Export To PDMS User's Guide PDF
Export To PDMS User's Guide PDF
Export To PDMS User's Guide PDF
User's Guide
September 2013
Copyright © 2010-2013 Intergraph® Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon.
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Intergraph Corporation
300 Intergraph Way
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Documentation shall mean, whether in electronic or printed form, User's Guides, Installation Guides, Reference Guides,
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a. Use of a software product and Documentation is subject to the End User License Agreement ("EULA") delivered with the
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Except for any express warranties as may be stated in the EULA or separate license or separate terms and conditions, Intergraph
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The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable
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The software, Documentation and Other Documentation discussed in this document are furnished under a license and may be used
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Intergraph is not responsible for the accuracy of delivered data including, but not limited to, catalog, reference and symbol data.
Users should verify for themselves that the data is accurate and suitable for their project work.
Limitation of Damages
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 41
Performance Tips .................................................................................................................................. 41
Import/Export Issues ............................................................................................................................. 42
Project Creation Estimates ................................................................................................................... 43
Mapping Tips .................................................................................................................................. 43
CPHvacNozzleCatRefMap ............................................................................................................. 62
EquipGlobalsMap ........................................................................................................................... 62
PartNumberValueMap .................................................................................................................... 63
PartNumberAdditionalAttributes ..................................................................................................... 64
DesParamAdditionalAttrMap .......................................................................................................... 65
CPShapeValueMap ........................................................................................................................ 66
CPShapeAdditionalAttributes ......................................................................................................... 66
CPNozzleAdditionalAttributes ........................................................................................................ 67
NozzDesParamAdditionalAttrMap .................................................................................................. 68
Hierarchy Translation Maps .................................................................................................................. 69
HierarchyClassMap ........................................................................................................................ 69
CPMSystemMap............................................................................................................................. 70
CPAreaSystemMap ........................................................................................................................ 70
CPConduitSystemMap ................................................................................................................... 71
CPDuctingSystemMap ................................................................................................................... 72
CPElectricalSystemMap ................................................................................................................. 73
CPMachinerySystemMap ............................................................................................................... 73
CPPipelineSystemMapEx .............................................................................................................. 74
CPPipingSystemMap...................................................................................................................... 75
CPStructuralSystemMap ................................................................................................................ 76
CPUnitSystemMap ......................................................................................................................... 77
HVAC Translation Maps ....................................................................................................................... 78
HVACClassMap .............................................................................................................................. 79
CPDuctingSystemAttrMap .............................................................................................................. 79
CPMSystemAttrMap ....................................................................................................................... 80
CPDuctRunAttrMap ........................................................................................................................ 80
DuctComponentAttrsMap ............................................................................................................... 81
DuctSupportAttrsMap ..................................................................................................................... 82
DesignSupportAttrsMap ................................................................................................................. 82
HVACGlobalsMap .......................................................................................................................... 83
HVACPartIdentifierMap .................................................................................................................. 84
HVACEndPreparationMap ............................................................................................................. 85
HVACComponentSPREFMap ........................................................................................................ 85
DuctRunSpecMap .......................................................................................................................... 86
HVACDesParamMap...................................................................................................................... 86
Piping Translation Maps ....................................................................................................................... 88
PipingClassMap .............................................................................................................................. 89
CPPipelineSystemMap ................................................................................................................... 89
CPMPipeRunMap ........................................................................................................................... 90
PipingGlobalsMap .......................................................................................................................... 91
PipeRunSpecMap ........................................................................................................................... 92
SP3DPartIdentifierMap ................................................................................................................... 92
CatalogComponentSPREFMap ..................................................................................................... 93
NPDSpecificSPREFMap ................................................................................................................ 93
CatalogSpecialtySPREFMap ......................................................................................................... 94
CatalogInstrumentSPREFMap ....................................................................................................... 94
OnFlySpecialtySPREFMap ............................................................................................................ 95
OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap .......................................................................................................... 95
PipeComponentAttrsMap ............................................................................................................... 96
PipeInstrumentAttrsMap ................................................................................................................. 97
PipeSpecialtyAttrsMap ................................................................................................................... 98
PipeSupportAttrsMap ..................................................................................................................... 98
EndConnectionMap ........................................................................................................................ 99
Documentation Set
Intergraph Smart 3D documentation is available as Adobe PDF files. The content is the same
as the online Help. To access these PDF documents, click Help > Printable Guides in the
The documentation set is divided into four categories:
Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, and
User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in each task.
Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have reference
ISOGEN guides.
Administrative Guides
Intergraph Smart 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring the
Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating
permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to the
model, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, and version upgrade.
Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software and the databases to
work in a workshare environment.
Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring, and using the
interference detection service.
Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing, configuring, and using
Smart 3D in an integrated environment.
Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how to interpret human
piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding piping specification in the
Export to PDMS - Provides information about how to export model data from Smart 3D to
PDMS. Specific guidelines relating to best practices and known limitations of the export
functionality are also included.
Point Cloud Reference - Provides information for referencing point cloud files provided by point
cloud vendors in Smart 3D.
Troubleshooting Reference Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that you might
encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and To Do List
Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to use PDS with Smart 3D.
Topics include referencing active PDS projects in Smart 3D, exporting PDS data and importing
that data into Smart 3D, and converting PDS reference data to Smart 3D reference data.
User's Guides
Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference data
and select lists (codelists).
Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, manipulating views,
and running reports.
Compartmentation User's Guide - Provides instruction for placing volume objects such as
compartments and zones in the model.
Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable
tray, and conduit.
Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment.
Geometry Analysis and Repair User's Guide - Provides instructions for importing and exporting
model data, checking the data against a defined set of requirements, and repairing the data.
Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation grid
planes, vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines.
Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, and
cableway supports in the model.
Hole Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing, reviewing, and approving
holes in a structure.
HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct.
Molded Forms User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing hull, bulkheads, major openings,
stiffeners, and other major structural components in the model.
Orthographic Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing
orthographic drawings.
Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing
piping isometric drawings.
Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe
Planning User's Guide - Provides instructions about defining the assembly hierarchy (production
bill of material) by creating blocks and assemblies and by specifying the assembly sequence.
Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing spreadsheet reports.
Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing space objects such as
areas, zones, interference volumes, and drawing volumes in the model.
Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, load
combinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data.
Structural Detailing User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating, detailing, and maintaining
the structural members of a model.
Structural Manufacturing User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating and maintaining
manufacturing objects such as templates, jigs, and margins.
Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members, such as beams,
columns, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails.
Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems and
selecting the available specifications for each system type.
Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometric
drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.
Documentation Comments
We welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at:
[email protected].
Documentation updates for supported software versions are available from eCustomer
Piping Objects:
HVAC Objects
Electrical Objects
Best Practices
During export, if the software encounters a name that does not meet one of these conventions, it
modifies the name before writing it to the datal file, resulting in mismatched object names
between the two models. As such, Intergraph recommends that you use the following naming
conventions when modeling in Smart 3D:
Create a unique name for each modeled object so that no duplicates exist.
Make sure object names contain no spaces.
Make sure object names do not exceed 50 characters.
The following limitations are known to exist when importing piping, equipment, HVAC, hangers
and supports, structure, and electrical model data to PDMS from Smart 3D:
When exporting a hierarchy, a recursive user-defined element type cannot be created in
PDMS. For example, if a piping system is created once, it can neither be its own parent or
child, but it can be a sibling.
