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Computer Science

Chapman & Hall/CRC Chapman & Hall/CRC

Fundamentals of Multicore
Computational Science Series Computational Science Series

Software Development
With multicore processors now in every computer, server, and embedded
device, the need for cost-effective, reliable parallel software has never been
greater. By explaining key aspects of multicore programming, Fundamentals of
Multicore Software Development helps software engineers understand parallel
programming and master the multicore challenge.

Accessible to newcomers to the field, the book captures the state of the art
of multicore programming in computer science. It covers the fundamentals
of multicore hardware, parallel design patterns, and parallel programming in
C++, .NET, and Java. It also discusses manycore computing on graphics cards
and heterogeneous multicore platforms, automatic parallelization, automatic
performance tuning, transactional memory, and emerging applications.

• Presents the basics of multicore hardware and parallel programming
• Explains how design patterns can be applied to parallel programming
• Describes parallelism in C++, .NET, and Java as well as the OpenMP API
• Discusses scalable manycore computing with CUDA and programming
approaches for the Cell processor
• Covers emerging technologies, including techniques for automatic extraction
of parallelism from sequential code, automatic performance tuning for
parallel applications, and a transactional memory programming model
• Explores future directions of multicore processors

As computing power increasingly comes from parallelism, software developers
must embrace parallel programming. Written by leaders in the field, this book
provides an overview of the existing and up-and-coming programming choices
for multicores. It addresses issues in systems architecture, operating systems,
languages, and compilers.


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Fundamentals of
Multicore Software
Chapman & Hall/CRC
Computational Science Series

Horst Simon
Deputy Director
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California, U.S.A.


This series aims to capture new developments and applications in the field of computational science through the
publication of a broad range of textbooks, reference works, and handbooks. Books in this series will provide introduc-
tory as well as advanced material on mathematical, statistical, and computational methods and techniques, and will
present researchers with the latest theories and experimentation. The scope of the series includes, but is not limited
to, titles in the areas of scientific computing, parallel and distributed computing, high performance computing, grid
computing, cluster computing, heterogeneous computing, quantum computing, and their applications in scientific
disciplines such as astrophysics, aeronautics, biology, chemistry, climate modeling, combustion, cosmology, earth-
quake prediction, imaging, materials, neuroscience, oil exploration, and weather forecasting.

Edited by David A. Bader
Edited by Michael Alexander and William Gardner
Barry Wilkinson
Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Yves Robert and Frédéric Vivien
Edited by Arie Shoshani and Doron Rotem
Michael A. Gray
AND ENGINEERS, Georg Hager and Gerhard Wellein
Robert Lucas, and Samuel Williams
John Levesque with Gene Wagenbreth
Yu-Kwong Ricky Kwok
Victor Pankratius, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, and Walter Tichy
Fundamentals of
Multicore Software

Edited by
Victor Pankratius
Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai
Walter Tichy
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742

© 2012 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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Foreword vii

Editors ix

Contributors xi

1 Introduction 1
Victor Pankratius, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, and Walter F. Tichy

Part I Basics of Parallel Programming 7

2 Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 9
Barry Wilkinson

3 Parallel Design Patterns 31

Tim Mattson

Part II Programming Languages for Multicore 53

4 Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 55
Hans Boehm

5 Parallelism in .NET and Java 79

Judith Bishop

6 OpenMP 101
Barbara Chapman and James LaGrone

Part III Programming Heterogeneous Processors 129

7 Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 131

Michael Garland, Vinod Grover, and Kevin Skadron

8 Programming the Cell Processor 155

Christoph W. Kessler

vi Contents

Part IV Emerging Technologies 199

9 Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 201
David I. August, Jialu Huang, Thomas B. Jablin, Hanjun Kim,
Thomas R. Mason, Prakash Prabhu, Arun Raman, and Yun Zhang

10 Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 239

Christoph A. Schaefer, Victor Pankratius, and Walter F. Tichy

11 Transactional Memory 265

Tim Harris

12 Emerging Applications 291

Pradeep Dubey

Index 309

Parallel computing is almost as old as computing itself, but until quite recently it
had been interesting only to a small cadre of aficionados. Today, the evolution of
technology has elevated it to central importance. Many “true believers” including
me were certain it was going to be vital to the mainstream of computing eventually. I
thought its advent was imminent in 1980. What stalled its arrival was truly spectacular
improvements in processor performance, due partly to ever-faster clocks and partly to
instruction-level parallelism. This combination of ideas was abetted by increasingly
abundant and inexpensive transistors and was responsible for postponing the need to
do anything about the von Neumann bottleneck—the requirement that the operations
in a program must appear to execute in linear order—until now.
What some of us discovered about parallel computing during the backwater period
of the 1980s formed a foundation for our current understanding. We knew that
operations that are independent of each other can be performed in parallel, and so
dependence became a key target for compiler analysis. Variables, formerly a benign
concept thanks to the von Neumann bottleneck, became a major concern for some of
us because of the additional constraints needed to make variables work. Heterodox
programming models such as synchronous languages and functional programming
were proposed to mitigate antidependences and data races. There was a proliferation
of parallel languages and compiler technologies aimed at the known world of appli-
cations, and very few computational problems escaped the interest and zeal of those
of us who wanted to try to run everything in parallel.
Soon thereafter, though, the worlds of parallel servers and high-performance com-
puting emerged, with architectures derived from interconnected workstation or per-
sonal computer processors. The old idea of totally rethinking the programming model
for parallel systems took a backseat to pragmatism, and existing languages like For-
tran and C were augmented for parallelism and pressed into service. Parallel program-
ming got the reputation of being difficult, even becoming a point of pride for those
who did it for a living. Nevertheless, this body of practice became parallel comput-
ing in its current form and dominated most people’s thinking about the subject until
With the general realization that the von Neumann bottleneck has arrived at last,
interest in parallelism has exploded. New insights are emerging as the whole field of
computing engages with the challenges. For example, we have an emerging under-
standing of many common patterns in parallel algorithms and can talk about parallel
programming from a new point of view. We understand that a transaction, i.e., an
isolated atomic update of the set of variables that comprise the domain of an invari-
ant, is the key abstraction needed to maintain the commutativity of variable updates.

viii Foreword

Language innovations in C++, Microsoft .NET, and Java have been introduced to
support task-oriented as well as thread-oriented programming. Heterogeneous paral-
lel architectures with both GPUs and CPUs can deliver extremely high performance
for parallel programs that are able to exploit them.
Now that most of the field is engaged, progress has been exciting. But there is much
left to do. This book paints a great picture of where we are, and gives more than an
inkling of where we may go next. As we gain broader, more general experience with
parallel computing based on the foundation presented here, we can be sure that we
are helping to rewrite the next chapter—probably the most significant one—in the
amazing history of computing.

Burton J. Smith
Seattle, Washington

Dr. Victor Pankratius heads the Multicore Software

Engineering investigator group at the Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany. He also serves as
the elected chairman of the Software Engineering for
Parallel Systems (SEPARS) international working group.
Dr. Pankratius’ current research concentrates on how to
make parallel programming easier and covers a range of
research topics, including auto-tuning, language design,
debugging, and empirical studies. He can be contacted at

Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai is the director of the Program-

ming Systems Laboratory and a senior principal engineer
at Intel Labs. Ali leads a group of researchers develop-
ing new programming technologies and their hardware
support for future Intel architectures. His group currently
develops new language features for heterogeneous paral-
lelism, compiler and runtime support for parallelism, par-
allel programming tools, binary translation, and hardware
support for all these. Ali holds 37 patents and has pub-
lished over 40 papers in leading conferences and journals.
He received his PhD in computer science from Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and his BSc in computer science and
engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, California.

Walter F. Tichy received his PhD at Carnegie-Mellon

University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in1980, with one of
the first dissertations on software architecture. His 1979
paper on the subject received the SIGSOFT Most Influen-
tial Paper Award in 1992. In 1980, he joined Purdue Uni-
versity, where he developed the revision control system
(RCS), a version management system that is the basis of
CVSand has been in worldwide use since the early 1980s.
After a year at an AI-startup in Pittsburgh, he returned to
his native Germany in 1986, where he was appointed chair
of programming systems at the University Karlsruhe (now
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

x Editors

He is also a director of FZI, a technology transfer institute.

Professor Tichy’s research interests include software engineering and parallel
computing. He has pioneered a number of new software tools, such as smart recompi-
lation, analysis of software project repositories, graph editors with automatic layout,
automatic configuration inference, and language-aware differencing and merging.
He has courted controversy by insisting that software researchers need to test their
claims with empirical studies rather than rely on intuition or argumentation. He has
conducted controlled experiments testing the influence of type-checking, inheritance
depth, design patterns, testing methods, and agile methods on programmer produc-
Professor Tichy has worked with a number of parallel machines, beginning with
C.mmp in the 1970s. In the 1990s, he and his students developed Parastation,
a communication and management software for computer clusters that made it to
the Top500 list of the world’s fastest computers several times (rank 10 as of June
2009). Now that multicore chips make parallel computing available to everyone, he is
researching tools and methods to simplify the engineering of general-purpose, par-
allel software. Race detection, auto-tuning, and high-level languages for expressing
parallelism are some of his current research efforts.

Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai Jialu Huang

Intel Corporation Princeton University
Santa Clara, California Princeton, New Jersey

David I. August Thomas B. Jablin

Princeton University Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey Princeton, New Jersey

Judith Bishop Christoph W. Kessler

Microsoft Research Linköping University
Redmond, Washington Linköping, Sweden

Hans Boehm Hanjun Kim

HP Labs Princeton University
Palo Alto, California Princeton, New Jersey

Barbara Chapman James LaGrone

University of Houston University of Houston
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Pradeep Dubey Thomas R. Mason

Intel Labs Princeton University
Santa Clara, California Princeton, New Jersey

Michael Garland Tim Mattson

NVIDIA Corporation Intel Corporation
Santa Clara, California DuPont, Washington

Vinod Grover Victor Pankratius

NVIDIA Corporation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Santa Clara, California Karlsruhe, Germany

Tim Harris Prakash Prabhu

Microsoft Research Princeton University
Cambridge, United Kingdom Princeton, New Jersey

xii Contributors

Arun Raman Walter F. Tichy

Princeton University Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Princeton, New Jersey Karlsruhe, Germany

Christoph A. Schaefer Barry Wilkinson

Agilent Technologies University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Waldbronn, Germany Charlotte, North Carolina

Kevin Skadron Yun Zhang

University of Virginia Princeton University
Charlottesville, Virginia Princeton, New Jersey
Chapter 1

Victor Pankratius, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, and Walter F. Tichy


1.1 Where We Are Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 How This Book Helps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Audience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4.1 Part I: Basics of Parallel Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4.2 Part II: Programming Languages for Multicore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4.3 Part III: Programming Heterogeneous Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4.4 Part IV: Emerging Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.1 Where We Are Today

Multicore chips are about to dramatically change software development. They are
already everywhere; in fact, it is difficult to find PCs with a single, main processor.
As of this writing, laptops come equipped with two to eight cores. Even smartphones
and tablets contain multicore chips. Intel produces chips with 48 cores, Tilera with
100, and Nvidia’s graphical processor chips provide several hundred execution units.
For major chip manufacturers, multicore has already passed single core in terms of
volume shipment. The question for software developers is what to do with this embar-
rassment of riches.
Ignoring multicore is not an option. One of the reasons is that single processor
performance is going to increase only marginally in the future; it might even decrease
for lowering energy consumption. Thus, the habit of waiting for the next processor
generation to increase application performance no longer works. Future increases
of computing power will come from parallelism, and software developers need to
embrace parallel programming rather than resist it.
Why did this happen? The current sea change from sequential to parallel process-
ing is driven by the confluence of three events. The first event is the end of exponen-
tial growth in single processor performance. This event is caused by our inability to
increase clock frequencies without increasing power dissipation. In the past, higher
clock speeds could be compensated by lower supply voltages. Since this is no longer

2 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

possible, increasing clock speeds would exceed the few hundred watts per chip that
can practically be dissipated in mass-market computers as well as the power available
in battery-operated mobile devices.
The second event is that parallelism internal to the architecture of a processor
has reached a point of diminishing returns. Deeper pipelines, instruction-level par-
allelism, and speculative execution appear to offer no opportunity to significantly
improve performance.
The third event is really a continuing trend: Moore’s law projecting an exponen-
tial growth in the number of transistors per chip continues to hold. The 2009
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (
2009ITRS/Home2009.htm) expects this growth to continue for another 10 years;
beyond that, fundamental limits of CMOS scaling may slow growth.
The net result is that hardware designers are using the additional transistors to
provide additional cores, while keeping clock rates constant. Some of the extra pro-
cessors may even be specialized, for example, for encryption, video processing, or
graphics. Specialized processors are advantageous in that they provide more per-
formance per watt than general-purpose CPUs. Not only will programmers have
to deal with parallelism, but also with heterogeneous instruction sets on a single

1.2 How This Book Helps

This book provides an overview of the current programming choices for multi-
cores, written by the leading experts in the field. Since programmers are the ones that
will put the power of multicores to work, it is important to understand the various
options and choose the best one for the software at hand.
What are the current choices? All mainstream programming languages (C++,
Java, .NET, OpenMP) provide threads and synchronization primitives; these are all
covered in this book. Parallel programming patterns such as pipelines and thread
pools are built upon these primitives; the book discusses Intel’s Threading Building
Blocks, Microsoft’s Task Parallel Library, and Microsoft’s PLINQ, a parallel query
Graphics processing units (GPUs) require specialized languages; CUDA is the
example chosen here. Combined with a chapter on IBM’s Cell, the reader can get
an understanding of how heterogeneous multicores are programmed.
As to future choices, additional chapters introduce automatic extraction of paral-
lelism, auto-tuning, and transactional memory. The final chapter provides a survey of
future applications of multicores, such as recognition, mining, and synthesis.
Most of today’s multicore platforms are shared memory systems. A particular topic
is conspicuously absent: distributed computing with message passing. Future multi-
cores may well change from shared memory to distributed memory, in which case
additional programming techniques will be needed.
Introduction 3

1.3 Audience
This book targets students, researchers, and practitioners interested in parallel pro-
gramming, as well as instructors of courses in parallelism. The authors present the
basics of the various parallel programming models in use today, plus an overview of
emerging technologies. The emphasis is on software; hardware is only covered to the
extent that software developers need to know.

1.4 Organization
• Part I: Basics of Parallel Programming (Chapters 2 and 3)
• Part II: Programming Languages for Multicore (Chapters 4 through 6)
• Part III: Programming Heterogeneous Processors (Chapters 7 and 8)
• Part IV: Emerging Technologies (Chapters 9 through 12)

1.4.1 Part I: Basics of Parallel Programming

In Chapter 2, Barry Wilkinson presents the fundamentals of multicore hardware
and parallel programming that every software developer should know. It also talks
about fundamental limitations of sequential computing and presents common clas-
sifications of parallel computing platforms and processor architectures. Wilkinson
introduces basic notions of processes and threads that are relevant for the understand-
ing of higher-level parallel programming in the following chapters. The chapter also
explains available forms of parallelism, such as task parallelism, data parallelism, and
pipeline parallelism. Wilkinson concludes with a summary of key insights.
In Chapter 3, Tim Mattson presents how the concept of design patterns can be
applied to parallel programming. Design patterns provide common solutions to recur-
ring problems and have been used successfully in mainstream object-oriented pro-
gramming. Applying patterns to parallel programming helps programmers cope with
the complexity by reusing strategies that were successful in the past. Mattson intro-
duces a set of design patterns for parallel programming, which he categorizes into
software structure patterns and algorithm strategy patterns. The end of the chapter
surveys with work in progress in the pattern community.

1.4.2 Part II: Programming Languages for Multicore

In Chapter 4, Hans Boehm shows how C++, one of the most widely used pro-
gramming languages, supports parallelism. He describes how C++ started off with
platform-dependent threading libraries with ill-defined semantics. He discusses the
new C++0x standard that carefully specifies the semantics of parallelism in C++
and the rationale for adding threads directly to the language specification. With these
4 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

extensions, parallel programming in C++ becomes less error prone, and C++ imple-
mentations become more robust. Boehm’s chapter concludes with a comparison of
the current standard to earlier standards.
In Chapter 5, Judy Bishop describes parallelism in .NET and Java. The chapter
starts with a presentation of .NET. Bishop outlines particular features of the Task
Parallel Library (TPL) and the Parallel Language Integrated Queries (PLINQ), a lan-
guage that allows declarative queries into datasets that execute in parallel. She also
presents examples on how to use parallel loops and futures. Then she discusses paral-
lel programming in Java and constructs of the java.util.concurrent library, including
thread pools, task scheduling, and concurrent collections. In an outlook, she sketches
proposals for Java on fork-join parallelism and parallel array processing.
In Chapter 6, Barbara Chapman and James LaGrone overview OpenMP. The chap-
ter starts with describing the basic concepts of how OpenMP directives parallelize
programs in C, C++, and Fortran. Numerous code examples illustrate loop-level
parallelism and task-level parallelism. The authors also explain the principles of how
an OpenMP compiler works. The chapter ends with possible future extensions of

1.4.3 Part III: Programming Heterogeneous Processors

In Chapter 7, Michael Garland, Vinod Grover, and Kevin Skandron discuss scalable
manycore computing with CUDA. They show how throughput-oriented computing
can be implemented with GPUs that are installed in most systems along multicore
CPUs. The chapter presents the basics of the GPU machine model and how to pro-
gram GPUs in the CUDA language extensions for C/C++. In particular, the reader
is introduced to parallel compute kernel design, synchronization, task coordination,
and memory management handling. The chapter also shows detailed programming
examples and gives advice for performance optimization.
In Chapter 8, Christoph Kessler discusses programming approaches for the Cell
processor, which is a heterogeneous processor built into Sony’s PlayStation 3.
Kessler first outlines the hardware architecture of the Cell processor. Programming
approaches for the Cell are introduced based on IBM’s software development kit. In
particular, Kessler discusses constructs for thread coordination, DMA communica-
tion, and SIMD parallelization. The chapter also provides an overview of compilers,
libraries, tools, as well as relevant algorithms for scientific computing, sorting, image
processing, and signal processing. The chapter concludes with a comparison of the
Cell processor and GPUs.

1.4.4 Part IV: Emerging Technologies

In Chapter 9, David I. August, Jialu Huang, Thomas B. Jablin, Hanjun Kim, Thomas
R. Mason, Prakash Prabhu, Arun Raman, and Yun Zhang introduce techniques for
automatic extraction of parallelism from sequential code. The chapter thoroughly
describes dependence analysis as a central building block for automatic parallelization.
Numerous examples are used to explain compiler auto-parallelization techniques,
Introduction 5

such as automatic loop parallelization, speculation, and pipelining techniques. The

chapter concludes by discussing the role of auto-parallelization techniques and future
In Chapter 10, Christoph Schaefer, Victor Pankratius, and Walter F. Tichy intro-
duce the basics of automatic performance tuning for parallel applications. The chapter
presents a classification of auto-tuning concepts and explains how to design
tunable parallel applications. Various techniques are illustrated on how programmers
can specify tuning-relevant information for an auto-tuner. The principles of several
well-known auto-tuners are compared. An outlook on promising extensions for auto-
tuners ends this chapter.
In Chapter 11, Tim Harris presents the basics of the transactional memory program-
ming model, which uses transactions instead of locks. The chapter shows how trans-
actional memory is used in parallel programs and how to implement it in hardware and
software. Harris introduces a taxonomy that highlights the differences among exist-
ing transactional memory implementations. He also discusses performance issues and
In Chapter 12, Pradeep Dubey elaborates on emerging applications that will benefit
from multicore systems. He provides a long-term perspective on the most promising
directions in the areas of recognition, mining, and synthesis, showing how such appli-
cations will be able to take advantage of multicore processors. He also outlines new
opportunities for enhanced interactivity in applications and algorithmic opportunities
in data-centric applications. Dubey details the implications for multicore software
development based on a scalability analysis for various types of applications. The
chapter concludes by highlighting the unprecedented opportunities that come with
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Part I

Basics of Parallel Programming

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Chapter 2
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and
Parallel Programming

Barry Wilkinson


2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Potential for Increased Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Types of Parallel Computing Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Processor Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Multicore Processor Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.2 Symmetric Multicore Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.3 Asymmetric Multicore Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.6 Programming Multicore Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6.1 Processes and Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6.2 Thread APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6.3 OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.7 Parallel Programming Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.7.1 Task and Data Parallelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Embarrassingly Parallel Computations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Pipelining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Synchronous Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Workpool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will describe the background to multicore processors, describe
their architectures, and lay the groundwork for the remaining of the book on program-
ming these processors. Multicore processors integrate multiple processor cores on the
same integrated circuit chip (die), which are then used collectively to achieve higher
overall performance. Constructing a system with multiple processors and using them
collectively is a rather obvious idea for performance improvement. In fact, it became
evident in the early days of computer design as a potential way of increasing the
speed of computer systems. A computer system constructed with multiple processors

10 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

that are intended to operate together is called a parallel computer historically, and
programming the processors to operate together is called parallel programming. Par-
allel computers and parallel programming have a long history. The term parallel
programming is used by Gill in 1958 (Gill 1958), and his definition of parallel pro-
gramming is essentially the same as today.
In this chapter, we will first explore the previous work and will start by establishing
the limits for performance improvement of processors operating in parallel to satisfy
ourselves that there is potential for performance improvement. Then, we will look at
the different ways that a system might be constructed with multiple processors. We
continue with an outline of the improvements that have occurred in the design of the
processors themselves, which have led to enormous increase in the speed of individual
processors. These improvements have been so dramatic that the added complexities
of parallel computers have limited their use mostly to very high-performance com-
puting in the past. Of course, with improvements in the individual processor, so paral-
lel computers constructed with them also improve proportionately. But programming
the multiple processors for collective operation is a challenge, and most demands out-
side scientific computing have been satisfied with single processor computers, relying
on the ever-increasing performance of processors. Unfortunately, further improve-
ments in single processor designs hit major obstacles in the early 2000s, which we
will outline. These obstacles led to the multicore approach. We describe architectural
designs for a multicore processor and conclude with an outline of the methods for pro-
gramming multicore systems as an introduction to subsequent chapters on multicore

2.2 Potential for Increased Speed

Since the objective is to use multiple processors collectively for higher perfor-
mance, before we can explore the different architectures structures one might device,
let us first establish the potential for increased speed. The central question is how
much faster does the multiprocessor system perform over a single processor system.
This can be encapsulated in the speedup factor, S( p), which is defined as
Execution time using a single processor (with the best sequential algorithm)
S( p) =
Execution time using a multiprocessor system with p processors
= (2.1)
ts is the execution time on a single processor
tp is the execution time on system with p processors

Typically, the speedup factor is used to evaluate the performance of a parallel

algorithm on a parallel computer. In the comparison, we should use the best-known
sequential algorithm using a single processor because the parallel algorithm is likely
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 11

not to perform as well on a single processor. The execution times could be empir-
ical, that is, measured on real computers. It might be measured by using the Linux
time command. Sometimes, one might instrument the code with routines that return
wall-clock time, one at the beginning of a section of code to record the start time, and
one at the end to record the end time. The elapsed time is the difference. However,
this method can be inaccurate as the system usually has other processes executing
concurrently in a time-shared fashion. The speedup factor might also be computed
theoretically from the number of operations that the algorithms perform. The classi-
cal way of evaluating sequential algorithms is by using the time complexity notation,
but it is less effective for a parallel algorithm because of uncertainties such as com-
munication times between cooperating parallel processes.
A speedup factor of p with p processors is called linear speedup. Conventional
wisdom is that the speedup factor should not be greater than p because if a problem
is divided into p parts each executed on one processor of a p-processor system and
tp < ts /p, then the same parts could be executed one after the other on a single pro-
cessor system in time less than ts . However, there are situations where the speedup
factor is greater than p (superlinear speedup). The most notable cases are

• When the processors in the multiprocessor system have more memory (cache or
main memory) than the single processor system, which provides for increased

• When the multiprocessor has some special feature not present in the single
processor system, such as special instructions or hardware accelerators.

• When the algorithm is nondeterministic and happens to provide the solution in

one of the parallel parts very quickly, whereas the sequential solution needs to
go through many parts to get to the one that has the solution.

The first two cases are not fair hardware comparisons, whereas the last certainly can
happen but only with specific problems.
In 1967, Amdahl explored what the maximum speed up would be when a sequen-
tial computation is divided into parts and these parts are executed on different pro-
cessors. This not comparing the best sequential algorithm with a particular parallel
algorithm—it is comparing a particular computation mapped onto a single computer
and mapped onto a system having multiple processors. Amdahl also assumed that a
computation has sections that cannot be divided into parallel parts and these must be
performed sequentially on a single processor, and other sections that can be divided
equally among the available processors. The sections that cannot be divided into par-
allel parts would typically be an initialization section of the code and a final section
of the code, but there may be several indivisible parts. For the purpose of the analysis,
they are lumped together into one section that must be executed sequentially and one
section that can be divided into p equal parts and executed in parallel. Let f be the
fraction of the whole computation that must be executed sequentially, that is, cannot
be divided into parallel parts. Hence, the fraction that can be divided into parts is 1−f .
If the whole computation executed on a single computer in time ts , fts is indivisible
12 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
fts (1 – fts)

Serial section Parallelizable section

(1 – fts)/p
tp = fts + (1 – fts)/p

FIGURE 2.1: Amdahl’s law.

and (1 − f )ts is divisible. The ideal situation is when the divisible section is divided
equally among the available processors and then this section would be executed in
time (1 − f )ts /p given p processors. The total execution time using p processors is
then fts + (1 − f )ts /p as illustrated in Figure 2.1. The speedup factor is given by
ts 1 p
S( p) = = = (2.2)
fts + (1 − f )ts /p f + (1 − f )/p 1 + ( p − 1)f
This famous equation is known as Amdahl’s law (Amdahl 1967). The key observation
is that as p increases, S( p) tends to and is limited to 1/f as p tends to infinity. For
example, suppose the sequential part is 5% of the whole. The maximum speed up
is 20 irrespective of the number of processors. This is a very discouraging result.
Amdahl used this argument to support the design of ultrahigh speed single processor
systems in the 1960s.
Later, Gustafson (1988) described how the conclusion of Amdahl’s law might be
overcome by considering the effect of increasing the problem size. He argued that
when a problem is ported onto a multiprocessor system, larger problem sizes can be
considered, that is, the same problem but with a larger number of data values. The
starting point for Gustafson’s law is the computation on the multiprocessor rather than
on the single computer. In Gustafson’s analysis, the parallel execution time is kept
constant, which we assume to be some acceptable time for waiting for the solution.
The computation on the multiprocessor is composed of a fraction that is computed
sequentially, say f  , and a fraction that contains parallel parts, (1 − f  ).
This leads to Gustafson’s so-called scaled speedup fraction, S ( p), given by
f  tp + (1 − f  )ptp
S ( p) = = p + (1 − p)f  (2.3)
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 13

The fraction, f  , is the fraction of the computation on the multiprocessor that cannot
be parallelized. This is different to f previously, which is the fraction of the compu-
tation on a single computer that cannot be parallelized. The conclusion drawn from
Gustafson’s law is that it should be possible to get high speedup if we scale up the
problem size. For example, if f  is 5%, the scaled speedup computes to 19.05 with 20
processors, whereas with Amdahl’s law with f = 5%, the speedup computes to 10.26.
Gustafson quotes results obtained in practice of very high speedup close to linear on
a 1024-processor hypercube.
Others have explored speedup equations over the years, and it has reappeared with
the introduction of multicore processors. Hill and Marty (2008) explored Amdahl’s
law with different architectural arrangements for multicore processors. Woo and Lee
(2008) continued this work by considering Amdahl’s law and the architectural arrange-
ments in the light of energy efficiency, a key aspect of multicore processors. We will
look at the architectural arrangements for multicore processors later.

2.3 Types of Parallel Computing Platforms

If we accept that it should be worthwhile to use a computer with multiple proces-
sors, the next question is how should such a system be constructed. Many parallel
computing systems have been designed since the 1960s with various architectures.
One thing they have in common is they are stored-program computers. Processors
execute instructions from a memory and operate upon data. Flynn (1966) created a
classification based upon the number of parallel instruction streams and number of
data streams:
• Single instruction stream-single data stream (SISD) computer
• Multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream (MIMD) computer
• Single instruction stream-multiple data stream (SIMD) computer
• Multiple instruction stream-single data stream (MISD) computer
A sequential computer has a single instruction stream processing a single data stream
(SISD). A general-purpose multiprocessor system comes under the category of a mul-
tiple instruction stream-multiple data stream (MIMD) computer. Each processor has
its own instruction stream processing its own data stream. There are classes of prob-
lems that can be tackled with a more specialized multiprocessor structure able to per-
form the same operation on multiple data elements simultaneously. Problems include
low-level image processing in which all the picture elements (pixels) need to be
altered using the same calculation. Simulations of 2D and 3D structures can involve
processing all the elements in the solution space using the same calculation. A single
instruction stream-multiple data stream (SIMD) computer is designed specifically for
executing such applications efficiently. Instructions are provided to perform a speci-
fied operation on an array of data elements simultaneously. The operation might be to
14 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

add a constant to each data element, or multiply data elements. In a SIMD computer,
there are multiple processing elements but a single program. This type of design is
very efficient for the class of problems it addresses, and some very large SIMD com-
puters have been designed over the years, perhaps the first being the Illiac IV in 1972.
The SIMD approach was adopted by supercomputer manufacturers, most notably by
Cray computers. SIMD computers are sometimes referred to as vector computers as
the SIMD instructions operate upon vectors. SIMD computers still need SISD instruc-
tions to be able to construct a program.
SIMD instructions can also be incorporated into regular processors for those times
that appropriate problems are presented to it. For example, the Intel Pentium series,
starting with the Pentium II in 1996, has SIMD instructions, called MMX (Multi-
Media eXtension) instructions, for speeding up multimedia applications. This design
used the existing floating-point registers to pack multiple data items (eight bytes,
four 16-bit numbers, or two 32-bit numbers) that are then operated upon by the same
operation. With the introduction of the Pentium III in 1999, Intel added further SIMD
instructions, called SSE (Streaming SIMD extension), operating upon eight new 128-
bit registers. Intel continued adding SIMD instructions. SSE2 was first introduced
with the Pentium 4, and subsequently, SSE3, SSE4, and SSE5 appeared. In 2008, Intel
announced AVX (Advanced Vector extensions) operating upon registers extended to
256 bits. Whereas, large SIMD computers vanished in the 1990s because they could
not compete with general purpose multiprocessors (MIMD), SIMD instructions still
continue for certain applications. The approach can also be found in graphics cards.
General-purpose multiprocessor systems (MIMD computers) can be divided into
two types:

1. Shared memory multiprocessor

2. Distributed memory multicomputer

Shared memory multiprocessor systems are a direct extension of single processor sys-
tem. In a single processor system, the processor accesses a main memory for program
instructions and data. In a shared memory multiprocessor system, multiple processors
are arranged to have access to a single main memory. This is a very convenient con-
figuration from a programming prospective as then data generated by one processor
and stored in the main memory is immediately accessible by other processors. As in
a single processor system, cache memory is present to reduce the need to access main
memory continually, and commonly two or three levels of cache memory. However,
it can be difficult to scale shared memory systems for a large number of processors
because the connection to the common memory becomes a bottleneck. There are sev-
eral possible programming models for a shared memory system. Mostly, they revolve
around using threads, which are independent parallel code sequences within a pro-
cess. We shall look at the thread programming model in more detail later. Multicore
processors, at least with a small number of cores, usually employ shared memory
Distributed memory is an alternative to shared memory, especially for larger sys-
tems. In a distributed memory system, each processor has its own main memory and
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 15

the processor-memory pair operates as an individual computer. Then, the comput-

ers are interconnected. Distributed memory systems have spawned a large number
of interconnection networks, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. Notable networks in
that era include

• 2D and 3D Mesh networks with computing nodes connected to their nearest

neighbor in each direction.

• Hypercube network—a 3D (binary) hypercube is a cube of eight nodes, one

at each corner. Each node connects to one other node in each dimension. This
construction can be extended to higher dimensions. In an n-dimensional binary
hypercube, each node connects to n other nodes, one in each dimension.

• Crossbar switch network—nodes connect to all other nodes, each through a

single switch (N 2 switches with N nodes, including switches to themselves).

• Multiple bus network—an extension of a bus architecture in which more than

one bus is provided to connect components.

• Tree (switching) network—A network using a tree construction in which the

vertices are switches and the nodes are at the leaves of the tree. A path is made
through the tree to connect one node to another node.

• Multistage interconnection network—a series of levels of switches make a con-

nection from one node to another node. There are many types of these net-
works characterized by how the switches are interconnected between levels.
Originally, multistage interconnection networks were developed for telephone
exchanges. They have since been used in very large computer systems to inter-
connect processors/computers.

Beginning in the late 1980s, it became feasible to use networked computers as a

parallel computing platform. Some early projects used existing networked labora-
tory computers. In the 1990s, it became cost-effective to interconnect low-cost com-
modity computers (PCs) with commodity interconnects (Ethernet) to form a high-
performance computing cluster, and this approach continues today. The programming
model for such a distributed memory system is usually a message-passing model in
which messages pass information between the computers. Generally, the program-
mer inserts message-passing routines in their code. The most widely used suite of
message-passing libraries for clusters is MPI. With the advent of multicore computer
systems, a cluster of multicore computers can form very high-performance comput-
ing platform. Now the programming model for such a cluster may be a hybrid model
with threads on each multicore system and message passing between systems. For
example, one can use both OpenMP for creating threads and MPI for message pass-
ing easily in the same C/C++ program.
Distributed memory computers can also extend to computers that are not physically
close. Grid computing refers to a computing platform in which the computers are
geographically distributed and interconnected (usually through the Internet) to form a
16 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

collaborative resource. Grid computing tends to focus on collaborative computing and

resource sharing. For more information on Grid computing, see Wilkinson (2010).

2.4 Processor Design

From the early days of computing, there has been an obvious desire to create
the fastest possible processor. Amdahl’s law suggested that this would be a better
approach than using multiple processors. A central architectural design approach
widely adopted to achieve increased performance is by using pipelining. Pipelining
involves dividing the processing of an instruction into a series of sequential steps and
providing a separate unit within the processor for each step. Speedup comes about
when multiple instructions are executed in series. Normally, each unit operates for
the same time performing its actions for each instruction as they pass through and the
pipeline operates in lock-step synchronous fashion. Suppose there are s pipeline units
(stages) and n instructions to process in a series. It takes s steps to process the first
instruction. The second instruction completes in the next step, the third in the next
step and so on. Hence, n instructions are executed in s + n− 1 steps, and the speedup
compared to a non-pipeline processor is given by
s( p) = (2.4)
assuming the non-pipelined processor must complete all s steps of one instruction
before starting the next instruction and the steps take the same time. This is a very
approximate comparison as the non-pipelined processor probably can be designed
to complete the processing of one instruction in less time than s time steps of the
pipelined approach. The speedup will tend to s for large n or tend to n for large s.
This suggests that there should be a large number of uninterrupted sequential instruc-
tions or a long pipeline. Complex processors such as the Pentium IV can have long
pipelines, perhaps up to 22 stages, but long pipelines also incur other problems that
have to be addressed such as increased number of dependencies between instructions
in the pipeline. Uninterrupted sequences of instructions will depend upon the pro-
gram and is somewhat limited, but still pipelining is central for high-performance
processor design. Pipelining is a very cost-effective solution compared to duplicating
the whole processor.
The next development for increased single processor design is to make the pro-
cessor capable of issuing multiple instructions for execution at the same time using
multiple parallel execution units. The general term for such a design is a superscalar
processor. It relies upon instruction-level parallelism, that is, being able to find mul-
tiple instructions in the instruction stream that can be executed simultaneously. As
one can imagine, the processor design is highly complex, and the performance gains
will depend upon how many instructions can actually be executed at the same time.
There are other architectural improvements, including register renaming to provide
dynamically allocated registers from a pool of registers.
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 17

Apart from designs that process a single instruction sequence, increased perfor-
mance can be achieved by processing instructions from different program sequences
switching from one sequence to another. Each sequence is a thread, and the technique
is known as multithreading. The switching between threads might occur after each
instruction (fine-grain multithreading) or when a thread is blocked (coarse-grain mul-
tithreading). Fine-grain multithreading suggests that each thread sequence will need
its own register file. Interleaving instructions increases the distance of related instruc-
tions in pipelines and reduces the effects of instruction dependencies. With advent of
multiple-issue processors that have multiple execution units, these execution units
can be utilized more fully by processing multiple threads. Such multithreaded pro-
cessor designs are called simultaneous multithreading (SMT) because the instructions
of different threads are being executed simultaneously using the multiple execution
units. Intel calls their version hyper-threading and introduced it in versions of the
Pentium IV. Intel limited its simultaneous multithreading design to two threads. Per-
formance gains from simultaneous multithreading are somewhat limited, depending
upon the application and processor, and are perhaps in the region 10%–30%.
Up to the early 2000s, the approach taken by manufacturers such as Intel was
to design a highly complex superscalar processor with techniques for simultaneous
operation coupled with using a state-of-the-art fabrication technology to obtain the
highest chip density and clock frequency. However, this approach was coming to an
end. With clock frequencies reaching almost 4 GHz, technology was not going to
provide a continual path upward because of the laws of physics and increasing power
consumption that comes with increasing clock frequency and transistor count.
Power consumption of a chip has a static component (leakage currents) and a
dynamic component due to switching. Dynamic power consumption is proportional
to the clock frequency, the square of the voltage switched, and the capacitive load
(Patterson and Hennessy 2009, p. 39). Therefore, each increase in clock frequency
will directly increase the power consumption. Voltages have been reduced as a neces-
sary part of decreased feature sizes of the fabrication technology, reducing the power
consumption. As the feature size of the chip decreases, the static power becomes
more significant and can be 40% of the total power (Asanovic et al. 2006). By the
mid-2000s, it had become increasing difficult to limit the power consumption while
improving clock frequencies and performance. Patterson calls this the power wall.
Wulf and McKee (1995) identified the memory wall as caused by the increasing
difference between the processor speed and the memory access times. Semiconductor
main memory has not kept up with the increasing speed of processors. Some of this
can be alleviated by the use of caches and often nowadays multilevel caches, but
still it poses a major obstacle. In addition, the instruction-level parallelism wall is
caused by the increasing difficulty to exploit more parallelism within an instruction
sequence. These walls lead to Patterson’s “brick wall”:
Power wall + Memory wall + Instruction-Level wall = Brick wall
for a sequential processor. Hence, enter the multicore approach for using the ever-
increasing number of transistors on a chip. Moore’s law originally predicted that the
number of transistors on an integrated circuit chip would double approximately every
18 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

year, later predicting every two years, and sometimes quoted as doubling every 18
months. Now, a prediction is that the number of cores will double every two years or
every fabrication technology.

2.5 Multicore Processor Architectures

2.5.1 General
The term multicore processor describes a processor architecture that has multiple
independent execution units (cores). (The term many-core indicates a large number of
cores are present, but we shall simply use the term multicore.) How does a multicore
approach get around Patterson’s brick wall? With instruction-level parallelism at its
limit, we turn to multiple processors to process separate instruction sequences. If we
simply duplicated the processors on a chip and all processors operated together, the
power would simply increase proportionally and beyond the limits of the chip. There-
fore, power consumption must be addressed. The processor cores have to be made
more power efficient. One approach used is to reduce the clock frequency, which can
result in more than proportional reduction on power consumption. Although reduc-
ing the clock frequency will reduce the computational speed, the inclusion of multiple
cores provides the potential for increased combined performance if the cores can be
used effectively (a big “if”). All multicore designs use this approach. The complexity
of each core can be reduced, that is, not use a processor of an extremely aggressive
superscalar design. Power can be conserved by switching off parts of the core that are
not being used. Temperature sensors can be used to reduce the clock frequency and
cut off circuits if the power exceeds limits.

2.5.2 Symmetric Multicore Designs

The most obvious way to design a multicore processor is to replicate identical
processor designs on the die (integrated circuit chip) as many times as possible. This
is known as a symmetric multicore design. Existing processor designs might be used
for each core or designs that are based upon existing designs. As we described, the
tendency in processor design has been to make processors complex and superscalar
for the greatest performance. One could replicate complex superscalar processors on
the chip, and companies such as Intel and AMD have followed this approach as their
first entry into multicore products, beginning with dual core.
The processor is of course only one part of the overall system design. Memory is
required. Main semiconductor memory operates much slower than a processor (the
memory wall), partly because of its size and partly because of the dynamic memory
design used for high capacity and lower costs. Hence, high-speed cache memory is
added near the processor to hold recently used information that can be accessed much
more quickly than from the main memory. Cache memory has to operate much faster
than the main memory and uses a different circuit design. Speed, capacity, and cost in
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 19

Processor cores

L1 caches
Instr. data Instr. data

L2 cache

Location for L3 cache

Main memory

FIGURE 2.2: Symmetric multicore design.

semiconductor are related. As memory capacity is increased on a memory chip, the

tendency is for the device to operate slower for given technology in addition to its cost
increasing. This leads to a memory hierarchy with multiple levels of cache memory,
that is, an L1 cache, an L2 cache, and possibly an L3 cache, between the processor and
main memory. Each level of caches is slower and larger than the previous level and
usually includes the information held in the previous level (although not necessarily
depending upon the design).
Figure 2.2 shows one possible symmetric multicore design in which each processor
core has its own L1 cache fabricated on-chip and close to the core and a single shared
external L2 between the multicore chip and the main memory. This configuration
would be a simple extension of single processor having an on-chip L1 cache. The
L2 cache could also be fabricated on the chip given sufficient chip real estate and an
example of such a design is the Intel Core Duo, with two cores on one chip (die) and
a shared L2 cache. An L3 cache can be placed between the L2 cache and the main
memory as indicated in Figure 2.2 There are several possible variations, including
having each core have its own L2 cache and groups of cores sharing an L2 cache
on-chip. The Intel Core i7, first released in November 2008, is designed for four, six,
or eight cores on the same die. Each core has its own data and instruction L1 caches,
its own L2 cache and a shared L3 cache, all on the same die. The cores in the Intel
Core i7 also use simultaneously multithreading (two threads per core).
The design shown in Figure 2.2 will not currently scale to a very large number
of processors if complex processors are used. However, in a symmetric multicore
design, each core need not be a high-performance complex superscalar core. An alter-
native is to use less complex lower-performance lower-power cores but more of them.
20 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development


L1 L1
L2 L2

External Processor External

connections core with L1/L2 connections

Bus Bus

L1 L1
L2 L2


FIGURE 2.3: Symmetric multicore design using a mesh interconnect.

This approach offers the possibility of fabricating more cores onto the chip, although
each core might not be as powerful as a high-performance complex superscalar core.
Figure 2.3 shows an arrangement using a 2D bus structure to interconnect the cores.
Using a large number of less complex lower-performance lower-power cores is often
targeted toward a particular market. An example is the picaChip designed for wireless
infrastructure and having 250–300 DSP cores. Another example is TILE64 with 64
cores arranged in a 2D array for networking and digital video processing.

2.5.3 Asymmetric Multicore Designs

In an asymmetric multicore design, different cores with different functionality are
placed on the chip rather than have one uniform core design. Usually, the configu-
ration is to have one fully functional high-performance superscalar core and large
number of smaller less powerful but more power-efficient cores, as illustrated in
Figure 2.4. These designs are often targeted toward specific applications. An exam-
ple is the Sony/Toshiba/IBM Cell Broadband Engine Architecture (cell) used in the
PlayStation 3 game console. (Asymmetric design is used in Microsoft’s Xbox 360
video game console.) Cell processors are combined with dual-core Opteron
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 21
Smaller more
processor cores

processor core

FIGURE 2.4: Asymmetric multicore design.

processors in a hybrid configuration in the IBM roadrunner supercomputer, which

became the world’s fastest computer in June 2008 according to the TOP500 ranking.

2.6 Programming Multicore Systems

2.6.1 Processes and Threads
So far, we have just been describing how multicore processors might be designed.
Now, we will introduce how such processors might be programmed. A full discus-
sion on multicore programming will be found in subsequent chapters. A multicore
processor is generally an implementation of a shared memory multiprocessor sys-
tem. As mentioned, shared memory multiprocessor systems have been around for
many years—just now, the multiple processors are contained within the same die.
Hence, the programming techniques used for shared memory multiprocessor sys-
tems apply directly to multicore systems. Shared memory systems are programmed
to take advantage of the shared memory and to have multiple simultaneously exe-
cuting program sequences. First, let us review the concept of a process, which is
used heavily in operating systems to manage multiple executing programs. A process
is a complete executable program with its own address space and other dedicated
22 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

resources (instruction pointer, stack, heap, files, etc.). An operating system will sched-
ule processes for execution, time-sharing the hardware among processes waiting to
be executed. This approach enables processes that are stalled because they are wait-
ing for some event such as an I/O transfer to be descheduled and another process
be wakened and run on the same processor. On a processor capable of executing
only one program sequence at a time, only a single process could be executing at
any moment. By switching from one process to another, the system will appear to
be executing multiple programs simultaneously although not actually. To differenti-
ate from actual simultaneous operation, we say the processes are executing concur-
rently. On a multiprocessor system, multiple processes could be executing, one on
each processor. In that case, we could get true simultaneous executing of the pro-
cesses. Using the process as the basic unit of simultaneous operation is appropriate
for complete but separate programs running on separate computers, for example, in
message-passing clusters. The programs might communicate and form a larger par-
allel program.
A process can be divided into threads, separate sequences of code that are intended
to be executed concurrently or simultaneously. Being inside the process, these threads
share the resources of the process such as memory allocation and files, but each thread
needs its own instruction pointer and stack. Creating threads will have much less over-
head than creating processes. On a processor capable of executing only one program
sequence at a time, threads in a process would be time-shared on the processor, just as
processes might be time-shared. However, while processes are completely separate
programs doing different tasks, threads within a process are doing tasks associated
with the purpose of the process.
The concepts of both processes and threads are embodied in operating systems
to enable concurrent operation. Operating system threads are called kernel threads.
By using such threads, the operating system can switch out threads for other threads
when they are stalled. Commonly, threads are assigned a priority number to aid appro-
priate scheduling, with higher priority threads taking precedence over lower priority
threads. Note in the thread model, a process will consist of at least one thread.
The thread programming model has been adopted for programming shared mem-
ory multiprocessor systems, including multicore systems. There are two common
ways a programmer might create a thread-based program:

1. Using rather low-level thread APIs within a high-level program to explicitly

create and manage threads.
2. Using slightly higher-level parallel constructs and directives within a high-level
program, which are compiled into thread-based code.

With thread APIs, it will be up to the user to determine exactly what program
sequences should be present in each thread and call a “thread create” routine to cre-
ate the thread from within the main thread or sub-threads. Using higher-level lan-
guage constructs/directives is easier for the programmer, although it is still up to the
programmer to identify what needs to be parallelized into threads. The programmer
does not have as much control of the threads and still may need to call some thread
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 23

information routines. Both ways will be described in detail in subsequent Chapters 4

through 6. Here, we will briefly introduce the basic concepts.

2.6.2 Thread APIs

In the Unix/Linux world, the standard thread API is Pthreads, which was intro-
duced in 1995 in the POSIX (IEEE Portable Operating System Interface) standard
under POSIX 1003.1c. Fully compliant POSIX operating systems and most other
distributions have Pthreads. A Windows version, called Ptheads-w32, implements
most of the Pthread API. In the Windows world, Microsoft also has its own thread
API in its C/C++ Windows API (WinAPI) and its .NET framework.
Let us look at facilities provided in threads APIs such as Pthreads and WinAPI.
There are differences in the facilities provided by each of these APIs, so we shall dis-
cuss general features found in one or the other, or both. Threads are created explicitly
by the program by calling a thread-create routine (in both Pthreads and WinAPI). The
arguments in the thread-create routine identify the routine that the new thread is to
execute and information to be passed to the new thread routine. Threads so created
will be destroyed when they reach their end or when an explicit thread exit routine is
called (in both Pthreads and WinAPI). The parent thread can be made to wait for the
child thread it created to terminate using a thread join routine. When the thread does
terminate, it passes status information to the parent thread that created it. It may be
that the parent thread does not need to wait for a child thread to terminate. Pthreads
offers a version of a thread, called a detached thread, for such a parent–child thread
Multiple threads can be created using multiple calls to the thread-create routine
and joined with multiple calls to the thread join routine. Threads could be created
from other threads and threads created on a need basis. It may be that initially it
is unknown how many threads are needed. For example, a search algorithm might
create new threads as new areas of the search space are discovered. Another example
is servicing Web requests. Each request could be allocated a separate thread as each
request is received. However, creating new threads incur some overhead. To avoid
continually creating and destroying threads, a thread pool can be created containing
threads waiting to be used. The .NET framework provides explicit support for thread
pools, including creating a thread pool and queuing work for threads in the pool.
Threads have access to globally declared shared variables and data, and also each
thread will have locally declared variables and data that are only accessibly to that
thread for its own use. Programming constructs are necessary to ensure that shared
locations cannot be altered simultaneously by multiple threads, which would lead to
indeterminate results.
The classical solution to this problem to enshroud the section of the code that is
responsible for accessing the location in a so-called critical section. Generally, no
more than one thread must be in such a critical section at any instant, and this is
typically achieved with lock variable that is set to a 1 to indicate a thread is in the
critical section and set to a 0 to indicate that no thread is in the critical section. Threads
will check the lock is not set before entering the critical section and then set the lock
24 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

variable if not set and enter the critical section. If the lock is already set (i.e., another
thread is in the critical section), the thread has to wait for the critical section to be
free. A spin-lock simply keeps reading the lock variable in tight loop until the lock
variable indicates an unlocked critical section, that is,

while (lock == 1) do_nothing;

lock = 1; //enter critical section

critical section

lock = 0; // leave critical section

A spin lock occupies the thread but is acceptable if it is likely that the critical section
will be available soon, otherwise a more efficient solution is needed. When a thread
leaves the critical section, it is to reset the lock variable to a 0.
It may be that more than one thread will reach the critical section at the same
instant. We must ensure that the actions of each thread in reading and setting the lock
variable are not interleaved as this could result in multiple threads setting the lock
variable and entering the critical section together. Preventing interleaving is achieved
by having instructions that operate in an atomic fashion, that is, without interruption
by other processors. Most processors are provided with suitable atomic instructions.
The Intel Pentium processors can make certain instructions, including the bit test-
and-set instruction atomic by prefix the instruction with a LOCK prefix instruction.
Apart from using atomic instructions, there are also quite old software algorithms to
achieve the same effect such as Dekker’s algorithm but mostly nowadays one relies
on processor hardware support rather than using software algorithms.
Thread APIs provide support for critical sections. Locks are implemented in so-
called mutually exclusive lock variables, mutex s, with routines to lock and unlock
named mutex’s. Another approach is to use semaphores. Whereas a lock variable can
only be 0 or 1, a semaphore, s, is a positive integer operated upon by two operations,
P(s) and V(s). P(s) will wait until s is greater than 0 and then decrement s by 1 and
allow the thread to continue. P(s) is used at the beginning of critical section. V(s) will
increment s by 1 to release one of the waiting processors. V(s) is used at the end of a
critical section. A binary semaphore limits the value of s to 0 or 1 and then behaves
in a very similar fashion to a lock, except that semaphores should have an in-build
algorithm in V(s) to select wait threads in a fair manner whereas locks may rely upon
additional code.
Locks and semaphores are very low-level primitives and can make the program-
ming error-prone. Rather than use explicit lock variables, locks can be associated with
objects in an object-oriented language, and this appears in Java. A locking mechanism
can be implicit in so-called monitor routines that can only be called by one thread at
a time. Java has the synchronized keyword to be used on methods or code sequences
to lock them with the associated object lock. In .NET, a section of code can also be
protected against more than one thread executing it by the lock keyword.
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 25

Threads often need to synchronize between themselves. For example, one thread
might need to wait for another thread to create some new data, which it will then
consume. A solution is to implement a signaling mechanism in which one thread
sends a signal to another thread when an event or condition occurs. Pthreads uses
so-called condition variables with a signaling mechanism to indicate that a waiting
condition has been achieved. A full treatment of thread APIs in a C/C++ environment
is found in Chapter 4. A full treatment of threads in a Java/.NET environment is found
in Chapter 5.

2.6.3 OpenMP
OpenMP was developed in the 1990s as a standard for creating shared memory
thread-based parallel programs. OpenMP enables the programmer to specify sections
of code that are to be executed in parallel. This is done with compiler directives. The
compiler is then responsible for creating the individual thread sequences. In addition
to a small set of compiler directives, OpenMP has a few supporting routines and
environment variables. The number of threads available is set either by a clause in a
compiler directive, an explicit routine, or an environment variable. OpenMP is very
easy to use but has limitations. Chapter 6 explores OpenMP in detail.

2.7 Parallel Programming Strategies

2.7.1 Task and Data Parallelism
The fundamental tenet of parallel programming is to divide a problem into parts,
which are then processed at the same time. There are various strategies one could
employ to divide the work into parts. We can first differentiate between the actual
computations to be performed and the data that is used in the computations. This leads
to two possible decompositions of the problem—either decomposing the computa-
tions into parts and executing the parts in parallel (task parallelism) or decomposing
the data into parts and processing the parts of the data in parallel (data parallelism).
In data parallelism, the same operation is performed on each part of the data. This
form of parallelism has been the basis of machine design as mentioned earlier (SIMD
computers). As a programming strategy, data parallelism is particularly relevant if the
problem has a large amount of data to process, which is usually the case in scientific
computing. It is applicable to problems such as searching a data file or sorting. In
practice, decomposition of problems for parallel execution often combines both task
parallelism and data parallelism. Decomposition might be done repeatedly and recur-
sively in a divide-and-conquer approach. Subsequent chapters will explore task and
data parallelism. Embarrassingly Parallel Computations

The ideal problem to parallelize is one that immediately divides into separate parts,
and the parts can be processed simultaneously with no interaction between the
26 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

parts—they are completely independent on each other. Geoffrey Fox (Wilson 1995)
called this type of computation embarrassingly parallel, a term that has found wide
acceptance, although the phrase naturally parallel is perhaps more apt (Wilkinson
and Allen 2005). The implication of embarrassingly parallel computations is that the
programmer can immediately see how to divide the work up without interactions
between the parts. Usually, there is some interaction at the beginning to start the
parts or when initial data is send to the separate parts, and there is usually interac-
tion also at the end to collect results, but if these are the only interactions, we would
still describe the problem as embarrassingly parallel. A number of important applica-
tions are embarrassingly parallel. In low-level image processing, the picture elements
(pixels) of an image can be manipulated simultaneously. Often, all that is needed for
each pixel is the initial image or just values of neighboring pixels of the image. Monte
Carlo methods can be embarrassingly parallel. They use random selections in numer-
ical calculations. These random selections should be independent of each other, and
the calculation based upon them can be done simultaneously. Monte Carlo methods
can be used for numerical integration and is especially powerful for problems that
cannot be solved easily otherwise. A critical issue for Monte Carlo solutions is the
generation of the random selections that can be done in parallel. Traditional random
number generators create pseudorandom sequences based upon previously generated
numbers and hence are intrinsically sequential. The SPRNG (Scalable Parallel Num-
ber Generators) is a library of parallel random number generators that address the
The embarrassingly parallel classification is usually limited to solving a single
problem. There are also situations that there is absolutely no interaction, for exam-
ple, when a complete problem has to be solved repeatedly with different arguments
(parameter sweep). Such situations are ideal for using multiple processors. Pipelining
We have already mentioned the use of a pipeline in a processor to achieve higher
execution speed. The same technique can be used to construct parallel programs.
Many problems are constructed as a series of tasks that have to be done in a sequence.
This is the basis of normal sequential programming. Multiple processors could be
used in a pipeline, one for each task. The output of one task is passed onto the input
of the next task in a pipeline. A pipeline can be compared to an assembly line in
a factory in which products are assembled by adding parts as they pass down the
assembly line. Automobiles are assembled in that way and very efficiently. Multiple
automobiles can be assembled at the same time, although only one comes off a single
assembly line at a time. Pipelining as a parallel programming strategy is limited to
certain applications. A pipeline can be used effectively in parallel processing if the
problem can be decomposed into a series of tasks, and there are multiple instances
of the problem that need to be solved (c.f. with assembling multiple automobiles).
Pipelining can also be used effectively processing a series of data items, each requir-
ing multiple sequential operations to be performed upon them. In that case, the data
items are fed down the pipeline.
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 27 Synchronous Computations

Many problems require synchronization at places during the computation to
achieve the desired results. For example, suppose we divide the data set into parts
and use the data-parallel approach to operate upon the parts. We generally will need
to combine the results from each part before moving to the next stage of the com-
putation. It may be that we will need to perform multiple data-parallel operations.
After each one, we have to wait for all operations to complete before moving on.
This requires a synchronization mechanism, commonly called a barrier. A barrier is
inserted into the code at the point that synchronization is to take place and causes
all processes to wait for each other before moving on from that point. Barrier mech-
anisms exist in both message-passing libraries and thread environments. OpenMP
has an implicit barrier in its constructs that spawn threads such that all threads must
complete before continuing with subsequent code (unless the programmer inserts a
nowait clause where allowed).
Synchronous iteration (also called synchronous parallelism) describes a program
that performs a loop with a body having multiple parallel parts. Each iteration must
wait for all the parallel parts in the loop body to complete before embarking on
the next iteration. A common example of synchronous iteration is solving a prob-
lem by converging on the solution through iteration. A system of linear equations
can be solved this way if certain mathematical convergence conditions are satisfied.
Similarly, differential equations can be solved by a finite difference method through
Synchronization in parallel programs will cause significant delay in the computa-
tions at each synchronization point (although it certainly makes it easier to debug).
For maximum computational speed, every effort should be made to reduce the need
for synchronization. In partially synchronous or asynchronous iterative methods,
synchronization is not performed on every iteration (Baudet 1978). Villalobos and
Wilkinson (2008) explored this approach with data buffers holding several previously
computed values. Workpool
A workpool describes a collection of tasks to be handed out to computing resources
for execution on a demand basis. It is a very effective way of balancing the load. It can
take into account the speed of the compute resources to complete tasks and also when
the number of tasks varies. The most basic way to construct a workpool is to start with
the tasks that need to be performed in a workpool task queue. Compute resources are
then given tasks to perform from this queue. When a compute resource finishes its
tasks, it requests further tasks. It may be that processing a task will generate new tasks.
These tasks might be returned by the compute resources and placed in the workpool
task queue for redistribution. Workpools can be centralized or distributed. A single
workpool might hold all the pending tasks, or there could be multiple workpools at
different sites to distribute the communication. A fully distributed workpool would
have a tasks queue in each compute resource. In the received-initiated approach, other
compute resources request tasks from compute resources, typically when they have
28 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

nothing to do. In the sender-initiated approach, compute resources choose to pass

on tasks to other resources, typically when they are overloaded with work. Counter-
intuitively, the receiver-initiated approach has been shown to work well under high
overall system load while the sender-initiated approach has been shown to work well
under light overall system load. Both methods can be used.
Determining when an overall computation has finished may require some care.
With physically distributed compute resources, simply having empty task queues and
all tasks completed are insufficient conditions as tasks could be in transition from one
resource to another and not yet received. Tasks in transit can be handled by employing
a messaging protocol in which an acknowledgment message is sent back to the source
for every request message. Only when all acknowledgements have been received can
the status of the computation can be established. There are a number of ingenious
algorithms for detecting termination of a distributed algorithm, see Wilkinson and
Allen (2005).

2.8 Summary
The move to multicore processors has come after a very long history of com-
puter design. The primary motive is to increase the speed of the system. Increas-
ing in the speed of a single processor hit the famous Patterson “brick” wall, which
described the combination of not being able to cope with increase of power dissipa-
tion, limited prospect for any further instruction-level parallelism, and limits in main
memory speeds. Hence, manufacturers have moved from developing a single high-
performance processor on one die to having multiple processor cores on one die.
This development began with two cores on one die and continues with more cores
on one die. The cores may individually be less powerful that might be possible if
the whole die was dedicated to a single high-performance superscalar processor, but
collectively, they offer significant more computational resources. The problem now
is to use these computational resources effectively. For that, we draw upon the work
of the parallel programming community.

Amdahl, G. 1967. Validity of the single-processor approach to achieving large-scale
computing capabilities. Proc 1967 AFIPS, vol. 30, New York, p. 483.
Asanovic, K., R. Bodik, B. C. Catanzaro, J. J. Gebis, P. Husbands, K. Keutzer, D. A.
Patterson, W. L. Plishker, J. Shalf, S. W. Williams, and K. A. Yelick. 2006.
The landscape of parallel computing research: A view from Berkeley. Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley, technical report no. UCB/EECS-2006-183,
Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel Programming 29

Flynn, M. J. 1966. Very high speed computing systems. Proceedings of the IEEE
Gill, S. 1958. Parallel programming. The Computer Journal 1(1): 2–10.
Gustafson, J. L. 1988. Reevaluating Amdahl’s law. Communication of the ACM 31(1):
Hill, M. D. and M. R. Marty. 2008. Amdahl’s law in the multicore era. IEEE Computer
Patterson, D. A. and J. L. Hennessy. 2009. Computer Organization and Design: The
Hardware/Software Interface, 4th edn. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Villalobos, J. F. and B. Wilkinson. 2008. Latency hiding by redundant processing:
A technique for grid-enabled, iterative, synchronous parallel programs. 15th
Mardi Gras Conference, January 30, Baton Rouge, LA.
Wilkinson. B. 2010. Grid Computing: Techniques and Applications. Boca Raton, FL:
Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science Series.
Wilkinson, B. and M. Allen. 2005. Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applica-
tions Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers, 2nd edn. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Wilson, G. V. 1995. Practical Parallel Programming. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Woo, D. H. and H.-H. S. Lee. 2008. Extending Amdahl’s law for energy-efficient
computing in many-core era. IEEE Computer 41(12):24–31.
Wulf, W. and S. McKee. 1995. Hitting the memory wall: Implications of the obvious.
ACM SIGArch Computer Architecture News 23(1):20–24.
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Chapter 3
Parallel Design Patterns

Tim Mattson


3.1 Parallel Programming Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2 Design Patterns: Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3 Essential Patterns for Parallel Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3.1 Parallel Algorithm Strategy Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Task Parallelism Pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Data Parallelism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Divide and Conquer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Geometric Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3.2 Implementation Strategy Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 SPMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 SIMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Loop-Level Parallelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Fork-Join . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Master-Worker/Task-Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4 Conclusions and Next Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.1 Parallel Programming Challenge

With multi-core processors in virtually every segment of the computing market,
mainstream programmers need to routinely write parallel software. While progress
has been made with automatic parallelization (see Chapter 9), experience with paral-
lel computing has shown that in most cases, programmers will need to create parallel
software “by hand.” This transition from serial to parallel software is a huge challenge
for the software industry [Hwu08]; perhaps the biggest it has ever faced.
While parallel computing is new to mainstream programmers, it has a long his-
tory in scientific computing. In the 1980s, the scientific computing community was
faced with a transition from vector supercomputers supported by vectorizing com-
pilers to explicitly parallel massively parallel processors and clusters. Computer sci-
entists responded by creating countless parallel programming languages, but these
for the most part failed. Only a tiny fraction of programmers in the sciences took up

32 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

parallel programming; and those that did tended to use low-level message passing
libraries [MPI] that emphasized portability and control over elegance.
New high-level languages were not enough to solve the parallel programming prob-
lem in the 1980s and 1990s, and there is no reason to believe it will be different this
time as we help general purpose programmers adopt parallel programming.
It is my hypothesis that the key to solving this problem is to focus on how experi-
enced programmers think about parallel programming. Experienced parallel
programmers, once they understand how the concurrency in their problem supports
parallel execution, can use any sufficiently complete parallel programming language
to create parallel software. Therefore, to solve the parallel programming problem for
mainstream programmers, we need to capture how expert parallel programmers think
and provide that understanding to mainstream programmers. In other words, we do
not need new languages or sophisticated tools (though they help); we need to help
mainstream programmers learn to “think parallel.”
Learning to reason about parallel algorithms is a daunting task. Fortunately, we
have a few decades of experience to draw on. All we need to do is distill this collective
wisdom into a form that we can put down in writing and communicate to people new
to parallel computing. We believe design patterns are an effective tool to help us
accomplish this task.

3.2 Design Patterns: Background and History

What makes a design excellent? Often, the people using a design cannot say what
makes it excellent. These users may be able to distinguish between excellence and the
mundane, but in most cases, they will not be able to explain what makes an excellent
design special. Experts, however, become “experts” by virtue of their ability to recog-
nize excellence in a design, and this helps them to reproduce excellence in their own
designs. But how to you capture that essential knowledge to provide the specialized
language experts use to communicate among themselves and to help turn novices into
Christopher Alexander [Alexander77] struggled with this problem and hit upon
what has proven to be a useful technique. The idea is to study excellent designs and
identify the established solutions to recurring problems. Once found, these solutions
are given a descriptive name and written down using a carefully structured format.
These solutions are called “design patterns.” When you consider a complicated prob-
lem with many steps, patterns emerge for different facets of the problem. One pattern
flows into another creating a web of design patterns to help guide an emerging design.
We call this web of interlocking patterns a “design pattern language.”
Patterns have a long history in software. If we go back to the early 1990s when
object-oriented programming was in its infancy, the field was quite confused. Experts
were emerging and quality designs appeared, but there was a great deal of chaos as
programmers struggled with how to make object-oriented abstractions work for them.
Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides (affectionately known as “the gang of four”)
Parallel Design Patterns 33

made a major contribution to object-oriented programming with their famous book

on design patterns for object-oriented design [Gamma94]. This book had a transfor-
mative effect on object-oriented programming and helped it rapidly transition from
chaos into order. It helped novices master object-oriented design and created consis-
tent jargon experts could use to advance the field.
We believe design patterns can have a similar transformative effect on multi-core
programming. In the next few sections, we summarize some of the important design
patterns in parallel programming. This builds off an earlier pattern language for paral-
lel programming [Mattson04] and more recent work with the ParLab at UC Berkeley

3.3 Essential Patterns for Parallel Programming

Patterns are mined from good designs. Much of the history of parallel programming
comes from the sciences, so it should be no surprise that we tend to mine patterns
from technical applications. As you look closely at the compute intensive applications
that will be important on future multi-core processors [Parsec08], however, the basic
parallel algorithms are essentially the same as the parallel algorithms form scientific
computing. We therefore believe patterns with their roots in the sciences will continue
to be important for mainstream programmers working with multi-core chips.
In the following sections, we will summarize some of the key patterns used in
designing parallel software. The details are available elsewhere [Mattson04,OPL].
For our purposes, a high level outline of the pattern should suffice. We will consider
two classes of design patterns: parallel algorithm strategy patterns and implementa-
tion strategy patterns. The parallel algorithm strategy patterns address how the con-
currency in an algorithm can be organized and how dependencies can be resolved.
They lead to a high level plan for a parallel algorithm.

• Task parallelism

• Data parallelism

• Divide and conquer

• Pipeline

• Geometric decomposition

The lower-level implementation strategy patterns describe how that algorithm strat-
egy can be supported in software.

• SPMD (single program multiple data)

• SIMD (single instruction multiple data)

• Loop-level parallelism
34 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

• Fork-join

• Master-worker

The complete text for these patterns goes well beyond the scope of this survey. Instead,
we use an abbreviated pattern-format that exposes the most essential elements of the
patterns. For each pattern, we provide the following:

• A descriptive phrase or simple name that succinctly defines the solution

addressed by the pattern

• A brief description of the pattern

• A discussion of when to use the pattern

• Detailed information about how to apply the pattern in a software design

• A description of where the pattern is used in practice

• A discussion of related patterns

3.3.1 Parallel Algorithm Strategy Patterns

Parallel programming is the application of concurrency to (1) solve a problem in
less time or (2) solve a bigger problem in a fixed amount of time. Concurrency is
present in a system when multiple tasks can be active and potentially make progress
at the same time. The processes of creating a parallel algorithm can therefore be
summarized in two steps:

1. Find tasks that can execute concurrently.

2. Manage data conflicts between tasks so the same results are produced (within
round-off error) for every semantically allowed way the execution of the tasks
can be interleaved.

