Risk Factors Involved in Orofacial Cleft Predisposition - Review
Risk Factors Involved in Orofacial Cleft Predisposition - Review
Risk Factors Involved in Orofacial Cleft Predisposition - Review
DOI 10.1515/med-2015-0027
epithelium lining that also surrounds and covers entire 3 Factors related with orofacial
oral cavity. It is well known that the human skull consists
of desmocranium, chondrocranium and viscerocranium.
All parts have a great effect on proper growth [6]. During
Many factors are related with clefts; however they are
embryogenesis various factors might interrupt or change
depend on the time, place and moment of morphogenesis
the proper course in facial development at any moment
and proper facial formation [16,17]. We present the most
during pregnancy. Facial processes have their own growth
important eisk factors such as: geographic, family history
outline. The frontal process grows out from medial nasal
and genetics, alcohol and tobacco, diet, medicament
and lateral nasal processes which surround the bilateral
intake during pregnancy, infections, and occupational
nasal pits. The next stage is a fusion of processes anteri-
hazards influencing orofacial cleft occurrence.
orly with the maxillary processes to form upper lip, alveo-
lus and primary palate [7]. For example oral clefts, such as
cleft lip and cleft palate have different congenital failure
episodes and occurrence. Cleft lip is related to a failure
in the fusion of maxillary and median nasal processes.
4 Geographic-related factors
Cleft palate is related with a failure of the palate to fuse
It is quite important to notice that prevalence of OFC
proprely. Moved posteriorly the maxillary processes fuse
world-wide and its relation with geographic, climate,
to form the secondary palate. Because of the multifactor
and socio-epidemiological factors is still a focus of many
etiology of orofacial clefts and impact of cleft inducing
studies. Maybe perhaps because of those findings OFC
factors, clefts can be unilateral, bilateral, have different
could be more predictable.
sides and consist of various types [8,9].
Predisposition to oral clefts is also different in geo-
In many cases orofacial clefts can also occur with
graphic regions. Many different studies were performed
various syndromes and have also other manifestations.
world-wide in various geographic regions, climates and
Also genetic disorders have a great influence on cleft
continents. Because of those results authors describe a
occurrence. Many different gene mutations and diseases
very important ethnic and social dependence. Asians
are the cause of facial defects.
have the highest risk marked at 14:10000 births but a
It is also very important to notice that clefts can be
special geographic occurrence in regions such as Japan,
related to various syndromes and defects. Most common
Korea and China should be more carefully evaluated.
one is Pierre-Robin sequence. Other Syndromes related
Other races followed by caucasian have 10:10000 births,
with clefts, are: van der Wounde’s, Opitz, Stickler,
followed by African Americans 4:10000 births.
Apert’s, DiGeorge’s, CHARGE syndrome (Coloboma, Heart
Studies shows that African children are least likely to
defect, Atresia choanae, Retarded growth and devel-
have clefts, however cleft lip and palate is most common
opment, Genital hypoplasia, Ear anomalies/deafness’)
in American Indian and Asian children. Geographic loca-
Waardenburg’s, Hedgehog’s, trisomy 13 Patau’s syndrome,
tion of Africa, its history, different cultural and ethnical
Trisomy 18 Edwards’ syndrome, amniotic band anom-
factors makes it a very special place for evaluation and
alad, Fryn’s, Meckel’s Treacher Collins, velo-cardio-fa-
describing orofacial cleft occurrence and predisposition.
cial syndrome (VCF), oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum
Butali review study performed in Africa suggest that it is
(OAV, Goldenhar syndrome, hemifacial microstomia) and
necessary to set up a diagnostic system in order to fully
other syndromes [10,11]. Many studies also conclude that
measure cleft occurrence in different regions in Africa and
females have a higher risk of breast cancer, primary brain
more studies and researches need to be performed to fully
malignancy while males have a higher risk of primary lung
evaluate this issue [18]. Adetayo et al performed survey
cancer [12]. Also Quality of Life (QOL) of patients suffering
questionnaires in West Africa in 2007, and conclude that
from clefts is different, because of behavioral problems,
geographic situation of Africa, its geographic and social
anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem and others [13].
status has a great effect on cleft patient’s life [19,20]. For
Also dental, facial or combined abnormalities might
example not only funding, infrastructural, education and
occur with clefts. Cleft occurrence with or without any
care are important.
other orodental abnormalities or syndromes is less
Both in Japan and in western Asia regional occur-
common [14,15].
rences and cleft predisposition is different. Elahi et
al conclude that many geographic and epidemiologic
studies were carried out worldwide. Therefore authors
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Risk factors involved in orofacial cleft predisposition 165
performed a study in northern Pakistan based on birth newborns, born in metropolitan and non-metropolitan
registry [21]. 117 cases from 61156 live births were found. areas have greater rage difference of occurrence [27].
