up St., Lancaster, PA with Swan III.
ment fund of St. Mary’s on Friday, September 8, in a large family with The Pastor Bob Kilgore.
2017 at 11:00 AM. A visi- Thomas Swan, Jr., Services for Thomas
Catholic Church, at the nine siblings. An interment will follow 90, of Wrightsville will be held at 11:00
address above, or to the tation will be held at the She met and married in Hershey Mennonite
church from 10:00 AM passed away on August a.m. on Thursday,
Bellevue Presbyterian the love of her life, Carl Cemetery, Kinzers, PA. 30, 2017. He was born September 7, 2017 at the
Church, 810 Newport until the time of the ser- Fenninger. Together In lieu of flowers,
vice. Interment will be in Lancaster to the late Clyde W. Kraft Funeral
Ave., Gap, PA 17527. To they raised two daugh- memorial contribu- Thomas, Sr. and Annie Home, 519 Walnut St.,
leave the family an on- private and at the conve- ters, and created a good tions may be made
nience of the family. In Geisler Swan. Thomas Columbia, PA 17512.
line condolence, please life. Kay taught herself in Kay’s memory to proudly served in the The family will receive
visit: lieu of flowers, contribu- how to sew and passed Calvary Church Global United States Navy. He friends for visitation
SnyderFuneralHome.com tions may be sent to the on some of her knowl- Ministries Fund, 1051 had an entrepreneurial beginning at 10:00 a.m.
charity of your choice in edge to her grand- Landis Valley Rd., spirit that found him until service time. Burial
Cynthia’s memory. To children. She was also Lancaster, PA 17601. owning M & S Auto in with military honors
leave an online condo- known as one of the best To send the family Columbia and also the will follow at Habecker’s
lence please visit: apple pie and choco-
DeBordSnyder.com online condolences, Softy King ice cream Mennonite Cemetery.
late chip cookie makers please visit truck. He was also a real Flowers will be ac-
around. Her pies are leg- SnyderFuneralHome.com estate broker for almost cepted. Arrangements
Í n@Ꭰšn@ûn× @ Žn@Óá@[Žn endary in the family, and 30 years. Thomas was by the Clyde W. Kraft
¥ª ª¥n [@¥ Žn@šb she delighted in sharing a master gardener who Funeral Home, Inc.
šªûn šn@ûn× @  n ªÓþ (717) 394-4097 those recipes with her
¥ª ª¥n [@¥ ×án@šÁÎ enjoyed woodworking, Columbia/Landisville.
daughters and grand- tinkering, and visiting www.cwkraftfh.com
M 3¥™¥ªü¥
daughters. the Columbia Senior

perhaps the kindest gift
you can give your family.
528 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
     ­­­   

               


Jacqueline “Jackie”
Deaths Reported Zimmerman Wright Bowser
Baker, Patricia Ann Jones, Ann O. mer canning and freez-
81, wife of Jerry Edwin 89, of Lancaster. August ing the fruits of her labor.
Baker, of Texas. August 24, 2017. DeBord Sny- Jackie was a great cook,
30, 2017. Chapel Hill der Funeral Home & Claude Patricia “Pat” and won second place
Memorial Park & Crematory, Inc., 717-
Funeral Home, 210- 394-4097 D. “Cork” Ann Baker in a contest sponsored
by Hanover Brands of
Leed, Annamaria Smoker York. Her “Bean Buns”
Baronfeld, Leon 80, wife of Edward W. recipe won her a trip for
88, husband of Phyllis, Leed, Sr., of Stevens. two to Acapulco, Mexico
of Worcester, MA. July August 30, 2017. Good and a fun filled week-
24, 2017. Funeral Home & Cre- end in Pittsburgh to
Behrend, Elizabeth- mation Centre, Inc., meet the actor Edward
Cohen * 717-336-4909 Albert. She was a tal-
76, of Quarryville. Maiden, Marian A. ented crafter creating
August 30, 2017. (Py) * Jacqueline “Jackie” Christmas wreaths
Edward L. Collins, Jr. 63, wife of Charles W. Zimmerman Wright and swags for their
Funeral Home, Inc., Maiden, Sr., of Mohn- Bowser, of Lititz passed Christmas Tree Farm
610-932-9584 ton. September 1, 2017. away Monday, August started in 1985. Jackie
Bitts, Diane M. Good Funeral Home & 28, 2017 in the Lancaster was her husband’s part-
66, of Columbia. Sep- Cremation Centre, 717- General Hospital at ner in his body shop
tember 2, 2017. Clyde 336-4909 Patricia Ann Baker, the age of 81. Born in business, the Christmas
W. Kraft Funeral Home, 81, passed away on Lebanon, she was the Tree Farm and the
Inc., 717-684-2370 Maloney, Joyce M. Claude D. “Cork” daughter of the late Auger Transporter busi-
80, wife of Carl Mal- Smoker, age 70, went August 30, 2017, in
Blough, Lita Converse, Texas. She Edith Mae Zimmerman ness Lew invented.
oney, of Woodbine, MD. to be with the Lord on Brandt and Melvin Jackie is survived by
54, of Lancaster. August August 9, 2017. Charles Wednesday, August 30, was born on February
31, 2017. Charles F. Sny- 26, 1936, to David Jacob James Zimmerman. She her three sons: Lewis H.
F. Snyder Jr. Funeral 2017. He passed away
der Funeral Home & Home & Crematory, Shumaker and Kathryn was married 48 years to Bowser Jr. and his wife
at Lancaster General the late Lewis H. Bowser Sue Ann of Lititz; David
Crematory, 717-393- 717-560-5100 (Kate) Marie Shumaker
9661 Hospital. Sr. L. Wright and wife Tina
Claude was born in in Bainbridge,
Martin, Doris M. Pennsylvania. She graduated from of Manheim; Mark A.
Bourke, William (Bill) 82, of Manheim. August Lancaster, PA to the
79, husband of Donna She is preceded in Lebanon High School Bowser and wife LaRue
31, 2017. Kreamer late David R. & Helen K. in 1953. She was a regis- of Lititz; a granddaugh-
M. (McCampbell) (Buch) Smoker. He was death by her parents
Funeral Home, 717- tered nurse who gradu- ter Kelly M. Wright and
Bourke, of Homestead 867-4811 married to Donna L. and two brothers–Bill
Village, Lancaster. Shumaker and Larry ated from The Woman’s a great-grandson Caleb
(Brendle) Smoker for 50 Medical College of of Lancaster; a brother
August 19, 2017. DeBord Mattern, Ruth Avery* Shumaker. Pat is sur-
93, of Luther Acres, loving years, celebrated Pennsylvania School Richard D. Zimmerman
Snyder Funeral Home on June 3, 2017. vived by her loving hus-
& Crematory, Inc., 717- Lititz. August 26, 2017. band of 57 years, Jerry of Nursing in 1956. She and his wife Barbara
394-4097 Charles F. Snyder, Jr. He graduated from served in the US Army of Stewartstown; and a
Lampeter Strasburg Edwin Baker, daughter
Funeral Home & Cre- Karen Lynn Bohanan stationed in El Paso, sister Sally Ann Paugh
Bowser, Jacqueline High School and served
Zimmerman Wright matory, 717-560-5100 (Martin); three grand- Texas.. After the army wife of the late James F.
his apprenticeship at she worked as an RN Paugh of Lebanon; and
81, of Lititz. August 28, Pipkin, Edna H. Fisher’s Millwork in children, Allison Kate
2017. Thompson Kirbo (Tom), Lindsey in a family practice in several nieces and neph-
90, of Lancaster. August East Petersburg.
Funeral Home, Inc., 30, 2017. The Groffs Reed Bohanan, and Akron. Jackie loved ews. Preceding her in
Cork worked at writing and had many death in addition to her
717-272-0701 Family Funeral & Cre- Messick Chevrolet, Kristen Layne Bohanan;
mation Services, Inc., brother Terry Shumaker articles published in husband was a brother
Brian, Dennis J. Autohaus, Trojan Yacht local newspapers and Gerald W. Zimmerman
August 31, 2017. Mur- 717-394-5300 and for Jacob Habecker (Melodie), and other
loving family members magazines. She enjoyed and a grandson Michael
phy Ruffenach, Brian Ripple, David E. Contractor. He was self-
and friends. hunting and fishing Wright.
W. Donnelly Funeral Husband of Maurine employed as a building
Home, 215-334-1578 Pat grew up in with her husband. They Jackie attended
(Strayer), formerly of contractor for 34 years. sponsored an annual DOVE We s t g a t e
Cartledge, Lucy B. Johnstown. August 27, He attended Calvary Pennsylvania and
entered the U.S. Air flounder fishing tourna- Church in Ephrata.
Martell 2017. Charles F. Snyder, Church. Cork enjoyed ment in Chincoteague, Contributions in her
78, of Lancaster. August Jr. Funeral Home & traveling, trains, Dune Force in 1955. She then
worked in Civil Service VA. She and Lew spent memory may be made to
30, 2017. Charles F. Sny- Crematory, 717-560- Buggies, cars, NASCAR many winters snow- the DOVE Benevolence
der, Jr. Funeral Home & 5100 and spending time at his for 31 years as a Systems
Analyst until her retire- mobiling with the Fund, 1755 W. Main
Crematory, 717-560- cabin with family and
5100 Shirk, Clarence W. ment in 1991. Pat was Dutch Trailcutters St., Ephrata PA 17522.
65, husband of Arlene friends. Snowmobile Club on Memorial Service will
Surviving besides an avid Judson Rockets
Costanzo, Sharon Sensenig Shirk, of 353 trails in Potato City, PA be held at 11 AM on
Francis his wife is a brother, football fan where she
Berry Lane, Beaver- could be heard at every and in the eastern U.S. Tuesday, September 5,
57, wife of John Costan- town. September 1, Albert R. Smoker (wife and Wyoming. Jackie 2017 at Dove Westgate
zo, of Lititz. September Ruth) and sister, Marie game cheering on play-
2017. Dominick T. ers and yelling at refer- also loved traveling and Church, 1755 W. Main
1, 2017. Charles F. Sny- Adamo Funeral Home, Breneman (husband recording her trips by St., Ephrata, PA 17522.
der Jr. Funeral Home & Eugene) & many nieces ees. In her younger days,
570-966-2702 she was also a champi- pictures and movies. She A visitation hour will be
Crematory, 717-560- & nephews. Preceding spent many summer va- held prior to the service
5100 Smoker, Claude D. him in death is a sister, onship amateur bowler.
70, husband of Donna L. Other than football and cations with the family from 10-11 at the church.
Fenninger, Catherine Jane L. S. Davidson & on the Delaware River, Thompson Funeral
(Brendle) Smoker. bowling, Pat very much
Of Erlanger, KY. August August 30, 2017. Shivery brother-in-law, Lester and has loads of mov- Home, Inc. is entrusted
29, 2017. Charles F. Sny- Davidson. preferred to stay at
Funeral Home, Inc., home and loved noth- ies of relatives trying to with the arrangements.
der Funeral Home & 610-593-5967 A Memorial Service master the art of water Please share your
Crematory, 717-393- will be held on Saturday, ing more than collecting
Beanie Babies, surfing skiing. She loved to be thoughts and memo-
9661 Stouffer, Cynthia B. October 7, 2017 at 2:00 with family and friends ries with the family at
76, wife of E. Marvin p.m. at Calvary Church, the Internet, and eating
Frankhouser, Lillian Blue Bell ice cream. and hosted many pool our online guest book at
M. Stouffer, of Willow Val- 1051 Landis Valley parties at their home. www.thompsonfuneral-
ley Arbor View. August Road, Lancaster, PA. Visitation will begin
88, of East Earl. August on Tuesday, September She had a large garden homelebanon.com
31, 2017. Eckenroth 13, 2017. DeBord Snyder The Family will receive
Funeral Home & Cre- 5th from 5:00 p.m. and was busy in the sum-
Home for Funerals, 717- friends and relatives fol-
445-5122 matory, Inc., 717-394- lowing the service. - 8:00 p.m. A chapel
4097 In lieu of flowers, service will be held on Obituary notices are provided The advertising department
Frey, Agnes Louise* Wednesday, September as an advertising service by the publishes obituaries provided
95, of Willow Valley Styer, Lester S. contributions may be
made in Claude’s mem- 6th at 10:00 a.m., fol- Classified Advertising depart- by funeral homes or crematoria,
Retirement Communi- 79, of Lancaster, com- lowed by a graveside ment of LNP Media Group, Inc. based on information provided
ty. panion of Susan ory to Calvary Church, Deaths Reported and Obituar-
August 3, 2017. Charles Global Missions, 1051 service. All services to them by families. It does not
Blotzer. September 1, ies may be placed by first call- accept obituaries from individu-
F. Snyder Funeral 2017. The Groff’s Fami- Landis Valley Road, will be held at Chapel ing the Obituary Coordinator at als. Obituaries and related
Home & Crematory, ly Funeral & Cremation Lancaster, PA, 17601. Hill Memorial Park & 717-295-7875, then submitting the
materials, submitted to LNP
Funeral Home on 7735 written notice either by e-mail
717-393-9661 Services, Inc., 717-394- Arrangements by ([email protected]) or by fax Media Group, Inc. may be edited
5300 Shivery Funeral Home, Gibbs Sprawl Rd. in San for style, policy or legal rea-
Graham, Virginia L. (717-399-6523), Monday-Friday,
Christiana & Paradise. Antonio, Texas 78239. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 2 to 6 sons, and they become the prop-
92, of Mount Joy. Swan, Thomas, Jr. p.m.; Sunday, 3 to 6 p.m. erty of LNP Media Group, Inc.
August 31, 2017. Sheetz 90, of Wrightsville. shiveryfuneralhome.
Funeral Home, Inc., August 30, 2017. Clyde com Browse or leave a condolence
717-653-5441 W. Kraft Funeral Home,
from your smart phone at

Simple, Dignified
Halstead, Justin S. Inc., 717-684-2370
August 30, 2017. Sheetz
Funeral Home, Inc., Weaver, Jay D.*
Halstead, Scott M.
84, of Lancaster. Sep-
tember 1, 2017. Charles
F. Snyder, Jr. Funeral
Faithfully Serving
Families For
Cremation Services
August 30, 2017. Sheetz
Funeral Home, Inc.,
Home & Crematory,
717-560-5100 Over A Century at a Much Lower Cost
Wolf, Carl D. Sr. Offering a real choice for
James, Diane L. 61, of Mechanicsburg.
(Grossglass) affordable traditional and
August 31, 2017. Parthe- cremation service options.
65, wife of Ronald more Funeral Home,
James. August 26, 2017. 717-774-7721
McConaghy Funeral
Home, 610-642-7954 * No Obituary appears
717-CREMATE (273-6283) CremationLancasterPA.com
Carl D.
Services Wolf, Sr.
Mount Joy
Brian L. Maxwell, Supv. | 2024 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster PA 17603

Paul L. Gardner, Supervisor Aaron S. Abbott, Supervisor Theodore J. Beck, Supervisor
Carl D. Wolf, Sr., 61, On-Site
ocally Crematory
Owned On-Site |Crematory
Professional Care | Convenient
| Affordable Location
Pre-Payment Option
of Mechanicsburg died www.BuchFuneral.com Affordable
Professional CarePre-Payment Plans | |Fast
| Fast Turnaround Turnaround
Convenient Location
McConaghay, Marie Thursday, August 31,
Twin Valley Bible 2017.
Chapel, Rte. 23, Mor-
gantown, 2 PM.
Memorial Services
will be held at Grantham Lunch & Learn with Kelly
y & Jackie
Andrew T. Scheid Brethren in Christ Casual and informative luncheons where you
Funeral Home Church, Mechanicsburg learn the benefits and options of pre-planning.
on Sunday, September Sept 7 ..............5:30 pm .......... Iron Hill Brewery
10, 2017 at 2 pm. Sept 19............11:00 am .......... Mick’s All American Pub (Mount Joy)
ĠđĻĉÃūà ŝĠŻŗ¥Ã ĠÚ đÃđĠŗù~đŝ Relatives and friends Oct 11..............11:00 am .......... Fireside Tavern
ÚĠŗ ƔĠŻŗ ĉĠƎõ ĠĘÃŝ ~ū are invited to share Oct 24 ..............11:00 am .......... Brickerville House Family Restaurant
;~Ę¥~ŝūÃŗEĘĉùĘÃł¥ĠđŧE™ùūŻ~ŗùÃŝ memories and condo- Nov 9 ...............5:30 pm .......... Appalachian Brewing Company
Nov 29.............11:00 am .......... Stockyard Inn
lences at www.parthe-

more.com Please
P space isi limited.
li it d The
Th meall iis our treat!
t t!
717.560.5100 | [email protected] Pre-planning Specialist Pre-planning Specialist

Í| áŽn |ìáìÓn ×nn × ªûnÓüŽnš ‘¥…b $275 OFF Manheim Township | 3110 Lititz Pike | 717.560.5100
Pre-Funded Arrangements Millersville | 441 N. George St. | 717.872.5041
Ón n QnÓ áŽ@á ‘á [ª n× ª¥n  ª n¥á @á @ ᑠnÎ Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home Lancaster City | 414 E. King St. | 717.393.9661
& Crematory Lititz - Spacht-Snyder | 127 S. Broad St. | 717.626.2317
M nᎠn¥en
ª¥¥þ Discount applies to pre-funded plans only.
This coupon must be presented at time of www.SnyderFuneralHome.com
appointment. Offer expires 05/30/18
Funding underwritten by Physicians Life Insurance Company


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Lancaster Author’s life

Tobias Wolff will speak at
conference for nonfiction writers
n Books, page B10



PAY IT FORWARD Widow of salesman who credited success to Elizabethtown’s

Masonic Children’s Home supports renovation in his memory
[email protected]

About a century ago, 10-year-old Stan Longdon

arrived at Masonic Children’s Home, an imposing
stone building rising on a hill on the southern edge
of Elizabethtown.
He’d traveled from Pittsburgh, sent to live at the
children’s home for orphans and other children
whose families could not care for them. Stan, his
widowed mother and sister had lost their home and
had been reduced to living in a single, rented room.
Masonic Children’s Home would provide him
shelter. The Masons would feed and clothe him and
make sure he got his education; the staff would pro-
vide guidance and discipline.
Their medical care would even
save his leg — perhaps his life
— after a Masonic Freemasons
Hospital doctor on campus, in
those days before antibiotics,
successfully treated a significant
wound he had suffered in a fall.
And as he grew up and started
a sales career, when he settled
in Greensboro, North Carolina,
Longdon made sure he support-
MASONIC VILLAGE ed the home — and its children
Evelyn Hunter- — however he could.
Longdon, at the “I think it was (his true) home
dedication of a for him, I really do,” says Evelyn
Masonic Children’s
Home resource
Hunter-Longdon, a nurse-anes-
center named in thetist who married Longdon in
her honor. the early 1980s. “He’d talk about
the cow barn and the orchards,
those kinds of things. They had a little pond they
could swim in.
“When we met, one of the first things he said was,
‘I want to take you there.’ ”
And though Longdon passed away in 1996, his
presence at the children’s home is still tangible. The
most recent example: A donation made by his wid-
ow for $83,500 to support a $2.2 million renovation
project of the children’s cottages and facilities.
“I was just thinking, as I worked outside, who in-
fluenced me in the desire to give and help others,”
Hunter-Longdon said by phone from her Greens-
boro home. “The answer is, my mother and Stan. As
a little child, my mother always told me it’s better
to give than receive. And Stan always gave, both of
REMODEL, page B12


Top, Aba prepares

her bag for field
hockey practice
VIDEO and, left, young
n Watch the ladies enjoy some
excitement as time in the base-
some of the girls ment area of the
see their newly newly renovated
renovated home girls’ cottage at
last weekend for Masonic Chil-
the first time. dren’s Home in
Video is with Elizabethtown.
this story at

Brad Austin: It’s so Jenelle Janci: I’ve

odd that people like never thought Willie
Willie Nelson have to be counterculture,
become almost coun- because he’s always WIN A
terculture. He was had such a presence GIFT
the Luke Bryan of his in my household. I CARD
time, and now, he is always knew who he
revered as an icon, COUNTRY, page B11
n Country
but he’s countercul- is giving
ture. You don’t see away a
his T-shirts every day. n Brad Austin is an $100 VISA
Willie Nelson’s transition
afternoon DJ and pro-
His albums aren’t go- gram director at WXCY,
gift card.
ing to be selling a mil- Visit bit.ly/
from mainstream to
a country radio station in
lion copies. But, he Havre de Grace, Maryland. LNPVisa
to enter.
was that guy, and he He’s also corporate direc-
counterculture icon made that transition tor of programming for
Delmarva Broadcasting
must be
from the “it” guy at Co., which, like LNP Media received by
JENELLE JANCI Sept. 10, WXCY’s Brad the time to icon, and Group Inc., is a Steinman Sept. 30 to
[email protected]
Austin and LNP’s Jen- that’s hard to do, be- Communications com- be valid.
In honor of Willie elle Janci discuss the cause there have been pany. Jenelle Janci is an
entertainment and music
Nelson’s Outlaw Fes- life and legacy of Nel- a bunch of other art- reporter at LNP. This con-
tival, coming to Her- son in this month’s ists that never made versation has been edited FILE PHOTO

sheypark Stadium on Country Confidential. that transition. for length and clarity. Willie Nelson will perform Sept. 10 in Hershey.

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The Scene

Connecting in
Peru, Lancaster
1 A native Peruvian turned county
resident by love works in business
and economic development

2 3

Ramon Escudero and his family recently returned to

Lancaster after a seven-month trip to his native Peru.


[email protected]

s a young man, Ramon Escudero pro-

moted tourism in his native country
of Peru, taking visiting journalists to
Machu Piccu so many times he said he
knows that new world wonder like his own hand.
4 5 But then he fell in love with a visiting American,
who is now his wife, and came to the United States
in his mid-20s.
Now 45, he has lived in Lancaster city since 2008.
His family recently returned from a seven-
month trip to Peru, and he said while it was a
wonderful time creating unforgettable memories,
getting home to Lancaster is the best thing that
happened to him this year.
Family: Wife Stephanie, daughters Maya and
Sofia, and dog Smiley.
Education: Professional degree in marketing
from San Ignacio de Loyola Institute in Peru, and
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business from
George Washington University.
Who you’ve worked for: The Peruvian govern-
ment, United States Agency for International De-
6 7 velopment, Inter-American Development Bank,
The Brookings Institution, Lancaster Chamber
and the Elizabethtown Area Chamber of Com-
Two sentences on your career in business
and economic development: I connect the dots.
I facilitate access to resources.
People might be surprised that: When travel-
ing, I always asked to be served the most typical
meal for that place that I wouldn’t find anywhere
else — but said “Don’t tell me what it is until I at
least try it.” I ate a lot of unusual things.
Countries you’ve traveled to: I’ve lost count.
I have been in almost every country in South
America but Paraguay. I’ve been in every country
8 in Central America but El Salvador. I’ve been in
France, Germany, Spain, Japan and Korea.
Favorite Peruvian holiday: Peruvian Indepen-
dence Day, July 28. No matter where we are, Pe-
ruvians celebrate it with good Peruvian food and
Peruvian music.
Growing up you thought you’d be: A Formula
One car racer.
You spend a day off: Catching up on domestic
chores at my house. There’s always an endless list.
Favorite sport: Soccer and volleyball. I watch
them more than play them.
Travel tip: Travel light. But I hardly follow it; we
came back from Peru with 12 suitcases.
You picked this career because: Growing up
in a developing country that back then was affect-
ed by terrorism — there were car bombs all over
the place, there were high poverty levels — many
The Scene is a photo gallery by LNP featuring events from the week across Lancaster County. of my generation wanted to emigrate to the land of
opportunity, the United States. I was always like,
FRIDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL against Central Dauphin. “Why do you want to leave? Why don’t we make
Photo 5: Donegal students get ready for their team
our land the land of opportunities?” I said, “We
A chill was in the air Friday, making it feel just right for the
kick off of week 1 of the 2017 Lancaster-Lebanon League high to take the field against Elizabethtown. can build this here.”
school football season. Fans came out across southcentral I was committed to making Peru the land of op-
Photo 6: Elizabethtown fans bundle up for the
Pennsylvania to cheer on their teams, win or lose. chilly weather. portunities. Everything was working great toward
that goal until I met my wife.
Photo 1: The student section at Manheim Township was ready Photo 7: Warwick fans cheer on their team during a
for the beach as the school opened the season at home One thing you’d like to change about eco-
home game against Manheim Central.
against Central Dauphin. nomic development: In traditional economic
Photo 8: Elizabethtown takes the field at Donegal development, they went for money, benefited very
Photo 2: Donegal cheerleaders pose before the football team High School.
takes on Elizabethtown at Donegal High School.
few people and enlarged social and economic dif-
MANHEIM TOWNSHIP VS. CENTRAL DAUPHIN: ROBERT DEVONSHIRE JR. | ferences in the population. Making it more inclu-
Photo 3: Donegal fans get ready for the game. LNP CORRESPONDENT
sive — that’s something I would change.
Photo 4: Manheim Township fans pack the home stands MANHEIM CENTRAL VS. WARWICK: CONNOR HOLLINGER | LNP CORRESPONDENT


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You should expect your family members

to sympathize and perhaps side with your
cousin. This falls into the age-old category
of “blood is thicker than water.” If you want
to share your point of view, you should do so
directly with your cousin. You can believe
whatever you want to believe, but there is
no reason for you to gossip with other fam-
ily members about what is happening with
someone else’s marriage.

Cousin takes sides in Dear Amy: I am an adult in my 30s. I’ve

recently been thinking about a classmate Learn to prep tax returns
family divorce I had back in high school. This person
had a condition that I would describe as and volunteer
a “nervous tic.”
Dear Amy: My husband and I were put in A memory keeps coming up where I If you knew that an hour of For more information, contact
the middle of a situation I don’t want to feel I may have mocked this person once. your time could save hundreds Phuong Adams at phuonglady-
be in. I myself am struggling with a similar of dollars for a neighbor in [email protected].
My cousin and I grew up like sisters — “tic,” so you can imagine how I feel if need, would you volunteer to — Power Packs Proj-
we are very close. In fact, we lived in the indeed I did hurt this classmate. help? ect is seeking volunteers on
same household as teenagers. I feel like I should reach out to this Most of the individuals who Wednesday mornings to assist
My cousin and her husband (who is person and make things right. volunteer with the Volunteer with intake and distribution
friends with my husband) are on the However, I discussed this with a cur- Income Tax Assistance pro- preparation at its warehouse
verge of divorce. My cousin told me her rent friend one evening as we walked gram have no tax, accounting in Lancaster and would help
version of her situation, and her hus- down memory lane. They suggested that or math experience before receive shipments from a food
band told us his version. maybe it’s best not to bring this up; per- volunteering. The program is bank and break down pallets of
I believe her husband’s version of haps this classmate is doing better and looking for individuals who food for distribution. Volun-
events a little more than I do my own I may bring up some old memories that are willing to learn to prepare teers must be able to lift 20
cousin’s version. the person may have forgotten (or would basic tax returns for low- to pounds, and are needed every
My cousin and I have had our share of rather forget), and my comments could moderate-income individuals Wednesday throughout the
arguments, but we always end up mak- make things worse. and families. By providing free school year. Visit the project’s
ing up. What do you suggest I do and how tax preparation services, you page on the volunteer center
The thing is that my cousin is the fam- should I go about it? will help ensure that Lancaster website, Get Connected, at uw-
ily favorite and my whole family sees — Want to Make it Right County families claim all avail- lanc.org/volunteer to sign up
her as perfect. It’s like they all have on Dear Want: It is never a mistake, and never able credits while saving them for a shift. You can also contact
rose-colored glasses when it comes to too late, to make amends. Don’t avoid this, expensive tax preparation fees, Cathy Hendrixson at cathy@
her, but I have seen the real her. just because it is challenging. Doing so will all while learning or honing an powerpacksproject.org or call
My history with her and the way we further expand your compassion and ease important skill. 717-615-3784.
have fought in the past has a lot to do your guilt. All training is provided free — SouthEast Lancaster
with why I tend to believe her husband. You should reach out to this person, pri- of charge on a flexible basis Health Services is in need of
Many of the things he relates are a lot vately, and tell them that you’ve been think- and includes classroom, online event volunteers on Oct. 5 and
of the same things she does when she ing about them and that you feel sorry and and print training options for 6 to assist with its Over The
fights with me. want to apologize for comments that you volunteers to choose what suits Edge event. The event will
I’m worried that when this all comes and others might have made in high school. them best. The team-based offer a chance for participants
out my family is going to hate me be- Don’t tell yourself that this person has for- approach to tax preparations to rappel off of Ruoff Tower
cause I believe what her husband has gotten verbal slights or bullying in childhood means that you will never be through fundraising efforts.
told us. and adolescence. These events sear through without a helping hand while Volunteers are needed in vari-
I don’t really want to be in this posi- a person, and even if they have moved on preparing returns for clients. ous shifts between 7 a.m. and
tion. I love my cousin; I just don’t agree and prospered in adulthood, they won’t have The program operates 17 sites 7 p.m. Tasks include setup,
with some of the things she does in her forgotten. throughout Lancaster County, registration and assisting rap-
marriage. offering day, evening and week- pelers with gear, runners and
I don’t want to lose what family I have Dear Amy: I was shocked that you would end volunteer opportunities. tear-down. If you are inter-
left when this all comes to the surface, suggest to “Heartbroken Mom” that her In 2017, VITA served 8,720 ested or want more informa-
but I’m a firm believer in “right is right” 13-year-old daughter might want to learn Lancaster County families, sav- tion, contact Brenda Riehl at
and “being true to what you believe.” to play poker as a way to become inde- ing them nearly $2.4 million in [email protected] or call
How do I stand up for what I believe is pendent. tax preparation fees and bring- 717-945-1553.
right and not lose the few family mem- I hardly think that gambling is a good ing back more than $11 mil- — The Humane League of
bers I have left? idea for a young person. lion into the county through Lancaster County is in need of
— Stuck in the Middle — Disappointed refunds and credits. dog walking volunteers. Vol-
Dear Stuck: You are not actually stuck Dear Disappointed: Poker is a card game, To learn more, contact Ezra unteers play an important role
in the middle. You should navigate this not a fast track to Vegas. Rothman at rothman@uwlanc. at the Humane League as they
by understanding that your cousin’s mar- org or 717-824-8111. work as a team with fellow vol-
riage simply has nothing to do with you. It For other ways to get involved unteers and staff to make sure
shouldn’t matter what version of events you n Contact Amy Dickinson via email: askamy@ in your community, consider all shelter dogs receive the
choose to believe. This is not your moral tribpub.com. You can also follow her on Twitter @ signing up for one of these op- daily play time, exercise and
battle to wage. askingamy or “like” her on Facebook. portunities: training they need. This is an
— Handz On Hope has the active role handling a variety
perfect opportunity for teens of dogs of all sizes, with most of
and young adults to volunteer your time spent outdoors in all
Births JOHNSON, Autumn, and Kyle
A. Malone, Mount Joy, a son,
OLIVARES, Adelcio A. and
Getsenami, Lancaster, a son, in the community. Volunteer weather conditions. In addi-
at Women & Babies Hospital, at Women & Babies Hospital, opportunities are available to tion, dog walking volunteers
ANDERSON, Alex D. and Nicole, Monday. Thursday. receive, sort, price and display receive specialized training
Marietta, a daughter, at Women KISCADEN, Tyler and Jennifer, OTERO, Danielle, and Jesus M. items, help with online sales from a dog trainer in how to
& Babies Hospital, Wednesday. Lancaster, a daughter, at Felix, Lancaster, a son, at Women and accounting, and work teach obedience, read canine
DRISCOLL, Megan, and Rance Women & Babies Hospital, & Babies Hospital, Wednesday. as cashiers, sewing teachers, body language, relaxation tech-
C. Kirsch, Lancaster, a son, at Monday. PICKEL, Kyle J. and Sheena, activity leaders and classroom niques, agility and carrying out
Women & Babies Hospital, MESSERSMITH, Madison, and Lititz, a son, at Women & assistants. Youth volunteers behavior plans for dogs in need
Wednesday. Paris S. Burkett, Middletown, a Babies Hospital, Thursday. might also want to ask their of extra support. For more in-
FREY, Casey and Christina, daughter, at Women & Babies POAGUE, Jeremiah W. and school guidance counselors formation, contact Mary Keller
Hospital, Wednesday.
Washington Boro, a son, at Sarah (Buck), Columbia, a about volunteering as an ap- at [email protected].
Women & Babies Hospital, MONGEAU, Kyle S. and Sarah, daughter, at Women & Babies prenticeship. If you are inter- To see more volunteer oppor-
Thursday. Lancaster, a son, at Women & Hospital, Monday. ested, contact Schirlyn Kamara tunities, visit the Get Connect-
Babies Hospital, Tuesday.
GROSSGLASS, Kristyn, and WILSON, Brent M. and Carrie at schirlynsfinearts@yahoo. ed volunteer portal at uwlanc.
Melvin J. Arzu, Lancaster, a MURPHY, Daniel P. and Lauren, (Evans), Stevens, a son, at com or call 717-224-8469. galaxydigital.com.
daughter, at Women & Babies Marietta, a son, at Women & WellSpan Ephrata Community
Hospital, Wednesday. Babies Hospital, Wednesday. Hospital, Friday.
— Porter’s Warm Hearts & Nonprofit organizations in
Companions is a grief counsel- Lancaster County are encour-
ing organization in Lancaster. aged to publish volunteer
The organization has multiple needs in this column. For a
Marriage licenses and Diane Barbara Ernest.
Holzwarth’s parents are Joseph
opportunities for community
members to get involved with
copy of submittal guidelines, or
if you have questions about vol-
Charles III and Debra Elaine their efforts. Volunteer grief unteering in Lancaster County,
The following have applied for Ponce. Pena Ruiz’s parents Holzwarth.
marriage licenses in Lancaster are Luz Ruiz and the late Jose
counselors are needed to take contact United Way’s Volun-
County Courthouse: Pena.
Andre Ryunoske Pham, of 20 phone calls and assist individu- teer Center at 717-824-8122 or
W. Lemon St., and Donna Marie als and families experiencing email [email protected].
Avelino Melendez, of 260 Nathan Harry Ernest, of 327D Hranica, same address. Pham’s
Stonemill Road, and Luz Y. Spring Glen, Ephrata, and parents are Robert L. and grief. The organization is also
Pena Ruiz, same address. Karen Elizabeth Holzwarth, of Naomi Pham. Hranica’s parents seeking a secretary and an in- n Brandon Engle is the volunteer
Melendez’s parents are 817 N. Sixth St., Denver. Ernest’s are Joseph Patrick and Irene terior designer to assist putting center manager at United Way of
Avelino Melendez and Antonia parents are Kim Edward Pineda Hranica. together floral arrangements. Lancaster County.



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Poignant songs
circle back in
time of need

ongs have a way of
finding you when you
most need them.
At least that’s been my
Just a couple of weeks
ago, I was driving to Eph-
rata to buy two pairs of
solar eclipse glasses at Ace
I was looking forward
to the eclipse, but my
thoughts kept being pulled
back to the hate-filled mob
of miscreants waving Nazi
and Confederate flags that
had descended on Charlot-
tesville, Virginia, on Aug.
By chance I had recently
happened upon a PBS spe-
cial featuring Emmylou
Harris and the Nash Ram-
blers. They were revisiting
a 1992 album they had
recorded live at the Ryman
Auditorium in Nashville.
Red Caboose Motel owners Kat and Tyler Prickett, with their 2-year-old son, Elijah, stand in the interior of the barn on their property. The a Steve Earle song called
Pricketts are using the space to host a variety of entertainers. “Guitar Town,” which
reminded me how much
I liked the album, though
Red Caboose Motel owners bring music and theatrical productions to a classic space I hadn’t listened to it in
more than a decade.
JANE HOLAHAN “I love history and vintage The TV show moved me
[email protected]
things, and we wanted to con- to grab the CD from a shelf
Tyler and Katherine (“Kat”) tinue that,” Kat says. in our basement and stick
Prickett knew they wanted to There is a history of per- it in my car so I could give
run a business. And they both formances at Red Caboose, it a listen when I got the
loved the idea of bringing the though the couple is only chance.
Red Caboose Motel and Res- finding small hints, like old And that’s how I hap-
taurant in Paradise back to its posters and props. pened to be listening to
old glory. Kat, who works a lot with Emmylou Harris as I drove
They both wanted to create Servant Stage Co. in Stras- a curvy road on my way to
a place where families could burg, admits to having long Ace Hardware.
have fun and take away good dreamed of having a place I had completely forgot-
memories. like the barn, complete with ten about the particulars
But they each had their own a stage. of the album but started to
reasons, too. “Ever since I can remember, really listen when Harris
The Red Caboose held some I was putting on shows,” she lit into a song called “It’s a
special memories from when says. “When I saw the stage, Hard Life Wherever You
Tyler was a kid. It’s been that was it.” Go,” by Texas singer-song-
around for 48 years, after all. The Red Caboose Motel includes a restaurant in a dining car. Over the summer a number writer Nanci Griffith.
When Kat realized she could of entertainment events took The second verse goes
put shows on in the barn, a marathon, not a sprint, but planning to renovate four ca- place in the barn, on the deck like this:
la Judy Garland and Mickey we’re getting there.” booses every year — spruce of the restaurant and on the A cafeteria line in Chi-
Rooney, as well as a number The property features 9.3 them up with fresh paint and lawn. cago,
of other places on the prop- acres, a restaurant in a train new bedspreads.” Those events included a The fat man in front of me
erty, she was sold. car called the Casey Jones, The restaurant and the gift performance by Temple Av- Is calling black people
The couple bought the op- and 38 motel rooms, which shop have been spruced up as enue; the New Holland Swing trash to his children.
erations in February 2016 and are actual cabooses, featuring well. Band, complete with dancing; He’s the only trash here
set out to refurbish what had 10 different floor plans. “They needed some TLC,” several cabaret shows; Ser- I see.
become a “tired” space. “You can put up to six peo- Tyler says. “But we also want- vant Stage’s “Old Time Gos- And I’m thinking this
“It’s a lot of work and a lot ple in a room, so it’s great for ed to keep the personality of pel Hour” and a lawn concert man wears a white hood
of money,” Tyler says. “It’s a families,” Kat says. “We are the place.” RED CABOOSE, page B15 In the night when his
children should sleep.
But, they slip to their win-
dow and they see him
MUSIC And they think that white

There’s gonna be
hood’s all they need.
When that song ends,
Harris softly segues into a

a big hootenanny
delicate version of “Abra-
ham, Martin and John,”
the lament about the as-
sassinations of Abraham
New Holland Fiddlers Picnic a last hurrah Lincoln, Martin Luther
King Jr., John F. Kennedy
for the summer string festival season and Robert F. Kennedy.
The song was written
[email protected]
IF YOU GO by Dick Holle, and Dion
n What: New Holland Fiddler’s turned it into a Top 40 hit
When Ron McVey was help- Picnic. in 1968.
ing to run the Chester County n Where: 400 E. Jackson St., The song includes the re-
Old Fiddlers Picnic, a group New Holland. curring lines:
of people from New Holland n When: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday.
He freed a lotta people,
came to see what it was all Ron McVey, organizer of the New Holland Fiddlers Picnic, learned to but it seems the good die
about. n Cost: Free. play the instrument from his grandfather. young,
They were interested in n More information: But I just looked around,
hosting a fiddlers picnic of newhollandborough.org. band, which has been open- and all skill levels. and he’s gone.
their own. McVey, an award- ing the celebration for the past “It doesn’t matter what your I turned the CD off as the
winning state champion fid- decade. After that, groups of skill set is,” McVey says. “If final, melancholy notes
dler, offered to help them get land Fiddlers Picnic will fill stringed-instrument players you want to play, bring your faded, not wanting to hear
started. New Holland Community can sign up for short shifts on instrument along and stand the rest of the concert.
The event continued for Memorial Park with the mu- the stage. in the back of the groups and Though both of those
four years on the Fourth of sic of stringed instruments on Other groups gather in dif- watch some of the guys that songs are decidedly down-
July weekend with moderate Monday. About 1,500 to 2,000 ferent corners of the park. are playing and pick up some beat, I felt better after
crowds. After a park in Jenne- people are expected to attend. Some attendees bring lawn licks, pick up some tunes. listening to them.
rsville, Chester County, ceased McVey says the event attracts chairs so they can sit and enjoy These guys that are more ad- I’m not exactly sure why
its annual Labor Day fiddlers musicians and spectators from the music. vanced are more than happy that was, but I know the
picnic, McVey suggested that Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, “Somebody might come to talk to the guys and the gals UNSCRIPTED, page B5
the New Holland event be West Virginia, New Jersey and by themselves, pick up with and give them pointers.”
moved to Labor Day. New York. Food vendors will a group and start playing,” For that reason, McVey says
“It’s been a big success ever be on site. says Sue Noll, secretary and it’s a valuable event for student n Jon Ferguson is the LNP
features editor. “Unscripted” is
since,” says McVey, of Stras- The free event kicks off at treasurer of the New Holland musicians who want to gain a weekly entertainment column
burg. 10 a.m. with a performance Summer Arts Association. experience in a relaxed atmo- produced by a rotating team of
The 30th annual New Hol- from Summit Hill, McVey’s The event is open to all ages FIDDLERS, page B15 writers.


Lancaster Symphony Orchestra opens 71st season

Series will feature works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Bernstein; Composer’s Award returns
[email protected]
n What: Lancaster
The Lancaster Sym- Symphony Orchestra.
phony Orchestra begins n Where: Fulton Theatre,
its 71st season Satur- 12 N. Prince St.
day and conductor and n When: 3 and 8 p.m.
music director Stephen Saturday.
Gunzenhauser is excit- n Cost: $27.50-$62.50.
“The orchestra is one of n Contact: Fulton box
office: 717-397-7425;
the best in Central Penn- Symphony: 717-291-4420.
sylvania and it’s getting
better every year,” Gun-
zenhauser says. “We
are doing repertoire we learn it and do it for the
could not have done in program.”
the past.” The concert will be at
Gunzenhauser chose Clair Hall at the Winter
many of his favorite Center on the Millers-
pieces of music for the ville University campus.
season and he went big Pine also will be per-
and bold, with works forming at Tellus360,
by Tchaikovsky, Rach- according to Paige Mc-
maninoff and Bernstein, Farling, the executive di-
among others. rector of the symphony,
“There is an energy and who notes that Pine is a
excitement not normally heavy metal fan as well
associated with the sym- as a terrific classical vio-
phony,” he says. “We are linist.
putting you on the edge “She will be playing
of your seat.” Metalica on a 300 year-
The programs are de- old Stradivarius on the Pianist Yevgeny Yontov will perform Rachmaninoff’s “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” on Oct. 28.
signed, he explains, “to Friday before the con-
build a suppressed en- cert,” McFarling says.
ergy.” “She will be performing
Saturday’s concerts, at with a quartet of our mu-
3 and 8 p.m. at the Ful- sicians. It really gives us
ton, will feature Tchai- an opportunity to show
kovsky’s Violin Concerto the breadth and depth of
in D Major, with soloist our musicians.”
Diana Seitz. “Bernstein Meets
“She is not only a great Rachmaninoff” is the
violinist, but she has name of the Feb. 17
wonderful interaction concert at the Fulton.
with the audience,” Gun- Bernstein’s Symphon-
zenhauser says. ic Dances from “West
Also on the program Side Story” and Rach- Violinist Rachel
Barton Pine
is Festive Overture by maninoff’s Symphony will perform
Shostakovich and “Enig- No. 1 are on the bill. with Lancaster
ma” variations by Elgar. “We are celebrating Symphony on
“I love the program be- the 100th anniversary Jan. 13.
cause people will come of Bernstein, and it’s a
to hear the Tchaikovsky wonderful opportunity
but will leave talking to compare the two gen-
about the Elgar,” Gun- erations of composers,” of a thousand,” Gunzen- bring back the Nunziata
zenhauser says. Gunzenhauser says. hauser says with a laugh. Brothers, Will and An- The Nunziata Brothers, Will and Anthony, will again join
The next concert, on The Composer’s Award Maybe not a thousand, thony, at the American Lancaster Symphony in its New Year’s Eve program at
Oct. 28, also being held returns, after a year off, but Gunzenhauser ex- Music Theatre. American Music Theatre.
at the Fulton, will fea- for the April 7 concert at pects about 130 voices “They are delightful
ture the well-known the Fulton. to take the stage of Clair and so much fun, Gun-
“Rhapsody on a Theme
piece Kevin Puts, who won a
Pulitzer Prize for his first
Hall at the Winter Cen-
ter, including the sym-
zenhauser says. “The
way they energize the Lancaster Symphony
of Paganini,” with pianist
Yevgeny Yontov; Mo-
zart’s overture to “Cosi
opera, “Silent Night,” in
2012, about the sponta-
neous Christmas truce
phony chorus and voices
from several local col-
audience is remarkable.”
McFarling notes that
the symphony’s flex tick-
fan Tutte,” and Dvorak’s
Symphony No. 8.
during World War I, will
receive the honor. He is
Several special con-
certs are featured during
et program, which offers
ticketholders a choice
2017–2018 Season
On Jan. 13, violin- considered one of the the season, including the of which concerts they
ist Rachel Barton Pine most important compos- Black and White Ball at would like to attend, has
will perform Bruch’s ers of his generation. the Hamilton Ballroom been expanded.
Violin concerto No. 1 and Normally, the Com- at Wheatland Place on “We have a four-pack
Smetana’s “The Mol- poser’s Award has been Sept. 22. Proceeds will and a triple,” she says.
dau,” two prime exam- given during the Febru- go to the symphony’s “You use them as vouch-
ples of the Romantic era. ary concert, but the con- children’s music edu- ers to redeem for con-
Also performed will certs were switched so cation and community certs you want to see.
be Bach’s Branden- Puts could attend. engagement programs. You get the best seats
burg concerto No. 3 and In addition to a piece The evening will include that are available.”
Chesky’s Violin Concer- composed by Puts, the food and music from the McFarling warns that
to No. 3, “Klezmer.” concert will feature Mama Tried Band. some concerts may be
“This is really a special Tchaikovsky’s Sympho- Sounds of the Season sold out. Several were
program,” Gunzenhaus- ny No. 6, “Pathetique.” returns on Dec. 15 and 17 last year.
er says. “I asked (Pine) The final concert of with “And All That Jazz” “Single ticket sales
to do the Chesky piece, the season, on May 19, at Franklin & Marshall were up 20 percent last
which is based on East- will feature the Verdi College’s Barshinger year,” she says. “And our
ern European ghetto Requiem. Center. subscriptions are up 12
music and she agreed to “It will feature a cast New Year’s Eve will percent.”

Unscripted 1960s. Griffith wrote and
recorded “It’s a Hard
Life Wherever You Go,”
Drive home
After buying the glasses
Violin Concerto
this Saturday
Continued from B4 part of a community. considered one of her that allowed me and my
touch of loneliness Music has the ability best songs, in the 1980s. wife to safely watch the 3 pm and 8 pm
creeping over me as I to span space and time, Harris had the musical solar eclipse (which we Fulton Opera House
drove to Ephrata had drawing people together vision to marry the two thoroughly enjoyed), I
disappeared. across distances and songs in the 1990s. climbed back into the car Tchaikovsky, Violin Concerto
decades. And here I was in 2017 and drove home. Diana Seitz, violin
A community At least that’s been my listening to a recording I turned the CD player Shostakovich, Festive Overture
experience. of Harris performing back on, fast-forwarded
Though listening to I thought about hear- them. Those songs had to those two songs and Elgar, “Enigma” Variations
music is often a solitary ing Dion’s version of passed through a lot of again listened to them.
experience, it also can “Abraham, Martin and ears before reaching This time I sang along.
create a commonality John” on the radio in the mine on that day. And maybe shed a tear. Upcoming Concerts
that makes you feel like Saturday, October 28, 2017
Schreiber Pediatric & Rachmaninoff’s Paganini
Gift Certificates Available OUR Present this Yevgeny Yontov, piano, at the Fulton Opera House
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Hollywood box office suffers this summer

RYAN FAUGHNDER Such blunt language reflects Studios, movie theater owners
some worrisome trends. Do- and analysts cited the usual
LOS ANGELES — As Holly- mestic box office revenue is explanations for the summer
wood wraps up the all-impor- expected to total $3.78 bil- slump. There are the obvious
tant summer box office season lion for the first weekend of reasons: Too many bad mov-
this Labor Day weekend, a so- May through Labor Day, down ies, including sequels, reboots
bering reality has gripped the nearly 16 percent from the and aging franchises that no
industry. same period last year, accord- one wanted to see. Some point
The number of tickets sold ing to comScore. That’s an to rising ticket prices, which
in the United States and Can- even worse decline than the 10 hit a record high in the second
ada this summer is projected percent drop some studio ex- quarter, according to the Na-
to fall to the lowest level in a ecutives predicted before the tional Association of Theatre
quarter-century. summer began. Owners. Then there are long-
The results have put the And the number of actual term challenges, including
squeeze on the nation’s top tickets sold paints a bleaker competition from streaming
theater chains, whose stocks picture, with total admissions services such as Netflix and
have taken a drubbing. AMC likely to clock in at about 425 the influence of the movie re-
Theatres Chief Executive million, the lowest level since view site Rotten Tomatoes. ASSOCIATED PRESS
Adam Aron earlier this month 1992, according to industry es- How about all of the above? From left, Kelly Rohrbach, Alexandra Daddario, Ilfenesh Hadera, Dwayne
called his company’s most re- timates. Johnson, Zac Efron and Jon Bass in “Baywatch,” one of a number of
cent quarter “simply a bust.” No one can fully explain why. SUMMER, page B16 high-profile films that disappointed at the box office this summer.

What’s playing
On this date in 1838, Frederick
Douglass escaped from Here’s what’s playing in Lancaster take hold. «««« bulldoze Liberty Park and build a
slavery and went on to fight County this weekend. dangerous amusement park in its
for abolition and justice for “Emoji Movie” (PG, 86 minutes,
“All Saints” (PG, 108 minutes, animation) The movie is set place. Surly Squirrel and his buds
the rest of his life. In the great band together.«
man’s honor, here are five films drama) John Corbett plays in Textopolis, a world inside a
about the horrible institution of Michael Spurlock, a salesman smartphone that’s inhabited by “Pirates of the Caribbean:
slavery. turned pastor whose first various emojis. « Dead Men Tell No Tales” (PG-13,
assignment is to shut down a “47 Meters Down” (PG-13, 89 135 minutes, adventure) Jack
country church. When refugees minutes, drama) Two sisters Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is
from Burma arrive, Michael feels (Mandy Moore and Claire Holt) pursued by deadly ghost sailors,
compelled to keep the church vacationing in Mexico become led by the terrifying Captain
between them unexpectedly open. (no reviews) Salazar (Javier Bardem). His
grows, Will becomes consumed trapped in a shark cage on the
“Annabelle: Creation” (R, ocean floor.««½ only hope of survival lies in the
by conflicting emotions as he legendary Trident of Poseidon.
faces a gut-wrenching final 109 minutes, horror) A family “A Gentleman” (NR, 145 minutes,
is terrorized by a demented ««
decision: to betray Nate or risk Bollywood romance) Gaurav is
being killed by the gang. doll known as Annabelle, a man who is content with his “Spider-Man: Homecoming”
who terrified the folks in “The “same stuff, different day” routine (PG-13, 134 minutes, action)
“AMISTAD” (1997) Conjuring” a few years ago.
and dreaming about settling A young Peter Parker/Spider-
Man (Tom Holland), begins to
n Steven Spielberg directed down with the girl of his dreams,
“Baby Driver” (R, 113 minutes, Kavya, and having his “happily navigate his newfound identity
this film about an actual as the web-slinging superhero.
historical case. In 1839, 53 action) A talented, young ever after.” Kavya on the other
getaway driver (Ansel Elgort) hand prefers someone more Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
Africans being held captive in a is his new mentor as the Vulture
Spanish slave ship took control relies on the beat of his personal risky and adventurous — perhaps
soundtrack to be the best in the someone more like Rishi. When (Michael Keaton) emerges as a
of the ship and reclaimed new villain. ««««
their freedom, with the hope game. But after being coerced a case of mistaken identity rocks
of returning to Africa. But the into working for a crime boss Gaurav’s life, he stands to lose “Transformers: The Last
ship — named the Amistad — (Kevin Spacey), a doomed everything he has worked so hard Knight” (PG-13, 149 minutes,
is captured by an American heist threatens his life, love and for. Will he change? (no reviews) action) A war has started
naval ship and the Africans are freedom. «««« “Girls Trip” (R, 122 minutes, between the human race and
charged with murder. President “The Beguiled” (R, 94 minutes, comedy) Four lifelong friends the Transformers. Cade Yeager
John Quincy Adams (Anthony (Mark Wahlberg) forms an
Hopkins) comes out of
“BELLE” (2014) drama) When a wounded Union — Regina Hall, Queen Latifah,
Jada Pinkett Smith and Tiffany alliance with Bumblebee, an
soldier (Colin Ferrell) arrives at
retirement to defend their cause n This film is inspired by the a girls’ boarding school, sexual Haddish — travel to New Orleans astronomer named Sir Edmond
in the U.S. Supreme Court. true story of Dido Elizabeth for the annual Essence Festival. Burton (Anthony Hopkins) and an
tension takes over. «««
Belle (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), who They make the Big Easy bluish. Oxford professor named Viviane
was raised by her aristocratic, “The Big Sick” (R, 119 minutes, «««½ Wembley (Laura Haddock)
white great-uncle Lord comedy) A couple can’t bridge to learn the secrets of the
Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson) the cultural gap between them, “The Glass Castle” (PG-13, 127 Transformers. «
and his wife (Emily Watson). but when she becomes seriously minutes, drama) Brie Larson stars
While she is afforded certain ill, he realizes how much he loves as Jeanette Walls, who carves out “Tulip Fever” (R, 107 minutes,
privileges because of her birth, her. Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe a successful life despite her wildly drama) In 17th-Century
her mixed race keeps her from Kazan star. «««« dysfunctional parents (Woody Amsterdam, an orphaned girl
her noble social standing. She Harrelson and Naomi Watts). (Alicia Vikander) is forcibly
“Birth of the Dragon” (PG-13, Based on the best-selling novel. married to a rich and powerful
is bent on social change and 91 minutes, action) Set in 1960s
influences her uncle to help put ««½ merchant (Christoph Waltz).
San Francisco, this film takes its She is unhappy, but it saves her
an end to slavery in England. inspiration from the epic and still “Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. from poverty. After her husband
controversial showdown between 2” (PG-13, 127 minutes, sci fi) As commissions a portrait, she
“12 YEARS A an up-and-coming Bruce Lee and they travel the outer reaches of begins a passionate affair with
kung fu master Wong Jack Man. the cosmos, the Guardians of the
SLAVE” (2013) (no reviews) Galaxy team unravels the mystery
the painter (Dane DeHaan), a
struggling young artist. Seeking
n The true story of Solomon of Peter Quill’s true parentage. to escape the merchant’s ever-
Northrup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), “Book of Henry” (PG-13, 105 «««
minutes, drama) Henry, who is 11, reaching grasp, the lovers risk
a New York citizen who is “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” (R, everything and enter the frenzied
kidnapped and forced to is a protector of his little brother
and his single, hard-working 118 minutes, action) A world-class tulip bulb market, with the hope
work as a slave on several bodyguard (Ryan Reynolds) must that the right tulip bulb will make
plantations. He survived 12 mom. His classmate, Christina,
has a dangerous secret, and protect his enemy, a notorious a fortune and buy their freedom.
years of enslavement and the hitman (Samuel L. Jackson). (no reviews)
film is based in part on his Henry devises a plan to help. «½
memoir. “Captain Underpants: The “Valerian and the City of a
First Epic Movie” (PG, 84 “Ingrid Goes West” (R, 97 Thousand Planets” (PG-13, 137
minutes, animation) Two minutes, comedy) Aubrey minutes, sci fi action) In the 28th
“RETRIEVAL” (2014) “SANKOFA” (1996) overly imaginative pranksters Plaza plays Ingrid, a social century, Valerian (Dane DeHaan)
n In order to survive during named George and Harold media stalker with a history of and Laureline (Cara Delevingne)
n An African-American fashion confusing “likes” for meaningful
the Civil War, Will, a fatherless model is in Ghana for a fashion hypnotize their principal into go to the city of Alpha to identify
13-year-old boy, works for a thinking he’s a ridiculously relationships. Taylor Sloane the dark force at its center and
shoot when she meets an old
white bounty hunter gang who enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted (Elizabeth Olsen) is an Instagram- safeguard the future of the
mystic who transports her back
sends him to earn the trust of superhero named Captain famous “influencer” whose universe. «««
to a sugar plantation in the
runaway slaves in order to lure Underpants.«««½ perfectly curated, boho-chic
American South, where she “War For the Planet of the Apes”
them back to the South. On a lifestyle becomes Ingrid’s latest
is enslaved. She meets many “Cars 3” (G, 109 minutes, (PG-13, 140 minutes, action) In
dangerous mission into the free obsession and Ingrid moves to
people and is involved in a slave animation) Legendary Lightning the third chapter in the Apes
North to find Nate, a fugitive, Los Angeles and manages to
revolt before finding herself McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) saga, Caesar and his apes are
things go wrong, and Will and insinuate herself into the social
back in the present day, deeply is suddenly pushed out of the forced into a deadly conflict
Nate find themselves alone media star’s life. Things do not go
affected by what has happened sport he loves. He will need with an army of humans led by a
and on the run. As the bond well. «««½
to her. the help of race technician ruthless colonel.««««
Cruz Ramirez (voice of Cristela “Kidnap” (R, 81 minutes, thriller)
Halle Berry stars as single mom “Whose Streets” (R, 104 minutes,
Alonzo), with her own plan to documentary) An unflinching
win. ««« Karla Dyson, whose son suddenly
disappears in the park. She risks look at the events surrounding
DVDS “Close Encounters of the Third everything to rescue her son. the Ferguson uprising. When
Kind” (PG, 113 minutes, sci fi) ««« unarmed teenager Michael Brown
These films are being released It’s the 40th anniversary of is killed by police and left lying
Steven Spielberg’s classic about “Leap!” (PG, 89 minutes, in the street for hours, it marks a
on DVD Tuesday. animated adventure). A poor
aliens coming to Earth. After breaking point for the residents
child (Elle Fanning) escapes an
“PARIS CAN WAIT” an encounter with UFOs, a line
orphanage in 1800s France to
of St. Louis, Missouri. Protests,
both peaceful and violent, along
n Anne (Diane Lane) expects a worker (Richard Dreyfuss) feels
undeniably drawn to an isolated chase her dream of becoming a with vandalism and looting
long, boring drive from Cannes ballerina. ««« continued for more than a week
to Paris with her husband’s area in the wilderness where
something spectacular is about “Logan Lucky” (PG-13, 119 in Ferguson. Filmmakers Sabaah
business partner, Jacques Folayan and Damon Davis see
(Arnaud Viard). Instead, he to happen.«««« minutes, comedy heist).
introduces her to wonderful “ROUGH NIGHT” “The Dark Tower” (PG-13, 95 Channing Tatum and Adam Driver the film as a battle cry from a
generation fighting, not for their
meals, wine and the sights of minutes, sci fi) Roland Deschain star as West Virginia brothers
n Five friends from college — determined to turn their luck civil rights, but for the right to
the French countryside. Anne played by Scarlett Johansson, (Idris Elba), the last Gunslinger, live. ««««
realizes just how stale her Kate McKinnon, Jillian Bell, around. Their plan? An elaborate
is locked in an eternal battle
relationship is with her husband Ilana Glazer and Zoe Kravitz heist during a NASCAR race on “Wind River” (R, 111 minutes,
with Walter O’Dim (Matthew
(Alec Baldwin) and her need — reunite when they rent a Memorial Day weekend. ««½ drama) After the murder of a
McConaughey), also known as
for more enjoyment in her life. beach house in Miami for a wild the Man in Black. «½ “Marvel’s Inhumans” (NR, Sci Fi) local girl on a remote Native
Eleanor Coppola directed. bachelorette weekend. Things More from the Marvel universe. American reservation, a rookie
“Detroit” (R, 142 minutes, FBI agent (Elizabeth Olsen)
go horribly wrong and they Black Bolt, the enigmatic King
drama) The story of the 1967 riots teams up with a local game
think they’ve killed the male of the Inhumans, has a voice so
“ALL EYEZ ON ME” stripper who was entertaining
in Detroit and what happened
at the Algiers Motel. In all, 43
powerful the slightest whisper tracker (Jeremy Renner) to
n Demetrius them. can destroy an entire city. The investigate. Written and directed
people died in the riots and tore by Taylor Sheridan, who wrote
Shipp Jr. Inhumans must find a way to
the city of Detroit apart. «««« “Hell or High Water.” «««½
plays reunite with each other and
Tupac “MEGAN LEAVEY” “Despicable Me 3” (PG, return to their home before their “Wonder Woman” (PG-13, 141
Shakur n The true story of Marine Cpl. animation) Gru meets his long- way of life is destroyed forever. minutes, action) An Amazon
in this Megan Leavey (Kate Mara), lost twin brother, Dru, who wants The first chapter of the story is princess (Gal Gadot) finds her
biopic. who trained and bonded with to team up with him for one last in IMAX theaters only and then idyllic life interrupted when a
We follow a dog named Rex during her criminal heist. ««« moves to ABC on Sept. 26 with pilot (Chris Pine) crash-lands on
him through deployment in Iraq. Together, “Dunkirk” (PG-13, 107 minutes, eight episodes. (no reviews) her island. After rescuing him,
his early days in they completed more than 100 action) This World War II thriller “The Nut Job 2: Nutty By she learns that World War I is
New York and his evolution into missions until an IED explosion is about the evacuation of Allied Nature” (PG, 86 minutes, engulfing the planet, and vows to
a leading rapper, all before his injured them, putting their fate troops from the French city of animated comedy) The nasty use her superpowers to restore
murder at 25. in jeopardy. Dunkirk before Nazi forces can mayor of Oakton has decided to peace. ««««

Health & Fitness


‘Breakthrough therapy’ High school

Chemical in Ecstasy may be popularity
helpful in treatment of PTSD doesn’t boost
Just as cannabis is gaining traction as a legitimate NAJJA PARKER
treatment option for military veterans, the U.S. Food THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION
and Drug Administration has given the “break-
through therapy” designation to MDMA — the main Were you the cool kid in high school? Adolescent
chemical in the club drug Ecstasy — for treatment of popularity may take a toll on your mental health
post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. later on, according to a new study.
The move appears to pave the way for a Santa Cruz, A group of researchers from the University of
Calif.-based advocacy group to conduct two trials of Virginia recently conducted a study, which was
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for patients with se- published in Child Development, to determine
vere PTSD. how teenage relationships can affect adulthood
The nonprofit group Multidisciplinary Association over time.
for Psychedelic Studies plans to test out the strategy To do so, they examined 169 racially and socio-
on 200 to 300 participants in clinical trials in the economically diverse individuals over a 10-year
spring. period starting at age 15. They assessed their men-
“For the first time ever, psychedelic-assisted psy- tal health by surveying them annually on their
chotherapy will be evaluated in (advanced) trials friendships, anxiety, social acceptance and symp-
for possible prescription use, with MDMA-assisted toms of depression. They also checked in with par-
psychotherapy for PTSD leading the way,” said Rick ticipants’ close friends and peers to measure qual-
Doblin, the group’s founder and executive director. ity of popularity and friendship.
The FDA says it doesn’t disclose the names of drugs They defined popularity as the number of peers
that receive “breakthrough therapy” designation. in the teen’s grade who ranked them as someone
But if a researcher or drug company chooses to re- KANSAS CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT | KANSAS CITY STAR they’d hang out with. And high-quality friendships
lease that information, they are allowed to. In this Ecstasy tablets made to look like children’s vitamins. The were defined as close friendships that had a degree
case, the Psychedelic Studies group is the researcher. U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given the “break- of attachment and intimate exchanges.
through therapy” designation to MDMA — the main chem-
Veterans have pushed for new treatments for ical in the club drug Ecstasy — for treatment of PTSD.
Scientists found that those who had close-knit
PTSD, which some consider the “signature” injury of relationships at age 15 had a better overall well-
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Symptoms include being at age 25. Those individuals reported lower
depression, isolation, inability to concentrate and, in tients with anxiety. social anxiety, increased self-worth and fewer
the extreme, suicidal thoughts. The drug gained prominence in dance clubs, with symptoms of depression. On the other hand, those
Groups as big as the American Legion have called the common nicknames Ecstasy and Molly. who were popular in school reported higher levels
for the federal government to loosen restrictions on The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration lists it of social anxiety at age 25.
cannabis research for PTSD, traumatic brain injury as a Schedule I drug, which means there are no cur- “Our study affirms that forming strong close
and other combat-related wounds. rently accepted medical uses and there’s a high po- friendships is likely one of the most critical pieces
The Veterans Affairs secretary recently opened the tential for abuse. of the teenage social experience,” Joseph Allen,
door to pot, saying in June that there “may be some The drug affects serotonin use in the brain. lead researcher, said in a statement. “Being well-
evidence this is beginning to be helpful and we are in- It can cause euphoria, increased sensitivity to liked by a large group of people cannot take the
terested in looking at that.” touch, sensual and sexual arousal, the need to be place of forging deep, supportive friendships. And
A “breakthrough therapy” is a classification grant- touched and the need for stimulation. these experiences stay with us, over and above
ed by the FDA when preliminary clinical evidence Some unwanted psychological effects can include what happens later.”
shows “substantial improvement over existing thera- confusion, anxiety, depression, paranoia, sleep prob- While scientists noted that their study was rela-
pies on one or more clinically significant endpoints, lems and drug craving, according to the DEA. tively small and did not factor in an individual’s
such as substantial treatment effects observed early Clinical studies suggest that MDMA may increase personal characteristics, they believe their find-
in clinical development.” the risk of long-term problems with memory and ings reveal important information about the sig-
MDMA has been tested in past clinical trials on pa- learning. nificance of fostering relationships.


