DPP of Constructionof 100 MW Solar BPDB

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The document discusses plans for constructing a 100MWp solar power plant in Bangladesh and includes details about its location, components, and technical specifications.

The document is a development project proposal for constructing a 100MWp solar photovoltaic power plant in Sonagazi, Feni, Bangladesh.

Page 102 presents monthly averaged hourly global solar radiation (Wh/m2/hour/day) and diffuse solar radiation (Wh/m2/hour/day) data for different times of the day from January to December.

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(Construction of 100 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Grid-

Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi, Feni)







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SL.NO. Subject Page No.

1. Development Project Proposal (DPP)

i) PART - A: Project Summary 1-8
ii) PART - B : Project Details 9-20
iii) Location wise cost breakdown (Annexure-I) 21
iv) Project Management set-up with responsibility (Annexure-II) 22
v) Procurement Plan (Annexure-III) 23-25
vi) Year wise Financial and Physical Target Plan (Annexure-IV) 26-29
vii) Detailed Annual Phasing of Cost (Annexure-V) 30-33
viii) Amortization schedule (Annexure-VI) 34-35
2. Investment Cost of Construction of 100 MWP Solar Photovoltaic (PV) 36-37
based Grid-Connected Power Generation Plant at Sonagazi UpoziUa of
Feni district. (Annexure-I)
3. Estimated Cost ofLandAcquisition & Development (Annexure-2) 38
4. Estimated Cost of Civil Works (Tum-Key Part) (Annexure-3) 39
5. Estimated Cost of Civil Works (Residential) (AnnexUre-4) 40
6. Estimated Cost of Transport Vehicles(Annexure-5) 41
7. Details Break-Up of Consultancy Services & EIA (Annexure-6) 42-43
9. Qualification and Experience of Professional StatTs (Annexure-7) 44-47
10. Details Break-Up of Training Facilities (Annexure-8) 48

II. Cost offield Establishment (Annexure-9) 49
12. 0& M Manpower of the Project (AnnexureIO) 50-51
13. Estimated Annual revenue of the Project (Annexure-II) 52
14. Estimated Annual operating cost & unit cost of energy generation 53
( Annexure-12)
15. Financial Analysis (Annexure-13) 54-55
16. Economic Analysis (Annerxure -14) 56-60
17. Operating Cost of the Project (Annerxure -15) 61
18. Leter from Ministry of Finance regarding project proposal of ADB's 62
pipeline and Forthcomong Country operation business plan
(Annerxure -16)
19. ADB's Project Consepts for Accessing the Green Climate Fund 63-71
(Annerxure -17)
20. In House Feasibility Study of BPDB (Annerxure -18) 72-111
21. Project Concept note: 100 MWp Grid Connected Solar PV Power 112-122
Generation Plant at Sonagazi, Feni (Annerxure -19)
Project SUmmary

I. Project Title : Construction of I 00 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Connected

Power Plant at Sonagazi.Feni

2. a) Sponsoring MinistrylDivision: Ministry of Power. Energy & Mineral Resources!

Power Division.

b) Executing agency : Bangladesh Power Development Board.

3. Objectives of the Project

Mala Objutlye;

• Meet the target of renewable energy policy of Bangladesh. 2008. by increasing the share of
Renewable Energies 5% by 2015 and 10";" by 2020 of total power generation.
• Increase energy security by diversification of primary energy sources in electricity generation.
• To reduce Carbon Emission.
• To reduce the generation capacity shortage.
• To replicate experience in limited grid connected solar PV interventions in the past.
• To gradually develop human resources .and other local capacity through technology transfer
assisting sustainable development of renewable energy subsector.
4. Location of the Project
Division District Upazjla
I 2 3
Chittagong Feni SonagaZi

5. a) Estimated cost of the Project :

(In Lakh Taka &
Equivalent USS in Million) Mode ofFluncing Local F.EJI. Total
GOB (In Lakh Tk.) 38.183.23 0.00 38.183.23
(Eqvt. USS in Million) (48.95) (48.95)
BPDB (In Lakh Tk.) 7.166.62 0.00 7.166.62
(Eqvt. USS in Million) (9.\9) (9.\9)
ADB Local (In Lakh Tk.) 9.145.60 0.00 9.145.60
(Eqvt. US$ in Million) (11.73) (11.73)
ADB F.Ex.(In Lakh Tk.) 0.00 92888.95 92.888.95
(Eqvt. USS in Million) (119.09) (119.09)
Total (In Lakh Tk.) 54.495.45 92.888.95 147.384.40
(Eqvt. USS in Million) (69.87) (119.09) (188.95)

b) Exchange rate with date : lUSS = 78.00 Taka, Date: 29.03.2015


{i. Location wise cost break-down : Attached in Annexure-I, Page-21.

attached as per Annexure-I

7. (a) Mode of Financing with Source

In Lakh Taka
Mode of GOB BPDB ADBLocaI PA Total PA source
financing (OPAlRPA)
1 2 3 4 5 6
LoanIcredit 15,273.29 .
15,273.29 ADBGreen
Climate Fund
F.Ex. 9145.60 92888.95 102034.55 Bank)

Equity 22909.94 22909.94

BPDB 7,I6M2 7,IM.62

Total 38,183.23 7,166.62 9,145.60 92,888.95 147,384.40
7 . (b) Source of GOB Financing DPP's Year
wise allocation
Whether the priority list Year wise GOB fund Source of In case of n:-
of the projects has been requirement required fund appropriation
made according to (In Lakh Taka) from other
available resources in the project(s)
FY 2015-2016 If Yes, what will be
give the sl.no. the impact of
Fitlall~iad Yt:IIJ" Amount
1 2 3 4 5
I 2015-2016 17522.14
201 {i-20 I 7 8598.69 ADP
2017-2018 12062.40

8. Project Implementation Perio : I) Date of Commencement: 20 I 5-I 6 (July 2015)

II) Date of Completion : 2017-18 (June 2018) .

9 Com ponents and Estimated Cost Summary

jTaka in lakh)
Estimated Cost
Economic Code Description BPDB GOB ADB Total %ofthe
L_ F.Ex. total cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(.) Revenue Component :
4500 Pay of oflicers (Ann.·II) 189.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 189.42 0.13
4600 Pay of Staffs (AnnAl) 103.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 103.71 0.07
4700 Allowances (Am.-9) 175.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 175.88 0.12
4900 Rapairs,Mainlenanoe &Rehabilitation (Ann.· 33.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.00 0.02
Sub-Talal IRe_I Compontnt) : 502.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 502.00 0.34
(b) CI!IbICo-.llnem :
8813 Ma:hInary & Equipmenl Including VAT & 0.00 0.00 36.75 88755.95 88792.70 60.25
TAX forlhe-r<excepl CIF Value of
permanentmaJerials@ 10.5% (Service)
(Tum-key Part) (Ann. 1)
7980 CivI'MIIks (Turn-key Part)(Ann. 1) 0.00 0.00 1373.78 2000.00 3373.78 2.29
Detail in Annx.-3
7982 InIInI TranspDI1aIion 0.00 0.00 4439.64 0.00 4439.64 3.01 ,
7982 Insurance & Freight 0.00 0.00 2219.82 0.00 2219.82 1.51
7982 Erection,Testing SId 0.00 0.00 300.00 700.00 1000.00 0.68
7982 ElI8aJtion of first inspection & GoaranIee 0.00 0.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 0.14
Period Operation (2 yeas)
7981 TJalning (Ann.-8) 0.00 0.00 0.00 355.00 355.00 0.24 ,
8901 land AcquisaIion 350 Acres (Ann .. 2) 0.00 4350.50 0.00 0.00 4350.50 2.95
7001 land D"..ltpmeod (35Ol3x4048 5.19
Sq.m=4250400 ro.rn.) 0.00 7650.72 0.00 0.00 7650.n
7011 Cost 01 Cillih...,rk (Res) (Ann. 4) 0.00 1215.28 0.00 0.00 1215.28 0.82
6807 Trnport· Vehicles (Ann. 5) 0.00 191.00 0.00 0.00 191.00 0.13
7980 ConIIManc:yIEng Seovices & EIA 0.00 0.00 725.62 928.00 1853.62 1.12 ,
7980 Chllgll of a!ectricaI energy during 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.01
7900 Cus1Dmsduly, Taxes & VAT@ 12% ofC & F 0.00 10855.12 0.00 0.00 10855.12 7.23
7981 VAT &TAXforlhe CIF Vaue ofpennanent 0.00 9310.00 0.00 0.00 9310.00 6.32
materials @10.5%
7980 IIri c:haoge ro. LC 0p0nnJng 0.00 u:n.89 0.00 1331.89 0.90
6815,6819 0IIce Furniture, ~ iIcIucMg aI 34.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.00 0.02
&6821 accessories SId others (Annex.·9)
7980 Inlarest during construction @ 3% p.a. on 6630.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 8830.62 4.50
Ioc:aISId@4%p.aon F.Ex.component and
@3% p. a on GOB \\iIh 60% equity
Sub-Tolal (Cap/Ial Component): 6664.62 34719.52 9145.60 92881.95 143418.69 97.31
(e) PhysIcal ContIngency .
7980 /PhysIcaI contingency 1% otdilect cost . 0.00 1154.57 0.00 0.00 1154.57 0.78
(d) PrIce ContIngency
7980 ICost EscaIaIion 2% of died cost 0.00 2309.14 0.00 0.00 2309.14 1.57 .

(GRAND TOTAL (a+b+c+d): 7166.62 38183.23 9145.60 92888.95 147384.40 100,00


10. Log - frame

(i) Planned date for project completion: June- 2018
(ii) Date of this summary preparation : April- 2015

Narrative Summary Objectively Verif"..ble Means of Verifi""tion ImponantAssumption

Goal: Impact:
I. Electricity Generation I. Installed Capacity will Monthly MOD Report
mcreased in the be increased by 100
country. MWp at the end of tbe
project i.e. by June 2018.
Goal: Outcome:
I. Electricity Generation I. Installed Capacity will Project Completion Fuel crisis in near
will increase in the be increased in tbe Report (PCR). future.
country. country.
2. Enhancement 0 2. Enhancement 0
systenl generation generation capability by
capability. 100 MWp.
3. Reduction of system 3. Load shedding reduction
load shedding and and Improvement 0
improvement 0 systenl voltage by adding
system voltage. this plant to the system.

I. Consumen will get I. Consumen will get Monthly Progress Generation of
more electricity. 154.53 MkWh electricity Report Electricity and reliable
in South Zone as well as power supply in the
in tbe country. country.
2. Comparatively smooth PO- office records All supplies are
and reliable power available.
supply in Northern Sufficient fund will be
Zone as well as in the "",vide<!.
IMED monitoring report Well-tramed &. capable
o &. M manpower to
run the power plant
I. Reliable and stable I. Without using any fuel Monthly Progress Quality control will be
electricity generation 100 MWp electricity will Report supervised by the
in tbe country. be BeDerated at the end authorities.
oftbe project.
PO- office records Country will get more
electricity from
renewable energy
lMED monitoring

Narrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Means or Verification ImpOrtant Assumption

Input: Activities
I. Acquisition & I. 350 Acres Land will be I. Land is available.
Development of land Acquisition and

2. Select Turn-key 2. Qualified & I. Design & Inspection- 2. Qualified &

contractor by ICT. experienced Tum-key I - records and experienced Tum-key
contractor wi II be reports observation. contractor will be
selected. available in time.

3. Foundation, 3. Authority will 2. Monthly Progress 3. Tum-key contractor

Installation! supervise the whole Report will supply all the
Erection, Testing & work. PD- office records machinery &
Commissioning by equipments in time.
the Tum-key
4. Foundation, 4. Tum-key contractor 3. Ministry of Power, 4. Foundation,
Installation/Erection, will complete Energy & Mineral Installation! Erection,
Testing & Foundation, Resources (MPEMR) Testing &
Commissioning by Installation! Erection, Commissioning will
the Tum-key Testing & be completed in time.
contractor. Commissioning with in
36 months.
5. Manpower set-up for 5. Skilled 32 nos. o. 4. Personnel and 0 & M 5. Skilled & efficient
project execution Project Management record. manpower will make
and power plant set-up and 96 nos. 01 available in time.
operation & 0 & M manpower will
maintenance. be required.


Narrative Summary Objectively Means of Important

Verifiable Verification Assumption
Indicators (OVl) (MOV)

In~ut: resources
Machinery& Equipments
(In La" 'lalla)
2 Civil & Building works (fum-key) 3,373.78

3 Inland Transportation 4,439.64

4 Freight & Insurance 2,219.82
5 Instsllationl Erection,Testing and 1,000.00
6 Guarantee Period Operation 200.00
7 Training at Manufacturer Factory 355.00
8 Customs duty, Taxes & VAT 10,655.12
All funds will
PMO- records
9 Bank charge for L.C Openning 1,331.89 be available
and reports
on time.
10 Interest During Construction (IDC) 6,630.62

11 Charge of electrical energy during 15.00

12 ConsultancylEngineering Services & 1653.62
ElA (Annexure-6)
13 Physical Contingency 1,154.57
15 Cost Escalation 2,309.14
16 Transports! Vehicles 191.00
JSU . '!--


II. (a) Attach proposed project Please see page no. 22.
management setup
(As per Annexure -II)

(b) Attach Procurement Plan Please see page no. 23-25.

(As per Annexure -Ill (a), III (b),
III (c»

12. Give yearwise Physical and Financial Please see page no. 26-29.
Target Plan (As per Annexure-IV)

13. After completion, whether the Project needs to

be transferred to the revenue budget

a) If yes, briefly narrate the institutional Yes. This will be transferred to the
ar'rangement and financial requirement for revenue budget of BPDB after
operation and maintenance. completion of the project.
(To continue the benefits of the projects
required yearly cost and personnel should
be mentioned)

b) If no, briefly narrate the institutional NtA

arrangement and financial requ ireinent for
operation and maintenance.
(To continue the benefits of the projects
required yearly cost and personnel should
be mentioned)

Signature of Officers(s) responsible for the

preparation of the DPP.

(Rabeya Zaman)
Assistant Engineer
Project Planning

(Daisy Pervin)
Deputy Director
Project Planning,
BPDB, Dhaka.

(Mohammed Abul Kashem Mahmud)
Project Planning
BPDB, Dhaka.

/J2L~ CUb
(Md. Mizanur Rahman)
Chief Engineer
Planning & Design
BPDB, Dhaka.


14. Background. objectives, rational

linkages, targets and outputs!
outcomes of the Project including
findings offeasibility study/survey,
if any.

The Government of Bangladesh set the target to reduce poverty in a shortest possible time by
achieving high economic growth. Stable and secure power supply can ensure faster economic
growth and thereby reduce poverty. In this respect, Government prepared, "Power System
Master Plan 20 I 0" for the attainment of stable power supply to achieve 3 Es; Economic Growth,
Energy Security and Environmental Protection simultaneously. The GoB's Vision and mission
in favor of power sector are stated as "To provide access to affordable and reliable electricity to
all by the year 2021" and "Ensure uninterrupted and quality power supply for all by 2021
through improvement in generation, transmission and distribution system" respectively.

Government prepared immediate, short and midterm planning to enhance the generation
capacity to about 19701 MW by 2017 and 24000 MW by 2021. In line with the Renewable
Energy Policy 2008 the Government has undertaken a good number of initiatives to encourage
both public and private sector participation in producing energy from renewable sources. The
Renewable Energy Policy envisions that S% of total energy production will be done by 20lS and.
10"10 by 2020. The" present share of Renewable Energy is more than 1%. Among all the sources
of Renewable Energy, .solar is the best feasible option in Bangladesh. For this reason,
Government has already launched SOO MW Solar Power Program. The Grid Connected Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plant can help contributing Bangladesh to meet its policy goals for secure,
reliable and affordable energy thus to expand electricity access to people allover the country.

Bangladesh is one of South Asia's burgeoning economies. The use of electricity is regarded as
the main criteria for economic development. The average demand for electricity is increasing by
approximately 10"10 every year. In accordance with the increasing demand, the government of
Bangladesh has taken various steps to increase the power generation capacity through
immediate, short, medium and long-term planning. Due to the decrease in worldwide reserve of
fuels such as oil, gas, coal etc, the world is leaning towards electricity generation using solar
power, wind power, ocean currents etc. as an alternative. Solar energy is widely used for
electricity generation. The technology for producing electricity using solar energy is improving
day by day. The solar radiation is utilized by a Mono Crystalline! Poly Crystalline! Amorphous
System to produce electricity. This technology is widely used in developed countries as well as
developing countries. Currently. more than 4,00,000 MW electricity iR being produced using
solar energy throughout the world.

