Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Level 1,The Legacy, 25A,Shakespeare Sarani,
Kolkata, West Bengal – 700017
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Sealed prequalification tenders are invited from experienced and reputed contractors/firms
in the field of engineering, procurement and construction services for the “Restructuring &
Augmentation of M/s. Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd (HCSL), Kolkata”. The work involves
setting up of a ship building cum ship repair facility at Nazirgunge works and Salkia works.
The scope shall be inclusive of all related civil works, electrical works, Mechanical works,
firefighting system, machinery procurement, supply, installation & commissioning and other
allied services / utilities etc. The details of pre-qualification and documents can be obtained
from the office of GM (BD & NP), Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), Perumanoor PO, Kochi,
682 015, Kerala who shall be handling the tender process for and on behalf of HCSL. The
E-tender documents can be downloaded from CSL website www.cochinshipyard.com or
http://www.eprocure.gov.in. Firms to note that tender procedure/administration will be
handled by Cochin Shipyard Limited and contract will be placed by Hooghly Cochin
Shipyard Limited (HCSL). Firms which respond to this tender and subsequently getting pre-
qualified will only be considered for further limited tendering process. Last date of
submission of pre-qualification tender is 15.00 hrs on 02 April 2018 and place of submission
is at CSL, Kochi. All corrigenda, addenda, amendments and clarifications to this
prequalification tender will be hosted in the website www.cochinshipyard.com and not in the
newspaper. Bidders shall keep themselves updated with all such developments till the last
date and time of submission of tender.
Secondment to HCSL
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1.1 Employer
Salkia Works,
Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd.
6, Howrah Road,
Salkia, Howrah,
Kolkata – 711106.
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1.2 Introduction and Objective
The work involves the restructuring and augmentation of the Nazirgunge and Salkia
facilities of Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd (HCSL). The project location is Nazirgunge and
Salkia facilities both located in Howrah, Kolkata and details of the site are given below:-
The site can be approached from Kolkata via Vidyasagar Setu (also known as the Second
Hooghly Bridge) and is 6.1 km from Vidyasagar Setu (Please see the figure 1).
Salkia works is connected to Kolkata through the Howrah Bridge and is 3.1 km from the
Howrah Bridge (Please see the figure 2).
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HCSL intends to prequalify firms to tender for executing the works pertaining to setting up
of shipbuilding and ship repair facility at Nazirgunge and Salkia respectively on a turnkey
basis inclusive of all related civil, mechanical, electrical, machinery procurement, supply
and installation and other related testing & commissioning works.
The entire work is required to be completed in all respect within 15 months from the date of
award of work. The contractors will be required to maintain steady and required progress to
the satisfaction of the execution authority to ensure that the work will be completed in all
respects within the stipulated period.
1.3 Definitions
The following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated:
“Consultant” means the firm appointed by the Employer to act as the consultant for the
purposes of the contract. For this particular work consultant will be M/s. KITCO.
"Employer" means the person named as Employer in Clause 1.1 and the legal successors
in title to this person including officers/employees of CSL, the parent company.
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"Applicant" means the person(s) named as Applicant in the Letter of Application and the
legal successors in title to this person(s).
"Contractor" means the person(s) who will be named later on as Contractor in the Letter of
Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to this person(s).
M/s.Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd. (HCSL) intends to set up a modern Ship building and
ship repair facility equipped with a new side launching facility and all other allied facilities at
its works located at Kolkata.
A ship building facility to handle vessels of approx. 100m x 20m will have to be developed
at Nazirgunge works suitable for construction of approximately 12 ships/year. The initial
monthly block fabrication output shall be 600T which may be escalated to 1000T.
A ship repair cum ship building facility will be developed at Salkia works after refurbishment
of existing dockyard. The dockyard will be developed to handle repair of 45 nos. of vessels
of length 80m and beam 11m per year. Existing dry-docks and dock gate will be revamped
in addition to existing 2 Nos. slipways.
The scope shall be inclusive of construction, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of all civil works, electrical works, Mechanical works, firefighting system,
machineries, other allied services/utilities etc. (landside and river side) relating to
“Restructuring and Augmentation of M/s.Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd (HCSL), Kolkata”.
The scope of work is not limited to the list below but shall include everything, which will be
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detailed in the limited tender enquiry to be issued subsequent to the pre-qualification
All workshop buildings to be designed as Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) structure by the
contractor. Front End Engineering Design (FEED) shall be provided by the consultant.
• Preparation Bay:- The Covered Preparation Shop equipped with EOT
crane, CNC Plasma Cutting machine and other required machineries and
• Block Assembly:- Facilities include cranes/equipment and machineries for
Assembly works.
