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A Romp Tour of

Trigonometry (Sample)

Charles Rambo

Hello everybody! Thank you for checking out my preview of A

Romp Tour of Trigonometry. I hope you find it to be a helpful
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If you are interested in buying a full copy of A Romp Tour of
Trigonometry, please go to its Amazon page. A Romp Tour of
Trigonometry costs $17.50 and contains 504 pages of material.
It was designed for trigonometry students who would like to go
into STEM majors as well as more advanced students that need a
trigonometry reference.

Escondido, California
Charles Rambo
August 2018

4 Right Triangle Trigonometry 1

4.1 Introduction to Trigonometric Functions . . . . . . . 1
4.1.1 Trigonometric Functions and Special Right
Triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.3 Angles of Elevation and Depression . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5 Trigonometry of General Angles 27

5.1 The Six Trigonometric Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 Reference Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.3 More Evaluation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.4 Finding the Values of Trigonometric Functions . . . 48
5.5 Pythagorean Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6 Verifying Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.7 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6 Graphing Trigonometric Functions 65

6.1 Graphing Sine and Cosine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.2 Graphing Tangent and Cotangent . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2.1 Graphing Tangent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.2.2 Graphing Cotangent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3 Graphing Secant and Cosecant . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.1 Graphing Secant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.3.2 Graphing Cosecant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.4 Miscellaneous Graphing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

7 Using Identities 99
7.1 Sum and Difference Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.1.1 Proof of Theorem 7.1 (ii) . . . . . . . . . . . 104
7.2 Other Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.2.1 The Cofunction Identities . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.2.2 Double Angle Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.2.3 Half Angle Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.2.4 Product to Sum and Difference Identities . . 118
7.3 Verifying Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Appendices 129

D Unit Circle 131

E List of Identities 135

F Answers 139
F.1 Right Triangle Trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
F.2 Trigonometry of General Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
F.3 Graphing Trigonometric Functions . . . . . . . . . . 146
F.4 Using Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Chapter 4

Right Triangle

In this chapter, we will study the trigonometry of right triangles.

For pedagogic reasons, a definition of the trigonometric functions
will be delayed until Chapter 5. We assume knowledge of Chapters
??, ??, and ??. Readers unfamiliar with square roots may find Ap-
pendix ?? helpful. Because trigonometric functions require either
a calculator or a table to be evaluated at most angle measures, it
is assumed that the reader has access to a scientific calculator and
knowledge of its basic functionality.

4.1 Introduction to Trigonometric Func-

The three trigonometric functions that we will study in this chapter
are sine, cosine, and tangent. Their values at ∠A are denoted by

sin A, cos A, and tan A,


For the time being, we will rely on our calculators, instead of a
definition, for the correspondence between angle measures and the
outputs of each trigonometric function.

Example 4.1 Use a calculate to find each of the following. Round

to three decimal places.

(a) sin 72◦ (c) tan 27◦

(b) cos 22◦ (d) 3 sin 10◦

Solution Make sure your calculate is set to degree mode when you

(a) sin 72◦ ≈ 0.951 (c) tan 27◦ ≈ 0.510

(b) cos 22◦ ≈ 0.927 (d) 3 sin 10◦ ≈ 0.521

Our next theorem, Theorem 4.1, is very powerful because it relates
the values obtained from evaluation of trigonometric functions to
ratios of a right triangle’s side lengths. As a result of Theorem 4.1,
when given a side length and an angle measure of a right triangle,
we can find the other two side lengths using only a bit of algebra.


c a

• •
A b C

Theorem 4.1 For any 4ABC where ∠C is right, the following
trigonometric ratios hold.
a b
sin A = and sin B =
c c
b a
cos A = cos B =
c c
a b
tan A = tan B = .
b a

Many students remember these relationships by means of a mnemonic

device such as the following.
Sine is opposite over hypotenuse.
Cosine is adjacent over hypotenuse.
Tangent is opposite over adjacent.

15◦ r •
• •
P 25 R

Example 4.2 Find the lengths of the remaining sides of the tri-

Solution Let us start by finding p. We know the length of the

hypotenuse and we want to find the length of the leg opposite ∠P .
Theorem 4.1 tells us sine relates these sides. In particular, it says
sin 15◦ = implies p = 25 sin 15◦ ≈ 6.470.

Let us find r. We know the hypotenuse and we want to find the

length of the leg adjacent to ∠P . According to Theorem 4.1, cosine
relates these sides. Specifically,
cos 15◦ = implies r = 25 cos 15◦ ≈ 24.148.


Notice that we could have used tangent to find r, but that would
require the value of p which we had previously found. This is a
mathematically legitimate strategy. However, using p to find r
would result in a less accurate value of r, due to rounding error.
We recommend using the given information as much as possible.


y z

• •
Z 3 Y

Example 4.3 Find y and z in the diagram.

Solution Let us find y. We know the length of the leg opposite

∠X, and we want to find the length of the leg adjacent ∠X. The
trigonometric function which relates these sides is tangent. We
3 3
tan 56◦ = implies y = ≈ 2.024.
y tan 56◦

All that is left is to find z. We know the length of the side oppo-
site ∠X, and we want to find the hypotenuse. The trigonometric
function which relates these sides is sine. In particular,
3 3
sin 56◦ = implies z = ≈ 3.619.
z sin 56◦



• •
X y Z

Example 4.4 Find (a) the area and (b) the perimeter of 4XY Z.

(a) Recall that the area of a triangle is
where b is the base and h is the height. If we treat x as the
length of the height, then y is the length of the base. As
result, our task is to find y. Notice
tan 70◦ = implies y = 15 tan 70◦ .

It follows that the area of 4XY Z is

1 225 tan 70◦
(15 tan 70◦ ) (15) = ≈ 309.091.
2 2

(b) We already know y = 15 tan 70◦ , so all that we need is z. We

15 15
cos 70◦ = implies z = .
z cos 70◦
Thus, the perimeter of 4XY Z is
x + y + z = 15 + 15 tan 70◦ + ≈ 100.069.
cos 70◦


30◦ 50◦
• • •
T 20 W u V

Example 4.5 What is the value of u?

Solution The idea is to use Theorem 4.1 on 4U V W and 4T U V .

The theorem allows us to write U V in terms of u two ways, which
lets us establish an equation. Then we can solve for u.
In 4U V W , the length U V is opposite ∠U W V , and V W = u is
adjacent ∠U W V . The trigonometric function which relates these
sides is tangent. Therefore,
tan 50◦ = implies U V = u tan 50◦ .

Consider 4T U V . We know U V is opposite ∠T , and T V = u + 20

is adjacent ∠T . Once again, tangent relates these sides. It follows
tan 30◦ = implies U V = (u + 20) tan 30◦ .

Since U V = U V , we have

u tan 50◦ = (u + 20) tan 30◦

⇒ u tan 50◦ = u tan 30◦ + 20 tan 30◦
⇒ u tan 50 − u tan 30◦ = 20 tan 30◦

⇒ u(tan 50◦ − tan 30◦ ) = 20 tan 30◦

20 tan 30◦
⇒ u =
tan 50◦ − tan 30◦
≈ 18.794.

Because there is a correspondence between radian measures and
degree measures, evaluation of trigonometric functions at radian
measures makes sense. The value of a trigonometric function at
a radian measure is simply equal to the trigonometric function
evaluated at the corresponding degree measure.
As a practical matter, evaluation of trigonometric functions at ra-
dian measures is simply a matter of adjusting your calculator to
the correct mode.

Example 4.6 Evaluate.

π π
(a) sin (c) 5 tan
5 11

(b) 12 cos (d) sin 1

π π
(a) sin ≈ 0.588 (c) 5 tan ≈ 1.468
5 11

(b) 12 cos ≈ 2.670 (d) sin 1 ≈ 0.841

In Example 6 (d), there was no π in the expression. However, we
know that we are evaluating a radian measure because there is no
degree symbol.
In general, we advise readers to be mindful of the units. Using the
incorrect setting changes the output. For example,

tan 15◦ ≈ 0.268 and tan 15 ≈ −0.856.

The first result is tangent evaluated at the degree measure 15◦ ,

and the second is tangent evaluated at the radian measure 15. The
latter corresponds to a degree measure of about 859.437◦ .

4.1.1 Trigonometric Functions and Special Right

We can use special right triangles to find the exact values of our
three trigonometric functions evaluated at 30◦ , 45◦ , and 60◦ .
Proposition 4.1

θ 30◦ 45◦ 60◦

√ √
1 2 3
sin θ
2 2 2
√ √
3 2 1
cos θ
2 2 2

3 √
tan θ 1 3

Proof We will prove the first column, and leave the rest as exer-
cises. Consider the 30◦ -60◦ -90◦ special right triangle.

2t 60◦


t 3


t t 3 t
sin 30◦ = , cos 30◦ = , and tan 30◦ = √
2t 2t t 3
√ √
1 3 1 3
= = =√ ·√
2 2 3 3

= .

This leads us to make a corresponding radian version of Proposition
Proposition 4.2

π π π
6 4 3

√ √
1 2 3
sin θ
2 2 2
√ √
3 2 1
cos θ
2 2 2

3 √
tan θ 1 3

Example 4.7 Evaluate.

(a) tan 45◦ (c) cos 60◦

π π
(b) sin (d) tan
3 6

Solution This is an application of Proposition 4.1 and Proposition


(a) tan 45◦ = 1 1

(c) cos 60◦ =
√ √
π 3 π 3
(b) sin = (d) tan =
3 2 6 3

4.2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions

This section is an introduce to inverse trigonometric functions. In
particular, we introduce arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent. To

denote these functions evaluated at x, we write

arcsin x, arccos x, and arctan x,

We will introduce a partial definition of arc sine, arc cosine, and
arc tangent here. A more robust definition is contained in Chapter

Definition 4.1 Suppose that 0 ≤ θ ≤ 90◦ .

• The arc sine function f (x) = arcsin x is defined by the rela-
arcsin x = θ if sin θ = x
for −1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
• The arc cosine function f (x) = arccos x is defined by the
arccos x = θ if cos θ = x
for −1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
• The arc tangent function f (x) = arctan x is defined by the
arctan x = θ if tan θ = x
for x ≥ 0.

There is alternative notation for these functions. In particular,

sin−1 x = arcsin x, cos−1 x = arccos x, and tan−1 x = arctan x.

We prefer the “arc” notation, because it is less confusing. The

−1 exponent in the alternative notation is sometimes incorrectly
interpreted as the reciprocal of the trigonometric function. For
example, sometimes students confuse sin−1 x and 1/ sin x.

Example 4.8 Find the degree measure of each value.

1 (c) arctan 2
(a) arcsin
(b) arccos 5 (d) cos−1

(a) arcsin = 30◦
(b) arccos 5 is undefined because 5 is not in the interval [−1, 1].
(c) arctan 2 ≈ 63.435◦
(d) cos−1 ≈ 48.190◦

Example 4.9 What is the radian measure of each value?

(a) sin−1 7 (c) tan−1 3
2 6
(b) arccos (d) arcsin
5 11

(a) sin−1 7 is undefined because 7 is no in the interval [−1, 1].
(b) arccos ≈ 1.159 rad

(c) tan−1 3 ≈ 1.047 rad
(d) arcsin ≈ 0.577 rad

Example 4.10 Suppose sin x = 0.7, cos y = 8/11, and tan z = 3.

Find the degree measure of (a) x, (b) y, and (c) z. Assume the
angle measures are acute.

Solution We will utilize Definition 4.1 for (a), (b), and (c).
(a) Because sin x = 0.7, we have x = arcsin 0.7 ≈ 44.427◦ .
(b) Due to the fact that cos y = 8/11, the definition of arc cosine
tells us y = arccos (8/11) ≈ 43.342◦ .
(c) Since tan z = 3, we conclude z = arctan 3 ≈ 71.565◦ .


Problems like those in Example 10 could require radian measures
as well. However, the only change in procedure is to convert your
calculator to radian mode.

Example 4.11 Let cos A = 5/7. Find the radian measure of ∠A.

Solution We make sure to change our calculator to radian mode.

5 5
cos A = implies m∠A = arccos ≈ 0.775 rad.
7 7



• •
X 4 Z

Example 4.12 Find the degree measures of ∠X and ∠Y .

Solution Theorem 4.1 and Definition 4.1 tell us that

2.5 2.5
tan X = implies m∠X = arctan ≈ 32.005◦
4 4
4 4
tan Y = implies m∠Y = arctan ≈ 57.995◦ .
2.5 2.5


2 5

• • •
R 1.5 S P

Example 4.13 Find the degree measure of ∠R.

Solution Once we find QS, we can use arc tangent to find m∠R.
We know √
QS = 2 5 sin 27◦ ≈ 2.030.
It follows that
2.030 2.030
tan R = implies m∠R ≈ arctan ≈ 53.543◦ .
1.5 1.5

4.3 Angles of Elevation and Depression

Definition 4.2
• An angle of depression is formed by a horizontal ray and
another ray below it.
• An angle of elevation is formed by a horizontal ray and
another ray above it.

In the diagram on page 13, α is an angle of depression and β is an
angle of elevation.

Example 4.14 A man is standing 500 feet away from a tall build-
ing. If the angle of elevation to the top of the build from his
perspective is 63◦ , how tall is the building?

Solution The first step is to draw a diagram. We assume that

the building is perpendicular to the horizontal; this assumption is
standard practice when solving this type of problem. We neglect
the height of the man, because the question did not provide it.


500 ft

Let h be the height of the building. Then

tan 63◦ = implies h = 500 tan 63◦ ≈ 981.305.
Hence, the building is about 981 feet tall. 

Example 4.15 A canoe is tethered to the floor of a dock by a rope
of length 1.5 meters. The canoe is 1 meter below the floor of the
dock. Calculate the angle of depression of the rope.

1.5 m

Solution Proposition ?? tells us that alternate interior angles are

congruent. So, the angle opposite the 1-meter side in the triangle
above has measure θ. Hence,
1 1
sin θ = implies θ = arcsin ≈ 41.810◦ .
1.5 1.5
Thus, the angle of depression is about 41.810◦ . 

Example 4.16 Tom, Jim, and Gwen are hiking in a steep canyon
195 meters deep. Tom is just starting, Jim has been hiking for
awhile but has not reached the bottom, and Gwen is already at
the bottom. Tom looks down at an angle of depression of 45◦ to
see Jim. Gwen looks up to see Jim at an angle of elevation of 58◦ .
What is Jim’s vertical distance from Tom, if Tom and Gwen are
a horizontal distance of 150 meters apart and Jim is horizontally
between Gwen and Tom?



195 m

Gwen 58◦

150 m

Solution To find the vertical distance between Jim and Tom y, we

will set up two right triangles which contain y. Then we can use
trigonometry and algebra to find y.
The first right triangle we consider is the one which has Jim and
Tom each standing at a vertex. Using the fact that alternate in-
terior angles are congruent and the 45◦ − 45◦ − 90◦ special right
triangle, we know the horizontal distance between Tom and Jim is
also y.
The second triangle we consider is the one which has Gwen and
Jim each standing at a vertex. It is clear from our previous work
that the horizontal distance between Jim and Gwen is 150 − y and
the vertical distance between Jim and Gwen is 195 − y. This gives

us the following triangle.


195 − y

Gwen •
150 − y

All that is left is a computation:

195 − y
tan 58◦ =
150 − y
⇒ (150 − y) tan 58◦ = 195 − y
⇒ 150 tan 58◦ − y tan 58◦ = 195 − y
⇒ y − y tan 58◦ = 195 − 150 tan 58◦
⇒ y(1 − tan 58◦ ) = 195 − 150 tan 58◦
195 − 150 tan 58◦
⇒ y =
1 − tan 58◦
≈ 75.042.

We conclude that the vertical distance between Jim and Tom is

about 75 meters. 

4.4 Exercises
* Exercise 1 * Exercise 3
Consider Figure 1. Suppose a =
Evaluate. Round to three deci-
3, b = 4, and c = 5. Find the
mal places.

(a) tan 47◦ (d) 5 cos 42◦ (a) cos B (d) sin A

(b) sin 17◦ (e) 6 tan 1◦ (b) tan A (e) tan B

(c) sin 83◦ (f) 4 cos 15◦ (c) sin B (f) cos A

* Exercise 4
* Exercise 2
Repeat Exercise 3, but
√ assume
a = 2, b = 3, and c = 13.
Evaluate. Round to three deci-
mal places.
* Exercise 5
8π (d) tan 1.5 In Figure 1, say m∠A = 34◦ .
(a) sin
9 Use a calculator and the given
π 7π side length to find the length of
(b) tan (e) 2 sin
7 9 the remaining two sides.

(c) 4 cos (f) 5 cos 0.2 (a) a = 7 (c) c = 20
10 √
(b) b = 11 (d) a = 7

* Exercise 6
• Consider Figure 1. Suppose
m∠B = 50◦ . Use a calculator
c and the given side length to find
the length of the remaining two
• •
A b C
Figure 1 (a) a = 18 (c) c = 102
(b) b = 5 (d) b =

** Exercise 7 BC is parallel to EG. What are
each of the following?
Use Figure 1 and the given infor-
mation to find (i) the area and (a) DG (c) EF
(ii) the perimeter of of 4ABC.
(b) DH (d) DE
(a) Suppose m∠A = 25◦ and
c = 19.
(b) Assume m∠B = 40◦ and
a = 25.
(c) Say m∠A = 35◦ and a =

H• •B
Figure 3
•F *** Exercise 10
• • •
Figure 2 In Figure 3, suppose the radius
of the large circle is 12, and the
five gray circles have the same
** Exercise 8 radius. Find the total area of
the gray circles. Hint: Tangent
In Figure 2, assume m∠A = lines of circles are perpendicular
40◦ , DE = 2, DF = DH, and to radii at points of tangency.
BC is parallel to EG. Find each
of the following.