To solve any problem in parallel, you must decompose the problem into concurrent
tasks AND decompose the data to manage data access conflicts between tasks.
The goal of the algorithm strategy patterns is to define this dual task/data decom-
position. They start with a conceptual understanding of a problem and how it can be
executed in parallel. They finish with a decomposition of the problem into concurrent
tasks and data. Task Parallelism Pattern

The concurrency is expressed directly in terms of an enumerated set of tasks that
are either naturally independent or can be transformed into independent tasks.
Parallel Design Patterns 35

Use When The concurrency in a problem may present itself directly in terms of
a collection of distinct tasks. The definition of the “tasks” is diverse. They can be a
set of files you need to input and process. They can be the rays of light between a
camera and a light source in a ray tracing problem. Or they can be a set of operations
to be applied to a distinct partition of a graph. In each case, the tasks addressed by
this pattern do not depend on each other. Often the independent tasks are a natural
consequence of the problem definition. In other cases where this pattern can be used,
a transformation of the data or a post-processing step to address dependencies can
create the independent tasks needed by this pattern.
Details Give a set of N tasks
ti ∈ T(N)
the task parallel pattern schedules each task, ti , for execution by a collection of
processing elements. There are three key steps in applying the task parallelism pattern
to a problem:

1. The problem must be decomposed into tasks, ti .

2. Data associated with each task must be decomposed and isolated to the tasks
so they can execute independently and in any order.
3. The tasks must be scheduled for execution by a collection of processing ele-
ments. The schedule must balance the load among the processing elements so
they finish at approximately the same time.

For an effective application of this pattern, there are two criteria the tasks must meet.
First, there must be more tasks (often many more) than processing elements in the
target platform. Second, the individual tasks must be sufficiently compute-intensive
in order to offset the overheads in creating and managing them.
The dependencies between tasks play a key role in how this pattern is applied. In
general, the tasks need to be mostly independent from each other. When tasks depend
on each other in complicated ways, it is often better to use an approach that expresses
the concurrency directly in terms of the data.
There are two common cases encountered when working with the dependencies in
a task parallel problem. In the first case, there are no dependencies. In this case, the
tasks can execute completely independently from each other. This is often called an
“embarrassingly parallel” algorithm. In the second case, the tasks can be transformed
to separate the management of the dependencies from the execution of the tasks. Once
all the tasks have completed, the dependencies are handled as a distinct phase of the
computation. These are called separable dependencies.
A key technique that arises in separable-dependency algorithms is “data replica-
tion and reduction.” Data central to computation over a set of tasks is replicated with
one copy per computational agent working on the tasks. Each agent proceeds inde-
pendently, accumulating results into its own copy of the data. When all the tasks are
complete, the agents cooperate to combine (or reduce) their own copies of the data
to produce the final result.
36 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Known Uses This pattern, particularly for the embarrassingly parallel case, may
be the most commonly used pattern in the history of parallel computing. Render-
ing frames in a film, ray tracing, drug docking studies are just a few of the count-
less instances of this pattern in action. Map-reduce [Dean04] can be viewed as a
“separable-dependencies” variant of the task parallel pattern. The computations of
short-range forces in molecular dynamics problems often make use of the separable-
dependencies version of the task parallel pattern.

Related Patterns This pattern is related to the divide-and-conquer pattern in that

they both address concurrency directly in terms of a set of tasks. In the task parallel
pattern, however, the tasks are enumerated directly rather than recursively.
Software structure patterns to support the task parallel pattern are chosen based
on the target platform. For shared address space platforms, the loop-level parallelism
pattern is an effective choice. The SPMD pattern is straightforward to apply to the task
parallel pattern by mapping the set of tasks onto the ID of each processing element.
Perhaps the most famous software structure pattern to support the task parallel pattern
is the master-worker pattern. This pattern (as we will discuss later) is very effective
at balancing the load in a task parallel computation. Data Parallelism

The concurrency is expressed as a single function applied to each member of a set
of data elements. In other words, the concurrency is “in the data.”

Use When Problems that utilize this pattern are defined in terms of data with a
regular structure that can be exploited in designing a concurrent algorithm. Graph-
ics algorithms are perhaps the most common example since in many cases, a similar
(if not identical) operation is applied to each pixel in an image. Physics simulations
based on structured grids, a common class of problems in scientific computing but
also in computer games, are often addressed with a data parallel pattern. The shared
feature of these problems is that each member of a data structure can be updated
with essentially the same instructions with few (if any) dependencies between them.
The dependencies are of course the key challenge since they too must be managed
in essentially the same way for each data element. A good example of a data paral-
lel pattern with dependencies is the relaxation algorithm used in partial differential
equation solvers for periodic problem domains. In these problems, a stencil is used to
define how each point in the domain is updated. This defines a dependency between
points in the domain, but it is the same for each point and hence (other than at the
boundaries) can be handled naturally with a data parallel algorithm.

Details This pattern is trivial in the case of simple vector operations. For example,
to add two equal length vectors together in parallel, we can apply a single function
(the addition operator) to each pair of vector elements and place the result in the cor-
responding element of a third vector. For example, using the vector type in OpenCL,
we can define four element vectors and add them with a single expression:
Parallel Design Patterns 37
float4 a = (float4) (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
float4 b = (float4) (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0);
float4 c;

c = a + b; // c = (float4) (5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 7.0);

The advantage of vector operations is they map directly onto the vector units found
in many microprocessors.
The challenge is how do we generalize this trivial case to more complex situations?
We do this by defining an abstract index space. The data in the problem is aligned to
this index space. Then the concurrency is expressed in terms of the data by running
a single stream of operations for each point in the index space.
For example, in an image processing problem applied to an N by M image, we
define a rectangular “index space” as a grid of dimension N by M. We map our image,
A, onto this index space as well as any other data structures involved in the compu-
tation (in this case, a filter array). We then express computations on the image onto
points in the index space and define the algorithm as

For each point (i,j) in the N by M index space {

C(i,j) = A(i,j) * B(i,j);

Note that the FFT operations involve complex data movement and operations over
collections of points. But the data parallelism pattern is still honored since these com-
plex operations are the same on each subset of data elements. As suggested by this
example, the data parallelism pattern can be applied to a wide range of problems, not
just those with simple element-wise updates over aligned data.
Known Uses This pattern is heavily used in graphics, so much so that GPU hard-
ware is specifically designed to support problems that use the data parallelism pattern.
Image processing, partial differential equation solvers, and linear algebra problems
also map well onto this pattern. More complex applications of this pattern can be
found in Chapter 7, Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA.
Related Patterns The geometric decomposition pattern is often described as a form
of data parallelism. It is not quite the same as this pattern in that the functions applied
to each tile in a geometric decomposition pattern usually differ between tiles (i.e., it
is not strictly a single function applied to each of the tiles). But it shares the general
idea of defining parallelism in terms of concurrent updates to different elements of a
larger data structure.
The data parallelism pattern can be implemented in software with the SIMD, loop
parallelism, or even SPMD patterns, the choice often being driven by the target
38 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

A data parallel pattern can often be transformed into a task parallel pattern. If the
single function, t, applied to the members of a set of data elements, di , then we can
ti = t(di )
and we can address the problem using the task parallelism pattern. Note, however, that
the converse relationship does not hold, that is, you cannot generally transform a task
parallel pattern into a data parallel pattern. It is for this reason that the task parallelism
patterns are considered to be the more general patterns for parallel programming. Divide and Conquer

Concurrency is generated by recursively dividing a problem into smaller and
smaller tasks until the tasks are small enough to solve directly.
Use When This pattern describes a range of closely related algorithms. The com-
mon feature of this class of problems is some way to recursively split a problem
into smaller subproblems; either by traversing a recursive data structure or through
recursion relations that define ways to split a problem. For example, an optimization
problem often produces a directed acyclic graph of choices as parameters in a solution
space are explored.
Details The structure of the problem is used to define an operation to split the prob-
lem into smaller subproblems. The existence of this structure is fundamental to the
solution. These subproblems are split again to produce even smaller problems. This
continues recursively until a problem is small enough to solve directly. The recursive
splitting can be thought of as splitting tasks into subtasks (e.g., dynamic program-
ming) or in terms of recursive decomposition of data (e.g., the octree decomposition
in a Barnes–Hut algorithm). The core ideas behind the solution are basically the same
in either case. There are many variations to the divide-and-conquer pattern.
• The classic divide-and-conquer algorithm recursively generates the subprob-
lems, solves them, and then explicitly combines them (reversing the recursive
splitting process) to construct the global solution.
• A dynamic programming algorithm uses a top-down algorithm to generate
tasks as part of the recursive splitting but checks tasks to see if they have
already been solved (a process called memoization). If there is significant over-
lap between subproblems, this can result in a significant reduction in total work.
• The backtrack branch and bound algorithm is used for search problems and
treats the subproblems as branches in a decision tree. For these problems, there
is some way to define a bound over the range of the solutions. If a branch is
shown to fall outside the current bound, the entire branch can be discarded and
the solution can backtrack to consider a new branch.
These are just a few of the possible options with this large class of solutions. An
example of the divide-and-conquer pattern is provided in Figure 3.1, where we reduce
Parallel Design Patterns 39


32535676 22459853

3253 5676 2245 9853

32 53 56 76 22 45 98 53


5 8 11 13 4 9 17 8

13 24 13 25

37 38


FIGURE 3.1: Divide-and-conquer algorithm for reducing a string of numbers into

a single scalar using summation. Three distinct phases are clear: split problem into
smaller subproblems, operate at the leaves of the resulting tree, and reverse the “split
process” to recombine subproblem solutions into a solution to the global problem.

a string of integers into a single value using summation. Subproblems are generated at
each level by splitting the list into two smaller lists. The subproblem is small enough
to solve directly once there are a pair of integers at which point the “operate phase”
occurs. Finally, the subproblems are recombined (using summations) to generate the
global solution.
Known Uses This pattern is heavily used in optimization and decision support
problems. Programmers using Cilk [Blumofe95] and the explicit task construct in
OpenMP 3.0 (see Chapter 6) make heavy use of this pattern as well.
Related Patterns Implementations of this pattern in software often use the fork-
join pattern. To avoid the high costs of explicitly spawning and destroying threads,
implementations of this pattern build schedulers to manage tasks forked during the
recursion and execute them using a thread pool of some sort. Pipeline
Concurrency produced by passing multiple data elements through a sequence of
computational stages.
Use When Concurrency can be difficult to extract from a problem. Sometimes, a
problem is composed of a sequence of tasks that must execute in a fixed order. It
appears in such cases that there just is not a way to make the program run in paral-
lel. When this occurs, however, it is sometimes the case that there are multiple data
40 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

elements that must pass through the sequence of tasks. While each of the tasks must
complete in order, it may be possible to run each data element as an independent flow
through the collection of tasks. This only works if the tasks do not hold any state,
i.e., if the tasks take input data, computes a result based on the data, and then passes
the result to the next task.

Details Pipeline problems establish a sequence of stages as stateless filters. Data

elements, di , pass through the pipeline and a computation is complete after a data
element has passed through all of the stages. For example, consider a three stage
pipeline with data elements di passing through the stages:

time = 0 X1(di ) → X2( ) → X3( )

time = 1 X1(di-1 ) → X2(di ) → X3( )
time = 2 X1(di-2 ) → X2(di-1 ) → X3(di )

When the computation starts, only the first stage, X1, is active and there is no concur-
rency. As X1 completes, it passes its result to X2 which then starts its own compu-
tation while X1 picks up the next data element. This continues until all the pipeline
states are busy.
The amount of concurrency available is equal to the number of stages, and this is
only available once the pipeline has been filled. The work prior to filling the pipeline
and the diminishing work as the pipeline drains constrains the amount of concurrency
these problems can exploit.
This pattern, however, is extremely important. Given that each data element must
pass through each stage in order, the options for exploiting concurrency is severely
limited in these problems (unless each of the states can be parallelized internally).

Known Uses This pattern is commonly used in digital signal processing and image
processing applications where each unit of a larger multicomponents data set is passed
through a sequence of digital filters.

Related Patterns This pattern is also known as the pipe-and-filter pattern [Shaw95].
This emphasizes that the stages are ideally stateless filters.
The pipeline pattern can be supported by lower-level patterns in a number of ways.
The key is to create separate units of executions (i.e., threads or processes) and man-
age data movement between them. This can be set up with the SPMD or the fork-join
patterns. The challenge is to safely manage movement of data between stages and
to be prepared for cases where there is an imbalance between stages. In this case,
the channels between stages need to be buffered (perhaps using a shared queue data
structure). Geometric Decomposition

A variation of data parallelism where a larger data structure is decomposed into
tiles which can be updated in parallel. Note, however, that the processing occurring
within each tile may be different.
Parallel Design Patterns 41

Use When This pattern is used when the data associated with a program plays a
dominant role in how we understand the problem. For example, in an image process-
ing algorithm where a filter is applied to neighborhoods of pixels in the image, the
problem is best defined in terms of the image itself. In cases such as these, it is often
best to define the concurrency in terms of the data and how it is decomposed into
relatively independent blocks.
Details Define the concurrent tasks in terms of the data decomposition. The data
breaks down into blocks. Tasks update blocks of data. When data blocks share bound-
aries or otherwise depend on each other, the algorithm must take that into account;
often adding temporary storage around the boundaries (so called “ghost cells”) to
hold nonlocal data. In other words, the algorithm is often broken down into three

1. Communicate boundary regions

2. Update interior points in each block
3. Update boundary regions of each block

The split into two update-phases, one for interior points and the other for boundary
regions, is done so you can overlap communication and computation steps.
Known Uses This is one of the most commonly used patterns in scientific comput-
ing. Most partial differential equation solvers and linear algebra programs are paral-
lelized using this pattern. For example, in a stencil computation, each point in an array
is replaced with a value computed from elements in its neighborhood. If the domain
is decomposed into tiles, communication is only required at the boundaries of each
tile. All the updates on the interior can be done concurrently. If communication of
data on the boundaries of tiles can be carried out during computations in the interior,
very high levels of concurrency can be realized using this pattern.
Related Patterns This pattern is closely related to the data parallelism pattern. In
fact, for those cases where each tile is processed by the same task, this problem trans-
forms into an instance of the data parallelism pattern.
This pattern is commonly implemented with the SPMD and loop-level parallelism
patterns. In many cases, it can be implemented with the SIMD pattern, but inefficien-
cies arise since boundary conditions may require masking out subsets of processing
elements for portions of the computation (for example, at the boundaries of a domain).

3.3.2 Implementation Strategy Patterns

These patterns describe how threads or processes execute in a program, i.e., they
are intimately connected with how an algorithm design is implemented in source
code. The input to this layer of the design pattern language is a problem decomposed
into concurrent tasks, a data decomposition, and a strategy for how to execute the
tasks in parallel. The result of this layer of the pattern language is source code (or
pseudocode) implementing an algorithm in software.
42 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development SPMD
A single program is written that is executed by multiple threads or processes. They
use the ID of each thread or process to select different pathways through the code or
choose which elements of data structures to operate upon.
Use When Concurrent tasks run the same code but with different subsets of key data
structures or occasional branches to execute different code on different processes or
You intend to use a message passing programming model (i.e., MPI) and treat the
system as a distributed memory computer.
Details The SPMD pattern is possibly the most commonly used pattern in the his-
tory of parallel supercomputing. The code running on each process or thread is the
same, built from a single program. Variation between tasks is handled through expres-
sions based on the thread or process ID. The variety of SPMD programs is too great
to summarize here. We will focus on just a few cases.
In the first case, loop iterations are assigned to different tasks based on the process
ID. Assume for this (and following) examples that each thread or process is labeled
by a rank ranging from zero to the number of threads or processes minus one.
ID = 0, 1, 2, ... (Num_procs − 1)
We can use the techniques described in the “loop parallelism pattern” to create
independent loop iterations and then change the loop to split up iterations between
processes or threads.
for(i=ID; i<Num_iterations; i=i+Num_procs) {...}
This approach divides the work between the threads or processes executing the
program, but it may lead to programs that do not effectively reuse data within the
caches. A better approach is to define blocks of contiguous iterations. For example,
working with the geometric decomposition pattern, we can break up the columns of
a matrix into distinct sets based on the ID and num_procs. For example, given a
square matrix of order Norder, we can break up columns or matrix into sets one of
which is assigned to each process or thread.
IStart = (ID∗ Norder/num_procs)
ILast = (ID + 1) ∗ Norder/num_procs
If ( ID == (num_procs − 1)) ILast = Norder
for(i=IStart; i<ILast; i++) { ... }
Programming models designed for general purpose programming of GPUs (see
Chapter 7, GPU programming or [39]) provide another common instance of the SPMD
programming model. Central to these programming models is a data parallel mode
of operation. The software framework defines an index space. A kernel is launched
for each point in the index space. The kernel follows the common SPMD model; it
queries the system to discover its ID and uses this ID to (1) select which point in the
index space it will handle and (2) choose a path through the code. For example, the
following OpenCL kernel would be used to carry out a vector sum:
Parallel Design Patterns 43
_kernel void vec_add (_global const float *a,
_global const float *b,
_global float *c)
int gid = get_global_id(0);
c[gid] = a[gid] + b[gid];

A keyword identifies this function as a kernel. The arguments are listed as “_global”
to indicate to the compiler that they will be imported from the host onto the compute
device. The SPMD pattern can be seen in the body of the function. The kernel queries
its ID “gid” and then uses it to select which elements of the array to sum. Notice that
in this case, each kernel will execute a single stream of instructions, so in this form,
the pattern is identical to the SIMD pattern. We consider this an SPMD pattern, how-
ever, since a kernel can branch based on the ID, causing each instance of a kernel’s
execution to execute a significantly different set of instructions from the body of the
kernel function.
Known Uses This pattern is heavily used by MPI programmers and OpenMP pro-
grammers wanting more control over how data is managed between different parts
of the program. It is becoming increasingly important as a key pattern in GPGPU
Related Patterns The SPMD pattern is very general and is used to support soft-
ware designs based on the data parallel, geometric decomposition, and task parallel
As mentioned earlier, this pattern is very similar to the SIMD pattern. In fact, the
SIMD pattern can be considered a simple case of the more general SPMD pattern. SIMD
One stream of instructions is executed. The system (usually with hardware sup-
port) applies this stream of instructions to multiple data elements, thereby supporting
concurrent execution.
Use When Use this pattern for problems that are strictly data parallel, i.e., where
the same instruction will be applied to each of a set of data elements. If the application
involves a significant degree of branching, this pattern is difficult to apply. This limits
the applicability of the pattern, but the benefits are considerable since the SIMD pat-
tern makes it so much easier to reason about concurrency. In a multithreaded program,
for example, the programmer needs to think about the program and understand every
semantically allowed way the instructions can be interleaved. Validating that every
possible way instructions can be interleaved is correct can be prohibitively difficult.
With the SIMD pattern, however, there is only one stream of instructions.
Details This pattern is tightly coupled to the features provided by the platform. For
example, the SIMD pattern is used when writing code for the vector units of a micro-
processor. Writing code using a native vector instruction set sacrifices portability.
44 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Fortunately, high-level languages are emerging that support portable programming

of vector units. For example, consider the vector addition example we discussed ear-
lier. OpenCL includes a number of vector types such as the float4 type.

float4 A, B, C;
A = B + C;

The single SIMD instruction “A = B + C” applies a pair-wise addition operation to

the four elements of B and C writing the results into the analogous positions in A. This
approach can be used throughout a program leading to a complex application where
a single stream of instructions operating on vector data yields significant amounts of
The SIMD pattern would have a limited impact if it was restricted to these sim-
ple vector operations. Over the years, however, a range of collective operations (such
as reductions and prefix scans) have been developed that greatly expand the scope
of the SIMD pattern. These high-level operations have been incorporated into data
parallel languages such as NESL to greatly expand the scope of the SIMD pattern
[Blelloch96]. The key point for our discussion is to appreciate that a program using
a SIMD pattern lets a programmer understand the concurrency in terms of a sin-
gle stream of instructions operating on multiple data elements. With the right set
of primitives for collective operations, this makes it possible to create deterministic
programming models that support the SIMD design pattern. Given the challenge of
debugging parallel programs, this determinism can have a powerful impact on the
software development cycle.

Known Uses SIMD algorithms are common on any system that includes a vector
processing unit. Often a compiler attempts to extract SIMD vector instructions from
a serial program. gRAPHICS processing units traditionally supported the SIMD pat-
tern, but increasingly over time, this is being replaced with closely related but more
flexible SPMD patterns. In particular, an SPMD program that makes restricted use of
branch statements could be mapped by a compiler onto the lanes of a vector unit to
turn a SPMD program into an SIMD program.

Related Patterns This pattern is a natural choice for many data parallel programs.
With a single stream of instructions, it is possible to build SIMD platforms that are
deterministic. This can radically simplify the software development effort and reduce
validation costs.
As mentioned earlier, programs written using the SPMD pattern can often be con-
verted into an execution pathway that maps onto the SIMD pattern. This is commonly
done on graphics processors, and as graphics processors and CPUs become more gen-
eral and encroach on each other’s turf, this overlap between SIMD and SPMD will
become increasingly important. Loop-Level Parallelism

Concurrency is expressed as iterations of a loop that execute at the same time.
Parallel Design Patterns 45

Use When This pattern is used for any problem where the crux of the computation is
expressed as a manageable number of compute intensive loops. We say “manageable”
since a programmer will need to potentially restructure the individual loops to expose
concurrency; hence, it is best if the program spends the bulk of its time in a small
number of loops.
Details This pattern is deceptively simple. All you do is find the compute intensive
loops and direct the system to execute the iterations in parallel. In the simplest cases
where the loop iterations are truly independent, this pattern is indeed simple. But in
practice, it’s usually more complicated.
The approach used with this pattern is to
• Locate compute intensive loops by inspection or with support from program
profiling tools.
• Manage dependencies between loop iterations so the loop iterations can safely
execute concurrently in any order.
• Tell the parallel programming environment which loops to run in parallel. In
many cases, you may need to tell the system how to schedule loop iterations at
Typically, the greatest challenge when working with this pattern is to manage depen-
dencies between loop iterations. Of course, in the easiest case, there are no depen-
dencies, and this issue can be skipped. But in most cases, the code will need to be
transformed. The following code fragment has three common examples of dependen-
cies in a loop:
minval = Largest_negative_int;
for (i=0, ind=1; i<N; i++){
x = (a[ind+1] + b[ind - 1])/2;
sum += Z[(int)x];
if (is_prime(ind)) minval = min(minval,x);
ind += 2;

Privatize temporary variables: the variable “x” is a temporary variable with respect
to any given iteration of a loop. If you make sure that each thread has its own copy
of this variable, threads will not conflict with each other. Common ways to give each
thread its own copy of a variable include
• Promotion to an array: Create an array indexed by the thread ID and use that
ID to select a copy of the variable in question that is private to a thread.
• Use a built in mechanism provided with the programming environment (such as
a private clause in OpenMP) to generate a copy of the variable for each thread.
Remove induction variables: The variable “ind” is used to control the specific ele-
ments accessed in the arrays. The single variable is visible to each thread and therefore
46 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

creates a dependence carried between loop iterations. We can remove this dependence
by replacing the variable with an expression computed from the loop index. For exam-
ple, in our code fragment, the variable ind ranges through the set of odd integers. We
can represent this as a function of the loop index
ind = 2 * i + 1
Reductions: The expression to sum together a subset of the elements of the Z array
is called a reduction. The name reduction indicates that a higher dimension object
(e.g., an array) is used to create a lower dimension object (e.g., a scalar) through an
associative accumulation operation. Most programming models include a reduction
primitive since they are so common in parallel programs.
Protect shared variables: In some cases, there are shared variables that cannot be
removed. There is no option other than to operate on them as shared variables. In
these cases, the programmer must assure that only one thread at a time accesses the
variables, i.e., access by any thread excludes any other thread from access to the
variable until the variable is released. This is known as mutual exclusion.
Putting these techniques together using OpenMP, we produce the following version
of the above loop with the dependencies removed:

minval = Largest_negative_int;
#pragma omp parallel for private(x, ind) reduction(sum:+)
for (i=0, ind=1; i<N; i++){
ind = 2 * i + 1;
x = (a[ind+1] + b[ind - 1])/2;
sum += Z[(int)x];
if (is_prime(ind)){
#pragma omp critical
minval = min(minval,x);

OpenMP is described in more detail in Chapter 6 of this book. We will discuss enough
to explain this program fragment. The pragma before the loop tells the OpenMP
system to fork a number of threads and to divide loop iterations between them. The
private clause tells the system to create a separate copy of the variables x and ind
for each thread. This removes any dependencies due to these temporary variables. The
reduction clause tells the system to create a separate copy of the variable “sum”
for each thread, carry out the accumulation operation into that local copy, and then at
the end of the loop, combine the “per-thread” copy of “sum” into the single global
copy of sum. Finally, the critical section protects the update to “minval” with only
one thread at a time being allowed to execute the statement following the critical
The final step in the “loop parallelism” pattern is to schedule the iterations of the
loop onto the threads. In the aforementioned example, we let the runtime system
choose a schedule. But in other cases, the programmer may want to explicitly control
how iterations are blocked together and scheduled for execution. This is done with a
Parallel Design Patterns 47

schedule clause in OpenMP, the details of which are described later in the OpenMP
Known Uses The loop-level parallelism pattern is used extensively by OpenMP
programmers in scientific computing and in image processing problems. In both
cases, the problem is represented in terms of a grid and updates to the grid are carried
out based on a neighborhood of grid points. This maps directly onto nested loops over
the grid points which can be run in parallel.
Related Patterns This pattern is used to implement geometric decomposition and
data parallel algorithms. When task definitions map onto loop iterations, it is used
with task parallel algorithms as well.
Solutions that utilize this pattern may use the SPMD pattern to explicitly parallelize
the loops. This approach gives the programmer more control over how collections of
loops are divided among threads. Fork-Join
Threads are forked when needed, complete their work, and then join back with a
parent thread. The program execution profile unfolds as a series of serial and concur-
rent phases, often with nesting as forked-threads themselves fork additional threads.
Use When This pattern is used in shared address space environments, where the
cost of forking a thread is relatively inexpensive. This pattern is particularly useful
for recursive algorithms or any problems composed of a mixture of concurrent and
serial phases.
Details In Figure 3.2, we provide a high-level overview of the fork join pattern.
Think of the program as starting with a single, serial thread. At points where concur-
rent tasks are needed, launch or fork additional thread to execute a task. These threads

Parallel regions

Sequential parts

FIGURE 3.2: The fork-join pattern as commonly used with programming models
such as OpenMP. Parallelism is inserted as needed incrementally leading to a program
consisting of sequential parts (one thread) and parallel regions (teams of threads).
48 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

may execute asynchronously from the original serial or master thread. At some later
point, the master thread pauses and waits for the forked threads to finish their work.
This is called a join. The resulting program consists of serial parts and parallel regions
with parallelism added incrementally.
A solution that utilizes this pattern must

• Identify tasks to execute concurrently.

• Expose the concurrency and isolate the task in a form that can be assigned to a
forked thread.

• Manage data to prevent conflicting access to data by multiple threads (i.e., to

prevent race conditions).

• Join threads back together.

Application of this pattern is heavily influenced by the supporting programming

model. Programmers using OpenMP as well as users of native threading libraries
such as Pthreads or windows threads make heavy use of this pattern. Thread creation
in these models, however, is expensive, so the fork-join pattern is used at a coarse
level of granularity.
A more illustrative example of the fork-join pattern is with the programming lan-
guage Cilk [Blumofe95]. The Cilk runtime makes forking “threads” inexpensive, so
the fork-join pattern can be applied in a fine grained manner. The following pro-
gram recursively computes numbers in the Fibonacci sequence (a pedagogically use-
ful example, but one that is known to be suboptimal for this problem):

cilk int fib (int n) {

int a, b;
if (n < 2) {
return n;
} else {
a = spawn fib (n-1);
b = spawn fib (n-2);
return a+b;

The tasks are the calls to the “fib()” function. The function that contains the instruc-
tions implementing these tasks is marked by the keyword “cilk” to indicate to the
compiler that this function may be executed concurrently. Inside the function, addi-
tional tasks are forked (or in Cilk parlance, spawned) to compute different inter-
mediate results. The “sync” statement in Cilk carries out the function of the join,
i.e., it causes the “forking” thread to wait until all “forked” threads complete before
Parallel Design Patterns 49

Known Uses Every program that uses OpenMP or a native threads library such
as Pthreads uses this pattern. The explicit forks and joins, however, may be hidden
inside a higher level API. This pattern is particularly important for any program that
utilizes recursion. Hence, this is an essential pattern for graph algorithms. The style
of programming associated with Cilk also makes heavy use of this pattern.

Related Patterns This pattern is very general and hence it is used to support most of
the higher level algorithms patterns. It is particularly important for recursive splitting
algorithms. Master-Worker/Task-Queue
A master process defines a collection of independent tasks that are dynamically
scheduled for execution by one or more workers.

Use When The master-worker pattern is used for problems that are expressed as a
collection of tasks that are independent or that can be transformed into a form where
they are independent. In this case, the challenge is to schedule the tasks so the com-
putational load is evenly distributed among a collection of processing elements.

Details A master organizes the parallel computation around a queue of tasks. A

set of tasks are created either by a single “master” process or collectively by a set of
workers (threads or processes). These tasks are placed in a queue for later processing.
Each member from a set of worker threads pulls a task from the queue and does the
indicated computation. The results are accumulated either locally on the worker or in
more complex cases, in cooperation with a separate master process. When a worker
finishes one task, it goes back to the queue for another task. This continues until all
the tasks have been handled. Notice that faster workers will naturally take on more
tasks. Or if a worker happens to grab more compute intensive tasks, other workers
will pick up the load and grab extra tasks. In other words, this approach automatically
balances the load of computing the tasks among the set of workers.

Known Uses This is the pattern of choice for embarrassingly parallel problems
where the initial problem definition is expressed in terms of independent tasks. Batch
queue environments used to share a computational resource among many users are
based on this pattern.

Related Patterns The master-worker pattern is frequently used with the task paral-
lel pattern. It is an especially effective pattern to use with an embarrassingly parallel
problem since a good implementation of the master-worker pattern will automatically
and dynamically balance the load among the workers.
50 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

3.4 Conclusions and Next Steps

The patterns in this chapter are just a summary of some of the most important pat-
terns used in parallel programming. This is not a complete set, and there are numerous
details we did not include that the complete text of a pattern would include. These
pattern summaries, however, should be enough to give you the flavor for what patterns
are and how they work. Hopefully, this presentation of patterns will provide valuable
insights to you as you read the other chapters in this book.
Experienced parallel programmers reading this discussion of patterns are bound to
notice how familiar these patterns seem. This is by design. Patterns organize estab-
lished knowledge in a domain. They are supposed to capture proven design ideas, not
pioneer entirely new design ideas. Hence, we think of the process of defining patterns
as “mining” them from excellent solutions to existing problems.
Pattern mining is an ongoing process carried out by a community of “experts”
interested in documenting excellence in their field. This is by its nature a work in
progress. A pattern language of parallel programming will never be “done” as soft-
ware designers will inevitably think of new solutions to existing problems or as new
classes of problems are addressed. You can follow this ongoing work at [OPL].

[Alexander77] C. Alexander, S. Ishikawa, and M. Silverstein, A Pattern Language:
Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford University Press, New York,
[Blelloch96] G. Blelloch, Programming parallel algorithms, Communications of
the ACM, 39, 85–97, 1996.
[Blumofe95] R. D. Blumofe, C. F. Joerg, B. C. Kuszmaul, C. E. Leiserson,
K. H. Randall, and Y. Zhou, Cilk: An efficient multithreaded
runtime system, in Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Sympo-
sium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP),
Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 207–216, 1995.
[Dean04] J. Dean and S. Ghemawat, MapReduce: Simplified data processing on
large clusters, in Proceedings of OSDI’04: 6th Symposium on Operat-
ing System Design and Implementation, San Francisco, CA, Decem-
ber 2004.
[Gamma94] E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides, Design Patterns:
Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1994.
[Hwu08] W.-M. Hwu, K. Keutzer, and T. Mattson, The concurrency challenge,
IEEE Design and Test, 25(4), 312–320, 2008.
Parallel Design Patterns 51

[Keutzer10] K. Keutzer and T. G. Mattson, A design pattern language for engi-

neering (parallel) software, Intel Technology Journal, 13(4), 2010.
[Mattson04] T. G. Mattson, B. A. Sanders, and B. L. Massingill, Patterns for Par-
allel Programming, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 2004.
[Parsec08] C. Bienia, S. Kumar, J. Pal Singh, and K. Li, The PARSEC
benchmark suite: Characterization and architectural implica-
tions, in Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compila-
tion Techniques, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2008. Available at
[Shaw95] M. Shaw and D. Garlan, Software Architecture: Perspectives on an
Emerging Discipline, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1995.
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Part II

Programming Languages for

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Chapter 4
Threads and Shared Variables in C++

Hans Boehm


4.1 Basic Model and Thread Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.2 Small Detour: C++0x Lambda Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.3 Complete Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.4 Shared Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.5 More Refined Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.6 Avoiding Data Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.7 Mutexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.8 Atomic Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.8.1 Low-Level Atomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.9 Other Synchronization Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.9.1 Unique_lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.9.2 Condition Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.9.3 Other Mutex Variants and Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.9.4 Call_once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.10 Terminating a Multi-Threaded C++ Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.11 Task-Based Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.12 Relationship to Earlier Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.12.1 Separate Thread Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.12.2 No Atomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.12.3 Adjacent Field Overwrites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.12.4 Other Compiler-Introduced Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.12.5 Program Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

As of 2009, neither C nor C++ directly supported parallel programming in the

language itself. Traditionally, C++ parallel programs most commonly relied on
platform-dependent libraries to allow the creation of multiple threads of control and
to support synchronization between them. The two most common interfaces for such
libraries are the Posix “pthreads” interface [9], and Microsoft Windows’ threads
Unfortunately these approaches resulted in some ambiguity and confusion about
the meaning of threads, and the properties that compilers were expected to enforce
with respect to threads [4]. As a result, it was difficult to precisely define the resulting
programming rules.

56 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The C++ language is currently undergoing revision. This upcoming version of the
language is customarily referred to as C++0x, in spite of the fact that it is not expected
to be finalized until roughly 2011.
C++0x addresses the difficulties with threads in C++ by adding support for
threads directly to the language, giving the language specification a chance to pre-
cisely define their semantics [6]. The next revision of the C standard is taking a
similar route though with significant differences in the API for thread creation and
In this chapter, we describe multi-threaded programming in C++0x, since it
significantly simplifies our task. Aside from significant syntactic differences, the
approach is fundamentally similar to C++03 with the Boost threads [16] library.
However, the basic rules are clearer, simpler, and much less platform-dependent.

4.1 Basic Model and Thread Creation

C++0x threads each independently execute their own program, but they do so
in a completely shared address space. Variables may be statically allocated to fixed
locations, by declaring them outside of any function, or with a static qualifier,
they may be local to a particular function activation, or they may be declared to be
local to a thread with the thread_local qualifier. In the latter two cases, they are
directly accessible to only a single thread. However, that thread may store a pointer
to such a variable l in a statically allocated variable p, and thus allow other threads to
refer to it as *p.
Fundamentally, all areas of memory are accessible from all threads. As in sequen-
tial C++, it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that variables are not
accessed beyond their lifetimes. That clearly requires some care when one thread
accesses variables intended to be local to another thread, but we will see later that it
can be both safe and useful.
In practice, there are also C and C++ programs that use completely different
approaches to parallelism through the use of other libraries, or by relying directly
on OS facilities. It is fairly common to write parallel C++ applications that either
share no memory at all and communicate via some form of message passing, or
that communicate via shared memory regions, but do not share the entire process
address space. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The latter can be sig-
nificantly more complicated than the threads-based model, since the programmer has
to track which addresses are valid in which process. Neither of these are directly sup-
ported by the C++0x draft standard, and we do not directly address them in this
Each C++0x thread has an associated object of type std::thread. A thread is
created and started by constructing an object of type std::thread with arguments
specifying the function to be invoked in its thread, together with any necessary argu-
ments. Thus, we could start a thread computing sqrt(1.23) by declaring a thread
object t:
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 57

std::thread t(sqrt, 1.23);

However, such a thread would not be useful, since the result of the sqrt function is
Once the thread object t has been created, it is the creator’s responsibility to ensure
that t.join() is subsequently invoked to wait for the thread and allow its resources
to be reclaimed. If join() is not called, a run-time error results when t is destroyed,
for example, because it goes out of scope.
Invoking t.join() causes the invoking thread to wait for the thread represented
by t to complete. This is usually necessary so that we can safely use the results it
produced. Even if we use other mechanisms to wait for results, it is typically necessary
to wait for thread completion to ensure that the thread terminates before resources it
relies on are destroyed. We address this point in more detail in Section 4.10.

4.2 Small Detour: C++0x Lambda Expressions

In order to simplify examples, and give our first illustration of a (minimally) useful
thread, we briefly introduce another C++0x feature, so-called lambda expressions.
These provide a convenient syntax for constructing objects that behave like functions,
but can refer to variables in the surrounding scope. (Unlike its predecessors in other
languages, the syntax does not use the Greek letter λ; the name still derives from
Church’s lambda calculus.)
The expression
[&]() { x = sqrt(1.23); }
denotes a function object, that is, an object that can be invoked as a function. If x is
declared in a surrounding function, then it is bound by reference (indicated by the &
inside the square brackets introducing the function) to that instance in the surrounding
If the brackets had contained an “=” sign, variables like x that are neither local
to the lambda expression nor completely global would have been copied into the
function object, rather than accessed by reference. This would be completely useless
here, since we want to change the value of x rather than examining its initial value.
But it is often useful in other contexts. The full syntax also allows finer control of
how individual variables are captured (by reference or value), and the leading “&” or
“=” specifies the default treatment.

4.3 Complete Example

Using this notation, we can now write a function that actually does compute
sqrt(1.23) in a separate thread, though clearly this would not be useful unless
sqrt(1.23) took exceptionally long to compute, and we had something else to do
in the interim:
58 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
#include <thread>

double sqrt123()
double x;
std::thread t([&]() { x = sqrt(1.23); });
// parent thread might do something else here.
return x;

The function invoked by the thread t first computes sqrt(1.23) and then
assigns the result to the variable x in the creating (parent) thread. The parent thread
then waits for t to finish before returning the final value of x.
Note that if the parent thread throws an exception between the creation of t and
the call to t.join(), the program will terminate since t will be destroyed without
an intervening t.join() call. If there is danger of such a recoverable exception,
the code should ensure that t.join() is also called on the exception path.

4.4 Shared Variables

As in other programming languages supporting threads, C++ threads communi-
cate by accessing shared variables. We normally think of the threads as executing
in an interleaved fashion, with one thread executing one or more steps, followed by
another thread executing some number of steps, etc. Thus, the function in Figure 4.1
might be executed as
Main Thread Child Thread
int x = 0;
create child;
x = 200;
x = 400;
join child;
return x; // returns 400

int f()
int x = 0;
std::thread t([&]() { x = 400; });
x = 200;
return x;

FIGURE 4.1: Simultaneous assignment.

Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 59

or as
Main Thread Child Thread
int x = 0;
create child;
x = 400;
x = 200;
join child;
return x; // returns 200
Such an execution is called sequentially consistent [12] if it can be understood in this
way as the interleaving of thread steps. In a sequentially consistent execution, the
value of a shared object is always the last value assigned to it in the interleaving, no
matter which thread performed the assignment.
Although this is the traditional way to view the execution of a multi-threaded pro-
gram, it is generally viewed as impractical, especially for a systems programming
language, such as C++, for two different but complementary reasons:
1. The meaning of a program depends on the granularity at which memory oper-
ations are performed. To see this, consider a hypothetical machine on which
memory accesses are performed a byte at a time. Thus, the assignment
x = 400 is actually decomposed into at least the two assignments x_high_
bits = 1 and x_low_bits = 144 (1×28 +144 = 400). Thus, we could
also get an interleaving

Main Thread Child Thread

int x = 0;
create child;
x_low_bits = 144;
x_low_bits = 200;
x_high_bits = 1;
join child;
return x; // returns 256 + 200 = 456
This result is almost certainly unexpected. Even if the hardware performs mem-
ory accesses at the expected granularity, operations on user-defined data struc-
tures are unlikely to be performed indivisibly, and thus would have to be thought
about differently from operations on, say, integers. Although sequential consis-
tency is probably the easiest model to understand, it is often not very helpful
for practical reasoning.
2. Both the compiler and hardware routinely perform optimizations that violate
sequential consistency, in that they produce results that cannot be understood
in such a simple interleaving model.
Consider the example in Figure 4.2, where we assume that individual mem-
ory accesses are indivisible. Based on the interleaving interpretation, either
x = 1 or y = 1 must be executed first. Thus, the corresponding load in the
other thread must return one, and thus either res_parent or res_child
must be nonzero, and f() can never return true.
60 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
bool f()
int x = 0, y = 0;
int res_parent, res_child;
std::thread child([&]() { x = 1; res_child = y;});
y = 1;
res_parent = x;
return res_parent == 0 && res_child == 0;

FIGURE 4.2: Can f() return 0?

However, nearly all modern implementations do allow f() to return true.

Compilers may decide to reorder the memory operations in each thread, per-
forming the load from the shared variable x or y first, allowing, for example,
the interleaving
res_parent = x; x = 1; res_child = y; y = 1;
(it is often attractive to perform loads earlier, since it may give the load oper-
ation more time to complete before the result is needed). Even if the compiler
does not, typical hardware performs a similar transformation by buffering the
initial store to x or y, making it visible to other processors later, possibly after
the subsequent load from the other shared variable has completed. In either
case, both shared variable loads can yield zero.

4.5 More Refined Approach

Since sequential consistency is neither sufficient to avoid surprising outcomes and
thus ensure a convenient programming model, nor reliably implementable with good
performance, C++0x instead follows Java, and adopts a slightly different program-
ming model that guarantees sequential consistency only for a class of well-behaved
programs that excludes the preceding example [1,2,6,13].
The problem in all of the preceding cases is that shared variables are simultane-
ously accessed by two different threads. This allows one thread to observe whether
operations in the other thread are reordered or performed with small granularity. We
avoid these issues completely by prohibiting such simultaneous accesses, commonly
referred to as data races.
More precisely, C++0x defines a memory location to be either a scalar (e.g., int,
char, double, or pointer) or a sequence of contiguous bit-fields.∗ This is illustrated
in Figure 4.3 (more on bit-fields below.) Informally, a memory location is a unit of

∗ As a special exception, zero-length bit-fields can be used to separate sequences of bit-fields into multiple
memory locations.
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 61
struct {char a; int b:25; int c:26; int d:22; short e;} x;

Memory Memory
location 1 location 3
location 2

FIGURE 4.3: Memory locations in a struct.

memory that can be updated without also writing to adjacent memory, which might
interfere with other threads.
Two memory operations conflict if they access the same memory location and
at least one of them is a store operation to that location. A particular execution of a
program (interleaving) contains a data race if two conflicting operations correspond-
ing to different threads occur adjacently in the interleaving, reflecting the fact that
they are not prevented from executing concurrently. For example, Figure 4.1 has a
data race because the two assignments to x conflict, and can be executed simulta-
neously by different threads, as is seen by the fact that they can be adjacent in an
interleaving. Similarly, Figure 4.2 contains two distinct data races: The assignment
and access to x conflict and may be simultaneously executed, and similarly for y.
A program with a possible execution that includes a data race has “undefined
behavior,” that is, allowed to produce any results whatsoever. (This is sometimes
referred to as “catch fire” semantics for data races, though we do not expect real
implementations to actually cause a fire.) A data race is erroneous, though it is diffi-
cult to diagnose such errors, and typical implementations generally will not. Typical
implementations will, however, perform program transformations that assume there
are no data races. When that assumption is violated, very strange behavior may result.
To understand the special treatment for bit-fields in the definition of “memory loca-
tion,” consider how they are typically implemented. Assume x is a struct consist-
ing of two 4 bit wide fields a and b sharing a single byte. Essentially no modern
hardware allows either field to be changed without storing to the entire byte. Thus,
x.a = 1 would be implemented as
tmp = x; tmp.a = 1; x = tmp;
where tmp is stored in a register, and the middle assignment involves some bit manip-
ulation instructions operating on the register value. This means that if both fields are
initially zero, and two threads concurrently assign to the two fields, we could get the
following interleaving of the generated code:

Thread 1 Thread 2
tmp = x;
tmp2 = x;
tmp2.b = 1;
tmp.a = 1;
x = tmp;
x = tmp2;
62 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

This resulting code clearly has a data race on x, and this is reflected in the unex-
pected result here, in which only the x.b field is actually updated, since the second
thread happens to write last. In order to avoid the introduction of such data races, the
draft standard treats the original code as updating the same memory location in both
threads, and hence as already containing the data race.
By effectively outlawing data races, we ensure that legal code cannot test whether
memory operations are reordered and cannot detect the granularity at which they
are performed. Even larger operations, such as operations on STL containers, can be
treated as though they occur in one atomic operation; any code that could tell the
difference is already outlawed by the preceding rule.

4.6 Avoiding Data Races

Unfortunately, merely outlawing data races is not enough; so far, we have no clear
mechanism to avoid data races if threads access the same shared variable, as most
interesting programs will want to.
Consider a simple program consisting of several threads, which, as part of their
operation, need to very occasionally increment a shared counter c. If we incremented
the counter by simply executing c++, we would introduce a potential data race.
Each of the increment operations consists of both a load and a store operation of the
variable c. There is nothing to prevent operations performed by two threads from
being executed concurrently or, more precisely, from a load operation on c from
thread a appearing next to a store operation on c from thread b.
C++ provides two primary synchronization mechanisms for avoiding data races
in cases like this:

Mutexes: Mutexes prevent certain code sections from being interleaved with each
other. Informally, a mutex (class std::mutex) cannot be acquired by a thread, by
invoking lock() function on the mutex, until all prior holders of the mutex have
released it by calling its unlock() method. More formally, a lock() call is not
allowed to occur in the interleaving until the number of prior unlock() calls on the
mutex is equal to the number of prior lock() calls.

Atomic objects: Operations on atomic objects appear to occur indivisibly. They do

not participate in data races; the real definition of data races in the draft standard
refers only to ordinary memory accesses, specifically excluding atomic accesses.

4.7 Mutexes
To implement the shared counter using the preceding locks, we might write the
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 63

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
mutex m;
int c;

void incr_c()
Although this is occasionally the right coding style for a code that acquires locks,
it introduces a major trap: If the code between the lock() and unlock() calls
throws an exception, the lock will not be released. This prevents any other thread
from acquiring the lock, and would thus normally cause the program to deadlock in
short order.
One could avoid this by explicitly catching exceptions and also unlocking on
the exception path. But the standard provides a more convenient mechanism:
A std::lock_guard object acquires a mutex when it is constructed, and releases
it on destruction. Since the destructor is also invoked in any exception path, the under-
lying mutex will be released even when an exception is thrown.
Lock_guard uses the standard C++ RAII (resource acquisition is initializa-
tion) idiom. Like some other uses of this idiom, the actual lock_guard variable is
not of interest. (We give it a name of “_” to emphasize that.) Its only purpose is to
ensure execution of its constructor and destructor. Thus, the earlier example could be
rewritten as follows:
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
mutex m;
int c;
void incr_c()
lock_guard<mutex> _(m);

4.8 Atomic Variables

C++0x provides an alternate synchronization mechanism that may be more appro-
priate for very simple shared data, like our counter earlier. By declaring a variable to
64 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

have type atomic<T> instead of T, accesses to it are performed indivisibly, and

pairs of these accesses cannot constitute data races. The implementation is required
to ensure that the resulting programs still behave sequentially consistently, that is, as
if steps from different threads were interleaved. Depending on the platform, it may
make accesses to atomic<T> objects much more expensive than regular accesses
to T.
The type atomic<T> may be used for any T that can be copied by simply
copying the bits. It always provides load() and store() operations. The latter is
also provided as an assignment operator, and the former is also provided as an explicit
conversion from atomic<T> to T; thus, usually, neither load() nor store()
operations are written explicitly. In addition, a few atomic read-modify-write opera-
tions are provided. In particular, increment operations on atomic<int> are
Thus, the example from the preceding section could be written more concisely, and
usually more efficiently, as follows:
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
atomic<int> c;

void incr_c()
Although atomic operations by default continue to provide sequential consistency
for data-race-free programs, there are also versions of these operations, customar-
ily referred to as “low-level” atomics, that violate the simple interleaving semantics
for improved performance. Unfortunately, on current hardware, these performance
improvements can sometimes be dramatic.
The semantics of low-level atomics are quite complex, and the details are beyond
the scope of this chapter.
We expect that code using atomic objects will generally be written initially using
“high-level” sequentially consistent atomics, and hot paths may then be carefully
manually optimized to use low-level atomics, where it is essential to do so. By doing
so, we at least separate subtle memory ordering concerns from the already sufficiently
subtle issue of developing the underlying parallel algorithm. We briefly illustrate this
process here, describing the simplest and probably most common application of low-
level atomics in the process.
Assume we would like to initialize some static data on the first execution of a
function. (We could also do this by simply declaring a function-local static variable,
or the standard-library-provided call_once function, in which case the language
implementation might itself use a technique similar to the one described here.)
A simple way to do so explicitly would be to write the appropriate code using
locks as shown earlier. To implement a function get_x() that returns a reference to
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 65

x, which is guaranteed to have previously been explicitly initialized, we might write

the following:
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;

T x;
bool x_init(false);
mutex x_init_m;

T& get_x()
lock_guard<mutex> _(x_init_m);
if (!x_init) {
x_init = true;
return x;
This has the, often substantial, disadvantage that every call to get_x() involves
the overhead of acquiring and releasing a lock. We can improve matters by using the
so-called double-checked locking idiom:
T x;
atomic<bool> x_init(false);
mutex x_init_m;

T& get_x()
if (!x_init) {
lock_guard<mutex> _(x_init_m);
if (!x_init) {
x_init = true;
return x;
We first check whether x has already been initialized without acquiring a lock. If it
has been initialized, there is no need to acquire the lock.
Note that in this version, x_init can be set to true in one thread while being
read by another. This would constitute a data race had we not declared x_init as
atomic. Indeed, in the absence of such a declaration, if the compiler knew that the
implementation of initialize_x did not mention x_init, it would have been
66 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

perfectly justified in, for example, moving the assignment to x_init to before the
initialization of x, thus effectively breaking the code.
By declaring x_init to be atomic, we avoid these issues. However, we now
require the compiler to restrict optimizations so that sequential consistency is pre-
served and, more importantly, to insert additional instructions, typically so-called
memory fences, that prevent the hardware from violating sequential consistency.

4.8.1 Low-Level Atomics

On most existing architectures, this version of the code is likely to perform ade-
quately. The assignment to x_init will typically be more expensive than necessary,
but it is only executed once. Unfortunately, on some architectures, the other accesses
to x_init will also incur additional overhead [14].
If we want to reduce this additional overhead, and were feeling exceptionally brave,
we could do so by explicitly specifying ordering constraints for the atomic operations,
and sacrificing the simple interleaving model of thread execution, at least around this
piece of code. We could now rewrite the code as follows:

T x;
atomic<bool> x_init(false);
mutex x_init_m;

T& get_x()
if (!x_init.load(memory_order_acquire)) {
lock_guard<mutex> _(x_init_m);
if (!x_init.load(memory_order_relaxed)) {
initialize_x();, memory_order_release);
return x;

The memory_order_release store to x_init ensures that all memory

accesses preceding it become visible to any other thread after it performs a
memory_order_acquire load of x_init that sees the new value. This is the
only visibility guarantee required here for the concurrent accesses to x_init. For
example, it prevents the compiler from moving up the store to x_init.
The combination of memory_order_release and memory_order_
acquire does not ensure sequential consistency. Most importantly, it does not
guarantee that atomic stores followed atomic loads from a different variable become
visible to other threads in the intended order.
Assume two threads execute the following code, where both x and y are initially
zero. (This is essentially similar to the last example in Section 4.4, only presented in
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 67

a different format. This is commonly referred to as the “Dekker’s” example, since it

is the core of Dekker’s mutual exclusion algorithm.)

Thread 1, memory_order_release);
res_1 = y.load(memory_order_acquire);
Thread 2, memory_order_release);
res_2 = x.load(memory_order_acquire);

It would be entirely possible to get a final result of res_1 = res_2 = 0, since the
loads could appear to be reordered with the stores.
For our specific get_x() example, this kind of reordering is typically not an
issue, so the faster primitives are safe for this idiom. It appears to be the case that
no caller of get_x() can tell whether the faster primitives are used, and hence the
caller may continue to reason based on interleavings, that is, sequential consistency.
But even in this simple case, we know of no rigorous proof of that claim. In general, it
appears quite difficult to effectively hide the use of low-level atomics inside libraries,
keeping them invisible from the caller.
Note that the second load from x_init in get_x() cannot in fact occur at the
same time as a store to x_init. Thus, it is safe to require no ordering guarantees.
One perfectly safe use of low-level atomics is for such non-racing accesses to vari-
ables that need to be declared atomic because other accesses are involved in races.

4.9 Other Synchronization Mechanisms

In addition to atomic types and locks, C++0x provides a fairly standard set of
additional synchronization facilities. We briefly list here the major ones.

4.9.1 Unique_lock
The lock_guard facility provides a useful facility for managing the ownership
of mutexes, and ensuring that mutexes are released in the event of an exception. How-
ever, it imposes one important restriction: The underlying mutex is unconditionally
released by the lock_guard’s destructor. This means that the mutex can never be
released within the scope of the lock_guard.
The unique_lock template provides a generalization of lock_guard that
supports explicit locking and unlocking within the scope of the unique_lock. The
unique_lock tracks the state of the mutex, and the destructor unlocks the mutex
only if it is actually held. In this way, the programmer can get essentially the full
flexibility of direct mutex operations, while retaining the exception safety provided
by lock_guard.
68 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

4.9.2 Condition Variables

Like most threads implementations since Mesa [15], C++ provides condition
A thread may need to wait for some condition to hold in order to make progress.
For example, we may have a thread whose function it is to look at a queue of pending
requests, and to process those requests as it finds them.
Once the queue becomes empty, it could wait for it to fill again by repeatedly test-
ing an atomic variable containing, say, the number of elements in the queue. This
is clearly wasteful, since the thread will continue to consume CPU resources, thus
possibly slowing down the thread refilling the queue, while it is waiting.
A better solution is to associate a condition variable with the “queue nonempty”
condition. This might be declared as follows:

#include <condition_variable>

std::condition_variable queue_nonempty;

Assume that q is the shared queue. Since it is shared, it must be protected by a

mutex q_mtx, and all accesses to q must occur by a thread holding q_mtx.
In order to test q, we must hold q_mtx. We do so by declaring a suitable unique_
lock. If we discover that q is empty, we then wait for the condition variable to be
notified, indicating that something was added to the queue, and it might hence be
nonempty. Thus, the code to inspect the queue might look something like

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> q_ul(q_mtx);

while (q.empty()) {
// retrieve element from q

Note that it makes no sense to wait for the queue to be refilled while holding
q_mtx, since that would make it impossible for another thread to add anything to the
queue while we are waiting. Hence, the wait() call on a condition_variable
needs a way to release the mutex while it is waiting. This is done by passing it a
unique_lock, which unlike a lock_guard can be released and required. (One
might alternatively have designed the interface to pass a raw std::mutex. That
would have made it much more difficult to ensure proper release of the mutex in case
of an exception.)
When another thread adds something to the queue, it should subsequently invoke

Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 69

The former allows exactly one waiting thread to continue. It is normally more effi-
cient in cases like our example in which there is no danger of waking the wrong thread,
and thus potentially reaching deadlock. The latter allows all of them to continue, and
is generally safer. If there are no waiting threads, neither call has any effect.
Note that condition_variable::wait() calls always occur in a loop. (The
condition_variable interface also contains an overloaded wait function that
expects a Predicate argument, and executes the loop internally.) In most realistic
cases, for example, if we have more than one thread removing elements from q, this
is usually necessary because a third thread may have been scheduled between the
notify call and the wait call, and it may have invalidated the associated condition,
for example, by removing the just added element from the queue. Since the client
code generally needs a loop anyway, the implementation is somewhat simplified by
allowing wait() to occasionally return spuriously, that is, without an associated
notification. Thus, the loop is required in all cases.
Since wait() can wake up spuriously, the correct code should remain correct
if all wait and notify calls are removed. However, this would again be far less effi-
cient. It might conceivably even prevent the application from making any progress at
all, if waiting threads consume all processor resources, though this is not likely for
mainstream implementations.
The implementation of wait() is guaranteed to release the associated mutex
atomically with the calling threads entrance into the waiting state. If the condition
variable is notified while holding the associated mutex, there is no danger of the noti-
fication being lost because the waiting thread has released the mutex, but is not yet
waiting, a scenario referred to as a “lost wakeup.” Thus, the wait() call must release
the mutex, and condition variables are tightly connected with mutexes; there is no way
to separate condition_variable::wait() and the release of the mutex into
separate calls.
A C++ condition variable always expects to cooperate with a unique_
lock<mutex>. Occasionally it is desirable to use condition variables with other
types of locks. Std::condition_variable_any provides this flexibility.

4.9.3 Other Mutex Variants and Facilities

The basic mutex type can only be acquired once per thread. A mutex can only
be acquired by a thread t if neither any other thread nor t itself holds the lock. A
recursive_mutex may be acquired even if t itself already holds the lock. The
thread t must then release the mutex the same number of times it previously acquired
it before another thread can acquire it.
A simple implementation of an object shared between threads would typically
include a mutex in the object. Any public functions would then acquire the mutex
before operating on the object state, thus ensuring that simultaneous accesses to the
object do not result in data races. Private, internal functions would not acquire the
70 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

mutex, since they would be called from a public function that already owns the mutex.
The use of a recursive_mutex would allow a public function owning the mutex
to call another public function, which would reacquire it. If a regular mutex were
used in this setting, the second acquisition attempt would either result in deadlock or
throw an exception indicating detection of a deadlock condition.
Either kind of mutex can be acquired either by calling its lock() function, which
blocks, that is, waits until the lock is available, or by calling its try_lock() func-
tion, which immediately returns false if the mutex is not available. The try_
lock() function may spuriously return false, even if the mutex is available.
(Implementations will typically not really take advantage of this permission in the
obvious way, but this permission declares certain dubious programs to contain data
races, and it would potentially be very expensive to provide sequential consistency
for those programs. See Ref. [6] for details.)
One use of the try_lock() function is to acquire two (or more) locks at the
same time, without risking deadlock by potentially acquiring two locks in the opposite
order in two threads, and having each thread successfully acquire the first one. We
can instead acquire the first lock with lock() and try to acquire the second with
try_lock(). If that fails, we release the first and try the opposite order. In fact, the
standard supplies both lock() and try_lock() stand-alone functions that take
multiple mutexes or the like, and follow a process similar to this to acquire them all
without the possibility of deadlock, even in the lock() case.
The draft standard also provides mutex types timed_mutex and recursive_
timed_mutex that support timeouts on lock acquisition. Since the draft standard
generally does not go out of its way to support real-time programming, for example,
it does not support thread priorities, these are expected to be used rarely.

4.9.4 Call_once
The call_once function is invoked on a once_flag and a function f plus its
arguments. The first call on a particular once_flag invokes f . Subsequent calls
simply wait for the initial call to complete. This provides a convenient way to run
initialization code exactly once, without reproducing the code from Section 4.8.
As we also mentioned earlier, often an even easier way to do this is to declare
a static variable in function scope. If such a variable requires dynamic initialization,
it will be initialized exactly once, on first use, using a mechanism similar to

4.10 Terminating a Multi-Threaded C++ Program

All of our example programs have created a thread, and then waited for it to com-
plete using thread::join(). In some cases, it is convenient to create one or more
threads that provide a service for a particular library, and to essentially keep them run-
ning until program termination. Or it may make sense to create a thread to produce
some external output that the rest of the program does not logically need to wait for.
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 71

Posix [9] provides a pthread_detach() call specifically to make it more con-

venient to manage such threads, and it is tempting to do something similar in C++.
However, C++ presents an added difficulty here: When exit() is called to termi-
nate the process, typically because the initial thread returns from main(), destruc-
tors for static duration variables are invoked. If another thread is still running at this
time, it is likely to make library calls that touch those same static variables, typically
resulting in a potential data race. In practice, such a thread that happens to be running
at the wrong time, particularly near the end of static destruction, is likely to access
statically allocated objects that have already been destroyed, resulting in a crash or
misbehavior during process shutdown.
This issue is somewhat complicated by the fact that, even after a thread returns
from the top-level function passed to the thread constructor, it may continue to run
destructors for objects declared thread_local, making it harder to wait for full
completion of a thread, except by joining it.
As a result, there are basically two distinct safe ways to shut down a C++ process:

• The main (original) thread must ensure that all threads have been joined before
it returns. This implies that any library that starts a helper thread should either
provide an explicit call to shut down those helper threads, and those calls should
be invoked before main() exits, or it should join with the helper threads when
one of the library’s static duration objects is destroyed. The latter option is quite
tricky, since such a thread may not rely on another library that may be shutting
down at the same time. The standard library is guaranteed to be available until
the end of static duration object destruction, but user-level libraries typically do
not share this property, since their static objects may be destroyed in parallel.

• The entire process may be shut down without running static destructors by call-
ing quick_exit. This will simply terminate all other threads still running at
that point. It is possible to perform some limited shutdown actions in the event
of a quick_exit call by registering such actions with at_quick_exit().
However, any such registered actions should be limited so that they do not inter-
fere with any threads running through the shutdown process.

Unfortunately, any use of the second option is not fully compatible with existing
C++ code that relies on the execution of static destructors. Essentially the entire
application has to agree that quick_exit will be used, and static destructors will
not be used. As a result, we expect most applications to use the first option, and to
ensure that all threads are joined before process exit.

4.11 Task-Based Models

Here, we have described only concurrency as supported by the (upcoming) lan-
guage standard itself. There is general agreement that this is a lower level than should
be used by the majority of programmers.
72 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The model we have presented here requires that a separate thread be created for
tasks to be performed in parallel. If this is done indiscriminately, it can easily result in
more concurrently active threads than the runtime can efficiently support, and in far
more thread creation and destruction overhead than desired, possibly outweighing
any benefit from performing the tasks in parallel in the first place. Essentially, we
have left it to the programmer to divide an algorithm into tasks of sufficiently small
granularity to keep all available processors busy, but sufficiently large granularity
to prevent thread creation and scheduling overheads from dominating the execution
A variety of library facilities have been proposed to mitigate these issues:
• Parallel algorithms libraries (cf. STAPL [3]) that directly provide for paral-
lel iteration over data structures, and thus the library either simplifies or takes
responsibility for the choice of task granularity. These often also support con-
tainers distributed over multiple machines, an issue we have not otherwise
addressed here.
• Thread pools allow a small number of threads to be reused to perform a large
number of tasks.
• Fork-join frameworks such as Intel Threading Building Blocks [10,11] or
Cilk++ [7,8] allow the programmer to create a large number of potentially
parallel tasks, letting the runtime make decisions about whether to run each
one in parallel, essentially in a thread pool, or to simply execute it as a function
call in the calling thread. This allows the programmer to concentrate largely on
exposing as much parallelism as possible, leaving the issue of limiting paral-
lelism to minimize overhead to the runtime.
Particularly, the latter two often allow the cost of creating a logically parallel task to
be reduced far below typical thread creation costs. The next chapter discusses some
related approaches in other languages in more detail.
Although such facilities were discussed in the C++ committee, none were incor-
porated into C++0x. Such facilities are quite difficult to define precisely and cor-
rectly. Issues like the following need to be addressed:
• How do thread_local variables interact with tasks? Does a task always
see consistent values? Can they live longer than expected, leaking memory, and
potentially outliving some data structures required to execute the destructor?
• What synchronization operations are the tasks allowed to use? What about
libraries that use synchronization “under the covers”? Usually, serializing exe-
cution of logically parallel and unrestricted tasks introduces deadlock possibil-
ities. What rules should the programmer follow to avoid this?
Although there is agreement that we would like to encourage such programming prac-
tice, the prevailing opinion was that it was premature to standardize such features
without a deeper understanding of the consequences, particularly in the context of
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 73

C++0x does include some minimal support targeting such approaches, which
were finalized late in the process:

• Class promise provides a facility for setting and waiting for a result produced
by a concurrently executing function. This provides a set_value member
function to supply the result, for example, in a child thread, and a get_future
function to obtain a corresponding future object, which can be used to wait
for the result, for example, in a parent thread. This allows propagation of excep-
tions from the child to the parent. Class packaged_task can be used to sim-
plify the normal use case, by wrapping a function so that its result is propagated
to an associated future object.

• The function template async allows very simple and convenient execution
of parallel tasks. In order to avoid the aforementioned problems, such tasks
are always executed either in their own thread or, by default, at the runtime’s
discretion, sequentially at the point at which the result is required. We could
rewrite our first complete threads example as follows:

#include <future>

double sqrt123()
auto x = std::async([]() { return sqrt(1.23); });
// parent thread might do something else here.
return x.get();

Here x is a future, which is returned immediately by the async() call.

The get() call waits for the result to be ready.
Aside from removing the risks associated with having the child thread write
directly to the parent’s variable, it ensures that exceptions are correctly

4.12 Relationship to Earlier Standards

Although we have focused on threads in C++0x, the approach we have described
is not fundamentally different from what would be used with C++03 or C99. How-
ever, those platforms present some additional challenges. We list those here.

4.12.1 Separate Thread Libraries

A separate thread library must be used. It is probably most common to use a library
that exports a C language API, such as the Posix threads API [9] or the Microsoft
74 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Windows API. The former is closer to what we have presented here than the lat-
ter. It is also possible to use one of several possible add-on C++ threads APIs,
which are usually implemented as a thin layer over the underlying C-level API. The
C++0x threads API is very loosely based on one of these, namely, that provided by
Boost [16].

