NIH Public Access: Neuroblastoma

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NIH Public Access

Author Manuscript
Adv Pediatr. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 31.
Published in final edited form as:
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Adv Pediatr. 2011 ; 58(1): 297–311. doi:10.1016/j.yapd.2011.03.011.

Nadja C. Colon, M.D.1 and Dai H. Chung, M.D.1,2
1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232

2Department of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232

1. Introduction
In the discipline of pediatric cancer biology, neuroblastoma signifies an oncologic
conundrum given the clinical range with which it presents. Prognosis correlates with age and
the degree of differentiation, and thus, outcomes vary from high rates of survival (with even
possible tumor regression) to recurrence and mortality. While the standard of treatment is
chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgical resection, there is growing evidence that aggressive
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neuroblastomas are resistant to our therapies. To this end, research has been focused on the
molecular mechanisms behind differentiation, cell survival and apoptosis, angiogenesis, and
metastasis to elucidate where the process goes awry. The basis of this research has led to the
development of novel therapies that are directed towards key targets, some of which are
quite promising. While discussing clinical background, this article aims to provide a
synopsis of the latest, up and coming developments in the field of neuroblastoma.

2. Epidemiology
Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumor in infants and children,
representing 8%-10% of all childhood tumors. It accounts for approximately 15% of all
cancer-related deaths in the pediatric population.1 The incidence of neuroblastoma is 10.2
cases per million children under 15 years of age,2 and nearly 500 new cases are reported
annually. While 90% of cases are diagnosed before the age of 5, 30% of those are within the
first year. The median age of diagnosis is 22 months.3 Rarely does it present in adolescence
and adulthood, but outcomes are much poorer in this age group. There does not appear to be
an increased prevalence among races, but there is a slight predilection for males (1.2:1).1
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With a family history noted in 1-2% of diagnoses, there are reports of autosomal dominant
patterns of inheritance.3 In such pedigrees, patients are frequently diagnosed at an earlier age
(median age of 9 months) than those with sporadic disease and are more likely to have
associated multiple primary cancers. Neuroblastoma has also been diagnosed in conjunction
with other congenital conditions such as Hirschsprung's disease, congenital hypoventilation
disorder, and neurofibromatosis type 1.1 There was early interest in the co-occurrence of
neuroblastoma and neurofibromatosis, as they are both disorders of neural crest cells.
However, this may represent coincidence rather than a true association.4

© 2011 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

Correspondence: Dai H. Chung, M.D., Department of Pediatric Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2200 Children's Way,
Suite 7100, Nashville, TN 37232, Ph: 615-936-1050, Fax: 615-936-1046, [email protected].
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Outcomes in patients with neuroblastoma have improved steadily over the last 30 years with
5-year survival rates rising from 52% to 74%.2 The improvement is likely secondary to
improved cure rates in the low-risk group, who have survival rates of up to 92%. It is
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estimated that 50-60% of patients in the high-risk group experience relapse,2 and as such,
they have only seen a modest decrease in mortality. In a study by the International
Neuroblastoma Risk Group, the median time to relapse was 13.2 months, and 73% of those
who relapsed were 18 months or older. Taken together, their overall survival rates remain
quite abysmal (∼20% at 5 years) despite more aggressive therapies.5

3. Clinical Presentation
Multiple factors play into a patient's clinical presentation since it depends largely on tumor
location, size, degree of invasion, effects from catecholamine secretion, and symptoms due
to paraneoplastic syndromes. Nearly 65% of tumors arise in the abdomen with half of those
localized to the medulla of the adrenal gland. However, they can occur in the neck (5%),
chest (20%), or pelvis (5%), and 1% of patients have no detectable primary.1, 6 Many
patients are asymptomatic, yet some may present with constitutional symptoms (malaise,
fevers, and weight loss), an enlarging mass, pain, abdominal distension, lymphadenopathy,
or respiratory distress secondary to compression or hepatomegaly. Pelvic masses may cause
constipation or difficulty urinating, while thoracic involvement can cause dysphagia,
dyspnea, or rarely, thoracic outlet syndrome.7 For cervical tumors, a patient may develop
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Horner's syndrome, and in up to 15% of patients, epidural extension may result in

neurological deficits such as progressive paralysis.1

At the time of diagnosis, 50% of patients present with localized disease while 35% already
have regional lymph node spread.1 Metastasis can occur by hematogenous and/or lymphatic
route, seeding bone marrow, liver, and bone. Commonly, the orbits are involved, which
manifests as periorbital swelling and proptosis (“raccoon eyes”). When dissemination occurs
to the skin, patients develop blue subcutaneous nodules known as blueberry muffin
syndrome. Surprisingly, this is associated with a favorable prognosis with likely
spontaneous tumor regression.

