Exploring Emotional Stability in Adolescents

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Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,

Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2018 = 6.371, www.srjis.com



Mrs. Moin Fatema, Ph. D.

I/C Principal, Marathwada College of Education, Aurangabad

Emotional stability is one of the seven important indicators ofmental health. Emotional stability is the
process in which the personality is continuously striving for greater sense of Emotional health, both
intra-physically and intra-personally. The present study was conducted to assess and compare the
emotional stability in adolescents of English and Urdu medium school students of Aurangabad city. A
sample of 100 adolescent students was selected from Urdu and Englishschoolswith the help of
random sampling technique. Descriptive survey method was adopted for the study and the analysis
was done with the help of mean, S.Dand t-test. The overall emotional stability was found to be
average and there was no significant difference found between the emotional stability of Urdu and
English medium adolescents.

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Emotions have an influential value in life, control on emotions is essential for prosperous life.
A person who fails to control his or her emotions faces lot of problems in day to day life.
Even emotional stability results happy and adjustable life therefore emotional stability is an
important aspect of human life. Emotional stability is one of the seven important indicators of
mental health (Matheen,2011). Emotional stability is the process in which the personality is
continuously striving for greater sense of emotional health, both intra-physically and intra-
personally (Smitson, 1974). Emotional stable individuals are calm and happy, they are
satisfied with their life; they deal with the situation in perfect way and solve their problems
(Mohammad Amin Wani. et. al, Sept 2016)
Emotions are by far the most powerful force that influence actions.Action in affects the
people around you. Therefore the way you feel influences how you react and how you think
of a particular situation. Emotional stability is thee capacity to maintain ones emotional
balance under stressful circumstances. Emotionally stable persons tolerate minor stresses and

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Dr. Mrs. Moin Fatema
(Pg. 10862-10866) 10863

strains of day to day living without becoming emotionally upset, anxious, nervous, tense or
Pant, P. P. & Joshi P.K., (2016)in their study to find out the efficacy of emotional stability of
visually disabled students studying in special schools and inclusive setup. Results reveal that
though there was a significant difference in the emotional stability of children studying in
inclusive setup and special schools, however, girls studying indifferent setups of school did
not differ significantly in their emotional stability.
Wani, M.A.et al., (2016)the cardinal object of the present study was to find the level of
emotional stability among Annamalai University students in Tamil Nadu. Results revealed
that there is no significant difference found between mean scores of emotional stability of
boys and girls also the mean scores of emotional stability of students belong to general and
SCcategory. Further finding also suggested that boys are more emotional stable than girls
also general category students are more emotional stability the SC category students.
Upadhayay, B. (2014) studied the emotional instability trait of personalityamong different
levels of employment status in youth within the age group of 26 to 35 years. The
Dimensional Personality Inventory (DPI), tools was used to find out the emotional instability
trait of personality in youth. The results indicate that female youth are less emotional stable
rather than male youth in general
Kumar, P. (2013)assessed the level of emotional stability and socio-economic-status of
secondary school student studying in KV and public schools. Result showed that there were
no significant difference in the average emotional stability of students studying in KV and
Public schools and also found that significant difference in the overall average socio-
economic-status of students studying in KV and Public Schools.
Khan Tanveer(2017) conducted to assess the emotional intelligence of adolescents between
the age group 12-19 years. Descriptive survey method was adopted for the study and the
sample of 200 students belonging to urban and rural areas of Aurangabad district was
selected using random sampling technique. Mean, S.D and t-test was used as the statistical
techniques. The findings revealed that the emotional intelligence in the adolescents residing
in urban and rural areas of Aurangabad district is average. The findings further revealed that
there was no significant difference found in the emotional intelligence of adolescents with
respect to demographics and gender.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Mrs. Moin Fatema
(Pg. 10862-10866) 10864


