Phase I.M Drive

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International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5, May -2016
Mr. Akshay A. Shinde
S.Y M.E Power Systems Student/PG Student-Zeal College of Engg. & Research, Pune
Prof. M.R. Hans
Associate Professor, Zeal College of Engg. & Research, Pune

ABSTRACT: machines with special isolation and in some applications

Electrical engineering is subdivided in to a large inductances connected in series with the respective
wide range of subfields including, electronics, digital load With multilevel converters we can overcome
computers, telecommunications, control systems, unwanted operating characteristics associated with
signal processing and microelectronics. pulse- width modulation (PWM) converters.
In this paper author is trying to review,
different methodologies available for control the LITERATURE SURVEY:
speed of an induction motor by using three level José Rodriguez, Senior Member, IEEE, Jih-
diode clamped multilevel inverter. With the help of Sheng Lai, Senior Member, IEEE, and Fang Zheng
V/f method an open loop speed control can be Peng, Senior Member, IEEE: Multilevel inverter
achieved. The main objective of this paper is to carry technology is emerging technology, and it has become an
a systematic review of the available literature and to important alternative in the area of power medium-
control the speed of induction motor techniques. voltage energy control. This paper presented the vital
KEY WORDS: Induction motor, V/ƒ method, topologies e.g. cascaded multi cell, capacitor-clamped
multicarrier PWM, DTC method, hybrid converter (flying capacitor), and diode-clamped inverter (neutral-
etc. point clamped) which uses separate dc sources.
INTRODUCTION: Upcoming topologies like asymmetric hybrid cells and
An induction motor also called as asynchronous soft-switched multilevel inverters are discussed in this
motor is an AC electric motor in which the electric paper. This paper also presents the most relevant
current in the rotor needed to produce torque is control and modulation methods developed for this
obtained by electromagnetic induction from family of converters: multilevel sinusoidal pulse width
the magnetic field of the stator winding. An induction modulation, multilevel selective harmonic elimination,
motor can therefore be made without electrical and space-vector modulation. Special attention is
connections to the rotor as are found dedicated to the latest applications of these converters
in universal, DC and synchronous motors. Nowadays such as laminators, conveyor belts, and unified power-
most of the industries use induction motor because of flow controllers. The need of an active front end at the
his constant speed application. In many applications AC input side for those inverters supplying regenerative
motors are preferred to DC motors, in particular an loads is also discussed in this paper, and the circuit
induction motor due to its low cost, low maintenance, topology options are also presented. Finally, the
lower weight, higher efficiency, improved ruggedness, peripherally developing areas such as high-voltage high-
and reliability. All these features make the use of power devices and optical sensors and other
induction motors mandatory in many areas of industrial opportunities for future development are addressed by
applications. The inverters in such application areas as the author.
stated above should be able to handle high voltage and
large power. A power electronic device with Adjustable
speed ac machine system is equipped with an adjustable
frequency drive is used for speed control of an electric
machine. Because of the advancement in power
electronics and semiconductor technology has triggered
the development of high-power and high-speed
semiconductor devices in order to achieve a smooth,
continuous, and step-less variation in motor speed. A
used Voltage or current converters helps to they Fig. No.1. Single Phase leg of an inverter a) two levels b)
generate discrete output waveforms, force the use of three levels and C) n levels

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International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5, May -2016
This paper has empowered us with a theory and different control strategy performances. Moreover,
analysis of multilevel inverter circuit topologies and simulations of a multilevel DTC strategy have
their control strategies. Different applications using demonstrated the potential advantages of using a
different inverter circuits were also discussed by the multilevel inverter and a DTC strategy. Author says if
author. Today, more attention given towards commercial proposed method is implemented it will give advantages
products are based on the multilevel inverter structure, like flux and torque quality improvements.
and worldwide research and development of multilevel Madhav D. Manjrekar, Thomas A. Lipo: In
inverter-related is recent trend. This paper cannot cover this paper the author has tried to review various
or reference all the related work, but the working topologies and modulation strategies for utility and drive
principle of different multilevel inverters has been applications. This paper is dedicated towards the
introduced systematically. The intention of the authors investigation of a 500 HP induction machine drive based
was simply to provide groundwork to readers interested on a seven-level 4.5 kV hybrid inverter. The topological
in looking back on the evolution of multilevel inverter structure and operating principles of the proposed
technologies, and to consider where to go from here. approach are presented by the author. Various design
criteria, spectral structure and other practical issues
Miguel F. Escalante, Jean-Claude Vannier, and such as capacitor voltage balancing are discussed in this
Amir Arzandé[20]: In this paper the different paper.
limitations are imposed by a direct torque control (DTC)
stategy on multilevel inverters are discussed. One Table No.1. Comparison of Seven-Level Inverter
control strategy is proposed in order to fulfill those Topologies
requirements when a flying capacitor multilevel inverter
is used. In this paper simulation and practical results will Method Primary DC buses Levels in
Adopted device used capacitors the output
confirm the performance of the implemented strategy
Clamped 36 6 7
when using the multilevel inverter to control an
induction motor by the DTC principle. Author has also
Flying 36 16 7
tried to show advantages of using a multilevel inverter
with a DTC strategy are discussed in the great length.
Traditional 36 9 7
H bridge
Modified H 24 6 7

The feasibility of the proposed approach is

verified by doing simulation on computer. The proposed
topology results from modifying the traditional structure
of an H-bridge multilevel inverter. It is demonstrated
that by employing non identical dc voltage sources one
can obtain significant change in the number of
synthesized levels. With the proliferation of
semiconductor technology, a trade-off has been
observed in the selection of power devices in terms of
switching frequency and voltage blocking capability.
Fig. No.2. Typical configuration of a three-phase Devices used for faster switching rates are known to
multilevel inverter motor drive have limited voltage blocking capability and vice versa.
In this paper author has presented the analysis This paper has proposed a synergistic approach which
of the problems of a multilevel three phase inverter combines the fast switching ability of IGBTs and large
while using it in DTC strategy. To overcome limitations a voltage blocking capability of GTO thyristors together.
new control strategy is proposed; flying capacitor
multilevel inverter. The implemented strategy will be Sanjay Lakshminarayanan, Student Member,
able to maintain the flying capacitor voltages also it will IEEE, Gopal Mondal, Student Member, IEEE, P. N.
control the voltage level as per the feedback signal. Tekwani, Student Member, IEEE, K. K. Mohapatra,
Simulation and practical results have demonstrated the and K. Gopakumar, Senior Member, IEEE: In this
paper, author has developed a 12 sided polygonal
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International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5, May -2016
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International Journal Of Research Publications In Engineering And Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5, May -2016
[19] Miguel F. Escalante, Jean-Claude Vannier, and Amir
Arzandé “Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverters and DTC
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[20] Madhav D. Manjrekar, Thomas A. Lipo “A hybrid
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[21] Sanjay Lakshminarayanan, Student Member, IEEE,
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Student Member, IEEE, K. K. Mohapatra, and K.
Gopakumar, Senior Member, IEEE “Twelve-Sided
Polygonal Voltage Space Vector Based Multilevel Inverter
for an Induction Motor Drive With Common-Mode Voltage

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