Because of its neuroendocrine properties, neuroblastoma has the potential to secrete

catecholamines, which results in early-onset hypertension and tachycardia. Patients may also
experience paraneoplastic syndromes. Examples include intractable diarrhea with electrolyte
disturbances due to release of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), encephalomyelitis, or
sensory neuropathy. There have been reports of the development of opsoclonus-myoclonus
syndrome (OMS), which occurs when antibodies cross-react with cerebellar tissue.8 The
characteristic symptoms and signs of OMS include rapid, conjugate eye nystagmus with
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involuntary spasms of the limbs. Interestingly, the patients with intractable diarrhea due to
VIP secretion or OMS generally tend to present with less aggressive neuroblastomas.
Nonetheless, symptomatic paraneoplastic syndromes are quite rare and are estimated to
occur in < 0.01% of all cancers.9

4. Classification and Staging

Neuroblastoma belongs to a group collectively known as peripheral neuroblastic tumors,
which also includes intermixed ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroma, and nodular
ganglioneuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma can further be divided based on the degree of
neuroblastic differentiation (undifferentiated, poorly differentiated, and differentiating) and
the mitosis-karyorrhexis index (MKI) (low, intermediate, or high).10 Histologically, it has
limited Schwannian cell production, is stroma-poor, and has abundant neuroblasts.8

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The International Neuroblastoma Pathology Classification has been used to predict

prognosis based on the histopathology of the tumor and age of the patient. This system takes
into account the degree of cell differentiation, MKI, and the presence of Schwann cells.
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Following these guidelines, the unfavorable group encompasses patients with any tumor
over 60 months; undifferentiated tumors with a high MKI at any age; and undifferentiated or
poorly differentiated tumors with intermediate or high MKI in children older than 18

Staging is dictated by the International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) (Table 1).
The Children's Oncology Group (COG) currently stratifies patients into low-, intermediate-,
or high-risk categories based on the patient's age at diagnosis, INSS stage, tumor
histopathology, DNA index, and MYCN amplification status (Table 2).12 Since the INSS is
based on tumor resection, a new system, called the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group
Staging System (INRGSS), was introduced in hopes of better stratifying pretreatment patient
risk based on clinical criteria and image-defined risk factors (Fig. 1). This staging system
classifies neuroblastoma into L1 (localized disease that does not involve vital structures and
is confined to one body compartment); L2 (localized disease with image-defined risk
factors); M (distant metastatic disease); and MS (metastatic disease confined to the skin,
liver and/or bone marrow in children < 18 months of age).13 Based on this, patients can be
sorted into pretreatment very low-, low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups.14 This has
implications as to what treatment algorithm is recommended.
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5. Genomics
From a genomic standpoint, neuroblastoma occurs in the setting of chromosomal losses and
gains. DNA mutations can fall into two prognostic categories: whole-chromosome gains and
segmental chromosomal aberrations. The former results in hyperdiploidy that is associated
with a favorable prognosis, while the latter is characterized by MYCN amplification and
regional gains or losses that tend to be associated with worse outcomes.

It has been shown that deletion of the chromosome 1p36 region occurs in 70% of tumors
and may correlate with an increased risk of relapse in patients with localized tumors.15, 16
Interestingly, a promising candidate suppressor gene in the 1p36 region is CHD5, which is
expressed in the nervous system and controls cellular proliferation, senescence, and
apoptosis. Studies have confirmed that CHD5 expression is low in neuroblastoma tumors
that have a chromosome 1p deletion, and when these cells were transfected with CHD5,
clonogenicity and tumor growth were decreased.17 Whether this has any prognostic
significance is unknown, but it does appear to play a role in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis.

