Reading Into A New China Vol.1 Sample Lesson
Reading Into A New China Vol.1 Sample Lesson
Reading Into A New China Vol.1 Sample Lesson
• 这张照片大概是什么时候,在什么地方照的?
• 你对中国的人口问题有些什么了解?
• 如果你去过中国,请介绍一下你看到过的
• 你知道哪些跟“人口”有关的词汇?
People in modern China are greatly and overcrowding in railway stations and
concerned with population density, which hospitals. Each story is stylistically similar.
is reflected in widespread media coverage. Data is used to illustrate the problem, while
This lesson’s reading is a news feature metaphor and simile evoke the immense
reporting the effects of overpopulation in size of the population.
three different Chinese cities. The stories
describe issues that touch on city dwellers’
daily lives, including traffic congestion
生词 简体 繁体 拼音 词性 英文
1 爆炸 bàozhà v./n. explode; blast, explosion 主
自学生词 2 未 wèi adv. not 要
3 交通 jiāotōng n. traffic 生
Match each new word with its English translation by deducing the word’s meaning from its characters.
(The first one is done for you.) 4 拥堵 擁 yōngdŭ adj. crowded, jammed 词
5 不堪 bùkān v./adv. cannot stand; extremely
8 爬行 páxíng v. crawl
9 与 與 yǔ conj. and
1 大厅 lobby, hall 6 person-time
10 统计 統計 tǒngjì n./v. statistics, census; gather statistics
2 go overtime 7 waiting room, waiting lounge
11 损失 損 sǔnshī n./v. loss; damage
3 with great difficulty, finally 8 peak
12 超过 過 chāoguò v. surpass, exceed
2 chéng qiān shàng wàn 万(萬) ten thousand Thousands of, millions of 25 走道 zǒudào n. aisle
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 生词
27 流量 liúliàng n. volume of flow, rate of flow
第一读掌握课文大意 4 重庆火车站怎么解决旅客太多的
First Reading: Skimming for the Main Idea 问题?他们的方法有没有效果?
Skim the reading; then select the option below that best captures
its main idea.
a 北京、上海的人口报道
b 车站和医院客流量统计 5 为什么春节期间坐火车“难上加难”?
c 从不同城市看人口问题对中国人生活
Second Reading: Scanning for Details and Comprehension 6 请说说火车上“拥挤不堪”的情况。
Read the text again carefully and answer the following questions.
1 为什么记者选择“世界无车日”来做
7 为什么说去医院“看病像打仗,挂号
北京 重庆
2014年9月22日是“世界无车日”, 春节期间,重庆火车站旅客流量
然而北京城内汽车并未减少,交通仍 再上高峰。昨 天 , 将 近 20万 人 聚 集 在
2 北京2014年有多少人?
然拥堵不堪。尤其是早晚高峰时期, 车站周围,最终有4.5万人挤上火车。
8 在中国看病和在你的国家看病有什么 成千上万的汽车如蜗牛一般堵在道路 从大年初二开始,售票厅提前从早上
相似的地方? 有什么不同的地方? 上慢慢爬行,或根本无法通行。有人 7点开始售票,42个售票窗口外都排满
说:“世界上最遥远的距离不是生与 了 长 长 的 队 , 所 有 的 检 票 厅 都 改 成 了
3 根据这篇报道,北京交通拥堵的原因 死,而是看见绿灯你却过不去。” 临时候车室,而车站大厅前的广场上仍
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
是什么? 然是人山人海。等到人们好不容易挤上
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 课文
火 车 , 却 发 现 车 厢 里 也 是 拥 挤 不 堪 ,
朝鲜 25
北京 20 北京
安哥拉 20 见绿灯你却过不去。
智利 18 2014年9月22日是“世界無車
叙利亚 17 日”,然而北京城內汽車並未減少,
重庆 13
玻利维亚 11 高峰時期,成千上萬的汽車如蝸
数据来源:CIA世界概况(2015年) 牛一般堵在道路上慢慢爬行,或
在过去10年内,春运旅客流量每 的孙子说,“早上7点就从家里出发,
年增加近1亿人次。火车站平时就十分 大概要到下午3点才能回家”。据医院
拥挤,春节期间坐火车就更是难上加 统计,昨天门诊量高达6000多人次。
难了。 而夏季高温期更是天天爆满。即使医
几分钟的看病时间。 重慶
1 看 个 病 像 打 仗 , 挂 个 号 像 春節期間,重慶火車站旅
孩和家长。挂号 要排队,候诊要排
春运,这句话描述的是很多医院的情 客流量再上高峰。昨天,將近
形。但春运的紧张和拥挤仅为一年一 20萬人聚集在車站周圍,最終
好不容易拿到132号的李奶奶抱着发烧 次,而在医院却是天天如此。 ◈ 有4.5萬人擠上火車。從大年初
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 课文
1 排 滿 了 長 長 的 隊 , 所 有 的 檢 票
In China, people don’t have family doctors. Patients need to go to the hospital and “register” (挂号) (guà hào) at the front desk before
they can see a doctor. Because the demand for appointments far outstrips supply, patients have to line up very early and for a long time to 廳都改成了臨時候車室,而車站
fill one of the limited slots available. Below is the common process for seeing a doctor in a Chinese hospital. (There may be more steps if
the illness is serious or complicated.)