Equipment Models:
If the catalog is not set up or if mapping is not provided for an object, the software breaks
the object into GTypes and objects in exports them as primitives. As such, the equipment
item may be difficult to modify after it is imported into PDMS.
Imported shapes are placed under a sub-equipment node, but they should be treated as
primitives because they are shapes in Smart 3D.
In the current release of the software, the catalog equipment component is transferred only
through GTypes. Mapping is not supported.
Piping Models:
Because there is no concept of on-the-fly specialty components and on-the-fly instruments
in PDMS, these Smart 3D piping objects must be created as explicit components in PDMS.
It is assumed that there is one on-the-fly specialty component or instrument for every
different end preparation, pressure rating, schedule thickness, and end standard.
Supports are exported only as logical supports and appear as attachments in the PDMS
piping isometric drawing output.
No bolt sets or washers from the model are transferred from Smart 3D to PDMS. These are
considered implied items and the catalog should be set up properly before the export
process is started. Bolt lengths, bolt diameters, and number of bolts should match the Smart
3D data.
Structure Models:
The software sets the PLine attribute for JLine and MLine on sections and joints to NA
(Neutral Axis) by default.
Cuts, features on members, and objects created during assembly connections are exported
as fittings. Negative geometries are created for cuts, and panels are created for additional
Export using catalog joints is not supported in the current release of the software.
The software breaks stair, ladder, handrail, footing, and equipment foundation objects into
GTypes and exports them as primitives under the STRUCTURE element.
Curved plate parts on both plate systems and built-up members are exported as smaller
triangular planes which make-up the total curved surface.
The hole fitting object on the planar plate part is exported as a panel fitting under the PANEL
element (planar plate part). Curved plate parts are exported as SUBSTRUCTURE, because
the PANEL element is not created for a curved plate part.
Openings, trim, corner, and end cut features on the profile part are not exported.
Twisted stiffeners are exported by breaking the profile part into primitives and exporting
them under the SUBSTRUCTURE element.
Hanger and Support Models:
If the catalog is not set up or if mapping is not provided for all hanger and support
Components present in Smart 3D, then the software breaks the object into GTypes and
exports them as primitives.
Because the export of hanger and support model data is dependent on structure model
data, the structure model data must be imported into PDMS before the hanger and support
model data.
HVAC Models:
Supports are exported only as logical supports and appear as attachments in the PDMS
isometric drawing output.
No bolt sets or washers from the model are transferred from Smart 3D to PDMS. These are
considered implied items and the catalog should be set up properly before the export
process is started. Bolt lengths, bolt diameters, and number of bolts should match the Smart
3D data.
Electrical Models:
If the catalog is not set up or if mapping is not provided for an object, the software breaks all
electrical objects into GTypes, and exports them as equipment objects for space reservation
purposes only. Consequently, an equipment item from PDMS can be difficult to modify after
it is imported.
Imported geometries are placed under a sub-equipment node. The behavior of the imported
data can be correlated to equipment designs of electrical objects.
Bolt sets in the PDMS catalog must match those in the Smart 3D catalog. Any difference
between these two sets of data adversely impacts how bolts are reported in the isometric
drawing output. Bolt and washer model data are not exported to PDMS and are treated as
implied items by the export process.
DeveloperLogging - Creates the end-user or detailed developer log file.
0 - Create end-user logging. This is the default value.
1 - Create developer logging.
Precision - Provides the precision for rounding position coordinates.
Value - Type the number of digits to round the position coordinates, ideally in range 0 to 6.
The default value is 3.
CreatePDMSLogFile - Generates an error log during import into PDMS.
0 - Suppress generation of an error log file.
1 - Generate an error log file. The log file is saved to the PDMS Error Log file path, which is
created in the %PDMSUSER% file path on the PDMS computer. This is the default value.
ExportOption - Determines which objects are written to a datal file.
ALL - Write all objects in the selected filter to the datal file. This is the default value.
MODIFIED - Write only the modified objects in the selected filter to the datal file.
CreateHierarchy - Controls the hierarchy information written to a datal file.
0 - Create a single site, defined as Smart 3D ProjectConfigRoot.
1 - Export the Smart 3D Hierarchy to Smart 3D ProjectConfigRoot, and export the ZONE in
PDMS as a child to Smart 3D ProjectConfigRoot. This is the default value.
CreateMultipleSites - Controls the creation of multiple sites in PDMS.
0 - Create a single site, defined as Smart 3D ProjectConfigRoot.
1 - Create multiple sites, with SITE in PDMS defined as the parent and its object defined as
ZONE from Smart 3D.
When CreateHierarchy is set to 1, CreateMultipleSites is ignored.
DumpUnitstoDatal - Writes the units to the datal file.
0 - Units are not dumped to the datal file. This is the default value.
1 - All values are written to the datal file per the units specified in the mapping file.
UseMappingToCreateShapes - Determines whether shapes are exported through mapping or
by breaking them into GTypes and creating the appropriate primitives in PDMS.
0 - Break shapes into GTypes and create appropriate primitives in PDMS. If any errors
occur, the software uses the mapping file as an alternative for creating corresponding
primitives. This is the default value.
1 - Export shapes using the mapping file. If any mapping is missing for any shape, the
software breaks the shape into GTypes and creates the appropriate primitives in PDMS.
UseMappingToCreateCatalogEquipment - Determines whether catalog equipment is exported
through mapping or by breaking them into GTypes and creating the appropriate primitives in
0 - Break catalog equipment into GTypes and create appropriate primitives in PDMS. If any
errors occur, the software uses the mapping file as an alternative for creating corresponding
equipment. This is the default value.
1 - Export catalog equipment using the mapping file. If any mapping is missing for any
catalog equipment, the software breaks the catalog equipment into GTypes and creates the
appropriate primitives in PDMS.
DumpNozzleUnderSubEquipment - Determines whether a sub-equipment node is created in
the PDMS hierarchy for placement of equipment nozzles.
0 - Suppress the creation of a sub-equipment node. All nozzles are placed under the
equipment node. This is the default value
1 - Create a sub-equipment node, and place all nozzles under it.
DumpShapeUnderSubEquipment - Determines whether a sub-equipment node is created in
the PDMS hierarchy for placement of shapes equipment.
0 - Suppress the creation of a sub-equipment node. All shapes are placed under the
equipment node. This is the default value.
1 - Create a sub-equipment node, and place all shapes under it.
IgnoreIndependentPlane - Controls how independent planes are handles during export.
Independent planes are usually caps on projections, extra planes in equipment foundation, and
so on. These planes do not affect the graphical output, but they do appear as additional objects
in the PDMS workspace.
0 - Process independent planes. This is the default value.
1 - Ignore processing of independent planes.
SurfaceQualityForBSplineSurface - Surface quality for BSplineSurface.
COARSE - Best performance with poor surface quality.
MEDIUM COARSE - Better performance with moderate surface quality. This is the default
MEDIUM FINE - Better performance with improved surface quality.
FINE - Poor performance with best surface quality.
ToleranceForPlanesHavingCurvedBoundaries - Controls how the software handles curved
boundaries during import. PDMS does not support planes with curved boundaries. During
export, these curved boundaries are approximated to small lines. By specifying the angle of arc,
you can approximate an arc to a line. The lesser the angle specified, the smoother the plane
boundary obtained in PDMS.