Gain of chromosome 17q occurs in approximately 80% of neuroblastomas, making it the

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most common genetic aberration. Whereas whole-chromosome 17 gain is associated with a

good prognosis,16 unbalanced translocations of chromosome 17q with either 1p or 11q have
been reported to be an independent poor prognostic factor. Likewise, deletions of
chromosome 11q have been identified in 15–22% of neuroblastomas and are also associated
with unfavorable patient outcomes and a lessened time of progression-free survival.8
Interestingly, chromosome 11q and 3p deletions are often found together and occur in high-
stage tumors without MYCN amplification that is typical of aggressive neuroblastoma.16
With 3p deletions frequently noted in patients who are older at the time of diagnosis (median
age of 60.5 months), some speculate that 3p loss is an event that occurs later in

In instances of familial neuroblastoma, recent evidence points to mutations of the anaplastic

lymphoma kinase (ALK) oncogene as the putative cause. ALK is a tyrosine kinase receptor
whose expression is important in neural differentiation, proliferation, and survival. Its

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malignant transformation is thought to arise from missense mutations that are linked to
chromosomal region 2p23-24 and result in constitutive kinase activity. However, ALK can
also be mutated at specific hotspots, such as R1275Q and F1174L, in up to 12% of sporadic
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cases, with the latter mutation being the most common.19 Currently, efforts are being made
to determine the pathways by which ALK exerts its effects and whether inhibitors of ALK
would be feasible therapeutically.

Lastly, the MYCN oncogene, which is amplified at chromosome 2p24 in 25% of cases, is
used as a biomarker for disease stratification. MYCN amplification is defined as ≥10 gene
copies per nuclei since tumors with fewer than this do not behave as aggressively.20 MYCN
amplification is found in 30–40% of stage 3 and 4 neuroblastomas, but only in 5% of
localized or stage 4S neuroblastomas. It encodes for multiple transcription factors that, when
overexpressed, lead to deregulated growth and proliferation.4 Several MYCN downstream
targets have been identified, including p53, Aurora A kinase, and MDM2.21 However, the
exact mechanisms remain unknown.

6. Diagnosis
Based on clinical presentation, the index of suspicion must be high. Initial diagnostic testing
should include basic blood work (complete blood count, serum electrolytes, liver function
tests) and a chest radiograph, which may reveal calcifications or a posterior mediastinal
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mass. Additional diagnostic findings will include increased levels of urine or serum
catecholamines or catecholamine metabolites (dopamine, vanillylmandelic acid, and
homovanillic acid). Patients may have elevated levels of nonspecific biomarkers such as
lactate dehydrogenase (>1500 U/ml), ferritin (>142 ng/ml), and neuron-specific enolase
(>100 ng/ml) that may be associated with advanced stage and/or relapse.15

For diagnostic imaging, a computed tomography scan of the neck, chest, and/or abdomen is
the gold standard, as it can simultaneously localize the tumor and determine the degree of
involvement (Fig. 1). Ultrasound may be used initially to characterize the mass. A magnetic
resonance imaging may be useful if there is concern for spinal extension, and imaging of the
brain is only necessary in the setting of neurological symptoms. While not routinely used,
a 123/131iodine-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scan is valuable in both the detection of
primary tumor and metastases since metaiodobenzylguanidine, a norepinephrine analog, is
selectively concentrated in sympathetic tissue. It has also proven to be practical in
surveillance of treatment response and recurrence. The role of fluorodeoxyglucose positive
emission tomography (FDG-PET) remains controversial, but a small retrospective study has
suggested that while MIBG is generally more sensitive for the detection of lesions, FDG-
PET may be better at localizing soft tissue metastases.22
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Despite advances in diagnostic medicine, the diagnosis of neuroblastoma can only be

confirmed pathologically with tissue obtained from tumor or bone marrow. Specimens can
be obtained either during resection of the primary tumor or as an open biopsy for
unresectable disease. Bilateral posterior iliac crest marrow aspirates are required to exclude
metastatic disease. Molecular studies, such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), can
be performed on tissue samples to note ploidy, MYCN amplification, and the presence of
other chromosomal aberrations.