Those results seem to confirm that cleft lip and/or palate Socioeconomic risk factors have to be carefully eval-
was 1.91 per 1000 births, however boys had more cleft clip uated. Acuña-González et al study performed in Mexico
and lip with palate and girls had more often isolated cleft marks that the following factors have a and are related
palates. This study can not only mark the prevalence of with OFC: low socioeconomic status, birth in southern
clefts in Pakistan, but also can show special geographic Mexico region, home delivery or public hospital delivery,
and cultural differences in clefts. On the other hand Dai familial history, other siblings or family malformations,
et al study made in China between 1996 and 2000, con- and infections during pregnancy [28].
cludes that cleft palate (CP) was identified in 499 perina- According to study performed by Rodrigues et al
tals among 2218616 births and was quite different in rural that consisted of evaluation of data gathered between
and urban areas [22]. The highest rate of 2.84 per 10000 1998 to 2002, on 15786107 live births 5764 newborns had
live births was found in maternal age group more than 35 OFC Study also shows that cleft occurrence in Brazil was
years, and also geographic variation between provinces 0.36per 1000 live births. Ratio of OFC prevalence was more
is different. Authors also conclude that because of poor common in 1.6 men for 1 female with greater prevalence in
birth quality, perinatals diagnosed with syndromic CP had southern and midwest regions with a very low rate in the
a poor prognosis. northern region of Mexico. It seems that geographic and
Studies performed by Pradubwong et al in Thailand climatic variances have a great effect on OFC occurrence
with usage of special Geographic Information System [29]. Study performed in 10 South America countries per-
(GIS) indicate that most patients with clefts lived in central formed by Poletta et al also concludes that not only geo-
and northern Northeast Thailand, and most in Khon Kaen graphic region of South America has a great influnce, but
province [23]. Thanks to usage of such systems not only also familial history and family members living and trav-
surgeries and treatments can be planned but also routine eling in different countries and continents is very import-
patient check-ups and improvement of patient’s life can ant [30].
be achieved. Ulucan et al conclude that regional differences in
It is also worthy to note , that not only geographic nutritional habits and life style have various effects in
factors are very important in cleft occurrence, but also non-syndromic cleft lip with/without palate occurrence
in opioid administration in children. A study performed in Turkey [31]. This might be related with Europe-Asian
by Rabbitts et al concludes that operated cleft children ethnics and habits.
in Central and South America received less opioid intra- According to Silberstein et al, in the Negev region in
operatively than African and Indian children and more Israel their study among Bedouin and Jewish in a well-de-
research are need to take place to evaluate this extraor- fined geographic area describes that Bedouin population
dinary finding [24]. Root describes a special neighbor- has a greater decrease of facial clefts than the Jewish pop-
hood-level socioeconomic status (SES) conditions and ulation [32]. In some cases natural and traditional habits
factors that influence health outcomes [25]. Border cross- related with geographic regions might decreased greatly
ing, illegal residency, refugees and a great amount of amount of clefts.
influx of peoples to the USA has a great effect on orofacial Studies made in Europe conclude some very important
cleft predisposition. Because of presence or lack or social facts. For example refugees and the opening of borders of
insurance that affects socio-epidemiological status, peo- United Europe might be related with migration of peoples
ple’s treatment and detection of clefts is varying. with different predisposition to clefts and familial history
North, Central and South Americas have a greater dif- of its occurrence. Even studies made by Dai et al, confirm
ferences in their orofacial cleft predisposition, occurrence that in order to fully describe and measure orofacial cleft
and treatment. Salemi et al indicate that FBDR (Florida occurrence in the borders of countries, a special surveil-
Birth Defects Registry), which is used to collect data at lance system is required [33].
geographic area in Florida is very accurate and helpful to Durning et al studies performed in Wales between
describe and mark every 9 from 10 born infants. In conclu- 1982 and 2003 indicate that 831 babies were born with oro-
sion a special tool to set up geographic regions and borders facial cleft, equating to 109 clefts per 100,000 live births.
is very important [26]. Study performed in Colorado, USA, Authors conclude that serious association between mate-
between 1982–1988 performed by Amidei et al marks rial deprivation and orofacial clefts is essential and more
out that country of residence, Hispanic or non-Hispanic studies are needed to take place in order to fully evaluate
this problem [34].
