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Motionpro Double-Wishbone Suspension: - Kinematic Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of A

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MotionPro - Kinematic Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of a

Double-Wishbone Suspension
The dynamic stability of a vehicle, as well as fuel efficiency
and tire wear, is directly affected by the kinematic behavior
of the suspension mechanism. A great deal of effort is need-
ed to achieve the best possible movement of the wheel
camber, caster and toe-in as the suspension responds to a
bump in the road. This is particularly complex to achieve in
a double-wishbone suspension because there are ten joints
that influence the geometry of the system, as well the posi-
tions of the centers of the wheel and the steering cylinder.
These are known as the “Hard Points” and are defined as
coordinates in space, relative to a global reference frame,
when the suspension is designed.

The challenge is to define these hard points in order to

achieve the desired kinematics for the vehicle. Using Maple
and DynaFlexPro, it is very easy to graphically define the “The ability to turn these types of calculations around
topology of the mechanism using blocks and lines, from very quickly saves us a lot of time. This in itself is very
which the equations that define camber, caster and toe-in useful, but the ability to automatically fit the responses
are automatically derived in parametric terms (that is, as to published results is very exciting indeed.”
symbolic variables that have yet to be assigned numerical
John McPhee - Chief Scientist, MotionPro Inc

Once the model has been defined, the engineer can enter
the numeric values for the x,y,z coordinates of each hard
point. Maple then solves the resulting system of ODEs to
produce the camber, caster and toe-in over a given vertical
displacement applied to the wheel (in this case, a sine wave
of amplitude 100mm to represent a bump and rebound).

These are the results for a given set of hard-point values,

defined prior to performing the calculations. Normally,
these values are compared with standard curves to ensure
that they comply with the desired kinematics for the
vehicle. Of course, on a first pass this is very unlikely and
the engineer will need to adjust the hard points to give the Once you have optimized the model you can then export
desired curve, which can be very painstaking and time-con- it to Simulink as an s-Function block using BlockBuilder for
suming. Simulink, so you have a very high fidelity component for
simulating the vehicle, particularly in real-time for hard-
ware-in-the-loop testing in the lab but with close-to-road

You can try out an interactive version of this

Maple application at www.maplesoft.com/vehicle

A more efficient method is to import the standard curves

as data sets and use the Global Optimization Toolbox for
Maple. Using the imported curves as the objective func-
tions, you can identify which hard points can be moved
(very often, there are only a few that can be moved because
of other design constraints) and by how much. The Global
Optimization toolbox will then find the “best-fit” coor-
dinates that will produce the kinematics closest to the
desired curves. www.maplesoft.com | [email protected]

© Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc., 2007. Maplesoft, and Maple are trademarks of Waterloo Maple Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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