• Block Fabrication area with movable sheds equipped with required
c r a n e s /equipment and machineries.
• Pipe shop equipped with Pipe profile cutting machine, Pipe bending
machines and other required cranes/equipment and machineries.
• Machine Shop equipped with Lathe, Drilling Machine, Milling Machine etc.
and other required cranes.
• Transfer/Erection bay where final ship assembly including outfit works will
be performed. This includes vessel transferring facilities and required
cranes/equipment and machineries.
• Outfitting Facility including piping, machinery, electrical, sheet metal,
blasting and painting in view of Integrated Hull Outfit and Painting (IHOP)
requirements with adequate crane and machinery facilities.
• Open area for sub assembly and block fabrication. Facilities shall include
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cranes/equipment and machineries.
Yard with suitable size stores with required machineries, cranes and other
equipment and services to cater for the building / repairs envisaged including
steel stock yard, bonded stores, equipment stores etc.
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• Machineries such as Pipe bending machine, Plasma plate cutting
machine, Pipe profile cutting machine, Hydraulic press, Shearing
machine, Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, slotting machine etc.
• Articulated platforms (cherry pickers)
• Hydraulic / mechanically assisted block movement system
• Telephone / LAN connectivity &CCTV
• Internal roads
• Construction/rectification of compound walls
• Anodes for cathodic protection
• Main receiving station &Substation
• Captive power plant – capacity selection, location finalization etc.
• Control room with SCADA facility
• LT &HT cable trenches
• Cabling to meet yard requirements
• Distribution panels for shops, Shore supply units, Switch boards etc.
• Earthing requirements for yard, yard equipment, buildings, substation,
CPP etc.
• Lightning protection for the yard.
• Electrification to all machineries in various shops
• DSL systems for the crane
• High mast lights & General yard lighting etc.
• Landscaping and Beautification of yard
f) Buildings & other facilities: These shall include administrative building, hygiene
center, toilet block, wash rooms, garage, canteen, security post,
reception/information center, shop office for officers and supervisors, dispensary,
compressor room, pump room, manifold room, training center, guest house, heritage
museum, punching access system, parking area, open yard for gas facilities, rain
water harvesting, solar power plants, substation & captive power plant buildings and
any other facilities as required.
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g) Refurbishment works proposed at Nazirgunge: These shall include revamping of
existing slipway facility and its lock gate with crane rails, cradle and suitable winch
and pulley system for launching/hauling–in operations, renovation of existing heavy
machine shop to be used as Assembly Bay with required new machineries, cranes
and other equipment, etc.
h) Dredging: Dredging works in way of slipway mouth, jetty area etc. with disposal of
dredging waste in demarcated areas.
SG EOT Crane 3T
5 1
span 20m x height 9m x LT 60m
SG EOT Crane 3T
6 1
span 20m x height 9m x LT 60m
SG EOT Crane 5T
7 1
span 25m x height 9m x LT 60m
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Magnetic DG EOT Crane 10 T
8 1
span 25m x height 9m x LT 60m
SG EOT Crane 5T
9 3
span 30m x height 12m x LT 30m
SG EOT Crane 5T
10 1
span 30m x height 20m x LT 60m
Tower Crane 5T
JIB:20 mtr with 9T upto 20 mtr JIB
11 2
Height above ground:15 mtr
Height below ground:5 mtr
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Vertical Milling machine. Distance from spindle
to Colum face: 450 mm, Max weight that can
20 1
be loaded on the table : 600 Kg. Longitudinal
Traverse : 1200 mm , Cross traverse : 320 mm
24 Hydra 12T 1
29 Fire tender 1
Note: -
1. Quantity & description given above is not final and may vary during limited tendering
stage. Detailed specification will be provided for all Machineries and Cranes during
2. The above installations shall be carried out through OEMs or authorized
representatives/dealers/suppliers in the respective fields in case the main
contractor is not having the in-house facility for carrying out such works. Third party
inspection and subsequent approval may have to be carried out by an approved
agency as specified in the limited tender enquiry.
j) Any other additional works for the basic functioning of a ship building unit.
Page 14 of 66 Salkia Works
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pipes, water storage tanks, water pump station, water distribution etc.
• Cranes, forklifts, trailers and other MHE, suitable for ship repair and ship
building activities.
• Machineries such as Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, slotting
machine, Dynamic Balancing Machine etc. suitable for ship repair
• Telephone / LAN connectivity & CCTV
• Internal roads
• Construction/rectification of compound walls
• Sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection
• Main receiving station & Substation
• Captive power plant
• Control room with SCADA facility
• LT &HT cable trenches
• cable to meet yard requirements
• Distribution panels for shops, Shore supply units, Switch boards, etc.