Separating truth about meditation from fiction

CONNIE OGLE should be. But science that marries research to researchers have been
has proven that medita- training, notes another interested in this over
So you fell asleep eas- tion can induce healthy benefit: Not only are the last 10 or 15 years,
ily enough, but now it’s and important physi- Goleman and Davidson but they haven’t histori-
3 a.m. Your mind is spin- cal improvements, such experts in their fields, cally practiced mindful-
ning, and rest is elusive. as lowering your blood they’re also meditation ness. There are a bunch
You’re reliving every fool- pressure, decreasing re- practitioners. of people practicing, but
ish or embarrassing thing lapses into depression “We need responsible, they’re not scientists.”
you did in the past 24 — and managing chronic reasoned voices speak- “Altered Traits” exam-
or 48 or 72 — hours, and pain. ing from a variety of ines scientific studies
that is a lot of material Which leaves us with perspectives, and here on meditation and the
to run through. And you a question: As our inter- we have the hard sci- benefits of intensive re-
simply can’t stop. est in meditation grows, ence and the journalist, treats, learning to view
Except maybe you how do we know what’s and both are practitio- our selves and our brains
could, if only you knew too good to be true? ners. We need a book in a whole new light and
how to be mindful. Goleman has some an- we can look to as a reli- the importance of a good ROBERTO KOLTUN | MIAMI HERALD
“When you’re caught swers. With Richard J. able source of informa- teacher. (“I feel strongly Hundreds gathered earlier this year for a group medita-
in that loop of rumina- Davidson, who directs tion,” Rogers says. “They the quality of the teacher tion in Miami’s Brickell City Centre to celebrate Earth
tion, that’s very real, and a brain lab and founded both practice and have is important,” Goleman Day. Interest in meditation has increased in light of scien-
it creates very intense the Center for Healthy for a long time. A lot of HEALTH, page B14 tific research that supports claims of its healthy benefits.
feelings,” explains psy- Minds at the University
chologist and journalist of Wisconsin-Madison,
Daniel Goleman, who Goleman has just pub-
reported on brain and lished “Altered Traits:
behavioral sciences for Science Reveals How
The New York Times. “If Meditation Changes
you’re mindful, you re- Your Mind, Brain, and
alize it’s just a thought. Body” (Avery, $27). The
You don’t have to believe book separates truth
your thoughts. You can from fiction, debunking
question them, and that studies and highlighting
changes them. It takes truth about meditation’s
energy from the brain startling effects on the
that creates the heavi- brain.
ness. Looking at it in a “Altered Traits” also
different way makes the chronicles the authors’
rumination less intense.” decades-long friendship
You might think, on and lifelong interest in
hearing such praises of the subject of medita- FREE activities & entertainment to delight residents, friends and family
mindfulness — a form tion, which began at a
of meditative practice
— that it will solve just
time during which scien-
tific circles had little pa-
about every problem in tience or interest in the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M., RAIN OR SHINE
your life. Meditation can subject.
White elephant sa
halt the late-night rumi- The book is important
Live music: Chris Poje, Freddie McNaughton,
nation cycle, right? So because it represents
can’t it also make you “the coming together and the Twin Rose Community Band
into a better person? En- of two very important White elephant sale • Carriage rides • BBQ chicken
large your brain? Make voices,” says Scott Rog- eat-in or take-out dinners • Sales of used books, baked
you taller and thinner ers, founder and director
and richer? of the Mindfulness and      • Corner Gift Shoppe
Well, no, says Gole- Law Program at the Uni- Festival food • Bounce castle • Mammal match-up
man, who’s also the au- versity of Miami School with Lancaster County Dept. of Parks & Recreation
thor of the best-selling of Law. He will be in con-
book “Emotional Intel- versation with Goleman 1800 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603
ligence.” at Miami Dade College.
Some claims of medi- Rogers, co-founder For more information, call 717-869-0641 or visit homesteadvillage.org/community/events.
tation’s power are over- of UMindfulness, the
blown. Some studies are university’s interdisci-
less rigorous than they plinary collaboration YOUR LIFE. YOUR PLAN. YOUR COMMUNITY.


When the plate means prosciutto bridges
as much as the dish summer to fall
Fellowship and food have always had a
chicken-and-egg relationship in my family:
You can’t have one without the other, and
it’s hard to say which comes first.
In the kitchen, we meet and eat, and
the spirits of the cooks who once mixed,
chopped, stirred, licked beaters and sliced
fingers in our kitchens tend to linger there
too. Their buttery thumbprints stain the
recipe cards, and, like a signature perfume,
the subtle scent of saffron in the chicken
pot pie or the rich aroma of tomato sauce
simmering on the stove regularly wafts up
the stairs of memory to deliver a lost loved
one anew.

Their spirits even cling to the dishes.
Memories of Grandma Long will forever f you ask a group of children
live in the Red Poppy pattern Hall china what their favorite season is,
water pitcher that sits like a trophy atop you’ll likely hear a chorus of
my kitchen cabinets — the very pitcher “Summer!” amid a few shrieks of
that once filled the glasses at her kitchen “Winter!” No school and frequent
table. The same is true of Grandma Ream’s dips in the pool are enough to make
Orchard Song pattern Stangl serving bowl, heat and humidity tolerable for
better known as the oyster filling dish, and almost any kid, while the anticipa-
the Fostoria cut-glass bowl that often held tion of snow days and sledding adds
her coveted caramel pudding. Both items something magical to the colder
hold places of honor in my china cabinet months.
and on my Thanksgiving table. Even as an adult, late summer’s
My most recent acquisition, thanks to shorter days still make me a touch
a downsizing cousin, is Grandma Ream’s wistful. Yet, I’ve come to anticipate
Indiana hobnail glass 15-slot deviled egg fall for so many reasons. Crisp air,
plate, a true treasure. I’ve always wanted crunchy apples, football games,
to be the person who brings deviled eggs colorful leaves, comfy sweaters,
to a picnic, and now I have the necessary sleeping with the windows open,
hardware. carving pumpkins (pumpkin
Unfortunately, I recently checked out spice everything!), the return of a
the nutrition facts attached to deviled eggs, favorite TV series … there’s truly
which has more or less killed my zeal to something for everyone.
make them. A bonus of living in Lancaster
See, on my plate, a serving size for dev- County is that the chill of autumn
iled eggs is three half eggs (a conservative is consistently buffered by beauti-
estimate), which translates to roughly ful days. The golden sun is warm,
one-quarter of a body’s fat intake for the but the humidity tapers off. So
day and more than 100 percent of what the while Labor Day weekend might
U.S. Food and Drug Administration says mark the unofficial end of summer,
is a reasonable amount of cholesterol to it’s not time to pack up the grill yet.
ingest in a 24-hour period. That’s before In the following recipe, jumbo
I’ve even touched a grilled cheeseburger. shrimp are fancied up with a thin
Those numbers seriously limit one’s eating strip of salty prosciutto, which ANN FULTON | LNP COLUMNIST
potential, which is never a good thing. becomes crisp after a short stint Jumbo shrimp are fancied up with a thin strip of salty prosciutto.
So I’ve decided not to be the person who on the grill. Served as an appetizer,
brings deviled eggs to the picnic. Instead, the flavorful bites easily transi-
because Grandma’s dish presents so well, tion from summer cookouts to fall the shrimp than to the crispiness of shrimp may be prepared earlier in
I’ve found an alternative use: kiwi hors football get-togethers and will pull the prosciutto. the day, covered and refrigerated
d’oeuvres. double-duty as an easy weeknight The following general rule, until ready to eat. Brush with the
A single kiwi has about 8 percent of the entree. compliments of The Huffington oil just before grilling. One slice of
recommended daily intake of dietary fiber The simple trick to tender, juicy Post, offers an additional method prosciutto is enough for two jumbo
and more than 100 percent of a body’s Vi- shrimp is to not overcook them. for determining doneness: Straight shrimp, but I like to have a few
tamin C. A serious eater can live with those Remove them from the grill as shrimp are undercooked, shrimp extras to account for the occasional
kinds of numbers. soon as they turn pink with pale that have just curled into a C-shape tear.
white in the center (bright white are perfectly cooked, and shrimp
n LPN staff writer and editor Michael Long wel- means overcooked). The use of that have twisted into an O-shape
comes email at [email protected]. The Press jumbo shrimp in this recipe gives are terribly, irreparably overcooked. n Have questions or comments about Ann
Table is a weekly column written by a rotating the prosciutto time to crisp a bit (The unnamed writer goes on to say Fulton’s column? Check out her blog at
fountainavenuekitchen.com or at face-
group of LNP staff members. as the shrimp cooks through. If that he hopes you never, ever have book.com/thefountainavenuekitchen. She
you substitute smaller shrimp, pay to eat one of those.) also welcomes email at ann@fountainav-
more attention to the doneness of For added convenience, the enuekitchen.com.



Yield: 4 entrée servings or 6-8 appetizer n 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt and freshly
portions ground pepper, to taste
Ingredients: n 20 small- to medium-size fresh basil
n 20 jumbo shrimp (about 1 pound), leaves
Kiwi hors d’oeuvres are a healthy stand-in for peeled and deveined with tail on n 10-12 pieces thinly sliced prosciutto
deviled eggs, and you can use the same plate.
n 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus more for n Optional for serving: lemon wedges
brushing and a few basil leaves for garnish
KIWI HORS D’OEUVRES n 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard n Skewers for grilling, soaked in water
Ingredients: for 20 minutes if wooden
n 12 kiwi
n An assortment of berries and favorite fruits Directions:
Directions: Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
The number of kiwi you use will depend on the In a small bowl, whisk together the 1 tablespoon olive oil, Dijon, salt and pepper. Place
size of your tray, but a dozen should do it. the shrimp in a large bowl and pour the oil mixture over top, gently tossing to evenly
Clean, peel and halve the kiwi. (If you don’t coat.
know how, type “how to peel a kiwi” into Slice each piece of prosciutto in half lengthwise to form two long, narrow slices. Place
YouTube.) Arrange the halves on your dish. a basil leaf at one end of each prosciutto slice. Place a shrimp on the basil leaf, and
Choose a secondary fruit to go on top of each roll the prosciutto around the shrimp as securely as possible. (It isn’t necessary to
kiwi half. Select a variety of brightly colored cover the entire shrimp.) Place on a baking sheet, seam side down, and repeat with
fruits for the best presentation. These could the remaining prosciutto, basil and shrimp. (The un-skewered shrimp can be prepared
include blueberries, raspberries, red grapes, to this point, covered, and refrigerated for 6-8 hours or so.)
small strawberries, mandarin orange slices and When ready to grill, thread the shrimp onto the skewers. (Tip: To prevent the shrimp
petite slices of watermelon and cantaloupe. from spinning around on the skewer, first stick the pointy end of the skewer through
Skewer the secondary fruit with a toothpick the tail end, just above the shell, and then thread again through the thickest part of
and then insert the toothpick into the kiwi the shrimp.) Brush both sides of the shrimp with olive oil. Alternatively, you can spray
halves at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees. The both sides with an olive oil mister.
angle will help your guests lift the kiwi halves Grill until the shrimp are pink and just cooked through, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Serve
out of the dish. immediately or at room temperature.
Note: Avoid colored toothpicks, as they tend
to bleed and discolor the fruit, which can look
pretty unappetizing.

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Maybe it’s time to bring back steak Diane


I have been thinking about steak recipes Serves 2 on each side, until nicely
with pedigree and history, such as steak au browned on the outside
Start to finish: 20 minutes
poivre, steak with sauce Bordelaise and steak and cooked to your liking,
Florentine, and the words steak Diane popped Ingredients: about 125 degrees Fahrenheit
into my brain. I had no idea what it even was. n 2 6-ounce 1-inch-thick strip internal temperature for rare,
So I looked it up, finding a bunch of versions steaks 135 degrees Fahrenheit for
medium-rare. Transfer the
in my ever-growing collection of classic cook- n Kosher salt and freshly steaks to a cutting board and
books. ground pepper to taste tent them with foil. Pour off
There was nothing about the recipes that n 1 tablespoon canola or any remaining fat from the
wouldn’t appeal today, even though steak vegetable oil skillet, but do not clean the
Diane has fallen off the popular-steak radar. n 2 tablespoons unsalted skillet.
The sauce contains one or more types of wine butter Melt the butter in the same
and/or booze (I saw everything from Madeira skillet over medium-low
n 1/2 cup chopped shallots
to Marsala to sherry to cognac and brandy to heat. Saute the shallots for 4
regular red wine) and some spices. Most steak n 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard minutes, until golden brown
Diane recipes contained Worcestershire n 1 tablespoon and tender. Add the mustard,
Worcestershire sauce, red
sauce as well, which I am rediscovering as one Worcestershire sauce
wine and cognac (be careful,
of my go-to ingredients as the weather gets n 2 tablespoons red wine the liquor can ignite) and
cooler. Also, some member of the onion fam- n 2 tablespoons brandy or stir, scraping up any little
ily (I picked shallots) and some herbs, usually cognac browned bits from the
simple greens like parsley or chives. n 1 or 2 tablespoons minced
bottom of the pan. Allow the
Serve it with roasted potatoes, mashed po- fresh parsley
sauce to reduce a bit, just one
tatoes or maybe potato gratin if you want to minute, then taste and season ASSOCIATED PRESS

go all in, or all out as the case may be. Hey, if

Directions: as needed. Stir in the parsley. Steak Diane has fallen off the popular-steak radar, but
there is ever a moment to go all-somewhere Season the steaks generously Slice the steaks and transfer there nothing about the recipes that wouldn’t appeal to
with salt and pepper. Heat a them to a serving plate, today’s diners.
it’s when you’re serving up some serious
large, heavy skillet (such as or serve each steak on an
steak. Creamed spinach as another side? Or cast iron) over medium-high individual plate with the n Nutrition information per fats); 150 mg cholesterol;
maybe just sauteed green beans with a bit of heat and add the oil. When desired side dishes. Drizzle serving: 504 calories; 243 447 mg sodium; 8 g
garlic — we can show a tiny bit of restraint. the oil is hot, add the steaks, the sauce over the steak and calories from fat; 27 g fat carbohydrate; 1 g fiber; 3 g
Double this recipe as you wish. and sear for about 4 minutes serve. (10 g saturated; 0 g trans sugar; 47 g protein.

Elote fried rice merges Mexican, Asian f lavors

LEAH ESKIN n 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt Directions:
n 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black 1. Heat wok or skillet over
Elotes are almost all I want to eat by the end of the summer. pepper medium-high heat; add 2
The Mexican roasted corn slathered with mayo, spiked by n 5 scallions, sliced as thin as tablespoons fat, carefully
chile powder, tart from lime and showered with cotija cheese possible swirling to coat pan. Add
has become the fleeting flavor of the season. ginger and garlic; stir-fry until
n 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, garlic is fragrant and barely
Kewpie or Just Mayo preferably browns, about 10 seconds.
n 1/2 cup slightly crushed Add corn; stir-fry just to coat
ELOTE FRIED RICE chicharron or roasted peanuts with fat, 30 seconds. Add 1
tablespoon of the remaining
n 1/2 cup cilantro, whole leaves and fat, carefully swirling. Add rice;
Prep: 15 minutes peeled, sliced thick tender stems stir-fry, carefully breaking up Elote fried rice
Cook: 3 to 4 minutes n 1/4 cup grated cotija cheese or any clumps, until just coated
n 3 cloves garlic, peeled and and hot, 2 minutes. Add soy serving bowl. Remove ginger and
Makes: 2 to 4 servings kept whole nutritional yeast garlic if desired.
sauce around edge of rice; stir-
Ingredients: n 2 ears corn, roasted, kernels n 1 teaspoon Tajín or ground chile fry to mix. Add salt and pepper 3. Garnish with squiggles of mayo,
sliced off cob to taste. Add remaining fat as then a shower of chicharron,
n 4 tablespoons fat (peanut or n Lime wedges needed. cilantro, cotija and Tajín to taste.
coconut oil, or lard) n 4 cups cooked rice, cooled n Sriracha or other hot sauce 2. Turn off heat; stir in scallions Serve with lime wedges, Sriracha
n 2 thumb-size pieces ginger, n 2 tablespoons soy sauce n Smoked salt, optional quickly. Transfer to a big and smoked salt on the side.

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Combined fiction (print and e-books)
1. Seeing Red, by Sandra Brown. (Grand Central)
TV journalist Kerra Bailey and former federal
agent John Trapper join forces to expose a web
of conspiracy behind a hotel bombing in Dallas.
2. The Store, by James Patterson and Richard
DiLallo. (Little, Brown) Two New York writers go
undercover to expose the secrets of a powerful
3. I Know a Secret, by Tess Gerritsen. (Ballantine)
Rizzoli and Isles investigate two separate
homicides and uncover other dangerous
4. The Late Show, by Michael Connelly. (Little,
Brown) Renee Ballard, a young detective with the
LAPD, investigates crimes against two women.
5. The Whistler, by John Grisham. (Doubleday)
A whistleblower alerts a Florida investigator to
judicial corruption involving the mob and Indian
6. Camino Island, by John Grisham. (Doubleday)
A search for stolen rare manuscripts leads to a
Florida island.
7. The Woman in Cabin 10, by Ruth Ware. (Scout)
A travel writer on a cruise is certain she has
heard a body thrown overboard, but no one
believes her.
8. Exposed, by Lisa Scottoline. (St. Martin’s)
Bennie Rosato and Mary DiNunzio find
themselves on opposite sides of a lawsuit,
threatening their friendship and their law firm.
9. Before We Were Yours, by Lisa Wingate.
(Ballantine) A South Carolina lawyer, researching
her grandmother’s past, learns about a Tennessee
orphanage that kidnapped children and placed
them for adoption with wealthy people. Based on
a real-life scandal. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

10. Milk and Honey, by Rupi Kaur. (Andrews Above, Tobias Wolff, author of the memoir “This Boy’s Life,” will speak next weekend at HippoCamp 2107: A Conference
McMeel) Poetic approaches to surviving adversity for Creative Nonfiction Writers. Also speaking will be, bottom left, Dinty W. Moore, and Beverly Donofrio.
and loss.
11. The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin. (Orbit) The
final book of the trilogy that includes the Hugo
Award-winning titles “The Fifth Season” and “The
Award-winning author speaking at conference here
Obelisk Gate.” JON FERGUSON
12. The Stories Life of A.J. Fikry, by Gabrielle [email protected]
And the writer had
Zevin. (Algonquin) A down-on-his-luck
bookseller gets a second chance when a small, Nothing is going to stop taught at California’s
mysterious package arrives at his store. Tobias Wolff from writing. Stanford University,
13. Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline.
The 72-year-old au- where he is a professor
(Broadway) It’s 2044, life on a resource-depleted thor of “This Boy’s Life,” emeritus, since 1997. He
Earth has grown increasingly grim, and the key to a coming-of-age memoir decided to step away from
a vast fortune is hidden in a virtual-reality world. considered a classic of the classroom this year.
14. A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin. the form, says he will con- “I kind of ran out my
(Bantam) In the frozen wastes to the north of tinue writing until he’s no string of teaching, I think,
Winterfell, sinister and supernatural forces are longer able. and I wanted ... I kind of
mustering. Basis of the HBO series. But he wonders if there let my teaching move into
15. The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood. will be many people the time when I used to
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Men and women in around who are interest- write,” Wolff says during a
a dystopian future. The basis of the Hulu series; ed in reading his words. telephone interview from
originally published in 1985. “People don’t read very his home. “So I wanted
much,” he says during IF YOU GO to to save my time for my
Combined nonfiction a telephone interview own work.”
from his California home. n What: HippoCamp 2017: A Conference for Wolff, who says he hopes
1. The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls. Creative Nonfiction Writers.
(Scribner) The author recalls a bizarre childhood. “Where I worry about our to finish a novel in the next
Originally published in 2005 and the basis of the culture is the distractions n When: Friday, Sept. 8, through Sunday, Sept. 10. couple of months, is look-
movie. of all the screens around n Where: Lancaster County Convention Center/ ing forward to delivering
2. Hillbilly Elegy, by J.D. Vance. (HarperCollins) A us and in our pockets, as Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square. the conference’s headlin-
Yale Law School graduate looks at the struggles opposed to the pleasure of n Tickets: Some slots for the conference were still ing keynote address on
of the white working class through the story of a book.” available at press time. Also, there are some tickets Saturday, Sept. 9.
his own childhood. Wolff, however, available for those who want only to listen to author “There’s nobody there
shouldn’t have to tell Tobias Wolff’s keynote address. who doesn’t want to
3. Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, by Neil
deGrasse Tyson. (Norton) A straightforward, anybody to turn off their n Information: hippocamp2017. be there,” he says. “and
easy-to-understand introduction to the laws that smartphones next week- hippocampusmagazine.com. hasn’t gone to some trou-
govern the universe. end when he steps in front Q&A ble and expense to be
4. Al Franken, Giant of the Senate, by Al of a crowd of writers hun- there. That’s exactly the
Franken. (Twelve) A memoir by the Democratic gry to learn about the craft n Read an interview with Donna Talarico, the group of people of people
senator from Minnesota and former “Saturday founder of Hippocampus Magazine, in today’s
of writing from a master. Sunday magazine. that I most enjoy talking
Night Live” writer. Wolff — who will speak to.”
5. Devil’s Bargain, by Joshua Green. (Penguin at HippoCamp 2017: A
Press) A deeply reported account of the Conference for Creative Creative
relationship between Donald Trump and his
strategist, Steve Bannon.
Nonfiction Writers, at the nonfiction
Lancaster County Con- Life,” Wolff also wrote acclaim for his short sto-
6. The Big Lie, by Dinesh D’Souza. (Regnery) The vention Center — will be the memoir “In Pharoah’s ries and novels. He won Donna Talarico, the
conservative commentator argues that the U.S. in a familiar setting as Army,” a chronicle of the the 1985 PEN/Faulkner founder of Hippocampus
left is a fascist threat.
he has extensive experi- time he spent as a soldier Award for the novella magazine, an online-only
7. Why Buddhism Is True, by Robert Wright. ence both as a writer and during the Vietnam War. “The Barracks Thief” and magazine dedicated to
(Simon & Schuster) The latest research in
neuroscience and psychology is used to support
a teacher. He also has excelled as a was awarded the National creative nonfiction that
the assertion that Buddhist meditation and Along with “This Boy’s writer of fiction, winning Medal of Arts in 2015. CONFERENCE, page B11
practice can lead to a deeper understanding of
the world.
8. Killers of the Flower Moon, by David Grann.
(Doubleday) The story of a murder spree in 1920s
Oklahoma that targeted Osage Indians, whose
lands contained oil.
9. Option B, by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam
Grant. (Knopf) Sandberg’s experience after
her husband’s sudden death and Grant’s
psychological research combine to provide
insight on facing adversity and building

Check it out!
10. Hail to the Chin, by Bruce Campbell with
Craig Sanborn. (Thomas Dunne) The self-
described B-movie actor evaluates his quality
of life, moves to Oregon and enjoys further
Travel to the future with these new science fiction books. Find them on the new-book shelf at the Lancaster Pub-
11. Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi
Coates. (Spiegel & Grau) A meditation on race in lic Library.
1. American War, by Omar El Akkad. out to destroy it, and find a way to get discarded experiments from the
12. Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari. (Harper) How Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is back to the woman he loves in a world Company, a now derelict biotech firm.
Homo sapiens became Earth’s dominant species. only 6 when the Second American that now has two of him.
13. Born a Crime, by Trevor Noah. (Spiegel & Civil War breaks out in 2074. But even 5. The Clockwork Dynasty, by Daniel
Grau) A memoir about growing up biracial in she knows that oil is outlawed, that 3. Noumenon, by Marina J. Lostetter. H. Wilson. In the rugged landscape
apartheid South Africa by the comedian, now the Louisiana is half underwater, and that In 2088, humankind is at last ready to of eastern Oregon, a young scientist
host of “The Daily Show.” unmanned drones fill the sky. explore beyond Earth’s solar system. named June uncovers an exquisite
But one uncertainty remains: Where artifact; a 300-year-old mechanical
14. Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson. (Spiegel 2. The Punch Escrow, by Tal M. do we go? doll whose existence seems to
& Grau) A law professor and MacArthur grant Klein. The year is 2147. Joel Byram validate a harrowing story she was
recipient’s memoir of his decades of work to free is just an average guy until he is 4. Borne, by Jeff VanderMeer. A told by her grandfather many years
innocent people condemned to death. accidentally cloned in a teleportation young woman named Rachel survives earlier. The mechanical doll, June
15. Grit, by Angela Duckworth. (Scribner) accident. Now Joel must outsmart the as a scavenger in a ruined city half believes, is proof of a living race of
A psychologist argues that passion and shadowy organization that controls destroyed by drought and conflict. automatons that walk undetected
perseverance are the keys to success. teleportation, outrun the religious sect The city is dangerous, littered with among us to this day.

Continued from B10

is sponsoring the three-day con-

ference starting Friday, Sept. 8,
says she capped attendance at
225 people and is close to filling
all those slots.
She says 26 states and four
countries, including the United
States and Canada, will be repre-
sented at the conference, which
will be held here for the third
straight year.
Of those attending, she says, “I
do definitely believe it’s serious
writers or writers who are com-
mitted to getting serious.”
Along with Wolff, the other
high-profile speakers are Beverly
Donofrio, author of the memoir
“Riding in Cars with Boys,” which
was made into a film, and Dinty
W. Moore, a writer who also runs
an online magazine called Brev-
ity, which, like Hippocampus, is
dedicated to nonfiction.
In all, the conference will fea-
ture more than 50 speakers,
numerous panels, readings, net-
working opportunities and social

Years as a teacher
Wolff says he learned during his
years of teaching creative writing JOHN OLSON

that the most valuable lesson he Mark Bowden will talk about his book, “Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam,” Saturday in Harrisburg.
could impart to his students had
more to do with editing.
“You can help them to become Author Mark Bowden trains an unbiased eye on battle of Hue
their own best editor, I think, and
you can introduce them to ways JON FERGUSON
of thinking about their work that [email protected] I think it makes for a better “Over time, you find the IF YOU GO
helps them detach themselves story for readers. I also think good storytellers,” he says. n What: Mark Bowden in
from the work,” he says. “You Mark Bowden says he had you can learn about and “You find the guys who were conversation with Michael
have to internalize the ability to no interest in writing about write about the larger sub- at critical moments in the Neiberg.
read your work as if someone else a Vietnam War battle when ject. If you can really under- battle. And at the same time n Where: Midtown Scholar
had written it, and to bring that his editor and publisher first stand this event, it gives you you sort of gradually piece Bookstore, 1302 N. 3rd St.,
rigor to editing it and reimagin- proposed it about 10 years a measure of understanding together a mosaic in your Harrisburg.
ing it. ago. the whole war.” head of how this battle un- n When: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
“And that is something that Bowden, the author of Bowden will talk about his folded. You find characters Saturday.
people can learn.” the celebrated “Blackhawk book Saturday at the Mid- through whom you can tell n Information:
Concerning his own writing, Down: A Story of Modern town Scholar Bookstore in that story.” midtownscholar.com, 717-
Wolff says, there have been times War,” says he had no desire Harrisburg. He will be in- Bowden, who made two 236-1680.
when he has started writing a sto- to write about another battle, terviewed by Michael S. Nei- trips to Vietnam while re-
ry that he planned as a fictional and he feared getting pigeon- berg, a professor of history searching the book, also tells
tale only to realize that it would holed as a military writer. and chair of war studies in the story from the other side DETAILS
be better told as a memoir. His editor, however, didn’t the Department of National as he also did extensive in- n “Hue 1968: A Turning
He says both fiction and nonfic- give up and kept pestering Security and Strategy at the terviews with members of Point of the American War
tion have their own challenges him, finally convincing the United States Army War Col- the Viet Cong, the North in Vietnam.
and rewards. former Philadelphia Inquir- lege in Carlisle. Vietnamese Army and for- n By Mark Bowden.
“For one thing, when you’re er reporter about the value of mer residents of Hue who n Atlantic Monthly Press.
writing nonfiction, you have the examining the Vietnam War Arguments supported efforts to dislodge n 608 pages ($30).
gift of knowing what happened through the lens of the Tet with father the Army of the Republic of
already,” he says. “When you’re Offensive in 1968, particu- Vietnam and their American
writing fiction you have the re- larly the battle for the city of Bowden, 66, says he re- allies from the city.
sponsibility to invent and get at Hue. members getting into “I realized one of the big
whatever truth you’re getting at The result — “Hue 1968: A “knockdown, dragout” argu- flaws in the books that I read and “Platoon,” all of which
in a different way. Turning Point of the Ameri- ments with his father about about the event were very portrayed military soldiers
“But with nonfiction comes can War in Vietnam” — has the Vietnam War, which one-sided,” he says, “and as either crazy or victims.”
the problem of form and how do received glowing reviews Bowden opposed. there was no real curiosity on Bowden says an impor-
you select among all these things since it was published earlier A lottery system was in the part of the writers about tant aspect of his book is the
that have happened to you, those this year. As well as being a place when Bowden became the other people who were critical look it takes at how
things that form the significant vivid account of a gripping eligible to be drafted into the part of this battle.” the U.S. military functioned
pattern for this particular work. battle that is told from both military during the war, and When he was doing his ini- during the battle.
... There’s all kinds of problems sides, it is an invaluable ad- he drew No. 341, meaning he tial research by reading every “You often hear we won
when writing about oneself: in- dition to the library of books, did not have to serve. book about the war he could the war militarily but lost
vasion of privacy of your family both nonfiction and fiction, “I decided, even though I find, Bowden, who teaches at it in the press,” he says.
and friends; the difficulty of find- about the war. was really against the war, I the University of Delaware, “Well, let’s look at how the
ing a form or pattern in the work; “I really came to share (my decided if I was drafted I was says he was surprised by the military functioned during
avoiding, you know, score-set- editor’s) belief that this was, going to go, and I was going paucity of books by serious Vietnam. And I didn’t know
tling, though sometimes score- first of all, a poorly under- to do what I was obligated to writers that took a look at the the answers. For all I knew,
settling might be in order.” stood major moment in the do,” he says. “Obviously, I was military aspects of the war. (General) William Westmo-
Wolff says the most important Vietnam War,” Bowden says relieved that didn’t happen.” “I really think the Vietnam reland (who commanded
thing writers can do, whether during a telephone inter- During his extensive re- War so poisoned American U.S. forces in Vietnam from
they’re working in fiction or non- view, “and if you look upon search for the book, which attitudes toward the military 1964 to 1968) was a genius in
fiction, is to read. He says that’s the Tet Offensive as the piv- he started in 2011, Bowden, that the whole genre of mili- 20th-century tactics.
how you learn about the possi- otal moment in that war, this a national correspondent for tary writing was kind of ban- “And I was appalled when
bilities of sentence structure, the was the centerpiece of the The Atlantic magazine, talk- ished from popular culture,” I learned about him and par-
rhythm of language and the nar- Tet Offensive. ed to hundreds of soldiers he says. “The only kind of ticularly how he responded
rative sense of how to tell a story. “And so my preferred way who were combatants during things that were considered to what had happened at
“You can’t learn these things to write about anything, any the battle. Some of them he literary and worthwhile were Hue, and realized that it led
without actually being interested sort of sweeping subject, is interviewed extensively, and essentially anti-war screeds, to the deaths — unnecessar-
in how other people do them, and to find a dramatic episode they became major charac- things like “Apocalypse ily, I think — of many Ameri-
that means reading.” that you can dig deeply into. ters in “Hue.” Now” and “Deer Hunter” cans. It was a surprise.”

Country: Willie Nelson sion: “Do I want to keep

writing and putting out
music?” If you look, the
counterculture. It’s not
mainstream. Anything
that’s not mainstream
don’t know how Willie
started. Willie started
as a songwriter, first
Continued from B1 Willie was pretty much thing about him is that ones that continue to do I consider countercul- and foremost, and he
done with his main- he’s continued to release it are the ones that write ture. But Willie has, in used to wear suits. He
was. When my older stream success. Country original music. Art- almost all their music. some way, and I don’t wrote “Crazy” for Patsy
brother was little, he music, I think, different ists who are his age and You’re not going to get think it’s any advocacy Cline. Then, he made
was so afraid of Willie than any other format, have as much status as pitched the best songs of his own, I just think the transition into being
Nelson that any time he has a way of being ex- he has don’t really need in town if you’re 15 years he’s been the most con- a mainstream artist. (As
saw him on TV he would tremely cyclical. You get to do that. He could sell past your last No. 1 hit. sistent with the message a) mainstream artist,
cry and hide underneath a good 10 to 12 years out concert tickets without Jenelle: I’d also argue for the longest time. But Willie had several very
the kitchen table be- of some superstars, and making new music. It’s that something that’s you’re right — anytime big songs. Then came
cause he thought he was if you’re lucky, if you’re not just throwaway stuff helped people my age marijuana comes up, the mid-to-late ’60s and
scary looking. Kenny Chesney, Tim either. That last album to at least know who Willie Nelson’s name is the early ’70s and out-
Brad: That’s fantastic. McGraw, you’re on year he had, “God’s Problem he is is his advocacy for there. It has become an law music. I kind of call
Jenelle: So, when I 20 now. And that’s very Child,” was pretty high marijuana legalization. accepted part of culture it country’s answer to
went to a Willie Nelson rare because there’s quality. If people can’t name a that Willie Nelson is a Woodstock. There were
show in Maryland a cou- very few artists who can Brad: I can only speak Willie Nelson song, they stoner. a group of people who
ple of weeks ago, I sent reinvent themselves. I for country, but there at least know him as the Jenelle: So, we men- loved country music but
a video to him and said, think the reason why comes a point in every guy who really likes pot. tioned his transition felt like they were the
“Don’t cry.” someone like Willie has artist’s career — Vince Whenever there’s some- from being the main- outcasts to society like
Brad: It’s funny how gone on into icon status, Gill has gone through thing political that hap- stream “it” guy to coun- a lot of people from the
Willie is perceived but may not be part of it, George Strait has pens with marijuana le- terculture. What else, Woodstock generation
through the genera- the mainstream as long gone through it, Toby galization, I feel like he’s from an industry stand- felt. I think that’s what
tions. You and I, neither as he could have, is be- Keith, in a way, is going always quoted. Some- point, makes his career bred the outlaw move-
of us were born when cause he was just Willie. through it right now — one always reaches out so notable? ment of country, which
Willie was the Luke Bry- And you were going to where you just no lon- to him to get his opinion. Brad: People who Willie gravitated right
an of country music. We accept him or not accept ger have hit songs on the Brad: I call him a only know him as the into. I think for 40 years,
came into it when Willie him, but he was going to radio, whatever the fac- counterculture icon grandfatherly, long- Willie has been one of
was considered an old- still be Willie. tor may be. You have to because marijuana braided ponytail, mari- the most consistent art-
timer. Really, by ’80-’85, Jenelle: The other make a conscious deci- consumption is still juana advocate probably ists in country music.

Remodel: Renovations to Masonic Children’s Home

Continued from B1 Migrala said, and though
himself and monetarily.” “we’d been asking, ‘can
Hunter-Longdon, like we remodel, can we re-
her late husband, also model’ for the last couple
lost her father at a young years,” the renovation
age. work had a very short
Giving “has always window for completion.
seemed the right thing Preparation began
to do, especially for chil- in May, the girls’ cot-
dren,” Hunter-Longdon tages were vacated June
says. “Masonic Chil- 20 and the final inside
dren’s Home makes a touches were finished
difference in children’s the day before the big
lives. I’m happy to be a reveal.
small part of it.” They include two addi-
tional second-floor bed-
A revelation rooms, made possible by
closing a towering living
Late in the morning room ceiling that essen-
of Aug. 26, there were tially was “wasted space,”
some jitters outside Migrala says. There’s a SUZETTE WENGER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER PHOTOS

the girls’ cottage at the sleek white kitchen, with says, the mission re-
children’s home. School a dining table big enough mains the same as when
would start on Monday, to accommodate every- the children’s home
but that wasn’t what one; artwork; hooks for opened for its first resi-
was causing such impa- backpacks and jackets; a dents in 1913. The chil-
tience. cushioned window seat dren stay at the home at
It was the big reveal of on the stairway up to no cost to their families.
this phase of the renova- second-floor bedrooms. The goal, she says, “is
tion project: an entirely The bathrooms, too, to provide quality care
new interior, furnish- were completely redone for children and to meet
ings and design for this with bright colors coor- their needs and help
home that houses about dinated right down to them reach their full po-
20 girls. the bath towels. tential. In this day and
When noon hit, the Work on the exterior age, it’s harder to raise
doors opened. continues, and then kids, especially teenag-
And then, says Ginny there’s a break until next ers, and keep them safe.”
Migrala, the squealing year, when the boys’ cot- One change in mission,
began. tages are renovated. she says, is to “provide
The girls raced around And Migrala fully more for their educa-
their new home, mar- expects the personal tion ... and we have a lot Top, with work completed on the inside, the outside will undergo renovations in the
veling at all the touches touches that are evident more kids in college, next phase of updating the cottage of the children’s home at the Masonic Village.
— many of which were in the girls’ cottages will both two- and four-year Above, Rina and Noelia work on homework in a bedroom of the girls’ cottage of the
exactly what they’d re- be adapted for the boys, programs.” children’s home at the Masonic Village.
quested. A giant kitchen. too. Most of the children
A big chalkboard for For example, she says, at Masonic Village come at home is difficult, if not says, is exciting to hear. continue the donations
house messages. Squishy “We love the chalkboard from Lancaster County impossible. She’d never known he made during his life-
furniture in the upstairs (bedroom walls). We’re and Philadelphia, she While at the children’s about the Masonic Chil- time and which she has
living room. A rede- always struggling be- says, and Masonic Villag- home, they go to Eliza- dren’s Home before she continued since 2003.
signed, finished base- cause kids always want es is working to spread bethtown schools, join met her late husband, “It seems like it’s such
ment for hanging out. to have (their own) iden- the word of what’s avail- sports teams, get jobs she says, but it was one a part of my life now,”
And, maybe best of all: tity, and be an individual, able within the local and volunteer in the of the first things he told Hunter-Longdon says.
a bedroom of her very and not have a cookie- community. “We have community, take mu- her about during their “I think about it a lot; I
own, for each girl, with cutter approach to any- four (siblings) coming sic lessons — as stable a first date all those years think about the kids.”
bedding each girl had thing. soon from Elizabeth- childhood and teenage ago. She attended a party for
picked out for herself “So being able to do town, which is great,” experience as possible. “We had dinner, and the four Class of 2017
and a chalkboard wall that but not put a zillion Migrala says. The renovation, Mi- it lasted four hours, and high school graduates
she can decorate any holes in the wall?” Mi- Sometimes Masonic grala says, is a wonderful by the end of it I could this year, she says, “I was
way she likes. grala says with a laugh. Villages is recommend- gift to a great group of have written a book” on so impressed. I thought,
“There were so many “That was my goal.” ed by an older sibling or kids. the Masons and the chil- ‘My, my. It’s so wonder-
thank-yous, so many Between the girls’ and a teacher, and the child “All of our needs were dren’s home, she laughs. ful that their life (at Ma-
hugs,” says Migrala, di- boys’ cottages, they’re does not have to come fulfilled and more,” she And because he was sonic Children’s Home)
rector of children’s ser- almost at full capacity, from the family of a Ma- says. “And more!” so beloved, she says — will influence them for-
vices at Masonic Village. say Migrala and Megan son. They do have to live “I would have gone to ever.’ It’s a wonderful
It was the first large- Leitzell, public relations in Pennsylvania, have no ‘It’s a part the end of the world thing to carry away.
scale renovation of the coordinator at Masonic significant health issues of my life’ with him after that (first “Life is difficult
cottages since they were Villages. and have a family back- date)” — she has no enough; (the kids) don’t
built nearly 24 years ago, In many ways, Migrala ground in which staying That, Hunter-Longdon doubt he’d want her to need more burdens.”

Matthew T. Kingston, DMD

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The Gossip Corner PET OF THE WEEK

n Sept. 3, 1189: England’s

King Richard I (the Lion- IVF strengthens conceive naturally. You love with the coun-
Hearted) was crowned in
Westminster Abbey.
their bond want to feel like every- try after ending a tour
thing’s working prop- there in 2004. Madon-
erly and want every- na posted that she’ll be
n 1658: Oliver Cromwell, thing to be perfect, but working on a film and
the Lord Protector of
England, died in London; sometimes it’s not,” the new music in Portugal.
he was succeeded by his father of one contin- She said in her Ins-
son, Richard. ued. “I wouldn’t say we tagram post: “ The en-
can’t conceive natural- ergy of Portugal is so
n 1783: Representatives ly, but I would say that inspiring. I feel very
of the United States and it’s enough of a chal- creative and alive here
Britain signed the Treaty lenge where it felt like and I look forward to
of Paris, which officially we needed help. We’re working on my film
ended the Revolutionary lucky that we’re liv- LOVED and making
ing in an age where we New Music!!! This will
can conceive in other be the next Chapter
n 1868: The Japanese city ways. [IVF] brought us in My Book! It’s time
of Edo was renamed Tokyo. Chrissy Teigen
and John Legend Luna and hopefully, it to conquer the world
will bring us a few more from a different van-
n 1914: Cardinal Giacomo Grammy and Oscar- awesome kids, too.” tage point!!”
Della Chiesa became pope;
he took the name Benedict winning singer, John
XV. Legend opened up to
Cosmopolitan about Portugal bound Remini struggles
n 1923: The United States the challenges he and
and Mexico resumed wife Chrissy Teigen BLAINE T. SHAHAN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

have faced during their Rossi, an 8-year-old spayed domestic longhair cat,
diplomatic relations. is available for adoption at the Humane League of
nearly 4-year mar- Lancaster County.
n 1939: Britain, France, riage, specifically going
through in vitro fertil-
Calm and quiet a
Australia and New Zealand
declared war on Germany, ization (IVF).
two days after the Nazi “Having a baby is a big

requisite for Rossi

invasion of Poland; in a challenge for a couple, Madonna Leah Remini
radio address, Britain’s and going through that
King George VI said,
“With God’s help, we shall together strengthens Madonna is heading Four years after
your bond because if you overseas to a new home abruptly leaving the con- HUMANE LEAGUE Rossi is recovering from
prevail.” The same day, a OF LANCASTER
German U-boat torpedoed make it through [having in Portugal. troversial Church of Sci- COUNTY bladder surgery and does
and sank the British liner a child], you know you The Michigan native entology, Leah Remini require a strict prescrip-
SS Athenia some 250 miles can make it through any- had been living in New tells PEOPLE magazine Rossi, an 8-year-old tion wet food diet. Her
off the Irish coast, killing thing,” Legend explained York. She said on Insta- she’s still adjusting. spayed domestic long- ideal family would be
more than 100 out of the
1,400 or so people on
about trying for another gram Saturday that she “You rebuild slowly. hair, was surrendered one that can provide a
board. child after welcoming finds the energy of Por- It doesn’t happen over- to the Humane League stable environment and
16-month-old daughter tugal inspiring, and it night,” said the actress, after her previous lots of love and affection.
n 1940: Artie Shaw and Luna, who was conceived makes her feel creative 47. “It’s a learning pro- owner died. Rossi was Rossi is available for
his Gramercy Five recorded with the help of IVF. and alive. cess; it’s changing the adopted for a brief pe- adoption today at the
“Summit Ridge Drive” and “I think it’s especially A spokesman for the way you think.” riod of time but showed Humane League of Lan-
“Special Delivery Stomp” difficult when you can’t singer said she fell in — Wire Reports signs of stress and caster County, 2195 Lin-
for RCA Victor. was hiding in her new coln Highway East. Of-
home, so the family fice hours are 9 a.m. to 5
n 1951: The television brought her back after p.m. daily, and adoption
soap opera “Search for a couple of weeks. She hours are 10 a.m. to 4:30
Tomorrow” made its debut would be happiest in a p.m. daily. Many of the
on CBS. calm and quiet home Humane League’s avail-
n “Beetle Bailey” cartoonist Mort Walker is 94. Actress Pauline
Collins is 77. Rock singer-musician Al Jardine is 75. Actress willing to give her time able animals can also
n 1967: Nguyen Van Thieu Valerie Perrine is 74. Rock musician Donald Brewer (Grand to come out of her shell. be viewed online at hu-
was elected president of Funk Railroad) is 69. Rock guitarist Steve Jones (The Sex Rossi enjoys sitting on manepa.org. For more
South Vietnam under a
new constitution.
Pistols) is 62. Actor Steve Schirripa is 60. Actor Holt McCallany laps, playing with toys information, call the
is 53. Rock singer-musician Todd Lewis is 52. Actor Costas and basking in the sun. league at 717-393-6551.
Mandylor is 52. Actor Charlie Sheen is 52. Singer Jennifer Paige
n 1976: America’s Viking is 44. Dance-rock musician Redfoo is 42. Actress Ashley Jones
2 lander touched down on is 41. Actress Nichole Hiltz is 39. Actor Joel Johnstone is 39.
Mars to take the first close- Actor Nick Wechsler is 39. Actress Christine Woods is 34. Actor
Shaun White, 31 LAST WEEK’S PET
up, color photographs of Garrett Hedlund is 33. Olympic gold medal snowboarder Shaun n Sasha, a 1-year-old shorthair cat, has been adopted
the red planet’s surface. White is 31. Hip-hop singer August Alsina is 25. from Furever Home Adoption Center.

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Celebrations Health
Continued from B7
says.) The book also
Engagements Anniversary Wedding challenges notions we
(or at least our bosses)
hold dear, such as the
Martin- Moyer- Stoltzfus- Ostertag 50th Sheaf- idea that multitasking
McNamara Crouse Rohrer Gaulton is a positive endeavor.
“Multitasking is a
myth,” Goleman says.
“You can’t really do
two things at once.
What happens is your
brain switches rap-
idly. As it switches,
you lose the power of
your concentration.
You do many things
at once, you do them
less well.”
But there is good
news for multitask-
Don and Lois (McGaw) ers, according to “Al-
Thomas and Linda Karen Crouse and the Eric and Robin Rohrer Ostertag are celebrating Marissa Jane Gaulton tered Traits”: Cogni-
McNamara of East Earl late Chet Crouse, Man- of Bowmansville an- their 50th wedding an- and Andrew Lee Sheaf tive control can be
have announced the heim, and Chris and An- nounce the engagement niversary. were married on Sat- improved. One test of
engagement of their gie Moyer, Manheim are of their daughter, Shan- They were married urday, April 29, 2017, at undergrad volunteers
daughter Jessica McNa- delighted to announce non Gabrielle to Kyle September 2, 1967 at four o’clock in the after- tried short sessions
mara of East Earl, to Da- the engagement of their Stoltzfus, son of Mervin Marticville Methodist noon at The Farm at Ea- of focusing or breath-
rin Martin of Lebanon. children Allison Crouse and Denise Stoltzfus Church. gle’s Ridge in Lancaster, counting. “Just three
and Tyler Moyer. of Narvon and Tamara Don is retired from Pennsylvania. 10-minute sessions
Allison is a 2013 gradu- and Greg Kenitz of Lan- CNH and LCS. He is a The bride is the daugh- of breath counting
member of Bellevue
CELEBRATIONS ate of Manheim Central caster.
Presbyterian Church.
ter of Glen and Jane was enough to appre-
and a 2017 graduate of Shannon is a graduate Gaulton of Havertown, ciably increase their
GUIDELINES Kutztown University. of Garden Spot High Lois is retired from Pennsylvania. The attention skills on a
Celebration pricing starting
She is currently working School and Shippens- Weis Markets and a groom is the son of Lee battery of tests. And
as little as $25. member of Calvary Bap-
for Wellspan Philhaven. burg University and is and Nancy Sheaf of Eliz- the biggest gains were
Celebrations are now
Tyler is a 2012 graduate employed by Compre- tist Church. abethtown, Pennsylva- among the heavy
self-service! Create and They have two sons,
see how your celebration of Manheim Central and hensive Learning Cen- nia. multitaskers, who did
announcement will is currently working for ter, Southampton. Donald and David. The bride earned more poorly on those
appear at: C. Moyer Building & Re- Kyle graduated from a bachelor of arts in tests initially,” the au-
www.LancasterOnline.com/ thors write.
celebrations/create modeling, Inc. Garden Spot High communications from
Their wedding is School and is employed Susquehanna Universi- Which brings up
Questions: 717-291-4957
planned for December by Keystone Gun-Krete, Life without love is like ty and masters of educa- another important
You may also submit an
announcement in person or 2017. Paradise. a tree without blossom tion from the University question: If the ben-
by mail: An October wedding is of Pennsylvania. She is efits of meditation
LNP Media Group being planned. and fruit currently the Director expand the deeper
8 W. King St., PO Box 1328 ~ Khalil Gibran of Health Professions a person’s practice
Lancaster, PA 17608.
Advising at Franklin & goes, is meditating
Marshall College. in short sessions still
The groom earned useful?

Love Always.
a bachelor of arts in Goleman says yes.
communications from “Casual practice
Susquehanna Univer- helps you in surpris-
sity and masters of pub- ing ways, but the
lic administration from deeper you go and the
Pennsylvania State Uni- more you practice,
Celebrate your parent’s anniversary. The first four inches versity. He is currently
employed with the
the more benefits you
get,” he says. “The
are $25. Announcements run in print and online. Department of Com-
munity and Economic
research shows that
right from the begin-
Development as a local ning mindfulness
To get started, visit: government policy spe-
practices counter the
ill effects of multitask-
LancasterOnline.com/ The couple is residing
in Lancaster, Pennsylva-
ing. We’re all doing so
many things a day.
celebrations/create Classifieds nia after a honeymoon
in Hawaii.
But the improvement
in attention starts at
the beginning.”


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Red Caboose: Motel hosts entertainment Fiddlers

Continued from B4 Continued from B4
with the Twin Rose Com- sphere. He’s been pleased by the
munity Band in late Au- surge in younger musicians at-
gust. tending the event in recent years.
And since it is a train-ori- “The movie ‘Deliverance’ and
ented place, “All Aboard: A the movie ‘O Brother, Where Art
Salute to the Great Ameri- Thou?’ I think were pretty good
can Railroad,” featuring motivational tools as far as young
performers singing songs folks getting interested in play-
like “Chattanooga Choo ing string instruments,” McVey
Choo,” “Wabash Cannon- says.
ball” and “The Rock Island McVey believes the switch to
Line,” was a natural. Labor Day was instrumental — no
Perhaps the most fulfill- pun intended — in the event’s suc-
ing event for the Prick- cess. The event marks the end of
etts was a benefit for their the New Holland Summer Arts As-
friend, Paul Marini, who sociation concert series, as well as
has Lyme disease. Per- the end of major fiddlers picnics in
formers from Sight & the area.
Sound Millennium Theatre “There are a couple more little
and Servant Stage — both things that go on after Labor Day
places where Marini has that the guys can go to have jam
worked — were among the sessions and play and so forth, but
performers. this kind of marks the end of the
“We had 200 people season,” McVey says. “A lot of guys
there, and we raised $6,700 like to go to New Holland because
for Paul,” Kat says. they might not see their buddies
She notes that people RICHARD HERTZLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER PHOTOS until next spring again.”
are calling her about doing Personally, McVey enjoys catch-
cabarets, and she’s open to The Red Caboose Motel has ing up with people he only sees
been a fixture in the Strasburg
that. area since the 1960s. At right, once a year at the event. He de-
“We are eager to use this a statue of a waiter stands scribes the event as a “big family
space more,” Kat says of the sentinel outside the motel’s reunion.”
barn. “We’re open to what dining car. The day leaves him with a relaxed
works. We are up against feeling, too. For McVey, music is a
how cold or how hot it gets, “You will not win against release.
since there is no air condi- mother nature,” Tyler says. “Music is one of the best thera-
tioning or heat. But I love The Red Caboose was pies in life, I think,” McVey says. “If
how rustic it is.” opened by Don Denlinger you ask any other musician, I think
The couple also shows in the 1960s. Denlinger, you’re going to hear the same thing.
movies in the barn free who died in 2008, was a pi- You can have a day when things go
of charge and open to the oneer in Lancaster tourism wrong, just have a bad day, sit down
community. They are fam- and also helped create the in the evening and pick up a musi-
ily friendly and will run un- Steamboat Inn. cal instrument and sit and play for
til it gets too cold. “It was heartbreaking to 20 minutes, a half hour, and it’s just
But Kat says she is eager see it in the state it was in,” like the day’s burdens have lifted
to plan some holiday enter- Tyler says. “My parents off of you.”
tainment. brought us here as kids sev- been involved in television, ler says. “We were getting After nine hours of playing at
The motel will close in en or eight times.” Tyler in advertising sales burned out.” Monday’s fiddler’s picnic, it’s safe
January and February and No, he’s not a train buff. and Kat as a producer and Of course, they haven’t to say McVey will be feeling pretty
reopen in March, some- “I like trains as much as host. She quit to raise their exactly slowed down. good.
thing that has been a tra- the next guy,” he says with son, Eli, who is now 2. “The responsibility has “When the day’s over with, you’re
dition at Red Caboose for a smile. “We didn’t see longev- been great,” Tyler says. tired, but it’s a good tired,” McVey
many years. The Pricketts had both ity in those careers,” Ty- “But this is a labor of love.” says.

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F i n d L u t h e r c a re on :

Summer: Films something fresh and orig-

inal. Warner Bros.’s DC
film “Wonder Woman,”
But so-called sequel-
fatigue doesn’t explain
the summer’s top movie, the success of “Guard-
Continued from B6 technology and services, grossed more than $400 ians of the Galaxy Vol.
industry analysts say. million domestically by 2” and “Despicable Me
Multiple flops The problem is exacer- finally bringing a female 3,” which were both big
bated by an unforgiving superhero to the big moneymakers.
What is clear: This social media environ- screen. Raunchy comedy R-rated comedies, usu-
summer was marred ment in which bad mov- “Girls Trip,” from Uni- ally a reliable source of
with multiple high-pro- ies are immediately pun- versal Pictures, collected studio profits, also fell on
file films that flopped ished by online word of ASSOCIATED PRESS
$108 million by targeting hard times this summer.
stateside, including “The mouth. Jamie Foxx, left, and Ansel Elgort in “Baby Driver.” black women. Christo- Four out of the five major
Mummy,” “Baywatch,” Some worry that sum- pher Nolan’s “Dunkirk” releases disappointed:
“The Dark Tower” and mer movies have sim- The product is just not Changing habits and Sony’s “Baby Driver” Fox’s “Snatched,” Sony’s
“King Arthur: Legend of ply lost their place as worth talking about.” proved that original con- “Rough Night,” Para-
the Sword.” Sequels to the top entertainment The long-term chal- Overall, the industry cepts can still draw big mount’s “Baywatch” and
the “Alien,” “Transform- touchstones American lenges are pushing stu- has been to slow to em- crowds to the theaters. Warner Bros.’s “The
ers” and “Pirates of the consumers are talk- dios to adapt. They’re brace changing viewer House.” “Girls Trip” was
Caribbean” franchises ing about, as acclaimed discussing ways to make habits, some analysts say. Big misses the one exception, nota-
also disappointed. (In- shows such as “Game of movies available for “The rest of the en- bly, after earning critical
ternational ticket sales Thrones” on HBO and streaming earlier after tertainment industry But those hits didn’t acclaim.
are helping to ease some “The Handmaid’s Tale” their theatrical releases has evolved, and mov- make up for the big miss- “It’s not the genre it-
of the pain.) on Hulu dominate the through iTunes and vid- ies haven’t,” said Doug es. The explanations for self that wasn’t work-
The business is also cultural conversation. eo on-demand services, Creutz, media analyst at the movies that didn’t ing,” said Nick Carpou,
reckoning with broader, “The floor beneath the despite resistance from Cowen & Co. “People are work run the gamut, and domestic distribution
longer-term threats that entertainment market is theater chains. Movie- only going to see mov- often contradict each president for Comcast
have kept Americans not as stable as it was 10 Pass, a New York-based ies they think they have other. Corp.’s Universal Pic-
from flocking to theaters years ago,” said Jeff Bock, company that sells sub- to see in theaters, and Some said audiences tures. “People respond
the way they used to. box office analyst with scriptions to let people there aren’t that many of have tired of seeing the to good movies.”
People now have more tracking firm Exhibitor see a virtually unlimited them.” same old characters. In- To that point, some
entertainment options Relations. “There’s a lot number of movies, be- To be sure, summer deed, Universal’s “The studio executives and
than ever, and cinemas of different things that came a topic of heated wasn’t all bad. The mov- Mummy” failed to de- filmmakers have blamed
have struggled to keep monopolize people’s debate when it recently ies that succeeded did liver, and 20th Century Rotten Tomatoes’ ag-
up, despite efforts to discussions, and most lowered its monthly fee so by achieving critical Fox’s “Alien: Covenant” gregated review scores
adapt with improved of them are not movies. to $9.95. acclaim, satisfying the and “War for the Planet for sinking certain mov-
desires of underserved of the Apes” did signifi- ies before they even hit
audiences and by offering cantly worse than their theaters. But how does
that jibe with the success
THE 39TH of Sony’s “The Emoji
Movie,” which scored
$77 million despite an
overwhelming drubbing
reporters and photojournalists from critics (7 percent
work around the clock to bring you on Rotten Tomatoes)?