According to Renewable Energy Policy-2008, electricity generation by renewable energy is

targeted to be S% of the total generation by 20lSand 10% by 2020. Due to the growing power
demand and shortage of conventional fuel sources such as oil and gas,the government has taken
initiative to set up solar power plants and produce electricity for the "SOO MW Solar Power
Development Program" to increase the production of electricity from renewable energy.
Already, establishing a 7.4 MW Grid-Tied Solar Power Plant in the premises of Kamaphuli
Hydro Power Plant at Kaptai, a 4.2 MW Solar-Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Plant with 2.2 MW
Solar PV at Hatiya, a 3 MW Grid-Tied Solar Power Plant at Sharishabari, Jamalpur and a 30
MW Grid-Tied Solar Park adjacent to Dhorola River at Kurigram has been undertaken.
AasIsIanI EnIII.-
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1.' _e 2 .::;v-~ ;;._J.: A::;4. $22$ .-0

,- - 10-

Current Power Situation of Bangladesh:

At present, the power generation capacity of Bangladesh is 10,868 MW (till February 2015). Till 1
now, the maximum power production in Bangladesh has been 7418 MWon 18th July, 2014. On
the other hand, a total of 42195 MkWh net electricity is produced by public and private sectors
in FY 2014-2015, which is 10.37"1'0 more than the last Fiscal year. Currently Bangladesh's per
capita electricity production is 348 kWh. .

Future Prospeets oeRen_able Energy:

Conventional fossil fuels such as, natural gas, coal, diesel, etc., is exhaustible, meaning over
time everything will end. On the other hand, through advanced technology, the appropriate use
of the abundant renewable fuels such as solar energy, wind power, etc. can be ensured, without
any adverse effect on the environment. Considering the adverse effects on the environment by
fossil fuels, all the countries of the world are encouraged to use renewable fuel. I

Obieetives of tile Proiest:

Fossil fueI-based power generation plants emit carbon and other toxic substances that could
damage the ecological balance and lead to environmental disasters. As a result of environmental
degradation, coasta.I countries, especially countries like Bangladesh and Maldives, are more
prone to natura1 disasters. The main objective of the project. is to prevent environmental
degradation by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and using environment friendly renewable
fuel such as, solar energy, to produce electricity. However, reducing the dependence on
Bangladesh's primary fuel, natural gas, for the production of electricity, and encouraging fuel
source diversifieation is also the focus of the project.

Under the existing generation scenario renewable energy has a very small share to the total
generation. HoWever, under the changed perspective renewable energy would have a significant
contribution given the global climate change scenario and carbon trading prospect.

Bangladesh is hoped to have enormous potentiality in renewable energy development. Some of

the areas like solar PV, the potential of development is already proven. Bangladesh has fitting
geographical condition for solar power. Bangladesh receives an average daily solar radiation of
4-6.5 kWhlm2• Solar photovoltaic (PV) are gaining acceptance for providing electricity to
households and small businesses in ruraI areas. Development of off-grid solar home solutions
has achieved international benchmark. Large grid connected solar PV systems ale seem to be
potential to meet the generation and demand gap. At present the cost of grid connected solar PV
can be BDT 13 - 15 !kWh, which is less than the liquid fuel based electricity.

The proposed project aims to demonstrate large-scale grid connected renewable energy project
in the country. 1be project will demonstrate the possibility of grid connected solar PV system
and serves as capacity building tool for large scale grid connected renewable energy project in
Bangladesh. The project will also be an example of fuel source diversification planning in large
seale in Bangladesh. .

About Project Area:

The project under discussion will be a 100 MWp grid connected solar PV power plant outside
the Muburi irrigation project area at Sonagazi upazilla of Feni district. The area proposed for
100 MWp solar PV plant installations is 350 acres but there are around 444 acres land which in
altogether may be acquired for future expansion.

- II -

The proposed 100 MWp capacity solar park project area, at Muhuri dam region of Sonagazi
under Feni district, was vulnerable to flooding which is currently being protected by a new darn.
The weather assessment of the project area over the past five years has shown that the project
area is relatively a low natural disaster prone area. During a field visit to the project area, it was
known from the local people that, due to the high salinity of the soil, the fertility of the land is
low and that's why is not suitable for cultivation. So supporting diversifying the fuel in power
generation the proposed site is perfect for a solar power plant.

Sonagazi Upazila is loCated in the south of Feni district and the only Upazila with an ocean
coastline. The Sonagazi Upazila is surrounded by Chittagong in the east, Noakhali in the west,
Peni in the north and the Bay of Bengal in the south. The Upazila has a total area of239'\4 krn •

According to the local residents, during flood season, the area submerged about 4-5 ft under
water before the c.onstruction of the new dam. Currently, due to the construction of the new dam,
the tide or flood water cannot enter the proposed area; however, as the project area is 5-6 ft
lower than the flood level, about 7 ft of land filling is required. The land development can be
done by dredging the adjacent Mohuri river.

Road Access:

A road network around 15 ft wide exists beside the proposed project site. The road is owned by
constructed by LGED. It can be used for transportation of plant's machineries & accessories.
Besides River transportation opportunity for plant's machineries & accessories also exist.

Power Evacuation:

The power generated from the proposed 100 MWp solar PV plant may be evacuated through
132 kV transmission line at nearby PGCB's 132 kV grid substation at Bariarhat, Chittagong. The
132 KV Grid Sub-Station Bariarhat is around 10 KM away from the plant area & will be
completed within 2-2.5 years as per verbal information of PGCB's authority. The 132 kV
Switch yard to be constructed at the plant area linked with line from the step up transformers and
the switchyard to be connected with the Grid Sub-Station at Bariarhat by 132 KV transmission
line oflength around 10 KM.

Water Supply:

The project site is surrounded by the FenilMuhuri River. The water can be used for the cleaning
and also it can be drink after treatment. Deep tube well can also be installed in the plant area for
harnessing drinking water.


, Mobile telephone network is available in the proposed PV plant area. The Teletalk network can
be used for internet communication.

A 7'ant EnaIneer
• ID No. 1-42000
PftIJIMi! ......nllhClOl ...

- 12-

(i) Bangladesh government has a goal to provide reliable and affordable electricity to all .1
by 2021. And it has a mandate to contribute 5% of total national power generation from
Renewable Energy Technology by 2015 and 10% by 2020. It is forecasted that by 2020
our peak demand will be 20,000 MW, at present which is 8000 MW. So, to achieve the
national mandate of contribution of renewable energy generation by 2000 MW by that
year. Implementation of this project will be a step towards fulfilling the national

(ii) Introducing the environment friendly green power generation to meet -national power

(iii) Lessen dependence on fossil fuel.

(vi) Diversification of primary energy sources in electricity Generation.

- 13 -

IS. Whether any Pre-appraisal/investment i) There is an In-House Feasibility Study completed

study was done before Fonnulation by BPDB Engineers. The study report was
of this Project? Ifso, attach Summary submitted on March, 2015 (23-03-2015). The
of findings & Recommendations report is enclosed in Annexure- "g
ii) Project Concept note: 100 MWp Grid
Connected Solar PV Power Generation Plant at
Sonagazi, Feni, Developed for ADB TA 8084:
Supporting Implementation of Bangladesh Climate
Change Strategy and Action Plan (Subproject 2)
Prepared by June 2014, enclosed in Annexure-19

16. Mention thefollowing Financial & Economic analysis have been

conducted considering 18% Capacity Utilization
factor and 12% discount rate.

0) Net Present Value (NPV) (In Lakh Taka) : (i) Financial 3,675.23
(ii) Economic 47,620.12

b) Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) (i) Financial 1.03

(ii) Economic 1.36

c) Internal Rate ofReiurn (IRR) (i) Financial 12.41%

(ii) Economic 16.81%

17. Lessons learnt from similar nature of There are no similar projects completed yet.

18. Indicate the basis of tota1 and item-wise Estimated Cost of the proposed project is as per the
cost estimate and the date of preparation Project Concept Proposal (PCP) prepared by Asian
of rate of schedule Development Bank (ADB) for gaining access to
the Green Climate Fund, diffrent on-going projects
of BPDB, present rate schedule (2014) .

. ';:--'c'- -:--., ~ '-1)

;.I..-~':~-- -j~ __ ~;,,:;:---"
" I

--. -- ~, :... . ':1~._-?.

,t¥ 1- ' . .~) ....-.~.-

- 14-

19. Give comparative cost of major items of similar other projects

SI. Project Type Name of the Oateof Name of major items Cost (I n lakh Taka)
No. project completion

I 2 3 4 5 6
I. Proposed Construction of 2017-18 Solar PV modules (mono or poly) 76,668.20
Project 100 MWp Solar
DClAC Inverters, Mounting
Photovoltaic Grid-
structures, LVIMV cabling &
Connected Power
accessories, SCADA System,
Plant at
Security and Surveillance)
Substation (Transfonners,breakers, 3,106.00
auxiliary protection, CT, PT,
necessary controllmeetering)

132 kV Evacuation line (10 Ian) 3,882.50

Mandatooy spares & special tools for 4,233.50
operation(5% of plant and
tna(>hineries cost)
Civil WOJIcs.. construction, 3,373.78
Inslallation & non-residential civil
works (Turn-Key part)
Cost of Civil works-Residential 1,215.28
2432.93 Sq.m
Transport! Vchicles (Ann.-S) 191.00

ConsultancyiEDgineering Services & 1,653.62

ErA (Annexure-6)

Total Cost of Major Items: 94,323.88

Per kW energy cost of the proposed 1.47

-15 -

SI. Project Type Name of the project Date of Name of major items Cost As per lowest
No. completion responsive bidder
(In Lakh Taka)

I 2 3 4 5 6
2. Similar on Installation of 5 2013-14 Solar PV modules (mono or poly) 4,971.57
going project (7.4 MW) MW Solar (DecI13)
Photo Voltaic (PV) DC!AC Inverters, Mounting
Grid-Connented Power structures, LV/MV cabling &
Generation at Kaptai. accessories, SCADA System,
Security and Surveillance)
Substation 270.57
(Transformers,breakers, auxiliary
protection, CT, PT, necessary
II kV Evacuation line (2.5 km) 626.67

Mandatory spares & special tools 98.26

for operation
Civil Works- construction, 1,967.36
Installation & non-residential
civil works (Tum-Key part)

Cost of Civil works-Residential . 86.80

TransportlVehic1es 3 nos. 115.81
ConsultancylEngineering 355.31
Services & EIA
Total Cost of Major Items: 8,492.35
Per kW cost of the project
3. Similar There is no similar completed project under BPDB
I project
.. & -..4E. JX··

- 16-
20. . Attach detailed annual phasing of cost
Please see page
no. 30-33
(As per Annexure-V)

21. Specification/design of major component!

(i) Solar PV modules (mono or poly)
(ii) Grid connected Inverters (with 0.4/11 kV Transformers)
(iii) DC cables
(iv) Module mount structure
(v) SCADA system
(vi) Water supply System

(vii) Substation {6SnS MVA ONAN/ONAF-2 Transformer with 132 kV

SF6 breakers, auxiliary protection, CT, PT, necessary
(viii) 132 kV Evacuation line (10 km)

(ix) Mandatory spares & special tools for operation

- 17 -

22. Attach Amortization schedule for projects Please see page no.34-35.
having involvement ofloan from Government
(As per Annexure-VI)

23. Briefly describe the effect/impact and specific

mitigation measures thereof if any on

(i) Other Projects! Existing Installations No effects on other Projects.

(ii) Enviromnent like land, water, air, Though this kind of project having no negative
bio-diversity etc. impact on the said issues even proper
measures will be taken to mitigate any
probability of negative impllCt on the
(iii) Women and Children The implementation of the project will help in
mitigating the power shortage which in tum
create positive enviromnent for industrial
development. The setting up different
industries due to availability of electricity will
help in creating friendly environment of
women & children in improving their life
standard. They may be benefited indirectly by
utilizing electricity in generating desired
income & refreshment for themselves in
various ways.

(iv) Employment, poverty alleviation The successful implementation of tht: project

etc. will impact in industrial development along
with others issues like agriculture, health
and education. That's why a window will open
for employment which in tum having positive
impact in poverty alleviation and increase life
standard by creating income source for the
mass people.
- 18 -

(v) Institutional, Productivity : After successful implementation of the proposed

project factories, industries, commercial
organizations, health, education and different
developing organization will be set up in the near
vicinity. Industrial & agricultural products would be
increased by using electricity.
(vi) Regional Disparity Does not arise.

24. Specific Linkage with Sixth Five

Year Plan and MOOs (In terms of
number & percentage of policy
matrix ofPRSP)
The 6 Five Years Plan gives emphasis on establishing energy Security in Bangladesh.
Considering dependence on single fuel Le. on Natural Gas on Power generation it has given
importance on diversification of fuel.
Core Objectives ofthe 6" Five Years Plan:
The followings are some of the Objectives stated in the 61h Five Years Plan:
• To ensure energy security.
• To make the power sector financially viable.

• To increase generation capacity of electricity.

• To improve the reliability and quality of electricity supply.

• To diversilY fuel usc in power generation i.e. coal, liquid fuel etc.
• To increase usc of renewable energy by 5% of electricity demand by the Plan period etc.
In Bangladesh rencwable energy such as biomass, solar power and wind power are being used.
However, Bangladesh is lagging far behind in the scientific use of such energy. The usc of
renewable energy has become popular worldwide in view of depleting reserve of non-
renewable fossil fuel. Furthermore, renewable energy is environment friendly.

The 61h Five Years Plan also pointed out the follOWing topics: \

• Establishing of a wind-mill run power plant of 100 MW (off-shore) capacity and 4 solar
power plants of 10-15 MW capacity (connected to grid).

The Proposed Project is taken following guideline of the 6th Five Years Plan. The Successful
implementation of the Project will play an important role in diversilYing fuel for power
- 19-

25. Whether private sectorllocal govt. or : There is no participation ofNOO's.

NOb's participation was considered?
Describe how will they be involved?

26. In case of aided project mention the Not yet Known

major conditionality

27. Does the project involve rehabilitation! There is no involvement rehabilitation! resettlement
resettlement? If so, indicate the issue against this project
magnitude and cost
28. Identify risks during implementation & Risk Identification:
operation and mitigation measures there
(i) Solar Resow-ce and Yield Assessment:
Yield assessment with unreliable solar resow-ce data

(ii) Technology Risk:

Technology risk may come from low quality of

(iii) Installation Risk:

Low quality of workmanship can put a project on risk
although after ensuring high quality of equipment.

Risk Mitigation:
(i)To complete the project work within scheduled
time signing of contract with the EPC contractor
should be completed in time and necessary fund
should be allocated.
(ii) The technology risk is mitigated to some extent
by the eligibility criteria established for the selection
of equipment manufacturers based on their operating
track record and installed capacity. The EPC
contractors will be selected based on their business
reputation and experience in the same field. In
addition, more stringent specification will be
developed for the equipment of the project, so that
only high quality goods with worldwide good track
record are offered through the tender process.
(iii) The Consultant will periodically monitor the
installation phase to find any inconsistency between
design and implementation. Furthermore, consultant
will also verify the design. equipment. tests and
commissioning results of the project.
- 20-

29. Any other important details, technical or

otherwise (e.g. sustainability, governance
Steering Committee, Project Implementation
Committee etc.)


Grid-connected Solar PV systems, although smaIl compared with conventional power

. generation systems are becoming very popular allover the world due to pollution free
generation. Grid-Connected PV Systems, also called utility interactive PV systems, always
have a connection to the electricity grid via with a number of suitable inverters, because a
PV module delivers only dc power. Using standard inverters to convert generated DC
power into AC before step up the same to grid voltage. The step up transformers to be used
for raising generated voltage to grid voltage with dependable control system. The proposed
plant not equipped with Batteries system or Hybrid that's why will not able to supply
electricity without sun light focused on solar panels.

Project Steering Committee IUId Project ImplementatioD Committee:

There will be a Project Steering Committee (pSC) headed by the Secretary of Power
Division and mernbers will conceive from Planning Commission, IMED and
representatives from other concern divisions/Ministry. The PSC will monitor the project
implementation and provide guidance for smooth implementation of the project. Besides
PSC, there Will be a Project Implementation Committee (PIC) headed by the Chairman,
BPDB and members Will conceive from the different concern ministry or ministries &
BPDB. The PIC will closely monitor the project implementation activities.

Md. Shahinul Islam Khan

Bangladesh l'ower Development Board.
Signature of the head of the Executing Agency with
Seal and Date.

Monowar Islam, ndc

Power Division
Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources.
Recommendation and signature of the Secretary of
the sponsoring MinistrylDivision with Seal and
- 21 -
Location Wise Cost Breakdown

(In Lakh Taka)

51. No_ Dlvision/Distrlct 5ub-DlstrIc:tIUpazila estimated Cost Comment

1 2 3 4 5

Feni 147,384.40
. .
.~, ..,........
-..""''''''''=--~ ...

