當代中文 vs. 視聽華語主題及語法點對照 PDF
當代中文 vs. 視聽華語主題及語法點對照 PDF
當代中文 vs. 視聽華語主題及語法點對照 PDF
當代 視華
Book 1
Lessons Grammar Lessons Grammar
1 1. Ways to Ask Questions in Chinese 1 1. Sentences with Verbs 姓,叫 or 是
歡迎你來台灣! A. Asking a Question with A-not-A 您貴姓? 2. Simple Type of Questions with the Particle
B. Asking Questions with 嗎 ma 嗎
2. Answering Questions in Chinese 3. Questions with a Question Word (QW)(誰,
A. Affirmative Answers 什麼,哪國人)
B. Negative Replies with 不 bù 4. Abbreviated Questions with the Particle 呢
3. Modification Marker 很 hěn
4. Contrastive Questions with 呢 ne
2 1. 的 de possessive 2 1. Simple Sentences with Stative Verbs (SV)
我的家人 2. Modifier Marker 的 de 早,您好 2. Stative Verb-not-Stative Verb Questions
3. 有 yǒu possessive
4. 都 dōu totality
5. Measures 個 ge and 張 zhāng
3 1. Placement of Time Words 3 1. Subject-Verb-Object Sentences
週末做什麼? 2. To Go Do Something with 去 qù 我喜歡看電影 2. Verb-not-Verb Questions
3. Topic Sentences 3. Sentences with the Auxiliary Verbs (AV)
4. The Word Order of Adverbs 也 yě,都 dōu and 常 cháng 4. Transposed Objects
5. Making Suggestions 吧 ba
4 1. Measures 塊 kuài, 杯 bēi,支 zhī and 種 zhǒng 4 1. Quantified Nouns
請問一共多少錢? 2. Preposition 幫 bāng on behalf of 這枝筆多少錢? 2. Sums of Money
3. 的 De-phrase with the Head Noun Omitted 3. Specified and Numbered Nouns
4. 太…了 tài…le overly 4. Prices Per Unit
5. 能 néng capability 5. Sentence with Direct Object and Indirect
6. 多 duō …and more Object
5 1. 有一點 yǒu yìdiǎn slightly 5 1. Specified Nouns Modified by Nouns or
牛肉麵真好吃 2. Complement Marker 得 de 我家有五個人? Pronouns
3. Acquired Skills 會 huì 2. Nouns Modified by Other Nouns Indicating
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5. Types of Questions of Completed Action
6. 是……的 Construction Stressing
Circumstances Connected with the Action of
the Main Verb
11 1. To Come to Do Something with 來 lái 11 1. Time Expressions by the Clock
我要租房子 2. Sooner Than Expected with 就 jiù 你幾點鐘下課? 2. Time When Precedes the Verb
3. Existential Subject with 有 yǒu 3. Time Spent Stands after the Verb
4. Different Types of 會 huì 4. S V 了 O as a Dependent Clause
5. Omitting Nouns at 2nd mention
12 1. 先 xiān…再 zài… first…, and then … 12 1. Time Expressions with Year, Month, Day,
你在台灣學多久的中文? 2. To Focus with 是 shì…的 de… 我到外國去了八個多月 and Week
3. 以後 yǐhòu after… 2. Single and Double 了 with Quantified
4. Special Meanings of 好 hǎo/難 nán +Verbs Objects
3. Single and Double 了 with Time Spent
13 1. 一 yī…就 jiù… …as soon as…
生日快樂 2. Completed Action with Verbal 了 le
3. 不 Negation vs.沒 Negation
4. All-inclusive with Question Words
5. More/less…Than Planned with 多 duō /少 shǎo+
6. 是不是 shìbú shì is it true?
7. Comparison with 跟 gēn…一樣 yíyàng
14 1. Time-Duration after Verbal 了 le
天氣這麼冷! 2. Completion-to-date with Double 了 le
3. 快 kuài…了 le about to
4. Comparison 更 gèng even more so
5. Inferior Comparison 沒有 méiyǒu…
15 1. Non-committal Stance with Question Words
我很不舒服 2. To Dispose of Something with 把 bǎ
3. V 了 le…就 jiù… do…right after doing…
4. 一點 yìdiǎn a bit
5. Comparing Actions with a 得 de Complement
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當代 視華
Book 2
Lessons Grammar Lessons Grammar
1 1. 從 cóng…往 wǎng… go…from… 1 1. Question Words as Indefinites
請問,到師到怎麼走? 2. Judgmental V-起來 qǐlái It’s my assessment that… 我生病了 2. Change of Status with Particle 了
3. Ongoing Action with -著 zhe 3. Imminent Action with Particle 了
4. Two Simultaneously Actions with 一邊 yìbiān…一邊
5. Distance from with 離 lí…
2 1. Emphatic Negation with 一點也不 yìdiǎn yě bù V … 2 1. Motion toward a Place or a Direction with
還是坐捷運吧! 2. 還是 háishì…吧 ba! It would be better if … 到那兒去怎麼走? Coverb 往
3. Form Adverbials with 一點 yìdiǎn 2. 部 and 邊 Contrasted
4. Reduplication of Disyllabic Adjectives 3. Adverbs 要是……就 and 先……再 Used
5. 不太 bútài not very as Correlative Conjunctions
6. Locations with 部 bù /邊 biān
