FY22 7th Grade Class Outline

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Fulton Junior High


Teacher: Mrs. Ashley Stefanisin Email: [email protected]
School Year: 2021-2022 Office Hours: 2:45pm-3:00 M-F or by
Teaching assignment: 7th grade science appointment.
School Phone:  (618) 628-0090
REMIND class code: g4gb4e
Remind will send direct text messages to my phone

Textbooks will not be issued to students. Students will be using CK-12 online
textbooks. CK-12 Life Science Middle School Flexbook covers core life science
concepts and includes PLIX activities, real world examples, and videos. CK-12
assignments will be assigned using Google Classroom.

Students are expected to turn in their homework on time when the assignment
is due. Due dates are displayed both in Google Classroom, & the 7th grade
homework calendar (available to view online).

LATE WORK: If an assignment is not turned in on time, students will

automatically lose ten percentage points from their score. This will be subtracted from the score the
student receives. Example: If an assignment is 10 points. 10 percentage points is 1 point. So the student
will receive a 9/10. If it is a 100 point project the student would receive a 90/100 automatically.

Per the student handbook, if a student turns in a homework assignment three or more days late, fifty
percent will be subtracted from the score the student receives.

Very Important: If the assignment is two (2) weeks overdue the student will receive a zero
(incomplete) for the assignment. The student will no longer be able to complete the assignment.
Mrs. Stefanisin will give regular reminders of missing work.

It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent to work with the teacher to obtain information and
materials relating to make-up work. Final due dates will be determined at the discretion of the teacher.
Daily homework assignments can be found on the school’s web page by clicking on the homework tab.
Please contact Mrs. Stefanisin with any questions about make-up work.

A=90%-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60%-69% F-59% or less
Tests and quizzes will be given over each chapter/topic. Please review your own personal notes and
classwork. Do not attempt to cram for a test or quiz the night before it is given. The assessments in this
class will include any of the following types of questions: multiple choice, True/False, Matching,
Listing, Short Answer & Essay Questions, & Diagram Identifications. Per the teacher’s discretion,
assessments will be given either online (via Google Form) or in-person (traditional paper/pencil).


School issued chromebook Colored Pencils Headphones or Earbuds

Paper Highlighter Student Agenda

Pencil Science Folder

● Be on time (please refer to the student handbook for the school’s tardy policy)
● Bring a charged chromebook to class (chargers are allowed in my classroom)
● Participate (Focus, be attentive, be an active participant, and use eye contact)
● Pick up after yourself (throw away trash, keep your area clean, push in your chair, etc)
● Chat responsibly (Raise your hand, use appropriate school language, be respectful)
● Communication (ask questions, speak clearly, stay on topic)
● Respect (be kind and considerate to everyone)
● Refer to your student handbook for a complete list of school rules.

This class will have a point system. Some assignments will receive more points than others. In example,
tests, quizzes, and projects will receive more points than homework and in-class activities.

Assessments 50-100 points Tests, quizzes, and projects

Practice 5 -25 points General homework (Google Classroom), in-class activities,

reading articles, digital notebooks, vocabulary, review, etc.

All grades are kept up-to-date on Skyward gradebook system and updated weekly if possible.  Grades
will also be posted in Google Classroom. It is the responsibility of the parents and students to check
their grades. Please contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns.

NOTE: *extra credit opportunities may be available during each quarter.

In order to be successful in my class each student should TRY THEIR BEST!
● Complete your assignments on time.
● Stay organized and come prepared every day. (use your student agenda)
● Get some rest! Take mental breaks.
● Do not cram or wait until the last minute - Take time to study!
● Use your resources (videos, Google classroom, school webpage, your teachers!)
● Always ask questions.

7 Grade LIFE Science
General Course Description:
Students will develop a background in science. They will develop skills using a wide variety of science
equipment. Students will learn how to collect, organize, and interpret data. Students will be able to work in
groups using the scientific method to answer research questions.

Course Objectives:
The student will:
● Learn the basic concepts of Life Sciences.
● Develop an appreciation for science as an integrated whole.
● Identify and use the process skills of science

Topics We Will Cover:

● Classroom procedures, lab safety and science tools.
● Microscope Skills
● Nature of Science
● Scientific Method
● Measurement and use of science tools (Metric System)
● Cells
● Cell Processes
● Genetics
● Evolution
● Ecology

Curriculum: The curriculum for this course aligns with the NGSS (Next Generation Science
Standards), Illinois State Standards for Language Arts and the new College and Career Readiness

Illinois Science Assessment (ISA):

In compliance with federal testing requirements, Illinois will administer a science assessment (online test) to
students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5, 8 and once at the high school level.
7th graders are not tested.

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