(a) DF (c) GH
(b) EF (d) DG

** Exercise 9

Consider Figure 2. Let m∠B = Figure 4

70◦ , GH = 5, DF = 43 DH, and

*** Exercise 11
Consider Figure 4. Say the ra- •
dius of the large circle is 10, and
the radii of the nine gray circles
are equal. Calculate the ratio of
the gray area to the white area.
Hint: Tangent lines of circles are • • •
perpendicular to radii at points
of tangency. Figure 5

* Exercise 12
*** Exercise 15
Find the exact value. In Figure 5, let m∠U = 40◦ and
m∠SV T = 63◦ .
(a) sin 60◦ (d) cos 30◦ (a) What is U V if SV = 5?
◦ ◦
(b) cos 45 (e) sin 30 (b) Say ST = 12. Find U V .
(c) tan 30◦ (f) tan 60◦ (c) Assume T U = 21. What
is T V ?
(d) Find ST supposing U V =
* Exercise 13

What is the exact value? *** Exercise 16

π π Use Figure 5 and suppose

(a) sin (d) tan m∠U = 35◦ and m∠ST V =
6 3
75◦ .
π π
(b) tan (e) cos
4 4 (a) Suppose U V = 12. Then
π π T U equals what?
(c) cos (f) sin
6 4 (b) Find U V if SV = 12.
(c) Say U V = 2. What is
** Exercise 14 TV ?
(d) Assume the area of
Prove the second and third col- 4T U V is 300. What is
umn of Proposition 4.1. SV ?

(c) Let WX = 80,

• m∠Y XZ = 28◦ , and
m∠V W Z = 41◦ . Then
the length XY is what?
(d) Suppose the area of
• • • 4XY Z is 4.807. If
Y Z V m∠Y XZ = 31◦ and
Figure 6 m∠XW Z = 44◦ , calcu-
late the area of 4W XZ.

*** Exercise 17
Consider Figure 6. Sup- D

pose m∠V W Z = 40◦ and
m∠Y XZ = 27◦ E

(a) Assume W X = 15. Then
XZ is equal to what? •C
(b) Find V Y when XY = 10.
(c) Let the area of 4V W Z be 15◦
33.984. What is the area
of 4XY Z? 30◦
• •
(d) Suppose the area of rect- A B
angle V W XY is 113.962. Figure 7
Calculate the length W Z.

*** Exercise 18 *** Exercise 19

Use Figure 6 to solve the follow- With the aid of Figure 7, find
ing problems. the exact values of the following.
(a) Say W X = 50,
(a) sin 15◦
m∠W XZ = 61◦ , and
m∠V ZW = 25◦ . Find (b) cos 15◦
(c) tan 15◦
(b) Assume XY = 18,
m∠V W Z = 42◦ , and Hint: Notice that m∠BAD =
◦ ◦
m∠Y XZ = 29◦ . What 45 and m∠D = 45 and use
is the value of V Y ? special right triangles.

* Exercise 20 * Exercise 23
Find the degree measure. Some
expressions are undefined. Compute the radian measure of
β. Assume that β is an acute
(a) arcsin 0.2 (d) sin−1 4 angle.
−1 1 (e) arccos 0.25 √
(b) cos 2
7 (a) sin β =
−1 1 5
(c) arctan 5 (f) tan
(b) cos β = √
* Exercise 21 3 7

What is the radian measure? (c) tan β = 0.78

Some expressions are undefined.

√ 2
5 3 (d) sin β =
(a) sin−1 (d) arcsin √ 2
3 3

(b) arccos 15 (e) cos−1 0.7 3
(e) cos β =
1 2
(c) tan−1 (f) arctan 15
2 √
(f) tan β =
* Exercise 22
* Exercise 24
Find the degree measure of α.
Assume that α is an acute an-
Use Figure 1 and the given infor-
3 mation to find the degree mea-
(a) sin α =
7 sure of ∠A.
(b) cos α = 0.2
17 (a) b = 10 and c = 11
(c) tan α =
(d) sin α = 0.5 (b) a = 3 and b = 5

2 (c) a = 1 and c = 7
(e) cos α =

(f) tan α = 3 (d) b = 5 and c = 9


* Exercise 25 • tan γ =
Consider Figure 1. Find the ra-
dian measure of ∠B, using the
given information.
(a) a = 2 and c = 5 A D B
• • •
(b) a = 7 and b = 15
(c) b = 5 and c = 10

(d) a = 2 and b = 3 C
Figure 8
* Exercise 26

Use Propositions 4.1 and 4.2 to *** Exercise 28

fill in the table with the appro-
priate (a) degree measures and
(b) radian measures. Use the given information to
find the degree measure of the
√ √ angle in Figure 8.
1 2 3
x (a) Suppose m∠B = 27 ◦
2 2 2 √ ,
BD = 4, and AC = 5.
Find m∠A.
arcsin x
(b) Let m∠BCD
√ = 55◦ ,
arccos x BC = 6 10, and AD = 3.
What is m∠ACD?

(c) If AB = 10, m∠A = 61◦ ,

* Exercise 27 what is m∠B?

Use Propositions 4.1 and 4.2 to (d) Assume m∠A = 25◦ ,

find the exact solution to each BC
√ = 4.5, and AC =
equation. Write your answer (a) 2 5. Find m∠B.
using degrees and (b) using ra-
dians. (e) Say m∠B = 45◦ , AB =
7, and AC = 5. What
• tan α = 1,
√ is m∠A, if its measure is
• tan β = 3, and greater than 45◦ ?

Suppose his back is bent to an
angle of depression of 60◦ , and
the yogi is 168 cm tall. The
yogi’s back and head comprise
• 50% of his total height.

(a) What is the distance be-

tween the tip of the yogi’s
• •
head and his legs?
Figure 9 (b) How far is the tip of
the yogi’s head from the
*** Exercise 29
** Exercise 32
Consider Figure 9. Calculate
the length of the thick band.
An airplane ascends from the
Hint: Tangent lines of circles are
ground at an angle of elevation
perpendicular to radii at points
of 25◦ . Suppose there are 200
of tangency.
feet of runway left when the
** Exercise 30 plane lifts off.

(a) Calculate the distance the

An observer sees a helicopter plane has traveled since
that is a horizontal distance of lift off when it is at the end
1 mile from her location. The of the runway.
angle of elevation from the ob-
server’s perspective to the heli- (b) How far is the plane from
copter is 10◦ . the ground when it is at
the end of the runway?
(a) What is the distance be-
tween the helicopter and ** Exercise 33
the ground?
(b) Find the distance between A daredevil is constructing a
the observer and the heli- ramp for a stunt. She designs
copter. the ramp to have a horizontal
length of 5 feet and a vertical
** Exercise 31 height of 3 feet.

A yogi bends at the waist and (a) Find the slant length of
has a straight back and neck. the ramp.

(b) What is the angle of eleva- the ground. What is the angle
tion of the ramp? of depression from the branch to
the tire? Assume the rope is
** Exercise 34 taut.

A young boy is inspecting a *** Exercise 37

slide. The vertical ladder to the
top of the slide is 4 feet. The An observer standing on a 500-
boy estimates that the angle of meter building looks down at
depression from the top of the another building. The angle of
ladder to the bottom of the slide depression from the observer to
is 35◦ . the top of the other building is
20◦ and the angle of depression
(a) Calculate the length of the to the bottom of the building is
slide. 50◦ .
(b) How far is the bottom of (a) Calculate the height of the
the ladder from the bot- other building.
tom of the slide?
(b) Find the distance between
(c) The boy observes that it the buildings.
takes about 0.729 seconds
for a colleague to slide *** Exercise 38
down. What was the col-
league’s average speed? Heather and Sabrina are 300 feet
apart and are on opposite sides
** Exercise 35 of a tall tree. The angle of ele-
vation of Heather to the top of
A straight 10-mile road goes up the tree is 20◦ and the angle of
a hill. The change in eleva- elevation of Sabrina to the tree
tion between the top and bot- is 30◦ . How tall is the tree? As-
tom of the hill is 0.5 miles. Cal- sume both women are 5.5 feet
culate the angle of elevation of tall.
the road.
*** Exercise 39
** Exercise 36
The angle of elevation between
A tire swing hangs from a rope Vaibhav and a mountain is 35◦ .
of length 10 feet. The rope is He walks 200 meters closer to
tied to a branch 12 feet from the mountain and his angle of
the ground. A girl pulls the tire elevation is 45◦ . Calculate the
back so that it is five feet from height of the mountain.

Chapter 5

Trigonometry of
General Angles

This chapter defines the trigonometric functions we studied in

Chapter 4. These definitions allow us to evaluate our trigonometric
functions at angles of arbitrary measure, albeit only exactly at a
limited number of values. We will introduce three more trigono-
metric functions as well: secant, cosecant, and cotangent. After our
definitions are provided, the rest of the chapter will study proper-
ties of trigonometric functions. Inverse trigonometric functions will
be discussed in Chapter ??. Students will not need a calculator.

5.1 The Six Trigonometric Functions
The xy-coordinate system develops a correspondence between points
and ordered pairs (x, y).



• Quadrant I (QI) is the set of points in the xy-plane such that

x > 0 and y > 0.
• Quadrant II (QII) is the set of points in the xy-plane such
that x < 0 and y > 0.
• Quadrant III (QIII) is the set of points in the xy-plane such
that x < 0 and y < 0.
• Quadrant IV (QIV) is the set of points in the xy-plane such
that x > 0 and y < 0.
Points on either of the two axes are not in any quadrant. For
example, the point (5, 0) does not belong to a quadrant; it is on
the x-axis. Similarly, the point (0, −2) is not in a quadrant; it is
on the y-axis.

Example 5.1 State the quadrant or axis in which each of the

points lies.
√ !
(a) T (−4, 2) 2 (f) Y (0, −π)
(d) W ,0
(b) U (1, 3) 2  
√ 11 3
(c) V 8, −1

(e) X(−2, −3) (g) Z − ,
7 2

Solution Let us graph these points, so we can see their location.

We will graph the points carefully. However, knowing whether

each coordinate is positive, negative, or zero is enough to find the
quadrant or axis in which the point lies.

y U

• Z 2

• x
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3
−1 •
• −3 • Y

From here, the conclusions follow easily:

(a) T is in quadrant II. (e) X is in quadrant III.

(b) U is in quadrant I.
(f) Y is on the y-axis.
(c) V is in quadrant IV.
(d) W is on the x-axis (g) Z is in quadrant II.

Definition 5.1 The unit circle is the set of points (x, y) of dis-
tance 1 from the origin. In other words, the unit circle is the set
of points (x, y) such that

x2 + y 2 = 1.

Our goal is to create a correspondence between directed angles

and the unit circle. To achieve this, we will establish a convention
for the location of directed angles’ initial sides. This allows the
position of the terminal side to be completely determined by the
measure of the angle.

Definition 5.2 A standard position angle is an angle whose

initial side lies on the positive x-axis.

Let us make the following convention:
Assume all angles are in standard position when they
are used within the context of trigonometric functions
unless there is a reason to suppose otherwise.
Because of this convention, we can be sloppy with our language.
We often refer to angles simply by their measures, e.g. we say
things like “angle 30◦ ”. We often say an angle “lies” in a particular
quadrant; when we do this, it is understood that we are referring
to the terminal side of a standard position angle.
We are ready to formulate our correspondence between standard
position angles and points on the unit circle: Let the angle θ cor-
respond to the point (x, y) where the terminal side of θ intersects
the unit circle.
(x, y)

• x

Example 5.2 Find the points on the unit circle corresponding to

(a) θ = 90◦ , (b) θ = 180◦ , and (c) θ = 30◦ .

(0, 1)


(a) As can be seen from the diagram above, the point correspond-
ing to θ = 90◦ is (0, 1).


(−1, 0)
• x

(b) The diagram illustrates that θ = 180◦ corresponds to (−1, 0).

(c) We need the 30◦ – 60◦ – 90◦ special right triangle.

t 3, t

√ x
t 3

Since the radius of the unit circle is 1, we have

2t = 1 implies t = .

Hence, the point corresponding to θ = 30◦ is

3/2, 1/2 .

Using the 45◦ –45◦ –90◦ and 30◦ –60◦ –90◦ special right triangle we
can fill in some key points in the first quadrant of the unit circle.

Then symmetry gives us points in the other three quadrants.
 √   √ 
− 12 , 23 (0, 1) 1 3
• 2, 2
 √ √  √ √ 
− 2
, 2 • 90◦ • 2
, 2
2 2 2 2
• 120◦ 60◦ •
 √  √ 
3 1 ◦ π ◦ 3 1
− 2 , 2 135 2 π
45 2 , 2

• 3 3

◦ 3π
150 4 4 30◦
5π π
6 6

(−1, 0) (1, 0)
• 180◦ π 0 0◦ • x

7π 11π
6 6
5π 7π
210◦ 4 4 330◦
 √ • 4π 5π • √ 
3 1 3 3π 3 3 1
− 2 , −2 225◦ 2 315◦ 2 , −2
• 240◦ 300◦ •
 √ √  √ √ 
2 2 2 2
− 2 ,− 2 • 270◦ • 2 ,− 2
√  √ 

3 3
− 12 , − 2 (0, −1)
2 , − 2

Definition 5.3 Suppose θ is an angle in standard position and

(x, y) is the corresponding point on the unit circle. Define
sin θ = y, cos θ = x, and tan θ = .

A useful relationship that follows immediately from the above is

sin θ
tan θ = .
cos θ

Example 5.3 Find sin θ, cos θ, and tan θ for (a) θ = 0, (b) θ = π/2,
and (c) θ = 3π/2 using the unit circle. When tangent is undefined
say so.

cos π2 , sin π2

(cos 0, sin 0)
• x

cos 3π 3π

2 , sin 2

(a) We know θ = 0 corresponds to the point (1, 0). Therefore,
sin 0 = 0, cos 0 = 1 and tan 0 = = 0.

(b) Since θ = π/2 corresponds to the point (0, 1),

π π
sin =1 and cos = 0.
2 2
Tangent is undefined at π/2, because tan θ = y/x and x = 0.
(c) Because θ = 3π/2 corresponds to the point (0, −1), we have
3π 3π
sin = −1 and cos = 0.
2 2
Tangent is undefined at 3π/2, because tan θ = y/x and x = 0.

We can utilize the unit circle on page 32 to evaluate trigonometric
functions at more sophisticated angle measures.

Example 5.4 Find the exact value of each of the following.

(a) sin 120◦ , (b) cos , and (c) tan 330◦ .

(a) We see that the point corresponding to 120◦ is −1/2, 3/2 .

Sine is the y-coordinate of this point. Hence,

sin 120◦ = .
√ √ 
(b) The point corresponding to 5π/4 is − 2/2, − 2/2 . Cosine
is the x-coordinate of this point. Thus,

5π 2
cos =− .
4 2

(c) The point corresponding to 330◦ is

3/2, −1/2 . Tangent
is the ratio of the y- and x-coordinates. It follows that

◦ −1/2 3
tan 330 = √ =− .
3/2 3

Example 5.5 Suppose

cos θ = − .
Find all θ that satisfy this equation for 0 ≤ θ < 2π.

Solution If cos θ = − 3/2, then √ the points corresponding to θ on
the unit circle must satisfy x = − 3/2. Via inspection of√the unit
circle, we see that if the x-coordinate of the point is − 3/2 and
0 ≤ θ < 2π, then
5π 7π
θ= or θ = .
6 6


Definition 5.4 Suppose θ is an angle in standard position whose

terminal side intersects the unit circle at (x, y). Define
1 1 x
sec θ = , csc θ = , and cot θ = .
x y y

Definition 5.5 An identity is a statement of equality between

mathematical expressions, which holds for all values of the variables
contained within the domains of each expression.

Identities are the subject of Chapter 7. However, we will introduce

our first few in this chapter.
Proposition 5.1 (Reciprocal Identities) For θ a degree or ra-
dian measure each expression holds whenever it is defined.
1 cos θ
• sec θ = • cot θ =
cos θ sin θ
1 1 cos θ
• csc θ = • cot θ = =
sin θ tan θ sin θ

This proposition follows from simple substitutions, so we omit a

formal proof.

Example 5.6 Evaluate each of the follow.

7π 5π
(a) sec , (b) csc 60◦ , and (c) cot .
4 6
7π 1
sec =
4 cos(7π/4)

2 2
= √ ·√
2 2

= 2.

csc 150◦ =
sin 150◦
= 2.


5π cos(5π/6)
cot =
6 sin(5π/6)

− 3/2

= − 3.

Example 5.7 Assume 0 ≤ ϕ < 360◦ .

cot ϕ = − 3.

Solve for ϕ.

Solution We know that cotangent of ϕ is the ratio of the x- and

y-coordinates of the points corresponding to ϕ on the unit circle.
To help us identify the appropriate points, note that

√ 3/2
− 3=− .

Then, via inspection of the√unit circle,

 we see
√ the ratio of the x- and
y-coordinates of either − 3/2, 1/2 or 3/2, −1/2 produces a
√ ◦ ◦
√ of − 3. Angles
√ 150 and
 330 correspond to the points
− 3/2, 1/2 and 3/2, −1/2 , respectively. Hence,

ϕ = 150◦ or ϕ = 330◦ .

5.2 Reference Angles
Committing the entire unit circle to memory is a challenge for many
students. In this section, we will develop techniques to dramatically
reduce the necessary amount of memorization.
Let us begin with a discussion of the sign of sine, cosine, and tan-
gent. Cosine and sine correspond to the x- and y-coordinates on
the unit circle, respectively, so their signs depend on the quadrant
in which the terminal side of the angle lies.



The following table lists the quadrants in which sine, cosine, and
tangent are positive and negative.