4.12.2 No Atomics
There is no full equivalent of C++0x atomic<T> variables. There are a number
of vendor-specific extensions that provide related functionality, such as Microsoft’s
Interlocked... functions or gcc’s __sync... intrinsics. However, these pro-
vide primarily atomic read-modify-write operations, and it is unclear how to safely
implement plain loads and stores on such shared values. They also occasionally pro-
vide surprising memory ordering semantics.
Note that it is generally not safe to access variables that may be concurrently
modified by another thread using ordinary variable accesses. Such an attempt may
have results that do not correspond to reading any specific value of the variable. For
example, consider
bool my_x = x; // x is shared variable

if (my_x) m.lock();
a: ...
if (my_x) m.unlock();
The compiler may initially load my_x, use that value for the first conditional, then
be forced to “spill” the value of my_x when it runs out of available registers, and
then reload the value of my_x from x for the second condition, since it knows that
my_x was just a copy of x. If the value of x changes from false to true, the net
result of this is a likely runtime error as m.unlock() is called without a prior call
to m.lock(), something that initially appears impossible based on the source code.
Operations on C++ volatiles do put the compiler on notice that the object
may be modified asynchronously, and hence are generally safer to use than ordinary
variable accesses. In particular, declaring x volatile in the preceding example would
prevent my_x from being reloaded from it a second time. However, volatile does
not in general guarantee that the resulting accesses are indivisible; indeed it cannot,
since arbitrarily large objects may be declared volatile. On most platforms, there
are also very weak or no guarantees about memory visibility when volatile is
used with threads. We know of no platform on which the Dekker’s example
would yield the same behavior with volatile int as it would with
In general, there is no fully portable replacement for atomic<T>. The usual solu-
tions are to either use locks instead, to use non-portable solutions, or to use a third-
party library that attempts to hide the platform differences.
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 75

4.12.3 Adjacent Field Overwrites

In C++0x, an assignment may only affect the “memory location” in which it
resides, and “memory locations” are defined such that an assignment to a variable
never writes an adjacent variable, and writing to a field may read and rewrite an adja-
cent field only if both are members of the same contiguous sequence of bit-fields.
Thus, for a structure declared as:
struct S {char a; int b:5; int c:11; char d;}
All fields may be updated in parallel, except that concurrent assignments to b and c
may introduce a data race.
Older specifications are generally sufficiently ambiguous about this that we have
not found them helpful. However, most recent implementations differ from the
C++0x specification primarily in that assignments to bit-fields will read a unit of
the structure corresponding to the declared type of the bit-field. Thus, in our exam-
ple, an update of b or c is likely to read an int-sized part of the structure, update
that in a register, and write it back. On typical machines with 32 bit ints, this typ-
ically means that no concurrent updates of any of the fields in struct S are safe.
Although this has major impact for our specific example, this kind of structure with
embedded bit-fields is rare in most real code. Putting bit-fields into a separate struc-
ture is safer, though may cost some space.
On a few architectures, notably Alpha machines, compiler switches may be required
to avoid more surprising overwrites of adjacent fields.

4.12.4 Other Compiler-Introduced Races

Older compilers tend to occasionally introduce a code that amounts to additional
identity assignments (i.e., x = x;) under certain unusual conditions. This may over-
write an assignment to the same variable (i.e., x) performed by another thread between
the load and the store of the identity assignment. Struct field assignments from the
preceding section are one example of this. But there are others.
As another example, consider the loop
for (...) {
if (...) ++count;
where count is a global, shared variable. It is fairly common to compile this to the
equivalent of:
reg = count;
for (...) {
if (...) ++reg;
count = reg;
If the loop body is in fact not executed, this effectively introduces a count =
count; assignment where none was present in the source. This potentially introduces
76 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

a data race, though only if the programmer happened to know that this loop executed
for no iterations, and concurrently accessed count. There are other similar, though
much less likely, transformations that introduce races into much more plausible
code [4].
In practice, programmers rely on the fact that such transformations are very unlikely
to introduce problems. We know of no real work-around other than disabling some
rather fundamental compiler optimizations that only rarely violate the C++0x rules.
Since such transformations are no longer legal in C++0x, we expect them to rapidly
disappear, and a few compilers are already careful to avoid them.

4.12.5 Program Termination

Unfortunately, existing multi-threaded C++ programs often overlook the fact that
a thread running until process termination is likely to race with static destructors
for variables it accesses, typically through other libraries. This is a particularly subtle
point, since older thread libraries were generally designed as C libraries, and the issue
does not arise there.
Since older C++ standards do not support quick_exit, there appears to be
no safe way to let a thread run until process exit, without shutting it down explicitly.
Thus, a call like pthread_detach() should be avoided with C++ code. Note that
some older C++ thread libraries, notably Boost [16], will by default detach a thread
that still exists when the corresponding thread object is destroyed. This is extremely
unsafe in the presence of exceptions and threads that return results in function-scope
variables [5]. We believe C++ threads should always be joined before thread objects
are destroyed.
Older C++ dialects generally do not support convenient destruction of thread_
local objects. This avoids a number of issues related to races introduced by those

1. S.V. Adve. Designing memory consistency models for shared-memory multi-
processors. PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 1993.
2. S. Adve and H.-J. Boehm. Memory models: A case for rethinking parallel lan-
guages and hardware. Communications of the ACM, 53, 8, pp. 90–101, August
3. P. An, A. Jula, S. Rus, S. Saunders, T. Smith, G. Tanase, N. Thomas, N. Amato,
and L. Rauchwerger. STAPL: An adaptive generic parallel C++ library. In Work-
shop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computation (LCPC), Kumber-
land Falls, KY, August 2001.
Threads and Shared Variables in C++ 77

4. H.-J. Boehm. Threads cannot be implemented as a library. In Proceedings of

the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and
Implementation (PLDI), Chicago, IL, pp. 261–268, 2005.
5. H.-J. Boehm. N2802: A plea to reconsider detach-on-destruction for thread
6. H.-J. Boehm and S. Adve. Foundations of the C++ concurrency memory model.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Imple-
mentation, Tucson, AZ, pp. 68–78, 2008.
7. CilkArts. Cilk++ solution overview.
intel-cilk-plus/ (Accessed August 4, 2011).
8. M. Frigo, C.E. Leiserson, and K.H. Randall. The implementation of the Cilk-5
multithreaded language. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN’ 98 Conference
on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), Montreal, Que-
bec, Canada, pp. 212–223, 1998.
9. IEEE and The Open Group, POSIX.1-2008 (The Open Group Base Specifica-
tions Issue 7 and IEEE Std 1003.1-2008) IEEE Standard 1003.1-2001. IEEE,
10. Intel. Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks: Reference Manual. Intel, Document
number 315415-001US, 2009.
11. James Reinders. Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks: Outfitting C++ for Multi-
core Parallelism, by James Reinders. O’Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, 2007.
12. L. Lamport. How to make a multiprocessor computer that correctly executes
multiprocess programs. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-28(9):690–691,
13. J. Manson, W. Pugh, and S. Adve. The Java memory model. In Proceedings
of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Long
Beach, CA, 2005.
14. P. McKenney and R. Silvera. Example power implementation for C/C++
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15. J.G. Mitchell, W. Maybury, and R. Sweet. Mesa language manual. Technical
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16. A. Williams. What’s new in Boost Threads? Dr. Dobbs Journal, October 2008.
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Chapter 5
Parallelism in .NET and Java

Judith Bishop


5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.1.1 Types of Parallelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.1.2 Overview of the Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.2 .NET Parallel Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.3 Task Parallel Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.3.1 Basic Methods—For, ForEach, and Invoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.3.2 Breaking Out of a Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.3.3 Tasks and Futures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.4 PLINQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.5 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.6 Java Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.6.1 Thread Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.6.2 java.util.concurrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.7 Fork-Join Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.7.1 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.8 ParallelArray Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.1 Introduction
.NET and Java are both platforms supporting object-oriented languages, designed
for embedded systems and the Internet. As such they include libraries for the concur-
rent execution of separate threads of control, and for communication between com-
puters via typed channels and various protocols. Just using any of these libraries in
either language will not, however, automatically cause a program to speed up on a
multicore machine. Moreover before it requires very careful programming to avoid
making the classic errors when trying to maintain mutual exclusion of shared vari-
ables, or to achieve correct synchronization of threads without running into deadlock.
In this chapter, we describe and discuss the advances that have been made in the past

80 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

few years on both the .NET and Java platforms in making concurrent and parallel
programming easier for the programmer, and ultimately more efficient.
Concurrent and parallel are terms that are often, incorrectly, used interchangeably.
Since this book is about parallelism, we need to define it and explain why it is different
to concurrency. Concurrency occurs naturally in all programs that need to interact
with their environment: multiple threads handle different aspects of the program and
one can wait for input while another is computing. This behavior will occur even on
a single core. Successful concurrency requires fair scheduling between threads.
Parallelism is defined differently: the threads are intended to execute together and
the primary goal is speedup. The wish is that by adding n cores, the program will
run n times faster. Sometimes this goal can almost be achieved, but there are spec-
tacular failures as well [1], and many books and papers spend time on how to avoid
them [2–4].
Parallelism uses unfair scheduling to ensure all cores are loaded as much as pos-
sible. This chapter describes new libraries incorporated into familiar languages that
help to avoid these pitfalls by representing common patterns at a reasonably high
level of abstraction. The value of using these libraries is that if one has a program
that needs speeding up, the programming is easier, the resulting code is shorter, and
there is less chance of making mistakes. On the other hand, applying these techniques
to tasks that are small, the overhead will most probably make it run slower.

5.1.1 Types of Parallelism

Both .NET and Java provide, in different ways, for different types of parallelism,
that is
• Data parallelism: Used when the same operation has to be done on all elements
of a collection, or for a fixed number of iterations. The libraries supply methods
that mimic for and foreach for this purpose.
• Task parallelism: Used when entirely different operations are performed on
either the same or different sets of data. The program can fork a new task for
each separate operation, and they eventually all join up when they have com-
• Embarrassingly parallel: If the iterations do not access shared data in memory
or files, then the threads that implement them can be very efficiently imple-
mented on the underlying framework. Many scientific problems have solutions
with this property.
• Granularity: Fine-grained parallelism has many small tasks; coarse-grained
parallelism has few large tasks. The granularity of a program affects choices
that are made for parallelizing the program, and for the speedup on a given com-
puter. For example, having only three large tasks on a 128 core machine could
well only achieve a speedup of 3. Having 100 small tasks on a four core com-
puter is a typical challenge faced by programmers as they strive for a speedup
of 4 by switching between the tasks efficiently.
Parallelism in .NET and Java 81

5.1.2 Overview of the Chapter

The chapter starts with a discussion of the two offerings available on the .NET
4 platform—TPL (Task Parallel Library) and PLINQ (Parallel Language-INtegrated
Query). Then we look at Java’s concurrency package available now in Java 5 and the
proposals for Java 7, namely, jsr166z (ForkJoin) and extra166z (ParallelArray). In
each case, we present examples and consider a variety of performance results from
the literature.

5.2 .NET Parallel Landscape

Within the Common Language Runtime (CLR) team at Microsoft and Microsoft
Research, there was considerable activity from 2007 onward to build on the .NET
platform a set of libraries to support parallelism, released after much testing with
Visual Studio 2010 in April 2010. The main guide to the libraries is at [5]. A discus-
sion on the theory on which the libraries are based was presented at OOPSLA in 2009
[6], an extensive white paper on how to use them is at [4] and there are two books
devoted to them [3,7].
We talk in this chapter of .NET because the libraries are defined at that level (Fig-
ure 5.1). That means that they are available to languages that run with managed code,
in particular C#, F#, and Visual Basic. In the documentation available for the libraries,
examples are given in all these languages. In this chapter, we shall concentrate on C#,
as being closest to Java. C++ has a different set of libraries [8] because C++ does
not run in managed code.

.NET program PLINQ execution engine

Declarative Imperative Query analysis
parallel parallel
queries algorithms Data partitioning .NET standard Data
query operators merging

C# compiler

VB compiler

C++ compiler Task parallel library Data structures for

F# compiler coordination
Queries Parallel constructs Concurrent collections
Other .NET Synchronization types
compiler Tasks and tasks scheduling
Coordination types
IL Threads

Proc 1 ... Proc p

FIGURE 5.1: The .NET Framework parallel extensions. (From MSDN, Paral-
lel programming with .NET,
28VS.100%29.aspx, 2010. With permission.)
82 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The two libraries that emerged in the 2007–2010 timeframe for all .NET managed
languages are as follows:

1. TPL. TPL enables programmers to easily express task parallelism in their

programs, without equating tasks with threads in C# or with cores on their
computer. The library is specifically intended for speeding up processor-bound
computations. It is also intended to be a general abstraction for representing
arbitrary asynchronous operations, whether compute-bound or I/O-bound. In
the future, it is likely to become the standard .NET representation for asyn-
chronous operations on multicore architectures [4].
2. PLINQ. PLINQ extends normal LINQ (Language INtegrated Query) syntax,
which is similar to SQL, with additional operators for parallel programming
for objects. PLINQ is specifically aimed at exposing data parallelism by use
of queries, thereby leading to high-performance computing on the desktop by
using all available cores efficiently [9,10].

5.3 Task Parallel Library

The Task Parallel Library (TPL) is part of the .NET Framework 4 and relies on a
new task scheduler that is integrated with the .NET ThreadPool [11,12]. The TPL
scales the degree of parallelism dynamically to most efficiently use all the cores that
are available. In addition, the TPL handles the partitioning of the work, the scheduling
of threads on the ThreadPool, cancellation support, state management, and other low-
level details.
The TPL aims to make it easier to write managed code in C# (as well as other
.NET languages) that can automatically harness the power of multicore processors.
It provides methods to perform actions in parallel, and to handle automatic load bal-
ancing of the actions onto available cores. Using TPL, the programmer does not have
to know how many cores there are, nor how the program is partitioned onto them, nor
how any communication between the underlying threads is achieved.
Many attempts at parallel libraries have faltered because they require changes to the
language (and hence the compiler) or they use complex comment or pragma syntax
(e.g., OpenMP [13]) or they simply use libraries with hard-to-remember parameter
lists (e.g., MPI [14]). Using a more innovative method calling syntax, but still without
requiring language extensions, the researchers behind the .NET team managed to
create a much more palliative and user-friendly approach. The key to the syntax is a
heavy use of delegates, or ultimately, lambda expressions.

5.3.1 Basic Methods—For, ForEach, and Invoke

For simple iterative, data parallelism, TPL’s approach is to provide parallel For
and ForEach methods that indicate that the set of statements should be spread over
multiple cores, but do not say how many:
Parallelism in .NET and Java 83
Parallel.For (0, 100, delegate(i) {
// do some significant work, perhaps using i

For is a static method of the System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel class.

It takes three arguments, the last of which is a delegate expression representing the
task to execute. i is a free variable that is passed into the body of the delegate at each
iteration. The body of the delegate extends over the braces and becomes the task of
the whole loop, which can be replicated and parallelized.
This syntax is new to ordinary programmers, but succinct and powerful. The cre-
ation of delegates can also be expressed as a lambda expression using the new =>
Parallel.For (0, 100, i => {
// do some significant work, perhaps using i

If i is not going to be used, then the following overloaded version of For is


Parallel.For (0, 100, () => {

// do some significant work

The Parallel class has other methods: ForEach and Invoke. In keeping with
the object-oriented nature of .NET languages, ForEach can be used to iterate over
any enumerable collection of objects, which could be an array, list etc. The basic
structure of the parallel version, as compared to the sequential one, is as follows:
// Sequential
foreach (var item in sourceCollection) {

Parallel.ForEach (sourceCollection, item =>

There are also overloads of ForEach that provide the iteration index to the loop
body. However, the index should not be used to perform access to elements via cal-
culated indices, because then the independence of the operations, potentially running
on different cores, would be violated.
Invoke is the counterpart of the Par construct found in earlier languages [15,16].
This method can be used to execute a set of operations, potentially in parallel. As with
the bodies of the For and ForEach, no guarantees are made about the order in which
the operations execute or whether they do in fact execute in parallel. This method does
84 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

not return until each of the provided operations has completed, regardless of whether
completion occurs due to normal or exceptional termination. Invoke is illustrated in
this example of a generic parallel Quicksort, programmed recursively, with recourse
to Insertion sort when the lists are small:
// Example of TPL Invoke
// From [6]

static void ParQuickSort<T>(T[] domain, int lo, int hi)

where T: IComparable<T> {
if (hi - lo <= Threshold) InsertionSort(domain, lo, hi);
int pivot = Partition(domain, lo, hi);
delegate {ParQuickSort(domain, lo, pivot - 1);},
delegate {ParQuickSort(domain, pivot + 1, hi);}

Since Quicksort is recursive, a lot of parallelism is exposed because every invo-

cation introduces more parallel tasks, which will be placed on cores as available. Of
course, if there are only two cores, most of the tasks will be executed sequentially.
Although this example uses delegates, invoked actions can also be lambda expres-
sions or defined static methods.

5.3.2 Breaking Out of a Loop

Although breaking out of loops is common in sequential programming, it is less so
in parallel programming. Nevertheless, TPL provides two options for breaking out—
Break and Stop—based on a ParallelLoopState object that can be provided
as a loop argument.
Suppose we want to stop processing a collection of student records as soon as the
grade of any of them is detected to be 100. Consider the following code:

ParallelLoopResult loopResult =
(student, ParallelLoopState loop) => {
// Lots of processing per student here, then
if (student.grade == 100 {
// Checking if any other iteration has stopped
if (loop.IsStopped) return;

Console.WriteLine(“Someone achieved 100%”+

Parallelism in .NET and Java 85

In this example, finding out details of the top student would be difficult, since the
iterations would be competing to write them to a shared variable declared outside the
loop. The break method, on the other hand, will complete all the iterations below
the one where the break occurs, and it can return its iteration number. Moreover, if
there is more than one student with 100%, the earlier snippet will likely give different
answers on different runs—such is non-determinism.

5.3.3 Tasks and Futures

For, ForEach, and Invoke provide a simple way of expressing parallelism by
using threads provided by the underlying scheduler (the thread pool) and distributing
them onto cores without the programmer expending any effort. However, there are
cases when more intervention is required. In parallel parlance, a future is a stand-in
for a computational result that is initially unknown, but becomes available later. The
process of calculating the result occurs in parallel with other computations. Essen-
tially, a future in .NET is a task that returns a value.
A variation of a future is a continuation task that automatically starts when other
tasks, known as its antecedents, complete. In many cases, the antecedents consist of
futures whose result values are used as input by the continuation task. An antecedent
may have more than one continuation task.
The concept of futures is provided for in TPL by a class called System.
Threading.Tasks.Task <TResult> assisted by the TaskFactory class
that encodes some common Task patterns into methods that pick up default settings,
which are configurable through its constructors. Commonly used methods are as

Start, ContinueWith, RunSynchronously, Wait.


StartNew, ContinueWhenAll, ContinueWhenAny, FromAsynch

Consider the simple task graph in Figure 5.2 where one arm has the function F1
and the other arm has the functions F2 and F3 in sequence. The two arms join to
provide input to F4 (adapted from [3]).
One example for creating futures for this graph would be as follows:
Task<int> futureB =
Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() => F1(a));
int c = F2(a);
int d = F3(c);
int f = F4(futureB.Result, d);
return f;

The future created for F1(a) starts first and then on a multicore machine, F2 can
start as well. F3 will start as soon as F2 completes and F4 as soon as F1 and F3
complete (in any order).
86 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

a a

F1 F2



FIGURE 5.2: A task graph for futures. (From Campbell, C., et al., Parallel Pro-
gramming with Microsoft .NET: Design Patterns for Decomposition and Coordi-
nation on multicore Architectures, Microsoft Press, 167 pp. at http://parallelpatterns., 2010.

This example becomes more realistic when considering what happens to f. It is

very common for one operation to invoke another and pass data to it and if the depen-
dencies are made clear, then the runtime can do a better job of scheduling. This is the
purpose of continuation tasks. Supposing f is being used to update a user interface,
we would have the following:
TextBox myTextBox = ...;
var futureB = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => F1(a));
var futureD = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(() => F3(F2(a)));
var futureF = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll <int,int>(
new[] {futureB, futureD},
(tasks) => F4(futureB.Result, futureD.Result));

futureF.ContinueWith((t) =>
(Action)(() => {myTextBox.Text = t.Result.ToString();}))
Parallelism in .NET and Java 87

The task that invokes the action on the text box is now linked to the result
of F4.

LINQ was introduced in the .NET Framework 3. It enables the querying of collec-
tions or data sources such as databases, files, or the Internet in a type-safe manner.
LINQ to Objects is the name for LINQ queries that are run against in-memory col-
lections such as List <T> and arrays and PLINQ is a parallel implementation of
the LINQ pattern [10].
A PLINQ query in many ways resembles a nonparallel LINQ to Objects query. Like
LINQ, PLINQs queries have deferred execution, which means they do not begin exe-
cuting until the query is enumerated. The primary difference is that PLINQ attempts
to make full use of all the processors on the system. It does this by partitioning the
data source into segments, and then executing the query in each segment on separate
worker threads in parallel on multiple processors. In many cases, parallel execution
means that the query runs significantly faster.
Here is a simple example of selecting certain numbers that satisfy the criteria in an
expensive method Compute and putting them in a collection of the same type as the

var source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000);

// Opt-in to PLINQ with AsParallel
var evenNums = from num in source.AsParallel()
where Compute(num) > 0
select num;

The mention of AsParallel indicates that the runtime may partition the data
source for computation by different cores. In PLINQ, the var declaration works out
types at compile time.
PLINQ also has a ForAll method that will iterate through a collection in an
unordered way (as opposed to using a normal foreach loop that would first wait
for all iterations to complete). In this example, the results of the earlier query are
added together into a bag of type System.Collections.Concurrent.
ConcurrentBag(Of Int) that can safely accept concurrent bag operations.

evenNums.ForAll((x) => concurrentBag.Add(Compute(x)));

PLINQ will be of great benefit for graphics and data processing type applications
of the embarrassingly parallel kind. It can of course also work in combination with
the task synchronization provided by TPL. Consider the popular Ray Tracer example
[17]. This method computes the intersections of a ray with the objects in a scene.
88 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
private IEnumerable<ISect> Intersections(Ray ray, Scene scene) {
var things = from inter in obj.Intersect(ray)
where inter != null
orderby inter.Dist
select inter;
return things;

The example was originally written in C# 3.0 syntax and made references to the
methods being called on each object more explicit:
// Example of LINQ
// Luke Hoban’s Ray Tracer [17]
private IEnumerable <ISect> Intersections(Ray ray, Scene scene) {
return scene.Things
.Select(obj => obj.Intersect(ray))
.Where(inter => inter != null)
.OrderBy(inter => inter.Dist);

The Intersections method selects each object in the scene that intersects with
the ray, forming a new stream of Things, then takes only those that actually intersect
(the Where method), and finally uses the OrderBy method to sort the rest by the
distance from the source of the ray. Select, Where, and OrderBy are methods
that have delegates as parameters and the syntax used is the new => operator followed
by the expression to be activated. It is the clever positioning of the dots that make this
code so easy to read [18]. Query comprehension syntax was a natural advance in
syntactic “sugar” for C# 4.0.

5.5 Evaluation
The TPL library contains sophisticated algorithms for dynamic work distribution
and automatically adapts to the workload and particular machine [6]. An important
point emphasized by Leijen et al. is that the primitives of the library express potential
parallelism, but do not enforce it. Thus, the same code will run as well as it can on
one, two, four, or more cores.
When a parallel loop runs, the TPL partitions the data source so that the loop can
operate on multiple parts concurrently. Behind the scenes, the task scheduler parti-
tions the task based on system resources and workload. When possible, the scheduler
redistributes work among multiple threads and processors if the workload becomes
unbalanced. Provision is also made for the user to redefine the task scheduler.
The TPL runtime is based on well-known work-stealing techniques and the scal-
ability and behavior is similar to that of JCilk [19] or the Java fork-join framework
[20]. In most systems, the liveness of a task is determined by its lexical scope, but
Parallelism in .NET and Java 89

it is not enforced. Tasks in TPL however are first-class objects syntactically and are
allocated on the heap. A full discussion of the implementation, which includes the
novel duplicating queues data structure, is given in [6].
In the presence of I/O blocking scheduling can also be an issue. By default, the TPL
uses a hill-climbing algorithm to improve the utilization of cores when the threads
are blocked. Customized schedulers can also be written. An example would be one
that uses an I/O completion port as the throttling mechanism, such that if one of the
workers does block on I/O, other tasks will be run in its place in order to allow forward
progress on other threads to make use of that lost core.
In a similar way, PLINQs queries scale in the degree of concurrency based on the
capabilities of the host computer. Through parallel execution, PLINQ can achieve
significant performance improvements over legacy code for certain kinds of queries,
often just by adding the AsParallel query operation to the data source. However,
as mentioned earlier parallelism can introduce its own complexities, and not all query
operations run faster in PLINQ. In fact, parallelization can actually slow down cer-
tain queries if there is too much to aggregate at the end of the loop, or if a parallel
PLINQ occupies all the cores and other threads cannot work. This latter problem can
be overcome by limiting the degree of parallelism. In this example, the loop is limited
to two cores, leaving any others for other threads that might also be running.
var source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10000);
// Opt-in to PLINQ with AsParallel
var evenNums = from num in source.AsParallel()
where Compute(num) > 0
select num;

In documented internal studies, TPL holds its own against hand-tooled programs
and shows almost linear speedup for the usual benchmarks [6]. We converted the
Comparison (ms)



Time (ms)



Degree 1
Degree 2
1000 Degree 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

FIGURE 5.3: Speedup of the Ray Tracer.

90 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Ray Tracer example found at [17] to TPL and PLINQ and had the speedups shown
in Figure 5.3.
The machine was a 4x 6-core Intel Xeon CPU E7450 @ 2.4 GHz (total of 24 cores)
with RAM: 96GB. The operating system was Windows Server 2008 SP2 64-bit (May
2009) running Visual Server 2010 with its C# compiler (April 2010).

5.6 Java Platform

Java was one of the first object-oriented language to include support for user-
programmed (and hence lightweight) threads in 1997. Threads are available to run
in parallel and, depending on the number of cores available and the number of com-
peting threads, some of those threads actually will run in parallel on different cores,
while in other cases the illusion of simultaneous execution will be achieved by having
the operating system switching threads in and out of the available cores (even if it is
only one). For parallel programming, however, the thread model is not an easy one to
use, because it requires the programmer to handle all the synchronization and locking
associated with shared variables. In 1999, Doug Lea wrote the seminal book on con-
currency in Java [2] with a second edition in 1999, and his proposals for advanced
thread usage [21], known as JSR166, were included in Java 5 in 2004. These are
a set of concurrency utilities, including a thread pool, synchronizers, atomic vari-
ables, and other utilities, that are now included in the java.util.concurrent
Programming parallel solutions at this level is still quite a challenge, and Lea
has for many years been working on a further lightweight task framework for Java
known as ForkJoin (FJ and also JSR166y) [22]. Most of the framework is targeted for
release with the Java 7 platform in July 2011. In the interim, many research projects
blossomed to fill the void, such as PJ [23], MPJ Express [24], and JCilk [25].

5.6.1 Thread Basics

Java’s thread model is based on Runnable objects. Runnable is an interface,
with the single run() method that the user provides. So, for example, to display all
numbers that satisfy a criteria and separately reassure the user that the program is still
running, we might have the following:

Runnable reassure = new Runnable() {

public void run() {
try {
while (true) {
System.out.println(‘‘Working ...’’);
} catch (InterruptedException iex) {}
Parallelism in .NET and Java 91
Runnable satisfiesCompute = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
for (int i; i<10000; i++) {
if (Compute(i))
System.out.println(i + ‘‘is good’’);
catch (InterruptedException iex) {}

Now, to run the preceding two tasks simultaneously, we create a Thread object
for each Runnable object, then call the start() method on each Thread:

Thread r1 = new Thread(reassure);

Thread r2 = new Thread(r1);

A call to start() spawns a new thread that begins executing the task that was
assigned to the Thread object at some time in the near future. Meanwhile, control
returns to the caller of start(), and the second thread starts. So there will be at least
three threads running in parallel: the two just started, plus the main. (In reality, the
JVM will tend to have extra threads running for housekeeping tasks such as garbage
collection, although they are essentially outside of the program’s control.)
There are several other ways of programming the earlier solution, and together
with standard synchronization primitives such as wait and notify, threads are
adequate for many concurrency applications. However, the model is of a too low level
for expressing solutions to well-known data parallelism or task parallelism problems
that need to harness the power of multicores for involve arrays processing involving
even simple synchronization.

5.6.2 java.util.concurrent
The java.util.concurrent package in Java 5 [26] provides classes and
interfaces aiming at simplifying the development of concurrent and parallel appli-
cations by providing high-quality implementations of their common building blocks.
The package includes classes optimized for concurrent access, including the

1. Task scheduling framework: The Executor framework is for standardizing

invocation, scheduling, execution, and control of asynchronous tasks accord-
ing to a set of execution policies, including queue length limits and saturation
policy to improve the stability of applications by preventing runaway source
92 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

2. Concurrent collections: Provided with high-quality concurrent implementations

for Map, List, and Queue and a new interface for BlockingQueue.
3. Atomic variables: For automatically manipulating single variables, which can
be primitive types or references.
4. Synchronizers: General-purpose synchronization classes that facilitate coordi-
nation between threads that have been added including semaphores, mutexes,
barriers, latches, exchangers and locks
5. Nanosecond-granularity timing: A System.nanoTime method that enables
access to a nanosecond-granularity time source for making relative time

Based on [26], we can summarize these various elements. An Executor is a simple

standardized interface for defining custom thread-like subsystems, including thread
pools, asynchronous I/O, and lightweight task frameworks. Depending on which con-
crete Executor class is being used, tasks may execute in a newly created thread, an
existing task-execution thread, or the thread calling execute(), and may execute
sequentially or concurrently. For example, the following code will work through a
pool of numWorkers threads to process a queue of patients:"Starting benchmark");
threadExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numWorkers);
long elapsedTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!patient.isEmpty()) {
// Wait for termination

Next up, the ExecutorService provides a more complete asynchronous task-

execution framework. An ExecutorService manages queuing and scheduling of
tasks, and allows controlled shutdown. The threadExecutor presented earlier,
defined during the warm-up to this code, is declared as one of the following:

ExecutorService threadExecutor =

The ScheduledExecutorService subinterface adds support for delayed and

periodic task execution. ExecutorServices provide methods arranging asyn-
chronous execution of any function expressed as Callable, the result-bearing ana-
log of Runnable. ExecutorCompletionService assists in coordinating the
processing of groups of asynchronous tasks.
There are also thread pool versions of the executors, and factory methods for the
most common kinds of configurations, as well as a few utility methods for
using them. The concrete class FutureTask provides a common extensible
Parallelism in .NET and Java 93

implementation of Future. It returns the results of a function, allows determina-

tion of whether execution has completed, and provides a means to cancel execution.
The ConcurrentLinkedQueue class supplies an efficient scalable thread-safe
non-blocking FIFO queue. Five implementations in java.util.concurrent
support the extended BlockingQueue interface that defines blocking versions
of put and take: LinkedBlockingQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue,
SynchronousQueue, PriorityBlockingQueue, and DelayQueue. The
different classes cover the most common usage contexts for producer-consumer,
messaging, parallel tasking, and related concurrent designs.

5.7 Fork-Join Framework

Java 7 includes a new framework for more fine-grained parallelism [26] in the
package java.util.concurrent.forkjoin. The package was developed by
the JSR 166 Expert Group and can also be used with Java 6. The primary coordina-
tion mechanism is fork(), which arranges asynchronous execution, and join(),
which does not proceed until the task’s result has been computed. invokeAll (avail-
able in multiple versions) performs the most common form of parallel invocation:
forking a set of tasks and waiting for them all to complete.
A ForkJoinExecutor is like an Executor in that it is designed for run-
ning tasks, except that it is specifically designed for computationally intensive tasks
that do not ever block except to wait for another task being processed by the same
The fork-join framework supports several styles of ForkJoinTasks, including
those that require explicit completions and those executing cyclically. The
RecursiveAction class directly supports the style of parallel recursive decompo-
sition for non-result-bearing tasks; the RecursiveTask class addresses the same
problem for result-bearing tasks. Finally, there is the Phaser class for a reusable
synchronization barrier, similar in functionality to CyclicBarrier and
CountDownLatch but supporting more flexible usage. Unlike the case for other
barriers, the number of parties registered to synchronize on a phaser may vary over
time [26].
Consider the example from [20] that illustrates some of these classes and methods:

public class MaxWithFJ extends RecursiveAction {

private final int threshold;
private final SelectMaxProblem problem;
public int result;
public MaxWithFJ(SelectMaxProblem problem,
int threshold) {
this.problem = problem;
this.threshold = threshold;
94 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
protected void compute() {
if(problem.size < threshold)
result = problem.solveSequentially();
else {
int midpoint = problem.size/2;
MaxWithFJ left = new MaxWithFJ
(problem.subproblem(0, midpoint), threshold);
MaxWithFJ right = new MaxWithFJ(
problem.subproblem(midpoint + 1, problem.size),
invokeAll(left, right);
result = Math.max(left.result, right.result);

public static void main(String[] args) {

SelectMaxProblem problem = ...
int threshold = ...
int nThreads = ...
MaxWithFJ mfj = new MaxWithFJ(problem, threshold);
ForkJoinExecutor fjPool = new ForkJoinPool(nThreads);
int result = mfj.result;

The RecursiveAction class is extended to make more specialized tasks and it

has one method, compute, that is intended to be overridden. The main method sets
up a special thread pool of the class ForkJoinExecutor, which is specifically
designed for computationally intensive tasks that do not ever block except to wait
for another task being processed by the same ForkJoinExecutor. The next line
commences performing the first mfj task by calling its compute method. Unlike C#,
Java does not have delegates or lambdas, so the association between the thread call
and the tasks’ execution cycle has to be specifically by name. The task awaits its
completion, returning its result, or throws an (unchecked) exception if the underlying
computation did so.

5.7.1 Performance
Goetz quotes the following results for the performance of the preceding program
[20]. Table 5.1 shows some results of selecting the maximal element of a 500,000
element array on various systems and varying the threshold at which the sequential
version is preferred to the parallel version. For most runs, the number of threads in
the fork-join pool was equal to the number of hardware threads (cores times threads-
per-core) available. The numbers are presented as a speedup relative to the sequential
version on that system.
Parallelism in .NET and Java 95
TABLE 5.1: Results of running selectMax on 500k element arrays on various
Threshold = Threshold = Threshold = Threshold = Threshold =
500k 50k 5k 500 50
Pentium-4 HT 1.0 1.07 1.02 .82 .2
(2 threads)
Dual-Xeon HT .88 3.02 3.2 2.22 .43
(4 threads)
8-way Opteron 1.0 5.29 5.73 4.53 2.03
(8 threads)
8-core Niagara .98 10.46 17.21 15.34
(32 threads)
Source: Goetz, B., Java theory and practice: Stick a fork in it,
developerworks/java/library/j-jtp11137.html, November 2007.

The results show that on two cores, the program actually slows down badly when
it is forced to perform mainly in parallel (the last column with threshold 50). For four
cores, the speedup is about three when the threshold is chosen well.
Lea [22] explains that ForkJoin pays off if
• There are lots of elements with small or cheap operations
• Each of the operations is time-consuming and there are not a lot of elements
In the tests on the right-hand columns, the operations were not sufficiently time-
consuming. However, the principal benefit of using the fork-join technique is that
it affords a portable means of coding algorithms for parallel execution. The program-
mer does not have to be aware of how many cores will be available and the runtime
can do a good job of balancing work across available workers, yielding reasonable
results across the wide range of hardware that Java runs on [20].

5.8 ParallelArray Package

A package that was proposed with ForkJoin, for sorting and searching and selec-
tion problems, is the ParallelArray. ParallelArray objects represents a
collection of structurally similar data items, and there are methods similar to PLINQ
to specify data operations in SQL and hide the mechanics of how the operations are
implemented. The aggregate processing must have a regular structure, expressed in
terms of apply, reduce, cumulate, sort, and so on to match the methods available [27].
As an example, consider the following:
// Example in Java of ForkJoin ParallelArray-
// Accessing a student database
// Adapted and shortened from [28]
96 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
import jsr166y.forkjoin.*;

public static void main(String[] args) {

int classSize = new Integer(args[0]);
Student[] currentClass = generateStudents(classSize);
ForkJoinExecutor fjPool = new ForkJoinPool(25);
ParallelArray<Student> processor =
ParallelArray.createUsingHandoff(currentClass, fjPool);

System.out.println("Sorted by student ID:");


System.out.println("Graduates this year:");

It is very important to note that the parameters to the sort, apply, and
withFilter methods are not methods themselves: they are objects and the action
happens because there is a method of an agreed name that is overridden. In this case
it is op. So, for example, the class for printOutStudent is as follows:
private static final Ops.Procedure<Student> printOutStudent =
new Ops.Procedure<Student>() {
public void op(Student s) {
System.out.println("\t" + s);

ParallelArray has several limitations. For example, filter operations must be

specified before mapping operations. However, but its main purpose is to free devel-
opers from thinking about how the work can be parallelized. Once a program is writ-
ten, reasonable performance can be expected. A speedup of 3x on four cores could
be obtained for the preceding program without any tuning.

5.9 Conclusion
Although in the common mind the .NET and Java platforms seem to be very sim-
ilar, the way they have been able to develop has been completely different, and in
Parallelism in .NET and Java 97

certain critical cases, such as support for parallel processing (or in the past, gener-
ics), this difference has led to one getting ahead of the other.
Java has a community-based development model. Researchers from around the
world propose alternate solutions to problems. The advantage is that once they get
to the stage of adoption by Sun (now Oracle), there is a ready community of users.
.NET is supported more by its own researchers who have a faster track to getting new
ideas adopted. The downside is that a user community is not automatically built at
the same time. The effect of these business factors on technology can be long-lasting.
In making use of concurrency, we still need to take into consideration Amdahl’s
law, which states that the amount of speedup for any code is limited by the amount
of code that can be run in parallel. A paper that strikes a warning is that of Hill and
Marty [29], where they explain that there are at least three different types of multicore
chip architectures, which they call symmetric, asymmetric, and dynamic, and that
the performance across multiple cores for standard functions was quite different in
each case. It will be a challenge worth pursuing to see how the language features
described in the preceding text stand up to the new machines, not just the test cases
on the desktop.

My thanks to Ezra Jivan, while in the Polelo Group, University of Pretoria, for his
assistance with the programming; to Mauro Luigi Dragos of Politecnico di Milano for
checking and retuning the programs; and to Stephen Toub and Daan Leijen, Microsoft,
for their careful reading of the draft and their expert comments. Section 5.5 relies on
the work done with Campbell et al. [3]. Work for this chapter was initially done when
the author was at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and supported by a National
Research Foundation grant.

1. Holub, A., Warning! Threading in a multiprocessor world, JavaWorld, http://, September 2001.
2. Lea, D., Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns, 2nd
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3. Campbell, C., R. Johnson, A. Miller, and S. Toub, Parallel Programming
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on Multicore Architectures, Microsoft Press, 167pp, at http://parallelpatterns., 2010.
4. Toub, S., Patterns of parallel programming—Understanding and applying
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98 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
4bb8-a3ae-c1637026c3ee&displaylang=en, 2010.
5. MSDN, Parallel programming with .NET,
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Proc. 24th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object Oriented Programming Sys-
tems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA ’09), Orlando, FL, pp. 227–242.
7. Freeman, A., Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# (Expert’s Voice in .NET),
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8. Campbell, Colin, A. Miller, Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual Stu-
dio C++ : Design Patterns for Decomposition and Coordination on Multicore
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9. Duffy, J. and E. Essey, Running queries on multi-core processors. MSDN Maga-
zine,, October 2007.
10. MSDN, Parallel LINQ (PLINQ),
dd460688.aspx, 2010.
11. MSDN, Task Parallel Library overview,
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12. Stephens, R., Getting started with the .NET Task Parallel Library,,, September 2008.
13. OpenMP,, 2010.
14. Gregor, D. and A. Lumsdaine, Design and implementation of a high-performance
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Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Salt Lake City,
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15. Handel-C Language Reference Manual. Embedded Solutions Limited, 1998.
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19. Lee, I.-T. A, The jcilk multithreaded language. Masters thesis, MIT, also at, September 2005.
Parallelism in .NET and Java 99

20. Goetz, B., Java theory and practice: Stick a fork in it,
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21. Lea, D., The java.util.concurrent Synchronizer framework, PODC Workshop on
Concurrency and Synchronization in Java Programs, CSJP’04, July 26, 2004, St
John’s, Newfoundland, CA
22. Lea, D., A java fork/join framework. Java Grande, pp. 36–43, 2000.
23. Kaminsky, A. Building Parallel Programs: SMPs, Clusters, and Java. Cengage
Course Technology, Florence, KY, 2010. ISBN 1-4239-0198-3.
24. Shafi, A., B. Carpenter, and M. Baker, Nested parallelism for multi-core HPC
systems using Java, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 69(6),
532–545, June 2009.
25. Danaher, J. S., I.-T. A. Lee, C. E. Leiserson, Programming with exceptions in
JCilk, Science of Computer Programming, 63(2), 147–171, 2006.
28. Neward, T., Forking and joining Java to maximize multicore power,,, February 2009.
29. Hill, M. D. and M. R. Marty, Amdahl’s law in the multicore era, http://www. (for interactive website) and IEEE Computer, pp.
33–38, July 2008.
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Chapter 6

Barbara Chapman and James LaGrone


6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

6.1.1 Idea of OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.1.2 Overview of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.1.3 Who Developed OpenMP? How Is It Evolving? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.2 OpenMP 3.0 Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.2.1 Parallel Regions and Worksharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Scheduling Parallel Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6.2.2 Data Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Using Data Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6.2.3 Explicit Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Using Explicit Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.2.4 Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Performing Reductions in OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.2.5 OpenMP Library Routines and Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SPMD Programming Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.3 Implementation of OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.4 Programming for Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

6.1 Introduction
OpenMP (OpenMP 2009), the Open standard for shared memory MultiProcess-
ing, was designed to facilitate the creation of programs that are able to exploit the
features of parallel computers where memory is shared by the individual proces-
sor cores. Widely supported by mainstream commercial and several open source
compilers, it is well suited to the task of creating or adapting application codes to
execute on platforms with multiple cores (Intel 2009, Open64 2005, Portland 2009,
Sun 2005). OpenMP is intended to facilitate the construction of portable parallel pro-
grams by enabling the application developer to specify the parallelism in a code at
a high level, via an approach that moreover permits the incremental insertion of its
constructs. However, it also permits a low-level programming style, where the pro-
grammer explicitly assigns work to individual threads.

102 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

In this chapter, we will first give an overview of the major features of OpenMP and
its usage model, as well as remark upon the process by which it has been designed
and is further evolving. In Section 6.2, we will then introduce the basic constructs
of OpenMP and illustrate them using several short examples. In Section 6.3, we then
describe the manner in which OpenMP is implemented. One of the greatest chal-
lenges facing any application developer is learning how to overcome performance
problems. Some understanding of the strategy used to implement OpenMP, and a
basic appreciation of the implications of a shared memory model, will help us to dis-
cuss the most important considerations in this regard; this is the topic of Section 6.4.
We then briefly discuss some performance considerations before concluding with a
recap of the main points.

6.1.1 Idea of OpenMP

OpenMP provides a particularly straightforward method of converting a sequential
program written in C, C++, or Fortran for execution on a system with multiple cores,
several processors, or both. In many cases, all the application developer must do is
insert a few directives (or pragmas) into a preexisting source code and select the
appropriate compiler option. The compiler will then “recognize” these directives and
use the information they contain to translate the program for multithreaded execution.
If the corresponding compiler option is not specified at translation time, then the
directives will be ignored and a single-threaded, sequential code will be generated.
Hence, if a few rules are observed, one and the same application code can be both
sequential and parallel: this can be particularly useful for development and testing
purposes. The nice thing about this approach is that the application developer does
not have to explicitly create the code that will run on the different cores, or processors.
This is the job of the OpenMP implementation. As a result, it can be one of the easiest,
and fastest, means of converting existing applications for use on multicore platforms.
Moreover, it is possible to convert parts of a program for multithreaded execution and
to leave the rest of the code in sequential form. If almost all of the work of a program is
in one loop, for instance, it might make sense to parallelize that loop using OpenMP’s
features and to leave the rest of the program untouched.

6.1.2 Overview of Features

The OpenMP Application Programming Interface (API) comprises a collection
of directives for expressing the parallelism that is to be exploited in a computation,
a small number of library routines that may be used to access or influence execu-
tion parameters, and some environment variables for setting default values (OpenMP
2008). It is prescriptive in the sense that the implementation will translate a pro-
gram for multithreaded execution exactly according to the application developer’s
instructions. In particular, it will not attempt to extract additional parallelism from
the code. Programs that rely primarily on directives for the specification of paral-
lelism have a different flavor from those that mainly use the library routines to express
OpenMP 103

the parallelism, and we will give an example of each later in the text. Typically,
both directives and library routines are needed to create an OpenMP
The API provides a means for the programmer to explicitly create, assign work
to, synchronize, and terminate a set of numbered, logical threads. The implemen-
tation will use this information to translate an OpenMP code into a collection of
cooperating tasks that are assigned to the system-level threads on the target platform
for execution. These statically defined tasks are transparent to the programmer; they
will be executed in the order and manner that corresponds to the semantics of the
OpenMP constructs used. However, the API also enables the application developer
to explicitly specify tasks that will be dynamically created and scheduled for exe-
cution in an order that is not predetermined. The specification further provides a
means to synchronize the actions of the various logical threads in order to ensure,
in particular, that values created by one thread are available before another thread
attempts to use them. It is also possible to ensure that only one thread accesses a
specific memory location, or performs a set of operations, at a time without the
possibility of interference by other threads. This is sometimes required in order to
avoid data corruption. Last, but not least, the specification provides a number of so-
called data attributes that may be used to state whether data is to be shared among
the executing threads or is private to them. The logical threads may cooperate by
reading and writing the same shared variables. In contrast, each thread will have its
own local instance of a private variable, with its own value. This makes it relatively
easy for the threads to work on distinct computations and facilitates efficiency of
An OpenMP implementation typically consists of two components. The first of
these is the compiler, created by extending a preexisting compiler that implements
one or more of the base languages Fortran, C, or C++. It will translate the OpenMP
constructs by suitably modifying the program code to generate tasks and manage
the data. As part of this translation, it will insert calls to routines that will manage the
system threads at run time and assign work to them in the manner specified by the
application programmer. The custom runtime library that comprises these routines is
the second component in an OpenMP implementation. Commercial compilers will
use the most efficient means possible to start, stop, and synchronize the executing
threads on the target platforms they support. Open source compilers will typically
place a higher value on portability and may rely on Pthreads routines to accomplish
this functionality.
Initially, an OpenMP program’s execution begins with a single thread of control,
just like a sequential program. When this initial thread encounters code that is to
be executed in parallel, it creates (and becomes a member of) a team of threads to
execute the parallel code; the original thread becomes the master of the team. The
team of threads will join at the termination of the parallel code region, so that only the
original master thread continues to carry out work. Hence OpenMP is directly based
upon the fork-join model of execution. An OpenMP program may contain multiple
code regions that are outside of any parallel constructs and tasks; collectively, they
are known as the sequential part of the program and they will be executed by the
104 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

initial thread. Since the members of a team of threads may encounter code that is to
be executed in parallel, they may each create and join a new team of threads to execute
it. This can lead to nested parallelism, where hierarchies of thread teams are created
to perform computations (Jost et al. 2004, Chapman et al. 2006). As a result, several
different teams of threads may be active at the same time. Most OpenMP constructs
are applied to the current team, which is the particular team that is currently executing
the region of code containing it.

6.1.3 Who Developed OpenMP? How Is It Evolving?

The OpenMP specification is maintained by the OpenMP Architecture Review
Board (ARB), an international consortium of organizations that have a strong inter-
est in furthering the use of this portable API, including most of the leading hardware
vendors (OpenMP 2009). Most members also provide OpenMP implementations, but
some are primarily users of this technology and an international group of researchers
are also active contributors (Compunity 2009).
The original feature set, introduced late 1997 as version 1.0 of the OpenMP stan-
dard, was designed to work well with Fortran 77 application codes and was based
upon a body of prior work that attempted to provide a portable shared memory pro-
gramming interface for scientific and technical computing. AC/C++ binding was
produced shortly thereafter, and both of them underwent minor extensions.
Subsequently, the two distinct specifications were merged to produce version 2.5
of the standard. In 2008, features for specifying explicit tasks were introduced and
the implementation model was described in terms of tasks (Ayguadé et al. 2009b).
Other new features in this version 3.0 of OpenMP (OpenMP 2008) include more
support for hierarchical parallelism and additional strategies for parallelizing
loop nests.
The ARB is continuing its endeavors to enhance this API and to consider how to
improve its support for multicore platforms (Curtis-Maury et al. 2005). Its members
meet regularly to debate potential language extensions and to discuss related topics
(Mattson 2003). The increasing thread count that can be supported by shared mem-
ory architectures, including multicore systems, the wider use of accelerators along
with general-purpose CPUs, and the broad adoption of parallelism in our hardware—
from laptops all the way to supercomputers—all require that the members of the
ARB consider whether extensions to the current API may be required. There is a
natural tension between the desire to maintain a relatively simple, high-level pro-
gramming interface on the one hand, and the need to satisfy the expression of a
broad variety of parallel computations, and to facilitate their exploitation on a variety
of platforms, on the other hand. Thus, new features are chosen only after a care-
ful evaluation of application developer needs and a weighing of alternatives. Never-
theless, we expect that some extensions will be made to the current specification as
multicore technology evolves and is directly exploited by an increasing
percentage of applications (Ayguadé et al. 2009a, Gan 2009, Larsen et al.
OpenMP 105

6.2 OpenMP 3.0 Specification

In the following sections, we introduce the most important features of the OpenMP
3.0 API and illustrate their usage. They may be used in conjunction with code written
in one of the three base languages (Fortran, C, and C++). We do not attempt to
provide a complete overview of these features, nor do we describe all of the rules that
must be followed if they are to be used correctly. For full details of the language, the
specification should be consulted.
We will begin our discussion by introducing the most common directives. In
OpenMP, most directives are inserted immediately before a structured block of code,
to which they will be applied. A block of code is structured if it has precisely one
entry and one exit: as a consequence, the use of certain language features (such as
a STOP statement in Fortran) is prohibited in conjunction with some directives. In
Fortran, it is generally necessary to also explicitly mark the end of a structured block.
Therefore, the Fortran binding for OpenMP includes end directives as well. A direc-
tive and the associated code are together known as a construct. Various clauses may be
appended to a directive in order to convey additional information, or instructions, to
the implementation. We describe the most important of these clauses in the following

6.2.1 Parallel Regions and Worksharing

The fundamental OpenMP directive is the parallel directive, which is used to
mark a structured block of code that should be executed by multiple threads. The
code that will be executed in parallel as a result of this directive is referred to as
a parallel region. If the parallel region is subsequently executed on, say, four cores
with two threads supported per core, then there will be eight instances of the code in
the parallel region, all running at the same time (the actual number of threads used
may be determined by the programmer). The implementation will accomplish this
by creating eight tasks, each of which will be assigned to one of the system threads
at runtime. But without any further adaptation, the tasks will be identical and thus
each thread will perform exactly the same computations as all the others. Generally,
we will want to assign some portion of the overall work to each of them, rather than
replicating it. For this, the so-called worksharing directives are provided. Without
proper coordination via worksharing or synchronization constructs, such replicated
work may introduce data races.

C code with a parallel region where each thread
reports its thread id.
#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello from thread %d.\n",omp_get_thread_num());
106 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Possible output:
Hello from thread 3.
Hello from thread 6.
Hello from thread 2.
Hello from thread 7.
Hello from thread 0.
Hello from thread 5.
Hello from thread 1.
Hello from thread 4.

Example 6.1
This example shows each thread executing the same statement. Possible output
with eight threads is shown.

The most frequently used worksharing directive is the loop directive. This direc-
tive distributes the iterations of the associated countable loop nest among the threads
in the team executing the enclosing parallel region. Note that, to be countable, the
number of iterations of the loop must be known at the start of its execution (in con-
trast to, say, a loop nest that traverses a linked list). The application programmer may
optionally describe the method to be used for assigning loop iterations to threads.
Another worksharing directive, the sections directive, enables the specification
of one or more sequential sections of code that are each executed by a single
thread. The single directive marks code that should be executed by precisely one
thread. Finally, the workshare directive is provided for Fortran programmers to
specify that the computations in one or more Fortran 90 array statements should be
distributed among the executing threads.

! Fortran code with workshare and atomic constructs.
A = B - 2*C
B = A/2
C = B
R = R + SUM(A)

Example 6.2
This workshare directive directs the parallel execution of each statement of array
operations. The ATOMIC directive synchronizes writes to R to prevent a data race.
OpenMP 107

Each of these directives except the workshare directive may have one or more
clauses appended to control its application. The applicable clauses differ depending
on the kind of directive, but all of them allow for the specification of attributes for the
data used in the construct. Additional clauses that may be added to the parallel
directive can be used to state how many threads should be in the team that will
execute it and to describe any conditions that must hold for the parallel region to
be actually executed in parallel. If the specified conditions do not hold, the associ-
ated code will be executed by a single thread instead. Additional information that
may be given via clauses in conjunction with the loop directive includes stating how
many loops in the loop nest immediately following the directive will be parallelized,
and specifying a loop schedule, which is a strategy for assigning loop iterations to
One of the most powerful innovations in the OpenMP API is that it does not require
the worksharing directives to be in the same procedure as the parallel directive.
In other words, one or more procedure calls may occur within a parallel construct
and any of the invoked procedures may contain OpenMP directives. Directives that
are not in the same procedure as the enclosing parallel directive are known as
orphaned directives. Note, too, that a procedure containing orphaned directives may
also be invoked outside of any parallel region, i.e., in the sequential part of the code.
In such a situation, the directive is simply ignored.
Since the threads in a team perform their work independently, there can be minor
variations in the speed at which computations progress on the different threads. Thus,
the relative order in which results are produced is in general not known a priori. More-
over, since the results of computations are often initially stored in memory that is local
to the thread where they were computed, new values may not be immediately accessi-
ble to threads running elsewhere on the machine. In order to provide some guarantees
on the availability of data that are independent of any hardware or operating system
consistency mechanisms, both parallel regions and worksharing constructs are termi-
nated by a barrier, at which point the threads wait until all of them have completed
execution of the construct and results are made available to all threads. Subsequent
computations may therefore safely assume their availability and exploit them. Since
a barrier may introduce inefficiencies if some threads must wait for slower ones to
complete their assigned portion of work, it is possible to override its insertion at the
end of worksharing directives (but not at the end of parallel regions, where the bar-
rier is mandatory). For this, the nowait clause is provided. However, if the barrier
is omitted, there are no guarantees on the availability of new values of shared data.
Note that it is part of the job of the application developer to ensure that there is no
attempt to use data before it is known to be available. The implementation does not
test for this kind of error in the use of OpenMP directives.
In addition to the barrier, there are a few other features in the API that trigger the
updating of shared data so that all threads will have a consistent view of their values.
In addition to writing back any new values to main memory, threads will then retrieve
any new values for shared variables that they have copied into local memory. Such
places in the code are synchronization points. Between synchronization points, code
executing on different threads may temporarily have different values of shared data.
108 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

As a result, OpenMP has a relaxed consistency model (Adve and Gharachorloo 1996,
Bronevetsky and de Supinski 2007). Scheduling Parallel Loops

It is sometimes important to be able to influence the way in which iterations of
a parallel loop are assigned to threads, since this may have a major impact on the
performance of the loop (Ayguadé et al. 2003, Chandra et al. 2000, Chapman 2008).
For this, a so-called schedule clause may be appended to the loop directive. It may
specify a static, dynamic, guided, auto(matic), or runtime schedule. When a static
schedule is applied, the iterations will be partitioned into a set of contiguous chunks
that will be assigned to the threads in a round-robin fashion. If no chunk size is given,
a roughly equal number of iterations is assigned to each thread in a single chunk.
When the amount of work is about the same in each iteration of the parallel loop,
then a static schedule will distribute work evenly among threads. However, if the
amount of work per iteration varies widely, a dynamic or guided schedule might be
more appropriate. Under a dynamic schedule, each thread will grab a chunk of iter-
ations and return to grab another chunk when it has executed them. Note that in this
case, if no chunk size is specified, the default is a single iteration. A guided sched-
ule is like the dynamic one except that the size of the chunks varies: it is set to be
a proportion of the iterations remaining to be performed and thus will continually
decrease. The auto schedule gives the implementation complete freedom to choose a
schedule, including applying schedules that cannot be described using OpenMP fea-
tures. Finally, the runtime schedule will allow the actual schedule to be determined
during execution using an environment variable, and a library routine is provided
for this purpose (see Section 6.2.5). If the programmer does not supply a schedule
clause, then an implementation-defined default schedule will be applied. Note that
this is almost always the static schedule.
! Fortran code with parallel loop nest and collapse,
! schedule clauses.
!$omp parallel do collapse(2) schedule(static)
do i=1,np
do j=1,nd
call random_number(x)
pos(j,i) = box(j)*x
vel(j,i) = 0.0
acc(j,i) = 0.0
!$omp end parallel do

Example 6.3
Use of OpenMP directives with Fortran.
OpenMP 109

Our first code example shows how OpenMP can be used to parallelize a loop nest
in a Fortran program. A parallel region has been identified via the insertion of two
directives, one at the start marking its beginning and one at the end. Note that here the
parallel directive and the loop directive, needed to specify that the following loops’
iterations should be shared among the threads, have been combined in a single line.
Since statements beginning with an exclamation mark are considered to be com-
ments in Fortran 90, a compiler that does not implement OpenMP will consider these
directives to be comments and will simply ignore them. This will also happen if the
user does not invoke the compiler with any options required to instruct it to translate
OpenMP. The directives are clearly recognizable as a result of the omp prefix which
is used to mark them.
Here, the parallel do directive will result in the formation of a team of threads:
the programmer has not specified how many threads to use, so that either a default
value will be applied or a value that has been set prior to this will be utilized. Each
thread in the team will execute a portion of the parallel loop that follows. Since the
collapse clause has been specified with 2 as an argument, both of the following
two loops will be collapsed into a single iteration space and then divided as directed
by the schedule clause. Thus, the work in the iterations of the i and j loops, a
total of np∗ nd iterations of the loop body, will be distributed among the threads in
the current team. The static schedule informs the compiler that each thread should
receive one contiguous chunk of iterations. For example, if the current team has 4
threads and np = nd = 8, there are 64 iterations to be shared among the threads.
Each of them will have 16 contiguous iterations. Thus, thread 0 might be assigned
the set of all iterations for which i is 1 or 2. If a different mapping of iterations to
threads is desired, a chunk size can be given along with the kind of schedule. With a
chunk size of 8, our thread 0 will instead execute two contiguous sets of iterations.
These might be all iterations for which i is either 1 or 5.

Basic matrix multiply using OpenMP.
#pragma omp parallel private(i,j,k)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
for (j = 0; j < M; j++)
C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k]*B[k][j];
} /* end omp parallel */

Example 6.4
This shows a naïve matrix multiply. Arrays A, B, and C are shared by default. Loop
counters are kept private.
110 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

6.2.2 Data Environment

By default, most data in an OpenMP program is shared among all of the execut-
ing threads. If shared data is modified by a thread, then the new value is guaranteed
to be available to other threads immediately after the next barrier or other synchro-
nization point in a program. However, as already mentioned, threads may also have
private, or local data. Each thread has its own copy of each private object, and their
values may differ; although the use of private data may increase the memory require-
ments of a code, access to it is generally highly efficient. Moreover, the availability
of local copies of some data may sometimes reduce the amount of synchronization
needed between multiple threads. Threads may also have static private data, known
as threadprivate data, so long as certain restrictions hold (mainly, there must be the
same number of threads in the executing thread teams and there must be no nested
parallelism). The values of threadprivate objects are then preserved between different
parallel regions.
Data declared to be firstprivate is a private variable that is moreover initialized with
the value of the corresponding variable immediately prior to the construct where this
attribute is specified. If this clause occurs together with a parallel directive, then the
value of the corresponding variable on the master thread is applied. Variables may
also be declared to be lastprivate or to be reduction variables. The former of these
causes the last value of the corresponding private variable to be saved and assigned
to the value in the enclosing construct. Note that in this context “last” means the
value assigned in the last iteration that would be executed if the associated loops
were performed sequentially, or the value assigned in the last piece of source code in
a set of sections. Also, there may sometimes be overheads involved in determining
which value is the last one.
Reduction operations, in which a number of values are combined, for example, to
form their sum or to find the maximum value, are common in many algorithms. With-
out special handling, a loop containing a reduction would be sequential, since each
iteration would form a result depending on that of the previous iteration. OpenMP
allows these loops to be parallelized so long as the application developer specifies
that the loop contains a reduction and indicates the variable and kind of reduction
via the corresponding clause. The reduction options include dot products, Boolean
operations, and bit operations. Note that user-defined reductions are not
Data-sharing attributes may be specified in the form of clauses that can be used in
conjunction with a parallel directive, with worksharing directives (except work-
share), and with a task directive (see Section 6.2.3). In the case of a reduction, the
kind of reduction must also be given. For those variables that are not specifically
assigned an attribute, defaults are applied. Rules governing defaults are designed to
be intuitive. For example, the local data of procedures that are invoked inside parallel
regions are generally private; formal parameters inherit the data-sharing attributes of
the corresponding actual arguments. The iteration variable of a parallel loop is an
important example of a variable that is private by default. The API allows the pro-
grammer to override default data attributes in most cases.
OpenMP 111 Using Data Attributes

Our next example illustrates the use of OpenMP in conjunction with C, which
does not require the use of end directives and where instead of structured comments,
OpenMP directives are expressed as pragmas. In this code, the application devel-
oper has inserted a parallel region directive in the main procedure, which we do not
show. The threads in the team created to execute it will all call the procedure foo. The
automatic variables p and i are private by default, so that each thread has its own pri-
vate instance of them. The formal parameters m and n will have the same data sharing
attributes as the corresponding actual arguments. When the parallel sections con-
struct is encountered, each individual section will be executed by one of the threads.
The use of the nowait clause means that there will be no barrier at the end of the
construct. This allows each thread to proceed past the sections construct after exe-
cuting its section without waiting for the other thread to complete its share. If there
are no dependences in the code that require the threads to wait for each other, this
is a suitable way to ensure that each thread may continue to do useful work without
unnecessarily impeding performance.

Orphaned OpenMP worksharing directive (sections) with
a nowait clause.
int g;
void foo(int m, int n) {
int p, i;
#pragma omp sections firstprivate(g) nowait
#pragma omp section
p = foo(g);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
#pragma omp section
p = bar(g);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

Example 6.5
Use of OpenMP directives with C.
112 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

6.2.3 Explicit Tasks

The task directive provides another powerful and flexible means of describing
the parallelism in a broad variety of applications. It is particularly suited to express-
ing the parallelism in algorithms where the amount of parallelism is not known in
advance, for instance, when recursion is involved or when each element in a list or
other pointer-based structure must be processed in some fashion. When this directive
is encountered at run time, the structured block of code that it is associated with will
be made ready for execution. This requires, in particular, that any current values of
data that it uses during computation are retrieved. The task may then be immediately
executed by an arbitrary thread, or it might have to wait until a thread is ready to
do so. There are no guarantees on the order in which tasks are executed if they are
created between the same pair of synchronization points. Therefore, the computation
must not rely on any such ordering nor make any assumptions with respect to which
thread a task will be assigned to.
Each individual task will be executed sequentially by just one thread. However, if
another task construct is encountered during its execution, then it will be responsible
for creating a new task that will be separately scheduled for execution. Since it is
possible that very many tasks are created around the same time, the implementation
is allowed to suspend the execution of a given task in order to perform other work for
a while. By default, execution of a suspended task is subsequently resumed on the
same thread. The reason for this is that a task might access data that is private to that
thread. If this is not the case, then the programmer may specify that a task is untied.
This means that, if suspended, the untied task may be resumed on any available thread.
This might somewhat improve program performance.
One reason that this construct is so flexible is that it may appear anywhere in a
parallel region, including within another task. In other words, tasks may be nested.
They are therefore highly suitable for expressing the parallelism in a recursive algo-
rithm. However, worksharing directives may not appear within a task unless a new
parallel region has been created. An additional important restriction is that a task may
not contain a barrier. (Given the arbitrary execution ordering and location, this would
otherwise most likely lead to a deadlock.) Using Explicit Tasks

The following code snippet illustrates a typical use of tasks to parallelize code that
traverses a linked list. If a parallel loop were created to do so, the application would
first have to ascertain the number of items in the list, so that the work associated with
them could be distributed among the threads. This is not only cumbersome for the
programmer, it also consumes execution time unnecessarily. Here, one of the threads
will execute the single region and generate a task for the current node. It will then
move on to the next node and generate a task for it. Other threads may immediately
start executing tasks that are ready. If too many tasks are created, the implementation
is permitted to suspend the generation of tasks so that some of them may be executed
before more are created.
OpenMP 113

Since each task will perform work related to the node that was current at the time of
execution, the value of the variable currentNode must also be saved for retrieval
when the work is performed. For this reason, variables passed to a task are firstprivate
by default.
Explicit OpenMP tasks to parallelize code traversing a
linked list in C. Though currentNode is firstprivate by
default, it is good practice to use explicit data
scoping attributes.
void processList(Node * list)
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
Node * currentNode = list;
while (currentNode) {
#pragma omp task firstprivate(currentNode)
currentNode = currentNode->next;

Example 6.6
OpenMP task directive.

6.2.4 Synchronization
When a new value is computed for a shared variable during program execution, that
value is initially stored either in cache memory or in a register. In either case, it may
be accessible only to the thread that performed the operation. At some subsequent,
unspecified time, the value is written back to main memory from which point on it
can be read by other threads. The time when that occurs will depend partly on the
way in which the program was translated by the compiler and in part on the policies
of the hardware and operating system. Since the programmer needs some assurances
on the availability of values so that threads may cooperate to complete their work,
OpenMP provides its own set of rules on when new values of shared data must be
made available to all threads and provides several constructs to enforce them.
Many OpenMP programs rely on the barriers that are performed at the end of work-
sharing regions in order to ensure that new values of shared data are available to all
threads. While this is often sufficient to synchronize the actions of threads, there is
also a barrier directive that may be explicitly inserted into the code if needed.
114 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

It is then essential that all the threads in the current team execute the barrier, since
otherwise the subset of threads that do so will wait for the remaining threads indefi-
nitely, leading to deadlock. Note that all waiting tasks will be processed at a barrier,
so that the program can safely assume that this work has also been completed when
the threads proceed past this synchronization point in the program.
There is also a directive that can be used to enforce completion of the execution
of waiting tasks. Whereas a barrier will require all threads to wait for the comple-
tion of all tasks that have been created, both implicit and explicit, the taskwait
directive applies only to specific explicit tasks. The taskwait directive stipulates
that the currently executing parent task wait for the completion of any child tasks
before continuing. In other words, it applies only to child tasks created and not to any
subsequently generated tasks.
Many computations do not require that shared data accesses occur in a specific
order, but do need to be sure that the actions of threads are synchronized to pre-
vent data corruption. For example, if two different threads must modify the value
of a shared variable, the order in which they do so might be unimportant. But it is
necessary to ensure that both updates do not occur simultaneously. Without some
form of protection, it is conceivable that a pair of threads both access the variable
being modified in quick succession, each obtaining the same “old” value. The two
threads could then each compute their new value and write it back. In this last step,
the value of the first update will simply be overwritten by the value produced by
the slower thread. In this manner, one of the updates is simply lost. To prevent this
from happening, the programmer needs a guarantee that the corresponding compu-
tations are performed by just one thread at a time. In order to ensure this mutual
exclusion, the OpenMP programmer may use the critical directive to ensure the
corresponding critical region may be executed by only one thread at a time. When a
thread reaches such a region of code at runtime, it must therefore first check whether
another thread is currently working on the code. If this is the case, it must wait until
the thread has finished. Otherwise, it may immediately proceed. A name may be asso-
ciated with a critical construct. If several critical directives appear in the code with
the same name, then the mutual exclusion property applies to all of them. This means
that only one thread at a time may perform the work in any critical region with a
given name.
Locks offer an alternative means of specifying mutual exclusion. They are dis-
cussed briefly in Section 6.2.5. Note that for some simple cases, the atomic direc-
tive suffices. For example, if the operation that must be protected in this fashion is a
simple addition or subtraction of a value, then prefixing this by the atomic directive
ensures that the fetching, updating, and writing back of the modified value occurs as if
it were a single indivisible operation. The value must also be flushed back to memory
so that another thread will access the new value when it performs the operation.
One of the least understood features of the OpenMP API is the flush directive,
which has the purpose of updating the values of shared variables for the thread that
encounters it. In contrast to the features introduced earlier, this directive does not
synchronize the actions of multiple threads. Rather, it simply ensures that the thread
executing it will write any new shared values that are locally stored back to shared
OpenMP 115

memory and will retrieve any new values from the shared memory for shared data that
it is using. However, if two different threads encounter a flush directive at different
times, then they will not share their new values as a result. The first of the threads will
make its data available but will not have access to those created by the thread that has
not yet reached that point in the program. As a result, it can be tricky to synchronize
the actions of multiple threads via flushing, although it can offer an efficient way of
doing so once the principle is understood.
Most existing shared memory systems provide support for cache coherency, which
means that once a cache line is updated by a thread, any other copies of that line
(including the corresponding line in main memory) are flagged as being “dirty”
(Bircsak et al. 2000). This means that the remaining threads know that the data on
other copies is invalid. As a result, any attempt to read data from that line will result
in the updated line being shared. In other words, the thread will indeed get the new
values—in contrast to the description mentioned earlier. Thus, on many of today’s
systems, regular flushing has little if any impact on performance. As soon as data
is saved in cache, the system will ensure that values are shared. (So there is only a
problem if it is still in a register.) Some performance problems result from this, as
discussed in the following. Also, not all systems guarantee this and, in the future, it
is likely to be a bigger problem, as it can be expensive to support cache coherency
across large numbers of threads. Performing Reductions in OpenMP

The following example illustrates two different ways in which the sum of the ele-
ments of an array may be computed by a team of threads. In the first case, each
thread has a private copy of the variable local_sum (which has been initialized to
immediately prior to the parallel region). The default loop schedule will be applied
to assign iterations to threads. Each iteration will update the local sum. In order to
combine these values, the global sum must be formed. Since it is necessary to ensure
that the threads do not interfere with each other while adding their own local sum to
the global value, the application developer must protect this update. Here, a critical
region encloses the corresponding operation.
The second part of this program makes use of the OpenMP reduction facility to
perform the same computation. Here, the variable that will hold the global sum is
initialized, and then a parallel region is started to carry out the work. The reduction
clause is used to indicate that there is a reduction operation, but also the kind and the
variable that will hold the result. The rest of the work of deciding how best to perform
the reduction operation is left up to the implementation, which is free to choose the
most efficient strategy it can find for combining the partial results.