• Earthing requirements for yard, yard equipment, buildings, substation,
CPP etc.
• Lightning protection for the yard.
• electrification to all machineries in various shops
• DSL systems for the crane
• High mast lights & General yard lighting etc.
d) Dredging: Dredging works in way of slipway mouth, jetty area etc. with disposal of
dredging waste in demarcated areas.
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Sl.No Description (No.)
Tower Crane 5T
JIB:20 mtr with 9T upto 20 mtr JIB
1 1
Height above ground:15 mtr
Height below ground:5 mtr
EOT Crane 5T
3 1
span 13.5m x height 12m x LT 123m
EOT Crane 3T
4 1
span 13m x height 12m x LT 61.5m
5 Grinding Machine 2
14 Balancing Machine 3T 1
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15 Slotting Machine 1
16 Power hacksaw 1
17 Forklift 5T 1
20 Hydra 12T 1
22 6T truck 1
1. Quantity & description given above is not final and may vary upon finalization of
Detailed Project Report. Detailed specification will be provided for all Machineries
and Cranes during LTE.
2. The above installations shall be carried out through OEMs or authorized
representatives/dealers/suppliers in the respective fields in case the main
contractor is not having the in-house facility for carrying out such works. Third
party inspection and subsequent approval may have to be carried out by an
approved agency as specified in the limited tender enquiry.
f) Any other additional works for the basic functioning of a ship repair unit.
Nazirgunge and Salkia works may be tendered separately and M/s.Hooghly Cochin
Shipyard Limited reserve themselves the right of adding or omitting any items of
work from the Contract or having portions of the same carried out without prejudice
to this contract.
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The Employer wishes that Applicants/ Contractors observe the highest standard of ethics
during all stages of pre-qualification, tendering, planning and construction.
a). defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
b). Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Applicant/Contractor
recommend for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
Contract in question.
The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any pre-qualification application,
to annul the pre-qualification process and to reject all Applications at any time,
without assigning any reason and without incurring any liability to the applicants.
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2.3 Preparation of Application
2.3.1 Language
The application and all associated correspondences shall be in English. All supporting
documents submitted along with the Application shall also be in English.
Interested applicants may request in writing clarification of the project requirements and of
the criteria for qualification. These clarifications are to be addressed and sent to details
given under clause 2.4.1 not later than one week after the date of issue of this pre-
qualification document. All corrigenda, addenda, amendments and clarifications to the Pre-
qualification documents will be hosted in the website www.cochinshipyard.com and not in
the newspaper. Applicants shall keep themselves updated with all such developments till
the last date and time of submission of prequalification application. All corrigenda, addenda,
amendments and clarifications will be a part and parcel of the contract agreement.
Officials/employees of CSL are authorized to issue correspondences/seek clarifications for
and on behalf of HCSL with regard to the contract, which shall have to be responded/
replied to by the applicants/contractors. Officers/employees of CSL shall also be authorized
to verify/evaluate documents/certificates/declarations etc. submitted by the
applicants/contractors and decide upon their acceptability/suitability for and on behalf of
HCSL and any such decision shall be final and binding.
2.3.3 Costs
The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
application. The Employer shall, in no case be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the pre-qualification process.
The following documents have to be submitted within the application for pre-qualification:
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b. APPLICATION LETTER FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION (as per proforma given under
Annex 1)
c. FINANCIAL CAPABILITY; original certified by statutory auditor (as per proforma
given under Annex 2A, Financial Details (Turn Over and Net Worth) and Annex 2B
Solvency Certificate)
d. STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION (as per proforma given under Annex 3). Along
with certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum of Association
given under Annex 4)
evidence like user/ client’s certificate and certified English translation, if applicable
(as per proforma given under Annex 5)
g. EXPERIENCE: RELEVANT PROJECTS ON-GOING (as per proforma given under
Annex 6)
proforma given under Annex 7)
under Annex 8).Along with Letter of Association from the Sub-contractors.
j. PRE CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT (as per proforma given under Annex 9)
k. LITIGATION HISTORY (as per proforma given under Annex 10)
l. Approval/ quality certification/ registration with any Govt./ agency
m. Proposed payment conditions according Clause 5.4
n. Comments or suggestions, if any
2.3.6 Subcontractors
Email:[email protected],[email protected],nitin.narayan@cochins
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2.4.2 Site Visit
1. The bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works at Nazirgunge and
Salkia and its surroundings and obtain itself on its own responsibility and cost all
information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a
contract for construction of the works
2. Before submitting a bid, the bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself by
actual inspection of the site and locality of the works, that all conditions liable to
be encountered during the execution of the works are taken into account and
the rates entered in the Price bid document are adequate and all inclusive for
the completion of the work to the entire satisfaction of the employer/owner
3. Settling any dispute with the labour, subcontractor, labour union shall be sole
responsibility of the contractor. Workers engaged for works should have
sufficient knowledge and experience in the respective fields.