1. To study the overall emotional stability in adolescent students.
2. To study the emotional stability in Urdu medium adolescentstudents.
3. To study the emotional stability in English medium adolescentstudents.
4. To compare the emotional intelligence of Urdu and English medium
1. The overall emotional stability in adolescentstudents is high.
2. The emotional stability in adolescentstudents of Urdu medium is high.
3. The emotional stability in adolescentstudents’ English medium is high.
4. There is no significant difference between the emotional stability of adolescentUrdu
and English medium students.
Descriptive survey method was adopted for conducting the research.
A sample of 100 adolescentstudents (50 Urdu medium and 50 English medium)were selected
by Random sampling technique from different schools (English and Urdu medium) in
Aurangabad city.
The emotional stability questionnaire designed and standardized by A. S. Gupta and A.K.
Singh. The scale consists 15 items classified as positive and negative. Positive items are
scored as 1 and negative item as 0. But for item 9 and 10 the scoring method is reversed.
Mean and t-test were used to measure and compare the emotional stability in
Table no.1: Standard norm Table showing for interpretation of emotional stability in
Sr.no Range of Scores Interpretation
1. 11 and above High Emotional stability
2. 6-10 Average Emotional stability
3. Below 5 Low Emotional stability

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Dr. Mrs. Moin Fatema
(Pg. 10862-10866) 10865

Table no.2: Table showing the mean of emotional stability in adolescent students:
Sr.no Aspect Category Obtained Interpretation
1. Emotional Overall students 6.67 Average
2. stability Urdu medium 7.14 Average
3. English medium 6.60 Average
Table no.3: Table showing the comparison of emotional stability between Urdu and
English medium adolescent students:

Category Obtained S.D T-value Level of Interpretation

mean significance
Urdu medium 7.14 1.98 1.363 0.05 Not significant
English medium 6.60 1.98

1. The overall emotional stability in adolescentstudents is found to be average.
2. The emotional stability in adolescentstudents of Urdu medium is found to be average.
3. The emotional stability in adolescentstudents English medium is found to be average.
4. There is no significant difference found between the emotional stability of
adolescentUrdu and English medium students.
H.1. The overall emotional stability in adolescent students is high, is rejected as the obtained
mean value is 6.67 which falls in the average category of the standard norm table.
H.2. The emotional stability in adolescent students of Urdu medium is high, is rejected as the
obtained mean value is 7.14 which falls in the average category of the standard norm table.
H.3. The emotional stability in adolescent students English medium is high, is rejected as the
obtained mean value is 6.60 which falls in the average category of the standard norm table
H.4. There is no significant difference between the emotional stability of adolescent Urdu and
English medium students is accepted as the obtained t-value is 1.36 which is less than 1.96 at
the 0.05 level of significance.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Mrs. Moin Fatema
(Pg. 10862-10866) 10866


The emotional stability in adolescents was found to be average which can be improved with
the help of proper coordination of the parents, teachers and peers. Some remedial tool for
treating the emotional instability are mental support, medication, education of family
members, improved family communication, developing patience,self-regulation capacity,
proper counselling for patientshaving feeling of suicide threats and attempts.
Emotional stability is considered as one of the most important aspects of human life. It affects
every psychological aspect including learning of the students. Emotional control may impair
performances in situations which required flexibility and adaptability part of the adolescent
A Wani, R Sankar, J Angel, P Dhivya, S Rajeswari, K Athiraj (2016), Emotional Stability among
Annamalai University Students, International Journal of Indian Psychology, Volume 3, Issue
4, No. 66, ISSN 2348-5396 (e), ISSN: 2349-3429 (p), DIP:18.01.167/20160304, ISBN: 978-1-
Gupta A. Singh AK. Emotional Stability test for Children National psychological corporation, Agra.
Khan Tanveer (2017) Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents with respect to demographics and
gender, International journal of education and research studies. An international peer
reviewed and referred journal March –April, 2017, Vol-II, Issue-XII.
Kumar P. A Study of Emotional Stability and Socio-Economic-Status of Students Studying in
Secondary School. International Journal of Education and information Studies. 2013. ISSN
2277-3169 PP. 7-11.
Matheen, W. (2011). Parent child relationship and emotional maturity of city college girls.
Golden research thoughts, Vol. 1, Issue 1, P: 1-4.
Pant P. Joshi PK. “A Comparative Study of Emotional Stability of Visually Impaired Students
Studying at Secondary Level in Inclusive Setup and Special Schools” Journal of Education
and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X. 2016, 7:53-58.
Upadhayay BK, Emotional instability trait of personality and different levels of employment status
among youth” Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
(http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/pds) ISSN: 2328-7837 (Print); ISSN: 2328-7845 2014,
Wani1 M. Sankar R. Angel J. Dhivya P. Rajeswari S. Emotional Stability among Annamalai
University Student, International Journal of India Psychology ISSN: 2349-3429, 2016, 119-

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

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