These two loops achieve the same end. The first shows a
reduction operation using an OpenMP for loop and a
critical region, without which data corruption might
otherwise occur. The second uses an OpenMP for loop with
116 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
a reduction clause to direct the implementation to take
care of the reduction.
#pragma omp parallel shared(array,sum)
#pragma omp for private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < max_i; i++){
for(j = 0; j < max_j; ++j)
local_sum += array[i][j];
#pragma omp critical
sum += local_sum;

} /*end parallel*/
/*** Alternate version ***/
sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel shared(array)
#pragma omp for reduction(+:sum) private(i,j)
for(i = 0; i < max_i; i++){
for(j = 0; j < max_j; ++j){
sum += array[i][j];
} /*end parallel*/

Example 6.7
Reductions in OpenMP.

6.2.5 OpenMP Library Routines and Environment Variables

In addition to directives, the API provides a set of library calls that may be used
to set, retrieve and get information on some important execution parameters. These
include the number of threads that will be used to execute the next parallel region,
the schedule to be applied to parallel loops that have been declared with a runtime
schedule, and the maximum permitted level of nested parallelism (Blikberg and Søre-
vik 2005). Further, it is possible to find out whether the number of threads that will
execute a parallel region may be dynamically adjusted, whether nested parallelism is
enabled and to modify these aspects of program behavior. Each member of the team is
numbered consecutively with a nonnegative integer, whereby the master is assigned
the value 0. Most importantly, a thread is able to retrieve its own thread ID. It can find
out whether it is currently executing a parallel region, how many parallel regions it
is contained in, the number of threads in the team executing any of these levels, the
OpenMP 117

thread ID of its ancestor in any of those levels, and the maximum number of threads
available to a program.
Many of these values can be set prior to execution by assigning a value to the
corresponding environment variable. Environment variables can be also used to set
the stack size and a wait policy. We discuss these briefly in Section 6.3.
Another set of routines is available for the explicit use of locks to control threads’
access to a region of code. In addition to providing the same kind of control as a
critical construct, it is possible to test the value of a lock prior to an attempt to acquire
it. If the test shows that it is set, the thread may be able to perform other work rather
than simply waiting. The OpenMP library should be included in C/C++ programs as
a preprocessor directive with #include <omp.h>. SPMD Programming Style

It is even possible to rely primarily on the library routines in order to distribute the
work of a program to threads. Since this involves the explicit mapping of work to the
individual threads, it is often considered to be a rather low-level style of programming.
A strength of OpenMP is that directives may be used where appropriate and, in the
same program, this lower-level style of coding adopted where precise control of the
mapping of work is necessary.

SPMD code style using threadids and using a barrier
#pragma omp parallel private(my_id, local_n) shared(a,p)
p = omp_get_num_threads();
my_id = omp_get_thread_num();

if (my_id == 0){
printf("I am the master of %d thread(s).\n", p);
printf("I am worker #%d\n", my_id);
if (my_id == 0){
a = 11;
local_n = 33;
local_n = 77;
#pragma omp barrier
if (my_id != 0){
local_n = a*my_id;
118 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
#pragma omp barrier
printf("Thread %d has local_n = %d\n", my_id, local_n);
printf("a = %d\n", a);

Example 6.8
Explicit assignment of work to threads in SPMD style.

6.3 Implementation of OpenMP

In contrast to some other high-level programming languages for parallel comput-
ing, the implementation of OpenMP is relatively straightforward. It typically involves
two components, an OpenMP-aware compiler that is able to recognize and appropri-
ately process the OpenMP constructs supplied by the application developer, and the
compiler’s runtime library, which is responsible for creating and managing threads
during a program’s execution (Liao et al. 2006). The routines of a runtime library are
specific to a given compiler. Although there is a typical strategy followed by most
compilers, their details differ somewhat and there are no standards with respect to
either the functionality or the name of runtime library routines.
Today, most compilers that implement one or more of the base languages are also
able to translate OpenMP. When such a compiler translates a user-supplied Fortran,
C, or C++ code, it will also encounter any OpenMP directives or user-level library
calls that have been inserted into the program. Assuming that any compiler options
required for OpenMP translation have been specified, it will translate the OpenMP
constructs by suitably adapting the code and inserting calls to its runtime library rou-
tines. Otherwise the OpenMP constructs will be ignored.
The implementation of the parallel directive is the most fundamental step in the
translation process. Typically, the code that is lexically contained within the parallel
construct is converted into a procedure, an approach that is known as outlining. Refer-
ences to shared variables in the region are replaced by pointers to the memory location
for the shared object and passed to the routine as an argument while private variables
are simply treated as being local to this routine. A minor adaptation of this strategy
serves to realize firstprivate variables; their initial value is passed to the procedure,
typically in the form of an additional parameter. Then a runtime library routine is
invoked to fork the required number of threads and to pass the outlined procedure to
them for execution. In practice, implementations avoid the repetitive creation and ter-
mination of threads at the start and end of parallel regions by allowing threads other
than the master to sleep between different parallel regions. The latest standard per-
mits the user to help determine whether threads will busy-wait or sleep at other places
where they are idle, such as when they are waiting to enter a critical region. If wait
times are likely to be short, busy-waiting is often preferred since they will quickly
respond to a changed situation. However, this can consume resources that may be
OpenMP 119

needed by active threads. So when the wait can be longer, it might be preferable to
put them to sleep.
A parallel loop will typically be replaced by, first, a routine that each thread invokes
to determine the set of loop iterations assigned to it. Then the iterations are performed
and a barrier routine invoked. For static schedule kinds, each thread may indepen-
dently determine its share of the work. If a dynamic or guided schedule has been
specified, then a thread may need to carry out multiple sets of iterations. In such
cases, once it has completed one set, it will again invoke a routine to get another por-
tion of the work. In this case, more coordination is required behind the scenes and
the corresponding routine is involved several times. As a result, overheads are slightly
higher. However, if the loop iterations contain varying amounts of work, it is often
faster than a static schedule. Parallel sections are often converted to a parallel loop
that has as many iterations as there are sections. Branches to the individual sections
ensure that the ith iteration will perform exactly the work of the ith section.
A single directive is typically executed by the first thread that reaches it. To
accomplish this, each thread will test the value of a shared variable that indicates
whether or not the code has been entered. The first thread to reach it will set the vari-
able and thus ensure that other threads do not attempt to perform the computations.
As with any access to a shared variable, this test and set should be done atomically
by the implementation.
There are several ways in which OpenMP tasks may be implemented (Addison
et al. 2009). A simple strategy is to create a queue of tasks, which holds all tasks that
have been generated but whose execution has not been completed. More sophisticated
strategies may implement one or more queues of tasks for each thread and enable
threads to steal tasks from other threads’ queues if they have no more tasks in their
own queue (Frigo et al. 1998, Duran et al. 2008). This might, for instance, enable some
amount of data locality. Since tied tasks may be suspended, and thus put back onto a
queue, there might be an additional queue per thread to hold these. Such tasks cannot
be stolen by other threads so this will separate them from those that could be executed
by any thread. Implementations must also consider whether to prefer to continue to
generate tasks until a synchronization point is encountered or some threshold has been
reached (which may depend on the overall number of tasks generated, the number
already in a queue, or some additional criteria), or whether they should use some
other strategy to decide when to start executing tasks that are ready.
Critical regions are usually implemented with low-level locks managed by the run-
time. Threads that are waiting to enter a critical region may do so actively, i.e., by
frequently checking to find out if the region is still being worked on. They can also
do so passively, in which case the thread simply sleeps and is woken up when the
computation is ready for it to proceed. Both modes can typically be supported by an
implementation. Whereas the former case usually allows the thread to begin its work
faster, it also causes the thread to use resources that may be needed by other threads,
thereby interfering with their progress. Nevertheless, if the wait time is expected to be
very short, it may be a good choice. If the waiting time is long, the latter may be better.
Since the implementation may not be able to determine which policy is preferable,
the OpenMP API allows the application developer to influence its strategy.
120 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The OpenMP (user-level) library routines are often simply replaced by a corre-
sponding runtime procedure. Since some of runtime routines are frequently invoked—
this applies particularly to the barrier implementation and to the function that retrieves
a thread’s identifier—they are typically very carefully crafted. There are, for instance,
a variety of algorithms for performing barriers and efficient versions can signifi-
cantly outperform naïve barrier implementations (Nanjegowda et al. 2009). Locks
and atomic updates might also have straightforward implementations. The under-
lying thread package chosen for thread management operations will depend on the
options available. Where portability is required, Pthreads is often selected. But most
systems provide more efficient alternatives. Note that OpenMP is beginning to be
implemented on some kinds of systems that do not provide a fully fledged operating
system and thus sometimes have minimal support for thread operations. For these
systems too, the implementation will choose the best primitives available (Chapman
et al. 2009).
Although OpenMP has most often been implemented on cache-coherent shared
memory parallel computers, including multicore platforms, it has also been imple-
mented on non-cache-coherent platforms, large distributed shared memory machines,
and there are a few implementations for distributed memory machines also (Huang
et al. 2003, Marowka et al. 2004, Hoeflinger 2006). OpenMP has begun to be used as
a programming model for heterogeneous multicore architectures (Liu and Chaudhary
2003, Chapman et al. 2009), where different kinds of cores are tightly coupled on a
chip or board. An early implementation of this kind targeted the Cell, which combines
a general purpose core (PPE) with multiple special purpose cores (SPEs); the SPEs
do not share memory with the PPE, which makes the translation considerably tougher
(O’Brien et al. 2008). A similar approach was taken to enable the convenient use of
ClearSpeed’s accelerators in conjunction with general purpose multicore hardware
(Gaster and Bradley 2007). Given the growth in platforms that provide some kind of
accelerator and need to facilitate programming across such systems, we expect to see
more attempts to provide such implementations in the future (Ayguadé et al. 2009a).
Our example gives a flavor of the code that is generated to execute the loop in
Example 6.7. It begins with the outlined procedure that encapsulates the work of the
parallel region. The compiler has generated a name for the procedure that indicates
that it is the second parallel region of the main procedure. Here, too, there are no
standards: in some tools in the programming environment, these names may be made
visible to the user. Next the compiler has generated a private variable in which each
thread will store its local portion of the reduction operation. It then saves the original
bounds of the loop that will be distributed among threads before passing these as
arguments to the procedure that will determine static schedule. Note that each thread
independently invokes this routine, and that it will use the bounds as well as the
thread number to determine its own set of iterations. A call to the barrier routine
has been inserted to ensure that the threads wait until all have completed their share
of the parallel loop. Next, a critical region is used to combine the local sums, in order
to complete the reduction. Note that reduction operations are another feature that
permits a variety of implementations, some of which are much more efficient than
OpenMP 121
Possible implementation of the code in the 2nd parallel
region in Example 6.7
static void __ompregion_main2(thrdid)
/* var declarations omitted */
local_sum = 0;
limit = max_i + -1;
do_upper = limit;
do_lower = 0;
last_iter = 0;
__ompc_static_init(thrdid, 2, &do_lower,
&do_upper, &do_stride, 1, 1);
if(do_upper > limit)
do_upper = limit;
for(local_i = do_lower; local_i <= do_upper;
local_i = local_i + 1)
local_j = 0;
while(local_j < max_j)
local_sum = array[local_i][local_j] + local_sum;
local_j = local_j + 1;
__ompc_reduction(thrdid, &lock);
sum = local_sum + sum;
__ompc_end_reduction(thrdid, &lock);
} /* __ompregion_main2 */

Example 6.9
OpenMP implementation strategy.

6.4 Programming for Performance

It is hard to overemphasize the importance of carrying out some amount of perfor-
mance tuning once an initial, correct parallel program has been created. Many appli-
cation developers are not aware of the potential for enhancing the overall runtime
behavior if certain aspects of the parallel code are overlooked. The performance of
122 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

parallel programs relies on adequately addressing that matter of ensuring efficiency

in how the program will use its available resources, primarily the memory hierarchy
and processor threads (Jin et al. 2007). A naïve approach to the use of shared vari-
ables often leads to programs with unexpected behavior; unfortunately it may also
lead to code containing obscure bugs. However, an informed approach will prevent
the introduction of errors and lead to better performance. Once an optimal sequen-
tial version of the code is prepared it can be incrementally parallelized and tuned for
better performance.
Ideally, all of the available threads should continuously perform useful work
throughout the execution of a code. In the OpenMP context, the programmer should
attempt to ensure that all major computations are parallelized. However, the extent
to which the code is parallelized may depend on the overall performance needed,
and it is quite possible that there may be remaining sequential parts, e.g., to initial-
ize the code. Now that we have discussed the basic strategy adopted to implement
OpenMP, we can use this insight to now look into how unnecessary overheads can be
Use of the parallel directive deserves careful consideration; if improperly used
it may actually cause performance degradation. This construct entails the overhead
necessary for the creation (or waking up) of thread teams, so it should be used infre-
quently and enclose as much code as possible. For instance, successive parallel
for directives should be written as one parallel region enclosing successive for
directives. An important potential benefit of this is that cache utilization may be
optimized over a larger region of code: if the different loops access the same data,
the performance advantage of merging these parallel regions may be significant. The
overall goal should be to maximize the size and minimize the frequency of parallel
directives. It is also prudent to use the if clause for parallel and task regions where
the amount of parallelism may be not be known at compile time. By providing a
condition to test for sufficient concurrency at runtime, unnecessary overheads can be
Any synchronization implies that threads may have to wait for another thread to
complete an operation (Weng and Chapman 2003). The longer the wait, the more
likely it is to degrade overall program performance. The OpenMP programmer should
attempt to eliminate unnecessary synchronization and avoid placing unnecessary com-
putations into critical regions or code portions that are controlled by locks. Avoiding
unnecessary barriers requires knowing which constructs entail implicit barriers and
which do not. Successive implicit barriers may not be obvious but can be eliminated
with strategic use of a nowait clause. Limiting the use of taskwait should also
be considered. Task parallelism often involves great numbers of tasks which should
not be kept waiting unnecessarily.
The overheads of synchronization are so important that we have discussed them
separately. However, there are many other overheads that arise when OpenMP pro-
grams are executed. Any time each thread performs operations that were not part of
the original program, overheads are incurred. This is also the case if some work is
replicated, since there is no immediate performance benefit obtained by it.
OpenMP 123

The manner in which memory is used by a program has a great impact on per-
formance, namely in its use of the cache (Jin et al. 1999). As mentioned previously,
cache lines are flagged in their entirety when “dirty.” It is not just the needed variable
that is updated but the entire cache line that contains it! This is expensive! Therefore
it is prudent to minimize cache misses whenever possible. One way to avoid this is
to make sure loops are accessing array elements in the proper order, either by row
or column, for the language being used. Fortran arrays are stored in column-major
order and C/C++ are row-major, so loops should be modified if needed to access array
elements accordingly.
One side effect of cache coherent systems is false sharing. This is the interference
among threads writing to different areas of the same cache line. The write from one
thread causes the system to notify other caches that this line has been modified, and
even though another thread may be using different data it will be delayed while the
caches are updated. False sharing often prevents programs from scaling to a high
number of threads. It may require careful scrutiny of the program’s access patterns if
it is to be avoided.
It is also important to achieve a balanced workload. The time required for a thread
to carry out its portion of the computation should be, as far as possible, the same as
the time required for each of the other threads between any pair of synchronization
points. This is generally accomplished with a suitable loop schedule for the given
algorithm. Some experimentation may be necessary to determine the schedule that
provides the best performance for any given use of a loop directive.
OpenMP provides an easy model for incrementally writing parallel code, and it
is particularly easy to obtain an initial parallel program, but special considerations
are needed to ensure that a program performs well. With due diligence, an OpenMP
programmer can address these common performance obstacles and obtain a parallel
application that is both efficient and scalable.

6.5 Summary
With the rapid proliferation of multicore platforms and the growth in the number
of threads that they may support, there is an urgent need for a convenient means to
express the parallelism in a broad variety of applications. OpenMP began as a vehicle
for parallelizing (primarily) technical computations to run on small shared memory
platforms. Since that time, it has evolved in order to provide a means to express a
number of parallel programming patterns that can be found in modern computations
and to support the parallelization of applications written in Fortran, C, and C++. The
latest version provides support for the expression of multilevel parallelism, for loop
and task-based parallelism, for dynamic adjustments of the manner of the program’s
execution (including the ability to modify the number of threads that will be used to
execute a parallel region), includes features for fine-grained load balancing and offers
ability to write high level, directive-based code as well as low level code that specifies
124 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

the instructions that are to be executed by the different threads explicitly. The growth
in terms of numbers of features has been relatively modest.
The challenges for OpenMP are therefore to support the programming of systems
with large numbers of threads and to ensure that it is able to express the diverse
patterns of parallelism that occur in modern technical and nontechnical application
codes alike. Current work is exploring means to provide for a coordinated mapping
of work and data to threads, to enable error handling, and to enhance the task inter-
face. With the introduction of systems based on heterogeneous cores, the complexity
of the application development process has moreover once more increased signifi-
cantly. It will be interesting to see how well OpenMP may target such systems also.
Early work has already begun to address this topic (Ayguadé et al. 2009a, Huang and
Chapman 2009). The OpenMP ARB is actively considering a variety of strategies,
and features, for addressing these challenges, as well as providing additional help to
deal with errors and to enhance several of its existing features.

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126 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

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Part III

Programming Heterogeneous
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Chapter 7
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA

Michael Garland, Vinod Grover, and Kevin Skadron


7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

7.2 Manycore GPU Machine Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
7.3 Structure of CUDA Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
7.3.1 Program Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
7.3.2 Parallel Kernels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
7.3.3 Communicating within Blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
7.3.4 Device Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
7.3.5 Complete CUDA Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
7.4 Execution of Kernels on the GPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
7.4.1 Kernel Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
7.4.2 Coordinating Tasks in Kernels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7.4.3 Memory Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.5 Writing a CUDA Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.5.1 Block-Level Parallel Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.5.2 Array Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
7.5.3 Coordinating Whole Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.6 GPU Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.7 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

7.1 Introduction
The applications that seem most likely to benefit from major advances in computa-
tional power and drive future processor development appear increasingly throughput
oriented, with products optimized more for data or task parallelism depending on
their market focus (e.g., HPC vs. transactional vs. multimedia). Examples include
the simulation of large physical systems, data mining, and ray tracing. Throughput-
oriented workload design emphasizes many small cores because they eliminate most
of the hardware needed to speed up the performance of an individual thread. These
simple cores are then multithreaded, so that when any one thread stalls, other threads
can run and every core can continue to be used to maximize the application’s overall
throughput. Multithreading in turn relaxes requirements for high performance on any
individual thread. Small, simple cores therefore provide greater throughput per unit

132 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

of chip area and greater throughput within a given power or cooling constraint. The
high throughput provided by “manycore” organizations has been recognized by most
major processor vendors.
To understand the implications of rapidly increasing parallelism on both hardware
and software design, we believe it is most productive to look at the design of modern
GPUs (Graphics Processing Units). A decade ago, GPUs were fixed-function hard-
ware devices designed specifically to accelerate graphics APIs such as OpenGL and
Direct3D. In contrast to the fixed-function devices of the past, today’s GPUs are fully
programmable microprocessors with general-purpose architectures. Having evolved
in response to the needs of computer graphics—an application domain with tremen-
dous inherent parallelism but increasing need for general-purpose programmability—
the GPU is already a general-purpose manycore processor with greater peak perfor-
mance than any other commodity processor. GPUs simply include some additional
hardware that typical, general-purpose CPUs do not, mainly units such as rasterizers
that accelerate the rendering of 3D polygons and texture units that accelerate filtering
and blending of images. Most of these units are not needed when using the GPU as
a general-purpose manycore processor, although some can be useful, such as texture
caches and GPU instruction-set support for some transcendental functions. Because
GPUs are general-purpose manycore processors, they are typically programmed in
a fashion similar to traditional parallel programming models, with a single-program,
multiple data (SPMD) model for launching a large number of concurrent threads, a
unified memory, and standard synchronization mechanisms.
High-end GPUs cost just hundreds of dollars and provide teraflop performance
while creating, executing, and retiring literally billions of parallel threads per sec-
ond, exhibiting a scale of parallelism that is orders of magnitude higher than other
platforms and truly embodies the manycore paradigm. GPUs are now used in a wide
range of computational science and engineering applications, and are supported by
several major libraries and commercial software products.

7.2 Manycore GPU Machine Model

Before programming a GPU, it is helpful to have a simple mental model of the
GPU architecture. GPUs assume the presence of plentiful parallelism and hence the
hardware is optimized for total throughput rather than single-threaded latency. GPUs
therefore consist of many simple, highly multithreaded processing elements per chip
and high memory bandwidth. Keeping the cores simple increases the total number of
cores that can be integrated, and multithreading allows the GPU to efficiently con-
sume the available memory bandwidth. Today’s GPUs can execute tens of thousands
of threads at the same time, and their programming models are designed to scale
orders of magnitude beyond that.
The overall machine that we target is a heterogeneous platform consisting of both a
host CPU and associated GPU. The CPU is a processor designed to optimize the per-
formance of sequential codes, whereas the GPU is a processor designed to optimize
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 133

Host (CPU) Device (GPU)

Core Core Multiprocessor Multiprocessor Multiprocessor
Core Core

Memory Memory Memory

Host memory Device memory

FIGURE 7.1: The heterogeneous hardware environment typical of GPU


the performance of large parallel workloads. Since any particular program will consist
of both latency-sensitive sequential sections and throughput-sensitive parallel sec-
tions, it is advantageous to have processors optimized for both types of workload
(Figure 7.1).
From a programmer’s perspective, the key ingredients of the GPU architecture
can be broken into three categories. The chip itself consists of a collection of mul-
tithreaded multiprocessors called SMs, each of which can run a large collection of
threads. The hardware provides a unified memory model with fast local on-chip mem-
ories and global off-chip memory visible to all threads. These memory spaces pro-
vide a relaxed memory-consistency model [1], meaning that memory operations from
one thread might appear to other threads out of order. Thread barrier, memory fence,
and atomic read-modify-write primitives are provided to provide synchronization and
ordering guarantees where those are required.
Each of the multiprocessors in the GPU is designed to manage and execute a large
population of threads—up to 1536 in current generation hardware. Every thread rep-
resents an independent execution trace in that it possesses its own program counter,
stack, and scalar register set. Threads communicate through shared memory spaces
and synchronize at barriers. In short, they are fundamentally similar to user-level CPU
In reality, a multiprocessor will contain far fewer physical processing elements
than the total number of threads it can support. Therefore, the virtual processors
represented by the threads are time multiplexed in a fine-grained fashion onto the
physical processing elements, with a new thread running every cycle. Each scalar
processor hosts dozens of threads, providing high latency tolerance (e.g., for accesses
to off-chip memory). Correct thread execution does not depend on which processing
element hosts the thread’s virtual processor.
The processing cores themselves support a fully general-purpose, scalar instruction
set. They provide full support for both integer and IEEE floating point—at both single
and double precision—arithmetic. They provide a standard load/store model of mem-
ory, which is organized as a linear sequence of bytes. And they support the various
other features typical of modern processors, including normal branching semantics,
virtual memory and pointers, function calls, etc. The GPU also offers some instruction
set support for important transcendental functions such as trigonometric functions
and reciprocal square root that other commodity architectures do not. These can
134 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

dramatically improve performance over conventional ISAs and are important across
a wide range of applications.

7.3 Structure of CUDA Programs

CUDA provides an environment for writing parallel programs that run on hetero-
geneous machines. These heterogeneous machines are assumed to consist of one or
more host processors and one or more compute devices. A host processor is typi-
cally a traditional CPU that is optimized for sequential execution of a single thread.
A device processor compute device is expected to be a processor such as a GPU that
is optimized for parallel execution of many thousands of threads.
A CUDA programmer writes a single program in a standard sequential language,
augmented with minimal extensions to describe parallelism. Throughout this chap-
ter we will describe the CUDA programming model in terms of the CUDA C/C++
language, but it is important to emphasize that the CUDA architecture can support
essentially any language choice. Both CUDA C/C++ and CUDA Fortran compilers
are available today, and for all practical purposes, any traditional language used for
writing sequential programs can be compiled for the CUDA platform.

7.3.1 Program Placement

The host and device processors will in general be separate physical chips with
potentially separate memory spaces. Therefore, portions of a CUDA program will
consist of data that resides on the device and functions that run on the device. We refer
to these as as device data and the device program, respectively. Similarly, we refer to
the data that lives in host memory and the part of the program that runs on the host as
the host data and host program, respectively. A CUDA program is the combination of
its constituent host and device programs. While CUDA provides support for multi-
threaded host programs working with multiple separate devices, we will focus on
the simpler case of a single-threaded sequential host program working with a single
parallel device.
The programmer declares the placement of variables, either on the host or device,
using declaration modifiers as in this example:
__device__ int x; / / x r e s i d e s i n d e v i c e memory
__host__ int y; / / y r e s i d e s i n h o s t memory
This program fragment specifies that integer variables x and y are to be allocated in
the GPU and CPU memory, respectively.
Functions are also annotated to indicate where they may execute.
__device__ int device_function(int *p) { ... }

__host__ int host_function(int *p) { ... }

__host__ __device__ int function(int *p) { ... }

Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 135

A device function may only be called within the device program and will execute
on the device. A host function may only be called within the host program and will
execute on the host. Functions marked with both specifiers may be called in either
the host or device program and will execute on the processor where they are called.
Functions without any placement annotation are assumed to be host functions.

7.3.2 Parallel Kernels

A CUDA program begins its execution as a standard sequential program on the
host. The host program can initiate computations on the device by invoking a kernel:
a parallel computation that executes a single program across many parallel threads.
Kernel functions, which may be used as the program entry point for a kernel, are
indicated with a special __global__ declaration modifier. They are launched with
a function call-like syntax as in this example code fragment:
/ / Kernel e n t r y p o i n t . Every k e r n e l t h r e a d
/ / w i l l execute the c o n t e n t s of t h i s procedure .
__global__ void kernel(int *p, int n)

__host__ void launch(int *p, int n)

kernel<<<nblocks, nthreads>>>(p, n);
Kernel functions may only be called from host functions. They may in turn call only
device functions. Kernels are not permitted to return values and therefore have a void
return type.
The programmer organizes a kernel into a grid of thread blocks each of which
consists of a fixed number of parallel threads. This organization of threads is specified
when launching the kernel, as seen in the preceding code fragment. The launch syntax
f<<<P,B>>>() will launch P blocks of B threads each, for a total of PB parallel
threads across the entire kernel.
Every thread block is given a unique integral coordinate that is accessible within
the device program via the special variable blockIdx. This has components
blockIdx.x and blockIdx.y, since the programmer may choose to launch a
kernel as either a 1D or 2D grid of blocks. The dimensions of the grid are pro-
vided by the variables gridDim.x and gridDim.y, respectively. The threads
of a given block are also given unique coordinates, whose components are acces-
sible via threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y, and threadIdx.z. The dimensions of
the block are available in the variables blockDim.x, blockDim.y, and
blockDim.z, respectively. The runtime values of the threadIdx and blockIdx
136 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

components are the consecutive integers ranging from zero up to one less than
corresponding dimension. All of these special variables are set by the runtime envi-
ronment and cannot be changed by the program.
The threads of a kernel start executing at the same entry point, namely, the kernel
function. However, they do not subsequently need to follow the same code sequence.
In particular, most threads will likely make different decisions or access different
memory locations based on their unique thread/block coordinates. This style of exe-
cution is often referred to as “single program, multiple data” or SPMD. By default,
when a host program launches multiple kernels in sequence, there will be an implicit
barrier between these kernels. In other words, no thread of the second kernel may be
launched until all threads of the first have completed. CUDA provides additional APIs
for launching independent kernels whose threads may be potentially overlapped, both
with other kernels and memory transfers.
All threads of a kernel have their own local variables, which are typically stored in
GPU registers. These are private and are not accessible to any other thread. Threads
also have direct access to any data placed in device memory. This data is common
to all threads. When accessing device memory, the programmer must either use the
unique thread/block coordinates to guarantee that all threads are accessing sepa-
rate data, or use appropriate synchronization mechanisms to avoid race conditions
between threads.

7.3.3 Communicating within Blocks

Thread blocks provide a granularity at which threads can efficiently cooperate
among themselves. All threads of a kernel have access to data in device memory and
all threads effectively synchronize at the end of a kernel. These are relatively expen-
sive operations. In contrast, threads within a single block are able to communicate
very efficiently.
Each block has an associated shared memory space that is private to the block but
visible to all of its threads. Accesses to this memory space are also very fast since,
unlike device memory that resides in external DRAM, this memory space resides
on-chip. Variables within a device function are declared to live in this space with a
declaration modifier:
__shared__ int z; / / z r e s i d e s i n on−c h i p s h a r e d memory

Each thread block will have its own private copy of z, which will be allocated in
the on-chip shared memory when the thread block is launched.
Shared memory is much faster than global memory access—by roughly two orders
of magnitude on current hardware. Consequently, device programs often copy data
into shared memory, process it there, and then write results back to global memory.
In this case, shared memory functions like a local scratchpad memory, and making
good use of it can lead to large performance gains in practice.
Threads within a thread block run in parallel and can share data via shared mem-
ory. They may also synchronize using an explicit barrier primitive, which is exposed
in CUDA C as a __syncthreads() function call. This brings all threads to a
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 137

common execution point and also ensures that all outstanding memory operations
have completed. The barrier itself is implemented directly in hardware and is
extremely efficient. On current hardware it compiles to a single instruction; thus,
there is essentially no overhead and the cost of the barrier is simply the time required
for all threads to physically reach the barrier.
It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that all threads will eventually exe-
cute the same barrier. Barriers at textually distinct positions within the program are
considered different barriers. The program behavior is undefined if some threads exe-
cute a barrier and others either skip that barrier or execute a textually distinct barrier.
A barrier within conditional code, such as:
if( P ) { ....; __syncthreads(); ....; }
else { ....; __syncthreads(); ....; }
is only well-defined if every thread of the block takes the same branch of the condi-
tional. Similarly, a loop containing a barrier:
while( P ) { ....; __syncthreads(); ....; }
is only safe if every thread evaluates the predicate P in the same way.
CUDA’s block-oriented programming model allows a large variety of applications
to be written by allowing threads to cooperate closely within a thread block, while also
allowing a set of thread blocks to work independently and coordinate across kernel
launches. This basic model is designed to allow very efficient low-level programs
to be written for the GPU while allowing higher level application frameworks to be
built on top using the abstraction features of C and C++ language, e.g., functions
and templates.

7.3.4 Device Memory Management

In addition to launching parallel kernels, the host program is also responsible for
managing device memory. It can initiate bulk data transfers from the host system’s
main memory to the GPU’s on-board memory, launch a kernel, and copy results back.
Computation can be overlapped with transfer of data that is not currently needed.
While explicit data transfer is not strictly necessary, because portions of host mem-
ory can be directly mapped into the GPU’s address space, it can be more efficient,
especially for large blocks of data.
CUDA provides a number of interfaces for managing device in different ways and
for different use cases. Among these, the most basic interface is provided by the
following routines:

• cudaMalloc: Allocates device memory.

float *dA;
cudaMalloc((void**) &dA, N * sizeof(float));

In this example, the host variable dA will hold the address of the allocated
memory in the device address space. It may be passed as an argument to host
138 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

and kernel functions like any other parameter, but may only be dereferenced
on the device.
• cudaMemcpy: Performs a data transfer between the host and the device.
float *hA = ..., *dA = ...;
cudaMemcpy(dA, hA, N*sizeof(float),
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );

This example copies N floating point values starting at address hA in the host
memory to the address dA in device memory.
• cudaFree: Deallocates device memory allocated with cudaMalloc.

7.3.5 Complete CUDA Example

Figure 7.2 shows a simple CUDA C program. It performs the parallel vector addi-
tion C = A + B where A, B, and C are all 1-dimensional vectors of n floating point
numbers. This program fragment assumes that the initial arrays are already defined
in host memory (hA,hB,hC) and that their length (n) is known. It proceeds to allo-
cate device memory (dA,dB,dC) of the appropriate size, and then copies data from
host to device memories. Finally, it launches the kernel using a grid of n/256 thread
blocks. The result of the computation is left in device memory (dC) for the use of sub-
sequent kernels. To inspect the results on the host, the program uses cudaMemcpy
to transfer the data back to the host memory space. The memory allocated with
cudaMalloc can also be explicitly deallocated with cudaFree when those arrays
are no longer needed and the space must be reclaimed before the end of the program.

7.4 Execution of Kernels on the GPU

A running CUDA program consists of one or more host threads that can launch
parallel device kernels. These host threads are executed on the CPU(s) present in the
machine and may be managed with OpenMP, MPI, or another multithreading layer
of the programmer’s choosing.
When a host thread launches a kernel kernelA<<<P,B>>>, as illustrated in
Figure 7.3, the launch request is received by the CUDA runtime layer. It is responsible
for delivering this request to the hardware. Once the launch request is received by the
runtime, the launching host thread is allowed to continue executing. In other words, all
kernels launched by a given host thread will run asynchronously with that host thread.
To synchronize with the kernels it has launched, a host thread calls one of a number of
synchronizing operations, the simplest of which is cudaThreadSynchronize().
This acts as a barrier on all outstanding device activities; all kernels called prior to
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 139

/ / Compute C = A + B f o r n−v e c t o r s A , B , and C .

/ / Each t h r e a d p e r f o r m s one p a i r −w i s e a d d i t i o n
__global__ void vecAdd(int n, float* A, float* B, float* C)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;

if( i<n ) C[i] = A[i] + B[i];


int main()
/ / The n−v e c t o r s A , B a r e i n h o s t (CPU) memory
float *hA = ..., *hB = ..., *hC = ...;
int n = ...;

/ / A l l o c a t e d e v i c e (GPU) memory
int nbytes = n * sizeof(float);
float *dA, *dB, *dC;
cudaMalloc((void**) &dA, nbytes);
cudaMalloc((void**) &dB, nbytes);
cudaMalloc((void**) &dC, nbytes);

/ / Copy h o s t memory t o d e v i c e
cudaMemcpy(dA, hA, nbytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(dB, hB, nbytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

/ / E x e c u t e t h e k e r n e l on n/256 b l o c k s o f 256 t h r e a d s each

int blocks = (n + 255) / 256;
vecAdd<<<blocks, 256>>>(n, dA, dB, dC);

/ / Copy r e s u l t s back t o t h e h o s t
cudaMemcpy(hC, dC, nbytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

return 0;

FIGURE 7.2: A simple CUDA program that adds two n-vectors.

the barrier must complete before the host thread is allowed to proceed. Performing
any memory transfer, such as by calling cudaMemcpy(), implicitly introduces a
barrier that waits for all previous kernels to complete.

7.4.1 Kernel Scheduling

On NVIDIA GPUs, the GPU hardware is responsible for scheduling kernel initi-
ation, thread block initiation, thread execution, and completion. The CUDA runtime
layer delivers kernels to the hardware in the order they are launched. Once a kernel
140 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Host program GPU

KernelB Work distributor
KernelA<<<12, 128>>>(...);
KernelB<<<dim3 (3, 4, 1), 128>>>(...);
// Wait for kernels to complete

Block 0 SM Block 1 SM SM


FIGURE 7.3: As a host program launches kernels, these are delivered to the hard-
ware which schedules blocks onto the SMs.

is scheduled for execution, a description of its launch configuration is passed to a

work distributor unit. The information needed to launch a kernel includes the address
of the first instruction of the kernel program, the grid dimension P, the thread block
dimension B, and the resource requirements needed to run the kernel.
The work distributor will launch thread blocks from the grid onto multiproces-
sors as long as there are resources available to run them. These resources include
thread execution contexts for each thread of the block, registers for each thread, and
any space in the on-chip shared memory requested by the program. If insufficient
resources are available—all multiprocessors may have already reached their limit for
resident threads, for instance—the work distributor will hold further thread blocks
until resources become available.
CUDA programs cannot rely on the thread blocks of a grid being launched in any
particular order. Furthermore, they must assume that thread blocks, once launched,
are run to completion without preemption. Hence, a kernel’s thread blocks should be
independent: the kernel should run correctly for any possible interleaving of thread
block executions, sequentially or in parallel. At one extreme, this means that a ker-
nel should execute correctly if all of its thread blocks are simultaneously running in
parallel, as well as at the other extreme where blocks run one at a time in any order.
This independence restriction allows CUDA to virtualize the number of physical
multiprocessors available on the target device. At the program level, we can think
of a single thread block as a virtualized multiprocessor, much as we can think of a
single host thread as a virtualized sequential core. A thread block encompasses some
number of parallel threads, an associated memory private to its constituent threads,
and their associated state. We would like a single CUDA program to scale smoothly
across a wide range of physical processors; this is particularly important since the
number of multiprocessors in currently deployed CUDA-capable GPUs varies by an
order of magnitude. One option for virtualizing physical multiprocessors would be
to time-multiplex thread blocks among them, much as threads are scheduled on mul-
ticore CPUs. However, this would in general require context swapping the state of
thread blocks to and from external memory. It is common for a high-end GPU to
have hundreds of thread blocks, each with a hundred or more threads, running at
any one time. Frequently transferring the corresponding processor state to and from
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 141

memory would be quite expensive. Instead of time multiplexing, CUDA adopts a

streaming approach to virtualization, where thread blocks stream into the machine as
long as resources are available, and once full new blocks can only enter the machine
as others are retired. This virtualizes the physical number of processors without the
performance loss of preemptive time multiplexing, at the cost of restricting the pro-
gramming model somewhat by requiring that thread blocks be independent.

7.4.2 Coordinating Tasks in Kernels

Once scheduled on an SM, each thread block runs to completion without preemp-
tion. This means that thread blocks of a grid cannot safely communicate with each
other. A block must never stall waiting for another block to send it some data or sig-
nal. The scheduling of thread blocks makes no guarantee on ordering or progress, and
because thread blocks are not preemptible, the act of waiting for data in a receiving
block may prevent the sending block from ever being scheduled.
The only safe way for separate blocks to freely communicate data among them-
selves is to write all data to global memory, perform a global synchronization, and
read the desired data back. In the CUDA programming model, global synchroniza-
tion is performed by completing the current kernel and launching a second subsequent
kernel. Since all blocks of the first kernel will have completed before any of the sec-
ond begin, it is safe for any block of the second to read data written by any block
of the first. This style of communication is similar to the bulk synchronous parallel
(BSP) model proposed by Valiant [14] where kernels correspond to the supersteps of
a BSP computation.
While blocks of the same kernel may not communicate with each other, they may
coordinate their activities through shared data structures. CUDA defines a number of
atomic operations on memory that can be used for this purpose. In CUDA C, they are
exposed via intrinsics such as atomicInc() to atomically increment the value at
an address and atomicCAS() to perform an atomic compare-and-swap.
As a simple example, consider a case where each of the p blocks of a kernel com-
putes and stores some per-block partial result, and where the last block to commit
its result to memory will read back all partial results and compute a final result. We
need a way of determining whether an individual block is the last one to reach a given
point in its execution. The code in Figure 7.4 shows a strategy for doing this, using
a global counter and atomic memory operations. It first waits for all threads of the
block to reach this point and to commit any outstanding memory operations—the use
of __threadfence here is explained in Section 7.4.3. Next a single thread of the
block atomically increments a global counter whose initial value is known to be 0.
Since every block will increment the counter by 1 and we know the total number of
blocks, we can determine whether this was the last block to increment the counter.
Finally, the result of that test is returned to all the calling threads.
The code in Figure 7.4 is actually rather similar to a simplistic implementation of
a global barrier, but differs from a barrier in one key respect. No block ever waits for a
particular value of the counter to appear; it merely looks at the value and
142 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

__device__ volatile int counter = 0;

__device__ bool am_last_block()

if( gridDim.x==1 )
/ / This g r i d c o n t a i n s only 1 block
return true;
__shared__ bool amLast;

/ / ( 1 ) Make s u r e a l l o u t s t a n d i n g memory o p e r a t i o n s c o m p l e t e

/ / ( 2 ) Punch t i c k e t c o u n t e r and d e t e r m i n e i f we ’ r e l a s t
if( threadIdx.x==0 )
amLast = (gridDim.x-1) == atomicInc(&counter, gridDim.x);
if( amLast ) counter=0;

/ / ( 3 ) E n t i r e b l o c k must w a i t f o r r e s u l t
return amLast;

FIGURE 7.4: A simple procedure to determine whether the calling block is the
last block to have reached this point.

It is also important to note that this simple example implementation makes several
assumptions that keep it from being useful in all situations. First, its use of a global
counter implicitly assumes that only one kernel is running at any one time. Second,
it assumes that this grid and its blocks are both one-dimensional. Third, it assumes
that it will only be called once per kernel.
Atomic memory operations can also be used to implement many other more com-
plicated shared data structures, such as shared queues or search trees. However, it is
vital that, as with our simple counter example, no block ever waits for another block
to insert something into the shared data structure. It might be tempting to imagine
implementing producer-consumer queues shared by multiple blocks, but this is dan-
gerously susceptible to deadlock if any block ever waits (e.g., rather than exits) when
the queue is empty.

7.4.3 Memory Consistency

Our example from the last section illustrates a scenario where data written by one
thread block is intended to become visible to one or more other thread blocks in the
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 143

same grid. In our implementation, we have used a __threadfence() intrinsic.

This intrinsic, which provides a so-called memory fence, blocks the calling thread
until all its outstanding memory requests have actually been performed. In particular,
this means that after the fence, we know that all outstanding writes to global memory
performed by this thread have become visible to all other threads. Note that this does
not necessarily mean that the written data is physically in memory, however, since
other threads may have subsequently written values to the same location.
The memory fence in our example is necessary because we must make sure that
all outstanding writes performed by this thread block have been committed before
incrementing the counter. The essential role of this counter is to count the number of
blocks whose results have been written to memory; hence we must make sure that
those results really have been written.
Including such explicit memory fences is necessary because CUDA uses a relaxed
consistency model [1] for the ordering of operations on external memory. Suppose
a thread performs a sequence of writes to global memory, as in *x=a; *y=b;.
From the perspective of the writing thread, the value of location x is always writ-
ten before the value of location y. However, other threads may potentially observe
these locations being written in a different order. This can happen for a variety of rea-
sons. Optimizing compilers are allowed to reorder statements if doing so violates no
dependencies or other restrictions. Furthermore, the memory subsystems managing
the physical DRAM storage attached to parallel processors such as the GPU are often
given the freedom to reorder memory requests to different addresses in an effort to
improve DRAM performance.

7.5 Writing a CUDA Program

As with any parallel programming paradigm, the CUDA programmer’s most impor-
tant tasks involve formulating a program structure that allows efficient parallel exe-
cution. When programming a single parallel device, there are three basic issues that
the programmer must address. First, it is obviously necessary to identify the parallel
steps of the program that may be implemented as CUDA kernels. Second, the pro-
grammer must decompose the computation of a given kernel into parallel tasks that
may be assigned to individual thread blocks and determine how the activities of these
blocks will be coordinated. Finally, they must select suitable parallel algorithms to
accomplish the tasks assigned to individual thread blocks.
To illustrate this process, we will walk through an example of building a CUDA
program that performs parallel prefix and reduction operations.

7.5.1 Block-Level Parallel Prefix

In many cases, algorithms that have long been familiar techniques for program-
ming array computers of the past are well-suited to the job of building block-level
primitives in CUDA. For example, we will take the classic parallel prefix (or scan)
144 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

template<typename OP, typename T>

T scan_sequential(OP op, T *values, int size)
for(int i=1; i<size; ++i)
values[i] = op(values[i-1], values[i]);

return values[size-1];

FIGURE 7.5: Sequential procedure for scan with a generic operator op.

problem [2]. Given a sequence A and a binary associative operator ⊕, we want to

compute a new sequence B such that B0 = A0 and Bi = Bi−1 ⊕ Ai .
Figure 7.5 shows a direct sequential C++ implementation of a scan procedure.
This code is templated so that is generic over the value type T, and performs the
scan in place within a single values array. It also expects to be provided with a
suitable operator op, which may be defined as an instance of a class such as this:
struct plus {
template<typename T>
__host__ __device__ T operator()(T a, T b)
return a+b;

or through the lambda facility defined in the upcoming C++ standard.

At first glance, the sequential dependency apparent in this loop might suggest that
this algorithm is inherently sequential. If we knew nothing about the implementation
of op, then this would be true. Our assumption that op is an associative function,
free of side effects, allows us to parallelize this computation. Figure 7.6 shows a
CUDA C++ implementation of a particularly simple technique for parallel scan. For
simplicity, we assume that thread blocks are always 1-dimensional and that there is
at least one thread for each input value. The scan_block procedure computes the
parallel prefix of the values array in place. Each thread also receives the cumulative
value of all input elements.
The algorithm we have used here is well-known and has a long history in the lit-
erature. This basic technique has been used for programming parallel prefix opera-
tions on a wide range of parallel machines, including SIMD array processors [3,6].
While we include this implementation here because it is quite simple, it is not the
most efficient technique. It is theoretically inefficient because it evaluates op(a, b) a
total of O(n log n) times, rather than the optimal O(n) times in the sequential case.
More efficient implementations—both in theory and in practice—are described else-
where [5,12,13] and implementations are available several open source libraries [4,7].
This code also illustrates a common consequence of CUDA’s barrier semantics.
Notice that the body of the loop takes the following form:
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 145

template<typename OP, typename T>

__device__ T scan_block(OP op, T *values,
int size, int i=threadIdx.x)
for(int h=1; h<size; h *= 2)
bool active = (i>=h && i<size);
T partial;

/ / Grab p a r t i a l r e s u l t from t h r e a d i − h where h = 2d

if(active) partial = values[i-h];

/ / Update p a r t i a l r e s u l t f o r t h r e a d i
if(active) values[i] = op(partial, values[i]);

/ / Every thread returns cumulative value

return values[size-1];

FIGURE 7.6: Procedure to perform parallel prefix (or scan) with a generic operator
op within a thread block.

if(P) { ... }
if(P) { ... }
It might at first seem that this code could be written more compactly by removing
the duplicate if(P) statements and placing everything inside the body of a single
conditional. However, this would violate the requirement that barriers can only exist
inside conditionals when all threads of the block will evaluate the conditional in the
same way. Since the active predicate depends on the thread index, it will be eval-
uated differently by different threads. The condition of the loop, on the other hand, is
evaluated identically by every thread and can therefore safely contain barriers within
its body.

7.5.2 Array Reduction

Details on building complete scan kernels can be found in one of the several avail-
able papers on CUDA scan techniques [5,12,13]. For our purposes here, we will illus-
trate the coordination of multiple blocks within a single kernel by using this scan
primitive to implement an array reduction procedure. Reduction is a simpler opera-
tion than scan. It takes a sequence A = (a0 , . . . , an−1 ), a binary commutative function
⊕, and computes the value of a0 ⊕ · · · ⊕ an−1 . Common special cases of reduction,
146 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

template<typename OP, typename T>

__device__ T reduce_array(OP op, T identity,
const T *begin, const T *end,
T *scratch,
int i=threadIdx.x,
int blocksize=blockDim.x)
T sum = identity;
int width = min(int(end-begin), blocksize);

/ / Grab v a l u e s from a r r a y one b l o c k −s i z e d t i l e a t a time ,

/ / a c c u m u l a t i n g them i n t o sum a s we go .
while(begin + i < end )
sum = op(sum, begin[i]);
begin += blocksize;

/ / P l a c e p a r t i a l sums i n s c r a t c h s p a c e
scratch[i] = sum;

/ / Perform p a r a l l e l r e d u c t i o n o f per−t h r e a d p a r t i a l r e s u l t s
return scan_block(op, scratch, width, i);

FIGURE 7.7: Parallel reduction of an array using a single thread block.

such as sum, are provided as built-in array primitives in systems like Fortran 90 and
as special collective operations by parallel programming frameworks like OpenMP
and MPI.
Figure 7.7 demonstrates how to reduce an array of arbitrary size with a single thread
block. It accepts a generic operator op and a corresponding identity value. It
expects pointers to the beginning and end of the input array, a convention we adopt
following the C++ Standard Template Library, and a pointer to a “scratch” space.
The input array bounded by begin and end can live in either global or shared on-
chip memory and be arbitrarily long. The scratch array should contain space for
one value per thread and, while not required for correctness, should be in shared on-
chip memory for better performance.
The first part of this procedure is a loop during which the block iterates over block-
sized tiles of the input array. In the first iteration, the blocksize threads of the
block will load elements 0 through blocksize-1 with each thread accumulating
its corresponding value into the sum variable that holds its running total. Each thread
offsets its reading location by blocksize and repeats. This is essentially the pattern
of strip mining commonly used on vector machines when looping over arrays. This
access pattern guarantees that contiguously numbered threads i and i + 1 always
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 147

access contiguous memory locations in the input array. In turn, this allows the GPU’s
hardware to coalesce these adjacent loads into a minimal number of transactions with
external memory.
After each thread has accumulated a partial result for its slice of the input array,
every thread writes its partial result into the scratch space. They then collectively exe-
cute the scan_block procedure that we described earlier. The return value of this
function is the final combination of all the partial results which it was given, which is
precisely the result of the reduction we are seeking to compute. This performs a bit
more work than necessary, since we require only a reduction rather than a full prefix
sum. We use scan_block simply to avoid the need to give block-level implemen-
tations of both scan and reduce routines.

7.5.3 Coordinating Whole Grids

Having built the code to reduce an array of values with a single thread block, we
now consider how to coordinate multiple blocks in order to reduce large arrays with
an entire grid. We will focus on the specific case of summing arrays of integers. The
structure of reductions lends itself to a particularly simple division of labor between
thread blocks. Given n input values, we select some number p of thread blocks to
use; the kernels we present work for any choice of p. We can then split the input
sequence into p contiguous blocks and launch a grid using a single thread block to
reduce each subsequence to a single value. Launching a second grid with 1 thread
block can reduce the p partial sums to the final sum. This pattern is shown in the
code in Figure 7.8. It accepts an input array (values) and uses the results array
to hold partial sums. When the sum() procedure has terminated, the total sum of
values can be found in results[0] which resides in device memory.
The number of thread blocks p to use in this example can be determined in a variety
of ways, and the optimal choice will generally depend on the specific hardware being
used. Typical choices are to divide n by the target block size, to use a fixed size
p that is related to the physical number of multiprocessors, or some other related
heuristic. In our example, we use a value of p = min(n/1024, 512). The aim of this
heuristic is to make sure each block has some reasonable amount of work to do—in
this case 8 elements per thread of a 128-thread block—while keeping the number
of blocks modest (512) so that the single block of the second kernel will not have
too many partial sums to combine. We make no claim of optimality for this specific
heuristic, but it does illustrate the frequent trade-off involved in balancing the amount
of parallelism created versus the amount of work available for each block to process.
As we have already seen, the NVIDIA CUDA C compiler (nvcc) supports C++
templates even though it does not currently provide support for the complete C++
language. This support for templates, and in particular the compile-time instantiation
of templated kernels, opens up the possibility of packaging CUDA kernels within
higher-level C++ template libraries. One example of this programming approach is
Thrust [7], an open-source library that provides an STL-like collection of templated
containers and algorithms that are coupled together with iterators. Figure 7.9 shows a
simple program using the thrust::reduce algorithm to sum all the elements in a
148 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

__global__ void sum_kernel(const int *values, int size, int *results)

extern __shared__ int scratch[];

int per_block = (size + gridDim.x - 1) / gridDim.x;

const int *begin = values + blockIdx.x * per_block;

const int *end = begin+per_block;

if( end>values+size ) end=values+size;

int sum = reduce_array(plus(), 0, begin, end, scratch);

if( threadIdx.x==0 )
results[blockIdx.x] = sum;

__host__ void sum(const int *values, int size, int *results)

/ / Use 128− t h r e a d b l o c k s
int B = 128;

/ / Give a t l e a s t 1024 e l e m e n t s t o each b l o c k , but

/ / don ’ t u s e more t h a n 512 b l o c k s .
int P = min(size/1024, 512);

/ / Each b l o c k n e e d s a B−e l e m e n t s c r a t c h s p a c e
int nbytes = B*sizeof(int);

/ / Produce p a r t i a l sums f o r P b l o c k s . . .
sum_kernel<<<P, B, nbytes>>>(values, size, results);
/ / . . . and combine P p a r t i a l sums t o g e t h e r i n t o f i n a l sum
sum_kernel<<<1, B, nbytes>>>(results, P, results);

FIGURE 7.8: Code for summing entire arrays using parallel reduction spread
across an entire grid of thread blocks.

vector of randomly generated integers. The vector containers provide an interface like
that of the STL std::vector container, while transparently managing movement
of data between host and device memory.

7.6 GPU Architecture

Readers may find it helpful in optimizing CUDA programs to understand additional
details regarding the hardware organization. NVIDIA introduced GPU computing
with its first CUDA-capable architecture that was first released in late 2006. In 2009,
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 149

int main()
/ / G e n e r a t e random d a t a on t h e h o s t
thrust::host_vector<int> x(1000000);
thrust::generate(x.begin(), x.end(), rand);

/ / T r a n s f e r t o d e v i c e and r e d u c e
thrust::device_vector<int> dx = x;
int sum = thrust::reduce(dx.begin(), dx.end(), plus());

/ / P r i n t r e s u l t and e x i t
printf("Sum=%d\n", sum);
return 0;

FIGURE 7.9: Reduction example using the Thrust template library.

Warp scheduler Warp scheduler
Register file (128 kB)

GUP SM SM Load/store
Scalar cores SFUs
Streaming multiprocessor units

PCle bus

L1 cache and on-chip memory (64 kB)

Work distribution

Global L2 cache

Memory interface

Off-chip memory

FIGURE 7.10: High-level architectural block diagram of a Fermi-class GPU.

NVIDIA introduced a radically new architecture code-named “Fermi” (Figure 7.10).

In this section, we describe some of the most important properties of this generation
of GPUs.
In NVIDIA GPUs, the instruction set exposed to the user-level software—PTX—
is a RISC instruction set that is mapped onto the native machine code executed by
the GPU. This provides greater flexibility to change hardware details as technology
changes. It also improves portability, because PTX is intended for efficient binary-to-
binary translation, with no need for an interpreter. PTX can also provide illusion of an
infinite register file to higher-level compilers, since register allocation is performed
during translation to the native ISA.
For most purposes, it is sufficient to assume that every thread executes on its own
virtual processor. From a performance optimization standpoint, it is sometimes useful
to know that in reality, the many threads and associated virtual processors of a thread
block are multiplexed onto a smaller number of physical processing elements. Each
150 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

of these scalar processing elements is deeply multithreaded; each of Fermi’s process-

ing elements have 48 concurrent thread contexts. These threads are time-multiplexed
onto the hardware. When one thread stalls for any reason, other threads that are ready
to execute may proceed. The hardware imposes zero latency for switching among
threads, so a different thread can run every cycle. This means that long-latency oper-
ations, such as references to off-chip global memory, do not necessarily reduce aggre-
gate processing throughput, as long as other threads are ready to execute.
Each thread block operates on one SM, so that all the block’s threads can share
an L1 cache and a block of on-chip shared memory. Thread blocks are arranged in
warps of 32 threads that operate in lockstep, often referred to as “single instruction,
multiple data” or SIMD operation. Note that with each thread having its own pro-
gram counter and scalar register file, this is an array style of SIMD that differs from
the more familiar vector style of SIMD, a distinction NVIDIA captures with the term
SIMT for “single instruction, multiple thread.” The thread scheduler for a thread block
actually schedules warps rather than individual threads. There is no need for different
warps from the same thread block to operate in lockstep. In fact, there is no need for
threads in the same warp to operate in lockstep; unlike vector architectures, branch-
ing (including indirect branching) is fully supported in hardware. However, since the
underlying hardware units executing the warp are lockstepped and must follow the
same execution sequence at any one time, any threads within the same warp that are
following different execution paths are masked off, and the warp is executed again
with a different mask for each unique execution path. For compute-bound applica-
tions, this will prevent reaching peak throughput. In short, this SIMT hardware orga-
nization only affects performance when threads in the same warp branch in different
directions, and managing divergence is a performance optimization instead of a cor-
rectness concern. Fortunately, divergent branching can often be eliminated with minor
algorithmic modifications and careful data layout.
SIMT improves area efficiency by allowing the processing elements to share fetch,
decode, issue, and scheduling hardware. The SM pipeline actually operates at the
granularity of warps and consists of fetch, decode, issue, scheduling, dispatch, exe-
cute, and writeback stages. The issue stage is responsible for tracking and managing
instruction dependencies to determine, for each warp, when its next instruction may
execute. The scheduling stage chooses which of the warps with ready instructions
is actually allowed to move on to execution. Dispatch is responsible for fetching
operands and sending the instruction with its operands to the execution units and
these control signals are fanned out to all hardware units. If thread blocks do not
require too much space in the register file and shared memory, an SM can support
two or more thread blocks, but the scheduler treats all warps the same for schedul-
ing purposes. The distinction between thread blocks chiefly matters in keeping their
shared-memory allocations separate.
In Fermi, each SM contains 32 floating-point units, 32 integer units, 16 load-store
units, and 4 “special functional units” that support complex functions such as tran-
scendentals, and each SM can issue instructions from two warps per cycle. Fermi
supports the new IEEE 754-2008 floating-point standard for both single- and double-
precision. A notable addition over the 754-1985 standard is support for fused multiply
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 151

add (FMA), which combines a multiply and add, using a single rounding step to avoid
any loss of precision. For Fermi-generation Tesla products, floating-point double-
precision throughput is one half of single-precision throughput, giving 515 GFLOP/s
peak throughput for double precision and 1.03 TFLOP/s for single precision. Tesla
products also provide ECC protection on all memory structures, including the register
file, caches and shared memory, and external DRAM. The GDDR5-based memory
interface memory interface delivers very high bandwidth to external memory—for
example, the Tesla C2050 provides 144 GB/s peak bandwidth.
One of the most important architectural differences in Fermi compared to other
GPU architectures is that it adds a cache hierarchy to the global address space, with
64 kB first-level capacity per SM and a large (768 kB) global L2. The L1 is divided
between cache and per-block shared memory, with either 48 kB of L1 and the con-
ventional 16 kB shared memory, or vice versa. It is important to note that the cache
hierarchy does not support hardware cache coherence. If coherence is required, it
must be supported in software by flushing writes to L2.
All CUDA-capable architectures also support cached texture memory. Texture mem-
ory has been a fixture of 3D graphics hardware for many generations, because it pro-
vides high-bandwidth support to multiple, neighboring cells within an array. This
makes it useful in general-purpose computing for some kinds of read-only array
accesses. Even given the data caches provided by Fermi, using these texture caches
can provide performance benefits since using them increases the aggregate on-chip
cache capacity available to the program.
Another important property of the memory system is that accesses to global mem-
ory are wide, possibly as wide as a warp, and coalesced. Full bandwidth is achieved
when all threads in a warp load from a single cache line. This allows the loads from all
threads in a warp to be serviced in a single transaction to the global memory. This pre-
ferred “SIMD-major” order differs somewhat from the situation on multicore CPUs
which typically prefer that individual threads access contiguous memory locations
Unlike conventional CPUs, atomic read-modify-write operations do not fetch the
memory location into the SM, as conventional CPUs do. Instead, the atomic memory
operation is sent to the memory subsystem and waits there until it can complete. This
means that SM compute resources are not tied up waiting for completion, although the
specific warp that issued the atomic may be delayed. Fermi dramatically improves the
bandwidth of atomic and memory-fence operations compared to prior generations.
Among all these aspects of the memory hierarchy, the ones that are most impor-
tant will vary from application to application, and it is always important to identify
the specific bottleneck. In general, for applications that are memory bound, min-
imizing contention for the memory channels will be most important. This can be
achieved by effective use of the per block shared memory and the caches, thus reduc-
ing memory bandwidth utilization; and by maximizing coalescing when memory is
accessed. Maximizing the number of concurrent threads is often helpful too, because
this increases latency tolerance; but only when increasing the thread count does not
increase the cache miss rate. Optimizing memory access patterns will often be more
important than execution divergence within a warp.
152 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

7.7 Further Reading

In this chapter, we have provided only a quick overview of the CUDA architec-
ture for parallel programming and the GPU hardware on which it runs. There are a
number of other sources available for further information on CUDA, GPU hardware
architecture, and efficient parallel programming techniques for these systems.
The CUDA Toolkit, which includes the NVIDIA CUDA C compiler and related
development tools, contains both the CUDA Reference Manual [11] and Program-
ming Guide [10], which document the CUDA APIs and C language extensions. A
companion manual, the CUDA Best Practices Guide [9], outlines numerous tech-
niques for improving the efficiency and reliability of CUDA C code. NVIDIA’s GPU
Computing SDK includes several programming examples, including one that exam-
ines the efficient implementation of reduction kernels. Finally, NVIDIA’s CUDA
Zone—online at—contains a directory of numerous
third-party projects and papers using CUDA to solve real-world problems.
Finally, Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-On Approach, by
Kirk and Hwu [8], provides many useful examples to illustrate effective parallel pro-
gramming for GPUs.

1. S. V. Adve and M. D. Hill. A unified formalization of four shared-memory mod-
els. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 4(6):613–624, 1993.
2. G. E. Blelloch. Vector Models for Data-Parallel Computing. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1990.
3. W. J. Bouknight, S. A. Denenberg, D. E. McIntyre, J. M. Randall, A. H. Sameh,
and D. L. Slotnick. The Illiac IV system. Proc. IEEE, 60(4):369–388, April
4. CUDPP: CUDA data-parallel primitives library.
developer/cudpp/, July, 2009.
5. Y. Dotsenko, N. K. Govindaraju, P.-P. Sloan, C. Boyd, and J. Manferdelli. Fast
scan algorithms on graphics processors. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Inter-
national Conference on Supercomputing, Island of Kos, Greece, pp. 205–213.
ACM, New York, June 2008.
6. W. Daniel Hillis and G. L. Steele, Jr. Data parallel algorithms. Commun. ACM,
29(12):1170–1183, 1986.
7. J. Hoberock and N. Bell. Thrust: A parallel template library. http://www., March 2010. Version 1.2.
8. D. Kirk and W. Hwu. Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-On
Approach. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 2010.
Scalable Manycore Computing with CUDA 153

9. NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Best Practices Guide,

July 2009. Version 2.3.
10. NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA Programming Guide, July 2009.
Version 2.3.
11. NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA Reference Manual, July 2009.
Version 2.3.
12. S. Sengupta, M. Harris, and M. Garland. Efficient parallel scan algorithms for
GPUs. Technical Report NVR-2008-003, NVIDIA, December 2008.
13. S. Sengupta, M. Harris, Y. Zhang, and J. D. Owens. Scan primitives for GPU
computing. In Graphics Hardware 2007, San Diego, CA, pp. 97–106. ACM,
August 2007.
14. L. G. Valiant. A bridging model for parallel computation. Commun. ACM,
33(8):103–111, 1990.
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Chapter 8
Programming the Cell Processor

Christoph W. Kessler


8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

8.2 Cell Processor Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.2.1 Power Processing Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.2.2 Synergistic Processing Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
8.2.3 Element Interconnect Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8.2.4 DMA Communication and Memory Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
8.2.5 Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
8.2.6 Mailboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.2.7 Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.3 Cell Programming with the SDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
8.3.1 PPE/SPE Thread Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
8.3.2 DMA Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
8.3.3 DMA Communication and Multi-Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
8.3.4 Using SIMD Instructions on SPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
8.3.5 Summary: Cell Programming with the SDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
8.4 Cell SDK Compilers, Libraries, and Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
8.4.1 Compilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
8.4.2 Full-System Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
8.4.3 Performance Analysis and Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
8.4.4 Cell IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
8.4.5 Libraries, Components, and Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
8.5 Higher-Level Programming Environments for Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
8.5.1 OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
8.5.2 CellSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
8.5.3 Sequoia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
8.5.4 RapidMind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
8.5.5 Sieve C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
8.5.6 Offload C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
8.5.7 NestStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8.5.8 BlockLib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
8.5.9 StarPU for Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.5.10 Other High-Level Programming Environments for Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.6 Algorithms and Components for Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
8.7 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.8 Bibliographical Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

156 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Disclaimers and Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

8.1 Introduction
Cell Broadband EngineTM ,∗ often also just called “the Cell processor,” “Cell/B.E.”
or shortly “Cell,” is a heterogeneous multicore processor architecture that was intro-
duced in 2005 by STI, a cooperation of Sony Computer Entertainment, Toshiba, and
IBM. With its special architectural design, Cell can speed up gaming, graphics, and
scientific computations by up to two orders of magnitude over contemporary stan-
dard general-purpose processors, and this at a comparable power consumption. For
instance, in a comparative simulation experiment [58], a Cell processor clocked at 3.2
GHz achieved for a single-precision dense matrix-matrix multiplication (SGEMM) a
performance of 204.7 Gflops† at approximately 40 W, while (at that time) an AMD
OpteronTM processor only reached 7.8 Gflops and an Intel Itanium2TM only 3.0
Gflops on this benchmark.
Most prominently, Cell is currently used as the computational core in the Sony
PlayStation 3 (PS3), a high-performance game console that was released by Sony
in 2006 and has, by September 2010, been sold in more than 47 million units world-
wide [52], but also in the fastest supercomputer of the world 2008–2009, RoadRun-
ner at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA, which combines the
performance of 12,960 PowerXCellTM 8i processors and 6,480 AMD OpteronTM
dual-core processor to a peak performance of 1.026 Petaflops. Details about the
architecture of Cell will be given in Section 8.2.
A drawback is that Cell is quite hard to program efficiently. In fact, it requires
quite some effort in writing code that comes halfway close to the theoretical peak
performance of Cell. In Section 8.3 we will present some of the techniques that are
necessary to produce code that utilizes the hardware resources efficiently, such as
multithreading, SIMD computing, and multiple buffering of DMA communication.
Our example codes in C are based on the Cell software development kit (SDK) from
IBM [28], which we briefly summarize in Section 8.4.
The programmability issue has spawned various efforts in both academic research
and software industry for developing tools and frameworks for more convenient
programming of Cell. We report on some of these in Section 8.5.
A selection of algorithms tailored for Cell is listed in Section 8.6.
Note that a single chapter like this cannot replace a comprehensive tutorial to
Cell programming with all necessary technical details; we can here just scratch the
surface. We therefore focus on the most important system parts and programming

∗ A list of trademarks mentioned in this chapter is given at the end of this chapter.
† IBM confirmed 201 Gflops for SGEMM by measurements [58].
Programming the Cell Processor 157

techniques for high-performance programming on Cell, and refer the reader to the
relevant literature for further details.

