Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 253-269, 2013

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.

30, 253–269, 2013



Lotfi Boufenneche1 , Bachir Nekhoul1 , Kamal Kerroum2, 3 ,

Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi2, 3 , and Dragan Poljak4, *
1 LAMEL Laboratory, University of Jijel, BP 98, OuledAissa, Jijel
18000, Algeria
2 ClermontUniversité, Université Blaise Pascal, BP 10448, Clermont
Ferrand F-63000, France
3 CNRS, UMR 6602, Institut Pascal, Aubière F-63177, France
4 Departmentof Electronics, University of Split, R. Boskovica 32, Split
HR-21000, Croatia

Abstract—In this paper, a direct time domain approach based on

the corresponding transmission lines equations and Finite Difference
Time Domain (FDTD) method is proposed to analyze a direct lightning
strike to a cascade of transmission line towers. The proposed model
deals with a real case of towers being connected by ground wires and
equipped with grounding systems with different topologies, as well
(vertical or horizontal conductor buried in the ground, crow’s feet in
the ground . . .). In particular, this work realistically represents the
tower geometry and accounts for the propagation phenomena along
the tower and between the towers. The proposed direct time domain
approach deals with rather complex electrical devices (towers, ground
wires and grounding systems), but at the same time requires very low
computational cost and also provides relatively simple implementation.
Some illustrative computational examples related to some engineering
applications are given in the paper.

Received 23 January 2013, Accepted 15 April 2013, Scheduled 8 May 2013

* Corresponding author: Dragan Poljak ([email protected]).
254 Boufenneche et al.


Lightning phenomenon has always been a cause of disturbances in the

use of electricity. On one hand, there are demanding requirements on
the quality of electrical systems (reliability, availability, continuity of
service . . .) and on the other hand, there is also permanent concern to
minimize the production costs.
Thus, the modeling of lightning phenomena has become a rather
hot-issue and it is now addressed as one of the major concerns of the
distributors, material manufacturers, designers, or installers.
A study of the lightning effects involves two steps:
• Predict what may happen on a given installation and recommend
solutions for improvement. This is possible by using specialized
software that simulates the behavior of installations, validated by
• A technical and economic study of insulation coordination taking
into account the cost of installations, maintenance, service
To ensure the protection of the power network against the natural
phenomenon of lightning which has a random character, it is important
to know the level of overvoltages. Performing the measurements of
overvoltages in realistic conditions is rather expensive, very difficult
and sometimes even impossible. The proposed work aims to provide
a simulation tool easy to use with very low computational time which
will complement the measurements and undertake parametric studies.
Full wave modeling of an electrical device consisting of towers,
ground wires and grounding systems by taking into account realistic
geometry is extremely difficult task. As an alternative, a time domain
modeling approach based on the transmission line (TL) approximation
and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is proposed. The
towers equipped with related ground wires and grounding systems are
considered to be an equivalent radial network of straight conductors
excited directly by an equivalent current source due to lightning strike.
All straight wires are assumed to have open ends, while only the lower
end in contact with the ground is connected to ground via vertical or
horizontal electrode, respectively.
The validation of the work is carried out by comparing the
calculated results with those published in the literature pertaining to
some simple applications arising from the use of the ATP commercial
software [1] (for three vertical conductors) and vector fitting method [2]
(for single towers). Our approach allows a more complete modeling of
the electrical tower because in the literature it is usually represented
simply by a single vertical conductor or else the analysis is performed
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 255

in frequency domain with the use of the inverse Fourier transform for
the transition in the time.



A geometry of the towers cascade exposed to direct lightning strike

is shown in Figure 1. Note that the electrical towers are equipped
with ground wire and terminated with grounding system with different

Lightning discharge
Gound wire

Figure 1. Towers connected with ground wires.

In general, the matrix system in time domain for the analysis of

the considered problem can be written, as follows:
[A] [X] = [B] (1)
where: · ¸
[A1 ]
[A] =
[A2 ]
stands for the matrix of the network topology.
Furthermore, sub matrix [A1 ] represents the propagation effects to
appear on the electrical device consisting of towers, ground wires and
grounding systems, while sub matrix [A2 ] represents the relationship
between electric currents and voltages at each node (deduced by the
application of Kirchhoff’s laws). Vector [X] contains the unknown
currents and voltages at each node, while [B] is the excitation vector
composed of two sub vectors [B1 ] and [B2 ] representing an equivalent
current source or plane wave, respectively due to a lightning strike.
256 Boufenneche et al.

