Syllabus - Revised Aug 2018

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Mallon’s Science Class

2018 – 2019

Course In 8th Grade Science we will be studying (1) The Hydrosphere (2) Chemistry (3) Diseases and
Description: Biotechnology (4) Natural Resources (5) Evolution of Landforms and Lifeforms, (6) Populations
and Ecosystems, and (7) Energy
Teacher Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Sarah Mallon, Classroom # 717
Name & E-mail Address: [email protected]
Contact Class Website:
Information: School Phone: 919-554-8440
Remind: Text @mallon18 to 81010 or join through
Resources: Students will be given various online resources throughout the year based on topic. Once they are
used in class, these resources can be found on my class website.

Textbooks are occasionally used in the classroom. Students will not be given an individual copy of
the textbook for outside of the class use.

Grading The following grading scale is consistent with the Wake County Public School’s grading policy.
Policy: A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 – 79
D 60 – 69
F Below 59

Your Science grade will be calculated as follows:

Major Assessments 40%
(Tests, Labs, Projects)
Minor Assessments 30%
(Quizzes and Notebook)
Classwork 20%
Homework 10%

Students, parents and/or guardians can track of their student’s progress through
When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missing assignments. If a student misses
class, missing assignments can be retrieved from the “Missing Work” file folder located in the
hanging file folders on the connecting door. Students will have 2 days for every day they were out
to complete and return any missing work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for, complete,
and submit missing work upon returning to school even if I do not remind them or ask for
their work.

Supplies: Students are responsible for maintaining their own supply of materials. I expect students to have a
sharpened #2 or mechanical pencil with lead each day. Student’s notes and assignments will be
organized in their Science Notebook (3 ring binder – required). This is a science only binder and
should not contain papers for any other class. It is imperative that the student’s notebook be
maintained. The Science Notebooks will be graded throughout the year and be used for notebook
quizzes. Students will have the option to leave their notebook in the classroom.
Mrs. Mallon’s Science Class
2018 – 2019

Expectations: Classroom Rules: Students are expected to:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
3. Stay in your assigned area unless given permission to do otherwise and work quietly.
4. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
5. Treat others the way they would want to be treated.
6. Leave classroom cabinets and drawers closed unless instructed otherwise

Respect yourself. Respect others.

MISSING WORK – Any work that is not turned in on the due date will be marked in the
gradebook with a zero. The student has up to one week to turn in the missing assignment for a
maximum grade of a 60.

HOMEWORK – Homework will be posted on the board each day. Generally the homework will
be to finish anything not competed in class, but there will be vocabulary homework given at the
beginning of each unit. It is the students’ responsibility to record assignments in their agenda, and
complete the assignments.

COMMUNICATION- All parents and students should use Remind and Powerschools to receive
class reminders and updates. When students turn in an assignment, I will check it off in the grade
book to communicate that I have received it, but not yet graded it. A zero will be entered for any
assignment that does not get turned in. Students still have up to one week to turn it in and have the
zero changed. After one week and nothing turned in, the zero will be permanent.

While it is my desire to communicate with every parent about their student’s progress, learning,
and struggles, initiating individual contact is not always possible due to time constraints. If you
have a concern, please email me letting me know. I can be reached through email at
[email protected].
Wish List: Lysol/Clorox Wipes --- Tissues --- Glue Sticks --- Hand Sanitizer
Mrs. Mallon’s Science Class
2018 – 2019

Parents and /or guardians, please review the class expectations with your student. Complete the following
contact information and sign and date to acknowledging your enrollment in Remind and Powerschools.

Return to Mrs. Mallon by Friday 8/31/18 for a homework grade.

*Student’s Name ______________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian’s Name ______________________________________________

*Relationship to Student_______________________________________________

*E-mail Address______________________________________________________

*Phone Number ___________________________________________ Home or Cell?

(Feel free to list any additional parent or guardian contact information at the bottom of this sheet)
*Does your student have access to a computer with internet at home? ____________
*Please tell me anything I should know about your student to help them succeed this year:-

Student’s Name (Printed) _______________________________________

Student Signature ________________________________________ Date________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________ Date________________

Mrs. Mallon’s Science Class
2018 – 2019

***Teacher Use Only***

Parent/Guardian Contact Log

Date How? Who? Summary

Mrs. Mallon’s Science Class
2018 – 2019

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