Requirement of Manpower for Exeecution of
Construction of 100 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi,Feni
. an LIIdI r....,
Sf. Name olllle post Quantity Qualiflclllons Scale Amount ResponslbHlty1 Accountabilltiei
No. . Per Year
,L l>IRC8iS .
1 Supelintendent Engineer B.Sc. Engineering or as 25,750·33,750 8.405 Implemenlation of the works
PO per BPDB's Service Rule concerned willi !he conslruclion of
proposed power plant as per !he
work schedule described in !he
DPP. He is also responsible for
furnishing both financial and
physical progress report of the
project monthly and quarte~y.
2 Executive Engineer B.Sc. Engineering or as 22,250-31,250 15.136 Providing all support to Ihe PO in
DPD per BPD&s Service Rule !he execution of contracto(s works
for Ihe conslruction of proposed
power plant project.
2 B.Sc. Engineering or as 18,500-29,700 13.947 Providing all support to Ihe XEN in
per BPDB's Service Rule the supeMsion of field works of \
proposed pcMer plant project.
4 Assistant Engineer 2 B.Sc. Engineering or as ",00()'20,370 9.150 Providing aU support to !he XEN in
per BPDB'S Service Rule Ihe supervision of field works of
proposed power plant project.
5 AssII. Director (Admin.) 1 MasterslGraduate l',oo()'20,370 4.575 Responsible for all personnel &
administrative performance. -
6 AssII. Direcfot (AId) 1 Masters/Graduate ",QOO.20,370 4.575 Mai otaillillg general ledger book,
processing of contracto(s bin for _
paymen~ prepaation of monthly
accounts sta\ement for the project
related financial transaction.
7 Sub-Aasistanl Engineer 2 Diploma Engineering 8,000-16,540 7.351 Provid'1Il9 all support to Ihe
XENISDE in the supervision of field
Su...TobIIIfrDm ..... of1 10 63.14
It. SIIIII & 0Ihen
(Out Sourdng)
1 CompuIer operator 2 Graduate 5,500-12.095 5.330

2 SM cum Cashier 1 Graduate 4,700-9,745 1.m

3 Driver 3 Class VIII to S,S.C. 4,700-9,745 5.331

4 Security GuaJd 12 Class VIII to S.S.C. 4,100-7,740 17.705

5 MLSS/HeIper 2 Class VIII to S.S.C. 4,100-7,740 2.951

2 Class VIII 4,100-7,740 1.475

Su ...total of HI from 1 to 6 22 34.569

. 22{b) .
Annexure· II (Contd.)

Construction of 100 MWp Solar PhotovoHaic Grid-Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi,Feni

Project Execution Manpower Setup

Project Director (SEl • 1

Administration Construction DIvision Accounts
Assistant Director (Admin) ·1 executive Engineer, (XEN) ·1
Computer operator ·2 Sub-Divisional Engr. (SDE) ·2 ASSistant Director .1
Security Guard ·12 Assistant Engr. (AE) ·2 (Accounts)
MLSS ·2 Sub-Assistant Engr. (SAE) ·2 SAA cum cashier .1
Driver ·3

22 7 -2
Total =32 Nos.

'Pfl ~
Annexure-lll (a)
Ref:Reg·l6(4) of PPR, 2008

MinislrylDlvision Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral ReIoun:es, Power Division Project Cost

Wlh Agency
PIIICUIIIm8III Entity Name & Code
BPDB 147384.40

Project !Programme Name &Code Constructlon of 100 MWp Solar PhotovoltaiG GrId·Connected PO'M!r 7166.62 BPOB
Plant at Sonagazi,Fonl

92888.95 F.Ex.

Package Description of Procurement Package Pracurament Conlract Sou"," EsId. Cost Indicative Dates
No as per PPITAPP Unit Quantity MeIhod& ApproWIg of (in Lakh T1c) NoIUsed Invitetion Signln9 of Completion '
GOODS (Type) Authority Fund (s) in goods for Tenders Contract of Contract
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .

GOI Machinary & Ecqulpment (Turn-key Par) Lot 1 (one) OTMIICB GOVT. ADB 68,792.70 . July/2015 Sep12015 June/20t8
• Purdlase

Total Value of Goodl - - - - - - -- - -- ---- -


-24 -
Annexure·1II (b I
Ret.Reg·16(41 ofPPR. 2008


In Lakh Taka
MinistrylDivision MinlstJy of Power, Energy & Minerai Resources, Power Division P~Cost
Agency BPOS 147384.40 Total
Procurement Entity Name & Code 47328.83 Local
ProjectlProgramme Neme &Code .Constructlon of 100 MWp Solar I'hot!Mlttaic Grid-Connected Power 7166.62 SPDS
Plant at Sonagazl,Feni

92888.95 IF.Ex.

Pakage Description of Procurement Package Procurement Contract Source Estd. Cost Indicative Dates j

No as per PPITAPP UnH Quantity Method & Approving of On Lakh Tk.) Invitation Invitation Signing of Completion ,
WORKS (Type) Authority Fund (s) for Prequel for Tenders Contract of Contract j
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

W01 Civil Works Tum-key lot 1(one) OTM I tCB GOVT. ADS 3373.78 Jutyl2015 Sep/2015 Junel2018
Purchase ,
W02 Civil YtOrb (Residential ) Lot - OTM(NCT) GOVT. GOB 1215.28 Dec-16 May-1? Jun-18
. Purchase
1.~.,.~~ Total Value ofWorkI: 1,215.280
"":::1. -.~
:1"'D Q:J N ~
~r:.J~rp.p ~
,ll =;" ':l:J '?'
. ~~r:)~:G
:1" ... Z
a ~

- 25-

,'~ ~: '·7 ",,1
Annexure-III (e)

. . ~..(.

, .:,? ~\.';.•
Ret.Reg-16(4) of PPR. 2008

Minia1IyIDlvi8lcn MInisIry of " - , Energy & MinellI Reeoun:ea, Power DMsion

Agency BPDB Project Cost
; PIOCUIIIIII8nI Entity Name & Code 147384,40 Tolal
Project /Programme N.... &Code Construction of 100 MWp Solar PhoIovoItaic Grid-ConneeIed Power Plant 47328.83 loca(
at Sanagazi,Feni 7166.62 SPOS
92888.95 F.Ex.

Pakage Description of Pnx:untment Procurement Contract Source of Estd. Cost Indicative Oates
No Package as per PPITAPP Un~ Quantity MeIIIod & Approving Fund (s) On lakh Invitation Invitation Signing of Complelion
SERVICES (Type) AuIhority Tk.) for EOI for RFP Conrract ofConlract
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SOl Englneering/ leT(CCSS) AD8&BPOS ADS 1,853.62 July12015 AugI2015 SepI2015 JuneJ2018
Consultancy ServIce & EIA
Total Velul of Servlcn -- -- - - - - -
---- -------
Ve.r WI•• Flnlnclll & Physical Tlrgel Plln
NIfnI 01 the Project : Conltructlon 01100 MWp Solar Photovollalc
GJIcI.Connectad Power Pllnt It
Nlme 01 AgencylDivlllonlMlniltry : Blnglld..h Power Development Board
Power Division..
Mlnllby 01 Power,Energy & MinIrIl R_rces
Budget Economic Code/Sub code Total PhYIlcll & Flnlnclal T~et Ve.r·2015-16 Vear·2016·17
Head code/Sub description Qty Unit Total WeIght Flnanclll Ph "~I Flnlncial Phrsical
cod. COlt COlt % oIliem % 01 ProJect % of Item 'Yo of Pro leet
1 2 3 4 5 S 7 R ..9 10 a .9 10
II Revlllue Comoonlllt
4500 Pay of ofIIcers (Ann.·n ) 10 Nos. 189.42 0.00 63.14 33.33 0.04 63.14 33.33 0.04
4600 Pay of Staffs (Ann..!1 ) 22 Nos. 103.71 0.00 34.57 33.33 0.02 34.57 33.33 0.02
4700 AIowances (Ann.·9 ) LS 175.88 0.00 58.63 33.33 0.04 58.63 33.33 0.04
4900 RspaIrs,MaIntenance & RehabIIIation (Ann.·9) LS 33.00 0.00 11.00 33.33 0.01 11.00 33.33 0.01
Total Revlnue 502.00 0.00 167.33 133.33 0.11 187.33 133.33 0.11
(b) Cipit I Componlllt
6813 Machlna/y & Equipment Including VAT & TAX 1Lot 88792.70 0.80 17758.54 . 20.00 12.05 35517.08 40.00 24.10
for the 'MIrk except CIF Value of pennanent
materials @ 10.5% (Service) (Turn-key Part)
7980 CivI 'MIrks (Tum.key Part) (Ann. 1) Lot 3373.78 0.02 674.76 20.00 0.46 1349.51 40.00 0.92
Detail in Annx.-3
7982 Inland Transportation 5% 0.03 887.93 20.00 0.60 1775.85 40.00 1.20

7982 Insurance & Freight 2.5% 2219.82 0.02 443.96 20.00 0.30 887.93 40.00 0.60

, !!J~

Inslallation! Erection,Testlng and
Execution of first Inspection & Guarantee









Period Operation (2 years)
7981 Training (Ann.-8) 40 Noo....2 pm 355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6001 Land Acqulsation 350 Acres (Ann .• 2) 350Aaoa 4350.50 0.03 4350.50 100.00 2.95 0.00 0.00 0.00
7001 Land Development (35Ox3x4048 4250400 7650.72 0.05 7650.72 100.00 5.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sq.m=4250400 cu.m.)
7011 Cost of CivI 'MIrk (Res) (Ann. 4) 2432.93 Sq.m 1215.28 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 607.64 50.00 0.41
6807 Transoort· Vehicles (Ann. 5) - 7 Nos. - 191.00 0.00 191.00 100.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nlme of the Project :
- 27-
V.,WII. Flnlnetal & PhYlicll Target Plln
Con.wctlon of 100 MWp SoIl' Photovolta/c
.-~ 1
Grid-ConnlCted Power PlIR1 at

Name of AalllC)'lDIvlslon/MInlliry :
Blllllldelh Power o.v.Iopmenl Board
P _ Division.
9'5 '.-a» MInistry of PoMr,Entr9f & MiIIerll R..ourCH.
15;&~1)! Budget Economic Cod4t'Sub cad. Tofli & FInIIlCitI TII!I« V..r - 2015-16 Vear - 2016-17
• ID l'> Head co4I/Sub descriplion Qty Unit Total Weight Financial Ph ,ical Financial Ph /Sical
i ~
2 3 4
6 7 R
%ofltam %ofProiecl
Q JO a
%ofllem %ofProject
9 10
7980 ConsulIancylEngineering Services &EIA Lac:0j.92 pm & 1653.62 0.01 330.72 20.00 0.22 661.45 40.00 0.45
Int·116 pm
7980 Charge of electrical energy during ConslruClion LS 15.00 0.00 5.00 33.33 0.00 5.00 33.33 0.00

7900 Cus\omsduty, Taxes & VAT@12%ofC&F 12% 10655.12 0.Q1 2131.02 20.00 1.45 4262.05 40.00 2.89
7981 VAT &TAX for the CIF Value of permanent IO.5l1d 9310.00 0.06 1862.00 20.00 1.26 3724.00 40.00 2.53
materials @ 10.5%
7980 Bank charge for LC Openning LS 1331.89 0.01 1331.89 100.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00
6815,6819&6 OffIce Furniture, Equipment including all LS 34.00 0.00 11.33 33.33 0.01 11.33 33.33 0.01
821 accessories and othels (Annex.-g)
7980 Interest during construction @ 3% p.a. on local 3%&4% 6630.62 0.04 1326.12 20.00 0.90 2652.25 40.00 I.BO
and @4%p.aon F.Ex.component and @3% p.
a. on GOB with 60% eauitv
Sub-TotliICIDIIaII : 143418.69 0.97 38955.50 628.67 26.43 51454.09 436.67 34.91
Ie) PhYliIcaI ContInGeney
7980 IPhyslcal contingency 1% of direct cost
(d) PrIce Contingency
1% 1154.57 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 \
Cost Escalation 2% of direct cost
____ . .Jt;RA!IIl !QT~~ ta+b+c+d) :
2% 2309.14
1. Weight oleach item = Est. cost of each respective nem I Total cost of all Physical nem (s)
2. Physical % of item =(Quantity or number targeted in each year I Total Quantity or number of
respective item !or YoMie projed period )X100

3.Physical %01 Tola! Project = weigh~tO~Ie~ach=n~em~X~%~O~1n~e~m~==~=====::-_...,;:=====:;;;;:;;;;::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::======:::::::::=====....:::=

- 28-
YaarWisa Financial & Phy.lcal Target Pain
Name of III. Project : Con.tructlon of 100 MWp SolII' Photovoltalc
GrJd.Connected P_ Plant III
Name of Agtncy/DlvlalonIMlnllllly : Banllildesh P _ Dtvilopllllllt Board
I'DMr DlvIIIon.
Mlnllllly of ~,Energy & Mlnll'll Resoul'CII
Budget Economic CodtISub code Total Physical & Financial Taraet Y.ar - 2017·18
Held cocItISub deIcrIption Qty Unit Total Weight' Financial Ph: slcal
code cost colt %ofltam ~ of ProJect
1 2 3 4 5 8 7 A Q let
4500 Pay of oIIIcers (AnnAl) 10 Nos. 189.42 0.00 63.14 33.33 0.04
4600 Pay of Staffs (Ann.-II ) 22 Nos. 103.71 0.00 34.57 33.33 0.02
4700 Allowances (Ann.-9 ) LS 175.88 0.00 58.63 '33.33 0.04
4900 Repairs,Malntenance & Rehabilitation (Ann.-9) LS 33.00 0.00 11.00 33.33 0.01
TotalRw.u. 502.00 0.00 187.33 133.33 0.11
lib) Capilli Component
6813 Machinery & Equipment including VAT & TAX Hot 88792.70 0:60 35517.08 40.00 24.10
for the work except CIF Value of parmanent
materials @ 10.5% (Se!vlce) (Tum-key Part)
I/Ann. 1) .
7980 CIvI works (Turn-key Part) (Ann. 1) Lot 3373.78 0.02 1349.51 40.00 0.92
Detalln Anrut-3
7982 Inland Transportation 5% 4439.64 0.03 ln5.85 40.00 1.20
1. ..., 7982 Insurance & Freight 2.5% 2219.82 0.02 887.93 40.00 0.60
Ol~' 7982 Installation! EracIion, Testing and LS 1000.00 0.01 1000.00 100.00 0.68
~! "I
r I '_,-\ commissioning.
~ 7982, Execution of ffl1t inspection & Guarantee 2Years 200.00 0.00' 200.00 100.00 0.14
;. J
. Period Opetation (2 years) ,

~~ :. ,
.: ,.'. 7981 Training (Ann.-8) 40 Noo.l42 pm 355.00 0.00 355.00 100.00 0.24
'". :f~; 350_
. 6901
Land Acqulsation 350 Acres (Ann. - 2) 435O.SO 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00
Land Development (35Ox3x4048 76SO.72 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sq.m=4250400 cu.m.)
7011 Cost of Civil wort< (Res) (Ann. 4) 2432.93 Sq.m 1215.28 0.01 607.64 SO.OO 0.41
6807 Tran9DOrt - Vehlcle9 (Ann. 5) ,--
7tq. 191.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- 29-
., .~
Ylar Wile Flnancll! & PfIyIIcII Target Pain
Name of the Project : Con.trucIIon of 100 MWp Sollr Photovoltalc
Grfd.ConnlCtld P_ PlIIIt It
Soa. . . . .,

,Iell IIIImt of ~1onIMIn1itry : Blnglldtah'-~Board

PoMr DivIIIon.
U!t~~ Budget E-* CodtlSub coda
Mlnillry of "-,Energy & MInand RlIOurcet
TotII PhYlIcli & Financial Tlrget Y,ar-201M8 I

f\Iii H,ad


ConsultancylEnglneering Services & EIA

Loc:IIi2 pm &
1111.-116 pm
Weight Flnancl.1


%ofllam rYe of Project
7980 Charge of electrical energy during Construction LS 15.00 0.00 5.00 33.33 0.00

7900 CU6Ioms duly, Taxes &VAT@ 12%ofC &F 12% 10655.12 0.07 4262.05 40.00 2.89
7981 VAT & TAX for the elF Value of permanent 10.5% of 9310.00 0.06 3724.00 40.00 2.53
materials @ 10.5% e&f
7980 Bank charge for LCOpenning LS 1331.89 0.Q1 0.00 0.00 0.00
6815,6819&6 Office Furniture, Equipment inctuding all LS 34.00 0.00 11.33 33.33 0.01
821 accessories and otheIs (Annex.-9)
7980 Interest during construction @ 3% p.a on local 3%&4% 6630.62 0.04 2652.25 40.00 1.80
and @4%p.aon F.Ex.component and @ 3% p.
a.•. on GOB MIl 6O'l(, aauiIY
Sub-TotII C : 143'1"'9 0.97 53009.09 736.87 35.97
(c) PhyaIcII Comtna-Y
1154.57 0.Q1 1154.57 0.78
7980 IPhysical contingerq 1%of d'1f'eCI C06t 1% 100.00
(d) Price Contingency
Cost Escalation 2% of direct cosl 2% 2309.14 0.02 2309.14 100.00 1.57 .,
-- _ _ _ .. JG!IA~D TOTAL (a+b+c+dl :
147384.4G 1.00 58640.14 1070.00 38.43