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Tied up
Manheim Township,
Hershey battle to 2-2
draw in boys soccer
n Page C3



the cuts
Pittsburgh decides to
keep L-S grad Feiler
Decisions on placekick-
ers and backup quarterbacks
dominated Saturday’s round
of NFL moves as the league
went to one day of cuts.
Lots of established players
such as Kansas City linebacker
Tamba Hali, Minnesota defen-
sive linemen Sharrif Floyd and
Datone Jones, New York Gi-
ants linebacker Mark Herzlich
and Chicago defensive end
Lamarr Houston and wide re-
ceiver Cam Meredith wound
up on injured reserve.
Out on the street, at least for
ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS now, were the likes of safety
Above, Penn State quarterback Trace McSorley (9) fights off a tackle by Akron’s Zach Guiser (32) during the first half of Saturday’s season T.J. Ward, sent packing by
opener in State College. Below, the Nittany Lions’ Mike Gesicki (88) catches a touchdown pass as Akron’s Shawn Featherstone (2) defends Denver; receiver Victor Cruz,
during the first half. Penn State opened the season with a 52-0 triumph over the Zips. released by Chicago; running

back C.J. Spiller, out in Kan-
sas City; three-time All-Pro
punter Andy Lee, set free by
Carolina; WR-KR Josh Huff,
gone from Tampa Bay; run-
ning back Matt Jones and
safety Will Blackmon, gone
from Washington; quarter-
Manhandling of Zips shows how much Lions have progressed since 2014 back Kellen Clemens, released
by the Chargers; WR Jeremy
Kerley, released by San Fran-
MORE COVERAGE cisco; guard Alex Boone, out in
n Saturday’s PSU statistics, Minnesota; and players’ union
Page C6. president Eric Winston, an of-
n Mike Gross grades the fensive lineman let go by Cin-
Nittany Lions, Page C6. cinnati.
n Thompkins puts new life Among the placekickers
into PSU kick-return game, winning competitions were
MIKE GROSS Page C6. Giants rookie Aldrick Rosas
PENN STATE FOOTBALL n See LancasterOnline.com over veteran Mike Nugent;
for video highlights and a Zane Gonzalez, a seventh-
photo gallery from Saturday’s round pick, over Cody Parkey
STATE COLLEGE — James PSU-Akron game. in Cleveland; undrafted free
Franklin’s first game as Penn n Pittsburgh needs overtime agent Younghoe Koo over Josh
State’s head coach in Beaver to put away Youngstown Lambo with the Chargers; and
Stadium, indeed on American State, Page C7. perhaps seventh-rounder
soil, was against Akron. n Big Ten roundup: Maryland Harrison Butker because Car-
It’s a good barometer, surprises Texas, Page C8. olina is fielding trade calls for
because Akron is now about n Top 25 roundup: No. 4 Graham Gano and kept two
what it was then, a middling USC staves off upset bid by NFL, page C11
program in a mid-major con- Western Michigan, Page C8.
ference. n Michigan defense stifles
And Penn State now is noth- Florida, Page C8. US OPEN
ing like Penn State in 2014.
Back then, the Lions labored
mightily to subdue the Zips, teams, and it’s not counting Nadal,
21-3. It was 7-3 late in the garbage time, unless you
third quarter. consider Saturday’s game
Penn State ran for 106 yards to have been four quarters

in 31 tries that day, which was and three-and-a-half hours
49 more than the Lions had of garbage time.
run for the previous week, in a Franklin considered it
wild defeat of Central Florida mized if you win and maxi- players. Quality and, just as “probably the most com-
in Ireland. mized if you lose,” Franklin important, quantity. plete football game we’ve Top seeds struggle,
The issue then, as we grew said then. “Either way, they’re There are 18 scholarship played since we’ve been
tired of hearing, was the way still issues.” OLs on the roster now, about here.” but rally for victories
NCAA sanctions/scholarship The solution to those issues twice as many as there were It was 52-0. Yardage was
limitations had ravaged, more took time and amounted to then. On defense, 25-30 play- 569-165. Trace McSorley, BRIAN MAHONEY
than any other position group, Franklin and his assistants ers, and at least 11 linemen, who despite the brilliance
the offensive line. going into the mid-Atlantic saw action in the first half. and supposed Heisman NEW YORK — Karolina
“Issues you have are mini- region and beyond and finding That’s not counting special NITTANY LIONS, page C6 Pliskova can still win the U.S.
Open and keep her No. 1 rank-
ing, thanks to a big comeback

Diplomats show of f tough D

Pliskova fought off a match
point in the second set and
rallied to beat No. 27 Zhang
Shuai of China 3-6, 7-5, 6-4 to
advance to the fourth round.
The runner-up last year
Granahan has team-best 5 stops as F&M clamps down on Flying Dutchmen’s offense needs to at least return to the
final for a chance to remain
DAVE BYRNE again — the Diplomats defense “I really do believe that ter, including a 26-yard TD atop the rankings when the
[email protected]
swarmed to the ball, stifling (Granahan) is one of the best pass just after the Dutch- year’s final major tournament
ANNVILLE — If ever a foot- LVC quarterback Tyler Stern- defensive kids in the confer- men botched a punt. is over, and it appeared for a
ball team looked ready to play, er and back Ryan Fink. ence,” Troxell said. “We’re Alderfer finished with while that the Czech wouldn’t
Franklin & Marshall looked Led by defensive end Joe lucky to have him on our side.” eight catches for 69 yards, get close.
ready to play Saturday after- Granahan’s team-high five While the game was still second-best in yardage on But she stayed alive while
noon. tackles — including two sacks competitive, F&M’s worst the afternoon to K.J. Pret- trailing 4-5 in the second set,
Scoring the first five times for minus-14 yards — F&M starting point was its own 39. ty, who caught six balls for then pulled out the third af-
they had the football, the Dip- held the Flying Dutchmen to Blessed with this, quarter- 108 yards, including touch- ter receiving treatment from
lomats crushed host Lebanon 10 yards total offense in the back Tanner Erisman carved downs of 23 and four yards. a trainer on her right forearm
Valley, 48-7 at Arnold Field first half, on 21 snaps. the LVC secondary, complet- Erisman also ran for a between sets.
in the nonconference season “This is maybe the best de- ing 11 of his first 12 throws. team-high 55 yards on nine “Last Grand Slam of the sea-
opener for both teams. fense we’ve had in my time,” He quickly established a rap- touches, including a 3-yard son and knowing you played
Playing in what teetered be- Dips coach John Troxell said. port with wide receiver Dillon TD, and found Kevin Lam- fine last year, you just want to
tween a driving deluge and “It got our offense great field Alderfer, finding him six times mers with a lob-pass 4-yard play that good again,” Pliskova
persistent shower — and back position to get things moving. for 53 yards in the first quar- DIPLOMATS, page C7 TENNIS, page C3



What we learned Week 1 AUTO RACING

Formula One: Italian Grand Prix

IndyCar: Grand Prix at The Glen



Notes from
around the L-L
NASCAR Camping World Truck Series:
FS1 2:30pm
Chevrotlet Silverado 250

League following FIA World Endurance Championship:

Six Hours of Mexico
FS2 5pm
Friday’s action NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Series:
Bojangles’ Southern 500
[email protected]
FIBA AmeriCup: Third Place:
With the first full week United States/Virgin Islands loser ESPNU 5:30pm
vs. Argentina/Mexico loser
of high school football
games under our belt, FIBA AmeriCup: Championship:
here are some insights United States/Virgin Islands winner ESPNU 8pm
vs. Argentina/Mexico winner
from Friday’s action
Lebanon League. AVP Tour: The Championships (tape-delay) NBCSN Midnight
Columbia: Two big
plays by Octorara and
some sloppy play by his South Carolina State at Southern ESPN2 2:30pm
own team prevented West Virginia vs. Virginia Tech
ABC 7:30pm
new Crimson Tide coach ROBERT DEVONSHIRE JR. | LNP CORRESPONDENT at Landover, Md.
Bud Kyle from getting a Manheim Township running back Grayson Sallade, left, rumbles for yards Friday dur- Texas A&M at UCLA FOX 7:30pm
win in his debut. ing Township’s victory at home.
The sloppiness came in DRAG RACING NETWORK TIME
the form of penalties, as NHRA: U.S. Nationals qualifying FS1 Noon
the Tide were flagged 16 GAME OF THE NHRA: U.S. Nationals qualifying FS1 5pm
times for 127 yards. WEEK POLL
Columbia took an early Voting is underway
6-0 lead when quarter- on LancasterOnline. European PGA Tour:
GOLF 7am
back Matthew McCleary com for the Game of D&D Real Czech Masters
found Kobie Wakefield the Week for Week PGA Tour: Dell Technologies Championship GOLF 1pm
for a 61-yard score. 2. Your options are:
Web.com Tour: Nationwide
McCleary, who was n Solanco at Children’s Hospital Championship
GOLF 3pm
a lineman as a fresh- Conestoga Valley
PGA Tour: Dell Technologies Championship NBC 3pm
man, was moved to n York at McCaskey
quarterback by Kyle, n Penn Manor at
LPGA Tour: Cambia Portland Classic GOLF 5pm
because expected Tide Lampeter-Strasburg Champions Tour: Shaw Charity Classic
GOLF 7pm
starter Meleik Cren- n Warwick at
shaw was among 10 Co- Garden Spot MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL NETWORK TIME
lumbia players — seven
Voting ends at noon NL: Philadelphia at Miami CSN/PH 1pm
starters — who missed Monday.
the game for academic NL: Cincinnati at Pittsburgh ATTSP 1:30pm
Our coverage crew,
reasons. led by John Walk AL: Toronto at Baltimore MASN 1:30pm
McCleary was 10 of 32 and Jeff Reinhart,
for 169 yards and two will be on hand for
NL: Washington at Milwaukee MASN2 2pm
scores. the Game of the NL: Arizona at Colorado TBS 3pm
Columbia, despite Week. We’ll have
AL: Boston at N.Y. Yankees ESPN 7:30pm
missing those 10 players, video highlights, a
still dressed 24 players photo gallery and RUGBY NETWORK TIME
much more, both
for Friday’s game, which online and in print. English Premiership:
is more than they fin- Leicester vs. Bath (tape-delay) (Mon.)
ished with last season. SOCCER NETWORK TIME
The suspended play- the ball four times (two FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualifying:
ers are expected to run of those for TDs) in the Cyprus at Estonia
FS2 11:45am
for the third game of the win. Look out, Section FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualifying:
Two. These guys are Bulgaria at Netherlands
ESPN2 11:50am
Warwick’s Preston Simmons (28) puts pressure on Man-
The Tide will host heim Central quarterback Evan Simon on Friday in Lititz. loaded. FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualifying:
Delone Catholic on Fri- Elizabethtown: Portugal at Hungary
FS2 2:30pm
day. Sophomore running
Manheim Township: growth. Schwik and try to keep back/defensive end
You can’t keep a good Warwick: After falling Barbon in check. Devyn Clair is as good U.S. Open: Round of 16 ESPN 11am
team, a hungry team, into a 35-0 hole at home Ephrata: The Moun- as advertised. U.S. Open: Round of 16 ESPN2 7pm
down. Making the nec- against Manheim Cen- taineers are an inexpe- He rumbled for 86
essary halftime adjust- tral Friday, the Warriors rienced team and that rushing yards on eight
ment, the Blue Streaks looked nothing like the showed during the first carries, one of them a IAAF Diamond League (tape-delay) NBC 1pm
passed Central Dau- team that had thrust it- half against Conestoga 21-yard score. WNBA NETWORK TIME
phin silly with bubble self into the Section One Valley. He also came up for
screens in the second mix a year ago. The quarterback rota- a clutch fourth-down Seattle at Chicago NBA 6pm
half of Friday’s 17-14 vic- But Warwick climbed tion of Nate Young and stop to crush momen-
tory. back against its state- Caden Keefer saw its tum-thinking Donegal
It was Township’s first ranked opponent, blank- first varsity game experi- at the start of the sec- GOLF ROUNDUP
win in 10 games against ing Manheim Central in ence, settling in and hav- ond half.
the Rams.
Manheim Central:
the second half and pull-
ing within one score by
ing some success moving
the ball in the second
He and Cayden Liv-
ingston (14 carries, McCarron leads
The Barons have no
shortage of offensive
the final whistle.
“We got on them a little
Defensively, the
135 rushing yards,
TD) are poised to be a by 2 in PGA Tour
of Champions
weapons for sophomore bit,” Warwick coach Bob Mountaineers’ tackling tough 1-2 punch for
quarterback Evan Si- Locker said of his adjust- seemed improved over opposing teams to
mon. ments at halftime. “We past years. They held the slow down.
Eight different Barons went over some things, Buckskins to 90 yards on Donegal: The Indi-
picked up yardage in the and we started to make 26 carries. ans’ 28-0 loss to Eliza- Scott McCarron eagled nine with a 12-foot eagle
first half, helping them some plays.” Hempfield: While the bethtown was deceiv- the par-5 18th for a 6-un- putt and then shot 31 on
build an early 35-0 lead Conestoga Valley: Black Knight offense ing. der 64 and a two-stroke the back nine to build
at Warwick. The Buckskins accom- steamrolled to 38 points Donegal’s Wing-T of- lead Saturday in the PGA a lead in the morning
But, toward the end of plished the mission of and 508 yards, the de- fense proved capable Tour Champions’ Shaw that no one could catch.
the half, penalties and getting Jose Barbon the fense showed it has some against a stout E-town Charity Classic in Cal- He was at 9-under 133,
mistakes disrupted the ball in Week 1. game as well. defense, consider- gary, Alberta. two shots clear of Paul
Manheim Central at- Quarterback Tanner Hempfield limited ing the Indians put up McCarron also eagled Casey, Adam Hadwin,
tack. Schwik hit Barbon for Dallastown to 226 total more than double the the closing hole Friday at Kyle Stanley and Kevin
“We kind of lost that three touchdowns and yards — and 80 of them amount of total plays Canyon Meadows in an Streelman.
(intensity) over the last Barbon used his speed came on one play in the and nearly double the opening 63. Web.com Tour Fi-
two minutes, “ said Man- and vision to add a punt- first quarter, when the amount of first downs First-round leader nals: Former Ohio State
heim Central coach Dave return touchdown. Wildcats took a short- as E-town. Kevin Sutherland, Mc- player Ryan Armour shot
Hahn. “You saw the little Defensively, the Buck- lived lead. Donegal should be Carron’s childhood rival a 6-under 65 on Saturday
mistakes. We’re offsides. skins were sound, hold- Opposing defenses just fine if it figures in Sacramento, Califor- to take the third-round
We get another stupid ing Ephrata to 6 yards of will have their hands out a way to finish off nia, was tied for second lead in the Web.com
penalty. Those things total offense in the first full trying to stop David drives. with Miguel Angel Ji- Tour Finals, opening the
were killers. We’re better half. Martin-Robinson, who Lampeter- Stras- menez. Sutherland fol- Nationwide Children’s
than that.” The question marks had 138 yards receiving burg: Although East- lowed his opening 62 Hospital Championship
Cleaning up those ear- for CV surround how yards and 38 rushing ern York might not with a 67, and Jimenez in Columbus, Ohio.
ly season mistakes will they respond to teams yards. have been the tough- shot 65. Armour had a 12-under
key Manheim Central’s that are able to pressure Cocalico: If Week 1 at est of teams to open McCarron has three 201 total on Ohio State’s
Red Land is any indica- against, the Golden victories this year and Scarlet Course for a one-
Follow us on Facebook at tion, Cocalico has not Knights have some of- five in the last two sea- stroke lead over Keith
skipped a beat since its fensive weapons that sons on the 50-and-over Mitchell, the leader af-
Section Two co-champi- were stymied by the tour. The three-time ter each of the first two
onship last season. Pioneers’ defense. PGA Tour winner won rounds.
With 10 starters back The Pioneers al- the Allianz Champion- Czech Masters: Lee

JOAN on defense, the Eagles

dominated in their open-
er, forcing five turnovers
lowed only 26 yards
rushing for the game,
and held Eastern’s of-
ship in February, the
major Senior Players
Championship in July
Slattery produced a flaw-
less 5-under 67 at the
Czech Masters in Vysoky
MILLER while holding Red Land
to under 100 yards on the
ground, most of which
fense to less than 100
yards until a pair of
late drives against the
and the Dick’s Sporting
Goods Open two weeks
Ujezd, Czech Republic,
on Saturday for a two-
shot lead over Haydn
OF LANCASTER the Patriots gained in the reserves. Dell Technologies Porteous of South Africa.
second half against Co- With plenty of weap- Championship: Jon The Englishman
calico’s backups. ons, including senior Rahm made five birdies opened the third round
And on offense, two quarterback Todd and an eagle over his last with his first of five bird-
guys galloped for more Shelley, Lampeter- 10 holes for a 5-under ies for 12-under 204
than 100 yards, neither Strasburg will score 66 and a two-shot lead overall.
WEEK #10 WINNER of whom was standout points this season, but Saturday at the halfway Porteous also shot 67
fullback Brandon Bru- if the defense contin- point of the Dell Tech- for 10-under 206, while
baker, who rushed for ues to play like it did nologies Championship Sweden’s Pontus Wide-
8 West King Street, almost 1,500 yards as a Friday night, this could in Norton, Massachu- gren (69) is two shots
junior. be a special season for setts further back in third.
PO Box 1328,
Lancaster, PA, 17608-1328
Brubaker only carried the Pioneers. Rahm ended the back SOURCE: ASSOCIATED PRESS


n Saturday night’s scheduled game between the
Streaks show grit in tie
Lancaster Barnstormers and Somerset Patriots was
postponed due to persistent rain. The game will be made Foul weather, extra time give MT boys a wearying season soccer opener
up as part of a doubleheader today, beginning at 2 p.m.
Both games will be seven innings. TIM GROSS
[email protected]
Tickets for Saturday’s game may be exchanged for any
remaining 2017 home game. Tickets dated for for today’s The remnants of
game will be good for both games. RHP Joe Gardner
(1-3) and LHP Jarret Leverett (7-7) are scheduled for the Tropical Storm Harvey
Barnstormers against LHP Efrain Nieves (3-4) and RHP meandered through
Will Oliver (5-6). Lancaster County on
Saturday morning,
FIELD HOCKEY dumping intermit-
n Three different players scored Saturday as No. 3 tent bands of rain on
Millersville opened its season with a 3-1 win over visiting the pitch throughout
No. 5 Stonehill.
Manheim Township’s
Alexis Gazzio, a transfer from Division I Delaware, scored 11 season-opening soccer
minutes into the game to give Millersville the early 1-0 edge.
match against visiting
As the second half began, Millersville came out on Hershey.
the attack, putting up four shots on goal in the first
six minutes. Two of those beat Skyhawks keeper Sara For 100 minutes, the
Freedman. Blue Streaks and Tro-
First, Kyra Brakefield (Hempfield) took a shot that was jans endured the weath-
saved by the diving Freedman. Then, as Freedman tried er and each other, set-
to recover, Brakefield got hold of the rebound and flipped tling for a 2-2 draw.
the ball into the far right corner of the net over the prone “We talked about that
goalie. Less than five minutes later, Aliza Mizak found
herself in the corner with the ball, worked through the word, grit,” Manheim
defense and sent the ball past Freedman. Township coach Kevin
The Marauders totaled 17 shots — eight on goal — in the
Baker said. “Digging
game. Stonehill, meanwhile, attempted 10 shots, seven down and just battling
on goal. But Kylee Bair (Donegal) was reliable in goal for through the fatigue, the
Millersville, allowing only Kacie Smith’s tally with 11:05 left heavy legs. It’s the first RANDY HESS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
in the game. game of the season, and Anderson Velozwong (7), of Manheim Township, battles upfield Saturday past Dante
n Eastern scored three times in a 12-minute span in the we’re playing 100 min- Falucci, of Hershey, in Manheim Township.
second half Saturday to beat visiting Albright 3-1. Gina utes. It’s a lot on the
Miller (Elizabethtown) notched an assist on the Eagles’
first goal, while Kaley Donmoyer (Northern Lebanon) legs.” the guys came back and who had turned away team we are.”
earned an assist on the Lions’ lone tally. After a pregame driz- settled down.” an Anderson Velozwong Hershey, playing
zle subsided, Baker’s Hershey found its penalty kick minutes short-handed with in-
FOOTBALL Blue Streaks (0-0-1) footing in the latter earlier to keep Hershey jury, also soaked in
n Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology won its bounded to a 2-0 lead stages of the half. Ju- within striking distance, the satisfaction of play-
season opener, 20-12, over Hampton Roads Colligate Prep in the first half, cashing nior striker Brendan topped the pile. ing a fellow district
in a steady rain on Saturday. Both teams had numerous in on their first corner Kerr sliced through the “We had time,” Baker qualifier tight to the fin-
turnovers, but the Bulldogs were the only team to score
on one, as Marqel Wansley (Columbia) returned an chance of the season in Blue Streaks’ defense said, “so we don’t have ish line.
interception 11 yards for a touchdown to put the Bulldogs the fifth minute when and tapped a shot past to press anything. We “By the end,” Maya
up 10-6. Greyson King collected keeper Josh Orndorff to don’t have to rush for said, “if we got a point
The Stevens offense ran for 119 yards and passed for 46 the offering and buried cut into the lead. anything.” out of it as a draw, we’ll
yards in the game. the game’s first goal. “At the end of the The Blue Streaks car- take it, especially with
“We have to protect the ball better,” Bulldogs coach Joe “He just happened half,” Maya said, “we ried play throughout the the conditions we were
Wysock said via a press release, “but the defense held to be wide open,” Bak- just felt that we could two overtime periods, in.”
them and we made some plays on offense. We have some er said. “The ball just really make an impact, highlighted by a scoring With one rain-soaked,
work to do but I liked the effort.” dropped on him, and he and we did.” chance Andrea DiSom- leg-wearying contest in
MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY put it in very calm, cool Through the heavi- ma. Orndorff stopped a the books, and a Lan-
and collected.” est rainfall of the game, pair of Trojan shots in caster-Lebanon League
n Senior Alex Smith (Ephrata) clocked a 20:51 Friday Township extended Kerr netted the equal- the extra frames, finish- schedule set to open
night to finish 41st as York College opened its 2017
season by finishing sixth at the Piper XC Challenge at its lead in the 20th min- izer with in the 36th ing with six saves. Tuesday at 4 p.m. with
Shippensburg. Freshman Daniel Forry (Hempfield) turned ute. A free kick from minute on a strike from “It speaks of how a home match against
in a time of 21:38 to finish 65th. Nolan Ross bounced off about 15 yards out. resilient these guys Penn Manor, Baker ap-
a Hershey defender’s He then charged to- are,” Baker said of the preciated the chance to
MEN’S SOCCER head and over goalkeep- ward the sideline, slid- Blue Streaks’ play in see his team in action
n No. 6 Franklin & Marshall got a pair of assists from Jim er Alex Morgret, who ing in front of a handful the overtime periods. that counts toward the
Connolly en route to a 2-0 shutout of visiting Alvernia on
Saturday night. stopped nine shots. of cheering Hershey “These guys have been standings.
“It was very demoral- students before his working all summer, all “It’s a long season,”
The Diplomats (1-1) broke through in the game’s 49th
minute, when Connelly sent a long cross to Jason Tonelli, izing,” Hershey coach teammates mobbed him year. We know our iden- Baker said. “I think we’ll
who sent the ball to the upper-left corner of the far post Andrew Maya said, “but in celebration. Morgret, tity. We know the type of be all right.”
for the score. Six minutes later, Connelly, a junior forward,
launched a corner kick to the far post that was headed in

Tennis: US Open
off the line by Wyatt Fabian. TENNIS
n The night before, the Diplomats had opened their

Sharapova swats
season with a 3-2 loss to Cal Lutheran in Reading, getting
goals from Tonelli and Connolly.

away Wozniacki’s
n Ariton Mimini, Trevor Albrecht and Peter Livanis all Continued from C1 ending when Svito-
scored Saturday as Ramapo (1-1) handed a 3-0 loss to said. “I don’t feel like lina’s forehand hit the
Lancaster Bible College. Thiago Naque made three saves

court complaint
in goal for the Chargers (1-1). I’m playing that good tape and barely fell
again, but I’m still in over the net onto Rog-
WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY the draw, actually, so ers’ side.
n Greta Lindsley (Penn Manor) clocked a time of 13:54.40 I’m not going to be that Pliskova, who fell to
Friday to finish second as Penn State opened the 2017 sad.” Angelique Kerber in BRIAN MAHONEY wild card by the U.S.
season with a sweep at the Lock Haven Dolan Duals, The top seed on the the 2016 final, would Tennis Association
hosted at the West Branch Cross Country Course. men’s side also had to need to win the tour- NEW YORK — Maria into her first Grand
n Junior Alayna De Bruin (Mount Joy, PAVCS) helped rally after dropping nament if Muguruza Sharapova doesn’t care Slam tournament since
paced York College on Friday night in the Piper XC the first set. With the reaches the semifinals where she plays at the a 15-month doping ban,
Challenge, hosted by Shippensburg. She placed 35th with
a time of 16:15 for the 4K distance. roof closed at Arthur and loses. If Mugu- U.S. Open, only that has played all three
Ashe Stadium because ruza advances to the she’s still playing. matches on the main
WOMEN’S SOCCER of rain, Rafael Nadal final, Pliskova would be Sharapova responded court.
n Penn State Harrisburg (2-0) got goals from started to find the eliminated from con- Friday to comments Wozniacki, the No. 5
Kristen Stark (Donegal), Tabitha Fake and Lauryn Six range with his punish- tention for the WTA’s from Caroline Wozni- seed, said she thought
(Elizabethtown) in a 3-0 win over Lancaster Bible College ing shots in the second top ranking. acki, who complained that was a poor ex-
on Saturday. Rheeana Miles (Donegal) made four saves in set and beat Leonardo “It’s not only about after she was eliminat- ample following her
goal for the Chargers (0-2).
Mayer of Argentina the points, but I just ed that Sharapova was second-round defeat
n Allison Klei made the first goal of her college career a 6-7 (3), 6-3, 6-1, 6-4 felt I really can play scheduled for Arthur Wednesday in a match
memorable one. She scored in the 55th minute Saturday to reach the fourth well here,” said Plis- Ashe Stadium while that was scheduled for
as Franklin & Marshall registered a 1-0 upset of No. 15
Stevens at Tylus Field. round. kova, who will next she played on an outer one outside court and
Roger Federer fol- face American Jennifer court. eventually moved to
WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL lowed him onto Ashe Brady. “That’s not what mat- another late in the day.
n Mackenzie Garner  led Elizabethtown (2-1) with nine to face No. 31 Feliciano Another American ters to me,” Sharapova Ashe is usually re-
kills Saturday as the Blue Jays turned in a 3-0 (25-20, 25- Lopez. The five-time advanced when No. 20 said following her 7-5, served for the top
17, 25-15) win over Lancaster Bible College. Hannah Gipe U.S. Open champion seed CoCo Vandewe- 6-2 victory over Ameri- players. Sharapova is a
led the Chargers (0-3) with eight kills, while Allison Shuey has won all 12 meet- ghe outlasted No. 10 can Sofia Kenin. “All five-time Grand Slam
(Northern Lebanon) registered three blocks and 20 assists
and Myranda Kemrer (Penn Manor) made 14 digs. For the ings but hasn’t played Agnieszka Radwan- that matters to me is champion, but she is
Blue Jays, Elle Shatto had four aces and Gabby Anders his top tennis yet in ska of Poland 7-5, 4-6, I’m in the fourth round. unseeded here with a
(Penn Manor) had 29 assists. this tournament. He’s 6-4. No. 15 seed Madi- I’m not sure where she ranking that has tum-
n Millersville clinched a perfect opening weekend played consecutive son Keys hoped to is.” bled to No. 146 follow-
Saturday by sweeping Salem International (25-15, 25-12, five-setters to open a join them later when Sharapova, given a ing her suspension.
25-6) and Franklin Pierce (25-22, 25-18, 25-15) at the major tournament for she faced No. 17 Elena
RamsFest Tournament in West Chester. the first time. Vesnina of Russia.
The victory over Franklin Pierce included 17 kills from Besides Pliskova, Upsets have scram-
freshman Lindsey Blevins, 13 kills and 15 digs from Erin Wimbledon champion bled one half of the
Harman and 40 assists from Katie Laughman. In the Garbine Muguruza and men’s bracket, but ev-
win over Salem International, Millersville (4-0) featured
four players with nine kills and had a .384 team hitting No. 4 seed Elina Svitoli- erything is mostly as
percentage. na are the other women
who can still get to No.
expected on the other
n Franklin & Marshall was perfect on day two of the
Crosstown Crossover on Saturday at the Mayser Center, 1. Svitolina advanced Nadal, Federer, No. COUNTY’S BEST
opening with a 3-0 sweep (29-27, 25-14, 25-18) of
Lancaster Bible and following with a comeback 3-2 victory
to the round of 16 with
a 6-4, 7-5 victory over
6 Dominic Thiem and
No. 9 David Goffin re- HIGH SCHOOL
over Messiah (18-25, 22-25, 27-25, 26-24, 15-8).
Grace Polisano led F&M with 14 kills against LBC, and
American Shelby Rog-
ers, who won the lon-
main alive in their half.
No. 12 Pablo Carreno
Delaney Hahn rang up 16 against Messiah. gest women’s match Busta is the top seed COVERAGE
On Friday, the Dips (3-0) had come out on top after a in U.S. Open history in the other, which will
heated five-set match against Elizabethtown, eventually on Thursday when send a first-time Grand
securing a 21-25, 25-21, 25-22, 25-27, 15-12 victory. she beat No. 25 Daria Slam finalist to Arthur
Polisano led the offense with 20 kills, followed by Hahn FAN PHOTOS,
with 14. The Diplomats outblocked the Blue Jays 7-4, and Gavrilova in 3 hours, 33 Ashe Stadium for the
minutes. championship match SCORES,
Gabby Mavroidis cemented the F&M defense with 27 kills.
Sarah Schneider led the Jays with 18 kills in the match. This one went 1:33, next Sunday. HIGHLIGHTS
n Freshman outside hitter Caroline Shelby (Manheim AND MORE!
Township) notched 15 kills Saturday as No. 16 Eastern beat
John Carroll University 25-23, 19-25, 25-20, 25-13 in the ActionJacksonSportsTours.com
opener at the Haverford Invitational. She then put away 21 LANCASTERONLINE.COM/FOOTBALL
kills on 51 swings —hitting an impressive .373 — as No. 10
Mary Washington beat the Eagles, 16-25, 15-25, 29-27, 25- DOVER NASCAR
20, 17-15. Miranda Kauffman (Octorara) picked up 24 digs October 1 • Bus & ticket - $164 • Bus only $65
in the second match.


Chicago outscores
St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Wong 2b..............4 0 0 0 0 2 .304
East Division Martinez 1b.........4 1 1 0 0 1 .292
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Mejia 1b..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .214

Atlanta, 14-12
Washington...................................81 53 .604 — — 6-4 L-2 40-27 41-26 DeJong ss.............4 0 0 0 0 2 .290
Miami............................................66 68 .493 15 6 4-6 L-5 35-31 31-37 Fowler cf..............4 0 2 1 0 1 .262
Atlanta...........................................59 75 .440 22 13 3-7 L-3 29-36 30-39 1-Bader pr-cf.......0 0 0 0 0 0 .320
New York.......................................58 76 .433 23 14 4-6 L-2 28-39 30-37 Molina c...............2 0 0 0 2 0 .280
Philadelphia...................................51 83 .381 30 21 6-4 W-2 28-37 23-46 Piscotty rf............4 0 0 0 0 1 .241
Central Division Garcia 3b.............4 0 0 0 0 2 .244
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Grichuk lf.............3 0 0 0 0 2 .238
60 .556 —
64 .526 4

Lynn p..................3 0 0 0 0 3 .061
Lyons p.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Rene Rivera hit a grand American League
St. Louis.........................................68 67 .504 7 4½ 5-5 L-1 37-31 31-36 Oh p.....................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 slam, Anthony Rizzo added a
Pittsburgh......................................63 72 .467 12 9½ 3-7 L-4 35-32 28-40 Sherriff p..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Totals............... 32 1 3 1 2 14 three-run triple and the Chi- Yankees 5, Red Sox 1: Matt
Cincinnati.......................................58 77 .430 17 14½ 5-5 W-2 33-36 25-41
West Division San Francisco AB R H BI BB SO Avg. cago Cubs held off the Atlanta Holliday made a smashing re-
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Span cf.................3 0 0 0 0 0 .262
b-Pence ph-rf.......1 1 1 0 0 0 .258
Braves for a victory in Jon Les- turn to the Yankees’ lineup,
Los Angeles....................................92
.687 — —
.570 15½ —
32-35 Panik 2b...............3 0 1 0 0 0 .267 ter’s return from the disabled hitting a three-run homer that
Colorado........................................72 62 .537 20 — 4-6 L-2 39-28 33-34 Posey 1b..............3 0 1 1 1 0 .317
Crawford ss..........2 0 0 0 2 0 .247
list. led Masahiro Tanaka and New
San Diego.......................................60
San Francisco.................................54
.444 32½ 12½
.391 40 20
22-47 Sandoval 3b.........3 0 0 0 1 2 .212 Javier Baez and Jason Hey- York over AL East-leading
Hundley c.............4 1 1 1 0 0 .260
Moncrief rf-lf.......3 0 0 0 0 1 .222
ward also homered for the NL Boston.
AMERICAN LEAGUE Hernandez lf-cf....3 0 0 0 0 1 .263
Samardzija p........2 0 0 0 0 0 .086
Central-leading Cubs, who
have won six straight and 12 of
The Yankees, already hold-
ing the top spot in the wild-
Gearrin p.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
East Division a-Jones ph...........1 0 0 0 0 1 .198 15 overall. Rivera, Rizzo, Baez card race, pulled within 4½
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Okert p.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 and Heyward finished with games of Boston. The rivals
Boston...........................................77 59 .566 — — 4-6 L-1 40-25 37-34 Law p...................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
New York.......................................72 63 .533 4½ — 4-6 W-1 39-27 33-36 Dyson p................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 two hits apiece. close their season series Sun-
Baltimore.......................................69 66 .511 7½ 1½ 8-2 W-1 42-27 27-39 Totals............... 28 2 4 2 4 5 Lester (9-7) allowed four day night.
Tampa Bay.....................................68 68 .500 9 3 7-3 W-2 34-33 34-35 St. Louis...............000 100 000 0— 1 3 0
Toronto..........................................62 73 .459 14½ 8½ 3-7 L-1 35-34 27-39 San Francisco.......000 000 001 1— 2 4 0 runs and eight hits in five in- Holliday hadn’t played in the
Central Division No outs when winning run scored. nings in his first start since majors since going on the dis-
56 .585 — — 10-0 W-10 36-29 43-27
Str Home Away a-struck out for Gearrin in the 8th. b-sin-
gled for Span in the 9th. Aug. 16. He had been sidelined abled list almost a month ago
Minnesota.....................................70 64 .522 8½ — 6-4 L-1 34-36 36-28 1-ran for Fowler in the 10th. by tightness in his left lat and with a back injury. He was ac-
Kansas City....................................66
67 .496 12 3½ 4-6 W-1 36-32 30-35
77 .430 21 12½ 4-6 L-3 31-35 27-42
LOB—St. Louis 3, San Francisco 4. 3B—
Fowler (8). HR—Hundley (6), off Sherriff.
general shoulder fatigue. tivated Friday but sat out a 4-1
Chicago..........................................52 81 .391 26 17½ 4-6 L-4 30-35 22-46 RBIs—Fowler (52), Posey (56), Hundley loss.
West Division
L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
(25). CS—Crawford (4). S—Panik.
Runners left in scoring position—San
National League Indians 5, Tigers 2: Corey
Houston.........................................81 53 .604 — — 5-5 W-2 39-31 42-22 Francisco 2 (Hundley 2). RISP—St. Louis 1 Kluber pitched eight strong
Los Angeles....................................69 66 .511 12½ 1½ 5-5 L-1 38-31 31-35 for 3; San Francisco 1 for 3.
Padres 6, Dodgers 5 (1st innings and Cleveland won
.500 14 3
.496 14½ 3½
32-36 DP—St. Louis 1 (Wong, Martinez). game): Yangervis Solarte their 10th straight game with a
Oakland.........................................58 76 .433 23 12 4-6 L-4 37-31 21-45 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA homered with one out in the victory over Detroit.
Lynn................. 8 1 0 0 4 4 101 2.99
Friday’s NL Games Saturday’s NL Games Lyons, H, 12.....1-e 1 1 1 0 0 7 2.64 ninth inning to lift San Diego The Indians are on their lon-
Chicago Cubs 2............................. Atlanta 0 Chicago Cubs 14.......................... Atlanta 12 Oh, BS, 4-24..... 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 3.74 to victory against Los Ange- gest winning streak since tak-
Cincinnati 7.............................. Pittsburgh 3 San Diego 6............................L.A. Dodgers 5 Sherriff, L, 0-1.... 2-e 1 1 1 0 1 10 1.80
Philadelphia 2................................. Miami 1 San Francisco 2..................... St. Louis 1 (10) San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA les in the first game of a split ing a franchise-record 14 in a
Milwaukee 1.......................... Washington 0 Cincinnati................................Pittsburgh (n) Samardzija....... 7 2 1 1 2 9 112 4.31 doubleheader, the sixth loss in row between June 17 and July
Gearrin............ 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 2.15
Arizona 9................................... Colorado 5
L.A. Dodgers 1.......................... San Diego 0
Philadelphia.................................. Miami (n)
Washington...........................Milwaukee (n) Okert................1-e 0 0 0 0 1 6 6.55 seven games for the NL West 1, 2016.
St. Louis 11......................... San Francisco 6 Arizona.....................................Colorado (n) Law................. 2-e 0 0 0 0 2 11 5.23 leaders. Cleveland has outscored
Friday’s AL Games
Cleveland 3.................. Detroit 2 (1st game)
L.A. Dodgers........................... San Diego (n)
Saturday’s AL Games
Dyson, W, 3-8.... 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 6.22
Oh pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. Solarte’s first career walkoff Detroit 18-4 in the first three
Baltimore 1............................ Toronto 0 (13) N.Y. Yankees 5.................................Boston 1 Inherited runners-scored—Oh 1-1, Sher- homer came off Pedro Baez (3- games of the series.
Boston 4............................... N.Y. Yankees 1 Cleveland.......................................... Detroit riff 1-0. WP—Samardzija.
T—2:58. A—39,513 (41,915).
3). It was his 15th this season.
Cleveland 10.............. Detroit 0 (2nd game) Toronto....................................Baltimore (n)
Texas 10.................................. L.A. Angels 9 Kansas City............................ Minnesota (n) It came after Justin Turner’s
Kansas City 7............................ Minnesota 6
Tampa Bay 3............... Chicago White Sox 1
Tampa Bay.................Chicago White Sox (n)
L.A. Angels......................................Texas (n)
FRIDAY’S LATE BOX pinch-hit, two-run homer off
Seattle 3....................................... Oakland 2 Oakland....................................... Seattle (n)
Brewers 1, Nationals 0 All-Star closer Brad Hand (3- Astros 12, Mets 8: George
Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Friday’s Interleague Game Saturday’s Interleague Game
Turner ss..............3 0 0 0 1 2 .279 4) tied the game at five. Springer hit his career-best
N.Y. Mets at Houston, ppd. Houston 12............... N.Y. Mets 8 (1st game)
N.Y. Mets................ Houston (n) (2nd game) Difo 3b.................3 0 0 0 1 2 .286 The Dodgers blew leads of 30th home run and J.D Davis
Murphy 2b...........4 0 1 0 0 3 .317
Zimmerman 1b....3 0 1 0 0 2 .300 1-0, 2-1 and 3-1, and trailed 5-3 also went deep to lead Hous-
Kendrick lf............4 0 1 0 0 2 .339 in the top of the ninth. Rob ton over New York and Matt
Sunday’s NL Games
Philadelphia (Thompson 1-1) at Miami (Worley 2-4), 1:10 p.m.
Werth rf...............3 0 0 0 1 2 .257
Taylor cf...............3 0 0 0 0 1 .264
Segedin hit a leadoff double Harvey in the Astros’ first
Cincinnati (Romano 4-5) at Pittsburgh (Williams 5-7), 1:35 p.m. b-Lind ph.............1 0 0 0 0 1 .298 off Hand and Turner hit a one- game at Minute Maid Park
Washington (Scherzer 13-5) at Milwaukee (Garza 6-8), 2:10 p.m.
Atlanta (Dickey 9-8) at Chicago Cubs (Montgomery 5-6), 2:20 p.m.
Lobaton c.............2 0 0 0 1 1 .153
Roark p................3 0 0 0 0 1 .087
out, no-doubter into the sec- since Hurricane Harvey dev-
Arizona (Godley 6-7) at Colorado (Senzatela 10-5), 3:10 p.m. Solis p..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 ond deck in left field. It was his astated the area.
St. Louis (Weaver 3-1) at San Francisco (Samardzija 9-12), 4:05 p.m. Kintzler p.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Totals............... 29 0 3 0 4 17
18th of the season and the fifth A crowd of 30,319 attended
L.A. Dodgers (Wood 14-1) at San Diego (Perdomo 7-8), 4:40 p.m.
Sunday’s AL Games Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg. pinch-hit homer of his career. the doubleheader opener.
Cleveland (Tomlin 7-9) at Detroit (Fulmer 10-12), 1:10 p.m. Sogard 2b.............4 0 0 0 0 2 .285 Giants 2, Cardinals 1 (10): The Astros had moved a home
Walker 1b............3 1 1 1 0 0 .271
Toronto (Anderson 2-3) at Baltimore (Tillman 1-7), 1:35 p.m. Braun lf................2 0 0 0 0 2 .270 Nick Hundley hit a game-end- series against rival Texas to
Kansas City (Junis 6-2) at Minnesota (Santana 14-7), 2:10 p.m.
Tampa Bay (Andriese 5-1) at Chicago White Sox (Giolito 1-1), 2:10 p.m.
Perez lf.................2 0 1 0 0 1 .264 ing homer in the 10th inning, Tropicana Field in St. Peters-
Shaw 3b...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .280
L.A. Angels (Heaney 1-0) at Texas (Perez 10-10), 3:05 p.m. Santana rf............3 0 1 0 0 1 .274 and San Francisco beat St. burg, Florida.
Oakland (Gossett 3-7) at Seattle (Albers 2-1), 4:10 p.m. Vogt c...................3 0 1 0 0 1 .243 Louis despite a stellar pitch- The AL West leaders, who
Boston (Sale 15-6) at N.Y. Yankees (Severino 11-6), 8:05 p.m. Villar cf................3 0 2 0 0 1 .241
Sunday’s Interleague Game Broxton cf............0 0 0 0 0 0 .223 ing performance from Lance lost two of three to the Rang-
N.Y. Mets (Flexen 3-3) at Houston (Fiers 8-9), 2:10 p.m. Arcia ss................2 0 0 0 1 0 .272 Lynn. ers, then postponed Friday’s
Nelson p..............2 0 0 0 0 2 .091
a-Aguilar ph.........1 0 0 0 0 0 .266 Hundley led off with an op- game by a day, allowing play-
Monday’s NL Games Monday’s AL Games
Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 1:10 p.m. Kansas City at Detroit, 1:10 p.m. Hader p................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 posite-field drive to right on a ers time to work in the com-
Philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore, 1:35 p.m. Knebel p...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Totals............... 29 1 6 1 1 11
1-0 slider from Ryan Sherriff munity.
San Francisco at Colorado, 3:10 p.m. Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 2:10 p.m.
Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh, 4:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. Washington......... 000 000 000— 0 3 0 (0-1). SOURCE: ASSOCIATED PRESS

St. Louis at San Diego, 4:40 p.m. Houston at Seattle, 6:40 p.m. Milwaukee.......... 100 000 00x— 1 6 1
Washington at Miami, 7:10 p.m. Minnesota at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. a-flied out for Nelson in the 7th. b-struck
Arizona at L.A. Dodgers, 8:10 p.m. Toronto at Boston, 7:10 p.m. out for Taylor in the 9th.
Monday’s Interleague Games E—Vogt (7). LOB—Washington 7, Mil- Devers 3b.............4 0 1 0 0 1 .287 (101). SB—Carrera (9). S—Barney.
Texas at Atlanta, 7:35 p.m. waukee 6. 2B—Santana (24), Villar (16). Vazquez c.............4 0 0 0 0 2 .290 Runners left in scoring position—Toronto
HR—Walker (12), off Roark. RBIs—Walker Bradley Jr. cf........3 0 1 0 0 0 .263 6 (Carrera 2, Pearce 2, Hernandez, Maile);
(43). SB—Turner (38), Kendrick (11). Lin 2b...................3 0 1 0 0 2 .283 Baltimore 5 (Beckham, Mancini, Davis,
NL BOXES Pena pitched to 2 batters in the 8th.
Inherited runners-scored—Krol 2-2,
Runners left in scoring position—Wash-
ington 4 (Zimmerman, Werth 2, Roark);
Totals............... 32 1 6 0 2 7
New York AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Rickard, Castillo). RISP—Toronto 0 for 13;
Baltimore 0 for 11.
S.Freeman 2-2, Johnson 1-0, Uehara 1-1, Milwaukee 3 (Nelson 2, Aguilar). RISP— Gardner lf............4 0 1 0 0 1 .261 Runners moved up—Barney, Bautista,
Cubs 14, Braves 12 Edwards 2-2, Davis 1-1. HBP—Krol (Carati- Washington 0 for 6; Milwaukee 2 for 5. Hicks cf................3 0 0 0 0 0 .265 Morales, Schoop.
Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg. ni), Jackson (Bryant). WP—Jackson 2, Davis. Runners moved up—Arcia. GIDP—Kend- Ellsbury cf............1 1 1 0 0 0 .245 Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Inciarte cf.............4 0 1 0 0 1 .309 PB—Rivera (4). rick, Arcia. Sanchez c.............4 0 3 1 0 0 .274 Biagini.............. 7 5 0 0 1 10 103 5.01
Jackson p.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 T—3:49. A—41,329 (41,072). DP—Washington 1 (Lobaton, Zimmer- Judge rf................4 0 0 0 0 2 .276 Koehler............ 1 2 0 0 0 1 20 7.35
S.Freeman p........0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 man); Milwaukee 1 (Sogard, Arcia, Walker). Gregorius ss.........3 1 0 0 1 1 .292 Dermody.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7.15
Peterson 3b.........1 2 1 1 1 0 .190 Padres 6, Dodgers 5 Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Headley 3b..........4 2 3 1 0 0 .278 Barnes............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 3.43
Albies 2b..............4 2 3 1 2 0 .287 Los Angeles AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Roark, L, 11-9.... 7 5 1 1 1 10 105 4.48 Frazier 3b.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .210 Ramirez............ 2 0 0 0 0 2 27 0.00
F.Freeman 1b.......5 2 2 3 1 2 .313 Forsythe 2b-ss.....4 1 1 0 1 1 .231 Solis................ 2-e 0 0 0 0 1 11 8.35 Holliday dh..........4 1 1 3 0 0 .230 Loup, L, 2-3...... 1 2 1 1 1 1 17 4.24
Kemp lf................5 1 2 2 0 0 .289 Barnes c...............4 0 2 1 0 0 .302 Kintzler............1-e 1 0 0 0 0 9 2.87 Bird 1b.................4 0 1 0 0 3 .155 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Markakis rf..........5 1 2 2 0 3 .281 Hernandez ss.......3 0 1 0 0 0 .214 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Torreyes 2b..........3 0 0 0 1 1 .295 Gausman......... 6 5 0 0 1 8 115 4.79
Suzuki c................5 1 2 1 0 0 .257 d-Utley ph-2b......1 0 0 0 0 0 .237 Nelson, W, 11-6.... 7 3 0 0 3 11 100 3.59 Totals............... 34 5 10 5 2 8 Brach............... 2 0 0 0 1 1 26 2.83
Swanson ss..........5 0 3 0 0 0 .235 Bellinger 1b.........4 1 1 2 0 0 .270 Hader, H, 7....... 1 0 0 0 0 3 12 1.39 Boston................. 000 001 000— 1 6 1 Britton............. 2 1 0 0 0 1 27 3.07
Ruiz 3b.................4 1 1 1 0 2 .195 Puig rf..................3 0 1 0 1 0 .257 Knebel, S, 32-37.... 1 0 0 0 1 3 20 1.25 New York............. 010 003 10x— 5 10 0 Castro.............. 2 1 0 0 0 1 36 2.38
Johnson p............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Segedin 3b-lf........4 1 1 0 0 2 .182 HBP—Nelson (Zimmerman), Roark E—Devers (7). LOB—Boston 6, New York Yacabonis,W,1-0.... 1 0 0 0 1 0 12 5.87
e-M.Adams ph.....1 1 0 1 0 0 .272 Dickson lf.............3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 (Walker). WP—Nelson. PB—Vogt (3). 7. 2B—Nunez (32). 3B—Ellsbury (3). HR— Gausman pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.
Sims p..................2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Granderson cf......0 0 0 0 0 0 .214 T—2:39. A—40,044 (41,900). Headley (10), off Pomeranz; Holliday (17), Koehler pitched to 1 batter in the 9th.
Krol p...................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Verdugo cf...........3 0 1 0 0 1 .167 off Pomeranz. RBIs—Sanchez (78), Headley Dermody pitched to 1 batter in the 9th.
(53), Holliday 3 (54). CS—Devers (1). Inherited runners-scored—Dermody 1-0,
b-Sanchez ph.......1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 f-Turner ph-3b.....1 1 1 2 0 0 .333
L.Adams cf...........1 1 0 0 1 0 .278 Stewart p.............1 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Runners left in scoring position—Boston Barnes 2-0, Brach 1-0. HBP—Dermody (Da-
Totals............... 43 12 17 12 5 9 a-Taylor ph...........1 1 1 0 0 0 .308 3 (Moreland 2, Ramirez); New York 3 (Hicks vis). WP—Gausman.
Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Font p..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2, Judge). RISP—Boston 0 for 4; New York T—4:27. A—16,627 (45,971).
Indians 5, Tigers 2 3 for 5.
Jay cf-lf.................4 1 1 0 0 2 .290 Paredes p.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Cleveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Runners moved up—Betts, Moreland,
Schwarber lf........3 1 1 0 1 0 .201 c-Ethier ph...........1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
d-Almora ph-cf....1 0 1 2 0 0 .290 Ravin p.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Lindor ss..............5 0 1 0 0 0 .270 Benintendi.
Bryant 3b.............4 1 0 0 0 3 .289 Cingrani p............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Zimmer cf............2 1 1 0 0 1 .247 Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Rizzo 1b...............5 2 2 3 0 0 .283 g-Seager ph.........1 0 0 0 0 0 .309 a-G.Allen ph-cf.....3 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Pomeranz,L,14-5....51-e 8 4 4 2 5 105 3.36
Zobrist 2b............4 1 0 0 1 0 .228 Baez p..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Ramirez 2b...........5 1 2 1 0 0 .303 Workman......... 1 2 1 1 0 2 16 2.37 Astros 12, Mets 8
Baez ss.................5 2 2 2 0 1 .271 Totals............... 34 5 10 5 3 6 Encarnacion dh....4 1 2 1 0 0 .252 Abad............... 2-e 0 0 0 0 0 8 2.82 New York AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Heyward rf...........3 2 2 2 2 0 .262 San Diego AB R H BI BB SO Avg. 1-Gonzalez pr-dh....0 0 0 0 0 0 .275 Maddox........... 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 0.00 Reyes 2b..............4 1 1 0 1 2 .232
Rivera c................5 2 2 4 0 1 .242 Margot cf.............2 1 0 0 3 1 .266 Santana 1b...........4 1 1 0 0 0 .255 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Nimmo lf..............4 1 0 0 1 2 .247
Lester p................1 1 1 0 1 0 .156 Asuaje 2b.............5 0 1 0 0 1 .274 Chisenhall rf.........5 1 1 0 0 1 .303 Tanaka,W,11-10.... 7 5 1 1 2 3 97 4.54 Cabrera 3b...........5 2 2 2 0 2 .261
a-Caratini ph........0 0 0 0 0 0 .262 Pirela lf................3 1 0 1 1 1 .286 Almonte lf............5 0 2 3 0 1 .232 Robertson........ 1 1 0 0 0 1 13 2.32 Flores dh..............5 1 1 4 0 1 .269
Rondon p.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Solarte ss.............5 1 1 1 0 1 .257 Gomes c...............4 0 2 0 0 0 .226 Betances.......... 1 0 0 0 0 3 12 2.29 d’Arnaud c............5 0 1 0 0 2 .232
Wilson p..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Myers 1b..............3 2 2 1 1 0 .234 Urshela 3b...........4 0 1 0 0 0 .221 Tanaka pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. Rosario ss.............4 1 2 0 0 1 .250
Uehara p..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Spangenberg 3b...3 1 2 1 1 1 .272 Totals............... 41 5 14 5 0 4 Inherited runners-scored—Abad 1-0, Smith 1b..............4 1 2 2 0 1 .183
c-La Stella ph.......0 1 0 0 1 0 .302 Blash rf................3 0 1 1 1 1 .227 Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Robertson 1-0. WP—Tanaka. Taijeron rf............3 1 0 0 1 3 .067
Pena p..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Hedges c..............3 0 0 0 1 2 .212 Kinsler 2b.............5 0 0 0 0 0 .236 T—2:58. A—46,536 (49,642). Lagares cf.............4 0 2 0 0 1 .256
Edwards p............0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Richard p.............2 0 0 0 0 1 .118 Presley rf.............4 0 4 0 0 0 .312 Totals............... 38 8 11 8 3 15
Duensing p...........0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 b-Sanchez ph.......1 0 0 1 0 0 .234 Castellanos dh.....4 0 0 0 0 1 .251 FRIDAY’S LATE BOX Houston AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Davis p.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Stammen p..........0 0 0 0 0 0 .500 Navarro 1b...........4 0 1 0 0 2 .111 Orioles 1, Blue Jays 0 Springer dh..........4 2 2 2 0 0 .292
Totals............... 35 14 12 13 6 7 e-Szczur ph..........1 0 0 0 0 0 .217 Mahtook cf..........4 2 2 0 0 1 .279 Bregman ss..........4 2 1 0 1 0 .287
Candelario 3b......4 0 1 0 0 1 .179 Toronto AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Atlanta................ 003 100 323—12 17 1 Hand p.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Carrera lf..............4 0 1 0 0 2 .291 Altuve 2b.............4 3 3 1 0 0 .358
Chicago............... 041 501 21x—14 12 0 Totals............... 31 6 7 6 8 9 Holaday c.............4 0 2 1 0 0 .600 White 1b..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .300
Romine lf.............4 0 0 0 0 0 .239 d-Refsnyderph-lf-2b....2 0 0 0 0 1 .173
a-hit by pitch for Lester in the 5th. b- Los Angeles......... 100 110 002— 5 10 1 Donaldson 3b......5 0 0 0 1 0 .253 Reddick rf............5 0 3 2 0 1 .306
struck out for Krol in the 6th. c-walked for San Diego............ 001 002 201— 6 7 0 Iglesias ss.............4 0 1 1 0 2 .263 Gonzalez 1b-2b....5 1 2 2 0 2 .292
Totals............... 37 2 11 2 0 7 Morales dh..........6 0 0 0 0 2 .249
Uehara in the 7th. d-singled for Schwarber One out when winning run scored. Pearce 1b.............6 0 1 0 0 1 .257 Maybin cf.............5 0 1 1 0 2 .235
in the 7th. e-out on fielder’s choice for a-doubled for Stewart in the 5th. b- Cleveland............ 400 010 000— 5 14 0 Davis 3b...............5 2 2 1 0 1 .250
Detroit................ 000 000 101— 2 11 0 Pillar cf.................5 0 3 0 0 1 .258
Johnson in the 9th. grounded out for Richard in the 6th. Goins ss...............2 0 0 0 1 1 .227 Centeno c............4 0 1 0 1 0 .244
E—Swanson (17). LOB—Atlanta 9, Chi- c-grounded out for Paredes in the 7th. d- a-struck out for Zimmer in the 4th. Kemp lf................5 2 2 1 0 0 .250
1-ran for Encarnacion in the 9th. b-Bautista ph.......1 0 0 0 0 0 .203
cago 6. 2B—F.Freeman (27), Markakis 2 lined out for Hernandez in the 8th. e-flied Urena ss...............1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 Totals............... 42 12 17 10 2 6
(34), Swanson (19), Peterson (7), Baez (20). out for Stammen in the 8th. f-homered for LOB—Cleveland 11, Detroit 8. 2B—San- New York............. 000 200 501— 8 11 1
tana (32), Chisenhall (14), Almonte (7), Barney 2b............3 0 0 0 0 1 .214
3B—Rizzo (2). HR—F.Freeman (24), off Les- Verdugo in the 9th. g-flied out for Cingrani e-Saunders ph-lf....1 0 0 0 0 1 .204 Houston.............. 430 210 20x—12 17 1
ter; Kemp (16), off Lester; Ruiz (3), off Les- in the 9th. Mahtook (14), Holaday (1). 3B—Zimmer E—Cabrera (13), Bregman (11). LOB—
(2), Ramirez (6). RBIs—Ramirez (63), Encar- Hernandez rf........4 0 1 0 1 0 .250
ter; Rivera (9), off Sims; Baez (21), off Sims; E—Barnes (3). LOB—Los Angeles 5, San Lopez c.................2 0 0 0 0 1 .182 New York 6, Houston 9. 2B—d’Arnaud
Heyward (9), off Johnson. RBIs—Albies Diego 9. 2B—Puig (17), Segedin (1), Taylor nacion (81), Almonte 3 (13), Holaday (1), (15), Rosario (2), Lagares (9), Altuve (36),
Iglesias (50). a-Smoak ph..........1 0 0 0 0 0 .286
(13), F.Freeman 3 (60), Kemp 2 (54), Marka- (32), Myers (23), Spangenberg (15). 3B— Maile c.................2 0 0 0 0 0 .119 Reddick (27), Gonzalez 2 (25), Davis (4).
kis 2 (68), Suzuki (40), Ruiz (10), Peterson Myers (3). HR—Bellinger (35), off Richard; Runners left in scoring position—Cleve- HR—Smith (4), off Morton; Flores (18), off
land 5 (Lindor, Santana, Almonte, Urshela Totals............... 45 0 7 0 3 11
(11), M.Adams (60), Rizzo 3 (100), Baez 2 Turner (18), off Hand; Solarte (15), off Baez. Baltimore AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Harris; Cabrera (11), off Clippard; Springer
(67), Heyward 2 (48), Rivera 4 (28), Almora RBIs—Barnes (30), Bellinger 2 (81), Turner 2); Detroit 3 (Kinsler 2, Candelario). RISP— (30), off Harvey; Davis (3), off Milone.
Cleveland 4 for 12; Detroit 2 for 11. Beckham ss..........6 0 1 0 0 3 .296
2 (33). SB—Inciarte (20). S—Jay. 2 (60), Pirela (35), Solarte (54), Myers (61), Machado 3b........6 1 4 0 0 1 .273 RBIs—Cabrera 2 (44), Flores 4 (52), Smith
Runners left in scoring position—Atlanta Spangenberg (46), Blash (16), Sanchez (21). Runners moved up—Romine 2, Cande- 2 (10), Springer 2 (73), Altuve (72), Reddick
lario. GIDP—Castellanos. Schoop 2b............6 0 2 1 0 1 .307
5 (F.Freeman, Markakis, Suzuki 2, Swan- SB—Margot (13), Spangenberg (10). CS— Jones cf................1 0 0 0 0 1 .281 2 (68), Gonzalez 2 (75), Maybin (23), Davis
son); Chicago 1 (Bryant). RISP—Atlanta 7 Verdugo (1). SF—Pirela. DP—Cleveland 1 (Lindor, Ramirez, San- (5), Kemp (1). SB—Maybin (30).
tana). Gentry cf..............1 0 0 0 0 1 .257
for 19; Chicago 5 for 11. Runners left in scoring position—Los Rickard cf.............3 0 0 0 0 0 .251 Runners left in scoring position—New
Runners moved up—Kemp 2, Albies, Angeles 2 (Segedin, Verdugo); San Diego Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA York 3 (Cabrera 2, Smith); Houston 5 (Red-
Kluber, W, 14-4.... 8 8 1 1 0 7 114 2.56 Mancini lf.............5 0 1 0 0 2 .290
L.Adams, Zobrist. LIDP—Ruiz. GIDP—Jay. 5 (Asuaje 2, Hedges 2, Richard). RISP—Los Davis 1b...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .226 dick, Maybin 2, Centeno, Kemp). RISP—
DP—Atlanta 1 (Swanson, Albies, Angeles 3 for 9; San Diego 2 for 10. Shaw............... 2-e 2 1 1 0 0 15 3.39 New York 3 for 10; Houston 6 for 19.
C.Allen, S, 23-27....1-e 1 0 0 0 0 8 2.75 Trumbo dh...........5 0 1 0 0 1 .240
F.Freeman); Chicago 1 (Zobrist, Baez). Runners moved up—Segedin, Sanchez. Smith rf................4 0 0 0 0 2 .268 Runners moved up—Nimmo, Springer.
Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA GIDP—Hernandez. Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Zmmrman,L,8-12.... 5 12 5 5 0 2 99 6.18 f-Santander ph-rf....1 0 0 0 0 1 .200
Sims, L, 2-5...... 3 6 7 7 4 4 73 5.73 DP—San Diego 1 (Spangenberg, Asuaje, Joseph c...............2 0 0 0 1 1 .271 Harvey, L, 4-4.... 2 8 7 7 0 3 70 5.97
Krol.................. 2 3 3 3 1 1 35 6.12 Myers). Jaye................31-e 2 0 0 0 0 47 0.00 Milone.......... 22-e 3 3 3 1 0 40 7.66
Stumpf............ 2-e 0 0 0 0 2 12 2.54 c-Castillo ph-c......1 0 0 0 1 0 .298
Jackson............ 1 1 3 3 1 0 23 5.18 Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Totals............... 45 1 9 1 2 15 Rhame...........11-e 2 0 0 0 1 22 0.00
S.Freeman.......1-e 1 0 0 0 0 7 2.94 Stewart............ 4 2 1 1 4 5 72 3.21 Inherited runners-scored—C.Al- Callahan.......... 2-e 3 2 1 0 0 16 13.50
len 2-1, Stumpf 2-0. HBP—Jaye 2 Toronto...... 000 000 000 000 0— 0 7 0
Johnson........ 12-e 1 1 1 0 2 23 5.92 Font.............. 12-e 2 2 2 3 1 46 10.80 Baltimore.... 000 000 000 000 1— 1 9 1 Smoker............1-e 0 0 0 0 1 4 5.96
Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Paredes............1-e 0 0 0 0 1 10 0.00 (Encarnacion,Santana). Goeddel........... 1 1 0 0 1 1 22 4.10
T—3:02. A—25,272 (41,681). No outs when winning run scored.
Lester, W, 9-7.... 5 8 4 4 1 4 92 4.46 Ravin................ 1 2 2 2 1 2 31 4.85 a-lined out for Lopez in the 7th. b- Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Rondon............ 1 1 0 0 0 3 20 4.76 Cingrani........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 5.08 grounded out for Goins in the 9th. c-flied Morton,W,11-6.... 5 6 2 2 1 9 102 3.87
Wilson.............1-e 1 3 3 2 0 18 3.31 Baez, L, 3-3......1-e 1 1 1 0 0 7 1.94 out for Joseph in the 9th. d-struck out for Martes...........11-e 1 3 2 2 1 31 4.98
San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Yankees 5, Red Sox 1 Harris.............. 2-e 2 2 2 0 1 17 3.22
Uehara............ 2-e 2 0 0 0 0 8 3.98 Carrera in the 10th. e-struck out for Barney
Pena................. 0 0 2 2 2 0 8 5.73 Richard............ 6 8 3 3 3 4 78 4.94 Boston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. in the 12th. f-struck out for Smith in the Gregerson........ 1 1 0 0 0 3 14 3.93
Edwards........... 1 1 0 0 0 1 18 3.25 Stammen......... 2 0 0 0 0 1 22 3.25 Nunez ss..............4 1 1 0 0 0 .309 12th. Clippard........... 1 1 1 1 0 1 13 4.72
Duensing..........1-e 2 2 2 0 0 12 2.68 Hnd,W,3-4,BS,5-19.... 1 2 2 2 0 1 17 2.35 Benintendi lf........3 0 1 0 1 1 .280 E—Joseph (3). LOB—Toronto 10, Balti- Inherited runners-scored—Smoker 2-0,
Davis............... 2-e 2 1 1 0 1 22 2.28 Inherited runners-scored—Paredes 2-0. Betts rf.................3 0 1 0 1 0 .262 more 11. 2B—Pillar (33), Hernandez (1), Harris 3-3. HBP—Harvey (Springer). WP—
Sims pitched to 2 batters in the 4th. WP—Richard. PB—Barnes (3). Moreland 1b........4 0 0 0 0 0 .252 Urena (1), Schoop (31). RBIs—Schoop Morton, Harvey 2, Martes.
Jackson pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. T—3:11. A—39,140 (42,302). Ramirez dh..........4 0 0 0 0 1 .244 T—3:27. A—30,319 (42,060).