海。等到人們好不容易擠上火 A 略读与寻读 Skimming and Scanning B 书面语:报刊阅读 Learning the Style of
Skimming means reading quickly in order to absorb the overall Formal Writing: News Article Reading
車,卻發現車廂裡也是擁 擠 不 theme, tone, or general meaning of the text. It is often used as This lesson introduces a feature news article. Generally
堪 , 不 但 座 位 上 坐 滿 了 人 , a precursor to a more detailed search for specific information. speaking, news articles in Chinese have three characteristics.
When you skim, you read across each line of text rapidly, First, the language is more formal than casual speech, and
走道上擠滿了人,連廁所裡都站 ignoring punctuation and minor words, but taking in the main classical or literary words are often used. The following table
滿了人,上廁所比上火車還難! words and phrases that are related to the theme of the text. compares formal and colloquial expressions used in this lesson.
(For more detailed information concerning formal vs. informal
When you do a close reading of the text after skimming it,
在過去10年內,春運旅客流 Chinese language, see the Grammar section in this lesson.)
you will find that you read more fluently and accurately. In
量每年增加近1億人次。火車站平 this book, you will practice skimming for the first read-through
of every lesson.
時就十分擁擠,春節期間坐火車 Formal Informal
Scanning involves looking quickly through the text to find
就更是難上加難了。 a specific detail, such as a key word, date, name, or time, as
(正式) (非正式)
when you are trying to find a specific departure time on a train
上海 内 里
timetable, or locate a particular name in a contact list.
与 跟、和
昨天,上海兒童醫院內擠滿 In this book, you will practice scanning for the second read-
through of every lesson. When practicing scanning, read the
了病孩和家長。掛號要排隊,候 售 卖
questions listed under “First Reading,” then go over the text
診要排隊,化驗檢查、交費取藥 quickly, with a pen in hand and the questions in mind. Write 而 而且、可是
down the answers as soon as you find them.
也要排隊。好不容易拿到132號的 (将)近 差不多
There are more reading comprehension questions listed under
李奶奶抱著發燒的孫子說,“早上 “Second Reading.” You may need to read the text more carefully 仍然 还是
to answer these questions.
最终 最后
如…一般 像…一样
生們超時工作,每個病人也只能 Secondly, news articles customarily use abbreviated terms, e.g.,
文革 for 文化大革命 (the Cultural Revolution), 春运
得到幾分鐘的看病時間。 for 春节期间旅客运输 (Spring Festival travel season),
候诊 for 等候诊治 (waiting for treatment by a doctor),
看個病像打仗,挂個號像 and 病孩 for 生病的孩子 (sick children).
春運,這句話描述的是很多醫院 Finally, the style of news features is different from that of hard
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
的情形。但春運的緊張和擁擠僅 news. Hard news articles normally start with a full summary,
which should incorporate as many of the “Five Ws” (Who, What,
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 课文
為一年一次,而在醫院卻是天天 Where, When, and Why) as possible. Although feature articles
如此。◈ also attempt to include the Five Ws, they are more literary.