1. Weight of each item =Est. toStof each rospoctNe item I Tolal cost of aN Physical item (s)
2. Physical % of item =(Quantity or number targeted in oach year I Total Quantity or number of
respective item for \\0010 project period )Xl00
3.Physlcal % of Total Project =Weight of each item X%of item

- 30-
DeIIII annual phasing of colt
... Lakh
---- Tak.. -
Economic CodelSub cod, description Total Year - 2015-16
SuboCod. Local F.Ex. Total Local F.Ex.
2 3 7 8 12 13
(a) Revenue Component:
4500 Pay of officers (AnnAl) 189.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 189.42 63.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.14
4600 Pay of Staffs (Ann.-II ) 103.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 103.71 34.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.57
4700 Allowances (Ann.-9 ) 175.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 175.88 sa.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.63
4900 Repairs,Mainlenance & Rehabilitation 33.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00
Sub-Total /Revenue ComDOnentl 502.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 502.00 167.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 167.33

6813 Machinary& Eqtipment ",uding VAT & 0.00 0.00 36.75 88755.95 88792.70 0.00 0.00 7.35 17751.19 17758.54
TAX for the work except CIF Value of
permanent materials @ 10.5% (Service)
(Turn-key Part)(Ann. 1)
7980 Civil works (Tum-key Part) (Ann. 1) 0.00 0.00 1373.78 2000.00 3373.78 0.00 0.00 274.76 400.00 674.76
Detan In Annx.-3
7982 Inland Transportation 0.00 0.00 4439.64 0.00 4439.64 0.00 0.00 887.93 0.00 887.93

':j ~ 7982 Insuranos & Freight 0.00 0.00 2219.82 0.00 2219.82 0.00 0.00 443.96 0.00 443.96
il' ~~ 0.00 0.00 0.00
Jju 5~.OJ
";) :!i z ~ III ':t'
7982 Installationl El9CtIon,Testing and
0.00 0.00 300.00 700.00
1000.00 0.00 0.00

g~-?~~ ~ 0.00 0.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7982 execution of first inspection & Guarantee
Period Operation (2 years)
;U(DO~» 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
!l ' Z 7981 Training (Ann.-8) 0.00 0.00 0.00 355.00 355.00 0.00
~ .~ 6901 Land Acquisatlon 350 Acres (Ann. - 2) 0.00 4350.50 0.00 0.00 4350.50 0.00 4350.50 0.00 0.00 4350.50

7001 Land Development (350x3x4048 0.00 7650.72 0.00 0.00 7650.72 0.00 7650.72 0.00 0.00 7650.72
7011 Cost of Civi work (Res) (Ann. 4) 0.00 1215.28 0.00 0.00 1215.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6807 Transport - Vehicles (Ann. 51 0.00 191.00_ 0.00 0.00_ 191.00 0.00 191.00 0.00 0.00 191.00
--- - - - -
"31 "
Annexure-V (Contd.)
oa/l annual phaalng of COlt
'1 In Lakh Taka
:': '."~r, ":'! Economic CocI-'Sub code dllCription Total Vear" 2015-16
, .. :.H
: '" --<
.". ' f ,

; ~
r Code!
F.ElL Total
Local F.Ex.

2 3 7 8 12 13
7980 ConsullancylEngineering Services &EIA 0.00 0.00 725.62 928.00 1653.62 0.00 0.00 145.12 185.60 330.72
7980 Charge of electrical energy during 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00
7900 Customs duty. Taxes &VAT@ 12% of 0.00 10655.12 0.00 0.00 10655.12 0.00 2131.02 0.00 0.00 2131.02
7981 VAT &TAX for \he CIF Value 01 0.00 9310.00 0.00 0.00 9310.00 0.00 1862.00 0.00 0.00 1862.00
pennanenl malerials @ 10.5%
7980 Bank charge for LC Openning 0.00 1331.89 0.00 0.00 1331.89 0.00 1331.89 0.00 0.00 1331.89
6815.6819& 0ftIce Fumllure, Equipment including all 34.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.00 11.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.33
6821 accessories II1d others (Annex.-9)

7980 Interest during oonstruCIion@3% p.a. 6630.62 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 6630.62 1326.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 1326.12
on local and @ 4%p.a on
F.Ex.oomponent and @ 3% p. a. on j
GOB wi1h 60% equity !
Sub-Total (Capital Component) : 6664.62 34719.52 9145.10 92888.95 143418.69 1337.48 17522.14 1759.12 18336.79 38955.50

(c) Phy.ical Contingency

7980 IPhysicai contingency 1%of direct cost 0.00 1154.57 0.00 0.00 1154.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(d) Price Contingency .

7980 Cost Escalation 2% of direCI cost 0.00 2309.14 0.00 0.00 2309.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL (a+b+c+d) : 7166.62 38183.23 9145.60 92888.95 147384.40 1504.79 17522.14 1759.12 18336.79 39122.84


- 32-
Annexure-V (Conld.)
DetaIl annual ph.InS of coli

Economic CocItISub code deecriptlon

In Lakh Tak .
V..,· 2016-17 VH' - 2017·18 I
Sub-Code Local F.Ex. Local F.Ex. I

2 3 12 13 12 13
(I) Revenue Component: I

4500 Pay of officers (Ann.-ll ) 63.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.14 63.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.14
4600 Pay of Stalls (Ann.-II ) 34.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.57 34.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.57
4700 Allowances (Ann.-9 ) 58.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.63 58.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.63
4900 Repairs.Maintenance & RehabHitatlon 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00
Ann.-9) I
Sub-TotaIIR_ue ColllDOnent) 187.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 167.33 187.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 167.33 I
(b) Capital Component: I
6813 Macltinary & Equipment including VAT & 0.00 0.00 14.70 35502.38 35517.08 0.00 0.00 14.70 35502.38 35517.08
TAX for the work excepl CIF Value of
permanent materials@ 10.5% (Service)
(Tum-key Part) (Ann. 1)
7980 CMI YtOrks (Tum-key Part) (Ann. 1) 0.00 0.00 549.51 800.00 1349.51 0.00 0.00 549.51 800.00 1349.51
Datai in Annx.-3
7982 Inland TranspoIIation 0.00 0.00 1775.85 0.00 1775.85 0.00 0.00 1775.85 0.00 1775.85
7982 Insurance & Freight 0.00 0.00 887.93 0.00 887.93 0.00 0.00 887.93 0.00 887.93

7982 Installationl Erection.Testing and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 700.00 1000.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 150.00 200.00

7982 Execution of first inspection & Guarantee 0.00 0.00
Period Operation (2 years)
.~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 355.00 355.00
7981 Training (Ann.-8) 0.00 0.00 0.00
6901 Land Acqulsatlon 350 Acres (Ann. - 2) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

7001 Land Development (350x3x4048 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7011 Cost of Civil YtOrk (Res) (Ann. 4) 0.00 607.64 0.00 0.00 607.64 0.00 607.64 0.00 0.00 607.64
6807 Transport - Vehicles (Ann. 5) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-33- 'l
Annexure-V (Conld.)
Detlilannual ph.'ng of cost ..

In Llkh Taka
Economic CodelSub cod. d_rlption Vur - 2016-17 Ve.r·2017·18
5ub-Code Local F.Ex. F.Ex.
;.,tt"~ ~
2 3 12 13 12 13
7980 ConsuitancylEnglneering Services &EIA 0.00 0.00 290.25 371.20 661.45 0.00 0.00 290.25 371.20 661.45
7980 Charge of electrical energy during 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00
7900 Cusloms duty, Taxes &VAT@ 12% of 0.00 4262.05 0.00 0.00 4262.05 0.00 4262.05 0.00 0.00 4262.05
7981 VAT& TAX for Ihe CIF Value of 0.00 3724.00 0.00 0.00 3724.00 0.00 3724.00 0.00 0.00 3724.00
pennanent materials @ 10.5%
7980 Bank charge for LC Openning 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6815,6819& Office Furniture, Equipment including all 11.33 0,00 0.00 0.00 11.33 11.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.33
6821 accessories and others (Annex.-9)

7980 Interest during construction @3% p.a. 2652.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 2652.25 2652.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 2652.25 :
on local and @4%p.a on I

F.Ex.component and @ 3% p. a. on
GOB with 60% equity
5ull-rotaI (CapItIJ Component) : 2863.58 8588." 3511.24 36673.58 51454.09 2683.58 8598.69 3868.24 37878.58 53009.09
(c) Physical Contingency
7980 IPhYSical contingency 1%of direct cost

(d) Price Contingency

7980 Cost Escalation 2% 9f direct cost







1154.57 .




GRAND TOTAL (a+b+c+d) : 2830.92 8598.89 3518.24 36673.58 51621.43 2830.92 12062.40 3868.24 37878.58 58640.14

- 34-
Amortization Schedule: ADS F.EX. AnnH" Uon Schedule : ADB Local
Name of Ihe Project: Construction of 100 MWp Solar PhoIovoItaIc GIfd.Connectad Power Name oIlhe Project: Conslruction of 100 MWp Solar Pflotovoltaic Grid-Connected Power Piant at
Plant at Sonagazi.Feni Sonagazi.Fenl
Tota/lnvestment: 92.888.95 TotaIlnveslment: 9145.60
Loan Portion: 92.888.95 I.0Il1 Po!tion: 9145.60
Loan Period: 20Vears I.0Il1 Period: 20 Years
Grace Period: 5 years Grace Period: 5 years
RIle of Inlerest

Yw _~. __ ._._.
"'J ro"...
Amount to be
Yearly Intamt to Total Payment TEndin,
be paid (C.pltal+lnterestI
(Tk in Lakh

PIId PoId (CIpltoII

2 3 4 5=\3+41 6=12·31
L. I .1. 145.599 0.000 274.368 274.368 9.145.599
- - 145.599 0.000 274.368 274368 9 145.599
145.599 0.000 274.368 274.368 9.145.599
I • I .145.599 0.000 274.368 274.368 9.145.599 I
• " 145.599 0.000 274.368 274.368 9.145.599 I
609.707 274.368 884.075 8.535.8""
8535.892 609.707 256.077 'Ji
7 926.186 609.707 237.788 1 I
7.316.479 609.707 219.494 I 8<

07 4.267.946

" 2,438.826
~ .. ,J 609. 1.829.120
~-r') >
CI~ r-'1Jl co 1629.120 609.707 1.219.413
"'J]z~Im 1219.413 609.707 609.707
g~)' ~
~::::I -?
:< 609.707 609.707 0.000
~,~r ~ N ~ IV..... .6111'_.. _ _ _ _ .. TOIII: 9145.599
tlI 0 ~'Q. P t""
~ ~. g~ f' TotalJ~ 48302.254 1I1dt ITotaI hI1tmt: 3568.784
%~ 'if
I:-~"r. ~
Total Yea 20 V....
9. -.. - Interest 57485.40 Lokh IlIIamtpor _20
He.r:1 2415.113 L.kh : L. 1~8.339
2873.27 I.UIt
-35- !,1"

AmotIlUUo.! Schodule : GOB ..'~,
Name at the Project: ConUuctlon at 100 MWp SeIer PhoIovoIIaIc Grid-ConnecIed Power Pkrll III Sonagazl.Fenl
./ .-;;
,,~ ~",7f, ~ ToIaI1n1l8Sflnenl: 35874.09
Loan F'IlItion: 14348.64
. ;O:i~--e
-:::'.,~ -r Loan PerIod: 20 Years
-; .:,~', 1 Grace Pericd: 5 yean
Rate at InIeIesI: 3% .ill In lakh
Y- BegInlng AmoIInt Y...." fixed Amount YiIIIIy InfImI to Total PIymInI EndIng BIIInce
to III Pold (CapIllI) III"",,, (CIpIIII1+"'-J

1 2 3 4 .. ~ &-(2-3L
1 358W)88 0.000 430.489 430.489 35 874.088
2 35 874.088 0.000 430,489 430.489 35874.088
3 35874.088 0.000 430.489 430.489 35,.,874.088
4 35874.088 0.000 430.489 430.489 35874.088
5 35874.088 0.000 430.489 430489 35874.088
6 35.874.088 2391.606 430.489 2822.095 33482.483
7 33482.483 2391.606 401.790 2822.095 31090.877
8 31090.877 2391.6OE 373.0111 2793.396 28699.271
9 28699.271 2391.606 344.J91 2764.698 26307.665
10 26,J1l7 .665 2391.606 315,692 2735.987 23916.059
11 23,916.059 2391.606 288.993 2707.298 21524.453
12 21524.453 2391.606 258.283 2678,5911 19132.647
13 19132.647 2391.606 229.594 2649.699 16741.241
9566.424 J
17 9566,424 2391.606 114.7117 2535.102 7174.818
18 1174.818 239LSOt!. 86J)98 2506,403 4783212 .J
19 4,783.212 2391.606 57.399 2477.704 2391.606 J
20 2391.606 2391.606 28,699 2_.004 0.000
Total: 35874.088 55N.358 41172.238

Total Intern! 5596.358 Llkh
Total Year: 20 Years
In~re.lpei __ 279.81~~ _ _Lakh_

• -------_._-_ ..-._-'.-"" .,-'-

Estimated Investment Cost of
Construction of 100 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi,Feni

lUS$' 78.00 Taka, Date: 29.03.2015 lin Lakh Tak

Economic 51. Items BPDB GOB ADS Total
c:ode No. Local F.Ex.
A. Turnkey 1EPC part :
A1. Design & Supply of equipment & materials Induding all
accessories: Plant and Machineries
6813 a) Solar PV modules (mono or poly) 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.570.00 50.570.00
6813 Grid connected Inverters (with 0.4/11 kV Transformers) 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.530.00 15.530.00
6813 c) DC cables 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.348.40 4.348.40
6813 d) Module mount structure 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 5,443,30 5.443,30
6813 .) SCADA system 0,00 0.00 0.00 ns,50 776.50
6613 0.00 0,00 776.50 776.50
I) Water supply system 0.00
6613 Substation [65175 MVA ONAN/OiIiAF-2 Transformer with
h) 132 kV SF6 breakeIs. auxIiary PlOt8C\ioll, CT. PT. 0,00 0.00 0,00 3,106.00 3,106.00
necessary control/rneleltngl
I 6613
Q 132 kVEvacuaIion line (10lon) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,882.50 3.682,50
6613 MandailIy spares &spacial tools lor operation(5% of plant
D and machineries cosl) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,233.50 4.233.50
6613 VAT &TAX for the work excaptCIF Vaueol pennanent
k) 0.00 0.00 36.75 89.25 126.00
materials@ 10.5% (SeNice)
Sub-Total of AI 0.00 0.00 38.75 ",755.115 ",7t2.70
_ _ (Tum-tWy '*"
A2. CIvIl Wolke- construcIion,lnstaltatlon & IIOIHWIIdentIaI civil

7016 ., Sol test. CivI Construction lor enray, plinth and control
room cum admi1islralive building, Water supply, drainage &
0.00 0.00 1,373,78 2,000.00 3,373.78

SIl'oWrage system, Residential power suppiy, security Ught,

InIBmal service roads iIld boundary waI fencing, securities
gala & oIIice
Sub-ToIIl of AI 0.00 0.00 1,373.71 2,000.00 3,373.71
7982 a) Inland Transpor1alion @5%01 Machineries 0.00 0.00 4.439.64 0.00 4,439,64
7982 b) FJeight & Insurance @ 2.5% of Machineries 0.00 0.00 2,219.82 0.00 2.219.82
Sub-Total 01 AI 0... OJIO ',651.45 0.00 ',651.45
7016 & A4. ",.talaliolll Erection,Testing iIld coII'lIissioiling. 0.00 0.00 300.00 700.00 1,000.00
Sub-Total of A4 0.00 0.00 300.00 700.00 1,000.00
AS. Guarantee PerIod 0paratI0n
7982 a) Execution of &sI inspedlOn and 0.00 0.00 50.00 150.00 200.00
Operation & Maintenance services after saIisIacIory Performanc:e
Test (2 years Gu...anlee Period)

Sub-ToIIl of A5 0.00 0.00 50.00 150.00 200.00

7981 AS. Training Foreign (40 Nos. & 42 PM)(Ann, - 8) 0.00 0.00 0.00 365.00 355.00
Sub-ToIIl of A6 0.00 0.00 0.00 355.00 355.00
SuIHolll of A (AI to AS) : 0.00 0.00 8419.98 91,960.95 100,380.93
•. S _ ,Q,!
- VkES
,J.,&k~ 4i_ 4, •
- 37 -
Estimated Investment Cost of
Construction of 100 MWp Solar Photovoltaie Grid·Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi,Feni

lUSS • 78.00 Taka, Data: 29.03.2015 'In laid! T

Economic sr. Mems BPDB GOB ADB Total
code No. local F.Ex.
B. Non-TumkeylEPC part :
6901 1 land Acquisation 350 Acres (Ann. - 2) 0.00 4.350.50 0.00 0.00 4.350.50