Baseball cards and memorabilia

expert coming to Lancaster
Chicago base around the
eastern half of the coun-
try to speak on the hobby
— he made 42 such
PAULA WOLF appearances last year.
He also does appraisals
WHEELCHAIR QUARTERBACK and writes for numerous
JEFF YOUNG publications. His work
Could the COMMENTARY has appeared in The New
York Times and Parade
Phillies be the So you were swept up magazine, to name two.
Twins of 2018? in that 1980s baseball
cards boom. You grabbed
He also buys and sells
collections, although
every Barry Bonds, Ken conflict of interest regu-
Earlier this summer, I wrote Griffey Jr. and Roger lations forbid him from
about the Houston Astros be- Clemens you could lay buying anything after
ing a model for the Phillies as your hands on. And now, he’s appraised it.
they rebuild. three decades later, So if you’re wonder-
But as the season’s worn you’re wondering exactly ing why all those 1980s
on, I’ve also begun to pay at- when your investment and 1990s cards failed to
tention to the Twins, Major plan is going to bear deliver, Osacky will tell
League Baseball’s biggest ASSOCIATED PRESS
fruit. you it’s basic supply-and-
surprise in 2017. Houston Astros’ Alex Bregman (2) lifts Jose Altuve Saturday after Altuve Unfortunately, your demand stuff.
scored a run on Marwin Gonzalez’s double during the first inning of the first
As I pen this, Minnesota is game of a doubleheader against the New York Mets in Houston. first mistake — think- “The technology really
70-63 and holds a 1.5-game ing of those cards as an changed and cards were
lead over the Angels in the race investment — was also manufactured 24 hours a
for the AL’s second wild card your biggest. Kind of like day, seven days a

Astros return home for

playoff spot, with the surging a bases-loaded error in week, 365 days a year,’’
Orioles 2.5 games back. the ninth, if you will. he said.
Last year, the Twins re- “If you buy something Could the passage
corded MLB’s worst record at
59-103 — 12 games behind the
1st game since Harvey you love, you’ll always
like it,’’ says Michael
Osacky, a certified expert
of time help to turn it
around? Maybe, but
Osacky doesn’t think so.
This gives me hope for the on cards and memora- “The interest,’’ he said,
Phillies, because Minnesota Crowd of 30,319 — some flood victims — turns out bilia dating from 1870 “is kind of waning, where
is a squad with a foundation to 1970. “People get in kids or anyone under
of young players as well. The KRISTIE RIEKEN need something to emony and played trouble when they think, the age of 25 has never
Twins do have a very good cheer for. A few years a video with dozens ‘this thing is going to go opened up a pack of
power-hitting second base- HOUSTON — ago people counted of tweets document- up 20 percent every year baseball cards. So when
man in Brian Dozier — a Baseball returned to the Astros out; now ing the heroic work for the next five years.’ they grow up and get
30-year-old veteran who’s Houston on Saturday they’re contenders of people across the They’re almost always older … they’ll probably
still in his prime — and the with the Astros giv- for the World Series. area in the wake of wrong, and then they get be using their disposable
Phils possess no one remotely ing the flood-ravaged A few days ago people the storm. First re- upset.’’ income for other stuff.’’
comparable. city a few hours of counted the city of sponders were also In short, if you’re col- Older kids, meanwhile
So that’s one advantage clubs entertainment at the Houston out. Well no given tickets to the lecting for profit rather — those of us who can
like Minnesota and Atlanta end of a terrible and better symbol than game and two Coast than for fun, you’re in remember taping cards
(think Freddie Freeman and trying week. the Astros, (and) Guard members it for the wrong reason. to our bicycle spokes
Ender Inciarte) have over the The Astros beat the that’s why we’re play- were stopped from Fun is how it started for for the sound they made
Phillies. New York Mets 12-8 ing ball today.” getting to their seats Osacky, although today when the wheels turned
But Minnesota is still very in a doubleheader The Astros wore after entering the it’s much more than just — have kept the vintage
reliant on youth, and that’s opener, the first pro- patches on the up- ballpark as about a that. card market strong.
why I think there are potential fessional sporting per left side of their dozen fans lined up He’s been a certified One of the most want-
similarities with the Phils. event in the city since jerseys with the team to shake their hands expert by the National ed buys, Osacky says,
Several of the Twins’ her- Hurricane Harvey. logo and the word and thank them for Association of Profes- is the 1952 Topps set,
alded prospects have taken the “After the week that “STRONG” in block their work. sional Appraisers since containing rookie cards
next step this season, which we’ve gone through, letters as a tribute Season-ticket hold- 2007. That’s why he’ll be for both Mickey Mantle
is a huge reason for the team’s people ... need a sign to those affected by ers Susan Welbes in Lancaster this week, and Eddie Mathews.
dramatic improvement in the that tomorrow will the storm. As George and her daughter working on written ap- “A lot of baby boom-
standings. be better than today,” Springer approached Sarah stood in the praisals for some local ers,’’ he said, “are trying
Third baseman Miguel Houston mayor Syl- home plate after hit- stands and held signs collectors who want to to buy back their youth.’’
Sano, 24, was on pace to drive vester Turner said. ting a two-run homer that read “Houston insure their treasures. Better that than seeing
in 100 runs before going on “No better way to do in the second inning, Strong.” They came only dollar signs. But if
the disabled list last month, that than for the As- he pounded the patch out of the storm OK, A career in you want to be a smart
and multidimensional center tros to play ball. This three times with his but walked around memorabilia collector as well, Osacky
fielder Byron Buxton, 23, is is a city that, regard- right fist and pointed the ballpark before can help you learn how
now showing why he was less of our challeng- to the fans. the game making Osacky, 37, got hooked to spot a forged signa-
among the best prospects in es, we play ball.” “I hope it provides a sure all the ush- 20 years ago, when his ture or a reprinted card.
baseball a few years ago. The crowd of 30,319 smile or two,” Astros ers and concession grandfather gave him And if you’d like to get a
Minnesota’s pitching staff is included victims of manager A.J. Hinch workers they know a shoebox full of what better idea of what value
led by 23-year-old Jose Ber- the storm who were said. “I hope it pro- were OK, too. turned out to be vintage you already have, here’s
rios, who was 12-6 in his first staying yards away at vides a break from “I think today is the cards. It became a life- your chance. He’ll be
18 decisions in 2017 with an the George R. Brown what’s going through first day in a week changing moment. available Thursday af-
impressive ERA of 3.80. Convention Center, these people’s minds. that we’ve felt nor- Even as he studied ternoon at a local site to
Now, I’m not trying to build which is the city’s To keep it in perspec- mal,” Susan said. “It’s finance at the University be determined, offering
up expectations for the Phillies biggest shelter and is tive we’re a baseball just been so surreal of Illinois, Osacky spent free verbal appraisals by
and say they’ll make a giant housing more than team. We’re going to watching what has his weekends at card appointment. Call him at
leap forward and win 25 more 9,000 people. The As- do our part. We’re go- been happening to shows, learning every- (312) 379-9090, or email
games next season. tros provided 5,000 ing to try to help re- our city for the last thing he could about Michael@baseballinthe-
But there is plenty of prece- tickets to each game turn to normalcy and week and we’re just what makes a card more attic.com to schedule.
dent for this, and the Twins are for the mayor’s office a normal weekend in so glad (to be here). (or less) valuable. Today, Just be sure to leave
just the most recent example. to distribute at the September has a lot This is our happy he no longer works as those 80s and 90s cards
convention center. of Astros baseball in- place ... we can watch a financial consultant, at home. That’s no joke.
n Paula Wolf works in the “A number of these volved.” baseball and we can instead making his living
Opinion section at LNP. Email her people that are here The team hon- forget about every- around cards and memo- n Connect with Jeff Young,
at [email protected]. She also are in our shelters,” ored first responders thing that’s been go- rabilia. a former LNP sports editor, at
tweets at @PaulaWolfLNP. Turner said. “They in a pregame cer- ing on just a little bit.” He travels from his [email protected].

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Penn State 52, Akron 0
Akron................................ 0 0 0 0—0
Penn St............................ 14 21 10 7—52
First Quarter
PSU—Thompkins 61 punt return (T.Davis kick), 8:13
PSU—Gesicki 13 pass from McSorley (T.Davis kick), :49
Second Quarter
PSU—McSorley 4 run (T.Davis kick), 8:48
PSU—Barkley 3 run (T.Davis kick), 4:49
PSU—Barkley 30 run (T.Davis kick), :23
Third Quarter
PSU—FG T.Davis 47, 6:01
PSU—Gesicki 2 pass from McSorley (T.Davis kick), 1:02
Fourth Quarter
PSU—Stevens 5 run (T.Davis kick), 10:20
First downs................................. 12 24
Rushes-yards.........................34-73 34-247
Passing........................................ 86 322
Comp-Att-Int.......................14-29-1 21-31-1
Return Yards............................... 77 150
Punts-Avg...........................11-27.7 2-40.0
Fumbles-Lost.............................1-0 0-0
Penalties-Yards........................9-84 5-45
Time of Possession................30:30 29:30
RUSHING—Akron, K.Nelson 9-39, Ball 13-27, Morgan 3-13,
A.Williams 1-7, Sands 1-1, Edwards 5-(minus 2), Woodson
2-(minus 12). Penn St., Barkley 14-172, McSorley 12-48, Sand-
ers 1-16, Stevens 4-16, (Team) 1-(minus 2), A.Robinson 2-(mi-
nus 3).
PASSING—Akron, Woodson 12-23-1-71, K.Nelson 1-2-0-11,
Morgan 0-2-0-0, Kelley 1-2-0-4. Penn St., McSorley 18-25-1-
280, Stevens 3-6-0-42.
RECEIVING—Akron, Chapman 3-10, Coney 2-25, K.Smith
2-23, Bickley 2-21, Ball 2-3, Stewart 1-4, N.Williams 1-2, Young
1-(minus 2). Penn St., Gesicki 6-58, Ju.Johnson 4-84, Hamilton
3-74, Barkley 3-54, Thompkins 2-29, Pancoast 1-12, Stevens
1-7, Polk 1-4.
MISSED FIELD GOALS—Penn St., T.Davis 39.


Above, Penn State’s Saquon Barkley (26) hurdles Akron’s Alvin Davis (1) during the first half of Saturday’s game.

Kick-return game Nittany Lions: Manhandle Akron

showing new life Continued from C1
candidacy of Saquon
Confident Thompkins shows spark Barkley remains the
guy who makes the
with 61-yard punt return for a TD offense go, completed
18 of 25 throws to
MIKE GROSS eight receivers for 280
[email protected]
I believe every yards and two TDs.
STATE COLLEGE — Barkley delivered a
Going into this season, time I catch the couple of the spec-
Penn State seemed to ball I’m going tacular moments that
have room for growth in
the kick-return game.
to take it to the have made him ESPN
fodder en route to 174
The Nittany Lions house. yards on 14 rushes
were 93rd in the coun- DeAndre Thompkins, and three receptions
try in punt returns last Penn State punt returner for another 54.
year and 86th in kick- Here’s a stat for you:
off returns. Unthink- 35 Lions had at least
able, given coach James injured. one tackle. I would’ve
Franklin’s well-known “I thought he looked guessed even more
emphasis on special really confident today, than that.
teams and the apparent and that was a combina- The starting DL
speed and athleticism on tion of a lot of things,” was Shareef Miller
the roster. Franklin said. “That’s a and Torrence Brown
Enter DeAndre combination of a lot of and the ends, Curtis
Thompkins. things. Obviously he’s a Cothran and Parker
“I believe every time I much more experienced Cothren at the tack-
catch the ball,” Thomp- player now, and (assis- les.
kins said after Satur- tant coach) Terry Smith “(Who starts) really
day’s blowout of Akron, has done a great job with doesn’t matter to us
“I’m gonna take it to the those guys. at all,” said Miller’s
house.” “The feedback that backup, Ryan Buch-
The first time Thomp- I’ve gotten is to stay holz. said Saturday was the Above, DeAndre Thompkins (3) runs back a punt return
for a touchdown for the Lions during the first half. Below,
kins touched a return away from them. Stay He proved it when first time he had tack- Penn State’s Ryan Bucholz (97) sacks Akron quarterback
against Akron he … called away from the punt re- Miller was done for led anybody since last Thomas Woodson (4).
for a fair catch. Penn turner. You question the game after one season.
State was penalized for them, you’re screaming, series with an undis- “That was pretty cool,
running into the kicker, you’re yelling … leave closed injury. pretty fun, to be hitting
so Thompkins immedi- them alone. Let ’em play. Buchholz had only people again,” he said.
ately got another shot. They’ve earned that.” four tackles, 1.5 for There may not be a
This time it went boom, loss, a sack and a Carl Nassib or Anthony
for a 61-yard touchdown In or out? quarterback hurry. Zettel in this group, the
that started the Lions on It seemed like more kind of disrupted sack
the road to a 52-0 romp. Saquon Barkley had an than that, because machine teams have to
It was Penn State’s first 80-yard, second quar- he was in the Akron game-plan against. But
punt-return TD since a ter run that looked like backfield a lot. maybe 12 guys can add
Derrick Williams play in an 87-yard touchdown. Unless we had him up to their equivalent.
2008. Now the sideline The officials ruled the confused with Shane “We’ve got a lot of guys
reporter for the Penn Barkley had stepped out Simmons or Colin we feel like have earned
State radio network, of bounds at the Akron Castagna or Kevin playing time,” Franklin
Williams predicted on 7-yard line. Givens or Tyrell Cha- said. “We want to create
the network’s pregame There was some com- vis or a half-dozen depth and develop depth
show Saturday that the motion and delay on the others, including and the only way to do
streak would end soon. sideline, during which Yetur Gross-Matos, that is to play guys in the
“My freshman year I the play was not actually a true freshman who first half when it’s mean-
had a big return against reviewed. wasn’t even on the ingful snaps and it’s not
Buffalo,” Thompkins “I wasn’t upset with the three-deep Saturday. garbage time.
said. “We talk about it, call, I was upset because “Everybody knows “We still need to get the
somebody breaking one. I was told that’s not a re- they’re going to get in pass rusher that will put PENN STATE REPORT CARD
I wanted it to be me. I viewable play,” Franklin the game,” Buchholz the fear in the mind of
had a chip on my shoul- said. “That doesn’t make said. the offensive coordinator GRADING THE NITTANY LIONS
der about it.” sense. The answer is ba- “Today, even when or the tackle or the quar-
Thompkins occasion- sically if (a runner) is the play was away terback. That will come. OFFENSE delivered 127 yards in
punt returns, including a
ally returned punts last there and one more step from me, I’d look “I always say the game n Racked up 358 yards 61-yard touchdown. That
year, but the job mostly and you score, then it’s over, and there were of football is played up before halftime, nearly was nullified somewhat
belonged to John Reid, reviewable, but from the two or three guys at- front, and we’ve dramat- nine yards per play for by Tyler Davis’ missed
the veteran cornerback 7-yard line it’s not.” tacking the ball. ically improved.” the game, and could’ve 32-yard FG and two
scored more if not for a running-into-the-kicker
who will apparently miss This information was “Speed is the differ- Hey, this was Akron. A pick in the end zone and penalties. This phase,
this season with a knee relayed during a lengthy ence. We have more hopeless mismatch. It a short FG miss. Mixed like the others, not
injury. and animated discussion speed on defense, gets considerably more run and pass, killed an really tested on this day.
Reid was consistent that ended with Frank- even compared to last serious Saturday, when overmatched foe on line Grade: B.
in the role, with mini- lin grabbing his nose in a year.” Pittsburgh comes here, of scrimmage. Grade:
mal mistakes and good comically theatrical ges- Buchholz is a although the Panthers B-plus. COACHING
judgment about when to ture (i.e., “that stinks”). redshirt sophomore. scared no one in sur- DEFENSE n Lions had droves of
make the catch, when to “My frustration is that Again, he’s listed viving its opener in players ready. Squad is
let it bounce, etc. seems like a play that as a No. 2. Yet he’s overtime against FCS n Played a lot of people far more advanced in
and, again, dominated many areas than a year
But he was perhaps should be reviewable,” established enough, Youngstown State. up front against an ago. One point can’t be
not a gamebreaker, es- Franklin said. “Obvious- and there are enough It was Akron three opponent that had no glossed over, though.
pecially given that he led ly we’ll have some con- less-established guys years ago, too. shot. Still identifying Having McSorley, Barkley,
the entire team in snaps versations about that.” teeming around him stars, but there are a lot et al in the game on a
taken last year. Later, Barkley said he in the D-line group, of aggressive athletes wet field after halftime
Thompkins’ develop- thought he was in, but that he never had n Sports columnist Mike here. Grade: B-plus. (and Barkley returning a
Gross covers Penn State kickoff) was reckless and
ment and polish might after watching the replay to go full-contact football for LNP. Email him at SPECIAL TEAMS indefensible. Grade: C.
have provided a chance admitted he stepped out, in training camp or [email protected], and
n DeAndre Thompkins — Mike Gross
to get Reid some rest although at about the 5, spring ball. follow him on Twitter at
even if he hadn’t been not the 7. Literally never. He @MikeGrossLNP.


Wimbush, Irish top Owls Marauders fall

Adams scores initial touchdown in their opener
just 33 seconds into game to set tone Shank sparks second-half rally that
TOM COYNE “We trusted in our train- falls a bit short against the Setters
ing and everything we’ve
SOUTH BEND, Ind. been through the offsea- STAFF REPORT ever, failed, leaving Mill-
[email protected]
— Brandon Wimbush, a son and just going out ersville down by eight
junior making his first there and having fun and Lampeter- Strasburg with 5:14 left.
career start, threw for forcing what we wanted graduate Collin Shank But the Marauders
two touchdowns and ran to happen.” came off the bench to received one last shot.
for 106 yards and another Temple, the defending lead three second half Pace’s ensuing drive was
touchdown to lead Notre American Athletic Con- scoring drives, but turn- limited to just four yards,
Dame to a 49-16 season- ference champion, didn’t overs and special teams and a 48-yard punt start-
opening victory over score a touchdown until miscues proved Millers- ed the Marauders on
Temple on Saturday. Logan Marchi connected ville’s undoing in Sat- their own 32 with 3:19 to
Wimbush threw touch- with Keith Kirkwood in urday’s 28-20, season- play.
down passes to Equa- the end zone to cut the opening loss at Pace. Millersville pushed
nimeous St. Brown and score to 28-10 with six An interception and ahead to its own 43 be-
Nic Weisher and com- minutes left in the first two lost fumbles in the fore a negative pass
pleted 17 of 30 passes for half. Marchi threw an- opening 20 minutes of play lost four yards on
184 yards with one inter- other touchdown pass the game put the Ma- first down and a 14-yard
ception. to Brodrick Yancy in the rauders behind by 14 at completion to Zilen was
“I thought that for a fourth quarter. ASSOCIATED PRESS the half, and a 57-yard wiped out by a holding
guy starting for the first “There have been a Notre Dame cornerback Julian Love (27) breaks up a kickoff return to open call.
time, he provided some lot of fun moments and pass intended for Temple wide receiver Marshall Ellick the third quarter fol- Pushed back to their
excitement and energy to some exciting moments. during the second half of Saturday’s game. lowed by a blocked punt own 29, Shank and Kevin
the offense,” Notre Dame I was really looking for- and short field touch- Wiggins hooked up for
coach Brian Kelly said. ward to as a first-time turning starters on the eral costly penalties. down gave Pace the 14 yards, but on fourth-
“I think everybody that head coach, and this was offensive line, rushed for It was a disappoint- cushion it needed to hold and-10, Shank was
watched him can see the not one of them,” first- 422 yards. It was the most ing start after post- off the Marauders’ late sacked, effectively end-
tools that he has; the abil- year Temple coach Geoff yards rushing for Notre ing back-to-back 10-4 charge. ing the game.
ity to run, throw the foot- Collins said. Dame since running for seasons under coach One year ago, Mill-
Shank threw for 145
ball. He’s tough.” Notre Dame, coming 457 in a 62-27 win over Matt Rhule, now ersville used three Pace
yards, completing 12-
Wimbush said he off a disappointing 4-8 Massachusetts in 2015. coaching at Baylor. turnovers to score a
of-27 attempts. He also
wasn’t surprised by any- season, wasted no time The Irish finished with Notre Dame: The 28-7 opening night vic-
thing he saw. taking control. Adams 606 yards total offense to Irish looked bet- tory. But the tables were rushed for 28 yards and
“I’ll be sore tomorrow, scored on a 37-yard run 330 for Temple. ter in their opener turned on Pace’s home two scores. Kobe Miran-
but right now I’m great 33 seconds into the game, Collins had indicated than they did at any field. Millersville’s first da led the team in receiv-
physically, mentally, the fastest touchdown he might use as many as time last season, but four drives ended fum- ing and rushing, catching
emotionally,” he said. to open a season for the three quarterbacks, but there’s still plenty of bled, downs, fumble, in- six passes for 55 yards
Josh Adams scored Irish since linebacker stuck with Marchi, who room for improve- terception. and totaling 43 yards on
the quickest opening- Pete Bercich returned an was 19-of-35 passing for ment. The Irish of- Pace led 21-0 and 28-7 the ground.
season touchdown for interception 21 yards on 245 yards. fense went dormant before Shank and crew The Millersville de-
Notre Dame in 24 years the opening play against after jumping to a put a fright into Pace’s fense held Pace to just
and rushed for 112 yards Northwestern in 1993. It The takeaway 28-3 lead early in the home fans. Shank pulled 225 total yards but the
in the first quarter alone was the quickest offen- second quarter until Millersville within 28-14 difference was turn-
to get the Irish started. sive touchdown for the Temple: It was an in- Tony Jones Jr. scored with 10 minutes to play, overs. Pace did not com-
Adams finished with 161 Irish to open a season auspicious start for on a 7-yard run with finishing a 12-play, 92- mit one while Millers-
yards rushing on 19 car- since at least 1963. Temple under Collins, 1:22 left in the third yard drive with a 2-yard ville lost three fumbles
ries and Dexter Williams The score on the second the defensive coordina- quarter. Justin Yoon plunge. Shank complet- and threw a pick.
added 124 yards rushing play of the game was set tor at Florida the past missed a pair of long ed four passes on the Marauders Cameron
on six carries. up by a 33-yard pass from two seasons. The Owls field-goal attempts. drive including two to Boykin and Sean Dugan
“We just came out with Wimbush to St. Brown. struggled offensively and He missed four at- tight end Tyler Zilen. totaled 10 tackles apiece.
intensity,” Adams said. The Irish, with four re- defensively and had sev- tempts all last season. After the Millersville Boykin added three tack-
defense forced a three- les for loss and Dugan
and-out, Shank hit three added two and a sack.
STATE ROUNDUP consecutive passes and Millersville remains on
scrambled 16 yards the road next week, trav-

Zapoticky powers Shippensburg for his second rushing

touchdown of the game.
The extra point, how-
eling to the PSAC West
for a matchup with Seton

Ryan Zapoticky threw for 342 opener. record of 344 set by current as-
and three touchodowns, and Saint Francis 69, Lock Haven sistant coach Joshua Carter PITTSBURGH 28, YOUNGSTOWN STATE 21 (OT)
3: Bear Fenimore threw for 280

Panthers f ight
rushed for another score as Ship- in 2000. Savant tied his own
pensburg opened the 2017 season yards and three touchdowns as marks with five touchdowns
with a 41-7 victory over visiting the Flash routed the Bald Eagles. and 30 points, coming within

past Penguins
American International Saturday. Stone Hill 44, Bloomsburg 28: six yards of his own record of
The Raiders built a 24-7 advan- Chris Palubinsky threw for a pair 277 rushing yards
tage at halftime, scoring 17 points of touchdowns and rushed for an- Randolph-Macon 41, Dick-
in the second quarter, and never toher, but it wasn’t enough as the inson 6: The Yellow Jackets
looked back.
Cole Chiappialle added support
Huskies got outscored by the Sky-
went 6 for 6 in the red zone,
and their defense held Red
Garner interception, Weah reception
on the ground, rushing for 108 Assumption 31, Kutztown 28: Devils to a pair of field goals are difference in opening-day victory
yards on 24 carries for shippens- Cole Tracy connected on a 24- to grab the opener. R-M out-
burg. Zapoticky ended the game yard field goal with 18 seconds re- gained the Red Devils by just WILL GRAVES Wells passed for 311
completing 29 of 46 pass attempts. maining as the Greyhounds edged 29 yards (364-335), but put up yards and a pair of
the Golden Bears. five touchdowns along with two PITTSBURGH — scores to running back
Other PSAC Bowie State 48, Seton Hill field goals. Jester Weah hauled in Christian Turner, but
7: Amir Hall had an efficient and McDaniel 30, Catholic 10: an 11-yard touchdown Youngstown State’s bid
Slippery Rock 42, Kentucky productive day under center, Perry Steffanelli led the offen- pass on the opening to upset the Panthers
State 21: Tanner Garry tossed five compelting 23 of 26 passes for 361 sive charge for the Green Ter- possession of overtime for the second time in
touchdown passes as The Rock yards and five TDs as the Bulldogs ror with 146 yards rushing and to give Pittsburgh the six seasons ended when
rolled over the Thorobreds. Garry trounced the Griffins. a touchdown, and Matt Cathey lead and Bricen Garner Wells overthrew a pass
finished with 390 yards passing, added 136 yards rushing to give picked off Youngstown to the end zone and Gar-
completing 22 of 34 attempts. Centennial and MAC the team two 100-yard rushers State’s Hunter Wells ner hauled it in.
Gannon 55, Southern Con- Ursinus 35, Bethany 13: Soph- for the first time since 2004, in the end zone to help “We left a lot of plays
necticut State 22: Marc Jones omore Stacey Gardner rushed as they romped past the Cardi- the Panthers hold off out there,” Youngstown
had 20 carries for 201 yards and for a career-high 197 yards, class- nals. Youngstown State 28-21 State coach Bo Pelini
two touchdowns and Zach Phillips mate Thomas Garlick threw three Susquehanna 7, Lycoming in the opener for both said. “I’m sure Pitt is say-
was 19 for 26 for 177 yards passing touchdown passes — two of them 6: The River Hawks’ defense teams on Saturday. ing the same thing. We
and a pair of scores as the Golden to senior Carmen Fortino — and allowed just nine first downs Pitt (1-0) blew a had multiple opportuni-
Knights routed SCS. the bears controlled both sides of in the game and just two third 21-point point halftime ties.”
Edinboro 30, Lake Erie 3: the ball on the way to a rout of vis- down conversions in the sec- lead and was dominated
Quarterback Jake Sisson went 20 iting Bethany, which made the trip ond half as they claimed the in the second half by the The takeaway
for 44 for 258 yards and a pair of from West Virginia. Stagg Hat Trophy on Amos Penguins (0-1) before
touchodowns, and Walter Fletch- Muhlenberg 62, Wilkes 19: Alonzo Stagg Field in Selins- Weah’s acrobatic grab Youngstown State:
er was a workhorse back, carry- Senior Nick Savant broke one grove. and the first pick of Gar- The Penguins are eye-
ing the ball 25 times and gaining school record and tied two others Juniata 42, Grove City 31: ner’s career helped the ing a return trip to the
189 while score one touchdown to as the Mules crushed the Colo- Austin Montgomery was 26 Panthers escape. Football Championship
pace the Fighting Scots. nels. Savant rushed 18 times for of 32 for 333 yards and four “Everyone wants that Subdivision title game.
Hillsdale 19, Mercyhurst 11: 271 yards and four touchdowns touchdowns, and he rushed first game to be a blow- If they can play with the
Quarterback Doug Altavilla was 16 while catching two passes for 80 for another as the Eagles out- out,” said Pitt quarter- resilience they showed
of 38 for 252 yards and a TD pass yards and another score. The 351 scored the Wolverines. back Max Browne. “We after trailing by three
for the Lakers, who fell intheir all-purpose yards broke the school SOURCE: STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS were forced to stand in touchdowns on the road
there and have a fist fight, against a Power 5 team,
which a lot of teams may they’ll be another tough

Diplomats: Dismantle Dutchmen

have to wait 3-4 weeks out if they reach the
to get that test, we got it playoffs.
Week 1, right away. You Pitt: It’s far too early
learn a lot and you learn to get any sort of read on
Continued from C1 The Dutchmen didn’t record Late in the quarter, K.J. Bos- when adversity hits we Browne or new offensive
score. their first first down until 1:26 re- ton intercepted Sterner at the can come through when coordinator Shawn Wat-
Erisman finished 20 of 24 for mained in the first half. They went F&M 10, returning it 90 yards it’s crunch time.” son as the Panthers kept
212 yards and four scores. to the locker room trailing 35-0. for the Dips’ final points. Qadree Ollison ran for things simple while be-
“He’s pretty special,” Troxell ob- While they were more produc- The Dutchmen broke the 91 yards and two touch- ing careful not to show
served of the Penn Manor prod- tive in the second half — with 111 shutout with 12:13 to play as downs for the Panthers. too much ahead of next
uct. “He’s got some guys to throw yards on 32 plays — the Dutchmen Adam Domovich pulled in Pitt coach Pat Narduzzi week’s trip to sixth-
it to and we started spreading it were in too deep a hole to climb Brett Cohen’s 24-yard toss in called Browne “not ranked Penn State. The
around.” out. the back left corner of the end bad” in his debut after offensive line is going to
“We were definitely prepared.,” Granahan’s recovery of a Jeremy zone. transferring from USC. need to shore things up
Erisman said, “and we played very de la Cruz fumble, at the LVC 18, “We have the makings of a Browne completed 17 of after allowing the Pen-
well. It was just putting together returning it to the 14, set up Ger- good football team,” Troxell 24 passes for 140 yards guins to make things far
what you can do and what you ald Taalib’s 4-yard, third-quarter said. “But, again, this is just one and the winning touch- too uncomfortable far
know.” score. game. We still have work to do.” down. too often.



Concerns remain over the
Susquehanna’s smallmouth
bass, but there have never
been so many bruisers
waiting to be caught
certainly a factor. It was
leveled amid alarming
die-offs and poor repro-
duction classes.
But not only are there
more bass out there
getting older and bigger
AD CRABLE and fatter, promising
LNP OUTDOORS WRITER young of the year classes
are replenishing the
Certainly we should overall number of small-
all be worried about the mouths and making it
root causes of disease less likely there will be
and intersex problems big dips in the popula-
that have beset the tion from year to year.
Susquehanna River’s “We’re seeing high
most revered game fish, recruitment and less
the smallmouth bass. diseased fish, and we’re AD CRABLE | STAFF WRITER

But don’t be such a optimistic that that will An angler casts for smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna near the White Cliffs of Conoy.
worrywart that you continue,” Smith says.
don’t go fishing and Both the lower and
miss what has suddenly middle sections of the
become the river’s best Susquehanna had several
bronzeback fishing on promising young of the
record. At least in terms year classes until this
of catching big bass. year’s seemingly con-
“Our surveys suggest stant high water resulted
that it’s a very good time in a poor class.
to go bass fishing,” says Last year, the commis-
Geoff Smith, the Penn- sion’s annual surveys
sylvania Fish and Boat showed the fourth-high-
Commission’s Susque- est catch rate since 1985
hanna River biologist. of bass 1 year old and old-
“Not only do we have er on the lower section of PA. FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION GRAPHICS
high catch rates of fish the river, which includes This chart shows the catch rate of smallmouth bass at This chart shows the catch rate of smallmouth bass at
in general, but we also Lancaster County. least 15 inches long during annual Pennsylvania Fish and least 1 year old during Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Com-
have high rates of large The three sample sites Boat Commission surveys at three Lancaster County sites mission surveys conducted at three sites in Lancaster
fish.” on the Lower Susque- in the Susquehanna River. County each year.
Consider that in the hanna are at Accomac on
Lower Susquehanna, the York County side of “What I’m not saying against our legs, stepping
from the Maryland the river, along the Lan- is that the problems the around polished potholes
line to the York Haven caster side in the bend of river has faced in the past and hearing and smelling
Dam, the 2016 catch Turkey Point and an area have corrected them- the mighty river.
rates for smallmouths from the Safe Harbor selves, but what I am An eagle flew over-
15 inches or larger were Dam tailrace to Pequea. saying is it’s a great time head, great blue her-
the highest since the Michael Kaufmann, the to take advantage of the ons perched on rocks
commission began an- commission’s area fisher- population as it exists at gauging our luck, and we
nual nighttime electro- ies manager, points out the moment. stumbled onto nine wild
shocking surveys in the lower Juniata is see- “It may not last forever. turkey poults that eyed
1990. ing a similar resurgence. Don’t be one of those us with more curiosity
Put simply, your “Some people are telling guys who shows up at the than caution.
chance of catching us they are having 50- river and a guy says, ‘You It wasn’t my best fish-
multiple lunker bass on fish days in the Juniata should have been here ing day. But between us
each outing has never like they used to have,” yesterday.’ ” JOE RAYMOND
we had eight bass on. We
been better. he notes. Kaufmann and Smith didn’t land any of them
Carter Koza, left, and his father, Jamie Koza, with hefty
On the Middle Susque- All this has made certainly stirred me into smallmouth bass caught recently in the Susquehanna but it’s hard to be disap-
hanna, from York Haven Kaufmann into some- action. north of Harrisburg. pointed when most of
to Sunbury, large-bass what of a cheerleader. Several of us had been them became unhooked
catch rates weren’t “The average angler trying for over a month during feisty skyward
quite as high, but still should definitely go fish- to go wade-fishing wading levels. week, even though it was leaps.
the second-highest ing. People are having around Bainbridge but But after their pep still drizzling when we The bass are back.
since 1990. really good times fishing. each time we’d get a slug talk, two of us grabbed started.
The moratorium I always tell people to of rain and the river our rigs and a pack of We had a ball wading n Follow Ad Crable on Twit-
on keeping any bass, take advantage of it while would get stained and plastic tubes and went in the Haldeman riffles, ter at @AdCrableLNP. Email
in place since 2011, is you can. rise to less-than-ideal fishing one evening last feeling the current him at [email protected]

Outdoors calendar n 3-D shoot: Lancaster Archery

Club. 40 targets. From 7 a.m. to
n Trap shoot: Mount Joy
Sportsmen. From 6-8 p.m. $3.50.
Open to the public. Club is at 552
Oak Tree Road.
noon. $12 for adults, free for kids 12 Take Route 283 west, left on Route n Skeet shooting practice:
The Outdoors calendar items are Strasburg Sportsman Association, and under. 772, right on Old Market Street. Cocalico Sportsmen’s Association,
just a few of the activities this 316 Weaver Road, Strasburg, at 11 n 3-D shoot: Chestnut Hill Archery n 3-D shoot: Hemlock Archery 585 Sportsman Road, Denver.
week from throughout Lancaster a.m. $5/card. Scopes and bi-pods Club. 40 targets. From 6 a.m. to Club. 15 targets. From 4-7 p.m. From noon to 3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m.
County and beyond. To read the OK. 1 p.m. each day. $12 for adults, $3 $5 for adults, free for kids 12 and Open to the public. Information:
full calendar online, go to bit. n Sporting clays shoot: for kids 15-17, free for kids 14 and under. Lou Katz, 717-733-3315.
ly/2iGgpw5. To submit calendar Elstonville Sportsman’s under. n Sporting clays shoot:
items, email: [email protected];
fax to 717-399-6507; send to Ad
Association, 3133 Pinch Road, n Practice trap shoot: Paradise WEDNESDAY Elstonville Sportsmen’s Club. From
4-7 p.m. Take Route 72 north from
Manheim. At 9 a.m. Final sign-up Sportsmen’s Association. From 5-7
Crable, P.O. Box 1328; Lancaster, PA is at 1 p.m. p.m.; $4.
n Fun and Fascination: Where in Manheim, left on Pinch Road.
17608-1328; or call 717-481-6029. the World? program for kids 6-10:
n Sporting clays shoot: Atglen 10-11 a.m. in the Environmental
TODAY Sportsmen. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. TUESDAY Center at Lancaster County THURSDAY
$12. Club located on Creek Road, Central Park. Naturalist Mary
n Music on the Porch at west of Atglen. n Munchkin Science program: 1-2 n Trap shoot: Conewago Rod &
Governor Dick Park: 1-4 p.m. at Ann Schlegel will lead children Gun Club, 1483 Turnpike Road,
p.m. in the Environmental Center of in exploring the world’s major
Environmental Center, 3283 Pinch n Trap shoot: Cocalico Lancaster County Central Park. For Elizabethtown, from 5-10 p.m.
Road, Mount Gretna. Bluegrass Sportsmen’s Association, 585 habitats and the animals that call Open to the public. Information:
ages 3-5, with parents. Naturalist them home. Dress for activity
music jam. Bring a lawn chair. Sportsman Road, Denver. Starts Ann Strauss will lead participants 717-350-1589.
at 9 a.m. Open to public. indoors and for the weather
Registration is required. to discover the science of nature outside. Cost is $3 per child; $1
Information or to register: 717-
964-3808; email governordick@
n 3-D shoot: Chestnut Hill
Archery Club. 40 targets. From
and the plants, animals and rocks per adult. Call 717-295-2055 to FRIDAY
found outdoors. Also explore register by noon Tuesday.
hotmail.com. 6 a.m.-1 p.m. $12 for adults, $3 liquids and solids, and the science n Fishing 101: 6-7 p.m. at Pavilion
n Birdwatching field trip: for kids 15-17, free for kids 14 and of household products. Participants n Trap shoot: Columbia Fish No. 2 in Lancaster County Central
under. will make flying machines and & Game, 4339 Fairview Road, Park. For ages 15 and under with
Quittapahilla Audubon Society.
floating machines. Cost is $3 per Columbia, from 6-8 p.m. adult chaperones. Naturalist Ann
Meet at 8 a.m. at parking lot off n 3-D shoot: Lancaster Archery
child; $1 per adult. Call 717-295- n Sporting clays shoot: Atglen Strauss can provide fishing poles
Route 322 on Pumping Station Club. 40 targets. From 7 a.m. and will have worms as bait for
Road near Brickerville. Jim to noon. $12 for adults, free for 2055 to register by Monday. Sportsmen’s Club, 82 Creek Road,
Christiana, from 5-8:30 p.m. $5.50. all to share. Learn how to rig your
Fiorentino will lead participants kids 12 and under. Club is at 391 n Indoor handgun practice: fishing pole, how to cast your
on a field trip to observe local Eckman Road. Manheim Sportsmen’s Association. n Trap shoot under the lights: line and remove a fish from your
birds. All welcome. n 3-D shoot: Hemlock Archery Open to the public. From 7-9 p.m. Adamstown Rod & Gun Club, 5 hook. Adults do not need a fishing
n Hikes for the public: led by Club. 40 targets. From 7 a.m.-1 Cost is $10. Information: 717-653- p.m. $3. Club at 563 Willow St., license unless they plan to fish.
Lancaster Hiking Club. At 8 a.m., p.m. $12. Club is at 99 Spring Hill 9979, or email adwolf7812@gmail. Reinholds. Cost: $2 per person. Call 717-295-
hike 12 strenuous miles in Mount Lane. com. n Trap shooting practice: 2055 to register by noon, Thursday.
Gretna area. Or, at 1:15 p.m., hike n Practice trap shoot: Southern Conewago Rod & Gun Club, 1483 n Block shoot: Strasburg
5 moderate miles in State Game Lancaster County Farmer- Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown. Sportsman Association, 316
Lands 145 and Governor Dick MONDAY Sportsmen’s Association, from Begins at 9 a.m. Open to the Weaver Road, Strasburg. At 6 p.m.
Park. Meet at the corner of Race n 3-D shoot: Hemlock Archery 1-8:30 p.m. $4. Take Route 272 public. Information: 717-350-1589. $5/card, 36” max barrel, scopes
and Buchanan avenues. Club. 40 targets. From 7 a.m.-1 p.m. south to Buck, left on Route 372, n Practice trap shoot: Manheim OK, no choke restrictions, no
n Wagner 9 Outlaw shoot: $12. left on Hollow Road. Sportsmen’s Association, 5-7 p.m. bi-pods.

Lancaster Scene basketball coach. The head

coach must be responsible
GOLF Lampeter-Strasburg
YMCA, 800 Village Road,
A) and 10 to 11 a.m. (Class
B) at the High School
for organizing the program West Lampeter Township, Field No. 3, 800 E. High
The 21st annual
If your organization wishes to have an item in the in such a way that the offers a variety of leagues St., Elizabethtown. Shin
Homefields Fall Classic
LANCASTER SCENE column of the LNP Sunday sports teaching and learning and programs. Call guards are recommended
Golf Tournament will
print section, as well as its weekly online listings, send of the skills necessary 717-464-4000 or visit and cleats are optional.
be held Sept. 22 at
a note to the LNP sports department, P.O. Box 1328, to succeed in that sport lancasterymca.org.
Crossgates Golf Course in To register or for more
Lancaster, PA 17608. Items may run for up to three occurs. Candidates should Millersville. Registration Lancaster Family YMCA information, visit
consecutive weeks and will not be repeated after that have previous playing begins at 7 a.m., and offers a wide variety of
or coaching experience GetintoGEARS.org or call
period. The email address is [email protected]. The golf begins at 8:30 a.m. youth and adult sports 717-367-0355.
fax number is 481-7327. Items must be mailed, faxed or as well as the following Breakfast and lunch will programs, including
emailed by Thursday to be included in the column. criminal clearances be provided, and there basketball, roller hockey,
obtained within the last will be snacks, beverages, soccer and more. For SOFTBALL
12 months: Act 34 PA contests and prizes. Cost more information, visit
ADULT LEAGUES appropriate exercises. Cost Criminal Record — Act 151 is $80 per golfer, and lancasterymca.org or Rock Sports Academy
for eight workouts is $85. PA Child Abuse — Act 114
Participants should email sponsorships are still contact Deric Hafer, sports Travel Softball has a couple
Spooky Nook Sports will — FBI Criminal Background available. Registration director, at Dhafer@
Tina at tina.rocksports@ of openings left on its
hold fall adult leagues Check. The Ephrata Area information may be found lancasterymca.org or 717-
gmail.com, call 717-806- School District also requires 12U and 14U softball team
for soccer, basketball, at homefields.org. 464-4000, ext. 1212. rosters for the 2018 Spring/
5852 or, register online at a pre-employment drug
indoor volleyball, ultimate Lancaster Rec offers
my.rhinofit.ca/store/index/ test, physical, and TB test LCJGT “Big C” Scholarship Summer travel tournament
frisbee, flag football, instructional, exercise and
dbfcfa59. upon offer of employment. Tournament will be held season. Rock Sports has a
outdoor full-field field recreational programs. Call
hockey and dodgeball. No Interested applicants Sept. 23 at Overlook Golf complete training academy
membership is required BASKETBALL may apply online at Course with an 8 a.m. 717-392-2115, ext. 147, or
visit lancasterrec.org.
for athletes, and members
and participants are never applitrack.com/easdpa/ shotgun start. Money of its travel teams receive
charged for parking. onlineapp/. Requests for raised will be used to Lititz recCenter, 301 W. sports performance
The Strictly Skills
Leagues begin after Labor more information may fund scholarships for Maple St., Lititz, offers a training during the
Basketball Clinic is a six-
Day, but register by Sept. 5 be directed to Ephrata graduating Lancaster variety of programs for
week program for boys indoor season along with
at spookynooksports.com, High School, Attn: Steven County Junior Golf players. all ages including sports,
and girls in grades 4-6 additional programs that
or call 717-618-8510 for Sweigart, Director of The Junior-Parent/Adult fitness, wellness, aquatics,
incorporating a variety of are offered to increase
details. Athletics, Student Activities format is a two-person American Red Cross
basketball-specific skill on-field performance. All of
and Facilities, at 717-721- scramble in which there is classes, massage/facials,
stations, games and game the academy’s travel teams
at least a 10-year age gap and special events. For
AQUATICS play in a 3v3 and 5v5 1478 or s_sweigart@
easdpa.org. between partners. Cost is more information visit begin indoor practice in
environment. Ball handling,
$60/player and includes lititzrec.com or call 717- October and continue until
shooting fundamentals, Annville-Cleona has
Fall Aquatics Sessions will golf, cart, meal and 626-5096. the end of March, when
dribble moves, moving openings for an assistant
begin the week of Sept. prizes. Visit lcjgt.com for practice is moved outdoors.
without the ball, and girls basketball coach and Lititz recROC, 201 Rock
11 at the Hempfield Rec additional information and Tournaments begin in the
offensive footwork will an assistant junior high Lititz Blvd., Lititz, offers
Center Pool. They include: registration. spring. Anyone interested
all be stressed. Sessions girls basketball coach. a variety of physical
Aqua Tots (Tuesdays/ The GEARS 21st annual in scheduling an individual
will be held immediately More details about these fitness activities including
Thursdays, 10-10:30 a.m.); Two-Person Scramble tryout/evaluation for one of
after school at Bear positions are available bouldering, obstacle
Swim America Stroke Clinic sponsored by Dr. Dale
Creek, 1459 Sheaffer online at acschools.tedk12. course — ninja warrior these teams should contact
(Mondays/Wednesdays, Treese, D.D.S. will take
Road, Elizabethtown. com/hire/index.aspx. style, traditional fitness, Tina via email at tina.
5:30-6:30 p.m.); Swim place on Oct. 6 at the
Visit StrictlySkills.com for Interested candidates and special events. For [email protected] or
America School Age Dauphin of Highlands Golf
more information. Boys should send a cover letter more information visit by phone at 717-806-5852.
(Mondays/Wednesdays, Course in Harrisburg. The
will play from 3:45 to 4:45 and resume to Tommy lititzrecroc.com or call 717-
5:30 or 6 p.m.); Pre-School format is an 8:30 a.m. The Drifton Fall 14U/16U
p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 12 Long, Athletic Director/ 874-3281.
Swim America (Tuesdays/ shotgun start of two- Invitational will be held
to Oct. 17, and girls will Assistant Principal,
Thursdays, afternoon person scramble. Entry Manheim Township Sept. 16-17 at the Drifton
play from 3:45 to 4:45 Annville-Cleona School
12:30, 1 or 1:30 p.m.); fee is $85 per person. Fee Recreation Department
p.m. Wednesdays, Sept. 13 District, 500 S. White Oak offers a selection of sports Softball Complex, 90
School Age Swim America includes green fees, cart,
to Oct. 18. Fee is $89 for St., Annville PA 17003 or by leagues and programs. Call Sophia Coxe Dr., Drifton.
(Tuesdays/Thursdays, steak dinner and prizes.
GEARS members ($96 for email to tlong@acschools. 717-290-7180, ext. 3100, or Format is a four-game
5:30 or 6 p.m.). Water Proceeds will benefit
non-members). To register org. visit manheimtownship.org. guarantee, with three pool
Polo practices will be held GEARS. To register or for
or for more information, games Saturday, single-
Monday nights from 7:30 more information, visit Masonic Life Center,
visit GetintoGEARS.org or
to 8:45 p.m. at HARC, and
call 717-367-0355. DOG SHOW GetintoGEARS.org or call Elizabethtown, has fitness elimination Sunday. High
scrimmages will be held 717-367-0355. programs, pool classes and school age players included
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays Rock Sports is offering a swim times. For details, in both age groups. Fee
Lancaster Kennel Club will
at the Manheim Township free sports performance
pool. Also being offered workout from 5:30 to 6:30 present its Responsible PICKLEBALL visit masonicvillagespa. is $475, contact Joe
at [email protected] or
Dog Ownership Day as part org (click on Elizabethtown
are American Red Cross p.m. Sept. 6 to help get under “Location”). 570-590-9602 for more
your upcoming basketball of the Amos Herr Country The Lititz recCenter
Coaches Safety Course for Fair. Events include a information.
Swim Coaches, including season started. This is looking for anyone Southern End Community
workout will give each disc demo, a hunt test interested in playing in Association — SECA — in The Mountain Madness
CPR/AED/First Aid and demo, an agility demo,
American Red Cross athlete exercises specific Intermediate or advanced Quarryville, offers a wide 12U Invitational is set for
to their sport to develop and a “Meet the Breeds” pickleball leagues. The variety of recreational,
Coaches Safety Review Sept. 30-Oct. 1 at the High
speed, strength and power. session. Lt. Cole and Edik leagues begin the week exercise, sports programs
Course for Swim Coaches, Street Complex, 214 W.
The workout is open to from the Lancaster County of Sept. 11 at the LrC and and leagues. Call 717-806-
including recert on CPR/ High St., Frackville. Format
boys and girls in grades Sheriff’s Department will run for 7 weeks. The 0123 or see secarec.org.
AED/First Aid (register is a four-game guarantee,
5-12. Individuals and teams K-9 unit will also put on cost is $40 (member) and
before Sept. 8 for either). Town Square Health Club with three pool games
are welcome. Athletes a demonstration. Exact $65 (non-member). For
For more information, in Manheim offers land and Saturday, single-elimination
who plan to attend should times and more info for additional information
contact HARC Aquatics water exercise activities.
email program leader each is available online at contact Maria at ronstief@ Sunday. High school age
Director Debbie Pelen at Call Haley Brumbach at
Brian Conrad at brian. lancasterkennelclub.org or lititzrec.com, or 717-626- players included in both
717-898-3102, ext. 37. 717-664-6306.
[email protected] the group’s Facebook page. 5096, ext. 237. age groups. Fee is $475,
An education table will be YMCA at New Holland, contact Joe at umpjoe@
BASEBALL with their name, sport and
set up to answer questions, 123 N. Shirk Road, offers
grade level. Questions may
and microchipping for dogs POLO personal fitness class and
ptd.net or 570-590-9602
also be directed to Brian at for more information.
Rock Sports Academy his email or 717-806-5852. will be available from 1 to programs, swim instruction,
Travel Baseball has a 3 p.m. for a fee of $ 20. Lancaster Polo Club league and a wide variety
couple of openings left The event will be part of hosts regional matches of programs for youth, VOLLEYBALL
on its 12U and 16U team COACHING the Amos Herr Country each Sunday through adult and seniors. Visit
rosters for the 2018 Spring/ OPENINGS Fair from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 8 at Forney Field on lancasterymca.org. The Ephrata Recreation
Summer travel tournament Sept. 17. The address is Church Street in Rothsville, Center still has openings
season. Rock Sports has a Manheim Central Amos Herr Park, 1756 between Lititz and RUNNING in its men’s and women’s
complete training academy is searching for an Nissley Road, Landisville Brownstown, two blocks adult volleyball leagues.
for athletes, and members experienced candidate PA 17538. Admission to the south off Route 772. The
Sept. 3 will be the End The Lancaster Road Men play Wednesday
of its travel teams receive in wrestling. There is event is free, but a parking Runners Club invites and Thursday evenings
sports performance also an opening for a donation is requested. Rain of Summer Party, while
Sept. 10 will feature the runners of all ages and beginning in early
training during the developmental coach in the date is Sept. 24. abilities to participate in its
indoor season along with Porsche Cup. Gates open November, and women
junior high girls basketball fun runs, held throughout
at 1 p.m. each weekend, play Monday and Tuesday
additional programs that program. Qualified persons FIELD HOCKEY and matches start at the area most Tuesday evenings beginning in
are offered to increase should visit the school’s evenings at 6:15 p.m.
on-field performance. All of website, manheimcentral. 2:30 p.m. Admission is November. For more
Junior Streaks Field $5, and children under This week, the group will
the academy’s travel teams org, to apply, or contact information contact Jean
Hockey, for girls in grades 12 are admitted free. For be running from 220 E.
begin indoor practice in Athletic Director George Orange St., Lancaster. Wentz at 717-738-1167 x105.
October and continue until 1-6, is a developmental more information, visit
Derbyshire at 717-664- For more information,
program that will focus on lancasterpolo.org.
the end of March, when
practice is moved outdoors.
basic skills, allowing girls contact Sarah at 717-917- WRESTLING
The Hempfield athletic 3660. Information about
Tournaments begin in the
department has an
to grow to their fullest
potential while promoting
REC CENTERS Thursday evening and Rock Sports is offering a
spring. Anyone interested Sunday morning trail runs
in scheduling an individual opening for a head varsity respect, sportsmanship and free sports performance
boys lacrosse coach. love for the sport. Girls of Brightside Opportunity can also be found on the
tryout/evaluation for one of workout from 5:30 to 6:30
Interested candidates all levels and experiences Center, at 515 Hershey Ave., club website, lrrclub.org.
these teams should contact Lancaster, offers a variety p.m. Sept. 11 to help get
Tina via email at tina. must apply online at are welcome. Participants The Diamond 5K Run/ your upcoming season
hempfieldsd.org. For will learn the fundamental of programs for all ages, Walk will be held at 9 a.m.
[email protected] or and a diverse population. started. This workout
by phone at 717-806-5852. any questions, contact skills and rules of the Oct. 21 at 1311 Diamond St.,
the Hempfield Athletic Yoga, a nutritionist, will give each athlete
game. Program will be held Akron. The family-friendly
Office at hsdathletics@ Fridays (5:30-6:30 p.m.) fitness, personal trainers, exercises specific to their
event for people of all ages
BASEBALL/ hempfieldsd.org. and Sundays (1-2:30 p.m.) basketball, Zumba and Soul and fitness levels benefits sport to develop speed,
SOFTBALL Lancaster Mennonite from Sept. 8 to Oct. 15 at line dancing are among the Diamond Street Early strength and power. The
Manheim Township Athletic the available programs. To Childhood Center. Cost workout is open to boys
School has openings for register call 717-509-1342
The Rock Sports Power the following positions: Complex. Registration is $25 for adults through and girls in grades 5-12.
fee is $60 (grades 3-6) or come in. Oct. 1 (T-shirt guaranteed), Individuals and teams are
Pitcher/Power Hitter varsity track and field
Program will be held on assistant coaches (distance, or $30 (grades 1 and 2). Ephrata Rec Center, 130 then $30 until race day. welcome. Athletes who
Tuesdays and Thursdays sprints, jumps, pole vault), For more information and S. Academy Drive, offers a Reduced costs are available plan to attend should
in September. Designed and a junior high track registration procedures, wide variety of programs for participants ages 18 email program leader
for baseball and softball and field head coach. contact the Recreation for all ages including and younger. The event Brian Conrad at brian.
players in Grade 5 and Interested and qualified Department office at 717- sports, fitness, wellness, will be followed by a free [email protected]
up, the program provides persons should send a 290-7180, ext. 3100. aquatics and special events. Fall Festival. For more with their name, sport and
training for strength, resume via email to Jared For more information visit information or to register,
grade level. Questions may
power and durability. Yoder, Athletic Director, FOOTBALL ephratarec.com or call 717- go online at diamond5k.
com. also be directed to Brian at
Developing these skills Lancaster Mennonite 738-1167.
his email or 717-806-5852.
will help participants see School, yoderja@ Greater Elizabethtown Lititz recCenter will hold
The Lancaster Chapter of
improvement in rotational lancastermennonite.org. Area Recreation & its 40th annual Pretzel
power and over strength
PIAA Football needs new
officials. Go to piaa.org/ Community Services offers Twist Run/Walk and Kids YOGA
to help drive the ball when Penn Manor High School
has an opening for a head officials/ for information on programs and activities Marathon Fun Run on
hitting and add more for all ages. Registration Sept. 24. The race is a 5K GEARS will offer
swim coach. Send a letter how to become an official
velocity to throws. The is accepted online at run or walk. Registration several programs this
of interest/resume to: Penn and to apply online. For
program will also help to GetintoGEARS.org, by is available now, for more fall, including: Gentle/
reduce the risk for shoulder Manor High School, Attn: more information, visit
Jeff Roth, Athletic Director, lancasterfootballofficials. phone (717-367-0355) or information visit lititzrec. Beginner, Vinyasa and
and elbow issues common fax (717-367-4138) with a com or call Ron at 717-626-
in these sports. This is not E. Cottage Ave., Millersville, org. Hatha Flow. To register or
PA 17551, or call 717-872- Visa or MasterCard credit 5096, ext. 229. for more information, visit
a throwing program — it Manheim Central will be card, and by walk-in or
9520 x1367 or email Jeff. GetintoGEARS.org or call
will focus on building the
supportive tissue of the [email protected] if
selling reserved football
seats up until the Barons’
mail-in at 600 E. High St., SOCCER 717-367-0355.
interested. Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
arm and shoulder after first home game, Sept. 8. Registration is on a first-
wear down over the past The Ephrata Area School Applications are available come, first-served basis.
An Iddy Biddy Soccer
Program for children ages
season. Workouts will District is seeking to fill a at the high school and
be separated into age- vacancy for a head varsity district offices. Hempfield Rec Center, 3-5 is being offered by TRIATHLON
950 Church St., Landisville, GEARS this fall. Coaches
offers instructional, will teach basic soccer Lititz recCenter will hold
group exercise and skills such as dribbling, its 11th annual Youth
Connect with us sports programs for
all ages. Opportunities
passing and trapping to
familiarize players with the
Triathlon on Sept. 29. The
event consists of a swim,
include aquatics, fitness, sport. Emphasis will also be
bike and run for ages 7-15.
Facebook, Twitter lifeguarding, personal
training, sport-specific
placed on social skills. Fee
of $45 for members ($52 Distances vary depending
& Instagram at: training, tennis, wellness for non-members) includes on age group. Registration
and special events. For a T-shirt. This instructional is now available; for more
more information, visit program will be held on information visit lititzrec.
hempfieldrec.com or call Saturdays, Sept. 9-Oct. 14, com or call Simon at 717-
717-898-3102. from 9 to 10 a.m. (Class 626-5096, ext. 239.

NFL: Players out as teams announce cuts


hoping for
Continued from C1 man Matt Feiler, a Lampeter-
kickers on the roster. Strasburg graduate.
Geno Smith won the job New England, minus top
success in behind QB Eli Manning with
the Giants. Rookie Cooper
wideout Julian Edelman for
the season, got 2015 first-

Darlington Rush is the guy behind 2016

Offensive Rookie of the Year
Dak Prescott for the Cowboys
round receiver Phillip Dorsett
from Indianapolis for third-
string QB Jacoby Brissett.
because Luke McCown and The Colts have uncertainty
Final season, strewn Kellen Moore were released. about the health of Andrew
with difficulty, has Veteran Matt Schaub beat out Luck (shoulder).
another vet, Matt Simms, to The Patriots also acquired
been dissatisfying hold the clipboard in Atlanta. CB Johnson Bademosi from
Colt McCoy will be staying Detroit for an undisclosed
PETE IACOBELLI with the Redskins to back up pick, and DE Cassius Marsh
Kirk Cousins because Nate from Seattle, also for undis-
DARLINGTON, S.C. — Dale Sudfeld was cut. closed draft selections.
Earnhardt Jr. is preparing for The Eagles are going with Baltimore was busy, getting
the end of his NASCAR career two quarterbacks after re- offensive lineman Tony Berg-
and understands it likely won’t leasing Matt McGloin and strom from Arizona for a con-
finish the way he hoped when he Dane Evans, even though ditional seventh-round pick
returned from injury this sea- backup Nick Foles didn’t play and center Luke Bowanko
son. in the preseason because of from Jacksonville for an un-
Earnhardt, the most popular an elbow injury. disclosed draft pick.
driver in the Monster Energy Derek Anderson will back Seattle also added some
NASCAR Cup Series, is 22nd up Cam Newton in Carolina blocking help when it ob-
in points and far outside the with Joe Webb being cut. tained offensive lineman Isa-
playoffs. Given the way his sea- Anybody up for some iah Battle from Kansas City
son’s gone, Earnhardt accepts trades? How about the archri- for a conditional pick.
he’d need a miraculous finish to val Browns and Steelers deal- Carolina acquired CB Kev-
chase a title before he’s done as a ing with each other? on Seymour from Buffalo for
fulltime racer. Pittsburgh sent wide receiv- WR Kaelin Clay and a 2019
“I mean, it will either work out er Sammie Coates to Cleve- seventh-round draft pick.
for us or it won’t,” Earnhardt land, where the 2015 third- ASSOCIATED PRESS
Another DB on the move was
said. “I have been in this situa- round pick will get a chance Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Dane Evans prepares to make a Bene Benwikere, who went
tion before and I have certainly to revive his career. The touchdown pass to wide receiver Marcus Johnson on Thursday to Dallas for a conditional
come to terms with how my sea- Steelers also sent a seventh- during the second half of game against the New York Jets in East 2019 sixth-rounder. And the
son has went. Am I happy about round pick in the 2019 draft Rutherford, N.J. Giants got CB Ross Cockrell
it? No. Am I satisfied? No. What to Cleveland in exchange for a from Pittsburgh for a condi-
we are as a team (is) trying to sixth-round pick in 2018. headed for a breakout year in fingers following a 139-yard tional 2018 pick.
steer ourselves in the right di- Coates caught 22 passes 2016, making at least one re- performance against the New Tight end Derek Carrier
rection positively.” for 446 yards and two touch- ception of 40 yards or more in York Jets. went from the Rams to the
downs across two seasons each of Pittsburgh’s first five Coates was never the same. Redskins for a 2018 seventh-
Southern 500 in Pittsburgh. He appeared games before injuring two The Steelers did keep line- rounder.

That starts tonight at the

Southern 500. It’s a track Earn- RAVENS
hardt is fond of — and which
now has a luxury suite section,
“Earnhardt Towers,” dedicated
to himself and his late father —
Baltimore QB Flacco returns to practice
even though he’s without a vic-
tory at the track “Too Tough to Arrives 8 days How well Flacco performs
Tame” since first coming here ahead of season after missing the entire pre-
as an Xfinity driver in 1998. His season remains to be seen, but
best finish was a second in the opener vs. Bengals his presence on the field has
Southern 500 to Kevin Harvick to be uplifting to an offense
in 2014. JEFF ZREBIEC that has been in flux and had
“It’s really rewarding when a bunch of moving parts all
you get it right. And if you don’t The sight the Ravens have summer.
get it right, it’s a long weekend been waiting for since late The team originally an-
really for anybody outside the July finally materialized Sat- nounced that Flacco would
top three,” Earnhardt said. urday as starting quarterback likely only miss a week with
Those most likely to get it right Joe Flacco took the practice the injury. However, the Ra-
Sunday night are defending field for the first time since the vens announced two weeks
Darlington champion and series team’s mandatory minicamp into camp that Flacco would
points leader Martin Truex Jr., in mid-June. not play during the preseason,
Bristol winner Kyle Busch, who Flacco walked onto the but he would start practicing
won here in 2008; and Jimmie team’s indoor practice facil- ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO at some point.
Johnson, a three-time winner ity at 1 p.m. and immediately Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco (5) looks to pass under Harbaugh had grown tired
this year seeking his first Dar- stepped in with the first- pressure from Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle Geno Atkins (97) this summer of being asked
lington win since 2012. team offense. He made all the on Jan. 1 in the first half of a game in Cincinnati. about his starting quarter-
Harvick won the pole Satur- throws and didn’t appear to be back’s status. Earlier this
day, holding off Truex in second visibly limited. same time, it’s a waiting game. quarterback has been side- week, though, he provided the
and Kyle Busch in third. Earn- “It feels good to be back out You definitely have to fight lined with a back injury that first positive news on Flacco
hardt will start his final Darling- here with the guys and be against not doing anything, the team learned about when in several weeks when he ac-
ton race in 22nd. a part of everything again,” but also keep your mind fresh. veterans reported to camp knowledged that the quar-
Don’t expect racers on or near Flacco said in a statement is- “But for today, it was awe- July 26. He returned to the terback had started throwing
the cut line — Chase Elliott, Matt sued by the team. “Really, it’s some being back on the field practice field just eight days again. All that was left was for
Kenseth and Jamie McMurray been a weird situation the last — just like it always is — and to before the Ravens open the Flacco to get clearance by the
are the final three in the 16-team few weeks, because it’s just be with my guys. I feel excit- regular season against the trainer. He received it in time
playoffs without a win — to take something you have to wait ed about the season we have Cincinnati Bengals, a game to be on the field for the team’s
too many risks since Darlington out. You’re putting in all the coming up.” coach John Harbaugh has first full practice since their
and Richmond are so dependent hard work you can, but at the The team’s 10-year starting promised Flacco will play in. preseason finale Thursday.
on fresh, new tires.
“There’s not going to be any

When it comes to sleepers, choose wisely

amazing (pit) calls here,” Mc-
Murray said.