All statutory requirements are to be followed by the contractor prevailing in the state as well
as in the centre wherever applicable
The supplier must fully comply with all relevant Indian health and safety legislation. Nothing
in the contract or this specification shall reduce his statutory obligations with respect to
health and safety.
The Applicant shall enclose 01 ORIGINAL, 01 COPY and 01 DIGITAL COPY (on CD or
DVD) of the application in a sealed envelope which shall
a) Envelope shall indicate the name and address of the bidder. The envelope shall
clearly bear the following identification “Pre-qualification for Selection of Contractors
for the Restructuring & Augmentation of M/S.Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd (HCSL),
b) be addressed to the Employer, in accordance with Clause 1.1 and 2.4.1.
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If the envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Employer will assume no
responsibility for the misplacement of the application.
The Employer must receive the application for pre-qualification not later than 15:00 hrs
(IST) on 02 April 2018
Applications received after the closing time on the submission date will not be considered
for acceptance.
The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of applications that shall include, as a
minimum, the name of the Applicant. Prequalification Applications shall be opened at the
office of GM (BD & NP), Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi, 682 015 at 16:00 hrs on the due
date of submission mentioned in clause 2.4.6 above.
The Employer shall use the methods, criteria, and requirements defined in Clause 3 to
evaluate the pre-qualification application of the Applicants, and no other methods, criteria,
or requirements shall be used.
2.5.2 Confidentiality
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During evaluation stage of pre-qualification application, the Employer or his representatives
may, at its own discretion, ask the Applicant for clarifications on their pre-qualification
application. The Applicant is required to respond within the time frame prescribed by the
Employer. During the course of evaluation, Applicants may be asked to visit HCSL/CSL for
discussion, if required. The Employer reserves the right to make enquiries with any of the
clients listed by the Applicant in their previous experience record. HCSL or authorized
representative reserves the right to visit the works done by the Applicant in order to have
first-hand information regarding the works completed by the bidder or his subcontractor.
Applicant shall co-ordinate for the above mentioned visit whereas travelling & lodging
expenses for the same shall be borne by HCSL.
The Employer may reject any application which is not responsive to the requirements
according Clause 3 and/ or failing to submit all required pre-qualification documents
according Clause 2.3.4.
All Applicants, including their proposed specialist Subcontractors, whose applications have
been determined to be substantially responsive to the requirements of the pre-qualification
document and who have met or exceeded the specified criteria shall be pre-qualified by the
Once the Employer has completed the evaluation of the applications, it shall notify all
Applicants in writing or by email regarding their status of pre-qualification. Thereafter no
further correspondence will be entertained by Employer.
In the qualification stage, Applicants would be required to furnish all the information
specified in this pre-qualification document. Only those Applicants that are pre-qualified and
short-listed by HCSL shall be invited to submit their Bids for the Project through limited
tender process. HCSL is likely to provide a comparatively short time span for submission of
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the Bids for the Project. The Applicants are therefore, advised to visit the site and
familiarize themselves with the Project.
Any change in the qualification status of an Applicant after being pre-qualified shall be
subject to the written approval of the Employer. Such change shall be submitted to the
Employer not later than 14 days after the date being notified to be pre-qualified. Such
approval shall be denied if as a consequence of any change,
a). the pre-qualified Applicant, after the change, no longer substantially meets the
qualification criteria set forth in Clause 3;
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3.1 General
Notes: In addition to the above, for the purpose of pre-qualification the Applicant must
have completed the following:-
The construction works shall not include supply of goods or equipment except when
such goods or equipment form part of a turnkey construction contract/ EPC contract for
similar works defined above. Further, the cost of land acquisition shall not be included in
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Cost of work shall mean gross value of the completed work including the cost of
materials supplied by the Govt. /Client, but excluding those supplied free of cost.
Note: The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by
enhancing the actual value of works at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from
the date of completion to the last date of submission of pre-qualification document. CSL
will convert all amounts stated in various currencies to equivalent Indian Rupees (INR)
based on the exchange rate at the closing of corresponding financial year (31 March)
authorized by State Bank of India.
