Chapter-Wise DPP Sheets For Biology NEET - Nodrm

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DPP-29 EVOLUT ION B-113 – B-116







DPP-36 EC OSY ST EM B-141 – B-144



Solutions To Chapter-wise DPP Sheets (1-38) S -1 – S -40


DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : The Living World

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished 3. Taxonomic hierarchy refers to

from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for (a) Step-wise arrangement of all categories for
(a) interaction with the environment and progressive classification of plants and animals
evolution (b) A group of senior taxonomists who decide the
(b) reproduction nomenclature of plants and animals
(c) growth and movement (c) A list of botanists or zoologists who have worked on
(d) responsiveness to touch. taxonomy of a species or group
2. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched (d) Classification of a species based on fossil record
with its particular named taxonomic category ? 4. Choose correct scientific name of mango.
(a) Tiger - tigris, the species (a) Mangifera Indica
(b) Cuttle fish - mollusca, a class (b) Mangifera indica Linn
(c) Humans - primata, the family (c) Mangifera indica Hook.
(d) Housefly - musca, an order (d) Mangifera indica L

RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4.

Space for Rough Work

B-2 DPP/ CB01
5. Arrange the following taxonomic categories in increasing 11. The ascending or descending arrangement of taxonomic
number of common characteristics w.r.t. plant mango categories is called as
A. Dicotyledonae (a) classification (b) taxonomy
B. Polymoniales (c) hierarchy (d) key
C. Mangifera 12. Select the false statement
D. Angiospermae (a) Carolus Linnaeus described plants and classified them
on the basis of their sexual parts
E. Anacardiaceae
(b) Some facts established by accurate and repeated
(a) A D B E C
observations do not require further verification
(b) A D C B (c) Study of the vestigeal organs is called teleology
(c) D A B E C (d) ‘White Revolution’ resulted in enhanced production of
(d) D A C E milk
6. The common characteristics between brinjal and wheat 13. Animal taxonomists have named the animals according to:
can be observed maximum at the level of their. (a) International class for Zoology Nomenclature
(a) Division (b) Phylum (b) Indian code for Zoology Nomenclature
(c) Kingdom (d) Both (b) and (c) (c) International classification for Zoological Nomenclature
7. Study of number of chromosomes for resolving difficul- (d) International code for Zoological Nomenclature
ties in classification is used in 14. Which of the following statement is not true?
(a) Chemotaxonomy (a) Homeostasis is a fundamental property of life
(b) Morphotaxonomy (b) When the external temperature is warm, the superficial
(c) Cytotaxonomy blood vessels constrict to prevent loss of body heat
(c) Human beings are endothermic
(d) Biochemical taxonomy
(d) Human beings are homeothermic
8. Most names in biological nomenclature of living organ-
15. Species is :
isms are taken from which language? (a) population of individuals having same genotypes and
(a) Hindi (b) Latin phenotypes
(c) German (d) French (b) a group of individuals inhabiting a geographical area
9. The main objective of plant taxonomy is (c) a group of interbreeding populations
(a) to study the world's flora (d) population of one type
(b) to provide a method for identification and nomencla- 16. The usage of binomial names, for plant species was accepted
ture by all after the publication of the work by :
(c) to provide Latin 'scientific' names for every group of (a) Hooker (b) Linnaeus
plants in the world (c) Bentham (d) Darwin
(d) all of these 17. Which of the following is less general in characters as
10. Which one of the following has least similar characters? compared to genus ?
(a) Family (b) Class (a) Species (b) Division
(c) Genus (d) Species (c) Class (d) Family

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB01 B-3

18. A taxon with reference to classification of living organisms (b) The classification of organisms based on broad
can be defined as morphological characters
(a) a group of similar genera (c) Delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing
(b) a group of similar species their relationships
(c) a group of organisms based on chromosome numbers (d) The classification of organisms based on their
(d) a group of any one rank of organisms evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny
19. Species are considered as on the totality of various parameters from all fields of
(a) Real units of classification devised by taxonomists studies
(b) Real basic units of classification 25. An animal with same generic, specific and subspecific names
(c) The lowest units of classification is
(d) Artificial concept of human mind which cannot be (a) man (b) gorilla
defined in absolute terms (c) rabbit (d) elephant
20. Linneaus system of classification is : 26. Two similar holotypes are called
(a) Natural (b) Artificial (a) Isotypes (b) Neotypes
(c) Phylogenetic (d) Progressive (c) Syntypes (d) Mesotypes
21. The book systema naturae was written by 27. Which of the following is not a taxon?
(a) Carolus Von Linnaeus (a) Carnivora (b) Insectivora
(b) Hutchinson (c) Herbivora (d) Mastigophora
(c) Engler and Prantl 28. The category which includes related families is
(d) Bentham & Hooker (a) Class (b) Phylum
22. “Ordines Anomali” of Bentham and Hooker includes : (c) Order (d) Kingdom
(a) Seed plants showing abnormal forms of growth and 29. NBRI is situated at
development (a) Calcutta (b) Bombay
(b) Plants represented only in fossil state (c) Madras (d) Lucknow
(c) Plants described in the literature but which Bentham 30. A duplicate of nomenclature type is termed by a taxonomist
and Hooker did not see in original as
(d) A few orders which could not be placed satisfactory in
(a) Syntype (b) Neotype
the classification.
(c) Paratype (d) Isotype
23. What is true for individuals of same species?
(a) Live in same niche 31. Classification based on sequencing of DNA and chemical
(b) Live in same habitat nature of protein is
(c) Interbreeding (a) Chemotaxonomy
(d) Live in different habitat (b) Cytotaxonomy
24. Biosystematics aims at (c) Adansonian taxonomy
(a) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the (d) Karyotaxonomy
basis of their cytological characteristics
18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
28. 29. 30. 31.
Space for Rough Work
B-4 DPP/ CB01
32. Rattus rattus scientific name is an example of 39. Which of the following is a name for a taxon that is identical
(a) Autonyms (b) Tautonyms to other such name?
(c) Synonyms (d) Homonyms (a) Autonym (b) Synonym
33. Species belonging to different time period are called (c) Homonym (d) Tautonym
(a) Syntype (b) Paratype 40. Which of the following is an automatically created name?
(c) Lectotype (d) Isotype (a) Autonym
34. A new nomenclatural type submitted when the original (b) Synonym
material is missing is known as (c) Homonym
(a) Holotype (b) Isotype (d) Tautonym
(c) Paratype (d) Neotype 41. When the specific epithet exactly repeats generic name, it is
35. Choose the incorrect statement regarding herbarium called
(a) Dried specimens are poisoned by using DDT (a) Basionym (b) Synonym
(b) The collections are kept inside metallic vasculum (c) Homonym (d) Tautonym
(c) Herbarium sheet is 41 29 cm 42. Which of the following is most important for speciation ?
(d) It is used for alpha taxonomic research (a) Seasonal isolation
36. No non-living object is capable of reproduction or replication (b) Reproductive isolation
by itself. Although reproduction can not be an all-inclusive (c) Behavioural isolation
defining characteristics of living organisms because (d) Temporal isolation
(a) Organisms like mules do not reproduce 43. Species occurring in different geographical areas are called
(b) It brings about variation in offsprings as
(c) Clones are blueprints of their parents (a) Sibling (b) Sympatric
(d) Drones (male honey bees) ar e pr oduced (c) Allopatric (d) Neopatric
parthenogenetically 44. All members of different species of plants and animals
37. Which of the following have more characters in common ? present in particular area make up
(a) Order (b) Class (a) Population (b) Community
(c) Phylum (d) Family (c) Ecosystem (d) Biosphere
38. Mark the odd one in the following: 45. The study of the kind of life in outer space is known as :
(a) Family (b) Class (a) ecology (b) evolution
(c) Taxon (d) Phylum (c) anthropology (d) exobiology

32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
42. 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 45 Qualifying Score 60
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Biological Classification

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. Which of the following processes are involved in the (b) Green sulphur bacteria
reproduction of protista? (c) Cyanobacteria
(a) Binary fission and fragmentation (d) More than one option is correct
(b) Cell fusion and zygote formation 4. Bacteria is a group of prokaryotic organisms which is
(c) Spore formation and fragmentation characterised by
(d) Budding and spore formation (a) 70 S ribosomes
2. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is (b) Peptidoglycan cell wall
(a) linear DNA with histones (c) Simple structure and complex behaviour
(b) circular DNA with histones (d) All of the above.
(c) linear DNA without histones 5. What may be a 'photosynthetic protistian' to one biolo-
(d) circular DNA without histones gist may be 'a plant' to another? Which of the given below
3. Which of the following bacteria carry out oxygenic features of slime moulds shows linkage with plant?
photosynthesis by means of a photosynthetic apparatus (a) Presence of holozoic nutrition
similar to the eukaryotes? (b) Presence of diverse sexual reproduction
(a) Purple sulphur bacteria (c) Slime moulds have cellulosic spore wall
(d) Formation of fruiting bodies
RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Space for Rough Work
B-6 DPP/ CB02
6. Choose the correct match 14. _______ are important decomposers that cause decay and
(a) Gonyaulax – Red sea decomposition of dead bodies of plants and animals.
(b) Euglena – Chlorophyll a & c (a) Saprotrophic bacteria
(c) Desmids – Chrysophytes (b) Saprotrophic fungi
(d) Gymnodinium – Hemicellulosic plates in wall (c) Plants, like Sarracenia
7. Nuclear dimorphism is shown by (d) Both (a) and (b)
(a) Paramecium (b) Amoeba 15. Chrysophytes are
(c) Plasmodium (d) Trypanosoma (a) planktons (b) nektons
8. Most common type of genetic material present in bacte- (c) benthic organisms (d) rooted submerged.
riophages is 16. Eukaryotic, achlorophyllous and heterotrophic organisms
(a) ds RNA (b) ss RNA are grouped under which of the following kingdoms?
(c) ds DNA (d) ss DNA (a) Monera (b) Protista
9. Which of the following statement about Mycoplasma is true: (c) Fungi (d) Plantae
(a) They are smallest, disease causing thin walled organisms 17. Virion is
(b) They differ from viruses in being cellular in organisation (a) nulceic acid of virus
(c) Insensitive to several antibiotics as they have 70S ribosomes (b) antiviral agent
(d) They can survive without photosynthetic pigments (c) protein of virus
and genetic material (d) completely assembled virus outside host.
10. Consider the following characters: 18. In the five-kingdom system of classification, which single
Non-motile spores, saprophytic unicellular eukaryotes, kingdom out of the following can include blue, green algae,
transfer of gametes by wind currents, Differentiation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methanogenic archaebacteria?
plasmodium under suitable conditions. (a) Fungi (b) Plantae
How many of the characters given in box belong to slime moulds? (c) Protista (d) Monera
(a) Four (b) One 19. Viruses that infect bacteria, multiply and cause their lysis,
(c) Three (d) Two are called
11. Eubacteria can be differentiated from archaebacteria on the (a) Lysozymes (b) Lipolytic
basis of (c) Lytic (d) Lysogenic
(a) Ribosomes (b) Gene of tRNA 20. Phenetic classification of organisms is based on
(c) Cell wall (d) Nutrition (a) Observable characteristics of existing organisms
12. Select the pair that consists of plant or animal bacterial diseases. (b) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms
(a) Cholera and typhoid (c) Dendogram based on DNA characteristics
(b) Citrus canker and crown gall (d) Sexual characteristics
(c) Malaria and dengue 21. The practical purpose of classification of living organisms
(d) Both (a) and (b) is to
13. Cyanobacteria are classified under which of the following (a) explain the origin of living organisms
kingdoms? (b) trace the evolution of living organisms
(a) Monera (b) Protista (c) name the living organisms
(c) Algae (d) Plantae (d) facilitate identification of unknown organisms