Last year’s injury

receiver Cameron Meredith yards for the Bulls. most ardent NFL followers.
It was only a year ago, Earn- puts additional pressure on DeAndre Washington, The sole legitimate offensive
hardt came to Darlington as the running game. Although RB, Raiders: Playing second options on the team are Matt
an injured racer, updating the Kevin White or Kendall fiddle to Latavius Murray as Forte, who is 31 and near the
world on his progress at deal- Wright will stand to see in- a rookie in 2016, Washington end of his career, and Bilal
ing with symptoms and vow- creases in their targets, rookie nonetheless rushed for 467 Powell. Despite a serious lack
ing to come back. He had a final rusher Tarik Cohen might yards on 5.4 yards per carry. of talent at quarterback, the
test last December that showed also be on the field more of- Given Marshawn Lynch’s Jets appear to be a team that
he had recovered and NASCAR ten. An injury to second-year age, recent injury history and will be behind quite a bit in
gave Earnhardt the green light DAN MASSEY back Jordan Howard would one-year layoff, the chances 2017, and will have to throw.
to return. In April, the 42-year- FANTASY SPORTS certainly make Cohen, who of Washington getting greater Josh McCown, at age 38, will
old Earnhardt announced his had 56 touchdowns and over amounts of playing time this eventually give way to Bryce
retirement at the end of what One of the more satisfying 5,600 yards at FCS North season are high. Petty once his knee heals.
he anticipated would be a final aspects of a fantasy draft can Carolina AT&T, a primary op- Kenny Golladay, WR, Last year, when Petty was
championship try. be correctly anticipating an tion in the backfield. Lions: Matthew Stafford has running the offense, Ander-
Instead, Earnhardt’s No. 88 unheralded player becom- Jonathan Williams, RB, agreed to the largest contract son led the team in targets,
has been beset by speed issues ing a significant contributor. Bills: Buffalo has ranked in NFL history, and Detroit yards, touchdowns and first-
and bad luck. After qualify- Despite the fun had in trying second in the NFL in rush- is not paying him to hand off. down receptions.
ing second at the Daytona 500, to outsmart competing own- ing attempts both years that Stafford has ranked in the top Evan Engram, TE, Gi-
Earnhardt was caught up in an ers and snag a player before Tyrod Taylor has been under 10 in passing attempts in each ants: The Giants are not ex-
accident that left him in 37th. he turns into a coveted free center, and that approach of the past six years, and the actly healthy at wide receiver
Things haven’t progressed agent, having more than a will not change in 2017. With second-best wide receiver on at season’s outset, with Odell
much since then and Earn- couple sleepers on a roster is Mike Gillislee in New Eng- the team has averaged 940 Beckham and Brandon Mar-
hardt’s had just four top 10 fin- probably too risky. land, Williams, a second-year yards over the last three sea- shall both nursing injuries.
ishes and led just 21 laps the first Instead, owners can choose back who averaged 5.7 yards sons. Marvin Jones is tech- Sterling Shepard is unlikely
24 races. one or two near the end of the per carry in three seasons at nically the starter opposite to score eight touchdowns
“It’s been fairly depressing,” draft and hang onto them as Arkansas, should pick up his Golden Tate, but he endured a again, and the backfield will
said Earnhardt’s sister, Kel- long as there is roster space slack. If LeSean McCoy miss- precipitous dropoff following strike fear into the hearts of
ley Earnhardt Miller. “It seems and the players continue to es any time, Williams will be a his first three games of 2016. few opponents. Engram, New
like it’s just some luck things have merit. Here are some must-start fantasy back. In his final 12 contests, Jones York’s first-round pick, could
that happen here and there, worthwhile sleeper can- Marlon Mack, RB, Colts: averaged a meager 43 yards establish himself in the pass-
and things that are beyond didates, all of whom have Frank Gore has to slow down per game with just a pair of ing game early in the season
his control. It’s certainly not average draft positions lower sooner or later, and when he touchdowns. and become a strong bye-
the season of how I know than 140, meaning they are does, Mack, 13 years Gore’s Robby Anderson, WR, week replacement.
that he would want this last sea- selected near the end of a 12- junior, is most likely to Jets: Someone has to catch
son to be. It’s not a lot to write team league. secure the rushing duties in passes for New York, and a n Dan Massey’s fantasy sports col-
home about lately, so it’s been Tarik Cohen, RB, Bears: Indianapolis. The rookie out look at their receiving depth umn appears each Sunday in LNP.
pretty depressing and disap- Chicago is in the middle of of South Florida had three chart results in a lot of names Reach him at dmassey@lnpnews.
pointing.” a rebuild, and the loss of straight seasons of 1,000 that are foreign to even the com.

ley Jean-Baptiste, OL Nila Kasitati, DT Kevin CB D’Joun Smith, C Mark Spelman, LB Jus- Also Ran: Rubidoo, Marilyn’s Passion, R. Duffy Waldorf........................... 66-70—136
TRANSACTIONS Maurice, DE Carroll Phillips, OL Chris Reed tin Staples, WR Eric Weems, NT Antwaun Earl’s Miracle, Silver Jane, Rockabye Me Michael Allen............................ 66-70—136
and DE Jonathan Woodard. Woods. Waived-injured FB Joe Bacci, LS Me. Late Scratches: Mad Mel. Race Time: Josý Marýa Olazýbal................. 65-71—136
KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Placed LBs Ryan DiSalvo, RB Akeem Judd and DE Jim- 1:14.08. Daily Double (3-3) Paid $71.60; Mike Goodes............................ 65-71—136
Tamba Hali and Dadi Nicolas on the PUP my Staten. Placed WR Tajae Sharpe and QB Exacta (3-2) Paid $70.00; Superfecta (3-2- Kirk Triplett............................... 68-69—137
list. Traded OL Isaiah Battle to Seattle for Alex Tanney on injured reserve. 7-1) Paid $2,042.84; Trifecta (3-2-7) Paid David Frost............................... 68-69—137
BASEBALL a conditional 2018 draft pick. Placed RB WASHINGTON REDSKINS — Acquired a $476.25; Pic 3 (5-3-3) Paid $134.45. Glen Day................................... 69-68—137
American League Spencer Ware and CB Ashton Lampkin on 2018 seventh-round draft pick from the 7TH—$12,400,1 1/16m Jay Haas.................................... 67-70—137
BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Recalled RHP Alec injured reserve. Released DL Ricky Ali’ifua, Los Angeles Rams for TE Derek Carrier. Re- 4-Totally Gaga (Inirio M.)...... 4.60,2.40,2.10 Billy Mayfair.............................. 67-70—137
Asher and LHP Donnie Hart from Norfolk (IL). CB De’Vante Bausby, TE Orson Charles, OL leased S Will Blackmon and DL A.J. Francis. 1-It’s an Honor (Cora D.)............... 3.00,2.20 Corey Pavin............................... 66-71—137
Placed OF Craig Gentry on the 10-day DL. Joseph Cheek, WR Gehrig Dieter, TE Gavin Waived DL Brandon Banks, C Lucas Crowley, 3-Kantharos Legend (Carrow A.).......... 2.80 Wes Short, Jr............................. 66-71—137
BOSTON RED SOX — Activated OF Jackie Escobar, K Sam Ficken, CB Jacoby Glenn, WR Robert Davis, TE Manasseh Garner, WR Also Ran: Fuego Mi Amor, Panorama, Rocco Mediate.......................... 68-70—138
Bradley Jr. from the 10-day DL. Recalled INF CB Trevon Hartfield, OT Donald Hawkins, Maurice Harris, WR Matt Hazel, RB Kenny Nub. Race Time: 1:48.05. Daily Double (3-4) Brian Henninger....................... 68-70—138
Tzu-Wei Lin from Pawtucket (IL). OT Josh James, WR Seantavius Jones, WR Hilliard, CB Tevin Homer, RB Matt Jones, G Paid $41.60; Exacta (4-1) Paid $5.10; Super- Marco Dawson......................... 69-69—138
CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Placed OF Leury Tevin Jones, WR Marcus Kemp, G Damien Kyle Kalis, T John Kling, G Arie Kouandjio, fecta (4-1-3-6) Paid $6.73; Trifecta (4-1-3) Mark O’Meara.......................... 69-69—138
Garcia on the 10-day DL. Purchased the con- Mama, LB Justin March-Lillard, S Leon Mc- LB Nico Marley, DL Joey Mbu, CB Jeremiah Paid $4.20; Pic 3 (3-3-4) Paid $82.75. Larry Mize................................. 71-67—138
tract of OF Rymer Liriano from Charlotte (IL). Quay, LB Earl Okine, OL Mike Person, RB McKinnon, OL Kendall Pace, T Vinston OFF-TRACK WAGERING Esteban Toledo......................... 71-67—138
HOUSTON ASTROS — Recalled LHP Rey- Devine Redding, LB Marcus Rush, CB Larry Painter, WR Zach Pascal, DL Ondre Pipkins, Following is a list of tracks and post Olin Browne.............................. 72-66—138
min Guduan, 2B Tony Kemp and 3B Tyler Scott, RB C.J. Spiller, QB Joel Stave, WR Tony WR James Quick, LB Pete Robertson, S Fish times for today’s off-track wagering at Jerry Smith............................... 68-71—139
White from Fresno (PCL). Placed RHP Brady Stevens,DT Maurice Swain, S Steven Terrell, Smithson, WR Jamari Staples, QB Nate Sud- Penn National’s Lancaster Off-Track site: Jim Carter................................. 68-71—139
Rodgers on the 60-day DL. DT Cam Thomas, G Andrew Tiller and WR feld, LB Zach Vigil and OL Isaiah Williams. New York Double............................ 12 p.m. Carlos Franco............................ 69-70—139
SEATTLE MARINERS — Selected the con- Robert Wheelwright. Waived-injured TE E.J. Bibbs, WR Levern Ja- Saratoga..................................... 12:30 p.m. Scott Verplank.......................... 70-69—139
tract of INF Gordon Beckham from Tacoma LOS ANGELES CHARGERS — Placed G cobs, C Ronald Patrick, LB Ron Thompson Jr. Yonkers...................................... 12:30 p.m. Jeff Maggert............................. 66-73—139
(PCL). Designated INF Shawn O’Malley for Forrest Lamp on injured reserve. Released and LB Lynden Trail. Placed DL Phil Taylor Sr. Suffolk Downs............................ 12:35 p.m. John Huston.............................. 71-68—139
assignment. QB Kellen Clemens, TE Jeff Cumberland, on injured reserve. Placed S DeAngelo Hall Harrahs Phila............................. 12:40 p.m. Paul Broadhurst........................ 72-67—139
TEXAS RANGERS — Activated RHP Miguel S Dwight Lowery and RB Kenjon Barner. on the PUP list. Monmouth................................ 12:50 p.m. Doug Garwood......................... 68-72—140
Gonzalez. Waived K Josh Lambo, P Toby Baker, QB SOCCER Parx Racing................................ 12:55 p.m. Kenny Perry.............................. 68-72—140
Mike Bercovici, G Brett Boyko, WR Da’Ron Woodbine T...................................... 1 p.m. Dan Forsman............................ 68-72—140
National League Major League Soccer David Toms............................... 69-71—140
Brown, NT Ryan Carrethers, LB Kyle Cole- LA GALAXY — Signed D Michael Ciani. Timonium.................................... 1:05 p.m.
CHICAGO CUBS — Activated LHP Jon man, CB Michael Davis, TE Mike Estes, CB Bart Bryant............................... 73-67—140
Lester from the 10-day DL. Selected the North American Soccer League Gulfstream................................... 1:15 p.m. Fran Quinn................................ 70-71—141
Randall Evans, C-G Barrett Gouger, WR Belterra Park................................ 1:20 p.m.
contract of OF Leonys Martin from Iowa Jamaal Jones, WR Mitchell Paige, WR An- OTTAWA FURY — Named Victor Oppong Jim Rutledge............................. 72-69—141
(PCL). Designated LHP Jack Leathersich for assistant coach. Canterbury.................................. 1:45 p.m. Tom Byrum............................... 70-72—142
dre Patton, WR Cameron Posey, CB Trovon Ellis Park...................................... 1:50 p.m.
assignment. Reed, DT Caraun Reid, WR Artavis Scott, CB TENNIS Jeff Sluman............................... 70-72—142
LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Recalled RHP Arlington...................................... 2:25 p.m. Mark Brooks............................. 71-71—142
Brandon Stewart, CB Brad Watson, TE Matt U.S. OPEN — Suspended Fabio Fognini Golden Gate................................ 4:45 p.m.
Brock Stewart from Oklahoma City (PCL). Weiser and RB Andre Williams. Waived-in- from the U.S. Open and fined him a total Bobby Gage.............................. 72-70—142
Selected the contract of RHP Wilmer Font Del Mar............................................. 5 p.m. Jay Don Blake............................ 73-69—142
jured WR Isaiah Burse, OT Tyreek Burwell, of $24,000 (three violations) for unsports- NCF - Ferndale............................. 5:07 p.m.
from Oklahoma City. G Donavon Clark, DT Kaleb Eulls, RB Ken- manlike conduct during his Aug. 30 loss to Lee Janzen................................ 73-69—142
NEW YORK METS — Signed OF Norichika Presque Isle................................. 5:25 p.m. Guy Boros................................. 69-74—143
neth Farrow and LB Joshua Perry. Stefano Travaglia. Northfield......................................... 6 p.m.
Aoki to a major league contract. LOS ANGELES RAMS — Placed TE Temar- Tommy Tolles............................ 71-72—143
Mountaineer.................................... 7 p.m. Steve Pate................................. 72-71—143
FOOTBALL rick Hemingway on injured reserve. Waived Red Mile........................................... 7 p.m.
National Football League DT Omarius Bryant, WR K.D. Cannon, OL
Parker Collins, K Travis Coons, CB Carlos
AUTO RACING Ocean Downs.............................. 7:05 p.m. Phillip Price............................... 72-72—144
Russ Cochran............................ 75-69—144
ATLANTA FALCONS — Placed S Quincy Pocono Downs............................. 7:30 p.m.
Mauger on injured reserve. Waived S Davis, OL Michael Dunn, OL Jake Eldren- Hawthorne H............................... 8:10 p.m. Steve Jurgensen........................ 72-73—145
Marcelis Branch, OT Daniel Brunskill, WR kamp, DB Tyquwan Glass, RB Aaron Green, Australia A................................. 10:30 p.m. Bob Gilder................................. 74-71—145
Deante Burton, WR Reggie Davis, C-G Cor- DB Isaiah Johnson, DB Michael Jordan, OL Australia B................................. 10:50 p.m. Scott Simpson........................... 78-70—148
nelius Edison, WR Marvin Hall, DE J’Terius Alex Kozan, LB Willie Mays III, LB Cassanova NASCAR-MONSTER CUP EUROPEAN PGA
Jones, DE Chris Odom, TE Josh Perkins, McKinzy, WR Paul McRoberts, LB Andy Mu-
RB Jhurell Pressley, DL Taniela Tupou and lumba, OL Pace Murphy, LB Folarin Orimo- BOJANGLES’ SOUTHERN 500 LINEUP GOLF D+D REAL CZECH MASTERS
DT Joe Vellano. Waived-injured DE Martin lade, DB Aarion Penton, NT Mike Purcell, After Saturday qualifying; race Sunday Saturday
Ifedi, LB Josh Keyes and QB Matt Simms. FB Sam Rogers, WR Shakeir Ryan, DT Casey At Darlington Raceway At Albatross Golf Resort
Reached an injury settlement with TE Dari- Sayles, WR Brandon Shippen, OLB Carlos
Thompson, OLB Davis Tull, G Cody Wich- Darlington, S.C. Prague
on Griswold. Announced TE Alex Gray Bar-
nard has a practice squad exemption. mann and TE Travis Wilson. Waived-injured Lap length: 1.366 miles PGA Purse: $1.19 million
BALTIMORE RAVENS — Acquired OL LB Kevin Davis, LB Josh Forrest, WR Nelson (Car number in parentheses) Yardage: 7,467; Par: 72
Tony Bergstrom from Arizona for a condi- Spruce and RB Lenard Tillery. Terminated 1. (4) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 177.730. 2. (78) DELL CHAMPIONSHIP
the contracts of TE Cory Harkey and QB Saturday Third Round
tional seventh-round pick. Traded an un- Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 177.077 mph. 3. Lee Slattery, England........... 72-65-67—204
disclosed draft pick to Jacksonville for C Dan Orlovsky. Placed RB Lance Dunbar on (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 176.682. 4. (42) Kyle At TPC Boston
the PUP list. H. Porteous, So. Africa......... 70-69-67—206
Luke Bowanko. Placed CB Brandon Boykin Larson, Chevrolet, 176.568. 5. (1) Jamie Mc- Norton, Mass. P. Widegren, Sweden........... 67-72-69—208
on injured reserve. Waived WR Quincy MIAMI DOLPHINS — Agreed to terms Murray, Chevrolet, 176.422. 6. (2) Brad Kesel-
with S T.J. McDonald on a four-year con- Purse: $8.75 million Chris Hanson, England......... 68-66-75—209
Adeboyejo, LB Boseko Lokombo, TE Ryan owski, Ford, 176.107. 7. (41) Kurt Busch, Ford, J. Thomson, England............ 71-70-68—209
Malleck, WR Chris Matthews, RB Taquan tract extension. Released DE Nick Wil- 176.037. 8. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, 176.006. Yardage: 7,342; Par 71
liams and OT Sam Young. Placed CB Tony J. Morrison, England............ 68-70-72—210
Mizzell, FB Ricky Ortiz, LB Donald Payne, CB 9. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 175.918. 10. Second Round C. Shinkwin, England........... 66-75-69—210
Reggie Porter, G Maurquice Shakir, C Matt Lippett and LB Raekwon McMillan on in- (77) Erik Jones, Toyota, 175.403. Jon Rahm.................................. 67-66—133
jured reserve. Placed WR Rashawn Scott Julian Suri, United States..... 68-74-68—210
Skura and QB Josh Woodrum. Waived- 11. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 175.372. Adam Hadwin........................... 70-65—135 Martin Wiegele, Austria...... 69-73-68—210
injured LB Brennen Beyer, CB Robertson on the PUP list. Waived LS Winston Chap- 12. (21) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 175.022. 13. (3) Paul Casey................................ 70-65—135
man, P Matt Darr, QB Brandon Doughty, TE Jeff Winther, Denmark......... 74-68-68—210
Daniel and OT Stephane Nembot. Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 175.830. 14. (17) Kyle Stanley.............................. 67-68—135
BUFFALO BILLS — Placed LB Sam Bar- Thomas Duarte, G Isame Faciane, QB David Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 175.391. 15. (43) Also
Kevin Streelman....................... 70-65—135 P. Peterson, United States...... 69-73-72—214
rington on injured reserve. Waived-injured Fales, WR Trey Griffey, S A.J. Hendy, T Sean Aric Almirola, Ford, 175.328. 16. (14) Clint Grayson Murray........................ 68-68—136
WR Rod Streater, OT Michael Ola and WR Hickey, CB Larry Hope, RB Storm Johnson, Bowyer, Ford, 175.291. 17. (31) Ryan New- Daniel Im, United States...... 71-72-71—214
Phil Mickelson.......................... 69-67—136
Jeremy Butler. Reached an injury settle- LB Deon Lacey, WR Rashad Lawrence, WR man, Chevrolet, 175.060. 18. (48) Jimmie Bryson DeChambeau................ 69-67—136 LANCASTER
ment with S Shamiel Gray. Waived QB Keith Malcolm Lewis, CB Jordan Lucas, DE Cam- Johnson, Chevrolet, 175.022. 19. (19) Dan- Marc Leishman......................... 67-69—136 MEN’S 18-HOLE GROUP — Saturday
Wenning, RB Jordan Johnson, WR Daikiel eron Malveaux, DE Praise Martin-Oguike, iel Suarez, Toyota, 174.948. 20. (24) Chase Hudson Swafford...................... 69-68—137 Sweeps: One Best Ball of Four: Jeff Musser,
Shorts, WR Brandon Reilly, WR Dezmin WR Mitch Mathews, WR Drew Morgan, Elliott, Chevrolet, 174.910. Justin Rose................................ 72-65—137
DT Lawrence Okoye, TE Chris Pantale, CB Todd Lehman, Scott Trayer and Jeff Gisslin
Lewis, TE Wes Saxton, TE Rory Anderson, 21. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, Kevin Na................................... 68-69—137 57, (t) Noel Connaughton, Tom Kenyon
OL Cameron Jefferson, OL Jordan Mudge, Lafayette Pitts, DE Joby Saint Fleur, RB 174.662. 22. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Patrick Cantlay.......................... 69-68—137
OL Greg Pyke, OL Zach Voytek, DE Max Val- De’Veon Smith, WR Damore’ea Stringfel- Chevrolet, 174.618. 23. (5) Kasey Kahne, and Tom Dunlevy, Chip Hoke, Ken Schre-
Jordan Spieth............................ 72-65—137 der, Kevin McBride and Jack Sheaffer, Ken
lea, DE Ian Seau, DT Nigel Williams, DT Mar- low, LB Junior Sylvestre, DE Julius Warms- Chevrolet, 174.007. 24. (6) Trevor Bayne, Mackenzie Hughes................... 70-68—138
quavius Lewis, LB Abner Logan, LB Jacob ley and OT Avery Young. Waived-injured LB Ford, 173.712. 25. (13) Ty Dillon, Chevro- Chris Kirk.................................. 70-68—138 Phillips, Kevin Bradley, Joe Wetzel and Paul
Lindsey, LB Carl Bradford, CB Bradley Sylve, Neville Hewitt and LB Brandon Watts. . let, 174.804. 26. (38) David Ragan, Ford, Patrick Reed.............................. 71-67—138 Romano 59.
CB Marcus Sayles, S Adrian McDonald, S MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Placed DT Da- 174.718. 27. (37) Chris Buescher, Chevro- Louis Oosthuizen...................... 69-69—138 MANOR
Joe Powell and S B.T. Sanders. tone Jones on injured reserve. Waived let, 174.556. 28. (32) Matt DiBenedetto, Dustin Johnson......................... 66-72—138 HOLE-IN-ONE — Greg Brizek from Sinking
CAROLINA PANTHERS — Acquired CB G Willie Beavers, WR Moritz Bohringer, Ford, 174.482. 29. (47) AJ Allmendinger, Justin Thomas........................... 71-67—138 Spring aced the 165-yards hole No. 18 us-
Kevon Seymour from Buffalo Bills for WR G Alex Boone, DT Dylan Bradley, CB Sam Chevrolet, 173.761. 30. (95) Michael Mc- Branden Grace.......................... 74-64—138
Brown, TE Kyle Carter, DT Chunky Cle- Dowell, Chevrolet, 173.705. ing a 7 iron.
Kaelin Clay and a 2019 seventh-round draft Scott Brown.............................. 74-65—139
pick. nTerminated the contracts of P Andy ments, OL T.J. Clemmings, LB Noor Davis, 31. (34) Landon Cassill, Ford, 172.978. Russell Henley.......................... 70-69—139 MEADIA HEIGHTS
Lee, QB Joe Webb and FB Darrel Young. OT Reid Fragel, WR Isaac Fruechte, RB 32. (15) Reed Sorenson, Toyota, 171.824. Brendan Steele......................... 69-70—139 MEN’S 18-HOLE GROUP — SWEEPS: Blind
Waived LB Zeek Bigger, LB Ben Boulware, Bronson Hill, WR Cayleb Jones, G Zac Kerin, 33. (10) Danica Patrick, Ford, 171.758. 34. Stewart Cink............................. 71-68—139 Partner Better Ball, Richard Cummings and
OL Blaine Clausell, DE Bryan Cox, DT Eric K Marshall Koehn, LB Elijah Lee, QB Mitch (72) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, 171.458. 35. Morgan Hoffmann.................... 75-64—139 Jim Wohlsen 60, Rob Lagrassa 66.
Crume, WR Austin Duke, WR Mose Frazier, Leidner, DE Sam McCaskill, RB Terrell New- (23) Corey LaJoie, Toyota, 171.441. 36. (83) Pat Perez................................... 72-67—139
WR EKeyarris Garrett, QB Garrett Gilbert, by, DE Ifeadi Odenigbo, CB Jabari Price, TE Gray Gaulding, Toyota, 170.958. 37. (33) Lucas Glover............................. 71-69—140 TANGLEWOOD
DT Toby Johnson, DE Zach Moore, S Damian Josiah Price, CB Horace Richardson, CB Tre Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, 170.301. 38. Tony Finau................................ 69-71—140 MEN’S 18-HOLE GROUP — Saturday’s
Parms, CB Jeff Richards, RB Jalen Simmons, Roberson, LB Edmond Robinson, OT Austin (55) Derrike Cope, Toyota, 167.425. 39. (51) Sergio Garcia............................ 67-73—140 Game: Gross, (t) Mark Riley, Lou DeNome
S Dezmen Southward, TE Eric Wallace and Shepherd, CB Terrell Sinkfield, DT Will Sut- Cody Ware, Chevrolet, 166.326. 40. (66) Rickie Fowler............................ 69-71—140 73; Net - Matchplay vs. Par, Don Mills plus
DE Larry Webster. Placed WR Brenton Ber- ton, P Taylor Symmank, G Freddie Tagaloa, Carl Long, Chevrolet, 165.592. Rafa Cabrera Bello.................... 72-68—140 9, Mike Dings plus 6, Lenny Ciufo plus 3,
sin, OL Gino Gradkowski, S L.J. McCray and S Jack Tocho and TE Nick Truesdell. Waived- Brian Harman........................... 68-72—140 Dave Herr plus 2, (t) Greg Minnich, Jim
injuredm QB Taylor Heinicke and WR R.J. INDYCAR
OL Chris Scott on injured reserve. Bill Haas.................................... 71-70—141 Fuhrman, Mac Souders plus 1, Ralph Sex-
CINCINNATI BENGALS — Acquired a Shelton. Placed QB Teddy Bridgewater on GRAND PRIX AT THE GLEN LINEUP Si Woo Kim............................... 71-70—141 ton even, John Rosa minus 1, Josh Berczik
conditional 2019 sixth-round draft pick thr PUP list. Placed DT Sharrif Floyd on the After Saturday qualifying; race Sunday Graham DeLaet......................... 72-69—141 minus 3, Bill Davis minus 10.
from Dallas Cowboys for CB Bene Benwik- reserve-NFI list. Brooks Koepka.......................... 74-67—141 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP — Championship
NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Acquired At Watkins Glen International
ere. Placed HB Tra Carson and TE Mason Emiliano Grillo.......................... 70-71—141 Gross, Jason Lyon d. Matt Campbell 6 & 5,
Schreck on injured reserve. Terminated the WR Phillip Dorsett from Indianapolis for QB (road course) Jonas Blixt................................. 68-73—141 Mark Riley d. Josh Berczik 5 & 4; Champi-
contracts of DE Wallace Gilberry and OT Jacoby Brissett. Acquired CB Johnson Bade- Watkins Glen, N.Y. C.T. Pan..................................... 69-72—141 onship Net, Ralph Sexton d. Bill Davis 7 &
Eric Winston. Waived LB Bryson Albright, mosi from Detroit for an undisclosed future Lap length: 3.37 miles Anirban Lahiri........................... 72-70—142
LB Brandon Bell, WR Chris Brown, DE Ryan draft pick. Acquired DE Cassius Marsh from 5, Greg Minnich d. John Rosa 3 & 2; Senior
(Car number in parentheses, Webb Simpson......................... 72-70—142 Net, Max Fraker d. Les Ressel 2 Up, Mike
Brown, DE Will Clarke, S Demetrious Cox, Seattle for undisclosed draft selections. Kevin Chappell.......................... 72-70—142
LB P.J. Dawson, DT David Dean, G J.J. Diel- NEW YORK GIANTS — Acquired CB Ross all cars Dallara-Honda) Kevin Kisner.............................. 72-70—142 Dings d. Jack Smith 7 & 6.
man, K Jake Elliott, DE Marcus Hardison, FB Cockrell from Pittsburgh for a conditional 1. (98) Alexander Rossi, Honda, 1:22.4639 Matt Kuchar.............................. 72-70—142
Darrin Laufasa, OT Landon Lechler, G Cam- 2018 draft pick. Placed LB Mark Herzlich (147.119). 2. (9) Scott Dixon, Honda, Cody Gribble............................. 72-70—142
eron Lee, CB Tony McRae, OT Kent Perkins, and DL Josh Banks on injured reserve. 1:22.5168 (147.025). 3. (2) Josef Newgar- Bud Cauley................................ 72-71—143 WNBA
WR Alonzo Russell, G Dustin Stanton, DT Waived RB Shaun Draughn, DE Devin Tay- den, Chevrolet, 1:22.5169 (147.024). 4. (26) Jamie Lovemark........................ 73-70—143
Josh Tupou, WR Kermit Whitfield, DT De- lor, OT Adam Bisnowaty. Released QB Josh Takuma Sato, Honda, 1:22.5660 (146.937). Jhonattan Vegas........................ 73-70—143
Shawn Williams, HB Jarveon Williams and Johnson; K Mike Nugent; TE Will Tye; RB 5. (83) Charlie Kimball, Honda, 1:22.8081 Hideki Matsuyama.................... 72-71—143
S Brandon Wilson. Khalid Abdullah; FB Jacob Huesman; WRs (146.507). 6. (3) Helio Castroneves, Chev- J.J. Spaun.................................. 72-71—143
CLEVELAND BROWNS — Terminated the Travis Rudolph, Jerome Lane, Canaan Sev- rolet, 1:23.3350 (145.581). 7. (28) Ryan Gary Woodland........................ 72-71—143 EASTERN CONFERENCE
contracts of OL John Greco and QB Brock erin, Marquis Bundy and Ed Eagan; OL Hunter-Reay, Honda, 1:22.9854 (146.194). Charley Hoffman...................... 72-71—143 W L T Pts GF GA
Osweiler. Waived RB Terrence Magee, LB Adam Bisnowaty, Jon Halapio, Jarron Jones 8. (12) Will Power, Chevrolet, 1:23.0987 Xander Schauffele..................... 69-74—143 Toronto FC............16 3 8 56 55 26
Deon King, WR Jordan Payton, WR Jordan and Matt Rotheram; DL Devin Taylor, Bobby (145.995). 9. (18) Sebastien Bourdais, Hon- Jason Dufner............................. 68-75—143 New York City FC.... 14 7 5 47 48 35
Leslie, WR Rannell Hall, TE J.P. Holtz, OL Richardson and Jordan Williams; LBs De- da, 1:23.1459 (145.912). 10. (15) Graham Jim Herman.............................. 75-68—143 Chicago.................13 9 5 44 48 36
Anthony Fabiano, DL Xavier Cooper, LB ontae Skinner, Stansly Maponga and Curtis Rahal, Honda, 1:23.2240 (145.775) Russell Knox.............................. 72-72—144 Columbus.............13 12 3 42 42 42
Kenneth Olugbode, DB Najee Murray and Grant; CBs Donte Deayon, DaShaun Amos 11. (14) Carlos Munoz, Chevrolet, Ian Poulter................................ 71-73—144 New York..............12 10 3 39 38 33
K Cody Parkey. and Nigel Tribune and Ss Ryan Murphy and 1:23.2959 (145.649). 12. (1) Simon Pagen- Chez Reavie.............................. 72-72—144 Atlanta United FC....10 8 6 36 44 32
DALLAS COWBOYS — Placed CB Duke Trey Robinson. aud, Chevrolet, 1:23.2981 (145.646). 13. Jason Day.................................. 75-69—144 Montreal...............10 10 6 36 42 42
Thomas on injured reserve. Waived DE NEW YORK JETS — Waived RBs Anthony (20) Spencer Pigot, Chevrolet, 1:23.4917 Harold Varner III....................... 77-67—144 New England..........9 12 5 32 43 41
Richard Ash, DE Woody Baron, RB Brandon Firkser, Romar Morris and Jahad Thomas; (145.308). 14. (4) Conor Daly, Chevro- Nick Taylor................................ 72-72—144 Philadelphia............8 12 7 31 36 38
Brown-Dukes, WR Brian Brown, C Ross Bur- WRs Frankie Hammond, Gabe Marks and let, 1:23.5089 (145.278). 15. (19) Ed William McGirt......................... 70-74—144 Orlando City...........8 12 7 31 27 43
bank, CB Dejaun Butler, DT Jordan Carrell, Dan Williams; OL Alex Balducci, Chris Bor- Jones, Honda, 1:23.9851 (144.454). 16. Luke List.................................... 68-76—144 D.C. United.............8 15 4 28 22 44
G Kadeem Edwards, LB Kennan Gilchrist, delon, Ben Braden and Javarius Leamon; DL (5) James Hinchcliffe, Honda, 1:23.6854 James Hahn.............................. 76-68—144 WESTERN CONFERENCE
CB John Green, WR Karel Hamilton, P Sam Patrick Gamble, Deon Simon and Lawrence (144.972). 17. (10) Tony Kanaan, Honda, Keegan Bradley......................... 76-68—144
1:23.9982 (144.432). 18. (7) Jack Harvey, W L T Pts GF GA
Irwin-Hill, DT Joey Ivie, TE Blake Jarwin, Thomas; LBs Frank Beltre and Connor Harris; Charl Schwartzel....................... 75-69—144 Seattle..................11 7 9 42 41 34
WR Andy Jones, LB Joseph Jones, DE Lenny DBs Xavier Coleman and Robenson Therezie. Honda, 1:24.1390 (144.190). 19. (8) Max Martin Laird.............................. 74-70—144
Chilton, Honda, 1:24.2012 (144.083). 20. Portland................11 9 8 41 48 45
Jones, WR Lance Lenoir, DE Darnell Leslie, Waived-injured WR Lucky Whitehead. Re- Kevin Tway................................ 71-74—145 Sporting KS City....10 5 10 40 31 19
LB Lamar Louis, TE M.J. McFarland, DE Lew- leased WR Kenbrell Thompkins, DB Shamarko (27) Marco Andretti, Honda, 1:24.1779 Rod Pampling........................... 72-73—145
(144.123). 21. (21) JR Hildebrand, Chevro- Houston................10 8 8 38 46 37
is Neal, WR Uzoma Nwachukwu, CB Sammy Thomas and LS Tanner Purdum. Sung Kang................................. 71-74—145 Vancouver.............11 9 5 38 37 35
Seamster, S Jameill Showers, G Dan Skipper, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES — Waived-injured let, 1:24.4543 (143.652). Francesco Molinari................... 75-70—145
DE Alex McCalister and S Tre Sullivan. Re- FC Dallas.................9 7 9 36 37 33
G Nate Theaker, CB Marquez White and LS Jason Kokrak............................. 72-73—145 San Jose................10 11 6 36 31 44
Zach Wood. Released S Robert Blanton, OT leased G Dallas Thomas. Waived C-G Josh Bubba Watson.......................... 75-70—145 Real Salt Lake........10 13 5 35 40 48
Emmett Cleary, RB Ronnie Hillman, QB Kel- Andrews, TE Billy Brown, LB Nathan Gerry, HORSE RACING Robert Streb............................. 73-72—145
Minnesota United....7 14 4 25 32 52
len Moore and QB Luke McCown. Waived- OT Dillon Gordon, G Darrell Greene, DT Zach Johnson............................ 77-68—145
injured OT Clay DeBord. Justin Hamilton, OT Taylor Hart, P Cam- Wesley Bryan............................ 76-69—145 Los Angeles.............6 14 5 23 32 47
DENVER BRONCOS — Released S T.J. eron Johnston, RB Byron Marshall, C Aaron Daniel Berger............................ 77-68—145 Colorado.................6 15 4 22 24 38
Ward. Neary, CB C.J. Smith, WR Bryce Treggs, WR Patrick Rodgers......................... 74-71—145 NOTE: Three points for victory, one point
DETROIT LIONS — Released OT Nick Greg Ward and CB Jomal Wiltz. Failed to make the cut for tie.
Becton. Waived LB Thurston Armbrister, PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Traded WR 1ST—$20,000,5f Rory McIlroy............................. 72-74—146
CB Adairius Barnes, WR Jace Billingsley, S Sammie Coates and a 2019 seventh-round 11-Sharon Gunther (Rdrgz).... 2.80,2.10,2.10 Billy Horschel............................ 78-68—146 Chicago 1.................................. Montreal 0
Alex Carter, DT Ego Ferguson, WR Dontez draft pick to Cleveland for a 2018 sixth- 8-Sobeit Sylvia (Carrow A.)........... 4.60,2.40 Whee Kim................................. 75-71—146 New England 4..................... Orlando City 0
Ford, QB Brad Kaaya, C Leo Koloamatangi, round draft pick. Released WR Demarcus 6-Misses Knight (Wolfsont A.).............. 2.60 Chris Stroud.............................. 71-75—146 New York at FC Dallas............................. (n)
TE Khari Lee, DT Derrick Lott, DT Caushaud Ayers, C Ruben Carter, OL Ethan Cooper, Also Ran: Swiss Rosalee, Lady From Chey- Adam Scott............................... 71-75—146 Colorado at Los Angeles......................... (n)
Lyons, S Rolan Milligan, T Storm Norton, RB Knile Davis, CB Brandon Dixon, C Kyle enne. Late Scratches: Go Ro Ro Go, Too Chad Campbell......................... 76-70—146 Wednesday, September 6
DE Pat O’Connor, TE Scott Orndoff, WR Friend, LB Matt Galambos, LB Austin Gear- Much Desert, Trish’s Wish, Away to Me, Michael Kim.............................. 75-71—146 Sporting KS City at NY City FC...... 7:30 p.m.
Michael Rector, WR Noel Thomas, CB Josh ing, CB Senquez Golson, S Jacob Hagen, WR Life At Six, Sweet Little Lies, Pret Say Eye. Camilo Villegas......................... 71-75—146
Thornton, TE Robert Tonyan, TE Cole Wick Cobi Hamilton, LS Colin Holba, DE Lavon David Lingmerth....................... 75-72—147 Saturday, September 9
Hooks, QB Bart Houston, LB Farrington Race Time: :58.27. Exacta (11-8) Paid $4.90; Patton Kizzire............................ 72-76—148 New York at Chicago......................... 4 p.m.
and LB Antwione Williams. Placed P Sam Trifecta (11-8-6) Paid $6.45.
Martin on the reserve-NFI list and OT Taylor Huguenin, TE David Johnson, LB Steven Sean O’Hair............................... 74-74—148 San Jose at Toronto FC...................... 5 p.m.
Johnson, DE Francis Kallon, LB Keith Kelsey, 2ND—$10,500,6f Danny Lee................................. 75-74—149 Portland at New York City FC....... 5:30 p.m.
Decker on the PUP list. 3-Square Grouper (Davis J.)........ 10.40,4.80
GREEN BAY PACKERS — Released G Kofi DE Johnny Maxey, TE Jake McGee, OT Brian Cameron Smith......................... 76-73—149 Orlando City at D.C. United.............. 7 p.m.
Amichia, CB Donatello Brown, TE Emanuel Mihalik, OL Keavon Milton, CB Dashaun 2-Athena in Flight (Carrow A.).............. 4.00 Charles Howell III...................... 73-76—149 Montreal at New England........... 7:30 p.m.
Byrd, QB Joe Callahan, LB Johnathan Calvin, Phillips, DT Roy Philon, OT Jake Rodgers, 1-Kelmack (Burg C.)..................................... Ollie Schniederjans................... 75-77—152 Philadelphia at Minnesota United...... 8 p.m.
WR Michael Clark, WR Montay Crockett, WR CB JaCorey Shepherd, WR Justin Thomas, Also Ran: Don’t Knock Katy, Green Bay, Colorado at Houston................... 8:30 p.m.
Rimfox. Late Scratches: Just a Taste, Luce Mia, CHAMPIONS Real Salt Lake at Vancouver............ 10 p.m.
Malachi Dupre, G Thomas Evans, LB Reggie RB Fitzgerald Touissant, WR Marcus Tuck-
Gilbert, G Geoff Gray, LB Cody Heiman, DT er, S Terrish Webb and RB Trey Williams. Jumping Bean, Ferzetti. Race Time: 1:12.92. SHAW CHARITY CLASSIC
Calvin Heurtelou, QB Taysom Hill, CB Daquan Waived-injured S Malik Golden.......S A N Daily Double (11-3) Paid $23.60; Exacta (3-
Holmes, T Robert Leff, LB Josh Letuligasenoa, FRANCISCO 49ERS — Placed WR Aaron Bur- 2) Paid $24.40; Trifecta (3-2-1) Paid $21.95;
Consolation Double (11-4) Paid $2.40; Conso- At Canyon Meadows Golf & CC MLS
DT Izaah Lunsford, LB Derrick Mathews, WR bridge, G Joshua Garnett, DL Chris Jones,
Max McCaffrey, G-OT Adam Pankey, TE Aaron DB Don Jones and RB Joe Williams on in- lation Double (11-5) Paid $2.40. Calgary, Alberta
Peck, RB Kalif Phillips, DT Brian Price, CB Ray- jured reserve. Released NT Quinton Dial, 3RD—$17,100,1m70yds Purse: $2.35 million
sean Pringle, S Aaron Taylor, LB Jordan Tripp, S CB Asa Jackson, WR Jeremy Kerley and DL 10-Nathan O’Blue (Dvs).... 17.80,10.20,5.00
6-Offlee Alex (Carrow A.).............. 5.80,3.60 Yardage: 7,086; Par 70
Jermaine Whitehead and WR DeAngelo Yanc- Sen’Derrick Marks. Waived TE Blake Bell, EASTERN CONFERENCE
ey. Placed LB Vince Biegel and CB Demetri LB Austin Calitro, WR DeAndre Carter, OL JP 4-Battle of Dunkirk (Burg C.)................. 2.40 Second Round W L Pct GB
Goodson on the PUP list. Placed FB Joe Ker- Flynn, TE Cole Hikutini, QB Nick Mullens, DL Also Ran: Impervium, Legendary Hu- Scott McCarron......................... 63-64—127 x-Connecticut.............21 12 .636 —
ridge and LB David Talley on injured reserve. Noble Nwachukwu, WR DeAndre Smelter mor, Wrestler. Late Scratches: Big Ralph, Miguel Angel Jimýnez............... 64-65—129 x-New York..................21 12 .636 —
INDIANAPOLIS COLTS — Activated QB An- and OL Darrell Williams Jr. Watchoureaglesfly, Nizzi, Eden Got Even, Kevin Sutherland...................... 62-67—129 x-Washington..............18 15 .545 3
drew Luck from PUP list. Placed S Clayton TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Waived DE Ebullience, Awesome Adrian. Race Time: Scott Dunlap............................. 64-66—130 Atlanta........................12 21 .364 9
Geathers on the PUP list. Placed CB Chris Mehdi Abdesmad, OL Josh Allen, DE Ster- 1:47.47. Daily Double (3-10) Paid $90.60; Todd Hamilton.......................... 64-66—130 Chicago.......................12 21 .364 9
Culliver, ILB Edwin Jackson and S Earl Wolff ling Bailey, DE Tarvaris Barnes, LB Richie Exacta (10-6) Paid $51.20; Superfecta (10- Nick Faldo................................. 67-64—131 Indiana..........................9 25 .265 12½
IV on injured reserve. Waived CB Dante Brown, LB Riley Bullough, CB Mariel Coo- 6-4-9) Paid $35.91; Trifecta (10-6-4) Paid Jerry Kelly................................. 66-65—131 WESTERN CONFERENCE
Blackmon, DT Josh Boyd, WR Marvin Bracy, per, WR Donteea Dye, DE Hendrick Ekpe, $40.65; Pic 3 (11-3-10) Paid $424.00. Bob Estes.................................. 66-65—131 W L Pct GB
WR Fred Brown, OT Fahn Cooper, S Tyson RB Russell Hansbrough, CB Vernon Harris, 4TH—$11,400,1m70yds Tom Pernice Jr........................... 67-65—132 x-Minnesota...............26 7 .788 —
Graham Jr., S Lee Hightower, WR Bug How- G Jarvis Harrison, WR Shaq Hill, K Zach 5-She’z So Groovy (Mnr).... 21.40,7.00,4.20 Colin Montgomerie.................. 66-66—132 x-Los Angeles..............25 8 .758 1
ard, TE Henry Krieger-Coble, WR Justice Hocker, WR Josh Huff, S Marqueston Huff, 4-Little Caton (Rodrigz Castro)...... 3.00,2.40 Joe Durant................................ 65-67—132 x-Phoenix....................17 16 .515 9
Liggins, RB De’Mard Llorens, DT T.Y. McGill, FB Austin Johnson, S Isaiah Johnson, T Kor- 6-Luminous Cielo (Burg C.)................... 3.60 Joey Sindelar............................ 65-67—132 x-Dallas.......................16 17 .485 10
WR JoJo Natson, DT David Parry, RB Troy- ren Kirven, LB Jeff Knox, OL Mike Liedtke, Also Ran: Friendly Dancer, Kisses for Love, Vijay Singh................................ 65-68—133 x-Seattle......................14 19 .424 12
maine Pope, G Adam Redmond, WR Brian T Marquis Lucas, WR Freddie Martino, RB Hannah’s Gamble. Late Scratches: Max’s War- Billy Andrade............................ 64-69—133 San Antonio..................8 26 .235 18½
Riley, ILB Darnell Sankey, WR Valdez Show- Jeremy McNichols, CB Jonathan Moxey, rior. Race Time: 1:44.86. Daily Double (10-5) Steve Flesch.............................. 67-67—134 x-clinched playoff spot
ers, OLB Garrett Sickels, DE Jhaustin Thom- LB Eric Nzeocha, DB Cody Riggs, G James Paid $144.20; Exacta (5-4) Paid $23.60; Su- Brandt Jobe.............................. 65-69—134 Friday’s Games
as, OT Arturo Uzdavinis, G Terran Vaughn, Stone, WR Derel Walker, TE Tevin West- perfecta (5-4-6-3) Paid $14.82; Trifecta (5-4-6) Willie Wood.............................. 65-69—134 Washington 110.................Seattle 106 (OT)
QB Phillip Walker, S Andrew Williamson brook and WR Bobo Wilson. Waived-in- Paid $37.95; Pic 3 (3-10-5) Paid $209.40; Pic Mark Calcavecchia.................... 68-67—135 New York 81........................San Antonio 69
and OT Andrew Wylie. Waived injured RB jured QB Sefo Liufau. Released LS Garrison 4 (1/2/3/4/7/9/10/11-3-10-5) Paid $918.50. Skip Kendall.............................. 68-67—135 Minnesota 110...........................Chicago 87
Josh Ferguson and S Tyvis Powell. Released Sanborn. 5TH—$20,000,6f Fred Couples............................. 67-68—135 Phoenix 86........................... Connecticut 66
OLB Akeem Ayers, OLB Lavar Edwards, RB TENNESSEE TITANS — Waived CB Manny 3-World View (Rodriguez).... 5.80,3.40,2.40 Jesper Parnevik......................... 67-68—135 Los Angeles 81.............................Atlanta 56
Daryl Richardson, ILB Sean Spence and CB Abad, TE Jace Amaro, DE Angelo Blackson, 1-Mad Bum (Munar L.)................. 4.20,3.40 Stephen Ames.......................... 69-66—135
NT DeAngelo Brown, TE Jerome Cunning- 2-Vegas Appeal (Cora D.)...................... 3.40 Paul Goydos.............................. 70-65—135 Saturday’s Games
Corey White. San Antonio 75........................... Indiana 71
JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Placed WR ham, QB Tyler Ferguson, CB Demontre Also Ran: Laughing Best, Eclipticals Wolf, Scott Parel................................ 65-70—135
Rashad Greene on injured reserve. Re- Hurst, WR Darius Jennings, S Denzel John- Ignotus. Race Time: 1:11.25. Daily Double Mike Grob................................. 68-68—136 Sunday’s Games
leased LB Andrew Gachkar, DE Malliciah son, WR Jonathan Krause, WR KeVonn (5-3) Paid $48.00; Exacta (3-1) Paid $22.90; Tommy Armour III..................... 69-67—136 New York at Dallas............................. 2 p.m.
Goodman and LB Josh McNary. Waived-in- Mabon, OT Tyler Marz, G Josue Matias, WR Superfecta (3-1-2-6) Paid $21.32; Trifecta (3- Fred Funk.................................. 69-67—136 Connecticut at Los Angeles............... 5 p.m.
jured CB Doran Grant, S Jarrod Harper and Tre McBride, OT Steven Moore, RB Khalf- 1-2) Paid $39.05; Pic 3 (10-5-3) Paid $83.90. Woody Austin........................... 69-67—136 Seattle at Chicago.............................. 6 p.m.
WR Shane Wynn. Waived RB Tim Cook, DE ani Muhammad, WR Giovanni Pascascio, 6TH—$10,500,6f Michael Bradley........................ 67-69—136 Atlanta at Phoenix............................. 6 p.m.
Hunter Dimick, CB Brian Dixon, TE Alex Ellis, OT Jonah Pirsig, RB Brandon Radcliff, DE 3-One Mad Mistress (Flrs).....17.40,8.40,5.80 Gene Sauers............................. 67-69—136 Washington at Minnesota................. 7 p.m.
WR Amba Etta-Tawo, OL Avery Gennesy, TE Cameron Robbins, OT Brad Seaton, TE Tim 2-Candy Pants (Carrow A.)............ 8.60,5.60 Rod Spittle................................ 67-69—136 Monday’s Games
David Grinnage, DB Tracy Howard, CB Stan- Semisch, G Jake Simonich, CB Darrius Sims, 7-Safely Touch (Rodriguez Castro L.).... 8.80 Craig Parry................................ 70-66—136 No games scheduled