2.1. Tower Modeling

Within the present work, based on the transmission line theory [3]
a model representing the tower with a number of interconnected
segments including the arms, with each column containing four
conductors (Figure 2(a)) is used. The problem can be reduced
to a single conductor using conductor bundling formulas [4]. The
representation of the tower from Figure 2(a) by a number of
interconnected straight wires is shown in Figure 2(b) [3].

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Electric tower and its equivalent representation by

interconnected conductors.
Considering the tower as a radial network of lines (vertical
and horizontal) interconnected by nodes, the entire tower cascade
connected by overhead lines is treated as a complex network topology.
In this study, the direct lightning strike is modeled as a complex
network of lines charged and excited by a generator located at the
injection point of energy arising from the lightning discharge (Figure 3).
In order to simulate behavior of different tower grounding
systems during lightning transient, a vertical or horizontal electrode,
respectively, is used at each leg of the transmission line tower as shown
in Figure 3.
The response of these towers for direct lightning waves can be
modeled by the telegrapher’s equations of transmission lines (TL):
( ∂v(x,t) ∂i(x,t)
∂x + Ri(x, t) + L ∂t =0
∂i(x,t) ∂v(x,t)
∂x + C ∂t =0
L, R and C are the inductance, the resistance and the capacitance of
the line segments respectively.
These parameters can be obtained by expressions from [5] for the
horizontal and inclined ones. On the other hand, the vertical segments
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 257

parameters are calculated by using A. Ametani [4] or J. A. Gutierrez [3]

expressions. For the horizontal and vertical buried conductors we use
the expressions [6–8].
The voltages and currents shown in Figure 4 denote the currents
and voltages at each node in the equivalent tower network.

2.2. Matrix System Construction for Evaluating Voltages

and Currents
To study the problem of transient wave propagation along an electric
tower excited by a current generator, the following matrix equation is
to be solved [9]:
[A] [X] = [B] (3)
The proposed approach leads to the solution of the partial
differential equations set (propagation over line segments) with
current-voltage relations on the nodes.

2.2.1. Time Domain Representation of the Line by a Quadruple

Modeling the direct lightning strike on a metallic wire structure can
be analyzed in the time domain using the transmission line approach
featuring the simplified Telegraphers equations [10] represented by
system (2). A direct solution in the time domain is carried out via
the FDTD. Thus, the partial derivatives are replaced by the finite

Figure 3. Segments network equivalent towers cascade form.

258 Boufenneche et al.

j k
Node ii Line segment (i) i i Node
(j) + + k
j k
vi vi

Figure 4. Definition of voltages and currents at the ends of a line


differences using the following discrete notation:

vkn ≡ v [(k − 1) ∆x, n∆t] (4)
·µ ¶ ¸
1 1
ink ≡ i k − ∆x, (n + )∆t (5)
2 2
Note that the spatio-temporal discretization alternating voltage
node and current node separated by ∆x/2 in space and ∆t/2 in time.
The nodes at the ends of the line are voltages, and they are given by:
µ ¶ µ ¶ n−1/2 n−1/2
C C i − i0
v1n = v1n−1 − 1 (6)
∆t ∆t ∆x/2
µ ¶ µ ¶ n−1/2 n−1/2
C C ikmax +1 − ikmax
vkmax +1 = vkn−1
max +1
− (7)
∆t ∆t ∆x/2
It is worth noting that:
v1n = (v (0))n , vknmax +1 = (v (L))n
In order to represent the line by a quadruple we create two
fictitious current nodes at the end of line (for x = 0 and x = L).
Thus, it follows:
i0 = (i (0))n−1/2 for x = 0
ikmax +1 = (i (L))n−1/2 for x = L
Assuming the approximations:
(i (0))n + (i (0))n−1
(i (0))n−1/2 = (8)
(i (L))n + (i (L))n−1
(i (L))n−1/2 = (9)
one obtains the equation to the first end of the line k = 1 (x = 0):
µ ¶
C 1
(v (0))n − (i (0))n
∆t ∆x
µ ¶ n−1/2
C n−1 1 n−1 2 · i1
= (v (0)) + (i (0)) − (10)
∆t ∆x ∆x
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 259

At the other end k = kmax + 1 (x = L):

µ ¶
C 1
(v (L))n + (i (L))n
∆t ∆x
µ ¶ n−1/2
C 1 2 · ikmax
= (v (L))n−1 − (i (L))n−1 + (11)
∆t ∆x ∆x
And the form represented by a quadruple is derived:
 
