Analysis of Electromagnetic Characteristics of Asynchronous Induction Machine

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Analysis of Electromagnetic Characteristics

of Asynchronous Induction Machine

Igor Sterjovski, Blagoja Arapinoski, Metodija Atanasovski, Vesna Ceselkovska
Abstract – Electromagnetic field analysis is important for the TABLE I
design and operation of induction machines. The electromagnetic GENERAL DATA FOR INDUCTION MACHINE
field of waves contains information about the position of the
General data Value
stator, rotor and the mechanical parameters of IM. The aim of
Rated Output Power (kW) 0.550
this research is to show the type of electromagnetic analysis of a
three-phase asynchronous generator with a wound rotor through Rated Power Factor 1
a concrete example. The example is contained in the ANSYS Frequency (Hz) 50
Maxwell Finite Element Analysis software tool. The results of the Rated Voltage (V) 380
analysis including their graphical representations are presented Rated Speed (rpm) 1500
in the paper. Operating Temperature (C) 75
Number of poles (p) 4
Keywords – Аsynchronous induction machine, ANSYS Winding Connection Y
Maxwell, Electromagnetic analysis, Finite element method.


Although synchronous generators with permanent magnets

occupy a significant place in wind power conversion,
asynchronous wound rotor generators have an even more
significant place than previous generators. If an asynchronous
generator is used with a wound rotor then the ability to control
the generator through the rotor circuit is opened. The main
advantage of an asynchronous generator with a wound rotor is
the possibility to obtain it from output power greater than the
nominal, without overheating the machine. These generators Fig. 1. Geometry of asynchronous wound rotor generator
have the ability to produce maximum power over a wide
range of speed variations. Asynchronous generators with a The paper is organized as follows. After the introduction,
wound rotor together with asynchronous cage generators rotor the basic definitions of 3D transient (time domain) are given
find special application in wind turbines whose power is in Section II. Section III gives data overview and presents the
within the frame of MW. electromagnetic field analysis. Section IV concludes the
For the purpose of the research, the asynchronous wound paper.
rotor generator is chosen from the software’s library presented
in Fig. 1. The value of the rated output power and the
frequency are fixed, therefore the input data for the analysis II. ANSOFT MAXWELL’S FORMULATION FOR
are power factor, voltage and speed. The nominal data of the 3D ELECTROMAGNETIC TRANSIENT ANALYSIS
induction machine is shown in the Table I.
This example shows how electromagnetic analysis can be Maxwell's equations in the moving and the stationary part
performed in a relatively fast and accurate manner in a 3D include fixed coordinate system and particular convention for
transient mode. The commissioning of the asynchronous simpler formulation where motion is involved [1]. For the
generator powered by a wind turbine has been analyzed. The rotational type of motion, cylindrical coordinate system is
results for magnetic induction, flux, torque and current values used. This coordinate system has z-axis aligned with the
in stator windings for analyzed time of 75 ms are given. actual rotation axis. Thus, the motion term is eliminated for
the translational type of motion [1].
The formulation used by the Maxwell transient module is
strongly coupled with the finite element part and also coupled
Igor Sterjovski, Blagoja Arapinoski and Metodija Atanasovski with the mechanical elements [1]. In this case, the
are with the Faculty of Technical Sciences-Bitola, St. Kliment electromagnetic force/torque is calculated using the virtual
Ohridski University, Republic of Macedonia, E-mail: work approach.
[email protected]; [email protected]; The following three Maxwell's equations are relevant for
[email protected];
[email protected]
transient (low frequency) applications [1]:

978-1-7281-7142-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE XXX

∇xH = σ ( E ) , (1) Therefore, for the 3D transient solver, many quantities will
be automatically calculated and displayed as a 2D graph (a
∂( E ) function of time): voltage (current), flux linkage, back emf.
∇xE = , (2)
∂t Other global variables can also be calculated by the 3D
transient solver and displayed as 2D graphs, such as power
∇xB = 0 , (3) loss, core loss, stranding loss, mechanical power such as
where H represents magnetic field, E represents electric field force/torque, speed and displacement [1].
and B stands for the magnetic induction.
The following two equations directly result from the above III. 3D ELECTROMAGNETIC TRANSIENT ANALYSIS
1 ∂B
∇x ∇xH + = 0, (4)
σ ∂t

∇xB = 0 . (5)

The final result is a formulation where vector fields are

represented by first order edge elements and scalar fields are
represented by second order nodal unknowns.
Field equations are coupled with circuit equations for both
solid and stranded conductors because, in the case of applied
voltage supplies, the currents are unknown. For the case of
voltage driven solid conductors, the following equation is
used to account for theohmic drop across the i-th conductor Fig. 2. Mesh of finite elements of asynchronous machine with
loop [1]: wound rotor in 3D geometry