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
RESPONSE 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
GRID 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB02 B-7

22. A system of classification in which a large number of traits 30. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
are considered, is (a) Root knot disease - Meloidogyne javanica
(a) artificial system (b) synthetic system (b) Smut of bajra - Tolysporium penicillariae
(c) natural system (d) phylogenetic system (c) Covered smut of barley - Ustilago nuda
23. In five kingdom system, the main basis of classification is (d) Late blight of potato - Phytophthora infestans
(a) structure of nucleus (b) mode of nutrition 31. Which one of the following character was not used by R.H.
(c) structure of cell wall (d) asexual reproduction Whittaker for biological classification ?
24. Phenetic classification is based on (a) Cell structure
(a) Sexual characteristics (b) Physiological characters
(b) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms (c) Thallus organisation
(c) Observable characteristics of existing organisms (d) Phylogenetic relationships
(d) Dendograms based on DNA characteristics 32. The first organisms to appear on earth were
25. In which kingdom would you classify the archaebecteria (a) photoautotrophs (b) chemoautotrophs
and nitrogen-fixing organisms. If the five-kingdom system
(c) chemoheterotrophs (d) heterotrophs
of classification is used ?
33. ‘Comma’ shaped bacteria are known as
(a) Monera (b) Plantae
(a) coccus (b) spiral
(c) Fungi (d) Protista
(c) spirillum (d) vibrio
26. Which of the following statements is not true for
34. Slime moulds in the division myxomycota (true slime moulds)
(a) DNA is not present at any stage in the life cycle of
(a) pseudoplasmodia.
(b) spores that develop into free living amoeboid cells.
(b) Retroviruses carry gene for RNA-dependent DNA
(c) spores that develop into flagellated gametes.
polymerase (d) feeding stages consisting of solitary individual cells.
(c) The genetic material in mature retroviruses is RNA 35. Which one of the following statements about Mycoplasma
(d) Retroviruses are causative agents for certain kinds of is wrong ?
cancer in man (a) They are pleomorphic.
27. On how many criteria living organisms have been classified (b) They are sensitive to penicillin.
into five kingdoms ? (c) They cause diseases in plants.
(a) Two (b) Four (d) They are also called (Pleuro pneumonia like organisms)
(c) Five (d) Three PPLO.
28. First true phylogenetic system of classification was given 36. African sleeping sickness is due to
by (a) Plasmodium vivax transmitted by Tse-tse fly
(a) Eichler (b) Engler and Prantl (b) Trypanosoma lewsii transmitted by Bed Bug
(c) de Jussiaeu (d) de Candolle (c) Trypanosoma gambiense transmitted by Glossina
29. Which of the following is not a protist ? palpalis
(a) Taenia (b) Amoeba (d) Entamoeba gingivalis spread by Housefly
(c) Paramecium (d) Euglena
22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
RESPONSE 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
GRID 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Space for Rough Work

B-8 DPP/ CB02
37. Which one single organism or the pair of organisms is 44. Refer to the given figures of bacteria cell and Nostoc and
correctly assigned to its taxonomic group? choose the option which shows correct label for the
(a) Paramecium and Plasmodium belong to the same structures marked as A, B, C, D and E ?
kingdom as that of Penicillium
(b) Lichen is a composite organism formed from the
symbiotic association of an algae and a protozoan
(c) Yeast used in making bread and beer is a fungus
(d) Nostoc and Anabaena are examples of protista
38. Two animals which are the members of the same order must
also be the members of the same :
(a) Class (b) Family
(c) Genus (d) Species
39. Bacteria lack alternation of generation because there is
(a) neither syngamy nor reduction division.
(b) distinct chromosomes are absent.
(c) no conjugation.
(d) no exchange of genetic material. (a) A – Cell wall, B – Cell membrane, C – Heterocyst,
D – DNA, E – Mucilagenous sheath
40. Capsid is
(b) A – Cell wall, B – Cell membrane, C – DNA,
(a) genetic material of virus
D – Heterocyst, E – Mucilagenous sheath
(b) protein cover of virus
(c) A – Mucilagenous sheath, B – Cell membrane,
(c) extra genetic material of bacterium
C – DNA, D – Heterocyst, E – Cell wall
(d) house keeping genome of bacterium
(d) A – Cell membrane, B – Cell wall, C – DNA,
41. A group of fungi with septate mycelium in which sexual
D – Heterocyst, E – Mucilagenous sheath
reproduction is either unknown or lacking are classified under
45. Choose the correct names of the different bacteria given
(a) phycomycetes (b) deuteromycetes
below according to their shapes.
(c) ascomycetes (d) basidiomycetes
42. A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at
temperatures of 100–105ºC. They belong to
(a) marine archaebacteria
(b) thermophilic sulphur bacteria
(c) blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
(d) thermophilic, subaerial fungi
43. Mycoplasma is pleuromorphic due to (a) A – Cocci, B – Bacilli, C – Spirilla, D – Vibrio
(a) absence of cell wall (b) A – Bacilli, B – Cocci, C – Spirilla, D – Vibrio
(b) presence of three layered cell membrane (c) A – Spirilla, B – Bacilli, C – Cocci, D – Vibrio
(c) the presence of sterol (d) A – Spirilla, B – Vibrio, C – Cocci, D – Bacilli
(d) None of these

RESPONSE 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

GRID 42. 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


for Rough Work 2 - BIOLOGY
Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 45 Qualifying Score 60
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Plant Kingdom

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. Floridean starch is found in 4. Most plants are green in colour because

(a) Chlorophyceae (a) the atmosphere filters out all the colours of the visible
(b) Rhodophyceae light spectrum except green.
(c) Phaeophyceae (b) green light is the most effective wavelength region of
(d) Cyanophyceae the visible spectrum in sunlight for photosynthesis.
2. Peat moss is another name of (c) chlorophyll is least effective in absorbing green light.
(a) Sphagnum (b) Marchantia (d) green light allows maximum photosynthesis.
(c) Riccia (d) Dryopteris 5. In Chlorophyceae, sexual reproduction occurs by
3. Pteridophytes differ from mosses/bryophytes in possessing (a) isogamy and anisogamy
(a) independent gametophyte (b) isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy
(b) well developed vascular system (c) oogamy only
(c) archegonia structure (d) anisogamy and oogamy
(d) flagellate spermatozoids

RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Space for Rough Work

B-10 DPP/ CB03
6. A water fern which is used as a green manure in rice fields is 13. Algae have cell wall made up of
(a) Salvinia (b) Mucor (a) cellulose, galactans and mannans
(c) Aspergillus (d) Azolla (b) hemicellulose, pectins and proteins
7. The largest flower found is known as (c) pectins, cellulose and proteins
(a) Rafflesia (b) Tecoma (d) cellulose, hemicellulose and pectins.
(c) Musa (d) Cauliflower 14. Which plays an important role in the dispersal of spores in
8. In fern, spores are formed in Funaria?
(a) sporangium (b) oogonium (a) Operculum
(c) archegonium (d) stomium (b) Capsule
9. Laminaria (kelp) and Fucus (rock weed) are the examples of (c) Peristome and annulus
(a) red algae
(d) Sporogonium
(b) brown algae
15. Read the following five statements (i – v) and answer the
(c) green algae
(d) golden brown algae question.
10. People recovering from long illness are often advised to (i) In Equisetum the female gametophyte is retained on
include the alga Spirulina in their diet because it the parent sporophyte.
(a) makes the food easy to digest. (ii) In Ginkgo male gametophyte is not independent.
(b) is rich in proteins. (iii) The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed than that
(c) has antibiotic properties. in Polytrichum.
(d) restores the intestinal microflora. (iv) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous.
11. Which of the following cell organelle remains enveloped by (v) The spores of slime molds lack cell walls.
a single unit membrane? How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Mitochondria (b) Lysosomes (a) Two (b) Three
(c) Nucleus (d) Chloroplast (c) Four (d) One
12. Consider the following statements regarding the major 16. Which one of the following is common to multicellular fungi,
pigments and stored food in the different groups of algae filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?
and choose the correct option. (a) Diplontic life cycle
(i) In Chlorophyceae, the stored food material is starch (b) Members of kingdom plantae
and the major pigments are chlorophyll-a and d. (c) Mode of Nutrition
(ii) In Phaeophyceae, laminarin is the stored food and (d) Multiplication by fragmentation
major pigments are chlorophyll-a and b. 17. Which one of the following is a correct statement ?
(iii) In Rhodophyceae, floridean starch is the stored food (a) Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal and leafy
and the major pigments are chlorophyll-a, d and stage
phycoerythrin. (b) In gymnosperms female gametophyte is free-living
(a) (i) is correct, but (ii) and (iii) are wrong.
(c) Antheridiophores and archegoniophores are present
(b) (i) and (ii) are correct, but (iii) is wrong.
in pteridophytes
(c) (i) and (iii) are correct, but (ii) is wrong.
(d) (iii) is correct, but (i) and (ii) are wrong. (d) Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB03 B-11