Value - Type a number (angle in degrees) in range 5-30. The default value is 5.
MergeSP3DRuns - Controls how branches are exported to PDMS.
0 - Create one branch in PDMS per Smart 3D pipe run.
1 - Merge Smart 3D pipe runs, and export as per PDMS's definition. This is the default
PipelineSpec - Controls what value is output in the datal file for the PSPE attribute on the
MAX_OCCURRENCES - Output the specification used by the maximum number of runs
under the pipeline. This is the default value.
FIRST_OCCURENCES - Output the specification used by the first run under the pipeline.
MAPPING - Output the specification using the mapping file (either ProgID or Label).
GenerateSeparateFileForPipingConnections - Controls if a separate file is written for piping
connections in the model. After all piping data is imported into PDMS, these connection files can
be collected and then run to create connections. This reduces the effort spent in the filter
creation stage so that lesser dependencies are created.
0 - Write connections in the same file as the output file.
1 - Write connections in a separate file as the output file. Names of the new files are
appended with "_PipingConnections." This is the default value.
TransferInsulationAsGTypes - Determines whether insulation on members is exported
through mapping or by breaking into GTypes and creating appropriate primitives in PDMS.
0 - Transfer insulation on members as mapped objects.
1 - Transfer insulation on members as GTypes. This is the default value.
SurfaceQualityForBSplineSurface - Surface quality for BSplineSurface.
COARSE - Best performance with poor surface quality.
MEDIUM COARSE - Better performance with moderate surface quality. This is the default
MEDIUM FINE - Better performance with improved surface quality.
FINE - Poor performance with best surface quality.
ToleranceForPlanesHavingCurvedBoundaries - Controls how the software handles curved
boundaries during import. PDMS does not support planes with curved boundaries. During
export, these curved boundaries are approximated to mall lines. By specifying the angle of arc,
you can approximate an arc to a line. The lesser the angle specified, the smoother the plane
boundary obtained in PDMS.
Value - Type a number (angle in degrees) in range 5-30. The default value is 5.
IgnoreIndependentPlane - Controls how independent planes are handled during export.
Independent planes are usually caps on projections, extra planes in equipment foundation, and
so on. These planes do not affect the graphical output, but they do appear as additional objects
in the PDMS workspace.
0 - Process independent planes. This is the default value.
1 - Ignore processing of independent planes.
SurfaceQualityForCurvedPlate - Surface quality for CurvedPlates.
COARSE - Best performance with poor surface quality.
MEDIUM_COARSE - Better performance with moderate surface quality. This is the default
MEDIUM_FINE - Better performance with improved surface quality.
FINE - Poor performance with best surface quality.
ExportTwistedStiffeners - Export the twisted stiffener parts in the Smart 3D models as
0 - Do not export twisted stiffener parts.
1 - Export twisted stiffener parts as GTypes. This is the default value.
ToleranceForMemberCutGeometry - Provides a balance between performance and the quality
of the imported model. When cut geometry is encountered during export, the software breaks
the surfaces into small planes, which are used to create a negative solid polyhedron. The more
planes that are created, the smoother the surface, which can adversely impact the amount of
time required to import the model into PDMS. You can adjust the value as necessary to
compromise between performance and smoothness.
Value - Type a number in range 5 to 70. The default value is 5.
UseMappingToCreateSupports - Determines whether supports need to be exported through
mapping or through breaking up into GTypes and creating appropriate primitives in PDMS.
0 - Transfer supports through GTypes. This is the default value.
1 - Transfer supports through mapping.
SurfaceQualityForBSplineSurface - Surface quality for BSplineSurface.
COARSE - Best performance with poor surface quality.
MEDIUM COARSE - Better performance with moderate surface quality. This is the default
MEDIUM FINE - Better performance with improved surface quality.
FINE - Poor performance with best surface quality.
MergeSP3DDuctRuns - Controls how branches are exported to PDMS.
0 - Create one branch in PDMS per Smart 3D duct run.
1 - Merge Smart 3D duct runs, and export as per PDMS's definition. This is the default
HVACSpec- Controls what value is output in the data file for the PSPE attribute on the HVAC.
MAX_OCCURRENCES - Output the specification used by the maximum number of runs
under the DuctingSystem/GenericSystem. This is the default value.
FIRST_OCCURRENCE - Output the specification used by the first run under the
MAPPING - Output the specification using the mapping file (either ProgID or Label).
GenerateSeparateFileForHVACConnections - Controls whether to write connection
information in the same data file where model data is written or in a separate file.
0 - Write HVAC connection information in the same data file where model data is written.
1 - Write HVAC connection information in a separate data file. This is the default value.
TransferAsGTypes - Determines whether electrical cable trays and conduit runs are transferred
using mapping or as GTypes.
0 - Transfer using mapping.
1 - Transfer as GTypes. EQUIPMENT is created for the run, and the parts are dumped as
SUBEQUIPMENT. This is the default value.
DumpRangeBox - Determines which object information is dumped.
0 - Dump the true geometry of the object.
1 - Dump the range box data of the object. This is the default value.
GenerateSeparateFileForElectricalConnections - Controls if a separate file is written for
electrical connections in the model. After all electrical data is imported into PDMS, these
connection files can be collected and then run to create connections. This reduces the effort
spent in the filter creation stage so that fewer dependencies are created.
0 - Write connections in the same file as the output file.
1 - Write connections in a separate file as the output file. Names of the new files are
appended with "_ElectricalConnections." This is the default value.
ElectricalSpec- Controls what value is output in the data file for the PSPE attribute on Electrical
MAX_OCCURRENCES - Output the specification used by the maximum number of runs
under the DuctingSystem. This is the default value.
FIRST_OCCURRENCE - Output the specification used by the first run under the
MAPPING - Output the specification using the mapping file (either ProgID or Label).
IgnoreIndependentPlane - Controls how independent planes are handles during export.
Independent planes are usually caps on projections, extra planes in equipment foundation, and
so on. These planes do not affect the graphical output, but they do appear as additional objects
in the PDMS workspace.
0 - Process independent planes. This is the default value.
1 - Ignore processing of independent planes.
SurfaceQualityForBSplineSurface - Surface quality for BSplineSurface.
COARSE - Best performance with poor surface quality.
MEDIUM COARSE - Better performance with moderate surface quality. This is the default
MEDIUM FINE - Better performance with improved surface quality.
FINE - Poor performance with best surface quality.
ToleranceForPlanesHavingCurvedBoundaries - Controls how the software handles curved
boundaries during import. PDMS does not support planes with curved boundaries. During
export, these curved boundaries are approximated to small lines. By specifying the angle of arc,
you can approximate an arc to a line. The lesser the angle specified, the smoother the plane
boundary obtained in PDMS.
Value - Type a number (angle in degrees) in range 5-30. The default value is 5.
By default, the validation tool updates the mapping file located in [Product
Folder]\3DRefData\SharedContent\Data\Translators\S3DPDMSExport. To specify a
mapping file in a different location, select Specify alternative location and then type the full
path location and file name of the appropriate file in the Datal/Mapping file to validate box.
If the mapping file is read-only, the software creates a copy of the mapping file with the
name <Mapping file name>_COPY.xls and saves it in the same location as the original
mapping file. The software updates the copy of the mapping file with the missing mapping
Log file details - Specify the full path location and file name of the log file to be created.
