Multimachine Power System Stability Enhancement by Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) With Pi Controller
Multimachine Power System Stability Enhancement by Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) With Pi Controller
Multimachine Power System Stability Enhancement by Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) With Pi Controller
Department of Electrical Engineering, P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engg. & Management, Amravati,
Maharashtra, [email protected]
In recent years power electronics devices has seen many advances, due to this advancement in FACTS
devices have increased. Now a days FACTs devices are more efficient and more widely used. Facts devices
connected in power system offers many advantages which can solve problems of power system control.
FACTs devices can help in improving problems like voltage regulation, transfer capacity enhancement and
better power flow control. The main purpose of implementing FACTS devices is to increase transmission
line capacity of transmission line. There are two different techniques by which FACTS devices can be made
one is by using conventional thyristor, tap changing transformer, reactors and switch capacitors. Whereas
second generation uses Gate Turn-Off (GTO) thyristor-switched converters as Voltage Source Converters
(VSCs). By using first generation various devices are made viz. SVC, TCSC and TCPS. Second generation
has developed few techniques like UPFC, IPFC and SSSC.
Electrical power system comprises of generation, transmission and distribution. In modern power system
network all the areas are connected together by means of interconnection. In this area concept of
interconnected power system is implemented. Hence, the system becomes very large and various
disturbances are imposed on the system. The various system disturbance may have harmful impact on the
system which may result in the loss of synchronism. Loss of synchronism is considered as a highest fault in
interconnected power system as if loss of synchronism happen, system no longer interconnected. To solve
such a kind of problems FACTS device mostly Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is used in
modern power system.
FACTS devices are most widely used in to control the power flow over the line and also to improve
transient stability in interconnected power system. The Static synchronous Series Compensator is used to
control the voltage at its terminals this is achieved by using controlling the reactive power injected into
system or by absorbing the reactive power from the network. Concept applied in this project is based on
simultaneous operation of multi machine system with SSSC converter. FACTS device SSSC is connected at
bus number three of the transmission line. The multi machine power systems network is then simulated by
using MATLAB and various effect by using SSSC and without using SSSC are studiedin simulink
FACTs devices are known for improving stability of the system, may be an transient stability of the
network. Voltage profile improvement is also possible by using transient stability. FACTS devices can
control various parameters of the network e.g. series impedance, shunt impedance, voltage, current and
phase angle. By improving voltage profile of the network we can improve the security of the system. SSSC
maximum state variable can be controlled as compared with STATCOM and TCSC. Following Table 1.2.1
shows various FACTS devices with state variable,
ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12, Dec.-2017
Table no.1 FACTS devices with state variable
Types of FACTS State Variables
STATCOM P, Vdc, I, θ, Q, α
Where P, Q and I are the active power, reactive power and current received/delivered by FACTS devices.
Vdc, α, β, θ are DC voltage magnitude, DC voltage angle, respectively. V and Be are the voltage and
susceptance of series components, respectively. Sending and receiving ends are represented by s and r
ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12, Dec.-2017
The proposed system is implemented on MATLAB Simulink environment using sim power system toolbox.
From the obtained results it can be concluded that newly designed SSSC damps oscillation in the network
only when fault in the system is occurred. Implementation of the PI controller improves the speed of
damping oscillations, thus transient and steady state stability can be improved. By tuning the PI controller
ISSN: 2394-3696
VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12, Dec.-2017
speed of SSSC controller can be optimized. For tuning the time constants of PI controller, real coded genetic
algorithm is used in simulink environment.
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