18. What is th e similarity between gymnosperms and 25. Bryophytes resemble algae in the following aspects
angiosperms ? (a) Filamentous body, presence of vascular tissues and
(a) Phloem of both have companian cells. autotrophic nutrition
(b) Endosperm is formed before fertilization in both. (b) Differentiation of plant body into root, stem and leaves
(c) Origin of ovule and seed is similar in both. and autotrophic nutrition
(d) Both have leaves, stem and roots. (c) Thallus like plant body, presence of root and
19. In Chlorophyceae, sexual reproduction occurs by autotrophic nutrition
(a) isogamy and anisogamy (d) Thallus like plant body, lack of vascular tissues and
(b) isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy autotrophic nutrition
(c) oogamy only 26. In sexual life cycle of Agaricus, dikaryotization (n + n) is
(d) anisogamy and oogamy brought about by
20. In gymnosperms, the ovule is naked because (a) Fusion of male and female sex organs
(a) ovary wall is absent (b) integuments are absent (b) Fusion of vegetative cells of different genotypes
(c) perianth is absent (d) nucellus is absent (c) Somatogamy between basidiospores
21. How many meiotic division would be required to produce (d) Fusion of motile gametes
101 female gametophytes in an angiosperm? 27. Read the following features properly
(a) 101 (b) 26 A. Free living
(c) 127 (d) None of these B. Mostly photosynthetic
22. Which one of the following is the major difference between C. Mostly parasitic
mosses and ferns ? D. Inconspicuous
(a) Ferns lack alternation of generation while mosses show E. Unicellular
the same. How many of the given features are correct for prothallus
(b) Mosses are facultative aerobes while ferns are obligate of pteridophytes?
aerobes. (a) Three (b) Five
(c) Vascular bundles of ferns show xylem vessels while (c) Four (d) Two
28. Identify the correctly matched pair:
those of mosses lack it.
(d) Sporophytes of ferns live much longer as compared to Class Example Feature
the sporophytes of mosses. (a) Psilopsida Lycopodium Seed habit
23. Red snow causing alga is (b) Sphenopsida Selaginella Strobilus
(a) Chlamydomonas nivalis (c) Lycopsida Psilotum Homosporous
(b) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (d) Pteropsida Dryopteris Macrophylls
(c) Chlamydomonas debaryanum
(d) Chalmydomonas media 29. Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily
24. Alginates (alginin), used as highly efficient gauze in internal because of their
(a) power of adaptability in diverse habitat
operations are obtained from cell walls of
(b) property of producing large number of seeds
(a) Cyanophyceae (b) Phaeophyceae
(c) nature of self pollination
(c) Rhodophyceae (d) All of these (d) domestication by man
18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
28. 29.
Space for Rough Work
B-12 DPP/ CB03
30. Which out of the following are included under 38. Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily
tracheophyta i.e., vascular plants? because of their
(a) Pteridophytes (b) Gymnosperms (a) Power of adaptability in diverse habitat
(c) Angiosperms (d) All of these (b) Property of producing large number of seeds
31. At least a half of the total CO2 fixation on earth is carried (c) Nature of self pollination
out through photosynthesis by (d) Domestication by man
(a) angiosperms (b) gymnosperms 39. Many blue-green algae occur in thermal springs (hot water
(c) algae (d) bryophytes springs). The temperature tolerance of these algae have been
attributed to their
32. The embryonic development in bryophytes takes place in
(a) cell wall structure
(b) mitochondrial structure
(a) protonema (b) sporangium (c) modern cell organization
(c) antheridium (d) archegonium. (d) importance of homopolar bonds in their proteins
33. The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and is 40. Which of the following occurs both in fresh as well as in
restricted to narrow geographical region because of marine water ?
(a) gametophytic growth needs cool, damp and shady (a) Spirogyra (b) Cladophora
places (c) Oedogonium (d) Cephaleuros
(b) requirement of water for fertilization 41. The pyrenoids are made up of
(c) absence of stomata in leaf and absence of vascular (a) proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath
tissue (b) core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath
(d) both (a) and (b) (c) core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein
34. Gymnosperm called as a living fossil is (d) core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath
(a) Cycas (b) Ginkgo 42. Blue green algae have
(c) Juniperus (d) Both (a) and (b). (a) chlorophyll (b) xanthyophyll
35. The sporophyte is the dominant phase in (c) phycocyanin (d) fucoxanthin
(a) pteridophytes (b) gymnosperms 43. Parasitic alga is
(c) angiosperms (d) all of these. (a) Volvox (b) Ulothrix
36. Which kind of life-cycle pattern is exhibited by seed- (c) Porphyra (d) Cephaleuros
bearing plants? 44. Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed
(a) Haplontic (b) Diplontic producers?
(c) Haplo-diplontic (d) All of these (a) Funaria and Pinus (b) Fern and Funaria
37. Plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are (c) Funaria and Ficus (d) Ficus and Chlamydomonas
grouped under the general term 45. Neck canal cells are absent in archegonia of –
(a) Thallophytes (b) Cryptogams (a) Bryophytes (b) Gymnosperms
(c) Bryophytes (d) Sporophytes (c) Pteridophytes (d) All of these

30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

RESPONSE 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
GRID 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 35 Qualifying Score 50
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Animal Kingdom

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. Classification of Porifera is based on (a) Aschelminthes (round worms)

(a) branching (b) spicules (b) Ctenophores
(c) reproduction (d) symmetry (c) Sponges
2. A chordate character is (d) Coelenterates (Cnidarians)
(a) gills (b) spiracles 6. Which of the following animal is cold blooded and has 4 -
(c) postanal tail (d) chitinous exoskeleton chambered heart?
3. Which one of the following pairs of animals comprises (a) Salamander (b) Ornithorhynchus
‘jawless fishes’? (c) Crocodile (d) Calotes
(a) Mackerals and Rohu (b) Lampreys and hag fishes 7. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of
(c) Guppies and hag fishes(d) Lampreys and eels
phylum Annelida?
4. Leech is
(a) Closed circulatory system
(a) carnivorous (b) sanguivorous
(b) Segmentation
(c) ectoparasite (d) Both (b) and (c)
(c) Pseudocoelom
5. Which one of the following groups of animals is bilaterally
symmetrical and triploblastic? (d) Ventral nerve cord

RESPONSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
GRID 6. 7.
Space for Rough Work
B-14 DPP/ CB04
8. Which one of the following characters is not typical of the 15. Which of the following statements is/are not true?
class mammalia? (i) In Urochordata, notochord is present in larval tail.
(a) Thecodont dentition (ii) In Cephalochordata, notochord extends from head to
(b) Alveolar lungs tail region.
(c) Ten pairs of cranial nerves (iii) Branchiostoma belongs to hemichordata.
(d) Seven cervical vertebrae (iv) Only one class of living members, class Cyclostomata
9. Which one of following feature is possessed by Crustaceans
represents the super class agnatha
and not by insects?
(a) Paired limbs (a) (ii) and (iv) (b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) Two pairs of antenna (c) (iii) only (d) (i) and (iv)
(c) Chitinous exoskeleton 16. In Amoeba and Paramecium osmoregulation occurs through
(d) Bilateral symmetry (a) pseudopodia (b) nucleus
10. Poison glands of snake are modified (c) contractile vacuole (d) general surface
(a) Linguals (b) Sublinguals 17. Animals with metameric segmentation, bilateral symmetry
(c) Maxillaries (d) Parotids and closed circulatory system belong to phylum
11. The adults are radially symmetrical but larvae exhibit bilateral (a) Annelida (b) Echinodermata
symmetry in (c) Arthropoda (d) Mollusca
(a) Mollusca (b) Hemichordata 18. Which one of the following characters is not typical of the
(c) Echinodermata (d) Cephalochordata class Mammalia?
12. Which one of the following categories of animals, is (a) Thecodont dentition
correctly described with no single exception in it? (b) Alveolar lungs
(a) All sponges are marine and have collared cells. (c) Ten pairs of cranial nerves
(b) All mammals are viviparous and possess diaphragm (d) Seven cervical vertebrae
for breathing. 19. The segments of earthworms are
(c) All bony fishes have four pairs of gills and an operculum (a) Apparent in the embryo but not in the adult
on each side.
(b) Specialised for different functions and are present in
(d) All reptiles possess scales, have a three chambered
endoderm only
heart and are cold blooded (poikilothermal).
(c) Present in mesoderm but not in the ectoderm
13. Solenocytes and metanephridia are excretory organs of
(a) Annelida and Arthropoda (d) Repetitive, with serial repetition of at least some
(b) Platyhelminthes and Annelida organs
(c) Coelenterata and Mollusca 20. The evolution of an internal body cavity/coelom offered
(d) Aschelminthes and Annelida an advantage in animal body design in all areas, except
14. Radial symmetry occurs in (a) Evolution of effecient organ systems
(a) Porifera and Coelenterata (b) Provides space within which the gonads can expand
(b) Coelenterata and Echinodermata and large number of gametes stored
(c) Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes (c) Circulation
(d) Arthropoda and Mollusca (d) Greater freedom of movement
8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
18. 19. 20.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB04 B-15
21. Animals like bats have/are (b) Fertilisation is external and development is indirect
(a) Hollow skeleton (c) Do not possess notochord
(b) Feathers which are modified reptilian scales (d) Are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and coelo-
(c) Endothermic mate animals
(d) Efficient respiration. Non-vascular air sacs are 26. All birds have
connected to lungs to supplement respiration (a) Oil gland at the base of tail
22. Which of the following is incorrect match of animal (b) Feather on their body and can fly
group/life style/structure/function? (c) Nests to care their babies
Animal Lifestyle Structure/functions (d) Internal fertilization, are oviparous and eggs are
group covered with calcareous shell
(a) Sponges Sessile filter Amoebocytes/carry 27. Which one of the following is a coelenterate?
feeders food and wastes (a) Sea mouse (b) Sea anemone
Spicules/support (c) Sea urchin (d) Sea cucumber
and protection 28. Presence of external ear pinna, body hairs, four cham-
spongin / support bered heart are the characters of
(b) Cnidarians Free floating Gastrovascular (a) Macropus (b) Balaenoptera
or attached cavity/digestion (c) Psittacula (d) Aptenodytes
Cnidocytes/ 29. Which one of the following statements about certain
protection and food given animals is correct?
getting (a) Round worms are pseudo-coelomates
(c) Flatworms Free living Flame cells/ (b) Molluscs are acoelomates
or parasite excretion (c) Insects are pseudo-coelomates
Tegument/ (d) Flatworms are coelomates
protection 30. Which one of the following phyla is correctly matched
(d) Molluscs Terrestrial, Radula/feeding with its two general characteristics?
marine, fresh mantle/motility (a) Echinodermata – pentamerous radial symmetry and
water inhabitants mostly internal fertilization
23. Complete the following analogy : Pigeon's milk : Crop :: (b) Mollusca – normally oviparous and development
Song : through a trochophore or veliger larva
(a) Syrinx (b) Trachea (c) Arthropoda – body divided into head, thorax and
(c) Proventriculus (d) Anterior air sacs abdomen and respiration by mouth
24. Which of the following is not correct matching of phylum (d) Chordata – notochord persists throughout and
and its three examples? separate anal and urinary openings to the outside
(a) Annelida : Aphrodite, Chaetopterus, Bonnelia 31. Amphibians share with reptiles all of the following
(b) Mollusca : Teredo, Aplysia, Chaetopleura characters expect
(c) Aschelminthes : Ancylostoma, Enterobius, Tubifex (a) ventral heart
(d) Arthropoda : Buthus, Lepisma, Leptocorisa (b) external fertilization and indirect development
25. Hemichordates differ from chordates, in that hemichordates (c) dioecious, oviparous
(a) Are gill breathers (d) cold blooded or poikilotherms.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Space for Rough Work
B-16 DPP/ CB04
32. Which of the following statements about the body cavity (b) Move through loose marine sediments
of animals is true ? (c) Be hermaphroditic
(a) The body cavity of coelomates develops from the (d) Inject paralytic poisons into their prey
embryonic ectoderm. 38. An animal is divided along its main body axis to produce
(b) The acoelomates’ body cavity is filled with liquid. similar halves. Which of the following types of symmetry
(c) The pseudocoel of the pseudocoelomates have a could apply ?
peritoneum. (a) Spherical (b) Radial
(d) The acoelomates do not have an enclosed body (c) Radial or biradial (d) Bilateral
cavity. 39. Cephalization is a characteristic mainly associated with which
33. Sponges have a very simple body plan. Which of the following of the following types of body symmetry in animals ?
statements about sponge structure or function is false ? (a) Asymmetric (b) Radial
(a) Choanocytes are flagellated cells that play a role in (c) Biradial (d) Bilateral
feeding. 40. Amphids present on ventrolateral lips of Ascaris are
(b) Large species are found in areas of heavy wave (a) Chemoreceptors (b) Olfactoreceptors
action, where food is most abundant. (c) Tactoreceptors (d) Gustatoreceptors
(c) Individual sponges are both male and female. 41. Corals are common representatives of the cnidarian
(d) Water enters a sponge through pores and exits via class_____ .
one or more oscula. (a) Scyphozoa (b) Anthozoa
34. Which of the following traits is not shared by the (c) Porifera (d) Placozoa
Ctenophora and the Cnidaria ? 42. Which of the following characteristics is unique to the
(a) Both are diploblastic phylum Cnidaria ?
(b) Both have radial symmetry (a) Sexual reproduction
(c) Both have complete guts. (b) Symbiotic associations with other organisms
(d) Both have feeding tentacles. (c) Sedentary body forms
35. Earthworm has (d) Nematocysts
(a) Two eyes (b) Many eyes 43. Which of the following statements is true of all flatworms ?
(c) No eyes (d) One eye. (a) Flatworms are biradially symmetric
36. Which of the following statements is not true of the Rotifera ? (b) Flatworms have a complete digestive system
(a) They have a complete gut with an anterior mouth and (c) Flatworms tend to have large, thickened bodies
posterior anus. (d) Flatworms are triploblastic
(b) They are coelomates 44. Which of the following structures is absent from a typical
(c) The corona is a ciliated organ used in acquiring food. gastropod mollusk (e.g., a garden snail) ?
(d) They use a hydrostatic skeleton. (a) Protective shell (b) Head
37. The combination of a true coelom and repeating body (c) Radula (d) None of these
segmentation allows the annelids (unlike the anatomically 45. Which two of the following are found in the mesophyl or
“simpler” worms) to do which of the following ? protein matrix and serve as structural support for a sponge ?
(a) Attain complex body shapes and thus locomote more (a) spicule, spongin (b) osculum, spicule
precisely (c) medusa, polyp (d) polyp, osculum
32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
RESPONSE 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
GRID 42. 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 40 Qualifying Score 65
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Morphology of Flowering Plants

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. Which one of the following is a true fruit? 5. The mode of catching insects in Drosera plants is by means
(a) Apple (b) Pear of
(c) Cashew nut (d) Coconut (a) sensitive glandular hairs which secrete a sweet,
2. Pulses are belong to the family viscous, shining substance.
(a) fabaceae (b) asteraceae (b) specially sensitive trigger hairs.
(c) poaceae (d) solanaceae (c) leaves which are modified into pitcher.
3. In a cereal grain the single cotyledon of embryo is (d) leaf segments modified into bladder.
represented by 6. Insectivorous plants grow in
(a) scutellum (b) prophyll (a) calcium deficient soil
(c) coleoptile (d) coleorrhiza (b) carbon deficient soil
4. Perisperm is (c) magnesium deficient soil
(a) remnant of endosperm (d) nitrogen deficient soil
(b) persistant nucellus 7. Which part of the coconut produces coir?
(c) remnant of embryo (a) Seed coat (b) Mesocarp
(d) part of endosperm (c) Epicarp (d) Pericarp

RESPONSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
GRID 6. 7.
Space for Rough Work
B-18 DPP/ CB05
8. Pineapple (ananas) fruit develops from (vi) Radical buds develop on roots.
(a) a multipistillate syncarpous flower (a) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (b) (i), (ii) and (v)
(b) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis (c) (iii), (iv) and (vi) (d) (i), (iv) and (v)
(c) a multilocular monocarpellary flower 14. Milky water of green coconut is
(d) a unilocular polycarpellary flower (a) liquid nucellus
9. Scutellum is a/an (b) liquid of female gametophyte
(a) protective covering of radicle (c) liquid endosperm
(b) protective covering of plumule (d) liquid embryo
(c) endosperm of gymnosperms 15. Clove is
(d) shield-shaped cotyledon (a) flower bud (b) axillary bud
10. Fibrous root system is better adopted than tap root system for (c) thalamus (d) ovule
(a) transport of organic matter 16. When gynoecium is present in the top most position of
(b) absorption of water and minerals thalamus, the flower is known as
(c) storage of food (a) inferior (b) epigynous
(d) anchorage of plant to soil (c) perigynous (d) hypogynous
11. Velamen is found in 17. Which is not a stem modification ?
(a) roots of screwpine (a) Rhizome of ginger (b) Corm of Colocasia
(b) aerial and terrestrial roots of orchids (c) Pitcher of Nepenthes (d) Tuber of potato
(c) leaves of Ficus elastica 18. Which option is correctly matched with the diagrams?
(d) only aerial roots of orchids
12. Hypanthodium is
(a) thalamus (b) fruit
(c) inflorescence (d) ovary (a) A-Valvate B-Twisted, C-Imbricate,
13. Which of the following statement (s) is/are incorrect? D-Vexillary
(i) Calyx and corolla are reproductive organs of a flower. (b) A-Vexillary, B-Valvate, C-Twisted,
(ii) Zygomorphic flower can be divided into two equal D-Imbricate
radial halves in any radial plane. (c) A-Imbricate, B-Vexillary, C-Valvate,
(iii) Flowers without bracts are termed as bracteate. D-Twisted
(iv) Parthenocarpic fruit is formed after fertilization of the (d) A-Twisted, B-Imbricate, C-Vexillary,
ovary. D-Valvate
(v) In legumes, seed is non-endospermic.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB05 B-19
19. Given below are the diagrammatic representation of 21. Maize grain is a fruit known as
position of floral parts on thalamus, condition of ovary (a) cypsela (b) caryopsis
and example. Find the correctly matched combination? (c) legume (d) achene
Position of Condition Example 22. Monocotyledonous root differs from dicot root in which
floral parts of ovary of the following internal features (a to d)?
on thalamus (a) Presence of parenchymatous pericycle.
(b) Absence of fewre xylem bundle.
(c) Presence of large and well-developed pith.
(d) Presence of parenchymatous cortex without intercel-
(a) G Cucumber lular spaces.
23. Select correct match w.r.t column I & II.
Column I Column II
A. Modified tap root I. Zea mays
for respiration
(b) G– Brinjal B. Storage tap root II. ipomoea
C. Modified aventitious III. Rhizophora
root for mechanical
D. Modified adventitious IV. Turnip
(c) G Plum root for food storge
(a) A-III; B-IV; C-I; D-II
(b) A-III; B-IV; C-II; D-I
(c) A-IV; B-II; C-I; D-III
(d) A-III; B-II; C-I; D-IV
(d) G Rose 24. The modified stem in some plants of arid region is
(a) Tendril for climbring as in Passiflora
20. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct (b) Spines for defence mechanism
option from the codes given below. (c) Phylloclade for food synthesis
Column-I Column-II (d) Phyllode for food synthesis
A. Thorns I. Vegetative propagation 25. The modified stem in grasses, strawberry and
B. Phylloclades II. Defensive mechanism Crysanthemum is concerned with special functions i.e.,
C. Runners III. Mechanical support i. Food storage
D. Stilt roots IV. Absorption of nutrition ii. Vegetative propagation
E. Haustoria V. Photosynthesis iii. Assimilation
(a) A-I; B-IV; C-III; D-II; E-I iv. Spread to new niches
v. Perennation
(b) A-II; B-V; C-III; D-I; E-IV
(a) ii, iv (b) i, ii, v
(c) A-II; B-V; C-I; D-III; E-IV
(c) ii, iv, v (d) iii, iv, v
(d) A-III; B-V; C-IV; D-I; E-II