Quadrant Positive Negative

I sine, cosine, and tangent none
II sine cosine and tangent
III tangent sine and cosine
IV cosine sine and tangent
Many students remember this using a mnemonic device. For ex-
A Smart Trig Class
All trigonometric functions are positive in quadrant I.
Sine is positive in quadrant II.
Tangent is positive in quadrant III.
Cosine is positive in quadrant IV.

Example 5.8 Determine in which quadrant θ lies via the signs of
the given trigonometric functions.
(a) cos θ > 0 and sin θ < 0
(b) tan θ > 0 and csc θ < 0
(c) cot θ < 0 and sec θ > 0

(a) Since cos θ > 0, we know θ lies in quadrant I or IV. Because
sin θ < 0, we conclude θ lies in quadrant III or IV. The only
quadrant held in common is quadrant IV. Hence, θ lies in
quadrant IV.
(b) Since tan θ > 0, it follows that θ lies in quadrant I or III.
Due to the fact that csc θ < 0 implies sin θ < 0, it must be
the case that θ lies in quadrant III or IV. By the process of
elimination, θ lies in quadrant III.
(c) If cot θ < 0, then tan θ < 0, which means that θ lies in
quadrant II or IV. Because sec θ > 0 is the same as saying
cos θ > 0, we know θ lies in quadrant I or IV. Thus, θ must
lie in quadrant IV. 

Definition 5.6 Consider the directed angle θ in standard position.

Suppose the terminal side of θ lies within a quadrant. The refer-
ence angle θR is the acute angle formed by the terminal side of θ
and either the positive or negative x-axis.

Note that the acuteness of θR determines whether the positive or

negative x-axis forms a side of θR . Only the closer of the two makes
an acute angle with the terminal side of θ.
We can find simple formulas for θR , if we suppose 0 < θ < 2π.
When the terminal side of θ is in quadrant I, the closest x-axis is
the positive one. So, the measure of the reference angle is

θR = θ.

The other three quadrants are a bit more complicated.


When the terminal side of θ is in quadrant II, θR is the angle formed

by the negative x-axis and terminal side of θ. Its measure is
θR = π − θ.


When the terminal side of θ is in quadrant III, θR is the angle

formed by the negative x-axis and the terminal side of θ. Its mea-
sure is
θR = θ − π.

θ x

When the terminal side of θ is in quadrant IV, θR is the angle

formed by the positive x-axis and the terminal side of θ. Its mea-
sure is
θR = 2π − θ.

Proposition 5.2 summarizes the above.

Proposition 5.2 For an angle θ of radian measure between 0 and
2π or of degree measure between 0 and 360◦ , the following table
provides the measure of the reference angle.


Radian measure θ π−θ θ−π 2π − θ

Degree measure θ 180◦ − θ θ − 180◦ 360◦ − θ

The six trigonometric functions evaluated at θ and θR have the

same magnitude. So, to evaluate a trigonometric function at an
angle measure, evaluate it at its reference angle and change the
sign as needed.

Example 5.9 Evaluate

7π (c) csc 210◦

(a) tan

(b) sin 120◦ (d) cos

(a) Since
3π 7π
< < 2π,
2 4
7π/4 lies in quadrant IV. This implies that tangent is nega-
tive. Furthermore, the reference angle is
7π π
θR = 2π − = .
4 4
Since tan(π/4) = 1, we have
7π π
tan = − tan = −1.
4 4

(b) Due to the fact that
90◦ < 120◦ < 180◦ ,
120◦ lies in quadrant II. Sine is positive in quadrant II. Fur-
thermore, the reference angle is
θR = 180◦ − 120◦ = 60◦ .

We know sin 60◦ = 3/2. Therefore,

◦ ◦ 3
sin 120 = sin 60 = .

(c) The angle 210◦ lies in quadrant III, because

180◦ < 210◦ < 270◦ .
It follows that sine is negative, which means its reciprocal
cosecant is also negative. Furthermore, the reference angle is
θR = 210◦ − 180◦ = 30◦ .
We have sin 30◦ = 1/2. So,
csc 210◦ = − csc 30◦
sin 30◦
= −2.

(d) The inequality

3π 5π
< < 2π,
2 3
tells us that 5π/3 lies in quadrant IV. As a result, we ex-
pect the output to be positive, because cosine is positive in
quadrant IV. Furthermore, the reference angle is
5π π
θR = 2π − = .
3 3
Because cos(π/3) = 1/2,
5π π 1
cos = cos = .
3 3 2

5.3 More Evaluation Techniques
In this section, we will learn to evaluate trigonometric functions
for θ ≥ 360◦ and θ < 0.

Definition 5.7 The function f is periodic with period p > 0 if p

is the smallest number such that

f (x + p) = f (x)

for all x in the domain of f .

Proposition 5.3 All six trigonometric functions are periodic. Their

periods are given in the table below.

Degree period Radian period

cos x 360◦ 2π

sin x 360◦ 2π

tan x 180◦ π

sec x 360◦ 2π

csc x 360◦ 2π

cot x 180◦ π

Using Proposition 5.3, it is not difficult to see that the output of

a trigonometric function is not affected by adding or subtracting
integer multiples of its period to the input. We can use this fact to
convert the input into a value between 0 and 360◦ , and then utilize
the techniques discussed previously to evaluate.

Example 5.10 Evaluate.
(a) cot(−1710◦ ) 4π
(c) tan −
(b) cos 5π (d) csc 585◦

(a) Cotangent has period 180◦ when evaluated using degrees, and
−1710 ÷ 180 = −9 12 . So, we will add 180◦ (10) = 1800◦ to the

cot(−1710◦ ) = cot(−1710◦ + 1800◦ ) = cot 90◦ = 0.

(b) Cosine has period 2π when evaluated using radians, and 5π ÷

(2π) = 2 12 . As a result, we will subtract 2π(2) = 4π from the
cos 5π = cos(5π − 4π) = cos π = −1.

(c) Tangent has period π when evaluated using radians, and

− 4π 1
3 ÷ π = −1 3 . To make the number inside positive, we
will add π(2) = 2π to the input:
4π 4π 2π
tan − = tan − + 2π = tan .
3 3 3

Then we will use reference angles to evaluate:

2π π 3
tan = − tan = − .
3 3 3
Hence,   √
4π 3
tan − =− .
3 3

(c) Cosecant has period 360◦ when evaluated using degrees, and
585◦ ÷360◦ = 1 58 . Subtracting 360◦ (1) = 360◦ from the input
makes the computation more tractable:

csc 585◦ = csc(585◦ − 360◦ ) = csc 225◦ .

Using reference angles, we have

csc 225◦ = − csc 45◦

sin 45◦
= −√

= − 2.

Therefore, √
csc 585◦ = − 2.

Because trigonometric functions are periodic, if θ is a solution then
so is θ plus or minus an integer multiple of the period. With this
in mind, we are ready to handle general solutions of trigonometric

Example 5.11 Suppose

sec θ = 2.

Find all values of θ.

Solution We know
sec θ = 2 implies cos θ = .
Because cos(π/3) = 1/2, the reference angle is π/3. Cosine is
positive when θ lies in quadrant I or IV. Hence, the solutions for
0 ≤ θ < 2π are
π 5π
θ= and θ = .
3 3
Since secant is periodic with period 2π, any integer multiple of 2π
added to either result will produce 1/2. Thus, the solutions are
π 5π
θ= + 2πn and θ = + 2πn
3 3

for n = 0, 1, −1, 2, −2, . . .. 

Example 5.12 Solve for θ.

sin(3θ) = − .
Suppose 0 ≤ θ < 2π.

Solution If 0 ≤ θ < 2π, then 0 ≤ 3θ < 6π. Using what we know

about the unit circle, the solutions for 3θ in the interval [0, 2π)
are the values such that 3θ = 5π/4 and 3θ = 7π/4. To find the
solutions in the interval [2π, 6π) note that adding 2π = 8π/4 to
a previous solution produces another solution, as long as the sum
remains in the interval. Using this insight, we have
5π 7π 13π 15π 21π 23π
3θ = , , , , , and
4 4 4 4 4 4
are the values of 3θ in the interval [0, 6π) which satisfy the equation.
Dividing by 3 yields our solutions:
5π 7π 13π 5π 7π 23π
θ= , , , , , and .
12 12 12 4 4 12

Definition 5.8
• The function f is even if

f (−x) = f (x).

• The function f is odd if

f (−x) = −f (x).

Proposition 5.4 (Even and Odd Identities)
(i) The function sin θ is odd, so
sin(−θ) = − sin θ.

(ii) The function cos θ is even, so

cos(−θ) = cos θ.

(iii) The function tan θ is odd, so

tan(−θ) = − tan θ.

(iv) The function sec θ is even, so

sec(−θ) = sec θ.

(v) The function csc θ is odd, so

csc(−θ) = − csc θ.

(vi) The function cot θ is odd, so

cot(−θ) = − cot θ.

cos θ, sin θ


cos(−θ), sin(−θ)

Proof Examination of the unit circle and the definitions of sine

and cosine leads us to conclude that sine and cosine are odd and
even, respectively. So, (i) and (ii) hold.
We will prove (iii) and (iv), and leave the rest as exercises.

(iii) (iv)
sin(−x) 1
tan(−x) = sec(−x) =
cos(−x) cos(−x)
− sin x 1
= =
cos x cos x
= − tan x. = sec x.


Example 5.13 Evaluate (a) sin (−30◦ ) and (b) sec − .

(a) Because sine is odd,
sin (−30◦ ) = − sin 30◦ = − .

(b) Since secant is even,

5π 5π
sec − = sec
6 6
= − sec
= −√

2 3
=− .

5.4 Finding the Values of Trigonometric
In this section, we will study how to use the value of one trigono-
metric function to find the values of the other five, e.g. we are
given sin θ and we will study how to find cos θ, tan θ, sec θ, etc.
Surprisingly, a helpful approach to solving this type of problem
is to consider where the terminal side of θ intersects a particular
Our next theorem will be of great utility throughout the rest of
this book. To understand the theorem, recall that a circle centered
at (0, 0) and of radius r > 0 has equation

x2 + y 2 = r 2 .

Theorem 5.1 Consider the circle with equation

x2 + y 2 = r 2

where r > 0. Let (x, y) be a point on the circle, and suppose θ

is the standard position angle which includes (x, y) on its terminal
side. Then
y r
• sin θ = • sec θ =
r x
x r
• cos θ = • csc θ =
r y
y x
• tan θ = • cot θ =
x y

x2 + y 2 = r2

B(x, y)

1 y
θ x

Proof A quick check shows that the identities hold for (x, y) on the
x- or y-axis. Suppose the point (x, y) is contained in a quadrant.
Then construct right triangles like in the diagram above. Using
similar triangles, we have that the sides of the right triangle with
a hypotenuse of length 1 are 1/r times the lengths of the sides of
the right triangle with a hypotenuse of length r. Furthermore, the
signs in each coordinate of A and B agree because both points lie
in the same quadrant. We conclude that the terminal side of θ
intersects the unit circle at (x/r, y/r). Hence, the definitions of
sine, cosine, and tangent tell us that
y x y
sin θ = , cos θ = , and tan θ = .
r r x
The other ratios follow from Proposition 5.1.

Example 5.14 Suppose
sin θ = and sec θ < 0.
Find the values of the remaining five trigonometric functions.

Solution Because sin θ > 0 and sec θ < 0, the angle θ is in quadrant
II. Let us suppose that we have a circle of radius 5.


The Pythagorean Theorem (Theorem ??) tells us

x2 + 32 = 52 ,

which implies x = 4 or x = −4. Since our triangle is in quadrant

II, x = −4. From here, Theorem 5.1 tells us
4 3 5
cos θ = − , tan θ =− , sec θ =− ,
5 4 4
5 4
csc θ = , and cot θ =− .
3 3

Example 5.15 Suppose
tan ϕ = − and cos ϕ > 0.
Find the values of the remaining five trigonometric functions.

Solution Since tan ϕ < 0 and cos ϕ > 0, the terminal side of ϕ lies
in quadrant IV. Suppose the signed length of the side opposite ϕ
is −12. Then the side adjacent has length 5.

ϕ ϕR


Using the Pythagorean Theorem (Theorem ??) we have

r2 = 52 + (−12)2 implies r = ±13.

The hypotenuse is always positive, so r = 13. Thus, the values of

the five remaining trigonometric functions are the following.
12 5 13
sin θ =− , cos θ = , sec θ = ,
13 13 5
13 5
csc θ =− , and cot θ =− .
12 12

5.5 Pythagorean Identities
Let us introduce some important notation. When we write

sin2 θ, cos2 θ, tan2 θ, etc.,

we mean
2 2 2
(sin θ) , (cos θ) , (tan θ) , etc.,
respectively. That is, the notation sin θ, cos θ, tan2 θ, etc. means

evaluate the trigonometric function at θ and then square the result.

In contract, the notation sin θ2 , cos θ2 , tan θ2 , etc. means square θ
and then evaluate the result.
π  π 2
Example 5.16 Evaluate tan2 and tan . Use a calculator
3 3
where necessary.

π  π 2
tan2 = tan
3 3
√ 2
= 3

and  π 2 π2
tan = tan ≈ 1.948.
3 9

Theorem 5.2 (Pythagorean Identities)
For any real number θ the following equations hold whenever they
are defined.
(i) cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1
(ii) 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ
(iii) 1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ

(i) Since the equation x2 + y 2 = 1 is the unit circle, x = cos θ,
and y = sin θ, the identity

cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1

follows due to substitution.

(ii) Let us prove
1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ.
Consider (i) and divide both sides by cos2 θ:

sin2 θ 1
1+ =
cos2 θ cos2 θ
 2  2
sin θ 1
⇒ 1+ =
cos θ cos θ

⇒ 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ.

(iii) Let us prove

1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ.
Once again, consider (i). Divide both sides by sin2 θ:

cos2 θ 1
+1 =
sin2 θ sin2 θ
 2  2
cos θ 1
⇒ 1+ =
sin θ sin θ

⇒ 1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ.

Example 5.17 Solve

5 sin x − 2 cos2 x = 1.

Find all values of x.

Solution Our goal is to rewrite the equation so that its only

trigonometric function is sin θ. To achieve this goal, we will use
Pythagorean Identity (i) to convert cos2 θ into an expression of
sin θ. In particular, we have

cos2 θ = 1 − sin2 θ.

Then we will use substitution to rewrite our equation:

5 sin x − 2 cos2 x = 5 sin x − 2(1 − sin2 x) = 2 sin2 x + 5 sin x − 2.

It follows that

2 sin2 x + 5 sin x − 3 = 0 implies (2 sin x − 1)(sin x + 3) = 0

sin x = or sin x = −3.
The latter is an impossibility because sine is the y-coordinate on
the unit circle and points on the unit circle have a y-coordinates
between −1 and 1, inclusive. The equation
sin x =
has solutions x = π/6 and x = 5π/6 for 0 ≤ x < 2π. Since sine is
periodic with period 2π any integer multiple of 2π added to either
result is also a solution. Thus,
π 5π
x= + 2πn or x = + 2πn
6 6
for n = 0, 1, −1, 2, −2, . . .. 

5.6 Verifying Identities
In this section, we will verify trigonometric identities. This requires
knowledge of the identities we have already discussed. We suggest
readers review the Reciprocal Identities (Proposition 5.1), the peri-
ods of the trigonometric functions (Proposition 5.3), the Even and
Odd Identities (Proposition 5.4), and the Pythagorean Identities
(Theorem 5.2). They will be used frequently within this section
and the corresponding exercises.
When you are asked to verify an identity consider one side of the
equation and perform operations on it until the expression is iden-
tical to the other side of the equation.

Example 5.18 Verify the identity.

cos(−θ) tan(−θ) = − sin θ.

Solution We know that cosine is even and tangent is odd, so

cos(−θ) = cos θ and tan(−θ) = − tan θ. Furthermore,

sin θ
tan θ = .
cos θ
Let us start with the left side and work our way to the right.
cos(−θ) tan(−θ) = cos θ − tan θ
sin θ
= − cos θ ·
cos θ
cos θ sin θ
=− ·
1 cos θ
sin θ
= − sin θ.

Example 5.19 Verify the identity.

cos2 x
= 1 + sin x.
1 − sin x

Solution We will start on the left side, and use the Pythagorean
cos2 x = 1 − sin2 x.
To do this we will multiply the top and bottom of the ratio by
1 + sin x and use the difference of two squares formula:

cos2 x cos2 x 1 + sin x

= ·
1 − sin x 1 − sin x 1 + sin x
cos2 x(1 + sin x)
1 − sin2 x
cos2 x(1 + sin x)
cos2 x
= 1 + sin x.

Formulating an appropriate procedure to verify an identity is some-

times elusive. When this is the case, a good “rule-of-thumb” is to
convert the trigonometric expressions into a more familiar form,
e.g. converting the expression into one of sine and cosine.

Example 5.20 Verify the identity.

cos α + sec α sin2 α = sec α.

cos α + sec α sin2 α = cos α + sin2 α
cos α
sin2 α
= cos α +
cos α
cos2 α sin2 α
= +
cos α cos α
cos2 α + sin2 α
cos α
cos α
= sec α.

