Nursing Care Plan: Histolytica, A

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The patient presented with abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever and poor appetite which are symptoms of amoebiasis. Nursing care focused on fluid replacement and treatment.

The patient experienced pain in the stomach, hyperactive bowel sounds, 6-6 episodes of yellowish watery stools for 4 days, poor appetite and mild to moderate grade fever for 3 days.

The nursing diagnosis for the patient was risk for deficient fluid volume related to repeated defecation with watery stools and poor appetite resulting in less food and fluid intake.


Name of the Patient: Shayne Santos

Age: 5 years old Sex: Female
Occupation: n/a
Date of Admission: May 10, 2009
Status: Single Religion: Roman Catholic

Initial Complaints: Pain in the stomach; hyperactive bowel sounds; 6-6 episodes of yellowish watery stools for 4 days, poor
appetite and mild to moderate grade fever for 3 days.

Needs/ Nsg. Scientific Analysis Objectives Nursing Problem Rationale Evaluation

Diagnosis/ Cues / Interventions
1. Physiologic Amebiasis is caused After 8 hours of To relieve the After 8 hours of
Risk for Deficient by a protozoan nursing patient of the nursing
fluid volume named, Entamoeba interventions, the experienced signs interventions,
related too histolytica, a patient will and symptoms of the patient was
repeated pathogenic ameba, maintain adequate risk for imbalanced able to maintain
defecation with associated with fuild volume as fluid volume. adequate fluid
watery stools and intestinal and evidenced by good volume as
poor appetite (less extraintestinal skin turgor and To prevent having evidenced by
food and fluid infections. fluid balance intake a deficient fluid good skin turgor
intake). and output. volume and other and balance
Only about 10% to complications. intake and
Cues: 20% of people who The patient will output. She will
Subjective: are infected with E. manifest:  Monitor  Provides also have an
“Sakit akong tiyan histolytica become  Normal body intake and information enhanced
ug sige ko ug balik sick from the temperature. output, about overall appetite hence
sa banyo tongod infection. The  Enhanced character, fluid having a good
kay nagkalibanga symptoms often are appetite and amount balance, fluid intake.
ko.” As verbalized quite mild and can (increased of stools; renal
by the patient. include loose stools, food and fluid estimate function, and
stomach pain, and intake to insensible bowel
Objective: stomach cramping. replace the fluid losses. disease
 Irritability Amebic dysentery is lost fluids and Measure control, as
 Restlessness a severe form of electrolytes). urine well as
 Facial amebiasis associated  Mental State is specific guidelines
Grimance with stomach pain, Alert. gravity and for fluid
 Abdominal bloody stools, and  Decreased observe replacement.
skin fold fever. Rarely, E. stomach pain oliguria.
returned at histolytica invades intensity.
slow pace the liver and forms
when an abscess. Even  Assess vital  Hyperthermi
pinched less commonly, it signs. a (fever) can
 Mucous spreads to other indicate
Membranes parts of the body, response to
are dry such as the lungs or or effect of
 Sunken brain.  fluid loss.
VS:  Observe for  Indicates
T: 100.4 ncidod/ excessively excessive
degrees dpd/parasites/ dry skin fuild loss or
Fahrenheit amebiasis/ and resultant of
PR: 96 bpm mucous dehydration.
RR: 22 cpm m membranes
BP: 90/60 , decreased
mmHg skin turgor,

 Weigh  Indicator of
daily. overall fluid

 Give  To focus
patient patient’s
diversional attention to
activities to other things
relieve pain instead of
 To relieve  To decrease
patient the
Shayne temperature
from fever, of the client

 Encourage  For
oral intake rehrydration
of fluids
, such as
bouillon, or

 Give client  To be able to

foods that have a semi
hardens formed
stool such stools
as banana,
papaya and

 Restrict  To allow for

solid food bowel
intake as rest/reduced
indicated intestinal
work load.
 Establish  Prevent
24-hour peaks/
replacemen valleys in
t needs and fluid level
routes to
be used

 Give  To treat
medications infections
as ordered process,
motility, and
or absorb

 Provide  To the s.o to

health be able to
teaching to know how to
the s.o on handle the
how to condition of
manage the client.

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