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166 Agata Kawalec et al.
Croatian study consisted of the analysis of 525298 live- complete diagnosis, familial history and geographic
births since 1988 to 1998, and marked out that OFC inci- region assessment [39].
dence grown slowly and was different in some geograph- Males have cleft lip with or without cleft palatealmost
ical areas [35]. twicw as often, and females have cleft palate without cleft lip.
On the other hand, habitants of Australia and Oceania Many different factors are involved in cleft predispo-
have different rates of orofacial cleft occurrence. Australian sition. Parent’s age, especially mother’s age. Studies per-
findings from a study on a group of newborns from 1980 formed by Shaw, Baird, Vieira, DeRoo seem to confirm that
to 2009 conclude that within occurrence of cleft lip with/ maternal age is related to oral cleft risk; however not in all
without cleft palate and cleft and palate was 1.9 and 1.3 older studied maternal groups clefts occur [40,41,42,43].
times higher respectively, for Aboriginal Australians. This
finding may conclude that geographic and ethnic factors
are very important [36].
Geographic factors have a great meaning in orofacial 6 Alcohol and tobacco
cleft predisposition, occurrence and treatment methods.
Because habits, social conditions, access to drugs and Exposure to risk factors in pregnancy such as alcohol may
tobacco, alcohol, its consumption in different geographic induce cleft lip and palate. When alcohol is combined
regions during pregnancy is highly related with heredi- with other factors, such as tobacco, drugs, and also other
tary disease occurrence and predisposition. If more risk socio-geographic factors cleft risk is greatly higher.
factors accumulate it is more possible for many diseases It seems that both combined factors are increasing
to appear. risk of OFC. Miller et al study performed in Russian region
Murmansk in baby homes and orphanages suggest that
geographic region of Murmansk and its greater expres-
sion of prenatal exposure to alcohol. Because of that chil-
5 Family history and genetic factors dren’s growth, maturation and even occurring symptoms
are more common [44].
Family history involving any present or past members of Environmental factors in study made by Molina-
family can induce a higher risk of having baby with a cleft. Solana indicates that in cleft lip and/or palate main
Therefore genetic counselling should be offered. factors are: tobacco 1.48 , alcohol 1.28 , folic acid intake
On the other hand Lace et al conclude that different 0.77 , obesity 1.26 , stressful events 1.41 , low blood zinc
population predisposition to OFC is related with several levels 1.82 and fever during pregnancy1.30 [45]. Tobacco
genes, for example European gene might be related with intake seems to have the most serious influence on OFC
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes. As a result according to Lebby et al, 1.66 ratio [46]. On the other hand,
authors conclude that it is unlike that mtDNA has a direct study performed by Leite et al concludes that mother’s
role in cleft lip and palate predisposition [37]. Therefore all smoking in first trimester of pregnancy was not statisti-
newborns and their parents should be closely evaluated, cally significant, but increased alcohol use increases the
examined and had special data gathered, which might be risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate and cleft palate
very useful in diagnosis and prevention of orofacial clefts. alone to 3.41 and 8.30 and within the higher dose of drugs
It seems that genetic consults have a great impact of early ratio of OFC seems to increase [47].
hereditary disease findings. Tobacco and alcohol are well known factors involved
It is very important to routinely gather data about in OFC occurrence. Honein et al study describes associa-
newborn’s, OFC and other hereditary diseases occurrence. tion between periconceptional maternal smoking, envi-
Another study made in US by Johnson et al, suggests that ronmental tobacco smoke and cleft lip with or without
the number of prenatally diagnosed orofacial clefts is cleft palate and cleft palate only in infants born between
very low, and this tendency should be changed in order to 1997 and 2001. The authors conclude that periconcep-
decrease number of its occurrence [38]. tional smoking was associated with bilateral cleft lip
Cousley et al study made after evaluating Yorkshire and palate. Smoking more than 25 cigarettes per day was
regional cleft database seems to confirm that a special related with higher amounts of bilateral CLP and even
diagnostic system should be used to clarify and evaluate Pierre Robin sequence [48].
local occurrence of clefts. Author indicates that a special Diaz Casado et al, confirm that orofacial clefts have
program should be used to identify OFC newborns, their many factors that might induce clefts and also studies
explaining their origin seems to have few theories. Low
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Risk factors involved in orofacial cleft predisposition 167
social status with abuse of tobacco, alcohol and/or drug Shaw et al investigated whether a woman’s peri-
addiction have a great effect on predisposition to orofacial conceptional use of multivitamins containing folic acid
clefts, and also use during pregnancy is causing not only was associated with a reduced risk of orofacial clefts.