7001 2. land DeveIopmenI (35Ox3x4048 Sq.m=4250400 cu.m.) 0.00 7,650.72 0.00 0.00 7,650.72
(Ann.- 2)
7011. 3. Cost of Civil works ~esidenlial (Ann. - 3) Included In Turn-key (EPC) Part
Dolan In Annexure-3
7012 4. Cost of Civil wotlcs-Resijenlial 2432.93 Sq.m 0.00 1,215.28 0.00 0.00 1,215.28
6807 5. Transporfl Vehicles (Ann.-5) 0.00 191.00 0.00 0.00 191.00

7980 8. CIIage of eIodricaI ene'9ll during conIsrucIion. 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00
7980 7. ConsuIIancyIEngineeringSeMces & EIA (Annel<lll9-6) 0.00 0.00 725.62 928.00 1,653.62

SuboIotII of B : 0.00 13,422.50 725.62 928.00 15,076.12

GIaIDhcI..t (A+B): 0.00 13,422.50 9,145.60 92,881.95 115,457.05
Total C&F ColI 88,792.70
7900 1. Customs duly, Taxes & VAT@I2%ofC&Fcost 0.00 10,655.12 0.00 0.00 10.655.12.
7980 2. Balk charge for LC Openning @ 1.5% of C &F cost 0.00 1,331.89 0.00 0.00 1.331.89
7981 3. VAT &TAX for the elF Value of pennanent _ _ @ 10.5% 0.00 9,310.00 0.00 0.00 9,310.00
. tI
4500 i. Payofolbrs 189.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 189.42
4600 i. Payofslafl 103.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 103.71
4700 ii. AIowance (Annex.-9) 175.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 175.88
6815,681 iv. 0IIite FumiIure, Equipment including ~ accessories and others 34.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.00 \
9&6821 (Annex.-9)
4900 v. Repairs, Maintenance & Rehabililation (Annex--9) 33.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.00
7980 3. Physical contingency on 1%of Direct cost 0.00 1,154.57 0.00 0.00 1.154.57
4826 4. Inter8st during construction@3% p.a on local and @4%p.aon 6,630.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,630.62
F.Ex.co"..,nent and @ 3'lI p. a. on GOB with 600/0 equity
7980 5. Cost Escalation on 2% of Direct cost 0.00 2,309.14 0.00 0.00 2,309.14

. Total indirect ColI e 7,166.62 24,710.73 0.00 0.00 31,927.35

GRAND TOTAl (A + B+C) : 7,166.62 38,183.23 9,145.60 92,888.95 147,384.40

In Million US $ 9.19 48.15 11.73 119.09 188.95

- 38-



I nJaidl Tiki)
51. Items LOCIt F.Ex. Total
t Land Acquisition total 350 Jv;;res 4350.50 0.00 4350.50

2. Land Development 350 Acres for power Plant 7650.72 0.00 7650.72
(Average 3 or 2.5 metem of land filling and
compaction ratio: 1.2 @ BOT 6/c11 and River
(35Ox3x4048 Sq.m=4250400 cu.m.)

Total 12001.22 0.00 12001.22

t .~_ - e
.4f "



Annexure· 3
(In lakh Taka)

SI. II.- Quantity Local F.Ex. Total


1 SOil fest, demIMcaIiDn & SUIVe)'ing lS 12.00 0.00 12.00

2 2 Storied Con/rof Room cum 3000 sIIIIIoor. 239.78 0.00 239.78

Administlative Building

3 Internal Roads in between PVarray 12km 720.00 0.00 720.00

and inside the Plant

4 Boundary waH and fencing including Skm 190.00 0.00 190.00

Security Gale & Security 0IIice

S Civil Construction of array and p/inIII lS 0.00 2000.00 2000.00

~; 6 Residential Water supply, drainage lS 200.00 0.00 200.00
and sewenge system

7 Residential Power Supply, Security lS 12.00 0.00 12.00


Total : 1373.78 ZOOO.oo 3373.78

-40 -


(In Lakh Taka)

51. Floor space No. of No. ofUnltl Total Cost per Total Cost
Roor Floor
No. (sq.ft.) sq..meter Sq.m.

Accomodation of SElXEN
1 116.20Sq.m 3 1 348.60 0.43 149.90
(1250 sII)

Accomodation of
2 SDEIAEIAD 93.00 3 2 744.00 0.43 319.92
(1000 sII)
Accomodation of
3 3 2 596.00 0.43 256.28
(800 sII)

0IIice1S DormiIoIy
(3 storied building, ground
4 floor for prayer room, dining 3 3 387.45 0.43 166.60
room & TV room)
(1378 sII)

Staff Dormitory
5 (3 S1oried) 3 3 356.88 0.43 153.46
(1280 sII)

Total 15.00 2432.93 1046.16

,,4 8.




lTaka In Lakhl
SINo. Items Quantity Rate local F.Ex. Total

1 Jeep 1 75.00 75.00 0.00 75.00

2 Double cabin Pick·up 2 55.00 110.00 0.00 110.00

(2700 eel

3 MotorCycle 4 1.50 6.00 0.00 6.00

(125 eel
Total 7 191.00 0.00 191.00

NB: After Implementation of the Project the transport /vehicles will be used by openIIion &
maintenance ~neI.

. \

Project Team Leader (Solar 36 1.50 54.00 0.00 54.00
/Renewable Energy I E1ectricaI

18 1.50 27.00 0.00 27.00

I & C Engineer 6 1.50 9.00 0.00 9.00

Civil Engineer (Land Development 12 1.50 18.00 0.00' 18.00
river bank protection)
Civil Engineer (Power station I 12 1.50 18.00 0.00 18.00

Environmental Expert 4 1.50 6.00 0.00

Social Safeguard Expert 2 150 3.00 0.00
2 150
92 pm 116 pm
,4(,"" ",,",-¢,. R .,___ 4t --.
J"--~" '- C, ---:-

- 43-
Consuttanc:y Services & EIA
. 1US$ =78.00 Taka, Date: 29.03.2015 lin Iakh Taka}
St. Items Person- Person Ratel Rate/pm local F.Ex. Total
No. . month month pm Inl
Local Int. Local
2 Supporti1g S1aIf overhead cost 170.00 0.00 170.00
3 VAT &AlT (Income Tax) @10.5%of 10.50% 111.93 0.00 111.93
Remuneration of Consultanls
4 Office Equipment, Office Accomodalion, LS 70.00 0.00 70.00
Out of PocIIet Expenses, Contingencis,
Office Expenses, stationaIy etc.

5 Enviror.mentalllJ1lllCl Assesmen\ (EIA) LS 20.00 0.00 20.00

Sub-Colal 371.93 0.00 371.93
6 VAT @15% of Total ConsuIIancy 15% 215.69 0.00 215.69
Charges .\
SUb40tII 215.89 0.00 215.69
GFIIId'Totai 920rn 116 DIll 725.62 928.00 1653.62

- 44-
Annexure -7
Qualification and Experience of Professional Staffs

Minimum Qualification a!1d Experience of f'!ofessionaI Staffs are mentioned beIow.-

Foreign Proleslional Staffs

Designation Minimum Qualification and Experience
1. Power Plant .
Project ream Leader (Solar PV /Rene'. able
Energy / EIecIricaI Engineer) The \earn leader must have a 8achelor's degree in Engineering and
Masters in Renewable Energy or any other relevant subject

Minimum of 20 years of experience including minimum 5 years
of experience in the field of renewable energy technology.

Experience in grid connected solar PV project development as

~ leader (at least one shall be solar PV power plant which capacity
not less than 25 MWp)

Electrical Engineer ( Power Plant and BOP)

Bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering or other relevant .

Experience as Electrical Engineer

Experience in PV Power generation projects of which capacity not
less than 20 MWp.
I & C Engineer Ed
Bachelor Degree Electrical/ communication / Control engineering

10 years experience as power plant engineer

Experience in design and/or supervision of installation YtOrks for

power plant electrical equipment.

Civil Engineer (Land Developmenl and river Education:

bank protection) Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering or other relevant

Experience as Civil engineer
Experience in river bank prolection and/or land developments



- 45-
Annexure - 7(Contd.) 'iI
Qualification and Experience of Professional Staffs

Minimum Qualification and of Professionat Staffs are mentioned below.

Civil Engineer (Power station I Structural) Education:
Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering or other relevant

Experience as Civil engineer
Experience in Power generation projects

Substation Engineer (EIectricaQ Education:

Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering
Experience as electrical engineer for power plant equipment

Experience in design and/or supervision of installation works fo

iJlower substations. . ,

Power transmission engineer (Electrical

Engineer) E
Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering
Experience as electrical engineer for power plant equipment

En'lironmentaf Expert Education:

Bachelor Degree of Environment related subject

Experience in Ullf Ill1vUullllllfnl related issues of renewable energy

Social Safeguard Expert Education:
Bachelor Degree of Social Science
Experience in the environment related issues of renewable energy
Legal I tender expert Education:
Bachelor Degree in law
Experience in the legal affair Ipreparing tender documents.
Annexure - 7(Contd.)
Qualification and Experience of Professional Staffs

Minimum Qualification and Experience d Professional Staffs are mentioned below.

Local Professional Staffs

Designation Minimum Qual"1fication and Experience

1. POMI" Plant
National Project Tearn Leader (Solar PV
!Renewable Energy I Electrical Engineer) The team leader must have a BacheIof's degree in Engirleerin!! 8/I(j
MasIeIs iii Renewable Energy or any other relevant subject.

Minimum of 20 yeas of experience including minimum 5 years

of experience in the field of renewable energy technology.

. Experience In grid connected solar PV project development (81

. ~ one shall of capacity not less than 5 MWp)

Electrical Engineer ( Power Plant and BOP)

Bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering or other relevant

Experiellce III EIecIrica/ Engineer

Experience in Power generation projects.
I & C Engineer iEd'''-'
Bachelor Degree Electrical I communication I Control engineering

10 years experience III power plant engineer

Experience in design and/or supervision of instalation works for .
power plant electrical equipment.

Civil Engineer (Land Development and river Education:

bank protection) Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering or other relevant

Experience as Civil engineer
Experience in river bank protection and/or land developments
·~' -.........
............ ..,.,.,.....-. .

• 47·
Annexure· 7(Contd.)
QUll1IIcation Ind ExperiInce of ProfesIIonll StIffs

Minimum Qualification and of Professional Staffs are mentioned below.

CM ~ (Power station I Structur8j Education:
Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering or oilier relevant

Experience as Civil engineer

Experience in Power generation projects
Substation Engineer (Electrical) Education:
Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering

Experience as electrical engineer for power plant equipment

Experience in design and/or supeNislon of installation works fo

power substations.
Power transmission engineer (EIacIricaI
Engineer) Bachelor 0egI8e of EIacIricaI Engineering

Experience as electrical engineer for power plant equipment

Environmental Expert I~, ....ov.n:

Bachelor Degree of Environment related subject

Experience in the environment related issues of power projects.

Social Safeguad Expert Educatlon:

Bachelor Degree of Social Science

Experience in the environment related issues of power projects.

legal I tender expert Education:

Bachelor Degree in law
Experience in the legal affairs /preparing tender documents.

1USS =7S.00 Taka, Date: 29.03.2015 lin Lakh Taka)

SI. No. Items Person Local F.ElI. Total
1. Training at manufacturers factory power plant
equipmant, orientation & technology lran$fer ,
Respected Engineers of 0 & M, project Planning
Directorate of BPDB and Renewable Energy, reseII'Ch
& Development Directorate of BPDB, Design &
Inspection Directorate-1 & 2 of BPDB
a) XEN - 6 person x 1 month =6 pm 6pm"
b) SDE - Spersons x 1 month = Spm Spm
c) AE - 12 persons x 1 month = 12 pm 12pm
c) SAE - 12 personsx 1 month = 12 pm 12pm 0.00 95.00 95.00

3. Planning Commillion/ IlPEMR : -

a) Planning Commission (Power WIIl9)1 MPEMR 2pm
(Power Division)/IMEDI ERO
4 persons x 15 days =2 pm ~

4. Travelling charges 40 persons 0.00 85.00 85.00

5. UvingIPocket allowance 40 persons 0.00 150.00 150.00

6. Training at the site 0.00 25.00 25.00

Total 40 persons, 0.00 355.00 355.00
42 pm

N.B. After Completion the training aH trainees from BPOB must work at least 5 (five)
years in the concerned power station


Assistant Engineer
Ie No. 1":;2000
~ r_ninc Olrec!nrol
J1PO!l. OM"".
Annexure- 9
Field Establishment
(Salary, Office Furniture, Equipment & Other Expenses for Execution of the Project)

SI. No. items In Lakh Taka

A. Salary
1) Pay of OfIicres 189.42
2) Pay of Staff 86.00
Sub-Total of A 275.42
B. Other Expenses & Allowances

O.T. , T.A. D.A. and oUler allowances 165.25

Sub-total of B : 165.25

C. Repair, Maintenance, & Rehabilitation

1) Fuel for vehicles, Transport maintenence, Insurance etc. 30.00
2) Telephone, postage etc. 3.00
Sub-total of C : 33.00
D. Office Furniture, Equipment including all accessories and
1) Furniture & office equipment 10.00
(Executive- Table. Chair, Computer Table, Chair, Visitor Chair,
Almirah, Rle Cabinet)
2) Laptop with Laser Printer· 1 set, Computer with Laser Printer 10.00
- 4 sets
3) Photo copier machine, FAX machine 4.00
4) Office stationaries 10.00
Sub Total of 0 34.00
Total of (A+B+C+D) : 507.67
·50 .
Annexure· 10
Manpower Required for 0 & Mof
100 MWp Solar PhotOYoltaic Grid-Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi,Feni

(In Lakh Taka)

Annual Annual
Type of personnel Remuneration Remuneration
SI.No. Nos.
(Pay Scale) per person (Total)

1. Manager (SE) 1 9.12 9.12
2. ExeaJIive Engineer 2 8.21 16.42
3. Sub-Divisional Engr. 2 7.55 15.10
4. Assistant Engineer 5 4.95 24.76
5. Assistant Director (Mnin) 1 4.95 4.95
6. Assistant Director (Acoounts) 1 4.95 4.95
7. Sub-Assistant Engineer 10 3.97 39.70
Sub-Total of I 22 115.00
II Staffs & Others
1. ~operaIor 4 3.36 13.43
2. 5M cum Cashier 1 1.95 1.95
3 Pump Operator '8' 1 1.95 1.95
4 Foreman-C 2 3.97 7.94
5 EIectrIcian-C 1 2.02 2.02
6 Electrician-B 1 1.95 1.95
7 Welder·C 1 1.62 1.62
8 Accountant 1 3.97 3.97
9 Store Keeper·B 1 2.88 2.88
10 Store Keeper·A 1 1.69 1.69

- 51 -
Annexure - 10(Contd.)
Manpower Required for 0 & Mof
100 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power Plant at Sonagazi,Feni

(In Lakh Taka'

Annual Annual
Type of personnel
51.No. Nos. Remuneration Remuneration
(Pay Scale)
per person (Total)
11 Store Helper 2 1.62 3.23
Sub-Total of II 16 42.63
III Out Sourcing
1. Driver 3 1.95 5.85
2.. Security Guard 25 1.62 40.44
3. Sweeper/Cleaner 2 1.62 3.23
4. MlSS 4 1.62 6.47
5 Helper 4 1.62 6.47
6 He/per/Cleaner PV Panel 20 1.62 32.35
Sub-Total of III 58 62.46
Grand Total II +H+lm 96 220.10
- 52-


Sl. Items Capacity Utilization Factor

No. 18%

1. Annual gross energy generated in MKwh 157.68

Energy loss in system auxiliary consumption @ 2% of gross

2. 3.15
energy generated in MKwh

Net energy sale at high voltage bus (81 No 1-51 No 2) in

3 154.53

Revenue earning from sale of energy @ Tk 14.60lKwh at

4 22560.85
high voltage bus in Iakh taka
·- . E_-- ;



(Amount in Lakh Tk)
SI. Items Capacity Utilization Factor
No. 18%
i) Depreciation:

20 years life (Straight line) 7369.22

ii) Interest on loan :

ADB Local TK. 178.34 2873.27

ADB F.E><. TK. 2415.11

GOBTK. 279.82
iii) O&Mcost@ 500 Tk/KWofinstailed
capacity 500.00


i) Fuel cost 0.00

ii) O&Mcost@Tk 10000.00 IMkwh 15.77

TOTAL: 10758.26

A. Annual net energy generated in MKwh 154.53

B. Unit cost of energy generated in Tk.1 Kwh 6.96

Annexure - 13


The following assumptions have been considered to work-out the financial analysis:

(i) Life time of the Sola Power Plant is 20 yeaIS.

(h) The solar power plant will run using renewable energy source. So, there is no fuel cost.

Qu) Net available bulk power sale 98% of net generated energy at 18% Gapacity Utilization Factor &
2% is station use .