Alternatively, you can click Browse and navigate to the necessary location and file.
Validate - Runs the PDMS Export Validation command based on the criteria that you have
Cancel - Closes the dialog box.
Export Model
The File > Export > PDMS Datal Export > Export Model command exports model data from
Smart 3D for subsequent import into PDMS. The process involves transferring Smart 3D objects
and their attribute values to PDMS's native datal file format. For information about the types of
Smart 3D model data that you can export to PDMS, see Exporting Model Data to PDMS (on
page 13).
Prior to using the PDMS export functionality, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Ensure that the Smart 3D and PDMS catalogs are set up properly. For more information,
see Set up the PDMS and Smart 3D Catalogs (on page 20).
2. Edit the options in the delivered initialization file to define the parameters used in the export
process. For more information about the initialization file, see Configure the PDMS Export
Initialization File (on page 23).
3. Edit the mapping workbooks to reflect the customizations that you have made to the Smart
3D model object attributes. For more information about the mapping worksheets, see
Appendix: Export to PDMS Workbook (on page 45).
4. Ensure that the mapping and INI (PDMSExportTranslator.ini) files are in the same file path
before exporting model data to PDMS.
5. Use the PDMS Export Validation command to validate the mapping details that you have
defined. For more information, see PDMS Export Validation (on page 31).
Before loading the specification files ensure that the materials and detailed text files exist in
PDMS catalog.
PDMS administrators need to make arrangements to load the component/dimensional data
into PDMS catalog.
You cannot use loaded specification files from PDMS unless all of the
component/dimensional data along with the point sets and geometry sets are generated for
the specification. Also, ensure that the SCOMs are created in PDMS before the Component
Catref link file is run.
SmartPlant Reference Data integration does not transfer instruments and specialties in SDB
to PDMS. You need to manually transfer and create appropriate mapping between
instruments and specialties.
Mapping information can be extracted for each component per specification with
corresponding Idents and size independent Smart 3D commodity codes along with its Idents
that can be used in PDMS.
Remove */ from the PDMS value when appending the mapping information to the
S3DPDMSExportmapping.xls workbook.
You must create the filter before you can export the model objects.
The mapping file is an Excel workbook that is used to map all the objects and their
properties in Smart 3D and PDMS. This workbook is delivered to the [Product
Folder]\3DRefData\SharedContent\Translators\S3DPDMSExport folder during setup.
If you want the software to create a separate data file for each discipline, you must select
Separate file for each discipline.
To export the profile parts, the plate parts that connect to the profile parts must be selected
in the filter.
The following topics list solutions to common problems that you may have when exporting model
data to PDMS. Tips for improving performance are also provided.
Performance Tips
Export/Import performance and file size -The following table provides a summary of data
transfer performance for a sample model:
Recommended file size for PDMS import - The following table summarizes the time taken
to import two sample datasets of equipment, piping, and structure model data into PDMS.
The filter Smart 3D size can be chosen accordingly.
These are only guidelines, which can be modified and refined with real projects.
Equipment imported using SAT and DGN files in Smart 3D is slow - PDMS does not
support complex curved surfaces; consequently, b-spline surfaces stored in the Smart 3D
databases are broken into smaller polyhedrons, which adversely impacts export and import
Import/Export Issues
Hierarchy exported from Smart 3D to PDMS - PDMS has a fixed hierarchy for model
objects across the various disciplines, whereas Smart 3D can have a deep hierarchy of
systems in place prior to the creation of model objects. Currently, the parent of equipment,
pipeline systems, and structural objects are created as a zone object, and the parent of a
duct run is created as an HVAC object in PDMS hierarchy. In the current release of the
software, you can control how the hierarchy is created based on the option CreateHierarchy
in the PDMSExportTranslator.ini file.
Names of objects in Smart 3D and PDMS do not match - Typically caused by object
names being duplicated during Smart 3D modeling. During export, the unique name
generator mechanism creates new unique names for objects whose names are duplicated.
For more information about recommended naming conventions, see "Best Practices" in
Exporting Model Data to PDMS (on page 13).
The way pipes and ducts are split into branches is inconsistent with the way that they
would be modeled in PDMS - Smart 3D provides two options:
A break at the pipe/duct run level can cause this problem. Check the pipe/duct run for
Merge all pipeline/duct components between two free ends, two nozzles, one free end
and one nozzle, one branch and one free end, and so on to construct the branch in
PDMS. This is controlled using the default setting of the
MergesSP3DRuns/MergeSP3DDuctRuns option in the PDMSExportTranslator.ini file.
When this option is used, the run names in Smart 3D and the branch names in PDMS
can change and be reflected differently in the isometric drawing output.
Specifications are from PDMS and not from Smart 3D - The piping and HVAC data is
being transferred using mapping to the equivalent specification present in PDMS. To resolve
this issue, create the needed specifications in Smart 3D, provide the necessary mapping,
and then perform the transfer.
Update of objects - Updating objects that have been exported to PDMS is supported in the
current release of the software based on ExportOption in the PDMSExportTranslator.ini file.
Incremental transfer of the model - The same model can be broken into multiple
filters/sizes and exported incrementally. If the objects already exist in PDMS, they can be
overwritten or skipped based on ExportOption in the PDMSExportTranslator.ini file.
Label size in Smart 3D - While defining labels on Smart 3D objects, make sure the length
is less than 50 characters. PDMS errors if a label longer than 50 characters is mapped to
any user-defined attribute in PDMS.
Mapping Tips
Labels in Smart 3D can be used to map direct objects or properties of related objects, such as
traverse relationships, during export in the mapping file.
The steps below illustrate how to export the equipment part number that is present on the
related catalog part to the PDMS datal file.
1. In the Smart 3D Catalog task, create a label that gives the part number of the placed
For more information about creating labels, see Label Editor Command in the
Catalog User's Guide. You can access this document using the Help > Printable Guides
command in the software.
2. Open the CPSmartEquipmentMap equipment translation mapping file.
The CPSmartEquipmentMap mapping file is located in the
S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook. By default, this workbook is delivered in the
[Product Folder]\3DRefData\SharedContent\Data\Translators\S3DPDMSExport folder during
3. Map the SP3D Attribute to the corresponding PDMS Attribute.
4. Type TRUE in the Label column. An example is shown below.
The ElectricalClassMap sheet displays the electrical class mapping between Smart 3D and
PDMS. The electrical classes that are displayed on this sheet are the only ones that are
currently supported for export to PDMS.
Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D electrical class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS electrical class to which the SP3D Class Value Name
is mapped.
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExport.xls workbook that maps
Smart 3D electrical class properties to PDMS.
The CPElectricalSystemAttrMap sheet maps electrical system attributes between Smart 3D
and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Defines the Smart 3D electrical system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Defines the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPCablewayAttrMap sheet maps cable way attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Defines the Smart 3D cable way attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Defines the name of the PDMS attribute to which to map the SP3D Attribute
value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPRteCableTrayComponentAttrMap sheet maps electrical component attributes between
Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Defines the Smart 3D electrical component attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Defines the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The ElectricalSupportAttrsMap sheet maps electrical support attributes between Smart 3D
and PDMS.