2-12, Weah 1-11, Sear 1-10, Q.Henderson O—Pawling 7 run (Pawling kick) Wilson Assists: J. DeJesus, D. Jones.
SPORTS SLATE 1-7, Mathews 1-6, Araujo-Lopes 1-5. C—Christmas 4 pass from McCleary (pass SOCCER Corners-Shots: PM 2-6; W 3-12.
MISSED FIELD GOALS—Youngstown St., failed) Saves: PM—M. Badri 9; W—D. Jones 12.
Kennedy 43. Pittsburgh, Kessman 28, Kes- Statistics JV Score: PM 0, Wilson 0
sman 38. Exeter....................................... 3 3— 6
Oct Col Solanco.................................... 1 4— 5
FIELD HOCKEY F&M 48, Lebanon Valley 7 First downs..................................13 14 COLLEGIATE MEN Exeter Scoring: J. Richards 3 (15:00,
F&M..........................14 21 13 0— 48 Rushes-Yds........................... 30-123 34-147 Bloomfield............................. 0 1 0— 1 34:00, 78:00), M. Misquita (13:00), E.
COLLEGIATE Lebanon Valley............0 0 0 7— 7 Passing yards.............................152 169 Messner (60:00), M. Reightneour (70:00).
Franklin & Marshall at Rowan, 12 p.m. Millersville............................ 1 0 1— 2
SCORING Passes..................................11-20-0 10-32-0 Bloomfield Scoring: A. Hughes (52:20). Exeter Assists: J. Richards, A. Loscig.
Stockton at Elizabethtown, 1 p.m. F&M — KJ Pretty, 23 pass from T. Erisman Punts-Avg.............................. 2-34.5 4-27 Millersville Scoring: M. Adiletta (7:58), C. Solanco Scoring: R. Curry-Saner 2 (57:00,
(H. Wedholm kick) Fumbles-Lost..............................2-2 0-0 Flickinger (95:57). 65:00), A. Yoder 2 (67:00, 75:00), S. Jackson
F&M — D. Allderfer 26 pass from T. Eris- Penalties-Yards........................ 9-52 16-127 Bloomfield Assists: A. Bashiri. (11:00).
COLLEGE man (H. Wedholm kick)
Camp Hill 21, Lancaster Catholic 14 Millersville Assists: C. Flickinger. Solanco Assists: A. Yoder 2, K. Bedwell.
FOOTBALL F&M — T. Erisman 3 run (H. Wedholm
kick) Lancaster Catholic.......0 7 0 7— 14
Corners-Shots: B 4-11; M 9-13.
Saves: B—J. Stanojkovic 2, Team 1; M—D.
Corners-Shots: E 9-17; S 2-10.
Saves: E—B. McNish 5; S—G. Dolan 11.
F&M — KJ Pretty 4 pass from T. Erisman Camp Hill.....................7 7 7 0— 21 McCauley 5.
(H. Wedholm kick) Scoring Ramapo.................................... 2 1— 3
SATURDAY’S SCORES F&M — K. Lammers, 4 pass from T. Eris-
mann (H. Wedholm kick)
CH—Z. Kuntz 26 pass from Q. Buffington
(G. Labine kick)
Lancaster Bible......................... 0 0— 0
Ramapo Scoring: A. Mimini (5:41), T. Al-
Alfred 20....................................... Ithaca 17 F&M — T. Gerald 4 run (kick blocked) LC—A. Miklos 65 pass from G. Sullivan (C. brecht (21:39), P. Livanis (73:01). LEAGUE
Alma 40................................ St. Vincent 34 F&M — KJ Boston 90 interception return Engle kick) Ramapo Assists: T. Albrecht 2, E. Franzoni.
Assumption 31........................ Kutztown 28 (H. Wedholm kick) CH—N. Perry 1 run (G. Labine kick) Corners-Shots: R 1-14; LB 1-6.
Bowie St. 48.............................. Seton Hill 7 LVC — A. Domovich 24 pass from B. Co- CH—Z. Kuntz 80 pass from Q. Buffington Saves: R—R. Sprague 4; LB—T. Naque 3. Freedom Division
Brockport 34............................... Hobart 20 hen (M. Brown kick) (G. Labine kick) Alvernia.................................... 0 0— 0 W L Pct. GB
Bryant 49.............................. Merrimack 41 STATISTICS LC—M. Lawrence 8 run (C. Engle kick) Franklin & Marshall.................. 0 2— 2 York.................................32 24 .571 —
Bucknell 45.................................... Marist 6 F&M LVC Statistics Franklin & Marshall Scoring: J. Tonelli Lancaster........................31 24 .564 ½
Buffalo St. 20......... Bridgewater (Mass.) 19 LC CH (49:53), W. Fabian (56.13). Sugar Land......................28 27 .509 3½
First Downs..................................18 8 Franklin & Marshall Assists: J. Connolly 2.
Cheyney 56......................... Lincoln (Pa.) 28 Rushes-yards....................... 37-114 28-32 First downs..................................10 10 Southern Maryland........23 33 .418 9
Cortland St. 34............... Augustana (Ill.) 32 Rushes-Yds............................. 36-76 21-92 Corners-Shots: A 3-14; F&M 10-22.
Passing Yds.................................218 89 Saves: A—Z. Rider 3; F&M—S. Jenkins 6. Liberty Division
Edinboro 30............................... Lake Erie 3 Passing yards.............................136 256 Long Island.....................33 23 .589 —
Framingham St. 41................... Endicott 10 Passing................................21-28-0 10-25-1 William Paterson................... 1 1 1— 3
Punts-Avg.............................. 4-33.0 8-30.1 Passes..................................10-22-2 13-30-1 Elizabethtown....................... 1 1 0— 2 Bridgeport......................26 30 .464 7
Franklin & Marshall 48.... Lebanon Valley 7 Punts-Avg............................ 7-32.43 5-43.6 Somerset........................25 29 .463 7
Gannon 55...................... S. Connecticut 22 Fumbles-Lost..............................1-1 2-1 William Paterson Scoring: J. Gonzales (13:35),
Penalties-Yds.......................... 10-97 14-64 Fumbles-Lost..............................2-0 1-1 K. Adams (77:28), K. Brant-Sharp (99:23). New Britain.....................23 31 .426 9
Hillsdale 19.......................... Mercyhurst 11
Husson 20............................... Union (NY) 7 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Penalties-Yards........................ 4-35 4-40 Elizabethtown Scoring: A. Rathsam Saturday’s Games
Juniata 42.............................. Grove City 31 RUSHING: F&M — T. Erisman 9-55, T. Kennard-Dale 20, Pequea Valley 7 (8:21), M. Gochnauer (65:04). Bridgeport 10.................................... York 5
LIU Post 42....................... Virginia Union 13 Gerald 11-37, T. Collison 3-21, M. Fenster- Kennard-Dale..............6 7 7 0— 20 William Paterson Assists: C. Lizardo, J. Gonzales. Long Island 2......................... New Britain 0
Merchant Marine 56......... Misericordia 35 macher 1-10, J. Hartley-Vitt 8-4, J. Donaghy Pequea Valley..............0 0 0 7— 7 Elizabethtown Assists: J. Haaf 2. Sugar Land 3............. Southern Maryland 2
Monmouth (NJ) 31.................. Lafayette 12 3-4, A. Akpata 1-(-)1, Z. Bradley 1-(-)16; LVC Corners-Shots: WP 5-24; E 3-11. Somerset at Lancaster......................... ppd.
Morrisville St. 34...................... Norwich 20 Scoring Saves: WP—K. Quigley 3; E—B. Gately 9.
— P. hayes 4-26, CJ Steinhilber 2-8, R. Fink K-D—M. Lizzi 41 run (kick failed) Sunday’s Games
Muhlenberg 62............................ Wilkes 19 6-2, T. Pirrone 1-1, T. Sterner 7-(-)1, H. Wil- K-D—D. Strike 5 run (kick) COLLEGIATE WOMEN York at Bridgeport....................... 1:12 p.m.
NY Maritime 59........... Maine Maritime 13 son 3-(-)1, J. Jones 4-(-)1, S. Moser 1-(-)2. Stevens.................................... 0 0— 0 New Britain at Long Island........... 1:35 p.m.
Penn St. 52..................................... Akron 0 K-D—W. McCleary 8 run (kick) Somerset at Lancaster (2)................ 2 p.m.
PASSING: F&M — T. Erisman 20-24-0, 212 PV—D. Jackson 21 pass from J. Smith (kick) Franklin & Marshall.................. 0 1— 1
Pittsburgh 28................. Youngstown St. 21 yds, 4 TD; Z. Bradley 1-4, 7 yds; LVC — T. Franklin & Marshall Scoring: A. Klei (55:57). York at Bridgeport....................... 3:45 p.m.
Plymouth St. 31........................ Castleton 7 Sterner 7-18-1, 63; B. Cohen 2-5-0, 24 TD, J. Statistics Corners-Shots: S 7-15; F&M 1-8. So. Maryland at Sugar Land......... 7:05 p.m.
RPI 45........................... William Paterson 0 Stoneberg 1-2-0, 2. K-D PV Saves: S—L. Mahnken 2; F&M—G. Pan- Monday’s Games
Robert Morris 13........................ Dayton 10 RECEIVING: F&M — D. Allderfer 8-69 TD, First downs..................................10 9 ayotakis 6. New Britain at Long Island........... 1:35 p.m.
Sacred Heart 42........................... Stetson 3 KJ Pretty 6-108 2 TD, K. Lammers 4-26 TD, Rushes-Yds........................... 40-216 25-110 Millersville..................0 2 0 0— 2 Somerset at Lancaster...................... 3 p.m.
Saginaw Valley St. 42...... Alderson-Broaddus 24 Z. Bross 1-7, T. Gerald 1-6, F. Perry 1-3; LVC Passing yards...............................70 176 California (PA).............1 1 0 0— 2 So. Maryland at Sugar Land......... 3:05 p.m.
Salve Regina 35................. Worcester St. 28 — R. Finbk 2-14, J. de la Cruz 2-(-)3, J. Jones Passes...................................... 3-5-0 8-23-0 Millersville Scoring: D. Meadows (56:44),
Shepherd 54............... Notre Dame Coll. 49 1-26, A. Domovich 1-24 TD, J. Kramp 1-14, Fumbles-Lost..............................5-3 3-0 T. Grynkewicz (81:41).
Shippensburg 41. American International 7
Springfield 35.............. W. New England 21
G. Wise 1-12, W. Griffith 1-2, P. Hayes 1-0. Penalties-Yards........................ 4-35 3-30 California Scoring: Z. Ross (3:16), Own
goal (81:41). EASTERN
St. Francis (Pa.) 69................. Lock Haven 3
Stonehill 44......................... Bloomsburg 28
Pace 28, Millersville 20 State College 45, McCaskey 12
McCaskey....................6 0 0 6— 12
Millersville Assists: R. Lyon.
California Assists: F. Scenna.
Millersville..................0 0 7 13— 20
Susquehanna 7......................... Lycoming 6 Pace............................6 8 14 0— 28 State College.............21 24 0 0— 45 Corners-Shots: MU 10-23; CU 4-4.
Towson 10.............................. Morgan St. 0 First Quarter Scoring Saves: MU—K. Mujica 1; CU—M. Colon 9.
Ursinus 35........................ Bethany (WV) 13 PSU-Harrisburg......................... 2 1— 3 Eastern Division
PU—Bien-Aime 31 run (DiCairano kick SC—T. Lyons 1 run (C. Renfrew kick) W L Pct. GB
Villanova 38................................. Lehigh 35 failed), 2:53 M—I. Speller 73 interception return (run Lancaster Bible......................... 0 0— 0
W. Virginia St. 51......... Charleston (WV) 28 Penn St.-Harrisburg Scoring: K. Stark Trenton (Yankees)...........91 46 .664 —
Second Quarter failed) Binghamton (Mets)........84 54 .609 7½
Washington & Jefferson 37.... St. John Fisher 27 SC—C. Russell 5 run (C. Renfrew kick) (7:28), T. Fake (28:44), L. Six (81:46).
Wittenberg 20........... Westminster (Pa.) 14 PU—Anerella 6 run (Bien-Aime pass from Penn St.-Harrisburg Assists: R. Asper. Reading (Phillies)............70 67 .511 21
Anerella), 3:13 SC—B. Clark 10 pass from T. Friberg (C. Portland (Red Sox)..........65 73 .471 26½
SOUTH Renfrew kick) Corners-Shots: PS-H 5-11; LB 4-11.
Third Quarter Saves: PS-H—D. Marroquin 4, N. Silva 1; Hartford (Rockies)...........62 76 .449 29½
California 35................... North Carolina 30 SC—B. Dorner 1 run (C. Renfrew kick) New Hampshire (Jays)....58 80 .420 33½
Clemson 56.................................. Kent St. 3 PU—Devere 21 pass from Anerella (DiC- SC—P. Olivett 22 interception return (C. LB—R. Miles 4.
Duke 60.................................. NC Central 7 airano kick), 4:40 Renfrew kick) Western Division
MU—Miranda 2 run (Farley kick), 2:36 SCHOLASTIC BOYS Altoona (Pirates).............72 65 .526 —
Georgia 31..................... Appalachian St. 10 SC—A. Mobley 15 pass from T. Friberg (C.
James Madison 34............. East Carolina 14 PU—Mason 13 pass from Anerella (DiCai- Renfrew kick) NONLEAGUE Bowie (Orioles)...............71 66 .518 1
Kentucky 24................... Southern Miss. 17 rano kick), 2:24 SC—FG, Renfrew 25 Cedar Crest............................ 0 0 1— 1 Akron (Indians)...............67 70 .489 5
Marshall 31....................... Miami (Ohio) 26 Fourth Quarter M—E. Greenawalt 21 pass from T. Lehr Governor Mifflin.................... 0 0 0— 0 Erie (Tigers).....................64 73 .467 8
Miami 41................. Bethune-Cookman 13 MU—Shank 2 run (Farley kick), 3:13 Cedar Crest Scoring: C. Jones (89:00). Richmond (Giants)..........61 76 .445 11
(pass failed) Corners-Shots: CC 12-9; GM 1-10.
Mississippi St. 49.... Charleston Southern 0 MU—Shank 16 run (Farley kick failed), 1:54 Harrisburg (Nationals)....59 78 .431 13
Statistics Saves: CC—J. Wildonger 10; GM—M. Pe-
NC A&T 45........................ Gardner-Webb 3 MU PU Saturday’s Games
Old Dominion 31................. Albany (NY) 17 McC SC trician 3. Portland 5....................... New Hampshire 4
First downs..................................22 1318
South Carolina 35..................... NC State 28 Rushes-yards....................... 33-120 36-147 First downs....................................6 21 Lancaster Catholic.................... 1 2— 3 Bowie 11.................................. Richmond 2
South Florida 31................. Stony Brook 17 Rushes-Yds............................. 21-53 39-212 York Catholic............................ 0 1— 1 Binghamton 1............................. Hartford 0
Passing.......................................178 78 Lancaster Catholic Scoring: L. Paulukow
The Citadel 31........................ Newberry 14 Comp-Att-Int.......................16-32-1 13-18-0 Passing yards...............................81 94 Harrisburg at Altoona............................. (n)
UAB 38.............................. Alabama A&M 7 Passes.................................... 7-19-2 7-11-1 (19:00), C. Engle (52:00), C. Richards (53:00). Erie at Akron........................................... (n)
Punts-Avg.............................. 2-13.5 7-36.0 Lancaster Catholic Assists: C. Richards 2.
Virginia 28.................... William & Mary 10 Fumbles-Lost..............................4-3 0-0 Punts-Avg................................. 5-33 1-42 Reading at Trenton.............................. ppd.
Virginia St. 14....................... Norfolk St. 10 Fumbles-Lost..............................1-0 2-0 York Catholic Scoring: T. Kibler (40:00).
Penalties-Yards........................ 5-47 13-123 York Catholic Assists: N. Santamaria. Sunday’s Games
Wofford 24................................ Furman 23 Penalties-Yards........................ 6-41 4-30 New Hampshire at Portland............. 1 p.m.
Time of Possession................ 27:53 32:07 Corners-Shots: LC 6-7; YC 3-1.
MIDWEST Saves: LC—N/A 2; YC—n/a 5. Harrisburg at Altoona....................... 6 p.m.
Illinois 24.................................... Ball St. 21 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Bowie at Richmond..................... 6:05 p.m.
Lancaster Catholic.................... 1 1— 2
Iowa 24..................................... Wyoming 3 RUSHING—MU, Miranda 9-44, Staffieri
8-37, Shank 11-47, Gibson 4-15, Overton FIELD HOCKEY Spring Grove............................. 0 0— 0 Erie at Akron................................ 6:05 p.m.
Michigan St. 35............... Bowling Green 10 Lancaster Catholic Scoring: C. Engle Hartford at Binghamton.............. 6:35 p.m.
Missouri 72.......................... Missouri St. 43 1-3. PU, Bien-Aime 20-104, Pickering 6-35, Reading at Trenton........................... 7 p.m.
Anerella 6-24, Carter-Guy 1-5, Jones 1-2. (24:00), Morales (59:00).
N. Dakota St. 72............................. MVSU 7 Lancaster Catholic Assists: M. Dougherty, Monday’s Games
Northwestern 31....................... Nevada 20 PASSING—MU, Shank 12-27-0-145, Staf-
fieri 4-5-1-33. PU, Anerella 13-18-0-78. C. Richards. Harrisburg at Altoona..................... 12 p.m.
Notre Dame 49........................... Temple 16 SCHOLASTIC Corners-Shots: LC 3-15; SG 6-4. Bowie at Richmond................... 12:05 p.m.
RECEIVING—MU, Miranda 6-55, Wiggins
SOUTHWEST 4-43, Jenkins 3-38, Zilen 2-25, Nikoi 1-7. PU, NONLEAGUE Saves: LC—N/A 3; SG—n/a 11. New Hampshire at Portland............. 1 p.m.
Maryland 51.................................. Texas 41 DeVere 2-29, Mason 2-20, Jones 4-16, Bien- Wyomissing...............................0 0— 0 McCaskey................................. 1 0— 1 Reading at Trenton........................... 1 p.m.
Michigan 33................................ Florida 17 Aime 3-10, Dolan 1-4, Nixon 1-(minus 1). Lancaster Catholic.....................3 1— 4 Shippensburg........................... 0 1— 1 Erie at Akron................................ 1:05 p.m.
Oklahoma 56................................... UTEP 7 LC Scoring: L. Lobeck 3 (13:51, 1st; 25:32, Shippensburg wins on penalty kicks, 2, 1 Hartford at Binghamton.............. 1:05 p.m.
Texas Tech 56.................. E. Washington 10 1st; 29:10, 1st), H. Ramos (14:00, 2nd). McCaskey Scoring: S. Hershey (20:00).
Air Force 62....................................... VMI 0
SCHOLASTIC LC Assists: A. Howe 2. McCaskey Assists: L. Mendoza.
Shippensburg Scoring: A. Taylor (60:00). TENNIS
Corners-Shots: W 3-5; LC 8-23.
Boise St. 24...................................... Troy 13 FOOTBALL Saves: W—T. Faust 19; LC—C. Wolfe 5. Corners-Shots: M 4-9; S 3-7.
Saves: M—N. Bergey 6; S—S. McKenna 8.
Montana 45........................... Valparaiso 23 Donegal.....................................3 3— 6
N. Colorado 41.................. Coll. of Idaho 14 Lebanon................................... 0 0— 0
Warwick....................................0 2— 2 McCaskey................................. 0 2— 2
Oregon St. 35....................... Portland St. 32 Donegal Scoring: M. Allesie 3 (10:36,
San Diego 34................. W. New Mexico 20 SATURDAY’S STATE SCORES McCaskey Scoring: E. Quintero 2 (50:00;
Bishop Guilfoyle 13....... Westmont Hilltop 7 1st; 11:54, 2nd; 28:16, 2nd), L. Saunders 3 70:00).
Southern Cal 49.................. W. Michigan 31 (18:40, 1st; 22:56, 1st; 16:41, 2nd).
Brockway 37............................. Sheffield 13 Corners-Shots: L 2-2; M 6-17. At USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis
Notre Dame 49, Temple 16 Cardinal O’Hara 42.................. Mastbaum 0 Donegal Assists: A. Bohan 2. Saves: L—I. Guillen 15; M—N. Bergey 2. Center (seedings in parentheses)
Temple........................3 7 0 6— 16 Clairton 32........................Bishop Canevin 0 Warwick Scoring: M. Behn (10:38, 2nd), Hershey.................................... 1 1— 2 Men’s Singles
Notre Dame...............21 7 7 14— 49 Delco Christian 29..................... Dobbins 12 C. Grodzicki (20:54, 2nd). Manheim Township.................. 2 0— 2 Third Round
First Quarter Elk County Catholic 27... Cameron County 8 Corners-Shots: D 9-30; W 7-5. Hershey Scoring: B. Kerr 2 (30:00; 76:00). Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, def. Leonardo
ND—J.Adams 37 run (Yoon kick), 14:27 Erie McDowell 23........... St. Francis, N.Y. 21 Saves: D—K. Jeans 3; W—C. Brubaker 20. Manheim Township Scoring: G. King Mayer, Argentina, 6-7 (3), 6-3, 6-1, 6-4.
ND—Wimbush 8 run (Yoon kick), 5:50 Fort Hill,Md. 75................................. USO 8 JV Score: Donegal 2, Warwick 0 (18:00), Own goal by Hershey (25:00). Aleksandr Dolgopolov, Ukraine, def. Viktor
TEM—FG A.Jones 36, 2:23 H.D. Woodson,D.C. 43.... Haverford School 12 FRIDAY’S LATE SCORE Corners-Shots: H 3-8; MT 7-11. Troicki, Serbia, 6-1, 6-0, 6-4. David Goffin
ND—Weishar 12 pass from Wimbush Harford Tech, Md. 47.....York County Tech 0 Saves: H—A. Morgret 9; MT—J. Orndorff 6. (9), Belgium, def. Gael Monfils (18), France,
(Yoon kick), 1:13 Harrisburg 35..........Hbg. Bishop McDevitt 0 SCHOLASTIC JV Score: MT 1, Hershey 1 7-5, 5-1. Andrey Rublev, Russia, def. Damir
Second Quarter Hollidaysburg 31...... Silver Oak Acad.,Md. 6 NONLEAGUE Penn Manor............................. 1 0— 1 Dzumhur, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6-4, 6-4,
ND—St. Brown 5 pass from Wimbush Interboro 34........................... Norristown 0 Manheim Township...................6 0— 6 Solanco.................................... 0 0— 0 5-7, 6-4. Philipp Kohlschreiber, Germany,
(Yoon kick), 11:09 Jenkintown 20............ Pottsville Nativity 18 Elizabethtown...........................0 0— 0 Penn Manor Scoring: M. Martin (39:00). def. John Millman, Australia, 7-5, 6-2, 6-4.
TEM—Kirkwood 12 pass from Marchi Palisades 42................................... Wilson 0 MT Scoring: K. Yoder 3 (4:34, :33, 29:22), Penn Manor Assists: C. Braun. Juan Martin Del Potro (24), Argentina, def.
(A.Jones kick), 6:09 Paramus Catholic, N.J. 34..... Abp. Wood 14 L. Koser (1:39), S. Rockwell (8:18), A. Weav- Corners-Shots: PM 5-14; S 3-5. Roberto Bautista-Agut (11), Spain, 6-3, 6-3,
Third Quarter Penn Charter 20........... Lansdale Catholic 6 er (20:48). Saves: PM—B. Martin 5; S—D. Sheaffer 13. 6-4. Dominic Thiem (6), Austria, def. Adrian
ND—Ton.Jones 7 run (Yoon kick), 1:22 Phila. W. Catholic 24...... Phila. Roman Catholic 0 MT Assists: A. Weaver 2, K. Yoder, L. Kos- JV Score: PM 8, Solanco 0 Mannarino (30), France, 7-5, 6-3, 6-4.
Pope John Paul II 34................. Sun Valley 0 er, E. Kurtz, A. Cubell. West York................................. 0 1— 1
Fourth Quarter Scranton Prep 42...... Wilkes-Barre Coughlin 0 Warwick................................... 4 2— 6 Women’s Singles
Corners-Shots: MT 13-25; E 4-1.
TEM—Yancy 11 pass from Marchi (pass Spring-Ford 28............................ Chester 20 Saves: MT—V. Daniels 1; E—H. McCon- West York Scoring: M. Washington (53:00). Third Round
failed), 12:05 St. Joseph’s Collegiate, N.Y. 38........Abp. Ryan 14 nell 19. Warwick Scoring: A. Kerek 3 (7:00; 40:00; Karolina Pliskova (1), Czech Republic,
ND—J.Adams 1 run (Yoon kick), 5:44 Stroudsburg 34..........Pocono Mtn. West 12 72:00), G. Springer (1:00), J. Ciampaglia (35:00), def. Shuai Zhang (27), China, 3-6, 7-5, 6-4.
ND—D.Williams 1 run (Yoon kick), 2:29 Susquehanna 54.............Holy Redeemer 21 N. Efendic (40:00). Jennifer Brady, United States, def. Monica
A—77,622. Niculescu, Romania, 6-3, 4-6, 7-6 (3). Coco
Western Beaver 27..... Summit Academy 22
Westinghouse 61.....Kingsman Acad., D.C. 0
VOLLEYBALL Warwick Assists: A. Deery 4, G. Springer,
B. Perezous. Vandeweghe (20), United States, def. Ag-
First downs..................................18 26 Wyalusing 25...............................Canton 21 Corners-Shots: WY 3-7; W 9-17. nieszka Radwanska (10), Poland, 7-5, 4-6,
Rushes-yards......................... 37-85 44-422 Saves: WY—C. Gerrick 11; W—A. Acebo 6-4. Lucie Safarova, Czech Republic, def.
Passing.......................................245 184 LANCASTER-LEBANON LEAGUE 3, C. Cowher 2, B. Gates 1. Kurumi Nara, Japan, 6-3, 6-2. Elina Svito-
Comp-Att-Int.......................19-35-0 17-30-1 Section One JV Score: Warwick 6, West York 0 lina (4), Ukraine, def. Shelby Rogers, United
COLLEGIATE WOMEN States, 6-4, 7-5. Daria Kasatkina, Russia,
Return Yards..............................144 48 League Overall FRIDAY’S LATE RESULTS
Punts-Avg............................ 6-37.66 2-51.0 Team W L W L Millersville 3, Salem International 0 def. Jelena Ostapenko (12), Latvia, 6-3, 6-2.
NONLEAGUE Kaia Kanepi, Estonia, def. Naomi Osaka, Ja-
Fumbles-Lost..............................1-1 0-0 Conestoga Valley............0 0 1 0 Millersville d. Salem International, 25-15, Dallastown............................... 0 0— 0
Hempfield.......................0 0 1 0 25-12, 25-6. pan, 6-3, 2-6, 7-5.
Penalties-Yards........................ 6-42 4-20 Elizabethtown.......................... 1 0— 1
Time of Possession................ 33:49 26:11 Manheim Township........0 0 1 0 Salem International Scoring: Aces, A. Elizabethtown Scoring: B. Kreider (33:00). SCHOLASTIC GIRLS
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Lebanon..........................0 0 0 1 Holt 1; Kills, R. Hess 6; Blocks, N. Isaac 1, Elizabethtown Assists: D. Shank. FRIDAY’S LATE SCORE
RUSHING—Temple, Armstead 19-67, Penn Manor....................0 0 0 1 C. Pluta 1; Digs, S. Freihofer 13; Assists, C. Corners-Shots: D 1-6; E 1-9.
McCaskey.......................0 0 0 1 Pluta 4. Millersville Scoring: Aces, C. Turocy NONLEAGUE
Gardner 6-19, Hood 6-14, Sharga 2-6, Mar- Saves: D—B. Hole 8; E—C. Baker 6.
chi 4-(minus 21). Notre Dame, J.Adams 19- Warwick..........................0 0 0 1 2; Kills, L. Blevins 9, E. Harman 9, K. Ceriani JV Score: D-town 1, E-town 0 Ephrata 7, Annville-Cleona 0
161, D.Williams 6-124, Wimbush 12-106, Wilson............................0 0 0 1 9; Blocks, G. Miller 2; Digs, K. Forry 13; As- Penn Manor................0 0 0 0— 0 SINGLES — L. Kachel, E, d. S. Bretous,
Ton.Jones 6-19, Ca.Smith 1-12. Section Two sists, G. Dawson 35. Lampeter-Strasburg.....0 0 0 1— 1 6-2, 6-2; K. Liebl, E, d. A. Rivera, 6-1, 6-2; K.
PASSING—Temple, Marchi 19-35-0-245. League Overall Lampeter-Strasburg Scoring: D. Eckman (96:00). Lapp, E, d. R. Campbell, 6-1, 6-1; K. Wenger,
Notre Dame, Wimbush 17-30-1-184. Millersville 3, Franklin Pierce 0 Lampeter-Strasburg Assists: M. Knarr. E, d. M. Beidler, 6-3, 7-5.
Team W L W L Millersville d. Franklin Pierce, 25-22, 25- DOUBLES — L. Kachel and K. Liebl, E, d.
RECEIVING—Temple, I.Wright 4-79, Kirk- Cedar Crest.....................0 0 1 0 Corners-Shots: PM 2-4; L-S 5-5.
wood 4-60, A.Jennings 2-30, Ellick 2-25, 18, 25-15. Saves: PM—4; L-S—4. Bretous and Rivera, 8-1; K. Wenger and K.
Cocalico..........................0 0 1 0 Franklin Pierce Scoring: Aces, B. Carias Lapp, E, d. R. Campbell and A. Carpenter,
Yancy 2-22, Hood 2-7, Yeboah 1-10, Arm- Elizabethtown.................0 0 1 0 JV Score: L-S 0, PM 0
stead 1-8, Sharga 1-4. Notre Dame, St. 4; Kills, H. St. Jean 9; Blocks, H. St. Jean 5; Palmyra.................................... 2 0— 2 8-5; M. Long and A. Meier, E, d. M. Beidler
Lampeter-Strasburg........0 0 1 0 Digs, D. Varricchio 14; Assists, H. Runge 14. Elco.......................................... 0 1— 1 and E. Speek, 8-0.
Brown 4-80, Weishar 3-20, Ca.Smith 3-10, Manheim Central............0 0 1 0
Smythe 2-34, A.Mack 2-17, Claypool 1-16, Millersville Scoring: Aces, C. Turocy 2; Kills, Palmyra Scoring: T. Carlton (36:00), J.
Canteen 1-7, Ton.Jones 1-0. Solanco...........................0 0 1 0 L. Blevins 17; Blocks, G. Miller 2; Digs, E. Mark (38:00).
MISSED FIELD GOALS—Temple, A.Jones Ephrata...........................0 0
Garden Spot....................0 0
0 1
0 1
Harman 15; Assists, K. Laughman 40. Elco Scoring: S. Noll (47:00). NFL
36. Notre Dame, Yoon 44, Yoon 47. CROSSTOWN CROSSOVER Elco Assists: A. Brown.
Section Three Corners-Shots: P 4-12; E 5-8.
Pittsburgh 28, Youngstown St. 21 (OT) League Overall At Franklin & Marshall Saves: P—J. Smith 6; E—A. Johnson 9.
Youngstown St.........0 0 7 14 0— 21 Team W L W L F&M 3, Lancaster Bible 0 JV Score: Palmyra 6, Elco 0
Pittsburgh..............14 7 0 0 7— 28 Annville-Cleona..............0 0 1 1 OTHER SCORES WEEK ONE SCHEDULE
Franklin & Marshall d. Lancaster Bible,
First Quarter Northern Lebanon..........0 0 1 0 29-27, 25-14, 25-18. Cumberland Valley 1................Hempfield 0 Thursday’s Game
PIT—Ollison 6 run (Kessman kick), 9:48 Columbia........................0 0 0 1 Lancaster Bible Scoring: Aces, E. Harkey 2; Dayspring Chr. 9.............Lebanon Catholic 1 Kansas City Chiefs at New England, 8:30 p.m.
PIT—Ollison 5 run (Kessman kick), 1:50 Donegal..........................0 0 0 1 Kills, H. Gipe 5, A. Shuey 5; Blocks, A. Shuey SCHOLASTIC GIRLS Sunday’s Games
Second Quarter Elco.................................0 0 0 1 1, B. Roberts 1; Digs, M. Kemrer 10; Assists, New York Jets at Buffalo, 1 p.m.
Lancaster Catholic..........0 0 0 1 NONLEAGUE
PIT—A.Davis 1 run (Kessman kick), 3:07 A. Shuey 18. Franklin & Marshall Scoring: Palmyra.................................... 0 1— 1 Atlanta at Chicago, 1 p.m.
Third Quarter Pequea Valley.................0 0 0 2 Aces, D. Hahn 3; Kills, G. Plisano 14; Blocks, Donegal.................................... 2 1— 3 Baltimore at Cincinnati, 1 p.m.
YSU—McCaster 1 run (Kennedy kick), FRIDAY’S LATE BOXES G. Maggiore 1, A. Mullen 1; Digs, G. Mag- Palmyra Scoring: N. Bowman (67:00). Pittsburgh at Cleveland, 1 p.m.
4:44 giore 11; Assists, G. Maggiore 34. Donegal Scoring: I. Foreman (28:00), K. Arizona at Detroit, 1 p.m.
NONLEAGUE Buchmoyer (32:00), A. Fernald (50:00). Jacksonville at Houston, 1 p.m.
Fourth Quarter F&M 3, Messiah 2
YSU—Turner 25 pass from Wells (Ken- Susquenita 41, Elco 7 Franklin & Marshall d. Messiah, 18-25,
Donegal Assists: A. Fernald 2, Skirboll. Tampa Bay at Miami, 1 p.m.
nedy kick), 6:10 Susquenita..................7 14 20 0— 41 Corners-Shots: P 2-9; D 1-8. Oakland at Tennessee, 1 p.m.
Elco.............................0 0 0 7— 7 22-25, 27-25, 26-24, 15-8. Saves: P—Corrigan 3, M. Frazier 3; D—St- Philadelphia at Washington, 1 p.m.
YSU—Turner 42 pass from Wells (Ken- Messiah Scoring: Aces, A. Dahlman 6;
nedy kick), 3:45 Scoring walley 7. Indianapolis at Los Angeles Rams, 4:05 p.m.
Kills, M. Underman 16; Blocks, P. Man- JV Score: Palmyra 2, Donegal 2 Seattle at Green Bay, 4:25 p.m.
First Overtime S—T. McGuire 49 run (A. Gasdaska kick) waring 1; Digs, A. Dahlman 23; Assists, J.
S—T. McGuire 36 run (A. Gasdaska kick) Conrad Weiser.......................... 1 1— 2 Carolina at San Francisco, 4:25 p.m.
PIT—Weah 11 pass from Browne (Kess- Rusling 49. Franklin & Marshall Scoring: Elco.......................................... 2 3— 5
man kick), :00 S—T. McGuire 34 run (A. Gasdaska kick) New York Giants at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.
S—T. McGuire 1 run (kick failed) Aces, D. Hahn 2; Kills, D. Hahn 16; Digs, G. Conrad Weiser Scoring: M. Klein (39:00),
A—40,012. Maggiore 17, G. Polisano 17, D. Hahn 17; S. Frasch (69:00). Monday, Sept. 11
YSU PIT S—T. McGuire 4 run (A. Gasdaska kick) New Orleans at Minnesota, 7:10 p.m.
S—R. Amick 20 run (A. Gasdaska kick) Assists, G. Maggiore 41. Conrad Weiser Assists: S. Evans.
First downs..................................19 24 Elco Scoring: R. Shuey 2 (3:00, 75:00), E. Los Angeles Chargers at Denver, 10:20 p.m.
E—E. Kissinger 2 pass from D. Ulrich (J. Elizabethtown 3, Lancaster Bible 0
Rushes-yards....................... 26-107 53-208 Behney kick) Bidelspach (6:00), N. Swingholm (51:00), C.
Passing.......................................311 140 Elizabethtown d. Lancaster Bible, 25-20, Johnson (59:00).
Comp-Att-Int.......................18-32-1 17-24-0

Susq Elco
25-17, 25-15. Elco Assists: E. Bidelspach 2, R. Shuey, J. BOWLING
Return Yards................................33 71 Elizabethtown Scoring: Aces, E. Shatto 4; Rosengrant.
Punts-Avg.............................. 3-39.0 2-40.5 First downs....................................8 6 Kills, M. Garner 9; Digs, A. Tietze-Di Toro Corners-Shots: CW 2-5; E 7-11.
Fumbles-Lost..............................0-0 1-1 Rushes-Yds........................... 32-279 20—7 11; Assists, G. Anders 29. Lancaster Bible Saves: CW—C. Albright 6; E—H. Sherk 2,
Passing yards...............................91 168 Scoring: Aces, A. Heyworth 2, M. Kemrer 2; M. Bailey 1.
Penalties-Yards........................ 5-45 0-0
Passes.................................... 7-10-0 17-28-3 Kills, H. Gipe 8; Blocks, A. Shuey 3; Digs, M. JV Score: Elco 2, CW 0 DUTCH
Time of Possession................ 25:29 34:31 Hershey.................................... 0 0— 0
Punts-Avg................................. 2-24 4-32 Kemrer 14; Assists, A. Shuey 20. SATURDAY JUNIORS
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Fumbles-Lost..............................0-0 0-0 Manheim Township.................. 1 2— 3
RUSHING—Youngstown St., McCaster 19- SCHOLASTIC GIRLS Darren Zombro III.......... 261-244-211—716
Penalties-Yards........................ 6-60 7-55 Manheim Township Scoring: A. Heckman Paige Boyd..................... 258-190-249—697
73, Turner 3-32, Bailey 1-9, Kuhn 1-2, Mays FRIDAY’S LATE BOX (20:00), J. Mason (58:00), K. Rishell (59:00).
1-2, Wells 1-(minus 11). Pittsburgh, Ollison Octorara 21, Columbia 12 Issac Erickson................. 256-192-225—673
NONLEAGUE Manheim Township Assists: A. Heckman, Logan Molchany............ 220-247-196—663
22-91, Q.Henderson 9-77, Darr.Hall 13-52, Octorara......................0 14 0 7— 21 C. Wood.
A.Davis 4-8, Browne 5-(minus 20). Columbia.....................6 0 0 6— 12 Linville Hill 3, Mount Calvary 0 Aiden D’Souza............... 258-201-201—660
Corners-Shots: H 2-4; MT 6-13. Zach Trimmer................ 215-223-202—640
PASSING—Youngstown St., Wells 18-32- Scoring Linville Hill Christian d. Mount Calvary Saves: H—n/a 10; MT—D. McKnight 4.
1-311. Pittsburgh, Browne 17-24-0-140. C—wakefield 61 pass from McCleary (run Christian, 25-23, 25-21, 25-22. JV Score: Hershey 2, MT 1 Lee Enck......................... 215-236-179—630
RECEIVING—Youngstown St., Rader failed) Mount Calvary Scoring: Aces, H. Witmer Penn Manor............................. 0 0— 0 Sean Walsh.................... 193-231-200—624
6-100, Turner 5-124, Bailey 4-55, Patter- O—Easterday 5 pass from Pawling (Ris- 4; Kills, G. Hilsher 2, K. Mummau 2; Blocks, Wilson...................................... 0 3— 3 Tony Lutz....................... 239-180-204—623
son 2-27, McCaster 1-5. Pittsburgh, Ollison ing kick) K. McMahon 4; Assists, H. Witmer 4. Lin- Wilson Scoring: B. Depro (46:00), G. ROCKY SPRINGS
5-35, Ffrench 3-19, Flanagan 2-35, Darr.Hall O—Jackson 55 run (Rising kick) ville Hill Scoring: Statistics not available. Rhoads (48:00), C. Martin (56:00). Robin Heiney................. 219-201-197—617

Lancaster Weather Today’s weather brought to you by: HONDRUAUTO.COM

75° 82° 85° 75° 66° 76° 73°
56° 63° 64° 59° 54° 52° 51°
POP: 40% POP: 0% POP: 25% POP: 70% POP: 60% POP: 25% POP: 30%
An a.m. shower; partly Mostly sunny, pleasant Partly sunny and humid Not as warm with periods A shower in the a.m.; Pleasant with some sun Periods of sun with a
sunny, warmer and warmer of rain mostly cloudy shower possible
Wind: W 8-16 mph Wind: SW 6-12 mph Wind: SW 6-12 mph Wind: WSW 3-6 mph Wind: W 4-8 mph Wind: NW 6-12 mph Wind: NE 4-8 mph

ALMANAC REGION POP: Probability of Precipitation

24HOUR TEMPERATURE RECORD LANCASTER Erie Atlantic City: A shower this morn-
60° A shower in the morning; 72/60 Bradford ing. Wind from the southwest at
otherwise, partly sunny and 65/50 Scranton 8-16 knots. Seas 3-6 feet. Water
warmer today. High 73 to 77. 68/55 temp 71.
Winds west-northwest 8-16 mph. Oil City Williamsport Cape May: Warmer today. Wind
12 AM 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 12 AM Clear and moonlit tonight. 70/55 Punxsutawney 73/54 west-southwest 8-16 knots. Seas
Lancaster statistics through 7 p.m. at 69/55 Wilkes-Barre 1-3 feet. Visibility clear. Water
Millersville University Weather Station DELAWAREMARYLAND temp 73.
Butler State College 70/55
Mostly sunny and warmer today; Rehoboth Beach: Warmer today.
TEMPERATURE a passing shower in the Maryland 70/55 69/54
Lancaster 58°/51° Wind west-southwest 7-14 knots.
panhandle during the morning. New York City Seas 2-4 feet. Visibility clear. Water
Ephrata 58°/49° High 63 to 79. Allentown 74/63 Harrisburg
New Holland 59°/53° Pittsburgh Altoona 74/55
temp 70.
Lancaster (last year) 80°/60° 69/54 75/57 Ocean City, MD: Partly sunny
POCONOS 72/59 Philadelphia
Normals for the day 81°/60° A little rain this morning. High 62 Lancaster today. Wind west-southwest at
Year to date high 95° on June 13 Hagerstown 76/62 8-16 knots. Seas 3-5 feet. Visibility
to 66. A moonlit sky tonight. Low York 75/56
Year to date low 10° on Jan. 9 50 to 54. Warmer tomorrow.
Morgantown 77/58 clear. Water temp 73.
PRECIPITATION 72/58 75/56 Wilmington Outer Banks: Mostly sunny today.
24 hours ending 7 p.m. 0.67” Martinsburg Baltimore 77/59 Atlantic City
Wind west-southwest at 7-14
knots. Seas 2-4 feet. Visibility clear.
Month to date
Normal month to date
AIR QUALITY 77/56 78/59 77/64 Water temp 76.
Month to date departure +0.41 Today’s forecast Washington
Cape May
Year to date 27.32” 79/64
Forecasts and NATION
Normal year to date 28.57” 0 50 100 150 200 300 500 graphics provided by TODAY MON
Year to date departure -1.25 Yesterday’s readings Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures Rehoboth Beach AccuWeather, Inc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Greatest Sep. total 11.71” (1999) are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. 78/63 ©2017 Anchorage 57/49/c 61/49/sh
Main Pollutant Ozone
Least Sep. total 0.18” (1943) Particulates 14 Atlanta 84/64/s 87/69/s
Source: www.atmos.millersville.edu/~wic Ozone 35 NATION Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Atlantic City
PRECIPITATION 0-50: Good. 51-100: Moderate. 101-150: Unhealthy
for sensitive groups. 151-200: Unhealthy. 201-300: Boston 65/59/r 81/67/s
Total precipitation for the 24-hour Very unhealthy. 301-500: Hazardous. Winnipeg Buffalo 69/59/r 80/60/pc
period ending 7 p.m. yesterday Source: Pennsylvania Department of Seattle 78/52 Cleveland 77/60/pc 86/64/pc
87/62 Montreal Chicago 83/67/s 84/59/pc
Brownstown N.A. Environmental Protection
58/52 Charlotte 85/61/s 88/63/s
Columbia N.A. Billings
County Park N.A. POLLEN 95/57
94/76/pc 94/75/s
96/60/s 92/54/pc
Ephrata 0.63” Grasses Absent 86/63 New York
Harrisburg 75/57/pc 83/64/s
Flory Mill 0.71” Trees Absent 74/63
Detroit Honolulu 86/73/pc 85/72/sh
Manheim 0.35” Weeds High 78/60 Las Vegas 102/80/pc 103/81/s
Mount Joy 0.35” Mold Moderate San Francisco 83/67
HARVEY Los Angeles 92/73/pc 85/70/pc
Smoketown N.A. 87/65 Denver
Source: Dr. Robert Zuckerman 96/60 Kansas City Washington Nashville 85/66/s 87/68/s
Truce N.A. 88/69 79/64 New Orleans 88/73/pc 87/74/pc
Source: Lancaster County Emergency
Management Agency
74/63/r 84/70/s
89/73/pc 90/74/pc
TODAY MON Los Angeles
Philadelphia 76/62/pc 84/68/s
RIVER STAGES Sunrise 6:35 a.m. 6:36 a.m.
Phoenix 104/82/pc 107/85/pc
Levels as of 7:00 a.m. yesterday Sunset 7:33 p.m. 7:32 p.m. Pittsburgh 72/59/c 82/67/s
Below Moonrise 6:10 p.m. 6:48 p.m. 95/68 Salt Lake City 97/69/s 97/67/pc
Susquehanna Feet Flood Moonset 3:45 a.m. 4:43 a.m. San Francisco 87/65/s 80/66/pc
at Harrisburg 3.44 13.56 Houston Wash., D.C. 79/64/pc 86/71/s
Full Last New First Chihuahua 91/71
at Marietta 33.69 15.31 87/61 SATURDAY EXTREMES
Conestoga Miami For the 48 contiguous states
Monterrey 90/79
at Lancaster 3.44 7.56 91/69 High: 115° at Lemoore, CA
at Conestoga 1.66 —— Sep 6 Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 27 Low: 28° at Saranac Lake, NY
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front
Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy,
For up-to-the-minute weather, visit c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms,
LancasterOnline.com AccuWeather® Forecast -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.



OPEN LABOR DAY 9-3 Mt. Joy Lancaster

2017 FORD ESCAPE MSRP ..................................$24,645

HHONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,399
2017 FORD FUSION SE MSRP ..................................$26,060
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,890
2017 FORD FOCUS MSRP ..................................$17,650
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............... -$651
STK#17F361 FFactory Rebate .................. -$4,250 W/ TECH PACKAGE
CKAGE FFactory Rebate....................... -$3,500 STK#17F800 Factory Rebate....................... -$4,000
LEASE FOR $179 STK#17F162 FFord Credit Cash ........................... -$500 Focus Owner Loyalty Rebate . -$2,000 665-3551

$18,999 $20,670 $10,999
$2,999 Due At Signing AVAILABLE $2,723 Due At Signing AVAILABLE $2,655 Due At Signing
2017 FORD MSRP ..................................$33,295 2017 FORD F150 S/C 4X4
X4 MSRP ..................................$38,890 2017 FORD EDGE
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$2,395
MSRP ..................................$34,375
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,876
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,296
EXPLORER STK#17F699 Factory Rebate.................... -$3,500 SEL AWD Factory Rebate.................... -$2,850
Factory Rebate.................... -$3,000
Ford Credit Cash .................... -$500 0% X 72 MONTHS
Ford Bonus Cash................. -$1,250
STK#17F368 LEASE FOR $249
Ford Credit Cash ................. -$1,000


$28,495 $31,745 $29,149

**39 mo Lease **36 MO LEASE **39 MO LEASE
AVAILABLE $3,415 Due At Signing $2,999 CASH/TRADE EQUITY
Tax, Tags, License & Doc fee extra TAG, LIC & DOC FEE EXTRA TAX, TAG, LIC & DOC FEE EXTRA
‡ Tax, tags, lic, $138 Doc Fee extra. 10,500 miles. All lease payments are 10,500 a year, including all Ford RCL rebates, Cash or trade equity. Not all buyers will qualify. Focus owner loyalty offer is to select customers that were directly contacted from Ford.
Availability includes in stock, transit & scheduled production units. 0% available in lieu of rebates. All prices good till 8/31/2017. (Not responsible for typos)

2017 CHEVY SPARK MSRP ......................................$15,370 2017 CHEVY CRUZE MSRP ........................ $22,365 2017 CHEVY MALIBU MSRP ........................$26,015
STK#17C204 20% Off MSRP ..........................$3,074 STK#17C245

Chevy Consumer Cash ..-$3,500
HONDRU DISCOUNT.........-$1,065
GM Lease Loyalty Cash ....-$1,500 2 GREAT
LEASE FOR $149 GM Lease Loyalty ........-$1,500 Chevy Consumer Cash .....-$3,500
0% x 72mo AVAILABLE Chevy Bonus Cash ..........-$1,000
0% x 72mo AVAILABLE

367-6644 OR 1-877-924-6644
7 SPARKS 665-2466 OR 877-597-3551
24 mo $0 Security Deposit 19 MALIBUS 36 mo $0 Security Deposit
AVAILABLE UP TO $3,500 Due At Signing
AVAILABLE $2,500 Due At Signing RT. 72 MANHEIM
42 MPG Tax, Tags, License & $138 Doc fee extra Tax, Tags, License & $138 Doc fee extra
Includes GM Competitive Lease Cash Includes GM Competitive Lease Cash

2017 CHEVY TRAX MSRP ......................................$21,935 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX MSRP ...................................... $26,620
HONDRU DISCOUNT .....................-$1,080
2017 CHEVY SILVERADO 4X4 MSRP ...................................... $48,315
STK#17H343 HONDRU DISCOUNT ....................-$613 STK#17H318 HONDRU DISCOUNT .................-$2,909
Chevy Bonus Cash ......................-$1,250 GM Lease Loyalty Cash ............-$1,500 LT CREW CAB 0% x 72mo AVAILABLE Chevy Bonus Cash ...................-$5,000
LEASE FOR $189 GM Lease Loyalty Cash ................-$1,500 LEASE FOR $179 Chevy Bonus Cash ...................-$4,250 STK#17C086 Chevy Consumer Cash .............-$2,000
Chevy Consumer Cash .................-$3,000 Chevy Consumer Cash .............-$1,000 Chevy Owner Loyalty ...............-$1,000
Package Discount .......................-$750

30 TRAX 39 mo $0 Security Deposit

25 EQUINOX 24 mo $0 Security Deposit 42
$1,000 Due At Signing $1,500 Due At Signing SILVERADOS
AVAILABLE Tax, Tags, License & $138 Doc fee extra
Includes GM Competitive Lease Cash
AVAILABLE Tax, Tags, License & $138 Doc fee extra
Includes GM Competitive Lease Cash AVAILABLE
‡ All leases are 10,000 mi/yr. All lease payments are plus tax. Tax, tags, license & $138 doc fee not included. All leases require first payment at delivery. Must have approved credit through GM Financial to qualify. All Chevy Bonus Tag cash requires financing with GM Financial. GM Competitive Lease Cash, must be leasing a 2008 or newer non GM vehicle to qualify. GM Lease Loyalty, must have a current GM lease through Ally, GM Financial, or US Bank. **Must be leasing a 2008 or newer model, termination of current lease
not required, and is compatible with most Chevrolet models. For Chevy lease loyalty cash for customers who have a current Chevrolet lease through Ally, GM Financial, or US Bank (lease termination is not required). Available units includes in stock, in transit and balance to schedule units. Residency restrictions apply. Prices are subject to change weekly. Chevy owner loyalty requires ownership of 1999 or newer Chevrolet car or truck. 0% APR may not be available for all models. All incentives are good until 10/2/2017.

2017 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB EXPRESS MSRP ..................................$37,905

HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$2,889
STK#17D468 Rebate................................ -$2,750
Mid-Atlantic Bonus ........... -$2,250
Chrysler Capital Bonus ........ -$500
X 36 MO
MO MSRP ..................................$32,365
† LEASE FOR with $2,900 due
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,108
Rebate ................................ -$3,500 367-6644 OR 1-877-924-6644
at signing!
$ Chrysler Capital Bonus .......... -$500

Mid-Atlantic Bonus ............. -$1,000

with $0 CASH
DUE!!! 78 RAMS
$0 Due at Signing
Inc lease loyalty/conquest
Tax, Tags, License & Doc extra
2017 JEEP MSRP ..................................$35,790
HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,937 2017 JEEP RENEGADE 2017 CHRYSLER
299 219
Rebate ................................ -$2,500
Mid-Atlantic Bonus ................ -$750 MSRP ..................................$26,325
LAREDO 4X4 STK#17D483 HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,564 STK#17D446 MO
STK#17D418 MO
MSRP ..................................$36,980 X 42 MO X 42 MO
STK#17D472 Rebate................................ -$3,250 MSRP ..................................$31,6055
Labor Day Bonus.................... -$500 HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$2,228 with $2,900 due AVAILABLE HONDRU DISCOUNT ............ -$1,0577 $2,900 duee
Rebate ................................ -$1,000 at signing! at signing!
Mid-Atlantic Bonus ................ -$500
Bonus Bucks ....................... -$1,000
Chrysler Capital Bonus .......... -$500
$31,502 $30,548
X 42 MO Mid-Atlantic Bonus ................ -$750

with $2,900 due
† LEASE FOR at signing!
X 42 MO
$2,900 Due at Signing
Inc lease loyalty/conquest
$2,900 Due at Signing
$2,900 Due at Signing
Inc lease loyalty/conquest
with $2,900 due 16 GRAND CHEROKEES
Tax, Tags, License & Doc extra
Inc lease loyalty/conquest Tax, Tags, License & Doc extra 31 WRANGLERS
at signing!
AVAILABLE Tax, Tags, License & Doc extra AVAILABLE
***Tax, tags, lic, doc of $138 extra. Available units include in stock and production units. + Ram lease = 36 mo, 10k mi/yr. includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate ++++ Wrangler lease = 42 mo, 10k mi/yr. includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate. Available units
include in stock, in transit, and balance to schedule units. ++ Grand Cherokee lease = 42 mo, 10k mi/yr. Includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate. Cherokee lease = 36 mo, 10k mi/yr. includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate. *Prices good until 9/5/2017.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2017 n SEND STORY TIPS & INFO TO: TIM MEKEEL, 717-481-6030, [email protected]

2-wheel wonder
Exploring Quebec’s
Gaspe Peninsula on cycles
n Travel, page D6




Don’t be fooled
by Hurricane
Harvey scams
With every natural
disaster come the scams.
After Hurricane
Harvey left a path of
destruction in Southeast
Texas, naturally people
want to help. Americans
are extremely generous
when there’s a devastat-
ing event, and criminals
know exactly how to
take advantage of a
Just three months
after Superstorm Sandy
pummeled the North-
east in 2012, the Red
Cross had received more
than $254 million in
donations and pledges. GLENN KOENIG / LOS ANGELES TIMES

Even more money Instructor Kendall Wood, left, leads a boxing fitness class at Prevail Boxing in Los Angeles.

poured in later.
Now tens of thousands
of people have been
displaced by floodwa-
ters from Harvey. Their
needs will be great. But

the responsible thing
to do when giving is to
figure out how best to
contribute. This means
doing some homework
to make sure your
money goes where you
expect and is put to the
best use. Millennials turning to more expensive boutique-type fitness studios
For those of you who
want to help victims of that offer a tailored exercise experience
Harvey, here are four
tips on how to donate RONALD D. WHITE Boutique fitness studios have spots per class and advance res- Instagram followers and
wisely from the Fed- become the only growth seg- ervations generally required, 674,000 YouTube subscribers.
eral Trade Commission, Carla Zuniga is punching a ment in an otherwise stagnant there’s a mad rush to get into Kwan regularly posts com-
Better Business Bu- heavy bag as if she were pre- gym industry, according to the hottest classes. edy and power-lifting workout
reau, BBB Wise Giving paring for a title fight, although separate research reports from Rules can be strict where videos that garner more than
Alliance and Char- she’s really a 35-year-old hair the Association of Fitness Stu- studios have waiting lists of a 1 million views each. Kwan’s
ity Navigator, a charity stylist doing her regular work- dios, fitness technology firm dozen or more people who are “Justkiddingnews” YouTube
watchdog group. out. Netpulse and financial services hoping someone doesn’t show channel has nearly 1.7 million
— Investigate before Zuniga isn’t sweating at firm Stephens. up for a class so that they can subscribers.
you donate. The FTC some low-fee, big-box fit- “When it comes to the young- slip into the spot. Kwan, a former athlete who
(ftc.gov) has put out a ness chain. Prevail Boxing is er generation, consumer items At Prevail Boxing, for in- also practiced mixed martial
blog post with tips for a 1,500-square-foot studio in like car and home purchases stance, cancellations with less arts, wasn’t happy at tradition-
donating safely along Los Angeles that charges $250 are at an all-time low,” said than eight hours’ notice cost al gyms. So he and his wife, Geo,
with links to charity for 10 classes. Greg Skloot, vice president for $10 on top of the price of the opened Barbell Brigade near
watchdog groups. It’s “I think people in my gen- growth at Netpulse, a San Fran- class. Fail to show and there’s downtown Los Angeles in 2013.
called: Wise Giving in eration are more willing to in- cisco company that creates a $20 fee. Arrive less than five It’s not as expensive as some
the Wake of Hurricane vest in what challenges them mobile apps for health clubs. minutes early and you stand a boutique gyms, with a day pass
Harvey. and makes them healthy,” said “They don’t want an annual chance of losing your class spot costing $20 and the monthly
— Consider charities Zuniga, who grew bored with gym membership commitment to someone else. fee for regulars running $100.
close to the storm. If cheaper, traditional gyms. “It’s and a contract,” said Skloot, Kwan said he wanted to re-
you’re skeptical of large- expensive to be healthy, but it’s who co-wrote a recent report Celebrity status create the atmosphere he once
scale charitable groups, more expensive to be sick.” on fitness industry changes ti- found in a mixed martial arts
give to local nonprof- Costly coffee and artisanal tled “The Club of 2020.” “They People sign up as early as two training facility.
its. Charity Navigator avocado toast may be getting want to be able to make physi- weeks in advance for a coveted “We were paying top dollar
suggested the following the blame for millennials’ in- cal fitness choices on demand, spot with a sought-after trainer to go there,” Kwan said, “but
organizations: Houston ability to afford a house. and they are willing to pay for such as Cycle House’s Nichelle we considered that place our
Food Bank, Food Bank But those expenses pale it.” Hines, whose title is chief ride temple.”
of Corpus Christi, Hous- compared with what a grow- Spurred by popular startup officer. Grid Vongpiansuksa tried
ton Humane Society or ing segment is willing to spend ClassPass and other online Some instructors and owners Barbell Brigade in 2014 and
San Antonio Humane on fitness, abandoning $30-a- middlemen, young fitness ad- have become celebrities them- came back for the support.
Society. month gyms for trendy studios dicts say their days of mindless selves, with reality TV shows “Sure, it’s expensive,” the
Make sure the charity where classes for cycling, boot treadmill workouts tied to just and hundreds of thousands of 22-year-old said. “But in an
has the ability to take ac- camp or yoga can run $30 a ses- one gym are over. Instagram followers. environment like this, people
tion. “Unless the charity sion. With a limited number of Bart Kwan, 33, has 472,000 FITNESS, page D8
already has staff in the
affected areas, it may be
difficult to bring in new
aid workers to provide
assistance quickly,” says Lily’s on Main closes, ending 19 years in Ephrata
a warning from the BBB
Wise Giving Alliance. The roughly 120-seat restau-
As you watch media rant featured classic American
reports and see local fare in a dining room deco-
churches or community rated in an art deco style.
centers opening their A July 22 post on the restau-
doors to victims, reach rant’s Facebook page said it
out to the organizations was taking an “employee sum-
to see what they may CHAD UMBLE mer break” and would reopen
need. But please call WHAT’S IN STORE Aug. 9. Yet the restaurant
first before sending any didn’t reopen and is now listed
money or items, because on Facebook as “permanently
you want to be sure they Lily’s on Main has closed in closed.”
can handle what you downtown Ephrata, ending Steve Brown, who was the
want to send. a 19-year run for the restau- restaurant’s executive chef,
— Stay away from rant on the second floor of the confirmed the closure and said
the middleman. It’s Brossman Business Complex. he would have something to
my personal charitable In 1994, the restaurant at say about it soon.
giving rule to cut out any 124 E. Main St. opened as Lily’s on Main is above The
middlemen. I’m not a Checkers Restaurant & Pub. It New Main movie theater, LILY’S ON MAIN

SINGLETARY, page D7 became Lily’s on Main in 1998 which the Browns operated This 2013 photo shows the interior of Lily’s on Main in Ephrata.
when Steve Brown became the from 2010 until this past May,
manager. Brown and his wife, when it was taken over by Ketchum is managing part- near Lititz and in Wilmington,
n michelle.singletary@ Karen, bought the restaurant Penn Ketchum and his wife, ner of an investor group that Delaware.
in 2006. Aimee. owns Penn Cinema theaters WHAT’S IN STORE, page D8

Who’s News
n Saxton & Stump has
hired Marcus W. Shand
as an associate attorney,
with a focus on labor and
employment, construction
litigation and health care
Shand, of Lancaster, most
recently was an assistant
Dr. Amber Batool Dr. Alana M. Feiler Dr. Edward G. Camerino Dr. John Brabazon Marcus W. Shand
district attorney for the
Lancaster County District
n Three family-practice a law degree from Penn
Attorney’s Office. He holds
physicians in Ephrata State University’s Dickinson
have joined the WellSpan a bachelor’s degree from
Medical Group. Grove City College and School of Law.
Dr. Edward G. Camerino
is practicing at WellSpan
Family Medicine, 207 W. n Mervin Zimmerman Inc./The Bath Barn has
Fulton St., Ephrata. promoted Joel Smoker to project manager for bathroom
Camerino, of Lititz,
Dr. J. Andrew Hoover Dr. Jonathan T. Kinley Dr. Christopher Brabazon Smoker, of Lititz, was hired in 2010 and was most recently
received his medical
degree from the Yonsei a bathroom remodeler. He is a Liberty University graduate.
n Drs. Amber Batool, University of Pennsylvania Osteopathy and did his
University College of
Alana M. Feiler, J. Andrew and Children’s Hospital residency at the Delaware
Medicine and did his
Hoover and Jonathan of Philadelphia. She is Valley Medical Center.
residency at Brookhaven
T. Kinley have joined board-certified in internal
Memorial Hospital Medical Christopher Brabazon
Lancaster General Health medicine and pediatrics.
Center. He is board-
Physicians practices. Hoover, of Lancaster, certified by the American
also received his
medical degree from the
Batool, of Lancaster, has joined LG Health Board of Family Medicine. “Who’s News,” featuring promotions, hirings and
has joined LG Health Physicians Family Medicine Philadelphia College of certifications of management-level employees, appears
Father-and-son team Dr. Osteopathy and did his
Physicians Trauma & Acute Norlanco. A graduate each Sunday. Send us your news with an optional JPG
John Brabazon and Dr. residency at Community
Care Surgery. Batool, a of Penn State College photo to [email protected] or by visiting
of Medicine, he recently Christopher Brabazon are lancasteronline.com/whosnewsform. “Who’s News” items
graduate of Philadelphia Hospital of Lancaster.
completed an internship practicing at WellSpan also can be mailed to LNP Business News, P.O. Box 1328,
College of Osteopathic
and residency at Lancaster Family Medicine, 222 W. Both Brabazons are Lancaster PA 17608-1328 or dropped off at our offices at 8
Medicine, completed an
General Hospital. He is Fulton St., Ephrata. Ephrata residents and W. King St. in downtown Lancaster.
internship and residency
at Geisinger Wyoming board-certified in family John Brabazon received are board-certified by
Valley Medical Center. medicine. his medical degree from the American Board of
She recently completed Kinley, of Lititz, has joined Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
a fellowship at Cooper
LG Health Physicians
University Hospital. Family Medicine Quentin.
Feiler, of Lancaster, has Kinley, a graduate of n The Keystone Chapter
joined LG Health Physicians Michigan State University of Associated Builders
Hospitalists. Feiler, a
graduate of the Perelman
College of Osteopathic
Medicine, recently
& Contractors has WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13
promoted G. David Sload n Free Elizabethtown Chamber of Commerce mixer,
School of Medicine at the completed a residency from interim president
University of Pennsylvania, at Heart of Lancaster at 5 p.m., The Vineyard at Grandview, 1489 Grandview
to president and chief Road, Mount Joy. Registration required by Sept. 5 at
recently completed an Regional Medical Center. executive officer.
internship and residency He is board-certified in elizabethtowncoc.com/events.
at the hospital of the family medicine. Sload, of Conestoga,
became interim president Thursday, Sept. 21
in June, when Kate G. David Sload n Critical Etiquette in the Professional World, at 8:30
McCaslin stepped down a.m., Lancaster Chamber, 115 E. King St. Instructor:
after two years in the Sload has been involved Mary Renner, president of The Digital Workshop. Cost:
post to become executive with the Keystone Chapter $199. Registration at lancasterchamber.com/events or
director of Morning since 1994, having served 717-397-3531.
Star Boys Ranch in her on several committees,
hometown of Spokane,
including the executive
Monday, Sept. 25
Washington. n Central Penn Business Group on Health’s health
committee, and as
Sload, a Thompson care forecast breakfast, at 8 a.m., Hershey Country
chairman of the board in Club. Subject: “The Changing Central Pennsylvania
Institute graduate, was
hired by the Keystone 2000. Healthcare Landscape: Our Opportunities and Our
Matt Graham Adam Dent Chapter in 2011 as Challenges.” Cost: members $50, nonmembers $80.
The Manheim-based
director of education. Registration at http://lcbgh.org/calendar.htm.
n Mount Joy Wire has a Millersville University Keystone Chapter has
He then was promoted
hired Matt Graham as graduate. to vice president of nearly 600 members in 10 Tuesday, Sept. 26
process engineering Dent, of Wrightsville, education and workforce counties in southcentral n Young Professional Network Skills Accelerator
manager and Adam Dent manages quality development. Pennsylvania. Workshop, at 8 a.m., Lancaster Chamber, 115 E. King
as quality assistant. complaints and customer St. Subject: Transforming conflict into creativity. Cost:
Graham, of York, spent quality issues, and $30. Registration at lancasterchamber.com/events or
six years at the company supports internal quality 717-397-3531.
as environmental process control. The Millersville
engineer, leaving in 2015. University graduate Thursday, Sept. 28
Most recently he was an previously was a n Professional Women’s Forum, at 1 p.m., Willow
operations manager for laboratory technician at Valley Cultural Center, 450 Willow Valley Lakes
Federal Express. He is K&L Plating. Drive. Speaker: Butler Bags creator Jen Groover, on
emotional intelligence. Cost: $125. Registration at
lancasterchamber.com/events or 717-397-3531.
n Wheatland Advisors, n Central Penn Business Group on Health Well
a subsidiary of Orrstown Workplace Roundtable breakfast, at 7:30 a.m.,
Sara Bruton Kimberly Lyons Lancaster Chamber, 115 E. King St. Local employers
Financial Services, has
hired Jeremy Stahl as vice recognized for their wellness initiatives will talk about
n Simon Lever has how they developed them. Cost: $15. Registration at
president and senior adviser. promoted Sara Bruton, lcbgh.org/calendar.htm.
Stahl, of Schaefferstown, Kimberly Lyons and
spent the prior four years Rebecca Walck to
at BB&T and predecessor principal, and hired Rob
Susquehanna Bank as a Fisher as director of
private wealth adviser. He
has more than 20 years of
Jeremy Stahl operations.
Bruton, of Lancaster,
investment management degree from Temple
experience. was hired in 2009. Most
University and an MBA from Rebecca Walck Here is a list of Lancaster Luis A. Alicea Perez, 400
recently, she was a
Stahl has a bachelor’s University of Maryland. County bankruptcies block of West Chestnut
manager in the accounting Street. Chapter 7.
recently, she was a recorded in U.S.
and auditing department.
manager in the accounting Bankruptcy Court,
She is a Messiah College
and auditing department Eastern District of Cheri Lynn Levin, 100
n Turkey Hill Dairy has graduate.
hired Todd Kulp as second as well. She also is an Pennsylvania, Reading, block of Foal Court,
shift operations supervisor Lyons, of Lititz, was hired Elizabethtown College Aug. 22-28. Building 15. Chapter 7.
in its frozen production in 2008. Most recently, she
graduate. Johnathan W. and Kelly
department. also was a manager in the Ronda L. Trimble, 700
accounting and auditing Fisher, of Lancaster, most J. Snyder, first block of
Kulp, of Marietta, is Jason Avenue, Denver. block of Ferndale Road,
department. She is an recently was a campus Mount Joy. Chapter 7.
an Alvernia University Elizabethtown College Chapter 7.
graduate who most pastor for LCBC and
graduate. director of its Manheim Carl and Rosalyn R.
recently was production
supervisor at Sensible Walck, of Mountville, was operations. He is a Grove Neal Swartley, 500 block Thompson, 500 block of
Todd Kulp
Portions. hired in 2005. Most City College graduate. of South Sixth Street, Howard Avenue. Chapter
Denver. Chapter 7. 13.

Maria A. Coole, 600 block Michelle A. Edinger, 500

of Third Street. Chapter 7. block of Creekside Lane,
Lititz. Chapter 13.
Christopher A. Roshon
and Paola Juliette n Under Chapter 7 of the
Montreuil-Mendez, 2000 U.S. Bankruptcy Code, a
block of Ursinus Lane. debtor’s assets are liquidat-
Chapter 7. ed to pay creditors. Under
Chapter 11, the debtor, often
a company, reorganizes and
Donald L. Garden, 800 may pay some creditors.
block of North President Under Chapter 13, a debtor
Avenue. Chapter 7. proposes a repayment plan.

Yourself. Your Business. Our Community. OPTIONS.
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Blending virtual, ture apps.
From a catalog or a website,
classrooms will let students
explore the solar system, vol-
physical worlds, it’s hard to tell whether a sofa canoes and more.
from ‘Pokemon Go’ or a bed will actually fit in your
to furniture store room. Even if it fits, will it be Beyond virtual
far enough from other pieces reality
of furniture for someone to
ANICK JESDANUN walk through? Virtual reality is a technol-
With AR, you can go to your ogy that immerses you in a
NEW YORK — You might living room or bedroom and different world, rather than
have gotten a taste of “aug- add an item you’re thinking of trying to supplement the real
mented reality,” the blend- buying. The phone maps out world with virtual images, as
ing of the virtual and physi- the dimensions of your room AR does. VR was supposed to
cal worlds, as you chased and scales the virtual item au- be the next big thing, but the
on-screen monsters at real- tomatically; there’s no need to appeal has been limited out-
world landmarks in last year’s pull out a tape measure. The side of games and industrial
gaming sensation “Pokemon online furnishing store Way- applications. You need special
Go.” fair has the WayfairView for headsets, which might make
Upcoming augmented real- Android phones, while Ikea is you dizzy if you wear one too
ity apps will follow that same coming out with one for Apple long.
principle of superimposing devices. Wayfair says it’s ex- And VR isn’t very social. Put
virtual images over real-life ploring bringing the app to on the headset, and you shut
settings. That could let you see ASSOCIATED PRESS
iPhones and iPads, too. out everyone else around you.
how furniture will look in your Left: This photo provided by Wayfair shows screenshots demonstrat- As for whimsical, Holo for Part of the appeal of “Poke-
ing WayfairView for Tango-enabled Android phones.
real living room before you Android lets you pose next mon Go” was the ability to
buy it, for instance. to virtual tigers and cartoon run into strangers who were
While “Pokemon Go” didn’t ing Samsung’s popular S8 and will suddenly be in the hands characters. For iPhones and also playing. Augmented real-
require special hardware or Google’s own Pixel, though it of consumers. iPads, the Food Network will ity can be a shared experience,
software, more advanced AR didn’t give a timetable beyond But how many are ready to let you add frosting and sprin- as friends look on the phone
apps will. Google and Apple promising an update by the give AR a try? kles to virtual cupcakes. screen with you.
are both developing technol- end of the year. Games and education are While AR shows more prom-
ogy to enable that. Google’s As a result, Apple might pull Early applications also popular categories. On ise than VR, there has yet to
AR technology is already on ahead as it extends AR to all Apple devices, a companion be a “killer app” that everyone
Android phones from Lenovo recent iPhones and iPads in a Of the dozen or so apps dem- to AMC’s “The Walking Dead” must have, the way smart-
and Asus. On Tuesday, Google software update expected next onstrated recently for Android creates zombies alongside real phones have become essential
announced plans to bring AR month, iOS 11. Hundreds of and iPhones, the ones showing people for you to shoot. On for navigation and everyday
to even more phones, includ- millions of AR-ready devices the most promise are furni- Android, apps being built for snapshots.

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Talking Points


A Serious Price
For Fouling the Water
Kenya has put in place one of the
world’s toughest bans on plastic
bags, with punishment of up to four
years in jail for anyone making,
selling or importing them. Bags,
which can take hundreds of years
to degrade, are blamed for clogging
oceans and killing marine life, and
Kenya joins more than 40 other
countries that have introduced
taxes on them or limited or pro-
hibited their use. In 2015, Britain
introduced a 5-pence charge for
plastic bags at stores, leading to a
plunge of more than 80 percent in
their use.



Unlike typical cars, which decrease LESS FOR MORE Cord-cutters find themselves confronting a muddle of on-demand services that, added up, cost more and offer less than a cable subscription.
in value as soon as they are driven

TV’s Future Is Here. It’s Messy.

off the lot, “supercars” — the
fastest of the fast — often increase
in value, sometimes so much that
they become too valuable to drive.
At a recent auction in California,
a 1995 McLaren F1 was sold for
$15.62 million, a record price for the TECHNOLOGY made, but finding them has be- Cutting the Cable Cord third-party services have popped
vehicle, the fastest mass-produced KEVIN ROOSE come harder than ever. Americans are turning to the web up to replace the TV Guides of
car approved for road use. It cost I felt another twinge of cable for television access at a high old, but there’s no industrywide
less than $1 million new. nostalgia last month, when both rate, estimates show, and the solution. “One of the barriers to
More confusion comes Disney and Facebook announced trend is likely to accelerate. entry for the consumer right now
big steps in their next-generation is simply confusion,” said Paul
Bargain in the Front Row
Membership to MoviePass has
with more options for
streaming shows.
video strategies.
Disney, which controls some 941,000
The number of cable subscribers
Verna, the principal video analyst
at eMarketer, a media research
surged since it dropped its prices of the most valuable TV and film firm. “The more of these services
recently, with a $9.95 monthly franchises, shook Hollywood by who cut the cord during the that are out there, the harder it’s
subscription now letting members If you’re like me and the millions announcing it was ending its dis- second quarter of this year. going to get for people to make
of other Americans who have tribution deal with Netflix and rational, informed decisions
go to the movies 365 times a year.
The deal canceled a cable television sub- starting two stand-alone stream- about what to subscribe to.”
scription over the past few years, ing services. An ESPN-branded A reason for all this chaos is that
you’re probably familiar with the sports service will be available The number of cable subscribers cord-cutting is accelerating faster
at 91 phenomenon I call “the hunt.” early next year, while the other, who cut the cord during the than media executives expect-
percent It goes like this: First, you de- focusing on Disney movies and second quarter of last year. ed. Last quarter, nearly a million
of movie cide to watch one of your favorite shows, will go live in 2019. Americans dropped their pay-TV
in the
shows — HGTV’s “Fixer Upper,”
in my case. You plop down on
A day later, Facebook an-
nounced Watch, a tab inside the 2.5%
The rate of pay TV subscriber
subscriptions, according to an es-
timate from Craig Moffett, a media
United your couch, turn on your TV and main Facebook app that will soon analyst with MoffettNathanson.
boot up your streaming device. host a slate of professionally pro- erosion in the first quarter. Young people, a group coveted
Then you shuffle from app to app, duced video series. The company by advertisers, are moving away
trying to remember which of your says people will be able to enjoy from TV especially quickly. The
company half-dozen streaming services premium fare like “Returning the amount of time people under 35
said, but it does not apply to 3D or has the program. Was it Netflix? Favor”; a reality show about tiny The rate of pay TV subscriber spend watching traditional TV has
IMAX movies. The average price of Hmm, no. HBO Go? Nope. Hulu houses; and “Bae or Bail,” which erosion in the second quarter. been cut in half since 2010, accord-
a movie ticket in the United States Plus? It has the first three sea- Facebook describes thusly: “Un- ing to Matthew Ball, the head of
was $8.65 in 2016, but prices vary sons, which you’ve already seen, suspecting couples put their re- strategy at Amazon Studios.
widely. A single, non-discount ticket but not the fourth. You finally find lationship and wits to the test is spent on traditional television Such numbers have prompted
to an evening show can cost $23.29 the fourth season on Amazon, but as they’re thrown into terrifying advertisements, and as that pile dozens of efforts to replace the
it’s not included free with Prime scenarios.” of money shifts to digital video, revenue seeping out of the old
at a theater in Times Square but
Video. It costs $2.99 per episode. Disney is betting that a signif- Facebook presumably wants to cable model. Disney’s streaming
only $9 in El Dorado, Ark. The hunt ends with a whimper: icant number of customers will make sure a hefty chunk ends up service won’t be the last of its
You sigh, suck it up and fork over pay $10 or $20 a month to watch in its own pockets. It also very kind; pretty soon, you’ll be forced
Tobacco’s Balance Sheet $19.99 for the entire season. “Frozen” and keep up with their likely wants to replace YouTube to choose from an overwhelm-
When the price of cigarettes What happened to the glorious, NBA teams, above and beyond as the home for amateur creators ing menu of streaming apps and
increases by $1, there is a 20 consumer-friendly future of TV? what they’re already shelling who have large audiences. services, each of which will have
percent increase in rates of quitting We were told that the internet out for Netflix, Hulu and Amazon As the decline of traditional TV its own price tag, interface and li-
smoking, researchers say. The would usher in a golden era of Prime subscriptions. On the other creates a gold rush for ad dollars braries of shows and movies.
streaming video and that incred- hand, Facebook — which makes and consumer attention, every A savvy entrepreneur might one
study, in Epidemiology, found that
ible shows and movies would be its money from advertising — is tech and media company seems day be tempted to package some
a $1 increase in price was linked a click away through low-cost giving its shows away free. Its to be heading to the mine, pickax of these new services and sell
to a 7 percent reduction in the risk services. The $100-a-month Time theory is that the more time Face- in hand. Consumers, meanwhile, them for a single price, essentially
of heavy smoking (10 cigarettes Warner cable packages that re- book users spend watching video, are forced to contend with (and remaking the old cable bundle for
or more a day), and a 35 percent quired navigating a byzantine the more ads they’ll see. often pay for) an ever-expand- the internet. But experts say such
reduction in the average number menu of third-rate channels Facebook doesn’t have a huge ing group of services. There are cooperation between the indus-
of cigarettes smoked by heavy would be a distant nightmare. library of content like Disney, but already Netflix and Hulu, sin- try’s giants is unlikely. “There’s
smokers. Instead, we’ve rushed head- it does have a trove of data about gle-company services like CBS no chance of that happening,”
long into a fragmented mess, the personal tastes and prefer- All Access, and “skinny bundles” said Dan Rayburn, who analyzes
with a jumble of on-demand ser- ences of its more than two billion such as PlayStation Vue and streaming media for Frost & Sul-
vices that, added up, cost more registered users, and presumably Sling TV, not to mention the end- livan. “Companies will do what’s
and often offer less than the old plans to target ads at exactly the less amateur video available from best for their bottom line.”
cable bundle. There are lots of people companies want to reach. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In other words, the hunt will
BRYAN THOMAS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES great shows and movies being More than $70 billion per year To navigate all of this, a few only get harder.