OFC but also other congenital syndromes and malforma- Authors found that a reduced risk of orofacial clefts is
tions [49]. Genetic factors involved in orofacial clefts are more common in mothers that had used multivitamins
still being considered inserious studies being performed containing folic acid during the period from one month
world-wide [50]. before through two months after conception. In this study
When orofacial clefts occur they have a great impact woman using multivitamins containing folic acid pericon-
on infant feeding, speech, language and voice forma- ceptionally had a 25-50% reduction in risk for offspring
tion, breathing, oral functions, bite, teeth formation and with orofacial clefts compared to women who did not use
other related topics. Because of that newborns with OFC such vitamins [53].
should be carefully treated by many specialists. Studies According to O’Neill and a national population-based
made in the USA indicate that more cleft surgeries are case-control study performed in Norway folic acid sup-
made in teaching hospitals than in nonteaching hospi- plements during early pregnancy (400 microgram per
tals which have some positive effects on OFC treatment day) seem to reduce the risk of isolated cleft lip (with or
(decreased number of complications), for both patients without cleft palate) by about one third. Moreover the
and parents [51]. author claims that other vitamins and dietary factors
such as a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and other high-fo-
liate-containing foods may provide additional benefit.
According to this study the lowest risk of cleft lip was
7 Diet among women who ate foliate-rich diets and also took
folic acid supplements and multivitamins. Folic acid did
Factors such as diet including folic acid, vitamins, zinc not provide protection against cleft palate alone [54].
and other microelements have a great effect on preg- Moreover the population-based infant study cohort
nancy. Some authors also point out that drinking cola and of the national Growing Up in Ireland performed by
tea might have some influence on pregnancy. Drugs, med- Kelly et al which was focused on 11,134 9-month-old
icine, corticosteroids, antibiotics and local and general infants also suggests that taking folic acid may partially
agents used in pregnancy have a great effect on OFC pre- prevent cleft lip and palate occurrence [55]. Wilcox et al
disposition. Other quite important matters are health also claim that folic acid supplements during early preg-
statue and infections present in pregnant women. Viral nancy seem to reduce the risk of isolated cleft lip (with
infections and diseases related with elevated body tem- or without cleft palate) by about one third. According
peratures also have a great effect on hereditary disease to them other vitamins and dietary factors may provide
occurrence. Work and factors related with work, such additional benefit [56]. It seems that folic acid intake is
as radiation, high temperatures, chemical agents, light, the most important factor, but combined with other ratio-
electromagnetic field and others are influencing women’s nal health food intake might cumulate positive effects on
health in early stages of pregnancy when in some cases pregnancy.
pregnant women don’t even know about their condition. On the other hand Little et al in a U.K.-based
One of the most important factors related to OFC is case-control study focused on determination of the asso-
diet, because the diet of pregnant women influence the ciations between non-syndromic cleft lip with or without
infant growth. cleft palate and cleft palate only and maternal intake of
In a case-control study of 203 mothers of children with dietary foliate and supplemental folic acid, in an area
a cleft lip or cleft palate and 178 mothers with non-mal- where the prevalence at birth of neural tube defects has
formed offspring Vujkovic et al proved that the use of the been high and flour is not fortified with folic acid. There
maternal Western diet–high in meat, pizza, legumes, and was no overall association between CL-P and CP and either
potatoes, and low in fruits–increases the risk of offspring energy-adjusted total foliate intake or supplemental folic
with a cleft lip or cleft palate approximately two fold. acid use, irrespective of dosage. Also the same authors
That means that dietary and lifestyle profiles should be concluded that overall, higher intakes of total foliate do
included in preconception screening programs [52]. Other not appear to prevent oral clefts in this population [57].
studies performed world-wide also seem to confirm those Perhaps genetic predisposition and familial history has a
findings. greater influence on OFC occurrence than folic acid intake.
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168 Agata Kawalec et al.