RESPONSE 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

GRID 24. 25.
Space for Rough Work
B-20 DPP/ CB05
26. In which of the following type of flowers stamens are superior 35. An example of negatively geotropic root
in position? (a) Coralloid root of Cycas
(a) Hypogynous (b) Perigynous (b) Pneumatophore of mangroves
(c) Epigynous (d) Protogynous (c) Assimilatory roots of Trapa
27. Inner layer of pericarp is hard and stony in (d) More than one of the above.
(a) Dateplam, Almond (b) Wood, apple, Pea 36. Santalum album is normally considered as a
(c) Mango, Coconut (d) Pear, Litchi (a) Complete root parasite
28. Find out the incorrect match. (b) Partial root parasite
(a) Sterile stamen – Staminode (c) Complete stem parasite
(b) Stamens attached to petals – Epipetalous (d) Partial stem parasite
(c) Stamens attached to perianth – Episepalous 37. An example of tuberous root that is a modification of tap foot
(d) Free stamens – Polyandrous (a) Radish (b) Mirabilis
(c) Sweet Potato (d) Ipomoea
29. Ovary is said to be half inferior in which of the following
38. Ginger is a stem and not a root because
(a) It stores food
(a) Hypogynous (b) Perigynous (b) It is bitter in taste
(c) Epigynous (d) Both (b) and (c) (c) It has nodes and internodes
30. Identify the family which shows the following diagnostic (d) It is non-green in colour.
features. 39. In Allium, the leafless part of the stem which bears flower is
Flowers pentamerous, gynoecium-bicarpellary, syncarpous, called
ovary placed obliquely, placentation axile, placenta swollen. (a) Culm (b) Scape (c) Caudex (d) Bulb
(a) Solanaceae (b) Le guminosae 40. Sweet Potato is a modification of
(c) Papilionaceae (d) Liliaceae (a) Root (b) Stem
31. Select the pair which contains monocotyledonous families. (c) Bud (d) Flowering axis
(a) Solanaceae and Brassicaceae 41. Epiphyllous buds serve the function of
(b) Fabaceae and Asteraceae (a) Respiration (b) Nutrition
(c) Liliaceae and Poaceae (c) Reproduction (d) Absorption
(d) None of these 42. In a potato plant the tubers develop on
32. In Nepenthes (pitcher plant), the pitcher is formed due to (a) Primary root (b) Secondary root
modification of (c) Tertiary root (d) Stolon
(a) leaf petiole (b) leaf lamina 43. Root is the prolongation of
(c) tendril (d) leaflet (a) Plumule (b) Radicle
33. Example for tuberous adventitious roots (c) Stem (d) Branches
(a) Dahlia (b) Carrot 44. Food stored in a bulb is within
(c) Radish (d) Beet (a) A swollen stem (b) Swollen leaf-bases
34. A root-cap is usually absent in the roots of (c) Enlarged roots (d) In the inflorescence
(a) Hydrophytes (b) Epiphytes 45. Cladode is the modification of
(c) Parasites (d) All of the above (a) Whole stem (b) Axillary bud
(c) Leaf (d) Leaflets.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
RESPONSE 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
GRID 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 45 Qualifying Score 60
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. During formation of leaves and elongation of stem, some cells 4. Which of the following does not have stomata ?
‘ left behind’ from the shoot apical meristem, constitute ____ (a) Hydrophytes (b) Mesophytes
(a) Lateral meristem (b) Axillary bud (c) Xerophytes (d) Submerged hydrophytes
(c) Cork cambium (d) Fascicular cambium 5. The chief water conducting elements of xylem in
2. Function of companion cells is gymnosperms are :
(a) providing energy to sieve elements for active transport. (a) vessels (b) fibres
(b) providing water to phloem. (c) transfusion tissue (d) tracheids
(c) loading of sucrose into sieve elements by passive 6. Which is correct about transport or conduction of
transport. substances?
(d) loading of sucrose into sieve elements. (a) Organic food moves up through phloem.
3. The cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are (b) Organic food moves up through phloem
collectively called (c) Inorganic food moves upwardly and downwardly
(a) phelloderm (b) phellogen through xylem
(c) periderm (d) phellem (d) Organic food moves upwardly and downwardly
through phloem

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Space for Rough Work
B-22 DPP/ CB06
7. A narrow layer of thin walled cells found between phloem/ 15. Collenchyma differs from parenchyma in having
bark and wood of a dicot is (a) living protoplasm
(a) cork cambium (b) vascular cambium (b) cellulose walls
(c) endodermis (d) pericycle (c) vacuoles
8. Which of the following statements is true? (d) pectin deposits at corners
(a) Vessels are multicellular with narrow lumen. 16. Which of the following plant shows multiple epidermis?
(b) Tracheids are multicellular with narrow lumen. (a) Croton (b) Allium
(c) Vessels are unicellular with wide lumen. (c) Nerium (d) Cucurbita
(d) Tracheids are unicellular with wide lumen. 17. Epidermis is absent in
9. The quiescent centre in root meristem serves as a (a) root tip and shoot tip (b) shoot bud and floral bud
(a) site for storage of food which is utilized during (c) ovule and seed (d) petiole and pedicel
maturation. 18. Which of the following layer is present nearest of plasma
(b) reservoir of growth hormones. membrane in plant cell?
(c) reserve for replenishment of damaged cells of the (a) Secondary wall (b) Middle lamella
meristem. (c) Primary wall (d) Tonoplast
(d) region for absorption of water. 19. Which one of the following statement is false?
10. Root hair arises from (i) Epidermal cell has small amount of cytoplasm and a
(a) pericycle (b) endodermis large vacuole.
(c) cortex (d) epiblema (ii) Waxy cuticle layer is absent in roots.
11. Phellogen and phellem respectively denote (iii) Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs / trichomes
(a) cork and cork cambium are multicellular.
(b) cork cambium and cork (iv) Trichomes may be branched or unbranched, soft or
(c) secondary cortex and cork stiff and prevent transpiration.
(d) cork and secondary cortex (v) Guard cells are dumbell shaped in dicots and bean-
12. The common bottle cork is a product of : shaped in monocots.
(a) Dermatogen (b) Phellogen (a) (i) only (b) (iv) only
(c) Xylem (d) Vascular cambium (c) (iii) only (d) (v) only
13. A vascular bundle in which the protoxylem is pointing to 20. Which option is true about heart wood/duramen?
the periphery is called (i) It does not help in water and mineral conduction.
(a) endarch (b) exarch (ii) It is dark coloured but soft.
(c) radial (d) closed (iii) It has tracheary elements filled with tannins, resins,
14. Which of the following does not have stomata? gums, oil, etc.
(a) Hydrophytes (iv) It is a peripheral part.
(b) Mesophytes (v) Sensitive to microbes and insects, hence least durable.
(c) Xerophytes (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(d) Submerged hydrophytes (c) (iv) and (v) (d) (iii) and (iv)
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
RESPONSE 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
GRID 17. 18. 19. 20.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB06 B-23

21. In land plants, the guard cells differ from other epidermal (c) Secondary meristems
cells in having (d) Intercallary meristems
(a) cytoskeleton (b) mitochondria 27. Which of the following statement for early wood is correct?
(c) endoplasmic reticulum (d) chloroplasts (a) Xylary elements having narrow vessels
22. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? (b) Darker with higher density
(i) Uneven thickening of cell wall is characteristic of (c) Lighter in colour and has high density
sclerenchyma. (d) Having vessels with wider cavities
(ii) Periblem forms cortex of the stem and the root. 28. Choose correct option w.r.t origin and position of meristem
reponsible for the regeneration of parts removed by the
(iii) Tracheids are the chief water transporting elements in
grazing herbivores.
(iv) Companion cell is devoid of nucleus at maturity.
Origin Position
(v) The Commercial cork is obtained from Quercus suber.
(a) (i) and (iv) only (b) (ii) and (v) only (a) Secondary Lateral
(c) (iii) and (iv) only (d) (ii), (iii) and (v) only (b) Primary Apical
23. In endarch condition of xylem, protoxylem lies ______ of (c) Secondary Apical
(d) Primary Intercalated
(a) on inner side
(b) on outer side 29. Companion cells are
(c) both on inner and outer side (a) Thin, parrenchymatous, enucleated cells
(d) in centre (b) Thick, sclerenchymatous, nucleated cells
24. Y-shaped arrangement of xylem vessels is found in (c) Thin, parenchymatous, nucleated cells
(a) monocot stem (b) dicotstem (d) Thick, collenchymatous, enucleated cells
(c) monocot root (d) dicot root 30. Conjoint type of vascular bundle are present in
25. Study carefully the following statements and select the (a) Root, stem (b) Root, leaves
incorrect one(s). (c) Stem, leaves (d) Root only
(i) Lateral roots develop from pericycle. 31. Activity of cambium is controlled by
(ii) Endodermis is the innermost layer of cortex. (a) Physiological and environmental factors
(b) Hormonal and external factors
(iii) Sap wood is the central, dark coloured, non-conduct-
(c) Internal and external factors
ing part of secondary xylem
(d) Move than one option is correct
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
32. Epidermal and ground tissue system are made of
(c) (i) only (d) (iii) only
(a) Meristem and simple permanet tissue
26. Removed parts of grasses by the grazing herbivores are
(b) Primary and secondary meristem
regenerated fast by
(c) Simple and complex permanent tissue
(a) Both apical and intercalary meristems (d) Simple permanent tissues
(b) Lateral meristems only