The Applicant shall submit Original or notary certified copy of completion certificates of
each work issued by the owner/ the responsible officers of the owner under whom he
has executed such contracts shall be attached as evidence to satisfy the above
mentioned criteria. The certificate shall preferably contain the following among other
The reference projects have to be filled in the form according Annex 5 and information
related to ongoing projects according Annex 6.
b) Subcontractors
The Applicant shall have in-house capabilities or association with a firm/s, who have
executed and/or designed, supplied, erected, commissioned the following works. The
details of works carried out by associate shall be listed in Annex 8
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Dredging Works
The Applicant or Subcontractors shall have experience in dredging works in all
types of strata. Reference project shall have a minimum of one lakh cubic meter
dredging and disposal of dredge materials at designated location.
Electrical Works
(i) In the case of major electrical works like substations and main panel works, the
Applicant or Subcontractors who are carrying out the work shall possess a valid
Grade A electrical license issued by West Bengal state Electricity Board and attested
copy of certificate shall be submitted.
(ii) If the applicant or subcontractor for such works now processes valid license from
other states, the attested copy of the same shall be submitted along with the offer. In
such case, if the work is awarded, the license shall be obtained from West Bengal
state Electricity Licensing Board or the main contractor shall collaborate with an
agency, meeting with the experience and capability requirements for electrical works,
possessing a valid ‘A’ Grade license issued by West Bengal state Electricity
Licensing Board. Notary attested photocopy of the valid ‘A’ Grade license of the
contractor, his subcontractor or his identified agency issued by West Bengal state
Electricity Licensing Board shall be furnished in such case. Contractor should ensure
to follow the rules and regulations of Central Electricity Authority of India (CEA).
(iii) The Applicant or Subcontractors who are carrying out major electrical works like
substations, cabling and main panel works shall have done installation and
commissioning of minimum one number, 11 KV/ 415 V (minimum voltage level)
transformer of minimum transformer capacity 750 KVA within the last 7 (seven)
years immediately preceding the application due date. Work completion certificate in
this regard shall be submitted.
Mechanical Works
In case of mechanical works, the Applicant or Subcontractors shall be considered as
eligible who have done supply, installation and commissioning of fire-fighting system
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catering area not less than 10,000 square meters, piping for gas, industrial and/ or
potable water supply. Work completion certificate in this regard shall be submitted.
c) Personnel capabilities
The Applicants team shall consist of key personnel having adequate and specialized
experiences, capable of discharging their responsibilities in the relevant field of
maritime & other related works, required for the construction and successful
commissioning of the “Restructuring & Augmentation of M/s.Hooghly Cochin Shipyard
Ltd (HCSL), Kolkata”. A list of all such personnel to be employed / engaged for this
project along with details of their qualification and experience (CV’s) according Annex
8 shall be submitted in the application. Key personnel can be replaced only with the
prior approval of the Consultant / Employer. Minimum key personnel shall be but not
limited to as mentioned in the table below. Staff or workers with more than 60 years
will not be permitted to work at site.
Position Number Minimum Qualification Experienc
Home Office
Project 15
1 Graduate Engineer - Civil
Mechanical 10
1 Graduate Engineer - Mechanical
Electrical 10
1 Graduate Engineer – Electrical
Site Office
Resident Project 15
1 Graduate Engineer - Civil
Superintendent Graduate Engineer - Civil 10
Site 10
1 Graduate Engineer - Mechanical
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Superintendent 10
1 Graduate Engineer – Electrical
Site Engineer 5
3 Graduate Engineer - Civil
Site Engineer 5
2 Graduate Engineer - Mechanical
Site Engineer 5
2 Graduate Engineer – Electrical
Quantity Graduate/Diploma 5
Surveyor Engineer -Civil
3.3.1 General
The currency shall be Indian Rupees (INR). Following subdivision of the INR applies:
The international decimal system for the comma placement shall apply.
The applicant shall demonstrate that he has access to or has available, liquid assets,
unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet
the construction cash flow for the contract for a period of 4 months, estimated as not
less than Rs.30 Crores (Rupees Thirty Crores), net of the applicant's commitments for
other contracts. A certificate in this regard from Nationalized / Scheduled Bank should
be submitted.
The audited balance sheets for the last 3 years shall be submitted and must
demonstrate the soundness of the applicant's financial position, showing long-term
profitability. Where necessary, the Employer will make enquiries with the applicant's
bankers and/ or other sources as applicable.
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3.4 Equipment Capabilities
The Applicant should own, or demonstrate his assured access (through hire, lease,
purchase agreement invoices, availability of manufacturing capacity, or other means)
to the key items of equipment as listed in APPENDIX-B, as per Employer's
The details submitted by the bidders will be evaluated by scoring method in the following
The applicant shall provide accurate information on any current or past litigation or
arbitration resulting from contracts completed or under execution by him over the last five
years. A history of awards against the applicant may result in failure to be Qualified. The
Employer shall verify the facts wherever applicable.