Close the Government, and This Time, Investors Will Care

ECONOMY to avoid a shutdown. FEDERAL tax rates may be disappointed.
Trump’s shutdown talk spooked IDLENESS Then there’s the real disruption
Treasury investors. Those hold- The 2013 shutdowns bring. Federal em-
ing T-bills maturing in early Oc- shutdown ployees are furloughed, national
“If we have to close down our gov- tober began selling. Short-term might have parks closed and loans to small
ernment, we’re building that wall.” Treasury investors, like the in- reduced gross businesses halted.
So proclaimed President Trump stitutions that oversee money domestic A report from the Office of
in August, raising the specter of a market funds, can’t afford to wait product growth Management and Budget on the
federal government shutdown if around to see if they’ll be paid on by 0.25 percent 2013 government closure, which
Congress fails to provide the mon- time. It’s easier to bail out of the in the fourth lasted 16 days, said it might
ey to put up a wall between Mexi- holdings that could be affected. quarter of that have reduced gross domestic
co and the United States. Stocks also weakened on the year. product growth by 0.25 percent
While shutdowns have become prospect — a different investor in the fourth quarter that year.
so common that markets have ei- response than was seen during The stoppage delayed approvals
ther embraced them or shrugged recent closures. Mr. Boltansky re- TOM BRENNER/THE NEW YORK TIMES of medical devices and drugs,
them off, Isaac Boltansky, direc- viewed the market’s performance stalled almost $4 billion in re-
tor of policy research at Com- during all 18 shutdowns, starting funds to taxpayers, halted or cur-
pass Point Research & Trading in 1976. Early on, investors react- reason: A government closure Remember that investors have tailed services for veterans, and
in Washington, thinks “this time ed negatively. Closures in 1976 would raise serious doubts about been propelling stocks to record cost the National Park Service
will be worse because of the un- and 1977 coincided with 3 percent the ability of the Republicans in highs in part because of their $500 million. Loans to some 700
certainty from President Trump.” declines in the Standard & Poor’s Congress to get anything done. expectations for pro-business ac- small businesses were delayed.
Investors are grappling with 500-stock index. But during the “It will confirm one of the mar- tion in Washington. A shutdown In short, the ripple effects from
two matters: the need to raise the 1990s and the 2013 closure, stocks ket’s fears that the Republicans could douse those hopes. a government shutdown are likely
nation’s debt ceiling this month actually rose. They gained 3.1 are not a political party but a Plans for broad-based tax re- to be severe. Investors who have
so the government can pay its ob- percent during the 2013 stoppage. government coalition made up form may also be hurt. Investors grown used to stock prices that
ligations, and the desire to have a A similar scenario is unlikely of leadership loyalists, conserva- looking for big increases in corpo- only go up might want to strap
federal budget in place by Oct. 1 today, Mr. Boltansky said. One tives and moderates,” he said. rate earnings as a result of lower themselves in for a bumpy ride.


Stock Market’s Buoyancy Can’t Last

STRATEGIES ments demonstrate how unusual 2.0 percentage points

this has been. The most obvious
is the bull market’s longevity, fu-
eled largely by the Federal Re-
The long bull run serve’s ultralow interest rates
and voracious bond buying. The
reaches a point of upward trend in stocks already

ominously low volatility. ranks as the second longest in

American history since 1900 and 0.5
the third highest in percentage
Some things just can’t last. The gains, according to a tally by Be- 0.31 pct. pt.
nearly magical stock market spoke Investment Group. From 0
that has persisted so valiantly the trend’s start, in 2009, through ’50 ’55 ’60 ’65 ’70 ’75 ’80 ’85 ’90 ’95 ’00 ’05 ’10 ’17
this year is one of them. The bull its latest high, on Aug. 7, the Stan-
market that started in March dard & Poor’s 500 has risen 267 In 2017 so far, the market has moved in the tightest range since 1965. Here is the S.&P. 500’s average daily swing in
2009 seems to have gone on for- percent. comparison with the index’s return that year.
ever, but that’s only a small part By one standard — the mar- Source: Salil Mehta, S.&P. Dow Jones Indices By The New York Times
of the story. What is astonishing ket’s average daily movement,
is the way that stocks have risen measured against its trend for
in 2017. that year — stocks so far in 2017 Mr. Mehta, the former direc- has not even reached its average rick said: “That never happened
The stock market has been so are the steadiest they have been tor of research and analytics for since 2004. before in the history of the S.&P.
placid that declines of a mere 1.5 since 1965, when Lyndon B. John- the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Ryan Detrick, a senior market 500.” And for 2017 so far, the aver-
percent have been news. Drops son was in the White House. Relief Program, pointed to oth- strategist for LPL Financial, has age daily trading range has been
like that can be unsettling, but in “That was so long ago that there er indicators of uncanny market found that the S.&P. 500 through 0.55 percent, the lowest ever. “We
the span of history, they amount are very few people left who were placidity this year. For example, Aug. 18 has not had a 5 percent have been living in a very unusu-
to the slightest of headaches. The active then and still actively trad- the VIX index, widely known as decline, from peak to trough, al world,” Mr. Detrick said, “and I
market has been operating in a ing now,” said Salil Mehta, who Wall Street’s gauge of fear, has since June 28, 2016,after Britain’s don’t think we are going to stay
world of heightened calm. It is as performed that calculation. “It is remained very low, on a historical vote to leave the European Union. here for very long.”
if, after the election in November, difficult to appreciate how unusu- basis, despite recent spikes. Data For the three weeks through Mr. Mehta said that this stretch
Wall Street entered an enchanted al 2017 is,” Mr. Mehta said, “ or to from the Chicago Board Options Aug. 10, the closing levels of the of smooth sailing has gone on for
zone. That is bound to end. use the distant past to draw les- Exchange shows that even when S.&P. 500 never had a daily swing so long that it has become statis-
Several statistical measure- sons about it.” the VIX has risen this year, it of more than 0.3 percent, Mr. Det- tically improbable. ”

A New Kitchen, for Less


Renovating a kitchen is nev-

er cheap. The average national
cost to update a 200-square-foot
kitchen, including installing new
flooring, semi-custom wood cab-
inets and standard appliances, is
roughly $62,000, according to Re-
modeling magazine, which tracks
the cost of home improvement
projects annually. Adding luxuries
like stone countertops, a built-in
refrigerator, a commercial-grade
cooktop, designer faucets and top-
of-the-line custom cabinets can
bring the cost to about $123,000.
But there is another option.
Before you empty your bank ac-
counts overhauling your outdated
kitchen, consider giving it a face-
lift with these tips from designers. ABOVE, LESLEY UNRUH; RIGHT, DUSTIN WALKER FOR LAUREL & WOLF
BANG FOR YOUR BUCK Boffi linear pendants over the island changed the
BRING OUT THE PAINT tone of the kitchen in a Brooklyn loft. Right, CeCe Barfield Thompson
“A bold color and modern hard- repainted her cabinets Smokestack Gray.
ware can breathe new life into
old, ordinary cabinetry,” said
CeCe Barfield Thompson, an in- terial that cannot be painted or Boffi linear pendants over the
terior designer who gave her stained, consider refacing, which island, which changed the whole
own 1990s-era kitchen a make- involves keeping the existing tone of the kitchen,” she said. All
over by painting the cherry wood framework and replacing all the new cabinets would have cost
cabinets Smokestack Gray by doors, drawer fronts and side about $22,000, Ms. DiCarlo esti- the bracket to hold it up — not an a number of practical applica-
Benjamin Moore. “The dark-blue panels. Carolyn DiCarlo, a Man- mated, but the cost to reface was entire cabinet box, which is a lot tions. “It’s kind of like having a
glossy paint added a sophisticat- hattan-based designer, took this just $2,500. The total cost, includ- more in material and labor,” she built-in cutting board through-
ed pop to what had been a drab approach on a loft in Brooklyn ing new interior components and said. It also eliminates the need out your kitchen,” said Kimberly
and dated wood kitchen,” she last year. the Boffi pendants, was $10,800. for hardware, which can add up. Winthrop, an interior designer
said. Ms. Thompson spent just She exchanged the cabinet in Santa Monica, Calif., who paid
$7,050, which included new lam- fronts “that had yellowed and OPT FOR OPEN SHELVES GO FOR BUTCHER BLOCK $500 for 20 feet of butcher block
inate flooring, the labor and new chipped over the years” for re- If your cabinets are too far For a clean-looking counter- to use in a kitchen makeover she
Baldwin cabinet handles and cessed-panel doors lacquered gone to reface, open shelving will top on the cheap, nothing beats did earlier this year for Laurel &
drawer pulls. It was an “extreme- white. She also added rollout reduce the cost of upper cabine- butcher block. You can get one Wolf, the online design service.
ly cost-efficient fix,” she said. shelves and a new range hood. try, said Liz Tiesi, the owner of for $99 at Ikea, which sells precut Keep in mind that there is some
“Then we painted the center open Threshold Interiors. “That way ones in standard sizes. Butcher maintenance involved: Butch-
REFACE THE CABINETS wall a charcoal gray, to add depth you are only paying for the piece block brings warmth to an oth- er block needs to be sanded and
For cabinet fronts made of ma- and contrast, and got some great of wood to make the shelf and erwise sterile kitchen and has oiled regularly.

Valuing Student Tax Credit Q&A

Life’s Big Has a Few Pitfalls

¶ How can I tell if my school
is qualified for education tax

Kristin Esposito of the
American Institute of CPAs,
YOUR MONEY partial credit. said students can ask their
CARL RICHARDS The credit is calculated based schools. To be certain, she
on 100 percent of the first $2,000 said, check the Department
SKETCH GUY of qualified expenses, and 25 per- of Education’s website, which
CARL RICHARDS that equation down to: [Life] = Families paying college tuition cent of the second $2,000, so a lists all accredited institu-
[Stuff] are often relieved that they can student needs at least $4,000 of tions.
For example, let’s assume I’ve claim education credits on their eligible expenses to receive the
I really didn’t feel like writing worked 40 hours a week over 50 income tax returns, which helps full credit. Expenses that qualify ¶ Can I claim the opportuni-
about money after recent events. weeks a year for the last 20 years. ease the financial burden of high- for the credit include tuition and ty credit if I do not owe any
It felt hollow. But there has been I’ve traded 40,000 hours of my er learning. But some planning required fees and course materi- taxes on my return?
a question on my mind for a while life for all the stuff I have bought early in the school year may help als, including books and, as long Yes. The credit is partly re-
about this stuff we call money. (including experiences). families avoid complications at as it is required by the school, a fundable, so even if you owe
Maybe this is as good a time as The question that won’t leave tax time, experts say. computer, said Lauren Zangardi no taxes, you can get up to
any for me to see if I can make me alone is this: Was it a fair The American Opportunity Tax Haynes, a fee-only financial plan- $1,000 as a refund if qualified.
sense of it by sharing it with you. trade? On one side of the trade, I Credit allows families to reduce ner with Evolution Advisers in
Think of it as a therapy session have 40,000 hours of my life. On their annual tax bills by as much Midlothian, Va. ¶ Are the rules for the
for me. You can send me a bill! the other, there is all the stuff I as $2,500 per student during the Families who have saved for lifetime learning credit the
This stuff we call money is just have bought in the last 20 years. first four years of higher educa- college in a tax-favored 529 ac- same?
a medium of exchange. We use Do those things equal each other? tion. The credit is generous, but count should plan carefully, if No. The lifetime learning
it to trade. The biggest trade in As instructive as it can be to the rules for claiming it are com- they also want to take advantage credit is for a maximum of
the world is the one where each look back, the real power of a plex, and present multiple ways of the opportunity credit. Under $2,000 per tax return (rather
of us swaps a bit of our lives, in question like this one is using it as for families to make mistakes, I.R.S. rules, the same expenses than per student), qualifying
the form of time, for money, in a guide going forward. If I’m go- said Mark Kantrowitz, a financial cannot be used to justify both an income limits are lower and
the form of wages. The equation ing to spend another 40,000 hours aid expert, and those errors could education tax credit and a with- the credit is not refundable.
looks like this: [Life] = [Money] of my life over the next 20 years, prompt a letter from the Internal drawal from a 529 account.
Then we take that money, and what should I spend it on? Revenue Service questioning the Say a student has tuition and
we trade it for stuff. That can be How can I make sure that credit. expenses of $10,000, and receives
food, bills, unnecessary plastic the micro-trades I’m making For starters, students must be a $5,000 scholarship. The remain- they can qualify for the full tax
crap and experience with loved with each minute, add up to a enrolled at least half time and ing $5,000 in expense could qual- credit, then pay any remaining
ones. Beyond funding the necessi- macro-trade that will make me families must meet income re- ify for the opportunity credit. But expenses from the 529. Unlike
ties of life, I’m assuming that we proud? quirements to claim the credit. if the student pays the balance the opportunity tax credit, 529
buy stuff because we think it will Now doesn’t feel like the time To receive the full credit amount, using funds withdrawn from a funds can be used to pay for costs
add value to our lives. We believe for answers, and the reality is I a single taxpayer can earn up to 529 account, those expenses are like room and board.
all this stuff will make us happy. don’t have the answers. I’m just $80,000. A partial credit is avail- no longer qualified for the tax About 10 million taxpayers
So back to the equation I’m humbly suggesting that we think able for filers with income up to credit, Ms. Haynes said. annually claim the opportunity
building. If life equals time, and about the question of how we $90,000. For married filers, the In this situation, a family might credit and a separate education
time equals money, and mon- spend (and trade) our time In income limits are $160,000 for the want to pay at least $4,000 of the credit, known as the Lifetime
ey equals stuff, we can reduce this particular way. full credit and up to $180,000 for a balance from non-529 funds, so Learning Credit.

Travel n Travels & Trips and

Exchange Rates, page D8


Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec
GASPE, Quebec — Wheth-
er you take a clockwise or n tourisme-gaspesie.
counter-clockwise route, and
whether it’s on motorcycle or n tourisme-gaspesie.
bicycle, a two-wheeled tour of
a loop around Quebec’s Gaspe
peninsula is certain to please.
Touring Quebec’s Gaspe peninsula on 2 wheels
The sea is just to your side or
in view for much of the route. rence Seaway and heading
Mountain vistas appear at clockwise on their road bikes
turn after turn. The villages during a trek last year.
that dot the route delight and “The first day, the wind was
welcome riders. at our backs and propelled us
Jutting into the Atlantic at down the seaway,” said Crow-
the south side of the St. Law- ell, 59, who works as a dental
rence Seaway, the Belgium- hygienist in Augusta, Maine.
sized peninsula is a bucket-list A lighthouse trail dots the
destination for many bicyclists outer perimeter of the penin-
and motorcyclists. They’re sula, and Crowell and Bowker
drawn by its sheer beauty, lack made nine stops at lighthous-
of congestion and welcoming es along the way. “We stopped
local culture. It’s the place to at as many as we could,” she
go if you want to gaze over the said.
Atlantic from one of North Averaging roughly 60 miles
America’s eastern extremes: a day with their gear packed
Bout du Monde (Land’s End). in panniers, Crowell and
62-year-old Bowker stayed
Attractions in bed-and-breakfasts, hotels
and in one case a cabin ($40
Along the way, you’ll see one U.S.) and broke up their rides
of the region’s most famous into segments with frequent
landmarks: Rocher Perce food breaks. They packed four
(Pierced Rock), a rock for- spare tubes each and extra
mation rising 290 feet from tires and researched eleva-
the sea with an arched hole tion profiles of the mountains
through it. Trips around the they would have to pedal up
formation by boat are popu- ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS
to make sure they were ready
lar, as are cruises to nearby From top: A village in Quebec’s Gaspe Peninsula offers coastal scenery; a whale dives back into the water for the challenge. Going down,
after surfacing; left, the arched tunnel of Rocher Perce is visible in the distance; right, the road winds
Bonaventure Island, which around the perimeter of the peninsula. they reached motorcycle-
is populated by tens of thou- worthy speeds: Brian hit 48
sands of gannet birds between mph at one point, and Denise
April and October. The mas- two-wheeled stripe, the the coast, saving the inland The ride 38 mph.
sive bird colony is a spectacle launching point is just to leg for the end. The final leg, northbound
for the senses: You see, hear the south of the Gaspe, from Riding our BMW touring The ride brought one stun- on Route 299 at Cascapedia-
and smell them. Campbellton, New Bruns- motorcycle, my wife and I ning vista after another, long Saint-Jules, took them into
The Gaspe is also studded wick. chose the counterclockwise mountainside grades and the highlands. Crowell recalls
with reserves and parks that From there, you cross into option, reasoning that the curves that made for one of seeing fly fishermen going for
welcome hikers, and a num- Quebec along Route 132 and outer, right-side lane put us the best rides I’ve experienced the salmon in the Cascapedia
ber of sea kayaking outfitters soon hit a fork where you closer to the sea, if only by a in 40 years of touring. Motor- River along the way.
are available. Among the many must decide which way to go travel lane. For much of the cycles (including many of the They also encountered
destination options, top of the on a 500-mile loop. ride, the road hugged the three-wheeled variety that is kindnesses all along the way,
list should be Forillon Nation- Most bicycles first head coast of the sparkling Baie becoming increasingly popu- such as a man who pointed out
al Park at the peninsula’s ex- north and inland about 140 Chaleurs (Chaleur Bay), lar) are common, although a shortcut across a railroad
treme eastern point. From the miles, then take the coastal while occasionally dodging traffic, especially early in the trestle that cut off several ki-
park’s entrance, it’s a few miles route clockwise the rest of inland through valleys and day, was noticeably light in lometers as they rounded the
to the end of a paved road to the way to benefit from pre- along hillsides. Towns con- early summer. eastern edge of the peninsula.
the hiking trail that leads to vailing winds as they ride sistently offered well-ap- But the bicyclists were out
Cap Gaspe. The region is also from the top of the peninsula pointed picnic areas, always there. Denise Crowell and her Bonjour, adieu
known for whale-watching. east and then south, back to in scenic spots. partner Brian Bowker drove
their starting point. We didn’t make lodging res- a little over 500 miles from Knowing French is helpful
The route and The other way is to go coun- ervations and mostly had no Maine before parking their but not necessary. Say bonjour
the loop terclockwise on the loop, problem getting rooms for vehicle at an inn in Sainte- and the likely response will be
staying on Route 132 and im- the night, except in one town Anne-des-Monts at the top hello. Whatever language you
For many visitors of the mediately heading east along where there was a festival. of the loop along the St. Law- use, it will be hard to say adieu.


Would you fly in a pilotless commercial plane if it meant a cheaper ticket?

HUGO MARTIN 20 years, with 40 percent of those need- ed after all, according to a report by UBS are many steps to be taken before Boeing
ed in the Asia-Pacific region and 18 per- aviation analysts, who predict that re- can fly an autonomous plane.”
The world’s aviation industry will need cent needed in North America. mote-control planes could be carrying There is another major barrier to pilot-
to train and deploy more than 600,000 A Boeing representative said the avia- cargo and passengers by 2025 and could less planes: A UBS survey of 8,000 people
new pilots over the next 20 years. But, tion company is not predicting a pilot save the industry up to $35 billion a year. found that 54 percent said they were un-
then again, the industry might be oper- shortage, but airlines and other aviation “In the not-too-distant future, we likely to take a pilotless flight.
ating fleets of commercial jets flown by groups have said it will be difficult to would expect to see a situation where The outcome of the survey did not
remote control. train and hire all the pilots, crew mem- flights are pilotless or the number of pi- change much when the people being
Those are the seemingly contradictory bers and technicians required to meet lots shrinks to one, with a remote pilot questioned were told that a pilotless
outlooks described in separate reports future demands. based on the ground and highly secure flight would be much cheaper than a
by aerospace giant Boeing and Swiss “New market opportunities are creat- ground-to-air communications,” the flight with pilots.
banking powerhouse UBS. ing an increased demand for qualified, UBS study said. “Perhaps surprisingly, half of the re-
Boeing’s report says global expansion skilled and experienced pilots,” the Boe- Boeing has studied the possibility of spondents said that they would not buy
and increased demand for air travel will ing report said. developing pilotless planes, but the avia- the pilotless flight ticket even if it was
require 637,000 new pilots over the next But that many pilots may not be need- tion company said in a statement “there cheaper,” the UBS report said.

Restaurant inspections clean to sight and touch. The

hand-wash sink in the food
Benners Pizza at E-Town Fair,
East High Street, Elizabethtown,
Moore’s Lemonade at The
E-Town Fair, High Street,
preparation area was blocked by Aug. 21. Food facility has an Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. No
The Pennsylvania Department of Star Buffet & Grill, 2232 Lincoln a board with cups and utensils employee who held food violations.
Highway East, Aug. 14. Raw on it and not accessible at all protection manager certification;
Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a
chicken was stored above times for employee use. Paper however, the certificate expired Olde Lincoln House, 1398 W.
“risk-based” inspection reporting
raw fish in the walk-in cooler; towel dispenser empty at the in February and is no longer Main St., Ephrata, Aug. 21.
process for restaurants and other
repeat. Chlorine chemical hand-wash sink in the food valid. Apparent dried rodent Internal temperature of wrapped
food handlers.
sanitizer residual detected in preparation area. Soap was not droppings (more than 10) and packets of cheese in lined well
City Deli & Grocery, 202 E. King available at the hand-wash sink nesting material inside of bottom of bain-marie measured 47 F
St., Aug. 15. No violations. the final sanitizer rinse cycle of
the low temperature sanitizing in the food preparation area. Old cabinet located underneath the and above; discarded. Clean
dishwasher was 0 ppm, and not food residue and a gray residue heat lamps. equipment is being stored in very
Faith Outreach Center, 475 50-100 ppm as required. Clean inside the drain beneath the three close proximity to mop sink. An
Anderson Ferry Road, Mount Joy, plastic cups in beverage area compartment sink. Benners Smoothie at E-Town accumulation of food debris and
Aug. 15. No violations. stored wet in a manner that does Fair, East High Street, grease around fryer at floor/wall
not allow for draining and/or air Jethro’s, 659 First St., Aug. 22. Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. No sign junction.
Funck’s Restaurant & Bar, 365 W. drying (wet nesting). Repair floor and floor joist in or poster posted at the handwash
Main St. Leola, follow-up, Aug. kitchen area. sink in the prep area to remind Oregon Dairy Country
15. Internal temperature of sour Village Market, 191 N. Main St., food employees to wash their Restaurant, 2900 Oregon Pike,
cream, tarter sauce and blue Manheim, Aug. 14. Litter on floor La Promesa Restaurant, 52 E. hands. Lititz, complaint, Aug. 2. No
cheese dressings in individual behind equipment and under Main St., Ephrata, follow-up, Aug. violations.
cups in bain-marie measured 44 shelving in walk-in cooler. 22. The person in charge does Black Gryphon at The Etown Fair,
F to 48 F; discarded. Discussed not have adequate knowledge of East High Street, Elizabethtown, Penn Valley Shows LLC No. 2 at
different methods of keeping food safety in this food facility Aug. 21. Thermometers were not E-Town Fair, East High Street,
Bori Dog Hot Dogs, 120 N.
product cold with management. as evidenced by this non- available inside coolers in the Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. No
Duke St., opening, Aug. 26. No
Chlorine sanitizer concentration compliant inspection. Cooked stand area at time of inspection. violations.
at low temperature dishwashers beef cubes in sauce, held in the An accumulation of static dust on
in bars is not being tested; test reach-in refrigerator, had an a personal fan in the stand area.
Blue Line Cafe, 563 Old Main Potato Express at E-Town Fair,
strips are still in foil packaging. internal temperature of 45 F and
Drive, Building 11, opening, Aug. East High Street, Elizabethtown,
not 41 F as required; discarded. Bobby D’s Liquid Volcano at Aug. 21. No violations.
25. No violations. Repeat violation. Thermometer
Huber West End Market Basket, E-Town Fair, East High Street,
501 W. Lemon St., Aug. 15. No for ensuring correct hot and Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. A bottle
Excelsior, 125 E. King St., Aug. 25. cold food temperatures is not Rabbit Hill Kettle Corn, 11
violations. of soda inside the dry ice cooler.
No violations. available. Repeat violation. Village Drive, Lititz, Aug. 21. No
Kitchen handwash sink has not violations.
Huckleberrys Restaurant, Route Boothy’s BBQ, 198 W. Ridge
30 and 896, Strasburg, Aug. 15. Salvation Army, 131 S. Queen St., been repaired and water of at Road, Building 3, Door 3,
Aug. 25. No violations. least 100 F is still not available. Rotary Club of Mount Joy, 6
The food facility does not have Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. The
Pine St., Mount Joy, Aug. 21. No
the original certificate for the handwash sink located in the
Stoudts Wonderful Good Bread Lancaster Brewing Co., 302 N. violations.
certified food employee posted in prep area does not have water at
public view. Raw beef was stored & Cheese, 2800 N. Reading Road, Plum St., Aug. 22. Multiple food a temperature of at least 100 F.
above raw fish in the single door PO Box 880, Adamstown, follow- contact surfaces throughout St Peter’s - E-Town Fair Funnel
refrigerator located on the prep up, Aug. 25. No violations. kitchen had food residue and Cake, High Street, Elizabethtown,
Burger King No. 4546, 2464
line. Bar soda gun has a moist were not clean to sight and Aug. 21. No violations.
Lincoln Highway East, complaint,
residue accumulation. Several 88 Chinese Express, 31 N. Queen touch. Non-food contact surfaces Aug. 21. No violations.
stainless steel food storage pans St., Aug. 24. No violations. not cleaned at a frequency to St. Paul’s United Methodist
with sticker residue and not clean prevent accumulation of dirt Church at E-Town Fair, East High
China Taste, 8 E. Main St.,
to sight and touch. Wall covering and soil. Doors located at back Street, Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. No
AFC Sushi at Lancaster Hospital, Ephrata, Aug. 21. Plastic container
is loose and cracked dry wall is entrance area of the food facility violations.
555 N. Duke St., Aug. 24. No of peanuts on shelf over bain-
exposed on the wall near the have gaps and do not protect
violations. marie, not labeled. Wet wiping
cooking line. against the entry of insects, TJ Rockwells at E-Town Fair, East
cloth stored on prep table and
rodents and other animals. High Street, Elizabethtown, Aug.
Hubley Social Club, 410 Ice Ave., not in sanitizer as required. Dried
La Promesa Restaurant, 52 E. Evidence of mice present in 21. No violations.
Aug. 24. No violations. food splash in microwave oven.
Main St., Ephrata, Aug, 15. The dry storage and bar area. Food
Clean aprons found stored in
person in charge does not have facility does have a pest control
employee bathroom. No sign or Udder Bliss at E-Town Fair, East
adequate knowledge of food James Street Lancaster General program. poster posted at the handwash High Street, Elizabethtown, Aug.
safety in this food facility as Hospital, 555 N. Duke St., Aug.
sink in the bathroom near dining 21. No violations.
evidenced by this non-compliant 24. No violations. Leola Pizza, 23 W. Main St., Leola, area to remind food employees
inspection. Personal food items Aug. 22. Food handler is not to wash their hands. Debris under Asian Garden, 721 S. Broad St.,
found interspersed with facility’s Lancaster General Hospital wearing a hair restraint; repeat storage room shelves. Lititz, Aug. 18. Wontons were
food in kitchen refrigerator. White Cafeteria, 555 N. Duke St., Aug. violation. Food handler sprinkling
cooling at ambient temperature
rice found cooling in refrigerator 24. No violations. cheese, a ready-to-eat food, on Christ Lutheran Church at rather than in walk-in cooler;
for several hours (undocumented customer’s food order. Bottom E-Town Fair, East High Street, corrected. Sanitizer is being
time) had an internal temperature Brisas Del Caribe, 407 E. King St., shelf of kitchen prep table is lined Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. No rinsed off when conducting
of 58 F; discarded. Rice found Aug. 23. Temperature measuring with cardboard, which is not a violations. warewashing in three-bay sink;
cooling in deep, metal bowl device for ensuring proper smooth, easily cleanable surface. corrected.
rather than a shallow pan, temperature of equipment is not Pizza paddle is frayed and nicked
which is not an approved on edges and is not a durable, Conoy Lions Club at E-Town Fair,
available or readily accessible
cooling method. Sour cream smooth, easily cleanable surface. East High Street, Elizabethtown, BJ’s Wholesale Club No. 19,
in the food prep area; repeat
and chicken in refrigerator had Chemical sanitizing dishwasher Aug. 21. No violations. 110 Centerville Road, Aug. 18. In
violation. Cardboard used on
internal temperature of a 52 F is not being tested to ensure the deli department, bottles of
floor in front of food fryers.
and 50 F respectively; discarded. correct sanitizer concentration. Elizabethtown Area Republican sanitizer stored on the same shelf
Corrected on site.
Available food thermometer Committee at E-Town Fair, East with food and food equipment;
scaled from 130 F to 190 F is High Street, Elizabethtown, repeat violation of 2016. In the
G&G Deli Grocery, 648 E. Red Roof Inn, 2017 N. Reading meat department, the wall at the
designed to measure hot foods Road, Denver, opening, Aug. opening, Aug. 21. Food facility
Chestnut St., Aug. 23. The hand-wash sink is rusting. In deli,
rather than both hot and cold. 22. Thermometers for ensuring does not have available
food facility food employee torn rubber door gaskets on the
Deeply scored cutting board proper temperatures of food are sanitizer test strips or test kit to
certification has expired. The small cooling unit. Condensation
not resurfaced or discarded not available or readily accessible. determine appropriate sanitizer
facility has 90 days to renew or leaking from insulated pipes
as required. The quaternary Food facility does not have concentration.
replace. Temperature measuring in the meat cooler. A large
ammonia concentration in the device for ensuring proper available sanitizer test strips or
sanitizing solution of the three bucket under the dripping pipes.
temperature of equipment is not test kit to determine appropriate Elizabethtown Area Grange
bay warewash sink was 50 ppm, Webbing at the exit door near
available or readily accessible in sanitizer concentration. at The E-Town Fair, East High
rather than 200-400 ppm as the meat department.
the food prep area refrigerators. Street, Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. No
stated on the manufacturers Rite Aid No. 3620, 1550 violations.
use directions. Several stored Conestoga Restaurant, 1501 E.
O & J Deli Grocery No. 2, 101 Columbia Ave., Aug. 22. Dead King St., follow-up, Aug. 18. No
food utensils were not clean to leaves, weeds, trash and tires Espino’s Pizzas and Pastas,
sight and touch. At front counter Pearl St., Aug. 23. The food violations.
facility certified employee in the dumpster corral; repeat 323 W. Lemon St., Aug. 21. No
handwashing sink, a smoothie violation of 2016. violations.
cannister and cutting board certification has expired. The
Kauffman’s, 3485 Nolt Drive,
stored behind faucet, which is not facility has 90 days to renew or
Landisville, Aug. 18. No violations.
a sanitary location. The handwash
replace the PDA certification. Alley Kat, 30 W. Lemon St., Aug. Freinschaft Market LLC, 398
Raw eggs were stored above 21. Temperature measuring device Harrisburg Ave., Aug. 21. No
sink located in the kitchen does Lancaster Tennis & Yacht Club,
ready-to-eat foods in the meat for ensuring proper temperature violations.
not have hot water available; 2615 Columbia Ave., Aug. 18. A
locker. Corrected on site. A of equipment is not available or
faucet handle broke off. can of spray-foam pesticide on a
coffee cup was in the handwash readily accessible in bain-maries Fuzzy Few Organization Inc at
sink, indicating uses other than food preparation table. Barbecue
in the food prep area.; repeat E-Town Fair, East High Street, sauce and peanut sauce, clearly
Pilgrim’s Oak Golf Course, 1107 handwashing. violation. Walls behind the pizza Elizabethtown, opening, Aug. marked by manufacturer
Pilgrims Pathway, Peach Bottom, oven, non-food contact surfaces, 21. Food facility does not have “refrigerate after opening,” was
Aug.15. No violations. not cleaned at a frequency to
Sakura, 33 N. Queen St., Aug. 23. available sanitizer test strips or held at room temperature in the
No violations. preclude accumulation of static test kit to determine appropriate kitchen, rather than 41 F or below
Torres Grocery, 136 S. Ann St., dust. sanitizer concentration. Floor
Aug. 15. No violations. as required. Chlorine chemical
Teck’s News, 19 W. Chestnut St., covering is not available for grass sanitizer residual detected in
Aug. 23. No violations. American Legion, 255 W. Main areas. the final sanitizer rinse cycle of
Turkey Hill Minit Market No. 19, St., Mount Joy, Aug. 21. No the low temperature sanitizing
520 Hershey Ave., Aug. 15. Band- violations. Garden of Eden Produce, 225 dishwasher at the bar was
551 West, 551 W. King St.,
Aids, utensils and an employee Aug. 22. Food facility PDA Wood Corner Road, Lititz, Aug. 0 ppm and not 50-100 ppm
drink were on the handwash sink, 21. On sales floor, self-serve as required. Glasses will be
food employee certification Auntie Anne’s Soft Pretzel, 108
indicating uses other than hand has expired. Facility has 90 samples of watermelon piled washing in the dish washer
Buckingham Lane, Gordonville,
washing; repeat violation. days to update or replace the high in a container, uncovered in the kitchen until this unit is
Aug. 21. The food facility does
certification. not have the original certificate with tongs on top. Chlorine test repaired. Chlorine chemical
Woodcrest Villa / Bluebird for the certified food employee strips are not available nor being sanitizer residual detected in
Cafe / Viva Bistro / Bluebird posted in public view. Moist used to ensure correct sanitizer the final sanitizer rinse cycle of
Black Gryphon, 54 Mount Gretna
Inn / Catering Kitchen, 2001 residue accumulation on exterior concentration in three-bay sink; the low temperature sanitizing
Road, Elizabethtown, Aug. 22. No
Harrisburg Pike, follow-up, Aug. surface of gourmet ice dispenser repeat violation. Light bulb in dishwasher was 0 ppm, and not
15. No violations. unit. Lights are not shielded or walk-in cooler does not appear 50-100 ppm as required. Particle
shatter proof in the mobile unit; to be coated nor is it shielded. board, which is not cleanable, is
Four-54 Grill, 454 New Holland Light is visible under door in being used as the frame to the
Cat’s Meow, 213 S. Charlotte Ave., Aug. 22. No violations. repeat from 2016.
St., Manheim, Aug. 14. Interior warehouse. To prevent the entry walk-in cooler. The particle board
liner of chest freezer in middle of insects or other vectors, seal. is wet and breaking apart. The
Frozen Magic LLC, 120 N. Auntie Annes Soft Pretzel, 108
area of storage room is cracked, Buckingham Lane, Gordonville, floor / wall juncture in the walk-in
leading to the possible exposure Duke St., opening, Aug. 22. No Happy Dog Kettle and Grill No. cooler is not covered and closed
violations. Aug. 21. The food facility does
of insulation. Exterior door not have the original certificate 2, 25 Pine St., Denver, Aug. 21. No to 1/32 inch. Condensation on
located in the storage area of the for the certified food employee violations. the ceiling of the walk-in cooler,
food facility has a gap and does Golden Cafe, 450 E. Roseville subjecting food to possible
posted in public view. End caps
not protect against the entry Road, opening, Aug. 22. Facility Harvey’s Bar-B-Que Service at contamination. A large puddle of
missing on protective cover of
of insects, rodents and other does not have procedures for E-Town Fair, East High Street, condensate water on the floor of
florescent light.
animals. employees to follow when Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. Flooring the walk-in cooler.
responding to an event involving or ground cover not available
vomit or fecal matter discharge Benners Funnel Cake at Lapp’s Produce, 955 E. State
Freezy Barn, 35C Friendly E-Town Fair, East High Street, over grass in prep area.
Drive, Quarryville, Aug. 14. No onto surfaces within the facility. St., Ephrata, Aug. 18. Operator
The person in charge does not Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. Food is vacuum packaging cheese
violations. facility has an employee Hoss’s Steak and Sea House at
have adequate knowledge of without having submitted a
who held a certified food E-Town Fair, East High Street,
food safety in this food facility as HACCP plan. He has agreed to
Germania Band Club, 41 S. Pitt manager certificate; however, Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. Grill is
evidenced by this non-compliant refrain from using this method of
St., Manheim, Aug. 14. Soda guns the certificate has expired not protected by any overhead
inspection. The food facility packaging and removed machine
not cleaned at a frequency to and is no longer valid. Food protection; repeat violation of
does not employ a person who at time of inspection. Operator
prevent the presence of residue. facility does not have available 2016.
is trained in food safety. The is selling gallons of spearmint
facility has 90 days to enroll sanitizer test strips or test kit to tea that have not been tested for
Mangat Mini Market No. 2, an employee in a certified food determine appropriate sanitizer Lucky Ducks Bar and Grille at pH. Removed from sale. Though
629 W. Orange St., Aug. 14. manager course. Scoop being concentration. No sign or poster E-Town Fair, East High Street, operator has a limited food
Card board being used on the stored in the ice machine with posted at the handwash sink in Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. Single- processor registration, found 10
floor in front of the food fryer. handle buried beneath the ice. the prep area to remind food use cups stored directly on the containers of TCS cheese spread
Temperature measuring device Food facility does not have employees to wash their hands. floor in the stand area. Single-use being sold in his retail store. LFP’s
for ensuring proper temperature available sanitizer test strips or items not covered or inverted to are not authorized to prepare any
of equipment is not available or test kit to determine appropriate Benners Knock Down at protect against contamination. TCS food. Removed from sale.
readily accessible in the food sanitizer concentration of E-Town Fair, East High Street, Hot water was not available at Cut melon held unrefrigerated
prep area bain-marie. Hood chlorine and quaternary sanitizer. Elizabethtown, Aug. 21. Food the hand washing sink at time of for customer sampling rather
system needed to remove heat A black mold inside the ice facility has an employee who inspection. than 41 F or below. Some of
and/or grease, as evidenced maker. The entire inside of the held food protection manager Annie’s Kitchen jarred items do
by condensate and/or grease food preparation area, walls, certification; however, the McDonald’s No. 6790, 1284 not display weight. Hand washing
collecting on the walls, ceilings utensils, tables and equipment certificate expired in February S. Market St., Elizabethtown, had not been set up at time of
and fixtures. all are greasy, sticky and not and is no longer valid. complaint, Aug. 21. No violations. inspection.

What’s in Store: Posh Bridal grows, Cinnaholic opens

Continued from D1 The shop has seating for 16 and will as well as provide a small retail area including jewelry and antiques in addi-
operate with seven employees. for her customers. tion to clothing, invitations and party
Posh Bridal expands Cinnaholic began in 2010 with supplies. Items are curated by Jill Fan-
a bakery in Berkeley, California. ning, co-owner of Cork Factory Hotel.
Posh Bridal recently opened a new Cinnaholic’s founders, Florian and STRASBURG BAKERY The 1,500-square-foot space previ-
bridal shop at its Lancaster location. Shannon Radke, appeared in 2014 ously had been a leased commercial
n Address: 11 1/2 W. Main St.,
The new, 1,000-square-foot bridal on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” where they Strasburg. area.
shop, which features a lounge and pri- declined a $200,000 investment. The online store launched in Janu-
vate rooms, is in a space at 117 S. West Since then, Cinnaholic has opened n Hours: Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ary, with the bricks-and-mortar store
Monday through Wednesday, 7:30
End Ave., around the corner from its more than a dozen franchise-owned a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday though opening in August.
design studio at 820 First St. stores throughout the U.S. Saturday. Seasonably on Sundays . The store is run by the four members
Posh features a variety of bridal The franchisee for the Lancaster n Phone: 717-455-0215. of the Cork Factory Hotel wedding
gowns from around the world in ad- store is Veronica Risser, who owns team, which works out of new offices
dition to owner Janell Berte’s own Alps, a document management com- n Online: strasburgbakery.net, near the new retail space.
“Strasburg Bakery” on Facebook.
private collection. pany in York.
Berte began her bridal shop on
Liberty Street, where she operated for CORK COLLECTION
15 years before moving in 2010 to First CINNAHOLIC AutoZone opens in Manheim n Address: Urban Place, 480 New
Street. Holland Ave., Building 7.
n Address: 1573 Manheim Pike.
AutoZone, a national retailer of after-
n Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday market parts, has opened a new store n Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m.
in Manheim at 90 Doe Run Road. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Other times by
A small, vacant medical office build- appointment.
n Address: 117 S. West End Ave. n Phone: 717-517-7714. ing was torn down to make way for the n Phone: 717-391-2675.
n Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday n Online: cinnaholic.com, facebook. new AutoZone.
through Saturday. com/Cinnaholic.Lancaster. n Online: shopcorkcollection.com.
The 7,400-square-foot building is
n Phone: 717-291-9894. across the street from Manheim Shop-
n Online: poshbridal.com, facebook. ping Center, which is anchored by Weis
com/POSH.Bridal.Lancaster. Bakery opens in Strasburg Markets. Perfumania closing at
The new store has eight employees. Rockvale
Strasburg Bakery: Desserts by This is the seventh store in Lancaster
Cinnaholic opens in Vickiann, which specializes in County for Memphis-based AutoZone, The Perfumania store at Rockvale
Manheim Township made-from-scratch baked goods and which has more than 6,000 stores, in- Outlets is among 65 stores that will be
custom-decorated cakes, has opened cluding some in Mexico and Brazil. closing nationwide as part of a bank-
Cinnaholic, which features freshly in Strasburg. ruptcy reorganization.
baked cinnamon rolls, has opened a The bakery at 11 1/2 W. Main St., Perfumania sells fragrances as well as
franchise location in Manheim Town- behind the Strasburg Creamery, is AUTO ZONE bath and body products in addition to
ship. owned by Vickiann Keene of Oxford, cosmetics and skin care products.
n Address: 90 Doe Run Road,
The new, 1,400-square-foot cafe who has been a professional baker for Manheim. The last day for the store at Rockvale
takes a space at 1573 Manheim Pike, 16 years. will be Sept. 29, a manager said.
next to Saigon Restaurant in the The bakery sells cupcakes, cook- n Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Perfumania filed for Chapter 11 bank-
Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m.
Granite Run Square shopping center. ies, sticky buns and cakes as well as to 7 p.m. Sunday. ruptcy protection on Aug. 26 as part of
At Cinnaholic, cinnamon rolls scones, Danishes, cream puffs, eclairs, a recapitalization. After the closures,
can be customized with 25 differ- breads and dumplings. There are also n Phone: 717-879-8000. Perfumania will be left with 150 stores.
ent glazes and toppings. There are gluten-free baked goods as well as n Online: autozone.com.
also six “rolls of the day” displayed coffee, tea and cold drinks for sale. — LNP Correspondents Lynn Com-
for customers who may have trouble The 800-square-foot space had mero and Rochelle A. Shenk contributed
deciding. been vacant for over a year and was Wedding boutique opens to this report.
In addition to cinnamon rolls, Cin- formerly Java Junction/OCB Cakes.
naholic has chocolate chip cookies, The bakery, which has seating for The Cork Factory Hotel has opened
brownies, fudge and cakes as well as 10, has one full-time employee, Bri- a wedding and event boutique: Cork n What’s In Store, a roundup of Lancaster
County retail and restaurant news, runs every
a variety of coffee drinks. It also sells ana Messier, Keene’s daughter. Collection. Sunday. If you have news tips, contact LNP
a cinnacake, which is a cake made of Keene said the space will allow her Cork Collection carries a variety of staff writer Chad Umble at 717-291-8718 or
cinnamon rolls. to expand her custom cake business gifts for men, women and children, [email protected].

Fitness: Boutiques gaining favor among millennials

Continued from D1 Customers don’t want recent credit was play- through a few transi-
are encouraging you, so regular maintenance- ing a lawyer in 2017’s tions, as any company
it becomes you invest- style workouts reason- “Transformers: The Last does, in terms of figuring
ing in the best you can ably certain to keep Knight.” out its product market
be.” you in decent shape. Payal Kadakia, an MIT niche,” Kadakia, 34, said.
Boutique fitness stu- They want to be tested, graduate and a lifelong “We have 8,000 part-
dios mix small-group drained. dancer, said she created ners globally at this
camaraderie and dojo- “I was sold after my ClassPass to inspire fit- point and you can use
like commitment with first ride here,” Marcos ness by giving customers your classes anywhere.
coconut water and their said. “I came out com- options for different ath- Many of these studio
own branded merchan- pletely refreshed and letic experiences. owners are looking for
dise, such as Barbell Bri- empowered.” Kadakia’s first entry new customers to walk
gade’s line of Dominate into fitness, Classtiv- in the door, and that’s
Humbly products and ClassPass ity, was a pay-per-class why this really works,”
attire. model that didn’t catch she said.
Instead of the profes- That kind of challenge on. She rebranded, Cycle House got an
sional athlete and body- draws Los Angeles ac- brought in more seed immediate infusion of
builder photos that line GLENN KOENIG / LOS ANGELES TIMES
tress Aisha Kabia, who money and changed to customers from Class-
the walls of some tradi- Steve O’Brien and other class members prepare to work said she was able to af- a monthly membership Pass, said Bert Culha,
out at Prevail Boxing in Los Angeles.
tional gyms, there are ford a Cycle House class model for ClassPass, who owns the club with
selfie walls perfect for only by using ClassPass, which has become a husband-and-wife team
the Instagram-obsessed. native social activity — specializes in demand- a membership service $470 million operation. Adam and Lara Gillman.
Skloot and other ex- going out for dinner and ing cycling classes, it’s that offers discounts on ClassPass kicked off in “We understand that
perts say the social as- drinking and dancing, not unusual to see mem- classes at multiple stu- New York four years ago this costs a lot of money
pect partially explains for example — where the bers lingering in the dios. with unlimited classes for people. But this place
the willingness to pay cost can easily run $100 courtyard and at the ad- “It’s exposed me to for $99 a month. Later, has become part of their
so much more than at a or more. jacent coffee shop. classes that I probably ClassPass increased social activity because
traditional gym. “You see your friends But the difficulty of would not have been prices and ditched the a lot of our members
at the gym,” Zuniga said, the classes is the real able to go to because of all-you-can-eat model, switched from going out
Drink up or “and the next morning draw, said Peter Marcos, finances. A meditation sparking some customer and partying to going
work out you don’t wake up feel- a customer who liked studio, hot yoga,” said backlash. out to take care of their
ing awful. You wake up Cycle House so much he Kabia, whose biggest “The company’s been bodies,” Culha said.
Millennials may be feeling great.” quit his tech job to work
ready to forgo an alter- At Cycle House, which there.


These foreign exchange selling rates, as of the close
of business Aug. 30, 2017, apply only to the purchase
of currency amounting to $1,000 or less. These retail
exchange rates apply only to Fulton Bank and are
furnished by the International Services Department. GEARS
n Wednesday, Nov. 1:
CURRENCY RATE U.S. $ Maryland Live! Casino, Arundel
Australian Dollar (AUD) 0.8521 1.17 Mills, Maryland. Thousands
of slot machines; Vegas-
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 0.8482 1.18 style electronic table games;
shopping and dining nearby.
Swiss Franc (CHF) 1.1136 0.90
Leaves at 7:30 a.m. from
Danish Kroner (DKK) 0.1721 5.81 MoviE-town, 700 N. Hanover
St., Elizabethtown. Cost:
Euro (EUR) 1.2716 0.79 $50, $57 nonmembers. Visit
British Pound (GBP) 1.3803 0.72 GetintoGEARS.org or call 717-
Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.009727 102.81
Mexican Peso (MXN) 0.06077 16.46 PLEASANT VIEW
Norwegian Kroner (NOK) 0.1379 7.25 AUXILIARY
New Zealand Dollar (NZD) 0.7716 1.30 n Monday, Oct. 2: “Autumn
Scottish Pound (GBP) 1.3803 0.72 in York County” day trip.
Grey Beards Antiques and
Swedish Kroner(SEK) 0.1349 7.41 Collectibles, Brown’s Orchards
and Perrydell Farm & Dairy.
Lunch at historic Glen Rock Mill
Inn. Cost: $75. Meet at 7:45 a.m.
Connect at Pleasant View Retirement
Community, 544 N. Penryn
with us Road, Manheim. Return at 5:30
p.m. Call Donna at 717-665-6124
or Julie at 717-665-6396.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2017 n CONTACT: SUZANNE CASSIDY, 717-291-8694, [email protected]


Tony Forte, of Manheim
Township, recovers in
bed after undergoing a
multi-organ transplant
at a hospital in Miami
in 2016. Then age 11,
he received a stom-
ach, small and large
intestines and pancreas
transplanted from a
12-year-old donor. Forte
has complete intestinal
Hirschsprung’s disease,
which debilitates the
digestive system.

Pennsylvania needs to do more to encourage organ donation



Living organ donors A mother’s story and her plea

can transform lives for uniform guidelines
My boyfriend has genetic kidney because of another health issue my I want to thank our community Florida to another six months to
disease and was diagnosed with boyfriend was having. So he was for its continued outpouring of a year. Right now, Tony is in the
kidney failure when he was a se- on dialysis for 26 months before support for my 12-year-old son hospital, so the doctors can figure
nior in high school. he was cleared for the transplant Tony and our family over the past out how to deal with some of those
He received his first transplant in surgery. six years. I don’t think our fam- complications. He and our family
1989 at age 20 after waiting on the I accompanied him to as many ily could have made it without can’t wait to come home to Lan-
list for about six months. Because dialysis sessions as I could because the love and generosity you have caster.
that transplant lasted an astound- I didn’t want to miss out on spend- shown us. I am especially grateful to LNP
ing 25 years, it transformed his ing time with him. While I knew I Tony’s recovery is going well for its advocacy of organ donation.
young adult life, providing a wanted to donate one of my kid- despite some complications fol- Tony and other families on the
quality of living he wouldn’t have neys before, being with him in the lowing his four-organ transplant organ transplant wait list benefit
otherwise. dialysis unit affirmed my decision. in August 2016. He needed the from the support and advocacy
Even before his first transplant Dialysis is a life-sustaining treat- transplant because he has a rare of others. It is on behalf of those
declined, I decided to educate ment, but it’s not pleasant. ailment called complete intestinal families that I write to emphati-
myself about being a living donor. SHENK, page E4 Hirschsprung’s disease, which cally support the July 9 Sunday
When the time came in 2013, I had debilitates the digestive system. FORTE, page E4
lots of testing to see if I would be n Heather Shenk is a resident of Co- The post-transplant complica-
able to donate — and I was. But lumbia and works as an audiologist in tions have extended our time n Monica Walker Forte is the mother of
the surgeon put things on hold Lancaster County. near the medical center in Miami, three sons.

She was always going on newspaper who is 90 and still

walks around the neighbor- bikes around the neighbor-
hood or on the various trails I always hood. But life doesn’t give a
near our house. She loved to thought my damn what you think.
bike in the summer and cross- My mom is still with us
country ski in the winter. Of mom was physically, but in many ways
course, she would always try invincible. I feel as if she’s gone. She is
to get me to engage in these no longer the fearless, active,
activities as well. But I’m lazy I swore she positive-minded woman I
as the dickens, so her efforts was going to knew growing up.
were wasted on me. I could really use her at this
live to be 100
Daughter reflects on her vibrant I would play The Sims, the
life simulation video game, years old.
point in my life when I feel as
lost as I ever have.
mother lost to dementia for hours and hours until
she would come upstairs to
I still cherish the time I have
with her. I know there may
where the computer was and come a day when she won’t
Barbara Woznicki passed away peacefully on Aug. 21 after a say, “I’m going to unplug that know who I am, and that will
decadelong battle with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. She was the thing. Go outside!” Ugh! The My mom was the healthiest be the day that I have truly
wife of Garrett Woznicki, a former teacher and current softball worst. All I wanted to do was person I knew — until about lost her. Until that time I will
coach at Manheim Township High School; the mother of daugh- build my Sims huge, extrava- seven years ago when she was cherish every hug, smile and
ter Tara and son Sean; and grandmother of Allison and Elliot. gant houses only to eventually diagnosed with Parkinson’s laugh I get from her. I know
Born in Falmouth, Massachusetts, she was a graduate of the set them on fire by setting off disease and early dementia. that deep down inside her,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. the fire rockets inside. You She was later diagnosed with there is still the woman I
Tara Woznicki wrote this essay 18 months before her mother’s know, normal kid stuff. Alzheimer’s. This disease took knew growing up. She shines
death. The family thought it might help others dealing with the My mom grew up on Cape my healthy and active mother through rarely, but I know
losses that accompany a diagnosis of dementia. Cod. She spent her summers and turned her into someone she’s there. And I can only try
at the beach and rarely wore who takes pills four times a to be more like her.
My mom is a hipster. No, my mom said no. sunscreen. Because of this she day and gets tired from a very I hated all the things she
wait, I’m serious. She was I used to get so excited when has some brown marks on her short walk. made me do as a kid, but now
feeding me organic and natu- I would go to a friend’s house face that she calls “sun spots.” Obviously, a lot of people I am so thankful for them. I
ral food before it was really a and that family had all sorts She would tell me to wear have a family member who only wish I could apologize for
thing. Before anyone gave a of junk food that I wasn’t al- sunscreen, and when I refused was perfectly healthy and being such a little turd some-
hoot about Whole Foods. Be- lowed to have. I would binge she would say, “Do you want then was suddenly diagnosed times. Instead I will try to live
fore people knew what GMOs on the sugary cereal and the your skin to look like mine with cancer or some other my life the way she taught me.
were. She insisted on giving artificial snacks. Then I would when you’re older?” I would awful disease. But I always
me whole-grain pancakes go home and ask my mom why scoff. Who cares? I was just thought my mom was invin-
with fresh fruit when I begged I couldn’t have these foods a kid and I wanted to jump cible. I swore she was going n Tara Woznicki lives in Lancaster
and works remotely as an Eager-
for Pop-Tarts. I was 8 years when all my friends could. in the pool, not slather some to live to be 100 years old. I to-Learn Program Administrator
old, and all I wanted was some “I’m not buying that junk,” gross white stuff all over my thought she would be like one for Child Care Aware of St. Paul,
doggone Cap’n Crunch, but she would say. body. of those people you see in the Minnesota.

| Founded 1794

Beverly R. Steinman Barbara Hough Roda

Chairman Emeritus Executive Editor
Robert M. Krasne Suzanne Cassidy
Chairman of the Board Editor of the Opinion Page

Publishers: 1866-1917 Andrew Steinman | 1921-1962 J. Hale Steinman |

1921-1962 John F. Steinman (Co-Publisher) | 1963-1980 John F. Steinman |
2013- Robert M. Krasne


In our words


Whither the GOP if it can’t
As LNP staff writer Susan Baldrige reported in last week’s Sunday LNP, coroners in include the likes of Jeff Flake?
Lancaster County and across the state are struggling to find space for the remains
of bodies unclaimed by relatives. The president of the Pennsylvania State Coroners PHOENIX — We know apparently defined by
that President Donald their willingness to ignore
Association, Charles E. Kiessling Jr., says the number of unclaimed bodies being Trump is a virtuoso at the boasting about sexual
cremated is growing faster than coroners can figure out what to do with them. politics of resentment. But assault.) But for a Trump
Lancaster County Coroner Dr. Stephen Diamantoni says his office has already does he lead a movement? challenge to Flake to
That is the question to run smoothly, Graham
cremated 20 bodies that were unclaimed by relatives this year — nearly as many as be tested in next year’s Re- or DeWit would need to
in all of 2015, when the office had 22 for the entire year, the most to date. publican Senate primary persuade the independent-
in Arizona. Pro-Trump minded Ward to leave the
forces are wiping the drool race. (Recently pardoned
off their ties while con- octogenarian Joe Arpaio
It’s one of the saddest things we can imagine, choice but to let them go; tough love demands templating a humiliating — who lost his last election
being alone at the hour of death, and then the it. The saddest stories, the saddest lives, end primary defeat for Trump decisively — likes to talk
remains of your body going unclaimed and un- in a box of ashes in the county morgue. critic Jeff Flake — the about running but is not a
mourned. And they may continue to end that way if the Republican incumbent serious possibility.)
As Baldrige wrote movingly, the boxes of un- opioid epidemic goes unchecked. whom Trump reportedly Even if Arizona
claimed ashes that now fill the shelves in coun- But what of other unclaimed remains? calls “the flake.” (I sus- Trumpites settle on a
ty morgues “serve as a reminder of the discon- Consider this story Kiessling told Baldrige pect that Flake has heard single candidate, it is not
nectedness, and sometimes the coldness, of about an elderly woman who died in Lycom- that taunt before, but not clear what support from
society. These are the people who have died ing County, where he serves as coroner. since third-grade recess.) “Trump forces” really
alone and have no surviving family. These are After an extensive search, Kiessling found Professional Trump means. Does a Trump en-
the people whose relatives can’t afford to claim a relative of the woman. But that relative had sycophants Sean Hannity dorsement bring buckets
them, or in some cases simply choose not to. no interest in claiming the woman’s body. The and Laura Ingraham have of money? Does it bring or-
These, in some cases, are victims of the opioid relative told Kiessling: “Put a bone in her and endorsed a Republican ganizational help? Trump
epidemic.” let the dogs drag her away for all I care.” challenger to Flake named organizers were thin on
When the boxes of unclaimed remains be- The possible reason — though not in any Kelli Ward. Trump money- the ground even during
come too numerous for the county morgue to way an excuse — for this callousness? The cor- man Robert Mercer has his own campaign. And
hold, they are buried without ceremony in a oner said the relative may have been unhappy already donated $300,000 the power of presidential
mass interment. because the woman left all her earthly posses- to Ward’s campaign. And tweets to help people other
Unmarked. Unremarked. And unimaginable sions to her church. Trump himself implicitly than Trump is untested.
for those of us who are fortunate to have fami- What is wrong with some people? And where endorsed Ward on Twitter Can Trump actually follow
lies with the resources to hold not mere funer- did they get the idea that family relationships last month, while labeling through on his political
als but celebrations of life and, more impor- are transactional, that concern should be giv- Flake as “toxic.” threats without the normal
tantly, families who would want to say goodbye en only when there is something to be gained? Recent polling seems to architecture of a political
in a loving way. York County Coroner Pam Gay told LNP justify a belief in Flake’s movement?
This was among the most tragic of the quotes she understands when a young couple with vulnerability. Among likely The answer depends
in Baldrige’s report: “One man we contacted kids can’t find the money to cover the funeral Republican voters, Ward on a different question,
said, ‘I never liked my dad. For all I care, you costs for an estranged parent or grandparent. wins a head-to-head with posed to me by the much-
can throw him out the window,’ ” Diamantoni But she’s seen people refuse to claim a rela- Flake by double digits. respected Arizona Re-
recalls. “That’s sad to me, that someone would All this would be deeply public political columnist
tive’s body and then post a GoFundMe page to
have no emotional attachment, or at least no disturbing for establish- Robert Robb: “Is Trump
raise money for the funeral they never intend
sense of responsibility. And then it’s the tax- ment Republicans — if it a singularity, or does he
to hold.
payers who have to foot the bill.” were not mostly rubbish. represent the beginning
Other counties are facing the same prob- How awful is that? Polling a year away from of the redefining of the
lem. “Coroners in Lancaster, Dauphin, Ches- Last week, in Texas, we witnessed amazing a primary has as much Republican Party along
ter, Berks, Lebanon and York counties say the examples of people putting their lives, even predictive power as a tarot Trump lines?” Robb, who
number of unclaimed bodies their offices have their livelihoods, on the line for strangers. A pack. The most impor- walked me through the
handled in the past five years has increased by furniture gallery owner, who let flood victims tant factors determining Arizona political basics, is
between 20 and 100 percent,” Baldrige report- — adults, children, even pets — sleep on the the outcome are entirely skeptical of the latter. He
ed. expensive mattresses and sofas in his show- contingent. A year hence, is doubtful that tea party
The costs of handling and cremating un- rooms. A preacher who waded through chest- Trump could be a vengeful activists — who rose in
claimed bodies are getting so high in Lancaster high water to check vehicles for the stranded. political colossus or head- reaction (in part) to Barack
County that Diamantoni told Baldrige he may Journalists and first responders who risked ed toward impeachment; Obama’s stimulus package
ask county officials for more money in next their own lives to save others. America could be at war — will be enthused about
year’s budget. The taxpayer-funded office has There is goodness in the world. There is or at peace; the economy Trump’s trillion-dollar
spent $6,500 so far this year. goodness in our community, and a great deal of could be in depression or stimulus package. He is
The county shouldn’t have to bear these it. We welcome refugees with open arms. Our riding a boom. doubtful that Arizona’s
costs; families should. But because it’s clear churches feed the hungry and clothe the poor. So far, Flake has reason generally libertarian and
that some can’t or won’t, we hope Diamantoni Individuals collect school supplies for kids in to be pleased with outside tea-party primary voters
gets the money he needs. low-income families. As a community, we give interventions in the race. will be generally attracted
In the meantime, we should ask ourselves many millions to nonprofits serving people in Trump forces in Arizona to Trump’s ethno-nation-
this: How did we get to this point at which some need. have not yet settled on alism.
of our fellow citizens are so isolated, so discon- Perhaps we need to find some way, too, to Ward — highly inexperi- But who knows? The
nected, that when they die they are buried like help families who can’t afford to claim their enced and gaffe-prone — as Flake primary race will
unwanted waste in a pauper’s grave? loved ones. their candidate. (“She be a good test, one way or
There’s the opioid crisis, of course, which For those who go unclaimed, Diamantoni is not a buffoon,” one the other. Flake has been
has seen individuals abandoning their families said his office eventually will hold a ceremony close observer of Arizona a tough and consistent
and all the trappings of ordinary life, with its honoring these dead. We hope this happens. politics told me, “but she critic of Trump, based less
responsibilities and ties, in the quest for one Nearly everyone, no matter how troubled — says buffoonish things.”) on ideology than on the
more high — always one more high. Family or how much trouble — they were in life, de- Outside endorsements of president’s preference for
members of opioid addicts sometimes have no serves a farewell. Ward have come as state vitriolic, tribal politics.
Treasurer Jeff DeWit and But Flake is no moderate.
former party chair Robert He once ran an Arizona
FIND MORE ONLINE bit.ly/UnclaimedLNP Graham are discussing think tank dedicated to
which of them might enter conservative and libertar-
the race as a Ward alterna- ian ideas. He supports
LNP Editorial Board: Suzanne Cassidy; Barbara Hough Roda; Tom Murse, tive. And Trump himself Trump on regulatory
content editor; Richard Manieri, deputy Opinion editor; Paula Wolf, editorial writer; has since backed off his policy and other issues. To
Evelyn Albert, Carl Pike and Stuart Wesbury, community members. apparent endorsement of defeat Flake, Arizona vot-
Ward. When Trump visited ers would need to choose a
Phoenix a few weeks ago, right-wing populist in the
he had a backstage meeting tradition of Pat Buchanan
with DeWit and Graham. over a libertarian in the
Ward was not invited. tradition of Barry Gold-
Graham would probably water. This would involve,
be a stronger candidate not just an electoral choice,
than DeWit, who has even but a rethinking of Repub-
less political experience lican orthodoxy, with far-
than Ward. Graham gained reaching implications.
Trump’s confidence by If Republicans like Flake
defending him during are ousted in primaries,
the “Access Hollywood” the Republican Party as we
scandal. (True-blue, bona know it will be unrecogniz-
fide Trump loyalists are able and unsupportable.

n Michael Gerson is a nationally syndicated Washington Post col-

umnist. Twitter: @MJGerson

n Charles Krauthammer is taking time off. His next column is
slated to appear in the Sept. 10 Sunday LNP.