7. Treatment
The mainstay of treatment consists of chemotherapy, surgical resection, and/or radiotherapy.
However, many aggressive neuroblastomas have developed resistance to chemotherapeutic
agents, making the likelihood of relapse quite high. Treatment can be hindered by aggressive
neuroblastomas that exhibit drug resistance, and this may be related to the selection of

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clones that express MRP1 (multidrug resistant-associated protein).23 The treatment

algorithm is dependent on the patient's stage and risk stratification. The goal of induction
chemotherapy is to achieve remission by reducing the tumor burden, which then allows for a
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more complete resection when indicated. Induction chemotherapy consists of some

combination of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, cisplatin, melphalan, carboplatin,
etoposide, topotecan, ifosfamide, and vincristine. After induction, treatment is consolidated
with one or more courses of high-dose chemotherapy to induce bone marrow ablation,
which necessitates autologous hematopoietic stem cell support. Rescue is not without
complication as it can lead to growth failure, endocrinopathy, and the occurrence of
secondary malignancies.24

For high-risk patients, radiotherapy is needed for local and metastatic control. It is indicated
when there is minimal residual disease post induction chemotherapy and resection. Current
radiation protocols utilize a dose of 2100 cGy, and based on the practices at the Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the combination of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation
therapy has resulted in a local relapse rate of <10%.20 Radiation is contraindicated for
intraspinal tumors because it can lead to vertebral damage, growth arrest, and scoliosis. Yet,
it may be necessary for palliation in the setting of pain or acute neurological symptoms due
to cord compression.8

Surgery is recommended based on the ability to obtain complete resection, which is itself
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dependent on location and invasiveness of the tumor. In preoperative planning, important

considerations include tumor size, extent of adherence and/or extension into adjacent
structures, and the likelihood of surgical cure. Resection is correlated with a reduced risk of
local recurrence, especially in combination with induction chemotherapy and local
radiotherapy. Thus, surgical resection should be pursued only after adjuvant therapy because
it both increases the degree of complete excision and decreases morbidity. For stage 1-2B
tumors, resection is recommended. For more advanced-stage neuroblastoma (stages 3 and
4), surgical intervention is limited to an open biopsy. For those infants who are stage 4S,
surgical resection is not recommended since these tumors tend to spontaneously differentiate
and regress.

Presently, patients receive six courses of 13-cis-retinoic acid (CRA) to eradicate residual
disease that may still be present despite meeting imaging criteria for complete remission.
This treatment is based on the finding that high-dose therapy with 13-cis-retinoic acid given
after chemoradiation significantly improved event-free survival in high-risk neuroblastoma.
Side effects, such as skin dryness and cheilitis, are the dose-limiting factor, and
consequently, CRA therapy consists of 2-week courses alternating with 2 weeks for
mucocutaneous recovery.25
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Trials involving myeloablative chemotherapy and 131I-MIBG have been underway in an

effort to minimize adverse side effects by making therapies more targeted. Previous studies
have shown that 131I-MIBG exhibits activity against refractory neuroblastoma with response
rates ranging from 10-50%.26 In a phase I trial of 131I-MIBG therapy for relapsed
neuroblastoma, myelosuppression was the most significant toxicity at doses >15 mCi/kg, as
nearly half of the patients enrolled required hematopoietic cell transfusion. Despite this, the
response rate (36%), event-free survival (18% at 1 year), and overall survival (49% at 1
year; 29% at 2 years) were found to be significantly higher in patients older than 12 years
and who had fewer than three prior treatment regimens.27 Subsequently, a phase I dose
escalation study of 131I-MIBG with myeloablative chemotherapy and stem cell rescue
showed a significant response rate of 25% in patients with primary refractory disease. Given
these findings, 131I-MIBG may prove to be useful in conjunction with other treatment

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The total length of therapy averages nearly one year, and most treatment failures are due to
minimal residual disease that was not eradicated following high-dose chemotherapy. While
the aim of further treatment is remission, prolonged disease stabilization is usually the
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reality seeing as how most patients who relapse eventually die from disease progression.
Even patients who achieve a cure with initial therapy remain at risk for developing long-
term complications related to treatment, including hearing loss, infertility, and second