Moreover, news features are typically less time-sensitive than
hard news, though no less newsworthy. They can be good tools
for discussing complex issues that are too extensive for the
terse style of hard news items. The body of a news feature may
include the author’s opinions and provide visual details to bring
the story to life.
词汇与句型 E 好(不)容易 G 比较“内”与“里”
it was after great difficulty/trouble…
内 and 里 both mean “inside, within.” Their differences are:
A 如 + N + (一)般 + V/adj.: C 在 X 期间 during a specific period of time Interestingly, 好不容易 and 好容易 mean the same thing.
to V like N (as adj. as N)
Functioning as an adverb, 好(不)容易 is used to express 1 内 is more formal, and tends to be used in written language and
This pattern indicates that a specific event took place or will take place something that someone has achieved only after great difficulty. fixed phrases such as 成语, while 里 is much more colloquial
如 + N + 般 introduces a simile as a description of the action during a specific period of time. “X” (i.e., the period of time) may take the 好(不)容易 is often used with 才, which indicates the and more widely used.
form of a noun phrase or a verb + object construction. The preposition
indicated by the verb or adjective. The adverbial marker 地 is delayed attainment of the result.
optional. This expression is more often used in descriptive and 在 must be included when the time phrase follows the subject, but may Fixed phrase: 内外有别 (Differentiate between the insiders
literary writing than in daily speech. be dropped when the time phrase precedes the subject.
1 回家的人太多,他们好(不)容易才 and outsiders.)
1 我在读研究生期间认识了许多学者。 挤上火车。
1 成千上万的汽车如蜗牛一般堵在道路上 Public sign: 请勿入内 (Please do not enter.)
During my graduate studies, I became acquainted with There were too many people trying to return home. They had
慢慢爬行。 many scholars. to really push their way onto the train. 2 内 is generally used after monosyllabic words, while 里 can be
Hundreds and thousands of cars are crawling slowly like snails
used with either monosyllabic or polysyllabic words. (Note: The
on the roads. 2 春节期间你打算做什么? 2 我们好(不)容易才找到了这个机会。 symbol is used throughout this book to indicate incorrect or
What are you going to do during the Spring Festival? 一定会尽力而为! ungrammatical usage.)
2 她的微笑如阳光般灿烂。
3 他在上海开会期间去看了几位老同学。 It was with great effort that we got this opportunity. We’ll
Her smile is as brilliant as the sunshine.
definitely try our best! 校内 室内 国内 门内
While attending the conference in Shanghai, he visited several
of his old classmates.
学校里 教室里 联合国里 大门里 家里 手里
3 我好(不)容易才说服他陪你去晚会, 校里 室里 国里
B 在……内 within a duration of time 你为什么又不要他去了?
The duration of time can be minutes, days, months, or years. The D PW + V + 满了 + N: It was with great difficulty that I convinced him to go to the 3 When expressing “within a period of time,” use 内, not 里.
a place is/was filled with or full of something/people party with you. Why don’t you want him to go now?
focus is “within,” which means “no more than this interval of time.”
年内 本周内 一小时内
(在 can be omitted.)
This can be regarded as a kind of “topic-comment” sentence (see 年里 本周里 一小时里
1 在过去10年内,春运旅客流量每年增加 Grammar note B). The verb in the verb phrase V + 满 explains what F 如此 so, such, like this
exact action (e.g., 放, 坐, 挤, 开) has been involved in filling the
近1亿人次。 place (with things/people). (informal: 这么,这样) 4 They have different collocations when forming complex place
Within the past ten years, the passenger flow during the Spring words:
Festival travel rush has increased by nearly one hundred million
里 + 边、面、头 以、之 + 内
1 1 但愿如此。(口语:希望能这样。)
person-times per year.
人,连厕所里都站满了人。 I hope so.
2 他三年内就学完了四年的课程。 Not only are the seats jam-packed with people (sitting),
里边 里面 里头 以内 之内
The drawer is filled with stationery (by putting).