In memory of
Jerry Lewis
Letters to the editor cists convening in Charlot-
tesville were shouting blatant
them for the benefit of all the
racism and Nazi slogans, not If the people step forward
Most of us remember Jerry “unseemly chants.” Andrew to demand that their consti-
Lewis as the slapstick collabo- LETTER POLICY Jackson is inappropriately tutional rights be protected,
rator with Dean Martin and n Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters must include an characterized as a “worthy should a financial burden be
star of a couple of funny mov- address and telephone number for verification purposes. Letters leader” who “in some ways” levied on them to service a
ies. should be limited to 300 words and on topics that affect the public. doesn’t “measure up” to “con- for-profit private company?
Writers are limited to one published letter every 14 days. Letters
When I was a young pastor in will be edited for grammar, clarity and length. Material that has
temporary ideals.” Enacting this bill will send a
a small town in eastern Massa- appeared elsewhere and form letters are discouraged, and any Birkner’s minimizing lan- clear message that the rights
chusetts in 1960, my parishio- detected will not be published. guage attempts to make of American citizens are sub-
ners included the 1960 poster HOW TO SUBMIT LETTERS genocide more palatable. servient to the will of private
child for muscular dystrophy That effort is unacceptable companies.
fundraising and her family. Email: [email protected]. and should not be elevated Timothy Runkle
They lived in a small house not Fax: 717-399-6507. and publicized by your pa- Elizabethtown
far from the church. At least Mail to: Letters, c/o LNP, P.O. Box 1328, per. While I do agree with
once a year, a black limo pulled Lancaster, PA 17608-1328. Birkner’s point that I would
up in front of the house and be unhappy to be judged for Fighting for union
out came Mr. Lewis to visit the my worst behavior, that worst representation
family. They lovingly referred behavior has not been owning
to him as though he were a falsely? plane to Pakistan and has been slaves. Slave owners should This weekend, remember
member of the family. Perhaps we common people charged with conspiracy and be held accountable for their that the purpose of Labor
Every Labor Day weekend are tired of words. We’d like bank fraud. Most disturbing behavior. If that gives them or Day is to celebrate the ways
for years we watched his TV to see cooperation and action. is the fact that Awan had ac- their sympathizers a moment labor unions changed our
marathon to raise funds for Instead we hear words calling cess to computers assigned to of sadness or discomfort, so be lives: five-day work weeks,
muscular dystrophy research. us racist, xenophobic, anti- Democrats on the Intelligence it. overtime pay, child labor
He always spoke of it as “this Semitic, while terrorists in and Foreign Affairs commit- R.A. Schoenberger laws, fire codes and other
dread disease.” masks, outfitted in black, trash tees and classified informa- Little Rock, Arkansas health and safety laws, etc.
I won’t forget his passion for businesses, burn police cars tion on those computers. History teaches us that
that cause and those kids. and shut down free speech. Wasserman Schultz is ac- those in power, whether in
Thank you, Jerry. They don’t get near the con- cused of obstructing FBI Martin’s bill protects government, business or oth-
The Rev. Bob Hannum demnation a few intemperate agents from accessing her business over people er organizations, even edu-
East Hempfield Township words get. But then, words computer at first. Fox now re- cational institutions, will al-
matter, right? ports Awan possibly had ac- It is clear in Senate Bill 754 most always exploit workers
I prefer action. cess to Wasserman Schultz’s that state Sen. Scott Martin for their own gain. A union
Words are vital, N.J. Huss emails and is now being in- listened to those who en- is often the only way work-
actions speak louder West Lampeter Township vestigated for possibly selling gage in the violation of hu- ers not only gain decent sala-
documents to Russia. Possible man rights and framed a bill ries and other fundamental
Words matter. Words guide leaker of DNC emails dur- that will implement punitive needs, but keep things like
us, educate us and sway our Stop picking ing last year’s campaign, one damages for commonwealth decent health care, livable
opinions from love to hate and on the Amish might ask? Russian collusion? citizens (“Bill would lower wages, a safe work place and
back again. Words, both spo- And yet there have been no costs, shield peaceful protest- fair compensation for over-
ken and written, are the stuff I am writing in regard to the calls for any special prosecu- ers,” Aug. 27 Sunday LNP). time.
that politicians and media article in the Aug. 20 Sunday tor or grand jury inquiry from No doubt, because of public At HACC, formerly Harris-
deal in. Politicians convince us LNP about license plates for Democrats or their allies in opposition of the Atlantic burg Area Community Col-
of their intent through words. Amish buggies (“Amish bug- the media. Not a story wor- Sunrise pipeline and its simi- lege, some of us are trying
Media deliver news and opin- gies could require tags in fu- thy of even being reported by larities to the Dakota Access to organize a faculty union,
ions through words. Every ture”). In my opinion, I don’t many news outlets. Strange. Pipeline protests, this bill is which would give us not
year, at election time, the think it is right to make them We all know Wasserman intended to cause public fear only a voice to protect our
public scans those words for get a license plate. If driv- Schultz colluded with the while protecting a private, interests, but also those of
promises of a new beginning. ers in moving vehicles would Clinton campaign against Ber- for-profit entity. students. We faculty are the
But didn’t we hear those slow down, and not be in such nie Sanders. And her justifica- Martin took the advice of experts in our subject disci-
same words two, four or eight a hurry, and watch out for tion for not firing Awan? That North Dakota officials who plines and should have the
years ago? Did anything im- Amish buggies, we wouldn’t would be racist and Islamo- responded to those protests — final say in how those dis-
prove, or did we only hear have a problem, would we? phobic! they who had attacked indig- ciplines are taught, and we
words and see little action? Stop picking on the Amish. So we have a media black- enous people and other citi- are the ones who work most
Surely that must be a mistake. I hope House Bill 1670 does out, lying, collusion, dirty zens. The violations ranged closely with students and
We want to trust those words, not get passed. It’s time you campaign politics, possible from saturation of people in best understand their needs.
so let’s give that politician an- people find something else to obstruction of an FBI inves- freezing temperatures, abla- To ensure the quality of
other chance. His or her words do with your time than to pick tigation and incompetence tion of limbs with “nonlethal” their educational experience,
are quite lovely. on the Amish. handling confidential or clas- projectiles, and attack by ca- we need to have more voice
Everyone isn’t good at words. Deb Reisinger sified information. Sounds nine in the control of a mer- in the policies and decisions
They have other talents. Danc- Columbia like we’ve found the perfect cenary force. SB 754 intends governing those needs, as
er, scientist, athlete, math- replacement candidate for to enact these atrocities in well as our own. We currently
ematician, gardener, builder, Hillary Clinton in 2020. Pennsylvania at the expense of don’t have enough power in
parent. Much of the popula- Why no coverage of As Yogi Berra famously stat- those upon whom they will be any of those areas to ensure a
tion does just fine letting their Democrat’s scandal? ed, “It’s deja vu all over again.” committed. quality work and/or learning
actions speak for them. And Ted Fabianski We should ask if citizens of experience for anyone.
they deliver. To most of us, If you don’t watch Fox News, Manor Township the commonwealth were con- Only by uniting in a collec-
words are mere communica- chances are you’ve missed sulted in the formation of this tive voice can workers make
tion. the latest Washington, D.C., bill, rather than an oil compa- a difference. History proves
Does our president use scandal that’s not been widely Slave owners should ny. We should consider Article that life is always much bet-
words in the best way? No. covered, with virtually no in- be held accountable 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylva- ter for workers with a union
Does he accomplish things vestigative reporting. Former nia Constitution: than without one. The people
that no one else has seen fit to Democratic National Com- Michael Birkner’s Aug. 20 “The people have a right to in power and control want us
do, thereby following through mittee Chairwoman Rep. Deb- Sunday LNP essay on the re- clean air, pure water, and to to hate unions because they
on his promises? He tries, but bie Wasserman Schultz is em- moval of Confederate stat- the preservation of the natu- lose some of that power and
others don’t always keep their broiled in an FBI investigation ues (“Monuments ought to ral, scenic, historic and aes- control when workers gain
promises. While he struggles of three Pakistani nationals be considered case by case”) thetic values of the environ- strength.
like a bull in a china shop, oth- who had unfettered access to was unworthy of publication. ment. Pennsylvania’s public (All opinions expressed
ers use words to condemn his several congressional Demo- His false equivalencies and natural resources are the com- here are my own and do not
deeds: Russia, collusion, big- cratic computers, including his manipulative attempts mon property of all the people, necessarily represent the
otry, hate. It’s enough to make Wasserman Schultz’s comput- to put a pretty gloss on hard including generations yet to opinions of anyone else at
a saint exhausted. Can one er password. truths is not appreciated. Sal- come. As trustee of these re- the college where I teach.)
blame him for striking back One man, Imran Awan, re- ly Hemings was a slave, not a sources, the commonwealth Pat Hanahoe-Dosch
verbally when he is blamed cently was arrested boarding a mistress. The white suprema- shall conserve and maintain Lancaster Township

dishonoring our fallen heroes ship, book burnings and the where the smallest voices
is widely regarded as an un- suppression of free thinking. have the right to be heard,
patriotic and “un-American” Nazis use fear to silence their even when they challenge
thing to do. opponents. those with power. Free
For example, when a young While even despicable forms speech, while sometimes used
woman named Lindsey Stone of expression and hate speech to promote hate, is also essen-
posed for a photograph in are protected under the First tial to a thoughtful, delibera-
APRIL KELLY-WOESSNER Arlington National Cemetery, Amendment, the threatening tive democracy. It is frequent-
LNP COLUMNIST in which she jokingly gave and violent actions of the “alt- ly a tool for the oppressed.
the finger next to a sign that right” mob in Charlottesville The civil rights movement, for

Nazism is antithetical to
read “Silence and Respect,” were not protected forms of example, relied on the protec-
supposed patriotic Ameri- speech. The Supreme Court tions of the First Amendment

American patriotism
cans ruined her life. She was has routinely drawn a line when Southern politicians
mercilessly shamed on social between legitimate political attempted to silence black
media, received gruesome and expression and threats. For voices.
Last month, I took my fight against Nazi Germany terrifying death threats, lost example, the court ruled that We must not allow Nazis
children to D-Day Conneaut, and Adolf Hitler’s oppressive her job, and went into hiding cross burning for the purpose and other hateful groups to
the country’s largest annual brand of German nationalism. for a year. She was destroyed of intimidating others is not warp the notion of free speech
re-enactment of D-Day. An The reminder was especially for disrespecting fallen sol- a constitutionally protected in order to defend acts of vio-
estimated 1,800 re-enactors powerful given recent events diers. And yet, it is difficult form of speech. Similarly, lence and intimidation. These
participated this year. For in Charlottesville, Virginia, to imagine something more a mob of people carrying are not forms of protected
three days, visitors explore and elsewhere around the disrespectful than a group of torches and entrapping their speech. Free speech is about
realistic military encamp- country. Americans celebrating the opponents is not a protected protecting vulnerable voices.
ments and witness a series In fact, it is clear that any flags, symbols and ideologies form of speech. It is an act of What Nazis do is attempt to
of skirmishes between Allied American brandishing a Nazi of the evil those soldiers died unlawful political violence. shut down dialogue by intimi-
and German forces. The event flag or making a “Heil Hitler” to defeat. This is not patrio- The right to free speech is a dating those who would op-
culminates with an hourlong salute needs a serious les- tism. protection from government pose them and making them
battle on the shores of Lake son in world history. This is Similarly, to celebrate Nazis control of thoughts and ideas. afraid to speak. They are not
Erie, complete with bombers, especially true of those who while claiming to support free This is entirely antitheti- the same thing. In fact, one is
armored tanks, heavy artil- glorify Nazi symbols and speech reflects a profound cal to Nazi ideology, under philosophically incompatible
lery, defense fortifications, cultures, while proclaiming to ignorance of history and Nazi which government exercised with the other.
and an Allied beach landing in be either patriotic Americans ideology. The Nazis engaged complete control of informa- Americans stood up to Nazis
Higgins boats. or proponents of free speech. in systematic oppression tion and eliminated those who once to protect free speech
Visitors are able to ride the One simply cannot be a Nazi of speech. Information was would dissent. Those who ral- and other freedoms. They will
boats. On our trip, I imagined and be either of these things. strictly controlled through lied in Charlottesville under do so again.
the young people thrown onto More than 400,000 Ameri- Joseph Goebbels and the min- the Nazi flag seek to do the
the beaches of Normandy, cans lost their lives fighting in istry of propaganda. Disagree- same — to control dialogue
knowing that many of them World War II. While patrio- ing with the party line was through fear and intimida- n April Kelly-Woessner is a
would not return. The entire tism can take many forms, it is punishable by death. People tion. professor and chairwoman of the
political science department at
event was a moving reminder often associated with hon- carrying Nazi flags have But free speech, in the Elizabethtown College. She also
of the sacrifices that previ- oring those who died while never been proponents of free American ideal, is about is a correspondent for LNP. Email:
ous generations made to serving our country. In fact, speech; they endorse censor- creating a vibrant democracy [email protected].

Shenk them later that afternoon. My kid-

ney went to a man, who lives near
Pittsburgh, whose wife donated one
usually live long, healthy lives.
Education puts things into proper
perspective. Perhaps a statewide
Continued from E1 of hers on his behalf. campaign about living donation is
The paired exchange program is a warranted.
The treatment is harsh and the diet godsend when a willing donor isn’t Second, take steps to make the
is strict. We learned how diet can a close-enough match, and it would donation process easier by cover-
ALLAN F. WOLFE influence one’s overall health — make for countless opportunities if ing transportation costs and lost
which is priceless information. Life only more people knew about it. wages, and by offering compre-
on dialysis was as good as we could I was a part of a miracle. While I hensive follow-up health care for

As Jesus taught us, make it, but a transplant would of-

fer a totally different quality of life.
was healing and getting back on my
feet, I got to see my boyfriend get
a period of time. These costs were
not an issue for me because of the

the antidote to And a living donor was the key to

keep him from having to wait years
his life back. I couldn’t believe how
quickly his health turned around
proximity of the transplant clinic
and because my employer offers

fear is love on the transplant list.

Once he was cleared for surgery, I
once that transplanted organ began
Family and Medical Leave Act
benefits, but I could see how they
had all of the testing done a second He went from being kept alive to could cause hardships for potential
Trust is an essential dynamic in all time to determine my eligibility. actually living. He has color in his donors.
functioning human relationships. Where I was approved, but there was a skin; he can eat more liberally and The state should consider offer-
trust erodes, dysfunction quickly emerges. caveat: The crossmatch testing drink as much fluid as he wants; he ing comprehensive health care for a
Whether the relationship is spousal, between the two of us showed the can taste food again; he is robust; he certain time, similar to what Israel
parent-child, extended family, co-workers, results would be more favorable if has nearly endless energy. offers. The transplant clinic follows
friends, neighbors, citizens or fellow human he received a closer-matching organ I was able to donate, and I did. It donors for two years after donation,
beings, the absence or diminution of trust than mine. has made the biggest difference in and then care is turned over to the
brings harm not only to the relationship, When the crossmatch is not close both of our lives, and I get to see this donor’s primary care physician. The
but also to people. enough, the paired exchange dona- miraculous transformation daily. clinic’s follow-up care is mainly to
In part, the prohibitions of the Ten Com- tion program is an option. Detailed That is all of the payment I will check on the surgery site and the
mandments aim at protecting relationships information on the donor and the ever need for donating my left kidney function numbers, but other
and people by shielding trust from under- recipient is entered into a nation- kidney. concerns are shifted to the primary
mining influences. “Thou shall not kill,” wide database full of information The LNP Editorial Board recently care doctor and the donor’s insur-
“Thou shall not steal,” “Thou shall not bear on others in the same position. A posed a question about what the ance. I think the offer of compre-
false witness against your neighbor” and chain of donors and recipients is state could do to promote organ hensive care would be helpful to
“Thou shall not commit adultery” not only formed, allowing each recipient to donation (“The interminable wait,” a donor, offering peace of mind if
seek to protect life, property, reputation and receive a much better-matching July 9). Here are my thoughts. nothing else.
marriage, but even more so the people and organ. First, educate the public that liv- I do not believe donors should get
relationships connected to these values. When the suggestion was made ing donation is possible, especially benefits unrelated to the donation
When trust is absent, fear reigns. In the for us to consider this option, I through the paired exchange dona- process. Tax credits, school loan
wake of the hatred and violence dem- promptly agreed. To me, the only tion program. When people think forgiveness and the like are forms
onstrated in Charlottesville, Virginia, thing better than my boyfriend get- of organ donation, they often think of payment. Offering these things
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles ting my kidney was the doctor being it only happens after death. When would allow the process to be mis-
recently highlighted one of the poisonous able to select one that was better for a kidney transplant comes from a used.
fruits of fear: “We are seeing in our country him. living donor, it typically lasts longer, I am so grateful I was able to make
a new kind of racism and nationalism. It So on March 1, 2016, four donors and the recipient doesn’t have to such a significant change in some-
is a racism and nationalism rooted in fear. had surgeries at four separate take as much medication (especially one’s life through living organ dona-
There is fear about what is happening in hospitals, and then the organs were if the donor is a relative). tion. If you have the opportunity
our society. There is fear about what is hap- packed and transported to their Many fear the risk of living with to do so, please explore it. It will be
pening in our economy. Our country has intended recipients, who received just one kidney, but kidney donors life-changing for both of you.
become so angry and bitter, so divided — in
so many different areas.”
To attribute the racism, ethnic prejudice
and hatred to fear in no way excuses or justi-
fies these evils. Archbishop Charles Chaput
of Philadelphia provided a clear denuncia-
Forte like Tony.
While we were in pre-op waiting
to hear whether the surgery would
eat full meals without becoming
sick — something he’s never been
able to do. He’ll be able to swim
tion not only of the white supremacists’ atti- Continued from E1 take place, the 12-year-old donor’s and even immerse himself in the
tudes and actions, but of all racism: “Racism body and family finally arrived at pool, because he won’t have an IV
is a poison of the soul. It’s the ugly, original LNP editorial (“The interminable the hospital by 8 p.m. The family backpack and dressing that can’t get
sin of our country, an illness that has never wait”) in favor of state House Bill members said their last goodbyes wet. He’ll be able to play without be-
fully healed. Blending it with the Nazi salute, 30, which remains in the House and parted, knowing their son’s ing constantly tethered to IV lines.
the relic of a regime that murdered millions, Judiciary Committee. legacy was that of a true hero. And soon, perhaps, he will be able
compounds the obscenity. Thus the wave of Many kids like Tony are still wait- By 10 p.m., I heard over the nurs- to attend school for the first time in
public anger about white nationalist events ing to receive the call. But Pennsyl- es’ intercom that the organs were his life without the fear of becoming
in Charlottesville is well warranted.” vania’s outdated state law means perfect and the surgery was a go! sick.
There can be no room for racism, hatred that for some people, the phone And that’s when it became real for
or any form of ethnic or religious preju- may never ring. Every second us that this was it. It was happening Make guidelines uniform
dice in the hearts and minds of those who counts with organ donation, and — finally — after waiting on the list Tony’s experience illustrates how
profess to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Pennsylvania’s patchwork laws add for six years, an eternity of wait- critical it is that everyone is on the
Savior. That should seem obvious. Sacred unnecessary delay to the process. ing since Tony was diagnosed with same page before the transplant
Scripture and the teaching of the Catholic Instead of a statewide standard, Hirschsprung’s disease at just at 6 clock starts ticking. Everyone
Church attest clearly to this: “The equal- every county sets its own rules days old. should know the proper steps and
ity of men rests essentially on their dignity about approving certain organ Tony’s life was going to be re- protocol to accommodate this life-
as persons and the rights that flow from it: donations. stored to a life he had never known. saving process. Forty-six states have
Every form of social or cultural discrimina- Tony’s story shows why lawmak- uniform guidelines. Florida, where
tion in fundamental personal rights on the ers should eliminate every hour and ‘See ya real soon’ Tony received his transplant, is one
grounds of sex, race, color, social condi- minute of delay possible. Pennsyl- We hugged Tony, prayed and said of those states. Sadly, Pennsylvania
tions, language, or religion must be curbed vanians will benefit from establish- as we always did before his numerous is not.
and eradicated as incompatible with God’s ing a standard playbook based on surgeries, “See ya real soon!” (Never I applaud lawmakers for support-
design” (Catechism, No. 1935). the best medical practices. did we say goodbye.) And off he went, ing HB 30, because it would create
Catholics should be particularly compas- wheeled into the operating room a statewide playbook that uses the
sionate toward those who suffer racism The call while waving at us. best medical and legal tools avail-
and prejudice, given our own experiences Tony answered his call at 8:30 a.m. Friends who lived locally waited able to enable donation. I urge our
historically of unjust treatment and per- Aug. 23, 2016, after six years, when with us through the early morning legislators to pass this legislation
secution in this country. With the aware- he asked his doctor, “Do you have hours. We would nod off and sleep right away.
ness of the catholicity (universality) of the organs for me?” In turn, she said briefly, only to be awakened by the This commonsense reform
church with members in Tanzania, Nigeria, yes — he finally had a match for his nurses updating us every hour and wouldn’t only impact families like
Uganda, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, stomach, small and large intestine, a half. Six hours later, two smiling ours. Our perspective on organ
Burma, the Philippines and so many others, liver and pancreas. transplant surgeons came to tell us donation has been from the waiting
Catholics need to lead the way in promot- Tony received only four of those that the organs were perfect, that the list. But there is another side to the
ing the dignity of all people and the end to five organs; his native liver was still surgery was one of the easiest they story: organ donors and their loved
racism and prejudice. Scripture quotes, healthy, so the donated liver went had done, and that Tony was sleeping ones.
doctrinal statements and stirring sermons on to save another life. comfortably.
and speeches only give direction; they do The doctor told us that Tony could When we finally got to see him, No greater gift
not solve the problem. receive the transplant if we could none of us was prepared for the sight There is no greater gift than the
Chaput continued his statement: “We be at the hospital in Miami by 5 p.m. of Tony, propped up in his bed. From gift of life. There is no higher form
need to keep the images of Charlottesville that day. the elevator, I heard his voice. of true goodness in this world than
alive in our memories. If we want a differ- With every lifesaving organ My husband and the surgeons said someone who makes the decision to
ent kind of country in the future, we need donation, a transplant team must that wasn’t his voice, but a mother give another person a second chance.
to start today with a conversion in our own assemble and coordinate with knows her baby, and sure enough, as Donors deserve to have their wishes
hearts, and an insistence on the same in lightning speed. The organs must we turned the corner, there he was honored and followed.
others. That may sound simple. But the his- be surgically recovered, tested for looking beautiful and saying, “Hi, That precious gift should never be
tory of our nation and its tortured attitudes suitability and matched to a recipi- Mommy!” turned away, or lost, because of un-
toward race proves exactly the opposite.” ent. Organs are viable for a matter From the time he had received the necessary delay.
The antidote to fear is love, for perfect of hours after they are recovered call, to the time he went into surgery, People who have received a lifesav-
love casts out all fear. Christians have one from donors. And the patient must through our long wait to see him, I ing organ transplant, and their fami-
God who not only taught us about real love, be able to get to the hospital where never once cried. I recited my rosary lies, owe a debt we can never repay.
but showed it by stretching out his arms on they are listed for a match. feverishly, but didn’t cry. Until that I’ll ask until the end of time, “How
the cross for all. If this one God is truly our We frantically worked to arrange moment. Then my emotions turned do you thank someone who saves the
Lord and Savior, we need to leave behind travel. Angel MedFlight found a to the family who was weeping over life of your child?”
fear and love as Jesus loves. This means lov- plane out of Minnesota on its way to their lost child, and thought how All we can do is use our voices to
ing the African-American, the immigrant, south Florida that was refueling at that family’s life was going to change advocate for the 117,000 people who
the refugee, the poor, the one who does Lancaster County airport for a few because of that loss. I had this deep are still on the waiting list. And we
not speak English, the one who goes to the minutes around 2 p.m. that day. We yearning to console the boy’s parents, must honor those people who give
mosque, and yes, even the racist and the were told that Tony, Steve (his dad the parents we soon hope to know. the ultimate gift.
white supremacist. and my husband of 21 years) and I In Tony’s case, a family made the
In a phrase that Pope John Paul II used of- could board the flight if we made it The recovery decision, despite their unbearable
ten — “do not be afraid” — the pope encour- there on time. Two days later, Tony was sitting in grief over losing a young son, to say
aged us to find in Jesus the way forward. In We were anxiously waiting at the a chair. Four days later, after having yes to organ donation that in turn
his homily for the inauguration of his pon- airport for the flight team at 1:30 major abdominal transplant sur- saved ours.
tificate on Oct. 22, 1978, he invited: “Broth- p.m. gery, he was walking the pediatric Tony waited six years for his call.
ers and sisters, do not be afraid to welcome intensive care unit floor. A 15-minute delay could have made
Christ and accept his power. ... Do not be White-knuckle trip His two older brothers — Vincent, the difference between a lifesaving
afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ. To his Two white-knuckle hours later, 16, and Dominic, 14, both strong ad- transplant or more waiting. There’s
saving power open the boundaries of states, we landed in Miami. The ambu- vocates of organ donation because no way of knowing when, or if, he
economic and political systems, the vast lance was waiting on the runway of their little brother — were flown would have had another match.
fields of culture, civilization and develop- and two police cars escorted Tony in by my sister on the day Tony A statewide standard will save
ment. Do not be afraid. Christ knows ‘what is and us to the hospital. We walked was moved from the pediatric ICU lives. We encourage you to ask your
in man.’ He alone knows it.” in the door at 5:07 p.m. — just in the to the pediatric transplant floor. lawmakers to support HB 30.
Let us rebuild trust by allowing Jesus nick of time. He recuperated there until he was And if you haven’t yet, please take
to lead us in the way of truly loving one Organ donation is a medical discharged, and we moved to a local a few moments and register as an
another. miracle. But it is also very com- campground, where we’ve been liv- organ donor at www.donatelifepa.
plicated. If any link in the chain is ing until Tony is cleared to return to org. One minute of your time can
n The Rev. Allan F. Wolfe is pastor of St. Joseph and broken, it can mean the difference our Lancaster home. have a lifelong impact on others,
San Juan Bautista Catholic churches in Lancaster. between life and death for someone Over time, he will be able to just as it has for Tony.

Sunday Conversation


North Korea is a big problem

with imperfect solutions
The first step in thinking prise. It makes much of its money
through a problem is to ask through counterfeiting, sex and
whether it’s a problem at all. Prob- drug trafficking, and numerous
lems without solutions, the saying other schemes.
goes, aren’t problems. They’re Among its biggest profit centers
facts. is extortion from the “interna-
Some people argue that a tional community.” For 25 years
nuclear-armed North Korea is less it has been taking bribes to delay
of a problem and more of a fact. its nuclear program, as President
Murderous doughboy Kim Jong Donald Trump rightly noted on
Un will never give up his nuclear Twitter recently. And, obviously,
toys. And let’s face it: He would the regime lied every time.
be stupid to. Perhaps the one true North Korea has also exported
lesson of the last half-century of nuclear and missile technology
geopolitics is that the only way to rogue nations such as Iran and
ambitious criminal regimes can Syria. Who really thinks that Kim
Who in the campaign protect themselves from outside
threats is to have a nuclear deter-
will give up his business model?
If it were easy, the wisest course
wasn’t willing to collude? rent. That was probably one of of policy would be to decapitate
the last thoughts to go through the North Korean regime. But that
Moammar Gadhafi’s mind before wouldn’t be easy at all. A conven-
the Libyan dictator was killed by a tional war would be over rela-
U.N.-backed mob. tively quickly — so long as China
Advocates of more “strategic stayed out of it — but not quickly
patience” argue that we should enough to prevent the destruction
just accept a nuclear-armed North of South Korea’s capital and the
Korea and rely on the time-tested deaths of millions of people, in-
policy of nuclear deterrence. cluding thousands of Americans.
It’s not a bad argument, but it Another widely discussed solu-
has problems. Nuclear weapons tion would be to induce China to
have uses other than simply laying overthrow the regime and install
waste to cities. The chief one, as I a puppet government. China
already mentioned, is they take re- could probably do it relatively
gime change off the table forever. easily. It surely has lots of North
While no one was looking, Hence North Korea’s primary
demand: permanent recogni-
Korean generals on the payroll
more bad news for Trump tion of the illegitimate regime’s
But there are problems with this,
too. China would demand a high
Nukes also provide all manner of price: total removal of American
Just so there’s no confusion: with the Moscow project apparently maneuvering room. For instance, forces in South Korea and a tacit
President Donald Trump’s longtime stalled, Cohen went straight to the Iran, another country with a acknowledgement that China is
personal lawyer emailed Vladimir top to get it back on track — or at horrible government, wants a the uncontested hegemon of the
Putin’s personal spokesman? Seek- least tried to. He sent an email to nuclear arsenal very badly. While region. Such a “grand bargain
ing help from the Kremlin on a deal Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s longtime per- the Israelis are worried — for would effectively transfer Ameri-
to build a Trump Tower in Moscow? sonal spokesman, “hereby request- understandable reasons — that ca’s dominance to China,” Hoover
During the presidential campaign? ing your assistance.” the Iranians might one day use it Institution scholar Michael Auslin
Yes, this really happened. While Peskov confirmed that the email against Israel, that’s not the only writes in the Los Angeles Times.
most attention was rightly focused was received but said he did nothing reason it would be bad for Iran to “No matter how the White House
on the devastating flood in Houston, about it and that it was not given to have the bomb. Iran wants to be a spun such a deal, world leaders
there was quite a bit of news on the Putin. regional hegemon able to meddle would infer that the U.S. had gone
Russia front — all of it, from Trump’s So Trump was lying when he far beyond its own borders. Hav- hat in hand to China.”
perspective, quite bad. tweeted, shortly before his inaugura- ing nukes makes that much easier The impact on South Korean
The revelations begin with a tion, that “I HAVE NOTHING TO because it raises the stakes of any politics, never mind Japan’s,
Trump business associate named DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, military confrontation. would be tumultuous at best.
Felix Sater. A Russian emigre who NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!” The North Korea, the so-called So what to do? Well, the first
bragged about his Kremlin connec- truth is that in October 2015, on the Hermit Kingdom, does not have thing is to recognize that there are
tions, Sater was a principal figure in same day he participated in a GOP any territorial ambitions, nor is no good solutions. But perhaps
the development of the Trump Soho candidates’ debate, he signed a letter it much interested in interacting the least bad option would be to
hotel and condominium project of intent for the Moscow Trump with the rest of the world. The openly declare that America al-
in lower Manhattan. Sater wrote a Tower project. regime’s existence depends on ready considers the North Korean
series of emails to Trump’s lawyer, That is a “deal,” and Trump’s hun- keeping the population ignorant regime to be China’s puppet, and
Michael Cohen, touting the Moscow ger to keep it alive may explain his of just how terrible they have it that North Korean misdeeds are
Trump Tower project as a way to reluctance to say anything critical compared with nearly every other really Chinese misdeeds.
help Trump win the presidency. about Putin. Or it may tell just part of country in the world. That would come at a price, too.
In November 2015 — five months the story. But the North Korean regime But it would incentivize China
after Trump had entered the race for The other part involves the whole is best understood as a monarchy either to rein in the North Korean
the Republican presidential nomina- question of collusion between Rus- that operates a criminal enter- regime or, eventually, get rid of it.
tion — Sater wrote to Cohen that he sian officials and the Trump cam-
had “arranged” for Trump’s daughter paign to meddle with the election
Ivanka, during a 2006 visit to Mos- and boost Trump’s chances. Sater’s n Jonah Goldberg is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a senior editor
of National Review and a Tribune Content Agency syndicated columnist. Twitter:
cow, “to sit in Putins private chair at boasts, by themselves, are hardly @JonahNRO.
his desk and office in the Kremlin.” definitive. But of course there is the
The email went on, “I will get Putin larger context, which includes the in-
on this program and we will get famous meeting that Donald Trump
Donald elected. We both know no
one else knows how to pull this off
Jr. convened in New York at which
he hoped to receive dirt, courtesy of
North Korea, the so-called Hermit
without stupidity or greed getting in the Russian government, on Hillary Kingdom, does not have any territorial
the way. I know how to play it and we
will get this done. Buddy our boy can
Thus far we have the president’s
ambitions, nor is it much interested in
become President of the USA and we son, his son-in-law Jared Kushner interacting with the rest of the world.
can engineer it. I will get all of Putins (who was at that meeting), his then-
team to buy in on this.” campaign manager Paul Manafort
Could Sater be just a blowhard (also at the meeting), and now his
who exaggerated his influence with personal lawyer all seemingly eager
the Russian president? Perhaps. But for Russian help in the election. Who
Ivanka Trump did tell The New York in the campaign wasn’t willing to
Times that she took a “brief tour of collude?
Red Square and the Kremlin” during All of this is under scrutiny by spe-
that 2006 visit. The Times reported cial counsel Robert Mueller and the
she said “it is possible she sat in Mr. various congressional committees
Putin’s chair during that tour but she that are conducting investigations.
did not recall it.” Some have suggested that Trump’s
There is no evidence that Cohen, pardon of Joe Arpaio, the unrepen-
one of Trump’s closest associates, tant “birther” and racial profiler,
found anything improper in Sater’s might have been a message to Trump
pledge to get Putin “on this pro- associates facing heat from prosecu-
gram.” Nor did Cohen or anyone in tors: Hang tough and don’t worry,
the Trump Organization bother to you’ll get pardons.
disclose the emails — or the Trump But there was more bad news for
firm’s effort, even during the cam- the president: Politico reported that
paign, to profitably emblazon the Mueller is now cooperating and shar-
Trump name on the Moscow sky- ing information with New York At-
line — until the correspondence was torney General Eric Schneiderman.
turned over to the House Intelli- Presidents can only issue pardons
gence Committee on Monday. for federal offenses, not state crimes.
And there’s more: In January 2016, Uh-oh.

n Eugene Robinson is a columnist for The Washington Post. Twitter: @Eugene_Robinson.


generation FRESH TAKES




Behind the song of

summer: ‘Despacito’
Fonsi, n John Cheng is a sports
The opening flourish of guitar-like cuatro is instantly left, and photographer who makes
recognizable, a gentle but effective means of telling you Daddy his subjects literally jump,
what you might’ve assumed to be true even before the song Yankee leap and explode off the
began: You’re about to hear the remix of “Despacito.” are the screen. His pictures of the
driving national gymnastics team,
Again. force especially, capture a certain
Unavoidable over the last few months on both the In- behind raw display of feelings that
ternet and Top 40 radio, this sleek — and surprising — col- the sum- come from a combination
laboration between Justin Bieber and two of Puerto Rico’s mer hit of hard work and sheer
biggest stars, Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, is without “Despa- talent. You’ll find yourself
question the song of the summer. cito.” wondering if it’s humanly
It’s sold more than 2 million downloads. It’s been possible to create some of
the poses in the pictures,
streamed on Spotify nearly 800 million times. And so far but your astonishment
it’s spent 16 weeks at No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot 100, tying ASSOCIATED PRESS
will be offset by the
Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men’s “One Sweet Day,” which An industry veteran who helped make hits of Iglesias’ amazing degree of emotion
logged 16 weeks atop the music industry’s most closely “Bailando” and Los Del Rio’s “Macarena” — the latter was displayed by the athletes
watched singles chart in 1995 and 1996. the last Spanish-language song to top the Hot 100, more in moments so brief they
“If you’d told me a few months ago that the song was still than two decades ago — Lopez said he’s never seen a song might not ever have been
going to be No. 1 in August, I would’ve been like, ‘There’s no grow as quickly as “Despacito,” whose video has the most captured if not for Cheng.
It takes a special kind of
way — people are going to be sick of it,’” Fonsi said with a views of any clip on YouTube: 3.3 billion at last count. photographer to do that,
laugh. “But here we are.” Yet the song wasn’t just attracting young people attached and Cheng can.
The success of “Despacito,” whose title translates to to their phones. Lopez recalled watching Fonsi perform —Katie Weaver, 19
“slowly,” is to some extent an artistic triumph. A seam- “Despacito” in concert earlier this year and seeing him in-
less blend of pop and reggaeton, the expertly crafted song spire a diverse audience — “from kids to grandparents,” the
about a sexual encounter zeros in on an emotional and aes- executive said — to sing along.
thetic sweet spot; it strikes an ideal balance of melody and Still, there was a crowd the song hadn’t quite won over by
rhythm, romance and lust. the beginning of April, and that was mainstream American 10-SECOND
But it also happened in the right place at the right time. pop fans. Ender said she, Fonsi and Daddy Yankee wrote MOVIE REVIEWS
Sung mostly in Spanish, “Despacito” has resonated with an English translation of “Despacito” in the hopes of get-
many listeners this year as an implicit counterpoint to ting an American singer to take part in a remix.
President Donald Trump’s tough rhetoric regarding Lati- And Monte Lipman, chairman of Republic Records, said
nos and immigrants from Latin America. he’d spoken with Braun (whose other clients include Ush-
Indeed, Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, says his princi- er and Ariana Grande) about various strategies for break-
pal motivation in putting the remix together was the idea ing the record in this country.
of topping the Hot 100 while Trump was in office. The singer they got wasn’t one they’d been courting. Ac-
“A song in Spanish is all over pop radio,” Braun said, “in cording to Braun, Bieber (who is Canadian) heard “Despa-
an America where young Latino Americans should feel cito” in a club while on tour in Colombia; after seeing the ‘Pirates of the
proud of themselves and their families’ native tongue.” room react to the song, he got in touch with Braun and Caribbean: Dead
That political edge wasn’t necessarily in Fonsi’s mind asked the manager what he thought about lending his
when he and Erika Ender, an experienced songwriter voice to a new version. Men Tell No Tales’
n must see | don’t see | just rent
from Panama, came up with the tune in 2015. According to Braun liked the idea, but Bieber wanted to move fast. So
Ender, who’s also worked with Gloria Trevi and Los Tigres the manager called Poo Bear, a songwriter and producer In this latest addition to
the series, swashbuckling
del Norte, “Despacito” was born one afternoon at Fonsi’s with whom Bieber has collaborated closely in recent years, adventure meets trials
house after the two friends had caught up over coffee. and had him get to work that night on a fresh verse for the of death and romance.
“We started writing around 3 p.m. and finished around singer. Featuring Johnny Depp,
6 with the song completed from top to bottom,” Ender “It was my anniversary, I’ll never forget,” Poo Bear said. Orlando Bloom, and Keira
said. “We were looking for a very contagious melody, and “Scooter booked the Record Plant” — a recording studio in Knightley, this is one movie
it came very easy.” Hollywood — “and after I got off my date for my anniver- you don’t want to miss.
sary, I went into the studio around 12:30.”
The road to No. 1 The verse Poo Bear wrote — and quickly sent to Bieber in
Bogota — was in English, which Braun figured would help
Well known among Latin pop fans as a sensitive ballad- ease American listeners into the song.
eer, Fonsi wanted a different kind of production for the re- Yet Braun says his client wanted to sing in Spanish.
corded version of “Despacito” — an “evolution” of his sig- “What’s the point of doing a gigantic Latino record un-
nature style, as he described it, with a pronounced “urban” less you’re going to do it for the Latino market?” Braun said
vibe a la recent hits by Shakira and Maluma (“Chantaje”) the singer asked.
and Enrique Iglesias and Nicky Jam (“El Perdon”). That thinking aligned with Braun’s own ambition to ‘Smurfs: The
So after trying out a number of approaches, Fonsi and counteract what he saw as an anti-immigrant movement Lost Village’
his producers sought out Daddy Yankee, one of the driving by which “young Latino American kids were … being told n must see | don’t see | just rent
forces behind reggaeton’s synthesis of hip-hop and more that speaking Spanish made them un-American.” There are some movies
traditional Latin music. (Even casual pop listeners are So in a reversal of crossover-record protocol, Bieber re- you can never be too old
likely to recall Daddy Yankee’s “Gasolina,” which caught corded the song’s chorus in Spanish, learning the lyrics to watch. Join the Smurfs
fire in the U.S. in 2004.) phonetically over the course of a four-hour session in a on their latest adventure, in
The duo’s original take on “Despacito” came out in Colombian studio, Braun said. search of a village lost long
January 2017 and blew up immediately in Latin America, Fonsi said the gesture struck him as “very brave.” And ago. Starring Demi Lovato,
thanks in large part to widespread sharing of the song’s audiences responded: Released in mid-April, the remix as the voice of Smurfette.
Make sure to add this
video on social media, said Jesus Lopez, who oversees Uni- of “Despacito” hit No. 1 on the Hot 100 a month later and movie to your watch list.
versal Music’s Latin division. hasn’t left the top spot yet.
—Peyton Cassel, 16


‘The Queen’s Always Lancaster podcasts

by Walter Tevis n LancasterOnline hosts a
series of podcasts every week.
n From the title alone, Always Lancaster podcasts —
“The Queen’s Gambit” found on lancasteronline.com/
sounds like a fantasy novel,
but the only fantasy it ‘1-800-273-8255’ podcast every Tuesday through
Friday — cover a variety of
dabbles by Alessia Cara and Khalid
topics ranging from sports to
in is that n Released in April, this is a entertainment to dating to
of being
a chess
hip-hop inspired song that ‘The Middle’ theater.
raises awareness of the National on ABC
prodigy. Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The n On Tuesdays, look for
The book n “The Middle” will be the show “Inspirational Athletes With
underlying message of the song n “Theater Geeks,” with Mary
does not to watch this fall, since it has John Walk.” Walk, a sports
is that every life is valuable Ellen Wright and Jane Holahan,
require a announced that this will be its final reporter, talks to local high
and has a purpose and to call covers local theater on
working season. The ABC comedy centers school athletes and coaches
the number 1-800-273-8255 Thursdays and includes guests
knowledge around an average family living about hurdles they have
if a person is ever thinking from local theaters and two
of chess for full enjoyment, in Indiana and its often disastrous overcome in their lives.
of committing suicide. In the special guests, Jonathan Groff
but it would certainly beginning of the song, the lyrics and always hilarious endeavors. n Sports reporter Jeff
enhance the experience. A Fans appreciate the show’s honest and Billy Porter.
talk about a person who wants Reinhart breaks down all
richly textured coming-of- to commit suicide, however a and comically blunt take on life’s things football in the L-L n Host Gail Shane interviews
age novel, “Gambit” is one person from the lifeline convinces mishaps and the kernel of wisdom League with “The Huddle” on local professionals for
of those books not soon him not to by explaining how waiting at the end of each episode. Wednesdays. "Community & Real Estate Talk"
forgotten after reading. It his life is worth it. This song has “The Middle” will be must-see on Fridays.
is as well-thought-out as a helped so many people and is for anyone wondering what will
good game of chess. very powerful. become of the Heck family.
—Megan Hess, 21 —Sneha Mittal, 16 —Erika Echternach, 18
Comics & Puzzles

Sunday Crossword Puzzle DOUBLE-


Bridge Results Aug. 21 - Section A North-South:

1. Albert Bingaman and Barry Gorski;
and Debi Klinger; 5. Barry Gorski and
Andie Sheaffer; 4B. Ray Adelizzi and
Ray Adelizzi; 3. Kay Crawford and
Dian Wise
n The Friday Morning Duplicate Bridge Club
meets at 11 a.m. Results for Aug. 25.
2. Kathy Myers and Andie Sheaffer; Alan Seltzer.
3. Ellis and Vicky Sokoloff; 3B. Richard East-West: 1. Carol Simpson and Section A North-South: 1. Richard and Roz
n The Daytime Duplicate Bridge John Klinger; 2. Carole Silverstein Braunstein; 2. Ann Silverstein and Vernon
n The Maple Grove Players Club meets and Roz Braunstein; 1C. Gwen Landis Club meets at 12:15 p.m. Wednesdays.
at 12:15 p.m. Mondays. Results for Aug. and Jim Roth. and Ed Shapiro; 3. Jeanne Gehret Hester; 3. Ruth Witman and Bob Kurtz.
Results for Aug. 23.
14 and Aug. 21. and Barry Gorski. East-West: 1. John Klinger and Tim Sumner;
East-West: 1. Kurt Kilhefner and Section A North-South: 1. Roy Grube
Aug. 14 - Section A North-South: 1. Ellis Mike Lucy; 2. John and Debi Klinger; Section B North-South: 1. Joe and 2. Barry Gorski and Andie Sheaffer; 3. Jeanne
and Gerry Weiss; 2. Vernon Hester Gehert and Tom Coxey.
and Vicky Sokoloff; 2. Lynn Harris and 3. Bonnie Heilig and Charlie Wooten; and Greg Larkin; 3. Richard and Roz Sue Hurlburt; 2. Sandy King and
Ken Meyer; 3. Bonnie Heilig and Charlie 2B. Janet Stevens and Barbara Sturgis. Bruanstein. Yaeko Shaub; 3. Candy Buckbee Section B North-South: 1. Carole Campbell
Wooten; 2B. Richard and Roz Braunstein. Section B North-South: 1. Fran and and Barclay Richards; 4. Ed and and Jerry Flury; 2. Nancy Machusick and
East-West: 1. Ann Silverstein and Charlie
East-West: 1. Barry Gorski and John Kathy Kostrub; 2. Kay Bechtold and John Wooten; 2. Dian Wise and Ray Adelizzi; Ruth Jones. Elaine Van Briggle; 3. Colette Meyer and Gayle
Klinger; 2. Kathy Myers and Ray Adelizzi; Rutter; 3. Jill Greiner and Pat Latshaw; 3. Jeanne Gehret and John Klinger; Spicer; 4. Jill Greiner and Jean Pryzbylkowski.
4. Joe and Sue Hurlburt; 4C. Sandy King East-West: 1. Jean Pryzbylkowski
3. Bruce and Carole Silverstein; 2C. Nancy 2B. Mikki Martin and Barbara Sturgis. and Jack Clime; 2. Trish Calvani East-West: 1. Mary Anne Aichele and Jean
Blechschmidt and Jim Roth. and Marty Sponaugle.
Section B North-South: 1. John Hatch and Gail Johnson; 3. Jean Eiding Eiding; 2. Marlene Arnst and Al Mannon;
Section B North-South: 1. Sandy King East-West: 1. Marty Desch and Al and Bob Wash; 2. Pat Latshaw and Jack and Al Mannon; 4. Barb Marion 3. Frank Geiger and Dave Myers; 4. Marion
and Chuck Stoner; 2. Jim and Jenny Mannon; 2/3 (tie). Mary Anne Aichele Clime; 3. Ed and Ruth Jones. and Jackie Wissler. Ong and Jack Cassidy.
Riccio; 3. Fran and Kathy Kostrub; 4. Dale and Gayle Spicer, Elaine Van Briggle
Matt and Floyd Montgomery; 5. Marty and Keith Ordemann; 4. Jim and Jenny East-West: 1. Marty Anne Aichele and
Desch and Pat Latshaw; 4/5B (tie). Joe Riccio; 4/5C (tie). Ron Mundy and Marc Barb Droz; 2. Marc Rovner and Trish
and Sue Hurlburt; Cynthia Davis and Beth
Rovner, Beth Schultz and Bill Bash.
n The Tuesday Night Duplicate Bridge
Calvani; 3. Marty Desch and Rosa
Eshelman. Daily Bridge Club
East-West: 1. Paul Henneman and Dave Club meets at 7:15 p.m. Results for n The Thursday Afternoon Ace
Aug. 22. of Clubs meets at 12:15. Results for
Steele; 2. Mary Anne Aichele and Gayle
Spicer; 3. Barb Marion and Jackie Wissler; 1. Kurt Kilhefner and Mel Lubart; 2. Steve
Aug. 23. Castle bridge
4. Ron Mundy and Marc Rovner; 5. Elinsky and Tim Sumner; 3. Roseann Section A North-South: 1. Lynn Harris
Suzanne Campbell and Sharon Sherban. Romito and Bill Beakes; 4. Jeanne Gehret and Mel Lubart; 2. Karen Diffenbach and “We had him, you fool, and you trump at the 11th trick, West
let him get away,” the Sheriff of would have to save the queen of
Nottingham railed at the hapless diamonds to beat dummy’s jack,
Sir Guy of Gisburne. and East would have to save a
Puzzle No. 1 Puzzle No. 2 The two were opposed by heart to beat declarer’s last low
Robin Hood and Little John heart. Nobody could keep two
su l do l ku @ Puzzles by Pappocorn in a castle match. Against six
clubs, the Sheriff led a trump,
spades, so dummy would win
the 13th trick with the six!
Fill in the grid so that every row, every
column, and every 3x3 box contains the preventing Robin, the declarer, South could also succeed
digits 1 through 9. from ruffing both his low hearts from the start by ruffing two
in dummy. Robin won and tried a diamonds in his hand and one
Today’s Level: Medium spade to dummy’s queen. heart in dummy, eventually
Sir Guy took the king and throwing East in with the fourth
saw that declarer could set up heart to lead a spade from his
8 7 6 4 the spades with a ruff. To kill king.
dummy’s late entry, East shifted North dealer
9 6 1 7 to a low diamond: three, queen,
ace. But Robin ruffed a diamond,
N-S vulnerable

7 took the A-K of hearts, ruffed

a heart and ruffed a diamond.
5 4 3 2 When Sir Guy’s king fell, Robin
drew trumps and went to the
7 1 8 ace of spades to take the jack of
diamonds for his 12th trick.

4 7 2 6 “It’s the dungeon for you,

Gisburne,” the Sheriff snarled.
2 “Lead the king of diamonds at
Trick Three, and the varlet goes
8 9 7 5 down.”
The Sheriff was wrong. Robin
3 4 8 7 could take the ace of diamonds,
ruff a diamond, cash the A-K of
hearts, ruff a heart in dummy,
ruff a diamond and run his
For the solutions to the puzzles, please see next page. trumps. When he led his last


ACROSS 66 Some airport figures, 125 Like many concept 34 Runs for a long pass, By Jeff Chen / Puzzles edited By Will shortz
1 Way around London, for short cars say
with “the” NO. 0827
67 Eminently draft-worthy 126 Gregor ____, 38 One component of a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
5 E.R. V.I.P.s 68 Pitch protagonist in Kafka’s data plan
8 Haunted house sound 71 Wiped out “The Metamorphosis” 40 What the prefix “tera-” 18 19 20 21
13 Backflow preventer in 72 Middling 127 Snack food brand means
22 23 24
a drain 73 Plenty sore, with “off” 128 Latin years 42 Contributed to the
18 Brief, as a visit 74 Heat DOWN world 25 26 27 28
20 Sub 1 Sign of nervousness 43 56-Down, literally?
76 Antiparticle first 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
21 Oscar role for Vivien observed in 1929 2 Sea urchin, at a sushi 44 “Don’t you ____!”
Leigh bar 47 Line judge? 36 37 38 39 40
78 Noon, in Nantes
22 Astonishing March 3 Declare verboten 48 Home to the National 41
Madness success, e.g. 79 Disaster film? 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

82 Singer Simone 4 Break off a romance Border Patrol Museum

24 He denied Christ three 5 Takeaway, of a sort 50 51 52 53 54 55
times 83 Doomed 49 Teacher’s unit
6 When a baby is 51 Funny Tina 56 57 58 59 60
25 Device with a Retina 85 N.B.A. Hall-of-Famer
expected 53 Bubkes
display Thomas 61 62 63 64 65 66
7 1904 world’s fair city: 55 60-Down, literally?
26 The opposition 87 Ladies’ shoe fastener Abbr. 67 68 69 70 71 72
27 “Madame X” painter 91 Staff openings? 57 Stay
8 Utilities, insurance,
John Singer ____ 92 By way of 59 Setting eschewed by 73 74 75 76 77
advertising, etc.
29 23-Across, literally? 94 Wine bar order Hawaii: Abbr.
9 Loosely woven fabric 78 79 80 81 82
33 Cozy 96 Elusive with a rough texture 61 Capturer of some
35 Actor ____ Buchholz 97 ____ Lenoir, inventor 10 Try to find oneself? embarrassing gaffes 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
of “The Magnificent of the internal- 62 “The Iceman Cometh” 91
Seven” 11 ____ quotes 92 93 94 95 96
combustion engine playwright
36 Epitome of simplicity 12 What a designated
100 Location of Waimea driver takes 63 Hospital sticker 97 98 99 100 101
37 Sour Valley 64 Handling well
39 Spicy fare? 13 Candy that fizzes in 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
101 What one will never the mouth 69 Winner of four
41 “Where America’s Day be, in golf 1990s-2000s golf 110 111 112 113 114
Begins” 14 New Hampshire
102 Tended, with “for” majors 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
43 Made an impression? 15 Gives stars to
104 Comedian’s stock in 16 Have no existence 70 1953 Leslie Caron film
45 Iron: Fr. trade 75 Other: Abbr.
122 123 124

46 Get ready to be 17 Line usually on the left

106 118-Across, literally? or right side 77 Networking assets 125 126 127 128
110 Africa’s oldest republic 19 Tonto player of 2013 80 “Ta-ta!”
50 Machine-gun while Stumped? Call: 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 each minute;
flying low 112 Result of some plotting 20 ____ characters 81 Former world capital
called “City of Lights” or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.
52 Stereotypical oil 114 Bingo square (Chinese writing)
tycoon 115 Old Russian ruler 23 Murderer of Hamlet 84 Shift+8 95 That the sum of the 105 International package 113 “Gangnam Style” hitmaker
54 Remains unused known as “Moneybag” 28 Tuna, at a sushi bar 86 “Everybody’s a numbers on a roulette deliverer 117 ____ pro nobis (pray for
56 Sweets 116 Detective in a lab 29 Doesn’t keep up comedian” 107 Desi of Desilu Productions us)
wheel is 666, e.g.
58 Take both sides? 122 Frisbees and such 30 Go up against 88 Certain cheap car, 108 Show a bias 118 Sch. in Fort Collins
informally 98 Uganda’s Amin
60 Word on a jar 123 Like spoiled kids 31 Facial feature of the 109 Nintendo game princess 119 The dark side
61 Muskmelon variety 124 Metallic element that’s Bond villain Ernst 89 Mathematician Turing 99 Marsh birds 110 Lens caps? 120 Symbol on the flag of
65 Bombs developed in No. 21 on the periodic Blofeld 90 Apt rhyme for “fire” 102 Showing politesse 111 Where fighter jets are Argentina or Uruguay
the 1950s table 32 Jargon 93 Asked for a desk, say 103 Lower found: Abbr. 121 “Eww, stop!”


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these six

Jumbles, one letter to
each square, to form


six ordinary words.

Sunday, Sept. 03, 2017:
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A baby born today has a though you could experience This Week: Others could be ease, no matter who goes
TCEEND Sun in Virgo and a Moon in an unusual intensity. challenging. Work with them, by or what happens. The
Aquarius. Tonight: A must appearance. and you’ll grow and succeed. question remains, will your
ideas be well-received and
This year you seem quite
cerebral and not too
This Week: Absorb the VIRGO understood? News from
limelight. You know how to (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) a distance could hold the
emotional. You certainly will weave through the week and
feel more comfortable using  Pace yourself possibility of travel.
come out ahead.
TAULCA the intellectual dimension and get as much done as Tonight: Surround yourself
of your personality. You GEMINI possible. You might have a
lot to do and accomplish.
with friends.
often find that you are (May 21-June 20) This Week: Initiate
WPAYMS frustrated and angry. You Sarcasm seems to come
 You could be forward. Extremes occur conversations and ask
will express those feelings questions. Tap into your
without high emotions. If you eyeing the big picture. that will take kindness to
You have a much different overlook. Everyone tends creativity again Thursday.
are single, meeting people
EEDILY Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
could happen with ease.
You become far more social
perspective on an important
situation from many of
to go overboard once in a
suggested by the above cartoon. (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
and touch base with others. those around you. If pushed,
You social life soars. You are you could easily get angry  Watch what
likely to meet someone of and express that emotion happens with spending and
consequence any time after through sarcasm. Goodwill This Week: Break past an your finances. You might
helps you understand where immediate hassle. Don’t
See answer on this page summer. If you are attached,
others are coming from. question if others value you.
note a tendency to go to
extremes with not just
the two of you have a
highly volatile bond, even It is obvious. spending but also with living.
Tonight: Fun seems to
if you decide to be more You might be hard-pressed
LAST WEEK’S New York Times
easygoing. Instead, enjoy the
happen. LIBRA to hold back and not say
PUZZLE ANSWER intensity of the feelings and This Week: Beam in far more (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) what you are thinking.
don’t allow others to try to of what you want. Success
 Your creativity and Tonight: Extremes mark your
Answer : tame your strong personality greets you by the end of the
F A U V E S A K I C H I S S A V E childlike spirit often merge, plans.
through logic. week.
I D R O W A C L I P which occurs once more
DECENT ACTUAL This Week: Expenses get a
Q The
U puzzle-calendar
E S T F O factoryR P was
R O P O S A L O D D S The Stars Show the Kind of CANCER today. A child or loved one
cannot resist your childlike little funky, but you can deal
S still
T profitable,
P I E but R its
R —E E A T N O T R I O Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; (June 21-July 22)
spirit. You often have more with the issue. Communicate
T R E A T I S N O T A N O P T I O N 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-
DAYS WERE  One-on-one influence on this person what you want Tuesday and
A F R O E X E R T O N A N O I N T S so; 1-Difficult Wednesday.
3, 2017 relating proves to be a when you are on a similar,
U R N V E R S E C O U R S E T H O R N ARIES strong suit for you right now. open and spontaneous level.
(March 21-April 19) You might decide to buy an Tonight: Be a wild thing.
A L T A R A I D S L A K E D M A O item or token of affection. (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
S O A P S V E N N O M A N I S  You might wake You could get so into the This Week: Your creativity  Your personality
A C T I O N T I M E A D O N L Y F I L E up growling and angry mood of sharing that you soars, and for some, so does flows into whatever you do
C R E A M Y O R D S U L T R A about a certain conversation purchase quite a few tokens romance. Ear-to-ear smiles in general. Others seem to
E E L A G E N D A U S E T R A S H or some other issue. of affection for others. mark Thursday and Friday. be more responsive to your
S E L I G M O T E C O N T R O L U T A You have a tendency to
P R I C E Y A V A N E C T A R be argumentative and Tonight: Share with a special SCORPIO ideas and inclinations than
they have been in a while.
demanding when expressing person. (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
O N T O A S T A P E R C U S A O N E Your caring comes through
W A R D F O R I N F O R M A T I O N irritation, much more so than This Week: Deal directly with  Take a stand and be no matter what you say or
E V A N L U M E T P A T R I C I A others. You calm down later others. Follow your instincts. willing to support a loved do. Others get it too!
when you get together with A boss taps into your energy. one in what he or she wants
a loved one who might be You assume the lead. Tonight: Only what you want
T E E N T K O D O R I O N A B B O T to accomplish. This person to do.
younger than you.
Tonight: Go with the flow. LEO has an otherworldly outlook
on life. Extremes mark what This Week: Lady Luck rolls
NO. 0820 (July 23-Aug. 22) with you Monday. Use that
This Week: Friendship plays happens, and you achieve a
a strong role. Listen to a pal’s You might want to new plateau in your thinking. day well.
The Answers suggestion. allow someone else to make You have a tendency to go
a major decision or bring overboard with ease. PISCES
TAURUS others together, even for a Tonight: Stay close to home.
(Feb. 19-March 20)
(April 20-May 20) social occasion. You could  You could feel as if
be close to unstoppable as This Week: Midweek, others
 Others look to you for you need more personal
you proceed with a personal appreciate your ingenuity
advice and guidance, even time than you have had. If
decision. You might not and sensitivity - finally!
if you don’t wish to be in you want, consider canceling
be ready to share what is
that role. You could be quite
occurring in your personal SAGITTARIUS plans and taking some
much-need personal time.
incisive if expressing your (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
life. Expect to hear complaints,
desire not to be involved
with the matter at hand. Tonight: Go with the  You are likely to but also trust yourself. Know
Feelings keep flowing, moment. express your feelings with what is best for you. It is
time to indulge!
Tonight: Not to be found.

Puzzle No. 1 Puzzle No. 2 This Week: You bloom

Tuesday and Wednesday.
Handle important key
8 3 7 2 5 9 6 1 4 matters at this time.

2 5 9 6 4 1 7 3 8 BORN TODAY:
Actor Charlie Sheen (1965),
1 4 6 3 7 8 2 9 5 automotive engineer
Ferdinand Porsche (1875),
5 6 1 4 8 3 9 7 2 guitarist Steve Jones (1955)

9 7 2 5 1 6 4 8
4 8 3 7 9 2 1 5 6 still profitable, but its —
The puzzle-calendar factory was

7 1 5 8 2 4 3 6 9 DECENT

6 2 8 9 3 7 5 4 1
Answer :

3 9 4 1 6 5 8 2 7

release dates: Sept. 2-8, 2017 35 (17)

Next Week:

Issue 35, 2017 Founded by Betty Debnam

A Dog’s
Mini Fact:
Service dogs
also become


photos by Liz Kaye/ICANdog.org

Have you seen a dog helping someone with person is suffering from low blood sugar.
a disability? Service dogs are specially trained • PTSD — Veterans of war who suffer
to help people with a wide variety of tasks. from post-traumatic stress disorder use service If a service dog owner asks you not to pet
his or her dog, don’t feel bad. The owner
This week, The Mini Page learns more about dogs to help with fear and anxiety. These dogs may know that the dog has trouble focusing
these special animals. can be taught to interrupt a bad dream or turn if it gets attention from strangers.
The Seeing Eye on a light before a person enters a dark room.
Guide dogs were first used to help blind Dogs can even help a person use a credit Service dog etiquette
people. A school in Germany trained dogs for card at a store or ATM! When you see a service dog wearing a
veterans of World War I who had lost their Training dogs harness, remember that the dog is working.
sight. An American woman named Dorothy Experts who train If you approach or pet the
Harrison Eustis visited the school and wrote an service dogs say the dog, make eye contact, or
article about it for a popular magazine in 1927. dog’s temperament, or speak to it in a sing-song
A blind man, Morris Frank, wrote to personality, is the most voice, it’s hard for the
Dorothy and asked her to help him. He went important quality. Dogs animal to stay focused.
to Switzerland and was trained to work must be able to focus and Instead, always talk
with a dog guide. Two years later, Dorothy behave well in public. They to the person with the dog first. Ask if it’s
and Morris founded a dog guide school in shouldn’t be excitable. OK to pet the dog, and don’t feel bad if the
Nashville, Tennessee, called The Seeing Eye. Laborador retrievers and owner says no.
If you have your own dog with you,
Expanding duties golden retrievers are generally good breeds,
keep control of it. Make sure your dog
Around the 1970s, duties for service dogs but not every dog will have the right traits to
be a service dog. doesn’t run up to the service dog.
expanded. The animals were trained to help
people with balance, with retrieving items, or Dogs are usually socialized, or taught to
with hearing a phone ring or an alarm sound. be around people and be calm, from the time
Today, service dogs can assist people with they’re puppies. Foster families train them basic Resources
other kinds of disabilities, including: skills for 18 months to two years to get them
• seizures — A dog can find help or ready for their service training.
On the Web:
push an alert button, or even speed-dial for Getting a service dog • bit.ly/MPservicedogs
emergency services. People can get dogs from a training
• autism — Dogs can lie on a person’s lap organization or from a professional private At the library:
to calm them down or nudge a person to stop trainer, or they can train dogs themselves. • “Buddy: The First Seeing Eye Dog” by
a repetitive motion. Usually a person will work for about two Eva Moore
• Type 1 diabetes — Dogs can smell a weeks learning how to use a service dog. Dogs • “Animal Helpers for the Disabled” by
person’s breath or saliva and know if the may be free or cost up to thousands of dollars. Deborah Kent
The Mini Page® © 2017 Andrews McMeel Syndication

Try ’n’ Find Mini Jokes

Words that remind us of service dogs are hidden in this
puzzle. Some words are hidden backward, and some Denise: What works best
letters are used twice. See if you can find: for a dog with a fever?
Devin: Mustard. It’s good for hot dogs!
O R E T S O F P T S D T R I H Eco Note
SCHOOL, SEIZURE, All life on Earth, and
the places that support it, are together
SERVICE, SOCIALIZE, A A P P R O A C H G K K V W I known as the biosphere. Life thrives
TASK, TEMPERAMENT, V S W S C H O O L F O C U S N on Earth in a zone that stretches from
TRAIN, VETERAN, WAR, E K N I D I S A B I L I T Y R the ocean depths up into the lower
WORK. B L I N D R E Z I L A I C O S atmosphere. Living things flourish in
the oceans, in fresh water and on land,
including in caves and in the soil. There
are an esimated 8.7 million species on
Mini Spy Classics Earth. Most of them live on land.
adapted with permission from “50 Things You Should Know About the Environment” by
Mini Spy and Basset are exploring a volcano in Hawaii. See if Jen Green, © 2016 QEB Publishing Inc.

you can find the hidden pictures. Then color the picture.

Thank You
Hey Mini Spy Fans! Order your Mini Spy Booklets (Volumes 1, 2 and 3) with 48

The Mini Page® © 2017 Andrews McMeel Syndication

of your favorite puzzles! Visit MiniPageBooks.com, or call 844-426-1256 to

The Mini Page thanks

Sally Irvin, interim executive director of
Assistance Dogs International, for help
with this issue.

Teachers: For standards-based

activities to accompany this feature,
visit: bit.ly/MPstandards. And follow
The Mini Page on Facebook!
Mini Spy Classics appear in the first issue of each month.

order. Just $4 plus $1 shipping.

Based on materials originally produced and/or created by Betty Debnam.

• exclamation • dolphin • letter A • mushroom

mark • ruler • fish • man in the • lima bean
• question mark • arrow • bat moon • number 6
• number 3 • pencil • elf • snail • bell • toothbrush






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