Badovinac et al meta-analysis undertook to test the It is very important to point out that in different geo-
hypothesis that non-syndromic oral cleft birth prevalence graphic regions of the world vitamin intake may differ.
is different for those whose mothers took folic acid-con- This finding is essential for proper diet planning in differ-
taining supplements and for those whose mothers did ent part of the world.
not. The results support the hypothesis of a protective Hozyasz et al suggest that also microelements can play
effect of folic acid-containing supplement intake during role in the pathoetiology of clefts, especially low levels of
pregnancy on the risk for oral clefts [58]. zinc, and elevated level of cooper in mother’s serum [65].
It seems that improving our knowledge of the role Authors investigated the relation between concentrations
of nutrition in the pathogenesis of orofacial clefts may of maternal zinc and copper and the risk of an infant being
stimulate the development of nutritional interventions born with an orofacial cleft. The results suggest that asso-
for orofacial clefts prevention in the future. Folic acid ciation between concentrations of maternal zinc and the
fortification in the United States became mandatory risk of orofacial clefts in offspring are noticeable [66].
from January 1st 1998 in order to reduce the occurrence Munger et al reported that poor maternal zinc status
of neural tube defects (NTDs). Yazdy et al evaluated the was a risk factor for OCs in the Philippines, where OC prev-
impact of folic acid fortification on orofacial clefts using alence is high and maternal plasma zinc concentration
United States birth certificate data for 45 states and the (PZc) is low. No such association was found in Utah, what
District of Columbia. Authors compared orofacial cleft suggest that poor maternal zinc status may become a risk
prevalence among births prefortification and postfortifi- factor only when zinc status is highly compromised [67].
cation. According to this study folic acid fortification in According to Tamura et al higher plasma zinc concen-
the United States was associated with a small decrease trations in Filipino women in reproductive age were asso-
in orofacial cleft prevalence, but the decline was much ciated with a lower risk for oral clefts in their children [68].
smaller than that observed for NTDs [59]. Also results Krapels et al in their study demonstrate that zinc and
of Canfield et al study indicated statistically significant myo-inositol are important in the etiology of CL/P, because
decrease in the birth prevalence for cleft palate, which a low maternal serum myo-inositol concentration (<13.5
suggest some modest benefit from the folic acid fortifica- mmol/L) and a low red blood cell zinc concentration (<189
tion on the prevalence of cleft palate [60]. mmol/L) increased cleft lip palate risk. The cleft lip and
On the other hand it appears that folic acid fortifica- palate children and their mothers had significantly lower
tion had very little or no effect on the prevalence of oral red blood cell zinc concentrations than controls [69].
clefts in infants born in Texas [61]. Maybe geographic According to Huber et al oral clefts did not appear to
factor is related to these findings. be significantly associated with estimated dietary intake
Levels of vitamin intake during pregnancy are also of nitrate, nitrite, and nitrosamines [70].
related with fetus formation, however in some geo- Consumption of drinks such as tea, caffeine, coke
graphic regions normal diet is better than vitamin and other drinks is related in some cases with OFC occur-
supplementation. rence. There are also evidence that tea consumption is
Wong et al suggest that elevated mean serum concen- associated with a reduced odds ratio of both cleft lip with
trations of homocysteine may be a risk factor for having or without cleft palate and cleft palate only. There is also
non-syndromic orofacial cleft offspring [62]. little evidence of an association between caffeine expo-
Munger et al suggest that poor maternal vitamin B-6 sures to clefts when all sources of caffeine are present in
status is associated with an increased risk of cleft lip/ diet [71]. On the other hand Collier et al didn’t suggest an
palate at two sites in the Philippines. They also suggest association between maternal dietary caffeine intake and
that associations between foliate status and CL/P risk orofacial clefts. The authors claim that caffeine-contain-
appear to be a result of statistical interaction between ing medications require further additional study [72].
foliate, vitamin B-6, and case-control status that produced Bille et al study is focused on the association between
different results in study areas of higher versus lower prev- oral clefts and first trimester maternal lifestyle factors
alence of vitamin B-6 deficiency [63]. based on prospective data from the Danish National Birth
For example according to a population-based Cohort (approximately 100,000 pregnancies). Results of
case-control study in Norway between 1996 and 2001 per- this study did not find statistically significant associa-
formed by Johansen et al maternal intake of vitamin A is tions with drinking more than 1 l of cola per week and oral
associated with reduced risk of cleft palate only, and there clefts [73].
is no evidence of increased risk of clefts among women
with the highest 5% of vitamin A intake [64].
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Risk factors involved in orofacial cleft predisposition 169
8 Medicaments intake during That means the infant exposed in the first trimester of
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