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The overall tentative programme for the rehabilitation and augmentation of M/s. Hooghly
Cochin Shipyard Ltd (HCSL) is presented in the table below.
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Firms which respond to this tender and subsequently getting pre-qualified will only
be considered for further limited tendering process. Tendering will be done in one
stage two bid tendering procedure. After evaluation of the technical proposals, financial
tenders of all technically qualified tenderers will be opened and evaluated. Contract will be
awarded to the lowest tenderer submitting a responsive Tender.
5.3 Disqualifications
The Employer may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of proposal,
disqualify any bidder, if they have:
submitted the bidding documents after the response deadline;
not submitted satisfactory documentary evidence and proof as per eligibility criteria
mentioned at Clause 3 above;
made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments
submitted in proof of eligibility requirements;
submitted a bidding document that is not accompanied by required documentation or is
failed to submit clarifications related thereto, when sought;
submitted more than one proposal; or
Declared ineligible by the Government of India/ State govt. / Public sector undertaking.
The Applicant (firm) who applied for corporate debt restructuring (CDR) in three years
2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 till the time.
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5.4 Currency of Payment
Integrity Pact (IP) shall cover during the bid stage of this project throughout its various
phases, and IP shall be deemed as a part of the contract through an appropriate provision.
The bidders shall sign and submit an “Integrity Pact” to be executed between the bidder
and Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited along with the bid. IP shall be implemented through
the following Independent External Monitor (IEM) for the bid.
Mr. P.K. Vijayakumar, IRS (Retd), Madhavam, Vaniyan Lane, Punkunnam P.O, Thrissur –
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General Manager (BD & NP)
Cochin Shipyard Ltd,
Cochin 6820015.
Kerala, India.
Dear Sir,
____________________________________________________do hereby confirm that
Mr./Ms./Messrs____________________________(Name and Address) is /are authorized
to represent us to bid, negotiate and conclude the agreement on our behalf with you
against Tender No. __________________
We confirm that we shall be bound by all and whatsoever our said agents shall commit.
Yours faithfully,
For & on behalf of: Signature, name and seal of the certifying authority
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Annex 1
(On Applicant’s letterhead)
General Manager (BD & NP)
Cochin Shipyard Limited
Perumanoor PO
Kochi 682015
Subject: “Application for pre-qualification for the project “Restructuring
and Augmentation of M/s.Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd (HCSL),
Dear Sir,
With reference to your request for Application for Pre-qualification referred above,
(name of the applicant) having examined all relevant documents and understood their
contents, hereby submit our Application for short listing of Contractors and state that:
1. All information provided in the Application and in the Appendices is true and
3. We are not under a declaration of ineligibility issued by Govt. of India/ All State
Govts. of India/ Public Sector Undertakings.
4. We have not applied for corporate debt restructuring (CDR) in last five financial
years and not proposing same till the time of submission of the bid.
5. We intend to subcontract the following key activities and/or parts of the works:
[Insert any of the key activities identified in Clause 3.2 b) which the Employer
has permitted under the pre-qualification document and which the Applicant
intends to subcontract along with complete details of the subcontractors, their
qualification and experience]
6. We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the
Request for Application for pre-qualification.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Authorized Representative)
(Name and designation of the Authorized Representative)
(Name of the Applicant)
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Annex 2A
Note: The annual reports shall be attached with annual turnover figures highlighted.
Name of firm:
Page 41 of 66
Annexure 2B
Certified that to the best of our knowledge and information (Insert name of
Applicant)………………………, a customer of our bank, is respectable and can be
treated as
capable for executing the work up to a limit of Rs.
It is clarified that this certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the
bank or any of the officers.
Note: This certificate may be issued on the letter head of the bank and addressed to
the General Manager (BD & NP), Cochin Shipyard Ltd
Page 42 of 66
Annex 3
1. Name of Applicant:
Registered office
- in own country:
- internationally:.