5.7 Exercises
* Exercise 1 ** Exercise 3

Find the point on the unit circle

Find the quadrant or axis in corresponding to θ =
which each point lies.
(a) 45◦ (f) 120◦
(a) A(0, 4)
  (b) (g) π
30 3
(b) B 5, − (h) 30◦
7 (c) 210◦
(d) 0 3π
(c) C(3, 1) (i)

(d) D (−4, 0) (e)
4 (j) 270◦

(e) E(1, −1.5)

** Exercise 4
(f) F (−π, 4)
√ Determine the degree measure
(g) G(−1, 3) of the standard position angle
√ √ ! α corresponding to each point
2 2 on the unit circle. Assume that
(h) H − ,−
2 2 0 ≤ α < 360◦ .
√ !
3 1
* Exercise 2 (a)
2 2

√ !
Determine the quadrant or axis 1 3
(b) ,
in which each standard position 2 2
angle lies.
(c) (0, 1)
√ √ !
◦ ◦ 2 2
(a) 45 (e) 150 (d) − ,−
2 2
4π π
(b) (f)
3 2 (e) (0, −1)
(c) 300 ◦ √ !
(g) 315◦ 3 1
7π (f) ,−
(d) 2 2
6 (h) π

** Exercise 5 (a) sin (e) tan π
3π π
Find the radian measure of the (b) tan (f) sec
2 6
standard position angle β corre-
sponding to each point on the π π
(c) cos (g) csc
unit circle. Suppose 0 ≤ β < 2π. 3 3
√ √ ! π
2 2 (d) sec (h) cot π
(a) , 4
2 2

(b) (1, 0) ** Exercise 8

(c) (−1, 0)
√ ! Solve for θ where 0 ≤ θ < 360◦ .
1 3
(d) − ,− (a) sin θ = 1
2 2
√ ! (b) cos θ + 1 = 0
3 1
(e) − ,
2 2 (c) tan θ − 1 = 0
√ √ ! √
2 2 3
(f) ,− (d) cos θ =
2 2 2

2 3
* Exercise 6 (e) csc θ =

Use the unit circle to find follow- (f) tan θ = − 3
ing. Some values are undefined.
** Exercise 9
◦ ◦
(a) cos 45 (e) sin 270
Solve for ϕ where 0 ≤ ϕ < 2π.
(b) tan 30◦ (f) csc 60◦
(c) tan 90◦ (g) cot 90◦ (a) cos ϕ = 0

(d) sec 180◦ (h) sin 0 (b) 2 sin ϕ − 1 = 0

(c) 3 tan ϕ = − 3
* Exercise 7 (d) 1
sec ϕ = 1

Use the unit circle to find the (e) cot ϕ + 1 = 2

following. Some values are un-
defined. (f) 3 csc ϕ = −6

** Exercise 10 ** Exercise 13
Determine the quadrant in Find the reference angle.
which the terminal side of θ lies.
5π 11π
(a) sin θ > 0 and cos θ > 0 (a) (f)
6 6
(b) cos θ > 0 and tan θ < 0 11π 4π
(b) (g)
12 3
(c) sin θ < 0 and sec θ < 0
(d) csc θ > 0 and sec θ < 0 (c) 13π
10 (h)
(e) sin θ < 0 and cot θ < 0 3π
4 (i) 5
(f) sec θ < 0 and cot θ > 0

(e) (j) 1
** Exercise 11 8

State whether the terminal side ** Exercise 14

of ϕ lies in the positive x-axis,
positive y-axis, negative x-axis, Evaluate.
or negative y-axis.
(a) sin 30◦ (c) sin 210◦
(a) csc ϕ is undefined and
cos ϕ > 0. (b) sin 150◦ (d) sin 330◦

(b) tan ϕ is undefined and

csc ϕ > 0. ** Exercise 15
(c) cot ϕ is undefined and Evaluate.
sec ϕ < 0.
π 5π
(d) sec ϕ is undefined and (a) cos (c) cos
4 4
sin ϕ < 0.
3π 7π
(b) cos (d) cos
** Exercise 12 4 4

Compute the reference angle. ** Exercise 16

(a) 147◦ (e) 217◦ Evaluate.
◦ ◦
(b) 314 (f) 201
(a) tan 60◦ (c) tan 240◦
◦ ◦
(c) 29 (g) 316
(b) tan 120◦ (d) tan 300◦

(d) 307 (h) 118◦

** Exercise 17 (b) What are the values of
the six trigonometric func-
Use reference angles to evaluate. tions at 360◦ − α?
Some expressions are undefined.
(c) Compute the values of
5π 2π the six trigonometric func-
(a) tan (f) cot
6 3 tions at α + 180◦ .
3π 7π (d) Evaluate the six trigono-
(b) cos (g) csc
2 6 metric functions at 180◦ −
11π 3π α.
(c) sin (h) cot
6 4
π 5π ** Exercise 20
(d) tan (i) sin
2 4
Assume β is an acute angle
7π 2π of radian measure such that
(e) csc (j) cos
4 3 the terminal side of β inter-
sects the unit circle at the point
** Exercise 18 (5/13, 12/13).

Use reference angles to evaluate. (a) Find the values of the six
Some expressions are undefined. trigonometric functions at
(a) sin 120◦ (f) sec 210◦
(b) What are the values of
(b) tan 315◦ (g) cos 150◦ the six trigonometric func-
tions at π − β?
(c) csc 315◦ (h) tan 330◦
(c) Compute the values of
(d) cos 270◦ (i) sin 225◦
the six trigonometric func-
(e) csc 240◦ (j) cos 120◦ tions at 2π − β.
(d) Evaluate the six trigono-
** Exercise 19 metric functions at β + π.

Suppose α is an acute angle *** Exercise 21

of degree measure such that
the terminal side of α inter- The terminal side of θ lies
sects the unit circle at the point in quadrant IV and intersects
(4/5, 3/5). the unit circle at the point
(8/17, −15/17). Compute each
(a) Find the values of the six
of the following.
trigonometric functions at
α. (a) sin θ

(b) cot θ ** Exercise 25
(c) cos(2π − θ)
The domain of a function is the
(d) sec(θ − π) set of inputs of a function, and
(e) csc(θ − π) the range of a function is the set
of outputs of the function. De-
(f) cos(3π − θ) termine the domain and range of
** Exercise 22
(a) f (x) = sin x
Compute each of the following.
(b) f (x) = cos x
Some expressions are undefined.
(c) f (x) = tan x
(a) cot(−180◦ ) (e) tan(−135◦ )
(d) f (x) = csc x
(b) tan 870◦ (f) sin(−810◦ )
(e) f (x) = sec x
(c) csc 585◦ (g) cot(−510◦ )
(f) f (x) = cot x
(d) sin 630◦ (h) sec(−1050◦ )
** Exercise 26
** Exercise 23
Determine the values of θ which
Calculate each of the following. satisfy the equation.
Some expressions are undefined.
(a) tan θ = 0
(a) cos 2π 23π
(e) sin (b) −2 cos θ = 1
9π 13π (c) 3 cot θ = 1
(b) cos − (f) csc −
2 4 (d) sin2 θ − 2 sin θ = −1
11π 5π
(c) csc − (g) sec − ** Exercise 27
3 6
7π 9π Solve for ϕ.
(d) sin (h) cot −
2 4
(a) 2 sin 3ϕ = 1

** Exercise 24 (b) − tan 2ϕ = 1

(c) 3 csc2 πϕ = 4
Prove Proposition 5.4 (v) and
(vi). (d) sec2 (5ϕ)−3 sec(5ϕ)+2 = 0

** Exercise 28 ** Exercise 31

Find all values of α within the

Determine the values of the re-
interval [0, 360◦ ) which satisfy
maining five trigonometric func-
the equation.
√ tions.
(a) tan(−α) = 3
√ (a) sin α = −4/5 and cos α <
(b) 3 csc 3α = 3 2 0
(c) cot2 = 1 (b) cot β = 15/8 and sec β > 0
(d) 2 sin2 (2α) − 9 sin(2α) = 5 (c) cos γ = 5/13 and cot γ < 0

** Exercise 29 (d) tan θ = −24/7 and sec θ <

Solve for β. Assume 0 ≤ β <
2π. (e) csc ϕ is undefined and
√ sec ϕ < 0
(a) 2 cos(−β) = 3
** Exercise 32
(b) sec2 −2=0
πβ Solve for α.
(c) tan2 =3
(a) 2 cos2 α − sin α = 1
(d) 3 csc2 πβ − 5 csc πβ + 2 = 0
(b) 3 tan2 α = 4 sec α + 1
** Exercise 30
(c) 5 csc4 α − 9 cot2 α − 11 = 0
Find all values of θ in the inter-
val (−180◦ , 180◦ ] which satisfy
** Exercise 33
the equation.
√ Find all values of β.
(a) 6 sin(−θ) = 3 2
θ (a) cos4 (3β) + 3 sin2 (3β) = 1
(b) csc2 −2=0
(b) tan3 (2β) + sec2 (−2β) =
5θ √
(c) cot + 3=0 3 tan(2β) + 4
3θ (c) csc2 (5β) cot(−5β) =
(d) tan2 −1=0 csc2 (5β)

** Exercise 34 ** Exercise 37

Verify each identity.

(i) 1 (iii) − cot x
(a) cos2 α − sin2 α = 2 cos2 α − 1
(ii) tan x (iv) sec x (b) cos2 α − sin2 α = 1 − 2 sin2 α

** Exercise 38
Match the expressions above
with the equivalent expressions Verify each identity.
below. Some options may be
used more than once. sin2 θ
(a) = 1 − cos θ
1 + cos θ
sec2 x − 1
(a) cos2 α
tan x (b) = 1 − sin α
1 + sin α
(b) sin(x) sec(−x)
sec2 ϕ − 1
(c) cos(−x) csc(−x) (c) = tan ϕ
tan ϕ
(d) cos x sec x (d) tan β = sec β csc β+csc β
1−cos β
(e) sin(−x) csc(−x)
tan x ** Exercise 39
sin x
Verify each identity.
** Exercise 35 (a) cos x−sin x(− cos x)
cos2 x = sec2 x
− sin2 (−x)−cos2 x
(b) sin2 x
= − csc2 x
Verify each identity.
(a) sin (2π − α) = − sin α
** Exercise 40
(b) cos (360◦ − β) = cos β Verify each identity.
(c) tan (2π − γ) = − tan γ (a) sec x + tan x =
sec x − tan x
** Exercise 36 (b) csc x + cot x =
csc x − cot x

Verify the identity. ** Exercise 41

tan (θ + π) Verify the identity.
= sec θ
sin θ
sin θ + sin θ tan2 θ = sec θ tan θ

Chapter 6


In this chapter, we will learn to graph the six trigonometric func-

tions on the xy-plane. We assume a thorough understanding of
Chapter 5. Some knowledge of Appendix ??—which addresses
shifts, stretches, and compressions—is helpful, but will not be di-
rectly utilized. We will not use calculators.

6.1 Graphing Sine and Cosine

We want to graph functions of the form

f (x) = A sin (Bx + C) + D and g(x) = A cos (Bx + C) + D.

Definition 6.1 A parent function is considered to be the most

basic within a family of functions.

We like to think of f (x) = sin x and g(x) = cos x as the parent func-
tions of their respective family of functions. From this perspective,
the constants A, B, C, and D modify the parent functions. As
a result, it is helpful to obtain an understanding of the graphs of
f (x) = sin x and g(x) = cos x.

f (x) = sin x
π π 3π 2π
−1/2 2 2


g(x) = cos x

π π 3π 2π
−1/2 2 2


Proposition 5.3 tells us that sine and cosine are periodic with period
2π. This means that the behavior of f (x) = sin x and g(x) =
cos x, within the interval [0, 2π], is repeated in subsequent intervals,
so graphing more periods of either function is simply a matter of
recognizing the pattern.

Definition 6.2
• The amplitude of f is

max{f (x)} − min{f (x)}


• The phase shift of a periodic function f is how much its
principal period is shifted left or right on a graph relative to
the parent function of f .

Proposition 6.1 Suppose we have a function of the form

f (x) = A sin(Bx + C) + D or g(x) = A cos(Bx + C) + D,
where B > 0.
(i) The amplitude of the function is |A|.
(ii) The graph has period

(iii) The neutral vertical position of its graph is y = D; this is
called the vertical shift.
(iv) The phase shift is
− .
Note: a positive phase shift corresponds to a rightward shift
and a negative phase shift corresponds to a leftward shift.
Proposition 6.1 will be used extensively to graph functions, but
plotting a small number of points is also helpful. We will introduce
a protocol to find five useful points.
Let f (x) = A sin (Bx + C)+D or g(x) = A cos (Bx + C)+
D, where B > 0.
• Start at an x-coordinate equal to the value of the
phase shift, i.e. start at
x=− .
Evaluate to find the y-coordinate.
• To find subsequent x-coordinates, add one-fourth
the period to the previous x-coordinate. That is,
2π/B π
4 2B
to the previous x-coordinate. Evaluate the new
x-value to find the corresponding y-value.

• Stop after you have found the point whose x-coordinate
is equal to the phase shift plus the period. That
is, stop after the point corresponding to
C 2π
x=− + .

This protocol gives five points. The y-coordinate of the

last point should be the same as the first.

Example 6.1 Graph one period of

f (x) = 2 sin(3x − π) + 1.

Solution Proposition 6.1 gives us the table below.

Amplitude: |2| = 2


Vertical shift: 1

(−π) π
Phase shift: − =
3 3

Let us plot some points. The first x-coordinate is equal to the

phase shift π/3 and we increase each subsequent x-coordinate by
an increment of
2π/3 π
= .
4 6

x f (x)

2 sin(0) + 1 = 1
3π π π
= 2 sin +1 = 3
6 2 2
4π 2π
= 2 sin(π) + 1 = 1
6 3
5π 3π
2 sin +1 = −1
6 2

π 2 sin(2π) + 1 = 1

Hence, we have the following graph.

3 •

• • • y=1

π π π 2π 5π π
6 3 2 3 6
−1 •

Example 6.2 Graph two periods of
1 3πx + π
g(x) = −2 − cos .
2 4

Solution Let us rewrite this into a more familiar form:

1 3πx + π 1 3π π
g(x) = −2 − cos = − cos x+ − 2.
2 4 2 4 4

Proposition 6.1 tells us the key features of g’s graph.

1 1
Amplitude: − =
2 2

2π 8
Period: =
3π/4 3

Vertical shift: −2

π/4 1
Phase shift: − =−
3π/4 3

Let us plot some points. The first point has an x-coordinate of

−1/3 and subsequent x-values will be increased in increments of

8/3 2
= .
4 3

x g(x)

1 1
− − cos(0) − 2 = −2 21
3 2
1 1 π
− cos − 2 = −2
3 2 2
3 1
=1 − cos(π) − 2 = −1 21
3 2
5 1 3π
− cos −2 = −2
3 2 2

7 1
− cos (2π) − 2 = −2 21
3 2
After we plot the points and graph the first period, we use the
pattern to graph the second period.

− 13 1 1 5 7 3 11 13 5
3 3 3 3 3


• • y = −2

• • •


Proposition 6.1 assumes that B > 0. For B < 0, we can utilize
Proposition 5.4 which says that sine is odd and cosine is even.
This allows us to change the sign of the coefficient in front of x.

Example 6.3 Graph one period of

h(x) = 2 sin (−x + 45◦ ) .

Solution Sine is odd, which implies

2 sin (−x + 45◦ ) = 2 sin − (x − 45◦ ) = −2 sin (x − 45◦ ) .

Then we utilize Proposition 6.1.

Amplitude: |−2| = 2

Period: = 360◦

Vertical shift: 0

Phase shift: − = 45◦

The next step is to plot points. We begin at x = 45◦ and add

= 90◦
to the previous x-coordinate to find the next. We stop at x = 405◦ .

x h(x)

45◦ −2 sin 0 = 0

135◦ −2 sin 90◦ = −2

225◦ −2 sin 180◦ = 0

315◦ −2 sin 270◦ = 2

405◦ −2 sin 360◦ = −2


2 •

• • • x
90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦

−2 •

6.2 Graphing Tangent and Cotangent

The goal of this section is to graph functions of the form

f (x) = A tan (Bx + C) + D and g(x) = A cot (Bx + C) + D.

Much like sine and cosine graphs, we think of A, B, C, and D

as modifying the graphs of the parent functions f (x) = tan x and
g(x) = cot x.
Tangent and cotangent are somewhat more difficult to graph be-
cause they contain vertical asymptotes.

Definition 6.3 The function h has a vertical asymptote of x = a

if h(x) goes to ±∞ as x goes to a from the left or the right. Within
sketches of graphs, asymptotes are usually denoted by dashed lines.

The graph of h to the right has a vertical

asymptote of x = 1. This is because h(x) y x=1
goes to −∞ as x goes to 1 from the left,
and h(x) goes to ∞ as x goes to 1 from the
right. x

6.2.1 Graphing Tangent

Let us consider the graph of f (x) = tan x.

x = − π2 y x= π



Graphing more of f (x) = tan x is not difficult, because Proposition

5.3 tells us tangent has period π. Hence, in subsequent intervals,
the graph of tangent simply repeats its behavior.
Proposition 6.2 Suppose

f (x) = A tan (Bx + C) + D,

where B > 0.
(i) The graph has period

(ii) The neutral vertical position of the graph is y = D; this is

called the vertical shift.
(iii) The phase shift of f is
− .
Note: Being shifted a negative number of units right corre-
sponds to being shifted left.

(iv) The function f has vertical asymptotes at the solutions of
π π
Bx + C = − and Bx + C = .
2 2

Notice that we did not mentioned amplitude. The value of |A| ver-
tically compresses or stretches the graph of tangent, but it has no
maximum or minimum value. This makes the concept of amplitude

Example 6.4 Determine the period, vertical shift, phase shift, and
asymptotes of the function.
f (x) = −3 tan (15◦ x + 45◦ ) − 7

Solution From Proposition 6.2, we know the period is

= 12,
the vertical shift is −7, and the phase shift is
− = −3.

One of the vertical asymptotes is the solution of

15◦ x + 45◦ = −90◦ .
Solving yields the vertical asymptote x = −9.
Since f has period 12, this means that all the asymptotes are of
the form
x = −9 + 12n,
where n = 0, 1, −1, 2, −2, . . .. 
Proposition 6.2 will be used extensively, but we will also plot some
points when we graph. So, we will introduce a protocol to find
three helpful points.
Suppose f (x) = A tan (Bx + C) + D, where B > 0.
Proposition 6.2 tells us that there are vertical asymp-
totes at
π π
Bx + C = − and Bx + C = .
2 2

• Add one-fourth the period to the x-value of the
left asymptote. That is, add
to the solution of Bx + C = −π/2. This gives the
x-coordinate of the first point. Evaluate f at the
x-value to find the y-coordinate.
• To find the next x-coordinate, add one-fourth the
period to the previous x-coordinate. Evaluate f
at the x-value to find the y-coordinate.
• Stop before you reach the solution of
Bx + C = .

