Lesson Plan Class 9

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Lesson plan

Date: 12/12/2021
Class: IX ICSE
Section: IXA/B
Subject: Physics
Topic: Upthrust in fluids, Archimedes Principle and floatation
Duration: 40mins
Periods required: 10

General goals

S. No Description
1 To develop interest and curiosity among students about the topic using ICT
tools like PPT, YouTube videos and Models
2. To develop awareness and critical thinking among students related to the
topic content
3 To develop the power of reasoning in students
4 To impart fundamental knowledge, think and learn the scientifically the
terms, concepts using multimedia approach

Specific objectives

1. Knowledge 1. Students will be able to define Upthrust, Archimedes Principle,

Floatation, Density, Relative Density, Buoyancy

2. Understanding 1. Students will be able to know the working and the principle of
eureka can
2. Students will be able to explain how the Archimedes principle
was found

3. Application 1. An iron ship sinks in water while a ship floats.

2. A ship begins to submerge more as it sails from sea water
to river water.
3. A loaded ship is submerged while an unloaded ship floats
in water. Why?
4. Skill 1. Children will be able to know the definition of upthrust and
Teaching aids:
1. Power point presentation
2. Youtube videos on Archimedes principle and floatation
3. Application of archimedes principle
Schematic of lesson plan:
1. Motivation
2. Aim of the topic
3. Presentation of topic
4. Q and A session after completion of every subtopic
5. Recapitulation
6. Assessment and feedback
7. Home assessment
Introducing the lesson/motivation:
1. What do you understand by the term upthrust?
2. Why is a force needed to keep a block of wood inside water?
3. What will happen if you push a ball into water?
4. When you drop a feather and a stone, stone comes to ground first. Why?
Aim of the lesson:
Students will be able understand that Archimedes principle is very useful in daily life like
in submarines etc.

Content Specific Outcomes Teaching Inter Evaluation

Objectives methods/website disciplinary
Upthrust 1.Buoyancy 1. Children will be able 1.Youtube Mathematics 1.Worksheets
and and upthrust to understand the force 2. Quiznext 2.Oral
Archimedes 2. on a body in water in 3. PPT Questioning
Principle Characteristic the upward and
properties of downward direction
3. Reason of
Density and 1.Density 1. Children will be able 1.Youtube Mathematics, Worksheets,
Relative 2. Relative to list the relative 2. Quiznext Chemistry Oral
Density Density densities of any 3. PPT Questions,
3. Unit of substance Tests
relative 2. Children will be able
density to calculate the relative
4. Relation density of a substance
between using the given
density and formulae
Floatation 1.Principle of 1. Weight of the body 1. Youtube Videos Mathematics Woerksheets,
Floatation acting in downward 2. Quiznext Oral
2. direction 3. PPT’s Questions
Relationship 2. Upthrust acting in
between the upward direction
density of 3. Weight of the
the body and body=Volume*Density*
the liquid Gravitation
3. 4. Icebergs float on
Application water with 90% inside
of floatation water and 10% outside

1. PPT Presentation on the topic
2. Archimedes' Principle: Definition, Formula & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |


1. Define Upthrust and state its S.I unit.

2. Will a body weigh more in water or in air? Give a reason for your reason.
3. How does the density of material of a body determine whether it will float or
4. Express relationship between S.I unit and C.G.S unit of Density
5. A body weighs 20 gf in air and 18.0 gf in water. Calculate relative density of the
body material of body.
6. Why is floating ice less submerged in brine than in water
7. Explain why an iron nail floats on mercury but sinks in water
8. What is the center of buoyancy? State its position for a floating body with
respect to the centre of gravity of body.

Worksheet will be given to the students at the end of each topic
Reference books:
1. Selina publications
2. Goyal publications
3. Inspired Physics
1. ICSE 9 Physics | Upthrust in Fluids, Archimedes Principle and Floatation | Upthrust and
Archimedes Principle – Study Material (quiznext.in)
2. Youtube

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