SP3D Value - Defines the name of the Smart 3D electrical support to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Defines the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
The ElectricalGlobalsMap sheet displays mapping between Smart 3D PartIdentifier,
CatalogComponentUniqueCode, Spec, and PartNumber properties and PDMS. The first
three properties cross-reference their respective value mapping sheets, and the last property
cross-references its additional attribute sheet.
The values contained on this sheet define the global settings for Electrical model
export and should not be modified.
SP3D Attribute - Defines the name of the Smart 3D attribute to map.
PDMS Attribute - Defines the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The ElectricalRunSpecMap sheet maps electrical specification names between Smart 3D and
SP3D Value - Defines the name of the Smart 3D electrical specification to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Defines the name of the PDMS specification to which the SP3D Value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The ElectricalPartIdentifierMap sheet maps attributes between Smart 3D part identifiers and
PDMS GTypes.
SP3D Attribute - Defines the Smart 3D part identifier to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Defines the name of the PDMS GType to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The ElectricalComponentSPREFMap sheet defines mapping between Smart 3D part numbers
of electrical components and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value – Defines the part number or a concatenated string for the tray, tray bend, or
gasket that includes the specification name and electrical component type.
PDMS Value - Defines the value for the SPREF attribute to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The EquipmentClassMap sheet displays the equipment class mapping between Smart 3D and
PDMS. The equipment classes that are displayed on this sheet are the only ones that are
currently supported for export to PDMS.
Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D equipment class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS equipment class to which the Smart 3D Class Name
value is mapped.
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExport.xls workbook that maps
the Smart 3D equipment class properties to PDMS.
The CPSmartEquipmentMap sheet maps equipment attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D equipment property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPEquipmentComptMap sheet maps equipment component attributes between Smart 3D
and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D equipment component property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The CPShapeMap sheet contains the attribute mapping between the Smart 3D shape and
equivalent PDMS primitive.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D shape property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
The CPPipeNozzleMap sheet maps pipe elbow nozzle attributes between Smart 3D and
PDMS. Fixed attributes Elbow Pipe Nozzle and Straight Pipe Nozzle have ValueDef maps
that are the concatenated values of NPD, end preparation, and pressure rating of the piping
straight nozzle and piping elbow nozzle respectively, which cross-references the
CPElbowNozzleCAtRefMap and CPStraightNozzleCAtRefMap sheets respectively
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D pipe property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPHVACNozzleMap sheet maps HVAC nozzle attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
Fixed attributes Rectangular, Flat Oval, and Round Nozzle have ValueDef maps that are the
concatenated values of Width, Cross-section and EndPreparation of the HVAC nozzle, which
cross-references the CPHvacNozzleCatRefMap sheet.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D HVAC nozzle property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPConduitNozzleMap sheet maps conduit nozzle attributes between Smart 3D and
PDMS. Fixed attribute StraightNozzle has ValueDef maps that are concatenated values of
NCD and EndPreparation of the conduit nozzle, which cross-references the
CPStraightConduitNozzCatRefMap sheet.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D conduit nozzle property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPCableTrayNozzleMap sheet maps cable tray nozzle attributes between Smart 3D and
PDMS. Fixed attribute Rectangular nozzle has a ValueDef map that is the concatenated values
of Nominal Width and Nominal Depth of the cable tray nozzle, which cross-references the
CPCableTrayNozzleCatRefMap sheet.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D cable tray nozzle property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPStraightNozzleCatRefMap sheet contains concatenated values for Smart 3D NPD,
EndPreparation and PressureRating properties. These values are mapped to their
corresponding nozzle CATRef values in PDMS.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D parameter to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type CATRef.
Attribute Value - Type the PDMS CATRef attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The CPElbowNozzleCatRefMap sheet contains concatenated values for Smart 3D NPD,
EndPreparation and PressureRating properties. These values are mapped to their
corresponding nozzle CATRef values in PDMS.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D parameter to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type CATRef.
Attribute Value - Type the PDMS CATRef attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The CPHvacNozzleCatRefMap sheet contains concatenated values for Smart 3D Width,
Cross-section and EndPreparation of the HVAC nozzle. These values are mapped to their
corresponding nozzle CATRef values in PDMS.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D concatenated values to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS CatRef attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The EquipGlobalsMap sheet displays mapping between Smart 3D PartNumber, PartClass
and NozzleType properties and PDMS. The first two properties cross-reference their respective
value mapping sheets, and the last property cross-references its additional attribute sheet.
The values contained on this sheet define the global settings for equipment model
export and should not be modified.
SP3D Attribute - Displays the name of the Smart 3D attribute to map.
PDMS Attribute - Displays the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value
is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The PartNumberValueMap sheet maps Smart 3D part numbers to PDMS. A cross-reference to
the corresponding additional attributes sheet is also provided.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D part number to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS part number to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The PartNumberAdditionalAttributes sheet maps additional attributes for PDMSA part
numbers. Each additional attribute cross-references to its additional attribute sheet containing
design parameters.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS part number to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the PDMS attribute to which the PDMS Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The DesParamAdditionalAttriMap sheet maps additional attributes for PDMS part numbers.
Each additional attribute cross-references to its additional attribute sheet containing design
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS part number to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the PDMS attribute to which the PDMS Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPShapeValueMap sheet maps the shape part class to the corresponding PDMS primitive.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D shape part class to map.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS primitive name to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The CPShapeAdditionalAttributes sheet maps additional attributes for PDMS primitives. The
part class of the shape is mapped to the corresponding name of the primitive in the
CPShapeValueMap sheet.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS primitive type.
Attribute Name - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the PDMS Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required value for the attribute.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The CPNozzleAdditionalAttributes sheet maps Smart 3D nozzle parameters to PDMS
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D nozzle parameter to map.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The NozzDesParamAdditionalAttrMap sheet maps additional design parameters for PDMS
HVAC nozzles. Each design parameters is mapped to its value in Smart 3D.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D nozzle to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The HierarchyClassMap sheet displays the hierarchy class mapping between Smart 3D and
PDMS. The hierarchy classes that are displayed on this sheet are the only ones that are
currently supported for export to PDMS.
Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D hierarchy class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS hierarchy class to which the SP3D Class Name is
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExport.xls workbook that maps
Smart 3D hierarchy class properties to PDMS.
The CPMSystemMap sheet maps system attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPAreaSystemMap sheet maps area system attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D area system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPConduitSystemMap sheet maps conduit system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D conduit system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
The CPDuctingSystemMap sheet maps ducting system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D ducting system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPElectricalSystemMap sheet maps electrical system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D electrical system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPMachinerySystemMap sheet maps machinery system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D machinery system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The CPPipelineSystemMapEx sheet maps pipeline system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipeline system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
The CPPipingSystemMap sheet maps piping system attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D piping system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPStructuralSystemMap sheet maps structural system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D structural system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPUnitSystemMap sheet maps unit system attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D unit system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The HVACClassMap sheet defines the HVAC class mapping between Smart 3D and PDMS.
The HVAC classes that are displayed on the HVACClassMap sheet are the only ones that are
currently supported for export to PDMS. Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D piping class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS piping class to which the Smart 3D Class Value
Name is mapped.
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that maps Smart 3D HVAC class attributes to PDMS.