3 情况本该如此。(口语:情况本来应该
This newly published book is very popular. Our bookstore sold
five hundred copies within hours. 是这样的。)
3 留学生宿舍已经住满了。
This is how it should have been.
The dorms for foreign students are full (by occupying).
4 树上开满了花。
The tree is in full blossom (by blooming).
语法 B 话题说明句 Topic-comment sentences
3 这个计划,大家都不喜欢。
As for this plan, nobody likes it.
A 多音字 One of the distinctive features of Chinese is the existence of topic- 4 所有的检票厅都改成了临时候车室。
Characters with multiple pronunciations comment sentences. In English, almost every sentence requires a
All the ticket-checking halls were converted to temporary
subject and a predicate; this is not necessarily the case in Chinese,
waiting rooms.
In English, some words have different pronunciations due to In a similar way, some Chinese characters also have more than however. Chinese grammar relies more on “idea-joining” than “form
differences in meaning or part of speech. For example, “lead” is one pronunciation, each representing a difference in meaning agreement” (e.g., subject-verb agreement), due to its topic-prominent
5 春节期间坐火车就更是难上加难了。
pronounced differently depending on its usage as a noun (a kind of and/or grammatical category (e.g., noun or verb). Most of them features. Therefore, in addition to subject-predicate sentences
metal) or a verb (to guide or direct). The stress patterns of words involve only a change in tone, but some of them involve a that follow a format familiar to English speakers, Chinese also has It is even more difficult to travel by train during the Spring
like “import” and “record” vary depending on whether they function change in both tone and pronunciation. The table below sentences based on a topic and a comment. There is a semantic or Festival season.
as verbs or nouns. shows the types of changes. logical relationship between the topic and the comment, but usually
only a relatively loose grammatical connection between the two. 6 火车上挤满了人。
语音变化 字例 语音 语义变化 词例 B1 Subject-predicate sentences
The train was crowded with people.
A subject refers to the doer of an action or the entity in a You can see from the above examples that all the topics do not
shǔ count (v.) 数一数
声调 数 state of being, and a predicate describes the action the subject have direct semantic relationships with the verb phrases (i.e.,
Tone only shù number (n.) 数学 engages in or the state the subject is in. they are not the “actors” of the “actions”).
Beijing is the capital of China. Recognizing the function that topics play in Chinese sentences
zhǎng grow (v.) (and discourse) can also help learners better understand some
声调与声母 长高
长 (Subject as the entity in a state of “being”) distinctive grammar structures of the language. For example,
Tone and initial cháng long (adj.) 很长 you may have noticed that Chinese doesn’t mark passive
B2 Topic-comment sentences voice as strictly as in English. Why? Since the main function
dé obtain (v.) of passivization is to turn an object into a subject, it is not
得到 A topic is what the sentence is about, and a comment is what
声调与韵母 得 děi must (v.) 得用功 necessary in a “topic-prominent” language to explicitly mark it.
Tone and final is said about the topic. The topic can optionally be followed In fact, many passive sentences in English are realized as topic-
de (particle) 学得好 by a pause in speech or a comma in writing. Unlike the direct comment sentences in Chinese, like Sentence 6 above.
semantic relationship between the subject and the predicate,
xíng go, walk, do (v.) the relationship between the topic and the comment can be For the same reason, Chinese does not use “dummy subjects” like
声母与韵母 行动
行 rather loose, as demonstrated in the following sentences: the English “it” in “It is exciting that our team won the last game”
Initial and final háng line, trade (n.) 银行 or “there” in “There is a big tree in front of the house.” In Chinese,
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
1 2014年的北京,总人口达到2114万, the topic is the most important part of the sentence, so it doesn’t
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 语法
matter if there is no apparent subject. (See Sentences 5 and 6.)
More than half of these multi-pronunciation characters belong to the first group (tone change–only). For example: 好 (hǎo, hào),
Regarding Beijing in 2014, its total population reached 21.14
为 (wéi, wèi), 教 (jiāo, jiào), 量 (liàng, liáng), 少 (shǎo, shào), 兴 (xìng, xīng), 难 (nán, nàn), 看 (kàn, kān).
million, with more than five million cars.