·¡ C ¢ ¸ (v (0))n
∆t − ∆x1
¡C0 ¢ 0  (i (0))n 
1 (v (L))n 
0 0 ∆t ∆x
(i (L))n
 
¡C¢ n−1 1 n−1
(v (0)) + (i (0)) −
= ¡ ∆t¢ ∆x ∆x
 (12)
C n−1 1 n−1
∆t (v (L)) − ∆x (i (L)) + ∆x

2.2.2. Construction of the Sub Matrices [A1 ] and [A2 ]

The sub matrix [A1 ] is obtained from the relationship (12). The
contribution of the line with index i appears as follows:
 . .. .. .. .. .. 
.. . . . . .
 ³ ´ 
. . . C i
− ∆x 1
0 0 . . .
 ∆t ³ ´ 
[A1 ] =   (13)
. . . [0] [0] C 1 
∆xi . . .
 ∆t
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . .
The sub matrix [A2 ] is derived using the laws of Kirchhoff
in voltage and current (KCL and KVL) at each node m of the
tower [9, 10]:
([Ykm ] [vkm ] + [Zkm ] [im m
k ]) = [P ] (14)

where [Zkm ] and [Ykm ] are impedances or admittances matrices resulting

from the application of Kirchhoff’s laws (KVL and KCL) at node m.
[P m ] is the vector of current or voltage localized sources.

2.2.3. Construction of the Sub Vectors [B1 ] and [B2 ]

Sub vector [B1 ] is constructed from the second member of the matrix
system (12). For the conductor of index i at instant t = n · ∆t it
260 Boufenneche et al.

¡ ¢ n−1/2

(vi (0))n−1 + 1
(ii (0))n−1 −
[B1 ] = ¡ ∆t
∆xi 
n−1/2 (15)
∆t (vi (L))n−1 + 1
∆xi (i i (L)) n−1
− ikmax
n−1/2 n−1/2
The currents ii1 and iikmax are calculated from the following
recurrence equations:
µ ¶ µµ ¶ ¶
n+1/2 L R −1 L R n−1/2 v n − vkn
ik = + − ik − k+1 (16)
∆t 2 ∆t 2 ∆x
µ ¶−1 õ ¶ n−1/2 n−1/2
C C v − v
vkn = vkn−1 − k k−1
∆t ∆t ∆x
Sub vector [B2 ] contains zeros, except the node in which the
lightning strike occurs. In the case of modeling of lightning injection
by using the bi-exponential generator one has:
 
 .. 
 . 
 
[B2 ] = I0 (exp (−α · n (∆t)) − exp (−β · n (∆t))) (18)
 . 
 .. 

2.2.4. Construction of the Unknown Vector [X]

Vector [X] includes the unknown currents and voltages at each node
in the network. For the conductor segment index i at instant t = n · ∆t
one has:
[X] = [. . . (vi (0))n (ii (0))n (vi (L))n (ii (L))n . . .] (19)


To compare the results calculated by using transmission line theory and

FDTD method with the results published [1, 2] (computed by means of
ATP software), the configuration of the instrumented tower installed
at Morro do Cachimbo Station [11], illustrated in Figure 5(a) [1] is
The tower is excited at the top by a step current with two different
front times as indicated in Figure 6. In proposed tower model, three
vertical parallel conductors connected to grounding resistances of 10 Ω
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 261

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Morro do Cachimbo Tower [1]. (a) Full representations.

(b) Simplified representations.

t f = 0.2 µs
0.8 t f = 0.5 µs
Current (A)




0 1 2 3
Time (µs)

Figure 6. Shape of the injected current at the top.

at their bottom and to surge impedance of 1500 Ω at their tops have

been considered, as depicted in Figure 5.
Note that the expressions of the parameters per unit length,
proposed by Gutierrez et al. [3], are used. It is worth noting that
these parameters arise from the antenna theory formalism.
Figures 7 and 8 show the transient current induced at the top of
the tower at instant tf = 0.2 µs and tf = 0.5 µs, respectively.
It should be emphasized that the calculated results are in
satisfactory agreement with the results available in [1], thus proving
the robustness of the proposed transmission line (TL) approach and
the FDTD solution method.
The next configuration of interest is related to UHV tower and is
shown in Figure 9(a). The UHV tower is struck by a direct lightning
262 Boufenneche et al.

1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8
Current (A)

Current (A)
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (µs) Time (µs)

Figure 7. Current at the top of Figure 8. Current at the top of

the tower (tf = 0.2 µs). the tower (tf = 0.5 µs).