The CPDuctingSystemAttrMap sheet maps ducting system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D ducting system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPMSystemAttrMap sheet maps Generic system attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D Generic system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPDuctRunAttrMap sheet maps duct run attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D duct run attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The DuctComponentAttrsMap sheet maps duct component attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D duct component attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The DuctSupportAttrsMap sheet maps duct support attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D duct support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The DuctComponentAttrsMap sheet maps design support attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D design support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The HVACGlobalsMap sheet displays mapping between Smart 3D SP3DPartIdentifier,
SP3DEndConnection, SP3DCatalogComponentUniqueCode, Spec, and SP3DPartNumber
properties and PDMS. The first four properties cross-reference their respective value mapping
sheets, and the last property cross-references its additional attribute sheet.
The values contained on this sheet define the global settings for HVAC model export and should
not be modified.
SP3D Attribute - Displays the name of the Smart 3D attribute to map.
PDMS Attribute - Displays the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value
is mapped.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
See Also
HVACPartIdentifierMap (on page 84)
HVACEndPreparationMap (on page 84)
HVACComponentSPREFMap (on page 85)
DuctRunSpecMap (on page 86)
HVACDesParamMap (on page 86)
The HVACPartIdentifierMap sheet maps attributes between Smart 3D part identifiers and
PDMS GTypes.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D part identifier to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS GType to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The HVACEndPreparationMap sheet maps end preparation values between Smart 3D and
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D end preparation value to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS end preparation value to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The HVACComponentSPREFMap sheet defines mapping between Smart 3D part numbers of
HVAC components and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value – For ducts, duct bends, supports, and gaskets, this value can be a part number or
a concatenated string that includes the specification name, HVAC component type (ducting/duct
bend/duct support/gasket), cross section type (round/rectangular/oval/flat oval/UShape), width,
and depth, separated by a dash "-". For example, you can type Lindab
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The DuctRunSpecMap sheet maps HVAC specification names between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Value - Type the name of the Smart 3D HVAC specification to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the name of the PDMS specification to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The HVACDesParamMap sheet maps additional attributes for Smart 3D part numbers.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D part number to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the PDMS attributes that are created as additional attributes for SP3D
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap - Defines the mapping between the unique string created for
Smart 3D on-the-fly instruments and the PDMS SPREF attribute. For more information, see
OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap (on page 95).
PipeComponentAttrsMap - Defines the attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe components. For
more information, see PipeComponentAttrsMap (on page 96).
PipeInstrumentAttrsMap - Defines the attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe instruments (both
catalog and on-the-fly). For more information, see PipeInstrumentAttrsMap (on page 97).
PipeSpecialtyAttrsMap - Defines the attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe specialties (both
catalog and on-the-fly). For more information, see PipeSpecialtyAttrsMap (on page 97).
PipeSupportAttrsMap - Defines the attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe supports. For more
information, see PipeSupportAttrsMap (on page 98).
EndConnectionMap - Maps end preparation values between Smart 3D and PDMS. For more
information, see EndConnectionMap (on page 99).
The PipingClassMap sheet defines the piping class mapping between Smart 3D and PDMS.
The piping classes that are displayed on the PipingClassMap sheet are the only ones that are
currently supported for export to PDMS.
Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D piping class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS piping class to which the Smart 3D Class Value
Name is mapped.
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExport.xls workbook that maps
Smart 3D piping class properties to PDMS.
The CPPipelineSystemMap sheet maps pipeline system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipeline system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CPMPipeRunMap sheet maps pipe run attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipe run attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which to map the SP3D Attribute
value is mapped.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The PipingGlobalsMap sheet displays mapping between Smart 3D SP3DPartIdentifier,
SP3DEndConnection, SP3DCatalogComponentUniqueCode,
SP3DCatalogSpecialtyUniqueCode, SP3DCatalogInstrumentUniqueCode,
SP3DOnFlyInstrumentUniqueCode, SP3DNPDSpecificSPREFMap properties and PDMS.
The first six properties cross-reference their respective value mapping sheets, and the last
property cross-references its additional attribute sheet.
The values contained on this sheet define the global settings for piping model
export and should not be modified.
SP3D Attribute - Displays the name of the Smart 3D attribute to map.
PDMS Attribute - Displays the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value
is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
See Also
SP3DPartIdentifierMap (on page 92)
EndConnectionMap (on page 99)
CatalogComponentSPREFMap (on page 93)
CatalogSpecialtySPREFMap (on page 94)
CatalogInstrumentSPREFMap (on page 94)
OnFlySpecialtySPREFMap (on page 95)
OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap (on page 95)
The PipeRunSpecMap sheet maps piping specification names between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Value - Type the name of the Smart 3D piping specification to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the name of the PDMS specification to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The SP3DPartIdentifierMap sheet maps attributes between Smart 3D part identifiers and
PDMS GTypes.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D part identifier to be mapped.
PDMS Gtype - Type the name of the PDMS GType to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The CatalogComponentSPREFMap sheet defines mapping between the unique string created
for Smart 3D piping components and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D unique string to be mapped. The string is created by
appending the Smart 3D specification name, component short code, and option code. Separate
each entry with a dash ( - ). For example, you can type 1C0031-Piping-1 or
2C0032-Concentric Reducer-1.
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which SP3D Value is mapped. The
PDMS Value may also contain the Spec name prefixed to the SPREF attribute.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The NPDSpecificSPREFMap sheet defines mapping between the unique string created for
Smart 3D piping components and the PDMS SPREF attribute. This sheet is used if the SPREF
of a component changes with a given NPD.
If no values are defined on this sheet, the software uses the values defined on the
CatalogComponentSPREFMap sheet.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D unique string to be mapped. The string is created by
appending the Smart 3D specification name, component short code, option code, and NPD of
each port. Separate each entry with a dash ( - ). For example, you can type
1C0031-Piping-1-20-20 or 1C0031-Flange-211-125-125.
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The CatalogSpecialtySPREFMap sheet defines the mapping between the unique string
created for Smart 3D catalog specialty components and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D unique string to be mapped. The string is created by
appending the Smart 3D tag number or generic tag number and NPD of each port. Separate
each entry with a dash ( - ). For example, you can type ST-1001-15-15.
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The CatalogInstrumentSPREFMap sheet defines the mapping between the unique string
created for Smart 3D catalog instrument components and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D unique string to be mapped. The string is created by
appending the Smart 3D tag number or generic tag number and NPD of each port. Separate
each entry with a dash ( - ). For example, you can type BV-1001-15-15.
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The OnFlySpecialtySPREFMap sheet defines the mapping between the unique string created
for Smart 3D on-the-fly specialty components and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D unique string to be mapped. The string is created by
appending the Smart 3D part number along with the end preparation, pressure rating, schedule
thickness, and end standard of the specialty component ports. Separate each entry with a dash
( - ). For example, you can type CS3WayBallCVal-21-35-1-5-21-35-1-5.
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap sheet defines the mapping between the unique string
created for Smart 3D on-the-fly instruments and the PDMS SPREF attribute.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D unique string to be mapped. The string is created by
appending the Smart 3D part number along with the end preparation, pressure rating, schedule
thickness, and end standard of the instrument ports. Separate each entry with a dash ( - ). For
example, you can type ISSDS4-21-35-1-5-21-35-1-5.
PDMS Value - Type the value for the SPREF attribute to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The PipeComponentsAttrsMap sheet defines attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipe component attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of PDMS pipe component attribute to which the SP3D
Attribute value is mapped.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The PipeInstrumentAttrsMap sheet defines attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe instruments
(both Catalog and on-the-fly).