9 1. All Set and Ready with Verb Complement 好 hǎo 9 1. Resultative Compounds (RC)
那個城市好漂亮 2. To Be Successful in …with Verb Complement 到 dào 這個盒子裝得下嗎? 2. Directional Endings Used as Resultative
3. Comparison with 比起來 bǐ qǐlái Endings
4. 像 xiàng…一樣 yí yàng … is just like… 3. Some Extended Uses of Directional
5. Adverbial Complements 極了 jíle、得不得了 de Complements as Resultative Complements
bùdéliǎo、得很 de hěn terribly, extremely
6. Verb Complement 起 qǐ to be able to afford
10 1. To Figure out with the Complement 出來 chūlái 10 1. Stative Verbs Used as Resultative Endings
歡迎到我家來包餃子 2. Enough Space to Accommodate with Verb 我跑不了那麼遠 2. Action Verbs Used as Resultative Endings
Complement 下 xià 3. Auxiliary Verb Used as Resultative Endings
3. Disposal Construction 把 bǎ with Verb Reduplication
把 bǎ…V(一)V
4. Disposal Construction 把 bǎ with Resultative
5. 趁 chèn seize the moment
11 1. The Others 其他 qítā de vs. Other 別的 biéde vs. 11 1. Reduplication of Stative Verbs
台灣好玩的地方真多 Another 另外的 lìngwài de 我們好好兒地慶祝慶祝 2. Reduplication of Verbs
2. Verbal Classifiers 下 xià , 趟 tàng ,遍 biàn , and 次 cì 3. Reduplication of Measure Words
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3. Expressing Next in Sequence with 然後 ránhòu, 後來 4. Sentences with Adverbs 又 and 也 Used as
hòulái, and 以後 yǐhòu Correlative Conjunctions
4. 才 cái then and only then
5. Passive Sentences with 被 bèi
6. Verb Reduplication in V 了 le V
7. Verb Particle 上 shàng coming into contact
12 1. 讓 ràng to let someone do something 12 1. Passive Voice Sentences with Coverbs 被,
怎麼吃才健康? 2. 快一點 kuài yìdiǎn hurry up 錶讓我給弄丟了 讓 or 叫
3. Verb Particle 起 qǐ to touch upon 2. Causative Sentences with Verbs 讓 or 叫
4. 只要 zhǐyào……就 jiù… …as long as… 3. Sentences with Correlative Conjunctions
5. 越 yuè…越 yuè…the more…, the more… 一……就 (just as soon as, whenever)
6. Topic as Contrastive
13 1. Completion of Action with V+過 guò 13 1. The Adverbs 再,才,and 就 Contrasted
我的手機掉了 2. Verb Particle 走 zǒu away 恭喜恭喜 2. Sentences with 越……越 as Correlative
3. Imperative Sentences with 叫 jiào Conjunctions
4. 別再 bié zài…了 le stop doing it
5. To offer assurance with 會 huì…的 de…
6. 透過 tòuguò… by means of…
7. 才 cái…就 jiù… only just…, and…already
8. Frequency with 每 měi + Time Expression
9. 只有 zhǐyǒu…,才 cái… cannot …, unless…
14 1. 就要 jiù yào…了 le will soon…
我要開始工作了 2. 說到 shuōdào/談到 tándào… talking of…
3. 對 duìA 有 yǒu B to be B in A
4. 連 lián…都 dōu… even
5. 不但 búdàn…,而且 érqiě… not only…but also…
6. Unintentional 把 bǎ Construction
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當代 視華
Book 3
Lessons Grammar Lessons Grammar
1 1. …的話 if, supposing 1 1. (topic) V 起來……
開學了 2. 不到 less than 新室友 (topic) 看起來……,就是……
3. 差一點(就)… almost 2. ……沒關係,……就好了
4. 恐怕… probably 3. 總是
5. 好不容易 finally managed to 4. 還是……
6. Instantly without Prior Warning with 說…就… 還是……吧!
7. 不管…都 … regardless of whether or not 5. 來
6. (S)V 不了幾 M(N),(S)就……
(S)沒 V 幾 M(N),(S)就……了
7. S 對……有興趣
8. 歎詞(噢,呣)
2 1. 一般來說 generally speaking 2 1. V 得……
八折起 2. General Verb 弄 吃什麼好 V 得 N/PN……
3. 再說 besides, moreover N/PN+V 得 …
4. V+成 to become, to turn into SV 得……
5. Contrary to Expectation with 並 SV 得 N/PN…
6. 尤其是 especially N/PN+SV 得 …
7. Concession with 只好 could only, have no choice but 2. 對 NP 來說……
to 3. 語助詞(嘛)
4. V來V去
5. ……QW……就……QW……
QW+SV 就 V+QW&怎麼 SV 就怎麼 V
6. 連……都/也……
7. 只要……,就……
8. 歎詞(欸)
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當代 視華
Book 4
Lessons Grammar Lessons Grammar
1. 1. 與其 A…不如 B… B rather than A 1 1. 總算
十七歲還是二十五歲? 2. 就 on the contrary 新年晚會 2. 把 N (PN) V/SV 得 Comp
3. A Summary of the Various Usages of 就 3. 一M一M地
4. 別說 A,就是 B 也… never mind A, even B is the 4. 都是……
case… 5. 別再……了
5. 簡直 to put it simply and plainly, it seems as if 6. 一會兒……,一會兒……
6. 不至於 but the situation would not be so bad as 7. V 個不停
to … 8. 哪裡……?
7. 往往 usually, tend to
8. Do Something Just for Fun V 著玩