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Day/Date : Monday, September 17th 2018 Subject Matter : Osmotic Pressure

Subject : Chemistry Class/Semester : XII/I

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Activities Note
1 2 3 4 5
INTRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Phase 1 : Orientation on the Problem
 Teacher greets the students
 Teacher asks the head class to lead
the pray
 Teacher checks student’s presence
 Teacher giving an article about
salted egg making process
 Teacher presents the problem
situation with care for involving
students in problem identification
 Teacher motivates students to
engage in problem-solving activity
by showing phenomenon of the
length salted egg making process
and the importance of overcoming
the problem
 Teacher conveys to the student the
learning objectives after succesfully
leading students thinking about the
problems and concepts that will be
MAIN ACTIVITY (30 minutes)
Phase 2 : Organize Students to Learn
 Teacher instruct the students to make
groups that contain of 2 students in
each group (work in pair)
 Teacher explain how the
experiments will work
 Teacher recall the principle of
osmotic pressure to further solidify
student’s understanding of the
problem relation with the osmotic
pressure principle
 Teacher distributes worksheet to
students to do
 Teacher asks the students to read the
relevan literature then formulate the
framework of thinking based on the
phenomenon that has been presented
by the teacher
 Teacher asks the students to
formulate the hypotheses based on
the formulation of thinking pattern
Phase 3: Guiding Individual or Group
 Teacher instructs the students to
prepare the tools and materials that
will be used in the investigation
 Teacher asks the students to conduct
an investigation based on the
previously divided group
 Teacher gives the students the
opportunity to pose questions that
make students think about adequacy
of their hypotheses and solutions on
investigation of identification the
effect of vinegar addition at salted
egg making process using osmotic
pressure principle
 Teacher encourage all ideas from
students and accepts them fully
Phase 4 : Develop and Present the
 Teacher asks each group to write
down the results of the investigation
on the board
 Teacher gives the students time to
analyze the result of the
investigation with their groups
 Teacher asks students to make
conclusions and present the result of
their dicussion in front of the class
 Teacher give opportunity for other
groups to present the result of their
discussion in front of the class
 Teacher ask the students to collect
the worksheet
CLOSING (5 minutes)
Phase 5 : Analyze and Evaluate the
Problem-Solving Process
 Teacher reflects on the outcome of
the investigation by the students and
evaluates the investigation process
 Teacher asks the students to
reconstruct their thinking and
activity during the various phases of
the lesson
 Teacher gives feedback to student’s
activity and teamwork
 Teacher ask the head class to lead
the pray
 Teacher closes the class by greeting
Description scores :

1 = less

2 = moderately

3 = good

4 = very good

5 = excelent

Surabaya, September 17th 2018


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