8. Current Research Milestones and Proposed Novel Therapies

A. Retinoic Acid
Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that can cause arrest of cell growth and induce
differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells. While 13-cis-retinoic acid is being used
clinically for this purpose, fenretinide (4-HPR) is another retinoid derivative currently in
phase I trials and has been reported to inhibit growth in vitro in a dose-dependent manner.
At the higher end of the dose spectrum, it also seems to be active against retinoic acid-
resistant neuroblastoma cell lines that harbor mutations in the retinoic acid receptor (RAR).
Unlike all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids, 4-HPR does not induce differentiation, but is
actually cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic and may do so in a receptor-independent manner.25, 29
So far, it appears that 4-HPR is minimally toxic with no evidence of myelosuppression; the
most common side effect reported is decreased night vision.
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B. mTOR inhibitors
One promising target is the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is a serine/
threonine protein kinase that regulates cell growth, proliferation, motility, metabolism, and
survival. It can exert its effects through several different signaling pathways, notably the
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)-AKT pathway. Rapamycin, a bacterial byproduct, is
the classically cited mTOR inhibitor, and it does so by complexing with the intracellular
receptor FKBP12 to bind directly to the FKBP12-rapamycin binding (FRB) domain on
mTOR.30 This leads to activation of downstream effectors, such as cyclin D1, p21, and
HIF1a/b. Treatment with mTOR inhibitors leads to downregulation of MYCN and vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Temsirolimus, a rapamycin analogue, is being
investigated in phase II trials in patients with relapsed neuroblastoma. One study showed
that treatment with an insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 receptor inhibitor and temsirolimus
in vitro was more effective at inducing cell death than either agent alone.31 Known side
effects include skin rashes, stomatitis, and hyperglycemia.

C. Aurora A Kinase
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Aurora A kinase is a serine/threonine kinase important in regulating progression through the

cell cycle, particularly during the G2 to M phase transition. Aurora A kinase has an
important role in centrosome maturation, spindle assembly, meiotic maturation, and spindle
orientation. Selective inhibition of Aurora A kinase results in inhibition of
autophosphorylation and p53 phosphorylation, monopolar spindles, and G2-M arrest.32
MLN8237, a reversible Aurora A kinase inhibitor, is being investigated in phase I clinical
trials by the COG for patients who have experienced relapse. In vitro and in vivo studies
with MLN8237 have shown that in addition to inducing apoptosis, it upregulates p53 and the
tumor suppressor genes p21 and p27.33 Dose-escalation and combination therapy studies are
currently underway.

D. TrkB Inhibitors
The Trk family is a group of tropomyosin kinases that are known to modulate neuronal
differentiation and survival. There are 3 isoforms (TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC) that each has an

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affinity for a specific ligand (NGF, BDNF, and NT-3 respectively). Ligand binding causes
receptor homodimerization, which leads to autophosphorylation, docking of downstream
effectors, and activation of PI3K/AKT, phospholipid C (PLC) γ1, and Ras/mitogen-
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activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling.34 Their ligands can similarly bind p75, a
nonselective and low-affinity death receptor, to induce apoptosis via the c-Jun amino
terminal kinase (JNK) pathway.35 While TrkA expression is associated with favorable
prognosis, TrkB has been found to correlate with MYCN amplification and clinically
aggressive neuroblastoma. In studies, neuroblastoma tumor cells treated with brain-derived
nerve factor (BDNF) appear to be less sensitive to cytotoxic drugs, survive in a less than
optimal microenvironment, are more invasive, and produce increased levels of VEGF.
Furthermore, inhibitors were found to slow growth and induce apoptosis. Thus, the Trk
inhibitor CEP-701 is presently being used as an oral phase I agent with the premise that it
will be most effective in conjunction with conventional chemotherapeutic agents.