(iv) For the calculation d revenue TIt 14.60 per kwh base load tariff at generation bus has been used
considering 18% Capacity Utilization Factor.
(v) Escalation has been excluded from investment cost.

(VI) Interest on loan and depreciation have been deducted from operating cost.

(vi) Financial Analysis have been caJculated with estimated project cost considering 18% Capacity
Utilization Factor and 12% discount rate.

(viii) For the calculation fA Salvage value items considered :

(Cost of Equipment x 10% )

. t ~
-~...~- ........,.,-- 'I

Annexure· 13 lConId.)
Financial Analysis of Installation of
100 MWp Solar Photovoltalc Grid-Connected Power Plant at Sonagazifeni
Utilization Factor 18%) (lakh Taka)

Vear Capital Operating ToIIl Cost Benelit Discounted Discounted
Cost Cost Value ofToial DIscounted Discounted Discounted Value of Discounted
Value of Talai Valueof Value of ToIIl
Costa! Total Cost Value of T0111
BenefIt a! ToIIl Cost a! Benelitat
12.00% 12.00% 13.00%
DiscountFICIor DiscountFICIor DIscountFaclar
2015-16 39122.84 0.00 39122.84 0.00 39122.84 000 39122.84 0.00 39122.84 0.00
2016-17 51621.43 0.00 51621.43 0.00 46090.56 0.00 46090.56 0.00 45662.68 0.00
2017·18 54331.00 0.00 54331.00 0.00 433i2.34 0.00 43312.34 0.00 42549.14 0.00
2018-19 363.98 363.98 22560.85 259.07 16058.37 259.07 16056.37 252.26 15635.80
20111-20 353.98 353.98 22580.85 231.32 14337.83 231.32 14337.83 22324 13837.00
2020-21 500.00 500.00 22580.85 283.71 12801.64 283.71 12801.64 271.38 12245.13
2021·22 500.00 500.00 22580.85 253.32 11430.03 253.32 11430.03 240.16 10836.40
2022-23 500.00 500.00 22560.85 226.18 10205.39 226.18 10205.39 212.53 9589.73
2023-24 500.00 500·00 22580.85 201.94 9111.95 201.94 9111.95 188.08 8486.49
2024-25 500.00 500.00 22560.85 180.31 8135.67 180.31 8135.67 166.44 7510.17
2025-26 500.00 500.00 22560.85 180.99 7263.99 180.99 7263.99 147.29 6646.17
2026-27 500.00 500.00 22560.85 143.74 6485.71 143.74 6485.71 130.35 5881.56
2027·28 500.00 500.00 22560.85 128.34 5790.81 128.34 5790.81 115.35 5204.92
2028-29 500.00 500.00 22580.85 114.59 5170.37 114.59 5170.37 102.08 4606.13
2029-30 500.00 500.00 22560.85 102.31 4616.40 102.31 4616.40 90.34 4076.22
2030-31 500.00 500.00 22560.85 91.35 4121.78 9135 4121.78 79.95 3607.27
2031-32 500.00 500.00 22580.85 81.56 3680.16 81.56 3680.16 70.75 3192.28
2032-33 500.00 500.00 22560.85 72.82 3285.86 72.82 3285.86 62.61 2825.02
2033-34 500.00 500.00 22560.85 65.02 2933.80 65.02 2933.80 55.41 2500.02
2034-35 500.00 500.00 22560.85 58.05 2619.47 58.05 2619.47 49.03 2212.41
2035-36 500.00 500.00 22560.85 51.83 2338.81 51.83 2338.81 43.39 1957.88
2036-37 50000 500.00 22560.85 46.28 2088.22 46.28 2088.22 38.40 1732.64
2037-38 500.00 500.00 22580.85 41.32 1864.49 41.32 1864.49 33.98 1533.31
Salvage .... 8866.67 0.00 654.25 0.00 654.25 0.00 53328
1 1154803.22 4&OOI!176 131319.n 13489s.o0 131319.n 134995.00 129927.67 124649.81

Discount Rate: 12.00% 12.00% 13.00%

NPV: 3675.23 3675.23 -S2n.86
BCR: 1.03 1.03 0.96

IRR: 12.41%
- 56-


All assumptions are simHar to financial analysis. Followings are the additional assumptions to work-out
economic analysis:

(i) Duties, taxes and VAT have been excluded from capital cost.
(ii) Interest, Depreciation, Duties and Taxes have been excluded from operating cost.

(iiQ Shadow price haS been used for foreign exchange cost

(iv) Local cost has been reduced to bonier price.

(v) Benefit has been calculated at border price.

(vi) Salvage value has been reduced to border price.

(vii) Economical Analysis have been calculated with estimated project cost considering 18%
Capacity Utilization Factor and 12% discount rate.
..y:w ~z ,..
¥" WJ? .Q. &.


Annexure-14 (Conld.)


Local cost at F.Exat
Yew Local F.Ex. Total border price shadow price Total
(l.C.x 0.82) (F.Ex1 O.ns)

2015-16 16783.58 18336.79 35120.37 13762.54 23569.14 37331.67

2016-17 6952.35 36673.58 43625.93 5700.93 4713828 52839.21

2017-18 8456.92 37878.58 46335.50 6934.68 48687.12 55621.80

Salvage value 8866.67 0.00 8866.67 7270.67 0.00 7270.67

- 58-
Annexure - 14(Conld.)

(In Lakh Takal

OpentIng cost without IDtanIIt, CD, VAT Opending cost Total
and deprac:latlon
Year Local cost Fuel cost F.Ex. Total Local cost Fuel cost F.Ex. at
at border (Fuel cost shadow
price (LC. XUI) price (F.ExJ
x 0.82) 0.718)

At 18% c.u.f 413.879 0.000 0.000 413.879 339.380 0.000 0.000 339.380

At 18% c.u.f 413.879 0.000 0.000 413.879 339.380 0.000 0.000 339.380

At 18% c.u.f 424.386 0.000 66.268 490.654 348.000 0.000 85.177 433.177

At 18% c.u.f 424.386 0.000 66.268 490.654 348.000 0.000 85.177 433.177

Annexure • 14(Contd.)

Revenu. for the Purpose of Financial & Economic Analysis

(In Lakh Taka)
V.... Capacity Utilization Revenue
Factor Flnandal Economic (financial X

2018-19 iii) At 18% c.u.f. 22560.85 30005.94

2019-20 iii) At 18% c.u.f. 22560.85 30005.94

2020·21 to 2037·38 iii) At 18% c.u.f. 22560.85 30005.94

Annexure-14 ( Contd.)
Economic An.lysis of Installltion of

I. 100 MWp Solar Photovollalc: Grid-Connectecl Power Plant at Sonagul,Fenl

(Cspaclty UtlIiZIIIon Factor 18%) (La khTa ka
Vur CIpbI OperatIng Tolal Colt BeneIIt DiIcounIed DIIcounte DIscou.... DIIcou.... DIIcounIId DIscounted
Coat Cost Value ofTotal dValua of d Valuaof d Valua of Value of Value of
Coat II Total TC!III Cost Tolal ToIalCoat Tolal
Benefttll II BeneIIt II II Beneftt.at
12.00'10 16.00'10 17.00%
Discount FICIIIr DlICO\HII. Factor DllCOUnt Factor
2015-16 37339.42 0.00 37339.42 0.00 37339.42 0.00 37339.42 0.00 37339.42 0.00
2016-17 52846.95 0.00 52846.95 0.00 .' 47184.78 0.00 45557.72 0.00 45188.33 0.00
2017-18 55829.54 0.00 55829.54 0.00 44347.53 0.00 41341.81 0.00 40638.13 0.00
2018-19 359.55 359.55 30005.94 255.92 21357.63 230.35 19223.53 224.49 18734.82
2019-20 359.55 359.55 30005.94 228.50 19069.32 198.57 16572.01 191.87 16012.67
2020-21 484.76 . 484.76 30005.94 275.06 17026.17 230.80 14286.22 221.10 13686.04
2021-22 484.76 484.76 30005.94 245.59 15201.94 198.97 12315.70 188.98 11697.47
2022-23 484.76 484.76 30005.94 219.28 13573.16 171.52 10616.99 161.52 9997.84
2023-24 484.76 484.76 30005.94 195.79 12118.89 147.86 9152.57 138.05 8545.16
2024-25 484.76 484.76 30005.94 174.81 10820.44 127.47 7890.15 117.99 7303.56
2025-26 484.76 484.76 30005.94 156.08 9661.11 109.89 6801.85 100.85 6242.36
2026-27 484.76 484.76 30005.94 139.36 8825.99 94.73 5863.87 88.20 5335.35
2027-28 484.76 484.76 30005.94 124.43 7701.78 81.66 5054.89 73.67 4560.13
2028-29 484.76 484.76 30005.94 111.09 8876.59 70.40 4357.68 62.97 3897.54
2029-30 484.76 484.76 30005.94 99.19 6139.81 80.69 3756.80 53.82 3331.23
2030-31 484.76 484.76 30005.94 88.56 5481.97 52.32 3238.45 46.00 2847.21
2031-32 484.76 484.76 30005.94 79.07 4894.62 45.10 2791.77 39.31 2433.51
2032-33 484.76 484.76 30005.94 70.60 4370.20 38.88 2408.70 33.60 2079.92
2033-34 484.76 484.76 30005.94 63.04 3901.98 33.52 2074.74 28.72 lm.71
2034-35 484.76 484.76 30005.94 56.28 3483.89 28.90 1788.57 24.55 1519.41
2035-36 484.76 484.76 30005.94 50.25 3110.62 24.91 1541.87 20.98 1298.~
2038-37 484.76 484.76 30005.94 44.87 2777.34 21.47 1329.20 17.93 1109.95
2037-38 484.76 484.76 30005.94 40.06 2479.77 18.51 1145.86 15.33 948.68

Salvage value 7270.67 0.00 536.49 0.00 239.35 0.00 196.47

155260.62 607389.40 131569.56 179209.88 126225.46 132448.35 124993.80 123555.69

Discount Rate 12.00% . 16% I 17.000/0

NPV 47620.12 6222.89 -1438.12
BCR 1.36 1.05 I 0.99

IRR: 16.81%
,,1 "

lIJ\~ v
Annexure • 15 h.~.,;~
Opeming em of the Project <")<r'
SI. ~ Ittmo of cost 201 ..1. 281..20 . . .21 2021·22 to 2037-31
No. Ioc8I F.ElL laC11 l.ouI F.Ex. 10btl _I F.&. 10lil1 Ioc8I . F.Ex• LaW

I- Raw maI8riaIs & SUfJpIIes :

a) Imported raw maIerIaIs. supplies &
i) C&FcosI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 106.06 106,06 0.00 106.06 106.08
n) Duties & laxes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.81 0.00 10.81 10.81 0.00 10.81
iii) landing charges & transpor1aIion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.26 ODO 8.26 8.26 0.00 826 I

cost to sHe
b) locally produced raw materials, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.87 0.00 8.87 8.87 0.00 8.87 I
supplies & spares

Sub-total 011 : :,11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.94 108.08 136.02 27.94 108.08 136.02
II. Fuel & power: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00· 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-tctal of II : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
III. Manpower:
a) Foreign personnel
b) Local personnel 220.10 0.00 220.10 . 220.10 0.00 220.10 220.10 0.00 220.10 220.10 0.00 220.10
Sub-tctalof NI: 220.10 0.00 220.10 220.10 0.00 220.10 220.10 0.00 220.10 220.10 0.00 220.10
IV. OIher COils:
a) Overhead expenses 182.06 0.00 132.06 132.06 0.00 132.06 132.06 0.00 132.06 132.06 0.00 132.06

b) Depreciation 7369.22 0.00 7369.22 7369.22 0.00 7369.22 7369.22 0.00 7369.22 7369.22 0.00 7369.22 ···'·i'
c) Maintenance 7.39 0.00 7.39 7.39 0.00 7.39 7.39 0.00 7.39 7.39 0.00 7.39 i
,', '
d) Interest 2873.27 0.00 2873.27 2873.27 0.00 2873.27 2873.27 0.00 2873.27 2873.27 0.00 2873.27
e) Conlingencies 4.44 0.00 4.44 4.44 ODO 4.44 4.44 0.00 4.44 4.44 0.00 4.44
Sub-tohll of IV : 10386.38 0.00 10366.36 103.&.3. 0.00 10386.36 10366.36 0.00 10366.3' 10366.36 0.00 10386.38
T0181 Operating em
Grand-total (I+II+III+IV) : 10606.47 0.00 10606.47 10606.47 0.00 10606.47 111634.41 108.08 10742.49 10634.41 108.08 10742.49 I~

- ~:~~A~~~\-
~~ •• '":,,:'~==:,:~ettofthe People's Republic of Bangladesh
., Ministry of Finance

1 Relations
ADM Branch
__ ~J'Y
'-_S;&er·-e-I3an,gla Nagar,Dhaka·1207

Memo No. 09.512.· 281 Date: 2610212015

Subject: Prolect P'YP""'" for inclwrion lDAPB's Cognby Operation Bmriness p!!!P

Ref: Power Division's Letter No. Dated: 1110212015

Dear Mr. Higuchi,

With reference to the subject mentioned above. I am directed to inform yoll that the
Economic Relations Division' has received a request from Power Division. Ministry of
Power, Energy and Min~ Resources for inclusion of the following three prqjects in
ADB's pipeline and forthc()ming Country Operation Business Plan: (1) Hybrid power
System in Rural Areas in Bangladesh (2) 75 MWp Solar Power PlltDt in Munshig8l\J (3) 100
MWp,Solar Power Plant in Sona!Jliji. .' .

02. To this effect. please find enclosed herewith the proposal of the' above projects to
take necessary action for inclusion in ADB's pipeline and forthcoming Country Operation
Business Plan. ~ \~

With best regards. t.rV ¥'

, .
/,~',,:-:-' -
-;- ::;~~:::~ ,

- "7t-
. ~ - .:YQursSjncpre:.;:~rp\~_' _
Deputy Secretary
Phon.e: 9135725
Mr, Kazuhlko,Higuchi
Country Director
Asian Development Bank
Bangladesh Resident Mission
Sher.e·Bangla Nagar. Dhaka.

Copy for k1Dd iDformation:

01. Secretary. Power Division. Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources.
Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka. . .
V02. Director General, Bangladesh Power Development Board. Motijheel. Dhaka.
03. Mr. Paul Stefan Hattie, Senior Climate Change Specialist. BRM, ADB, Sher-
e·Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.

Assistant Engineer
10 No. 1~2000
Project Planning Dlrectoral
ElPDB. Dhaka.

161~~.~~~~ 111

.~.fffiJ G '1ft' <4MlI otQII~ ~ ~~ oJIitlP!!;·~ .•'<R· ..~" ~I"""

"SuJlPOtI ImplQ11l~1atfGu of Banila4~ .C~~i9b,i!!l~
@::~~~fIlPOB"·~ Gl'ee,llClimatc Flfud·'tIllf

J:;:"ii~~~ ~~,,(iIt"l ~ :)DIII1Dl~• lt!

--" .

. , )~~r:f~';
, -~-,

'4l~'I1tI!'I ~ ~ ~

. ~ 1• 1ft1(1"",~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 41(l"ft;1t1,,$4IOJD, 11I'Jl. I
~ 1 AAu ~ dotr-l, "IIiI¥W41 "n>!t~ ~~i
O&I~!fIIPi lIOIllftlfll ~~ ~~I
Economic ' Division ,: " , ' , .
Ministry of Finance '" ' < \

Sher-e~aangla Nagar, Dhaka. " : " , '.. _ ,

~~bmi~Si~m ,of p~je~t e:q~~~Ptl>' io~ A~~~,~~iri6 ~~'~!:~p~~t~t~l;ij~a}..::~:~~ ~'i.:{ ;~\ '~.,~, .
_. _." .. ~._.. ~ '. :; .: ; ::-?~ ....... '. "'~::';:. ~ '~_". -~ '~."';':':' !. :;·~{:;·~·~'::-/}~~~·.1,.:·~).t\·~·;~~~iN::.~r~~:f~':·;;'~l}::<~··;j:~·e:'i:;;:-.;:::~;· :~.
L . '".:::,"..••" :. - :',

.Dear Mr.Senior:S,ecretary:' , ',., . ,.,.,',' " ,,,. ' \

Followingilie .• r.egu~st f;om '.

ERQ,I\OB has',- c-om.Pilid '. a ,list of. projects for potential
'financing unC;!e( the GreenClim~~ Ft,lnd '. (At\acli(ri'neL1Jilnd' ' brlef concepts o~' project
proposals" (Aitachmnet2).' 'The' ~thichEidli$f and 'plppg~als.~e.re.,preR;lieQ' and prj9ritized
I)nder the. 'TA' 7273-BAN: Slippcirt!ng (mp1imientafibll.' Qf'~ar!.gladr;shClimate pliange ;\
,Strategy and Action PJ~n', WhiCh wasimpl6lTiented, by, the;MinisiiYof~irllitonme1)t ,and
Forests in ;W09-2011:P1eui$El note that· multicsh:l~eb6iaE!r:sleon$ultatiOn'process' with
ie.le-':ilnt ministries aod lJne',ag~rl4ie$",developl'rientpartn~rs;';c~p:~!?CieiY 9tga!\izations, ~\
private settor and expert~ steered' selectiol1a!1d :prioritizatr6n~i:>f.l;liroate change projects, .
. . : -' '- '. -, "' .: .. ---'. '.: - ,; .",' . ". - .' - .. ~: '".- ~'.' .: -" . -' :." "..... .