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipe instrument attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The PipeSpecialtyAttrsMap sheet defines attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe specialties
(both Catalog and on-the-fly).
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipe specialty component attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The PipeSupportAttrsMap sheet defines attribute mapping for Smart 3D pipe supports.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipe support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The EndConnectionMap sheet maps end connection values between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Value - Type the Smart 3D end connection value to be mapped. This value can be a
combined string of End Connection and Pressure Rating, or any other property.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS end preparation value to which the SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The StructureClassMap sheet defines the structure class mapping between Smart 3D and
PDMS. The structure classes that are displayed on this sheet are the only ones that are
currently supported for export to PDMS.
Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
Source Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D structure class to be mapped.
Target Class Name - Displays the PDMS structure class to which the Source Class Name
value is mapped.
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExport.xls workbook that maps
Smart 3D structure class properties to PDMS.
The CoordinateSystemMap sheet maps coordinate system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D coordinate system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The ElevationPlaneMap sheet maps elevation plane attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D elevation plane attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The GridLineMap sheet maps grid line attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D grid line attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LinearMemberPartAttrsMap maps linear member part attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D linear member part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CurvedrMemberPartAttrsMap sheet maps curved member part attributes between Smart
3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D curved member part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The InsulationAttrsMap sheet maps insulation attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
Value - Type the Smart 3D insulation parameter to map.
Attribute Name - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The SlabAttrsMap sheet maps slab attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D slab attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The StairAttrsMap sheet maps stair attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D stair attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LadderAttrsMap sheet maps ladder attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D ladder attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The HandRailAttrsMap sheet maps handrail attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D handrail attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The FootingAttrsMap sheet maps footing attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D footing attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The EquipmentFoundationAttrsMap sheet maps equipment foundation attributes between
Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D equipment foundation attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LeafPlateSystemAttrsMap sheet maps leaf plate system attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D leaf plate system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The PlanarPlatePartAttrsMap sheet maps planar plate part attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D planar plate part system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CurvedPlatePartAttrsMap sheet maps curved plate part attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D curved plate part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The LeafStiffenerSystemAttrsMap sheet maps leaf stiffener system attributes between Smart
3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D leaf stiffener system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LeafStiffenerPartAttrsMap sheet maps linear stiffener part attributes between Smart 3D
and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D linear stiffener part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CurvedStiffenerPartAttrsMap sheet maps curved stiffener part attributes between Smart
3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D curved stiffener part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LeafERSystemPartAttrsMap sheet maps leaf reinforcement system part attributes
between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D leaf edge reinforcement system part attribute
to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The LinearERProfilePartAttrsMap sheet maps linear edge reinforcement profile part attributes
between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D linear edge reinforcement profile part attribute
to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CurvedERProfilePartAttrsMap sheet maps curved edge reinforcement profile part
attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D curved edge reinforcement profile part
attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LeafBeamSystemAttrsMap sheet maps leaf beam system attributes between Smart 3D
and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D leaf beam system attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The BeamPartAttrsMap sheet maps beam part attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D beam part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The LinearSAStiffenerPartAttrsMap sheet maps linear SA stiffener part attributes between
Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D linear SA stiffener part attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CurvedSAStiffenerPartAttrsMap sheet maps curved SA stiffener part attributes between
Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the name of the Smart 3D curved SA stiffener part attribute to be
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The HoleFittingAttrsMap sheet maps hole fitting object attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D hole fitting attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute is
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The StructureGlobalsMap sheet defines value mapping between Smart 3D Insulation,
InsulationSpecRef, SP3DMaterial, SmartItemMaterial, CrossSection, and PartNumber
attributes and PDMS.
The values contained on this sheet define the global settings for structure model
export and should not be modified.
SP3D Attribute - Displays the name of the Smart 3D attribute to map.
PDMS Attribute - Displays the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value
is mapped.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Label – Specify whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or
FALSE/NO. Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
See Also
InsulationAttrMap (on page 122)
InsulationSpecAttrMap (on page 123)
StructureMatSpecMap (on page 124)
StructClassAdditionalAttributes (on page 126)
StructPartNumbersMap (on page 125)
The InsulationAttrMap sheet defines insulation encasement type design parameters for each
cross-section type.
Value - Type the Smart 3D insulation encasement type design parameter to be mapped.
Attribute Name - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the PDMS attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The InsulationSpecAttrMap sheet defines insulation encasement type SpecRef attributes for
each cross-section type.
Value - Type the Smart 3D insulation encasement type design parameter to be mapped.
Attribute Name - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the PDMS attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The StructureMatSpecMap sheet defines the value mapping of the MatRef attribute for each
Smart 3D material type.
SP3D Value - Type the value of the Smart 3D MatRef attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the value of the PDMS attribute to which SP3D Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
Then SmartItemMaterialMap sheet defines mapping between Smart 3D footing and equipment
foundation objects and their assemblies and PDMS MatRef attributes.
Value - Type the Smart 3D footing, equipment foundation, or assembly object to be mapped.
Attribute Name - Type the appropriate PDMS MatRef attribute to which Value is mapped.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The StructPartNumbersMap sheet maps Smart 3D structural object part numbers to the
appropriate PDMS MatRef attribute.
Value - Type the Smart 3D structural object part number to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the PDMS MatRef attribute value.
Attribute Value - Type the required MatRef attribute value.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
The StructClassAdditionalAttributes sheet maps additional attributes between Smart 3D
cross-sections and PDMS.
Value - Type the Smart 3D cross-section attribute to be mapped.
Attribute Name - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which Value is mapped. The
attributes GType, spre, and PLine are required.
Attribute Value - Type the required values for each of the PDMS attributes.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute called NPD in the source system and one called NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute. You must define a SheetName
for the spre and PLine attributes.
GType is a direct map; thus, no additional mapping information is necessary.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter =
2 * Radius.
Ignore - Specify whether the item should be ignored during export.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
Cross-Section Maps
The sheets listed in the following table define value mapping between the Smart 3D
cross-section name and the PDMS cross-section SpecRef attribute for that specific
cross-section type.
Each sheet name is identified by a unique string constructed by appending the
cross-section standard with the cross-section type separated by a dash ( - ).
SP3D Value - Type the name of the Smart 3D cross-section to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the PDMS cross-section SpecRef attribute to which SP3D Value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Remarks - Provides additional comments from Intergraph on default delivered mapping.
The SupportsClassMap sheet defines the Support class mapping between Smart 3D and
PDMS. The Support classes that are displayed on the SupportsClassMap sheet are the only
ones that are currently supported for export to PDMS. Do not modify any of the values on this
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D Support class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS Support class to which the Smart 3D Class Value
Name is mapped.
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that maps Smart 3D Support class attributes to PDMS.
The CHgrPipeSupport sheet maps pipe support attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D pipe support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CHgrDuctSupport sheet maps duct support attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D duct support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CHgrCableTraySupport sheet maps cable tray support attributes between Smart 3D and
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D cable tray support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CHgrDesignSupport sheet maps design support attributes between Smart 3D and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D design support attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The CHgrSupportComponent sheet maps support component attributes between Smart 3D
and PDMS.
SP3D Attribute - Type the Smart 3D support component attribute to be mapped.