This protocol should give three points. Their y-coordinates

should be −A + D, D, and A + D, respectively.

Example 6.5 Graph one period of

x π
g(x) = 2 tan + − 4.
2 3

Solution Let us compute the vertical asymptotes. Using Proposi-

tion 6.2, the vertical asymptotes are the solutions of
x π π x π π
+ =− and + = .
2 3 2 2 3 2
Hence, we have vertical asymptotes
5π π
x=− and x = .
3 3

Using the above, and some other parts of Proposition 6.2 give us
our table.

Vertical shift: −4
Period: = 2π

π/3 2π
Phase shift: − =−
1/2 3

5π π
Asymptotes: x=− and x =
3 3

Let us plot some points. Consecutive x-coordinates will be in-

creased in increments of
2π π
= .
4 2
The first point has an x-coordinate of
5π π 7π
− + =− .
3 2 6
x g(x)

7π  π
− 2 tan − −4 = −6
6 4
4π 2π
− =− 2 tan 0 − 4 = −4
6 3
π π
− 2 tan −4 = −2
6 4

We have obtained enough information to graph one period of g.

− 7π
6 − 2π
3 − π6




x = − 5π
x= 3

6.2.2 Graphing Cotangent

Consider the graph of f (x) = cot x.

y x=π




Proposition 5.3 tells us that cotangent has period π. Hence, the

pattern within the interval (0, π) is repeated in subsequent periods.
Proposition 6.3 Suppose
f (x) = A cot(Bx + C) + D,
where B > 0.
(i) The graph has period
(ii) The neutral vertical position of the graph is y = D; this is
called the vertical shift.
(iii) The phase shift of f is

Note: being shifted a negative number of units right corre-
sponds to being shifted left.
(iv) There are vertical asymptotes at
Bx + C = 0 and Bx + C = π.

We will use some point plotting, along with Proposition 6.3, to
graph cotangent. This makes a protocol for finding points neces-
sary. Ours gives three useful points.
Let f (x) = A cot (Bx + C) + D, where B > 0. Propo-
sition 6.3 tells us that f has vertical asymptotes at

Bx + C = 0 and Bx + C = π.

• Add one-fourth the period to the x-value of the

left asymptote. That is, add
to the solution of Bx + C = 0. This gives the
x-coordinate of the first point. Evaluate f at the
x-value to find the y-coordinate.
• To find the next x-coordinate, add one-fourth the
period to the previous x-coordinate. Evaluate f
at the x-value to find the y-coordinate.
• Stop before you reach the x-value of the right asymp-
tote. That is, stop before the x-value is the solu-
tion of
Bx + C = π.

This procedure gives three points. Their y-coordinates

should be A + D, D, and −A + D, respectively.

Example 6.6 Graph two periods of

f (x) = cot (180◦ x + 135◦ ) − 1.

Solution Using Proposition 6.3, the asymptotes within the first

period are the solutions of

180◦ x + 135◦ = 0 and 180◦ x + 135◦ = 180◦ .

Solving these yields

3 1
x=− and x = .
4 4

The period is
= 1.
We need another asymptote, because we want to graph two peri-
ods of cotangent. Using the fact that cotangent has period 1, we
1 5
x= +1=
4 4
is another asymptote.
We have the following table.

Period: =1

Vertical shift: −1

135◦ 3
Phase shift: − =−
180◦ 4
3 1 5
Asymptotes: x=− , x= , and x =
4 4 4

Next, we plot points within the first period. We increase subse-

quent x-coordinates by an increment 1/4, and we start at
3 1 1
x=− + =− .
4 4 2

x f (x)

− 24 = − 12 1
2 cot (45◦ ) − 1 = − 12

− 14 1
2 cot (90◦ ) − 1 = −1

0 1
2 cot (135◦ ) − 1 = −1 12

This enough to graph one period of f ’s graph. The next period is

not difficult to draw, because we have the vertical asymptote x =

5/4 and we can determine the behavior of the graph by analyzing
the previous period.

x = − 34 y x=
4 x= 5

− 12 − 14 1
4 1

• −1



Example 6.7 A cotangent graph has vertical asymptotes x = 1

and x = 7, no vertical shift, and contains the point (5/2, 4). Find
the equation of the corresponding cotangent function.

Solution Suppose
g(x) = A cot (Bx + C) + D
is the function. There is no vertical shift which implies D = 0.
Since x = 1 and x = 7 are vertical asymptotes, the period is
7 − 1 = 6.
Hence, Proposition 6.3 tells us
π π
= 6 implies B = .
B 6

For cotangent functions, the phase shift is the same as the left
asymptote within the principal period. So, it must be 1. Using
Proposition 6.3 again, it follows that
C π
− =1 implies C = − .
π/6 6

As of now, we have
π π
g(x) = A cot x− .
6 6
To find A, we will plug in 5/2, because we know g(5/2) = 4:
5 π 5 π
g = A cot · −
2 6 2 6
= A cot
= A(1)
= A.

We conclude A = 4.
Thus, our function is
π π
g(x) = 4 cot x− .
6 6

6.3 Graphing Secant and Cosecant

In this section, we will learn to graph secant and cosecant. These
graphs rely on the skills from Section 6.1, so we recommend that the
reader masters those concepts before they continue. In particular,
1 1
sec x = and csc x = ,
cos x sin x
the reader must understand how to graph cosine to graph secant,
and how to graph sine to graph cosecant.

6.3.1 Graphing Secant

Let us begin with an analysis of the graph of f (x) = sec x.

π 3π
y x= 2 x= 2


π 2π
y = −1



Each branch of secant is a U-shaped curve. Secant has asymptotes

at x = π/2 and x = 3π/2. From Proposition 5.3, we know that
secant has period 2π. As a result, we can graph more periods easily.
We now introduce a procedure to graph secant.
f (x) = A sec (Bx + C) + D.
1. Lightly sketch the graph of
y = A cos (Bx + C) + D.

2. Draw vertical asymptotes where the cosine graph

intersects the line y = D.
3. Draw horizontal dashed lines y = A + D and y =
−A+D. These values correspond to the maximum
and minimum y-values of y = A cos (Bx + C) + D.
4. Draw the graph of
f (x) = A sec (Bx + C) + D.
Each U- shaped branch touches the cosine graph at
its vertex and opens away from the cosine graph.

This strategy is based on the fact that secant is the reciprocal
function of cosine.

Example 6.8 Graph one period of

1 3πx + π
f (x) = −2 − sec .
2 4

Solution The first step is to graph

1 3πx + π 1 3π π
y = −2 − cos = − cos x+ − 2.
2 4 2 4 4

Using Section 6.1, and in particular Example 2, yields (a). Then

we draw horizontal dashed lines at
1 5 1 3
y =− −2=− and y = −2=− .
2 2 2 2
Vertical asymptotes are drawn at
1 5
x= and x = ,
3 3
because this is where the cosine graph intersects y = −2. This
gives (b).

y y
1 2 1 2
x x

−1 −1
y = − 32

• • • • y = − 52
−3 −3
1 5
x= 3 x= 3

(a) (b)

All that is left is to draw secant’s branches. The branches have ver-
tices of (−1/3, −5/2), (1, −3/2), and (−7/3, −5/2), because those
are the points where cosine intersects the dashed lines. The rest of
each U-shape follows due to the position of the asymptotes.

− 31 1


• y = − 23

• • y = − 25

1 5
x= 3 x= 3

Note that only the darkened curves above is the se-

cant graph; the rest is a graphing aid. So, plugging
1 3πx + π
f (x) = −2 − sec
2 4

into a graphing calculator results in a graph like

the one on the right.

6.3.2 Graphing Cosecant

Consider the graph of f (x) = csc x.

y x=π x = 2π



2 2

y = −1



Notice that the principal period of cosecant has two U-shaped

branches. Its vertical asymptotes occur at x = 0, x = π, and
x = 2π. Graphing more branches of cosecant is a matter of emu-
lating cosecant’s behavior in the interval (0, 2π). This is because
of Proposition 5.3 which says cosecant’s period is 2π.
Our procedure to graph
f (x) = A csc(Bx + C) + D
is nearly identical to secant’s which is described on page 84. Simply
replace y = A cos(Bx + C) + D with y = A sin(Bx + C) + D, and
draw the U-shaped branches based on the latter’s graph.

Example 6.9 Graph two periods of

g(x) = 2 csc(3x − π) + 1.

Solution In Example 1 of Section 6.1, we graphed

y = 2 sin(3x − π) + 1

for π/3 ≤ x ≤ π, which was one period.
We need two periods of the sine graph to obtain two periods of
cosecant’s graph. To keep the graph close to the y-axis, we will
graph y = 2 sin(3x − π) + 1 for the period corresponding −π/3 ≤
x ≤ π/3. The result is (a).
We draw dashed horizontal lines at

y =2+1=3 and y = −2 + 1 = −1.

Vertical asymptotes are drawn at

π π 2π
x=− , x = 0, x= , x= , and x = π,
3 3 3
because this is where y = 2 sin(3x − π) + 1 intersects y = 1. The
result is (b).

y y x= π
3 x=π
3 y=3

2 2

• 1 • • 1 •

x x
− π3 π 2π π
3 3
−1 y = −1
x= − π3 x= 2π
(a) (b)

We are ready to graph cosecant. The vertices for the branches are
at (−π/6, 3), (π/6, −1), (π/2, 3), and (5π/6, −1). The U-shaped
branches follow from the asymptotes.

x = − π3 y x= π
3 x= 2π
3 x=π

• • y=3

• 1 •

− π6 π

• • y = −1



6.4 Miscellaneous Graphing Problems

In this section, we will examine some less essential graphing prob-
lems. We will study them for fun as well as the fact that working a
few challenging problems is important for students’ mathematical

Example 6.10 Graph

f (x) = x sin x.

Solution Since

−1 ≤ sin x ≤ 1 implies − |x| ≤ x sin x ≤ |x|,

the graph of f oscillates between y = −|x| and y = |x|.

Plotting points for x in the interval [−π, π] is helpful because sine
has period 2π and the sign change of x at x = 0 affects the look
of the graph. We can then use the behavior we observe from our
points to graph more of f .
Our first point will have an x-coordinate of −π and subsequent
x-coordinates will be 2π/4 = π/2 greater than their previous x-
x f (x)

−π −π sin(−π) = 0

π π  π π
− − sin − =
2 2 2 2

0 0 sin 0 = 0
π π π π
sin =
2 2 2 2

π π sin π = 0
y y = |x|


• 2 •

• • • x
− 3π −π − π2 π π 3π
2 2 2
− π2

f (x) = x sin x
− 3π
y = −|x|

Example 6.11 Graph two periods of

g(x) = |tan x| .

Solution We will use the graph of y = tan x as an aid. When

tan x ≥ 0, the absolute value does nothing so we leave the graph
of y = tan x unaltered. When tan x < 0, the absolute value makes
g(x) positive so we reflect the graph of y = tan x about the x-axis.
The graph of g(x) = |tan x| is drawn in black, and the graph of
y = tan x is drawn in gray.

x = − π2 x= π
2 x= 3π

Example 6.12 Determine the number of times y = x intersects
y = cos 35x for x > 0.

Solution Let us examine one period, and make an inference about

the general pattern.



During the first quarter of each period cosine goes from 1 to 0, and
in the fourth quarter cosine goes from 0 to 1. When 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,
this implies that the graphs of y = cos 35x and y = x intersect once
in the first and fourth quarter of each period. When x > 1, y = x
will never intersect y = cos 35x, because −1 ≤ cos 35x ≤ 1.
As a result, we can find the number of positive intersects by com-
puting the number of periods of y = cos 35x within the interval
[0, 1]. The period of y = cos 35x is 2π/35. It follows that there are
1 35
= ≈ 5.570
2π/35 2π

periods between x = 0 and x = 1. Since 5.25 < 5.570 < 5.75,

y = cos 35x and y = x intersect

2(5) + 1 = 11


6.5 Exercises
* Exercise 1 ** Exercise 3
Determine the amplitude, pe- Graph one period.
riod, vertical shift, and phase
shift. (a) y = 2 sin πx
(a) y = 3 sin πx (b) y = 1 − cos (180◦ x − 30◦ ).
1 3 π 
(b) y = − cos(x − 30◦ ) + 1 (c) y = − sin (x − 2) −
2 4 6
(c) y = −2 sin (2π (x − 1)) − π x π
(d) y = 1 − cos (x − π) (d) y = −6 cos + +1
4 10
(e) y = −2 sin +π (e) y = − sin (90◦ + x) + 1
x+π (f) y = 2 cos
3 cos −7 6
(f) y =  
4 π − 2x
(g) y = sin +1
** Exercise 2
(h) y = 7 − cos(−πx)
Write a corresponding function.
** Exercise 4
(a) A sine function begins
each period by decreasing
from its neutral position. Graph two periods.
(a) y = −3 sin 60◦ x
Amplitude: 3
Period: 6 (b) y = 5 − 1
cos 5x
Vertical shift: 0  
Phase shift: 2 x−π
(c) y = 2 − sin
(b) A cosine function begins 
x + 18◦

each period at its maxi- (d) y = 6 cos
mum.  π
Amplitude: π (e) y = − sin −x + +1
Period: π/2  
3 π−x
Vertical shift: −2 (f) y = − cos
Phase shift: −π/6 4 4

** Exercise 5 shift is −3, and it contains
the point (5π/4, −7).
Find A, B, and C such that . . .
** Exercise 8
(a) . . . cos x = A sin(Bx + C).
(b) . . . sin x = A cos(Bx + C). Graph one period.
(a) y = −2 tan 60◦ x
* Exercise 6 π
(b) y = − π cot 2x
Determine the period, vertical π 
shift, phase shift, and asymp- (c) y = −3 tan (x − 7) −
totes. 5
x  x 
(a) y = −3 tan + 45◦ (d) y = −3 cot − 20◦ + 1
2 5

3π (e) y = − tan (60 − x) + 1
(b) y = − cot (17◦ x)

  (f) y = π cot
x+π 3
5 tan +2
3 ◦
(g) y = tan (15 − 3x) − 1
(c) y =

(d) y = −3 cot(18◦ x + 15◦ ) + 1 (h) y = − cot (2 − x) +
3 2
(e) y = − tan (x − π)
  ** Exercise 9
πx − 3
(f) y = −4 cot +1
2 Graph two periods.
** Exercise 7 (a) y = −π tan
Write a corresponding function. (b) y = 2 − cot 10◦ x
(a) A tangent function has
1 2x − π
vertical asymptotes of x = (c) y = 1 − 2 tan
−1 and x = 9. Its vertical
shift is 1, and it contains (d) y = − cot (20◦ (x + 2)) + 3
the point (3/2, −2).
(e) y = − tan −x + +2
(b) A cotangent function with  
vertical asymptotes x = 0 π−x
(f) y = cot +1
and x = 5π. Its vertical 6

** Exercise 10 ** Exercise 13

Find A, B, and C such that . . . Graph one period.

(a) y = −5 sec 9◦ x
(a) . . . cot x = A tan(Bx + C).
(b) . . . tan x = A cot(Bx + C). (b) y = csc x + −5
* Exercise 11 x − 2π
(c) y = 2 − sec
Determine the period, vertical (d) y = csc (x − 4) + 1.
shift, phase shift, and asymp- 12
totes. (e) y = 2π+π sec (20◦ x + 15◦ )
x π
(a) y = 2 sec(120◦ x) − 3 (f) y = −2 csc − +3
6 18
 π π π 
(b) y = −π csc x + + (g) y = − sec −x +1
3 6 4
(c) y = 1 − csc (4 (x − π))
(h) y = 3 csc
x  4
(d) y = −2 sec +π
** Exercise 14
** Exercise 12
Graph two periods.
Write a corresponding function. 2x
(a) y = −2 sec
(a) A secant function has π
asymptotes x = 1, x = 3, (b) y = π − csc 5x
and x = 5. Its vertical  
shift is 2. The vertex of a x+π
(c) y = 3 − sec
downward opening branch 8
is (2, −1). π 
(d) y = − csc (2x + 6) +
(b) A cosecant function has 6
asymptotes x = π, x =  π
3π, and x = 5π. Its verti- (e) y = −2 sec −x +
cal shift is −11π. The ver-  
tex of an upward opening π 3π − πx
(f) y = − csc
branch is (4π, π/2). 8 4

** Exercise 15 ** Exercise 17

Write corresponding equations

Graph one period. for the graphs on pages 97 and
3 csc (x + 17◦ ) − 4
(a) y =
5 *** Exercise 18
(b) y = 4 sin Graph each of the following.
  (a) y = x cos x
3 x−π
(c) y = tan (b) y = x sin πx
4 3
(c) y = cos x + x
(d) y = 3 − cos 3x
(d) y = x sec x

(e) y = 1 − cot 4 (x − 3) .
*** Exercise 19
(f) y = 2 sec (2π (x − 1)) − 1
Graph each of the following.
** Exercise 16 (a) y = |cos x|
(b) y = |cot x|
Graph two periods.
(c) y = |csc x|

(a) y = 1 − sin (20 (x − 2))
  *** Exercise 20
(b) y = −4 csc
6 Suppose x > 0. Determine the
  number of times y = x intersects
x − 2π each graph.
(c) y = 3 − tan
(a) y = sin 3x
(d) y = 1 − sec (x − π) (b) y = cos 15x
x + 25◦ (c) y = sin 40x
(e) y = cot
2 10 (d) y = cos 85x
(f) y = cos (20◦ x + 30◦ ) − 1 (e) y = tan x

y y
• 1 • 5
−2 2
• • x
−2π 2π

−3 −5
(a) (b)

3 • •
2 −8 −4
− 12
• •
π π 5π
6 2 6 − 32
(c) (d)

y x=3 x = −135◦ y
3 • 1

• • x
x •

−1 • −1

x=1 x = 45◦
(e) (f)

y x = 10
x = − π2 y
2π •
• π •

• −5 • x
x= 6 x=2
(g) (h)

y x= 4
y x=6

• • y=6 x

y = −3π

x=2 x = − π4
(i) (j)

y x=4
y x= 4 x

• • y= 3π y = −1

π y = −2
y= 2
x= 4 x=2 x=6
(k) (l)

Chapter 7

Using Identities

In this chapter, we will examine some popular identities. We as-

sume a solid command of Chapter 5. A modest amount of informa-
tion from Chapter 6 will also be used. Calculators are not required.
Indeed, many techniques discussed further expand the set of an-
gles at which we can evaluate the trigonometric functions exactly
by hand.