8.2 Cell Processor Architecture Overview

Figure 8.1 gives an overview of the main architecture components in the Cell
Cell has nine processing elements of two different kinds: one PowerPC processor
element (PPE) and eight synergistic processor elements (SPEs).
On earlier versions of the PS3, where it is possible to install an alternative operating
system such as Linux, six SPEs are accessible to the application programmer at the
Linux level. Sony removed this alternative OS feature in the most recent PS3 (Slim)

8.2.1 Power Processing Element

The PPE contains one general-purpose processor core, called the power processor
unit (PPU), which is a standard 64-bit PowerPC core with Vector/SIMD Multimedia
extension (VMX); and the power processor storage subsystem (PPSS) that handles
memory requests to and from the PPE and controls the level-2 (L2) cache in the PPE,
which is 512 kB large.
The PPE acts as the master processor of Cell. In principle, it could be used just
as an ordinary PowerPC processor by simply ignoring the remaining elements. For
instance, binary programs written for the PowerPC 970 processor can execute on
Cell without modification [24]. Beyond the standard PowerPC instruction set, the
PPU also supports the AltiVec instruction set and additional 128-bit vector data types
for SIMD programming. Accordingly, beyond its 32 64-bit general-purpose registers
and 32 64-bit general-purpose floating-point registers, the PPU also has 32 vector


L1I L1D LS LS LS LS interface
Element interconnect bus (EIB)


interface interface
controller 0

FIGURE 8.1: Cell processor overview.

158 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

registers of 128 bit size. The PPU has a level-1 (L1) instruction cache and L1 data
cache of 32 KB each.
The PPU supports two hardware threads, which look to the operating system like
two independent processors in a multiprocessor with shared memory. While each
thread has its own instance of the registers, the program counter, and further resources
holding its state, most other resources are shared.
Only the PPE runs a full-fledged operating system. For SDK-level Cell program-
ming, this is usually a version of Linux. For instance, the IBM SDK 3.1 [28] is avail-
able for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 and Fedora 9.
Virtual memory is organized in segments and these in turn in pages. The PPU
has a memory management unit (MMU) that translates virtual to physical memory
addresses. A translation look-aside buffer (TLB) caches page table entries to speed
up translation between virtual and physical memory addresses.
All values and instructions are stored in big-endian way.

8.2.2 Synergistic Processing Element

The SPEs are programmable slave processor cores. Each SPE mainly consists of
a so-called synergistic processor unit (SPU), which is a special-design 128-bit RISC
processor with a small local memory, and of a communication coprocessor (MFC)
described later.
In contrast to the PPU, the SPU has no caches. The SPU’s load and store instruc-
tions directly access its local on-chip RAM of 256 kB size, called the local store
(LS), which has to accommodate both code and data of SPE programs that are being
accessed by the SPU. The programmer is responsible for moving code and data
explicitly from main memory to the local store, using DMA operations that will be
described later. SPE programs are often data-intensive and therefore can only keep a
small part of their total data in the local store at a time; the remainder is to be kept
in off-chip main memory until it is used. Also, longer SPE programs need to be split
into smaller parts and these parts be loaded into the local store as needed, in order to
fit in its very small size.
The fact that the local store is not a hardware-controlled cache but under full con-
trol of the application program allows for more predictable performance but puts a
larger burden on the programmer. Many high-level programming models for Cell (see
Section 8.5) attempt to abstract from the memory structure and explicit data transfer.
For instance, a software cache solution for the local store has been provided by IBM
in their OpenMP compiler [14].
The SPU is a relatively simple RISC processor architecture that was especially
designed for accelerating SIMD computations.∗ The SPU has 128 registers of 128 bit

∗ SIMD (single instruction stream, multiple data streams) computing is a special control paradigm of par-
allel computing where the same instruction is concurrently applied to multiple elements of an operand
vector; see Section 8.3.4 for further explanation. Most desktop and server processors feature SIMD
instructions in some form today. Cell implements SIMD instructions in both PPU and SPU. SIMD par-
allelism should not be confused with the more general concept data parallelism which also allows more
complex operations, not just individual instructions, to be applied element-wise.
Programming the Cell Processor 159

size each. All arithmetic SPU instructions operate on 128-bit words in 128-bit SPU
registers; SPU load instructions move 128-bit words from the SPE’s local store to the
SPU registers, and store instructions work vice versa. A 128-bit register can contain
so-called vector datatypes that consist of either two adjacent 64-bit double-precision
floating-point or long-integer words, or four 32-bit single-precision floating-point or
integer words, or eight 16-bit short integers, or 16 eight-bit characters, where the inte-
gral data types are available in both signed and unsigned form (see also Figure 8.8).
In addition, scalar data types are also supported, but these occupy only a part of a
128-bit register and leave the rest unused (see also Figure 8.7). A computation on,
for instance, a single 32-bit single-precision floating-point word is actually more
expensive than the same operation applied to a vector of four 32-bit floating-point
words stored consecutively in the same SPU register: That one word may first need
to be extracted by bitwise mask operations from its current position in its 128-bit
register, then, for binary operations, possibly shifted to obtain the same relative posi-
tion in a 128-bit word as the other operand, and finally the result needs to be shifted
and/or inserted by bitwise masked operations into its final position in the destination
It should also be noted that the SPU implementation of floating-point arithmetics
deviates from the IEEE-754 standard in a few minor points, see, for example,
Scarpino [50, Ch. 10.2].
The SPU also has certain support for instruction-level parallelism: The seven func-
tional units of the SPU are organized in two fully pipelined execution pipelines,
such that up to two instructions can be issued per clock cycle. The first pipeline
(called “even”) is for instructions of the kind arithmetic, logical, compare, select, byte
sum/difference/average, shift/rotate, integer multiply-accumulate or floating-point
instructions; the second pipeline (called “odd”) is for instructions such as shift/ro-
tate, shuffle, load, store, MFC channel control, or branch instructions. Instruction
issue is in-order, which (in contrast to current out-of-order issue superscalar proces-
sors) relies more on the compiler’s instruction scheduler to optimize for a high issue
rate by alternating instructions of “odd” and “even” kind. The latency for most arith-
metic and logical instructions is only 2 clock cycles, for integer multiply-accumulate
7 cycles, and for load and store 6 cycles. Branches on the SPU can be quite costly;
depending on whether a branch is taken or not taken, its latency is between 1 and
18 clock cycles. There is no hardware support for automatic branch prediction. The
compiler or assembly-level programmer can predict branches and insert branch hint-
ing instructions in an attempt to minimize the average case latency. Fortunately, the
high-level programmer is hardly concerned with these low-level details of instruction
scheduling, but when tuning performance it may still be useful to be aware of these
The SPEs have only a very simple operating system that takes care of basic func-
tionality such as thread scheduling. All I/O has to be done via the PPE. For instance,
certain I/O functionalities such as printf that are supported in the C library of the
SPEs call the PPE for handling.
In the early versions of Cell, the SPEs’ double precision performance was far
below that of single precision computations. In 2008, IBM released an updated Cell
160 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

version called PowerXCell 8i, where the accumulated SPE double-precision peak per-
formance has improved from 14 to 102 Gflops. This Cell variant is used, for example,
in the most recent version QS22 of IBMs dual-Cell blade server series.
Main differences between PPE and SPE: While the general-purpose PPE is intended
to run the top-level program control, I/O, and other code that cannot effectively uti-
lize the SPE architecture, the SPEs are generally faster and more power-efficient on
vectorizable and/or parallelizable computation-intensive code. Hence, the SPEs are
intended to work as programmable accelerators that take over the computationally
heavy phases of a computation to off-load the PPE.
PPU and SPU have different address sizes (64 and 32 bit, respectively) and different
instruction sets and binary formats; so PPU and SPU codes each need to be produced
with their own processor-specific toolchain (compiler, assembler, linker).∗ Also the
APIs for DMA memory transfers and for vector/SIMD operations differ (slightly) for
PPU and SPU. This heterogeneity within the system additionally contributes to the
complexity of Cell programming.

8.2.3 Element Interconnect Bus

The PPE and the SPEs are connected to each other, to the I/O interface and to off-
chip main memory via the Element Interconnect Bus (EIB). The EIB operates at half
the processor clock frequency, that is, 1.6 GHz. Overall, there are 12 bus units (access
links): the PPE, the eight SPEs, the interface to off-chip main memory, and two I/O
interfaces. Each bus unit has a peak bus access capacity of 16 bytes per clock cycle
(i.e., 25.6 GB/s), 8 bytes per direction. Note that this also implies that the maximum
bandwidth to/from off-chip main memory cannot exceed 25.6 GB/s per direction. In
practice, up to 24.6 GB/s can be achieved [9].
The EIB has a theoretical peak capacity of 204.8 GB/s, which is determined by the
maximum rate at which the bus units can snoop addresses, namely, one address per
bus cycle, where each snooped address request may transfer up to 128 bytes [40].
However, the actual EIB capacity may strongly depend on the concrete commu-
nication pattern. For instance, contention occurs if multiple data transfers target the
same bus unit simultaneously.
Also, the internal implementation of the EIB has some influence on communi-
cation performance: The EIB consists of two separate communication paths: a star
network for commands (i.e., transfer requests with source and target address, etc.)
and a data network consisting of four parallel unidirectional rings, two per direction;
see Figure 8.2 for the relative positions of communicating bus units on the rings.
A hardware bus arbiter assigns dynamically available ring segments between bus
units to data transfer requests along the shortest path between the two communicat-
ing bus units, and thereby provides the bus-like abstraction of the underlying quad-
ring network to the programmer. On each ring, up to three data transfers can proceed

∗ A single executable file holding a Cell program can be obtained by embedding the SPU binary code and
data segments as a special data segment into the PPU binary file, see Section 8.3.1.
Programming the Cell Processor 161

EIB bus arbiter


FIGURE 8.2: The four unidirectional rings and bus arbiter of the Element Inter-
connect Bus (EIB) network of Cell.

concurrently as long as their assigned ring segments do not overlap. Actual EIB band-
widths between 78 and 197 GB/s have been observed in an experiment that varied the
positions of four communicating pairs of SPEs [9].

8.2.4 DMA Communication and Memory Access

A SPU can only access its local store. All accesses to the EIB go via the SPE’s
Memory Flow Controller (MFC), which is a communication coprocessor that off-
loads the SPU from data transfer tasks.
Data transfers are realized via Direct Memory Access (DMA). The DMA transfer
API on the SPE side contains, in particular, the functions mfc_get and mfc_put
which issue DMA requests by the calling SPE to move data to and from this SPE,
respectively. The parameters of a DMA request contain, in particular, the source
address, the destination address, and the size of a block of bytes to be transferred.
Source addresses (for mfc_get) and destination addresses (for mfc_put) refer
to external memory (main memory or some other SPE’s local store) and are there-
fore to be specified as effective addresses, i.e., system-wide unique addresses that
are mapped to the virtual address space of the PPE process, where all SPE local
store address spaces and the main memory address space are embedded. Local store
addresses are represented by 32-bit words. Effective addresses are either 64-or
32-bit wide, depending on whether the PPE process is configured as a 64-bit or 32-bit
process. Clearly, PPE code and SPE code of the same application must use the same
width for effective addresses. Virtual addresses are 65 bit wide.
DMA block sizes can be as small as 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bytes, or any 16-byte multiple
up to 16384 bytes. Blocks that exceed 16,384 bytes in size must be split in several
blocks of up to 16,384 bytes size, and these must be handled separately in several
DMA transfers. For transfer of data of less than 16 bytes size, addresses must be
naturally aligned, the four least significant bits of source and destination address must
be equal; addresses of transfers of 16 bytes or larger must be 16-byte aligned. DMA
transfer is most efficient if blocks are at least 128 bytes large, preferably a multiple
of 128 bytes in size, and both source and destination address are 128-byte aligned. In
general, DMA transfer is more efficient (per transferred byte) for larger blocks.
The mapping from process-independent, physical local store addresses and effec-
tive addresses (used on the SPE side) to virtual memory addresses of the executing
162 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

process (provided by the operating system) and vice versa is done by a memory man-
agement unit (MMU) in each MFC. Also, the MMU takes care of access permission
control. For these mappings, the SPE MMUs use the same translation mechanism as
the PPE MMU, that is, with page and segment tables as in the PowerPC architecture.
In particular, the 36-bit segment IDs in effective addresses are translated to the 37-bit
segment IDs in virtual addresses, using a segment look aside buffer in memory.
The PPE can query the effective addresses, for example, of the local store of an
SPE on which it has created an SPE context, using special API functions such as
spe_ls_area_get, and pass them to SPE threads, for example, in order to enable
SPE-to-SPE DMA communication. In principle, the PPE could then even directly
access these addresses, as they have been mapped into its virtual address space; how-
ever, DMA transfers to and from local store are more efficient.
The DMA controller in the MFC executes DMA commands in parallel to the SPU.
DMA transfers work asynchronously to the SPU computation: The SPU issues a
request to the MFC and continues with the next instructions; it may then poll the
status of the DMA transfer, which can be necessary to resynchronize with the issuing
SPU thread.∗
In order to keep track of all pending DMA requests issued by the SPU, each one
is given a tag, an integer between 0 and 31. DMA requests with same tag belong to
the same tag group; for instance, the multiple requests into which the transfer of a
large data block is to be split will all have the same tag and belong to the same tag
group. Synchronization of the SPU with pending DMA transfers can be in terms of
tag group masks, that is bit vectors where each bit position corresponds to one of the
32 tag groups. In this way, it is possible to selectively wait for completion of any or
all from an arbitrary subset of DMA transfers.
The MFC has two queues for buffering DMA requests to be performed: The MFC
SPU command queue for DMA requests issued by the SPU, and the MFC proxy com-
mand queue for DMA requests issued by the PPE or other devices to this SPE, which
are entered remotely by appropriate load and store instructions to memory-mapped
I/O (MMIO) registers in the MFC. Up to 16 issued DMA transfer requests of an SPE
can be queued in the MFC SPU command queue. If the MFC command queue is full
and the current SPU instruction wants to issue another DMA request, that SPU DMA
instruction will block until there is a free place in the queue again. Within a single tag
group, the MFC queueing mechanism implements not necessarily a FCFS (first come
first served) policy, as requests may “overtake” each other. For this reason, the DMA
API provides variants of mfc_put and mfc_get that enforce a partial ordering of
DMA requests in the queue.
Special atomic DMA routines are provided for supporting concurrent write accesses
to the same main memory location. These use mutex locking internally, where the unit
of locking (and thereby atomicity) are (L2-)cache line blocks in memory, that is, 128
bytes that are 128-byte aligned.

∗ Programmers familiar with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) will recognize the similarity to the non-
blocking (incomplete) message passing operations in MPI, such as MPI_Isend, and corresponding
probe and wait operations, such as MPI_Test and MPI_Wait, respectively.
Programming the Cell Processor 163

The synchronization library also provides common mutual exclusion synchroniza-

tion functionality such as mutex_lock, mutex_trylock and mutex_unlock
on mutex locks, that is, signed integer variables in main memory, reader-writer locks,
condition variables, and common atomic update functions on individual integer
memory words, such as atomic_add, atomic_inc, atomic_dec, etc.
DMA request lists are an abstraction for realizing scatter and gather DMA oper-
ations,∗ that is, reading data that comes from multiple separate source locations in
memory into a contiguous block in local store, or vice versa, writing a contiguous
block to multiple destination locations that are spread out over main memory. A list
of such multiple locations can contain up to 2048 memory addresses.
The DMA latency is the time elapsed between starting issuing a DMA command
to the MFC and starting writing the transferred data to the target address. The largest
components of DMA latency are caused by bus snooping for the (PPE) cache coher-
ence protocol and for the actual data transfer between SPEs or between SPE and
main memory, while the overhead of issuing the DMA command to the MFC and
processing it in the MFC is relatively small. If all required resources are immedi-
ately available, the latency of a blocking DMA transfer of up to 512 bytes (i.e., 4
cache lines) is about 90–100 ns for puts and for gets to local store; for gets from main
memory, DMA latency is somewhat higher, about 160 ns [40].

8.2.5 Channels
Channels are a fast message-passing communication mechanism for sending
32-bit messages and commands between different units on Cell. For instance, a SPU
communicates with its local MFC via SPU channel instructions, which are accessible
to the programmer as functions in a special SPE Channel API, such as spu_readch
( ch ) (read from channel ch) and spu_writech( ch, intval ) (write
integer value intval to channel ch).
Channel messages are intended for signaling the occurrence of specific events, for
synchronization, for issuing DMA commands to the MFC, for querying MFC com-
mand status and command parameters, and for managing and monitoring tag groups.
For instance, the DMA operations mfc_put and mfc_get each are implemented
as 6 subsequent channel write operations that write the DMA parameters (addresses,
size, tag) and the MFC command code itself.
An MFC provides 32 channels. Each channel is for either read or write access
by the SPU. A channel is a buffer for channel messages and has a limited capacity
(number of 32-bit entries), where the number of remaining free entries is given by a
counter indicating its remaining capacity at any time. Most channels have a capacity
of one; the channel for writing DMA commands issued by the SPU has a capacity of
16 entries (see above), and the channel for reading from the SPU’s in-bound mailbox
(see below) has capacity 4.

∗ These should not be confused with the collective communication operations MPI_Scatter and
MPI_Gather in MPI, which involve a group of several processors. Here, scatter and gather apply
to a single SPE.
164 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

A channel is either blocking or nonblocking: If the SPE attempts to, for instance,
write a blocking channel whose capacity counter is 0 (i.e., the channel is full), the
SPE will stall (i.e., switch to low-power state) until at least one pending command
in that channel has been executed by the MFC to free an entry, and a corresponding
acknowledgment is received from the channel. If this behavior is undesirable, the
capacity counter should be checked by spu_readchcnt( ch ) before writing.
For example, the channel for issuing MFC DMA commands is a blocking channel.
For a non-blocking channel, writing will always proceed immediately.
Reading from and writing to channels are atomic transactions. Channel operations
are performed in program order.
PPU-initiated DMA commands to access an SPE’s local store do not use MFC
channels but write via the EIB into the MMIO registers in the MFC, which are made
globally accessible by mapping them to effective addresses.

8.2.6 Mailboxes
Mailboxes are message queues for indirect communication of 32-bit words between
an SPE and other devices: The recipient or sender on the other end of a mailbox
communication is not directly addressed or predefined, as opposed to DMA channel
communication; for instance, it may be other SPEs or the PPE who fetch a message
from an SPE’s out-bound mailbox or post one into an SPE’s in-bound mailbox.
A SPE has four in-bound mailboxes that the SPU accesses by read-channel instruc-
tions, and one out-bound mailbox and one out-bound interrupt mailbox that the SPU
accesses by write-channel instructions.

8.2.7 Signals
Signal communication is similar to mailbox communication in that both transfer
messages that consist of a single 32-bit word. In contrast to mailbox messages, signals
are often used in connection with DMA communication for notification purposes,
and especially for direct communication between different SPEs. Also, broadcasting
a single message to many recipients is possible with signals.
Signals are implemented on top of MFC channel communication, using the two
channels SPU_RdSigNotify1 and SPU_RdSigNotify2 dedicated to this ser-
vice. Signals can be received via these channels by the API functions spu_read_
signal1 and spu_read_signal2, respectively. One can probe for expected
signals by spu_stat_signal1 and spu_stat_signal2, respectively. These
functions do not block but return 1 if a signal is present in the respective channel,
and 0 otherwise.
Signals are sent by an SPE using the API function spu_sndsig, which also has
variants with fence and barrier effects, see above. The parameters are similar to DMA
get and put, but the redundant size parameter is omitted.
The PPU can send signals to an SPE either by using the API function spe_
signal_write or by accessing the memory-mapped I/O registers in that SPE’s
MFC directly.
Programming the Cell Processor 165

8.3 Cell Programming with the SDK

In this section we present selected key topics in programming Cell using the IBM
SDK [28]. For a more comprehensive presentation, we refer for example, to the Cell
Programming Handbook [27] and to Scarpino [50].

8.3.1 PPE/SPE Thread Coordination

We demonstrate the basic coordination of SPEs by the PPU with the help of a
Hello World program (adapted from [24]). The PPU code is shown in Figure 8.3, the
corresponding SPU code in Figure 8.4. Figure 8.5 shows a Makefile for building the
program, calling the different gcc compilers for PPU and SPU code.
The SPU executable (here, spuhello) can, if statically known, be embedded at
compile time as a special data segment into the binary code for the PPU and is thus
already in memory when the PPU starts executing, so it only needs to be copied to
each SPE from there. For this, the tool ppu-embedspu will be used to convert the
SPU executable into a PPU object file. This object file, as well as the extended PPU
executable resulting from linking it with the actual PPU code, is represented in an
extended ELF format that is called CESOF (CBE Embedded SPE Object Format).
Here, we apply a second variant, where the SPU executable is kept as a sepa-
rate ELF file in the file system that is, at run time, looked up and embedded (by
memory-mapping) with the running PPU application. In either case, the SPE exe-
cutable can be referenced by a handle, a pointer to an SPE code wrapper structure of
type spe_program_handle_t. Here, this handle is called spuprog (0) and is
set by the PPU in the beginning of its main function (1).
The PPU then checks the number of available SPEs (2) and determines the number
nspus of SPE threads to start, one per available SPE. It then creates one context
object for each SPE thread (3), calls the system loader to copy the SPU executable
into each SPE’s local store, and adds a reference to the loaded code to each context
object (4).
Now we are, in principle, ready to start SPE computations by calling spe_
context_run (6). However, that API function is blocking, that is, it returns con-
trol to the PPU only after the started SPE computation has terminated. In order to run
several SPE computations in parallel (and possibly also let the PPU do something
useful at the same time), we have to multithread the PPU program, that is, we cre-
ate and assign one (POSIX) thread (5) to each SPE context in order to start the SPE
computation (7) and wait for it to terminate (9).
The POSIX threads (pthreads) API allows to dynamically create new threads only
at function calls; we therefore have to factor out that part into a separate function
ppu_pthread_function. Once called (5), this function instance will run in its
own thread, and a single parameter (arg) can be passed to it. Here, we use arg
to carry a reference to the respective context object for the SPE computation to be
started (5,6).
The SPE computation (see Figure 8.4) here simply consists in printing a message
(using the PPU’s operating system) (8).
166 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libspe2.h>
#include <pthread.h>

spe_program_handle_t *spuprog; // (0)


void *ppu_pthread_function ( void *arg )

spe_context_ptr_t ctx;
unsigned int entry = SPE_DEFAULT_ENTRY;
ctx = *((spe_context_ptr_t *) arg ); // (6)
spe_context_run ( ctx, &entry, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); // (7)
pthread_exit ( NULL ); // (9)

int main()
int i, nspus;
spe_context_ptr_t ctxs[NUM_SPU_THREADS];
pthread_t pputhreads[NUM_SPU_THREADS];

spuprog = spe_image_open("spuhello"); // (1)

nspus = spe_cpu_info_get ( SPE_COUNT_USABLE_SPES, -1 ); // (2)

if (nspus > NUM_SPU_THREADS) nspus = NUM_SPU_THREADS;

for(i=0; i<nspus; i++)

ctxs[i] = spe_context_create (0, NULL); // (3)
spe_program_load (ctxs[i], spuprog ); // (4)
// Create a pthread on PPU for each SPE context:
pthread_create ( &pputhreads[i], NULL, // (5)
&ppu_pthread_function, &ctxs[i]);

// Wait for SPU threads to complete execution:

for (i=0; i<nspus; i++) {
pthread_join ( pputhreads[i], NULL ); // (10)
spe_context_destroy ( ctxs[i] ); // (11)
return 0;

FIGURE 8.3: PPU code for the “Hello World” program for Cell. For brevity, all
error-handling code was omitted.
Programming the Cell Processor 167

#include <stdio.h>

int main( unsigned long long speid,

unsigned long long argp,
unsigned long long envp )
printf("Hello from SPU 0x%llx\n", speid); // (8)
return 0;

FIGURE 8.4: SPU code for the “Hello World” program for Cell.

hello: spuhello hello.c

gcc -Wall -lspe2 -O3 -o hello hello.c

spuhello: spuhello.c
spu-gcc -Wall -O3 -o spuhello spuhello.c

FIGURE 8.5: Makefile rules for building the “Hello World” program for Cell.

After getting back control from its SPE (8), the controlling PPU thread terminates
itself (9). The main PPU thread waits for each PPU thread to terminate (10), after
which it can safely deallocate the context objects (11).

8.3.2 DMA Communication

The call to spe_context_run (7) can pass only up to three parameters directly
to the SPU main function (see Figure 8.4). By convention, the first parameter
(speid) passes the SPE thread ID. The second one (argp) often carries over a main
memory address of a block of data containing additional parameters (e.g., the main
memory addresses of operand blocks or the SPE’s rank as viewed by the PPU).
Such a control block is usually a data structure such as

typedef struct _control_block {

unsigned int blocksize; // some size information
unsigned char pad1[4]; // pad 4 bytes to align at 8 bytes
unsigned long long addrA; // address to be accessed by DMA
unsigned long long addrB; // address to be accessed by DMA
unsigned char pad2[8]; // pad 8 bytes to make control block
} control_block; // size a multiple of 16 bytes

where the main memory addresses of (possibly, dynamically allocated) arrays A, B

are then written by the PPU into the control block as follows:

control_block cb __attribute__((aligned(128))); // in main memory

// ...
int *A = (int *) _malloc_align ( ARRAY_SIZE, 7 ); // 128B aligned
168 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
int *B = (int *) _malloc_align ( ARRAY_SIZE, 7 ); // 128B aligned
// ...
cb.addrA = (unsigned long long) ((intptr_t) A );
cb.addrB = (unsigned long long) ((intptr_t) B );

Now, the PPU passes cb to the SPE main function as argp parameter:

spe_context_run( ctx, &entry, 0, &cb, NULL, NULL );

The started SPE program has allocated space for a local copy of the control block
in its local store:

volatile control_block mycb __attribute__((aligned(128)));

The SPE program can then fetch the control block from main memory by a DMA
transfer, using the effective address of cb obtained via argp:

int tag0 = mfc_tag_reserve(); // get a free tag

if (tag0 == MFC_TAG_INVALID) { ... }
mfc_get( &mycb, argp, sizeof(mycb), tag0, 0, 0 );
mfc_write_tag_mask( 1<<tag0 );
printf("Got mycb from main memory\n");

Note that the mfc_get call only issues the DMA get command to the SPE’s
MFC; control returns to the SPE immediately. To make sure that the communica-
tion has properly terminated, we have to wait for it, using the tag as a reference:
mfc_read_tag_status_all waits for all DMA requests encoded by the MFC
tag mask, a bitvector, which is set up by the call to mfc_write_tag_mask and
here includes just one DMA tag to monitor, namely, tag0.
Now, the SPE has access to addresses mycb.addrA etc., and can use these in
subsequent DMA communication, such as

int a[N_BUFFER_ENTRIES] __attribute__((aligned(128)));

int b[N_BUFFER_ENTRIES] __attribute__((aligned(128)));
int tag1, tag2;
// ...
tag1 = mfc_tag_reserve(); // get another free tag
mfc_get ( a, mycb.addrA, sizeof(a), tag1, 0, 0);
mfc_write_tag_mask( 1<<tag1 );
compute ( a, b ); // use data in a to compute results in b
tag2 = mfc_tag_reserve();
mfc_put ( b, mycb.addrB, sizeof(b), tag2, 0, 0);
mfc_write_tag_mask( 1<<tag2 );
Programming the Cell Processor 169

to read in the first N_BUFFER_ENTRIES elements from array A into a buffer a in

the SPE’s local store, use these to compute results in array b, and write back these to
main memory by a mfc_put call. If there are more elements to process in A, pointers
mycb.addrA and mycb.addrB could now be incremented by sizeof(a), and
the get, compute, put sequence could then be repeated for the next bunch of data
from A, and so on, until all ARRAY_SIZE entries of A have been processed.
The disadvantage of this simple schema is that much time is wasted in waiting for
DMA communication to finish. In the next section, we will show how multi-buffering
can be used to overlap DMA communication with SPE computation.

8.3.3 DMA Communication and Multi-Buffering

Multi-buffering of operand and result array elements that are processed in sequence
by the SPU (i.e., stream computing) is a technique that allows to overlap DMA com-
munication in time with SPE computation.
A frequent case is double buffering, which is shown for the case of an operand array
A in Figure 8.6. Two buffers of fixed size are alternatingly used to fetch operands
from local store for SPU computations (a1 in the figure) and in parallel refill the
other buffer (here, a2) with the next block of operand values. After a1 has been used
completely and a2 is refilled, the pointers to a1 and a2 are swapped for the next
blocks of A to be computed and fetched, respectively.
Such a pair of buffers is required for each operand array and for each result array of
a streaming computation (such as elementwise array processing in a loop). Hence, the
number of buffers required is given by the computation structure. Due to the limited
size of the local store, this puts an upper limit on size. For complex computations
requiring several dozens of buffers simultaneously, this may force us to use relatively
small buffer sizes, which means less efficient DMA communication and more control
overhead in the SPU code, for example, for switching buffers.
Double buffering is most appropriate when computation and communication
require approximately the same amount of time. In certain cases, even triple buffering
can be appropriate. Chen et al. [10] describe an algorithm to determine the optimal
multi-buffering scheme for given local store space constraints.


memory MFC Local store issue
A mfc_get to a2
a1 load and use
mfc_get(a2, A+..., size, ...); operands
from a1
Size wait for
mfc_get to a2
Size swap a1, a2
and repeat for
next buffer

FIGURE 8.6: Double buffering of an operand array with two buffers a1 and a2,
containing size bytes each, in the local store.
170 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Data Type Size Type #Bytes

bool Byte 1
char Byte index in SPU register
unsigned char 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
short Halfword 2
unsigned short Halfword
int Word 4 Address
unsigned int
float Word
double Doubleword 8 Doubleword
long long(int)
unsigned long long(int)
qword Quadword 16

FIGURE 8.7: Scalar data types for the SPU with their sizes and mapping to
preferred slots in SPU registers.

8.3.4 Using SIMD Instructions on SPE

Basically all SPU instructions work on 128-bit data words. The SPU supports also
scalar data types having fewer bytes (see Figure 8.7) but rather as a degenerated case
of vector data types, which we will present further below. Scalar data types are stored
consecutively in the SPE local store. When a scalar is loaded into a (128-bit) register,
it is placed in its so-called preferred slot, as shown in Figure 8.7. If necessary, the
compiler has to generate special code that extracts the desired bytes from the 128-
bit load result and/or shifts these into the preferred slot, and doing vice versa when
storing scalar data.
If a scalar is located at a local store address that is not aligned with the scalar’s
preferred slot in registers, additional shifting is necessary. For instance, the scalar
SPE code

#define N (1<<14)
float a[N] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
float b[N] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
for (i=0; i<N; i+=4)
a[i] += b[i];

for adding 214 /4 = 4096 scalar floats stored at addresses that are 16-byte aligned,
takes 2460 ticks of the SPU high-precision step counter on my PlayStation 3,∗ where
79.8 ticks correspond to 1 μs, thus 1 tick is 12.53 ns or 40 clock cycles. In contrast,
accessing floats not aligned at a 16-byte boundary costs extra time for shifting: The

∗ These measurements on PS3 were done using SDK v3.0 with GCC version 4.1.1.
Programming the Cell Processor 171

Vector Data Type Number and Type of Elements

vector unsigned char 16 unsigned chars
vector signed char 16 signed chars
vector unsigned short 8 unsigned shorts
vector signed short 8 signed shorts
vector pixel 8 unsigned halfwords
vector unsigned int 4 unsigned ints
vector signed int 4 signed ints
vector float 4 floats
vector unsigned long long 2 unsigned long longs
vector signed long long 2 signed long longs
vector double 2 doubles

FIGURE 8.8: Vector data types for the SPU. The element data types are SPU scalar
data types (see Figure 8.7). All vector data types are 16 bytes wide.

for (i=1; i<N; i+=4)

a[i] += b[i];

takes 2664 ticks. (A closer look at the assembler code reveals that the compiler
generated three more instructions per loop iteration.) Worse yet, a misalignment of
the two operands, here a[i] at offset 1 and and b[i+1] at offset 2,
for (i=1; i<N; i+=4)
a[i] += b[i+1];

causes an additional overhead of two more instructions per iteration, and takes 2766
Vector data types refer to a set of 16 consecutive bytes in the SPE local store that
are interpreted as a sequence of scalar data types packed into one 128-bit quadword,
and will be placed together in a 128-bit register for computations. Figure 8.8 shows
the SPU vector data types. Figure 8.9(a) gives an example of a SIMD operation on
vector float operands, doing four floating-point additions at a time.
Continuing on our example, vectorization gives an enormous speedup: While
adding 214 = 16,384 consecutive floats by scalar computations
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
a[i] += b[i];

takes 9831 ticks, the vectorized version

vector float *va = (vector float *)a;
vector float *vb = (vector float *)b;
for (i=0; i<N/4; i++)
va[i] = spu_add( va[i], vb[i] );

takes only 1640 ticks, which is about 6 times faster. This also demonstrates that
speedup by vectorization is not limited by the packing factor (here, 4 floats per
172 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f

op2: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f

rc: 0a 13 11 1c 16 04 17 00 08 14 03 1e 09 0f 1f 0c


(a) (b)

FIGURE 8.9: (a) SPU vector addition (spu_add) of two vector float
values op1 and op2. (b) The shuffle operation rd = spu_shuffle(ra,
rb,rc), where the selection vector rc indicates the source vector (0 for ra, 1 for
rb) and index position of every byte of the result vector rd.
vector float), but additional advantage can be drawn from the removal of the
masked insertion operations (explained further below) used to store scalars, as now
whole 128-bit words can be written in one instruction. In particular, even if we only
were interested in every fourth result, it is still 50% faster to compute them all.
The above results were obtained with the spu-gcc compiler using the -O3
optimization level. Additional performance improvements can be obtained, for exam-
ple, by selecting specific optimization flags in the spu-gcc compiler, such as
-funroll-loops to unroll loops with a number of iterations that is known at com-
pile time or on entry to the loop. Unrolling a loop by a certain number of iterations
increases code size but is often profitable, as it reduces the loop trip count and thereby
loop control overhead, and it yields more opportunities for subsequent low-level opti-
mizations such as common subexpression elimination and instruction scheduling. In
the above example, the scalar loop runs in 8807 ticks and the vectorized version in
1372 ticks after unrolling by a factor of 8. Here, spu-gcc does apparently not exploit
the full optimization potential yet, as much better performance can be obtained after
manual unrolling by a factor of 8:
vector float *va = (vector float *)a;
vector float *vb = (vector float *)b;
for (i=0; i<N/4; i+=8) {
va[i] = spu_add( va[i], vb[i] );
va[i+1] = spu_add( va[i+1], vb[i+1] );
va[i+2] = spu_add( va[i+2], vb[i+2] );
va[i+3] = spu_add( va[i+3], vb[i+3] );
va[i+4] = spu_add( va[i+4], vb[i+4] );
va[i+5] = spu_add( va[i+5], vb[i+5] );
va[i+6] = spu_add( va[i+6], vb[i+6] );
va[i+7] = spu_add( va[i+7], vb[i+7] );

processes 32 floating-point additions per loop iteration and does the job in just 450
ticks. Moreover, applying the -funroll-loops compiler transformation to this
Programming the Cell Processor 173

already manually unrolled code brings the time further down to 386 ticks, which
corresponds to slightly more than one float addition result per clock cycle.
Even with a perfectly (modulo-) scheduled loop hiding all instruction latencies
and with neglecting all loop control overhead, the SPU could do at most one local
store access per clock cycle. Here, two loads and one store instruction are required
per quadword, which have to share the SPU’s load/store unit (even though they may
overlap with vector additions after modulo scheduling, as the floating-point unit and
the load/store unit can operate in parallel). Hence, the throughput is here limited by
at most four additions per three clock cycles, i.e., (3 · 16384/4)/40 = 307 ticks
is a lower bound for the execution time. Coming closer to this limit requires more
aggressive code optimizations or even assembler-level programming.
There exist many other vector operations for the SPU. A very useful one is the
shuffle operation, see Figure 8.9b. The operation

rd = spu_shuffle( ra, rb, rc );

assigns the bytes of the result vector rd from arbitrary bytes of the source vectors
ra and rb, guided by the entries in the selection vector rc. Bit 5 in byte i of rc
specifies the source vector of byte i of rd, while the four least significant bits in byte
i of rc specify the byte position in that source vector that byte i of rd is copied
from. Entries > 127 in the selection vector set byte i of rd to special constants; more
details can be found in the Cell programming handbook [27]. The selection vector
can be determined by other SPU operations such as spu_mask.
A restricted form of the shuffle operation is the select operation

rd = spu_sel( ra, rb, rm );

where the byte positions remain the same (i.e., byte i of rd comes from byte i of either
ra or rb) and thus a single bit (bit i) in the mask vector rm is sufficient to select the
source vector for each byte position in rd. Again, such bit masks can be created
by special vector operations, such as spu_maskb, or by elementwise vector com-
pare operations such as spu_cmpeq (elementwise test for equality) or spu_cmpgt
(elementwise test for greater-than). For instance, the following code snippet
// a and b are arrays of floats
vector float ra = * (vector float *) a, // load first 4 elements of a
rb = * (vector float *) b, // load first 4 elements of b
vector unsigned int rm; // mask vector
rm = spu_cmpgt ( ra, rb );
rd = spu_sel ( ra, rb, rm );

computes the elementwise minimum vector from ra and rb.

The shuffle and select operations are especially useful when extracting or
inserting special bytes corresponding to a scalar value in a 128-bit quadword.
In this way, a scalar in a register or in local store memory can be modified without
174 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

modifying the surrounding bytes. Specialized operations spu_extract (as used

above) and spu_insert exist for these frequent cases. In the example above,
spu_extract (rd,2) will return the third (float) element of vector rd, that
is, the one located at byte positions 08–11.

8.3.5 Summary: Cell Programming with the SDK

The following incremental development process can be used to produce a Cell
program under the SDK:
1. Start from an ordinary C program for the PPE only. This program can serve
as a baseline version, for instance, for testing purposes and for determining
2. Identify, maybe by using a profiler, the computationally most demanding parts
that could be well suited to offload to one or several SPEs for computation.
Very irregular, control-intensive, or I/O-intensive code should remain on the
PPE. Move the offloadable code (possibly in several steps) to a single SPE
first. Pass the necessary parameters to the SPE in a control block to be fetched
by DMA. Add DMA commands to load required operands from main mem-
ory to local store before SPU operations, and write results back. Align and
pad data structures accessed by DMA operations to meet alignment and size
3. Use, where possible, SIMD operations to speed up the SPE computation.
4. Add multi-buffering to overlap DMA transfers with SPU computation.
5. Multithread the PPE program and start SPE computations on one or several
SPEs. Note that, depending on the problem structure and granularity, using
multiple SPEs does not necessarily result in shorter execution time.
The last three steps may, in principle, be done in any order.
With this procedure, the major restructuring steps can be done one by another, and,
at least to some degree, applied gradually, to one offload candidate at a time (e.g.,
more and more functionality can be moved from PPE to SPE, starting with the com-
putationally heaviest kernels), such that there exist many points during development
where a complete version of the program is available and can be tested against the
baseline or previous version. This incremental development process is recommended
because SDK programming is a quite error-prone and time-consuming process.

8.4 Cell SDK Compilers, Libraries, and Tools

In this section, we give a short and nonexhaustive overview of existing tools,
libraries, and frameworks for Cell programming provided in the IBM SDK [28].
High-level programming environments for Cell will be discussed in Section 8.5.
Programming the Cell Processor 175

8.4.1 Compilers
Gschwind et al. [18] describe the open-source development environment for Cell
based on the GNU toolchain, which forms the basis of the Cell SDK. This includes
a port of the GCC compiler, assembler, and linker, of the GDB debugger, but also
many other useful tools such as the embedding tool for SPE executables in PPE
XL C/C++ is a proprietary compiler by IBM that was ported to Cell by Eichen-
berger et al. [14]. XL C provides advanced features such as auto-vectorization, auto-
parallelization, and OpenMP support (see also Section 8.5.1). The XL C compiler
can be used together with the other, open-source based development tools for Cell,
such as the GDB debugger.
A recent GCC (v4.3) based compiler for Cell that includes improved support for a
shared address space, auto-vectorization, and automatic code partition management
is described by Rosen et al. [48].
OpenCL [39] is a recently developed open standard API for heterogeneous and
hybrid multicore systems. Since 2009, IBM offers an implementation of the XL com-
piler for OpenCL [29] for the most recent generation (QS22) of its Cell blade servers.

8.4.2 Full-System Simulator

IBM full-system simulator for Cell allows to simulate Cell-based systems on
Linux platforms. The simulator can be configured in architectural parameters such
as the number of SPEs or the simulated system memory size. The simulator also
contains a mode for cycle-accurate simulations, which however makes simulation

8.4.3 Performance Analysis and Visualization

The cpc (Cell Performance Counter) tool allows to collect global performance
counters on a running Cell program during a specified time period, which provides
statistics about clock cycles, branches, cache misses, and other hardware events on
the various hardware units of Cell.
OProfile is a system-level profiler for Cell.
For the SPEs, there exists the SPU timing tool, a static pipeline visualizer that
annotates the SPU program’s assembler code with a graphics that shows dispatch
rate, pipeline stalls, and other information about the performance of instruction-level
parallel execution in the SPU.
The Performance Debugging Tool (PDT) allows for instrumentation of Cell code
in order to trace events of interest of a running Cell program.
VPA is a graphical user interface for performance visualization based on Eclipse.
It integrates tools for profile analysis, trace analysis, code analysis, pipeline analysis,
performance counter analysis, and control flow analysis.
The performance analysis tools are optional extensions to the SDK.
176 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

8.4.4 Cell IDE

The Cell IDE (Integrated Development Environment), implemented on top of the
Eclipse CDT, is an optional extension of the SDK.

8.4.5 Libraries, Components, and Frameworks

The IBM Cell SDK provides several libraries with optimized implementations of
mathematical functions on vectors and arrays. These include the SIMD Math library,
the MASSV library, libraries with common operations on geometric data, for exam-
ple, point transformations using 4×4 matrices, a library for solving linear equation
systems represented by large matrices, and an implementation of the Basic Linear
Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) [22]. Also, a library for Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
computations is provided.
SIMD Math library: The SIMD Math library [25] provides an extension to the SPU
SIMD intrinsics, that is, functions that operate on 128-bit SPU vectors. The SIMD
Math library also provides inlineable versions of its functions that allow to skip the
call overhead for invoking these, and fast versions that are designed for execution
speed rather than numerical accuracy.
MASSV library: The Mathematics Acceleration Subsystem for Vectors (MASSV)
library provides data parallel mathematical functions that operate on float arrays in
local store with an arbitrary number of elements (i.e., not on SPU vectors). These
functions are optimized for the SPU, e.g., by using SPU vector instructions. Using
MASSV functions leads generally to faster code compared to equivalent loop con-
structs over corresponding SPU SIMD intrinsics or SIMD Math function calls.
ALF: The Accelerated Library Framework (ALF) [26] is a platform-independent API
for developing task parallel and data parallel applications on accelerator-based mul-
ticore systems. The SDK contains an implementation of ALF for Cell.
The programmer first identifies code units that could run on an accelerator (here,
SPE), such as libraries or user code modules of computationally intensive functions;
these functions are referred to as computational kernels. The programmer partitions
the input and output data structures (usually, large arrays) to be processed by a kernel
invocation into work blocks. The invocation of a computational kernel for one work
block thus forms a task, that is, a unit for dynamic scheduling and dispatching to an
Code units can be mapped to specific accelerators (SPEs) for execution. ALF sup-
ports both SPMD (single program, multiple data streams) and MPMD (multiple pro-
grams, multiple data) execution. In SPMD execution, the same code unit is made
available on each SPE and hence all SPEs could participate in the data parallel com-
putation of the same computational kernel’s invocations, this is appropriate for com-
putationally intensive data parallel computations on partitionable large data structures
such as arrays; each SPE works on a different partition of the data. MPMD execution
is appropriate for task-parallel problems, where invocations of different computa-
tional kernels can be executed at the same time on different SPEs.
Programming the Cell Processor 177

The code for the master processor (PPE) contains API calls that sets up task
descriptors for kernel invocations to be launched to the accelerators (SPEs). Each task
descriptor is filled with information about the code units and kernels to be invoked,
lists of input and output parameters of a work block to be transferred to the SPE, SPE
buffer sizes for input and output parameters, SPE stack size, and some other meta-
data. Next, the tasks are registered with the ALF runtime system and enqueued in a
global ALF task queue, from where they are scheduled to local work queues of the
SPEs. The default task scheduling policy of ALF can be reconfigured.
The programmer can also register dependences between tasks of different code
units, which constrain the dynamic task scheduler in the ALF runtime system.
The code units themselves (i.e., SPE code) need also some calls to the ALF API
to control the life cycle of the code unit and its kernel invocations with their param-
eters and runtime data. There are up to five different code parts (stages) in a code
unit to be marked up by the programmer: for setup of the computational kernel code,
setup of DMA communication lists and buffer management for input parameters, of
an invocation (task), control of the actual computational kernel, setup of DMA com-
munication lists and buffer management for output parameters, and postprocessing
in the code unit. Each stage is marked by an ALF macro.
ALF then takes care of the details of task management, splitting work blocks into
packets that fit the specified buffer sizes in local store, and multi-buffered DMA data
transfers of operand packets to and from the executing SPEs automatically.
In general, ALF code is less complex and error-prone than plain-SDK code, espe-
cially because DMA communication and multi-buffering need no longer be coded by
hand. However, the SPE code for the computational kernel still needs to be vectorized
and optimized separately. On-chip (SPE-SPE) pipelining for tasks of different code
units is not supported in ALF.

8.5 Higher-Level Programming Environments for Cell

SDK-level programming gives the programmer close control of the Cell hardware
resources. However, this comes at the price of a low level of abstraction, which in
turn means lengthy and error-prone code and longer development times.
In the following, we present some higher-level programming environments for
Cell that could be used as alternatives to increase programmer productivity—usually,
at the cost of reduced code efficiency compared to expert-written SDK code. They
abstract from one or several aspects of SDK programming. For instance, almost all
of them provide a global address space abstraction, and they often restrict the many
ways of how Cell programs could be organized to compositions of only a few simple
constructs, such as data parallel loops or reductions, which should be used instead
of their lower-level SDK counterparts. More advanced parallel coordination patterns
such as on-chip pipelining between SPEs may not always be expressible efficiently
with these programming frameworks. However, for more regular scenarios they can
be useful.
178 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The list of Cell-specific high-level programming environments mentioned in this

section is in no particular order and by no means exhaustive. For a more comprehen-
sive survey, classification, and comparison of programming environments for Cell,
we refer to Varbanescu et al. [56].

8.5.1 OpenMP
The Octopiler compiler by Eichenberger et al. [14], based on the IBM XL C/C++
compiler for the PowerPC architecture, provides an OpenMP implementation for Cell
that couples the SPEs and the PPE together to a virtually shared memory multipro-
cessor with a uniform OpenMP programming interface. It automatically creates PPU
and SPE code files from a single OpenMP source program, where the SPE code only
contains those code parts that should be executed in OpenMP parallel regions on
the SPEs. By embedding the SPE code into a PPE data segment linked with the PPE
code, a monolithic executable file is produced.
A major part of the local store of each SPE is set up to act as an automatically
managed software cache to provide an abstraction of a global shared memory, which
has its home residence in main memory. The software cache functionality is pro-
vided by a library for shared memory accesses that can be linked with the SPE code.
Accesses that cannot be handled by the cache (i.e., cache misses) lead to DMA oper-
ations that access the corresponding locations in main memory. There exist two vari-
ants of the software cache: one variant that only supports single-threaded code, where
any cache line is written back completely to memory when evicted at a cache miss,
and a second variant that supports multithreaded shared memory code (as in OpenMP
applications). The latter variant keeps track of modified cache lines such that, either
on eviction or at write-backs enforced by the consistency mechanism (e.g., at
OpenMP flush operations), only the modified bytes are written back by DMA
The software cache implementation uses SIMD instructions for efficient lookup
of shared memory addresses in the local store area dedicated to holding software
cache lines. By default, the Octopiler instruments all accesses to shared memory (in
code intended for SPE execution) to go via the software cache’s lookup function. The
resulting code is usually not efficient yet. In order to save some lookup overhead for
accesses that are statically expected to yield a cache miss, the compiler can choose to
bypass the cache lookup and access the value directly from its home location in main
memory. Prefetching and coalescing of memory accesses are other optimizations to
improve the software cache performance. Such optimizations have been shown to
boost the speedup achievable with the software cache considerably [14].
The Octopiler performs automatic vectorization of loops to exploit SIMD instruc-
tions, and performs optimizations of the alignment of scalar values and of entire data
streams to improve performance.
Large SPE executables constitute a problem for Cell because of the very limited
size of the local store (or, respectively, the part of the local store that is not reserved for,
e.g., the software cache and other data). The Octopiler supports automatic splitting
of larger SPE programs into partitions and provides a runtime partition manager that
Programming the Cell Processor 179

(re)loads partitions into the local store when they are needed. Only a few partitions can
be held simultaneously in the local store at a time. Cross-partition calls and branches
are therefore replaced by stubs that invoke the runtime partition manager to check
if the target partition is currently resident in the local store, and if not, reload them
before the SPE program can continue execution. If necessary, another loaded partition
must be evicted from the local store instead.
With selected benchmarks suitable to the Cell platform, average speedups of 1.3
for SPE-specific optimizations (such as branch optimizations and instruction schedul-
ing), 9.9 for auto-vectorization, and 6.8 for exploiting thread-level parallelism in
OpenMP programs were obtained with Octopiler [14].
DBDB [42] and Cellgen [51] are implementations of OpenMP, respectively, an
OpenMP subset that do not rely on a software cache for the shared memory abstrac-
tion but use instead a combination of compiler analysis and runtime management to
manage data locality.
Extensions of the OpenMP (3.0) task model that should allow to better address het-
erogeneous multicore architectures such as Cell have been proposed [5]. For instance,
device-specific (e.g., SPE) code for an OpenMP (3.0) task can be integrated as
an alternative implementation variant to the portable default (i.e., CPU-based)

8.5.2 CellSs
Cell superscalar (CellSs) [6] provides a convenient way of exploiting task-level
parallelism in annotated C programs automatically at runtime. Starting from an ordi-
nary C program that could run on the PPU only, the programmer marks certain com-
putationally intensive functions as candidates for execution on SPEs and declares
their interface with parameter types, sizes and directions. CellSs builds, at runtime,
a task graph of tasks that could run on SPEs in parallel with the PPU main thread,
keeps track of data dependences, and schedules data-ready tasks at run-time to avail-
able SPEs.
CellSs is implemented by a source-to-source compiler and a runtime system. The
source-to-source compiler generates SPE code for these functions, which is further
processed by the SPE compiler tool chain, as well as special stub code for all (PPU)
calls to such functions. When, during program execution, the PPU control hits such
a stub, the runtime system creates a new task node in the task graph to represent the
call with its parameters, detects data dependences of the new task’s input operands
from previously created (and yet unfinished) tasks, and represents these as edges in
its task graph structure. The stub call is not blocking, i.e., PPU control continues
in parallel to this. The runtime system schedules the data-ready tasks dynamically
to SPUs. Dynamic task graph clustering for reducing synchronization overhead by
increased granularity, parameter renaming to remove write-after-read and write-after-
write dependences, locality-preserving mapping heuristics, and task stealing for bet-
ter load balancing have been added as optimizations to the basic mechanism. Overall,
this method is similar to how a superscalar processor performs dynamic dependence
180 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

analysis, resource allocation, mapping, and scheduling on a sequential instruction

For exploiting the other types of parallelism in Cell (such as automatic vector-
ization for SIMD parallelism and automatic multi-buffering for DMA parallelism),
CellSs relies on an underlying Cell compiler tool chain such as Octopiler (see
Section 8.5.1) to provide these. Task operands in CellSs are restricted to scalars and

8.5.3 Sequoia
Sequoia [16] is a programming language for Cell and other parallel platforms that
takes a slightly more declarative approach than most other programming environ-
ments discussed here. For instance, Sequoia explicitly exposes the main structure
and cost of communication between the various memory modules in a system in the
form of a tree representation of the memory hierarchy.
Sequoia provides tasks, which have a private address space; the only way of com-
municating data between tasks (and thus possibly between cores) is restricted to invo-
cations of subtasks by parent tasks, i.e., operand transfer at remote procedure calls.
Sequoia offers three skeleton-like primitives to create subtasks, namely, a parallel
multidimensional forall loop, a sequential multidimensional loop, and mapreduce, a
combination of a parallel loop and subsequent tree-like parallel reduction over at least
one operand.
Sequoia defines special operators to split and concatenate arrays, which support,
for instance, parallel divide-and-conquer computations on arrays such as recursive
matrix-matrix multiplication or FFT.
The programmer may define multiple algorithmic variants for solving the same
task. Moreover, these can be specialized further to expect their operands to be present
in certain memory modules. Selecting among these variants (if necessary, including
moving data between memory modules) is a way to optimize execution time. Also,
certain variables (e.g., those that control how to split a problem into subproblems) can
be defined as tunable parameters so that the computation can be optimized for a given
target machine. The selected values for these parameters are specified externally for
each algorithmic variant in a machine-specific mapping specification.
An implementation of Sequoia, done at Stanford university, is available for the Cell
SDK 2.1 (2007).

8.5.4 RapidMind
RapidMind Multicore Development Platform by RapidMind Inc. [44] (which was
bought by Intel in 2009) is a stream programming language that provides a data par-
allel programming extension for C++. RapidMind defines special data types for val-
ues, arrays, and functions. Data parallelism is specified by applying a componentized
scalar function elementwise to its input arrays and values. If the function is so simple
that its execution time can be assumed to be independent of the input data, the data
Programming the Cell Processor 181
int main()
{ ...
int x = 0; // x is global to the sieve block
sieve {
int y = 1; // y is local to the sieve block
x = y + 1; // writes 2 to x at the end
y = x; // sets y to 0 as the new value of x is not visible yet
} // here the write to x takes effect

FIGURE 8.10: Example of a sieve block in Sieve C++.

parallelism can be scheduled statically across the SPEs. For more complicated func-
tions where execution time may vary, dynamic load balancing can be added. Also,
the data parallel function specification enables the automatic selection of SPE SIMD
instructions and automatic application of multi-buffering to the operand arrays.
From the same RapidMind source program, code for Cell as well as for GPUs and
other data parallel platforms can be generated without modification, thanks to the
simplicity and universality of the data parallel programming model.

8.5.5 Sieve C++

Static analysis of C/C++ code for proving independence of certain statements is
generally difficult due to the potential aliasing of program variables, for instance via
pointers, or via array index expressions that are hard to analyze or depend on runtime
data. With insufficient static information about aliasing of accessed variables, the
existence of data dependences between statement instances must be conservatively
assumed, which can prohibit automatic parallelization, loop vectorization and other
useful code optimizations that would modify the original (sequential) execution order.
Sieve C++ [43] is a language extension and modification to C++ that should
alleviate the automatic extraction of parallelism. The main new language construct is
the sieve construct. Sieve blocks usually mark code parts that are candidates for
offloaded execution on (programmable) accelerators such as Cell’s SPEs.
In a sieve block, all write accesses to variables declared globally to that block
are delayed and take effect at the end of the block’s execution. For instance, in the
example code in Figure 8.10, the write access to x is delayed to the end of the sieve
Consequently, of possibly several assignments to the same block-global variable
in a sieve block, only the last one would really take effect. Note that delayed updating
changes the standard program behavior (namely, sequential consistency) to a more
relaxed (yet deterministic) memory model. The point is that there cannot exist data
races due to both reading and writing accesses to block-global variables within a
sieve block, whether through aliased variables or not. Sieve code can therefore lead
to reduced constraints for an automatically parallelizing and vectorizing compiler.
182 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Special data types for parallel iteration variables and parallel reduction variables
allow the programmer to convey additional information about independence of com-
putations to the compiler.
Sieve C++ has been implemented by Codeplay [47] for Cell, for x86-based stan-
dard multicore systems and for GPUs. The Sieve C++ compiler analyzes the remain-
ing data dependences (on block-local variables) in each sieve block and splits the
sieve body into independent tasks for parallel execution.

8.5.6 Offload C++

Codeplay recently released Offload C++ [11], an extension of C++ for heteroge-
neous multicore processors, which was primarily designed and implemented for Cell
but also aims for portability across a larger range of architectures.
The central new construct in Offload C++ is the offload construct, which marks
a code block (the offload block) to be spawned off for execution on an SPE. Code
outside offload blocks will be executed by the PPE. The offload construct is
available in an asynchronous (__offload{...}) and a synchronous
(__blockingoffload{...}) variant. The latter requires the PPU thread to wait
for the spawned SPE computation to terminate its offload block, as in the example of
Figure 8.11. In contrast, asynchronous offloading spawns the SPE thread and imme-
diately returns control to the PPE together with a handle to the spawned SPE com-
putation, which can later be used for synchronization, similarly to our earlier SDK
example in Figure 8.3. This allows the PPE to continue and possibly spawn further
SPE computations in subsequent offload blocks.
Offload blocks can be parameterized. This feature allows to perform work division
in the sense of a parallel for construct [12] by iteratively spawning multiple SPU
computations from the same offload block with asynchronous offloading, each being
assigned a sub-range of the data to be processed.
The Offload C++ compiler creates two versions of each function called from
within an offload block, one compiled for the PPU and one for the SPU. The PPU
version is used at calls in outer (i.e., PPU) code while calls from within offload
blocks are directed to the SPU version.∗ The dynamic extent of an offload block (i.e.,
including the SPU versions of all functions called from it directly or transitively) will
thus be executed by an SPU; it is referred to as an offload scope.
Unless explicitly permitted by setting a compiler flag, the offload construct cannot
be nested, i.e., it is not admissible in an offload scope. Functions declared with the
function-type qualifier __offload can only be called from within offload blocks
and may contain SPU-specific code. An __offload function can coexist with a
(PPU) function of the same name, such as bar in Figure 8.11, where the SPU version
is an explicitly defined specialization that will be automatically chosen when called
in offload scopes.

∗ There are a few more issues and exceptions from this rule, e.g., regarding function pointers and virtual
functions, but we cannot go into details here and refer to [11] for further description.
Programming the Cell Processor 183
void foo( void ) {...} // compiler creates one PPU and one SPU version

void bar ( void ) {...} // here used in PPU calls only

__offload void bar(void){...} //SPU-only, may contain SPU-specific code

int main( void ) // program entry executed by PPU

int x = ...; // PPU variable, allocated in main memory
int *px = ...; // PPU pointer variable
foo(); bar(); // calls to PPU versions of foo and bar
__blockingoffload { // spawn this offload block to some SPU
int y; // SPU variable in local store
int *py; // SPU pointer variable to SPU address
__outer int *pz; // SPU pointer variable to main memory address
y = x; // implicit DMA: assigned value x copied in from main memory
pz = px; // OK, pointees’ memory types match
foo(); // call to SPU version of foo
bar(); // call to specialized (SPU) version of bar
} // PPU waits here for spawned SPU computation to finish

FIGURE 8.11: Example of a synchronous offload block in Offload C++.

Variables defined inside an offload scope are by default allocated in the executing
SPE’s local store, while those defined in the outer scope (PPU code) reside in main
memory. Accesses from an offload scope to variables residing in main memory result
in DMA transfer of the value to be read or written; the implementation [11] uses a
software cache to reduce the number of DMA accesses.
Hence, when declaring pointer variables in an offload scope, the memory type of
their pointee must be declared as well, by adding the __outer qualifier for pointers
to main memory, (unless the compiler can deduce this information automatically),
see the example in Figure 8.11. The pointee’s memory type thus becomes part of the
pointer type and will be checked statically at assignments etc. We refer to [11] for
further details.
By providing preprocessor macros that wrap all new constructs in Offload C++
and that could alternatively expand to nothing, portability to other compilers can be
achieved. The option of SPU-specific restructuring of offload code allows to trade
higher performance on Cell for reduced portability. The portability problem can be
avoided, though, by conditionally overloading a portable routine with an SPU-specific
version that is masked out when compiling for a non-Cell target. Templates can be
used to combine portable data access with special code for optimized DMA transfer
in offload functions [12].
Recent case studies of using Offload C++ for Cell include parallelizing an image
filtering application [13] and porting a seismic wave propagation simulation code that
was previously parallelized for Intel Threading Building Blocks [12].
184 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

8.5.7 NestStep
NestStep [35,36] is a C-based partitioned global address space language for exe-
cuting bulk-synchronous parallel (BSP) programs with a shared memory abstraction
on distributed memory systems. Similar to UPC (Universal Parallel C [15]) and its
predecessors, NestStep features, for example, shared variables, blockwise and cycli-
cally distributed shared arrays, and dataparallel iterators. In contrast to UPC, Nest-
Step enforces bulk-synchronous parallel execution and has a stricter, deterministic but
programmable memory consistency model; in short, all modified copies of shared
variables or array elements are combined (e.g., by priority commit or by a global
reduction) at the end of a BSP superstep to restore consistency, in a way that can be
programmed individually for each variable. This combine mechanism is integrated
in the barrier synchronization between subsequent supersteps.
As an example, Figure 8.12 shows a superstep with a dot product computation in
NestStep, where each SPE calculates a local dot product on its owned elements of A
and B and writes its local result to its local copy of the replicated shared variable s. In
the subsequent (implicit) communication phase of the superstep, these written copies
are combined by summing them up (<+>), and the sum is committed automatically
to each copy of s, in order to restore the invariant that all copies of shared variables
have the same value on entry and exit of a superstep.
Both NestStep’s step statements and Sieve C++’s sieve blocks delay the effect
of writes to block-global shared variables and thereby guarantee absence of block-
local data dependences on shared variables. The difference is that parallelism in Nest-
Step is explicit (SPMD) while it is implicit (automatic parallelization) in Sieve C++.
Also, write accesses are committed locally in program order in NestStep.
NestStep was originally developed and implemented for cluster systems on top of
MPI [35]. More recently, the NestStep runtime system was ported to Cell to coor-
dinate BSP computations on a set of SPEs, where the data for each SPE, including
its owned partitions and mirrored elements of distributed shared arrays, are kept in

sh float s; // replicated shared variable - one local copy per SPE

sh float A[N]</>; // block-wise distributed shared array
sh float B[N]</>; // block-wise distributed shared array
int i; // private variable
step { // BSP superstep, executed by a group of SPEs
s = seq_dot_product( owned(A), owned(B), sizeof_owned(A) );
combine ( s<+> );

FIGURE 8.12: NestStep example: Bulk-synchronous parallel dot product compu-

tation. The routine seq_dot_product can be implemented either as platform-
specific SPE code with intrinsics, or as library function call or as a BlockLib (see
Section 8.5.8) skeleton instance.
Programming the Cell Processor 185

a privatized area of main memory, and the PPU is used for SPE coordination and
synchronization [32].
NestStep for Cell only addresses thread-level parallelism across SPEs and provides
a global shared address space abstraction, while support for SIMDization and multi-
buffered DMA must be provided separately, either as hand-written SPE code, or in a
platform-independent way by using BlockLib skeletons (Section 8.5.8).

8.5.8 BlockLib
BlockLib [2] is a skeleton programming library that aims to make Cell program-
ming simpler by encapsulating memory management, doubly-buffered DMA com-
munication, SIMD optimization and parallelization in generic functions, so-called
skeleton functions, that are parameterized in problem-specific sequential code. Block-
Lib provides skeleton functions for basic computation patterns. Two of these are
map and reduce, which are well known. BlockLib also implements two variants
of map and reduce: a combined mapreduce, where a reduce operation is applied
immediately to the result of a map, and a map-with-overlap for calculations on
array elements that also access nearby elements. The library consists of compiled
code and macros and requires no extra tools besides the C preprocessor and com-
BlockLib is implemented on top of the NestStep run-time system for Cell [32],
from which it inherits the data structures for distributed shared arrays and some syn-
chronization infrastructure. However, it could also be used stand-alone with minor
modifications. By default, a call to a BlockLib skeleton function constitutes a Nest-
Step superstep on its own, but the map skeleton can also be run as part of a larger
The parameterization in problem-specific user code can be done in different ways
that, on Cell, differ very much in performance and ease of use. For instance, generic
functions with fine-grained parameter functions (i.e., one call per element computa-
tion) are convenient but incur too much overhead on the SPEs and are not amenable
to SIMD code generation either. Hence, BlockLib expects user functions with larger
granularity here. BlockLib also provides the user with the power of SIMD optimiza-
tion without the drawbacks of doing it by hand. A simple function definition lan-
guage, implemented as C preprocessor macros, allows to generate SIMD optimized
inner loops. This macro language provides primitives for basic and advanced math
operations. It is easy to extend by adding definitions to a header file. Many of these
macros have a close mapping to one or a few Cell SIMD instructions, and some are
mapped to functions in the IBM SIMD Math library [25].
Using BlockLib does not tie the user code to Cell. The same interface could be
implemented by another library for any other NestStep platform in an efficient way,
with or without SIMD optimization.
BlockLib synchronization is based on Cell signals. A signal is implemented with a
special register in each of the SPE’s MFC. An SPE sends a signal to another SPE by
writing to the other SPE’s signal register. In BlockLib, the signal register is used in or-
mode, which means that everything written to the register is bitwise or-ed together.
186 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

This way multiple SPEs can signal the same target SPE without overwriting each
other’s signals. BlockLib uses one of the two signal registers per SPE. As a signal
register is 32 bit wide, each SPE can have its own bit with exclusive write access
for up to four different kinds of signals in all other SPEs’ signal registers. BlockLib
uses internally three kinds of signals (barrier synchronization, message available, and
message acknowledge).
A skeleton library for Cell based on C++ templates, called Skell BE, was recently
proposed by Saidani et al. [49].

8.5.9 StarPU for Cell

StarPU is a runtime system for heterogeneous multicore systems such as Cell [4]
and GPUs. StarPU provides API functions that enable the programmer to denote
offloadable tasks (so-called codelets), to expose implementation variants for different
core types, and to register codelet operand data stored in special container objects
such that StarPU can keep track of operand data status and schedule data-ready
tasks at runtime. StarPU keeps history data about task execution times depending on
operand sizes, which can be used to predict execution times for future invocations and
thus select and dispatch the (predicted) fastest implementation variant at runtime [3].

8.5.10 Other High-Level Programming Environments for Cell

Beyond the ones described earlier in this section, further academic and commercial
high-level programming environments for Cell have been developed in the last years.
These include:

• SP@CE [55], a streaming programming environment for consumer electronics

applications. SP@CE is based on the Series-Parallel Contention (SPC)
programming model introduced by van Gemund [53], where synchronization
patterns are restricted to series-parallel process graphs.