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

RESPONSE 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
GRID 31. 32.
Space for Rough Work
B-24 DPP/ CB06
33. Root region with thin-walled, small cells having dense 39. Which of the following represents the functions of veins
cytoplasm is in the leaves?
(a) Region of cell elongation (a) Transport of water and minerals
(b) Maturation region (b) Mechanical support
(c) Proximal to cell elongation zone (c) Transport of organic food material
(d) Distal to cell elongation zone (d) All of these
34. Periderm includes 40. In Cuscuta the nodes give rise to special roots which
(a) Cork and secondary cortex penetrate the host tissue upto
(b) Only cork cambium (a) Cortex (b) Phloem
(c) Cork cambium and cork only (c) Epidermis (d) Pericycle
(d) Cork, phellogen and secondary cortex 41. A tylose is formed form :
35. Choose incorrect statement from the given below (a) ray parenchyma
I. In dicot stem, the innemost layer of cortex is (b) inner parenchyma
endodermis. (c) paratracheal parenchyma
II. Endodermis with casparian strips is found in dicot stem. (d) metatracheal parenchyma
III. In dicot stem, the cells of endodermis are rich in starch 42. Which of the following plant shows multiple epidermis?
grain. (a) Croton (b) Allium
(a) I & II (b) II & III (c) Nerium (d) Cucurbita
(c) I & III (d) Only II 43. In the monocot root, we obseve
36. The cells which lie between xylem and phloem in dicot root (a) suberized exodermis, polyarch xylem , pith
(b) exodermis, endarch, tetarch closed bundles
(a) Pith rays
(c) conjoint, collateral, open, polyarch vascular bundle
(b) Conjuctive tissue
(d) suberized exodermis, casparian strip, passage cells,
(c) Interfascicular cambium
(d) Intrafascicular cambium
37. Which tissue of the dicot root is involved in the formation 44. In a dicotyledonous stem, the sequence of tissues from the
of vascular cambium? outside to the inside is :
(a) Pericyle part above primary phloem (a) phellem-pericycle-endodermis-phloem
(b) Whole pericycle (b) phellem-phloem-endodermis-pericycle
(c) Thich walled parenchymatous cells of pith (c) phellem-endodermis-pericycle-phloem
(d) Portion of pericycle above the protoxylem (d) pericycle-phellem-endodermis-phloem
38. Vascular bundles in dicot leaves are 45. The tunica corpus theory was proposed by :
(a) Conjoint, bicollateral, closed (a) Nageli
(b) Radia, open (b) Hanstein
(c) Conjoint, collateral, closed (c) Schmidt
(d) Conjoint, collaterl, open (d) Haberlandt

33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

RESPONSE 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
GRID 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 45 Qualifying Score 60
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Structural Organisation in Animals

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls of blood (b) nephridia
vessels is (c) hreen glands
(a) cuboidal epithelium (d) malpighian tubules
(b) columnar epithelium 5. Myoglobin is present in
(c) ciliated columnar epithelium (a) all muscle fibres
(d) squamous epithelium (b) white muscle fibres only
2. The cell junctions called tight, adhering and gap junctions (c) red muscle fibres only
are found in (d) both white and red muscle fibres
(a) connective tissue (b) epithelial tissue 6. Intercalated discs are the communication junctions between
(c) neural tissue (d) muscular tissue the cells of
3. Housefly possesses (a) cardiac muscles
(a) two pairs of wings (b) one pair of wings (b) striped muscles
(c) three pairs of wings (d) four pair of wings (c) adipose tissue
4. Excretory organs of Cockroach are (d) nerve and striated muscles
(a) flame cells

RESPONSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Space for Rough Work
B-26 DPP/ CB07
7. What is common among silverfish, scorpion, crab and honey 14. Histamine is secreted by
bee? (a) mast cells (b) fibroblast
(a) Compound eyes (b) Poison glands (c) histocytes (d) melanocytes
(c) Jointed legs (d) Metamorphosis 15. Which of the following is not a granulocyte?
8. Mast cells are associated with (a) Lymphocyte (b) Neutrophil
(a) exocrine glands (c) Basophil (d) Eosinophil
(b) endocrine glands 16. The type of epithelial cells which line inner surface of fallopian
(c) areolar connective tissue tubes, bronchioles and small bronchi are known as
(a) squamous epithelium (b) columnar epithelium
(d) neural tissue
(c) ciliated epithelium (d) cubical epithelium
9. Lymph differs from blood in possessing
17. Male and female cockroaches can be distinguished externally
(a) only WBCs. through
(b) more RBCs and WBCs. (a) anal styles in male
(c) more RBCs and few WBCs. (b) anal cerci in female
(d) more WBCs and few RBCs. (c) anal style and antennae in females
10. Pseudostratified epithelium is found in (d) both (b) and (c)
(a) oesophagus (b) respiratory tract 18. The long bones are hollow and connected by air passage.
(c) urinary tract (d) kidney They are characteristic of
11. Given below are four matchings of an animal and its kind of (a) aves (b) mammalia
respiratory organ : (c) reptilia (d) sponges
(i) Silver fish – trachea 19. The most active phagocytic white blood cells are
(ii) Scorpion – book lung (a) neutrophils and monocytes
(iii) Sea squirt – pharyngeal gills (b) neutrophils and eosinophils
(iv) Dolphin – skin (c) lymphocytes and macrophages
The correct matchings are (d) eosinophils and lymphocytes
(a) (iii) and (iv) (b) (i) and (iv) 20. In the mouthparts of the cockroach, the organ of mastication is
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv) (a) labium (b) maxillae
12. Tendons and ligaments are the examples of (c) mandibles (d) labrum
21. Which one of the following groups of structures/organs
(a) areolar connective tissue
have similar function?
(b) adipose tissue
(a) Typhlosole in earthworm, intestinal villi in rat and
(c) dense regular connective tissue
contractile vacuole in Amoeba.
(d) loose connective tissue (b) Nephridia in earthworm, malpighian tubules in
13. Major inorganic component of vertebrate bone is cockroach and urinary tubules in rat.
(a) calcium carbonate (c) Antennae of cockroach, tympanum of frog and clitellum
(b) calcium phosphate of earthworm.
(c) sodium hydroxide (d) Incisors of rat, gizzard (proventriculus) of cockroach
(d) potassium hydroxide and tube feet of starfish.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB07 B-27

22. Which of the following statements are wrong? 31. Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t stucture/gland of
(i) Leucocytes disintegrate in the spleen and liver. cockroach and its total number in body?
(ii) RBC, WBC and blood platelets are produced by bone (a) Collateral glands in female cockroach - 2
marrow. (b) Malpighian tubules - 100- 150
(iii) Neutrophils bring about destruction and detoxification (c) Spiracles - 10
of toxins of protein origin. (d) Ommatidia in each compound eye - 2000
(iv) The important function of lymphocytes is to produce 32. The function of basement membrane in epithelial tissue is
antibodies. to
(a) (i) and (ii) only (b) (i) and (iv) only (a) Facilitate communication of cells with each other
(c) (i) and (iii) only (d) (ii) and (iii) only
(b) Allow rapid ion transfer among cells
23. Malpighian tubules are the excretory organs in
(c) Separate the epithellal tissue from underlying
(a) Cockroach (b) Platyhelminthes
(c) Ascaris (d) Pila connective tissue
24. Young one of the cockroach is called (d) Produce multiple layers of cells in a compound
(a) Naid (b) Grub epithelium
(c) Nymph (d) Maggot 33. All among the following are function of connective tissue
25. Cilia, Flagella and microvilli are associated with the except
(a) Connective tissue (b) Epithelial tissue (a) Binding support
(c) Nervous tissue (d) Muscular tissue (b) Fat storage
26. In which of the following animals, respiration occurs without (c) Body defense and transport
any respiratory organ? (d) Propelling mucus towards the pharynx
(a) Frog (b) Fish 34. Mark the statement that is incorrect for smooth muscles.
(c) Cockroach (d) Earthworm (a) Smooth muscles from the muscular component of the
27. Which of the following type of cell junction is not found in visceral organs such as blood vessels, urinary
animal tissues ? bladder, ciliary body etc.
(a) Desmosome (b) Tight junction (b) Smooth muscles cells do not have the troponin-
(c) Gap junction (d) Plasmodesmata tropomyosin mechanism of controlling contraction
28. Which one of the following cellular components of the blood (c) Irritability is shown by all smooth muscles except
is responsible for the production of antibodies? ciliary muscles
(a) Thrombocyte (b) Lymphocyte
(d) Hair root muscles and muscles on the large blood
(c) Monocyte (d) Erythrocyte
vessels are in example of multi-unit smooth muscles
29. Sprain is caused due to the excessive pulling of
35. The avascular nature of cartilage is responsible for its
(a) Muscles (b) Tendons
(c) Ligaments (d) All of the above (a) Flexibility
30. In cockroach, the corpora allata is (b) Slow repair
(a) A sense organ (b) A tactile organ (c) Suitability for embryonic endoskeleton
(c) An endocrine organ (d) A digestive gland (d) Transparent consistency