7.1 Sum and Difference Identities

Theorem 7.1 (Sum and Difference Identities) Suppose α and
β are standard position angles.
(i) sin(α ± β) = sin α cos β ± cos α sin β
(ii) cos(α ± β) = cos α cos β ∓ sin α sin β
tan α ± tan β
(iii) tan(α ± β) =
1 ∓ tan α tan β
The proof of Theorem 7.1 is difficult. As a result, it is broken up
into pieces within this chapter. The proof of (ii) is in Subsection
7.1.1, (i) is proven in Subsection 7.2.1, and (iii) is left as an exercise

for the reader.

Example 7.1 Evaluate

sin .

Solution Since
π π π
= − ,
12 3 4
Theorem 7.1 (i) tells us
π π π
sin = sin −
12 3 4
π π π π
= sin cos − cos sin
√ √ 3 4 √ 3 4
3 2 1 2
= · − ·
√2 2√ 2 2
6 2
= −
√ 4 √ 4
6− 2
= .

Example 7.2 Evaluate

cos 195◦ cos 15◦ + sin 195◦ sin 15◦ .

Solution Using Theorem 7.1 (ii),

cos 195◦ cos 15◦ + sin 195◦ sin 15◦ = cos(195◦ − 15◦ )
= cos 180◦
= −1.

Example 7.3 Suppose the terminal side of α is in quadrant II and

the terminal side of β is in quadrant III. Assume
3 5
sin α = and tan β = .
5 12

Compute (a) cos(α + β) and (b) tan(α − β).

Solution This will require Theorem 7.1 (ii) and (iii). However,
in addition to the given information, the identities require cos α,
tan α, sin β, and cos β. To find these values we will build triangles
using the techniques outlined in Section 5.4.
Say the side opposite the reference angle of α is 3. Then the hy-
potenuse must be 5. The side adjacent the reference angle has
signed length −4 due to the Pythagorean Theorem and the fact
that the terminal side of α lies in quadrant II.


Let us say the side opposite β’s reference angle has length 5. Then
the side adjacent must have length 12. Because terminal side of
β lies in quadrant III, these sides’ signed lengths are −5 and −12,
respectively. The Pythagorean Theorem tells us the length of the
hypotenuse is 13.

−12 β


We are ready to answer the questions.

cos(α + β) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β

4 12 3 5
= − − − −
5 13 5 13
48 15
= +
65 65
= .


tan α − tan β
tan(α − β) =
1 + tan α tan β
−3/4 − 5/12
1 + (−3/4)(5/12)
=− .

Example 7.4 Graph

y = 2 3 sin x − 2 cos x.

Solution Our goal is to use Theorem 7.1 (i) to rewrite the expres-
sion into the form

y = A sin (Bx + C) + D,

and then use the techniques discussed in Section 6.1 to graph the
function. To do this, we will find a length r and a standard position
angle θ such that

2 3 sin x − 2 cos x = r (cos θ sin x − sin θ cos x) = r sin (x − θ) .

The terminal side of θ contains the point 2 3, 2 , because

r cos θ = 2 3 and r sin θ = 2.
This allows us to build a triangle.

2 3, 2

θ x

2 3

Using the Pythagorean Theorem,

 √ 2
2 3 + 22 = r 2 implies r = 4.

It follow that
√ √
2 3 3 2 1
cos θ = = and sin θ = = .
4 2 4 2
From here, we see that θ = π/6 satisfies the necessary criteria.

Then Theorem 7.1 (i) allows us to rewrite y = 2 3 sin x − 2 cos x:

y = 2 3 sin x − 2 cos x
√ !
3 1
=4 sin x − cos x
2 2
π π
= 4 cos sin x − sin cos x
6 6
π π
= 4 sin x cos − cos x sin
6 6
= 4 sin x − .

All that is left is to graph the result.


π π 5π 7π 3π 11π 13π
6 2 6 6 2 6 6


7.1.1 Proof of Theorem 7.1 (ii)

Theorem 7.1 (ii) says

cos(α ± β) = cos α cos β ∓ sin α sin β.

Proof Suppose α and β are angles in standard position. Let A

and B be the points

(cos α, sin α) and (cos β, sin β) ,


A (cos α, sin α)
• B (cos β, sin β)
α •

β x

Using the distance formula,

2 2
AB = (cos α − cos β) + (sin α − sin β) .

Rotate 4OBA measure β clockwise, so OB lies on the positive
x-axis. Call the images of A and B under
 rotation A0 and B0
respectively. Then A0 has coordinates cos (α − β) , sin (α − β)
and B 0 has coordinates (1, 0).

A cos (α − β) , sin (α − β)

B 0 (1, 0)
• x

Using the distance formula,

r 2
0 0
AB = cos(α − β) − 1 + sin2 (α − β).

Rotations do not change lengths, so

A0 B 0 = AB.
It follows that
r 2 r 2
2 2
cos(α − β) − 1 + sin (α − β) = cos α − cos β + (sin α − sin β) .

Squaring both sides yields

 2  2  2
cos(α−β)−1 +sin2 (α − β) = cos α−cos β + sin α−sin β .

Let us simplify each side separately. On the left side of the equa-
tion, we have
cos(α − β) − 1 + sin2 (α − β)
= cos2 (α − β) − 2 cos(α − β) + 1 + sin2 (α − β)
= cos2 (α − β) + sin2 (α − β) −2 cos(α − β) + 1
| {z }
= 2 − 2 cos(α − β).

On the right side, we have
 2  2
cos α − cos β + sin α − sin β
= cos2 α − 2 cos α cos β + cos2 β + sin2 α − 2 sin α sin β + sin2 β
= cos2 α + sin2 α −2 cos α cos β − 2 sin α sin β + cos2 β + sin2 β
| {z } | {z }
1 1
= 2 − 2 cos α cos β − 2 sin α sin β.


2 − 2 cos(α − β) = 2 − 2 cos α cos β − 2 sin α sin β

⇒ −2 cos(α − β) = −2 cos α cos β − 2 sin α sin β
⇒ cos(α − β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β

Now to prove

cos(α + β) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β.

Using Proposition 5.4, we know sine and cosine are odd and even,
respectively. Thus,

cos(α + β) = cos (α − (−β))

= cos α cos(−β) + sin α sin(−β)
= cos α cos β + sin α (− sin β)
= cos α cos β − sin α sin β.

7.2 Other Identities

In this section, we will examine a few other popular trigonometric
identities. Their proofs all follow from Theorem 7.1, albeit indi-
rectly in some cases.

7.2.1 The Cofunction Identities

Proposition 7.1 (Cofunction Identities) Let θ be a standard
position angle.

(i) sin (90◦ − θ) = cos θ (iv) cot (90◦ − θ) = tan θ

(ii) cos (90◦ − θ) = sin θ (v) sec (90◦ − θ) = csc θ
(iii) tan (90◦ − θ) = cot θ (vi) csc (90◦ − θ) = sec θ

Proof The reader is given the opportunity to prove (i) in Exercise

12. We will prove (ii) and (iii).
(ii) Using Theorem 7.1 (ii),

cos(90◦ − θ) = cos 90◦ cos θ + sin 90◦ sin θ

= 0 · cos θ + 1 · sin θ
= sin θ.

(iii) Assume (i) and (ii) hold. Then

sin(90◦ − θ)
tan(90◦ − θ) =
cos(90◦ − θ)
cos θ
sin θ
= cot θ.

Example 7.5 Suppose tan 40◦ ≈ 0.839. Without using a calcula-

tor, approximately what is the value of cot 50◦ ?

Solution Since

cot 50◦ = tan(90◦ − 40◦ ) = tan 40◦ ,

we conclude that
cot 50◦ ≈ 0.839.

Example 7.6 Use the Cofunction Identities (i) and (ii) as well as
Theorem 7.1 (ii) to prove

sin(α ± β) = sin α cos β ± sin β cos α.

Solution Theorem 7.1 (ii) tells us

cos (α ± β) = cos α cos β ∓ sin α sin β,

and Cofunction Identity (ii) says cos (90◦ − θ) = sin θ. Therefore,

sin(α ± β) = cos 90◦ − (α ± β)
= cos (90◦ − α) ∓ β
= cos(90◦ − α) cos β ± sin(90◦ − α) sin β
= sin α cos β ± cos α sin β.

7.2.2 Double Angle Identities

Proposition 7.2 (Double Angle Identities) Suppose θ is a stan-

dard position angle.
(i) sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ

2 2
cos θ − sin θ

(ii) cos 2θ = 2 cos2 θ − 1
1 − 2 sin2 θ

2 tan θ
(iii) tan 2θ =
1 − tan2 θ
Proof The proofs for these properties are an application of Theo-
rem 7.1.
(i) Using Theorem 7.1 (i),

sin 2θ = sin(θ + θ)
= sin θ cos θ + sin θ cos θ
= 2 sin θ cos θ.

(ii) Due to Theorem 7.1 (ii),

cos 2θ = cos(θ + θ)
= cos θ cos θ − sin θ sin θ
= cos2 θ − sin2 θ.

The other two variations of Proposition 7.2 (ii) following from

the Pythagorean Identities

sin2 θ = 1 − cos2 θ and cos2 θ = 1 − sin2 θ.

We have

cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ

= cos2 θ − (1 − cos2 θ)
= 2 cos2 θ − 1


cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ

= (1 − sin2 θ) − sin2 θ
= 1 − 2 sin2 θ.

(iii) From Theorem 7.1 (iii),

tan 2θ = tan(θ + θ)
tan θ + tan θ
1 − tan2 θ
2 tan θ
= .
1 − tan2 θ

Example 7.7 Assume

cos2 2x = 2 − 5 cos x.

Solve for x.

Solution The second case of Proposition 7.2 (ii) tells us

cos 2x = 2 cos2 x − 1.

cos2 2x = 2 − 5 cos x
⇒ 2 cos2 x − 1 = 2 − 5 cos x
⇒ 2 cos x + 5 cos x − 3 =0
⇒ (2 cos x − 1)(cos x + 3) =0

It follows that
cos x = or cos x = −3.
The latter case is impossible. If cos x = 1/2, then
π 5π
x= + 2πn or x = + 2πn
3 3
for n = 0, 1, −1, 2, −2, . . .. 

Example 7.8 Suppose

tan α = − and sec α > 0.
Find (a) sin 2α, (b) cos 2α, and (c) tan 2α.

Solution The first step is to build a triangle using the techniques

outlined in Section 5.4. Since tan α < 0 and sec α > 0, the terminal
side of α is in quadrant IV. Say, the side opposite the reference angle
has signed length of −3. Then the adjacent side has length √ 2. Due
to the Pythagorean Theorem the hypotenuse has length 13.

α 2

√ −3

(a) Using Proposition 7.2 (i),

sin 2α = 2 sin α cos α

3 2
=2 − √ √
13 13
=− .

(b) Proposition 7.2 (ii) tells us

cos 2α = 2 cos2 α − 1
=2 √ −1
=− .

(c) Because of Proposition 7.2 (iii),

2 tan α
tan 2α =
1 − tan2 α
1 − (−3/2)2
= .

The triangle we constructed in Example 8 was not required for (c).
This is because we were given tangent.

7.2.3 Half Angle Identities

Proposition 7.3 (Half Angle Identities) Assume θ is a stan-

dard position angle.
θ 1 − cos θ
(i) sin = ±
2 2
θ 1 + cos θ
(ii) cos = ±
2 2
 r
 1 − cos θ

 ±
1 + cos θ

θ 
(iii) tan = 1 − cos θ
2   sin θ

sin θ

1 + cos θ
(i) Proposition 7.2 (ii) gives

cos 2α = 1 − 2 sin2 α.

Solving for sin2 α yields

1 − cos(2α)
sin2 α = .
Taking square roots and substituting θ/2 for α gives
θ 1 − cos θ
sin = ± .
2 2

(ii) From Proposition 7.2 (ii),

cos(2α) = 2 cos2 α − 1.

Solving for cos2 α gives
1 + cos(2α)
cos2 α = .
Then, after taking square roots and replacing α with θ/2, we
have r
θ 1 + cos θ
cos = ± .
2 2
(iii) The proof for (iii) follows from (i) and (ii):
1−cos θ
θ ± 2
tan = q =
2 ± 1+cos θ
1 − cos θ 2
=± ·
2 1 + cos θ
1 − cos θ
=± .
1 + cos θ
To prove the second and third cases of (iii), we will use the
1 − cos2 θ = sin2 θ.
We have
r r
θ 1 − cos θ θ 1 − cos θ
tan = ± tan = ±
2 1 + cos θ 2 1 + cos θ
r r
1 − cos θ 1 − cos θ 1 − cos θ 1 + cos θ
=± · =± ·
1 + cos θ 1 − cos θ 1 + cos θ 1 + cos θ
s s
(1 − cos θ)2 1 − cos2 θ
=± =±
1 − cos2 θ (1 − cos θ)2
s s
(1 − cos θ)2 sin2 θ
=± =±
sin2 θ (1 − cos θ)2

1 − cos θ sin θ
= ± = ±
sin θ 1 − cos θ
Then a careful analysis of signs reveals
θ 1 − cos θ θ sin θ
tan = and tan = .
2 sin θ 2 1 − cos θ


Example 7.9 Use the Half Angle Identities to compute (a) sin 157.5◦ ,
(b) cos 157.5◦ , and (c) tan 157.5◦ .

(a) Using Half Angle Identity (i),
1 − cos 315◦
◦ 1
sin 157.5 = sin · 315◦ =± .
2 2

Because 315◦ is in quadrant IV and its reference angle is 45◦ ,

we know √
◦ ◦ 2
cos 315 = cos 45 = .
It follows that
◦ 1 − cos 315◦
sin 157.5 = ±
s √
1 − 2/2

s √
2− 2

p √
2− 2
=± .
Since 157.5◦ is in quadrant II, sine is positive. Hence,
p √
◦ 2− 2
sin 157.5 = .

(b) Using Half Angle Identity (ii),

1 + cos 315◦
◦ 1
cos 157.5 = cos · 315◦ =± .
2 2


From (a), cos 315◦ = 2/2. It follows that
◦ 1 + cos 315◦
cos 157.5 = ±
s √
1 + 2/2

s √
2+ 2

p √
2+ 2
=± .
Since 157.5◦ is in the quadrant II, cosine is negative. Thus,
p √
◦ 2+ 2
cos 157.5 = − .

(c) Using the second Half Angle Identity (iii),

1 − cos 315◦
tan 157.5◦ = tan · 315◦ = .
2 sin 315◦
All is left is to plug in the appropriate values for sine
√ and
cosine. From our previous work, we know cos 315◦ = 2/2.
Because 315◦ is in quadrant IV and its reference angle is 45◦ ,

sin 315◦ = − sin 45◦ − .
1 − cos 315◦
tan 157.5◦ =
1 − 2/2
= √
− 2/2
√ √
1 − 2/2 2 2
= √ · √
− 2/2 2 2

2 2−2

= 1 − 2.

Example 7.10 Suppose θ is in [0, 2π), and

cot θ = − and cos θ < 0.
What are the exact values of (a) sin(θ/2), (b) cos(θ/2), and (c)

Solution The first step is to build a triangle. Since cot θ < 0

and cos θ < 0, the terminal side of θ lies in quadrant II. Suppose
√ signed length of the side adjacent the reference angle of θ is
− 7. Then the side opposite has length 3. Using the Pythagorean
Theorem, the hypotenuse must have length 4.

√ x
− 7

We are ready to answer the questions.

(a) Using Half Angle Identity (i),
θ 1 − cos θ
sin = ±
2 2
s √ 
1 − − 7/4

s √
4+ 7

s √
8+2 7

p √
8+2 7
=± .

Since π/2 < θ < π implies π/4 < θ/2 < π/2, we conclude
sin(θ/2) is positive. Thus,
p √
θ 8+2 7
sin = .
2 4

(b) Using Half Angle Identity (ii),

θ 1 + cos θ
cos = ±
2 2
s √ 
1 + − 7/4

s √
4− 7

s √
8−2 7

p √
8−2 7
=± .
Since π/2 < θ < π implies π/4 < θ/2 < π/2, it follows that
cos(θ/2) is positive. Therefore,
p √
θ 8−2 7
cos = .
2 4

(c) Lastly, using the second case of Half Angle Identity (iii),

θ 1 − cos θ
tan =
2 sin√θ
1 + 7/4

4+ 7
= .

Another set of identities, which can be used to solve the same type
of problems, are the Power Reducing Identities.
Corollary 7.1 (Power Reducing Identities) Say that θ is a stan-
dard position angle.
1 − cos 2θ
(i) sin2 θ =
1 + cos 2θ
(ii) cos2 θ =
1 − cos 2θ
(iii) tan2 θ =
1 + cos 2θ
Readers that prefer these identities to the Half Angle Identities are
welcome to use them instead.