• MCF [7], the MultiCore Framework by Mercury Computer Systems Inc. The
MCF programming model is restricted to data parallel computations on
n-dimensional matrices.

• CHARM++ for Cell [41], an implementation of the C++-based, distributed-

memory parallel programming model CHARM++ [33] on Cell, extended by
an API that allows the PPE program to off-load specific (compute-intensive)
tasks to SPEs.

• MPI microtask: With its eight SPEs, each having its own local memory mod-
ule and communicating by DMA transfers, Cell can be regarded a distributed
memory message passing system. IBM’s MPI microtask [45] is an implemen-
tation of the widely used Message Passing Interface (MPI) that, in principle,
allows Cell programmers to write ordinary MPI programs, given that these are
broken down into microtasks, small-footprint MPI processes that each fit into
Programming the Cell Processor 187

the local store completely (including code and all data). The decomposition is
done by some additional API functions that allow to create groups of micro-
tasks dynamically and provide communication in between these.

Moreover, there exist domain-specific APIs and programming environments for

Cell, in particular for graphics and game development.
We do not go into further details here and refer the interested reader to the literature

8.6 Algorithms and Components for Cell

There exists already a wealth of algorithms for typical problems, for example, in
scientific computing, signal and image processing, that have been especially tailored
for implementation on Cell. Due to limited space, we can only give a small
selection here.
Scientific Computing: Williams et al. [58,59] investigate implementations of scientific
computing kernels such as dense matrix-matrix multiplication, sparse matrix vector
multiplication, stencil computations, and 1D and 2D FFT on Cell and demonstrate a
large potential for speedup and power-efficiency compared to superscalar processor
For computational kernels of a bioinformatics application doing multiple sequence
alignment, Vandierendonck et al. [54] report a speedup of up to 51.2 on Cell over
PPU-only execution.
Sorting: Sorting on Cell is challenging for several reasons: (1) sorting requires much
data movement but little computation, (2) the small size of the local store enforces
the use of external memory algorithms for sorting on SPEs; and (3) the SPEs do
not perform well on irregular, branch-intensive code that is typical for many sorting
algorithms such as quicksort, because it is hard to vectorize and leads to many pipeline
Sorting networks such as mergesort or bitonic sort meet these expectations, because
they support external sorting, have a simple, data-independent control structure and
can be formulated to efficiently use SIMD instructions. See, for example, JáJá [31]
or Akl [1] for a survey of parallel sorting algorithms.
CellSort [17] and AAsort [30] are sorting algorithms for Cell based on bitonic sort
and mergesort. Generally, they work in two phases: In phase 1, the SPEs sort blocks
of size m that still fit in the local store. In phase 2, these sorted blocks are combined
to a fully sorted data set, either by monotonic or bitonic merging. As (serial) merging
has a constant in-degree (typically, 2 or 4 streams are merged together at a time),
phase 2 is organized as a tree of stream merge operations that produce longer and
longer sorted sequences, where each merger (2-way or 4-way) is implemented using
SIMD instructions and uses double buffering to overlap loading the next packets of
the input streams with merging and storing merged packets back to main memory.
188 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The stream mergings in this second phase still requires O(n log(n/m)) memory
accesses to sort n elements from presorted blocks of size m < n, and the reported
speedups for phase 2 are small. For instance, in AAsort [30], mergesort with 4-to-1-
mergers is used in phase 2, where the mergers use bitonic merge locally. The tree of
mergers is processed level-wise in rounds. As each SPE reads from main memory and
writes to main memory (dancehall organization), all n words are transferred from and
to main memory in each round. Speedup still is limited, as the main memory interface
bandwidth is the performance bottleneck.
Keller and Kessler [34] propose on-chip pipelining, a technique to trade a reduced
number of memory accesses for an increased volume of SPE–SPE forwarding via
the EIB, which has considerably higher bandwidth. Instead of processing the merger
tree level-wise to and from main memory, all mergers at all levels run concurrently as
dynamically scheduled tasks on the SPEs and forward merged packets immediately to
their successors in the merger tree. The merger tree root is the bottleneck in merging
and gets an SPE of its own, while the remaining merger tasks are mapped to the
remaining SPEs to maximize throughput and minimize the maximum number (thus
maximize the size) of buffers used per SPE, which translates into improved DMA
efficiency and reduced scheduling overhead. Optimal or optimized mappings can be
computed automatically with different algorithms [34,37]. An example mapping for
a 32-to-1 merger tree is shown in Figure 8.13.
By on-chip pipelining with suitable mappings, the global merging phase, which is
dominating the time of parallel mergesort for reasonably large (8M or larger) input
data sets, achieves a speedup over that of CellSort by up to 70% on an IBM QS-20
dual-Cell blade server and by up to 143% on a PS3. Implementation and evaluation
details are described by Hultén [20,21].
The on-chip pipelining technique can also be applied to other memory-intensive
dataparallel computations [38].
Image and signal processing: The IBM SDK contains an optimized library for fast
Fourier transform (FFT) on Cell in an extension package. The application of the Spiral
autotuning approach to optimized FFT program generation for Cell is described by
Chellappa et al. [8].
H.264 video coding/decoding on Cell has been described, for example, by Wu et al.
[60,61]. The use of Cell for real-time video quality assessment was presented by Papp
et al. [46].
In a case study, Varbanescu et al. [57] evaluate different approaches for mapping
an application for multimedia analysis and retrieval to Cell, and derive general par-
allelization guidelines, which could extend the process described in Section 8.3.5.

8.7 Summary and Outlook

Four different kinds of parallelism need to be exploited and coordinated properly
for efficient Cell programming:
Programming the Cell Processor 189

24 25 26 27

12 13

6 7
16 17 18 19

8 9

4 5

20 21 22 23

10 11


28 29 30 31

14 15



FIGURE 8.13: On-chip pipelined mergesort, here using an optimized mapping of

the 31 merger tasks of a pipelined 32-to-1 merger tree to five SPEs of Cell. This map-
ping was computed by integer linear programming [34] and is optimal w.r.t. computa-
tional load balancing as primary optimization goal, the maximum number of buffers
needed on any SPE as secondary goal, and the overall inter-SPE communication vol-
ume as tertiary goal. All merger tasks mapped to an SPE are scheduled round-robin
by a user-level scheduler; tasks that are not data ready are skipped.

• Instruction-level parallelism

• SIMD parallelism

• Memory (DMA) parallelism

• Thread-level parallelism across SPEs and possibly also the PPE

While tools and high-level programming environments can help with some of
these, writing high-performance code orchestrating all of these nicely together is still
mainly the programmer’s task.
Cell is a fascinating processor. In fact, it has created its own class of moderately
heterogeneous and general-purpose multicore processors that is clearly set apart from
190 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

standard multicore processor designs, but also differs from even more domain-specific
chip multiprocessor architectures.
With general-purpose GPUs such as NVIDIA’s CUDA-based devices described in
the previous chapter of this book, Cell shares several architectural features, such as
the concept of programmable accelerators that are optimized for a specific type of
computation (fixed-width SIMD for Cell SPEs, massively data-parallel for GPUs),
and a (mostly) software-managed multilevel memory hierarchy. Both have a more
complicated programming model but also a much higher performance per watt poten-
tial than comparable standard multicore processors. Both have much higher peak
bandwidth for accesses to on-chip than off-chip memory. Both architectures per-
form better at regular, bulk access to consecutive memory locations compared to ran-
dom access patterns; while bulk access is explicit (by DMA) in Cell, it is implicit
in GPUs (by coalescing in hardware in CUDA GPUs). Also, both platforms recently
added hardware support for high-throughput double precision arithmetics, targeting
the high-performance computing domain. However, there are also significant differ-
ences: While Cells SPEs are powerful (at least in terms of year 2006 technology when
Cell was new) general-purpose units with moderate-width (128 bit) SIMD support
and a comparably large amount of on-chip local memory, GPUs’ streaming proces-
sors are much simpler scalar devices that, until recently, did not support function
calls in kernel code (unless statically inlined by the compiler); the latter restriction
was relaxed in NVIDIA’s Fermi GPU generation introduced in 2010. With the PPU,
Cell has a general-purpose host processor directly on chip that runs a full-fledged
standard operating system, while the entire GPU is just a complement to an exter-
nal CPU. Both PPU and SPUs can initiate DMA operations to access any off-chip
or on-chip memory location (as far as permitted within the current process), while
data transfer between GPU memory and main memory can, up to now, only be ini-
tiated by the host. In particular, SPEs can forward data to each other, which is not
(yet?) possible on GPUs, making advanced techniques such as on-chip pipelining
not applicable there. Task parallelism is naturally supported by Cell’s MIMD paral-
lelism across its eight SPEs (each of which could even run a different binary code).
Until recently, CUDA GPUs could only execute a single, massively dataparallel ker-
nel across the entire GPU at a time; this has now changed with Fermi, which allows
for limited task-level parallelism. By leveraging massive hardware parallelism across
hundreds of simple streaming processor cores, GPUs still can afford a lower clock
frequency. GPU architectures are designed for high throughput by massive hardware
multithreading, which automatically hides long memory access latencies, while SPEs
require manual implementation of multi-buffering or other latency hiding techniques
in software to achieve high throughput. To keep pace with the recent development of
GPUs but also of standard multicore architectures, a successor generation in the Cell
processor family would have been urgently needed.
In late 2009, IBM decided to cancel further development of the Cell architecture
line (earlier there had been some plans for a 2-PPU, 32-SPU version), but will con-
tinue to manufacture Cell chips for the PS3 for the foreseeable future. Hence, PS3 and
existing installations such as IBM blade servers and the RoadRunner supercomputer
Programming the Cell Processor 191

will be in use for quite some time forward. Also, IBM may reuse parts of the Cell
architecture in some form [19].
In any case, Cell teaches us important general lessons about heterogeneous multi-
core systems, and several important concepts of Cell programming will also be with
us for the foreseeable future of power-efficient high-performance multicore program-
ming: A combination and coordination of multiple levels of parallelism will be nec-
essary. Multilevel memory hierarchies, whether explicit as in Cell or implicit as in
cache-based systems, will require program optimizations for increased locality and
overlapping of memory access latency with computation. Trade-offs between locality
of memory accesses and load balancing have to be balanced. Explicit data transfer
between local memory units over an on-chip network may become an issue even for
future standard processor architectures, as cache-based SMP architectures may not
scale up to very many cores. Instruction-level parallelism remains important but will
fortunately be handled mostly by the compiler. Effective usage of SIMD operations is
mandatory, and memory parallelism needs to be exploited. Finally, a certain amount
of heterogeneity needs to be bridged. Managing this complexity while achieving high
performance will require a joint effort by the programmer, language constructs, the
compiler, the operating system, and other software tools.

8.8 Bibliographical Remarks

The IBM Cell SDK itself contains a programming tutorial [24], programming
guides and manuals, and comprehensive documentation about Cell and its program-
ming APIs. This material is also available on the IBM developerWorks web pages for
Cell [28].
The recent book by Scarpino [50] is recommended reading for anyone trying to
get familiar with programming Cell using the SDK. This book also contains detailed
instructions for how to install Linux and the Cell SDK on (earlier versions of) a
PlayStation 3. Appendix C gives an introduction to Cell programming with ALF.
A systematic method for selecting the optimal DMA multi-buffering scheme sub-
ject to local store space constraints has been proposed by Chen et al. [10].
Compiler techniques for Cell have been described, e.g., by Eichenberger et al. [14],
Gschwind et al. [18], and Rosen et al. [48].
References to higher-level programming environments for Cell have been added
in Section 8.5 as appropriate. Varbanescu et al. [56] give a survey and classification
of programming environments for Cell.

The research of the author of this chapter was partly funded by EU FP7 (project
PEPPHER,, grant 248481), by Vetenskapsrådet, SSF, Vinnova,
CUGS, and Linköping University in Sweden.
192 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The author thanks Duc Vianney from IBM, Ana Varbanescu from TU Delft, Jörg
Keller from FernUniversität in Hagen, Dake Liu and his group at Linköping Univer-
sity, and Markus Schu from Micronas in München, for interesting discussions about
On-chip-pipelined mergesort for Cell was implemented by Rikard Hultén in a mas-
ter thesis project at Linköping university. BlockLib was mainly developed by Markus
Ålind and the NestStep runtime system for Cell by Daniel Johansson in earlier mas-
ter thesis projects at Linköping University. We thank Erling Weibust, Carl Tengwall,
Björn Sjökvist, Nils Smeds, and Niklas Dahl from IBM Sweden for commenting on
this work and for letting us use their IBM QS-20 blade server. We thank Inge Gutheil
and her colleagues at Jülich Supercomputing Centre for giving us access to their Cell
cluster JUICE.
The author thanks Mattias Eriksson and Erik Hansson from Linköping university
for discussions, for proof-reading and commenting on this chapter. Also, many thanks
to George Russell and Uwe Dolinsky from Codeplay and to the anonymous reviewers
for their comments.
However, any possibly remaining errors would be solely the author’s own fault.

Disclaimers and Declarations

All statements in this chapter are based on the author’s own opinion. It includes no
official position or endorsement by Linköping university or any other organization
named in this chapter.
We have tried at our best to avoid errors and tested the listed program code. How-
ever, we cannot give any guarantees and assume no liability for any damage that may
be caused by using the information in this chapter.

In the following list, we try at our best to remark on trademarks and other protected
company and product names that occur in this chapter:
Altivec is a trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
AMD and AMD Opteron are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD).
Cell Broadband Engine, Cell/B.E., PlayStation, and PlayStation 3 are trademarks
of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.
CUDA and NVIDIA are trademarks of NVIDIA.
IBM, BladeCenter, PowerPC, POWER, Power PC, PowerPC Architecture, and
PowerXCell are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Intel and Itanium2 are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Offload is a trademark of Codeplay Software Ltd.
Programming the Cell Processor 193

OpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc.

RapidMind is a trademark of RapidMind Inc.
Still, we may have missed a few trademarked names, so there may indeed occur
trademarks etc. that are not explicitly marked as such.

1. S.G. Akl. Parallel Sorting Algorithms. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1985.
2. M. Ålind, M. Eriksson, and C. Kessler. Blocklib: A skeleton library for Cell
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ticore Software Engineering (IWMSE-2008) at ICSE-2008, Leipzig, Germany,
May 2008.
3. C. Augonnet, S. Thibault, and R. Namyst. Automatic calibration of performance
models on heterogeneous multicore architectures. In Proceedings of the Interna-
tional Euro-Par Workshops 2009, HPPC-2009, Springer LNCS 6043, Delft, the
Netherlands, pp. 56-65, 2010.
4. C. Augonnet, S. Thibault, R. Namyst, and M. Nijhuis. Exploiting the Cell/BE
architecture with the StarPU unified rutime system. In Proceedings of the Ninth
International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Mod-
eling, and Simulation (SAMOS’09), Springer LNCS 5657, Samos, Greece, pp.
329–339, 2009.
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D. Jimenez, J. Labarta, X. Martorell, R. Mayo, J. Perez, and E. Quintana-Orti.
A proposal to extend the OpenMP tasking model for heterogeneous architec-
tures. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Open MP: Evolv-
ing OpenMP in an Age of Extreme Parallelism IWOMP’09, Springer LNCS 5568,
Dresden, Germany, pp. 154–167, 2009
6. P. Bellens, J.M. Perez, R.M. Badia, and J. Labarta. CellSs: A programming model
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Part IV

Emerging Technologies
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Chapter 9
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from
Sequential Code

David I. August, Jialu Huang, Thomas B. Jablin, Hanjun Kim, Thomas R.

Mason, Prakash Prabhu, Arun Raman, and Yun Zhang


9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

9.1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
9.1.2 Techniques and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
9.2 Dependence Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
9.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
9.2.2 Data Dependence Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Data Dependence Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
9.2.3 Control Dependence Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Control Dependence Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
9.2.4 Program Dependence Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
9.3 DOALL Parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
9.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
9.3.2 Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
9.3.3 Advanced Topic: Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
9.3.4 Advanced Topic: Speculative DOALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
9.3.5 Advanced Topic: Further Techniques and Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . 215
9.4 DOACROSS Parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
9.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
9.4.2 Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
9.4.3 Advanced Topic: Speculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
9.5 Pipeline Parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
9.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
9.5.2 Code Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
9.5.3 Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
9.5.4 Advanced Topic: Speculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
9.6 Bringing It All Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
9.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

202 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Background
Previous chapters have discussed many of the tools available to a programmer look-
ing to parallelize code by hand. While valuable, each requires considerable effort by
the programmer beyond that which is required for a typical single-threaded program.
As more power is placed in the hands of the programmer, programmers must concern
themselves with additional issues only posed by parallel programs—race conditions,
deadlock, livelock, and more [1–3]. Furthermore, sequential legacy code presents its
own problem. Not designed with parallelism in mind, the programmer may encounter
great trouble in transforming the code to a parallel form.
Automatic parallelization offers another option to programmers interested in par-
allelizing their code. Automatic parallelism extraction techniques do not suffer the
same limitations as manual parallelization. Indeed, through analysis, a compiler can
often find parallelism in sequential code that is not obvious even to a skilled pro-
grammer. However, automatically parallelizing code poses a significant challenge of
its own: finding means to extract and exploit parallelism in the code. The compiler
must determine first what transformations can be done, and throughout this chapter,
we will see a number of the possible techniques in the compiler’s transformation tool-
box. Simply put, this means the compiler must both find an exploitable region of code
through analysis and transform the code into a parallel form. Analyses and transfor-
mations must work together to find and then exploit parallelization opportunities.

9.1.2 Techniques and Tools

There are many techniques for use in automatically parallelizing code. The names
of some of those that will be discussed here are DOALL, DOACROSS, thread-level
speculation (TLS), DOPIPE, and decoupled software pipelining (DSWP). All of these
rely upon analysis and other tools to be successful. Data dependences can greatly
degrade performance of parallelized code. As data dependences between load and
store instructions create difficult scheduling problems on superscalar architectures,
cross-thread dependences require communication and synchronization to maintain
the strict sequential memory model on multicore architectures. Synchronization and
communication are undesirable since they are relatively expensive operations and
force faster threads to wait on slower threads. By careful scheduling, a parallelizing
compiler can minimize the effect of data dependences. In fact, the quality of memory
dependence analysis can strongly influences the performance of parallelized code.
Unfortunately, determining whether or not a data dependence exists between two
instructions is undecidable in general, and even with good analysis, many of these
techniques are very brittle. A dependence that may rarely or even never manifest
could greatly reduce opportunity for parallelization. By speculating that such a depen-
dence does not exist, the compiler can greatly increase its opportunities. Speculation
improves performance when the cost of misspeculation detection and the product of
misspeculation recovery time and misspeculation frequency are less than the benefit
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 203

of the speculation. Discussed in more detail later, alias, control, and value speculation
have all been proposed to aid parallelization [4].

9.2 Dependence Analysis

9.2.1 Introduction
Dependence analysis is central to automatic parallelization. Although dependence
analysis also has a variety of other applications like program slicing for visual tools
[5], scalar compiler optimizations [6], and program verification [7], automatic paral-
lelization is one of the most important clients of a robust dependence analysis. The
accuracy and efficiency of dependence analysis can directly affect various impor-
tant aspects of automatic parallelization including scope of applicability, performance
scalability of the parallelized program, and compilation time.
So, what is dependence analysis? Simply put, it is a broad term used to describe
compiler analyses to disprove various kinds of dependences that may exist between
different imperative program units. These units may be low-level assembly instruc-
tions, individual statements in different compiler intermediate representations, or even
high-level language program statements or functions. Quite often, the abstraction
level at which dependence analysis is done is determined by the kind of optimiza-
tion for which it is intended to be used. For ease of understanding, we will assume
that the analysis is done on high-level language statements.
The example code snippet shown in Figure 9.1 is used to explain the concept of
a dependence and dependence analysis and show its importance in automatic paral-
lelization. The program traverses a linked list, calculates a value from each node, and
then adds it to the total cost of the list. Statement 5, the blank statement, will be useful
for some of our examples, but simply represents further code.
Before examining code for dependences, we must understand why we are doing
so. For instance, if there are two loops in a program, we might be interested to find
out whether the two loops could execute at the same time, in parallel within separate
threads of control. This would be possible if the loops were not reading and writing
to the same variable (such a scenario would result in a race condition where the two
threads race to read/write a shared variable and the output is dependent upon the
nondeterministic timing of the operations). However, since we have only one loop,
our first question is, “is it possible to execute successive iterations of the loop in

1: while (node)
2: {ncost = calc(node);
3: cost += ncost;
4: node = node->next;}
5: ...

FIGURE 9.1: Example to illustrate data dependence analysis.

204 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

parallel?” The answer here is, at first glance, categorically no—each iteration depends
on knowing the node operated on in the previous iteration so that it can advance to
the next node. A parallelizing compiler would infer this property by formalizing the
concept of a data dependence.
When we further consider the code from Figure 9.1, we notice another type of
dependence. The loop will only continue executing so long as the node is not NULL.
Since the execution of the loop body (statements 2, 3, 4) is dependent on whether the
condition tested in the while statement is true, these three statements are said to be
control dependent on statement 1.
Sections 9.2.2 and 9.2.3 formalize the concepts of data dependence and control
dependence. Section 9.2.4 then describes a program structure that represents both
kinds of dependences in a uniform way that is useful for parallelization.

9.2.2 Data Dependence Analysis Data Dependence Graph
In order to analyze dependences, it is convenient to visualize a program as a directed
graph, called the control flow graph, whose nodes represent the program statements
and whose edges represent control flow relations determined by sequential compo-
sition and branch (conditional/unconditional) statements. The control flow graph of
the program shown in Figure 9.1 is shown in Figure 9.2.



FIGURE 9.2: Control flow graph for Figure 9.1.

Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 205

A data dependence exists between two statements A and B if the following

conditions hold:

• Both A and B either write or read the same program variable, or in general, the
same memory location.

• At least one of A or B does a write to the common memory location.

• There is a valid control flow path in the program from A to B or from B to A.

The data dependence relation between statements of a program can be represented

by means of a graph called the data dependence graph. The data dependence graph
(DDG) is defined by G = (N, E) where N, the node set, has one node for every state-
ment in the function and E, the edge set, has one edge for every pair of nodes that
represent statements with a data dependence between them.
Three kinds of data dependence edges can be distinguished:

1. A flow dependence edge from node A to B, whenever A writes to the same

memory location that is read by B and there is a valid control flow path from A
to B. This is also called a “read-after-write” (RAW) dependence.
2. An anti-dependence edge from node A to B, whenever A reads from the same
memory location that is written to by B and there is a valid control flow path
from A to B. This is also called a “write-after-read” (WAR) dependence.
3. An output dependence edge from node A to B, whenever A writes to the same
memory location that is written to by B and there is a valid control flow path
from A to B. This is also called a “write-after-write” (WAW) dependence.

The data dependence graph for the program in Figure 9.1 is shown in Figure 9.3.
The nodes are the same as the nodes in the control flow graph of Figure 9.2 (state-
ment 5 is presumed to have no data dependences for our purposes and thus omitted),
while the edges represent the data dependence relation and are of three kinds: f edges
representing flow dependence, a edges representing anti dependence, and o edges
representing output dependence.

2 a 3 4

FIGURE 9.3: Data dependence graph for Figure 9.1.

206 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development Analysis
In this section, we give an overview of the various analyses that have been pro-
posed by compiler researchers to efficiently construct the data dependence graph with
varying degrees of accuracy. All analyses discussed in this section were proposed in
the past few decades. Traditionally, there has always been a trade-off between the
scalability of a data dependence analysis and the accuracy of the constructed data
dependence relation. First, it should be noted that determining the exact dynamic
data dependence relation between all statements in a program is undecidable in gen-
eral [8]. This means any data dependence relation that is constructed by an analysis
is a safe approximation of the actual dependences manifested at runtime. The run-
ning time and memory requirements of a data dependence analysis are, therefore,
inversely related to the accuracy of the analysis: a fast analysis usually reports more
dependences than a slower, more accurate analysis [9].
The complexity of a data dependence analysis also depends on the properties of
the language being analyzed: usually it is easier to analyze data dependences in lan-
guages like FORTRAN 77 that permit only restricted uses of pointer variables than to
analyze languages like C where the use of pointers and heap allocated data structures
create complicated data dependence relations through multiple levels of indirection.
Languages like Java make the analysis of pointers simpler with features like strong
typing and the absence of pointer arithmetic but still have other features like polymor-
phism, and dynamic class loading, which introduce other complications that a data
dependence analysis has to contend with. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss
the different types of analyses in increasing order of accuracy (and hence increasing
order of complexity).
The reaching definitions analysis [10] is a simple data-flow analysis that can be
used to determine flow dependences between statements in a program that do not have
pointers (or in case of a low-level intermediate representation, the flow dependences
between register/temporary variables).
Relatedly, liveness analysis [10] is a data flow analysis that is used to determine at
each program point the variables that may be potentially read before their next write.
Applying this definition in the context of loops, a variable v is said to be a live-in into
a loop if v is defined at a program point outside the loop and used at a point inside
the loop and there exists a path from the point of definition to the point of use with no
intervening definitions in between. Similarly, a variable is said to be a live-out of a
loop if it is defined at a point inside the loop and used outside the loop and there exists
a path from the point of definition to the point of use with no intervening definitions
in between.
Reaching definitions analysis along with liveness analysis, can be used for deter-
mining flow and anti-dependences in a data dependence graph. Output dependences
for programs with no pointer aliasing (two pointers are aliases of each other if they
may point to the same memory location at runtime) can be determined by inter-
secting the variables defined at program points that are reachable from each other.
In programs written in languages that permit the use of pointer variables, pointer
analysis is employed for determining the data dependences between statements. Given
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 207

a pair of pointer variables, a pointer analysis determines whether the two variables
can point to the same memory location at runtime (may alias or may not alias). Pointer
analysis plays an important role in disproving data dependences in pointer-based lan-
guages like C and Java, as can be inferred by the large amount of research literature
describing its various forms [11]. Pointer analysis is further augmented by shape
analysis that tries to determine the form or “shape” of allocated data structures, dis-
ambiguating trees from linked lists, etc. For more details about flow-sensitive analysis
[6], field-sensitive analysis [12] and context-sensitive analysis [13], the interested
reader is referred to the relevant citations. More detailed discussion of shape analysis
and the logic used to describe data structures is also beyond the scope of this book
Both pointer and shape analysis, in their basic form, are not loop and array-element
sensitive; they do not disprove dependencies between statements accessing different
array elements that execute on different iterations of a loop (called inter-iteration or
loop-carried dependences). The main reason for this is that the complexity of main-
taining and propagating distinct points to sets for each array element on different
iterations of a loop is prohibitive in a pointer-based language like C. Inter-iteration
dependences are often those with which we are most concerned for our paralleliza-
tions. Furthermore, the prevalence of array-based loops in scientific programs has led
researchers to develop a separate class of dependence analysis called the array depen-
dence analysis [17–19]. Array dependence analysis expresses the array accesses in
a loop in the form of linear functions of the loop induction variables and then goes
on to express the conditions for the existence of dependences between these accesses
as an integer linear programming problem does not admit a feasible solution, then
it proves the absence of a dependence between the multiple iterations of a loop and
hence they can be executed in parallel. Although the solving of ILP in the general
case is NP-hard, there have been different kinds of tests like the GCD test and Baner-
jee test [17,20] that have been successfully applied for specific commonly occurring
cases. It should be noted that array dependence analysis is easier to apply in lan-
guages like FORTRAN 77 (which is traditionally the language of choice for scien-
tific computation) which have restrictive pointer aliasing than in languages like C and
Java where the use of dynamically allocated arrays and the use of pointer indirection
requires both pointer analysis and array dependence analysis in a single framework
to be effective [21].

9.2.3 Control Dependence Analysis Control Dependence Graph
A control dependence between two statements A and B can be defined using the
concept of post-dominance on the control flow graph. A node X in the control flow
graph is said to post-dominate a node Y in the graph if every path from node Y to an
exit node of the graph has to necessarily pass through X. For example, in control flow
graph Figure 9.2, node 5 post-dominates 1 but 4 does not post-dominate 1. Using the
208 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

2 3 4

FIGURE 9.4: Control dependence graph for Figure 9.1.

post-dominance relation, control dependences can easily be computed. A node B is

said to be control dependent on node A if:

• There exists a valid execution path p in the control flow graph from A to B

• B post-dominates every node C in p

• B does not post-dominate A

A control dependence graph is a graph G = (N, E) where N is the set of nodes

in the graph and E is the set of edges in the graph. There is one node representing
every statement in the program and an edge is created from A to B whenever B is
control dependent on A. The control dependence graph for the control flow graph of
Figure 9.2 is shown in Figure 9.4. Analysis
Ferrante et al. [22] give an algorithm for computing the control dependence edges
using the idea of dominance frontiers on the reverse control flow graph of a program.
In order to understand the term “dominance frontier,” we need to first define what
we mean by the term “dominance.” A node A is said to dominate a node B in a
control flow graph if every path from start node of the control flow graph to B has
to necessarily pass through A. It is not difficult to see that dominance is transitive,
which means that it is possible to arrange the nodes of a control flow graph in the
form of a dominator tree, where there is an edge from A to B (nodes are the nodes
of a control flow graph) if A is an immediate dominator of B (i.e., there is no other
node C such that A dominates C and C dominates B). For example, the dominator
tree for the control flow graph of Figure 9.1 is shown in Figure 9.5. The dominance
frontier of a node A in the control flow graph is defined as the set of all nodes X such
that A dominates a predecessor of X but not X itself. The iterated dominance frontier
of node A is the transitive closure of the dominance frontier relation for the node A.
The reverse control flow graph is the control flow graph of a program with its edges
reversed. Ferrante et al.’s algorithm constructs the dominance frontiers of every node
in the reverse control flow graph, which is the same as the post-dominance frontier
relation. For every node B in the post-dominance frontier of a node A, an edge from
B to A is created in the control dependence graph. For more details on the efficient
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 209


3 5

4 Exit

FIGURE 9.5: Dominator tree for Figure 9.1.

construction of control dependences, we refer the reader to the paper by Ferrante

et al. [22].

9.2.4 Program Dependence Graph

The program dependence graph (PDG) [22] is a single compiler intermediate rep-
resentation that represents both the data dependence and control dependence rela-
tion in a uniform manner. The program dependence graph of a program is a graph
G = (N, E), where N is the set of nodes and E is the set of edges in the graph. There
is one node for every statement in the program. There are two kinds of edges: con-
trol dependence edges and data dependence edges. The program dependence graph is
therefore the union of the data dependence graph and control dependence graph of a
program. For example, the program dependence graph corresponding to the program
in Figure 9.1 is shown in Figure 9.6.

9.3 DOALL Parallelization

9.3.1 Introduction
DOALL parallelization is one of the simplest ways to parallelize a loop. The
technique schedules each iteration of a loop for execution in parallel without any
communication between the iterations. In addition to the base transformation, this
section describes privatization, reduction, speculative DOALL, and other transfor-
mations that enable DOALL on a wide range of applications. These techniques are
highly effective in parallelizing code, which often exhibits the sorts of dependence
patterns that prevent DOALL parallelization.
210 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development


2 3 4


FIGURE 9.6: Program dependence graph for Figure 9.1. The data and control
dependence edges are marked D and C, respectively.

In DOALL parallelization, all iterations are executed simultaneously without any

synchronization. Therefore results can be wrong if any dependence edge exists
between iterations. Bernstein [23] described three conditions for two program blocks
i and j to be safely executed in parallel.
1. ReadSet(i) ∩ WriteSet(j) = 
2. WriteSet(i) ∩ ReadSet(j) = 
3. WriteSet(i) ∩ WriteSet(j) = 
If a loop iteration does not have any other loop exit condition except one that
depends on the loop induction variable, it can be considered as a program block, and
Bernstein’s conditions can be applied at the iteration level. The conditions can be
translated into the following dependence conditions that can be checked by a compiler
in dependence analysis. If a loop satisfies all conditions, the loop can be parallelized
in a DOALL manner.
1. No loop-carried WAR dependences
2. No loop-carried RAW dependences
3. No loop-carried WAW dependences
4. No loop-carried control dependences except the loop induction–based exit
Examples in Figure 9.7 cannot be parallelized using DOALL because they do not
satisfy the DOALL dependence conditions. Figure 9.7a violates the no loop-carried
WAR dependence condition because a[i−1] is read in an earlier iteration than when
it is written. If the loop is parallelized using DOALL, an updated a[i] can be read
when iteration i + 1 is executed before iteration i.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 211
int a[N], b[N]; int a[N], b[N];
for(i=1;i<N;i++){ for(i=0;i<N-1;i++){
a[i-1] = a[i]+b[i]; a[i+1] = a[i]+b[N];
} }
(a) (b)

int a[N], b[N]; int a[N], b[N], c[N];

int c; for(i=0;i<N;i++){
for(i=0;i<N;i++){ c[i] = a[i]+b[i];
c = a[i]+b[i]; if(a[i]>0) break;
} }
(c) (d)

FIGURE 9.7: Bad DOALL candidates. (a) WAR dependence. (b) RAW
dependence. (c) WAW dependence. (d) Loop exit condition.

Figure 9.7b violates the no loop-carried RAW dependence condition because a[i]
is written in the previous iteration. Like the previous case, if iteration i+1 is executed
before iteration i the old a[i + 1] value can be read.
Figure 9.7c violates the no loop-carried WAW dependence condition because two
different iterations write their results to the same location c. If this loop is parallelized
using DOALL and c is read after the loop, the wrong value can be read.
Figure 9.7d violates the loop exit condition. If the loop is parallelized using
DOALL, later iterations may be executed even though the loop should have exited
before iteration N.

9.3.2 Code Generation

The example in Figure 9.8a can be safely parallelized in a DOALL manner because
it satisfies all DOALL dependence conditions. To parallelize this loop using M threads,
first, a unique ID from 0 to M − 1 is assigned to each thread. This ID will be used for
a thread to select iterations to execute in the parallelized code. Second, the number
of iterations is divided into M groups. The iterations can be grouped based either on
modular value or range. In a modular value–based scheme, thread i executes itera-
tion j where i = j MOD N. In a range-based scheme, thread i executes iteration j
where j ∈ [i×N/M, (i + 1)×N/M). In general, range-based grouping shows better
performance than a modular-based grouping because it often has better cache local-
ity. The code in Figure 9.8b shows the parallelized code with range-based grouping,
and Figure 9.9 shows its execution model.
Even though DOALL can be applied to the example, the shown dependence con-
ditions are too strict for DOALL to be generally applicable. Fortunately, some depen-
dences can be ignored due to special conditions or by using certain transformations.
In Figure 9.10a, there are loop-carried WAW and WAR dependences on tmp so it
cannot be parallelized using DOALL because the wrong tmp value can be read after
for loop execution and tmp updated in a later iteration can be read. If tmp is not read
after the for loop, the loop-carried WAW dependence can be ignored. Liveness
212 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Sequential program variables:
int a[N], b[N], c[N], tid[M];

int a[N], b[N], c[N]; Parallel code:

for(i=0;i<N;i++){ void doall(int *tid){
c[i] = a[i]+b[i]; int id = *tid;
} for(i=id*N/M;i<(id+1)*N/M;i++){
c[i] = a[i]+b[i];
(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.8: DOALL example. (a) Original program. (b) Parallelized program.

Thread 1 Thread 2 ... Thread M

Iteration Iteration Iteration

[0, N/M) [N/M, 2N/M) [(M–1)N/M, N)

FIGURE 9.9: DOALL execution model.

analysis can tell whether a variable will be used later in the program execution. If tmp
is not live-out, the WAW dependence can be ignored. The WAR dependence can be
also ignored if tmp is privatized. Therefore, using liveness analysis and privatization,
this loop can be parallelized using DOALL as shown in Figure 9.10b. Note that since
tmp is a local variable in each thread, tmp is privatized.
In all of these cases, the intra-iteration dependences are inevitably respected as any
single iteration is executed on a single thread, and thus the compiler does not need to
handle these dependences.

9.3.3 Advanced Topic: Reduction

Summing the elements of an array is an operation that is common across many
programs. However, since there is a loop-carried dependence on the sum variable,
the loop cannot be parallelized by the DOALL technique directly. In this case, we
can use what is called a sum reduction to parallelize the operation. Reduction can
be applied not only to summing elements, but to all associative and commutative
operations, including multiplication, finding the maximum or minimum element in
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 213
Sequential program variables:
int a[N], b[N], c[N], d[N], tid[M];

int a[N], b[N], c[N];

int tmp; Parallel code:
for(i=0;i<N;i++){ void doall(int tid){
tmp = a[i]+b[i]; int id = tid;
d[i] = tmp*c[i]; int tmp;
} for(i=id*N/M;i<(id+1)*N/M;i++){
tmp = a[i]+b[i];
d[i] = tmp*c[i];
(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.10: DOALL example with WAW and WAR dependences. (a) Original
program. (b) Parallelized program.

int a[N], b[N], s[M];

int sum = 0;
int a[N], b[N]; s[j] = 0;
int sum = 0; }
for(i=0;i<N;i++){ L1: for(j=0;j<M;j++){
sum = sum + a[i]*b[i]; L2: for(i=j*N/M;i<(j+1)*N/M;i++){
} s[j] = s[j] + a[i]*b[i];
printf("sum: %d\n", sum); }
(a) }
sum = sum + s[j];
(b) printf("sum: %d\n", sum);

FIGURE 9.11: Reduction example. (a) Original program. (b) Parallelized


an array and counting the number of elements meeting some condition. These latter
two reductions are called as max/min reduction and count reduction [24].
We will take a dot product code in Figure 9.11a as an example for sum reduction.
As mentioned earlier, this loop cannot be parallelized with the DOALL technique
because there are loop-carried WAW and WAR dependences on sum. Add operations
are commutative and associative, and so we can actually perform any set of add oper-
ations in any order. What this means is that if the sum operations are divided into
several groups and then accumulate all partial-sums from the groups after computa-
tion, the correct result will be achieved. Therefore, this example can be changed into
code shown in Figure 9.11b.
214 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Partial-sums are initialized in the first loop, and they are calculated in each group in
the second loop. In the last loop, the final sum is calculated by accumulating sub-sum
results. Unlike the previous code, in this code, L1 can be parallelized using DOALL
because L2 loops for different j can be executed at the same time.

9.3.4 Advanced Topic: Speculative DOALL

As we have seen so far, DOALL parallelization can be applied to a wide range of
loops with the aid of some enabling transformations. However, it is common to insert
error-checking code in an otherwise DOALL parallelizable loop, as in the following
example (Figure 9.12a).
The loop in Figure 9.12a is almost exactly the same as in Section 9.3.2 except
that there is one conditional branch for error checking. This early-exit branch adds
inter-iteration dependence edges that prevent DOALL parallelization because we do
not know whether the next iteration is going to be executed or not depending on the
value of a[i] and b[i] in this iteration, though the early branch may never happen
at runtime.
The solution is to speculate this rarely occurring branch [25]. To enable DOALL
parallelization using speculation, a compiler first detects which dependences should
be speculated. In the example, the control dependences created by statement 2
happen atmost once per invocation, so they are good candidates for speculation. Spec-
ulating that this branch will not occur, the compiler must then insert code for detecting

int a[N], b[N], c[N];

1: for(i=0;i<N;i++){
2: if (a[i]<0 || b[i]<0) break;
3: c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

Thread 1: Thread 2:

for (i = N/2 ; i <N; i++) {

misspec = 0; if (misspec == 1){
for (i = 0; i< N/2; i++} { rollback();
if (a[i]<0 || b[i]<0) { break;
misspec = 1; }
break; if (a[i]<0 || b[i]<0)
} break;
c[i] = a[i] + b [i]; c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
} }
if (!misspec) send(thread1);

FIGURE 9.12: Speculative DOALL example. (a) Original program. (b) Paral-
lelized program.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 215

misspeculation into the loop to guarantee correctness. Misspeculation recovery func-

tionality is needed to recover if misspeculation occurs. This misspeculation detection
and recovery can be done either with hardware support, using something such as
transactional memory, or in software, with software transactional memory. The com-
piler can transform the original loop into the one in Figure 9.12b. All loop iterations
can now be executed speculatively in parallel.
Now, as before, we can spawn more threads to run the loop speculatively. If the
early exit condition is never satisfied, the loop will execute in parallel with no extra
cost. If there is an error in the input data and the loop does exit early, we will need
to recover from the misspeculation. This involves discarding all computation done
in later iterations (in our example, those done in thread 2) and restoring the values
originally in array c after the misspeculation takes place. There is a trade-off between
enabling more DOALL parallelism and the cost of misspeculation in real-world appli-
cations. A compiler can decide when and where to speculate a value or branch to
remove data or control dependences in the PDG at compile time.
In real-world programs, such as scientific applications, vector calculations are very
common and, in fact, often dominate. While many array and vector computations can
be parallelized in a DOALL fashion, it is also common to have bounds or threshold-
checking conditional branches as we saw in our simple example. As a practical exam-
ple, in a support vector machine program, the goal is to compute a division plan
that divides the dataset best. The computation loop finishes when the result is good
enough. That is when a certain threshold is reached. This rarely taken early-exit
branch inhibits a large amount of otherwise parallelizable code. With the speculative
DOALL technique, we can get the parallelism back with only one misspeculation.

9.3.5 Advanced Topic: Further Techniques and Transformations

While the DOALL technique and the extensions we have seen through reduction
and speculation are frequently useful in parallelization of scientific code (and occa-
sionally more general purpose programs), their utility is still severely limited by the
structure of the program constructed by the programmer. The structure may inhibit
parallelism entirely or it may simply make it unprofitable to parallelize in its cur-
rent form because the parallelized code must communicate and synchronize too fre-
quently. Fortunately, we have at our disposal a great number of ways to transform
the code in order to discover parallelism. We will discuss a few possible transforma-
tions here.
One technique, perhaps the simplest technique, that can be applied to make par-
allel execution more profitable is loop interchange [26]. As an example, let us look
at the code in Figure 9.13a. We can see fairly clearly, applying concepts from ear-
lier in this section, that the loop at statement 2 is immediately parallelizable by the
DOALL technique. In fact, ignoring the i indices that would remain constant across
an invocation of the loop, this is precisely the same as the loop seen at the beginning
of Section 9.3.2. However, in its current form, there is a dependence across iterations
of the outer loop (statement 1), which prohibits us from parallelizing the outer loop
and reducing communication.
216 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
1: for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
2: for (j = 0; j < M; j++) {
3: A[i+1][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j];
4: }
5: }

1: for (j = 0; j < M; j++) {

2: for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
3: A[i+1][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j];
4: }
5: }

FIGURE 9.13: Loop interchange. (a) Original loop. (b) Interchanged loop.

The loops, however, can be interchanged. That is, their order can be swapped with-
out changing the resultant array. If we make this interchange, we generate the code
seen in Figure 9.13b. In this transformed code, our dependence recurrence is now
across the inner loop while iterations of the outer loop fulfill our criteria for making
a successful DOALL parallelization. The benefit is that we no longer need to syn-
chronize and communicate results at the end of every invocation of the inner loop.
Instead, we can distribute iterations of the outer loop to different threads, thus com-
pleting each inner loop invocation on a different thread, and need only communicate
results once at the end.
Another useful loop transformation that can obtain DOALL parallelism in scien-
tific programs where none exists in its initial form is loop distribution. Loop distribu-
tion takes what is originally a single loop with multiple statements with inter-iteration
dependences and splits it into multiple loops where there are no inter-iteration depen-
dences. Let us take the code in Figure 9.14a as an example. As we can see, there is an
inter-iteration flow dependence on the array A. We cannot immediately use a DOALL
parallelization on our loop because of this dependence. However, we note that all of
the computations in statement 2 could be completed independently of the calcula-
tions in statement 3 (statement 2 does not depend on statement 3). Statement 3, in
fact, could wait and be executed after all calculations from statement 2 are executed.
The compiler, recognizing that statement 3 depends on statement 2 but that statement
2 has no loop-carried dependences, can distribute this loop.

1: for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { 1: for(i = 0; i < N; i++)

2: A[i] = A[i] + C[i]; 2: A[i] = A[i] + C[i];
3: B[i] = A[i - 1] + 10; 3: for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
4: } 4: B[i] = A[i - 1] + 10;
(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.14: Loop distribution. (a) Original loop. (b) Distributed loops.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 217

The code generated by distributing this loop is shown in Figure 9.14b. If we look at
this code, the statements in the first loop (statements 1 and 2) very closely resemble
our first DOALL example from Section 9.3.2; it is absolutely a good candidate for
the DOALL technique. The second loop now depends on the first loop but has no
loop-carried dependences. It, too, may be further transformed by the DOALL tech-
nique. By small changes to the code structure, the compiler is able to take one sequen-
tial loop and transform it into two perfect candidates for the DOALL technique.
A more detailed discussion of both loop interchange and loop distribution can be
found in various modern compiler texts such as the text by Allen and Kennedy [24].
While these two straightforward transformations are good examples of code trans-
formations that enable extraction of more parallelism with the DOALL technique
in scientific code, they are only samples of the vast toolbox of transformations that
enable further DOALL parallelism. We have seen a few other important transforma-
tions and techniques with privatization, reduction, and speculative DOALL. A few
others are worthy of mention here but cannot be covered in detail.
We have only covered a few techniques amongst many for creating parallelism
from non-parallel loops. Others include loop reversal and loop skewing. While the
loop transformation techniques discussed here unlock parallelism in well-nested loops,
imperfectly nested loops require other techniques to find parallelism. For this, we
may turn to multilevel loop fusion [27]. While these methods all unlock opportunities
for parallelism, we are generally at least as concerned with how we actually schedule
and distribute the workload. A technique called strip mining is useful in vectorization
techniques for packaging parallelism in the best manner for the hardware [28].
Finally, there is one technique that brings together many of these transformations
and techniques, including loop fusion and loop distribution amongst others, in order
to find parallelism. This transformation, called an affine transform, partitions code
into what are called affine partitions. Affine transforms are capable not only of gen-
erating parallelism that fits with the DOALL technique but can find parallelism in
array-based programs with any number of communications [29]. In fact, it can be
used to find pipeline parallelism as in DOPIPE, which will be discussed in detail
in Section 9.5. This makes DOALL among the most powerful transformations for
extracting parallelism from scientific code.

9.4 DOACROSS Parallelization

9.4.1 Introduction
In the previous section, we introduced DOALL parallelization. DOALL scales very
well with the number of iterations in a loop; however, its applicability is limited by the
existence of loop-carried dependences. In this section, we will introduce DOACROSS
parallelization that is able to exploit parallelism in loops with cross iteration depen-
dences. In advanced topics, we will describe how speculation is employed in
DOACROSS to enable more parallelism. Thread-level speculation (TLS) will be
218 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

introduced as a widely recognized example, and the TLS technique known as specu-
lative parallel iteration chunk execution (Spice) will be discussed.
DOACROSS schedules each iteration on a processor with synchronization added to
enforce cross-iteration dependences. In Section 9.2, we saw in Figure 9.1 a loop that
contained loop-carried dependences. The corresponding program dependence graph
was formed in Figure 9.6. If we assign different iterations of the loop onto different
cores, synchronizations are communicated between different cores. As we saw with
DOALL (Section 9.3), since a single iteration is executed on a single thread, we will
inevitably respect the intra-thread anti-dependences as ignored in Figure 9.15a shows
the DOACROSS execution model for this loop. As one iteration is executed on a
single thread, the intra-iteration dependences are ignored in the figure.
In Figure 9.15a, we assume that the inter-core communication latency is only 1
cycle and we are able to achieve a speedup of 2× over single-threaded execution.
However, since synchronizations between different cores are put on the critical path,
DOACRORSS is quite sensitive to the communication latency. If we increase the
communication latency to 2 cycles, as seen in Figure 9.15b, it now takes DOACROSS

Core 1 Core 2

Core 1 Core 2 1
0 4.1
1.1 2

1 2.1
4.1 3

2 3.1 1.2
2.1 1.2 4

3 4.2
3.1 4.2 5

4 2.2
1.3 2.2
5 1.3 3.2
4.3 3.2

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.15: DOACROSS example. (a) DOACROSS with latency = 1 cycle. (b)
DOACROSS with latency = 2 cycles.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 219

3 cycles instead of 2 to finish a certain iteration. So, inefficient implementation of

inter-processor communication can greatly reduce the benefit of parallel execution.

9.4.2 Code Generation

To do a DOACROSS transformation, the loop-carried dependence graph is con-
structed first and then the synchronization instructions are inserted into the loop to
enforce the dependences.
Different synchronization schemes have been proposed in previous work. Some
work has proposed compiler algorithms that insert special synchronization instructions
into DOACROSS loops [30]. Another example computes the access orders of each
data element at compile time and then inserts data synchronization instructions to
enforce those dependences [31]. Other research has taken aim at distributed shared-
memory multiprocessors [32]. It uses direct communication and a static message
passing method. It proposes compiler algorithms to generate communication primitives
for DOACROSS loops. The primitives use the nearest shared memory (NeSM) as
communication buffers to eliminate major inter-processor communication overhead.
DOACROSS code generation depends on the synchronization scheme. Here, we
take the algorithm proposed by Midkiff and Padua [30] as an example. In the loop
shown in Figure 9.16.
The only cross-iteration dependence exists from statement 2 to statement 1. Before
statement 1 in iteration i can execute, it needs to make sure that statement 2 in
iteration i-2 has already finished execution.
To enforce the dependence, synchronization instructions will be inserted into the
loop. Here we use synchronization instructions test and testset. The semantics of these
two instructions are

• test (R, ): R is the variable to be tested and  is the dependence distance. R
is shared by all of the threads and it is always equal to the number of iterations
that have finished. The test instruction does not complete execution until the
value of the variable is at least equal to the number of the iteration containing
the source of the dependence being synchronized. In other words, test (R, )
in iteration i will keep executing until value of R becomes at least i − .
• testset (R): testset checks whether the testset in the previous iteration has
finished or not. If it has, then testset updates the R value to the present iteration

After transformation, the original loop becomes the one in Figure 9.17.

for (i=0; i<N; i++) {

1: A[i] = B[i-2] + C[i];
2: B[i] = A[i] + D[i];

FIGURE 9.16: Original program.

220 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
doacross I = 1, N
test(R, 2)
1: A[I] = B[I-2] + C[I];
2: B[I] = A[I] + D[I];
end doacross

FIGURE 9.17: Loop after DOACROSS transformation.

Here, test (R, 2) makes sure that before statement 1 can execute in the present
iteration i, iteration 1, 2 has already finished executing because only after that will
the value R be set to the iteration number by instruction testset (R). Now different
iterations can be run in parallel on different cores.

9.4.3 Advanced Topic: Speculation

The algorithms introduced earlier depend on the accurate detection of dependence
distances across iterations. However, for more general-purpose programs, depen-
dences can be ambiguous. To reduce the communication amount between processors,
speculation is necessary.
In a DOACROSS-style parallelization, we speculatively execute iterations in paral-
lel as if there are no loop-carried dependences. This is called Thread-level speculation
(TLS). There are two common speculations:
1. Memory alias speculation: This assumes that loads in later iterations do not
conflict with stores in the earlier iterations. If the speculation turns out to be
false due to dependences between the iterations, the speculatively executed
iterations are squashed and restarted. As long as the conflict between loads
and stores in different iterations are infrequent, performance does not suffer. If
the dependences between loop iterations manifest frequently, alias speculation
suffers from high misspeculation rates, causing a slowdown when compared
with single-threaded execution. This can be overcome by synchronizing those
store-load pairs that conflict frequently.
2. Value prediction: This uses value predictors to predict the live-ins for future iter-
ations and speculatively executes the future iterations with these predicted val-
ues. Different value prediction techniques, such as last value predictors, stride
predictors, and trace-based predictors have been proposed. Some common uses
of value speculation are biased branch speculation (which speculates that a con-
dition for a branch is unlikely to be met), load prediction (which predicts what
value will be loaded), and silent store speculation (which speculates that the
store will not actually change the existing value).
Another type of speculation called memory value speculation combines elements
of both of the aforementioned speculation types by speculating upon the value read
from memory at a certain point, without specific regard to the memory location from
which it is read.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 221

1: while(node) {
2: ncost = calc(node);
3: cost += ncost;
4: if (cost > T)
5: break;
6: node = node->next;
7: }

FIGURE 9.18: Example for TLS.

Architecture support is used for misspeculation detection and recovery. First, we

need hardware support to detect if a store and load actually conflict during execution.
Second, if misspeculation happens, any changes to architectural state made by the
speculative thread must be undone. Undoing changes to register state requires saving
and restoring some register values, which can be done in software. Undoing changes
to memory requires special support such as hardware transactional memory or other
memory systems that buffer speculative state and discard it on misspeculation.
Next, we will give an example to show how TLS parallelizes a loop (Figure 9.18)
with loop-carried dependences.
According to the PDG in Figure 9.19 for this example code, there are two loop-
carried dependences. The first one is sourced by statement 4, which decides whether
the loop should exit or not. The second one is in statement 6, which provides the node
value for the next iteration. As for the dependence sourced by statement 3, since cost
is a reduction variable, sum reduction that is mentioned in Section 9.3.3 can be used
to resolve the dependence.
In order to delete all of the loop-carried dependences, we need to speculate

1. The value of cost is always less or equal to the value of T, which means the
branch in statement 4 is not taken.
2. The values of nodes are the same in different invocations of the loop, which
means we can use the node value in former invocations to predict the node
value in the present invocation.

2 3 4 5 6

FIGURE 9.19: PDG for example loop.

222 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

2 3 4 5 6

FIGURE 9.20: PDG after speculation.

Thread 1:

mispred = 1; Thread 2:
while(node) {
ncost = calc(node); node = predicted_node;
cost += ncost; cost = 0;
if (cost > T) while(node) {
break; ncost = calc(node);
node = node->next; cost += ncost;
if (node == predicted_node) { if (cost > T)
mispred = 0; break;
break; node = node->next;
} }
} send(thread1, cost);
if (!mispred) {
receive(thread2, cost2);
cost += cost2;

FIGURE 9.21: Parallel code after TLS.

Figure 9.20 shows the PDG after speculation. The dashed lines mark the depen-
dences having been speculated out. Now if we have two threads, we will transform
the example code into the code seen in Figure 9.21.
Examining this code, the reader may have one significant question: how do we get
this value for “predicted node” used by thread 2 as a starting position? One possi-
ble answer is a technique known as speculative parallel iteration chunk execution
(Spice) [33]. Spice determines which loop-carried live-ins require value prediction.
It then inserts code to gather values to be predicted. On the first invocation of the
loop, it collects the values—in our case, this is a pointer to a location somewhere in
the middle of our list. Since many loops in practice are invoked many times, the next
invocation can then speculate that the same value will be used. In this case, so long
as the predicted node was not removed from the list (even if nodes around it were
removed), our speculation will succeed.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 223

Since we have two threads here, only one node value needs to be predicted. Thread
1 is executed nonspeculatively. It keeps executing until the node value is equal to the
predicted node value for thread 2. If that happens, it means there is no misspeculation,
and the result from thread 2 can be combined with the result in thread 1. However, if
the node value in thread 1 is never equal to the predicted value, thread 1 will execute
all of the iterations and a misspeculation will be detected in the end. When misspec-
ulation happens, all the writes to registers and memory made by thread 2 must be
undone and the result of thread 2 is discarded.
There has been a great deal of work done with TLS techniques beyond what has
been demonstrated in this section, beyond what could possibly be covered in this
chapter. Some efforts have investigated hardware support and design for TLS tech-
niques as with Stanford’s Hydra Core Multiprocessor (CMP) [34], among many oth-
ers [35–39]. Other TLS works have investigated software support for these techniques
[14,32]. Bhowmik and Franklin investigate a general compiler framework for TLS
techniques [42]. Other work by Kim and Yeung examines compiler algorithms [43].
Work by Johnson et al. examines program decomposition [44]. Further work by Zilles
and Sohi examines a TLS technique involving master/slave speculation [45]. Readers
who are interested are directed to these publications for more information about the
numerous TLS techniques and support systems.

9.5 Pipeline Parallelization

9.5.1 Introduction
In previous sections, we have shown how DOALL and DOACROSS paralleliza-
tion techniques are able to extract parallelism from sequential loops. In this section,
we will introduce a new method called pipeline parallelization and demonstrate how
speculation enables more pipeline parallelization.
A pipeline is a chain of processing elements, such as instructions, arranged in a way
that each earlier element produces the input that will be used by a later element. Some-
times buffering is needed to communicate between two elements. The first pipeline
parallelization technique proposed was DOPIPE. It was initially proposed alongside
DOACROSS to parallelize scientific code with recurrences [46]. DOPIPE splits the
original loop into several stages and spreads them among multiple threads. The num-
ber of threads are fixed at runtime. The dependences among all threads are forced to
be unidirectional, which means no cyclic cross-thread dependences.
Decoupled software pipelining (DSWP) [47] is a technique proposed recently that
partitions the code into several stages and executes them in a pipelined fashion. Like
DOPIPE, communication is restricted to be unidirectional—from an earlier stage to a
later stage in the pipeline only. DSWP differs from DOPIPE in that (1) DSWP targets
general-purpose programs instead of scientific code and (2) DSWP uses communi-
cation queues for inter-thread communication. In this book, we will focus on DSWP
as a state-of-the-art general-purpose pipeline parallelization technique. Figure 9.22b
shows the execution model of DSWP.
224 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Core 1 Core 2

Core 1 Core 2 1.1

0 1
1.1 4.1
1.2 2.1
3 4.2 3.1
3.1 1.2 4
4 2.2
4.2 5
4.3 3.2
2.2 6
3.2 1.4 2.3
7 7

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.22: DOACROSS versus DSWP with communication latency. (a)

DOACROSS with latency = 2 cycles. (b) DSWP with latency = 2 cycles.

Pipeline parallelization relies on the loop containing pipelineable stages. That is,
DSWP works only if the loop can be split into several stages that do not form cyclic
dependences in the PDG. The example code shown in Section 9.4.2 will not be a
good candidate for DSWP since the two instructions contained in the loop form a
cyclic data dependence. Therefore DSWP does have the same universal applicabil-
ity as DOACROSS. However, DSWP is not as sensitive to communication cost as
DOACROSS because the execution of the next iteration overlaps with communication.
Communication latency only affects performance as a one-time cost. Therefore,
pipeline parallelization is more latency tolerant than the DOACROSS technique. In
Figure 9.15, we saw that DOACROSS performs poorly when the communication
latency is high. DSWP allows overlapping of communication with execution of the
same stage in the next iteration to hide the latency, as shown in Figure 9.22.

9.5.2 Code Partitioning

Let us again revisit the linked list traversal loop example in Figure 9.1 from the
analysis section (Section 9.2).
The PDG of this loop in Figure 9.1 is seen in Figure 9.6. For purposes of further
discussion, we will omit self-dependence edges—each statement in a partition will
be entirely within a single partition, so these edges will inevitably be respected.
To split the loop, DSWP creates an acyclic thread dependence graph based on PDG.
It first identifies strongly connected components (SCCs) in the PDG. SCC is a directed
subgraph of PDG, in which there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex in
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 225

1 1

2 3 4 2 3 4

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.23: DSWP code partitioning. (a) DAGSCC of sample loop. (b) DAGSCC

the graph. If each of the SCCs is contracted to a single vertex, the result graph is
transformed to a graph that consists of only SCCs, called DAGSCC as in Figure 9.23a.
After that, DAGSCC is partitioned into a fixed number of threads while making sure
that there is no cyclic inter-thread dependences (see Figure 9.23b). In this example,
instructions 1 and 4 form an SCC that cannot be split. They have to be put on the
same stage in pipeline; otherwise we will have cyclic inter-thread dependence. It is
usually common to have more than one partition potentially available. Heuristics are
used to guide the choice of the most appropriate partition to generate a pipeline that
balances workloads and minimizes communication cost [48].

9.5.3 Code Generation

Now that we have the code partition, the next step is to generate the parallel code for
the parallel threads to execute. Our example DSWP parallelization of this loop splits
the loop into two slices: one linked list traversal thread and one computation thread,
as shown in Figure 9.24a and b, respectively. The produce function enqueues the
pointer into a communication queue, and the consume function dequeues one element
(a pointer) from the queue. In this way, we communicate dependences forward in
the pipeline; the isolation of thread-local variables in conjunction with this forward
communication of intra-iteration dependences allows us to ignore intra-iteration anti-
dependences when partitioning. If the queue is full when produce function is called,
the produce will be blocked and will wait for an empty slot; if the queue is empty
when consume function is called, that consuming thread will be blocked to wait on
more data.

while (node) { while (node=consume(queue)) {

produce (node, queue); ncost = calc(node);
node = node->next; cost += ncost;
} }
(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.24: DSWP partitioned code. (a) Produce thread. (b) Consume
226 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

This DSWP parallelization decouples the execution of the two code slices and
allows the code execution to overlap with the inter-thread communication. Further-
more, the loop is split into smaller slices so that the program can make better use of
cache locality.

9.5.4 Advanced Topic: Speculation

In the case of DOACROSS and DOALL parallelization, we saw that applicabil-
ity was limited considerably by inter-iteration dependences and may alias relations
that could not be disproved at compile time. Through speculation as seen in Sec-
tion 9.4.3, the applicability of DOACROSS parallelization is greatly improved in
instances where cost of misspeculation detection and misspeculation recovery time
can be kept relatively low in cases where frequency of misspeculation remains low.
The case for speculation in pipeline parallelization is similar. One typical case is
that of a conditional branch for an error condition. Such a branch may be rarely taken,
and may in fact never manifest in normal execution, but it can introduce a dependence
recurrence. Consider the loop in Figure 9.25, a loop that is exactly the same as the
loop examined in previous sections on pipeline parallelism except that it introduces
an early exit condition if the computed cost exceeds a threshold.
As an example throughout this section, we will refer to the code in Figure 9.25.
The PDG formed by this code is shown in Figure 9.26 and is clearly not partition-
able by DSWP as described previously. However, were we able to remove some of
these edges like the early loop exit, we can remove the dependence recurrence created
by the introduction of this condition, break some SCCs, and achieve a DSWP-style

1: while(node) {
2: ncost = calc(node);
3: cost += ncost;
4: if (cost > T)
5: break;
6: node = node->next;
7: }

FIGURE 9.25: Pipeline speculation code example.

2 3 4 5 6

FIGURE 9.26: PDG for Figure 9.25.

Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 227

pipeline parallelization. This example demonstrates the usefulness of speculation, but

leaves two important questions:
1. How do we select and break dependences to break recurrences?
2. How do we recover from incorrect speculation?
We will answer these questions in terms of the most common speculative pipeline
parallelism technique, SpecDSWP [49]. The answer to the first question is in part
the same answer as it was in the previous section on speculation in DOACROSS
(Section 9.4.3). Possible types of speculation are the same as those seen previously.
As review, these can include:
1. Value speculation—using a predicted value instead of actual value; includes
biased branch speculation, load prediction, and silent store.
2. Memory alias speculation—speculating that two memory operations, one of
which is a write, will not access the same memory location.
3. Memory value speculation—combining elements of both of the aforementioned
and speculating that a value read from memory will be the same regardless of
the memory location from which it is read.
There are, however, important differences. The most integral difference lies in
the fact that TLS techniques generally speculate only on loop-carried dependences
as their goal is to reduce inter-thread communication. Meanwhile, pipeline paral-
lelization, which does not focus on reducing inter-thread latency, instead looks to
remove dependence recurrences. Speculating such recurrences breaks large SCCs and
reduces the size of pipeline stages, a desirable result for pipeline parallelism. This dif-
ference of focus allows speculation on any dependence that will break an SCC. Since
loop-carried dependences may not be easily speculatable while another dependence
along the cycle may be, the compiler has increased flexibility when selecting which
edges to speculate.
The fact that speculation in pipeline parallelizations can be intra-iteration specula-
tion has other implications. Unlike DOACROSS speculation techniques, no iteration
executes nonspeculatively. The resultant work is committed when all stages of the
pipeline have completed without misspeculation. The iterations must be guaranteed
to commit in proper order.
Though it is now clear that it is desirable to select dependence edges to speculate
which will remove a recurrence with the least likelihood of causing excessive mis-
speculation, the question of how to select these dependences remains. Limiting the
likelihood of excessive misspeculation can be done using profiling.∗ Loop-sensitive
profiling provides even better information to a compiler looking to limit misspec-
ulation [50]. Representative loop-sensitive profiling information can indicate rarely

∗ Profiling involves instrumenting the original code with a code to collect data at run time. The instru-
mented code is then compiled and run on representative sets of data. Information collected from the
instrumented code can be used as a supplement for analysis as it provides information that may not be
determined practically (or at all) by static analysis.
228 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

2 3 4 5 6

FIGURE 9.27: Prospectively speculated dependences for Figure 9.26.

taken control edges, possible memory aliases that rarely or never manifest, and opera-
tions that frequently return the same result. If profiling information is not available, it
has been found that early loop exit branches are often good candidates for speculation
as loops generally execute many times before exiting in practice.
In the example in Figure 9.25, let us assume we know that the early exit for cost
greater than a threshold (cost > T) is rarely taken and thus a good candidate for
speculation. We will also assume that the exit due to a null node is also rarely taken
(profiling reveals we have long lists) and thus a possible candidate for speculation as
well. We see in Figure 9.27 the dashed lines representing the candidates for speculated
The second issue in selecting dependences is actually choosing dependences that
break a recurrence. It may be, and in fact often is, the case that it is necessary to specu-
late more than one dependence in order to break a recurrence. Ideally, one would want
to consider speculating all sets of dependences. Unfortunately, exponentially many
dependence sets exist and so a heuristic solution is necessary. In SpecDSWP, this is
handled in a multistep manner. After determining which edges are easily speculat-
able, all of these edges are prospectively removed. The PDG is then partitioned in the
same manner as in DSWP with these edges removed. Edges that have been prospec-
tively removed and would break an inter-thread recurrence that originates later in
the pipeline become speculated. Other edges that do not fit these criteria are effec-
tively returned to the PDG. That is, the dependences are respected and not actually
In the example as seen in Figure 9.28, we see that DSWP partitioning algorithm
has elected to place nodes 1 and 6 on a thread, statement 2 on a thread, and state-
ments 3, 4, and 5 on a thread. Using this partitioning, it is clear that speculating the
dependences on the early exit due to cost exceeding a threshold (outbound edges
from 4) is necessary. However, edges speculated due to a null node do not break any
inter-thread recurrences. These dependences, therefore, will not be speculated.
Though the previous paragraphs describe what is necessary to select dependences
to speculate, the question of how to check for misspeculation must still be resolved.
This is partly a problem of code generation and partly a problem of support systems.
Unlike speculation in DOACROSS techniques (i.e., TLS), every iteration is specu-
lative and no single thread executes a whole iteration. This means that there must
be some commit unit to guarantee a proper order of commit and handle recovery.
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 229

2 3 4 5 6

FIGURE 9.28: Partitioned PDG for Figure 9.25.

while (TRUE) {
while (TRUE) { ncost = consume();
while (node) { node = consume(); cost += ncost;
node = node->next; ncost = calc(node); if (cost > T)
produce(node); produce(ncost); FLAG_MISSPECULATION();
} } }

Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3

FIGURE 9.29: Parallelized code from Figure 9.25.