VRi =  J
RC ( i )
0i ( E + v x B) dR , (6) As mentioned above, the tool used in designing and
obtaining the results in this research is method. Finite element
method is a powerful method that allows difficult to solve
where J0i represents the current density. The current density
complex differential equations that describe Ansoft - Maxwell
J0i corresponds to 1A of net current in loop i and vanishes
software that has the well-known finite element electrical
outside loop i. The induced voltage can be derived from the
machines in such analysis to be reduced to a large number of
following equation [1]:
easily solvable equations, and the processing speed of modern
computers allows them to be solved relatively quickly. The
ei = −  H i ⋅ BdR . (7)
RC ( i )
applied software allows entering the geometry of the problem
under consideration, both in terms of dimensions and in terms
Here, integration is performed on the entire conductor area. of the construction materials of individual engine elements
Stranded conductors are considered not to induce eddy [2-3], [5]. Depending on the requirements for the accuracy of
currents therefore they are placed in non-conductive areas. the calculations themselves, the same software offers the
This means that in order to calculate the ohmic voltage drop, option to perform the calculations in a plane in 2D, or in 3D
we cannot use the same process as a solid conductor. Instead, space. In the research all simulation analyzes are made in
we use lumped parameters to represent the DC resistance of three dimensions.
the windings. We obtained the induced voltage due to the total All complex equations are solved by the finite element
flux linkage in a similar way to the solid conductor. In both method. The software tool creates a mesh of finite elements
cases, an external inductor and capacitor can be added. For that for the corresponding example is shown in Fig. 2 [2].
time discretization, use the backward time stepping scheme The accuracy of the result depends on the mesh density. Of
[1]: course, this is given by the user and depending on the goal we
want to achieve, the mesh density is adjusted. Thus, after
 dx 
t + Δt

{ x } − { x}
t + Δt t

. (8)
creating the mesh of final elements, the solutions are obtained.
The next step after drawing the mesh of finite elements is
 
 dt  Δt the decisive part in which the value of the magnetic vector
potential is calculated at each point of the considered model
For the non-linearity allowed in 3D transient applications, according to the following expression given below [4-5]:
the classic Newton-Raphson algorithm is used. The transient
solver in Maxwell supports coil terminals and winding А = { Аx , Аy , Аz } . (9)
definitions. Therefore, the number of coil turns can be
specified in the model, which is necessary for calculating Determining the distribution of the magnetic field gives
global quantities with high engineering value such as flux values for the magnetic vector potential that move within the
linkage and coil back emf [1]. corresponding limits. When the magnetic vector potential is

determined, the densities of the equivalent potential magnetic stator slots and in the air gap, because here is the smallest area
force lines are defined, which connect points with equal through which the magnetic force lines close.
potential. The results obtained from the specific solutions can An analysis of the torque can also be performed. For that
be displayed in tabular or graphic format. purpose, i.e. to determine this characteristic it is necessary to
The distribution of the magnetic induction vector in all set the time of analysis of the transient mode. In the
parts of the motor is related to the value of the magnetic example,it is analyzed up to a time of 75 ms, because it is
vector potential with the following equation [4-5]: approximately the time required to clearly see the stabilization
of the generator. This is shown in Fig. 4, where it is clear that
B = rotA . (10) at the beginning the currents are several times higher, and
after 50 ms, the stabilization process starts and the current in
All of this is shown in Fig. 3, from which it can be seen to
the stator of the generator gets its nominal value.
what extent the magnetic induction moves in the
Fig. 5 shows a graphic of the torque from the start of the
asynchronous induction machine with a wound rotor that is
asynchronous machine up to 75 ms. The picture shows that the
subject to analysis. The analyzed part refers to when the
moment has a negative value, which explains that the
machine is powered by a wind turbine. The generator speed is
asynchronous induction machine is operating in generator
1659.95 rpm, the time is 0 seconds, and the position of the
rotor in relation to the old position is 7.5 degrees.
From the characteristic of Fig. 5 it can be noticed that the
If we analyze it well, from Fig. 3 it can be concluded that
value of the torque is the largest around the 6th ms from the
magnetic induction has the highest values in the rotor and
start of the generator, and that value is a critical moment.
Because then the critical slip has the greatest value and is
proportional to the active resistance of the rotor winding, and
completely depends on impedance of rotor winding. From the
characteristic of Fig. 5 it can be seen that in a time of 50 ms
the so-called stationary mode begin, at that moment the torque
generated by the induction machine is balanced with the static
resistance moment of the drive machine.
Fig. 4 shows that when starting the generator, the initial
values of the currents are significantly higher and behave
unstable until the torque is equal to the static moment of the
drive machine in the case of the wind turbine. Due to the
small value of the rated power of the machine that is 550 W,
the initial values of the currents do not have large values the
ratio is around 2.5In. The rated current of the asynchronous
generator with a wound rotor is 0.85 A. Fig. 6 shows the
distribution of the flux at an arbitrarily selected point in the air
gap, for a different position of the rotor circuit in relation to
the stationary magnetic axis of the stator. The torque in the
asynchronous machine is created because of the rotating
Fig. 3. Distribution of magnetic induction in 3D domain of magnetic field with flux Φ and the current in the winding of
asynchronous machine in generator mode driven by wind turbine the rotor I2 . If the machine is connected to a constant voltage

Fig. 4. Values of the currents in the stator in the considered period

Fig. 5. Characteristic of the rotating torque in function of time

Fig. 6. Distribution of the flux in the air gap at an arbitrarily selected point in function of time

network, the flux can be considered constant, and this can be motor with wound rotor and analyze its performance
confirmed from the diagram in Fig. 6 because it is clear that through them. In addition, the data can be used to calculate
the flux is moving in a very narrow range. From Fig. 7 it can and plot the electromechanical characteristics of the motor,
be concluded that the torque depends proportionally to the or to optimize the analysis of the motor to find more
value of the speed. effective and improved motors.

[1] ANSYS/ANSOFT Maxwell 2D, 3D User’s Guide V.14
[2] B. Arapinoski, M. P. Radevska, V. Ceselkoska, and M. Cundev,
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[4] B. Arapinoski, M. P. Radevska, M. Atanasovski, and M.
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