Current generator

(a) (b)

Figure 9. Configuration to study the direct lightning strike.

strike and modeled as a vertical column with horizontal and inclined

arms as shown in Figure 9(b).
The direct strike is represented via the double-exponential current
generator: ³ ´
i (t) = I0 e−αt − e−βt (20)

with I0 = 1.06537 kA, α = 1.88 × 104 s−1 , and β = 1.6 × 106 s−1 .
The typical current waveform is shown in Figure 10.
The tower is connected at its lower base by a square grounding
(21.6 m × 21.6 m). The proposed model neglects the effect of the tower
on the current at the channel base. The per unit length longitudinal
and transverse parameters of the horizontal and inclined segments are
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 263

x 10 5
1000 6 s
Bras 6
900 5 Bras 9
Current (A)

Voltage (V)
600 3
500 2
400 1
100 -1
0 -2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (µs) Time (µs)

Figure 10. Current injected at Figure 11. Transient voltage in

the top of tower. different arms.

calculated using the formalism described in [9]. For vertical segments,

the per unit length parameters are calculated by using the formalism
developed by Ametani et al. [4].
In Table 1, the geometrical data associated with the tower are

Table 1. Different distances associated with the studied tower.

Distance between two phase arms 20 m
Distance between arm and ground wire 5.2 m
Vertical column diameter 0.3 m
Vertical column height 108 m
Arms diameter 0.2 m
Phase arm length (horizontal) 15.5 m
Ground wire arm length (inclined) 18.5 m

The transient voltage induced in different arms of the tower

structure, presented in Figure 9, is shown in Figure 11.
The obtained results are in a satisfactory agreement with the
results computed by using the vector fitting method [2].



The principal disadvantage of the configuration considered in the

previous case is the fact that the ground wire connected to the tower,
which the main objective is to capture the direct lightning strikes and
consequently protect the power lines, was not taken into account.
264 Boufenneche et al.

Figure 12. Equivalent geometry of three towers.

800 600
Ground wire 1 Above arm
Middle arm
Ground wire 3 500
Below arm
Voltage (kV)
Voltage (kV)

400 300


-200 -100
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (µs) Time (µs)

Figure 13. Voltage at the ends Figure 14. Voltage at the free
of ground wires 1 and 3. arms of Tower 1.

Thus, further analysis includes three towers connected with a

300 m pair of ground wires. Figure 12 shows the equivalent tower
configuration being considered.
The parameters of the double-exponential lightning current are:
I0 = 10 kA, α = 1.88 × 104 s−1 , and β = 1.6 × 106 s−1 .
The distances and dimensions are kept the same for each tower, as
in previous case, with related grounding resistances R1 = R2 = R3 =
60 Ω. Note that the horizontal and inclined segments, respectively are
treated as in [9], while the vertical segments are treated as in [7].
Figure 13 and Figure 14 clearly show very high values of
overvoltages on the ground wires with a succession of peaks which
decrease gradually. This fact justifies their use for primary protection
of power against lightning. Moreover, the role of the ground wires is
very important in areas of very high Keraunic rate.
Figure 15 and Figure 16 show the transient currents induced at
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 265

8 7
Tower 1 Tower 1
7 Tower 2 Tower 2
Tower 3 6 Tower 3
Current (kA)

Current (kA)
2 2

1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Temps (µs) Time (µs)

Figure 15. Current at the top Figure 16. Current at the base of
of towers. towers.

the top and the base of the three towers.

The current induced at the top of the central tower is the most
important (Figure 15), as this is the point of the direct lightning strike.
Given the perfect symmetry of the device and the central injection
strike point, the transient currents induced on the two others towers (2
and 3) are identical. The results presented in Figure 16 show that the
currents at the base of the three towers tend to overlap at time instants
t > 9 µs. Thus, in the absence of the propagation along the ground
wire and the vertical column of the tower only a lumped-constant
circuit exists and the sum of three currents leads to the injected current
(Kirchhoff’s law). Namely, the total sum of currents is around 8.5 kA
(approximatively the value of the injected current at the top). These
observations confirm the proposed approach to be valid.
It is worth emphasizing that the computational time required for
the calculation is relatively low.
In the previous examples the grounding system of the tower was
considered as a simple load resistor. However, in the disturbance
regime, the grounding system of the tower plays a very important
role. Consequently, to demonstrate the role of a grounding system, a
more realistic device is analyzed by taking into account the propagation
along the grounding (ground rod or horizontal buried conductors).