7.2.4 Product to Sum and Difference Identities

Proposition 7.4 (Product to Sum and Difference Identities)

Suppose α and β are in R.
(i) sin α sin β = cos(α − β) − cos(α + β)
(ii) cos α cos β = cos(α + β) + cos(α − β)
(iii) sin α cos β = sin(α + β) + sin(α − β)
(iv) cos α sin β = sin(α + β) − sin(α − β)
These identities were invaluable for non-exact evaluation before
students had access to calculators. In those days, students used
tables to evaluate trigonometric expressions. As a result, these
identities made it less cumbersome for students to evaluate prod-
ucts, because they were able to convert them into sums or differ-
ences which are easier to compute. Some programmers are still
interested in the identities for the same reason.
There are other modern applications. The Product to Sum and
Difference Identities allow students to find exact values of trigono-

metric functions at a slightly larger set of angles. The identities
have applications in Calculus as well.
(i) Theorem 7.1 (ii) gives

cos α cos β + sin α sin β = cos(α − β)

− cos α cos β − sin α sin β = cos(α + β)
2 sin α sin β = cos(α − β) − cos(α + β)

Then dividing by 2 yields

sin α sin β = cos(α + β) − cos(α − β) .

(ii) Using Theorem 7.1 (ii),

cos α cos β − sin α sin β = cos(α + β)

+ cos α cos β + sin α sin β = cos(α − β)
2 cos α cos β = cos(α + β) + cos(α − β).

Then dividing by 2 yields

cos α cos β = cos(α + β) + cos(α − β) .

(iii) From Theorem 7.1 (i),

sin α cos β + cos α sin β = sin(α + β)

+ sin α cos β − cos α sin β = sin(α − β)
2 sin α cos β = sin(α + β) + sin(α − β).

Then dividing by 2 yields

sin α cos β = sin(α + β) + sin(α − β) .

(iv) Because of Theorem 7.1 (i),

sin α cos β + cos α sin β = sin(α + β)

− sin α cos β − cos α sin β = sin(α − β)
2 cos α sin β = sin(α + β) − sin(α − β).

Then dividing by 2 yields
cos α cos β = sin(α + β) − sin(α − β) .

Example 7.11 Compute (a) cos 45◦ cos 15◦ and (b) sin 22.5◦ cos 22.5◦ .

(a) Using Proposition 7.4 (ii),
cos 45◦ cos 15◦ = cos(45◦ + 15◦ ) + cos(45◦ − 15◦ )
= cos 60◦ + cos 30◦
√ !
1 1 3
= +
2 2 2
√ !
1 1+ 3
2 2

1+ 3
= .

(b) Due to Proposition 7.4 (iii),

sin 22.5◦ cos 22.5◦ = sin(22.5◦ + 22.5◦ ) + sin(22.5◦ − 22.5◦ )
= sin 45◦ + sin 0
√ !
1 2
= +0
2 2

= .

7.3 Verifying Identities
We will verify identities in the final section of this chapter. The
key ideas of the verification process were introduced in Section 5.6.
However, this chapter has added more identities to our knowledge
base, and the reader will be expected to utilize them.

Example 7.12 Verify

csc(π/2 − α)
= cos α.
1 + tan2 α

Solution We need three identities: Pythagorean Identity (ii), Propo-

sition 7.1 (iv), and a Reciprocal Identity. They say
π  1
1 + tan2 α = sec2 α, csc − α = sec α, and = cos α,
2 sec α
respectively. So,

csc(π/2 − α) csc(π/2 − α)
2 =
1 + tan α sec2 α
sec α
sec2 α
sec α
= cos α.

Example 7.13 Verify that the equation is an identity.

tan 2β 2 cos2 β
tan β cos2 β − sin2 β

Solution Recall that

sin β
tan β = .
cos β
We also need Proposition 7.2 (iii) which says

2 tan β
tan 2β = .
1 − tan2 β
Utilizing these identities, we have
tan 2β 1
= tan(2β)
tan β tan β
2 tan β 1
= 2 ·
1 − tan β tan β
1 − tan2 β
= sin2 β
1 − cos 2β

= cos2 β−sin2 β
cos2 β
2 cos β
= ·
1 cos β − sin2 β

2 cos2 β
= .
cos β − sin2 β

Example 7.14 Verify the identity.
1 1 θ 1
− + sin θ cot + cos θ = cos θ.
2 2 2 2

Solution We need a Reciprocal Identity and the third case of

Proposition 7.3 (iii), which say

θ 1 θ sin θ
cot = and tan = .
2 tan(θ/2) 2 1 + cos θ

With our identities in mind, we proceed as follows:

1 1 θ 1 1 sin θ 1 1
− + sin θ cot + cos θ = − + · + cos θ
2 2 2 2 2 2 tan (θ/2) 2
1 sin θ 1 + cos θ 1
=− + · + cos θ
2 2 sin θ 2
1 1 1
=− + (1 + cos θ) + cos θ
2 2 2
1 1 1 1
=− + + cos θ + cos θ
2 2 2 2
= cos θ.

7.4 Exercises
** Exercise 1 ** Exercise 4

Find the exact value. Compute the exact value.

tan 5π 43π
9 + tan 36
(a) cos 285◦ (e) cos(−525◦ ) (a)
1 − tan 9 tan 43π

(b) tan(−165◦ ) (f) csc 345◦
(b) sin 19π
9 cos 7π 7π
9 −sin 9 cos 19π
◦ ◦
(c) sin 375 (g) sec 105
tan 17π π
18 − tan 9
(d) tan 255 ◦
(h) cot 15◦ (c)
1 + tan 18 tan π9

(d) cos 5π
24 cos π 5π
24 −sin 24 sin π
** Exercise 2
tan 31π 17π
18 − tan 36
Calculate the exact value. 1 + tan 18 tan 17π

(f) cos π
8 cos 23π π
24 +sin 8 sin 23π
(e) sec 23π

(a) tan − 12 12

(b) sin 19π (f) csc − 7π

 ** Exercise 5
12 12

(c) cot 11π

12 (g) cos 25π
12 Solve for θ.
− 35π − 85π π
(d) sin 12 (h) cot 12 (a) cos θ + = sin θ
(b) sin(θ+ π
4 )+cos(θ+ 4 )=−1

** Exercise 3  π √
(c) tan θ + =− 3
What is the exact value? 6

(a) cos 408◦ cos 198◦ +sin 408◦ sin 198◦ ** Exercise 6
◦ ◦
tan 57 + tan 78
(b) Suppose
√ sin α = 12/13, tan β =
1 − tan 57◦ tan 78◦
− 17/8, cos α < 0, and cos β >
(c) sin 575◦ cos 275◦ −sin 275◦ cos 575◦ 0.
tan 312◦ − tan 192◦ (a) Find sin(α + β).
1 + tan 312◦ tan 197◦
(b) What is cos(α − β)?
(e) cos 40◦ cos 20◦ −sin 40◦ sin 20◦
(c) Evaluate tan(α + β).
tan 286◦ − tan 136◦
1 + tan 286◦ tan 136◦ (d) Calculate csc(α − β).

** Exercise 7 * Exercise 10

Assume cos α = −4/5, cot β = sin 17◦ ≈0.292 csc 43◦ ≈1.466
15/8, tan α > 0, and sin β > 0. ◦
cos 22 ≈0.927 sec 55◦ ≈1.743

tan 77 ≈4.331 cot 25◦ ≈2.145
(a) Find cos(α − β).
(b) What is tan(α − β)? Find the approximate value
without a calculator.
(c) Evaluate sec(α + β).
(d) Calculate cot(α + β). (a) cot 13◦ (d) tan 65◦
(b) cos 73◦ (e) sin 68◦
** Exercise 8
(c) csc 35◦ (f) sec 47◦
Write each expression in the
form * Exercise 11

y = A sin (Bx + C) + D 5π π
sin 16 ≈0.831 csc 7 ≈2.305
cos 2π
5 ≈0.309 sec 5π
18 ≈1.556
for some A, B, C, and D. tan 7π 11π
11 ≈−2.190 cot 16 ≈−0.668

(a) y = 5 sin πx + 5 cos πx

√ Compute the exact value with-
(b) y = −3 sin x − 3 3 cos x out a calculator.
(c) y = cos x − sin x 
3π (d) sin π

√ (a) tan − 10
(d) y = 3 sin 2x − cos 2x 16

3π (e) sec
** Exercise 9 (b) cos 14
2π 3π
(c) csc (f) cot −
Graph each expression. 9 22
√ x √ x
(a) y = 3 2 sin + 3 2 cos
2 2 ** Exercise 12

(b) y = 3 sin x − cos x
Use Proposition 7.1 (ii) and the

1 3 substitution
(c) y = − sin x − cos x
4 4 θ = 90◦ − ϕ
√ πx √ πx
(d) y = 2 cos − 2 sin to prove Proposition 7.1 (i).
2 2

** Exercise 13 ** Exercise 18

Use parts (i) and (ii) of Proposi- Compute without a calculator.

tion 7.1 to prove parts (iv), (v),
and (vi). π 9π
(a) cos (e) cot
8 8
** Exercise 14 11π π
(b) tan (f) csc
12 12
Suppose csc θ = −17/15 and 19π π
cos θ < 0. Find the six trigono- (c) sin (g) tan
8 24
metric functions evaluated at 2θ.
17π 17π
(d) sec (h) sin
** Exercise 15 12 16

Say sec ϕ = 5/4 and tan ϕ > 0. ** Exercise 19

What are the six trigonometric
functions evaluated at 2ϕ?
Say tan θ = −7/24, cos θ > 0,
** Exercise 16 and 0 ≤ θ < 360◦ . Compute
the values of the six trigonomet-
ric functions at θ/2.
Solve for θ.
(a) sin 2θ + cos θ = 0 ** Exercise 20
(b) sin θ = 1 − cos 2θ
Assume sec ϕ = −17/8, csc ϕ >
(c) cos 2θ = 3 cos θ + 4 0, and 0 ≤ ϕ < 2π. What are
the six trigonometric functions
(d) tan 2θ + 7 = 7 − tan θ at ϕ/2?

** Exercise 17 ** Exercise 21
Evaluate without a calculator. Calculate.

(a) cos 165◦ (e) cot 255◦ (a) cos 105◦ cos 45◦

(b) tan 285◦ (f) sec 202.5◦ (b) sin 30◦ sin 15◦
(c) sin 22.5◦ (g) sin 7.5◦ (c) sin 105◦ cos 105◦
(d) csc 15◦ (h) cos 191.25◦ 435◦ 375◦
(d) cos sin
2 2

** Exercise 22 ** Exercise 24

7π π Verify the identity.
(a) cos sin
12 4
π π 2 sin(α+π/4)
(b) sin cos (a) √
= sin α + cos α
6 12
29π 25π
(c) sin sin 2 cos(θ−45◦ )
24 24 (b) √
= sin β + cos β
7π π
(d) cos cos
12 12 1 + tan γ

(c) tan γ + 4 =
** Exercise 23 1 − tan γ

** Exercise 25
(i) 1 (iii) − cot x

(ii) tan x (iv) sec x

cos(90◦ − α)
Match the above with the ex- (a) = csc α
1 − cos2 α
pressions below. Some options
may be used more than once.
sec(π/2 − β)
1 + tan2 x (b) = sin β
(a) 1 + cot2 β
csc(90◦ − x)
(b) cos(90◦ − x) csc(x) cot(90◦ − γ)
(c) = cot γ
sec2 γ − 1
(c) cos(−x) csc(−x)
sin(90◦ − x) ** Exercise 26
(e) cos x csc(90◦ − x) Verify the identities.
sec x
csc x tan α 2 − sec2 α
sin 2x (a) =
(g) tan 2α 2
2 cos2 x
sin (90◦ − 2x) tan 2β 2
(h) (b) =
1 − 2 sin2 x sin β 2 cos β − sec β

** Exercise 27 ** Exercise 30

Verify. Verify the identities.

sec2 α 2 sin2 (α/2) sec α

(a) sec 2α = (a) =
1 − tan2 α 1 − cos2 α 1 + sec α

1 cos2 (β/2) csc2 β + csc β cot β

(b) csc 2β = sec β csc β (b) =
2 sin2 β 2

cot2 γ − 1 tan(γ/2)
(c) cot 2γ = (c) = csc γ
2 cot γ 1 − cos γ

*** Exercise 31
** Exercise 28
Verify the identities.
θ θ
sin θ = cot − cos θ cot .
sin 2α 2 2
(a) = 2 cot α
1 − cos2 α
*** Exercise 32
1 − sin2 β cot β
(b) =
sin 2β 2 Use Theorem 7.1 (i) and (ii) to
sin 2γ prove
(c) = tan γ tan α + tan β
2 − 2 sin2 γ (a) tan(α+β) =
1 − tan α tan β
** Exercise 29 tan α − tan β
(b) tan(α−β) =
1 + tan α tan β
** Exercise 33
cos α + sin α sec α
(a) = Use Theorem 7.1 to prove (a)
cos 2α 1 − tan α
sine is odd and (b) cosine is
cos β − sin β csc β even. This exercise is only
(b) =
cos 2β 1 + cot β for didactic purposes; we used
that sine and cosine are odd
cos 2γ + cos γ and even, respectively, when we
(c) = cos γ + 1
2 cos γ − 1 proved Theorem 7.1.


Appendix D

Unit Circle

 √   √ 
− 12 , 23 (0, 1) 1
, 3
• 2 2
 √ √  √ √ 
− 2 2 • 90◦ • 2 2
2 , 2 2 , 2

• 120◦ 60◦ •
 √  √ 
3 1 ◦ π ◦ 3 1
− 2 , 2 135 2 45 2 , 2
2π π
• 3 3 •
3π π
150◦ 4 4 30◦
5π π
6 6

(−1, 0) (1, 0)
• 180◦ π 0 0◦ • x

7π 11π
6 6
5π 7π
210◦ 4 4 330◦
√ • 4π 5π • √
3 3
3 1 3π 3 1
− 2 , −2 225◦ 2 315◦ 2 , −2
• 240◦ 300◦ •
 √ √  √ √ 
− 22 , − 22 • 270◦ • 2
, − 2

√ √ 

3 3
− 12 , − 2 (0, −1)
2 , − 2

Appendix E

List of Identities

Reciprocal Identities
1 cos θ
cos θ = cot θ =
sec θ sin θ

sin θ =
csc θ Even and Odd Identities
1 sin(−θ) = − sin θ
tan θ =
cot θ
1 cos(−θ) = cos θ
sec θ =
cos θ
tan(−θ) = − tan θ
csc θ =
sin θ
sec(−θ) = sec θ
cot θ =
tan θ
csc(−θ) = − csc θ

cot(−θ) = − cot θ
Quotient Identities
sin θ
tan θ =
cos θ

Pythagorean Identities sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ
cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1 
2 2
cos θ − sin θ

1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ cos 2θ = 2 cos2 θ − 1
1 − 2 sin2 θ

1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ 2 tan θ

tan 2θ =
1 − tan2 θ

Sum and Difference Identi-

ties Half Angle Identities
sin(α±β)=sin α cos β±cos α sin β θ 1 − cos θ
sin = ±
2 2
cos(α±β)=cos α cos β∓sin α sin β r
θ 1 + cos θ
cos = ±
tan α ± tan β 2 2
tan (α ± β) =
1 ∓ tan α tan β  r
 1 − cos θ

 ±
1 + cos θ

Cofunction Identities 

θ 
sin (90◦ − θ) = cos θ tan = 1 − cos θ
2  sin θ

sin θ

cos (90◦ − θ) = sin θ

1 + cos θ

tan (90◦ − θ) = cot θ

Power Reducing Identities
sec (90◦ − θ) = csc θ 1 − cos 2θ
sin2 θ =
csc (90◦ − θ) = sec θ
1 + cos 2θ
cos2 θ =
cot (90◦ − θ) = tan θ
1 − cos 2θ
tan2 θ =
1 + cos 2θ
Double Angle Identities

Product to Sum and Differ-
ence Identities
cos α cos β= 21 cos(α+β)+cos(α−β) •

a c
sin α sin β= 21 cos(α−β)−cos(α+β)

sin α cos β= 12 sin(α+β)+sin(α−β) • •
C b A
cos α sin β= 21 sin(α+β)−sin(α−β)

Law of Cosines

Inverse Trigonometric Iden- a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A

arcsin x + arccos x = b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos B

arcsin (−x) = − arcsin x

c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C

arccos (−x) = π − arccos x

arctan (−x) = − arctan x

Law of Sines

1 sin A sin B sin C

arcsec x = arccos = =
x a b c

arccsc x = arcsin
Euler’s Formula
arccot x = arctan eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ

Appendix F


F.1 Right Triangle Trigonometry

1. (a) 1.072 (d) 3.716 c ≈ 12.518
(b) 0.292 (e) 0.105 (b) a ≈ 7.420
c ≈ 13.268
(c) 0.993 (f) 3.864
(c) a ≈ 11.184
2. (a) 0.342 (d) 14.101 b ≈ 16.581
(b) 0.482 (e) 1.286 (d) b ≈ 3.922
(c) 2.351 (f) 4.900 c ≈ 4.731
6. (a) b ≈ 21.452
3. (a) 0.6 (d) 0.6 c ≈ 28.003
(b) 0.75 (e) 1.333 (b) a ≈ 4.195
(c) 0.8 (f) 0.8 c ≈ 6.527
(c) a ≈ 65.564
4. (a) 0.555 (d) 0.555 b ≈ 78.137
(b) 0.667 (e) 1.5
(d) a ≈ 1.175
(c) 0.832 (f) 0.832 c ≈ 1.828
7. (a) (i) 69.136
5. (a) b ≈ 10.378 (ii) 44.250

