Exchange Rate Math Case Spreadsheet: Name

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Exchange Rate Math Case Spreadsheet Name=

Fill-out the following Spreadsheet. Do not change formatting, DO not move blocks, etc. Use the wo
Document provided for full instructions.

#1 Place correct formula in each cell

Currency US$eqiv Cur per US $ equiv of $100

China 0.1208 8.27814569536424 827.81456953642
Jap 0.008307027745473 120.38 12038
Mex 0.093960236028113 10.6428 1064.28
Sing 0.56170308374993 1.7803 178.03
Taiw 0.02878 34.7463516330785 3474.6351633079
Turk 0.0000006200 1612903 161,290,300
UK 1.5734 0.635566289564 159744
Ven 0.000626001602564 1597.44 159744
Euro 1.0773 0.92824654228163

Use the exchange rates in table below to answer questions on word document
and fill-in equation in the appropriate cell.
Currency Currency per U.S.$
China (Yuan) 8.2871
Japan (Yen) 119.04
Argentine (Peso) 2.975
Vietnam DONG 16041

#3 complete table by filling in appropriate equation

U.S. Vietnam Taiwan
Dollar VNDong TDollar
Egypt price of 5.9754
Indonesia 248.845
Taiwan 0.002344 ………
Vietnam 16,041.00 ………
U.S. ………
#4 write formulas, picking up exchange rates in the cells.

Euros $1.19 $1.25

Yen $0.01 $0.01

Euro % Spread= X% Loss with Euro

Yen % spread= X% Loss with Ye

#5 Place only a single lower case x in the appropriate box in each row, leave the other

Dates Exchange rates Currency to consider Appreciated

4/24/2003 0.91130 Euro/USD Euro
4/28/2003 0.90630 Euro/USD
6/17/1997 23.2 BHT/USD BHT
1/13/1998 55.8 BHT/USD
4/25/2002 1.6430 CHF/USD CHF
4/26/2002 0.6140 USD/CHF
6/26/2002 0.0008324 USD/KRW KRW
2/18/2003 0.0008286 USD/KRW
1/30/1999 1.0038 ARS/USD USD
2/5/2001 1.00050 USD/ARS
1/30/2000 2.3443 CAD/GBP CAD
9/20/2000 2.0927 CAD/GBP
12/12/2002 0.01629 INR/IQD INR
2/2/2003 68.0289 IQD/INR
12/27/2002 1.776 AUD/USD USD
12/28/2002 1.7831 AUD/USD

#6 % appreciation = X%

#7 3.2020 BRL/USD to 3.1606 BRL/USD

Type appreciate or depreciate in yellow cell=
use formulas % change = X%

2000YEN cost 0.008307
2800 Yen sold 0.0092212 %return in $=

#9: write formula

0.0092212 0.0099212
us eq of 1% on Yen

Effective $ rate= X%
Keith Johnston

By inserting my name I indicate that I accept the

ove blocks, etc. Use the word academic honesty standards of this course and
this individual only assignment..



Indonesia Egypt
Rupiah EPound
loss is a positive number

Loss with Euros=

Loss with Yen=

n each row, leave the other one blank.

Keith Johnston Do not alter this page or make any entries
0 "="B5 0 "="D47
0.008307 "="B8 0 "="D49
0.09396 "="B9 0 "="D51
0.561703 "="B10 0 "="D53
6.2E-07 "="B12 0 "="D55
0.000626 "="B14 0 "="D57
0 "="B5 0 "="D59
8.278146 "="C7 0 "="D61
10.6428 "="C9 0 "="E47
34.74635 "="C11 0 "="E49
1612903 "="C12 0 "="E51
0.635566 "="C13 0 "="E53
0.928247 "="C15 0 "="E55
827.8146 "="D7 0 "="E57
12038 "="D8 0 "="E59
178.03 "="D10 0 "="E61
3474.635 "="D11 0% "="B65
159744 "="D13 0 "="C68
159744 "="D14 0 "="C69
0 "="D15 0 "="D73
0 "="D19 0 "="B81
0 "="D20
0 "="B29
0 "="B30
0 "="c28
0 "="c29
0 "="c32
0 "="D28
0 "="D31
0 "="D32
0 "="E28
0 "="E30
0 "="E31
0 "="E32
0 "="F29
0 "="F30
0 "="F31
0 "="F32
0 "="B37
0 "="C37
0.00% "="B41
0 "="F41
0.00% "="B42
0 "="F42

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