E. Immunotherapy
The ganglioside GD2 is expressed in the surface of tumors of neuroectodermal origin,
including neuroblastoma. Anti-GD2 monoclonal antibodies have been developed because
they are specific, high affinity, and fairly nontoxic. They kill tumor cells through both
complement and cell-mediated lysis. 3F8 is a murine IgG3 monoclonal antibody that has
been shown to activate complement on malignant neutralists with ensuing lysis. Moreover, it
is thought that granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) can potentially
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amplify 3F8 antitumor activity by increasing granulocytes.36 However, its clinical use has
been complicated by the formation of human anti-mouse antibodies. To circumvent this,
chimeric mouse-human antibodies, such as Ch14.18 (a monoclonal antibody against the
tumor-associated GD2), have been generated. While they were thought to be less
immunogenic, 28% of patients reportedly still developed antibodies in a phase I trial.37 In
other studies, beta-glucan has been found to enhance anti-GD2 antibody anti-tumor effects
through increasing iC3b-mediated cytotoxicity. An ongoing phase I trial is comparing the
efficacy of 3F8 when given with oral beta-glucan. Other trials are focused on using Ch14.18
in conjunction with other agents, such as interleukin-2 and GM-CSF, after high-dose
chemotherapy with stem-cell rescue. A recent study demonstrated that immunotherapy with
Ch14.18, GM-CSF, and interleukin-2 was found to be associated with significantly
improved overall outcome when compared to standard therapy in high-risk group
neuroblastoma patients.38

F. Angiogenesis inhibitors
VEGF has been established as an important growth factor that promotes tumor angiogenesis
by inducing endothelial cell proliferation. It has been found to play a significant role in
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tumorigenesis because in hypoxic environments, such as those in rapidly growing tumors,

hypoxia-inducing factor (HIF) stimulates VEGF production. This results in downstream
activation of several signaling pathways, including PI3K/AKT (increased vascular
permeability) and MAPK/ERK (endothelial cell proliferation). In neuroblastoma murine
models, VEGF inhibitors were found to decrease cell proliferation.39 Bevacizumab, a
human-derived VEGF monoclonal antibody, is FDA-approved for the treatment of
colorectal, breast, and lung cancer, and it is now being used in phase II studies in
neuroblastoma, as it has not previously been used in children.

G. MDM2 and ODC1 as a MYCN targets

p53 mutations are rare in neuroblastoma, and several studies have shown that it appears to
be functional since it is capable of activating downstream apoptotic effectors in response to
DNA damage.40 MDM2 is a negative regulator of p53, being a key player in its
ubiquitination. It has been suggested that deregulated MDM2 expression may explain

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aberrant p53 function. Notably, MDM2 is Tran activated by MYCN, and downregulation of
MYCN leads to decreased MDM2 expression, p53 stabilization, and cell death. Therefore,
dysregulation of MDM2 is thought to decrease p53 activity, and in vitro studies with the
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MDM2 inhibitor nutlin showed that it could stabilize p53 and induce G1 cell cycle arrest and
apoptosis.41, 42 Further investigations are needed, but this class of agents may represent an
untapped resource.

Recently, ODC1, an oncogene that encodes for an enzyme needed in polyamine

biosynthesis, was tagged as a potential therapeutic candidate. Polyamines enhance
transcription, translation, and replication and are, therefore, essential for cell survival as
depletion leads to growth arrest and apoptosis. MYCN functions as a transcription factor
that dimerizes with another factor known as MAX to form a complex that can then activate
ODC1 transcription.43MYCN-amplified tumors have elevated levels of ODC1 and exhibit
deregulated polyamine synthesis. In mouse models, studies revealed that treatment with
cyclophosphamide and a-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an ODC inhibitor, led to an
increased overall survival (80% vs. 20% at 3 months) than cyclophosphamide alone.44 It is
now being piloted in phase I clinical trials with and without etoposide administration.

H. GRP receptor
Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptors, a member of G-protein coupled receptor family,
are abundantly expressed in undifferentiated neuroblastomas. As in other well-characterized
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cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor's function in cancers (e.g., epidermal growth factor
receptor), GRP receptor may also be an important therapeutic cell membrane target in
neuroblastomas. GRP ligand is produced and secreted by neuroblastomas to stimulate its
tumor growth, hence it functions as an autocrine growth factor.45 GRP binds to GRP
receptors to activate PI3K/AKT pathway in promoting tumorigenesis in neuroblastomas.46
Targeted silencing of GPR-receptors in neuroblastoma cells showed significantly attenuated
xenograft growth as well as liver metastases when compared to controls with constitutive
expression of GRP receptors.47 Knockdown of GRP receptors demonstrated inhibition of
tumor metastasis to liver in vivo (Fig. 2).47