(b) (i) 262.219 (c) T V ≈ 15.150
(ii) 78.613
(d) ST ≈ 11.726
(c) (i) 71.407
(ii) 41.716 16. (a) U V ≈ 18.033

8. (a) DF ≈ 1.532 (b) U V ≈ 51.959

(b) EF ≈ 1.286 (c) T V ≈ 1.785

(c) GH ≈ 1.286 (d) SV ≈ 6.093

(d) DG = 2 17. (a) V W ≈ 12.483

9. (a) DG ≈ 14.619 (b) V Y ≈ 13.486

(b) DH ≈ 13.737 (c) The area of 4XY Z

is about 20.636.
(c) EF = 3.75
(d) W Z ≈ 12.000
(d) DE ≈ 10.964
18. (a) XZ ≈ 21.183
10. 309.982
(b) V Y ≈ 26.185
11. 1.407
√ √ (c) XY ≈ 57.102
3 3
12. (a) (d) (d) The area of 4W XZ
2 2 is about 50.150.
√ √ √
2 1 6− 2
(b) (e) 19. (a)
2 2 4

3 √ √ √
(c) (f) 3 6+ 2
3 (b)
1 √ √
13. (a) (d) 3 (c) 2 − 3
2 √
(b) 1 (e) 20. (a) 11.537◦ (d) undef
√ √
3 2 (b) 67.792◦ (e) 75.522◦
(c) (f)
2 2 (c) 78.690◦ (f) 18.435◦

14. Answers vary. 21. (a) 0.841 (d) undef

15. (a) U V ≈ 6.695 (b) undef (e) 0.795
(b) V T ≈ 8.187 (c) 0.464 (f) 1.504

22. (a) 25.377◦ (d) 30◦ 24. (a) 24.620◦ (c) 8.213◦

(b) 78.463◦ (e) 45◦ (b) 30.964◦ (d) 56.251◦

(c) 52.595◦ (f) 60◦

25. (a) 1.159 (c) 0.524
23. (a) 0.287 (d) 0.785 (b) 1.134 (d) 0.983
(b) 0.889 (e) 0.524

(c) 0.662 (f) 0.524


√ √
√ √ 1 2 3
1 2 3 x
x 2 2 2
2 2 2

(a) (b) π π π
arcsin x 30◦ 45◦ 60◦ arcsin x
6 4 3

arccos x 60◦ 45◦ 30◦ π π π

arccos x
3 4 6

27. (a) α = 45◦ , β = 60◦ , 31. (a) 42 cm

and γ = 30◦ .
(b) 11.254 cm
(b) α = π/4, β = π/3 32. (a) 220.676 ft
and γ = π/6.
(b) 93.262 ft
28. (a) m∠A ≈ 65.709◦
33. (a) 5.831 ft
(b) m∠ACD ≈ 15.412◦
(b) 30.968◦

(c) m∠B ≈ 10.963
34. (a) 6.974 ft
(d) m∠A ≈ 24.835◦
(b) 5.713 ft
(e) m∠A ≈ 53.130◦ (c) 9.567 ft/sec
29. 15.722 35. 2.866◦
30. (a) 0.176 mi or 931 ft. 36. 44.427◦
(b) 1.015 mi or 5361 ft. 37. (a) 347.296 m

(b) 419.550 m 39. 467.128 m
38. 72.471 ft

F.2 Trigonometry of General Angles

√ √ !
1. (a) y-axis (e) QIV 2 2
(i) − ,
(b) QIV (f) QII 2 2

(c) QI (g) QII (j) (0, −1)

(d) x-axis (h) QIII
4. (a) 30◦ (d) 225◦
2. (a) QI (e) QII
(b) 60◦ (e) 270◦
(b) QII (f) y-axis
(c) 90◦ (f) 330◦
(c) QIV (g) QIV
π 4π
(d) QIII (h) x-axis 5. (a) (d)
4 3
√ √ ! 5π
2 2 (b) 0 (e)
3. (a) , 6
2 2

√ ! (c) π (f)
1 3 4
(b) , √
2 2 2 (e) −1
√ 6. (a)
! 2 √
3 1 √ 2 3
(c) − ,− 3 (f)
2 2 (b) 3
(d) (1, 0) (c) undef. (g) 0
√ √ !
2 2 (d) −1 (h) 0
(e) ,−
2 2

√ ! 3 (e) 0
1 3 7. (a) √
(f) − , 2
2 2 2 3
(b) undef. (f)
(g) (−1, 0) √
1 2 3
√ ! (c) (g)
3 1 2 3
(h) , √
2 2 (d) 2 (h) undef.

π π
8. (a) θ = 90◦ 13. (a) (f)
6 6
(b) θ = 180◦ π π
(b) (g)
◦ ◦ 12 3
(c) θ = 45 or θ = 225
(c) 4π
(d) θ = 30◦ or θ = 330◦ 10 (h)
π 9
(e) θ = 60◦ or θ = 120◦ (d)
4 (i) 2π − 5

(f) θ = 120 or θ = 300 ◦ π
(e) (j) 1
9. (a) ϕ = π/2 or ϕ = 3π/2
(b) ϕ = π/6 or ϕ = 5π/6
1 1
(c) ϕ = 5π/6 or ϕ = 14. (a) (c) −
2 2
1 1
(b) (d) −
(d) ϕ = π/3 or ϕ = 5π/3 2 2
(e) ϕ = π/4 or ϕ = 5π/4
√ √
(f) ϕ = 7π/6 or ϕ = 2 2
15. (a) (c) −
11π/6 2 2
√ √
2 2
10. (a) QI (d) QII (b) − (d)
2 2
(b) QIV (e) QIV
(c) QIII (f) QIII √ √
16. (a) 3 (c) 3
√ √
(b) − 3 (d) − 3
11. (a) Positive x-axis
(b) Positive y-axis
√ √
(c) Negative x-axis 3 3
17. (a) − (f) −
3 3
(d) Negative y-axis
(b) 0 (g) −2
12. (a) 33◦ (e) 37◦ 1 (h) −1
(c) − √
(b) 46 ◦
(f) 21◦ 2 2
(i) −
(c) 29◦ (g) 44◦ (d) undef. 2
√ 1
(d) 53◦ (h) 62◦ (e) − 2 (j) −

√ √
3 3 csc β = 13/12,
18. (a) (g) −
2 2 sec β = 13/5,
(b) −1 and cot β = 5/12.

√ 3
(c) − 2 (h) − (b) sin(π − β) = 12/13,
cos(π − β) = −5/13,
(d) 0 √
√ tan(π − β) = −12/5,
2 3 (i) − csc(π − β) = 13/12,
(e) − 2
3 sec(π − β) = −13/5,
√ and cot(π − β) =
2 3 1
(f) − (j) − −5/12.
3 2
(c) sin(2π −β) = −12/13
19. (a) sin α = 3/5, cos α = cos(2π − β) = 5/13
4/5, tan α = 3/4, tan(2π − β) = −12/5
csc α = 5/3, sec α = csc(2π−β) = −13/12
5/4, and cot α = 4/3. sec(2π − β) = 13/5
cot(2π − β) = −5/12.
(b) sin(360◦ −α)=−3/5,
cos(360◦ −α)=4/5, (d) sin(β + π) = −12/13
tan(360◦ −α)=−3/4, cos(β + π) = −5/13
csc(360◦ −α)=−5/3, tan(β + π) = 12/5
sec(360◦ −α)=5/4, and csc(β + π) = −13/12
cot(360◦ −α)=−4/3. sec(β + π) = −13/5
cot(β + π) = 5/12.
(c) sin(α+180◦ )=−3/5,
cos(α+180◦ )=−4/5,
tan(α+180◦ )=3/4, 15 17
21. (a) − (d) −
csc(α+180 )=−5/3,
◦ 17 8
sec(α+180◦ )=−5/4, and 8 17
cot(α+180◦ )=4/3.
(b) − (e)
15 15
(d) sin(180◦ −α)=3/5, 8 8
(c) (f) −
cos(180◦ −α)=−4/5, 17 17
tan(180◦ −α)=−3/4,
csc(180◦ −α)=5/3, 22. (a) undef. (e) 1
sec(180◦ −α)=−5/4, and √
cot(180◦ −α)=−4/3.
3 (f) −1
(b) − √
20. (a) sin β = 12/13, √ (g) 3
(c) − 2 √
cos β = 5/13, 2 3
tan β = 12/5, (d) −1 (h)

23. (a) 1 1 (c) 1/3 + 2n, 2/3 + 2n,
(e) −
2 4/3 + 2n, or 5/3 + 2n
(b) 0 √
(f) 2 (d) 2πn/5, π/15+2πn/5,
√ √
2 3 2 3 or π/3 + 2πn/5
(c) (g) −
3 3 28. (a) 120◦ or 200◦
(d) −1 (h) −1 (b) 15◦ , 45◦ , 135◦ , 165◦ ,
255◦ , or 285◦
24. Answers vary. (c) 90◦ or 270◦
25. (a) D: R and R: [−1, 1] (d) 105◦ , 165◦ , 285◦ , or
(b) D: R and R: [−1, 1] 345◦

(c) D: {x : x 6= 29. (a) π/6 or 11π/6.

π π 3π 3π
2 , − 2 , 2 , − 2 , . . .} (b) 3π/4
and R: R
(c) 1, 2, 4, or 5
(d) D: {x : x 6=
0, π, −π, 2π, −2π, . . .} (d) 1/2, 5/2, or 9/2
and R: (−∞, −1] ∪ 30. (a) −135◦ or −45◦ .
[1, ∞)
(b) −90◦ or 90◦
(e) D: {x : x 6=
π π 3π 3π (c) −168◦ , −24◦ or 120◦
2 , − 2 , 2 , − 2 , . . .}
and R: (−∞, −1] ∪ (d) −150◦ , −90◦ , −30◦ ,
[1, ∞). 30◦ , 90◦ , or 150◦
(f) D: {x : x 6= 31. (a) cos α = −3/5,
0, π, −π, 2π, −2π, . . .} tan α = 4/3, sec α =
and R: R. −5/3, csc α = −5/4,
26. (a) πn and cot α = 3/4.

(b) 2π/3 + 2πn or 4π/3 + (b) sin β = 8/17, cos β =

2πn 15/17, tan β = 8/15,
sec β = 17/15, and
(c) π/3+πn or 2π/3+πn csc β = 17/8.
(d) π/2 + 2πn (c) sin γ = −12/13,
tan γ = −12/5,
27. (a) π/18 + 2πn/3 or
sec γ = 13/5, csc γ =
5π/18 + 2πn/3
−13/12, and cot γ =
(b) 3π/8 + πn/2 −5/12.

(d) sin θ = 24/25, 2πn
cos θ = −7/25,
sec θ = −25/7, (c) π/4 + 2πn, 3π/4 +
csc θ = 25/24, and 2πn, 5π/4 + 2πn, or
cot θ = −7/24. 7π/4 + 2πn

(e) sin ϕ = 0, cos ϕ = 33. (a) 2πn/3 or π/3+2πn/3

−1, tan ϕ = 0,
sec ϕ = −1, and cot ϕ (b) π/6 + πn/2, π/3 +
is undef.. πn/2 or 3π/8 + πn/2

32. (a) π/6 + 2πn, 5π/6 + (c) 3π/20 + πn/5

2πn, or 3π/2 + 2πn
34. (a) ii, (b) ii, (c) iii, (d) i,
(b) π/3 + 2πn or 5π/3 + and (f) iv.

Answers vary for Exercises 35-41.

F.3 Graphing Trigonometric Functions

Amplitude Period Vertical Shift Phase Shift

(a) 3 2 0 0

(b) 1/2 360◦ 1 30◦

(c) 2 1 −π 1

(d) 1 2π 1 π

(e) 2 4π 0 −2π

(f) 3/4 6π −7/4 −π


π 2π 2π
(a) f (x) = −3 sin 3x − 3 (b) g(x) = π cos 4x + 3 −2

Answers 3-4 omitted to save space.

5. Possible answers:

(a) A = 1, B = 1, and C = (b) A = 1, B = 1, and C =

π/2. −π/2.

Period Vertical Shift Phase Shift Asymptotes

(a) 360◦ 0 −90◦ x = 90◦ (4n + 1)

(b) 180/17 3π/2 0 x = 180n/17

(c) 3π 2/π −π x = π(6n + 1)/2

(d) 20 1 −5/6 x = 5(12n − 1)/6

(e) π 3/4 π x = π(2n + 3)/2

(f) 2 1 3/π x = 2n + 3/π

7. Possible answers:

πx 2π x
(a) f (x) = 3 tan 10 − 5 +1 (b) g(x) = −4 cot 5 −3

Answers 8-9 omitted to save space.

10. Possible answers:

(a) A = −1, B = 1, and C = (b) A = −1, B = 1, and C =

π/2. π/2.

Period Vertical Shift Phase Shift Asymptotes

(a) 3 −3 0 x = 3(2n + 1)/4

(b) 2π π/6 −π/3 x = π(3n − 1)/3

(c) π/2 1 π x = π(n + 4)/4

(d) 4π 0 −2π x = π(2n − 1)

12. Possible answers:

(b) g(x) = − 23π x π
(a) f (x) = 3 sec 2 +2 2 csc 2 − 2 −

Answers 13-16 omitted to save space.

17. Possible answers:

π 3 π
(a) y = 2 cos 2x +π −1 (g) y = 3 tan 2x + 4 −2
(b) y = −5 sin( 12 x + π) π π

(h) y = π cot 8x − 4 +π
(c) y = cos 3x − π2 + 2

= 3 sec π4 x + 3

(i) y
(d) y = 12 sin π4 x + 2π − 1 = −2π csc 2x + π2 − π
(j) y
= π2 sec 2π π

(e) y = 2 tan π2 x − π + 1

(k) y 3 x+ 3 +π
cot(x + 135◦ ) = 12 csc π2 x − π − 23

(f) y = 2 (l) y

Answers 18-19 omitted to save space.

20. (a) 1, (b) 5, (c) 13, (d) 27, and (e) ∞.

F.4 Using Identities

√ √ √ √
6− 2 3 (d) − 3
1. (a) 3. (a) −
4 2 1
(b) −1 (e)
√ 2
(b) 2 − 3 √ √
3 3
(c) − (f) −
√ √ 2 3
6− 2 √
(c) 4. (a) −1 2
4 √ (d)
√ (b) − (e) 1
(d) 3+2 2
√ √
3 3
√ √ (c) − (f) −
3 2
6+ 2
(e) −
5. (a) π/6 + πn
√ √
(f) − 6 − 2 (b) 3π/4 + 2πn or 5π/4 +
√ √ (c) π/2 + πn
(g) − 6 − 2 √
96 + 5 17
6. (a)
√ 117
(h) 3+2 √
40 + 12 17
√ (b) −
2. (a) 3−2 117

√ √ 96 + 5 17
6+ 2 (c) √
(b) − 12 17 − 40
√ 117
(c) − 3−2 (d) √
96 − 5 17
√ √ 84 85
2− 6 7. (a) − (c) −
(d) 85 36
13 36
√ √ (b) (d)
(e) 6− 2 84 77
√ √ √
(f) 2− 6
8. (a) y = 5 2 sin πx +
√ √ 4
6+ 2  π
(g) (b) y = −6 sin x +
4 3
√ √  π
(h) − 3−2 (c) y = − 2 sin x −

(d) y = 2 sin 2x − (d) 2πn, π/3 + 2πn,
6 2π/3 + 2πn, πn,
9. Answer omitted to save 4π/3+2πn, or 5π/3+
space. 2πn
p √
2+ 3
10. (a) 4.331 (d) 2.145 17. (a) −
(b) 0.292 (e) 0.927 √
(b) −2 − 3
(c) 1.743 (f) 1.466 p √
2− 2
11. (a) −0.668 (d) 0.309 2
(b) 0.831 (e) 2.305 (d) p √
2− 3
(c) 1.556 (f) −2.190 √
(e) 2 − 3
12. Answers vary. (f) − p √
2+ 2
13. Answers vary.

q p
14. sin 2θ = 240/289 2− 2+ 3
cos 2θ = −161/289 2
tan 2θ = −240/161 √
q p
sec 2θ = −289/161 2+ 2+ 2
(h) −
csc 2θ = 289/240 2
cot 2θ = −161/240
p √
2+ 2
18. (a)
15. sin 2ϕ = 24/25 2
cos 2ϕ = 7/25 √
(b) 3−2
tan 2ϕ = 24/7 p √
sec 2ϕ = 25/7 2+ 2
csc 2ϕ = 25/24 (c)
cot 2ϕ = 7/24 2
(d) −p √
16. (a) π/2 + 2πn, 7π/6 + 2− 3
2πn, 3π/2 + 2πn, or √
11π/6 + 2πn (e) 1+ 2
(b) 2πn, π/6 + 2πn, (f) p √
5π/6 + 2πn, or π + 2− 3
2πn p √
2− 2+ 3
(g) p √
(c) π + 2πn 2− 3

√ 1
q p
2− 2+ 2 (c) −
(h) − 4
2 √
√ 2−1
19. sin(θ/2) = 2/10 (d)
√ 4
cos(θ/2) = −7 2/10 √
tan(θ/2) = −1/7 1− 3
√ 22. (a)
sec(θ/2) = −5
√ 2/7 4
csc(θ/2) = 5 2 √ √
6+ 2
cot(θ/2) = −7 (b)
√ 8
20. sin(ϕ/2) = 5 √34/34 √ √
3− 2
cos(ϕ/2) = 3 34/34 (c)
tan(ϕ/2) = √5/3
sec(ϕ/2) = √34/3 1
(d) −
csc(ϕ/2) = 34/5 4
cot(ϕ/2) = 3/5 23. (a) iv (e) i

1− 3 (b) i (f) ii
21. (a)
√ √ (c) iii (g) ii
6− 2
(b) (d) iii (h) i

Answers vary for Exercises 24-33.


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