Draft Proposal For Collaboration Plano UNS UTM 1 PDF

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Proposal for Collaboration

Proposal for Collaboration

Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor Program, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

1. Background

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) was established in 1976. It is now an emerging

university. It is among top five universities in Indonesia, rank 69 in SEA, 830 in Asia, and 2367
according to the global rank. UNS has 10 faculties, 99 undergraduate and diploma programs, 31
master programs, and 10 doctoral programs. The university currently has 35840 students consists
of undergraduate students and postgraduate students,, and more than 100.000 alumni.

Enhancing the quality level of university has been the main target of Universitas Sebelas
Maret (UNS) toward achieving World Class University. The university believes that
collaboration can enhance the quality of research and teaching through an exposure to a new
perspective and experience of research and teaching. In doing so, Universitas Sebelas Maret
(UNS)vis developing international collaboration with many universities.

Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor Program, as a part of the civitasacademia of

Universitas Sebelas Maret, eagerly supports the main target of UNS to actively collaborate with
other highly reputable universities to enhance our quality of research and teaching. The bachelor
program was established in 2006. Currently, the program is accredited B “Good” by National
Accreditation Board for Higher Education of Indonesia. The program has 152 students, 187
alumni, and 13 lecturers. The main focus of this bachelor program is on housing and human
settlement; however, our lecturers havea variety of research interest such as on community
participation, governance, inter-local government cooperation, urban management, and

2. Goal

Based on the main target of UNS and our study program intention to also develop our
capacity for research and teaching through collaboration, the goal of our proposal is to invite

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Proposal for Collaboration

Urban and Regional Planning Department, Faculty of Built Environment, University Technology
Malaysia to collaborate with our bachelor program in both research and teaching.

3. Curriculum of Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor Program

Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas

Sebelas Maret (UNS) focuses on housing and human settlement. In a broader setting, the study
program targeting 5 main outcomes for its learning process, which are:

1. Student is able to understand theoritical concepts of urban and regional planning,

majoring in housing and human settlement planning
2. Student is able to perform urban and regional planning techniques and methods with
additional competence on housing and human settlement planning techniques and
3. Student is able to perform urban and regional planning methods on participatory and
community approach
4. Student is able to understand planning procedure and legislation in urban and regional
planning process
5. Student is able to understand normative and substantive framework on urban and regional
planning documents
In order to achieve this learning outcome, our curriculum is structured on personality
development, skill and expertise, working experience, working ethics, and social life skills.
Table 1 shows our curriculum in detail.

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Proposal for Collaboration

Table 1 Curriculum

4. Proposed collaboration schemes and funding

To initiate collaboration between Urban and Regional Planning Program, Faculty of Built
Environment, University Technology Malaysia and Urban and Regional Planning Program,
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), we propose several possible programs
for collaboration. Among others, the two study programs may start with inviting guest lecture
between programs. Afterwards, we can develop further our collaboration by initiating joint
seminar/conference/workshop, joint research and publications, lecturer exchange, and students
exchange. It is also expected that we may initiate twinning program and dual/double degree in
the coming years.

Regarding joint research and publication, currently there is one possible research funding
hosted by UNS. The funding is from Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia
(DIKTI) for International Collaboration Research. This funding is quite competitive and
prestigious. Our bachelor program has quite wide variety of research interests that may open for
interesting theme for joint publication.

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Proposal for Collaboration

Table 1. Lecturer and Research Interests

No Name Research Interests

1 Ir. WinnyAstuti, MSc., PhD Sustainable Housing and human settlements

development, community-based housing development,
creative industrial-based kampung tourism planning
2 Paramita Rahayu ST., MT., MSc., PhD Governance, small cities, urbanization, inter-local
government cooperation, regional planning

3 Dr. Nur Miladan, ST., MT Resilience, coastal and environment management,

urban planning and management
4 Ir. Kusumastuti MT Community planning, urban heritage, Community
5 Ir. RizonPamardhiUtomo, MURP Urban design; heritage and tourism planning
6 Erma Fitria R, ST., MT Sustainable development, climate change
7 Rufia. Andisetyana Putri ST., MT Child friendly city, Sustainable Development,
Neiborhood Unit planning; housing and settlements
8 Ir. GalingYudana, MT Urban Transportation management, infrastructure
9 Ir. Soedwiwahjono, MT Urban management; Regional Planning; sustainable
10 MurtantiJaniRahayu, ST., MT Urban Informal Sector, Community participation
11 Istijabatul Aliyah, ST., MT Traditional Market Development
12 Isti Andini, ST., MT Community Development, collaborative planning,
planning politics
13 Ratri Werdiningtyas, ST., MT Urban and Regional Planning

Considering the strength and opportunitis in the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universitas
Sebelas Maret , Indonesia, the following are potential Aspects for Collaboration can be offered
by both universities:

1. Student exchanges : where a number of students of both universities mutually undertake a

visit for each certain period for various academic purposes;
2. Lecturer excahnges : where a number of lecturers of both universities mutually visit for a
certain period for various academic purposes

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Proposal for Collaboration

3. Joint seminar/ conference / workshop : both universities can arrange a collaborative

works to organize an international seminar/ conference / workshop with participants from
both universities and other universities world wide;
4. Joint publication: the lecturer and the researchers of both university can arrange a books,
Research Books, Book Chapters and other academic and general publication media;
5. Joint Research : the researchers of both university can arrange a collaborative works in
undertaking works in Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries by funding from
internatinal donors , or government, or private sector funding in both countries, which
will be fruitful for the wellbeing of both nations;
6. Joint thesis supervision : Professors/ lecturers from both universities can jointly supervice
the thesis of both graduate students i.e. masters and doctoral thesis. This collaboration
can be extended for the externa, examination of the doctoral thesis
7. Twinning program : reecognition of a number of credits for students from both
universities by UTM and UNS. Both universities offer a twinning program that allows
student to complete a number of credits in the host universities. For example, UTM
students can complete a number of credits in UNS and vice versa. Students have
flexibility to choose the subject they need or like most in a host university
8. Dual degree: UTM may offer one semester or moer to UNS umdergraduate students with
the same credit load towards the completion of the degree. The degree will be awarded by
both universities.

Surakarta, 28 September 2016

Chairman of Study Program of
Urban and Regional Planning

Ir. Soedwiwahjono, MT

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