22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
32. 33. 34. 35.
Space for Rough Work
B-28 DPP/ CB07
36. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct 42. The presence of a basement membrane is typical of most
option from the codes given below. (a) Epithelial tissues
Column-I Column-II (b) Connective tissues
A. Hyaline cartilage I. Pectoral girdle of frog (c) Nervous tissues
B. Fibrous cartilage II. Long bones; sternum; ribs (d) Muscle tissues
C. Elastic cartilage III. Pubic symphysis 43. The most appropriate definition of Neuroglial cells are that
D. Calcified cartilage IV. Eustachain tube; epiglottis they are
(a) A-I; B-II; C-III; D-IV (a) Nonsensory supporting cells
(b) A-II; B-III; C-IV; D-I (b) Secretory cells
(c) A-II; B-IV; C-III; D-I (c) Sensory cells
(d) A-IV; B-III; C-II; D-I (d) Sensory and supporting cells
37. The type of epithelial cells which line the inner surface of 44. Covering around bone is called
Fallopian tubes, bronchioles and small bronchi are known (a) Perichondrion
as (b) Periosteum
(a) squamous epithelium (c) Epiosteum
(b) columnar epithelium (d) Endosteum
(c) ciliated epithelium 45. The figure given below shows the head region of cockroach.
(d) cubical epithelium Identify A to F.
38. The wall of heart is thick due to
(a) Pericardium (b) Epicardium
Antennae A
(c) Myocardium (d) Endocardium
39. The strongest cartilage is
(a) Hyaline cartilage
(b) Elastic cartilage D
(c) Fibrous cartilage C
(d) None of the above E
40. Nissl’s granules are found in cyton of nerve cells. These F
have affinity for basic dyes. The granules are made up of
(a) Protein (b) DNA (a) A- Compound eye, B-Ocellus, C-Maxilla, D-Mandible,
(c) Amino acids (d) RNA E-Labrum, F-Labium
41. The inability to absorb digested nutrients may be due to (b) A- Ocellus, B-Compound eye, C-Mandible, D-Maxilla,
damage of which type of epithelium? E-Labrum, F-Labium
(a) Ciliated columnar (c) A- Ocellus, B-Compound eye, C-Mandible, D-Maxilla,
(b) Simple columnar E-Labium, F-Labrum
(c) Simple squamous (d) A- Ocellus, B-Compound eye, C-Maxilla, D-Mandible,
(d) Simple cuboidal E-Labrum, F-Labium

RESPONSE 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

GRID 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 40 Qualifying Score 55
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Cell: The Unit of Life

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. The cell organelle involved in glycosylation of protein is (ii) Endoplasmic reticulum consists of a network of
(a) ribosome membranous tubule and helps in transport, synthesis
(b) peroxisome and secretion.
(c) endoplasmic reticulum (iii) Leucoplasts are bound by two membranes, lack pigment
(d) mitochondria
but contain their own DNA and protein synthesising
2. The outer layer of vacuole is called
(a) cell wall (b) tonoplast
(iv) Sphaerosomes are single membrane bound organelle
(c) plasmalayer (d) leucoplast
which are associated with synthesis and storage of
3. Which of the following cell organelle remains enveloped by
a single unit membrane? lipids.
(a) Mitochondria (b) Lysosomes (a) (i) only (b) (i) and (ii)
(c) Nucleus (d) Chloroplast (c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) All of these
4. Choose the correct option. 5. The nucleolus is the site of formation of
(i) Lysosomes are double membranous vesicles budded (a) spindle fibres (b) chromosomes
off from Golgi apparatus and contain digestive (c) ribosomes (d) peroxisomes

RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Space for Rough Work

B-30 DPP/ CB08
6. Which one of the following combination is mismatched? 12. Cell recognition and adhesion are facilitated by components
(a) Glycocalyx - may be capsule or slime layer of plasma membrane. These components are generally
(b) Pili - Reproduction (a) protein molecules alone
(c) Cell wall - Protective, determines shape, prevents from (b) lipids alone
bursting (c) both lipids and proteins
(d) Flagella, Pili and Fimbriae - Surface structures of (d) glycolipids and glycoproteins
bacterial cell 13. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is well developed in the cells
7. The fluidity of membranes in a plant in cold weather may be which synthesize
maintained by (a) steorids (b) proteins
(a) increasing th e number of phospholipids with (c) carbohydrates (d) all of these.
unsaturated hydrocarbon tails 14. Select the option with correct labelling of given structure
(b) increasing the proportion of integral proteins of Golgi apparatus.
(c) increasing concentration of cholesterol in membrane
(d) increasing the number of phospholipids with saturated
hydrocarbon tail
8. The cell as a basic unit of structure of living beings was
discovered by
(a) Aristotle
(b) Robert Hooke
(c) Schleiden and Schwann
(d) Gregore Mendel (a) Cisternae Vesicle trans face cis face
9. Which pair of structures are usually found in both plant (b) Cisternae Vesicle cis face trans face
and animal cells? (c) Vesicle Cisternae cis face trans face
(a) Cell membrane and nucleolus (d) Tubules Vesicle trans face cis face
(b) Cell membrane and cell wall 15. The molecules in the membrane that limit its permeability
(c) Nucleolus and chloroplast are the
(d) Nucleus and cell wall (a) carbohydrates (b) phospholipids
10. Most abundant lipid in the cell membrane is (c) proteins (d) water
(a) cholesterol (b) phospholipids 16. pH of vacuolar cell sap is
(b) glycolipids (d) cerebrosides (a) neutral and isotonic.
11. If you remove the fimbriae from the bacterial cell, which of (b) alkaline and isotonic.
the following would you expect to happen?
(a) The bacteria could no longer swim (c) acidic and hypertonic.
(b) The bacteria would not adhere to the host tissue (d) equal to cytoplasm and isotonic.
(c) Transportation of molecules across the membrane 17. All plastids have essentially the same structure because
would stop (a) they have to perform the same function
(d) The shape of bacteria would change (b) they are localised in the aerial parts of plants

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB08 B-31
(c) one type of plastids can differentiate into another type (c) Contains minerals like calcium carbonate in certain algae
of plastids depending upon the cell requirements (d) All are correct
(d) all plastids have to store starch, lipids and proteins 25. Read the following statements carefully and choose the
18. A Semi-autonomous organelle. correct options w.r.t. eukaryotic cell.
B Have linear DNA as well as RNA I. All eukaryotic cells are identical in structure
C Carry out ATP synthesis. II. Mitochondria and plastids are semi-autonomous
D Have quantasomes embedded in thylakoid membrane organelles
E. Occurs in all photosynthetic organisms. III. Ribosomes are associated with plasma membrane
Find the correct number of statements w.r.t. plastids. IV. There is an extensive compartmentalization of
(a) One (b) Two cytoplasm through the presence of membrane bound
(c) Three (d) Four organelles
19. Select incorrect matching (a) I & IV (b) II & IV
(c) I & III (d) II & III
(a) Elaioplasts - Oils
26. Golgi bodies are involved in
(b) Chromoplasts - Fat soluble anthocyanin
(a) Recycling of broken plasma membrane during
pigments endocytosis
(c) Mitochondria - Fission in G2 phase (b) Synthesis of glycolipids
(d) Contractile vacuole - Excretion (c) Modification of proteins
20. Quasi-fluid nature of membrane is due to (d) All of the above
(a) Phospholipid (b) Integral protein 27. Which of the following organelles lack membrane in
(c) Peripheral protein (d) Sugar moiety eukaryotic cell?
21. Gas vacuole is present in A. Cilia B. Lysosome
(a) Blue green algae C. RER D. Ribosomes
(b) Purple photosynthetic bacteria E. Flagella F. Centrioles
(c) Green photosynthetic bacteria (a) D & F (b) C & D
(d) All of the above (c) A & D (d) A & E
22. Which of the following feature is not associated with 28. Aleuroplasts, amyloplasts and elaioplasts
centrosome? (a) Divide by multiple fission
(a) Pericentriolar material (b) Store protein, starch and fat respectively
(b) Two cylindrical structures (c) Help in photolysis of water
(c) Two centriole (d) Store reserve food and pigments
(d) Lipid bilayer covering 29. Reformation of nucleolus, golgi complex and ER occurs in
23. What is the site of DNA and centriole duplication (a) Telophase (b) Metaphase
respectively? (c) Prophase (d) Anaphase
(a) Nucleus, nucleus 30. Ribosomes of the cytoplasm, chloroplast and mitochondrion
(b) Nucleus, cytoplasm are respectively
(c) Cytoplasm, nucleus (a) 80S, 80S and 70S (b) 80S, 70S and 70S
(d) Nucleus, nucleolous (c) 70S in all (d) 80S in all
24. Cell wall 31. Integral cell membrane proteins
(a) Helps in cell to cell interaction (a) are partially embedded in lipid layers
(b) Protects the cell from infection (b) are completely embedded in lipid layers

17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
27. 28. 29. 30.
Space for Rough Work
B-32 DPP/ CB08
(c) show lateral but not vertical movements within bilayer (c) a and b
of lipid (d) None of the above
(d) All of these 38. Which of the following is present in both prokaryotes and
32. Which group of organelles is involved in synthesis of eukaryotes?
substances needed by cell? (a) Lysosome (b) Vesicles
(a) Lysosome, vacuole, ribosome (c) Chloroplast (d) Plasma membrane
(b) Vacuole, RER, SER 39. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria
(c) Ribosome, RER, SER (a) have multiple membranes.
(d) RER, lysosome, vacuole
(b) have highly structured innermost membranes.
33. Who gave the lamellar or sandwich model of cell membrane?
(a) Singer and Nicolson (c) are found only in eukaryotic cells.
(b) Danielle and Davson (d) All of the above
(c) J. Robertson 40. Microtubules, motor proteins, and actin filaments are all
(d) None of these part of the
34. Microtubules are absent in (a) mechanism of photosynthesis that occurs in
(a) mitochondria (b) flagella chloroplasts.
(c) spindle fibres (d) centriole (b) rough ER in prokaryotic cells.
35. Which of the following contributes to differences in the (c) cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells.
two sides of the cell membrane? (d) process that moves small molecules across cell
(a) Differences in peripheral proteins membranes.
(b) Different domains expressed on the ends of integral 41. The cell wall of both bacteria and cyanobacteria contains
proteins (a) Lipid (b) Pectin
(c) Differences in phospholipid types (c) Protein (d) Muramic acid
(d) All of the above 42. Mesosomes were taken as
36. Which of the following cell membrane components serve as (a) Golgi bodies (b) Plastids
recognition signals for interactions between cells? (c) Mitochondria (d) Endoplasmic reticulum
43. Pit membrane of simple pit is formed by :
(a) Recognition proteins
(a) Secondary cell wall (b) Middle lamella
(b) Glycolipids or glycoproteins (c) Primary cell wall (d) Plasma
(c) Phospholipids 44. Which one of the following cell organelles found only in
(d) Integral proteins plants?
37. Channel proteins allow ions that would not normally pass (a) Golgi complex (b) Mitochondria
through the cell membrane to go through the channel. What (c) Plastids (d) Ribosomes
properties of the proteins are responsible for this? 45. Peroxisomes are rich in
(a) The channels are often composed of charged or polar (a) DNA (b) RNA
R groups. (c) Catalytic enzymes (d) Oxidative enzymes
(b) The channels are often composed of hydrophobic R