Page 43 of 66
Annex 4
Name of Applicant:
On the basis of the information provided in the tender document please indicate the
plant, equipment and facilities considered by the company to be necessary for
undertaking the project and whether this is already in the company's ownership or will
be purchase or hired:
Page 44 of 66
Annex 5
Please fill in information about the relevant projects completed over the past ten years
Name of Applicant:
of Reference
Scope of Name of participation Contract No. & Date
work (consulting of company satisfactorily of letter of
Project Name & including )engineer in project completed intent &
Name Address major items responsible Contract and main including completion
Sr. and of of work for value and Completion contractor/m time certificate
No Location Employer involved supervision date (month/year) ember of JV provision enclosed
Page 45 of 66
Annexure 6
Name of Applicant:
Give information about all projects in progress, including those where the
company has received a letter of intent, but a formal contract has not been
Sr. Project Name Scope of Name of Contra Value Percenta Percenta Schedule Referenc
No. Name and work (consulti ct compl ge ge d e
and Address including ng) t value ete of e of date of No. &
Location of major engineer and d and participat practical completio Date of
Employ items of certifie ion completi n
responsi date of of of work letter of
er work ble award d on intent &
involved for in project work
supervisi and order
on Main enclosed
Page 46 of 66
Annex 7
1. Proposed Position [Only one candidate shall be nominated for each position]:
5. Key Qualifications:
7. Other Training [Indicate significant training since degrees under clause 3.2 c) -
Education were obtained]:
10. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: mother tongue, very good, good,
fair or poor in speaking, reading, and writing]:
12. Works undertaken that best illustrates capability to handle the tasks assigned:
Name of assignment or
project: Year:
Page 47 of 66
Main project
Position held:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief these data
correctly describe me and my qualifications and experiences.
(Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the Applicant)
Page 48 of 66
Annex 8
The Applicant will do the work with his own forces except the part (s) of the Works
listed below which he intends to subcontract.
Items of Works to be Name and Address Statement of similar works
subcontracted of Sub-Contractor previously executed
3. Statement of similar works shall include description, location & value of work,
year completed and name & address of the clients.
Page 49 of 66
Annex 9
This pre-bid pre-contract agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made on
... day of……….2018, between, on one hand, the President of India acting through
Shri………………Designation of the officer, Ministry/Department,
Government of India (hereinafter called the "BUYER", which expression shall mean
and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors in office and
assigns) of the first Part and M/s represented by Shri…………….., Chief Executive
Officer (hereinafter called the "BIDDER/Seller" which expression shall mean and
include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns)
of the second part.
NOW, THEREFORE, to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair,
transparent and free from any influence / prejudiced dealings prior to, during and
subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered into with a view to:
Enabling BIDDERS to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order
to secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitor will also
abstain from bribing and other corrupt practices and the BUYER will communicate to
prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by following transparent procedures.
Page 50 of 66
The parties hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact and agree as follows:
1.2 The BUYER will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERS alike and will
provide to all BIDDERS the same information and will not provide any such
information to any particular BIDDER, which could afford an advantage to that
particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERS.
1.3 All the officials of the BUYER will report to the appropriate Government office
any attempted or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as
any substantial suspicion of such a breach.
2. In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official (s) is
reported by the BIDDER to the BUYER with full and verifiable facts and the
same is prima facie found to be correct by the BUYER, necessary disciplinary
proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings
may be initiated by the BUYER and such a person shall be debarred from
further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case while an
enquiry is being conducted by the BUYER the proceedings under the contract
would not be stalled.
3 Commitments of BIDDERS
The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt
practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or
during any pre-contract or post-contract stage in order to secure the contract
or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit itself to the following:
Page 51 of 66
3.1 The BIDDER will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift,
consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other
advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the
BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or to any
person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any
advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the
3.2 The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to
give, directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any
material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage
or inducement to any official of the BUYER or otherwise in procuring the
Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining
or execution of the contract or any other contract with the Government for
showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to
the contract or any other contract with the Government.
3.3* BIDDERS shall disclose the name and address of agents and representatives
and Indian BIDDERS shall disclose their foreign principals or associates.
3.4* BIDDERS shall disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/ brokers
or any other intermediary, in connection with this bid/ contract.
3.5* The BIDDER further confirms and declares to the BUYER that the BIDDER is
the original manufacturer/integrator/authorized government sponsored export
entity of the defence stores and has not engaged any individual or firm or
company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any way to
recommend to the BUYER or any of its functionaries, whether officially or
unofficially to the award of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount
been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or
company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation.
3.6 The BIDDER either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations
or before signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is
committed to or intends
Page 52 of 66
to make to officials of the BUYER or their family members, agents, brokers or
any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of
services agreed upon for such payments.
3.7 The BIDDER will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid
evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.8 The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt
practice, unfair means and illegal activities.
3.9 The BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal
gain, or pass on to others, any information provided by the BUYER as part of
the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business
details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The
BIDDER also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such
information is divulged.
3.10 The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through
any other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
3.11 The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to
commit any of the actions mentioned above.
3.12 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf
of the BIDDER, either directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the officers of
the BUYER, or alternatively, if any relative of an officer of the BUYER has
financial interest/stake in the BIDDERS firm, the same shall be disclosed by
the BIDDER at the time of filling of tender. The term 'relative' for this purpose
would be as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act 1956.