PDMS Attribute - Type the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The HgrSupportGlobals sheet displays mapping between Smart 3D SP3DPartNumber,
SP3DPartNumber_GTYPE, SP3DPartNumber_UA, and PDMS elements. The first two
properties cross-reference to their respective value mapping sheets and the third property in this
sheet cross-references to its respective attribute mapping sheet. The values contained on this
sheet define the global settings for Hangers and Supports model export and should not be
SP3D Attribute - Displays the name of the Smart 3D property to map.
PDMS Attribute - Displays the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value
is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
See Also
SupportPartNumber (on page 135)
SupportGTYPE (on page 136)
SupportUserAttributes (on page 137)
The SupportPartNumber sheet maps part numbers of support components to the PDMS
SpecRef attribute of PDMS HANGER elements.
SP3D Value - Type the part number of the Smart 3D support component to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the SpecRef attribute of the PDMS HANGER element to which SP3D
Value is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The SupportGTYPE sheet maps part numbers of support components to the GTYPE of PDMS
HANGER elements.
SP3D Value - Type the part number of the Smart 3D support component to be mapped.
PDMS Value - Type the GTYPE of the PDMS HANGER element to which SP3D Value is
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
The SupportUserAttributes sheet maps additional properties for Smart 3D support component
part numbers.
Value - Type the Smart 3D support component part number to be mapped.
Attribute Name - Type the PDMS attribute which is created as an additional attribute for Value.
Attribute Value - Type the required attribute value.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
PatternDef - Used to create a new value of an attribute that is based on a specific pattern.
A value can be any valid regular expression.
CharacterDef - Used to split the value of an attribute using a delimiter or character position
and string length to generate new attributes.
SheetName – Defines the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook
that contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to mapped, if one is
needed. For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to
the destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the
other. Instead the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter
= 2 * Radius.
Value - Specifies the value of the PDMS attribute.
Label – Specifies whether the Smart 3D attribute is a label. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase. For more information, see Mapping Tips (on page
Ignore - Specifies whether the item is ignored during export. Type TRUE/YES or FALSE/NO.
Entries can be in lowercase or uppercase.
The UnitsClassMap sheet defines the system of units mapping between Smart 3D and PDMS.
The unit systems that are displayed on this sheet are the only ones that are currently supported
for export to PDMS.
Do not modify any of the values on this sheet.
SP3D Class Name - Displays the Smart 3D units class to be mapped.
PDMS Class Name - Displays the PDMS units class to which the SP3D Class Name value is
Attributes Sheet - Displays the sheet name in the S3DPDMSExport.xls workbook that maps
Smart 3D units class properties to PDMS.
The UnitsGlobalsMap sheet displays mapping between Smart 3D system of units and PDMS
system of units.
The values contained on this sheet define the global settings for piping model export and should
not be modified.
SP3D Attribute - Displays the name of the Smart 3D attribute to map.
PDMS Attribute - Displays the name of the PDMS attribute to which the SP3D Attribute value
is mapped.
MapType – Defines the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
The UnitsAdditionalAttributeMap sheet maps Smart 3D measuring parameters and their units
to those on PDMS.
SP3D Value – Do not modify this entry.
PDMS Attribute - Do not modify this entry.
Attribute Value - You can change these values so that PDMS can accept these strings but
there are some limitations.
MapType – Type the map type of the attribute. Acceptable values are as follows:
NameDef - Used when the value needs to be directly transferred. For example, there is an
attribute named NPD in the source system and one named NominalDiameter in the
destination system. Because both attributes have the same meaning, the value just needs to
be transferred between the two systems. By default, if no MapType is specified, NameDef is
ValueDef - Used when the value of an attribute needs to be mapped before it is transferred.
AdditionalAttributeDef - Used when it is necessary to create new or additional attributes
for the value of a given attribute.
SheetName – Type the name of the sheet in the S3DPDMSExportMapping.xls workbook that
contains additional mapping information related to the attribute, if any exists.
Formula – Type the formula used to calculate the value of the attribute to map, if one is needed.
For example, if the source system has an attribute Radius that needs to be mapped to the
destination system's attribute Diameter, the software cannot substitute one value for the other.
Rather the value used for Diameter would result from the following calculation: Diameter = 2 *
You can change the way a unit is written to the datal file but should not change it into its
derived forms. For example, if distance is written in millimeters, the mapping sheet can be
modified to write MM, mm, or Millimeter but not centimeter or kilometer.
You cannot add new measuring parameters to the sheet.
Generate catalog and reference data in PartNumberAdditionalAttributes • 64
Smart 3D and PDMS formats for PDMS PartNumberValueMap • 63
export • 36 PDMS Export Initialization File Options • 23
GridLineMap • 104 PDMS Export Validation • 31
PDMS Export Validation Dialog Box • 32
H Performance Tips • 41
PipeComponentAttrsMap • 96
HandRailAttrsMap • 109 PipeInstrumentAttrsMap • 97
HgrSupportGlobals • 135 PipeRunSpecMap • 92
Hierarchy Translation Maps • 69 PipeSpecialtyAttrsMap • 98
HierarchyClassMap • 69 PipeSupportAttrsMap • 98
HoleFittingAttrsMap • 121 Piping Translation Maps • 88
HVAC Translation Maps • 78 PipingClassMap • 89
HVACClassMap • 79 PipingGlobalsMap • 91
HVACComponentSPREFMap • 85 PlanarPlatePartAttrsMap • 112
HVACDesParamMap • 86 Preface PDMS Guide • 9
HVACEndPreparationMap • 85 Project Creation Estimates • 43
HVACGlobalsMap • 83
HVACPartIdentifierMap • 84
I Set up the PDMS and Smart 3D catalogs •
Import/Export Issues • 42 SlabAttrsMap • 107
InsulationAttrMap • 123 SmartItemMaterialMap • 125
InsulationAttrsMap • 106 SP3DPartIdentifierMap • 92
InsulationSpecAttrMap • 123 StairAttrsMap • 107
StructClassAdditionalAttributes • 126
L StructPartNumbersMap • 125
LadderAttrsMap • 108 Structure Translation Maps • 100
LeafBeamSystemAttrsMap • 118 StructureClassMap • 102
LeafERSystemAttrsMap • 115 StructureGlobalsMap • 122
LeafPlateSystemAttrsMap • 111 StructureMatSpecMap • 124
LeafStiffenerSystemAttrsMap • 113 SupportGTYPE • 136
LinearERProfilePartAttrsMap • 116 SupportPartNumber • 136
LinearMemberPartAttrsMap • 104 Supports Translation Maps • 130
LinearSAStiffenerPartAttrsMap • 119 SupportsClassMap • 130
LinearStiffenerPartAttrsMap • 114 SupportUserAttributes • 137
Load Point Maps • 129
M Troubleshooting • 41
Mapping Tips • 43
Marine Cross-Section Maps • 129 U
Units Translation Maps • 138
N UnitsAdditionalAttributeMap • 139
NozzDesParamAdditionalAttrMap • 68 UnitsClassMap • 138
NPDSpecificSPREFMap • 93 UnitsGlobalsMap • 138
OnFlyInstrumentSPREFMap • 95 Validate mapping details • 31
OnFlySpecialtySPREFMap • 95
What's New in Export to PDMS • 12