The correct pronunciation is normally evident from the context and the characters it is in combination with. Therefore, when you learn a
character’s different pronunciations, you must remember their difference in meaning and function, the combination of other characters, 2 重庆火车站旅客流量再上高峰。
and the context in which the character is used. Exercises for such characters will be provided in each lesson to reinforce mastery of these As for Chongqing Train Station, its passenger flow rate has
“tricky” pronunciations. hit another peak.
C 中文的正式语体与非正式 Formal Informal D Understanding rhetorical devices: metaphor
语体 Formal vs. informal Chinese 本 这/我
and simile
此 这个
Metaphor 隐喻 and simile 明喻 are literary devices with which
As in any language, Chinese uses different styles of expression, 当前/目前 现在
language can be made more vivid. Metaphor and simile compare
ranging from the formal to the informal (or the written/literary 何 什么 seemingly unrelated things to show readers the likeness between
to the spoken/colloquial), in different situations. The formal style
内 里 them. Their function is to describe the appearance, characteristics,
is usually used in official or serious situations, while the informal
style is used in ordinary or relaxed situations. Although there are
春季 春天 or behavior of certain things. Simile is easier to detect than
许多 很多 metaphor because it uses explicit signals, such as 像……一样
informal forms of written Chinese (notably in fiction and in the
父亲 爸爸 and 如……般. This lesson includes one metaphor and
popular press), and formal styles of spoken Chinese (particularly in
two similes. They are used to evoke mental images so as to engage
professional discourse, or prepared public speech), written Chinese
VERBS the readers more closely with the subject. Note that although both
is usually more formal than spoken Chinese.
of the following expressions are associated with huge crowds
Formal Informal
Formal Chinese is signaled by complex, complete sentences; of people, they bring out different feelings.
为 是
impersonality; avoidance of colloquial or slang vocabulary; and a
consistent preference for learned words, often derived from classical
将 要 人山人海
Chinese. Just as in English, where one can use “but,” “however,” 达 达到 “mountains and seas of people”: a metaphor
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
Formal Informal
之 的
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 语法
为 为了
于 在
仍然 还是
如果…就 要是…就
即使…也 就是…也
立刻 马上
比如 比方说
练习 1 我们公司上个月的业务大量增加, 5 这些东西,…… 那
只好 雇用了30个工作人员。 城市。
2 昨天是假日,街上到处都是人, 6 墙上…… 写完了吗?
A 语音 Pronunciation B2 用括号内的词语或句型改写句子
电影院和商店也都 。
Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions provided 7 门外…… 恐
9 人们都不能相信小狗竟然
B 词汇与句型 聪明。
4 飞往南京的飞机上每个座位都坐着 2 问:你觉得学中文难吗?
词语搭配 There are two groups of words below. In each 乘客。(坐满) 10 工会发出指示,不准让工人
B1 答:学中文,
group, match the words on the left with those on the right 工作。
to form meaningful phrases by considering their appropriate
collocations. (Each word can be used only once.) 3 问:你的假期过得怎么样?
Group One Group Two
C 语法
(Verb + Object) (Noun + Noun)
5 去上海的火车票真难买,我花了好几 答:这个假期,
天功夫才买到一张。(好不容易) C1 From the right column, find the items that can most
1 堵 时间 1 高峰 高温 appropriately comment on the topics in the left column.
(Each item can be used only once.) 4 问:怎样才能解决中国的人口问题?
2 延长 队 2 车站 流量 答:解决中国的人口问题,
Topic Comment
B3 选择填空 Choose the most appropriate words from the
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
list to fill in the blanks. (Note: Not every word will be used.) 1 这次考试,…… 我们都没钱买。
3 报道 车 3 夏季 期间
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 练习
C3 用“内”和“里”填空 Fill in the blanks with 内 or 里.
a 损失 g 通行 2 这件事,…… 挂着一幅画。
4 造成 新闻 4 旅客 时期 b 如此 h 排队 1 室 禁止吸烟。
3 我那辆旧车,…… 能
c 爆炸 i 临时
太好。 2 我喜欢在教室 看书。
d 超时 j 增加
5 排 损失 5 春节 大厅 4 这个人,…… 幸
e 超过 k 爆满 3 在过去的三个星期 他一直在忙
f 提前 l 拥挤不堪 着写这篇论文。
4 你们一定要在三个星期 把这篇 4 等到人们好不容易挤上火车,却发现
论文写好。 车厢里也是拥挤不堪。
D 综合 Comprehensive
5 这种商品国 也能买到。 D1 选词填空 Choose the most appropriate words from the
list below to fill in the blanks in the passage. (Not every word
6 今天开学,学校 一下子热闹 will be used.)