9 Conclusions
In spite of the knowledge provided within, neuroblastoma remains a therapeutic enigma. As
we are driven to improve outcomes and survival, the ideal therapy also remains elusive.
However, there are many fronts on which to attack, and it seems unquestionable that the
cure will require a multimodal approach. Part of the solution is to effectively eradicate
minimal residual disease, as this appears to put patients at highest risk for relapse and
progression. Until then, we remain vulnerable to a cancer that continues to evolve.
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We thank Karen Martin for manuscript preparation. This work was supported by a grant R01 DK61470 from the
National Institute of Health and Rally Foundation for Cancer Research.

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Figure 1.
International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Classification. L1, localized tumor
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confined to one body compartment and with absence of image-defined risk factors (IDRFs);
L2, locoregional tumor with presence of one or more IDRFs; M, distant metastatic disease
(except stage MS); MS, metastatic disease confined to skin, liver and/or bone marrow in
children < 18 months of age; EFS, event-free survival (From Cohn et al, The International
Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Classification System: An INRG Task Force Report.J
Clin Onc; 2009; Fig. 2, p.295; with permission).
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Figure 2.
Effects of GRP-receptor knockdown on neuroblastoma metastasis in vivo. Spleen injection
liver metastasis murine model was used using human neuroblastoma BE(2)-C cells
transfected with pEGFP/shGRP-R (silenced GRP receptors) or pEGFP/shCON (controls).
(A) Representative images of livers from mice injected with BE(2)-C/GFP/shGRP-R (short-
hairpin silenced GRP-receptors) and control cells (shCON). Silencing of GRP-receptors
(shGRP-R; right column) attenuated liver metastasis of BE(2)-C tumors. Quantitative
analysis of liver weight relative to body weight (* p<0.05 vs. shCON) shows significantly
less weight in GRP-R silenced group (B) Representative H&E-stained sections of livers
from mice injected with BE(2)-C/GFP/shCON (controls; upper) and BE(2)-C/GFP/shGRP-
R (GRP receptor silenced; lower) cells. Extensive liver metastases are seen in mice from
constitutive GRP-receptor expressing BE(2)-C cells (upper). (Adapted from Qiao et al, Proc
Natl Acad Sci 2008; Fig. 6, p.12895. Copyright2008 National Academy of Sciences,
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Table 1
The International Neuroblastoma Staging System
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Stage 1 Localized tumor with complete gross excision with or without microscopic residual disease; ipsilateral and contralateral LN
negative for tumor microscopically

Stage 2A Unilateral tumor with incomplete gross resection; ipsilateral and contralateral LN negative for tumor microscopically

Stage 2B Unilateral tumor with or without complete gross excision with ipsilateral LN positive for tumor; contralateral LN negative

Stage 3 Tumor infiltrating across the midline with or without regional LN involvement, localized unilateral tumor with contralateral
regional LN involvement, or midline tumor with bilateral extension by infiltration (unresectable) or by LN involvement

Stage 4 Any primary tumor with dissemination to distant LN, bone, bone marrow, liver, skin, or other organs (except as defined for stage

Stage 4S Localized primary tumor (as defined for stage 1 or 2) with dissemination limited to skin, liver, or bone marrow (limited to infants
<1 yr of age)

LN: lymph nodes

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Table 2
Children's Oncology Group Risk Stratification

INSS Age MYCN Status Shimada DNA Index Risk Group

1 0-21 yrs Any Any Any Low
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2A/2B < 1 yr Any Any Any Low

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Normal Any – Low

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Amplified Favorable – Low

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Amplified Unfavorable – High

3 < 1 yr Normal Any Any Intermediate

< 1 yr Amplified Any Any High

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Normal Favorable – Intermediate

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Normal Unfavorable – High

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Amplified Any – High

4 < 1 yr Normal Any Any Intermediate

< 1 yr Amplified Any Any High

≥ 1 - 21 yrs Any Any – High

4S < 1 yr Normal Favorable >1 Low

< 1 yr Normal Any =1 Intermediate

< 1 yr Normal Unfavorable Any Intermediate

< 1 yr Amplified Any Any High

INSS: International Neuroblastoma Staging System

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