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 45 Qualifying Score 60
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Biomolecules

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (–1) for incorrect Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. A nucleotide is formed of 5. In RNA, thymine is replaced by

(a) Purine, pyrimidine and phosphate (a) Adenine (b) Guanine
(b) Purine, sugar and phosphate (c) Cytosine (d) Uracil
(c) Nitrogen base, sugar and phosphate 6. Which of the following is a reducing sugar?
(d) Pyrimidine, sugar and phosphate (a) Galactose (b) Gluconic acid
2. Glycogen is a polymer of (c) -methyl galactoside (d) Sucrose
(a) galactose (b) glucose 7. An enzyme that can stimulate germination of barley seeds
(c) fructose (d) sucrose is
3. Most abundant organic compound on earth is (a) lipase (b) protease
(a) Protein (b) Cellulose (c) invertase (d) -amylase
(c) Lipids (d) Steroids 8. Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption of substances
4. Protein synthesis in a cell takes place like:
(a) only in the cytoplasm (a) amino acids and glucose
(b) in the nucleolus as well as in cytoplasm (b) glucose and fatty acids
(c) in cytoplasm as well as in mitochondria (c) fatty acids and glycerol
(d) only on ribosomes attached to the nuclear envelope (d) fructose and some amino acids

RESPONSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
GRID 6. 7. 8.
Space for Rough Work
B-34 DPP/ CB09
9. An enzyme brings about 15. Sigmoid growth curve is represented by
(a) decrease in reaction time (a) dN/dt = rN
(b) increase in reaction time (b) dN/dt = rN (1 – N/K)
(c) increase in activation energy (c) Nt = No + B + I – D – E
(d) reduction in activation energy (d) dN/dt = 1 – N/K
10. The enzymes hexokinase which catalyses glucose to 16. A coenzyme is
glucose-6-phosphate in glycolysis is inhibited by glucose- (a) Same enzyme that occurs in different tissues such as
6-phosphate. This is an example of heart and muscle
(a) competitive inhibition (b) One that shares the function of other enzyme
(b) non-competitive inhibition (c) Organic or inorganic in nature and helps activate
metabolic enzymes
(c) feedback allosteric inhibition
(d) Organic non-protein in nature and helps to activate
(d) positive feedback
metabolic enzymes
11. The enormous diversity of protein molecules is due mainly
17. The most basic amino acid is
to the diversity of
(a) Arginine (b) Histidine
(a) amino groups on the amino acids
(c) Glycine (d) Glutamine
(b) R groups on the amino acids
18. Which of the following is not an aromatic amino acid?
(c) amino acid sequences within the protein molecule
(a) Valine (b) Tyrosine
(d) peptide bonds
(c) Phenylalanine (d) Tryptophan
12. Length of one turn of the helix in a B-form DNA is
approximately 19. The class of enzymes that catalyze the removal of a group
from a substrate without addition of water, leaving double
(a) 3.4 nm (b) 2 nm
bonds, is
(c) 0.34 nm (d) 20 nm
(a) Transferases (b) Dehydrogenases
13. The catalytic efficiency of two different enzymes can be
(c) Hydrolases (d) Lyases
compared by the
20. Which of the following is a component of vitamin (thiamine,
(a) formation of the product biotin), Acetyl CoA, cysteine, methionine and ferredoxin?
(b) pH optimum value (a) Fe (b) S
(c) Km value (c) Co (d) K
(d) molecular size of the enzyme 21. The helical structure of protein is stabilized by
14. Which of the following sets contains polysaccharides? (a) Ester (b) Peptide bonds
(a) Glucose, fructose, lactose (c) Disulphide bonds (d) Hydrogen bonds
(b) Starch, glycogen, cellulose 22. Cellulose is a polymer of
(c) Sucrose, maltose, cellulose (a) -glucose (b) -D-glucose
(d) Galactose, starch, sucrose (c) -D-glucose (d) -L-glucose

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
19. 20. 21. 22.
Space for Rough Work
DPP/ CB09 B-35

23. The given graph shows the effect of substrate concentration Given structural formula is correctly identified alongwith its
on the rate of reaction of the enzyme green -gram - related function by which of the following options?
phosphatase. What does the graph indicate ? (a) Cholesterol – A component of animal cell membrane
(b) Lecithin – A component of cell membrane
(c) Triglyceride – An energy source
(d) Adenosine – A component of nucleic acids
27. Select the option that correctly identifies the chemical bonds
present in the given biomolecules.
Polysaccharides – A, Proteins – B, Fats – C, Water – D
(a) Ester Peptide Glycosidic Hydrogen
(b) Glycosidic Peptide Ester Hydrogen
(a) The rate of enzyme reaction is directly proportional to (c) Glycosidic Peptide Hydrogen Ester
the substrate concentration (d) Hydrogen Ester Peptide Glycosidic
(b) Presence of an enzyme inhibitor in the reaction mixture 28. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding
(c) Formation of an enzyme-substrate complex chitin?
(d) At higher substrate-concentration the pH increases. (a) It is a storage polysaccharide
24. The Km value of the enzyme is the value of the substrate (b) It is a homopolysccharide
concentration at which the reaction reaches to (c) It is a constituent of arthropod exoskeleton and fungal
(a) Zero (b) 2 Vmax cell wall
(c) ½ Vmax (d) ¼ Vmax (d) It is the second most abundant carbohydrate on earth
25. Which group contains biocatalysts? 29. Which of the following secondary metabolites are used as
(a) Myosin, oxytocin, adrenalin (a) Abrin and ricin
(b) Peptidase, amylase, rennin (b) Vinblastin and curcumin
(c) Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids (c) Anthocyanins
(d) Gums and cellulose
(d) Rhodopsin, pepsin, steapsin
30. Enzymes that catalyse removal of groups from substrates
by mechanisms other than hydrolysis, and addition of
groups to double bonds, are called
O CH2 O C R1 (a) ligases (b) lyases
(c) hydrolases (d) dehydrogenases
R2 C O CH O 31. Which of the following statement is incorrect w.r.t. starch?
(a) Starch consists of unbranched amylose and branched
CH2 O P O CH2 CH2 amylopectin
(b) It is a polymer of -D-glucose
(c) Successive glucose units are linked together by 1
CH3 CH 6 linkage and at branching 1 4 linkage is found
CH3 3
(d) Starch turns black with iodine

RESPONSE 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

GRID 28. 29. 30. 31.

Space for Rough Work

B-36 DPP/ CB09
32. Cellulose differs from chitin in 40. The structure of glucose and galactose are same except
(a) Branching with regard to
(b) Type of glycosidic bond (a) First carbon atom
(c) Type of monomer unit (b) Second carbon atom
(d) Abundancy in biosphere (c) Third carbon atom
33. Oils are rich in (d) Fourth carbon atom
41. All the following statements are true with regard to glucose,
(a) Glycerol that possesses three hydroxyl groups except :
(b) Saturated fatty acids (a) It is an aldohexose
(c) Fats that are generally liquid at room temperature (b) It is a reducing sugar
(d) Esters of fatty acids (c) It is present in starch and cellulose
34. Bonds that do not exist in tertiary structure of proteins (d) It is an epimer of fructose
(a) Covalent bonds 42. Guanylic acid is a
(b) Phosphodiester bonds (a) Nucleoside of purine
(c) Hydrophobic etnractions (b) Nucleoside of pyrimidine
(d) Ionic bonds (c) Nucleotide of purine
35. Cleavage of specific covalent bonds and removal of groups (d) Nucleotide of pyrimidine
without hydrolysis is the property of 43. Long chain molecules of fatty acids are formed by
(a) Isomerases (b) Lyases (a) Polymerisation of 2 carbon compounds
(c) Hydrolases (d) Transferases (b) Decomposition of fats
36. The catalytic efficiency of two different enzymes can be (c) Polymerisation of glycogen
compared by the (d) Conversion of glycogen
(a) Km value 44. Read the following four statements (A to D) and mark the
(b) pH value option that has both correct statements
(c) Formation of the product A. Blood conc. of glucose in a normal healthy man is 4.5
(d) Molecular size of the enzyme to 5.0 mM
37. Which of the following is an example of isozyme? B. In proteins only left handed helices are observed
(a) -Amylase C. The pitch of B- DNA is 3.4 Angstrom
(b) Glucokinase D. At each step of ascent the strand of DNA turns 36
(c) Lactate dehydrogenase degree
(d) All of these (a) A, B (b) B, C (c) C, D (d) A, D
38. Essential amino acids include 45. Which one of the following biomolecules is correctly
(a) leucine (b) valine characterized?
(c) tryptophan (d) all of these (a) Lecithin - A phosphorylated glyceride found in cell
39. Acidic amino acids have two –COOH groups and one – membrane.
NH2 group per molecule. Select the pair that consists of (b) Palmitic acid - An unsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon
acidic amino acids. atoms.
(a) Aspartic acid, glutamic acid (c) Adenylic acid - Adenosine with a glucose phosphate
(b) Lysine, arginine molecule.
(c) Glycine, alanine (d) Alanine amino acid - Contains an amino group and an
(d) Both (a) and (b) acidic group anywhere in the molecule.

32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
42. 43. 44. 45.
Space for Rough Work


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 45 Qualifying Score 55
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)

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