4.1. Towers Cascade with Vertical Grounding Electrode

First scenario is related to the case that each tower terminates at
its lower part by a picket (conductor of 0.014 m radius) with 5 m
height buried vertically. The grounding electrode is considered as a
transmission line and the parameters per unit length are calculated
from the expressions given in [5–8]. The lightning strike is assumed to
266 Boufenneche et al.

occur at the point of interconnection, as depicted in Figure 17. The

entire cascade of towers — ground wires — grounding system is treated
as a network of lines excited by a lightning strike.

Figure 17. Towers cascade with vertical electrodes.

800 10
Ground wire 1
600 Ground wire 6
Current (kA)

Voltage (kV)


0 4
-200 Segment 9
2 Segment 12
-400 Segment 15

-600 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Time (µs) Time (µs)

Figure 18. Voltage at the ends Figure 19. Current along

of ground wires 1 and 6. column of middle tower.

The parameters of the double-exponential lightning current are:

I0 = 10 kA, α = 1.88 × 104 s−1 , and β = 1.6 × 106 s−1 . The soil
resistivity is ρ = 100 Ω · m and its permittivity εr = 4.
The electric parameters of horizontal and inclined segments are
obtained as it is proposed in [9], while vertical segments are treated as
in [3]. The transient voltages induced along the ground wires, tower
and electrodes are shown in Figures 18 to 20.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 267

50 Middle electrode
Lef t electrode
40 Right electrode

Voltage (kV)

Voltage (kV)
0 2 4 6 8
Time (µs)

Figure 20. Voltage at the first extremities of electrodes.

4.2. Towers Cascade with Horizontal Grounding Electrode

Now, the case where the grounding system is a 5 m length conductor
(2.5 m on each side) buried horizontally at a depth of 0.8 m is of
interest. The towers cascade above the ground is of the same geometry
and the segments notations are like the one shown in Figure 17, only
the horizontal conductor representing the grounding is different.
For both types of electrodes the overvoltages induced on cable
guards have almost the same waveform with certain differences in
amplitudes (Figure 18 and Figure 21). The currents induced on the
central vertical column of the middle tower keep the same shape with
a slight amplitude decrease (Figure 19 and Figure 22). The voltages at
horizontal electrodes are nearly of half value comparing to the vertical
ones, due to the fact that the electrode has the same length but is
divided into equal two parts.
It can be noted that the grounding systems of towers for horizontal

600 Ground wire 1

Ground wire 6
Voltage (kV)



0 2 4 6 8
Time (µs)

Figure 21. Voltage at the ends of ground wires 1 and 6.

268 Boufenneche et al.

10 Segment 9 20 Middle electrode

Segment 12 Left electrode
Segment 15 15 Right electrode

Voltage (kV)
Current (kA)

6 5
4 -5
0 -20
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Time (µs) Time (µs)

captionCurrent along column of

middle tower. Figure 22. Voltage at the middle
of the horizontal electrodes.

and vertical conductor (Figure 20 and Figure 23) lead almost to the
same result when the length (grounding electrode) in direct contact
with the ground is the same.


In this work, a direct lightning strike on a cascade of electrical towers,

fitted or not with ground wires and connected at their bottom by
grounding system with vertical and horizontal topologies, is analyzed.
The formulation is posed directly in the time domain and based
on the Transmission Line (TL) theory as TL seems to be appropriate
enough to the filamentary nature of the body and arms of the tower.
To properly analyze the interaction between lightning discharge on
the tower, TL formalism also includes an excitation in the form of an
equivalent current generator. The numerical solution is carried out by
means of FDTD method. The proposed approach is validated through
the comparison with the results reported in relevant publications.
The illustrative computational examples are related to the towers
cascade connected with ground wires with both sides, terminated by
horizontal/vertical electrodes as its grounding system and subjected
to direct injection of the lightning strike. The results obtained via
proposed TL approach confirm the crucial role of the ground wire as a
protection of power lines, given the high values of induced transient
currents and voltages along the ground wire tower, respectively.
Basically, these transients can cause serious disturbances in the power
distribution system.
This proposed model can be used for insulation coordination
in power systems as it allows one to quantify lightning induced
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 2013 269

transient voltages that may arise; between a ground wire and phase
conductor, between the shield wire and finitely conducting ground
and the increasing of the GPR (ground potential rise). It is worth
underlining that all the calculations have been carried out with very
low CPU time.


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