We assLII;eof coritinllous alii! dosec6operatiooto SllPP6iftfi~\3ci~e(nirient'si~itlati~to' '

prepat'~ full projectprbposilfs'forjhepotential filiancingunderth~(;ree:riGlini~te Fund:, ,"
. ,-."'

• ..": '

Kazuhi Q Higuc/ii ' ,
'Country Director



, .
.' .... ,'.'";'.
,,', '~~~'{1:.Gl~;!7~'~~~~~
.' .." ....:,J',. " .. " . ,,' '.~'.

. , ."

• Amongthe
resources that, . an important r()le in nie,et1,;g.lthis~Jarget;
• The pn~p()sedprQjedwi" heipdem()nsUate ,and , capacities for a larg~ scale grig
conhect~d renewable Elnergy projects in Bangladesh;' .', ' '.'
• Through this project 22oo,000lonnes o(C02generalion:cpulifbe ,reduced: IhrolJghout
Irrip~~t:he project life" " ' . ··i' >e;}~i?'~r;~;~t,rt't~,;~~:}+~~~i,~:::'~:~l~~b1;;Yif;;:; 2
• . Diversified couniiy's
energy mix.
the addition '()frJnewable. energycap~City
. . . . . . . .

.. .
:" \ '.
". . . po~er .pi~nlbuiltand
.10DMWpublic seciorsol.ar '. . . . .". PPElratEid
' ....... . ' .

Outputs: ......

'. InstaJiation'of1 00 MW solar PV system;

• . Construction of 2132 kV sublltatitin and'25 :kM:of ,1'$2':J<V",power' evacuation
(tranSmiSSion) line;" " , ' .. ,' ...
• Reduction of. greenhouse gas einission from energy sec;tor; and', " ,.-
• Capacity deveJopmen~ of Bangladesh' Power Developmeni' Boare! (BPDB) on plannjng,
. design', operation an,d managemeritof renewable ei1ergyg-eh~ra:~()n, ,:,'
• The BPDB under,the Ministryo( Power Energy and'J,,.ji;ieraiResou~ceswilLbe the
'" impiementingagency, ..., ...... '. . '.' .. ' '. ": " ' ': ',. ;: 'c' ,,',,', ,,:', . . ,
, Proposed~nloui1t ($)::' . , . ' . ":, " .
. .,~ 50~200inillion

"~' .

.. .. ' '

lD No. 1-02000 '
.. ' . . . . Planning Director.'
IPOB,Ohaka, .


.- -"'--'-' --_.... -.


7016 A2. Civil Works- construction,

Installation (Turn·Key part)
7016 a) Civil construction for array, plinth 2,329. 2,329.50
and control room 50
7016 b) Internal service roads and fencing 3,882. 3,882.50
Sub-Total of A2 6,212. 0.00 6,212.00
7982 a) Inland Transportation @ 5% of 4,444. 0.00 4,444.99
Machineries 99
7982 b) Freight & Insurance @ 2.5% of 2,222. 0.00 2,222.49
Machineries 49
Sub-Total of A3 6,667. 0.00 6,667.48
7016& A4. Installation! Erection,Testlng and 300.0 700.00 1,000.00
7980 commissioning. 0

Sub-Total of A4 300.0 700.00 1,000.00

AS. Guarantee Period Operation
7982 a) Execution of first Inspection 50.00 150.00 200.00
7982 b) Operation & Maintenance
services after satisfactory
- .
Performance Test (2 years
Guarantee Period)
Sub-Total of AS 50.00 150.00 200.00

7981 M. Tralnlns Foreign (39 PM) 0.00 300.00 . 300.00

Sub-Total of A6 0.00 300.00 300.00
Sub-total of A (A1 to A6) : 13,22 90.049.70 103,279.18

8. Non·Tumkey!EPC part :
6901 1 Land Acquisatlon 350 Acres (Ann. 0.00 4,349. 0.00 4,349.28
- 2) 28
7001 2. Land Development (3SOx3x4048 0.00 7,650. 0.00 7,650.72
Sq.m=42S0400 cu.m.) 72
(Ann. - 2)
7011 3. Cost of Civil works-Resldentia I 0.00 1,215. 0.00 1,215.28
3605.02 Sq.m 28
(Ann.-3) I
6807 4. Transport/ Vehicles (Ann.-4) 0.00 191.0 0.00 191.00 !

7980 5. Charge of electrical energy durins 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00

~ contsruction.
AsSistant Enginee:r 38
ID NO.1 -02000
Project Plannl~~rlll

7980 6. Consultancy/Engineering Services 0.00 725.6 928.00 1,653.62
& EIA (Annexure-61 2
Sub-total of B : 0.00 14,18 928.00 15,109.90
• 1.90
Total Direct cost (A+BI: 0.00 27,41 90,'»7.70 118,389.08
Total C&F Cost 88,899.70
7900 1. Customs duty, Taxes & VAT @ 12% 0.00 10,667. 0.00 10,667.96
ofC& Fcost. 96
7980 2. Bank charge for LC Opennlng @ 0.00 1,333.5 0.00 1,333.50
1.5% of C & F cost. 0
4500 i. Pay of officers 151.63 0.00 0.00 151.63
4600 iI. Pay of staff 58.27 0.00 0.00 58.27
4700 Iii. Allowance {Annex.-71 125.94 0.00 0.00 125.94
6815,68 Iv. OffIce Furniture, Equipment 34.00 0.00 0.00 34.00
19&682 including all accessories and
1 others (Annex.-7)
4900 v. Repairs, Maintenance & 33.00 0.00 0.00 33.00
Rehabilitation (Annex.-7)
7980 3. Physical contingency on 1% of . 0.00 1,183. 0.00 1,183.89
Direct cost 89
4826 4. Interest during construction @ 7,184. 0.00 0.00 7,184.39
3% p.a. on local and 4% p.a. on 39
F.ElI. Component .
7980 5. Cost escalation on 2% of Direct 0.00 2,367. 0.00 2,367.78
cost 78
Total Indirect Cost C 7,str1. 15,55 0.00 23,140.3
22 3.13 6
GRAND TOTAL (A + 8+C I: 7,587. 42,96 90,977.7 141,529.
22 4.51 0 43
In MUllon U5 $ 9.77 55.35 117.19 182.31

Annexure-IS '


~ ' ' 11"11 '"'ill'l''' ~""iI'I ~~ 1Ii'l'.'1 )00 ~ "'0;16, ~

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~o 'IIIW' .'1"f1Ii"I .

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~~ eIt'Il~,~ --

·\SSlstant Engineer
'. IONo. 1.02000
Prt),ecl r)lannino Oirectoret
Bf'DB. Dhaka.•
~ ~ '''1M'''''' "",.....1'11 ~~ 111'11.11 )00 """'$liD ~"I"'tif ~
~~!\"!if "1(*1'41 "IiPU6,_I!@IC"''Iij I