Furthermore, the memory system must allow multiple threads to execute inside the
same iteration at one time. The system must check for proper speculation across all the
threads in the same iteration before it can be committed. These checks for misspecu-
lation may either be inserted into the code by the compiler or handled in a hardware
memory system. SpecDSWP handles most speculation types by inserting checks to
flag misspeculation. The noteworthy exception is the case of memory alias specula-
tion where the memory system is left to detect cases where a memory alias did exist.
In our example, we will insert code to flag misspeculation if we have, in fact, mis-
speculated. We will place this misspeculation flagging code when we can determine
if misspeculation has occurred; this will be in the final thread. Three threads will be
generated from the partitioned PDG in the same way as DSWP. The code generated
is shown in Figure 9.29.
In all cases, the final requirement is a method by which speculative state can be
buffered prior to commit and a unit to commit nonspeculative state. When misspec-
ulation is signaled, the nonspeculative state must be recovered and the work must
be recomputed. Version memory systems [51] that allow multiple threads to operate
on a given version and commit only when the version has been completed and well
speculated have been proposed in hardware and in software but will not be discussed
The considerations made in this section can be summarized as a step-by-step
procedure. In this case, we can break the overall procedure here into six steps:
1. Build the PDG for the loop to be parallelized.
2. Select the dependence edges to speculate.
230 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

3. Remove the selected edges from the PDG.

4. Apply the DSWP transformation to the PDG without speculated edges.
5. Insert code necessary to detect misspeculation for dependences to be specu-
6. Insert code for recovery from misspeculation.

A more detailed explanation of these steps can be found in work by

Vachharajani [51].

9.6 Bringing It All Together

In the last three sections, we have seen a variety of techniques that may be used
to take advantage of parallelizable sequential code. We saw a highly scalable tech-
nique in DOALL, a universally applicable technique in DOACROSS, and a widely
applicable, latency-tolerant technique in pipelined parallelism with DSWP. We have
also seen the use of speculation to increase opportunities for parallelism. In this sec-
tion, we bring together some of the best aspects of these techniques in the form of
a technique called Speculative Parallel Stage Decoupled Software Pipelining (Spec-
Spec-PS-DSWP is based on the pipelining execution model of DSWP with the
use of speculation to break recurrences as in SpecDSWP and combines them with an
idea that partially mirrors DOALL by replicating stages that can be executed indepen-
dently. The result is a highly applicable technique that is latency tolerant and highly
scalable. We refer to the code example in Figure 9.30 to demonstrate how we can
bring all of these elements together.
If pointer p is local to each iteration and analysis can determine that the inner lists
traversed using p do not alias with the outer list traversed using node, the compiler
can build the PDG shown in Figure 9.31a.
Examining the code, there are control dependences emanating from the early loop
exit condition in the inner loop that create a dependence recurrence much as we saw

1: while(node) {
2: p = node->list; // ’p’ is iteration local
3: while(p) {
4: if (p->val == 0) exit();
5: p->val++;
6: p = p->next;
7: node = node->next;

FIGURE 9.30: Code example for Spec-PS-DSWP.

Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 231

1 7
1 7

3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6

(a) (b)

FIGURE 9.31: PDG of sample code (a) before partitioning and (b) after

in Section 9.5.4. With this control dependence removed via speculation, the compiler
can create a two-stage pipeline as before. Figure 9.31b shows the partitioned PDG.
However, the second stage is likely to be much longer than the first stage—it con-
tains a whole linked-list traversal of its own. This imbalance greatly diminishes the
gains from a SpecDSWP parallelization. The fix for this is related to the concept of
independence we saw before with DOALL in Section 9.3. Note that the invocations of
the inner loop (lines 3–6) are independent of one another, if memory analysis proves
that each invocation of the inner loop accesses different linked lists. This stage could
be replicated and all invocations of this loop could be executed in parallel. This par-
allel stage can be executed in parallel on many cores and can be fed with the nodes
found in the first sequential stage of the pipeline, as shown in Figure 9.32. The paral-
lel stages threads need not communicate with each other, just as DOALL threads need
not communicate with each other. Their only common link is the first DSWP pipeline
stage. Because the parallel stage can be replicated many times, Spec-PS-DSWP is a
highly scalable technique, achieving better speedup as the number of cores increases.

Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4



S1.3 S2.1



FIGURE 9.32: Execution model of Spec-PS-DSWP.

232 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

9.7 Conclusion
Single-threaded programs cannot make use of the additional cores on a multicore
machine. Thread-level parallelism (TLP) must be extracted from programs to achieve
meaningful performance gains. Automatic parallelization techniques that extract
threads from single-threaded programs expressed in the sequential programming
model relieve the programmer of the burden of identifying the parallelism in the
application and orchestrating the parallel execution on different generations of target
architectures. This solution appears even more appealing in the face of immense pro-
grammer productivity loss due to the limited tools to write, debug, and performance-
optimize multi-threaded programs. Automatic parallelization promises to allow the
programmer to focus attention on developing innovative applications and providing
a richer end-user experience, rather than on optimizing the performance of a piece of
Automatic parallelization techniques focus on extracting loop-level parallelism.
Executing each iteration of a loop concurrently with others (DOALL) is a highly
scalable strategy, but few general-purpose loops have dependence patterns amenable
to such execution. In the face of loop-carried dependences, alternative schemes such
as DOACROSS and DSWP have been developed. Like DOALL, DOACROSS sched-
ules independent iterations for concurrent execution while synchronizing dependent
iterations. However, DOACROSS puts the inter-thread communication latency on
the critical path as seen in Figure 9.15. DSWP addresses this problem by partition-
ing the loop body in such a way as to keep dependence recurrences local to a thread
and communicate only off-critical path dependences in a unidirectional pipeline as in
Figure 9.22. However, DSWP’s scalability is restricted by the balance among, and the
number of, pipeline stages. PSDSWP [52] addresses this issue: It combines the appli-
cability of DSWP with the scalability of DOALL by replicating a large pipeline stage
across multiple threads, provided the stage has no loop-carried dependences with
respect to the loop being parallelized. All of these techniques depend on compile-time
dependence analyses that, unfortunately, become very complicated on programs that
exhibit complex memory access patterns. Worse yet, some dependences can be dis-
covered only at runtime. Speculative execution has been proposed to overcome these
limitations. Thread-level speculation (TLS) techniques allow the compiler to opti-
mistically ignore statically ambiguous dependences, by relying on a runtime system
to detect misspeculation and resume execution from a nonspeculative program state.
Historically, automatic parallelization was successful primarily in the numeric and
scientific domains on well-behaved, regular programs written in Fortran-like lan-
guages [53,54]. The techniques discussed in this chapter expand the scope of auto-
matic parallelization by successfully extracting parallelism from general-purpose
programs, such as those from the SPEC benchmark suite, written in Fortran, C, C++,
or Java [4,37,55–58].
In order to speed up a wider range of applications, a modern auto-parallelizing
compiler must possess an arsenal of parallelization techniques and optimizations.
DSWP and its extensions, SpecDSWP and PSDSWP, have proven to be robust and
Automatic Extraction of Parallelism from Sequential Code 233

scalable and will form an integral part of the arsenal. Traditional data-flow analyses to
compute register and control dependences and state-of-the-art memory dependence
analyses will be needed to statically disprove as many dependences as possible. Addi-
tionally, to be able to target loops at any level in the program, from innermost to out-
ermost, it is necessary that all analyses and techniques have interprocedural scope.
Speculation, synchronization placement, and other optimizations require accurate
loop-aware profile information. Branch profilers, silent store value profilers, memory
alias profilers, etc., will all be part of the compilation framework. To support specula-
tion, runtime support either in software or hardware will be necessary. This layer will
be responsible for detecting misspeculation (the checks may be inserted at compile
time) and rolling back program state. In summary, such a tool-chain will allow a soft-
ware developer to continue developing in a sequential programming model using the
robust development environments of today while still obtaining scalable performance
on the multicore and manycore architectures of tomorrow.
Future parallelization systems must be capable of dynamically adapting the com-
piled application to the underlying hardware and the execution environment. Instead
of complicating the static optimization phase and incorporating all possible dynamic
scenarios, a better solution is to assume a generic runtime configuration and perform
aggressive optimizations statically while simultaneously embedding useful metadata
(hints) into the binary. A runtime system can then use this metadata to adapt the code
to the underlying operating environment. Adaptation to resource constraints, execu-
tion phases in the application, and dynamic dependence patterns will be necessary.
As the number of cores on a processor grows, one or more cores may be dedicated
to the tasks of collecting profile information and performing dynamic program trans-
formation. To reduce the overheads of speculation and profiling, significant advances
in memory dependence analysis must be made to inform the compiler that some
dependences do not exist and hence need not be profiled and speculated. Research
in memory shape analysis [14–16] promises to be an interesting avenue to address
this issue.
Automatic thread extraction will not be restricted just to sequential programs; as
many parallel programs have been and will continue to be written, individual threads
of these programs must be further parallelized if they are to truly scale to hundreds
of cores. Furthermore, just as modern optimizing ILP compilers include a suite of
optimizations with many of them interacting in a synergistic fashion, so must the var-
ious parallelization techniques be applied synergistically, perhaps hierarchically, at
multiple levels of loop nesting, to extract maximal parallelism across a wide
spectrum of applications.

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Chapter 10
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application

Christoph A. Schaefer, Victor Pankratius, and Walter F. Tichy


10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

10.2 Motivating Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
10.3 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
10.3.1 Auto-Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
10.3.2 Classification of Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
10.4 Overview of the Tunable Architectures Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
10.5 Designing Tunable Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
10.5.1 Tunable Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Atomic Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Runtime System and Backend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 A Tunable Architecture Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
10.5.2 CO2 P3 S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
10.5.3 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
10.6 Implementation with Tuning Instrumentation Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
10.6.1 Atune-IL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
10.6.2 X-Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
10.6.3 POET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
10.6.4 Orio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
10.6.5 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
10.7 Performance Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
10.7.1 Auto-Tuning Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
10.7.2 Search Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
10.7.3 Auto-Tuning Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Atune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 ATLAS/AEOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Active Harmony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Model-Based Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
10.7.4 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
10.8 Conclusion and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

240 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

10.1 Introduction
Software needs to be parallelized to exploit the performance potential of multi-
core chips. Unfortunately, parallelization is difficult and often leads to disappoint-
ing results. A myriad of parameters such as choice of algorithms, number of threads,
size of data partitions, number of pipeline stages, load balancing technique, and other
issues influence parallel application performance. It is difficult for programmers to set
these parameters correctly. Moreover, satisfactory choices vary from platform to plat-
form: Programs optimized for a particular platform may have to be retuned for others.
Given the number of parameters and the growing diversity of multicore architectures,
a manual search for satisfactory parameter configurations is impractical. This chapter
presents a set of techniques that find near-optimal parameter settings automatically,
by repeatedly executing applications with different parameter settings and searching
for the best choices. This process is called auto-tuning.

10.2 Motivating Example

Figure 10.1 sketches the architecture of a commercial chemical data analysis appli-
cation. The architecture consists of three nested parallel layers. The first layer (pipeline
layer) is a software pipeline. Each one of the four stages runs in parallel. Stages 2
and 3 of the pipeline themselves contain several parallel modules (module layer).
Modules M1 to M10 implement different algorithms that execute in an order deter-
mined by data dependencies. On the third level, each module itself employs data
parallelism (data layer).
Not only is this architecture complicated, it also requires fine-tuning. At the upper
two levels, an important tuning issue is whether to use individual threads for every
pipeline stage, or whether to fuse some of the stages in order to avoid buffering and
synchronization overheads. Conversely, if certain stages turn out to be bottlenecks, it
might pay to replicate these stages. At the lowest level, relevant tuning issues are how
far to partition the data, how many threads to use, and how to balance the work. The
best choice for all of these parameters depends on the relative speeds and scalability
of the various modules, number of available processor cores, presence and efficiency
of hyper-threading, cache performance, memory bandwidth, I/O performance, and
other considerations. Obviously, making these choices involves trial and error.
Automatic performance tuning (auto-tuning) can help here. Auto-tuning not only
finds near-optimal configurations, but also makes applications performance-portable.
Moreover, maintenance work is reduced, because re-tuning is automated.
Is auto-tuning worth the effort? For the chemical analysis application discussed
earlier, the difference in runtime between best and worst configuration is a factor of
2.4, for an overall speedup of 3.1 on eight processors. Examples later in this chapter
show improvements of factors of four to five by auto-tuning. Auto-tuning is a major
contributor to speedups. Given the many performance-critical tuning parameters, it
may become indispensable for complex parallel programs [22,25].
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 241

Result data
Input data

Pipeline layer
1 2
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4


3 M4 M5 M6

Module layer
processing M7 M8 processing



Data layer
4 Input bin 1 (instance 1) bin 1


Result data
M10 Result

Input bin 2 (instance 2) bin 2

M10 Result
Input bin m (instance m) bin m

FIGURE 10.1: Architecture outline of a parallel chemical data analysis applica-

tion. The most important tuning parameters are: (1) Data-parallel/sequential stages,
(2) number of stages, (3) choice of algorithms, (4) size of data partitions, (5) load
balancing strategy, and (6) number of algorithm instances.

In the past, most auto-tuning work has focused on the properties of numerical appli-
cations [7,29]. The methods applied are highly specialized and require significant pro-
gramming effort to prepare applications for tuning. We present a broader approach
that tunes general-purpose applications. This approach is highly automated, requiring
merely a short specification of the parallel architecture of the application to be tuned.
All tuning-related code is generated automatically or supplied by libraries. Of course,
the tuning process itself is also fully automated. The rest of the chapter discusses this
approach and how it compares to other work.

10.3 Terminology
This section provides an overview of auto-tuning terminology and a classification
of various auto-tuning approaches.
242 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

10.3.1 Auto-Tuning
Tuning parameter: A tuning parameter p represents a program variable with a value
set Vp , where v ∈ Vp is called a parameter value of p.
Adjusting p by assigning different parameter values, v ∈ Vp may have an impact
on program performance.
Parameter configuration: A parameter configuration C is a tuple consisting of a
value for each tuning parameter within a given program. Let P = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pn } be
the finite set of all tuning parameters in the program. Then a configuration of C is an
n-tuple (vi ), where vi ∈ Vpi and i ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
Search space: The search space S of an auto-tuner is the cartesian product of all
tuning parameter value sets of a given program. Let P = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pn } be the set of
all tuning parameters of a program and Vpi the value set of pi (with i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}).
Then the search space is defined as:
S = V p 1 × Vp 2 × . . . × V p n (10.1)
The size |S| of the search space (i.e., the number of parameter configurations in S)
is given as

|S| = |Vp1 | · |Vp2 | · . . . · |Vpn | (10.2)

Performance metric: A performance metric provides a value for the performance
of a given configuration C. A common performance metric is execution time; other
options are memory consumption, energy use, or response time. The auto-tuner
searches for a configuration that optimizes performance under a given metric.
Measuring point: A measuring point denotes a particular point within the program,
where data is collected to measure performance. A measuring point depends on a
particular performance metric. A program may contain any number of measuring
points. Our approach requires a rule for combining multiple performance values (e.g.,
by computing averages).
Performance value: The performance value  ∈ R of a program ℘ is defined as
℘ = ω℘ (p1 , . . . , pn ) : K → R, K ∈ S (10.3)

For a given program ℘, the function ω℘ maps a parameter configuration C on a

scalar value, the performance value ℘ . Thus, each parameter configuration K ∈ S is
assigned a performance value.
Optimization: We employ an empirical approach to find the minimum or maximum
performance value ℘ of a program ℘. That is, we search for the extremum of the
function ω℘ .
For example, if we want to optimize the program’s execution time, we search for
the parameter configuration that results in the shortest execution time.
In many practical scenarios, the function ω℘ and its gradient ∇ω℘ are unknown.
This is the main reason why auto-tuning techniques are required at all. In case ω℘
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 243
Time of tuning 2

Production time
Development time
Off-line tuning Online tuning
l Tuning type 1
Tuning strategy 3

FIGURE 10.2: Taxonomy of auto-tuning approaches.

would be differentiable and ∇ω℘ known, we could employ a number of algorithms

to solve the problem analytically. If that were possible, we would know the impact of
the tuning parameters and their dependencies and ω℘ would represent an analytical
model for the program’s performance. However, it is far from easy to create analytical
models that are able to precisely predict the performance of entire applications on dif-
ferent target platforms. That is why we rely on a empirical, search-based optimization
approach [31].

10.3.2 Classification of Approaches

The field of automatic performance tuning covers a wide range of different
approaches. Figure 10.2 shows an auto-tuning taxonomy. Each dimension of the tax-
onomy cube characterizes one of the following specifies:
Tuning type (dimension 1): The tuning type defines when the values of the tuning
parameters are modified. We distinguish between off-line tuning and online tuning.
• Off-line tuning modifies parameter values between separate program runs. A
single step in an off-line auto-tuner determines a parameter configuration,
inserts it into the program, and then starts and monitors the configured pro-
gram to get a performance value.
• Online tuning modifies parameter values while the program is running. Within
a single program run, several parameter configurations can be sampled. The
online approach requires some preconditions. First, the application must be
programmed in a way that parameter modifications at run-time are possible and
do not lead to inconsistent states. Second, there must be a structure in which a
part of the program (e.g., a loop performing a significant amount of work) is
244 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

repeated over and over again. The program must also run long enough to allow
an auto-tuner to sample enough parameter configurations in a single execution.
If there is not enough time, online and off-line tuning can be combined.

Time of tuning (dimension 2): The time of tuning specifies when the auto-tuner is
active. We distinguish between development time and production time.

• Development time: Tuning runs are performed during the final test phase of the
development process. The auto-tuner becomes a development tool finding the
best parameter configuration for a specific target platform.

• Production time: Tuning runs are performed during initial production runs, or
periodically for re-tuning. Tuning may slow down the application because of
data gathering and because unfavorable configurations must be tried out.

Development and production time tuning can be combined. Tuning at development

time can provide a configuration that is a good starting point on a certain class of
platforms and certain data sets, while tuning during production time fine-tunes the
configuration to the local situation. Both off-line and online tuning can be used.
Search strategy (dimension 3): The search strategy finds the best parameter con-

• Empirical tuning: Empirical (or search-based) tuning executes the program

repeatedly on typical inputs to sample performance under different parame-
ter configurations. It employs a meta-heuristics (see Section 10.7.2) to traverse
the search space. Empirical tuning is applicable to a wide range of applications.
However, managing the exponentially growing search space is challenging.
Concepts for search space reduction are indispensable and will be discussed
in Section 10.6.

• Model-based tuning: Model-based tuning employs analytic performance mod-

els to predict program performance under various configurations. In contrast
to the empirical approach, model-based tuning does not search for the best
parameter configuration by sampling, but predicts the optimal parameter val-
ues based on the model. Models are typically adapted to a specific application
domain, program structure, hardware platform, or programming model. If one
of these characteristics changes, the model needs to be re-adapted. Some of the
adaption can be done by sampling (off-line or online).

10.4 Overview of the Tunable Architectures Approach

Figure 10.3 illustrates the steps for creating a parallel application with tunable
architectures. We use exclusively offline, empirical auto-tuning during development
time. The process starts with designing the parallel architecture using certain patterns
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 245

Design and implementation

Identify tuning Parallelize application

Design parallel
parameters of parallel and make it
architecture configurable

Optimization and deployment

Apply methods
Specify tuning for search space
Tune the application
instructions partitioning and

FIGURE 10.3: Process for developing parallel applications with tunable


such as master/worker, pipeline, and data decomposition. Next, performance-relevant

parameters are identified. Then the application is actually parallelized and the iden-
tified tuning parameters are made adjustable.
The actual implementation of the tunable parallel program is completed with these
three steps. However, the application is not yet automatically tunable. We need to
provide a separate component, an empirical auto-tuner, and inform it about the tuning
parameters and their ranges. This information is specified using an instrumentation
language, which is presented later.
Each of the steps is complex, so we will illustrate the respective tasks in more detail
in the following sections.

10.5 Designing Tunable Applications

Auto-tuning must take the architecture of an application into account. As we have
seen in Section 10.2, a large application may contain several parallel sections in multi-
ple layers. The chemical data analysis application combines several parallel patterns,
such as pipeline parallelism, task parallelism, and data parallelism. Its architecture
offers many tuning parameters. Which pipeline stages should have their own thread,
which ones should be fused? How many instances of a stateless algorithm should
be created? Which load-balancing strategy would be the best? How does the target
platform influence the choices?
Earlier studies [21,22,24] have shown that coarse-grained software architecture
adaptations can provide significant speedup gains. However, adaptations of the
246 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

program’s architecture are rarely done because they require invasive and complex
code changes. Developers are hesitant to make such changes because they prefer to
avoid the risk of introducing bugs.
Automated software architecture adaptation can be based on using parallel pat-
terns as building blocks. Similar to design patterns introduced in [8], a parallel pattern
describes a solution for a class of parallelization problems. Examples of commonly
used patterns are the pipeline pattern and the fork-join pattern. A pattern’s behavior
and its specific performance bottlenecks can be studied and this knowledge can be
exploited to (1) equip patterns with tuning parameters and (2) use patterns as prede-
fined configurable building blocks for a parallel program. We call parallel patterns
exposing tuning parameters tunable patterns.
We employ a predefined set of tunable patterns to define a program’s architecture.
Compared to low-level parallelization techniques (not normally considered during
the design phase of a program), this approach offers several advantages: a structured
top-down design, modularity, and the exploitation of coarse-grained parallelism.
The following section describes our tunable architectures approach and CO2 P3 S,
a related approach from the literature.

10.5.1 Tunable Architectures

Our tunable architectures approach [26] allows designing parallel applications that
are parallel and auto-tunable. The approach concentrates on shared-memory multi-
core platforms.
The concept of tunable architectures is based on the tunable architecture descrip-
tion language (TADL) that provides operators to express parallel patterns. At the out-
set, a developer defines atomic software components. Atomic components are opaque
to the auto-tuner: they contain nothing an auto-tuner needs to adjust. Typically, though
not necessarily, atomic components execute sequentially. Next, the developer uses
pattern operators to combine atomic components into parallel patterns. All pattern
operators implicitly expose a predefined set of performance parameters which will
be adjusted by an auto-tuner. TADL also supports the declaration of alternative archi-
tectures that an auto-tuner can try out. Atomic Components

An atomic component represents an elementary work item of a program. It does
not provide auto-tunable parallelism, but is intended to run in parallel with other
atomic components. Consequently, atomic components represent the smallest exe-
cutable entities of a program and establish the basis for a tunable architecture. The
notion of an atomic component does not imply anything about locking or atomicity
in the conventional concurrency sense.
We assume that an atomic component is implemented as a method in an object-
oriented program. Atomic components can be marked as replicable if the associated
method is stateless (i.e., the result of a method execution does not depend on pre-
vious runs). The runtime system is allowed to create several instances of replicable
component that execute in parallel.
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 247

In TADL, the declaration of an atomic component is simply the name of a method

followed by an optional replicable attribute:
MyMethodName [replicable]
TADL establishes the association between a method and the atomic component
declaration using the method’s name. Connectors
Connectors are operators composing atomic components or other connectors. Thus,
a tunable architecture has a tree structure with connectors as nodes and atomic compo-
nents as leaves. In contrast to the definition of connectors in architecture description
languages [16], where a connector handles the communication between two com-
ponents, a TADL connector defines a set of components including the interactions
among those components.
TADL provides five connectors types: (1) Sequential composition encloses child
items that must not execute concurrently. (2) Tunable alternative expresses an exclu-
sive alternative of two or more components. (3) Tunable fork-join introduces task
parallelism. That is, all enclosed components run in parallel (fork) followed by an
implicit barrier (join). (4) Tunable producer-consumer provides a technique to pass
data from one component to another. (5) Tunable pipeline introduces pipeline paral-
lelism. Each enclosed component represents a pipeline stage.
A connector encloses a set of child items that can be either atomic components or
other connectors. Every child item enclosed by a connector can have an associated
input and output component for providing and retrieving data. Similar to atomic com-
ponents, we assume that input and output components are implemented as methods
in an object-oriented program. Runtime System and Backend

The backend of tunable architectures and TADL consists of the tunable architec-
ture library (TALib) and the TADL compiler.
The TALib has modules implementing every connector type mentioned earlier.
For example, the Tunable Pipeline connector is implemented in the TALib’s Tunable
Pipeline module. In addition, each module exposes a set of predefined tuning param-
eters. There are default parameter values ranges, but these can be modified by the
The TADL compiler generates source code with tuning wrappers from the TADL
script. A tuning wrapper is a class that initializes a particular TALib module and
implements access methods to that module. For example, the compiler translates
a tunable pipeline connector into a tuning wrapper that handles the access to the
TALib’s tunable pipeline module.
The TADL compiler also inserts instrumentation annotations into the atomic com-
ponents and thus creates a runtime environment for the auto-tuner. We use Atune-IL,
which is a pragma-based tuning language [25] described later. To provide tuning
instructions to the auto-tuner, the tuning wrappers also contain code instrumentations
248 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

specifying parameter value ranges, measuring points, and parameter context

information. A Tunable Architecture Example

The following example is taken from [26] and describes the design of a parallel
video processing application. It applies a sequence of filters to frames of a video
The initial program implementation contains four filter methods (Crop(),
OilPaint(), Resize(), and Sharpen()). These methods implement atomic
components. Two more methods, GetVideo() and Consume() implement input
and output components.
The tunable architecture description is shown in Listing 10.1. The tunable pipeline
arranges the enclosed atomic components in a pipelined fashion. Source and sink
identify the input and output components. As the processing of a particular frame is
stateless, all child items are marked replicable. Thus, stages that are bottlenecks can
be replicated.

Listing 10.1: Architecture Description of the Parallel Video Processing Application

TunablePipeline MyVideoProcessing
[ s o u r c e : LoadVideo ;
s i n k : ConsumeVideo ] {
Crop [ r e p l i c a b l e ] ,
OilPaint [ replicable ] ,
Resize [ r e p l i c a b l e ] ,
Sharpen [ r e p l i c a b l e ]

Source: Schaefer, C.A et al., Engineering parallel applications with tunable

architectures, in Proceeding of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Software Engineering, Volume I, ICSE’10, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 405–414,
2010, ACM, New York.

As the example shows, tunable architectures allow the expression of performance-

relevant architecture variations. The programmer needs to provide only the TADL
architecture description and the atomic components. The rest is completely
automatic, including making the software tunable, inserting measuring points, and
running the tuning process. Performance Improvements with Tunable Architectures Figure

10.4 shows performance results with tunable architectures on six applications. The
applications were executed on an eight-core machine (2× Intel Xeon E5320 Quad-
core, 1.86 GHz, 8 GB RAM, .Net).
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 249

MID GrGen DS Video MB Matrix
(1) Worst configuration 1.3 1.8 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.2
(2)Standard configuration 2.3 6.5 1.2 1.3 4.7 7.9
(3) Best configuration 3.1 7.1 6.5 5.0 7.9 8.3
(4) Optimal configuration 3.1 7.7 6.9 5.6 7.9 8.4
TPG 1 138% 294% 491% 317% 295% 277%
TPG 2 35% 9% 442% 285% 68% 5%

FIGURE 10.4: Application performance improvements.

MID is the commercial biological data analysis application that has been paral-
lelized as described earlier in Section 10.2. The performance numbers are obtained
for an input file of 1 GB that contains mass spectrogram data. GrGen is a graph rewrit-
ing system. The benchmark simulates gene expression as a graph rewriting task on
E. coli DNA with over nine million graph nodes. DS is a parallel desktop search
application that generates an index for text files. The input consists of over 10,000
ASCII text files with sizes between 6 kB and 613 kB. The video processing applica-
tion applies four filters in parallel on the picture stream of an AVI file, as discussed
earlier. The input consists of 180 frames at a resolution of 800 × 600 pixels. MB
computes the Mandelbrot set and Matrix is the multiplication of two 1024 × 1024
The table in Figure 10.4 shows for each application the parallel speedup with the
worst configuration (1), with a default configuration (2), with the best configuration
found by the auto-tuner (3), and the optimum configuration (4) obtained by exhaus-
tive search. The default configuration is what a competent developer might guess.
The tuning performance gain between the worst and the best found configuration
(TPG1) shows that auto-tuning produces significant speedup gains, from 138% to
almost 500%. The performance gain between the default configuration and the best
found configuration (TPG2) is smaller. As can be seen, the developer’s guess is far off
the optimum in two cases, and moderately off in two others. The auto-tuner always
finds a configuration that is close to the optimum.
It is also interesting to note that the auto-tuner may choose non-obvious config-
urations. In the video application, the final stage is the slowest one. In the optimal
configuration, this stage is replicated eight times. Since the other stages are quite
fast, they are fused with the replicates of the final stage. The result is a pipeline that is
250 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

replicated eight times, but each replica runs sequentially. Thus, there is no buffering
or synchronization except at the beginning and the end of the pipelines. DS also has a
non-obvious configuration. Apparently, it is precisely in those non-obvious situations
where the auto-tuner works best.

10.5.2 CO2 P3 S
CO2 P3 S (correct object-oriented pattern-based parallel programming system) [15]
combines object-oriented programming, design patterns, and frameworks for parallel
programming. The approach only supports the development of new parallel programs.
CO2 P3 S has a graphical interface. The user chooses a parallel pattern for the entire
program structure. The system generates the appropriate code including instructions
for communication and synchronization. The generated code provides a predefined
structure with placeholders (called hook methods) for sequential code. The user has
to implement these hook methods by inheriting the corresponding framework classes
and overwriting the methods. The user can thus choose to work on the intermediate
code layer or the native code layer.
The approach uses parameterized pattern templates to influence the code genera-
tion process. The programmer can configure the selected pattern and adapt it for a
specific use. For example, the parameters for a two-dimensional regular mesh tem-
plate include the topology, the number of neighboring elements, and the synchroniza-
tion level [15]. Although the selection of an appropriate pattern variant can influence
program performance, the template parameters do not necessarily represent tuning
parameters, as they do not primary address performance bottlenecks relevant for par-
allelism. Moreover, the parameters cannot be directly adjusted after code generation.
The approach aims to simplify the creation of a parallel application and consists
of the following five steps [15]:

1. Identify one or more parallel design patterns that can contribute to a solution
and pick the corresponding design pattern templates.
2. Provide application-specific parameters for the design pattern templates to gen-
erate collaborating framework code for the selected pattern templates.
3. Provide application-specific sequential hook methods and other nonparallel
code to build a parallel application.
4. Monitor the parallel performance of the application and if it is not satisfactory,
modify the generated parallel structure code at the intermediate code layer.
5. Re-monitor the parallel performance of the application and if it is still not
acceptable, modify the actual implementation to fit the specialized target archi-
tecture at the native code layer.

Even though related to tunable architectures, CO2 P3 S focuses on the generation of

pattern-related framework code rather than on creating a tunable program architec-
ture. The work so far lacks an auto-tuner.
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 251

10.5.3 Comparison
Both approaches exploit parallelism at the software architecture level. Tunable
architectures consist of a description language to describe parallel architectures. In
contrast to CO2 P3 S, the association between program code and architecture
description is part of the design process. This makes tunable architectures applicable
for new programs as well as for existing programs. Architecture adaptation and auto-
matic performance optimization represent an integral part of the tunable architectures
approach. CO2 P3 S employs the generation of framework code that uses calls to hook
methods to integrate application-specific code. The framework supplies the appli-
cation structure and the programmer writes application-specific utility routines. The
configuration of the program and its patterns happens before code generation, which
results in a hard-coded variant. Manual performance tuning is required to optimize
the patterns after implementation.

10.6 Implementation with Tuning Instrumentation Languages

In the previous section, we have defined the characteristics of a tunable parallel
application. To be tunable, a parallel application must expose variables that influence
its performance. Therefore, the program must be adaptable and change its behavior
according to the variables’ values. However, a tunable application is not auto-tunable
by default, as an auto-tuner does not know the performance-relevant variables and
how to retrieve performance feedback. To develop a parallel application with auto-
tuning support, tuning-relevant spots have to be marked for the auto-tuner.
In principle, tuning information can be added to a program in two ways. As a
straightforward technique, tuning parameters, measuring points, and other tuning-
relevant functionality can be integrated within the program’s code. To adjust a tuning
parameter, one can pass the values, for instance, via command line (using off-line
tuning) or via library calls (using online tuning). This approach is useful for smaller
programs that are intended to run on one particular hardware platform. A draw-
back, however, is that tuning-relevant code is mixed with the other program code,
so changes might complicate code reengineering.
A more flexible approach to specify tuning information is using domain-specific
scripting languages or instrumentation languages. These languages allow the defi-
nition of tuning-relevant instructions, such that tuning meta data is separated from
program code. This approach not only improves maintainability, but also decouples
the auto-tuner from the program. Auto-tuners thus become easier to use on a wider
range of general applications.
A number of projects designed tuning languages. The languages differ greatly in
generality, applicability to parallel programs, efficiency, and the effort to use them.
We present next the work we consider most relevant from a software engineering per-
spective. Many approaches combine tuning languages with an optimization
component that works like an auto-tuner, even though the auto-tuner is often not a
separate entity. Auto-tuning systems will be discussed in Section 10.7.
252 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

10.6.1 Atune-IL
Atune-IL is used in our auto-tuning system. It targets parallel applications in gen-
eral, not just numerical programs, and works with empirical auto-tuners [25].
Atune-IL uses pragma directives (such as #pragma for C++ and C# or /*@ for
Java) that are inserted into regular code. Atune-IL provides constructs for declaring
tuning parameters, permutation regions (to allow an auto-tuner to reorder source code
statements), and measuring points. Additional statements describe software archi-
tecture meta-information that helps an empirical auto-tuner reduce the search space
before employing search algorithms. Therefore, Atune-IL is able to capture the struc-
ture of an application along with characteristics important for tuning, such as parallel
sections and dependencies between tuning parameters.
Atune-IL uses tuning blocks to define scopes and visibility of tuning parameters
and to mark program sections that can be optimized independently. A developer can
mark two code sections to be independent if they cannot be executed concurrently in
any of the application’s execution paths. Tuning blocks can be nested. Global tuning
parameters and measuring points are automatically bound to an implicit root tuning
block that wraps the entire program. Thus, each parameter and each measuring point
belongs to a tuning block (implicitly or explicitly). Each independent block structure
represents a tuning entity.
Tunable parameters can be defined with the setvar statement, which means that
the value of variable preceded by such a statement can be set by an auto-tuner. The
number of threads to create is an example of such a variable. A measuring point is
defined by inserting the gauge statement. Two such statements with the same iden-
tifier in the same block define two measuring points whose difference will be used by
the auto-tuner. Tuning blocks are defined by startblock and endblock. List-
ing 10.2 shows an example of an instrumented program that searches strings in a
text, stores them in an array, and sorts the array using parallel sorting algorithms.
Finally, the program counts the total number of characters in the array. The tuning
block sortBlock is logically nested within fillBlock, while countBlock
is considered to be independent from the other tuning blocks. Thus, the parameters
sortAlgo and depth in sortBlock have to be tuned together with parameter
stringSearch in fillBlock, as the order of the array elements influences sort-
ing. This results in two separate tuning entities that can be tuned one after the other.
The sizes of the search spaces are dom(fillOrder) × dom(sortAlgo) × dom(depth) and
dom(numThreads), respectively. In addition, the dependency of depth on sortAlgo can
be used to prune the search space, because invalid combinations are ignored.

Listing 10.2: C# Program Instrumented with Atune-IL

L i s t < s t r i n g > words = new L i s t < s t r i n g > ( 3 ) ;
v o i d main ( ) {
# pragma a t u n e s t a r t b l o c k f i l l B l o c k
# pragma a t u n e g a u g e mySortExecTime

s t r i n g t e x t = " Auto−t u n i n g h a s n o t h i n g t o do w i t h t u n i n g c a r s . "

Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 253

# pragma a t u n e s t a r t p e r m u t a t i o n f i l l O r d e r
# pragma a t u n e n e x t e l e m
words . Add ( t e x t . F i n d ( " c a r s " ) ) ;
# pragma a t u n e n e x t e l e m
words . Add ( t e x t . F i n d ( " do " ) ) ;
# pragma a t u n e n e x t e l e m
words . Add ( t e x t . F i n d ( " Auto−t u n i n g " ) ) ;
# pragma a t u n e e n d p e r m u t a t i o n

s o r t P a r a l l e l ( words ) ;

# pragma a t u n e g a u g e mySortExecTime
# pragma a t u n e e n d b l o c k f i l l B l o c k

c o u n t W o r d s ( words )

/ / Sorts s t r i n g array
v o i d s o r t P a r a l l e l ( L i s t < s t r i n g > words ) {
# pragma a t u n e s t a r t b l o c k s o r t B l o c k i n s i d e f i l l B l o c k

I P a r a l l e l S o r t i n g A l g o r i t h m s o r t A l g o = new P a r a l l e l Q u i c k S o r t ( ) ;
int depth = 1;
# pragma a t u n e s e t v a r s o r t A l g o t y p e g e n e r i c
v a l u e s " new P a r a l l e l M e r g e S o r t ( d e p t h ) " , " new P a r a l l e l Q u i c k S o r t ( ) "
s c a l e nominal
# pragma a t u n e s e t v a r d e p t h t y p e i n t
v a l u e s 1−4 s c a l e o r d i n a l
d e p e n d s s o r t A l g o = ’new P a r a l l e l M e r g e S o r t ( d e p t h ) ’

s o r t A l g o . Run ( words ) ;

# pragma a t u n e e n d b l o c k s o r t B l o c k

/ / Counts t o t a l c h a r a c t e r s of s t r i n g array
i n t c o u n t C h a r a c t e r s ( L i s t < s t r i n g > words ) {
# pragma a t u n e s t a r t b l o c k c o u n t B l o c k
# pragma a t u n e g a u g e myCountExecTime
i n t numThreads = 2 ;
# pragma a t u n e s e t v a r numThreads t y p e i n t
v a l u e s 2−8 s c a l e o r d i n a l

i n t t o t a l = c o u n t P a r a l l e l ( words , numThreads ) ;
254 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

# pragma a t u n e g a u g e myCountExecTime
return t o t a l ;
# pragma a t u n e e n d b l o c k c o u n t B l o c k

Source: Schaefer, C.A et al., Atune-IL: An instrumentation language for auto-tuning

parallel applications, in Proceeding of the 15th International Euro-Par Conference on
Parallel Processing. Volume 5704/2009 of LNCS, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 9-20,
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, January 2009.
Atune-IL is one of the first tuning instrumentation languages to provide a variety
of constructs that support auto-tuners in the reduction of the search space.

10.6.2 X-Language
The X-Language [4] provides constructs to declare source code transformations.
The software developer specifies transformations on particular parts of the source
code (such as a loop). X-Language uses #pragma directives to annotate C/C++
source code. The X-Language interpreter applies the specified code transformations
before the program is compiled.
The X-Language offers a compact representation of several program variants and
focuses on fine-grained loop optimizations. Listing 10.3 shows a simple example of
how to annotate a loop to automatically unroll it with a factor of 4. Listing 10.4 shows
the code resulting from the transformation.
Listing 10.3: Annotated Source Code with X-Language
# pragma x l a n g name l 1
f o r ( i = 0 ; i < 2 5 6 ; i ++) {
s = s + a[ i ];
# pragma x l a n g t r a n s f o r m u n r o l l l 1 4

Listing 10.4: Source Code after X-Language Transformation

sum = 0 ;
# pragma x l a n g name l 1
f o r ( i = 0 ; i < 2 5 6 ; i +=4) {
s = s + a[ i ];
s = s + a [ i +1];
s = s + a [ i +2];
s = s + a [ i +3];

Source: Donadio, S. et al., A language for the compact representation of multiple

program versions, in Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on languages
and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Volume 4339 of LNCS, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, pp. 136–151, 2006.
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 255

Custom code transformations can be defined with pattern matching rewrite rules.
The X-Language does not include an optimization mechanism.

10.6.3 POET
POET (parameterized optimizing for empirical tuning [30]) is a domain-specific
language for source code transformations. POET uses an XML-like script to specify
transformations, parameters, and source code fragments. A source code generator
produces a compilable program based on such a script.
Compared to the X-Language, a POET script contains the complete code frag-
ments of the original application that are relevant for tuning. POET also allows the
generic definition of transformations that can be reused in other programs. POET
focuses on small numerical applications solving one particular problem, and does
not provide explicit constructs to support parallelism. It works at the detailed state-
ment level rather than the architecture level and is quite difficult to use. Specifying
the loop unrolling in the previous example requires 30 lines of POET code.

10.6.4 Orio
The Orio [9] tuning system consists of an annotation language for program variant
specification and an empirical tuning component to find the best-performing variant.
Orio parses annotated source code (limited to C code), generates new source code
to create program variants, and searches for the variant with the shortest execution
time. Although this process is straightforward, Orio’s annotation language is complex.
For example, instrumenting a single loop in the program’s source (e.g., for automatic
loop unrolling) requires a large external script and multiple annotations. Moreover,
parts of the source code have to be redundantly embedded within the annotation
Orio uses separate specifications for tuning parameters, while the source code
annotations contain the actual transformation instructions. This technique allows the
reuse of parameter declarations and keeps the source code cleaner. However, the anno-
tations entirely replicate the source code in order to place the transformation instruc-
tions. This results in code duplication that is not suitable for large applications.
Orio supports automatic code transformation at loop level. Its tuning component
uses two heuristics: the Nelder–Mead simplex method and simulated annealing. How-
ever, the experimental setup presented in [9] demonstrates applicability only on small
numerical programs.

10.6.5 Comparison
The tuning instrumentation languages mainly differ in their level of granularity and
in the targeted problem domain. Orio and POET are suitable for numerical applica-
tions and perform typical code transformations on loop level required in that domain.
From a software engineering perspective, they have the drawback of requiring code
duplication. This limits their applicability for larger projects and makes maintenance
and debugging difficult. The X-Language also targets scientific programs and loop
256 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

level transformations. It permits custom code transformations, which make it more

flexible. Atune-IL is among the first languages to focus on general-purpose parallel
programs. Its language constructs work beyond loop transformations and it allows
the declaration of tuning parameters, measuring points, and scopes for tuning entities.
Atune-IL does not support automatic loop unrolling, although it permits handwritten

10.7 Performance Optimization

In the previous sections, we have discussed how to design tunable parallel appli-
cations and how to specify tuning instructions within the program. We now consider
the tuning process itself. At this point, we assume that a program exposes relevant
performance parameters and measuring points to an empirical auto-tuner, which tries
out different configurations to find the best performance.

10.7.1 Auto-Tuning Cycle

Figure 10.5 shows the typical auto-tuning cycle [25].
Initially, information about tuning parameters is passed to the auto-tuner (0). Then,
the auto-tuner calculates an initial parameter configuration (1). The program is con-
figured with the calculated parameter values (2). The auto-tuner executes the new
program variant and monitors performance. After termination, performance values
are stored to direct the search in the next cycle (3).
The tuning cycle in steps 1–3 is repeated until some predefined condition is met.
The condition depends on the method employed in the optimization step. We call

Parallelized and
instrumented program

Tuning instructions

Calculate parameter values
Feedback of Parameter
performance values configuration

3 2
Execute and monitor
Configure program
program Parameterized and
executable program variant

FIGURE 10.5: Basic auto-tuning cycle.

Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 257

one cycle of steps 1–3 a tuning iteration. With each tuning iteration, the auto-tuner
samples the search space and maps a parameter configuration to a performance value.

10.7.2 Search Techniques

Empirical tuning employs meta-heuristics. A meta-heuristic algorithm solves a
combinatorial optimization problem by approximation. All elements of the search
space are potential solutions. The algorithm tests solutions until some convergence
criterion holds. However, it is not guaranteed that meta-heuristics find an optimum.
As defined earlier in Section 10.3.1, each parameter configuration C within the
search space S represents a valid solution to configure the program ℘. We deter-
mine the quality of a parameter configuration C using its performance value ℘,C .
The parameter configuration yielding the best performance value is interpreted as the
optimal configuration of ℘.
We evaluate the quality of a meta-heuristic by two metrics. The first is the mean
error rate, that is, how good the results are. In addition, we are interested in how quick
the algorithm converges, that is, how many parameter configurations have to be tested
until the algorithm terminates.
A comprehensive discussion of search algorithms is far beyond the scope of this
chapter. We therefore present an overview and refer to [17,20] for details and other
Random sampling: This approach randomly selects a set of parameter configura-
tions out of the search space and tests them. The parameter configuration yielding
the best performance value is returned. Random sampling can provide useful results
when the search space is small or when most of the configurations have similar per-
formance values.
Local search: This approach focuses on a local region around an initial configu-
ration. The search only considers parameter configurations that exist within a well-
defined neighborhood of the start configuration.
More specifically, well-known local search algorithms are, for example:

• Hill climbing: This widely used algorithm randomly selects an initial configu-
ration and follows the steepest assent in the neighborhood. A major drawback
is that the algorithm can get stuck in local optima.

• Simulated annealing: The inspiration for this approach comes from the pro-
cesses of annealing in metallurgy. Controlled heating and cooling of a material
results in a stable crystal structure with reduced defects. The process must be
performed slowly in order to form an optimal uniform structure of the material.
By analogy with this physical process, simulated annealing does not always
continue with the best configurations so far, but temporarily chooses a poorer
one. The probability for this choice is governed by a global parameter T (the
temperature). T is gradually decreased for each tuning iteration. This method
saves the algorithm from getting stuck in local optima. Simulated annealing
thus improves hill climbing. It allows a temporary decline of the tested
258 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

configuration’s quality, but gains the advantage of finding the global optimum
in the long run.
• Tabu search: This approach performs an iterative search as well, but keeps a
tabu list that contains parameter configurations that are temporarily excluded
from testing. This method avoids a circular exploration of the search space. A
commonly used tabu strategy adds the current configuration’s complement to
the list.
Global search: Global search algorithms start with several initial parameter config-
urations. Global search algorithms differ from local searchers mainly in the strategy
defining how new configurations are selected. Well-known approaches are swarm
optimization [13] and genetic algorithms [6].

10.7.3 Auto-Tuning Systems

This section provides an overview of complete auto-tuning systems. Atune
Atune [24,25] is our off-line empirical auto-tuner. It works with programs instru-
mented with Atune-IL (see Section 10.6.1). In combination with TADL and its paral-
lel patterns, Atune supports the automatic optimization of large parallel applications
on an architectural level. The auto-tuner is general-purpose, that is, not tied to a spe-
cific problem domain.
Atune follows a multistage optimization process:
1. Create tuning entities: First, Atune analyzes the program structure using Atune-
IL’s tuning blocks and creates tuning entities. The result of this step are one or
more search space partitions that will be handled independently. The partitions
are automatically tuned one after the other.
2. Analyze tuning entities: For each tuning entity, Atune extracts the tuning instruc-
tions, such as parameter declarations, and measuring points. Furthermore, it
classifies the tuning parameters according to their scale (nominal or ordinal).
This differentiation is important for the tuning process, as common search tech-
niques require an ordinal scale. Nominally scaled parameters, for instance for
expressing algorithm alternatives, must be handled differently. Atune first sam-
ples the nominal parameters randomly and then continues with the best choice
for them into the next optimization phase.
Atune also gathers information about the patterns present and applies suitable
heuristics in this case. For example, if the tuning entity consists of the pipeline
pattern, it will use a special search procedure that balances the pipeline stages
by replicating and fusing stages.
3. Search: Each tuning entity that still contains unconfigured parameters will be
auto-tuned using search algorithms like the ones described in the previous
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 259

The multistage optimization process reduces the search space, so Atune is able to
handle complex parallel applications consisting of several (nested) parallel sections
exposing a large number of tuning parameters. ATLAS/AEOS
ATLAS (automatically tuned linear algebra software) [29] combines a library with
a tuning tool called AEOS (automated empirical optimization of software) to find the
fastest implementation of a linear algebra operation on a specific hardware platform.
The tool generates high-performance libraries for a particular hardware platform
using domain-specific knowledge about the problem to solve. AEOS performs the
source code optimizations in an iterative off-line tuning process, while ATLAS rep-
resents the optimized library.
The authors of AEOS/ATLAS also developed a model-based tuning approach.
Instead of feeding the performance results back into the optimization process to grad-
ually adjust the parameter values, a manually created analytical model is used to
directly calculate the best parameter configuration.
An enhancement of AEOS/ATLAS is described in [5]. The approach combines
model-based and empirical tuning. The idea is to reduce the initial search space using
an analytical model, before the search starts. The models are created using machine
learning approaches. If limited to the numerical programs targeted in ATLAS, the
approach offers promising results. Furthermore, this work is one of the few approaches
that specifically targets the reduction of the search space before applying any search
Although AEOS/ATLAS and other tuning approaches for numerical application
(such as FFTW [7], FIBER [12], and SPIRAL [23]) form the background of today’s
auto-tuning concepts, they focus on small application domains and numerical
problems. Active Harmony

Active Harmony [28] provides a runtime system that optimizes programs regard-
ing network and system resources. The approach focuses on exchangeable libraries
rather than on particular tuning parameters. A library developer can create several
variants of a particular library using a predefined API to let the auto-tuner decide
which implementation is best for performance. All exchangeable libraries must use
the Active Harmony API.
Active Harmony employs an empirical off-line auto-tuner that improves the per-
formance of all exchangeable libraries in the program. The initial version of Active
Harmony applies the Downhill Simplex method to explore the search space. Further
work [27] improves the search algorithm and discusses adaptations to match the tun-
ing requirements in a more precise way.
Unlike other approaches, Active Harmony abstracts from fine-grained optimiza-
tions and performs performance-relevant adaptations on higher abstraction levels.
Moreover, Active Harmony is not limited to particular application domains. How-
ever, the approach is not explicitly focused on shared-memory parallel programs.
260 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development Model-Based Systems

In recent years, model-based approaches evolved in addition to empirical tuning
approaches. As it is very difficult to develop general models that allow conclusions
about the overall program performance, all approaches deal with performance
modeling and analysis of parallel patterns [2,18]. The key idea is to exploit the knowl-
edge about behavior and structure of parallel patterns to identify performance bottle-
necks, which in turn represent potential tuning parameters. Doing so, the models can
help predict the performance of relevant parallel parts of the program. Some of the
approaches (such as [18]) combine the analytical models with online tuning.
The experimental results of the research projects show that suitable models are
able to precisely predict the performance of a particular parallel pattern (e.g., Master/
Worker [1] or Pipeline [3]). For this purpose, the models must fit exactly to the appli-
cation domain and the hardware platform. Some approaches even include parameters
related to programming models (such as MPI [19] or PVM) into the models. Preci-
sion can be improved, but the approach significantly narrows down the applicability
of models with respect to different platforms, program types, and parallel problems.
If the program needs to be modified or ported to another platform, the models must
be adjusted or entirely recreated.
Unfortunately, model-based approaches usually do not consider applications con-
sisting of several parallel sections that could each implement a different parallel pat-
tern. In practice, empirical auto-tuning still plays an important role, and model-based
approaches can help reduce the search space.

10.7.4 Comparison
The aforementioned auto-tuning approaches implement different techniques to find
the best possible parameter configuration of a program. The systems mainly differ in
their assumptions about the application domains and in the targeted software abstrac-
tion levels. While AEOS/ATLAS focuses on optimizing linear algebra operations,
Active Harmony supports optimized libraries. Atune provides tuning techniques that
specifically target large parallel applications to enable optimization on a software
architecture level. Furthermore, Atune is not restricted to particular problem domain.
An enhanced version of AEOS/ATLAS [5] as well as Atune reduce the search space
prior to the actual search. While AEOS/ATLAS uses domain-specific models to pre-
define parameters of the algebraic library, Atune gathers context information about
the program structure using the tuning instrumentation language Atune-IL.

10.8 Conclusion and Outlook

The general auto-tuning approaches presented in this chapter have shown promis-
ing results for both the application performance optimization as well as for the sim-
plification of software development. This is just the beginning, and there are plenty
of opportunities for further work. For example, more parallel patterns need to be
studied with respect to tuning heuristics. It is important to understand how these
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance 261

patterns are used for tuning. A good starting point might be pattern-based perfor-
mance diagnosis [14]. Another promising direction is to improve the interaction
between compilers and auto-tuners and implicitly introduce auto-tuning [11]. Yet
another largely neglected area is simultaneous tuning of several parallel programs
[10]: While most of the current research concentrates on optimizing program perfor-
mance for just one program in isolation, in practice the performance is influenced
by other processes competing for available resources on the same machine. A global
auto-tuner working at the level of the operating system is key to finding optimum
performance in such complex situations.

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Chapter 11
Transactional Memory

Tim Harris


11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

11.2 Transactional Memory Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
11.2.1 Eager/Lazy Version Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
11.2.2 Eager/Lazy Conflict Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
11.2.3 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
11.3 Hardware Transactional Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
11.3.1 Classical Cache-Based Bounded-Size HTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
11.3.2 LogTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
11.4 Software Transactional Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
11.4.1 Bartok-STM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
11.4.2 TL2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
11.5 Atomic Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
11.5.1 Semantics of Atomic Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
11.5.2 Optimizing Atomic Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
11.5.3 Composable Blocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
11.6 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
11.7 Where Next with TM? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
11.8 Chapter Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

11.1 Introduction
Many of the challenges in building shared-memory data structures stem from need-
ing to update several memory locations at once—e.g., updating four pointers to insert
an item into a doubly linked list. Transactional memory (TM) provides a mechanism
for grouping together this kind of series of operations, with the effect that either all
of them appear to execute, or none of them does. As with database transactions, TM
lets the programmer focus on the changes that need to be made to data, rather than
dealing with the low-level details of exactly which locks to acquire, or how to prevent
In this chapter, we look at how TM can be used by a programmer, at the ways it can
be implemented in hardware (HTM) and software (STM), and at how higher-level
constructs can be built over it in a programming language. As a running example,

266 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Double-ended queue

Left Right
10 20 90
sentinel sentinel

FIGURE 11.1: A double-ended queue built over a doubly linked list with sentinel

we use an implementation of a double-ended queue (deque). Figure 11.1 shows the

structure of the deque when it contains the numbers 10, 20, . . . , 90. The queue object
refers to left and right sentinel nodes, with the queue’s contents strung between the
sentinels in a doubly linked list.
It is easy to update a deque in a single-threaded program. Figure 11.2 shows a
fragment of the implementation in pseudo-code, focusing on the fields containing
links from the queue to the sentinels, and the implementation of the pushLeft
How could a scalable version of this simple data structure be built using locks? One
option is to use a single lock to protect the entire deque. This would be straightfor-
ward, and a basic spin-lock would add only one or two instructions to each operation
on the deque. However, the lock would serialize operations unnecessarily—e.g., it
would prevent one thread from removing 10 from the left in parallel with another
thread removing 90 from the right.
Scalable designs are much more complicated. We might try to use two locks,
arranging that pushLeft/popLeft acquires one lock and pushRight/
popRight acquires the other. That will work when the deque contains several

Class Q {
QElem leftSentinel;
QElem rightSentinel;

void pushLeft(int item) {

QElem e = new QElem(item);
e.right = this.leftSentinel.right;
e.left = this.leftSentinel;
this.leftSentinel.right.left = e;
this.leftSentinel.right = e;

FIGURE 11.2: Sequential implementation of ‘pushLeft’.

Transactional Memory 267
Class Q {
QElem leftSentinel;
QElem rightSentinel;

void pushLeft(int item) {

QElem e = new QElem(item);
e.left = this.leftSentinel;
do {
e.right = LT(&this.leftSentinel.right);
ST(&LT(&this.leftSentinel.right).left, e);
ST(&this.leftSentinel.right, e);
} while (!COMMIT());

FIGURE 11.3: Implementation of ‘pushLeft’ with explicit transactional


elements, but what about the case when the deque is almost empty? It is difficult
to avoid deadlock when a thread needs to acquire both locks.
In this particular example, for a deque, several good scalable solutions are known.
However, designing deques is still the subject of research papers, and it is difficult
and time-consuming to produce a good design. TM aims to provide an alternative
abstraction for building this kind of shared-memory data structure, rather than requir-
ing ingenious design work to be repeated for each new case.
Figure 11.3 shows how the pushLeft operation could be implemented using
Herlihy and Moss’ HTM (we look at this HTM in detail in Section 11.3). The code is
essentially the same as the sequential version, except that the related operations are
grouped together in the do...while loop, and the individual reads and writes to
shared memory are made using two new operations: LT (“load transactional”) and
ST (“store transactional”).
This looping structure is typical when using TM; all of the implementations we
describe rely on optimistic concurrency control, meaning that a thread speculatively
attempts a transaction, checking whether or not its speculative work conflicts with
any concurrent transactions. At the end of a transaction, the speculative work can be
made permanent if no conflicts occurred. Conversely, if there was any conflict, then
the speculative work must be discarded. TM works well in cases where speculation
pays off—i.e., where conflicts occur rarely in practice.
In the next section, we describe the general design choices that apply to different
TMs. Then, in Section 11.3, we focus on HTM, examining Herlihy and Moss’ HTM,
and Moore et al.’s (2006) LogTM. Both these HTM systems modify the processor
so that it tracks the speculative work that transactions do, and the designs rely on the
processor to detect conflicts between transactions. In Section 11.4, we turn to STM,
268 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

and show how data management and conflict detection can be built without requiring
any changes to current hardware.
Programming directly over HTM or STM can be cumbersome; there is little porta-
bility between different implementations, and there can be a lot of boilerplate (e.g.,
the do...while loop and explicit LT and ST operations in Figure 11.3).
Furthermore—and more seriously from a programming point of view—this kind of
basic TM system provides atomic updates, but does not provide any kind of condi-
tion synchronization. This is a bit like a language providing locks but not providing
condition variables: there is no way for a thread using TM to block while working
on a shared data structure (e.g., for a popLeft operation on a deque to wait until an
element is available to be removed).
Section 11.5 shows how these concerns can be tackled by providing atomic
blocks in a programming language. We show how atomic blocks can be built over
TM, and how the semantics of atomic blocks can be defined in a way that programs
are portable from one implementation to another. Also, we show how atomic blocks
can be coupled with constructs for condition synchronization.
Finally, in Section 11.6, we examine the performance of the Bartok-STM system,
and the ways in which it is exercised by different transactional benchmarks.

11.2 Transactional Memory Taxonomy

A TM implementation must provide two main mechanisms: (1) a way to manage
the speculative work that a transaction is doing as it runs, and (2) a way to detect
conflicts between transactions, ensuring that only conflict-free transactions are com-
mitted to memory. At a high level, a distinction can be made between lazy version
management and eager version management (Section 11.2.1), and between lazy con-
flict detection and eager conflict detection (Section 11.2.2).

11.2.1 Eager/Lazy Version Management

The eager/lazy version management distinction is about how a transaction man-
ages its speculative updates. With eager version management, these updates are made
directly to memory, and an undo log is maintained to record the values that are being
overwritten. With lazy version management, the speculative work remains completely
private to the transaction, and it is only written out to memory if the transaction com-
pletes without conflict. If conflicts are very rare, then there is an argument for eager
version management: a transaction’s updates are immediately available in memory.

11.2.2 Eager/Lazy Conflict Detection

A similar lazy/eager distinction is made about how conflicts are detected. With
eager detection, a conflict is identified as soon as it occurs—say, if one transaction
attempts to write to a location that a concurrent transaction has already written to.
Transactional Memory 269

Conversely, with lazy detection, the presence of a conflict might only be checked
periodically—or it might only be detected at the end of the transaction when it attempts
to commit.
The performance trade-offs between these approaches are more complicated than
between lazy/eager version management. Under low contention, the performance of
the conflict detection mechanism itself is more important than the question of whether
it detects conflicts eagerly or lazy (in Section 11.4, we shall see examples of how this
can influence the design of STM systems, where decisions have often been motivated
by performance under low contention).
Under high contention, the way that conflicts are handled is of crucial importance,
and most simple strategies will perform poorly for some workloads. Lazy conflict
detection can cause threads to waste time, performing work that will eventually be
aborted due to conflicts. However, eager conflict detection may perform no better: a
transaction running in Thread 1 might detect a conflict with a transaction running in
Thread 2 and, in response to the conflict, Thread 1 might either delay its transaction
or abort it altogether. This kind of problem can be particularly pernicious if a conflict
is signaled between two running transactions (rather than just between one running
transaction and a concurrent transaction that has already committed). For instance,
after forcing Thread 1’s transaction to abort, Thread 2’s transaction might itself be
aborted because of a conflict with a third thread—or even with a new transaction in
Thread 1. Without care, the threads can live-lock, with a set of transactions continu-
ally aborting one another.
TM implementations handle high contention in a number of ways. Some provide
strong progress properties, for instance guaranteeing that the oldest running transac-
tion can never be aborted, or guaranteeing that one transaction can only be aborted
because of a conflict with a committed transaction, rather than because of a conflict
with another transaction’s speculative work (this avoids live-lock because one trans-
action can only be forced to abort because another transaction has succeeded). Other
TMs use dynamic mechanisms to reduce contention, e.g., adding back-off delays, or
reducing the number of threads in the system.

11.2.3 Semantics
Before introducing TM implementation techniques in Sections 11.3 and 11.4, we
should consider exactly what semantics are provided to programs using TM. Current
prototype implementations vary a great deal on all of these questions.
Access granularity: Does the granularity of transactional accesses correspond
exactly to the size of the data in question, or can it spill over if the TM manages data
at a coarser granularity (say, whole cache lines in HTM, or whole objects in STM)?
This is important if adjacent data is being accessed non-transactionally—e.g., with-
out precise access granularity, a TM using eager version management may roll back
updates to adjacent non-transactional data.
Consistent view of memory: Does a running transaction see a consistent view of
memory at all times during its execution? For example, suppose that we run the fol-
lowing transactions, with shared variables v1 and v2 both initially 0.
270 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Transaction 1: Transaction 2:
temp1 = LT(&v1); ST(&v1,1);
temp2 = LT(&v2); ST(&v2,1);
if (temp1 != temp2) while(1) {} COMMIT();

These two transactions conflict with one another, and so they cannot both be
allowed to commit if they run in parallel. However, what if Transaction 2 runs in its
entirety in between the two LT reads performed by Transaction 1? Some TMs guar-
antee that Transaction 1 will nevertheless see a consistent pair of values in temp1
and temp2 (either both 0, or both 1). Other TMs do not guarantee this and allow
temp1 != temp2, so Transaction 1 may loop. This notion has been formalized
as the idea of “opacity”. When using TMs without opacity, programs must either be
written defensively (so that they do not enter loops, or have other non-transactional
side effects), or explicit validation must be used to check whether or not the reads
have been consistent. Transactions that have experienced a conflict but not yet rolled
back are sometimes called “zombies” or “orphans”.
Strong atomicity: What happens if a mix of transactional and non-transactional
accesses is made to the same location? Some TMs provide “strong atomicity”, mean-
ing that the non-transactional accesses will behave like short single-access
transactions—e.g., a non-transactional write will signal a conflict with a concurrent
transaction, and a non-transactional read will only see updates from committed trans-
actions. Strong atomicity is typically provided by HTM implementations, but not by
As we show in Section 11.5, atomic blocks can be defined in a way that allows
portable software to be implemented over a wide range of different TMs, making
these questions a concern for the language implementer (building atomic blocks
over TM), rather than the end programmer (writing software using atomic blocks).

11.3 Hardware Transactional Memory

We sketched the use of TM in the example in Figure 11.3. In this section, we
describe two different ways for that TM interface to be implemented in hardware.
The first comes from Herlihy and Moss’ paper that coined the phrase “transactional
memory”. It is an example of an HTM that uses lazy version management and eager
conflict detection. The second design is LogTM, which provides an example of eager
version management in hardware, also coupled with eager conflict detection.

11.3.1 Classical Cache-Based Bounded-Size HTM

Herlihy and Moss’ insight was that conventional MESI data cache hardware already
provides most of the facilities needed to make a series of memory accesses atomic.
All that is required is to ensure that the locations being accessed remain in a private
Transactional Memory 271

Processor core

Normal L1 D-cache Transactional cache

Addr Data Line state Tx-state

Addr Data Line state Tx-state
... ... ... ...

FIGURE 11.4: Herlihy and Moss’ classical cache-based hardware transactional


cache. The protocol used between caches remains largely unchanged, and committing
or aborting a transaction can be done locally in the cache without extra communica-
tion with other processors or with main memory.
As Figure 11.3 shows, with Herlihy and Moss’ HTM, distinct operations are used
for transactional accesses: LT(p1) performs a transactional load from address p1,
and ST(p2,x2) performs a transactional store of x2 to address p2. As an optimiza-
tion, an additional LTX operation is available; this provides a hint that the transaction
may subsequently update the location, and so the implementation should fetch the
cache line in exclusive mode. A transaction is started implicitly by a LT/LTX/ST,
and it runs until a COMMIT or an ABORT.
Within a transaction, any ordinary non-transactional memory accesses proceed
as normal; the programmer is responsible for cleaning up the effects of any non-
transactional operations that they do, and for making sure that non-transactional
operations attempted by zombies are safe. The programmer is also responsible for
invoking COMMIT at the end of the transaction (hence the while loop), and possi-
bly adding an explicit delay to reduce contention.
Figure 11.4 sketches the implementation. The processor core is extended with
two additional status flags. Tx-active indicates whether or not a transaction is in
progress. If there is an active transaction, then Tx-status indicates whether or not
it has experienced a conflict; although conflicts are detected eagerly by the hardware
in Herlihy and Moss’ design, they are not signaled to the thread until a VALIDATE
The normal data cache is extended with a separate transactional cache that buffers
the locations that have been accessed (read or written) by the current transaction.
The transactional cache is a small, fully associative structure. This means that the
maximum size of a transaction is only bounded by the size of the cache (rather than
being dependent on whether or not the data being accessed maps to different cache
272 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Unlike the normal cache, the transactional cache can hold two copies of the same
memory location. These represent the version that would be current if the running
transaction commits, and the version that would be current if the running transaction
aborts. The values held in any lower levels of the cache, and in main memory, all
reflect the old value, and so this is a lazy versioning system. The two views of memory
are distinguished by the Tx-state field in their transactional cache lines—there are
four states: XCOMMIT (discard on commit), XABORT (discard on abort), NORMAL
(data that was been accessed by a previously committed transaction, but is still in the
cache), and EMPTY (unused slots in the transactional cache).
Conflicts can be detected by an extension of the conventional MESI cache protocol:
a remote write to a line in shared mode triggers an abort, as does any remote access
to a line in modified mode. In addition, a transaction is aborted if the transactional
cache overflows, or if an interrupt is delivered.
Committing a transaction simply means changing the XCOMMIT entries to EMPTY,
and changing XABORT entries to NORMAL. Correspondingly, aborting a transaction
means changing the XCOMMIT entries to NORMAL, and changing XABORT entries
to EMPTY. The use of XCOMMIT and XABORT entries can improve performance
when there is temporal locality between the accesses of successive transactions—
data being manipulated can remain in the cache, rather than needing to be flushed
back to memory on commit and fetched again for the next transaction.

11.3.2 LogTM
LogTM is an example of an HTM system built on eager version management and
eager conflict detection. Figure 11.5 illustrates the hardware structures that it uses.
Unlike Herlihy and Moss’ HTM, it allows speculative writes to propagate all the way
out to main memory before a transaction commits: the cache holds the new values
tentatively written by the transaction, while per-thread in-memory undo-logs record
the values that are overwritten.
The processor core is extended to record the current base of the log and an offset
within it. A single-entry micro-TLB provides virtual-to-physical translation for the
current log pointer. This design allows the undo log entries to be cached in the normal
way, and only evicted from the cache to main memory if necessary.
LogTM allows a transaction to be aborted immediately upon conflict, rather than
continuing to run as a zombie. This is done by augmenting each thread’s cache with
additional metadata to detect conflicts between transactions, introducing R/W bits on
each cache block. The R bit is set when a transaction reads from data in the block, and
the W bit is set when a transaction writes to data in the block. A conflict is detected
when the cache receives a request from another processor for access to a block in a
mode that is incompatible with the current R/W bits—e.g., if a processor receives a
request for write access to a line that it holds with the W bit set. When such a conflict
is detected, either the requesting processor is stalled by sending a form of NACK mes-
sage (eventually backing off to a software handler to avoid deadlock), or the transac-
tion holding the data can be aborted before granting access to the requesting processor
(in the case of a transaction updating the line, the update must be rolled back so that
Transactional Memory 273

Processor core


Addr Data Line state R/W bits

Addr Data Line state R/W bits
... ... ... ...

