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ASSET Practice Questions

Class:V Subject: Science Code:04S28072018

Q.1 Seeds have special features that help them to be spread far and wide (This is called seed dispersal)
Seeds are dispersed through wind, water, animals, birds or self-explosion. Here is a drawing of a

The features of the seed shown above make it most suited for dispersal through ____________.
A. wind B. water
C. birds D. animals

Q.2 Manish and Revati are making lemon juice for themselves. Manish wants cold juice, so he adds
sugar to cold water. Revati adds the same amount of sugar, but the water is at room
temperature. In which case will the sugar dissolve faster and why?
A. Revati's, because as the temperature of water increases, sugar dissolves faster.
B. Manish's, because as the temperature of water decreases, sugar dissolves faster
C. In both cases the time to dissolve will be the same - the temperature of water makes no
difference to this.
D. It depends on the exact temperature of the water in the two glasses.

Q.3 Here is the picture of a camel. Rashid studies it and writes these points in his notebook. Which of

A. A camel has a short tail. B. A camel has long and well-padded legs.
C. A camel eats leaves of the neem tree. D. A camel has a hump on its back.

Q.4 Lions eat deer. It was observed in a forest that the lion population decreased due to certain
reasons. If there were no other changes in the forest, what is likely to be the effect on the deer
A. The deer population will be unaffected.
B. The deer population will increase.
C. The deer population will decrease.
D. The deer population is not related to the lion population - it may increase or decrease.
ASSET Practice Questions
Class:V Subject: Science Code:04S28072018

Q.5 Adaptation means adjusting to the conditions in the surroundings. This leads to different
habits, behaviour and body features in animals.Which of the following is an example of
A. lions eating deer B. human beings wearing spectacles
C. squirrels being fond of nuts D. thick fur coats on the bodies of polar bears

Q.6 Plants absorb sunlight to make their food. What is the energy conversion that takes place here?
A. Heat energy changes to solar energy. B. Solar energy changes to heat energy.
C. Solar energy changes to chemical energy. D. Heat energy changes to chemical energy.

Q.7 In the picture shown below, in which of the places (A, B, C or D) is it night?

A. A B. B
B. C D.D

Q.8 Some wastes like bottles, cans, paper are sent for recycling. After recycling, these waste products
are used to make new products.
Which of the following could be the most important reason for recycling garbage?
A. Recycling reduces the amount of waste getting buried in the mud.
B. Recycling reduces the foul smell formed in the waste.
C. Recycling creates jobs for the people recycling waste.
D. Recycling results in the production of bio-gas.

Q.9 Abu wanted to check something. He took a glass cup and put soil in it. He then planted 2 bean
seeds in it. He planted one seed deeper into the cup as shown below. He watered the pot regularly.

What was he trying to check?

A. whether the two seeds will require the same amount of air
B. whether the two seeds will require different amounts of water
C. whether seeds planted in the same pot can grow without sunlight
D. whether seeds planted at different heights sprout at the same time
Answer: D

Q.10 Fatima took a large vessel of water and carefully placed a bowl with 6 marbles on the surface of
the water. The figure below shows how the bowl floated.
ASSET Practice Questions
Class:V Subject: Science Code:04S28072018

Then, Fatima took 3 marbles out of the bowl. What will happen to the bowl?
A. It will float a little lower than before.
B. It will float a little higher than before.
C. It will float at the same level as before.
D. It will sink to the bottom of the vessel.
Answer: B

Q.11 Shown here is a musician playing a tabla which is a percussion instrument. Such instruments
produce sound on being hit or shaken.

In which of the following cases is the musician producing musical sound in a SIMILAR manner?

A. only violin
B. both cymbals and violin
C. both cymbals and xylophone
D. all of them
Answer: C

Q.12 During a space rocket launch, the rocket lifts off and flies into the sky. At this time, parts of it, like
the empty tanks and used engines, fall back to the Earth. Sometimes things go wrong and the
entire rocket may fall to the Earth.
Based on this, which is the most suitable location of a rocket launch pad?
A. near the ocean
B. on a hill station
C. in the middle of a city
D. near a large farmland
Answer: A
ASSET Practice Questions
Class:V Subject: Science Code:04S28072018

Q.13 Shown here is a plant.

Which of these can be said by looking at the image alone?

A. The plant needs a lot of water to grow.
B. The plant can grow only when kept in a pot.
C. The plant must be more than 5 months old.
D. The plant may need a support to grow upwards.
Answer: D

Q.14 If food is chewed properly in the mouth before being swallowed, the acidic digestive juices in
the stomach can spread more easily on the food. What may happen if the food is swallowed
without being chewed properly?
A. The food will remain in the stomach.
B. Churning of food will never stop in the stomach.
C. The inside of the stomach may become too dry.
D. Digestion may not occur properly in the stomach.
Answer: D

Q.15 Plants can be grown in some pots. Such pots have holes at the bottom part as shown in the figure.

How does this hole probably help potted plants?

A. light can reach the roots of the plant and help them grow
B. waste products from the roots can be taken out of the pot
C. the roots of the plants can get nutrients from the soil outside the pot
D. extra water can drain out so that the roots of the plants do not drown
Answer: D

Q.16 100 ml of water put into a freezer turns into ice at 0°C. If 200 ml of water is put into a freezer it will
turn into ice at
A. 0°C.
B. less than 0°C.
C. more than 0°C.
D. (depends on how good the freezer is)
Answer: A

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