起来了。 5 春运的紧张和拥挤仅为一年一次,而
a 难上加难 g 拥挤不堪
7 车厢 面拥挤不堪,到处都站 在医院却是天天如此。
b 如此 h 流量
c 堵 i 将近
8 政府计划将每年增长人口控制在 d 人山人海 j 成千上万
1000万之 。 C5 英译汉 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. e 交通 k 爆满
f 期间 l 高峰
C4 下面的句子用口语怎么说?How would you 1 She completed all her university courses within three years.
restate the following sentences in informal style, as if you Everybody thinks that she is very intelligent. 黄金周旅游
were in a conversation with a friend? Make sure to pay special
Tiananmen Square (天安门广场) in Beijing
attention to the underlined parts.
例:北京城内汽车并未减少,交通仍然 (National Day Golden Week holiday) 开始,国庆长 D2 按照这篇文章的意思,下面的说法对不
假给旅游市场创造了不错的经济效益, 对?Based on the passage, are the following statements
true (T) or false (F)?
2 There are too many books in his room. His bookshelf is 但是也带来了不少问题。比方说:火车
口语:北京城里的汽车并没有减少, full of books, his desk is laden with books, and even his bed
交通还是非常拥堵。 上 、高速公路 成停车场、各 1 “黄金周”是国庆节时一个星期
is piled up with books. (Use the verbs 放, 摆, and 堆.)
地景区游客 等等。仅北京故宫每天 的长假期。
1 昨天,重庆火车站旅客流量再上
高峰。 游客 就高达17万。游客多得看不 2 黄金周给旅游行业造成了很大
到地面。杭州著名的西湖每天要接待 的经济损失。
60万游客,结果是“只见人,不见 3 黄金周的集中出游方式给游客
3 There were many people waiting for that bus. It was 带来了很多麻烦。
湖!”人们说,黄金周 出游,
2 将近20万人聚集在车站周围,最终有 with great difficulty that I finally squeezed myself in.
行路难、住宿难、用餐难、购票更是 4 为了解决交通拥堵问题,中国在
旅游却是看 !旅游本来是为了 5 黄金周让很多中国人有时间
4 My salary is too low to afford a car. To buy a house is 放松心情,但 旅游让人太紧张, 出门旅游。
3 夜深了,街上行人稀少,而车站大厅 even more difficult.
太难受。 6 旅游应该让人觉得心情轻松。
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
7 人们在杭州的问题是找不到
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 练习
长假出国旅游。 的中国游客来到 西湖。
5 Before Christmas, so many people went shopping that
日本、韩国、泰国。连欧美各国也迎来 8 出国游可能没有在国内旅游
many of stores extended their opening hours.
了不少中国游客。 那么拥挤。
中国总人口仍然高达11.6亿,并且每年 E3 带着问题扫描 Scanning with questions 再说,人口越少就越有利于经济的
E 阅读:扫描/寻读
增长超过1500万人,这个数字等于加拿 发展吗?西欧是世界上人口密度最高的
1 中国跟日本,哪个国家人口密度更大?
When you practice “scanning” the following readings, you don’t need 大总人口的一半。 地区之一,同时又是经济最发达的地区
to read every sentence, and you don’t need to know every word.
Instead, first read the three questions listed before the passages, 中国的土地总面积 (miànji) (surface area)
then go over the passages quickly, with a pen in hand and the
2 西欧跟非洲,哪个地区人口密度更大? 自然资源又非常丰富,而非洲却是世界
位于世界第三,但是人均 (rénjūn) (per person)
questions in mind. Write down the answers as soon as you find them.