<I~'1to\'" ~ ~ O!fI!l"if:ol'l Glt®oi~ .. "IftR 1114 1 Gllt~fi"I!i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C"l't
~ ~ Goldman Sacks '6 ~~~" Jim O'Neill I!I<I' otm<tt ~ "~'1IC~'" ~
))(III'ITIC!iI) 1t t'f"It<tI Next II iI1tJr ~ .~!I_PI IlII'ft;tf'l. "INR ~ .~ ~ apc;r-r 1
GI~Nl. Itsi"..... ~ ~M.lfa ~ 'I'tr 1RI "Q M'fItI6'1t ~ 1 fiiInrof, ~, ~f'I.
~~, _ GDP $ III~ ~:q'l"1iiIF!l1I1t'Ilr ,,!i:qI!C'l1i ~ ~ <11\'11'"'''' ~ ~ iim('U'l
~ ~t'61I ~~ ~ oIRt. ~~.1!I'lI ~ 'IV~ fl1V )0" 1 ~ ~ .""• ."
tlIt't • ~ ~.,ru W(t'II'T "It'll.... '" ~ .""..f.l;q;, .."",,,141, 1I'IJ.... al~ '6 ~ ..... "I~
"fil..... Fi 1/11m>f _ "I'It'II'"t ~ ~ 1 ~ .. "'I~ ....,nf.f~, fiJPr, ....rr ~Ifil" • 'I't1l
~~~~ G>iI;r~ ~~ ~ ~~~. t.."fMtiIlIm1«
p ~ I f.i1'4J101l ~ • ~ ~ 'e1A • t..~ ~ I G>iI;r ~ t..'1Pftlf ~
~.""I ~~ ~I ~ "IR!o ~ ~~. ~ t'I1ImI "1~t!I",.. t¥ ~ 'III'mr .....
cap1'f .·M~ Mono Crystalline/Poly Crystalline! Amorphous System 1!I'lI1f1'Ot1f ~
_''IC<Uo1l "At"Q l_tall","I(>tR1t~~t'iI:r.~ "'MWlt'l."'1iI'~ I.~ •I
~~ 1S;j",,~ ~ III~ ~ ei>I1lI~ 1>tR1t~ ~ 8,00000 ~ ~~
t:'ffir ~ ~\9t.~ ~ 1"'I"it.." ",~i:..oIft ~ ~ ~ fl1V ~ooo ""'"'-ftIifhr WIt ~
c>i!t"lfill ~"'11fil's~ 1

Renewable Energy PoIicy-2008 'I/II6I,:q. iI"III'I,,,fII) '9I'1If.t feIW ~ ,,~ .,"'IIIiiI'

~o)t 'I1twr ~. ~"f1IIt'II t% oIRt. ~o~o 'I1twr )0% ~ 1RI ~ I 0!t"RI ...,,,(_1.. ~
wtfim oIRt.. ""fMtiIlI ~ '1"1~1I ~ CI6'1 ~ fiJPr 'Q/I611r 'PIT iI"milL4i"1J ~ ~ ~
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~ ~ ~ IPI'lP\ ~ 11;""1""'1 ~ III ~ '11f.f ~ ~ Idf6JWt3t 'i.8 ~
iftw'r.jJ.w c>lI;r ~ C1I'!f, ~ ~.~ ~ C'It'mf fiffi8 ~ M ""'loal'D C'Ii'1t.l-~-~
fiIft ~ • ""f, '11'"""'1.11 C1IVI1lI "§"I"~ " 4JltfIVilftl· t1lw _ t:'ffir ~ ms III~
~ ~ II'!1'1t ~ >it'11t 1II'114RI 00 ~ t1lw ~ t>11'11lI .". ~ +PfuR ~ 1RI

"!I,W1ltift"1f ~_ ,,1il"~1
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'fW ~ ~ ~ )o.,,~% ~ 1 ~ <It\ijlC'1C"RI ~Mlf1. ~ ~9f1Ir-f "817 fiist"!r '6m'it
~, I
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<!f<P<P :!!llflili.. '1J1C'I1f ~ ~ <Pfimr Fuel Diversification *
~ ~ I ~o)8-~o)~

:.-;; ,<
(''II!'lIlil ~o)ct ..'"-) '!lilt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~'" 'IJPPP{ ~
1p'I1f.f~~ ~~ ~ R~ I:'fftt~

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-il("i",t:'1l1 ~onfi1iw onlt ~'lI""'" ~.lT)" li~c4t. ~ 1Q ~ ~~ ~ 1I1lI ~ '81't

'IQC"I ~ ~ ~"""ot'" ~ ""'8 ~ I fiPltti:. . . . . . 1IAG. System oQ;f Stability.Jl>f
<PeW I!R( Reliable ~ ~ ~~ ~J ~ liit<Ir ~""iM'''lI~1fI''I1fif~
1b).lt8 ~ 'Ii~'" '1J1>r ~ ~ I 'Ii\'ilC'I"i ~ ~ ';ot.~ ~ ~ ,i"lfiIt ~
~ <Pf1It1r Fuel Diversification ~ 1IlItfttV "'III"«1'b ,MlfiIlI ~ ~ '"i'l''' ~

'f'I11P\C'd'b tl"llfill..,.. ..1'+111

116fi1w~ ~ C«of i(~'" <1J1>I, ~, ~ ~~iRI ~ 'film ..liiiJi'!i!! ~
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iIifW ' ' FIii'.
mrt ~Mt . . ~ ~ ~ <PiT
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,l"IifiI,.....~ ... ~ I

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9ffit'I"t ~ .... ill..«1"1I ,nonf.t ~ c>ffir "'"" ~ .....r ~ ~ <PeW 'Ifit'I"t CI11f wmr
'R1l i('IItQ IPIPf ~ I ~ 'IiI(iI""C"fi ~ ....M(iif IPIPf 1pII1IIf i(1~. 'iJ1C"RI ~ ~
..tin Fuel Diversification ~ i«Ptft I!PI1'l ~ ~ I

I!!tH 'II1M1I
~ toRt CWI'II1I ,.,(011"11" tor,.," ~ ~ ~ )00 ~I ~ ~ C"It"I1lI • II<PtI
~~ ~~~~orp~~~<PiT~ I iIW dIwrt<P11r~ ct (o'fw) ~
~ "',,,i... i "'" ~ 1IRI C'f, iIW 1II"Ii<PrtU "'C"~I,,,, ~ llii~'" ~ ~ IIIttm I
..,....!iI,.. ~ dlttm .,f,\"of...... 1f'RT ~ ~ "'IfII'II:Ii\",,, >m'OI .. 1111.,,,,,,, ~ 1IRI C'I, ~
1II"I1<PtlI 1I!f1r ~ ~ 1I!f1ri ~ "'"" ~ 1ftI'[ 1I!f1r ,~ ~~ --It>tJlI ~ ..... I ~
~"G!RI'1T ~!IlG IlIl'lt'IAi'" >J:"""'"
~ fii'.. 6..... 1II"Ii<PrtU c>ffir ~ C'I'C'!i1f 1II'U ~ ~ I
~ ~ c>mr ~ C'I'C'!i1f <>f1t"I ~ 9f1<If ~ 1II'U $I )Wo III'R ~ ~~fl,I'i1i 1IT
,...... .me ~ t'ffif ~ C'I'C'!i1f ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1IJ'I'i'Ii ~ I
A £1 I&itt~r
-2- ID No. 1-42000 .
I'nljiIc! PIeInilng DIIec\OI81
: -. BPDB, Df\ak8.
-,,~s.)( •. .,... AYj, .£.~_


'~""'611 ~'I,,,,", ....."1'11 ~ ~ '6 ~ ~ ~""M'tI'II ~ fWlt'I'II 'flI ~­

~'I.oWl.0.\8.olr.oo.)lr.~o)".o'l, ~ 0'l/0)/~0)1t ~ ~) ~ ~ ~flCii
Green Climate Fund \Q ~'61!( ~ ~ _~. ~ ~ <Il4 )00 Cllfel 'lJ'Ifi5t """!if
~ ..1t>W..... ~ ~ ""f ~ 1I!'IT "Installation of 100 MWp Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
Based Grid Co~ Power Generation Plant at Sonagazi Upazila ofFeni District" ~.1>I1tiI
1M "'1W411..... wpr"1t$ .....,..." (f'tftfW), At!It"II, msr ~ fi\::fiI~e .1+1~ ~ ~
Mt;.U''lI .~+"ti, ... 'I1f'm dP,,!h!~1t 9f"IIU ~~) ,

) I ~ 1?I\IIRr. """"~ l/IWIM~wt~. ~ \Q~'

~I ~ <lIIfI"IItlr 1tfif ",~I(CI, ~ '6 It!Ifle'l'' Avt ,
" , ~ <lIIfI"IItlr Qil1"tItilM ~ ~ ,

SI ">\WAJ Prhr~ (+C'81r~~'

It , 1IIiIfW~. """"'(!'tif "'1\I<I14Ie'l ~*(~ ~~ I
III , ~~ """"~ \S1I,~~~ ""'fJfA1I Avt ,
'I' ~ <lIIfI"IItlr t>IM ~ """" ~"COfil t'IRiII "HC"'"",'6 11m. 'IIPU1'IJ ""JfJt<t1it ~
'JI!IIt ,
1.- , -..fifw <lIIfI"IItlr ~ lI'1W CfJC<IfJ"i( r:8I.t~" ~ ,

~ ....00' if .... oIe/oV!lAo)It'J!. '6o'l/OV!I/~o)ft~ ~ ~ ttIfJIW '''''''I''lifI ,",,,,,,I.. ~

~ . . . " . ~ )00 "" '61 . . . . t>IM ~ ~ >tit1!18, _ ~ IiI'If ~ I/IWIM
"a.~tJj ..M" f4 "<IItlPf' if!t,,"I"+PIt'l ('hiMl ~ ~, '''''''MII, ~ ~ 1I1'It -.nr QiI", ~
WJIIf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"1:I'\'f ..ft.... Hl1III....,~~ ~) , ~ ~ 'IifJfJ1:4f
''IPIMII ,,",CiMHI ~ \dIAIC"" 'I1c4ltHi ~ ~ ~ WJIIf <lIIfI"IItlr ~ I!I"It. ~"'l'f'f ~
li\"pJ.'II~ ~ Ill""'" ..
11""1",, <JiC!Iif ,

'''''*'' ~ ""'" ~ ~ I!I"It. IIl+IItiir 1"""'1 -.nr "t1t'It ~ ~ ~ ,
,,",eiMHI "1t'f ... C\ifIIt 'If\;cij" C'l14l1"'11it CWIIr ~ ~ C\ifIIt I!I"It. ~ "''''M'''M'II ~ I
I"""'HI CII1'tt \!IIhIIR 'l.V!Ili>.)S ~ m!if: , t1$ "'.....(4IJt f!IlI S'l. ~~)" ~ ~ fiir-mr "i(\lf emr w% I
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1i\tw ~ wt ~, l.,e*"41 )1t t"ll'll'lel, llS!i\,'I ~1t, c1\'Iwt ltS 1t ~ ltV!! 1t If1ij" ~ I
~ ~ ",1.. MtfI ' ..CiMllI ~ ~ ,",I"I'I~ ~,.. IIl!I ~ (""'S,1t ,110,~) I ~ ~
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~ ~ "PIJ ~ 1l">IWf "5\1f <Rt ~ ~ ~ 'I'lICffiI "f!f <IT ~ 'IlIC'Ilr ~ "'Ill'll'" ~ ~

--', -
.... ~ ~ fiI'IIlI'I'il ~ ~ ~ lII'U1'IJ I!I~. 'l.ofIt"111 ~ ~ I ~
~ GIfillifCttt '6u....,~t ~ I!IIS ~ ~ ~ 1IRr '1tttM.,M1I ~ )'lt/o'lt/~ooft '>\11! ~
w.w.r ~ ..w ~ ~ft (olIPt) fU ~ ~b') ~ ~ 11111 1It1If 'I (~) fU ~
"~""'1ffi ~ fi\ur ~ ~ I ~ ~ 1It1If '11'6IVRI ~ ~ ~ '1ft mfiq~
(~ ~ ~ tfNJt'I't ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ifClfM.,Mt1I 'it ~ ~
'1~""'1C"111 '1I'MNiiI fi\ur ~ ~ ~ ~ I\WI'I" C'It"I1I."q "ifiwtfil''6 ~ I ~o)" ~ ~
~ '1111+ ~ I!IR! b'ft mI1r1/'1111'ft1t mot ~ t..nt ~ fi\ur iOII~1I -.c1I1 ~ ~
<IiC'R ~ ~ ~ "i1M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:.l'r t'1'It '6 'iJIC'IRI 'Il1lIJt1T. "i1Mt
~ '611+1I\P161 ~ 'Rt ~ I ~ (.1IWI11I ~ . , . <!l1"l1(1ID1 ~."o c>II '6 ~ <!l1"l1(1ID1
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"" ~ I!IR! ""00 fiirn (~») I 15I1'I(lQf 15l1il1ifCt1l1l ect'l.,1llJ ~ ~ ~ ~
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r."'t1l1l 'Il1lIJt1T ~ ~ "+!It ~ I ~"'lIftlll ~ ...Iift'l . , . ~ .:t.~ft t1I:'6l I ~ » ~
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~'II.Iift'1 . , . ~ I!IR! » t1I:'6l ~ c;tdt ~ ~ ~ ~ I 'Jft<iMItIl ~C+C'!!IlI "" ~
~ I!IR! ~o M l!.Clf mt )~ ~ ~'flI ~ iOII1't<!l" ~ C. "" ~ ~ 8 ('61lI) fU
""I» ~ ~'flI ~~ I

." .."(iij,,•.,1iPt"f-l4lltli ~ -.tv c:>r, ~ '(Itif '1,,",1. . Q, 0/1>1 'IN '6 * II ~.totl~" * mot:
lit ofHr ~ (+C'81I iI'1T .(>1, «"II"" 'Rt c:>rC'6 '11tlr I ~ illi'ldIJ ~ ~ t.""MI8il
is''i'....,,~'1 $ 1I'I11I1t,,", I'IPIfi: ~ ~ I ,.,''11'11'' ~"""'fSI .,!t4.1IS1 ,."ill'lltI'l ~t"""~iI
$ 11'11111'''"'1'l11li': olIiI1!! ~ ~ "'(1Ci\1I ~ 9ffPtor +CR cII'R. f/1V 88'lt.~'lt ~ '1C4fI«l
1ifit, "II>'f1ifit ' 6 . "dit.I'1I~1ifitqi(~/'I''''''IOiR 1t'IT~ (~)" '6 )8) +CR I

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qi(iI <mW I(C'I" I ~ 'II'f-t1IfiI$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~""""II',,",1'IPIfi: 111"",* .:to)ft
1ICffif ~ "1IR ~ ~~ 'l."I1.:tftoe/- Ui'I't (~~)ft) I ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1t'IT
""'" ~II"",", ~ t"Il1I!Il! 88lt.\lol> «l~ ~""''''''f''' <!!fir, "'1>r OIIfiI .. ~/~,,1,",.,.. ,~ .. 1IIf1RI 'IIt'fJ «0
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~Y:ta,:;ar ,
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>l"'Iif..rr ~ "1m! 1

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~ oft;pt 1II!Jt ~ lit ~ ~ "II!iIT i2IUlI~a ~lfjl"I'1 ",fjl'll(lAli ~ ~ <i'lIt >rn" 1~
..~"'~" t'II'I1;r fiiiJ;rt, ~ vwm i21tajlll~41 >rn"I ~ <i'lIt "'In 1
Global Horizontal Insolation (OHI) 11J1'Pt ~ ""'" ~ ~ ~ Annual OHI d!fnr 8.~'I 'I
fftfjj"tI~~~/tW ~)Il» 1~ M'''.''III ~ "111'11$1:6 d!fnr ~o-))o ~ .... "'j""""il '
~~ C'iI<r~ ~litsIf'I~1IlR 1c>I1'Iilf "''IIG'Iililll ~~ Ofi;if~~llIIj'l"jf.\'II
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(DC) ~ ~ lib ~"IJl" (Inverter) 01111 ~ <Qf'\' (AC) "'I'!tlIt'lt (0.8 ~ It'IlGm'6 ~
~ 1 Step Up J!MIf1i"ltlRI 1NJt1[ 0.8 ~ <Qf'\' ~ C'II )~ ~ MlGt"" ~ ~

Grid-tied lnftrte:r T_
0.4/11 ltV 11/132 ltV

132 ltV

AI: Proem Row Diuram.

~,,~j!l 111<1" IlIIj~'1l 0.8 ~ ~ )~ ~ lIMlGtllll "II!iIT i21tll~tI ~ ~M"""jll ~t'ffl

f.\1f;.r <iI!It'S ~ 1 t2It{'f t>ll1r ~ (.<Ii'![ ~ ;tIt'IS ~ ~~ ~ ilT C'Iti('f' !I~4jlil .. IliI'ro
,~ffl"M o!I<r ~ C'iI<r ~ C4tm IlIIfiltlilllllllF'tt'lt;tll "''Il(It.", "II!iIT "1lfil;tll4"1"jfj ~
"lII'IJt'II !j1o ~ ~.!II(IAlf~ ~ m- 1

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10 No. 1-02000

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............IC'I.. ...at .,(\IC'It "J.C'4I't "JIl <FiIt~ ~ IOII"~. ~ ~ I!fII1if <FiIt ~ I

"4I'fw ~ _ ~"'" 1"i1f.f. ~~~ 'PtJ~ ~ ~~ 1fI\O

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..ti$1 ~ ...111"'1_ '1'111$1

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....'lIaid EnaIrIoIe<
10 No. 1-(l2OOQ' .
I>roJact l'IaMln.. ~'"
BPDB. DIiaka.
- --..,>-,

Awl PrOJect Cgncep!S focAcm'jng the Green Climate Fund.

. . Av 'II 'PI" ~ 9Qt ~ ~ ~ A, ~ • ~ 1II'IIInI ..... '4,,"1Ih

"Support Implementation of Bangladesh Climate Change Strafe&Y_ \Action Plan" ... .rIttIIt
. . . . !PmIlI 'IIIIe1III Green Climate Fund "" ","liGjW _:.08 ~~ ... ~ 'IPIIt'Ii' ~
• • 1'\HI""'' _
, ~,
")OOMW Solar Bascdon-Grid Power Plant" ~ ~~ ... ~r '" ~

~''''''' >r~ ~ <!all ~ ~ Green Climate Fund '*" . ,. . ,."'. _!1ft !I\IA \

~..mr !IUiI'IlII.. O\WII'I!I!&'IlI_ ~t'fvc. ~ flI~1

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4\itItiPI ~tInPl_
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"'~.~ q4ti.~~. AeMI

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~("ICl1"t ~ \l;il4M ~ ----,
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• Bugladesb Power DeveJnnmeat Board


~ .......... _ 11\ I ~'._.<>\8.o1r.oo. )11'.0, . . , I 0'-0)4.0)1 ~. .at ~ ~ 6rcen

CII...... Fund oR' " " " " ' c4 t'I'I1II1{It .................. )00 ",.0: 'IfII'lIir .............. "'" f+oQoo.
""' ~ _"lnstallatiOll of 100 MWp Sol., PhotoYoltaic (PV) bNed OrIel CIJIIa""Ied. Power C3enInIiaa plant
It SanopzI Upozilla or Feal DIsIrIc:t' AtIIIIItII ... INN '4N4..... W «- ~ ~ IIh Me w
~.'"~'I""'_"IIiIItOr1!'ll~ 1 i
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('l.) ~d-I'It. fWtoIfW1'I. wilt 1
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~ .. or

••• .,.
AssIstant Engineer
10 No. 1~2000
~ Plannlna DINctoret
BPDB. Olialca,
·-., ,...

91"32' E

2 0 2 4km
, iii i




91'16' 91'32'

BPDB, ka.
:.;. I



1 0 1 2km
• " i •
~- ...' -.--~ I!
~'-t~- '\

- ~,,~.-.

Named Cyclone over Bay of Bengal during 2005 - till date

\.. Y"'IUIIt1' L.allUlan
Status Landfall Area
Name Date
Crossed the Andhra Pradesh coast
PYARR Cyclonic Storm near Kallnaaoatnam, India 19.09.2005
Weakened Into AWell Marked Low
BAAl Cyclonic Storm Pressure area over Southwest Bayof 02.12.2005
Crossing the coast near
FANOOS Cyclonic Storm 10.12.2005
Vedaranyam. India
Crossed Arakar'l coast about 100
MALA VerySevere Cyclonic Storm 29.04.2006
Kms South of Sandoway, Myanmar
Crossed the coast between Bapatla
OGNI Severe Cyclonic Storm and Ongole. India
Crossed south Bangladesh coast 14.05.2007
AKASH Cyclonic Storm close to south of Cox's Bazar
SIDR Very Severe CyclonIC Storm Crossed Banttadesh coast near 15.11.2007
Bateshwar RiVer .
Crossed southwest coast of
Very severe cyclonic .Storm MYanmar 02.05.2008
Crossed Bangladesh coast near
RASHMI Cyclonic Storm 26.10.2008
Crossed the south Andhra Pradesh
KHAIMUK Cyclonic Storm coast close to the north of Kavali 15.11.2008
Crossed Tamllnadu coast north of
. NISHA Cyclonic Storm Karalkal 27.11.2008
Crossed the Bangladesh coast near
BIJLI Cyclonic Storm 17.04.2009
Crossed the West Bengal coast
AIlA Severe Cyclonic Storm close to east of Sapr Island 25.05.2009
Crossed north Sri Lanka coast near
WARD Cyclonic Storm 14.12.2009
Crossed Andhra Pradesh coast near
LAlLA Severe Cyclonic Storm Bapatla 20.05.2010
Crossed Myanmar coast east-
GIRl Very Severe Cyclonic Storm southeast of 51ttwe 22.10.2010
Crossed north Tamllnadu and south
JAL Severe Cyclonic Storm
Andhra Pradesh coast
Crossed the Tamil Nadu coast close
THANE Very Severe CyClonic Storm to south of Cuddalore 30.12.2011
crossed north Tamllnadu coast near
NILAM Cyclonic Storm 31.10.2012
Mahabaljpuram, south of Chennai
I Crossed Bangladesh coast between
VIYARU Cyclonic Storm Chlttagong and Fenl I 16.05.2013 i
t. • • . -.---- '--.-
PHAILIN ! Very Severe Cyclonic Storm [Odisha& adjOIning north Andhra t
__________ 1--_________________; Pradesh coast near Gopalpur I 12.10.2013,
HELEN Severe Cyclonic Storm • Crossed Andhra Pradesh coast dOse T---- ----.
___ _ ___ _ _ _____ ____________ f~~E!ltl1_0!}~\aCI1HliPtn_am __ _ . __ ! 22.11.2013 i
LEHAR Very Severe Cyclonic Storm i Crossed Andhra Pradesh close to . -r - ------- ---,
, _______________ ;~<>..~t!'_of '!Iachilipatnam 28.11.2013 i
Very Severe Cyclonic Storm . Crossed Tamil Nadu coast near - - - -.
Vedaranyam 12.12.2013
crossed Uttar Pradeshnlndia &
HUHUD Severe Cyclonic Storm Nepal f<b 12.10.2014
?rojec! Planning DIIedDnIt
BPDB. DIiaka.

"I i



--~_. s. . "'_

Average Normal RainfaU in mm



. .,

.OO"O··E .OO'O"E 900 0"o"E 92°0'O"E 94°0'O"E


Earthquake Zone Map

28"O'O"N "O'O"N


~OO'O"N 0O'O"N
22"0'0'"N • High RiskZone O'O"N
. . . . . . RiskZone
• MidiumRilkZone


--- •

95 190

1rO'O"N .O'O"N

.OO'O·'E 88"O'O"E 9O"O'O"E "OO'O''E 94·0'O''E

.......... PIa ..... ar-..
BPDB. Dfiaka.
....... -~.
~ ·1·

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, .

lImual values of Gld:xll1lorizClntal IM<>,.tim (GSIl for 31 l.,.."..ions in Banglpdeeh

Maasured by Bangladesh Mat:exological Ilop>rtIIalt (BIll



Table I: Monthly a".raged hourly GRI

BOUIB/_th Jail I'ab *r May Jun JUl. sep Oct !b" Doc
5:30 1 5 17 19 11 7 3
6 :30 3 8 29 66 106 93 86 66 58 46 31 11
7 :30 57 03 ..8 198 252 '200 198 180 165 169 157 97
175 254 318 354 406 321 355 288 303 324 331 237

... .., ••• .

• :30
, :311
1 IL:3"-
1 1 :30

489 . 521


490 . 382
'13 :30 483 646 657 693 641 500 503 482 441 406 510 426
1 4..:30.
1 5 :30
". "'.
236 353
377 '"
.. 1
1 • :30 94 175 204 237 2S7 215 244 231 164 76 57 54
17:30 10 37 S5 72 93 93 107 89 45 6 1 2
18:30 2 4 11 17 18 8 1
......ir. 3.16 4.46 4.88 5.28 5.46 4.22 4.42 4.18 3.74 3.53 3.92 3.17

Note: 5:30 repre.enta the period bat.en 5 .... to 6am

'fable 2: Monthly a.ralled hourly DII' (Wh/.2 ,

J ... .... .. r
SeD Oct
IIov Doc

, :30 3 7 27 58 90 80 70 58 55 37 23 10
7 :30 47 70 109 147 183 156 145 140 137 108 87 59

117 146 189 238 253 228 226 217 229 172 137 109
• :30
172 205 244 308 322 281 287 292 279 238 176 145
• :30 ,., ,
11 :30
274 297
372 381 '" ".
"'. 339 349 350
"7 .2..48
333 263
12 :30 257 264 306 367 375 348 356 342 304 268 217 208
13 :30 240 254 276 339 345 317 295 319 269 219 206 193
u __ ~
15 :30
16 :30
284 ..J..O..3.
211 238
151 164
259 173
187 122
115 55
11 :30 9 30 46 60 77 75 82 68 38 5 1 2
18:30 1 4 12 15 16 7 1
averaae 1.72 1.99 2.34 2.90 3.12 2.83 2.76 2.79 2.54 1.91 1.60 1.39

Ren.able Energy Research Centre (RE RC, Dhaka Univer.1ty Measured

Gal and DIF data for each ainute .....e _eraged to get monthly
averagad data. For January 2003 to December 200S monthly avaragad GBI
and DIF values


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