.13 The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any
monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of
the BUYER.
Page 53 of 66
4 Previous Transgression
4.1 The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three
years immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company
in any country in respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with
any Public sector Enterprise in India or any Government Department in India
that could justify BIDDERS exclusion from the tender process.
4.2 The BIDDER agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject,
BIDDER can be disqualified from the tender process of the contract, if already
awarded, can be terminated for such reason.
While submitting commercial bid, the BIDDER shall deposit an amount (to be
specified in RFP) as Earnest Money /Security Deposit, with the BUYER
through the following instrument:
6.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any one employed by
it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the
BIDDER) shall entitle the BUYER to take all or any one of the following
actions, wherever required:
Page 54 of 66
(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any
reason or giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with
the other BIDDER(s) would continue.
(ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security
Deposit/Performance bond (after the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited either
fully or partially, as decided by the BUYER and the BUYER shall not be required to
assign any reason therefore.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any
compensation to the BIDDER.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the BUYER, and in case of an Indian
BIDDER with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of
State Bank of India, while in case of a BIDDER from a country other than India with
interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to
the BIDDER from the BUYER in connection with any other contract for any other
stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum
and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond,
if furnished by the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by the
BUYER, along with interest.
(vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be
liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the BUYER resulting from such
cancellation/rescission and the BUYER shall be entitled to deduct the amount so
payable from the money due to the BIDDER.
(vii) To debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes of the
government of India for a minimum period of five years, which may be further
extended at the discretion of the BUYER.
Page 55 of 66
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any
middleman or agent or broker with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of
any contract signed by the BUYER with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened.
6.2 The BUYER will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at Para
6.1 (i) to (x) of this Pact also on the Commission by the BIDDER or any one
employed by it or acting on its behalf (Whether with or without the knowledge
of the BIDDER), of an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal
code, 1860 or prevention of corruption. Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted
for prevention of corruption.
6.3 The decision of the BUYER to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this
pact has been committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the
BIDDER. However, the BIDDER can approach the independent monitor(s)
appointed for the purposes of this Pact.
7 Fall Clause
7.1 The bidder undertakes that it has not supplied/is not supplying similar
product/systems or subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the
present bid in respect of any other Ministry/Department of the Government of
India or PSU and if it is found at any stage that similar product/systems or sub
systems was supplied by the BIDDER to any other ministry/Department of the
Government of India or a PSU at a lower price, then that very price, with due
allowance for elapsed time, will be applicable to the present case and the
difference in the cost would be refunded by the BIDDER to the BUYER, if the
contract has already been concluded.
8 Independent Monitor
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8.1 The BUYER has appointed Mr. P.K. Vijayakumar, IRS (Retd), Madhavam,
Vaniyan Lane, Punkunnam P.O, Thrissur – 680002, Mobile: 8547381122,
Email: [email protected] as independent Monitor for this Pact.
8.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively,
whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this
8.3 The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the
parties and perform their functions neutrally and independently.
8.4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the
documents relating to the project/procurement, including minutes of meetings.
8.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this
Pact, he will so inform the Authority designated by the BUYER.
8.6 The BIDDER(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without
restriction to all project documentation of the BUYER including that provided
by the BIDDER. The BIDDER will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and
demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his
project documentation. The same is applicable to subcontractors. The Monitor
shall be under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of
the BIDDER/subcontractor(s) with confidentiality.
8.7 The BUYER will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings
among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an
impact on the contractual relations between the parties. The parties will offer to
the monitor the option to participate in such meetings.
8.8 The monitor will submit a written report to the Designated Authority of
BUYER/Secretary in the department/within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of
Page 57 of 66
reference or intimation to him by the BUYER/BIDDER and should the occasion
arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
9 Facilitation of investigation
In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment
of commission, the BUYER or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the
documents including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and the BIDDER
shall provide necessary information and documents in English and shall
extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination.
12 Validity
12.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend
up to 5 years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the
BUYER and the BIDDER/Seller, including warranty period, whichever is later. In case
BIDDER is unsuccessful, this integrity Pact shall expire after six months from the date
of the signing of the contract.
12.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the
remainder of this pact shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to
an agreement to their original intentions.
The parties hereby sign this integrity Pact at…………….. on ........ day of…………
Page 58 of 66
Witness Witness
2………….. 2…………..
* Provisions of these clauses would need to be amended/ deleted in line with the
policy of the BUYER in regard to involvement of Indian agents of foreign suppliers.
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Annex 10
Name of Applicant:
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Annex 11
Company seal:
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