There are more reading comprehension questions (multiple choice)
中国有无数的河流湖泊,而人均水量却是 3 非洲的自然资源怎么样?
after the passages. You may need to read the passages more 可见,把“中国人口太多”作为中国
carefully to answer these questions. 世界第88位。虽然近年来经济发展很快, 贫穷落后的原因是没有什么道理的。
短 文( 二 )
English is provided for a few difficult words. There may be some E4 回答问题
other words that you do not know. Don’t look them up. Try to guess
their meanings from the context, or ignore them if they are not
中国需要继续实行计划生育。 1 根据这篇短文,哪个国家的人口密度
related to the information you are looking for.
带着问题扫描 Scanning with questions E2 回答问题
E1 常常有人把“中国人口太多”作为 a 英国
1 什么是计划生育政策? 1 如果中国没有实行计划生育政策, 中国贫穷落后的原因。真的是这样吗? b 日本
到1990年7月1日,中国总人口可能是: c 德国
首先,从人口密度 (mìdù) (density) 来
a 13 亿 c 14 亿 d 英国、日本、德国
看,中国为每平方 (square) 公里134人,
b 9亿 d 11.6 亿 2 非洲
2 1990年中国总人口是多少? 日本为每平方公里336人,德国为每平
2 加拿大总人口大约是: a 人口密度比西欧高
a 3000 万 c 750 万 b 人口密度比西欧低
b 1500 万 d 1000 万 c 自然资源比西欧丰富
英国的人口太多了”? d 自然资源不如西欧丰富
3 中国的土地总面积是不是世界上 3 中国的人均土地面积是:
最大的? 3 根据这位作者的看法,
a 世界第三位
b 世界第88位 a
c 世界人均土地的三分之一 b 人口越少就越有利于经济的发展。
单位:人/平方公里 c 人口密度高不应该是一个国家贫穷
短 文( 一 )
d 比世界人均土地的三分之一还少
4 根据这位作者的看法,中国人 d 日本、德国、英国的人口太多了。
坐车难、看病难、住房难等问题 日本 349
的原因是: 英国
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
70年代末,中国开始实行计划生育 267
a 经济发展不够快 德国
第一课 · 人口大爆炸 · 练习
(family planning) 政策:一个家庭只能生一个 232
孩子。从那时起,中国大约少生了2亿多 b 人口太多 中国 145
人。这个数字说明中国的计划生育工作 c 人均土地面积太少 肯尼亚 79
使人口增长得到了一定控制。但是据中国 d 人均水量太低 数据来源:世界银行(2014年)
F4 Extended Group Research Project
F 口语
In a small group, choose one of the following topics to
F1 Discussion Topics research. Prepare a presentation in Chinese with a visual
component. Each member of the group should take
turns presenting. Include a list of new vocabulary words
1 如果你去过中国,你对中国人口现状
for your classmates.
a 人口与教育资源问题
2 计划生育政策有什么好处?有什么 Population and Educational Resources
坏处? b 人口与住房问题
Population and Housing Problems
F2 Presentation Topic: 人口对于社会的影响 c 人口与环境问题
Population and the Environment
Research one issue (traffic, travel, hospital service, etc.)
d 人口与就业问题
presented in this lesson. Consider the following questions Population and Employment
and prepare a short presentation in Chinese for the class.
1 这些问题(堵车,旅游拥挤,看病
难,等等)是不是由于人口问题 G 写作
2 这些问题可以怎样解决? 作文题:我对中国人口问题的看法
F3 Debate Topics Use the information from your research to write an essay of
400–500 characters on China’s population issue. Cite at least two
本课阅读练习的两篇短文表达了两种很 facts or statistics to support your arguments.
Use at least five of the following words and expressions from
this lesson:
人口的最新资料,就下面的题目(或自 PW + V + 满了 + N 好不容易 影响
选的题目)跟同学辩论。 在……期间 而 如……(一)般
The two reading passages in the Practice section express two 在……内 增长 使
different opinions. They both use statistics and examples to
support their ideas. Which opinion do you agree with? Why?
Find the most up-to-date information on China’s population
issue, and debate with your classmates on a topic below
Reading Into a New China · 1 · Textbook
人类应该对生育率进行控制 vs.