Main memory
Undo log

FIGURE 11.5: LogTM hardware overview. The data cache tracks read/write bits
for each block, and buffers the new values being written by a transaction. The old
values are held in an in-memory undo log so that they can be restored on abort.

the requester is provided with the correct contents). A transaction commits by flash
clearing all the R/W bits and discarding the undo log.
In a directory-based implementation, LogTM can support transactions that over-
flow a processor’s local cache by setting a special “Sticky-M” bit in the cache direc-
tory entry for a line that has been evicted by a transaction with its W bit set. The
directory records which processor had accessed the line, and the protocol prevents
conflicting access to the line until the transaction has committed or aborted.
LogTM-SE (“Signature Edition”) provides decoupling between the structures used
by the HTM and the L1 cache. Instead of detecting conflicts using per-block R/W
bits, LogTM-SE uses read/write signatures that summarize the locations that have
been read/written by each transaction. This avoids adding complexity to the cache,
and it allows the cache to be shared between hardware threads without needing sep-
arate R/W bits for each thread. Signatures can be saved and restored by the operating
system, allowing transactions to be preempted or rescheduled onto different cores.
Furthermore, the operating system can maintain a summary signature representing
the access of all currently descheduled threads, allowing conflict detection to be per-
formed with them.

11.4 Software Transactional Memory

STM implementations can be built over the ordinary single-word atomic primi-
tives provided by current hardware. Running a transaction in software is, of course,
274 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Class Q {
QElem leftSentinel;
QElem rightSentinel;

void pushLeft(int item) {

QElem e = new QElem(item);
do {
TxWrite(&e.right, TxRead(&this.leftSentinel.right));
TxWrite(&e.left, this.leftSentinel);
TxWrite(&TxRead(&this.leftSentinel.right).left, e);
TxWrite(&this.leftSentinel.right, e);
} while (!TxCommit());

FIGURE 11.6: Implementation of ‘pushLeft’ over an STM API.

not as streamlined as running it in hardware—the bookkeeping to track speculative

updates and to detect conflicts must be handled explicitly by additional operations or
function calls. However, by operating in software, STM provides flexibility for exper-
imentation without hardware changes, and flexibility to support workloads that are
not handled well by all HTM systems—for instance, very long running transactions.
Figure 11.6 shows the pushLeft operation written over an example STM API in
which the accesses to shared memory are made by calls to TxWrite and TxRead
functions that take the address of the word to access. The overall operation is wrapped
in a loop that attempts to start a transaction (TxStart) and to commit it
(TxCommit). As with the previous implementation, the memory allocation is done
outside the loop so that it is not repeated.
Strong atomicity is typically not provided by STM systems—conflict detection
only occurs between transactions, and unexpected results (and very implementation-
dependent results) are seen when the same location is accessed concurrently in both
modes. We return to this thorny question when looking at programming constructs
in Section 11.5; for the moment, we write code so that each shared location is either
always accessed transactionally, or always accessed non-transactionally.

11.4.1 Bartok-STM
Bartok-STM is an example of an STM that uses eager version management. It
employs a hybrid form of conflict detection, with lazy conflict detection for reads,
but eager conflict detection for writes. This follows from the use of eager version
management: updates are made in-place, and so only one transaction can be granted
write access to a location at any one time.
With Bartok-STM, there is no guarantee that a zombie transaction will have seen a
consistent view of memory. The combination of this with eager version management
Transactional Memory 275

means that the STM API must be used with care to ensure that a zombie does not
write to locations that should not be accessed transactionally.
Bartok-STM maintains per-object metadata which is used for concurrency con-
trol between transactions. Each object’s header holds a transactional metadata word
(TMW) which combines a lock and a version number. The version number shows
how many transactions have written to the object. The lock shows if a transaction has
been granted write access to the object. A per-transaction descriptor records the cur-
rent status of the transaction (ACTIVE, COMMITTED, ABORTED). The descrip-
tor also holds an open-for-read log recording the objects that the transaction has read
from, an open-for-update log recording the objects that the transaction has locked for
updating, and an undo log of the updates that need to be rolled back if the transaction
The implementation of writes is relatively straightforward in Bartok-STM. The
transaction must record the object and its current TMW value in the open-for-update
log, and then attempt to lock the TMW by replacing it with a pointer to the thread’s
transaction descriptor. Once the transaction has locked the TMW, it has exclusive
write access to the object.
The treatment of reads requires greater care. This is because Bartok-STM uses
“invisible reads” in which the presence of a transaction reading from a location is
only recorded in the transaction’s descriptor—the reader is invisible to other threads.
Invisible reading helps scalability by allowing the cache lines holding the TMW, and
the lines holding the data being read, to all remain in shared mode in multiple pro-
cessors’ caches. The key to supporting invisible reads is to record information about
the objects a transaction accesses, and then to check, when a transaction tries to com-
mit, that there have been no conflicting updates to those objects. In Bartok-STM, this
means that a read proceeds by (1) mapping the address being accessed to the TMW,
and (2) recording the address of the TMW and its current value in the open-for-read
log, before (3) performing the actual access itself. The decision to keep these steps
simple, rather than actually checking for conflicts on every read, is an attempt to
accelerate transactions in low-contention workloads.
When a transaction tries to commit, the entries in the open-for-read log must be
checked for conflicts. Figure 11.7 illustrates the different cases. Figure 11.7a–c is the
conflict-free case. In Figure 11.7a, the transaction read from an object and, at commit-
time, the version number is unchanged. In the example, the version number was 100
in both cases. In Figure 11.7b, the transaction read from the object, and then the object
was subsequently updated by the same transaction. Consequently, the transaction’s
open-for-update log and open-for-read logs record the same version number (100),
and the TMW refers to the transaction’s descriptor (showing that the object is locked
for writing by the current transaction). In Figure 11.7c, the transaction opened the
object for updating, and then subsequently opened it for reading: the TMW refers to
the transaction descriptor, and the open-for-read log entry also refers to the transaction
descriptor (showing that the object had already been written to by this transaction
before it was first read).
The remaining cases indicate that a conflict has occurred. In Figure 11.7d, the
object was read with version number 100 but, by commit-time, another transaction
276 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

v100 Open-for-read:
(a) 500: x==42 addr = 500, v100

(b) 500: x==17 addr = 500, v100
addr = 500, v100
Undo log:
addr = 500, val = 42

(c) 500: x==17 addr = 500
addr = 500, v100
Undo log:
addr = 500, val = 42

v101 Open-for-read:
(d) 500: x==42 addr = 500, v100

v101 Open-for-read:
(e) 500: x==42 addr = 500

(f) 500: x==42 addr = 500, v100

(g) 500: x==17 addr = 500, v100
addr = 500, v101
Undo log:
addr = 500, val = 42

FIGURE 11.7: Read validation in Bartok-STM. In each case, the transaction has
read from data at address 500. In cases (a)–(c), the transaction has not experienced a
conflict. In cases (d)–(g), it has. The object itself is shown on the left, and the trans-
action’s logs are shown on the right.
Transactional Memory 277

TxStart TxRead TxWrite TxCommit

Read objects confirmed as unchanged for this duration Close objects in commit
Start Validate
commit read-set

Exclusive access to updated objects for this duration

Transaction appears atomic at this point

FIGURE 11.8: Linearization point of transactions using Bartok-STM.

has made an update and increased the version number to 101. In Figure 11.7e, the
object was already open for update by a different transaction at the point when it
was opened for reading: the open-for-read log entry recorded the other transaction’s
descriptor. In Figure 11.7f, the object was opened for update by another transac-
tion concurrent with the current one: the object’s TMW refers to the other transac-
tion’s descriptor. Finally, Figure 11.7g is the case where one transaction opened the
object for reading, and later opened the same object for writing, but, in between these
steps, a different transaction updated the object—the version number 100 in the open-
for-read log does not match the version number 101 in the open-for-update log.
Given that the work of validation involves a series of memory accesses, how do we
know that the transaction as a whole still has the appearance of taking place atomi-
cally? The correctness argument is based on identifying a point during the transac-
tion’s execution where (1) all of the locations read must have the values that were
seen in them and (2) the thread running the transaction has exclusive access to all of
the data that it has written. Such a “linearization point” is then an instant, during the
transaction’s execution, where it appears to occur atomically.
Figure 11.8 summarizes this argument: with Bartok-STM, the linearization point
of a successful transaction is the start of the execution of the commit operation. At this
point, we already know that the transaction has exclusive access to the data that it has
written (it has acquired all of the locks needed, and not yet released any). Furthermore,
for each location that it has read, it recorded the TMW’s version number before the
read occurred, and it will confirm that this version number is still up-to-date during
the subsequent validation work.

11.4.2 TL2
The second STM system which we examine is TL2. This system takes a number of
different design decisions to Bartok-STM: TL2 uses lazy version management, rather
than maintaining an undo log, and TL2 uses lazy conflict detection for writes as well
as reads. Furthermore, TL2 enables a transaction to see a consistent view of memory
278 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

throughout its execution—because of this, and because lazy version management is

used, the programmer does not have to worry about many of the problems of zombie
TL2 uses an elegant timestamp mechanism to check that a transaction’s reads have
seen a consistent view of memory—earlier STM algorithms could only provide this
guarantee by sacrificing the use of invisible readers, or by adding per-access revalida-
tion checks (causing a transaction reading from n distinct locations to need to perform
O(n2 ) validation checks).
The main idea in TL2 is to maintain a global version number which is used to order
transactions. When a transaction starts, it records the current value of the global ver-
sion number into its transaction descriptor. This forms the transaction’s read version
(RV), and the TL2 algorithm ensures that a transaction does not see any values that
are newer than this version; consequently, all of the values that a transaction sees form
a consistent view of the heap at the point at which the transaction started.
The case of read-only transactions is straightforward: each read is performed by
(1) checking that the object’s TMW is unlocked and that the version number is no
newer than RV, (2) reading the data, and (3) checking that the object’s TMW is
unchanged. This series of accesses takes a consistent snapshot of the TMW and the
data itself. If either of the checks fails, then the transaction must be aborted. If a read-
only transaction reaches the end of its execution, then it may commit without further
validation checks; the time that the RV snapshot was taken forms the linearization
Read–write transactions are more complicated than read-only ones. The transac-
tion descriptor holds two logs in addition to a record of its RV. The read log records
the addresses of the TMWs that the transaction has read from (the actual values seen
in the TMWs are not needed, but the read operations themselves must still check that
the versions are no newer than RV). The write log records the speculative updates
that the transaction wishes to make. Since lazy version management is used, reads
must see values from the write set before reading from main memory; hashing into
the write log can be used to accelerate this.
Figure 11.9 summarizes the way in which TL2 operates. As with Figure 11.8, it
shows the points during a transaction’s execution at which it first reads from an object,
and when it first writes to an object, and then the individual steps involved in perform-
ing a commit operation.
When a transaction tries to commit, it locks the TMWs for the objects that it wishes
to update. As with Bartok-STM’s use of locks, this prevents concurrent access by
other transactions trying to write to the same objects. If all of these locks are available,
then the transaction obtains a write version (WV) by an atomic increment on the
global version number. This step forms the transaction’s linearization point.
Once the WV has been obtained, the transaction must check that the objects in its
read set still hold version numbers that are no newer than RV. This confirms that there
were no conflicts on objects in the read set from transactions that started after RV but
before WV. Finally, if no conflicts are detected, the updates can be written back from
the write log, and the TMWs can be unlocked by incrementing their version numbers
to WV.
Transactional Memory 279

Read objects confirmed as unchanged for this duration

TxStart TxRead TxWrite

global clock Finish
Write back updates, commit
unlock write set
Start commit, Validate
lock write set read-set
Exclusive access to write set

Reads are initially Transaction appears atomic at this point

consistent at this point

FIGURE 11.9: Linearization point of read-write transactions using TL2-STM.

11.5 Atomic Blocks

As Sections 11.3 and 11.4 have shown, TMs differ between hardware/software
implementations (e.g., whether or not strong atomicity is provided), as well as between
different HTM APIs (e.g., whether or not transactional operations must be explicitly
marked), and between different STM APIs (e.g., whether or not the implementation
provides a consistent view of memory at all times).
Adding atomic blocks to a language is one way to provide a higher-level pro-
gramming abstraction that can be implemented in a portable manner across many of
these TMs. Implementations of atomic blocks can be built over HTM, over STM, or
by using static analyses to infer where an implementation should acquire and release
internal locks. In much the same way, high-level languages with mutexes, condition
variables, and volatile data provide an abstraction that is defined without need-
ing to refer to the low-level details of a particular processor’s virtual memory system,
memory consistency model, and so on.
We return to the details of the semantics of atomic blocks in Section 11.5.1,
but intuitively an atomic block can be thought of as running without any opera-
tions from other threads being interleaved in its execution. Figure 11.10 shows the
implementation of pushLeft using an atomic block; the code inside the block is
identical to the sequential version.
A naïve implementation of atomic blocks over STM can be built by (1) replacing
each atomic block with a StartTx...CommitTx loop, iterating until the com-
mit succeeds, (2) replacing each memory access within the transaction with a call
on the appropriate ReadTx or WriteTx function, and (3), replacing each function
call with a call to a cloned version of the function in which ReadTx and WriteTx
are used. For example, in Figure 11.10, the constructor for QElem might need to be
cloned in this way. Over HTM, with strong atomicity, the atomic block may be able
280 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Class Q {
QElem leftSentinel;
QElem rightSentinel;

void pushLeft(int item) {

atomic {
QElem e = new QElem(item);
e.right = this.leftSentinel.right;
e.left = this.leftSentinel;
this.leftSentinel.right.left = e;
this.leftSentinel.right = e;

FIGURE 11.10: Implementation of ‘pushLeft’ using an atomic block.

to execute directly as a hardware transaction (with reads and writes replaced with
transactional reads and writes, if the particular HTM interface requires this).
An implementation of atomic blocks must take care to handle object allocations.
One approach is to view the actual allocation work to be part of a transaction imple-
menting the atomic block, meaning that the allocation is undone if the transaction
is rolled back. However, this can introduce false contention (e.g., if allocations of
large objects are done from a common pool of memory, rather than per-thread pools).
An alternative approach is to integrate the language’s memory allocator with the TM
implementation, tracking tentative allocations in a separate log, and discarding them
if a transaction rolls back.
In a system using a garbage collector, tentative allocations can simply be discarded
if a transaction rolls back: the GC will reclaim the memory as part of its normal work.
However, the GC implementation must be integrated with the TM—e.g., scanning
the TM’s logs during collection, or aborting transactions that are running when the
collector starts.

11.5.1 Semantics of Atomic Blocks

At first glance, the semantics of atomic blocks looks straightforward. However,
intuition can be deceptive and so a more precise definition is needed. Figure 11.11
illustrates a “privatization” idiom which helps illustrate some of the problems. In
this example, the programmer may intend that o2.val is accessed inside atomic
blocks when o1.isShared is true, but that o2.val is private to Thread 2 when
o1.isShared is false.
Early implementations of atomic blocks defined their semantics in terms of trans-
actions. This style of definition limits portability—although the syntax looks like it
abstracts the details of the STM, the semantics does not. For example, the idiom in
Figure 11.11 works over most HTM systems, but not over most early STMs—e.g.,
Transactional Memory 281
// Thread 1
atomic {
if (o1.isShared) {

// Thread 2
atomic {
o1.isShared = false;
o2.val = 100;

FIGURE 11.11: A ‘privatization’ idiom in which Thread 1 accesses

o2.val from an atomic block, and Thread 2 accesses o2.val directly.

with Bartok-STM, Thread 1 could update o2.val from a zombie transaction, even
after Thread 2’s transaction has finished. Conversely, idioms that rely on some par-
ticular quirks of a given STM may not work with HTM.
Arguably, a cleaner approach is to define the semantics of atomic blocks indepen-
dently of the notion of transactions. For example, the idea of “single lock atomicity”
(SLA) requires that the behavior of atomic blocks be the same as that of critical
sections that acquire and release a single process-wide lock. With this model, the pri-
vatization idiom is guaranteed to work (because it would work with a single lock).
Many of the examples that only “work” with STM will involve a data race when
implemented with a single global lock, and so their behavior would be undefined in
many programming languages.
To support atomic blocks with SLA, it is necessary that granularity problems do
not occur, that the effects of zombie transactions are not visible to non-transacted
code, and that ordering between transactions (say, Tx1 is serialized before Tx2)
ensures ordering of the surrounding code (code that ran before Tx1 in one thread
must run before code after Tx2 in another thread).
An alternative approach to SLA is to define the semantics of atomic blocks inde-
pendently from TM and from existing constructs. This may require additional work
when designing a language (or when learning it), but is more readily extendable to
include additional constructs such as operations for condition synchronization. Fol-
lowing this approach, typical definitions require a “strong semantics” in which an
atomic block in one thread appears to execute without any interleaving of work
from other threads—i.e., no other work at all, neither other atomic blocks, nor nor-
mal code outside atomic blocks. The “appears to” is important, of course, because
the definition is not saying that atomic blocks actually run serially, merely that the
program will behave as if they do so.
If it can be implemented, then such strong semantics would mean that the program-
mer does not need consider the details of particular TM implementations—or indeed
the question of whether atomic blocks are implemented optimistically using TM,
or via some kind of automated lock inference.
282 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

The basic implementation we have sketched clearly does not provide strong seman-
tics to all programs, because it does not implement examples like the privatization
idiom when built over the STM systems from Section 11.4. Furthermore, it is not
even the case that an implementation built over HTM with strong atomicity would run
all programs with strong semantics because of the effect of program transformations
during compilation, or execution on a processor with a relaxed memory model. This
dilemma can be reconciled by saying that only “correctly synchronized” programs
need to execute with strong semantics; this is much the same as when programming
with locks, where only data-race-free programs are typically required to execute with
sequential consistency.
With atomic blocks, there is a trade-off between different notions of “correct”
synchronization, and the flexibility provided to use a wide range of TM implemen-
tations. At one extreme, STM-Haskell enforces a form of static separation in which
transactional data and non-transactional data are kept completely distinct; the type
system checks this statically, and all well-typed STM-Haskell programs are correctly
synchronized. This provides a lot of flexibility to the language implementer, but the
simple type system can make code reuse difficult, and require explicit marshalling
between transactional and normal data structures. For example, the privatization idiom
is not well-typed under static separation.
An alternative notion of correct synchronization is to support transactional data-
race-free (TDRF) programs. Informally, a program is TDRF if, under the strong
semantics, there are no ordinary data races, and there are no conflicts between accesses
from normal code and code inside atomic blocks. This is modeled on the conven-
tional definition of data-race freedom from programming language memory models.
The privatization idiom from Figure 11.11 is TDRF.
Given the need to consider notions of correct synchronization in defining the seman-
tics of atomic blocks, is it actually fair to say that they provide an easier program-
ming model than using explicit locks? That is a question that must ultimately be
tested experimentally, but intuitively, even if the programming model is a form of
SLA, programming with a single lock is simpler than programming with a set of
locks; the question of exactly which lock to hold becomes the question of whether or
not to hold the single lock.

11.5.2 Optimizing Atomic Blocks

A basic implementation of atomic blocks can provide dreadful performance if
TM is used for all of the memory accesses that are made—even with HTM there can
be a cost of additional work when writing to an undo log, or additional pressure on
caches to hold multiple versions of the same data.
Several significant improvements are possible. First, variables on the stack are usu-
ally guaranteed to be thread-local: an implementation may still need to log their values
for rollback, but conflict detection is not needed. It is easy to treat local variables as
a special case in C# and Java because special bytecodes are used for most accesses
to the stack. Second, static analyses can identify some cases where objects are local
to an atomic block (e.g., the new QElem object in Figure 11.10). Finally, many
Transactional Memory 283
Class Q {
QElem leftSentinel;
QElem rightSentinel;

void pushLeft(int item) {

do {
QElem e = new QElem(item);
e.right = this.leftSentinel.right;
e.left = this.leftSentinel;
this.leftSentinel.right.left = e;
this.leftSentinel.right = e;
} while (!TxCommit());

FIGURE 11.12: Optimizing placement of STM operations using an STM with

object-based conflict detection, and eager version management.

workloads exhibit a strong degree of locality within a transaction and so redundant

TM operations can be caused by repeated loads/stores to the same data.
These observations can be exploited by decomposing the interface to the STM,
so that the bookkeeping operations are separated from the actual data accesses. As
before, TxStart and TxCommit bracket the transaction. However, the reads and
writes are preceded by TxOpenForRead (for reads) and TxOpenForWrite and
TxLogForUndo (for writes). These operations can then be moved independently
of the data accesses based on knowledge of the particular STM, e.g., if concurrency
control is done on a per-object basis, then one TxOpenForRead will provide access
to multiple fields.
Figure 11.12 illustrates the use of these operations when building over an STM with
eager version management. No concurrency control is needed on the local variable
“e”, or on the fields of the QElem object that “e” refers to. The object that “this”
refers to must be opened for reading, and the objects that “this.leftSentinel”
and “this.leftSentinel.right” refer to must be opened for writing (so that
the new QElem can be spliced between them).

11.5.3 Composable Blocking

We have shown how atomic blocks can be used to update data structures in shared
memory. What about cases where a programmer wishes one thread to wait until the
284 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

contents of memory change in some way—perhaps for a version of popLeft that

blocks if it finds that the deque is empty?
STM-Haskell provides a pair of operations known as retry and orelse to tack-
ling this kind of problem. Calling retry indicates that the current atomic block
is not yet ready for run, e.g., in C#-like syntax:

int popLeft() {
atomic {
if (this.leftSentinel.right == this.rightSentinel) retry;

Unlike when programming with locks and condition variables, it is not necessary
to identify what condition popLeft is dependent on, or what condition will cause
it to succeed in the future. This avoids lost-wake-up problems where a variable is
updated, but threads waiting on conditions associated with the variable are not sig-
naled. With STM-Haskell, the thread running the atomic block waits until an update
is committed to any of the locations that the atomic block has read.
This form of blocking is composable in the sense that an atomic block may call
a series of operations that might wait internally, and the atomic block as a whole
will only execute when all of these conditions will succeed. For example, to take two

atomic {
x1 = q.popLeft();
x2 = q.popLeft();

The combined atomic block can only complete when both popLeft calls return
items, and atomicity requires that the two items be consecutive. Of course, the same
structure could be used for other operations—taking more than two items, or taking
elements that meet some other requirement (say, taking a different number of items
dependent on the value of x1). All these alternatives can be built without changing
the underlying deque.
Having said that, retry must be used with care—the programmer must ensure
that it will actually be possible for the operations to execute together; it is no good
enclosing two popLeft calls in an atomic block if the underlying buffer is built
over a single storage cell. Similarly, sets of possibly blocking operations that involve
communication with other threads cannot generally be performed atomically—e.g.,
updating one shared buffer with a request to a server thread, and then waiting for a
response to arrive. The server’s work must happen in between the request and the
response, so the request–response pair cannot happen atomically.
An orelse construct provides a way to try a piece of code and to catch any
attempt is makes to block, e.g., to turn popLeft into an operation that returns a
failure code instead of waiting:
Transactional Memory 285
int popLeftNoWait() {
atomic {
return popLeft();
} orelse {
return -1;

The semantics of orelse is that either (1) the first branch executes as normal,
or (2) the first branch reaches retry, in which case the second branch executes
in its place (i.e., any putative updates from the first branch are discarded). If both
branches call retry, then the retry propagates, as with an exception, out to an
enclosing orelse. Alternative constructs could be defined which provide a non-
deterministic choice between their branches, rather than the left-biased form pro-
vided by orelse—however, note that the left bias is essential for the usage in

11.6 Performance
The design and implementation of TM systems remains an active research topic,
and numerous prototype systems have been described in the literature, or are available
for experimental use.
As with any parallel algorithm, several different metrics are interesting when eval-
uating the performance of STM systems. If a system is to be useful in practice, then
the sequential overhead of using transactions must not be so great that a program-
mer is better off sticking with single-threaded code. For instance, if transactional
code runs 16× slower than single-threaded code, then a program would need to be
able to scale perfectly to 16 cores just to recoup this loss; contention in the memory
hierarchy, conflicts between transactions, uneven work distribution between threads,
and synchronization elsewhere in the language runtime system would make this kind
of scaling difficult to achieve. Sequential overhead is largely affected by the costs
introduced by the TM system; e.g., additional bookkeeping in an STM system, or
additional pressure on cache space in an HTM system. The sequential overhead of
an STM is highly dependent on the performance of the baseline language implemen-
tation, and on the engineering and tuning that has been employed in building the
STM itself; a poor language implementation can mask the high costs of a given STM
In addition to sequential overhead, a programmer should be interested in the way in
which a particular TM implementation affects the scalability of their programs. Scal-
ability is a function of both the program’s workload (e.g., if the transactions involve
conflicts), and the internals of the TM system (e.g., whether or not the implementation
introduces synchronization between unrelated transactions).
In this section, we briefly examine the performance achieved by the Bartok-STM
system. The implementation operates as an ahead-of-time compiler from C# to native
286 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Normalized execution time 1.2

Normalized execution time

Delaunay STM Genome STM
1 2
0.2 0.5

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#Threads #Threads

2 1.6

Normalized execution time

Normalized execution time

Labyrinth STM Vacation STM

1.8 1.4
1.6 1.2
1.2 1
1 0.8
0.8 0.6
0.6 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#Threads #Threads

FIGURE 11.13: Performance of the Bartok-STM implementation.

x86 code, employing standard program transformations to optimize the C# code, and
using the techniques from Section 11.5.2 to optimize the placement of STM opera-
tions within transactions. Other STM systems can provide lower sequential overhead
(e.g., NOrec), or better scalability (e.g., SkySTM), but we stick with Bartok-STM to
complete the description of a full system.
Our results look at a set of four benchmarks. Three of these were derived from
the STAMP 0.9.9 benchmark suite (Genome, Labyrinth, Vacation). We translated the
original C versions of these programs into C#, making each C struct into a C#
class. The fourth benchmark is a Delaunay triangulation algorithm implemented
following the description by Scott et al. (2007). In all four benchmarks, we added
atomic blocks to the source code, and the compiler automatically added calls to the
STM library for code within the atomic blocks, before automatically optimizing the
placement of the STM operations.
Figure 11.13 shows the results on a machine with two quad-core Intel Xeon
5300-series processors. All results show execution time for a fixed total amount of
work, normalized against execution of a sequential program running on a single
core. This means that the 1-thread STM results show the sequential overhead that
is incurred, and the point at which the STM curves cross 1.0 shows the number of
threads that are needed in order to recoup this overhead. For all of these workloads, the
STM-based implementation out-performs the sequential version when two threads
are used.
These workloads vary a great deal. Delaunay uses short transactions when stitching
together independently triangulated parts of the space: most of the program’s execu-
tion is during non-transactional phases in which threads work independently. As Scott
et al. (2007) observed, one way that TM can affect performance for this workload is
Transactional Memory 287

if it imposes any overheads on non-transactional execution—e.g., by adding an addi-

tional level of indirection to each object access. Bartok-STM behaves well from this
point of view: normal memory accesses can be used during the non-transactional
phases of execution.
The Genome workload spends around 60% of its time in transactions. These are
modestly sized operations, accessing 17 memory locations on average. The larger
time spent inside transactions leads to a higher sequential overhead.
Labyrinth is unique amongst these programs in that it spends almost all of its
time inside transactions, and it executes a small number of extremely large transac-
tions which access tens of thousands of locations. The benchmark performs routing
within a 3D maze, with each transaction attempting to route between a given source–
destination pair in the maze. Transactions detect conflicts when the routes proposed
by different threads collide. The size of the transactions, and the conflict rate, depends
on the initial dimensions of the maze and the number of source–destination pairs to be
routed. The benchmark is also notable in demonstrating the use of an “early release”
programming abstraction in which parts of a transaction’s data set are discarded dur-
ing its execution. This is done to provide an approximate snapshot of the maze at
the start of the transaction’s work, allowing the transaction to read from all of the
locations in the maze without incurring conflicts on locations that it does not subse-
quently use in its chosen route. Without this optimization, essentially every pair of
transactions would conflict.
The final benchmark, Vacation, maintains a simple in-memory database repre-
sented by a series of trees. These are accessed to model booking and querying travel
arrangements. The transactions access an average of 57 locations, and around 68%
of the program’s single-threaded execution time is spent in transactions. This bench-
mark illustrates a workload which would be difficult to manage using fine-grained
locking: even if an individual tree was built in a scalable way, it would be necessary
to add an additional layer of locking to provide atomicity between related updates to
different trees.

11.7 Where Next with TM?

In this chapter, we have introduced three main areas of research: HTM, STM, and
atomic blocks. There are evidently common aspects to all three, but it is worthwhile
highlighting the differences between them and, in particular, the differences in the
arguments that might be used when deploying them in a mainstream language or in
an actual piece of hardware.
There is a clear argument that even a modestly sized HTM—2, 3, or 4 locations—
provides a simplification to the implementation of non-blocking shared-memory data
structures, and a performance benefit over known software implementations of the
data structures. It allows a small set of locations to be accessed without needing to
handle ABA problems, and without the usually attendant costs of bookkeeping or
dynamic memory management. With this approach, low-level libraries could
288 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

encapsulate the use of transactions for a data structure, using HTM when it is avail-
able, and otherwise falling back to a specialized software implementation of the data
structure. This is similar to the use of other architecture-specific techniques, say SSE4
The argument for atomic blocks in a general-purpose language is different. The
aim there is to provide a higher-level abstraction for building concurrent data struc-
tures; in any particular case it is very likely that a specialized design can perform
better—but potentially losing the composability of different data structures built over
transactions, or the ability to control blocking via constructs like orelse. Of course,
for atomic blocks to be useful in practice, the performance must be sufficiently
good that the cost of using a general-purpose technique rather than a specialized one
is acceptable. Currently, the state of the art in STM is perhaps akin to garbage collec-
tion in the early 1990s; a number of broad design choices are known (eager version
management vs. lazy version management on the one hand, copying vs. mark-sweep
vs. reference counting on the other), but there is still work to be done in understanding
how to build a high-performance implementation and, in particular, one that performs
predictably across workloads.
An alternative, more incremental, approach is to use TM within the implementation
of existing language constructs. Forms of speculative lock elision have been studied
in hardware and in software; the idea is to allow multiple threads to execute critical
sections speculatively, allowing them to run in parallel so long as they access dis-
joint sets of memory locations. TM can form the basis of an implementation, and the
question of whether to use TM, or whether to use an actual lock, can be based on the
performance characteristics of the particular TM implementations that are available.

11.8 Chapter Notes

The work described in this chapter is based on a wide range of research papers.
The brief notes here are meant as pointers to some of these papers, rather than a full
survey. Harris, Larus, and Rajwar’s (2010) book provides a more detailed discussion
of work in this area.
Herlihy and Moss’ (1993) coined the term transactional memory and developed the
classical implementation of bounded transactions that we describe in Section 11.3.
Moore et al. (2006) designed the LogTM algorithm which pioneered the use of eager
updates in HTM.
Shavit and Touitou (1995) described the first software implementation of transac-
tional memory. It provides a static interface (i.e., one in which a set of memory loca-
tions and proposed updates are presented in an array passed to a single operation).
Herlihy et al.’s (2003) DSTM is an early practically focused non-blocking object-
based design. The Rochester Synchronization Group’s RSTM is a mature research
prototype STM library for C++.
Bartok-STM and McRT-STM introduced the combination of eager version man-
agement and lazy conflict detection on reads. These systems have been used to explore
Transactional Memory 289

the application of static analyses to optimize the placement of calls onto a TM library.
Dice et al (2006). designed the original TL2 algorithm.
Two examples of recent STM systems which illustrate different design choices are
NOrec (Dalessandro et al. 2010) and SkySTM (Lev et al. 2009). The NOrec STM sys-
tem provides an example of design choices taken to reduce the sequential overheads
incurred by an STM. It avoids the need to maintain any per-object or per-word meta-
data for conflict detection. Instead, transactions maintain a value-based log of their
tentative reads and writes, and use commit-time synchronization to check whether
or not these values are still up-to-date. The SkySTM system demonstrates a series
of design choices to provide scalability to multiprocessor CMP systems comprising
256 hardware threads. It aims to avoid synchronization on centralized metadata, and
employs specialized scalable nonzero indicator (SNZI) structures to maintain dis-
tributed implementations of parts of the STM system’s metadata.
Harris et al. (2005, 2006) introduced the retry and orelse constructs in GHC-
Haskell and provided an operational semantics for a core of the language. Moore
et al. (2006) and Abadi et al. (2008) provided formal semantics for languages includ-
ing atomic actions. They showed that the static separation programming discipline
allowed flexibility in TM implementation, and they showed that a simple type sys-
tem could be used to ensure that a program obeys static separation.
Shpeisman et al. (2007) provided a taxonomy of problems that occur when using
STM implementations that do not provide strong atomicity. Menon et al. (2008)
studied the implementation consequences of extending such an implementation to
support SLA.

Abadi, M., A. Birrell, T. Harris, and M. Isard, Semantics of transactional memory
and automatic mutual exclusion, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2008, San Francisco, CA.
Adl-Tabatabai, A.-R., B.T. Lewis, V. Menon, B.R. Murphy, B. Saha, and
T. Shpeisman, Compiler and runtime support for efficient software transactional
memory, Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Programming Language Design
and Implementation, PLDI 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Dalessandro, L., M.F. Spear, and M.L. Scott, NOrec: Streamlining STM by abolishing
ownership records, Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Principles and Practice
of Parallel Programming, PPoPP 2010, Bangalore, India.
Dice, D., O. Shalev, and N. Shavit, Transactional locking II, Proceedings of the
20th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, DISC 2006, Stockholm,
Harris, T., J. Larus, and R. Rajwar, Transactional Memory, 2nd edn., Morgan &
Claypool Publishers, San Rafael, CA, 2010.
290 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Harris, T., S. Marlow, S. Peyton Jones, and M. Herlihy, Composable memory trans-
actions, Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming, PPoPP 2005, Chicago, IL.
Harris, T., M. Plesko, A. Shinnar, and D. Tarditi, Optimizing memory transac-
tions, Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Programming Language Design and
Implementation, PLDI 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Herlihy, M. and J.E.B. Moss, Transactional memory: Architectural support for lock-
free data structures, Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, ISCA 1993, San Diego, CA.
Herlihy, M., V. Luchangco, M. Moir, and W.N. Scherer III, Software transactional
memory for dynamic-sized data structures, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Sym-
posium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2003, Boston, MA.
Lev, Y., V. Luchangco, V. Marathe, M. Moir, D. Nussbaum, and M. Olszewski,
Anatomy of a scalable software transactional memory, TRANSACT 2009,
Raleigh, NC.
Menon, V., S. Balensiefer, T. Shpeisman, A.-R. Adl-Tabatabai, R.L. Hudson, B. Saha,
and A. Welc, Practical weak-atomicity semantics for Java STM, Proceedings of
the 20th Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA 2008,
Munich, Germany.
Moore, K.E., J. Bobba, M.J. Moravan, M.D. Hill, and D.A. Wood, LogTM: Log-
based transactional memory, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on
High-Performance Computer Architecture, HPCA 2006, Austin, TX.
Moore, K.F. and D. Grossman, High-level small-step operational semantics for
transactions, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Symposium on Principles of Pro-
gramming Languages, POPL 2008, San Francisco, CA.
Scott, M.L., M.F. Spear, L.Dalessandro, and V.J. Marathe, Delaunay triangulation
with transactions and barriers, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Sym-
posium on Workload Characterization, Boston, MA.
Shavit, N. and D. Touitou, Software transactional memory, Proceedings of the 14th
Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 1995, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
Shpeisman, T., V. Menon, A.-R. Adl-Tabatabai, S. Balensiefer, D. Grossman,
R.L. Hudson, K.F. Moore, and B. Saha, Enforcing isolation and ordering in STM,
Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Programming Language Design and
Implementation, PLDI 2007, San Diego, CA.
Chapter 12
Emerging Applications

Pradeep Dubey


12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

12.2 RMS Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
12.2.1 Interactive RMS (iRMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
12.2.2 Growing Significance of Data-Driven Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 Massive Data Computing: An Algorithmic Opportunity . . . 297
12.2.3 Nested RMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
12.2.4 Structured Decomposition of RMS Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
12.3 System Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
12.3.1 Nature and Source of Underlying Parallelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Approximate, Yet Real Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Curse of Dimensionality and Irregular Access Pattern . . . . . 301 Parallelism: Both Coarse and Fine Grain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Throughput Computing and Manycore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Revisiting Amdahl’s Law for Throughput Computing . . . . . 302
12.3.2 Scalability of RMS Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Scalability Implications of Dataset Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
12.3.3 Homogenous versus Heterogeneous Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
12.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

12.1 Introduction
A wave of digitization is all around us. Digital data continues to grow in leaps and
bounds in its various forms, such as unstructured text on the Web, high-definition
images, increasing digital content in health clinics, streams of network access logs or
ecommerce transactions, surveillance camera video streams, as well as massive vir-
tual reality datasets and complex models capable of interactive and real-time render-
ing, approaching photo-realism and real-world animation. While none of us perhaps
has the crystal ball to predict the future killer app, it is our belief that the next round
of killer apps will be about addressing the data explosion problem for end users, a
problem of growing concern and importance for both corporate and home users. The
aim of this chapter is to understand the nature of such applications and propose a

292 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Recognition Mining Synthesis

What is a tumor? Is there a tumor here? What if the tumor


FIGURE 12.1: Illustrating RMS components.

structured approach to applications analysis that can offer a deeper understanding of

the underlying software and hardware implications.
We begin by taking a deeper look at the computational needs of emerging appli-
cations. Most applications can be thought of in terms of a set of objects or events.
Consider, for example, the following three applications: finding a flower in an image
database, detecting an intrusion in a network, or synthesizing a castle in a virtual
world. Flower, intrusion, and castle are respective examples of target end-user object
or event in these illustrative cases. A typical implementation alternative for such
applications begins with an assumed computational model for the target object or
event. For example, a flower can be thought of as a combination of properly textured
polygons, whereas an intrusion can be modeled as a class of anomalous network
access patterns. We refer to this phase as the modeling or recognition (R) phase.
Given a model of a flower, intrusion, or castle makes it possible for the computer
to mine instances similar to a query instance through multidimensional indexing of
a resident or streaming dataset. This is referred to as the mining (M) phase. Finally,
a good computational model of a flower, intrusion, or castle is also a key to being
able to synthesize a virtual near-neighbor instance of the query object or simulate
a future progression of the event query. This computational phase is referred to as
the synthesis (S) phase. Figure 12.1 illustrates this recognition, mining, and synthe-
sis (RMS) taxonomy through an example application. For a more detailed discussion
of such applications, the reader is referred to [1]. This unified taxonomy of RMS
helps us understand the computational needs of emerging compute-intensive appli-
cations in a structured manner. Section 12.2 offers a more detailed look at RMS com-
ponents. It also discusses the impact of the Internet and massive Web datasets for
RMS computing. This is followed by Section 12.3 on hardware and software system

12.2 RMS Taxonomy

At a high level, recognition is often a type of machine learning. Computers need
to be able to examine data and images, and construct mathematical models based on
what they “see.” Say, for example, the Black–Scholes model of an equity pricing, or
Emerging Applications 293

Recognition Mining Synthesis

What is...? Is it ...? What if ...?

Find an existing Create a new

model instance model instance

FIGURE 12.2: RMS taxonomy.

Data mining
Clustering/classification Web mining

Mining (M)
Bayesian network Semantic search
Markov model Streaming data mining
Decision trees Distributed data mining
Forests of trees Content-based image retrieval
Neural networks Query by humming
Probabilistic networks Video mining
Optimization-based models: Intrusion mining
Time-series models

Photo-real synthesis
Virtual world simulation
Modeling or recognition (R)
Synthesis (S)

Behavioral synthesis
Physical simulation
Strategy simulation
Audio synthesis
Video/image synthesis
Summary synthesis
Machine translation

FIGURE 12.3: Decomposing emerging applications.

a data-acquisition-based model of the object or event, such as a collection of images

believed to represent a certain flower type. As shown in Figure 12.2, recognition is
the “what is.” It is about identifying a set of data that constitutes a statistical model or
constructing an analytical model. Some of the commonly used mathematical models
are enumerated in Figure 12.3. Recognition needs to be a continuous process because
data is always being created, always coming in. What’s more, through constant model
building, computers will get better at enriching a model with further data and elimi-
nating the data that is not necessary.
Once the computer has recognized the “what is” and turned it into a model, the
computer must be able search for instances of the model, or “is it” tasks. We label
these as “mining” tasks. Mining refers to searching a dataset, such as the Web, to
find instances of a given query model. The better computers are able to build models
(recognition), the better computers should be at finding instances that fit these models
and our needs. The primary computational challenge for this phase of computing
is multidimensional data indexing. Given a large set of attributes of a multimodal
query object (such as colors, textures, shapes, etc.), real-time indexing challenge is
nontrivial. Some of the emerging mining applications are enumerated in Figure 12.3.
294 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Synthesis is discovering “what if” cases of a model. If an instance of the model

does not exist, a computer should be able to create a potential instance of that model
in an imaginary world. In other words, synthesis is the ability to create an instance
of a model where one does not exist, or simulate (predict) a future instance of an
event sequence. Graphics is one of the most popular synthesis applications aimed at
generating photo-real instances of real-world objects. Figure 12.3 lists a variety of
various synthesis application classes.
In Section 12.2.1, we introduce the motivation for viewing the three RMS com-
ponents as a loop, and introduce two most popular instances of RMS loop from
the domains of visual computing and analytics usages. It should be clear from the
introduction earlier in this section that models (of objects or events) play a critical
role in RMS taxonomy. Section 12.2.2 takes a deeper look at a class of models of
growing importance: data-driven or statistical models. Section 12.2.3 introduces a
third instance of RMS loop, referred to as nested RMS, that models a growing class
of Web-based, real-time, service-oriented, computing usages. Finally, Section 12.2.4
proposes a structured decomposition of RMS applications in an effort to offer a uni-
fied worldview of seemingly diverse emerging applications. We then move on to dis-
cussing the common system implications of RMS applications in Section 12.3. As we
progress through the chapter, it should become increasingly clear that while many of
the RMS applications are similar to the traditional HPC (high performance comput-
ing) application, they are significantly different in many ways. The primary difference
stems from the fact that these are driven by mass usages, such as entertainment and
enterprise productivity, as opposed to scientific discovery. This further has significant
implications on underlying algorithm and fidelity requirements. Also, the emerging
Web-based compute infrastructure with massive data, ubiquitous connectivity, and
teraflops-class general-purpose multicore/manycore computing processors is quite
different from the traditional supercomputer-based HPC infrastructure.

12.2.1 Interactive RMS (iRMS)

An end user judges the goodness of a computer model of an object or event only
indirectly, through the quality of mining and synthesis outputs (Figure 12.4). For
example, a search engine that returns excellent matches to a given flower input must
have a very good computational model of flower. Similarly, an intrusion detection sys-
tem which successfully detects a security breach must have a good predictive model
of ensuing intrusions. More importantly, there is often a feedback loop (Figure 12.5)
from the mining and synthesis output back to the modeling phase to continuously
refine the model. Computational power that can enable real-time or interactive itera-
tion of a model refinement task has the potential to create new end-user applications.
For example, interactive volume rendering and surface extraction can enable medical
imaging to move from mostly diagnostic imaging today (such as CT and PetScan) to
interventional imaging (such as computer-assisted surgery).
For better understanding of various emerging applications, let us look at the iRMS
loop in two different use contexts: visual computing and real-time analytics. Visual
Emerging Applications 295

Execution Evaluation

Mining (M)
synthesis (S)
(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

Computer’s simulated Human’s conceptual

model model

FIGURE 12.4: Mining or synthesis quality determines the goodness of a model

for an end user.

Recognition Mining Synthesis

What is...? Is it...? What if...?

Find an existing Create a new

model instance model instance

FIGURE 12.5: Most RMS apps are about enabling interactive (real-time) RMS
loop (iRMS).

computing is an interdisciplinary combination of, primarily, graphics rendering, phys-

ical simulation, and computer vision. iRMS loop in this case is derived from the
real-time integration of graphics and computer vision pipelines. Graphics pipeline
transforms a polygonal model to a time sequence of images, whereas, vision pipeline
does the inverse operation of transforming an image sequence into a model. This is
illustrated in Figure 12.6. Analytics loop, illustrated in Figure 12.7, crawls a large
amount of streaming or archived data to continuously derive richer ontologies capa-
ble of real-time predicting or simulating likely “what-if” scenarios, and thus forms
the necessary framework of real-time analytics, for example, program trading appli-
cations in financial analytics.
296 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Graphics rendering + physical simulation

Learning and Visual input Synthesized

modeling (R) streams (M) visuals (S)
Computer Reality
vision augmentation

FIGURE 12.6: Visual computing loop.

Semantic mining and analytics

Structured and
Learning and filling What-if
ontologies (R) simulations (S)
Mining data (M) Structured

FIGURE 12.7: Analytics loop.

12.2.2 Growing Significance of Data-Driven Models

Figures 12.8 and 12.9 show unrolled versions of visual computing and analyt-
ics loops discussed in the preceding text, respectively, to highlight the significant
constituent compute functions. Common to these loops are two classes of models:
(1) models that have a well-defined analytical or procedural formation, such as the
Black–Scholes model of an equity pricing, or the Navier–Stokes formulation of fluid
flow, and (2) data-acquisition-based statistical model, such as a collaborative filter
model. Visual computing has predominance of procedural and analytical models as
the physical phenomenon behind photo or physical realism are very well understood.
The same cannot be said for nonvisual computing applications such as Web mining or
financial analytics. These applications are dominated by data-driven statistical mod-
els. The quality of such data-based models is critically dependent on having large
enough data input. Recent rapid growth of digital data and its easy accessibility has
been a boon for this class of models. Real-time availability of acquired data can be
further used to incrementally train and improve model accuracy. Model training in
the past, such as that in the case of speech recognition, has often proven very dif-
ficult due to the limited amount of training data on a client machine. Furthermore,
limited to an individual user of a client machine, the duration of a training loop to
achieve an acceptable level of accuracy has been unacceptable as well. On the other
hand, online databases, such as Flicker and YouTube, contain a massive amount of
data, many times more than any client machine, and any Web-based system has the
potential of training itself from a vast number of online users. Consequently, online
systems with large datasets, such as Google search engine, have proven to be very
successful. Real-time connectivity implies continuous improvement in model accu-
racy with new data and training inputs. Even for traditional databases, connectivity,
coupled with growth in memory capacity and compute capability, opens the possi-
bility of bringing together the current decoupled worlds of transaction and analytics,
say, through in-memory real-time databases.
Emerging Applications 297

Procedural or

Model Rendering

Data acquisition and

mining based

FIGURE 12.8: Visual computing loop (graphics and vision).

Procedural or

Real-time indexing What-if evaluation and

summary synthesis

Data mining based


FIGURE 12.9: Search and analytics loop. Massive Data Computing: An Algorithmic Opportunity

Availability of massive data has also opened up new superior algorithmic alterna-
tives to many traditional problems. Two such illustrative applications are described
in the following text:
• Language-independent statistical machine translation: Whereas the principles
of statistical machine translation have been known for many years, most avail-
able translation systems make very little use of it, and instead focus on build-
ing a language grammar-specific translation. In somewhat of a surprise to this
research community, a recent Google’s English to Chinese and Arabic transla-
tor [2] built on the statistical approach outperformed all its language-specific
counterparts. Key to the recent success of this approach can be attributed to the
massive training data of human-translated books and documents. Aided by this
data, it was feasible to build a high enough accuracy translation without any
knowledge of the specific languages involved.
• Scene completion: A basic photo-editing operation involves removing an
unwanted part of an image, and then filling the hole through various inter-
polation techniques involving data from nearby pixels and segments, aimed
at creating a natural look. For example, removing an unwanted car parked in
front of a building would involve filling the hole using texture and patches of
the now exposed building. Hayes and Efros [3] present an alternate algorith-
mic approach to this classic problem based on a massive database of online
298 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

Outer loop:
Trade bots iRMS visual loop:
one per real user

Inner loop:
iRMS analytics loop:
Chat bots one per bot per user
Shop bots
Performance needs:
can far exceed typical i/o limits of
human perception

bots Player bots
Reporter bots Performance needs:
limited by input/output limits of
human perception

FIGURE 12.10: Nested RMS instance: virtual world.

photographs, used for mining relevant photos and using them instead to fill the
image hole. For example, in our example this would mean finding a photo taken
of the building of interest without the car parked in front. Thus, an image pro-
cessing problem is transformed largely into a data-mining problem, an approach
that can only be practical with access to a huge image database.

For another example illustrating algorithmic implications of massive data use, the
reader is referred to [4].

12.2.3 Nested RMS

So far we have discussed visual computing loop and analytics loop in isolation.
There are certain usage scenarios where these two loops are nested. Consider, for
example, a typical virtual world application, such as Second Life. The outer loop
in this case is a typical visual computing loop where the end user is interactively
synthesizing a virtual world. However, given the multiparty collaborative nature and
access to large asset database in this usage, some of the component tasks like retriev-
ing matching digital asset, and whether or not to trade a certain asset, involve search
and real-time decision-making as well. One can further imagine a variety of bots in
an evolved virtual world application mining and analyzing on behalf of a given end
user, as shown in Figure 12.10.

12.2.4 Structured Decomposition of RMS Applications

In this section, we propose a structured decomposition of RMS applications. This is
an application-algorithm centric decomposition of the application stack. Figure 12.11
Emerging Applications 299

Structured decomposition of emerging applications

Level 0: Services
Web search Collaboration Trading Gaming Surveillance
Level 1: Applications
Artificial Portfolio Physical
Semantic search Video mining
intelligence management simulation
Level 2: Mathematical models
Partitioning Lattice-grid Mass-spring Geometric
Neural networks
based models model models
Generative Behavioral Quadratic Finite element
Level sets
models models optimization finite difference
Level 3: Mathematical techniques
Interior-point Collision
SVD Path planning Visual hull
method detection
K-means Simplex Force solvers Optical flow
Level 4: Numerical algorithms
Direct and iterative solvers
monte carlo simulations
Level 5: Numerical primitives and data structures
Sparse and dense BLAS123
Graphs and matrices
Geometry primitives (e.g., triangle, box, convex)
Partition structures (e.g., grids, Kd-tree, BVH)

FIGURE 12.11: Structured decomposition of emerging applications. (Adapted

from Chen, Y.-K. et al., Proc. IEEE, 96(5), 790, April 2008.)

illustrates six-stage decomposition: services, applications, mathematical models,

mathematical techniques, numerical algorithms, and numerical primitives and data
structures. Items listed at each level are not meant to be an exhaustive list, but just an
illustrative subset. At the highest level, the majority of these applications are growing
into Web-based services. As noted earlier, this makes it easier to constantly evolve
the model goodness using the vast temporal and spatial aggregation ability of the
Web. Underneath these services, there are classes of related applications. For exam-
ple, a popular Web search service of modern times is made of applications like text
mining, photo search, and video mining. Each one of these applications at next level
is composed of a set of analytical or data-driven models of its target entities, such
as mass-spring model for cloth simulation used in an online game service. A set of
mathematical techniques get deployed for real-time solution of various models. For
example, one may use simplex method for solving the linear model of a system
involving multiple constraints expressed as a system of linear equations. These math-
ematical techniques in turn rely on a class of numerical algorithms, such as direct or
iterative solvers. At the lowest level in this stack lie foundational numerical primi-
tive functions, such as various dense and sparse matrix algebra routines, along with
300 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

associated data structures like various partitioning structures used in modeling 3D

world, such as Kd-tree or bounding volume hierarchies or BVH.

12.3 System Implications

12.3.1 Nature and Source of Underlying Parallelism
There is abundance of parallelism in any RMS application. At the highest level,
majority of these applications, as noted earlier, are Web-based service applications,
and hence, the multiuser level parallelism opportunity, such as processing thousands
of independent queries in a search data center, is most evident. These applications
are further distinguished by an abundance of parallelism within a single-user task
as well, for example, parallelism within a single trading task for a program trader,
or within a single search query, or the same within one fluid simulation task. Data-
level parallelism is the most obvious and easiest form of abundant parallelism in the
majority of RMS applications. Multimedia datasets can often be spatially or tempo-
rally decomposed, processed by a common set of kernels, and effectively integrated
at the end. A less obvious source of the intra-task parallelism comes from the growing
complexity of the underlying model. Most models discussed in the preceding text are
too complex for a direct solution, and instead get solved via a traditional divide-and-
conquer approach through decomposition into simpler models. For example, most
higher-order estimation tasks can be approximated with multiple lower-order estima-
tion tasks (such as piecewise linear approximation).
Additional source of parallelism during the recombination phase of the subtasks
arises from the redundant nature of most decomposition. For example, among the
feasible orderings for recomposition, some will have better rate of convergence to
the given level of solution quality than others. A sequential algorithm is more depen-
dent on picking the right ordering than a brute-force parallel implementation (when
resource feasible). In fact, often the complexity of picking the right ordering of
decomposed subtasks on highly resource-constrained sequential machine implemen-
tations outweighs the potential gain of parallel decomposition and execution. There-
fore, redundant parallel execution may sometimes be preferred. For example,
path-finding algorithm implementations on sequential or less-parallel machines often
rely on the goodness of sub-path picking heuristics; whereas, the same on a highly
parallel machine is less dependent on these, often complex, heuristics. Approximate, Yet Real Time

Most RMS applications have an output that is statistical in nature. Take, for exam-
ple, a search result, or synthetic reconstruction. There is no perfect answer in such
cases. Often the quality of the answer improves with more data or more compute, but
it can reach the good-enough level quite rapidly in many real-life, real-time scenar-
ios. In data-mining literature, such applications are often characterized as soft com-
puting applications [5]. Approximate, yet real time, has significant implications on
Emerging Applications 301

nature and the amount of parallelism. Dependences can be removed exposing more
parallelism, or a faster solution, if one is willing to accept an approximate answer. For
example, end-biased histogram (part of the so-called iceberg query) is a good exam-
ple of an approximate query. It answers how often the most frequent item exceeds a
certain threshold, as opposed to actual count for the most frequent item. Space com-
plexity of the latter has a provable lower bound of (N), whereas the end-biased
histogram query has a sublinear space complexity. Such reductions in space and time
complexities [6] are critical for the underlying streaming (often in-memory) usages
for many RMS applications. In general, the statistical nature of most RMS applica-
tions lends them to implementations based on randomized algorithm (such as Monte
Carlo). As we know, randomized algorithms generally have a higher degree of paral-
lelism, and hence a faster solution, compared to their deterministic counterparts [7].
Furthermore, a significant subset of RMS applications is targeted at digital con-
tent creation or audiovisual synthesis. Driven by the needs and limitations of human
sensory perceptions, one can make various algorithmic and accuracy trade-offs that
would not be permissible in scientific discovery context. For example, a simulation of
fluid, aimed at visual fidelity alone, can approximate fluid with a collection of inde-
pendent particles; whereas, the same for scientific accuracy would mandate a much
more complex simulation, in line with the venerated Navier–Stokes equation. These
accuracy approximations, when acceptable to specific human perception needs, sim-
ilar to the previous section, offer new opportunities for parallelization. There are lim-
ited and more recent attempts of compile-time optimizations as well for automating
the discovery of such performance opportunities in real-time applications, as in the
loop perforation technique proposed in [8]. Curse of Dimensionality and Irregular Access Pattern

Consider a medical imaging context where 2D slices are used for reconstructing
the 3D volume of an object, such as the human heart. Progression of heart move-
ments over time adds a fourth dimension. A collection of these volume sequences
over different patients or populations can raise the problem dimension to five. The
growth of dimension is often much worse for nonphysical objects, such as a trans-
action record. Thanks to the growing popularity and standardization around XML,
high-dimensional objects are quite common. Given this high inherent dimensionality
of common models, high-dimensional indexing becomes a challenge for most data
access systems. Furthermore, most of the emerging digital data today is unstructured
(text, media, blogs, etc.), unlike well-structured, relational databases of the recent
past. High-dimensional and unstructured references to such data structures manifest
themselves in the form of irregular memory accesses, raising the value of hardware
and architectural support for reducing the programming complexity of dealing with
this, for example, the gather-scatter feature found in some modern processors [9,10]. Parallelism: Both Coarse and Fine Grain

As noted earlier, all RMS applications exhibit a very large degree of parallelism.
However, often the large parallelism is fine grain in nature, say at the level of a small
302 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

kernel, looping over a large stream of data, or a large number of parallel threads of
widely varying sizes, including some very small in execution duration. Furthermore,
since the subtasks, such as lower-order surfaces, are part of a higher-order model,
low overhead sharing of control and data is often crucial for an efficient implementa-
tion. Consider, for example, the three levels of parallelism described for parallelizing
Cholesky factorization in [11]. There is coarse-grain parallelism at the level of elim-
ination tree, a task dependence graph that characterizes the computation and data
flow among the supernodes. However, the parallelism inside each supernode is fine
grain in nature. Modern chip-level multiprocessors (CMP) have significantly reduced
the traditional overhead associated with fine-grain control and data sharing, as the
on-chip processing nodes are only nanoseconds apart from each other, and not mil-
liseconds apart in older HPC systems with comparable computing power. Smelyan-
skiy [11] demonstrates the potential of very high CMP speedup for a very important,
yet traditionally hard-to-parallelize optimization problem of interior point, benefiting
from the architectural support for both coarse- and fine-grain parallelism. Throughput Computing and Manycore

Abundance of parallelism is the primary distinguishing characteristic of RMS appli-
cation class. As a result, it is often possible to trade off subtask execution time in
favor of improved overall solution time. This is simply an instance of the classic
response time versus throughput trade-off in favor of the latter that characterizes
throughput computing. In other words, at a system level, one can often justify slower
single-thread response time in favor of overall throughput performance. RMS appli-
cations naturally lend themselves to throughput computing platforms. Fred Pollack
[12] observed this during early days of multicore processors. He noted that while
single-thread performance typically grows at square root of two for every doubling of
transistor budget following venerated Moore’s law, for parallel problems with enough
coarse-grain parallelism one may be better off using multiple simpler cores in favor
of a single big core. Whereas traditional multicore systems strive to deliver ideal-
case single-thread performance, manycore systems, by definition, make a conscious
trade-off that reduces single-thread performance by choosing simple, less powerful,
individual cores, in favor of increase in overall computational density or throughput
of the compute platform. Revisiting Amdahl’s Law for Throughput Computing

Let us try to capture the qualitative observations described in the preceding text in
quantitative terms. We start with venerated Amdahl’s law, repeated in the following.
Parallel speedup, S = ((1 − P) + P/N)−1 , where P is parallel fraction, and N
refers to number of processing units. It should be noted that this classic formula-
tion of Amdahl’s law implies performance increase to be a monotonic function of N.
That is, for a given P, one observes diminishing speedup return with increasing N,
but the speedup is always positive. Throughput computing, as defined earlier, vio-
lates this aspect of Amdahl’s law, as it allows trading off single-thread performance
for higher compute density, N. This trade-off is especially relevant in the modern
Emerging Applications 303

fixed cost (area power) CMP designs. We capture it with the following reformulation:
S = ((1−P)∗ KN +P/N)−1 . Note the factor, KN applied to scalar component, imply-
ing a slowing down of single-thread performance by a factor that depends on target
N. For example, one may be able to offer an 8× increase in compute density from
N = 4 to N = 32, provided we are willing to accept a 4× slowdown on single-thread
performance, or K32 = 4. Under such conditions, performance benefit of higher N
is not applicable to all applications as before, rather only to applications with high
enough P. Thus, the proposed reformulation captures the high-level trade-off implied
by throughput computing, and it no longer has monotonic performance implication
for all parallel applications. With a little bit of algebra, one can derive the minimum
parallelism, Pmin , for positive speedup as, Pmin = N(KN − 1)/N(KN − 1). For the
illustrative set of parameters here, P must be greater than 0.75 for there to be posi-
tive speedup. There have been several recent attempts at revisiting Amdahl’s law. The
interested reader is referred to [13–15].

12.3.2 Scalability of RMS Applications

Most of us can imagine a large amount of coarse-grain, multiuser parallelism in a
large data center context (e.g., thousands of users each trying to launch a Web query,
or each trying to simulate a physical object, such as a face, fluid, cloth, etc.). How-
ever, it is encouraging to note that there is a considerably high degree of parallelism
even within a single-user task, for example, indexing of a text file, or single instance
of fluid, face, or cloth simulation. Figure 12.12 shows high-level scalability analysis
of a large variety of core compute kernels and applications, each in the context of
a single problem instance or a single end user. This performance scalability data is
based on cycle-accurate simulation of a manycore, chip-level multiprocessing plat-
form consisting of simpler, throughput-optimized cores, aimed at achieving higher
compute density, in line with the observations made in Section
The following observations can be made:

• Quite a few of the applications exhibit large amount of parallelism, and hence
near-linear scalability, and nearly all of them show better than 50% resource
utilization up to large core counts.

• Primary scalability challenge with many of the applications (e.g., fluid simula-
tion) has less to do with lack of parallelism, and more to do with not being able
to data-feed the parallel instances, in a cost-constrained CMP context. This is
often referred to as the feeding the beast challenge, as the compute density of
multicores is expected to increase faster than the external memory bandwidth,
rapidly approaching lower than 0.1B/flop from 1B/flop in a single-core era.

• Core compute kernels, such as not-too-large-size LU or FFT, can become lim-

ited in parallelism as we decompose them too fine. However, higher-level appli-
cations have an easier time scaling with core count, due to the higher degree of
parallelism more likely to be found in a higher-level app.
304 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development
Merge sort (256M elements) Tree search (64M keys)
Graph search (600 regular expressions) LU
Foreground estimation Text indexing
60 Game cloth Home video editing
Sports video analysis Human body tracking
Production fluid Marching cubes
Video cast indexing Portfolio management
50 Game rigid body Production cloth
Volume rendering (0.5–1GB dataset) Crowd sim (100k agents)
Parallel speedup





0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Number of cores

FIGURE 12.12: Scalability of illustrative RMS kernels and applications.


1 2 4 8 16 32 64
Manycore speedup wrt single core






521 × 1k
Bar 32 × 32

Bar 256 × 256

Bar 512 × 512

Small input

4k × 4k
Medium input

Large input
Small dataset

Large dataset

Small grid

Medium grid

Large grid

Forward solve Ray tracing 1D PSOR PCG Dynamic


FIGURE 12.13: Scalability improvement with increased problem size. Scalability Implications of Dataset Growth

Scalability data presented in Figure 12.12 is each for a fixed problem size. Scaling
the problem size itself can be yet another source for improved scalability. This obser-
vation is often referred to as the Gustafson corollary to Amdahl’s law [16]. This is
quantitatively illustrated for some sample cases in Figure 12.13.
Emerging Applications 305

12.3.3 Homogenous versus Heterogeneous Decomposition

An important first step in parallelizing an application involves decomposing it
into subtasks such that the subtasks are largely independent in their control and data
needs. The logical second step involves mapping these tasks onto available compute
resources, such that execution time is minimized. Whereas processing nodes on a
typical CMP are normally homogenous, this is not necessarily the case for a pro-
cessing platform with one or more special-purpose accelerators, such as graphics
processing units (GPUs) or field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). A heteroge-
neous platform, in principle, can offer the most optimal performance. For example,
consider the Amdahl’s law reformulation discussed in Section In a heteroge-
neous platform, one can achieve a performance higher than corresponding homoge-
nous multicore/manycore alternatives, by running the scalar portion of the code on
a single-thread-optimized integrated core, while running the parallel portion on the
large number of throughput-optimized cores. This removes the single-thread per-
formance penalty coefficient, KN , while still benefitting from the compute density
improvement from integration of a large number of high throughput cores.
However, the programming challenges associated with heterogeneous platforms
and the difficulty of designing an efficient interface between the various types of
compute resources can be nontrivial. The different processing element types may be
in a noncoherent memory space. Sharing of data or inter-task communication may
only happen under explicit programmer control, and hence additional programming
complexity. A decomposition that does not meet the compute, interconnect band-
width, and capacity constraints of underlying resources can result in significant per-
formance degradation. This challenge is often more acute for heterogeneous systems.
Consider, for example, the performance challenge described in [17], where the PPE
performance proved to be an overall performance bottleneck for target online gam-
ing application, significantly reducing the overall computational efficiency of the Cell
platform. Heterogeneous computing resources, such as a CPU and a GPU, are often
connected over an off-chip interconnect, such as PCIe, and invoked through a high
overhead driver model [18]. Reference [9] describes a data compression scheme to
partly alleviate the interconnect bandwidth limitation. In summary, a parallel decom-
position challenge does not end with a parallel algorithm. Often a careful consider-
ation needs to be given to compute resource limitations for achieving performance
scaling. For the sake of completeness, we should note that the heterogeneous decom-
position problem described thus far gets significantly more complicated when applied
to a distributed platform of a variety of clients and servers connected over the Internet,
in a peer-to-peer or client-server configuration.

12.4 Conclusion
System-level analysis of important applications leading to improved workload and
benchmark proxies is not new. However, the present multicore era has added a
dimension of urgency to it. This urgency is especially acute for the compute-intensive
306 Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development

subset of applications for the following simple reason: it is very easy for a program-
mer to get a performance crippling mismatch between the assumed compute model
and the host machine model of a modern multicore/manycore, highly threaded pro-
cessor, than the same in the case of a pre-multicore era, single-core, single-thread
processor. In other words, multicore era potentially implies a much higher degree of
performance variability than the preceding single-core generation. Coping with this
challenge requires a deeper and structured approach to understanding the nature of
emerging compute-intensive applications. It is hoped that the RMS taxonomy and
the proposed structured framework for application analysis, introduction to the key
attributes of the emerging applications and their system implications, has provided
the reader the necessary background for delving deeper into this subject. Real-time
availability of massive data for a vast majority of tomorrow’s computer users, cou-
pled with the rapidly growing compute capabilities of multicore/manycore compute
nodes in modern datacenters, offers an unprecedented opportunity for enabling new
usages of compute, perhaps making it almost as critical and yet implicit as electricity

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Computer Science

Chapman & Hall/CRC Chapman & Hall/CRC

Fundamentals of Multicore
Computational Science Series Computational Science Series

Software Development
With multicore processors now in every computer, server, and embedded
device, the need for cost-effective, reliable parallel software has never been
greater. By explaining key aspects of multicore programming, Fundamentals of
Multicore Software Development helps software engineers understand parallel
programming and master the multicore challenge.

Accessible to newcomers to the field, the book captures the state of the art
of multicore programming in computer science. It covers the fundamentals
of multicore hardware, parallel design patterns, and parallel programming in
C++, .NET, and Java. It also discusses manycore computing on graphics cards
and heterogeneous multicore platforms, automatic parallelization, automatic
performance tuning, transactional memory, and emerging applications.

• Presents the basics of multicore hardware and parallel programming
• Explains how design patterns can be applied to parallel programming
• Describes parallelism in C++, .NET, and Java as well as the OpenMP API
• Discusses scalable manycore computing with CUDA and programming
approaches for the Cell processor
• Covers emerging technologies, including techniques for automatic extraction
of parallelism from sequential code, automatic performance tuning for
parallel applications, and a transactional memory programming model
• Explores future directions of multicore processors

As computing power increasingly comes from parallelism, software developers
must embrace parallel programming. Written by leaders in the field, this book Tichy
provides an overview of the existing and up-and-coming programming choices
for multicores. It addresses issues in systems architecture, operating systems,
languages, and compilers.


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